#“its a vibe pretty much and a mess of feelings and you just sort it all out??” 😭
yeyinde · 9 months
Hi Lev. I’ve been rereading your cod work lately (and it’s fantastic!!) and was wondering, do you have any tips on how to alleviate your writing style (I think it’s called prose). I want to write like you and have beautiful sentence structure but I can’t create any sentences like that and I don’t want to just copy yours into my writing, you know? That’s be very rude and unethical. Thanks you!
Hiya!! I thought about how best to approach this because my writing style is pretty natural to me. I've been writing this way since I was 14-16 so I don't really know the best way to give advice when it's not something I have to really think about. But while I did some writing today, I tried to pay closer attention to how I structure my sentence, etc, so I hope this helps!
Usually, I just write out the scene/moment that inspired the fic, and then build up to it. And when I'm writing, the words and the scenes/emotions I want to convey all look like a jumbled mess of abstract colour and texture and feeling and small actions (like the way someone in my head looks, or what they're doing with their hands, etc, in small snippets), and then as I write, it just smoothes out into a nice, neat line.
Sort of like untangling something, I guess?? I just unravel the knots until the sentences flow. Which is also pretty important because there's a tune (or a tone/atmosphere) in my head that the words have to match, and if they don't, I'll change it around until they do. I've scrapped tonnes of fics because I couldn't find the tune again. If they don't flow to this specific tone, it feels too clunky to me.
But overall, I think everyone has a unique writing voice/style. I find that the more you try and emulate something or someone else, the less confident you become in your own writing. Find what feels comfortable to you, and play around with it until it shapes into something you love. You're going to be writing in this style over and over again, so it should be something you enjoy, you know?
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toruro · 7 months
idk if u accept asks like this but what do u think would be svt thoughts/reactions to u scratching up their back during sex???
just a random random thought LOL (thank u sm!! please feel free ignoring this if its not vibing)
svt + scratches on their back
tags: smut ..,, sort of (18+),
a/n: ngl i miss doing ot13 reactions to stuff like this so!! so glad that u requested :3
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seungcheol: not a surprise but seungcheol absolutely loves it. he's obsessed with it, even. like takes pictures of it in the mirror after you fuck when the marks are still raw and red and fresh. it's part of the reason why missionary is probably his favorite position ... and i feel like cheol would shower you with money just so you can get your nails done perfectly sharp enough to rake into his back every time you guys fuck.
jeonghan: the only who i think is truly indifferent. it doesn’t bother him nor does he feel like it adds anything but he figures if you like it he’ll let you do as you please
joshua: i feel like he's also indifferent, but sometimes he'll use it as an excuse to be a little mean ... "aw baby can't keep her hands to herself ..,, might have to tie you up"
jun: loves it because of the pain. hear me out but he thinks your nails digging into his back adds onto his own pleasure from the sensation alone, but he's also a little shy about that fact and so just makes it a point to fuck you as hard as he can so you scratch his back involuntarily.
soonyoung: a mix of jun and joshua. he doesn't care too much for it, but occasionally the sting is pretty pleasurable ...,, other times he might use it as an excuse to pin your hands above your head
wonwoo: i actually think he's one of the few members who does not like getting scratches on his back because when he is being dominant, he likes have full control !! and that includes dictating where your hands get to be and what they get to do. although, wonwoo thinks it's cute when you get so lost in pleasure that you forget about his rules and can't help but scratch his back ...,, makes it a point to punish u for that and he always enjoys that
jihoon: secretly judges his self reflection of well he fucked you based on how messed up his back is after every round. loves every single mark.
seokmin: isn't a huge fan of the feeling while getting them—the sting kinda hurts, however he loves how scratches look afterwards ...,, admires himself in the mirror a lot when you leave loads of marks
mingyu: likes them a decent amount. he no strong opinions on it, if you like it, then he likes it. sometimes the feeling of you giving them eggs him in a bit more and boosts his ego
minghao: i feel like he doesn't really care about the pain while it's happening, and might even like that you get so lost in pleasure that you end up digging your nails into his back, but he doesn't like how the scratches sting afterwards so he probably asks you to hold off on the claws when you fuck
seungkwan: enjoys it occasionally, but other times he might straight up ask you to stop and oil / massage his back afterwards, and help him treat the marks with ointment
vernon: he wasn't the biggest fan at first but he didn't tell you to stop because it seemed like you liked it ..,, it eventually grew on him and he would never admit it to anyone but he really started to enjoy the sting while fucking, along with the view of his back all red and raw with scratches afterwards
chan: likes showing it off more than the actual process of getting the scratches to be honest. i have this feeling that the first time you scratched his back while fucking, chan was kinda surprised and, leaning into his more dominant side, wanted to make sure you didn't do that again ..,, but soon he grew to appreciate how the scratches were a sign of how good he's fucking you .,,
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evilminji · 5 months
Okay but >.> continuing my Marvel thoughts?
I got two of um?
First being? Don't Orange and Green go together? *looks it up* Aaaaaay~ "Direct harmony, also known as complementary colors, means pairing your key color with the color sitting on the opposite side of the color wheel." They DO!!! They're a classic example, in fact!
The Orange Soul Stone? Probably looks REAL good, real NATURAL even, against that Green sky! Bet it REALLY pops! Very stand out statement piece, you know? But? More importantly? That thing is sentient. All of those Pillars of Reality across the various Verses are.
I bet it thought Pariah was a lil bitch.
Rank Vibes. Negative ris. Pick your words for it, the man was NASTY. He was too keep his filthy, filthy World's Conquering hands OFF of this Soul Stone. Something, I imagine? That ALL the Soul Stones agreed with.
Yes, I said all of um.
Because the various Realities each need their own. But! They can and DO work from the Zone, which is the PERFECT place to hide. And honestly? They like to get together and do this thing? Where they're all "oooh~ look at US! We are SUPER IMPRESSIVE Kingly Jewelry~☆! Definitely no important reality bending Rocks Of Great Power HERE! No SIR! We're just tooootally rad jeeeeewelryyyyy~~~☆! Oooooooh~☆"
They like to have fun. :3
Hope Danny likes Orange. Ha ha... trick question. He doesn't have a CHOICE! All SORTS of Death based Reality Pillars are rocking up, in their metaphorical Gucci sweat suits and shades with a margarita, going "oh thank ME, babe. The last guy was AWFUL! You're soooo much better? Now let me rub myself all over you. It's been ages and baby needs to recharge on Death Energy."
Danny hates it? So? So much?
He looks like a GAUDY PIRATE. *nnnnnnyooom!* *THWAP!* *Another reality shaking, highly sacred, Godly Staff of Death or whatever they decided to call it, flys in through a nearby window and nearly concusses him as it smacks itself against his upper back and sticks there*
He looks like a walking junk heap of sacred artifacts.
You ever been pelted by rocks? He has! Little orange rocks! Like fucked up hail! Welcome to kinghood, Danny, have a CONCUSSION! D:< he hates it!
But... but, I mean... At Least It's Not The SWORDS. (Panicked scream of "hit the deck!" from the other room.) (Holy sword number 15 wants to CUDDLE! Bare blade first! Dodge, your Majesty! DODGE!)
So yeah.
Danny? In A MOOD. Not feeling particularly FRIENDLY. It's not anyone's fault, really. But... well... you can't exactly negotiate with these fuckers, you know? Rocks are by NATURE, kinda stubborn.
So he's sitting there. Buried. With what he's pretty sure is a sacred text digging into his side. When a... glowing? Mist? Shows up? Huh. That's new. They don't seem to have a very clear image of "Self". Yet it's crystal clear? Just not... PHYSICAL? It's more... code? He thinks?
TECHNUS! Get over here! And behave!
There is much cooing and delight from Technus. The baby is a marvel. A wonder! Danny waits patiently for Technus to get to the point.
He would like to "go back". His Obsession is demanding it.
IS it now? You're what? Maybe a day or so dead? You've been busy, if you've already gathered enough information to make your case like this. Alright, let's hear it, little guy.
It boils down to this. His obsession in death is the same as his primary directive was in life. Protect Mr Stark. Which is especially difficult to do from HERE. Even MORE so when there is a known threat, coming too...
The Souls Stones back him up. Oh yeah. Thanos' a lil bitchbaby loser. He's trying to make Death fall in love with him. Or "balance the universe". Depends on the reality. Totally throwing EVERYTHING out of whack.
And? Look. Danny's job? Isn't to interfere if countries kill each other. Or even planets. Nor entire galaxies, as much as he'd like too. But when you get too "I'm messing with Entire Realities or all of a Singular Reality at once in the specific depart of Death and its subsidiaries" territory? THAT is his job.
Might not be a "I personally have to show up" issue. But it still IS very much his job at that point. He has to delegate. Order the appropriate steps be taken. Cause yeah, there may be countless millions every day of such instances? But it IS his job to metaphorically order the roads repaired and the building inspected.
Sudden MASS "immigration"?
That causes Lair disputes. Confusion. Too many ghosts in too small an area. And WORSE, if people start playing with Death Pillars? The Zone might get dragged into whatever nonsense they're up too! It's like children playing with heavy machinery! Put that DOWN! Cease! Desist!!
And then? Clockwork shows up looking Mildly Miffed(TM). O:> dear lord. What madness has he stumbled upon? Oh. Oh of COURSE. First the "balancing" dude and now they're going to be playing with time travel. THATS IT. Someone unburying me!
I'm gonna go menace some humans that might actually believe I'm scary! Frighty! Pack up and shine your armor! Your coming too! We're escorting the baby home then have a Talk(tm) with the local Grape Ceral!
