#Like I was fully expecting to have all of this cool content to catch up on once I was done with my exams
14dayswithyou · 1 year
PSA ! I'm turning anon back on so all y’all attention-seeking assholes can direct your hate towards me instead of harassing indie yan devs who just wanna have fun and interact on this platform.
Also!! Here's an article you should read once you're done bothering game devs! It's really interesting and definitely applies to all of you
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feral4daryl · 6 months
need a part 2 of sweet scent with pervy daryl trying to explain it to you but you couldn't get it cuz you'd never done anything like it so he says he's gonna show you how good it feels and has to muffle your screams so no one in the house hears you as his cock practically splits your tiny cunt in half and he uses his thumb to rub ur clit to try and make u relax.........
I'm crazy but I'm free
masterlist and other infos || MDNI
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sweet scent pt2.
perv!daryl x innocent!fem!reader
summary: after getting caught sniffing your panties by you, daryl persuades you into giving your precious virginity away to him while your dad's just in the next room.
warnings: EXTREME AGE GAP (daryl's is in late 30s/early 40s and reader is 18 [or older, it's up to you]), 18+ smut, praising, dubcon? (reader lacks enthusiastic consent at first and daryl has to do some convincing), panty gagging, p-in-v, blowjobs, cunnilingus, masturbation, manipulation, petnames, daddy kink, orgasm denial, mentions of dumbification, mentions of degradation.
word count: 6.2k
a/n: the following content contains some extreme fetishes and kinks that some readers might find disturbing, so if you're not comfortable with any of those, please do not proceed. click here to read part 1.
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<previous chapter>
[...] His movements got slower until they stopped and he let go of his now sensitive cock. He sighed after catching his breath. he was left with that afterglow and the feeling that he made a huge mistake. suddenly, he felt dirty like before. He opened his eyes slowly, removing your panties from his face and putting them in his pockets. yeah, he knew it was wrong, but he was still planning to keep them for later.
Then, when he averted his gaze to the mirror on his side, he saw...
You. Standing on the doorframe with a shocked look on your face.
"U-uncle Daryl?"
You definitely weren't what Daryl expected to see when he opened his eyes, the remains of his freshly busted nut all over his hand and his cock out, fully on display. For a good 5 seconds, he just freezed, completely unsure of what to do. But then, it hit him. He freaked out.
His eyes got as big as they possibly could and he immediately pulled his cock in his pants back again, clumsily trying to regain his composure, taking a little longer than usual due to his nervousness. Meanwhile, you just stood there with an unreadable expression. You didn't look exactly shocked, or angry, or anything like it. You looked strangely curious, with your head slightly tilted to the side.
Daryl shook his hand to get rid of some of his essence that was still sticking to it and then rubbed it on the side of his pants, on the hip area. Still not capable of looking you in the eyes, he quickly glanced at your frame and finally broke the awkward silence.
“Y/N? W-What'r'ya doin' here?” Stuttering was very unusual for Daryl, considering that although he was a man of very few words, he was always very direct and precise with them. Maybe playing it cool as if you hadn't just caught him in the act was the way out of that unpleasant situation.
“Well...” You let out a small chuckle and took a step closer to him. “This is my room.” His awkward smile immediately faded away.
“Oh, uh... I was jus’...” He looked around the room, searching for anything to use as an excuse for being there. But before he could start, you interrupted him.
“I didn't leave with the others, daddy told me to stay here to take care of you. He's in his room.” Your sweet girly voice had a way of calming Daryl, making him a bit more relaxed despite the current scenario and the shame he was feeling. But at the same time, just hearing you enunciate that one little word 'daddy' had him taking a deep breath to control his urges and not have another erection right there and then. You said that so innocently, because, well, it was in fact innocent since you referred to your actual father Hershel, but still, Daryl's twisted mind made it sound suggestive in his head.
“Take care'a me?” He pondered. Daryl wondered why your reaction was so calm considering what you had just witnessed. Maybe you didn't see much.
“You know, somebody's gotta change your bandage.” You smiled and pointed to his head that still had the bandage around it. “Actually, can you step to the side a bit? So I can...” You gestured to the dressing table behind him. He didn't say anything and just did as you said, moving to the side a little so you could approach the piece of furniture. In that moment, Daryl was the definition of what they call a standoffish.
“I was expecting to find you in your bed, resting. As you should, uncle Daryl.” Your voice carried a hint of playfulness along with a sincere worry. But the way you called him uncle for the second time that day gave him mixed sensations. He wasn't sure if he was aroused or weirded out by it. Or both.
You extended your hand, meaning to pull the drawer open to collect the items needed to change his bandage, which included the gauze, antiseptic wipes, medical tapes, sterile dressing and other kinds of medical stuff your dad had taught you how to handle, but you had to stop your hand midway when you noticed a white slimy thing dripping down the furnishing.
He followed your eyes, noticing how stared at the liquid. The farmer's sweet young daughter had just noticed the results of Daryl's arousal while it coated the dressing table. His mind started rushing with apprehension, you could tell your dad and everyone else how much of a perverted old man Daryl actually was, and he could be kicked out of the group, being left alone in the woods to fend for himself. It's not that he wasn't capable to make it on his own, but his family was important to him, he didn't wanna lose them over that type of thing that could change the way they looked at him forever.
“What's this?” You bended your knees a little, leaning forward and squinting your eyes to take a better look at the unknown substance. Now, you had completely forgotten the reason why you came into that room that was changing his bandage. Daryl lifted one of his eyebrows out of confusion. Did you really not know what that was? If that was the case, it kind of made sense.
Of course. Living on a farm far from the city, you had a close-knit relationship with your family in a way that they were pretty much all the people you would interact with. You had never had boyfriends, or kissed, or anything remotely romantic like that due to your dad's overprotectiveness, after all, you were his youngest daughter. All you knew about the existence of sexual stuff had been taught by him, when he mainly warned you about the terrible consequences of that type of action and that you had to stay innocent.
You didn't really know what he meant by all that, since he was very vague in his descriptions about sex. Hershel just used to say that there were certain areas on your body that you should never let a boy get near and you knew better than to disobey your father's orders, being aware that he always knew what was best for you. Not even your own hands had ever darted down your body to meet those spots more than once or twice before quickly pulling away. You wanted to remain innocent, whatever that meant.
But Daryl was the observant type, and he quickly caught up that you knew nothing about that type of thing. He knew you had always lived in that farm, away from the perverted hands of boys your age (or older like him) so connecting the dots wasn't tricky at all.
Oh, the things he could show you. That thought alone brought a somewhat creepy smirk to Daryl's face as he stared into the wall, contemplating the opportunity he had in hands to finally have his way with you. He knew he still had to be careful though.
“Daryl?” Your voice snapped him out of his trance. You turned your head to look at him before turning your entire body to face him. Your gaze was curious.
“This?” He motioned with his chin towards the dripping substance on the piece of furniture, looking out of place. “Ya don'... know wha' it is?” He double checked, wanting to make sure you were actually unfamiliar erotic nature of what you saw him doing.
“Well, I saw where it came from.” You revealed, not sounding accusing at all, just simply stating a fact.
“...How long 've ya been watchin' me?” He asked with an almost audible gulp. Though he was considerably excited about teaching you all that new stuff, he was still unsure if he should or not. It'd been so long since his last sexual interaction with someone else that he could barely remember it. And doing it with the daughter of the man that gave him a roof to put over his head in times like these? That was risky.
“A while.” You stated. Now, Daryl could notice how you started staring at his crotch area with a renewed sense of interest. That meant you had definitely seen his dick despite his efforts to hide it when he first got caught just moments ago. He wondered if you knew what it was or its purpose.
You stepped even closer to him and he couldn't help but step back slightly. “I've never seen somebody pee like that. Are you... Sick?” You raise an eyebrow. “The bathroom's just in the next room, you know...” Your worried tone was awfully adorable to Daryl. And well, he was indeed sick, but not in the way you meant it. Nonetheless, the amusing way you mistook his semen for urine made him share a light chuckle.
“Nah, tha's... Tha's not piss.” He bluntly let out. You walked across your room and over to your bed, sitting on its edge. Daryl followed you until he was standing in front of you. He crossed his arms.
“How so?” You tilted your head to the side with a sincere curiosity displayed on your face. You had seen the way he rubbed that one thing of his that you weren't sure how it worked until that slimy liquid started oozing out of it, deeply stimulating your curiosity.
“Ya sure ya wanna know?” His tone sounded more dark and his voice turned hoarser, however, that didn't seem to faze you. You nodded frantically. “Aigh', i'll show ya.” Once again, a smirk creeped onto his face. Your eyes were all sparkly as you attentively listened to him. “Sometimes people touch themselves ta feel good, ya know?” You shrugged, not really sure of what he was talking about.
As he spoke, he took light and slow steps towards you, like a predator preparing to hunt its prey, until his knees was almost touching yours. “Ya ever touched yerself, darlin'?” Despite the raspiness in his voice, it was now rather calm, with a surge of some sweetness to it.
“Like how?” You asked.
“Like here...” He extended his hand with a gentle movement, his finger tracing a path from the valley between your breasts down to your bellybutton. The slightly ticklish sensation made you flinch a little. Then, his finger continued making its way down to your lower belly, stopping inches above your clothed pussy. “'N here...”
Your breath hissed, and you started remembering how your dad told you those parts were sacred and shouldn't be touched by anyone, no matter who. The uncertainty was obvious in your face as you discreetly pushed his hand away. “Uncle Daryl...”
“Ya can call me jus' Daryl, sweetheart. 'M yer friend, remember?” He tried his best to sound convincing.
“Yes, Daryl...” You corrected yourself with an awkward chuckle. “I... I think I shouldn't.” You avert your gaze from his.
“Why not? Dontcha wanna know wha' it's like?” He leaned in a little closer, resting his hands on your thighs. You made a motion to try to push him away again, but he insisted on his touch. “Don' be scared, doll. 'M not gunna hurt ya. Quite the opposite.” He smirked while practically whispering the last part, making sure to sound extra coaxing.
You weren't really sure what you were afraid of, exactly. You just knew that you wanted to make your father happy and proud of you, since he'd always been so caring towards you and your family. In the end, you just wanted daddy's approval.
“I'm... I'm not sure. I don't know, it doesn't feel right.” You confessed, your voice filled with worry. Daryl knew how to be intimidating when he wanted to.
“'S okay, doll.” He spoke the way one would speak to a puppy. And giving you no time to protest, he used one of his hands to tug at the hem of your white tank top and pulled it up in one go, revealing your bare tits to him. He bit his lips, noticing you weren't wearing a bra. As quick as he did so, you felt so ashamed of your sudden nudity that you lifted your arms up to try to cover yourself up from his hungry eyes. “D-Daryl...”
“Shhhh...” He shushed you against your ear, making shivers run down your spine. Although you were uncertain, the way he spoke to you made certain parts of your body warm up, an unusual sensation for you. “Ya got such pretty tits... Ya shouldn't hide 'em away from me.” As he said that, he gently grabbed one of your breasts, giving it the slightest squeeze not to startle you. You couldn't help but let out a small squeak at the unfamiliar sensation. Weirdly enough, it felt good in a way you had never felt before.
“Ya like tha'?” He whispered. “It's nice, but... Daddy wouldn't like that. I just wanna make daddy happy.” You just wanted to be a good girl. Perhaps, you could find a different way of doing that.
“Yeah?” He muttered practically to himself as he got an idea. “Well, I can be yer daddy for today. Like tha', ya could make yer daddy happy in a way. Yer jus' gotta lemme lead ya, aigh'?” He didn't feel guilty in the slightest for making you engage in one of his twisted fetishes while you were barely aware of it.
“H-huh?" You were uncertain about the reason behind his suggestion.
“Ya can pretend 'm yer daddy.” He continued playing her mind. You weren't really sure if you liked the idea to depict him as your old man, but you tried to convince yourself to play along.
“But... What will he think of me when he finds out?” You fidgeted with your fingers. Meanwhile his grip on your breast continued to intimidate you.
“He don' have ta know. C'mon, dontcha wanna make daddy happy?” He conveyed in a hush against your ear, his thumb now grazing your sensitive nipple, making you feel that one funny sensation again. You couldn't help but lean into his touch.
You closed your eyes, darting your tongue out to lick your lips. The nervousness in you due to the newness of it all made your lips dry. The way Daryl was making you feel was curious, and you just wanted more of it. He took your silence as a confirmation.
“Good girl.” He cooed before capturing one of your nipples in his mouth, very gently sucking on it. The feeling made you arch your back instantly.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
You just wanted to be a good girl. And if following Daryl's lead was a way to do it, you were all in for it. Your senses awakened as a cascade of unfamiliar yet electrifying sensations coursed through you, a dance of pleasure that tingled on your skin. In that moment, a subtle warmth enveloped you, as if you had discovered a secret realm of bliss previously unknown.
You reached for his head, the feeling of your delicate fingernails scratching against his scalp and pulling him closer sent tingling sensations all over his body. Instinctively, you slightly opened your legs at the pleasure and that drew a smirk onto Daryl's face.
“Eager fer daddy, huh?” The way he referred to himself like that made a faint blush spread across your cheeks, although you couldn't wrap your head around the reason why. It felt so wrong but so right at the same time.
“I need ya to trust me, 'kay?” He said as he pulled your shorts down and then tossed them aside, revealing your white cotton panties. Once again, you felt to urge to hide, not knowing how to deal with someone else seeing you naked for the first time. But before your legs could involuntarily close, his big hands groped your thighs, keeping them spread apart. “'S okay, sunshine.” He practically manhandled you, gently but firmly pushing your body downward so you rested you back on the mattress.
The new position made you feel strangely vulnerable, but it wasn't exactly a bad feeling. Your doe eyes had a mix of unsureness and curiosity as they meet his. Sensing the mixed sensations within you, Daryl leaned in to place a small peck on your plush lips, aiming to make you more comfortable. The feeling of his rough lips against your soft ones so suddenly almost made you flinch, but they felt rather inviting. As he pulled back, a confident smirk could be seen displayed on his face.
The archer's rugged fingers traveled their way down your body once again until they found the soft fabric of your panties, making your breath hiss. He brushed his index and middle fingers against your clothed pussy lips. Just with that, the dampness was so obvious that a small wet spot could be seen on the cotton fabric right where your slit would be. He dragged his fingers across it until they reached your clit.
“This lil spot righ' here...” He kept his hand there. “...is magical." For now, he just added a small pressure, testing the waters and watching close to your reaction, but that was enough to draw a whimper from you, the unknown sensation making you grasp his forearm. It indeed felt magical. You bit your lips and though you couldn't see it, Daryl shared a satisfied smile at the way he was able to get you all hot and bothered with just a simple touch.
Your legs squirmed a bit and he took that as a good sign, so he continued. Now, he started slowly rubbing your clit in circular motions over the fabric of your panties. Your back arched again, and you accidentally let out a dangerously loud moan.
“Nuh-uh.” He brought his other index finger to his lips, gesturing for you to be quiet. “Ya gotta be quiet, ya hear me?” His tone was mostly reprimanding, which strangely excited you. You nodded, enjoying the authority he guided you with through those new sensations. You had touched yourself there before, but never like that. The sensation always felt somewhat wrong, but with Daryl, it was totally different.
You were still kind of upset at yourself for disobeying your dad, but the way Daryl worked his fingers so skillfully had you seeing stars. You never thought you'd be handing out your innocence for some old redneck you met just a while ago, but there you were, completely given to him.
In the beginning, Daryl used to always kind of avoid you, despite your attempts of trying to get to know at least a little bit about the mysterious archer. He knew that deep down, those desires towards you were always there, since the very first time he saw you. At first, he tried to brush them off, but now, all he wanted was to be the one to feel your tight virgin cunt for the first time.
In a swift motion, his big hands tugged at the hem of your underwear. “Up.” He ordered, gesturing for you to lift your hips so he could pull them down. You didn't argue at all and promptly did as he said, reveling in the control he had over you. It was like he dominated your weak mind. “Good girl.” He cooed once again. Oh, if only he knew what that did to your little inexperienced pussy.
After tossing the piece of fabric aside, he reached for you knees, gently spreading them apart. The sight of your glistening bare cunt had his mind rushing through all the things he could do to it. He wondered if he would be able to hold himself back and be gentle or if he would end up losing control. After all, he hadn't done anything like that in such a long time that his whole body was aching for it. He stared at it in an almost scary way, you'd never seen his eyes so hungry.
If his cock hadn't awaken until that moment, now it was hard as a fucking rock. He had to really fight the urges to pull it out his pants and dick you down right there and then, but he knew he had to take it easy on you at least for now and get you nice and ready for him, even though you were already visibly dripping wet.
“Is this all fer me?” His tone was almost mocking. You weren't sure what he meant by that, not fully understanding the concept of natural lubrication, but you just nodded with your eyes closed. Something about being in that position felt so right, so freeing that it had you wondering why you never did that before, and why you were so afraid of trying it in the first place.
Daryl's hands sensually traced their way down your body, exploring your every contour until they reached the back of your thighs, pushing them back until your wet cunt was all over his face. He tried his best to control himself, but his own arousal was practically taking over his mind, so he buried his face on it like a starving man. As soon as his wet tongue made contact with your sensitive little clit and he lapped at your abundant juices, you immediately gasped, gaining a look of disapproval from Daryl.
“I warned ya.” That was all he mumbled before taking your panties he had just took off you and sticking them into your mouth almost aggressively. You could taste yourself on the white fabric, and although it felt strange, it turned you on even more. Now, your little sounds were muffled by the piece of clothing as he resumed eating you out, flicking his tongue on hour clit and burying it between your folds. You never thought a feeling like that could actually exist as you experienced that overwhelming rush of pleasure, a novel sensation coursing through you sending shivers down your spine as a delightful warmth enveloped your entire being. You tried your best to hold back your sounds since your dad was home and could hear you if you slipped, but Daryl's skilled tongue and lips made it an extremely difficult task, even with your panties stuck in your mouth.
He continued working your clit with his mouth, and maybe a little sooner than it should, a tingling sensation forming in your lower belly caught your attention. Daryl noticed the obvious shift in your demeanor and took the panties out of your mouth so you could speak. “D-daddy...” You experimented the honorific he had previously suggested. “I-I feel funny.” You whimpered, squirming a bit harder than before as it started feeling as if you were gonna burst at any moment. Daryl smirked against your skin and gave your pussy a last peck before pulling away, making you whine in disapproval. It had only been seconds but you immediately missed the sensation. You craved it.
“Not yet, sweetheart.” He said. Not yet what, you wondered. But you still wanted to be good for him, so you nodded as the good girl you were. You couldn't think of anything you wouldn't do for him in that moment, considering how desperate you were to feel that pleasure again.
Your curious eyes followed his hands as they reached to unbuckled his own belt, setting it aside. He undid his pants and pulled them down just enough to reveal his boxer briefs to you. There. There was the place where you saw that sticky white thing shooting out from. Now, the excitement in you was unbearable as you propped yourself up on your elbows to watch his movements closely. Your eyes visibly lighted up and that didn't go unnoticed by Daryl.
“Yer gunna love this, lil' girl.” He bit his lips. Something was very obviously bulging in his boxers, which you found odd since it didn't seem to look so obvious when it was in his pants even though now it looked so big. Either way, you were completely drawn to it. You glued your eyes to his crotch while he pulled his underwear down.
You had heard about it, but you had never actually seen one of those before. In the aftermath of the apocalypse, his pubic hair had grown wild and untamed, a reflection of the makeshift survival and the absence of the once routine grooming practices. Not that he used to care a lot about that kind of thing before the outbreak. In a way, you thought it looked charming, suiting his rugged looks and personality.
You could feel your mouth starting to water at the sight of his cock standing tall and proud in front of you. Since the archer had touched his mouth to your cunt, you wondered if you could do the same to him in that same area on his body. As if he could smell your thoughts, he brought a hand to your head, gently pulling you closer to his crotch while he held it by the base.
“Ya wanna have a taste?” He slyly suggested and chuckled at your frantic nodding. Leaning closer to it, you felt the musky and raw scent that emanated from it, which made you even more drawn to the possibilities that ran through your mind. But at the same time, you didn't know what to do or how to handle it.
Bringing his hand to his mouth, he collected some saliva from it and rubbed the wetness on the tip of his cock to lubricate it. “Gimme yer hand.” He reached out his hand, and instantly you complied, allowing him to direct it towards his cock. He enveloped your hand around it, keeping his atop yours, slowly starting to move it up and down. It felt warm and hard against your soft fingers, and the way he threw his head back and quietly groaned made your stomach churn with butterflies. “Fuck baby, tha' feels good.” He had to whisper due to the dangerous presence of your dad in the house threatening to put your little playtime to an end.
You smiled proudly at yourself. You liked the way he sounded and you wished to draw more of those grunts from his lips. And Daryl, being just as eager as you, removed your hand from his length, holding it by the base. His other hand found its way to the back of your head, his touch almost feeling impatient as he pulled you closer to his cock. “Open yer mouth.” He didn't have to tell you twice. Therefore, he guided his swollen tip to your awaiting tongue, smearing his salty pre-cum all over it. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying his best to hold back any compromising sounds.
Your lips instinctively closed around his tip, trying to mimic the way he sucked on your clit, aiming to make him feel as good as he previously did to you. The act not only gave him pleasure, but it also brought you a deep sense of satisfaction, making you hum against his sensitive skin. The vibrations from your vocal chords sent a chill through his body and he couldn't hold back this time, the warm sensation of your mouth being so tempting and promising that he pushed his hips forward a bit too much, causing it to hit the back of your throat and you to gag on it.
He immediately retracted his body, removing his cock from the velvety confines of your mouth. Your eyes got a little watery but you smiled either way. “Sorry, princess.” He said with a hint of awkwardness in his voice.
“It's fine, I liked it.” You confess, looking up at him with those big doe eyes of yours, sitting at the edge of the bed while he stood in front of you. Your innocent expression contrasting with the dirty nature of your encounter made him impossibly hornier, and he didn't feel like waiting any longer. “Fuck” He almost whined. Eagerness to feel you wrapping around him filled his body, so he grabbed you by the arms, not too rough so he wouldn't hurt you, and put on your feet against the pink wall of your room.
He brought a hand to your head, pressing it against the wall. You gasped a little at his roughness but soon you felt him brushing the tip of his cock on your slicky slit and clit. “'S gunna feel good, I promise.” He mumbled against your ear, making your body hair stand on end. The sensation had you biting your lips to try and not make any sounds, but your efforts were proven useless as you felt the pressure of his tip carefully going in your cunt, causing a burning sensation and you accidentally let out a loud cry.
Daryl's hand went immediately to your mouth, forcefully pressing his palm against your lips to muffle your sounds, your dad shouldn't hear Daryl using his sweet daughter in his own home after all. “Shhh, shhh.” He shushed you, resting his chin on the top of your head for a moment. You wrapped around him so tight even though he only had his tip in yet that he couldn't restrain himself from pushing his hips forward a little more, intensifying the burning sensation while he stretched your virgin cunt out.
“'S okay, ya can take it.” In that moment, you were confused at why he was making you feel so good just a moment ago, and now he's ripping your little pussy apart. But even though it hurt, it was somewhat pleasant to feel so full in such a new way, so you stuck your ass towards him, inviting him in. While still keeping his hand pressed on your mouth, he brought his other one to your hips, gripping them a little too tight.
Without warnings, he buried his entire length in you in one swift motion, filling you up to the brim and worsening the burning to a whole new level. The only thing that kept you from letting out a scream at the sudden invasion was his hand muffling your pathetic sounds and the fact that you'd be in deep trouble if your dad found out about that, but even so, Daryl couldn't help but quietly grunt at the intense sensation. He didn't know he missed fucking a warm cunt so badly until he was completely inhumed inside you. “Good girl. Yer being so good fer daddy.” He praised you. His words had an immediate effect on you, making your pussy even wetter, if that was even possible.
You didn't even care if it hurt or not anymore, so you just stood there, caught in the paradox of sensation — a mix of pain and pleasure etched across your face. The twinge felt like a sweet ache, and yet, an irresistible allure pulled her deeper into the experience, as if the discomfort held a hidden charm that she couldn't resist exploring.
Despite the pain, you found herself oddly drawn to the sensation, craving more as if the discomfort carried an inexplicable appeal that kept you coming back for another taste. So you slightly wiggled your ass against Daryl's body, moving his cock a little inside you. The feeling of being stretched out had you desperate for more.
Daryl's warm breath hit your ear as he let out a light-hearted laugh at your reaction, sending delicious goosebumps all over your body. His hips started going back and forth to meet yours in a sensual dance. He tried to be gentle at first, but your virgin cunt was just so wet and warm that he couldn't help it but succumb to his primal desires. “Jus' like tha', princess. Take this fat cock.” He whispered loud enough so only you could hear, making you weak in the knees.
His calloused hand let go of your hips to find your clit, starting to rub it with just the right pressure to make you squirm under his touch. The mixed sensations of intense pleasure and pain confusing your brain, making you melt like putty in his hands. Overwhelming waves of pleasure surged through you, leaving your head blissfully empty as if every thought had been swept away by the sheer intensity of the sensation, which was exactly what Daryl wanted, to turn you into a brainless little fucktoy for him.
If a few months ago somebody told you that you'd be letting some perverted older man take advantage of you in your own room, you would've laughed right in their face. Giving your innocence away to anybody used to feel like such a distant reality, and now there you were, pressed against the wall by Daryl's sweaty body while he mercilessly pounded your no longer virgin cunt, making you experience the most pleasurable pain you could ever feel.
As he continued bucking his hips like a desperate animal, you drooled against his hand, your brain now reduced to putty due to the overpowering sensation that dominated your every sense. “Nngh...” Your muffled moans stirred an even deeper desire within Daryl, turning him as primal as one could be. Your body language made it obvious that you were close to your orgasm, and this time, he didn't plan to deny you of it.
But you had never experienced something like that. You didn't know pleasure could get so extreme that could made you burst, so as the sensation built and grew stronger, it also made you unsure about where it was taking you, and you tried to fight the feeling. Daryl's skilled fingers working your clit only threw you even closer to the edge and you felt like your legs could fail at any moment.
Noticing the shift in your demeanor, he muttered against your ear. “Jus' let it go, baby. Trust me, don' hold it.” His tone was strangely sweet considering what you were both up to, but his encouraging words relaxed you a little, and as he intensified the rubbing on your clit, you knew you wouldn't be able to hold it in not even if you wanted to, whatever it was.
Then, it hit you. An entirely unfamiliar and intense sensation washed over you, catching you off guard. It felt like uncharted emotional and physical territory, leaving you completely stunned, wide-eyed, and grappling with the unexpected intensity of the experience, something that almost made you mad at your dad from convincing you of staying away from it for so long.
Daryl had to intensify the pressure of his hand against your lips, but even so, he wasn't able to muffle your cries completely as your body convulsed and you were sure you lost consciousness for a few seconds. “Good girl, cum for me.” You didn't know what that word meant, but considering the situation, you understood that it probably had something to do with the new type of pleasure you just experienced.
As the orgasmic sensation slowly faded away, it was replaced with an even more overwhelming feeling of overstimulation. You squirmed even harder and you swore you could cry if he continued using your cunt like that, not giving you any breaks to catch your breath. You'd been turned into a whimpering and drooling mess, a total slut for his cock. You wanted him to have his way with you and you knew that if he wanted to, you'd let him fuck you all day without arguing.
The intense clenching of your tight pussy around his length initiated his own orgasm, and now it was his turn to experience the compelling feeling of being right on the edge of pleasure. “Fuck, turn 'round." He desperately voiced, but he didn't even waited for you before decisively grasping your shoulders, swiftly turning you to face him. As he did so, he removed his cock from inside you and stroked it hard and fast for a few seconds with just enough pressure to make himself burst.
Your mesmerized eyes watched as the pleasure took over his body. And now, it all made sense as he started shooting his load aiming right on your bare pussy, just as he was doing earlier today when you first caught him in your room. The warm sticky substance coated your cunt and it was so much that it felt like it would never end, leaving you astonished. You couldn't help but smile at the sight before you.
You two stared into each other's eyes while desperately trying to catch your breaths, sharing a small chuckle and satisfied smiles. He leaned in to press a soft kiss to your forehead and now, you knew who to come up to when you feel that funny feeling in your lower belly again. You knew Daryl had what it took to take care of your needs.
Without saying anything else, he pulled his briefs and pants back up again, adjusting his clothes. Then, he reached for his pocket, pulling out those panties he had stolen earlier and putting them on you again, leaving his load smeary and sticking to your skin. “Leave it there.” He hoarsely voiced, ordering you to walk around with his cum inside your clothes while no one else knew of it except the both of you.
“And these...” He walked over to your bed and bended his knees a little so he could reach for the white cotton panties he had tossed aside right before railing you and put them in his pocket.
“...'M gunna keep these fer later.”
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a/n: omg guys the first part of sweet scent got over 1.1k notes and that's like??? insane??? tysm for all ur support, that's crazy. it was so much fun to write both parts and i'm so thankful if you read it this far!! i hope y'all have a great and happy holidays xx
taglist: @imagininghim , @murdadixon , @epilepsywarrior8787 , @darklydixon
4K notes · View notes
eviesaurusrex · 2 years
“ᴍʀꜱ. ꜱᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ.” | ꜱ. ꜱᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ
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Stephen Strange x Avenger!Wife!Reader
summary: It’s YN’s and Stephen’s wedding day. That’s it.
word count: 1.6k
warnings: nothing, just tooth rotting fluff, but some suggestive bits if you squint, some bickering between Tony and Stephen
author’s note: That’s just a “little” drabble because I need to get back into writing Stephen <3 Totally self-indulging here because I want that Stephen to be my husband bye
The buzzing sound of almost 150 guests echoed through the lavishly decorated venue while waiters and waitresses glided through the crowd to fulfill every guest’s wish and desire for the booze and appetizers Tony had personally handpicked. The memory alone of the Stark, sitting at the kitchen counter with an assortment of every possible canapé one could imagine, made her eyes roll, but a smile tucked at her lips.
He may not be her biological brother, but he damn sure behaved like one ever since she sat foot into the former Stark Tower, following a busy Fury and Hill, and didn’t know what to expect.
Now, at this very moment, it felt like another life. Now, she was one of the most powerful beings – and married.
Looking down on the hand that held the glass full of the (probably immensely expensive) white wine she had secured at the bar, the two silver bands twinkled up to her – one with more shiny stones she had ever imagined to have, and the other more simple but just as beautiful as her engagement ring. Older guests had suggested to take off the first promise to fully (and proudly) display the second promise given today, but one needed to kill her in order to get that ring off her finger.
