#💌 — a love letter to your ex
planetkiimchi ¡ 11 months
a love letter to your ex | x.dj
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featuring: xiao dejun x gn!reader (but y/n tries to wear a skirt so), huang guangheng (hendery) ft. huang renjun, johnny suh
warnings: mentions of food, glass shards, mentions of blood, xiaojun is an idiot, so so much angst. i didn’t realise i was this evil? but anyway hope it’s good angst <3
word count: 5.6k
summary — dealing with a breakup is hard. but you thought that it would be because you hated the other person, not because you still loved them! no one told you that. xiao dejun, in particular, seems especially determined to make things harder for you, and maybe, just maybe, you want to go running back to him.
dedication: @loves-theory hey nada! i hope you enjoy this one, and it doesn't let you down after the sneak peek you got. it's kinda crazy how this one came out less fluffy than i thought it would, but i hope it's okay.
GETTING OVER PEOPLE IS HARD. You would know. Yes, you and Xiaojun had broken up on good terms, knowing full well that you couldn’t put up with his late-night gaming and his habit of just kissing you instead of making up properly. In turn, he found you too organised (and particular) for him to deal with and hated your club-going habits.
So yes. You realised you just couldn’t live with each other. But that didn’t mean you didn’t love him anymore, and you definitely still liked him.
You see, it’s very difficult to undo months of loving habits and strange peculiarities. Every time you tied your hair, you were reminded of his fingers running through your hair and getting tangled in it, while you laughed it off because you loved him. Even if you were just a little bit annoyed.
You signed your texts with an “xx y/n” because that’s how Xiaojun did it. He always started his texts with “dearest y/n”, and signed off with “your favourite man”. Which was true, at least until you broke up.
With all this in mind, it was very difficult to be “just friends” with Xiao Dejun, despite your wholehearted promises that you would try your best to do so. Because all he had to do was run his hands through his hair, and you found yourself falling into the rabbit hole of no return.
These were the thoughts running through your mind as you half-heartedly listened to your friends, Shin Hyewon and Kim Aeri, discuss their own love troubles. Only theirs were much more amusing to listen to, because Aeri’s boyfriend, Renjun, was a literal angel. Her love troubles went something like, “He bought me my favourite perfume for Valentine’s Day, but I can’t get him anything for White Day because I’m broke and I feel so bad. Do you think he thinks I’m a gold digger because I never get him anything?”
(You don’t think Renjun would ever think that of her. Renjun is the most understanding person you’ve met, and he doesn’t look down on anyone. Out of all the trashy men in the universe, Renjun is definitely the most likely to be empathetic to Aeri’s financial debt, even if he didn’t and could never relate. That was just the kind of man that he was.)
You didn’t have to say that aloud, because Hyewon was ready to be the voice of reason. In the least patronising tone possible, she managed to convey your thoughts exactly without any snarky remarks that reminded Aeri how lucky she was to have a boyfriend like Renjun. Which was three entire snarky remarks less than you could have managed.
Hyewon’s troubles, on the other hand, often went unsaid. Hyewon hated to make things about her, even when she was obviously in need of support. You and Aeri had realised that if Hyewon needed help, you would have to provide it subtly, so as not to hurt her pride.
Hyewon was a strong, independent woman (who sometimes needed her man). But Johnny was a busy person, and sometimes he got caught up in his work, prioritising “his boys” over his girlfriend. Hyewon was no stranger to being stood up by Johnny, and there had been many a time that you and Aeri had had to show up in a fancy restaurant to order one meal to share to save your wallets. There were never any questions asked, but it went without saying that Hyewon’s relationship wasn’t the best.
The real reason she stuck with him was that Johnny had been the perfect picture of a significant other for three years, and after five years of dating, Hyewon just didn’t want to give that up. For a while, you even thought that Johnny might be intending to propose.
You supposed, that with all the similarities in yours and Hyewon’s relationship, you should have guessed that it would end up similarly. Not wanting a loveless, unmaintainable relationship, you had broken up with Xiaojun on good terms. It was a mutual breakup. It was supposed to be a stepping stone in the journey of your life. It was not supposed to be something to haunt you for the rest of your holiday.
Perhaps deciding to work at an amusement park was not a good idea, you fretted. You, Aeri and Hyewon had decided to do it ever since you were in highschool, to get a taste of having a job that was fun and exciting before you lost the chance to. At the time of decision-making, it had seemed like the perfect way to get a discount to theme-park tickets for a date with Xiaojun.
Now, it felt like a painful reminder of how many of your classmates, friends, and Xiaojun’s friends frequented amusement parks during the school holidays. Friends who were almost 100% sure to pity you for your breakup. (Friends who didn’t understand the concept of a breakup without cheating or shouting or crying or arguments involved.)
“Riri? Is it okay if I wear this to work?” You twirled around in the mirror, calling out through the open door.
“It doesn’t matter anyway, they’ll give us standard jackets to put on and—” Aeri’s voice, which had been growing louder as she came closer, stopped abruptly. “Y/n, I know your fashion taste leans towards the cutesy side, but I don’t think they’ll allow you to wear a plaid skirt to work. In winter. In the outdoor amusement park.”
You smile sheepishly. Aeri never criticised your fashion taste before, mostly because you took after her for the most part. However, that meant that you didn’t have a perspective on what to wear to different occasions, because your wardrobe consisted of the same style of clothes in different colours and patterns.
Hyewon grinned as she came in, taking your outfit in. “Is this how you plan to make Xiaojun jealous? Because it’s definitely going to work.”
You scowled at her. Was there no way to put the unprofessionalism of your clothing choice nicely? Hyewon was dressed practically in a black suit with a blazer, and she looked like she would blend in easily in an office situation. Clearly, you needed to borrow from her repertoire of comfortable yet presentable clothes.
Hyewon tossed you a matching set of black trousers and a white blouse, pulling Aeri out and closing the door as they left you to get changed.
“Oh and by the way, you have ten minutes to eat breakfast, or we’ll be late.” Way to make an exit, Shin.
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IT WAS BITTERLY, FREEZING COLD. You had left your chapstick at home, and you were sorely regretting it. Despite the morning rush, your chapstick was an essential item and you never should have left home without it. You wrap the standard coat, laced in an ugly orange colour to differentiate the staff from the park visitors, tighter around your body as you try not to visibly hop from foot to foot. That’s a surefire way to get fired before even working for a day there.
Luckily, you were not working at the entrance, scanning people’s tickets as they passed through the barrier. That would mean having to look at your classmates individually and watch the flash of recognition pass over their face and the excitement in their eyes turn into pity. Why was it always pity?
Instead, you were out in the cold, limbs freezing to death. “Move along,” you called out, clicking the metal clicker once for each person passing through. One, two, three, four…
“Y/n?” Oh crap who is it please don’t be Yangyang or Haechan or one of the nosy ones…
Oh. It’s even worse, you realised as your heart sank. It was Hendery, the school prince. Probably prettier than yourself and master of making everyone’s heart swoon with his jet-black hair, which fell over his face and the back of his neck in waves. He was accompanied by no other than his best friend, Xiao Dejun.
You couldn’t help but feel the sting of, not jealousy, per se, but something close to betrayal and closer still to missing and longing. You used to be Xiaojun’s best friend, his confidante, his other half. Yet, it had taken no longer than the span of a week for you to lose your title and fall to the ranks of a, if not real then at least a forced, stranger.
You avoided his eyes and tried to remain in working mode. Because if he just bit his lip or turned his head to show off his perfect, sharp jawline, you probably wouldn’t be able to focus. In fact, you might just collapse right where you were, and your job would go right down the drain.
You chose instead to focus on Hendery, holding out one hand to stop them from progressing further in the queue. “Please wait here, sir.”
“Your lips are really dry. Would you like to borrow my chapstick?” You looked down at Hendery’s hands as he offered you his chapstick. Actually, you would, you decided. Your lips were cracked and you still had the rest of the day to endure. It wasn’t going to get any better, so you would take any help that was thrown your way.
You applied it quickly and gratefully before returning it to Hendery and waving the next batch of park visitors into the ride. Obviously, you realised the health concerns, but you weren’t crossing any boundaries socially. Over your time spent as Xiaojun’s significant other, you had grown close to Hendery, enough so that you could borrow items of his without feeling awkward or strange. As you waved them through, you didn’t miss the expression of jealousy that flashed over Xiaojun’s face, feeling a small sense of triumph at getting him to feel the way that you had.
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LATE EVENING, SNOW FELL in dribs and drabs. It was still only the beginning of winter, so there was no heavy snow and no flurry of white, chilly wind. However, it was dark outside and freezing, and your blood felt frozen. You could swear your bones were stiff from the cold.
Still, it was a lovely evening, and the coat was comfortable enough. There was only one last batch of people going on the ride before the theme park closed, and just as you let them in with a smile, Xiaojun passed by.
You hadn’t been able to pay attention to him earlier, but his cheeks were red from the low temperature, and his eyes were as starry as the night sky. His smile was exactly the same as you remembered, gentle and encouraging.
“Are you leaving yet?” He asked.
“No.” Of course, as a staff member you would have to close up the ride before you could leave. It wouldn’t take long, but you didn’t want to be left alone with Xiaojun for any longer than a few seconds. More than that, and you couldn’t—and didn’t want to be—responsible for what would happen.
Hendery came up to the both of you, panting slightly. He had clearly been running, which gave rise to the question, had Xiaojun ran to find you? Why was he still at the park so late?
As the questions ran through your mind, Xiaojun said, “I’ll wait for you outside the entrance,” leaving before you could protest. Even if he had, what would you have said to him? You knew that once his mind was set, he wouldn’t change it no matter how hard you tried to persuade him.
You were saved by your coworker calling your name, and you went inside the heated area (oh, blissful warmth) and tried not to stress too much about it.
The sound of Hendery asking Xiaojun, “What are you doing, man? They clearly don’t want to talk to you.” didn’t go unheard by you, but by then they were too far away for you to be sure, and you had trouble discerning Xiaojun’s response.
The ambiguity of the sentence hung in your mind, fogging your senses. You mindlessly swept the snow off the seats and wiped them down, your body going through the motions, mimicking your coworker’s without a second thought.
However, as you picked up the lost and found items, your mind was on Hendery’s words. He was right, Xiaojun was (weirdly) a sore subject for you, and you didn’t really want to talk to him more than you had to. It went without saying that what Xiaojun was doing probably went further than what most friends did, and hovered in the grey area between platonic and romantic. Obviously, you still loved Xiaojun. You understood that he cared for you, but if he didn’t stop that you were going to fall for him all over again.
True to his word, Xiaojun was waiting outside the theme park for you, with Hendery idling beside him. Hendery’s arms were crossed over his chest, tapping his foot impatiently when you arrived. He shrugged his shoulders, as if to say, I tried to stop him. What more can I do?
But Xiaojun was too focused on you to realise the silent conversation you two were having. He looked like he was having trouble restraining himself from rushing over to envelope you in a hug. He jiggled his knee nervously as you went over hesitantly.
Aeri and Hyewon waited beside you, huddled together in the cold, but you were too curious to be bothered by such a superficial thing.
“What do you want?” Hyewon asked for you, seeing how slow you were to speak.
“P-please hurry so w-we can go home,” Aeri chimed in, teeth chattering.
“Just wanted to make sure you were okay,” Xiaojun mumbled. Noticing how red your ears were, he removed his scarf and wrapped it around you, almost as familiar as when he’d done it before you had broken up.
“I’ll meet you at the café down the street when school starts again?”
“I- Alright,” you sighed. Stupid feelings and the way you always fell for him.
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“STUDY HANGOUT’,” AERI SAID mockingly, making bunny ears as she did so. “Yeah, right. It’s obviously a café date.”
“Ugh!” You threw your hands up in the air in defeat, collapsing in a heap on the bed. Xiaojun had taken you to that café so many times before for dates, and now that you two were “just friends”, he thought it would be okay to reuse the same idea? That wasn’t going to work!
Your friends weren’t oblivious, they knew Xiaojun still liked you, but you really thought you had made it clear that now that you were broken up, you would have to draw a line somewhere.
“I need to bring a friend,” you decided. “Someone who can make the boundaries clear and prevent us from doing stupid things— Not you, Hyewon. That’s too obvious. Maybe… Ten?”
Hyewon shook her head. “He’s too transparent, and he’ll either be absorbed in something else or completely forget that he’s the chaperone and not a wingman.”
Aeri quickly shot off a text, and the ‘ding’ sound chimed almost immediately after. “He’s busy.”
“That leaves… No.” You stopped in your tracks. You couldn’t! That would be too awkward for all three of you. Plus, you inviting Xiaojun’s friend over? Wouldn’t that be against protocol?
Hyewon grinned. “Yes.”
