#also when he said '[arthur] i want you...' i thought for a hilarious second he would've just stopped there
cutter-kirby · 1 month
regarding intermezzo: funniest fucking thing the bloodstained birthday boy's ever done btw
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cbk1000 · 3 months
Hi! I would like to know your thoughts on the same-gender pronoun problem when writing gay fanfic, especially smut. (Which *he* put his what in *his own* or the *other's* where?) After reading a lot of your work, I can definitely say you are one of the better writers when it comes to dealing with this problem in a non-clunky way, and you must have some advice or anecdotes. :) And Happy Birthday also! <3 I got you a penis-tree sapling (consists of only a little wood).
Lmfao Thank you, anon.
Yeah, this is really kind of a pain in the ass (buh dum chh). I personally do not like epithets except in a scenario when you're dealing with someone who is a stranger to the POV you're working in (i.e. referring to someone as 'the brunette man' is fine if the character has no other way to identify them, but using it for someone they're intimate with sounds clunky and impersonal). But if you take epithets out of the running, then you've only got their names left, and you also don't want to overuse those. You just have to kind of assess each sentence (sexy, I know) for clarity and determine if you can reword it in such a way that it's clear who's doing what to do, or if the smoother, better-sounding option is to use someone's name in place of the pronoun.
This is actually something I look for when I'm going back through and editing. I wouldn't do it while actually writing the sex scenes, because if you have to stop constantly to go, "Wait, whose dick is where??" I feel that kind of ruins the momentum, but it definitely needs to be checked during the proofreading stage, because it's very easy for things to get muddled.
Here's an example of a sentence from a current WIP:
'He sucked on Arthur’s earlobe, and a little hot ripple went through his stomach, and down a bit lower than that.'
Arthur's not sucking on his own earlobe (if he can do that, good for him), so I don't need to clarify that the first 'he' is Merlin. Arthur is the one having his ear sucked on, so the physical sensations deriving from that are going to be happening to his stomach (also, this sentence has been plucked out in isolation, but the rest of the section makes it clear we're in Arthur's POV). I use Arthur's name here because if I said, 'He sucked on his earlobe' that would be confusing, and I only use it once because 'He sucked on Arthur's earlobe, and a little hot ripple went through Arthur's stomach, and down a bit lower than that' is a bit redundant, to my ear. It's not terrible sounding, but I do feel the second Arthur should be unnecessary, because readers should be able to work out that, since we're in Arthur's POV, the sensations in 'his' stomach have to belong to Arthur. I could do, 'Merlin sucked on his earlobe, and a little hot ripple went through his stomach, and down a bit lower than that', but opted not to use Merlin in this specific sentence because I had just used it in previous sentences, and I didn't want his name to feel too unnecessarily repetitive.
This is an issue in more than just sex scenes, though. It can be difficult to distinguish between characters sometimes when they have the same pronouns, and even professional authors cause confusion, so try your best to makes things clear to your readers, but don't get in knots about it. One of the most common complaints I saw about Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall trilogy (two of which are Booker Prize winners) was that readers struggled to sort out which 'he' she was referring to in any scene with multiple male characters.
Ultimately, personally, I prefer to use pronouns as much as possible, and supplement with a name here and there if I think there might be confusion over who's doing what. I feel like using names or epithets too much can sometimes make things feel a bit colder or impersonal, so wherever I feel I can get away with it, I use pronouns.
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businesstiramisu · 1 year
Okay I rewrote the post. Thoughts on the last tenth (or so) of Worth the Candle:
[I don't really expect this to be interesting to anyone except me, but i do want to save these for future me, lol]
 I found the ttrpg Fel See Incident much more satisfying than the Aerb version. No, not satisfying, it was horrible. But it was exactly what the story had been building it up to be, for 1 million plus words, and that's quite an accomplishment. Whereas the Fel Seed of Aerb.... I think the problem is scope creep? When the stakes get Too High and the antagonists (or protagonists, for that matter) get Too Powerful my brain just gives up and I disengage. Like "sure, whatever, just tell me who wins". Whereas the ttrpg version, and the real world-level drama around it, felt horribly plausible.
I did like "we'll win the second time because, if Joon had gotten a second chance at the game, he would have let the players win." That was a nice bit of narrative reinforcement/article of faith.
 I love the Long Stairs. It's almost enough to make me think I should give SCP a more serious look, but I'm still worried the horror will be Too Scary for me. (And don't get me wrong I would hate to play a ttrpg campaign in it... actually, maybe it wouldn't be worse than usual? I could just follow the RDP instructions instead of my usual choice paralysis. well, depends on how often they come up. I probably wouldn't like having to make new characters constantly b/c they keep dying.) But like when Juniper wished they could've stayed in the labyrinth and explored the other cultures living there, I was right there with him.
The final reveal of Uther/Arthur..... hmmm, complicated feelings. On the one hand, ugh! why couldn't he just apologize, and admit to being terrible!! Well, he kinda did later... to Juniper, after they'd spent a long time rebuilding camaraderie and basically giving each other a pass for the horrible shit each considered the other to have done. And that was depressingly realistic. Well, idk that anything in my life compares (fortunately) but the most serious, scary arguments in my life have mostly gone like that.
Juniper and Arthur's ultimate goodbye felt appropriate, even cathartic. Raven and Bethel didn't get anything comparable though. Just Uther brushing them off (or in Ravens case saying "I understand this is hard for you but you've got to suck it up", basically). Which, yeah the world ain't fair. It wasn't justice, though. They didn't get their due like Juniper did.
The final conversation withe the dungeon master was also surprisingly satisfying! I liked it a lot more than when Sophie's World did the same thing. (And I've probably read more books that have the character confront the fact that they're characters in a novel, but that's what came to mind lol).
Maybe b/c it was really funny how the DM told Juniper "you're all characters in a novel I'm writing" and Juniper immediately rejected that explanation as bullshit.
Similarly, the Narrator, as the actual Juniper who was writing WTC
Heaven!Fenn though, felt overly self-indulgent to me. Which is maybe ridiculous, b/c the whole story is an exercise in self-indulgence/self-examination, but i dunno she just didn't work for me
Well, it's pretty hilarious that she was The One Person In Aerb Ever To Go To Heaven, and was always destined to be that one person. Hilarious in a pretty arbitrary way.
Someone in the comments to Ch. 245 or 246 said that "Worth the Candle but Reimer died instead of Arthur" is a great fanfic premise and... i dunno, it would be a massive amount of work, but it's tantalizing to think about. Seems like Aerb would have to be very different with--well, idk, would it be a whole collection of Reimer's characters, since he never seemed as devoted to one of them?-- instead of Uthur Penndraig, but with the themes of putting people on a pedestal, using their tragedies as an excuse to wallow in your own grief and depression and rage, and also the DM presumably having the same goals, I have to wonder how much it would even matter?!
Wow, the void beast was a metaphor for global warming?! kinda kicking myself for not picking up on that. Unless I just forgot about it; this story is really long.
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hchollym · 2 years
@anonymedasilva wrote:
Bill, Charly, Percy and looking for younger siblings based on their astrlogical sign
Another reason that would explain Bill and Charly's relative indifference to parenting their siblings (thought i personnaly headcanon that in childhood Bill had probably help with devotion but in his teenage years he had let down because it wasn't his deep nature) is the astrological sign that JKR gave them, they are sagitarius and sagitarius are independant, adventurous and they had nomadic instincts, they are very easy going and agreable but they had strong independance needs, they may not be at their home very much and they love travels, it doesn't seem the best sign for "second parents" to younger siblings, as it would force them to restraint their nature. On the contrary, Percy is a leo (actually a cusp between leo and virgo, this is fascinating) and this sign is a family one, a very protective one and they love their tribe. As elder sibling, they are loving and protective, thought they are often bossy. I tend to believe JKR based or adjusted her characters's personnality on their astrological signs (or she choose astrological signs that correspond to their personnality) because it had been says that she believed in it, and when you look closely, they all more or less correspond with the personnality traits of their signs. So if Percy feel more a substitute parent than Bill and Charly who are older, it's maybe not by chance. i mean, she gave them the most nomadic sign of the zodiac and one the more family oriented for Percy...
And if we must base on this, he will also be one of the most protective parent of the zodiac! 
This is so interesting! 
I have never considered zodiac signs for the characters before, but you made excellent points, so I had to look into these signs a little more, and this what I found: 
Likes Attention
Fiercely Protective
Sexually (skip if you are a minor) - they tend to be exhibitionists, vocal in bed, & enjoy experimenting, which actually goes along pretty well with my NSFW headcanons for Percy that I wrote in this post.
This describes Percy so well! It also supports things from the text, such as “The Argument” (and Percy wanting more than the life he had), Percy’s reluctance to return home, the fact that he wrote love letters to Penelope all summer, his sneaking around in empty classrooms to make out with her, and his tendency to be a mother hen to his siblings. Like you said, it reinforces the idea of Percy being family-oriented and the protective parent!
*On a hilarious note, Leo’s are supposed to be most compatible (platonically or otherwise) with Sagittarius (Bill & Charlie) or Aries (Fred & George), and they are least compatible with Aquarius (Arthur). 
Adventurous (Insatiable Wanderlust & Globetrotting Adventures)
Stands Up For What is Right  
Charming & Popular  
Flexible & Go With the Flow
This describes Bill & Charlie pretty well too (from what we know), and it also reinforces the idea of them being the more distant, "fun” parent (in Bill’s case) or choosing not to be a parent at all (in Charlie’s case).
Thank you for the comment & giving me something to look into further! 😊
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okay here are my thoughts on the great ace attorney games: they’re good.
i like the fact that they’re distinct from the trilogy. on top of being a lazy pc-player snob, the main reason i have not yet touched apollo, athena, and kurain people is because it feels too much like the trilogy for me. i am someone who thought that trials and tribulations and justice for all were superfluous when i first finished the phoenix wright trilogy. so i didn’t necessarily feel like revisiting the same cast.
the tgaa characters were pretty fun. i loved susato as an assistant (and while naruhodo is basically milk, he’s the zanier one of the two) and she felt very distinct from maya; van zieks was a dick but he was a dick who cared about justice unlike worthy and franny at their outsets (the most realistic thing about this game is how his racism actively works against justice in the soseki cases even when he cares about justice.) i love sholmes (”i said i knew a smattering of japanese!”) and the game is a real love letter to sir arthur conan doyle’s stories.
especially with the reveal that his real partner was mikotoba (which makes susato’s admiration for him like 10x more hilarious), it does feel like the main idea for this game was “man what if japanese people like us got to hang out sherlock holmes, that’s awesome.” and you know what. it certainly feels awesome to play through. 
and it’s very nice to tie in such a classic series with ace attorney, precisely because the games are so detached from reality anyways. take for example ace attorney’s view of justice and the purpose of courtrooms as a sort of socratic exercise to find the truth. the main motivation behind this is obviously to intensify the feelings of catching people’s conflicting stories with evidence, but it also puts this glossy, idealized sheen over everything in the series.
you’re not actually in the historic British or the Japanese Empires; this is the epcot version of all these things, and it’s fun to be in epcot. ace attorney is a funny lawyer game and even at its worst it never has any pretentions about tacking Big Issues.
(if you’re wondering how i feel about the “oh xyz character is a COLONIZER!!!!” discourse surrounding this game, that’s it in a nutshell lmao.)
weirdly i disliked the first two cases of the first game and the last two cases of the last game. i found the twist with kazuma and the TRUE story of the professor to be... kind of underwhelming, honestly. kazuma’s arc of Becoming a Prosecutor has no real emotional weight to it; he spends like two cases defending a dead person from the prosecution stand and stays a prosecutor because.... uh.... there was darkness inside him? it’s just not really compelling drama compared to von karma raising edgeworth to be the thing his father would have hated, for instance. 
similarly the true story of what happened and how it panned out felt oddly by-the-numbers, and stronghart was basically shitty damon gant. i don’t remember a single thing about stronghart besides the one moment he takes like 6 literal hours of your day to talk to you about forensics. and he’s so much more powerful than damon gant; if you remember, gant was just the chief of police, stronghart was literally so powerful he could pull diplomatic strings, and while gant’s actions and mistakes made sense, stronghart’s decisions feel extremely weird when you think about it for two seconds.
but even in those cases, which i found wanting, i really appreciated how, for instance, the last case incorporated the investigation mechanics in a new way, how the second case of the first game tried something with it being only investigations, etc etc. in general the structure of the cases was much harder to predict and it made each one structurally very different and memorable.
one other thing i liked is that the characters feel three-dimensional they way they were in the original ace attorney one. one gripe i had with the trilogy is that slowly characters just degraded/got flanderized over time. it doesn’t happen here; almost every character ends this duology with more aspects to them than what they started with. aside from sholmes, who i really liked because he was a funny idiot genius, my other favorite character is actually gregson. he doesn’t have a dramatic backstory or anything, but i feel like he was pretty multifaceted as it goes.
the jury system was a good addition and it was something that was much better in tgaa2 than in tgaa1, where the juries’ whole shtick was “oops!!!! i am deeply involved in this case!!!” as opposed to them being other perspectives in the courtroom. i really disliked the jurors in tgaa1, which wasn’t helped by the amounts of summation examinations we had to endure in that game. in tgaa2 they were much better; it’s a shame that we only had them for 2 cases there.
other than that; it’s a blast, i really liked it and it really made itself different than what came before. there are other nitpicks/small elements i could praise, but it’s like very late and i’m tired.
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riverdrifter · 3 months
River Listens To: Mayfair Watchers Society - Episodes 5 & 6
We're starting to pick up more hints towards the overarching plotline as I move along! I'm cataloguing my thoughts in between shiny hunting sessions in Pokemon Rumble, so my writing may be a little more sparse. As always, spoilers under the cut!
📸 Episode 5: Flash Bulb
Here it is: the incident that was hinted at in Episode 2 with the Hayward Textile Mill! This episode was a little more difficult to listen to for me. The moth sound effects were a bit over-exaggerated, but also, I'm not sure how else one would communicate moth flight in an audio-only medium. The interviewer was also hard to understand sometimes. Granted, I could've looked at the transcript, but I was multitasking, so I'll take the L for that one. But there's probably a reason this is the first episode that comes up when I search "mayfair watchers society transcript".
I think the main thing making this a more difficult listen, though, was the character dynamic between our two leads, Drew and Cam. This doesn't mean it was a bad dynamic! They just don't have the easy chemistry of some of our previous characters. It made for a more tense episode, but I still think that it was a good story. In fact, I think their tension kind of carried the episode.
To elaborate, you can get the feeling immediately from the way Cam and Drew talk to each other that they are in a rough spot. Drew insults Cam a lot, and they both keep blaming each other for mistakes. The reason why is made apparent if you listen closely, though. Cam mentions someone named Finch who evidently knows that the mill had holes in the second floor. Cam was evidently supposed to come to the mill with them last year, until an unspecified incident which makes both her and Drew uncomfortable to even mention in passing. This name comes up a couple more times, until Drew says this:
"Finch was always full of shit anyway."
