#we literally cannot take these two anywhere
flatstarcarcosa · 11 months
thought the rennie brainrot passed bc i finished the books and it’s no longer at the forefront of my mind but oops.
me being a streamer getting me invited to some smaller con and him having to try and be normal the whole time. enough people keep trying to guess who he’s cosplaying to the point that “this is just how i dress” becomes the first thing he says the second someone approaches him.
which is fine until one person is like “no i figured” because he recognizes him. it turns out he’s the brother of some fed rennie killed like a decade previously and rennie’s just like
“what you come here just for me?”
“no? i’m here because my daughter likes video games and made her own princess peach dress” and because this guy is a responsible parent that hasn’t let his 15 y/o daughter wander too far on a busy convention floor it doesn’t take much to figure out which one she is and rennie is just like
“you really wanna ruin her weekend by her having to watch you get disemboweled right now?”
“you wouldn’t do that in front of all these witnesses. even you can’t kill all of them.”
“buddy the fact i haven’t killed any of them yet is a monument to my self control. and monuments crumble every day.”
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astro-enthusiast · 26 days
Astro Observations 2.0
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Thank you all for 222 followers! <3
Take these observations for what they are: personal observations.
Super duper long because I love you all. :)
Aries moons tend to always be on the move. Often times, these natives have something energetically "off" at home which results in them not even wanting to be there. They're the type to always be at work or at their friend's place. May have parents they want to get away from. At least one of their parents leans toward a more masculine energy.
You cannot be in your feelings when you talk to a Virgo moon. Their love language is literally telling you all the ways you can improve yourself. It's not necessarily that they're trying to make you feel some type of way, they genuinely don't think there's anything offensive about it. They're naturally attracted to "fixer-uppers" and they love a good project. Only problem is, people are not your projects and your loved ones are allowed to be flawed.
On the note of Virgo moons, they also have a tendency to be permanently unimpressed. My mom has this placement and my sister and I always wanted grand reactions to the stuff we did as kids, but we never got them. Even to this day, my mom is the queen of giving absolutely nothing extra energetically lol. They literally look like this emoji --->😐. Unless they have fire placements, they tend to be the definition of stoicism.
I've been studying the relationship between Scorpio moons and their mothers for a while now because it is such an interesting dynamic. I noticed in the past, that Scorpio moon natives may experience a rather controlling mother figure, but I've recently noticed that this controlling nature goes both ways. Yes, their mother has control over them and their actions, but they have just as much control over her too. They're almost like puppets to each other. It's an incredibly intriguing dynamic that honestly leaves me speechless. Makes you wonder, in these specific situations, "Is anyone here truly the victim?"
We've talked about how moon signs can manifest and what your mother may have taught you, but what I have yet to touch on is how your moon sign reflects your mother's pregnancy experience. I've studied this a bit and I think my mom is the perfect example! My sister and I have opposing moon signs: Cancer and Capricorn. I've spoken to my mom in-depth about both her pregnancies and here is how she describes them:
-Pregnancy with Cancer moon: she was overweight, gained 50+ lbs during her pregnancy, used food to cope with her abusive relationship, was on bedrest, too depressed to do or go anywhere, spent most of her days in the house crying.
-Pregnancy with Capricorn moon: she was in amazing physical condition, gained less than 20 lbs during pregnancy (10 lbs of that was baby), had endless energy, worked out every day, worked overtime at her job, was broken up from my dad, lived alone, was in her bag.
Opposite moon signs and two completely different pregnancies!! Crazy, right?!
I've heard the theory that Capricorn moons are the eldest child, which is true in many cases. However, in my experience as a Capricorn moon, I'm the youngest and my eldest sister is a Cancer moon. But that doesn't debunk my "big sister" energy lol. My sister has always referred to me as her "big little sister" and when we were younger and my mom left us home alone, she always left me in charge. My Cancer moon sister was known for her big emotions and ability to quickly lose control. This dynamic has always been funny to me. Ex. We had a tornado watch (super rare where I live) and my sister was running around the house screaming and crying. While I was calmly in my bedroom playing dolls keeping it kosher. 🤣
God really did give his toughest battles to Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn moons. No one else is doing it like us! We came equipped with everything we needed to handle ALL the bs in our families.
Don't scorch me fire moons, but where is the personal accountability? I've seen water signs talk their way out of some situations, but the way a fire moon will dance around the truth really needs to be studied. I made this observation before and a Sag moon came for me which is how you know it's true. 😭
Moon sign compatibility is so real y'all. As an earth moon, I mainly form deep connections and bonds with other earth moons and *some* water moons. The other elements just don't do it for me. Even with my fire placements & degrees, I still struggle to understand fire moons.
I've read before that Leo moons have a tendency to be selfish, which I concur depending on the situation. But I think the reason why some of them act like this is because often times, they are either the only child or the favorite child. So they literally don't know what it means to compromise or not get their way. I've only met 2 Leo moons (that I know of) years apart and they both had the same tendencies and personality. Let me know if you've had a more positive experience with this moon sign!
Fixed moons may have mothers who are very controlling over their lives. Their mothers have a “fixed” idea of what their child’s life should look like. They have a tendency to have a puppet & puppeteer relationship. I’ve noticed that because of this, these natives tend to have one area of their lives that their mother can’t control and they spiral out of control in that area. Kinda like a “look mom, you can’t control me in EVERY way” type thing. The most common areas I’ve noticed this in is their sex lives and drugs/alcohol use.
Of course the above note is based on personal experience. I’ve heard quite a few mothers of fixed moons say to other people: “I made them do this” “there was no way I was gonna let them not do this…” like the kid has no choice in the matter.
Okay, enough about moon signs. For now...
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This may not be too popular with the astro girlies buttt I believe we have a tendency to attract the versions of signs we speak into existence. For example, when I first started studying astrology, I was sick to my stomach to see that I was a Sagittarius rising because I had back-to-back experiences with Sagittarius suns stabbing me in the back, so I told myself they were the worst. In time, I wanted to accept all of my chart which included my own Sag placements. I had to heal my understanding and perception of them to see them differently. Now, I attract the funniest and kindest Sag suns! It all started with me. This is your sign to heal your trauma with that placement. 🤍 (yes, this is also a message to myself). What you see won't change until you change what you see!
If there's anything a mutable rising is gonna do it's change their physical appearance.
Earth risings, rising at earth degree, or chart ruler in earth house: these people are less likely to take bold chances and risks with their appearances. Not really the type to dye their hair crazy colors, although they are quick to get visible tattoos.
Virgo in big 6 appears naturally put together. They don't really have to get ready because they stay ready. And they expect the same from you, especially if you're their romantic partner. This is amplified if they have Libra or Leo placements.
I’ve noticed Virgo suns and risings are much less likely to wear makeup. I see them with it maybe once a year and even then it’s like one coat of mascara and some highlighter. One thing I have heard a lot of Virgo women say is that they literally don’t know how to do their makeup which may factor into why they don’t wear it. Virgo moons however do tend to wear makeup.
Aries and Scorpio placements are very protective of their loved ones. One wrong look in their direction and they're ready to pounce.
Gemini-Sagittarius axis: if there's one thing these placements are gonna do it's laugh at absolutely nothing for an extended period of time.
Taurus and Libra placements, do you really need that new blouse? Or that new stationary knowing dang well you have more than enough? No, put it back. Aht! PUT IT BACK. And keep your receipts, so when you get home from that impulsive purchase, you can bring it right back where you got it from.
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Something about Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn placements in dark academia that really does something to me chile...dark academia was made for us!
Saturn rules teeth. Saturn placements and aspects can describe your teeth’s appearance and health. Saturn aspecting Jupiter may have larger teeth. Aspecting Mercury may result in the native having smaller teeth or possibly getting veneers. Saturn aspecting Venus can manifest as the native receiving many compliments on their teeth/smiles. In the case of harsher aspects, the native can feel their teeth directly hinder their perceived beauty.
I’ve noticed people with prominent Gemini/Virgo/Mercury placements are much more likely to have gaps in between their front teeth. Often times, this is a result of their teeth being on the smaller side.
Virgo placements (esp. moons) can have naturally “perfect” teeth that don’t require braces. But upon closer inspection, you can see their teeth are not perfect, but rather, the imperfections are so minuscule you have to truly look to find them.
Libra Suns typically go for either the relaxed look (very natural appearance, not much makeup) or all the frills (makeup, couture, luxury). I have yet to see an in between. Libras with Scorpio/8th house influence enjoy darker colors and go for a much more relaxed look. More likely to portray a dark feminine embodiment of Venus or a more natural feminine. Especially if they have Virgo placements.
Aries suns (males and females) are the BIGGEST sweethearts and I don’t see enough people praise them for their pure hearts. 🥹
DO NOT under any circumstances copy, paste, reword, rewrite, translate, or repost my work.
All Rights Reserved to astro-enthusiast.
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part two to this little thing 'cause i saw these tags on the last part from @stevesjester and actually kicked my feet and giggled about it
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After Pretty Boy kissed him, Eddie walked back to the staff break room in a daze.
His slow lumbering gait still managed to scare some folks, though, so that’s a plus.
He opens the door, slowly turns to close it softly, and leans back against it once it is.
“Eddie? You okay?” Comes a voice he’d know anywhere. “Wait, that is you, right? You’re supposed to be Piggy Man tonight?”
Eddie pulls the rubber mask off, making his stomach flip thinking about the last time it was pulled up. You know, ‘cause he’s a sap.
Chrissy takes in his shocked, sweaty face, “Oh my god, you okay? What happened?”
He looks up at his roommate (best friend, sister) in her bloody cheerleader costume, an ironic holdout from their time in high school, and breathes a laugh, “I fell in love.”
“OMG OMG tell me everything right now!!” Chrissy bounces over to him excitedly and pulls him down to the bench of their one (1) break table, a sagging plastic picnic table.
He looks up at her bright happy face and barks out a half hysterical laugh, “I can’t believe you’re this excited about me potentially falling in love with someone I’m literally being paid to scare.”
“Oooh, so they were a runner??”
“Yeah, literally in this case.”
“Start talking, Munson, or I’m going to throw all your guitar picks down the garbage disposal.”
“Okay, okay, Jesus Christ.. Okay, so I did my usual creepy husky voice at him, called him all the usual things,”
“Let me guess, you started with ‘pretty boy’?”
“Yeah. ‘Cause he’s pretty. Duh. Damn was he pretty…”
“Uh huh. And you fell in love with him ‘cause he was pretty?”
“No, no of course not, listen to this:” Eddie sits up straighter in preparation for the story. “I had him backed into a corner, right? The fake gate over in section 2B,”
“Ah yes, of course.”
“Yeah! And when I lunged at him, he caught my arm, and spun me around.”
“Shut. Up.”
“No, never. SO he’s got me backed against the fence, and he–I swear to fucking Jesus H. Christ–lifts my mask up and kisses me.”
Chrissy starts to squeal incoherently. “Eeeeee!!! Shutupshutupshutup!! Holy shit there’s no way this happened!!”
“Look, 100% serious right now; he kissed me stupid, and spun around and booked it again.”
“Pretty Boy distracted you with a kiss to escape!?! I cannot believe this, c’mon..” Crissy grabs ahold of his arm again and pulls him out of the breakroom with her insane unchecked leftover cheer squad strength.
“Whoa, what? Where’re we going?? He’s probably gone by now! I was standing over in 2B like an idiot for a while after he left!!”
“Not that, we gotta go see Argyle.”