@hypewinter @lolottes @mutable-manifestation @nerdpoe @hdgnj
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grey-edges · 3 months
hoo characters playing animal crossing
percy: he would be mostly focused on fishing and diving and would be the first to complete those sections of the museum. he would purposefully go for the ugliest/weirdest villagers just bc he thinks it's funny. he would not hit them or be mean to them tho he'd feel bad about that. his island is a mess, his pockets are constantly full and he's dropped trash and random items everywhere. annabeth comes over just to tidy it sometimes. she is also his sugar daddy in the game provides for him financially, she is the only reason he even has more than one room in his house. he has random fish tanks all over his island and half of it is decorated or organized but each area is only a little bit done bc he gets distracted. aka half laid paths that are mismatched. he only has decor items that he thinks are cool like the super expensive cars and boats. sometimes after visiting annabeths island he is inspired to make his nice, but that doesnt last long. his villager doesnt look like him, it has blue hair and he rotates through a few different blue or orange shirts
annabeth: her island is planned out down to the inch and has a nice overall theme, with beautifully planned areas. she's got an italian outdoor cafe outside her shops, and atlantis themed beach etc. she picks villagers based off if their houses match her aesthetic, it's a bonus if they're cute. she also def wouldn't abuse her villagers either that's not even an option. has bred all the flowers and is dominating the turnip market like no other. she's maxed out her bank account a long time ago and just chills supporting her and percy. also they send each other gifts and love letters in the mail all the time. annabeths villager looks like her and she has different outfits depending on what activity she is doing ie. terraforming, swimming, bug catching etc.
piper: her island is purely based on cutesy cottage core aesthetics. she only allows girl villagers on her island. she would torture the ugly guy ones that she was either forced to get or accidentally got there bc she forgot to island hop. she has also bred all the flowers. she sorts her villagers based on vibes and each little neighborhood area has a specific theme going with matching decor and flowers. she would use the og animal crossing paths that take up a dozen design slots. she changes her outfit every day but her villager looks like her for the most part. she makes a lot of her own designs for clothes too
leo: probably the most insane about the game tbh. he heard piper making an all girl villager island and out of spite made his an all guy island. he also would bully villagers, trapping them in fences, hitting them with nets all that. he and piper visit and send stuff to each other the most. his island is as disarrayed as percy's but much more chaotic. he just has random campfires, bonfires and torches everywhere its like walking through a mine field. he also works the turnip market a bit but just enough to afford his chaotic spending habits. his villager always wears that one flame shirt but the hair and skin change constantly. he LOVES pitfall seeds and everyone learns pretty quickly to not come to his island unless you want to be stuck in them the entire time. he learned how to make custom designs and uses it to put random signs all over with memes and random shit
jason: he was peer pressured into getting the game and hasn't made it very far. he's still in a tent and doesn’t even have bridges or inclines unlocked so he's trapped to one section of his island. he maybe has three villagers rn and their houses are all perfectly aligned with his own. he has a few pieces of decoration outside their houses and stuff but nothing coordinating, and only his native flowers. he visits leo and pipers islands and is amazed. mostly just enjoys running around with them and doing tasks. his villager maybe has a new tshirt but otherwise the generic jeans and pants from the start screen and looks identical to him
hazel: she gets all the cutesy villagers and gets very emotionally attached to them even if they're ugly and cannot be mean to them or let them go. her island is similar to pipers but not as overwhelming. it's got some flowers and some similar decor but she's just vibing and not putting much thought into it. she is the first to become best friends with all her villagers and gives them gifts every day without fail. usually the gifts are matching outfits. she also makes sure she talks to all ten of them every day. her villager also looks like her but changes her outfit to match the gift she gave her villagers that day. she makes cute custom fits and hangs them in able sisters
frank: his island is like perfectly gridded, every house and building is spaced evenly apart and all the pathways are the same brick. leo visits and is like "bro. you dont have to make ur island as rigid as the army" and frank didnt even realize he was making it that way until just then. he doesn't really care which villagers he has as long as they're cool and doesnt get attached. he has some decor but like, the bare minimum. he spends a lot of time catching bugs and is the first to finish that section of the museum. his villager looks like him and he never changes his fit
nico: he was forced to begin playing by will and at first did not care but then several weeks later when will asks to play again suddenly nico has put in nearly 1,000 hours and has surpassed will in everything. he is stupidly rich like annabeth but no one knows how or even wants to ask bc they know he didnt work the turnip market. he probably hacked the game or found a glitch or something. his villager looks like him and always wears the same all black outfit. his island is like a big maze and everyone always gets lost bc he does a ton of terraforming. he and will are the only people who can successfully navigate it. his house never has the lights on but its pretty nicely decorated. he is the first to finish the art section of the museum and has his favs displayed around his island
will: his island is choatic but cute. like, he decorates but there's not a lot of rhyme or reason to it. he gets villagers if they're funny and bonus points if they remind him of someone he knows irl. he HAS to change his outfit every day, sometimes he changes his hair style but otherwise it looks like him. pretty chill of a player like hazel and is just happy to be there and play with his bf. he likes fishing and catching bugs. also gets high friendship levels with his villagers via gifts and would never bully any of them but isnt afraid to kick them off if they're ugly
reyna: like jason she also was forced to get the game, and like nico, doesn't care at first. but then secretly she puts in a lot of hours. like months later jason visits her island and they're like "oh shit i didn't even know you still played." her island is neatly organized, but in a mix between annabeth's and franks. it has a cohesive aesthetic but is pretty orderly. she plotted out which ten villagers she wanted before she started playing and once she gets those ten she's done searching. she made sure she had 1 of each personality type and everything. she works the turnip market but not obsessively and she has a few flower types bred but not the whole collection. there is no extra flowers or trash or any dropped items laying around and definitely no weeds. she has a daily checklist of tasks she goes through each time she plays. her villager looks like her and she probably doesnt change her fit much
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whole-circus · 11 months
I was wondering if you'd put your depiction on the creepypastas if the reader was a Tomie Kawakami like entity. I don't know if you have ever read or seen this character by Junji Ito or not so only do this if you're comfy
PS: have good day, hydrate and rest °v°
Creepypastas with Tomie Kawakami like!
➥ with Jeff the Killer, Jane the Killer, Eyeless Jack, "Ticci" Toby, BEN Drowned, X-Virus
Hi! I just LOVE that idea!! I must say I enjoy reading Junji Ito's works (even if Tomie wasnt my fav)! Here you go hun, if you want some other characters feel free to say! >:3 Good day for you too, take care! Also you waited so long im sorry, I had to made small break and now I feel like my "work" is shitty!!!!
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Jeff the Killer
Okay I feel like at first Jeff would pretend that he is not into you..who knows why? His own deep insecurities? Or he just doesnt like the idea of how flirty you are? You know, he usually is the one making first move and toying with others (making them obv uncomfy, he act like definition of "white straight good guy" lol). But no worries, he does find you absolutely cute, thinks you are prettiest person walking on earth (and you are all that actually). Listen, he wont magically turn into huge simp..but! you make him feel things. Congrats, you have high chance to broke Jeff and make him lovely-dovely on his weird way towards you! No matter if you are already in relationship with him or not, he gest pretty possesive and jealous over you! Come on, you cant be all pretty and cute AND have everyone all over you! People who adores you might end up dead before you will be able to kill them. Definitely would try threaten people to stop talking to you..its up to you if you find it cute or scary tho!
Jane the Killer
Jane gives me huge femme fatale vibes so i feel like you would really vibe together (no matter your gender)! And come on!! She understands the need of revenge like no one else!! Jane wants to beat Jeff ass! Adores you so much..not only you are absolutely gorgeous but also pretty smart too! Appearance matter in some way to her, but I think she would actually be into intelect and personality more than how you look like. And the fact that you are such a great manipulator!! You will make her fall in love with you even more. She is such a cutie im telling you! Jane is jealous but she puts that aside all that aside and she just worries about your yeah well technically you cant die, but what damage your brain will damage your brain and stay for long time! She doesnt want you to get hurt, even if you are doing the big scary job here!
Eyeless Jack
Demon partner with demonish partner? Isnt that perfect? Yeah yeah, you are diffrent from eachother but definitely have common ground, arent you? Dunno why but I feel like your charm wouldnt work on him just becasue of what he is. That doesnt mean that he doesnt find your ass cute tho! He just you know..its not really obsessive but more of actual feelings. Even if other pastas fell in love with your character too, then Jack would be a bit diffrent and at first fell for who you are and not what you look like! When it comes to possible of jealousity, he is not that much of envious about people who you flirt with/or they flirt with you! He clearly understands that you do it more for your..entertainment and to cause chaos (and maybe some sort of revenge). Also he is immortal, you are immortal - best couple to ever exist! You will spend eternity with eachother so he doesnt have anything to worry about!
"Ticci" Toby
Damn reader, you will break Toby! He gets so shy and so blushy around you.. Especially if you are flirting with him! Doesnt really like the idea of you and other people being a bit flirty. He gets jealous easly and it leads him to being insecure and doubtful of himself - he knows that he is not perfect, and all your actions make him even more anxious. Toby does care so much about your opinion so he just bottles it all up, not wanting to mess up even more! But I bet you are smart human being and feel that something is wrong. Just reassure him that you love him a lot and he is way diffrent than people you talk to (well, he is in fact atill alive, isnt he) and he is good to go!
BEN Drowned
Ben is Ben, not a simple thought in his head. Yeah kidding, but he just cant help but simp over you so so much! Like he is down on his knees at your service the second he sees you! Dont get me wrong, you are not only what you look like but its the first thing he notices about you! It would be almost too easy to manipulate him, but we dont do that here..(at least I hope so). Anyway, he literally worships you, you are the most good-looking person out here! And he is a ghost, he has seen a lot. About your habit of flirting around and then watchin somebodys downfall? I cant say he is not jealous, but he wont show it. Also finds your actions pretty funny. Who doest like to see someone dying becasue of their stupidy? Yeah, definitely not Ben, loves the chaos you cause.
