#young adult sci-fi
pangur-and-grim · 1 year
I try to read at least thirty books a year, and have made it an annual tradition to plan ahead! here’s my reading list so far for 2023:
House of Leaves
100 Year of Solitude
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
The Goblin Emperor
Babel: Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution
Downward to Darkness
The Dispossessed 
Harrow the Ninth
Nona the Ninth
The Plague Dogs
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
Peter Darling
The Worth of a Shell
We Have Always Lived in the Castle
The Lies of Locke Lamora
The Faerie Hounds of York
The Last Unicorn
and then 20-30 is ????????????
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humanoidhistory · 9 months
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June Brigman art from The Antimatter Universe, 1994, a Choose Your Own Adventure book by Edward Packard.
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haveyoureadthispoll · 23 days
I've seen him on the news. Followed the stories about what happened in Ohio. John Smith, out there, on the run. To the world, he's a mystery. But to me . . . he's one of us. Nine of us came here, but sometimes I wonder if time has changed us—if we all still believe in our mission. How can I know? There are six of us left. We're hiding, blending in, avoiding contact with one another . . . but our Legacies are developing, and soon we'll be equipped to fight. Is John Number Four, and is his appearance the sign I've been waiting for? And what about Number Five and Six? Could one of them be the raven-haired girl with the stormy eyes from my dreams. The girl with powers that are beyond anything I could ever imagine. The girl who may be strong enough to bring the six of us together? They caught Number One in Malaysia. Number Two in England. And Number Three in Kenya. They tried to catch Number Four in Ohio—and failed. I am Number Seven. One of six still alive. And I'm ready to fight.
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theeccentricraven · 14 days
Character Inverse
Thank you @kaylinalexanderbooks for the tag in this especially fun tag game!
Rules: describe the opposite of your OCs!
WIP: The Blood Cleaners
Justin - Cares about no one but himself, too lazy to work a job, and loves the cold.
Joselyn - Happy housewife, obeys the rules, and wants to keep the status quo.
Miriam - Lets others control the situation, never laughs, and has no musical talent.
Clarice - Makes her parents proud, afraid of flying, and despises bright colors.
Ellen - Cruel, uncaring, foolish, temperamental, and neglectful
John - Sweet as sugar, friendly, positive, optimistic, glass is half-full kind of guy
WIP: The Keeper of Maralla
Juva - Outgoing personality, luck is on her side, but you can’t trust her because she’s disloyal as well as lazy
Maralla - A totally average person who is shy and reclusive
Jorem - Stupid yet into fluffy things
Mrs. Terila - Knows nothing, has no secrets, and bad teacher.
WIP: Columbus Day
Julie - Hates oldies, never gets things done, and hates company
Tsicatam - Disinterested in new things, unfriendly, and somber
Demisen - Warmonger, pessimist, and cynic with no desire to leave a legacy not to mention never misunderstood by others
Tagging (no obligation): @buffythevampirelover @faeriecinna @rickie-the-storyteller @jay-avian @orphanheirs @tildeathiwillwrite @g0ttest0d @whatwewrotepodcast @poethill @americanfemcel
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wardenclyffe · 1 year
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Wardenclyffe - a new YA Sci-Fi Novella
When the city of Valentine loses power, an android named Bit tries to help restore it. Through old recordings documenting the relationship between two young girls, Bit learns of a possible new power source in a distant, unknown town and sets out to find it.
Along the way, she encounters different human communities, learning about the world outside of her home and what it means to survive. 
Through love, loss, friendship, and beauty, an android sent to save her home finds the world is more complicated than she was programmed to believe. 
Buy it through IndieBound
Find it at Barnes & Noble
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tallysgreatestfan · 4 months
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It is going to come out in 2024, it is finally going to happen!
This book kindled my love for science fiction and social commentary, and set me on the path of finally accepting how different and weird I am.
Oh my god, I am so beyond happy. Finally (hopefully) people going to see just how good this is
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imaginemyreality03 · 2 months
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🕹️👨‍💻An escape is only an escape if you still live most of your life in reality👨‍💻🕹️
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Read: January 27 -> January 31, 2024
BRA Score: 79/100
Favorite Quote: “No one in the world gets what they want and that’s beautiful.” - Wade, Pg?
Book Gist: Wade is growing up in 2045, with nothing and no one to his name. His saving grace from a life of boredom and loneliness: The Hunt. The creator of the most used product in the world, The OASIS, left behind a challenge when he died 5 years ago that whoever can solve all the clues, pass every challenge, and collect every key will win his Easter Egg, which will make the winner richer than their wildest dreams, and give them full control over the OASIS. Wade isn’t the only one searching, millions of OASIS users have had their hands in the hunt, but the most dangerous is by far the Sixers of IOI, the quickly-monopolizing second tech company that will corrupt and destroy the sanctuary that Halliday built in the OASIS to turn it into another capitalist endeavor. Wade is trying to win it before IOI can, but if he is so poor he can’t even leave his school’s planet, how is supposed to solve anything?
