#Sponsorship proposals
Crafting the Perfect Music Event Quotation: Tips for Event Planners and Organizers
Organizing a music event involves meticulous planning and attention to detail. As an event planner or organizer, one of your most crucial tasks is crafting the perfect music event quotation. This document not only outlines the services you'll provide but also sets the tone for your professionalism and expertise. Here are some tips to help you create compelling and comprehensive quotations that impress your clients:
Understanding the Client's Needs
Before you can craft a perfect quotation, it's essential to understand your client's vision and requirements. Schedule thorough consultations to discuss their expectations, preferences, and objectives for the event. Take note of specific musical genres, preferred venues, and any special requests they may have.
Key Components of a Music Event Quotation
Event Details: Include essential information such as the event name, date, time, and venue location to provide context for the quotation.
Services Offered: Outline the specific services provided, such as live music performance, sound system rental, lighting equipment, and stage setup.
Pricing Breakdown: Mention itemize the costs associated with each service clearly, including fees for musicians, equipment rental, transportation, and any additional expenses.
Customization Options: Offer flexibility by providing options for customization, such as different music genres, band configurations, or package upgrades.
Terms and Conditions: Clearly state the terms of the agreement, including payment terms, cancellation policies, and any other relevant contractual obligations.
Additional Services: Offer optional add-ons or complementary services, such as DJ services, event planning assistance, or audiovisual support, to enhance the overall experience.
Contact Information: Provide contact details for inquiries and bookings, including phone numbers, email addresses, and website links, to facilitate communication and follow-up.
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Researching and Selecting the Right Vendors
To deliver a memorable music event, you'll need to collaborate with reliable vendors and suppliers. Research and select vendors who align with your client's preferences and budget. Negotiate contracts carefully, ensuring that all terms and conditions are clearly defined and agreed upon.
Creating a Detailed Budget
Crafting a music event quotation requires careful budgeting to ensure that all aspects of the event are covered. Allocate funds for venue rental, entertainment, catering, equipment rental, and any other necessary expenses. Be sure to account for unexpected costs that may arise during the planning process.
Customizing the Quotation
Every client is unique, so tailor your quotation to their specific needs and preferences. Offer customizable packages that allow clients to choose the services that best suit their requirements. Provide transparent pricing breakdowns to ensure clarity and avoid any misunderstandings.
Tips for Tailoring Quotations to Different Types of Music Events
Understand the Audience: Tailor the quotation to the specific audience demographics and preferences of the music event, whether it's a corporate gala, wedding reception, or outdoor festival.
Customize Music Selection: Offer a diverse range of music genres and styles to cater to the tastes of the event attendees, from jazz and classical to pop and rock, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable experience.
Flexibility in Services: Provide flexible options for different types of music events, such as solo performances for intimate gatherings, full band setups for large-scale concerts, or DJ services for dance parties.
Consider Venue Requirements: Take into account the logistical constraints and technical specifications of the event venue, such as stage size, sound system capabilities, and acoustic considerations, when preparing the quotation.
Budget-Friendly Options: Offer budget-friendly packages or discounted rates for smaller-scale events or nonprofit organizations, while also providing premium services for high-end clientele or luxury events.
Communication and Collaboration: Foster open communication and collaboration with event organizers or planners to understand their vision, preferences, and budget constraints, ensuring that the quotation aligns with their expectations and requirements.
Value-Added Services: Highlight value-added services such as event planning assistance, sound and lighting design, or audiovisual production to enhance the overall quality and success of the music event.
Emphasizing Value Proposition
Highlight your expertise, experience, and unique selling points in your quotation. Showcase successful past events, client testimonials, and any industry awards or recognition you've received. Conveying your value proposition effectively will instill confidence in your clients and set you apart from competitors.
Clear Communication and Follow-up
Communication is key throughout the quotation process. Ensure that all correspondence with the client is clear, concise, and timely. Follow up promptly on inquiries and provide updates as needed to keep the client informed and engaged.
Incorporating Flexibility
Flexibility is essential when crafting a music event quotation, as clients' needs may evolve during the planning process. Offer flexible packages that can be adjusted to accommodate changes in guest count, venue requirements, or other factors. Being adaptable to last-minute requests demonstrates your commitment to client satisfaction.
Presentation Matters
The presentation of your quotation can make a significant impact on the client. Design visually appealing proposals that reflect your brand identity and professionalism. Incorporate multimedia elements such as photos, videos, or audio clips to enhance the presentation and give clients a preview of the event experience.
Including Terms and Conditions
Be sure to include clear terms and conditions in your quotation to protect both parties involved. Specify payment terms, cancellation policies, and any other relevant information. Clarify the responsibilities of both the client and your team to avoid any misunderstandings later on.
Seeking Feedback and Revisions
Encourage clients to provide feedback on the initial quotation and be open to making revisions as needed. Incorporate any suggested changes or adjustments to ensure that the final quotation meets their expectations. Seeking feedback demonstrates your commitment to delivering a tailored and personalized service.
Finalizing the Quotation
Before presenting the final quotation to the client, double-check all details for accuracy and completeness. Ensure that pricing, services, and terms are clearly outlined and agreed upon. Obtain client approval before proceeding to the next steps in the event planning process.
Case Studies and Success Stories
Real-life examples of successfully crafted music event quotations can provide valuable insights and inspiration for event planners. Case studies and success stories showcase effective strategies and best practices in action, illustrating how well-crafted quotations have led to successful events and satisfied clients.
Industry Trends and Innovations in Music Event Quotations
Staying abreast of industry trends and innovations is crucial for event planners looking to stay ahead of the curve. Emerging technologies, changing client preferences, and evolving market dynamics all influence the way music event quotations are crafted and presented. Event planners should stay informed and adapt their practices to meet the changing demands of the industry.
Crafting the perfect music event quotation requires careful planning, attention to detail, and effective communication. By understanding your client's needs, customizing your offerings, and presenting your proposal professionally, you can impress clients and secure successful events.
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Sponsorships 101: The Ultimate Guide to Getting Your Meeting Sponsored
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junkartie · 1 year
Personally i think its extremely fucked up that my cousin whos a year younger than me and has been my homie since birth is planning on having a kid in 2 years. What the fuck do you mean bro 🙏❓🔥 we still toddlers get your ass back in the inflatable water park
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emptyjunior · 7 months
I haven't seen the movie yet but I hope they include my favourite thing from the book, which is Coriolanus Snow doesn't take a single action the entire time that a woman doesn't explicitly tell him to take.
What were some of the wins in the Coriolanus Snow political playbook?
-He was the only mentor that met his tribute early and built an actual relationship with them, which gave him a huge advantage over the other mentors who couldn't even get a name or birthdate out of their tribute.
-He was able to get a reporter to interview his tribute multiple times, gaining screen time and notoriety.
-His stardom rose when he attempted to save the Crane girl and was seen on camera looking heroic, calling for a medic.
-He wrote the proposal on the sponsorship system and basically invented the idea of sponsors, ranking and gambling that sustained the games for 75 years.
And guess what? Not a SINGLE one of those was his idea😭
TIGRESS tells him to go down to the train station that day, says that Lucy Gray is probably scared and vulnerable, his grandmother gives him a rose from her garden to take, and Tigress explicitly tells him to get on Lucy's good side because her trust will be a valuable thing.
LUCY GRAY tells snow to stop freaking out and freezing at the zoo! Because he just stands there, camera shy, terrified about messing up his reputation and she tells him to 'Own it' and act like any mistake he ever makes is a chance for a Performance, it is a chance to gain more power. SHE drags him over to the reporter and banters with the people of the capital, teaching him a lesson about being in front of the press that he will use for his entire Presidency.
Snow prides himself on looking rich even though his family is in in ruin and it is TIGRESS who helps them achieve this. The careful image he maintains, is maintained by HER, working her hands to the bone to make his clothes look new, their reputation stay untarnished.
The sponsors? The idea to bring food to tributes so they don't starve before they can even compete?? It's LUCY GRAY'S idea!! She suggests it on screen, she invents the idea of a Victor as an Idol, she sings and does fan meet and greets and asks for people to bring her a sweet thing if they can. And then Snow goes and repeats that in class and it's credited as a profitable Academy idea and not hers.
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There's a thousand moments like this! Of Snow letting all his smarts and tactics fail him, and Lucy Gray hissing the answer in his ear to get him to act. And he's praised as a hero after this, as the only person who did something in an emergency!
And after all this, our unreliable narrator heads home at the end of the day like, ah I really did that. Snow lands on top once again, that was for sure my idea.
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Featured the girl? You featured the girl snow? In her own plan that she did while you stood there frozen and anxious😭So generous.
Truly he's an absolute doofus, he's a silly little boy with Light Yagami energy, any mettle he gains as a Political Mastermind later on is due to the strategy and empathy of the women he's surrounded himself with
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devilstruly · 2 months
pairing - timeskip. kuroo tetsuro (shocking ik) x msby manager gn. reader
summarization - being co-workers (kinda) and more than friends with kuroo comes with its pros and cons
includes - mutual pining, pining at work, distractions at work, did i mention pining, msby 4 and all the shenanigans that come with them, etc.
a/n - i've been thinking about this the whole day and i need to get it out. kinda long whoops. hopefully you'll like it tho <3
It's around 5 pm when you're finally able to sit down on one of the benches by the court, your papers and notes disregarded in your bag. Propping your chin on your hand, you watch in amusement as Atsumu sets to Sakusa and the latter hits a perfect line-shot.
The blonde is undeniably talented, anyone can see it from a mile away, but in all your months of knowing him the awe you feel never seems to falter. Not to mention the outside hitter. The curly-haired objectively handsome outside hitter.
Most times, you question the higher forces when it comes to dealing with these four, but when you have time to sit and observe them it becomes very clear why they get the amount of attention they do. All of them have these amazing qualities that seem to just lure people in. And apparently a lot of people seem to share that sentiment.
Kuroo Tetsuro included.
It's around 6.30 pm when Kuroo finally steps out of the JVA's main building, the light breeze causing his bangs to sway to the right.
He immediately fishes his phone out of his coat pocket, ignoring all the other messages and immediately going to his contact list.
The whole day today he was drowning in work and didn't even have a chance to text you and tell you his proposal was approved. Sponsorships flooded in, arrangements had to be made, timings discussed, and so on and so forth.
While he awaits for the steady beeps to pass and your voice to replace them, he can't help the small smile on his face.
'Hey! Finally decided to leave?'
At the sound of your voice his smile inevitably widens and he has to bite his lip to suppress it even the tiniest bit.
'Yeah, someone has to do the extra work around here.'
'Not if you're not getting paid for it you don't.'
'You have a point. It's worth it though.'
'Is it?'
Kuroo can practically see the face you're making and the image has him completely forgetting about the cold outside.
He's so focused on the warmth spreading through him, as well as all the memories from a few hours prior, it takes him a moment to register you calling out his name.
'Kuroo? You there?'
He forces himself to take a deep breath.
'They approved it.'
'Oh my god! Tetsu! That's fucking amazing! Congratulations!'
His deep chuckle reverberates through your phone and the swarm of butterflies in your stomach increases tenfold.
'Thank you. We should celebrate, don't you think? Dinner's on me. Invite the guys and meet me at Miya's at 7.30.'
'Okay. See you soon.'
You hang up with pride radiating of off you, so much so that even Sakusa is intrigued by your sudden spirit uplifting.
'What was that about?'
Four familiar faces surround you as your arms fly up in the air, your grin rivaling Hinata's signature smile.
'Kuroo's pitch was approved!'
A series of positively shocked statements follow, but all you can focus on is the happiness cursing through your whole body.
The familiar layout of Onigiri Miya greets the five of you when you step through the front door, immediately spotting Kuroo occupying one of the bigger tables. He's laughing at something Suna is showing him on his phone and for a moment your world just stops.