Softly shaking her head, YN leaned against a pillar, took a sip of the cooled wine, and closed her eyes for just a second. She only needed a minute to destress and savor some sanity before heading back into the loud environment of which she was the centerpiece. Somehow the invitation list had gotten longer and longer and up to a number she never imagined hosting a wedding for. It was strange how life could change, but YN never wanted it a different way.
Long strides crept closer and closer, but she almost didn’t catch them, too deep in thought and enamored by the view in front of her. They had been lucky with the weather all day long, and now, the most beautiful of sunsets graced her eyes. A sigh escaped her softly colored lips, full of contentment and happiness.
“Mrs. Strange,” a voice in her back startled YN a bit. Still, she turned her body slightly and looked over her shoulder to spot the most handsome man she had ever laid eyes on. A smile full of contentment, but mild wonder, etched itself on her lips. “That’s me,” YN grinned, still not over the fact that she indeed married this dream of a man.
Stephen smiled down at her after he took the last two steps to stand directly in front of her – his wife – and cupped one of her cheeks to press a soft kiss on her lips.
“Yes, that’s you,” the sorcerer whispered and kissed her another time while he wrapped his arm around her waist and held her close. YN had her eyes closed, savoring the feeling and the calm moment between them. It was the first since the photo session had ended, and the guests had demanded their full attention and availability. She had obliged because, after all, most of them were considered family in her eyes. But now, after almost four hours of mingling, small talks, and barely any time for the newlyweds to themselves, she had enough.
Another sigh escaped her lips as YN gently rested her forehead against his chest, and she promised herself to only stay there for a few seconds. But as always, she couldn’t move after Stephen had bent down his head to press a soft kiss on top of her hair. His big hand stretched itself over her almost bare back (the dress may seem a bit over the top with the low cut back, covering the exposed skin only by a thin layer of lace, but it had spoken to her in that damn dress showroom) and started a pattern of soothing brushes and strokes. She could feel the slight shakiness in it, but she knew him better than herself, and that’s why she was certain that it was worse than usual. She raised her head again and furrowed her eyebrows, wrinkled her forehead, and studied his handsome face.
Stephen knew that look in her eyes all too well, and she didn’t need to ask the question laying on her tongue – but she did nonetheless. “Is everything alright?” Forgotten was the glass of wine that had found its new home on the small table just around the pillar (which was actually a plant stand, but it didn’t matter), and YN grasped his arm to pull the moving hand from her back. She enveloped it with both her hands – one was too small and not enough – and with her thumb, gently rubbed over the scars on his knuckles and long, elegant fingers. The sorcerer nodded, almost invisible to unknowing eyes. “Long day,” he said, and YN cooed lowly before pressing a kiss on the back of his hand and removing the lipstick stain with a soft laugh.
“We could just… run and flee. Start the honeymoon earlier. It’s our party, after all,” the bride suggested with a mischievous gleam in her eyes, and Stephen shook his head, a chuckle rumbling in his chest. Instead of taking her hand and doing just that, the man put his arm back around his wife’s waist and looked her up and down. “And being robbed of the opportunity to show my gorgeous wife off? Please.” He bent down and whispered, “I need to imprint the fact that you’re off the market and mine into every single brain of all those foolish boys.”
He straightened himself again and smirked his signature smug grin at the sight of her lovely blushed cheeks. YN hit him against his chest with an open hand and scoffed. “As if they didn’t know that already.” She rolled her eyes at his antics, but Stephen only grinned. But then, she grasped his black tie to pull him closer to her. Their bodies were pressed firmly against each other, which was another promise for the upcoming night, but one of the more suggestive kind. Stephen caught himself with a hand propped upon the cool stone of the pillar in her back, right next to her face, and her other hand was placed at the nape of his neck, fingers softly carding through the short hair there.
Now it was her lips that softly touched his ear. “Everyone in there knows that I was always yours, without a pause or doubt. Ever since meeting you, it had always been you, and only you. I wouldn’t have needed a big wedding or a ring at all to prove to the world that I belong to Stephen Strange and him alone, but I did it because I loved the prospect of wearing your rings and showing you off.”
YN’s lips brushed from his ear over his jaw until they reached the corner of his mouth. The breath had caught itself in his throat, and with a low growl, Stephen pulled her even closer – if that was even possible. “You’re making an unholy man out of me, wife,” he rasped, but YN laughed at that with a twinkle in her eyes. “You were never a holy man, Stephen, don’t try to fool lil ol’ me.” She kissed the corner of his mouth another time before rubbing the lipstick off it. “But keep your dirty thoughts to yourself for just an hour longer because I see the rest of the not-so-secret secret boy band coming right up to us.”
At the sound of Stark’s voice, the sorcerer had to roll his eyes in annoyance. Was it too much to ask to get his wife to himself? But he straightened his posture nonetheless.
“The wedding was a complete success. No running on his part, but I’m not sure which outcome I would have liked better.” Stephen rolled his eyes – Tony never was a fan of their relationship, not to mention the engagement – and Steve cleared his throat and smiled at the pair. “Again, congratulations. Don’t mind him or his words.” Thor wasn’t far behind with his reply. “I caught him crying during the ceremony, Lady YN.” Scott nodded in approval. “Even heard him saying something nice about Harry Potter.” Now it was YN to roll her eyes and shake her head. “You lot are insufferable,” she grinned before trying to push Stephen to say something, but that man was stubborn as a brick wall.
Instead of saying something, he surprised everyone around him – plus herself – by scooping his wife into his arms and carrying her from the balcony. “Party is over, Stark,” he spoke over his shoulder while YN started to giggle and chuckle. “We’re having a private party.” At his mumbled words into her ear, the woman grinned brightly, and a laugh escaped her at the sight of an opening portal that showed her most favorite spot in all of New York City.
“I finally can dance with my deadly handsome husband in peace and without any of those pestering stares of all those drooling women.”
Now it was Stephen who grinned and put her down on the soft grassy ground of The Battery, the portal closing behind him with a soft swoosh. The couple ignored the surprised stares of the few people that mingled in the park to get a good look at Miss Liberty.
“I never looked at them. Didn’t even know that they were there.” YN smiled up to him while he pulled her close, both hands around her waist, her hands back in his neck. “I know,” she whispered with a confidence unknown to her before Stephen came into the picture.
With him, she knew that this was a forever kind of thing.
Thank you for reading, lovely human! As always, comments, reblogs and likes are very much appreciated ♥️
@poor-unfortunate-soul-85 @seasonofthenerd @onecrazydirectioner @meeksmusic83
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emberfrostlovesloki · 8 months
Demons [Hotch x Reader]
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Photo credits: Left and Right (Google) Center (@hotchs-big-hands [my beloved])
Prompt: The team is forced into very close quarters during a case on an offshore oil rig in Alaska. It’s bitterly cold and there’s nowhere to go, and three men have been beaten and stabbed to death. The team must solve the mystery before it’s too late. A mix-up in rooms also has Aaron and the reader closer than ever. It allows him to learn something new about her. 
Category: Angst/comfort 
Word Count: 15.6K 
Content Warnings: Sleep paralysis, canon typical violence, death (of a victim and unsub), beating (with a blunt object), choking (briefly described), mention of death by stabbing, the threat of death by knife/gun, mention of drowning (unsub), mention of abuse (in the past [Hotch]), slight mention of blood, language, hospitals, slight body image issues (Hotch). Please let me know if I missed any. 
A/N: Ahhhh, hi loves. Did anyone ask for something this long? No. Did I expect to write this much? No. But the scenes kept coming, and I kept writing them down. I just love the writing process. It’s so cool. But enough of that. This story’s mostly based on a northern gothic vibe and the age-old, ‘only one bed’ trope. I am very happy with how this turned out and I hope you all like it too. You could read this as a stand-alone or as a prequel to my story, Unwanted Attention (linked). A huge thank you to my top hype woman @sadgirlzluvdilfs (ILY) If you like this story as well, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! I hope you all have a great Friday night! - Love Levi. 
List with all stories 
_y/n_ = your name 
_y/e/c_ = your eye color 
Hotch got a call from Strauss in his office. He had hoped that Monday would be a quiet work day for himself and the team. He was currently drowning in paperwork, and as he glanced down at the bullpen. He could see his team trying to do their best to also catch up on the more clerical side of their jobs as FBI agents. Strauss had told him to meet her in her office immediately. He replied, “Yes, Ma’am. I’m on my way.” He hung up the phone, grabbed his shoulder bag, and moved toward the elevator. It was a short ride up to the twentieth floor of their building, and Aaron wondered what he should prepare for when he arrived at Struas’s office. He walked down the long hallway and knocked twice on his boss’s door before opening it. Aaron was not expecting to see The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Frank Ridgewell, seated across from Strauss. Both the Commissioner and Strauss stood when he entered her office.  Erin gestured to Ridgewell and said, “Agent Hotchner, I’m sure you know Commissioner Ridgewell.” Aaron nodded. He had never met the man in person before, but he was aware of who he was, and how important he was to the United States. Aaron extended a hand and Mr. Ridgewell took it, giving it a firm shake. Once the quick introduction was done, Strauss said, “Let’s all have a seat.” From Erin’s tone, whatever was happening here was important. Strauss indicated to the other man in the room, and Frank turned toward Aaron asking, “Are you aware of the new offshore drilling operation in Alaska?” Hotch furrowed his brow and replied, “Only tangentially. I understand that the rig was built quickly and there was a land dispute. I’m also aware that there were environmental protests over beginning new drilling so close to a naturally preserved site.” Ridgewell nodded and said, “You’re correct. As of three months ago, the oil rig has been fully operational. The rig employs sixty-seven people in total. Fourty-four of those individuals are employed part-time or have shift work on the operation. The other twenty-three are full-time employees that work one month on-site and three weeks off.” Aaron had his legal pad out and was taking a few notes as the Commissioner spoke. He was waiting for the important information with a bit of impatience. This had to be important if it wasn’t coming from JJ. If it was coming from the top, he needed to be meticulous in his work and the various details being thrown at him. 
After another minute of the smaller details about the rig and its crew. Ridgewell’s tone changed. The man said, “Well all that preliminary information is building up to say that within the first three months of operation, three men have been killed. Only one of the twenty-five men working full time on shift could be responsible for the deaths. The three victims were found beaten and stabbed to death at various locations on the job site. The first victim was found by one of the security guards and the next two were found by workmen.” Aaron nodded, finally understanding the gravity of the situation, and asked, “And you believe that the BAU can assist you in finding the unsub on this oil rig?” Frank looked confused as Hotch said, “Unsub,” and Aaron clarified, “The Behavioral Analysis Team calls potential murderers Unknown Subjects, or unsubs for short.” At hearing this, Ridgewell nodded and replied, “Yes, yes I do, but there’s more to it than just the killings.” Aaron raised an eyebrow and Strauss chimed in for the first time during the meeting, saying, “Take a look at these Agent Hotchner.” Strauss pushed a file labeled ‘Classified,” in front of the Unit Chief. Hotch opened the folders and inside found a dozen or so copies of transcripts and pictures of messages that had been unencrypted. The jist of all of them was that the three deaths had been an intentional attack on the U.S. oil and gas industry. After Aaron had carefully examined these pictures, he looked over to Strauss and then Ridgewell. He asked, “So you believe there is credibility to these claims?” Ridgewell gave a half-shrug before answering, “We can’t be sure yet, but if this information got and with the new site already having a negative reputation, there would be dire consequences. The current administration is desperate to keep prices on gas and oil low and even a momentary shutdown of operations would affect the bottom line. And heaven forbid those messages leaked to the public. Half of the States would be in a panic, and there'll be a run on fuel.” Hotch nodded. This case was more complicated than he had first expected. Strauss looked at her Senior Agent and stated, “We need you and the team in Alaska as soon as possible. This is a matter of national security. Agent Hotchner. You and the BAU will need to be extremely careful.” Aaron replied, “Yes, Ma’am.” He then turned to Ridgewell and said, “I’ll need to brief my team. We’ll be headed to the site by the afternoon.” Frank looked relieved and replied, “Thank you, Agent Hotchner. I’ll email you the file with the current crew of the rig and their supervisor. I should warn you that it’s going to be close quarters up there.” Aaron nodded. He didn’t ask for elaboration about the space, he was going to be there by the end of the day anyway, and he didn’t have time to think about it right now. Hotch stood and shook hands with Ridgewell and Strauss before straightening his jacket and moving outside to the hallway again. 
Back in the bullpen, he moved to his office, He would need to check his email and do a bit of research before calling the team to the briefing room. He moved toward his office and Rossi passed him. Dave looked over his neutral expression. Though Aaron rarely showed his emotions openly, Rossi knew him well enough to know that something was amiss. David flashed him his, ‘New case?” Look, to which he nodded affirmatively. Aaron could see Rossi’s shoulders fall slightly. Hotch understood that his friend had also wanted a break. The caseload had been extra heavy over the last month and a half, and the team was aching for a break. As the two men passed each other on the stairs, the sound of laughter caught Aaron’s attention. He knew the laugh well. Better than he should. Aaron turned and saw _y/n_ sitting at her desk. She had a file slightly covering her face and her _y/e/c_ eyes were bright and wide. Emily and Derek were standing beside her having made some joke that he hadn’t heard. Looking at her like this, as a casual observer made a small flame in his chest flicker slightly, like a lighter being turned on by an unsteady hand. Aaron had begun to recognize that the small attraction that he had for _y/n_ had grown. Now every time he looked at her, he felt the need to stifle a sigh. For now, he was safe. _y/n_ hadn’t shown any particular interest in him, that he could tell. Or maybe he was just pretending to not notice when _y/n_ looked at him for longer than necessary, or how she checked in on him often, just to make sure he was really doing alright. Hotch turned away as another peal of laughter emerged from the group downstairs. In his office, he turned on his lamps and opened his email inbox for the new information Strauss had CC’d him. It was a good 110 pages of personnel files and maps of the site. More important for the team was when the supply boat schedule which went to the rig in the morning and early evening. It took Hotch a full hour to skim all of the new information. He sent Garcia an SOS to get as much dirt of the Northern Oil and Gas Supply LLC as she could. Particularly the new oil site called Farpoint 52, -153. The name was unassuming, and the first thing Penelope told him was that the numbers were latitude and longitude points in Alaska, but not those of the actual site. 
When Aaron was ready, he had seven file folders with all the most important information accumulated including pictures of the victims that the local PD in Anchorage had just sent over. The attacks were brutal. The injuries on the three bodies seemed to be caused by blunt force trauma, and as Ridgewell had said, there were multiple stab wounds on the victims as well. Hotch took a long breath as he got up and moved outside his office. He knocked on JJ and Rossi’s doors and gave them their files. JJ said, “I’ll get Garcia to come and set up the screen in the briefing room.” Aaron thanked her, and she and Rossi moved out of his way. Hotch placed his hands on the railing of the stairs and called out for his agents saying, “BAU team, I need you in the conference room.” As all four members of the team looked up to him, the mood of the room changed, dimming from how lively it had just been. Hotch turned toward the meeting room before he could see their faces fall once more. Sometimes he thought that he couldn’t keep doing this to them. To himself. The isolation he felt when he was home alone left him a breathless aching mess. It was rare when he allowed those feelings to overwhelm him, but sometimes he couldn’t help it. When this happened, he often found himself in a steaming hot shower. So hot that it hurt. When he couldn’t control his emotions, he felt like a kid again after his father had gone on either a verbal or physical diatribe about his perceived shortcomings. The reminders of the abuse he endured for years would flare up and make him feel a different kind of shame and hurt than letting his team down. By the end of the shower, he had normally excised these emotions and feelings of weakness and would fall into a fitful sleep afterward. 
_y/n_ watched Aaron turn quickly. She let out a long sigh at the announcement about a new case. Everyone on the team was exhausted, and it seemed that Hotch was the most exhausted of them all. She had watched him closely over the last month. Something about his demeanor had shifted. _y/n_ wondered if it was the two-year anniversary of Hailey leaving him that had initiated the change, or if it was something else personal or professional. She wanted to ask him what was wrong. How she could soothe him from the stress she could sense coming off of him. But she assumed that might be stepping over some personal work line, and she was still relatively new to the team. She didn’t want to risk any consequences for being overly personal. For now, all she could do was watch and wait for a time that seemed appropriate. She was fully aware that that time may never come and would have to be okay with just being near someone as commanding and steady as Aaron. 
In the briefing room, everyone but Hotch and JJ sat. Aaron moved to the head of the table and said, “This morning I got a call from Director Strauss. When I got to her office, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commissioner was waiting for me. He has a case for us in Alaska that is a top priority. And…” Hotch paused as seven pairs of eyes waited for more details. Realizing that it might be more efficient to have his agents just read the brief in their files, he said, “Actually, why don’t you just turn to page one in your files and read over the case notes so far? I’ll give you a few moments.” The team opened the files in front of them and read the 1,000-ish word briefing on the first page. They were all aware that this case was different than the rest and that the brief hadn’t been written by JJ. Spencer and _y/n_ could tell it was Hotch’s writing almost immediately. The tense use and wording were very direct and blunt, just as Aaron was. Not that JJ added fluff, just that she took a few more words to make a point than their Unit Chief. Once those seated at the table had read over the first page and taken a look at the victim's pictures, Aaron moved forward and said, “Well as you can see, this latest case doesn’t have a lot of victims, but the timeline is progressing quickly and given that the crew is so small, these deaths have caused issues in the operation of the rig. On top of this, it seems that foreign agents are claiming they are playing a part in these deaths. If this is true or not; we can’t be sure until we find the Unsub.” Rossi tossed in the comment, “If it is foreign agents, they are most likely to come from Russia or the Middle East where much of the oil in the U.S. comes from. We should look at the crew and see if there are any potential ties to those countries.” Hotch inclined his head at the suggestion. It was a good one. With the primary details being said and a long flight ahead of them, Aaron concluded the information session by saying, “I recommend bringing the warmest clothes you have in your go bags, and something waterproof if you have it; I’m sure you can guess that it will be cold and wet where we’re headed.” Aaron looked at his team as they started standing, and he added one last thing that stilled the team and drew their attention to him again. He simply said, “I understand that this team has gone through a lot in the last few cases. I know you’re tired. After this case, I’m going to do my best to find some time for us to be off and recuperate for a bit. Please know that your efforts and work don’t go unnoticed by me. That’s all.” With his mini pep-talk finished, the team moved into action again. Aaron had meant what he said of course, but had also said it for himself too. 
As everyone filed out of the room, _y/n_ approached Aaron and just barely touched his forearm to get his attention. Hotch looked down at her and asked, “What is it, _y/n_?” Sometimes when _y/n_ looked at him specifically, intentionally, he thought he saw a flicker of something more in her eyes than just attention and respect. He thought he saw it now, but he cleared his head. Now wasn’t the time for those thoughts. _y/n_ didn’t seem to notice how deeply he was looking at her when she said, “When you spoke to Strauss this morning, did she say anything more about the case? Is there anything else we need to know?” She hoped she wasn’t asking for information he couldn’t give. Hotch continued looking down at her for a moment before replying, “She just said that we needed to be safe. There are a lot of unknowns here. More than usual for a case.” _y/n_ acknowledged his statement and said softly, “Got it. See you in the parking lot.” With that, she quickly left to gather her go-bag and race to get some coffee if she could before the jet left for Anchorage. When _y/n_ had gone, Aaron took another moment to minorly compose himself. Then he moved to catch up with Garcia. He was going to ask her to join the team on this case due to the technical aspects that might be involved. He had a sinking suspicion that getting her on wifi all the way out where they would be might be harder than on the mainland. If foreign assets were involved or there was tampering with the equipment of the rig’s systems, Penelope was the most capable of any of them to lend a hand. 
Thirty minutes later, the team piled into the jet with their go bags and files. Garcia was a balm to what seemed to be an already dreary case. As everyone sat, the ideas started flowing about motive and the type of unsub that they were dealing with. Spencer and Morgan were thinking about the physical elements of the unsub. Things like the impact of the wounds, the type of weapon being used to inflict them, and the force that would be needed to cause them. Their top ideas for weapons were a baseball bat or some other blunt object that had lots of fulcrum power. Meanwhile, JJ and Emily were looking through the personnel of the twenty-five full-time employees. Garcia was on every possible legal and illegal site that tracked energy and messages that could possibly correlate with countries like Russia, Iran, or Iraq. Rossi and Aaron were looking deeper into the oil company as a whole. To them, it seemed a little sketchy and the fact that Mr. Ridgewell had asked for the team personally belied that there might be some shady business not only from outside but inside the company as well. Rossi was talking about a possible correlation with BP and their recent legal troubles. As all this was happening, _y/n_ sat and listened to the cacophony of sounds bouncing around the plane. She had her notebook out and was taking her usual annotations on the case and jotting down when someone on the team said something she thought was important. She was feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the chatter happening around her, so she took a moment to grab a coffee from the back of the jet. The team had moved out so quickly that she didn’t get a chance to grab a cup in the office break room. She moved past Hotch and noticed he wasn’t holding a cup either. _y/n_ stopped briefly in front of her boss, and he looked up at her. She made a hand motion to indicate ‘drink?’ Aaron gave her a small, grateful look and nodded his head yes. 
At the back of the jet across from the small sink and mirror, was the coffee machine. She put in the water and a capsule for the Keurig. _y/n_ placed a cup under the dispenser and pushed run, on the machine. _y/n_ somehow hated the Keurig coffee more than the office coffee. It managed to always taste burned and flavorless no matter which flavor of pod she picked. But the caffeine was a necessity at the start of a case for her. It was half ritual half desire, and she didn’t fight it. When her cup was finished, she started the process again for Aaron, who no matter what coffee he was drinking, seemed unfazed by the quality of the brew. As Hotch’s cup started filling, _y/n_ doctored her own cup with milk and white sugar. Once both drinks were ready, she placed lids on the cups and moved back to the cabin of the plane. As she passed Hotch, she seamlessly handed his cup to him, as she settled back to her own spot further down the row. Garcia watched as this happened. It was like moving a baton between two runners in a relay. ‘They hardly looked at each other while it happened!’ The technical analyst thought. Penelope hadn’t been on a case since _y/n_ had joined, and this behavior was new and exciting for someone like Hotch. Garcia had taken special care with _y/n_. The newest BAU agent was young, and she knew more about _y/n_’s background than most of the team. Because of this, Garcia had done her best to uplift and support _y/n_But it seems that _y/n_ was supporting the team in small ways too. Penelope knew that _y/n_ was attentive and sharp in her mind and actions if she needed to be. But this was generally hidden beneath her gentle warm exterior. But seeing _y/n_ meet even the smallest needs without even being asked to was such her thing; at least, that was what Penelope thought. Now that she was here seeing this, Garcia was going to have to pay more attention to _y/n_ and Hotch. Because she wanted to know if this was just a them thing, or was _y/n_ acting like this with the whole team? 
_y/n_ sat and took a sip of the coffee that was a little too hot. The liquid burned her tongue and she made a small face of pain. Thankfully no one was looking at her at the time. _y/n_ set the cup in the cupholder next to her seat and looked at the picture of the rig itself again. This setting was so bizarre for a crime. Even the photos of the outside of the rig made her feel unnerved. _y/n_ tried to think of any prior cases like this. There had to be some. _y/n_ was fiercely thinking about old cases. Old old cases even. This case was going to require thinking outside the box. Finally, with eyes closed and brows pinched, some ideas started coming to her. With some inspiration, she began writing quickly on a new page of her notepad As this was happening, Aaron looked around the cabin. Everyone was still intensely focused, and he walked around each group to see what they had come up with so far. Spencer and Morgan had surmised that the unsub was probably smaller than they might assume. Given that they used blunt objects to kill the victim. If the unsub had a lot of strength, they should be able to kill their victims without the need for an object. Between JJ and Emily, they had pinpointed a few possible workers who might fit certain profile types and those specifically seemed to be linked to odd organizations or firms that could be linked to terrorist organizations. As Aaron moved to ask Garcia how it was going, she shooed him away with a tut-tut indicating that she was too busy for a check-in at the moment. 
The last person he needed to see was _y/n_. As he approached her, she seemed deep in thought, and he sat across from her and sat for a minute or two in silence as he let her wrap up whatever she was writing. When _y/n_’s pen stilled, she looked up at him and he asked, “You seem to be having some ideas overhear. Mind sharing them with me?” _y/n_ nodded, looking down to her notes. She resisted the urge to say, ‘I don’t feel good about this case. I can’t pinpoint it, but something feels off here.’ Instead, she said, “I was thinking about the setting; the rig. Looking at the ariel photographs, the maps of the interior, and the security footage from the main hallways made me think about something. It’s so isolated. If you work there then it’s a tight space, and you work a dangerous job, and you see the same twenty or so people day after day for three to four weeks.” Hotch nodded along, getting a feeling for where she was going. When they made eye contact again, he said, “And?” He was encouraging her to finish her thought. _y/n_ gave a soft sigh as if she was doubting herself. Whether there was doubt or not, _y/n_ continued, saying, “Well those working conditions can’t be good for one’s psyche. I was considering some old cases. I know that Cabin Fever isn’t a diagnosable psychological condition, but there’s a history of those symptoms manifesting in groups of isolated people. I’m thinking as far back as the Donner party in 1846. There was the Highcliff’s in 1980, and more recently the Smith and Wess party in 1992. I know these are ancient cases for the team but it seems to fit to me. I know this case could be way more complex given the terrorism element, but just looking at the brief you wrote, I think this might be a case of insanity due to the location. I could be wrong. I could be totally off here, but it’s what I’ve got so far.” Aaron thought about what _y/n_ had said and replied, “I’m not saying that that train of thought is not out there, but given the novelty of this case, I think we need someone who is thinking with a separate mind frame. Once we’re on site, keep what you have here in the back of your mind. If you see anything that relates to this theory let me know immediately.” _y/n_ nodded at him in agreement as he stood and made his way back to Rossi. Sometimes when Hotch or anyone asked her her thoughts early on, she feared that she sounded unhinged, or worse, stupid. _y/n_was still finding solid footing with the team, but Hotch never dismissed her ideas unless they were fully implausible, and she appreciated that about him. 
The flight moved quickly after this. Although there were five hours left, the team regrouped and shared what they knew before touchdown in Anchorage. When the jet landed, the sun was already setting in the West although it was only 5:30 p.m. It only took a few minutes before they arrived in the SUVs at the dock with the resupply boat that would take them to the rig thirty minutes offshore. The team turned in all three sets of keys to the cars to the police officer waiting for them at the dock. Aaron promised to call the local LEO when the team was ready for their return to the small airstrip. The team pulled their go bags from the back of the cars. Derek was kind enough to carry Garcia’s pink and sparkly duffle on top of his small carry-on suitcase. The team had bundled up in their jackets and they were buffeted by the harsh northern winds beating them from all sides. As they boarded the gangway, Hotch momentarily steadied _y/n_ who he was walking next to. Though she seemed okay, it seemed to him that she could use a steadying hand for a moment as she battled the wind. When she felt Aaron approach her and then place a steadying hand just barely against her back she looked at him. He wore that expression that just said, ‘I’m here.’ _y/n_ gave him a nod, indicating that she appreciated the gesture. Aaron kept his hand where it was until they got on deck. Once they were on a more sturdy surface, Hotch removed his hand but moved to take the handle of _y/n’s small wheeled case in his open left hand. Their hands brushed briefly as they exchanged the weight of her luggage. Neither Aaron nor _y/n_ said anything at the exchange, but she gave him a soft smile as he moved toward the stairway that led to the passenger area of the ship. This had become a little pattern of theirs over the past few months. There was a kind of shared understanding of care between them. Aaron told himself that this was him taking care of his newest agent, and _y/n_ told herself that this was her trying to prove that she noticed the small needs of the team; both of them were lying to themselves. 
Once the team was downstairs _y/n_ took charge of her case again, as Aaron and JJ moved to the control room to introduce themselves to the captain and get some relevant information. While the team waited to start moving, they all settled into the uncomfortable benches either in the center of the boat or those near the sides of the room that had a few windows looking out onto the choppy Alaskan Sea. After a few minutes, the boat motors started roaring to life and the resupply vessel moved toward the open water. Garcia moved to sit next to _y/n_ who had slumped down on a bench next to one of the windows. The waves were a dark green and blue, and the clouds had turned a charcoal grey as the sun started to dip below the horizon. Penelope looked over to _y/n_ and asked, “How are you holding up, friend?” _y/n_ looked over to Garcia and said, “I don’t like this Penelope. This feels off to me. This case.” Garcia nodded along and said, “Trust your gut _y/n_. You know yourself better than anyone else. If you ever need to talk, I’m here for you.” _y/n_ nodded and both she and the tech whizz turned to look as Hotch and JJ returned from the bridge. Aaron stepped into the center of the room. The boat listed up and down slightly, but he seemed perfectly stable even as the boat took on a large wave. In his smooth voice, Aaron said, “According to the skipper we should be at the rig in around twenty-five minutes. Apparently, the seas are pretty rough tonight. Once we get there, the boat will take a few minutes to dock. A worker on the rig is going to get our luggage for us, so leave it here by the door when we disembark. Once we’re on the rig the first thing we'll do is meet the foreman. As you saw in the file, his man is Mr. Obermann. Once I’ve introduced us all, we’ll get a tour of the rig. Find rooms and then debrief if that sounds alright?” Everyone agreed and said so in some way or another. _y/n_ always found it interesting that he said things like, ‘If that’s alright with you.’ To the team. It’s not exactly like they had a choice on what happened at the start of a case. _y/n_ hypothesized that he did this to give them an allusion of control. Also, if someone did really have a suggestion that the team do something differently -- like asking to go to a crime scene or the hospital or something like that -- then he would consider it. However, Aaron was usually good at predicting the needs of the team and the case. He was their leader after all. 
The resupply boat arrived at the rig and the size of the massive object that was being buffeted by the cold waves was more massive than any of them had imagined. The rig wasn’t the only thing being pushed by the harsh wind. As the team got outside and made it to the short ladder they would need to climb to get to the main platform. Derek helped _y/n_ and Garcia get to the ladder while Aaron helped JJ, and Rossi provided Emily a steadying hand. The whole team pulled their jackets tighter around themselves as they made it to the main door. A worker pulled the heavy metal door open for them. The door led directly to the crew’s rec room. Mr. Obermann was waiting for them and stood as the team entered the room. Aaron moved to the front of the pack and introduced himself and the team quickly. Mr. Obermann looked stressed and worn out which was understandable given the circumstances. The man said, “Well I appreciate you all coming so far. If this doesn’t get fixed it will be hell for the company, but more importantly to me twenty-five good hard-working men. Because you’ve all come I’ve sent all the temp workers home until you find our guy. What did you call him again?” Aaron replied, “The unknown subject, or unsub for short.” Obermann nodded and said, “Yeah. That. The men that are still here are freaked. They all think they’re going to be the next victim. It’s not good for the job as they need to pay full attention to what they are doing. Risk of injury on offshore rigs are thirty three percent more likely than those on land.” Obermann stopped to take a breath before continuing, “Now I’ll give you a tour of the place. I need you all to put on hard hats. 
