#a coyote named crow
doctorwhoisadhd · 4 months
hmmm. methinks this author is just making shit up
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basaltbutch · 2 years
hm. gonna be honest the name alex isn't doing it for me anymore.
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bluehairedspidey · 2 years
Going to get dangerous here and feed the ego, but like I think you're one of the few people with a life that's dynamic and interesting enough to warrant vlogging. Like yes, I want to hear you talking about you kissing boys, being at anthrocon, work stuff, and also kissing more boys I'm assuming
aw thank you!! i feel like my life generally isnt as interesting as the tidbits i think to mention on tumblr might make you think, but im glad there are people who like hearing about it anyways ^^;
speaking of anthrocon, i guess i might as well talk about some stuff i did there :) i spent most of the time at the dealer's den with my boyfriend or at the dances with my brother, but i think the highlight for me was probably the furry marching band! i wasnt able to be in the fursuit parade with them since i dont have a suit, but my brother and i both had our trombones with us so i went with him to the rehearsal they had the day before the parade and it was still really fun to play with them! there ended up being 26 suiters in the parade band and honestly they sounded great, especially for only having played together once. if any of you wanna see what they looked/sounded like, their twitter is @MarchingFurs, and here's the group picture they took right before the parade
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trollbreak · 2 years
Step 1: realizing that I have no characters maybe at all named after animals any more. Step 2: realize that coyote has 6 letters. Step 3: ??? (Got distracted thinking about how wolves play and wild animals play and they can care about each other and there’s so much love in the world and
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greenwitchcrafts · 7 months
October 2023 witch guide
Full moon: October 28th
New moon: October 14th
Sabbats: Samhain
October Hunter's Moon
Known as: Blood moon, drying rice moon, falling leaf moon, freezing moon, migrating moon, moon of the changing seasons, shedding moon, ten colds moon, winterfelleth & windermanoth
Element: Air
Zodiac: Libra & Scorpio
Nature spirits: Frost faeries & Plant faeries
Deities: Apollo, Astarte, Belili, Cernunnos, Demeter, Hathor, Herne, Horned God, Ishtar, Kore, Lakshmi & Mercury
Animals: Elephant, jackal, ram, scorpion & stag
Birds: Crow, heron & robin
Trees: Acacia, apple, cypress & yew
Herbs/Plants: Angelica, apple blossom, burdock, catnip, pennyroyal, sweet Annie, thyme & Uva ursi
Flowers: Calendula, cosmos & marigold
Scents: Apple blossom, cherry & strawberry
Stones: Amethyst, beryl, obsidian, opal, tourmaline & turquoise
Colors: Black, dark blue, Dark greens & purples
Energy: Artistic works, balance, creativity, harmony, inner cleansing, justice, karma, legal matters, mental stimulation, partnerships, reincarnation & uncovering mysteries or secrets
It is believed that this name originates from the fact that it was a signal for hunters to prepare for the upcoming cold winter by going hunting. This is because animals were beginning to fatten up in preparation for the winter season. Moreover, since fields had recently been cleared out under the Harvest Moon, hunters could easily spot deer and other animals that had come out to search for remaining scraps. Additionally, foxes and wolves would also come out to prey on these animals.
The earliest use of the term “Hunter’s Moon,” cited in the Oxford English Dictionary, is from 1710. Some sources suggest that other names for the Hunter’s Moon are the Sanguine or Blood Moon, either associated with the blood from hunting or the color of the changing autumn leaves. 
Also known as: All Hallow's Eve,  Ancestor Night, Feast of Apples, Feast of Sam-fuim, Feast of Souls, Feast of the Dead, Geimhreadh, Hallowmass, Martinmass, Old Hallowmas, Pagan New Year, Samana, Samhuinn, Samonios, Shadowfest & Third Harvest
Season: Fall
Symbols: Apples, bats, besom(brooms), black cats, cauldrons, ghosts, gourds, jack-o-lanterns, pumpkins, scarecrows & witches
Colors: Black, gold, orange, silver & white
Oils/incense: Basil, cloves, copal, frankincense, gum mastic, heather, heliotrope, mint, myrrh & nutmeg
Animals: Bat, boar, cat cattle & dogs
Stones: Amber, anatase, black calcite, black obsidian, black tourmaline, brass, carnelian, clear quartz diamond, garnet, gold, granite, hematite, iron, jet, marble, pearl, pyrite, ruby, sandstone, sardonyx, smokey quartz, steel & tektite
Foods: Apples, ale, beef, cider, corm, fruits, garlic, gourds, grains, hazelnuts, herbal teas, mushroom, nettle, nuts, pears, pomegranates, pork, poultry, pumpkin pie, sunflower seeds, thistle, turnips & wine (mulled)
Herbs/plants: Acorn, Allspice, catnip, corn, dittany of Crete, hazel, mandrake, mugwort, mullien, oak leaves, pine, rosemary, sage, straw, tarragon, thistle, wormwood & yellow cedar
Flowers: Calendula, chrysanthemum, deadly nightshade, rue & fumitory
Goddesses: Al-lat, Baba Yaga, Badb, Banba, Bast, Bebhionn, Bronach, Brunhilde, Cailleach, Carlin, Cassandra, Cerridwen, Copper Woman, Crobh Dearg, Devanyani, Dolya, Edda, Elli, Eris, Erishkigal, Fortuna, Frau Holde, Hecate, Hel, Ishtar, Kali, Macha Mania, Morrigan, Nemesis, Nephthys, Nicneven & Rhiannon
Gods: Arawan, Baron Samede, Belenus, Coyote, Cronus, Dagda, Dis, Hades, Loki, Nefertum, Odin, Osiris, Pluto, Woden & Xocatl
Issues Intentions & Powers: Crossroads, darkness, death, divination, honoring ancestors, introspection, the otherworld/underworld, release, visions & wisdom (of the crone)
Spellwork: Divination, fire magick, night magick, shape-shifting, spirit calling & water magick
Related festivals:
• Day of the Dead- (Spanish: Día de Muertos or Día de los Muertos) is a holiday traditionally celebrated on November 1st and 2nd, though other days, such as October 31 or November 6, may be included depending on the locality. It is widely observed in Mexico, where it largely developed & is also observed in other places, especially by people of Mexican heritage. Although related to the simultaneous Christian remembrances for Hallowtide, it has a much less solemn tone and is portrayed as a holiday of joyful celebration rather than mourning. The multi-day holiday involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died. These celebrations can take a humorous tone, as celebrants remember funny events and anecdotes about the departed.
• All Saints Day- is a Christian solemnity celebrated in honor of all the saints & martyrs of the Church, whether they are known or unknown
• Dedicate an altar to loved ones who have passed
• Boil a simmer pot to cleanse your space
• Have a silent dinner
• Light a candle for your loved ones & yourself
• Decorate your house and/or altar
• Release negative energy & cleanse your with a ritual bath
• Pull tarot cards to see what may be in store for you ahead
• Cleanse, clean & de-clutter your space
• Leave offerings to the Fae
• Journal & reflect on your accomplishments, challenges & everything you did this year
•Go on a nature walk
• Learn a new form of divination
• Have a bonfire with your friends and/or family
• Carve pumpkins
• Express yourself creatively through art, music, ect
• Visit a cemetery & help clean off areas that need it or to visit a family member/ ancestor & leave an offering
• Hold a seance
• Bake spooky treats & bread as offerings
• Refresh your protection magicks, sigils & rituals
Samhain is a Gaelic festival on 1 November marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or "darker half" of the year. Celebrations begin on the evening of 31 October, since the Celtic day began and ended at sunset.
