#I'm already laughing because technically I have no idea what they're saying
secrettyrant · 8 months
closed starter, cross cabin carlo and gabriel @manybcdthings
"Hablé con el seeker, hay un pueblo seguro a unas horas de distancia." Carlo doesn't bother to ask how his brother is doing when they cross paths in the cabin. He figures that everybody is doing about the same. Simply getting by. Simply coping. The loss never gets easier, the constant worry about what's happening to their sister. Where Amaris and Cece could be. So, he never asks. "Solo yo y tu? O quieres que Diego venga con nosotros?" these days, he knows their cousin has his hands full with the new baby. A time that's meant to be joyous only more difficult under the strain of war, under the strain of the things they need to do. "Creo que necesita quedarse por Tobias." Carlo adds with a shrug, grabbing a box of nearly all gone cereal with a sigh.
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wileys-russo · 6 months
spontaneous II l.williamson x reader
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just some fluff because she's so annoying gf coded spontaneous II l.williamson x reader
you jumped slightly as you heard your phone start to ring, hunting about in the mountain of cushions you were curled up in to find it, huffing in annoyance as it stopped ringing.
you paused for a moment and breathed a sigh of relief as it started to ring again, finally finding it wedged down the side of the lounge, pulling it out with a grunt, squealing as you almost sent yourself toppling off the edge.
"hello?" you breathed out, hearing an all too familiar chuckle on the other end of the line. "why are you so out of breath?" leah asked and you could already tell she had an amused smile curled into her lips.
"did you lose your phone in the lounge again?" she questioned with a chuckle. "no!" you huffed, only rewarded with silence. "yes." you admitted quietly, leahs laugh ringing through as you whined it wasn't funny.
"is there a reason you called besides to take the piss out of me? the whole point of you not being home is that i get a break from that." you rolled your eyes as now she was the one to huff. "hey! i was calling because i missed you." leah groaned as you now laughed.
"you left three hours ago lee. what do you really want?" you questioned with a smile, knowing her all too well. "so there's this campaign i'm doing with some of the england girls-" leah started as you hummed that you were listening along.
"-and i'm going to do something for it. ive made up my mind and i don't want you try and talk me out of it, okay?" your girlfriend continued firmly as you hummed again in agreeance, eyebrows knitting into a suspicious frown. "okay."
"i'm cutting a fringe. well, bangs? i dunno the technical term. but i'm doing it!" leah stated as you winced. "just for the campaign? baby..." you started, hesitation clear in your voice.
"i told you love, my mind is made up." "leah is this really the best idea." "yes! it's just hair babe, it grows back." "well yeah but fringes, bangs, whatever, they take time to get used to. don't you want to think this over a little?" "i have! i had a fringe in the picture they're using so it makes sense to cut one, fully commit you know."
"leah-" you started again, the blonde cutting you off saying she was being called back to set. "i love you and i'll see you at home my pretty girl. mwah!" and with an air kiss blown she'd hung up.
with a sigh you very carefully placed your phone on the coffee table, eliminating the possibility of losing it again as you shook your head. you'd always loved how spontaneous leah could be, the blonde whisking you out on surprise picnics, dinners, dates.
but the impulsive last minute weekends away were a little different than a spontaneous decision to cut her hair. though you suppose you should be grateful it was a hair cut and not a tattoo, not that that was something you'd put past the older girl.
"only me!" you heard the front door slam shut as you looked up from the pile of laundry you were currently sorting through, dropping the hoodie in your hands you vowed to return to finish this later. you really didn't have much of a choice given the clothes were scattered all over the bed you'd need to sleep in tonight.
"welcome hom- oo you brought pizza!" you realised happily, spotting the boxes in her hands right as leah dropped them on the counter, skidding to a stop in front of them. "god i love you." you sighed happily, flipping open the first box and inhaling the godly smell.
"excuse me!" leah cleared her throat, offended that your shared dinner was currently getting more of your attention than she was. "sorry baby. hello!" you turned to her with a smile, pecking her lips a few times and turning back to the food.
"oi! sexy girlfriend with a new haircut is feeling neglected and under appreciated here." leah huffed again as you reached for a slice of pizza, spinning back to face her with wide eyes. "oh yeah! sorry my love." you apologized with a sheepish smile, actually focusing on her now.
"do you like it?" leah wondered as you tucked a strand behind her ear, staring at her as always awestruck by her beauty, forever in disbelief she was your girlfriend. "i love it baby, it really suits you." you beamed, eyes scanning over the way her fringe framed her face.
"it's longer than i thought though." you added, hands cupping her cheeks and gently turning her face side to side. "can you tie it back?" you questioned, tangling your hands in her hair and pressing a sweet kiss to her lips.
"not yet, but it grows fast." leah shrugged, pulling you back into her for another kiss and you hummed. "what was that for?" the blonde frowned at your small noise. "what? i didn't say anything." you laughed, leaning up to kiss her but she craned her neck away.
"no. your little hmm, i know that tone missy!" leah warned making you roll your eyes. "it doesn't mean anything. i love it leah, honestly i'm in disbelief that you could somehow get more beautiful but here you are proving me wrong." you smiled charmingly, again leaning up to kiss her but she pulled away again.
"hey! kiss me." you smacked her chest lightly with an unimpressed scowl. "tell me what you really think." leah spoke with a huff, grabbing your hands in hers and staring you down.
"i wasn't lying, i really do think it suits you baby and you look beautiful."
“but i think after a few days the not being able to tie it back is going to get on your nerves." you smiled apologetically and honestly.
"it won't! i can tuck it behind my ears, see?" she dropped your hands and showed you as you nodded. "you asked and i answered lee, i'm not trying to get into a debate about it with you." you chuckled at her stubbornness, turning away from her.
"i thought you wanted a kiss?" your girlfriend seemingly returned to her normal self, giving you a boyish grin and raising her eyebrows. "mmm i did but you decided to play twenty questions and now i want pizza." you teased, hauling yourself up onto the counter.
leah moved between your legs, dropping her bag on the floor as her hands played with the hem of your shorts. though before she could say another word your stomach interrupted, growling loudly and hungrily.
"told you i wanted pizza." you grinned, biting down happily on the slice in your hand. "such a gremlin." leah shook her head, grabbing your wrist and stealing a bite of your slice.
"oh please you love me."
“far too much for my own good i'm afraid baby girl."
and sure enough, your words were proven true just two days after you'd spoke them.
you awoke to the sound of groaning, sitting up tiredly and rubbing your face as you spotted leahs back to you, the girl hunched over in your ensuite.
"babe what's wrong?" you yawned, stretching and settling back against the headboard. "it's such a pain in my ass!" leah groaned loudly again and you managed an amused smile as she slumped down on the bathroom counter resting her head on her arms.
"leah what are you on about?" you chuckled, now a little more awake as the blonde stood and marched back into the bedroom. "it's killing me!" the defender moaned loudly, collapsing onto the bed dramatically with a sigh.
"what is?" you laughed, poking at her as she sat up with a huff. "look!" she gestured to her fringe which was sticking out at all sorts of awkward angles. "it won't sit right." leah growled, trying to style it with her fingers as you grinned.
"don't say it." "i'm gonna say it." "please don't say it!" "well now i have to say it."
"baby!" leah whined, smacking the bed with her hand and pouting at you. "i was right, i told you it would annoy you that you couldn't tie it back." you grinned happily, leah groaning even louder and once more dramatically flopping back into bed.
"i hate it when you're right." she mumbled into her pillow as you gently massaged the back of her neck with a smile. "thats because you're an aries." you chuckled as she turned her head to fix you with a scowl.
"now is not the time for your biased zodiac bullshit. i need help! i have training." leah whined, kicking her legs like a disgruntled toddler and settling with a huff. "help me." she pouted up at you as you shook your head, kissing away at her lips for a moment.
"come on." you chuckled, swinging yourself out of bed and offering her a hand up. "you're such a baby." you laughed, bending down and grabbing her hands, hauling her taller body up with a huff as she collapsed into you. "am not." she mumbled into your shoulder.
"leah!" you laughed again as she sagged her full body weight into you, dragging her with you to the bathroom with some struggle. "sit down." you pushed her to sit on the closed lid of the toilet.
"needy." you teased as her fingers gripped your hips and she pouted again, tapping her lips expectantly as you peppered them with gentle kisses.
"you just need to style it, we can go back to the salon and get the right products but this will have to do for now." you rummaged through your side of the vanity, pulling out a few things.
within a few minutes you'd gotten her fringe to sit not too differently to how they had the day she'd got them cut, gesturing for her to look in the mirror. "oh you're a miracle worker." leah sighed in relief as you hummed, reaching past her to put the products back.
"i love you. so so so much!" leah grabbed you suddenly, dipping your body as you squealed and she attacked your face with kisses. "okay okay! let me up romeo." you pushed at her shoulders, quite worried she'd drop you as she twirled you, spinning your body into hers with a wolfish grin.
"okay princess charming go and get ready for training!" you smiled with a shake of your head. "mm wanna save some water with me? it's good for the environment baby." leah suggested, gripping onto you tighter.
"would you like breakfast before you leave?" you challenged with a raise of your eyebrows. "because a hangry grumpy leah williamson isn't good for the environment either, i think i'm doing your team a favor making sure you're fed." you teased, pinching her sides as her hands moved to squeeze your bum, leah stealing the breath from your lungs with a searing kiss before she let you go.
"to the kitchen with you then woman!" she shooed you off as you gave her a look, hands on hips. "i mean please make me some food gorgeous?" she tried again with a charming smile as you hummed, leaving her behind to get ready.
she returned around twenty minutes later, kissing your cheek in thanks as she stole a piece of bacon off your plate as if she didn't already have a pile on hers. "hey! that is not how i styled them." you finally took her in as she sat on the island with her plate, fringe pushed back with a thick black headband.
"yeah but this way they're out of my face for when i run! and it looks sexy, no?" leah smirked, shoveling a mouthful of eggs into her mouth as you grimaced, forever warning her to taste her food and not to just inhale it, worried sometimes she'd choke.
"maybe if i harbored some deeply rooted secret affliction for ralph macchio. you look ridiculous!" you shook your head, flipping your omelette.
"ridiculously good looking baby." leah winked, having already nearly finished her plate of food and eyeing off your bacon.
"i don't know where you put it sometimes." you rolled your eyes and handed her your plate as she kissed your hand in thanks. "i burn it off with all my hardcore training, obviously!" leah retorted with a mouthful of food and you grimaced at her in disgust.
"see this is what your mum and i mean when we say sometimes we think you're possessed by a teenage boy." you rolled your eyes, dropping your omelette onto your place and smothering it with tomato sauce.
"leah!" you scowled as she burped loudly. "proving my point here." you pointed your fork at her menacingly as she shrugged. "you're the one whose hopelessly in love with me, sounds like a personal issue." she pushed your head to the side as she dumped her plate in the sink.
"go away already would you? i have five blissful hours of peace and quiet on the agenda that you're interrupting." you sighed happily, taking her seat at the counter as leah now rolled her eyes, grabbing her slides from by the door and shoving them into her gym bag.
"you're such a delight in the mornings. charming as ever darling!" leah chuckled with a shake of her head. "had you not been up before me moaning and groaning about your hair i'd have been the one dealing with you being a delight and refusing to get up thanks." you warned, swallowing a mouthful and offering some to leah who grimaced at the vegetables present.
"too many colours for me." she joked, pushing your outstretched fork back toward your own mouth. "sorry i forgot not only are you possessed by a teenage boy you've got the flavour pallet and patience of a toddler." you added on.
"excuse me what is it pick on leah morning? and you say i'm a bully!" the blonde scoffed in disbelief, hugging you from behind and slumping her body into yours. "i don't say you're a bully you're just incredibly annoying like...eighty percent of the time. other than that you're very sweet!" you grinned, squirming as she exhaled unhappily into your neck.
"ow! leah." you yelped as she suddenly bit your shoulder, and not in the way you normally enjoyed. "its how i show my love, since i'm so annoying." she grumbled, doing it again as you pushed your back into her sending her stumbling back.
"sorry love i didn't realise you were so sensative." you craned your head back to pout up at her sarcastically. "the sarcasm is not missed and not appreciated young lady." the blonde retorted, kissing you none the less.