“No!” You leapt up from the bed, trying to leave the room, but Hyewon blocked the way.
“Think about it. It’s perfect: Xiaojun would feel too awkward with his best friend around to hit on you, you and Hendery know each other well, and Hendery definitely agrees that Xiaojun shouldn’t go back to you. He’ll definitely cooperate the best among all of them. Unless you think Yangyang could do a better job?”
“There’s always Winwin,” you offered meekly.
Hyewon scoffed. “Please! As if he could look up from his games. Or if Kun successfully gets him to change this year, then he won’t be able to leave the library. They’ll be studying together.”
You sighed defeatedly. There was no use in arguing, once Hyewon had won the argument, she would definitely not budge. Aeri didn’t want to go against her, either, so you were forced to ask Hendery to chaperone you.
“Okay,” you announce. “He said yes.”
Hyewon nods approvingly.
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YOU WERE THE SECOND TO REACH, and when you made a move to sit down, Hendery waved you over. You sat down opposite him, watching his concerned eyes but not giving any kind of answer.
The silence settled like sediments at the bottom of a flask of unstirred tea, uncomfortable and distinct from the smooth conversations you were used to, but nothing that would be harmful to your relationship.
Seconds passed, stretching like minutes. You tried your best not to fidget, avoiding Hendery’s eyes before his concern could overwhelm you. The anxiety and sweaty hands were enough to deal with.
“So what’s going on with you and Xiaojun?”
Speaking of the devil… Before you could reply, Xiaojun saved you from the awkward situation. He came up to you two, confused but not surprised at seeing his best friend and ex at the same table. His hands were behind his back, clearly hiding something.
“Am I interrupting?” You shook your head, and Hendery moved over for Xiaojun to sit.
With a shy smile, Xiaojun presented you with a small bouquet of flowers. The bouquet was a deep shade of red, with red chrysanthemums, carnations, and camellias, with blue salvias hidden in the center. You didn’t know how to tell him what the flowers really meant, having been interested in the language of flower bouquets for a time before.
“From a friend,” Xiaojun said quickly. “Just- just a friendly bouquet. For our friendship.”
How many times did he need to say it to convince himself? Because you knew better than anyone that Xiaojun did not give thoughtless gifts.
Red chrysanthemums, I love you. Red carnations, my heart aches. Red camellia, you’re a flame in my heart. Blue salvia, think of me.
Xiaojun knew what he was doing. You could see him asking the florist what best to give, trying to describe his message in terms that fit the flowers. You could see him watching attentively as the florist arranged the flowers delicately, carefully carrying it from the florist’s to the café.
And it was your anniversary. White day. You should be giving him flowers, if you were together. That was traditional, and you adored tradition. You always wrote a note or a card when you gave him gifts.
“Happy White Day!” You grinned, holding out the chocolate controller. You had specially ordered it for your one year anniversary, and were so proud of it.
“Happy White Day,” he replied softly, gazing at the controller with loving eyes. Perhaps, that was the same gaze he used to look at you. You tilted your head as if to say, Well? as you eagerly awaited his response.
“It’s beautiful.”
“It’s beautiful,” you told him. Then, right as he sighed in relief, “But not from a friend to a friend.”
Your words were whispered, but perhaps still too harsh. You took care to keep your voice low and not attract attention, but it didn’t ease the pain.
“Really, Jun? I love you, my heart aches, you’re a flame in my heart? Think of me? You can’t expect me to believe you randomly picked a bouquet. I know you too well for that. I don’t know what you mean by it, maybe you didn’t want me to know outright, but I do. And we can’t keep doing this anymore. I really can’t live like this, Dejun. You can’t keep chasing after me and expect me to be okay.”
“Why would you have to?” He asked, getting heated. Hendery put a hand on him, ready to calm him down—wrestle him back into sitting if needed—but he immediately lowered his volume.
“Because. We broke up, Dejun.” You stood up as you said this. You made to leave, and Xiaojun stopped you with a hand that was clearly clutching something. You pushed him away, maybe a bit too hard, because whatever was in his hand clattered to the ground. You noticed that the clear shards resemble glass, a choked gasp of shock stuck in your throat.
You stumbled back, too stunned to notice that you accidentally stepped on what’s left of his gift. You were so busy trying to get away that you didn’t see what happened next.
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XIAOJUN FELL TO THE GROUND on his knees. tears streaming from his eyes. Quiet sobs wracked his body as his chest heaved, practically breaking down. He picked up as much of the glass as he could, the crystal shards glinting cruelly back at him. He sobbed as he tried (and failed) to put his broken heart back together, except it felt like it was falling apart exactly the way the shards of his gift did in his hands.
Hendery had seen enough.
“Get up,” he told Xiaojun. He handed him a stack of napkins, which Xiaojun used to wrap the shards in, stuffing it into his pocket. “Don’t touch anything, I don’t want you getting splinters and needing to go to the accident and emergency unit.”
Xiaojun's hands slid into his pockets, and Hendery immediately pulled them out. "You have glass on your hands. Don't be an idiot, you're already doing enough to hurt yourself."
Hand still on Xiaojun's wrist, he dragged him back to the bus stop, mumbling under his breath, "I just don't get why."
Xiaojun’s mind went blank as Hendery brought him over to his house, picking the splinters from his palms with a tweezer, muttering under his breath. Hendery’s parents weren’t home, or they would have asked Xiaojun to sit down for a cup of tea and fussed over his injuries like he hadn’t fractured his leg playing football before.
Luckily, Xiaojun was mostly fine. The blood was minimal, and there weren’t any deep gashes or cuts. The glass in his pocket dug against his hip bone, but the discomfort was at least familiar, and better than the emptiness he would feel for weeks without you.
Hendery slammed bandages and antiseptic on the counter, watching Xiaojun to make sure he cleaned up his wounds properly. Xiaojun tugged the bandages tightly around his palm, mouth pressed tightly together unhappily.
“You can’t keep doing this to yourself, you complete fool. You have to let them go. Don’t talk to them until you can do it without crying. I know, breakups hurt, but you agreed. Both of you are mature enough to get through this, you hear me?” Hendery reverted to Cantonese to say this to Xiaojun, sighing exasperatedly.
Xiaojun didn’t know if he could promise that. He didn’t know if he could live with a gaping hole in his heart, with the lack of interaction and “love you”s, cuddling under sheets with you.
He missed you so, so much, every bit of you. From the tilt of your head to the tips of your hair that curled when the air got too humid, the baby hair that fell in your face. He loved to watch you shake your head in annoyance, the hair curling around your ear in familiarity. The glint of your eyes when you were up to something, the way they sparkled when you held back tears, how they disappeared when you smiled.
He missed pressing kisses into the curve of your dimple-less smile, brushing over your cheeks and reminding you how stunning you were even when you were insecure of your skin. Loved the way your neck fit just right against him when you hugged him, the crook of your neck perfect for falling asleep in.
He missed your hands. Missed how icy cold they were in air-conditioned rooms, the gentle warmth coming off of them after gym class. Missed holding hands with you, fingers interlaced in a comfortable, unchanging pattern.
He wanted you back, wanted to carry you back into his life and welcome you to the home as if you’d never left. He wanted to have a conversation with you and not have it end in awkward silence, wanted to go back in time and change everything and what did he do wrong?
Could he have done something to make you cry when he gave you flowers, made you despise him to the point where you consciously avoided him? He couldn’t remember, but sometimes you bottled up your feelings and exploded at the seemingly smallest things. It took time to unpack your feelings and talk about it, after you’d avoided confrontation for so long.
He wanted you back, and he knew that to do that he had to apologise first.
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EXCEPT THAT HE DIDN’T REALLY know how to. Not when Hyewon glared at him as soon as he got within two meters of you. Aeri’s glare was even scarier, it killed his courage immediately.
He had always seen Aeri as demure, pretty but innocent, and completely harmless. He hadn’t seen her defend somebody with her eyes, baring her teeth without opening her mouth in the slightest.
Her face fell so quickly when she saw him, scaring him away immediately. He couldn’t get near you, and as days went by, he started to question if it really was worth it.
He probably would have left you to simmer in your feelings if he hadn’t decided to play sad songs at home and cry in his room, which led to him flipping through old cards that he had received from you, leading to the (not-so-)brilliant idea to send you a love letter.
From a secret admirer, obviously, because if he put his own name, you would probably throw the entire envelope away before you read a word.
He sat by his desk for a good hour and a half, writing with a pencil and furiously erasing it when it sounded even the least bit like himself. Soon, his table was filled with eraser dust and the paper was marked with indents, and he finally settled on,
dearest y/n,
i think i like you. i’ve watched you for a while, and i want you to know you’re the most attractive person i’ve ever seen. meet me at the library, the middle row if you’d like to give me a chance? please?
- your secret admirer xx
The last line was a bit risky, since he knew you would recognise the way he signed off his texts, but it was still just ambiguous enough that any cheesy person could have written it.
He wasn’t good at changing his handwriting, but his hands were so sore from gripping the pencil tightly that he could rest assured you wouldn’t recognise it at all. The library’s inconspicuous, right? She’ll never suspect it’s me. I hope we’re far enough that Winwin and Kun don’t turn around to see us.
It haunted him throughout the night, the envelope sitting atop his table like a doll, watching him sleep and entering his dreams.
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You looked at it in surprise. It was plain, with the only indication of it being from a secret admirer the heart-shaped sticker used to seal it loosely. The cream paper felt thin, and was nothing extravagant. You were glad, at least it wasn’t blaringly obvious to anyone who passed by.
Hearing your words, Aeri was by your side in a flash. Renjun came over, eyes examining the envelope without a word.
“You got a love letter?” He asked. You frowned. Yes, you were surprised too, but why did he have to say it like he was shocked? Couldn’t you get love letters? After all, you were single now.
“I’m just saying,” Renjun said with a good-natured shrug. “I’ve seen Aeri get plenty of love letters even though we’re dating, but you’ve never gotten one before.”
“Well, times change.” You pried open the letter curiously, and scanned the contents quickly, trying not to raise your eyebrows too much.
Aeri snatched it from your hands, confused when you didn’t put up any resistance, frowning like you. Renjun peeked over her shoulder, nosily reading it as well.
“Wonder who it’s from,” Hyewon said suddenly. Your heart leapt in your chest, but you nodded and jerked your chin, asking her to read it as well to give her opinion.
“The handwriting looks familiar,” you muse, “but I can’t really put my finger on who it belongs to. Anyway, I’ll probably go, but just to reject them politely. I’m still… I think I’m still caught up in how Xiaojun makes me feel. I’m not really ready to move on yet, so I’ll probably think of some way to say that nicely.”
You have to give Renjun credit for not grimacing at what you’re saying, because usually if you talk too much about deep things, men tend to grow bored or cringe in embarrassment. Like you said, Renjun’s perfect and you hope Aeri treasures him.
You banish all thoughts of the letter to the back of your mind, that’s a problem for future you.
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YOU’RE REHEARSING YOUR REJECTION SPEECH as you trudge towards the library, not dragging your feet but not particularly eager, either. 
It’ll go something like: Sorry, I’m not interested. I understand that I’m available now that Xiaojun and I have broken up, but I don’t want you to be a rebound. (If it’s a sweet person that you know, you might tell them that they don’t deserve that.) I’m not ready for a relationship, and I won’t be able to commit to one in the near future. Please, leave me alone.
You’re also contemplating if it isn’t someone nice, and whether you’ll have to run if they get violent or if it’ll be fine since you’re in the library. What would the librarian be able to do, anyway?
The library seat (in the middle row) that the mysterious person had specified for the meeting point was empty, but you sat down anyway. You anxiously tapped your fingers against the table, drumming impatiently as you waited for said person to arrive.
You gave your surroundings a quick look, spotting Kun, Xiaojun’s friend, who smiled at you and waved. Sitting opposite him, clearly struggling, was Winwin, who looked up and tipped his chin in acknowledgement before biting his lip and going back to his work.
You were just about to get up and search for the person elsewhere, when somebody walked up to you, and Xiaojun took a seat opposite you.
your secret admirer, xx. dearest y/n. It struck you like a punch to your gut. It was an innocuous enough way to start a love letter and to end one, but it also screamed Xiaojun, after all that time he’d sent his texts to you, you couldn’t believe you hadn’t seen his fingerprints plastered all over it. Quite literally so, because he had probably handwritten it. That was why the handwriting looked so familiar!
You got up, ready to bolt, but his hand grabbed your wrist before you could go anywhere. “Please.”
It was soft, filled with so much desperation and pleading that your past self would not have been able to endure. You would have caved immediately, listening to every word of his and hanging on to his apology. You could never turn him down anyway.
But you’d had enough. You were sick and tired of walking this tightrope, dancing between your tears and his. It always felt like with Xiaojun, you were going head over heels, tumbling, unconsciously turning over and over again. Now, the slope was getting steeper, and you were falling so quickly both you and Xiaojun were going to get hurt.
