#🏕️ — over the campfire
planetkiimchi · 5 months
over the campfire | o.st
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featuring: shotaro, renjun, yangyang, sungchan.
word count: 1567 words
author's note: the camping trip mentioned is fantastic trip, which has two episodes. at 18:47 of one-two punch, shotaro mentions that renjun and yangyang were originally supposed to invite him. i know shotaro has left nct, but i still feel like he’s a part of them, and i want to believe that they still meet up from time to time.
Shotaro ran his hand through his hair, sweaty from an afternoon of dance practice. He glanced over at Sungchan, and their eyes met, tiredness stark in their expressions. Shotaro rubbed at the sore, tense muscles in his shoulder, rolling his head at the same time.
It had been 9 months since they left NCT, and a lot had happened in that period of time. They’d released more songs than they had ever participated in when they were in NCT, and they were the more experienced members in their new group.
“Hyung,” Sungchan called. Shotaro looked up from his sitting position, and Sungchan suddenly seemed taller than usual. Shotaro had the sudden urge to pull Sungchan into a hug, but he hesitated. Sungchan cocked his head to the side, jerking a thumb at the light switch. “Remember to turn the lights off when you leave,” he said, and then he was gone.
Shotaro tipped his head back, shutting his eyes. Several sounds escaped his lips as he kneaded at his shoulder. It had been a while since he had seen the NCT members. Sometimes they still filmed dance challenges together, but they didn’t get much time to talk, only seeing each other in passing.
Impulsively, he reached for his phone and dialed Renjun’s number, listening to the beeping tones. He pictured Renjun on the other end, rudely awakened from his sleep by the blaringly loud ringtone, rolling over with a groan. He imagined Renjun would rub his eyes and sit up first in his bed, curling his knees up and pulling the blanket over himself before responding.
The rustling noise of fabric and Renjun’s silence confirmed Shotaro’s suspicions.
“Hello?” Renjun mumbled, voice raspy.
“Renjun, it’s me. Taro.” Shotaro stopped short, not quite sure what he was going to say. He didn’t know why he had called Renjun, but he missed the members of NCT, and Renjun was the first one that came to mind.
“Taro,” Renjun repeated, like he wasn’t fully comprehending it. “Taro, it’s—” he stopped, possibly checking the clock— “2 am. Why are you calling me?”
Is it? Shotaro pulled his phone away from his ear to check, and true enough, the numbers 2:03 blinked back at him from his screen. “I’m sorry for waking you up.”
Maybe Renjun had had a free day that day. Just because Riize was preparing for a comeback didn’t mean that NCT would be doing the same. Renjun had probably gone to sleep 2 hours ago, looking forward to an uninterrupted, restful night.
Shotaro’s heart seized with pain. Previously, when he was in NCT, he had never gotten to do much. Once in a while, he and Sungchan would be called to film some videos, but they didn’t get to participate in the albums or produce new music. Most of his time was spent in the dance studio, learning choreography after choreography in hopes that it would keep his mind from going numb with boredom.
He didn’t have the luxury of free time anymore. Every waking minute was spent filming music videos, dance practices, or going live. He never had any time left to himself, and he wasn’t sure which lifestyle he preferred.
“Sorry. I was just thinking—thinking about the last time, when you asked me and Yangyang to go camping with you.”
There was a moment of silence before Renjun replied. “I think I remember that.”
“I was busy preparing for a dance stage with Sungchan and the SM Rookies,” Shotaro said. At the time, they practiced furiously, all day, five or six days a week. They did this up until the performance day, and it drained the life out of Shotaro. There was no way he could have squeezed out time to go camping with Renjun and Yangyang.
Renjun made a noise of acknowledgement. “I remember.”
“You texted me about it, afterwards. Said you had filmed the camping video with Yangyang, and that we should go together another time.” Shotaro vividly remembered watching the video when it came out, just to torture himself.
He had watched the two Chinese members alternating between Chinese and Korean, singing along to songs in the car and huddling over the warm fire. He had wondered what it would have been like if he had been there, if the dynamic would have been different, if the conversations would have been awkward.
“Can I take that offer up now?” He asked.
He heard silence from Renjun’s end. In his mind, he could see Renjun rubbing his face and thinking, before replying, “It’s dark out.”
“Are you still at the practice room?”
“Yeah.” Shotaro looked around at the empty practice room, finally realising that Sungchan had left. “I’m leaving now.”
“Wait there, okay? I’ll come meet you at the entrance. Give me half an hour to get there.”
It took everything Shotaro had to not say ‘no’ reflexively. He had initiated it, after all, and he wasn’t going to let the offer slip away from him again. It’s okay hovered on the tip of his tongue, and he forcefully swallowed the words of appeasement. Softly, he said, “That’d be nice. Thanks.”
He hung up before he could change his mind, pulling on a hoodie over his shirt. He grabbed his coat and cast a sweeping glance over the practice room, ensuring that everything was cleared out, then switched the lights off and headed down the corridor towards the elevator.
He sat on the couch by the entrance, the cool wind breezing past him every time someone left the building. There was no one entering anymore this early in the morning, and Shotaro stopped looking up to see the silhouettes of the artists leaving.
He wrapped his coat tighter around himself as a particularly harsh gust of wind blew in his face, nuzzling into the warm fabric.
“Hey, Taro.” At the sound of his name, Shotaro looked up with a startled jump, taking in the sight of his two friends. Renjun stood right in front of him, feet just a few centimetres away from him, cheeks red. His hands were tucked into his puffy white parka, buttoned all the way up to his neck, and his sneakers were worn-out, the ones he wore to practices, not when he was going out.
Yangyang was beside him, eyelids drooping like he had just woken up, messy hair shoved under a black bucket hat. His coat reached all the way down to his black boots, laced tightly up to his ankles. He cracked his knuckles absently, not meeting Shotaro’s gaze.
“Hey, Renjun. Yangyang.” Shotaro greeted both of them with a head nod, and they nodded back. “Why are we being so formal?” Shotaro asked, laughing incredulously.
Renjun joined in laughing, holding his hands out for a hug. “I don’t know,” he said, patting Shotaro on the back. “It’s good to see you again.”
Yangyang tossed the car keys in his hand to Renjun, and Renjun tilted his head towards the door. “C’mon, let’s go.”
In the car, Yangyang asked Shotaro how he was doing, and somehow, between answering and discussions about the latest debuts and their upcoming comebacks, they got to talking about adjusting to living in a foreign country.
Shotaro had thought about it for a while, just before he left NCT. He had been jealous of the Chinese members, who had someone else in the group that could speak their language, understand them, laugh with them. Shotaro hadn’t had that. The only other Japanese member in NCT was Yuta, and he already had a fixed unit. Shotaro rarely got to see him, instead spending most of his time with Sungchan.
Back then, it had been difficult for him. He longed to have a unit, a team, a group of people they worked with and struggled with, shared their joys and frustrations with. Shotaro loved Sungchan, he really did, but Sungchan was only one person. It wasn’t enough.
But Renjun and Yangyang understood. They had each other, and Shotaro didn’t have someone like that.
“That’s why we always tried to include you,” Renjun said.
“I guess.”
Then Yangyang reached over and enveloped Shotaro into a hug, and a dam burst within him. He melted into Yangyang’s arms, body heaving with silent sobs.
“God, I’m so sorry. It’s just been so much—I can’t believe how much time has already passed.”
“It’s okay. Okay? You’re good.” Yangyang kept murmuring words of comfort into Shotaro’s ear, brushing aside the hair that stuck to his face. Shotaro laughed a little, wiping away his tears, and Yangyang kept one hand on his shoulder, just in case.
Shotaro took several deep, shuddering breaths to calm himself, leaning on Yangyang’s shoulder. At the next red light, Renjun chanced a glance behind him to see Shotaro fast asleep on Yangyang’s shoulder, breathing peacefully.
Yangyang’s hand had slipped lower down, to Shotaro’s side, patting the sleeping boy.
Renjun pulled into the parking lot, just next to the dormitory, and both he and Yangyang let out a sigh.
Renjun spoke first. “He’s been through so much.”
“We all have.”
“Could’ve been worse.”
Yangyang looked at Shotaro, watching the rise and fall of his chest, and his stable breathing. Yangyang brushed aside the hair from his face, watching the gentle flutter of his eyelashes. When Yangyang dropped his hand, looping it around Shotaro’s wrist, he could feel the younger’s pulse beating steadily.
“Could’ve been worse,” he agreed.
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abibliophobiaa · 1 year
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talking in your sleep
chapter one - burnin’ for you
- eddie munson x afab!reader; 80s summer camp slasher au.
warnings: (20k words) overall this fic will be dark in tone, though this chapter is mostly light and fluffy; r has a father for the sake of a future conflict, though they are not named; thriller; possession; alcohol and recreational marijuana use; allusions to sex; oral (f receiving); allusion to oral (m receiving); 18+, minors dni.
additionally— while this is technically an au, the upside down does exist here. the original core st crew has experienced the events of seasons 1-3, but in a different capacity that will become clear through the narrative. also a loose loose loose adaption of s4 with a slasher flair
There are rumors that Hawkins is cursed. 
That there’s a gateway to hell in the town’s epicenter—paved by the blood of innocents. 
That there’s a whole world roaming beneath, teeming with monsters who have gaping maws full of endless rows of teeth that walk on twos and fours, screeching bats, and swirling shadow beasts. 
But they’re rumors all the same. 
Hushes in hallways, within the four walls of homes, by conspiracy theorists trying to strike up their next controversial story. 
Stories told around campfires to wide eyed children, fear struck grave and true behind their gazes, or by those wishing to warn others to stay away, to reconsider coming—to turn back while they still have time. 
Those same rumors fueled by the terrible murder of the Creel family, a haunting story of a girl who disappeared and was never found again, the impossibility of the zombie boy who was gone from this world one day and alive the next, the devastating fire that burned down the Starcourt Mall and took the lives of many. 
Tragedies. All of them. Twisted to fit a narrative. Because Hawkins is safe. Inconspicuous. Boring. 
Nothing strange happens there. 
Nothing, that is, until the summer of 1986. 
 “Hello campers,” you call out through the megaphone. “Welcome to Camp Firefly for the summer season of 1986. Dustin—please stop pulling on Max’s hair. Max, don’t kick Mike in the shins! Oh, Juliet, honey, please don’t eat the gl—”
The megaphone is snatched from your fingers by none other than Steve Harrington. All long limbs and debonair stature. Dark hair gleams in the sunlight, broad shoulders shifting as he raises the megaphone to his lips and shouts, “Okay, listen up shitheads. Unpacking starts now. In one hour, we’ll be meeting in the mess hall for our welcome dinner. Be there or be square.”
You open your mouth to argue, to yell at him for breaking up your speech, but a pair of arms winds around your waist. Eddie’s form thumps into yours, his tall and gangly body having just rushed out of his parked van to hastily barrel into you. Four weeks; you’d gone four weeks without seeing him, and it had felt like years. Sighing, you lean into his embrace. Steve shakes his head beside the both of you, continuing on with the welcoming speech for the rest of the campers who are paying attention. 
You, on the other hand, find yourself preoccupied with the boy insistent upon sliding his palms into the back pockets of your shorts, pulling you flush against him until your noses brush.
A giggle rises from your throat, your face warming. “Eddie,” you gasp out when a hand squeezes on your flesh. There’s a thwack of your hand against his shoulders, arms loosely around his neck, though there’s no true anger to be found there. Only the prickling nervous anticipation over being seen. You drop down into a hushed whisper, “Not in front of the kids!”
“I’ll have you know, my campers know cooties are real. I’d like to think I’m a great teacher.” His forehead presses insistently into yours, breath warm against your bottom lip. He’s so close now you can smell the mint on his tongue, masking the hint of the cigarette he likely smoked minutes ago beneath. “But I myself happen to be up to date on my cootie shots…”
Another thwack to his abdomen this time, but all it does is have him closing the space between you, ignoring the overly exaggerated gagging sounds of his friend Steve to your left. It’s a long, drawn out press of your lips. Weeks of yearning and wishes, pent up desire, pouring out into the spaces between you. A hum spills from you, unwarranted and yet welcomed by Eddie’s firmer embrace. 
Those arms around you that drag you close pull you in tighter, insistent on keeping you near. A part of you wants to remain there. Forever, if he would allow it. But you have too much to do. Between welcoming the returning campers, assisting new campers, and making sure all the counselors are in position for their job duties, your schedule is packed. 
Full to the brim in your father’s absence. 
“As much as I would absolutely love to spend the afternoon doing this, I need to get to work,” you say, sighing breathlessly as your boyfriend separates from you. His nose nudges your cheek, palms brushing along the curve of your jaw. You kiss him once more, grinning. Lowering your voice so no one else can hear, you add, “Meet me in my cabin in fifteen minutes.”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, sweetheart,” he says, pressing a final, lingering kiss to your lips, bowing at the waist. He backs away slowly, finger dragging a slow ‘x’ across his heart. You practically glow with it, heart thundering away behind your ribcage.  
Steve wrinkles his nose beside you and you tip your head to the sky, ignoring him. Eddie’s form is already retreating to your cabin, broad back swathed in a dark tee shifting as he moves throughout the gaggle of children rushing around him like the parting of the sea. 
All around you children giggle. Cars and buses alike weave in and out of the makeshift gravel parking lot. Parents press kisses to their babies' brows and wish their little ones a wonderful month of excitement to come. Wistful gazes meet yours in passing. Friends reunite after months without, hands curling around hands, skipping back to their prospective bunk beds. Girls with friendship bracelets bleached by the sun and time, and boys with their fake swords made of sticks they retrieved in the woods rush along, sights set on their unknown destinations. Your nostrils are filled with the smell of sunblock and the food cooking in the mess hall, the lingering remnants of your boyfriend’s cheap cologne, and the perfume you’d dabbed onto your pulse points earlier that morning for the curly headed metalhead. 
You smile to yourself, letting the summer sun warm your cheeks, and think, It’s going to be a good summer.
 A fan blows in the distance, but it does little to lower the heat in the room. Does little to chill your sweat slick skin, shirt long pushed high on your chest, moisture pooling in the hollow of your throat, along the dip between your breasts. Your thighs lay splayed out around a narrow pair of hips resting against where you crave him most, fingers dragging lines along the slope of his stomach, the trail of hair leading to the part of him seeking your attention, straining through the sun-faded pair of green shorts adorning his legs, lightened from years of use. 
“Missed you,” Eddie drawls, lips gliding along the soft of your stomach.
Shivers ripple in their wake, toes curling within the tube socks around your calves, lined with that glaring green stripe that mirrors the green accents on your white Camp Firefly shirt. You rip your hand from his abdomen and curl your fingers around his bicep, gasping into open air as he tugs the cup of your bra down and his tongue lathes over a sensitive nipple.
Somewhere against your thigh you can feel him hot and hard and ready—eager and insistent. The wooden beams of the cabin above you blur around the edges as fingers dip down into the waistband of your shorts, teasing at the slickness he finds there. 
“E-Ed,” you rasp, clutching tighter, fingernails digging crescents into his skin at the softest prodding of his middle finger against your center. “Mmm—more.”
That finger dips into the well of slick pooling. Swirls around and around until you’re writhing beneath him, chest rising and falling against his as he leans over to hover above your form, watching the utter bliss sliding over your features. 
“Sweetheart,” he says lowly, voice seemingly dropping an octave. His mouth roams over the curve of your hip bone, nipping at delicate flesh until your stomach clenches and you yelp. “Pretty sure you’re not in uniform.”
He’s right. You’re meant to be wearing the standard white shirt with green lettering or ‘Camp Firefly’ across the front and that silly pair of matching green shorts. But you hadn’t had a chance to change your shorts before the kids started pouring in—before Eddie managed to get you alone. 
He tuts, and with his other hand, Eddie slowly works the button on your jean shorts free, the zipper following suit. The denim brushes along your thighs as he lowers them down your legs, tossing them into the far corner of the room, toying with lace, wet with your want. 
“New?” he murmurs, dipping his middle finger inside you, dragging it in a slow circle that has you clutching at the bed sheets beneath you. At your nod, he grins. “Is this all for me, sweetheart? Should go away on tour more often.”
Eddie’s careful as always as he slides down further toward the foot of the bed, shorts and shirt rumpling. A shudder of breath passes from you as he hikes both your thighs over his shoulders, the balls of your feet resting against the span of his back, as those fingers of his palm at the dough of your thigh. Warm breath skitters across your bare skin, replaced by his mouth a moment later. Warm presses that start at your ankle, dragging up up and up until you’re whimpering, pleading, begging for him without coherent words. Words fail you when he’s like this, intent and amorous, wanting nothing more than to draw out your pleasure, bring you to a peak, have you gasping beneath him in your release, holding you close as you float back to earth with him. 