Was. This made their entire dynamic click for me. I think this is a mutual friend, or perhaps just a friend of Cam's, who these two had differing feelings on, and their evident loss must have torn them apart. Cam speaks of them fondly, but Drew dropping this line is what gives me the impression of what their dynamic must have been like when Finch was around. He later says that he's not going to leave Cam alone, so the remaining two clearly care for each other. There's just something making that difficult to sustain right now.
It's clear, too, that whatever happened with Finch is not the only thing straining this friendship. When Drew says that Cam's mom is nice, she says that he only thinks that because he doesn't have to live with her. Cam later asks if Drew is dealing with "stepdad stuff", which Drew does not want to talk about. So, it seems like familial issues on both ends are putting stressors on these teens and their shaky relationship.
There is more loss in the background of the episode, too. Cam mentions that her mom has been working late because someone "stopped showing up to work". That may be inconspicuous if this were not Mayfair. Drew also once mentions a brother, who he speaks about with some level of reverence; Cam later reveals that said brother was hit by a car. These two teens are clearly going through it.
Ultimately, the monster itself wasn't as exciting. Like I said, the characters felt like the greater focus. I'm glad for my relisten, because it shed a lot of light on the underpinnings of this episode that made it make so much more sense to me why it's so stressful.
🪵 Episode 6: The Host
This episode rocks. I remember liking it the first time, and it might be my favorite so far on this relisten. I like the characters, the setting, the anomaly of the week... There's a lot that I enjoy about this episode, and I'll get into why.
Arthur is a hilarious character to me. He's the epitome of "white environmentalist who thinks a week in a cabin is returning to his spiritual roots" and I find it so fun to rag on him. Let's look at the notes I kept on Arthur specifically (non-exhaustive):
"So-called civilization" oh it's one of those guys
Guy who believes in untouched wilderness. Everyone point and laugh
"Always the fuckin' owls" guys do you think he's getting tired of this already?
He's so giving "humans are the virus"
I don't hate him. Don't let this list give you the impression that I hate him. I just think he's absolutely hilarious to make fun of because I've definitely met this guy before at like, REI. He's a guy who is disillusioned with capitalism but doesn't understand that it's capitalism and thinks that people just individually choose to work office jobs and go to college. You can tell this is true when he goes off on his friend Marv for "the crypto lifestyle" and blames him instead of, I don't know, the 1%. In that same scene, he compares his friend James' coming out (diversity win!) to himself doing his little off-the-grid soul search. He quickly realizes that he's being a dick, but like, it's emblematic of his deeper issues.
You can also tell how quickly he loses his mind being alone. I pointed out in my silly list how quick he is to curse out the owls. He also very audibly screams into his pillow before turning off the recording in one segment. Which makes sense, because he has no idea what he's doing out here. He thinks he's suuuch a naturalist, but his ass is NOT following the 6 foot rule for disposing of fecal waste. This man is going on about people not wanting to look truth in the eyes, and then he hears the most bearlike noises ever recorded and says shit like, "Must be that bird again." It's funny how out of his depth he is when he wants so badly to be a part of the natural world.
It's interesting how seamlessly his attitude towards nature flows into becoming one with the barnacles, or the Ick, or whatever we're calling it. He starts out already saying that these things out here are people, too. This made it kind of hard for me to tell when the infection started, or if there is an infection to speak of until he gets claimed at the end of the episode. I'm unclear on whether these barnacle things have some sort of mental effect upon first sighting, or if he's only lost when he makes physical contact with the thing that was previously a deer. I'm leaning towards the latter, or else I'm not sure he would have been so frightened by the bear-thing at the stream. But I'm still a bit uncertain of the mechanics of this anomaly.
Upon reading the transcript, things became a bit easier to understand. I misinterpreted some things in my notes; I'm unsure whether this fault actually lies on the sound design, since I was listening without headphones again. I did notice a gentle breeze at the beginning of the episode, which got me into the atmosphere. I also noticed that the creatures outside were sounding a little fucked up while Arthur here was still hearing birds. There's one bit at the end of the transcript that's really raw, but left me confused:
His voice fades away. The noises of the barnacles rise even higher. The bear roars. So does the ocean.
It's quite evocative, but it made me give the end of the episode another listen, because I did not catch any ocean sounds on my first go. It's faint, but you can definitely hear the ocean if you're paying attention. I have to imagine that this is metaphorical, otherwise it raises a lot more questions about how this anomaly works.
This episode had a lot of good dialogue lines, too. For as much as I make fun of Arthur, he delivers some real bangers, such as the following:
"How can you know something's dead if you don't know how it lives?"
"The point is, I ripped out the part that rots. Now, the healing can begin."
I give the guy a lot of shit, but you can tell that he's a writer. (I also really like his VA; they use him a lot, but I find him to be quite effective.)
Overall, I really like this episode. I'm still a little shaky on how the Ick works, but since this is a monster of the week show, I don't think I need to dwell on it much. Some anomalies might play by different rules than others. That's something to keep in mind. I found the theming of the episode to be fantastic: guy moves to the woods with nobody to escape what he feels are the faults of humanity. Guy rejects connection in doing this. Guy then finds connection by succumbing to the horrors. I can't quite articulate it, but it's a fun turn-around. I look forward to more episodes like this.
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verai-marcel · 3 years
Serendipitous Meetings (Arthur x GN!Reader, Modern AU, 18+)
Summary: You foolishly didn’t mark where you parked in the huge parking structure, and spend some time looking for your car. You run into a fellow who did the same thing, and things get ridiculously serendipitous from there.
Author’s Notes: How many tropes can I shove into this fic? Let’s face it, I just wanted to have Arthur fuck like the manly man that he is. Also going for gender neutral as much as possible, so all my readers who want a piece of Arthur can have him.
Tags: Arthur x GN!Reader, smut, light D/s tones, size kink, light spanking, neck grabbing, rough sex, dirty talk, modern AU
AO3 Link is here, li’l darlin’.
Word Count: 3764
You let out a long suffering sigh as you looked around the packed parking structure. In your rush to meet your friends, you had forgotten to take a photo of where you parked. Now you stared at the large expanse of cars, racking your brain for at least a slight memory of how you got to the venue entrance from your car. 
Sticking your hand into your pocket, you gripped your phone for a moment before letting it go. You had already shooed your friends away, insisting you had parked nearby and could get to your spot no problem. Swallowing your pride, you started to search the rows for the off-white bucket of bolts you dared to call your car. 
After searching one floor, you trudged up the stairs to the next one, stopping a few steps past the landing to gaze upon the hundreds of cars before you. You faintly heard another set of steps coming down the stairwell, but you were so mired in your own despair that you didn't pay the sound any mind. 
"Shit," said a gravelly voice next to you. 
Glancing over, a very broad set of shoulders filled your view. Your eyes flicked over the red and black flannel shirt and blue jeans, with an almost hilariously large belt buckle. Then you looked up. 
Oh no. He was gorgeous, in a rugged, manly-man sort of way. That chiseled jaw, the five o’clock shadow, that thick neck… he was the kind of man who could probably pick you up and throw you over his shoulder with ease. You were so busy staring at him in tired awe that he finally noticed you.
A pair of turquoise eyes met yours. "Sorry," the man said. "Can't find my truck."
It took you half a second to remember to respond. Then you gave him an empathic half-grin. "I can't find my car either."
He pointed upstairs. "What's yer car look like? Maybe I saw it up there."
You shook your head. "It's just a generic off-white Toyota Corolla."
The man shrugged. "Oh. Well, sorry darlin', there's a bunch of those up there."
You sighed, lamenting the fact that your car was one of the most popular cars out on the road these days. You also secretly enjoyed him calling you darling with that accent of his. He sounded like he had just stepped out of a spaghetti western. 
"Maybe I saw your truck downstairs, if it stands out," you said, trying to be helpful. 
"It's a blue Chevy pick-up. Really old, like one o' them classic trucks, 'cept it ain't been cleaned up like the ones you see in a car show."
Your memory flashed with the image of a dirty blue truck in your apartment complex's garage. You stifled a laugh at the thought. You had always wondered who drove the old thing, since you had never seen its owner. 
"Nope, I didn't see a truck like that downstairs," you told him. 
"Oh. Well, guess we better start lookin'," he said. He looked at you for a moment, opened his mouth, then closed it again.
You waited.
“Maybe,” he finally said, “maybe we could look together? For a bit. Keep each other company.”
“Okay,” you said easily. Part of your brain screamed that it could be really easy for him to just pull you into his car, but you dismissed the voice in your head. He seemed alright; you had a good feeling about this guy.
The two of you took off towards the left side of the structure. Putting your remote under your chin and hoping it would actually increase its range, you hit the button on occasion. 
“Uh, what’re you doin’?” he asked, pointing at your remote.
“Oh, I read about this online, someone figured out that you can use your own head as an antenna, or something like that.”
The man raised an eyebrow, but eventually just nodded. “Huh, I guess that makes sense.”
You shrugged. “Haven’t tested it before this, so I’m hoping it actually works.”
The two of you wandered further and further towards the center when finally you heard that familiar beep. 
He chuckled. “Guess it works.”
You had never been so happy to hear that annoying little buzzer of a horn. You took off at a jog without waiting for the man, going towards where you had heard the sound, and as you turned a corner, you spotted it. 
It was the big, old, blue truck from your apartment complex. 
No way, you thought. There is no way. Maybe it's a similar truck. 
Going back, you saw the man wandering around, still searching. 
"Hey Mister!" you yelled. 
He turned towards you. 
You excitedly pointed towards the truck. "This yours?" 
He started walking to you, and as he came closer, you could see the smile on his face and felt your heart skip a beat. 
"Thank you," he said, stopping in front of you. "Where’s your car?"
You grinned and hit your unlock button. The little off-white sedan next to his truck let out a little beep, the lights coming on. 
"Wish I had one of those," he said wistfully. "Sure woulda made my life easier." He looked at you with a small smirk as he opened the door to his truck. "But then I wouldn’t have met you. Thanks fer your help, angel."
You smiled, feeling your cheeks warm from his comment. "No problem." You struggled to find anything else to say, feeling pathetically desperate to hear him speak more. "Have a good night," you finally said. 
"You too," he said, his voice a little lower, a little more breathy as he hauled himself into his truck and closed the door. Now that you had a pretty good feeling that he was a decent guy and not a creep, you half-wished he really would pull you into his truck and have his way with you. 
Shaking the lewd thought from your head, you got into your car and set up your phone to listen to a podcast as you drove home. You eased your way out of the garage, through the local roads, and onto the freeway. For the next thirty minutes, you would spot the same blue truck out of the corner of your eye. Sometimes you’d pass him, sometimes he’d pass you. 
Maybe it’s a different blue truck, you tried to convince yourself.
You couldn’t convince yourself any further when you pulled into your apartment complex right behind him. He parked at his usual spot, three away from yours. Climbing out of your car, you saw him walk towards you.
“You followin’ me?” he asked gruffly, though the grin on his face clearly showed his amusement at the coincidence.
“I can’t believe we live in the same complex,” you muttered, still in shock that you had never seen this handsome man before. “How long have you lived here?”
“Oh, ‘bout two years now.”
“Shit,” you thought to yourself.
“Why’re you cursin’?”
Oh crap. You said that out loud. “I, uh, um,” you stammered.
He quietly watched you, letting you stew in your own embarrassment, an amused grin on his face. The bastard was enjoying watching you squirm!
Feeling your face heat up, you blurted out the truth.
“We could’ve known each other sooner!”
It was an unfortunate tick in your personality that you had never managed to get rid of, and now, watching his eyes widen at your embarrassing remark, you wished the sidewalk would just open up and swallow you whole. But since that wasn’t going to happen, you opted to turn around and stalk away.
“Hey now, wait, you can’t just say that and leave,” the man said, jogging to catch up to you. When you wouldn’t stop walking, he swerved in front of you, forcing you to stop mere millimeters from him. You noticed how big he was, how little you were in comparison. You weren’t a small person by any means, he was just… large.
“Why’re you runnin’ away, darlin’?” he asked, his voice hushed as if he was trying to calm a wild animal. Perhaps with the way you acted, you seemed that way to him.
You took a deep breath, accidentally inhaling his scent, a mix of pine trees and a subtle hint of campfire smoke and musk that made you want to bury your face in his chest and stay there. Desire shot straight between your legs, reminding you that it had been a long time since you’d been with anyone. Letting out a shaky breath, you made the poor choice of looking up at him.
You were blinded by his kind smile and seduced by his deep voice. “Do you want to know me?” he asked quietly. 
“Yes, I do,” you answered immediately.
He pointed to his apartment. “I live there. Want to share some whiskey?"
You paused. He was a stranger. 
A stranger with beautiful eyes and the sweetest smile you had ever seen. 
You followed him willingly into his den. 
You blinked after he turned on the lights. When your vision cleared, your expectations were, fortunately, not met at all.
You had expected a bachelor pad with junk everywhere and clothing on the floor. What you saw was a clean and neat living room with a simple couch and a TV on top of a small entertainment center that held a few blu-rays and a blu-ray player. The short table in front of the couch had a plate on it, a smudge of ketchup and some crumbs on it, and a glass with a little bit of water left.
The man went to pick up after himself, putting the dirty dishes in the sink before going to his pantry. His kitchen looked pretty bare, except for the dried herbs, tied up in bunches under his cabinets. 
While he shuffled around bottles, you went to sit on his couch, but not before pausing for a moment to look through the door to his bedroom. He had a bed that looked big and comfy, his sheets somewhat askew but otherwise in place. Didn’t look like there were any clothes or boxes lying around anywhere. So either the man was tidy, or he didn’t own a lot of things.
“Curious li’l one, ain’tcha?” he chuckled behind you.
Spinning around, you could only give him a sheepish grin. “Yup, sorry. I couldn’t help myself.”
He smiled and gave you a tumbler of amber liquid with a giant sphere of ice. “Curiosity like that could get you in trouble one day,” he said mysteriously, gesturing towards the couch.
You raised an eyebrow, but sat down anyway. You took a sip of the ice cold whiskey, enjoying its slow burn down your throat. It was smooth and sweet. “This is fantastic, what is it?”
“It’s a blackberry flavored whiskey,” he replied as he settled himself on the couch, a little closer to you than you had expected. “I thought you might like it.”
“Oh?” You leaned in a little closer. “And why is that?”
“Somethin’ a li’l sweet fer a li’l sweetheart,” he said with a grin. He knew he was being schmaltzy, but you didn’t care. You were eating up his words, spoken with that deep rumble that went right between your legs.
You continued to sip and make small talk with him until your ice had melted and the late night had become the witching hour. But he didn’t seem to mind, and you wanted to stay.