This fire festival is celebrated on October 31st & is considered the Pagan New Year. It is the first Sabbat on the Wheel of the Year, a cross-quarter festival & the third (final) harvest festival of the mundane year. This is the time when the veil between the worlds of the living & those who have passed is the thinnest, which allows greater communication between the two
Some believe this is the time of the Goddess's mourning of the death of the God until his rebirth at Yule. The Goddess's sadness can be seen in the shortening, darkening days & the arrival of cold weather
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's 2023 magical almanac: practical magic for everyday living
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
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zalrb · 6 months
The First Meetings {SE Fic}
This was fun, though I'm mad I couldn't use all the gifs I wanted.
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Elena stood on Wickery Bridge and peered down to the river below. As she examined the water, she saw it all: her parents’ car skidding off the road, plummeting into the depths. The water filling the car. Her father pounding the window. Her mother unconscious. The panic. The fear. The acceptance. The darkness. And then she woke up in the hospital. Her parents were recovering in different rooms on the same floor.  It’d been a close call. Too close. 
            She didn’t tell anyone about it, not her parents or her brother, not her aunt Jenna, not Caroline, not even Bonnie, but every day since that night, she’d come to the bridge. She’d spent a lot of summer mornings just standing here, sometimes sitting against the railing, writing in her diary, before meeting up with whoever or doing whatever. Like a ritual. She couldn’t really articulate why she did it. She couldn’t really articulate how she felt since that night either. Everyone expected that she was fine because she was fine, her parents were fine, everything was fine.
Maybe a week, a month of being jittery -- that was to be anticipated -- but now, it was time to go back to the way things were, the way she was. The only difference she’d really seen with her parents was that her dad had started spending more time with Jeremy, as if trying to make up for the possibility of lost time. But she and her mom were back to their routine. So she was back to hers.
Suddenly -- a caw. The noise disrupted her thoughts. A crow flew by and perched beside her. Elena startled. A crow on the bridge where she nearly died, how fitting. It didn’t leave. It hopped closer to her.    
“Go away.” 
It started to flap around her. What was its problem? “Shoo!” Stubborn damn bird. She turned to bat it away only to find the crow gone and a dark-haired man standing behind her. Her hand flew to her chest.
“Oops,” he said, his blue eyes glinting. “Didn’t mean to scare you.” 
Elena didn’t answer right away. “I just didn’t know anyone else was here.” 
He was grinning at her. Elena didn’t know how she felt about it. It was playful but there was something else there to it, something that made her a bit uneasy, like she should be ready to run at a moment’s notice. She blinked at him. Wait a minute… 
“I know you,” she said, taking in the leather jacket, the blue eyes, the smile that in a second could turn to a leer.  
They’d met months before. Four months before to be exact. On the night of the crash. Before everything changed. He’d come out of nowhere, just like he did now, and he thought she was someone else, someone called … what was that name, it’d been a ‘k’ name or a ‘c’ name…
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            “I do have a pretty unforgettable face,” he said now. 
            Elena nodded. “D..Da…Damien, right?”
            He paused, something sharp and painful flitted over his face and then it was gone. “Damon,” he corrected. 
            Right. That was right.
“You should be careful out here, all alone.” He gestured around the empty bridge. 
            Not to be rude or anything, Damon, but it’s kind of creepy that you’re out here in the middle of nowhere. 
            You’re one to talk. 
Pieces of the conversation they’d had in May were coming back to her as he said, “Been catching up on the local news.” 
Elena swallowed hard. “Yeah, it’s weird, you know, because all my life, there’s never been a single animal attack and now suddenly it’s like bears and wolves and coyotes.” 
“Oh my!” 
Elena stared at him. 
“Wizard of Oz.” 
“Funny,” she said.
Why did she feel so tense? Why did it feel like he’d cornered her somehow?
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When she’d met him that night, she’d felt … well, it’d been weird,  but it’d been somewhat intriguing. He’d been somewhat intriguing.  You want what everybody wants… 
“Animal control’s been out so it’ll all die down soon,” she said.       
“Unless it isn’t animals.” 
Elena narrowed her eyes, trying to sus him out. “Why? You know something everyone else doesn’t?”
            “Oh, I know a lot more than ‘something’.” 
She shivered. It didn’t feel … her heart rate was steadily picking up. Why was something so simple so nerve-wracking? So stressful? She should walk away but she didn’t feel released from the conversation. He seemed to sense her trepidation because he took a step back and loosened his demeanour, like he was trying to appear non-threatening. He’d done that the last time they’d met too.
            “So what are you doing here? Isn’t school starting?” 
            Elena bit the inside of her lip. “It’s a bit of a long story.”
            “I ain’t getting any younger.” 
            Elena paused. She didn’t know if she wanted to tell him or not, but she somehow felt like she had to. 
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“A few months ago, the night I saw you actually, my parents’ car skidded off this bridge. We almost died, it’s a miracle we didn’t.” 
“You come back to the spot where you almost died?” He raised his eyebrows. “Seems a little morbid.” 
Elena pressed her lips together. “Yeah, I can see how it seems that way.”
“What does the boyfriend think about this? You know, the one you got into a fight with?” 
Good memory.
“Matt?” Elena thought about him showing up to the hospital, taking her hand in his. Then showing up to her house, anxious to make sure she was doing OK. Then his back as he left when she told him… “We broke up.”
            “Figures,” said Damon with a shrug. “Seems too much like a country bumpkin for a gal like you.”
Something in Elena switched and her tone grew firm. “I was in a weird headspace when I talked to you that night but I would never talk down about Matt. OK? You don’t know him so you shouldn’t either.” 
He shrugged. “I just call ‘em like I see ‘em.” 
“But you haven’t seen anything.”
He squinted his eyes at her and Elena didn’t really know what that meant. She couldn’t be sure that he wouldn’t hurt her but  she couldn’t be sure that he would.
“You’re right, you know, I should get to school. Don’t want to be late my first day.” 
“Want a lift? I got a sick ride.” 
“Thanks,” said Elena slowly, picking up her school bag. “But I’m kind of taking a break from cars…” 
“Suit yourself.”
His eyes twinkled and Elena smiled somewhat awkwardly before taking off down the bridge, and when she was sure she had enough distance between them, she slowed down and exhaled, before picking up speed again at hearing another caw.  
She’d made it to school quicker than she thought she would. People were still outside, finishing homework or gossiping or playing hacky sack like they were in some weird retro movie. Elena stopped walking, taking a moment to properly breathe and unclench from her talk with Damien or Damon or whatever on the bridge, and glanced around for Bonnie or Caroline. 
“Look out!”