“Please don’t. Missed you too much,” you nearly beg, eyes rolling back into your skull as he tugs the flimsy fabric aside, nearly ripping it in his haste, and parts you with his tongue. Every other word, every statement, the thoughts you might have shared—they all flutter away into the wind, replaced only by this mouth, these fingers, and this man. “Missed you too much. Oh gosh, just like that, please don’t stop Eddie—”
His answer is the curling of his fingers within you. The blinding white light that dances behind your closed eyes as he licks and teases at your center, coaxing you further along that invisible peak. It burns within your gut, a spark fanned into flame, holding bright into a steady inferno, ready to burst behind your eyelids when a knock sounds at the door, shaking you both from your fantastical reverie. 
Head rolling back into your pillow with a groan, you cry out forcibly, “Who is it?”
“Chrissy…your roommate.” It’s a hesitant voice that greets you. Soft and quiet, but impossibly sweet. The groan that threatens to spill from your lips is swallowed immediately. 
“I totally forgot…” you whisper to Eddie, referring to the girl standing at your doorstep. 
In all your years past, you shared with your father. Now, as the manager for the summer, and Chrissy being the newest addition to camp, you had specifically set her up in your cabin so she could gain a grip on things swiftly in her first summer here at Camp Firefly. Head slumping back against your pillow, you dress in haste, brushing your fingers against your hair and under your eyes to make sure you look presentable, and then walk over to the front door. 
Eddie clears his throat. “Should I head out?” 
You huff a sad sigh, not wanting to see him go. Not after you just got him back. “Rain check?” At his nod, you rush back across the room and press a lingering kiss against his lips. “I’m so happy you’re here. With me.” 
“Me too,” he practically purrs, curling a finger in your belt loop, dropping a final kiss at the center of your forehead. Skin warms under his touch. “Now go—Chrissy’s waiting.” 
There’s a swift crack of his palm against your ass that has you throbbing down to your core, a mock gasp rounding your lips as you turn your head over your shoulder to playfully admonish him. But without the capabilities of doing anything about it, you instead open the door to reveal your beautiful new roommate. 
To say you don’t know Chrissy Cunningham is a lie. Point blank. Everyone at Hawkins High knows her. Recently graduated, incredibly smart, overachiever, and class president. Girlfriend to Jason Carver, and captain of the cheerleading squad. Basically, high school royalty. She’s perfection in a dainty blonde package, with her whimsical laughter and bright eyes, and you can’t help but smile as she pulls you into a hug and excitedly bounces on the balls of her feet. 
It reminds you of your first summer here as a camper. Wide-eyed wonder, with all the hope in the world to go along with it, taking in all the sights, the people, the things. Years later, Camp Firefly still holds that incomparable charm. But it’s different now; especially as a counselor, in charge of making sure all these children have fun, are fed, enriched, and remain alive for the four weeks they’re in your care. 
Though you don’t press them about it, Chrissy and Eddie are technically late. Most of the staff arrives days prior to the campers arriving to run through protocols, to ensure everyone has their proper safety training, the kayaks are checked over for damage, the craft rooms are stocked, meals are decided for the summer session, lifeguard duty is handled, and the like. But this is Eddie’s third summer, and he knows these woods by heart. Chrissy, on the other hand, is a late addition requested by her boyfriend, Jason. You’d been reluctant at first, but another sports coordinator wouldn’t be the worst thing, so you’d added her to the staff list. 
Just as she steps back, you hear the gentle glide of your cabin window shifting upward. A white Reebok covered sneaker presses up to the ledge, drawing Chrissy’s curious gaze from where she stands at your back. Chest burning, you wiggle your fingers at him, his shoulders shrugging. 
“Hey, Chrissy,” Eddie says, grinning widely. She mutters a breathless ‘hi’ back. “I don’t usually make it a habit of sneaking through this window. In case you were wondering…”
He does. 
“I’ll be out of your hair in two seconds,” he adds, boosting himself up and over the windowsill and onto the grass below. At your slowly arching brow, he laughs, “I could have…used the door.”
“Could have used the door, yeah,” you agree, that increasingly familiar sticky fondness toward him bubbling up within you. “See you in the mess hall.”
He backs up as you say it, keeping his eyes on you, thumping against a tree and getting a bunch of leaves caught up in his wonderfully unruly hair. The tops of his cheeks stain red, visible in the slowly setting sun. Smitten—he’s so damn smitten, and he’ll try to hide it from everyone to keep up that metalhead slash dungeon master persona, but he’s absolutely terrible at it and you love it. 
“Bye, Eddie!” Chrissy says gleefully, just as Eddie starts to wave and brush at the leaves poking out haphazardly from dark curls. 
Grinning, you waltz over to the bedroom window, leaning your head out to look at your summer boy turned all year boy. 
“Bye, Eddie,” you drawl a little teasingly, affection dripping from you, sliding the wooden frame shut. 
He pouts and you wave, quick to once more mouth ‘rain check.’ Then, with his form finally retreating to his assigned cabin for the summer, you whirl around to face Chrissy. 
“Okay! Sorry about all of that. I’m the…well, I’m your manager this season. Fred Benson will be your assistant manager, should you need me and not be able to find me at any point. Welcome, we’re so happy to have you here. Now how about we get started on a tour of Camp Firefly?” 
 Camp Firefly sits on the outskirts of Hawkins. An outdoor oasis nestled deep within the woods, about an hour and a half from the rest of civilization, and home to many campers when the summer season arrives. Stomping grounds of the counselors who roam their wooden cabins, teaching, mentoring and playing with their bright faced youths. 
The sun sits, bright and golden, over the endless sea of emerald green trees. The barest hint of wildflowers and the lake water down the hill hits your nostrils, blown in by the two fans set up around the room to cool the humid summer air. Vaguely, you hear the cicadas bursting into life, the birdsong filtering through the trees kissing heaven, the rush of water in the distance. Beneath it all is the chatter of children, some of the earliest arrivals likely already pestering their counselors about the many activities they’ll be wanting to do, though the first event is always the welcome dinner in the mess hall. 
Gesturing for Chrissy to follow, you usher her out the front door and peer out over the front porch, extending your arms to show her the view from just outside your shared bedroom window. Through the lush foliage just outside your bedroom window, you can see the grassy hill, the sparkling blue water down further below, a long wooden dock that’s also home to a storage cabin full of water sports. Kayaks already bob in the water, their bright colors sparking joy. Vibrant yellows, greens, reds and blues—awaiting their eager pilots. The water gleams a gorgeous azure blue, reflecting a cloudless sky above. 
Your favorite part of every morning is seeing the kids. All their bright smiles, their shoes kicking dirt up as they skip, run, walk and mill about. Those first day jitters remind you of being a younger girl, still a camper, freshly out of school for the session with summer break standing before you and a summer of endless opportunity ahead. You recall your favorite counselors, the way they made you feel, how loved and special it was to spend every day playing, learning and growing. 
And now—now it’s your job. Now you’re in charge of protecting, teaching and encouraging the youth. It’s your job to make sure they never go one day without knowing just how valued, appreciated and loved they are. Seeing their smiling faces, their reception to your encouragement, the way they bloom when exposed to love? It makes all the early morning wake ups, makes every tear shed over a scraped knee or a sprained ankle, all the macaroni necklaces and family portraits, the food fights and arguments between campers, the competitions and music events worth it. 
Chrissy seems enraptured with the whole thing as you lead her down the pathway toward the fire pit in the center of camp. Her head turns everywhere you go, waving to little ones as they rush on by, introducing herself to parents, to the campers she’ll be working with for the next month. You watch her confidence spark to life, flourish, and expand with every minute that goes by beside you. Soon enough there’s that eager bounce to her step that catches your eye, the flick of her ponytail as she greets a new camper with a handshake and a cheery ‘hello,’ the way she starts repeating names of kids after they pass, if only so she can start to remember them all.
She’s trying, and it’s more than you could ask of her as a new addition to the roster and someone who hasn’t done this before. 
“Okay, so let’s start here,” you say, pointing to the fire pit in the center of the camp. On your far right is the ‘Welcome to Camp Firefly’ sign. Stopping in your footsteps, you wait until she’s at your side to proceed. “This is the heart of the camp. We host our campfires here. So that would mean anything from s’mores nights to scary story sessions or icebreaker games. We try to hold them for the kids once a week. Sometimes two, weather permitting. If you’re ever lost, look for the welcome sign.”
“Okay. If I’m ever lost, welcome sign.” She repeats the words slowly, head dipping. Her head whips right and left, peering out against her surroundings. “Got it. We have a lot of kids that come here, don’t we?” 
“We definitely get a good crowd. Mostly Hawkins and Christian Academy students,” you tell her, pulling out your whistle and blowing when you catch Lucas racing after Mike. “Boys! Slow the heck down. Wheeler, your shoelace is also untied! Are you trying to go to Nurse Mooney on day one?”
“Sorry!” They both cry out at the same time, heads bent low as they slow down long enough until they think they’re out of view, and then continue running as quickly as they came, both yours and Chrissy’s heads shaking in laughter. 
“So we passed our cabin, the lake. Over there is the mess hall. We’ll be meeting there at around six for the welcome dinner for the campers and counselors. It’s a good opportunity to meet some of the kids, catch up with friends, and all of that,” you tell her, pointing to the larger building. Pausing, you shift just a bit, where another wooden building looms, doors open to display a stray soccer ball and basketball here and there within. “Over there would be our gymnasium. Obviously we try to do most things outside, but on days it rains that’s our alternative. You’ll find a lot in storage for activities. Steve will show you around there. We also host dances there for the kids. We make a little pizza and ice cream party out of it. Snacks galore, all of that good stuff.” 
You lead her through the back of both buildings, coming up on a pathway that leads to a trail. “Down this trail right here are the girls and boys cabins. Kids are obviously kept separate, but you’ll find that the prank wars start almost immediately. I can always tell by all the shrieking,” you tell her, laughing to yourself at the fondness of the memories that flit through your mind, a kaleidoscope of color and splashes of joy. “Last year the kids got Eddie good. Shouted that Max had skinned her knee—he loves that kid, so he ran to see if she was okay—and he got a bucket of water tossed on him.”
“So we allow the prank wars?” 
“Yeah.” Your feet shift in the dirt. “They’re kids, they’re going to be rowdy, and we encourage it. Some of these kids have a rough go of it during the school year, and this is a sort of escape for them. It’s what I love most about Camp Firefly. Just watching them play, learn…explore. It’s really rewarding. I know it’s only four weeks, but you’ll miss these guys once they’re back on the buses and headed home with their families.”
“Makes you really appreciate the place. I, ah, know sometimes how hard people might have it at home and school, so this place probably means the world to them.” Chrissy stares up at the pathway. At the wooden cabins with their bright, colorful hammocks dancing in the wind on their porches. You wonder briefly what she’s thinking, but she only smiles softly to herself, saying, “Thanks again. For letting me work here.” 
 “Well look what the cat dragged in!” Dustin calls from beside Eddie, just as you and Chrissy finally wander into the mess hall. 
Eddie barely even has a chance to raise his hand in greeting when the curly haired brunette comes rushing forward into your awaiting arms. Another pair greets you next, long and gangly, with dark hair that definitely looks different than it did last summer. 
“I was so excited when I saw you and El on the sign up list,” you tell him, rustling the hairs on his head. His head tips up, leaning into the weight of your hand atop. “So happy you’re all back from California. Did you get a new haircut? Maybe grow a few inches as well?” 
Will merely blushes, stepping back, shoulders brushing with Dustin’s. “Eddie said you’re manager this year,” Dustin starts, but Mike tosses a bread roll at his head and the boy is whirling on the heel and flipping his friend off. 
“Your crush is showing, dipshit,” Mike teases, voice bored and lofty. 
“Be nice,” El grumbles, waving your way. 
Chrissy shifts awkwardly at your side, taking in the numerous pairs of eyes also sitting at the table. From where you’re standing, looking over Dustin and Will’s heads, you can see Max, Lucas and his little sister Erica. All of which are bright eyed and happy to see you, practically bouncing with energy where they sit between Eddie and Steve. Some of the other counselors are at other tables, chatting with their kids and one another. Jason, Chance and Andy are rough housing in the distance with some of the older boys. And you can make out Jonathan and Argyle with Nancy and Robin at the table just beside the one Eddie and Steve sit at. 
Your heart swells over being reunited with everyone. Even if you’d seen them at school only a few weeks ago now. Tugging Chrissy to your side, you clear your throat, drawing the attention of the kids. “This is Chrissy. I’m sure some of you already knew that, but this is her first summer as a counselor.” 
Eyes all over turn to gauge the newest addition to Camp Firefly. Careful perusals, questioning stares, that all eventually melt into curiosity and hopefulness. Before long the kids are ready to bombard her with endless questions as soon as you two find spots to sit down on the mess hall benches. Asking her what it’s like on her first day at camp, if being a cheerleader is fun, what her favorite movies and colors are, what ice cream she likes, what she’d want to be if she woke up as an animal one day. Silly, simple icebreaker things. Small talk that has her loosening as time goes on, easing into a familiar banter that makes your muscles loosen, Eddie’s hand seeking your knee under the table.
“You’re doing well,” he reassures you, and you cover his palm with your own, because, as usual, he knows exactly what you need at the moment. And maybe you are—doing well, that is. It’s the first day of camp, everyone is happy, and things are running smoothly.
Releasing an exhale, you gesture for Chrissy to follow you toward the buffet line, full to the brim with various easily accessible meals. Chicken nuggets, pizza slices, macaroni and cheese, sandwiches, and the like. One thing you’ve always prided the camp in is the ability to go above and beyond making sure each camper’s needs are met—counselors, too. Together you load your plates, recounting the tour around camp, Chrissy regaling you with the names she’s already starting to learn. 
“The redhead is…Max, right?” she asks, and you nod, thinking of your favorite little redheaded youth. 
“That would be her. She’s a toughie, but she means well.” 
She’s also had a rough go as of late, though you don’t tell Chrissy that. Her step-brother, Billy, had been one of the many lost in the fire at Starcourt Mall. It had been a grave loss—all of those lives gone in an instant. It hadn’t mattered how terrible he’s been when alive, it still crushed her all the same. And with her having started high school this year, you can’t even begin to understand the hardships she’s been going through. As often as you could throughout the school year you’ve checked up on her, offered to spend time with her after class, to sit with her in the cafeteria during lunches, but she’s always pushed you aside. Brushed you off, away, out of sight. And you understand—you really do. Seeing her at camp, trying and open to the next four weeks, however, has your chest burning with hope. 
“Then there’s…Will and El. They’re step-siblings. Dustin, he’s Eddie and Steve’s friend. Erica and Lucas…siblings. And Mike.”
“You’re getting it.” You place your macaroni and cheese on your plate and toss on a bread roll, watching as Chrissy shovels a slice of pizza onto hers. “It’ll take some time. But it’s your first day. Trust me, you're doing great.”
 The welcome dinner passes as usual. Kids and counselors alike catch up and recall their memories from all the months spent apart. You prattle on with your kids and watch Eddie out of the corner of your eye as he talks with Dustin and Mike about whatever fantastical campaign he’s planning for their first DND session on the campgrounds. 
It splits your heart. Makes it swell three sizes. On your right, Chrissy and Erica are caught up in a duel. Whoever breaks first in a staring contest loses, prompted by none other than Lucas himself. Suggesting since it’s Chrissy’s first day, she’s in need of a little ‘initiation ceremony.’ 
You and Robin make light of Steve’s present dating life. Laughing when he expresses he’s not actually on the market because he’s interested in an older woman, but he won’t exactly tell you who. Although, when a certain Miss Mooney walks in, you can’t help but to notice the way his eyes catch her across the room. How he quite literally goes white as a sheet and gulps loud enough the two of you can hear him. 
And maybe your brow arches high on your forehead, and maybe he grumbles for you to mind your damn business, but Robin and you burst into giggles all the same, grinning bright for the boy with hearts quite literally dancing in his eyes for the newest nurse to work the medical cabin for the summer session. 
“Should I invite her over?” 
“Eddie, tell your girlfriend to stop—”
“My girlfriend does whatever she wants,” Eddie chuckles, leaning onto his elbows. “What are you doing now?” 
“Steve is hopelessly in love with Nurse Mooney,” you tease, wiggling your shoulders, grinning widely. 
“Who knows?” Robin bumps her shoulder against his. Steve lets out a sound that resembles a whimper and you can’t help but let out a little snort. Eddie elbows him roughly in the ribs, telling him to ‘look alive’ when Nurse Mooney walks by and settles down at a nearby table. “Maybe this will be the beginning of something beautiful?”
“Should I start singing?” you ask. 
“Summer Nights?” Robin winks, earning a loud groan. 
“On three. One, two—”
“You’re all the worst, okay?!” Steve grumbles, resting his head on the table. “I’m disowning all of you as my friends. I’m not even joking.” 
Summer is officially here. 
 The first few days of summer pass in the familiar Hawkins heat. Every morning you rise to the sound of your alarm clock and announce over the speakers it’s time for the kids to wake up. Immediately, you’re dressing and preparing yourself for the day. Bright white shirt, green lettering, green shorts. 
Chrissy rolls out of bed yawning and quiet, tiredness clinging to her form, slowly adjusting to the rigid schedule you try to maintain at Camp Firefly. Seven thirty rise, eight in the morning breakfast in the mess hall, and then groups are split into their respective activities for the day.