“You got a bit o’ whiskey here,” he said as he leaned in and reached for the corner of your lips, his thumb catching the drop that had escaped your last sip. You flicked out your tongue to catch him, and your eyes met. A heartbeat passed. The whiskey gave you strength.
Taking his hand in yours, you surged forward and kissed his lips, tasting whiskey and his woodsy scent. A low moan came from deep within him, but he did not reach for you. His hands gripped the cushions as he let you take the lead, climbing into his lap and wrapping your arms around him, your fingers kneading his broad shoulders. You kissed the breath from him, desperate to feel him against you.
When you finally broke away for air, you stared at his eyes, now filled with lust and longing, and realized you didn’t even know his name. 
He came to the same conclusion. “What’s yer name, darlin’?”
You told him.
He nodded and repeated your name. It sounded so good when he said it. “Feels nice to say it out loud,” he said. “I’m Arthur,” he added as he wrapped his arms around you and held you tenderly. “How far do you want to go?”
“All the way,” you said, grinding your hips against his groin, making him take a shuddered breath.
Without a word, he picked you up and carried you to his big, comfy bed. He dropped you unceremoniously and took off his shirt.
He was ripped. He was built like a man who had worked all his life in a physical job, carrying & lifting. With his tall stature, his broad shoulders, and his huge arms, he made you feel small.
You had never been more aroused in your whole life. 
Your body was ready to be thoroughly fucked by this man, and you hadn’t even taken your clothes off yet. You watched hungrily as he undid his belt and dropped his jeans & boxers, your eyes taking in his size. He wasn’t even at full mast yet, and you already wondered if you’d be able to take him all in.
“Your turn, darlin’.”
Taken out of your trance, you took off your clothes as he watched. You started at a normal pace, but when you saw him take himself in his hand and stroke himself while watching you with a lustful gaze, you slowed down, making an attempt to tease him. Already topless, you lay back on the bed and lifted your legs up, sliding your pants upwards. Slowly, you exposed your ass to him, winking salaciously.
He stroked himself a little faster. A soft moan escaped his lips. “Darlin’, yer makin’ it real hard fer me to stay in control here.”
You glanced down at him. “I can see it’s real hard,” you said with a playful smirk.
“Oh, yer goin’ ta get it now,” he said, his grin becoming predatory as he climbed onto the bed. Grabbing the rest of your clothes, he pulled them from you, flinging them over his shoulder before flipping you onto your belly. He gripped your ass and squeezed hard before giving you a firm spank.
“Ooh!” you yelped. 
“You want more?” he asked as his hand soothed over his mark.
You could tell he was asking for permission. Turning back to him, you gave him your best pouty face. “Does Sir think I need more?”
Arthur looked immensely pleased with your response. “I think so,” he said, his voice deepening with a thread of command that turned you on beyond belief. He straddled your legs and rested one hand on the curve of your ass. “I told you, curiosity would get you in trouble.”
He spanked you hard once more. “That’s fer sneakin’ glances into my room,” he said. He gave you three more swipes, each in slightly different areas so you wouldn’t get too sore. Then he grabbed your ass with both hands and massaged your muscles, spreading you open as he thrust his cock along the cleft of your rear.
“Yer so obedient, sweetheart,” he murmured as his hips rocked, his eyes fluttering shut for a few moments. Then with his strong grip, he manhandled you onto your back, wrapping his big hands around you and pulling you into his arms. He cradled you for a sweet, gentle moment before rolling you around like you were as light as a pillow before setting you back down onto the mattress. He leaned over you as he reached for the nightstand, pulling out a condom. You watched him slip it on, but he didn’t move to enter you. Instead, he reached down and began to stroke you as he loomed above, watching your reactions.
You moaned and writhed under his deliberate exploration. His hands traveled languidly along every inch of you. When he found a sensitive area that elicited a soft noise of pleasure from you, he lingered, making you whimper and lean into his touch. He finally touched you lower, where you longed for his attention, but to your frustration he continued his study at the same leisurely pace. Soon his strokes became faster and he pressed harder against you. His eyes nearly glowed as he watched you lift your hips towards his hands, imploring him for more. Using his new knowledge to his advantage, he brought you to the brink and then shifted his touch elsewhere, making you cool off before working you back up again until you were going insane with need.
“Please, please Arthur, I need to come,” you begged.
He only smiled as he slipped a finger inside of you. He slowly worked you open enough for two of his fingers, then three. Soon he was dragging you to the edge again, and you hadn’t even had his cock. You were feeling like you were being denied the thing you wanted most.
“Arthur,” you whispered, “I want your cock.”
“Louder, darlin’.”
“I want your cock!”
“And what do you want me to do with it?”
“Fuck me!”
“Say it again. All of it.”
“Fuck me with your cock!”
His smile was wolfish, satisfied that he had heard you beg for your desire. Pressing the head of his shaft against your opening, he pushed, easing his way inside of you.
You were right. He was big, long, and oh so thick. He stretched you deliciously, and you keened softly as he took you, claimed you, made you his in the most carnal of ways. He reached up and slipped his hand under your head, gripping your hair at the base and pulling slightly. 
“Eyes on me, darlin’. I want to see you while I’m takin’ you,” he murmured.
You couldn’t look away from him. His look was intense, as if he commanded your entire being, your body his to use for his pleasure. And you willingly gave it to him, letting him sheathe his entire length inside of you. He held you still while your body adjusted to his claim, watching you with an almost proud expression.
“Good li’l darlin’,” he said as he leaned over. He kissed you gently on the lips, then on the forehead, and as if he was overcome with affection for you, peppered kisses along the curve of your cheek and down your neck.
“I’m goin’ to fuck you now,” he whispered into your ear. “You tell me to slow if it’s too much for ya, alright?”
You nodded, sure that whatever he was about to do to you, you could handle it.
He lifted himself up onto his forearms, his hands framing your face. “You look so damn cute,” he murmured before his hips slowly pulled back. “So fuckable.”
Arthur slammed his cock deep inside of you with one forceful stroke. He immediately looked down at you when you let out a cry of surprise. He waited, quietly checking in.
“More,” you whispered.
You thought you saw relief cross his features before he gave you a teasing smirk. “Ask me nicely and I just might give it to ya.”
“Please sir,” you begged, “I need more.”
Arthur gave you a single nod before rocking his hips, building you up slowly, his gaze nearly burning a hole into you with their intensity. As your body stretched and accommodated him, you clawed at his arms, greedily clamoring for him to speed up. He let out a feral growl before wrapping a big, rough hand around your neck, his other hand gripping your leg and spreading you wider for him. 
"You think you can take more, darlin'?" 
You looked up at him and smiled a challenge. 
He began a ferocious pace, angling himself to take you as deep as he could go. All you could focus on was the impact of his body against yours, his thick shaft filling you over and over, unrelenting as a tidal wave.
Soon he let go of your neck so he could sit up and grip your hips with both of his hands. He was fucking the breath out of you with each hard thrust, the sound of his hips slamming against yours filling the room with a lewd rhythm, intertwined with your breathy cries and his low moans of pleasure.
He reached down and stroked you, his touch rough and vigorous, matching the way he was ravaging you in a haze of lust. You could feel yourself sprinting towards that delicious finish line. The end was in sight as your hips jerked wildly, your legs wrapping around Arthur as he thrust even harder and deeper than before. 
"Come fer me," he murmured. "I want to feel you lose yerself around my cock."
You screamed as his words broke the dam that was holding back a torrent of pleasure, your climax tearing through your body at breakneck speed. Your legs stiffened, your toes curled, and your fingers dug into his very muscled biceps as you came harder than you ever had. You shook with aftershocks as Arthur continued to thrust, his hands letting go of your hips as he fell upon his forearms, caging you in as he chased his pleasure. 
"Fuck sweetheart, I'm comin'," he moaned before he buried his head into the crook of your neck. He gave three more erratic thrusts, then nearly crushed you with his weight as he pressed his hips against yours, keeping himself inside of you for as long as he could. 
A breathless moment passed, the two of you trying to catch that elusive breath. Arthur rolled off of you, quickly gathering you into his arms as he tumbled onto his side. 
"Goddamn," he finally muttered. "Wasn't expectin' to have such good company."
You turned in his arms so you could see the wide grin on his face. "For once, I'm glad I got lost in the parking lot."
He kissed your forehead. "Me too, darlin'. But let's make sure we don't get lost again." He found your hands under the covers, brought them up to his lips, and kissed your fingertips. 
"After all, I only just found you, my li'l darlin'."
End Notes: Been a while, and of course, all of my pent-up lust just came streaming out of me in a flurry of words and phrases. Hope it’s still hot enough for you, my lovely readers!
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theclockworkmonk · 3 years
Out of the Mouths of Babes — Chapter 2
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Prompt: “Uncle Ron said something about Harry knocking Ginny up, but I don’t know what he means,” Teddy said.
"They can't be serious…." Harry muttered in disbelief as he stared down at the very official-looking letter.
"Who's serious about what?" asked Ginny, stepping into their living room.
Harry jumped and quickly tried to hide the letter behind his back. "Nothing!" he squeaked.
He should have known better. Ginny got a mischievous glint in her eye and darted around him, trying to get at the letter. They spent a minute chasing around each other, but eventually Ginny faked him out into tripping over the coffee table, and she quickly snatched the letter out of his hand with a triumphant laugh, making Harry once again wonder if she wouldn't be even better at Seeker.
"Ooooo," Ginny sang dramatically as she saw the emblem at the top of the parchment, "an official statement from the Wizengamot! Have they come up with a new award to bestow on you?"
"No, it's even worse," mumbled Harry.
"Oh, well now I'm very interested," Ginny teased, "am I worthy to take a peek at such official correspondence between such important people?"
"Well, it actually concerns you too, Missy," said Harry, crossing his arms, "so go ahead."
"Hold on, let's see if I can get the right tone." Ginny cleared her throat, pointed her nose in the air, and continued in her haughtiest tone,
"To the esteemed Harry James Potter,
After consideration of your actions to serve and protect the Wizarding World of Great Britain, as well as the recent discovery of your lineage to the Ancient and Noble House of Peverell, previously thought to be lost, it is with great honor and pleasure that we offer to restore your line to its former status by bestowing upon you one of the vacant Lordships!?"
Ginny dropped her character and her mouth gaped open in disbelief. "Along with the accompanying seat on the Wizengamot!" she finished quickly.
She looked up at him with wide eyes, and her face split into a wicked grin and Harry knew he would never hear the end of this.
Harry snatched the parchment back.
"Yeah, so in other words," he began before she could start getting her jokes in, "they're embarrassed by how many of their seats are still empty after half their members were thrown in prison or fled the country for being Death Eater collaborators, so they're once again trying to use me as their poster boy so they can look like they've turned over a new leaf. Except they clearly haven't, since they only deemed me 'worthy' after they found out which dead pure-bloods I'm descended from, so they're still the same navel-gazing, inbred aristocrats they've always been!"
By the time he was finished, he was shouting and he panted to catch his breath.
Ginny, however, still found the whole thing hilarious.
"Oh, it breaks my heart to see Lord Potter so displeased," she bowed low to him with a flourish of her hand. "Let me know if there's anything a lowly peasant like me can do to serve you."
"Yeah, yuck it up, Weasley," said Harry dryly, "Like I said, this affects you too."
She looked back up at him with a sardonic look. "How does your having to sit through long parliamentary bullshit have to do with me?"
"Well," said Harry, stepping toward her, "if I'm a Lord, that means that, if I ever get married one day—"
"Hypothetically speaking," said Ginny.
"Yes, then that hypothetical girl — whoever she might be — would become a Lady."
"Hmmm," hummed Ginny thoughtfully. She wrapped her hands around his neck and he snaked his arms around her waist. "So you think this is relevant to me because you're hoping to make me your Lady? That's mighty presumptive of you, Lord Potter."
"Well, I wouldn't say hoping," lied Harry. "It's just a logical possibility to consider, strictly because you're pure-blood, of course. But I'm still keeping my options open. After all, you know how much of a ladies man I am."
"Yes, of course. But you know…" said Ginny thoughtfully, tracing circles over Harry's chest with her finger, "'Lady Ginevra Potter….does have kind of a nice ring to it."
"Oh, but things would be expected of you, m'Lady," said Harry, "and you would definitely have to stop all that Quidditch nonsense. Such a vulgar and violent activity is beneath a woman of your standing."
"Oh, well, I guess that's settled, we have to break up," Ginny sighed, "We're just a part of two different worlds."
"I'll always remember you," said Harry romantically, "but alas, I must kiss you goodbye."
He bent down and gave her a kiss, then they broke apart as they cracked up into laughter.
"Come on, I'm not going to let anyone call me a Lord," said Harry, rolling his eyes, "and obviously I'm not actually going to sit on the bloody Wizengamot. Those seats are transferable, so I can give it to someone who will actually know what they're doing. My first instinct is your dad, but he probably won't want it either, and they'll do anything to get him off again. Andromeda would probably feel at home there, but could do some good. Or maybe McGonagall."
Ginny groaned. "You can be so boring sometimes, you know that? You have a chance to put Luna in a position of power, that would drive them insane! Oh, or how about Aberforth, that would be hilarious!"
Harry laughed. "We're not all agents of chaos like you, Gin. I swear, sometimes I think you're Eris in disguise."
"Oh, you think I'm a goddess?" Ginny flirted, "then I guess you better worship me."
"Hmmm," Harry kissed her again, but then sighed and pulled back. "Sadly, there's no time for that, we're already running late for dinner at the Burrow."
"Alright, should we go together or do you want to keep up the pretense that we're actually living in different flats?" she asked him pointedly.
He gave a weak, embarrassed smile. "I know it's ridiculous, and I might be a coward, I've just managed to escape your mother's disapproving stare so far in my life, I'd like to keep it that way as long as possible."
Ginny rolled her eyes but led him by the hand out the door of their flat, past the wards they had put up. Harry wrapped an arm around her waist, and turned on the spot, feeling the squeeze of Disapparition.
"Come on!" urged Ron, "I'm hungry!"
"What else is new?" laughed Hermione, as she finished a letter she needed to send and tied it to Pig. After she sent the little owl on his way, she turned around to see her fiance standing by the fireplace, bouncing on his feet like a child on Christmas morning.
"Honestly Ron," said Hermione, shaking her head, "one would think you haven't eaten in a week, and there's no way that your mother even has dinner ready yet."
"Yes, but her pre-dinner scones should be coming out of the oven right now!" said Ron cleverly, "And I might as well have not eaten in a week, don't pretend like I'm the only one who's sick of our sad attempts at cooking."
"Alright, alright!" said Hermione. She joined him by the fireplace, threw some floo powder into the grate, and together they stepped into the green flames.
"THE BURROW!" Ron shouted clearly, and after the spinning sensation and flashes of various fireplaces, they stumbled into the sitting room of Ron's childhood home.
Ron's excited smile faltered when they saw the sitting room completely empty, with no one there to greet them. He recognized the overlapping voices of his family instead coming from the kitchen, and with a rush of horror he feared that his precious scones were already being eaten by an army of Weasleys. He led Hermione by the hand across the room towards the kitchen, and he started to make out individual voices.
