#Ice Hulk
ratatatastic · 6 days
youre telling me you had a mic on mikksy the entire time and the moment you captured is the one between him and chris in the handshake line... "good luck buddy you have to go win it" [insert the sounds of multiple wailing cats]
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the ex ranger narrative compels me and chris craddling mikksys head to his shoulder and his gives him his well wishes...
new york rangers @ florida panthers game 6 | 6.1.24 (x)
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drspleenmeister · 9 months
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Could someone please pass the memo to Ferrari?!
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glassfisharts · 5 months
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popping-your-culture · 8 months
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Art by the legendary Arthur Adams
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supersonicdp · 1 month
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funky-cheese · 1 month
Yes, I mean stark raving hazelnuts and Hunka-Hulka Burnin Fudge
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govthookercoulson · 2 months
I find the OmniMan vs Homelander discussion to be frankly banal
And that's speaking as someone who, as an exercise, has figured out how to pit superpowers against each other to stalemate or win. I've figured out how to beat the Hulk with Quicksilver.
This is why I have telepathic blocks installed and why I am very paranoid around telepaths except Xavier (good and long time friend).
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Anyway, a few issues here.
I'm not going to say OmniMan is not a problem. He is a potential Brightburn level problem. I respect him. I'd like to say I respect him from a long distance, but let's be honest, with a being like OmniMan, distance doesn't matter. I could be a star system away. I could be a galaxy away. Much like Superman: it would not matter.
When dealing with superpowers of THAT tier level, you have a lot of things to take into account. Weaknesses, if any (and is always at least one, no one is perfect, no one), but most vitally how their mind works. Defeating a superpower is ultimately an act of subversion. You have to bend their strength back inward even if you're using other superpowers in that chess game.
I have plans for the Hulk.
I have plans for Magneto.
I have plans for Xavier.
I have plans for Deadpool and his narrators.
I have plans for Superman.
The list goes on. Hell, Superman is actually deceptively easy and he needs to watch his fucking back because I know of at least two individuals that not only have multiple contingency plans to take Superman out, and one of them will enact those plans if he's just fucking bored that day.
But that's besides the point.
It's not just the superpower you're taking down. It's the superpower you're using to foil. And that is the issue of OmniMan vs Homelander.
When you're on the power tier of OmniMan, you have to be controlled and you have to have a plan. You also have to be able to adapt on the fly.
Homelander does not have that capability. With all the love in my Captain America worshipping heart, Homelander does not have the chops. He'll go in with a plan, get pissed, lose all strategy and be torn to shreds by OmniMan.
Because OmniMan is so, so top tier powerful that he'll keep his cool. And you better pray to every god you do or don't believe in he'll keep his cool.
We won't have a planet if he loses it.
I do not currently have a plan for OmniMan.
It keeps me up at night.
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s0fter-sin · 1 year
i hate the commercialisation of the avengers inside the mcu both bc i find it cringy and meta but also bc it narratively doesn’t make sense.
we spent ten years establishing that the avengers are a contentious presence, civil war was literally about people not trusting them bc of what/who they are and now it’s almost completely erased and everyone loves them now? and don’t even get me started on rogers the musical
the way clint reacts makes it seem like the writers are trying to say it’s in poor taste but it’s less bc it trivialises a literal alien invasion but bc clint misses natasha and it hurts him to see an interpretation of her. not bc people are singing and dancing about an event that got hundreds if not thousands of people killed. the closest american equivalent i can think of is 9/11. people can’t even joke about it without being torn apart and it happened over 20 years ago. the battle of new york happened 10 years ago in the current mcu, the snap happened maybe a year ago, you’re telling me everyone’s chill with a musical about one of the worst days of their lives?
“i can do this all day” being their tagline encapsulates everything i dislike about it. the only people steve said that to were nazis that were immediately killed, tony who would never talk about what happened in siberia and the 2012 version of steve says it to him. no one else would know that phrase and acting like it’s something he crowed from the rooftops is at best a plot hole and at worse, an indictment of how little care the writers are having for the new era of the mcu
#other than the odd thanos was right graffiti the public loves the avengers now#and that spits in the face of over 10 years of established development and world building#even scott writing a book and becoming a celebrity doesnt make sense with his character considering all he wanted was to be a good father#now he wants to be famous and get attention?#to the point of disregarding his daughter? the entire point of his character?#and tony and hulk and presumably the rest of them getting ice cream named after them after civil war? everyone hated you three minutes ago#i already hated professor hulk for killing the hulk then acting like they didnt but him signing things and dabbing during the blip?#why was he being treated like a celebrity?#he and the avengers failed and half the universe died as a result why would people like him after that?#the avengers bringing everyone back shouldve created an ‘it was the least you could do considering you failed the first time’ energy#it should be grudging gratitude not this worship thats happening#which makes the flag smashers even weaker when theyre the only ones not sucking up the avengers ass#of course they hate the new world order theyre villains not getting what they want duh#instead of it being a valid expression#everyone in the world is way too happy and chill with everything when Half Of Everything Was Dead a year ago#it just doesnt follow the careful realistic world building set up over the entire mcu#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt#marvelous#talk meta to me#marvel#the avengers#the snap#meta#captain america#rogers the musical#endgame#mcu#phase 4#phase four
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avengerphobic · 1 year
they should just make it so Steve Rogers and Tony Stark aren't allowed on the avengers anymore. Thor too i think... theyre on there too often
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findusinaweek · 11 months
God, I'm so thankful for fellow Brasidas lovers.