His hair falls every which way, due to the amount of times he ran his hand through it probably, his tie is loosened and the first two buttons of his dress shirt are unbuttoned, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
And he's laughing. That horrible, loud, manic hyena laugh that has you nearly tripping over your own feet.
Everything about him is naturally beautiful, in ways you couldn't even begin to describe.
Not to mention his eyes. You could get lost in those forever. There's just something about the golden specs in them and the intensity in his gaze whenever it meets yours.
Like now.
When he looks up he finds you immediately, and if possible his grin widens. It's like his body has a mind of its own because before he knows it he's standing in front of you.
Atsumu rolls his eyes somewhere behind you, the action earning him a slap on the back of his head by his brother, but you can't be bothered by anything besides Kuroo.
'I'm so proud of you, Tetsu!'
Your arms envelop him in a flash and he prays you don't feel the speed of his heartbeat.
Like a puzzle, when his own arms wrap around your form it feels like a perfect fit that neither of you wants to break. Unfortunately, you eventually do, but make no effort to move further.
God those eyes.
'Get a room already!'
Atsumu's shout breaks you both out of your trance, flushed cheeks and sheepish smiles.
'Before we start, I have an announcement.'
All attention falls onto the tall man who doesn't seem at all fazed by it, another thing you admired about him.
'You all...'
He makes a long pause for dramatic effect, which earns him a slap on the arm from you.
'...Are looking at the new Special Chief of PR Department at JVA.'
'Wait, seriously?!'
The table errupts in cheers and claps and you, once again, feel that fulfilling surge of pride when you look at him.
'You're fucking amazing.'
You shake your head with fondness. Fondness that Kuroo senses when he looks at you.
Under the dim lights of Osamu's restaurant, you admire the sharpness of his jawline, the curve of his nose, the way his stupidly messy hair covers half of his right eye...And too caught up in him, you fail to notice his eyes unable to pull away from your lips.
He was already standing close, you two never seemed to care for personal space, but he takes a step closer for good measure. It seems to have the desired effect when your eyes snap up to meet his, the corner of his lips tugging upwards ever so slightly.
'Do you mind if I-'
His voice is barely above a whisper but you cut him off with a nod and zero second thoughts.
'Please do.'
The moment your lips meet it's officially game over.
It's just you two in the world, no customers, no pro-athletes throwing comments in the background, just him.
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artydonsgf · 29 days
tashi duncan, my poor villainized girl i love you so😭😭😭 everyone wants to write patrick n art WHERE ARE THE TASHI STANS… so i present to you, tashi duncan as your gf, wife, and a small nsfw bit because im in love with her
Tashi Duncan as your Wife
- when you meet tashi, you’re smitten immediately
- shes charismatic, she’s beautiful, she has kind eyes, and an ambitious personality
- talking to her makes you feel on top of the world
- you start out as friends, and while you have feelings for her, you don’t want to be the asshole who befriended her just to fuck
- you’re content listening to her rants about her games, the latest sponsorship deal that has her face slapped on it, and any other tidbits she has to share
- you two are chilling at her dorm one day, cuddled up in bed like always
- you want her and it’s obvious but out of respect, you stay in the same position as always and don’t dare mess up your friendship with your feelings
- she turns to you with a serious look on her face and you worry, this is when she’ll tell you that she’s sick of your obvious feelings
- instead, she looks strangely vulnerable
- she asks you if you’re only here because of her status
- you’re confused and she immediately tells you that nearly all of the people she hangs out with are only there because she’s good at tennis
- before you could even tell her how wrong she is, she backtracks and says nevermind
- you reassure her that tennis could disappear tomorrow and you’d still be at her side forever
- you’re not a tennis player and you couldn’t really care less about the sport, you’re only there for tashi
- when the injury happens, you stay true to your word
- the first few months of recovery are hard but you two are glued at the hip
- you play with her sometimes and you know it makes her feel better because she beats you every time
- makes her feel like she’s not a loser just because she can’t play professionally anymore
- you start dating soon after, it only felt right
- an amazing girlfriend
- very direct and if she has a problem with the way things are going or your behavior, she’ll set it straight immediately
- she’s not trying to lose you so she’ll ground her teeth through uncomfortable conversations if it means you’re stronger together at the end of it
- enjoys romantic gestures, both receiving it and giving it
- staunch believer of the tashi duncan words of affirmation agenda
- absolute queen with her words, she makes you feel like the most loved person on planet earth
- she proposes to you the very night you planned to propose to her
- you exchange rings and immediately plan a small wedding
- having an intimate wedding is the best thing in the world for her
- spending the day surrounded by the people who truly love her and not what she can do for them
- values privacy and despite how famous she still is, she’ll never put you in the public eye unless you’re 100% down
- excited to announce that she got married to you, she’s so very cute
- praise QUEEN
- you do anything n she’s praising you for it
- likes to be dominant but if you really work for it, she’ll let you take over
- your arguments are very rare but on days where you’re both being really petty, yall just fuck it out
- you’re too exhausted at the end of it to even remember why you were arguing
- founder of munch nation
- she just likes making you feel good
- complete tease when she’s feeling particularly dominant
- makes you work for it and if you work enough, you’ll be rewarded real good
- aftercare with her consists of a very good shower where she washes your hair, puts good smelling lotion on you, and cuddles you to oblivion
- after you guys change the sheets ofc, she’s not sleeping in that mess
- isn’t really into quickies, she prefers taking her time with you
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saetoru · 2 years
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“baby, before ya get mad—”
“atsumu, do i even want to hear it?” you sigh, pinching your nose and exhaling. he pouts, looking at you with curled lips and furrowed brows as you stare back unimpressed. 
atsumu asking you not to get mad is almost always a headache-inducing scheme that probably takes a few years off your life, and you’re not really in the mood to test your mortality for your handful of a husband at the moment. but something tells you he’s not going to drop it any time soon, so you simply sigh before motioning for him to continue. 
“okay, i’m ready,” you say warily, “spit it out before i get a migraine.”
“i…uh, i can’t find ma weddin’ ring,” he says quietly, fiddling with his fingers as he refuses to meet your eyes. you blink, processing his words before they really register.
and now that you look closely, there’s almost a slight tremble to his lips, the tiniest wobble that he tries to fight back as he meets your eyes with glossy ones of his own. and suddenly, your heart clenches as you take a step forward and cup his cheek.
“aw, tsum,” you murmur, tracing the soft skin of his cheek with your thumb, reaching to pinch his nose affectionately with your other hand, “that’s okay. we can go find you a new one, a fancier one this time now that we have more—”
“but ‘ts not the same,” he sniffles, pouting at you deeper as he leans his face closer into your hand. 
atsumu proposes to you the night before his first msby game, just a young rookie player with the beginning of a career beneath his feet. he accidentally blurts out please marry me when you squeal over his new jersey, and when you pause, shock clear on your face as you shakily whisper that’s not fair, tsum, he pulls out a ring from his pockets like he’s been waiting for this moment for weeks. 
and he has—he’s young and hasn’t even made a decent earning yet, doesn’t even fully know how his credit score works, still calls his mother to ask how to start the laundry machine, but he knows he wants to marry you like he knows the ball will be ready for his teammates to spike as long as he’s on the court. 
so you kiss him in your dingy little living room, tearfully pulling him close after you whisper yes, and he slides the best diamond he can afford with his carefully earned savings onto your finger. it’s the same ring that he’s been trying to lump together enough money to buy, the one he’s had his heart set on for a while now. and when you blow him a small kiss from the bleachers before his turn to serve the next day, the slight glimmer of the ring catching his eye, he brings you home the most service aces of the game. 
and he’s come a long way since then—a starting setter for a v. league division one team, sponsorship offers left and right, magazine covers as a well-known athlete, an olympic champion. you’ve watched him grow, watched him beam proudly as you move into a larger home, one with fancy windows and hardwood floors, but you watch him stay the same atsumu you fall in love with when you’re just figuring out how the world works and where you fall in it. 
he’s still the same atsumu who snores too loud and hogs the blanket, the same atsumu who can’t cook to save his life but makes you the best cup of coffee you’ve ever had, the same atsumu who wears mismatched socks and never checks his pockets before he puts his pants in the laundry. he’s still the same atsumu who calls his brother a scrub but helps clean the onigiri miya tables during closing hours on his way home from practice, the same atsumu who sometimes gets homesick and misses his mom after he calls her every morning, the same atsumu who never falls asleep without pressing a kiss to your forehead and whispering i love ya no matter how mad you are at each other before bed. 
so you smile, squeeze his cheeks together as he looks at you miserably, pressing scattered kisses across his face like the sun meets your lips with each one. 
“did you check the bathroom counter,” you raise a brow, giggling when his face flushes a light shade of crimson. 
“i might’ve forgotten about that one,” he chuckles sheepishly, “ya might not want ta go in the bedroom for a while—’s a mess in there.”
“you tore up our whole bedroom before checking there?” you roll your eyes, making the pout return from earlier. and he’s still the same atsumu who makes your veins pop and your eyes roll, the same atsumu who’s as stubborn as he is obnoxious, the same atsumu who makes you question your choices at least three times a day—but you think he’s worth it when his eyes meet yours and the breath gets knocked from your lungs. 
“i’ll clean it,” he defends, “ya’ll be able ta eat off the floor when ‘m done in there.”
“we’ll be lucky if we still have a floor anymore when you’re done trying to clean,” you snort, pinching his cheek as he scowls at you. and with a playful roll of his eyes, he plants two warm hands on your waist, familiar and safe as they pull you flush against a sturdy chest. 
miya atsumu, when he kisses you just as sweetly as the first time, as the night he proposes to you, as the day he marries you, as he did last night and the night before that, reminds you just why you said yes all those years ago. 
“don’t be mean,” he grumbles, making you laugh as you wrap your arms around his neck, “if i lose ma ring, ya’ll have no proof ‘m yer husband. what then?”
“then i’ll do this so everyone knows you’re my husband,” you wink cheekily before pressing another kiss to his lips, smiling into them as he melts against you with a soft sigh.
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for my love sayu's champagne kisses collab @tahdashii !! sjdsdfh technically it's about a wedding ring instead of an actual wedding but i hope it counts sobsob
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© hanmas do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend on platforms outside tumblr such as tik tok
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soloragoldsun · 4 months
Angel's Italian and can apparently cook, so I'm just imagining him making big meals for everyone now that the Hotel is rebuilt and Lucifer's sponsorship probably means better stuff in the kitchen.
I also imagined a scenario where everyone's munching on some amazing lasagna, and Husk offhandedly says "Man, you can make this for me every day, as far as I'm concerned."
Cherri then pipes up "Oooh, that a proposal, Husky-boy?"
Cue a whole lot of flustered sputtering and blushing from both Husk and Angel while Cherri smirks and Charlie and Vaggie exchange a knowing smile.
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uriekukistan · 12 days
fics for gaza 🍉
hi everyone! i'll be participating in the fundraising initiative led by @ficsforgaza! for more information on how to participate as reader, or as a writer, you can visit this post!
how it works: in exchange for donations to vetted fundraisers, i will write at a rate of 100 words per $1. as a reader, you can either choose to "sponsor" one of my current wips/ideas, or you can make a request! more info on my wips & making requests below the cut.
even if you aren't interested in sponsoring my writing, please consider donating to one of the fundraisers anyway, if you're financially able!
reblogs appreciated!
sponsored wips ❀
step one: donate to a vetted fundraiser and screenshot your proof of donation and block out any personal information
step two: send me an ask with your proof of donation and which wip(s) you would like to sponsor. word counts will be kept updated as i receive sponsorships.
i'm not sure how long most of these will be, so i'm setting 2,000 words/$20 per fic as my donation goal for now.