"I just don't understand why they haven't told us!" said his mother.
"He probably knows what we're likely to do to him," grumbled Charlie.
"You've been away too long, brother mine," chuckled George, "I guarantee you she's the one keeping it under wraps."
"In any case, we know that pushing the issue will do nothing but make things worse," said Ron's dad gently, "We just have to—"
"Scones ready?" asked Ron loudly as he and Hermione entered the kitchen, and Hermione had to resist the urge to swat him. The conversation he had interrupted seemed interesting, and her suspicions were confirmed (and her curiosity inflamed) when all talk instantly ceased the moment they walked into the room. Six heads snapped towards the arriving couple as Molly, Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Percy, and George widened their eyes in surprise and fear, like they were caught discussing something covert. Hermione also noticed how a few of them (mainly Ron's two oldest brothers) then narrowed their eyes venomously at her and her boyfriend.
While the kitchen of the Burrow was usually one of the warmest, most welcoming rooms in the world to Hermione, she noticed a distinctly cool, tense atmosphere this time. She looked sideways and saw that even Ron had clearly noticed, his eager smile slipping from his face.
There were several seconds of silence as the older family members' eyes all flittered between each other, holding a silent conversation that Ron and Hermione didn't know how to join. Then the loud ding of the kitchen timer made them all jerk suddenly.
"Wow, do I have great timing or what?" said Ron proudly, trying to ease some of the tension in the room, but some of his laughter died in his throat. His stomach didn't let him dwell on it, however, as Molly bent down to take the scones out of the oven, and the sweet, fresh smell filled the kitchen.
After she put the plate of scones on the table, Ron casually flicked a cooling charm over them before grabbing one greedily. The other Weasley men took their own, but they looked more like it was just something to do with their hands. While Ron hummed as he took a big bite, they chewed theirs thoughtfully.
"I should check on the washing," said Molly quietly, without looking at anyone. She grabbed a laundry basket and headed outside towards the clothesline.
"I'll help!" said Hermione cheerfully. She was always happy to help with the chores at the Burrow, but she also wanted to get one of the Weasleys alone to figure out what they had been talking about.
Molly didn't answer and continued outside with Hermione behind her.
"How have you and Arthur been?" asked Hermione pleasantly.
"Well, my days are still dreary, with no children left in the house," Molly sighed. "I knew that children don't stay children forever, but I certainly wasn't expecting my younger ones to hit so many milestones so quickly….and in the wrong order." She finished more quietly
Hermione frowned. Did Molly think she and Ron were getting married too soon? She had never expressed that before, she was overjoyed when they had announced their engagement.
"Er….well, Ron recently got promoted from Junior Auror," said Hermione uncertainly as she began helping Molly take garments off the clothesline and put them in the basket. "He'll be taking more serious cases now." So his career is well on track, if that's what you're worried about.
"I'm touched that you and Ron are willing to indulge that to me!" said Molly sharply
Hermione pursed her lips. Her patience was running out.
She stepped towards her soon-to-be mother-in-law and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Molly…"
For the first time, Molly turned to look at Hermione and the younger woman flinched back at the cold distrust and disapproval she saw in her eyes. Hermione felt a rush of deja vu, and after a short moment she realized where she had seen that look before: it was the same look she had received from Molly her fourth year, when the older witch had believed Rita Skeeter and was under the impression that Hermione was Harry's manipulative girlfriend, breaking his heart by messing around with Viktor.
"Mrs. Weasley...have I done something wrong?" asked Hermione weakly.
Seeing the hurt on Hermione's face, Molly's own harsh expression softened and was replaced with a wave of guilt. Her eyes got watery and her lip trembled, and before Hermione could say anything else she suddenly found herself being hugged tightly.
"No dear, you haven't done anything wrong," said Molly in a choked voice, as Hermione awkwardly patted her back, thoroughly confused. "I'm just being silly. I understand you're not choosing sides, you're just being a good friend."
Molly pulled back, and was smiling weakly at Hermione.
"Er...thank you," said Hermione, more bewildered than ever. "I don't mean to be rude, Molly, but I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."
"Oh no, of course not," Molly winked dramatically, "There's nothing to tell, I'll drop it. Come on, dinner is just about ready."
Before Hermione could insist more strongly that Molly explain what the hell was going on, Molly picked up the now-full laundry basket and returned to the house, leaving Hermione blinking dumbly behind her.
As Hermione followed his mother outside, Ron continued to chew into the warm, buttery scone, barely looking at his surrounding family members, the earlier tension all but forgotten to him.
"So….little Ronnie doesn't come around for dinner as much as he used to," Bill pointed out.
"He and Harry have been burning the candle at both ends at the Ministry," said Percy.
"Hmm-hmm," Ron nodded, engrossed in his scone, not looking up to see the stern looks on his brothers' faces. "More than we need to be, honestly. But because of Harry's saving-people-thing, he's always sure that the next case will end in disaster if the dark wizard isn't caught right now, and of course he would be lost without me, so whenever he's working overtime I am too." He shrugged.
"Oh yes, I think we're all well aware how loyal you are to Harry," Charlie said darkly, "Even over other, older loyalties, as a matter of fact."
"Charlie…." began their dad warningly.
Ron looked back up, and grew uncomfortable again when he saw that all of his family members were looking directly at him. Earlier, he had assumed that the awkward tension in the room was because he and Hermione had interrupted an important conversation, but it seemed to go beyond that, like they were pissed directly at him for something he had done.
"What's going—"
He was interrupted by his mother re-entering the house, holding the laundry with one hand and wiping tears from her eyes with the other. Hermione followed in shortly behind her, and Ron looked pointedly at his mother and gave his fiance a quizzical look, but Hermione just returned a confused, helpless shrug.
"The roast should be almost done now," said Molly happily, and waved her want to send a flurry of plates and cutlery flying to settle in front of where each of the Weasley men were sitting.
"And I'm such a terrible mother, I neglected something," chuckled Molly, and bent down to kiss the crown of Ron's head. "We all missed you, dear."
"Mum…" Ron grumbled awkwardly, but he saw his brothers look at each other with slightly guilty expressions, and as they followed their mother's lead, the atmosphere of the room became friendlier.
Charlie drew in a deep breath and sighed. "I need a drink."
"Excellent idea!" pipped George. He waved his wand and summoned a large bottle of firewhiskey from the cabinet along with several glasses, which zoomed right past Molly's face, causing her to jump and shriek.
"For the last time, only the cook can summon in the kitchen!" Molly scolded him, "I won't have this room devolve in complete chaos of flying objects until someone gets a concussion!"
"And I know you don't always act like it, but you are all of age," said Arthur, raising his eyebrows at George pouring several glasses of whiskey, "so I see no reason why you can't bring your own drinking supplies instead of raiding mine."
Molly huffed. "Well maybe it will be best if we stopped keeping that poison in the house—"
She stopped abruptly as they heard a faint pop from outside, coming from down the pathway, and Ron knew that Harry and Ginny must have arrived. Instead of beaming and rushing out into the garden to greet her two favorite children, however, Ron saw his mother gasp and a bit of the color drain from her face. His family members all looked at each other with that same expression he first saw when he came into the room.
Charlie gave a low growl and picked up a glass. "Yup. Definitely need a drink."
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amazingmaeve · 4 years
Clingy - John Shelby
Peaky Blinders Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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AN: Esme doesn’t exist in this on (don’t worry still love her)
Pairing: John Shelby x Female!reader
Warnings: Smoking, mentions of sex, pregnancy
Summary: Y/N over hears John telling his brothers the he thinks she clingy. Her being 6 months pregnant doesn’t help the matter
Y/N didn’t expect to get pregnant for a third time. She already birthed two baby’s , one boy and one girl. Plus Johns other kids from his first marriage.
Though she wasn’t expect it, it didn’t mean she wasn’t happy about. Y/N knew that John would be happy as her. And when she told him he was over the moon about it.
But that didn’t stop the fears.
The first baby she gave birth to, Elizabeth, almost died when she gave birth. Then her second one, Henry, had some complications which resulted in bed rest for the past month of her pregnancy.
It also didn’t help that there was a lot going around with the Shelbys. Some bad stuff going on in London. Y/N was also worried that someone would try and take the baby and the other kids. It happened once with Charlie.
So that’s why Y/N followed John everyone. She didn’t want anything to happen to her or the baby.
John on the other hand found it a little annoying at times but didn’t say anything to her face. He didn’t want to make her feel bad in her hormonal state or in general.
The reason he found it annoying was he didn’t get anytime to himself.
His brothers found it very hilarious though. He would just ignore them and roll his eyes.
On this one particularly night John had gone out with his brothers and some of the other blinders without telling Y/N. So Y/N went to go and find him at the garrison.
As she was about to open the door to the private room she heard her name being said. Y/N leaned her ear against the glass to hear what they were saying.
“Where Y/N,” She heard Thomas asked her husband.
“Probably at home the place I saw her,” John sarcastically replied Y/N could just hear the eye roll in his eye which made her frown a bit.
“Thought she was attached to you at hip,” Arthur joked punching his younger brother in the arm. “Wonder why she’s been like this,” His voice sounded more serious.
“I don’t fucking know all I know is that she’s being clingy and needy,” John snapped at his older brother not knowing his wife was behind the door listening to the conversation.
Y/N eyes welled up with tears as her bottom lip quivered a bit. She knew she’s been a bit clingy but she didn’t know it annoyed him. She wished she knew this before she wouldn’t have been like this.
Y/N left the pub before anyone of the brothers came out and found her standing there.
As she walked home she was lightly crying. Also it was very dark out which made her slightly nervous. But luckily Y/N got home without any problems.
When Y/N got inside the house she let the nanny go home so she could spend time with the kids. Katie was worried about, she was Johns eldest child. Katie knew the different attitude and tone in Y/N. But didn’t ask about it.
She got the kids to bed and started to prepare herself to go to bed as well. Y/N was still quite down as she laid down in the bed. She felt bad now for being so clingy to John. She turned of the light and went to lay on her side. Her hand was rubbing circles on her baby bump. She could feel the baby kicks which made her smile. She slowly drifted asleep after doing that do her belly.
When Y/N woke up she found that John came to bed and his arm was wrapped around her waist.
She carefully lifted his arms and got out of bed before the kids did to go and make breakfast.
About halfway into cooking she heard her youngest, only being 2, call out to her. She went to get Henry and picked him up and took him down stairs and sat him in his chair and continued to cook.
While Y/N was waiting for the eggs to be done she felt someone wrap their arms around her waist. She turned her head to see John standing there with a smirk on his face.
“Almost thought you’ve been kidnapped when I woke up alone,” John mumbled kissing up her neck. Y/N usually did stay in bed but she felt bad for being clingy and wanted to give John a breakfast in bed.
“Oh I wanted to give you a breakfast in bed,” Y/N smiled at John and turned around to face him.
“You shouldn’t have love, you have to be taking it easy,” John reassured while resting his hand on her bump.
“Don’t worry about me I just wanted to help you, I know it’s been a few stressful months for you,” Y/N smiled and put her hand on his cheek rubbing it softly.
“I always worry about you,” John whispered as his lips brushed against Y/N’s lips and they shared a sweet kiss.
“Ewwwww,” They heard Henry whine which scared the crap out of John by the way he jumped.
“Jesus Christ Henry didn’t see ya there,” John smile as he noticed the happy look on his sons faces.
John went to go and sit down and brought his son on top of his lap. Y/N smiled and watched them. There was a few moments of peace while the food was being put on plates for everyone. They heard a lot of feet coming down the stairs and Y/N sighed getting ready for all the noise.
As the kids strolled down the stairs they sat on there chairs and began to chatting with one another.
Y/N sat down all the food and sat down herself and began to eat.
Throughout the day John notice something different about Y/N. She wasn’t by his side as usual. She went to go and see Polly and Lizzie.
John didn’t know if he did something wrong or it was just her hormones. She was usually by him so he was just confused.
Even though John would never admit it he missed your presence. He did think she was a bit clingy but that didn’t mean he didn’t like it.
She didn’t ignore him for the rest of the day she just wasn’t by his side like usual. He wondered what happened to her. He thought he’d just ask her at home.
When John went Y/N was already there. She left around three hours ago when her back started to hurt. John understood and let her leave not wanting her to stress.
When he entered their shared room he saw her laying down reading a book.
Kids must be asleep he thought.
“Hey love your back feeling any better,” John asked as he sat down next to her on the bed.
“Yes it is,” Y/N reassured him with a smile and pecked his lips. “If you’re hungry there’s dinner in the fridge if you want any,” She told as he went to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
“Don’t worry love I already had something to eat,” John told her.
When John came back to bed he saw his wife had put away the book and then laid down. She was trying to get comfortable but her stomach was making it incredibly hard for her.
“Sweetheart I have a question,” John asked as he joined her in bed. He got under the covers and Y/N laid closer to John and rest her on his chest. He put his hand on her belly rubbing his thumb in small circles. He smiled when he felt the baby kick.
“Sure what’d you need,” Y/N smiled up at him.
“Today you haven’t been like yourself,” John pointed out.
“What do you mean love,” Y/N shifted feeling slightly uncomfortable she knew what he was talking about.
“Well for one you barely talked to me to today,” John teased with a little smirk on his face.
Y/N rolled her eyes not amused with and rolled over in her other side. She didn’t want to talk about this tonight.
“Love I was just joking,” John pointed out when he saw her rolled over. “Come on you can tell me,” He reassured her as he pulled on her shoulder to get her to turn.
When she did he saw that her face was stained with tears which made Johns heart drop.
“Love what happens,” John moved over to her side more to wipe her tears.
“I heard you,” Y/N whispered as her voice cracked a bit.
“Heard what,” John asked confused. He didn’t know what was wrong with her.
“When you were talking with Tommy and Arthur telling them I was clingy,” Y/N snapped glaring at her husband who’s face was in shock before he said anything Y/N interrupted. “I was coming to the garrison to meet up with you and I heard you in the private room,”
“Love I didn’t mean it,” He truly didn’t mean it. He was having a bad day that day and he didn’t even know she was there. When he saw her roll her eyes in annoyance he spoke again. “I mean it love I was having a rough day and didn’t mean to be mean to you. I didn’t even know you were there,” He explained.
Y/N just rested her head back on his chest. “So I’m not clingy,” She asked looking up at him with hopeful eyes.
“Sometimes but I love it when you were and I love you.”
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theshelbyclan · 3 years
2k celebration fic rec!!