Tags: SciFi, YA, Virtual Reality, Violence, Future-set
Overall Review:
The movie is by far one of my most favorite films of all time. I can pick it up at any point and immediately start quoting word for word. It’s my comfort film.
That being said, this read was highly anticipated, and I have not circled back yet to read Ready Player Two (though it’s on my list for next month because I am very excited that the sequel film was green lit).
And, I think because I’ve lived the movie for years, I wasn’t made about how different the book was, BECAUSE my source material was the film, knowing the film was adapting the novel. I wasn’t attached one way or another on seeing parts of the book in the film. And because I have a mind for film, and how adaptions work, I could recognize why such significant parts of the story had to be changed, like the fact that there are 6 challenges (one per key and one per gate), or Daito and Sho being related, or iROK’s entire character (he drove me crazy tbh). To bring that to film would be such a struggle, because it’s so well layered and incorporated in the novel, with the pace and the plot structure, keeping that would not be plausible for a film timeframe and a bit too busy for the attention span of a film viewer.
What I also really loved about the book was the detail! It was all so intricate and so reference heavy. It goes so much deeper in the book than it ever went in the film, and I love that. Because I’m the kind of person who can identify a detail as it is presented that’s meant to be hidden only to be very important later on, this book had me on the edge of my seat, I had no clue what would matter and what wouldn’t, which is exactly the reason why Halliday’s Hunt was so hard in the first place, so I really felt right in the middle of it all.
Romantic Sub-Plot:
Wade and Samantha’s relationship was a lot less interesting and a lot less necessary in the book, I felt. I didn’t really feel their chemistry much. I think their friendship only culminating in a relationship post-egg (or even moments before the final battle) would have been a lot better, especially if they had previously acknowledged that they had feelings for each other, but it didn’t feel right to explore that side of their relationship yet.
Also!!!! Dude, Wade is so much fucking smarter than the film makes him!! He freaking infiltrates IOI (which is so much more awful in the book) and takes them all down from the inside and then freaking escapes!! Sam was legit just allowed anywhere she wanted and then walked out in the movie. He is a literal genius.
Losing Daito IRL really made the stakes more intense than in the film, even with the stacks blowing up and the car chase. I was really sad for a while with that one, especially for Sho.
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lovebooksforeversblog · 2 months
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The ballad of songbirds and snakes.
Review :
- 📖 I was so immersed in the book, completely enjoyed it until the end which I didn't like so minus one 🌟
- 🎥 I really lovedddddd the cast, they were stellar but movie removed so many aspects from the book which were crucial part of the story Ughhhhhh!!
- the songs in both book and movie were beautiful✨🍂🍁
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residentweevils · 4 months
i need movie recommendations immediately pls and thx
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rosieethor · 2 years
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yee haw let's get some books
Tarnished Are The Stars | steampunk space adventure | found family | aromantic/asexual rep | sapphic enemies to lovers |
Fire Becomes Her | 1920s inspired fantasy | political thriller with magic | queer platonic partnership | found family |
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 2 years
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Catch "INSERT 25¢ to TO CONTINUE : Into the AudoScape" on Wattpad!
Reblogs are so SO appreciated! <3
"Take a deep dive into the forgotten early-CGI worlds hidden through the walls and wires, but make sure you at least know a way out. After a minor car accident, three kids stumble upon a strange glowing crate with an advanced Virtual Reality set inside of it. With this new found power, the youngest of the kids begins to spot a common enemy lurking within each electronic device. With this influencer in disguise, the world around these kids begins turning itself inside out. As it seems like the mysterious device is the only key to stopping this vicious virtual villain, it becomes increasingly difficult to pull herself back into the warming embrace of her own reality. "
(Don't judge for by being on Wattpad. I literally couldn't think of another platform for it, sorry)
(((Also-also- if there's any, mess ups or concerns, let me know)))
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fin-de-seel · 11 months
Like seriously, go check it out. Even if you're not a super fan of all the things I just mentioned. Just go have a look and see what you think. Help a small fandom out.
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haveyoureadthispoll · 3 months
In the early hours after Halloween of 1988, four 12-year-old newspaper delivery girls uncover the most important story of all time. Suburban drama and otherworldly mysteries collide in this smash-hit series about nostalgia, first jobs, and the last days of childhood
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zoyaofthegardvn · 2 years
for a request could you write a Crier’s War fic? I feel like they’re such a criminally underrated ship, I’d love for you to write something for them since you have flawless writing skills
Crier x Ayla (Crier's War)
A/N: Awh, thank you so much for that kind compliment! That really means so so much to me! <3 I love Crier and Ayla so much, Crier's War was one of the first fantasy books I read when I was getting back into reading, and the first sapphic book I read which really helped me come to terms with my own identity! I will always love them so much. I've been wanting to write for them, but I guess I haven't had the proper motivation. I'd love to whip something up for them, though!
