#God save me and I'm sorry for those tagged
saschagemruler · 1 year
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Longest Tag: 132 characters
#fun fact! it literally is! a thing about eugenics is ‘we’re gonna breed ‘’’’better’’’’ people by giving them incentives to marry :)’
My Top Posts in 2022:
Casey: The stages of grief are
Mikey: Denial
Raph: Anger
Donnie: Bargaining
Leo: Depression
Splinter: Drinking.
Casey: …
Splinter: What?
86 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
Did I forget to mention how amazing trans women are?
I did?
Well y’all are wonderful
99 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
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A gay court
100 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
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Your honor he should be excused of all crimes as he is baby
912 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love how we devildice shippers have just come to the conclusion that King Dice and Devil are divorced and that’s honestly so true
1,005 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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transgender-catboy · 5 months
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I'm so captivated by his . Everything.
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ridhearts · 2 years
My Very Specific Vil Agenda
So, to put it simply: I think deep down Vil is an artiste~ and he's actually rather reserved and sweet and maybe even just a tad bit shy, BUT he's developed a sort of "big sister" complex and the industry has made him into All That.
Let me start this off by saying that I have a habit of picking a character to be a fave based on nothing but vibes and gut instinct and then forcing them, in some way, shape or form, into my Softboy Box. (More often than not they also get injected with my patented Sadboy Serum but Vil has avoided this fate….for now.) And I really don't know why, other than I just find little mushy spots in characters humanizing and fun, and also its probably a third projecting on my part. So please keep in mind that this is entirely self indulgent and what I like to keep in mind when I write Vil, I do not expect others to like or agree with it nor do I think this is genuinely canon. I tried to keep it believable but I'm here for funsies lol Disney didn't hire me to do anything so I'll go as crazy as I want!
And of course, huuuuge thanks to @scarletrain1724 for helping me with some of these thoughts! I absolutely LOVE screaming about Pomefiore with you thank you so much for not only letting me yell but also encouraging me and ALSO also elevating my thoughts to something more <3
Now, without further ado: my personal Vil characterization can be split into three genres of person or however you'd say it. He has so much sweetness inside of him I just know it!!!! It's just all encased in a spiky thorny bubble of expectations. Sour Patch Kids who? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop??
Big Sister Vil
This one was my first deep dive decision into Vil and it got me REALLY loving on him because omg????? He TOTALLY fits the Big Sister archetype if you think about it. I mean it!! Picture a Disney sitcom, and picture the older sister of the main character. What personality traits do you think they'd give her?
Bossy, and probably kind of a jerk 
Super possessive over her clothes and makeup
Constantly making snide remarks about the main character
Probably more but you get my point
THIS ISN'T VIL SLANDER I PROMISE. But think about it - doesn't this fit Vil to a degree? Like he's got his firm expectations and he's constantly working, he's already achieved so much, his dorm members look up to him…and yeah, I'll be the first to say it! Sometimes he's kind of a dick about it! He's super pushy with people that he considers under his wing, he nitpicks every little imperfection he sees, and while I have not seen anything explicitly saying he does this, you think he's gonna let those unpolished potatoes touch his shit???!?! Blasphemy!!!!
But, in the way the Mean Older Sister usually comes around and becomes the MC's friends in those sitcoms, Vil has a hidden softness to him, too. Have you ever been in a club or extracurricular and the oldest person is your peer but they're kinda like the group mom? That's how I see Vil. Mom friend vibes except he's mean about it. He understands that unrelenting pursuits do not need to be aimed toward something he likes or entirely understands, and I'll bet he'll educate himself on his dorm member's interests so he can tell them they're pursuing it wrong teehee. He'll fix up an underclassman's makeup gently and send them off with a wave. He may be your biggest critic but he's also the first one to cut a bitch if they're stepping out of line. It takes a while to get there, but Vil can be that kinda naggy, kinda annoying guiding figure (and, of course, you love him anyway.)
Also, as someone with a huge bias towards good sibling tropes, it just makes me smile!! He's not fun to be around sometimes, and sometimes he'll say something that makes you think he HATES you. But deep down he cares, he's just…abrasive about it sometimes.
Inmate Number 90201 // Shy Kid Vil
DON'T BOO ME BEFORE I'VE SPOKEN!! Anyway shy vil agenda (tomatoes are thrown and a giant hook pulls me off the stage)
LISTEN….hear me out. There's a certain brand of shyness that is more reservation and less low self-esteem. Because I'm going to be honest, I know he has A Complex but I don't see truly low self esteem. I mean. I think he has kinda terrible coping methods and a toxic ideal of perfection, BUT. NOT LOW SELF-ESTEEM. So when I say he's shy, I don't mean he turns (or turned, when he was a kid) into a blubbering mess when people talked to him. I don't think he always clung to his father's pant leg when there were people at his house. I just mean that he was comfortable doing his own thing all of the time.
Now…..there is a difference between being shy and being private, especially as an adult. And to be honest, I'm not one hundred percent sure where I draw the line. But it just feels to me…Vil doesn't keep his personal information private just for safety. When he has fans lining up at the entrance of a studio or theater, waiting for him to walk by, he has to kinda brace himself for a moment. The thought of being recognized in public kinda throws him off kilter for a moment. There's no fear in this response, it's just…his comfort zone is by himself. Meeting so many new people is kind of bizarre, and the thought of them knowing so much about him is…undesirable. He isn't afraid of people not liking him, he's just…not fond of the expectation that puts on the dynamic between him and his fans. That's it, really. Vil can handle it well - he DOES handle it well - but he knows that he rather likes how practicing his lines is often a solo activity. He's fine with the independence.
THIS ALSO bleeds into the other trope I grouped in with this one……..I mean, forgive my bias against pretty much ANY industry (omg ruggie kin moment), but I refuse to believe Vil hasn't been hardened by The Industry. Who wouldn't be? Especially because (I think?) he was involved in celebrity business from a young age. So just in general, he's had to shape himself to meet the expectations of directors and choreographers and anybody else he's been employed by. We also know he is very firm about his image. It's been meticulously crafted since day one. This output does NOT come from a healthy, forgiving machine is all I'm saying.
(Also quick aside, my friend has also mentioned how its likely Vil probably had some strict teachers growing up - like ballet teachers (or maybe he was even in ballet as a kid? Was he? My brain is information soup) That type of strict tutelage can stick with you. They also said a big sticking point in ballet is control and stiffness without a loss of elegance and like that's!!! That's the stuff baby!! That's Vil!! And it would explain a lot about him~)
But Vil is intimately aware of how public perception works, and how that bleeds into the inner circles of TWST Hollywood (and vice versa!). And I'm not going to lie, I think him being a shy kid would partially explain why he's SO hardcore about….everything. I mean, imagine you're a boy who just likes acting and to mind his own business, and you're quickly rising to fame in a world where everybody wants to know everything about you just to pick it apart and call you horrible. First of all, the invasiveness is enough to give anybody nightmares, especially anybody remotely shy, but also - nobody wants to be called mean things. As a kid, he was private because he had his dad to help him stay away from giving answers he might regret later, and a part of him was probably extremely put off by how uncomfortable it all made him. But Vil has always been extraordinary, and I think he understands what a massively wonderful opportunity he's been granted where he's able to do what he loves. Vil is adamant that he's gotten his success so early in life because he worked hard and is genuinely that good, and he's right, but I don't think he's blind to the privileges he's always had access to. (Using them to his advantage is equal parts just using them and putting them to good use so they don't go to waste. One of the few rich boys I won't clown on. For now) So he rose to the challenge and pushed the growing discomfort aside, and became a bit…….colder. Over time, as he met more people and adjusted to his growing fan base, he became more and more firm in his boundaries, more strict, and more of the person he is in canon.
I'm not about to say Vil is traumatized by the industry, but I think it played a huge role in shaping who he is, and it makes sense that him being a bit more squishy as a kid is why he went SO far in the opposite direction. He's not a bad person, but he kinda overcorrected, and as a result he's kind of prickly and hard to talk to.
ALTHOUGH…….once a shy kid, always a shy kid. I think Vil's defo got some of that shy blood in him still. It's probably manifested differently at this point in his life but I bet it's THERE. If he was shy as a youngin' then I can imagine he didn't exactly have a lot of friends. Which is fine! He probably had enough. But as he got older and started climbing the social ranks, what was once shy became viewed as being snobbish, which is DEFINITELY not good for your image. And with a certain rivalry on his mind, plus I'm sure Vil hasn't landed every part he's always wanted, he began to feel true rejection for the first time. And he didn't know what to do with it, especially because it felt aimed at an intrinsic part of himself he couldn't "fix."
So he went in the other direction. Instead of keeping to himself, he made his wants and intentions (both for himself and others) clear. This also came with an added bonus: when the public has room to speculate over who you are, they will. If he gets to decide what fills in the blanks, he has a little more control over what people think of him.
Have y'all seen that tumblr post where it claims that Kristen Stewart and Jennifer Lawrence were both awkward, but one was introverted and mocked for it while the other was extroverted and praised for it? (I know that Kristen Stewart played a character that was liked less but shhhhh I'm talking about my anime boys I get to stretch the truth a little but here.) I bet that's kinda what he wants to avoid. If he puts himself out there more, he can avoid some of the mockery that might fall upon a more introverted soul.
Arthouse Hoe Vil
This one is a favorite of mine too hehe :3
So I got on this topic after talking about how the dynamic between Vil and Cater intrigues me (which……could be a whole separate post on its own but I'll save that for later). So y'all know in one of the vignettes (I belieeeeeeeeveeeee it's Vil's school uniform R card BUT don't quote me on that) Cater is trying to take a photo with Vil for Magicam clout but Vil tells him no because his face is part of his intricately curated brand? This is so FASCINATING to me because they're both in a similar sphere but are in it for vastly different reasons. Cater wants fame and attention (WHICH IT'S DEEPER THAN THAT I KNOW but this is a Vil meta and Cater will have to wait for his 15 minutes) but Vil needs to protect his brand because he wants to be able to continue what he's doing and it just implies to me that he is in it for the art of it all.
Like he cares about his image in general of course and he doesn't mind the fame I'd assume (it's probably more like a double edged sword to him tbh) but his heart is in it for the art of filmmaking and the art of modeling.
HOWEVER I feel like at some point it got…messy.
Vil is good at what he does and he's got the legacy to bolster his fame, and the films he was in stopped being cinematic art pieces and became instant blockbusters simply because they starred him. When he nodded something, it became about him and not about the clothes. And he recognizes this for sure.
Isn't that such a bittersweet thing? To be acclaimed for your art at the cost of it no longer being art and being merchandise instead?
Final Thoughts
I don't have a way to wrap "Arthouse Hoe Vil" up with a pretty little bow so I'm just moving on to my conclusion hehe~
First I wanna say that I don't think Vil is necessarily a victim of any of these things. Victimhood isn't a look he wants and I'm not trying to force him into it. irl you don't choose if you're a victim I don't mean to imply that but FOR VIL SPECIFICALLY you get what I mean But the way we turn out is influenced by so many things that I can't help but wonder about the influences he had. Vil's behavior only reads to me as a man who will do anything to avoid societal scorn. Maybe he's afraid of it, or maybe he just wants to keep up his image, I'm not sure. Maybe it's both sometimes. But he has gone through great lengths to keep up a certain act, and he will continue to do so.
Again, he's not shy in a self-conscious way, but almost in an introverted way. Keeping to himself. Comfortable with himself. Honestly this brainrot came to a head when I was talking about his relationship with his dad, and I've gotta say, I would not be surprised if the relationship Vil has with his dad is the type where they can just kinda vibe together. He holds his father in high regard and clearly they have a good relationship, but Vil's dad was frequently absent (not in a bad way) and a lot of the bonding we know about has been postcards he sent on Vil's birthday, or doing their own Beanfest thing. It just….it makes me really curious about Vil and what kind of relationships he holds dear and who he is deep down where his closest relationship that he talks frequently about is one where they are often doing their own thing. I bet when they DO see each other, they catch each other up and then just sit in the same room together sometimes. (For realsies though Vil and his dad make me SO SOFT.)
Vil doesn't HAVE to be sad. He doesn't HAVE to be this sweet, innocent kid who was beaten by the film industry until he hardened his shell and became someone unrecognizable and bad. I'm just saying I think at his core there is a soft mushy sweet boy and there are reasons his exterior is so tough. (I am totally down for sadboy Vil hours though so I'm not denouncing them, I just...idk! This post is more me poking you with a stick trying to get you to imagine lowkey shy Vil).
I think taking all of this and drawing the conclusion that he MUST be sad about it and it's ALL ruined his life is a disservice to him. Like he has his ANGST. He has issues I will learn more about come Pomefiore chapter in ENG. But all of what I just wrote isn't just fodder for his trauma, it's a deep dive exploring a potential reason WHY He Is The Way That He Is. Especially considering his dad seems….nice! Idk about his mom but he seems like he's had a good home life. And he has some really sweet moments! So what!! Why are you a little fucked up Vil. (pats chaise) let me psychoanalyze you boy
Anyway the TL;DR of it all is if Vil's fate after his graduation at NRC is him making his directorial debut with an artsy black-and-white super niche arthouse film, don't say I didn't warn ya. I'll be decked out in merch sitting right in the middle with Rook and Epel 💜god i hope any of this was coherent PLEASE
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saint-gerard-of-arc · 2 years
[rant in the tags]
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arminsumi · 7 months
when is daddy coming home ?
g. satoru ⋅ fem wife reader
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note: WOW i'm so sorry for writing this anyways tagging @satoruhour for no reason except i'm evil 👍 ik we need fluff comfort rn but i had to get out at least one devastating post. anyways. enjoy the suffering!!
warnings — heavy pure angst prepare to suffer and cry more than you already are, implied death, chapter 236 spoilers
playme ♪ oh god it's you i watch tv with / when i wake up i see you with me... as long as i'm here, no one can hurt you
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scurrying around the kitchen, there's no free time when you've got a little mouth to feed. and you smile when you see your cute little girl devouring the bowl of steaming food. it's satoru's favorite, he asked you to make it today especially and you don't know why.
an hour goes by. you observe your child drawing a scribbly heart.
" what are you drawing ? " you ask, and she replies with " something for daddy. "
" it looks beautiful. who's that ? "
" that's you. and that's daddy. and that's me. "
" are we inside a heart ? "
" yup ! we're inside daddy's heart, because it has the most space. "
your heart feels a peculiar pang, and you look out the window. how strange, you felt like your whole world caved in for that split second.
" mommy, when is daddy coming home ? " your little girl asks innocently.
" soon, angel. "
you ring his number.
gojo satoru ~ i'm busy right now, leave a message — ow !
you remember the day he made this prerecorded messgae. his ow at the end is a reaction to your little girl biting him when she was teething, that was years and years ago now.
the little bell on her bracelet sounds. it's the bracelet that you and gojo wove together in high school; your little one had found it in your memory box and loved it so much that she asked if she could have it as her birthday gift.
that bell chimes as she moves her wrist to color in satoru's eyes with the prettiest blue crayon. and for some reason, it sounds louder than ever; you stare at it. why are tears coming forth?
the tv is playing. the birds are chirping. the world keeps spinning. but your world? it feels like it broke apart. and why? what was this feeling? you felt like... like something devastating has just happened.
you try satoru's phone again, wandering aimlessly into the kitchen. it feels eerily quiet and joyless.
gojo satoru ~ i'm busy right now, leave a message — ow !
you try it again.
gojo satoru ~ i'm busy right now —
you try it again.
gojo satoru ~
gojo satoru ~
gojo satoru ~
he was mimicking the way you always said his name in high school.
and you start breaking down crying, trying and trying repeatedly as if it would change anything. you don't need someone to knock on your door to tell you he's gone, because you can feel it; his spirit isn't in this world anymore. you and him were completely connected, a string between the two of you that linked your hearts and subconscious no matter the distance between them.
when you look up at the sky, there's an endless blue. but all you really think of when you see that sky is his eyes. when you first met, that was one of the first things you told him.
" your eyes put the skies to shame. "
and he replied with something so cheesy that for some reason made you fall in love with him right there.
" aw. well, you put the angels to shame. "
the food goes cold. in his last moment, when he detached from the world, he was thinking about returning home to you. that's why he had asked you to make his favorite, after all. he thought it would be nice to enjoy such a simple thing after saving the world.
it's funny, even if he would have saved the world, he wouldn't have been able to come home to boast about it to you; because you never knew that side of him.
you never knew he was gojo satoru.
you just knew he was your gojo satoru, your doting husband.
when those eyes stared up at the blue sky for the last time, he thought;
at least i got to say i love you to you this morning, and give you that big kiss. treasure it baby, there will be no more now.
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rest well honoured one.
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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bratphilia · 6 months
grasp (w. afton x reader)
request: "I don’t really have a coherent story (just some thots) but i’d kill for some sort of smuttyyy ficlet that has the reader who is very short as in 4 foot 10 and has petite features (just like me 😵‍💫) being picked up and slung over Matthew Lillard!William Afton’s shoulder 🥴🥴 Include reader being scared and trying to wriggle free??? (due to her seeing or knowing something she shouldn’t have about Raglan) and some name-calling like ‘little one’, ‘good girl’ & ‘atta girl’ 🤤 - 🧸"
note: hi nonniebear!! i'm sorry if this fic is a little rushed but i tried to stay true to what you requested! hope you enjoy and feel free to keep sending in more ideas :)
pairing: steve raglan / william afton x reader
tags: bondage, praise kink, fingering, squirting, begging
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fuck. you're really in for it now. 
this yellowish, decaying rabbit stalks towards you, and there are four, sentient and bloodthirsty animatronics behind you. 
you're stuck. 
even worse, the rabbit came from the entrance, so if you were to try to make your escape that way there was a likelihood of you running into his knife.
"please," you find yourself pleading. "please don't kill me."
the rabbit laughs menacingly and bends down to your level. "how about this? i'll give you a head start." 
without any further questions you bolt through the maze of halls and towards the office. you crouch down in front of the vent the rabbit was referring to and unscrew the bolts barricading it. thank god you're small enough to fit in the vents. this might actually work.
then you hear unmistakeable, thumping footsteps coming towards you. 
it only hurries your actions. your heart rate rapidly increases. the screws are so aged with rust that it's hard to—
the door opens with a loud thud. you scream at the noise, and again when you're being lifted off the ground. it's the yellow rabbit. 
it slings you over its shoulder with unmatched strength. you wail incoherent words and pleas as you pound the back of the suit with balled fists. 
"help me!" you scream out to no one. "somebody help!" 
the rabbit wordlessly carries you down the hall, to one of the locked doors you dared not to venture into during your shifts. it carried you down a couple stairs and then set you on a dentist-office-style chair. 
at this point tears are rolling down your face. eyes are shut in fear of looking your captor in the eyes. uncontrollable sobs escape your mouth, praying that these aren't your final moments. then the rabbit wraps both hands (paws?) around your wrists and holds them to the arm handles so that restraints can bolt around them. 
"oh, save it," he says, clearly annoyed with your crying. "i've heard it all before, you don't deserve to die, and all that."
your eyes shoot open. the rabbit's voice no longer sounds robotic and you realize you actually recognize it. 
in a very dramatic fashion, it's steve raglan. your career counsellor, a.k.a the man who got you this job in the first place. 
he almost looks ridiculous in the rabbit suit, which admittedly doesn't add much to his already sizeable frame, but you can't find the humor in the situation in which you could be seconds away from dying in. 
"why?" you find yourself asking, suddenly more curious than hysteric. "why give me this job if you were just going to kill me in the end?" 
"because you got a little too close to the truth, and for some reason, those brats up there were unable to take care of the job themselves," he snarls resentfully. he must be referencing the animatronics. it makes sense now— the kids in the drawings with the yellow rabbit on the wall. 
"it was you. you killed those kids."
steve gives you a horrible smile. one that almost makes you weak, with that dimple you recognize from many conversations in his office. "you finally figured it out."
he walks behind you, shuffling around in the suit, and you crane your neck around to see him taking it off. he's wearing a white tee and dark purple slacks. he's not particularly muscular, but not thin either. it's a build specific to middle aged men. you hate to admit it, but your face flushes when you notice how large his hands are. 
he catches you looking at him and smiles, cocking his head curiously. "see something you like, little night guard?" instantly you whip your head back around. your head is at a moral war with itself, with you being disappointed in yourself that you were actually checking out a child serial killer. 
but steve doesn't leave it alone. once he abandons the suit, he swiftly strides over you. he places both hands on your restraints, caging you in. you shrink into yourself. 