“I’m not your toy, Xiao Dejun. I’ve had enough with you. Please, leave me alone. I don’t want to do this,” you whisper hoarsely.
“Before you go- at least tell me something. Just- just this one question.”
He hesitated for just a second, but you caught it. “Was I a bad person to you? I hope I wasn’t. But I guess I was.”
“I didn’t want to- I didn’t think I was good enough of a person. I felt like I didn't do enough to deserve you and I don't want you to end up the way hyewon did, with a person she loved but couldn’t treat her right.”
The old Xiaojun probably would have left the moment tears threatened to drop from your eyes in a public place, in the school library nonetheless, where many people knew him and you were supposed to maintain silence.
As flustered as he was, he still refused to leave you like that, fumbling through his pockets for something to help. Fortunately, he found a packet of tissue in his pocket and he offered it to you, relieved.
“Xiaojun, can you not do that?” You sniffled, pressing the tissue to your eyes and your leaky nose.
“Do what?” The gall! The audacity to sit there and look handsome and clueless and pretend like he didn’t know he was driving you mad. That was the reason that you couldn’t stand just being friends with him! Didn’t he get-
“That,” you said, gesturing to him vaguely. “The thing you do with your hair. And biting your lip. And turning your head so I’m forced to see that perfect, sharp jawline. And really just being in my presence.”
“Lovely to know I’m ruining your day,” he replied. He dropped his hand to his side and fished in his pocket for something, pulling out a clip and pinning his hair back so his fringe stopped flopping in his face.
You grinned half-heartedly at his response, happy with the dynamic you knew best.
“So, about that letter…”
“Don’t push your luck. We’ll… We could try,” you say. Before he can rejoice, you add, “No promises.”
“Trying’s good enough for me.”
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thesirencult ¡ 6 months
Pick A Card Reading: Your Soulmate's Letter To Santa About You 💌
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Dear Santa,
I want to thank you for my gift from last year, lol. She is amazing.
She makes me happy and puts a smile on my face. Sometimes I smile so hard my cheeks burn.
I've never felt happier in my life.
The way she talks, the way she moves, the way her eyes brighten up when she looks at a puppy or a piece of chocolate pie, they all drive me wild.
I want to be there for her, this Christmas and every other Christmas after this one. I want to buy her a house as a gift and a ring to go with it, maybe even a car? She doesn't like to drive that much but my baby has to have everything she wants.
What she wants she will get. I love her. I adore her. She owns my heart and soul. I'm proudly whipped.
Thank you Santa, I'll take care of her heart ❤️
~ Your soulmate is a provider. They must be a "golden retriever" type of person. I'm hearing "here comes the boy!". When you first meet them you won't expect to fall so hard for them. They have a compatible sense of humour with you.
Hey Santa Baby,
Am I in the naughty list? Great!
This year I put up with no bs and I said "bye" to everything that held me back. I let go of the old stories and left the world behind.
Well, not the whole world, because I met that special someone and they are amazing. I'm writing down my goals for next year and I want one of them to be to deepen my relationship with my soulmate.
I know that they are special, I'm not crazy! I consciously make the choice to commit to them. I feel like we are twin flames and can not wait to explore they way their mind works.
I want to help them unlock their potential. They are a force to be reckoned with and they don't even know it.
Bye, for now!
~ Your FS (yup, they are) is someone who could very well be a motivational speaker or a content creator in that space. They love doing challenges like 75 hard and lighting up other people's fire. They could also be an athlete or ex athlete. You will love this person's practical nature and approach in life. This person is also very spiritual and they probably have heard of Ayahuasca and other popular terms etc. They remind me of a Tech Founder in silicon valley who is I'm woowoo stuff (no worries, I'm the woo woo stuff).
I'm ready to move on from this year. My faith is stronger than ever before.
I've wished for so many things in the last few years. Many of them manifested into my life but one thing still hasn't showed up yet and I'm very bumped because of that.
Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful for the life I live and lead. I have almost everything I've wished for but that almost is killing me.
I know she is out there. I've felt her energy before. Since I was a child, whenever I looked up to the stars, I felt this overwhelming connection with someone. This invisible string tagging at my heart at all times. No one has ever made me feel this way and I know that it is unfair to say that for my previous partners but I miss her. I miss someone I've never met. Can you please bring her to me this year? I don't want anything else but my love to come back to me in this lifetime.
I know that the time to meet her is coming. I can feel it, but make it as fast as you can. Please.
I have a lot of goals for the year, especially financial ones. I'll try to focus on them until she comes. Where is she? Where is my love?
I will know she is here when I lay my eyes on her. My heart will speed up and the world as I know it will shutter. Shutter my world darling. I don't care. I made that world by myself and it is time we build our own world together.
P.S. Send loving energy to my soulmate, they need it. Tell them I will buy them their gift myself next year, but for now... This, sadly, has to do.
~ Awww your soulmate is very sweet and... depressed! They don't show it to anyone though but when they are alone at night they drink a glass of wine and think about you. They would want you to be there.
This person is very, stoic and "protected". That give me "military" vibes even if they have nothing to do with the military. This inability to outwardly express their feelings. You will baby them a lot and it is going to look comical but they will love it. Your FS might be older and taller than you and people will laugh when they see how much of a baby they become around your presence. They are very tired of being lonely. Don't get me wrong, this is not someone mopping around, they are just a "closeted" romantic. They hide their true feelings and you will know they love you because they will do acts of service for you or you will catch micro expressions. As soon as you enter in an official relationship they won't be able to keep their hands away from you.
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luversgirl ¡ 4 months
MY OBX REC LIST, part six
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( ☾ = angst, ☆ = head-canon, ❀ = fluff, ✧ = smut )
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rafe cameron
— his guardian angel ❀ ☾ ( part two )
— can’t remember anything before you ❀
— modern romeo and juliet ❀
— inside of me ( woah. )
— please forgive me ☾
— meant to be ❀ ☾ ( so cute im dying )
— maple syrup ☾
— bested ( love love love this series )
— too much ☾ ( sobbing )
— letters to you ( i got letters who want to be my rafe?? 💌 )
— anything for his love ☾ ( part two 🫶 )
— no other heart ❀ ☾
— baby’s day out ✧
— patch you up ❀
— so we won’t forget ✧ ❀ ☾
— watermelon ✧
— cross faded ❀
— you’re on your own kid (best rafe series hands down)
— in this life or the next ❀ ☾
— smile (favourite rafe series istg!!!!)
— all you need ❀
— under the influence ✧
— demonstration ✧
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jj maybank
— a reflection of him ❀
— endgame ( this series is just 🤌 )
— sweet dreams ✧
— phantom fights ❀
— i got you ☾ ( don’t mind me i’m just SOBBING )
— overheated ✧
— pornstar ❀ ( jj pls 💀 )
— all for us ☾ ✧ ( OH. MY. GOD )
— loving you ❀
— pocket of sunshine ✧
— a little less lonely ☾
— burnt pancakes ❀
— bereal ✧ (that’s crazyyyy)
— three seconds ☾ (part two)
— the one where jj finds out about your ex ❀
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sarah cameron
— fast friends ✧
— meeting sarah’s family ☆ ❀
— play time ✧
— best friend ✧ ☾
— love & hate ☾
— wish you were a boy ☾ (too retable queen 😞)
— optimism ❀
— feels like magic ❀ ☾
— just relax ✧
— girlfriend or girl thats a friend ❀ ☾
— ur my best friend ☾ ✧
— firsts ✧
— comfort ❀
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pope heyward
— clingy pope ❀ (💥💳💥💳💥 )
— in love with my best friend ☾ ❀
— drive in ❀
— drabble ❀ (i wish 😩)
— lost my whole appetite ❀
— who’s in charge now? ☾
— pumpkin guts ❀ (so cute!!!!!)
— secret game ❀
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— headcanons ❀
— drabble ✧ (YES, tummy and thick thigh girlies stand up!!)
— lazy morning loving ✧ (love!!!!)
— forgot you not ☾
— rafebarry (live, love, laugh, rafebarry)
— drabble ✧
— nicknames ❀
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john b routledge
— snow on the beach ❀
— distractions ✧
— beg for forgiveness ☾
— older ❀
— i wanted to do it first ☾ ( dang dawg )
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kiara carrera
— shower time ✧
— detention ❀
— just the three of us ✧
— unspoken desires ❀ ☾
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authors note ! happy valentines day lovies! here is a valentines day gift from me too all of you, enjoy! <3
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moonlighttarotreadings ¡ 11 months
💌 Your Love Story PAC Reading‼️‼️
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Left to right: Pile 1, 2,3
Please leave feedback in my ask box about your thoughts and feelings! OPEN FOR EXCHANGE READINGS!!
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Pile 1: Love
So whilst channeling this pile, I got the symbol of butterflies and the number 4. So these are somehow gonna be connected to your person energy. I also kept hearing the song Clean by Taylor Swift. So I’m sensing you’ve done so much inner work and healing, you’ve gone through so much trauma and struggle in your life. The lyric that really standing out is “now that I’m clean I’m never gonna risk it”, so your now in a higher vibration and your spirit guides want you to know how proud of you they are. You really deserve love. I’m feeling like you’ll meet once you fully love yourself, and stop thinking about love. I’m also feeling like it will happen during a period of a career growth and a lot of success. I’m getting boss bitch energy era, and then your persons gonna come in. Like possibly at a work conference, business related situation. Something formal. I see a suit and tie, so very very formal. I’m feeling they’ll just approach you, and act all cocky and confident, even drop a frisky one liner on you, to grab your attention. But it will be so much different to past love, I’m feeling like in the past you were chasing someone, making all the moves, planning dates and just giving yourself away. I also heard the song cardigan by Taylor Swift, like you knew you were being used in past connection, but they convinced you that’s what love is. When it’s truely not. So this connections a complete 180’ , from that. They’ll never make you feel like an “old cardigan”, there gonna make you feel like the most special person in the whole world, like visiting you at work and meeting up for lunch. They really will adore you, like leave love notes on the food they packed you for lunch. I heard the name James Dean and Marilyn Monroe - so they could have an old Hollywood look to them. But you truely deserve this special love!
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Pile 2: …This love is good this love is bad… this love came back to me…
So for pile 2, you’re gonna marry someone you were with in the past. Someone who you had an unbalanced live with, like it had good and bad moments, someone you were in love with when you were young. Like right person wrong time. Your paths will cross again. You both were under developed and immature, but now you’re developed, I’m hearing you reunite soon actually. Like they miss you, they could reach out soon via text or a call. The song I heard was “this love”, by Taylor Swift. Like you’ve both grown up and matured, I’m hearing you guys are gonna take it slow just cause you both scared you gonna hurt each other again, and accidentally do something to upset one another. But don’t be scared, it was a different time, and you’ve both grown up, they are your person. I saw the symbol of lavender and the letter T being significant to someone’s name somehow. I’m hearing it’s has a traditional live between the two of you, like 1950s style romance. You’re gonna be wined and dined and being taken cares by a gentleman. I just heard you both need to get your feelings off your chest and just be honest with one another. Tell them what’s not working and what is. You both expect the other to read you mind, but it’s not possible. So talk to them. I feel like even though your in delegation you truely love them. Like even after the break up you never stopped. I heard the song Lover by Taylor swift, like it’s a sweet and gentle love. Your both afraid to hurt one another, you truely care for each other and love each other. I heard the message from them, “please don’t be in love with someone else”.
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Pile 3: Karma is my boyfriend
Ok for some reason I’m hearing this person is your Karma, like your ex will be so jealous and insecure once they see your future spouse. Like your future spouse is everything your ex wasn’t. They will come in after you went through a heartbreak, like you needed to go through that so you knew how you shouldn’t be treated. Your future spouse is gonna be very mature and stable. They’ll plan dates and gift give. You’ll meet through friends or social media, there are mutual connections. You’re like that couple people look and and say they’re perfect for one another. I kept hearing it’s Andrew, so that’s a message for a specific person, not everyone - just one person out of the collective had to heard that, so to whoever it is that is your confirmation. I heard the symbol of night and day - take it how it resonates. I’m just feeling like your ex was truely just lazy and wasn’t at your level, like he was lucky you paid attention. I’m feeling like you’ll both look across the room at one another and just know that’s your person, it’s like a deep connection from the beginning. I also heard the song Enchanted by Taylor Swift, you’ll feel like you’ve meet each other before, it’s so cute. Like it’s playful energy too. Your gonna instantly know it’s your person, and it’ll be like the whole room stoped and it’s just the two of you. I’m feeling you’ll both look so beautiful, possibly at a wedding, ball, party or dance. Something with a magical energy. Lots of late night phone calls and texts to one another.