"i am six months younger than you, nanna!" "key word being...younger?" "sorry i'll be sure to start telling everyone my girlfriends a cougar." "mm i prefer milf personally." "secret child you're not telling me about then?" "yeah hundreds of them." "god an army of tiny williamsons? think i've seen that before in a nightmare!"
"ah! no biting." you yelled, smacking her as she bit you again, though this time not as hard. "hardly call you a milf when you are such a child yourself." you huffed, rubbing at your shoulder where there was a perfectly indented teeth mark.
"can't blame me with this attitude you're showing me woman, you normally don't mind a few cheeky marks." leah gently kissed over it with a wink as you flicked her forehead and pushed her away from you.
"go brush your teeth milf, and fix that hair!" you shoved her away again as she pressed a sloppy kiss to your cheek, mocking your words and jogging back upstairs.
"i'll see you later then babe, try not to miss me too much." returning downstairs after she'd brushed her teeth she gave you a minty kiss goodbye, grabbing her bag off the table where she'd left it.
"leah." you called after her as she raised an eyebrow, hand on the doorknob. "forgetting something?" you questioned, an amused smile on your lips. "no?" your girlfriend frowned in confusion. "so how are you getting to training then?" you asked again as her frown deepened.
"oh." she realised, face blushing bright red and darting to grab her car keys from the bowl in the kitchen. "told you we need to get some hooks for them." you mumbled against her lips with a smile as she kissed you in thanks.
"i'll grab some on my way home, just text me if we need anything else."
"try not to hurt anyone today, karate kid." you teased, waving her goodbye as she made some sort of strange war cry noise, kicking out her leg and catching the hallway table, sending a few things crashing to the floor and a long string of curse words into the air as she hopped around clutching her foot.
before she could even speak her phone pinged in her hand. "did you just text me to replace what fell down and broke?" leah sighed knowingly, adjusting her bag on the shoulder.
"you told me to if we needed anything." you grinned, the blonde unable to argue as she blew you a kiss and with a loud mwah, the door slammed and she was gone.
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fictionplumis · 1 year
Dreamling: Arranged Marriage AU
This idea won't leave me alone until I write it. A Dreamling arranged marriage AU where Night decides her children could stand to be a little closer to mortals lest they end up like their father and completely separated from them, so she decides one of them needs to take on a mortal consort--who would then become immortal, no she does not think this would eventually compromise the integrity of her idea. Ideally, all of them would have a mortal consort, but even she recognizes the problem with that. Destiny doesn't meddle in mortal affairs at all, Death is far too busy, Destruction has been pulling back from his duties and neglecting his realm (he's still there, for now, but they all know he's not really doing anything anymore, they just don't know how to bring it up to him), Desire is far too immature, making a mortal spend eternity with Despair would be cruel, and Delirium would drive her spouse insane.
So it's decided that Dream (this is about Sandman, not the YouTuber, if this post breaks containment PLEASE understand this is about the Sandman NOT the YouTuber) is the only suitable candidate, and the others will just have to experience mortals through their sibling-in-law. Night declares it, says she doesn't care how it's done as long as it's done, the end. 
(I'm sorry all you people that want Night and Time to be good supportive parents, but I read Overture, they fucking suck. Night will not show up to the wedding because she's already written off her children as selfish and ungrateful anyway, this is in part a way to punish them and to punish Dream, and Time finds this ridiculous but knows it will happen, has already happened, is happening, and he doesn't really care.)
Dream hates this. If he had his choice he would pluck the first mortal up, marry them, and promptly forget about them and go back to ruling his realm. That's why his siblings decide that he cannot, under any circumstances, be in charge of this.
Instead they decide on a friendly competition. They will each (all except for Destiny, who already knows the various different outcomes and has decided to observe but not participate) pick a candidate for Dream. The Endless don't really abide by silly things like linear time and whatnot, so it could literally be any mortal they nominate. They will each then devise a trial to test what they each believe to be an important quality necessary to marry Dream of the Endless and become Prince Consort of the Dreaming. All candidates will be put through the tests until there's one remaining. 
(I'm sorry, Calliope will not be in this because I can't think of a realistic way she would be eliminated and she's technically not mortal anyway.)
Death finds her candidate in a dingy tavern on Earth, circa 1389, when she overhears a drunken snippet of conversation. A man boldly claiming she's stupid and he's going to live forever. It's a jest, she knows. He doesn't actually believe he'll live forever, but there is the desire to within him and in thirty seconds he's proven himself a natural storyteller. It's a whim that she approaches him with an amused, "Did I hear that right, you intend to live forever?" 
The table goes silent. Hob's companions are smirking between him and the woman suggestively and Hob waves them off with a laugh. "Aye, that's right." 
"I believe you and I need to talk, then. Somewhere more private." 
There's some immature tutting from his mates, and Hob looks surprised and thrilled all at once, because she's very beautiful though why she's interested in him when her outfit implies she's chaste-- But hell if he's going to pass up the opportunity, so he goes with her, tries to make a move on her the second they're around the corner and she laughs in his face, easily bats him away, and goes, "You're cute, but not my type, Robert Gadling. No, I'm here to offer you a chance at immortality." 
He grows wary at first. Asks if she's the devil, but she just stares at him patiently until he realizes who she is and stumbles back in fear and surprise, only to be laughed at again. Kinder, this time. 
"I'm not here to take you, though..." She eyes the tankard in his hand with raised brows. "It is a shame you didn't lay off the ale sooner." He quickly sets the tankard down and steps away from it. 
The deal is this. He'll be part of a competition, though he won't know it or remember this conversation. Should he win, he'll be immortal. If he loses, he'll be returned to his life right before she approached him, to live out what few hours he has left, never remembering any of this. She leaves out how he'll become immortal, leaves out that he'll end up marrying her sullen little brother and becoming Prince Consort to his realm, but what are the changes he'll win anyway?
Dream is surprised to find that each of his siblings picks someone that does, on some level, appeal to him. He's a romantic at heart, it's hard not to fall a little bit in love with each other of them as he watches how this plays out.
The competition is this: 
Each candidate will live what they perceive to be four lifetimes in a dream. For the most part, they're just going to be jumping from important decision to important decision, with the blanks filled in for them through false memories to make it feel like it's been four lifetimes and not a few days at most. At the end of each lifetime, they'll be asked if they wish to continue living. That is Death's trial, because anyone marrying an Endless must be resilient enough to keep going. 
The first lifetime is Despair's test, in which the candidates discover that they won't age, they won't die, that their life may very well be unending. They lose their families, their friends, and realize that they always will. They don't know if there's any way to opt out or not, so for all they know, one day in the very distance future, they will be the only one left. Despair wants to make sure the idea of Endlessness is not a curse for Dream's spouse to bear, though she herself would thrive off that, personally.
Ironically, it's Despair's candidate, the queen of the first human civilization, that falls to this test. Nada lives the first lifetime without ever knowing true, passionate love. She's pushed into marrying someone who is a good ruler for her people, and when they pass, she marries someone else who is also a good ruler for her people, and she sees that there are those besides herself who have the judgement necessary to rule. She's proud of the city she's created, she's proud of her people, and the idea of eventually watching them die and come to an end as all things do, it kills her inside. It doesn't matter that it might be millennia from now. When a gentle voice asks one day if she wishes to continue living, she contemplates it, contemplates her current husband, closes her eyes, and says, "No. I think it's time for a new queen to rule my people." 
Hob, on the other hand, has spent his lifetime fighting, mostly, a bit of highway robbery when he couldn't find a war. Lots of brothels. He's eaten stuff he shouldn't have, gotten himself mortally injured more than a few times, bounced back from it, and now he's into this printing thing. No guilds to restrict it yet, it pays well, and he's been teaching himself how to read. He's sitting in an inn, drinking ale next to the hearth, no smoke in his eyes, and thinking about swindling the table next to him in a round of cards to pay for some more ale. When the same voices asks him if wishes to keep living, his eyes get bright and he answers, "Oh yes." The thought of what his immortality might mean never really crossed his mind. He lost people, sure, but he would have lost them anyway, and there's always more people to meet. This is amazing. 
The second lifetime is Desire's test. Desire, who actually cares on some level, in their own way, and knows that if their big brother marries an idiot, they'll have to put up with them, so they have to make sure Dream marries someone halfway decent. Someone who might keep him busy. Someone who desires things strongly, but is not so ruled by them that they'll give up their duty to chase distractions, nor will they give up if Dream doesn't desire them the way they wish--which is very likely. In Desire's test, each candidate is given people to love, fully and completely, with all their heart, and are forced to watch that thing die violently and terribly only to be asked right afterwards if they still wish to live. 
Delirium's candidate is Killala of the Glow, who finds out that the beautiful green star of her solar system, which is the cause of her power, is a conscious, living thing. And he loves her. He is everything she ever wanted. With him, her powers grow. She learns to use them better, to get stronger with them, to understand them and herself. It shouldn't have happened so soon, they should have had millennia together, but something happens and he has just enough time to warn her, to explain that he's dying and that she needs to be strong and use her powers to shield her world from him or his death will raze it all to the ground. She doesn't understand how this could happen, she can't concentrate through her grief, her planet is destroyed and as she's floating amongst the burning cold heat of her lover collapsing in on himself, she's asked if she still wishes to live and she says no. 
Hob meets Eleanor, who is charming and funny and matches him wit for wit. She doesn't ask about his past or how he acquired his money. He's never been in love before. He thought he would continue finding his companionship in brothels and had felt perfectly content with that, but now there's her, and he wants so very badly to marry her, to be her escape away from her traditionalist of a father who stifles her wit into silence. So he does. And he has a son, a beautiful baby boy that he promises the world to. Then there's the promise of another child, and he's thrilled. 
He's there in the room, holding Eleanor's hand, terrified when she goes into labor months earlier than planned. She's in so much pain. The baby isn't crying. The midwife is trying desperately to stop the bleeding. The blood is still warm on Hob's skin and clothing as he holds Eleanor's lifeless body and sobs. His son needs a mother. Needs a father but he knows, in that moment, that he will be a useless one to the boy like this. Robyn has his temper, he'll die too young and Hob will have failed him. 
When he's asked if he wishes to keep living, he thinks of how the blood is still warm on his skin, and how ashen Eleanor looks in his arms, and he brushes her hair back from her face and says, brokenly, "Someone has to remember her. She wouldn't... She wouldn't want me to give up, now would she?" 
Delirium knows better than any endless how pain and suffering can break a mind. Dream is the Lord of Nightmares as much as he is the Lord of Dreams. Or maybe she was just feeling particularly sadistic because she doesn't understand why she can't get married, she would love to get married, she could turn her spouse into bubbles and they would look so pretty floating around her realm, or maybe even glitter, or frogs! But no, she's not getting married, Dream is, and Dream is mean sometimes, so maybe she just decides to be mean to whoever he gets to married. It's hard to tell if even she knows her own motivation. 
But the candidates suffer for her trial, pushed to their breaking points and then past them. 
Destruction's candidate has never really known suffering before these trials. Or living, really. See, Destruction hadn't actually gone out to try to find someone for Dream, he had been busy trying to learn how to carve a piece of marble into a shape without reducing it to rubble. Once everyone else had found their candidate, he went to Desire and was like, "Hey, so..." 
Desire sighed, and rolled their eyes, and was like, "Fine, I'll help you. I'll construct a woman to be your candidate. If I don't win, maybe you will." 
Thus Alianora was created. She's strong, smart, and while she can handle loss, she was created to be a lover. To be loved. To be a partner. Under Delirium's trial, she is alone, she suffers alone, no one pays her any mind or they hurt her worse, and she withers. She grows morose, she grows desperate, she grows hysterical in her isolation. She loses her mind. She never does answer the question of whether or not she wishes to keep living. It's questionable if she can answer the question, if she even fully understands it. Unfortunately, there is no coming back from such a thing, even if they fix her mind and these trials became like just a dream to her. There's no place for her to go now that she's lost this trial, no home for her to go back to. She's the only true causality of this game and Dream, aching for her and bitter over Desire's causal indifference, makes a Dreamscape for Alianora to live in where she'll never be alone. It's the least he can do.