So I’ve reached 2k and I’m beyond grateful, it actually made me cry. But it also made me realise that none of this is about me really. It sometimes feels like the fandom is slowly dying, like creators are being forgotten about and we have less and less to go feral about (as a wise person once said ;) ). So I wanted to give all of you who might not get the recognition they would like the platform for the day. These fics I love and I would love for everyone to read them, but they usually have less than 100 notes. And now more than ever we need to lift each other up! So without further ado: masterpieces that deserve all the love. Me and my blog wouldn’t be where we’re at without all of you ❤️🖤❤️
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(gif by @mistress-gif) Imagine 2 by @sophieshelby​: I think this was the first Tommy imagine I ever read of hers and it’s very much like all her other ones: very sweet, easy to read and as soon as you’ve finished one of them, you’ll want to read through her entire masterlist. The best thing about this was how romantic it is, but not sweetly, so the characters remain very much in character for me, which is a great skill for any fanfic writer! Check out her work, you will not be disappointed!! A Bloody Good Excuse To Touch by @comebackjessica​: This one is probably my new favourite Tommy x Alfie fic, and it made me laugh out loud through the entire thing. Tommy was shot by a canon, Alfie finds out he’s ticklish, John won’t stop calling Alfie Tommy’s boyfriend, and everything is just brilliant. And to top it all off, Alfie then says when threatened by Tommy: “Oh, I don’t doubt it, mate. Scary little gangster you are, hm.” I was dead 😂 Alfie x Ada (Peaky blinders imagine) by @vintunnavaa​: WHY did no one ever write about these two together before because it is perfection. At first it’s hilarious, then it’s suddenly serious and sweet and emotional and as a sweet cherry on top: the family reacts. Absolute stroke of genius this imagine was en everyone should read it.
The Chronicles of Polly Gray by @raccoon-is-my-spirit-animal​: picking just one of Anna’s fics is a crying shame, because all of them are comedic gold and deserve so much more attention. I may be biased as this major fan of her work, but you do not want to miss out on any of them. But this series on the goddess we know as Polly Gray is so original as it’s set before the series and done beautifully. She does this queen every justice and even though Anna happily rips my heart out, I can’t imagine life without this fic anymore 👏 Coming out 1 – Peaky Preference by @murswrites​: Can’t remember the first time I read this one, but I do remember it set me on a bender when it came to her work. It gave me so much comfort reading this and it made me feel accepted, even if it was just by a bunch of fictional characters, because the rest of the world often doesn’t. I needed this one, badly. Polly reaction especially had me in tears. Please, read this, whether you’re scared of coming out or not, because this is the writing everyone truly needs 😘❤️ Don’t You Get Any Ideas by @amysteryspot​: As you all probably know, Ari has my whole heart. And like it often is in this fandom, her Tommy fics are getting a lot of recognition (as they bloody should), but her other ones not as much as they deserve. This one is about John, the reader is gender neutral and this protective John is literally everything. Basically, this is the kind of fic I want to live in and I might just do that from now on… Mother of Mine by @shelbywhiterose​: Apparently I really like these background type of fics, and this one especially, about the Shelby’s mother. For the life of me I do not understand why this fic isn’t getting more notes and love, because it’s so poetically beautiful. Like the idea is very original, an entire background world has been thought out because of it, and even though it’s quite a long fic, I could not stop reading. This writer is unbelievably talented, creativity through the roof, and you do not want to miss out on any of it 💕
Immoral by @bonniesgoldengirl​: There are times when I just feel my happy bi self and there are times when I feel simply gay and there are times where my entire sexuality is just Ada Shelby. This fic did that 😂. I think it’s been mentioned before, but a lot in this fic centres on Linda being bigoted and awful, but I didn’t even notice really because kisses ME (the reader) and it’s all I know now. Honestly, favourite Ada fic right here and I need all of it in my life, because it left me too horny to function. Thanks for that 😐😘 Keep On Haunting Me by @caelys​: It’s no secret I go full fangirl when it comes to her work, but this particular fic is one of those I keep coming back to. Lizzie, my baby, is written wonderfully in it with some background even and I swear some of the lines in this one are pure poetry: “God quickly reminded her that she was there to fuck, not to feel; even is she despised that fact. Or maybe God just liked to fuck with her. Because as quickly the Shelby’s became her curse, they became her blessing.” But most of all, this story really is haunting, it’s painful and it’s like a ghost itself. The talent in this one short fic will never cease to blow me away, no matter how many times I’ve read it already. 🖤🖤
Burnt Toast by @irishwhiskeys​: Another reader as Shelby sister one, but I love it. Kinda broke my heart, made me cry, but strangely enough we like doing stuff like that to ourselves. 🙈 But honeslty, this author has so many gems in the masterlist and it would be your loss to miss any of them. Please send them all the love! In the Bleak Midwinter by @peakyswritings​: Well this broke my heart into a thousand pieces. The war has impacted John as well, even if SK decides not to show it, but this fic does. Weaved in with the song, it’s a poetical masterpiece, honestly. All the emotions are captured brilliantly and even though it left me actually sobbing, it’s one of my favourites on here. An Ode To Arthur Shelby by @the-makingsofgreatness​: I have no idea why there are so few Arthur Shelby fics out there and I have even less of an idea as to why this one isn’t getting all the attention. One word for this fic is just BEAUTIFUL. It’s sad and heartbreaking, but everything just fits Arthur. The way you describe him, his life, his skin even, it’s just mesmerizing to read. I wish to God you would write more like this one, or continue this one, because it’s pure art. Mr. Rattlebone by @murderousginger​: Tommy and Lizzie, the original dream team that I can’t get enough of. Lizzie deserves everything in the world and more, as does this fic. This story is funny at times, very angsty and there’s some nice little smut in there. I loved every second of it 👏👏 Green is Your Colour by @babylooneytoonz​: Another one that gets all the points for originality, because the reader is Isaiah Jesus’ older sister! FINALLY we get another POC reader and the story itself does not disappoint for a second. Tommy is adorable in this one and I just need fluff like that in my life. But everything this author brings out if just amazing. But this one, in particular, made me feel beautiful and that’s such a great gift to give to any reader. Thank you, love ❤️
There are so many more and feel free to add to this one! Please remember that I also love and appreciated the bigger blogs on here or the fics with more notes, I just wanted to show that there’s so much talent out there, even if it won’t show up in Tumblr’s annoying algorithm thing that I don’t understand. Make sure to send each other some love: we all need each other! 😘😘
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tickle-bugs · 3 years
Justice League Headcanons
So...yeah. Blame @fickle-tiction and @fanficsandfluff but I can’t get JL out of my head. I know next to nothing in terms of canon and I only enjoy a handful of DC movies, so this is the beginning of what I am calling the BEU (Bug Extended Universe). 
Essentially, in the words of Nick Fury, ‘I recognize your canon, but seeing as it’s a stupid-ass canon, I have elected to ignore it :)’. A mish-mash of everything I’ve learned about DC through osmosis and my own personal vibe checks :)
This is absurdly long so everything is under the cut:
Clark Kent
- Superman? NO, Superdork. 
- He’s extremely clumsy. If he wasn’t as fast as a speeding bullet he’d get his ass handed to him ten times over. He has two left feet. 
- He has a sweet tooth like no one’s business. Lois once found him perched on the kitchen counter at 3 am eating the donuts she brought home from work. 
- Super playful and affectionate! King of bear hugs! Country boy I love youuuuuuu
- Curses like a sailor. Do you really think Clark ‘Smallville, Kansas’ Kent is wholesome? He stubbed his toe once and yelled FUCK so loud that the windows vibrated. Everyone who isn’t in the league thinks he’s a boyscout but the league knows the truth. 
- Forgets about his powers a lot. He has been known to run through walls/take doors off their hinges when he’s excited. 
- Goblin. He loves messing with Bruce and roping Barry into his schemes. 
- Clark being ticklish is actually smth that can be so personal? His laugh is so loud and he always goes ‘sorry’ and tries to be quieter but it does NOT work. He has flight instincts more than fight instincts so he often starts unconsciously floating away when he’s tickled it’s so cute. He giggles a lot and he’s not particularly embarrassed by it.
- Do NOT get me started on ler Clark I could write a dissertation. He is SO playful and teasy but also sweet? He definitely is the type to laugh along with his lee. He definitely allows any sort of retaliation/fighting back like,,, if you manage to crawl away it’s because he let you, and if he wants too, he can be very mean and immovable.
- Bruce and Barry are his favorite targets. He doesn’t go after Diana because, frankly, he doesn’t have a death wish. He loves to cause problems on purpose by squeezing Arthur’s side and then blaming it on Barry. (Hal Jordan isn’t in the DCEU Justice League but I wish he was...they’d be partners in crime <3)
Bruce Wayne
- Okay let’s clarify some things: he’s not actually an asshole. He can be abrasive and snarky but he’s more towards the sarcastic gruff side vs straight-up mean.
- A lot of people think he’s genuinely an asshole/disconnected rich guy because he has a terrible habit of zoning out/interrupting people? Bruce actually just has intense ADHD that he refuses to get diagnosed, no matter how much Alfred pushes him. He doesn’t care what people think about him and he’s mostly learned how to manage it, so he leaves it alone.
- That being said, his friendship with Barry has me :’) Yes, he thinks Barry’s a pest (affectionate), but they share a few science-related hyperfixations (robotics, chemical engineering, etc). They can frequently be found holed up in the Batcave with a week’s worth of food and caffeine, and they’re just....tinkering. Watching them at work is amazing because as much as they annoy each other, they respect each other :)
- He’s 100% a cat person. He doesn’t have a problem with dogs, he just prefers cats. He feeds the strays that hang out around the Manor all the time...
-...which Alfred begs him not to do, because Bruce is severely allergic. He thinks he can power through the allergies until one of the stray cats does the face-headbump thing and he’s incapacitated emotionally and physically for the rest of the day. 
- He severely restrains his emotions but like...catch him on a good day or in a good mood and he’ll smile and laugh, especially in friendly company. He just generally believes in maintaining a poker face so no one can read him. 
- Not to be disrespectful but...thighs. I am Looking. 
- Bruce has a wonderful laugh. He’s not much of a giggler tbh but he has this open, clear, slightly scratchy kinda laugh (his voice is permanently hoarse from the Batman Voice). It’s so lovely. He has a habit of covering his mouth bc he’s embarrassed of his smile but if he finds something very funny he’ll laugh openly. 
- Thee Batman is ticklish and he...doesn’t hate it? Like of course he protests ten ways from Sunday but he more minds the ‘guys stop you’re ruining my dark and brooding facade’ bit. He hates being teased though and he will throw hands. 
- Circling back to the emotions thing, he’s very good at controlling his reactions, which means he has thoroughly convinced everyone he’s not ticklish. Except Clark, stupidly perceptive Clark, because he can hear Bruce’s heartbeat and see the way he clenches his jaw to avoid smiling. 
Diana Prince
- WIFEY!!!!! 
- Diana is hilarious okay? She’s just...so fucking funny. Her jokes never miss. You wouldn’t think she’s the quippy type, but she is, and she’s damn good at it. In a distant alternate universe, Peter Parker senses a rival. 
- Loves fresh fruit, but especially strawberries? She makes frequent trips to the local farmer’s market. 
- She also has a raging sweet tooth. She and Clark work together to steal sweets and buy snacks. 
- Will not back down from a challenge, ever. It’s kinda a problem.
- She has such a sweet laugh :’) It’s so bouncy and melodic and she scrunches her nose. She WILL snort and it’s the cutest thing ever. Yes she’s ticklish, but no one gets more than five seconds of laughter out of her before she turns the tables. 
- World’s meanest ler. Not only is she frequently on the prowl, she is near-ruthless, especially if she’s been baited. Once she sets her sights on someone, she won’t rest until she’s heard their laugh. 
- Diana is very mischievous and loves hearing her friends laugh. It’s impossible to be in her vicinity for more than five minutes without at LEAST a few pokes. She is not above just,,, random tickles either. 
- Nails. That is all. 
Arthur Curry
- Why are his tiddies always out? Someone please explain.
- The most targeted for pranks ever. Diana especially. Something about him just attracts goblinism. 
- He’s coming for Clark’s bear hugger crown. He picks people up so often that they’re just used to it now. 
- Playfighting and roughhousing is his love language. He absolutely loves wrestling with anyone who’ll humor him. He and Diana frequently tussle because they’re both good sports about it (Bruce is a little bit of a sore loser. Just a smidge). 
- Thinks he can get away with anything, which is decidedly not true. He just nopes his way out of the room and everyone’s like D:< get back here and atone for your sins!!! But Arthur’s already in the Pacific Ocean. 
- I like to think he’s ticklish, just not super ticklish y’know? He probably has a couple hidden spots that make him lose it though. Like he’ll definitely laugh and fall over, but he can and will fight back. Oh boy, will he fight back. 
- Batman: No fear.
Diana and Arthur sneaking up behind him:
Batman: One fear. 
- Y’know that picture of Jason Momoa sneaking up behind Henry Cavill on the red carpet? That is extremely relevant. Arthur loves to sneak up behind people and just...take them down. 
- Thinks Barry is annoying (affectionate) and the two of them are constantly chasing each other around. Barry is fast but Arthur’s strong (and wayy less ticklish than Barry)
- Physical affection!! He always has his arms around someone’s shoulders or something. He’s just a touchy kind of guy :)
Barry Allen
- Speedy boy! ADHD king! Sometimes his thoughts are also at superspeed, which means he talks way too fast and no one can understand him? But Bruce speaks fluent Barry and he translates often (though not without a labored sigh beforehand). 
- Physically affectionate but casual about it? He likes to play with people’s hands while he’s talking, bump shoulders with whoever he’s next to, etc. He doesn’t really realize he does it either. It’s not uncommon for him to be talking to Clark or Diana and they just...unconsciously give him their hand before he reaches for it.
- Okay so y’know how Bruce feeds the strays? Who do you think lets them in the first place? Barry has tried to adopt every stray he comes across, and when Alfred inevitably says no, Barry runs them to the shelter himself :’)
- Gifting is his love language!!! If he sees anything that remotely reminds him of his friends, he brings it to them. 
- He likes to hang out with Victor because he’s quiet, but doesn’t mind when Barry rambles, which he tends to do quite often. Barry will catch himself rambling and trail off, but Victor will encourage him to keep going, because he’s listening. 
- Thee Pillsbury Doughboy. Just these high-pitched, bouncy, frantic giggles that only get worse and eventually morph into cackles. He hiccups a lot too :’)
- Okay so he’s not a flailer but he’s super squirmy. Barry will cling onto his ler’s arms just to hold onto something. He kicks his legs too (he does this when he’s not being tickled either, if he laughs and he’s sitting somewhere he kicks). He also just constantly tries to crawl away. If he isn’t pinned down he will drag himself to safety. He also has a habit of curling up :’)
- Absolutely invented the speed-tickle. He actually doesn’t often use his powers (unless he’s chasing down Clark, because Clark isn’t above breaking the sound barrier to escape). He’s just got incredible hand-eye coordination and precision. His hands will be absolutely everywhere and he is so teasy about it. 
- Tries not to start fights he can’t finish, but he always gets roped into Clark’s mischief and gets targeted with revenge tickles. 