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leoramage ¡ 9 months
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raining in manila
⊹ masterlist ⊹ taglist ⊹
⊹⊱ trigger warning - [politics]
⊹⊱ theme - [social media au]
⊹⊱ pairings - [charles leclerc x daughter of a president!y/n]
⊹⊱ face claim - renee veronica pagano
⊹⊱ keywords - [nepotism baby. "asian chick." second chance. "everyone is a ferrari fan. even if they say they're not, they are ferrari fans." flings? "what are we?"]
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highsocietysecrets_mnl posted a picture
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highsocietysecrets_mnl pack your bags and rev those engines because this high-profile socialite is jetting off with her father to the singapore grand prix in style! 🛫🏁
while she's known for her passion for ferraris, she's hasn't just been burning rubber on the racetrack. she's often spotted donning ferrari gear, sparking rumors about her passion for the prancing horse in her instagram stories. rumor has it that she left more than just tire tracks during a luxurious vacation in monaco, catching the eye of a famous ferrari driver after his split with his ex who is an architect. 🏖️❤️🏎️
now, allegations of a secret romance are swirling around her, leaving us all to wonder: is she trading love letters for pit stops? 💌🛑 #highsocietysecrets #singaporegrandprix
speedyracer24 the way we immediately knew who that is when that SG blind was posted, its yn, the asia's nepo girl 🙄
⊳ gossipguru4u could never be more envious fr.
racingfanatic_01 lord i see the way you bless other people, but why not me too?!
⊳ racetrackromeo my delulu ass thinking i have a chance with charles because i have the same nationality as y/n
⊳ curiouscat22 girl stop living your parasocial relationship, touch some grass
speeddemon101 girl is taking "live fast, die young, bad girls do it well" motto too much
charles_leclerc posted a picture
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55 and others
charles_leclerc what happens in monaco, stays in monaco. it's race week, see you in 🇸🇬!
ferrarifanatic23 charles we need to know if you and y/n are for real
⊳ speedsterfanatic girl stop harassing charles!
f1fanaticsophie is the caption a shade towards the blind?
⊳ racingheartbeat DOES HE KNOW?!
ferrarifanatic88 these comments are not it
carlossainz55 lord perceval 🏎️🤴🏻
⊳ charles_leclerc smooth operator 🏎️🇪🇸
⊳ instaglamgal @/speedygonzalez bffr 😭
gossipqueen365 monaco, the playground for the rich and famous! 🌟✈️
f1nightrace see you soon!
yourusername posted a picture
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liked by jazzychewter, celeste_cortesi and others
yourusername mornings in singapore 🩷
jazzychewter fresh 🌻
⊳ yourusername imy 🥺🤗
⊳ jazzychewter xoxo 🤗
celeste_cortesi goodluck kisses to...? 😗🤣
⊳ yourusername stoooooop 😭
⊳ celeste_cortesi your biggest what if🫢
⊳ yourusername 😵‍💫😵
comments are limited.
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yourusername posted a picture
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liked by jazzychewter, celeste_cortesi and others
yourusername lunch dates ; bon appetit 🥗🍴
jazzychewter with who? 👀
⊳ yourusername dad 🥰
⊳ jazzychewter you can't fool me hahaha
⊳ yourusername but he said hi! 🥹
celeste_cortesi just with tito? nobody else? 🤭
⊳ yourusername and a few guests!
⊳ celeste_cortesi guest list reveal
⊳ yourusername can't do that 💔
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charles_leclerc uploaded a story
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seen by arthur_leclerc, lorenzotl, yourbrother and others
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yourusername posted a picture
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liked by catriona_gray, mickschumacher and others
yourusername from sun down till the clock strikes twelve 🌙🤍 bisou bisou💋
jazzychewter with your dad again?
⊳ yourusername the dinner date? no but my date asked permission 🫶🏻
⊳ celeste_cortesi boy reveal
⊳ yourusername we don't do that here 🥹😭
nadine can he fight?
⊳ yourusername no violence please 😆
⊳ michelledee what if SG meet up?
⊳ yourusername it's too late, we'll be back soon 🥺
⊳ whianwamos did he return you safe before tito's curfew?
⊳ yourusername yes! five minutes before the time 😊
⊳ maxcollinsofficial is he in the likes?
⊳ yourusername calm down please i am alive 😭😭😭
samanthapanlilio_ hope you had fun 🩷
yourusername liked this comment.
missritadaniella 😍😍 miss you bestie
⊳ yourusername miss you too bestie 🥺🫶🏻
piawurtzbach he looks handsome and nice
⊳ yourusername MOMMA PIA 😭😭😭
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yourusername uploaded a story
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seen by charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, lorenzotl and others
charles_leclerc posted a picture
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charles_leclerc rain check? 🌧️☔ @/apmmonaco keeps me in style whatever weather it is.
apmmonaco looking great, lord perceval!
⊳ turn1tifosi girl stop, you're embarrassing let him live a life
chequeredchase the women's jewelry of apmmonaco looks stunning 😭
⊳ curvaparabolica it's literally an advertisement, silly
⊳ leclerclove please let it be, i can't handle him being taken yet!
⊳ sennaforever omg you guys are so delusional, stop it!
silverarrowsquad what is bro yappin bout🗣️‼️
⊳ pitlanepro bro is too majestic
yourusername posted a picture
manila, philippines
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liked by charles_leclerc, angelicalopezofficial and others
yourusername maulan ba sa inyo 'pag bumubuhos dito? (does it rain there when it pours here?)
michelledee twinning captions? 👀
⊳ yourusername huh? 🤔
⊳ whianwamos hello, she's pretending again that she doesn't know again 😧
⊳ maxcollinsofficial wait, who now? akala ko ba si ano...😮 (i thought it was)
yourbrother i beg please tama na parinig, stop looping the song na. di ka maririnig non, he's too far (he won't hear you)
⊳ yourusername 🥺
⊳ yourbrother do it or i will confiscate your spotify premium
⊳ yourusername i'm not a child! 😭
⊳ yourbrother lah? please use headphones or at least lower down the volume
⊳ yourusername okay 🥹
rociozobel what if may pinaparinggan (you're alluding)
⊳ yourusername wala ah (that's nothing) 😗
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highsocietysecrets_mnl posted a picture
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highsocietysecrets_mnl whispers of romance have once again taken the formula one world by storm! it appears that a certain formula one driver may be rekindling an intriguing connection with the daughter of high socialite elite, following their summer fling after his breakup with an architect girlfriend. 🏁❤️
the singaporean grand prix played a pivotal role in this unfolding drama. on september 14, both parties posted eerily similar location shots, raising eyebrows across the internet. she hinted at a "lunch date," coyly mentioning her father and mysterious guests. meanwhile, charles shared a picture from the same spot with a different companion. coincidence or rendezvous? 🤔🍽️
then came september 15, when she shared pictures from dusk till midnight, with mick schumacher's like setting off alarm bells. rumor has it that mick was her date, even asking her father for permission and getting her back to the hotel just minutes before her curfew. 🌙💏
but the story doesn't end there. she returned home and expressed the rainy manila, while he, in monaco, subtly hinted at a rain check through an advertisement post for apm monaco. coincidence, or are these two playing the long-distance game? ☔🌧️
as weeks passed, silence reigned until she accidentally shared a deleted Instagram story featuring him at the airport this morning? 📸✈️ what's the real story here? stay tuned for more twists and turns in this high-profile affair! 🌟
speedqueenracer 💔 sorry, but I'm still not over charlotte! this new twist is giving me whiplash! 🤷‍♀️🏁
⊳ cclovers same it was just months away charles and you're back in the streets😭
⊳ fastlanefangirl now suddenly we know he's getting another girl again. but at least he didn't went after his ex girlfriend's friend💀
speedyspectator charles and y/n, the power couple we didn't know we needed! please confirm this love story soon!
⊳ curiouscat_16 she's so lucky but she seems like she's into charles more
⊳ f1foreverfanatic let me bag mick! (i have no chance)
⊳ sunsetchasers bffr now guys
racingroyalties can someone please pick mick up? he's going after his colleagues ex girlfriends again 🙄😒
⊳ speeddemon47 it started from luisa, right? 😭 ⊳ racingroyalties yes, but it also makes sense that y/n is in monaco. it's almost charles' birthday and he wil throw a party. ⊳ f1foreverfanatic is mick coming over? or at least was he invited? ⊳ sirhamilton_44 i highly doubt that, he was entangled dating y/n for a night during the race week in singapore. her father is a mercedes fan and has close connection with toto wolff so that is how mick probably was introduced to y/n. he invested into mercedes when lewis was dominating the grid. mick probably had to let her go because he probably had the sense that y/n likes charles and there were something brewing in between the two. ⊳ charlesofmonaco then how the hell did y/n and charles meet? ⊳ sirhamilton_44 through friends of friends :)
charles_leclerc uploaded a story
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yourusername posted a picture
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, landonorris and others
yourusername happy birthday lord perceval
michelledee oh! 👀 happy birthday to him
yourbrother enjoying monaco, huh?
⊳ rociozobel you're not there with her?!
⊳ yourbrother no, duty calls.
jazzychewter chat, this is real!
⊳ celeste_cortesi @jazzychewter spill the 🫘
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charles_leclerc posted a picture
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liked by yourusername, yourbrother and others
charles_leclerc maison avec du soleil 🌻
yourbrother i am keeping an eye on you, charles.
⊳ carlossainz55 uh oh
⊳ gossipguruf1 bro is getting prosecuted if he breaks y/n's heart
yourfather to love, laughter, and many more wins on and off the track! 🏆 happy birthday charles!
⊳ thaweeepon_ann man has his priorities STRAIGHTER than my gender 💔
⊳ racefanatic_91 he was multitasking like there's no tomorrow! 🥹 he said hard launch my pretty girlfriend now
⊳ jensxnnnn_ still faster than a ferrari
scuderiaferrari happy birthday, charles! may your year be filled with lots of wins on and off the track! 🏆🥂
⊳ girlgossipf1 the way y/n will have to cope up with charles waking up from ferrari nightmares
⊳ champagneprxblems "box box" 💀
lovestruck_lou still happier than in a ferrari
⊳ racingroyalty you're so jailed for that
⊳ speedsterenthusiast just being realistic, man.
Author's Note: first smau for charles leclerc! i didn't want this fic to be too political by mentioning any politician in here. but i really enjoyed making this and thankfully it's less hassle than the other smau i made (check out the "competition" series - mick schumacher smau if you have time).. let me know your thoughts, hit that ask box it's open for everyone! 𔘓ฅ[⁠ᓀ⁠˵⁠▾⁠˵⁠ᓂ⁠]𔘓ฅ
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction created by the user in response to a creative writing prompt. Any resemblance to actual events, persons, or entities, whether living or deceased, is purely coincidental. The characters, events, and dialogue portrayed in this fanfiction are products of the user's imagination and are not meant to infringe upon any copyrights or trademarks associated with the Formula One sport or any real-life individuals. This fanfiction is solely intended for entertainment purposes, and the author acknowledges that the depicted scenarios are not endorsed, authorized, or supported by any official Formula One entities or the individuals mentioned.
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sminiac ¡ 3 months
Congrats on 400 followers🎉🥳🥳. Could you do a scenario for Piwon and how they would break up with you/ their reaction to realizing that they don’t love you anymore?
💌 — Thank you sm sweets! <3 I loooove writing angst even though I don’t get reqs for it, BUT YES. Was lowkey excited to pull up my feels playlist for this :b
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⋆ Y. Keeho
So, so quiet, and diluted. He’s very naive when it comes to loving someone so in the first flicker of insecurity he’s immediately calling it quits in fear of dragging something out that’ll possibly never lead to anything deeper, or getting too attached to a point where it’s unnecessarily difficult and painful.
Curls in on himself more and more in the days leading up to him finally talking to you and when he does it, it’s not the most surprising thing. Hearing him abruptly cut off from his words and backing away from his train of thought because the tears find home in his throat so easily. Seeing him like this is rare, you’re so used to the talking being passed off to one another so seamlessly but he just continues struggling through his sentences no matter how many deep breaths and attempts to compose himself he takes. He really tries to communicate with you, lay everything out, plain and simple, but unfortunately he just can’t, his emotions get the best of him which both you and him know is completely unlike him.
He’s able to explain everything to you at a later date, which is just salt in a fresh wound, but he knows he can’t go on living like nothing that serious happened, especially after leaving you in the dark. Asks if you can meet up for coffee or call or something, is willing to write a handwritten letter if that’s what it takes to get you to hear him out. His reasonings for seeing you again are partly in best interest of himself, but he likes to think it gives you some sense of closure too, or at least a solid placement on your feelings towards him. The conversation goes quite smoothly compared to his first attempt, he even finds himself comparing the two of you now to when you first got together, it’s bittersweet, but he still cares for you so he doesn’t force it away. Holds your hand over the table while reminiscing, sharing old funny stories before parting ways.
