#I love the show as much as the next person but you cannot get mad at her for NOT talking about the show
writerownstory · 30 days
I feel so bad for Madison. With all those season 2 rumors, she’s just trying to drop some original music and people keep commenting about JATP. And she still frequently acknowledges the show, has talked about how she misses it, has explicitly said that she doesn’t ignore the JATP season 2 comments but that there’s just nothing else for her to say about it, and yet there are people commenting “stop talking about JATP, I thought this was a season 2 announcement” 😭
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Can you write a Platonic fic for the characters?
If so may I request the school bus graveyard characters and an older sibling like reader
(Of course! Enjoy!)
Older Sibling-Like Reader
This man is literally never leaving you alone 
There are pros and cons with being a comfort place for Aiden
But to get something straight Aiden is definitely kept in line by you
All is takes is one look and he is definitely knowing he's gonna get an ear full
But knowing him, he keeps going
It’s Aiden, for god's sake
He is kinda bummed in his own mind on how you’re not actually his blood related sibling
He could have used you a whole lot when he was going through stuff growing up
He thinks you would have made it a little better
But he’s happy he now knows you and that you’re his unofficial sibling now
Against your will of course
He’s the annoying little brother for sure
Your friends are now his friends and his friends are definitely your friends
It’s a given
He is always dragging you into all his shit so of course when stuff is happening with those fucking demons man you are right there with him
You have literally no escape from this man
The sibling to just come into your room, mess with your hit, check himself out in the mirror, push your phone into your face and walk out
He is more subtly protective of the people he loves
Especially when that fight went down when Logan was trying to help out that kid
He values you a lot even if he physically cannot say it
He is always subconsciously next to you because he finds your aura a bit comforting
Especially because you took on that older sibling role
He’s taller, people find him intimidating so he never really had anyone be the one to comfort him or to be the one that treated him like how you do
It was something new for him and he turned out to really like it
He doesn’t say it out loud but he does love and care for you
He would literally fight to hell and back for you, anyone he loves he would but you especially
In the dream world place shit he is definitely by your and Aiden's side the whole time
Gotta protect his honorary siblings
He may not show it but he loves when you treat him like a casual younger sibling
Even if its sibling arguing or fighting he loves being treated like a blood related sibling by you
He finds it comforting 
He likes little things like that
He needs an older sibling so bad bro cause like what??
If you were friends from before that field trip happened you better have stuck up for him
But even if you werent and you found out that shit was going down??
That was when Logan actually started thinking of you as an older sibling like person to him
Just the way you got mad, showed you cared and comforted him and how you went up to go pick a fight because you got ticked off about how he got treated
It was nice to know somebody cared about him in that way
He doesn’t really have anyone like that to do that shit for him
He’s always been kind of alone in that department so for you to step in and help him like that?
It was refreshing in a way and he doesn’t want to lose that
And it just was a bit jarring to him at how much you cared
If you do small things like do sibling like picking on him, or protecting him, or ruffling his hair, messing up his shit playfully and stuff like that
He may pretend to get annoyed but he does find it fun and will do it back to yo
People look at you guys and just from how you act are shocked at how y’all are not in any way related
He does wish you guys were
His life would be a lot better if you were his older sibling, he thinks
He’s the stereotypical “I don’t care!” and “I don’t need it!” type of person to anyone else but to Taylor and you?
He’s different towards his siblings
It was just very natural in a way when you somehow became that older sibling like role for him
He was somewhat relieved he didn’t have to hold the entire older sibling burden on his shoulders anymore
He may appear to not need the help or want that type or care for himself but let me tell you something
He needs it, and he probably secretly craves it
He’s always been the stronger one, even if he is a twin he felt he needed to be that for Taylor because if not him who else?
And all older siblings know that burden
So he may not show it but he definitely finds a bit of comfort and solace in you being that for him
He won’t break down, he won’t do what other people might do to show they appreciate it, or he may not even really speak on it
But he shows he does in little actions like protecting you, checking up on you and helping you in ways he would only usually help Taylor in
He does need that older sibling care though because mans is probably gonna have a breakdown
In the hospital scene he ran to both you and Taylor and you guys were the only thing on his mind as he kept running 
That was probably the tightest hug you have ever gotten from him
Everyone probably thought he was going to you guys to comfort y’all or that he was worried about you guys
Don't get me wrong, he was both those things
But he was also terrified and holding onto you, his older sibling, because he needed your comfort then
She really appreciates you
She loves having older siblings
She may not really like the cons that come with being treated like the baby of the family or being younger but she loves having the comfort of older siblings
It’s like a blanket and safety net she can’t describe to anyone else
She may have only started out with Tyler but she somehow found you along the way and she has never been more happy
She is very protective over her siblings also
Even if you’re not biologically her sibling she is just the same with you
She’s always happy to be around you, to annoy you and even in the bad times
In the dream like hell you guys go to everyday at night she always is around either you or Tyler
You guys bring her a comfort she can’t describe but a comfort she always wants to be around
She is terrified of you guys getting hurt, especially after what happened to Tyler
She sometimes forgets you’re not biologically her sibling
But does she care??
No. She does not care one bit.
It may have taken some time for Ash to even be comfortable or even acknowledge how she feels like you’re an older sibling to her
She’s an only child so she’s never experienced a sibling-like bond before
So to have you appear in her life so suddenly caught her off guard
Especially with how you showed you cared, or how you treated her like someone would treat their sibling
But she actually liked it
She gravitated towards it when she got more comfortable with the thought or when she needed it
Especially when shit gets hard in the hell you guys are all forced into at night
She likes that you have her back and she has yours 
It’s a protective thing she loves
And like Tyler she is happy to not have to hold the entire burden of everything just because she’s older
Her parents more likely like you as well just because f how much their daughter does
Ash has you over a lot, everyone else as well, so much so your stuff probably is around her room a lot
Ash may not be used to having an older sibling to go to but when she does?
She can’t help but like it
It’s a foreign comfort to her
But she likes it, a lot
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daechvvitas · 1 year
how i think each member would be like as a boyfriend part one - hyung line edition
WARNINGS: mentions of daddy k ink, praise k ink, brat taming, d*ggystyle, oral, bee dee ess em, degradation
A/N: this is a mixture of sfw/nsfw. thanks for requesting, anon! minors, dni.
He's the most self conscious about the songs he writes about you. You're his biggest source of inspiration, so that means he wants the lyrics to be perfect. It throws him off kilter because normally, he can write a song in one sitting. Even in an ER room. But when they're about you, it's different. He likes the challenge, though. He feels like it makes him a better writer.
He points out baby shoes and clothing to you every time you guys are at a store. He's still not sure if he wants to have a kid or not but he can't help but still find the items super fucking adorable.
He has a bit of a daddy k ink. He never thought he would been into it but the first time it slipped out of your mouth, his brain went to static and he fucked you harder than he'd ever done before.
He buys you books specifically curated to your taste. Even more, he buys himself a copy too so that he can keep up with what you like.
He talks you through sex. It's full of a lot of praise and encouragement. "Look how good you're taking me" and the sorts. He also loves hearing validation from you that it feels good and he's doing well.
He hates when the two of you argue but he physically cannot stop himself from having the last word. What can I say? The man likes to be right. And sometimes, that stubbornness can lead to huge blow outs. He always makes it up to you, though. After a cool-off period, he'll come back with calmer logic and won't rest until the situation is resolved.
He always makes you meals, even when his schedule is insane. If he has to wake up in the wee hours to have it cooked and waiting in the fridge for you, then so be it.
He's a brat tamer. And he's damn good at it. Even if you don't have a particularly submissive nature, he'll have you a whimpering, shaking mess by the end of the night. But those intense nights come with the best aftercare. He'll run you a bath, make you food, and give you a ton of cuddles.
He's insistent on doing things for you, even if it annoys you. Grabbing things from high places, opening doors... You name it. He just likes showing how much he cares about you through action.
He's the type to jokingly rile you up but then end up actually getting really mad, which leads to arguments that could have been avoided.
Unfortunately, he has a bit of the gamer boyfriend syndrome. He does not like being interrupted when he's playing his games. He is a sucker for you, though. So he's willing to free up one of his hands to give you the attention you so desperately want. And no, he doesn't plan on muting his mic so you better keep those moans quiet.
He takes personal offense if he's not your bias or if you rocking any BT21 character that isn't RJ. He'll definitely give you a playful but bombastic side eye until you either change or admit that he is the only option to be your bias.
He wouldn't consider himself a 'romantic' but he shows that he cares through quality time. Even if you're just in the living room watching a show, he'll always quietly sit next to you. Just so you know he's always there.
Alternatively, he loves when you do the same. His genius lab is a sacred place that even his members don't dare to enter unless it's for work. But for you? It's an open door policy. Your presence motivates him more than it distracts him.
Speaking of his studio, the two of you have definitely fucked there. Multiple times. The first time it happened was just sort of a spur of the moment type of things but now, you live to bend over for him, chest pressed against the knobs of his music equipment as he thrusts into you.
He shares his food with you without any complaints or annoyance. If he notices you want a taste of whatever he has, he immediately offers it to you. Not even just a bite, either. He'll give you the whole thing.
He likes taking his time with you. There's a lot of foreplay where the tongue technology comes in hand. He loves to lick you, taste you, make you fall apart with just his mouth.
He prefers dates at home over dates out of the house, but he'll indulge you if you really want a night out. However, his ideal night would be cooking you both dinner, plenty of whiskey, and of course, you.
Prepare to be touched all the time. Not even just sexually (though we'll get to that). He's just a very touchy feely boyfriend. Cheek kisses, hugs from behind, gripping your thigh. He just wants to feel your skin against his.
He loves sharing tea with you. He remembers every single piece of gossip you tell him, even if he doesn't know the parties involved, and enthusiastically picks whatever side you're on. In return, he always keeps you updated on the drama and insanity of his members' lives. There's really no secrets between you both.
He's a dom, for sure. When it's just the two of you behind closed doors, he feels comfortable enough to strip back the sunshine side and get to play with the darker side of him without judgement. He also finds it so hot that you trust him enough to go on wilder extremes together — tying you up, blindfolding you, spanking you. He craves having control over you.
His favorite form of aftercare is giving you a massage. Typically, he has you folded up like a pretzel as he has his way with you. So making sure your body is taken care of afterwards is of utmost importance. As he massages you, he likes to sweetly shower you with compliments just so you know that any degradation that occurred during sex does not hold true in real life.
He's the first to like your social media posts. Yes, he has notifications on just to make sure he's the first. It could be a selfie or a random picture of the sky and he's the first on the post, showering you with emojis.
Sometimes, he needs personal space. You didn't do anything wrong. But when things get hard at work or overwhelming in his personal life, he has the tendency to retract instead of engage. He doesn't ever have the heart to tell you that but you can tell by the short answers or less enthused interactions. The best thing you can do is give him that space to work through his head.
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Hi! What do you think would happen if there was a disease that turned people into yanderes and the reader is immune? So she’s the only sane one, which everyone around her falls in love (romantically and platonically) and turns obsessive?
Hrmm I'd like to take a different approach to this than the original *yandere apocolypse* of which I was thinking. Just wrote down some odd thoughts for this one!
Perhaps two thirds of the world has been inflicted with this specific disease-- making this new population become violent, deranged and utterly--obsessively, in love.
There's the beginning stages of violence and death of course, causing a great chunk of the world to go mad as some yanderes who must share a darling cannot do so. Celebrities, idols, and your local barista who's friends with everyone in town, are constantly in a tug of war battle between their yanderes.
But life seems to somewhat settle down. Everyone still functions as they would in society-- going to the bank and paying their taxes, remaining at their 9 to 5 jobs. But there are far more murders, laws are no longer followed; the daytime has become just as dangerous as the night.
Our dear reader, a cashier for a chain grocery store, has so blessedly not been affected by this newfound disease. They know their residence in a large city and with a social job would not leave them unharmed by this new change to the world. So, they begin to attend support groups for 'darlings,' the victims and (mostly) sane population that has been left. At first the other victims were people they had never seen before, seemingly innocent and normal people who just wanted to go on with their lives. They all seemed to lead a much harder living, with their unending stalkers and vicious pursuers that made them sob for hours as everyone else listened to their woes.
Reader had yet to be targeted, of which offers them a sliver of relief-- until they fear perhaps they have been affected by the disease. But their life continues, without any impulse or desire to snatch anyone up, and without any stalkers or murderers on their trail. Life is almost, weirdly, normal.
They don't watch the news anymore, they go home before it gets dark, and refuse to take any extra shifts with anyone who's been affected by the outbreak. They continue to go to the meetings, out of solidarity and precaution in case they begin to hear footsteps behind them when walking from home or find eyes peeping behind their curtains. However, the support group seemed to have slowly begun to change. Its regular members were beginning to dwindle, less and less showing up regularly. And, there seemed to be an addition of.... hostility, amongst the newer members.