- He has tickled Clark once. It was incredible, amazing, showstopping, spectacular. Literally his crowning achievement. Did Clark absolutely destroy him afterwards? Yes, but it was so worth it. 
Victor Stone
- Quiet and stoic, but he’s always preferred listening and interjecting with a joke or two. 
- Closest with Barry and Diana, but he’s making an effort to bond with everyone.
- Unfortunately not ticklish :( I like to think soft touches on his face will make him smile and lean away, but it’s not going to get a laugh from him.
- Doesn’t often get involved in tickly shenanigans, but when he does, he surprises everyone with how much fun he has. A different, warmer side of him comes out when he’s among his friends.
- He’s a hugger! Definitely awkward about it, but he loves hugs and just...holding his friends. 
- He collects hoodies. He can’t really feel them when he’s wearing them, but he likes them and the idea of it. Barry seems to slip him a new hoodie every week. Victor has no idea where he gets them from but he’s not complaining. 
- He is an enabler. He will look at Bruce like :| “no, I don’t know where Barry and Clark are, nor do I no what they’re planning” But they’re literally right behind Bruce, about to squeeze his sides. 
- That being said, he won’t do that with Diana. If she asks where they are, he’ll subtly nod his head in their direction. Even in jest, he will never lie to her. Which makes him Thee person to avoid when Diana’s on her mischievous streaks.
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junemo10 · 3 years
Okay so ✨Story time✨
Today in AP Bio the online students were put into breakout rooms with in-person kids and observing as they did a lab. And these two Juniors that I got put with were so funny to watch. never met them before, but they really remind me of two people....
Only one of them knew what they were doing, calling him Merlin. The other guy clearly didn’t read the lab, but like im not judging, we are calling him Arthur.
(It is very important you let me use these names) (I will also be referring to my teacher as Gaius. Because I can.)
Merlin seemed passionate about Biology, and he was very kind to us. He narrated everything he did, so we could follow along in the packet (even though we didn’t really need him to, but we appreciated it anyway)
Merlin: I’m going to set the tube into the rack now-
Arthur: they can SEE that. You don’t have to narrate EVERYTHING
Merlin: im just trying to make sure!
Arthur was increasingly worrying me as we started the lab. He was in charge of picking up the computer and tilting the camera to show us what was going on in the lab, but each time he picked it up it nearly fell right onto the electrophoresis chamber (which is full of gel to be used for the DNA samples.) He also was shaking it so badly, the other online girl with me asked him to just put it down.
When using the micro-pipet to put the DNA into the chamber, Arthur wanted to go first, but then he sat for a good 5 minutes trying to figure out how to use it.
Merlin: it’s easy. For real. Just push the button all the way down and don’t lift until you take the pipet out.
Arthur: okay. Got it.
Arthur: wait so-
Then we were working on some of the lab questions, Merlin asked us how we were doing, and we told him we were keeping up with him.
Merlin looked up at Arthur and deadpanned in the most hilarious way: okay so you’re just slow. Hurry up.
When they used the micro-centrifuge, Gaius explained how to balance the tubes, and Merlin was placing them with Arthur (who was holding us) looking over his shoulder.
Arthur: balance
Merlin: yep
Arthur, pointing (computer, *shaking*. my eyes, SWIMMING): b a l a n c e
Merlin: I’m sorry, did you want to do this??
Arthur, in a very quiet voice that we heard perfectly: balance?
After they got the DNA into the gel, we had more lab questions. I did them on my own, because they were pretty straight forward. But then all of a sudden there was a COMMOTION, and I looked up to see this:
Merlin: you dumb fuck that is *not* what the question is asking
Arthur: whoa whoa whoa. This is slander. First of all, no need to swear. Second, what is it asking then?
Merlin: it’s asking about how it would appear if there was 500 pieces of each FRAGMENT, not the entire set.
Arthur: yeah? Well I say we get Gaius to weigh in.
Merlin, practically ready to rip his hair out: FINE. Gaius?
Much to your shock, Arthur was wrong. But he didn’t seem surprised, just smug that Merlin had gotten so riled up.
At one point Arthur hit Merlin in the head with a meter stick. I don’t know why he had it. We didn’t even use meter sticks in this lab.
Merlin, deadpans again:
Arthur: social distant forehead flick!
We had to read details on what came next in the lab, so it went silent as we each read it. So, of course, Arthur started humming and snapping his fingers.
Merlin, not looking up from his packet: read
Arthur: I am!
Merlin, still not looking up: READ
Then they were both confused:
Merlin: wait so he said to take this out-
Arthur: uh huh
Merlin: pour this in-
Arthur: right
Merlin: do I just hold it down with one finger-
Arthur: you just. You gotta do it.
Merlin: for how long though?!
Arthur: we time it for 10 seconds. I think it says here.
Merlin: okay I’ll let you do it then.
Arthur: I don’t have gloves on. You have to do it.
Merlin: okay fine fine. I’m just going for it
Two minutes later:
[loud indistinct chatter of girls from another lab table]
Arthur, seemingly to himself: that’s hilarious
Merlin, literally doing the stressful part of the lab that Arthur is meant to be timing: what??
I think Arthur was banging his head on something at some point?? It was very loud. Merlin was just repeating that Arthur was annoying.
Arthur: -said something I missed-
Merlin: that’s rude. what if you have covid.
Arthur: I don’t
Merlin: you don’t know that. You might. Keep your tongue to yourself
Yeah im not sure I want to know what Arthur said either.
Arthur, talking to himself: I just want to do a lab right for once
Gaius, overhearing: you’re doing it right
Arthur: oh snap. you hear that Merlin?
Merlin, whispers after Gaius moves away: you ain’t doing shit my man
The worst part (and I mean the best part, that had me CACKLING) was during the wait for the gel staining.
They just had to sit with each other, doing nothing for 10 minutes. And they spent the whole time just saying “you’re an idiot” to each other, back and forth.
The other girl and I were just shaking our heads at each other the whole time.
While soaking the gel, they had to wait for 15 more minutes and I’m just gonna make a list of all that occurred:
Arthur sang “pretty woman” but only the chorus several times in a row
Merlin announced: “SCIENCE.” And I’m really not sure what it was over. But it sounded cathartic.
Arthur tried to touch something Merlin was doing and Merlin just swatted his hand and said “stop it”
Arthur: you’re not doing it right-
Merlin: *just glared*
Arthur got more water in the bucket and then immediately spilled on himself
Merlin threw paper towel in Arthur’s face
Arthur, to Gaius, while Merlin stepped away from the table for a second: do we rinse out the buffer bottle too?
he asks, AS he rinses it out
Gaius: I mean. Since you did it. Sure.
Merlin, comes back a minute later: wait what happened to the buffer? Arthur?? Gaius, was he supposed to rinse this out?
Gaius: ....well he did...so it’s fine
Arthur finally put gloves on and immediately whined about it.
Merlin was telling Arthur something about his dog, and I kid you not it was the most civil part of the entire encounter. Arthur’s voice brightened over the zoom
When the timer was up, Merlin almost fell out of his chair trying to reach for his phone, saying: NOT THIS ALARM. TURN IT OFF.
They needed to measure the fragment lines, and Merlin was reading off measurements, Arthur realized too late that he was supposed to be writing them down.
Merlin, says a measurement:
Arthur: I think that’s a little large for DNA
Merlin: what the fuck are you talking about
Arthur: -says his thoughts, I was trying very hard not to laugh-
Merlin: that is just not how it works buddy boi
They called Gaius to settle the argument, and he told them the numbers were fine.
Merlin: I told him DNA just works in mysterious ways
Arthur: oh so you’re saying science is magic now
Merlin: it’s like you purposefully misinterpret everything that comes out of my mouth
And then Merlin finally lost patience for the day, and honestly, I don’t know how he lasted as long as he did. He basically carried this entire lab.
Merlin, sing-songing and doing a little dance: I need to get this right. I’m doing this right (repeat)
Arthur, leaning over the table to look at Merlin’s measurements:
Merlin, still singing, swats at Arthur’s head with the ruler:
Merlin, doing math and saying out loud a number every once in a while:
-Moment of silence-
Merlin: I’m just pulling my numbers out of my ass
Arthur: oh good. Me too.
Merlin: guesstimation baby
And they didn’t forget about us:
Merlin, telling us his results:
Arthur, as if we hadn’t heard everything up until this point: but disclaimer, we don’t know shit
Yes Arthur. I think that’s very clear. But it’s okay. Me too.
Then, when we were all just writing down data, this occurred. And I was CACKLING, and I know Merlin saw me on the zoom just dying:
Arthur: where did my pencil go??
Merlin: I don’t know Arthur
Arthur: no but seriously where is it
Merlin: Arthur I don’t know
Arthur: bro
Merlin: if you ask me one more time
Arthur: well it’s gone!
Merlin: well it ran away because you weren’t using it
Arthur, clearly not hearing him: I’m so sad
Merlin: good
Arthur: did you take it. give it back
Merlin: did you check the floor
[chair SCREECH]
Arthur: you fucking saw it fall off the table didn’t you
Merlin, not looking up: it ran away from you
After some time, Arthur left to go to the bathroom.
Merlin: finally some fucking peace
Merlin, pulling the computer closer: don’t worry guys, he’s gone now. how are you guys doing
I spoke with him for a while, he asked me if I like AP Bio so far and I told him I have no idea what’s going on ever. He said “oh. Is that not what AP classes are supposed to be about?”
Overall, they are literally the best group I have ever been with while online and I’m requesting my teacher to put us with them again.
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cassianstattoo · 3 years
I personally am. It’s time for Nesta’s story (and not just hers) to be told. So, this leads to another thing I think (and hope) you’ve been waiting for.
LET’S EXPLAIN THE PLAYLIST! (Read every song’s meaning while or after reading the book) And thank you for all your love and support.
“Alone” by Melancholia: It describes the Cauldron scene at the beginning of the book. In this song you can feel the rage and how hard she’s struggling. This song is not about weakness. It’s about her strength.
“Impossible” by James Arthur: Chapter 1. Even if it’s not so clear in this chapter, I think this song represents how Cassian feels when Nesta’s around. He feels worthless and not so different from the other men she beds (as he thought in ACOFAS). He lost his hope of an happy future with the woman he loves and he feels like he’s breaking that last promise she made her. Everything just seems so impossible.
“Sister” by The Black Keys: Chapter 2. This just makes me think of Feyre and Nesta’s fight. It’s from Feyre’s pov.
“New House” by Toro y Moi: “I want a brand new house Something I can not buy, something I can afford I just want a long shower I been feeling so crowded” Chapter 3. It’s about Nesta settling down in the House of Wind. It’s not the place she feels she can call “home”. First of all, it’s not really hers. The last two sentences of this verse are about her breathing and trying to calm herself at the end of the chapter. She’s just tired.
“My Mother & I” by Lucy Dacus: Chapter 4. The whole song is about Nesta and the relationship with her mother when she was a child. I think there’s nothing else to say. Also, in the 1st Chapter it says that she’s born in spring, so the song talks about a girl who was born in May. It all fits.
“Teacher’s Pet” by Melanie Martinez”: “Teacher’s pet If I’m so special, why am I secret? Yeah, why the fuck is that? Do you regret The things we shared that I’ll never forget? Well, do you? Tell me that I know I’m young, but my mind is well beyond my years I knew this wouldn’t last, but fuck you, don’t you leave me here” Chapter 5 and 6. Nesta and Cassian’s first day of training together. She basically doesn’t want to act like she’s his pet and she’s got to do whatever he want just to respect her sister’s will.
“Dangerous Man” by Valley Of Wolves: “They say I’m a wanted man Holding line and break the fire I’m setting all the captives free But I’m hanging by a wire” Chapter 7. It’s about Eris and his double-cross. That’s how probably Cassian pictures Eris in his mind tbh.
“Control” by Halsey: Chapter 8. Nesta facing the stairs. It can be linked to other chapters too because if you take this song as a whole and not just a few verses, it really contains A LOT of things. For example, the line “The House was awake”. Also Chapter 9, when people start calling their children. You can find this moment in the song when it says “All the kids cried out ‘please stop, you’re scaring me”.
“Bookstore Girl” by Charlie Burg: Chapter 9. The bookstore girl is Gwyn and Nesta tries to know more about her.
“Wrong Direction” by Hailee Steinfeld: “I don’t hate you” Chapter 12. This song is about the chapter’s ending.
“You’ve Got a Friend In Me” by Cavetown: Chapter 13. Nesta and Gwyn’s interaction. Also, Nesta helping her.
“like that” by Bea Miller: Chapter 16. Nesta and Cassian’s tension is hilarious, but this song makes me thing about this scene so much.
“Queen” by Shawn Mendes: Chapter 17. Elain fighting with Nesta. This lyrics is so powerful. The first part is Elain talking to Nesta. The second part is Nesta talking to Elain.
“You’ll Follow Me Down” by Skunk Anansie: Chapter 17. Same scene. This is totally Nesta. She’s so scared of herself and of the world that surrounds her. She’s afraid to lose her sister in this world she still knows nothing about if not violence. She wants Elain by her side, even if it means dragging her down with her.
“Teeth” by 5 Seconds of Summer: Chapters 18/19. I like to call it “THE chapter”. Do you need me to explain why I chose this song? Um, I don’t think so. You know it.
“Only You” by Ellie Goulding: “Baby I’m on my knees” Chapter 22. He’s... returning the favor.
“Revolution” by Diplo, Faustix, Imanos, Kai: Chapter 24. Our girl Nesta knows what she’s doing. What she’s starting.
“Best Friend for Hire” by Anthony Amorim: Chapter 25. The whole song is about Nesta and Emerie’s interaction. Everytime I listen to it I can’t help but cry.
“Moment’s Silence (Common Tongue)” by Hozier: Chapter 26.  Nesta’s worried about Cassian and gives him relief.
“Rise Up” by Andra Day: Chapters 27/28. These three girls are going to rise up, bitches.
“Nina Cried Power” by Hozier, Mavie Staples: Chapter 29. This song is really powerful, just like Nesta. She always is, but in this chapter we learn HOW MUCH.
“Fix Me Now” by Garbage: “Bring me back to life (fix me now) Kiss me blind” Chapter 31. THAT scene. HE HEATED UP THE WHOLE ROOM Y’ALL. Cassian literally kissed her back to life.
“Ready or Not” by Fugees: Chapters 34/35/36. I can’t choose only one quote from this song. But can you hear its vibes? Nesta’s leading a dead army. This is THE power. 
“PILLOWTALK” by ZAYN: Chapter 37. *wink* This song says everything.
“Go Fuck Yourself” by Two Feet: Always chapter 37. I couldn’t choose just one song, you know. Also, lowkey Chapter 38.
“Never Again” by Breaking Benjamin: “Never again, never again Time will ot take the life from me” Chapter 38′s ending. All I can say is: NEVER AGAIN.