You merely observe on those initial days, taking in the energetic buzz that seems to linger over the air as counselor and camper alike get back into the groove of sleep away summer camp. Heat slicks your skin as you traipse through the forest floor, waving as you go. 
Steve and Chrissy teach archery one day, bows drawn back, kids lined up across a strip of targets set up far away in the distance. 
On another, you manage to pass the arts and crafts cabin, watching as Robin and Nancy cheer on campers for drawing their bright rainbows, caricatures of their families, replicas of their homes. 
One evening you stumble upon Jonathan and Argyle after a particularly eventful hike, wherein some of the kids came back with various herbs and mushrooms you weren’t exactly sure were safe and up to code. 
Another, you manage to find Eddie bent over, cheering on a little one as they strum carefully on an acoustic guitar, eliciting the proper chords he’d been trying to teach. 
At the lake, you wave and grin as campers paddle across the water in their brightly colored kayaks, cheering on their friends for making it across the way, high-fiving Jason and Andy when they happen to do something especially noteworthy. 
Your phone calls to your father are breezy. The children’s echoing laughter is a backdrop to your conversation. And he only praises you for the job well done, warming you from the inside out. 
I can do this, you think, hanging up the phone and glancing out the window to see a bunch of children running by with colorful pool floats, headed in the direction of the lake. I can actually do this.
Before long it’s the first Saturday of the summer in the mess hall. Which means the traditional food fight. The rules are simple enough. Every year, a kid is chosen from a hat, and they’re the instigator. The person who throws the first spoonful, handful, whatever they choose. But no one knows who that person is. Attack is imminent, and everyone around is a sitting duck, praying they make it out without a bowl full of mashed potato on their head (like last summer, when Erica had very excitedly tossed it right onto Steve Harrington’s perfectly coiffed hair). 
The room is quiet now. Camper and counselor alike seated at wooden tables, glancing about, trying to see who their betrayer will be. Friendship doesn’t matter on ‘Food Fight Day.’ It’s a tradition. Traditions, apparently, trump friendship. One could hear a pin drop, could cut the tension with a knife, trying to see if anyone drops their facade and gives a hint of what is to come. 
And for who. 
Across from you, there’s movement. A spoon rises from beneath the table, poised at the ready within Max’s hands. Your breath hitches as her eyes fall onto yours, spoon scooping up a helping of gravy. Stomach turning, you watch as kids snicker about the table. As Eddie nudges Steve with an elbow, pointing your way. 
“Max, please,” you start, holding up your hands in surrender, “you don’t have to do this.”
“Oh—” She releases her spoon and gravy splatters across your face. You blink once, trying to hold back your disgust and laughter. “But I do.”
After that, it’s a cacophony of joyous giggling in the hall as campters gather around the tables, hands inching closer to the endless rows of food across the tables, preparing themselves for war. Condiments, ranch, ketchups and mustards. Spaghetti noodles and pizza slices. Hamburgers and hotdog buns at the ready, drenched in whatever mystery sauce the children had soaked them in. 
There’s a moment, however brief, where the gravy drips down onto your cheek, glides down your skin, and dances along your upper lip. A moment where there’s a respite in the building of anticipation. Kids all glance around at one another, a silent conversation left to linger in the air. And then, with her spoon filled with macaroni and cheese at the ready, Erica Sinclair stands up on top of the table. 
And screams, “FOOD FIGHT!”
Battle cries echo around the mess hall, and the food fight commences. The air crackles and roars with excitement as fingers smash and push into their respective bowls, projectiles soaring through the air like torpedos and landing on their assigned targets. Casualties are in the midst, children in the way, those unsuspecting, ending up with splashes of red tomato sauce on their faces, crimson splatters like little flowers across their shirts. Lettuce flutters in the air, like confetti exploding into the atmosphere, falling down onto heads and shoulders and the floor. 
You’re running around the table with a handful of macaroni and cheese as Robin tosses a slice of cheese at the back of your head. A frisbee of yellow that lingers against your hair for a moment before falling to the ground. Dustin screams on your right, yelling he’s been hit as a spoonful of mayo hits him right in the eye, body falling to the ground into a dramatic heap. Max screams as Lucas pulls out a slingshot, shouting that he’s using an illegal weapon as he loads brussel sprouts onto the contraption and pulverizes Mike with the projectile.  
Dropping down onto your knees, you army crawl underneath the tables, avoiding oncoming ammunition and the shrieks of children as you make your way over to your target. Every year, without fail, it’s Steve “the Hair” Harrington. Doesn’t matter he wasn’t the chosen first target this year. It’s just as much of a tradition as the food fight in and of itself. And, out of the corner of your eye, you catch your comrade in food arms. Eddie crawls as well, hand covered in a ketchup, using his elbows to leverage himself across the floor. Nearly even gets hit with a potato bun from friendly fire (Argyle, who apologizes profusely when he realizes what he’s done). 
You meet with him in the center, ducking out of the way of a stray cube of cheese, shoulders bumping. “If I don’t make it,” you begin, but Eddie cuts you off. 
“You will make it, you will.” He’s shaking with laughter, covered from head to toe in a mess of various ingredients, but still as handsome as the first day you saw him at summer camp two seasons ago now. “Our target is about seven feet away. You take him from the left, and I’ll hit him from above. Do you hear me?” 
“I do.” You lean over and peck his cheek. “Also, I missed you.” 
“Eyes on the target,” he says, trying to maintain your foolish facade. His features crack, corners of his mouth twitching with his boisterous laughter. “But…I missed you too.” 
“Alright.” You nod, training your gaze ahead where Steve is currently defending himself from an onslaught of pickles. “I’m going in for the kill.” 
It happens in what feels like slow motion. It’s a perfect plan. A great one, really. One you and your friends have been plotting since before the summer season started. Get close enough, hit the target, and call it a game. But as you slide out from beneath your table and rush forward to an unsuspecting Steve Harrington, Chrissy Cunningham barrels through with a squeeze bottle of ketchup. You’re hit. Square in the chest. In your shock and distraction, Eddie fails to notice his comrade is down. Slips out from beneath his hiding space with his handful of ketchup, just as El appears holding aloft two mustard bottles.
You’ve both been caught. 
Steve saunters forward, throwing his arms up to deflect incoming projectiles, glancing down at the two of you. Eddie throws his hands up in the air in surrender, swallowing at the red streaks across your chest. Obliterated—you’ve been obliterated by the presently grinning Chrissy, her hair full of stray macaroni salad pieces, chest streaked with other unmentionable condiments and food items, a little piece of lettuce stuck in her shoelaces. 
“Well, well, well. You two really thought you were getting away with a repeat of last year. Surprising, coming from two of my best friends. But a little birdie told me what was to come, so I had time to collect some reinforcements.” He gestures to Chrissy and El, still standing before you determinedly. “Any last words?” 
You’ve prepared for this moment. Prepared for the chance you might be intercepted before you could take down the intended target. 
Eddie glances at you. You look back, head dipping. Eddie trains his eyes ahead, tipping his chin upward. “Look up, big boy.” 
Steve pauses, brows furrowing high on his forehead. “Look up?” He does, and out rushes none other than Robin and Nancy themselves, with a bucket of cold tomato sauce in hand. In his distraction, he doesn't see them coming. In his distraction, he fails to prepare himself for the two of them appearing from behind, pouring the contents over his head, drenching him from the fullness of his hair all the way down to his toes. 
Kids are shrieking in their delight all around you, but as Steve wipes eyes free of tomato sauce, you clasp your hand in Eddie’s. 
Because you know in that instant, you’ve won the war. 
 The key jangles in your pocket as the two of you stumble into the private showers. He’s everywhere. Fingers digging into your hips, lips against yours, pulling you close. Tugging you forward, craving nearness. Wanting to be close, and then even closer still. Always closer. 
As the children continue their food fight across the camp grounds, you slip into the shower facilities you know are typically vacant during the evening hours. Undisturbed, you close the door behind you, prying yourself away from Eddie’s wandering hands long enough to jimmy the sliding lock into place, grinning when the sound of metal signals peace and quiet once and for all. 
“You’re disgusting,” you chuckle, and he knows you don’t mean it. Not really. 
In a crowded room of thousands, you’d choose him every time. Even like this, with ketchup and mustard across his shirt. Mayo across his proud cheekbones. Macaroni in those dark curls you could spend the rest of your days toying with. He’s still everything you could ever hope for—and he looks at you like he thinks the same. Like even with your shirt covered in ketchup, streaks of red across your chest, the likely remnants of the cheese frisbee at the back of your head, and the rice clinging to that coagulated patch of mayo on the leg of your shorts, he would still think you’re the most beautiful woman he’s ever laid eyes on. 
Eyes that roam over your form even now. Dark in the growing moonlight. In here, where there’s nothing but quiet. The chaos of the campers long gone, leaving you alone in the sanctuary of togetherness. Tentative feet carry you closer, hands trailing the sides of Eddie’s right arm, running over the short sleeve that covers the wyvern tattoo you know rests high along his tricep, trailing lower still down to his wrist, his hand. With trembling fingers, you grip his palm in hand and raise it up, over your hips, over your sides, curling over your breast. Gasp into his opened mouth just millimeters from yours as his fingers knead the sensitive flesh, his husky voice whispering your name into the empty vestibule. 
In here, you are merely two people, still exploring the newness of your relationship. There are no responsibilities, no children calling your name, no one there to remind you of your job duties. Here you can lean in and press your mouth to his, swallow the groan that falls from his lips as your hips press flush against his, the growl that echoes as you glide your hand over the patch of hair above his waistband, trailing lower, and then lower still where you find him half-hard in his shorts already and curl your fingers around the fullness of him. 
“You’re kind of gross yourself,” he teases against your mouth, smirking into the skin of your lips as his palm slides down around your back and cups your rear, kneading the flesh until you yelp into him. “We smell like the mess hall.” 
The words are a bucket of ice water thrown onto you. A realization that, yes, you do smell absolutely putrid. A conglomerate of more things strewn about your bodies than you can count on one hand has now had time to sit and attract the summer humidity. Lingers in the air, even as your mouth moves slowly over his, drawing those lovely sounds from him you’ll never tire of. With a reluctant sigh, you part from his embrace, taking a step back to watch as he reaches down and tugs his shirt free from his form. There’s a new tattoo across his ribs. A coiling snake that curves up his side, black and white linework immediately drawing the eye to the forefront. Curiosity beckons you forward, fingers brushing along skin, along the lines, Eddie’s dark gaze following yours. 
“Got this while you were on tour?” you ask. 
“Figured it would be a surprise,” he says, smoothing a palm over the side of your face. “Do you like it?” 
“I do.” And it’s not a lie. Not as you brush along his ribcage, grinning to yourself as he tenses and twitches under your ministrations, teeth pressing into his bottom lip to keep quiet. 
Exhaling, you take a step back and tug your shirt off, rubbing at your bicep as his chocolate brown eyes run along your silhouette. Sensing your hesitance, he whispers, “You’re beautiful, you know that, right?”
“Never hurts when you remind me.” 
“You are.” 
It continues like that. He tugs his shorts off and kicks them into the far corner. You remove yours and place them on a towel rack. His socks become a pile on the floor with yours. His boxers are thrown haphazardly, and your underwear follow the same, becoming a heap alongside your bra. The water itself is luxuriously warm. The spray coasts along your skin, warming you from head to toe. With a hum, you turn around to face away from Eddie, letting the steady stream run along your face, washing you clean. A broad pair of arms circle low around your hips, his chin tucking over your shoulder, mouth at your ear. And you linger like that, with the steady flow of water washing away the remnants of your food fight, his body warm against yours, and the rest of the world fading into the background. For a moment, time slows. There’s nothing but you and Eddie, your private oasis, and the love shared between the two of you, full to the brim, threatening to burst at the seams. 
The two of you take turns cleaning one another. He glides a bar of soap gently over your skin, and you do the same for him. Shampoo is built into a lather and rubbed into scalp, mouths meet in the middle to kiss away the sting when suds manage their way in sensitive eyes, and hearts hammer faster as the bar is tossed out of the shower curtain and mouths become fervent, needy, persistent. 
Outside, campers and counselors alike are shrieking and giggling, but inside there’s only this moment. 
This man. 
“What are you—” It’s a question broken off into a huff of breath. A gasp as your knees hit the shower floor, eyes round as they seek his face. “You don’t have t—”
“I want to.” 
And soon, your oasis becomes your own symphony. A melody only the two of you know. Kisses along his thighs. The tender presses of your mouth over the sensitive flesh of his abdomen. Nips laid into skin, utterances of his praises. Pleas of ‘like that’ and ‘good girl’ as you finally take him into your mouth. Grunts and groans. Whimpers and moans. Fingers that cradle the back of your hand, but never push. It builds, grows, bursts behind his eyes. Hits a peak, reaches a crescendo, and those final lingering notes where he lifts you back to your feet, himself boneless and tired, eyes hazy as he leans down and captures his mouth with yours. 
And you return with equal fervor, happy to please, hopeless when it comes to the man. 
But there’s a knock at the door, and you know the food fight will have been finished by now. Accept the fact you can't stay hidden away from society forever. There’s a final brush of your lips over his, and the acceptance of responsibilities, but those memories of stolen moments remain all the same. Even as you dress in tandem. Even as you slip your shorts back on, your socks, your shoes. As he shakes his wet hair out, letting the curls fall as they will, his mouth roving over your shoulders, eliciting a peal of laughter from you. Even as you scrunch your nose when he blows a raspberry into your neck, if only so you'll smile at him. 
You bite your lip and ignore Robin’s curious gaze as the two of you slip out one after the other. As Steve tuts mockingly, appraising both your forms with weary eyes. Even as you slip back into your cabin after one final lingering kiss on the front steps, Eddie’s hands cradling your face, and your arms around his shoulders. And especially as Chrissy greets you in the doorway, her own blonde hair freshly washed, an oversized hoodie falling freely over her form. You dress quickly in the bathroom, tossing your dirty clothes into a hamper and pulling on a comfortable pair of shorts and a ratty old tee shirt that has one too many holes in it. Your feet slide into a pair of slippers and you walk back into the main room. You don’t question where she’s been, nor do you tease for the bruise you spot on her collarbone. And she doesn't prod or pry over the one that must have slipped away, left to linger on your neck. 
Instead you curl onto your sides, away from one another. She kicks her socks off at the foot of her bed, and you throw your slippers into a heap on the floor. You reach over and tug on the pull cord of the lamp. The room descends into darkness. There’s only the sounds of your breathing, the hammer of your heart, and the memories of kisses in dark shower stalls, Eddie’s mouth on yours, yours on his, and hands on bodies. 
You call Chrissy’s name hesitantly into the darkness of the room. Wanting to ask her about the day. Wondering if she enjoyed it, if she was enjoying her time thus far. But you’re only met with the sound of her quiet breathing. Gentle inhalations and exhalations of your reluctant roommate. 
Tomorrow—you’ll ask her tomorrow. 
 It’s not intentional—the way it all starts that second summer you share with Eddie. 
Eddie’s loud and boisterous. Rowdy. Charismatic, frenetic, energetic. He’s different, unique, atypical. Stands outside of societal norms and has no qualms about it. Lives in the spotlight, if only to keep those nearest to him safe. 
He’s also a worker at your father’s camp. Has been for two years now as a favor to his Uncle Wayne. For years, his uncle and your father work at the same power plant when your father isn’t directing the summer program at Camp Firefly. 
Eddie and you aren’t friends. Haven’t been. He’s the kind of person you pass in the hall. Maybe you wave, maybe you give him a smile, a curt nod. But you’re most certainly not friends. And over the summer you’re often on opposite sides of the camp. Eddie usually goes to the music and arts cabin, while you remain on the lake as a lifeguard or helping around wherever else help may be needed. 
It’s that second summer something changes. Eddie’s…well, he’s always been attractive. Dark hair, dark eyes, those tattoos lining his arms. He smiles more your way, interjects in your conversations with your friends, opens up more. You start to hang out. Alone. Away from the prying eyes of your friends, talking about everything and nothing. Learning, growing, enjoying merely sharing space with one another. 
And it’s one day, while you’re both assigned cleaning duty after your father had caught the two of you smoking on camp grounds that it really starts. The two of you sit in the gymnasium, mops and brushes in hand, sweeping and disinfecting the surfaces. It reeks of sweat and dirty tube socks, like teenagers and food thrown away and forgotten in the garbage, and yet nothing prevents the way your heart thumps a little swiftly, how you’re aware of every inch of your body around him, the way he regards you as you work. 
“Thanks,” he says out of the blue, wringing out the mop, draping it in the wheeling cart. 
Your brow arches and he drops down beside you, extending a hand to you. Passing over your brush, he scrubs at a particularly dirty patch you’ve been working at for the better part of ten minutes. 
“For, uh, taking the blame.” 