Everyone looked around, and then up. By the time Elena followed suit, it was too late. A football. Spiraling in the sky. It was soaring toward her and in a second it was going to connect. With her face. Elena already knew it was going to be bloody. Bloody and embarrassing and painful. 
Someone was calling her name. “Elena!” Maybe Matt? “Elena, watch---”
Out of nowhere, someone came in front of her, catching the football before it could hit her.
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He wasn’t even looking at it. His head was turned toward her, his eyes peering into hers for any hint of impact or injury. She could get lost in those eyes -- that brilliant green. She was lost. Elena’s lips parted.
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“You saved me,” she said, with a gasp of disbelief. 
“You all right?” The boy’s tone was soft but his expression was focused, intent on her, and almost smouldering with concern. She could do nothing but blink. It took her a moment to realize that she was actually holding her breath again. It took her another to realize that it wasn’t because she’d almost been pummeled by a football. 
“Sorry! Yes! Yeah, yeah, I’m --- thank you.” 
His gaze lingered for a second before he turned around and threw the ball back. It whipped through the air at a speed Elena didn’t think she’d seen before. She chuckled. She couldn’t be sure if it was because of the adrenaline or because she was impressed. 
“That was incredible. How did you throw it like that? How did you catch it like that?”
            He shook his head. “I saw that it was coming toward you, and I just reacted, I guess.”     
Elena felt suddenly and unexpectedly embarrassed, as if that had been the most intimate thing she’d ever heard.  She was vaguely aware that they had an audience but she saw no one else, just blurs and shapes, this boy’s chiseled face the only thing she could see clearly. 
“So, does my hero have a name?” She hoped he could sense the playful irony in her tone and her eyes widened slightly at the possibility that he couldn’t. She spoke quickly to fill in the silence. “Mine’s, um, I’m Elena.” 
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He smiled at her, his eyes glinting with … what was that? Amusement? Charm? Was he charmed? Did she charm him? Why was her heart beating so fast?
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            She nodded and bit her lip nervously. “I’ve never seen you around before. I would’ve remembered.”
            That last part was unnecessary. Oh God.
            “Uh,” he grinned, like he didn’t know what to do with the compliment. “I’m sort of new here. My family has roots in Mystic Falls, I was born here but I moved away a while ago. I just came back.”
            “Just in time,” she said.
            He looked at her curiously. “For?”
            Me. Wait, what?
            “Uh, well, our football team is in desperate need of saving. And with reflexes like yours, we might actually have a shot at not being a complete joke this year. Tryouts should be this week.” 
            Stefan made a face, like he wasn’t certain.
            “You should do it for your moral fibre,” she continued. 
            He laughed at that.
“No, seriously,  wasn’t it, uh, Camus!” Elena said his name like she was answering a question on a game show. “Wasn’t it him who said everything he learned about morality and obligation he learned from football?”
Stefan licked his lips and Elena did her best to keep her gaze eye-level.
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He smiled. “He wasn’t talking about American football.”
“There’s non-American football?” 
Elena cringed. “Oh. Right. I knew that.”
He shrugged it off. “Common mistake.” 
            He was kind. Elena brushed her hair from her face. The bell rang and everyone started moving toward the building.
Stefan gestured in front of him. “Shall we?” 
Elena couldn’t help but smile but tried to control how widely. “We shall.” 
They started toward one of the school’s entrances and even walking side by side, he kept his attention on her.
“So, you read Camus?”
“Yes. No. Well, I’m trying.” Elena couldn’t understand why she was rambling. Maybe she’d stop if he’d stop looking at her. 
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“I had something sort of happen to me a few months ago  and it - uh - it - it changed things for me, not everything, a lot of things. Well, maybe not a lot of things, but some things…” Why couldn’t she just shut up? “So I’m trying to do … things.” Elena, she admonished herself, stop saying ‘things’. “Kind of like a New Year’s resolution just not on New Year’s…” She pressed her lips together and closed her eyes, shaking her head slightly. If the universe had any decency, it would open up a hole in the ground that would swallow her up.
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“That didn’t make any sense did it?” 
            Stefan grinned. “I get it. You have a new perspective now and because of that, you’re trying to do things you wouldn’t have before.” 
            That was exactly right. “Wow, you make talking look so easy.” 
            “Years of practice.” 
            She laughed at that. She didn’t remember a time laughing this much, this genuinely in such a short period of time.
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They were in the hallway now and Stefan had stopped walking. Elena had the horrible feeling that he was going to head in the opposite direction of her and that it was time for them to go their separate ways. 
“Thanks again,” she said.
“Any time.”
            She moved to continue the way they’d been walking the same time he moved to walk down the opposite way.
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They did that a few times before he stood to the side and let Elena pass.
            “Thanks,” she said, hunching her shoulders, embarrassed.
            She should keep walking. It would be smoother that way. Cool. Indifferent. Unaffected. It’d be what Caroline would tell her to do. She was almost around the corner. No, she couldn’t help it. She felt drawn back. A pull. She had to see him one last time. She turned her head and felt a jolt when she saw that he’d been watching her the entire time. 
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The rest of the morning went by in a bit of a haze. Truthfully, like most of her days since the accident. And then everything suddenly brightened to a sharp clarity just before lunch. History class. Her eyes went right to him when she walked into the room and she felt locked in even though Stefan didn’t seem to notice her. Before he could catch her staring, before Matt -- who she’d realized a second too late was also in this class -- could feel any worse, she sat down.  
Mr. Tanner had been droning on for fifteen minutes but Elena wasn’t paying attention. She couldn’t even if she wanted to --- her thoughts wouldn’t let her neither would her body. Everything in her seemed to respond to Stefan’s mere presence being in the same vicinity. As if she were being called to. Which was crazy, she thought, because she didn’t even know him. 
            Casually. Very casually. She turned her head to glance at Stefan. A second later, his gaze met hers and embarrassed excitement bloomed in her chest, making her turn away immediately, a smile lingering on her face.  
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“Am I boring you, Miss Gilbert?” 
Mr. Tanner saying her name made her flinch.
She wasn’t expecting it and so answered without thinking. “Kind of.” She was snapped back into reality when she heard the rest of the class titter with excitement. “Sorry, no, I didn’t mean---”
“No, no, you spoke your mind, don’t be a coward, own it. Let’s do something to correct your disinterest in my class.”
“Mr. Tanner, really…”
“Pop quiz,” he said, leaning against his desk. “The Battle of Willow Creek took place right at the end of the war in our very own Mystic Falls. How many casualties resulted in this battle?”
            Elena had no idea. It had to be a lot, right? It was a battle. “A couple hundred at least.” 
            “Are you guessing?”
            “Well, I’m trying,” she said helplessly. 
            The class laughed.
“It would impress me more if you just owned up to not knowing.”
“OK then, I don’t know.” 
Mr. Tanner sighed. “I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons, Elena. But the personal excuses ended with summer break.”
“There were three hundred and forty-six casualties,” said a deceptively light voice. “Unless you're counting local civilians.”
            Elena looked behind her. Stefan was looking at Mr. Tanner with a pleasant expression on his face.
“Thank you, Miss Gilbert.”
Stefan smiled. Entirely un-intimidated.
“Your name?” 
“Stefan. Stefan Salvatore.” 