“Argyle why—ohhh shit. Oh my god, you think they caught it on camera?” Eddie’s actively following her now.
The two burst into the warehouses’ security office, where they’re met with the backs of two ‘zombie’ guards (and the leftover smell of weed).
“Argyle, Jonathan, you need to look at something for us,”
“Is it the footage of Eddie’s makeout sesh in 2B? ‘Cause we’re waaayy ahead of you pompom.”
“Ah!! Holy shit he was telling the truth?!” Chrissy bodies between the two, sending Argyle rolling away on his chair, and Jonathan staggering back a step.
“Dude, that’s so cool of your boyfriend to come to the haunt, keepin’ us in business.” Argyle directs at Eddie, though still spinning slowly in his chair.
“He’s not my–you thought he was my boyfriend?”
“Yeah man, why else would you look at him like that.” Jonathan points down at the screen. 
Chrissy re-winds it again and Eddie watches himself charge forward at Pretty Boy (damn, he’s still pretty though this grainy footage too, how the fuck is that possible??), get spun and–oh shit, they’re right.
“Oh Jesus Christ.” he hangs his head into his hands, falling down into Jonathan’s previously abandoned chair.
“Sooo…he’s not your boyfriend..?”
Chrissy re-winds the footage again. Squeals happily.
“Nope. Just met him tonight.”
“Wow dude, that’s like, love at first sight if I ever saw it.”
She re-winds it again, squeals.
“Yeah I know, it’s embarrassing as shit, alright?” Eddie’s still talking into his palms.
Chrissy snorts at that, “Not for you! Well..kinda..but him too, did you not see that pause?”
“...What pause?”
His question goes unanswered as Jon and Argyle move back in over Chrissy’s shoulders and after a few seconds both “Ohh…” in sync.
“The fuck’re you talking about?”
“Look,” She re-winds the tape once again and points, “Watch after he lifts your mask.”
So he does, and..okay, there was a pause.
“He totally fell in love with you at the same time you did him. Fell with him. With each other?”
“You both fell in love at the same time.” Chrissy says what Jonathan was trying to. “We have GOT to find this guy somehow.”
Chrissy records the footage on the screen with her phone, intending to post it online to find the guy, but Argyle’s positive he’s gonna show back up tonight.
“Give him a chance, pompom, he’s totally in love too, remember?”
“Fine, but if he doesn’t come back today, I’m posting this. Maybe it’ll get us some more business too.”
“Do I get a say in this?” Eddie asks, already knowing the answer.
“No.” Yep, there it is.
So, he rolls his eyes, puts his mask back on, and finishes out the night like everything is normal and he didn’t just fall head over fuckin’ heels for a random (hot) stranger earlier.
He’s done for the night before Chrissy since she’s got a lot of that fake blood to try and wash off, so he grabs up his stuff and heads out the front, intending to wave bye to Gareth at the front counter before braving the frigid late fall wind to warm up his car (and move it closer to the entrance so Chrissy doesn't have to walk in the cold). 
“See ya Ed,” Gareth calls, and he waves over his shoulder at him as he passes, his attention pulled to a blonde with a choppy bob looking in through the glass of the door, partially silhouetted by the bright ass headlights of a shiny Tesla parked behind her.
He can see the shadow of someone in the driver seat too, as he gets closer and opens the door for her, their face only partially lit up through the tinted glass by the glow of a phone screen.
She starts rambling off immediately after the door is open. “Oh my god, I thought we were too late and you were closed and I completely didn’t even realize I’d left something here when we were here earlier an–”
“Nope, no worries, ma’am, just go talk to Gareth at the front counter and he can tell you if someone turned in…whatever it is you left here.”
She says her thanks and scoots past him, and he spins quickly towards the side lot where his old Neon is parked.
He glances back when he hears the bell chime over the door, a bit delayed (probably the wind holding it open), and sees that the Tesla’s stopped beaming their headlights into the front door, that’s nice of them.
He unlocks his car and gets in, turning the engine over and cranking the heat as high as it’ll go. Once the engine stops it’s signature ‘I’m cold as fuck rn, don’t even try to move me’ rattle, he drives to the front door to wait for Chrissy, pulling in next to the burgundy Tesla.
He scrolls down TikTok for a couple minutes before a banner pops up on his screen
Chris C.: oh my holy fucking shit eddie, get your ass back inside!
Panicking, he races back in through the door, not even bothering to shut off his engine (or close his car door for that matter), thinking shiny Telsa duo is like, robbing the place or something, but as soon as he gets back in, he’s stopped dead in his tracks.
His heart’s still beating a mile a minute, but now with nerves.
Because standing infront of the counter are Chrissy (who’s actually vibrating with excitement), choppy blonde, and…
Oh fuck.
No way.
“H–hi, hi. I’m Steve, you’re Eddie right?”
He can’t help the grin that splits across his face. “Hey, pretty boy.”
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thanks to @henderdads for rightfully pointing out that modern day rich boy steve would probably have a tesla <3
tagging everyone i saw in the tags of the last post that seemed interested in more/wanted to see the aftermath lmao: @bangarangdarling, @tartarusknight, @kas-eddie-munson, @wormdebut (AMAZING url btw), @vecnuthy, @perseus-notjackson, @homosexual-having-tea, @matchingbatbites, @scarcrossdlvrs, @anzelsilver, @auroraplume, @kkpwnall, @wildwildsoul, @bennys-burgers, @steveharringtonssluttywaist
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rodolfoparras · 4 months
we talk a lot about the characters being "loser boyfailures" and having no game and being rizless but think about the reader being that. guy in his thirties, no relationship ever, negative riz, absolutely no game, my man cannot speak to people without making 13 grammatical mistakes just an absolute pathetic wet dog vibes....
and the 141 boys could not want him more. they're absolutely head over heels for their loser boyfriend. i imagine Simon sees him bump into a chair and apologise to it and he's jumping his bones right then and there. pretty boy Kyle Gaz Garrick never goes anywhere without bringing his wet dog of a man with him. people are wondering how that happened and if he's blackmailing him, he gets very offended and sassy on his boyfriends behalf and when you're back home he rants to him about stupid people while milking his loser dick. Soap is just.... he's just himself the bigger the loser the more he wants the man. his boyfriend fucks up an interraction or fails at something and looks so wet and pathetic that he just has to put his dick in his mouth idk what to say Soap loves his loser boyfriends cock and when he tries and riz him up and falls flat on his face (literally and metaphorically) Soap just has to have him cream his hole im sorry but the man isn't letting his boyfriend go anywhere without having his mans loads in him. Price just loves him for the sincerity and how endearing his loser boyfriend is (just like an old man). the boyfriend will bring him coffee with a treat he tried making for Price and fuck up both the coffee and the treat but that old man will still praise you and give you kisses while his hand wanders bellow your waistband. with him Price gets to get rid of the anxiety of being too old to be useful because someone needs to make his boyfriend into a proper man. and when his boy does things right and suceeds Price rewards him by riding his phat loser cock for the whole night, milking load after load untill nothing comes out anymore
thanks for listening to the ramble i just want some love to the losers of society, there's too many perfect people in fics
Sugar!!!!!!! This is one of my favorite things I’ve ever read why do y’all leave these masterpieces in my inbox on anon you should post this sugar 🧎🏻‍♂️🧎🏻‍♂️
Especially the gaz and price part???
Imagine all eyes on Gaz in whatever room he walks in they barley notice you behind him but he’s always got a hand around your waist, gently nudging you forward and introducing you as his boyfriend to whoever’s there
He lets you take the stage just endearingly staring at you while you try to make conversation with whoever was eager to meet the two of you
And after you’re done you got a goofy smile on your face feeling happy that you managed to get through that conversation without fucking it up
And Gaz? He’s swiftly pulling you into a room crashing his lips against yours and it doesn’t take much before he’s riding your cock marking you up and feeling all possessive because yes this wonderful sweetheart is his boyfriend and he needs the world to know that
Or you, Price’s boyfriend feeling a bit insecure because Price has so much experience and you have none but he loves it, loves how you look at his old man body with such amazement love how eager you are to learn how to get him off, tears trickling down your cheek as you suck his cock, using your hands wherever your mouth can’t reach
Or you being careful as ever when you first fuck, asking him if he’s okay, if you’re hurting him all while he’s looking at you with the biggest smile on his face because bloody hell how did he get so lucky to have someone as sweet as you and he’s even more endeared when you’re swiftly apologizing because you came too quickly
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arc-misadventures · 2 months
What Are Those: In some stories, due to their nature, dragons seek, avoid and attack certain places/objects. Fire dragons seek anything and anywhere that gives heat, Ice dragons avoid said heat while Holy dragons attack anything that's impure. We know Jaune seeks precious gems. Is there anything that he would avoid and attack?
I Am A Creature of Stereotypes, Evidently
Ruby: Okay… here’s one for you: “The more I take the more I leave behind.”
Yang: Uhhh… Air?
Ruby: Nope.
Yang: Crap.
Weiss: Dirt?
Ruby: Also no.
Weiss: What?
Jaune: Foorsteps.
Ruby: Correct! Okay, next one: “If two is a company, and three is a crowd, what is four, and five.
Weiss: Four is a quartet right?
Ruby: Yes, but that’s not the answer.
Weiss: What?
Blake: It makes sense, five is a pentagon, I don’t think that works as an answer.
Ruby: Nope~!
Yang: Then what is it?
Jaune: Nine.
Ruby: Correct!
Weiss: What? That doesn’t make any sense?
Yang: Four, and five… equals nine…
Weiss: That’s a stupid answer!
Ruby: Okay next riddle! “Iron roof, glass walls. Burns, and burns, but never falls.”
Blake: Iron roof, and glass walls?
Weiss: Never falls…
Yang: Is it a…?
Jaune: A lantern.
Ruby: Correct!
Yang: What?!
Blake: How does he keep doing this?’
Ruby: “I have rivers without water, forests without trees, mountains without rocks, and towns without houses.”
Yang: So it’s an image then? It has those things, but it doesn’t have them…
Weiss: Oh! Its a…?!
Jaune: A map.
Weiss: A map?! Gods dammit?! I had it!
Blake: That’s one to us! Right?
Ruby: Mmmm… neither of you get the point.
Yang: Dammit.
Ruby: Okay… Oh here’s a good one!
Ruby: Ahem: “I begin eternity, and end space. At the end of time, and in every place. Last in life, second to death. Never alone. Found in your breath. Contained by earth, water or flame. My grandeur so awesome. Wind dare not tame. Not in your mind. Am in your dreams. Vacant to Kings, present to Queens.”
Weiss: Huw…?
Blake: That is a good one…
Yang: It would be better if I knew the answer?!
Jaune: The letter ‘E.’
Ruby: Correct!
Weiss: Oh come on?!
Blake: Already?!
Yang: How is the letter ‘E’ the fucking answer?!
Jaune: Simple: The answer is found when you think literally, not metaphorically.
Yang: Eh?
Weiss: ‘End of Time.’ Time ends with the letter ‘E.’
Blake: ‘Vacant in kings, present in queens.’ Queen has the letter, ‘E’ in it, and kings doesn’t…
Yang: …
Yang: I hate riddles…
Ruby: Ah-ha… H-Here’s an easy one: ‘What kind of ear cannot hear?’
Weiss: A deaf one?
Ruby: No.
Weiss: How is that not the answer?!
Yang: Ear hair…?
Ruby: Eww, gross!
Yang: But, am I wrong…?
Ruby: Yes, yes you are wring.