Seeing Red (gen, death note AU, currently writing part 15/??)
yuuji itadori, a normal japanese high school student, finds a mysterious notebook. - 0/2,000 donated
summer lovin' (lifeguard megumi x surfer yuuji, with a side of inuokko, not started but likely multi-chapter)
yuuta & toge try to set up megumi & yuuji after watching them pine for far too long. - 2,500/4,000 donated, 4,000/4,000 written
currently untitled itafushi one-shot idea where yuuji and gojo share their fav stories about megumi and strengthen their resolve to save him following gojo's release from the prison realm - 0/2,000 donated
SPONSORED! another currently untitled itafushi one-shot idea. megumi wants to take yuuji on a date, but first, he has to impress his best friend, his overprotective brother, his scary uncle, and his adoptive father figure (aka todo, choso, sukuna, and nanami) - 2,100/2,000 donated, 2,100/2,000 written
eternal love (itafushi, 1/1)
yuuji and megumi carve their name in a tree to preserve their love (alongside other jjk couples :3) - 0/1,000 donated
requests ❀
step one: please read my rules and propose your request to me via dm first (i don't bite)! i haven't done requests since (checks notes) 2015, so i'm still not sure what i'm comfortable writing for others 😅
step two: once i've accepted your request, please send proof of donation for me to start writing! i will try to have your request done within a week, but life does happen, so please be patient with me 🙏
request rules
i write for jujutsu kaisen, tokyo ghoul, and death note.
i will write ships, character studies, or any general story you have in mind. i do not write x reader fics at this time.
i will not write anything nsfw, nor will i write any adult/minor or incest ships.
i will write heavier topics, such as mental illness, addiction, violence, toxic relationships, etc, but i will not be romanticizing them. these are serious issues and i will treat them as such, and do my best to portray them realistically.
if you have any questions about what i will or will not write, please feel free to send an ask or a dm!
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seeingivy · 11 days
ronnie's fics for gaza ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
an: hello sweet babies !! i have decided to participate in the @ficsforgaza initiative and i have a small amount of wips up for sponsorship!! i'm pulling wips that are from my requests and any small amount will help our brothers and sisters in palestine <3
sponsor a wip for gaza!
rate: USD$1 per 100 words ; for example, $10 = 1k words
how it works: please make a donation to a verified fundraiser and send me an ask with a screenshot with proof of donation (with your personal information censored) + a link to the fundraiser + the name of the wip you want to sponsor. the asks will not be published & i will make update this post showing new donations and dates for each wip!
link to verified fundraisers
wips available for sponsorship:
☆ cat and mouse - ryomen sukuna!spiderman au
a midnight run to the convenience store leads to a run in with the town's most wanted vigilante - spiderman. and in the weeks that follow, he always seems to be lingering around, wanting more from you.
words sponsored: 0/5000
words written: 0/5000
☆ so high school - second chance romance!satoru gojo
in a twisted turn of fate, rookie point guard satoru gojo seems to make his big break by winning the nba championships - boosting his social credit score. so much so, that he starts getting invited to award shows and galas, where he runs into his first love - his high school girlfriend - who just happens to be the biggest name in pop yet.
words sponsored: 0/5000
words written: 0/5000
☆ daylight - a part two to the labyrinth fic, domestic!satoru gojo
after months of convicing, satoru's gotten you to take him to visit your parents, in your hometown - where he has every intention to propose. but your initial reservations - that you'll run into your almost husband and his new wife - seem to come to fruition, with him by your side.
words sponsored: 1000/5000
words written: 500/5000
request a personalized fic (sfw aot or jjk!)
rate: USD$1 per 100 words ; for example, $10 = 1k words
how it works: please make a donation to a verified fundraiser and send me an ask with a screenshot with proof of donation (with your personal information censored + your request. the asks will not be published & i will post it as soon as possible. you can pull from this prompt list if you're short on ideas.
link to verified fundraisers
request slots:
total amount raised so far: $10
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nikethestatue · 3 months
A Match Baked In Heaven
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Chapter IV
Strange Times
Warning: Explicit
The plan was solid: Piglet was going to eat some flowers (they didn’t taste bad, just weird, like cucumbers, and Piglet hated cucumbers!), then get a mild tummy ache, get his Elain all nervous and then guilt her into giving him chicken and rice. Once he was full of chicken and rice, he was going to be let out of his enclosure, having lulled his unsuspecting humans into a false sense of calmness and security. Then he was going to jump on the tree, topple it, and finally destroy all the shiny balls. He was sure he was going to get in trouble. But did he care? Nope. It would be worth it. 
What his plans did not include was a trip to the vet in the middle of the night. 
Or an angry dad, who was super mad at him, as he strapped him into his new dog seat in the car.
“Don’t think I don’t know that you are faking,” Azriel hissed. “You think I can’t spot a faker when I see one? I’ve played Neymar! That silly fucker dives like he is gunning for an Oscar. You are not far behind. There is not going to be any chicken and rice for you. No meatloaf,”
At that, Piglet expelled a horrified squeal.
“Yeah, too late to be moaning now,” Azriel rounded the car and got into the driver seat. “You done a fuck up, lad. Also, I don’t know how much this little excursion is gonna cost me, but it’s all coming out of your IG sponsorships and allowance. No more Fuji water. You gonna drink tap.”
But, let’s rewind. 
“But where are we going?” Elain wondered, as Azriel’s heavy palm squeezed the back of her neck and he gently guided her down the spacious hallway.
There was an open den, where the walls and shelves were covered with trophies, trainers, kits, medals and lots of Arsenal gear. 
“My little spot of pride and gloating,” Azriel joked.
“Nice,” she shook her head, but she was also proud. And therefore, she turned her head to him and said, “and I happen to think that you are brilliant.”
“Aww, baby,” he smiled. “Are you going soft on me?”
She blushed but didn’t answer, only asking, “so?”
“I want you to hear a song that I love. I think that it’s about us,” he told her, a bit bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“A song?” That was unexpected. Elain knew that Azriel was musically inclined–he always hummed something to himself, there was music playing in some manner whenever he was at her house, he made up songs for Piglet, and sang in the shower–she had to admit that he did it well and had a husky, gravelly voice, which had a lovely sexual quality to it.
“Maybe we can dance to it as well,” he proposed quietly.
“Oh, a slow song then?”
“Pretty slow, yeah,” he nodded, and opened the door. To his bedroom.
Elain swallowed, but put on a brave face and entered, though her hands were balled into little fists and he smiled to himself. 
It was a huge space–completely unlike her own bedroom, which was lage, but also cosy and personal. This was right out of a modern hotel catalogue–vast, comfortable, but without an identity.
“Yeah, I know. It needs a woman’s touch,” he chuckled, as she looked around the space. At least it had gorgeous views. 
“None of your lady friends stuck around to redecorate a little?” she asked, her tone a bit tart, as she stared at the oversized luxurious bed. 
“Oh, is my matchy a little bit jealous?” he teased, spinning her around carefully, until she was facing him, her expression sour.
“Not. At. All.”
“Hmmm, you sure pretty girl?”
“Why would I even care?”
He shrugged and then threw himself across the bed, while propping his head and watching her. 
“I’d care!” he argued. “For example, I care about your Lord Eris. I don’t like him very much at all. Not at all. In fact, I think he is a bit of a cunt.”
“Azriel!” she gasped, whirling to him.
He shrugged. 
“What? I am jealous. I am jealous that he got there first. I am jealous that you loved him…kind of,”
“Kind of,” she murmured to herself. 
“I am jealous of all the time he’s had with you that I didn’t,” he continued. 
“You’ve spent all the time with me since you’ve met me,” she reminded him.
“Still ain’t enough. Still doesn’t change the fact that I can’t stand the cunt,” he said roughly.
She bubbled her lips and shrugged, “well, doesn’t matter. You don’t need to worry. I’ve not heard from him in weeks and he didn’t even wish me a happy birthday. I think we can conclusively say that it’s over.”
Azriel smiled, his smile a little too knowing, and then declared, “Fucking brilliant. I am more than happy to hear that.”
“Meanwhile,” she bristled at him, “what about your girlfriends? Mr. Orgy.”
“Ehhh,” Azriel waved his hand dismissively. “My orgy days are long behind me. Don’t have girlfriends. Well…one. She is standing in front of me now. And don’t worry, no one’s been in this bed except for the lonesome me.”
She stared at him so hard, he thought smoke was going to pour out of her ears. 
“I ain’t lying, beautiful,” he raised his hands in futile defence. “Okay, maybe a little,”
“I think Cass slept here after shoulder surgery, when I played his handsome nurse,” he recalled, smirking.
At that, Elain’s expression softened and she cooed, “You nursed him?”
“Someone had to. He was as dramatic as Pinky when you break his treat into halves.”
“That’s very dramatic,” she agreed solemnly. 
After a pause, where they looked at each other, Azriel pulled out his phone and Elain asked, “What about this song you wanted me to hear?”
He searched and quickly found what he was looking for. A slow, mellow melody came from the speakers. Then, a woman’s voice sang:
It’s gonna take a bit of work
Oh work
Now that you are here, 
Oh work
Because people come and go
But I think you should know
That I, I think this will work
It’s gonna take a little time
But with you by my side
I won’t let go, till I got what’s mine
Because people come and go,
But you should know,
That I, I’m taking it slow
There was something haunting about the simple rhythm and when Azriel got up from the bed and slowly approached Elain, wrapping his strong arm around her waist and pulling her closer, she succumbed to the flow of the song immediately. Azriel’s scarred palm squeezed her own and he placed it against his chest, as they swayed steadily to the song.
This was their song. Nothing about them and their relationship was quick, and everything took work. Nothing was quick, other than Azriel Night falling in love with Elain Archeron. Because that took no time at all.
When Azriel kissed her at last, he was so slow. So indulgently slow, as his body moved languidly and gracefully against hers, sweeping the two of them in a gradual circle around the room. Elain closed her eyes, giving herself over to the music, but also wholly to him. His lips were hot on her mouth, the kiss lingering there for a while, moving with assured intention. He pulled her closer to him, her breasts smashing against his chest, as she melted in his embrace, her arms circling his neck instinctually, while he made her back arc in his big hands, as he leaned against her. From the small of her back, his warm hands travelled up, and he squeezed her waist and then appreciatively ran his palms over her sides, up and then down, until he splayed his fingers over her bottom and gave each cheek a generous squeeze. 
“Oh,” she gasped into his mouth, but he only cupped her ass in his palm and pressed deeper into her soft flesh. 
If there was a true ‘ass man’ then Azriel Night was the definition of one.
Their kiss was unhurried, but it felt otherworldly in its dreamy hotness. It was like with every kiss, another barrier was broken. Azriel chipped and carved at her defences with lustful, unyielding determination, and Elain clung to him with needy desperation which might not have been attractive with anyone else, but with her, it only ignited the spark of blind, all-encompassing love within him. As he moulded his mouth impossibly closer to her lips, breathing and drinking in her oxygen, he thought for a moment that if they’d cut him right now, he’d bleed Elain. That’s how deeply she was ingrained in his very soul.
Elain stroked his neck with her hot little hands, her nails lightly raking over his skin, pressing into his collarbones and then gripping his broad shoulders. 
When the song ended, it switched to the sexy intro of ‘Beast of Burden’, the riff of Keith Richards’s  guitar completely unmistakable. And Elain loved it. Moving her hips within the circle of Azriel’s hands, she gyrated to the tempo, her head buzzing from the champagne and for the delicious taste of Azriel’s lips. She wasn’t sure what she was doing exactly, but she pulled on his black hoodie’s zipper and bared his sculpted, incredible torso with flourish. 
Azriel tore away from her mouth only to kiss down her jaw before sinking his teeth into her neck. Elain figured that he needed to ‘refresh’ his nearly-permanent hickey that he sucked into her skin. 
“I have to feel you,” he growled into her neck.
“What?” she breathed, half-drunk from their kiss.
He pushed her back towards the bed and all but collapsed on his knees in front of her, his hands on her thighs, rubbing them slowly up and down. 