"i think," he says lowly, "i might have a different use for you, little one. one that we can both enjoy." 
you swallow, not saying anything. steve reaches a hand up to slide down your face then cup your jaw. his hands are cold to the touch and it sends shivers down your spine. 
you find your voice. "don't touch me."
"don't touch you? are you sure?" he says cockily and you can only glare at him in response. 
"what if i just..." he trails off, sliding the hands on his face down your neck, your chest, abdomen, and eventually your core. he presses his hand there hard, making you jolt upwards and whimper. "so you don't want me to touch you, is what i'm hearing?"
fuck. this undeniably hot serial killer has you at his disposal and you can't help but feel turned on. if you're going to die, and your chances really aren't looking good for you, maybe you should just...
"please," you murmur, closing your legs so they trap his hand there.
"please, what?"
you swallow. "please fuck me." 
"'atta girl." he grins from ear to ear. "y'know, all that begging you did earlier really did a number on me, but i must say i love this change of heart."
steve starts to undo the buttons of your slacks and begins to pull them down, leaving you bare in your underwear. it's at this point you realize how wet you are, and you try to relieve the tension in your core by squeezing your thighs together but he grabs your legs and presses them to your stomach. you're just so malleable to him.
he tugs off your panties and discards them mindlessly. "look at that," he marvels at your bare skin, "so pretty, little one."
you squirm against the restraints a little. at this point the anticipation will kill you faster than he will. you wish he would just touch you already, but you had to admit all his praises were only adding to your arousal.
steve decides to sit a little further down the chair and wordlessly plunges a finger inside your pussy. he goes deliberately slow, clearly gaging your reaction. "fuck," you mutter, and it takes all your strength to not buck your hips into his movements.
"you need this, don't you, sweet girl?" he muses, stopping the thrusting of his fingers, but still keeping them inside. "tell me."
"please, please, please..." tears coat your lashes from all the teasing. "'need it so bad."
he gives you a kind smile, one you haven't seen since you were back in his office. "good girls get what they ask for. "
steve slides in a second finger and begins to pump faster. it's an improvement but you find yourself needing more. you buck your hips up hoping he would get the message and he simply laughs lowly as he adds a third finger into the mix.
his pace gets progressively faster over time to your delight. the noises coming from your center is absolutely obscene. you can feel your juices dripping down onto the seat.
"ah — ah!" you cry out, feeling your orgasm nearing. "i'm coming — please, slow down—"
you squeeze your eyes shut. all the sudden the chair is abnormally wetter than you would have expected and— oh.
your face burns bright red. "i-i'm sorry..."
he's shocked, mouth agape and eyes slightly widened. then a wolfish grin spreads across his face. "don't you dare apologize, little one, let's try that again."
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killerkillerkillher · 1 month
Bound to Fall in Love
Angel/Demon! 141 x reader
Tags: kidnapping, sacrifices, religious references, reader is too angry to die, reader commits murder lol, canon typical violence??, reader gets a kissy on the forehead, a tad crack-ish
Inclusivity tags: reader is referred to w he/him and they/them pronouns, no bodily description, no y/n
A/n: call my brain an apple w all the worms it's got. This was just a blurb at first, but I made room in there for me to potentially make it into... something I guess.
minors dni!
"Cole, I can't fucking focus while they're just... staring at us like that."
"Ignore it, Bess. We have to finish these candles."
You wish a bolt of lightening would come down and strike all three of you at once. Or maybe the building spontaneously combusting would be better. Anything, anything, would be better at this moment than watching your boyfriend and best friend work together to light a summoning circle after having tied you up in your sleep.
For a fraction of a second, you wonder if any gods are watching, if any of them would be willing to give you a boon and allow you one last chance to punch both of these betrayers in the face.
"Okay, okay, the book," Bess mutters, going to the pick up her ritual book from the coffee table you bought. Honestly, if they were going to try to sacrifice you somewhere, your living room is one of the most disrespectful places. Probably right under your bed room.
"I'm sorry," Cole has the gaul to look down at you with a face stricken with grief. Like you're dead already. "We didn't know what else to do. We're both in bad places and you've always been so good to us, so we figured-"
"You better hope this fucking kills me." You grunt. Cole's face melts into a glare. "Because if I'm still breathing, it's going to take more than Satan's intervention to save you from me. I swear on my mother." You jerk forward, making him jump back a step.
"Cole...?" Bess looks at you, then up at Cole with unease. Cole doesn't say anything for a second, sorting his feelings out with a leer before turning to her.
"Read the book."
He drags you into the middle of their pentagram while she sings Latin words off the old book pages. The candles flicker and waver before their flames grow twice as tall. Cole rolls you onto your back and pulls a knife from his back pocket.
"I meant it when I said I'm sorry," Cole mutters. You snarl, but don't jump at him like you want to.
"Yeah? Yeah, you're sorry? Kiss my ass!" You shout over Bess's reading. "If I'm still alive after this, I'm killing you and burying you in the fucking septic tank!" You crane your head up so you can see Bess as well. "Time to get some stuff off my chest, yeah? Bess, I fucked your older brother on the day we graduated."
Her eyes go wide, and she almost stops talking, but Cole shoots her a look that forces her to continue.
"And his friend Carl, the one you had a crush on. And Cole? I never. Fucking. Finished. Ever! You are the only person I've dated who couldn't get me off." Cole's hand's twitch around the blade.
"Are you serious?"
"Does now look like a time to- ack!" You don't get to finish because Bess finished the spell and it was time for your blood to fuel it. The blade buries in your gut, turning this way and that way at measured increments. You just lay there and twitch, breathy gasps falling from your gaping mouth, the pain only throwing fuel to the fires of your rage.
"Please, we call you here! Honor us with your presence!" Bess chants. Cole step away from you when the candles roar and your vision is filled with bright red and orange.
The ground beneath you rumbles. Whispers fill your ears, nothing you can ever imagine understanding, but something tells you they're other summoners. Or maybe little souls of those who were just where you are now, with a people sacrificing them.
It's odd, you think as blood soaks your back, your hair. You thought you'd be more scared in what could be your final moments. But there's only anguish where there should be fear. Only unfettered violent tension felt in your muscles, and a tongue hungering for iron and gore. You're jaw is wound tight enough to shatter your teeth.
If you could think straight, if you weren't about to die, you might be a little concerned. Never have you wanted to sink your fingers into someone's soft bits as much as you do now. This is normal, right? A normal amount of rage for the people taking your life.
Something in your gut tells you it's not.
In the fog of your rage, you missed the appearance of a pair of men above you. They hover, leathery plum colored wings sagging. One wears a leather strap harness across his chest, while the other favors an unbuttoned silk shirt. One of them looks at you curious as the fire dies, steam and copper colored smoke bellowing from his mouth. A thick cigar hangs on his lips.
"You came! There's... two of you?" Cole gawks, then falls to his knees beside Bess. You can't help but scoff at their sniveling forms.
"We did. There are." The one without the cigar brushes back his long mohawk to get a better look at the whimpering humans. They're nothing new to them, just another set of weak little things looking to get something without putting in the work for it.
Well, they might have had to put in the work to capture you, based on the way you still squirm and fight the rope keeping your arms together. So much blood has left you. You are going to die. Yet you spend your last moments doing what most humans find to be a waste of precious time. Being angry. It's interesting.
"What do you want?" The bearded one in the silk shirt grunts out around his cigar. Bess lifts her head just a bit to speak.
"We want to make a trade. A soul for a better life for us."
There's a moment of silence. You blink your heavy lids, growing too tired to do much else anymore. Both demons look back at you, then to the kneeling humans.
"They're not dead." They say at the same time.
Bess and Cole stiffen and finally chance a glance at you. You're bleeding, a glassy look to your eye and a smile on your face, but you're not dead.
"See, Bess?" You cough up blood only to swallow it back down, "what did I tell you? The cunt can't make me come and can't... can't even make me go."
The mohawked devil pops a wicked smile, not even hiding it from his would-be contractors.
Cole fumes. "I can finish the job. Fuck, am I going to finish the job." He stands, moving to step into the circle only to yelp, the invisible border around the summoning circle becoming visible if only to shock Cole back.
"Not so fast," the bearded one spawns a scroll in his hand. He's eyes glow a molten orange as he scans it. "Section 1, clause 3, part 19 states: executioner(s) must sacrifice one(1) human soul to contractee(s)... Let's see... Here it is: Sacrificee(s) must be dead upon arrival so that proper collection can be done. If sacrificee(s) is still soul bond upon arrival, then they are made the true contractor and all work will be conducted with them."
"In other words," the mohawked one grinned, "you should have went for the heart." He taps at his chest.
"Or the neck." The other devil offers.
"Or that vein in they're thigh."
"The sephenous, Johnny."
"Yeah, that."
"No, no!" Cole grabs at his hair as Bess looks like she's about to start crying. You want to laugh. They deserve the despair. They deserve the horror in their mistake. They were going to kill you!
"That means," the devils lean back to look at you. "You're our contractor. You get two requests at the price of one, human. I suggest one of those requests includes healing you." He flicks the ashes of his cigar on your leg. You don't even have to think of what you want most right now.
"I want you to untie me." You roll on your side. They wait for the rest. Cole and Bess look like they're going to shit themselves from the pale faced looks of terror they give you. Your eyes narrow. "And a hammer. A old fashioned iron and wood handled hammer."
Another beat of silence before the infernals bend over in laughter. The room shacks, sulfuric smoke pouring from their mouths to funk up the room. Cole tries to cox Bess to her feet while they're distracted. Their feet can't move though. It's like they're glued in placed and no amount of pulling and tugging could get them loose. Shame.
"Yer a funny one, love. I'll love having your soul for a few eternities." The one in leather floats over you, tilting his head this way and that way to get a good look at you. You settle him with a neutral look. "My name is Johnny. You sure that's what you want? I think you've only got a few minutes left in you."
"Then let's hurry this up a little, huh?"
"Ooh, you heard 'em." The cigared one snickers and snaps his claws. Two contracts appear in front of your face, both written in a language you can hardly comprehend. A pen appeared in front of your mouth. "Sign on the dotted line please."
You take the quill in your mouth, dip it in the blood beneath you.
"Rah 'ere?"
You lean forward to dot the paper with your sloppy signature, but bizarrely enough, it seems like the powers that be have decided that they haven't made enough appearances. The floor trembles, and you worry about your poor infrastructure for a fraction of a second, when a set of gold doors spawn right behind you. You roll back onto your back to intake everything. You swear you're hallucinating when a pair of white winged angels step out, the clouded blue of heaven at their back.
"Hello?" You greet stupidly. You must be losing your mind, right? What the fuck is happening.
"Do not sign a thing." The bronzen angel instructs. "Human, we are here as messengers. God sees great things for you in your ascension. Please do not squander that to these demons." He shoots a sharp look at the demonic pair. The angel's counterpart wears a white cloak, obscuring all but his glowing golden eyes. You half expect him to sing "Be not afraid." despite you actively shitting bricks.
Oddly enough, their appearence seems to have some sort of healing property. Your lethargy starts to clear and the blade in your gut starts to get pushed out. Nothing hurts anymore.
"Oh, so we've got a big soul on our hands here, huh?" Johnny smirks. "Price, what's the plan?"
Price the devil throws his cigar to the ground and crushes it.
"Do what we do best. Bargain."
"Don't play with us, Price." The shrouded angel grunts. He's got a mind piercing voice that's got your head ringing, and you swear it echoes despite the room being well furnished. "We can provide them with just as much, if not more, at no cost of their soul." Those gold orbs land on you. "All we ask for is your faith."
"Jesus fucking Christ!" You tug at your bonds with renewed vigor. The angels wince at the mention of their Lord, but only watch as you force yourself upright. "I could not give a rat's ass who gets what! How about this? First one to get me free and a hammer in hand gets my loyalty."
There's two resounding snaps from either side of you. The ropes disappear, a hammer is in your left and right hand. You don't think deeper on what that implies. You finally stand, dropping the hammer in your nondominant hand, and march over to the two people you thought you could trust. They kneel now, seemingly ready to beg for their souls.
"Come on, don't look scared now." You drop your hands on your hips. "What happened to you finishing the job?"
"I didn't want-"
"Say it with your chest." You poke his breast plate with the iron hammer head.
"I didn't want it to come to this!" Cole yells. The divine audience doesn't say anything about it. They watch you curiously as you bounce the hammer in hand. Your soul is visible to them. What should be a glowing ball of light is a red and white morning star, all sharp edges and pulsing like a heart. Your soul will certainly not end up with the others, that much is true.
"I just... I couldn't keep up with you! Your life style, the way you act, your job. I never left good enough. Bess expressed the same thing and we just... clicked. We would have just left, but we could have never lived without struggling, so we just..." He swallows. You can't look at him anymore, hands clenching at what he says next. "The book called for someone we cared for."
''That supposed to make me feel better?" You tilt your head. Cole winces, eyes falling on your feet. You look to Bess. "Thought you were better than this. You were going to kill me. Because what, I was happy? I loved both of you, you could have just talked to me."
"We're sorry! What more do you want?" Bess sobs. You straighten up, bouncing the hammer on your hip, acting like you next action is something to deliberate. You already know what they deserve, and a flash of sadness bubbles in your chest, but it quickly passes as a hot, searing emotion burns a hole into what little hesitation you had left.
"Reckon I want your souls after all the shit you've caused." You grin before swinging the hammer back and caving in Cole's chest.
"Fuck..." is all you can say after everything is done. Cole and Bess lay in a bloody heep, all recognizable features destroyed and crushed. You pant, hands trembling and nothing but white noise and static crunching around in your head. You just killed your best friend and boyfriend. For some reason, you've never felt so light.
Someone's whistle gets followed by a clap.
"Impressive. Done that before?" Johnny chuckles. He floats closer, hand running down your back as he moves past and pokes around the pulped organs. "Shite, did them right in. Can't tell which is which."
"I've never-" you start to answer, but hands are clapped onto your shoulders, shocking you into silence.
"Well, that was a good place to start, lad. Your swings were a bit sloppy, but we can fix that." Price squeezes at your trapezius, massaging the stiffness out of them. A throat clears, and Price sighs like he forgot there was other company.
"We aren't finished. The human is our ward now, Price." The uncloaked angel snaps his finger, pulling you from Price and making you spawn between the two angels. The bronzen angel smiles down at you with teeth so white you could damn near see your reflection.
"There you are. It's nicer to have you close. My friend here is Simon and I'm-"
"Come on, Kyle, you know he's ours!" Johnny spits, his wings flaring out. "We gave him the hammer first, so piss off."
"Uh...huh." Kyle's smile falls. "I think you're a bit mistaken. Look, after executing the human's request, I have his name here." A stone slab appears in front of your face. It's smells like sunshine and warm grass. What the fuck. "His pledge to the Lord has been set and his soul already has a place next to Their throne."
"Right, right, like we don't have documentation neither." Johnny huffs. The stone disappears as a scroll appears next to the devil. The smell of sulfur and smoke wafts over to you. "His name is right there, pretty boy. Getting yer fuckin' lookers on."
Kyle ignores the rude tone and does pull out a pair of reading glasses to go over the scroll. You stand there in the silence, a little too scared to speak up. What could you do anyway? In a blind anger, you didn't really have the mind to think any of this out. Angels and devils are fighting over you because you'd stupid ass was too blood hungry to think past murder. All that can be done is for them to figure this out amongst themselves, and for you to wait for the sentencing. Heaven, or Hell?
"...Simon." Kyle slowly pulls his glasses off. "This is legit. His soul is promised to all of us."
You glance up at Simon, the scary motherfucker. He blinks. Once. Twice. Then pinches the bridge of his nose with a hagard sigh.
That's not good.
Johnny laughs, Price grinning like a dog with a bone. Kyle marches over to you, patting your shoulders with an awkward smile. His demeanor reminds you of the way your mom acted when she said she was going to divorce your dad. And all you can think is "Not this again." Are you going to be spending your afterlife going between heaven and hell forever? Does God get weekends because Their day is Sunday or whatever?
"We need to go and talk this over with some superiors. We'll clean this up," Kyle snaps and the gore is gone, so is the ritual circle and candles. "And we'll get back to you in the morning." He places a feather light kiss on your forehead, and suddenly you're squeaky clean and in the softest set of pajamas you've ever worn. "Stay safe while we're gone and don't allow these two to influence you. Get some rest."
"Blah, blah, blah," Johnny mocks from the sidelines. Price tilts his head, and there's nothing but amusement behind those eyes. Yeah, this is exactly like your parents divorce.
"O-okay? I mean, I'll try." You shrug.
Simon nods. "That's all you can do." He steps back into the golden doorway and Kyle falls in stride. You make some distance, and with a final wave from a white toothed angel, the doors shut with a slam that shakes the house's foundation.
"Just you and us now, stud."
You turn with a comedic slowness to the devils. Price chuffs and floats forward. His assess you, takes you in in all your fluffy white pajama glory, and it seems he finds what he wants when he nods.
"Guess we've got to talk with top brass to see what's going on ourselves. Pity we couldn't stick around longer." The devil's eyes never meet yours, staying glued to various parts of your face. They hop from ears, to your eyebrows, down to your lips. Christ on a bike, is it getting hot in here? His blue, glowing cerulean eyes appear to flash with something.
"Shite, yer right." Johnny groans. "I hate going down there."
"Suck it up, love. You know how I feel about sharing." Price drops his interest in you like an old toy and takes Johnny close by his waist. You watch with a lead poisoned stare as their noses touch intimately, words you can't hear being exchanged. It's kinda of awkward to just stand there and watch but your brain isn't really functioning well enough to tell you to stop.
"Hey, stud." You blink, refocusing on the pair. Johnny seems to have climbed his partner, his legs on his waist and arms around his neck. Price makes busy opening a portal to hell in your livingroom with one hand, supporting Johnny under his ass with the other. "Sit pretty, yeah? 'll be back before those two arseholes, promise."
"Right... yeah." You nod. "Uh, be safe?"
"Be safe, he says." Price mutters. "Cute." Johnny waves until Price steps through the infernal hole and falls from view. The portal closes right behind him so you'd have no hopes of seeing anything but the red hue of smog and dust.
And here you are. A little dazed, a little sad, probably holding back a break down from the last hour of events. But you're alive and you're healed. There's no blood to clean, you're in comfortable pajamas. Could probably sleep right now if your brain would stop for a minute, but it doesn't look like that's in the plans.
So you look for something to do. Cole and Bess and moved around all your furniture to make the summoning circle. Guess you can start there, right?
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brokebonewritings · 3 months
Be Mine, Forever?
Matt Murdock x Reader
Tags/ Warnings: 18+, Smut, Fluff, Valentine's Day Special
Summary: Your day is interrupted by an impromptu girl's day. and your night is filled with passion as Matt surprises you for Valentine's Day. You had a surprise for him as well. Song: Here (In Your Arms) - First Dance by Hellogoodbye
Word Count: 4.4K
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The day started normally enough. Of course, Valentine’s day fell on a week day this year so you were stuck at work. You sent Matt a few ‘Good Morning’ and ‘Happy Valentine's Day’ texts, but it's been radio silence from the other end. This was expected though, since he had already informed you that he was going to be in court all day. 
You sit back at your desk, you've been preparing all month for a new exhibit at The Met. The plans that spread across your desk puzzle you as you try to figure out where to place each case and art piece.
As you meticulously arrange the plans for the new exhibit, your mind can't help but wander back to Matt. The silence from him is starting to feel unusual, as he's always been the one to send you sweet messages and surprises on special occasions. But you brush it off, he's never disappointed you.
Just as you're about to finalize the placement of the last art piece, Marci rushes into your office, a mix of urgency and excitement in her eyes. "Hey!"
"How did you get in here?" You respond with a raised eyebrow. "Did my assistant let you in?"
Just as you finish your question Justin, your assistant, rushes in behind her. "I am so sorry. I tried stopping her, but she is so fast in those heels."