“Salvatore. One of the Founding Families.” 
“Distant relative.”
Elena saw Matt mutter beneath his breath. It looked like it could’ve been ‘of course.’ 
Mr. Tanner nodded, as if deciding on how he would play the rest of the scenario. “In any case, you’re correct. Except, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this battle.”
“Actually, there were twenty-seven, sir.”
Mr. Tanner raised his eyebrows. “Twenty-seven?” 
“Confederate soldiers, they fired on the church, believing it to be housing weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss.”
Elena felt suddenly moved by that. Something in Stefan’s tone, in his expression told her that he was no stranger to loss. It was almost like he could feel the pain of that day as if he'd lived it.
“The founder's archives are, uh, stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts, Mr. Tanner.”
Elena’s mouth fell open in gleeful shock and admiration.  
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Mr. Tanner’s eyes flashed. “Cute,” he said. “You know I let it slide before when you swooped in to save Elena, no doubt to impress her, even though I didn’t call on you to speak but I won’t tolerate rudeness. Pack up, go to the office.”
“Well, don’t get upset at him because he knows more about your subject than you,” said Elena. 
The class tittered again and Stefan shot Elena an amused expression. She pressed her lips together to keep from smiling.
Mr. Tanner let out a nasty laugh. “Well, isn’t this sweet, the lovebirds defending each other. You can join him in the office, Elena. Come on, let’s go.” 
Outside in the hall,  Stefan was already walking in the direction of the office and Elena reacted. 
“Hey,” she called out. 
He turned around. She didn’t really have a plan. She just didn’t want to go to the office and she didn’t want him to go either. She wanted time. She realized right then and there, she would probably always want more time with him. 
Elena walked over to a door and pushed it open. She tilted her head -- you coming? He grinned. 
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They decided to walk around the track, spending a few moments just ambling next to each other  as the sun beamed down.
It was weirdly comfortable. Elena didn’t feel the need to talk to fill the silence. It was also strange how calm she felt. Earlier, being around him made her nervous, light-headed, and now she just felt ... anchored.
She’d never experienced that before.
“Bit bold of you, you know,” she said finally. “New school, new - well - old town, but first day and you’re already making trouble?”
“Well, I live on the edge.” 
Elena giggled. “I can see that.”         
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“What about you? Mouthing off to a teacher on the first day? Very edgy,” he said, deadpanned. 
She snorted. “Well, I nearly died. What’s your excuse?” 
He turned to her then and Elena mentally kicked herself. 
“That the thing that got you on your not New Year’s resolution?” he asked. “What Tanner was talking about?” 
            Elena brushed it off. “I shouldn’t have brought it up.” 
            “Why not?”
            “Because it’s…” 
            She glanced sideways at him to see if he would just change the conversation to something else he wanted to talk about but his expression was interested. Open. 
“My parents and I got into a crash last May. Over on Wickery Bridge.” She shrugged. “That’s it, that’s the story.”
“Mm,” he said. “Maybe that’s what happened but it’s not the story.” 
How did he know that? 
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“You don’t like talking about it.” The way he said it, Elena knew he wouldn’t press the subject if she didn’t feel like continuing.  
“I just don’t really feel like I can say anything about it,” she found herself saying. “I lived, you know, I survived. My parents survived. I shouldn’t…”
“Have feelings about it?”
Elena had never really thought of it like that before.  “Everyone’s just so ready for it to be in the past, you know?”  
“A car crash isn’t a little thing. Nearly dying is the most transformative thing you can experience. It’s OK if you’re not OK about it right now. There’s a lot to process.” 
“You know, I go to the bridge everyday? The spot we skidded off and into the river. Morbid, right?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “Seems like you’re trying to keep a promise to yourself. Going to the bridge helps remind you of that.” 
“Yeah.” The word barely came out as a whisper.
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How did he know that? Know her? Elena felt … recognized. And bare. Yet … safe. This. Was. Crazy.
“A promise…” She repeated. “And that’s the other thing too, it’s like it’s made me restless. Like, I got a second chance, a miracle, who gets that in their lifetime, you know? And I don’t want to waste it. But everything seems dumb and superficial now. I just want to live, you know, live with … with, uh--” 
            She nodded. “Right.”
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“In my experience, it’s the dumb stuff, the small stuff, that’s what makes up living. By all means, if you want to climb Everest, climb Everest, you know, but going to a concert or a pickup game or …
            “Family night,” said Elena.
            “Who says you can’t do those things passionately?” 
            Elena didn’t remember when they stopped walking but they were standing now
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and the feeling … that feeling … of being recognized had deepened into something more acute, more intense and she felt the urge, the need to be that person, that space for him. Right then and there, she wanted to pour into him, and wanted him to ---
A crow cawed. 
Breaking the reverie. 
Elena turned sharply toward it. She couldn’t be sure but it seemed like the same one from the bridge. As soon as the thought entered her mind, Damon’s face flashed before her eyes, and she took a deep breath in. Stefan touched her arm. She wanted him to keep her hand there forever.
“You OK? Where’d you go?”
“Nowhere,” she said. “I’m here. I…” She took another breath and looked around for the crow. It was gone. “The crow … it reminds me of someone. Someone I saw earlier, before school.” 
“Someone you know?” 
“No. Not exactly. I’d met him once before.” She closed her eyes, searching for the words to describe what was happening to her. “I don’t know, since then there’s just been this feeling in the pit of my stomach. It went away for a bit, when…” When she was talking to him. When she was relaxed. “But it just came back. It’s like something I can’t seem to shake.”
“Sounds like he made an impression.” 
She looked at him. “There are better impressions, believe me.” 
            Stefan’s eyes searched hers and it happened again. Immediately. He was drawing her into him and she was falling and falling...
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“Hey, your face. Is there something---”
            “Sorry.”  Stefan shielded his eyes from her. “Sorry, I … sorry, I’ve gotta go.”
            Elena watched Stefan walk away, his stride swift, and felt a sharp stab of disappointment that they were no longer talking, no longer in the same place together,
            A few seconds later, the bell signalling lunch rang. 
The moment Elena opened her locker, it was slammed shut and her best friend, Bonnie Bennett, was standing beside her. Elena let out a sigh of relief. “Bonnie! Why did you--?”
“You and the new hottie. The whole school’s talking. Dish.” 
“There’s nothing to tell,” said Elena casually. Too casually.
Bonnie looked at her. “That always means there’s something to tell. And I can tell because---”
“Because you’re a psychic now?” 
“Because I was sitting by the window in calc. and I saw the two of you walking around the track. And you two were vibing. Don’t deny it.” 
“Oh, please.” 
“Aimee Bradley said that he defended your honour in Mr. Tanner’s class. She said he cussed Tanner out and stormed out of class..”
Elena made a noise of disbelief. “Since when did you listen to Aimee Bradley?”
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Bonnie shrugged. “She’s not the only one saying it.”
“That literally did not happen! He just---”
Elena was interrupted. 
“Well, your nose doesn’t look broken,” she said, nudging her way between Elena and Bonnie. 
“Hi, Caroline.” 
Elena exchanged a quick look with Bonnie who tried to stifle a laugh. 