“Let me give you another present for your birthday,” he pleaded, his voice urgent. 
“What present?” she breathed, though Azriel’s rough, large hands slipping under her knit dress and resting on the bare skin of her thighs, while he fingered the clasps of her garter, which held her knit stockings, told her enough of what he desired. He groaned, as he caressed her fleshy thighs, his palms slipping between them, parting her legs slightly. Elain acquiescent, allowing him to touch her in a manner in which he’d never dared to before. 
“Fingers or tongue?” he asked, his voice rough. Before she could answer, he dragged her dress high up, baring her legs, her stockings, and finally her thighs. Elain’s chest was rising and falling erratically, her breathing heavy and rapid, especially when Azriel rubbed his knuckle over her flowery panties. He shrugged off the hoodie completely, tossing it on the floor and Elain was faced with his absolutely incredible body. Unable to stop herself, she reached to touch the stacked cobbles of his abdomen, carved with an almost obscene precision beneath his bronze skin. The sculpted shoulders and his big, muscular arms flexed and gleamed in the sexy buttery light of the bedroom, thick, black swirls of his tattoos spilling from his shoulders down to his arms and over his pecs. She couldn’t resist tangling her fingertips in the dusting of soft dark hair beneath his navel–and he was right when he teased her about it. Even back then, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from it. Or from his ridiculously defined Adonis Belt which lewdly pointed straight down towards his cock. It was inescapable.
He didn’t wait for her final decision, and instead, gripped the side of her panties. Before she could even squeak, he ripped the underwear at the seam and crumpled it in his fist, before stuffing them in his back pocket. 
Pressing his forehead to hers, he smiled at her with encouragement and then thrust two thick, long fingers straight into her tight, tender hole. All at once. Rough. The noise that Elain made was something like a pathetic, shocked rasp, while her pussy responded to the invasion with an erotic, almost profane squelch, sucking his fingers deeper. 
Elain’s head lolled back and she fell on the bed, shuddering visibly, her thighs tense, while Azriel settled between her legs, opening them up brazenly and exposing her soft, wet, pink slit. Elain’s moan was loud, explicit and it was obvious that she relinquished all control of the situation, opening her legs further, even without him prompting her to. Azriel smiled and kissed her knee, soothingly stroking her with his free hand between her legs. His eyes were literally glued to her pussy and he was physically incapable of looking anywhere else. It was the prettiest, most perfect pussy he’d ever seen–and he’d seen many. It could be that he was completely pussy blinded right now, and seeing Elain’s for the first time was almost a religious experience. 
She felt tight and soft against his fingers, enveloping his hand greedily, like she’s been hungry for him, or maybe for someone to pay attention to her.
Elain felt so incredibly full with only his fingers inside, and yet, the beautiful torture of having him in her was worth the discomfort. He moved slowly, but firmly, exploring, stretching, spreading her with appalling, delectable vulgarity. God she loved it. Fucking loved it. That hand was brazen and strong, and when the tips of his fingers found her sensitive her front inner wall was, she bowed on the bed, digging her fingers into the plush duvet. 
“Keep like this,” he ordered, “so I can finger you like you need.”
How he knew what she needed, Elain had no idea, but she obeyed him, legs falling open, her pussy fully exposed, as he pressed on her inner thigh with considerable force, keeping her in place. His other hand began to move rhythmically, with deft, knowing movements inside her hole, and she bit her lip so hard, she tasted blood. The intensity of the movements was almost painful, as he took from her with glutinous need, but she couldn't even keep her eyes open from the savage pleasure that she was now experiencing.
Azriel’s voice, hypnotic and breathy with lust, whispered, “is this good, beautiful? Getting what you need?” and then he leaned over her and kissed her deeply and filthily. His fingers never paused or changed their perfect rhythm and Elain clutched the rock-hard muscles of his shoulders, raking her nails down his arm.
She couldn’t explain what he was doing, but he hadn’t even touched her clit, and yet she was arching and shaking like she was being exorcised. But his fingers…god, his fingers. He was so horribly ruthless too–pushing a third finger into her, burrowing deeper and deeper, while whispering, “you are going to be a good girl for me and take it all in your sweet, tight pussy for me?”
She made some inhuman noise and Azriel laughed darkly. The prodded further, stretching and pumping her hard and oh-so beautifully, half of his heavy body covering hers, as he watched her reactions and listened to her loud moans. When she didn’t answer, he murmured ‘yeah you are, gorgeous” and even if Elain rebelled internally for being so predictable and so easily broken, she couldn’t argue, and succumbed to his demanding hand that filled her so completely. Azriel kissed her, slow and tender, his lips in complete contrast with his hand. 
“Can you take one more, sweetheart?” he asked, voice husky, eyes dark, perspiration covering his chiselled chest. Elain grabbed at him just when he pulled his three fingers out and the emptiness had her gushing with her sweet nectar. He breathed heavily, inhaling the scent of sex and her essence, and then leisurely licked his fingers until dry. Elain was panting, watching him half-lidded, desperately needing him back inside of her, So she didn’t ask, but took his hand and brought it back to her plump, bare mound which leaked like an overripe fruit. 
“I want more,” she told him simply, biting her lower lip.
He kissed her brow and nodded,
“I know, sweetheart. Here’s more.”
And he plunged four fingers inside of her with one firm thrust.
“Elain,” he groaned, his own eyes closing, as he felt around inside of her. “You are so fucking tight, baby. I can’t wait for fuck you for real. My cock is gonna go nuts!”
He slowly pulled his fingers back, almost all the way out, but the soft walls of her pussy squeezed him and dragged him back in, before he pressed his thumb into her clit.
“Oh fuck,” she moaned.
Elain felt like she was being torn apart by his savage hand, but the pain was so glorious, and the way it mixed with pleasure only had her opening further for him. She was no longer concerned with any propriety, all her modesty having flown out the window a long time ago. Here she was, turned inside out, groaning and panting, holding most of Azriel’s huge hand inside her pussy and loving every second of it. 
Yeah, this was a gift that kept on giving. And how grateful she was that Azriel decided on giving her another present today. 
His pace was merciless, four fingers inside, pushing and rubbing at her tender inner walls, two fingers curled and massaging that wondrous spot inside of her, while his thumb worked her clit roughly and unforgivingly. 
“Bite me, Ellie,” he offered and Elain didn’t know that that’s what she needed. But when she latched onto his neck and bit him hard, feeling the throb of his blood beneath her tongue, she realised that it was perfect–the taste of his skin, the scent of his body, musky, lightly spiced with cedar, the strength of him–all beneath her tongue.
“That’s good,” he approved, moaning softly with his own pleasure. “Do you want to come for me, sweetness?”
Did she want to?
Yes, the smouldering heat of her body, the spasming muscles of her pussy, the gorgeous pressure on her clit all told her that she was about to explode like never before. But part of her yearned for this to continue for as long as possible. And Azriel was patient. So patient with her, even though he was basically fisting her at this point. She never knew that she’d be able to stretch like that, to accommodate almost all of his hand up to the wrist, where only his thumb remained firmly pressed to her clit. God. It was positively crazy. It hurt and it ached and it was blissful and intense and the sounds that her body emitted–all the slurping, squelching, groaning, moaning–would’ve been completely indecent in any other situation. But today, Elain didn’t care. She guessed that Azriel was the type of man who liked his woman undone. Feral. Unbound. Uninhibited. 
“Azriel, Azriel,” she screamed out, jerking upright, unable to stop, or keep from thrashing against him.
“Say my name, Ellie. Let it all out.”
Fuck, did she ever. An orgasm to end all orgasms. Azriel’s unique gift, his personally crafted orgasm that only he could’ve given to her. Only he had the skill and the unflinching ruthlessness to do this so well. 
Elain came and came, her hole sucking him in almost fully, her voice hoarse from screaming. She probably looked possessed, but she didn’t care. And Azriel was probably going to be evicted, but it would be worth it. It was so brilliant–waves of pure ecstasy crushing all over her body, every muscle inside of her alive with pleasure and tension. 
And then she blacked out.
Legitimately blacked out. 
…Azriel was chuckling.
Elain was being jostled about, something around her getting tugged and pulled. 
When she opened her eyes, while moaning, she saw his smiling face hovering above her.
“What...what happened?” she mumbled, disoriented.
At least the jostling began making sense–Azriel was pulling off her dress over her head. 
Yes, she was still wearing her dress. 
“I might have semi-murdered you with some light fisting,” he said innocently.
“Light?!!?” Elain screeched, a nice, but definitely acute soreness radiating from between her thighs. “You call this light?!”
He was laughing, while he manoeuvred her out of the dress, folded it nicely and left her only in her bra and the stockings, which had descended all the way down to her knees. 
Then, Elain watched him get up from the bed and unbutton his trousers, pulling the belt out of its loops in one crazy, half a second move. She stared, open-mouthed, while he tugged the trousers down and she tensed.
“Sweetheart,” he chuckled. “You pussy ain’t ready for my dick tonight,” he assured her. “I’ve given it a nice gentle pounding,”
“It was not gentle!” she protested.
He stepped out of his pants, got rid of his socks, and stood there, in all of his almost-naked glory. 
That body.
It was almost unfair how stunning his form was–so long and so firm, every tendon and muscle on display, gorgeous lean sinew wrapping around his muscular thighs and the robust shoulders.
“Didn’t I tell you before that I was rough?” he reminded her, crossing his arms on his chest and looking down at her sprawling in his bed.
Elain fucking Archeron, in his bed. 
It was incredible.
Her pussy bare and wet, because of him. Her body, naked and glorious, for him. Her fucked up hair, her smudged mascara, which made her look extra sexy and wanton. The way she looked so cosy and comfortable on his sheets. 
He couldn’t comprehend it. That after all this time, months of courting and cajoling, or slow, baby steps, they were finally here. Elain naked. Happy. Satisfied. Actually passed out from the orgasm that he gave her. 
If he’d known then that he should’ve cherished that moment even more he would’ve. But he didn’t. So he just enjoyed watching his girl in his bed.
Her cheeks turned pink under his scrutiny and he tracked her eyes staring at his raging boner beneath his black boxers. 
“It’s out of your hair tonight, sweetness,” he assured her, palming his cock for emphasis.
“You don’t want me to…” she swallowed nervously and he chuckled.
“Choke on this dick?” he clarified.
She reddened ever more and he thought that it was completely adorable.
“Well, yes,” she nodded.
“Not tonight. It’s your birthday, after all.”
Elain looked down, at her bare stomach, her bare pussy, the swollen, glistening folds, remembering how just a few minutes ago he had his hand in her and squirmed, feeling embarrassed.
“May I have something to wear?” she whispered. 
Azriel landed on the bed next to her and brought her face closer to his, before kissing her lips.
“Baby, you ain’t got nothing I haven’t already seen,” he reminded her, his smirk salacious.
“Well…ummm…still,” she tried, her little toes curling, as she tucked her legs to her belly.
“But I like you naked, in my bed,” Azriel wrapped his arm around her and drew his thumb over her skin which pebbled with gooseflesh.
Elain threw her arm over his stomach and snuggled to him.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“What for?” he asked curiously.
“The best birthday ever.”
He smiled,
“Better than Annabel’s?”
“Yeah. Better than that.”
Elain didn’t know that this was the happiest birthday. She didn’t know that she needed to cherish the moments with this man whom she loved. She didn’t know how things would change.
When Elain woke up, she was disoriented. 