As your father had marched over to where you and Eddie had sat smoking in the woods earlier, you snatched the joint from Eddie’s fingers and stamped it out quickly. Kept it tucked away, though there had been no avoiding he’d seen it. It was inevitable. His face had grown severe, brows narrowed, wondering when his ‘little girl’ had taken up the habit. And you’d shrugged, pretended it meant nothing, unaffected. As a result, both of you were banished for the afternoon to cleaning duties, making sure the place was scrubbed from top to bottom. 
A punishment that felt a little like fate, if you were honest with yourself. 
“It’s no problem—”
“I just—you didn’t have to do that,” he says, tossing the brush into the bucket on his left. Drops down onto his knees, staining the green of his shorts darker in the sudsy puddle below. “I need this job, believe it or not, and my uncle would have killed me if I fucked things up with your dad.”
“Eddie, it’s fine. I…I wanted to,” you remind him. “I like spending time with you.” 
He glances down at the floor, hair spilling about his shoulders. For a moment, your lips part, afraid you might have said too much—might have made him uncomfortable. But his ringed fingers reach across and twine loosely around yours, testing the weight of them within his fingers, gauging your reaction. Dark, chocolate brown eyes rise to yours, your palm shifting his hand to face upward within your own. Gentle touches glide over the curve of his hand, the lines and creases there, the calluses from guitar strings. 
“This okay?” you ask, finally lacing your fingers with his to linger in the gap between the two of you. 
He nods, shifting closer. Closer and closer until your knees brush. “Yeah—yeah, it’s perfect.” 
He shifts closer again, head dipping a little. You’ve kissed other people before. Small things, never serious. A game of truth or dare around the campfire only after a couple beers, after a date once or twice, but never like this. Never with a boy you’d liked for the better part of the summer. Never someone like Eddie, who made butterflies erupt in your belly, made you feel all those silly emotions in all the movies you’d seen where a guy meets a girl and they fall in love. 
This is different. Feels different. There’s a weight and importance to it. A desire to get it right. So you shift closer, soaking the bottom of your shorts, but you don’t find it in yourself to care. Not when his nose brushes your cheek, not when you can feel his breath on your bottom lip, can smell the stick of gum he’d been chewing on, can nearly taste the cinnamon you’ll find there if you do. 
“This okay?” he asks this time, bringing his right palm up to curl around your cheek, warming your skin. 
It’s brief. It’s so brief after you nod. The softest caress of his mouth along yours, a whisper of skin touching skin, before your father’s gruff voice breaks the silence with a harsh reminder from the upstairs storage room, “Doesn't sound like a lot of work is getting done in here!”
Bodies jolt apart, cheeks burning hot, hearts burning brighter. 
But it marks a newness. A beginning that builds and grows as you explore the start of ‘togetherness’ those last days of summer at Camp Firefly. It’s kissing behind the gym when no one is around and he can sneak you away, it’s Eddie helping you out and into bedroom windows after hours, spending time together tangled under the stars. 
Later, in those last weeks of summer camp, it’s exploring hands in the dark, over clothes and under. It’s quiet whispers of ‘are you sure’ and eyes that bore into your soul, his mouth inches from yours. It’s your words of consent, it’s his reciprocation. It’s giving yourselves to one another on that last day of packing up camp. Standing before one another in your now abandoned cabin you generally share with your father. Eddie’s hands rest on your hips, and yours toy with the curls brushing his shoulders. Your noses dip together, mouths mingling in the center, bodies crushing in close. His hips press into yours and you feel him hot there, unbearably so. 
And you grow eager, fingers curling in the leather of his jacket, pushing it free from his shoulders, nails raking along the skin that lingers beneath his ratty old tee shirt. You tug that free and he helps you out of your shirt. An awkward gaggle of limbs and tear stained, giggle kissed cheeks. It’s a silent perusal of eyes as you slip off layers of clothing. Your bra, his pants, your underwear, and his boxers. They become heaps in the corners of the room as you touch each other, letting fingers rove in places you’d only ventured alone within the privacy of your bedrooms. It’s sharing that newfound intimacy with another person, for the both of you. 
And yeah, Camp Firefly might have been where it all begins, but it only just starts the summer of 1985. 
 Every summer, staff rotates the weekends some of the counselors get a night off. It’s always one day where everyone can take a night to relax. That day just so happens to be the first Saturday at camp wherein you’re able to stretch your legs in front of you, donning an oversized Camp Firefly hoodie with your name stitched over your heart, sandaled feet warming by the fire. 
The orange glow crackles and dances before your eyes. Sparks jolting onto the wood below, embers dimming as quickly as they come. Warmth heats your cheeks, draws you closer to the comfortable slumber you can’t wait to take advantage of later. For now, you reach over onto your left and slide your fingers over Eddie’s. His head turns your way, dark eyes clashing with yours as those ringed fingers lace with your own, giving you a quick squeeze. 
Robin and Steve sit nearby on a pair of chairs. Heads bent low, voices quiet in the midst of a private conversation. On their left are Argyle, Jonathan and Nancy. Argyle works on rolling a couple joints as the trio chats, his head bobbing often, silky hair catching and gleaming in the moonlight. Jason and Chrissy recount tales about their kids—Jason with the ones on the lake, teaching them to kayak, showing them proper swimming form and the like; whereas Chrissy explains how her kids learned how to play soccer with Steve’s help. 
Somewhere in the distance you can hear Fred practically fretting himself half to death. Questioning how it is all of you can be spending time away, while the rest of the staff lingers behind. And Chance promptly tells him to ‘shut the fuck up,’ just as he takes a sip of his own beer. 
With a sigh, your head leans back against the fabric of your chair, the can of beer in your hand already lukewarm. You’ve barely sipped any—mind still faraway, recalling the day, making note of what worked and what didn’t that week, trying to keep up with inventory, already planning on your phone call with your father. 
Noticing your daze, Eddie’s thumb brushes along the inside of your wrist. Warm and welcoming. Soothing in a way that has your head rolling a bit, fingers wanting nothing more than to push into those dark curls and remain there, the rest of those around you falling away, leaving you alone with your favorite guy. 
“I’ll still never get over it,” Andy drawls, leaning back against his chair. Tina shifts on his lap, a beer bottle hanging loosely in her hand. You arch a brow in curiosity, and maybe a bit of warning. “The Freak and the Princess. Who would have thought?”
You tense beside Eddie, and he tips his head up to Andy. “Seriously man, get fucked.”
“Testy, testy.” At your glower, he continues, "I'm just joking with you and our Princess here.” 
The man in question rises from his chair, nearly sending Tina falling to the floor in his haste. His fist thumps down on the shoddy radio perched on a wooden stump. “Pass the Dutchie” spills out, the joyful tune breaking up the hoots of owls, the frogs bellowing in the lake, and the gentle night song of grasshoppers. His zip up jacket shifts as he moves, dark hair unkempt still from spending most of the day in the hot sun, jumping in and out of the lake. 
“I think we need to liven this party up,” he says, tipping his head back, guzzling down the rest of his beer. Tina giggles airily from her chair, hair twirling around her index finger. Andy shoots a sly grin her way, brows waggling. You scoff, rolling your eyes. “Anyway, I heard this really interesting story recently.” 
“Oh?” Chance asks, looping an arm around Fred’s shoulder, dragging him nearer to the fire and shoving him down into a chair. “Come on Benson. It’s not going to kill you to enjoy one night out—”
“Actually it’s imperative that—”
“Benson,” Jason warns. “It’s one of our only days off. Give it a rest.”
“Jason,” Chrissy sighs, nudging his shin with her shoe. “Be nice.”
“Anyone got a light handy?” Argyle calls from the other side of the fire, finally done rolling. “Enjoy, brochachos. Some good shit we got today.”
He’s referring to his and Eddie’s side business, the two having become fast friends since he moved to Hawkins only a few months ago now from California with Jonathan and the rest of the Byers family. Your father definitely doesn’t know about it, and you intend to keep it that way. 
Fred’s already been threatened if he knows what’s good for him, and if he wants a chance at a second summer as assistant manager, he’ll shut his trap and avert his eyes. The slow hesitance of him presently reaching for his beer tab and popping his can open reassures you that the breath you’re holding can release into open air, lungs expelling gratefully. 
The joints are passed around the fire, split with those wanting to participate. 
“Sweetheart?” Eddie asks, quietly so no one hears. You find you prefer it that way—the fondness of the nickname from his lips like a secret meant only for your ears.
Normally you’d say yes, having spent many nights at Lover’s Lake in the early weeks of your relationship smoking by the water, basking in the newness of your romance, talking about life and the twinkling constellations above. But at your hesitation and the soft shake of your head ‘no,’ Eddie lights his own, his thumb grazing the inside of your wrist once more. 
The group descends into a semblance of quiet, broken up by the exhales of smoke into the air, the scent swirling in your nostrils. Andy drops back down into his chair, done with his gallant twirl in a slow circle, garnering the attention of his mostly involuntary crowd. 
“Have any of you heard of…the realm that lives beneath Hawkins?” 
Your group lets out a round of frustrated sighs and groans, all of you having heard the tales told by the investigative programs, your bored neighbors. Hawkins, your gateway to hell town, harbinger of death and blah blah blah bullshit. For years, it’s been idle chatter, told by those looking for controversy. Conspiracies. 
But there are realities to every story. Newspaper articles conveying the events that happened, television programs documenting the tragedies that befall every town. Tragedies. Unfortunate circumstances that led to lives lost. And yet there are those who would dig up those graves for a sordid story. For their own entertainment. 
“Monsters that crawl on twos and fours—”
“With claws and rows and rows of teeth,” Steve finishes, rolling his eyes, sighing exasperatedly. “We’ve all heard the stories, Andy.” 
“Yeah, but what about the stories where they literally strip the flesh from a human body?” He whirls his face closer to you and Eddie and you jolt in your chair. “Rows of teeth that can skin a human. Made to be an apex predator.”
“Andy,” Nancy warns with the roll of her eyes. 
“Have you heard the story of Henry Creel, though? The guy who killed his family in 1959?” he asks. The group settles into an eerie silence, bodies shifting around the fire to attention. “Mom and sister, bodies unrecognizable. Mangled. Dad’s locked away. In Pennhurst.”
“Andy…” you cry, breath hitching at the brutality of it. 
There were stories, yes. You’d heard of the Creel family. No one ever ventured to their abandoned home in the woods. No one dared. You weren’t one to believe in those stories. They were stories, after all. Stories people have been telling for decades, meant for entertainment and to elicit terror. 
“It’s that abandoned house in these very woods,” he says, opening another beer. “They say he died too. That he’s some sort of spirit now that haunts the halls of that home. That he feeds off of grief and guilt and trauma, claiming souls for him to open the gate beneath Hawkins. For every person he kills, he gets closer to literally making Hawkins hell on earth. I'm convinced the tragedies we keep hearing about…I think they’re part of some sort of ritual of his. He’s been getting stronger all this time, just waiting for the perfect moment.” 
“Andy, that’s absurd,” Robin splutters, glancing amongst Nancy, Steve and Jonathan. Each wears a look of varying degrees of concern. Steve’s brows knit together, Jonathan shifting wearily to look at Nancy, Nancy staring off into the distance. There’s no time to dawdle on what those expressions mean as Robin opens her mouth again, prattling, “You can’t honestly believe that a dead guy is doing all of this.”
“Just give it a rest, will you, man,” Steve adds, another roll of his eyes that’s so obvious you wonder if everyone just shuts up for a moment you'll hear it. “There’s no…other dimension of monsters and no dead dude sacrificing the souls of Hawkins to open some gates.”
Andy shrugs. “You scared, Harrington.”
“Horrified,” he drawls, and you snort. At that, his lips twitch. “Now can we move on since I’m shaking like a leaf out here in my terror?” 
“Yeah, dude, pretty sure you talking about dead people is killing our high,” Argyle agrees, passing off his joint to Jonathan. 
The song shifts to “Hungry Like the Wolf” and the conversation changes as well. To lighter topics now, things that don’t make nervous jitters crawl up your spine, don’t make you want to sleep with one eye open at night. Argyle is fully transitioning into life here in Hawkins, and plans on staying for the foreseeable future. Steve and Robin are working harder than ever at Family Video, with Steve being promoted to manager since Keith was moved to another location. Nancy and Jonathan plan on signing a lease to an apartment some time later this year, and when everyone turns to you and Eddie all you can do is express that you’re both doing well. Eddie’s just gotten off of a small, local tour, you’re planning on business college in the fall to eventually help your father run the camp permanently. 
It’s not before long that the gentle hum of music, the smell of the crackling fire mixed with the weed, the tang of beer on your tongue, and the quiet conversation lures you into a warm embrace. Eyes fluttering, you cup the bottom of your jaw within your palm, elbow propped up on the fabric of your camping chair. You doze off for minutes, maybe hours, you’re uncertain, before you feel the gentle glide of Eddie’s finger along the line of your temple, the top of your cheek. A low hum spills from your lips, and you wake to find the guys pouring water on the remnants of the fire, while others pack away the snacks and alcohol. The camping chairs are loaded into their respective bags and slung over shoulders, and it’s time to head to bed, the first staff part of the summer a success. 
Forest floor crackling and rustling beneath your feet, you follow beside Chrissy while Steve, Eddie and Jonathan chat with Argyle up ahead. Nancy and Robin have locked arms with one another, bodies swaying likely from alcohol and weed still buzzing in their system and you trail to your left where Chrissy is watching them and glancing your way every so often. Her teeth worry her bottom lip, like she wants to say something, like she doesn’t know exactly what that even may be. 
“Tonight was fun,” Chrissy says, body nearly brushing yours. You reach across your chest to cup your biceps, hugging yourself. There’s a pause. A momentary hesitation that has your skin prickling with awareness. “Did you have fun?”
“I did,” you admit, allowing yourself the unfamiliar comfort of her heat against you. 
This seems to be suitable for your cabin mate, light eyes darting to yours in the moonlight, crinkling around the edges in glee. Not a friendship, not just yet, but something. An olive branch. 
“Look—I know we didn’t—”
“Watch out, it’s Henry Creel coming to steal your soul!” 
A pair of hands clutch at your shoulders, jostling you wildly in a pair of unwanted arms. The shriek that spills with you slices the air, heads turning immediately to the source. Heart hammering, you’re hardly aware of your surroundings as Steve and Eddie barrel forward, shoving Andy away from you and threatening him to never put his hands on you again. Andy hits the ground with a loud thud, Eddie’s chest rising and falling rapidly in his exertion as he stares down at him. The man on the forest floor cackles, chest shaking with the throes of his entertainment, palms already visibly torn up from where he swiftly tried to break his fall. Vaguely you recognize Fred’s worried voice, trying to ease up the tension—and failing—thin and wobbly, as though at any moment your father will burst into the clearing and banish you all to your cabins. 
Eddie whirls around to rush by your side, but Chrissy’s already tugging you into the cradle of her arms, reassuring him that she’s got you. “You guys go finish up, I’ll take her back to the cabin,” Chrissy explains, running a hand over the back of your head. Your body shakes, heart still pounding away from the suddenness of his antagonizing. “Andy, do you have to be such an asshole all the time? Grow up!” 
His reply is the wiggle of his fingers and a mocking, drawn out ‘boo’ that has Eddie nearly lunging forward again to shove him back into the ground, before Steve draws him back and reminds him he needs the job, that Andy isn’t worth it, that Eddie will meet up at your cabin later.  
 The two of you dress in silence. The wood of your shared cabin creaks from ages of wear and tear as you mill about, shifting around one another, gathering your things. You manage a pair of shorts and a long tee shirt, one of the Corroded Coffin ones Eddie had made, and settle down at the foot of your bed with a pillow pressed tight to your chest. 
Chrissy does more or less the same. Brushes her hair at the small wooden vanity in the corner, washes off the little makeup she’s worn that evening, and hurried into the bathroom to brush her teeth. Upon return you’ve found she’s slipped on a pair of silky pajama shorts and a ratty old tee with the Hawkins High logo on it from when you both were still in high school.
It’s funny to think a month ago you walked across that graduation stage. Had collected your diploma, cheered on Eddie for finally receiving his after hard work and dedication to see it come to fruition, and started the beginning of a new season in your life. Endless opportunity awaited the both of you—all of you here at the camp, really. Recent graduates, those trying to figure out their path, trying to determine what they want to do. 
It’s funny to think Chrissy and some of the others on the basketball team had always been strangers to you. Coworkers during the summer, but otherwise people you generally avoided. Ignored. Head down, eyes ahead—it always worked best that way. Your eyes travel down to the neck of your shirt where it falls down a bit around your shoulder, skin still prickling from where Andy had grabbed at you. 
Chrissy catches the movement, brows knitting together on her forehead. “I don’t know why you just sit back and let him act like that toward you. He’s an asshole.”
“He’s an employee,” you remind her, toying with the frayed edge of your shorts. A string dances beneath your fingertip; you wind it around the first indent in your skin, twirling, tugging. “I’m…my dad left me in charge, but I’m not used to this. Any of this. It’s easy for you.”
“What do you mean?” She scoots closer to the edge of her bed. 
