#Tim is being pampered
dcxdpdabbles · 21 days
Am going feral for Danny's grill, I'm salivating for another part, perhaps the batfams reactions to Tim's theory of Danny being fae and just "ohh oh that tracks, that tracks a little too well, but atleast he's a nice fae? Also I vainly remember Constantine drunkenly complaining about a pariah being a bitch king so maybe Danny is actually fae royalty which is why he can afford to be nice??"
Sry for rambling ♡
Tim's investigation updates are alarming, to put it nicely. Bruce can't say he's thrilled by how his son discovered a new Fae court or that his son is now untraceable within the said court.
He would think Tim was missing if it weren't for the reports he finds at family information locations. Thankfully, the fae seemed benevolent—at least for now.
Bruce would be the first to admit that he did not like how, out of all his kids, Tim always seemed to get involved with the oddest of missions.
Reading the Young Justice reports always gave him a headache- baseball game for the plant? Accidentally killed Santa Claus?!? - So, he not only figured out a Fae had appeared in Gotham but also ate the food the Fae offered him? Yeah, that was his Tim.
Bruce had picked up Tim's progress reports before anyone else. His other children were focused on a missing person case and their own cases.
Bruce figured that as long as Tim was treated right, he could spend time searching for a way to get his son home safely without worrying about the others. He has spoken with every member of the Justice League Dark, interviewed any god or goodness in the Justice League, and done extensive research on Faes themselves.
Almost everything had given him the same result: A human could be returned from the Other World only if the Fae allowed it.
It's not impossible to trick a Fae into releasing Tim, but it must be delicately done. Those types of beings rarely forgive and never forget.
He had planned for this to happen to him long before he became Batman—after all, he knew those creatures were real after learning of Aliens—but each of his plans to escape the Fae had an "It's alright if I die" in progress.
He could not apply those plans to Tim, as he did not care if his son lived.
He was replaying his interview with John Consitiante- seeing as that man had a lot of practice swinging his soul as a bargaining chip- when Jason came stomping down the stairs.
"I can't find him!" He swears, throwing himself in a computer chair with a huff. Bruce lowers the volume on his computer, making a sound in the back of his throat. It's the usual noise he makes to convey to his children he is listening and is curious about what is upsetting them
Jason, easily able to understand his sounds now, ranks a hand through his hair with a scoff. "The favor one of my contacts called in. Alvin Draper. I can't find anything on him before my contact took him in"
"Could be a fake name," Bruce offers, typing into his search engine some keywords John spilled in his drunken state. He reads over the runes that pulled up while considering Jason's words. "He gave your contact his name in the same breath as his work. He would unlikely have trusted him that much, so he creates a false name to cover up his street name, which he only gives to customers. His birth name is even less spoken."
"Yeah, I thought the same, so I took the initiative to look at anyone working in his usual areas. Some working girls who answer to me have also asked around. Anyone even remotely matching the description has been tracked down and kept safe, but none were the target. I've even had the others look into it just in case the few corner boys didn't trust Red Hood would be more forthcoming with information. Nothing. Zip. Nada! I'm not an amateur, Bruce. " Jason snarks and Bruce fights off the wave of pride. Of course, his children were able to do all that without him. His kids were incredible at their work.
"No one has seen or heard of Alvin within the industry. If he's a corner boy, he's a private one. Those are the worst because it usually means the clients are crazy powerful and extra careful to not be seen."
Bruce pauses, mind rushing at lightning speed. "Power, not seen and....does this Alvin Draper happen to work on these streets?"
He pulls up a map with various colored dots on it. Bruce had been carefully tracking down where Tim and his Fae had been going through. Tim mainly stayed at the Fae's manor but was allowed to go out to work. One of the reasons Bruce truly believed it was benevolent.
If he ignored the information in the packages, it seemed like Tim was taking some personal time off. His other children surely thought so. They all just laughed at the fact Tim was not about but was still solving the most cases out of all of them.
It was primarily remote work, which Bruce didn't mind. Tim needed a vacation from Red Robin and Wayne Enterprises' CEO.
"Yes!" Jason gasps, leaning towards the map. "How did you find all the targeted areas? My contact said Alvin moved almost every night."
Bruce weighs his options before carefully admitting. "It wasn't my intention to get Alvin's area. I have been tracking a new Fae court that followed these paths."
There was a significant pause before Jason asked with great patience. "There is a what in Gotham?"
"A Fae."
"...Okay, and how long has this been in our city?"
"About two months now."
Jason takes a deep breath. He reaches around Bruce to press the communications line, which he presses four times. At once, the cave is filled with the noise of his children going about their night- either in or out of costume.
All but Tim, since he is still within the Fae's castle. It's a setback that Bruce can't find the castle, even after Tim tells him exactly where it is with coordinates.
He assumes that he, as a human, has no access to the building. Nothing on his computers or tests proves that there is a building there, but Tim swears that's where he's been.
"We have Faes in Gotham. B. has known about them for two months," Jason announces, cutting everyone off. The lines go very silent, and Bruce blinks, confused when he can pick up some anger in his children's silence.
"B?" Dick says in that You better tell me everything right now, old man voice. It's the strangely sickly sweet tone he uses that disguises danger.
Bruce is mystified. Why is he angry? "Two months ago, Tim informed me that a stranger had caught his attention and that he was going undercover. He mostly noticed inconsistencies with his target, but it was only after following the suspect home that he realized the man was not human-"
"Father, are you saying a Fae has Red Robin?" Damian interrupted which is unusual. His youngest almost never does that; he's far too polite and disciplined.
"Yes. He's been in his castle the whole time he's been away."
"Did he eat anything the Fae gave him!?" Duke's cries sounded almost hysterical.
"Yes, he has been there for two months. Tim needed to eat."
"RR has been gone for almost three months, B.!" Harper snaps. She was out as Bluebird for the first time in a while. Her college assignments were really cutting into her hero time.
"Is he okay?" Cullen asks quietly. Bruce had always suspected the lad had a crush on his son, flushing deep red whenever Harper brought him over.
"He is fine. Tim has kept contact with me and seems to be thriving with the Fae. I have been working to get the being to give him back without causing him harm."
"That's what all the research you've been doing lately was about?" Barbara demands.
Bruce squints at the screens where voice lines are beside the images of his children. He doesn't know why but understands that even she is cross with him. "Yes."
"Master Bruce, we will be having a conversation later," Alfred hisses- actually hisses, and Bruce feels cold, hard dread slip down his spine. Oh no. Had he done something wrong again?
Should he not mention his theory that Tim and Alvin are one in the same? Would that make things worse or better?
Jason lets loose a series of swears in Spanish. He leans against the table, pitching his voice loud enough that the rest of the Bats can hear him. "Crude, I think the Fae collects people with the same physical characteristics. Tim and Alvin are known as people of the same height, eye color, age, hair color, and even skin color."
Dick, Damian, Duke, and Harper all swear in their own native tounges, which makes Bruce fight the urge to sink down. Yes, it is better not to mention his other theory of Jason's contact being said, Fae.
Not until he has proof, at least.
"Let me guess." Steph chimes in with a sigh. "Tim followed the Fae because he's pretty."
Bruce remains stubbornly silent, but he thinks that Tim finds the Fae or "Danny" quite handsome. Why else would he spend three paragraphs of his report describing Danny's hair?
"I think we all need to come together to work on this," Dick says next, voice taking charge. Bruce's pride and adoration for the children grow a few notches higher when they all agree without thought.
"Who knows what Tim or Alvin are going through."
Meanwhile, Tim sighed as one of Danny's "hired" help carefully worked out some knots in his back. How long has it been since he had a spa day? Too long. "Was that too rough?"
"No, it's the perfect pressure."
"Wonderful. After we are done here, would you prefer a mud bath or a soothing seaweed wrap?"
"Oh, a mud bath for sure."
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jilixthinker · 6 months
red blossom
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=͟͟͞♡ felix × fem!reader
=͟͟͞♡ loving hickeys
word count: 1.1K
content warning: smut, hurt and comfort, explicit sexual content sub!felix, dom!fem reader, established relationship, mommy kink, subspace, dry humping, baby talk, oral fixation, hickeys, felix and reader are in love, felix is just a baby
=͟͟͞♡ please, consider reblogging if you like my works!