The protective headwear was passed out, and the team put the hats on. JJ, Penelope, and _y/n_ struggled not to laugh at the look of all the men on the team wearing the hats. Particularly Rossi, Morgan, and Aaron. Hotch looked like a midwestern politician trying to get votes from the rustbelt to _y/n_, and she actually had to cough to hide her laugh. She was fully aware that she must also look like a fool, but she just couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. Once they were equipped, the team and Mr. Obermann moved through an internal door that led to a long hallway. The foreman moved through each of the rooms on that floor, including his small office, the mess hall, the laundry room, and some of the sleeping quarters. They moved outside, and the team looked at the helipad, and the derrick that brought the oil up to the surface. The team moved back inside and moved down the steps to the first level of the rig. The lower floor was very dark and close to the water level. The sound of the waves could be heard through the thick steel and concrete which spoke to the power of the water surrounding them. Obermann guided through the more mechanical side of the rigs. The communal showers for the crew were also located on the second level. As they walked through the mechanical room, Obermann said, “This room is generally off limits, but as you know, the first victim was found here. I ask that if you need to be in here, let me know and I’ll send someone to open it for you.” The tour took a long time as the space was cramped and a lot of the rooms required them to be careful. Obermann led them back to the rec room where their luggage was waiting for them. Oberman said, “I’ll give you all a few minutes to pick rooms for yourself. The rooms that are free are downstairs. With all of you here, you’ll have to double up. The keys to the rooms are on the table and are labeled with the number that matches the door. Now I have some paperwork to attend to, but I’ll be in my office for any questions you have.” 
As Obermann moved to his office, the team looked at each other. Having to share rooms was never something they enjoyed. Though the team was close, it was an entirely different thing to have to share a room. The team's cases often brought a lot of stress and little sleep, and having the privacy of their own space let them decompress in their own form or fashion was needed. On the rare occasions that the team did share rooms, it was fine, but everyone was far more comfortable alone. But, the work needed to be done, and they needed to start quickly, so no one made a fuss. With that out of the way, the team paired up. Derek, Spencer, and Rossi shared one of the rooms that had three beds, and JJ, Emily, and Garcia took the other room with three beds. Emily offered to share her bed with _y/n_ but _y/n_ said that she was alright being with Hotch in the room with two beds. If it meant having her own bed she would be fine. Aaron overheard _y/n_ and Prentiss’s conversation, and he felt a tug in his chest. He wasn’t sure if the feeling was because _y/n_ seemed so okay with sharing a room with him, or the fact that he was even thinking about it. Hotch had noticed his feelings change toward _y/n_ in the last few months. He wasn’t sure what was pulling him to her, but in some tiny way, things seemed to have shifted in the air for them. And Aaron knew that it wasn’t just him that felt the change. _y/n_ had started to adapt around him. Doing things for him she didn’t need to but that he wanted. He had started reciprocating the gestures and it just kind of clicked in place. Hotch hadn’t given this much thought yet. There hadn’t been time, and he wanted to wait before he did anything more. The fact that he was thinking this now felt like he was breaking some kind of supervisory rule. Even if _y/n_ seemed completely fine with sharing a room with him, he wanted to check in personally. As the rest of the groups moved down the stairs with their suitcases, Hotch stepped toward her. 
When Aaron was next to her, he looked down into her eyes and said, “_y/n_, you don’t have to share a room with me. I can make another arraignment or sleep on one of the couches in here if you prefer.” _y/n_ appreciated the gesture, and she looked over what appeared to be the most old, decrepit, and uncomfortable couches she had seen in her life. Not only would Hotch’s sleep be compromised, but he honestly might be unsafe here given that the rec room was open 24/7. With the killings happening, she would never risk him like that. Even if she was uncomfortable with the idea of sleeping in the same room as her boss, she still wouldn’t make him sleep in a space like this. Although _y/n_ didn’t find the idea of sleeping in the same room as Hotch uncomfortable, she did find it a bit awkward. Over the past few months, she had had some less-than-professional thoughts about her Unit Chief. None of them had strayed into the lewd, lurid, or vulgar, but even so, being that close to Aaron made her insides flutter slightly. She told the butterflies just trying to take flight for the first time to slow down. For now, she was just thinking about this situation by internally telling herself, ‘It’s just Hotch.’ _y/n_ didn’t mean this in a demeaning way. Many of her close relationships or intimate moments with men were marred by pain or betrayal. So for her to simply and honestly say, ‘It’s just Hotch,’ meant a great deal. “Alright, but if at any time you feel like you need space during the night, just tell me and I’ll give it to you.” _y/n_ smiled and nodded, saying, “I will, Hotch. Now, maybe we should put our stuff away so we can get to work?” Aaron nodded in agreement and he stood more straight. The pair grabbed the last room key and their cases. The duo moved down the stairs and to the end of the hallway where their room was. 
Hotch pulled the door’s key from his pants pocket and fitted it into the lock. There was the pleasant sound of the bolt clicking back. Aaron took the metal handle in his large hand. The door swung outward, and he froze momentarily as he looked into the room. _y/n_ noticed his shift in demeanor and softly asked, “What is it?” She pressed closer to him, and she realized why he had reacted as he had. The room they were supposed to share only had one bed and from the size of it, there was no space for another mattress. Aaron muttered something she couldn’t hear under his breath before he more loudly articulated, “There must be a mistake. I’ll talk to Obermann. Or we can talk to someone on the team. Emily will still let you sleep with her. I’m sure of it.” While he said this, two thoughts were happening simultaneously in _y/n_’s head. The first was that her work phone had vibrated in her pocket about ten times since she and Hotch had been trying to negotiate about the room. _y/n_ took a moment to look through her messages. It seemed the other team members were ready to start building the profile for the unsub and were waiting for her and Hotch. This meant she had little time to think about the second thought running through her head like a fire. Imagining sleeping in the same bed as Aaron, even momentarily pulled a light flush to her face. She pushed the latter thought back for later and said, “Hotch, we can figure it out later. I think the team is waiting for us in the rec room. Em said there’s coffee. Let’s just put our cases inside and you and I can figure this out later.” Aaron turned to _y/n_ with a furrowed brow. For a second he could see the flush on her skin but moved to look away not ready to acknowledge that fact yet. Though he wanted to rectify this situation immediately, _y/n_ was right. He gave a small sigh and said, “You’re right. We can figure it out later." With that Aaron and _y/n_ moved into the small space. Hotch pushed his suitcase under the small space of the bed while _y/n_ placed her smaller case in the only open storage area the room had. When this was done, they both left the room; Aaron switched off the light and locked the door behind him. As they made their way back up to the first floor, Aaron sighed. This wasn’t particularly Obermann’s fault, but it was a unique situation for sure. One that he would resolve to make sure _y/n_ was comfortable. For some reason when he saw her in pain or discomfort, it really ate at him. This had only happened twice, but those were two times he did not want to repeat. And he certainly wasn’t going to be the cause of her discomfort. 
The pair moved back to the team and settled into the open spots at one of the tables in the rec room. The darkness outside the windows of the rec room seemed to try and penetrate through and around the lights on the rig, and the howl of the wind crashed with the waves as the team worked late into the night. They bounced ideas off each other and looked at the first three spots where the victims had been found. By 2:40 a.m. the team had a basic profile down. They assumed the unsub was around forty to fifty-five years old, which eliminated a little less than half of the twenty-five workers. They also assumed the man was important and potentially used violence as a substitute for sex and a form of release. _y/n_ kept the idea of cabin fever in the back of her head and suggested acts of hysteria or depression for the profile. She clarified, “We wouldn’t see that behavior here, but while this unsub is not on the rig I think bouts of anger and depression might be a pattern. He might have even lost jobs because of this before.” Rossi agreed and said, “We can ask Mr. Obermann about people with those traits tomorrow morning. We also know the attacks happen at night when most of the crew are asleep and only the night shift workers are awake.” Derek tacked on, “And they happen where there aren’t cameras or the lighting is too dark to see clearly. It’s often near the machinery to drown out any screaming.” Now that the preliminary profile was created, it would give the team a better chance to look over all the workers tomorrow who they were meeting in the morning. They had only met two men officially that night and it was the two security guards. One was a younger man in his thirties named Joe, and the other was in his fifties named Pete. The team had met the two while they changed shifts. Both men had introduced themselves and told the members of the BAU to call them at any time if they needed help. Derek and Aaron both clocked that neither man carried a gun, but did have retractable nightsticks in their belts. 
By this point, it was nearly three, and many members of the team decided to call it a night. They needed to wake up at five a.m. to meet the oil workers before their shift started at 6:00 a.m. It was only Rossi, Garcia, Aaron, and _y/n_ left awake. _y/n_ could feel the weight of her exhaustion pulling at her. Her mind was foggy and looking at the files actually hurt her eyes. The lights on the rig at night were a bit dimmed and she longed to get to sleep. She pushed away from the table and Garcia looked up and asked, “Are you going to bed, darling?” _y/n_ nodded. At hearing this, Aaron looked over to her and she approached him. Mr. Obermann had retired hours ago and _y/n_ was sure Emily was out like a light by now. She could see Hotch eyeing the couches again and she just barely touched his shoulder. He looked over to her and she nodded her head toward his phone, which pinged once. Aaron picked up the device and swiped up on _y/n_’s text message. He quickly read it over. The message read: “Hotch. I guarantee that sleeping in the same room, even the same bed as you doesn’t make me uncomfortable. It may be unorthodox by FBI standards, but I’m tired and I don’t to wake JJ or Emily. Please don’t sleep on those couches or stay up all night to try and make tonight better for me. You need rest too. If sleeping with me makes you uncomfortable, I’ll take the couch, just wake me up and let me know.” Hotch turned back to _y/n_ and could see that she was being honest, about all of it. That she wasn’t uncomfortable, and that she would take the couch if he wanted to be alone. Again he had that feeling that he was being cared for by _y/n_. And even though he felt uncertain for some unknown reason, he couldn’t deny he’d rather be on a bed than the couches. Finally, he gave her a small nod letting her know that he would be down at the room later. Silently, _y/n_ mouthed, “Night Aaron.” With that, she slipped into the corridor and out of sight. Garcia had observed whatever that odd interaction was between her two friends and she was sure something was happening. What that was, she couldn’t say yet, but with her snooping and pleading skills, she hoped to find out soon enough. 
After another hour, Aaron was the only one still up. He was stalling and he knew it. With a sigh, Hotch put his loose papers in his file. He picked up the manila folder and moved downstairs. The grimy, dim hall lights flickered and the shadows seemed to move as Hotch walked down the small corridor. Hotch stopped outside the showers and considered taking one. Again he was stalling. He didn’t need a shower, he needed sleep. He passed the showers and tried to unlock the door as quietly as he could. It was dark in the room and he felt around the dark space for the edge of the bed. _y/n_’s slow breathing filled the room along with the sound of the wave slapping the sides of the rig. Aaron knelt down and tried to quietly remove his suitcase from under the bed. He stopped once it was out and listened. From her breathing, it seemed that _y/n_ was still asleep. He unzipped the case and at this point, his eyes had adjusted to the darkness. He found his grey sweatpants and a sleeping shirt. He couldn’t tell what color it was in the dark but it didn’t really matter. He wasn’t trying to impress anyone. Once he had the articles of clothing, he pushed his suitcase back under the bed. Once he was standing again, he considered moving back to the showers to change. However, opening the door and letting in the light from the hall might wake _y/n_. He looked over at his agent who was turned away from him facing the wall. She was obviously asleep, and he decided to just quickly change in the room. He placed his pajamas on the empty side of the twin bed. He faced the other direction and quietly undid the buckle of his belt. He slipped it out of his belt loops and when it was free, he silently placed the leather on the bed. With a fast intentional movement, he undid the button and zipper of his pants. He slipped off the fabric and when his legs were free, he grabbed his sweats and slipped them on. Somehow Aaron felt that it would be alright if _y/n_ saw him in his undershirt or even bare-chested, but something about her seeing his legs or worse his groin -- even if it was covered with briefs was too embarrassing to think about. 
A tiny voice in his head said mockingly, “And you just thought ‘you weren’t trying to impress someone?’” Hotch grit his teeth, removed his shirt and undershirt, and put on the soft cotton of his sleeping shirt. Aaron folded the clothes that he had put on the bed and set them on top of _y/n_’s case. He would hang them up tomorrow. He slowly sat down on the edge of the mattress and it dipped slightly with his weight. Very slowly he moved his legs onto the bed and it was just long enough to fit his tall frame. He lay on his back. For his sake and _y/n_’s he decided to sleep on top of the covers, while _y/n_ stayed bundled beneath them. This would at least give them a layer of separation between them. Aaron wasn’t sure if it was his was his stirring or even his body heat, but _y/n_ seemed to momentarily wake, and in a sleep-heavy voice asked, “Hotch.” It was hard to tell if she was still asleep or not, but he softly replied, “It’s me.” This answer seemed to soothe her and _y/n_ quickly fell back asleep. The exhaustion Aaron felt nearly made him fall asleep before he turned on his side to face the opposite direction from _y/n_. For once, he was grateful that he was so tired that his mind couldn’t wander to places he shouldn't let it. 
An hour or so later Aaron woke when _y/n_ made a small sound in her sleep. It was like a little hum or maybe the softest “yes” he had heard in his life. As he came to a more conscious state he realized that he was warm. Warmer than he had been when he fell asleep. In his sleep, he had managed to get under the covers and he was nestled next to _y/n_. His right arm was around her waist and his face was pressed into the soft smooth skin of her neck. Hotch stilled his body. Apart from the fact that being pressed close to _y/n_ felt good, he realized that he needed to move slowly or he might wake her while he disentangled his body from hers. Hotch pulled his face back first, and in his tired mind, he thought about how he missed _y/n_’s crisp scent. Next, he removed his arm from her waist. _y/n_ made another noise at this retraction but still didn’t wake. Aaron thanked the gods for apparently making _y/n_ a deep sleeper. Finally, Aaron rolled onto his back and then to his original position facing the other wall. He was too drained to try and get out and above the covers again, and anyway the warmth from both the blankets and _y/n_ who was only an inch or so away from him felt good, and he fell back into unconsciousness after a few minutes. 
In the morning, neither Aaron nor _y/n_ had the time to reflect that they had ended up in each other's arms again during the night because they were jolted awake by the sound of someone screaming. _y/n_ said, “It’s Garcia.” Both Aaron and _y/n_ quickly put on their shoes and grabbed their guns in case there was any danger. Aaron moved out the door first and _y/n_ followed closely after. The sound had come from the nearby showers. Mr. Obermann had set up for the showers to be open from six to seven a.m. each morning for the BAU women to shower safely and with the guarantee that a man wouldn’t interrupt them. This was something JJ had set up on the flight over to Alaska. JJ had ensured that the same was promised for the men on the team, but their hours were in the evening. As Aaron and _y/n_ arrived outside the showers, Morgan was gently guiding Penelope from outside. The technical analyst was sobbing and Derek sort of passed her over to _y/n_ who put her gun away. Morgan firmly said, “Get her away from here, _y/n_. We have a new victim.” _y/n_ nodded and she tried to comfort Garcia as they moved away from the new scene. Hotch slipped past them and at his point the whole team assembled. Rossi was acting as a guard against the workers who wondered what was going on, and if someone had been killed. As _y/n_ passed JJ, she asked the media liaison to come with her and Garcia to provide another more comforting presence for Penelope. JJ nodded and they moved back to the women’s room. 
It was a hectic three hours at the start of the morning as a coroner and the local authorities were called. The oil workers became increasingly restless with all of the authorities and the BAU around. To the men, so far these newcomers hadn’t done anything to protect them yet. Once Penelope had calmed, _y/n_ sat on Emily’s bed and thought to the morning. To Hotch in his sneakers and grey sweatpants and dark blue shirt with his gun drawn. To Rossi in a dressing gown and undershirt, and Morgan in a tank and sweats. In fact, they had all been in sleeping clothes except for Spencer. _y/n_ expected that the young genius had stayed up all night. The sight of all of them with guns in such casual clothing would have been funny if it was in a dream or something. But this wasn’t a dream. They were isolated in the middle of nowhere. So far away from civilization that it took an hour for the coroner to arrive. _y/n_ thought back to her isolation theory. She looked forward to speaking with Obermann when she got the chance to see what he had to say. She could also get JJ to look over the personnel files with her for clues as well. After Emily dropped off a soda for Garcia, _y/n_ asked Garcia if she could describe what had happened in the morning and any clues she might have seen or observed. _y/n_ had her pen and pad ready when her friend began to speak. Finally, the police left, the coroner took the body, and the team changed into their professional clothes and assembled in the rec space. Obermann and all the workers minus the fourth victim were assembled. 
Obermann spoke first and said, “Alright, new rule. Teams of three only. No one moves alone, even to piss. No teams of two, teams of three. I’ve called corporate and am waiting for a response. If they tell us to leave today, we will. But until then we can still do our jobs. And if you can’t tell me. Before we get to today’s work, I’ll have Agent Hotchner speak to you. Listen to him and his team without any grumbling or complaints unless you want to be written up.”With that, Oberman stepped aside for Aaron. Hotch tried to make this quick. He could tell the men in front of him were angsty. He cleared his throat and said, “As Mr. Obermann said, I’m Agent Aaron Hotchner. I work for the FBI in the Behavioral Analysis  Unit. I and my team are here to find the person who is making this an even more dangerous place to work. I am sincerely sorry for your loss this morning. I and my team standing beside me will do everything we can to try and not allow something like that to happen again while we are here. If any of you see something off or suspicious, don’t hesitate to tell me, our Media Liaison, or anyone on the team. I promise we won’t get in your way. For now, that’s all.” Aaron stepped back and motioned for the team to move further back into the room as Obermann started giving the instructions for the day's labor. Aaron had cut out a lot of the formalities, his title, and the science behind the team's work. It wasn’t needed now. He had been speaking to hardened working men, not cops, and sounding fancy or professional wouldn’t make their opinions of him or the team any higher. As Obermann gave orders, Aaron similarly divvied up tasks for the team. Garcia, who had much recovered from her shocking morning would continue looking at the terror element and online leads. He and Morgan would look at the crime scenes. Rossi volunteered to watch the men at work and see if he saw anything that fit the profile. JJ, _y/n_, and Emily volunteered to look at the files of the employees again, as well as rewatching any relevant footage, and Spencer would work on a geographic profile if that was even possible in a space this small. Hotch, like Obermann, told his team that he wanted them in pairs. The events of the morning were a clear reminder that there was significant danger for everyone on the rig. 
The team worked tirelessly through the day. They all even missed breakfast and lunch. They reconvened at mid-day and shared what they had. Rossi had suspicions about two men, Baker and Price. Em, JJ, and _y/n_ had thoughts about three men: Slainfield, Parkins, and Jotenson. _y/n_ also had a bad feeling about Pete. However, Pete was standing by them so she didn’t say anything to the whole team. But once the man was gone, she approached Aaron. He was leaning over his and Rossi’s notes on the table, but he acknowledged her presence by turning his head to her for a moment. _y/n_ said, “I think that there’s something off about Pete. He seems to match the profile well and…” She paused momentarily and Hotch looked at her closely, saying, “And?” _y/n_ swallowed and said, “Maybe this is silly but he gives me a bad feeling.” Hotch nodded and said, “It’s not silly. We’ll keep an eye on him.” 
The team worked through the afternoon and into the evening. Every now and then they would update the group as they discovered new things. Morgan and Hotch had looked at the crime scene and the pictures of the victim. It was clear that this murder was faster and more reckless. It had happened in a more public place unlike the last three and there was less bruising which meant the death had been rushed. Hotch and Rossi made two hypotheses: one was that the killer was trying to show dominance to the team. To demonstrate that he could kill even with them watching. The second was that he was getting sloppy. He might be trying to show strength, but it was evident in the victim’s body that he was slipping. In the evening the team met for dinner with the rest of the workers. The BAU members all sat together at a table on the far side of the room. Clear cliques could be seen in the oil men as the group sat and chattered softly. None of the men looked at the team and they clearly didn’t want to be overheard. It was clear that the team's presence and the fact that a killer was among them was altering their behavior. As _y/n_ looked over the group and then to her friends it all suddenly felt like high school. And in a moment that felt like a bad teen romance, _y/n_ thought of the morning, before Garcia had shifted the course of events for the day with her discovery. _y/n_ had woken early. She wanted a shower even if she didn’t really need it. She had not expected to wake up warm and cozily tucked in Aaron’s arms with his face pressed into her hair. The comfort she found in his embrace knocked the senses out of her for a moment before she realized he was her boss and any feeling that might or might not been growing in her would be rejected. Not that she’d ever have the nerve to say or do anything. She liked her job too much to do something stupid. She liked Aaron too. As a colleague and friend, she wouldn’t want to make things awkward between them. _y/n_ came back to herself and wondered how she could navigate out of the small bed and his warm, strong arms to get to the showers. Just then Penelope had screamed and saved her from having to think about it. _y/n_ snapped back to reality as Emily said something to her. _y/n_ looked over at Prentiss and said, “Sorry, come again?” As she picked up her pizza for another bite. 
To call the food good would be hyperbole, but the team was so famished the cafeteria-grade food tasted amazing. The workmen moved to finish their tasks for the night before turning in. The team continued working for an hour or so before many members also turned in for the night. Perhaps it was the cramped space or the fact that the daylight faded quickly leaving the rig in darkness much of the time, or just the sounds of the waves that made them all a little more sleepy than usual. Emily, Garcia, _y/n_, and JJ were one of the groups to turn in early. _y/n_ could tell that Garcia was going to start asking her questions about what the night with Aaron had been like. To avoid having that personal conversation right now, _y/n_ faked a yawn to indicate that she was really sleepy, which she was. Her strategy worked and Garcia, who was actively going to ask _y/n_ about her night yesterday stopped herself realizing that her friend was tired. Each of the women moved to their rooms and got ready for bed. When the lights were off and _y/n_ was under the blanket and her breathing was the only sound in the room, she thought she heard a creaking from the corner of the small space. _y/n_ sat up, but there was obviously no one there. She lay back down and pulled the covers over her head like a little girl. The place unnerved her. It was like an isolated haunted British mansion with a vengeful ghost roaming the corridors. Except this ghost was real and would do more than scare you to death. _y/n_ let out a sigh at her silly thoughts. She cleared her head and actually focused on getting some rest. 
Aaron was not the last one up this time. That honor went to Derek who was chatting with Garcia about something technical that he wasn’t sure he fully understood. Hotch stood and excused himself. Aaron was smarter the second night, and he had set out a clean pair of pajamas and his toiletries for his shower night. Aaron grabbed the items and moved back to the shower room. Hotch stripped and moved into one of the communal showers. He pulled the frosted plastic curtain back for privacy. He turned on the water and flinched as the ice-cold water hit his skin. It took a moment before the warm water replaced the frigid. When the hot water did come, he let out a little sigh. He didn’t know where it had come from. He assumed it was from being so tired. From the real and present danger his team was in, and also that there had been a dead body in this very space many hours earlier. As he reflected, he thought, ‘These cases certainly make strange bedfellows of places.’ And it was true. Where hadn’t he seen a crime? Churches, dressing rooms, parks, campgrounds, strip clubs, showers, houses, houses, houses… Aaron tried to not focus on the morbidity of his job. He was actually thinking about the ‘bedfellows’ part of his thought. Because this case was making him have a strange bedfellow in _y/n_. In what world would something like this happen? In what twisted world was he so comfortable with it happening? He thought back to when he woke up holding _y/n_. Now Aaron actually stopped himself from groaning. ‘You’re tired,’ Aaron reassured himself. He more quickly worked through his routine of thoroughly cleaning his skin and washing his hair. After drying off with a towel and changing. He moved back into the room and settled into the bed. As he lay down, he looked at the metal ceiling painted an unimaginative hospital beige. He silently said, ‘You won’t hold _y/n_ tonight._’ He repeated it a few times. It was a technique he used with Jack when he had bad dreams. Aaron told his son that if you say something while you’re awake, like, “I won’t have a nightmare tonight,” that it will happen in your sleep too. Hotch softly chuckled at the fact that he was using a comforting technique for his son on himself. As his thoughts shifted to Jack, he slipped into sleep. 
It was the middle of the night, Aaron woke when he felt like all the air had been sucked from the room and a heavy weight seemed to press down on him. He shifted up and looked at _y/n_. He was surprised when he saw her eyes wide open apparently looking at the foot of the bed. He could tell something was off. Her body was stiff like a board. Aaron tried to get her to relax by gently shaking her shoulder and calling her name, but this had no response. Hotch swallowed and placed his fingers over her pulse. It was a bit elevated, but he could see her breathing normally. Her condition scared him, and he called her name again. After a moment _y/n_’s eyes shifted from the edge of the bed and up to the ceiling. Aaron knew there was nothing there, but he looked up at the flat surface anyway. He tried shaking her again. He was wondering if she was having a stroke, but the odd symptoms didn’t look like those of a stroke, and _y/n_ was far too young and healthy to have a stroke. He would have seen it in her medical history and not let her on the team. For another agonizing minute, _y/n lay still. _y/n_ seemed to snap out of whatever this episode was. She quite literally collapsed into the mattress, and she took large unsteady breaths like she was panicking or had been unable to breathe over the last few minutes. Aaron’s voice was filled with concern and worry, as he brushed his hand over her arm and said, _y/n_. What was that?” In a strained voice, _y/n_ said, “Lights. Give me a minute.” Hotch nodded, and he felt relieved hearing her voice, even if it did sound distressed. He leaned over to his side of the wall and flipped the light switch on. The low-level fluorescent glow of the overhead made Hotch blink a few times. When his eyes had adjusted, he watched _y/n_. Her eyes were closed and she was clearly doing some breathing techniques to calm herself and her nervous system down. Aaron’s hand briefly ghosted over her upright palm. For a moment he wanted the take it in his own hand, but he stopped himself. He grabbed at the sheets of the bed and made a fist with the fabric instead. After a few minutes, _y/n_ sat up. One of her legs was bent to her chest, and she placed her forehead in her right hand. Aaron cleared his throat and as if she just now remembered he was there, she turned her head to look at him with her forehead still in her hand. She looked so scared. Her eyes shone with it. After a final beat of silence, _y/n_ said, “Do you know what sleep paralysis is?” Her voice was slightly hoarse, lower than its normal register. Hotch thought about what he knew about the condition. He’d heard of it before, but never experienced it himself. Softly, he replied, “I have. Though I don’t know a lot about it.” _y/n_ nodded and then said, “Well now you’ve seen it.” Seeing _y/n_ like this pulled at his insides, and he couldn’t take it anymore. He moved his hand to the small of her back to provide some comfort. 
_y/n_ seemed to settle with his touch, and she took her head out of her hand. Aaron wanted, needed some answers. So as kindly as he could, he asked, “What is that like exactly? You were so stiff for about three minutes.” _y/n_’s brow pinched for a moment and she replied, “It’s like locked-in syndrome a bit. You’re aware, awake but there's no moving or being able to snap out of it. You’re trapped until the episode is over. People see, hear, or feel things. One or all of those things can happen.” Hotch’s mind went back to while the episode was happening. She had clearly been looking at something at the foot of the bed and then at the ceiling. He asked, “Do you see things?” _y/n_ nodded and said, “Yeah.” Aaron could see the discomfort as she thought about it. Aaron wasn’t going to press, but he did wonder what she had seen. His unspoken question was answered by _y/n_, who said, “For me, I… I see a man. He’s large and cloaked in a kind of shadow. Like his body is there but not there. He smiles at me but other than his mouth there’s no face.” _y/n_ swallowed thickly and said, “Normally he’s at the foot of my bed, but sometimes he’s near my face. Tonight he crawled up the wall and looked down at me from the ceiling.” While she spoke about the figure, her voice hitched and Aaron noticed the small sob she was trying to hide. Her description of sleep paralysis sounded horrible. His bouts of insomnia felt like nothing compared to what she described. It was an actual living nightmare. Hotch took a breath and started running a gentle circle on her back with his thumb. He wanted to know more. Like how often does this happen? Or if there’s something that causes these events. But right now he was more concerned about making sure _y/n_ was comfortable and felt safe. 
Aaron removed his hand from her back, and this made her look at him more intently. He first acknowledged how frightening that sounded, and he said, “I’m sorry you’ve gone through this. It sounds, scary. Is there anything you do that helps you calm down? Is there anything I can do to help? I could grab you a coffee, or give you space if you need.” _y/n_ gave Hotch one of those small half smiles that she flashed him when he was doing something for her that he didn’t need to exactly. She replied, with a more stable voice, “I, um actually think that coffee might make it worse. Trying to stay up and outlast the feelings doesn’t normally help with anything. But maybe some water would be nice.” Hotch nodded and turned toward the small nightstand on his side of the bed. He grabbed the water bottle that he had taken from dinner. He had only taken a sip or two, and he offered it over to _y/n_ saying, “Is this okay? I just had a sip, but I can get you a new one if you prefer.” _y/n_ chuckled lightly as she unscrewed the cap and took a drink. She really wasn’t worried about germs from Aaron. After a few sips, she put the cap back on and Aaron placed it back on the table. Aaron then asked, “Is there anything else?” _y/n_ continued looking at him and said, “Normally I just grab a weighted blanket and and try and get back to sleep and pray it doesn’t happen again.” The idea that something like this would happen more than once in a night was abhorrent to Hotch. He looked around the room for anything that might act like a weighted blanket even though there wasn’t anything of the kind around. Aaron’s brain came up with an idea and his mouth voiced the thought before he could stop himself. He said, “Maybe I can hold you? It’s not a weighted blanket, but maybe it could help?” There was a silence after the offer was out there. Both Aaron and _y/n_ were a bit surprised. Aaron bit the inside of his mouth at what he had said. He feared that he had crossed a line, and _y/n_ looked at him like she was surprised that he had offered. However, much to Hotch’s relief, she said, “I’d like that, actually.” Aaron nodded and softly replied, “Okay. Do you want me to turn off the lights?” _y/n_ nodded and laid back on the mattress. 