“You’re Chrissy Cunningham. People listen to you. At school, they’d part like the Red Sea for you,” you tell her coolly, shrugging. “It’s different for people like me.”
People who walk the halls for years at school, flying under the radar. No one knows you, no one talks to you—not really, at least. You never minded it. Hadn't then, and still do not now. It might have made it easier having someone in your corner, someone to take you under their wing, push you to fly. And sure you had your friends, a small circle, but you preferred the safety in solitude. 
Then there were those like Chrissy, Jason and their friends. Those who shone in the light. Shiny, sparkly things. The kinds of people others were drawn to. Those who people naturally gravitate towards, if only for a chance under the sun. A moment in the spotlight. And you know they’re not perfect. Everyone has their own stories to tell, struggles ahead of them, trials they’ve faced. 
But in high school, in life thus far where you’re either in or you’re out based on what those around you can see and perceive on the superficial exterior alone, you’ve always been out. 
And that’s all you know. 
“Look—it doesn’t matter regardless,” Chrissy says, pinching lip between her teeth, releasing it in a frustrated huff. “Has he always been like that toward you?”
There’s always been an antagonistic relationship between the two of you. Started back in sophomore year when you’d caught him cheating off of your test in math class, and had told your teacher. After that, and a failing grade on his part, he’d been nothing but persistent in reminding you you’d been the reason he’d failed that class and needed to remain in summer school that year. 
The downside also being that you were both still campers at sleep away camp by that point, and would argue over every little competition Camp Firefly hosted. And when he’d applied to be a counselor once old enough, you’d nearly begged your dad to not hire him, but couldn’t bring yourself to explain why. 
Seemed so silly at the time. Still does. Being unable to bring yourself to just plant your feet around him and take no shit from him. 
You grimace. “Yeah.”
“I wish you would say something then. People like that keep doing that because they think it’s okay. They see that you’re not going to say anything and they take advantage of it,” she says, shifting up and off of her bed and onto yours. “I, uh…my mom is kind of like an ‘Andy’ in my life. And for a really long time I just let her…talk to me like that. But no one should berate you, make you question yourself, wonder if you’re good enough.”
Her hand rests lightly against your bare kneecap. Your eyes trail there, and hers meet yours hesitantly, but you cover the weight of her skin with your own palm and feel the corners of your lips upturn. 
“You know, you’re different than I thought you would be,” you murmur thoughtfully, eyes darting up to light ones. Her head tips to her side and you continue, “I thought you might be…scary.” 
Your eyes pinch shut in embarrassment and she bubbles with side shaking laughter. “You thought I was scary? I thought you would be the scary one.” 
“Me?” Your finger presses to your sternum. 
“You were always so involved in school, good grades, on the yearbook committee, a scholarship student for your business school. And now you’re my boss, which is pretty awesome at nineteen years old,” she tells you, shoulder bumping against yours. 
“Just for the summer,” you remind her. “My dad is still the director, just managing from home.”
“Even so. Looks like we both misjudged one another.”
She nods. “Looks like it.”
With a sigh, you shift down onto your back, not minding at all when Chrissy arranges herself comfortably at your side, her arm slung over her waist, eyes trained on the wooden ceiling. The gentle inhalations and exhalations from both of you intermingle in the humid summer air, the gentle hum of your fan blowing a backdrop alongside the chirp of crickets and bellows of bullfrogs straying from the lake. 
“Hey…” Chrissy breaks the silence, and your head turns on the pillow to look at her. “If we’re going to be cabin mates for the next month or so, I think it would be nice if we were, you know, friends.” 
“I’d like that,” you admit, and it comes easily. 
Easy like breathing, what with the way she grins at you like you’ve ignited new hope within her soul. Mouth opening to speak, you’re interrupted by the swift raps of knuckles on a door, and without even asking her to, Chrissy hops up off the bed and flounces over to the door, hair swishing as she goes. 
The door opens and you really shouldn’t be surprised to see Eddie. Eddie’s standing there in a Metallica tank top, the sides cut for a larger hole, revealing the smattering of ink across his form. Heart clenching, you rise to your feet as Chrissy opens the door further and urges him into the open space, arms circling his waist as he draws you flush against his chest. A hand rests on the nape of your neck, the other rubbing a slow circle between your shoulder blades. 
Chrissy whistles a tune unfamiliar as she makes her way back to her bed, kicking her feet up on a pillow. Feeling your cheeks warm, you step back, mindful of your company. Circling your palm in his own, you drag him onto the front step of your cabin, taking in the glow of the moonlight up above. Wings of fireflies bat around you, their glowing bulbs flickering around the lamp hanging on the porch, a moonlit song only they know. 
“I wanted to check up on you,” he says once the screen door is shut behind him, palm coming to rest on your cheek. “He’s an asshole. That whole Henry Creel bullshit.”
“I’m okay,” you promise, leaning up to press your lips to his. “Don’t wanna talk about him.” 
“Think Chrissy will let me stay tonight?” he murmurs, forehead pressing to yours. His nose slides down the bridge of yours, prods at your cheek until your lips twitch into a smile. His teeth flash with his grin at that. “There she is.” 
“You're on duty,” you remind him, though the idea is tempting. 
Summer before being Eddie’s girlfriend was one thing, your first summer as his girlfriend is another. Separation feels daunting. The craving to be near is stronger now than ever before. 
“The little gremlins can survive one night with Steve.”
“Eddie…” He buries his face against your shoulder, swaying you left to right in his arms. “Thanks for coming. But I promise I’m fine. Plus, I think I actually made a new friend tonight.”
“You and Cunningham, hmm?” 
“She’s…she’s actually really nice.” 
“I’m glad.” His head shifts, lips pressing into your neck until you wriggle and writhe in his arms, earning a chuckle out of the man. “I’ll miss you. Maybe you’ll come visit me in my dreams.”
“You’re such a sap, Munson.” Nose wrinkling, you reach up to comb at the curls tickling your cheek. “Who knew?” 
“There are exceptions to every rule.” 
You grin, heart fluttering away in your chest as he takes a step back and makes his way down the stairs leading to your cabin. There are three words that bubble on your lips, three words you’ve never shared with anyone before. And it’s fitting they form for this man, this person. 
But it’s not time. Not yet. So instead you lean your elbows onto the railing and blow him a kiss, snorting as he dramatically smacks it against his chest and falls backward into a heap on the forest floor below. 
“Go, shoo,” you tease, giggling as he rolls over and pushes himself onto all fours, shaking out his hair. 
“You wound me, sweetheart.”
Three words. 
Not now. 
“Goodnight, Ed.”
He grins. Waves. 
Three beautiful words. 
But you have all the time in the world anyway; there’s no rush. 
 It’s an accident that causes you to end up in Nurse Mooney’s cabin. She’s one of the newest additions to the camp. A highly educated individual, with years of nursing experience under her belt, and exceptional with the children. It’s one thing you’ve heard over and over again from the kids after every scape, fall, and tumble. There’s also the increasingly curious fact that Steve Harrington himself seems to be enamored with the woman, having been found already on more than one occasion visiting the medical cabin. 
You find yourself there presently. A hike with Jonathan and Argyle turned sour when a tree branch whipped you in the face, slicing at the sensitive flesh of your cheek. The kids had screamed, jolting on the spot when you hissed and pressed a hand to your bleeding skin, fingers pulling back soaked in scarlet red. Will had nearly passed out and Max cursed. Dustin called for Argyle, nearly blowing your eardrum in the process. And Mike and Lucas shoved you along the path back to camp, leaving El behind to help make sure her step-brother would make it back okay. 
Which is how you find yourself now, slipping into the cabin and calling out her name, only to find Steve himself sitting atop an examination table, smiling softly at the woman who presses a bandaid with numerous breakfast foods in a cartoonish style on them to his bloodied knee cap. The two whirl your way, Steve’s cheeks burning hot as you approach, while Nurse Mooney tips her head up to the sky before noticing your bloodied cheek, urging you forward with the wave of her hand. 
“What happened to you?” Steve breathes out, rushing over to tip your chin up with an index finger. “It’s not—”
“No, no. I got in a fight with a tree and it won. No need to worry Eddie,” you tell him, curling your fingers around his wrist and shoving it away gently from your face. “Seriously. Don’t worry him over this. He’s busy with the kids.”
Nurse Mooney shuffles about in the distance, setting up what you assume to be the things she’ll need to patch you up. Your eyes flicker upward to Steve’s, mirth bubbling in your gut. “Why are you here?”
“Mind your business,” he warns, voice dropping into a gravelly grumble. 
“It’s just curious.”
“She’s a good nurse.”
“I’m sure,” you tease, grinning widely. “She’s also really pretty, intelligent, talented and—”
“Shhh. Will you stop it? Next time you and Eddie want me to cover so you can canoodle in the woods I’ll just so happen to be busy.”
You pout. “No fun, Harrington.”
“You two will be having no fun if you keep it up.” He glances over his shoulder, earning a smile from the woman. “I don’t want to mess this one up, okay?”
The seriousness in his tone gives you pause. Swallowing, you nod. Steve’s love life has been a bit of an…interesting tale as of late. He chalks it up to losing his dating “mojo,” but you know Steve. Steve with his heart full of love ready to be given, an immeasurable kindness, and a tenacity that always surprises you. He’s also a wonderful friend, ‘mother’ to the children, and sacrificial for those he loves. Anyone Steve Harrington loves will be a lucky partner. The thought alone sobers you, mouth setting into a firm line. 
“Just…protect your heart, okay?” You wiggle his arm with your hand. His lips curl upward into a dopey grin. “I care about you, you know? Seeing as you’re in a semi-questionably romantic relationship with my boyfriend.” 
“Shut up,” he laughs, but there’s no malice there. “You look a mess.”
“You’re an idiot.”
But he’s grinning. A wide smile that makes your heart clench as he runs a hand down the side of your arm and waves Nurse Mooney goodbye. As soon as the screen door shuts, you’re ordered to jump up onto the examination table, wincing as Nurse Mooney leans forward to assess the damage to your cheek. She winces as you do, mouth turning downward, a soft exhale of breath falling from her softly parted lips. 
“Going to need some steri strips.” At your grimace, she continues, “It’ll need to be cleaned first. Tree really got you good, did it?” 
You laugh, but it only brings a new wave of pain to the wound. “Ouch, please don’t make me laugh.”
She works in silence. Gathering the things she needs on a rolling table, getting to work on cleaning out your wound, apologizing every time a blinding flash of pain hits. Once the wound has been washed, she pulls over a rolling chair and starts to apply the strips, brows drawn into a furrow, attention fully dedicated to your cheek. 
“So your first time working at a summer camp, huh?” 
“Are you enjoying it?” 
Her mouth twitches upward. “It’s different than what I’m used to, but I’m enjoying myself, yeah.”
“What were you doing before this?” you wonder out loud, gasping as her gloved finger accidentally brushes the sensitive flesh around your wound. 
“Sorry.” She exhales, grabbing another strip and pressing it into place. “I worked in trauma for two years.”
“So this is a lot slower?”
“Definitely. Scraped knees are a relief compared to some of the things I’ve seen at the hospital,” she admits, leaning back onto the chair and stripping her gloves off. “A walk in the park compared to car accidents, stab wounds and all of that.”
Stomach dropping, you swallow. “Well, we’re happy to have you. Now you can put bandaids on paper cuts for days on end.” You let out an uneasy laugh. 
“You’ll keep those on for ten days. Just to be safe. Shouldn’t leave a scar.”
“Thank you.” You hop off of the table, making your way over to the cabin door. “The kids love you. Everyone does…actually.”
“Glad I can be of help. And…try to keep away from low hanging branches, will you?”
“Will do.” 
 About a week after the campfire debacle, you find yourself sitting in the craft cabin with Robin and Nancy and some of the girls, fashioning friendship bracelets with colorful threads. Your fingers work meticulously, winding together the colors, bottom lip pinched between your teeth. 
Your table is presently occupied by Max Mayfield, her own eyes trained on her bracelet in front of her, though she’s been silent for some time now. Exhaling, you finish off the line you’re working on and cup the bottom of your jaw in your palm, watching as the younger girl continues with her crafting, paying you no attention. 
Outside, you can hear the gentle breeze rustling the leaves. The cicadas that sing their morning song. The laughter of children faraway on the lake. Within, you can hear Nancy praising her kids for making the “most beautiful macaroni art” and Robin exclaiming she’s never seen a more beautiful “caterpillar egg carton.” But Max remains quiet and stoic, focused on her task at hand, not uttering a word. 
“Do you think Eddie will like this?” you ask, trying to stir up conversation. 
Nimble fingers raise the red, white and black presently half made friendship bracelet in the air. Some of his favorite colors are thrown into one. Max lifts her head, eyes running over it appraisingly. Cold—though not directed at you—empty blue. She continues to work on hers. Green, blue, and white. 
“Do you ever just…feel like…” She stops herself. Screws her face into a grimace and adds a few more lines to her bracelet as you ruminate in silence. 
“It sounds crazy.”
“You know you can always talk to me. Right, Max?” 
She swallows. “Do you ever just have a feeling that something bad is going to happen? I don’t know how to explain it, but I’ve been having these nightmares and I—” Another pause, her mouth setting into a firm line. 
Hesitantly, you reach across the table and slide your hand over her forearm. “You’re safe here. I can assure you that.”
“I know. I know,” she sighs, “it’s probably nothing.”
“Max, if it’s worrying you that much, do you want me to talk to your mom? Have her come pick you—”
“No. No, please don’t call my mom. Ever since Billy…and then Neil…”
You’ve heard the stories. The whispers around town by those who spewed rumor and vitriol for the game of it—for their own personal enjoyment. Had heard Neil Hargrove left her, abandoned her after his son had died, how they’d been left and moved into the trailer park. It’s how her and Eddie became so close. A brotherly figure to his “Red,” as he always affectionately calls her, even despite her grumbling that he annoys her. It’s all bark no bite, though. 
But you’ve also heard about her mom. About the hardships she’s been facing. About how Max has been struggling in school, with her relationships. It drives you up and out of your chair, shuffling to the other side of the wooden table to settle down on the bench beside her. 
“You know you can always come to me. For anything, right?” 
She nods, eyes downcast. 
“I won’t call your mom,” you promise her, hand resting against her shoulder. “But if you keep having these nightmares, or if they get worse, please tell one of us. Eddie, Steve, myself—anyone, okay?” 
“Okay,” she agrees. She waits a moment and lifts your bracelet between her fingers. “He’ll like it.”
“Think so?”
She wiggles her brows and shoulders, that fleeting grin of hers like sunshine piercing the clouds on a rainy day. “It’s coming from you, he’ll like it.”
You continue on in silence until the sun starts to set over Camp Firefly. You work on your bracelet for Eddie, and hers for Lucas (though she’ll never admit to that). It’s not until you hear the dinner bell from the mess hall that you extract yourselves from the tables, sliding away from the wooden benches with your colorful strands finally finished in hand. 
She walks ahead of you, footsteps eager, slipping into the open wooden doors and making her way over to her friends. Whereas you wander up behind the man you’ve been looking for, in quiet conversation with Dustin, and clap your hands over his eyes. Fingers curl around your wrists like bracelets, a low rumble of laughter shaking the shoulders pressing lightly against your hips. 
“Who is it?” you muse. 
“Gag me,” Mike groans, earning a harsh slap from El. 
“Hmm, I wonder. The options are so vast, you know?” 
Without another word, he’s climbing up and off the wooden bench, dragging you out of the mess hall with a quick nod in Steve’s direction. Once you’re outside, he rushes you around the back of the building and presses your back up against the wall, pinning you in place. 
“Oh, hey.” 
“Hey,” you murmur, mouth millimeters from his. 
He tastes like his usual cinnamon gum and a hint of smoke as he kisses you, lips soft and yielding beneath your own. It’s a gentle give and take, your fingers sliding beneath the fabric of his camp issued shirt, scratching along the hair disappearing beneath his green shorts. Breath fans along your lips, his body coming in closer, the fullness of high thigh between yours. 
“We can’t,” you whine, forehead dropping against his. 
“I know. I know.” 
Another kiss. Those lips drop lower, pressing to the hinge of your jaw. The curve beneath your ear, the side of your neck, until you’re giggling and squirming beneath him, clutching at the sides of his waist, panting for air. His palms glide along your hips, pausing at the strip of string hanging outside of the pocket. Curious, he snatches it free and lifts it in the air between the two of you. 
“You made this for me?” The corners of his mouth twitch gleefully. Dimple popping in his cheek. 
“No.” Your tennis shoe digs into the ground beneath you, forest floor crunching under your toes, head down, cheeks burning. 
“These are my favorite colors, though.” 
“Yeah well…uh…”
“Tie it on me,” he says abruptly, drawing your gaze to his left wrist he’s draped the bracelet over. 
“You really don’t have to wear it. It’s silly. I just spent the day in the craft cabin and I thought—” 
He smacks a kiss to your cheek, silencing you. “Please. Humor me.”