Hob goes a touch insane himself, but the cracks in his mind are strategic. Like crumple zones in a car, it's to survive what comes next. He's drowned as a witch. Over and over, rocks tied to his ankles, tossed into the water, and every time he surfaces they catch him and do it all over again. Again and again. Dirty pond water filling his lungs, his chest fit to burst, throat and nose raw from inhaling liquid, skin clammy and near rotten. He lets himself break so that when the moment for real escape presents itself, he's not so gone that he misses the opportunity or that he stupidly cocks it all up. 
He does escape, but he's lost everything in a world where value is determined by wealth. He sleeps on the street, mutters to himself, has arguments with made up people in an attempt to kept his mind sharp and to distract himself from the decades where he starves and starves but never dies, his stomach endlessly digesting itself and he throws up what little bit of scraps he can get his hands on, which just makes it worse. 
When he's asked if he still wishes to live, he tosses his head back and laughs, startling a couple people walking past him on the street, who walk a bit quicker, and he asks, "Are you crazy?" Dream is leaned in where they watch these dreams projected above the family meeting table, and if one paid attention they might see that his eyes were rimmed red, thinking that Delirium's trial would claim another. At least he could be fixed, and would soon after go to the Sunless Lands to live in peace. He deserved that. They all did. 
"Death is a mug's game! I have so much left to live for!" 
And now there are two left to face down Destruction's trial. 
Destruction may not have put effort into finding a suitable candidate, but he did devise a good trial. While his brother did need someone strong and resilient, they had to be what Dream lacked as well. They needed to be flexible. They needed to learn and grow from their mistakes. They needed to have compassion. All of these things to teach Dream the same, to encourage these things during the moments that Dream lacks them. His trial isn't about pushing the candidates into choosing Death, there's a very clear answer to his and if the candidate does not find it, they fail, whether they want to continue living or not. 
Desire's candidate has yet to break. She has no intention of dying. She's more than willing to let go of what she desires if it means furthering her ambitions. Suffering doesn't break her, it only pisses her off. Dream isn't sure what to think of this woman. He doesn't really like her on a personal level, she would be nothing but trouble actually, but there is a certain appeal to her. He would never have to worry about hurting her unintentionally, at least. But she's greedy and she doesn't care who she hurts to get her way. And when Destruction's test rewrites her memories to have it where her immortality is granted to her through the blood of other witches, of her sisters, killed by her and sacrificed to the Hecate, the Three-in-One, the One Who is Three, and that more will die by her hands to keep living, she feels a twinge of grief and guilt. 
So Thessaly simply decides to not think about it. She misses them, but it's just proof that she was stronger than them. Smarter than them. That she deserved to be here instead of dying out with them. And if she's able to continue making these sacrifices, if no one is able to stop her, then clearly it's just more proof she deserves this. 
She fails, and no amount of Desire calling bullshit on Destruction's verdict changes his mind. 
Hob, meanwhile, has rebuilt his life. His fortune. He's living well again, he's at no risk of starving, no need to fight in anymore wars because he has pockets of money all across the world he can run off to at the first sign of trouble. He has connections and a successful business. 
He's talking with someone about said business only to have them eye him judgmentally. He's told, "It is a poor thing to enslave another." 
He's a bit rankled at being called out on it. He shrugs, says that's just how it's done, because it is. It is. And at first it looks like he's going to fail too and this whole venture will have to be start all over, new candidates found, but as they watch him, the words aren't easily pushed from his mind. He dwells on them. He starts going through charters and logs. He gets restless sitting at home, surrounded by his newly regained wealth. He starts contacting his ships, digging into their practices that's never really taken the time to learn the specifics of before. A captain offers to let Hob sail a round with him so he could show off how safe the investment is, fearing that perhaps Hob is only questioning because he's afraid of potential repercussions.
He's shown how people are collected. Chained together. The conditions they're kept in on ship, the treatment the sailors give them. The captain explains that if they're pursued, it's easy enough to dump the cargo into the ocean, the chains ensure they all sink, no one is the wiser. 
They don't leave port until everyone is loaded off the ship, and Hob demands they go straight back to England. He contacts every ship in his business and puts a stop to it. Cuts every shipping tie he has and when captains tell him he'll never make another quid, he tells him them he doesn't care, it's not worth it. The guilt still eats at him. It's not enough to make him forget the imagined faces of all the lives he's destroyed, drowning the same way he had, again and again, or resigned to a fate worse than death in most cases. He drinks himself into a stupor most nights. 
He's drunk when he's asked if he still wishes to live. It's not the kind, understanding woman's voice that usually asks. It's a man's, soft and deep, curious, and Hob swirls his glass of brandy, contemplating whether he deserves to or not when he was responsible for the death of so many innocents. They weren't killed in a fight, they didn't have anything worth taking from them, it was just cruelty against helpless people. He swings back the rest of his drink and mutters, bitterly, "History has a way of erasing these things, doesn't it? It forgets what it doesn't want to remember. Someone needs to remember. Someone needs to remind people of this. It won't ever be enough to make up for what I've allowed, but this is something I must live with. To die now and let the world forget would make me a coward shirking responsibility for myself." 
Just like that, he's sober again and standing in a room that's a mix of the time periods he lived through in his dream. It's warm, inviting. There's a four poster bed, a large hearth with piles of comfortable pillows in front of it. An oak wardrobe simply carved but beautiful. Rugs over stone floors. There's a large balcony that lets in plenty of natural light, and it overlooks fantastical mountains in the distance, and a harbor filled with ships of every kind, and sea serpents lazily winding their way through them. Hob had never given much thought to what his perfect room would look like, but he knows he's standing in it. 
The dream he lived through feels like a dream, it's hazy and indistinct, disconnected from the emotions that he once felt were so real and consumed by. But he's not the same man he was when it started. He's retained the lessons learned about living, about compassion, he's more mature, he still remembers how to read. It's all still there, but the loss and grief and guilt are distant now, more like a story he read than a life he lived. 
And Death is there with him, dressed in black jeans and a tank top, smiling proudly at him. He suddenly remembers the competition and has a brief moment of panic, blurts out, "Oh god, I lost and drunk myself to death and this is heaven--" 
"No, you won, Hob!"
"You won!" And then she has to explain that while yes, he technically will be immortal, it's only because he now has to marry her little brother. They move out to the balcony and she explains that they're in the Dreaming and what that means while Hob looks around in awe. "He's not bad, my brother," she assures. "He's a bit distant, mostly. A stickler for his rules. He's prideful and can have quite temper if you insult that. It's wise to remember that he rules dreams and nightmares here. But at worst, he'll probably go back to his work and forget you exist, and you'll have the whole of his realm to explore. Unfortunately, you can't back out now." 
"Oh, I wouldn't if I could," Hob assures quickly, waving the concern off. "Marrying a nightmare sure beats rotting to maggots in the ground. I'll take it. What's expected of me?" 
She tells him that he probably won't have any actual duties, and Prince Consort will more than likely just be a title. Theoretically, Hob could hold sway over the Dreaming nearly as much as Dream did, but that required getting close to Dream. "Consummating your marriage," she tactfully puts it. "Each time you got closer to my brother, each time he lets you closer and as his trust and care grows, you would find the Dreaming responding easier and easier to you. The Dreaming is an extension of him, after all. And it's better that way, because you're immortal but still human, and suddenly having awareness of this would be way too much to pile on your mind all at once. But I doubt you'll have to worry about it. My brother seems curious about you but he's stubborn and easily distracted."
The wedding happens that night. 
Hob hasn't met his betrothed yet. 
Death dresses him in a stunning white suit with gold accents. His cravat is the finest woven white silk, embroidered in gold. He has a halo of gold light. There's a bloody cape. It drapes like heavy velvet but it's light and sheer and glitters like stars. He's a nervous wreck and she laughs gently and assures him that he'll know what to do when the time comes. 
Everything that dreams attends the wedding. It shouldn't have been possible to fit so many people in a room, but they're there. It should have taken years for Hob to walk down the aisle to the staircase to the raised dais and the throne, but it was a short walk and the whole time Hob can do nothing but stare at the man standing in front of the throne who has his chin raised, his dark eyes a host of starlight. He does seem vaguely curious. And haughty. And prideful. And beautiful. He's dressed in a similar suit of black, his sheer cape swirling with galaxies and nebula, and there's a sword of obsidian glass in his hands, the point resting gently against the stone floor. 
Hob knows intuitively to kneel the second he ascends the last stair, but he can't quite manage to duck his head like he knows is proper because he can't look away from this creature. Thankfully it produces something startlingly close to amusement in his betrothed. 
"Robert Gadling," he murmurs, his voice soft but carrying, the same one that had last asked him if he wished to live. He holds out his hand, a ruby ring already on his finger. "Swear your fealty to me." And then lower, softer, just between the two of them, "Do not be nervous, the words will come." 
And they do. A bit breathless, but they come after Hob reaches for the hand and presses his lips to the ring, his eyes still on the entity soon to be his husband in what has to be the weird marriage ritual of all time. "I swear my undying fealty to you, Morpheus, Lord of the Dreaming, Ruler of the Nightmare Realms, Prince of Stories and Shaper of Form. I swear to reside at your side, to give my loyalty to you and this Realm first and foremost, and to never raise a hand or support any threat to the denizens here. I am yours, Dream of the Endless." The words tighten through his chest like a binding and good lord, there's the smallest little smile on the Lord's face and he doesn't have a halo but the way the light from the stained glass windows behind him shines, it looks like he does and it's beautiful. 
Dream takes back his hand. He raises his sword and taps both of Hob's shoulders. At the second one, Hob feels the weight of a ring on his own finger. "Arise, Prince Consort of the Dreaming." 
Most people leave after that, they wake up and go about their lives, knowing something changed but not sure what. Some stay, and there's some mingling, and a reception dinner, and Hob barely gets a second to say two words to his husband. He's introduced to family, to Titania and motherfucking Lucifer. A librarian gives him her congratulations, a scarecrow with a pumpkin heads does so with a bit more reluctance and wariness, a raven with a white breast chats with him. She explains that she retired not too long ago, and nods towards a larger raven currently trying to figure out how to get his head into a champagne glass, explaining that he's her replacement. Despite how stupid he looks, she assures Hob that he's a good raven. 
There's a murder at one point. A man is stabbed through the eye with a serving fork. Some blond man in sunglasses looks intrigued by the turn of events, but he's the only one that bothers to react. The murderer tells him not to fucking try it, and then drags the body off. His husband merely tells him that it's normal and fine and that's pretty much the most he says aside from introducing Hob to people and staring at him from the corner of his black eyes. It's a whirlwind night and Hob ends it champagne drunk and passed out alone in his bed in his private quarters, not realizing until morning that he doesn't even know how to find his way around, let alone where the fuck his husband's room is. 
But when he stares at the ruby on his ring in the morning, he knows that he won't stop trying to woo his husband until they are properly, happily married, because one glimpse and Hob Gadling or whatever his surname was now, was most definitely head over heels in love. And thus begins the long and arduous process of courting his husband, the most stubborn man in existence, who is terrified of falling of in love and potentially being too much and would just rather keep his distance thank you very much. He makes it hard for Hob, until Hob remembers Death explaining that the Dreaming was an extension of him. If getting closer to Dream makes him closer to the Dreaming, maybe getting closer to the Dreaming will make him closer to Dream? It's worth a shot.
At the very least, Dream definitely takes note of the way everyone in his realm seems to be so smitten with his Prince Consort all of the sudden.
And that's it, that's all I have. I'm yeeting this out there to get it out of my head and now that you have it, you're free to do whatever you want with it. Change it up, write it, draw it, whatever, I don't care, you can have it now, just tell me if you do something with it because I wanna see okay thanks byee.
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Giving Him Flowers (Obey Me!)
━━━━━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━━━━━
While on a trip to the human world, you decide to come back with flowers for your favorite of the 3 eldest brothers.
»Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, and Levi.
»Tags: GN Reader, Mammon being cute and dumb♡♡♡, Fluffyyy, Drabble, OP studied for this fic lol
»Notes: I was listening to flowers by miley and was like hmm that song title gives me an idea lol also I had my OC in mind for this but also works for reader
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Karma Choc Dahlias : Admiration,Strength,Power,Love
"What's this?" Lucifer stared curiously at the vase of dahlias you handed him.