Aaron switched off the light and lay flush with the mattress as well. He wasn’t exactly sure how to start what he had offered without it being awkward or uncomfortable. So he started by just taking _y/n_’s hand in the darkness. He gave it a gentle squeeze, and she let out a breath at his touch. His hand trailed up her arm to her bicep where he ran his pointer and middle fingers up and down the area gently. He wanted to ensure that she was okay with this. After a minute of this, _y/n_ softly said, “Aaron, please.” Maybe it was the way he said his first name or the fact that he wanted to provide the comfort that gave him the courage to move his body close to hers. He placed a hand on her hip and asked, “Do you want to face my chest or face the wall?” Her comfort was most important to him. _y/n_ thought for a moment and said, “I’d like the face the wall.” Aaron hummed and positioned himself so his chest was against her back as she turned on her side. With his left arm, he wrapped his arm over her. It rested on her waistline. He didn’t add any pressure, but let the weight of his arm rest on the side of her body. _y/n_ could feel that he was tense; he might even be flexing. She didn’t mention this and after a few minutes, he relaxed like her. When he did this she could fully feel him pressed against her. The soft area of this stomach pressed against her lower back. Before she fell asleep she said, “Thanks Hotch.” With that, she slipped into oblivion. 
In the morning it wasn’t odd as they got up. Aaron checked in to see how she was, and _y/n_ said, “I’m alright. I rested pretty well thanks to you. I really appreciate it, Hotch.” Aaron nodded and more nonchalantly than he really felt he said, “I’m just happy that I could help.” _y/n_moved to grab her towel, her work clothes, and her toiletries bag. She stepped into the shower and told JJ good morning. The media liaison was humming some county song behind her privacy curtain and told _y/n_ “Good morning,” as well. _y/n_ and JJ moved to the rec room together. The rest of the team was grabbing breakfast. As soon as Garcia saw _y/n_, she knew something had happened the previous night. The technical analyst and Emily approached _y/n_, and Penelope asked her, “Baby, did something happen? You don’t look well.” _y/n_ shook her head and quietly told her friends, “I had another episode last night. It was a lot worse than the recent ones.” Garcia looked at _y/n_ sympathetically and pulled her into a hug saying, “I’m so sorry, _y/n_. It’s gotta be this place. It’s giving me the heebie-jeebies too.” Aaron watched on as Em, Garcia, and _y/n_ had a quiet conversation near the serving table. He could just hear some of their conversation, and for a moment, he felt left out because _y/n_ hadn’t told him about her sleep paralysis but had clearly let Penelope and Prentiss in on the secret. Aaron realized that immediately that was stupid because the conversation about her sleeping habits didn’t normally just pop up around him. What would she possibly say, “Oh yeah, every now and then a literal sleep demon shows up by my bed, and he doesn’t have a face. Also, I can’t move when it happens. And it could happen anytime I sleep.” Aaron chastised himself and stabbed another bite of eggs onto his fork. At least now he knew about one of the challenges that seemed to haunt _y/n_ outside the job, and he now would do what he could to make her life easier while they were on cases. 
The day moved quickly as some leads dropped cold and the pressure was on to get results. There hadn’t been a new attack which indicated that either the unsub was getting scared, or the fact that the team and the workmen being in teams of two and three had stopped them from being able to act. If the pattern of the last two killings heald, the unsub was likely to attack again today. During the afternoon, Spencer and _y/n_ were discussing her theory and the idea that the unsub was impotent. Spencer said, “What if he’s not important at all, but has a pain fetish or something?” _y/n_ looked at Spencer with apprehension, and she replied, “But the impotence matches with the profile. The bat or blunt object is clearly a replacement for the phallus. If the unsub has a pain fetish I think he would take much more time with the victim. Granted in a place like this, there can’t be a lot of time spent on each victim. I’m not sure, now it feels off.” Spencer leaned against the wall and said, “Let’s re-examine that part of the profile in a bit. I have some thoughts about your cabin fever theory.” _y/n_ gave the genius a small smile and said, “Shot. I’m all ears.” What both agents were missing about the first subject of discussion was that it was possible that more than one person was influencing the way the victims were being killed. 
It was late, again and Em and _y/n_ were calling it a night. _y/n_ had tried to get to bed before Hotch while they shared the bed. She hoped that if she was asleep when he got back, he would be more comfortable because they wouldn’t have to have any potential awkward ‘good nights’ or shifting around in the bed to try and get comfortable. _y/n_ for one, took what felt like half an hour to find a comfy position and actually get to sleep. The hallway to their room was cloaked in oddly long shadows. For a second Emily thought she heard a dripping sound and looked around for the source of the noise, but she couldn’t see anything from the darkened hall. Emily looked over to _y/n_ and said, “I don’t know about you, but I want to get the fuck off this rig.” _y/n_ nodded in agreement and said, “That gets an Amen from me.” As Prentiss approached her door, she fished for her keys and muttered, “Shit,” under her breath. _y/n_ looked over to Emily and asked, “What is it?” Emily said, “I left my keys on the table.” _y/n_ looked to her friend and then to her own door. It was only ten or so feet away and Em said, “You go to bed. I’ll be fine by myself getting my keys. JJ was planning on heading to bed soon too, so I’ll just walk back with her.” _y/n_ said, “You’re sure?” Prentiss nodded and both women headed their separate ways. Emily moved with determination, wanting to get to bed as quickly as possible. 
_y/n_ moved down the hallway and passed the showers. Once she was past the site of the latest victim, a figure emerged from the entrance behind her. _y/n_ wasn’t aware of the man’s presence until he spoke, saying, “Ma’am, you shouldn’t be walking alone.” _y/n_ whipped around and saw the security guard, Joe. _y/n_ suddenly felt a dread build in her stomach, and Joe stepped toward her saying, “Let me walk you to your room at least.” Just as _y/n_ was about to say something, the man lunged at her. His strong hands found their grip on her neck and she choked as he restricted her airway and pushed her harshly against the metal wall. _y/n_ tried to fight the unsub, but her lack of air was making it hard. In an act of desperation, she used her right hand to find the man’s groin and she took his manhood in her hand squeezing the area tightly. Joe removed his hands from her body and said, “Bitch,” as he moved back covering his groin with his hands. _y/n_ tried to catch her breath. She pulled for the gun in her holster with shaking fingers, but Joe was quicker with his nightstick. As he extended the weapon it gave a little swishing sound. Before _y/n_ could fully protect her face with her hands the nightstick made painful contact on the side of her head. _y/n_ reeled, and she saw stars for a second. _y/n_ tried to stay upright, but the pain and confusion had her collapse against the wall. As she crumpled, she could hear Joe say, “How fucking dare you say I’m impotent. You’re going to regret that comment you little bitch.” _y/n_ closed her eyes as she saw the man’s hand holding the weapon raise and lower with considerable force. 
Hotch moved down the hallway and stairs that led to the first level of the rig. He was in desperate need of a shower and a distraction. The day had been rough on him. He had had to speak to Obermann about the men suddenly acting different, even with hostility toward the team. They were obviously all on edge, but that didn’t give them a right to badmouth his team. He had also had a very choppy call with Strauss and Mr. Ridgewell. Both were disappointed that he hadn’t found anything yet. Aaron had to explain to Ridgewell specifically how unique a case this was. Aaron wondered why Erin hadn’t told the Commissioner this information before. Was his boss angry with him as well? Making him do this sort of soft groveling as a sort of punishment? To prove that he and the team were valuable? Aaron had also had a long conversation with Garcia about more messages that had been shared from the alleged foreign agents. Hotch was beginning to think that this part of the case was all a ruse by the unsub to distract the team’s time and energy. As Hotch got lower on the stairs, he heard a snapping sound and the small moan of pain that came after a particularly loud cracking sound had his hand on his gun in an instant. Aaron quietly moved down the final steps and he saw the younger security guard leaning over a prone figure that he recognized as _y/n_. Aaron authoritatively said, “I have a gun pointed at the back of your skull. Unless you want your brains decorating these walls, I’d put your hands behind your head and slowly stand.” Unfortunately for Aaron, Joe had heard Hotch’s footsteps and had grabbed his knife, which he kept hidden in his back pocket, and pressed it close to _y/n_’s neck. Joe called back, “I wouldn’t if I were you, Agent Hotchner. I have my knife pressed to your agent's neck. So unless you want her bleeding out from her carotid artery, I’d put down your gun, and kick it toward me.” Aaron clenched his jaw but replied, “Alright. I’m doing it now.” Hotch would never jeopardize a member of his team. The fact that he couldn’t see how hurt _y/n_ was and the fact that she wasn’t moving almost made him sick. He slowly moved his center of gravity down and set his handgun on the cold smooth floor. Aaron pushed the weapon toward Joe. The unsub felt behind himself until his hands found the gun. Joe moved to face Aaron, dropped the knife, and grabbed his nightstick instead. Joe commanded Aaron to raise his hands and put them behind his head. Hotch did as told and when the unsub was a foot away from Aaron, Joe quickly raised his nightstick and hit Aaron on the side of the face. The blow wasn’t well aimed, and it didn’t have as much power as he had used with _y/n_, but it was still enough to incapacitate the FBI agent for a moment. As Hotch slumped against the wall, Joe pushed past him and ran to an external door at the end of the hallway.
After a second, Aaron came back to himself and he clicked on his open communication channel with the team and he said, “The unsub is Joe Pabst. He just attacked _y/n_. He exited the southwest door. The channel came to life as Aaron moved toward _y/n_ on unsteady feet. He collapsed next to _y/n_ and checked her breathing and pulse. It was clear that she was unconscious and battered, but her pulse seemed alright. She seemed to be struggling to breathe due to the trauma on her nose. Aaron couldn’t tell if it was broken or not, but the blood leaking from it and the bruising already there told him that it was hard for her to breathe through it. Thankfully Rossi and Garcia came to his side in a second. Rossi motioned that he would stay with _y/n_ and at seeing this, Aaron got to his feet to pursue the unsub. He listened as Derek, Spencer, and Emily approached the man who had harmed _y/n_. Outside on the slick side of the rig, Aaron fought the wind. He moved up to the top platform and saw Derek and Spencer in a stand-off with the unsub who was on the rigging of the derrick itself. A light shone out, highlighting the unsubs form standing high above the waves. Hotch lined up a shot with the second gun he wore on his left ankle. Just as he was preparing to fire an incapacitating shot, Joe moved to the edge of the small platform, and by some twist of fate, or a simple design flaw, the chain railing slipped from one of its posts, and because Joe was leaning his weight on the barrier, he flailed wildly before plummeting into the choppy sea below. Aaron called Morgan on the secure channel and said, “Go see if you can find Joe. I’ll wake Obermann and let him know what’s just happened.” Derek confirmed Hotch’s directions. As much as Aaron would like the unsub to drown, it was still his job to make sure monsters like Joe faced the full weight of justice if possible. 
A half-hour later Aaron was back by _y/n_’s side. Rossi had moved _y/n_ to the rec room and the travel medical evacuation team was en route. _y/n_ hadn’t woken yet and Aaron feared a bad concussion or worse, something like a brain bleed from the head trauma she had received. Aaron also couldn’t deny that he was feeling unwell. The lights were a bit bright for him, but he ignored his own pain to be seated next to _y/n_. When the helicopter came, Rossi insisted that Aaron ride with _y/n_ to the nearest hospital because he might also need medical care. Hotch acquiesced and boarded the helicopter with the paramedics and pilot. The sun was just rising above the horizon line as the chopper moved up and over where the Alaskan sea met the cold,  hard land. At the hospital Aaron reluctantly submitted himself to an exam, but he only had thoughts for _y/n_ who was seen a few rooms down. 
When _y/n_ woke a few hours later, her head pounded in pain. Even though she was hurting, she could sense that she was somewhere new. Her last memories were of Joe approaching her. As someone near her shifted, she opened her eyes and tried to see through the glare of her blurry vision. Aaron sat up as _y/n_ stirred. His head was lightly bandaged to stop the bleeding from his temple. _y/n_ struggled to say, “It was Joe.” Aaron nodded and said, “Yeah. Joe and Pete, but we can talk about that later. I’m going to call the doctor for you.” As Aaron waited for Dr. Ramirez to come and check in on _y/n_ he looked her over again. Her face was deeply bruised. There were other sites of trauma on her body including a fractured wrist and some bruised ribs. The doctors assumed that she had a grade III concussion due to the fact that she had been unconscious for as long as she had. Hotch could see the pain in her eyes, but even so, she said, “It’s nice to have someone one I really like be beside my bad instead of shadow man.” _y/n_ cringed slightly from the pain and how stupid ‘shadow man,’ sounded to her. She had never named her sleep paralysis demon. She refused to give it an identity. She looked at Aaron who was also a bit damaged. She wanted him to hold her again, but due to the fact that they were in a hospital, and he was her boss, that seemed a bit implausable. So she extended her hand out to him. Aaron took it in both of his hands, and his calloused fingers moved gently over her knuckles and palm. Before she closed her eyes against the brightness of the room, she saw a ghost of a smile on Hotch’s face. It always showed up in the crow's feet by his eyes. 
A day and a half later, the team was headed back home. Joe’s body still hadn’t been found in the rough sea. It was possible that it may never be recovered. Aaron was fine with this. Pete, who had influenced Joe had been taken into custody and was awaiting a hearing. The doctors had recommended a three-day leave of absence for Aaron and a week-long recovery period for _y/n_ for both of their healing. Aaron was going to insist on a longer break for _y/n_. And if he was medically forced from the office, that should give the team a bit of a reprieve as well. As the team settled on the jet, Aaron found himself seated next to _y/n_. Discretely, his left hand found its place close to her thigh. The tips of his fingers softly touching _y/n_’s upper leg. _y/n_ seemed to be asleep, and Aaron looked over her face which was bandaging on her nose, crown, and temple. At his touch, _y/n_ shifted her body towards his in her sleep. The part of Aaron that was growing fonder and fonder for _y/n_ contentedly filled his chest. He would have to do some self-reflection once he was home about these feelings. Once his hand was a bit more firmly planted on _y/n_’s leg, Hotch thought about how demons really were real. Either those who showed up unwanted in horrifying waking nightmares, or people like Joe, who had been influenced by the older, isolated, and impotent Pete, who had told his protege to enact violence for him. But as  Aaron looked over the dimmed jet cabin at his team --all of whom were asleep except for Garcia and Rossi. Aaron thought of them as his gaze returned to _y/n_. Yes, demons were real, but he was there to take care of them, whatever form they took. And that gave him the strength to keep going.
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aqours · 7 months
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ok i REAAAAAALLY need to make a dedicated sideblog for this shit now i realize bc this game is gonna fucking fully get me dragged into this discourse so i'm gonna make an active effort to stop putting these on main, but i can't see myself saying more beyond this in general but ANYWAAAAYS
so i recently made this post about the cognitive dissonance regarding this game and people using fucking CALL OF DUTY a game that is more or less a recruitment drive to make the US military look cool and try to get kids to join up and that GTA's wanted system is actually NOT rewarding you or something to try to play a dick measuring contest with coffin but this interaction really interested me and i wanna talk about it bc i just blocked them after they refused to answer the last question but this is a very specific kind of gaslighting tactic i'm very familiar with from my own days as an anti
i think p much all of us who are used to engaging with this discourse are used to like y'know, being called awful horrible disgusting things. this is not the first time some fucking weird random person came onto my content asking me if i was a kid didler or wanted to fuck my brother. ain't gonna be anywhere near the last time either folks, but i and Lord God knows that's not the case so i don't care what a rando on the internet says but here's the thing: you can't "win" this, but they want to win it. no matter what you say you are the absolute worst kind of dreg of society that should be shot behind a barn and no amount of anything would work. if i actually pulled a list of sourced all that would have happened was they would've doubled down on calling me an inc*s*ious p*d* that I would be willing to use articles probably written by "people like me." because YOU don't care about "winning" this argument, you just wanna get the facts out on your end. it's a catch-22 folks, nothing you say will get you out of it!
i started by calling them a karen, they immediately escalated the living FUCK out of it and tried to trap me in this catch-22 to keep feeling morally superior to me. me saying i don't have such desires and never will isn't enough because i like this game. nothing but me renouncing it will change it.
but here's the thing about antis- they fucking HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE it when you turn it on them. look at the difference. look at the difference between they were the one throwing the catch-22 at me vs. the other way around. what about you? you just came onto my post to harass me, so i'll say it back. how about you? are you just accusing me of these horrible things because you are projecting your thoughts on me? you told me to get a therapist: so maybe you're the one that needs help if so!
violent video games must encourage violence, riiiiight? and you support it because it's violent. Game of Thrones had in*e*t in it so everyone who likes it also is the same. and Demon Slayer, where the pfp is from is violent, so you support it. the main protag's little sister also gets a superpowered form where she gets physically older and a tits out kinda look. so clearly YOU want to see your sister in the same way, right?
and it went as expected. you can see the tone going from smug jerking off with a shit-eating grin to just annoyed while smelling their own farts like it's a rose. and the moment i started doing the same uh i got NO fucking answers and they stormed off. i waited half an hour for a response before blocking them
so why am i typing up this walltext? because i used to be an anti. i fucking guarantee you i would've called everyone who liked this game [insert horrible things] like 7-9 years ago. so let me tell you, you know what pisses off antis more than anything? more than ANYTHING? turning this catch-22 bullshit on them. this is the only way you can end this miserable conversation without blocking them.
it's all one-sided bullshit and the moment you turn it on an anti it IMMEDIATLY shuts it down. this fucker KNEW the answer and you know it. so i wanted to share that, if you ever struggle with this shit: well the best thing you can do is block them and to give a fuck about winning their imaginary argument, but this is the only way to make the headache end otherwise. just throw the catch-22 right back and that's the end. thanks for reading!
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melloianv2 · 2 months
Genovese (Fake Peppino)
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Go ahead look over to Dr Abe's Laboratory post if new or need refresher: link
and this
Guess am back with Dr Abe's laboratory
Wait a minute..., a new logo? why its pink? Well...this is afterlab. Am going to talk about it if I have to time too.
But in a short description: events that happened after the laboratory is destroyed. Its pink because it something to do with Abette. So this only content that only happens after the lab is gone, reduced to atoms.
Btw I named it Abe's Afterlab instead of Dr Abe's Afterlab, which I have done deliberately.
I'll still talk about the regular Dr Abe's Lab since am not finish obviously lol.
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Back then...
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(he can mimic others voices though, that is a way of talking...)
(i didn't mentioned he's 1 and play with toys because i wanted to look very cool back then /hj)
Back to afterlab:
There's two sections of Genovese, Sweet and Cruel.
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We going talk about Sweet first since its the longest so..
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(It moves like hair though, weird. Due to error with his chromosome, he ended up have a limb hair instead of hair strings...)
(the hair string can move. But can he feel things like his arms? depends. He only use his hair string limb if he needed too.)
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(it influence from other people and how he became himself.)
(btw am not going explain the actual event until the real post of afterlab comes sorry)
just sneaking this post here
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(Genovese loves Peppino because he made in way to loves who ever he's loyal too.)
(Peppino had a hard to caring about Genovese, since he thought it weird to care about your own clone..)
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(he is scared of him too btw, only when he's not in his dr abe persona...[we'll talk about that if i can])
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Back to Sweet
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(why did i make genovese 5 year old? because I can)
(jokes aside, because Dr Abe just got Peppino's DNA before he kidnapped him. So which is why he's quite young.)
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(another flaw is he's native but he's not stupid. However he's not native to violence, swearing, drugs, alcohol, weapons like...at all (and cannib-) . He knows that stuff very well.)
Anyway now we at Cruel, its very short
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Genovese more likely insult someone if he's annoyed
Genovese's current clothing is actual clothing, and not something he shapeshifted in. Simply to blend in of course.
Genovese can fly when he shapeshifts something that is able to make him fly, however he gets tired very fast doing so.
Genovese used to not have an cruel side. back in 2021 during this au was developing.., he used to be fully pacifist and kindhearted. This was changed because due to nowadays. I decided to make him more half good now. Though, i think it fits better being half because I think it be better for him to struggle trying to be good (after being brainwashed for so long) instead of already being good.
Despite trying to be different from Peppino, He still have an habit of copying off what Peppino's wearing sometimes.
When Genovese doesn't want to play, he watch something on tv instead
Genovese is not allowed to use an stove or oven. Nor is he allowed to use a gun despite trying to use one.
Whenever Genovese is hanging out with someone without Peppino, it gets little embarrassing because he don't even know to use certain things nor when to know what's normal or not in the situation. He's still learning.
The reason why he has his eyes togther instead of being seperated because...
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(he got surgery on his face to stop the melting. But the surgeon accidentally made his eyes together..)
Genovese would usually try to reason before attacking.
His tears are acid. touching him awhile crying is dangerous. Though his tears do not have the color of acid, but rather regular tears color
Genovese likes flowers, all flowers.
Genovese know a lot of ways to how to kill some one. Totally not taught to him, absolutely not. Nope.
Immature self is just as smart as mature self, he can catch things like mature self.
I don't know what I expect out of this so...
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
Hello! How are you? I hope you are doing well <3 I wanted to say you write like the best Kaeya fics I've ever read (and the smut omg), but this time, (if you have the time) how about some aftercare with Kaeya? Like he is so proud and smug after seeing the mess he made of the reader, but then he is the sweetest and takes care of her like she deserves for being so good for him <3
im alright thanks for asking uwu and thank you so much for saying so <3 allow me to cement myself in your hearts as the kaeya writer for you and i'll be more than just happy :D and i'd love to do smth fluffy - kaeya deserves all the love and hes definitely so fucking affectionate with the love of his life!!
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Kaeya is nothing short of attentive, no matter what it is that you two are doing. Whether it be a simple meal or a nice night out on the town you know you're the center of attention. He'll pick something out on the menu that's perfect for you, or make sure to pull you in tight to his chest when you're about to trip over a rock.
Nothing slips his mind, hands holding onto your body tightly as he keeps you in place to fuck into you, burying his face into your neck as he pumps you full of cum for the last time.
Your body is pushed to its limits, cumming hard around him and so overstimulated you feel your hands pushing against his bare chest, eyes screwed shut as your chest heaves to catch your breath.
Kaeya's a little mean anyway, lightly grinding into you as he feels you pushing against him. He's riding out his own orgasm, unsure what number it is but finally feeling his lust addled mind clear up for the first time in what could have been hours.
He pulls out of you, smirking as he presses more kisses against your skin and feels you still lightly squirming on the sheets, glad he had the foresight to put something down under your bodies to catch the mess that came from you both.
Your eyelids droop, a yawn slipping past your lips. You can feel Kaeya pulling away further from you, whining a little and trying to reach out to him. He takes your hand in his, pressing another kiss to your knuckles before beginning to get ready to clean you off.
"Well, you certainly enjoyed yourself didn't you?" he purrs as you feel him part your legs again, about to tell him off for being so insatiable when you feel him beginning to clean you off.
His hand is gentle, making sure the towel is cooling to your heated body and giving you the chance to settle further into the bedsheets. It takes no time for you to relax after the high of your bodies intertwining, humming in contentment as he continues to clean you off.
"You made me feel so good," you respond, further stroking his ego and kissing him back when he leans over your body.
"I know I did," he responds smugly, giving you more kisses against your neck.
"Your voice is so hoarse. I knew you'd be screaming my name. I missed you so much I just had to let it all out at once."
"Kaeya," you laugh in response, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and holding him tightly.
"You always make me feel amazing. I'm going to be so sore tomorrow but it's so worth it."
"Can't have that, can we? Maybe I'll just have to do you all over again and make sure you can't think afterward." Even now he's thinking up new ways to make you a puddle of desire on his cock, your body already heating up at the thought as you swat him away playfully.
"I'm so tired. Let me sleep and then we'll talk about it, alright?"
"Alright, alright," he sighs, giving you another kiss against your lips before leaving you be to clean himself off.
He returns fully expecting to be able to go to bed himself. His body's feeling the exertion after all and there's no place he'd rather be than next to you.
However, you've neglected to wrap the sheets over your body, feeling far too heated for the constriction of such fabric which gives him a wonderful view of your body painted with his marks. You've turned your back to him, allowing him to see the paths his own nails dug while holding you and when he crawls into bed next to you his eyes trace over the hickies and reddened parts of your skin from where he was holding you.
It's a picture he wants to keep in his mind forever, absentmindedly tracing over such proofs of his desire for you until he succumbs to sleep himself, arms wrapped tightly around your body.
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lee-aveyourmark · 1 year
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In which Mark is stunned by your cuteness to the point of having difficulties forming coherent sentences.
∘.∙°. masterlist Pairing: shy bf!Mark Lee x shy!reader Genre: sickening fluff Warnings: alcohol consumption Wordcount: 795 Song Recommendation: NCT Dream - 'Glitch Mode (버퍼링)'
The name is foreign on your tongue. There's an unfamiliarity in the lilt at the end of his name, but it slips out so easily from your mouth. Neither of you expected such a change in affection, but the rosiness of your ears and slight haze of your eyes suggests that it was the contents within the beer cans scattered on the coffee table which gave rise to your outspokenness.
Seated on the other side of the table, Mark has no idea how to receive the new nickname. He can't tell if he likes it or not. His members have called him variations of his name, with most of them being for laughs as he would begrudgingly respond to shouts of "Milk!" across the dorm. But never something like this, something so...endearing?
Okay, he might like the nickname. Something jolts inside him and sends electricity up his spine as the movement of your head changes from a tilt of uncertainty to a nod of affirmation with each verbalisation.
Actually, he more than likes it. Especially when you're calling him with such a shine in your eyes.
"You're blushing Mark."
His eyes widen at your comment, a hand lifting up to check the heat of his cheek before reaching behind to scratch the back of his neck upon realisation of his blush. When did his face become so hot? Surely it was because of the drinks, right? Looking at the number of cans in front of him, the ability to count them with one hand only deepened the pink in Mark's cheeks.
With a clearing of his throat, the blue-haired boy mumbles a small 'shut-up' in weak defence against your scrutiny and chooses to cast his gaze towards literally anywhere in the living room except on your face.
"Is it okay if I call you that? I mean, I think I quite like it."
Oh, Mark knows you like it. Even when avoiding your gaze, he can see the upturn of your soft-looking lips as you silently mouth the syllables of the nickname with the assumption that he wasn't watching.
Yeah, I like it. I like it a lot. It makes me feel all fuzzy inside, and I really like how you enjoy saying it so much. If it makes you so happy, it's more than okay for you to call me that.
Is what ran through his head at 120 kilometres per hour, loud and clear. However, there seemed to be a large disconnect between his brain and his mouth, because all Mark could get out was:
"Y-yeah. I-it's cool."
Cool? What on earth? Mark internally winced at his final choice of words. Why was he acting like you two haven't been dating for more than half a year, and that you weren't already the utter love of his life? He felt like he was back to square one in his comfort level with you, defaulting to a somewhat awkward and very platonic sentiment by treating you as a fellow 'bro'.
Judging by his blank expression and the slight clenching of his fists after those words left his mouth, you could tell that he was beating himself up for responding so callously. Normally, you'd offer words to soothe his self-deprecation and assure him that you can understand the intent behind his words. But tonight, the liquid courage continued to linger and work hard in your system to inhibit your shyness.
"Aren't you a rapper? You know, the Mr Absolutely Fully Capable?"
Mark opens his mouth, then closes it before slowly opening it again.
There's silence.
Then, the room fills with laughter after your teasing and the tension that sat between you two breaks. There's a loud whine that is entangled within Mark's laugh as his elbows come to rest on the coffee table, and his hands cover his reddening face. Catching sight of the smile that's spread across his cheeks, your nose crinkles more in satisfaction at bringing your very laughy boyfriend back.
Agitated hands repeatedly run through his icy blue hair while the laughs morph into embarrassed mumblings about "never bragging about himself in a rap ever again" leaving his mouth. The shift in mood hurts your heart and your eyebrows knit together in concern.
Alas, the new nickname continues to live up to its power as your final verbalisation for the night reaches Mark's ears with an audible frown, the soft tone running straight through him and stilling his actions. His sweaty hands drop into his lap in defeat along with the hang of his head. Concurrently, from his lips, a light scoff is let out.
It might be too late, but gosh, he desperately wishes that you'll never know the full effect that single word has on him.
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mamasturn · 2 years
hi! i hope you’re having a great day :) i would love to send a req! can u do one of the reader being bothered by someone and austin getting really mad and protective? thank u so much <3
thanks for the ask <3333 hopefully you like it
pairing: austin butler x black!fem!oc
content: austin and his wife hit the red carpet for the first time, but are met with scrutiny
warning: none
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She was a quiet individual. Her thoughts, ideas, passions, and inspirations often cast away in the treasure box called her mind. Expressions of emotions jailed behind soft lips he often tried to pry open. She was a quiet individual, and that's what drew him toward her.
She was a lot like him in many ways. At times she found it difficult to speak when anxiety suffocated her like warm hair in a sauna. Eye contact made her nervous as she found it to be "too intimate" with anyone outside of her husband. There were good days and there would bad days, but the growth was commendable.
A bad day came sooner than she would have liked. Premiere day was one that she dreaded. At that point, she'd have to come out of the shadows and the world would have a face to match with the title "Austin Butler's wife." She was fine with no one knowing who she was, that meant no one could bother her. However, she could only go so long with being faceless and nameless.
She'd never been to Paris before and the trip came quicker than she expected. From dreaming of buying a purse in the YSL store (which she had the privilege to do), to riding in the slickest of limos seated next to her husband of just over a year.
He was a beautiful man, both inside and out. Gentle and calm, polite and honest, warm and attentive. Everything she desired in a partner, she found in him and she couldn't be more grateful for that.
He turned his head after catching her heavy gaze. Austin's left hand moved to rest on her inner thigh, the coolness of his wedding band against her warm skin causing her to jump. He massaged her flesh with his thumb.
"You look stunning, love." He leaned over to kiss her neck gently. "Absolutely stunning." She'd been dressed by Cartier for the evening in a floor length gown with a thigh slit going up the left leg. The dress was a deep blue-purple to match the small flower on his chest. Her shoes were silver as well as her jewelry. She typically wore her hair in a bun, however, it'd been pressed and framed her face beautifully.
"You alright, baby?"
The corners of her lips rose to produce the most convincing smile she could muster. She saw the twitch of his brow and the restraint on his face. He wanted to ask why she was lying about how she felt, she could tell. But, he didn't want to push her.
"Mhm. You let me know when you wanna tell me how you're really feeling."
The doors to the limo opened before she could fix her lips to respond. She inhaled deeply as she turned her rings around to calm her nerves. The cheers were heard from excited individuals when Austin came into view. They only got louder when she was fully out of the car.
"And here we have it, actor Austin Butler has arrive with who we are almost certain is his wife." Multiple reporters spoke into microphones and earpieces as they were ushered to the carpet. Her grip around his hand tightened, causing him to pause.