Remainder of members under the cut!
⋆ C. Taeyang
Doesn’t realize nor feel the gravity of the circumstances that follow his decision to leave you. In fact, in the beginning he plays with the idea as it sparks to life, figures that the cons probably far outweigh the pros anyways, so why is he really playing along with you? Hes just so busy and caught up in the limelight that he realistically can’t even begin to remember all the details, the good points in your relationship, he’s far too fast to make a concrete resolution for his own absentmindedness, and inevitably it comes back to bite him in the ass.
Very straightforward, although there’s a tenderness to his disposition the more he lets the words flow. The more he talks the more he realizes how absurd this all sounds, and he’s quick to point out any of his faults and ignorance right in front of you. The conversation does nothing but solidify his point, but it also helps him understand just how gracious you are to him, how you’ve always been, and that keeps him on track because he knows that if you were to stay that you wouldn’t be able to find that growth if your own. Sets you free in a way, even if that sounds cringy and silly, he just doesn’t want to keep you to himself- nailed to the ground when you have so much ahead of you in your life, and the life of an idol wasn’t always so easy or kind to exclusivity.
Towards the end he recalls all of the milestones he’s hit with you by his side, behind the camera, always his number 1, reminds you that if you weren’t here he probably wouldn’t have made it this far. He literally counts his blessings whilst calling himself an idiot for not realizing it sooner.
⋆ C. Jiung
The type of ex you can be friends with and be completely platonic with after breaking up let me just say, even if there’s lingering feelings he’s never acting on it or allowing you to either. He’s very quick and precise, as soon as he’s sure, even confident in telling you he’s just not quite in love with you like that anymore then he’s calling you up, telling you to come over. Jiung’s just a very comforting and easy going individual, there’s obviously going to be a palpable sense of sadness in the air but he tries to keep things light instead of saying things to further fuel the tears- it’s kind of silly though, because no matter what he’d unintentionally do just that.
Comes right out and tells you, very straightforward at first,, almost a little too blunt, but he treats the wound with a gentle dressing, reminds you that he does love you, that it’s been there for days and days, that he’s walked with it, ate with it, sang with it, that his love for you won’t just disappear in the matter of seconds because of a change of labels.
Tells you that he understands if distance is what you want, that he won’t overstep or prod if that’s not what you’re comfortable with, so dedicated that he’d make sure any mutual friends don’t speak of him to you if the topic is much too sore to touch on. But! If your boundaries don’t come with a secure extent then he’ll merely act as a friend, not one you’d go to for every rant or life experience, but one that’s there whenever you need him to be. He’d still reach out to congratulate you on every achievement, milestone, every significant date too with a fitting paragraph in thorough detail about whatever it is he’s messaging you abou :,)
⋆ H. Intak
Terribly bitter. Becomes so self deprecating and the jabs at himself are sharp, like- would actually make himself miserable about losing feelings for you. Tries to ignore it, initially he doesn’t even want to acknowledge it, but the longer he lets it sit and fester the more it mercilessly eats away at him. Takes the time to sit and talk with Keeho, sorting his thoughts and tackling the much tougher questions he couldn’t bring himself to face alone, I think he wouldn’t come to the conclusion of breaking up with you himself, it would definitely have to come from someone. The situation doesn’t feel that weighty, or lucid until someone like Keeho is telling him that it’s the only option he has.
“I’m sorry” is said quite a lot when he has the time alone with you, his eyes already bloodshot around the edges and his lips swollen. The time passes by fairly quick in retrospect, but in the moment it feels like it just drags and drags.
Intak genuinely can’t bring himself to touch you or get so close to because he knows that’s when the tears will start again and there will absolutely be no consoling him to get them to stop. Maybe you’ll think of him as being one for dramatics, but he’s just such a lover that it’s crushing to even reach this point that he’s absolutely torn on your behalf. Only makes contact with you for the last time when you’re saying your last goodbyes, your personal belongings back in your care and his shoved into a corner in his room because he physically can’t take them out and sort through it. The hug only lasts for so long before he’s letting you go, choking out a goodbye with a forced smile. He just hopes you can’t see the tears building against his lower lid.
⋆ H. Shota
Soul knows you probably wouldn’t understand, but he tries to wait it out, the feeling of doubt every time he questions himself about loving you. He realized as the days past he grew more and more uncaring about what you were doing, who you were with, he found himself eager to end calls and to be left alone, purposely ignoring any questions his members had about how you were, when they’d see you again.
As soon as he stopped questioning why you didn’t text him or call, how he wasn’t repulsed by the thought of you loving someone else the way you love him, that it was time he broke things off. He deals with his emotions quite simply, chronologically, uses his brain more than his heart because then things are strategical and easy, but things weren’t quite as painless as he expected when finally confessing to you that he wanted to break up.
He knows the tears will come, the resentment, he hates the thought of you ever thinking about him with only a sour taste in your mouth and a shell of his current self kept frozen in your memory, he wants you to know the future him, the bad and the good, but it’s an incredibly selfish thing to ask of you, to stay even if he no longer loves you romantically, it leads to his emotions doubling in size, making his own tears unceasing as he holds you, scared that once he lets go you’ll disappear forever, completely. He goes through with it of course, despite his fears and insurmountable worry, he knows better than to ask you to stay.
⋆ K. Jongseob
Seob Is fairly well acquainted with the ‘you’re so mature for your age’ approach when being complimented on his sterling dedication and drive that keeps him moving forward in the music industry, because, well duh? But the good aspect of knowing how he handles early adulthood gets a little too into his head, therefore he lacks the emotional intelligence to navigate through his feelings when it comes to a point where he’s questioning himself and your relationship because he just doesn’t have the time at his disposal to face it.
He tries to work on himself at first, his doubt, the lack of security you have in place of his side— like a sample track he’s not confident or content with, he tries and tries to make it better, and that’s inevitably the downfall of his efforts, it’s the fact he has to try to keep loving you to begin with.
He’d like to think that he redeems himself by being an open book with you when he sits you down, pouring out all of his bottled thoughts and feeling, but the crushing truth does nothing but keep your aversion to his lack of self understanding stagnant. He’s soft when telling you that the two of you should break up, gentle, because he can’t bring himself to fathom the betrayal you probably feel now knowing how he’s felt under the layers of his forced affection and uninterested feelings.
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thegvlaxyrvanger ¡ 2 months
Hi, hello!! I found your blog through dead-dove's blog, and I was wondering if you would take a request for Katherine, your idol oc x yandere reader?
It's nice to meet you, I'm "💌 anon"!
~ 💌
☆. Hey there 💌 anon !! Glad to meet you as well !! :] I just woke up to this earlier and I'm really happy that this is my first ever request and ask <D (I also changed her entire information, her name is now Shimizu Mei.)
☆. Sorry if this took really long, procrastination has been sticking with me these past 3 days. (You could pretty much tell that I got pretty lazy at the very end.)
✧. Taglist (Lmk if you want to be added!) ;
- @dead-dove-yandere
- @love-letter-exe
𖥔. ♡ KATHERINE -— An Idol and Her Number One Fan. PART 1.
𖥔. ♡ Pairing -— Female Popular Idol x Yandere ! GN Fan
TWs : This story contains dark topics such as Stalking, Obsession, Non-consensual Photography, Obsession, Implied NSFW (Masturbation), Implied Murder, Kidnapping, Drugging, etc. Please proceed with caution. Minors DNI.
You weren't exactly a huge fan of idols, not that you don't like them or that you're just trying to be different from millions of people hopping onto the bandwagon, it's just that their songs aren't the type of music that you would obsessively listen to 24/7, you like listening to a lot of songs and have favorites as well, but their songs just doesn't really stick to your taste.
Your friends on the other hand are basically on the opposite side of your coin, they absolutely LOVE idols and are basically just head on heels for them, each having their own preferences, you would mostly see them talking about their favorites non-stop, they could ramble about their bias to you for hours, so it isn't really surprising that they're basically one of those crazy insane and down bad fans, in which sometimes they even argue on which one is better, it's kind of annoying really.
They always drag you to their favorite idol's concert whenever they have the chance to and have a LOT of merch from them, from posters, to t-shirts, jackets, plushies, etc., you name it. You couldn't quite grasp why they would spend a lot of money just for some poster.
As for you, well, all that you could do is listen to their ramblings about their favorites and drag you to concerts, and to be honest, it kind of feels like they're pretty much shoving their interests into your face, but you don't really mind, actually, it's quite fun because you're hanging out with your friends and are just spending time with each other, nothing more.
But now? You finally get why.
You finally get why people would go crazy insane for someone who probably wouldn't even notice them.
Though, gazing at them from afar, screaming their name, and having lots and lots of merch from them, isn't enough to be honest for you to prove that you're their number one fan. It doesn't really make you feel a sense of, fulfillment, really.
You need to go through more..
Drastic and intense measures, just for you to prove it.
Of course, you know that this is too much, you're being crazy and this could lead to consequences that could be life-long, but it would be worth it in the end,
Recently, your friends have started talking about one specific idol, not the ones that they used to talk about, and as usual, they seem to be very crazy down bad for him, or her. You find it very strange and you feel really confused but also somewhat curious. Who are they talking about, exactly?
While the three of you were at a cafĂŠ, hanging out as usual, you find them talking about this idol again, curiosity got the better of you, and you then asked which idol were they talking about.
“Oh, you haven't heard? There's a new idol rolling around and her popularity has almost immediately skyrocketed, it's only been 3 days! I already get why because she's soooooooooo pretty and very cuuuteeee!! You should check the recent news article and her account!” One of your friends then said, as they gave you the said idol's account, this only made your curiosity grow bigger, and have eventually decided to search her account up later. You eventually find yourself talking to your friends about that idol, your curiosity getting bigger and bigger the more information about her you collect from your friends, it was unusual for you, really. But you don't really seem to care at all.
After sometime, you and your friends then parted ways, and while on your way back to your apartment, you eventually searched up her account, and holy hell, your friends were right, she is pretty and cute.
You were absolutely enthralled with her beautiful and dazzling appearance. You felt yourself getting engulfed, and eventually you decided to stalk her account.
She goes by “Shimizu Mei” on her account, a pretty brunette who's half-japanese, half-, wears Jirai Kei and Gyaru fashion, and her singing voice is absolutely stunning. You already forgot that you already walked past your apartment because of how submerged you are to her pretty looks and voice.
You then realize what you've been doing after what felt like forever and eventually snapped back to reality, you then hit and laughed to yourself quietly, you felt stupid for walking past your apartment.
But you also felt confused, what's wrong with you? This is very unusual of you, really. You've.. never felt like this before, you've never liked an idol before, and most importantly, you never would've thought that you'd actually be a fan of one, but it's not like you don't want to stop and restrain yourself, while you weren't exactly expecting this, you eventually just accepted it, you like her, you've become her fan, and that's that.
At least, that's what you initially thought.
As weeks pass by, your friends gradually start to notice that you seem to be, very fixated on the recent popular idol, Mei, not that they mind about it, it's just getting quite concerning on how much you like her.
You would only talk to them if it's about, her. If they try to change the topic by talking about another idol, you'd get really mad. They tried to calm you down by telling you to chill talking about her for a moment and just talk about something else instead, which only made you get even more mad. They found it very strange, you weren't like this a few weeks ago, what happened to you?
You only found yourself getting even more obsessed with the idol as days and weeks pass by. When you found out that she's hosting a meet-and-greet near your city, you immediately thought that you HAD to go with your friends since they told you that they were going as well.
The day of the meet-and-greet arrived, and oh boy this crowd was absolutely yet unsurprisingly really huge. You and your friends don't even know what was going on except for the fact that everyone was going batshit crazy while security was trying to calm everyone down, yet it was no use.
Amidst the crowd, you then saw her glance at you.
Yes, you.
As soon as you immediately noticed that she glanced at you for a mere second, your heart almost instantly stopped for a moment. You felt like you were about to fucking burst right then and there! As the voices of your friends calling out for your name in the middle of the crowd fell on deaf ears, not realizing that you were lost before you eventually snap back into reality, realized what was going on as you tried to find your friends while you steal a few glances back at the idol, who's sweet honey-like voice helped the security calm the crowd down.
Gosh, her voice is so fucking intoxicating.
After a while of waiting which seemed like forever to you, you finally get to see her.
In front of you, face-to-face.
Fucking god, was she trying to kill you? Was she trying to hypnotize you with that pretty little head of hers? Did she pull a spell on you or something? What the hell did she fucking do to you?
From her soft locks, to the most sweetest smile that you've ever seen from someone, to her outfit wear, to literally everything.
She's just practically begging for you to doll her up at this point.
