#I do technically have a team I root for and should keep up with by I'm too anxious to keep up with championships
azulock · 3 months
Once again time for a poll to sate my curiosity
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comfy-whumpee · 1 year
The Forum
References events in this post. TW: modern slavery (BBU).
@neuro-whump​, @rosesareviolentlyread​, @mylifeisonthebookshelf, @pumpkin-spice-whump, @whumpsday @kira-the-whump-enthusiast
r/boxieadvice holepunch5309 two hours ago
Office pet beat up by other staff (advice)
Posting this from a throwaway so I don’t get fired. My company is a small business that has a boxie in the head office. He technically belongs to the manager but he was bought with company funds. He does hospitality, cleaning, filing and stuff. But recently the heads of department have started hurting him.
 It's a really small office, less than ten people. Boxie does a good job, works hard, but he's not that bright. Sometimes he fucks up and the guys hurt him. At first it was just small stuff, a slap or something. But he made a big mess last week with some accounts and one of them drew blood.
 I don't know if I'm overreacting. I grew up with a really shitty dad and I guess I'm sensitive to people escalating that kind of thing. Nobody else seems to have a problem with it or thinks he deserves it. Boxie ends up hiding and can't take care of himself. Even if someone helps him they're usually kinda weird about it, making him beg them or stuff.
 I feel like it's going to get worse and worse. The boss beats him up when he's stressed already. He's really helpful normally and I don't want to see him get broken. Is there anything I can do?
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  AUTOMOD 🛡✔ Pinned two hours ago
Welcome to Boxie Advice! Please refresh yourself on the key rules:
Do not offer to buy or sell boxies, ask for or offer product numbers, or     recommend self-recruitment methods.
Be polite and civil at all times. This is not the sub to debate the existence of boxies or the human pet industry. Go to r/petpol.
All advice threads are locked by default to sub members only. Advice posts have a tendency to get to the front page of Reddit and posters are often harassed, so comment at your own risk.
 vivaciascar (pet owner) two hours ago
The best thing to do in a situation like this is go to the root cause. Your boxie has got tasks he doesn't know how to do. If he can't handle accounts, don't give him accounts. Let him stick to making coffee. Pets aren't designed for being in work environments without specialist training. You're already straining him with filing. Stop overloading him and the mistakes will stop too.
 somethingboromired (pet owner) two hours ago
This is the answer. He's overloaded and he can't keep up. Your team is putting too much pressure on him and he's buckling, which gets him punished, which makes him tired and hurt, making more mistakes. Remember boxies are fundamentally dumb. They shouldn't be near money and your boss could get in trouble if he lets it happen.
 pm_me_your_salads (wannabe owner) one hour ago
His problem isn't with the mistakes though, he's upset at how the others are punishing the pet. Sounds like reasonable punishment to me though, if he makes a big mistake it should be a big consequence. It's how they're trained and it's how he'll learn.
 ree4ree (pet owner) one hour ago
Jumping on top comment to point out as well that boxie already got punished for his small mistakes and he didn't learn. OP can't see that they are escalating with him because he hasn't shown improvement
 holepunch5309 48 minutes ago OP
He has training for office work and we trained him on the accounts. He does fine 99% of the time but the moment he screws up someone is beating him up. He can't take that from them forever.
 IDontEatCrab (verified handler) two hours ago
I get your concern but that's not your pet. He belongs to the company and the name on the paperwork is your boss. It's his decision what the pet gets and what's right for him. Focus on doing your job.
 Nineteen84 (ex-owner) one hour ago
Don't get fired for a boxie's sake, they're not worth it. They'll sell you up the river for praise. Take it from me.
 holepunch5309 42 minutes ago OP
Is there any way to get his ownership transferred to me or can I do anything for him as part of the company?
 Britbird03 (pet law) two hours ago
It sounds like there's things missing from your account OP. You're worried about escalating punishments, but your boss already beats him. You said in another comment that he's trained for office work, but the only company that does that is Help at Home, and they advise against giving your Boxie paperwork. Is your manager pushing him too hard, or do you have a genuine pet abuse case on your hands? I've advised on those before, please DM me if you need advice.
 holepunch5309 seven minutes ago OP
Thank you, I have
 BigAl69 (pet owner) one hour ago
Boo hoo for your pet. He fucks up, he gets hurt. It's the only way they learn. You're making the classic mistake thinking about him like a person. He's not a person. He's trained to understand orders and pain. He doesn't know anything else. He doesn't need your sympathy
 CoachCheesey (wannabe owner) 39 minutes ago
The problem isn't the punishment the problem is that he's doing accounts. Would you trust a boxie with your money? Why does your boss? Sounds like you need to ask why you're even using him for the jobs your finance team should be doing. Someone's slacking and making the boxie pick it up.
 ree4ree (pet owner) 19 minutes ago
This. Even if a pet is doing data entry or something, the finance team should still be checking what he does like any boss would do for a human employee. Even more so in fact
 cootiesmaster (multiple pets) two hours ago
This is way to vague for us to help with, what even is "drew blood"? Did they break skin on a hit or did they stab him??
 holepunch5309 36 minutes ago OP
I can't be specific because it would identify me. It was a small but deep wound. He's never had anything like that before.
holepunch5309 Hi.
Britbird03 Hi OP. Thanks for coming to talk. I'm not a lawyer first of all, so I won't be suing you or reporting you or anything. But I'm a welfare campaigner, and I thought I could give you some advice on what you're seeing.
holepunch5309 Ok. So what…happens?
Britbird03 Why don't you start by telling me what happened in more detail? You've realised that something is wrong, and I want to help you understand why your instincts went off today.
holepunch5309 I guess
holepunch5309 I guess it was just a shock. Not because he got hurt. Is that shitty? I was used to him getting hurt. The boss does beat him. Uses him like a stress toy punching bag. He always picked him up afterwards though, looked after him. Got hi patched upand stuff.
holepunch5309 But today it was like…everyone just left him. He was hiding and crying and he didn't do anything to fix it. I don't know if he even knows how. He was just sitting on the floor crying and I went to help him and nobody else even paid attention. And I guess I just thought…what if they do something worse sometime and I can't fix it for him? He's already got one thing that'll probably scar now.
Britbird03 Thank you for explaining. It sounds as though you're right, and things are escalating. This is the most dangerous time for a boxie. We don't have a disproportionate incident to act on, but we know one is coming.
holepunch5309 Do you think?
Britbird03 I do. It sounds as though your colleagues have been pushing boundaries and daring to see where the line is. None of them are stepping up and making things stop. Of course, you could be that person, but it can be risky to try. You're the one who has seen there's something wrong. You're not okay with what is happening. Your boxie needs someone like you looking out for him.
holepunch5309 Damn
holepunch5309 I hadn't thought about it like that. Thank you.
Britbird03 You're very welcome. There are two options ahead of you. One is safer for him, and the other is safer for you.
holepunch5309 Let me hear it
Britbird03 If you want to guarantee that your boxie won't be hurt anymore, the only way to do so is to liberate him. It is difficult to do legally, I have to warn you, but it is the safest thing for him. You may be saving his life. The alternative is to wait until something provably abusive is done to him, and report it then. But the investigations are slow and the bar you have to clear is very high. Police are very strict about what counts as abusive because of the influence of pet companies. You can do this anonymously, but it might not work to save him. And obviously, along the way, something unquestionably awful has to be done to him to give you the evidence.
holepunch5309 Those are both pretty fucked up options
Britbird03 I'm afraid that's all I can recommend within the limits of the law.
holepunch5309 What do other people do?
Britbird03 Some stay under the radar, bury their conscience, and wait it out. Others intervene, try to prosecute, and more often lose than win. A few take matters into their own hands and smuggle the boxie to a shelter or across the border.
holepunch5309 But that's illegal
Britbird03 It is. I can only imagine they see it as more important than the law. A risk worth taking.
holepunch5309 All that for a boxie. Seems weird.
Britbird03 Often those are people who recognise the human dignity of pets. It's a rare thing and arguably heroic. But as I've said, I can't suggest that. It's safer for you to follow a legal route.
holepunch5309 But
holepunch5309 Not safer for him
Britbird03 No.
Tyler leaned back from his laptop with a sigh, his old gaming chair creaking at the movement. The stranger was all facts, as best he could tell, mercilessly concise. The only thing people did that properly worked was liberating or smuggling them. Anything short of that and the problem didn’t go away. Maybe there would be a way to force it to court, sue for ownership or persuade Charlie to let him go, but it would be an uphill battle.
Maybe he’d just make the whole office hate him and get himself driven out of a job. Maybe he’d make things worse for Roman, making them blame him for turning one of their own against the group. Maybe he’d get the poor fucker sent back to be brain-blasted into forgetting everything and getting resold.
He had no idea what he was doing with this. He just knew that Joel stapling Roman in the hand made him feel sick at the pit of his stomach. Finding Ro in the kitchen hyperventilating about it was even worse. He couldn’t get the image out of his head. Roman had been white as a sheet, platinum hair and white shirt only adding to the sallow look of him, hand clutched to his chest with a dark line struck across his hand. The resistance of the skin against the bent metal as he’d tried to work it free with as little pain as possible. Roman’s wide, teary eyes, one brown and the other blue, fixed on him with gratitude. The hitch in his breathing. The way he’d wobbled on his feet. The red.
He would have sat there alone if Tyler hadn’t gone. He would have stayed there.
He was so stupid. He’d just made it worse with the outfit. It had been a joke, but it wasn’t a joke to Ro.
He was so fucking stupid.
He didn’t know what to do.
Roman had a little strip band-aid on his hand when Tyler went in the next morning. The little wound was covered up and he seemed more like his usual self. He was sitting on the floor between the desks, sorting out sections of the newspaper along with everyone’s post. He smiled at Tyler when he came by.
“Morning, Ro.”
“Good morning.”
“C’mere a second.”
Roman got up, gathering the unsorted envelopes, and followed Tyler across to his desk. He went to his knees when Tyler sat, setting his stack on his lap.
Tyler glanced around. Dillon wasn’t in yet and Phil was with Charlie. Joel was off on his far side, not yet caffeinated to the point of acknowledging anyone else. Tyler asked, “I got a question for you. I was just wondering if you like it here.”
Roman’s eyes lit up. “I do!” he affirmed brightly. “It’s wonderful here. There’s lots to do every day and I can be helpful for everyone. I’m happy to be helpful.”
Tyler frowned. He’d heard Roman say that a dozen times. He was almost certain it was a trained slogan. “That’s good. Yeah, good stuff. Is here anything that you want to make it better?” If Roman said he didn’t want to be hurt, Tyler would fight for him. That would be the line. If Roman knew what discipline was, what a real punishment felt like, if he’d been trained for that like everyone said – then he would recognise what counted as excessive, right? They wouldn’t train a Box Boy without any self-preservation.
“I…can’t think of anything,” Roman answered after a dutiful pause for thought. “I am happy. I’m sorry that you were worried.”
“Nah, not worried.” He couldn’t let that get back to the others. “Just wanted to make sure you knew you were doing a good job. Mostly. ‘Cause of yesterday, you know. Don’t let it get you down.”
“Thank you, Mr Tyler.” He seemed to be smiling again, but like he couldn’t remember how. He made those expressions sometimes, like he couldn’t just do them instinctively, they were all put on or...trained.
Tyler pretended not to notice.
“You’re a good guy,” he said, hand moving automatically to ruffle the pet’s hair. “Doing a good job.”
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ceriseisland · 10 months
Silver pressed his back against the rough bark of the tree, watching the water of the Viridian River flow swiftly by. The Viridian Forest was as menacing as it was beautiful, the vast green depths housing all manner of pokemon, and the local edict was to stick to the path to keep yourself safe. The rule didn’t apply to Yellow and Red of course, who whiled away their time by the river whenever Red was in town. Silver watched Yellow’s bobber float lazily in the current, feeling impatience prick him.
“So you guys… do this all day?”
“Pretty much,” answered Red, who was counting the leaves in the canopy. Several of their pokemon were sprawled about the clearing; Pika and Chu Chu napped together while Venusaur basked in a sunny spot to the side, listening to Raticate rustling in the grass behind them. Silver had let Weavile out too, and she rested her head on her claws in the grass beside him, looking up often, expecting instructions. “I’ll have to check on the gym in a couple hours here, but there’s never much to do when I’m in Viridian.” Red plucked some of the sugargrass that grew by the river, a plant prolific in the forest whose white stem tasted sweet when you sucked on it. “Oh, did I ever tell you about those people near the power plant last year?” Yellow shook her head, and Red launched into the story, which involved poachers, a bucket of paint, and a Spearow.
Silver didn’t know Red well, but he found him easy enough to get along with. Red spoke passionately and laughed easily, which contrasted well with Yellow’s quiet kindness. There was something about Yellow that was simultaneously very normal and ethereal, and he couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but she was nice enough, and no one knew Viridian better than she did. Silver had asked to spend the day with them because he wanted to get in touch with his Viridian roots, though he’d never say it that way out loud. But now that he was here, life in Viridian seemed as slow and meandering as the river, which Silver was struggling to comprehend.