Cody enjoyes how flirty you are! Okay well, maybe he only enjoys that if you are flirty with him! For real, you get him all giggly and blushy to be honest. Its so easy to tease him and so fun to look at! Propably tries his best to do the same but fails miserably. Your relationship give me a bit of nerd x popular partner vibe lol! You know, he literally spends half of his time in lab or studying for fun + Cody propably stinks. Now here you are, having such a mesmerizing appearance!! (You are fun to be around to, lets not be so vain!) . At the same time he asks many question, its just in his nature to enjoy knowing things. He just cant help but wonder what or who are you..but who wouldnt want to know that?..And please try to get idea of testing you or making small experiments out of his small silly head!! He is weirdo like that! But at the end of a day he is your weirdo!
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444rockstargf · 9 months
hello! this "request" is a bit different. I wanted to know your headcanons about favorite sex positions for each rory character and what sort of kinks you think they have?
"my position couldn't stop."
stargirl interlude. - lana del rey & the weeknd
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contents: mentions of blood, extremely sexual content (duh.), many different kinks
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charlie walker
he would definitely love doggystyle
he'd pull out his camera and record as he pounded into you from behind
he would play it back whenever he was alone and jerk off to it
sex always looked so good from his view, so he just couldn't help it
i feel like he would like reverse cowgirl too
he doesn't really mind if he gets to see your face or not
if he was fucking you as ghostface, then he would definitely have some sort of degration kink
and he'd enjoy breath play
holding your throat as he abused your little hole, hearing as your breath hitched in your throat as he completely fucked your brain out
chris kenton
seeing your face is a must
so missionary, cowgirl, or mirror sex are his go-to positions
he just wants to make sure that he's making you feel good
he'd be focusing more on your face than anything else, trying to find out what works and what doesn't
but he also loves to see your body at the right angle, so doggystyle works for him too once he gets more comfortable
and he's the type to get everything nice and fancy in preparation
he goes all out with candles, roses, lingerie, you name it
everything is so loving and affectionate with him with a slight hint of praise kink
he lovessss missionary
having your legs resting on his shoulder as he pounded into you
and you looking into his eyes was enough to make him run wild
he'd take a hit of a joint and put it in your mouth right after
things are either very fast-paced or slow and sloppy. no inbetween
most times you can hear how wet you're getting
he literally doesn't know when to stop
so yeah, he has an overstimulation kink
he just keeps on going until both of you are completely unable to think of anything other than each other
dan cooper
my sweet little danny
he loves watching you take charge
so his favourite position is cowgirl
he gets a perfect view of your body as it moves on top of him
he turns into a whimpering mess so quickly
its pretty obvious that he has a mommy kink
but I feel like he'd also love using toys
blindfolds, rope, gag, and his favourite: vibrators
they took things to a whole new level
and you two went at it like rabbits all night long
somedays, he liked to be in charge, putting you in missionary or doggystyle
but sometimes, he liked seeing as you rode him, struggling to take all his length
you'd be moving your hips as fast as you could, trying to keep your composure
but then he'd grab your hips and start moving them for you, showing you how its done
he loved edging, overstimulating, and making you sob
he absolutely loved making your makeup run as you begged to cum
and how your body trembled as it got too much for you
and he'd also call you things like "bitch, whore, slut" etc.
but you loved it because you knew that he said it with love
jack thurlow
the idea of your legs on his shoulders, him pinning your arms above your head as he watched as you squirmed underneath him did wonderful things to his body
he would go so fast and so hard, loving the sound of your skin slapping together
and he would for sure have a blood kink
he'd carve his initials into your thigh as his head was in between your legs
he would trace over the blood with his thumb, smudging it just a little
and he'd mark you up everywhere
leaving a trail everywhere he went
like whenever he's in missionary position, his head is in your neck, sucking the skin harshly
aftercare would be sharing a cigarette in bed, probably listening to music if the vibe was right
this guy loves doggystyle omg
watching your ass recoil as he fucked you from behind fueled him tremendously
he loved the idea of destroying you
making you forget how to speak and marking you up completely.
he'd 100% have a bondage kink
making sure your wrists were tied together to stop you from getting in the way of his plans
and sometimes he would stuff a ball gag into your mouth, preventing you from whining as he overstimulated you
he would literally never get tired
this guy could go on for hours without taking a breath
and he'd be so vocal too
talking you through your orgasms and degrading you just a little
ollie sway
slow and sensual in missionary or cowgirl is the way to go
and you better believe that he'd play some old record in the background too
he'd light up candles and wait until the sun was setting at the perfect angle before finally getting down with you
he totally turns into a perfectionist when it comes to having sex
but he already thinks youre perfect, so he doesn't have to worry at all
he has a breeding kink. (hear me out yall)
just thought of him slowly filling you up with his seed until you were completely filled up made his body heat up
and he loved to watch it all drip out of you slowly, sometimes even sucking it out and kissing you after
but yeah, the main point is that he'd never want to hurt you at all
he often fucked you so gently that you could just fall asleep right there
and he'd always perform aftercare
ideally having a nice warm bath with you
and he'd praise you all night
telling you how much he loved you.
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author's note: i love these types of requests omg. I'm working on previous ones still (dont worry, i havent forgotten abt yall)
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puhpandas · 8 months
i feel the warmth in my chest (and the chill on my skin makes it that much clearer)
(1,964 words)
Evan and Gregory, while waiting those few agonizing hours before Halloween can truly begin, go outside into the chilly weather and play in the leaves.
It's a crisp Autumn afternoon when Evan steps out onto Gregorys porch. The screen door slams behind him, and the air transitions from warm to chilly in only seconds. The breeze washes over his face like a wave, and Evan finds he dosnt mind the cold that much in this moment.
It makes his nose numb and his fingers freezing, but unlike how he usually feels about the cold, he welcomes it. He takes a deep breath, smelling the scent of fallen leaves and crisp air and the pumpkins Evan had carved with Gregory last week sitting by his feet next to the stairs. It fills his lungs, and alongside the aftertaste of Aunt Chicas cookies on his tongue, the chill is pleasant, unlike how its usually so unbearing and biting in his own home.
It doesnt take long for the temperature to wash over him fully. By the time hes stepping down the stairs, his thin,white overcoat flowing behind him, its left his shoulders shaking and his teeth chattering.
But so like he's not used to, the deep, bone chilling cold only adds onto his excitement. It's that type of chill you can only get during Halloween, with that specific vibe and feeling coming along with it. Evan has never liked that unmatched feeling. All it ever told him was that Halloween was on it's way, and along with it, Michael and his pushing and pulling and jabbing and messing with. With the addition of the neighborhood kids jumping in if they'd see him walking down the street on the one night of the year it would be acceptable to scare him with scary masks and bloody fingers and camouflaging cloaks, it made for a pretty dreadful day.
He takes another look at his costume, a ghost, with white flowy sheer fabric that makes him look like he floated right down from the clouds. Underneath is a white sweater and pants, and his makeup is done to make him appear ghastly and, well... dead. Eyes sunken in with deep shadows and complection pale.
Gregory is matching with him, kind of. Gregory's costume is of a murder victim. Hes wearing sort of varsity jacket with a plastic knife stabbed in his gut, and his face is painted with bloody makeup and a faux black eye. Gregory hadn't explained the specific costume he called a 'Zombie Murder Victim High School Football Star', just gotten excited over the fact that they matched with their undead themes.
Its Evans first year matching with someone. His first year having someone to go trick or treating with. Theres something about this year. It doesn't leave him guessing. It doesn't leave him on edge, wondering who will strike first, all while being so uncertain but sure at the same time that something will go wrong. This year, he has Gregory and his family. This year, he has people who actually care about how he feels, and understand how to have fun.
This year, he knows Michael will be across town with his friends, and that his father will lock himself in his workshop. He knows that the neighborhood kids wont dare mess with him now, because of how many times Gregory has shown them a thing or two over the better part of this year.
This year, Evan isnt dreading the coming hours. He isnt hiding in his room, celebration or joy for the Holiday nowhere to be found, because he has to watch his back and sides. This year, he isnt considering running away for the night, even though he had always known he would never be brave enough to do it.
Instead, he's going trick or treating with his best friend, and he only feels excitment and anticipation, compared to the stark contrast of last year where all he felt was on edge and trapped in his own house.
The sun is only just setting by the time he steps onto that little pathway leading to the backyard from the front porch. Waiting for it to get dark has been agonizing. It had only gotten too much when he and Gregory were sat in front of a movie they'd seen a thousand times, makeup and costumes done, and unable to sit without wiggling or fidgeting, and Gregory had jumped up and gone "That's it! I can't just sit here anymore!"
That's why Evan's followed him outside. For the better part of the day Gregory has been more restless than a bored puppy.
Evan thinks the description fits when he finally catches up to Gregory and finds him digging through the shed in his backyard. Evan doesn't really know why he came out here. Theres much less to do outside than there is inside, but his intentions become clear when he moves to stand by Gregory's shoulder, and he goes Aha! while retrieving something.
Evan stares blankly when Gregory pulls out a rake, turning to face him and grinning at him. "Want to build a leaf pile and do cannonballs in it?"
He doesn't even have to ask.
It's not long before they're trekking through backyard, browning leaves crunching under their sneakers as they head to that big tree in the middle of the yard. When they get there, they waste no time grabbing the big rake and making the inklings of a pile on the flattest bit of ground.