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clown-cult · 2 years
I was diagnosed with DID a couple of years ago and Avengers Earth’s Mightiest Heroes Hulk reminds me of Adventure Time’s Ice King and in the best possible way.
Both the Hulk and the Ice King are seen as the respective “darker halves” to their “true selves” Bruce Banner and Simon Petrikov. The way the rest of their world starts out seeing them and their behaviour is as harmful presences, something that must be stopped and contained, and nothing more than an unfortunate byproduct to their more socially acceptable, conventional “real selves”.
That’s how their worlds see them…but it’s not how they’re written. Both manage to be inseparably linked to their original selves, while still being their own fully fleshed out people…and the narrative shows those people are just as deserving of respect, understanding and companionship.
Both Hulk and Ice King work to better themselves as others show kindness to them and begin to treat them like actual people and not just something that needs to be gotten rid of. They respond positively to finally be treated with respect and are able to maintain their new relationships of their own volition.
It’s a really beautiful thing to see and sends a cathartic message of understanding, support and care to people not only with DID, but I’d say to anyone with mental illness. It’s definitely on my go-to list of recommendations.
While the finale to Adventure Time was beautiful, some part of me wishes Simon had stayed as the Ice King. Similar to why people are bothered by the MCU’s treatment of Bruce and Hulk, people with mental illness don’t just get an off-switch or magic instant cure and I feel to an extent it would have been a more powerful message for Betty to finally accept and embrace Simon as Ice King before choosing to save him anyway.
As Ice King himself said in Elementals when Betty was attempting to cure him, “I guess I’m a special person. And I am worthy of respect.”
No one wants or chooses to have mental illness and no one can expect people to just accept it instantly. There are always going to be people who, sometimes motivated out of sheer love and the best of intentions, want to change you back into who you were, even though it’s not possible. There will always be work for you to do try and improve yourself, to make your own life better, to maintain connections to the people you care about.
But you are still worthy of respect. And I think Ice King and EMH Hulk are powerful examples of that.
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izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
@monmuses (david bruce banner)
It was a rare occasion where David was finally around to keep an eye on Charity. Only for a day where being watchful was a little bit necessary. Thankfully, Clint had tagged along, and it was strangely... nice. Having company that wasn't with strangers and with folks he was familiar with was comforting.
"The last time I've done this was... probably a few years ago," he said to himself, resting his arms in his lap. "What about you, Clint? Anything you've... been up to lately? This summer is expecting to be pretty hot this year."
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Clint's not the greatest with self care or work-life balance, he was always working in one way or another. Yet he found the time to have a family, rooted them down somewhere nice, and come home to them when he could. Or bring them up to where he was rooted for work on weekends to take them out around the city.
"Last time you've done this..." He squints at the other, than looks around them. Taking a walk to a park, playground for kids in front of them, Lucky napping at Clint's feet as the two men sit at a bench.
"What? Take a walk, go to the park with your kid? See a friend, pet a dog?" That was sad, like really sad in a way that Clint wouldn't have understood years ago when he was younger.
"Global warming right?" He retorts to the small talk about what kind of summer it was looking to be. His eyes looking up to the sky, finding where the sun was and starting for a moment. "I keep my eye on the neighborhood, than fly back home and it's parent-teacher week. Trying to keep civil."
He really wanted to punt the school system into the atmosphere, but he was playing nice with the kids' teachers.
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immortalmuses · 11 months
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@mademarveling sent: ❝ Holku... ❞ It is merely the ghost of a whisper. A brief gust of sound carried along the air to caress the shell of his ear. And yet it seems so close, so real even, as if she's right there beside him. Her voice as clear as day, yet upon turning towards the scant hope of beholding a corporeal form, he is met with the brush of wind and nothing more. // just some haunting Caiera for Brucey babe cause ilu 😘
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{omg I am so happy and yet so sad right now, Caiera!!! 😭}
          Bruce is standing on the sun-warmed tarmac of a dusty airfield outside Büyükçekmece, Istanbul when he hears... her.
          A Mediterranean breeze stirs the curls at the nape of the physicist's neck (his hair is getting long again, really should cut it) and cools the sweat gathering under the collar of his linen shirt. For a moment, Bruce breathes out and closes his eyes, savoring this moment of freedom...
          He spins around, a sharp inhalation caught in his throat, eyes scanning the barren airfield, its squat buildings and stretch of fencing. This place has nowhere to hide, nothing to obscure the tall, silver-skinned warrior that stole his Hulk's heart, years and worlds away from here. But there's nothing... no one, beyond the heat haze rising off the rocky shoreline, the sea electric-blue in the distance.
          "Caiera..." Bruce breathes, nearly choking on the word, old wounds aching anew. He lets the duffel slide from his shoulder, standing alone (again. always.), and tries not to cry.
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Art Edit Credit to Roberto Coltro
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