"Lawyer walk." Both you and Marci say in unison. 
She turns back to you with a smile plastered on her face. "I need you to come with me for the rest of the day."
"Marci, I can't just leave work in the middle of the day." You cross your arms over your chest.
"Oh yes you can, I already spoke to your boss! So come on." She grabs your coat that's by the door, along with your umbrella. "We got things to do, come on."
You sigh and thank Justin for trying, and invite him to also take the rest of the day off. Which he does happily.
"So what are we even going to do?" You ask. Grabbing your bag, and putting away your belongings.
"Well we're gonna go get ready for our Valentine's Date Nights, duh." She helps you get your coat on, and you both were off. "I just know that Foggy, and Matt are planning something special for us."
You smile at the thought. "Have you heard from Foggy today? I know they had a busy day."
"Not a word. You didn't hear it from me, but apparently their client is very demanding of their time."
"Oh shit, really?" 
You loved the gossip you got from your lawyer friends. Not that it was filled with a ton of details. Client/Lawyer confidentiality and all that.
"Mhm, Needs lots of attention to detail." She says before dragging you into a nail salon. You realize how nice this salon is after looking around. "Hey, wait, I don't think I'm gonna be able to afford this right now. Trying to save up for a new apartment with Matt, remember?"
She laughs before checking the both of you in for the appointment she had already made. "Who said you were paying? It's all on me today, hun."
"Oh my god, no way! I seriously cannot accept this."
"Too late! It's already done, you don't wanna ruin this day for me do you?" She pouts after turning back to you.
You sigh and shake your head. "Thank you, this is incredibly kind of you."
"Don't even mention it. I wanna make sure we both are dolled up!"
You're both called back after about 5 minutes. The salon was nicer than you thought. When you had both settled at the manicure station, they had offered you both a glass of champagne. Who were you not to accept a free glass?
It was truly relaxing, you were glad that Marci got you out of work early. You both spent the next two hours getting your nails prepped for a night out. Usually you don't get long nails since you work with your hands most of the time, but she insisted you get something more elegant. You couldn't refuse since she was the one paying.
Just as the nail technician finished with your right hand, your phone buzzed on the table beside you. Your heart skipped a beat as you saw Matt's name flashing on the screen. You quickly picked it up and answered, not wanting it to go to voicemail.
"Hey! Happy Valentine's Day!" You chirp happily. "How is court?"
There was a brief pause before Matt's voice came through, heavy with exhaustion. "Happy Valentine's Day, Sweetheart." It's been chaos. I couldn't even find a moment to catch my breath."
You let out a sigh of relief, understanding his predicament. "Then I guess tonight will be a good night to cash in one of those massages I owe you, huh?"
Hearing the low rumble of his chuckle sent chills through your body. "Yeah, guess it will be." He pauses. "I was wondering if you would meet me on the roof tonight, like we used to?"
"Yeah, of course I will." You blush, it has been a while since you both sat on the roof together. "What time do you want me there?"
"8:30. There is room for you to be fashionably late, of course."
You let out a giggle. "Yeah okay, 8:30 then. I'll see you then."
"I love you." He says with a loving sigh.
"I love you too." You respond before hanging up.
"Soooooo," Marci pipes up. "Romantic Dinner?"
The blush was still tinting your face from the conversation. "Yeah, on his rooftop."
"That sounds lovely, very romantic."
As you finish up at the nail salon, Marci insists on taking you to a cafe nearby. She called it a Galentine's Brunch, just the girls. When you both arrived, you were surprised to see that Karen was able to join you. 
"I thought you were in court with Matt, and Fog?"
"Oh no, I told them I wouldn't be in today. Playing hookie." She laughed lightly. "Besides, Im not going to deny Marci a girls brunch. We need it."
As you settled into the cozy booth at the cafe, sipping on your latte, the three of you began catching up on each other's lives. Karen shared stories about her latest investigative assignment, Marci talked about her recent courtroom victories, and you filled them in on the details of the upcoming exhibit at The Met.
Marci nudges you playfully. "Have you thought about what you're going to wear?" she asks with a mischievous smile.
You shake your head, realizing that you've been so caught up in work and the surprise day off that you haven't even considered your outfit. 
"I just figured I would wear what I was wearing right now."
"You're joking." Marci says. "You have to wear something else. Not saying that what you're wearing right now isn't cute, but this is Valentine's Day."
"Yeah you gotta wear something he can undress you with" Karen chimes in with a mischievous smile. "Cause you know he'll love it if you wore something hot."
"Okay, okay. I have been saving a silk dress for a special occasion."
"Silk? I gotta see this." Marci says forcefully.
You pull out your phone and find the dressing room photo you took of the dress in question. It was a lavender colored dress with a cowl neckline. They both stare at the photo then back to you.
"Where have you been hiding that!" Karen says in disbelief.
"In the back of my closet." You respond with a laugh. "I just didn't know how to style it."
"I will simply just have to come over and help you with that." Marci states. 
"And." You pause. "There's matching lingerie."
They both squeal before you change the subject back to Marci and Foggy's plans for the evening.
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You stare in the mirror at the dress you had shown Marci, and Karen earlier in the day.They had left about an hour ago to get ready for their own plans. Not without them giving your outfit their seal of approval though. 
Sitting on your bed, you pull on the heels Marci had carefully chosen. This was going to be a good night, but you didn't know why the butterflies in your stomach felt so prominent. You haven't been this nervous since you started dating Matt.
Taking a deep breath, you remind yourself that there's nothing to worry about. It's just a rooftop date with the love of your life. You run a hand down the front of your dress, feeling its smooth texture against your skin.
As you do your makeup, you can't help but replay all the beautiful moments you've shared with Matt. From late-night conversations under the stars to stolen kisses on the rooftop, every memory fills you with warmth and love. Tonight is just another chapter in your story together, a celebration of your deep connection.
With your hair styled in loose waves, you stand in front of the full-length mirror and admire the final look. The dress drapes perfectly over your figure, accentuating your best features. You feel confident, more confident than you've felt in years.
You look at the clock on your nightstand, and see that it just hit 8:00. Perfect. You grab your bag and set out walking towards his apartment building.
The city is alive with the energy of Valentine's Day. Lovers walk hand in hand, their laughter and joy filling the air. As you make your way through the bustling streets, you can't help but smile. The anticipation in your heart grows with every step.
Finally, you arrive at Matt's apartment building. Taking a deep breath, you enter and climb the stairs towards the rooftop. The familiar sound of the door creaking open greets you as you step onto the familiar space that holds so many precious memories.
The sun has already set, casting a magical glow over the city skyline. The soft twinkle of lights fills the air, creating an atmosphere that feels straight out of a fairy tale. And there he is, standing near the edge of the rooftop, tall and handsome as ever.
Matt turns as he hears your footsteps approaching. A smile spreads across his face, lighting up his eyes in a way that makes your heart skip a beat. That's when you realize that you're not alone. You turn to see that your friends are there. Not only your friends but also your Aunt May and Peter.
"What is happening right now?" You say with a nervous laugh.
"Sweetheart," You hear him say and you turn back and give him your full attention. "I have been meaning to do this for a while, but I didn't know how to go about it."
"Matt, are you?" You begin before he cuts you off with a kiss.
"Ever since I met you I have been so entranced by you.You've brought so much light and love into my life, and I can't imagine a future without you by my side," Matt says, his voice filled with sincerity. He takes a step back, reaching into his pocket and retrieving a small velvet box. Opening it to reveal a dainty opal ring, he drops to one knee.
You stand there for a moment, wondering if this was actually happening or if you were have a really specific dream.
"Will you marry me?" Matt asks, his voice filled with vulnerability and love.
The world around you seems to fade away as you lock eyes with him, feeling a mixture of excitement and overwhelming joy. The weight of his question hangs in the air, and time seems to stand still.
Tears well up in your eyes as you try to find your voice. This moment feels like a dream, but the warmth in your heart tells you it's all too real. You take a deep breath, feeling the weight of the question like a beautiful promise.
"Yes," you whisper, barely able to contain your joy. "Yes, Matt, I will marry you."
The rooftop erupts in cheers and he stands and slips the ring onto your finger. You glance around, realizing that they had all conspired together to create this magical moment. Aunt May wipes away a tear of happiness while Peter grins ear to ear. Marci and Karen are practically jumping up and down with excitement, their eyes shining with joy. Foggy is trying to conceal his tears by wiping his eyes with his sleeves.
Embracing Matt tightly, you feel an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude. This rooftop, once a place of solace and refuge for the two of you, now holds even more significance. It symbolizes the foundation of your future together, a place where love can blossom and dreams can be realized.
Amidst the cheers and laughter, you take a moment to soak in the beauty of this milestone in your relationship. The twinkling lights of the city below seem to dance in celebration, mirroring the joy in your hearts.
"This is so epic, and I got it all on video." Peter says amidst the celebration.
As the cheers die down, Aunt May steps forward, her eyes glistening with tears. "Oh, darling" she says, her voice filled with emotion. "I couldn't be happier for you both. You deserve all the love in the world. Your father would have loved Matt."
"Thanks Aunt May." You say with a tearful smile.
As the rooftop continues to buzz with excitement and congratulations, you and Matt share a tender moment together. He pulls you into his arms, his embrace warm and comforting. You feel safe and cherished as you rest your head against his chest, the sound of his heartbeat echoing in your ears.
"I love you so much," Matt murmurs softly, his voice filled with emotion. "And I promise to spend the rest of my life proving it to you."
You look up at him, your eyes filled with adoration. "I love you too, Matt," you reply, your voice filled with sincerity. "And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
After the shared dinner with all of your friends and family, you all decide it's time to head home to spend the rest of Valentine's Day in the comfort of your homes.
Saying goodbye to everyone, you and Matt clean the roof top and share a few intimate moments with kisses and lingering touches.
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On your way back down the stairs, you can feel Matt's presence hovering over you. So you stop for a moment and turn to see what he is doing. As you turn, you feel his hand slide up your jaw as he pushes you against the wall. You gasp as he presses himself against you, one hand around your neck and the other sitting on your waist.
"Ive been waiting all day to be alone with you." He growls into your ear before kissing you roughly.
Your heart races as his lips claim yours, a hunger and desire that electrifies your senses. The intensity of his touch against the coolness of the wall sends shivers down your spine.
His hands explore every inch of your body, igniting a fire within you that only he can quench. The urgency and longing in his kisses leave you breathless.
With each touch, each caress, the connection between you deepens. Your bodies move together in perfect harmony, driven by a love that transcends words.
As he pulls away, you feel dizzy with the intensity of his attack. "We need to get back to your apartment." You state.
"Oh do we?" He questions. "I have no problem ravishing you right here in this stairwell."
You huff, as you stare at his smirking face. "I would actually love for you to ruin this dress, but in the comfort of our bed."
"Our bed?" 
"Yes, our bed." You smirk as you push his hands away and begin to walk back to his apartment.
He follows closely behind you, his eyes never leaving your body. The desire he has for you is palpable, and it fuels you as well. As you pass each door, you can't help but imagine what would happen behind your own.
Approaching his door, you grab the keys from his hand and begin to unlock the door.
"I promise, I'll ruin that dress, right here," he whispers in your ear, causing you to shiver.
You hear the click of it unlocking as you turn to him, "Well, Mr. Devil. Ruin the dress then." you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
As the door creaks open, the sound echoes throughout the hallway, the anticipation in the air is palpable. Together, you step inside and kick the door shut behind you. He pins you against the wall, his hands roaming over your body like a man possessed.
He seems desperate to claim you, to conquer every inch of you. You're aching for him too, the want and need between you undeniable. You need his touch, his kiss, his warmth. You're completely vulnerable to him, ready to give yourself to him in every way.
His lips meet yours in a searing kiss, his hands holding your neck as your fingers dig into his shirt. You break the kiss, both of you panting heavily, your hearts pounding in sync. 
"I love you so much," you whisper, your voice shaking with emotion.
"And I love you more," Matt replies, his voice filled with warmth and devotion.
With that his hands grip the top of your dress and he pulls, ripping the dress down the front. You moan at the intensity of the moment. He really did ruin the dress.
You're left in the lingerie you had on underneath as the dress drops to the floor. He takes a moment before feeling up your sides and realizes what you have on.
"Oh you dirty girl." He groans. "You wanted this to happen tonight, didn't you?"
You smile, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks. "Maybe I did"
"Well, I'm not complaining." He says slowly. "You have no idea how hard this is making me."
"I think I have some idea." You say as you lift your knee, feeling his erection already straining under the fabric of his pants.
His hand maneuvers down to pull your lingerie to the side, revealing your most intimate parts. "I'm going to make you scream, baby."
With that, he lifts you into his arms and carries you to the bedroom. The moment you step into the room, he drops you onto the bed and crawls on top of you.
"I want you so bad," he growls into your mouth. You feel his erection pressing into your thigh, and you're more than ready for him.
He breaks the kiss and starts to unbutton his shirt, you lay back watching as he undresses himself. What a sight it was, he could have been a Greek god.
Once he's stripped down to his boxers, he leans down to kiss you again, his hand traveling down your body, tracing patterns on your skin as he does. His fingers run along the edge of your underwear and you shudder at the sensation.
He hooks his fingers into the waistband of your underwear and slowly pulls them down, revealing your naked body to him. He leans down and begins to kiss your inner thigh, nuzzling into the most inner part.
"You're so beautiful," he whispers, his thumbs brushing against your waist.
Before you can respond, his tongue swipes up against your core. You gasp at the sudden electricity of the situation. He repeats the motion, his tongue swirling around your clit in slow, steady circles. Your hips start to rise in response, your hands finding their way to his hair, pulling him closer. You arch your back, moaning softly.
Matt responds with a gentle growl, his fingers still moving against your waist, caressing your skin. He reaches down and slowly pushes two fingers inside you, drawing out a loud moan.
His other hand moves to your breast, gently squeezing and kneading it. You mewl, your body trembling with need. His tongue continues to dance around your most sensitive flesh, and you feel yourself growing closer and closer to the edge.
"Oh, Matt," you moan, "I need you inside me."
He stops his ministrations, lifting his head towards you. "Not yet," he says, standing up and helping you off the bed. "I want to make you beg for it."
He leads you over to a table by the window, bending you over it. The cool glass feels amazing against your naked skin, as you're exposed to the room with your legs spread apart.
Matt positions himself behind you after dropping his boxers. You can feel his erection pressing against your ass, precum leaking out. You know he's ready for it.
"You're going to make me come so hard," you whisper.
He rubs his tip against your entrance, teasing you, making you crave him even more. Sliding his cock between your folds. You push back against him for any sort of friction.
A loud crack echoes through the apartment. His hand lingers, massaging the area he just spanked. "You need to be a good girl for me. Or else the next one will be a lot harder. Do you understand?"
You nod, pleasure spread across your face as you lean against the table. 
"Good girl, sweetheart. Such a good listener."
Beginning to slide against you once again, you hold back every instinct to push back against him. With every teasing thrust, you feel electrified, your desire for him only growing. He knows what he's doing to you, and he loves every moment.
He slowly begins to tease your hole as you stand there whimpering. Pushing the head inside you, and quickly taking it out.
"Please, Matt, fuck me," you plead. "I can't take it anymore."
He pulls away, a devious grin on his face. "Not yet," he says, kissing the side of your face.
He picks you up, carrying you over to the bed. He lays you down, spreading your legs wide apart and kneeling between them.
"I need you to beg. Okay, sweetheart?" He says and you nod.
He slips two fingers into you, pumping and curling to find your sweet spot. You cry out in pleasure as he hits you right where it feels good. 
"Please, oh god, Matt" You moan loudly. "I'm going to come, please I need you in me."
That must have been enough for him. With a low growl, Matt plunges into you, filling you up to the hilt. He thrusts deep inside you in one swift motion, the bed frame creaking under the force of his passion.
He pulls out almost immediately, leaving you emptiness. "Please," you beg, wanting more.
He chuckles softly, teasing you by running his cockhead up and down your slit. "Patience, sweetheart. I want this to last."
He thrusts back into you, moving slowly, savoring every moment. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer.
The way his cock pulsed inside of you was almost too much to bear. He began to pick up the pace, each thrust harder than the last.
You let out a loud, trembling moan, your head falling back as pleasure washed over you. 
"I love you," he whispers, his breath warm against your skin.
"I love you too," you choke out, the emotions taking over you.
He picks up his pace, driving into you harder and faster, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh filling the room. Your body responds in kind, each thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through you.
"I'm going to come," you gasp, your voice breaking as your orgasm starts to build.
Matt's thumb found your sensitive clit, sending you soaring towards the edge. "Come for me, baby." he growls.
You let out a wail, your nails digging into his back as your orgasm hit you like a freight train. Your inner walls clenched around him, milking him as you shook uncontrollably.
He continued to thrust into you, driving you further over the edge. Your orgasm seemed to go on forever, your body writhing beneath him in pure ecstasy.
Finally, he slides out of you, leaving your inner walls quivering. He pulls you into his arms, holding you close as your heartbeats sync.
You lay there for a moment, basking in the afterglow of your intense lovemaking.
"My ass hurts." You after taking a deep breath. He begins to chuckle as you giggle. 
"Sorry, too much?"
"Not at all."
"Good" He says as he pulls you closer and peppers your face with kisses.
As you lay there entwined in each other's arms, your skin still flushed and sweaty, you can't help but smile. This was more than just sex; it was a powerful expression of love and intimacy.
Matt pulls away and smiles, a look of pure contentment on his face. "I just can't get enough of you." 
You giggle and wrap your arms around him, feeling safe and loved in his embrace.
"Can we talk about the fact that we're engaged now?"
"I've been planning it for the last 2 weeks with Foggy, Peter, and your Aunt May."
"There is no way that Peter kept a secret for that long. How did you even manage that."
"You can thank your aunt for that one. She basically grounded him from texting you."
This made you both laugh. "You know, I'm gonna have to get used to being called Mrs. Murdock."
A smile spreads across his face, "I'm already getting used to it."
As he pulls you in for another kiss, you can't help but feel a rush of emotion. This man. This strong, protective, and passionate man, is now your fiancé. The thought brings a smile to your face, and you wrap your arms around him even tighter.
"I can't wait to see what the future holds for us," you whisper.
He pulls away slightly, a gentle smile on his face. "The future is ours, my love. And I promise to love and cherish you, always."
"Though I do have one complaint."
"And what is that?" He raises an eyebrow.
"You never asked me to be your valentine."
Chuckling, he pulls your hips closer before whispering in your ear. "Be Mine, Forever?"
"I thought you'd never ask."
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training4theapocalypse · 11 months
And they call me crazy (Adrian Chase x fem!reader)
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Rating: Explicit - 18+ only
Word Count: 5.8k
Warnings: SMUT, Rough sex, Non-con elements - reader is drunk and a (very eager to fuck) hostage, Light bondage, Oral, P in V, Unprotected sex, Edging, Canon typical mentions of murder and violence
Summary: You're a new intern at Senator Goff's office. It's going great... that is until Vigilante abducts you after you've been out drinking, celebrating the end of your first week. (Based on this ask from anon.)
A/N: I'm fucking impatient as usual and I couldn't wait until Sunday to post this. I've added non-con to the warnings but honestly, reader is so desperate to fuck him she DOESN'T GIVE AF if it's morally questionable that she's a hostage.
Join my tag list: @likeficsinthewnd, @she-wolf09231982, @pretendfan, @lolitstiana, @chiaraanatra
Chapter text:
Your gasp is stifled when a black glove covers your mouth and an arm wraps tight around your body. You stumble on the sidewalk, teetering back in your high heels into your assailant’s body but he holds you firmly upright.
“Don’t scream,” says a man’s muffled whisper in your ear.
Your whole body freezes up. God, you wish you were more sober. Why did you insist on walking home after those celebratory drinks? This is not the perfect ending to the first week of your internship that you’d envisioned. Is this why Senator Goff didn’t turn up for work today? They said he was sick.
“I’m not gonna hurt you if you keep quiet and get in the car.”
It’s a man’s voice. Not one you recognise. But you can barely hear it anyway over how loudly your heart is beating in your chest. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, it seems to say, battering frantically against your rib cage.