Yang: Shit!
Blake: Uhhh…? A… A…?
Weiss: You have no idea do you?
Blake: No…
Ruby: Haa… Jaune?
Jaune: An ear of corn.
Ruby: Correct!
Weiss: Oh?! Give me that book!
Ruby: What… hey?!
Weiss: Okay, Jaune here’s one for you: “He who makes me doesn’t want me, he who buys me doesn’t need me, he who uses me doesn’t care.”
Jaune: A casket.
Weiss: What!! How did you… grrrr! Never mind. Next riddle! “I run through hills; I veer around mountains.I leap over rivers, and crawl through the forests. Step out your door to find me.” What is it…?!
Jaune: Roads.
Weiss: Okay…?! Let’s continue shall we…?!
Yang: I think we should take that book away from her.
Blake: I’m afraid she’ll bite me if I try…
Weiss: Okay… “I am a portal to another world, I can take you to places unseen, but I require no magic spell to open. What am I?”
Jaune: A book.
Weiss: MOTHER FU…?!!!
Yang: We’re in public, Weiss! Don’t scream your head off!
Juniper: Oh my? What’s going on by on here?
Ruby: I was just asking my team some riddles, and I think, Weiss is angry that he keeps on answering the riddles. I’m not really sure though.
Blake: Probably has to deal with the speed of which he is answering them too. I mean, here’s a riddle for you, Jaune: “I have a heart that never beats, I have a home but I never sleep. I can take a man’s house and build another’s. And I love to play games with my many brothers. What am I?”
Jaune: The king of hearts.
Blake: Correct.
Weiss: You didn’t even fucking think about it?! You’re cheating!
Blake: And, that’s why, Weiss is upset.
Ruby: I think it’s more so to do with her pride of not answering any herself.
Blake: Probably.
Juniper: Ahh you silly girls; You asked a dragon to play a game of riddles. You were bound to lose eventually, Jaune is a master of riddles. It’s honestly a little scary.
Jaune: What’s scary about my love for riddles?
Juniper: Nothing really, It’s just weird overall.
Jaune: And, why is that?
Juniper: No reasons. Now girls, let me give you the ultimate riddle for, Jaune! Okay, Jaune sweetie; “What have I got in my pocket?”
Blake: That riddle from that book?
Weiss: Then that means that the answers a…!
Jaune: A condom.
Blake: A ring! Wait, what?!
Yang: You’re kidding me… That’s not the answer.
Ruby: Is he right?
Juniper: H-How did you know?!
Weiss: HE’S RIGHT?!
Yang: Seriously.
Jaune: I can smell the latex.
Blake: You know what a condom smells like?
Jaune: She waved them in my face for an hour when she was showing me ‘how’ to use them. I remember that smell…
Juniper: And, that is good so you remember how to have safe sex.
Jaune: You told me not to use them because it, and I quote: “Condoms cut off the circulation to my penis, and make it fall off. So don’t use them.” End quote. So knowing that girls: “Why does my mom want me to use a condom?”
Ruby: To actually have safe sex?
Yang: Yeah, I mean you’ve already done it with a few girls. Hopefully me too… You don’t want them to end up pregnant, and ruin their careers now do you?
Jaune: Wrong.
Weiss: Those answers make complete sense.
Blake: How is that wrong?
Jaune: Simple: Mom punched a hole into the tip of the condom with a pin, rendering them useless.
Ruby: That’s not why you’re giving him those condoms now is it?
Juniper: Dammit, I’ve become predictable…
Ruby: W-W-What…?
Yang: Wait seriously?!
Blake: Talk about baby fever…
Weiss: Thank goodness you used a working one when you slept with my mom. Right, Jaune?
Ruby: Wait, You did sleep with her mom?!
Yang: I thought that was just a wild rumour?! You actually did it?!
Jaune: Uhhh…
Weiss: Y-You used protection… R-Right, Jaune…?
Jaune: Well, you see…
Weiss: Jaune… did you use protection…?
Jaune: I’m not saying she… But, I’ll take responsibility… Okay?
Weiss: Ahh… I see…
Ruby: Weiss?!
Yang: Great, she fainted again…
Blake: Wait… You slept with, Weiss’s mother?! How the hell did that happen?!
Jaune: She discovered a new kink for me, and I lost it… okay?
Yang: What new kink?!
Jaune: I’m not answering that!
Juniper: So… does that mean grand babies…?
Jaune: Uhhh…?
Juniper: Grand babies~?
Jaune: Oh no…
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lipglossanon · 11 months
I Only Touched Her Hips (But She Saw It)
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☆───── ⋆⋅🐾⋅⋆ ─────☆
dogman!Leon S. Kennedy x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, owner/pet relationship, mounting, knotting, dirty talk, creampie, nipple play, oral (f and m receiving)
Not proofread ✌️
Part 1: Stay Right Through
Title from Tell Her Tonight by Franz Ferdinand (also throwing in The Dark of The Matinèe cause I listened to it as well 💜)
☆───── ⋆⋅🐾⋅⋆ ─────☆
It’s Monday and you’ve called out of work, the lie slipping off your tongue easily. 
Leon had woken you up early, face buried in your soaked cunt as he licked you through two orgasms— all before 4am. After, he flipped you over on your stomach and mounted you with a growl. The other coworker on the line completely oblivious to the fact you called in sick with your ass in the air and Leon knotting your pussy so good your cock drunk before 8am. 
All morning, you’ve been stuck on his knot, shivering and milking his dick as he keeps playing with your pudgy clit. 
“Mmm little owner you’re still so tight even after this whole weekend of being stretched on my cock,” he laughs as he bites another mark into your neck. 
You whine, brain feeling so fuzzy as he keeps you pinned down and mounted on every surface available.
By the end of the day, Leon seems to have run out of steam. You take advantage of the break and order in takeout while you go grab a quick shower. Your cunt is puffy and sore, but you kinda like it. It feels so dirty and good that you’re actually kinda hoping after dinner that Leon will be up for another round. 
You pat your cheeks, scolding yourself for being so thirsty when this can’t keep up; you literally cannot keep calling out of work so your hybrid can knot you all day. Shivering at that thought, you firmly shake your head and finish your shower. You need to make sure Leon knows he can’t just do whatever he wants, heat or no heat. 
Once you’re dried off and dressed, you hear the doorbell chime. By the time you make it into the living room, Leon already has the food set out on a table in the kitchen. 
“Thank you,” you smile at him, feeling soft affection bloom in your chest. 
“Of course,” he walks over to you and butts his head against your arm making you giggle and ruffle his ears. 
You both sit at the table, Leon digging in immediately as you pick at your food. 
“Leon, we need some ground rules in regards to… intimate relations,” you cringe at yourself. 
His dark blue eyes stare at you, a grin coming over his face, “You mean I shouldn’t knot your pussy so much?”
You feel a rush of heat travel through your body, making your nipples ache. 
“Yes,” you deadpan, “you—we need to tone it down. I can’t miss work like this all the time.”
He nods, looking contrite, “Yes ma’am. I’m sorry about this morning. I just… you smelled so good and I just wanted a little taste. I got carried away.”
Another buzz of arousal sweeps through you, “I know, Leon. And on the weekends,” you rub your face bashfully, “I don’t mind it so much since we don’t have anywhere to be, but during the week please refrain.”
“Yeah?” you can see his tail wag excitedly, “promise I’ll be good, keep my hands to myself.”
You smile at him making him mirror you, “You’re such a good boy, Leon.”
He whines, tail thumping against his chair, hands clenching on the tabletop. 
“Can I scent you?” he asks, a blush kissing his cheekbones. 
“Of course, Leon. You don’t have to ask for that, okay?”
He’s nodding as he moves over to your side, “Yes, ma’am.”
You giggle as he snuffs into your neck, his rough stubble and hot breath causing goosebumps. He buries his face there and smells your skin. 
“Lick?” his voice rumbles out at you. 
“Mmm that’s okay too,” you murmur, feeling his rough tongue lap at the skin. 
“So pretty and taste so good,” he mumbles, lapping roughly against one of the marks he left, “my owner.”
You sigh and pet his soft ears as he licks at your neck. Once you’re finished eating, you shoo Leon off to the bathroom to take his own shower while you change your bedsheets. Hot embarrassment floods your body to see the state of your bed, but the lizard part of your brain feels nothing but arousal. 
Leon pads into the room, still shower damp and shakes his head gruffly flinging water drops everywhere. 
“Leon!” you try to chastise but end up laughing. 
He quickly moves over to you, wrapping you in his arms, whining as he chuffs against your hair. 
“Don’t want you to go to bed.”
“Why?” you giggle as he noses your neck.
“It means you’ll be going to work tomorrow,” he pouts, ears drooping when he pulls away. 
“Come snuggle with me,” you offer, grabbing his calloused palm and tugging him towards the bed.
“Really?” his tail wags slowly.
“You’re always welcome to snuggle with me, Leon,” you tug him close, “what kind of owner would I be?”
He snorts and shuffles you onto the bed so he can bury his face into your chest. 
He nuzzles against your breasts, “Would’ve been a mean owner.”
“Yeah?” you laugh, feeling sleepy and warm with his body on top of yours, “just a mean ole owner.”
“Yeah,” he sniffs your chest pushing aside the tank top til your breasts are spilling out, hardening under his gaze and hot rough tongue, “such a mean owner.”
“Leon,” you gasp, writhing under him but not able to move.
You mewl and whine as he slowly laps at your hard buds, teasing them with his canine teeth before sucking them into his mouth. Bringing your hands up, they hesitate to push him away, but then he suckles your nipple gently and your fingers grip onto his ears as you arch up into his mouth. 
He groans and continues to lathe and suck at your breasts, growling when you tug his ears. 
“Sorry,” you gasp out, pulling your hands away like you were scalded. 
His hands grab yours and out then back on his ears, “Like it.”
The words are mumbled into your chest as he eagerly goes back to nipping and sucking your tits. You moan when he squeezes your breasts together to suck and lick both nipples at the same time. Tugging at his ears, you press his mouth against your hard buds.
“Leon, oh good boy, such a good boy for me,” you babble as he starts to rock his hard cock against your panty clad pussy. 
“Can I knot you? Please?” he gives you his best puppy dog eyes. 
You’re nodding before he even finishes talking, “Yeah, yeah, want it, be a good boy and knot your owner’s pussy.”
Leon snarls and rips your panties at the seams, quickly burying his throbbing cock into your soaked pussy.  Your back bows off the bed, a low needy moan slipping past your lips. 
“So good,” you choke out as Leon starts up a relentless pace, rabbiting his dick into your cunt so hard it’s making your pussy gush slick. 
“Gonna cum,” you scratch at his shoulders, “fuck never been this fast before.”
“Little owner’s just feeling too good,” Leon licks and sucks at the bruise on your shoulder from last night, “pussy wanting my knot, nnh, sucking me in.”
“Knot me, Leon,” you gasp as your orgasm teeters on the edge, “breed my pussy, wanna feel your knot.”
He growls and bites down on your neck, forcing his knot into your clenching hole. 
“Stuff you full,” he grunts, “pussy taking my knot so easy now.”
His humps harder into your fluttering walls, leaning down to bite your nipples roughly. The band of arousal strung tight in your belly snaps. 
Your nails scratch into his skin, spine arching up as you push your head into the mattress. Pussy walls suck and milk at his throbbing cock, knot snuggly keeping you plugged for the load he spurts straight into your cunt. 