“And what do you mean my nose doesn’t look broken?” 
“Oh, everyone’s talking about how Matt threw a football at your face to get back at you for dumping him and the new guy beat the shit out of him on the green.”
“What!” Elena looked at Caroline incredulously. “Oh my God, guys! Nothing you’re saying happened! Someone --- not Matt, he tried to warn me -- threw a football, it almost hit me and---”
“And the new guy saved you from massive embarrassment on the first day?” said Caroline. “It’s just so typical. There is a finite amount of hot guys at this school and when we finally get new blood, you get there first. You’ve already dated the captain of the football team, you had this encounter with some mystery man---”
Elena unconsciously tensed at the memory and Bonnie looked at Caroline pointedly, who closed her eyes.
“Sorry, I’m a bitch,” she said. “I shouldn’t have brought up that night.” 
Elena sighed, half-exasperated but already on her way to forgetting the insensitivity. “I never said that guy was hot by the way.”
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“Oh, please, mystery men are always hot. It’s like a rule,” said Caroline, apparently over her brief bout of contrition. 
Elena addressed Bonnie. “You know I actually saw him again today before coming to school?” 
Bonnie shook her head. “Really?”
“Yeah, the vibes were … weird.”
Bonnie squinted. “Weird, like, dangerous, weird?” 
Elena opened her mouth but didn’t say anything . “It was definitely intense. But not like…” Not like what she’d felt when she spoke to Stefan. “I don’t know, it kind of made me queasy?” 
“Butterflies,” said Caroline, throwing up her hands. “So, the sexy, dangerous mystery man gives you butterflies--”
“I never said--”
            “And now you’ve got the other mystery guy who actually goes here saving you on the green like some freaking knight?”
Elena rolled her eyes. “Don’t be so dramatic. He caught a football.” 
But even when she tried to minimize what had happened verbally, physically she felt her heart thud and a jittery, giddy flutter in her stomach that made her want to laugh to get the feeling out.
“And stood up to Tanner on your behalf,” said Bonnie. 
Caroline shook her head like she was severely disappointed in Elena.  “You’re being so greedy.”
Bonnie snorted and rested her head on Caroline’s shoulder. 
Elena opened her locker again.  “Look, I’m not even thinking about Stefan.” 
            “So the new guy’s name is Stefan.” 
“I could be talking about the mystery man on the bridge.” 
“You’re not, I can tell by that big, dumb smile you’re trying to hide,” said Bonnie. 
Elena popped her head out from behind her locker door and gave Bonnie a playful grimace.  
“Anyway. I’m actually thinking about Jeremy. I haven’t seen him anywhere. Have you two?” 
Caroline rooted around in her bag for some lip gloss. “Elena, if I ever start caring about the comings-and-goings of sophomores, shoot me.” 
“That’s Caroline-speak for ‘no’,” said Bonnie. “And I haven’t either.”
“I’m kind of worried. He never skips school.” Elena pulled a contemplative face. “Bonnie, do you mind if we, like, quickly go over to my house to see if he’s there? I’m sure there’s something in the fridge we can eat so we won’t miss lunch.” 
Caroline made an expression as if Elena had said the dumbest thing she ever heard. “In all of the times we’ve skipped school, when have we ever stayed home? He’s probably at the stoner’ pit or something.” 
Bonnie snorted. “Yeah, Jeremy, a burnout. Please.” 
“No, he could be at home. I don’t know, all summer he’s either been on his Xbox or pining after Vicki Donovan. Maybe he’s pretending to be sick and he’s still in his room.” 
“If he’s been pining after Vicki Donovan then he’s definitely at the stoner pit probably trying to impress her..” 
“Caroline!” Bonnie gave her an admonishing hit on the arm. 
“What! You know I’m not wrong.” 
“Don’t be mean just because you’ve had a thing for Tyler since fifth grade.” 
“Shut up.” 
            Bonnie laughed. “Elena, I’ll give you a lift.” 
“Since when was your family pack rats?” said Bonnie. 
            They’d made it to Elena’s house and walked into the foyer. The closet beneath the stairs was open and there were a bunch of boxes around the door, crammed with what looked to be junk. Papers. Dusty journals. 
            “I don’t know, this wasn’t here when I left this morning,” said Elena. 
            “You think Jeremy took it out?”
            “Yeah, but why?”
            Bonnie shrugged.
            “Jeremy?” Elena called. 
            When there was no answer, she walked into the living room and didn’t see him there or in the kitchen. 
            “Some leftover spaghetti in the fridge,” said Elena to Bonnie. “I’m just going to check upstairs and then I’ll be right down.” 
            Bonnie nodded. “OK cool. I love pasta night at your house.” 
            “It’s the oregano,” said Elena, grinning. 
            She headed up the stairs. She could definitely here talking. Low talking. But it wasn’t coming from Jeremy’s room. She turned around.  It was coming from her parents’. It was the middle of the day. Neither one of them should be home. Elena felt like suddenly she shouldn’t be up there. Something was wrong or secret or … She walked slowly down the hall toward the room. The door was nearly closed, but not quite. She peaked through the crack. Jeremy on a chair. So, he did stay home. And then … Dad. He let him stay home? And then … was that … was he holding … a stake?    
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kiukiu1270 · 2 months
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Fully finished 15 Nikolai AU Character sheet + Headcannons!!!
Nikolai is a Piano player and I will not accept him playing any other instrument other than that. His cannon design even looks like a Piano how much more piano-y can a character get?? He is those self-taught pianist. The type that only knows chords and those weird numbered sheets music you get in those church songs lol (Fyodor taught him to read sheet music later on ;3)
Also pianist of 10 years writing over here, The tenor clef page is based on personal experiences.
It took me so long to figure out his sexuality, It was between Gay, Pan, Achillean but I settled with Omnisexual
“Omnisexual refers to someone who is romantically, emotionally, or sexually attracted to persons of all genders and orientations”Basically, All is good. But of course he does have some (a lot) of Internalised Homophobia and Religious Trauma (Haven’t fully figured it out yet in my head but I’m working on it)
Figure skating ehhhhhhh (for personal reasons) Realistically it is near impossible to do a Hydroblade self taught and pretty much figure skating isn’t a hobby that you can just buy a pair of skates (1000usd per pair) (he stole those with his ability ofc) but you can’t just teach yourself through YouTube videos (based on…. Experience….) (you Will Hurt yourself) but I meannnn He has an magical portal opening ability, he got plot armour. (And I like figure skating)
Random Trivia
Cavetown coded, Star coded, Neurodivergent, Enfp, likes cardistry (like magicians you get it), has the biggest crush on Fyodor (if it wasn’t obviously enough lol), likes Pigeons (yk street rats) (I love pigeons, they deserve more love), (Personally I think cannon adult Nikolai is more white Dove coded tho), Loves theatre and the stage (based on irl Mykola), Irl Mykola was queer, Loves Tchaikovsky (me too) (Tchaikovsky was also queer btw (he was very gay)), likes Mykola Lysenko (carol of the bells original composer) (ayy father of Ukrainian classical music and him share the same name!!) (I love researching about Ukrainian culture while making this)(Ukraine is so beautiful, I wish we could’ve had the chance to visit it in its beautiful light and glory before yk…) (Making this was very emotional) (Don’t forget to support Support Ukraine guys) 🌻🇺🇦🫶
Btw here are some songs that I listened to while drawing him!!!