“Nod if you understand me.”
You jerk your head forward - his tight grip doesn’t make the movement easy. 
God, why didn’t you listen to your Mom? She told you earlier to get a cab home and stay safe, you’d just dismissed her advice as usual because you knew best.
He removes his hand and pushes you into the open passenger door of a beat-up old Chrysler Sebring. It all happens so fast that you don’t even think to check out the license plate. 
The man shuts the passenger door after you and hops into the driver’s seat on the other side. 
It’s him. 
You’ve seen his masked face on the news, wanted for carrying out his own brand of retributive justice on criminals across Evergreen. You heard people talking about his latest crimes at work today. Hell, you’ve even made stupid memes about having a crush on him in your girlfriend’s group chat. 
It’s Vigilante.
You were ready to beg for your life a second ago. But now all you can do is stare. At the forefront of your admittedly inebriated mind is the fact that you’ve fantasised about the masked Vigilante of Evergreen before. But in your fantasies, you’d always been someone that he’d saved from a robbery gone wrong or some other sticky situation. Not his abductee.
And this is no fantasy. He’s here - he’s real. So intimidatingly tangible and human. You can hear his breathing through his mask, see his eyes darting around your dark surroundings checking for passersby, and you can even smell the sharp, fresh scent of his cologne when he gets close to you, reaching behind you to grab a length of rope from the back seat. 
“Put your hands out.” You swallow thickly, looking at his masked face. There’s no point in arguing. “If you make any indication to anyone we pass that you’re you’re here against your will, I will kill you.”
“Listen, I don’t know what you think I’ve done but I-”
“Hey - don’t make me gag you and put you in the trunk,” he says, finishing the knot around your wrists as your stomach does a little flip. Not out of fear. Something else. He turns his keys and starts the ignition. “Oooh, seatbelt! Sorry.”
You breathe in as he reaches across you to grab your seatbelt and clip you in. Your hands sit uncomfortably on your lap as the car drives out of the dark street and onto the main road.
He pulls out his cell phone as he drives to wherever you’re going and you hear the other end of the phone ringing in the silent car.
“What is it?” You strain your ears, listening as a woman answers aggressively.
“I’ve got Goff’s assistant. I’m on my way to the video store.”
Goff’s assistant? That’s a stretch. You’re an intern. And not even Goff’s intern. You’re his assistant’s intern.
“I’m not-” you start but he cuts you off.
“What?!” says the woman on the phone.
“Sorry, Harcourt. Not you.”
“No, I mean you did what?! Vigilante, you need to run this shit by me. You can’t bring her here.”
“I did you a favour! We’re way ahead of schedule now.”
You hear the unidentified woman grumble. “We’ve got Judomaster here, dumbass. Take her someplace else.”
Goff’s funny little bodyguard. Now you know that Vigilante and the woman on the phone are responsible for Goff’s absence. Shit, what’s he going to do when he realises you know nothing?
“Where am I supposed to take her?”
“That’s what happens when you go rogue, idiot. We’ll talk about this tomorrow. She’s your problem tonight.”
You hear the line beeping as the woman hangs up.
“Fuck!” says Vigilante and he does a U-turn. “Hey, close your eyes.”
“I’m gonna have to take you to my place. I said close your eyes or-”
“Yeah, you’ll kill me. I got it,” you say resignedly. You close your eyes feeling the car turn left, straight for a while, right, left… you lose track. You have no idea where you are or how long it takes you to get there when finally you arrive at your destination.
You hear him get out of the car and still not daring to open your eyes, you feel the cool night air when the passenger door opens.
“Can I open my eyes?”
You feel him reach over you to unclip your seatbelt and he hoists you out of the car by your upper arm. He roughly steers you across what you guess is a parking lot by the way your high heels click on the asphalt.
His vice-like grip on your arm still doesn’t relent, even when you reach the stairs.
“Not so fast - I can’t see!” And you’re still kind of drunk.
“Shh! Not here,” he whispers urgently. But his hold on you becomes more gentle as he helps you up the stairs, more slowly now. A sliver of empathy. 
The sound of keys jingle as he unlocks a door and guides you inside. You hear him locking and bolting the door behind you. Great. 
“Can I-”
“Yeah, you can open ‘em.”
You open your eyes. The small apartment is sparsely furnished, obviously decorated by a single man. No artwork on his walls, a small dining table, a clean but worn leather couch without even so much as a throw pillow.
The screech of wood on laminate makes your arm hair stand up as he pulls over a hard wooden chair into the middle of the living room.
You do as you’re told. He pulls another chair over and sits down opposite you, leaning back, with his arm resting on the back of the chair. Vigilante’s intimidating form relaxes casually in front of you. 
“We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” he tells you.
“I - do what the easy way?” You shift in your seat, squeezing your thighs together. What wouldn’t you want Vigilante to do you right now? Stop it, you scold yourself. 
“You’ve got information and I need it.”
“I really don’t have any sort of information.” 
He edges his seat closer to you, close enough that you can smell his cologne again. Fuck. “Hey, I get it. I was tortured for intel a few days ago and I didn’t crack either-”
“Torture?!” You panic now. “Look, I’m not lying - I’m not Goff’s assistant! If I knew anything I’d tell you.”
His eyes narrow behind the mask. He pulls out his phone, looking through it for something. “Shit.” Vigilante looks from his phone to you. “This isn’t you.” He holds up the screen and shows you a blurry picture of your boss walking out of the office. Sure you look alike - you have the same hair colour and both wear suits to work but she’s significantly older. 
You shake your head. 
“What were you doing coming out of the senator’s office?” He accuses, as if it’s your fault he’s kidnapped you.
“I’m an intern. It’s my first week.”
“So you work there? Right?” he asks desperately.
“I just get coffee and take notes, dude.”
He tilts his head back, staring at the ceiling. “Oh man, Harcourt’s gonna freak out when I tell her I fucked up again. I can’t believe I picked up the wrong hostage.”
You sit, wrists still tied together in your lap staring at him. Now what? Maybe he’ll just drop you off outside the bar where the grabbed you.
“Look, we all make mistakes. It happens to the best of us. No harm done so-”
“Stop.” He looks up at you. “You know I can’t let you go.”
You take a deep breath and look at him silently for a few seconds. “So now what? Are you gonna kill me?”
‘I’m a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world. Life in plastic, it’s fantastic’
Vigilante looks at his phone, apparently confused that it isn’t the source of the music. 
“It’s mine,” you sigh, embarrassed by your choice of ringtone. You try to pick your phone out of your suit pocket with tied wrists. 
“Your ringtone is Barbie Girl?” 
You nod.
He pauses, giving you an unreadable look from behind his mask before reaching into your suit pocket. “I can’t let you have this.” He declines the call. Your phone pings as a message arrives. “Someone called Melanie says ‘Your boyfriend is on the news again’,” he reads.
Fuck. Your best friend Melanie knows all about your stupid crush on the man sitting in front of you right now.
“Hey- don’t read my messages!”
“I need to know if your boyfriend is gonna come looking for you.”
“I don’t have a boyfriend, I swear. She’s just making a stupid joke.” 
Your phone pings again. “She’s sent you a picture - what’s your passcode?”
“I said don’t read my messages. I’m not telling you my passcode.”
Vigilante sighs and turns your phone around to face you and your Face ID unlocks it. He freezes when he opens the image.
Oh, god.
He turns the phone back towards you again and you groan. Melanie has taken a picture of the news on her TV. Vigilante is on the screen. Shit. 
“I told you, it was just a stupid joke,” you mumble, feeling your face turning scarlet. 
“I didn’t realise you were a fan,” he says, and you can tell from the tone of his voice that he has a stupid grin under his mask. 
“Well, I’m definitely not a fan right now.” You hold up your wrists. 
“She can see you’ve opened it. What should I say back?”
“Hmm... say LOL…” He starts typing. “Call the police. I’m being held hostage.”
He deletes what he just typed and gives you a stern look. “Fine, I’ll just go through your messages and see what you said before.”
“No, wait! I was kidding!” You try to snatch the phone from his hands but his reflexes are too quick for your tied hands. He doesn’t have to scroll very far back through your messages to find what he’s looking for.
Vigilante laughs and starts reading aloud. “OMG, he is so fine… I’m just gonna say that again.” He sends the message and you hear the notification of Melanie responding almost immediately. He reads it aloud. “She says ‘Knew you’d appreciate it - wink emoji’.”
“Can you just kill me already?” you ask sarcastically.
He puts your phone in his pocket. “I’m not gonna kill you.”
“So what am I doing here then?”
“Waiting. For now.” You stare at each other for a few seconds. It’s hard not to feel like you’re in immediate danger. “Do you want a beer?”
Perhaps your life isn’t in danger.
You blink at him incredulously. He walks over to the refrigerator and returns with two beers. He opens yours and hands it to you.
“Can you untie me so I can drink it?” You ask, testing the waters.
“Are you gonna try and attack me and escape?”
You’ve never been in a fight in your entire life. There’s no way you’d be able to win in a physical altercation with him, not with his reputation for massacring criminal gangs.
Vigilante looks you over, and you stare up at him, waiting for his assessment. “I could take you, anyway,” he says casually and puts down his beer on the coffee table so he can untie your wrists.
You feel yourself blushing again at his words. Vigilante could take you. He means in a fight. But your mind immediately thinks of him taking you in another way.
When he unties you, you rub your wrists, feeling the sweet relief of having them free again. Vigilante kicks back on the couch and gestures to the seat next to him. You move over and perch uncertainly on the cool leather. He lifts the bottle of beer, and then realising he’d need to remove his mask to drink it, puts it back down.
“You can take it off if you want,” you suggest. 
“And let you see my face? No way. I have a secret identity.”
“Well, I bet you’re handsome under there.” 
What are you doing? 
The sensible voice at the back of your mind supposes that flirting with him might convince him to free you. Another slightly louder, drunker voice in your head suggests that flirting with him might convince him to fuck you. 
He looks away, flustered. “I dunno about that...” 
“That’s why you wear that mask, right? You’re probably so good-looking you’d be easy to spot in a line-up.”
He lifts the edge of his mask - you think for a second he’s about to reveal who he is but instead, he takes a long drink of beer. You watch his sharp jaw and exposed neck as he swallows and get a brief glance at his wet lips before he pulls the fabric back down over his face again.
“That mask doesn’t do you any favours, hiding a jawline like that.”
“Stop it, okay. I know what you’re doing.” You raise your eyebrows. “You think because you’re pretty, you can seduce me into letting you go. It’s not gonna work.”
You try not to smile, to keep your expression blank. You wish you could text Melanie - she’d lose her shit right now. But you’ve laid it on a bit too thick. Even though it is true - he does have a ridiculously nice lower half of his face.
“I’m just passing the time. Believe it or not, I’ve never been abducted before.” You shrug. “So what’s the plan? Stay here until your boss on the phone tells you to kill me in the morning?”
“She’s not my boss.”
“Sounds like she is.”
“I work alone. Mostly. Or with Peacemaker.”
“So let me go then. I won’t tell a soul. I promise.”
“It’s not that simple. I can’t just release a hostage.”
You think. Hard. “What if I could get you the information you need? Then I’m an accomplice. Not a hostage.”
“I thought you just got the coffee?”
“I know where my boss keeps her laptop. And her password.”
“What kind of boss tells a brand new intern her password?”
You purse your lips, wondering how much you can safely reveal to him. “She trusts me.” 
“The way you want me to trust you?”
“It’s different… I just don’t want her to get kidnapped too.”
He tilts his head. “That could work.” He hesitates. “But I’ll need to double-check with Harcourt in the morning.” He spins his bottle of beer in his hands.
“I’ll give you the laptop’s location and password if you let me see your face.”
“Uh, no. You’re giving me the location and password in exchange for letting you go.”
“This is a hostage negotiation, right?” You give him a coy smile. “Let the hostage do some negotiating.”
“No way.” He lifts the bottom of his mask up again to take another drink.
“What if I suck your dick, will you show me your face?”
Vigilante chokes on his beer.
“Jeez! I’ve already told you that you can stop coming onto me. I’ve agreed to ask Harcourt to let you go.”
“I know. I’m just shooting my shot,” you smile, resting the beer bottle on your bottom lip. “Can’t blame a girl for trying.”
“Yeah, right.” He says though you can’t help but notice the way his visor-covered eyes linger on your lips.
“Dude, you saw my messages. I’ve always wanted to bump i​​nto Vigilante. Under different circumstances, obviously.”
This intrigues him. He turns in his seat, resting on the arm of the couch to face you. “Uh, what kind of circumstances?”
“Well, if you really want to know - they’re in my texts with Melanie.”
He looks at your phone again, opens your messages and starts scrolling up. His eyes widen as he pauses, reading. “Damn…”
“Which one are you reading?”
“There’s more than one?!” His voice is higher pitched this time and you grin. “Uh… ‘I wish we’d bumped into Vigilante when those guys were harassing us leaving the club last night. He would have kicked their asses and I would have-’... Holy shit.”
He adjusts himself in his seat and you can tell he’s hard just from reading your text exchange. You tilt your beer towards him encouragingly. “You can say it.”
“...‘I would have sucked the fucking soul from his body.’ Girls say this kind of shit to each other?”
You sip your drink and say nothing.
Vigilante looks at you like you’re a piece of cake he really, really shouldn’t be thinking about eating. “It would be morally wrong for me to sleep with a hostage.” He looks into your eyes.
You edge closer to him on the couch. “Accomplice, remember? I’m not a hostage if I work with you, right?”
“Listen, you are so hot. And if I met you in real life… fuck. It would be a different story.”
“This is real life.”
“You know what I mean.”
You get on your knees and crawl over to him between his legs. He shrinks back into the corner of the couch cushions. “C’mon. I won’t tell your boss.”
He swallows nervously. “You’re making it really hard for me to say no right now.”
You run your fingers over his belt. “Say you don’t want me to and I’ll stop.” Vigilante groans. You crawl forward again and press your forehead against his masked one, looking into his visor. “Tell me you don’t want me to suck your dick,” you whisper.
“Fuck…” He breathes. “And they call me crazy.”
“Maybe you should be more careful who you let in your car.” 
His gloved hand grabs your wrist and for a second you think he’s going to make you stop but instead, he guides your hand onto the bulge through the fabric of his pants. Vigilante leans his head back, exposing a tiny glimpse of his neck between his mask and his suit. Your tongue finds the skin there, sliding across it and you feel him shiver underneath you.
It’s like he’s at your mercy now as you slowly, agonisingly slowly, undo his belt revealing the v-shape of his lower abdominal muscles covered in a smattering of brown hair. You slide your body down between his legs and kiss the trail of hair below his belly button while your hands work, unzipping his pants and pulling his boxers down.
Vigilante’s cock slaps his stomach when you release it from his boxers. Shit, you have a lot to work with. You’re already wet between your legs just from your conversation but the sight of him sprawled out in front of you - his entire body concealed with the exception of his hard cock - sends blood rushing to your pussy.
You lick your lips and the moment your tongue slides across his head, you feel his whole body tremble. 
“Holy shit,” Vigilante whispers raggedly from behind his mask. He lifts his head to watch as his length disappears into your mouth, and you look up at him with wide eyes and hollow cheeks, sucking and running your tongue along the underside of his cock. 
He grunts as you pull back to run your tongue slowly around his head again. His reaction makes your pussy ache with longing, thinking about how he’d sound with his mask off, moaning like that in your ear.
“Fuck, that’s it. Thaat’s it,” he says through gritted teeth as you find a rhythm, bobbing your head up and down. He threads his gloved hands through your hair - you think he’s going to start fucking your throat but you’re surprised when he doesn’t apply any force, letting you maintain your pace. Vigilante watches you on all fours, your ass in the air behind you as your mouth makes the wettest, sloppiest sucking sounds he’s ever heard.
Then he sees it. A glimpse of your hand under your tailored work skirt, confirming to him again that this isn’t just a ploy for early release. You’re really fucking turned on by being here, sucking his cock.
“Wait…” he whines, tugging gently at the base of your scalp. You pull back, replacing your mouth with your other hand so you can look at him. “Can I fuck you?”
You pull away and bite your lip, still pumping your hand up and down the length of his cock.
“You said you’d show me your face.” Time for your one last bargaining chip.
“I…” He hesitates, propping himself up on his elbows. “I can’t,” he pleads.
“You’ll have to cum here on your stomach then,” you grin, your wet fist picking up pace as he tenses his thighs and tries to stop his hips from jerking up into you. “If you show me your face I’ll let you cum inside me.”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” he groans. You stop jerking him off and watch him as he pulls his mask off, tossing it aside on the coffee table. He takes a pair of glasses out of his pocket and puts them on.
You stare at him in shock. You were mostly just teasing him earlier- you hadn’t actually expected him to be this good-looking. Sure, you knew from him drinking his beer earlier that he had a nice jawline. But even in your fantasies, he was faceless - he never had gorgeous green eyes and tousled curly hair.
“You’re hot?” You blurt out before you can stop yourself. “What the fuck!?”
He smiles. And you can see it this time. It’s beautiful. He has dimples.
The intimidation you felt before when you first saw the masked killer in front of you is nothing compared to how you feel now. You practically melt, turning into putty. Feeling lightheaded you realise you’ve been holding your breath and begin making a conscious effort to breathe again. Seconds ago you were convinced he was at your mercy but now…
“Do whatever you want to me,” you say abruptly. Your underwear is flooded thinking that this man, this ridiculously beautiful killer wants to fuck you.
“Oh… I’m gonna.” He raises his eyebrows and lunges forward, pinning you to the couch and kissing your neck. His rough exterior armour digs into your chest. Your hands wander along his shoulders, trying to find the mechanism to unclip it. He feels your movements and pushes himself off of you so he can undo them himself.
You lie back, watching him remove his suit, revealing a host of white scars and purplish-yellow welts across his toned chest and abdomen. You undo the top two buttons of your blouse. 
“Nuh-uh,” he says, tossing his under armour onto the floor. You let out a yelp of surprise when he grabs the opening of your shirt and rips it open, sending buttons scattering across his floor. He pushes your bra up, not bothering to take it off to suck on your tits. 
You run your fingers through his curly hair, feeling him sloppily run his tongue over your nipple. His teeth clamp down on your breast - hard - and you squeal and yank his hair.
“Ow! Not so rough!” 
He just gives you a mischievous smirk and you release your grip when he sucks the spot gently, in a sort of silent apology. It’s definitely going to leave a bruise tomorrow - a secret souvenir of your night with the masked man from the news all your friends know you have a crush on.
But Christ, what have you let yourself in for?
Vigilante moves down your body, kissing your stomach and pulling off your skirt and underwear in a single movement, throwing them haphazardly on the floor. You gasp when his mouth returns to your body and a soft, wet heat envelopes your pussy. He drags his tongue slowly, carefully along your slit.
“Oh fuck…” you whine, arching your back. “Vigilante, I- wait, fuck, what do I call you?”
“Vigilante,” he says between achingly slow licks. Every nerve ending seems to light up, sending blissful signals to your brain.
“No, I - I mean what’s your name?”
God damn.
You look down and lock eyes with him, his pupils blown so wide his green eyes almost look black as he stares up at you, swirling his tongue in wide circles against your swollen clit. The entire lower half of your body tightens up and the walls of your pussy clench, desperate for something to squeeze around. His fingers, his cock - anything. 
You reach down to find his large, gloved hand and tug at the fabric, trying to pull it off him. 
He pulls his mouth back and removes his glove with his teeth.
“Is this what you want, baby?” He asks, running a single finger through your slick, wet folds and over your clit.
You nod.
“Beg for it.”
“Please, Vigilante.” 
He sinks two fingers deep in your cunt. 
“Is this what you fantasise about?” His questioning makes you tighten around his fingers as he draws them in and out of you. Your breathing quickens in time with his fingers pressing against that sweet spot deep inside your pelvis.
He stops abruptly and the whine that escapes you is pathetic.
“Answer me.”
“Y-yes,” you moan. “Every night.” You wriggle, trying to fuck yourself on his stationary fingers.
“Finger fucking yourself like this?” He curls his fingers up into you again.
“Use your words.”
“Yes, fuck, just like… like this.” You bring your hand to your clit and start rubbing yourself in an obscene demonstration for him as he watches from his kneeling position, one hand between your thighs.