The support group "leader", a man who has thrown reader off since day one, seemed to be far more invested in hearing their experiences with these "attackers" as he called them. As was everyone else, of which were slowly becoming vaguely familiar faces. Not familiar enough to mention it, but to the point where it was beginning to get eerie.
It wasn't until they went to their next shift for work, did they realize why everyone seemed so odd. Customer after customer came up, all purchasing odds and ends that could be suspicious if one paid close enough attention. But all that reader could focus on, was how the eyes of each person seemed to linger upon them, taking notice of their loose work shirt and unkempt hair. It was a common sound to hear heavy breathing from the other side of the counter, odd compliments on how beautiful their eyes were, or deafening silence from customers that didn't utter a word but stared in complete captivity. The next support group meeting, those nameless faces seemed to be far more recognizable. At this point, the original members of which reader had originally met, were nowehere to be found. All that remained, were the uncomfortably familiar customers, and the oddly charismatic leader.
Every eye seemed to be on them, each waiting for them to speak on their experience. But despite the creepy, lustful gazes and hateful glares at one another, there was some form of supportiveness that came from the group. They gave reassuring pats and squeezes, some getting a little handsier than others.
There were a few that reader recognized more than others: the silent, dark haired man that came to their register everyday, the businesswoman who always seemed to loosen her scowl once she saw them, and the couple who seemed a tad more than "friendly." Out of all of them though, reader felt the most reassurance from the group leader-- the man who seemed to dote on them like a parent would, though there was still fear over his constantly nagging questions and downward stare behind his glasses.
It was once reader decided to stop showing up to the increasingly more recent group sessions, did things start to turn sideways. There would constantly be a knock at the door, asking why they weren't there, if something was wrong, if a stalker had gotten to them. But it wasnt until recently did they feel they were being watched, followed, stalked.
Things started to go missing, from their favorite pair of underwear to little knickknacks kept on their desk. Reader had never felt the effects of the disease and its victims, but ever since the uncomfortable shift in the support group, life hadn't been the same.
One fateful afternoon, there came another series of knocks. Reader couldn't take it anymore, and had long given up on answering the door. The knocking continued, however. Thered be a pause, a moment of hesitation, before the pounding began again. Muffled voices could be heard outside readers front door, and suddenly there grew a great fear in their chest.
Not long after, the knocking seemed to occur in other areas around the house. The backdoor echoed as glass was banged on, the windows of their bedroom seemingly pressured by fists that begged to be let in. Their name was called from outside, small and booming voices all begging to be let in, promising that they were only there to help.
Reader covered their ears, crawling under the blankets and rocking themselves to the hope that the noise would go away. And eventually, It did-- only to be replaced with the sound of shattering glass and rushed footsteps.
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writersblg · 9 months
how the cod characters would react to their partner being a true crime junkie
The sun was starting to set when your partner came back from training. They closed the door behind them and made their way to the living room where you were already wrapped up in a blanket. The music suggested you were watching a normal mystery show but the wholesome scenario your partner thought they found themselves in quickly crumbled as the presenter said “after taking off the skin and hanging it to dry she chopped up the body”
Unfortunately, doesn’t enjoy it as much as you do. For obvious reasons.
He’d give you the nastiest side eye and will just retreat to another room to solve a crossword or something.
Finds these shows incredibly disrespectful and really doesn’t get why you’d watch this.
ALTHOUGH he knows you’ll cuddle up beside him in the night and hide behind his big muscles (I’m deceased) so that’s kinda cute but that only adds to him not knowing why you’d watch true crime in the first place.
Watches everything with you
Will be mad if you do it on your own even if he’s on a mission
Enjoys the stories of female killers the most (if it’s out of revenge he’d cheer for them)
CONTRA he’d talk all the time about the nitty gritty of murders (basically plays the UNO reverse to Keegan; you’ll be afraid of him)
It took a lot of time or convincing to make this happen but he now watches these shows with you.
Rarely talks; “hope they rot in hell” is all you’d get out of him.
Holds you very nicely though and gets up during commercials to get you two snacks <3.
Tells you about the super weird things that happened in his hometown when he was a kid and expects you to be normal about it.
Falls asleep during the first 10 minutes
There’s nothing he hasn’t seen and no matter how brutal these attacks on the shows were he finds them tame
He won’t spoil your watching experience though and lets you lean on him if you’re getting tired
He won’t do true crime marathons with you but might compromise on watching 6h of government conspiracies or something instead
The most interesting part to him is the reasoning for the killers and silently does psycho analysis’ of them
If he has heard about the case before he’d add some information the presenter hasn’t talked about
You two just vibe
He lays on you and occasionally raises his head at particularly interesting scenes
Very much a true crime enthusiast himself
Also very much no expression on his face as they describe the attacks
Watches with you but the way she judges you for watching this is crazy
Blames it on your culture
Farah: “I can fix them”
Sometimes laughs out of nowhere when she’s watching with you 😭 (would honestly destroy my psyche)
Loves to hear when the police messed up so badly they could’ve prevented more deaths but failed to do so
Watches the most gruesome way to attack someone and goes like “Haha I did this once.”
Gives you self defense tips according to the cases
Gets so invested in it
Gives you all the crime statistics if the case happened in Mexico
Randomly dropped that he knew the killer personally more than once
Happily talks about it at work the next day
Sometimes curses in Spanish because he gets too worked up over this
Cannot watch unsolved cases; will think about it all night
Looks the cases up on the internet while the show is still on
Just deepens his perspective of there being more bad people than good people in this world
He’s actually scared of you if you watch this without any reactions
Reminds me of that one AITA story
Accidentally told his friends he’s scared of you (but with heart eyes)
He’d watch it with you but mostly watches your reaction from a safe distance (the other end of the couch)
If you chop something in the kitchen later he’d gently take the knife from you and do it himself; you think he’s being funny but it’s just self preservation
Will still cuddle with you <3 later that night
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justauthoring · 1 year
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includes: bachira meguru, nagi seishiro, itoshi rin all x fem!reader
a/n: ill tell you what i cannot decide on a theme format to save my life :P
He’s been asking you for a while.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to go, but the timing had just never lined up.
Of course Bachira has never been anything but understanding; if there’s anyone who can understand how busy schedules can get, it’s him.
So, he’s never gotten mad or ever held it against you but you also aren’t oblivious to the way his shoulders deflate every time you have to tell him you can’t make it.
The hopeful light in his eyes washes away instantly and the forced smile on his lips does little to make you feel any less guilty -- even if rationally you knew it wasn’t your fault, you didn’t like making Bachira upset.
So, when it turned out his next game matched up with a day off, you were ecstatic. 
Except, you wanted to surprise him and so when he asked you, you said no again, this time regarding his frown and disappointment with excitement blooming in your chest in anticipation for how he’d look when you’d in fact be there, in the stands, cheering for him.
With Isagi’s help you’re able to borrow his extra jersey, making sure to wear it loud and proud when you make your way to the stands. Isagi had helped you get a seat nice and close to front, a spot that would be easy for Bachira to spot even in the midst of playing, surrounded by others, in a large field.
He’d see you.
And the second he walks out onto the field, mindlessly chatting to Isagi and Nagi, the former nudges his shoulder lightly before gesturing ahead of himself.
Bachira’s eyes lock onto you almost instantly.
It takes him no time whatsoever and the second he does, there’s a beaming smile curling onto his lips that practically lit up the whole arena. You can see the twinkle in his eyes as you move to your feet, waving your hands wildly and jumping up and down to make sure he can see you even if it’s already obvious he can.
Nagi teases him but Bachira hardly minds -- the sight of you at one of his games is something he’s been dreaming about for months and with the added fact that you’re wearing his jersey?
Bachira’s so happy he feels like nothing can stop him.
That point is further proved when he scores three goals all on his own, winning the game with his last goal.
He’s practically on fire.
Not a single person is able to stop Bachira that day, and every time he looks out into the crowd to find you, wearing his jersey and screaming his name -- his passion is renewed tenfold.
After that, you make sure to go to every single one of his games you possibly can, always clad in his jersey and screaming his name at the top of your lungs.
He’s never really asked.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want you to come or thinks that you didn’t either, but he also felt like it’d be a hassle to ask and even more of one for you to go out of your way to come.
Nagi knows your busy and he doesn’t want to pressure you, so he just never asks.
But you’ve been waiting for him to ask.
At first you’d thought he was just shy or maybe uncomfortable with it, so you’d just left it alone, thinking that he’d eventually gather up the courage to ask you, especially when your guys’ relationship started to develop and turn more serious.
Then, when he still hadn’t asked months into your relationship, you tried dropping subtle comments -- dropping hints here and there with the intention to show to him you were curious on going.
You knew how big of a deal soccer was to Nagi, even if he tried to say otherwise. It was hard for Nagi to be passionate in anything so the effort and dedication he puts into his career is enough to know that he clearly cares, and you want him to share that with you.
You want to be there for him. Want to watch him do something he clearly loves so much.
It takes a year into your relationship for you to say something.
“Why don’t you want me to go to one of your games?”
Nagi? Confused.
Turns out it was one big misunderstanding.
Once you learn it wasn’t that Nagi didn’t want you to come and rather he just didn’t want to be a hassle, and Nagi learned that you very much did want to go and it wouldn’t be a hassle at all -- the solution was easy.
He gets you a seat up close, almost secluded off to yourself and close enough to be able to watch Nagi easily the entire game.
He wants to say he’s embarrassed when you come adorned in his jersey and his number painted on your face, but he’d be lying if he said he was (even as his teammates tease him about it endlessly).
Truthfully, it makes his heart flutter and his chest feel tight at the fact that you’d put so much effort into coming to his game and making sure everyone knew who you were there for.
After that, Nagi practically drags you to every one of his games.
Doesn’t give you an option in it either. You’re coming.
Makes sure to point you out to his teammates even though they all know who you are.
“Y/N’s here, see? She’s the one in my jersey.”
“Yes, Nagi. I literally said hi to her earlier.”
Needless to say, Nagi loves having you there.
Simply doesn’t think he needs you there.
If you came, he wouldn’t care and the fact that you don’t, he doesn’t care either.
Or so he thinks.
You know Rin well enough to know this so you don’t press it either way.
Rin likes to have his space and you’re happy enough to give it to him; you get to hear him talk about games afterwards anyways and it makes you happy that he chooses to share that part of his life with you so you just let things be.
Until a friend of yours mentions that she’s going to a game and has an extra ticket and “oh. Doesn’t your boyfriend play for T/N as well?”
So you join her.
Rin doesn’t even notice you until half way through the game when he receives a rather harsh shove from a teammate telling him he swears he just saw you in the stands.
He goes to deny it until he turns his head and sure enough, there you are in the midst of the crowd. You’re close enough to Rin to spot, but you’re in the midst of the stands, leaned over slightly as your friends whispers something into your ear.
You meet his eyes in the next second, offering a nervous smile and a wave.
Rin can’t explain it, he really can’t make senses of it--he’d always thought he didn’t really care about you being at one of his games. That, while he loved you, you’d be a distraction that he didn’t need.
But seeing you there? Knowing you’re watching him?
It feels like all he can feel is your eyes on him, even amongst the hundreds in the crowd, on him all game; following his every move, watching him. He can hear you cheering for him when he makes a goal or an impressive tactic. 
It enlightens something in him he hadn’t thought possible.
It isn’t just that you helped him do better -- that having you there made him play better. It was just the fact that you were there, watching him doing something he loved and was so so passionate about; cheering for him, simply there for him.
It’s a feeling Rin hadn’t thought he was capable of, but it isn’t something he wants to lose.
So next time there’s a game, he approaches you, a ticket in hand and his extra jersey in the other.
“I want you to come to my game... w-wearing this.”
You don’t hesitate to say yes, and that makes Rin’s heart flutter in a way he hadn’t thought possible.
Now he doesn’t even have to ask -- every time he has a game approaching, it’s a known fact and a wordless affair as he hands you a ticket and you beam up at him, all bright eyed and cheery saying you can’t wait.
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bsverryin · 10 months
: ̗̀➛ Sending genshin men the wrong message.
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part 1
╰┈➤ Ayato, diluc , alhaitham
╰┈➤ you sent the wrong message to your boss which was supposed to be for your brother.
✎ this is an au (diluc still has the wine Business)!! Characters is your boss who likes you secretly. ⚠️ Use of cuss words... I'm trying my best to make them character like so be nice jk <3 they are just my genshin top 3 so I made this then I can also read it myself 😭 anyways enjoy <3 cannot assure you of perfect grammar !! I like to keep it simple
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: ̗̀➛ AYATO
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You accidentally sent those to Ayato, your boss because you kept thinking about him and how you hate his strict side. He doesn't smile and he always looks mad whenever you don't finish on time, it was his fault for giving you so much work. If there's a time where he's good to you it's the time when you finish all the work that he assigned for you to do fast. The next day after that, he'll assign you more and more and it gets annoying knowing you have to work overtime again.