"Huh? They're flowers, for you," you paused and then continued "Oh as humans we like to give flowers for different reasons. These ones...they reminded me of you!" You smiled but wondered if maybe it was dumb to hand the avatar of pride flowers. You shook the thought away quickly, you wanted to show him in your own way, your love for him. Flowers meant a lot to you.
Lucifer tenderly touched the red and black petals. He loves flowers. He was never given human world flowers before though. He placed the flowers gently on his desk and turned to you.
"In what way did they remind you of me?" He questioned curiously.
You took a confident step forward and cupped his cheek with one hand. His cheeks held the faintest blush. You can tell he missed your touch while you were gone.
"Well, first things first, they're absolutely gorgeous. And look, they match your eyes!" You smiled and placed a small kiss on his nose before continuing.
"These are actually a special type of dahlias. They're grown to have strong stems, they won't droop even in rain! These dahlias represent strength and power and they also mean... love and admiration." You finished explaining and pecked his cheek. Lucifer gave you a soft sweet smile.
"I didn't realize human world flowers could be so meaningful," He murmured thoughtfully. "Thank you. I will take great care of them..."
Lucifer took your hand and kissed it before placing it back on his cheek for warmth.
"And...I love you too."
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Blue Primroses: First, Love, Trust, Safety, Can't Live Without You
"I'm home!" You said as you ran towards Mammon who was already waiting for you outside the house  for your arrival. He tried to not look too excited but practically sprinted to you anyway. He then noticed the vase in your hands and stopped short of hugging you.
"Here! For you!" You said pushing the dark blue and yellow primroses towards him. He looked at them and bit some of the petals off before spitting them out in disgust.
"Eh!? They're not very good!" He spat a few more petals out. You snorted.
"To each their own. But I meant these more for decoration! They're Mammon flowers! To decorate your room or whatever!" You happily chirped as you fixed up the flowers. "I got them because they reminded me of you! They're technically called primroses but I call them Mammon flowers which I like better!"
"Y-ya thought of me while you were up there!?"
"Uhh yeah? And when I saw these I knew I had to get them for you. They match your eyes perfectly, they're so lovely! Where I'm from, these flowers mean love,trust,safety...and 'prim' is the Latin root word for-"
"First." Mammon said cutting you off, appearing dazed.
"What can I say, you were my first after all!" You said winking at him.
He gently placed the flowers on the ground before wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you into a tight hug.
"I missed ya." He whispered.
"But don't go tellin' everyone that, ya hear!?"
Mammon frantically burst into your room with his vase of very much dead, wilted flowers.
"I don't know what happened! They're not like before!" He freaked out looking as stressed as ever. You tried to cover up your laugh at his sillyness. Poor thing doesn't know.
"Human world flowers only last a few days, Mammon."
Mammon huffed and walked towards you, holding the vase out to you.
"Well!? "
"Well what?" You said raising an eyebrow curiously.
Mammon cleared his throat and mumbled something as he looked away, his cheeks turned a bright red.
"I didn't catch any of that Mammon."
He sighed loudly.
"Aren't ya gonna get me more Mammon flowers or what! It's rude! My room feels different now!" He spilled out. You laughed and took the vase with one hand and reached out with your other to pat his white head of hair.
"You're right. Don't worry, I'll get you more soon and make sure to replace them every time." You promised the upset demon. You kissed his cheek and he finally relaxed.
"Good! Hmph!"
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Orange-Purple Pansies: Love, Beauty, Joy, Passion, Loyalty, Thoughtful. Orange ones are rarer to find!
You weren't suppose to be back for another day but decided to come home early. You couldn't wait to see your favorite demon. You tried to time it right so no one would ruin the surprise; you rushed into the house knowing where everyone should be and made a dash to Levi's room, who unsurprisingly, started yelling at the sudden intrusion until seeing it was you.
"W-what!? H-how!?" He squeaked out excitedly but then turned embarrassed. He tried to cover up the Ruri pajamas he was now suddenly aware of.
"Oh Leviachan, you're as beautiful as ever. I've seen much more different sides of you." You grinned devilishly. He squeaked trying to cover his face now.
"Anyway! My trip ended early and I wanted to surprise you! I got you a gift, here!"
You handed him some brightly colored orange-purple pansies. He blushed as he looked over them curiously. He sniffed them, letting out a tiny cute sneeze.
"Human world flowers!? Oooh I've seen these before! They're the official symbol in Osaka, Japan!" He geeked out and gently touched the soft petals.
"Oh even more fitting." You thought out loud.
"What do you mean?" Levi asked as he hugged the vase tightly.
"I got them because they reminded me of a certain demon otaku. You know, beautiful orange eyes with hints of purple." You admitted as Levi turned red and started stuttering self-depreciating nonsense. You shushed him with a finger.
"Flowers can have a lot of meaning in the human world y'know," you took one of his hands and separated his fingers gently. You pressed his pinky against your lips in a kiss as his breath hitched. "Like these pansies from me to you mean love," kiss "loyalty" kiss "joy" kiss and passion." You finished, pressing his thumb softly against your lips in a final kiss. Levi was left shaking. He really was cute. "You're a rare beautiful find, just like these flowers."
"Y-you m-mean a-all of that!?" He asked looking at you all wide-eyed. You sighed and took the vase from his hands and placed it on his desk before finally engulfing him in a giant tight hug.
"I meant everything. I couldn't wait to see you, I even sneaked in here unnoticed by everyone to surprise you!"
You giggled.
"Since no one knows I'm here, how about we keep it that way? You don't mind if I stay here tonight right?"
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⬦You might also like: MC Feeling Insecure︱You ARE The Father︱Only You (Lucifer)
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captainjunglegym · 2 months
WIP Wednesday - 10/04/2024
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Hello! So i'm balls deep in og 911 atm. I've already seen seasons 1 - 4 but I'm rewatching so I can power through and be all caught up to season 7 soon.
Anyways I have been tagged by @onthewaytosomewhere @getmehighonmagic @firenati0n and @wordsofhoneydew thanks my buddies <3
I have a new silly wip I'm working on. I do have other things that are cooking but you've heard it all before so have this:
Alex works at a hotel to put himself through law school. After spending so much time at the hotel he's become somewhat of a serial wedding crasher. One day he crashes the wedding of an odd but adorable couple, George and James. Unfortunately, George's twin, Henry, catches him in the act but seems rather amused by it all.
The couple seem a bit mismatched. One man, wearing a dark green velvet tuxedo jacket that looks as expensive as it does soft, is older and red-headed. He’s sexy in the way that Alex can tell beneath his tux he’s got a strong muscled body. He’s looking at his young new husband with something akin to utter adoration. The other groom is a lot younger. Possibly in his mid-twenties as opposed to the other’s possible fifties. He’s probably the most beautiful man Alex has ever seen in his life. He’s got dark brown hair that contrasts against his porcelain skin, and the poutiest pink lips. He looks like a living doll. Alex watches them sway with one another on the dance floor as he piles more food onto his plate. They're completely enraptured by each other. Is he jealous? Maybe. He doesn’t really want to marry an old man though, even if this particular old man is quite fuckable. “Hello,” a smooth voice says next to him. Alex doesn’t look away, not really wanting to invite conversation with eye contact. Not while he's technically stealing. “Hey.” “I’ve not seen you before,” the man continues. He’s got the same crisp English accent as many of the other guests. “Are you here for George or James?” Alex winces internally but feigns nonchalance as he continues to shovel various foods onto his increasingly full plate. He hates this question and has no idea which is George and which is James and what the correct answer will be. “Uhhhh George. Yeah George, me and him go way back, you know? We’re practically brothers.” The man huffs out a laugh and Alex chances a look at him. He double-takes. The man next to him is just as gorgeous as the younger groom. Mainly because he’s identical to him, save for the blonde hair. “I’m Henry,” the man says, amused. “I’m George’s twin and the best man.” Oh fuck.
No pressure tags under cut + also open tag as always
@bigassbowlingballhead @anincompletelist @nocoastposts @sunnysideprince @eusuntgratie @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @sparklepocalypse @happiness-of-the-pursuit @magicandarchery @cactusdragon517 and anyone else who wants a go
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emelinstriker · 8 months
ESAU Master System Explained
To keep it short/simple: Everyone who wants to be a Reader, is a Reader. I myself am a Reader of fiction, which is why I use my persona to fill in the Reader's space in any non-interactive/fullbody drawing I do for ESAU. Which is also why Macaque referred to their Master being currently female in one of the first ESAU asks- Because in that moment, in my drawings, I'm technically seen as their Master. But most of the time I do change the pronouns to they/them whenever it's them talking about "any" Master.
So when you see the servants swap between their Master using non-binary and female pronouns, this is why. If you see me draw them referring to their Master as a "she", they're referring to basically their current Master in that exact moment. However, literally anyone else could also be placed in that spot. This is just the way I'd interact with the servants myself.
Whenever I refer to a Reader's "reincarnation/life", I usually mean either "the same person, but another life" (aka same looks, just different points in time) OR "different people of the same life/a different life" (aka Person A is the Master in one life, Persona B is the Master in the next).
As in, the Reader can imagine themselves having had multiple past lives, or their "past life" is actually another Reader. We're all Readers, we're all the Reader. That's why I kept saying early on that the Master System is rather philosophical in a sense. Lore-wise within the AU, all Masters, except for the First Master, share the same soul, which the servants recognize and are connected to.
The Reader can imagine themselves if they met their champions as a child or as an adult. However, nothing in ESAU is forced to be romantic or sexual. If you were born as a prince/princess/royalty, that doesn't mean your servants are immediately destined to be romantic or sexual with you, right? That entire portion is up to the Reader to decide and imagine. I do not control what another person thinks of and imagines. If they choose to pick a darker path in what they imagine, that's out of my control. But unless it ends up hurting anyone, or they actively push the topic onto others, I see no issue with however a Reader wants to think up what happens in their life with their servants. All I do is create material for others to play with.
Except for the First Master, any other Master/Reader can be considered either the same person or various people.
But that's up to the person behind the screen, whether they feel more comforted with one idea or another. Because despite all the dark lore and angsty hints, it's still a comfort X Reader AU. If you don't wanna have a certain champion be romantic/sexual towards you, you don't need to imagine them being romantic/sexual towards you. Simple as that. Imagine the boys in the type of relationship with you that you feel most comfortable with.
For example in my case, I'd see all of them as romantic interests except for MK, cuz those who know already know how I see him as a smol chibi yello beaaaan- I mean LOOK AT HIM-
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And yet I still made it so he can be seen as romantic/sexual interest for those who do actually see him in a different way. (Not counting the chibi doodles ofc, those are all just him being a bean dhfndshfnds)
(Copy n pasted what I explained before in that rant like 2 weeks ago and tweaked it a bit with bonuses just so it's not just a random quote taken from a previous rant post. For anyone curious about the rant, it's really not hard to find cuz that's the only post I tagged as rant and will probably stay as the only rant post for a looong while. Hopefully a long while. The entire drama logic just hurt my brain, but also gave my friends and I content to laugh and meme over fhgnhfgf)
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like you literally are one of the blogs who brought about a change of jason's perspective as a character in pjo/hoo tumblr, which now I see more of it every day, you're literally a revolutionary now
I'd like to send in a request of
pjo character x character - a day of percy and jason at percy's house (where jason finds a home with the jackson-blofises)
if that's not already requested ofc!
Omg hii!! Pooks you calling me a jason grace revolutionary is literally so flattering I'm giggling and kicking my feet ily tysm. I'm glad I brought a change in jason love in the Tumblr fandom?? Because that's the whole point of why i started my blog! My blog's duty had officially been fulfilled. thanks for participating in my event! It means a lot love!
・゚࿐ ࿔*:・“Blue Cookies and found family”・゚࿐ ࿔*:・゚
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thank you @gentlehue for teaching me how to do the Tumblr gradient texts, you are literally a life saver!! Credits to @saradika for the dividers!
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"You ready, man?" Percy asks as they reached the doorstep of the Jackson-blofis household.
Jason was fidgeting, indicating his nervousness, but he replied "a little".
"Don't be, my mom and Paul are great, they won't judge, I promise" Percy gave Jason a reassuring smile. He had brought Jason to meet his family because Jason didn't have anyone to go back home with from camp, and Percy thought it was a great idea to introduce him to Sally and Paul, he was sure they'd love him.