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When Felix comes back home from work, all stressed out and nervous because it's been a rough day and his collegues were so rude to him for no reason at all, he is already feeling almost on the verge of tears and he just wants to be taken care of. And you, his mommy, are waiting for him, having finished your shift long time ago.
When he weakly opens the door you are already on your sweats and hoodie, looking so comfy and soft, and the urge to hide his face on your neck and be pampered all night long is so strong that he cannot fight it. So when he sees you, open arms and dinner hot and ready on the table for him, the poor baby just let go and start crying out of tiredness.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?"
You welcome him on your arms and wrap him in a cocoon while he quietly sobs against your neck, straddling your hips on the couch.
"S' tired mommy", Felix cries while holding you tight, as you were about to go away. "Today was awful and - and..." he stops to rub his hand on his puffy eyes.
"And what, baby?"
You begin to caress his shoulders softly as an attempt to soothe him as much as you can. Felix nuzzles his head on the crook of your neck and quietly whines until you start to rub his back and his hips too, moving your hand in little circles.
"I jus' wanted to come back to you", he babbles while you keep massaging his muscles, his fatigue and sadness slowly starting to fade to be replaced with a tight feeling of warmth.
"My baby boy", you hum placing a soft kiss on his temple, his sobs becoming quiet whimpers. "My precious little angel, what can I do for you? What can I do to make you feel better?.
Felix remains silent for a minute while you keep rubbing your hands on his skin and peppering tiny kisses on his cheek and forehead. When you start combing his hair with your fingers and fixing the blonde locks behind his ear, he mumbles something on your skin, so quiet than you cannot hear it.
"Baby, angel, what do you need? You can tell me anything, you know that".
Felix slowly readjusts himself on top of you and he speaks a little bit louder this time, looking you in the eyes.
"Can you kiss me mommy?", and how could you ever say no to your sweet boy? How, when he is trembling a little already, a bit out of embarassment and a bit out of excitement.
"Of course I can, love", you promise him, kissing the tip of his nose. "Where do you want to get kissed, baby? Tell me".
Feix hums softly and he nuzzles his head back on your side, exposing the skin of his neck and part of his collarbone to your sight.
"Neck, please", he murmurs and he sounds so so wrecked already, all pliant and soft even if you didn't do anything yet, but just the thought of you being sweet and caring to him is taking him to the edge.
The first kiss on his skin is just a peck, nothing else, and Felix tries, he tries so hard not to be affected too much this early, but as soon as you place your lips on his neck and start to nibble lightly at the freckled skin he rolls his hips slighly on you, and he lets out a broken whimper.
"Baby, what's up, uh? I thought you just wanted my kisses". You tease him a bit while gently sucking a portion of skin into your mouth and slowly pulling it between your teeth.
Felix lets out the quietest yet painful moan, "Ah - mommy please, I - ah - just...", and he starts moving his thighs just a little bit, the tiniest movement showing how he is growing hard under his pants. You smiles while he begins to thrust his hips against yours. The feeling of the soft fabric on his sensitive skin is so overwhelming and suddenly it is all too much and not enough at the same time.
"My pretty little boy. What do you need? You need to hump mommy while I suck you in my mouth, mh? You want to let go and just be a dumb sweet angel while you make a mess of yourself?".
The way you speak to him makes him even softer than before while he tries so bad not to cum so soon. You didn't even touch him, and yet his cock is so hard, begging to be released from his underwear but, at the same time, the thought of being completely under your power makes him even harder. You lick slowly his neck from his collarbone up to the shell of his ear, sucking his lobe into your mouth. Felix writhes heavenly, rutting his clothed cock again your core, and he can feel dribbles of precum leaking from his tip all along his shaft. The embarassement mixed with the arousal makes him feral while he starts to babble sweet moans against your hair.
"My baby, my sweet boy. I love you so much. Mommy just wanna make you feel good. Does it feel nice, mh? To press your pretty little cock against mommy's cunt and think about nothing? You can let go baby. I got you. I just want you to cum and be pretty while I suck you all wet and nice, okay?".
You suck harshly on his adam's apple and you feel him throbbing above you while he tries to stay still but the pleasure he is feeling is just too much for him.
"Mommy ah - please please I wan' - Lixie wanna come please, can you let me come?".
Felix cries a little and he messily humps your thighs, his spongy head caught against the cotton of his underwear and the warmth of your core under him. You stick out your tongue and let the muscle slide wetly on his reddened skin.
"You can come baby, come for me, let me see how messy can you be".
And that's it for him. One last lick, and he cums hard, you still sucking on his neck and kissing lovingly his skin.
Hours later, when Felix sees purple hickeys blooming on his milky skin, he cannot blame anyone but himself.
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©️ jilixthinker, 2023. please do not copy, translate, or republish my works anywhere.
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wittlesissyb4by · 3 months
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It has long been known that people slip through the cracks of the education system and somehow make it through adulthood without having even the most basic skills of being an adult.
In an effort to alleviate and rectify the issue, adults that are deemed lacking of basic needs are sent back to a...special school. They start them all the way back to the beginning.
Tim, or 'Timmy', as he's referred to now, didn't know how to change a tire. His algebra skills were nonexistant, and he was reading at a third grade level...even at the age of 35. It also probably didn't help that he was utterly useless around the house. So, his wife brought him to court, and the judge ruled he would spend the next five years at the AB Academy.
Now, Timmy was laying on the ground, whining and crying in front of the whole class about how he wasn't a baby while his teacher, Mrs. Aysel, held up his very sodden diaper and explained all the little shapes that went missing when he pissed them all away.
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The entire class of 30-60 year olds giggled and wriggled in their own diapers while Mrs. Aysel lifted Timmy's legs, wiped his bottom, administered a buttplug, and taped him up into a fresh pair of pampers.
Timmy wanted to fight it, but the Judge was very explicit that if he didn't behave properly while at the AB Academy, he would instead spend his time locked up at the State Pampertentiary. From the horror stories he'd heard, a little diaper change and spanking in front of the class wasn't too bad in comparison...
This gif is from Ms. Ayla. Please show your support to the community so we can keep getting wonderful content like this!
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dairy-farmer · 3 months
Imagining Jason feeling so guilty about everything he's done to Tim, so now he treats Tim like he's a princess. Spoiling his Timmy any chance he can get, feeding him, getting him gifts he just glanced at in vague interest. Maybe at some point when the others see what's happening they get a little jealous cause they keep seeing Timmy's small smiles and red face, they've gotten so used to his rbf that they forgot what he looks like excited. So one after another each person starts to try to do what Jason has been doing with varied success. Anyways, I just really like the idea of Tim being pampered and fawned over, and being treated like the princess he is~ <3
jason being all ashamed because when things finally sort of simmer down and become civil it turns out that tim...jason actually enjoys being around tim. like...the two of them have so much in common. jason makes some obscure reference or joke and tim actually gets it, he gets it and lets out a quiet snort of amusement from behind his phone or laptop screen. the two of them share the same sense of humor, the same interest in cheap gory movies, the same food tastes that have the rest of the family grumbling and whining about ordering in from the same place every time because tim and jason both voted for the same place again making them the majority vote. unlike the rest of the family tim is also...easy to get along with. very easy. there's an ease, a humor at being with tim like they're constantly on the same wavelength. so it makes jason feel more than a little...ashamed at how their relationship started. because it means that things are...tense when its just the two of them. like when they're home alone because the rest of the family is out or when they're both up in the middle of the night and sneaking ice cream. tim has this cute little smile that showed off the small gap in his teeth and made his cheeks all pink when tim makes a particularly clever quip and it just makes jason...makes the desire to see it more grow. so jason tries, dare he say it, charming tim. buying him his favorite candies, inviting him to hang out, buying him gifts like that new game he'd talked about his civilian friends playing. he wants to treat tim...well. partly to make up for the rough start and partly because he wants to and so when they start getting closer and jason starts making some progress of course the others notice and just have to ruin it for him by trying to take up tim's very limited time.