“...- Eh .. -Ah ?- H-hello? Sweetheart -..? Are you even listening -?” she then said, snapping her fingers at your face, you eventually snap back into reality once more as you eventually find yourself frantically and repeatedly apologizing to her.
“No need to apologize, my dear ~ Would you like to take a picture with me, ? Or an autograph ? Just let me know sweetie !” She then replied, you found yourself a little lost in words as you then realized that she called you a pet name, your face turning into a bright, crimson shade of red as you eventually told her that you would just like to take a photo with her.
After the photoshoot with her, she then gave you the photo, signed it, and waved goodbye to you and your friends with a sweet smile on her face. Eventually you and your friends said your goodbyes to one another as you three parted ways.
It wouldn't be so bad to go back,
Take a picture of her,
And follow her on her way back,
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arlerts-angel ¡ 4 months
💌 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 — a month of love event.
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𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐇 𝐎𝐅 𝐅𝐄𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐘 i'm accepting love letter requests! self-shippers, this one's for you!
𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐒: send me some info about you + your f/o (ex: anniversary/important events, headcanons, nicknames, anything you'd find in a love letter!) and i'll respond with a handwritten letter from them!
𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐒 𝐈'𝐋𝐋 𝐁𝐄 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐎𝐑: attack on titan, tokyo revengers, and jujutsu kaisen !
𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒: this event is sfw — but as always i encourage everyone under the age of 18 not to follow/interact with my account. 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐁𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄! i have a life outside of my tumblr account, but i do want to get to as many people as quickly as possible!
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planetkiimchi ¡ 2 years
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nct 127
new rules | song inspired fic, mark x idol!reader [ 2.7K words ]
b(ea)(it)ches | beach series! [ 2.1K words ]
poker cards and soju shots | beach series! [ 1.9K words ]
sunburnt | beach series, jaehyun x gn!reader [ 1.7K words ]
nct dream
the strings of fate | song inspired fic, requested, mark x gn!reader (and chenle x gn!reader but only a little) [ 7.4K words ]
and they were roommates | haechan x masc!reader ft. nct dream, university roommates au [ 13.9K words ]
crochet dates | nct dream ot7, est. relationship [1 1.5K words ]
the language of flowers | film director!jeno x artist!reader [ 6.7K words ]
a quiet affair | wayv soft hours [ 1K words ]
7 minutes in heaven | best friend!wayv [ 4.3K words ]
ten things you hate love about lee | acad au, ten x fem coded!reader [ 5.9K words ]
a love letter to your ex | xiaojun x gn!reader, angst [ 5.6K words ]
10:35 | winwin x fem!reader, timestamp [ 0.7K words ]
weather the storm | guard!winwin x royal!reader, series masterlist
4 in the morning | hendery x gn!reader, fishing [ 0.7K words ]
stray kids
pinterest worthy | hyunjin x nb!oc, lee know x fem!oc [ 0.8K words ]
ouch. | lee know x gn!reader [ 1.5K words ]
german words with stray kids | angsty headcanons [ 5.6K words ]
brownie boy | felix x gn!reader, domestic au [ 1.4K words ]
people watching | song inspired fic, producer!bang chan x ceo!reader [ 12.4K words ]
liability | idol!minho x manager!reader, [ 0.8K words ]
over the campfire | shotaro oneshot ft. renjun and yangyang [ 1.6K words ]
ask games
spotify collections (masterlist)
the media ?! (masterlist)
other works !
lillian's archive | a series of poetry and prose
raven-haired | lee min jun, cha minhyuk, cha jaeyoung [ 1K words ]
the hard choice | "ready, set, love" drama [ 1.4K words ]
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januever ¡ 10 months
this is slightly inspired by the 2010’s movie letters to juliet by gary winick. mainly names, places and events but still inspired. enjoy! :)
💌 — januever presents :
LETTERS TO JULIET. ﹙ charles leclerc x reader ﹚
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everything was perfect in the beginning. your relationship with your fiancĂŠ, victor, was like paradise and you thought that nothing could ruin it. he was definitely the one.
he was extremely romantic, passionate and caring. he always made sure to pay attention to you and tried his best to make you feel wanted and loved.
until that dreadful day came by.
ÂŤ my love, i am home! Âť you shouted as you entered your shared apartment, taking off your shoes by the door. you looked up and with no response from him, you decided to quietly enter the house, looking around in hopes to find your lover.
to no avail, you almost give up thinking that he might be caught up with work.
victor was an amazing chef and for the past few months, he had been working on the preparations for his first ever restaurant’s grand opening. you were more than thrilled for him, seeing how exciting it was for victor to finally make his dream come true.
truth be told that this phase of his life made your relationship more troubled than usual. he was now more focused on his work which made your alone time the perfect occasion for fighting, his phone constantly ringing from sponsors eager to talk to him, inviting him to all kinds of wine-tasting events at the most luxurious places that separated you two for weeks. that somewhat made your relationship colder as the time went by, leaving you with a sad heart.
finally leaving your apartment entrance behind, you hear whispered mumbles coming from your shared bedroom as soon as you enter the main corridor.
« well, that’s weird .. » you whisper to yourself, believing that you were home alone. was someone in your bedroom? or better yet, was your fiancé with someone in your bedroom? .. that couldn’t be. he didn’t reply to you just now so he obviously wasn’t home. right?
scared and confused, expecting the worst, your hands were shaking as they reached to the door’s knob, turning it slowly.
the worst had happened.
your heart dropped to the sight of your fiancĂŠ ( or better yet, ex-fiancĂŠ ) laying in bed with another woman. he tried his best to hide her under the duvet but with little to no success. you had already seen her.
all those moments, memories, fights, kisses … everything came to an end and how hurtful your freedom was. as soon as he looks up at you with the eyes of regret and tears start falling slowly down your cheeks, you run off the apartment and decide that you are leaving his life for good.
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a year since you found out.
you left everything behind without a second thought, calling off the engagement, with much shock from victor’s family. they didn’t know the full story, and as much as you hated victor, you didn’t want to ruin everything for him. at least, not right now.
still, not wanting all the wedding preparations to fully go to waste, you took the honeymoon tickets and departed to your destination, verona, with much encouragement from your family and ex-fiancĂŠ.
ÂŤ maybe some time away from each other was the best for us. it was time to call it quits. Âť
his text message was right. he was right. it was time for a brand-new start.
this time, in italy.
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wandering through the streets of verona, your legs were taking you somewhere : la casa di giulietta, the famous balcony where juliet was wooed by her sweet romeo, or at least, that’s what shakespeare wrote.
it was one of the places on your enormous sigh-seeing wishlist for you 2 week stay at the city. you knew that if you were here with victor, he would be too busy to enjoy this moment with you, and with that, your mind travelled back to your unfortunate love life.
maybe juliet’s love magic was all that you needed for you to find your very own romeo, after all that had happened. one last bit of hope from you to love.
a big rustic brown sign with the words " La Casa de Giulietta “ engraved onto it signaled you that you had arrived to your destination.
passing the big entrance gate, you could see : so many romantically-hopeless women, some crying, some laughing, with all kinds of struggles and passions, doing the exact same thing. writing, hoping, confiding to their last resort, juliet, in hopes for a better love.
in front of them, a big brick wall stood firmly with a bunch of different papers and letters, of all colors and shapes stuck to it. all of them with the same loving intent.
the sight made your heart soften, and inspired you to do the same as the other women as you quietly sat down on a wooden-bench laying in the middle of the area. it was now your turn to ask for juliet’s help.
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you sat there, not knowing exactly for how long. your mind wandering to all kinds of things you could say to juliet, begging for her to help you, to give you your perfect romance.
the sun light gradually being less and less strong signaled you that maybe it was time to return to your hotel and so, you decided to do exactly that. however, with an empty letter, which made you loose a little bit of hope.
packing all your belongings back into your bag with an heavy heart as you prepare yourself to leave, you hear heavy footsteps sounding from the entrance.
looking up out of pure curiosity, you see a figure emerging from the shadows and walking towards you. the dark pair of sunglasses sitting on their face, the dark cap on top of their head and the dimmed sun light made it harder for you to decipher who it was, making it a bit creepy looking, which startled you.
suddenly feeling uncomfortable, you decided to leave as fast as you could before the maybe-dangerous stranger could even think of doing something to you.
« i’m sorry if i startled you! don’t worry, it’s not what you’re thinking. » the somewhat intruder rapidly apologized as he noticed how uncomfortably you stood up and with a quick smile, he turned his back onto you, before stopping to face the brick wall. you noticed how his voice had a nice accent to it, definitely foreign.
his hands reached to the top of his head, taking his cap and sunglasses off and quickly messing with his hair. you admired how fluffy his hair appeared to be, colored with a nice hue of chocolate brown.
still watching him, you saw his hand reaching to one of the pockets of his jacket, before taking out a neatly folded yellow-colored post-it and placing it on a crack in the wall.
« are you also writing to juliet? » you questioned softly now moving besides him. the stranger, thinking that you had already left, jumped while one of his hands reached his chest, trying to calm his heart. « oh, i’m sorry! i didn’t mean to startle you! » you quickly apologized, frantically waving your hands in front of him.
« no no, it’s okay! i guess that’s my karma for scaring you earlier. » he chuckled softly to your antics, throwing a quick smile at you. his wide eyes had now relaxed and he seemed more at ease. you could finally see his face properly, noticing his green eyes watching you attentively. he’s quite pretty, you thought. « and to answer your question, yes, i am writing to juliet. » he replied, a hint of proudness in his tone.
« oh, i didn’t know men could also write to her .. » you mumbled to yourself, making him laugh sweetly.
« yeah, i’m not sure if i can do it either but hopefully she will help me either way. » he quickly shrugged, now facing the wall in front of both of you, reading some of the little cards with a soft smile on his lips.
« i didn’t meant it like that, i’m sorry! i’m just genuinely surprised. » you nervously said, now also looking at the wall, slightly embarrassed. why are you suddenly so nervous around this stranger? is it his eyes? you thought to yourself.
« it’s okay, i didn’t take it like that. » the man reassured, looking back at you briefly with the smile still plastered on his face. he seemed to stop for a while, thinking about something. a smirk appeared on his face, which made you look at him with a frown while softly asking what? « we should really stop apologizing to each other, you know. »
your frown slowly disappears as you both fall into soft giggles while you shake your head, nodding in agreement.
ÂŤ yeah, we really should. Âť
« i’m charles, by the way. » he greeted warmly, throwing a sweet smile at you.
« nice to meet you, charles. i’m Y/N. » you replied now looking at him, locking both of your gazes.
« now, that’s a beautiful name. »
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it was now afternoon as your “ honeymoon ” came to an end.
the past month had been nothing but magical. and if you said that to charles, he would happily say that it was all because of him.
you got to know him a lot better during your vacation, easily getting along after your first encounter at juliet’s house. he took you on all kinds of adventures around the city and you found out he was quite familiar with the town, as well as some other provinces in italy.
he later told you about his job in formula one with ferrari, about his life in monaco, all kinds of funny stories from his childhood, all the crazy challenges with his teammate carlos … and all about his past.
you hugged, you cried, you laughed.
you bonded.
bonded over some ice cream, booping each other’s nose with the sweet icy treat as soft giggles came out of your mouths. the thought of that memory alone made you smile as you softly touched your nose with the tip of your fingers.
bonded during those late night-walks outside your hotel, to which he would walk to every late afternoon just to offer you dinner. the thought of those memories made charles’ feet hurt but it was all worth it.
bonded while watching the stars, laying on the grass from your hotel’s park. hands resting against each other, both of you blushing as they brushed a bit closer.
all those special moments, connecting like dots in your mind to give you the clarification that you needed: you were falling in love again. and this time, charles was the lucky guy.
you quickly got out of your thoughts as you heard knocking on your door. a smile spread through your face, knowing exactly who it was.
preparing yourself to greet charles goodnight as you opened your room’s door, you quickly got interrupted by an enthusiastic giggle.
« i got a letter back! » he excitedly exclaimed, holding up a white envelope for you to see. you could clearly read the word “juliet” on the front of the envelope, and the sight made your heart warm.
ÂŤ from juliet, i suppose? Âť you asked with a soft laugh as you saw the happy man entering your room, while doing some kind of weird dance.
ÂŤ oui. and i want you to read it! Âť he said, as he extended his arm in front of you. you frowned, taking the letter from his hand while glancing at him.
ÂŤ are you sure? after all, this is your letter. Âť he only nodded in agreement as he gave you a warm smile. you gave in, mumbling a small okay as you opened the envelope.
“ dear Y/N,
this is charles. i’m sorry for disappointing you, as i’m sure that you were expecting a letter from juliet.
the truth is, this past month that we spent together was beautiful and i believe that juliet meant for us to meet. all those moments and all these feelings bottling up, waiting for the right time to tell you everything.
with you leaving so soon, i couldn’t have let you go without trying.
please, be the juliet to this pleading romeo. (with less drama and more love, of course.)