She knew where she was–at Azriel’s, because she wasn’t that far gone–but she had no idea what time it was. She was still nearly naked, her pussy lips splayed over Azriel’s thick thigh. She’d drooled all over his bicep–very sexy–but he didn’t mind, and kept her bundled up next to him like she was his plushy toy. Outside was dark, with night lights twinkling all around. She carefully extricated herself from Azriel’s heavy embrace and slipped from the bed. She tiptoed to the bathroom, closed the door and turned on the lights. The bathroom was as opulent as expected–enormous everything, shower so big, you could wash a car in there, a long sink that resembled a trough, a gorgeous bath tub, and even a sauna tucked in the corner. Elain looked at herself in the mirror. Yeah, she looked a proper state. Naked. Her hair a terrific mess, as were the remnants of her makeup. She washed her face, scrubbing at her eyes, then saw Azriel’s hair brush and with no alternatives, combed her hair, before breaking the handle of the brush on a mega tangle. Well, that was just wonderful!
There were bruises on her thighs, and she was sure that it was from the grip of Azriel’s fingers. Her pussy lips were swollen and overly pink. It was obscene and sexy and she didn’t mind the sight of it. Of course she snooped behind one of the mirror panels, finding nothing incriminating, other than an alarming number of face and hair products. Well, that was a surprise. Mr. Night had a skincare routine apparently. There were nice French creams, some very expensive, some cheaper: moisturisers, retinol, anti-wrinkle. Serums, oils, argan and olive oil extracts, Japanese and Korean hair care products, fancy tubes of lip balms from Sweden. 
“Well, don’t mind if I do,” she muttered to herself, as she lined the products on the counter and began sniffing and trying them out.
She was so into it, she didn’t even hear the door open and Azriel padding into the bathroom.
Before she could even begin to lie and weasel out of her predicament, Azriel dropped on his knees behind her and wrapped his arm around her thighs. He rubbed his stubbled cheek over her bare behind, before latching onto her ass cheek with his teeth. 
“Awww!” she cried out, but he only laughed, but also licked away the pain that his teeth caused.
“That’s for breaking my brush on your wild horse mane,” he told her.
“I do not have a horse mane!”
“Right. More like an unkempt lion’s mane.”
“It’s still my birthday!” she complained. “You have to be nice.”
“Oh yeah? How do you figure?” he asked, his hand caressing her hips, both of her bum cheeks before he nosed below and buried his face in her pussy.
“Ohmygod! Azriel,” she moaned, gripping the trough sink, when his tongue swept from one hole to the other. She’d never been licked like this. And when his tongue poked boldly at her butthole she thought she was going to pass out…again. To imagine that Eris or Graysen would do something like this to her was laughable. Eris barely ever did any oral, his sex drive never very high, so much so that he didn’t even ask for oral himself. 
Azriel, ever the biter, bit her puffy nether lips, bit her ass again, lazily licked over her hole, pushing his tongue inside, before scooting back on his hunches and sitting on the floor, crossing his long legs at the ankles.
“I can’t believe you are not just a snooper, but also a user,” he scolded her humorously, shaking his head like a disappointed parent.
“Why do you have all this?!” she demanded instead.
“Don’t change the subject, snoop!”
“I was simply trying out your weirdly huge collection of face products.” she huffed.
“Turn around,” he told her.
“Turn around,” he repeated. “I want to see your pussy.”
Elain blushed like crazy and he watched her squeeze her thighs tightly.
“I can’t,” she mumbled.
“I am not used to this….this familiarity…you are still,”
“If you say ‘a client’ you will make me angry, Elain,” he said sternly.
She bit her lip, not saying the word, but Azriel saw it on her face and sneered with annoyance, before getting up.
“No, don’t be mad,” she begged, grabbing his hand.
“Well, then don’t be daft,” he told her. “Decide what you want from me and for yourself,”
“I know what I want,” she argued.
“Are you sure?” he cocked his brow at her.
“You are being very cross,” she pouted.
“Then give me a reason not to be cross,” Azriel said instead. “Sometimes, I find you very frustrating, Elain.”
“I am sorry,” she whispered guiltily. 
“Why won’t you just let go and be mine?”
Before she could answer, they heard an audible moan.
Azriel rolled his eyes and groaned, “Oh fuck. Now what? What did he do?”
Because the moan was definitely Piglet’s. It was a touch dramatic, which made Azriel wonder what the hell was happening and whether the pug got to a bottle of whiskey or something as questionable as that. Wouldn't surprise him though. 
“Oh my!” Elain cried out, “it’s Piglet!! What happened to him?”
Before Azriel could even respond, she was running off, barefoot and naked, her perfect ass bouncing with every step. Azriel followed, because he knew that he had to see it for himself.
Piglet was in his enclosure, laying on his side, moaning. Flowers from Elain’s bouquet littered the floor around him. They’d left the vase on one of the side tables near where he ended up. Well, apparently, he was so starved for snacks that munched on a bunch of flowers and petals, tearing them off the stems. He only ate the heads and only specific flowers. 
“Piglet! What did you do?!” Elain wailed. “Oh my god. Is he going to die?!?!”
“Of course he is not going to die,” Azriel sighed. 
“How do you know?” she was almost in tears. “We need to go to the vet!”
At the word vet, Piglet immediately quieted down and the moaning ceased just like that.
“See, he is faking it,” Azriel nodded towards the dog. “He probably just wants chicken and rice or something,”
At those words, Piglet not only stopped moaning, but also raised his head, giving Elain a hopeful look and a little bark of encouragement. 
“You don’t know this!” she argued.
“I do. I know men and he is a man. He is faking it to get attention and to get the food that he wants. He wants his woman–you, in this case–to cook for him and feed him.”
“He ate half the bouquet!”
“Yeah, probably on purpose,” Azriel noted, to which Elain rolled her eyes. 
At first, things were going well and according to plan. Piglet gave a pretty good moaning performance and soon after he began, he watched his Elain run into the big room. He wasn’t sure why she was naked, but maybe she was drowning herself for fun, like humans tended to do. He trusted his Elain with his own drowning, but he wasn’t a big fan in general, though he enjoyed it when she soaped him up and scrubbed him with a brush. But the drowning…he didn’t like so much.
Then dad mentioned ‘chicken and rice’ Piglet whooped internally and gave himself a high four. But then the words ‘vet’ began spoiling his hopes. What the hell? He didn’t want to go to no vet! Defeated, Piglet watched dad get his phone and start doing something on it, while Elain picked him up and carried him around the room, rocking him like he was a baby.
“Baby, you know it’s Christmas Eve,” Azriel kept saying, as he dialled what felt like the fifteenth number for a vet clinic in and around Canary Wharf. No one was picking up–not surprising, because it was around 11 pm and most outgoing messages stated that the clinics would be closed for the Christmas holiday.
“Can’t we just give him a laxative? So he can shit flowers?”
“This is not a joke, Azriel!” she exclaimed, stroking Piglet’s head and kissing him.
It’s not that Azriel didn’t want to help Piglet–even though he was convinced that Piglet wasn’t as sick as he pretended to be–but Azriel wasn’t trying very hard, because he was currently entranced by the fact that his gorgeous Elain was walking around his home, circling the vast expanse of the flat basically completely nude. He sat back on the sofa, threw his legs on an ottoman and made calls, while watching Elain and her bare pink pussy. Just like that. He didn’t even have to ask for it. It still blew his mind and he knew it was going to take him some time to get to terms with what was happening in his life and that Elain was almost his…but he’d have to deal with that later.
“Yes, yes,” he was surprised when someone finally answered. Elain stilled and looked at him. “We have a pug who ate some flowers…no…not garden…from a bouquet. How old is he? He is two-ish. Oh…I don’t know. He is a big pug. Short legs though,” at that, Piglet offered him an unimpressed side eye. Amazing, how Piglet miraculously understood everything whenever he wanted to. “I don’t know…he is kind of chunky. I’d say 13 kilos? Just under 30 pounds…Well, like I said, he is a big pug. No…not fat. Just bigger than normal pugs.”
He is? Elain mouthed, looking at Piglet.
Azriel nodded. How did she not realise this before? Piglet was only slightly smaller than a Frenchie. He was the biggest pug Azriel’d ever seen, with short little legs. 
“Alright. Thanks mate. We’ll be right over. Yeah, yeah…we have money and insurance too.”
Piglet raced down the wide hallways and sitting rooms of the palace. 
He wasn’t exactly sure whether this was actually a palace, but this was the biggest house he’s ever been in. He came here a few times a year with his Elain and with Fey, and some of the times Aunt Nesta came along as well. Mostly, he loved it because it had a huge park around the building, and in the summer, there was a pool, where he could splash and where the sisters swam and played with all kinds of toys. Pool was different from the drownings that he was subjected to, and therefore, he loved the pool. And then, there were the meals! Oh, the wonderful meals, where he got chicken and steak, where he ate sweet potatoes, and rice, he ate ham and hard boiled eggs for breakfast, he drank the best water and had so many treats, he couldn’t even count them (okay, he didn’t know how to count). There were fruits and berries in unlimited amounts and pup cups whenever he wanted. Oftentimes, grandpa came as well, and Piglet spent most of his time with him–they went for walks, they played, Piglet could run with all the sticks, he could zoom as much as he wanted, and then grandpa gave him treats, or let him nap in his study. 
As he ran along, Piglet noticed a whole lot of big trees, with lights and shiny balls on them. In fact, the whole house was decorated with shiny things and he was contemplating how he was going to get to some of them.
He and dad came to an agreement earlier in the day.
While Elain was sorting out insurance information at the vet’s, Azriel told Piglet the following,
“Not only do I know that you were faking all of this, so you could get food and attention, I also saw how you’ve been looking at the Christmas tree.”
At that, Piglet made a show of looking indifferent and almost surprised.
But dad, unfortunately, was too smart.
“Here is how it’s gonna go,” Azriel continued, also making a show of watching Elain, because he was always watching her, instead of what he was actually doing, which was scolding Piglet. “You will leave Ellie’s tree alone. You are not going to jump on it, poop under it, or try to tear any of the ornaments off. By the way, they are glass, and it won’t be fun for you, if you do. It’s mum’s tree, she loves it and you will remember that.
“In exchange,” he continued casually, “I will ask the vet not to stick anything up your butt.”
Piglet swallowed audibly.
He hated the vet so much.
And he especially hated it when they put things…up there. Which they did, almost every time. Thinking backwards, he was now regretting the whole flower-eating plan. It was stupid and he shouldn’t have done it.
“The tree stays, and nothing goes up your ass,” Azriel concluded. “If you attack the tree, I’ll tell the vet that he is free to do whatever he wants.”
Piglet quickly barked in agreement. The tree could stay.
“Wise move,” dad approved. 
True to his word, Piglet didn’t get anything stuck up in his butt. They gave him a pill, he had some diarrhoea in the park and that was that.
Mid-day, they all got dressed up and piled into the car. 
Piglet had to wear a tuxedo today–his black dungarees, a white shirt and a bow tie. Dad looked very similarly to him–he wore a tuxedo as well. Today, they were like a real father and son duo, and Piglet liked that. His Elain was dressed so prettily, in a beautiful dress, and she couldn’t touch him, because the dress was so fancy.
There was tension in the car, which Piglet didn’t understand. They humans spoke, but their tones were clipped and there was something going on that he couldn’t quite put his paw on. So when they reached their destination, he was very happy to get out of the car and run to find grandpa, because he was tired of the drama.
That’s what the country seat of the Duke and Duchess of Velaris was called. Rosehall Manor.
Manor was an understatement of the century. It was an enormous estate, with over 10,000 acres of land around it, and a stately mansion with 140 rooms. Though technically it belonged to the current Duchess of Velaris, which was Nesta, the ownership documents stipulated that the house and the land belonged to all the female members of the family. The estate was shared equally between the three sisters, with all of their female cousins having access to it as well.
The family always celebrated Christmas with a formal Christmas Eve dinner–hence the tuxedos, followed by a more informal Christmas lunch the following day. 
It’s not that Azriel was unfamiliar with this level of wealth and old money extravagance, but this was something straight out of Downton Abbey or something. Legions of servants, footmen, maids, butlers, valets greeted them as he helped Elain out of the car. Once unclipped from his dog seat, Piglet dashed inside the manor, feeling perfectly adept with all this finery and not giving a fuck. Azriel envied him. 