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cloakedsparrow · 9 days
The Batpups as Cat-Types
Upon coming to live with Bruce, Dick was like a fairly standard cat. He could alternate between cuddly darling and vindictive gremlin in the blink of an eye. One minute he’s snuggled next to Bruce while he reads the paper, the next, he’s holding eye contact while he pushes an expensive vase off a nearby table. He’ll be happily playing with one of the hundreds of cat-appropriate toys Bruce got him, then Bruce turns his back for five seconds and he’s somehow gotten himself perched atop the molding above the door. On top of this, Bruce had never owned a cat before so he did stupid new cat-owner shit like letting Dick wander around the neighborhood, where he caused tens of thousands of dollars in property damage and nearly got himself killed at least four times a day.
Jason was a loyal and completely domesticated house-cat who got tossed into the streets after his owner died. He adapted well for survival, but once he was brought indoors again, he was more than happy to curl up in a sunny spot and just vibe. He’d endured some trauma, so sudden loud noises or unknown individuals trying to pet him resulted in him hissing and darting under the nearest table or hiding behind the books on the shelves. Around those he trusted, however, he was a sweet, chill cat. Unfortunately, Bruce assumed all cats were gremlins like Dick, and that Jason would have the potential to be even worse due to being on the streets, and so responded as though Jason were a gremlin-cat whenever he did something unexpected. This led to a lot of misunderstandings and resentment.
Everyone assumed Tim was well domesticated due to living in a nice house before coming to them. In reality, he’d been taken away from his mother too soon and left alone in a huge house that he eventually discovered how to come and go from on his own. This meant that he was, in fact, a feral kitten who had just learned not to do certain things in front of people, lest they get angry at him. He did manage to meow and swat at Bruce until the man slept, ate, and bathed like a normal person, so Alfred and Dick didn’t feel too bad about their mistake in insisting Bruce bring the tiny feral beast into the house. He also made friends with a bunch of other feral kittens, so most of his feral shenanigans occurred with them, away from anything resembling responsible supervision.
Cassandra was a stray cat that followed Bruce home one day and then claimed the whole family as hers. She was good with them, but anyone else who tried to touch her (or the boys when it looked like they didn’t want it) pulled away a bleeding limb. Also, the family quickly learned that letting her food bowl go empty would result in her stealing any food left out, even a whole chicken or hamburger. She still caused less damage than Dick, so Bruce didn’t even bat an eye at half the shit she did. He did have to instill some long-forgotten survival instincts in her, though.
Damian was like that kitten in the Aristocats who paints but also hisses and spits and thinks himself a tough alley cat when he’s actually a pampered kitten. No one ever bothers to correct him and just generally ignores his more violent ways…or worse, thinks they’re cute. Tim gets sick of the little shit drawing his blood eventually and starts hissing back and swatting him whenever he tries it. Eventually, he calms down enough to do more painting and hissing than clawing, at least with the family. They call it a win and they all learn to live together.
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pedros-husband · 11 months
you feel bad about your scars
pedro pascal characters x male reader
characters included: javier pena, joel miller, javi gutierrez, marcus moreno, ezra, din djarin, frankie morales, agent whiskey, silva, oberyn martell, dave york, dieter bravo, tim rockford, and dio morrisey.
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javier pena: he doesn't understand why you don't like your scars, he has tons, and your always talking about how much you like his, so why are yours any different? he's not good with words, so instead he'll show you just how much he loves your scars, whether its gingerly kissing over each one, or a more steamy approach in the sheets.
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joel miller: he himself has been self-conscious about his scars, to him they're a reminder of mistakes he's made, fuck ups. but it's a completely different story with yours. he's all over you the moment you say something about them. he was never a touchy lovey-dovey guy, even before the breakout, but when he met you, you changed it all. so, he'll wrap you up in blankets on the couch and put a random movie on that ellie stole from bill's, it's not like you two are going to watch it anyway with the way he's thinking og showing you he loves them anyway....
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javi gutierrez: he loves every part of you, and when i say love i mean LOVES, adores, worships, you a GOD to him (in a cute way not a weird way)s o when you shy away from his touch when he traces over your scars, he pouts like a puppy. cue the- " mi hermoso why don't you like your scars? i think they are adorable", and with your permission, he will kiss every single one, muttering little words in between like 'my handsome man' and 'gorgeous'. hes such a sweet golden retriever boy i can't
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marcus moreno: he thinks scars are just a normal part of your body (even if its from sh/surgery) so he sees them as a part of YOU, and he loves all of you, therefore he loves them just as much. if you comment on how insecure they make you feel, he'll wrap you up in his arms and cuddle you, pressing kisses to your neck and whispering 'they are part of you my love, and you are so very beautiful...my handsome husband.'
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ezra: he doesn't really know how to comfort you on it, but he still assures you that he finds you very handsome and attractive both with or without scars, they don't define you and in his eys, you are perfect in everyway.
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din djarin: he is a very shy boy that isn't great with words or affection but he want to show you that he finds you beautiful and even loves your scars ESPECIALLY, so he flips the autopilot on and grabs your wrist (gently), pulling you to the bunk room, he switches off the light and drags you into the bunk, wrapping himself around you and tracing over your scars with his fingers for hours on end until you fall sleep with a smile. its an unspoken sort of love but you can almost hear his thoughts as he delicately traces over the dark lines on you skin.
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frankie morales: he's had his fair share of scars from being in the military, so when he hears your concerns about yours, he understands. He's hated his because they remind him of all the people he's had to kill, at the lives lost from his hands, so he will pamper you completely and re-assure you that yours scars are beautiful, and a part of you that he loves very much.
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agent whiskey (jack daniels): he also practically worships your body so hes nearly enraged at the fact that you DON'T see your body and scars the same way, he whisks you up into his arms (get it :0) and nearly throws you down onto the bed, crawling on top of you and showering your whole body in kisses, his hands gliding over the lines off each scar and whispering in your ear how handsome they are, and just how much he loves them, and you.
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silva: hes shy so it's hard for him to express just how much he loves them, but he wants you to love them too so he'll at least attempt to comfort you, stumbling over his words a bit but getting the point across nonetheless, and the thought makes your heart melt a little anyway.
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oberyn martell: physical affection is basically the only way this man can communicate his feelings towards you, so that is what he does, during a steamy make-out session or passionate sex, where he'll focus on telling you just how much they turn him on/he loves them, and make sure you do not leave that bed/room until you feel the same way about them that he does.
Dave york: he has also been in the military, so he has his scars too, but you made him love his, meaning he's confused how you don't love yours too. he'll take both your clothes off, (in a non sexual way) and carefully trace his fingertips over your scars, mumbling about how they tell a story, then he'll sit back in his chair and let you do the same,occasionally piping in about a particular scar that he used to hate, that you made him love.
dieter bravo: he doesn't have that many scars so he doesn't fully understand why they would make you insecure or be worried about them, to him your still his handsome boyfriend and scars don't change that.
tim rockford: there is no way you couldn't love them, because tim reminds you how much he loves the every chance he gets. he thinks your scars are awesome, whether they are from self harm or a surgery, he will look at them and touch them for hours, just marvelling at them with big eyes, and will ask you details about how you got them (if your comfortable with it), and mumble about how sexy they are, and how much he loves his handsome boyfriend
dio morrisey: he thinks they're badass and goth as hell. if you say otherwise, he'll simply cut you off and just tell you to stop being so stupid. he thinks they're cute, but he won't admit that. he's a tough love kinda guy, but you see through it and can kind of read what hes really thinking and feeling about them anyway.
So I don’t know if anyone noticed but I deleted my Frankie fic from my page because I got SO self conscious about it and I probably won’t venture near the smut region again for a while because I overthought it so much… anyway hope you like this little thing :)
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Got another request for ya :D
May I please request headcanons for Bruce, Damian, and Dick reacting to their female S/O surprising them after a long, hard day by wearing lingerie and pampering them in various ways?