Red finished his story and he and Yellow fell into their idle chit-chat about their friends and their pokemon, and news about how Blue’s training journey was going. “He’s in the Cerulean badlands now, last I heard,” Red reported. “I was thinking of going for a wander when he gets back and takes over the gym again.”
“Oh cool, where to?”
“Celadon, probably.” Red turned to Silver. “Have you been to the hills out there?”
“No. I haven’t spent much time in Kanto.”
“You should. It’s gorgeous out there, and there’s tons of strong pokemon to train against.” Silver sat up a little straighter; it occurred to him that he had never actually seen Red train. “You know, I think it was around Celadon that Blue and me accidentally exchanged our entire teams once. That was great. He drilled them so much they barely listened to me when I got them back.”
“What’s your training like? Do you think you could teach me?”
“Oh man,” Red laughed nervously. “I hate it when people ask me to teach them. I always just refer them to Blue.”
“Really? I would have thought teaching would be your thing.” Gold often bragged that Red had coached him, though from his description it sounded more like they had one battle and left the mountain to hang out at Red’s house.
“Red’s style is harder to replicate,” Yellow explained, and Red nodded.
Silver could get that. He had seen Red fight, and knew that his strength was creativity. Red’s genius came from thinking on his feet and making connections in the moment that few people could come up with. Compared to Blue’s highly technical approach, Red’s highly adaptive style was innate, something hard to hone and even harder to teach.
“I could try,” said Red. “Give you some advice, at least.” He scooted closer to Weavile, and the pokemon raised its head at attention.
Silver knew what to expect from being coached; he had been training with Lance and Pryce for a year now, and though they both had their own styles the idea was the same. Lance had Silver focus on building power, and Pryce, crafty as he was, examined every curveball that could possibly be thrown during a battle and worked through each situation individually, quizzing Silver on the topic and refusing to move on with the lesson until Silver came up with a good answer. He was always hitting his cane on the ground and telling Silver to think, making Silver prickle with irritation.
“Tell me why beam attacks like hyper beam are especially dangerous,” he quizzed Silver one day at the start of a lesson.
“Uh,” Silver had said, thinking about Lance’s special hyper beam technique. “Because you can train the beams to go in multiple directions.”
Pryce mulled that over. “I guess that’s possible. That’s not the answer I’m looking for, though.”
“Because they can be hard to dodge,” Silver guessed.
“That’s a novice problem. Come on, boy, you’re smarter than this.”
“Because they’re not a single hit, like a punch. A well-trained hyper beam can last for forty-five seconds.”
“And why is that a problem?”
“Because if it knocks you down, you’ll keep taking damage for the entire duration.”
“And how do you get around that?”
“By improving your pokemon’s recovery time, so you only take the initial hit.”
“Exactly!” Pryce snapped his fingers, and what followed was a brutal but effective training session on everything from recovery time to dodging and deflecting beam attacks. Silver thought that Pryce was trying to make up for what he had done in his own way by training him, and Silver hadn’t decided how he felt about that yet.
Red looked at Weavile, her eyes darting between the two trainers, and Silver waited for Red to tell him to think, but that wasn’t what Red said.
“How long have you known Weavile?”
Silver tilted his head. “My whole life, basically.”
“You must know each other pretty well, then.”
“Uh, yeah, I guess.”
The answer must not have convinced Red, because he frowned. “When was the last time you played together?”
“Play?” Silver almost laughed, the idea was that absurd. He couldn’t even remember the last time he had relaxed. “I don’t have time for that.”
Red thought for a moment. “I’ll tell you a secret. You know that tournament battle I had with Lorelei last year?”
“Of course.” Everyone knew about that fight, where Lorelei’s newly trained Whiscash had filled the field with feet of muddy water and hid, striking out of nowhere, and Red had used the little-known fact that water pokemon have a slight pull effect on the water around them to beat her. Even Silver had never noticed that his water pokemon caused tiny ripples in water. These slight movements appeared over Poliwhirl’s head when it was submerged, and Red had used that to communicate with Aerodactyl about where to strike. He was famous for that maneuver.
“You wanna know how I got the idea?” Red was almost grinning.
“Of course.”
“I was walking with Poli in the ocean, and we started playing a game where Poli hid in the surf and I tried to find it. That was when I noticed I could tell where it was based on how the water bent around it, and later during that fight I remembered it and used it.
“That can’t be right. That’s how you came up with that?”
“You never know what your pokemon can really do unless you spend time with them.” Then he added a bit sheepishly, “That’s the best advice I have.”
Red sat back, digging up another strand of sugargrass. Silver looked down at Weavile, who still lay with her claws neatly crossed, and chewed over the idea of Red’s secret to success.
“So when you ‘go for a wander’, that’s basically the same as Blue going on a training journey?”
“I guess,” Red laughed. “It’s not like I don’t train. You try being best friends with Blue and not training all the time. I just think it’s all useless if you don’t have fun with your pokemon too. That’s the whole point of battling, right?”
No, Silver thought, the point of battling is to rid the world of people like Team Rocket, but he only said “I guess,” and looked down at Weavile again. The forest continued its lazy thrum, and Red and Yellow returned to their usual chatting about nothing. So this is Viridian, Silver thought as he listened to them talk about Bill’s latest invention and what Green had said the last time they had seen her, their plans to go looking for geodes later in the hills west of the city, and how good Raticate was at finding them. Silver thought about letting Feraligatr swim in the river, and how much Honchkrow liked having a copse of trees to caw out of.
“Is it alright if I stay a bit longer?” Silver asked, butting in without meaning to.
“Yeah, sure,” said Red, stretching. “It’s not like we have anything going on.”
Silver settled back against his tree, almost lulled into a nap while he watched Yellow’s bobber skip on the water that wended its way between the banks on its way through the forest and out toward the ocean.
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duckapus · 5 months
In Deep: part 1
As the airship drifts above the waters of Lily's Zone, Eggman stands near the helm checking something on his tablet, "...Alright, if the Wonder Detector I rigged up is working properly, we should be approaching the drop point soon."
"Roight sir, Oy'll get us ready then." Bomberto then raises his voice, "All hands, prepare ta switch ta aquatic mode!"
As the minions and Badniks get to work and the ship slowly descends, Kamek addresses the main group (or at least the ones that are there. Tari's understandably still belowdecks and Toadsworth was taking a nap last anyone knew), "Alright, I can only use so many waterbreathing spells before running low on magic, and for some reason I never got around to learning the version you can cast on yourself, so not everyone can be on the away team this time."
Predictably, Toad decides to do a peace-out fade-out immediately.
"...Right. Who else?" he looks over at the kids, where Lil Coding is already glaring in defiance, "Definitely you two, I may not know much about all this code nonsense but I have seen what happens if you two get wet."
"Seriously? You can make people breathe underwater and turn an entire kingdom into a disco dance party but you can't make two kids waterproof for a few hours?"
"Even Boopkins can make people breathe underwater, sonny, and the disco spell took a lot of preparation and an external power source, plus it was technically a meme. To make you waterproof even temporarily I would have to bypass a fundamental flaw in the foundation of your code, and in case you hadn't noticed, I'm not a computer programmer!"
Coding looks like he's about to argue further, but SMG4 puts a hand on his shoulder and kneels down to look him in the eyes, "Hey, I know your worried about Lily and your Papa. So am I. But I'd really prefer you not get hurt if we can avoid it, and getting mad at Kamek won't change the fact that staying on the ship is the only way to avoid it right now."
He huffs in frustration, then relaxes and hugs his dad, "Just make sure you come back, alright? Don't die or get turned into a fish on me."
"It's a promise."
They pull back apart after a few moments, then Root grabs a still-upset Lil Coding's hand and starts leading him away, "come on, let's go see if Tari's up for playing Mario Kart or something."
Juliano pats 4's shoulder, "I'll keep an eye on them."
As the ship lands in the water, Kamek looks over the group again, which now consists of SMG4, Mario, Meggy, the Bobowskis, Cubot (who's coming because he doesn't actually need to breathe at all), and Sig, "That's everyone then?"
There's scattered affirmations, and he nods, "Alright then, Cubot's running the Wonder Detector program Eggman made using the Seed we got from Bowser, so he'll be guiding you. This is the Zone we have the least information on, so stay together if you can and keep your wits about you."
After he casts the spell, Meggy looks over the side, "So, do you just throw us overboard, or what?"
A nearby Hammer Bro shakes his head, "Oh, we don't have to do that!" He gestures over to a raised gap in the railing where an Eggpawn pulls a lever that deploys what seems to be a retractable wooden diving board. "We've got a plank!"
"...Sweet." She runs over to it and calls out to 4, Mario and Bob, "Hey guys, rate my dive!"
As she uses the plank as a springboard to fucking leap ten feet in the air and do a bunch of twists and flips while the boys obediently prepare scorecards, Marcy's eye twitches, "Oh goddesses, I'm the Sane One on a Zero Braincell Squad Adventure."
Sig just shrugs, "Eh, can't be worse than a Tuesday back home."
Soon enough, the whole group is in the water and swimming towards their destination, passing by all sorts of marine life, sunken ruins (some of which are very obviously transformed versions of familiar locations), and the occasional Ocean-related Meme along the way. After they go past versions of Spongebob and Patrick dancing to that one weird lousy cover of Under the Sea, Marcy notices a dark shape out the corner of her eye and turns with sword raised...but nothing's there.
"You alright sis?"
"..." she huffs and goes back to swimming, "Fine. It's just been too quiet around here."
"Yeah, weird that we haven't seen anyone converted yet. Things never go this smoothly for us."
In the back of the group, oblivious to this conversation, Mario dumbly stares at a school of small Cheep-cheeps, "Hey, I'm-a hungry." He swims up behind the fish, mouth open wide, and-
"Mario!" he looks away to see Meggy waving him forward, the group further ahead than before, "Come on, we can't get separated, remember? We'll get something to eat back on the ship."
"Mmm!" he pouts and crosses his arms, then rolls his eyes and swims after her, camera staying focused on the cheep-cheeps "Fine!"
...And then of course he quickly slides back over all sneaky-like and reaches out a hand, "Maybe just one for the road..."
Before he can get his fishy snack or Meggy can notice what he's doing, something long and thin shoots past behind him, and he spins around to see, "Wha?"
Another passes behind him, this time in the foreground, and skewers the fish he'd been trying to grab. He turns again, and now that it's stuck in the fish he can see that it's a silver harpoon-like spear. He grabs it and turns to face the others.
"Uh, guys!?"
The rest of the group looks at his find curiously, then more harpoons come and they quickly dodge. Meggy and the Bobowskis get ready to fight, 4 and Cubot start freaking out, and Sig...well, he looks slightly more focused than usual.
There's a few tense moments as they try to figure out where the attacks are coming from, then Meggy sees something heading towards them, "Over there!"
She fires at the approaching figure, who deflects it with their weapon and reveals themself to be Heavy Squid with green-tinged arms, some vaguely roman-looking armor hastily plastered onto his model, and harpoons sticking out the barrels of his Heavy Splatling, "Oh no..."
He's just the first of several similarly armored, aquatically redesigned characters to appear, and soon the group's being swarmed. They do their best, with Meggy and the twins displaying their usual skill, Mario being Mario, Sig alternating between throwing out spells and smacking people with his demon arm, and SMG4 and Cubot...flailing around pathetically (it's the thought that counts), but they're quickly overwhelmed and captured due to their superior numbers and adaptation to the terrain.
"Hey! What's-a going on here!?"
Heavy Squid calls back over his shoulder, "Admiral! Intruders captured!"
A familiar voice answers, causing the group (besides Sig and Cubot) to gasp in shock, but none louder than 4, "Good work, Captain Heavy. I'll be sure to inform her Majesty of your squad's stellar performance."
The Admiral swims up to meet them...and it's just as they feared.
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He points his trident at 4's face, "Quiet, surface dweller! I don't know how you know my name, but as the Admiral of the Undersea Kingdom Royal Guard I am not to be addressed so casually, especially by a mere prisoner. Especially a pathetic scrub like you seem to be."
4 just nervously nods his head and keeps quiet, because how the hell is he supposed to RESPOND to this situation!?
"Now, come. Our queen has ordered us to bring you before her."
And with that, Admiral 3 and his men swim off, roughly dragging the group with along with them.
Cubot chuckles nervously, "Well, at least we're still going the right way..."
Everyone else just groans.
After a few minutes, they come to a city inhabited by more converted characters. They group can't help but notice that certain parts of it look eerily similar to the abandoned fair equipment in the Showgrounds, which honestly makes sense considering what little they do know about this Zone. Between that and the apparent memory issues of the Undersea Kingdom's inhabitants, 4 has a terrible sinking feeling that's getting worse the closer they get to 3's "queen."