— charles. ”
reading the letter over and over again, you couldn’t help but feel confused. all those words echoing in your head, making your heart beat faster. did charles really mean all of it? maybe juliet could help you.
charles looked at you with an hesitant expression, slowly feeling more and more scared of your rejection. maybe he took the signs too far. maybe juliet couldn’t help him.
with each second ticking, you finally made your decision.
quickly mumbling a fuck it under your breath, you cup charles’ face with your hands and pull him into a kiss.
all of those unsaid words, everything being as clear as a confirmation for both of you that the love there was real.
charles’s “ grazie, giulietta. ” made you smile against his lips.
he was right.
thank you, juliet.
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hellooo everyone! nana here :)
just wanted to say thank you for reading my first ever work all the way until the end. this was a true hustle to finish writing but i managed to do it nonetheless … TT
this is not the best thing ever written but i tried my absolute best and i hope u love it either way ♡
this was proofread buy a veeeery eepy nana so please excuse any grammar / sentence mistakes okay love !!!
remember to take care of yourselves & that u are very much loved!
much love,
— nana 💐
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daengkkaz ¡ 1 year
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—︰꒰💌 ✎◞♡ pairing —> highschool!ot8 x fem!reader
— ꒰🎙️꒱ genre —> romance, fluff, some angst
— ꒰🤍꒱ 8 different scenarios
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Synopsis: In Yellow Wood High, there is a broadcasting club that does live podcasts during lunch everyday. These podcasts deliver news of the weather that day, exams that are coming up soon, a few song recs from students…and anonymous love letters. 『💌』
Every lunch, all boys and girls alike hope to have their name called from the speakers to experience that fluttery feeling. You weren’t any different from them. The prayers and hopes you held to be the main character of one of those letters all payed off on one day at noon, when you heard your name being called from the speakers, loud and clear. 『🎙️』
“…And today, we have a love letter submitted by an anonymous student to y/n l/n.”
…now your biggest goal is to discover who this anonymous person is. 『🤍』
You have eight boys as the main suspects of the letter. (In this AU, hs is five years long because I needed to fit all of them in lol)
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┊ Bang Chan ɞ﹕₊˚
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— trope: exes to lovers ╰(*´︶`*)╯
— pairing: student council pres!chan x vice pres!reader
Even the flawless student council president breaks his picture-perfect composure once a while when it comes to his ex: you. Unable to get over you for the past two years, his repressed feelings start to grow again when you decide to join the student council as the vice president. As the both of you begin to see each other more than you ever did for the past years, maybe Chan has decided that his repressed feelings should be told one way or the other before he loses the one last chance he has.
┊ Lee Minho ɞ﹕₊˚
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— trope: black cat x golden retriever ฅ(^・ω・^ฅ)
— pairing: cat dad!minho x cat mom!reader
A fourth-year that almost every single girl(even some boys) has or had a crush on at least once. His cold resting face is said to be one of his many charms, but it is also what scares people off after confessing their love for him. Everyone knew the boy as the ice prince, aside from his (probably)only friend, Chan. He reported him as being funny and bright, but how were people supposed to believe that, when their first impression of him was “cold”? However, you started to believe Chan. Your first encounter with him was rather… odd. It was full of confused blinks, crouches behind the school building, and cats. After discovering both of your loves for cats, the cat parenting has begun between you two. And maybe that mom and dad role was taken a bit too seriously? Minho being Minho, he straight up inserted his full legal name in that letter.
┊ Seo Changbin ɞ﹕₊˚
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— trope: popular x loner (*´ω`*)
— pairing: popular!changbin x loner!reader
He was born to be top. First in his classes, mvp of the school’s basketball team, popular people magnet, and hot. His friend circle seemed to be expanding every day, even to the teachers. But there was no way you were going to be a part of that, when that was the exact type of person that you hated. Throughout your life, you’ve seen all kinds of “popular” kids turn out to be the most wicked, messed up assholes ever. Not after that incident in middle school, you weren’t going to get lured into their stupid groups ever again. But you didn’t know then, that Changbin was going to make you think twice about that. And that you were going to steal his heart in return.
┊ Hwang Hyunjin ɞ﹕₊˚
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— trope: secret relationship ♪( ´▽`)
— pairing: school prince!hyunjin x artsy!reader
The school prince(used to be just Minho now there’s two) and the most popular boy of the school. He’s hot, athletic, and social. What’s not to like? You were no doubt one of his thousands of admirers. As a school nobody, he was someone you idolized, not a crush. That boy was far too radiant and bright for you, who barely had any presence. Just when you believed admiring from afar was enough, you stumbled across that same dashing boy, Hyunjin, in the art room sitting in front of an easel with a brush in hand. Over time, you discover that there’s more to this boy aside from the blinding spotlight that always shone upon him. Shared portraits of one another, golden hours in the art room, and the quiet laughs that filled both of your hearts. The events that turned your idolization turned into crushing. And maybe, just maybe, Hyunjin’s did too. 99% sure it’s just your delusional head, but what if the 1% was right?
┊ Han Jisung ɞ﹕₊˚
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— trope: secret(?) penpals (*≧∀≦*)
— pairing: broadcasting club pres!jisung x reader
A strange and mysterious boy that runs the broadcasting club, and the famous voice behind the speakers every lunch. Your penpal relationship with the anonymous(?) boy sets off when Jisung accidentally finds your lousy paper airplanes decorated with blue ink on how you hated your classes and teachers. Every plane you sent out and the silly letters in them became what he looked forward to every school day. The music recs, responses to your complaints, corny dad jokes… And subtle hints on his identity. Despite the failed attempts to find out who your mysterious penpal was, the face he made that day at noon when reading his own letter was clear in your head.
┊ Lee Felix ɞ﹕₊˚
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— trope: matchmaking gone wrong ٩( 'ω' )و
— pairing: matchmaker!felix x hopeless romantic!reader
The brightest and most optimistic person you will ever meet, you will need sunglasses to face his radiant energy. Not only is he the sunshine of the school, but also is the notorious matchmaker of the school. When you develop a crush on the school prince, Hyunjin, your friend recommends you to go ask Felix for help(even if he sucks as the job). Excited at the request, the boy does everything in his power to play the Cupid between you two. What he didn’t realize is that as this matchmaking mission was heading towards success, his own feelings were growing as well deep down. Even if it seems too late for him, he submits a letter in hopes that you’d glance his way just for once.
┊ Kim Seungmin ɞ﹕₊˚
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— trope: fake dating \(//∇//)\
— pairing: photographer!seungmin x popular!reader
Member of the photography club, an aloof boy that doesn’t really stand out aside from his excellent photography skills. After you got yourself into a bet with your worst enemy, you make a deal with Seungmin. In exchange for being your fake boyfriend for a month, you’ll be the muse for his photography project. The reluctant handholdings, awkward flirtings, warm hugs, and your bright smile captured in his camera may have been more than enough to make his confused heart race. And by the end of his short month as your boyfriend, he anonymously writes down the feelings he wasn’t able to fully express on a paper.
┊ Yang Jeongin ɞ﹕₊˚
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— trope: enemies to lovers ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
— pairing: enemy!jeongin x tutor!reader
A first-year at the school that is liked for his contagious smile and kind personality. Definitely not the brightest student, but his cute dimples and fox-like eyes were more than enough to win over everyone's heart. With you being an exception. The way he whispered insults in your ear with a bright smile, and tripped you over just to help you get back up with the most apologetic face in the whole world. You knew all about it, the true Yang Jeongin. How badly you wanted to give a huge smack to his face, it was unimaginable. And to make matters worse, your teacher assigned you to tutor Jeongin and help him raise his failing grades. Surprisingly, your afternoon with your enemy turned out to be not the worst, and instead a time you both began to look forward to. After the big misunderstanding and a few bickering, the fox-like boy slips in a letter in the broadcasting club. The letter claims it was for a joke, but you know what he meant is the exact opposite.
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a/n: I’m so obsessed with the shoujo type of setting with skz idk if I’m ever going to finish this but I’m js writing down the plots bc theyr so cute <3
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nayatarot777 ¡ 1 year
* masterlist - pac readings
last updated: sunday 23rd july 2023
What Do They Find Attractive About You? ~ pac
💗 how do you make them feel? 💗 ~ pac
✨ what does your inner bad bitch have to say? ✨
💌✨ what do you need to know about yourself? ✨💌 ~ pac
what do you need to admire yourself for? ~ pac
🧚🏾‍♀️ Daily Messages 🧚🏾‍♀️ ~ pac
what do you have to be grateful for? ~ pac
🌸 Daily Messages 🌸 ~ pac
🌞 daily messages 🌞 16 oct 2022 ~ pac
✨ what do you need to know right now? + random messages ✨ ~ pac
what do you need to know about your life right now? 🧚🏾‍♀️💌 ~ pac
👀🪃💢how is your return-to-sender hitting? 💢🪃👀
how to deal with the toxic person in your life ~ pac
why are people intimidated by you? - pac
what’s this person’s problem?
what do you need to know right now? ~ messages from your guides 💌
🤍 What Do You Need To Know Right Now? 💌 mini messages
Advice For Your Self Employment
*Spirit The Bounty Hunter* What Karma Do Your Spirit Guides Hand Out To Your Enemies? 🤺🧿🚑
what are the most endearing aspects of your personality?
who do you need protection from?
shadow work messages ~ part one
what would your sexual energy like to tell you? 💌
how do you come across to others (first impressions)?
what about you is a threat to other people? why do people try to tear you down?
what do you need to love yourself for?
how do people view you in public?
who’s mad at you + why?
how to connect to your intuition better
how do they truly feel about you?
how these mfs have you fucked up
{what would your person say to you if they didn’t filter themself?} - oracle pac
{karma for your abusive father}
{what do you need to know right now?} ~ oracle pac
{karma for your abusive mother} ~ oracle pac
what valuable lessons + wisdom do you bless other people with? • oracle pac
{what do they find attractive about you?} • pac
yes or no? • quick reading 💨
{what your inner child would like to tell you 👧🏾🧒🏼💞} • pac
{who’s secretly trying to compete with you?} • pac
what you need to know right now ~ messages from your guides
{your next blessings ✨💫} • pac
how can you find success + happiness in your dating life? • pac {patreon preview}
what does your “sneaky link” think of you? 😏🔗• {patreon preview} pac (18+)
how can you co-create with the universe to attract fortune to yourself? 🪡🎨 • pac 🎴
what conditionings are you stripping away?
{what red flags 🚩 do you need to be aware of in the people that you attract?} • pac
how do men vs women view you? • pac reading
what wishes are you being granted? what will you be celebrating soon? 🥳🎉
do they still think of you? • pac
what do you need to know right now?
what do they adore about you? • love pac
how are your guides rewarding you for your efforts?
what strengths do you have that are not acknowledged by you?
what should you be focusing on right now?
messages from saturn 🪐 • one
who’s talking shit? • pac
messages from the moon • one
divine masculine check in • pac • week one {patreon exclusive}
divine feminine check in • pac • week one {patreon exclusive}
how can you feed your spirit? • pac
what you need to know right now
how does your family view you? • pick-a-card
the positive karma that you have coming in 2024
how do they view you? • love/crush pick-a-card
do you view this person clearly? (preview to extended patreon reading)
who’s sending you evil-eye?
messages from deceased loved ones
the best traits of your future lover 💘💓
first impressions that your future lover has of you 🥰💓
a love letter from you to you 💓
What Does Your Inner-Child Think Of You? • Pick-a-Card
What Do You Need To Know Right Now?
Is There Anyone Who You Need To Be Wary Of Right Now?
Karma For Your Toxic Ex-Friend
What Do You Need To Know Right Now?
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jahayla-parker ¡ 3 months
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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your support and encouragement! Since my requests are have been closed (apart from ones done through Ko-fi), I decided to celebrate hitting 1.5k+ followers by offering the following things.
But first, I need to list some rules!
1. You must be following me in order to participate, this is a followers celebration after all! 🥰
2. For any requests, they need to be done either off-anon or if you send it anonymous you need to still message me directly to let me know you’re the one who sent that request. Either way, I can leave your name off the reply that I post (just let me know if that’s your preference)!
This is because this celebration is for my lovely followers so I want to ensure they are getting the chance to send in their requests for the below activities!
3. You can do as many of the options as you wish, but please limit it to 2 requests per option!
Example: each follower can do option a, b, and c, but each follower can only submit two different requests for option b.
4. Please read the details for each option to ensure you send in the details that’ll help me make the best response for your request!
While not required, it would be greatly appreciated if you could reblog this post! 💜
Okay, now, the fun part!