“Boy In The Bubble” by Alec Benjamin: Not linked to just one chapter. It makes me thing of Azriel a lot.
“Past Lives” by BØRNS: “I've got the strangest feeling This isn't our first time around Past lives couldn't ever come between us Some time the dreamers finally wake up Don't wake me I'm not dreaming“ Chapter 39. Gwyn and Azriel. Well, these lines are about them, but I think the rest of the song represents Elain and Azriel, too. I don’t know if you feel the same.
“Boulevard of Broken Dreams” by Green Day: THIS IS AZRIEL’S SONG. YOU CAN’T TELL ME OTHERWISE.
“Watch Me While I Bloom” by Hayley Williams: Chapter 41. Nesta teaching Cassian how to treat a woman. She’s got big dick energy ayeee
“R U Mine?” by Arctic Monkeys: Still chapter 41. Cassian taking control of the situation. This song just screams “dominant” lmao.
“Walls Could Talk” by Halsey: So Halsey once said “The House was awake” (Control). What if those Walls Could Talk? Like, poor thing. It could have a mental breakdown. This song is dedicated to the House of Wind ‘cause it needs respect. It’s alive. Just imagine how’d you feel watching non-stop those two fucking and fighting. Also Azriel, you’re loved.
“Despicable” by grandson: “If I were you I wouldn’t love me neither” Chapter 43. Tamlin deserves a song, too.
“Part Of Me” by Katy Perry: Chapters 45/46. It’s all SO chaotic. This song means a lot of things. They all lied to her, but this song is particularly about Nesta and Amren’s fight. In my opinion, she did the right think telling Feyre the truth ‘cause she deserved to know, but it just wasn’t the right time and space.
“Don’t Give Up On Me” by Andy Grammer: Chapter 47. Cassian’s going to take care of Nesta. She made a mistake but she knows here better than anyone. He won’t give up on her.
“There You Are” by ZAYN: Chapter 50. Cassian comforts Nesta when she finally explodes. He’s there for her with open arms.
“You Found Me” by The Fray: Still Chapter 50. This chapter was so hard to read and this is another song that can describe it best.
“Locked Out Of Heaven” by Bruno Mars: Chapter 51. Illyrian bat boys just love flat objects. I see.
“Thin White Lies” by 5 Seconds of Summer: Chapter 51. Yeah, still thinking about that desk.
“Chosen Family” by Rina Sawayama: Still Chapter 51. This song is wholly dedicated to Nesta’s new found family. Not only Gwyn and Emerie, but also Cassian.
“Library Magic” by The Head And The Heart: Chapter 52. Listen to this song and read the scene at the beginning of the chapter.
“Battle Cry” by Imagine Dragons: Chapter 54. I know it’s weird but I feel this song talks about Lanthys and Nesta’s fight.
“Hurt” by Christina Aguilera: Chapter 55. Nesta takes Cassian to the place she lived with her family in the mortal lands. It’s dirty and broken now but it’s still there. Nes talks about her father and realizes how much he’s done for her and her sisters.
“Story Of Another Us” by 5 Seconds of Summer: Chapter 56. I know this sounds like a sad song but to me it represents Gwyn’s present. The story of their past (of another “them”) and also their present.
“Drama Club” by Melanie Martinez: Chapter 57. Eris vibes, y’all. I know you can feel them. Everytime I listen to this song I can’t help but thinking of him. So the only thing I can tell you is: listen carefully.
“Genius” by Sia, Diplo, Labrinth: Chapter 57. Hear this song. It just makes me think of a ballroom where two people try to talk to other people and they’re avoiding to make eye contact. And they fail (yeah, those people are Cassian and Nesta btw)
“Therefore I Am” by Billie Eilish: Chapter 57. Still about Eris, but also Cassian. They can’t stand each other. So imagine the astronomical energy (inside of this bus lmfao) when Nesta comes in between.
“All About Us” by He Is We, Owl City: Chapter 57. Nessian dancing.
“Rock Bottom” by Hailee Steinfeld ft. DNCE: Chapter 58. This song is SO accurate. This is the moment I realized “That’s it. I think I can die happy now” and then I started crying. Nesta just thinking she’s not enough and she deserves to be with someone as ugly as she thinks she is. Cassian is like “shut the hell up, woman” and yeah. That’s the kind of energy and conversation I was waiting for.
“Stop Crying Your Heart Out” by Oasis: Chapter 58. Their life becomes brighter. They have to stop crying their heart out because of their fears and the emotions they keep trying to hide. They need to feel free and express all the love they can give to each other.
“Fade Into You” by Nashville Cast, Sam Palladio, Clare Bowen: Chapter 58. Finally the truth comes out and everything becomes real. Even if the song is pretty sad, the lyrics is just SO accurate and it describes the scene perfectly.
“I Miss You” by Adele: Chapter 59. Basically Nesta feeling needy ‘cause she doesn’t see Cassian for days, but it’s more than that. Pay attention to the depth of the song. It shakes you. And that’s what Nesta feels when she thinks of Nesta.
“Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera: Chapter 59/61. I want to dedicate it to my favorite girls in this book: Nesta, Emerie and Gwyn. They’ve been through a lot but they also learnt to face their fears. And they realized that unity is strength.
“Smile” by Uncle Kracker: Chapter 62. Cassian’s sooo happy to be with Nesta it breaks my heart. And his own too.
“Broken Pieces” by 5 Seconds of Summer: Chapter 62. Aaand here we go again. Cassian just wants Nesta to give him the chance to be happy with her.
“Carried Away” by H.E.R.: Chapter 62. Nesta thinks they got too carried away and now they’re at a point of no return. She opened herself to him too much. It’s not like she regrets this but she understands that now everything’s too real and changing. She doesn’t feel ready.
"What’s Up?” by 4 Non Blondes: Ending of Chapter 63. Okay, I’ll make you laugh but this is me after reading it. I needed to put a song about how I felt when I read this freaking ending, after all the devastation Chapter 62 brought into my heart. And the fact that Nesta’s 25 and the first line begins with “25 years”... I DIED. Also I think of her just screaming to the word “WHAT’S GOING ON?!”.
“Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves” by Eurythmics ft. Aretha Franklin: Chapters 64/65/66. DO I NEED TO DESCRIBE IT? NAH, I DON’T THINK SO. THESE GIRLS ARE POWERFUL, STRONG AND SMART AS HELL.
“Run The World (Girls)” by Beyoncé Chapters 67/68/69/70. The girls want to win and they’re going to conquer everything with no mercy.
“Puppets” by Depeche Mode: Chapter 71. Eris impotence t is heartbreaking.
“Warriors” by Imagine Dragons: This song is for every character. It’s about Nesta, Emerie and Gwyn, but also Cassian, Azriel and Eris. They’re fighting different battles and they’re doing it with every ounce of power they have.
“Emperor’s New Clothes” by Panic! At The Disco: Chapter 74. Nesta kicking Briallyn’s ass.
“Survivor” by Destiny’s Child: This song is dedicated to Emerie and Gwyn. They spent all their lives learning how to survive. At the end, they finally won.
“Set Fire to the Rain” by Adele: THE Nessian Anthem. I put this here ‘cause FINALLY they’re endgame. But something bad’s about to happen...
“Cancer” by My Chemical Romance: Chapter 76. This chapter’s been the hardest one to face. I had to put the book down for a minute and breathe. I know this song made you panic and ow you know why I chose it. I can’t stop crying thinking about Feyre in those conditions and all the IC and her sisters surrounding her. I’m still so heartbroken.
“You Saved Me” by Skunk Anansie: Chapter 77. Nesta cares about Feyre. She’s her little sister and she just can’t let her die like that. She gave her a happy ending even if Nes had to lose almost every ounce of power she had and learned to accept. But they’re worthless in comparison with her sisters life. She just loves them both. She’d do anything for them and this scene proves it.
“Lean on Me” by Bill Withers: This song is about friendship and sisterhood. Nesta’s relationship with Gwyn and Emerie, but also with Feyre and Elain (and lowkey Rhys). Also, I dedicate it to little Nyx, too. They all love you, babyboy, and would do anything for you. Welcome to this chaotic world, kid!
“Sorry” by Halsey: Chapter 78. These are not explicit apologies. Nesta doesn’t need to say “sorry” vocally. She already demonstrated it. Her actions speak louder than words and her sister know it. This song is not about a “romantic lover” but a “person who loves” and they all love too much and strongly.
“Amazing” by Aerosmith: WE FINALLY SEE THE LIGHT. This is the happy ending they deserve (but the cliffhanger is killing me tbh). It’s about everyone in this book. I put it in the playlist ‘cause at first I thought it could refer to Azriel and Cassian. But the more i listened to it, the more I realized it just describes every single character.
“The Reason” by Hoobastank↓
“this is me trying” by Taylor Swift: Both the songs refer to Chapter 80. Nesta visiting her father’s grave is one of the first steps to finally go on. The songs represent what she really wants to tell her father. He’s the reason to start over. And she’s trying. Even if she made mistakes she’s ready to fight for the happiness and love she denied herself years and now she knows she deserves it.
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sentanixiv · 3 years
Tomorrow’s Problem
Something sweet to offset the feels that I attacked y’all with yesterday. John Marston suffering through the poor life choice of drinking more whiskey than his liver and body can tolerate.
Birds chirping have no right to sound the way they do this morning, piercing calls penetrating the deep fog of sleep and waking not only John, but also the heavy, aching pain of having indulged too much in liquor and too little in sleep after celebrating the success of their take late into the night. He groans, a sound which in itself is too loud, and drags the thin pillow of the hotel room bed over his face like it’ll smother noise. Or maybe him, because each second spent being dragged into the state of waking has him feeling nothing but regret.
Think you oughta slow up there, Marston. Keep at it and you ain’t gonna be fit for living come morning.
Even the recollection of Arthur teasing him about the pace with which he kept downing shot after shot sounds too loud and he buries his face in the mattress as though peace and quiet’ll be found somewhere between the feathers and springs that separate him from the bedframe and the floor beneath it.
That’s something for tomorrow John to deal with.
The cocky remark’d sounded witty, damn near hilarious when he snapped it out and tossed back the next shot in a line of too many that blurred the hours together, made hazy the hands of poker he’d played, then inspired his running into the alley, leaning a hand on the wall as he emptied his stomach of too much whiskey and too little food out onto the muddy ground. Vaguely, he remembers Arthur coming out to find him, holding back his hair and offering a rare find: Cloth-wrapped ice, a premium in these parts, that he was able to rest on the back of his neck, then against his forehead as the drinks wound down and his stomach knotted up, bringing with it a misery that’s three times worse this morning.
Let’s get you back to the room, Marston. You ain’t in any shape to stick ‘round here.
That explains how he got back here, their small safe haven of a hotel room in a town looking out for two degenerates that robbed a payroll stage late yesterday morning. Hazy memories fling themselves out of the dark void that follows the actions in the alley, then of John stumbling under Arthur’s guided patience up each stair and down the hall, of fumbling off the layers down to his union suit and then getting the brilliant idea of stripping Arthur down to have some fun, of being told to hold off for some time he ain’t drunk, so’s there’s no regrets about it, and then it fogs up into the murky sleep that he’s slowly pulling free of. John knows that any regret he feels would not have been from getting rowdy; every ounce of it relates to the sheer amount of alcohol he packed into his gut before his body stirred a riot against it. Still, he figures Arthur had it right, because he ain’t sure he’d’ve remembered the fun of it with the way he feels right now, ready to roll over and play dead if that’d make the hangover stop.
Only, he can’t. They need to ride out, connect with Dutch and the others a couple towns south, and that means John has to roll off the mattress and piece himself together no matter that he feels worse than shit dragged twice through the pigsty. He is ready to try sitting up when the creaking hinges of the door split open his head anew and he curls up into a ball in the middle of the bed, palms pressing against his temples to force his skull back together and a whimper slipping from him.
Gentler the door is when it closes, but the screech is the same to his sensitive hearing; the low rumble of a chuckle, however, is the first sound since waking that doesn’t make him want to wither and die under the cotton-and-nails chaos inside his head. John moves the heel of one hand to his forehead, pressing against the ache there, and the other peels back the pillow until he catches the blurry sight of Arthur walking soft and quiet across the room, setting a plate of something on the bedside and then nudging a cool tin hug moist with the condensation of cold water against the hand that’s holding back the poor barricade the pillow provides against the world.
“You’s gonna be fine, John,” Arthur tells him, voice pitched low and quiet where it doesn’t drive deeper the spikes of the hangover in his head.
John groans at the sentiment regardless, turning his face back into the mattress. “Don’t feel fine,” he whines, knowing it sure is a whine by the pathetic lilt of it. “Shootin’ me’d be doing me a kindness right now.”
The cold touch of the mug lifts as Arthur sits down on the bed next to him, a sigh let out to vent whatever chiding frustration he wants to bring up about warning him off drinking that much. “C’mon,” is what he says instead and he’s carefully brushing John’s hair back from his face, carding his fingers through it and coaxing him to turn his head towards him. “Got you some water, need you to drink it.”
Broken bones or gunshot wounds and John’d resist the treatment, but he’s feeling miserable and lets Arthur slowly get him up, braces an elbow under himself to hold himself there, half lying down, as Arthur puts the mug to his lips and lets him sip at it slowly. Cool water floods his mouth, dives deep into him and it’s the second soothing thing he’s felt this morning. The first is Arthur being here at all, being gentle over abrasive, and he figures it’s because ain’t no one else around to call him out for being soft on John. They’ve been riding a string of paired off jobs, the two of them, and some of Arthur’s harsh edges start wearing down the longer and further they are from the gang, from the expectations of it, from the work he seems to think falls squarely on his shoulders to bear, the rules he figures his to enforce. Some days it makes John think about not going back, letting Arthur be himself more than this rough jackass he’s been sculpted into, but the thoughts always fade too fast. It’s family, the gang, found and kept; it ain’t something Arthur can leave and even John ain’t fond of the idea to separate from it when he knows the hell that’s life in this country.
“Got you some eggs and beans, bit of bread.” Arthur unknowingly breaks that line of thought before it draws him in with the temptation it, pulling the cup away to set it down.
The smell of food, and the idea of beans after the night he’s had, leaves John wrinkling his nose in disgust. “Ain’t hungry,” he says and it’s true, but the look he gets? The borderline aggravation muscled quick under the hold of patience? Tells him he’ll be trying to eat and hunger ain’t got a thing to do with it. There’ve been times when that look ends up with Arthur forcing food into him with a spoon and his fingers prying his mouth open, but that ain’t been a thing since his early teens, back when John knew nothing about trusting anyone but himself. “Fine,” he mutters. “I’ll try, just… gimme a few minutes here. Then I’ll eat’n we can ride out.”
The thought of riding with the way his stomach churns ain’t a fond one, but Hosea taught him oft enough that you dig the grave, you gotta fill it; sometimes, that means your pride’s what gets buried and sometimes it’s a body, but something needs to go there and he figures his pride will be the victim today. Reluctantly, John goes to push himself to a full sitting position, but Arthur puts a hand on his chest and pushes him back down to the mattress. Bewildered, he blinks and looks at him blankly.