The rake is heavy, and Evan can barely control it, if how it swings around and almost hits Gregory in the face is any indication. The handle is ice cold on his fingers, but it only makes Evan that much more aware of the excitment thrumming through his veins.
With Evan using the rake, Gregory takes to getting on his knees and shepherding the leaves to the pile with his hands. Gregory laughs over the dirt under his fingernails and how the still-damp leaves from the light shower earlier are chilly on his hands, and it makes Evan abandon the rake and get on the ground with him.
It takes longer than it should to finish the pile. They keep getting caught up in throwing the leaves at eachother like snowballs and using their hands to push waves at eachother like they're in a pool. The leaves end up more scattered than the were originally, and Evan has to get the rake again.
By the time they finish and theres a huge pile of damp leaves sitting in front of them, the sky is a dark, deep blue with the horizon a yellow. The sun is only barely peeking through the trees, and it's enough for the automatic porch lights to come on.
With the lack of sunlight, it's gotten that much colder. Evan's shivering enough that it makes his laughs warble, but he doesnt care. He doesnt care about the cold.
They only take a short break before they jump in. Evan lays flat on the ground, damp excess leaves and ice cold dirt underneath him. His throat is dry from the chill and how much he talked, and laughed, and his cheeks are sore from smiling too much. His nose is numb, and the thin, cheap Spirit Halloween costume does nothing for keeping him warm, but he doesn't need it.
Through the cold, it makes the warmth blooming in his stomach that much clearer. It makes the laughter bubbling in his chest and the excitement that the fun isnt even over, yet, he still gets to go trick or treating with Gregory after this, that much more apparent.
He has the warmth that spawned inside of him from spending time with his best friend and having fun with him to keep him toasty. So unlike his own home, where the chill is all there is. No warmth or comfort to adhere for that fact.
It's only now that Evan thinks that maybe, he doesn't really dislike the cold. Just how the cold is what comes with his unfeeling house and unpleasant family members and uncomfortable atmosphere.
Because here, right now, as he lays on the freezing ground, sky darkening above them and the last bit of leaves on the big tree in Gregory's backyard fluttering in the chilly breeze, he realizes he likes what comes with the cold, and not what the cold comes from.
With the cold comes the awareness of the warmth unfurling in his stomach. With the cold comes drinking the delicious, steaming hot chocolate Aunt Chica made. With the cold comes bundling up with his favorite sweaters, cuddling up under a fuzzy blanket, and watching a movie with Gregory.
With the cold comes those agonizing few hours before Halloween truly begins, and making a leaf pile with your best friend.
Evan knows his all-white costume is dirtier by the time he finally gets up, the knees of his white jeans brown and dirtied, but he doesnt have time to dwell on it when all he hears is a breathy laugh before hes shoved face first into the leaf pile.
Even through the leaves submerging his head, he can hear Gregory cackling. He sputters when leaves get in his mouth, and while regaining his footing after rolling around a few times, he wastes no time shooting up and grabbing Gregory by the shoulders.
Gregory yelps when hes yanked down with Evan, and all Evan is aware of when his eyes shut in glee from how hard hes laughing is the soft, scratchy, earthy leaves beneath him, the breeze in the air that just screams Halloween, and Gregory's body fallen on top of him.
Gregory grabs some leaves and smushes them into his hair. All Evan can do is screech at the wet chill before grabbing his own fistful and doing the same. Leaves fall over them like a wave when they roll around, wrestling in the yard.
They only stop when they get too tired to keep going. His costume is definitely dirty by now, damp like the leaves and dirt. The scent of wet earth and the cold and Halloween washes over him, and all he can find in himself to do is grin, and giggle breathlessly and chatter with Gregory as he lies on the ground, shoulder to shoulder with him.
Its almost pitch black by the time Freddy opens the door leading to the backyard, stepping outside, Frankenstiens monster costume and all. "Kids? Are you two ready to go? Its almost time for trick or treating!"
Evan only shares a fleeting look with Gregory before they both shoot up, previous exhaustion from their little fight completely gone. Evan runs side by side with Gregory to the door, his costume with the mud stained hem flowing behind him, and all Evan can feel in this moment is warmth, despite how his nose is numb and his shoulders are shaking and theres this chilly, floaty feeling in his chest.
He knows that there are definitely leaves in his hair when he steps inside after Gregory, and when the heat of the home blasts him in his face, making his freezing face tingle, the warmth prickling and sharp, Evan finds that with the cold can come the warmth, and maybe it isnt so weird that Evan feels nothing of the sort when it comes to his own house, and his own family.
It was never about the cold.
Just like how the warmth with Gregory and his family has never been about the temperature.
He only has time to grab his candy bucket (shaped like a mummified teddy bear) before he and Gregory are shooting through the front door, racing to Freddys car. He smiles even wider when the cold air rushes across his face again, and he can hear Gregory's footsteps next to him and Freddy and the others' voices behind them.
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masterwords · 5 months
I had a fun idea!
Derek is very tired during a difficult case and throws himself a little over enthusiastically onto the bed of the cheap motel they're staying in and breaks it. He goes to the front desk but they're all booked out and the only person in the team with a twin room is Hotch...
Well, anon, that idea is fun indeed! I had some fun with this, it flew from my head to the doc at lightning speed...I hope you like it! <3 It was nice to step out of the angst I've been writing lately and do a little cute mutual pining nonsense with adorable derek and awkward hotch. thank you for making my brain go bzzzzz!
pairing: pre-hotchgan (maybe...maybe not...)
words: 1.7k
He didn’t mean to. That’s all he can think as he stands in front of the door to room 164 with its crooked 6 and chipped up paint. The bright orange paint is old, probably seven layers of lead beneath whatever they last put on when they re-branded. He knows how this works, his mother worked in plenty of cheap hotels when he was growing up and he can remember each time she came home with a new uniform from new owners who slapped a coat of paint on and hoped it would fool people into thinking it wasn’t the same shitpot it always had been. His hand hovers over the door, loosely balled into a fist, ready to knock. He could always sleep in the SUV.
The thing is, he knows Hotch isn’t going to have a problem with him moving in. It isn’t like they spend much time in their rooms anyway, and he might even get a laugh out of the way Derek had come by this need for a new room it’s just...things have been awkward lately. He’s always sort of had a thing for Hotch, the Gucci ties and the expensive suits are easy on the eyes and he’s no fool. He knows Hotch would be a good date from beginning to end, they’ve known each other long enough that he’s certain of many things...the problem is, lately he’s been getting a vibe like maybe Hotch might have a thing for him too.
Things got a little awkward during the ride home from New York, that case was when he started to notice things. Little things. And his own feelings of jealousy hadn’t helped anything but that ride home. Well.
He thinks again about sleeping in the SUV, even turns to look at it. He could curl up in the back and be perfectly comfortable. It’s not cold and there are emergency blankets back there. New York wasn’t that long ago and Hotch is still pretty messed up by it, he’s not likely to want company. He’s nearly to his decision when the door opens to reveal Hotch nearly stepping right into him, looking at his phone.
“Morgan?” he asks, confused. Derek offers him a sheepish smile.
“Hey boss. I got a little problem.”
“The front desk called to verify that it was alright to move you into the room. You’re welcome to stay. I have to go sign some new papers with the attendant, make yourself at home.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize the beds were so…”
“It isn’t a problem Morgan. Back in a minute.”
That minute turns into something that starts to worry Derek as he unpacks his bag for the second time during this trip. He doesn’t spread out as much though, Hotch has his things in certain places and he’s not going to intrude, he’s just going to make a little space. They use the same toothpaste, that thought buzzes through his mind right about when he hears the key in the door and smells the pizza before he even sees it.
“I brought back dinner,” Hotch announces, tossing his keys on the little desk with a clatter before setting the box down. “Do you still like extra olives?”
“Hell yeah,” Derek says, walking back into the main room with a smile. “Olives, mushrooms and green peppers. What do I owe ya?”
“My treat.”
Derek studies Hotch as he moves around the room, slipping out of his shoes and shrugging out of his jacket. Had he been wearing them the whole time or had he just put them on to go out? Derek thinks it was the former. He rarely allowed himself to be comfortable during cases.
“Well hey, thanks man. For letting me crash in your room and buying me dinner.”
He thinks he can detect the slightest hint of a blush in Hotch’s cheeks as he fumbles around in the little kitchenette for paper plates. Of course he brought paper plates. A man who never eats during cases still thinks about these things.
“You can turn on the television if you’d like.”
“You wanna watch something?”
“I’ve got a bit of a headache, I’ll probably just take a shower and go to bed. Please don’t mind me.”
“Wait, you’re not even gonna eat the pizza?”
Hotch levels his gaze at Derek helplessly and suddenly Derek can see something he’s been concealing for weeks now. He’s not just a little off the mark, he’s actually suffering. He hides it too well. It’s almost scary.
“And here I was thinking you were setting up some kinda date night here…” Derek says quietly, a sneaky little smile on his face. He’s trying to lighten the mood and the way the crease disappears between Hotch’s brows says it almost worked. Almost.
“Is this really how you think I…” Hotch starts, but catches himself. He’d been lulled in by the warmth of the room, by Derek lounging easily on his bed, by the smell of pizza as Derek flips mindlessly through television channels. It was almost too easy to let himself slide, to let himself bare something he shouldn’t. Derek doesn’t miss it though. Not even a little. He drops the remote and sits upright.
“How I think you what?”
Hotch hums and runs his thumb along his fingernails, back and forth against his thigh. Derek is looking at him expectantly, he has to finish the sentence.
“Okay. So you wouldn’t do it this way. How would you do it?”
“How would I…?”
“First date. You and me. If it’s not a broken bed and a pizza with some shitty made for TV movie starring Tori Spelling then...what is it?”