You sent it accidentally because, you weren't focused enough. You are focused trying to guess the time what time you can come home. The first person on your chats list was always your brother so you just got used to it and clicked it without looking. Now you're standing there, in his office expecting him to scream and fire you after sending him such ridiculous messages.
"So..Y/N did I really assign you a ton of work?" It was the first thing he said before firing you, or that's what you thought.
You shook your head.
"No, sir. It's not that..it's just umm, my girl days are acting up I didn't mean those I'm sorry! It won't happen again. I promise."
It was a lie but you were desperate. You didn't want to lose this job because it would be too hard to find another.
"Girl days? You could simply tell me if I'm giving you too much work, I can work on that and I understand if you're tired, but you didn't have to-" He was cutted of by you apologizing to him.
"No it's not that! I'm really sorry. I apologize. I'll take the consequences of my reckless actions." You said as you bowed to him to show your sincerity.
You took the consequences of your actions, it was just your boss giving you work but your work gets easier and less time by time, you didn't understand why of course but people are gossiping about how your boss likes you which you didn't believe at first but he becomes more gentle and gentle to you. You fell for him and when you started dating him, you found out your boss likes you for so long and was actually hurt by the wrong messages you sent, but it's alright now because you kept kissing him and telling him how much you love him.
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: ̗̀➛ DILUC
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When you saw that reply from Diluc, your boss. You really tried to run away and hide yourself forever. You're using your phone while working? He'll probably scream at you and fire you. That's what you thought. The only reason why you sent that message to him instead of your brother was because you're WORKING. You had to focus on making a drink first while using your phone, it wasn't allowed when your boss was there and one day he just wasn't and you thought it's okay for you to do that.
That's why, it happened. You thought your job was over and you can't do anything about it. Just by thinking what your boss would do to you when you meet him the next day scares the shit of you, well you did compliment him so you hope he'll let it slide but at the same time you also said that it was a loss. You had to go to the tavern, sleepless who looks hopeless at the same time, now you're just standing in front of your boss, diluc while he's at his chair looking really fresh and cool.
"Care to explain?, Y/N" He said, he wasn't looking at you. He's doing his work while waiting for you to speak for yourself.
"I won't do it again, it's really wrong for me to speak bad things about you when you're the one who's helping me to earn money, I'm really sorry. Sir." You said as you bowed to him, when you tried to look at him, he looked confused and stressed by just what you said.
"I'm not talking about that, Y/N. I'm telling you to explain why were you using your phone while doing your work? It's forbidden, you know that right?" Now you felt more embarrassed than you did before. You apologized for speaking bad about him but not using your phone in the middle of your work.
"It was reckless behavior that I did, sir. I'm really sorry. I won't do it ever again. I will do everything I can to assure you that."
He didn't fire you and just told you to do your work, however you couldn't focus for months because of what you did. Diluc was the one who REALLY assured you that it's fine just don't do it again. He's straight up being sweet towards you. You didn't think about it at first but you completely fell in love with him. You may have told him that you loved him when you were drunk and magically out of nowhere, you both started dating after getting drunk that night.
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Alhaitham was flabbergasted when you sent those messages and the fact that you didn't realize it because you're that BUSY typing was something else. You just didn't mind it and waited for your iced coffee that was paid by your brother patiently, I mean you always ask your brother to deliver coffee to you so he knows what to do so you just continued your work like nothing.
How did you realize it, you ask? It was when your iced coffee was delivered by your co-workers saying that it was for you, and when you're about to thank your brother through chats you realized your boss, alhaitham was the one you messaged to deliver you coffee. It was so embarrassing but you're thankful at the same time because your boss really did buy you COFFEE but still it was straight up embarrassing making your boss buy you a coffee, so when you finished typing the files that your boss assigned you to, you immediately went to his office, he was the one who started the conversation.
"How was the coffee, Y/N?" He asked while you hand him the files he asked for. He sounded sarcastic that you didn't know what to answer.
"It was a wrong sent message sir, I'm really sorry. I can pay you right now. I'm just really sorry." It was so embarrassing for you, that you couldn't even move your body, you looked at the floor the whole time not bothering to look at him.
"It's alright, you said it yourself. I should pay more respect to my employees especially you."
You avoided your boss after that talk. You'd go the other way around whenever you see him in the office and when you give him the files he needs, you'll immediately leave. You thought you were doing very well avoiding him but destiny had other plans. Whenever you're down and alone, you just see him. You see him everywhere you go, anywhere you lay your eyes too. He just can't be avoided whatever you do. He knows what you're doing he looks like he's unbothered but he's really bothered by you avoiding him all the time, like did he look that scary to you?
Well, he found a way to talk to you and tell you that it's okay it's not a big deal and when you had that talk with him everything felt better. You felt relieved and happy because you felt like you had a beef with your boss, Now whenever you hand him the files he needs, you stay for a little talk and it becomes a hobby for the both of you, he was cold and sweet but you realized he's all that you ever wanted. When you both started dating he may have given you a new office that's very close to his so that he can see and talk to you everyday and anytime he wants.
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shadowdaddies · 7 months
Your stories are actually incredible! I was wondering if I could request one for Azriel. Maybe one where we were reckless during a mission and got hurt and he’s mad. Some angst where we’re fighting and we accidentally say something really mean and hurtful to him. Maybe it ends in smut with the softest fuzziest fluffiest gentlest sex where we show him how much we love him and that we didn’t mean what we said. Maybe a tad bit of dominant reader just praising him and stuff. I totally understand if that’s too much to ask cause that was kind of a lot! But I would really appreciate it!
Thank you so much, you are so sweet!! That is not too much, I love this request 💜 thank you for sending it in
A/N: this is a rollercoaster angst to fluff to smut w a slightly sub Az
My Whole World
Azriel x Reader
Warnings: mention of injury/death, smut below the cut, oral m!receiving, p in v sex, not proofread, minors dni
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With what little strength you had left, you clutched the knife wound in your shoulder and winnowed to the River House, where Rhys and Feyre waited for you. You’d spoken mind-to-mind with them to alert them that you were coming home, and needed a healer. As you collapsed onto the floor of the entryway, Rhys rushed over to you, carrying you up to the room you and Azriel slept in whenever you stayed there, where Madja was waiting. Between Rhys’s magic and Madja’s healing abilities, they were able to treat the wound quickly, within an hour the only trace of the injury a fading scar. Between the exhaustion from the mission and the pain tonic Madja gave you, you passed out quickly, falling into a deep, healing sleep.
You awoke to the feeling of a shadow twirling in your hair, smiling as it excitedly waved in front of you, before shooting towards the corner. You followed where it flew, your gaze stopping on your mate, who sat in a chair in the corner. His fiery gaze was fixed on you, concern showing in his expression, but the rigidness of his body a tell-tale sign - he was angry. The two of you simply stared in silence for a moment as you didn’t know what to say. You finally caved, whispering in a meek voice, “Az, are you upset about something?” 
His knuckles turned white as the wood of the chair creaked under the pressure of his scarred hands. “Am I upset?” Your eyes widened as Azriel raised his voice at you for the first time in your relationship. Noticing your reaction, Azriel inhaled a slow, shaky breath. With obvious restraint, Azriel managed to grind out his next words. “I am thankful that you are alive. And yes, I am ‘upset,’ as you put it. I am furious. I cannot wrap my mind around how you could be so reckless, putting yourself in unnecessary danger like that! I only let Rhys have you go because you would be discreet. I only allowed this because I didn’t think you’d be so foolish to let something like this happen.” 
You stilled at that last sentence, honing in on Azriel with a predatory stillness as your own anger built inside of you. “You allowed this? Since when do you control what I am and am not capable of, Azriel?” He gave you a wry smile, eyes sparkling with unshed tears as his gaze shifted to where your wound had been. “I don’t have to tell you of your lack of abilities. Your own lack of caution that led to near-death is telling enough.”
You were up and out of bed in a second, fury radiating off of you in waves as you stalked towards Azriel. Shoving a finger in his chest, you practically yelled at him. “You do not permit me to do anything. I made a choice in the moment, and whether or not it was the best choice, it was mine. You do not get to control me because you’re afraid of losing the only person who actually cares about you!” Your eyes widened as soon as the words left your mouth, mortified by what you had said. A single tear fell down Azriel’s cheek as he collapsed into the chair, your heart collapsing with him. 
You slowly approached Azriel where he sat, kneeling before him with your hands in your lap, too afraid to touch him at this moment. As your own tears began to fall, you choked out in a whisper, “I didn’t mean that how it sounded. Azriel, you are so loved by everyone in this family. Rhys and Cassian choose you as their brother, because you are kind, loyal, and caring.” You finally gathered enough courage to place your hands on his thighs, rubbing gentle circles with your thumbs as Azriel looked up at you through wet lashes. “The cauldron blessed me as your mate, but I choose to be your wife and best friend. I’m sorry that it sounded like I am the only one who cares. I am far from the only one who cares for you, Az. I am simply the only one who shares a soul with you.” 
Azriel put his hands over yours, giving them a soft squeeze. “You were right, that I am afraid of losing you. I know I can’t - and wouldn’t dream of - stopping you from caring for your court and your people, but when I heard you were hurt, it was like pain I’ve never known. I don’t know what I would do without you, and I’m sorry if I am overprotective. You mean more to me than anything in this world, or any other.” 
You smiled, pulling Azriel’s face to yours as you leaned into him, kissing him deeply as you relaxed in the warm embrace of your mate. Pulling away to rest your forehead against his, you murmured, “you are the best part of my life, Azriel. I would never intentionally hurt you.” Looking into his eyes, golden in the evening light, you pleaded, “let me show you how precious you are to me.” Azriel nodded, kissing you as he pulled you into his lap. 
You ground your hips against his, feeling him strain against his leathers beneath you as he groaned into your mouth. You smirked, moving to kiss your way down his neck, sucking on the pulse point beneath his ear which had him bucking his hips up into you. You made quick work of unfastening the buckles and ties on his top, ripping it off him in a hurry. Biting your lip as your hands roamed his toned chest, you looked up to see Azriel’s blown out pupils, watching you with barely held restraint. 
Standing up, you tugged Azriel towards you by the loops of his belt, gently pushing him to lay back on the bed as you leaned over him. You kissed down his chest, stopping to lick the trail of hair beneath his belly button as you toyed with the band of his pants. “Please, baby,” Azriel breathed, lifting his hips towards you. Letting out a soft laugh, you pushed his hips down back on the mattress. “Look at me, Az,” you murmured, your lips hovering above his apparent arousal. He looked up at you as you pressed a kiss to his cock through his pants before untying the laces of his pants with your teeth, maintaining eye contact as you did so. He moaned with appreciation, running his hands through your hair as you removed his pants completely.
You ran your hands up and down his sides as you kissed along his hip bones, pausing above his shaft to blow a soft breath over him. He twitched underneath you, begging for more, and you obliged, leaning over to give a kitten lick to his tip as you swiped the pre-cum, moaning exaggeratedly at his taste. Azriel opened his mouth, likely to plead again, but before he could get the words out you took his entire length in your mouth, sucking with hollowed-out cheeks as you swirled your tongue. You bobbed against him at a relentless pace, Azriel a moaning mess beneath you as he twitched in your mouth. You were ready to swallow his release, but Azriel wrapped a hand around your hair, pulling you off of him before he could finish. He panted, “I need you, baby. Need to be inside you.” You smiled, happy to oblige as you climbed up his body, kissing him as you sank down onto his length.
You both moaned at the feeling, the euphoria of being truly one with your mate. You moved slowly on top of him, rolling your hips and experimenting with various movements to test his reactions. Once you found a position that was perfect for both of you, Azriel helped you bounce up and down on him at a faster pace. You faltered in your movements as you neared your high, Azriel sensing your approaching orgasm as he brought his thumb to your clit, rubbing gentle circles. “Let go for me, angel,” he whispered as you crashed into your high, clenching around him as you felt him fill you with his own orgasm. 
You collapsed against Azriel’s chest, the two of you laying like that for awhile, cherishing the moment. You rolled over onto your side, brushing hair from Azriel’s face as you pushed all your love down the bond to him. “I love you, Azriel.” He leaned down to kiss you, pulling away to whisper back, “I love you, my Whole World.”
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ithaquasbbg · 5 months
Hi :))) I think I’ll do some more general Headcanons since those did shockingly really well lolll- just a reminder that requests are open! I have a few I need to get to, but I appreciate hearing from everyone.
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Norton Campbell | Prospector / “Fools gold” General relationship Headcanons
(That title is certainly a lot to read..)