Eventually they get to the castle, which looks almost but not quite recognizable thanks to how much larger it's become and the new Roman-and-Zora-Inspired Open-Air (or water) design, though amusingly the hat-shaped roof is still intact. They're led to what's supposed to be 4's room and is now an open-air throne room with his desk chair converted into an empty throne too large for any human, let alone the child they're expecting by now, and the group is forced to kneel in the center of the room by their captors (apart from Cubot since he doesn't have any legs, so he's just forced to stop floating) while 3 takes a position to the right of the throne.
"The queen will decide your fate when she arrives, surface dwellers. Pray to whatever gods you have that she is merciful."
A few moments later, a green goomba with a fancy hat enters the room and blows into a conch shell, which ends up sounding like a trumpet, "Presenting her royal Majesty, Sovreign Ruler of the Undersea Kingdom, Queen Sonata!"
A massive, but still rather young-looking, green-and-blue mermaid swims in from behind her throne and sits down.
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Mario leans over to 4 and whispers, "Well, we wanted to know if she was okay. Can't get much better than 'Literally Royalty'."
4's too shocked by everything that's happening to even glare in response.
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Ok so if Ashlynn was cyberformed or somehow changed species by artifact (looking at earthspark) would she end up looking like her seeker-esque design in the lost chapter or something else? Sorry if this was a dumb question lmao
Not dumb at all!
I actually do have Ashlyn undergo a few cyber formations in a few runoff AUs, but yes, she does tend to swing between a seeker and a predacon design. Some versions might lean stronger to one side, but typically she will carry traits from both. Part of that is because I find the looks so pwetty, but it also does play in a little with Ashlyn's characterization.
The flight orientation is primarily because that's where Ash's mind typically is, ready to run, or fly, away should it be necessary. She is forming emotional connections with Team Prime, but she's still hiding the truth of her situation because she doesn't completely trust them. Whether that be from an external source or her own internal fear, Ashlyn is keeping herself from being fully "grounded" by her friends. Instead, she is ready to physically split should it become clear that she is a target instead of a viewer. Additionally, it also helps illustrate some of her personality since flight is traditionally a Decepticon capability. That doesn't make her a con, but Ashlyn does have some not-so-pleasant traits and impulses. Survival is typically her priority, if she has to play dirty, or act preemptively to protect herself or others she will do it, and if violence is the tool employed she'll use it until she doesn't need to. Ashlyn does have a minor sadistic streak, one that she actively tampers down, and she does have a manipulative side that will become more active later.
I love my little gremlin, but there is a legitimate reason besides "bad luck" for why specific cons are terrified of her. Constantly being on edge, seeking methods of control, relatively desensitized to canon violence, and fully capable of emotionally closing herself off to "characters," Ashlyn could give M.E.C.H. a run for their money if she wanted to. She's just actively choosing to play nice.
The Predacon aspect comes in for similar reasonings. As she is, Ashlyn is "a creature of potential" in a few different ways- some very literal. But she does have the potential to take on a predatory role just as much as she could be trapped as prey. Ash's already tapped in on this with one con, and that interaction is partly why the Spider was interested in her. Likewise, Ashlyn technically also hails from another age of Cybertron. Her lore, the explanation for her existence, is rooted in those pre-cataclysm days. Under that logic, she could be considered a revived remnant, similar to Predaking. And like Predaking (and what I'm inferring for common Predacon dynamics) she will always want to protect her "pack." Biological, adoptive, or found family, she will fight for the people she considers hers. Additionally playing into the whole predacon aspect, Ashlyn is a very wild character. She acts unexpectedly and flips situations on their heads, but she's also an individual who refuses to be tamed against her will (which may or may not be important).
Either way, Ashlyn would never fully fall into either subclass. She'll always have a mix of characteristics, being too sharp and armored to be seen as a regular Seeker or too small and fragile to match a true Predacon. She will always be shifting between the two whenever I write her in a bot form because it's a physical manifestation of her shifting priorities and mindsets. Prey or predator. Provoke or protect. Leave or stay.
And again, it's also really dang pretty in my personal opinion. I'm mean enough to this girl; she deserved to get pampered!
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msfcatlover · 1 year
Any Robin steph AUs?
Not specifically built around that concept, though I fully admit my Reverse!Robins AU is very, very Steph-centric (Red Hood!Steph, my beloved…)
For a full Robin!Steph AU, though, I certainly know what I’d want to see, and that tends to be how most of my AUs begin. Let’s see…
I want Steph to have her own chance to lead the Teen Titans, but I’ve very little idea who I would put on her team. 
— My only thought is Argent, because I vaguely remember seeing a page somewhere where Argent was like, “All this hero stuff, I’m just realizing it’s like, real,” and Steph was standing there like, “No shit, Sherlock.”
— Maybe Halo, because I’m reading the original Batman & the Outsiders right now, and Halo’s fun; I think Halo’s flightiness & amnesia-turned-dark-backstory could bounce really well off having Steph for a mentor, since (despite being an agent of chaos,) Steph is actually pretty grounded & realistic in her worldview, and would be a great mentor for the “your past/roots/origin doesn’t have to define you” thing Halo really struggles with. Plus, you could have a running joke of people assuming Halo is the team leader because she’s older & has powers, while Steph is like, “I’M RIGHT! HERE!”
Steph has the right to face off against an evil doppelgänger who isn’t just a shapeshifter mimicking her for a brief time. Clone, alternate self, some sort of VR thing gone wild, I don’t care, I want that “dark reflection” episode, okay?
Steph has the right to foil at least one alien invasion.
Steph has the right to see the ~dark~future~ where she becomes Batman (Steph would make an awesome Batman, in my opinion, but it would require a great tragedy to get her there; she never would if Dick, Tim, Cass, or any of the extended family I don’t know so well were capable of taking up the mantle.) (I believe I have already made my opinions on Batman!Jason & Batman!Damian clear.)
You know that story all the boy Robins get, where they sacrifice themselves for their team, only to actually survive and have everyone reaffirm how loved, valued, & relied upon they are? Yeah, Steph deserves that too.
I think there’s a great running gag in a true Robin!Steph AU where she keeps turning up at Tim’s house to “bail him out,” or ask for advice, and Tim’s dad never realizes Steph is the new Robin, so he’s completely okay with it. He thinks this is Tim having a normal social life.
— I also think there should be an episode where some major event requires all hands on deck while Steph is out with Tim, and Tim has a small crisis over what to do, only for Steph to throw her old Spoiler costume right in his face. “What are you waiting for, dumbass? Suit up!”/“I promised my dad no bat stuff…”/“SPOILER IS NOT A BAT!” Then you get Robin!Steph & Spoiler!Tim fighting back-to-back. 
— Could be a great chance for Tim to formally give his blessing for Steph being Robin at the end when she drops him off at home, as he holds out the folded Spoiler suit to return it (“You kicked a lot of ass out there. You know, for an amateur.”) Steph presses it back into his hands with a smile. (“Keep it. In case of emergency, and all that. Can’t have some civilian risking my rep.”)
Y’know what? I want an episode where Nightwing was supposed to babysit Steph & her team, but he gets de-aged back to like 14 during the mission. Steph’s Titans desperately scramble to find a cure and hide this fact from the adults, while Dick & Steph at first clash over their differences as Robin before bonding over being absolute chaos gremlins (much to the horror of everyone around them.)
— Include a running joke once Dick finds out Steph is technically younger than he is, where he keeps stubbornly calling her his little sister no matter how much Steph protests that she is A) currently older than him, & B) not one of Bruce’s kids.
— Once again, this plot should end with Robin!Dick pausing before taking the cure, and telling Steph he doesn’t know how much of this he’s going to remember when he goes back to normal, but he thinks she makes a pretty awesome Robin. (Then he takes the cure, turns back into Nightwing, and immediately hugs Steph hard enough to lift her off her feet, laughing over her protests and saying he’s just showing his appreciation for his little sister. Steph continues to yell about not being Batman’s kid.)
…That’s all I’ve got off the top of my head. 
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heracrosshero · 1 year
Something in Common
Mercury Black walked away from the campfire towards Blake Belladonna, hearing the crunching of the autumn leaves beneath his artificial feet. So far he had managed to get on good terms with most of Team RWBY and JNPR, as Cinder had requested. A few minutes before, Blake had also walked away from the campfire where her teammates sat roasting marshmallows. Blake was intently reading a novel while resting against an old tree.  Mercury approached gently. “Hey Blake, mind if I chill here for a bit?” Blake barely acknowledged his presence, but nodded.  Mercury gave a convincing sigh. “I need a quick break from the socializing. Your teammates are awesome don’t get me wrong, but they’re... a lot.” Blake smirked and turned the page. “Yeah, they can be a bit much sometimes. Don’t worry though, you’ll get used to them.”
Mercury nodded and sat down on a large tree root. He tried to think of a way to keep the conversation going, so he could get some intel out of her and make this boring night worth his time.  “So uh, what are you reading?” Mercury asked. Blake glanced over at him. “The Girl who fell through the World” “Never read it, what’s it about?” Mercury asked while picking a leaf out of his silver hair.  Blake did shut the book at this statement. “How can you never have read it? It’s a classic book of children’s literature?” Mercury threw his hands up in surrender. “I don’t know! I’m not much of a bookworm. Plus my dad was never the type to read bedtime stories to me growing up.” Blake looked disappointed, but not surprised. “Well you should read more, books are a fantastic way to hone your mind and enrich your life.” Mercury chuckled. “Cinder and Emerald would probably say my mind is a lost cause, but eh, maybe I’ll give it a try sometime.” Blake only grunted in response and returned to reading. Mercury let the silence linger. It was starting to get real awkward just sitting her next to an emo girl reading her silly kid book. Wonderful, I know her current book of choice, I’m sure that will be loads of help for Cinder’s plans. Think of something else. Get her talking about herself you idiot. He had half a mind to just cut his losses and go back to eating marshmallows with the others. 
Then, almost without noticing, he asked the question that he actually wanted to know the answer to. “Hey Blake, why do you hide your ears?” Blake instantly let the book drop from her hands onto the dirt. Mercury felt a vice grip on his collar and a pair of cold yellow eyes staring daggers into his own. 
“How?” was all Blake said. It wasn’t a question, it was a demand.  Mercury scoffed at her indignantly. “C’mon Blake, you wear that bow ALL the time. Plus, you’re out here reading late at night in the woods with no light source. I said I don’t read for fun, not that I’m stupid.” This was all technically true, but Mercury left out the part about having already been told that Blake was a faunus by Roman Torchwick.  Blake let go of his collar but still glared at him. “I hide my ears because I’m not ready to face the hate and intolerance that comes with it. I hide my ears because unlike you, I don’t get to just waltz into any group of people and assume they’ll all be fine with who I am. Why do you care in the first place?” 
Mercury just looked at this angry, hurt girl in front of him. He wasn’t sure if he had really understood exactly how screwed up his situation was until this moment. These people were basically his age, and he figured they were all spoiled brats with stupid dreams of being heroic huntresses and huntsman. The girl in front of him looked a lot more like Mercury than he had assumed. It was almost enough to make him feel bad about helping plot their destruction. He decided in that moment to be just a little honest. Cinder could roast him later for all he cared.  Mercury slowly slid his hands down to the ends of his left pant leg and rolled it up. Blake’s expression gave nothing away at first, until the gleam of the distant moonlight shimmered off of his metal prosthetic. Mercury gestured to his exposed leg. “I have something to hide too. I’m sorry to have blindsided you like this, but I just...wanted to know your reasons.” Blake looked at his leg like she was recalling a bad memory, or perhaps a lot of bad memories all at once. She closed her eyes and lowered her head. “I’m also sorry. I’m trying to be a more open person, and I can understand why you were curious. I guess we have something in common.” Mercury gave a reluctant smile. “I think everyone has something in common with everybody else. You just have to find out what it is.” Mercury pulled his pantleg back down over his prosthetic and rose to his feet. “I’ll stop bothering you now Blake, enjoy the book.” Mercury again wandered through the trees, heading back to the crackling fire. He hadn’t learned anything useful for Cinder, but Mercury had the feeling this conversation would stick with him for a long time.
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Oh man, Mito and Hashirama are already such a powerhouse couple, but throwing Shisui into that? W o w. But hey, speaking of Mito, I'd love to see what your take on Shisui/Mito would be if you have any ideas. I have a feeling that Kagami being the ambassador of Uzu + being from a time where they're all but extinct except for Naruto who is basically Mito's legacy and yet is treated like trash... is gonna be make for some interesting emotions on Shisui's part.
Hey, Anon 👋
Oooh boy, you're absolutely on the money. Shisui, as I have him as Uzushio Ambassador Kagami's grandson, has a lot of complicated feelings about Uzushio and the Uzumaki. He also has complicated feelings on Jinchuuriki as Kakashi's Squadmate, maybe, but also what with all the Shinobi wars and also the Kyuubi attack.
On the other hand, Mito will also have considerable issues. The Uzumaki don't seem to have any interaction with the Uchiha before the founding except for via their connection to the Senju. Which is, obviously, Not Good.