The front door creaked open revealing a weary but sweet looking Sally. "Ah Percy! You're here, I missed you, sweetie!" Sally rushed over to hug Percy, before she darted her gaze towards jason, who was timidly looking around. Percy had never seen Jason look so self conscious before. Thankfully Sally cut in by giving jason a big hug, Jason smiled, this new feeling of being hugged by a motherly figure seemed so.. rare and unusual. But it felt nice. Almost nice enough for Jason to make Ambrosia to taste like home again. Yeah, it was that kind of nice.
Paul peeked his head through from the doorway, looking elated to see Percy. "Percy! it's good to see you! And who are you?" Paul asked to Jason. "Oh um hello sir. I'm Jason Grace, a friend of Percy's, Percy has told me a lot about you, I hope it isn't a bother that I came along..." Jason replied politely, giving Paul a small smile. Paul laughed. "No no, of course not, any friend of Percy's is always welcome in this household. As long as they aren't one of those monsters in disguise claiming that they're Percy's friend and try to kill him or something" he awkwardly joked, to which Jason laughed, but Percy rolled his eyes.
"Okay, let's all go inside, and I'll get you some blue cookies that I freshly baked this morning!" Sally said, clasping her own hands excitedly. Jason has heard of Percy's famous blue food, he's even seen Percy's blue pancakes. But he's never tried them before. So he'd be lying if he said he wasn't excited to try them out. Sally's reputation as a cook only made him more eager to wanting to try her food.
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They were all surrounding the dining table, as Sally served some blue punch and and her most anticipated blue cookies. Jason took a bite of the cookie and boy. It melted in his mouth. Is this what people meant when they say that food that's made with love always tastes the best? Jason had never believed in that idiom. Until now.
"So Jason, how old were you when you came to camp?" Paul asked, munching on his cookies."Well, technically 4 years old, if you don't count in the fact that I was trained by Lupa the wolf since I was two-"Jason was cut off with a small gasp from Sally. Paul had almost dropped his utensils.
"Two??? Jason, honey, you were two years old?" Sally asked wide eyed, concern in her voice."Uhm, well yeah..." Jason tried to brush it off as no big deal. He hadn't realised how shocking this must be for mortals. "But, what about your mother?.. Percy said something about...." Sally began hesitantly
"My mother was an alcoholic, according to my sister, she barely got by, since she was unstable and wasn't well enough to take care of me. And I found out she died in a crash years ago. The Goddess Hera was upset that my father sired another child with another woman, so she demanded that my mother should give me away as a prize. That's also why I'm named Jason, I was forced to be named after heras favourite Hero"
Jason had started to ramble without even realizing it, but he couldn't help himself, Sally and Paul were so welcoming, he felt comfortable to share this with them.Sally, Percy and Paul had stared at Jason, with a mix of gaping, sad, pitiful and potentially horrified looks.
Percy dropped his blue cookies back on to the plate. "I'm so sorry bro.." he said patting Jason's arm and giving him a one armed hug.Paul and sally hadn't said a word and Jason was afraid he had said too much, but what he didn't expect was to be tackled into a huge by both of the adults. Jason heard Sally's whimpers as she held on to jason tight.
Jason had suddenly felt awkward, I mean, he never found his situation this upsetting, he thought it was normal for demigods to experience tragedy. "Jason, I want you to know that if you ever need someone to confide in, me and sally are always there" Paul said, pulling away from the hug, as Sally wiped her eyes. Percy smiled at Jason in a "I-told-you-they-wont-judge-you-bro" way, and Jason had to smile back, but his eyes started to water in gratitude.
Two people he barely even met, had volunteered to be his confidant and had offered him him comfort, it was something jason never knew he needed.
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The day ended with Jason sleeping over at Percy's, where they both stayed up all night playing Mario party six on Nintendo, and Sally had packed him some blue cookies for him to take back home. Paul kept complimenting jason for his architectural knowledge, and had encouraged his temple project, even throwing in a few ideas of his own.
For once, Jason Grace wasn't alone.
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itsjaywalkers · 2 months
jegulus & 71 pleaseee :))
i love all your writing btw!!!!
this prompt gave me an excuse to write this silly lil scene i've had stuck in my mind for days SO THANK U FOR THAT BABE
if u recognise what this is loosely based on . no u don't . i'm going thru something okay .
also !! thank u so much nonnie i'm very happy to hear it !! <3
71. "Kiss me, quick!"
Regulus doesn't know how he's managed to land himself a date with James Potter, but he isn't really complaining.
Or, well, maybe he is complaining a little bit, because, technically, it isn't a real date.
He thinks that, to all intents and purposes, though, it's absolutely a date. They're at a restaurant, sitting in the same side of a booth, and they keep gazing into each others eyes, smiling sweetly and giggling while they decide what they want to order.
Regulus can totally pretend this is real if he ignores the not-so-subtle glances James keeps throwing to the couple a few tables away from them. Or how he keeps whispering under his breath what he wants Regulus to do so they look more convincing. Or the fact that James chose to ask him to be his fake date through gritted teeth and a pinched brow.
He supposes it might be kind of his fault. Regulus hasn't been very nice to James, although there's been a considerable improvement since they met, which he believes should be more appreciated.
But, then again, the Regulus of seven months ago wasn't pathetically in love with James Potter.
Regulus misses him dearly. It was so much easier to keep his reputation intact when he didn't have to make an actual effort.
"I'm gonna put my arm around your shoulders," James informs him with a smile. It looks genuine, and it would've fooled Regulus if he didn't know the other man as well as he does.
He nods, offering a smile of his own that despite being considerably smaller, it's actually sincere. Regulus isn't too worried about it, though. Unlike James, he's an excellent actor, the best of their generation if he says so himself, and it's not hard to believe that he'd play his role perfectly.
Even if it's one as unbecoming as being James Potter's boyfriend.
As he said he would, James wraps an arm around him, and Regulus has to will his body to remain cool and relaxed but not too relaxed, or else he'll end up melting against James' body.
He's just so warm. Regulus reckons the other man ought to go see a doctor about it, get it checked, because it shouldn't be normal for a human being to feel so welcoming, so safe.
Regulus shivers, and he isn't sure if it's due to how disgusted he is by his own train of thought, or how well he seems to fit, tucked against James' side.
"I'm gonna put my head on your shoulder," he mutters, tone surprisingly even. Since he's already doing this, he might as well take advantage of it and properly enjoy it.
"Good idea," James murmurs, sounding excited, his eyes fixed on the guy sitting right in front of Macdonald.
Regulus thinks he'd feel more jealous if it weren't because this whole thing is a mere ruse to teach that asshole a lesson after breaking James' heart.
Still, he wishes James was paying attention to him. He's the Regulus Black, after all. It shouldn't be a choice in the first place.
"Oh," James gasps, squirming a little in his place and jostling Regulus' head a little from where it's resting on his shoulder. "He's finally noticed us."
Regulus can barely supress the urge to roll his eyes.
"Maybe we should turn it up a bit, then," he suggests, getting more comfortable and pressing even closer to the other man.
"You're right," James agrees without missing a beat, as if it's not completely unheard of, James admitting to Regulus being right about something. "I'm gonna whisper something in your ear, and you're gonna laugh about it. I know it must be difficult for you, but—"
"Pretending you're funny?" Regulus cuts him off, batting his lashes up at him all coyly. "It's nearly impossible, but unlike others, I do have the acting skills, so I think I'll manage."
James glares down at him, the gesture poorly disguised by a grin. The matching one Regulus gives him in response is totally genuine.
The other man leans down, until his lips are grazing Regulus' earlobe teasingly, and he has to bite down on his lower lip to keep an embarrassing noise from escaping.
"You're the most insufferable person I've ever met," James whispers, his breath hitting Regulus' skin with every word. "And I can't wait for this date to be over."
Oh, Regulus couldn't relate more. He's starting to come too close to popping a fucking boner for comfort.
He laughs, too loud and too eager, behaving like a stupid schoolgirl with a crush, and when realisation dawns on him, he does his best to ignore that he is basically a schoolgirl with a crush.
Regulus thinks that this must be what hitting rock bottom feels like.
"Fuck, he's looking this way," James says, still way too close to Regulus' ear, to his fucking neck. "He's actually looking this way. Oh my god, I can't believe this is working!"
"That makes two of us," Regulus huffs after daring to take a peek and discovering that James' annoying ex is, in fact, focused on them and their cheesy display. He even seems to be shooting daggers at them.
"Shit, Gideon looks so mad," James comments, positively giddy at the thought. "We gotta do something else, something that actually drives the message home."
"And what would that message be?" Regulus drawls, tilting his face the slightest bit, making it seem like they're actually having a Moment.
"Probably 'you're a fucking prick and I'm glad we're over and you're gonna regret playing with me like you did.'"
Regulus hums, considering, and then his mouth is opening before he even has the opportunity to think about it. "Kiss me, then."
James splutters, eyes widening comically and jaw almost dropping to the floor. Regulus wants to snap at him for breaking character after all their hard work, but now that James has decided to fuck up so badly, someone's gotta keep their charade afloat.
"What?" he nearly yells, and it's almost physically painful for Regulus, holding back his scowl.
"Fucking keep it down," Regulus hisses, his expression resembling a lovesick fool's. "How do you want this to look believable otherwise? Especially after sabotaging us like this."
James has no business looking as offended as he does right now. If anything, Regulus should be the one sporting that aggrieved frown, considering the circumstances.
"Shut up," James grumbles, all petulantly like a child. "I don't want to fucking kiss you."
Regulus swallows the sudden wave of nausea and the pieces of his broken heart, and arches a judging eyebrow.
"And you think I do?" he questions with a sniff. "I'm doing this to help, but if you'd rather ruin your own plan because of your stupid pride, then be my guest."
"I know you're not just lecturing me about pride, of all things—"
"James, I think he's about to get up. Fuck, what if he comes here? Shit, this is—kiss me, quick!"
"Excuse me, he's doing what!?" James whips his head around in mild panic, just to see that Gideon really is pushing his chair away from the table, all his attention on them.
"James," Regulus urges him, elbowing him harshly on the side.
It takes James a couple of seconds to return his focus to Regulus, at least a dozen emotions flickering behind his eyes. "I'm not—I don't think we—"
With a long-suffering sigh, Regulus grips the front of James' shirt and pulls him in, clashing their mouths together and swallowing James' surprised gasp.
He tries to tell himself it's fine, that he's kissed other people before when shooting scenes for his show, and this isn't any different. Regulus didn't feel anything back then, because it was just work, just another role, and in a way, this thing with James is, too.
But it doesn't matter how much he tries, how he keeps repeating these words in his head like a mantra. His heart still speeds up as he moves his mouth against James', who seems completely frozen on the spot. His cheeks still burn, the blush probably being noticeable from a distance. His body still relaxes against James', seeking more of that lovely warmth, more of James' touch.
It's over way too soon, but the other man isn't responding, and if he keeps it up for too long with James just sitting there and taking it, their audience is bound to notice.
Regulus pulls away with a truly idiotic smile, and he hates that he doesn't even have to fake it.
"See? That wasn't so hard, was it?" he murmurs, while James blinks down at him.
He's about to turn around, search for Gideon and hopefully relish in his jealous expression, when he feels a hand on his jaw. The grip is unforgiving, bordering on desperate, and before Regulus has the chance to question it, or swat the contact away, James is pulling him in for another kiss.
This one's different. Less performative. Regulus wasn't actually acting in the first one, because he's been wanting to kiss the other man for a few months now, but he was still hyperaware of Gideon, of what they were trying to do. Of James being completely unresponsive.
In this case, however, it's sort of impossible to focus on anything that isn't James, who's kissing him eagerly, hungrily, deepening the kiss the moment Regulus begins reciprocating. He licks at his lips, requesting permission, and Regulus grants it without a second thought, nothing but white noise inside his brain.
Their tongues tangle, and James makes a keening sound against Regulus' panting mouth. His fingers twitch around the material of James' shirt, a whimper on the tip of his tongue when their teeth clash in their desperation.
Once again, Regulus is the one that puts an end to it, even if it's more out of survival instinct than actual want. You see, they start to get too into it, especially considering they're in a very public place, surrounded by other people.