"You alright? We don't have to walk right now, if you don't want to..."
"No, no, it's okay. A little nervous," she admitted. "I'm okay." She gave a reassuring nod and squeeze of his hand before allowing him to lead the way to the carpet. She wondered if they could tell that she was ready to collapse from all that was going on.
The yells and hollers, flashing lights, jeers and boos. How did he deal with it? How did anyone deal with it? She felt his hand snake around her waist and rest on her bottom. "Almost done, baby, you're doing great."
She met his eyes with a nervous smile. "Mrs. Butler!" Her name being called captured her attention. "Tell us--how did you and your husband meet?"
"Coffee shop in Australia during filming," she managed to answer sweetly. "Mid to late 2019, I'll say." "What attracted you to him? His looks or his occupation?" Her eyebrows furrowed. "Was he an opportunity to put your name out there as an attorney?"
She was taken back. Taken back, angry, confused, and embarrassed. They tried to make her out to be a gold digger. Not a woman who worked damn hard in her profession to make it where she was. She needed no help from no man.
"Excuse me?"
"I don't know what you're trying to get at here," Austin interrupted boldly, anger bubbling within him. This was exactly what he feared--a lack of respect for his wife.
"The whole gold-digger assumption is outdated and ridiculous. A woman can be successful without the help of a man. I have nothing to do with her success, it was all her. I just support wherever she needs me to. I won't let you belittle my wife for the sake of a good story to take back to your boss. Talk about me all you want, I'll be damned if you come for her."
"Let's go, sweetheart."
They trailed further toward the end of the carpet. She stopped him though, resting her hand on his chest and bringing her blood-stained lips to his ear.
"Thank you, honey. I appreciate you defending me."
Austin smiled and pulled her closer by her waist, letting his hand drop further. "I always got you...and I'll have you later when this dress is off." A soft giggle fell from her lips as she tipped her head back. She kissed his lips gently and she felt her nerves washing away.
"Looking forward to it, Mr. Butler."
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kimbappykidding · 10 months
Imagine your boyfriend Jongho getting jealous when you admire Oneus’ Leedo’s strength
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For some idols, keeping their partner away from their idol side worked for them. However as you'd been involved in the behind the scenes side of the business before you and Jongho even got together, that was impossible but lucky neither of you minded. Jongho quite liked having you on set and you found it nice that the two of you could discuss the industry and see one another's views. You also got along with all the boys in Ateez finding them hilarious and so watched all of Jongho's content. Every music video and interview you could get your hands on. Jongho cringed whenever he saw himself acting sexy but you'd shush him and tell him to deal with it. However you'd been busy recently and had missed a lot of Ateez content and were trying to catch up. That's why you were only just watching the Ateez interview with Oneus. You were friendly with Oneus having worked for their company briefly but clearly didn't know everything about them.
"A watermelon!" you cried as they announced Leedo could break one with a single punch. "How on earth is he going to do that?" you asked watching as Leedo rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. "I know Leedo was strong but surely that's impossible" you said more to yourself than anyone but Jongho had heard you loud and clear. He wanted to ask how you knew Leedo was so strong, the insecure protectiveness coming through but he stopped himself. He watched as Leedo punched the watermelon in half and your face lit up in amazement "that was insane! He's so strong!" you cried "and the way he just dabs his shirt afterwards is so cool. He's so classy" you smiled and Jongho frowned "yeah well keep watching". "Why?" you asked and he smiled "you'll see...". You grinned and turned back to the screen when it lit up with a phone call. "It's my sister...hold on" you said pausing the video and Jongho frowned "wait no! What about the video?" excited for you to see him also break the watermelon. You laughed "I won't be long" and Jongho sighed. Every phone call with your sister lasted at least an hour so he bookmarked the video for you and put something else on. Just as Jongho predicted your phone call lasted longer than expected and you didn't have to finish the rest of the video. So Jongho waited and then when you got home from work the next day and started browsing through your video list he waited patiently. "Eugh what should we watch?" you asked. "Well we could finish that video you started yesterday?" Jongho offered when you shook your head "no need, I finished it on my dinner at work". "What?" he cried and you nodded "yeah it was really good and you were amazing with that watermelon. The boys were so funny". Jongho pouted slightly. He was pleased you liked him smashing the watermelon but not quite satisfied. He'd wanted to watch it with you to see the look on your face when he did it. He knew it was immature but he wanted you to gush over him like you'd done Leedo. "What's wrong?" you asked noticing his expression but Jongho shook his head "nothing I was just thinking about something...so where do you want to eat?". You nodded and began suggesting ideas but Jongho could tell you hadn't fully dropped it. Then as you went out for dinner, who should you see but Oneus themselves? The group were coming down the street as you were going up and there was no avoiding them. Hwanwoong saw you and waved and you grinned happy to see them.  "Hey" you smiled and Jongho greeted them all too. "I finally watched your interview with Ateez. You were all amazing. Keonhee I'm glad you've found your long-lost brother". The boy chuckled and Jongho was tense hoping you wouldn't spot Leedo at the back but you did. "And you breaking that watermelon was insane!" you cried. Leedo laughed "thank you but Jongho did it too" pointing to him. You nodded "yeah but Jongho's an expert with fruit...and he didn't do it in a silk shirt". Leedo blushed but was happy. Jongho was not. It was nothing" he insisted but you shook your head "it was everything Leedo" and he blushed even more. "Yeah he's so strong he's like a gorilla!" Hwanwoong cried "I can't even wrap my arms around him properly" and he began to demonstrate. You all watched amused before Jongho motioned he wanted to go. "We're gonna head off but it was nice seeing you" you said and waved to the guys. "They're so nice" you smiled and Jongho nodded "so nice". When you sat down in the restaurant you got something was off. Jongho seemed really stiff and tense which was odd because in the car he had returned to normal. Something was clearly bothering him and when the waiter left to get your drinks you touched Jongho's hand "are you sure you're okay, you know you can tell me anything right?". Jongho tensed but gently took your hand "I know". "So what's wrong and don't say nothing because you look really sad and I want to know why". Jongho frowned "I just...it's silly just ignore me". You shook your head "but I don't want to! If something's upsetting you, I want to help". Jongho sighed "but it's something I need to work on not you...only I can dictate my emotions". "Yeah but other people can also influence them, so is there anything I can do to help?". Jongho sighed again "I sometimes get jealous...". "Jealous?" you asked and Jongho nodded "when I see you get impressed with other guys, like that thing with Leedo? You seemed to really admire him and that made me jealous because being strong is my thing and I want to be the only guy you look at like that...but that's my insecurity, not yours and I promise I will work on it". 
You squeezed Jongho's hand "thank you for telling me and being so honest with me. I understand where you're coming from and want you to know you'll always be my favourite strong guy". Jongho blushed and you carried on "and if I can do anything to help you work through that please let me know". Jongho smiled "you're so great, I knew you wouldn't laugh at me but still I was a little nervous to tell you but I should've known you'd be understanding. I do have the best girlfriend ever". You chuckled "coming from" and gently traced a pattern on the back of his hand. The waiter came back with your drinks and it was smiles all around with Jongho left a lot happier than when he walked in. No matter what he was your favourite strong guy and that was all he needed. 
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jade-qilin · 2 years
stay with me | twisted wonderland (leona kingscholar x gn!reader)
notes: a not-so new leona fic i posted awhile back on ao3, now available on tumblr!
details & content warnings: gn!reader + they/them pronouns, reader is written as an adult + as yuu/the prefect, vargas’ training camp + leona’s outdoor wear spoilers, fluff, no beta read we overblot like men
ao3: xxx || no reposts; reblogs and follows appreciated
Leona knew he was done for the moment Vargas had ambushed him earlier that day. Truly, it was impressive that the coach was able to sneak up on a beastman so stealthily, especially a one as keen as Leona Kingscholar.
After Vargas had revealed himself from his disguise, Leona couldn’t help but nearly hiss; he already had to go on this infuriating “training camp” and waste his precious napping hours, but now he had to deal with the egotistical coach’s punishment for trying to slack off. Worst of all, he had to be stuck with the most troublesome of the Chaos Quartet (a nickname given to a very specific group of first-years who infamously broke an expensive chandelier earlier that semester).
“Man, Vargas is really running us through the wringer,” Ace sighed, sliding down the cabin wall before picking up a water bottle. “I mean, is he even human? How the heck does he keep an eye on every student to see who’s slacking?”
Savannaclaw’s housewarden remained quiet, his annoyance bubbling under the surface of his skin. He knew Vargas was good at his job, as both a teacher and an athletic musclehead (this included being good at magic), but it always irked him that the older man was able to sneak up on Leona like that.
Stupid Vargas, stupid training camp, stupid punishments. The words looped nonstop in Leona’s mind as he too grabbed a water bottle and took a sip.
Suddenly, he felt a heavy hand land on his shoulder, and Leona nearly squeezed all of the water out of his bottle at the contact. Vargas’ loud voice boomed in his ear; Ace jumped in his seat and choked.
“I can assure you I am fully human!” he laughed loudly. “In fact, I have the ghosts to thank for helping me supervise you rowdy bunch.”
As if on cue, one of the ghostly assistants appeared out of thin air, giving a wide grin, before disappearing again. Leona scowled and shook Vargas off subtly. Ace groaned. Vargas placed his hands on his hips, staring down his two students.
“I’ve had my eyes on you specifically, Kingscholar,” he stated. “But Trappola? I expected much better from you.”
“Wh~at?” Ace sang, an angelic grin painted on his face. “C’mon, coach, I just needed a few seconds to catch my breath!”
As the Heartslabyul student babbled on with the coach replying in a way that grated his ears, Leona forced himself to tune out their voices. He went further into the cabin, in a corner away from its other two occupants. Leona looked out the window and watched as the sun’s rays disappeared slowly, day turning into yet another night. Barely did he register Vargas’ voice, which was now directed at the prince as well.
“I will give you a break for tonight, but tomorrow, your punishment continues until we leave for the school. If you two even think about leaving the cabin, I can guarantee some extra lessons will be in store for you.”
Leona rolled his eyes and got himself comfortable; no way was he going to pass up this opportunity to take a nap. Leona could hear the wooden floorboards creak as Ace shuffled about, but the freshman was careful to be as quiet as possible, and was respectful enough to know when a nap was due. After all, with Vargas’ torturous all-day workout as a punishment, both slackers could use as much rest as possible.
The Spelldrive club captain didn’t know how long he had been sleeping, but when he opened his eyes again, the first thing that caught Leona’s attention was the moonlight shining down through the window, followed by the cool night air blowing in through the open window. From somewhere else in the cottage, Ace’s steady breathing could be heard. The ghosts were not in sight, and the beastman couldn’t sense Vargas’ presence either. Leona sat up straight and began stretching, his joints making cracking sounds after being motionless in an uncomfortable position. Sevens, did Leona miss his bed.
The prince was about to find himself a more comfortable position to sleep in when a noise outside caught his attention. At first, Leona brushed it off as some nocturnal animal making a racket, but a specific scent — one that he subconsciously had memorized — drifted in the air and through the opened window. Leona’s ears perked up, his tail flickering behind him. He glanced at his surroundings and, after concluding that the undead chaperones were completely absent, the house warden made his way outside with a flashlight that was left on the cabin’s table.
Leona followed the scent trail, his keen eyesight — and the flashlight — helping him avoid any debris and stone blocking his path. In the distance, he could hear the yelling of his classmates; Leona really didn’t want to find out what was going on. Not long after, the prince finally reached his destination, his eyebrow raising at the sight that laid before him.
Tied up in front of him, resting against the trunk of a tree, was none other than the Ramshackle prefect and their cat-like roommate. Leona couldn’t see their faces very well, but he could smell their magic-less aura (along with the heavy smell of canned tuna from Grim; when was the last time that imp bathed?). Leona stalked towards the duo carefully. Once he was close enough, the beastman could hear steady breathing coming from the two first-years who, Leona concluded, were passed out.
Usually, Leona would have let them be; he knows the importance of a good nap (okay, that’s not actually why), but right now they were in a strange wilderness with unpredictable elements. No way a magic-less human, especially one that was tied up and unconscious, could defend themselves.
What concerned Leona the most though was how they were in this situation. Surely Vargas was supposed to look after them; his main cottage was quite a distance away from the second secluded cabin in which both Leona and Ace were thrown into.
Leona frowned and gently reached out a hand, his fingers lightly brushing away some stray hairs on Yuu’s forehead. The prefect stirred and shifted before opening their eyes. Now faced with the darkness, being tied up, and the disorientation of it all, Yuu began thrashing about, effectively waking Grim up in the process.
“Oi, herbivore. Calm down, ‘t’s just me,” Leona gave a warning growl, though it didn’t really hold any malice; he just wanted to get Yuu’s attention on him. He flashed the torch near Yuu’s face.
“Leona? What, what’s going on? How did I get here? Last thing I remembered, I was at the campsite. I went to get some blankets and-“
“I bet we got attacked by that shadow monster!” Grim interrupted, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. Yuu continued to ramble as Grim wailed, and Leona could only look at them judgmentally.
Hah? The hell is this shadow monster? Crowley’s insane but I really doubt he’d let a bunch of students loose in a forest with a monster.
“By the way,” Yuu’s voice broke through Leona’s thoughts. “How are you here? I mean, we were told earlier today that you went missing? Ruggie said you’d find your way back once you got hungry, but we didn’t see you at the camp. What happened?”
“Oh, that.” Leona scowled. “That damn Vargas caught me…”
“I’m sorry?” Yuu asked genuinely, not hearing the last part. Leona clicked his tongue.
“That damn Vargas caught me ‘n Trappola for slackin’ off. Jumped us in the middle of the woods. Ace got caught on day one, and then I got caught earlier today.”
There was a brief silence, before Yuu and Grim erupted into fits of laughter. Leona’s tail flicked, annoyed, as his ears pressed back against his hair as the Ramshackle duo’s giggles grew louder. The beastman was too tired to deal with this.
“Haha, laugh it up. Just remember that I’m the only one here right now who can break you outta those ropes,” he grinned. Yuu and Grim’s wheezing came to a halt, replaced by cries of protest.
“Leona-sama, I’m sorry! Please untie me! It’s getting cold. Leona-sama, you wouldn’t be so cruel, right?” Yuu gave their best puppy dog eyes, tilting their head slightly in an attempt to look cute.
And it worked, much to Leona’s chagrin. Recently, he found it hard to deny the prefect whatever they wanted, not like they asked for much in the first place. Occasionally when Yuu would tag along with him and Ruggie, they would ask for the free food here and there, but the prefect never took advantage of Leona’s generosity.
Leona held Yuu’s stare for a bit before sighing. He leaned down, his body closing in on Yuu’s. The beastman couldn’t help but smirk slightly as he felt the prefect’s heartbeat quicken.
“Hold still,” he murmured. “I can’t see if you keep squirming.” Yuu squeezed their eyes shut as they felt Leona’s hands brushing against their body, working on the rope. “There ya go.”
Yuu didn’t need to open their eyes in order to sense Leona’s presence right in front of them. Somehow, they had become more acutely aware of the prince even if they couldn’t see him. Or maybe it was thanks to the unique scent he emitted, one of grass and the flowers that grew in the botanical gardens, where he liked to sleep often.
“Woohoo! We’re finally free!” Grim shouted, breaking Yuu from their reverie. “And, uh, now what?”
“Beats me.” Leona stood up. “You guys got yourself into this mess, so you get out of it. I already helped plenty.”
“Eh? C’mon, Leona! We had our faces covered when we were dragged out here, and we can’t see the campfire anymore! We’re like sitting ducks!” Grim protested.
“Don’t care. Clearly, you’re not dead, so you’re not in real trouble. Have fun finding your way back.”
Leona turned to leave, but he barely took a few steps before pausing again. He turned around and saw Yuu staring up at him. The prefect froze in place, giving him a teasing smile.
“Hey, you told us to find our own way, but you never said anything against following you.”
Leona couldn’t help but burst into laughter at that, his deep voice ringing in Yuu’s ears like the most heavenly of melodies. He let out an amused huff.
“Smart thinkin’ there, herbivore. Alright, I’ll let you follow me like a lost cub. Try to keep up though,” he smirked before continuing his way.
The prefect picked up Grim into their arms and began running after the beastman. Leona would never admit it, but he slowed down his pace just a bit so that the Ramshackle student could keep up. And perhaps he extended his tail a bit longer than usual, swaying it from side to side softly so that it would brush against the prefect’s knees so he wouldn’t lose track of them.
And maybe, just maybe, Leona was a bit excited at the prospect of spending the night with Yuu.
The walk back towards Vargas’ second cabin was filled with a comfortable silence, save for the nocturnal life. Once they arrived at the cabin, Leona opened the door quietly.
“Trappola’s probably asleep by now,” Leona whispered. “Follow me.”
He turned off the flashlight after taking hold of Yuu’s free hand, slowly maneuvering around the cabin to take them towards the back, where Leona had set up his own little sleeping place.
Grim jumped out of Yuu’s arms and ran towards Ace, using the latter’s snoring to guide him. He jumped into the Heartslabyul student’s sleeping bag, causing the boy to grumble in his sleep. Thankfully though, he didn’t wake up.
Once the two had reached Leona’s small setup, the prince had let go of Yuu’s hand and sat down.
“Vargas only gave us some mattresses and blankets. They’re pretty damn uncomfortable, but not more so than the sleeping bags.”
“This is coming from the guy who sleeps literally anywhere?” Yuu mused, a sleepy grin adorning their features.
“Quiet, you.”
Another silence grew between Yuu and Leona, but this time, it was a bit more awkward in nature. After a few moments, the beastman spoke up.
“You can take the mattress. I know I said it’s uncomfortable, but I can sleep just fine like this.”
“Oh, okay…” Yuu knew not to argue with Leona on these kinds of things and instead decided to accept his offer gratefully.
They got themselves as comfortable as they could on the thin piece of foam, relishing in the faint warmth left behind by Leona’s body heat and the vague smell of pine and campfire smoke. Yet as comforting as it was, Yuu found that it wasn’t enough to help them succumb to dreamland. They thought for a moment, and then they swallowed hard before speaking up.
“Hm?” His voice was soft, but his attention was completely on the prefect.
“The blanket, um, it’s not really helping me stay warm. Could you sleep beside me?”
Leona wouldn’t have been able to hear what the prefect had whispered if it weren’t for his beastman hearing. He froze, the request completely shocking him. Leona could hear his heartbeat quicken, along with Yuu’s.
This is your chance, he thought to himself. The herbivore’s askin’ you for a favour, one that’ll benefit both of us.
Leona growled internally at his inner voice, willing it to cease. He knew what was at stake; this offer could lead into two endings, just like in Shroud’s video games. One, he accepts and they somehow grow closer, and two, he accepts but then things get awkward between Yuu and the prince. That would mean no more daily banters, no more study sessions together, no more lunches with the other.
Or three, the third option, he accepts and the prefect takes it as a friendly platonic gesture. Either way, Leona had more of a chance of something good happening from this than bad, and he was quite confident that those odds will work in his favour.
Unable to find his voice, the housewarden opted to crawl over towards Yuu instead. Yuu moved to the side, holding the corner of the blanket up for Leona to slip under. It barely covered both of them, especially when there was still a huge gap between them. Yuu shivered a bit from the cold, causing Leona to frown.
“C’mere,” he mumbled, pulling the prefect right up to his chest boldly. “You asked for me to sleep beside you, so don’t shy away now.”
Yuu froze as Leona placed one arm under their head, cushioning it, and the other loosely around their waist. He smirked as he felt the herbivore’s heartbeat racing, cocky that he was able to pull such reactions from them.
Yuu on the other hand immediately began to feel heat coursing through their body, either due to their flustered face or Leona’s body heat. Either way, it was all thanks to the stupid lion they had come to love so much.
“Night, herbivore.” Leona tucked Yuu under his chin, his lips dangerously close to the crown of their head. Yuu listened as his breathing slowed before heaving a small content sigh.
“Night, lion prince.”
Maybe one day they would open up their hearts to each other properly, instead of using roundabout ways. Maybe they just needed more prodding from their friends, the very ones who had noticed their closeness long ago.
But for now, for tonight, Leona and Yuu would use the rest of the night finding comfort, peace, and security in each other’s embrace, with nobody else in the world to stop them.
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stayandot8 · 8 months
Chapter Three, Part Two: Hell's Reign
series summary: this one is a little different than anything else I've written. An AU where the members work in a bar with my MC, no idols among them. It's also going to be on the longer side. The fluffy Chris we know and love is nowhere to be found. He's broodier, moodier, and has jokes up the wazoo. So buckle up, kitties. This one's gonna be good 😏.
inspo: the song by Fall Out Boy.
Genre: i'm not really sure tbh
Relationship type: ???
Important Contents: bar setting, so mentions of alcohol, chris is a lowkey-highkey dick, swearing as usual, 18+, mentions of dr*gs, death of a child, mentions of a g*n (if i miss any, please let me know)
a/n: HOOOOOO BOY, we been waitin on this one for a while, huh. Sorry for those of you who are actually reading this series, the creative process takes a lot out of you, especially when you have no time on your hands. BUT here is the next part, fully finished. I hope it lives up to your expectations. I don't know when the last part will be out, so I guess follow me if you aren't already? If you want to? Anyways... enjoy. :)
WC: 12.9k
Last part l Next Part I masterlist
My feet had never been lighter as I followed Minho out of my room and down the stairs. Once I was out of earshot of the slumbering boy upstairs, I let the panic set in.
“Minho?” He was quiet, moving about to find the things he needed. Grabbing a coffee pod and inserting it into the machine while finding a mug. He simply opened the cabinet and grabbed one, completely ignoring the mug with cats on it. That’s when I knew he wasn’t really all there. He shuffled over to place the mug under the machine to catch the coffee and pushed the start button. He didn’t turn around. 
“Minho? “ Nothing. He just stared as the machine whirred to life and the smell of coffee hit me. Awakened my senses. 
“Minho, please.” I hated how my voice sounded, pleading and high-pitched. Like I was about to cry. “Please let me explain.”
“You don’t need to.” His back was starting to piss me off, my desperation turning to anger. I just wished he would turn around and look at me. 
“I feel like I do. Nothing happened. Not last night. He couldn’t sleep, he said Changbin was snoring really loud so he couldn’t-”
“What do you mean ‘not last night’? Has something happened between you before last night?” He finally turned to face me, his features hard. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. He was good at that mask of coolness, acting like nothing mattered to him. He was cool as ice, his eyes shuttering closed and giving nothing away. It was like he was trying very hard not to show any emotion. The twitches of his mouth were the only sign I had that he was still breathing. He wanted to say something, he just wasn’t saying it.
I stood there, silent. Watching him and opening and closing my mouth to say something. Anything. But nothing was coming. There was nothing I could do to combat the hurt he unknowingly exposed. I knew that deep down. What I didn’t understand was why he felt hurt. 
His eyes kept flitting between my chin and his cup, steam rising up and disappearing into the air. He would watch it fade from view, then come back to my chin, not willing to look me in the eye. 
“The night before last…” I started, voice barely above a whisper. “He waited for me while I was closing up. We got into an argument and he told me…things. Things I couldn’t…ignore. And he kissed me. And I didn’t stop him.” I said all of this to the floor, my stomach doing flips. 
“Well that makes sense.” Was the only thing he said, but the way he whispered it, I could tell it wasn’t meant for me. I made a mental note to ask him later. All I could focus on now was how he felt right now. 
What I still couldn’t figure out was why I felt like a child getting caught sneaking out in the middle of the night. I hadn’t done anything wrong, so why did I feel such shame and guilt creeping up through my spine, locking my throat? Why was Minho’s gaze so hard to meet? Why did it feel like more than just an older brother being concerned for me? Why wasn’t he saying anything? 
I took a few deep breaths and chanced meeting his eyes, which weren’t on me. They were glued to the view out the window behind me, jaw clenched. He looked strained with the weight of the words he wasn’t saying. Each rise and fall of his chest pushing them deeper and deeper until they hit the bottom, to be locked away. The tension he was creating with the silence grew with every passing minute, becoming tangible. My hands found solace in fiddling with my own cuticles, picking and messing with them in every which way I could. 
“Minho, please.” I repeated. “Say something. Anything. Yell at me, scream at me, hit something, just do something other than stare out the window.” His tongue licked his lips quickly, then returned inside his closed lips. He blinked rapidly, eyes never settling on one place for very long. He swallowed. Loud. 
“I just…” He trailed off. He bit his lower lip for a second before giving me what I wanted this whole time. He looked me straight in my eye and said, “I didn’t know you dated coworkers.” His shoulders sagged, deflated, and his head lowered. He stared back down at his feet, finally finding a spot to land on. He shuffled his slippered feet, crossing one over the other while he leaned on the counter. 
My head reeled. That was the last thing I thought he would say. I said as much. 
He scoffed, but looked up at me expectantly, like he was waiting for an answer to a question he didn’t ask. I let my head fall in confusion. 
“Is that what this is about? Me dating a coworker? I never knew of a rule against that.”
“There isn’t. I don’t care if people date each other in the workplace, as long as it doesn’t affect their work. I just didn’t know you did.”
“But why does that matter?”
He sighed. “It matters.” To me.
I stared at him.  Couldn’t do anything else. The silence in my head was now replaced with a million questions. I had been in front of him this whole time yet I didn’t see him until now. My quiet, stubborn, kind-hearted friend and his quirks all wrapped into this man before me, fighting his better judgment. The inner battle he was losing was evident in his frown lines.
“I was-” Footsteps up the stairs, heavy and a sound like someone dragging something soft with them. Minho’s eyes went wide again and he turned his back to me, to whoever was coming down the stairs. Felix appeared, a blanket wrapped around himself, his blue hair disheveled and eyes drooping. 
“What- Why are you guys up?”  I glanced at Minho's back and sighed. 
“Nothing. Just too excited to be here I guess. Didn’t sleep much.” Minho said nothing. The tension I was feeling mere moments ago was fleeing, as if it too didn’t want to be a part of this. Part of what, I didn’t understand. I watched Felix move about to start making something for himself, moving around the stationary Minho and completely oblivious in his half-awake state. Clatter of pans and the frying of eggs were the only sounds coming from this room, the ceiling creaking about with the others starting to wake and walk around. I was staring at the marble of the kitchen island, trying to make sense of it all. 
Then it hit me.
Like a ton of bricks.
I needed space. 
The house was too loud, too crowded for such a large temporary oasis. The open kitchen-to-living room was suddenly too close, pushing in and squeezing any air that was left in the room. It was quickly very hard to breathe. Ragged breaths were all I could manage. 
I felt a hand on the small of my back. Chris appeared out of nowhere at my side, looking very concerned. He searched my eyes for what might be ailing me, but it was all a whirlwind of confusion, anxiousness, and nerves of giving something away before I could tell him myself. 
“I’m… going to get some sea air.” I stood, moving out from Chris’s grip and headed for my shoes by the door. Chris followed me, his basketball shorts swinging with every step and tshirt hanging loose on his torso. 
“Do you want me to go with you?” He said just low enough for me to hear. I shook my head.
“No, it’s fine. I just need some air.” And I left him standing in the door, looking like a puppy being abandoned by its owner. I glanced back as I shut the door and Minho’s eyes were watching me walk out, a similar look reflecting back to me.
Even surrounded by the calming aura of the sea, my mind was still reeling. My hands were running mindlessly through the sand, my mind elsewhere occupied. 
Minho had feelings for me. That was all that was bouncing within the walls of my skull, going from one side to the other. 
Minho has feelings for me. Has? Had? It seemed current, ongoing. So many questions were coming to me in between the waves of shock running through me. 
How long has he felt like this? Why say something now? Why didn’t he say anything sooner? He had plenty of opportunities. We’ve only been working together forever. We’ve only known each other all our lives. Why did he never say a word? Or did he show signs and I just never saw them. 
The Minho I knew wasn’t very expressive. Often coming across cold and unfeeling, he was never one that was easy to catch on to until he had already done what he was going to do. He laughed quietly, except when he didn’t. He found no one funnier than himself though. His jokes were the funniest to him. When he wasn’t overwhelmed with work, he actually was one of the funniest people I knew. 
Ah, Minho at work. He got buried too often. Or maybe he buried himself? Oh god, did he bury himself in his work to distract himself from his surroundings? Namely, me? No, there’s no way. He just focuses easily on it. He loves it. Doesn’t he?
Everything was coming too quickly, too fast for me to comprehend. I tried to let the sea drown out the thoughts when two people plopped down beside me in the sand. I knew from the smells of old dough and cologne that it was Felix and Hyunjin. I didn’t bother turning my head from the water. 
They sat with me, silent and following my gaze out into the nothingness. Felix leaned his head on my shoulder, the weight of his head bringing me back down from my thundercloud of thoughts. I brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. The blanket of safety I needed while I had these two friends with me along with the silence. Hyunjin broke it first. 
“You really didn’t know?” 
I snapped my head to him, eyes bewildered. He kept staring straight ahead, either completely oblivious or pointedly ignoring my stare.
“You did?” He nodded.
“We all did. We thought he would die before telling you.” Hyunjin said it slowly, like he was weighing the words on a scale before he used them. 
“And he told everyone but me?” Felix picked his head up before shaking it.
“No, he didn’t tell anyone. We just…picked it up from watching him with you. No one told us. We just know how he is with you versus how he is with other people. He’s softer, less… troublesome with you.”
“I beg to differ, Lix. He gives me all kinds of shit! You guys just don’t see it.”
“Maybe,” he replied “but I would bet you that everyone else would say otherwise.” His deep voice was soft, carefully laying the words at my feet for examination. For the first time since they sat down, I looked at each of them. Hyunjin was cautious, a little apprehensive and bit his bottom lip while he watched me. He met my eyes, giving me an apologetic look. 
“Really?” I said, quiet. He nodded slowly. I sighed and looked to Felix, whose head was still on my shoulder in his version of comfort. He shifted to look at me without moving off my shoulder. His eyes were wide and I have never hated that look more than this moment. I couldn’t say no to him, I would give him anything he wanted. “And what do you want?”
“I want to get this burden off of you. It just seems like it’s a lot for you right now.” 
“You have no idea.” I went back to the ocean, longing to be a simple piece of seaweed just floating in the water. My life would be so simple if I was just another piece of greenery with no feelings, nothing to care about, no one to answer to or listen. 
“Hey, we’re gonna leave you to think. Just…” They stood up, brushing the sand off their pants for the walk back. Hunjin had gotten a head start while Felix had started walking backwards, still facing me. “Don’t be out here too long. People” he widened his eyes at me, putting even more emphasis on the word, “will start to worry.” I nodded once, knowing exactly which people he was referring to. I wondered what he was doing through all of this, if he too would join me out here.