If this is a pairing without Hashirama, then we have to think about a world where Shisui and Mito would meet independently of the marriage-treaty. If Shisui leapfrogs the Uchiha-Senju and goes to Mito directly, he would need a very good reason for that; maybe he was ROOT-sealed by Danzo so that he couldn't tell anyone about Danzo's treachery and he needs it removed ASAP, cue the slow dance of forming an alliance that benefits both of them (despite Shisui being an Uchiha and therefore the enemy of the Uzumaki's allies) and building trust. Mito would also be the one to help Shisui try to reverse engineer a way back home. Maybe Shisui was sent back with Naruto, who was wandering by the Naka when Danzo attacked, so they need to get an ally and quick!
Personality wise, because I realize I've got distracted lol, they really aren't a bad match up! It's hard because you don't exactly see Mito as a person, so it's all bloody headcanon-ed 😅
Let's get brainstorming!
Shisui knows how to treat a lady right. Mikoto is a similar brand of sophisticated badass Hime so Shisui absolutely will not undermine or interrupt Mito, he will defer to her expertise, but he's not a pushover and he won't be completely lost when she gets technical.
Mito needs someone who can keep up but has more spice than a research partner. She's content to let others rattle away and talk bullshit because actions speak louder and she's confident in her own strength and influence. Shisui is much the same.
She also, apparently, doesn't do much fighting (we never so much as glimpse a blade or armour, but that's hardly off brand for Kishi's pigeonholing of women) but that doesnt mean she can't fight. Shisui is smart enough to keep up, he doesn't know much about seals but he understands a fuck tonne about chakra systems and reality bending because of both his Mangekyou and his revolutionary Shunshin.
For some AUs, I feel like Mito would be a political Hime with Shisui as her dedicated bodyguard. She's all cool composure and he's bright eyed and fixated behind her shoulder. What an unbeatable team!
Or, in another AU, maybe Shisui is a freedom fighter and he kidnaps Princess Mito for ransom, only to find her much more of a handful than anticipated ...until she realises the truth of the movement and then they fight together!
Shisui starts spiralling? Mito comes up with a vicious attack plan, so protective, and it's very affirming
Mito wants to do something absolutely groundbreaking? Shisui is a fucking cheerleader, "that's my Queen!"
There's a lot of emotional intelligence in this pairing, a lot of understated power and breathtaking ingenuity, and they would be very fierce for each other... As soon as they prove to each other that they can be trusted and should join forces
This is a good one, Anon! Enjoy 😉
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analogboii · 1 month
What's bishops castle? Please tell me about it!
this is a "castle" that currently resides in Rye, Colorado.
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So, Jim Bishop bought some land way back when. He was 15 and saved up 450 bucks from various jobs. His parents used his money to buy it for him (cause he was 15, so he couldn't legally purchase land yet). Originally, he just built a cabin with his dad. But one day, motherfucker just woke up with a "message from God" that told him to build a castle. and he was just like "alright bet" and just started building one. Mind you, this guy has NO IDEA how to build a castle (I mean, who tf does these days) and just starts slapping rocks/slabs and concrete together.
Not only is he doing this, but he's primarily doing this BY HIMSELF. No professional team of contractors or construction workers, no. Its mostly just HIM fueled by "the spirit of god". Sure, different family members helped over time here and there, but it was mostly solo work. People would say they'd help them flake out, but he didn't care. He kept going bc he was fully convinced that this is why god sent him to this plane of existence. To build this castle.
that being said, he OBSESSED over this. this was the reason he got up in the morning. the first thing he thought about when he woke up and the last thing he thought about before going to bed. it consumed his life.
tragedy struck in the 80s when his four year old son died. they had been taking out the trunk of a tree. some of the roots were giving trouble so he sent his FOUR YEAR OLD SON to cut the roots. only for the trunk to end up falling on top of him and squashing him.
you'd think that something like that would fuck you up and you'd stop, right? not Jim. he kept going. later when asked why he had kept going he just "well, what else am I gonna do? he loved the place!"
the website leaves this part out, but you can find articles and interviews about it. the website is VERY tailored to make Jim seem more sane than he is.
after this, a lot of his relationships strained. some family and friends stopped talking to him. some were wary. some tried to get him to stop, but he just kept saying that god was telling him this is what he needed to do. this was his calling.
as it got bigger over the years, people started to come and see it.
some people told him he should charge to see it, but growing up with not a lot of money and not being able to do things bc of that, he was determined to keep it free, but it does have a donation box. between that and the gift shop, they are primarily what keep this place running. they are also a registered non profit charity as well. they donate quite a bit to newborn heart surgeries.
tbh, it's a really insanely impressive the way it looks. it's got a grand ballroom and several other rooms. there isn't running water as it's not a functioning castle and still isn't technically finished, but to say it got this far as a solo man project is insane. it took 40ish years to get to this point.
like this shit even has stained glass
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now Jim Bishop is old as shit so he's unable to keep building on it. it's still considered under construction and sometimes he'll hire friends or family to build on it. he spends his days sitting outside of it, ranting about the government.
THIS MAN HATES THE GOVERNMENT BY THE WAY (as he should). like I remember one of the times I went, he was YELLING about shit. people will go to just rile him up cause this man will POP OFF. he also has a lot of anti government signs around his property as well.
also, colorado can frequently have fire bans because it can get incredibly dry in the summers. he's got signs about those too. he's also got your disclaimers and such as well.
oh the signs are all handmade, btw.
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there are more signs, but Tumblr is only allowing me so many photos.
during the two years I lived in Colorado, I went eight times. I would've went more if I could've. the over all energy from there is insane. love talking and listening to Jim's insane rants, his grandkids sometimes run the gift shop and they're always nice. this man is absolutely batshit but we got a really cool castle out of it. he also prides himself and calls it "a working class made attraction for the working class" if you're ever in Colorado, especially near Rye, go visit it. the drive up there is beautiful, the place is stunning, and it's a free attraction, so definitely worth it.
tho if you go, be careful. shit gets a little rickety once you hit the third floor. walk carefully and don't even think about running. you can go even higher as there are walk ways and stuff around the outside and to the towers. there are signs when you reach this point that warn you to progress as your own risk (I'd post it if I could stuff more pics in here). I've never reached the very top bc I'm so scared of heights but I want to be able to do it one day. i haven't been in a few years because I moved, but hell yeah I'd go again.
I could talk more about it but this is already insanely long. definitely look into it, it's so worth it. and thank you for asking so I can unleash this verbal vomit 🙏
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macaroni-rascal · 10 months
Interesting... The only reason I wouldn't put the Italians in first is that they did make mistakes in the free. Loved them in the short, though. I actually would've absolutely had the Canadanes at the top, they did a phenomenal job keeping it together while having just two knees between them lol. And just their material and presentation was superior to the other teams. They've said they're doing a Brazilian free this year, right? The 80s theme should absolutely suit them. They're the team I root for the most, I want them to get their due. My podium would've been Canadanes, Italians, and I would've awarded H/B a medal in absentia, I don't care, they've dealt with such unnecessary shit and they've been forever criminally underscored for how good they are. I'd have the Brits in the two-spot-qualifying rankings just because it would've sucked for that junior team not to have a spot. I would've knocked the French down because none of their top teams excite me, their only interesting team is Lagouge/Caffa but they aren't where they need to be technically at all.
I get that, I would still have the Italians first just because of they are technically superior the Canadanes. Lolo is amazing, but Nik struggles with stuff, while the Italians are matched well and are equally proficient. Also, if they won worlds, maybe they'd finally fucking retire.
I generally don't follow a lot of program announcements in the off season, I like to show up in September and get surprised/excited at all the choices and programs. I also don't watch performances from shows usually. I'm not sure what a "Brazilian" free means though? Are they doing a samba? Or a capoeira? That would be fun. Dance fighting in ice knife shoes.
Big hugs to H/B, I think they are continuing so I hope they have a good season, I am a little worried they will be taken over by Green and Parsons.
I feel you on the Brits being in the top 10 to give the actually good ice dance team from that country a shot at worlds, I amend my list and put the in 10th!
I agree there are no interesting French teams at the moment, I mean there hasn't been an interesting French team sine Pechelat and Bourzat, but that's a whole other conversation.
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b-rainlet · 1 year
They did drop the line about Aemond at 13 being traumatized by a brothel visit set up by Aegon so there is a male SA victim narrative going on with Aemond. And just a big pile of Aegon as rapist narratives: Helaena, Dyana, technically Aemond, implied children in the pit? This is why while I did not read the Helaena speech as "He rapes me" I believe it was the writing team's intention. At this point, I just wonder who'll be next
Oh it's definitely the writer's intention but I simple dislike that they chose to portray Aegon as a rapist in the first place.
It just very much feels like an easy way for the writers to go 'See how evil Aegon is?? This is why Rhaenyra should be on the throne!' instead of simply letting Aegon be a pawn in King's clothing.
It's not even the fact that people could've rooted for him! Like, I am pretty sure Aegon is one of the few people on this show who actively dislike sitting on the throne and who would be happy to bend the knee and that's the goddamn tragedy of the story! That even though Rhaenyra was named heir and Aegon has no interest in being heir, people will keep on pushing Aegon to ursurp his sister simply based on the fact that he is male.
Why do you need to add an 'Oh, he's also a bad person!' to that? I don't really think it does anything at all for the story.
So I personally would've enjoyed them showing Rhaenyra and Aegon as two sides of the same coin, as people who are both suffering from expectations which are put upon them simply based on their gender.
That would've made both of them more interesting as people and it would've expanded the narrative of 'women suffering under the patriarchy' to 'people who don't fit rigid gender roles and archaic stereotypes suffer under the patriarchy' which I think would've been truly feminist.
(Little side note here, but I think a lot of shows/movies try to incorporate feminism into their writing but then forget that feminism includes everybody and that's how we end up with a few 'woke' buzzwords in some scenes and the same fucking problems still).
Then there's the thing about the Aemond scene. You're right, Aemond definitely is/could be framed as a SA victim there, but given that they don't address the fact that Aegon is one too - but go out of their way to imply that Helaena is, even though it's obvious neither of them want to have sex with each other and Aegon must be suffering from that too - we'll see how far they'll go with that or if they decide to drop it once it's time for Aemond to impregnate Alys.
(I personally hope they make him as shy and skittish and uncomfortable as possible around the concept of sex because it would fit into what they tried to allude to with said scene but we'll see).
You know which other guy was forced to sleep with somebody purely because of pressure from Westerosi Society? Laenor.
And aside from a throwaway line about him and Rhaenyra trying and it not working, most of the focus there is on Rhaenyra - and I get it, she's the main character, her having bastards weakens her claim to the throne blah blah, but if they were so hellbound on making Aegon the 'new Joffrey' they could've at least used Laenor to shed some light on male suffering but no.
I simply think the show is lacking in that department and it's especially sad for Aegon because he's such a tragic character but now he's reduced to rapist and that's it.
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Emergency Visits (Bucky Barnes)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Words: 4.5k+
Warning(s): SMUT! Oral (Reader recieving), fingering, penetration, fluff!!! (Cringe warning too)
A/N: HONESTLY, idk why i had the courage to write smut but I did. THE ORIGINAL ONE-SHOT WASN’T SUPPOSED TO HAVE SMUT LMFAO also yall know I am a sucker for crossovers SOOO the timelime for TFATWS is off in this because Frank Castle is in here and I wrote most of this before episode 5 <3 
Summary: Bucky, Sam, and Zemo need a place to lay low in while in the States and you're their most trusted person they know. What was not predicted was your vigilante friend needing medical help that same night. 
You were a former Avenger. You were highly trained in combat but your purpose was to help any wounded comrade or citizen when you and the team were called in. The fighting days were pretty much over for you after the last battle with Thanos. You still used your medical knowledge to work at the different hospitals in New York City and helped Matt Murdock or Frank Castle with any wounds. Rarely you'd help with some vigilante work, but you rather sit out and keep to a less violent life.
You were mindless watching whatever Netflix suggested to you on a breezy night in your humble apartment in New York. It has been a rather boring few nights for you compared to more hectic ones, given your vigilante friends weren't getting as hurt as usual and didn't need discreet medical care.
Your cellphone ringing next to you snapped your attention away from your binging of a John Mulaney  stand up show (good choice Netflix). You looked at the caller idea and swore your heart fluttered ever so slightly.
James Buchanan Barnes was calling.
You had spent many months in Wakanda with him as Shuri worked tirelessly to get rid of Hydras grasp on his mind. Your main focus was learning new information on medicine but you always made sure to visit Bucky. You both got pretty close... Light touches, lingering hugs, and often staring at each other when the other wasn't looking became a commonality. It was obvious feelings of love were blossoming for you, but you weren't fully sure if he felt the same.
After the battle you both stayed in contact, but he decided to reside in D.C. while you laid roots back in the familiarity of New York. You both made sure to visit each when possible, but it had been about a month and a half since you last saw him.
"Hey, Buck." You smiled, answering his call. "It's been a few days, usually you make sure to call every other night. Are you okay?"
"I..." You heard him sigh, making you sit up straight.  "I need a favor, doll."
"Of course, you know I would do practically anything for you."
"That applies to me too right?" You heard Sam in the background, making you chuckle.