Ooooh this is new for me! Hope you enjoy! 😊
Surprising and pampering the boys after they come home ❤️
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He was exhausted from the long day of dealing with crime in Gotham and fighting the Joker yet again putting him in Arkham Asylum now just wanting to be in bed with you and sleep
What he didn't know was as soon as he left you planned out a surprise for him no matter how late it was when he came home even if you were both tired you were determined to have the surprise happen
He at first thought he was seeing things when after hugging you he saw you in a pale blue lingerie nightgown that showed off your figure but also wasn't revealing in a sexual way
He also noticed the candles lit in the room and the smell of vanilla that seemed to strangely calm him down abit once he smelled it in the air slowly stripping out of his suit only in his boxers
You patched him up while listening to music getting in the shower together using hot water but not too hot massaging his shoulders and back knowing that a lot of the time he would have pain from all the fighting and getting injured over the years
After washing his hair and his body you massage his shoulders and back again focusing on the knots and releasing all the pressure
You had massaged him and calmed him so much that when you were done asking if he wanted to eat he was dead to the world asleep shaking your head quietly laughing waking him up and both of you getting under the covers going to sleep
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He came in feeling heavy mentally dragging himself through the rest of the mission he and the team he was on and all the way home after talking to Bruce for quite a bit about the mission along with Tim
He tried to be quiet thinking you were asleep then confused when he heard the water from the bathroom running going in the bedroom you both shared seeing you in a matching pink lingerie pajama set checking to see if the water was warm
You smiled turning to see him home hugging him and sharing a quick kiss as he stripped out of his suit soaking under the hot water while you carefully washed and dried his suit placing clean sleep clothes at the edge of the bed
You lit an white sage incense which had a really nice and calming affect on you which you realized did the same thing for dick when he came in the bedroom putting the clean clothes on while smelling the scent oozing the stress out of him as put heat and cold patches on his body providing immediate relief making him slowly lean into your arms after getting under the covers
You watched movies occasionally rubbing the patches making him groan in relief as you both fell asleep with his head on your chest and the side of your face on top of his head arms wrapped around each other and legs entangled
Damian (Aged up)
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He was so frustrated and tired that he practically didn't even argue with bruce or dick getting a ride home instead of walking on foot like he normally would after patrolling or being out all day
He walked in the apartment you and him shared expecting you to be asleep or even at work with how your schedule had you working the past few weeks but instead he nearly died right on the spot
He saw you watching tv in the bedroom sitting on the bed eating chips turning when you heard the door open seeing Damian very bright red on the floor groaning and mumbling things you couldn't understand
He lost his ability to exist seeing you in the yellow lingerie pajamas that wasn't sexually revealing in a way but admired your body shape and enhanced your figure in a beautiful way that he always loved whenever he saw you wear it
You giggle as he gets up taking his suit off and going to shower in order to get the dirt and grime off him being mindful of the bruises but what he didn't expect was for you to get in with him massaging your fingers in his scalp and washing him
He does the same for you loving how intimate but also domestic the act is now knowing some of the feelings his brother and some of his friends felt with their partners caressing your back causing a shiver to run down your back as he stops but sweetly smiles realizing how he made you feel
You both dried each other off and got back in the pajamas while he puts boxers on laying on the bed while you put small ice packs on the bruises while listening to music on low volume on the radio you had in the room
After awhile you both ate takeout watching episodes of bleach and then the mummy movies before he falls asleep with you on top of him falling asleep not too long after he did under the covers safely in his arms as you gently rub his side with your thumb
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
Well, it's one I've been working on for a while but never fully wrote out anywhere. To put it simply, Tim is Sypha and Trevor's great, great, great, great grandson. Up until recently, The Belmonts were still around and kicking enough demon and vampire ass that most all of the magic world knows who they are. However they went missing about a generation back when the newest Belmont looked at their job as monster hunters, sneered, and said, "absolutely not. I shall work hard to marry rich and leave this life behind. I will never face monsters and I will never fight. I was made for a calm and pampered life, not *this*."
It took quite a few years for Tim to find out that his mother's maiden name was Belmont and what that means. He started doing all the studying he could on Creatures Of The Night and how to beat them. He even managed to track down The Morning Star Whip and teach himself how to use it like a real Belmont.
It takes many years but there are rumors that the Belmonts are back again. That one had simply gone into hiding but they were back now. However, Tim doesn't want to put his new family at risk so he decides to make a wholy separate identity for Belmont, including a brand new fighting style that he's been working hard on perfecting for years. When Bruce vanishes into the Time Stream and Robin is taken from him, Tim decides its time to move on from being a Song Bird to being a Bird Of Prey.
Batfam Castlevania AU:
Oh? To clarify (and it's been a bit since I've watched the show, so excuse any mistakes I've made), in this AU Tim is from a famous family of monster hunters. He finds out it's from his mother's side, and his mom abandoned that lifestyle for a pampered one. Tim learned, by himself, how to fight like a Belmont but joined the Bats instead of pursing that line of work. He hid his fighting style up until Bruce went into the timestream.
Few questions: One, are the Bats hunters too or just vigilantes? Both are super cool concepts. One has Tim hiding the entire monster hunting aspect from them, and the other had Tim hiding his ties to a famous hunting family.
Two, is John Constantine anywhere in this? I imagine that guy would help Tim out a lot, and Tim would help him.
Three, does Tim have powers like Sypha? Does he use a combination of magic and Belmont fighting or primarily fighting?
Four, is the setting closer to the show or to DC as far as world building? Like, is there a Gotham and vampires that are more hidden, or is it more of the impending doom that it seems to be in Castlevania?
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bitterrobin · 9 days
something that's super underrated in fic is Damian having a life in the League of Assassins. It's not just training 24/7 and mind games between a boy and his grandfather. It's not just Damian getting put through the child abuse simulator so that Bruce or Tim or Jason or Dick or whoever can rescue him. Damian is a character that experiences slow growth. He goes through the "no killing" rule, but there's storylines where you can tell he's only sticking to it for Bruce and Dick. He follows their lead because he needs their validation and affection, to prove himself - not because he genuinely believes in what they're trying to do (at least not yet).
For a child to be stuck in such a mindset, tells me two things; obviously the indoctrination runs deep because he was raised in the League. He doesn't understand his family because their lives are alien to him. But also that the League shouldn't just be a place of misery and despair. It needs to be full of people who praise his actions, people who try and value him.
They are teaching Damian that the Earth is something to be cherished, that he kills to honor his family and one day lead the revolution. It's something very overlooked; the League doesn't believe that they are evil. They are a fringe organization with the fervor to save the Earth. They worship Ras al Ghul, of course, but that's because they believes he embodies what the planet needs - rejuvenation, redemption, the care for endangered and extinct animals, the dismantling of rich billionaires and corrupt governments and exploitative companies. If they have to kill and turn the oceans red with blood to ensure that the Earth exists for a thousand more years - then so be it - Ras will take us there.
Damian internalizes this. He lives in this League day in, day out. He may not always appreciate the teachers his grandfather gives him, but he learns. He absorbs. He watches the initiates being sworn in shadows. He observes the cultists and their rabid worship, gets pulled in and placed high above the clouds as a piece of god. He lives his life every day surrounded by the Shadow assassins, spies, information specialists. He is waited on by League staff who are happy to serve them. He has handmaidens he's known since he was an infant, who pamper and spoil him. Bodyguards who have died to save him. Cooks and doctors and researchers and farmers and innocents living their own lives. They come from all over the world. They have families and friends. They have lineages as far back when Ras first founded the League. They treat him like a son, like a little brother, like an older brother, like a friend, like a student, like a messiah, like a child and like an equal.
And when he leaves the League...he loses those connections. The handmaiden who took care of his hair, leaving him to slather on hair gel in an effort to maintain an image. The boy who was being trained a Shadow and befriended him, one whose deathly image he can never shake when talking to anyone his age. The teacher that taught him meditation, an inner peace he yearns to return to. The woman who taught him how to hack computers and he never look at Barbara without remembering her. The man who taught him boxing, his first experience with the life of a performer. The thief who gave him lockpicks and pilfered sweets, whose detached demeanor always remind him of Selina. The actress who taught him to manipulate his voice, a talent he will never get to show her again. The bodyguard who treated him like a little brother, whose sacrifice screams in his mind when interacting with any of the Waynes. Damian can never return to those days. He can create new memories in America, but his heart forever lies in the city amidst the mountains.