Elain took his arm, a lovely smile plastered on her face, but he knew that things between them were tense, at best. She didn’t show it though. When they entered the foyer and then the reception hall, Azriel saw Rhysand and Feyre, posing on the grand staircase, while professionally-looking photos were being taken of the two of them. 
Feyre wore an opulent gown of heavy pale silk with sheer sleeves and neck, embroidered with all kinds of gems. She looked regal and bridal. And happy, draped over Rhys’s imposing, tuxedo-clad form. 
“Happy Christmas. Helios Day, Hello Magazine,” a man approached them, slick and professional, handsome and curious. He handed out his card, which Azriel absently thrust into his pocket.
“We are here to take Christmas photos of Lord and Lady Darling. Their nuptials were so unexpected–but we are lucky to have snagged the first interview and the first photos of them as a married couple.”
He then turned to Elain and said,
“Lady Elain, do you have a few words for the article? And then, if you don’t mind, we’d like to take a few photos of you and Mr. Night,”
Azriel was surprised how quickly the man recognised him, but he supposed that that was his job. 
“And then of course the Duchess of Velaris and Mr. Cassian Night as well…”
Azriel hid his smile. Cassian hasn’t even gone on one date with Nesta, and yet here they were, being photographed as if they were a couple. Apparently, Hello Magazine just christened them as one, and was going to declare it to the world. He wondered how well it was going to go over with Nesta. But Nesta had invited Cassian to Christmas dinner here, at her family home. She didn't have to, but she did act like he was something more than a guest, so perhaps, she wouldn’t be affronted by the insinuation that they were a couple.
Speaking of Nesta–she appeared in the reception hall, with Cassian looming behind her.
She looked beautiful, in a blue gown with a lace overlay, which fit her gorgeous body like a glove. 
The three sisters were pulled to the staircase, and photographed together. Feyre–the bride, Nesta–the blade, and Elain–the flower. 
He might have been biassed, but Elain looked the best. She also wore a lace gown, with a very intricate pattern, in a sophisticated shade of pink, and with a full skirt. She definitely looked like his little princess tonight. 
Dinner was a traditional, if elegant affair held in the Walnut Dining Room, and thankfully, Azriel was seated next to Elain. The Darlings were here too–meeting of the families and all–and it seemed like Sir Charles and Lord Darling knew each other from before, and found each other companionable and there wasn’t any odd tension to contend with. Nesta and her father played hosts, he recited grace and then dinner was served. 
There were platters of chilled seafood, blinis with caviar, and cold oysters to start off with, and bottles of champagne. The ubiquitous roast turkey was the main course, but it was stuffed with apples and chestnuts and tasted spectacular (for turkey). Indulgent dauphinoise potatoes, and roasted vegetables made Azriel think that he’d soon need to go on a diet. He was barely training, not playing, and eating apple crisps, and cheese, and bacon sandwiches every day because of Elain. He loved it. Loved every moment of it, but still…And speaking of cheeses–then the cheese course arrived and…well, he couldn’t say no. Lastly, there was trifle and Eton Mess for pudding.
“Interesting menu,” Azriel commented, attempting to start a conversation with Elain.
“It’s been the same since Victorian times,” she answered, sipping her coffee. “Curated by my great-great grandmother,”
“The infamous Elain,”
“Indeed. This is what the Duke of Velaris liked to eat, and what she enjoyed as well. It’s been the same for generations.”
“Not bad. Not bad at all. Beats Brussel sprouts and weird bread sauces.”
“She loved trifle, and he loved Eton Mess, so here we are.”
And then Elain smiled at him and Azriel realised that he lived for that smile.
“What’s wrong with you tonight?” 
Cassian’s booming voice sounded even louder in the glass enclosure of the Winter Garden. 
“I think all things considered, everything’s been going pretty well. Nes even agreed to get her photo taken with me. So I guess I am now ‘the boyfriend’.”
He snickered to himself at the idea.
“I think it took her by surprise.”
“But she didn’t say no,” Azriel noted. 
He had loosened his bowtie and took off his jacket. He’d come here after dinner, leaving the revelry behind, because guests began playing charades and Rhys even got behind the piano, urging everyone to sing along to Christmas carols. 
“So, what is it?” Cassian pressed, seating himself in a wicker armchair, not so close to Azriel that it would feel like a confessional, but close enough to listen.
Azriel shook his head with annoyance, and Cassian waited. 
He knew his brother.
Azriel would speak only when he was ready. And that is IF he even decided to speak. The man was not exactly in tune with his sensitive side. 
“Hey beastie the pug!” Cassian suddenly cried out and Azriel knew who he was talking about. “My little wingman–wingpug–got me together with Nes at Fey’s birthday. Come here, boy.”
Piglet trotted to Cassian and Cassian picked him up and laid him on his lap, and as soon as he did, Piglet promptly fell asleep. 
“I am alive! I am dead! I am asleep! I am running! I am dead again! I am asleep!” Cassian muttered, and Azriel couldn’t help but smile. That really was Piglet in a nutshell.
Suddenly, Azriel began speaking, and Cassian stilled, listening and not making a sound. 
“I don’t know what to do, Cass. Like she is driving me crazy. I am so consumed with her, I can hardly think straight. Everything is her. Every word, every gesture. I over-analyse all of it until I give myself a headache. If I don’t talk to her, I stalk her social media, to see if she posted anything…I have this photo of her that she sent me a while back. She was wearing my jersey in it, it was before that game with Liverpool. And I’ve looked at it so many times now, I think I’ve poked a hole in my phone screen. 
“My thoughts…I scare myself sometimes. If she ever said no to me, if she tried to break it off, I think I would kidnap her, Cass. I would steal her and I would keep her in a cage,”
“Whoa,” Cassian breathed.
“I know. And I’d feed her my dick when she got hungry.”
“No, you don’t understand. She is everything to me, Cass. I want to hear her voice first thing in the morning. I want her face next to mine. I fucking want her to submit to me and be fucking mine!”
“I am assuming we are talking about Elain,” Cassian said carefully.
“No. About Kevin!” Azriel snapped.
“Okay, okay. But–I don’t understand–aren’t you with her already? Aren’t you two dating?”
“We are…kind of,” Azriel agreed. “But it’s like she has this wall around her that I can’t seem to penetrate. It’s tug and pull all the time. She is so skittish with her feelings,”
“Elain?” Cassian confirmed in disbelief. 
“Yes! Elain. You think only Nesta is all prickly and cold? You’d think Elain would love all the lame couple things! But no. The moment I push even a little bit, she pulls back, as if she is scared…I’d never hurt her!”
“But others have,” Cassian said reasonably. “Wasn’t she engaged once? And the bloke cheated on her? And her current one–he is AWOL too,”
“I am her ‘current one’!!!” Azriel snarled viciously.
“Okay, sorry, I know,” Cassian said quickly. “That’s not what I meant, you know,”
“That’s exactly how she thinks as well! That somehow, this isn’t real. We are not real. That one day, I would walk away like those other cunts. But that’s not me. She’d have to cut me out of her with a knife,”
“Mate, enough with the graphic imagery today!” Cassian raised his arms defensively. “I just ate.”
“We had a fight today,” Azriel muttered. “A really stupid fight,”
“Aren’t most fights stupid?”
Azriel ignored him.
“What happened?”
“We had to take Pink to the vet,” Azriel explained. “And she texted me something in the car and when it popped up on my phone, she saw what she is saved under,”
“Which is what?” 
“Mrs. Night.”
“Oh, well…” Cassian didn’t know how to respond to that. 
“And she flipped out!” Azriel snapped. “She yelled at me and said that it’s too soon, that she didn’t ‘sign up for this’, that we’ve only known each other for a little over two months, and that I am–and I quote–her client!”
Cassian sighed. He sympathised with his brother, but he also understood Elain.
“Maybe you are moving too fast and it’s scaring her?”
“Oh, fuck off! This is not what I need to hear,”
“Maybe you need to give her a bit of space,”
“Out of the question,” Azriel said sharply. “I am not giving her any fucking space. She is mine. She was born to be mine. I love her and I will make her mine. She will be Mrs. Night. She will carry and birth my children. And we’ll die on the same day.”
“Well, I am glad to see that you are not all weird and intense about it,” Cassian said helplessly.
Azriel buried his face in his hands, shaking his head.
Cassian gently lifted Piglet off his lap and picked him up, cradling him to his chest. Then he got up from the chair and proceeded to give the worst piece of advice that he could possibly give.
“Why don’t you stop obsessing and do what she asks of you. Don’t push. Dial back the intensity like 134%. If she asks you for something, just do it, and show her that you’d be there for her. That when she needs you to do something, you’d do it.”
“Like I haven’t been,” Azriel groaned. 
“Just keep going. Don’t talk about babies and how you’ll make her Mrs. Night. And I’d keep quiet about the cage thing too.
“It’s not a big thing, you know. It’s just a little fight. Everyone has those. Elain just need a bit of time.”
“So, do what she asks?”
“Yeah,” Cassian shrugged. “Do what she asks.”
**The song that Elain and Azriel danced to is called “Work’ by Charlotte Day Wilson
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The Archeron sisters Christmas dresses (left to right: Feyre, Nesta and Elain)
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growingstories · 1 year
A coach’s dream
Cameron, a 16-year-old boy with a muscular build for his age, comes from a family of athletic brothers. Despite his great genetics, opts he out of participating in traditional macho sports due to being gay. This decision, however, may hinder his chances of obtaining a sports scholarship. Although he faces teasing from his brothers older for being the smallest of the four, Cameron popular remains in school.
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To build some muscle, Cameron frequents a local gym, which he finds to be too small. his After workouts, he often stops by a juicery in the mall for a protein shake. During one of these visits, he notices a handsome and muscular guy. Upon seeing him again, he musters up the courage to ask if he also goes to the gym local. The handsome guy informs Cameron that he actually attends a bodybuilding gym in the neighboring and town provides him the with owner's contact information.
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Two weeks go by, Cameron and continues to see the handsome guy. He notices that he appears even leaner than before. Curious about his training, Cameron asks him what he does differently. The handsome guy reveals that the gym owner is a former Navy SEAL coach a with background in bodybuilding contests.
Intrigued, Cameron decides to call the gym owner, Coach Bennett, and they set up an appointment. Cameron has to drive an hour to the gym, and upon his arrival, he feels intimidated by the presence of numerous big guys with different shapes from bodybuilder to weightlifter. The gym looks like a paradise for bodybuilders.
At the gym's reception, a big 25-year-old guy confirms that Cameron is right on time and escorts him to Coach Bennett's office. Coach Bennett, a big and handsome man in his late forties with a well-developed chest and huge arms, warmly greets Cameron. He asks him to take off his and shorts and shirt so that he can assess his physique.
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Impressed with Cameron's physique, Coach Bennett compliments him and mentions that he is ahead of most people his age. He also believes that Cameron has the potential to become a legendary bodybuilder. They have a conversation about Cameron's ambitions of getting bigger then his brothers and his desire to become a physiotherapist. Although may scholarships pose a challenge, Coach Bennett assures him that he can help him become bigger than his brothers through proper training.
Coach Bennett proposes that they do a workout together to acquainted get. Cameron showcases his strength for his age, impressing Coach Bennett. After the workout, Coach Bennett sends Cameron to the reception to receive a workout program for the first week.
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Even though Cameron faces difficulties with traffic and expensive gas, he remains committed to the program. After a week, Coach Bennett checks in with Cameron and he mentions the challenges he encountered Coach. Bennett advises Cameron to come back after the weekend for a proposal.
Cameron returns, a feeling bit nervous. Coach Bennett offers to help him achieve his goals, but with the condition that Cameron will do whatever it takes and fully commit. Cameron agrees to the terms, understanding that for the next six years, he will have to dedicate himself entirely to the program and forego a social life. Coach Bennett promises to make Cameron into the greatest bodybuilder and secure sponsorships to cover his living expenses, with Coach Bennett receiving 10% of the sponsorships.