"Yes, it does Sam. How are you?"
"I've been better, these past few days have been rough but I'll let Stare-a-tron explain it to you." You heard a wack and an 'ow' come from Sam.
"So..." Bucky started but didn't continue.
"So, have you paid any attention to the news regarding Munich?"
"I have now connected the dots."
"You broke a certain terrorist out of jail didn't you, James." You groan. When you saw the news about Zemo you couldn't possibly connect it to Buck and Sam, but with this call and a need of a favor instantly made you realize.
"Technically, (Y/N), he broke himself out."
"Do I need to slap some sense into you? He killed King  T'Chaka. He broke up the Avengers--"
"I know, I know." You heard him sigh. You listened in closer and heard some background traffic noise that sounded like the streets of New York. "Listen, we need a place to lay low for a bit in the States and your the only person I can one-hundred percent trust. I can't tell you more on the phone but please-"
"Yes, yes of course Buck. You guys, well minus Zemo, are welcomed here for whatever reason. Do you need me to text you the address?"
"Nah, we are actually about to enter your apartment building."
"Well hurry up so we can decide on take out." You chuckled and hung up the phone. You only had to wait a few minutes before you heard knocking at your door. Wasting no time you opened the door as fast as you can and practically tackle Bucky into a hug.
He chuckled gently, "I missed you too, doll."
You released him from your hold and grinned as Sam. "Come here Sam, I haven't seen you in a few months." You pulled him into a less dramatic but friendly hug.
"Good to see you too, (Y/N)." Sam and Buck made their way into the apartment leaving you faced to face with Zemo.
"Hello." You greeted, offering a differential handshake.
"Hello, (Y/N). I hope all is well." He accepted the short handshake and gave an equally differential smile before entering your apartment.
"Welcome to my humble abode, make yourselves at home here. I have two bedrooms so we better discuss sleeping arrangements-"
"Easy, I call dibs bunking with you while Wings and Zemo stay in your spare room." Bucky interrupted.
"Hold up, why can't you stay with creepy-magee? I'm sure you two would love to stare at each other." Sam argued.
"Because I called dibs, isn't that right Doll?"
"He did call dibs, Sam." You shrugged and laugh at his look of betrayal.
You heard Zemo start to speak but Sam beat him to it, "You don't get an opinion." Zemo simply put his hands up and surrendered while the other two kept arguing about the concept of dibs.
"Anyways I'll order some Chinese food and we can discuss why you three are here over dinner."
Your mind was blown.
Bucky and Sam filled you in on Isaiah, the return of super soldiers, why they needed Zemo, and the issues they had with the New Captain America. You also almost chastised Bucky for missing his mandated therapy session but decided to keep eating your food and let him continue.
"Wow, that is fucking nuts. Super soldiers, huh?" You sigh. As much as you didn't want to, you had a feeling they would need your help with fighting. After all you fought along with the original Captain America, so you picked up ways to fight super soldiers.
"Yeah, after Madripoor we need to lay low. Hopefully no one spotted us." Sam said, starting to pick up his dishes. Everyone seemed to follow suit and you were about to speak again when you heard knocking at your door.
"Hey, can you take these  for me? I'll go answer the door." You slid your stuff towards Buck who looked at you worried.
"Do you want one of us to answer the door with you?"
"Nah I should be fine, it's probably Mrs. Espinoza looking for her sons cat." You waved him off, making your way to the door. You unlock your locks and crack open the door.
There stood Frank fucking Castle, covered in an obscene amount of blood while using  the wall for support.
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"Hey..." He greeted with a hoarse voice and a weak attempt of a smile.
"Holy shit, Frank." You said barely above a whisper. "Fuck, can one you guys come here?!" You shouted, opening the door wider while taking one his arms over your shoulder.
"What the hell, (Y/N)?" Bucky looked at you and the blood soaked Punisher with bewilderment.
"I'll explain in a bit! Just help me take him to the couch. Sam go get my medical bag, it's in my closet in the room on the left! Zemo clear everyones stuff from the couch." You barked out orders while you and James carefully led Frank to the couch. When Zemo cleared it off and Sam came running out with your bag, you both laid him down on the couch.
With no hesitation you quickly wash your hands and prepare your equipment.
"Are you going to tell us what the hell is happening right now, (Y/N)?" Buck asked.
"I am also wondering why we have a beaten guy on your couch." Sam's face was full of worry.
You sigh and begin removing Franks clothes to look for any life threatening wounds. "This is the Punisher. If you haven't kept up with the more lower level news he is one of the vigilantes."
"That doesn't explain why he is here."
"I... I am friends with him and Daredevil. I patch them up so they can avoid the hospital." You see a bullet wound on his side, it was bad but it was manageable with an exit wound. "One of you hold him up so I can stitch his back."
Bucky immediately joined your side, using his enhanced strength to hold up Frank.
"You gonna introduce me to your friends here, (Y/N)?" Frank rasped. "I gotta know whose cold ass hand is touchin' me."
"I'll introduce you to them later, let me get you stable."
After what felt like hours, you finished dressing a gash on his thigh. You peel of your bloodied gloves and get up from kneeling on the floor. You helped sit Frank up so he can get a good look at whose here.
"Frank, this is Sam Wilson and James Barnes. I worked and fought with them as an Avenger." You gesture to the two. You saw him eyeing Buck before giving you a knowing look. You both were friends after all, he knew of your feelings towards Bucky.
"Who's the guy in the pimp coat?" He grunted and gestured towards Zemo, who rolled his eyes.
"Baron Zemo. Escapee prisoner."
"Zemo? As in the guy who bombed the UN? Do you need me to-"
"No Frank, they need him alive." You chuckled.
"Well, it's good to put faces to names. Especially yours, James." Frank spoke, nudging you. "I'll get my spare clothes and rinse off the blood now, something tells me the guest room will be taken." You were going to protest but knew Frank was too stubborn to listen. The four of you watched him make his way to the guest room before closing the door.
"Oh so he knows about us but we don't know about him?" Sam arched a brow at you. Bucky stayed silent, clenching both his fists.
You sigh, "I am sorry for not telling you guys. I didn't keep my involvement with vigilantes away from you both on purpose, I promise."
"Can we trust the Punisher? Will everything be safe with all of us here?"
"You don't have to worry about me talking." Frank came out of the room in new clothes, using a damp towel to wipe his face. "(Y/N)'s stuck her neck out for me countless times. I owe it to her."
"If (Y/N) trusts you then we trust you."
"As much as I want to stay up, I think it is best we get some sleep. Tomorrow we can talk more." You stretch and yawn and everyone seemed to agree. Castle put a pillow on the couch and grabbed a spare blanket you had lying around.
"C'mon man you can have the bed. You look like you got the shit beaten out of you." Sam said.
"Nah it's fine. I'm a light sleeper. I can stay out here in case he," Castle pointed to Zemo, "tries somethin'."
"C'mon Buck, your rooming with me." You smile and grab his non-vibranium hand.
"I don't want to share a room with Zemo." Falcon groaned
"Bucky did call dibs after all."
You said goodnight to Sam, and gave Frank a quick hug goodnight before you and James went into your bedroom, a duffel bag in his hand.
James was feeling jealous. He didn't want to admit it but watching how friendly you were with Frank Castle made his feelings worse.  He could pick up the familiarity between the two of you and how easy you were able to talked to him. Frank was someone in your life Bucky didn't know existed.  How close were you to the Punisher?
Thoughts of you and Frank entered his head but he quickly tried to dismiss them. It made his chest ache just thinking about you and another man. Yeah, Buck was smitten with you. But the feelings of self-doubt and guilt always made it hard for him to confess. With the addition of Frank? Made it almost impossible.
"You can use the bathroom to change while I cahnge out here." Your voice snaps him out of his thoughts. He nodded silently, clenching his jaw, while entering the bathroom.
Your stare lingered at the door before you quickly put on a different set of comfortable clothes, discarding your previous clothes to the floor. You picked up on his sudden quietness and you hoped he wasnt truly mad at you. With a quiet sigh you slid under the blankets of your bed and waited for Bucky so you could get to bed. You and Bucky have shared the floor and bed before, and you were able to keep it together.
But after everything that has happened, after finally seeing him after almost two months, it made you feel nervous. You weren't sure if it was exhaustion or stress, but your feelings for Bucky suddenly felt overwhelming.
If that wasn't enough, you felt like your face was burning when he stepped out from the bathroom, wearing just his boxers and dogtags.
"I, uh, hope you don't mind. I found sleeping without a shirt easier to deal with nightmares. Helps cool me off."
"No, no. Don't worry at all Buck." You smile but it felt like your heart was going to leap out of your chest. He smiled briefly before he turned out the lights, joining you in bed. You both laid on your sides, back facing back. You shut your eyes and try to focus on sleeping, but the image of shirtless, only in boxers James flooded your thoughts.
"Doll?" James voice cut through the silence.
"Y-yes, Buck?"
"Who... Who is Frank  to you?" He asked in a low, dejected tone. Your eyes snap open. What kind of question was that from him?
"What do you mean?" You roll to face him but his back was still towards you.
"Are you and Frank..." He paused, "just ignore it, nevermind."
"Bucky, face me." He didn't  respond. "Please, James." You heard him sigh but he complied, turning to face you. The subtle light from your window made it easier to see his handsome face in the dark. You gulped, trying to muster an ounce of courage to tell him these feelings you've held for him for years.
"Frank and I are strictly friends. Before he became the Punisher he had a wife and two kids who he loved dearly. They-they were killed in front of him. He loved his wife dearly and I don't think he is looking to start dating anytime soon." You sigh and things go silent for a moment.
You rested a hand on his cheek and scooch closer. "James, I... I really enjoy spending time with you. I enjoy your presence. After all that we have been through,  with getting the code words out your head to losing Steve... I want to be by your side no matter what." You felt tears prick your eyes.
"I feel the same way about you doll." James spoke, just above a whisper. "You help ground me and honestly you help keep me sane." His hand found its way above yours that was cupping his cheek. Gently he moved your hand to his lips. He placed a soft kiss to your knuckles before moving it over his heart. "I've felt this for a while and I never had much courage to say it before but... I love you, (Y/N)."
"I love you too, James." You smile, a few happy tears managed to escape your eyes.
"C'mere." He helped move you close to him, pulling you into a deep hug. The chill of his vibranium arm caused goosebumps but the warmth of his other arm gave you comfort.
You wrap your arms around his bare torso and snuggled your face into his neck. God he smelt good. With a little courage coursing through you, you gave him a small kiss on the neck before giving him a little love bite, nothing that would bruise.
Bucky chuckled moving a part from you, just enough to get a full look at your face. Without saying anything he leaned in, his eyes hooded, placing his lips on yours. One of his hands found its way to your head while the other rested on your hip. You pushed your body closer to his, while gently dragging your nails across his back.
"Mm Doll." He mumbled against your lips. "I... I want to continue this with you if that's alright with you."
"Yes, Bucky." And in an instant after giving him the word, he maneuvered you onto your back while he hovered on top of you, his dogtags dangling down. He removed them from his body.
"Don't want those hitting your pretty face." He smiled and leaned in to kiss you once again, this time him slipped his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss. His warm hand rested on your neck before he slowly dragged it down your chest and to the hem of your shirt. He messed with it a little, teasing to go underneath.  You whine a bit and arch your back as he kept messing with it.
"May I?" You simply nod in response. He pushed himself away from you and took the hem of your shirt, helping you remove it. The cold air hitting your now exposed chest made you shiver. "No bra? Naughty." He smirked.
"I'm not the one who came out only his his boxers."
"Touché." He tossed your shirt onto the ground and soaked in the view below him. The perfect lighting leaking through the blinds illuminated everything in just the right way. James licked his lips, "You are gorgeous, doll."
"You're pretty handsome yourself." You smile, which made him smile.
"Let me treat you like a goddess. Let me repay the favor." Without another word James attacked your neck with his mouth, nipping and sucking on the area. He continued leaving love marks from your neck down to your chest slowly. The sensation made you moan as tingles went through your body. You felt yourself getting wetter as he continued to leave hickies on your chest.
Bucky used his non-vibranium hand to cup your right breast, kneading it gently. Maintaining eye contact with you his leans his head down to your free breast before giving your raised nipple a quick lick. The feel made your body shake ever so slightly, making him smirk at the reaction. He did it again, although this time slower before latching on, using his tongue to swipe over the sensitive bump.
"Bucky-" You gasped. You felt heat slowly build in your core, not enough to have you screaming, but enough to feel pleasurable. "That feels so good." He continued giving your tender breasts and nipples attention, slowly building you up.
"Lets get these pajama shorts off." He sat up again, moving himself lower on the bed. He gripped the waistband of your shorts and began slowly removing them while you lifted your legs to help. Discarding them like your shirt, he tosses those articles of clothing to the floor. You were left with just your panties
His hands take your knees and help spread your legs farther a part, soaking in the view of your body spread out. His mouth found its place on your in thigh. He left small kissed, sometimes little bites, and he dragged his mouth closer and closer to your wet pussy. "I want to taste you doll, is that alright?"