“Milk me, milk my cock, little owner, get every drop, need to give you my pups,” he’s growling and snarling against your breasts, shoving himself deeper into your spasming walls as he fills you with rope after rope of hot cum. 
He settles down on top of you, keeping you locked together and stuffed full. Not meaning to, you fall asleep like that, softly petting his ears. 
The next morning is a blur. Leon pouted and whined so much as you got ready, you finally caved in and decided to take him with you— only now you’re seriously rethinking the choice to bring Leon to work with you. 
Your coworkers awed and oohed at him as he stood behind you, not letting anyone pet him. Waving them off with laughs, you led him to your enclosed office, shutting the door so the noise doesn’t bother him. 
At first it was going well, he seemed to be content just sitting in a chair and watching you. Lunch went great; ordering from the canteen and splitting it with Leon who gave you a sloppy kiss on the cheek in thanks making you giggle. 
It’s midafternoon now and only a couple of hours left in the workday, but Leon’s restless. You’re still typing away on your computer, but you can see him pace out of the corner of your eye. He walks over to you and kneels next to your knees. Your heart rate jumps in nervous excitement, but he only nuzzles your outer thigh. 
“Pets, please?”
You melt, smiling sweetly down at him, “Of course. You’re doing so well, such a good boy for me today, Leon.”
After ruffling his hair and ears with both hands, you turn back to your computer and keep one hand running through his hair while you use the other to type. The work’s a little slower, but you don’t mind. You feel him shift and move around a lot more, pulling your attention back to him. 
“You okay?”
He snuffs against your leg, turning those pretty blue eyes up to you, “Can I sit between your legs? Wanna be closer to you.”
You push out from your desk, giving him space to shuffle on his knees til he’s in between your legs, tucked under the desk. His rumbly growl sounds pleased as his tail wags back and forth. You hesitate, but part your legs rucking up your skirt so Leon can settle against you better. 
He lays his head down on one of your thighs, shutting his eyes as you start to rub his ears. After a few minutes, your body relaxes and petting Leon falls into the background as you get back to work. You’re so engrossed in finishing up these last few emails, that it doesn’t click that a rough wet tongue is licking at your thighs until it grazes your damp panties. 
You gasp, pulling out of your work daze and looking down at Leon, whose head is burrowed under your skirt as he licks your cunt through your panties. 
“Leon,” you hiss down at him trying to shove his head away but he ignores you and licks your clit over and over with unerring accuracy even through your underwear. 
Your hips rock against his mouth, the pleasure bubbling through your veins making the fight leave your body. 
“You’re so bad, Leon,” you whisper, pulling your skirt up higher to see his flushed face and blown pupils between your thighs. 
He whines but doesn’t stop sniffing and licking your panties. You part your legs as far as they can go in the chair with a sigh. 
“Mmm Leon, this is wrong,” your hands tangle in his hair, not really stopping him from pulling the gusset of your panties to the side so he can lick your bare pussy. 
“Then stop me, little owner,” his mouth pulls away for a moment so he can tug your underwear completely off, “I’ll stop if you really want me to.”
You whine and tug his handsome face back into your needy cunt, making him growl and lap at your clit roughly. With your panties off, you tug your skirt up until it’s bunched around your hips. Leon pushes your chair out a little from your desk so he can place your thighs over his shoulders, letting his tongue fuck deeper into your drippy hole. 
“Your mouth is a sin,” you whine down at him, riding his face a little harder. 
Leon grunts and buries his face deeper into your soaked folds, rough tongue fluttering into your hole as his nose and stubble scrapes against your pussy lips. He shakes his head so his nose bumps and rubs against your swollen bundle of nerves. 
“Gonna cum, Leon,” you gasp, tossing your head back as you hump his mouth. 
He growls, the vibrations sending you over the edge, slick coating his mouth as your orgasm shakes through your body. You yank his hair to pull him close, grinding your pussy all over his face. 
“Good boy, so good,” you slur, finally letting go of him.
When you finally look down at him, Leon’s panting heavily. 
“Want to—“
He shakes his head, ears flopping. 
“I came,” he whispers, a blush spreading down to his neck, “when you yanked my head into you.”
You push out of your chair to kneel in front of him, pulling his spent cock from his pants. 
“Let me clean you up,” you murmur, mouth eagerly licking up his cummy mess.
“Owner,” he whines, hands balled up into fists at his side, “m sensitive.”
You sigh and lap up all the sticky jizz coating his cock, tongue trailing down to lap across his knot and then softly suck his balls into your mouth.  He growls softly when you finally pull away, swallowing down his salty cum. 
He yanks your head up to lick eagerly into your mouth with a groan. 
“Can’t wait to go home,” he mumbles against your lips, “are we leaving soon?”
You pull away to look up at the clock, “We can leave in a few minutes, Leon.”
Rubbing his ears softly, he nuzzles into your neck with a sigh.
“You’re the best owner.”
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2knightt · 6 days
may u do the gang with a significant other who is in a popular band or actor? up to four preference of course. lots of love!
୧ ׅ𖥔 ۫ darling, can i be your favourite? ⋄ 𓍯
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REQUESTED: reader’s the coolest person ever and the gang’s their biggest fan!
tags/warnings: headcanons, gn!reader, reader is a singer/popstar!reader, gang is obsessed, reader is big time famous, near the end they got shorter because my tumblr started lagging.
ೃauthor notes⁀➷ hey my love !!! seen this after i posted and knew i had to get to work 🙂‍↕️ also while i was working on this, i got a req for actor!reader..ur in luck🤭
johnny cade
╰┈➤ now playing. — espresso, y/n l/n
how he bagged you, the world may never know. like seriously.
“you’re dating who?”
“..y/n l/n?”
“in your dreams maybe???”
“fuck you?”
nobody believed him because you confessed to him over the phone when you were touring 😔! you realized you really liked johnny when you had to be away from him for so long.
so for like that period of time, it was just call after call of you two giggling back and forth.
the gang, swear to fucking god, knew he was talking to someone but they thought he was lying about who he was talking to
Then they were all,
“what the fuck….”
“can i like—borrow a 20?”
spoil him. take him with you. protect johnny cade with ur money or else. i find you.
but seriously, pleaseeee make sure johnny lives the life he deserves ☹️ since you’re a singer, you make a FUCK ton of money
put it to good use (spending it on johnny cade)
hey! you’re all he talks about!! HE DOESN’T STFU THAT HE’S DATING SOMEONE THAT’S FAMOUS.
“what ‘bout you, lil’ boy? you got someone?”
“hell yeah. y/n l/n.😇💯”
“..the singer?”
“damn right, ‘the singer’!”
listens to your music when he misses you!!
i can’t stress how much he loves you
he has photos of you everywhere. and anywhere.
steals magazines you model for to promote your albums<3
dallas winston
╰┈➤ now playing — nonsense, y/n l/n.
why would you pick him.
shame on you. you have celebrities flocking to you and you pick some guy in tulsa who’s in jail every friday.
tsk tsk. whatever makes you happy!
also, never shuts the fuck up about you. like seriously, somehow, you’re always the topic of conversation.
“yeah, that’s crazy that she slashed your tires. my LOVELY Y/N would never tho. did you know they sing? you’ve probably heard of ‘em-“
He needs those freaks in the crowd to know you’re HIS—not theirs just because you’re famous.
if you ever collab with a dude he’s gonna fucking lose his mind i’m not kidding
“i told you-“
“yeah, i know. lets go.”
dallas invited himself btw.
dedicate a song to him and he’s literally gonna make EVERYONE listen to it. when it comes on the radio, he’s IMMEDIATELY turning up the volume.
“looking at you got me thinkin’ nonsense.”
“that’s about me, by the way.”
“yeah. where’s your partner that write songs about you? huh? take that shit up with someone else.”
cannot believe he got so lucky and bagged you
he used to pray for days like these😭😭🙏
ponyboy curtis
╰┈➤ now playing — work song, y/n l/n.
yes, i did make your song more poetic than the rest. that’s just what ponyboy is into and gets him crying.
did he get lucky? yeah. does he acknowledge that every waking moment of his life and devotes himself to making sure you never feel the burden of having to perform daily?
helps you write songs sometimes. ponyboy naturally has a poets soul so USE IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE
omgomg if you credit him while at your concerts he might faint<3333
spoil him and his brothers.
his brothers are included because you see how much they’re struggling and it literally pains you to see the love of ur life get so frustrated over money
sneakily put money into darry’s wallet when he isn’t looking and ponyboy might just kiss u right then and there
it’ll take awhile for him to accept the help, but when he does—he’s so grateful to have an angel like u in his life😭😭💔💔💔
“i love you. did you know that?”
“of course i do, pony.”
“i should tell you that more often.”
uses a photo of you as a bookmark btw. it’s you in his favourite outfit you ever wore, performing the song you made for him.
ponyboy’s obsessed.
shoves ANYONE off the tv to watch you perform. he doesn’t care. and the gang lets him<3 cuz they know how much you mean to their little pony!!
not without teasing. never without teasing. ponyboy is never fucking free
“soda, it’s my turn on the tv.”
“what? you tryna watch your girlfriend?”
“…shut up.”
“look at you! what a loverboy, huh? you loveeeee her, don’t you?”
“man, just get off the tv!”
watches & listens to everything you’re in. wether it be interviews, music videos, etc—he can probably quote it. every part.
he’s so obsessed with you it’s not fucking funny
sodapop curtis
╰┈➤ now playing — that boy is mine, y/n l/n.
it couple. genuinely.
you got soda more publicity and modeling agencies have definitely hit him up LMFAO
he most definitely has modelled with you for covers :3c
oh u better fucking believe that the DX is always playing your music
he will. and he will be playing the song you made about him to remind the girls that go to flirt with him that he’s yours.
flash it when paparazzi takes photos and he WILL put that photo in his wallet to show people when they ask about his partner.
soda makes u his whole personality
“sigh😔 y/n would’ve loved this beat..”
“NO?? I LOVE THEM!!!???”
it’s so cute☹️☹️😔😔 soda might trip over his feet every once and awhile but he’s always laughing so hard with you when he does<3
darry curtis
╰┈➤ now playing — say yes to heaven, y/n l/n.
tries SOOOO hard to act like he doesn’t gaf that you’re singer but it’s so tough to not brag about it
the boys at work could be talking about their partners but when they go ask darry, he hides his grin and blush by looking down, running his hands through his hair.
“what ‘boutchu, kid? how’s the lover?”
“ah, y’know. they’re busy touring or in the studio.”