You’re close now, you can feel your orgasm burning up inside you as your cunt starts pulsing more consistently around his digits and your breathing gets heavier. Just as your release is about to crash over you, he withdraws his hand and grabs your wrist, moving your hand away from your clit.
“Wha-?” You pant dazedly. “I was just about to-”
“I know,” he smirks. “Not yet.”
Fuck. He’s fucking edging you.
His lips meet yours for the first time and you moan softly into his mouth. His tongue rolls against yours and you can still taste your sweet and salty juices on him.
Then, without warning, he flips you over and you gasp wordlessly face down on the leather couch in stunned silence. He pulls your hips back and up towards him.
“Fuck, Vigilante,” you choke, lifting your head up and arching your back, your brain working hard to regain awareness of its surroundings. 
The weight of his body presses down on top of you as he leans down to whisper in your ear.
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard, you’re gonna forget my face in a line-up.”
He takes his cock and drags it over your soaking wet entrance, flushed and swollen for him and the broken sob that escapes you is desperate.
“Please,” you beg again. “Just let me cum.”
Vigilante sinks into you with a forceful jerk of his hips and your pussy seizes up tight around him as your face is forced onto the cold leather again. You try and push yourself up onto all fours.
“Nuh-uh, I like seeing you like this,” he says with another forceful thrust, knocking you off balance. “Hands behind your back.” You huff and do what he says, his still-gloved hand pinning your wrists behind you. “I shoulda just kept you tied up, huh?”
You can’t answer, you can’t move, you can’t do anything except just take him. Sparks of electricity reignite inside you, the deepest you’ve ever felt it as he pounds into you, hitting just that right spot again. You turn your head to look at him over your shoulder and when you see Vigilante biting his lip in concentration your walls start pulsing and squeezing around his cock.
“Not… yet.” He grunts. “Not ‘til I say.”
He pushes down on your wrists and it feels like all the air is being knocked from your lungs with every roll of his hips. 
“Fuck, you’re such a… pretty… little… hostage,” he groans through gritted teeth, each thrust punctuated by his praise. 
“Yes…” you whine because it’s all you can manage to say. It’s all you can think. That one singular confirmation repeating over and over again in your head - it’s all you want to be for him. Fuck, you’d happily spend the rest of your life locked in his apartment, letting him use you like this every time he came home after a night of murdering criminals.
Your eyes roll back in your head, fireworks rocketing and exploding into a million bright pieces. If there’s a heaven, it would look like this - a beaten-up leather couch in a shitty apartment in downtown Evergreen.
His other hand that’s free of his glove and not pinning you down reaches round and starts working your clit with rough, calloused fingertips. You squeeze your eyes shut, not realising they’ve been watering. Real tears leak from the corners, leaving your face a wet mess on the leather seat. You choke out a sob, not sure how much longer you can fight against your orgasm.
“Shh, shhh… it’s okay, baby. You can cum. Let it all out for me.”
And you do.
Everything goes dark and you’re lost in the pleasure that takes over your body, your climax wiping your mind blank of all thoughts except Vigilante. Your pussy clamps down hard like a vice around his cock as you squirm on his fingers. It’s only when you feel him shudder and collapse on top of you that you realise he’s come undone too.
You both lie there for a second, feeling the warmth of your combined mess leaking out and the sound of him panting, exhausted.
“Vigilante…” you say in a strained voice, breaking the silence.
“Yeah?” he exhales and takes another gulp of air.
“You’re crushing me.”
“Oh.” He hoists himself off of you. “Let me get you a towel.”
With difficulty, you sit back upright to wipe your eyes and fix your hair. Vigilante returns with a towel and you sit on it, grateful for the barrier between you and the wet, sticky couch cushion.
He throws himself back down beside you. “Whoo, I’m beat!” he says cheerfully. “What do you wanna do now?”
You look at him uncertainly and glance at your watch. “It’s one in the morning.”
“Right, cool. Do you wanna sleep on the couch or-”
‘I’m a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world. Life in plastic, it’s fantastic’
Who’s phoning you this late? 
He picks up both of your phones from the coffee table. “It’s mine,” he says and accepts the call. “Hello?”
Wait - his ringtone is Barbie Girl too?
“It’s me,” says the same voice of the woman who called him earlier. “Have you dealt with the hostage yet?”
Vigilante looks at you and hesitates. He swallows. “Yeah. It’s done.”
“So she accepted the bribe? You’ve got the laptop?”
His eyes widen. “The bribe? Oh! Yeah, sure! The bribe...”
“Vij, you didn’t kill her, did you?”
“What?” He lets out a maniacal laugh. “You’re crazy, Harcourt, of course I didn’t kill her. What’s the, uh, budget again?” He winks at you and makes an ‘ok’ sign with his thumb and forefinger. He’s insane, you think.
“I dunno, like five grand?”
“Phew! Then yes, it is all dealt with. Done and dusted. I will get that laptop.”
“You don’t have the laptop yet!? Vigilante, you need to get the laptop before you hand over the money, idiot.”
“Copy that,” he grins.
“Vigilante, what the f-”
He hangs up, cutting her off and tosses his phone aside.
“Good news. I can let you go once you give me the laptop.”
“And the five grand?” You raise your eyebrows.
“Wait, you heard that?!”
“Uh, yeah?”
“Well not until you give me the laptop.”
“I can get it tonight if you need it? We just need to swing by my boss’s house before you drop me off.”
He frowns. “Oh. Right. Yeah, of course. I need to… need to take you home.”
You tilt your head to one side and look at him fondly. You fix his messy curls and he closes his eyes at your touch. “Or… I could stay here tonight? Pick up the laptop tomorrow morning once you’ve fixed me some breakfast?”
He perks up. “I could do that! …You’re one hundred per cent sure you can get it though, right?”
You sigh and extend your hand. “Give me my phone.” He does and watches you go through your contacts.
The line rings and a familiar but slightly croaky voice answers.
“Honey, it’s one in the morning. Is everything alright? Did you get home okay?”
“Hey Mom, I’m fine. Listen, I think I forgot to send an email before I left the office and I can’t sleep worrying about it. Can I pick up your laptop first thing tomorrow?”
She yawns. “Sure thing. Don’t get stressed about it. Just go get some sleep.”
“Thanks, boss. I love you.”
“Goodnight sweetie. I love you too.”
You grin as Vigilante gapes at you.
“Goff’s assistant… she’s your-?”
“Yup. Now c’mon, show me where your bedroom is.” You stand up and reach your hands out, waiting for him to guide you. You step on one of your shirt buttons as he leads you towards the hallway. “You owe me a new shirt, by the way.”
“I just made you five grand. Use that to buy a new shirt,” he says, opening the bedroom door.
“Hey, what happened to the hostage negotiation? These are the terms of my release.”
“Oh, you’re not going anywhere,” he smirks, shutting the door behind you.
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gyuranhae · 1 year
Oppa | (dino smut)
Pairing: BadBoy!Dino X Reader Synopsis: You should not even be friends with your brother's best friend. But it felt so good to tease Lee Chan about his need to be called oppa. Genre: smut Word Count: 5.6K Warning: HUGE MASSIVE EXTREME GIGANTIC OPPA KINK FROM DINO'S SIDE. protected sex. masturbation (f). teasing. dirty talk. praise. name calling (whore, slut). oral (f receiving). squirting. petnames (doll, pretty, baby). degradation. some level of possessiveness. pretty romantic smut. jeonghan smokes and dino drinks. Tag: - A/N: I could say that I'm sorry but I'm not I fucking love this one. also i'm a sucker for mullet dino
"C'mon, don't get so mad, oppa" You said, a large grin spread across your face "That grumpy look doesn't fit your handsome face" If looks could kill, you would have been dead long time ago, or maybe now, giving that Lee Chan looked through you as if he wanted to burn a hole in your skull. And he wanted badly. 
"Will you ever call me in the proper way without making it sound like I'm a joke to you?" He clenched his teeth, opening the beer can with rather force and gulping down hard on the burning liquid. 
"Who says you aren't a joke to me?" You smiled, earning a violent cough from Dino as he choked hard on his drink. You were the most impossible, insufferable, annoying, persistent, bratty person Chan had ever met. You were mean to him for no other reason than being funny, and he hated that he couldn't pay back. He always claimed he couldn't because you were his best friend's little sister, that he would never do anything because Jeonghan might kill him. You half wished it was true, and half wished it was because he liked you and tolerated your behavior for the sake of love. He cleaned his mouth on his shirt, breathing heavily as his patience was running out very quickly. 
"Good to know you see someone older as a joke" He sounded serious, and you wanted to die out of laughter "Good to know that respect is the least of your concerns" He tapped the counter, looking back with almost fire in his eyes as his anger boiled his insides with rage. You could see his tense jaw. 
"Oh please, I save respect for those who deserve it" You smirked, knowing you just had hit the sore spot. Earning it. Dino was known for being more than just competitive, for earning his spot on your brother's bike gang. He was known for doing anything to earn what had to earn, whether it would be money, respect or some random girl he found pretty. You weren't jealous, no. You could see the red rising on his skin, his fingers gripping back on his hand as he clenched his jaw even more, sharp eyes almost cutting you with his gaze. 
"Oh… So I don't deserve your respect, Y/N?" His voice dropped an octave, and you could feel your legs pressing against each other. Thank god the counter covered your figure from the waist down "Interesting… It appears like I'm going to have to show you how deserving of your respect I am" 
"Maybe" You shrugged, sounding uninterested on his offer to earn you "I guess you could show off how amazing you are and try to get me impressed so I can finally call you oppa without wanting to laugh" Your smirk was almost as annoying as your brothers, almost as punchable as Jeonghan's devilish smile. To Dino, it was more "Your need for my respect is… what do they call it? Ah! Cute" 
“Cute?!” Before any of you could do anything, the door of the kitchen opened with one motion, well, with one kick as your brother entered the room, cigar in the corner of his mouth and two other dudes behind him. Seungcheol and Joshua, you knew everyone in his gang at that point. Dino adjusted his posture, bowing in a 90º angle towards Jeonghan, making you chuckle lightly “Sir Jeonghan” The politeness that dripped from his voice almost made you laugh out loud, if it wasn’t for the fact that it made Jeonghan laugh out loud. 
“Sir Jeonghan? Do you think I’m like fifty five or something? You can call me hyung, kid” Your brother slapped Chan in the back, making his whole body jolt forward as the younger one gave him an embarrassed smile. Turning his whole body towards you, Jeonghan took the cigarette off of his mouth, putting it out on the little trail on the corner of the counter you were currently in “We’ll be gone for like, some hours. I’m leaving you some money and if you need anything…” Jeonghan slapped Dino’s back again, the clear pain being visible on the boy’s face “Lee Chan won’t hesitate to come right to your service, right Chan?” Your brother’s smile was as sarcastic as it could get. 
“Y-Yeah, I’ll come right away…” He sounded embarrassed, as if he wasn't almost shouting at you like two minutes ago.
“Yeah, that’s all. You know the drill, just doing some races for the money. I’ll be back before four AM. Let’s go guys” Jeonghan gave you a tight hug and handed you the cash, indicating the door to the others as he pulled another cigarette from his pocket, ready to light. You and Dino exchanged looks, his filled with rage, yours filled with excitement. He couldn’t help but mouth “I’ll kill you when I come back” before leaving, making you giggle like a child. 
You were extremely tempted, Dino’s number on your screen looking more delectable than ever. One move and you would cause Chan’s temper to burst out of rage, you knew how much he loved to be on those races, along with your brother’s gang, the feeling of being on a motorbike, speeding up and earning money from doing so. You knew he would never forgive you for taking away the experience of finally feeling like he belonged somewhere, even if the older one’s teased him all the time. You grunted, frustrated that your morals and stupid heart were speaking louder than your head, not letting you call Lee Chan and ruin his night. It was not your fault that you liked his company, even if ninety percent of the time he was annoyed by you.
Throwing your phone to the side, you jumped on the bed, laying spread as you stared at the ceiling, sighing loudly. You just couldn’t get him out of your head. His slicked back mullet, a hair strain that always seemed to fall on his exposed forehead, his strong eyebrows that furrowed everytime he got concentrated on something, his lip piercing that every now and then would get caressed by his tongue as he licked his lips. You were obsessed with the way he dressed too, you swore you never saw someone as stylish as him, his leather jackets and tank tops making your head spin in circles. And how could you forget the way he looked when he was on top of his motorbike? Gloved hands gripping on the handles, the way he took off his helmet, hair always a bit sweaty from the adrenaline of running around. Dino was a walking temptation to you, and it was even harder because he was your older brother’s friend, which meant he was off limits. 
Lost in your thoughts, you failed to miss the way your hand automatically traveled south, diving inside your pajama shorts and panties, fingertips lightly rubbing your sensitive clit, a soft moan escaping your lips as you closed your eyes and thought of the one you loved. Everything about Chan was too good to you, his piercing gaze as his dragon eyes looked you up and down with disapproval, his strong arms that tensed up as he gripped onto something to control himself, his clenched jaw as he bit his tongue and let you make fun of him. He was so handsome, even when angry, and that made you crazy. You let a finger slide inside your folders, imagining it was his long fingers, toying with your pussy and making you moan, your other hand grabbing the pillow underneath your head. 
“C-Chan…” You let out, hips arching away from the bed as you let another finger dip into your heat, your walls clenching from the thought of him being with you, rubbing your cunt and dragging you into a messy kiss. You dreamed of kissing his lips, yearning to know how it would taste, would his piercing make everything taste like iron? Would his plush tongue dive into your mouth, making you feel the taste of his favorite can beer? Would he drag his kiss across your jaw, biting and sucking into your skin as your hips rode his hand, his calloused fingers curling up inside you and brushing up against your sweet spot? Your back arched as you felt the coil underneath your stomach appear quickly, your fingers working inside of you just like they did every night. Your mouth stood hanging open, whines and moans erupting from your throat as your folds gripped around your hand and wet your fingers. 
“O-Oppa… P-Please…” You would never say it out loud, that you liked calling him oppa. That you were into the visual of seeing him getting full of himself as you finally addressed him the way he wanted with proper respect. That the idea of calling him oppa as he dived into your body got you turned on. You would never ever admit to him, nor to yourself, that you loved calling him like that, that you wanted to call him that while he railed you in any position “O-Oppa, I’m so close…” Your head was thrown back, eyes starting to gather tears as your fingers pumped in and out of your pussy. The gushing sounds should make you embarrassed, but they only turned you on even more, just the thought of being this wet because of him making you moan out loud again. Thank god Jeonghan wasn’t home. The coil on your stomach got tighter, your legs closing as a reflex as you chased your high desperately, needing that sweet sweet release. It wasn't long until you felt yourself squirting, ruining your underwear and shorts, your mind going blank as the wave of pleasure cruised through your body and made your legs shake, your chest moving up and down rapidly as you tried to compose yourself. Your fingers lingered a bit too long on your heat, the little shock of overstimulation making your hips halt as you stabilized your mind back to reality, eyes slowly opening to stare at the ceiling again. You wished everything you had just imagined was real. 
“Y/N?” You froze. Your mind was too foggy with the lust you were feeling, that was it, it wasn't Lee Chan’s actual voice calling for you, right?
“Y/N… did you mean to call me?” It was his voice, coming from your phone, that got tossed to the side like one of your clothes. You rushed, fumbling around with your covers and with your messy hand, cleaning on a towel you had for these occasions before grabbing your phone. You were on a voice call with him, and you don’t know how long he had been hearing you. 
“U-Uh, C-Chan! Good that you picked up! I need you to pass to my brother, need to talk to him!” You tried to cover your embarrassment, swallowing thick as you hoped he bought the idea that you called him to talk to Jeonghan. Your hands trembled, the anxiety washing over you as he took a little bit too long to answer you. 
“... Are you sure you want to talk to him?” The emphasis on him made you bite your lip, your heart beating fast. He had noticed your little plan “... I can come back if you need something. Jeonghan is busy” You froze again. Lee Chan was offering to come back? The Lee Chan that always whined and complained when he needed to get you something? “Besides, he told us that I would come back if you needed something, right?” 
“... Right” Your voice was above a whisper, your body had sunk on itself as you sat on the floor of your room, back resting against the foot of your bed. Your body was numb, both from your orgasm and from the talk. 
“Jeonghan-hyung!” You heard him call your brother, his voice sounding a bit more far away “Y/N said she’s not feeling very well, I’ll come back to check on her okay? Don’t know if I’ll be able to come back… I’ll be there in twenty” His voice sounded closer to the phone on the last bit, the call ending shortly after, leaving you holding your own phone while staring blankly at the wall in front of you. You couldn’t tell how much Dino had heard, nor what his reaction was. You hoped you weren’t screwed, the last thing you needed at this moment was the boy you liked becoming distant because he heard you masturbating and moaning his name. 
Those were the slowest and most agonizing twenty minutes of your whole life. You walked from side to side in the living room, checking the wall clock every five seconds as if that was going to make the time stop, wishing that Chan never arrived so you wouldn’t have to face him at all. But at last, you heard the bell of your house ring, a breathy sigh leaving your lips as you turned your body towards the front door, praying for it to not be him, or for him to not look you in the eye. Your hand twisted the door knob, opening just a little bit of it and slightly looking through it, your gaze being met with Dino’s as he looked back at you with an indecipherable look. 
“Hm… Can I come in?” You couldn’t figure out what the tone was, if he was disappointed, worried or just calm. You opened the door whole, turning yourself away from him and walking straight to the kitchen, not wanting to look him in the eye. You sat at the stool from the counter, hearing his steps as his boots stomp their way into the kitchen, a sound of plastic shuffling around caughting your attention. You looked back, seeing as he placed a plastic bag on another counter, checking the content on it and then turning himself at you. You quickly looked back to your front, ears and cheeks burning red from the embarrassment and feeling of being near him after what happened. 
“Ignoring me is not gonna help, y’know” He sounded calm, opposite from you at the moment. You swallowed thick before looking back again, head low as you could barely look him in the eye. He was laid back against one of the counters, elbows holding his torso up. You couldn’t see a trace of grossness or rage on his face, remaining quiet as he looked back at you, up and down “... Did you mean?” 
“W-What?” You wanted to curse at your body as your voice cracked, your hands gripping against the fabric of the pants you had changed to. 
“Did you mean to call me at that moment? Or did your dumbass accidentally call me?” Hearing him curse you felt more natural, a bit of the tension on your body leaving as you relaxed a bit. Hopefully he was still the Dino you knew. 
“Of course I meant to call you! I said that I wanted to speak to Jeonghan” You pouted, crossing your arms as you tried to keep the narrative from earlier on. You wished he would bite it. 
“... So you wanted Jeonghan to hear his little sister moaning one of his friends' names while she touched herself?” Your face dropped. He had heard everything. He even had deducted perfectly what you were doing, not that it was hard to with your moans and whines. He straight his posture up, crossing his arms and walking closer to you. You sunk against yourself again, looking up at him as he stared at you with clouded eyes “I’m not saying I liked it but… I got kinda disappointed when you stopped” 
“H-Huh?” Your voice got caught in your throat, your confused eyes searching on his for some clear answer. What did he mean by that? Did he enjoy hearing you?
“Don’t play dumb, doll” One of his hands gripped your jaw, holding your face still as you watched the light on his eyes shift “You were moaning my name and calling me oppa while fucking yourself. Don’t tell me I heard shit wrong cause we both know what was happening” His voice dropped an octave, your thighs rubbing on each other as a reflex “I kinda wished you kept going, I was really enjoying hearing you desperately calling me like that. Needy and ready to take me” His words made you want to whine, but you held back, still scared of what he would think of it, even if he had just admitted getting hard from listening to you. 
“I…” You could only muther, mind still trying to process all of the new information. His lips smirked, the piercing shining against the light of the kitchen. He let out a big sight, letting go of your face and making you lean a bit into his touch, wishing he had kept his hand there. 
“But I guess I can do nothing, since I’m not deserving of your respect, right?” His smirk grew larger as he noticed your face drop even more, your words from earlier lingering across your mind. Your mouth opened to protest, but no sound came out of it, your head burning to find an answer quick enough “What? Did the cat finally get your tongue?”