Tw : mentions of nightmares, possessive behavior.
Extra : Some things can be read in a kind of suggestive tone?? That was on accident lol but I left it because it is true 💀I’ve recently been really into Norton and felt like dumping my personal Headcanons here.
|🩷| Norton has a tendency to be a hot and cold type of lover. One moment he can be his normal self, and the next he’s mad at the world and pushing himself away from you.
|🩷| Of course, he’ll make up for those moments when he isolates himself, or at least attempt to. With Norton, you need to be patient and show him that he won’t scare you away.
|🩷| In his normal form he can be slightly possessive but wouldn’t act out on it too much if at all. He’ll exchange harsh glares with the person he suspects has any intentions of either stealing you from him, or of harming you.
|🩷| As fools gold though… he’s much more willing to get involved and use physical measures to keep others from messing around with you. Though he is quite intimidating, so his typical glares would likely do the trick most of the time
|🩷| In either form, he’s incredibly protective of you and couldn’t imagine what would happen if you were to get seriously hurt. How they would react is different, with nortons normal self hyperfixating on your health and getting you better. His other side however would likely take care of you first, but there’s no question the person who hurt you would be roughed up quite badly.
|🩷| In terms of physical preferences in his partners- I don’t see Norton as somebody who would be terribly picky. Though, if there was one thing he would have a preference for, it would probably be eyes. If they’re striking, they’ve caught his attention.
|🩷| When it comes to his love language in a receiving type of way, he’d likely be most comfortable with words of affirmation. Reassurance that you still love him despite all his imperfections is something that comforts him and makes him swoon all the more at the same time.
|🩷| In terms of giving, Norton would be super interested in physical touch, even if it’s small. Part of it is reassurance for himself that you’re with him, but another part is the rush he feels when he gets to hold you. Things like hand holding are present almost all the time, sometimes in a more possessive type of way.
|🩷| When it comes to PDA- Norton isn’t the most reserved in the manor but he’s also not the most showy. It depends on his state day to day just how showy he is, but usually it only includes hand holding and an occasional quick kiss or two
|🩷| Big. Spoon. He loves holding you close to him and knowing that you’re safe in his arms. (And In a sense.. he likely also enjoys knowing that he’s the one in control while he’s holding you ☺️)
|🩷| His favorite nickname for you is just a simple “Babe”, or sometimes if he’s feeling generous.. “Baby”
|🩷| When you call him things like Handsome, Love, ect, he’d probably take a slight ego boost from it. Expect for him to ask you to repeat it. “Just to make sure” he didn’t mishear what you said. But we all know he just wants to hear you call him Handsome again.
|🩷| Things like “Sweetheart” or returning the “Baby” nickname would probably get him blushing and a little embarrassed, those are his names for you, not the other way around! Though despite his attitude towards being called these nicknames, he does love to hear you call him all these sweet things.
|🩷| If he has extra clothing to give you, he’d absolutely give you all of it. Seeing you in his clothing gives Norton such a rush that he cannot explain. On this same note, if he could fit into your clothing I doubt he’d be willing to wear it, he prefers to be giving things even if he cannot really afford to buy gifts.
|🩷| Norton does suffer from frequent nightmares remembering his life from before he came to the manor. He tries to hide his weaknesses from everyone, including you, though occasionally his facade slips and he breaks. Just allowing him to cry and hold you as tight as he can is usually greatly appreciated, though he will be embarrassed about the crying part later.
|🩷| He’s not the best at comforting others, but if you had a rough day or two, Norton would definitely try his best to cheer you up at least a little bit. Things like attempting to cook your favorite meal, showering you with extra love and compliments. No matter what headspace he’s in, Norton will always try his best to get a smile on your face. You matter more to him than anything else at the end of the day, and he’ll make sure to protect you.
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Round 4: Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) vs. Amane Momose (MILGRAM)
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Propaganda below the cut
Mabel Pines (12):
I literally saw a tiktok today about how Mabel is a bad person. She’s 12! Like yes, she has made some mistakes and bad choices, but so has everyone else. And I never see any of the other characters in the show criticized the way she is. Everyone in the show has made mistakes (Grunkle Stan commits crimes practically every episode ffs) but because Mabel is a 12 year old girl and acts like it, she gets the most hate. Mabel deserves to be loved 🩷
girl gets so much flack for being... immature and kind of selfish at age 12? like she had whole video essays made on why she is a horrible person who deserves punishment. god forbid girls be silly
!!! Spoilers for Gravity Falls last 5 episodes !!!
This has gone down a lot but when the Weirdmaggedon arc was happening, the finale of the series, a big part of the fandom started hating Mabel because she accidentally caused the Weirdmaggedon (basically an apocalypse + bizarre shit like the water tower becoming an eight-legged monster with a giant mouth).
For context, in the episode that starts this arc, "Dipper and Mabel vs The Future", Mabel is really excited to the end of their summer vacation at Grunkle Stan's house, since it will be her and Dipper's 13th birthday and they will enter high school (her idea of high school of course coming from teen movies). But then this whole idea starts to shatter when Wendy tells her that high school isn't like a Disney musical, but it's okay, she will get through this since she will be with Dipper, her twin brother...
Except, that Dipper receives an invitation by Grunkle Stan's scientist brother Ford to become his apprentice after summer ends, staying in Gravity Falls, without Mabel. When she discovers it, she gets really mad at him and in a fit of rage, she accidentally picks Dipper's bag instead of hers and runs off to the woods.
When she gets there, Blendin, a time-travelling friend of theirs finds her and tells her that he has a way of making her brother stay with her, and make the summer take a little more to end, and that he just needed a little thing that Dipper has in his bag. That thing is a dimensional rift that Dipper and Ford contained to not cause the Weirdmaggedon, but Mabel didn't knew about that and gives it to Blendin. Blendin then breaks it and it's revealed that Bill Cipher was controlling Blendin to get the rift and release the Weirdmaggedon. He then traps Mabel in a bubble, starting the final arc of the series.
So, a few episodes later, that bubble she's in is revealed to be a world of fantasy that she controls, and that she didn't want to leave that world, as she was scared of growing up etc.
Context given, A LOT OF PEOPLE HATED HER FOR THIS. Suddenly people started seeing Mabel as just a selfish girl who wanted things only her way, when she was only a 12-year-old scared of growing up without her twin brother (they do end up going back together at the end but still).
The worst part is that apparently the people behind it took note of this, and on the comics that where released after the finale, she is a selfish spoiled brat. I haven't read the comics though so I'm going off what some people said about it.
Amane Momose (12):
Amane was voted guilty in the first trial so that she would acknowledge her guilt. It backfired, and now she’s considered a threat. Well, everyone is a threat, but nobody’s threat level has been as heavily discussed and debated as hers. Consider the next prisoner in line, Mikoto. He’s objectively more dangerous and cannot be restrained. He beat up the guard in trial 1, and he was able to hold his own when the other guilty prisoners were attacked. But a good incentive to forgive him is so that he will calm down. You know what? That’s a good incentive to forgive Amane too! But she *can* be restrained, so a good portion of the discussion went into how she should be voted guilty so she *will* be restrained and not a threat. Since her vote was a near 50/50, of course a good chunk of the voters expressed dissatisfaction with her forgiven verdict. Some are already planning to vote her guilty for trial 3, calling her a “lost cause”. She hasn’t even done any concrete harm yet. Hold the pitchforks until she actually causes harm, please? And what if she *was* voted guilty in trial 2? We’ve been warned that she will continue to deny our judgement. A second guilty verdict won’t make her better either, and then what? She’d be called a “lost cause” as well. There is no winning with her.
Where do I even start? So first of all she’s an cult child who was physically and mentally abused and tortured by her parents and then (presumably) murdered her mother after her mother killed a cat that she took care of.
Now everyone in Milgram is a murderer but when Amane came and her MV showed her murder and circumstance in an admittedly highly fictionalized depiction of it the audience decided to…repeat the cycle of abuse!
She was voted guilty for the main reason of “teaching her” and helping her “realize that she was abused.” I would like to note that this tough love approach is something her parents utilized against her. “We are only doing this to help you.”
So the audience replicates Amane’s abusers and repeats the cycle of abuse and that’s pretty shitty but it isn’t exactly “Fuck Em Kids” level.
And then Trial 2 happened. Cause Amane is bitter and angry and horrifically traumatized so she acts aggressive and hostile. Especially towards another prisoner.
Now, again, everyone here is a fucking murderer (of atleast could be constructed as one) These people being able to Harm is a core concept of this series.
Yet for some reason it feels like people treat Amane as a “delusional creepy kid who wants to kill people” which completly takes away the nuance of her character. She does have the capacity to harm! Everyone here does! She’s not Uniquly Dangerous! She just has a Reason to be Dangerous. A Reason we GAVE HER by REPEATING THE CYCLE OF ABUSE.
In short: In a series full of Murderers I’m honestly a bit pissed that the 12 year old abuse victim is the one who’s treated like the guy from American Pyscho.
TL;DR: "We metavoted this abused, indoctrinated child guilty in trial 1, but it didn't work. Now she is a threat to three grown adults: one who is fully free and two whom she has been shown to get along with. Please metavote her guilty again so she will be restrained and unable to attack them, even though that means subjecting her to further psychological torture." Amane Momose is the youngest of ten murderers, prisoners of Milgram who are to be judged innocent (forgiven) or guilty (unforgiven). In the first interrogation (voice drama), she said that what she did was in line with her religion's doctrines. If we judged her the "wrong way", she said she will just deny the verdict. Combining the voice drama and music video, you could piece together that she was raised in a cult and abused, even though she is cheerful and downplays her pain. She never shows *who* she killed, only *why* she did. After the first day of her vote, she was 81% innocent, but this wouldn't last the whole three months. Many people voted her guilty so she would "see her sins", part of the practice commonly known as "metavoting". Her innocent percentage rapidly decreased, and she hit guilty in the last 15 days, finishing at 51% guilty. At the end of the first trial, Jackalope (who is something like a host) went over all the prisoners' verdicts and commented on the general reasoning. When he got to Amane, he *laughed* at the audience for voting that way to make her realize her sins. Trial 2 rolled around, and it was revealed that Amane's victim was her abuser. On day one, she was at 74% innocent. Seems like a cut-and-dry case now, right? Well... in the intermission, two of the prisoners (Fuuta and Mahiru) were badly beaten up and became reliant on the care of Shidou, a doctor. Amane became hostile to Shidou because what he was doing was against her beliefs. She visited all three of them on their birthdays to convince them to change their ways. She seems to be especially close to Fuuta, who is now murmuring about salvation. Guilty prisoners are psychologically tortured, forced to listen to voices that reject their beliefs. Fuuta and Mahiru both say that the mental strain is worse than their physical injuries. But Amane, who also looks worse for wear, was thrown under the bus because she isn't injured and is considered a physical threat to them (never mind that she gets along with them). She's considered a threat to Shidou, a grown man who is twice her size and fully free, while she is partially restricted by the long sleeves in her trial 2 uniform. She might indoctrinate Fuuta even though, in a prison of ten people and one guard, she's the only voice of her cult. Fortunately, she got a break. Her vote was falling at a similar rate to the first trial. But this time, it stabilized at 51% innocent, 12 days before the end of her vote. But there's no way this is over.
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heartsforhavik · 6 months
Yandere Liu Kang? 👀👀👀
yandere liu kang x reader hcs
warnings: toxic relationship, controlling liu kang, yk regular yandere tendencies
summary: hcs of yandere liu kang x (gender neutral) reader
a/n: i just ate like 7 tacos anyways here’s a story about a god that is obsessed with you bc we all secretly want that!! (hi its me from the future this took so long for me to write anyways i just ate 12 chicken nuggets and i was holding in a shit while i was writing this anyways please enjoy guys love you all. havik is next :333)
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when liu kang created the new timeline, he was bent on making sure everyone had the chance to live a life of peace. he wanted everyone to be in control of their lives.
but when it came to you, liu kang had a twisted desire to completely craft your life so you two can be together. however, he resisted the urge, and he decided to let you be in control of your own life.
but he didn't expect for you to naturally gravitate towards him. he felt so... familiar to you. as if you knew each other in another life.
liu kang was so grateful that you naturally found each other again. and now, he was determined to make sure nothing would happen to you.
now that you two are together, he treats you as if you're glass. he barely lets you leave your house without him helping you. but can you blame him? he's a demi-god and you are just a vulnerable mortal. he just doesn't want you getting hurt!
"liu kang, please, let me leave. i just want to walk around. i'm not going to get hurt!" you begged.