“oh—y/n l/n. they’re-“
darry cannot be stopped now. he won’t shut up about how great of a person you are, never letting the fame get to you.
hehehehehe slow dance with him in the kitchen to ur unreleased songs you made about him…. 😈😈
im begging you to just sit darry curtis down and try to convince him that, you giving him money to help around, isn’t an issue.
i don’t see darry moving out of the curtis house unfortunately, i think he will always view it as his parents house and it’s too sentimental.
so, don’t even bother asking him to move. but—do give him money. or sneakily pay the bills. whatever you have to do to help darry relax, please do it!!!
loves it when you sing slower/more relaxing songs
darry thinks it’s so attractive to hear your like soothing, breathy, and smooth voice.
he has a photo framed of you bowing toward the crowd below you, tightly holding the microphone that you had his name engraved in.
it’s currently beside his bed on his nightstand.
he looks at it every night before bed and every morning before work. <3
steve randle
╰┈➤ now playing — art deco, y/n l/n.
he’s feral. he’s fucking crazy about you.
number one supporter. nobody comes close to him
when steve’s nervous he traces over it :3c
steve always finds himself, unconsciously, humming your songs while he works on cars!
i like to think his favourite colour is blue, so plsplsplspls wear blue (even if it’s a small accessory) to your concerts just so steve knows you’re always thinking about him.
he keeps little gifts, or rather the accessories you leave at his house, in a little box. he thinks they’re so cute and he will burn a building down before he lets anyone find out
two-bit mathews
╰┈➤ now playing — melting, y/n l/n.
that’s every other sentence from his stupid lips!!
attach a mickey charm to ur mic while you sing on stage and he’ll start foaming at the mouth..
two-bit’s all, “that’s for me.:mickey….me….me…mickey….”
he literally begs you to sing him to sleep
teach his little sister some of your dance moves and he might marry you tbh.
two-bit dreams of you and i’m so fucking serious
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visenyaism · 2 months
what triggered the daemon riverlands suicide bender again? like did he have a falling out with rhaenyra?
well the book doesn’t say a ton about what happened between them and it’s all made more confusing by the fake historical perspective and weird misogynistic characterization of rhaenyra and mysaria but. fire and blood unserious as it is establishes basically this sequence of events:
-once daemon and rhaenyra get to king’s landing he brings mysaria to court. they’re fucking every night which rhaenyra is seemingly fine with (surprisingly this bit is not a mushroom quote)
-rhaenyra makes a plan to end the war that includes daemon and nettles going and finding aemond in the riverlands to go kill him. unclear whose idea this was or whose idea it was to bring nettles also.
-daemon and nettles hole up in maidenpool because they can’t seem to find the worlds largest dragon actively terrorizing the countryside anywhere. they are weirdly close. because he’s grooming her. they cannot find aemond so theyre stuck like this for weeks. in my mind this is where daemon starts to lose the plot and just not have an exit strategy.
-two of the other dragonseeds betray rhaenyra and join up with daeron the not appearing in this narrative to sack tumbleton. rhaenyra reacts by charging up about 5% of the bastardphobia within the heart of the average team green twitter user and is like okay they are treacherous and base due to their bastard nature they all have to die right now.
-including nettles. rhaenyra sends a letter to the lord of maidenpool saying hey you have to kill this child my husband is obsessed with who is living under your roof i don’t care about guest rite i don’t care about him retaliating against you for this i am literally the king you gotta do it. don’t kill daemon though. xx rhaenyra
-this alienates daemon from rhaenyra permanently though he does take the time to call mysaria a whore and blame her for this too. what an upstanding guy.
-anyways the next morning nettles takes off out of the narrative on her lonesome and daemon tells the lord of maidenpool “this is the last you are ever going to see of me. tell aemond i’m at harrenhal” we can tell at this point there is no exit strategy but for:
-daemon engages in murder-suicide with his nephew who thinks they’re having a fight.
what do we learn about daemon from this? well that he has problems and also doesn’t ever have a long term plan
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jester-lover · 1 year
What about dorm leaders with Morticia-like s/o?
Friday, I'm in Love
the dorm leaders with a morticia-like s/o
cw- fem! reader, fluff, mentions of the boy's insecurities, reader being literally the hottest woman alive (author is a goth and loved this)
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He’s wrapped around your finger and he doesn't even know it
This man sees you for the first time, elegant and refined, and he comes barging towards you
Tries his best to maintain all the manners his mother taught him, but it's so difficult considering just how beautiful and smart you are
Loves dancing with you, especially if you end up guiding and taking the lead, he’ll be absolutely enamored with your confidence
His most favorite thing to do with you, however, is to show you how much power he has over other students, he thinks it’ll make you like him if he’s all big and strong
Honestly you couldn't care less
Tea parties certainly run smoother with you around, because the freshmen don't want to embarrass themselves around a cool and calm young woman like you
In terms of fashion, Riddle appreciates your monotone, sleek wardrobe, even if he desperately wishes you’d wear lower heels so he could appear taller
Riddle’s fiery ambition, and your cool, motherly personality is a combination no one expected
But the two of you know better, the differences in your personality only highlight your individual achievements, pushing you ever closer together
“Dear, you look absolutely exceptional, but perhaps refrain from adding spiders to your hair?”
Leona loves tough, strong women
(he also lowkey loves women who scare him)
He was first attracted to your confidence, how you turned heads just by strolling past, head held up high and heels tapping
He felt a sense of nervousness he hadn't ever felt before when he tried to ask you out
The two of you are both just so relaxed and aloof, with a hidden romantic side
He puts a considerable amount of effort into your relationship, more than he’s probably ever done for anyone, because you're the most special person in his life
Leona has a deep inferiority complex, and he wants you to know that he can provide for you and be the man you need
You have a natural deadpan sense of humor, and the casually dark things you say often make him laugh
He feels genuinely very calm around you, leading to a lot of afternoon naps
“Why don’t we continue our necromancy discussion after a quick nap?”
 Azul is an appreciator of smooth, sleek and professional aesthetics like yours
By this, I mean he most likely cannot make eye contact with you until you approach him
Your first date is probably a ruinous meal at the Monstro Lounge where he spills his drink all over himself, he gets so humiliated, but you find it adorable
The way he stumbles over himself trying to impress you is so cute, you ask him for another date
 The way that this boy worships your every step is noticeable, especially by the tweels, who consistently tease him
The similarity between your clothing is one of his favorite things about you, and he’ll always appreciate your sublime, elevated sense of fashion
“I decided to wear my black tie, to match your dress of course.” 
Sun x Moon couple, proving once again that opposites do attract
He definitely just saw you one day, thought about you for a week straight and asked you out straight up
Kalim had a bravery other boys didn’t possess, this deeply intrigued you
You tend to make deadpan and dark jokes around him, and he’s never once understood any of them in the moment
He gets it in about 3-5 business days
You give him a sense of order and peace, with your calm demeanor and relaxed attitude, while he gives you excitement, a rush of serotonin you can't find anywhere else
Kalim will complement any new accessory he sees on you, a big smile adorning his face
You two often do your makeup together before events, he usually finishes up first, and watches you because he loves to see the process of your look
“I absolutely adore the clips in your hair, I should buy a pair so that we can match!”
Power couple
Literally the both of you are so beautiful, everyone on campus turns their head around whenever you walk by
Vil thrives off of attention and compliments, so your affectionate and caring nature is much appreciated
He definitely asks to do your makeup and styling, but backs out when he realizes how iconic your look is, and how he really can't add much to perfection
He will however, help you shop
Anything you want, just tell him, he’ll buy it, he’ll just never admit he’s absolutely whipped for you
The sheer radiance and powerful energy is so much within you two
The jokes and humor you engage in almost break his perfect poised persona, he’s usually not a sucker for comedy, but you bring out his inner comic
“Darling, your red lipstick looks absolutely divine.”
Was the only one here genuinely afraid of you at first
I mean, you sorta look like one of the villains from his favorite mangas, and he all but avoids you
You find yourself intrigued with the quiet boy, and manage to find his room
Idia is literally about to cry why is a woman in his room??? This has never happened before??? The matrix is crumbling???
You two have a very hushed discussion, and he learns to fear you less
As a boyfriend, he still acts very reserved around you, he fears he might come off as annoying
Just gently ease him into talking about himself and his interests a little more, and you’ll have him ranting about his newest fixation in no time
The fact that you encourage him in his pursuits is something he’s never had before
Idia is actually so amazed by your beauty, he literally pauses and stares at you sometimes
We all know how cool his more formal clothes are, so when he’s inevitably forced to leave his room, he knows he has you to keep him a little more calm
“Everyone here is looking at us, c-can we go home now?”
The two of you are an absolutely regal couple, and he knows you are absolutely fit to be his queen
Malleus is attracted to you because of your vast intellect, your cunning nature and your refined taste
(and also because you genuinely enjoy his late night talks about gargoyles)
He makes sure to treat you with the utmost respect and dignity, reserved only for a woman of the court, guiding you gently with his extended hand, dancing with you to slow music, and of course helping you trim your thorns
Our dragon boy knows how to treat a lady, but he might have some trouble picking up on your deadpan humor, and he often just thinks your being serious
Your aesthetics match completely, allowing for the two of you to swap clothing and trade accessories
He knows what he wants in a partner, and you manage to fit completely
Malleus knows people often find him creepy or unnerving, and he knows it's the same for you, there’s a bond formed through your societal isolation
Malleus also makes sure you know he’s in love with you every day, through his kind words and his kinder actions
“Keep me in your thoughts dearest, so that I may become yours forever.”
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moneymartin · 1 month
PLEASE PLEASE do a kate martin fic where the reader is her ex and they cannot stay away from each other. like “uh oh” by tate mcrae PLEASE
・❥・- favorite bad decision
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summary: you see kate at a practice after the two of you split
warnings: nfsw mdni. 18+ as fawk! but the smut is kinda short sozzzz
rpf. don’t read it if you don’t feel comfortable
a/n: i’m negl all my kate fics are fluffy cause i cannot see myself writing smut. (but i try to deliver so this sucks cuz i got a lil uncomfy) 😭 also i’m sorry for lacking on my writing im so stressed w all these exams im taking and some family problems. this also might go off track cause i wrote this half asleep 😕 didn’t know how to end this one too
stars are the skips :)
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it’s been 5 months. 5 stupid months since that relationship you refused to let go ended. you couldn’t believe it either when your girlfriend suddenly said “we need to breakup.”. she never told you why, despite the multiple calls and texts you sent when she left the morning after that were begging for her to come back or at least explain why she felt that way.
you felt like absolute shit.
it was a long relationship, your longest one too. it was the fact you believed it would last forever. you wished for it to last when you saw those repeated numbers and whenever a star dotted across the sky. you believed in those silly little things, but you only believed in them for this stupid 1.5 year period.
everything felt like it had been going your way during those times. you felt alive again after meeting kate. she was the definition of a literal ball of sunshine when it came to you. constantly bringing you to her basketball games, showing you off to her friends and teammates, introducing you to her family. things were great. the feeling was refreshing, especially after being in probably the worst relationship of your life.
a guy played you behind your back so many times and you were unable to figure out yourself. the second you did, you didn’t even know why or what to do. you struggled with school from the thought of never finding out what he thought was weird about you or why he even considered doing that in the first place. you treated him like he was the best boyfriend in the world!
then kate had dug you out of a hole you thought you’d never have the guts or the fucking courage to get out of.
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“there’s nothing wrong with you trying to get your mind off of it y’know.” jada says. shes been helping you cope with this thing even though her and kate are the closest people ever. she’d never tell a single soul anything you always talk to her about. “coming to our last game in carver won’t be that bad!”
“yeah, not so bad until i see kate! you know how i feel about her, jades. it hurts.” you murmur and swipe the back of your hand against your face. there’s a painful feeling at the bottom of your stomach and it makes your skin crawl uncomfortably. “i’m not going and there’s nothing you can do to change my mind.”
jada’s face contorts into a half smile when she hears the way you talk about the whole shebang. she knows you that still can’t let it go, and she wishes so badly that you could let kate go. “right.” she breathes out and grinds her teeth together. “you don’t need to come.”
but you do anyways.