He draws you in closer with a hand circling your waist. You step into the cradle of his arms and grip the two ends of the bracelet, pulling them taut enough around his wrist where he’ll have some room, but it won’t slide off of him. Once satisfied, you fasten it and step back, admiring your work. Eddie wiggles his wrist in the air, admiring the red, white and black stitching. Eyes dart to yours. 
“I love it,” he says, swooping down to kiss you soundly. Until your lips tingle and your belly bursts to life with butterflies. “Come on. Before all the good food is gone.”
 He doesn’t know why…or really how…he ends up here. His feet crunch against gravel as he opens the door to his car, peering up at the building. 
Before him is a home. 
Set back against a driveway, stain glass windows caked in endless layers of dust. His heart pitter patters in his chest, unaware of what is to come. All he knows is there’s a sense of foreboding. A curiosity that he doesn’t wish to follow through with, and yet feels compelled all the same. 
The Creel house, where those murders heard only in newspapers happened. A family, here one moment in Hawkins and gone the next. Brutally murdered, bones broken, eyes ripped from skulls. 
Lives put to a halt. 
The voice in his mind calls his name again. Has been for some time now. Days, weeks, he’s not sure. But it’s a gentle caress in his mind all the same. A quiet whisper of ‘Andy’—a siren’s call that has him in its grasp. 
‘Andy’ as he brushes his fingers across dust dirtied shelves and bookcases in the home awash with moonlight, peering at various trinkets and once well-loved furnishings. The dust shifts and stirs around him. A halo of sparkling debris that flutters and flits around him as he peruses the interior of the home, taking in all it has to otter. Beautifully vaulted ceilings, sprawling staircases, lovely kitchen, dining room and sitting area. 
He tries to picture the home when they move in. Hopes settled on their shoulders, new keys tossed into their hands, ready to start anew as a family. Now, he stands in a barren wasteland. A place where everything comes to die. 
His feet carry him up the staircase, eyes roving the pictures on the walls, flashlight catching on the dust particles shifting as he moves. There’s a picture of what he assumes is the family hanging on the wall. A beautiful wife, doting father, a golden haired little girl, and a straight faced boy. Henry. His mind fills in the name, and now it settles on a face. Dark hair, severe blue eyes. 
He wonders how a boy, how a young boy like this, could ruin a whole family. How he could look at them, intent on killing, and follow through with it all. 
That compulsion to learn, the compulsion to simply be here, drives Andy further upward, pausing on a room. Inside he finds a wooden panel on the floor that doesn’t quite sit flush. It creaks and groans as he steps on it, edge popping upward. Curious, Andy sets his flashlight down onto the dusty floorboards and pushes up at the broken piece. Within lies a jar, covered like every other inch of this home in a thick layer of dirt and dust. Blowing out a breath, the dust swirls upward, revealing endless black widow spiders within. 
Fear chokes him. Causes him to stumble back, tossing the jar onto the bed above, clutching at his flashlight like it’s a lifeline. Shallow breaths puff in and out of his lungs. Gasps that rattle deep within. And then he sees it. The edge of a book, just above where the jar had been beneath the floorboards. A leather bound cover, smooth to the touch when he grows the nerve to pluck it out and brush along the edges, the binding. 
Etched into the corner is ‘Henry Creel.’ Crude in nature, no more than scratches in the front covering. His fingers brush along the letters, opening the first page to the doodles within. Images of spiders. Long limbs, cruel fangs, beady eyes. Smoky dark drawings, splashed with red streaks. On the next page are bunnies. Long ears, fluffy tails, wide eyes. But it’s the eyes that have his chest rising and falling faster. Eyes that should be bright and warm are crossed out with painted red x marks, slashes on a page, deep as blood. 
Streaks of anger.
He swallows. Bile rises in his throat. 
He should leave the book. He knows he should. But he tucks it away in his backpack. Tucks it away to let it sit there for a rainy day as he clambers up to his feet, rushing back down the stairs from where he came, neatly stumbling on the bottom step in his haste. 
The front door beckons him forth. Glass panel gleaming in the moonlight, casting a glow along the far wall. Against the fall wall is a clock, a gorgeous grandfather clock that seems to call his name. 
Whispers to him. 
Sings to him. 
Urges him onward. 
He obeys the call, carried over by what feels like a tether, an invisible string. 
There’s a ringing in his ears. 
A probing at the base of his skull.
“Touch it…”
His fingers prickle in anticipation. Hover over the face, worn by years and broken now. 
Silenced by time. 
He hears a voice again. 
A phantom in his ear. A caress against his spine. 
A push. 
His toes brush the edge of the clock, fingers inching closer. 
Tugs the sleeve of his hoodie up around his hand and wipes the back of it across the face of the clock. Exposes the numbers and arms within. 
“What the…” His voice echoes in the home, drowned out by the beat of his heart, when the arms start to move. 
Slow, swirling circles. 
Arms that twirl around and around. Around and around and they don’t stop. 
He hears it then. 
The slow tick-tock. 
A clanging chime, a reverberating gong. 
It’s so damn loud. 
He staggers backwards, the floor shaking beneath him. 
Rattling, tearing, ripping. 
Red illuminates a crack that inches before the clock, the earth pulling at the seams. 
“What th—”
It’s a cry. Cut off and broken as a vine whips up and curls around his ankle. 
Tugs him. 
Drags him. 
He falls onto his stomach. Screams and claws at the ground. At the rug that betrays him, body sliding closer and closer to the rip. 
He screams for someone who never hears. Screams until the walls rattle, hands clutching for purchase on anything, nails skidding on wood. 
Begs for mercy. For death. For a savior. For the reaper. 
He screams until his throat rubs raw, until he’s pleading. 
A sacrifice. 
A deal with God. 
Or the devil. 
“I’ll do anything!”
And then, out of the ground, out of the opening to hell itself, a single word in a voice that sounds nothing of this world. 
The vine around his ankle slackens. 
 Two weeks into camp, and everything is running smoothly. You’ve had no major issues, only minor squabbles sorted in your office between campers, and your counselors have been on their best behavior. Sure, there’s the occasional slip up here and there, but that’s to be expected. 
It’s on that second week you find yourself helping put chairs out around a campfire, a projection screen stretched wide across the lawn. All around you kids buzz with anticipation, eagerly looking on to catch a glimpse of what you’ll be playing. For the children it’s “Never Ending Story,” and for the counselors off duty for the night (being you, Chrissy, Steve, Eddie, Jason and Andy) you’ve decided on your own movie night within the gymnasium once you finish setting up for the counselors who are working that evening as a compromise. 
By popular demand it’s “Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter,” and though you hate the idea of playing a movie such as that while quite literally at a sleep away camp, there’s no arguing the decision once it’s made. 
“It’ll be fun,” your coworkers remind you when they let you know what they’ve decided on; however, you find it anything but. 
“Relax, baby,” Eddie coos, fingers curling around the widest part of your hips, tugging you close. The chair he’s holding drops with a clatter onto the forest floor, dark eyes boring into your own. “It’s a movie. It’ll be okay, I promise. And if you get really scared…well, you can always hold my hand.”
“Gonna be my knight in shining armor, huh?” you ask jovially, taking a step closer to him. “Chase away Jason for me?”
“I would run so far away from Jason with you,” he says, and you snort. “I’m not fucking with him. Are you kidding? We’re camp counselors, which makes us Jason’s prey. Our best bet is mad dashing through the woods holding hands.”
“I feel like that’s what you’re not meant to do in these movies. Look at Halloween.” 
At your pout, he continues, “The kids are going to have so much fun. It’s a night off for us. You’ve been working so hard and you deserve to relax a little bit. Want me to go grab you a bowl of M&Ms later? I’ll even take out the ones you don’t like.”
“You mean eat the ones I don’t like,” you tease, fingers sliding down his forearm, along his Wayne tattoo, newly added on the inside of his left bicep, and toy with the threads of the bracelet you made him tied around his left wrist.  
“It’s what any good boyfriend would do. Or at least I think. Haven’t really had much experience with it.”
“You’re doing great,” you reassure him, looping the thread of his bracelet around your index finger. “You kept it.”
“‘Course I did. A pretty girl made it for me. Gonna keep that forever.” His arms loop lower around your waist, edging along the lowest part of your spine, verging on slightly inappropriate with the kids coming down at any moment, but you don’t shove him away this time. 
Your breath mingles for a moment, lips inches apart, before Steve’s breaking you apart, uttering you’re on a time crunch and shouldn’t be canoodling. You don’t argue. In fact, the remainder of the setup moves swiftly. Bodies weave in and out of one another, prepping chairs and tables for snacks, as well as sticks for the campfire s’mores. As a tradition, movie nights are also party nights. Nights where the kids can have all the sugary treats they wish, and will never have to tell a soul about it. 
It’s not long before rows of chairs are set and readily available for campers and the multiple tables are full of various snacks, treats and offerings. Groups of children trickle out from their respective cabins all dressed in their comfiest clothes, some donning slippers, others with blankets tucked within their arms. Each gathers their movie snacks before choosing a seat. You, on the other hand, stand faraway in the back, watching as the kids treat each other with candor and kindness, offering open spaces to their fellow campers, eager anticipation for the movie buzzing in their sugar enhanced systems. 
“It’s a shame,” Andy says from behind you. Jolting on the spot, you whirl around, hand over your heart because you hadn’t seen him there. 
It’s a shame. 
Your mind hitches at his words, at the peculiarity of them given the tone of the evening, head shifting enough to eye him precariously through your lashes. “What is?”
He pauses. Stares off into space for a moment. Eyes on nothing in particular as Eddie works on setting up the projector with Steve, handing out hugs like they’re candies when little ones run up to thump against their thighs. A chuckle spills from him, head shaking. 
There’s a choke of breath at your side. The frantic brush of his fingers along a bicep, sweat slicking his brow. “I, ah, I’m not feeling well. Do you think I can just head to my cabin?”
You stiffen, head nodding. “Yeah, sure. Do you need to get checked out by Nurse Mooney?” 
“N-no,” he says, chest rising and falling rapidly. “I—I’ll be fine.”
Without another word, he’s rushing off toward the cabins, rubbing at the back of his neck with his head down. 
“What was that about?” Chrissy asks, appearing at your side in a pair of her camp shorts and a hoodie. She’s put french braids in her hair today, eyes bright in the moonlight. Even dressed down like this, she’s impossibly charming. 
“Has Andy been acting odd lately?” Your words are quiet. Slow. 
“Like odder than usual?” She laughs, but the look on your face has her pause. Lips turning downward, she probes, “What’s wrong?”
“He just seemed on edge all of a sudden. I mean he’s an asshole, but he’s always confident. This felt…different. He seemed nervous. Uncertain or worried about something.”
“I mean…maybe he has been? Yesterday Jason said while they were on lifeguard duty Andy just sort of stared off into space. Like he was there…but not.”
“That’s how he’d just been with me.” 
Frozen in space and time, looking out into nothingness, and then snapping into reality. What had he been looking at? 
“He’s probably just in his head about something. Or trying to sneak off with Tina again,” she says, scrunching her nose and looping her arm through yours. She hugs it tight to her body and you melt a little into her embrace. She gives a little wiggle, pulling you from your silent reverie. “Wanna go watch the movie now? Looks like the guys just finished setting up, so we can start heading to the gym. I’ll probably watch it through my fingers, though. I hate slashers.”
“Yeah,” you breathe out, still watching the space between the tree line where Andy had walked through. Can still picture the sweat on his brow, the furrow of them, the downturn of his lips that you’ve always been convinced are permanently set into a sneer. “Sure. Me too.”
 “So everything is going well?” 
“Amazingly, really,” you reassure him, glancing out of the office, capturing Chrissy’s gaze as she and Steve teach the kids proper form on archery. There’s a line of them, arms stretched back, arrows poised at the ready, waiting for Steve’s whistle to blare out. “Kids are great. Counselors are fine. No one has been seriously injured. Nothing has been destroyed—well, minus the one basketball that popped. But other than that, nothing to report here.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yes,” you laugh airily, twining the phone cord around your fingertip. “I promise, dad. You just focus on getting better. How are you feeling?”
“Good,” he says gruffly, shifting where he must be laying on the couch, maybe the bed. “Femur is healing just fine, doc says.”
“I’m glad.” Your exhale is one of relief, shoulders slouching comfortably. 
“How’s my boy?” 
His boy. 
You’d been worried when you first started dating. Especially after the weed mishap during one of those first few times you and Eddie had spent time together. But he’d always loved the guy, especially knowing Wayne for so long, and accepted him into the fold right away. It had been oddly seamless, and ever since he'd taken up calling Eddie ‘his boy.’ Your heart always burns with it, even now, knowing Eddie’s in the music cabin, likely strumming away on a guitar or teaching someone how to play an instrument. Knowing that Eddie’s loved by Wayne, but also by your own family. Fiercely, in a way that sometimes scares you, even. 
“He’s good,” you say softly, back pressing against the wall. “He’s really good.”
“I’m glad, honey. Never seen you light up like you do with that boy. He better be treating you right.”
And it’s not a lie. Eddie’s been perfect in the past year. Ever respectful, kind, caring and affectionate. No squabbles, not even a minor tiff. Sometimes you question if that’s normal—if two people can get along so well there’s no reason for them to argue. Friends have commented it’s coming, to just wait. But you’ve yet to see it. You’ve seen him get angry, sure, but never directed at you. 
There’s a pause and a swallow on the other end, the smacking of lips after taking a gulp of whatever drink he’s likely got next to him. “Good. Good. I really miss you, hon. Just hope you know.”
“I miss you, too, dad.” There’s a crack at the end of your words, a choke around a muffled sob. Your nose wrinkles, eyes burning with unshed tears. “This was always our thing.”
“I’m not checking out just yet, baby girl. Just a surgery, and just this summer, you hear me?” At your watery laugh, he continues, “You’ll be home before you know it. Bet you grew another inch taller while you’ve been gone.”
“Dad,” you bemoan, rolling your eyes, dragging your forearm across moist lashes. “Two more weeks, and then you’ll see me every day for the rest of the summer. Bet you’ll even get sick of me.”
There’s an incredulous splutter at that. A guffaw that follows, your lips twitching upward. “Never, baby girl. Always and forever, right?” 
Always and forever. 
It’s what you have said ever since you were a little girl and mom had left. Ever since he sat you down on that couch in your old living room, spoke to you softly and gently—like one would speak to a baby doe—and explained all the reasons why it wasn’t your fault. All the reasons it would never be your fault. Ever since it had just been the two of you and dad had to learn how to be both roles in your life without any sort of warning. Ever since he tried his hardest, worked extra hours, and still managed to attend every school or extracurricular function you partook in, while also driving you around to friend’s houses, making sure you were fed and always had everything you’d ever need. Ever since you decided for the rest of your life, it was the two of you against the world. 
You’d never been left wanting for anything. 
Never gone without anything. 
Your best friend. Confidant. The first love of your life. 
Eddie might be the second; in fact, he is the second. 
But before that, it’s always been you and dad. 
Always and forever. 
Something no outside source, no distance, no circumstance could ever take away. You’d do anything for him. Make mountains move, try and part the sea, uproot heaven and hell. So you grin. And you press a hand to your heart, smiling to yourself. A secret thing, meant for him and you. Stolen away from the world. Precious. 
“Always and forever,” you promise. 
 Music blares from a shoddy speaker in the dimly lit cabin, illuminated by the sun rising through the trees, leaves swaying and shifting in the gentle breeze outside the softly parted window. The same crappy, hand-me-down, camp issued one that Andy needs to thump with the side of his fist every so often to keep the music playing. 
Most of the campers and counselors have already made their way to the mess hall for breakfast. He’s stayed behind, finishing up a morning run and not quite hungry at all. He hasn’t been in a couple days—figures it’s the giant dinner he had the night before. The cafeteria staff had made their signature baked macaroni and cheese. 
No one stops at just one bowl of that. 
He’s warm. Unbearably so. And it feels harsher than the weather outside. This tangible heat that crawls beneath his skin, skitters along like thousands of tiny spiders on his flesh—in his flesh. Fingers reach up to scratch at nothing; gouge scratches into tanned skin, darkened from hours spent sitting on the dock, watching children in the lake day in and day out. 
Ice water does the trick. If only for a moment. He gulps down his first cup and pours another, leaving the refrigerator and freezer door open, despite the fact he can hear the camp princess shouting at him from across the way if she knew what he was doing now with her father’s precious electric bill. 
Someone needs to show her a damn lesson, he thinks. 
“We can…”
The voice startles him. He whirls on the balls of his feet, neck straining toward the open closet, wondering where the voice came from. He calls out into nothingness and is greeted with silence. Long, lingering, languishing silence. 
The glass thuds into the bottom of the kitchenette sink. Shatters against the strainer at the bottom. Andy reaches forward to grasp the shards, wincing as blood pools along the inside of his thumb and index finger, gliding down the inside of his wrist. Trembling, he makes his way to the bathroom, catching the sight of himself in the mirror. 