There's nothing wrong with a bit of snogging, and Regulus has seen way worse than their little make out session. But then James' free hand is gripping onto his waist, pulling Regulus in until he's nearly straddling his lap, blood rushing south at an alarming pace and hips twitching with the need to thrust in search of some friction.
Surprisingly, Regulus still has some sense of self-preservation left.
He captures James' lower lip between his teeth and tugs, dragging another obscene sound out of him, before finally breaking their kiss. Regardless, James doesn't allow him to get far, his hold on him tightening as soon as Regulus attempts to put some space between them.
"Yeah," James exhales, sounding absolutely wrecked. "That wasn't hard at all."
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Clones mourning the Jedi
Ok, so, bear with me, my brain is constantly making up scenarios that I want to happen in Bad Batch Season 3. Most of the time I don't do anything with them, but this one today was especially emotional, so I just can't keep it to myself. Even though it doesn't fit into the story at all and is probably also very out of character. So… I need the connection between the clones and the Jedi to be appreciated, right? So my brain was like: How about we have the clones collectively, in their little community that they built, (which will also totally happen, right? I mean… clone rebellion?!?…please?!!), mourn the Jedi? And I was just: Umm… I don't think… And my brain went: Shut up, I've already made up a whole fucking ceremony and the precise camera angles and shots it will be shown in. So anyway, it starts with the Bad Batch needing Rex's help for a mission or something, so they go to him, and Rex is like: "Sure, but not today." So Hunter asks why, and he just says: "It's Empire Day." No missions till tomorrow morning." "Why? You're celebrating?", Wrecker asks jokingly. Rex huffs and flashes a sad little smile: "We're mourning."
Empire Day would be roughly the day Order 66 happened, right? I mean, I have no idea how space time works so I just assume that. So anyway, they go inside and meet all the other clones from Rex's little Network who sit together, talk and laugh, and many of them, most of them, are doing some sort of pottery. Echo is also there (which doesn't make sense because at this point he would have been back with the Bad batch already, but honestly, I don't care when this happens. Could also be way earlier. Actually, that would maybe be even better, so we can have Tech and Omega on board as well) so after some big hellos, of course the Bad Batch asks what's going on with this pottery stuff. Rex has excused himself at this point, but Echo shows them they're making little bowls and explains that it is part of the ceremony to honor the Jedi. At this point, it becomes a bit awkward for the Bad Batch since they never had such a connection to the Jedi and also experienced order 66 differently. But it gets better when Wrecker asks if he can make one for the little Padawan (Caleb), even though he hopes he survived. Just to remind of him. And Echo beams and says "sure" and shows them the bowl he's making for Ahsoka. He started it, still thinking she died during Order 66, but then Rex found out, teared up, and told him everything. He still makes her a bowl. To remember her. Because wherever she is now, even though she survived, the sassy, lighthearted, funny little commander he knew is definitely dead. So the Bad batch mixes with the other Clones. Wrecker makes his little bowl; maybe Hunter and Omega (if she's there) make one for Shaak Ti and Tech (if he's there) helps with the technical preparations for the ceremony and makes some valuable improvements. (Um, yeah, I have no Ideas for Crosshair. I'm open for suggestions! As said, not following any continuity/timeline here.) In the evening, everything is ready for the ceremony. It goes this way: Everyone who wants to has made a bowl for a specific Jedi, or several bowls for several Jedi, one bowl for multiple Jedi at once, or just one for all of them or no one in particular. They fill the bowls with a special material that will create a colorful flame when burned. Normally, they choose the color of their Jedi's lightsaber.
So for the ceremony, one after another lights up their lanterns, takes them to the little shrine or altar they built, says the name(s) of the one(s) they want to honor/remember maybe adds a little prayer if they feel like it, and then returns to the group to watch the flames leaping up to the sky. A colorful, beautiful mess, so bright, so hopeful, just like the Jedi were. Many bring blue ones for Shaak Ti, their beloved guardian on Kamino, who was killed by the ones she protected and watched over so lovingly. I'm thinking some of the Ryloth clones, the ones from Howzer's squad, maybe served under Mace Windu before they were stationed on Ryloth after the battle, so we get a few beautiful, strong purple flames. Wollfe brings one for Plo Koon, and his hands, ever shaking, now that his mind is no longer trustworthy, are steady when he sets down the bowl. His eyes, that are now mostly clouded by thoughts he can't voice, are clear for once as he remembers the brave man he fought side by side with, that he knows died wrongly even though his mind, corrupted by the chip for far too long, won't let him believe it. Cody's Hands (of course Cody is there, why wouldn't he be?) on the other hand are shaking as he brings forth the bowl he made for his general. It's not the only one for him on their little shrine, but it is probably by far the brightest and the most detailed. "Obi Wan Kenobi", he says, his voice is not shaking, but it's oh so quiet. He swallows hard and thinks for a moment before he adds: "Wherever you are right now… be safe. I miss you. I'm so sorry, love." And he wants to say so much more, but he doesn't know how, and now it's too late anyway. Echo's lantern for Ahsoka burns bright in the yellowish green he remembers, so fresh, so young, and so free. Rex is the last one to set down his lantern. "Anakin Skywalker", he says, making sure to place it right in the middle of the shrine, next to the bright blue flame that is Cody's lantern for Obi Wan and in front of the green one that is Ahsoka's. His voice does not shake, his steps do not falter, as he walks back to the group and turns around to watch the lights. (We see Hunter shooting Rex a quick, slightly worried, slightly curious glance because he's still convinced Anakin and Rex had something going on after that very suspicious scene in season 7.) We see the Bad Batch exchanging glances because they kind of feel like intruders. Because they suddenly feel grief over something they never even really knew. But then again, did any of them? We see Omega holding on to Hunter, deeply moved but not completely understanding why or what this is all about. We have a wide shot of all the clones standing in front of the lights, watching them with varying stages of grief. Some of them look deeply hurt; some of them smile sadly or even relieved as they watch the bright light resembling their friends, their mentors, their comrades, their idols. Only a very few of them are crying. Because even after all that's happened, they're still so strong. So used to the losses. Most of them watch the lights and gain strength. Grow a determined look on their face. They're going to make up for this. If there's one thing they can do, it's fight, so you bet that's what they're going to do. Cut to Rex staring into the flames and putting on his brave face for his brothers. His strong face as the leader. The determined face that makes it so easy, natural to follow him. He stares into the lights and knows this is his fight, the role he plays, the task he is set to fulfill. He is setting himself to fulfill. Their destiny is in their own hands now. And they're going to use it to make the galaxy the Jedi couldn't. It's what they owe them. And, most importantly, it's what they want to do, too. They were made to protect the galaxy, and damn well, they will. Because the Jedi gave them hope. Showed them that it can be different. Taught them to believe in themselves. In the human in every single one of them. 
Cut to the Lanterns burning on the table, the colorful dancing flames, and it slowly zooms in on the bright blue flames of Anakin and Obi Wan burning next to each other.
But it doesn't stop there. It continues zooming in on Anakin's flame. And slowly, through the flickering light of Anakin's flame, we catch our first glimpse of Darth Vader. I'm thinking a Kenobi-like reveal. With dramatically swelling music and then just…breathing.
And then the screen goes black, bam episode over, bam Vader is the villain of Bad Batch now.
I know none of this makes sense, but it made me emotional, so….
Anyway if somebody else is having feels now, go listen to "Goodbye" by Ramsey, it's the song that was stuck in my head while writing this and it makes everything 100 times sadder :).
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kikyan · 1 year
Hello! I saw your writing and I was amazed on how great it is! I was wondering if I could request Yandere Octavinelle x a Mer shark reader that acts all proud and overconfident in human form (even threatening the twins and Azul since technically sharks are natural predators of mooray eels and octopi) but in actual mer form they are pathetic (small and their tail fin is terribly scarred so they are very slow) so they mostly hide.
Apologies for the way over specifics and I hope I am not a bother with my request.
Omg, thank you!! I hope each and every one of you guys knows I love and appreciate all of you!! You're never a bother with your request! Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy it!
I could see Azul get a tad bit annoyed at how you're always so proud. Honestly, who wouldn't? Azul hates the idea of being looked down upon and here you are threatening him? You're already on his list of trying to get a contract with you to reverse the tables (this is when he's overconfident in his ability so ofc he acts proud too). The twins just find it intriguing, Jade probably wants to see what would happen if you got into a fight and Floyd is probably trying to start it. I think Azul has a short temper along with Floyd (maybe not as short as Floyd but then again I don't see Floyd as getting angry, like genuine anger, over things like this) but Azul doesn't like confrontation. Azul enjoys planning your downfall and ideas to get you by his side while also realizing the power he has. Floyd wants to push your buttons and torment you slowly. Jade wants to see you reduced to a pitiful form through a carefully thought-out plan. Honestly, even just acting like hot shit around them is already a risk.
Imagine their surprise, when they see your shark form. Really? Is this the big reveal, the big monster that was going to swallow them whole? Pathetic. Azul would laugh, mock you even. I think Floyd mentioned how in the water Azul poses a huge threat because of his eight limbs and how he can actually move them individually? I wanna say this happened during the bean fest event? Regardless, this is embarrassing! I think Floyd and Jade would taunt and tease you relentlessly. They have more reason too. At first, they let you get away with it but now Floyd is there making your life hell. Pushing you down the stairs Trey style, he's snatching your homework, he's pulling your hair and pinching you. Jade is the worst, he's getting the others to start picking on you, and after a run-in with Floyd, you're scared to see Jade with a sickening smile on his face. He's following you and he may even join in the physical torment (they're not practicing WWE moves on yall sorry I just have to clarify that) like grabbing your wrist to tightly to the point you think he may snap it in half. Floyd comes around the corner and grabs the other one as they drag you to the monstro lounge to see Azul. I think they let the torment get so bad, not just Floyds but the others who have started thanks to Jade's help that you have no choice but to turn to Azul for a contract. What's this? Do you need help from the same people you threatened to jokingly eat and how you said you were better than them? Gee, I don't think we have a contract like that but I'm sure Azul can whip something up no? Then BAM! He has you in a contract that the bullying will cease and stop from the others as long as you become theirs. It's a good deal really, they could have you working tirelessly at Monstro Longue dealing with customers. Maybe even cooking and burning your beautiful hands. Though you're safe from the others, you're not safe from them. Now they really WILL practice their WWE moves on you.
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tooxmanyxships · 7 months
oof angst prompt ok......imagine max and daniel are pining for each other ala McLaren era but neither know the other likes them back and max out of frustration or something starts hooking up lewis in Fwb kinda way cause lewis gets him (brocedes style but also now george) and somehow shit gets leaked and it's all up in the news, so they start fake dating cause FWB/one night stands are so scandalous, in the meantime daniel is absolutely breaking down thinking how max is into guys but didn't pick him and George is now questioning shit cause he doesn't like the fact that max has lewis and Lewis didn't even tell him (denial of feelings maybe) . Lewis and max can't even break up too quickly cause they are in the public eye and have to be all lovey dovey (ish) and are slowly getting confused so now we have 4 sad people who have no clue how to fix this (bonus points if dan george appear closer after the whole leak cause they drown their sorrows together or something)
Damn I love this idea!
It's most likely gonna be multi chaptered, but that's more fun, right?
Consider this as a sneak peek/the first chapter
Will it have a happy end? I have no idea yet
Why did he have to leave him?
Okay, technically it was just Daniel switching teams, but, it didn't feel that way.
It felt like heartbreak.
Didn't Daniel have as much fun as he had while they were teammates?
Was it all his imagination of how close they were?
Was it really just him who felt like this about his teamma--- former teammate.
He'll have to get used to saying that. Even if he didn't want to.
It sucks. everything sucks.
He doesn't want to deal with these feelings, so he goes and drowns them at a bar in Monaco one night.
He's already pretty wasted when he sees him, at the bar, asking the bartender for a drink.
He makes his way over there to say hello.
"Lewis!" He slurs out the name a little. "Didn't expect to see you here."
"Max?" Lewis looks just as surprised as Max felt when he saw him. "I didn't know this was your type of bar."
It wasn't. Not until Daniel brought him here a few times. Then it somehow became his favorite one.
"What can I say... I'm full of surprises."
Lewis' lips curl up into a small grin and he slaps Max's shoulder amicably.
"You sure are." he thanks the bartender when he gets his drink, then turns back to Max. "You on your own?"