Well, I should have known better than to doubt that he would.
The sun was almost straight above me, signaling midday. It was a nice day to be at the beach if you weren’t me. More people had crowded the beach here, enough where there was noise to distract me. Shirtless guys playing volleyball, families laying out on blankets and old sheets, kids playing with their toys and shouting for their parents' attention were all around me. I was watching one particular group of older teens pushing and shoving each other playfully when another presence approached me. 
Minho walked quietly on normal ground, but he was even softer on sand. He mimicked my position, knees up to his chest with his arms circling them. He joined his hands together in nervous wringing as he found what I was watching. 
“They’ll get burned to a crisp.” A puff of air escaped my nose in a chuckle. We watched them run around for a while before my thoughts and questions burst through the dam. 
“How long?” A deep sigh. 
“Almost 10 years.” 
“It started at 15?” I asked incredulously. I saw him nod through the corner of my eye. “How?”
“I couldn’t tell you the exact moment. It was like I woke up one day and realized ‘hey, you’re in love with your best friend.’ Which was immediately followed by a ‘fuck, you’re in love with your best friend.’ And there was nothing I could do about it. Nothing to slow down, nothing to catch me from feeling this way. It was like it was… always there. Just waiting to be tapped alive.” 
I couldn’t believe it. Was I just too naive to realize it? Or was he just that good at hiding it?
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I was waiting to see if there was any spark there, anything to tell me that you were into me too. And I was waiting and waiting and waiting. I watched the boyfriends come and go. I watch you flirt with customers. I knew what it looked like when you liked someone, so I looked for those signs. I looked for them with the guys and I didn’t find any. I thought you just didn’t like guys you worked with so I just sat back. I knew I couldn’t let the restaurant go, and there was no way in hell I was firing you so I suffered in silence. I didn’t think that would change. Yet here we are.”
“Here we are.” I was scared to look at him, afraid of the vulnerability I would find. I didn’t think I was ready for it. I had never seen him not be his sarcastic, stubborn, sometimes abrasive self. This was a new side of him I hadn’t been able to see. But I couldn’t help wondering… “What now?”
“Well…” He turned to me, forcing me to finally return that piercing gaze. I was right to be afraid of what I would see. I swallowed hard. “I know you. I know how you think. I know how you are. If you had feelings for me, you would have felt them already.” I tried to protest, the words forming on the tip of my tongue. He held up his hand to stop me. “It’s true and you know it.” That sad smile broke my heart. “Besides, now that you know, if you told me you returned those feelings, I don’t think I would believe you. Not truly. I would think that you were just saying it to ease the blow.” He put his hand on my knee. “We’re fine, I promise. I’ll just need some time to grieve. I don’t want this to turn into some… choice you have to make. Between me and him. It would create drama that we don’t need and honestly, I can’t stand the thought of losing you. So I’m removing myself from the equation. Forget I said anything and let’s just go back to how things were.”
“That’s the thing, Minho. I don’t know if I can. Now I’m going to read into everything you do and wonder if you’re telling me the truth.”
“But I’ve never lied to you.”
“A lie of omission is still a lie.” To that, he was silent. “Exactly.”
“Just give me some time. You’ll see, it’ll be fine.” I turned my eyes to him again. “Do you still want to be my friend?”
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Then just give me time. Nothing has to change.” It was my turn to be silent, doubtful of his words. 
I didn’t want to lose him either. I wanted to tell him, but the words wouldn’t come out. He meant the world to me. I couldn’t, I wouldn’t lose him. But now everything he did I would have to look at differently. Reading into every word he said like I would find something there if I looked hard enough. 
“Now, if you’re going to pursue things with Chris, you need to make sure he’s telling you everything. Don’t push it, let him come to you. But make sure he tells you about his family before you two get…serious.”
“We’re not officially together. Not yet.”
“‘Yet’. There’s that word again.”
“What did you mean earlier? When you said ‘it makes sense’?”
“He asked me if I was into you and I never gave him a straight answer. I didn’t deny it outright. Not until later.”
“So he suspected it too? Wow, did everyone know but me?”
“I denied it to everyone who asked. After the first couple times, the others just stopped asking. I figured they had dropped it.”
“They took your denial as just the opposite. Hyunjin just told me that they all knew.” Minho nodded. 
“That makes sense too. They never asked me about it again so I assumed they dropped it.” Hmm.
“Is that why he was so cold towards me in the beginning? Chris?”
“I don’t know for sure. You’ll have to ask him.” I nodded and took in our surroundings one last time for the day. I had already spent too much time here. I needed to talk to Chris. 
We walked back together, not really saying much. I was still processing all that he had said to me. I think he was doing the same, accepting the fate he had resigned himself to. 
Walking up that long driveway, we could see that a figure was sitting on the stairs leading up to the front door. Sounds of splashing and laughter came from the backyard, yells and shrieks from the other boys of laughter and playful shouting. Minho was a few steps behind me, trailing me the whole way. As the figure came more and more into view, Chris had dressed in jean shorts and a white t-shirt with a band I hadn’t heard of. His hat was backwards as he picked at his cuticles and tried to act like he wasn’t waiting for us to come back. When we reached his earshot, his head shot up. He looked confused as to whether he should stand up or not. I stopped just short of him, giving him no indication of what was said over the past few hours. The only thing me and Minho talked about was that I should be the one to talk to Chris about everything. 
Minho walked past me up the steps, giving me a small pat on the back before I sat next to Chris. I picked a spot of rocks on the driveway to focus on, deciding it would be the only thing I look at while I got everything out. I was struggling with how to start, but Chris decided for me. 
“So… What the fuck? What was all that?”
“That… was the culmination of years and years of pining.” I turned to look him in the eye, wanting him to know that I didn’t enjoy this part at all. “He’s been lying to you. He does- did have feelings for me. He never told me or anyone else.” 
“Yep. He didn’t even tell me directly. I figured it out. And this was the one time he didn’t deny it.” I turned to fully face him, watching his facial expression turn from confused to slightly angry. “He peeked in my room this morning and saw your arm around me. I wouldn’t have been so concerned but his face when he realized what he was seeing… I never want to see that face again. It was this mixture of sadness and anger and pain that I have never seen before. So I ran after him.
“And that’s when we started talking in the kitchen when we got interrupted by Felix. That was when it clicked. He was talking about not knowing that I dated coworkers and I thought it was weird until he wouldn’t look at me while I was explaining. I think that was the moment it actually clicked for me. He said something about something making sense and when I asked him about it, he said that you asked him if he had feelings for you. He said he denied it. Has denied it every time he’s been asked.”
“I asked him when I realized my own feelings. It was at the same time that I noticed he treated you differently from the rest of the crew. When he denied it, I thought it was because you were friends for so long. It was the only reason I could come up with.”
“So then why did you treat me like I wasn’t worth your time?”
“He just talked about you so much, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. It wasn’t until about a month in that it finally clicked. I was fighting it, I didn’t want to fall victim to it too. But that all changed for me when you started training me. I got to see you. I saw what everyone else saw. And I was pissed about it. I had fallen for you and I was fighting it so hard. But you broke down every wall I had built, just by being you.” 
Everyone was dropping so many bombs at my feet today. I hardly had the brain power to process it all. I thought this weekend would be fun, a time for all of us to relax. I didn’t think it would end up like this. Well, why stop the bombs now? I dove in head first.
“Tell me about your family.” Chris’s face hardened from the open and soft glow he had while he was telling me his feelings. From confessing more about how his feelings had come about to being forced to bring up a subject I was sure he wasn’t ready to talk about. He was pushing himself to tell me. I was pushing him, dying to know what Minho thought was important that I should know before he and I moved forward.  
Chris looked at me, apprehensive and wringing his hands just like Minho had earlier today. That particular nervous tick they had in common. They reminded me more and more of each other with every passing day. Chris swallowed hard and looked behind him to the front door to check for any eavesdroppers. Then picked a spot on the gravel in front of him just like I had. And it all came tumbling out.
“You weren’t… far off with your accusation of drug deals. My father was the one who brought me into it. Said he wanted to retire and do his own thing and pass it on to me to take care of everything. He got so caught up with leaving me with the responsibility and teaching me how to do things properly that he slipped up on his boss and he ran my father out of town. I spent the next two years trying to right his wrong and get him back. My mother was devastated. And pregnant with her fourth child.
 “I had two younger brothers. Lucas was close with my sister but the baby, Daniel, wouldn't leave my side no matter where I went. Those pictures you found in that box, those were the ones I took with me before I left. Those are the only pictures we have together. He was the one who understood what I was going through without me telling him. He had a talent for feeling your emotions without you having to say it. He was the sunshine that came out of the shadows of my father running. Daniel was always trying to make Lucas and Hannah laugh every day. He was so young and already wanted to make everyone around him happy. I wanted to take him everywhere, make up for my dad being a piece of shit that ran out on him. And he came along too, just to be a part of it all. I kept him away from that dark part of our life, the life my father thrust on me to take care of them. The problem was the room we shared. Daniel always wondered where I went in the middle of the night without him. He would wake up after I put him to bed and question me until he was out of breath and I got him to go back to sleep again. I was very late to a lot of deals because of him. About three years ago, he followed me to a deal and hid in the corner of the alleyway where no one could see him. I thought I was being careful enough that I wasn’t being tailed. But he was smaller, quicker, could hide easily. Well, the deal took a wrong turn, something about there not being enough for what he paid for. He brought out his ‘backup’ and started shooting, two warning shots off to the side. And I heard the smallest of gasps from behind the shadows.
“I’ll never forget the way his little body collapsed to the ground. It haunts me every night in my dreams. Everyone ran. I found someone on the side of the street to call for help but by the time the ambulance came…” He shook his head, his bottom lip starting to quiver. He drew some calming breaths, fighting the welling I could see coming from him. I could see the anger, the pain of it all in those tears. He was fighting these emotions too.
“That’s how I know Minho. He was in the hospital for his dad in a random town, my town, and he saw me pacing and waiting for my mother. I can’t imagine how I must have looked for him to approach me that night. He said he overheard what I told the nurse and put two and two together since the town we were living in at the time was known for shit like that. I didn’t say anything, didn’t confess or deny it. And then the fucker sat down and he waited. He started telling me this story about how his dream used to be to become a professional dancer. I thought he was fucking nuts, talking to this random guy about his dreams. But what I didn’t know at the time was that he was waiting with me for my family to come so I wouldn’t be alone in a hospital. 
“He gave me a piece of paper with his number on it and told me if I ever needed a way out, to give him a call. I don’t know what he saw in me that day, probably a broken soul with no way to change his circumstances but I couldn’t face my family after what had just happened. I couldn’t… wake up every day in that house, knowing what I had done to them. I didn’t deserve any kindness from them. So I ran too. I left my sister, my brother, and my mother all to deal with the mess of what I had done. I’d been living with friends and friends of friends for years, just trying to make ends meet and keep up with demand until Minho called me again a couple months ago and told me he had a job for me. So I packed up my duffel and hopped on the bus until I got here.”
I was in tears by the time he was done. We both were, as much as he tried to fight it. His breaths were shaky as he tried to regain his composure. 
“What you saw that night was when they caught up to me. I hadn't seen them since. They couldn’t find me, they said. But now they have. I don’t want to fuck this up, I like being here. I don’t want to have to run again.”
Wiping the tears that had fallen, my fingers were now slightly wet. I wasn’t sure how my voice would sound if I were to speak, but I had to ask. 
“Have they come back since?” He swallowed again and kept staring at the ground. I couldn’t help the slight anger that arose. What the fuck.
“It’s not like I wanted them to come. They have people everywhere. I can’t ever get away. I’ll always be dragged back there. Hell, I moved four towns over and they still found me.”
“What do they want from you? Why won’t they leave you alone?”
“He keeps saying I need to pay back my fathers mistakes. More deals I do, the less that I owe. I was hoping that if I made enough here, I could pay them and they would leave, but they haven’t yet. More things keep getting tacked on to the bill and it’s just a never-ending list.” He ran his hands up his face and into his hair and groaned. “If I could be done with it, I would.” He sniffled and wiped his tear-stained face again. 
“Thank you. For telling me.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say. I had no words for what he just told me and I was trying not to let it show. He started, seemingly surprised to hear me say that. “You haven’t told anyone else that, have you.” Not really a question. 
“I told Minho when I got here. But he’s the only one who knows.” I nodded. “What a way to ruin a romantic trip, huh.”
“It’s not ruined.” I put a hand on his back, trying to reassure him and myself. “Just had a couple wrenches thrown in. But there’s still two more days until we have to go back home. Let’s just…try to enjoy this as much as we can, yeah?” He plucked up his best smile, which came off tighter than what I was used to. His effortless glow was dull now, tired and emotionally exhausted. I had to admit that I was too. 
Mini golfing had been Changbin’s idea. Something about showing off another one of his ‘many talents’. All of us rolled our eyes. 
“Ah yes, something else Changbin can hold over our heads for the rest of the trip.” Seungmin had a point. Changbin loved beating us at sports and games and such and then never letting us live it down. Bowling was always his first choice, but we had all talked him out of it, especially since there weren’t really any bowling alleys around this area of town. But what they lacked in bowling alleys, they made up for in other activities. Mini golfing was one of them.
We all piled into the minivan Minho had rented for us. The ride there was filled with all kinds of smack-talk, more yelling and shouting. There was never a moment of peace around here. 
The spot Changbin picked was an outdoor place with a Jungle theme. It had a huge plastic monkey out front that you had to enter under. The open way to the front desk was littered with people who were thinking the same as us; just wanting to get out of the house and do something together. What they didn’t know was how our group handled such activities.
Hyunjin and Felix were “fighting” over who got the blue putter while Minho and Seungmin were mercilessly teasing Changnin about how they would beat him at his own suggestion. Chris had taken Han to find where the staff kept the golf balls, which left myself and Jeongin to meander once we found which putter we wanted to use. I opted for the pink one, of course. 
“Why are they so mean to him sometimes?” Jeongin asked, watching Minho and Seungmin. 
“It’s how they show their love for him. Trust me, he knows. He wouldn’t stand for it if he wasn’t happy. He does the same thing to them, haven’t you noticed?” I was doing my best to pretend everything was normal, like my heart and my mind weren’t constantly going a thousand miles a minute since this afternoon. It wasn’t that I was scared of Chris, it was just that I had no choice but to see him differently now. I never expected him to trust me immediately, I knew it would grow over time. What I wasn’t expecting was the contents of the story. It wasn’t his fault his brother had come along to something he wasn’t supposed to, but he blamed himself anyway. I wasn’t sure if that made him admirable or not. 
“Changbin has tells when something or someone goes too far for him. He’ll shut down almost instantly or be just the opposite of how he normally is.” 
“Kinda like you.” My head snapped up at him, surprise written all over my face, I was sure. Innie had never read me like that. I narrowed my eyes on him. 
“Whatever do you mean, Young One?” He smiled. 
“You’ve been off since this morning. Like something’s bothering you.” I sighed at him. So young, but he was observant. Liked knowing the small details of everything and everyone around him. “What are you hiding? What happened today?” His face held not a trace of insincerity, his eyes focused on me and willing me to tell him the truth. I almost did. 
“Nothing, Innie. Don’t worry, whatever it is will work itself out in the near future. I’m sure of it.”
“Well, if you won’t tell me, then I can at least help you take your mind off of it.” He placed his hand on my shoulder and let me lead the way behind Changbin, who had taken off to the first hole. 
“Whoever gets through first, tell Hyunjin how many hits you had and he’ll write it down. Whoever loses buys dinner. Ultimate winner picks where we eat!” 
Felix went first, not doing too well. 
“It’s because there’s a hill there!” He pouted the three steps over to the next hole while he watched everyone else.
Chris laughed at him along with the others before turning to me to try and catch my eye. He’d been trying since we piled in the van. I wasn’t purposely ignoring him, per say. I just needed more time. He leaned forward and back, trying to move around Han without drawing too much attention to himself. He frowned, and from the corner of my eye, I saw his shoulders go up then down, letting out a sigh. His frustrations weren’t for nothing, I knew I was avoiding him and so did he. I just didn’t know for how long. Once I was sure his back was turned, I chanced a look. His shoulders sagged more than they had since we left. He looked defeated. 
“Ah, so it is him.” Jeongin and his nosy ass… 
“Don’t tell anyone. Please. It’s just very complicated right now and I just need to sort it out on my own.” He shrugged and widened his eyes to look more innocent. 
“I wouldn’t even know what to say. I don’t know what’s going on.” He threw up his hands and followed Felix’s turn. Innie had an untapped affinity for mini golf, it seemed. He got it on the first try, to everyone’s shock and admiration, even his own. 
I went next, although it took me a couple tries, I got it in eventually. 
“Not bad! You did better than me.” Felix said, watching the others before he moved on to the next hole. 
“I think that’s how this whole course is going to go for me.” And I was right. 
Twelve holes later, my name was at the bottom of the list of winners, Han following close behind. ‘I’m no good with sports with balls!’ he insisted again and again. From the looks of the beginning of our adventure, I thought Jeongin would win the entire thing and I would be saved from any extreme expenses. But alas, Seungmin surprised us all. 
“Let’s go to the seafood place we saw down that way.” He pointed down south towards town and we all followed one by one, leaving the van behind since the weather was nice and it was a short walk. Chris decided he’d had enough of my avoidance and finagled his way to my side. 
“Everything okay?” He kept his eyes straight, walking just behind the others in front of me, letting his voice carry on the wind. 
“Not excited about the hundreds of dollars I’m about to spend but I guess.”
“Have you been avoiding me on purpose or by accident?” Ignoring my attempt at a joke, his tone gave away more than he would admit, but I heard the slight embarrassment for even asking. Like he didn’t want to appear insecure for asking a simple question he may already know the answer to. 
“Can we not talk about this here? In front of everyone?”
“Then later tonight? Please?” There was that voice again, that pleading he would never admit to. I had to make up my mind by tonight then, whether to keep things going as they were or to end them now and for good. It seemed like too soon. “I’m not trying to push you, you’re just making me nervous.”
“How about tomorrow night? Before we leave the next day.” It was the best solution I could give him at this moment, while I was still trying to figure myself out. 
“I won’t get an answer tonight anyways, will I.” More of a statement than a question. I shook my head. 
“I don’t have one right now.” Han must have said something funny because the boys ahead of us cracked up and started playfully shoving the boy. They were completely oblivious to the conversation happening behind them and the weight it carried. Minho was smiling at Han and trying not to look at us from the way his body was angled to the side but his eyes were on his friends and the sidewalk ahead of him. 
Chris sighed and kept walking, picking up his pace to leave me behind. I watched them all, all eight of them, together for the rest of the walk. They were a good looking group. They fit with each other really well. Where one lacked, others were there to pick it up. The strengths they played on were just that; strengths. Individually, they were good, but together, they were even better. 
We walked into the restaurant and were greeted by a hostess that couldn’t have been more than seventeen, but her smile made her look older. It was warm and inviting and perfect for her job. 
“How many?” She asked us. Changbin, who was stuck in front of the group, rose to his tiptoes and counted to make sure he was right. 
“Nine.” He replied and the girl counted her menus and led us to a table in the back. The place was semicrowded, just enough to have a stable crowd for this time of day, but not so much as to be too busy to do everything needed. Minho once told me that this meant the place was good, no matter who was cooking.
Once we were all dropped off at our table, the girl started placing menus in front of the chairs to return to her station at the front. Everyone sat in whatever seat they liked while Minho and Chris stared at the last few open seats; one beside me and one diagonally in front of me. When I realized what they were looking at, I quickly sat down and picked up my menu, eager for something else to focus on so I wouldn’t feel pressured to help them with this decision. Chris took the seat beside me while Minho took the other across the table. They both glared at each other for a second before giving a quick nod and picking up their menus.
Felix was seated on my other side and Hyunjin was on his. They were looking at the menu together and whispering to each other. Chris sat himself down carefully beside me, like I might explode if he sat too fast. 
“I seem to have found myself beside you yet again. Funny how we keep seeming to be thrown together like this.” He flipped open his menu. “Like a pattern almost.” He turned the pages without glancing at me, scanning through them top to bottom. I took a deep breath and continued to do the same, wondering why the universe was always playing such jokes on me. 
That night the boys decided to initiate a tournament of sorts downstairs in the basement. I opted for the silence of the crow’s nest on top of the house. Staring at the stars again, like so many other nights of years prior, I was looking for clarity. Being alone while being in a house full of people was a strange, yet not uncommon feeling for me. When there was fighting in the house of my childhood, I needed to find an escape elsewhere and the stars were as good a place as any. 
I hated this feeling that was coursing through my veins right now. This feeling of uneasiness was disturbing to my bones. Even when I wasn’t sure where I was going in life, there was always a backup plan in place. Even when it wasn’t solid, I knew I could come up with one if I needed to. But this didn’t feel like that. This felt like I was lined up at the plate, ready to hit a home run only to find out the pitcher wasn’t even there. 
Was Chris’ past something I could look past? Did it even matter? He seemed really torn up about it. I would be too in his shoes. But was that enough to look past how he got here in the first place? The drugs, the trauma, everyone he was involved with, it just seemed like too much. But he felt like a changed man, even if I never knew the old one. It felt as though he wanted to be different, wanted to be better than the boy he left behind. I wondered what sparked that desire for change. I prayed it wasn’t me. I wasn’t sure why.
I never wanted to change him, just to… The truth was I didn’t know. At first, I just wanted him off my back but that was before he became my responsibility. Now he wanted to become more, but before he could do that he needed to stop dealing with those people for his own safety, to stop him from getting hurt and to protect everyone else we had come to care about now. That was before I cared about him as I do now. And before I knew what was behind it all. 
Minho was another situation. He said to give him time. I didn’t want to lose him, but if what he said was true, that I would have felt something for him the way he wanted to, I would have felt it by now. But I didn’t know it was true. I couldn’t tell the difference between what I felt for him now and what I felt before, with the exception of the pang of guilt every time I thought about him. If what I felt now was friendship, then was it true that it was all I was capable of for him? I had never been overwhelmed with the need to kiss him or anything of the sort, but knowing what I know now, would that change? Did it matter if it did? Would it matter to him?
Minho: Where did you go? Felix is asking.
Me: You’re a terrible liar, even over text.
Minho: That’s beside the point. Answer the question.
Me: On the roof. 
“I should’ve known you would find your way up here.” 
“You know I love a roof.” His steps were loud on the wooden staircase, creaking beneath his boot. He found me bundled up in my blanket that I took from my room, feet tucked under me while crouched in the corner. I was sure I looked a mess with my hair tied on top of my head and makeup barely off. 
“That I do.” He sat across from me and mirrored my position sans blanket and looked up at the sky. “How bad was the damage?”
“Nothing a raise won’t fix.” We both smiled. We had always had this easy repertoire between us. I hoped nothing would change that. “I didn’t really get the chance to tell you earlier, but I thought about what you said. I’ve been thinking about it all day. And I don’t want to hurt you further, but I know as much as I wish you weren’t, I wanted to tell you that you’re right. The feelings I have for you and the ones I feel for Chris are different from each other. I don’t mean to drive the stake in deeper, but I just want you to hear it from me first. Minho, I care about you more than I do myself. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. I hope you know that.” He nodded, watching my face as I spoke. It was killing him, little by little. But he needed to hear it. “I know you said to give you some time and I will. I just hope your opinions of me don’t change. I love you like family and I always will. You mean too much to me to let you go without a fight.” That made the shoulders slump fully, even though his face was growing into a sad smirk. 
“You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried. I am your boss.” There was that joke to save me from crying. He could always tell, even when I myself couldn’t. “Unless you want to look for a new job…” He was looking up at the sky and making a face like he was actually thinking about it. I took off my slipper and chucked it at him, hitting his knee that was folded into his chest. He looked at the slipper and blinked, like he couldn’t believe what had just happened. Then he grabbed his leg and started fake-screaming out in pain, falling down to lay on the wood. I rolled my eyes.
“Lee Minho, the other one is coming for you if you don’t stop!” I took it off to show him and his screams dissolved into laughter. That maniacal laughter that he was known for that made anyone stop and give him a look before continuing on their way. I laughed with him until it faded away from our lungs and into the night breeze. He sat up and sighed as he fell back on the railing and scanned me up and down. “What?” I asked softly.
“Chris is just lucky, that’s all.” I blushed and glanced down at my feet. “Hey.” He nudged them, grunting as he reached with his own. “I wasn’t trying to get sympathy.” He stopped. “Well, maybe a little.” He said under his breath. 
I picked up my slipper again.
By the time I made my way down to the basement, Chris and Jeongin were the only ones left. Everyone else had gone to bed, or so I was told. They were in a ferocious game of air hockey when I got to the bottom step and I stopped to watch them play a little. Chris seemed like he was better than he was letting on, but Jeongin wasn’t going down without a fight. The score was tied on the digital monitor 6-6. The next point won, and as soon as I realized this fact, Jeongin screamed in satisfaction and glee. 
“YES! Ultimate Champion right here! That���s right!” He did a little dance in a circle, hsaking what little ass he had that made Chris burst into laughter, defeat far from his mind. They heard my laughter coming from behind them and whirled around to see me trying and failing to keep my laughter from being caught. 
“Not so fast there, Innie. You still have one more person to beat.” I sauntered over to the table and pressed reset. Chris seemed happy I was standing near him. Until I hip-checked him and moved him out of the way. “Can’t have you getting in the way.” He looked at the younger boy, who was staring at his paddle like it had grown legs. “Jeongin!” He looked up through his lashes like a kid who’d been caught. “Get the puck, baby boy.” His eyes went wider and his cheeks were red. He grabbed the puck and tossed it onto the table while I grabbed my own paddle. Jeongin was aggressive after he got over the nickname I gave him. Once the blush returned to his neck, his tongue had poked out between his teeth in concentration. He tried, but he was no match.
Chris was applauding both of our efforts once we were finished. He stood up from his seat on the couch and slowly clapped as he made his way over to me again. 
“I had no idea you were hiding such a talent. But…” He glanced at Jeongin for a second. “I’d like to take a stab at it if I can.” He turned his puppy dog eyes on me, directing the question to me. I swallowed and nodded.
“You can try, but I won’t hold back because it’s you.”
“Oh, my lady, I expect no less.” I raised my eyebrow at him, not expecting the formality. Jeongin cleared his throat.
“I’m going to mourn my title that I had for a total of thirty seconds in my room where people will comfort me.”
“Yeah, Hyunjin might cuddle with you if you ask nicely.” I called after him as he stuck his tongue out at me on his way up. He flashed a quick thumbs up when Chris’ back was turned and I swatted him away. He took off running. 
When I went back to the table, Chris had his hand on his paddle, ready to go. 
“Scared, Sparkles?” I recognized the familiar movie dialogue and smirked to myself. 
“You wish.” He smiled so wide his eyes crinkled into slits. I could barely see the brown I’d become so fond of. While we played, I mulled over my earlier train of thought. The bottom line was: I didn’t know that person. I only knew the one in front of me, getting his assed whooped at air hockey. Whatever mistakes he was running from, he’d removed himself from a place that could’ve gotten himself into somewhere much worse. He left his family behind, everything he had known and came here to make himself a new life at Minho’s offer. And if he could pull himself out of that place, then I could forgive actions that had no bearing on me. As for the family he had left behind, that could be changed. I knew he needed to check in on them, just to hear from them. I was sure they were dying to hear from him if he left with no word. I’d ask him about that later. 
He was keeping up with me point for point. I was right; he was holding back from Jeongin. But I couldn’t figure out why. After I scored my fifth goal, I asked him.
“Because he reminds me of my little brother. It’s actually a little creepy.” It wasn’t a sad memory he was reliving, but one that made him pause to enjoy living through it again. A mournful smile crossed his features before he shook his head and grabbed his paddle again. 
It was nice that he had someone that sparked something he had lost too soon. Anyone who looked in his direction would notice he was carrying a weight on his shoulders that was going to crush him if he didn’t lift it soon. I wondered if I could be the one to help him. 
Two goals later, we were still tied. The next goal would win and after he caught up to me for the sixth time, I saw something spark in his eyes.
“Why don’t we make it interesting?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, were you bored until now?” I left a lilt to my voice and tilted my head, trying my best to mock him into lowering his defenses. 
“No, I just thought it might be fun.” I squinted. 
“I’ll hear you out, but I don’t agree to anything yet.” He chuckled.
“If you win, I will cook the best meal you’ve ever had. Whatever you want, no matter how complicated, no matter how long it’ll take.” He paused for what I only assumed could be dramatic effect. “But if I win, you kiss me right here, right now.”
I raised my brow in confusion. “That doesn’t seem like a fair trade. Why do I get a fancy meal and you get a kiss?”
“To get you to take the deal.” He shrugged innocently. “You have more to gain than to lose. What’s better than that?” I pondered over it. What did I really have to lose here?
“Alright, Puck, you’re on.” I grabbed my paddle with a sudden vigorous grip, I was sure it would break beneath it. Chris lay the hockey puck down and swiped at it so hard it went straight at the wall and bounced so quickly, it landed
in my goal.
Just like that, it was over. In one swipe, our tight match was done with a winner that was not me. I stood still, not being able to move from shock at what just happened while my brain was playing catch-up. I looked down to confirm what I already knew and blinked as the puck stared back at me in the pocket to be retrieved. 
Chris was smiling at me with that cocky smile he had before we had started to play nice. But this time, at least there was no malice behind it, just easy cockiness he had for some unknown reason. The swagger was back. It had been missing since this morning and I hated to admit it, but I missed it. It was an essential piece of him that had grown dull until now. 
“I guess that means I win.” He said under his breath, but loud enough I could still hear him. 
“You planned this.” I leveled him, letting my mind wander with what plan he could have possibly concocted during the day. Was it all a ruse to get closer? Or just some act of the universe for the second time today. Someone is trying to tell me something, I just know it. 
Chris drew closer, dragging his hand across the edge of the table on his way over and not denying a thing. He was walking slowly, like he was waiting for me to say something that would indicate I didn’t want to. He was almost nervous with how tentatively he was creeping along the table. He was watching me to see what I would do, each step drawing closer and closer and he stopped just short of me. We hadn’t been this close like this since the first and only time we had kissed. That fact had popped into my brain as I felt my throat start to close like it does when I know something is coming. I tried to swallow and it came out as more like a gulp. Chris watched my throat go up and down and returned to look me in my eyes. 