"i cannot risk you losing your life, my darling. you'll understand one day." liu kang told you.
liu kang may be extremely controlling, but it's because he holds you very dear to his heart. he doesn't want anything bad happening to you, so he safeguards you very carefully. he is afraid of losing you more than anything.
you are his darling. you are the love of his life. can you really blame him for wanting to keep you forever? hold you in his arms til' death do you part?
he doesn't mind when you talk to others, however. he doesn't trust you to protect yourself, but he trusts you to stay loyal to him. he isn't that possessive. but he does always have to know every single person you are acquainted with. he just wants to make sure they're good people, that's all! he just doesn't want you to accidentally be friends with bad people.
however, liu kang is extremely busy as earthrealm's protecter. he doesn't get to keep an eye on you all the time, unfortunately. so he keeps you locked up in your shared living space! fun, right?
but he knows how bored you can get in there, so he knows to get whatever furniture you want inside your home. anything you show even a little bit of interest in, ends up in your home a few minutes later. you're very spoiled in other aspects other than furniture, however.
for example, on the rare occasion that liu kang isn't too busy, he does whatever you ask him. make you tea? he's on it. cuddle and watch a movie? he's got the blankets and snacks ready. need a shoulder to cry on? he's there, and he'll give you advice on how to solve the problem.
liu kang is very thoughtful, and he knows exactly how to take care of you. but unfortunately, his fear of losing you someday is too strong, that he doesn't know how to love you without a voice in the back of his head always reminding him that your lifespan is much shorter than his. he knows you won't be with him someday. but he likes to pretend that fact isn't true.
for now, he'll stay hopeful that nothing will come between your unconditional love. your loss someday will leave him crestfallen, and you will stay within his heart forevermore. so for now, let him love you with his whole heart. let him kiss you every morning. let him enjoy your company every afternoon. let him embrace you every night. he'll go mad if anything were to happen to you, his sweet beloved.
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chaoticbardlady99 · 6 months
She’s My Religion (Part 2: She Needs This Love Just as Much as Me) Astarion x F! Reader
Author note- totally not sure how I feel about this, but here we go! I hope someone enjoys this lmao.
I’m really tired and so this has been edited once and I’ll add the link for part 1 later. If you asked to be on my tag list- I am going to be adding you tomorrow simply because I can barely keep my eyes open right now.
CW: Domestic violence, physical abuse, emotional abuse, mentions of torture, violence, angst.
Picture does not belong to me and is not mine. I cannot for the life of me remember where I got it so I apologize in advance.
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“You’ve been doing WHAT!?”
Astarion sits staring at the forest with his head hung with guilt and shame. Shadowheart sounds furious with him and admittedly, Astarion is also raving mad at himself.
Astarion miscalculated terribly- his plan was completely, utterly doomed from the start. Shadowheart is pacing back and forth in front of him- reading him the right act.
Astarion is zoning out as Shadowheart goes on and on saying all the things he’s already said to himself- he begins to drift to the first time he had ever met you about three years ago.
Astarion had been in solitary confinement for what had felt like forever when Cazador let him out. It was probably the only time Cazador had looked somewhat close to nervous with some sick twisted affection behind his eyes. He simply told Astarion he was to accompany you around the grounds and that you needed to be treated with respect. Your step-father did not want you to be present after dinner.
“You are allowed to take her to do what she wants- within reason. Do not let her leave the mansion grounds and make sure she is content,” Cazador said stiffly, “I am trusting you, boy. You know the consequences if you step out of line.”
Later, before you had arrived, Dalyria had made him privy to you and your… temperaments. Astarion relished in knowing you made a fool out of Petras. Someone needed to give the prick a wake up call.
It was also, supposedly, no secret to anyone in your family that you are the one Cazador wishes to marry, but due to your lack of royal blood, it would ruin his alliance with the Von family entirely. So Cazador is stuck with a woman named Daisy Von (who he cannot stand) and Astarion felt like it was the perfect karma for Cazador- the one time he wants something or someone, he absolutely cannot have it.
You were (still are) wildly different from your obnoxious step-sisters and step-brothers.
“Trouble maker.”
It was all this annoying group of people could seem to talk about- how terrible and horrible you were. What a disappointment. What a nuisance.
Dalyria told him beforehand that this was the norm and that it really only gets more embarrassing for them every time. You were kind, headstrong, ambitious, and beautiful according to Dalyria- when she had stepped in for Petras that night at the last minute, you had treated her like a person. You had asked her about herself, engaged in her hobbies by asking questions, and you had made a point of showing her all the medical books in Bridril Von’s library (you even let her take one, Bridril never goes in the library). Astarion had just stared at her in disbelief- she had to be playing a trick on him.
You stood on the farthest end next to the youngest girl and Bridril had scowled so aggressively, Astarion thought his face may cave in on itself. You are far more captivating than any of Bridril’s children could ever wish to be. No wonder Cazador wants you so badly that he’s willing to do anything to make sure you come over with them or that you show up for dinner at your own home- undeterred by the inability to actually make a proposal for your hand.
You looked positively irritated everytime Daisy opened her mouth and he was too. The woman is dense and over-the-top. Dinner had been awkward and you had barely even touched your food, but drank three goblets of wine- every time Bridril leered at you for getting another glass, a sly smirk would cross your lips. Your own silent rebellion.
Your demeanor and attitude resembled that of a bird trapped in a cage- wings clipped and feathers plucked. It made Astarion feel bitter- in what world were you trapped? You get to live in a nice mansion and go to dinner parties in nice clothes- Astarion just woke up in a TOMB after being in there for WEEKS. How dare a pampered princess such as yourself pretend that you are provided with anything less than perfection.
His bitterness (and biases) hadn’t lasted very long- it lasted for about 5 parties. Your relationship started out with a lot of bickering and miscommunication. Both of your words towards each other were passively laced with venom, but you never complained so he kept being assigned to you. It was never an option really either. Cazador insisted you be a part of every dinner despite Bridril’s grumbling.
The 6th meeting had changed everything. You had not arrived for the party your step-father was throwing and Bridril told Cazador that you were sick before hurriedly rushing off to talk to a local Magistrate. Cazador, naturally, wasn’t satisfied with this explanation so he had sent Astarion to find you.
Astarion had found you sleeping- bloody, battered, and bruised in your bedroom. There was a thick black banded bruise on your neck. The walls were empty, there was only a bedroll in the corner, and the book you had been reading the last time he was there was destroyed and in tatters on the floor. You had woken up when he accidentally slammed the door out of rage and you had looked around disoriented, but skittish and alert all the same. Your eyes softened when you realized it was just him.
You told him you had lost a competition because you hadn’t been sleeping well- too many bad dreams. Bridril had been so embarrassed that he had beaten you for the last several hours before- completely forgetting the mass amount of guests that he had invited to his home that evening. You weren’t allowed to leave your room. Astarion had been wrong. You were a trapped bird in a cage.
It was the one and only time Astarion ever willingly went to Cazador and told him what he had witnessed. You never had a scratch on you again at any future gatherings, but you always looked more tired than the time before. Bridril would boast about all the competitions you had won over the last month- Archery, jousting, mock combats, javelin throwing, etc, etc, etc. The list went on and on- you looked closer and closer to vomiting or keeling over from exhaustion with every activity he named. Life returned to your eyes when you and Astarion went off to dick around.
Escorting you around the Crimson Palace or around the Mansion quickly became his favorite part of those stupid dinner parties or any of the events Cazador threw or went to. You are complex and didn’t grow up in nobility. You despised it, but you were stuck because Bridril had enchanted your mother. You told him she breaks sometimes, but you rarely recognize the woman that pretends to be her nowadays.
You admitted to Astarion you thought he was a pompous bastard when you first met, but he is pretty so you let it slide. Astarion told you that he thought you were a spoiled brat, but because YOU were pretty, he also let it slide.
You had smiled at him, “I guess we are both wrong.”
“But not about being pretty.”
“Oh most certainly not.”
One evening, the two of you had had ‘too much’ fun according to Cazador. You had snuck him into the library and you had sat reading for the entire 6 hour affair. You had asked if it was okay if you sat near him and that eventually led to you leaninging against each other. Astarion had felt like he had been physically, painfully ripped from you when it was time to go. You had kissed Astarion on the cheek before he left and he kissed your hand. Cazador had flayed Astarion for that one night.
Astarion had felt some guilt regarding his resentment toward you after the incident. He knew he wasn’t helping his own situation by giving into your whims and your touch.
If Astarion didn’t know any better, he would think Cazador loved you, but he learned quickly that Cazador’s “affection” for you comes from a place of obsession and possessiveness. You looked like a previous lover of his from a lifetime that Astarion knew very little about. You were different from this woman, but it was not unwelcome in Cazador’s eyes- he has always liked a challenge. He could make you submit.
Cazador had wanted to send someone else to be your escort after you had begun to show an interest in Astarion- this was quickly squashed when you looked like you were going to light Cazador and his entire world on fire if he dared to volunteer another person. He had brought Leon, Astarion, and Dalyria and when Cazador volunteered Leon- you simply said, “No, I want Astarion.”
Cazador was infuriated, but he wanted- no needed you to be happy and to like him. Cazador had told Pale Petras that if he could win your favor, he was sure you’d just willingly come to him and ask to be his consort. Daisy could be thrown out entirely and maybe he’ll have negotiating room. The thought had made Astarion’s stomach turn- he wouldn’t be able to bare watching you become a lifeless consort under Cazador.
However, he always pushed those thoughts away when he was around you so he could stay in a good mood. You would flirt back and forth with Astarion, talk about irrelevant bullshit from the week, the gossip around the mansion, and you both mimicked and complained about how pathetic it was to watch Daisy grovel at Cazador’s feet- a lamb to the slaughter. You referred to the slaughter as being marriage, he referred to the slaughter as Cazador.
It had been a wonderful year of Daisy entirely failing at keeping Cazador’s attention, but she was determined and Astarion admittedly hoped that you may remain a consistent part of his life- the tiniest ray of light to look forward to once or twice a month. And if Cazador marries Daisy? Well, Astarion may never have to be that far away from you permanently.
Then, one night at a party, he had been in the Von mansion’s dining room- Cazador had instructed him to find you. He eventually gave up after he couldn’t and figured you would come to him eventually. Astarion was right, but not in the way he had originally hoped.
You had snuck into the second floor dining area and you locked it behind you. Astarion had been relieved to be in your presence again, but the state you were in… His relief was swallowed up when he had seen how bruised and beaten up you looked. Astarion had surprised you by his presence and you surprised him with your plan. You were escaping and instead of stopping you like a very massive part wanted him too- in spite of Cazador’s command to keep you from leaving the property having been shoved down Astarion’s throat, Astarion helped you tie the rope to propel down the side of the building.
Astarion can still remember the earnest look you’d given him- the way you begged him to leave with you. Gods he wanted to. Astarion remembered all the days that followed after where he kicked himself for not being selfish, but for whatever reason, he didn’t want there to be any way for you to be caught. Astarion knew if he went with you, neither one of you would ever get to know what it means to be free. Cazador would be able to find you through Astarion.
Astarion had told you “no”, struggled to get you to understand between tears, but then you promised him that you would be back. You would kill Cazador and he would be free- you just need him to wait for you. You didn’t know Cazador was a Vampire Lord at the time, but he still believed you. You said give you at least four years- you need time to prepare. He agreed.
Astarion never forgot your promise, clinging to it like a divine wish. There were only 2 more years left- then the Mindflayers kidnapped him.
Astarion had never felt more angry or defeated in his whole life. Astarion would have been free, but now he’s going to turn into a Mindflayer of all things.
Except it had been the best stroke of luck he’d ever had. You were there! In front of him after two years! Your softer noble appearance has been replaced with a scar that shows you dodged just in time to not lose an eye, an Oath of Vengeance sigil plastered to your chest, piercings along your ears, and a large beholder tattoo on your neck. Still beautiful, just far more authentic.
Astarion knows his initial plan to seduce you, sleep with you, and manipulate your feelings was a fucked up one-especially because he knew having you in every way would destroy Cazador without thinking of how it would make you feel. Astarion also acknowledged that a part of him had been doing all this for his own selfish pleasure- no one was in the way of keeping you from getting closer and Astarion didn’t want to have to share your affections with others in camp. And besides, he had been there first.
Oh and Astarion took every advantage of having you to himself. Talking to you, making you laugh, kissing you, being entangled with you while you sleep, drinking from you- fucking you until you only smell of him, leaving bite marks to show you are Astarion’s only.
What Astarion hadn’t anticipated was how much he would also want to be yours. He had been pushing down the feeling for a long time and he always brushed off Shadowheart’s puppy love jokes. Astarion was not smitten with you- he merely knows you and that’s why it’s all so easy. You had shown him simple kindness and you had a history together- you were the obvious choice to go to for protection.
Then the fight with Yurgir happened and Astarion watched you die.
The battle had been hard- brutal even for Astarion’s standards- and the constant bombs being dropped wasn’t helping the situation.