Max nods, "Yeah. What about you?"
"Same," Lewis took a sip from his drink, looking around. "It's pretty crowded tonight."
"That's fun, no?" Lewis can tell Max has already had a few drinks too many and honestly, he's getting there too. "Would be boring if it wasn't."
"Yeah," he thinks 'fuck it' and empties his glass in one go. "You wanna dance?"
It's a silly question, because he knows Max isn't exactly world's greatest dancer - neither is he - but he just needs to do something to get the pressure off. He's pretty sure Max feels the same way.
The grin on Max's face says enough. Lewis has just enough time to place his glass back onto the bar before he gets dragged off to the dancefloor.
They dance, laugh and drink some more. They get kicked out, along with some other customers, when the bar is going to close and they stumble outside.
"You wanna share a cab?"
Lewis thinks Max must be more drunk than he thought he was for asking this.
"Yeah, sure."
He knows he's far gone when he gives his answer.
The ride in the backseat of the cab is... Interesting.
Max gets a little bit touchy and Lewis doesn't really seem to mind.
Max gets really clingy when they're in the hotel lobby and Lewis has no choice but to pull Max into the elevator and help him up to his room.
He wants to leave and go to his own room straight away, but Max - who has even more strength than Lewis gave him credit for - grabs him and then he's crowding him in and kissing him and Lewis has nowhere to go.
He could push him away, but fuck--- he craves this. Whatever this is.
They end up as two naked bodies in tangled sheets, whispering words which are meant for someone else.
Max wishes the voice had an Australian accent. Lewis wishes the voice sounded more British.
But it is what it is. They did what they did.
And when Lewis sneaks out of the hotel later on, he doesn't feel particularly bad about it and neither does Max.
It's Pierre who texts him first. Just a: 'mate. Did you see this?' and a link to some picture on some gossip site.
Daniel clicks on it anyway, prepared to immediately close it again, but he stops when he sees the picture and the headline.
"Sir Lewis Hamilton caught sneaking out of the red bull drivers' hotel"
This can't be what they're insinuating here.
There must be some perfectly fit other explanation for this.
But he makes the mistake of scrolling further - - -
There are more pictures. Pictures of Lewis and Max at a bar. - their bar -.
Pictures of Max and Lewis getting out of said bar and into a cab.
Sharing a cab.
Max and Lewis getting out at the red bull hotel - - -
Daniel closes the article and slams his phone down.
He knows how Max gets when he's drunk.
It makes his stomach turn.
It looks like things went down exactly as insinuated.
Why Lewis?
Why not him?
Did their time together as teammates really mean that little to the Dutch boy?
Whatever reason Max had, it really, really hurt Daniel a lot.
But he was gonna act like nothing happened.
Just be like he always was with Max.
He wondered how George felt about this.
That's the first thing that crossed George's mind when he came across the pictures of Lewis and Max partying together.
His eyes widening a little at the pictures at the hotel.
Why people waited so long to see someone come back out of a hotel, he really didn't understand.
But yeah, it was interesting to see. Especially because it was those two.
Maybe nothing really happened.
- as if -
He was definitely gonna investigate.
And while investigating, he'd be distracted from all other disturbing things he might or might not be feeling for his teammate
It was a win win situation.
Sort of.
If Lewis was happy, then he was happy too.
Or that's what he likes to make himself belief.
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bumblekastclips · 8 months
KYLE CROUSE: And the last question from Majobunny, "Because I always have to bring it back to magical girls: Would Surge and/or Kit be a fan of magical girls? Either a certain type of magical girl or just the concept in general?"
IAN FLYNN: Hmm... knee-jerk reaction, I'm gonna say Surge is not a fan because the power has to come from somewhere else. They have to transform, and they have to conform to these uniforms or whatever look- their attire, to get the gimmick of their power. And that already strikes a little close to home given that she had powers foisted upon her, but they're hers. She has them twenty-four-seven. She uses them as she sees fit, she doesn't need to do any incantation or canned animation to become powerful -- she already is. "Look at these frilly little whatevers, dancin' around with their wands and what not. Nah!" She'd take 'em all on, with or without their transformations! She's better than all of 'em! Kit thinks they're pretty. KYLE: [laughs] IAN: He likes the sparkles. He's not gonna admit it out loud, but, y'know... KYLE: No, of course not. IAN: It's kinda fun to imagine that just with a little razzle-dazzle, you turn into something more glamorous and fun and adventurous and powerful and -- no, he's not watching this, Surge! Uh, uh, uh, the TV just happened to come onto that channel! Click click click click click! KYLE: Of course! Of course. [chuckles] Oh no, oh... I don't know, maybe they might both like Steven Universe, though. Technically a magical girl show, but... a little different. IAN: Oh, Surge would be all about Amethyst. KYLE: [laughs, then reading chat] I'm receiving the suggestion that she would like Jasper. IAN: Mhm! Mhm, mhm. KYLE: Nice, nice. But she would hate the musical bits, of course. IAN: Oh, absolutely, with a burning passion. KYLE: [laughs] Until they break her, and she would eventually start singing along. IAN: Heh, well I mean, she's kind of humming Stronger Than You to herself, but she's not going to admit it. She doesn't know what that song is, what are you talking about? KYLE: No, never heard that ep before in her life! [chuckles] IAN: Meanwhile, Kit has every number memorized. KYLE: [giggles] [BumbleKast outro music begins to play]
----- TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It's just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don't like an answer, you don't have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It's all just for fun! ----- This question was requested by @bunnymajo! Do you want a specific question transcribed and posted? Send the question and the episode date to my ask box! Or if you just want questions about a certain character, send me their name and I will see what I can do!
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stillfrownyclownlol · 6 months
The writing is not writing so um
*Bursts into tears*
Aidlyn ship question thingy because they are the only thing keeping me alive at this point 🙃 BTW this thing is EXTREMELY long so be warned.
Questions from @jennystahl
1. How did they first meet?
On the school bus during their first day of freshmen year, obviously :)
2. What was their first impression of each other?
Ash: ... ... ...well. you know. she thought he was a creep- which, to be fair, is a little bit true. Annoying, pushy, borderline stalkerish...she also thought his contacts were weird.
Aiden: He thought she seemed really interesting :) he was very excited to talk to her and he thought that her sitting in front of them was a sign she wanted to start a conversation. Thought her hair was pretty.
3. Did any of their friends and family want to get them together?
Taylor thinks they are super cute together! So does Logan, one time he offered to check their star sign compatibility ^_^ Ben is totally supportive of whatever Aiden wants to do, will be his "wingman" if he asks. Tyler thinks they should just suck it up and get together already. Her parents...ehh...they trust her to make good decisions, even if they think Aiden is "eccentric" (they're still on good terms with him tho!), Jessica and Daniel are just happy he found somebody.
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Aiden aiden aiden aiden.
5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Hahaha hahaha. Yes! Of course- Aiden didn't think Ash would ever like him like that so he kinda just buried his feelings since he DEEPLY values his friendship with her. Ash is not really good at distinguishing her feelings between romantic and platonic so it took her a long time to realize. At the beginning she was kinda freaked out about it, but she accepted it pretty quickly.
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soul mate, what would they think?
Depends when, but I assume this means when they just met.
Ash: "what kind of sick joke is that?"
Aiden: I don't think the idea would bother him or anything. Would probably get a good laugh out of it though.
7. What would their lives be like if they had never met?
No phantom dimension at least, but Ashlyn would probably be coasting through life alone struggling to make connections, and Aiden would probably keep spiralling if he didn't make any real friends. I think he'd be a lot more unhappy than her.
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Ashlyn. She told him kind of bluntly that she had feelings for him and that she wanted to get that off her chest (Taylor gave her the advice). Aiden was ecstatica to say the least.
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Not really...they'd already hung out together alone so they just went out again and did what they usually did. They just like to go somewhere quiet like the graveyard and spend time together, Ash's love language is quality time <3
3. What was their first kiss like?
*kneels* Red...I'm praying rn because i hope this will happen in the webtoon...
Probably a heat of the moment kind of thing. Specially if it was Aiden that was injured. It takes a lot for Ash to take initiative lol. If they weren't dealing with the phantom dimension anymore, I think Aiden would just ask her if he could kiss her after a date or smth. Either way, it's probably very awkward on Ash's part lmao :"D they probably knocked their teeth together haha
4. Were they each other's first anything?
Aiden is pretty much Ash's first...everything. he's the first guy she's kissed, her first relationship, and, technically, her first friend. Ash is Aiden's first romantic relationship. He's had friends before tho and he's kissed some other people, but nothing serious.
5. Height difference? Age difference?
Aiden is 174 cm and Ashlyn is 155 cm, so...7ish inches? I don't know how to convert-
Aiden was born in October 2000, and Ash was born in June 2001, so they have about 8 months between them 👍🏽
6. What's their relationship with each other's families? Do they share a friend group?
Ofc they share a friend group lol.
Mike and Emma like Aiden ^_^ they're pretty close with all of Ash's friends, but when they found out they were dating they didn't spare him the "parent-boyfriend" talk lol. Ash's relationship with his parents is...pretty awkward, she doesn't like them all that much, but Aidens been working on their relationship so she doesn't say anything. Same with his aunt and uncle. She likes hanging out with Lily tho, even if she's awkward around kids :)
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
Depends on the situation, but usually Aiden will, he basically has no filter when it comes to talking with people lol. Very much the "Excuse me sir, she asked for no pickles." Meme 🤡 (Ash would just be annoyed and scrape them off)
8. Who gets jealous easier?
Aiden absolutely. It's the BPD + ADHD rejection sensitivity. Can spiral into irrationality ngl. Thankfully he doesn't get aggressive or gives her the cold shoulder, if anything he gets clingier.
9. Who whispers unsuitable things in the others' ear?
Aiden 100% 🫠 will say the most out of pocket shit ever at the worst possible time and Ash just has to fight back her laugh because oh my god, this guy.
1. Who said "I love you" first?
Aiden. She got kinda awkward and couldn't say it back, but he didn't take it personally because she hugged him afterwards.
2. What are their primary love languages?
Ash is quality time as mentioned above. She doesn't need grand gestures, or gifts, or him reassuring her constantly, she just wants to...be around him.
Aiden is definitely touch. It's easy, it makes him feel good, and he feels like it expresses what he wants to say better than words. But he really likes it when Ash reassures him with words of affirmation anyways.
3. Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
Do you even have to ask? Aiden pretty much greets her with one every day and Ash still hasn't understood a single one. There's also like, a 25% chance he will forget the pick up line half way through delivering it so he'll just bungle the whoel thing up.
4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Aiden kinda hovers around her in public so PDA is a given. She's got a pretty strict "no pda at school" rule tho. She's okay with him putting his arm around her or putting their heads together, but no kissing. Cuddling at home? That's fine, she likes napping with him.
5. Who initiates kisses?
Ash if it's on the mouth, Aiden if it's anywhere else.
6. Who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon?
Neither, they sleep facing each other. Aiden moves around in his sleep a lot which drives Ash nuts. They usually end up tangled together, to Ash's despair.
7. What are their favourite things to do together?
Ash isn't super picky, she generally prefers something they can do at home. She really likes watching documentaries about her special interests while they lie on the couch together.
Aiden likes doing puzzles with her, they get to talk together while doing one of his favourites activities :) he likes to go out too, but he doesn't want Ash to get overstimulated, so they'll usually go out to some deserted place at night.
8. Who's better at comforting the other?
They both suck at it lmao 💀 but Aiden calms down a lot faster than Ash does, so technically Ash is better.
9. Who's more protective?
They both are extremely protective. And like in a feral way ngl. They WILL choose violence lol.
10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Ash likes physical affection because she doesn't really know how to respond to verbal affection. Aiden is fine with either, a cuddle or a compliment is good for him :) Slight preference towards physical touch tho, and verbal is like a little treat for him since Ash almost never does it.
11. What are some songs that apply to their relationship?
I let you go to Red's playlist for that :D (But I recommend "High on Life", good song that explains Aiden's view on Ash)
12. What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Ash doesn't use nicknames a lot, she just calls him Aiden, or something like "stupid, idiot, dumbass, imbecile" when he's annoyed her. Mr. Durable is the closest thing to a pet name she will give him lol.