"Y-yes Bucky, please." You begged, adjusting your hips ever so slightly. "I want to feel you more."
"As you wish." He smirked. Before he removes your panties he places soft kissed over the fabric covering your pussy. You stifle a moan, as he continued to tease you against the fabric. When he was done, he remove your underwear with ease.
"You are stunning, absolutely stunning." His hand found its way to your slit. He gently  brushed his fingers over your sensitive skin, making your body twitch ever so slightly. "You're so wet for me, already." His tongue slowly and softly dragged around your vagina and clit, the teasing is back on.
"A-Ah!" You quietly moaned, trying to keel your voice down. You moan again when you felt one metal finger enter slowly while his mouth latched to your clit. One of your hands reached down to grip his hair as he began to finger and play with your clitoris.
The pleasure had your curling your toes. You had to bite your lip to hold back from moaning loudly. You didn't feel like waking up the others.
Another finger entered as he started to speed up his motions, his tongue and mouth still on your clitoris.
"That feels so good." You said with an airy tone as he continued to work.
"You taste divine." His breath against your sensitive skin made you your thighs clamp around his head. The pleasure was building up and you felt like your were close to cumming.
"J-James, - oh god!" You kept your voice down but the work he is doing to your clit made it hard to stay quiet. "Fuck-"
James give your clit one last lick before sitting, removing his fingers in the process. He then licked his fingers clean as he stared down at your panting body. He could feel his cock wanting to be free from his boxers so he removed them, letting his large erection out. He watched you squirm as you awaited for his touch again.
"Do you want my dick inside you, doll?"
"Ye-yes please." You begged, wiggling your hips for him. "Please!"
"God your so hot." He leaned back over you, placing a sloppy kiss on your mouth. You could taste yourself on his lips. Lining himself up to your entrance he looked to you. "Ready?"
"Yes!" He smiled, and slowly slide his cock inside you. You gasp as you feel him stretch you out, tears stinging your eyes. He stopped once he was fully in, letting you have a moment to get adjusted. "I don't know how I'll keep my voice down."
"Bury your face into my neck, I want to hear you moan my name."
You did what he suggested, you wrapped your arms around his torso while he used his vibranium arm to stay stable and his other arm around your head to keep himself close to you. His body was completely on top of yours.
"You can move now."
James slowly moved his hips away, almost entirely removing his cock from you except the tip before thrusting back in. Your moan was successful smothered by his body. He continued thrust himself inside your pussy, the sound of skin slapping skin filled the room.
"O-Oh James- yesyesyes," You mewl. "You feel so good." You heard him let out a husky groan in your ear.
"I love it when you say my name, (Y/N)." He whispered in your ear as he kept his pace. You continue to moan out his name, gripping him tight as his thrust got faster. "Fuck, your so tight."
"Shit- faster!" You begged and he obliged. "You're so good to me Bucky. You-you're perfect." You could feel his thrust starting to gst sloppy as you felt waves of pleasure course through your body.
"Baby you make me crazy." He moaned. You could feel his hand make its way down to your clit, and your body arches against his as he pressed down on the sensitive bud. He practically started pounding your pussy as he moaned in your ear.
"James I'm gonna- I'm so close!" You cry out as the the feeling kept building.
"Do it, cum for me."
It was like everything in your body started shake as the pressure finally snaps in your core. You bury your face into his chest and moan his name as blinding, white hot pleasure filled your being. Your walls tighten around his cock  and you feel him start to tense.
His thrusts became harder before he finally released his thick cum inside of you before collapse onto of you, panting. Both of you were sweaty and breathing hard, but neither of you moved. The feeling of his cock inside you, twitching, was extremely hot.
"You're amazing, (Y/N)." He grinned, making you smiled.
"You're the best damn thing in my life, James."
You woke up naked the next morning, curled up to an equally naked, sleeping Bucky. You smiled, remembering last nights confession and everything after that. You watch him sleep for a moment before deciding to slip out of bed to make everyone breakfast. You throw on the pajamas you wore before hand and quietly leave the room.
You close the door as quietly as and turned around, only to see Frank sitting at the table reading a magazine you had lying around.
"Oh good morning Frank." You smiled and walked past him, hoping he wouldn't notice anything. "I'm gonna make some breakfast for everyone."
"Morning, (Y/N)." He grunted. "Sleep well?"
You almost choked on air, "Yes, I did. How about you?"
"Oh you know, the couch is alright but I am a light sleeper remember? I kept hearing weird noises through the night. " Your face felt on fire as you turned to face him. He wore a smug smirk on his face. "Got something on your neck there."
You rush to grab your phone and look in the camera. Low and behold, hickies were left on your neck. "Shit."
Frank snorted, "So you finally got with your crush, huh?"
"Oh shut it you grump."
"I'm just teasing you. You know I'm happy for you, (Y/N)."
"Thanks, Frank."
Frank decided to help you with breakfast, taking on making bacon and sausage while you attended to making pancakes. And sure enough the rest of the people in the apartment came out.
"They're gonna see them. "
"I know, I am bracing myself for Sam's teasing." You sigh. You go and place the plate  pancakes you made on the table while Frank placed the bacon and sausage he made.
"G'morning, doll. I missed ya in the morning." Bucky approached you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"I wanted you to wake up to some breakfast." You grinned and placed a chaste kiss on his lips.
"Did you finally confess your feelings?" You heard Sam. "I gotta get ahold of Tic Tac and Clint they owe- what the hell is on your neck (Y/N), is that what I think it is?" He groaned and sat at the table, everyone taking their spots.
"Hickies are messages on the body that can show ones presence on another-" Zemo spoke but was cut off by Sam.
"I do not want to know, Zemo. Lets just eat."
Breakfast was great. You were surprised Frank got along with the others, though it did take some talking to by Sam to break him out of his shell. You also could have sworn Buck and Frank had a stare down at one point but were both laughing and smiling.
You take hold of Bucks hand that was on the table and give it a light squeeze, smiling at him while he smiled back. Life was pleasant even after these emergency visits.
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enjennie · 3 years
Stay [ Lee Jeno x Reader ]
Summary: You find yourself in a dark room at a party underneath the basketball captain Lee Jeno. And he might just have a thing for you.
genre: Smut! (minors begone!) Fluff. 
warnings: contains smut and profanity. losing virginity + unprotected sexc time (pls practice safe segz)
a/n: my second smut ... i’m still testing the waters and this isn’t proofread but i just wanted to write smth to destress. also yes there is lack of foreplay bc im not too familiar with writing that yet but i hope it's not too bad !! enjoy ♡
The room was both dark and unfamiliar, but you push yourself into it without a second thought. Jeno’s arms are wrapped around your waist securely, lips molded together in an electrifying kiss that sent waves of euphoria all over your body. Jeno wasn’t any more familiar than the room. Not to you, of course. You knew all about him, but not the other way around. You were a stranger to him. Or so you believed. But none of that mattered to you in the moment. It should have. Yes. You kissed him. Yes. You initiated it. So why were you so confused on why it was leading to a very heated make out and possibly into… sex?
The music from the party you’d both left downstairs is muffled by the shutting of the door but what was really drowning it out was Jeno taking you into another world of your own as his lips drift from yours down to your neck while his hands touch you in places you’ve never been touched before. It all felt like a dream. But his voice brings you back to reality, proving that this all was in fact real.
“Are you okay with this?” he breathlessly asks. You’d both gone from the door and were now on the bed, with him towering over you looking mighty as ever. Godlike. Jeno the basketball team captain, whom you’ve crushed on for years was in front of you, had just kissed you back. You gave him a nod, not having it in you to construct a sentence by how baffled you were. “You’re not…drunk, are you?” he tilts his head to the side, inspecting your face in the dim light the moon provided.
“I barely had anything to drink,” you shyly confessed. You’d been throwing out your drink in bushes and every shot you took were mostly infused with soda. But Jeno knew. Jeno noticed it all. He chuckled, dipping his head closer to yours. Close enough that he caught a whiff of your perfume, close enough to hear how your breath hitched in your throat with the sudden proximity between you two. “Me too,” he quietly whispers into your ear.
So why was this happening right now? If it isn’t because of the heavy alcohol intoxicating you both to make unsure decisions, why were you in a room with Jeno when you were both very much sober and aware of what was going to happen? It wasn’t like you were the only girl at this party. Why was basketball captain Lee Jeno in the room with you, student council secretary Y/N, right now? Isn’t it an odd pairing?
You couldn’t think about any of that. Not when his lips are on yours again and they’re all you could think about. It didn’t take long before his shirt was on a pile on the floor along with yours. Jeno drew circles on your waist with his thumb as he grinded against your needy area. Your fingers laced through his while the other found itself entangled in his hair. Jeno let out a low growl when you pulled on his roots, and you can’t keep the smug smile from appearing on your face at the thought of him reacting this way because of your doing.
He didn’t waste a second more, he lined his tip against your entrance after pushing your skirt up and panties aside and thrusted himself inside you, making you yelp louder than you’d intended. You forgot to mention the fact that you were a virgin. Never have gone past the third base. Jeno drew in a sharp breath at your tightness and seemed to notice that the sound you’d made was more pain than it was pleasure. The boy propped himself up to peer at you. “Are you okay? I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have gone so rough,” he apologized, concern flooding his face.
“I’m… I’m a virgin,” you let the cat out of the bag. It settled in the air for a while, hovering above the both of you in the dead silent room. You couldn’t look at his face. Out of embarrassment and shame. But Jeno placed a hand against your face, framing it and letting you look into his honey brown eyes in the darkness. “You’ve never done it before?” he whispers.
I ruined it. You thought. Maybe I should’ve told him I’ve already done it…
“C’mon,” he snaps you back into reality by pulling away and you see him holding his hand out to you. You stare at it, not knowing what to do in this situation. “Give me your hand,” Jeno smiled softly at you, his face completely changed as if he isn’t balls deep inside you right now.
You take his hand and he threads your fingers together, gripping yours firmly in his and pushing it down on the mattress. “Hold onto me, tell me how you like it,” Jeno shifts his body, pulling himself out of you, leaving you empty. Hollow. The friction made you gasp for air, which melted into a moan. You let your nails prick him on the hand from how hard you were holding his as he entered once again, slower this time. The stretch was painful, but so good. Jeno watched your face change from depicting pain to a mixture of pleasure. Such a sinful expression on an angelic face. You could feel him get harder inside you as he continued to thrust in a controlled pace.
“You okay” he asked softly. His mouth is by your ear and you can hear his soft panting. You let out a hum, too overwhelmed by what you were feeling to make up a reply. “Use your words, baby,” he urged.
“I feel great,” you breathlessly sighed back, just as his tip hit a new spot that felt otherworldly. “Fuck-,” you moaned. Jeno paused, biting on your neck, trying to restrain himself from going fucking you senseless.
“Keep going,” you directed. Jeno’s eyes grew dark from hearing your sultry voice telling him what to do. He pushed himself deeper, earning a delicious moan from you. Jeno bucked his hips and continuously rammed himself into you, filling you up with each thrust. He was pushing you into the soft mattress and had your thighs spread apart to give him space between them.
The sensation you felt gradually built up in your stomach as you cried out his name, your moans filling the empty room. Shutting your eyes and letting yourself indulge in the feeling Jeno gave you, the knot in your stomach tightened. He peppered your chest with kisses before his thrusts began to get sloppier, you noticed he was close. You let yourself look up at him and the sight of you was enough to send him to the edge as a string of curses along with your name escaped his mouth as he came. You clenched your walls around Jeno as you felt your orgasm hit moments after. Jeno slowed his pace down before pulling out completely and collapsed beside you, falling on the mattress of the poor stranger’s bed where you’d just lost your virginity in.
Your head was spinning and your hearts hammering as you came down from your highs. You turn to him, pushing your skirt down to cover your thighs.
“Did you enjoy th-,”
“That was amazi-,”
You both interrupt each other as you spoke, and you chuckle as he let you go first.
“That was amazing,” you finished your sentence. Jeno looked at you, his smile prominent on his face and his eyes displaying crescents. “Yeah? You’re not too bad yourself, made me forget that this is Hyucks’ parents bed,”  
That was enough to get you to spring off of the bed, looking back at it in horror. Jeno cracks up laughing, sitting up and reaching for your shirt before handing it over to you and pulling his own over his head. “Let’s go somewhere else,” he says, his tone suggestive. You knew it was to ask for a greenlight. It was surprising he even wanted to spend more time with you after the sex. The question brought a smile to your face as you put your shirt back on.
“Let’s get out of here,” you tell him. Jeno smiled at you, pushing the hair that covered his view behind your ears.
 That night, as you and Jeno sped away in his convertible with the top down, you let the cool wind run through your hair and engulfed the summer breeze. Jeno watched in awe, while he drove you to the hill with the best view of the city. He didn’t know how this was happening, when you both had never spoken before. It was always him and his little crush on you, going unnoticed. Shy glances from across the room at the girl who thought she was invisible when in fact you brought light into every room you walked into, almost like the sun followed you around.