You were up top with Karlach, facing Yurgir head on while Shadowheart and himself tried to pick off the other attackers going after you both.
It had felt like hours, but in reality, what happened next lasted mere seconds.
Yurgir had made you and Karlach lose your balance, but Yurgir was focused on you. Astarion watched in despair as you were flung into the wall, crashing to the ground with a pained scream, a sickening crack, then nothing but blood pouring out of your head. Suddenly, a bomb exploded above you, the rocks began to pour down from the ceiling, and buried you.
The screams that had erupted from Karlach and Shadowheart had snapped him into action. Astarion didn’t remember the rest of the battle, just that it had been a bloodthirsty blur and now he, Karlach, and Shadowheart were clearing the rubble. Astarion had been the one to find you and your face was a bit bruised, the back of your head still seeping with blood, but you looked so peaceful and your skin was so so cold.
When you were completely uncovered, it was evident that you were dead- that this was a job for Withers or a scroll of revivify. Your neck was snapped in half, your limbs were broken- some even shattered. Shadowheart was able to heal and reset your neck so that the whole ordeal was slightly less grotesque. After, he had cradled you in his arms until Karlach and Shadowheart were sure there were no enemies between themselves and the exit.
Astarion had refused to let Karlach take you, holding your broken form against him as his silent tears spilled onto your hushed expression.
You had thankfully not been beyond the point of no return, but Astarion had realized that he needed to have a conversation with you. You are more than an upper hand to him, more than someone fun to tumble around with in his tent- you have somehow become his reason for going forward. Astarion had resigned himself to dying if you weren’t able to be revived. The thought had surprised him after wanting to be free for so long, but would his freedom be worth having if he couldn’t spend it with you? Astarion would rather take his chances and hope you end up together in the same afterlife.
That is what has led him and Shadowheart to having this conversation. Astarion wants to ask you to be something real to each other. Shadowheart had initially been confused, stating that you had “always been real?”, then he told her everything.
Whenever you left Astarion behind, he’d pass the time getting drunk with Shadowheart (if she was left behind). The last time, she had to ask Astarion if his entire conversation catalog is just about you because you were brought up every other word- he had felt incredibly embarrassed, so much so that he had gotten up and hid in his tent.
“Astarion- you never shut up about her, you’ve been following her around like a lost dog since day one- Hells you looked halfway to smitten on the DAMN BEACH!” Shadowheart says with a shrill voice, “What do you mean the entire time up until yesterday that it was all a lie!?”
“It wasn't yesterday only, my favorite wine drunk Sharran” Astarion stated matter-of-factly, “I just… didn’t want to acknowledge that I wanted more. After I first met her, I didn’t see her again for two years- it was bearable, but that had come with the promise of her coming back. She almost didn’t yesterday and I realized that, even after this is all said and done, I don't ever want her to go away. In any capacity.”
Shadowheart shook her head at him, “She’s going to be furious. Heartbroken even.”
“I know,” Astarion says thickly, “but I’m hoping she will forgive me or at least let me prove to her that I’m serious about us.”
You weren’t due back for at least another hour so they had begun working on the speech immediately.
“Whatever we are,” you are glaring at him, your voice coated in venom, “or whatever you were pretending I was to you- it’s over.”
No. No. No. NO!
Astarion didn’t think it was possible for his heart to feel like it’s been shattered since it barely beats at all.
It’s over?
It can’t be over! It’s barely begun and you only have half of the story. Astarion knows you’ll listen- you’ll see sense. You have to… right?
“Darling, pl-”
“No! I hate you so much!,” you sob into your hands, his whole body hurts looking at you, “I hate you more than I thought I could ever hate anyone- undead, dead, or alive! I trusted you and you used me for your own gain- so unkindly, go fuck yourself!”
Astarion wants to grab you as you turn around and walk away. He wants to get down on his knees and plead to you- pray to you until you don’t leave him- that you take it back. You’ll give him a chance, even if he loses privileges like getting to hold your hand, cuddle with you at night, or even kiss you for a while, that would be far more bearable than losing you altogether.
Astarion falls to his knees, ruptured and humbled.
“Astarion,” Shadowheart says softly, squatting down in front of him, “it will be okay. She’ll forgive you. She just needs a second, okay? You knew and I knew that this was a toss up to begin with.”
Astarion nodded numbly and got to his feet. Shadowheart gives him a squeeze on the shoulder before going into her own tent and Astarion briskly begins to walk back to his. He makes eye contact with you as Wyll enters your tent and the look on your face when you saw him makes this whole nightmare all too real.
Once he secures the tent flaps, Astarion crawls onto his bedroll and lets the sadness consume him while being surrounded by your scent. This may be one of the worst days he’s ever had in the last 200 years- at least from what he can remember.
If Astarion wasn’t so afraid for your safety, he would have packed up all of his things and headed back to Cazador with his tail between his legs, but he can’t because all that does is put you in danger.
Astarion slowly peels himself off the bed roll and hugs his knees to his chest. He lets himself stare off into nowhere as he lets himself be consumed with the agony and vexation- it’s not like there is any wildlife to go take out his pain on.
Astarion gets up and rolls his shoulders. As much as he wants you, you are done with him and he needs to respect that. Astarion decides he’ll leave you alone, but remain in the background. He’ll stay until you tell him to leave and never return. It will hurt so terribly to not be near you like he was, but he’ll just have to be grateful for the time he did have- the time he took for granted.
Astarion begins to get ready for the long night ahead of him when an open letter on one of his books catches his attention.
It’s addressed to you, torn open and stained with tears. Astarion opens the envelope. He reads the note so many times he feels like he may go on a homicidal rampage. Not only was your mother dead, likely at the hands of your step-father, you are officially considered engaged to be married to Cazador fucking Szarr.
Astarion had waited until morning to try to talk to you again-giving up on leaving you alone. He knows that you have a very long cool down period when your feelings are hurt (he has made this mistake less severely in the recent past). If there is any hope of you hearing Astarion out- it would be today.
Except you had already left with Karlach, Gale, and Lae’zel by the time he has finally built up the courage to leave his tent.
Astarion spent the day with Shadowheart and actually attempted to help with camp chores. Astarion bounced ideas off of her, but he didn’t tell her about the note. It felt like that was information for you to share if you wanted and you probably hadn’t intended on him learning about this information in the first place.
Shadowheart looks at him after awhile, a troubled look on her face. Shadowheart turns towards Wyll.
“Hey Wyll, they should have been back by now right?”
Wyll walks over to Shadowheart and Astarion with the same troubled expression.
“Yes, it was just a quick supply run to Last Light Inn before we take a day to recooperate,” Wyll says slowly, “I’m wondering what has held them up this long…”
Their pondering and questions were quickly interrupted by the sound of foot steps racing towards them.
You and Karlach were screaming their names in unison. Karlach is supporting Lae’zel and Gale is slack against you as you fight to keep him upright. The usually wonderful smell of your blood is now making him ill as you come closer to camp.
Across your sides were long, bloody scratch marks- in fact, there are claw marks all along your arms and your armor. One side of your face has a superficial scratch. Karlach appears to be in better shape, but just as scratched up nonetheless.
“We- we were ambushed by an Absolute Cultist,” Karlach exclaims breathily, “a Fist named Marcus. He was trying to bring Isobel back to Ketheric.”
Astarion watches as you help lay Gale down near Halsin and Shadowheart so they can begin to get to work, Lae’zel being laid down next to him. Shadowheart catches your wrist with her hand and gives you a Superior Healing Potion- the soft smile you offer her makes Astarion think he may have a chance.
Astarion walks back towards his tent and toys with the letter on the counter. Does he bring it up? Does he just bring it back to you and not acknowledge it? What would you even want him to do?
The noise outside had diminished as Lae’zel and Gale were recovered enough to be moved and healed in their individual tents- Shadowheart healing Gale and Halsin healing Lae’zel. It must be an early night for everyone. Astarion takes a deep breath and opens his tent flap, ready to confront you- but it looks like he didn’t have to travel very far to confront you.
There you are, cleaned up now, standing in front of Astarion’s tent looking nervous and heartbroken. In his shock, Astarion offers you his hand and gently pulls you inside, closing the flaps behind you.
“What did I do?” you blurt out, tears streaming down your face as fast as words are coming out of your mouth, “I can be useful again. I can do whatever you need me to- be whoever you need me to be.”
You take a jagged, heart wrenching inhale and he can hear you fighting the lump in your throat.
“I can’t do this alone- I just can’t,” you sob and look down at your feet, “I know what I said. I know I’m a fool for crawling back here begging you to keep pretending, but please. I can be what you need me to be, I promise. I’ll be- perfect for you. Please.”
Astarion bridges the gap between the two of you and puts your face between his hands, guiding your melancholy eyes to his.
“Darling, you have always been perfect. I have never needed you to be anything more or less than what you are. You are a Godsend.”
“Then why?” you whisper, “Why would you practice breaking up with me? What did I do?”
Astarion sits there and looks at you with bewilderment- practicing breaking up with you? He was practicing trying to ask to be with you!
He chuckles despite the tears that are slowly spilling from his eyes, “You insult me, my Love. I have no issues with breaking up with people- I think. Never really had the chance and I had no desire to end our relationship yesterday.”
You look at him with regret and guilt in your eyes. You go to move away from him- evidently worried about him rejecting you and hurting you. He moves with you, not letting you go anywhere and he kisses your forehead, one of his hands moving to the small of your back while the other remains on your cheek.
“What I was trying to tell you, my Dear,” Astarion softly whispers, “is that, regardless of my original intentions, my plan failed terribly.”
“How so?” you whisper in return.
“It was all so simple- seduce you, sleep with you, manipulate your feelings so you’d never turn on me. It was easy- instinctive. 200 years of instinct had kicked in. All you had to do was fall for it and all I had to do was not fall for you.”
Astarion traces your bottom lip with his thumb, pulling you into him by pressing into the small of your back. You gasp gently at the contact.
“And that is where my nice simple plan fell apart,” he says woefully, “you’re incredible. You deserve something real. I want us to be something real.”
Your eyes search his face for any signs of ingenuity or deception.
“I do too, more than anything,” you say breathlessly, “but what about everything I said yesterday? Everything I said was terrible.”
“It was,” he ponders, then he says teasingly “if my feelings weren’t so hurt and if I wasn’t the one on the receiving end- I dare say I would have been proud of you.”
“Well I learned my dramatics from the best after all.”
“I didn’t know Wyll was such a great teacher- I’ll have to ask him for tips some time,” he quips.
Your laugh lifts the painful fog that has been smothering him in his tent for the last day. Astarion pulls you down with him into his bedroll, you curl up around him and he spreads the blanket out. You lay your head on his chest and he pulls you into him tightly- inhaling your scent and savoring the thrumming of your pulse underneath his finger nails.
“Those nights when we were together,” you ask, peering up at him with worry, “did they not mean anything to you then?”
Astarion freezes before he releases a deep sigh. This may be the part where you change your mind and he is mentally preparing for it- taking account of the way you feel against him just in case this is truly the last time.
“I don’t know what real looks like,” he confesses, “being close to anyone-any kind of intimacy- was something I performed to lure people back for him.”
He feels you flinch at the mention of Cazador.
“Even though I know things between us are different, being with someone still feels… tainted. Still brings up those feelings of disgust and loathing. I don’t know how to be with someone- no matter how much I’d like to.”
“I care about you deeply- we can be together without having sex for however long you need,” you pause, “you are so much more to me than sex and I adore you for so much more than just your body.”
“Really?” the shock in his voice is blatant.
“Really,” you say with a smile before laying your head back on his chest.
“I don’t know what we’re doing,” he says giddily, running his hands through your hair, “ but I know that this, this is nice.”
You hum in agreement and he draws circles on your back. Astarion basks in your presence and sits in the relief that you are back in his arms again.
“Astarion,” you break the silence, “I have to tell you something- I got a letter. It’s not… good.”
“I know, Darling,” Astarion says tightly, “you left it in here. Unfortunately I let my noisiness get the best of me.”
You both sit in the heavy silence that fills the air.
“I’m to be married off to him, Astarion,” you choke out.
“I won’t let him have you, “Astarion snarls, his voice coming out much harsher than he intended.
“But what if there isn’t a choice? What if it would protect yo-”
He is looming over you, you are now flat on your back staring up at him. Astarion feels like a coil ready to spring. If it’s ever between him and you regarding who goes to Cazador- he’d serve a thousand life sentences before he’d ever let that vile man so much as look in your direction.
“No,” he says between clenched teeth, “you will not sacrifice yourself for me. I don’t care if you marrying Cazador and being his consort would make me mortal again. You will not be his- he cannot have you.”
You look up at him with bleary, adoring eyes, “okay.”