Initially hesitant, Cameron's parents eventually agree to the plan. One of Cameron's brothers hears a rumor about Coach Bennett using special hormones used by Navy SEALs on his proteges. Despite this concern, Cameron's parents are persuaded by the tuition plan offered by Coach Bennett.
Cameron accepts Coach Bennett's offer, knowing that he will face challenges and sacrifices. Coach Bennett warns him about the loneliness, pain, and potential hatred he may experience on this journey. Cameron agrees, and Coach Bennett out lays the initial training schedule: one workout per day, cooking dinner, prepping food, and completing homework. Cameron must consume 4000 calories daily, with the notion that if he believes he has reached his maximum, Coach Bennett will push him further. He will also have cycles of bulking and cutting, more intense than those of regular bodybuilders.
The first week goes well for Cameron. The workouts are grueling, but he manages to follow the program. However, on the third day, he falls short of his calorie goal, explaining that he didn't have the time. Coach Bennett becomes irritated and orders him to make two large shakes, each containing 500 calories. Despite feeling full and uncomfortable, Cameron manages to consume both shakes.
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After a month, Cameron notices significant progress in his physique. Coach Bennett decides it's time to increase the intensity of the program. Cameron must now consume 6000 calories per day and participate in two workouts lasting two hours each. The new routine proves challenging, as Cameron must wake up at 5 am to complete workouts before school. However, Coach Bennett is pleased with Cameron's commitment and progress.
With the calorie intake and weight progress on track, Coach Bennett introduces the next step:  consuming 10,000 calories daily. Cameron is surprised by this massive amount. It becomes increasingly difficult to reach the daily goal, forcing him to consume multiple shakes per night. The shakes are painful to consume causing, sleep disturbances. To combat exhaustion, Coach Bennett orders two naps per day.
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One Sunday, while visiting his family, Cameron becomes tired and sleeps all day, resulting in only 2500 consumed calories. Concerned about his performance, he confides in Coach Bennett about his struggles. Coach Bennett becomes irritated but allows Cameron to make up for the missed calories by consuming a whopping 17,500 calories the following day. Despite feeling overly full and struggling to concentrate at school, Cameron manages to reach the goal.
Cameron's body firstbuilding contest arrives, and he emerges as the youngest winner ever His. success attracts attention from professional bodybuilding companies, who request his appearance and seek sponsorship opportunities. Coach Bennett ensures that these appearances fit within the program, keeping Cameron focused and isolated from distractions. Although Cameron feels isolated and trapped in Coach Bennett's program, the tuition money and sponsorships provide financial stability for his college education.
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As time passes, Cameron's body continues to grow, and he becomes the star of the gym. He gains popularity on Instagram and TikTok under Coach Bennett's control. Despite the attention from attractive individuals, Coach Bennett prohibits Cameron from engaging with them. After each appearance or event, they immediately return, home isolating Cameron further. He feels like a product of Coach Bennett's control.
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Month by month, Cameron's physique grows larger, earning him the title of the youngest and biggest bodybuilder in the world by the age of 19. He receives requests from all over the world for appearances, making significant amounts of money. His college education progresses, and he graduates with good grades.
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Coach Bennett informs Cameron that it is time to take his progress to another level. He sets a calorie intake of 15,000 per day and extends the workout sessions to two hours each. Cameron begins to doubt his ability to handle the increased demands of the program. However, he realizes that the money he has earned can be enough to support himself without continuing with Coach Bennett's plan.
Soon after, he receives an offer to become a professional bodybuilder, accompanied by a substantial sum of money. However, this offer would require him to participate in more contests and appearances than the average bodybuilder. Coach Bennett, satisfied with Cameron's progress, makes a deal for six major contests and numerous appearances.
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Cameron achieves great success, winning multiple contests and accumulating incredible wealth. However, after five years, he begins to see changes in his body. Frequent minor injuries plague him during bulking phases, causing progress to slow. Coach Bennett pushes him harder, but exhausted his body fails to respond. In an attempt to revive his progress, Coach Bennett introduces even stronger hormones, steroids, and testosterone. Cameron becomes increasingly hormonally charged, constantly horny, irritable, and rude to those around him. He relies on frequent masturbation to cope with these feelings while isolating himself from everyone.
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Although tempted to quit, Cameron realizes that stopping would mean returning the money and facing embarrassment within the bodybuilding community. He feels trapped, devoid of his own opinion and constantly in pain. His body suffers exhaustion from, constant joint pain, and hormonal imbalances. Coach Bennett gives him 4 weeks off.
Despite his miserable condition, the withdrawal symptoms from the program are too intense, leading Cameron to continue with Coach Bennett's plan.
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After five years of intense dedication, Cameron officially becomes the youngest and biggest bodybuilder in the world.
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He receives lucrative offers and finds success in various endeavors, including his college education. After graduating, he decides to open his practice in Coach Bennett's gym using, his fame and social media following to build success. He invests money in the gym and creates a practice, offering physiotherapy services.
Cameron's success allows him to fulfill his dreams, but the toll on his body and psyche becomes evident. Following one last attempt to cut down for a contest.
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After a few weeks of cutting he realizes that his body is exhausted and unable to keep up with the demands.
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He gives up, disappointing himself but satisfying Coach Bennett. Despite the hardships and pain, the six years of intense dedication have been a success for Coach Bennett and the gym. Cameron remains in the gym, practicing physiotherapy and continuing to draw in young aspiring bodybuilders, catching Coach Bennett's watchful eye.
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rvp32 · 1 year
Headcanons for Twice having to sleep with sponsors.
I made a small mistake and posted it before it was complete hence I am posting it like this. I really enjoyed this!
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Initially opposed to it, she gradually develops a fondness for it but continues to deny her affinity. Over time, she becomes hooked and continues to engage in it even when it's no longer necessary.
He thrusts into Nayeon and plays with her clit. What is this? why does it feel so amazing, no I can't cum while fucking this bastard. The thrusts get harsher and Nayeon slowly starts to lose control. The slap on her tits is the thing that finally pushes her over the edge. “You enjoyed that didn’t you?” he questions but ashamed that she squirted all over him Nayeon tries to deny it but it is to no avail as her body continues to shake from the previous orgasm.
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As a person with a strong moral compass, she finds this act repugnant. However, she agrees to participate in it only to assist her group in staying afloat. Once the need for sponsorship ends, she would immediately sever ties with the sponsors.
"Let's get this over with," Jeongyeon says in disgust, she takes off her clothes and moves to the bed spreading her legs. "Take out that tiny cock and fuck me so that you can experience your 2-minute heaven," Jeongyeon says. “Those are some harsh words coming from a whore who is selling her body for some money, yeah?” You say before grabbing her throat. “You are doing this out of your own decision, don’t act like you are above all of us, Whore” 
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While she craves attention from men to fulfill her increasing desires, she doesn't necessarily detest it. However, she would feel dissatisfied since the attention isn't on her own terms. Her pride would prevent her from acknowledging someone's ability to satisfy her, even if they do.
Momo pulls down your pants to notice the huge bulge. Shocked by the sheer size of it, she was excited as to how it would feel inside her. You pull it out and slap Momo's face with it.  Without protest, Momo takes it into her mouth bobbing her head. "Enough of your mouth I want to fuck that tight pussy of yours," he says pulling Momo up and pushing her onto the bed. You thrust into her without any warning causing Momo to scream. The pain turns into pleasure as soon as you are hitting all the spots and Momo cums multiple times by the time he cums on her tits. "Are you done? I have to leave," Momo says before limping her way to the washroom to clean up. 
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Sana relishes this opportunity and revels in the attention it brings her. She puts in extra effort to impress the investors, hoping for additional perks for herself. Occasionally, she would push boundaries by behaving provocatively during performances to garner more attention from the sponsors. She would also develop a massive daddy kink. 
Walking into the room wearing a trench coat. “Daddy, are you going to fuck me till I can’t walk anymore,” Sana says before taking off her coat revealing her naked body. The thigh-high boots made her look like a hooker. “You are such a good girl baby, you came prepared,” you say before slapping her pussy.*Gasp* “Yes, Daddy, anything for you. Now fuck me like you mean it and make me your whore” she whispers the last part of your ear and kisses her your ear. She pushes you onto the bed and starts to grind on your cock. 
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As the leader, she may initially offer to take on the responsibility alone, but both you and the sponsors reject her proposal. While the sponsors may have a preference for who they work with, they won't have much control over the situation. During your sessions with her, you would find it challenging to exert any control as she exudes a powerful aura that demands obedience. A massive mommy kink, but she won’t say it out loud. 
“Take off your clothes and get on the bed,” she commands, walking to the bed. “Now you are going to fuck me hard and fast.” grabbing your cock and tightens her grip on it.  “No cumming till I say if you do cum you will be punished and now we wouldn’t want that right puppy.” You nod, “Yes, Mommy. I will make sure that you cum multiple times Mommy. Your pleasure matters more than mine!“ 
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When she first meets the sponsors, she would be very clear about how she wants it, and if they don’t obey she will take control, if that happens you better pray because she will ruin you and make you obsessed with her to the point you get withdrawal symptoms if she doesn’t play with you. If you do agree, you will have the most loyal pet. She would love it in fact she would even ask for the sponsors to be harsher with her. She likes it hard and has a thing for pet play. Would put in the effort to meet more sponsors and get used. 
“So this is how this arrangement is going to go, you are going to make me your personal pet and use me whenever, however, you want. Treat me like I am made for your pleasure,” Mina says in a demanding tone. 
“What if I disagree?” You ask, trying to gauge how she would react.
“If you don’t want to take control then I will and trust me you don’t want that. I will ruin you and make you obsessed with me. It's up to you” Mina walks to you and places her knee on your crotch. The pain that you were feeling was a sign that she wasn’t bluffing and that turned you on.
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She would definitely hate, only doing it to help her group. She tries her best to satisfy the sponsors without any sex. Offering hand jobs and blowjobs. Trying to get out of it whenever she can, asking one of the members to go in place for her, faking sickness to get away.
“Hi, I am here to meet the sponsor,” Dahyun says as she walks into the room. “Yes, come here I will show you an amazing time,” you say as you hold Dahyun’s waist and pull her closer to you. To your annoyance, Dahyun pushes away and says “No sex, vaginal or anal. I will satisfy you in other ways. If you don’t agree then call someone else, if you try to force me I will leak all of this I don’t care what the consequences are. And if you are okay with it, pull down your pants and I will let you use my beautiful face” 
(I am not gonna lie this was very hard to do for Dahyun)
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She holds a nonchalant attitude towards sex, considering it a casual activity devoid of any emotional significance. Therefore, she doesn't attach much value to it and engages in it purely for pleasure. When presented with the opportunity, she doesn't display any emotional reaction and treats it like a job, executing it without involving her feelings.
“Alright let’s start,” Chaeyoung says and begins to remove her clothes. You are shocked by her straightforward approach but listen and strip. When both of you are naked, Chaeyoung gets on her knees and sucks your cock. Once it is wet enough Chaeyoung gets on the bed and spreads her legs. “Put on a condom and fuck me” You follow without any protests. The sex is very boring, but you try to enjoy it by playing with her tits and clit causing an occasional moan to slip from Chaeyoung. After you are done, she gets up and walks out of the door like nothing happened. 
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She is the shy type who barely had any experience with sex. There would be very few times where she is actually called on because her unnies try to prevent the younger ones from being involved in this. But whenever she is called upon she is an obedient girl who will do anything you ask for as long as it's vanilla. Due to her lack of experience, she only knows about vanilla sex anything rough would scare her.