(Definitely listens to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 overture to fw Fyodor lol)
(Btw go watch my 15 Fyolai Astronomy mini Animatic on my page)
(This is Home will always have a special place in my heart)
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mrsjavymachado · 2 years
dagger crew headcanons ✈️
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bradley “rooster” bradshaw got his callsign because he was always the first one up. always. 6am here comes bradshaw whistling down the hallways to some song from 1980 something, a wide smile on his face as he took his happy ass down to the mess hall to grab a snack before his morning run.
it was infuriating because no matter how early is was, here comes bradshaw happy as a clam, smiling wide as he sits next to everyone else struggling to find it in them to wake up. god bless whoever is his bunk mate because like when a rooster crows, once he’s up, you’re up.
mikey called him a rooster once as a joke when he was complaining about being his roommate and the name stuck. (no one knew that his dad’s callsign was goose, so really there was no way of knowing that when someone had called him rooster for the first time it made him a little teary eyed, but he took the name in stride, and branded himself as rooster bradshaw) (but really he was just happy for the new name because there was no one around in his life to call him bradley anymore)
on the flip side, javy machado was always up late at night. why the man chose being in the military for his career of choice when he’d never been in bed before midnight a day in his life is really something he thinks about often, but nevertheless javy can’t sleep if the time isn’t at least 0000.
he was tried everything, from warm milk to melatonin, no matter how tired he is, he just can’t sleep early in the evening.
when he was a kid, his mom used to let him watch cartoons to fall asleep, and what was always on late at night was Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner. it became such a comfort to javy that whenever it was on he could turn his brain off and sleep.
eventually, the team caught on and after more than a few nights of them finding him asleep and the cartoon playing in the background, the name caught on and stuck. (when javy told his mom she laughed and laughed because she’d never have guessed a random cartoon she put on for him as a kid would become so important to her baby’s life) (she always sends wile e. coyote themed gifts on javy’s birthday and it caught on to the rest of the team who do it now too) (his original callsign was new orleans but coyote just felt right)
out of all the boys, hangman is probably the best at sticking to a sleep schedule. his in bed by 11 and up at 6 (“cause to keep looking this good you need to get a lot of beauty sleep, javy”)
rooster likes drinking tea in the morning (with excessive amounts of honey) but will drink coffee (4 sugar, 3 cream)
payback and coyote can’t think without at least smelling coffee and mikey only gets starbucks and is a sucker for seasonal drinks and anything diabetes inducing. payback will drink any and all coffee and coyote just wants his black.
jake drinks sweet tea, but because he’s jake he has to drink a SPECIFIC sweet tea and “the farther north you go the worse it tastes”
hangman has unpromptedly complained about sweet tea for 40 minutes uninterrupted (phoenix timed it) but they can all begrudgingly agree that he makes a damn good sweet tea so they let him talk as much shit as he wants to.
phoenix, when she can, takes the longest of them in the bathroom. when she’s not on military time and she has the space to do so, she has a 10 step skin care routine, 5 steps for hair care, an avid collector of face masks and a BEAST at manicures.
when she’s deployed she doesn’t really have time to think much about her appearance much besides keeping it in military standard and not in her way, but when she’s off? she just needs a day to herself? you bet your pretty ass she’s in her bathroom with her hair wrapped in some treatment, painting her toes a pretty pink with music blaring in the background.
she’s given all the boys a a manicure at least twice and hangman and rooster let her do their makeup when she wants to.
she will not hesitate dig tweezers out of her purse and pluck all their eyebrows until they look good.
bob, ever the sweetheart, is the main subject of her beautifying and it is not uncommon to find the both of them wrapped in robes with phoenix helping bob apply a face mask. (she got them both matching robes for christmas and they are very cool and badass, thank you very much seresin)
bob is real southern, born and raised in tennessee and put him, jake, javy and rooster in a room together and suddenly gone with the wind is having a reunion. they all bring out the southern in eachother and damn do they sound good.
bob and hangman always bring a set of boots with them when deployed. (hangman, the texan, prefers ariat boots but bob much prefers a stetson)
hangman and halo love to gossip, they are known for it. callie doesn’t let on that she probably knows your deepest darkest secret but jake can and will let everyone know if he feels so inclined.
when they’re stationed together it’s like gossip girl has suddenly come to base because if something happens, they probably know it. (callie doesn’t start gossip but jake loves starting a good rumor and he’s a terrible influence)
their best to date is spreading a rumor that yale and harvard fucked in a storage closet on base and though they never confirmed anything, their blushing faces and avoidant looks every time someone brings it up was enough for everyone to know it wasn’t completely baseless and hound them for info (they’ve never said anything to date but everyone’s waiting for them to get drunk enough to spill the details)
phoenix did volleyball in high school (captain her junior and senior year and varsity since sophomore) and is amazing at it. (when the squad play beach volleyball it’s always a race to pick nat) but in her freshman year she was a flyer her school’s cheer team and she made varsity the next year and loved it, and if volleyball and cheer didn’t clash seasons then she absolutely would have stuck to it.
rooster did varsity baseball up until college. when mav pulled his papers he decided to go to college until he could reapply and he got a full ride scholarship to play baseball and study aviation at the university of virginia and if he wasn’t dead set on going to the navy he could’ve gone pro.
jake was the captain of his high school football team and took them to first place at nationals two years in a row as the star quarterback and got offered a full ride to the university of texas at austin (go longhorns) to play at a d1 level but he turned it down to go straight to basics.
fanboy has a terrible sweet tooth. put anything sweet infront if of him he can and will devour it but he never had a cavity. javy however, was a metal mouth with braces for 4 years and then he got his wisdom teeth pulled right after they came out. (jake has always had his straight, crest 3d white smile and javy’s always a little bit jealous when he sees it)
jake, the bastard, never had an award phase growing up, rooster and bob however, went through some tragic emo phases and parents facebooks have since been off limits because wow those were embarrassing times. (it’s okay because bradley has pictures of nat from her parents of her as a kid in middle school and threatens to show the team baby nats adorable plane themed 9th birthday party)
payback has reading glasses that make him look like a grandpa and rooster wears contacts.
jake doesn’t need glasses and is insufferable out his 20/20 vision
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stealing-your-wife · 1 year
Okay so symbiotic relationship between wolves and ravens, right? Ravens help lead wolves to prey, alert them to scavengers like coyotes and in return the ravens get easy meals.
In a superhero scenario, wherein Danny is not the dominant hero in an area, he could fulfill the raven niche. If we put him in Gotham, for example, the Bat Clan becomes his wolf pack. He gets to kickback and chill, mostly stress free in a safe place and occasionally help out the local heroes. Based on your headcanon he either feeds off the emotions, it satisfies his Obsession, or it just gives him something constructive to do with his time. Depending on whether he keeps to himself as a benevolent enigma or joins the flock he could provide tips, protection, help with investigations or even more.