Astarion kisses your trembling lips and he tastes the tears staining them. Astarion pulls away and strokes your cheek softly. He lays back down and you turn towards him, tangling your hands into his hair, gently detangling it. Astarion rests his hands on your hips, using his fingers to delicately adjust you until your legs are entangled in his.
“My mom is dead, Star,” you say remorsefully “she’s gone. She was all alone and probably so afraid. I never even said goodbye before I left her to her fate- I was a coward.”
The hurt in your voice is raw and bleeding- it breaks Astarion’s heart all over again.
“I am so incredibly sorry for your mother and your loss, Little Love, “Astarion says softly, “but you are not a coward. You did what you needed to do. You were always planning on coming back.”
“I was,” you whisper, “I was going to get her first and then you.”
“Foolishly enough,” Astarion chuckles, “I never lost faith in you. I felt like if anyone could do it, it would be you- the glimpse of sunlight amongst the secondhand embarrassment that is Daisy Von.”
You giggle and press your face into his chest- the vibrations fills his chest with warmth. Astarion is so incredibly happy you are back where you belong- here with him.
“I am hardly comparable to the sun,” you say, “I think I’m a candle. Ordinary, accessible, there when you need it.”
Astarion turns over your words in his head- he agrees with the statement but disagrees with the reasoning entirely.
“You are a candle,” he says slowly, “but a candle has always been a luxury to me. It allowed me to sew or read- to have a tiny piece of my humanity back. It was nice to have a break from the dark, huddled around the small flame.”
He pauses, “ I suppose that is why I am so drawn to you. You make me feel like a person again and you are a luxury I never thought I’d be lucky enough to afford outside of those monthly visits.”
“Well, then I promise I will remain here,” you say with adoration, “your humble candle- for as long as you need me.”
“Be careful what you promise, Little Love,” Astarion teases, “if you aren’t careful, you may be stuck with me for eternity.”
“Gods, I hope so!” you say with flourish, “everyone else is terribly boring and does not appreciate my predisposition for shenanigans.”
“How ungrateful!”
“Entirely ungrateful!” you agree.
Astarion pulls you in for another kiss, a grin forming as you gasp at the suddenness of his actions. Astarion kisses the tip of your nose, both of your cheeks, and your forehead. You settle into him and he strokes your hair- your breathing evens out and you are slack against him.
Astarion takes in your sleeping figure and feels another surge of protectiveness enveloping his body. He doesn’t know how accessible his thoughts are to Cazador, but he hopes Cazador hears this one.
You cannot have her- she is mine.
Author note- should I do a part three and four with the Cazador confrontation? I’m torn- let me know your thoughts pleaseeeeee
159 notes · View notes
hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
tw/cw: reader uses gn pronouns but has a dicc, unprotected seggs, unrealistic seggs, anal seggs. switch! reader, switch! eve, gong! feroze. dub/non con.
status: unedited.
thank you hubby @moyazaika for letting me use your son again, and for the voters that picked this fic (🤰🏻) in the emoji poll.
By pressing the Keep Reading button you are confirming that you’re 18 and above + consent to seeing dark / sexual content.
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“Mx. Ma-na-ger~ !” Eve drawled as he glomped you from behind. Despite not hearing what he had to say or do aside from assaulting you with hugs, you were already dreading the next moments of your life.
“Eve, no.” You tried slipping away but are unfortunately unable to defeat hours of dance routines and gyms sessions Eve had to go through as a part of his training and work.
“But Mx. Ma ↗ na ↘ ger ↗ ! ! ! ” His pitch fluctuated as you had resorted to shaking him off instead.
“Eve, I already told you that I’m busy.”
And then he pouted.
You see, when an idol like the Jisoo Han pouts it is almost as if the entire universe has ended. It’s like the feeling you’d get when every puppy or god forbid every kitten dies. The feeling of utter sadness so insurmountable you almost crumble to your knees.
Eve had the power to create smiles and laughter across the globe, but he also had the power to completely destroy any semblance of happiness from a person. You knew that power very well.
You pinch the bridge of your nose, desperately attempting not to cringe or cry from his actions.“Fine. I’ll be free next evening. Don’t. Bother. Rosy.”
You thought he’d be satisfied with your answer but he only pouts even harder.
You sighed. This absolute man-child. “. . . Soo.”
He immediately flicks back to his cheery self. A boyish grin on his face as he separated himself from you and skipped away. “Okay~! I’ll see ya soon.”
That was way too easy. Oh god. What could that demon be thinking of?
As soon as he left, another one of your man-children came into your office. Groaning, he plopped himself atop one of your bean bag chairs.
Feroze doesn’t utter a word, and you could tell that his hangover had been a pain to deal with. Usually he’d already be all over you. It sort of reminded you of how he was during your early days with him. Still, he made the effort to show up despite the massive migraine he should be feeling right now.
“I—“ You started, but you are unable to finish your words as he’d already beat you to the chase.
“I love you, really love you, but if your next words are I told you so. Just don’t.”
Darn, he knew you too well. Time to take a different approach to asserting your correctness.
“Well you know what they say—“
“I’m going out to eat.” He seemingly teleported in front of you, flicking your forehead. And then, he was out. Just poof. Disappeared.
You stared at the hangover medicine you prepared for him located in the drawer of your desk, and humphed, “. . .He didn’t even let me finish.”
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There are many stages of love in Urdu and Arab world. Attraction, love and even death, but infatuation; عشق (ishq) was what Feroze identified with. Literally speaking it just meant love. Symbolically however, it meant so, so much more.
It was both all of love in itself and a stage of it. It was above the notion of logic or sense. Just as how he felt with you.
Ishq Nazuk-Mizaj Hai Behad (Love has a delicate disposition)
Aql Ka Bojh Utha Nahin Sakta (It cannot bear burden of logic)
As an Urdu poet Akbar Allahabadi would say.
Feroze’s entire existence revolved around yours. He breathed for you, he’d die for you. The biggest regret in his life was how he didn’t meet you sooner, didn’t treat you the way you were supposed to sooner.
Feroze wasn’t actually mad or even annoyed by your words earlier. He could never, ever have such feelings towards you. He just needed an excuse to follow Eve. As to why he didn’t just do that? Well he had to see your face that morning to cleanse himself, of course. One look at you per day and all the negative energy in his life seemed to just fade away.
“Mr. Khan! How’s the hangover?” Speaking of negative energy.
Eve and him had been bonding quite well over the past few weeks. It was a miracle in itself. Despite the former’s overt interest in Feroze’s manager, he found the boy too cute to be murdered in his sleep. He had this ‘baby-ghorl’ aura about him that Feroze couldn’t help but be amused with. The rockstar could see why this idol had so many fans.
Eve approached him, his usually sparkly grin covered by the dark mask his disguise included. Promotional material for their collab had already been released to the public and has thus put them in the spotlight once more. Trying to go to that bar last night was already hell in the first place, meeting in a cafe where anyone could see them? That was just a wish for death.
Eve slid a small glass bottle that looked a lot like those syrups they marketed for younger kids. Or poison, one or the other.
Without a word, Feroze downed the liquid. And then immediately regretted his decision, hacking at the taste of it all, “What did you just give to me?”
“A hangover cure. Those usually don’t taste good no matter what country I go to. I knew you were a lightweight but I barely got to drink before you —“ Eve halted his bullying as soon as he saw the deathly glare Feroze threw at him.“Fine~ Fine! I’m sure Mx. Manager already made fun of your situation.”
Feroze turned his hazel eyes to the bottle.
“You spiked my drink, didn’t you?”
Eve doesn’t freeze up, he doesn’t even flinch, not a sign of guilt could be found on him. Feroze wouldn’t be surprised if the ravenette actually didn’t feel a hint of remorse for what he did. He acknowledges the boy’s fearless attitude. “I’m sorry?”
“I said, you spiked my drink didn’t you? Last night. I saw you put it in, but decided you could have a little fun with your ex-manager.” He emphasized your current status, that being out of Eve’s employment and in his. “So, did you?”
Eve twirled a lock of his bangs, avoiding eye contact. His ears had turned completely red. The usual glow about him somewhat dissipated. “Not enough.”
Feroze who was much less careful about his reputation and actions took Eve’s hand in his and held it, tightly. His callused fingers contrasted greatly to Eve’s soft, moisturized hands. “Well, we can’t have our Soo here feeling unsatisfied do we?” He massaged each finger vigorously while simultaneously keeping it as still as possible.
“What’s the catch? You wouldn’t just give away the love of your life away. Would you?”
“No. You’re right. I would never. But the benefits outweigh the negatives. I believe this collaboration of ours will help everyone in the long run.”
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You loved schedules and planning. It was everything to you. It’s why you worked as a manager for all these years. The intricacies of time management gave you a rush you could not explain. Perhaps this emotion was akin to what Feroze confessed to feeling about you. Though you heavily doubted it was that close.
You weren’t the type to beat up people if they didn’t follow you or your beloved schedule.
Were you?
In any case, as appointed, you arrived at Eve’s and Feroze’s shared studio. Perfectly on time.
“So, what did you want me for?”
“Well, I was recording this track. I already have Mr. Khan’s vocals and mine I just need . . .”
You had the knack to read Eve’s mind before he even spoke. It was why he adored you so much. Studying him was just a part of the job in your case. Despite his almost angelic demeanor, he felt more like the child you had to babysit rather than a proper partner.
“No way. I can’t sing.” You waved your hands in protest. You can barely hold a regular note for too long, how were you able to keep up with those trained singers the company usually hired for these things? You were meant to be in the backstage, not the center or anywhere near there.
Eve easily shoved you in the recording booth, “That’s why I’m here silly. To help you, now get in the booth.”
“Eve—“ You mouthed, trying your best to get out. But the exit had already been locked. Damn, how was he so fast?
And it’s official. The idol had you trapped. So easily as well. He should have done this ages ago. “Soo.” Your voice barely came out, anxiety hindering its proper passage. This wasn’t going to actually be a recording session was it?
His right hand then grabbed your outer thigh. You flinched, you thrash around, but he doesn’t stop.“Soo, I can’t do this with you — gah —“
“But why not~? Aren’t you a good little manager? You’ll do this for me won’t you?” He unbuttoned your pants, slowly pulling them down. Savoring the reveal of your precious [s/c] skin. While his scarlet eyes were firmly glued to your face, his left hand wandered to your clothed cock. Three fingers pressed against it, moving up and down gently.
“Mmf — For your information, I’m only obliged to follow Feroze’s —“ He stopped.
His appendages leave your side in a second. You were utterly disappointed in yourself as you realized you already missed his skin making contact with your body.
He stood still for seconds until his fingers twitched.
After which, he laughed.
“HAHAHAHAHA! You think you were ever someone else’s? You’re mine, [Y/N]. Mine.”
It unnerved you. Not how maniacal his words or his guffawing, no, it was how genuine it felt in comparison to his usual one. In fact you were so caught up with his breakdown that you couldn’t even protest as he carried you in his arms, shoving lube up your little asshole and making you face the wall.
You hadn’t even realized his own penis was not covered anymore.
Everything just hits you when he thrusted in. Filling you with one slide.“Now make music for me, hm?”
Despite the microphone being a little too far from you, you were positive it could pick up the moan you just made.
It was like you felt everything, pain and pleasure mixed inside you and you couldn’t tell if you were enjoying this sick act or completely hated it. But one thing was for sure, you do nothing to stop him. Completely consumed by the feeling of his dick rearranging your organs.
“Louder, baby.” He picked up the pace, before shortly cumming inside you without warning. A reminder of his status as a virgin despite his personality. It doesn’t take long for him to get going again. “I wanted to be inside you for so long. I want to stay inside you forever.”
As Eve started speeding up, a mop of red hair entered your vision, “Rosy—“
You expected anger, you expected a murder you’d have to somehow cover up. But all your current client does was grab Eve by the shoulders.
“Ease up there, Soo.”
Eve’s horrifically ‘calm’ expression switches back into his playful once he faced Khan. You didn’t even know how much fear was pumping within your veins until he calmed down (at least outwardly) “C’mon. I know even you wouldn’t be able to resist this little hole.”
Were they . . . in this together? No they couldn’t be. They were just so different.
If only you knew how alike they were.
The limited space in the booth didn’t really feel good to the three of you upon Feroze’s words “Scooch over.” Eve had to back up while he was still inside you, allowing the other man to squeeze in.
Feroze grabbed your chin with one hand making you look to his face. “Look at me, meri jaan. My ishq.” and your cock with the other, tenderly stroking your member. “I love you alright? More than anything else in this world.”
“Then —“
“Let you go? Not a chance in hell.” He chuckled, increasing the pace of his handjob.
If you thought that Eve using you was too much, it was nigh impossible to imagine the stimulation you were currently receiving. “Sh- sto . . hah — p. Please.”
“Don’t break them yet, I haven’t even came.” You could however imagine the pout on Eve’s face. His thrusts stuttering from its once regular rhythm.