“Chan, please…” You didn’t even notice your current state as your voice pleaded for him. Your puppy eyes looked up at him, glazed with a shiny coat of tears that threatened to fall from the corners. Your legs were squished together, heat searching for friction, while your hands gripped tightly on your pants, fingers fumbling with the soft fabric. The view of you in such a vulnerable state, begging for him, made a sharp sting run across Dino’s cock, his turn to swallow hard as his bulge became even more visible through his tight pants. He straight himself, looking you up and down yet again before holding your jaw once more. 
“... You’re gonna be nice and do everything oppa tells you to do?” He arched an eyebrow, watching carefully as the light in your eyes shifted too, your throat swallowing the lump it had formed on the bottom of it. 
“Yes oppa” There was a tremble, a breathiness in your tone that made Chan hiss, fingers gripping tightly your face. He was quick as he grabbed one of your wrists, pulling you up and dragging you out of the kitchen, not before grabbing something inside of the plastic bag and tossing it in his pocket. You couldn’t even process before he threw you inside of your room, somehow managing to close the door as if your brother could come inside at any minute. His aura as he approached you, so intimidating, making you feel small, at the same time so inviting and making you want to beg for him. The feeling of his arms wrapping around your waist was wonderful, his body gluing to yours as his lips searched for yours. 
Making out with him was more than just heaven, it was borderline addicting. His lips felt so soft, with just the right hint of roughness whenever his piercing pressed against your own lips. He tasted like the most amazing mixture of alcohol and snacks, a lingering sensation of beer with a mixture of caramel, and when he moaned against your mouth, gosh, you felt your legs almost give in, being secured in place by his strong embrace. Your fingers tangled with his soft locks, feeling the texture of his slick back hair, pulling ever so slightly whenever he bit into the kiss, a soft whimper coming out of your mouth and just fuelling Dino even more. His tongue overlapped yours as you two got lost into each other's touch, his need for dominance and control making your folds get slicker and your thighs to press against each other, your balance already betraying you and only pushing you further into his arms. 
“You’re so annoying…” He said between the kiss, teeth slightly biting your bottom lip as he pulled away softly, diverging his attention to your jaw, dragging his tongue across the line of your face as you shifted your neck, allowing him more access “Always poking fun of me and making me mad…” He bit and nibbled your skin, leaving a trail of reddish marks as his kisses traveled south, the feel of his warm tongue leaping along your neck making your head spin in circles. Was this really happening? “But gosh, you couldn’t be more beautiful and tempting, could you?” His words made you blush, the crimson tint spreading across your flushed face and ears, a whine leaving your lips at the praise “Just the most gorgeous person I’ve ever met… And so funny too, just so fucking annoying, and only with me” He pulled away, fingers gently pulling your chin so you could met his fiery gaze. A mixture of lust and passion, his vision seemed clouded, filled with you, just like your senses were filled with him “Tell me, Y/N, why do you love to annoy me?”
“Want your attention…” Your head didn't have control over your mouth anymore, your thoughts spilling from your lips without hesitation as if you were under some sort of spell casted by Chan. Your eyes looked up at him, asking for more “I want you for me…” A smirk grew on the corner of his lips, the arm hooking around your waist pulling you even closer, his hand dangerously close to your ass, where you wanted it to be.
“Oh pretty, you already have me all for you” His confession made your heart thump loud in your chest, your hands gently squeezing his shoulders “Wouldn't want anyone else but my sweet little Y/N. Even if Jeonghan chops my dick off” You chuckled lightly. Sure, Jeonghan did said to all of his friends that if they touched you, they were dead, but he would never get in the way of your happiness “I’m all yours, baby” He whispered, pulling you into another intense kiss, his tongue tangling with yours as his body guided you towards your bed, laying you down as he climbed on top of you. Your legs easily spread open to allow him access, his hands caressing you through the fabric of your pants, his fingers gently squeezing your thighs the closer he got to your heat. He broke the kiss momentaneously, searching in your eyes for consent to take them off of you, eyes growing cloudier with lust when you nodded a bit too eager in agreement. His fingers hooked in the waistband, dragging the piece of clothing off slowly from you for the tease, enjoying when he saw the pout grow in your lips at your impatience. You’ve been waiting so long for this, and so was he, but he wasn’t going to give in that easily. He was gonna pay back all those years of teasing you made him go through.  
Your lack of underwear made him curse under his breath, and the wetness adorning your folds made him lick his lips, dragging a thumb across your cunt, making your hips buckle out of sensitivity. He took the wet thumb to his mouth, licking it while keeping eye contact with you, the sinful view of him humming and smirking directly at you making a breathy moan escape your lips, your fingers daring to move towards your pussy and gently touch your sensitive bud. 
“Don’t worry princess. I’ll take good care of my little slut” He sounded so endearing, all while adjusting himself between your legs, strong hands holding your thighs open with enough force to leave bruises. You could feel his breath close to your folds, your head getting thrown back when he licked a stripe across, your mouth not holding back sounds as his wet muscle skilfully worked on your heat. He gave open mouthed kisses, capturing your clit between his lips and sucking on it, one of his hands releasing your leg and scooting closer, fingertips teasing your hole with shallow touches. The feeling of the cold piercing dragging along your hot cunt sent a shiver down your spine, your mind starting to get fuzzy as he introduced a finger inside your hole, slowly prepping you while his mouth continued to eat you out like the finest dessert. His eyes kept fixated on your image, soaking in all the information, from the way your breath hitched when he curled his fingers, to how you whined when he flicked his tongue on your swollen bud, to how you were fighting to not close your thighs around his head, legs shaking from the way he dived into you with his mouth. Dino could feel your walls clenching around his finger, smoothly adding another one to the mix and scissoring them, a brief smirk growing on his glistening lips when you moaned his name as he hit yet again that spongy spot that made you see stars. He could tell you were short from cumming, his tongue dragging across your slit, only to plant a wet kiss on your sensitive spot and abruptly stop, fingers leaving you empty. You flushed your eyes open, the red tint that spread across your face and covered chest looking a bit too adorable to Lee Chan.
“W-Why did you stop?” You whined, wanting to close your legs but being stopped by his hands. He spread them open even more, making you sink in embarrassment as you felt exposed to his eyes, your hands trying to fly to your face to hide the shyness. 
“Don’t you dare to hide your face” He sounded so stern, a tone that you definitely weren't used to hearing from him “Want you to cum on my cock. I can make you cum on my tongue another day pretty” You felt yourself contracting around nothing again, a whimper being your only response as he started to take off his own clothes. He was as fit as you dreamed, his toned torso calling out to you, your arm stretching and fingers grazing lightly on his abs, his skin felt soft yet so warm. You fumbled to take off your own top, the cold breeze hitting your skin and making you hiss, the view of your exposed self sending another sting run through the shaft of Dino’s dick, his hands desperate to take off the leather pants and boxers that confined his hard on. His hand immediately flew to his cock, pumping it a few times to spread the pre cum that leaked through his tip. 
He was bigger than you imagined. He had good girth, and his tip was blushed in a pretty shade of red and faded pink, the veins popping out from how hard he was. You could feel your mouth salivating at the view, the thought of having him on your mouth making you sigh. Before completely tossing his pants on the ground, Chan rummaged through one of the pockets, grabbing what he had brought on the plastic bag earlier and finally allowing you to see it, your face covered in red. He ripped the package of the condom with his teeth, his long fingers working fast and rolling the latex across his shaft.
“Really bad timing but…” You could see the concern on his face, his eyes shifting between your exposed groin and your face “Are you a… virgin?” Lee Chan bit his lip, clear anxiety adorning his handsome features. His concern was sweet to you.
“This may make you upset but no” You said with a little embarrassed smile. Sometimes you wish you could turn back time and have your first time with him, but you wouldn’t have the knowledge you have to please him. His face relaxed, a grin slipping through his lips. 
“Not really, could not give two shits about your body count. I’m confident that you’re not gonna want anyone else after this” His confidence gave you butterflies on the stomach, your wet folds pooling liquid. 
“As if I wanted someone else” You rolled your eyes playfully, earning a light chuckle from him. His smile took away all of the angst and evil boy image he had, your heart filling up with content. Dino adjusted himself, his tip teasing your hole and making you wiggle your hips a bit. He held you with one hand, strong grip pinning you down.
“Behave Y/N” His cut-through gaze looked back at you, his hips finally moving and length diving into your heat. You two hissed at the feeling, your walls clamping around his dick like vices, the wetness welcoming him in and making you swallow him whole in a single thrust. He was right, you would never want anything else than the sensation of Chan inside you, his cock filling you up just in the right way and resting perfectly there, as if you were made for him. He supported himself by putting both his elbows on each side of your face, his strong build caging you underneath him and pushing a few more inches inside you, your head thrown back and eyes rolling back to your skull. His lips glued to your neck, leaving wet kisses and even more hickeys across your skin as his hips started to move, slowly coming out and snapping back at full force, your whole body jointing with the movement. 
Your hands grabbed his biceps, nails leaving red stripes and moon-shaped indents on his muscles while his gripped the pillow underneath your head, the tension making his forearms veins pop. Your moans filled his ears and gave goosebumps on his skin, the sensation of being the one making you almost scream in pleasure fuelling him further and making his hips pick up the pace, pistoning in and out of your cunt with force. You could feel your walls gripping him, yearning to milk him dry and to keep him inside till he couldn’t stand, the effervescent sensation running through your pussy and pilling up underneath your stomach, a coil quickly appearing as his thrusts kept typing you over an impossible edge. Dino’s mouth kept glued to your torso, his sloppy pecks and licks spreading across your chest as he spoiled your breast with attention, teeth nibbling at one of your nibbled before taking one of your boobs on his mouth, sucking and licking with no shame. Your hands traveled to his muscular back, the fire feeling of you scratching down bloodshot lines and marks shooting pleasure stings directly to Chan’s dick, balls swelling in the need to cum, his own coil bubbling right above his groin. 
“Such a whore…” His voice sounded raspy, hands massaging your chest as his lips continued to work wonders around you, head fuzzy with the sensation of him on you “My whore, right baby?”
“Y-Yes, oppa” The title made both of you moan, your eyes barely open to see how his aura got fuller of itself, knowing he had managed to make you cockdumb within a few minutes.
“Good girl, all mine…” The cold piercing dragged across your neck, his teeth biting your skin and leaving marks that would last for days. His hips started to get quicker, the sound of skin to skin having your cunt wetter and gripping harder around him, your coil starting to get tighter, just like his. His low grunts and breathy moans became louder, following right along your chants of his name and dragged out whines, your bodies tensing up as your orgasms approached faster than expected and washed over you two like a wave. The white out spread throughout your vision, the shock of such an intense climax making your legs shake and cunt clench impossibly hard, begging for Dino to cum together, which he did. His own body took a screenshot, dick shooting ropes of cum onto the protection as he moaned your name on your ear, his melodic voice gracing your hearing before he let his body relax, gently laying on top of you like a blanket. 
There was a few minutes of silence, just the two of you picking up your breaths, the sudden feel of heaviness and tiresome sinking down and settling on both of you. Your hands caressed his hair, your arms half hugging him while his did the same, caging you in a tight hug. He placed a kiss on your shoulder, lifting himself through his forearms before looking back at you. The image of him sweaty, hair falling into his forehead, blow out pupils and puffy red lips, cheeks tinted with light pink made your walls cramp again, a hiss coming out of his mouth. 
“I just…” He tried to search through words, not knowing how to express his feelings properly without sounding either corny or cringy “There’s no other way of putting it. I love you, Y/N” Your heart thumped yet again loud inside your chest, your fingers caressing his face gently before pushing him in, mouth clashing with his in a heartfelt kiss, your actions saying much more than words could. His smile while kissing made you smile two, the lovey dovey atmosphere being almost dumb. Before Dino could continue further, you two heard a loud crash coming from the other side of the house, your bodies freezing. 
“Y/N-yah! Dino-yah! I’m home! I bought some stuff for us to dine on!” Jeonghan’s voice made you bite your lip, the task of muffling a laugh failing as soon as your gaze crossed with Chan’s, you two giggling like teenagers. He slowly pulled out of you, the feeling of being empty leaving you a bit sad, but also eager to have him once again. Dino threw the used condom on the bin next to your desk, rummaging for his clothes and quickly dressing up so he could go talk to Jeonghan. Before leaving the room, he opened the door, lookin at you up and down with a hungry gaze, lips sliding upwards in a devilish grin. 
“We’ll continue this later, baby. You’re not sleeping tonight”
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shotgunbunny · 1 year
Like real people do
Dark!Lumberjack! Ari x Airhead! Reader
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WC:3k+. GIF by lilacevans
Warnings: [smut! Breeding kink! olderman and younger woman! dubcon! noncon! manipulation! toxic! this is a dark oneshot!]
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You were always labelled as naive and very trusting ever since you were young. But now you were older that tag never left in fact it was now accompanied with the word dumb. So to the entire town you were the pretty young thing who never held a thought in her head but always had a smile on her glossed lips.
Some of those beliefs that you were an airhead evolved from the numerous times you defended the mysterious man that lives in the forest. Everyone claimed he was evil and rude, truly someone who would never find love unless he had to force it. Yet throughout all that talk all you could think about is a lonely lumberjack, patiently waiting for the love of his life to step foot in the forest for him to sweep her away and cherish her. Just like Hades and Persephone.
So because you believed so heavily that the people misjudged this man, you defended him. You made sure that any slander that was spoken about Ari was silenced. You admired him despite never meeting him. He was so strong to deal with all the rumours and still stay in this town.
You never understood where the mean ideas stemmed from. After all how could a man be so cruel?
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It was a fresh new morning and it was your job to open the bakery. You took a lot of pride in your baking. For everything you baked was utter perfection, at least that's what the customers told you.
Today you were adorned in you uniform with a long fluffy cardigan keeping your bare arms and legs warm. Your uniform consisted of a cute white top that had a pink collar and a small pink skirt. You adored it purely because of how cute it was.
As you were about to unlock the bakery you heard a grunt to your side and turned to observe, you wish you'd have taken a breath as the gasp you let out was audible to both you and the gentleman that you were facing.
You don't know if you could even call him a gentleman he looked more like a mountain man. He towered over you at 6'7 and his large frame drowned you. He truly was a giant and you were left in shock that men could truly be built like Greek gods and not remain as fairytales.
You looked at him more closely and saw how pretty his blue eyes were, they showed amusement in them. His hair brown was long and his beard was so full. You wondered if he was covered in hair, maybe he was more bear than he was man. It would explain his height and stature. As intimidating as his build was you were utterly enchanted by his gorgeous face. The way his face was made so beautiful and how his muscles were crafted to bulge against his flannel shirt as he held logs of wood.
At the realisation he was holding logs you snapped out of your stupor and offered a small apologetic smile for observing the beautiful man.
"You done ogling me, little one?"
His voice was deep and it caused your thighs to push together and your folds to wetten. Your cheeks flushed at being caught.
"I'm sorry sir! It's just you seem to be out of one those fantasy books!"
"Well angel I can ensure 'm not. Though it's cute you think so. But if I'm from a fantasy book you must be from a fairytale book. Look at ya'. All pink n shit, look like a go'damn little princess."
You giggled making the large man smile down at you.
"Well if I'm a princess you can be my knight! You can protect me from mean people!"
"Is that right little one? How are you sure I'm not a mean man?"
You smiled up at him, completely oblivious to the fact that he could be. You trusted this man for simply calling you a princess.
"You wouldn't hurt me sir! You're my knight after all, you'd save me whenever I'm in trouble."
To which he let out a hearty chuckle and your smile turned into a grin, Happy to have coaxed musical happiness from the mountain of a man.
"You're right princess. I am here to save you from trouble. That's why I brought some wood."
Then it dawned on you. There was only one lumberjack in town and he delivered all his wood himself. This was the one and only Ari Levinson. The man the town hated on. Yet here he was laughing with you. He was no villain he was a simple man, and it warmed your heart knowing you were right about him the entire time.
"You're here to help with the oven! I forgot all about it! It's such an honour to meet you Mr. Levinson. Everyone around here says mean stuff but I didn't believe them and I was right! Take that Billy!"
Ari looked down at you and smiled softly, having heard murmurs about a gullible girl holding your name and how she defended the cruel man in the forest despite never meeting him. He felt a tinge of anger though the second you mentioned another's name. How dare you bring another person's name in the presence of the man you've been defending. Every time you preserved his name, the more he saw you as a potential for carrying his name. He assumed that you were trying to court him and now he was here, he was going to claim you.
"So you're my little champion, protecting me from the mean folk. It's an honour to meet you angel. Truly ,"
You couldn't help but blush about how he'd heard you guarding who he was and defending his honour. You smiled and opened the bakery door fully and you both stepped in. You then checked the sign was still flipped so that it said closed to ensure that then you can start everything and open in an hour.
"Umm Ari, can you put the wood in the oven for me, I don't know how and Margaret said she didn't want me hurting myself."
Ari looked at you and smiled, he didn't want you hurting yourself either. You were far too perfect to get any injury and if you ever did have a scratch on your smooth skin, he'd ensure that anyone who caused it would end up being cut up just like he does with his wood. No one would harm you, not his little angel. But he knew he could squeeze something out of you due to how much you trusted him. It was almost comedic how gullible you were for him. But he knew you were just an airhead, but he was gonna change that so your head was filled with him.
"I'll do it angel, for a kiss. How does that sound?"
You pondered for a moment, and then agreed. It was only gonna be a mere pec on the cheek and it was an absolute win to kiss your handsome knights cheek. Though he was going to have to bend a little for you to meet his cheek.
After the deal had been made you both got on with your tasks. You put your cute pink frilly apron on and began making dough for the pies you were going to make today. As you began mixing and beating you drowned the noise out of Ari throwing the wood into the oven where the fire hissed and ate it up grateful for the fuel.
As you were about to start kneeding the dough you felt two strong hands take place on your waist and pull towards a hard front. Your pert ass was against a bulge yet you blissfully ignored it and carried on kneeding. Ari let out a delightful hum imagining you in his cabin where you would make him dinner after his hard day at work and he would hold just as he is now.
The feeling of domestic bliss washed over him and he began picturing you as his perfect wife, making him his pies and seeing you baking cookies for your children in the future. God he was rock hard over you being his. And he made it known by grinding against you letting out a breath groan. Yet you were still humming so caught up in your baking until his large hand grabbed your chin and forced you to look up at him.
"I think it's time for my kiss angel."
You smiled bashfully and stood on your tippy toes, your ass brushing against his huge bulge before you pressed your glossy full lips to his bearded cheek and smiled. Yet that smile was quickly wiped from your face when he let out a tutting noise.
"No angel, I didn't mean that kinda kiss, I meant this kinda kiss."
Before you could even ask what he meant, he lips were on yours, his broad frame was draped over you. He kept your lips together before his hunger became more. He poked his tongue out and stroked your bottom lip to which you opened your mouth for Ari's tongue to explore. You were almost out of breath so you pulled away, a strong of salvia connected you both and you couldn't help the pathetic whimper that left you mouth.
And that was all it took for Ari to snap. He wasn't just hungry anymore no, he was a man starved for you. And he was tired of waiting in his lonely cabin for you to join him. So he quickly unbuckled his belt and pulled his fly down and pulled his pants down so they hung at his knees and then he brought his boxers down.
The tip of his cock was leaking precum and you could feel it on your inner thigh making you wetter. He just couldn't wait any longer. He pulled your panties down and bent you over the counter. Destroying your hard work but before you could utter a single complaint, you felt the fat tip of his cock stroking your pussy. All before he pushed all the way in and wrapped his big hand around your mouth to silence your squeal of pain from how big he really was.
He let out a gutteral moan over how tight you were, you felt like heaven on his cock. You wrapped around him so perfectly, further solidifying the fact that you were gonna be his little wife. He pulled out a little before pushing back in, thrusting against your tight pussy and he couldn't help the filth spewing from his mouth at the feeling of your cunt on his cock.
"Fucking perfect baby. This little cunt is fucking perfect. You were saving it for me huh? Saving it for the big nasty man in the forest? Yeah? Well now he's fucking here and God I'm gonna fucking ruin your little baby pussy. Fuck what's left in your head out. Like a good fucking husband."