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roseandgold137 · 2 months
tim drake Pokémon team + explanations GO (I’m doing more than six. Idc)
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#1 - bulbasaur! His starter no more context needed. He took forever to evolve though
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#2 - eevee! Tim got her as a birthday gift bc he was ✨full of possibilities✨. She’ll eventually evolve into an espeon
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#3 - ducklett! Jack thought he was being hilarious bc drake/ducks. Tim doesn’t evolve him, but ducklett enjoys a pampered life as a house Pokémon
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#4 - alolan vulpix! Jack + Janet brought her back with them from their travels.
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#5 - pidove! Tim found it as a baby in the garden and guilted his parents into helping him look after it. Like ducklett, pidove is a house Pokémon and rarely battles
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#6 - hisuian growlithe! After being successfully restored from a fossil, growlithe was auctioned off to raise funds for the fossil restoration society. Tim, who was obsessed with ancient Pokémon at the time (and still is) begged Jack to get it for him. They left the event with hundreds of thousands of dollars less than they arrived with but it was all worth it in the end (at least as far as Tim is concerned)
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#7 - spinda! It got lost, found its way to the drakes’ house, and Tim felt bad for it.
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#8 - furret! They had a furret infestation one winter. Janet didn’t realise Tim had decided to catch one until it was too late
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#9 - mareep! It was a gift from a family member, who apparently hadn’t done enough research to know that mareep weren’t as cuddly as they looked. This has not stopped tim, who has been to the hospital three times already
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#10 - galarian ponyta! Another travel gift from Jack and Janet. Tim started riding lessons with her once she evolved into a Rapidash.
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#11 - dreepy! Tim found it in the attic. It’s level 63 and he still hasn’t gotten it to evolve. He’s given up on that and just lets it have its fun in battles. It’s his highest level Pokémon.
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#12 - noibat! Dick gave it to him as a joke once he became Robin. Tim did not take it as a joke at all and noibat is his main Pokémon as Robin/Red Robin
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#13 - talonflame! Tim added her to his team upon becoming Red Robin. She takes her role very seriously
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#14 - nickit! It tried to steal his lunch and he was immediately endeared
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#15 - decidueye! The rowlet that lived in the Wayne Manor bushes flew straight into Tim’s head. It flew off again. The dartrix that lived in the Wayne Manor bushes flew straight into Tim’s head. It flew off again. The decidueye that lived in the Wayne Manor bushes flew straight into Tim’s head. Tim was concussed for a week. Apparently the decidueye had a guilty conscience bc it wouldn’t leave him alone after that
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#16 - ceruledge! Another one of his vigilante ‘mons. Tim found her as a charcadet in San Francisco
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dcxdpdabbles · 7 months
Phantom's Number 1 Fan Part 3
John Constantine calls a joint Justice League and Justice League Dark meeting.
It's not something he wants to do. He barely works with the LJD, but at least that lot understands his work and knows what to do and where to go.
The JL members always ask questions and forget proper manners when working with the paranormal- John isn't the most well-mannered bloke around, but even he knows to permanently say goodbye to ghosts so that they don't follow him home- and it's like trying to teach an intern while dodging bullets.
He prefers to avoid the whole origination, especially since Bruce's death; everyone has been walking on eggshells, and there is a sense of disorganization drenched in grief that John breaks into hives just thinking about, but this is big.
Bigger than he can handle it on his own or with just the JLD. Even if the whole group gives the bats not-so-stable glances as they filter in.
John notices that one of Batman's brats is missing- the smart one- but he has heard that the kid suffered some kind of psychotic break from his father's death. It's sad, really, mainly because John used to believe that the third Robin was the one with the good head on his shoulders.
What's worse is that the Third Robin up and ran off, having gone off the grid when he refused to accept Batman's death. The boy hadn't said anything besides, "The portraits told me!" after having a miniature breakdown in his home.
It didn't help that around this time, the boy teammates had all dropped like flies except for one. So yes, John knows it wasn't a big surprise that he lost it, but it was still sad to see. Kid is only seventeen.
He hopes they find him soon to give him the help he needs. John would offer a spell to try and find him, but he needs to learn about the kid better, which means his spell can only point in a general direction.
Nightwing looked downright ragged, but losing a father on the battlefield and a younger brother to his grief did a number on anyone.
John hates himself just a little for dragging the grieving family here. He does, but again, this is bigger than all of them. This is a matter of life and death- literally.
"Listen up. We have a bloody level ten on its way to Earth if it's not already here." His words cut through the muttering crowd, shutting everyone up. A level ten makes even the big, lousy Superman sweat. He snaps his fingers, allowing his magic to shift into the image of a King Phantom sitting on his throne- painted in the early 1200s and the picture that can be used to identify him.
The art style would have been almost modern if it wasn't for the unease that the painting could cause due to the glowing green from his majesty's portrait. They say the green was ectoplasm from the king himself- and that alone should warn others to not mess with him.
Everyone Justice League Dark member hissed through their teeth, sitting up straighter and a few even pale. John is once again grateful that they understand just how deep in shit they genuinely are.
"This is the Ghost King. He is not to be confused with a god or king of gods. He's something else entirely because he makes gods nervous. He is on his way here to kill whoever is dumb enough to threaten his pregnant fiancee, and I fear the rest of Earth will be collateral if we don't prepare-"
"That's Danny Phantom," A young voice cuts John off. He is surprised someone would talk over him in a level ten briefing. All eyes turn to Robin- er, the new Robin.
The kid is frowning at the image, his signature scowl already deeper than usual. He's also heard the new Robin was a spoiled boy who was not a team player.
"You know King Phantom?" John asks.
Robin nods. "Placeholder is obsessed with him. Half his room is covered with King Phantom's heroics."
"Do not call him that.," Nightwing hisses a second later. He frowned when Robin ignored him but returned to the room without further comment on the boy's cheek. "Danny Phantom is a low-level search and rescue hero. He pops up around the world but only sometimes interacts with people. Robin- Young Justice Robin- was obsessed with him."
The room gains an awkward weight as no one is willing to bring up the mentally unsound MIA teenager.
It's too bad for them. John has never cared about making anyone comfortable. "You said his room is covered in images of King Phantom?"
From the corner of his eyes, John catches sight of Zatanna's face. She's pale white, with a horrified expression as if though she was standing before the grim itself. Every other member of the Justice League Dark is in a similar state.
"Yes, he has a whole wall of posters and stuff." Nightwing conforms, and shit John knows who Phantom's after now.
The thing is, one just doesn't have pictures of King Phantom. No one knows why, but the Ghost King can not be documented. Not without having some kind of connection to the King.
Throughout history, the only ones who have ever had even one solid picture of the king- John's magic doesn't count cause he can't well hold the thing up forever- usually meant that the King would appear before them at one point.
There is also a myth if one could beat a member of the royal ghost family, then one wish is granted to them. If one can kill a royal ghost member, death can be overturned.
It's not true, obviously, for death is not easily beaten like that, but John knows that as an expert, would a mentally unwell teenager know the same?
It was also known that if the King appeared before you, something terrible would happen. The sighting of King Phantom often came as an omen and usually right before a terrible disaster.
In the last disaster, they lost Batman, and if King Phantom had shown up, where the Third Robin have spotted him? Where the Third Robin have thought the King could return the dead?
Not to mention the rumors!
King Phantom was hunting down a group of humans known as "The Bats." John hadn't put that much stock in that rumor simply because it could have been anyone- hell, when he looked up the bats seven different groups appeared, varying from boy bands to zoologists.
But if he placed the name "The Bats" next to the Third Robin's psychotic break, his obsession with King Phantom, and his intertwined fates...well, shit.
There is a slight chance that the Third Robin's fate could be intertwined with the Ghost King in a positive light, but John has learned to not be optimistic in his line of work.
"I think the Third Robin is gunning after the Ghost King's fiancee and unborn child in a misguided attempt to bring Batman back to life. He may have kicked started a war that humanity can not win," He announces. He hates to say. hates to even suggest it, but the needs of the many outweigh those of the few. "We have to find the Third Robin and attempt to stop him. If we can't reason with him, we must put him down."
Wonder Girl gasps a sob, pressing her hand against her mouth.
John hates himself a little more as she sobs; a few rushes to confront her, but no one is unaffected by the news.