But it was senior year. Fuck it, he thought. He’d heard you got into the college of your choice and it wasn’t in town. Jeno had decided on a whim that night, as he watched you bob your head to the song playing while mouthing the words along, that he was gonna tell you how crazy in love he was for you. When you disappeared into the hallway looking for the toilet, Jeno had followed you in a rush. To profess his adoration for you, tell you how you were the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. However, before he could spit it out, you’d kissed him. You didn’t know what came over you, in the moment it just felt right. It turns out to be the best decision you’ve ever made.
He pulled over, and you admired the view upon you. Twinkling lights from the bustling city of traffic and skyscrapers. Jeno turned the engine off, leaving you both in the sounds of nature around you. Crickets and the distant sign of life in the city. Cars beeping and music playing from different homes as seniors were having their party to celebrate the end of examinations. You looked at Jeno and he cupped your cheeks with his hand before pulling you in for another sweet kiss.
He pulled you easily onto his lap. How could you be so comfortable with a man you’ve technically just met? You felt like you could trust him with your life.
“We skipped all the formalities,” you murmured as you dipped your head close to his. Jeno lowered his gaze to your lips which made you subconsciously wet them with your tongue. He smiled sheepishly, leaning in and giving you a peck. “Then let’s start from the beginning,” He plants a kiss on your lips before pulling away after each one. “Hi-,”
“My name is-,”
“Lee Jeno,”
“Will you go out with me?”
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trekkie-in-space · 3 years
Straight Fact about Marsella/Marseille from La Casa de Papel and some following Headcanon/Theories ✨✨
- Fact -
- Very discreet, he observes a lot and talk a little, called at a least at two reprises a mute (by Bogotà and Denver)
- Close to animals, especially dogs, love them, respect them, trust them more than human. He is against animal suffering.
- Ex-Soldier, has been called an assassin (by Bogotà) and Hitman (by Denver), killed human, killing a human is not a problem (straight up threatened Denver to cut him in half)
- Lost all his friends during war
- Had a dog during war, the dog was very loyal to him, stayed when human left (That dog was probably not Pamuk)
- Had a dog, Pamuk, very loyal/close to him too, got killed by children playing war
- Know many languages : Spanish, French, Italian, German, English, Croatian, Serbian
- React very quickly to Denver grabbing his arm/to physical provocation was trained to react that way + probably has a sharp instinct, not shy to threaten physically and orally someone
- Answer quickly to the professor order, see him as the chief/boss and obey him. One word from him is enough, do not discuss order.
- Extremely lucky - dude crash a car and get out pretty much without a scratch - I BEG YOUR PARDON ? - the car rolled and all, what if it had deformed to the point he couldn't get out ? What if he had broken a bone in the shock and couldn't dash out ? Because you can protect yourself all you want, getting in a crash, even one you plan, is very dangerous. Dude was like 'I have things to do and nothing will prevent me from doing them' and just walked out like nothing happened. Wtf man ?
- Has a lot of respect for the professor and to his plan. Will defend the plan when the professor wants to take risk but still follow change in plans if the risk is less than the gain (When they fight after Lisbon 'death' and then go into the crowd disguised.).
- Try to provide emotional support to the professor, he is clumsy about it but do his best and tries a lot of things
- Caring toward the professor, with (and I'm sorry but I don't know how to say it differently, but..) A certain tenderness. Like anybody in the group (or most) they are not just colleagues. But there is just a softness with him.
- React to Palermo 'Boum Boum Ciao' the same way the professor does. Seem annoyed, middly ashamed but also taken by the energy around (to crack a smile like the professor).
- Can be very intimidating if choose to, but in relaxed situation seem very kind/soft and not unbearing or obnoxious/showing.
- Extrapolations on Canon, Theories and Headcanons -
- The last hit he gave the professor when they were fighting is not because he misread the situation but because the professor just said Lisbon could betray them (which is technically true) and his hit was his way to say, 'have some faith/respect in your wife'
- During that fight he intentionally took hit from the professor to allow him to unload stress/give him a win. Why ? Because he is a trained ex-soldier who clearly shows good physical abilities, he knows how to fight and could probably take on Sergio even if he know how to fight too. Prior to this we see two scenes. One in a relaxed sitting (the soccer match) where Helsinki give him a slap and he doesn't react badly, he takes the hit and laugh, they were in front of each other he could have potentially avoid the hit, but did not hold grudges for that hit, basically taking a hit or two is not much for him and won’t be enough for him to get angry/escalate a situation. BUT during the pig scene to remove a micro, he reacts badly to physical provocation by Denver after he had to defend his position not to touch the animal with the rest of the team. Even if just a few said something, the whole team was baffled by his decision/principle, it was a moment where he was 'alone against all' and he defended himself in a quick and efficient manner.
They are in a middle of a heist, they are allies and he clearly does not want to fight, he fights because Sergio wants to fight and he probably doesn't give his all but just enough not to get bullied and give Sergio a mean to keep unleashing on him. (Man I swear you're doing too much)
- Definitely have some trauma and problem concerning human and trust. In two separate points, he has lost a lot or enough, and he had been deeply hurt by that (his friends all dead, his animals), probably have some unhealed emotional scars or one that heal badly and one way to cope is to keep a bit of distance + he seems to have a certain discipline/restrain in general.
Second, he mistrust humans, he is careful around them. Probably (definitely) has seen a large panel of the worst humanity has to offer. Probably don't trust easily but love when someone proves him they are worth trusting - which I think is what happened with the professor. Otherwise probably work alone or keep some distance.
- Jumping on that. He completely agreed to the professor as the boss, and his boss. Coming from a military background, he is used to having someone above him giving order and he answer promptly to the professor order or demand without questioning it/arguing (except when it touch to something the professor explicitly stated they should not do like improvisation, then he will argue). Overall he trusts him, might even admire him or have a deep respect for him and his plan/what de does/his personality.
-> I also believe his personality is one of a 'shadow' by that I mean he is his best as close support to someone/something acting behind for the good of the plan (which he does in the series), but I think he thrives in that role. He is a real doer. Dude will do anything that need to be done. like, he is perfect for a second, with someone above him to direct the action.
- Always had a good relationship to animals, now it had become a coping mechanism and a way to have companionship without the burden of 'human' nature. Not that he doesn't miss more close relationship to humans. Nor is it not painful when he loses someone or an animal close to him. it's just he find solace in animals compagny.
- Very soft, kind, caring inside. He let that out for the people he care about/trust. We see him mostly with the professor and above it being his role to care for the professor and all the 'beside' matter and needs. There are a lot of moments where he is very attentive to the professor or caring in ways that go above a professional setting (I'm sorry but when in the latest season when he put the cover back on Sergio as he sleep.. Such tenderness I swear ! or the way he tries to offer him emotional comfort/help)
-> Also the way he care for Sofia..
- Give off asexual vibe, sorry not sorry but it's true. That man is ace.
- Why is he on the heist ? I think outside of money and personal material gain he might be in for revenge against the system. He was a soldier, an executor in the government hands, he may want to fuck the system, give shit to a system that has used him, that took a lot from him. Maybe he was betrayed by that government and the people in it, root for his mistrust of human or just added enough to a preexisting base.
- The way he reacts physically and violently to Denver grabbing him when he turn away is very telling. He has a strong instinct and sharp reflex. But also definitely found himself in a situation where this would have been a life of death situation or overall high danger. This is absolutely pure speculation but outside of his work as a soldier and now hitman this reaction could be rooted deeper in child abuse and trauma, which could also reflect to his discreet and unshowing personality, he keeps to himself.
Anyway this looked like reflexes from training and from past traumatic experience. -> In a way his reaction seemed a bit too much (definitely) for the situation they were in, but also somewhat 'slow' (I'm interpreting too much the acting but whatever) as if he thought about reacting the way he did, nearly didn't but still did because he was pissed off from earlier and had been triggered. So he just decided to go with the outburst, and set his position straight.
-> Being grabbed from behind/prevented from leaving might also be from a fear/trigger to be trapped (the way he place himself behind in the class, close to the door (which could be nothing lol x) )). Which could also be tied to his time in military where his agency had been stripped from him completely/where he was lacking freedom and had to do things he didn't want to do.
- A big BIG softy, but also those hands have killed and will kill again. (in a way him and Helsinki are a bit alike)
- Keeps most of his emotions inside, tend to stay mostly neutral and what he show is just the tip of the iceberg, but don't be fooled, that man have a lot of emotions.
- Probably need a lot of time to open up, but do info dump at time when he think it might be relevant (ex: during the pig scene, or in the car with Sergio after Lisbon 'death') and you're like 'what ?' very likely need to be asked question if you want to know things about him.
- He likes honesty, but probably won't be himself, tend to be secretive, probably a good liar. He will be honest on a few important things otherwise...
- That man way of love his act of service x)
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lady-of-lyon · 3 years
So, I made one post a while back about how awesomely feminist the show Wild Kratts was, with how its two main female characters were women of color in engineering and deserving roles of power, female villains who weren’t motivated by spite or quest for youth, etc, but today I wanted to talk about something slightly different, that I’ve wanted to cover for a while now, because I also think it’s very good - and that’s how the show portrays masculinity, in a way that’s really positive!
First, we have our two main characters, Chris and Martin Kratt. Keep in mind these two are basically self-inserts - and there are plenty of creators, especially males, who have used self-insert characters in really scummy ways - all I have to say is Powerpuff Girls reboot and you know exactly what I’m talking about. Even if they weren’t literal self-inserts, male characters, superheroes especially, oftentimes serve the male power fantasy, being just the strong, stoic, all-powerful person so many boys are told they’re supposed to be. I could get into a whole discussion about how the male power fantasy is present even when males are not (ever look through a fashion magazine and wonder why there are so few men? Sure, part of it is that the industry thrives off exploiting women’s insecurities, and men aren’t as concerned for their appearance, but another part of it is so that the guy, looking through it, can feel like he has no competition for these women - there’s a reason so many comedians have jokes about fashion magazines being their sexual awakening as kids. It’s really scummy) but that’s not what this is about. So, the bros had every opportunity to do just that - make themselves these traditional heroes who aren’t actually really good role models, like batman or what have you. It’s certainly not uncommon for celebrity cartoons to do stuff like that. But Martin and Chris chose a different approach. They’re pretty strong standouts for positive masculinity. They’re openly affectionate - both with eachother as brothers, and with their friends. They cry, sometimes over little things - most of the time when big superheroes cry, it’s ‘cause they lost the girl they loved or their mentor or something like that, only in the big, most agonizing moments do they shed a tear. But here, Chris or Martin will cry just because they’ve had a bad day, or because they’re overwhelmed and overjoyed that someone named a mantis after them! In a lot of shows or movies when a guy cries over something little, it’s usually played for laughs, or to emasculate him, but here it’s casual without being unreasonable or overdone. The brothers cry just ad much, maybe even more (haven’t gone back and counted or anything) as the girls do. Not to mention, it’s a very nice depiction of a loving, healthy sibling relationship. As the youngest sibling myself, it’s refreshing to see a pair who don’t abuse eachother with noogies or cruel and snarky remarks. When they do fight, it’s never a screaming match, and also because they had a conflict of interest or disagreed over a fact, not because, say, one of them stole the other’s shirt or is neglecting the other’s feelings. Kids, being very impressionable, get exposed to a lot of abusive sibling relationships played as normal in media, and start thinking this is how siblings are and should act. For instance, my sister (who is now my best friend and has gotten over all these bad habits over time) when she was younger watched a lot of Kim Possible, a show that is great, but has a bad family dynamic with Kim and her little siblings. The “tweebs” as she calls them are always irresponsible, destructive, and making Kim annoyed to no end. My older brother was one of the most polite, reserved, kind little kids, but she still treated him like he was a brat and a nuisance, because that’s what shows like Kim Possible taught her little brothers were. Additionally, I was always treated like a spoiled crybaby who just wanted attention and got away with everything - I was not any of those things, ever, but that’s what shows teach you little sisters are. Sure, Wild Kratts has a smidge of that, with Chris seemingly being the stereotype of the know-it-all little sibling, but instead of being constantly looked town upon for being too “perfect” like with Hailey Long in American Dragon, Martin often praises his brother for his abilities. Sure, Martin gets annoyed when Chris tries to correct him on things, like in the episode Wolf Hawks, but everyone else does too, so it feels more like a take-down of mansplaining than a sibling spat.