All the while his thrusts were speeding up and his hands had moved so that he could here you let out every gasp and whine over his cock pounding your pussy. His left hand was now under your shirt playing with your nipples all while he condemned you and called you a whore for not wearing a bra. And his other hand was down where the two of you were connected. He was playing with your little clit, pushing you further and further to cumming on his cock.
"You gonna be a good girl and coat daddy's cock? I know you will because you've been waiting for today. Fucking little slut knew I'd bury my cock in this tight little fuckin pussy till you could feel my balls against your needy cunt."
At his words your eyes rolled because you truly could feel his balls bouncing against you with every thrust he did, the sounds of his heavy balls hitting your wet little pussy was driving you further into sin and you arched your back begging him for more without even knowing.
"Fucking good little whore for daddy. Didn't even wear a bra, you knew I was coming for you didn't ya'. Gonna fucking cum for you baby, you're gonna be fucking filled."
With his promise of breeding you, your mind turned off and you let go. Pleasure wrapped around you and you felt it pulse all the way down to your cunt before you coated Ari's cock with your sweet cum. You tightened around him, making him let out a breath groan before his thrusts stuttered and he pushed himself deep inside you so that you could feel him against your cervix before he let his cum spill into you with his shallow thrusts.
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You stayed bent over that counter with Ari covering you for a few minutes, catching your breath and trying to gather whatever thoughts you had left. You could hear Ari though it felt like he was far away. Words of you being his good little wife floated in the air and after a few minutes you realised not only had Ari pulled his cock from you, but he had also pulled your panties up and had gotten you a drink of water which you were gulping.
When you blinked you looked up at him, and he looked down at you before he let out a sigh and pulled you against his huge body into a hug.
"I'm sorry baby but it's time. You're gonna be my little wife and I know you're confused but trust me you'll love the life I can gift you. You just need to be mine and love me. Have our children and love the life I give you. I know it's a lot angel but think of us like Hades and Persephone. It's so romantic right angel? I knew I loved you the second I saw you."
All those words floated around your head but Hades and Persephone stuck. You adored that story, merely for the very fact that he fell in love with her at first sight yet you never got further than that as someone would always interrupt your reading, so you were clueless to the fact he kidnapped her and made her his wife. You're eyes gleamed over the romantic aspect, of how he would charm you. You let out a small smile at the fantasy and Ari took it hastily as a good sign.
"Yeah baby I thought you'd love that. I'm gonna pick you up after work okay baby, I'll take you home."
After that was said he leaned down and gave you a soft long kiss, to which you put your small hands on his hairy cheeks and stroked. So happy to have love that truly was from fairytales and myth. When he pulled away he leaned his forehead against yours and softly whispered your name along with a gentle
"I'll be waiting for you angel. I love you my beautiful little wife."
You smiled and he smiled back before he kissed your forehead and slowly began to leave the bakery never once taking his eyes off you until you were out of his line of sight. You were absolutely starstruck over the man. So starstruck that you forgot about his cum buried deep inside you and the fact he fucked you so hard on the counter minutes ago.
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Your shift had finished and the thought of Ari picking you up had dissipated quickly as you were going to go berry picking for the pies you were to bake later that week. As you began down the path to the forest where you hand picked the berries you forgot about everything that had happened and hummed sweetly.
All the while Ari pulled up in his Chevy and was expecting you to run out to him and hug him. Yet there was nothing. Ari held back his feeling of doubt and decided that maybe you were still inside baking and forgot time. Yet there was only the old woman there Margaret and she was about to close the bakery. Ari bit his tongue and swallowed his pride before approaching the old woman.
"Where's my angel? I thought she was closing"
To which the old woman replied with a look of confusion and Ari sighed and said your name. The woman told Ari that you had gone berry picking, far too scared to disobey him as he was practically the ruler of this town. Ari turned and slapped the roof of his car in anger. Ofcourse you'd forget, he'd make sure you didn't ever again. He grabbed his rag and began driving down the forest lanes to where he could easily retrieve you.
You were so caught up in your humming and picking of the berries that you didn't hear any twigs snap behind you, and you didn't notice the large shadow that was casted behind you. All you knew is that one moment you found the perfect cluster of berries and the next a rag was placed over your mouth making the world go black.
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When you awoke, you were in a large bed. It was warm and cozy and white sheets protected you, as well as a big beefy arm. You turned and saw Ari. Yet he looked a lot softer than ever. His hair was messy and his eyes was half open and a sleepy smile was painted on his face.
His arm pulled you against him, dragging you across the bed so that he could hold you against his chest. You smiled at him and brushed hair out of his face before panic seized you and he held you tighter.
"What's wrong little wife talk to me."
"I was- there was a rag on my mouth and the world went black and-"
Ari had prepared for this, he knew you were dumb but you weren't dumb enough to forget getting kidnapped which is why he had his story ready to protect you from the truth that he stole you from you world.
"Oh my pretty baby I know, I was in the forest doing my work and I heard you squeak and there was a man trying to take you, but you know I'd never let him. I scared him off baby, I saved you."
You stared at him and slowly smiled, you leaned up to softly kiss his lips to which he eagerly returned. You pulled back and caressed his cheek staring into his beautiful blue eyes which shined with love. You giggled quietly to which he raised a brow and you responded;
"You really did become my knight! You saved me."
"Ofcourse princess, I'd never let anyone take you."
You smiled and snuggled into him slowly drifting off to your fantasy land while Ari spoke softly to you,
"My good little wife. Gonna take such good care of you baby. And you're gonna take care of our babies. My little Persephone hmm? Don't worry I won't let you go wander around every 8 months. No, you'll be mine, forever."
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starsandhughes · 6 months
Penalty Box Series— Trevor Zegras Edition (Eight)
23-24 Season Masterlist
previous: seven
next: nine
this is so short i’m sorry! i’m still playing catch up
NOVEMBER 1, 2023
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liked by tterry19, trevorzegras, and 19,723 others
yourusername welcome back to my postgame penalty box update show: my boyfriend might be moving into the penalty box edition!
after sitting for part of leason's penalty in the first (because my mans is the default criminal), trevor got his own penalty bestowed to him for slashing travis dermott in the third! my poor baby didn't even know he did it :( but alas, he did the crime, and he did the time
scared of watching a game loss? never fear! the duckies are here! my boys got their fifth straight win tonight in overtime against the coyotes! the best part about this? MY DAD, TROY TERRY, SCORED HIS SECOND CAREER HAT TRICK TONIGHT! it was completed in overtime where he scored the game winning goal after scoring the first two, and he's the first duck EVER to score a hat trick in overtime! i’m so proud of you, dad! i love you! @/tterry19
and to my sweet boy, i'm sorry you've got a pointless drought, but you're playing great! it's the beginning of the season, you'll pop off soon enough! i love you, always🧡
tagged trevorzegras and frank_vatrano
view all 133 comments
trevorzegras i love you, forever, my favorite personal cheerleader🧡
yourusername coachy cro doesn't call me the ducks's human mascot for nothing! but i’ll always be your cheerleader first🫶
trevorzegras aww, you sap
yourusername for you? always
trevorzegras that's three times you've said always! that's a love hatty
yourusername i'd call something different a love hatty, but i’ll take it! go me!
trevorzegras you're thinking of a horny hatty
yourusername ah yes, how could i get them confused?
trevorzegras silly girl!
jamie.drysdale oh my god make it stop
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale jealous much?
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale green is not a good color on you
jamie.drysdale i quit
yourusername maybe the twins will split into three and we can have a baby hatty!
trevorzegras that's so many babies
yourusername and we would love them all!
trevorzegras yes we would, sweet girl
jamie.drysdale oh so NOW you decide to be cute
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale we have depth
user7 okay but that fight was hot as fuck and suddenly... i’m on my knees for vatrano
_quinnhughes how does it feel to be below me on the penalty totem pole, zegras?
trevorzegras you're at two games
_quinnhughes and you have 8 penalty minutes 10 games into the season
yourusername laideez, laideez, save the animosity for november 28th!
trevorzegras @/yourusername you have a "we can't fuck with each other" rule
_quinnhughes @/yourusername you're sending mixed signals, sissy
yourusername @/trevorzegras @_quinnhughes trip him
trevorzegras @/yourusername who was that for??
yourusername @/trevorzegras yes
user6 "my poor baby didn't even know he crimed" and it's not even the first time😭
yourusername @/trevorzegras yeah, BABE! don't touch kivi's stick!! and apparently don't do that other thing!!
trevorzegras @/yourusername IT DIDN'T USED TO BE A RULE
trevorzegras @/yourusername you're right, i’m sorry
user39 i need to know what vatrano and durzi were saying to get z's jaw to drop
jamie.drysdale our boy is trying to defenseman that's why he's not rallying up those points obviously
yourusername damn and i thought he was trying to become a goalie
jamie.drysdale you're not very observant, my ex dear
yourusername bite me, my ex husband
yourusername psa to everyone: I'M WITH HIM AND HE ACTUALLY BIT ME
jamie.drysdale psa to everyone: she bit me back and whacked me
yourusername psa to everyone: i also bit mason just for funzies
masonmctavish23 i gotta stop hanging out with you three after games
yourusername @/masonmctavish23 but then you'd be lame
jamie.drysdale @/masonmctavish23 don't be lame
masonmctavish23 is this a cult? it feel like a cult
trevorzegras @/masonmctavish probably
user20 the ducks: ceo of comebacks this season
leocarlssoon i love you, too, mom! i scored just for you!
yourusername you're such a good son🧡
trevorzegras it wasn't for... ya know... the team?
yourusername @/trevorzegras not everything is about you, trevor
leocarlssoon @/trevorzegras shhh what she doesn't know won't hurt her
trevorzegras @/leocarlssoon you really are a good son!
tterry19 thank you! i love you, too
yourusername AHHHHHHH
trevorzegras and she means that
tterry19 you crazy, kids😂
jackhughes @/trevorzegras this isn't very sissy's fiancé of you
trevorzegras listen, i'm trying
yourusername he's making passes!! the other guys just aren't scoring either!!
jackhughes @/trevorzegras do you always make your girl fight your battles?
trevorzegras @/jackhughes i’ve seen you jump over the couch screaming because she started lunging at you
jackhughes @/trevorzegras unimportant
lhughes_06 @/jackhughes we used to call her scary sissy
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 also unimportant
yourusername @/jackhughes don't get all cocky just because i’m pregnant and can't jump you. i remember everything. i have other ways to attack you.
jackhughes @/yourusername please don't
trevorzegras @/yourusername that's my girl!
user44 sissy is feeling a lil ratty tonight i see
frank_vatrano your god for tonight?😂 i'll accept that! i love you, too!
yourusername as you should!
trevorzegras @/yourusername i can't believe you're hoeing stromer like this
yourusername @/trevorzegras he's my HERO not my god! i can't believe you think i’d do that to my stromer
frank_vatrano @/yourusername then who's normally your god?
yourusername @/frank_vatrano me
frank_vatrano @/yourusername that's taking god complex to a whole new level
trevorzegras @/frank_vatrano she is next level
yourusername @/trevorzegras SIMP
trevorzegras @/yourusername for you? forever🧡
155 notes · View notes
minustwofingers · 1 year
i need to tell you something
pairing: ellie williams x reader (no pronouns used for reader)
summary: you muster up the guts to confess to your best friend when she gets bit, but things go an unanticipated direction when she has a confession of her own
warnings: violence, ANGST!, swearing, painful yearning, ellie was low key maybe not the best gf to cat (???)
a/n: yeahhhh so i just wrote this rq. the poll is irrelevant now bc i'm posting this anyway. sorry that it's not enemies to lovers!! i thought best friends was calling for me to write it instead. physics tutor au may be more aligned w that kinda vibe. anyway enjoy x
wc: 1.9k
tags: (so sorry if i missed anyone, i'm being a little bad about adding tagged stuff but i promise exoplanet will have updated tags!)
@intrnetdoll @dazedshoon @lovecaraya @pctcr @sariyaflowr @loser-keiji @prettyplant0 @666findgod @sawaagyapong @rystarkov @buzzybuzzsposts @addisonnie @galacticstxrdust @parkersmyth @pinkazelma @ariianelle @lu002 @blairfox04 @sparkleswonderland @elliesflower​
It happened so fast. One moment, you and your best friend were goofing off and joking around as you checked one of the abandoned cottages in the outskirts of the woods. You were pretending not to notice the way that your shoulders brushed as you went through the doorway, pretending like you didn’t yearn for a touch from her that was for once intentional.
The next, you were lying on the ground next to the same best friend, swallowing back the scream in your throat as you stared at the fresh bite mark on her shoulder.
The air smelled of damp wood and blood, the decrepit sitting room of the cottage dark and sheltered from the sun outside.
It was sunny outside. The world was cruel like that. You’d never be able to see the sun again without thinking about losing Ellie.
You’d thought you’d checked everywhere. You were sure of it. But then when you were goofing off trying to raid the cabinets and steal some extra CDs that you two could watch together later, you heard Ellie’s shriek and a crash. 
It was the worst sound you’d ever heard in your life. Your vision went red as you saw the bedraggled, barely-human figure of a stalker crouch over her, digging its disgusting hands into her skin and snapping at her. You fired off 5 shots in succession, not stopping until it was limp. 
Even while you were dragging it off her, praying to any God that might’ve been up there that she hadn’t been bitten by that thing, you were still hoping that maybe you’d been quick enough. Maybe you’d been fast enough, smart enough, strong enough to save her. 
You knew it had been a pipe dream. You knew, but the sight of the blood pearling at her freckled skin in the shape of a mouth and her torn shirt still made you gasp in horror and drop to the floor next to her.
“No. No, no, no, no.” For some reason that was the only word you could bring yourself to say. 
She was panting, her chest rising and falling with exertion from the fight. 
Or maybe she was turning. It was a shoulder bite, after all. Those didn’t take long.
“I’m so, so, sorry.” Your hands found her face and cupped her jaw, letting your eyes meet hers. 
“Y/N, wait—”
“I should have seen it,” you continued, shaking your head. “This is my fault. I’m so sorry. It should’ve been me. You don’t deserve this. I’m not going to leave you.”
As you spoke, tears slid down your face, blurring your vision until Ellie looked fuzzy.
Her hands wrapped around yours, pulling them from her face and intertwining your fingers as she laid them in her lap. “No, Y/N, don’t—”
“I can’t go on without you,” you said between choked sobs. “I won’t do it.” 
The warm sun coming in through the window pane above you felt like a nasty joke. The golden light lit the back of Ellie’s head, reflecting off of her auburn hair like a halo. She’d never looked more beautiful. And she never would again. 
“I need to tell you some–”
“Wait,” you interrupted, squeezing your eyes shut and gripping her hands tighter. “I’m sorry. I’ll let you go in a minute. I just—I need to tell you something too, okay? Before…before…”
You hiccuped and tried to shrug your shoulder to your cheek to catch the waterfall of tears and snot on your face. 
“You’re freaking me out,” Ellie complained, resting her head against the wall and sending you a weak smile. 
Her casualness, her fearlessness, her overall Ellie-ness made you nearly crack again, but you had to keep it together. You had to get this out. She couldn’t leave without hearing this. 
“Listen,” you began, your voice wavering, “I, uh…I don’t know how to say this. I’m sorry if this isn’t something you want to hear. Oh, god, actually, this is really selfish of me. Nevermind.” 
Because it was. These were the last few moments of Ellie’s life, and you were making it all about you. She didn’t see you like that, that much was clear. You’d once thought otherwise—but that was before Cat, before you saw her smile the same way with her and let Cat kiss her in front of everyone whenever you saw them around your friends. 
So maybe it would be better if you just didn’t say anything. That way she wouldn’t look back on your memories together as creepy.
Ellie swallowed, then discreetly cast her gaze down to her right arm, just for a moment. “You can tell me anything, you know. You always could.”
The words brought a renewed wave of tears to your eyes, and you did your best to valiantly fight off the lump in your throat long enough to get the words out. 
You supposed that if she was asking for it, she deserved to know the truth. 
“Look, I—I really—” The words died in your throat.
Ellie was still and quiet, patiently waiting for you to finish and letting you hold her hands in a vice grip. She was always like that—so stoic and strong.
“I don’t know how to say this,” you repeated, turning your gaze back to your tangled fingers. “I don’t want to ruin the way you remember our friendship.”
“You couldn’t do that if you tried,” said Ellie, her lips pulling up. “I like you too much.” 
It was stuff like that that made you want to rip your hair out and scream into your pillow. 
I like you too much.
Just when you thought life couldn’t get any crueler, the purgatory of queer yearning always had a funny way of proving you wrong. 
“I don’t want to keep lying to you.” Your voice wavered as you looked anywhere but her face. “I’ll always see you as a friend. I know that’s what I am to you. And I promise I wasn’t, like, being gross about this when we hung out.” The past tense made your stomach churn. Hung out. You’d never get to spend time again with her after this. Speed it up, Y/N. You’re running on borrowed time. “That’s to say that I really do love being friends with you. I always have. It’s just that—” 
This had to be the most painful confession in the history of the world. Maybe you should just ask Ellie to bite you to put you out of your misery. 
“I’ve always wanted more with you,” you forced out. “Like—more than friends. Ever since I met you.”
Ellie was suspiciously quiet for so long that you began to worry that she was already turned. You dared to peek up at her through your lashes. 
She blinked twice in rapid succession upon meeting your eyes, her face otherwise void of emotion.
“I need to confess something too,” she said slowly, her voice significantly more even than you’d expect for someone preparing for their death.
If she was going to say that she felt the same way, you weren’t sure how you’d ever get over this. 
“I’m immune.”
Then she laughed at you—actually laughed at you, her eyes crinkling.
“I’m immune,” she repeated, her lips stretched into a wide smile. “I was trying to tell you—but god forbid you let me finish anything I want to say—”
You tried to snatch your hands away from where they were entwined with hers in her lap, but her fingers refused to let up. “How do you even know that?!” She had to be lying. 
“Because I’ve been bitten before,” she said. Her eyes were sparkling with mirth. “Twice, actually. And that was years ago. And look at it. It doesn’t look like other bites, right?”
You reluctantly gave it a closer look. True to her word, the tell-tale growths of the Cordyceps were nowhere to be seen, something unheard of for a bite so close to the head after a few minutes.
It was the real deal. She really wasn’t going to turn. 
You never knew it was possible to feel this mortified. 
“You’re such an asshole,” you snapped, finally succeeding in freeing your hands and pushing yourself away so you weren’t touching her. “You barely even tried to tell me. You let me embarrass myself.”
She shrugged, amusement still pulling at her mouth. “I wasn’t going to pass up the chance to hear what you had to say.”
“Well, that was very impolite of you.” You crossed your arms and looked away from her, feeling your cheeks heat up. “Just forget I said anything, okay?” 
There was a hand at your elbow, pulling you so you slid across the hardwood until your knees knocked together.
“Look at me,” said Ellie. Her voice was soft, almost gentle. You rarely ever heard her like this.
When you didn’t comply, the hand that wasn’t at your arm came to your chin, tilting it so she could see your face. 
Ellie was still smiling, but there was something else in her eyes—something that wasn’t just amusement, 
“It’s the same for me,” she said. Her skin was warm against yours. “Ever since I met you.”
Your heart stopped. “What? But what about Cat?”
She shrugged. “I didn’t think you saw me like that. I thought seeing other people would help.”
“And did it?”
Ellie winced. “Obviously not.”
“Poor Cat.” You weren’t sure how else to respond.
“Poor Cat,” Ellie agreed. 
Shyly, your hand came up to brush back the piece of hair that had escaped from her bun, letting your fingers rest on the back of her neck.
You’d never touched her there before. You’d never had an excuse to touch her intentionally. Doing so felt almost criminal, like you were breaking some sort of unspeakable barrier. 
But then she pulled you in and kissed you, and you forgot all about arbitrary rules and the now antiquated platonic label that defined you two.
It lasted for just a moment, her lips brushing against yours as you leaned into her, your fingers tangling into her hair. The gentle warmth of the sun hit your hand, and you twisted it so your forearm lay flat against her. 