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Celebration Activity Options:
I’m opening this celebration to include ALL characters I’ve done before, including currently archived ones!
💌 Blurb: send in a character and an event/plot/topic/etc. to get a 100-200 word answer
📱SMAUs: The 2 request limit for this applies to 2 of the same character (in other words, you can send in more than 2 SMAU requests so long as it’s a max of 2 per character) this can include fictional and nonfictional characters. Please include any side characters, events/details, or other information surrounding the SMAU request. If you want it to be with a specific type of reader, please be specific. You’ll get a SMAU fic with at least two posts from the reader and 2 from the character chosen.
💭Headcanon: send in a character and a scenario or type of reader to get a bullet point list of thoughts on it.
✨Moodboard: Send in a character and a season, event, aesthetic, subject, etc. for a moodboard for it.
✍️Writers: For my fellow writers, send me a concept you’re working on or send a link to a fic you would like a moodboard to use for an already existing fic/part/etc. (for a character I write) and I’ll generate a moodboard for it!
Last but not least….,
🎆 Requests: Please note these will be likely shorter than my longer requests (I say that but you all know me 😂). These cannot contain a lot of specifics or anything like that. Rather, it’s a simple concept and a character. Limit is 1 request per follower for this option given the time it’ll take to do these.
👯‍♀️ Oh and, mutuals, I couldn’t think of something specific to offer you, so you can literally send in whatever you’d like from me and I will do it! (Ex: handwritten letter, piece of advice, a custom short fic with your name listed instead of y/n, a song that reminds me of you, etc.) You deserve to let your heart go wild and choose whatever you’d like! 💜
Once again, thank you all so much! I cannot wait to see what you come up with for me to work on!
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As always, I reserve the right to refuse any requests I’m uncomfortable with. But I will let you send in a replacement request if this applies.
This ends March 8, 2024 (11:59PM PST).
After this event ends, requests will be closed again (apart from ko-fi) until I state otherwise.
As always, I own all works/responses and do not approve of anyone taking credit or sharing elsewhere without asking me (reblogging is different)
The responses from this event will typically take priority over ongoing work I have in terms of which will be posted first. But it also depends on the order in which I finish each one.
I love you so so much! 💜
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heliads ¡ 1 year
7,000 followers celebration!
good morning everybody,
heliads just hit 7,000 followers! that is an insane number, and to say thank you, it's time for a celebration! i am in awe that so many of you are so supportive of me, i've been so grateful for each and every interaction. love you all so so much.
requests for full length fics are still closed, but i am opening up my ask box for celebration themed asks as well as the usual messages. if you want to send in something for the celebration, feel free to choose from the following options! and again, thank you all so so much for 7,000! that's absolutely crazy. requests for this event will open april 4 and close april 11.
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choices are as follows:
🌎: world swap! give me a character/fandom and i will put them in a randomly generated fandom off my masterlist. you'll get a brief drabble describing what i think would happen in this crossover. ex) you send in percy jackson and i spin my wheel and get the grishaverse, you know that boy is becoming a tidemaker.
🎶: playlist! classic option. you can ask for a playlist for your blog or for a favorite character, and in return, you get a five song playlist with those vibes.
💌: love letter! give me a brief description of yourself and a character, i'll write you a 100-500 word drabble.
🗣️: conversation! send in a kiss marry kill or cym for any fandom/question and i will answer accordingly.
bonus! mutuals only:
🎬: casting call! send me a fandom and a description of yourself and i'll tell you which character i ship you with. short blurb included.
🎨: vibe check! i will make a moodboard for your blog or a character/fandom of choice.
once again, requests for fics are still closed. only requests for this event will be accepted. love you!
tagging some mutuals and friends (but not all!) under the cut:
@retvenkos, @musicallisto, @swanimagines, @amortensie, @thereagles, @mxltifxnd0m, @thatfangirl42, @neewtmas, @hiya-itsamber, @mystic-writings, @justasimphere, @spideyanakin, @nocturnal-theater-kid, @ellobruv, @starlit-epiphany, @zaypay, @maximoffgxrl, @w1shes43, @schuvries
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sminiac ¡ 7 months
hii i was wondering if you could do bf!hyunwoo, like or similar to what you did with minjae and sumin??
💌 — Hello, I absolutely can!! I swear he’s not talked abt enough🙏
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Bf!Hyunwoo who 100% has this odd inclination for play fighting, and it always ensues from such a trivial topic that the two of you keep butting heads on, still, he’s finding an excuse to pin you down and tickle you until you’re barely able to form a coherent sentence, threatening you with empty promises, and he’d say it all without an ounce of seriousness, his laugh cutting through his struggled words. He always gets a kick out of it, laughs just as hard— if not harder, just loves seeing your smile, hearing your laugh :,)
Bf!Hyunwoo who is very serious about taking your pictures for you, Seeun’s offering to take them? No he isn’t, the phones already in his hand. He puts in the same amount of effort that a high in demand photographer does, and is always equipped with a multitude of angles to experiment with. Words of encouragement? Are you joking? He’s praising you so much, tells you how beautiful you look every single time, a lot of the pictures end up capturing how touchy he gets, absolutely unable to resist you + so, so many candid moments of you!! Whether it’s small videos or just pictures of your back they’re in his album dedicated solely just for you:b
Ex: There’s for sure some shots you sneak into your photo dumps of his hands grabbing at your waist, ass, face, neck to pull you into a kiss, you’re just so unreal, he can’t help but grab at you wherever he can, the photos after definitely have a little evidence of him literally jumping you with his lips, and per his request he isn’t cropped out of anything, loves the baffled reactions in your comments, eats them up every single time like “yeahhh, and what about it?”
Bf!Hyunwoo who loves keeping said pictures of you in his phone case, has a little collection that’s still growing, he switches them out occasionally and lovesss bragging about you to both people who don’t know you and the boys. Once he starts there’s no stopping him. Shoving his phone into whoever’s face as he goes on a tangent about how pretty you are, how kind you are, he’s also talking about whatever embarrassing habits you have that he finds adorable, it’s like whatever picture of you he’s pulling out there has to be a random fun fact about you too, he loves showing off that he knows you personally like that :b cause who else knows all of the little things you do like he does?
Ex: The back of his phone is a frequent guest in their YouTube videos, a big grin on his face as he points to the picture of you, “My girlfriend isn’t here to watch us perform today, so I cloned her and stuck her in the back of my phone. No she can breathe. I miss her a lot, I’ll do my best for her out there, I hope she’ll be watching from her phone.” He’s such a my girlfriend my girlfriend type 😣
Bf!Hyunwoo who admittedly sometimes gets a little shy calling you pet names in front of his members (Baby, babe, sweetheart, darling) instead he’d come up with a personal nickname for you, like a shortened, distorted, added letters that aren’t originally there kind of nickname, and it’s so cute because maybe it’ll sound a little unserious, a little silly, but he’ll say it with such a genuine tone when referring to you by it in a conversation (because he’s always talking abt you😋). And whoever he’s talking to will be like “Who?” And he’ll be like “My girlfriend??? Who else would I be talking about???” Since it’s something he created just for you he’d be a little bitter if his members started to use it, because they aren’t your boyfriend??? He is??? That’s why he made it???
Bf!Hyunwoo who doesn’t let you say ‘love you’ without the ‘I’ first, because if you don’t he’s immediately stopping you to ask if you’re okay, if he’s upset you in any way, and he always has this cute pout on his face, it’s his ‘serious’ face… that you can’t help but want to squish until his skin is stressed red. If it was merely just an accident, telling him it slipped your mind, he always lets out the biggest sigh of relief, carefully grabbing at your face to pull you into a kiss. Along with this he doesn’t like the word ‘too’ like, “I miss you too.” and “I love you too” it sounds forced to him, like you’re saying it back only because he said it first, he needs to know that it’s an authentic ‘i love you’ and not a pity ‘i love you’😞
Bf!Hyunwoo who is so stubborn that if you get into the smallest of disagreements he’s immediately quiet, face of stone, but is still bulldozing his head into your chest so you can cuddle. He’ll only hum his answers out if you’re asking him any questions, fingers threading through his soft hair, eventually he’d crash out from this and would wake up like nothing ever happened🙄 he’d start talking though, so you know it was never that serious, he just likes being dramatic so you’ll smother him in your love after.
Bf!Hyunwoo who sings/plays the piano for you any chance he gets, he loves being your background noise + it’s a good excuse to be in your presence while you’re studying, reading, doing any of your hobbies that don’t involve sound. I think he’d also make these silly songs for you that consist of what you’re doing at that exact moment, and he’d keep going until he gets a smile or a laugh out of you :,)
NSFW under the cut!
Bf!Hyunwoo who at random will only slightly lift your shirt up so he can press small, wet kisses to your stomach, you’ll be on your phone, one hand petting at his head in acknowledgment of his presence, he’d get a little carried away, purposely or not, shifting down the band of your pants so his kisses can reach lower, and lower until your phones shut off, thrown to the side and his tongue is dipping out to run hasty licks at your clit, he likes the way you whine, begging for “More, please.” Until he caves and is making the most obscene, wet noises with his mouth as possible as.
Bf!Hyunwoo who is always so, so vocal!! “Doing s’good baby” “Shit— ‘s embarrassing, gonna make me cum already” “God you feel so good, I love you so much” UGH. He’s so loverboy, heavy on holding your hand as he’s thrusting into you, his strokes heavy and paced just right. Wet kisses against your collarbone, neck, face. Eye contact always!! And he’s always got this little smile on his face when your eyes peak up at him, looks at you so lovingly🫠
Bf!Hyunwoo who loves the thrill of potentially being caught, @ntoniac who has plans to further delve into this hc sometime soon😋
Bf!Hyunwoo who is so hallway/airport/cafe crush that it’s making my head spin😡
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nodirectionhome-ao3 ¡ 7 months
Heyy. I saw the post you were talking about Sandy, one of James's exes before Lily, and I loved how you didnt minimize her into just a love interest but someone with a personality and life aside of their relationship. Thats something you rarely see in fandoms and I appreciate how nuance you make these characters. This made me wonder,
1. How long was the time line was James and Sandy's relationship? Were they on again off again or were they stable?
2. Was Lily in any significant relationships ? I know from a fic you wrote that she had one bf, and went on a date with Aubrey(if it wasnt obvious I read all your work and am obsessed with writing from all the speculation🙈) but were there more? Lily stuck to me as someone with a lot of experience on relationships and dating than James but Im curious to know your take
3. What was Jily like as a couple? Were they private about their affection or did they have alot of PDA? How did their friends react when they found out? Did they keep it a secret for a while
Anyway, would love to know your takes on these and pls dont feel obligated to do so. Just KSFM always go a place in my heart and just consider this a love letter to all your amazing work I've been bless to read
Hey!! Thanks for this ask!!
I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed what I wrote about Sandy! I definitely agree that it's unfortunately far too common for female characters in fandom (and original fiction too) to be reduced to love interests and nothing more, and it means a lot to me that you find my characters to be nuanced. So thanks for that!
As for your questions:
I'm not entirely sure how long it was exactly, but I definitely think it was an on-again-off-again type of situation that happened in their sixth year. I think they had some good moments, but ultimately they just weren't the right fit for each other. (Different personalities, interests, senses of humor, etc.) I also have this idea that it started because James thought dating someone would help him get over Lily (in the aftermath of SWM). Spoiler alert: it didn't!😅 So yeah, I'd say they were together for a short time (A month maybe? 2?), and it was fairly tumultuous. But they both ended up finding people better suited for them!
I definitely think Lily had more experience in the dating department than James did before they got together. I can see her having a few boyfriends before James, and having at least 1 of those be a serious relationship that lasts for several months. (a big deal for teenagers!) But outside of those relationships I think she went on various first dates that were terrible before finally accepting that she fancied James. For Bertram Aubrey specifically, my headcanon was that it was kind of a Hermione/McLaggen situation – meaning Lily agreed to go on a date with him because she thought it would make James jealous but then the date was so awful she couldn't bare to go on a second one.😂
I sort of go back and forth on this. I think there's many interpretations that are equally fun. But I do like to think that Lily took her Head Girl role seriously and tried be good example for the younger students, so I think they tried to keep PDA to a minimum around strangers/acquaintances. But they were very comfortable with each other and didn't mind annoying the other Marauders and Lily's friends with their coupleness when it was just them😅 As for the secret dating thing, I think they tried to keep it a secret from the school at first in an effort to maintain some Head Girl-Head Boy professionalism, but I don't think that lasted very long because they just couldn't contain how crazy they were for each other. Plus, there was no way they fooled Sirius for even one second. James simply could not lie to him!😂
Thanks again for these questions, and for your kind words. I'm seriously touched to hear you've read all my fics and that you enjoyed them!! So consider this answer a love letter right back to you for this ask!!! 💕💌
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