I talked too in the feminist post about how refreshing it is that Chris and Martin more or less willingly put themselves under the authority of Koki and Aviva, two women of color. I don’t think it’s possible to say any one character is the “leader,” they all work as a evenly balanced team, but it’s safe to say that Koki and Aviva make the more responsible decisions. The bros try to get out of their calls a few times, but the show plays it more like they’re being irresponsible, and less like they’re renegade cool dudes who don’t take nothing from nobody, especially not two girls. They are pretty much always punished via karma for their reckless choices, most especially in To Touch a Hummingbird, where their arrogant attitudes blow up in their faces rather spectacularly. We also never see the narrative most present in sitcoms, where the male leads mess up and go out of their way to cover it up and ultimately gets away with it - after all, you have to root for them, right, because sure they messed up and had no consequences, but aren’t they just so lovable? No, here Martin and Chris always have to fix their wrongdoing, and it’s always deserved when they get comeuppance. Another aspect of the show I like is that, many times, when the bros get captured or are in peril, they are saved by the women - and most refreshing of all, there’s never a moment of “wink wink nudge nudge wow I can’t believe I had to be rescued by a GIRL” or even “wow you saved me you’re pretty good honey guess I shouldn’t have underestimated you, you go girl!” No, when the girls save them, it’s just - you know, relief? Because they were saved? It’s never a scenario played as an exception, or any more dire than when the bros need to rescue eachother. The bros are genuinely happy to have them as teammates. The show even did the standard “boys vs girls” episode in the form of When Fish Fly - but instead of being actually girls vs. boys, it’s engineers vs. adventurers. There’s nothing really gendered about it - the girls happen to be engineers, and the boys happen to be adventurers. And the episode doesn’t end with the boys being “wow gosh darn I shouldn’t have doubted you girls are better at everything,” it’s a mutual agreement that both parties have hard jobs. Basically, the bros are very naturally respectful of women. That plays more into their feminist narrative too, but either way, it’s refreshing.
Then, we have Jimmy! Jimmy, the lovable gamerboy pizza man. At first glance Jimmy seems like the stereotypical cowardly, pathetic, emasculated loser. He’s frightened of most things, as of yet has no power suit, and he BAKES for crying out loud! But none of these things are framed as terribly bad traits. Sure, we laugh when he screams and runs from an animal, but though it happens over and over, the crew doesn’t get sick of it. They don’t berate him or belittle him because he’s so gosh darn cowardly. There’s a great scene in Rattlesnake Crystal where Jimmy has to deliver something to the bros alone, in the middle of a spooky desert. He is terrified the whole time, sprinting off after he delivers the goods. When Martin and Chris run into him, they don’t laugh at him for being spooked, they just greet and then bid fair well to their friend. To them, this is just Jimmy, and there’s nothing wrong with it. Jimmy isn’t coddled, but he is reassured many times that he’s a valuable member of the team. I love that little message, that you’re just as important of a person even if you can’t do as much or have greater limits. When his friends do try to get him over his fears, it’s not because they have to, that the day will somehow be ruined by Jimmy’s incompetence p, but because they’re his friends, and want him to experience fun and wonderful things that he would otherwise miss out on. But what Jimmy CAN do is just as important! Jimmy is a gamer, which in a lot of shows, is portrayed as a lazy, useless, mindless hobby. But here, because he plays video games, it makes him essential for piloting the ship and teleporting important items. There’s always the joke that video games improves your hand/eye coordination, but recent studies have shown it has much better effects. It can make you much better at keeping track of multiple moving objects and processing technical but variable information- two traits which, fittingly enough, are really really important for air traffic controllers and airplane pilots! He also demonstrates a lot more courage behind the wheel of the Tortuga, which makes sense - in an impersonal setting, he would have more sense of calm and control and courage, because it’s so similar to a video game world. It’s not all too different with how I feel more emboldened to pick fights with people on the internet, but get crazy anxious if a real person so much as looks at me. So Jimmy’s love of video games isn’t because he’s irresponsible, it has real benefits. A quick last point - Jimmy also eats a lot, but they thankfully don’t make him fat or greedy or anything like that. He never takes food from people, he actually bakes, and shares it with others! Having the baker be a boy is a lovely touch.
I might do another post about the toxic masculinity of the two villains, (or four villains, I guess, if I wanna discuss the minions) but I’ve got other work to do, and this post is long enough already, so I’ll get around to it later. I’ll sum it up with this - Wild Kratts is a show that teaches boys it’s not only ok to be kind, but essential. The brothers protect defenseless animals, advocate for things “icky” and “weird,” like bugs or snakes or worms - not because they’re boys, and boys like icky things, but because they genuinely see the beauty in all life, and are encouraging us to slow down and do the same. The Wild Kratts are heroes who save the world not by being the strongest or smartest or coolest, but by looking after those who are exploited and vulnerable, who are essential to the world, even if they can’t always do everything. In Wild Kratts the only weaknesses a man can have isn’t what he can’t do, but what he does do that he shouldn’t have. Sure, it’s a cute show about two funny guys who have cool powers, but it’s also a show about accountability, compassion, respect and trust. The show says “boys will be boys” in all the right ways - Martin is a lovable goof with a heart of gold, but he still has to get his act together when he messes up, and he’s still creative and smart and openly sensitive. Chris is a bit of a know-it-all show-off, but he can also mess up as much as his brother, and is still bold, brave, adventurous, and can put his money where his mouth is. Jimmy is a cowardly, napping, eating machine video-gamer, but he’s still a valued member of the team, has incredible skills and talents, and will always help his friends, even if he is really, really scared. It is so important to have role models like these, in a world dominated by unhealthy machismo. The Wild Kratts are heroes who save the world - both animated, and real.
All they need now is a canon queer character, and I’ll stan them forever! My money’s on Aviva!!
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Spoiled on Valentine’s Day
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
CW: SMUT (18+), Oral (Male receiving), Daddy Kink, Unprotected Sex, Cowgirl Position
A/N: This fic was inspired by a conversation with the lovely @90spumkin about surprising Hotch on Valentine’s Day. I am posting this at 11:55 pm so technically, it is still Valentine’s Day! I hope you all had a wonderful day, and I hope you enjoy!
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Another holiday he missed because of work. The case took longer than the team had originally thought, but they had finally found the unsub and were on the jet on their way home. The problem was they weren’t going to land until 2200. Which means he wasn’t going to get home until 2330 at the earliest. Aaron sat back in his seat and sighed, placing his pen down on top of the paperwork in front of him.
“You okay, Hotch?” Morgan asked him, raising an eyebrow as he looked up and across the table at him.
“Of course,” Aaron answered automatically. “I’m just tired.” He rubbed a hand over his face before glancing down at his phone. His lock screen showed a picture of himself, Jack, and Y/N laughing at the park. It was a fun afternoon and it brought a small smile to the corner of his mouth.
“You’re bummed that you missed Valentine’s Day, aren’t you?” Morgan asks quietly so no one overhears their conversation. He gives Aaron a small smile and a reassuring look.
“I just feel guilty,” Aaron sighs softly. “Y/N puts up with so much because of this job. I was hoping to be able to spoil her for Valentine’s Day.” He rubs a hand over his face again as he grimaces. “It’s just not fair to her.”
“She loves you,” Morgan reassures him. “She knows what the job entails and she understands that even if you miss a few holidays or events, that you love her too. And, hey, you don’t need a holiday to spoil your lady. Just ask Penelope.” He smirked at the older man with a twinkle in his eye.
“Morgan, I do not need to know how you spoil your ‘baby girl,’” Aaron chuckled. “I am still your boss.”
“The point is,” Morgan laughed. “You can spoil her anytime. It’s not as big of a deal as you think to miss one Valentine’s Day.”
“Thanks, Morgan. I’ll keep that in mind,” Aaron replied with a little sarcasm. Although if he thought about it, the younger man had a point. Maybe he would have to take Y/N on a weekend retreat just because. He knew she’d love some time away from her own job.
When they landed at Quantico, Aaron sent Y/N a text to let her know he’d landed safely and he’d be home soon.
2204 Aaron: Just landed. I should be home around 2345. I have some last minute things to do here at the office. I love you.
What he didn’t expect is that she’d text him back almost immediately.
2205 Y/N: Glad to hear you’re safe. I’ll see you soon! I love you too! xoxo
Aaron smiled at his phone and headed to his office to try and finish his paperwork as quickly as he could.
It was 2340 when he arrived home. Aaron let himself into the apartment as quietly as he could in case Y/N had fallen asleep. Jack was at Jessica’s, so he would pick him up in the morning. He slipped off his shoes, placed his bag by the door, and secured his gun in the safe. Aaron could see a soft glow coming from the bedroom door which was cracked open slightly. He noticed that the light was flickering slightly as he got closer. Aaron pushed the door open gently and was rooted to the spot just inside the doorway.
Y/N was laying across the bed in a set of red and black lace lingerie that left very little to his imagination. The room was filled with small candles that were giving off just the right amount of light to make her look like a dream spread across their bed. She smiled sweetly at him as his eyes followed along the curve of her body. “Hi,” she whispered so softly he barely heard it.
“Well, hi yourself,” Aaron murmured. “Did you get all dressed up for me for Valentine’s Day, pretty girl?”
She nodded, “Yes, Daddy.” And she slipped off of the bed to walk towards him. She held out her hand, and taking his, led him to sit on the edge of the bed. “I wanted to do something nice for you since you work so hard.” She reached up and gently loosened his tie. Slipping it off, she laid it to the side and began undoing the buttons of his dress shirt.
“Sweetheart,” He murmured, bringing a hand up to cup Y/N’s cheek. He couldn’t help but smile as she leaned into his touch. “I’m the one who is supposed to spoil you for Valentine’s Day.” Once Y/N had pushed his shirt from his shoulders, he pulled her to him so she was standing between his legs with their chests where pressed together.
“Daddy,” She whispered as their noses brushed together, “You spoil me every day. Tonight it’s my turn.” She nuzzled her nose against his and kissed him softly.
Aaron felt his earlier guilt and worry melt away as his hands slid up her body to tangle in her hair. He deepened their kiss, slipping his tongue into her warm mouth. She moaned into the kiss and he tightened his hold on her. Eventually his need to breathe won out over his need for her, if only for the moment, Aaron pulled back slightly and panted as their foreheads rested against one another.
“Please,” She breathed against his lips, “Let me take care of you tonight.” Well, he couldn’t deny her when she asked so nicely. Aaron nodded and Y/N pulled back from him and slid to her knees between his legs. She ran her hand from his knees up his thighs towards the obvious bulge in his trousers. She looked up at him through her lashes as she gently undid his belt and curled her fingers under his waistband. Y/N pulled his trousers down painfully slowly and his erection sprung free. Once he was fully naked, her hands followed their previous path upward from his knees as she leaned forward to sweep her tongue up his length from base to tip.
Aaron let out a shaking breath as her lips wrapped around the head of his cock. She let her tongue flick across it, collecting and swallowing the precum that had already begun to bead up on the tip. “Fuck, Sweetheart,” Aaron moaned out as he placed one of his hands on the back of her head. She hollowed about her cheeks and hummed around him as she sunk deeper down his length. He let out a hiss as his finger tightened in her hair. Y/N began bobbing her head, taking him deeper and deeper, as one of her hands came up to cup his balls. Aaron let his head fall back as he moaned. Soon, Y/N’s nose was brushing against his stomach and she was swallowing around him, milking his length with the muscles of her throat.
As Aaron felt himself getting close, he gently pulled Y/N back and off of his cock. She let out a little whine as she looked up at him. “I wanna cum inside you, Princess.” Aaron explained as he helped her to her feet. He slid back onto the bed so his back was against the headboard. Aaron guided Y/N so she was straddling him with his cock at the entrance of her pussy. “I want you to ride me, Sweetheart. Can you do that for me?” He asked her as he rubbed his hands up and down her hips, feeling the soft lace of her negligee.
“Yes, Daddy,” Y/N replied sweetly as she slowly lowered herself onto him. She moaned as his length filled her and she leaned forward to nuzzle her face into his neck as she adjusted to the feeling of him inside of her. After a moment she rolled her hips once before beginning to move herself up and down on his member. It wasn’t long before she was bouncing on his cock letting out moans and whines that were music to his ears. Aaron’s own moans joined hers in a symphony accented by the sounds of their bodies against each other and the slight creak of the mattress beneath them.
As Aaron felt himself getting close to the edge once again, he reached down between them to rub circles on her clit. Y/N moaned loudly and leaned her head back, all the while never stopping her movements. “I want you to cum with me, Princess. I want to feel you come undone around me as you ride my cock.” Y/N’s moans melted into whimpers and gasps as she began to reach her own peak. When Aaron was just about to explode he leaned forward and latched onto her neck biting and sucking a deep purple bruise at her pulse point. That was enough to pull her over the edge, pulling him along with her. The two moaned loudly as they came together, before Y/N collapsed against his chest. Aaron wrapped his arms around her and rubbed small circles on her back. After her breathing slowed, he lifted her gently off of him and slipped out of the bed. “I’ll be right back,” he told her as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.
Aaron grabbed his boxers off of the floor as he moved towards the bathroom. He cleaned himself up and put on the boxers before preparing a warm washcloth. When Aaron re-entered the bed room, he gently cleaned Y/N up before placing the washcloth on the nightstand and sliding into bed. “Thank you, Sweetheart,” he praised her as he pulled her into his arms beneath the covers. “I would consider myself spoiled.”
Y/N giggled as she curled up against his chest. “I love you, Aaron. Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Aaron kissed the top of her head. “I love you too.” As they fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms, Aaron’s last thought was that he was glad he hadn’t missed Valentine’s Day after all.
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