(I know 'Raven' is already taken in DC by Rachel Roth but who would argue if the Bats just so happened to acquired another bird? And ravens are messengers of death so who really has the better name claim? I mean we could also call him Crow or Magpie and it would be cool but then the Wolf/Raven symbolism wouldn't work :/ )
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dog-thing-augustus · 5 months
Hello welcome to my account you can call me August. im an adult therian.
I go by he/him and canine/canine self!
I have instergram too under the name of dog.thing.augustus if youd like to follow me elsewhere.
My accounts follow me and my therianthropy tho i do dabble in other fandoms and such, from art to anaolog horror media.
DNI if you are not going to be kind, so people who hate on alterhumans, furrys and such, or if you are a zoo, pedo, proshipper or kink acount and so on listing all toxic community's, (you know who you are stay away)
I have a potty mouth from hell but i do try and keep that out of posts, anything that i know that may be triggering i'll put a warning, if i ever post anything that the creator didn't want reposting do tell me for i mean no ill will or if my credits are wrong do tell me i want to do that right tho i tend to stay out of posting others art now.
My comfermed theriotypes are
-coyote (pycological)
-Scottish wildcat (past life)
-crow (pycological)
dog in general (otherlink)
I am always open for chats so as long as your nice, DMS are alw open!
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blood-injections · 8 months
Headcanons n stuff from my Phoenix Witch Ghoul au
So like the Witch was the Witch but basically something happened and he sacrificed himself to save everyone and in doing so his soul merged with hers and so that’s how he became her
He has all of the Witch's memories now alongside his own as she has all his, they are one being and yet the Witch still somewhat has her own consciousness or like vibes in his head, it’s hard to explain but it’ll make sense in the fic i think
Ghoul has all of the Witch's powers like seeing souls, appearing to people, granting small miracles, and being able to see the history of any soul. He can also ‘manifest’ as anything so when he’s in the living world, sometimes he’s fun ghoul but sometimes they’re a crow/raven or a coyote or something. his favorite way to traverse the zones is as a raven. He can shapeshift essentially.
Since he and the Witch are one, he’s her but he’s also still himself, it’s like a genderfuck mindfuck thing and his identity isn’t the same. He’s fun ghoul but not, or well, it’s easier to be fun ghoul when he’s with the Fab Four or his friends and appearing as a killjoy, but if he’s reaping souls and stuff he’s more witch than killjoy and doesn’t feel like connected to humanity. And then when he is fun ghoul, his identity has changed since before he was the witch, he’s just genderless now as opposed to like transmasc lol
Kobra has powers too, he can speak to spiders and snakes and all the little things and sometimes they'll help him out, for he earned their respect and praise in a previous life.
And he always wears sunglasses because he literally has snake eyes. He can see infrared like snakes and it makes him fucking deadly at night
Unlike Ghoul, Kobra is still human, but he is also strangely in tune with the desert, more than any normal killjoy. Becuase of this connection, Kobra can always predict the weather or where dracs are going to appear.
Its common knowledge that crows are just puppies and when Ghouls around the diner in the form of one he always gets pet.
Kobra's the only one thats seen Ghouls true form, the one he has on the spiritual plane, the form of the Phoenix Witch or, well, what he and the Phoenix Witch merged to become. He thinks that form is beautiful.
None of them ever fail to be in awe of the fact that their little guy is now The Motherfucking Witch
Doctor Death Defying is named that for a reason, hes the Witch's favorite, after all(until Ghoul joined the witch, then theres several favorites.
Some killjoys have the ability to astral project, to walk the spiritual plane and talk to the witch in her realm. Doctor D has this ability and it’s how he always knows about claps and lost killjoys right away, becuase he astral projects and wanders the other side and sees what souls are waiting for the witch
Cola also has this power, but doesn't use it as much as Doctor D does.
The girl also has the power to astral project, thats how ghouls finds her in the first place, she passed out in the desert from the heat and is wandering his world and he sees the power in his soul, knows that she could save the world one day, so he goes to her and brings her back to the fab four, where they become her family
She calls Ghoul birdy and things along those lines a lot because her first impression of him was that of his quite feathery form of the witch
When jet star loses her eye, ghoul gives her a different kind of sight from where the eye is missing- the power to see souls and spirits
Kobra calls him Cuervo all the time now as a term of endearment
Even though he's the witch now they still roughhouse they’re still idiots
Ghoul will live forever and get to witness his friend’s souls being reborn time and time again
He can manifest as anything and kets just say he starts taking some liberties(ehhem um trnasgender things) with his form(also the pranking potential of shapeshifting.. it doesnt matter that hes a powerful spirit now hes still a little shit)
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muchalucha-art · 5 months
La Familia Gonzales*
*or...The Speedy That Never Was :)
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I always get a bit skeptical when an animator colleague gushes to me that they have 'just signed a development deal with...(insert studio/network/company name here)'.
What may sound like a step into the animation big time is basically a studio throwing some loose change at an artist to see what sticks. And even if something does stick, there's no guarantee that anything will move forward. In my short, eventful heyday in the early 2000s I had four: Jive Turkey, Super/Superior Pets, Krypto, Rocquita...oh and the one I blocked, the Mucha Lucha! feature development deal. Okay, FIVE!
Add one more to that, the 'now-you-see-it-now it's gone' LA FAMILIA GONZALES.
Some history. Somehow, WB Animation's go-to network Kids' WB had (mis)managed to lose it's coveted Saturday morning slot and crashed and burned. Not sure how you go from topping the broadcast ratings to being a defunct in less than two years since Mucha Lucha! ceased production, but there you go. It does take a special talent to achieve this.
So after this, WB Animation sought to work exclusively to the one network option open to them, and so collaborated with Cartoon Network on a revamp of Speedy Gonzales.
Apparently a bunch of well known people were brought in to pitch their ideas, but none of them resonated with WB or CN. So I guess in desperation, WB suddenly remembered they knew a couple of artists who actually had produced a latino-inspired show with them previously, and a call to Lili Chin and Eddie Mort was made.
To cut a long rant short, we came up with the idea of Speedy's extended family running a hotel in Mexico. WB loved it. CN loved it, and a deal was made. We got as far as a rough cast, some character descriptions and some episode outlines before a new WB Prez took power and canned everything. And that was my sixth animation development deal!
Here's some cut and paste ideas we were working on...
He’s still the fastest mouse in all of Mexico, and still the friend of everyone’s sister (hey, he’s a good listener), but there is more to Speedy Gonzales.
Every wondered where Speedy is or what he is doing before he is called on to dispose of evil gatos? Well wonder no more. Ahora, presentamos ...
Ah, El Baldío Baja a bustling border town host to all manner of mercados, fiestas and mice living life to the fullest. But just beyond, that – a little further, (Stop – not that far – now you have to go back across the border!) are the badlands, where preying gatos, conniving coyotes, opportunistic crows and the self- proclaimed Don Vulturo stake out their turf. Yes, welcome to No Rata del Rambla, a no-mouse’s land on the Mexican border.