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you sat there at court side awkwardly, watching the hawkeyes train before their final home game. you only saw caitlin, hannah, gabbie, syd, and kylie. jada was sitting next to you and cheering on her teammates. thankfully, you didn’t spot kate anywhere close or on the court at all.
until you fucking did.
kate walked in through the tunnel and dropped her gym bag on the floor, a loud thud echoing through the arena. she had her hair up in that same stupid braid, that same stupid smirk on her face, and that same stupid look in her eyes. you hated her so fucking much and you hated the fact that you couldn’t stop thinking about her no matter how hard you tried to.
that churn in the stomach made you feel like you had level 1000 cramps, but it was just that feeling you got when you felt absolutely sick to the core. sick because you didn’t know what, or how to feel after seeing kate again. it was the shitty feeling of not knowing why she even chose to leave you in the first place. it was the feeling of frustration when you saw her smile again. the feeling of confusion rushing back to you. you felt like a small child getting yelled at when she broke up with you, it was when nothing made sense at all to you. when you didn’t get the answer you wanted after multiple tries of begging for it.
you didn’t understand it, and you still don’t.
“you alright?” jada snaps you out of whatever the hell you were thinking about and you jump slightly, eyes diverting away from kate. “yeah, why wouldn’t i be?” you huff and smile with your teeth out. your body starts to grow numb and you feel as if you can’t breathe as well as you normally would, which jada notices. she grabs your shoulders tightly and places her palm on the side of your face to move your head towards hers. she knows you’re staring at kate. “you’re not fine.”
thanks captain obvious.
“yeah, obviously not!!!” you blurt out way too loud. it makes everything and everyone around you stop. the sound of the balls dribbling against the floor and the continuous chatter around you just stops. everything is silent and you know that its because of you. your face flushes at the embarrassment you feel and you step off onto the court, walking towards the exit. the sound of footsteps follow you and you don’t even have the guts to turn around. it seriously feels like you’re about to get completely flamed for acting out at a clear statement about what you felt.
but it’s not jada. or caitlin. it’s fucking kate.
a wave of anger and bitterness rushes through you like no other, and you can’t tell whether to be upset or nervous about this little interaction. you still love kate and you know that. “you like to yell, huh?” she chuckles and pushes your shoulder lightly. when her hand touches you, you don’t move away and just let her do it.
“lighten up, will ya?” kate’s lips curl up into the damn smirk again and she looks at you with those eyes. the eyes that she knows you can’t say no to, the eyes that got you hooked in the first place. “i missed when you acted up like that, to be honest.”
you’ve missed her touch so badly, but you just can’t admit it.
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there’s a lot of things you acknowledge in life. things that you know. you know whats right and wrong when it comes to decisions and when it comes to certain things like seeing people you know you aren’t supposed to.
but you know that this is right. it always has been.
promises are always broken too, and this was one you swore you’d never break. it was hard, especially because kate was the hottest fucking person on the planet. saying ‘no’ to her was practically impossible. she asked you to come over after the game and you happily complied. which was a horrible idea.
“you’re such a fuckin’… asshole.” you whine out and let out a bated breath. your body shivers when kate’s fingers run up and down underneath your shirt and when her breath hits your sopping core. she’s in between your legs and eating you out like a madwoman. your head falls back into her pillows, fingers gripping tight at the roots of her hair and the bedsheets on the side of your body. “am i?” she mumbles, sending vibrations through your body that you haven’t felt in months.
that feeling is so good. and you know it. you missed it when kate acted up too. seeing her all tough on the court made something reignite in your stomach again, and it exploded when you saw her in the locker rooms. you literally dragged her out of there while she was in the middle of a conversation with addi and into your car. you couldn’t even wait before your lips were eagerly on hers and her hands were roaming in all the right places.
“yeah, you are. you fucking bitch…..” your voice goes up an octave the moment kate licks a stripe up your pussy and starts leaving hickeys around your thighs and stomach. “i tried ignoring you when i saw you at the club last week. all i wanted to do was jump into your arms and kiss your face off.” you admit awkwardly and let out a quiet cry the moment your stomach turns into knots. you’re close and she can feel it, her head diving down again while you absentmindedly hump at her face.
“shit!” you whimper and prop your head up, watching kate lap up every last drop of your cum. “i got you, baby,” she breathes out heavily onto your stomach. her breath is warm and she presses her cheek up against it when she feels your legs shake. her thumb rubs your sides and she looks up at you, rising up slightly and keeping herself steady with her hands. yours grabbing at her shoulders. when she keeps herself up you can feel her arms bulging underneath her shirt and she leans in. “mmf.. that’s my girl.”
her tongue swirls around yours, making you taste yourself all the way before the moment turns over quickly. “mhm..” you hum and slide your hands down her arms to get a feel again. the second you pull away, kate’s eyes go from feral to soft. she leans back and searches around on her floor, picking up your undergarments and sliding them on for you. “it’s okay.” she smiles and moves her head towards you. kate rests her head on your chest, chin in between and her arms around your stomach while your fingers cup her face.
you’re never gonna be able to stop forgiving her if she keeps doing this to you. and you know it.
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 month
Riders Up
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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Synopsis: It's the 150th Kentucky Derby, and knowing how important this event is to Jack, you make a point to make it extra special for him.
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
The week leading up to the Kentucky Derby which is the first installment of the Triple Crown and the actual Derby day was always hectic in the Harlow household. This year was no different.
Jack had changed his outfit at least four times when you finally made an executive decision for him otherwise, the two of you would have missed the derby all together. Because of you having to help him, it now put you behind in doing your make-up and hair. Your dress was red this year and you and Taylor had decided to wear similar dresses. 
This was the first year that the triplets would be going with you and Jack and you were definitely nervous to have them around that many people. They were only ten months old and were now to the phase of getting into anything that they could get their tiny hands on. At first, you and Jack had decided not to bring them, but when Maggie and Brian volunteered to go to watch them specifically, you both quickly agreed. Jack bought out a suite that was near the finish line that's exclusive to family and friends and that made you a little less worried.
Since moving to Louisville at the age of fourteen, you hadn't missed one yet, but this year was going to be extra special. This had actually been in the works close to three years and you couldn’t wait to tell Jack when all of you got to Churchill Downs. It had been hard keeping a secret from him since you literally told him everything, but you knew that the look on his face was going to be worth it. 
You combined your love of animals with Jack's love of going to the Kentucky Derby and purchased a horse who had been training to compete in The Triple Crown races. It was an expensive and lengthy process, and you were hoping all the time and effort put into it would pay off later in the day once the finish line was crossed. And of course since racehorses have very unique names, there was only one that came to mind that made the most sense.
Private Garden.
Your thoughts were then interrupted by Jack for the millionth time that morning, although you didn’t mind. 
“Baby! Does this look okay?” Jack asked as he slipped on his suit jacket and walked over towards you. This had been going on for the last hour and a half as you were currently sitting in your robe at your vanity while finishing up your makeup.
“Why do you keep asking me if you look okay? Are you meeting up with a girl I don't know about? Who are you trying to impress? At this rate, we'll be late because of you and not me with all these outfit changes. I didn't realize that we were at a fashion show.” You playfully asked and all he did was frown before sucking his teeth.
“Stop playing!”
“I was just asking!” You said while holding up your hands in defense. Jack was still pouting so you stood up and made a motion for him to bend down.
You softly kissed him and as you pulled away, you smiled at him before pinching his cheek. 
“My man looks so good that if we didn't have anywhere to be right now, we would be working on baby number four.” You whispered against his lips as you kissed him again.
“I mean, we have time….”
“No, Jackman. I still need to get dressed myself so cut it out.”
“I did get a private suite with a private bathroom.”
All you did was stare at him before rolling your eyes and then untying your robe and dropping it in front of him.
“Are you SERIOUS right now? You tell me no and then take off your robe in front of me?”
“I have to get dressed.” You shrugged before going to the hanger and taking off the red dress that you specifically got for today.
“You owe me later.”
“Hmm, we'll see who owes who. Now go downstairs and wait for me because you cannot be trusted.”
“Just let me put the tip in.”
Maggie and Brian had gotten the triplets last night so the two of you didn't have to worry about getting them ready as well. Axel would have on an outfit similar to Jack’s since he had packed multiple not knowing which one that he was going to end up choosing while Ivy and Autumn would both be wearing red like you were. When Jack was satisfied with his outfit, he sent a pic to Maggie to let her know which one to pick out for Axel. 
Jack would have taken up too much time anyway if you had to get the triplets ready too with his four outfit changes and everyone would have been late.
When the two of you had finally arrived at Churchill Downs, pictures were taken along the red carpet before Jack had led both of you to the suite that he had purchased to meet up with everyone else. The triplets of course were being passed around and Autumn was loving the attention while Ivy was in her own little world and Axel looked completely over it and was soon reaching out his chubby hands towards Jack who quickly took him from Shloob. 
“Your twin definitely missed you.” You said towards Jack as you pinched Axel’s cheek and he smiled at you before laying his head down on Jack’s shoulder.
“Only because he got to him first.”
“Clay! Don’t start!” Jack replied as he rolled his eyes at Clay who was sipping on a mint julep.
“I didn’t say anything but the truth.”
“The two of you don’t even let up during Derby week, my goodness.” You quietly said as you rubbed your temples while listening to the both of them. 
They continued to go back and forth while you went to sit next to Taylor and Maggie who also had mint juleps in their hands.
“Mama Maggie, are you sure that you don’t want your oldest back?” You asked while glancing over at him and Clay.
“Oh, I’m sure. 100% sure actually. He’s all yours now even though I know it probably feels like you have four children instead of three.”
“MOM! I HEARD THAT!” Jack exclaimed while looking over at the three of you as she held up her hands in defense.
“You’re the reason why I started drinking.”
“I thought that was Clay.” Jack said while pointing at him and Clay immediately rolled his eyes.
“Babe, I highly doubt that it was Clay, you did nothing but stress her out for eighteen years.”
“Oh, he still does at 26. Absolutely nothing has changed and I highly doubt that it ever will.”
“Now, when you asked me to babysit did you mean the triplets or Jack and Urban?” Taylor asked and all Jack did was look at her in disbelief as Urban was stuffing his face and coming over towards all of you.
Urban noticed all of you staring at him and instantly got a confused look on his face.
“Whatever it is, I didn’t do it.”
“I was definitely talking about the two of them.”
Time was winding down and it would soon be time for the race to start. You felt it was the perfect time to tell Jack about his surprise. 
“Baby, come here for a second.” You said as you tugged on Jack’s hand and he began to follow you.
“Everything okay?” He asked while looking at you concerned.
“Yes, I just have something to show you.”
The two of you arrived at the stables and Jack looked around confused.
“Baby, we are not buying another horse so don't get any ideas.”
“Now, why is that the first idea that pops in your head!?” You exclaimed while turning up your nose at him. 
“Because I know you! And your track record for spending money on animals speaks for itself. We already have too many that we know what to do with”
You rolled your eyes before going up to pet Private Garden and waved Jack over to do the same.
“Isn't she pretty?” You asked him, but he was still eyeing you.
“Y/N, what did you do? Bet all of our life savings on a horse?” He asked before beginning to pet her. 
“No, only some of it.”
“So, I did a thing.”
“Oh goodness. Nothing good comes out of your mouth after you say that.” Jack responded as he shook his head.
“You are so dramatic. This is your horse.”
“This is Private Garden and I bought her and had her work with some of the best trainers in the world so that she could compete in The Triple Crown. So, surprise baby! Happy Derby Day! Riders Up!”
“I have something you can ride, but, wait, seriously? Are you serious right now?!”