Crier sits next to an open window in the library, the breeze making the loose strands of hair in her face flutter around, tickling her. Her nose scrunches at the sensation, but before she can move the hair from her face, another hand is rising up, tucking the lock behind her ear, doing it for her.
Crier looks up at Ayla, into her dark brown eyes. "Thank you," she says, ever polite.
Ayla smirks, "You're welcome, my love."
Crier swears Ayla does it on purpose, calls her these terms of endearment, just because she knows what it does to her. Weeks ago, they'd been laying in Crier's bed, Crier's head on Ayla's chest while she carded her fingers through her har. Crier had confessed that being near Ayla, when Ayla touches her so gently and talks to her so sweetly, it gives her a... funny feeling, in her stomach.
Ayla had jokingly asked if being near her made Crier feel sick, to which Crier immediately sat up to look down at her.
"Don't be ridiculous, of course it doesn't make me sick!"
Ayla was laughing, of course she knew what Crier had meant. But she always loved to antagonize her, just a bit. It was too easy.
Ayla had asked her to describe the feeling, and Crier did. "I-It feels like, like maybe there's someone, running around in there? Like it feels warm, a-and funny... like I'm being tickled from the inside out."
Ayla had smiled and nodded, reaching up to tug on Crier's arm, bringing her back down for another cuddle.
"I know what you mean, it's the butterflies. That lovesick feeling. I feel it when I'm around you, too."
Crier had nuzzled her face into Ayla's neck, she breathed in her scent, pine and woodsmoke. "You do?" She whispered against her skin.
Ayla just nodded, rubbing her hand up and down Crier's back, soothing any embarrassment she might have caused. "I do, Crier. Of course I do."
Now, in the library, golden eyes glinting in the sun, Crier, who wants to know everything can't help but welcome the... butterflies, as Ayla called them. She adored the feeling, even more now that she knows exactly what it is. And especially knowing Ayla feels it too.
"Do you feel them right now, too?" Crier asks shyly.
Ayla looks at her in confusion, "Feel...?"
"The butterflies?" Crier finishes for her, tone serious and eyes trained on her.
There's a moment of silence before Ayla bursts into laughter, tears leaking from her eyes. She's bent at the waist, doubled over from how silly she finds Crier in this moment.
Now, it's Crier's turn to look confused. She's a bit stung really, wondering if maybe she's too in love with Ayla, that she's feeling this emotion so often.
Ayla's laughter dies down a bit when she catches sight of Crier's stricken face, feeling a bit guilty for disappointing her. She can't help the remaining giggles, though. Crier's just too damn cute.
"Crier, my love, that isn't something you typically ask someone. Have you been thinking about it, all this time? If I feel it at the same times that you do?"
Crier looks down at her hands in embarrassment, whispering a gentle "Oh" under her breath at the knowledge she might have invaded Ayla's privacy.
Ayla feels guilty, never wanting Crier to feel ashamed. She stands from where she sits across the table, coming closer to Crier, taking the seat next to her and scooting as close as she possibly can.
"I didn't mean to embarrass you, Crier. I just found it funny, and cute. That's all."
Crier nods, still refusing to make eye contact with her girlfriend, her soon to be wife.
Ayla sighs, placing a hand under Crier's chin, bringing her head up so that she can really look at her.
"Crier, I doubt we always feel butterflies at the same exact time..."
She doesn't speak, she just waits for Ayla to continue.
"I feel them when you're asleep, when I wake up before you and see you clinging to my arm. I feel them anytime you speak at council meetings, when you stand up and take control of the room," she runs a thumb over Crier's bottom lip, "I feel them when I watch you read, when we swim together and you laugh every time I dunk you under the water. I feel them when you forgive me too easily, and when you kiss me, Crier, I feel like I'm going to burst because the feeling is so strong."
Crier smiles now, gentle like most everything she does. This time, when she breaks eye contact, it's not because she's embarrassed. It's because she's overwhelmed.
"Look at me, Crier." Ayla says, leaning closer to her love.
Crier does, and in just a quick moment, their lips meet, molding together like they were made to do so.
In this moment, neither one of them doubts what the other is feeling. It's love, adoration, complete and utter worship.
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writing-to-survive · 11 months
"Oh yeah, we're totally the dream team. Charater A here is being hunted down by the government. Character C is a damn pacifist. I have parents who want me dead. And we have a dog named loaf," Character B rambles. "Don't you worry though, set the fate of society in the hands of three mentally unstable teenagers and their dog."
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ariadnethedragon · 1 month
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“And then there are the dreams that feel as authentic as reality itself, that seem to exist just as your own life does. Where the emotions you experience there carry over to when you're awake. They are so real, so genuine, that you begin to question your own sanity. And you know that when the day comes that you finally stop dreaming them, you will never stop remembering.”
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