"I'm ordering a hunt for the Third Robin," Wonderwoman speaks up to her steady leadership, returning everyone from their despair. "Every available hero will help. Do not use lethal force unless there is no other choice. We may be able to find him before King Phantom's armies arrive."
John just hopes they are not too late.
Meanwhile, across the plane of existence, unaware of the manhunt for his head, Tim Drake is trying to stare down a Yeti, attempting to put him in silk clothes that are just fabrics held together by strings.
"But-But- but you have such a flattering figure! You must flaunt it! The Great One will barely be able to contain himself if he sees you in this!"
"No. It looks like something you wear on a honeymoon to seduce your spouse. I'm not walking around in that."
"Well, you don't need to bewitch his majesty. You already have a child on the way." The Yeit mutters, considering the fabric in his claws with a frown. He is Frostbite's royal tailor and has been attempting to dress Tim for over an hour. Everything he's suggested so far looks like it came from those romantic fantasy games.
It's like they want to make him a sexy consort or something.
Tim's teeth grind against each other. He hates how often his role is reminded, how casually the yetis mention that Ra's expects a child from Tim.
He doesn't even know how that child will come to be, and it makes him sick. He's been bidding his time, waiting for his wounds to heal and to find a weakness in the frozen fortress, but so far, he is unsure how he will escape.
And Bruce is still out there, waiting for Tim to get him. He can't waste any more time here.
"How about this cloak?" The Yeti offers, holding up a dark metallic fabric that reminds TIm of his Robin cape. "If we are going for a more conservative look, something that screams power is just the way to make the masses wild!"
Ugh, he really needs to think of a plan soon.
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niphredil-14 · 2 years
Dick Grayson: Dick has no sense of shame, which pairs beautifully with his lack of toxic masculinity. There are several rituals in your relationship with Dick, almost all of them revolving around self-care. Dick loves winding down by doing face masks and sipping wine, he loves to go out with you and get mani-pedis, and every movie night the two of you have includes him doing your hair. He is a man who lives a rough life, but finds comfort in the two of you pampering one another. 
Jason Todd: As a boy who was robbed of so many experiences, of so many chances to learn, Jason does his best to set aside some time every day for learning something new. He’s worldly and cultured and has all the street-smarts a guy could, but it’s the tomes of forgotten facts and ideas that he turns to every night after patrol, when he’s wound down and has you in his arms. Eyes shining and sparkling like a kid in a candy store, his voice higher and quicker, despite how tired he is, as he turns the book in your direction, reciting to you what he had discovered.
Tim Drake: Tim is a very busy man, who doesn’t have much time for himself, let alone for a relationship, so to show he cares, he has to improvise. One way that he does this is by bringing his work to you and sitting by you as you work on whatever you need to get done. Whether you’re cleaning, reading, watching TV, studying, or doing some of your own work, most of the time you can find him sitting close by with his hood up and an energy drink beside him, typing away on his laptop. He can be a bit of a hypocrite at times, always reminding you to wear blue light glasses and to take breaks, so return the favor! If you’re not on a screen, let him borrow your glasses, pull his attention away from his computer for a few minutes, and let him know that you love him, and appreciate his effort. He feels a lot of guilt about not being able to spend more time with you.
Damian Wayne: Quality time is very important to Damian as well, especially when it’s spent relaxing. One of Damian’s favorite activities involving you, is having you model for him, whether or not you know you’re doing it. Part of this ritual of his that you’re not the biggest fan of, is his attention to detail, though when you mention this, the only result is him absolutely melting your heart. There is no way for him to exclude any of your flaws in his portraits, because to him, they aren’t flaws at all.
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lostywrites · 8 months
“Hey, Timbo. My main man, I’ve got an idea.”
“I thought I was your main man?” Bart shot back from the front passenger seat, raising an eyebrow at Conner.
“Zip it, Bart. I’m working on something here. Go back to playing your game deck,” Conner said, eliciting an annoyed look from Bart. “We’ve been on the road for days, slept in cramped spaces, and I’m pretty sure I have an imprint of Bart’s sneaker on my back from that one night...”
“Okay.” Tim kept his eyes on the road. “Where are you going with this, Kon?”
“I mean, you’re Timothy Wayne when it suits you, right? And I’m sure the Waynes owned one of these snazzy hotels in the city. You think you could pull a Wayne card and score us one of those upscale suites just for a couple days? You know, really live it up in honour of our birthday boy Bart here.”
Tim leaned back, giving a mock contemplative look. “Did you put him up to this?”
“I swear, it wasn’t me,” Bart said. “And I don’t really care where we’re going so long as I get to stretch my leg and go for a run.”
Conner flashed a cheeky grin, clearly amused. “Come on, Tim. I can bet Bart’s been dreaming of a luxurious bath and an endless buffet since we hit the road.”
Cassie, even with her headphones on could tell what Conner was up to. She piped in, “And a spa day. Have you seen his hair? Poor Bartholo-mewmew . He needs some serious pampering.”
Bart rolled his eyes. “Oh, so now you’re all using me as the scapegoat to milk some Wayne perks out of Tim? Classy. Real classy.”
Conner leaned with a playful smirk. “You do realise dating Mr. Boy Wonder here is like hitting the jackpot, right?”
“Well, it’s not all about the perks,” Bart said. “Though, I won’t deny they’re nice. It’s more about...y’know, the vibes.”
From the backseat, Cassie snorted, “Vibes, huh? Is that what we’re calling sneaking into Tim’s swanky serviced apartment to use his rain shower and unlimited access to the luxury pool? Just for the vibes ?"
Conner laughed. “Oh snap, called out !”
Bart’s cheeks reddened, and he shot Cassie a glare. “I told you that in confidence, Cass! Besides, that was one time...or maybe a few times. Our apartment gets a little too crowded sometimes with Greta, Gar and Ray hanging out there. I just like the quiet...”
Conner nudged him with an elbow. "Sounds like someone was already sampling the high life before making it official.”
“Well, I did wonder why my water and electricity bills shot up those months. But honestly, I didn’t mind. Kept the place feeling...lived in,” Tim said.
“See? You’re doing it again. You’re always making excuses for Bart,” Kon teased.
Tim just smiled, adjusting his rearview mirror, “Can’t help it. He’s got that ‘speedster charm’.”
Bart wiggled his eyebrows at Conner, twirling a finger around, “It’s a gift.”
“A gift that seems to involve a lot of Wayne luxury. Convenient,” Cassie added.
Conner huffed. “Yep, next thing you know, he’ll be borrowing the Batmobile for date nights.”
Bart smirked, leaning back confidently, “Don’t tempt me. I could make that thing go even faster.”
Tim shook his head. “No touching the Batmobile. That’s where I draw the line. And that applies to all of you.”
“Look at that, the one boundary in the life of Bart Allen,” Conner said.
Bart gave a mock bow, “Though, a test drive wouldn’t hurt, right Tim?”
Tim was quick to change the subject. “I can’t believe I’m even considering this...but fine—”
Bart gasped. “He said fine!”
“No! Let me finish. I’ll see if I can secure a suite for a couple days. We still have a few hours before we hit New York, and honestly, a hot shower sounds heavenly right now. And no wild parties, Kon. The last thing we need is to draw attention to ourselves.”
Conner’s grin widened. “You won’t regret it, trust me. Just relaxation and celebration for our main man, Bart.”
“Nice. I’m back to being the main man,” Bart said, crossing his arms.
“Hey, if it gets us an extra dessert after dinner, you’ll be whoever I want you to be.”
Tim sighed, shaking his head. “You two and your schemes. Just remember who’s footing the bill.”
Cassie couldn’t resist chiming in. “And that’s why you’re our favourite Wayne, Tim.”
More on Ao3
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Indecent Proposal (An academic rivals to lovers fanfic) - Tim Drake x Latina!Fem!Reader.
Sinopsis: Being a scholarship student at Gotham's most expensive school is not easy, especially when your academic rival, your nemesis, who coincidentally is the owner's son, decides to make you a rather usual proposition.
Tropes: Academic rivals-to-lovers, contract/bet, he loved her all this time, everyone else sees it except them, opposites attract, etc.
A/N: I refuse to believe that Tim Drake isn't a sucker for lingerie. This man would love undressing you when you're all dolled up for him. I firmily believe that he would steal your panties as a souvenir. Also, this chapter's song was chosen bc I simply cannot take Gisele on the 2006 VS fashion show rocking the runaway.