Aiden will call Ash every single freaking thing you can imagine. Baby, babe, Bae, my love if he's feeling dramatic, Red because he's obvious like that, "wifey" is he's feeling fearless lmao. And then there's the *weird* petnames; "my sweet ketchup packet", "my favourite little rubix cube", "my beautiful princess with a disorder". All of these make Ash want to rip her hair out.
13. Who remembers the little things?
Neither of them do in on purpose 🤡 Aiden will just hyperfixate on stuff Ash tells him and remember it for special occasions. Ash is more about the every day little things, reminds him to drink water, sends him food in case he forgot it, asks how he's sleeping.
1. If they get married, who proposes?
Aiden had a whole thing planned before Ash asked him for the tax benefits.
2. What's the wedding like? Who attends?
They prolly got married at city hall because they're not religious and also a big wedding in front of a lot of people stresses Ash out. The squad came and both sets of parents 👍🏽 They prolly had a small party afterwards to celebrate.
3. How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
Probably just one...I think they'd either talk about it for a loooooong time or have one on accident haha
4. Do they have any pets?
A big rescue dog, breed undeterminable. :)
5. Who's the stricter parent?
Ash absolutely, somebody has gotta keep everybody in line! Not afraid to go into "Sargent mode" if necessary >:)
6. Who worries the most?
Aiden, but like in a private way where he can't even sleep. The BPD hits and he sees the world as very dangerous. Ash is better at rationalising her worries.
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
Aiden, bugs don't really bother him, so he probably catches them if he's bored and finds one. Ash isn't afraid of bugs either, but she dislikes spiders. Too many legs :p
8. How do they celebrate holidays?
They'll usually meet up with the rest of the squad and their families! If they can't, Ash likes to keep it lowkey ^_^ Aiden WILL go all out for Halloween tho. And Christmas. And New Year's, and...yeah, they both have different ideas lol.
9. Who's more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Aiden pretty much sleeps for like 4 hours every night and gets up at like 5 in the morning just to do crap, so if they don't need to do anything, Ash will call him back to cuddle for a bit. Helps him sleep <3
10. Who's the better cook?
Ash, her parents taught her the basics. She's not a master chef or anything, but she won't set the kitchen on fire like Aiden.
11. Who likes to dance?
Ash is way more passionate about dance (specifically ballet) than Aiden is, but they both like dancing. Sometimes they slow dance at home if they're feeling romantic :)
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coruscantguard · 1 year
FoxQuin Week, Day 2
Written for the alternate prompt, Fox kills Palpatine. Woooo!!!! The Sith is dead!!!
(Ao3 Link)
"In my defense," Fox says slowly, carefully choosing his words. "I didn't mean to."
It's not a very good defense. In fact, it's a pretty shit one. It's the kind of defense that the Prosecutor's office usually hopes a defendant will blurt out when they're taken in for questioning, because it makes their job easy. (At least, that's the impression he's gotten from working with the Prosecutor's office in the past.)
General Quinlan Vos looks at him, looks at the remains of the body on the floor. Looks back up at him. "Sorry, can we back up to the part where he exploded and the Force instantly got ten times lighter? Because I'm stuck on the part where he exploded and the Force suddenly got ten times lighter."
"I wouldn't know that, sir, I can't feel the Force," Fox replies, sneaking another glance at the remains of the Chancellor's dead body. Yeah, that was the Chancellor once, that's for sure. "I'll have to defer to your judgment regarding that."
General Vos laughs at that. It sounds... a little high-pitched, a little strangled. "You just saved the galaxy from a Sith Lord, Commander, you don't need to call me sir."
Fox has no idea how those two things are meant to be linked. Or what a "Sith Lord" is. Weren't they evil Jedi, or something? Was the Chancellor a rogue Jedi?
... Yeah, he's not about to ask General Vos that one. Fox hasn't gotten as far as he is by asking questions. Although, to be fair, where he "is" is the Chancellor's office after having killed the Chancellor, so maybe he should be asking more questions.
"Kriff, this is gonna give Mace such a bad headache," General Vos says after a moment of silence from Fox. He laughs again. It still sounds a little strangled. "Right, well, you'll probably need to come to the Temple, Commander, so we can make sure you're safe as we sort out the red tape surrounding this. It's going to be a little complicated, as historically, it's only the Jedi who are legally allowed to take action regarding Sith Lords, but I'm sure Madam Nu will figure something out. Maybe there's a Good Samaritan law we can use, since I was here, and you were technically protecting me."
What. "What?"
General Vos looks up to meet his eyes. He's starting to look a little concerned. "Legal protection, Fox. Are you okay? Were you injured in the explosion?"
"I'm fine, sir," Fox starts, then pauses, tries to figure out how to delicately ask this. Fails. Okay, whatever, he's already screwed, kark it. "I just killed the Chancellor of the Republic. Why are you trying to protect me from the consequences?"
"I mean, the Chancellor of the Reoublic was a Sith Lord. You just killed a Sith Lord." General Vos paused, presumably to let that sink in. Unfortunately, Fox has no idea what that means, so the only thing that sinks in is the realization that he's missing something big. "That's justifiable, you know, you shouldn't be punished for it."
Fox blinks. Stares. Tries to formulate a response. Fails. The Jedi is obviously going to be stubborn about this. Maybe it's just best to go along with things, for now.
Kriffing Jedi.
"Whatever you think is best, sir," he finally says. He's certainly not going to complain about not getting decommissioned, no matter how weird the reasoning behind it. "I'll follow your lead."
(And… maybe that thought is a bit fonder than it should be. Maybe. But he’ll never admit it out loud.)
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sea-owl · 1 year
Wait, I just had the funniest idea. What if we reverse roles and made the spouses the scandal loving society darlings while the Bridgertons are the more reserved, new to London family.
So, instead of the Bridgertons permanently moving to London after Edmund's death, they primarily stay at Aubrey Hall, wanting to be closer to their father. They do their own thing out there, not bothering anyone. A charming family who mainly keeps to themselves.
Meanwhile back in London instead of hiding or running away at their family members'/society's mistreatment of them Simon, Sophie, Phillip, Penelope, Gareth, and Lucy said alright bet bitch I'm about to be your worst societal nightmare. Kate and Michael join in as the ride or dies.
Edwina, Felicity, and possibly Posy are the younger siblings that came along one time because big sis was on baby sitting duty, then immediately surprised adopted by the rest of the group. They behave for the most part but are highly ammused/entertained by their siblings' antics with their friends.
Like the spouses old enough should have been forced into marriages with one another already with how often they skirt around or outright break rules of proprietary. But the spouses have more than one brain cell that they're not forced to share between them. They find technicalities in the system all the time and expose them when they purposely break the rules of proprietary. They do not care about reputation either, which makes the threat of it being ruined not their problem.
They also have societal den mother Lady Danbury in their corner who likes the chaos they cause. These brats are giving her free entertainment, why wouldn't she?
Then comes the year of 1815. With her three oldest daughters being 23, 19, and 18 respectively, Violet proposes to Anthony the idea of going to London for a season. They have tried to find matches out in Kent, but there has been no such luck.
"Just for the season," Violet said. "I'm worried we're passing up any opportunities by staying out here."
What Violet doesn't say she's fearful none of her children will find the love she shared with Edmund if they are to stay at Aubrey Hall. She's sure that even if just one of her children finds a love match in London, it will inspire the rest and maybe even create a domino effect.
Anthony agrees to give London a try so long as the others are in agreement. The others agree to try for a season. I mean what could honestly happen?
They are not prepared for the chaos about to enter their lives.
Upon arrival to the Bridgerton London House one of the first things they see is a group equal of men and women dancing in the street, and not a chaperone in sight. Perhaps they were performers? But what would performers be doing n the middle of Mayfair? Especially ones who wore clothes like the members of the ton. The group noticed them and all gave a wave in greeting.
A shout came from somewhere and the group ran off laughing.
During tea a few days later Violet brought up the strange sight to her old friend Lady Danbury.
Lady Danbury laughed. "I see you got your first glimpse of my favorite little hellions. I'll have to give you a proper introduction at my ball next week."
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Hello, this is for that 'Send me a ship' thing. And the ship I'm sending is sokka/zuko please! Have a lovely day-
Ooooh, good one! I love Zukka, so this will be fun, ha.
I'll put the answers in a read more since it's very long, ha.
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you…
Who asks the other on dates: I think they both would, you know? They would alternate date ideas, with Sokka prefering more like... educational type dates, like going to libraries, while Zuko would prolly like more chill dates, like having a picnic by the turtle duck pond.
Who is the bigger cuddler: Sokka. Zuko does not strike me as a very clingy person, but Sokka would attach to you like a pentapus and not let go.
Who initiates holding hands more often: Hm... I think Sokka again, since like I said in the previous answer, he strikes me as a more physically affectionate person. After all, he was raised in the south pole, so he had to be comfortable cuddling close to stay warm.
Who remembers anniversaries: I think Zuko... they're both terrible at it, but Zuko seems like the more quietly romantic type who would want to do things on anniversaries. Sokka would want to, but his brain is constantly thinking up new things and he forgets the important dates. Not that Zuko minds it, ha.
Who is more possessive: Zuko. In my eyes, Zuko is a possessive person given all he lost as a kid. He holds the things he loves very close to his chest (metaphorically) and hates letting them leave his sight for even a moment. Plus, I think in The Beach he was a bit possessive of Mai, right? I don't remember since I dislike that episode and don't rewatch it often, ha. But also Sokka doesn't strike me as a possessive person.
Who gets more jealous: Zuko again for the reasons above.
Who is more protective: Hm... I'd say Sokka, if only because he's been the unofficial protector of the Gaang for so long that it's become a part of him and he's deathly protective of everyone he loves, but Zuko especially since Zuko seems bound and determined to get himself killed.
Who is more likely to cheat: Neither. They're both fiercely loyal and would NEVER betray the other like that.
Who initiates sexy times the most: Ehhhh I don't like thinking of this stuff too much, so I can't really say.
Who dislikes PDA the most: Zuko, if only because he was raised in a very conservative, restrictive family who never touched each other gently, especially after his mother left. PDA makes Zuko anxious that someone will come and make him stop or something.
Who kills the spider: Neither. They make Katara or Toph do it.
Who asks the the other to marry them: They both do. They both have an elaborate plan to ask the other to marry them, but both backfire spectacularly (like Momo steals the engagement necklace that Sokka spent months perfecting, or Aang misremembers what he was supposed to say and sends Sokka in the complete opposite direction of where Zuko requested he send Sokka, etc.) and they eventually just show one another the engagement item they got/made, and laugh over their stupidity.
Who buys the other flowers or gifts: They both do equally. Zuko likes to give thoughtful gifts that he carefully picked out, while Sokka gives things he found on the ground that he thought was neat, like a cool rock or a flower from the garden. Sokka also does the thoughtful gifts sometimes, but he prefers giving small things that made him think of Zuko throughout the day.
Who would bring up possibly having kids: I think it would be Zuko at first, if only because he has to have an heir for the throne, but Sokka would be 100% on board and would actually be much more excited (and nervous) that Zuko once the idea is planted in his head.
Who is more nervous to meet the parents: Well, technically speaking they have already met each others parents, but when meeting them as a romantic partner, definitely Zuko. Given his impossibly strained relationship with his own father, not to mention the fact he was Sokka's enemy and once terrorized the Southern Water Tribe, he'd be absolutely terrified that Hakoda will hate him and will forbid him from ever dating Sokka. Sokka would have to talk him down at least 10 times from a panic attack before the first official meeting. It ends up that the fears were completely unfounded since Hakoda respects Zuko greatly and is proud of how far he's come.
Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: Ehhh I honestly don't know... I'd say Sokka maybe? Not much reasoning on that. It's almost 1 am here and I'm too tired to think up more, ha.
Who tries to make up first after arguments: For petty arguments, Sokka, since Zuko is too stubborn and prideful to concede first. But if Zuko truly is at fault and he knows it, Zuko would be the first to own up and apologize sincerely.
Who tells the other they love them more often: Sokka says it more often verbally, again because he was raised in a physically and emotionally open environment while Zuko was raised with Ozai and Azula so... yeah. However, Zuko would show his love more often in small ways, which I'd give an example of but again I'm very tired and can't remember the example I thought up a minute ago, sorry.
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