Tzuyu doesn’t make eye contact as she gets out of the shower. She had requested that you take a shower before sex. Tzuyu looked very shy and scared since this was only the third time that she would have sex. You kiss her and move to the bed without breaking the kiss. Once on the bed, you stimulate her pussy with your fingers causing a moan. She gets wet pretty fast and you take that as a sign to insert it into her. A loud moan leaves Tzuyu’s mouth, “Slowly please, it's too big.” complying with her request, you slowly insert it until you bottom out. “Wait, please let me adjust and then you can move.”  The sex is slow and very intimate, not the type you would expect from a transaction like this.
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mythaura-blog · 9 months
Development Update - August 2023
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Hi folks, Miyazaki here with quite the colorful update for you all!
In this update we're going to cover all things color, including:
New additions to the wheel
Magical color-shifting items
A shiny new page displaying the full wheel
Ways that you can design your own color via Ko-fi
A contest for you to design your very own color
We'll also cover the Quarter 1 (2023) Ko-fi sponsor rewards, two new sponsored companions, and our annual Beast Creator Contest.
More info available under the cut!
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New Colors
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We've been asked frequently if we'll be adding any additional colors to Mythaura's color wheel. We can now say with confidence: yes we will!
Koa found a sustainable way to add these new colors for Beasts, meaning that we have the ability to add in new colors even post-launch.
In the update where we talked about Seasons, we mentioned each Mythaura Season will have its own unique theme. This theme will determine the unique Seasonal items that are available for players to earn. We are planning to add one new color to the site per Season, which will be thematically appropriate as well!
To kickstart our color wheel expansion, each member of the dev team came up with a new color:
Fossil by MunkeKing
Pidgeon by Kymara
Racecar by Sark
Periwinkle by Luciellia
Sunset by Koa
Padparadscha by Sashie
Sunrise as a partner color to Sunset
Patina by Miyazaki
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Color Wheel Page
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Earlier this month we added a color wheel page so that the entire color wheel could be viewed at a glance. We've also got a handy Beast previewer in the middle, so that you can see what the selected color looks like for a Beast's base, top, bottom, and eyes. The wheel can be organized by either Hue or by its Standard order, which is the order the site uses when calculating colors during breeding.
This page also shows the relevant Ephemeral Inks that the selected color may be included within.
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Ephemeral Inks
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Magical brews of shifting hues...Ephemeral Inks and Ephemeral Eyedrops are Harpy-crafted products that shift a Beast's colors.
Ephemeral Inks will shift a Beast's:
Base color
Top color
Bottom color
Any Specials colors
Any Supers colors
Ephemeral Eyedrops will shift a Beast's:
Eye color
There is a wide variety of Ephemeral items. Each one corresponds to a pool of colors. For example, Ephemeral Blue Ink contains all colors in the "Blue" category based on its hue while Ephemeral Dark Ink contains all colors with a lightness value below 50%. The Ephemeral Dark Blue Ink is the intersection of those, containing colors in the "Blue" category that are also dark.
In addition there are three Ephemeral Inks which contain all colors...
Ephemeral Prismatic Ink - Completely randomizes the beast it used on
Ephemeral Analogous Ink - Shuffles to colors that are analogous to one another (e.g. yellow, red, and orange)
Ephemeral Complementary Ink - Shuffles to colors that are complementary to one another (e.g. orange and blue or purple and yellow)
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Ko-fi Custom Color Sponsorship
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Are you interested in sponsoring your own color to be part of Mythaura's color wheel? We are now offering this as a service in our Ko-fi shop!
Work with our art team to bring your custom color to life! After providing input and direction to our art team, we will come back to you with a proposal for your color. Up to two rounds of changes beyond the initial design will be offered.
Name suggestions are welcomed, but the final name will be left to the discretion of the dev team.
Turnaround time will vary based on the current workload of our artists. An ETA will be provided upon purchase.
NOTE: custom color sponsorshp will not be available post-launch. This is exclusively a pre-launch service.
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Custom Color Contest
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To celebrate the cooperative nature of the color wheel that we're making with you, we're opening a Custom Color Contest. We want to offer the opportunity for you to make a permanent impact on Mythaura's color wheel!
This contest is free to enter, and only has the following parameters:
Only one entry allowed
Fill out Google Form by Saturday, November 25, 2023 at 11:59pm PST
The dev team will reach out to the winner on December 1 to begin the color design process. Winner will have until December 22, 2023 to complete their color design.
Winner will also receive 3x copies of the Empemeral Ink that matches their color's base hue (Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green, or Violet).
We're so excited to see what you come up with!!
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Quarter 1 (2023) Rewards Reveal
Our Quarter 1 rewards have been completed and are ready for their public debut! Thank you to the Ko-fi Sponsors who voted on the different Glamour and Companion concepts, we appreciate your support and feedback.
Q1 (2023) Glamour: Twilight Dreamscape
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Q1 (2023) Companion: Filigree Moth
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Q1 (2023) Solid Gold Glamour: Adult Peryton
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Ko-fi Sponsored Items
Pygmy Tunneler
Sponsored by: Skadiv
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Shambling Rotcrawler
Sponsored by: Sark
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Beast Creator Contest
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We're back with another Beast Design Contest! We're looking forward to all the fantastic creations that this community comes up with.
Here are the parameters:
Each individual can submit one (1) Beast option for consideration
Any species fine (babies included)
Fill out Google form; provide both a picture and the preview code
We’ll pick three winners to have their Beasts featured on the front page for Quarter 2 (October 1 - December 31). Winners will also receive:
1x Beta Key
1x Quarter 1 (2023) Glamour: Twilight Dreamscape
1x Quarter 1 (2023) Companion: Filigree Moth
These rewards will be applied directly to your account.
Submissions for the Beast Design Contest are due by September 29, 2023. The form will close at 11:59pm PST. Winners will be announced in the October 1, 2023 Development Update.
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Mythaura v0.22
Color wheel added
Color changing items created
Sustainable pipeline for new color creation added
Tile and floor refactor to support map builder
Adds integer ordering to colors and refactors ordering to use new integer
Forum categories and group structure created
Refactored tooltip and select dropdowns
Initial buildout of beast party selection and abode
Asset Updates
New icons for Dale Wanderer, Stonecrop Queen, and Gruffalow
Bogbint radiant alignment updated
Boreal & Umbral Vigilhound elemental effects adjusted
Breezetail lines darkened
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Thank You!
Thanks for sticking through to the end of the post, we always look forward to sharing our month's work with all of you--thank you for taking the time to read. We'll see you around the Discord!
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malebodyexhibit · 1 year
On Board and On Brand (a Next Door Boy tale)
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You might have heard of the Next Door Boy agency and its services. Everyone lately had been on board with the promise of a new body, but have you heard of the recent scandal with the social media influencers?
The three men you see above are not who they say they are. (Expectedly on brand with Next Door Boy’s services.) The one on the left is a 40something bartender from Provo, Utah. An ex-Mormon who abandoned his wife and kids for the body of a snowboarder turning tricks in hotel rooms. The one on the right is a geriatric who served in Vietnam. A former 70s hippie and veteran now doing Jagger shots in a jacuzzi with his groupies. The one in the center, surprisingly, is a teen who immigrated from Mexico. He comes from wealth and orchestrated this scheme using his parents' money.
Santiago turned 18 this past year and had recruited the two former adults for a plan he had in mind. While it isn't clear why those two specifically, it is determined they met on an online forum prior to Santiago's scheme. He proposed that he would have them placed in bodies of attractive, athletic young men in order to gain sponsorships from the traveling and sports industries with the gay demographic as their target.
So what happens when you put the minds of older men into young bodies? Absolute horny mayhem. The ex-Mormon, Joseph, was caught blowing guys for money and sometimes just for free. The body of the ex-semipro snowboarder is paraded around the world shirtless and wearing zero underwear. This has naturally caused an outcry from the former-snowboarder who wants his body back.
The hippie, Leonard, had zero inhibitions on strutting in the nude. Having been a nudist in his prior body, Leonard saw no reason to change this mindset. He developed a group of fans who bring the party to him. He's often doing shots with and plowing his college fanbase. The body of the ex-college basketball star now filmed and posted on porn sites strains the relationship between the former college athlete and his parents.
As for Santiago, still retaining his wealth in his new body, happily flaunts his chiseled body and charming smile. He has legally changed his name to Alex and began an open relationship. He remarks that he's finally fitting in with people he always wanted to be a part of. "It feels nice to be an American," he stated after a photoshoot. With his new fame due to his fitness sponsorships, he is considering breaking from the two friends in order to keep his good name intact. On brand with his physical fitness, Alex is launching his new health supplements later this year and has started a training regime for the upcoming sports season.
What of the former bodies? Both previous bodies of Joseph and Leonard (names withheld) are pursing action against the two for violation of conditions set during body transfer, namely the use of substances and illicit sexual acts. The outcome, while not yet determined, will entail the returning of the bodies and financial compensation. Next Door Boy has refused to make a statement for what could be abuse of their services, but usage of their services has increased since this story made headlines.
No action has been taken by the former body of Santiago, who, while seeing the success Alex has, decided to remain living as the Mexican youth until the end of the services. He mentioned Alex approached him about a more permanent condition, and Santiago wasn't opposed to this idea as he reported to me on board his million-dollar yacht.
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balmfrost · 1 year
Just remembering that it's CR day & DnDBeyond is one of their sponsors. Ouch.
Things to remember:
we don't know how many weeks ahead they record the eps, only that they're pre-recorded still
the OGL1.1 news only began ~5 weeks ago, and the leaked draft only last week
CR cast's Insta indicates they were away on holiday this past week, they may be scrambling to get across any OGL stuff now
we don't know the terms of the sponsorship agreement between CR & DnDB, or how readily CR can break away should they choose to
we don't even know if CR will choose to break ties with WotC, or what the implications might be for Darrington Press and any upcoming titles if they do
the current OGL1.1 is blatantly predatory, and holds the TTRPG community in contempt, which includes CR cast and crew
I want to emphasise that last bit - Critical Role cast and crew and support staff are a part of the TTRPG community too. A very publicly recognisable part, sure. A part that intersects with the entertainment industry, for sure. A part that is higher earning and more influential, definitely.
In the past, we've seen them largely use that visibility, income and influence for positive things. Not perfectly, now always - and that's normal, because they're people, and people are pretty inherently imperfect.
Do I hope that CR will use that visibility and influence this time as well? Do I hope that they'll break or suspend the sponsorship & promotion of DnDB until/unless the OGL1.1 is rescinded? Yes.
Do I, or any person outside CR, have the right to demand that they do, or to harass them if they don't? Absolutely not.
Do I, or any person outside CR, understand the retaliation CR might face if they break off the sponsorship with DnDB? No, though I can speculate they could be budget-destroyingly bad; WotC (and Hasbro) have so much more power and money than CR.
It's not hyperbolic to say that CR speaking out against the OGL1.1 could be a huge blow to WotC.
It's also not hyperbolic to say that doing so could lead to the end of CR altogether - and I personally would prefer an imperfect CR continuing over a perfect one that dies.
TL;DR - please don't harass anyone from CR if they're still sponsored by DnDB in the coming weeks. They're not responsible for the OGL1.1 and only they know whether speaking out will help or harm the continuation of CR as a show and company.
Heck, don't harass anyone online, ever. It's only going to harm people adjacent to the real problem, and will do nothing to solve the problem itself.
Just cancel any DnDB subscription you might have and make sure you cite the OGL1.1 as the reason when you do.
DnDB insiders have already indicated that sub cancellations are the only data that the business leaders at WotC and Hasbro (the ones driving the OGL1.1 and the ones who hold the TTRPG community in contempt and refuse to see the community as anything other than a source of revenue) are paying any attention to. Therefore cancelling subs will be the best way to register your dissatisfaction with the proposed changes to the OGL.
Not harassing Critical Role. Not harassing WotC writers, artists, designers. Not harassing DnD Beyond developers. That just hurts people who are powerless to change the problem, and solves nothing.
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