“Ssh. We’re doing this to record their pretty voice aren’t we?”
“Stop! Wh - hah - what about Soo’s reputation?”
Eve would use those words to blame you for his future breakdowns later on, your show of concern making his dick even harder than it already. But for now he could only express this feeling of gratitude by pushing it in deeper. “I’m a solo act now baby. It’s fine~”
“F-Fuhuck, I’m — “ He came inside you the second time, making your slick hole even wetter and causing you to cum all over Feroze’s hands.
“My turn.” The older man yanked you away. Eve’s semen dripped down to your thighs and legs as he’d separated from you.
“Hey!” He protested. But if there was one person who was more swole than Eve it was Feroze. The man putting him in a slightly bended position; looking away, and you in between the two singers.
“Hold on to his waist, meri jaan.”
You do as your told, feeling Feroze align your dick to Eve’s hole. Wait- he was completely dry how would he-
The answer was that Eve would take you no matter what. It did not feel great to either one of you, the only lubrication that existed was your previous ejaculation, and part of you knew that Feroze intended that. “Mmf—!” Mostly because he doesn’t take any time to warn you before he also inserts himself but in you. “I haven’t done something like this in ages . . . but nothing could compare to this”
Feroze helps you into a rhythm that ensured that you were either completely inside Eve or him inside you at every moment. Overstimulating you once more. When it came for his turn to thrust however, he put so much power that often times it would move you forwards and go a bit to deep.
“Shit! You’re doing that on purpose!”
“Not my fault you’re too excited to put a lil lube in!”
“I- I - think I’m — ! “ You closed your eyes, feeling your second release. A high you’ve never once reached before. A kind of high that ruins others as you’d find yourself chasing it.
But you knew, you knew it’d be impossible without these two men aiding you in that climb.
Feroze was right behind you as you reached the top. Thick, hot ropes of cum spill all over inside of you.
The three of you took deep breaths, but it was only a short respite for what would be a long, long, night. “We’re not done yet. I only came once.”
“The hell—“
Feroze turned you to face him, positioning you atop Eve’s back. His handsome face looked stunning even underneath the dim lighting.
You did not know if his following question was directed towards you or ravenette, “You won’t mind this, won’t you?” Just that his cock had already been enveloped by Eve’s canal.
“Mr. Khannnn, you could have let me lube up.” The idol complained between moans.
“You took them no problem but not me?”
“You’re different! And bigger! Ah, fuck!”
“You deserve a little punishment for spiking my drink. Besides their cum should be more than enough.”
“He did what?!”
“Take it, کنجر (kanjr)”
Feroze cackled at your worried face and Eve’s pain, pounding into him without a care in the world. His sadism really knew no bounds.
You three ended up staying the studio all night. Your hole and cock being used up for all its worth.
The album ended up being a massive hit. The title track, the one with your ‘vocals’ ended up breaking records and staying at the top of charts for months.
Comments on the song largely talking about how realistic the sensual sounds of sex in the background was. Completely unaware that it was the two famous singers making love to you.
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©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2023
fun fact: i was rocking out to mlp music while writing this lol (that and my cousin watching van helsing in the background, very very loudly)
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sulfies · 2 months
I'm curious to hear what your Altair and Ezio think of The Farm, should Desmond tell them about it!
I dont think my hc Desmond would outright talk about it unless they ask, but the other two would figure out bits from their convos.
Like Ezio would talk about big family dinners and how noisy it was and how he kinda misses it and Desmond would be like "Must be nice, my meals were mostly silent and quick" just bits and slips that hint on how isolated his childhood was. He maybe doesnt even realize how fucked up some things he says are.
I do love when in fics authors make it so Desmond was trained harder than anyone, but I find it funny that Canon Desmond barely had any idea wtf Assassins were or how they work till he got kidnapped, so maybe he talks about smthn and goes like "ooooh so thats why I had to do that *incredibly dangerous* thing as a kid"
Once they did learn/figure out tho,
Altair: would probobly be the person who understood the most since he grew up as a Assassin too, even tho his childhood was also crazy, I think he would almost Pity Desmond bc atleast he had a good father for a bit and the Assassins in Maysaf were still a community and not isolated from the town. Probobly would open up first about himself to get Desmond to talk about it but it might backfire a bit w desmond saying "oh god I got no right to complain their parents died infront of them😭"
Ezio: would be like "so u grew up with assassins whoa! Must be a huge family that has eachothers backs!" And Desmond is like 😬 "not rlly", once he learned he would be devastated, especially if its Ezio after brotherhood is established "thats not right! Its supossed to be a Brotherhood!" And just like be extra mad on his behalf and Desmond would appriciate him being loud for him. Might force him and Altair to family dinners with Maria and Claudia.
I think they would take the news of Desmond being made to genetically be a perfect cocktail of Assassins the worse out of everything and would have the "ur so much more than ur dna" group hug session
Overall I dont think they would Coddle him too much and Desmond wouldnt want to be coddled but It would strengthen their bond once he spoke about it, just regular old traumabonding
But If they ever saw Will for some rsn:
Ezio: his smile would drop as soon as he was talking or he looked towards Will, would give short answers which Will would think fo him being respectfull till Ezio disagreed with every idea he says (bad or good)
Altair: glares, silent, would use big words to show his superiority would say stuff like "oh thats what you guys do? Hmm we found that unnecesery and timewaste" "These swords? Hmm we dont use them due to bla bla bla but you do you" just find something bad about every single thing and like make jabs about it.
Bc he is sadly a Mentor they wouldnt like go punch him in the face but they would do their best to annoy him in a way he cannot call out bc thecnically they didnt do anything. And ofc they wouldnt answer any question he asked and just say "u dont know? Hmm👀"
One of them almost always would be next to Desmond even tho he would be like "omfg stop acting like guarddogs" and litterally not rlly give a shit that Will was there anymore (basically over it)
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ellielatinagf · 3 months
Ellie Williams hc <3
I’m a new author. Might not update much but I will when I can! Sfw. Not proofread.Free Palestine 🇵🇸
Ellie would definitely be an iPad kid. She would also get mad when you interrupt her while she’s eating ramen and on part 36 of the Lorax movie on tik tok
She prefers silver jewlary over gold. She might have her ears pierced and put small earrings in them. Definitely has some simple black metal rings
The girl can skate. Not saying she’s the best but she can do some simple cruising. But she tried to do tricks to impress you and ends up with bruises and cuts
Cannot talk to women for the life of her. When you met Ellie you complimented her outfit. She got nervous and wanted to compliment you back but damn you were hot. She ended saying “oh thanks nice elbows!” The poor girl never lived that down
Is a Fortnite god. But one time she was so hyped for the game that when she died at 2nd place she flopped on the couch so hard she broke a couch leg. Jesse was laughing so hard you could hear him through the headset
When she was little she used to put on a hoodie and her hair on her forehead and used to pretend she was a boy. She would take pictures of herself on her little iPhone6. You somehow got the pictures and laugh at them every now and then
Ellie actually keeps her nails neat and clean. She’ll clean then and file them so they’re not too long. She’ll even put on a coat of clear nail hardener. And for some reason it’s actually really hot
Has drafts on tik tok of her trying to do the “one line” challenges and a bunch of other tik tok Games. However she also has some drafts of guitar playing and a couple thirst traps here and there
She’s your personal chauffeur and will call you her passenger princess. She will blast your shared playlist and have one hand on the wheel and the other in your hand. She likes to mess with people so at a red light she will look at the car next to her and go 🤨✌️
Your saved as “babe💋” on her phone and your contact photo is a cute picture of you in front of a statue or piece of art from a museum. Meanwhile her contact name is “smelly ellie” with a silly picture of her tripping or making a funny face
*Smelly Ellie calling*
You: Hey Smellie
Ellie: STAWP🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
As of her occupation, she might actually be a co owner of a guitar shop that Joel bought. Either that or she might work as a mechanic in Tommy’s shop
She follows NASA on Instagram and liked every picture they post of a new image of a star or planet. She’d also send it to you and spit fun facts about it
Her favorite character on SpongeBob is Patrick. She thinks he’s so underrated and a comedic masterpiece. She watches every episode of the new spinoff “The Patrick Show”
The girl has the weirdest conspiracy theories that sound so weird but she makes them make sense. Like you’ll both be out at a restaurant eating and she’ll start telling you how she thinks the world will end
I don’t know about this one but I think she’d also be interested in the ocean. Marine life is just as cool to her and loves aquarium dates (when she’s not hunting down Abby)
When someone says something dumb on Instagram or Tik tok comments she’ll report them and then forget about it. Then when they reply two weeks later saying the user didn’t violate guidelines she’ll get mad again
I feel like no one talks about high school Ellie enough!! The girl played sports like maybe lacrosse and basketball. Joel was in the stands with her uncle Tommy cheering her on and you were with Dina holding a poster and had made a jersey with her name and number on the back. She was a little embarrassed but loved it
She and Jesse tried to convince Dina to let JJ enter a toddler race for a cash prize of 100 dollars
Sorry if this is so bad omg I’m just starting out but thanks for reading!!! This was fun I’ll definitely do more! Don’t be shy drop some recs!
Free Palestine🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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dokk-fukuro · 1 year
Your Relationship [Nikolai Gogol]
A/N: f!reader, mention of female genitals, smut, mentions of violence, eating out
Gogol as your friend:
If your friend is Kolya, you won't be bored. He guarantees it. However, do not expect seriousness on his part. Kolya is called a buffoon not without reason;
Only this person can think of calling you late at night, because he came up with a new quiz, the answers to which he will voice;
Don't ask where he got you a suit like his. Trust me, you don't want to know. In general, he made it himself;
Birdwatching together. You can do this for hours. Geese tried to peck at him a couple of times;
Likes to show you tricks with disappearing. Never let you travel with him in this way;
Your friendship also has a rather dark side. At least because Gogol is still a sadist, to whom other people's suffering is fun. You should be ready for this when he can call you on a “special quest”;
From the outside it may seem that he is not attached to you at all, but Nikolai has some problems with attachment to people;
Gogol as your boyfriend:
Even though he tries to keep you as far away from Dostoevsky as possible, he knows full well that he cannot keep his secret for too long;
Does not tell you about many things, so as not to injure. It's a joke! Gogol does not like to hide anything from you, and demands the same from you;
He likes the way you cook;
Spend not as much time together as you would like, but, according to Gogol, it's even better. You have time to miss each other;
Despite all his sadism and some insanity, Kolya secretly admires you and your normality. You and Sigma are two people that he likes because you don't think ten steps ahead of the intricacies.
The beginning of your relationship was difficult, although this word does not describe the situation in which you found yourself for the first time. Gogol did not trust you because you would “treat” him, as Fyodor does. And it was new to him that you accept him for who he is;
Sometimes he uses his ability on purpose to slap your ass or get under your skirt. You both find it very useful at times;
You're lying on the couch in the living room, engrossed in a book. “Dreams of Cthulhu” captivates you so much that you don’t immediately realize that the lower part of your body has simply evaporated. Gogol, who has been touch-starved lately and very, veeeery horny, so he couldn’t simply leave you alone. You don't often manage to have time for two, so when he had the idea to use the Overcoat, he could not deny himself this by calling you on your mobile beforehand.
“Kolya, you’re in the next room,” you sigh, feeling a slight shiver through your body, as if his hands are touching you. You can clearly feel how the fingers press on your pussy, fingers passing along the fabric of your shorts. “Kolya, stop it and give me my body back.”
His half-mad laughter, mixed with heavy breathing, gives a completely unambiguous answer: "No." Gogol cannot resist the softness of the skin of your thighs, the warmth of your body, your noisy sighs on the verge of a moan, when he touches your pussy with double zeal.
“You refused me this morning, dove,” the young man recalls, as if trying to shame you. He pulls your shorts off your hips and presses his lips against your soft skin. This is too much! Your hips are sensitive and receptive to touch, so it only takes light kisses to make your body almost crumble. “I want you. Really want to fuck you dumb. However, now you’re all at my mercy, and you can’t do anything about it. Enjoy! And don't try to hold back your moans when my tongue touches you. Otherwise I'll punish you.”
Kolya loves to give you pleasure with his tongue and lips, because your surprised expression is the best reward for sudden molestation and persistent caresses.
He likes to comment on the change in your facial expressions. He cannot not do this, otherwise you will hear him moaning, which he does not want;
But if you pull his hair .... However, do not expect him to be indulgent to your pleas to be gentler;
Gogol loves when you massage his head after sex or braid his hair. Only you can he trust completely in this matter;
He also likes to run his hand through your hair sometimes. This is something like a sacrament for him, but he will not say what exactly this means for him. In general, listen less to all sorts of jesters and clowns, otherwise you’ll sleep badly!
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