I got the feeling he was still waiting for me to say something, to object. And I knew if I did, he would stop and back away and I would regret not doing it. The pang of the truth of that statement hit me and I bit my lip. My heart was beating loudly against my chest, it was a wonder he couldn’t hear it too. He stepped even closer, eyes moving down to my lips. I felt pinned to the ground. I couldn't move if I wanted to. He lifted a hand and lighty gripped my chin to tilt my head slightly up to his. Our eyes met, shortly followed by his lips on mine.
It was like being struck by lightning. Twice, since this was only our second kiss. But this one was intentional. It was full of purpose, yet gentle enough that I could feel the raw emotions he had been holding on to the entire day. A place in his heart he held onto to show just me. He was showing me what it might be like, our relationship. Our first kiss had been rushed, flooded with so many emotions it was hard to choose which one to act on. But this…
Chris moved his hand from chin down to my neck to hold me there while we each drank our fill from the moment. He slowly started tilting his head to deepen our soft and sweet kiss while his hands moved again down my arms to bring them to wrap around his own neck. Once they reached their destination, my own hands had minds of their own. They curled into his hair, feeling his curls threading through them. They were as soft as they were that night. I could see myself running through them when the moon took over the sky. 
Our lips had started to dance when I felt his hands move down to my hips again, the fire leaving a trail on their way down. They started to inch lower and lower, breaking me from my own trance. I broke our lips apart to whisper against his mouth and shook my head.
“Mm mm. Not tonight.” I let my hands slide down his shirt down to his stomach, then drop back to my side. I had to stop it here before I gave in to what I knew would be a mistake here. Not now, not in this place or in this climate between us. That was a conversation we still had to have, but tonight was not the night for it. Chris seemed to understand and brought his hands back.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel pressured.” I shook my head, more aggressively this time to add emphasis to my next words.
“You didn’t, I promise. And trust me, that day will most likely come. But in a house full of our friends? Maybe not.” Chris nodded with a shy grin.
“Right. I forgot they were here for a second.” He looked back up to me and gave me one last grin. “Well, then I guess this is goodnight.” I nodded, feeling the slight tension of what had just occurred rise. I bit my lip again. His eyes drew downwards to it. It was his turn to swallow hard.
“Goodnight, Chris.”
“Goodnight, Sparkles.” 
It was hard not to dream of him.
The next morning began with being awoken by Felix leaping into my bed with absolutely no warning. Besides the mild heart attack and the string of expletives that tumbled out of my mouth, I was mainly left with wondering what he was doing. 
“Felix, what the fuck?!”He evaded the question as he continued to laugh at my outburst and rolled off of me. His cackles bounced off my bedroom walls and I slapped his shoulder as hard as I could manage. His cries of laughter turned to those of pain as he held that spot. 
“Why did you hit me so hard?!”
“Because you scared the shit out of me! Why did you do that?!” He was rubbing his shoulder now. “You act more and more like the little brother I don’t have every single day.”
“You definitely do have little brothers, you have like seven.” I rolled my eyes and shoved him out of my bed. 
“What did you even wake me up for?”
“I just wanted to see if there was someone… extra in your bed this morning. I heard he went to bed with a big ass smile on his face last night and I thought he might sneak up here again.” I peeked at him through the corner of my eye as I stood up and walked over to my suitcase to find something to wear for the day’s activities. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
‘Mhmm.” Felix huffed and plastered the most arrogant smirk on his lips. “Seungmin said he wanted everyone downstairs for breakfast. Something about ‘family time,’ I don’t know. But he’s cooking and I was sent to wake everyone up. Would you like to join me?”
“Like we don’t spend almost every waking moment together? Yeah, sure. Let me put some actual clothes on first.” He nodded and exited, rushing down the hall to jump on someone else. I heard a similar scream to mine, only in Jeongin’s voice this time, and knew exactly where he went.
I threw on my shorts and a plain t-shirt and stepped outside my door to see Felix whooshing past me with Hyunjin in tow, his hair a mess and his own t-shirt ruffled. 
“Felix Lee, I’m going to kill you!” Felix’s laughter followed him down the staircase. 
“It’s not my fault you’re so hard to wake up!” His flurry of blue hair disappeared downstairs, running towards the safety of whoever was downstairs. Hyunjin swung around the corner of the wall, his feet stomping down the stairs. 
I slowly made my way behind them, listening for the others that might be up here but hearing nothing, I continued on my way down. Reaching the second floor, I see most of the boys crowded around the kitchen island and drinking coffee. Chris spotted me and smiled brightly, his cup still having steam coming out of it. I sauntered over to him and placed my arm on his shoulder. 
“Morning.” He whispered to me. I smiled down at him and reached across him for his cup. He moved out of the way for me to have a better path and I took a sip while maintaining eye contact. His eyes flickered between mine and the cup I was drinking from, smirking at me. 
“Aren’t we missing someone?” I said to the group.
“Changbin said if anyone woke him up today, they would ‘find themselves missing a limb.’ I would rather not know what he meant by that.” Seungmin responded and brought his cup to his mouth. 
“Hm.” I thought about it for a moment and nudged Chris. “Should we go test his threat?”
“I thought you’d never ask.” He threw me a mischievous look and we both scurried off down the staircase to find our missing friend. 
He was not pleased. 
“YAAAHHHHH!!!!” Chris threw himself on top of Changbin, just like how Felix had done to me, and Changbin roared. He sat up swinging, almost knocking Chris straight in the eye. I was a mess on the floor, drowning in my own laughter and unable to breathe. “What was that for?! I could’ve knocked you out!” Chris’ laughter was a melody that sang to my very bones. I was still chuckling to myself, but I had resolved to watch Chris laugh to the side where he had fallen trying to dodge Chngbin’s swing. Watching his face dissolve into pure joy was like watching a flower bloom in Spring; worth the work and the wait. 
With another yell of exasperation, Changbin threw off his blanket and began to chase us both out of the room, through the gaming area, and back up the stairs. Chris and I were screaming with laughter the whole way up until we collapsed on a couch upstairs in a fit of giggles. Changbin had given up, saying ‘you’re lucky I don’t do cardio’ and took the cup of coffee Minho was handing to him. Minho was shaking his head at the two of us with a small smile, and I felt a pang on my heartstrings. I hadn’t forgotten what I had said last night, but it seemed he took it very well and was on the way to accomplishing his goal. Seeing him watch me and Chris didn’t extract that feeling of guilt that I thought would rise to the surface. No, instead he appeared as some father figure watching his children pull a prank, enjoying the show. 
When the laughter died down between the two of us, we both looked at each other, still breathing heavily. There was that moment between us, when you know you shouldn’t but you really really want to. I looked down to his lips, trying to pretend that I hadn’t been dreaming about them since I fell asleep. I was staring, I knew it, but I couldn’t help but feel the ghost of them again, just above me, aching to touch them…
“Who wants to go shopping in town? You know, get some beach stuff and take a group trip down to the water?” Felix, ever the savior. A bunch of them grumbled agreements. I joined in, still watching Chris watching me. 
“Lixie, I think that’s a great idea.” 
“Me too.” Chris echoed me. 
“You guys go ahead and do your shopping, I’m just going to head straight to the sand and pick out the best spot.” 
“I’ll go with you, Seungmin.” Minho piped up from the sink, washing everyone’s cups. 
“Well, I’m going shopping. And so are you Jeongin.” Hyunjin gave a look to the youngest, who widened his eyes and threw up his hands. 
“Well, I’m going with Minho and Seungmin.” Han proclaimed. “I need to work on my tan. I’m so pale right now, I look like a ghost. Hey! Maybe we could go see a haunted house tonight! That would be fun!” Everyone looked at him in surprise, shocked that he would be the one to suggest such a thing. “What?! I just think it would be funny to see everyone scared shitless.”
“I don’t get scared.” Minho said with a brave enough face, I almost believed him.
“Oh please.” I breathed a sigh. “Tell that to your favorite pair of shorts from high school!”
“Hey! You said you would never bring that up again!” He shouted over the kitchen island, fighting a smile. I wasn’t fighting mine and shrugged. 
“What? What happened?” Han eagerly looked my way. Minho leveled a look at me. 
“Don't. You. Dare.” My lips caved into my mouth, fighting the urge. I was almost going to do it until Hyunin called from the doorway. 
“Van leaves in five minutes! If you’re not in it, you’re being left behind!”
Hyunjin pulled into a huge shop with shirts with the name of the town in big bold letters on mannequins in the windows. The inside was just as big as the outside with shirts, bottoms, shoes, spare swimsuits, and pool toys scattered everywhere for purchase. We all drifted apart, each going to the sections that sparked our interest. I floated over to the souvenirs shelf that was ladened with shot glasses, car magnets, and keychains. I wandered over to the tower with all of the keychains with every kind of phrase I could think of and got an idea. I sifted through each of them, finding ones that fit each member of my family. Some sort of keychain that had the name of this town on it in the different designs on it that fit with everyone’s personalities, except for one. 
I had watched a movie recently that I was stealing this idea from. And when I found the keychain for Chris that I was looking for, I snatched it up. When I had everything I wanted from this section, I peeked my head up to see where my friends were. Jeongin was easiest to spot in the pool toys section, so I wandered over to see what he was looking at. He had found the box of pool noodles and was picking out which one he wanted to take with him. 
“I like the pink but I think Changbin might steal it once I bring it with us.”
“Why don’t we get one for everyone? And then just start a pool noodle fight?” His eyes lit up and he smiled wide. 
“Yes! I’ll buy them all one!” I chuckled and walked away, watching him try and put nine total pool noodles in his arms and start for the registers up in the front.
I found Chris near the t-shirts. He was shuffling through the black ones and I tried my best to sneak up on him, but he caught me before I could get too close. 
“Do I wear too much black?” It was directed at me, and the answer flew out of my mouth before I could put too much thought behind it. 
“Absolutely.” He frowned and shifted to the brighter colors on the rack behind him. “I think the light blue would look good.” He stopped to look at it closer, and picked it up off the rack to hold it up to his torso. He looked up to me, asking my opinion. “Good enough to steal.” He chuckled.
“Why don’t you get one too and we can match.” His ears turned bright red, followed quickly by his cheeks. “Or not. That sounds pretty lame, doesn’t it.” 
“No, actually. But I’m still stealing yours.” I grabbed one in my size and gave him a quick smirk as I followed Jeongin up to the register
Back in the van, Chris found himself in the back seat with me, giving Felix and Hyunjin the front seats and Jeongin had the middle all to himself. Sifting through our bags before we left to ensure we had everything, Hyunjin was off back to the house to get changed and join the others down by the beach. 
Chris had nudged his way into the seat directly beside me and placed his hand on the seat next to my thigh. 
“So, is today going better than yesterday?” He asked the window facing away from me. Too casually. I didn’t answer. I just took his pinky and wrapped it around my own, and smiled at him. I was noticing I was doing that a lot more now. 
Beach day with the boys was ending with movie night with the boys. They piled on top of each other, blankets everywhere and pillows on the floor made a very comfortable place to lay down. It was a nice final night for us all. It was intermittent with moments where I felt like we truly were a family, so close knit that it was hard to imagine my life without seeing them every day. 
We were all spread out, myself, Felix, Hyunjin, Han, and Seungmin on the floor with Minho, Chris, Changbin, and Jeongin on the couch behind us. I was sitting between Jeongin’s legs on the floor in front of him while everyone else settled for their own spaces on blankets. 
Once the movie ended, half the boys were snoring in their spots and heads were lolled out the side. I looked around and saw that most of them had passed out and decided that the night was best ended in my own room. Chris caught my eye as he had drawn the same conclusion. We locked eyes from across the room and he tilted his head in the direction of the stairs. I nodded. 
I followed him down to his own room, his keychain in my pocket that I had just bought earlier weighing in my pocket. Each step had me giddier than the last. I was more sure of myself since the last time I had descended down these stairs, more confident in my next moves. His back was moving through his sleep shirt, the movements making me want to jump on it piggyback style. 
We entered his room, dimly lit by a single lamp on the opposite side of the room. His room was smaller than mine, set with a simple bed and dresser about kids’ height and the closet doors pulled shut. I sat on the bed, my hands in the pockets of my pajama shorts and making sure the chain was still there. 
Chris shut the door behind him and turned to see me sitting on the bed. He looked nervous and started fidgeting with my fingers until he sat on the floor directly in front of me. 
“Why are you sitting on the floor?”
“I don’t know.” He laughed at himself. “I’m scared of making any sudden movements because I’m scared you’ll leave.” 
“And what if I told you I didn’t want to leave? What if I said that I wanted to spend the night with you down here in this tiny child’s bed?” His mouth fell open to speak but he said nothing. Instead he just smiled. “I got something for you today. While we were out shopping.” 
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. But for you to get it, I need something from you first.”
“I’m not sure how I feel about gifts with caveats.” He looked at me skeptically, not moving from his place on the floor.
“Haha, very funny. Wasn’t there something you wanted to ask me on this trip? Something important?” He sat there, his brows furrowed for a minute. Then it dawned on him. 
“Are you saying you have an answer?”
“The answer to that question and the question I’m searching for can both be found with this.” I pulled the chain out of my pocket and let it dangle so he could read the word ‘Yes’ written on a seascape background. He watched it and squinted so he could read it. Then his eyes grew wide.
“Really?” He asked quietly, like he couldn’t believe it. I didn’t answer, just looked into his beautiful eyes and smiled. He stared at me for a moment, features frozen in a mix of elation, fear, and something else. “I really want to kiss you right now.”
“If you don’t, I’m leaving.” 
He did. 
All night long.
The drive back home was as quick as the drive there. We all piled in the same cars we drove up in, Chris and I sneaking each other stupid grins that I was sure the others had to have picked up on. We all decided to meet back at the bar so that everyone could leave at the same time in their own vehicles. Chris and I promised that we would tell Minho together after we had our first date, at which we would be discussing far more things in greater detail. But first, I just wanted to reset myself in my own room back home. 
I pulled my car into the parking lot that I was so familiar with, it was like pulling into my own driveway. Until Chris and I spotted, exactly at the same time, what lay waiting for us upon our return. 
Minho was already standing outside his car while the others stood just behind him, watching and staring. I couldn’t see his face or theirs. Their parked cars were behind them, still running, like they had barely put them into park before they rushed to see what had happened.
There was glass everywhere. I could spot the broken seats and tables from out here, the sun giving enough light to see it all. I threw the car in park and ran to get a closer look for myself, Chris hot on my tail. We both were stepping on glass as we went inside. 
It reeked of alcohol. Like the damage done was fresh. It was like someone had taken a giant hammer to everything within reach. The walls were torn up, pieces of glass broken were everywhere, and left up for everyone to see, were these words written in spray paint behind the bar.
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capturethechaos · 2 years
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In collaboration with - @earthlysorrows
Josh Kiszka x Reader x Jake Kiszka
Words - 4.8k
Warnings - 18+ONLY, explicit sexual content, NSFW, smut, oral (f!receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!)
a/n - Happy Halloween from me and Madi! Enjoy this little treat ♡
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“How did you two convince me to do this costume… and at a youth event no less.” You had already readjusted your costume more times than you could count since the twins picked you up from your apartment.
Jake opened the car door for you and you stood from your seat, feeling the cool October air cut through the thin fabric of your skirt. You could see the all too familiar baby blue VW Beetle, parked in its usual spot. As the three of you approached the door of the church, you heard the car door open and shut. You all turned and watched as Abigail practically skipped over to you. Her gaze passed over you quickly, and lit up when she saw Josh. You turned around, rolling your eyes and catching Jake's gaze. He smirked before quickly greeting Abigail and shuffling into the church, and you were hot on his heels.
Oddly enough no one even thought twice about your costume choice when you walked through the front door of the church. The black dress laid right upon your knee caps, while your black knee high socks only left a few inches of skin exposed. Josh reached his arm up to adjust your black veil that connected to a white headband.
In return of the favor, you playfully readjusted Josh’s halo, ruffling up his hair a bit in the process. Jake took notice and gave a firm whip to your ass with the long red trishul in his fist. The noise was louder than you all expected it to be and in return Abigail swung her head around. “Can you guys at least act like adults? Is it not enough that your costumes are sacrilegious? You have to act like buffoons too?”
“Well Abigail, Pastor Kiszka actually said our outfits were just fine as long as we didn’t make a mockery of them.” It took everything in you not to forcefully roll your eyes, but instead you had a smile adorning your face.
“Well you’re on the borderline of doing so.” She glanced over at Josh and her expression softened. “I don’t have to worry about you, you’re always an angel.”
It was only getting harder and harder for you not to say something to her, as you watched her fawning over Josh’s little wings, you opened your mouth, and were quickly cut off by the sound of people barreling through the door of the church.
Jake was the first to turn around, a chuckle coming from him as his eyes landed on Sam and Danny. You closely followed, turning yourself around fully to see them. Sam and Danny were both wearing red onesies, and a bag that you hoped contained two blue wigs, as their onesies each had a print on the front. “Thing one and thing two, how fitting.”
The six of you made your way into the sanctuary, bags of supplies bundled in your arms as you entered. Slowly the youth members trickled into the sanctuary, each one dressed up in their own costumes.
It took a while for everyone to arrive, and a surprisingly short amount of time to get all of the kids in line and ready to go. You and Jake were at the back of the line, watching as Josh led the group towards the bus. Sam and Danny turned back to look at you and Jake as they walked to the door, waving at you to join them. “We’re just gonna make sure everything is in order here, turn off lights and lock doors. Get the kids settled on the bus, we’ll be out soon.”
You quietly made your way back into the sanctuary, picking up the small pieces of garbage that the kids left on the floor. The feeling of Jake's hand brushing along your spine startled you as you dumped the garbage into the bin, and as you turned to face him, the expression on his face told you exactly what he was thinking. “We need to leave, Jake, there’s no time.”
His hands took hold of your waist, moving you back until you bumped into the small table beside the sanctuary doors. “I’ll be quick, angel. Let me take care of you.”
He lifted you to sit on the table, his palms brushing along your thighs until they reached the edge of your dress, and moving back up, pulling the fabric up with them.
“There’s nothing to take care of, Jake. We need to go before-“ You were interrupted by the brushing of his knuckles against your barely covered core.
“Please tell me this is the red set, angel.” His voice was breathy as he leaned towards you, his lips brushing against your own. You nodded, your faces centimeters apart as he teased you, his thumb brushing over the delicate lace of your panties.
He smirked as he pulled your panties to the side. “Dirty girl, I thought you said there wasn’t anything to take care of.”
The sensation pulled a gasp from your lungs, your head falling back against the wall as you spoke. “There isn’t.”
“No?” His tone was taunting as he slowly dragged his middle and ring finger along your slit, rubbing a slow circle over your clit before lifting his hand between the two of you, presenting his fingers, both completely covered in your arousal. “What’s this then?”
Your cheeks grew inflamed with embarrassment by just how quickly you were exposed. It was something about seeing Jake, in a crimson suit that was so form fitting you could see the muscles of his thigh peaking through, that had been driving you mad.
“What makes you think all that was for you?” You leaned forward now, playing along with Jake’s game, your lips only centimeters away from his face. “Come on now… What makes you so sure, Jakey?”
You were so busy teasing him, that you failed to realize Jake was lowering his hand back between your legs. So when you uttered that belittling nickname towards him, he responded with just a thrust of his two center fingers inside of you. A sharp exhale had your chest rising rapidly and that was followed by a deep moan as your neck bent backwards.
“Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you’d moan like that, since it wasn’t me you were dripping for.” He curled his fingers upwards, pulling them back out ever so slowly. “Unless… You’d like to protest a little more. I’m happy to keep everyone waiting.”
As much as you wanted to fight and say he was wrong, he wasn’t. A part of you knew that if there wasn’t a bus filled with kids waiting on you you’d be stripping him of that suit and having him in every way possible. “Don’t stop.”
He hummed from deep in his throat, “That’s what I thought angel… Mind if I get a little taste?” He flashed you a smirk as he lowered his body and pushed you to lean as far against the wall as you could, forcing your ass to fall back upon it. He lowered his head between your legs, your thighs gently squishing his cheeks as he wiggled his head to reach further up. It wasn’t long before you felt the warmth of his tongue take a long swipe up your cunt, his cheeks hollowing out once his mouth reached your clit.
Jake’s caramel eyes flashed up towards yours as he continued to let his tongue adventure across your folds. Once situated on his knees his arms looped up and around your thighs, pulling them apart ever so slightly so he could press his face deeper against you.
“Fucking Christ Jake…” The words fell from your lips before you could even process what you were saying and it was almost inaudible with how intensely Jake was working his mouth around your clit. You were throbbing, as Jake flicked and sucked upon the bud with such passion and with seemingly no need for oxygen.
His fingers pressed deep against your hips, the skin curling inwards against his fingernails. He used that leverage to pull your hips forward, pushing you back only seconds later. He gave your thigh a soft tap, and when you began rolling your own hips against his face you could feel his hum vibrate against your pussy.
Your core was burning and you could feel your cunt dripping for Jake, that mixed with the addition of his saliva had the room echoing with evidence of the events taking place. Not once had Jake asked for a breath of air, and even now as you rocked your hips down upon his face you could feel him taking shallow breaths through his nose. Every time you rocked forward he would slip his tongue inside of you, rolling slightly before it pulled out and reattached itself to your swollen clit.
“P-please don’t stop Jake. Please.” You beg, feeling the rubber band in your stomach growing tighter by the second. Jake not only listened, but reinvited his middle two fingers inside of your pussy. He rolled them alongside you in rhythm with his lips and in seconds you were hitting your release. Your body tensed and tried its hardest to get away from the sensation that was now overwhelming, but the hand that was still wrapped around your thigh pulled you down harder against his suctioning lips.
“FUC-” You nearly screamed in the empty room, your own word interrupted by a string of moans that followed suit.
Josh had been walking down the hallway, making sure the two of you hadn’t been murdered with now long it was taking for you to check over the church. The children were getting antsy and Abigail was getting handsy, so Josh took it upon himself to make sure everything was okay. He was only a few steps away from the door when he heard your scream, and he wasn’t able to stop his hand from pressing the door open. Jake’s back was the first thing he saw, and he stood there with his arms crossed as he let you enjoy your moment.
When your high was over, you let all of your weight fall upon Jake’s face and he was kind enough to hold you in that position for a while. He gave a soft kiss to your nub before standing on his feet again. That’s when you could see it. How his mouth, nose and cheeks glistened with your mixture in the slim amount of light that was radiating through Josh’s opened door.
Jake went to wipe his face with the sleeve of his suit and as he did so he turned around to help escort you out, only instead of an empty room he was greeted by the sight of his twin. Standing there with his arms crossed, Josh scoffed in disappointment.
“I could hear you two from all the way down the hall. You’re lucky it was ME that insisted on making sure the two of you were alive. Can we get going now?” He didn’t wait for you as he turned around to head back down the hallway, but he also didn’t miss the smirk that Jake gave in response to his soap box.
The smugness Jake felt dimmed only slightly as he watched you speed walk to catch up with Josh, brushing your hand against his when you fell into step with him. Abby was less than impressed when she got booted to the back of the bus with Sam and Danny, leaving you and Josh in the first seat, and Jake with Sandy on the bench across from you.
As the bus pulled out of the parking lot, and the kids erupted into their own conversations, you felt the warmth of Josh’s breath against your ear. “We’ll talk about it later, angel.”
His hand quickly brushed over your thigh, giving it a small squeeze before retreating as he turned to join Jake and Sandy’s conversation about the best candies to get on Halloween.
You spent the majority of your time at the corn maze fawning over Josh, though you wouldn’t openly admit to it. The youth members were separated into three smaller groups, each with two leaders. You and Josh lead 5 of the younger kids, meaning you got to watch Josh help the kids solve riddles to figure out which direction to go in, all the while Sandy kept a death grip on his hand so that she wouldn’t get left behind.
Both Sam and Danny, and Jake and Abigail had groups of four kids. As they all made their way through the maze, you could pretty much hear where Sam and Danny’s group were at any given moment.
Your group was the second to exit the maze, only a few minutes behind Sam and Danny’s, and it was another five minutes before you saw Jake and Abigail’s group leave the maze. Abigail was at the front of the group, her arms crossed in front of her, quickly followed by the rowdy kids, and Jake, who was laughing along with two of the oldest youth members.
The six of them joined the rest of you at the campfire, and you let your gaze travel back to Josh, who was telling Sandy about something, you had only heard snippets of the conversation, so it really just sounded like gibberish, but you were entranced by the soft glow the fire was casting on Josh’s face, lighting up his already dazzling smile.
Jake didn’t fail to notice your admiration towards Josh, instead he was rather hyper fixated on it. He wanted nothing more than for you to glance over at him with the same puppy love eyes you were gifting Joshua, yet instead he had to listen to Abigail go on and on about the history of scarecrows.
“You know… One time, there were a group of kids sitting around a fire just like this one…” Danny started, holding his phone’s flashlight from under his chin. You, Josh and Jake all swung your heads around to listen to Danny's story as the children balled themselves up as tightly as physically possible. “It was then they realized… That Youth Pastor Joshua forgot the marshmallows at church!”
Everyone gasped and turned towards Josh who was holding his hands up into the air. “I have them! Look!” From behind his back he pulled out the bag of marshmallows, chocolate bars and graham crackers. It didn’t take long before everyone was roasting up their sugary desserts, you knew their parents would appreciate it all once their kids were at home.
Time seemed to fly by as you all laughed and told stories around the fire, but once nine o'clock hit you were all loading back into the bus and on your way to the church filled with parents awaiting their child's return. One by one you ensured everyone got home safely, until it was just you, Josh and Jake in the parking lot surrounding their car.
By the time you had made it back to the twins apartment, Jake had fallen into his late night dissociative state, walking past you and Josh to trudge into his bedroom.
Josh pulled off his shoes and dropped his keys beside the door before scooping you up into his arms and walking towards his bedroom. You graciously wrapped yourself around him, nuzzling your nose into the bare skin of his neck, inhaling the warm scent the fire left behind on his skin.
“You can let go now, angel, you're above my bed.” Josh loosened his grip on you, and you did the same, letting yourself fall back onto his soft mattress. You felt him grab your leg, and sat up, a curious look on your face as your gaze locked onto him. He gently undid the lace of your shoe before pulling it off and tossing towards his bedroom door. He did the same with the other before finally looking at you.
“So, angel, tell me…” He wrapped his hands around your legs, pulling you to the edge of the bed, looking down at you. One of his hands released your leg from his grip, lifting to brush along your cheek, eventually resting beneath your chin, his thumb gliding along your bottom lip. “Who’s better with their mouth?”
Your eyes widened at his comment “To be honest…” You dragged out the sentence, pressing your head harder against his hand. “I may need a refresher from you, if you want a real answer.”
He grinned at your answer, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to your lips. “Anything for my angel.”
He pulled away from you just enough to take your hands in his own and pull you to a standing position. The head pieces of your costume had been removed the second the last youth member walked through the door at the end of the night, so all that was left was the dress, and the black knee high socks. His hands travelled to the edge of the dress, taking the hem in his grasp and slowly lifting until you had to lift your arms, allowing him to pull it off of you.
He took a step back, leaving you to feel the cool air of his bedroom as his eyes traversed over the delicate lace of your lingerie. “Such a beautiful woman. How did I ever get so lucky?”
He chuckled at the blush that blossomed over your chest, all the way to your nose. “Alright, lay down, head up at the pillows, get comfortable, sweetheart.”
You were all too eager to get into position as you kicked the sheets below you to move up until your head was right beneath his headboard. The socks didn’t offer any help as your feet kept sliding from beneath you, yet you eventually laid there waiting for him, legs already spread wide apart anticipating what was to come.
You watched with bated breath as he stepped towards the bed, his knees hitting the edge as he watched you squirm. He slowly undid his white button up shirt, pulling it from its tucked position in his pants and letting it fall from his shoulders, leaving him in just his pants, and the halo he had been wearing all night. “I hope you plan on keeping that on.”
He furrowed his brow at your comment, clearly confused, until you pointed to the top of his head and his hand went up, feeling the fluffy white halo adorned above his unruly curls. “Just for you, angel.” He smirked back at you, sending you a wink as he finally climbed onto the bed. “But in return, you’ve got to take off those pretty panties of yours for me.”
You did as he asked, sliding the panties as far as you could frown your legs until you could no longer reach, and Josh slid them the rest of the way for you, tossing them in the general direction of his laundry hamper.
He didn’t have to push your legs much further open as he rested on his belly below you. Unlike Jake, Josh sat there and admired you. He ran his thumb across your inner thigh, moving it agonizingly slow towards your core. The soft pad of his digit gently traced your labia, flipping it back and forth as he spread your arousal around to watch it glisten. His thumb continued to explore before he sank it down inside of you for a short time until it was pulled back out.
The gleam was too enticing, so he slowly slipped the digit between his lips and savored the taste of you. “My God, Angel…” He cooed, now rubbing his saliva across your clit. The feather-like motions were driving you insane but when you tried to push down upon his thumb his free hand stopped you from moving.
“Josh…” The murmur drew his attention up towards you, and with the faintest of smiles he just nodded his head before becoming enchanted by your core again. You remained forbearing, as he leaned forward to let his lips press soft kisses around your pussy but once his warm lips touched your clit the sensation was otherworldly. He had hardly touched you yet but you could feel how slick you had become.
“Watch me.” Josh demanded, and waited until your eyes met his before he flattened his tongue and licked against your opening. Gently, he pulled his head away and watched as your arousal created a thin bridge from your entrance to his mouth. He let his tongue fall forward, gathering as much as possible before closing his mouth and swallowing. “I love how wet you get for me, angel. Were you this wet for him?”
In response, you shook your head side to side which encouraged Josh to press his lips firm against your nub, giving it gentle suction. You could feel his tongue working laps around it and each and every time it flicked against your clit your thighs flinched around his cheeks.
Joshs’ right hand snaked upwards to grab ahold of your breast, his other looped around your thigh to hold firmly against your hip. His thumb tenderly ran across your aroused nipple and his tongue mimicked the actions. You were overstimulated to say the least, and the only thing your body could think to do was to throw your head back and arch your spine upwards against his lips. It was unexpected, when the new position of your hips allowed for his halo to brush against your stomach, but something about the stimulation of the soft touch had your hands fisting the sheets for stability.
Josh looked up towards you, before looking upwards towards his halo and a grin took over his lips. “You like that?”
You whined as the chilled bedroom air cooled your saliva soaked pussy, and your eyes shot open to look down upon him. “I liked it. Before you stopped.”
“Now now… Patience is a virtue.” Josh teased, sitting up and off of the bed. You could see the imprint of his cock through the thin material of his white pants and every gland in your mouth began to water. He shuffled his way to his closet, rummaging through his options before turning around with one of his Sunday’s best white ties. “And it’s my job as the Pastor’s son. To teach you the importance of patience.” He approached you once more, only this time he sat beside you and let his hand loop behind your head. Gently raising you from the pillow.