“I’m ignoring that first part. Yes, silly! I know how important this is for you and I figured that I could start something in the hopes that the triplets continue it one day. That’s why I stopped you earlier from betting on any horses and I thought it was funny that no one else said anything to me either about her name.”
“I can’t believe that you did this for me.”
“Baby, I would do anything for you. You already know that.” You answered as you reached up to kiss him.
“Wait a minute, you bought ANOTHER horse? We have two already!”
“You’re missing the point here. OUR horse is running in the Kentucky Derby so you need to change that attitude.”
“Um, enough…..”
“Welp, I think I heard Taylor calling me. Gotta go see what she might need.” You said before starting to make your way back to the suite, but you knew you couldn’t run in your heels and decided on a brisk walk.
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Liked by y/ninsta, urbanwyatt, claybornharlow, quiiso, 2forwoyne, privategarden, and 1,284,903 others
jackharlow: my wife is full of surprises. I got the ultimate Derby gift when she told me about our newest horse (y/ninsta NO MORE ANIMALS) named Private Garden who was going to compete in The Triple Crown and sure enough she got first place. Definitely something that I'll never forget. Riders UP! Next stop is Preakness. 🌹🌹🌹
y/ninsta: love you long time!! happy you loved your gift! and we can never have too many pets!
urbanwyatt: WE IN THEREEEEEE
claybornharlow: having 3 horses is crazy lol
quiiso: The best horse definitely won today! She's sweeping all 3 races!
taylorrooks: let me know if you need a babysitter for preakness lmao
y/ninsta: I'll pay you double for Jack and Urban
jackharlow: 🙄🙄🙄
urbandjack26: y/n loves this man bad 🥺
allthingsy/n: and wife of the year goes to y/ninsta!!
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000marie198 · 3 months
What were to happen if Sonic and Tails both became babies? Y'know, besides Knuckles and Amy having to wrangle their clingier than usual sibs.
Imagine two gremlin twin kittens who just got reunited staring at you with these faces:
:3 :3
Moments before disaster strikes
But this happens after they are placed in the same space together and make friends.
The first instinct of baby Tails would be to pounce on his fellow age mate cuz he wanna play
The first instinct of Sonic would be to yip in terror and roll away from the fox and tremble while still curled up in a teeny ball. He won't know it but his action will make baby Tails pause and tilt his head in confusion and then curiously approach the still trembling ball to nudge it. It pricks him due to quills and he also yips and scuttles away, then whimpers and sniffs, holding his bleeding snout.
The hedgehog, recognizing the sounds as expressions of pain and fear and not sensing anything else for a full minute uncurls slightly to make a little peek at the kit, he's cautious but also curious.
They don't really have the memories of their lives but the general instincts and bonds are there and seeing the teary blue eyes and soft sad sniffles... Little hoglet is not able to handle it and uncurls completely and whimpers too.
He hurt the other. He doesn't want the other to be hurt. He's really sorry he hurt the other.
Little hoglet stumbles towards the sniffling kit and pats him with his little paws over and over till baby Tails stops tearing up with a hiccup and stares curiously at the hoglet.
Baby Sonic let's out an open mouthed smile. Tails gets curious and comes closer, which reactivates the hedgehog instincts and Sonic rolls away again.
Baby Tails realizes the other one can get scared if he comes close without warning or pounces so he doesn't do that. He just sits and waits, tails lightly swishing back and forth, watching baby Sonic till he calms down and uncurls, meeting the fox replicating his earlier smile.
Big wide eyes staring at each other and slowly they both become comfortable enough to actually start communicating, in babbles and gestures but it's still communication.
In a while, Sonic's stomach growls, he has always had higher metabolism okay. Baby Tails starts sniffing around to find him something to eat. He sniffs something he likes, FLIES OUT OF THE PEN, locates a cookie and brings it to Sonic. The hoglet muches on it and offers it to Tails after 3 or 4 bites. Tails also munches on cookie.
They start competing on who can munch louder, it's a miracle one of them hasn't choked on a crumb while giggling so much.
They bond over chocolate cookie :]
There's a lot more moments we can add afterwards, aka once the two have become friends. .
Both babies would literally have that package deal, Do Not Sperate level separation anxiety specifically and only when it comes to the other.
Knuckles would carry Tails away to feed him something and Sonic would start wailing and reaching, Tails doing the same. They are very loud and they won't shut up till you reunite them, which will end up in close hugs and sniffles
There was that one time Amy had to take Sonic away for a little bit to give him a bath and Knuckles had to fight to hold a frantic clawing fox kit away, especially when Sonic's cries of sorrow turned into screeches of fear. This was so not easy.
Tails bites both their older friends after that while Sonic naps in the background all freshened up and tidied.
You cannot leave the babies unsupervised anywhere! They will work together to escape one way or another no matter where and they will drive everyone nuts looking for them only to be found inside a barely ajar cupboard with cereal scattered all around them and blinking like deer caught in a headlight.
You give one of them a toy or teether or rattle and they'll fight over it and scream. Sighing, you take away the toys. Next time you make sure to give both of them identical toys. They still look at the other and try to snatch it, starting another fight.
There are two gremlins rolling around and flying all over the house, getting into the craziest, unreachable places. Sonic just scuttled under the fridge, Tails is perched on a ceiling fan. Everything is scattered
The next time baby Tails pounces on the hoglet to play with him, Sonic doesn't curl up in fear
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safetycar-restart · 8 months
NOTE: This is an NSFW fic with sub!Carlos and dom!reader. If you are under 18 or uninterested, scroll past. Alternatively, if you like what you see here then consider checking out my blog :))
This work forms part of a kinktober series where I discuss a different kinky concept with a different motorsports athlete every day. We also discuss the concepts in more detail on my blog so if you have any thoughts, feel free to stop by!
(this takes place in au we have where reader is a successful businesswoman and Carlos is her subby househusband, if you'd like to see more you can check out the 'house husband Carlos' tag on my blog)
Carlos ADORES eating you out, and it's something that you must let him do at least 5 times a week or else you'll have a very pouty and unhappy house husband. He must taste you regularly! You cannot deprive him of this!
Sometimes you'll decide to challenge him and not let him cum for a few days, edge him until he's so hard it hurts and then wait for his erection to go down before tucking him in a cage for a few days. But you can't do that with eating you out.
You can't decide he isnt allowed a taste for a few days, that would be cruel and unusual punishment and poor Carlos would not be able to take it.
Carlos has two favourite places he likes to eat you out (though he'll happily do it literally anywhere).
Firstly, when you work from home.
Well he just adores when you work from home full stop, because then he can bring you snacks and show you how well he cleans and make you lunch and kneel for you while you eat and pop his head into your office for kisses. Amazing.
But the absolute BEST part about you working from home is when you call him and let him knee under your desk and eat you out while you work. It's amazing.
He'll happily kneel under your desk, eating you out like a starved man, getting as many orgasms out of you as he can. He only stops when you push your chair back and pull him away by his hair. He will not stop on his own accord, absolutely not.
The other time he loves it the most, is lazy Sunday afternoons spent by the pool. Carlos keeps the backyard in perfect condition of course, the pool is always sparkling and the grass perfectly cut and the furniture always clean.
You have a little bar and barbecue area next to the pool, which Carlos keeps stocked with all the ingredients needed for your favourite cocktails.
You always go for a swim together when you have Sunday afternoons free, with Carlos usually choosing to swim a few extra laps than you.
You'll settle down on one of the loungers next to the pool, enjoying the sun and then Carlos will come and join you. Rather than laying on the lounger next to yours, he moves your legs apart by your ankles and then settles between your legs. He lays down there, his head against your belly and lets the sun dry his back.
Pretty soon he's shuffling down and staring hungrily at your bikini bottoms, a silent request to have a taste. You always let him of course, and he quickly pulls your bikini bottoms aside, not even bothering to take them off.
That's how he spends the rest of the afternoon, eating you out in the sun. Sometimes you'll pull him off for a breather, and then he just lays on your stomach and enjoys the sun. Other times you'll tell him to go make you a cocktail, and he'll go happily, an absolutely obscene bulge in his swim trunks.
He makes your cocktail and then settles right back down between your legs and goes back at it.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 5 months
Last Twilight: Ep 12
The TL;DR of this post is just... Sincerely what the fuck?
I remember posting after Episode 1 that I was keeping a suspicious eye on the mention of the eye donation because while I do think in real life disabled people have the right to manage their disability any way they want to and would support someone's choice to get a cornea transplant, real life is not fiction and fiction is designed to pull messages and themes from. Episode 12 from almost it's first moments completely undermines two and a half month's worth of messaging about learning to accept a new reality. I don't think it is foolish of me to assume based on the set up of the first episode that Last Twilight was supposed to be an exploration of grief as told in conversation and parallel between someone who lost a loved one and someone who lost their vision.
If this story had continued in the way it started out the first half of this show, I honestly think it could have been a 10, those first few episodes I was enjoying so much I was worried it might knock out Moonlight Chicken as my favorite Aof offering. Now I have rated Last Twilight as a 3, I will never suggest it to anyone and I will never rewatch it. Why?
Because from a fictional narrative perspective, having Day gain his vision back at the end undermines the entirety of the show's messaging from the first 11 episodes. Every single lesson, every single message just absolutely obliterated by every moment of Episode 12.
Day getting his vision back right as he and Mhok get back undermines the narrative in the following ways:
Rewarding Day for managing to create a successful and happy life as a blind person (literally like "hey you graduated and ran a bookstore while blind! Congrats you get to be normal again!)
"Rewarding" Mhok by insuring that he never has to do any caregiving for Day going forward so we don't get any navigating or expectation of Mhok and Day being in a longterm inter-abled relationship
We eliminate all chances that the subject of pitying Day re-enters any future fights, meaning there is now zero risk for Day maintaining a relationship with someone he worries might infantilize or pity him
It absolves Night of any remaining guilt he may be carrying from thinking he caused the accident that made Day blind
It absolves Day of any remaining anger at Night thinking he caused the accident that made Day blind
Mhon's ableist fucking ass gets her "normal" son back the way she confided in Mhok she'd hoped for after the first failed cornea transplant
It undermines the theme of the in universe Last Twilight novel and the conversation that Day and Mhok have about Mee being turned in to a statue on the top of the mountain and how that was hopeful because her father had found a sight so beautiful he couldn't think of anywhere else Mee would need to see and instead turns the message essentially in to: "there is hope, you can be cured"
It dismantles their cute couple thing of the one palm distance which also makes the OST that they played all the fucking time completely irrelevant
And most importantly, it undermines all the growth that Day went through while processing his grief and the two, TWO separate occasions where he came to terms with his disability
And that's just the disregard for the narrative messages, giving Day his eyesight back is incredibly ableist in the case of this story because of certain ableist through-lines woven in to the entire show. Namely:
While Day is blind, there is no reciprocity of care. Mhok is always taking care of Day, I cannot think of a single instance where Day really took care of Mhok in a significant way. By focusing so much on Day, and abandoning any strong focus on Mhok's grief over losing his sister, Day is never given an opportunity to be a support system for Mhok. Which is fucking ableist. Disabled people have so many things to offer the world, and while they might have specific support needs that does not mean that they can't offer support in return.
Mhok doesn't introduce Day to his family at their graves until after Day has his vision restored, and it is only then that Mhok says he has someone to take care of him. Able-ist!
Day gets his vision back almost immediately after a conversation with his mother where she says he wants to be normal and the fight he had with Mhok is normal.