Dark circles sink into his under eyes. Purple lines that tell a tale of a man who hasn’t slept in days. He cringes at the sight, nearly throws his fist into the glass to eradicate the image of his own self, and flips the knob on the sink. His blood spills down the drain, a fresh bandage put into place as he sits down on the toilet seat. 
He’s still so damn hot. Scalding. Burning. Reeling from it. Eyes dart to the bathroom shower, to the tub there. A thought surfaces, swift and unprovoked. Unprompted, and yet it feels right. The water runs, knob pushed as far as it can go into the cold setting. As it fills the tub, he walks back into the kitchenette and pulls the few ice trays from the freezer. They fall one by one into the tub, dipping below the surface momentarily, and then bobbing at the top. Tiny little blessings that chill his skin upon reaching in to touch—ease the brewing ache in his bones. 
In silence, he strips out of his clothes. Catches on the streaks of black along the inside of his elbows, the curves of his skin. Like ink or spider webs injected into his veins, staining them. He touches them in the mirror, chest rising and falling rapidly, tracing the lines. He can feel them pulse beneath, blood pumping through the darkness; part of him wonders if it’ll only spread this—if it’ll only progress whatever is spilling throughout his system. 
Nurse Mooney will know, he rationalizes, kicking his green shorts off into the corner of the bathroom. He bobs his head for a moment in front of the mirror, brushing his teeth and humming along to the song, trying to distract. 
To deflect. 
To pretend. 
The brush clatters into the cup holder, plastic skittering across the counter in his over exertion. He tosses his baseball hat onto the toilet seat, cards his fingers through his hair, strands falling in disarray about his head. Sinks down into the ice bath, expecting the familiar burn to settle in like the many times his coaches would have him do after a particularly grueling basketball game. Only this time it’s different; this time it feels like an inferno hitting water, creating steam. An instantaneous relief washes over him, eyes shutting against the yellowy lights flickering in the ceiling above. 
Ice. Cold dread slides down his spine, curls around him, steals his breath. Arms press along the sides of the tub, fingers clutching the edges, knuckles straining white. He calls for Chance to no avail. Only silence greets him—silence and the taunting of the radio in the next room. 
“I will have you, yes I will have you. I will find a way, and I will have you...”
“Hello?” He cries, clutching the shower curtain, sliding it closed. As if that’ll do anything. As if it’ll protect him. His head drops against bent knees, hands on his ears. “Anyone?”
“Like a butterfly, a wild butterfly...”
“This isn’t fucking funny anymore!” 
His voice cracks. Strains. Swallows around the edges of the sob crawling up his throat. He rocks. Back and forth, back and forth, fingers digging into his ears. The chatter of his teeth is harsh enough he feels like it knocks his brain around within his skull. Eighteen. He’s fucking eighteen and he whimpers, a broken thing, a plea for his mom. The utterance of her name through his shuddering lips. Thin and tight, echoing in the four walls of the bathroom, falling on deaf ears.
It’s a prank. 
Some dumb prank one of the kids or the other counselors are playing on him. 
It has to be. 
Has to be. 
“I will collect you and capture you...”
“I’m going to kick the living shit out of you!” Andy screams. 
The radio grows silent. 
His heart pounds in his chest. 
Sweat prickles on his forehead, drips down the side of his face. 
Every inch of his body, the dark swirls on the inside of his elbows, his wrists…they seem to pulse. To elongate beneath his skin, little tendrils that ebb and flow, reaching for something. 
Reaching, reaching, reaching. 
And then. 
Like spiders crawling across his skin, a chill spreads along the back of his neck. The eerie, grating voice of that thing he heard only once before in the Creel house whispers, “Andy…”
If you made it all the way here, please let me know if you enjoyed. Thank you so, so much. Love, Luna 💌
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jaywonjuice · 9 months
camping trip with enhypen🏕️
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pairing: bf!enha x gn reader
warnings: sfw intimacy, physical contact, kissing, mentions of food
wc: 927 words
a/n: i am honestly dying for enha to go on a proper wholesome camping trip all together, i haven’t been able to get the idea out of my head ever since soso fun </3; i only write romantically for enha adult line !
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-☘︎ heeseung
spending the afternoon cloud watching, sitting in the long grass with his head resting in your lap. he keeps claiming to see the most absurd shapes forming in the sky, making you laugh so hard your ribs ache.
you’re so intent on toasting the perfect marshmallow that you don’t even notice the way he’s staring at you. ‘okay, okay, this one’s perfect!’ you beam, finally turning to face him. as you do so your breath hitches - he looks just a little too fine right now, dark hair messy under his beanie, firelight dancing and flickering across his features. he nodded without even looking, eyes never leaving your face. ‘perfect,’ he agrees.
he makes ramen as a midnight snack just for the two of you, and you stay up snuggled under a blanket talking and laughing in hushed whispers, doing your best not to disturb the others.
-☘︎ jay
you’re the only one jay ever lets get their hands on his camera, and you take full advantage, snapping endless shots of him as he’s cooking dinner, strumming his guitar, pouting in a sulk after losing at uno (you tease him mercilessly about this last one)
he gives you his hoodie to wear as it grows dark around the campfire, knowing how easily you tend to feel the cold. you lift your sweater paws to your face and breathe in the beloved, reassuring scent ~ you love the way jay always smells like sandalwood and bergamot.
you drift off to sleep in your shared sleeping bag, feeling warm and safe with his arms wrapped around you, hugging you to his chest as the playlist he made just for you hums quietly through your shared earphones.
-☘︎ jake
posing together at the back of the group photo, he slinks an arm around your waist to pull you in closer to his side, and just as jay gets done counting down to take the picture, jake leans down and plants a swift kiss on your cheek.
slipping off back to the tent for an impromptu makeout session when everyone else is too focused on roasting marshmallows to notice your absence.
lying in your sleeping bags at night, he’s holding your hands in his, absent-mindedly playing with your fingers as he listens to you talk about the book you just got finished reading. neither of you want to be the first to fall asleep, but your words gradually grow slower and softer, and his eyelids begin to feel heavy. before you know it you’re both out like twin lights, hands still loosely linked together.
-☘︎ sunghoon
noticing you fidgeting from the cold in spite of the heat from the campfire he takes your hand, guiding it to his jacket pocket and holding it there to warm you up. you hope the glow of the firelight is enough to mask the sudden flare of colour in your cheeks.
he wakes you at god-knows-what-hour in the morning and drags you out of the tent to sit and watch the sunrise with him. he knew you wouldn’t exactly be feeling overjoyed about being woken up so early, so he makes you a mug of hot chocolate to make up for it (he even added marshmallows <3). it was worth it though, you think, the view really was breathtaking. and he’d just have to take your word for it seeing as he hardly took his eyes off you the whole time.
swimming in the lake with hoon, you splash him playfully, unable to suppress your giggles at his over-the-top outraged reaction, whining that he ‘wasn’t going to get his hair wet !!!’ soon it’s a full on water fight that only ends when, instead of launching another attack, he scoops you up out of the water and all of a sudden leans in, bringing his soft lips down onto yours. now it’s his turn to laugh at the taken aback expression on your face.
-☘︎ sunoo
he smiles shyly as he presents you with the little bunch of wildflowers he’s been secretly picking for you all day. you gasp in delight - they’re so beautiful. he tucks a single cornflower behind your ear before adding ‘now i can hardly tell which of you is the flower’, making your cheeks flush.
he plucks up a dandelion and holds it out for you to close your eyes and make a wish. before you even get the chance to reopen your eyes his lips are on yours, making you blush like mad for what feels like the hundredth time that day.
the two of you take turns seeing who can tell the scariest ghost stories as you lie awake in the tent late into the night. he inevitably wins, scaring you so badly that he has to hug you close for you to fall sleep (letting you be the little spoon just this once given the exceptional circumstances…)
-☘︎ jungwon
he asks you to hang back and wait with him as you’re walking through the woods back to camp, letting the others carry on up ahead, just so that he can hold your hand because he’s too shy to hold hands in front of everyone </3
after searching for him for the best part of an hour you finally stumble across him, sat cross-legged in the next field over, determinedly linking up daisies to make you a daisy chain necklace.
the two of you sneak off in the night to watch for shooting stars. every time he spots one he lifts up his hand that’s holding yours, pointing excitedly up at the night sky with your intertwined fingers.
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©jaywonjuice | do not copy or re-upload my work on any platform
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wethepixies · 9 months
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This summer, Pixie Hollow becomes Camp Pixie Dust! At Camp Pixie Dust, you'll get to experience all of the fun of summer camp on the mainland with your Fairy friends in Pixie Hollow! What sort of festivities will you find to celebrate the end of summer?🌤️🌴
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Well, get ready to dress up in talent troop gear and participate in camp events and activities. You will find our meadows have been decorated for camp pixie dust! You will also find there are fun new event-only emotes, along with fun new outfit collections to help you show off your troop spirit! Then, be sure to fly on over to our Discord to check out a fun competition with your fellow fairies! 🧚🧚‍♀️
You won’t want to miss this great event!
See you around the campfire! 🏕️💫
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Day 28, Campfire🏕️🔥
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Sam’s telling a scary campfire story! She’s very good. Maybe too good.
“ And they never were heard from again! The end. So what you guys think? Uh guys, where’d you go?”
Danny, Tucker, the other students and even Mr Lancer:
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Sam-…Oh no, not again! This is just like my Girl Scouts camping trip all over again! Hopefully they’ll come back. Or at least I won’t need Rangers to help look for them this time. 
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tipsycowplant · 4 months
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🧭 Globetrotter Challenge: Granite Falls 🏕️
✅ Cook 2 Plates of Beetles over a Campfire
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simmancy · 2 years
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Camp Life
Achieve Level 4 of Herbalism   ✔️      
Cook 2 Plates of Beetles over a Campfire  ✔️ 
Eat 10 Plants  ✔️    
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allthingsfook · 1 year
Ok I saw your post about the ships and if you’re still doing them, I would love one!
My name is Ashley. I’m 24 years old. I’m 5’5, I’m on the plus size side. I’ve got short brown hair and blue eyes. I’m obsessed with dogs. I love to do anything with arts and craft. I’ve been playing the alto saxophone since I was 8 and I use to do marching band, pep band and concert band through middle, high school and college. I love to camp, ATV ride, fish and hike. I’m OBSESSED with music and true crime/mystery and adventure stuff. Like my knowledge of music is huge. The only music I can’t STAND is country, specifically anything from like early 2000s to present.
I hope this is enough information for you 😂 if you need more I’ve got more 😂
Hey Ashley!!!! Let’s ship you!!!!!
I ship you with: Danny 🧡
I think you and Danny could bond over being band kids in high school. I remember Dan talking about having to retrieve Danny’s instrument that got left at school after he graduated 😆 He’d be such a great father-in-law!
I really do think Danny would love to have a dog, but knows he doesn’t have the time to dedicate to one. If you were in his life to help parent that fur baby, I am sure he’d love to have a pup! I could see you guys owning a Bernese Mountain Dog. I feel like that’s Danny embodied as a dog! Don’t think about him roughing around in the yard with your pupper! Rolling around on the ground and playing fetch. That would be his happy place.
I think the main reason I decided Danny was the one I’d ship you with is the outdoorsy activities. Why do I picture this man living in the mountains? In a picturesque cabin; going hiking, sitting around a campfire, playing his guitar on the porch. 🐻🌲🏕️ Keeping with the theme of the cabin, imagine you guys cuddled up on the couch, watching a true crime documentary. Something about being out in the middle of no where makes it more skin crawling; good thing you have your protective man by your side 🥰
I think Danny’s music taste it the most relatable of all the guys in the band, so talking about music will come easy. I can imagine you guys clicking over music the first time you meet. He’d be wildly impressed by your knowledge. Sounds dumb, but it would sweep him off his feet. Be quick to write your number on a napkin for that guy 🧡🧡
I hope you enjoyed, Ashley! Let me know what you think 🥰🥰
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the-writing-mobster · 2 years
Hello dear friend and author, may I request some headcanons for The Boys ™ + Frisk on a camping trip perhaps?
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| Baby Face Boys & Babes HCs! | Camping Trip! 🏕️
Yessss! Thank you for the suggestion dear heart! 🫶 This was quite the hilarious scenario to imagine. Especially with all these city boys 😭
Again, if any of y'all have little head canon requests for the BF! boys, drop an ask in my inbox! Let me know if you want any for a specific character ;)
Sans: I Wasn't Built For This™
Why did he let Nick convince him this would be fun? Go camping they said. It'll be fun they said.
He refuses to sleep in a tent. He just puts the seats down in his car, all the pillows and blankets he needs, and sleeps there. He's above sleeping on the ground tbh.
“Hiking? That... That sounds exhausting. How long is the trail? FIVE MILES!? Nah. No thanks. you guys go ahead, I'll protect the site from bears or something.”
Day drinks like a mother fucker. Also is the one who usually grills the food considering he's the best cook in the group. Naps all the time.
Once he's a bit more tipsy he's a lot more open to the adventure. Found a rope swing over a lake and went for it without hesitation.
Is the only one who's actually able to start a fire. He watches Nick and Jonas try to do the stick trick and just, “Oh my God, that's so stupid. Just use a lighter. Fuck.”
Tells the best scary stories at the campfire. Leaves the others trembling all night long with his terrifying tales of torment.
Sometimes, no don't tell anyone, he'll get up on the roof of his car and just stargaze... He's glad Nick got him to come. The stars are so clear outside of the city...
Nick: The Environmentalist™
Always looking for the closest trash can and picking up every piece of litter he finds on the trail or near the lake.
Brings little bags with him and gives everyone some to encourage them to also pick up any litter they see.
Always taking candid videos to document their experience. Will do a David Attenborough impression while filming his friends doing stupid shit. No, it's not a good impression, it's the worst British accent you've ever heard.
If he sees a stream he WILL follow it. Even if it goes off the trail. Probably the least responsible thing he does but it's just SO FASCINATING! If he does need help, Jonas can just howl like the wolf he is until Nick makes his way back.
He loves exploring. Always climbing on rocks, and trees.
Always trying to get Sans to participate, no matter how many times Sans says no.
Talks in length about how he wants to set up an off the grid cabin and just "live off the land," in a commune or something. Always talking about how he'd start a big garden, get rain catchers, solar panels, compost toilets... If Ted Kaczynski can do it, why can't he?
"I'm sorry, the fucking Unibomber?” “He had some good points! Don't worry I would never fucking bomb anyone, he was wrong for that.”
Nick always plays the guitar at the campfire and the boys make up random songs to sing with each other, with Nick leading them like the lil lead singer that he is. :,)
Alphys: Having several regrets...
Nope. Sans is right. Sleeping in a tent sucks! Worst sleep ever. She ends up sleeping in the car with Sans.
Chokes down the bitter ass coffee they have to brew themselves to feed her ✨addiction✨
She misses takeout delivery. And video games.
She absolutely REEKS of bug spray. Mosquitoes don't even go after her, but she still sprays herself down out of paranoia.
Unlike Sans, she actually tries to participate in the "fun" activities cause she doesn't want to feel left out. Is always out of breath and has to be carried by Jonas halfway through because she is literally gonna have an asthma attack. She doesn't even have asthma, but she will after this five mile hike!
Walks into several spider webs, the poor dear.
Loves the campfire and listening to Sans's stories and Nick's songs. Probably the best part of camping is that moment with everyone. She also loves s'mores :)
S'mores are definitely the best part of camping... And also the fact it makes her feel like she's in a studio ghibli movie!
Jonas : The Wilderness Explorer ™
Jonas absolutely loves camping! Being outdoors in general is his jam. Just because he's a grunge skater boy doesn't mean he's above fishing and hiking.
Always trying to impress people with survivalist shit. Can pitch a tent like no one's business and builds little shelters out of sticks, leaves and moss for fun. Still hasn't figured out how to start a fire with sticks but he's persistent.
Really enjoys the fact Sans is out of his element. Constantly making fun of him. "HAH! look at this guy, he can't even pitch a tent."
After Sans decided he was above sleeping on the ground, Jonas thought it would be really funny to tie some hammocks up in the trees. Sans wakes up to the guys sleeping in the canopy and Jonas is just gloating, “WHO'S ABOVE WHO NOW, SANS!?"
When they're hiking, he always climbs up onto big rocks and howls because it's the funnest shit to do ever.
Loves swimming in the lake and when Sans finds the rope, he's overjoyed. Always doing a bunch of flips off of it. Definitely caught a fish with his bare hands.
The fish promptly slapped him in the face as it flailed from his grip to get back in the water.
LOVES s'mores, but can't eat chocolate, so he just eats the marshmallows off the stick. Always talking about how there's a proper way to roast the marshmallow but immediately burns it.
Is the one who can't sleep after Sans's ghost stories.
Midas: the Anti Boy-Scout 😈
Unlike Alphys, Midas isn't afraid of creepy crawlies... In fact, he's the one tormenting people with creepy crawlies >:)
Definitely placed a tarantula on top of Alphys's sleeping bag and is the reason she now refuses to sleep outside.
Finds the biggest bugs imaginable and chases Maeve on the hiking trail. He is a fucking menace to society and MUST be stopped!