He carefully let his hands work behind your head to tie the fabric around your eyes, and once it was locked in place you felt vulnerable. He wasn’t touching you, you could only feel the soft fabric below your bare ass, until the soft tickle of his halo fell upon your inner thigh. Below that tickle was the warm suction of a kiss. The feathers traveled up your side only this time without the kisses following in its path. There was a pause, before the delicate downs returned upon your hardened nipples. What took you by surprise however, was that his lips were pressed against your cunt once again.
You could hear it, his laughter against your pussy as you realized he had slipped the halo off to lead you astray. He sat there with his left hand extended to guide the feathers across your stomach as his tongue lapped up every inch of you. You were a squirming mess.
“I… I need more Josh.” You begged, reaching to take the tie off of your eyes, but his fingers grasped your wrist faster than you had anticipated.
“So gluttonous darling… For being a Nun, you’re quite the sinner.” With extreme caution he let his teeth gently graze against your clit before sucking it back inside his mouth, the motion causing your hips to buck forward.
“Is it sinning if it’s the angel fucking me?” You retaliated, using your hand to press Josh’s head deeper against your core.
“Hmm. That may be more of a holy misdemeanor than a sin.” Every fucking word vibrated up and inside your cunt and the anticipation was overtaking you. Your thighs squeezed around his head as you bucked up one last time, sending his tongue inside of you and the warmth tugged a moan from your lungs.
Within seconds all contact was gone, the only sound was the bed squeaking in protest from his weight shifting. There was a metallic jingle in the distance and once the sound of metal hitting hardwood graced your ears, you knew what was to come. There was no warning, when you felt the warm push of the tip of his cock slipping past your folds. He felt every inch become surrounded by you and once there was no more to give he leaned forward, the halo now brushing against your forehead.
“Now tell me. Who’s better with their mouth?” He sat there still, waiting for you to respond and when your answer didn’t come he flinched his cock inside of you. “Angel, only good girls who answer their questions get rewards.”
“Y-you. Your mouth is fucking phenominal Josh.”
His cheeks scrunched up with his smile as he traced his teeth with his tongue. “That’s what I wanted to hear.” The confidence was rolling through Josh like a tsunami and in return he let his hips begin to thrust, his cock nearly slamming as far as possible around your clenched walls.
You finally felt his fingers playing with the tie, pulling it up and over your hair to grant you your vision back. He was completely nude, besides the halo planted firmly in his hair. He leaned forward, both hands balled in a fist on either side of your head. This new position allowed for his silver cross necklace to fall forward and dangle right above your nose. He used his whole body to roll his dick flawlessly inside of you, and with each shift of his weight the necklace bounced from your nose to your lips.
You were too focused on the necklace to realize Josh had moved in a position to flip you over onto your stomach, and once you were rolled over he pushed your head down against the pillow so you were looking off to your right. There was a full body mirror on the front of his closet, one that you were now staring directly into.
A bead of sweat glued one of his curls to his forehead, and his fucked out pupils refused to part with the reflection of yours. “You’re MY angel. My girl.” Josh grunted out between thrusts, leaning his forehead down to touch with the back of your head.
“I’m yours Josh. Fuck. All yours.” You watched as he pushed the palms of his hands against your lower back, sending your stomach deeper into the bed but your ass higher off of it. It was then that he lost control. Grunts and moans fell from his lips as he demolished you and you could feel the tip of his cock as it nearly slid out of your pussy every single time he pulled it back a bit too far.
“Again. Say it again angel.” He pulled one hand off of your back and looped it around to your clit, his circles rapid yet rhythmic and with enough continuity to send you to the edge of your release quicker than you have yet.
“This pussy is yours Joshua. All yours.” The deliciously demonic choice of words had him grunting as he focused on getting you to your release. You didn’t even have to vocalize it, when you began to cum. He could feel the walls of your cunt clenching around him as you bit down on the sheets below your head. The extra pressure sent him over the edge within seconds of you, and you could feel every drop of his cum filling the space his dick once occupied.
Once his hips settled, Josh left you to walk over and grab a towel that had been laying in the corner of his bedroom floor, and he carefully draped it across the bed.
You whined, when he forced you to roll over and let it drip out of you as he watched. He sat there mesmerized by your creation together before he gently cleaned up with the towel. Soon you were repositioned against the headboard and Josh climbed up to lay beside you.
“So. How about we watch The Conjuring on this wonderful Halloween night?” You teased playfully reaching for the remote.
“First things first.” Josh interrupted, his hand reaching to take his halo off and move it over against your hair. “A halo for my Angel.” He pressed a kiss to your lips that was so gentle, so loving that even though you laid before him nude a blush creeped upon your cheeks. “Do you want popcorn? I could go for some popcorn after all that.”
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hydrangeyes · 7 months
Mk x spray painter Male reader ☁️☁️
So if you don't know, Yes this already existed, my old account was deleted (accident but I can tell I won't be getting it back), and am reposting my old x male reader works!
I don't know if I saved all of them but here is one that was saved to my AO3 account.
Edit: So shuffling through my docs It's been brought to my attention that wattpad (who I use as backup) Cut a lot of my fics in half??? anyway I'll be trying to fix that also
Aaaahhhh this is such a cute idea!!!
Mk sees male reader spray painting on a wall and what's to join/try it out!
Warning: None!! Just super cute and mushy
Requested by: ekkozied
For the most part you started this mural on your own. The building owner wanting to brighten up the alley walkway to their backyard café, and well, the pay was really good. A quick in and out job really.
So you didn't mind cleaning it up and prepping the wall, what you didn't expect was just...how big the wall actually was.
Letting out a breathe you step back shaking the can of black paint as you eye the sketch you placed. Took you since this early morning, and by the sound of your stomach. It was definitely time for lunch.
Doing some stretches and fully opening your bag of spray paints. You felt in the mood for something pretty light but filling.
"Hmm, Pigsy's noodles it is"
Your stomach ended up making you buy 2 servings...
It didn't take long for your food to arrive, and while it wasn't your order you couldn't help but look back at the cute delivery driver.
Wide eyed and curious, Mk quickly was distracted by the mess of empty paint cans and the sketch you had on the wall. "Woah this looks so cool! How long have you been doing this!?" he shouts in excitement turning to you, seeing you on the ground eating.
You pause to swallow then grin "Thanks! A bit of a hobby, uh spray painting or working on this?"
"Yes." Mk asks
Letting out a snorted laugh you wave him to join you, which he does sitting close, "Let's see, I've been into art and specifically spray painting since middle school I think. Been working on this commission since 4 am? maybe 5?"
Mk gasps dramatically going a small tangent about hoping you at least took a break or how he couldn't even focus on being still for that long. to which as you watch him suddenly start organizing your empty cans, could tell.
"I like to draw and everything but I never branched out of sketches? Can't even imagine spray painting."
You tilt your head finishing up your bowl of noodles and getting up with a content stretch. Fully charged and ready to work.
"Well how about giving it a try now?"
Mk shakes his head watching as you pull out the colors you plan to use. "What!? Oh no no no! I would ruin it, what if I make a huge mess and then-" You interrupt him but handing over an orange spray can. Looking up at you Mk blushes at the calm and soft smirk you give him.
"I'll help if it's needed but that's the fun with spray painting. It dries quick and you can always paint over any mistakes." you wink stepping back and picking up a blue can. "So go wild delivery man."
Looking at the can Mk smiles a little. "Call me Mk."
You both had fun for hours, coloring in your design and every now and then when mk stayed in one spot too long, getting it on each other.
It was a big piece so day after day, mk came with lunch and a helping hand (When you allowed it). Laughing and tossing cans to one another, it was care free and even when you put on the finishing touches, mk stuck around around, watching you work and talking calmly about his recent training session or frustrations.
You catch yourself, when you start feeling excited when the time for lunch came around. Inwardly trying to keep your cool when when you both were tired, mk leans his head on your shoulder for a quick nap.
Falling asleep with him may have caused a slight scene, someone passing by thinking there was an accident (You guys forgot to clean up the red paint...).
He found himself, really relaxing with you. It was different than with mei which confused him at first. Till one day, it was just a little too hot and you took off your shirt to keep working and not get a heat stroke. Yeah. this feel was very different, that and he felt genuinely safe with you (emotionally of course).
So when it was all said in done you both couldn't help but feel a little bit sad.
You came to deeply enjoy the hyper man, find him cute and a great talker for times of burn out. And he adored the time with just having fun uninterrupted with someone he....well he realized he was starting to catch feelings for.
It shouldn't have been too much of a surprised when Mk suddenly asks you out. In the middle of cleaning your equipment up, you jolt as you feel him take hold of your arm. you see how he couldn't really look at you, his cheeks a deep red and shifting as if shy.
He's quiet then with a deep breathe, looks at you straight in the eyes with all the determination and adoration he had.
Blinking at the outburst then seeing how he started to fidget more, it finally registered what he asked/shout.
Blushing you smile brightly.
"I would love too."
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partypoisonzz · 2 years
i'll be your detonator (frank iero x reader smut)
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Kinktober Day 6: Sex Toys/Public Sex
Era: Danger Days (2010)
Reader Pronouns: She/her
- Antics with a remote controlled vibrator
- Overstimulation
- Praise kink
- More domestic bliss because I can't stop myself
Word Count: 3,799
Disclaimer: This explicit story was written by an adult, for adults. If you are under the age of 18, please do not interact.
It starts long before the show even begins.
"Hey, babe." You step into the hotel room after your morning shower, clad only in your bra and panties.
Frank looks up from his phone, only for his eyes to go wide at the sight of you. "Well. Good morning to me."
You laugh. "Don't get excited," you tell him. "I have all intentions of getting dressed. But first..." You turn a slow circle at the foot of the bed. "These are new. You like them?"
You feel his eyes raking over your body, taking in the lacy bra and panties. He's practically salivating. "Fuck yeah, I do."
You can't help but laugh. That's the exact response that you expected from your husband. "I thought you would."
Frank lets out a surprised yelp as you climb into his lap. "H-hey," he stammers. "I thought you said you were getting dressed?"
"I'm going to," you reply easily as you straddle his hips. "But first..."
You push him down against the bed, inspiring a quiet groan to climb up his throat. You grin down at him. Christ, he's easy.
He stares up at you, hazel eyes clouded with lust. Still, he attempts to argue. "Babe," he starts. "The guys are expecting us to be at breakfast in fifteen minutes. I don't think..."
You reach down, swiping his cell phone from where it fell out of his hand.
He looks up at you quizzically as your fingers tap against the screen. "What are you..."
"You'll see."
As soon as the app finishes downloading, you open it and shove the phone back into Frank's hand. "Here."
He squints at the screen. "Vibration intensity?" he reads aloud. "What is..."
Suddenly, the realization seems to dawn. His eyes go wide. "Oh," he says. "Holy shit. Is this..."
"Mmm-hmm." You lean in to kiss him before pulling away to whisper in his ear. "I bought it before the tour started. Figured now would be just as good a time as any to test it out."
"Fuck," he mutters. "So you mean, you've got it, like... on you, right now?"
You chuckle. "Turns out those little fabric pouches in my underwear are actually good for something."
He nearly drops his phone as he scrolls through the app's menu, hands trembling slightly with excitement. "It's Bluetooth, right? So, if I pair it with my phone..."
"You can control it," you finish.
"Like this?"
Before you even fully register what's happening, you feel the unmistakable sensation of harsh vibrations against your pussy.
"Fuck," you curse. "Yeah, yeah. Like that."
Frank grins like the cat who caught the canary as he presses the button again, causing the vibrations to cease.
You huff out a shaky breath. "Don't turn it on high immediately, Frank, Jesus Christ," you chastise him. "Are you trying to kill me?"
He giggles. "Hey, you gave me the controls." He presses another kiss to your lips before nudging you. "Now, come on and get dressed. We can continue this at breakfast."
He makes good on that promise.
As soon as you sit down at the table in the hotel dining room, plate filled with various items from the continental breakfast bar, you feel a telltale buzzing sensation. Mercifully, it's a lot gentler that the setting that Frank put it on earlier, but you know that it won't stay that way for long.
You look up across the table, catching Frank's eye. He smiles sweetly at you before returning his attention to his food.
And, by the feel of it, his phone, which he must be holding under the table.
You struggle not to react as the pleasure builds up within you. You attempt to focus on anything else, — your food, the sun shining through the window, the back-and-forth conversation that the men around the table are currently engaged in.
"That shit that you did to me the other night was not cool, man," Ray says, casting a disdainful look in Frank's direction.
"What?" Frank asks, feigning innocence in more ways than one as he eats his fruit salad.
"The Criss Angel thing!" Ray replies.
Frank shrugs, popping a strawberry into his mouth. "That guy looked just like him."
"I mean, yeah, he did," Ray agrees. "But it wasn't actually him. And, even if it was, that gave you no right to steal my beer while I was distracted."
"It was fuckin' hilarious, though," Gerard chimes in.
Ray frowns, arms crossed over his chest. "It was the second time he did that to me in one night."
Frank shrugs. "At that point, it's on you for falling for it again."
Ray rolls his eyes. "Nice." He looks over at Mikey. "You gonna back me up on this?"
Mikey appears to think for a moment before sipping his coffee nonchalantly. "It was kind of funny."
"Great." Ray throws up his hands. "It's me. I'm the scapegoat of the band. This is wonderful news..."
The vibration intensity goes up again as you reach for your own mug. You gasp, unwittingly grabbing onto the edge of the table.
Ray gives you a look of concern. "You okay?" he asks.
The vibrations ease off, going back to the low setting that you had started with. You can feel Frank's eyes on you, urging you to explain it all away.
"Fine," you manage, face burning. "I've just got... a cramp. In my leg." You chuckle awkwardly, attempting to act as though you can't feel your fucking pulse between your thighs. "Riding around in the bus made me stiff, I guess."
"I've got some Advil," Gerard says. "I can go back to my room and get it, if you need..."
"No, no." You attempt to relax, releasing your hold on the edge of the table. "I'll be fine. Just gotta... walk it off."
"Alright, then. Suit yourself." Gerard returns his attention to sawing his pancakes into bite-sized pieces.
Once everyone else at the table seems to be focused on something other than you, you look up at Frank. You cast him a warning glare as you reach for your mug once again, lifting it up to your lips with trembling hands.
The bus ride to the venue is absolutely hellish. Frank sits next to you, chatting with the other guys and casting occasional glances down at his phone.
Your eyes follow his, watching helplessly as he ups the setting. You can't exactly argue with him, nor can you react the way that you want to as the vibrator hums against you. You just bite your tongue and tense your thighs, trying with every bit of you to be quiet and act natural.
Maybe this was a bad idea, you think for a moment, just before another wave of pleasure courses through you, causing you to stifle a moan.
Frank giggles next to you before threading his fingers through yours. He squeezes your hand lightly, so gentle as he threatens to make you fall apart.
Nevermind, you decide. This was a great idea. Maybe one of the best ideas I've ever had.
By the time you arrive at the venue for soundcheck, you're starting to question your judgement again.
You sit off to the side as the band rehearses their set, stopping occasionally to go back and forth about tuning and mic volume.
You try your damnedest to keep your cool, but that's not exactly easy when you have to listen to Gerard bitching while you daydream about sneaking off to the bathroom and getting yourself off.
"No," he says. "A little louder... Shit, that still doesn't sound right..."
You wonder if you can be a little louder as you watch Frank pick his phone up off the amp and tap the screen.
The vibrations kick up again on high intensity. Frank smirks at you before running through the riff he had been playing again, and fuck. Fuck.
You clap a hand over your mouth, letting out a high-pitched sound as your thighs begin to tremble uncontrollably. You bite down on your hand as you ride out your orgasm.
A panicked feeling runs through you as the sensation begins to die down. You drop your hand back into your lap, looking around to see if anyone noticed.
Luckily, you find that everyone is still thoroughly involved in the microphone debacle.
Everyone except for Frank, that is.
He looks up at you and smiles before picking his phone back up and turning the vibrator off.
Gerard stomps across the room. His foul mood from the rocky soundcheck is quite apparent. "I'm going to get lunch," he declares. Even those benign words have a definite edge to them. "Chinese food. What does everybody want?"
You mutter your usual order to him, struggling to keep your own cool as much as you desperately wished he would keep his.
"I'll do that thing with the beef and broccoli," Ray calls from across the room, returning his guitar to its case.
"Oh, yeah. Real specific," Gerard says. "It's not like you just described half the menu or anything..."
"I don't know!" Ray snaps. "It really doesn't matter much to me, man. I'm hungry, and my head hurts, and I've had to piss since we started playing..."
"Go then," Gerard shoots back. "I'll bring you back... something."
"Preferably beef and broccoli!" Ray shouts just before the bathroom door slams behind him.
Gerard rolls his eyes before looking over at Mikey. "What do you want, Mikes?"
Mikey seems to think for a moment. "I dunno," he admits sheepishly. "Could I go with you? Look at the menu?"
Gerard sighs. "Yeah. I guess." Finally, he turns his attention to Frank, who just settled next to you on the sofa.
"What about you, Frank?" he asks. "You want vegetable chow mein, or do you want to make things more complicated than they already are?"
"Veggie chow mein is good with me." Frank loops his arm around you, pulling you close to him. You eye the phone in his lap like a loaded gun.
"Good," Gerard replies. "Come on, Mikey."
With that, the two of them walk out of the room, leaving you and Frank alone for the time being.
As soon as he knows the coast is clear, Frank leans in to murmur in your ear. "You came earlier, didn't you?" he asks, his hand brushing lazily over your thigh.
You stiffen, sucking in a shaking breath.
He chuckles. "I know that you did. I saw you, when we were rehearsing "House of Wolves." You had your hand over your mouth and everything. Would've loved to hear you scream." His hand climbs higher again. You moan softly.
"So desperate," he remarks. "You're lucky nobody else saw you, hmm? Lucky everybody was distracted." His hand falls away from your thigh, only to dip into the waistband of your pants.
You gasp at the feeling of his fingers moving against you, hips shifting against his hand. More than anything, you want him to finger you, get you off again quickly before anyone else gets back. Take a bit of the edge off.
"Shh," Frank hisses. "Hold still for me. Lemme see what a mess you made."
You turn your face to rest against his shoulder, shuddering out another low moan as his fingers slip between your folds.
You lift your head when he pulls his hand back, releasing a low groan. "Christ, honey," he says. "Look at this."
Your eyes widen as they fall on his fingers. They're... Fuck, they're so wet that they fucking shine.
You simply whine in response.
"So fucking wet for me," he continues. "Came for me before I could even touch you, and you're already desperate for more."
Without warning, he opens his mouth and plunges the two fingers that were just in your panties inside. You watch him, feeling your heart racing and your face burning. And yourself getting wetter, if that's even possible.
You startle at the sound of footsteps. "What are you doing?" Ray demands, eyeing Frank with a look of confusion that you hope never turns into understanding.
Frank pulls his fingers back, cool as a cucumber. "They were bleeding," he says easily. "Fucked 'em up while I was playing."
Ray hums before taking a seat next to his guitar case and pulling out his phone.
With a shaky sigh of relief, you bury your burning face in Frank's shoulder again. "I hate you," you grumble.
You feel the rumble of his laugh against your cheek. "No, you don't," he argues before planting a kiss against your forehead.
The show is at once an enormous relief and a small taste of hell.
Of course, Frank can't fuck around with the vibrator, as he continued to do after lunch and throughout the rest of the afternoon, while he's on stage, playing for a couple thousand people. Still, you have to sit in your damp panties, feeling the idle toy press against you.
And you have to watch him perform.
Despite the manner in which soundcheck crashed and burned, it's shaping up to be an excellent show, — the perfect way to finish up the current leg of the tour, you think. Everyone is so perfectly in their element, but Frank...
God. Frank.
He is so fucking pretty, leaning into the microphone, harmonizing with Gerard and Ray as his fingers dance along the fretboard of his guitar.
You focus intently on those fingers. The same ones that he touched you with earlier. The same ones that he sucked your juices off of while looking you in the eye.
The fingers that you hope will be shoved deep inside of you later.
You close your eyes, leaning back in your seat.
Just a few more songs, you tell yourself. And then I'll have him all to myself until the next leg starts.
Except that technically isn't true. You had no idea that the band had an afterparty planned to celebrate the end of the leg. It shouldn't surprise you, but it does.
As it would turn out, management rented out the club for a few hours after the show ended. As soon as the crowd dwindles out, the doors are locked, and the rest of the night begins.
You sit stiffly off to the side as everyone celebrates, ordering drinks and making small talk.
"Great show, everybody." Ray envelopes Gerard, Mikey, and Frank each in a hug before stopping in front of you. You don't exactly know why he's hugging you when you had nothing to do with the show's success, — maybe just because you're sitting next to Frank, — but you hug him back anyway.
As soon as he walks away, you look over at Frank, who is squished next to you in the booth. He types something into his phone, stopping intermittently to sip his beer.
Once he catches you looking, he turns his screen away from you.
You frown. "What're you doing?" you shout over the music playing in the background.
"Texting Shaun," he replies.
And maybe, at one point, he was texting Shaun. But the intense vibrations that begin a few seconds later tell you that he had a reason to hide his screen.
You gasp, gripping the tabletop.
The waves build up quickly inside of you. You don't know how many times you've already come today. You feel weak, feverish. You tremble, knuckles going white around the edge of the table. "Frank..."
"Shh." Frank reaches for your hands, pulling you away from the table before reaching out to wrap you in his arms. You bury your face in his shirt, allowing your shaking moan to be muffled by the fabric.
To anyone else, the two of you would just look like any standard couple, sharing an embrace after a show. As it would happen, though, you feel like you are completely crumbling in his grip.
"Try and keep your composure, baby," he mutters to you. "We are in public, after all. Wouldn't want anyone to see you like this, would we?"
"Frank," you sob again into his shirt.
"You gonna come again?" he asks. "Do it. Come in front of all these people. In front of Gerard, Mikey, Ray. In front of the tour manager and all the roadies. They'll have no fucking clue."
You hold onto him tighter as you come, your entire body shaking in his arms.
"That's it," he coaxes you. "Oh, fuck, baby. So fucking good for me."
You go limp against him.
"There we go." Frank releases you, pulling back to turn off the vibrator. He stops just before leaning in for a kiss, frowning as he notes your mascara-streaked cheeks.
"Shit, sweetheart." He holds your face in his hands, swiping your tears away with his thumbs. "Are you alright? Why're you crying?"
You swallow, overwhelmed with the maddening desperation that's been building inside of you all day. "Need you to fuck me," you manage. "Please, Frank. Need you..."
"Okay." He presses a kiss to your forehead before grabbing your hand, pulling you out of the booth. "I'll take care of you. C'mon."
As soon as the bathroom door locks behind you, Frank sinks to his knees.
"Alright," he breathes as he begins to undo the buttons on your jeans. Once you've kicked your pants and panties aside, he looks up at you.
"Legs over my shoulders," he beckons you. "C'mon."
Shakily, you allow him to help you position yourself. Your back is pressed against the stall door, and your legs are already shaking. You feel unsteady, but Frank's arm wrapped around your waist gives you the illusion of just a little more security.
"There we go," he says.
His fingers ghost between your legs again. You tense in anticipation.
"Gonna lick this sweet little pussy," he mumbles. "Gonna leave you completely fucked out."
"Please," you murmur. "Please, Frank. I need—" Your pleas are cut short by a broken moan as his tongue dips between your folds, licking all the way up to your clit.
After ten years together, Frank has eating you out down to a science. He does everything that drives you insane without even having to think about it.
You gasp as his tongue dips inside of you, reaching down to yank at his long black hair. He moans against you, sending a completely different type of vibration through your core.
After a few minutes, you feel yourself approaching the edge again.
"Frank." Your voice is rough as you throw your head back, narrowly avoiding making contact with the bathroom door. "Frank, I'm gonna... gonna come again."
He doesn't pull away to give you any verbal encouragement. Instead, he digs his fingers hard into your hips and speeds up the movements of his tongue.
Your legs tighten around him as you shudder, coming hard against his mouth. He keeps licking until you go completely motionless, still whimpering his name. "Frank..."
"Shh. I've got you." He keeps his arms wrapped your waist, lowering you to the ground momentarily as he stands up. As soon as he's upright, he helps you wrap your legs around his waist, still holding you in place. "There." He leans in, kissing you deeply before leaning in to whisper in your ear. "Want me to fuck you, baby?" he asks. "Finally fill you up after you've waited for it all day?"
"Please," you beg. "Please fuck me."
"Okay, sweetheart. Okay." He keeps you pinned against the door as he undoes his belt, yanking down his pants. He positions your legs around him again, lining himself up with your entrance.
"So fucking pretty," he mutters before pushing into you.
He muffles your cries with his mouth, setting a quick, punishing rhythm. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room as he drives into you.
"Feels so good, baby, Jesus Christ." He pulls back, nuzzling your shoulder as he keeps up his pace.
As he hits that familiar spot deep inside of you, you feel yourself beginning to unravel completely. This is different than the other orgasms that you've had today. The sensation magnifies and magnifies, slowly washing over you until it almost feels like too much.
"Frank... Frankie..." you whine. "It's so much... I don't..."
With a groan, he halts completely. He meets your eyes, his hand lovingly brushing against your back. "Do you wanna stop?" he asks.
You shake your head.
"Okay," he says. "Remember your colors, baby. If anything changes, let me know."
Then he's kissing your neck as he begins to move again.
"So good for me," he says in between teasing nips against your skin. "My good girl, taking me so well. Oh, fuck."
His hips stutter, causing him to drive into you extra hard as your walls begin to spasm. He comes deep inside of you as you squeeze around him, the sound of his deep groan mixing in with your breathy cry.
As soon as the pleasure begins to die down, you melt into his arms, finally sated. Despite the feeling of relief washing over you, you're still shaking.
Frank holds you tighter, pressing kisses all over your face. "That's my girl. So good for me." He pulls out slowly before helping you ease yourself back down to the ground.
He reaches for a paper towel, wiping at the inside of your thighs. "Best I can do, for now."
He reaches for your underwear and jeans first, helping you redress. Once both of you have your clothes back on, he gives you a sly smile.
"So, if you had to guess, how many times did you come today?"
You laugh shakily. "I think that was number ten."
He chuckles incredulously. "Ten? Holy shit!"
He pulls you to your feet and throws his arms around your shoulders, leading you out of the stall. "C'mon," he says. "I'm taking you back to rest. God knows, you need it."
On the way out of the club, Frank mumbles something to Ray about your leg acting up again before explaining that he's taking you back to the bus.
As soon as you reach the bus, the two of you change into your pajamas and climb into his bunk.
He crawls in first, wrapping himself around you as soon as you settle in. "Love you," he murmurs into your neck.
You smile as your eyes flutter shut. "Love you, too." You relish his familiar warmth, knowing that, as long as you're wherever he is, you're home.
Still, you find it imperative to mention: "Come tomorrow, we'll be back in Jersey."
He chuckles. "Yeah," he says. "Then I can try that vibrator on you again within the comfort of our own home, and you can make all kinds of noise."
You laugh, halfheartedly swatting at him. "Give me a fucking break."
Deep down, you know that a break is the last thing that you want from him.
Taglist (Ask to be included!):
@mysunfishpeedinmyroom @xocasper @clichedlovers @yachiiko @house-of-wh0res
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Ship: Ayaka x April | Word Count: 682 | Warnings/Tags: fluffy, self-indulgent ^.<
A/N: ehe i nearly forgot i was gonna post this today oopsies but here we are! a little fluffy ficlet for her birthday~ I hope you all enjoy it!!
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Ayaka grips her book tighter and resolutely directs her face down towards the pages. She starts to read, but several paragraphs later, she realizes she's not retaining any of the story.
She lets out a little huff and raises her head again, her eyes falling on the source of her distraction. How is she meant to focus on her reading when April's in the same room looking so freaking attractive?
It's her own fault. She can admit that much at least. It was her idea to read while April worked on her training. She just didn't expect it to be this hard to focus with the other girl exercising like this.
If this had been Thoma or her brother or really anyone else, she's sure that she would have no trouble reading her book. She's done that before, actually. It's one of the only times she can spend time with her brother with how busy he is. Though, to be honest, she's also usually working on her sword technique at the same time he is so there's not a chance for her to read like this.
The next move of April's involves her flipping her polearm over the back of her hand and catching it again, the sight of which sends a little jolt to Ayaka's heart. How? How does someone look that good doing something so simple??
And the sounds!! Ayaka hates to admit it but that's the main reason she can't focus. Not with April letting out small grunts and noises of exertion like this.
Necessary noises for this type of exercise, Ayaka's fully aware, but they're causing her face to heat up nonetheless. They remind her too much of… other fantasies of hers.
April sighs softly and de-summons her weapon before beginning to stretch. Ayaka barely holds back a squeak at the idea she might be caught and stares down at her book again. Still, she can't keep herself from sneaking little glances as April stretches.
She thinks she actually does squeak this time when April uses her vision to douse her hair in water, letting out a contented sigh as the water cools her off. April glances over at the sound, a small smirk quirking her lips.
"See something you like, princess?" She teases, giggling as Ayaka starts to stammer and looks down at her book again.
April shakes her head and goes over to the pitcher of ice water that was prepared earlier, pouring herself a glass and downing it. Then she goes over to sit by Ayaka's side.
Ayaka is still looking away, so she jolts a little in surprise when April's fingers gently nudge her chin up. Her face flushes anew at April's eyes so close to hers and April smiles warmly at her.
"Why are you so embarrassed, love? I knew when I invited you here that you'd end up watching… There's nothing wrong with it." April says softly.
"I know. I just didn't expect it to be so…" Ayaka trails off, several words coming to mind but none of them being good enough.
April laughs softly, seeming to know what she means. "It's different, huh?" Ayaka nods the best she can with April's fingers still holding her face up. "Of course, it is. Watching your partner exercise is different than watching anyone else."
"Wait… Is that why… before, when you watched me and Ayato spar…?" Ayaka trails off, both of them knowing what situation she's referring to. April's cheeks slowly turn pink and she laughs a bit sheepishly.
"Yes. That's why I got so flustered back then." April admits and Ayaka hums softly. "I couldn't help it. You look so pretty wielding a sword, my dear."
Ayaka blushes again but she giggles at the compliment. April smiles and leans closer to kiss her softly. "Now, come on. I seem to recall you wanting to have a picnic today?"
"Oh, right!" Ayaka perks up. April giggles and stands up, reaching for Ayaka's hand and helping her to her feet. The two smile and walk back into the estate, looking forward to their upcoming date.
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