It was a mistake. Ellie cried out, startling you as you wrenched away from her. There was something warm and wet on your arm—which, upon further investigation, was the blood from the bite you’d accidentally pressed into as you maneuvered your hand.
“Shit,” you said. You’d totally forgotten that she’d still been injured regardless of her immunity. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Ellie said, though you could tell she was hiding the pain. “Sorry. It didn’t hurt that much.” 
“Let’s go back,” you said, standing up as you held out a hand. “We’ll get that cleaned up.”
You’d been worried that kissing her would change things. Maybe she’d decide that she didn’t actually want you after all and that she didn’t even want to be friends. 
But once she’d grabbed your hand and laced your fingers together as you both walked down the road back to Jackson, you found that there was nothing to worry about. Not anymore. 
final a/n: im gonna be so real and say i love the premise of this but this was a littleeee bit of a flop in my book i didn't know how to end it but i hope you all enjoy this as a way to hold you over while i finish p5!
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angelltheninth · 2 years
Night on the Rooftops
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Fem!Reader
Tags: nsfw, smut, grinding, blowjob (over clothes), teasing, praise, needy Nightwing
Word count: 0.7k
A/N: I wanted to write something for him for a while and seeing him in the Harley Quinn show gave me the extra motivation I needed.
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Nightwing was always a gentleman to you. When you first teamed up he didn't treat you like a glass doll but also didn't hide his worry and admiration for you. You still don't know who his is beneath his mask, but who ever it is you could probably fall in love with that side of him as well.
He was never shy about flirting either, a perfect mix of gentlemanly and flirty, a little bit dirty some times as well, but nothing that crossed the line of superhero partners to something more. Until tonight.
"I'm sorry. This is really fucking embarrassing. I'm not usually like this!" He has his back pressed hard against the wall, his eyes scanning the nearby rooftops to make sure no one comes here. "You were just... really beautiful tonight. Not that you're not always beautiful, tonight was just... oh my god!" Words fail him as you press a firm kiss on the big bulge in underneath his suit. "Are you... really ok with this?"
You chuckle and cup his cock, feeling its warmth and size even though his superhero outfit, "Would I be on my knees if I wasn't? You know me better than that don't you? I only do what I want. And right now..." You kiss his bulge again, making him let out a desperate whine, "I want to help you out with this problem you seem to be having. Ok?"
He gulps hard, once again scanning the area around you. "Ok. Yeah. Just make it quick, I don't want anyone to come looking for us."
"Oh baby, the only one who's gonna be coming is you." You lick the bulge, from bottom to the tip where you circle your tongue, once, twice, thrice as Nightwing slams his hands against the wall behind him, fingers gripping the concrete. "Has this ever happened before?"
"N-No." He looks down at you and for a moment you swear you see him clench his teeth before he opens his mouth again, "Not on patrol anyway. But you wanted to spar, got on top of me and... god your hips. Do you have any idea how absolutely breathtaking you are sweetheart? What you do to me?"
"I think I'm starting to get the idea." Your mouth is back on his cock, sucking and kissing as much as the spandex allows. Even through it you can feel every twitch of his cock against your tongue. His hands cup the back of your head, pressing you just a bit closer, his hips starting to grind and roll in time with his low moans. "I had no idea you were this needy. And all those times your flirting made my heart race, my head spin." You place a particularly long kiss on the tip, "My pussy wet and needy for your cock."
"Yeah? Well... maybe I can do something about that sometime. Return the favor?" His hips jerked again at the thought if it. You could even see a small slightly darker spot on the front of his suit.
You slowly tap your tongue against the tip before cupping him, "Maybe not with the masks on hm? I'd really love to see your handsome face while you pound me into the bed." His fingers clenched as he pressed you against his cock, he could barely hold his moans back as he came, his whole body shaking as his knees bent forward a little from the sudden orgasm.
"Fuck. Sorry. I couldn't hold it. Your mouth is wonderful. I can't wait to feel it for real." Nightwing got the most lovestruck, dopey smile on his face as his hand cupped and stroked your cheek.
"Keep being good and you just might get it before you think." You kiss his softening bulge one final time. He hums in delight as he pulls you up towards him. He goes in for a kiss in the lips. Instead of that you bend your head and place it on his lower jaw, "Save it for our next patrol handsome." You wink at him as you take off into the night.
"Wow. What a woman." Nightwing runs his hand through his now messy hair. "Wait... shit, fuck! My suit!" Only then did the realize that he had most likely ruin his outfit. This is not gonna be fun to explain to Batman. Yet somehow he felt like it was more than worth the trouble and embarrassment.
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mono-dot-jpeg · 5 months
stop playing league - k. kenma
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summary; a callout to me and my fellow league players. (not league enjoyers. players.)
genre/extra tags; one shot(?)/drabble, fluff, comedy, slight crack, kenma (kind of) slanders riot games and you, relationship unestablished and unmentioned, if you know the games cool (i hate valorant), self indulgent
[can be interpreted as romantic or platonic] [gender never mentioned] [i make many references to different games and use game terms, sorry]
word count; 489
a/n; no one except for league players can make fun of league in this post now, i make the rules and enforce them. (/hj) you ever think abt the difference between making fun of your favorite things and someone else doing it? yeah it's like that basically. i genuinely like the characters league has to offer, but people always think i like the game. (i play it but i usually end up hating most sessions)
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"don't you dare hit that button."
your cursor hovers over the fated "find match" button. the button that has been torturing you for at least a few hours now. your dying urge to play "one more game" has you in a chokehold when you just want to win once.
"kenma..." you whine. the pudding head is playing a much more chill game compared to yours, which was slime rancher. it was a little bit nerve-wracking with how easily he almost slipped off ledges, deal with the occasional tarr slime, or the adorably angry slimes in certain paths. but nonetheless, it's a much healthier game to play than league. "it's not like i can even play slime rancher with you, it's not multi-player. just let me have this. i'm gonna win this time. surely. i'll switch to val after this, promise."
"you still won't be playing with me because i don't play valorant." you can imagine his cat-like glare staring at you through the screen. "and you rarely play tft and legends of runeterra."
"it gets me dizzy, alright?! and also you should know how painful it is to get those annoying people who hold my three stars from me!" you pause when he mentions the card game, "the card game isn't that bad. just not my favorite. what about overwatch?"
"isn't the new hog rework annoying?"
"that's... it's something. what about plate up?"
"you're gonna rage."
"you're too lazy to update your mods."
"shut the fuck up, actually." you hissed at him as he huffs out a laugh. "i'm waiting for the next update. i think everyone is at this point."
"literally play anything but league for fucks sake, y/n."
"but cute neeko skin.." you pretend to cry, "i just want to play my sillies. maybe even win a game, dare i say." you angrily wave your mouse over your screen. kenma watches your screen share, unamused.
"you spent money on that skin."
"still spent money."
"that's a lot of backtalk coming from you. you buy skins and dlc too. you're not clean either." despite kenma trying to prolong the inevitable, you click "find match" and sit back and wait as kenma groans in annoyance. "your signs can't stop me because i can't read." you read the burst of notifications in discord of kenma and your friends making fun of you for even playing league willingly. "fuck y'all. god forbid, i have a hobby." you huffed.
"it's league."
"just let me play my silly champions in peace, kenma! you don't see me judging you for picking sebastian every stardew save!"
"he's not even that bad!"
"you always steal him from me!"
"you don't deserve him!"
"fuck you!"
"fuck you!"
a blanket of silence falls over you both as you end your silly bickering.
"you wanna play a pokemon soul link run after your match?"
"fuck you, yeah i do."
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Chapter 9
Note: not the best I've written, I'm sorry, my head is just currently going in all directions so this is more a filler chapter! previous chapter here. (special thanks to my friend for letting me borrow her name for a fic again)
Warnings: 18+! fluff/suggestive.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: You picked up your famous bass player boyfriend from the airport.
wordcount: 2,6k
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'No, please, don't… don't be like that.'
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You anxiously waited at the airport, biting your nails on one hand while you nervously drummed with your free fingertips on the metal fence you leaned against. You perked up every time the arrivals door opened, but no sign of your bass player boyfriend and his bandmates yet. And you weren't the only one who was waiting for them to walk through those doors. To your surprise, dozens of fans had somehow figured out which plane the pretty boys took back home and what time they'd arrive and at which airport. And the fans had gathered at the same spot as you, hoping to catch a glimpse of their favourite band.
You had rolled your eyes when you saw them. How did people even find out about this stuff, you wondered. But soon you turned your back to them and kept your eyes on the arrival doors, and you lost yourself as you daydreamed about Sihtric. You couldn't wait to jump in his arms, kiss his lips, and hug him until the airport security would probably shove you two out. But you also had some thoughts there were less innocent, about how you wanted to collar and leash him again, only to then kiss and lick his body all over before you'd suck his co-
'Are you also waiting for the band?'
You were abruptly pulled from your spicy daydream and looked to your left to find a young woman looking at you with questioning eyes.
'Eh,' you said, not sure what to answer.
'Because I am too,' the woman said, 'but I'm alone, and, well, I thought maybe you are waiting too and since you're on your own too, maybe we could, you know, wait together?' she rambled on, 'I mean, if you're okay with that. The other fans there waiting,' she cocked her head towards the crowd, 'seem to be quite younger than me. It would make me feel awkward.'
'Oh,' you said, 'eh, y-yeah, I'm… sort of… waiting.'
'I knew it! Just because you look like the type who'd like their music, you know? I hope I didn't offend you, oh god. Oh! My name is Sandra, by the way,' she said and held her hand out.
'Oh, hi,' you chuckled awkwardly and introduced yourself.
'Have you met them before?' Sandra asked while she joined you by leaning on the fence.
'Eh, yeah,' you didn't lie, 'a few times. You?'
'That's so cool!' Sandra smiled, 'I haven't met them, only seen them perform several times. Osferth liked a comment of mine on instagram though!'
'Oh, no way!' you smiled, suddenly becoming a fan at heart again, instead of "Sihtric's (secret) girlfriend", 'that's so cool too! I only got noticed by Sihtric on insta, he liked and commented on my photo with him,' you blurted out, and immediately regretted your words.
'No way! He's my favourite!' Sandra gaped, 'man, I wish he would notice me. Hey, what's your insta? Can I follow you? You look a little familiar,' she then said, 'I think I've seen your photo with him maybe, I check his tagged photos sometimes. Anyway, your insta?'
'Eh,' you made an awkward face and scratched your head, 'well, it's, ehm-'
You were saved by the sudden loud screams of the teenage girls behind you, as the arrival doors opened and Uhtred walked out, along with some other oblivious passengers, and Osferth followed. Both men were dressed in sweatpants and comfy hoodies, while wearing expensive sunglasses.
'Oh my god,' Sandra whispered and grabbed your arm, 'there they are.'
Before you could say something, Sandra hesitantly walked up to the members, along with the other dozens of fans. Uhtred and Osferth were kind enough to stop for a few photos and signatures, but you brought your eyes back to the doors when they opened again. And then you saw Finan, who spotted you and grinned.
'Sihtric's on his way,' Finan said as he passed you, then winked, 'he had to take care of something.'
You gave him a confused look, but he disappeared into the crowd before you could blink. And when you heard the doors open again, you saw Sihtric; you favourite Seven Kings member, your crush, your boyfriend, your pet. And while you had daydreamed of running up to him and jumping in his arms, you were suddenly overwhelmed by a strange feeling of being intimidated by his appearance mixed with a hint of shyness, as if you didn't know him personally. You were nailed to the ground when you saw him again, after being apart for a week. 
He was dressed in his regular skinny jeans, with untied leather boots underneath, and a comfortable looking black hoodie. His hair was unbraided, loose and messy, just the way you liked it, and he carried a black Hello Kitty travelbag on his shoulder. A cheeky smile appeared on his face when he saw you, then took off his shades and dropped his travel bag before he ran over to you. The fans who had spotted him were completely in shock when they saw him approach them at full speed, and were left confused when they noticed he didn't run to them, but past them. And then many of them were disappointed and heartbroken when they heard him yell, 'My baby!' and watched how he picked up some seemingly random girl in his arms, spun her around, put her feet back on the ground again, only to grab her face and stick his tongue down her throat.
'Who the fuck is that?' one fan whispered to another.
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'No idea? The girl he was talking about in his insta story, maybe?' the other fan answered.
'Holy shit,' Sandra laughed next to them, as she noticed that the girl was you.
'Fuck,' Sihtric breathed when he finally broke that kiss at the airport, for everyone to see, 'I missed you so much,' he said and pecked your face all over, 'I missed you so fucking much, baby.'
'I…,' you were silenced with another quick kiss, 'missed,' and another, 'Christ, you too, Sihtric,' you laughed when he finally stopped kissing you, which took all his strength.
'You come with me next time,' he said while he pushed you up against the fence you were leaning on only minutes ago, 'I swear it, I'm not travelling without you anymore-'
'Sihtric, there's a bunch of fans-'
'I don't care,' he sighed and didn't give you another chance to speak, as his lips found yours again. 
He pushed his strong, trained body against yours while he kissed you eagerly, trapping you lovingly while one hand was settled on your cheek, and his other on your waist. And then you finally gave in to your longing too. You moved your hands up his neck and gripped tightly onto his dark hair.
'My kitten,' you smiled against his lips when you both needed some air.
'Yours,' Sihtric whined softly, his fingers desperately pulling at your sleeveless jacket, 'please,' he begged with a whisper, 'I need you, please.'
'Please?' you chuckled and curled your fingers around the neck of his hoodie, keeping him close, 'what do you need from me, pretty boy?'
'Hm, no, please,' Sihtric hummed, and spoke with a desperate whisper, 'don't tease me. You know what I need from you.'
'And you know we agreed you would use your words,' you teased, 'did we not, kitten?'
He buried his face in your neck and smiled while wrapping his arms around you.
'I need you to collar and leash me,' Sihtric whispered in your ear, 'and drag me through the apartment,' he chuckled, 'and do whatever you like with me,' his teeth grazed your ear and he exhaled sharply, 'until you command me to fuck you.'
After Sihtric had kissed you uncountable times, you finally convinced him to go and meet some of the fans who had been waiting for him. Sihtric asked if you'd go with him, but you told him no. You stayed back as you had no business interfering in a fan's moment, and you knew it would draw even more attention. Before Sihtric left you had agreed to gradually start showing each other off more on social media, which you knew was going to affect your private life, so you lied if you said you weren't a little anxious. And for him to be so openly affectionate at the airport with you had caught you by surprise, but you'd also lie if you said you didn't like it.
You watched your dressed-in-black-but-obsessed-with-Hello-Kitty-boyfriend as he took some photos with fans and signed some merch. You couldn't stop yourself from taking a photo of him as he interacted with the younger girls and you shared it on your insta. Then suddenly Sandra came up to you again, and she grinned.
'You're the girl he was talking about in his story, huh?'
'Eh, yeah,' you chuckled and felt your cheeks heat up, 'guilty.'
'I love that for you, honestly,' she said, 'he looks so happy. Much happier than I've ever seen him before.'
You tried to fight a proud smile, in which you failed miserably when Sihtric suddenly looked up at you and smiled widely, before he brought his attention back to the fans in front of him. Sandra, who was about to become your new friend, rambled on about the guys and eventually asked for your instagram again. As she already figured out your secret, you gave it to her and you promised to stay in touch just when Sihtric managed to escape the dozens of fans and made his way back to you. Your new friend was quick to wish you a good day and left, not wanting to make things weird, and you patiently waited for Sihtric as he approached you. He picked up his travelbag and took your hand, then walked you out of the airport.
'What took you so long by the way?' you asked as you walked to your car, 'to walk through the arrivals door? Were you the last one to collect your bag or…?'
Sihtric shrugged, wrapped his arm around your neck and kissed your temple.
You frowned. 'Finan said you had to take care of something?'
'Yeah, I just had to check something,' he said, being more vague than you liked.
'Check what?'
'You'll see,' he grinned.
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The drive back from the airport to Sihtric's apartment was a torment. You had missed your bass player boyfriend as much as he had missed you, but you couldn't focus on him as you were driving. And Sihtric liked to taunt, so he kept leaning over to your side and left soft, slow and wet kisses on your neck. You gripped the steering wheel hard as he kept teasing you, grazing your skin with his teeth and hearing his soft chuckles in your ear.
'Missed you,' he whispered.
'I missed you too,' you tried to focus on the road.
'I got off at the thought of you every morning and every night,' he confessed, and you felt your cheeks heat up.
You kept your eyes locked on the car in front of you, avoiding Sihtric's piercing gaze while you tried to not get affected by his words and touch.
'You're cute when you're all nervous,' Sihtric smiled and pecked your cheek once more before he sat back in his seat.
He was right about the fact that you were still nervous around him. But then you remembered how submissive he is in private, which is a huge contrast to his personality outside of the bedroom, and you figured he needed to be reminded who was actually in charge; you.
'I think,' you cleared your throat, 'that you should really watch your behaviour… kitten.'
'Or what?' he tried.
'Or I'll have to put you in your place,' you smiled, 'and punish you.'
'You know I like that,' Sihtric mumbled.
'I do,' you agreed, 'so that means your punishment would be that I won't collar and leash you when we're home-'
'What?' Sihtric snapped his head towards you.
'And that I won't yank your leash to make you pay attention-'
'No, no, no,' Sihtric said and panicked, 'I didn't mean it!'
'And that means I definitely won't spank you either.'
'No!' Sihtric whined, 'come on, I was only joking!'
You grinned. 'You asked for it.'
'No, please, don't… don't be like that.'
'You wanted to be punished,' you shrugged, 'there is your punishment, love.'
Sihtric stared at you with his jaw dropped, then scoffed and sat back again, looking at the road.
'Fine,' he huffed.
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As soon as you arrived at Sihtric's place, he jumped in the shower. About 10 minutes later he came out of his bathroom, shirtless and wearing black sweatpants. His hair was damp and tied back into a bun, and he grinned when you stared at him from across the room.
'What the fuck are those?' you asked with big eyes.
'Surprise,' he chuckled, 'you like them?'
'I…' you blinked rapidly, 'when did you…'
'I got them the first day of my trip,' Sihtric smiled proudly, 'the reason it took me longer at the airport was because I had to stop by the toilets real quick to check if they weren't bleeding or anything, as they're still healing.'
You let out a laugh and just stared at your boyfriend, who was proudly showing off his two pierced nipples. You opened your mouth to speak but had no idea what to even say.
'You… you don't like it?' Sihtric then asked.
'No, I- I do,' you felt your cheeks heat up as he came closer, 'I just… you caught me by surprise is all,' you chuckled.
'Good,' he smiled and kissed your lips, 'because I got them for you,' he winked.
'For me?' you asked while Sihtric pulled you in his lap, 'why?'
'I don't know,' he shrugged, 'just thought you'd like them.'
'Well,' you stared at his nipples, 'you thought right. Should be fun to lick your nipples when they're healed, huh?'
Sihtric chuckled but also clearly moaned under his breath at the thought of your tongue playing with his piercings, once they were healed up of course.
'Well, since you got those for me,' you said, 'it's only fair if I give you something in return now.'
You got up and grabbed a small, black box out of your backpack while Sihtric followed you with curious eyes.
'I hope you like it,' you smiled a little shyly and handed him the box.
Sihtric looked excited like a kid on his birthday, and he quickly opened your gift. He chuckled and then bit down on his lip as he hummed softly. He looked at the black choker in his hands, which was decorated with metal spikes, a few pink stars, and in the middle there was a small Hello Kitty head.
'You… I got it for you to wear on stage,' you quickly explained, 'not in the bedroom. Unless you want to, but, I mean… you already have a-'
'I will wear it on stage,' Sihtric interrupted you, smiling, 'it's really fucking cool,' he grinned, 'besides, I wouldn't want to wear this in the bedroom anyway, the spikes are too sharp. I'd be terrified to hurt you by accident.' He looked up at you, 'but I love it. Thank you, babe,' he smiled and cupped your cheek to pull you in for a kiss.
'Glad you like it, my love,' you said, then grinned, 'but we're still not getting freaky tonight.'
'Oh, come on!' Sihtric groaned.
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @andakth @chompchompluke @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1 @moonchildrenandflowercrowns @foxyanon @djarinsgirl27 @sigtryggrswifey @liandav @diiickbrainn
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