He swims under water (with tinted goggles of course) and pretends to be a water snake to freak people out. Will like swim underneath them and his snake hair will definitely slither along their legs. Has been kicked in the face.
When he's not terrorizing his friends, he's binge drinking at the campsite and smoking. Probably knows all the mushroom types and exactly which mushrooms will get people off their shits.
That being said, he has used his powers for good once and caught a big cotton mouth near the campsite so no one would actually get hurt. Carried it away safely and no one was the wiser. An unsung hero, truly.
One time he went out by himself to just enjoy nature, and took his sunglasses off to enjoy the breeze on his face.
Almost turned a hiker into a monument. Thankfully, he was quick to dodge that bullet.
After Sans's ghost stories, Midas will purposefully stay up and fuck with the boys while they're trying to sleep. Like I said, a fucking menace.
Maeve: ✨ Polaroid Princess ✨
“Wow this is so aesthetic.” *📸*
Where Nick is taking stupid candid videos, Maeve is always forcing everyone into fun, cutesy group photos.
Loves watching the sunset, always crooning over the pretty colors.
Basking in a warm patch of sun is one of her favorite activities. Has definitely found a sunny meadow and just laid there to watch the clouds.
She's always put together, outfits are always coordinated. Definitely over packed and now has to wear EVERY outfit she packed for a two day camping trip.
Much like Nick, she's always trying to get Sans to participate but it's to no avail.
She is also the one to keep Alphys the most company and encourage her all the time when they're hiking. “Guys maybe we should turn around, Alphys is getting tired.” “No I'm fine!” -cue Jonas having to give her a piggy back ride back to the camp site, with Maeve tagging along like “I told you.”
Always forcing people to drink water to stay hydrated. “Hydrate or Die-drate."
Hates swimming, but, again, loves basking on the shoreline while the boys are goofing around in the water.
Jonas and Midas have pushed her in the water once and regretted it immediately because she hulked out on them. Went full Lioness on their asses. She is literally the tallest and biggest out of all them, they should've seen this coming 🤦🏼‍♀️ The bugs were one thing, but THAT CROSSED A LINE!
Frisk: Little Miss Sunshine 🌸😚
Absolutely precious. Always asking people if they need help while setting up the campsite. Definitely brought fairy lights and hangs them up in her tent and around their site in the trees. Everyone wants to hang out in her tent because she made it so cozy. Even Sans isn't above hanging out in there.
Is definitely super stoked about camping. Much like Jonas, she absolutely adores the outdoors and spending time in nature, even though she doesn't have any of the survival skills.
Always asking Jonas to show her how to do cool stuff and he is more than happy to teach her how to do things. He definitely shows off for her all the time, and she enjoys the attention.
Keeps the campsite tidy and organized, always agreeing with Nick about keeping the land clean and picking up litter.
When everyone goes off to hike, she stays behind with Sans to hang out with him alone.
She actually manages to convince him to enjoy the outdoors and the two go off on another trail by themselves, and just talk about life and shit. Occasionally they can hear Jonas howling or Maeve's blood curdling screams from being chased by bugs and they start giggling with each other.
Definitely makes little wildflower bouquets for everyone and also flower crowns.
Everyone is always making sure she's having fun.
Hangs out with Maeve because they're pretty similar. They're always taking pictures together and Frisk is always offering to take pictures of the group so Maeve can actually be in said pictures.
Loves swimming. Tried the rope but it unfortunately snapped on her. The boys constantly asked if she's okay after flopping on her back, but she's just giggling about it the whole time.
Is the one who kicked Midas in the face. She feels really bad about it, and he always teases her about it but hey, he shouldn't have been acting like the creature from the black lagoon!
Loves listening to Sans's ghost stories and Nick's songs too. Definitely the boys' biggest cheerleader.
At night, she climbs up on the roof of the car to stargaze with Sans, and the two point out constellations with each other and tell each other stories.
For some reason, these songs gives me Camping vibes so...
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parraeisbadatsims · 1 year
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Round 4: Granite Falls 🐻🏕️🌱
Achieve level 4 herbalism skill 🌿
Cook 2 plates of beetles over a campfire 🪲
Eat 10 plants 🥬
I'm not so sure about eating bugs 🤨
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wizardfirepits · 10 days
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Fire Pit for Your Outdoor Space 🔥
Creating a cozy and inviting outdoor space is a dream for many homeowners, and one of the best ways to achieve this is by adding a fire pit. Fire pits provide warmth, ambiance, and a perfect gathering spot for family and friends. But with so many options available, how do you choose the right one for your needs? If you also want to know more about the outdoor space, you can also explore this link https://wizardfirepits.co.nz .
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Types of Fire Pits 🔥
Wood-Burning Fire Pits 🌲
Wood-burning fire pits are classic and offer a traditional campfire experience. They are perfect for those who love the crackling sound and smoky aroma of burning wood.
Authentic campfire experience
Can be used for cooking (e.g., roasting marshmallows, grilling)
Provides a significant amount of heat
Requires a steady supply of wood
Produces smoke and ash
Needs regular cleaning and maintenance
Gas Fire Pits ⛽
Gas fire pits, powered by either propane or natural gas, offer a convenient and clean-burning alternative to wood.
Easy to ignite and extinguish
Produces no smoke or ash
Low maintenance
Less heat compared to wood-burning pits
Higher initial cost
Requires a gas source
Gel Fuel Fire Pits 🧴
Gel fuel fire pits use canisters of gel fuel, which are clean-burning and easy to use. These are typically smaller and portable.
No smoke, ash, or sparks
Portable and easy to use
Produces a beautiful, crackling flame
Gel fuel can be expensive
Less heat output
Limited burn time
Tabletop Fire Pits 🏞️
Tabletop fire pits are small, decorative, and ideal for adding ambiance to an outdoor dining or seating area. They are usually fueled by gel, ethanol, or propane.
Compact and stylish
Easy to move and position
Creates a cozy atmosphere
Limited heat output
Smaller flame size
Fuel can be costly
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Fire Pit 🏕️
Size and Space 📏
Consider the size of your outdoor space and how much room you have for a fire pit. Ensure there is enough space around the fire pit for seating and safe movement.
Material and Durability 🛠️
Fire pits come in various materials, including steel, cast iron, copper, and stone. Each material has its benefits:
Steel: Lightweight and durable, but may rust over time.
Cast Iron: Heavy and durable, retains heat well.
Copper: Attractive and conducts heat efficiently, but can tarnish.
Stone: Very durable and blends well with natural surroundings.
Safety Features 🚨
Safety should be a top priority when choosing a fire pit. Look for features such as:
Spark screens to prevent embers from escaping
Sturdy construction to avoid tipping
Heat-resistant coatings
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Budget 💰
Fire pits come in a wide range of prices. Set a budget and find a fire pit that meets your needs without breaking the bank. Remember to factor in the cost of fuel and maintenance.
Maintenance Tips for Your Fire Pit 🧹
Regular Cleaning 🧼
Keep your fire pit clean to ensure it functions properly and lasts longer:
Remove ash and debris after each use
Clean the burner ports on gas fire pits regularly
Wipe down surfaces to prevent rust and stains
Protective Covers 🛡️
Invest in a protective cover to shield your fire pit from the elements when not in use. This will help prevent rust and damage from rain, snow, and UV rays.
Inspect for Damage 🔍
Regularly inspect your fire pit for any signs of damage, such as cracks, rust, or worn parts. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage and ensure safe operation.
Store Fuel Properly 🏡
If you're using a wood-burning fire pit, store your firewood in a dry, covered area. For gas fire pits, ensure propane tanks are stored upright in a cool, ventilated space.
Enhancing Your Outdoor Experience 🌟
Comfortable Seating 🪑
Arrange comfortable seating around your fire pit to create a welcoming environment. Consider using weather-resistant cushions and throws for added comfort.
Ambient Lighting 💡
Enhance the ambiance with additional outdoor lighting, such as string lights, lanterns, or solar-powered garden lights. This will create a magical atmosphere and extend your outdoor enjoyment into the night.
Outdoor Accessories 🏕️
Add accessories like roasting sticks, fire pokers, and a firewood rack to make your fire pit experience more enjoyable and convenient.
Seasonal Decorations 🎃
Incorporate seasonal decorations to keep your outdoor space festive and inviting. For example, use pumpkins and hay bales in the fall, or fairy lights and potted plants in the spring.
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Conclusion ✨
Choosing the perfect fire pit for your outdoor space involves considering the type, size, material, and safety features. With proper maintenance and thoughtful accessories, your fire pit can become the centerpiece of your outdoor gatherings, providing warmth and ambiance for years to come. Whether you prefer the traditional charm of a wood-burning fire pit or the modern convenience of a gas model, there's a perfect fire pit out there waiting to transform your outdoor space. Happy fire pit hunting! 🔥🌟
Wizard Fire Pits
30 Awamutu Grove, Lower Hutt, Wellington, 5010 https://wizardfirepits.co.nz +64 212018507
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planetkiimchi · 2 years
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nct 127
new rules | song inspired fic, mark x idol!reader [ 2.7K words ]
b(ea)(it)ches | beach series! [ 2.1K words ]
poker cards and soju shots | beach series! [ 1.9K words ]
sunburnt | beach series, jaehyun x gn!reader [ 1.7K words ]
nct dream
the strings of fate | song inspired fic, requested, mark x gn!reader (and chenle x gn!reader but only a little) [ 7.4K words ]
and they were roommates | haechan x masc!reader ft. nct dream, university roommates au [ 13.9K words ]
crochet dates | nct dream ot7, est. relationship [1 1.5K words ]
the language of flowers | film director!jeno x artist!reader [ 6.7K words ]
a quiet affair | wayv soft hours [ 1K words ]
7 minutes in heaven | best friend!wayv [ 4.3K words ]
ten things you hate love about lee | acad au, ten x fem coded!reader [ 5.9K words ]
a love letter to your ex | xiaojun x gn!reader, angst [ 5.6K words ]
10:35 | winwin x fem!reader, timestamp [ 0.7K words ]
weather the storm | guard!winwin x royal!reader, series masterlist
4 in the morning | hendery x gn!reader, fishing [ 0.7K words ]
stray kids
pinterest worthy | hyunjin x nb!oc, lee know x fem!oc [ 0.8K words ]
ouch. | lee know x gn!reader [ 1.5K words ]
german words with stray kids | angsty headcanons [ 5.6K words ]
brownie boy | felix x gn!reader, domestic au [ 1.4K words ]
people watching | song inspired fic, producer!bang chan x ceo!reader [ 12.4K words ]
liability | idol!minho x manager!reader, [ 0.8K words ]
over the campfire | shotaro oneshot ft. renjun and yangyang [ 1.6K words ]
ask games
spotify collections (masterlist)
the media ?! (masterlist)
other works !
lillian's archive | a series of poetry and prose
raven-haired | lee min jun, cha minhyuk, cha jaeyoung [ 1K words ]
the hard choice | "ready, set, love" drama [ 1.4K words ]
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daisyvramien · 2 months
🌲📝🔥HOWDY FOXIES, DAY 2 OF CAMP NANO!!🦊✨ Day two of Camp NaNoWriMo is HERE, and let me tell you, the literary campfires are crackling, the marshmallows are roasting, and the words are flowing like a raging river!🏕️💬 But wait!! If you're feeling like you're missing out on all the writing fun, fear not! There's still plenty of room in our cozy den, The Fox's Den, where the creativity never sleeps and the snacks are always within arm's reach!!!🍫🔑 Whether you're a seasoned camper or pitching your tent for the first time, we've got a spot for you by the virtual campfire.🌟📚 Plus, rumor has it that our resident foxes are cooking up some writing challenges, sprint sessions, and maybe even a few ghost stories to keep you on your toes...👻📝 So, what are you waiting for ?! Grab your backpack, strap on your hiking boots, and join us for a month-long adventure filled with words, wonder, and maybe a sprinkle of literary chaos!!!🎉🌈 And hey, if you're wondering how the rest of the campers are faring, I'm happy to report that we're already on day two, and some of us (okay, just me, I'm slacking your honor) have already written a whopping 700 words!🎉💪 So, come on over to The Fox's Den, where the creativity flows as freely as the coffee and the adventure never ends.🌲🦊✨ Send a DM to get an invite (and key for your cabin)!!
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travelnepal017-blog · 5 months
Unveiling the Mystical Beauty of Langtang Valley 🏔️✨
Hey fellow wanderers! 🌍✈️ Ready to embark on an adventure that will steal your heart and leave you breathless? Join me on a virtual journey to the enchanting Langtang Valley! 🏞️❤️
🚶‍♀️ Step into Serenity: Langtang Valley offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle. Immerse yourself in the peaceful rhythm of nature as you stroll through picturesque landscapes. Every step brings you closer to pure bliss. #LangtangSereneEscape
🌄 Sunrise Spectacle: Witness the sunrise over the majestic Langtang mountains. The hues of pink and orange painting the sky will leave you in awe. Don't forget to capture this magical moment! #LangtangSunriseMagic
🏞️ Valley Views: Marvel at the breathtaking vistas of the valley. Snow-capped peaks, lush greenery, and pristine rivers create a masterpiece that Mother Nature herself would applaud. #LangtangVista
🏕️ Campfire Chronicles: Nights in Langtang Valley are pure magic. Gather around a campfire, share stories with fellow trekkers, and feel the warmth of camaraderie beneath a star-studded sky. #LangtangCampfireTales
🦅 Feathered Friends: Langtang is a birdwatcher's paradise! Keep an eye out for vibrant Himalayan birds gracing the skies. Every chirp is a melody, and every flutter is a dance. #LangtangBirding
🍜 Local Flavor: Indulge in the unique flavors of traditional Sherpa cuisine. Dal Bhat, momos, and yak cheese – let your taste buds savor the authentic taste of the region. #LangtangFoodieAdventure
🙏 Cultural Encounters: Engage with the warm-hearted locals and delve into the rich culture of Langtang. Visit monasteries, spin prayer wheels, and embrace the spiritual energy that surrounds you. #LangtangCultureExploration
📸 Capture the Moment: Share your Langtang Valley adventure with the world! Whether it's a stunning landscape, a heartwarming encounter, or a delicious meal, use #LangtangMagic to connect with fellow adventurers and inspire more to explore this hidden gem.
Ready to make memories that last a lifetime? Langtang Valley awaits! 🌌🥾
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elaineweidesign · 9 months
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🌲🏕️✨ Embracing the Great Outdoors in My September Bullet Journal! ✨🏞️⛺ . Hey, journaling fam! 👋📖 It's time to unveil my latest bullet journal cover page, and this one's all about embracing the serenity of the wilderness with a camping-themed design! 🌲🏕️ I can't wait to share it with you all. Swipe left to see the details! 👉 . I've added a special touch to this month's spread with these adorable camping-themed stickers I printed out. 🏞️⛺ The pop of colors and fun illustrations instantly brought a smile to my face! 🎨✂️ It's amazing how a few stickers can transform the look and feel of your journal, don't you think? . As I reflect on this camping-inspired page, I can't help but reminisce about the incredible memories I've made on camping trips over the years. 🌄 One particular memory stands out: Sitting by the campfire with family, roasting marshmallows, and sharing stories under the starry night sky. 🌌🔥 Those moments of connection and tranquility are what camping is all about. 🌟💫 . What's your favorite camping memory? Share it in the comments below! Let's cherish these beautiful moments together. 💬✨ . 🛍️ Shop Link in Bio 🌟 Limited time offer: Use code CAMPINGFUN15 for 15% off for this set of two pages of camping printable stickers! . . . . . . . . . #BulletJournal #JournalingCommunity #DIYJournal #PlannerAddict #CampingTheme #NatureInspired #CreativeJournaling #ArtisticJournal #CampingMemories #StickerLove #JournalingJourney #PaperCrafting #CampfireStories #WildernessVibes #MonthlySpread #StationeryAddict #JournalingIdeas #HandmadeJournal #OutdoorAdventures #BulletJournalInspo #JournalingArt #CampfireNights #CreativePlanner #CraftySoul #MonthlyCover #JournalingFun
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xiaojuun · 11 months
hiiii please do lightning bug and singalong sending u s million kissies
mmmwah !
lightning bug ⏤ talk about a comfort idol or character since we all know i'm back to being theeee original number one hoonie gal i will talk about my very best friend jihoon ... i said to millie yesterday that unlike a lot of my other biases who i fake gatekeep i actually love when people go feral over ji bc it's like . i KNOW right like that's my bestie and he's so . gestures i mean u know . and i'm just so proud of him for real like to see his confidence blossom before my very eyes into this magnetic performer ... and to watch him lead with the care, thoughtfulness, playfulness, and strength that he does always makes me want to mindfully put my best foot forward in all i do for others, too.
singalong ⏤ tell us a song you associate with or recommend to the asker i actually associate u with like a lot of woodz . and now strawberry ice cream which i've had on repeat hehehe so i'm going to recommend a fun pop song for u on that vibe, i've been listening to AM:PM by NOTD !
campfire asks 🏕️
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