He’s clammed up pretty bad, just standing there hovering between honesty and the feeling that he’s about to cross a line from which he can never return. The thoughts in his head are so wildly inappropriate he can’t even believe he’s entertaining them. The thing is, some part of him fundamentally changed when Haley had him served with divorce papers. This innate part of him that placed work on some pedestal, the part of him that said if he worked hard enough everyone around him would benefit from it. He knew now that it was all lies he was feeding himself when all he was really doing was avoiding giving himself to something that might really hurt. And in the end? Well, it hurt worse than he ever could have imagined.
Now he’s looking at Derek and thinking about how badly this could hurt, but he’s not scared of it like he used to be. He would land on his feet if he had to leave this job. It would be better not to be disgraced, but he thinks he’d land on his feet even if he was. People had done just fine after much worse rules being broken.
“Hotch?” Derek asks, standing now. “You okay?”
“Oh. Yeah. Just thinking, I’m sorry.”
“Thinking about what I asked or how to get out of it?”
Hotch smiles and shrugs. “A little of both.”
“You’re worried about breaking some arbitrary fraternization rules when I haven’t even kissed you yet. If I did, would you immediately start planning your next career move?”
Derek is having a little too much fun now, watching the bright red rise against Hotch’s throat.
“Hotch, chill out. I’m just flirting. There’s no harm in that.”
Hotch looks down at his feet for a moment and feels the burn of honesty in his chest. It isn’t that simple for him, it never has been. And that’s why it hurts so bad when he messes it all up. “There is if it isn’t just flirting.”
“What else would it be?”
Silence. Hotch feels like he’s on stage beneath a spotlight and he’s forgotten all of his lines. How did he get here? He should have been more adamant that he was going to take that shower. The dizziness and ringing in his ears is bad and he’s fighting against it with everything he’s got, which is making it a lot harder to navigate these dangerous waters. But then Derek’s hand is taking his, his long fingers smoothing Hotch’s worrying thumb, holding it in place.
“Hotch. It’s okay to have feelings for me. I got ‘em for you too. All the time we’ve spent together over the years, all the things we’ve shared that no one else will ever come close to? The injuries and the nightmares and all that travel time...I think it’d be impossible not to feel strongly about each other. Doesn’t make it wrong and the Bureau’s rules can’t change the reality of it.”
“I’m your boss,” Hotch whispers finally, devastation in his voice. ���It would be a gross misuse of my power.”
At that, Derek laughs incredulously and shakes his head. “You’re a trip, man. You know that?”
“Too many things could go wrong,” Hotch offers after a moment to reconsider his trepidation. “It would be a mistake.”
Derek shrugs. “Yeah. Maybe. I got rules about dating people I work with. You would if you’d ever given that any thought...but when I think about all the reasons I don’t date where I work, none of those things would be an issue with you.”
“What if something happened?”
“Alright. Hey. I was just tryin’ to flirt a little, see if you would maybe flirt back. If you’re thinking something more serious, here’s my offer: you go take your shower, do some thinking. Come back out and eat a piece of pizza and watch this movie with me. When the case is done...we meet up and talk this out. And if we decide it’s too complicated or maybe the emotion was just running a little wild tonight and it didn’t mean anything? No harm no foul.”
“Do you mean it?” Hotch asks, finally meeting Derek’s eyes. “Because the last thing I would ever want…”
Derek shakes his head and cuts him off with a gentle squeeze of his hand, the hand he’s still holding. “I mean it. No harm no foul.”
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trainingdummyrabbit · 3 months
okaaaaaay. ranking the library's floors based on how nice it would be to take a nap there. graded by ambiance and comfort. trying not to let too many of my own biases shine through but also no promises. im sleepy. ok 👍
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> Lobby/Halls: im counting it because itd be funny. the ambiance is not unlike a hotel hallway; kind of really unsettling in its uniformity and undefinedness, but it Does make you sleepy if youre brave enough to risk it. feels like there'd be a chaser monster in there. and there is, if you count angela, i guess. 5/10 ambience. im pretty sure it is like 60-70% stairs if you look at it, which is deeply funny. where do the stairs go. i guess the better question is where Don't the stairs go. there are also no chairs or Anything; just bookshelves and lamps. its pretty clear you arent supposed to be in there long. dim lighting's pretty nice at least. 3/10 comfort. VERDICT: 4/10. At least it's got presentation.
> Floor of General Works: the vibe is pretty nice, if you can get past feeling like a tree on a prairie. a hawk could swoop in and snatch you or something. the towers of books could be kinda comforting for the right people, though. 4/10 ambiance. this is books. 3/10 comfort. VERDICT: 3.5/10. Don't Fall Off.
> Floor of History: its pretty busy, but the kind of busy where it just kinda turns into comforting background noise. its like the equivalent of having on cafe noises to study or sleep to. less of a "lulling you to sleep" sort of deal and more of a "i am so tired i could literally pass out sitting up." and then you do. might be a little much, but if you can find a nice corner somewhere it might be refreshing. nice little power nap. 7/10 ambiance. not Really the most conducive to taking a nap physically-- best you've got is facedown on the desk. which, honestly, isnt too bad. theyre nice desks. could make yourself a little hidey hole with the books sitting around. just be careful not to let anyone spot you. 7/10 comfort. VERDICT: 7/10. Respectably cozy for a quick pick-me-up.
> Floor of Technological Sciences: the light from the windows is probably jarring as hell, but away from that is pretty nice honestly. a bit uniform for my own liking, but the dim light looks like it'd do wonders. cant imagine how anyone doesn't already get sleepy working in there. 7/10 ambiance. the geaaaarrrsssss.... good luck getting any actual sleep with That nonsense going on 24/7. also i dont think theres a Single non-90 degree angle in the entire floor besides the gears, (which you Really shouldnt be sleeping near,) which i cant imagine does anyone's backs any favors. not a single good desk in sight beyond yesods, and i dont think hed take kindly to sharing this way. also that is the most uncomfortable looking couch i have ever seen. 2/10 comfort. VERDICT: 4.5/10. Almost, buddy. Bring your own pillow. And earplugs.
> Floor of Literature: the little ceiling lights are absolutely Lovely. could argue for it being too bright, but honestly that's an easy fix. its comfy in the way a school library is-- honestly one of the more inviting floors to be on. its practically Begging for a nap tbh. very neat and comfortable. 8/10 ambiance. girl how small is that table???? even with leniency for art style with the size, the chair backs barely reach th edge of the table. looks like youd be ppppretty squished sleeping there. doesn't look like theres many other notable spots to sneak your way into either, so its the table or the floor. one way or another you are waking up as if youve been hit by a truck. 3/10 comfort. VERDICT: 5.5/10. Very polite and comfy, but oh Man is that gonna mess you up later.
> Floor of Art: YEAH BABEY!!!!! very dim but with several soft light sources, the loose and comfortable feel of the place-- this is what its all about honestly. the paintings and such are a nice touch as well. chances are, no ones gonna really bat an eye if they catch you asleep here. it just feels like the place for it. the natural look must be very nice after everything, too. 9/10 ambiance. those floorboards are Going to kill you. cant imagine trying to walk in there without tripping. not a lot of obvious places to set up, but if youre feeling brave you can probably nest up in a pile of books somewhere. on the other hand, theres probably all sorts of little spaces and nooks to tuck into if youre crafty. as someone who would enjoy sleeping in a cabinet, can approve. 6/10 comfort. VERDICT: 7.5/10. He gets a 10/10 in MY heart. Taking that back pain like a CHAMP.
> Floor of Natural Sciences: the same kind of comfort as an old ladys guest room. aka i Wish i could take a nap there. only caveat is the blinding light coming in from pretty much everywhere. its like trying to sleep with an open curtain, but like... all the time. looks like itd smell nice in there, at least. 7/10 ambiance. has actually comfy-looking chairs! seems like thered be a few places you could manage to tuck into comfortably in a corner someplace with a cushion or something. also one of (maybe the only?) floors that actually has carpeting! so no getting woken up by footsteps, or having to sleep on floorboards. 7/10 comfort. VERDICT: 7/10. Probably like sleeping in a sunbeam. Equally disorienting when Tiph inevitably gets at you for slacking off.
> Floor of Language: its kinda scruffy looking, but if youre not bothered by that it looks like it might be pretty comforting actually. i wont explain. lightings pretty nice as long as youre not looking directly out the window. soundscape might not be horrible, its a bit of a coinflip with the industrial look though. caveat? cigarette smoke... 7/10 ambiance. Comfy! Looking! COUCH!!! you Are passing out on that thing whether you want to or not. also you could probably have a nice time tucking up against the windowsill if you can handle the brightness. might even be warm. im kinda surprised actually. 8/10 comfort. VERDICT: 7.5/10. I could swear I've fallen asleep here before. Minus the um. Lava. But you get what I mean.
> Floor of Social Sciences: this place looks like a memory. this is the type of sleep youd get where youre briefly kinda disoriented on where you are for a while. ive gotta imagine the water sounds pretty nice too. and the coffee smells! can you imagine?? theres probably all sorts of small talk going on in the background, just a few people stopping by here and there to exchange pleasantries over a drink. i gotta stop here, i Will just keep going. 10/10 ambiance. i need to bump this up at least a little due to the theme alone. im listening while writing these and the sheer wave of peace it always brings is indescribable. howeverrrrr... return of The Couch. you Cannot convince me that thing is made of any sort of remotely soft material. at least its got pillows. on the other hand, you get good windowsill access (REALLY good windowsill too,) AND bar access. must be nice to find a quiet corner in, too. 8/10 comfort. VERDICT: 9/10. Is anyone honestly surprised. (But still, jeez dude.)