Handling the entire story this way, with the break up, and a three year time gap, and then Day having his vision restored literally hours after he and Mhok get back together does not allow for any exploration of Mhok and Day having to figure out the differences between Mhok being his caretaker and Mhok being his partner.
We shunted literally every part of Mhok's backstory completely to the side, which in and of itself is fucking ableist in my opinion because it implies that able bodied people who are caretakers for or who are in a relationship with a disabled person don't have any time for themselves, to deal with their own shit or to have their own needs because they are too busy taking care of a disabled person.
With this being, what, the first main character in a BL with blindness, you want to go for the cure route after acceptance? Like you are rewarding someone for their bravery of handling their disability instead of allowing the disabled person to remain happy and thriving in the life they have built for themselves while they continue to be blind?
I'm not blind, so forgive me if I am overstepping at any point here but in my opinion, if you want a narrative that gives Day back his eyesight, that story that not be written by a sighted person. You need blind writers, people with the lived experience having control over the story so the narrative is better able to navigate the complexity of a decision like that, to reverse a character's blindness. I just think blind people would be able to minimize how much returning someone's eyesight might come off as ableist in a story like this. Additionally going the cure route is not a choice I think anyone should be making with the first BL that focuses this heavily on blindness. This world is so fucking ableist, if you want to make a story with a disabled main character with how slim of pickings there are, it feels much more responsible and subversive to go a disability pride route.
And these are just the issues around disability in this show, I have problems with the classism in this show, I have problems with the absolute ridiculousness of Mhok and Day's breakup and their reunion. MHOK APOLOGIZES, MHOK THANKS DAY FOR BREAKING UP WITH HIM, DAY DOES NOT APOLOGIZE FOR BREAKING UP WITH MHOK OR BLOCKING HIM ON SOCIALS FOR THREE YEARS BECAUSE MHOK PITIED DAY ONE (1) TIME. I get not wanting to be pitied, I get it, but seriously it is so much less compelling to have Day just completely abandon Mhok after all of the positive experiences they've had together because he messed up once rather than reel himself back in and have an adult conversation about what happened and try to get back to a balanced state.
Anyway, fuck this show. I am so disappointed that this is Aof's last directed piece for who knows how long. He could have gone out with a bang after Moonlight Chicken and now I am just fucking thankful I won't have to see anything else from him for awhile.
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lovezbrownies · 12 days
Hide and Seek. (Yandere Queen x GN!Reader.)
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Synopsis: First you hid from the queen, as she seeked. Then you both hide as the queen's assistant seeks you two.
Queen Nia x GN!Reader
Warnings: Panicking, oveethinking, interruptions, heavily suggestive at the very end. MDNI.
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She felt crazy. Nia couldn’t find you anywhere! And she kept going in circles! She’d search the entirety of Khas, then she’d think “What if they went into one of the rooms I just left?” And search all over again. It’s been two hours and she’s starting to get depressed, are you hiding away from her? Did she do something to upset you? You should know by now Nia doesn’t mean to upset you, she just doesn’t know how to talk normally. Please please please pleas– “Ah! Hannah!!” Nia caught sight of her favored assistant, she literally did everything for her, she barely works with Hannah there.
Hannah turned to see her queen, bowing softly as she looked down at Nia, clipboard in hand.Queen Nia let out a tired breath, “Have you seen my loved one? I’ve been searching all over the place and I cannot for the life of me find them!” A frown was on Nia’s face, her arms crossed, her foot tapping impatiently against the marble floors. 
“Ah they’re at the park with the ducks at the moment.” Hannah stated plainly.
Nia scoffed, “We don’t have a park or ducks in the palace, silly!”
Hannah rolled her eyes, well obviously. “Why yes, we don’t. I let them go out to a recently opened park somewhere near the palace.” Nia gasped, no way she let you go out! And Nia thought Hannah was smart but since hearing this her outlook on Hannah is completely different. Oh goodness, her poor darling is probably distraught, oh my what if you were getting hit on? What if some random person strikes a small conversation with you?! Oh heavens! “Well, where is this so-called park! I need to save my darling from idle chit-chat!”
A smirk came across Hannah’s face, this all was revenge, because the day before Nia had called one of Hannah’s new ideas stupid and she did not take kindly to that. So, Hannah took you out to the aforementioned park. Spoke with you for a while, what a delightful person you are, and then went back to the palace, anticipating Nia to immediately bombard her with questions of where you currently were. Now this is the part where she finally gets her sweet revenge. “Well, my queen, don’t be so rash! You’re still 28, you cannot possibly show your face to the public now can you? Maybe have some faith in your love and let them come back on their own!”
Queen Nia huffed, stomping away to her room. Nothing is going to stop her today! She will save you from the dreaded short awkward conversations you always complain of! Who is she, as your wife, if she won’t sacrifice her dignity for you! Picking up the old cloak, the same one she used to go and see you before she married you. And went through that old passage she used to take to sneak out and see you. Now. She only has to find that pesky park! Although scared, she will persevere to save her spouse!
But thankfully, as soon as she stepped off the ladder to the outside world she bumped into someone she couldn’t see due to the hood that is hiding her face, Nia scoffed loudly. They spoke up, “S-sor- Wait, Nia? Is that you?” Nia froze, pulling the hood off she saw her angel! How independent you are! Her sweet dove! “Ah my darling! I was so worried that someone had forced you to chit-chat with them, but it seems like you already had given them a piece of your mind and moved on, right?” You were still so confused, she allowed you to go out after all, or that’s what Hannah had told you before accompanying you to that park.
You enjoyed your time, Hannah gave you some bird seed to feed the ducks and spoke with you for a while before going back. You tried to avoid other people, you didn’t like to speak to strangers at all, but you did meet this guy who you had bonded with over feeding the cute ducks. It doesn’t matter who they were since you didn’t share contact information. “What? Nia what? Didn-'' Nia gasped, suddenly realizing where you two are.
“Oh dear! Let’s get back to our room, or else the guards might hear us! Don’t want to get another lecture from the Chief of Police again now do we?” Nia grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards the ladder, “Come, let’s continue this in our room, I want to hear every detail of your amazing bravery!” Pushing you towards the ladder she motioned you to go first, even trying to pick you up and help you up but alas she’s still far too short and weak.
Once you two finally reached your shared bedroom, Nia launched herself onto her bed, twisting her body over to where you were sitting, a reading chair next to a big bookshelf, her head on her hands, she smiled widely, waiting for your amazing adventurous story. “Well, my love, do go on!” You sigh, drinking up a cup of water you opened your mouth, ready to speak your mind. “So the duck-” A knock interrupted you before you could even begin. Maybe this palace was cursed. You can barely speak a word in this palace without being cut off.
Nia jumped up, pulling you up from the chair she pushed you into the bathroom, gesturing at you to stay quiet. As she closed the bathroom door, the door to the bedroom opened, someone called out, “My queen?” It was Hannah. Nia could barely hold her giggles, she took you by the hand, whispering in your ear, “Stay quiet, but go lay down in the bathtub.”
You nodded, doing as you’re told, this was a little fun you must admit. Nia has her quirks but she makes life fun to live in. She stepped behind the tub’s curtains, closing them slowly so as to not create any noise. Even though there was enough space in the big bathtub for her to lay beside you she decided to just lie down on top of you, cuddling into you, almost purring at how nice you smell.
You heard the closet doors opening and closing, Hannah’s footsteps getting closer and closer, while you were focused on not getting caught Nia was focused on getting your attention back. Huffing as she saw you eye at the curtains, you weren’t looking at her! And that was something she decided to change, she began rubbing parts of your body as sensually as she can, you looked down at Nia, a devious smile on her face. “Nia wha-” Nia shushed you, “Stay quiet, don’t wanna get caught getting steamy in front of Hannah.” 
Just as she says this one of her hands made its way down to your crotch, she rubbed your crotch harshly once and then tiny feathery touches here and there, you squeaked as she played with you through your clothes. You slammed your hand against your mouth when you heard the bathroom door clicking open. “Nia? Are you here?” Hearing that Hannah had finally come into the bathroom Nia grabbed and rubbed at your crotch harsher than she did before, making it hard not to let out the lewdest of moans.
The evil queen had suddenly stopped, leaving you needy, softly thrusting up to her hand, wanting more. Nia, still grinning wildly, shook her head in disagreement. As soon as Hannah sighed in exasperation and you both heard the bedroom door closed, Nia immediately went back to work, leaving you a mess in the bathtub. Nia sat up, straddling your lap, she reached over and turned on the water nozzle. “Whoops, looks like we gotta take off our clothes and shower together~” You two spent a long while in that tub.
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thezoraprince · 7 months
BotW/TotK men as dads
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i have baby fever that won't go away
anyway, here's a... something
enjoy <3
oh it’s gonna be wild
most rambunctious child (including Rivan’s)
sweet and caring
but overall, CHAOTIC
will teach his child literally everything he knows
not many words are spoken, but there’s so much love
sign language is a big thing for sure
hugs galore
will defend his child as if his life depended on it
Sidon (i have so many for Sidon, so only adding a little bit here)
so confident
yet so scared
lots of learning
the love in the household is UNREAL
takes his kid everywhere Mipha took him
the fun is never ending
so much unlearning
scared he’s not giving his child enough attention
wants to spend all of his time with them
think’s he’s not good enough of a father
doesn’t know how to have deep; meaningful conversations
doesn’t want to be like his own father
loves and cares SO deeply
once he gets past all the heavy stuff, he’s the best dad a kid could have
already a dad, and a good one at that
literally so on top of his game
others cannot compare
takes his kid to work and shows them how cool everyone is
“Bazz is a little on edge because you’re here, but we won’t worry about that.”
the fun dad
Dunma babysits sometimes to give Rivan a break
but he ends up not going anywhere because he loves his little family THAT much
silly af
an actual dilf
perfect father
so gentle
so kind
will literally gift his kid rocks that look cool
teaches them everything Dento taught him
would probably ask Dento to babysit
has the most well behaved child out of anyone on this list
another apprentice in the making
would hand-make his child toys
asshole stepdad energy to start with
lots of unlearning
lots of re-learning
scared shitless
once he eventually realizes his actions have consequences, he’ll own up to his mistakes
ends up being a cool dad
“don’t talk to me or my son ever again” energy
takes his child to the flight range everyday
“You’re the best, and don’t forget it.”
already a dad, and a cool one
Tulin is such a good brother (but man is he a little shit sometimes)
the kids would go to the flight range and Teba would let them go by themselves
not like he has a village to run or anything…
a little more strict than the others on this list, but it’s out of love and safety
trusts Tulin to take care of his younger sibling
goes with both of them to the flight range once every two weeks to watch what they’ve been working on
wants the best for his kids
but doesn’t want to get in the way of their fun
a cool dad
also fun
would be the one to take his child to the skatepark
Goron City better watch out, because these two are fly af
funny dad jokes
would call his kid ‘kiddo’ unironically
“kiddo goro”
i cannot see this one as a dad
more like the distant uncle
but he’d be so sweet
and so caring
so afraid he’d fuck up
needs constant reassurance
gentle af
takes things too personally
THE cool dad
dilf energy for sure
would take his kid to research the Zonai ruins
and he’d probably end up losing them 30% of the time
don’t worry, they know where they are
uses his research and findings for teaching his child
these two would be the most knowledgable people in Hyrule 
the wise one
and SO chill
and helpful af
only takes part in chaos if it’s the fun kind
will shut down ANY ‘funny business’
defends his child with his life
together they pick flowers for Sonia
the love is unmatched
and the surprises are never ending 
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