For those of you that want to read some chapters ahead, feel free to acess my AO3 account here.
Warnings: Some suggestive talk, nothing extreme. Also SugarDaddy!Tim behaviour.
Wordcount: 2179.
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen: Crowns and Cream
You never regretted anything so badly in your life like you regretted letting Tim plan your “next date”, as he liked to call it. After the incident with Alysanne on Monday you guys had to be more careful around them. So for the rest of the week, there were no unplanned meetings in the third floor’s bathroom and no meetings in each other’s houses too. But today he wanted to see you and you were afraid that if you said no he would appear at your house with a big bouquet of roses for your mother. So you said you would go out with him. It was weird, you have had him inside you but you were afraid of going out with him.
He quickly stopped in front of your house and you got inside his car. He wanted to kiss you, but you told him to drive. Your nosy neighbours probably were dying to discover who was sending all those flowers to your house, you weren’t going to give them a car plate for them to look up on the internet.
— Can I have a kiss now? — He asked, pouting, after he parked the car in the mall parking lot.
You rolled your eyes and pulled him towards you by the neckline of his Blue Beatle themed shirt. He held your face gently and caressed your cheeks with his thumbs while you kissed, and you were terrified because you could feel him smiling between the kisses. You pulled yourself away and he leaned towards the glove compartment and took his cap and sunglasses out of it. You had to stop him before he enjoyed it too much.
— So… why are we in the mall? — You asked while he put on his disguise. At least it wasn’t glasses and a fake moustache.
— I’m pampering you today — He said, putting a mask on. You opened your mouth and started to talk but he continued — Actually it’s more like buying myself a gift, but you’re the one that’s going to be using it, anyway. Don’t fight back, please.
You looked at him confused.
— Where are we going, exactly? 
— Victoria Secrets — He smiled, getting out of the car. You stood in shock while he opened the door for you. He planned on spending the afternoon buying lingerie for you?
— I’m not good in choosing lingerie, Tim — You said, accepting the arm he offered to you as you walked together to the entrance of the store
— Don’t worry, darling, I know what I like — He said before getting inside. You laughed.
— Red ribbons — You said, when you started to look around the displayed pieces, your hand holding his bicep.
— I sure do — He said, and you knew he was smiling under his mask — And you look breathtaking in them. I can’t wait to see you all wrapped in red ribbons. One on each thigh, one on your pretty waist, one in this pretty neck of yours…
— Tim, stop, someone might hear — You said, looking around, your cheeks already flustered. 
He leaned closer to your ear.
— Why? Are your panties already soaked? — He asked in a mocking tone — Don’t worry, darling, we are in a lingerie store, I can buy you new ones if you already ruined them. 
— You better shut up… — You said in a lower tone, not so worried anymore.
— Hi! My name is Therese! How can I help the young couple today? — The attendant materialised literally out of nothing, which made you almost jump from the scare. Tim quickly set his hands on your waist, pulling you closer.
— Hello, Therese — Tim said, his head tucked in the space between your neck and your shoulder — We are just looking for some lingerie for our honeymoon.
— Oh, how romantic! — The girl exclaimed with a sweet smile — Most women want it to be a surprise. But I guess it helps to build up the mood for the big night, so congratulations for the bold move. You guys seem too young to be engaged, though…
— Hm… we are religious — You said rapidly, taking your necklace from under your shirt — You know how it is. Big boy here can’t keep his hands away from me for long.
Tim simply nodded and Therese guided you through the store. She showed everything to you and then left you free to choose and advised you to call if assistance was needed. The minute you and Tim were alone, you slapped his arm.
— This isn’t a nice way to treat your future husband — He said, laughing while he massaged his bíceps.
— Oh, I’m sorry, but I missed the part where you asked for my hand — You said, grabbing a whip that was on display and hitting him with it. 
— Be careful with that — He said, getting closer — I love being hit by pretty women. 
— You are a lost cause, Timothy — You said, trying not to smile — Now go pick up some pretty and expensive fabric that will be in my body for 20 minutes before you tear it all apart.
— Darling, if you think I’m spending 400 dollars in a lingerie set to tear it you are completely crazy — He said — I plan to fuck you in those, just pushing the fabric aside before getting inside of you.
— Enough of the dirty talk.
— Want to jump for the action? I could tease you all day long, babygirl.
— And don’t call me babygirl — You hit him with the whip again — This is creepy old man shit. Now go get the damn sets before I storm out of the store.
He laughed.
— Yes, ma’am.
You looked around and your eyes got caught in a pretty white laced set. A pretty balconette style bra with thin stripes and the lace pattern were small flowers and leaves connected to boning structures, like a corset, framing the body of the mannequin beautifully; the panties followed the same scheme, pretty lace with thin stripes on the sides. Simple, no bows, no pearls, no glitter, and, still, the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen.
— You like it? — Therese asked, appearing out of nothing again. 
— Yes… — You answered, mesmerised — It’s very pretty.
— Do you already have your bridal set? — She asked — It would look very pretty on you. I’ll get you one of these in your size, honey. The testing room is there. Don’t worry, I’ll take your fiance there too.
Therese pushed you to the testing room and closed the curtain, leaving you alone with the mirror. Nervous, you started undressing to your underwear. Then the curtain opened slightly and Tim’s face appeared through the gap, the rest of his body in the way so nobody would see your nakedness. You appreciated the act, even though the store was practically empty anyways and the Testing Room area was quite private.
— Started without me? — He asked, smiling with his mask pulled down to his chin. You rolled your eyes to him, trying to disguise your embarrassment — You look so fucking pretty.
— Hand me the sets you chose — You asked.
— What if I fuck you against the mirror, like you proposed the other day? — He wondered and you felt your insides clench. 
— Tim… — You said — We are in a store. I wanted you to fuck me in my bed and you denied me. Don’t do this to me now.
— I’m just teasing, darling — He said, smiling at you sweetly — Now, why don’t you give me a kiss before changing into the pretty and expensive sets I chose for you, huh?
You stepped closer to him and your hand reached his face, cupping it tenderly. Your thumb caressed his cheeks before your lips touched his. In a tender kind of hunger, his tongue slid to your mouth. He kissed you like a man that needed you so much he couldn’t understand. The fabric of the curtain rubbed against your bodies, separating you in a teasing way. One of his hands reached to your wais and gripped it through the fabric. At this point, you honestly didn’t care that you were practically in public, you wanted him closer. The grip of your fingers on his face became tighter and you pulled him closer, towards the inside of the testing room.
— Here it is, sweetie… — Therese said, getting closer, which pulled you guys awkwardly apart. 
Your lips were a cherry red and glossy because of the kiss and your heart beated faster, slamming your ribcage like you’ve been caught with your pants on your hands. Half of you damned her approach, and the other half was thankful for it. There was no self control in your body to avoid him fucking you against the mirror if the kiss lasted a bit longer.
— Thank you, Therese — You said, smiling at her, reaching out for the set.
— White? — He asked as the woman left you guys, closing the other curtain that separated this testing room from the hall — My pretty bride.
— Shut up, Drake — You smiled at him, closing the curtain.
The first set you tried was, obviously, a red one. 
Very much alike in this fantasy, this one was pretty complicated and had many ribbons. The corseted bra pushes your boobs up beautifully, the black ribbons on the sides bring a nice spice. The panties were pretty simple, despite the cut out heart on the upper part of the back. The garter belt and the stockings were made of the same black lace that embellish the cups of the bra. Your cross pendant resting on the top of your breasts was a special touch.
You yourself were surprised. This playboy had an incredibly good taste.
— Do you need help, love? — He asked, bored, and then you opened the curtain, revealing yourself. His eyes widened and he glitched on his seat — Wow. It’s like christmas. 
— I thought you were an atheist — You said, approaching him slowly and seductively — You’re not supposed to celebrate christmas.
— Darling, Christmas is more likely a commercial holiday these days — Tim said, his hands itching to touch you — Turn around.
— Turn around, what?
— Please. 
You smiled and turned around, slightly bending to give him a better view of your ass.
He whistled and his hands shyly cupped your butt cheeks. 