But amidst the danger from these unsavory characters stands a oasis for the weary and threatened traveler – La Casa de Gonzales, a hotel run by Speedy’s mama, (which was previously run my her mama, and her mama’s mama’s mama, and…well you get it). A sanctuary and half-way house in the truest sense, La Casa has been a dependable rest stop and comfort zone for years
Protected by a maze of twisted, spiky, cacti and gato-eating plants (cultivated by Speedy’s bruja aunt Mistica) that only Speedy and his family can guide you through – La Casa de Gonzales is a welcome respite. Providing you can make it there.
But if getting to La Casa de Gonzales is a wild ride, wait until you arrive inside. In residence is one of the most diverse and extended families you will find. Meet the Gonzales family and their immediate relatives, the Morales clan. And like Speedy, each member possesses a special talent that makes he or she the…insert talent here…mouse in Mexico! That’s right – La Familia Gonzales is a family of superlatives!
And then there are the guests; all manner of wayward tourists, fugitives, hustlers, and the occasional lost iguana desperate for a hot blanket and a leafy salad. La Casa de Gonzales has them all; from the long term residents, to the random blow-ins – and the mysterious hombre in room seis seis seis, who no one has ever seen, and has been living there before Speedy’s mama, or her mama’s mama, or her…(well, you get it) was running the hotel.
Hmmm…maybe his identity will be revealed at episode 26?
Most of the stories in La Familia Gonzales come from within and are multi layered. They center on each of the family’s different personalities and talents and how they play off and sometimes conflict with one another.
There are also the elements of outside danger and occasional episode-specific hotel guests, which serve as the ‘B’ plot lines to each episode’s familia-centric ‘A’ story.
And there is Speedy’s underlying obligation as defender of the mice of El Baldío Baja; add this to his responsibilities to his family’s business, and his need to be a ‘big brother’ to just about everyone in the hotel, and you have the basis for many diverse situations.
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swordfright · 5 months
(wearing groucho glasses) do you have any horse hcs for the dsmp characters
not sure if you mean which horses dsmp characters would ride or which horses they’d BE 😭 but either way you asked the wrong person, i do NOT know enough about horses to answer this. like i can name maybe three types of horse off the top of my head and even that’s a stretch.
instead I’m gonna list which little forest creature each dsmp character would be if the server was a redwall-style cartoon, that’s the best i got~
-cdream = fox
-cpunz = ferret
-cgeorge = bluebird
-csapnap = coyote
-ckarl = rabbit
-ctommy = mouse
-ctubbo = hedgehog
-cniki = otter
-dreamxd = huge spooky owl
-csam = badger??
-cquackity = one eyed cat
-cwilbur = wolf but like a mangy one
-emeralds = crow + boar duh
-cranboo = bat
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jaycrakhead · 1 month
MY OC SQUAD (info and drawings)
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Sangria Coyote; Why the name "Sangria"? Besides being a cocktail and sounding goofy, in history or in other laguanges "sangria" means "bloodletting", "bloodshed", "bloodbath", etc... or well in latin means "sanguis" which is blood. So the name is basically "Blood Bath Coyote" or something like that, the association with blood just makes the squad look more lethal which goes along with Zura's quote for the Squad: "Doesn't matter how. We finish the mission." Why "Coyote"? This Squad is meant to be full of Wildcards. Besides normal squad mission (in and out of the Clover Kingdom), the members can be assigned or requested by other Captains to work with the squads frequently. If a member is always assigned to a squad, they can be promoted as an "official Wildcard". The Captain can be a "Grand Wilcard" too. So why "Coyotes" as the animal/symbol of the squad. Soen, which is Zura's spirit, is a canine. Coyotes are highly adaptable predators known for their intelligence and cooperative hunting strategies. Their adaptable nature and opportunistic behavior would likely be considered more of a wildcard nature which goes along with what Zura wanted for a squad. Their behavior is less predictable compared to wolves (which was the second option for the name). So yeah, a lethal coyote gang. Well now the members. The COYOTES.
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(Forgot to note that her heels add more to her height as it's obvious so if her height isn't consistent... yeah)
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So I didn't draw Touya's cat (Gray) or June's cat (Gingerbread), but Gray has "Sleeping Magic" (doesn't talk like Geister) and Gingerbread is just a normal cat. Anyways, These are an updated version, so here's some notes: -Before Hera becoming a captain together with Zura, her cape had a "round back" like the one Kai's wearing on the sheet, since she was the vice captain. Of course after becoming a captain, she changed for the one with the same back as Zura and Kai changed for the Vice Captain cape. -The outside members (Shau and Linus) have a different rope and Damon has one for his size but it's still different from the regular members' ropes.
-Geister (human) didn't want a rope so he just has the symbol on his suit. -When I created the characters, I gave them mainly madeup or japanese surnames (and some first names too) however I did want to change that... but I also wanted to honour my 15y ass so I kept it... anyways Kai would be Spanish (as the surname can tell ofc); Hera doesn't really have a place where she could be from since she is from the Witches' Forest; Touya would be Finnish; The twins would be Mexican; Geister would be British; Linus would be Belgian; Shau and Damon would be Italian (no they are not related); June doesn't really have a place she would be from;
-Damon, Shau and Linus were recently added to the squad (2022-2023) -Some characters have a "?" on their sexuality, since they aren't straight but don't exactly have a clear definition like Ryu, Touya, Hera and Zura. In other words, it doesn't take a big part... However Shau and Linus are kind of a suspicious duo- -In a possible Timeskip, Damon is the captain of a new squad called "Raven Crows" (yes I wanted to play on words and it sounds like "Ravenclaw") and he is dating Marie; Geister would be now Damon's caretaker; Zura would still be around in Magic Knight stuff but Kai would be the Captain of the Sangria Coyote; Hera would still be around but not involved as much in Magic Knight stuff but I do see her being a teacher; Touya and the twins would still be Coyotes; Shau and Linus I see them living in other Kingdom having their own journey but they would visit Damon; June would have her own squad too and be the "Aloe Sylphs"; sorry for the long post
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chronicroderick · 1 month
A poem by chronicroderick
Rugged man,
Is that me?
Standing there on the screen.
Blood red horizon behind me.
Crows circling overhead.
I call my lover by any other name,
My friend.
My pal.
My buddy.
Are those words a betrayal to my kind?
Am I doing a disservice to my brethren?
Do I owe them... anything?
My love is mine after all,
Mine all mine.
It's more beautiful when it's painful,
That's what I tell myself,
As dysfunctional as it is..
I see the grotesque reflection of myself in a man who can't say what he means.
Unless it's in the quiet nights alone together
Trying to forget,
Pretending to not remember,
Until you look into my eyes and you see the dog you left behind,
Patiently awaiting your return,
Biting at the hand that feeds me.
At the hand that pets me.
At the hand that holds the leash.
But I am no dog,
So I wander the desert in the night.
I sleep in the arroyo in the day.
Railroad tracks cross me,
Lizards and coyotes too.
I am the sand in my own boots.
The sunburn on my own cheeks.
I'm the coveting of a secret twinkling of an eye.
A look.
A lingering palm.
That is my penance.
That is my love.
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penig · 2 months
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Coyote squeaks one last kid out under the age bar, a little girl she names Bunting (as in Indigo, Painted, etc.) Chava came home with Crow and Cormac, and helps out by minding Salmon during the birth. She is very good with kids.
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