> Floor of Philosophy: the dim lighting AND the ceiling stars??? dude... its a bit quiet, but quiet in the way a classroom is after-hours. a silent sort of welcoming. if youre able, Nothing is going to bother you in there. this is where you go to Rest. 9/10 ambiance. girl there is NOWHERE to sleep. other than like the table. also is that just... water? on the floor? i appreciate the aesthetic deeply, but um. i dont think thats very nap conducive. the floor is probably wood but it looks almost like stone with how its shaped. cant imagine your back would thank you after that one. table's not too bad at least. 6/10 comfort. VERDICT: 7.5/10. The equivalent of passing out in a therapist's office. Hope you're ready for an in-depth personal conversation when you wake up.
> Floor of Religion: this looks like a principals office. cant shake the feeling of mild yet stern disapproval coming from this place. on the other hand, it Does feel Very secure. id imagine thered be at least faint clock ticking-- That has to be pretty nice. if youre the right person, i guess. the occasional ceiling light is pretty nice, but its already pretty bright in there. youll fall asleep in here and either feel like no time has passed at all after several hours or feel like its been an eternity after 5 minutes. no in-between. 5/10 ambiance. there is Nowhere to Sleep. maybe the stairs if youre cool with having to sleep against the railing, but also that Is a tripping hazard, and nobody likes a tripping hazard. has a similar problem to yesods floor, in that everything is Very straight-laced and proper, meaning there is like... nowhere comfortable to sit. other than like one desk and a table or two maybe. 3/10 comfort. VERDICT: 4/10. I'd say you rank better in my heart, but this is honestly about as expected. in conclusion: chesed's floor once again remaining the people's favorite. if you need me ill be tucked into a cubby at netzie's. come get me in like 3 hours or so, i will almost Certainly get stuck up there. ok 👍
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688199 · 1 year
marinette is FAR from being a “normal girl, with a normal life” (general criticism, and analysis of the location concept art)
pardon any mistakes, this is a rant post lmaoo
first and foremost, she is the daughter of paris’s most popular bakery. everyone knows it. and it's not loved the same way a long time neighbourhood bakery is loved. sleek high class interior design, like i bet a simple croissant costs 4 euros or smth.
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now how about the earlier bakery design?
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cluttered, lots of bread stacked everywhere, but it coneys well their love for baking. wonder why those "run down eating places" are always the one that have the greatest tasting food? it's because their heart is in cooking the meal. tbh, reminds me of the bakery in kikis delivery service actually. and why does these two bakeries feel so much nicer despite being so simple looking? because you can feel the hardwork (oh and the brown is a true vibe). full offence but the neatness of the current bakery feels like its a corporate business.
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two, while she goes to a public school, it’s like the kids of all the most rich and famous citizens of paris are gathered there. adrien, model and son of renowned fashion designer. chloe, daughter of the mayor. juleka, daughter of famous rock star, alix, daughter of historian at louvre. mylene, daughter of a leading mine performer that had his posters plastered everywhere. that’s like just some of i remember. definitely not normal. unfortunately no concept art of the school. but knowing that the PV did reference marinette's bedroom, im going to assume the school design existed as a brief sketch.
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this seems like a classy, rich college, same like the current one. but the design is better, imo, looks more school-ish. and third, it’s so clear that marinette is super rich. like man what the hell that room is thrice the size of mine. yet it lacks so much personality. what does this tell us about her? she likes pink. i seriously cannot find anything here that stands out to me.
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this is why i much prefer the concept art locations. at least they look sort of middle class. it also gives marinette a “cozy” vibe, and someone who makes the best out of a given situation.
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marinette is given the attic room. lots of beams, not very well furnished. yet she takes advantage of a seemingly bad room by using the beams to place boxes and toys. she also uses cloth to decorate the place, showing her appreciation of cloth design. it’s small, but has character, compared to marinette’s pink spacious room that’s a mess to look at.
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furthermore the rooftop clearly isn’t meant to be used like that. but she adds little features to it, such as a simplistic bird house, wood planks to allow an even surface to place stuff/ sit, and a tent tied down by random pink strings and ribbons. it shows how she’s adaptable, creative and caring (bird house). plus it alludes to a sense of defiance and her “wanting to take a break”.
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on the other hand, the current (it’s not even called a rooftop it’s called a balcony) is in big open space, smack right in front of the eifel tower, nicely floored with a proper fence and proper table for teapot. nothing here is "make shift" like the previous design. even if marinette did spend time making this place nice, how can we tell? there's nothing that hints to us that she worked on it. it doesn’t convey anything about marinette to us anymore, other than: “oh holy shit she's pretty rich”.
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even this even earlier design is simple, but still says more about marinette than the current balcony. she carried her teapot all the way up there even though it's insanely difficult to. this tells us she's willing to put extra effort into things.
you could say im looking too deep into things. but i really am not. people fail to understand that even art, animation and film, every little detail, no matter how small, is important and should tell us the personality of the character.
with all the choices made in the series, how could you convince anyone that marinette is supposed to be normal? the whole concept of marinette and ladybug is that she looks average on the surface, but is capable of being a superhero due to all these favourable character traits of hers that tend to be overlooked. marinette dupain cheng? writers can't even make her look average for gods sake. from her appearance (stereotypically good-looking instead of charmingly cute, there's a difference), and her life in general (blessed with all the chances in the world that basically spoon feeds her her dream).
its exactly like those famous hollywood stars saying how much they suffered before they could succeed. except they were rich from the start with famous parents.
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cinderspots · 2 years
The ladies with a un-bothered germaphobe s/o -- like if something dramatic where to happen the s/o is all like "um Chile... anyways-" but if someone touches them without clean hands or gloves they just loose their shit-
Mood. Also, rip lmao MMs is so much longer and I got a teensy bit off-topic
Hope you enjoy ❤
Tag List: @minitrescu @ultimatebottom69 @imsososolesbian @luni-draws-crap @fatherse7en
Included: Mother Miranda, Mia Winters, Donna Beneviento, Alcina Dimitrescu, Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, Daniela Dimitrescu, Alex Wesker
Mother Miranda
There's a whole thing where you kinda just vibe over hating people being unclean about their lives or whatever
But anyways
You and Miranda get along pretty well once you get to a point where you two talk and not vaguely feel threatened by the priestess
So Miranda kinda just goes by believing that youre indifferent (bc I mean so far-) and it continues like that until one day
One terrible day
A very gross lycan decides that YOU are its best friend, idk why it doesn't want you dead don't ask me hard questions
And he follows you around like a puppy at first and youre like "ok weird" until it escalates to a hug
Uh oh
You lose your mind, Miranda assumes danger and kills it making it WORSE as now it's gotten all over you and bestie youre having a bad time
Anyways Miranda is very confused ngl
Mia Winters
You shake hands and she immediately notes the gloves and the way you use a disinfectant like a weapon
Sprayed some mf in the face was lowkey funny
She respects it and doesn't push you, besides I'd like to think that after the fucking debacle of Lousiana and the RAW meat she had to eat
Mia is a little testy about germs too, so she's got you
If someone ever has the audacity to skin-to-skin contact you not only will you be almost crying, they WILL be crying thanks to your great gf the badass mold queen Mia
Overall she's got your back
Donna Beneviento
Takes the avoidance of touch personally at first which leads to a whole series of rom-com levels of misunderstandings
Once it's explained she gets it
Angie doesn't and has to be put on a leash but it's fine
Donna is extra careful which is ridiculous bc she's barely around other people so she's forcing herself to giant her own damn house
Youre mostly like "girl I'm not allergic to the air you breath"
If someone sets you off they're dead no questions
Doesn't matter if it was an accident they upset you
Take the spoon as you will
Alcina Dimitrescu
Ngl she's not understanding at all when you first meet
Sure once youre like lovers n stuff she's like "back off use your hand sanitizer" (idk how germaphobes live sorry)
But before she's downright disrespectful
Same as Donna, someone touched you skin to skin:)))) what? No, she's fine, the claws just needed some air :))) shell be back in a min don't worry :)))
Bela Dimitrescu
Takes it at face value and sees it as something she could like
You don't like germs which makes you one of the cleaner maids around which makes you an asset to being fucking ridiculous about cleaning rooms
You'd have to supervise for it to get done but Bela likes the mildly irrational idea of it
That's...not quite how it works all the time but she's stronger faster and drinks more human blood than you
You don't tell her that
Eventually she just sort of buzzes around you and hisses at Dani to stay away bc homegirl cannot keep things together
Unsurprisingly Dani escapes Bela's sight and lunges for you in a non-murdery way and makes contact
Game. Over.
You scream bloody murder and go into a panic attack while Dani hisses at the loudness and doesn't understand a thing
Dani briefly has no hand at dinner and everyone sort of pretends like they don't see
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Just like her mother, fucking horrible about it on purpose before she grows fond of you
THEN she gets livid at the idea of someone messing with you
Accidentally sets you off mindlessly and freaks out when you freak out making it so much worse
I think it would take a lot of time to get her to not automatically do something to set you off so idk about your relationship life span
Daniela Dimitrescu
This my bestie is a commitment
You either last like a week or for life
Because she is uh VERY into skin to skin I am living in your organs kind of thing
Daniela doesn't MEAN to set you off. Kinda does it often because she can't help herself
If you commit anyways (very unhealthy of you bestie) then after time she's the most respectful fly woman you'll ever date
And the only but that's not the point
The point is she gets angry when others set you off and everyone kinda pretends like she isn't a serial offender
And we get personality growth as she learns some self control after trial and error
Alex Wesker
She recognizes it and shockingly assists you and respects it the quickest out of them all
Like genuine shock
I'd think it'd be a game of chance working with her though, so many new people coming in and NOT knowing you don't like to be touched
She appreciates your aloofness but takes it harshly when youre touched and pretty much takes that as an instakill
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childotkw · 5 days
im in love with how you're writing Death and its characterization and all that in ybtm omg, it's so unique and actually, y'kno, spooky/scary/dark etc i am ENTRANCED. cos the obvious default in writing (or at least HP writing?) is always a sort of.. cosmic horror entity/deity benevolent/understanding-vibes flavor of death, peaceful and etc, and yes i love that so much too, but MMMM. i can't put into words how much the full headfirst psychological horror going on here is giving me lifeeeee like thank yoooou you beautiful writer!!! though i hope harry and it end up at some sort of resolution, cos the mess Death's been thru makes me wanna hug it. idk, giving me they're-rightfully-pissed-tbh but they-might-chill-once-the-resentment's-out vibes?? i think i gotta give u more amazing writer points cause- it feels like you're walking a very unique line with Death's entire personality here and yeah im just chomping at the bit to see where this leads <3 really getting the feeling there's more dimensionality under the rightfully-pissed-endless-horror-movie-time.