— Did you like this one? — He asked.
— You’re the one supposed to like it. 
You felt his soft lips pressed against your lower back.
— I sure like it — He said, his thumbs caressing the sides of your hips. He kissed you on the heart shaped cut. Damn it was hot — But I would like you even if you were dressing a potato bag. I want to know what you think about it.
— It’s different — You said, standing straight again —  I never wore something like this. But I like what it does to you. Your eyes are shining, playboy.
— You are shining, love — He said, manhandling you to look at him — We are buying this one, then. Go on and try the next.
He quickly kissed your stomach and, smiling, you got back to the testing room.
The afternoon was quite pleasurable. Despite the sexy ambience, you guys actually laughed a lot and had much fun. You showed almost every set for him, only keeping the white one to your eyes only, and after paying for everything, you  decided that you needed a more discreet bag to take the sets to your house. Tim had the amazing idea of buying you a Superhero merch sweatshirt to match with him. Surprising no one, he chose a Red Robin themed one. You stared at him seriously, but a smile showed on your face not long after he showed the matching mask to you. He was such a tease. 
— I hate you.
— Nah, you don’t — He said, putting the sweater over your dress. He admired you for some seconds before he slipped the sets into the Oficial Justice League’s bag and handed it to you — Hungry?
— Starving! — You exclaimed laughing while you adjusted your mask on your face.
— Hm… what do you want to eat?
— You’re not paying for it — You said as you started to walk towards the food court — You’ve already spent too much with me today. 
— I told you, these sets were a self gift — He said, laughing, and you noticed he was giving shy looks at your free hand — Of course, you’re the one using, but I’m the one enjoying.
— Yeah, but it feels like I’m taking advantage of you — You said, walking closer to him. 
Your hand brushed shyly on his.
— Oh, if there’s anyone here taking advantage, it is me — He said in a lower voice — What if we buy all the french fries on Burger King, get two crowns and then go order MacDonald’s Milkshake?
You laughed. He was pure chaos embodied in a horny teenager.
— Seems fun to me — You said and grabbed his hand.
You knew this was much more like a date than you would feel comfortable to, but for some reason, you didn’t mind. Nothing could convince you to not order MacDonald’s Ice cream wearing Burger Kings’ paper crown with Timothy Jackson Drake Wayne.
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dairy-farmer · 4 months
Imagine? Sub Alpha Tim.
What is that? Well, he presents as an Alpha. Like he's expected. But? Not heavily socialized in the whole "be an aggressive dick head" thing. Thinks the Omega Robin's are THE Coolest.
Jason dies.
He becomes Robin. Has an Alpha for the first time. The Single Most Overbearing And Controlling Alpha Ever, actually. Whom he's TRYING to stabilize. It makes him even MORE passive, as he handles Bruce's moods.
He's on suppressants. Gotta be alert. Can't be skirt chasing.
Never learns how to deal with his Rutts.
Jason comes back PISSED. Oh of COURSE you'd replace me with an Alpha! Accusations are thrown. Tim get his ASS handed to him by a tank of an Omega (hot. Also OW).
He is healing. Not quiet fully healed but almost there. When his body decides? Actually, FUCK your suppressants. And he has to come off them. He apparently ALLERGIC to them now.
Knock, knock! Guess who's at the door? While you're still one big bruise!
He should... should call a service... right? Dick, what is he supposed to DO?
And Dick would sooner eat his own kneecaps. Those services are all betas with fake pheromones! Clinical. Cold. He nearly LOST Tim! Now Tim wants to go out? INJURED and VUNERABLE to get other people stink on him!?
Fuck no.
So he climbs on the bed. Even if Tim is miserable at it, Dick can be there for him. Take CARE of him. Pamper his baby brother in his time of need. And?
Tim in the neediest, cuddliest, most desperate fuck of his LIFE. He latches onto Dick like a life line and whines, rutting like a piston, slamming again and again against all the best places. Burying his face against your neck. Small and cute. As his little monster of an Alpha cock just rams and rams and RAMS...
Dick loses track of how many times he gushes.
He of course, dotes on him. Timmy, who's always so willing and grateful to rock his world. Which leads to others!
Am tired af, but what do you think?
i really don't have much interest in tim being a top buuut him being a sub puppy willing to do anything to please the omegas (which is a nice change for them given how they were stuck with an overbearing alpha like bruce all their lives 😍)!!
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rae-raewrites · 8 months
Hi! I goshed over how cute the dog ask was!.and it gave me an idea for a part 2 how would the riddlers react if they or another member of the rouges gallery lost their little buddy's only to see A Dog found poster with there dog on it and has been found by Bruce Wayne!?
The sequel I didn’t realize we needed but now I know we do lol
The riddlers with dogs part 2: lost and found
Or it’s secondary title,dog dad’s panicking
Immediately knows somethings up when there’s no sign of Einstein for hours.
He knows the pooch doesn’t exactly have a schedule but this certainly wasn’t normal.
Panic finally sets in when he doesn’t show up the next morning
He’s checking everything from security cameras to every traffic light around the block.
It’s one of his informants that makes him aware of the lost dog poster out of wayne manor.
He is one pissed super criminal
That rich boy is going to suck the intelligence out of the poor pooch!
5 people get kidnapped and a ransom letter is sent to GCPD
Batman and Gordon are trying to figure if the dog is apart of some elaborate scheme
Upon time for the trade off Einstein is wagging his tail,while well pampered at Wayne manor he missed his genius dad.
“Animals aren’t normally something you’re interested in,I hope you’re not intending to hurt him.” “Oh please dark knight this sweet simpleton is apart of a much larger scheme! With lasers! Something even you won’t see coming!” (Eddie literally has a line of dialogue about it in Arkham city)
He’s almost about to sob when they get home. Almost.
Of course he’s not happy Einstein escaped.
They have a long talk about responsibility in his office
Jervis calls him practically sobbing. Mumbles something about the door being open when he went to go check on Francine
Quite literally leaves a meeting with Harvey point blank
He’s a whole mess when he finds an empty apartment
She’s a smart girl! Surly she remembers how to-
Oh god somebody took her didn’t they!?
He is stressed out,like he’s barely able to solve a puzzle right now
It’s jervis who finds the poster.
The two of them immediately decide holding up Wayne enterprises is a great idea
I mean they’ve done worse for less.
Bruce is a little taken aback at first but the green detailing in the poodles hair immediately clicks with both him and alfred
“I must admit you certainly take good care of her.” “Royalty deserves the best Mr Wayne and Francine is royalty.”
Francine is just unbothered by this entire thing,girl gets taken care of wherever she is
They spend a long time cuddling afterwards.
When lupa is nowhere to be found in the riddle lair she’s had BOTH Eddie and Tuesday panicked
“What do you mean she’s gone!?!” “I mean she’s gone Eddie! As in i can’t find her!”
Tuesday sends out what is essentially a dog amber alert via social media
They have a good half of Gotham not doing well
Edward nigma has having a short out,no riddles are being carefully handcrafted by this time
Tim is the one who finds out where the pooch currently sleeping on the couch came from.
“Aahh so that explains the purple tie…”
While both the caped crusaders heads go immediately to trap they both realize it’s probably not best to do this while Eddie is most likely not doing well
They’re not wrong of course
It becomes a whole affair with GCPD especially considering Tuesday didn’t expect to get a DM from the GCPD account.
The dog goes home but if they try arresting the two the riddler is about to make the park a wasteland
You better believe he is creating the most ambitious gps collar ever made
This isn’t happening. EVER AGAIN
Zero year
He went to bed……and now his dog roommate is gone and the door is open
Just great.
He’s more pissed off than anything let’s be honest here.
I mean they get into disagreements all the time the Shiba Inu just decided to be even more petty
So you can only imagine the shock on his face when he sees Helios on the news with Bruce Wayne by his side.
Oh dear he’s gonna have to go see Bruce isn’t he?
He straight up drives to Wayne manor with every intention of dragging Helios home
“Edward…..how pleasant it is to see you again..” “ya ya great to see you too brucie,Helios get your ass over here!”
Helios is smiling like he hasn’t just made him panic
Doesn’t even wait to get home and starts reprimanding him in the car.
“Really? And you ended up with him?!”
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