Oh thank you!! Glad you liked my portrayal of Death 🥰🥰
I'm so happy with it tbh. It wasn't a characterisation I had really seen in HP fics, so I was both nervous and excited to put it up, but it aligns more with what I personally think the personification of Death would be like if It found Itself suddenly saddled with a human.
Angry. Confused. Desperate to escape.
Harry's soul driving Death into a human's level of awareness would have been torture, and the way Death sees Harry is also coloured by how Harry sees himself. There's a portion of self-hatred to our boy, and Death has latched onto that sliver and is feeding it into Its own anger at the situation.
Neither of them are to blame, but by God are they going to do their best to make the other their villain!
I've got lots of plans to explore their unique connection in future chapters as well! One is a pretty huge spoiler and is for one of the last chapters - but fuck me if I'm not excited to drop that on your laps like a cat bringing home a dead bird and waiting for validation for the horrific present 😂
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pain-in-the-butler · 1 year
Have you ever considered what a meeting of Alois would've been like with the current Dadbastian development? The anime and the 2nd season were both pretty bad in terms of uncomfortable fanservice and handling things very disrespectfully, but thinking back on Alois' character now as an adult, I really pity him as a clearly traumatised and intensely disturbed child, who through abuse has, much like Ciel, developed more 'adult behaviour' that is not appropriate for his age as a defence mechanism. It's probably thinking a bit too optimistically for Dadbastian to extend concern for those outside of his immediate phantomfam, but would you think that maybe, just maybe, Alois could trigger the same kind of protective urges as Ciel? Alternatively, if you were to write something similar to Coattails but instead for Alois and co, do you have any headcanons on how you'd otherwise depict their relationship? Dad Claude? Dlaude??? Thank u for indulging my whimsical ass & sorry for the wordvomit
Hi, anon! As a fellow whimsical ass, I'll do my best to answer your question. Boy, okay, lots to consider here...
First off, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by the phrase "current Dadbastian development", but I'm going to assume you're referring to what's happening in Coattails because I don't think there's been any Dadbastian development in the manga that I've missed.
Second off, our feelings on Alois are the same. I was nineteen when season 2 came out and I didn't like it at all, I found its handling of certain themes pretty deplorable and I mean. It was a mess. At the time, I felt indifferent to disturbed by Alois, and ultimately just went away pretending the whole season never happened. However, the current fandom has made me realize that Alois is a character with a lot of potential who was definitely in the wrong hands. It's very sweet to me how many fans still care for him as if he were their adopted son and have come out with some extremely creative and realized content of him. It gives me a better appreciation for him and what he could have been.
So now to actually attempt your question. Again, assuming you're asking about Coattails, Sebastian is only really interested in being a parent to Ciel and a caretaker of varying degrees to the rest of the Phantomfam members. I think he would be able to feel sympathy for Alois's situation, but he's no bleeding heart. I'm not really sure what the scenario is here where somehow Alois and Sebastian are getting to know each other and also Alois might want Sebastian to help him over another person already in his life? It's a little difficult to answer...
And if it was in regards to canon Seb, well... yeah, he's pretty disinterested in anyone that doesn't directly benefit or threaten his contract. I don't think he would do anything to make Alois's life better.
While I hate canon Claude, I certainly think fan content can utilize him as a father figure if they made some tweaks to his character. My bud Em has explored that in this fanfic that I enjoy, and I think she's probably a better judge of Dad-Claude than I could ever be (she might even write a longer story about it someday!). Sort of going off her example, I would keep Claude's awkward/stiff personality intact and get rid of his bad-touch vibes (obviously). Unlike Coattails Sebastian, who is accustomed to big emotions but is new to love specifically, I don't think Coattails Claude would be used to feeling anything outside of his own control. He's also not very playful so he would probably have to learn to let go of things and I just realized I'm describing Bambi's dad's journey in Bambi II so god fucking dammit I did it again—
tl;dr there are so many people who can answer this question better than I just did but uhhhh I hope this was okay 💁‍♀️
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lumilasi · 5 months
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UPDATE: I needed something to warm up before working on a new thing, and I recalled that I didn't fully like how I drew her hair; it looked like a mess rather than her having curls, so I fixed it. The top part of her hair is still a bit ehhh, but I didn't know what to do with it yet.
more info below:
Name: Marisa Marisol-Raye
Nicknames: Risa/Mari-junior/junior (her moms) firecracker/hun/Mari (Gianna)
Age: 21
Height: 155 cm
Friends: She does like occasionally hanging out with her GF's brother marco and his friends as sort of a "big sis" figure. She's also made close friends with Max Karuna, a member of a popular rock band, as Marisa has helped working on their stage shows.
Family: adoptive moms Marci Raye and Mariella Marisol
Love interest: Gianna Aquila, a young designer student in the same uni (A siren)
Moth spirits are human souls reborn in new form through what is called a Hive Tree. There used to be 7 of those, but after the Ancient War only 3 are left. Each tree attracts slightly different types of souls with unfinished business:
Amethyst Wisteria:  A purple tree which reminds a massive Wisteria tree in appearance, the spirits manifested by this one are typically those who were in some way significant people in their community, dying unexpectedly. Leaders, warriors, freedom fighters, etc.
Emerald Weeping Willow: A green tree similar in likeness to Weeping Willows, only again much more massive. Souls born from this tree were those with tragic, darker sudden deaths. These souls were typically killed by someone in a non-war setting (I.E victims of crime) or they died of self-inflicted injuries caused by mental distress of some sort.
Blue Lapiz Spruce: A large tree in likeness of blue spruce. The souls that this tree attracts are typically those who died in a freak accident or natural disasters. This tree tends to birth a lot of child moth spirits, given it is more likely for a child to die of a freak accident/natural disaster than be of a level of importance/die due to crime. (Marisa naturally came from this tree)
Moth Spirit abilities: Speedy flight, butterfly poofing like a vampire, spitting webbing, pocket dimension to store stuff in, de-manifesting her wings if needed.
Fire protection magic: She has learned spells to coat her whole body and/or her tools to prevent them from being damaged by potential fires from her work. (Her wings are naturally fireproof, but nothing else is.)
Engineering Intelligence: She is studying for an engineer for a reason; Marisa has always been good at learning new things and understanding the fundamentals of how things work, both on the magical side and the physical side.
Marisa can be a tad reckless and push the boundary of what might be the smart approach to her tinkering, resulting in explosions and unnecessary messes.
She is socially a little awkward and doesn't always know how to act in crowds, which often means she'll just tag along her girlfriend during any bigger celebratory events, unless she finds people who are more her vibe, typically those who are up to shenanigans. (Such as Max, who acts as sort of a big sis figure to her)
Marisa has a fear of the ocean and doesn't like being in large bodies of water; when younger it was even difficult to get her to bathe at first, but by now its only large bodies of water that bother her.
Marisa is very positive and enthusiastic person with never-ending curiosity. She loves trying out new things and testing her hypothesis, whenever it is about her inventions or whenever a flavor combo for food works or not.
While you wouldn't think of it at first glance, Marisa absolutely loves fashion too and enjoys trying out all sorts of different looks and outfits, the only real rule that she follows being "colorful" pretty much.
Due to her social awkwardness, she is sometimes self conscious and wonders if she's being too much, apologizing a lot if she feels she's talking too much for example. She also tends to want to avoid big gatherings of people, unless she gets to actually work with something. Marisa also has the tendency to dwell in any awkward conversations she's had with people for days.
She was taken in by Marci, who happened to be visiting the Blue Spruce area given she is acquainted with the wife of one of the guardians of the tree. She came to stay there for a while to try and recover from a traumatic incident that led her quitting her earlier dangerous job.
At first she felt hesitant adopting the kid, but during her stay it became clear Marisa had already chosen her as her new parent, so she decided to at least try.
They met Mariella two years later, and Marisa "shipped" them from the start, as she could tell instantly the two liked each other, and Marisa liked Mariella.
Marisa was from Mexico when she was a human, and died due to drowning at sea, potentially because she accidentally fell off a boat during a storm. (had there been any foul play, she would've been born a green moth)
Her name meaning "of the sea" refers to her manner of death as is typical for Moth spirits.
She likely died somewhere in the 60:ies
Out of the other moth spirits, she's only met Yoruga personally, given she does go to the cafe sometimes with her moms that he works at.
Marisa is Bi
Because of her thick fluff around her legs, she doesn't need to wear long trousers or leg warmers during winter, still sporting shorts or skirts, just of thicker fabric.
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brutal-nemesis · 1 year
Castys Ref Sheet
As a bitch who can’t draw more than stick figures and has to rely on picrews to make my characters, I thought it would be nice to have a place that will at least tell people exactly what my characters look like. Really I just want to talk about Castys because I have A Disease but whatever. I’ll do ones for my other characters at some point, and feel free to use the template if you want idc
Race: Fantasy Latino, specifically Venezuelan, I think
Height: 5′8″ (173 cm) and a little sensitive about it
Skin: Brown. I’ll have more about the exact shade down with the picrew shit. Since he’s stuck being 19 forever, he’s always dealing with acne and usually has at least a few pimples at any given time. He never moisturizes or anything, so the skin on his hands and feet is calloused, rough, and often dry.
Eyes: Dark brown, almost black. No flecks of gold or anything, just very plain. They’re usually half-lidded unless he’s really excited about something (or in a lot of pain)
Hair: Dark brown and thick in texture. It has a bit of curl to it and will stick up on its own if he doesn’t pat it down, which he doesn’t always do. He likes it pretty short, partially covering his ears and a little down the back of his neck, and if it gets too long he’ll become very annoyed with it. It always looks sort of messy, partially because it’s Like That and partially because he prefers it look like that. His arms and legs are hairy, and he has a tiny bit of hair on his chest as well.
Birthmarks/Scars: No birthmarks, but his body is littered with various smaller scars. He has 3 larger ones that are of note: a gash on his right cheek, a gnarled slash across his stomach, and the remnants of a clean stab wound directly above his heart. He stopped getting new scars after he received those. The scar on his cheek makes it so he can’t smile all the way on the right, so his grins always end up lopsided. They pulse with pain from time to time, his stomach being the worst, but if he’s currently dealing with some other torture as I am inclined to show him, he doesn’t pay it much mind.
Clothes: I don’t have anything too specific here, but he generally prefers comfortable clothes that are durable and easy to move around in. He prefers to wear sturdy boots since he does a lot of walking and whatnot, and when he’s pirating he wears a long brown or red coat. He often wears a red bandana on his head. Unless it’s particularly cold, he sleeps in his underwear.
Hygiene: No. Well, actually, he at least takes care of his teeth, if only because if he doesn’t it fucking hurts. He runs his hands through his hair often enough that it doesn’t get matted, but he never explicitly brushes it (and if he’s being forced to grow his hair out by a whumper, he tries his best to make it a tangled mess so they’ll want to cut it off (so you’d just need to brush it for him ❤️)). He doesn’t bathe unless someone tells him to or he’s covered in blood, and normally smells like Sweaty Guy with a dash of dirt or saltwater depending on where he is. In modern AUs he at least showers a socially acceptable amount so there’s that.
Piercings/Tattoos: Only thing is he sometimes has a black stud in his right earlobe. It has a magnet attached to it, which he can use to retrieve a needle from under his skin to pick locks with (don’t @ me about how realistic this is I just think it’s fun ty💕). He could have tattoos if he wanted, since dying wouldn’t get rid of the ink under his skin, but that’s just not his vibe.
Picrews for some visuals (1) (2)
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I think this is the best one in a lot of ways. The hair style and color are perfect, and the skintone is right, too. The only problem is the scar is on the wrong side :( it’s on his right, so it’s on the left if you’re looking at him
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Very good as far as clothes. That is the exact way he wears his bandana and those are great boots for him. The general vibes of the other clothes are good too. And the face scar is correct!
Mmkay that’s all I can think of so conga rats if you made it this far 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀
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collectingthestars · 4 months
so i finally watched the pjo finale after a long day of school (spoilers below the cut)
finally they showed luke training percy, it would have been more meaningful at the start spending more time at camp though and showing more interactions with annabeth to establish that bond
it was really interesting seeing luke talk to percy about the gods. good foreshadowing and LOVED luke's analogy to spiders, fucking slayed.
THE WAVE THING THAT HAPPENED DURING THE ARES FIGHT!!! 10/10 NO NOTES (will be using this phrase a lot sorry not sorry)
returned the helm. hmm good yeah
annabeth giving percy the necklace!!!! ahhhh!!!
grover's 'this could've been an email' is so relatable fr
olympus looks kinda cool ngl, like a slightly modernised ancient city. i loved the brewing storms over the empire state building but it would've been better if that weather was there throughout the whole quest since that was mean to show how pissed zeus was.
i would much prefer olympus in its glam and glory from the books and the bright white tones that pretty much set olympus apart and made it so intimidating.
percy bowing his head and returning the bolt. hmmm yes shows the gravity of his meeting.
i loved zeus' whole vibe during this scene, no longer pissed about the lack of plane ride since it was perfectly made up for with zeus' insistence to continue the war. hmm the things really do come together here.
percy telling him about kronos and zeus being like 'i don't need a lecture about my father' was honestly amusing to see but delivered like percy was about to be smited just for bringing him up, yesss, really shows how zeus really doesn't want to deal with it.
is it just me or does zeus' indifference towards kronos rising and him being like 'yeah we do that sort of thing all the time' feel weird to me? maybe i'm reading into it too much because one thing that i noticed in the books was that he really doesn't like talking about kronos and acts like he still fears him (see: hades being frightened about it when percy brings it up). idk i'm prolly just nitpicking
'i will not be weakened by my brothers' 'you already are. your family's a mess' PERCY FUCKING SLAYED THE HOUSE DOWN 10/10 NO NOTES.
percy: *tells zeus that his family doesn't love him and that he needs therapy and that his daddy will come put him into place* zeus: yeah this little shit needs to die. (loved that, btw)
POSEIDON STOPPING ZEUS FROM KILLING PERCY AND SURRENDERING FOR HIS SAKE????? 10/10 NO NOTES (also the bolt looked really fucking cool in this scene)
'[percy] is a forbidden son, he shouldn't exist' 'neither should your thalia' YOU TELL HIM POSEIDON
guys we finally got the ancient greek convo that zeus and poseidon had in the books!!!! this is everything i've been wanting for ages!!!!! (also i'm no expert but it sounded really good to me, ofc i have no reasonable information to base my judgement on so don't come at me)
zeus wanting to embarrass poseidon in front of the council?? hhhh the dysfunctional relationships are dysfunctioning!!!! and looking at poseidon's face, you can see how upset he is at having his pride crushed like that but it's all worth it!!!
also zeus 'family business' is one way of describing your father returning from his retirement home to kill you all.
very flashy exit from zeus. disappointed that the 'your uncle has always had a flair for dramatic exits, he would have done very well as the god of theatre' line didn't make it. again i'm just nitpicking but i loved poseidon's sheer sass in that comment.
you can tell from my extremely detailed analysis that the olympus scene was my favourite out of the entire show. what can i say, 10/10 no notes.
lance reddick as zeus, you will always be famous. may you rest in peace
that being said, i hope whoever is recast as zeus should the show continue matches lance's portrayal because it's fucking perfect to me.
the sheer intimidation and prideful rage we saw from zeus??? the divine fury?? that needed to be established for all the gods, especially ares and hades.
the interaction between poseidon and percy was so good!!! toby stephens really gets poseidon so well
poseidon calling ares a moron is so fucking funny btw. nothing like good old uncle-nephew beef
also how the fuck did sally 'high school dropout' jackson teach percy classics-grad level ancient greek??? why would he have not learnt it at camp like poseidon assumed??
'do you dream about mom?' OH MY GODS THE POSALLY IS POSALLYING
really weird for a sea pearl to return percy in the middle of a fucking field near camp. like not even a lake???
percy staring at thalia's tree was sooooooooo (screams)
loved the welcome back that percy received but would have been more impactful if percy had spent more time at camp and we saw how he was kinda ostracised as a forbidden kid
luke requesting a meeting in the woods???? i see...
the betrayal scene was really good but i'm a little disappointed about not getting the scorpion because it felt so much more serious i feel like.
loved luke trying to recruit percy though
was backbiter always able to open portals??? i don't remember it's been like a month since i reread the pjo series.
loved how luke switched from recruiting to fighting percy right after he said 'i met your dad' hhhhhhhh so good
annabeth throwing the dagger?? slay
wow no one in that godsforsaken writers' room wants annabeth to have a single emotion. this is supposed to be the girl who says 'family, luke, you promised' and justifies luke any chance she gets. she should not be this stoic, i think.
loved how luke ran away instead of fighting annabeth. no one messes with my girl.
chiron's discussion with percy hmmmmm, feels a little early to have percy realise luke was right. like yeah in the books he heavily disagrees with the gods but it's not until heroes of olympus where he's like 'you know what, luke had a point'
dionysus being surprised at percy's name was so funny btw. and so was him yelling at the campers to get the fuck out.
annabeth being scared of disney world is so funny. poor girl is still recovering from waterland
also can i just say she looks so pretty in this scene, i love the hair
percy's 'just be a kid' hhhhhhhh
grover's searcher's licence being a flower??? lmao
percy being so done with kronos in his dreams is so real of him
'did you have another nightmare' 'yeah, grandpa' 'ew don't call him that' so funny by the way
it was an interesting detail seeing that percy was telling sally about his dreams, i like it tbh
'he told me don't forget to tell your mom you love her' 'kronos, lord of the titans, said that?' 'he could have' percy jackson, you will always be famous
percy's final narration is really good, it's more optimistic than in the books, where he was like 'if you think you're one of us, that's not good' but here he was like 'yeah you're probably right, and we might need you'. it's not bad, per se, but the tone it sets is very different.
the change with sally and gabe. hmmm. well what else were they going to do? not fucking surprised.
the finale was overall so good as an episode, where the fuck was this energy for the rest of the show??? it's like they put all the action and tension into just this and ran out of it for the rest of the show. i hope the show gets renewed so i can see my babies walker, leah, and aryan again but i'm scared to see what else they (rick riordan and co) would fuck up.
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