“We ain’t goin’ nowhere yet,” Arthur says, wiping the moisture of the mug off his hand against the thin blanket of the bed, looking away at the windows that stand vigil over the main street.
Suspicion flares up and John frowns, almost makes the mistake of shaking his head and just barely holds off jarring his hungover brain by it. “We ain’t sticking idle because I drank too much,” he manages, though he’s not yet trying to push the hand away and right himself with any real effort. He’s tired and the water felt good, good enough that he’s starting to think that eating’s got potential too.
“We ain’t,” Arthur tells him flatly, leaving off the gentle press of his hand, a half-hearted pin he’d let keep him there, to stand up. “Heard a couple fellas last night talkin’ about the bank bringing in more money in a couple days, how they’s looking to pull law and security out of town to guard the stage when it comes in.”
Here he’s been thinking his drinking was stupid enough to land him in this state, now Arthur’s talking foolish plans about hitting the stage again? “No way we could pull off the same job twice,” John tells him, feeling odd being the one to point this out. All that added security means bodies and risks that they don’t have the manpower for.
Arthur grins and it ain’t bitter, it ain’t grim; it’s to the challenge, the idea of it being fun to him and that’s rarer the older they both get. “Ain’t never said we’d hit the stage again,” he says, hooking his thumb under his gunbelt. His eyes are bright, something that John ain’t seen since before Mary ended things and tore out what little heart Arthur had left. “All them folk pulled away to protect the stagecoach? Seems to me like we got a good chance of clearing out the bank while they’s all looking the other way.”
Two of them taking on a bank? The idea sits beyond the scope John can currently manage, his head threatening to split anew when he tries to sort the details, and he drops it down back onto the pillow with a grumbled, confused muttering. “How’s that supposed to go?”
There’s a shrug, a pat on his shoulder before Arthur starts towards the door. “I ain’t sure yet. You rest up, John. I’ll case the bank, see if we don’t got an opportunity too damn good to pass up.”
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mansions-maiden · 3 years
Hiiii I'm your new follower xD
I love your writing esp mc birthday and that pool scenario 😂😂😂
May i ask something hilarious or whatever you can write ? xD my hubby is arthur. Maybe some funny scenario like mc and arthur switch body or something xD but it up to you hehehe
Btw nice to meet you ❤️❤️❤️
 here you go! Thank you so much for requesting this! it’s so precious and I had to admit , it was both hard and rewarding at the same time!  Hope it fits you imagination! nice to meet you too! ❤✨
 Arthur switching bodies with MC
the day before:
Arthur was there , with his big grin on his face as he invited his frenemy Theo and mc to the bar. “ what is the big deal? Why are you inviting me with you? “ mc asked Arthur as she gazed suspiciously at Arthur. “ I just want to treat you for helping me solve the cases! is it too much to ask? “ he asked with a confident grin. Mc sighed and they went to the bar. They drank to their heart’s content that night and went back to mansion and retired in their rooms
the next day:
[note: “Arthur(she) ‘ means that Arthur is in MC’s body and MC( he) means MC is in Arthur’s body. But the pronouns he and she refer to their original gender only throughout the story.   IF their normal names i.e. Arthur and mc are present, they are in their own bodies. ]
MC(he) woke up as soon as the morning rays spilt into the bedroom.  She  went to the bathroom to freshen up when suddenly her heart stopped beating for a second as soon as she looked at the mirror. Her eyes widened up as she saw her reflection in the mirror ! “ h- how ? wait- what is this!? “ she ran out of the bathroom in bewildered state.  Voila!  she was in Arthur’s room! She dashed out of the room and opened the doors of her room violently, only to find her physical body  sleeping there.  she  began to wake  ‘herself’  up violently. “Arthur ! Arthur! wake up ! “  
“ mmm.. who is mimicking my voice? And why am I standing there?? “ the voice  mumbled half asleep. but the drowsiness was gone as soon as they realized that their voice  was a  female voice.. “ wait! Why am I speaking like a girl?! I AM ARTHUR ! this is a dream right? “ Arthur spoke in MC’s voice , jolting up.
“thank goodness ! my speculation is right! you are Arthur!  it seem as if  our bodies have been switched ! “ MC spoke in Arthur’s voice . Arthur(she) and mc(he) looked at each other for a second to wrap their heads around the situation.
Then Arthur(she) showed a mischievous grin. “ Oh! If that’s the condition, now I am in your body!  Oh well, it’s gonna be a fun day! “ Arthur(she)  spoke as he sprang out of the bed and rushed out of the room. MC(he) ran after him to stop him .  “wait! we need to find a solution to this! we can’t be like this forever! “ she exclaimed.
“ oh c’mon MC! Can’t we have fun while we still can? It’s a now or never chance! “ Arthur(she) exclaimed while giving a wide grin. “ And I also wanna have a little fun with the residents” he continued.  
“ no- no. DON’T DO ANYTHING MISCHIEVOUS!  “  mc (he) exclaimed loudly. But alas! It was too late  for he was already running in the hallways.
Arthur(she) barged into comte’s room where he was talking with Leonardo.
Comte and Leonardo were visibly bewildered as they saw Arthur(she) in comte’s room. “ hey comte and Leo! Do you know who I am?”   “ MC? “ both leo and comte asked. “ voila! I’m here to greet you ! “  Arthur(she) chirped as he showed his tongue  out to them and went out of his room.  Comte and Leonardo looked at each other feeling confused.
“ Is she okay? Do you think she collided with the table or something? “ Leonardo asked  as he looked at comte. Comte couldn’t do anything but shrug his shoulders as he looked at the door Arthur(she) barged in from.
MC(he)  was there watching the craziness unfold in the mansion and facepalmed knowing there’s nothing she can do to stop Arthur(she) today..
MC(he) began walking down the hallways and that’s when Sebastian called out for her.  “ Sir Arthur! “ she didn’t respond.. “Arthur! Wait! This time you can’t escape from le comte! “ ‘wait what? why is he coming towards me?’ MC(he) thought as she looked around and then a gasp of realization escaped from her mouth “ Ahh! I am Arthur..” she sighed in resignation in turned around. “ Why is he calling for me ? “ MC(he) asked in a curious tone.  “ Did you forget?. I saw the blood stain on your shirt yesterday. you were drinking from the town women again. Weren’t you? “ Sebastian asked as he tapped his shoes against the wooden floor. ‘ oh right.. Now I gotta deal with this..’ MC(he) sighed again as she started heading towards comte’s room.  
She rapped the door promptly before getting a quiet “come in” voice from behind the door.  Comte stood up and came towards MC(he) and asked “ I refrained you from drinking from the townspeople frequently , didn’t I ? “ he asked as he studied mc(he) .
She opened her mouth and say that she wasn’t the one who did it. But then comte wouldn’t believe it. Unable to come up with an answer and embarrassment that  surfaced due to ‘his ‘ actions, mc(he)’s cheeks flushed a bright red.
“ Why are your cheeks red? Do you fever or anything? “ comte asked and stretched out his hand to check MC(he)'s temperature.  Feeling flustered, MC(he) quickly turned her head to the side.  
“ oh- it it’s nothing. Well then, I’ll tell Arthur not to drink from women again. “ she said unconsciously. “ wait what? “ comte asked again.
“ oh nothing. I said I would refrain myself from drinking from town people again.. “ she laughed nervously and dashed out of the room.
‘oh damn.. he’s been nothing but trouble since morning.. ‘ she mumbled leaning against the wall when she saw Theodorus coming towards her. “ oh yeah! Arthur drew sketches on Theo’s face when Theo passed out from drinking yesterday.. “ she clicked her tongue when Theodorus saw her.  mc(he) was about to turn back and run away when Theo exclaimed .
“ Arthur wait! I gotta teach you a lesson for messing with me! “  ‘ oh shoot! here goes nothing!’ mc(he)  began dashing off at the speed of light as Theo began running towards mc(he). Arthur(she) saw what was happening in the hallway and began laughing so hard he fell onto the ground. MC(he) glared at Arthur(she) as she was running and motioned her hand across her throat, a sign intended directly to Arthur(she). (sign showing that she’s gonna kill him)  But MC(he) was saved thanks to Vincent. She thanked Vincent as if her life has been granted again to live.
Later, Arthur (she) was searching the mansion for Mozart and Isaac. He found them both together in the library.  “ Hey Wolfie! And Newty! fancy meeting you both here. “  Mozart and Isaac were visibly displeased on hearing those names. “ MC? did you get hit by something? Or did Arthur tell you to call us with those names? “ both of them asked from the couch they were sitting on. “ C’mon now ! I wanted to call you both with those names for quite a time now, but today seems to be that day ! “ Arthur(she) said as he sat himself onto the sofa. 
 MC(he) was searching for Arthur(she) so that he doesn’t make things difficult for her further.  That’s when she found Leo and comte discussing something. she heard her name in the discussion. she got curious and asked what happened . comte said that mc was acting strange today and that mc was being mischievous. But they did love that side of her.  
MC, while listening to this, also decided to have some fun while she’s there in Arthur’s body.
Mc(he) began searching for Theodorus . When she found him, she went to him and said,  " Hey Theo, I wanna tell your brother how I drink from women tomorrow practically. He looked at the stain on my shirt curiously when I came back from my outing yesterday. What do you say? Should I teach him? " while winking at Theo.
Theo growled as he said, " don't you dare! " . " Aww c'mon buddy! Don't be so overprotective. I will tell him anytime tomorrow. " Mc(he) said as she patted Theo's shoulder and went away at the speed of light.
(Theo wanting to protect Vincent from world is cute and hilarious).
Meanwhile with Arthur(she):
Arthur never got a chance to tease Theo fully as he was always cautious around Arthur. So he decided to take advantage of the situation.
Arthur(she) took Leo's cat Lumiére along with him and went to find Theo.
" Theo! Look here! " Arthur (she) shouted as he found Theo in garden. As soon as Theo looked around, Arthur (she) released Lumiére onto Theo and Theo was on 'fight or flight mode' all of a sudden when Lumiére landed on him. He ended up crashing into the flower pots and got yeeted into the fountain. " Hondje! What the hell! Just wait there! " Theo exclaimed as he rose from the fountain, wet with the fountain water.
Arthur (she) was there on the grass rolling with laughter. But he started running off in mansion 's direction, still clutching his stomach and laughing hysterically when Theo started running towards him.
He stopped by comte’s room and told to comte, “ C- Comte. I wanted to tell you this for a long time..” he said as he fidgeted. “ What is it Cherie? “ comte asked with a curious gaze. “ I -I  have liked you since the day I saw you . But I didn’t know what to do with my feelings. I have tried so hard to deny, but I can’t deny it anymore. “ Arthur(she) said, trying to hide his laughter.
Comte was astounded by the confession.  “you’re kidding me right? “ comte asked as he stared at Arthur(she) .  “ No comte. I’m telling the truth. And now, I’m so embarrassed. I will go ! “ Arthur(she) came out of comte’s room and began laughing while mumbling, “ good luck dealing with comte tomorrow mc”.  still laughing, He went away.
The morning turned into afternoon as the weird atmosphere in the mansion can be felt by every resident. During lunch, every vampire was given rouge as usual. But today, everyone was looking at Arthur(she) as if he had grown horns on his head.
Arthur(she) , not giving a care, poured rouge into his glass up to the brim and began drinking it. Mc(he) was visibly cringing at the sight .
"Are you alright MC? Why are you drinking rouge despite being human? " Napoleon and Jean asked with concern. Arthur(she) then came to know what he had done and clicked his tongue.
"o-oh! I just wanted to taste it! Don't mind it at all. !" Arthur(she) exclaimed . Everyone shrugged and began eating. Vincent saw that MC(he) was looking a little uncomfortable. "Is everything alright Arthur? You look uncomfortable.." he asked.
" yeah I'm alright. It's just that I'm not feeling too good. " MC (he) told.
"something's definitely wrong with cherié and Arthur today. They're acting weird" Comte said.
“yeah, I can’t believe that she’s got guts to trick me” Theo scowled at Arthur(she) as he was eating.
"Today morning, MC came into Comte's room and showed tongue to us telling that it's her way of greeting us." Leonardo told and MC(he)'s cheeks flushed with embarrassment.  ( ‘I’m gonna make him pay’ ) MC (he) smiled to herself mischievously as she exactly knew what to do.
the day had passed by in a blink of an eye and all of them were retiring for sleep.
once back in Arthur’s room, MC(he) took out the rouge bottle that she had bought from the kitchen and smiled to herself  dangerously before falling into the bed and wandering off to dreamland.  (don’t worry. It’s not dangerous literally. But yeah, it is dangerous for  Arthur :P)
Next day:
Both of them woke up and found that they were back in their own bodies.
When Arthur came out, comte, while coming across him, saw Arthur and told, “ I see that you didn’t listen to me yet again. Now you don’t have permission to go out for the week. Only then you can stop drinking from people” Comte smiled a little and went away.
“ wait...What? But I didn’t go out yesterday at all! “ he said to himself and looked down. Then he found the blood stains on his shirt. “ Oh this little vixen! It seems as if she had spilt the rouge on purpose! “ he exclaimed with bewilderment.  Theo came to Arthur at that instant hearing his voice and shouted. “ hey Arthur! If  I found you were teaching such things to Vincent, I’m gonna throw you out  “ and went away. Arthur was still surprised by the things done by MC. 
MC was woken up by the gentle rapping of her room door. “ mm.. who is it? “ she asked in sleepy voice as she got the answer. “ It’s me comte. Can you open the door? “  she immediately straightened up her clothes and went to open the door. “  MC, I want to ask you something. “ comte asked with a hesitant voice.
MC: “what is it comte? “
comte:  “ Are you sure about the words you told yesterday? “
MC: “ what did I say? “
comte: “ what? you said that you had loved me right from the moment you me. didn’t you? “
Mc was astonished and she began blushing deep red.
MC: “ n-no comte. It wasn’t me.. It was Arthur. “   mc began explaining yesterday’s details to comte, from the moment they realized they had switched their bodies to  the night. Comte was relieved knowing nothing had happened.
comte: “ oh. That’s why you- I mean your apparent self was acting weird. Not that I dislike it though..” comte said as he laughed wholeheartedly and ruffled her  hair. 
And that’s how another mysterious day had passed at mansion.
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hexmione · 4 years
The Quidditch World Cup and The Dark Mark - Fred Weasley Series Part 2
A/N: I really should be doing my school work but I was struck with inspiration and I decided to write part 2 to this Fred Weasley series! This might be a little dramatic but I hope you enjoy. This part is also quite long... Nevertheless, I still hope you enjoy. 
This is Part 2 of my Fred Weasley x Reader series! Here is the link to the FIRST chapter “Journey to the Quidditch World Cup - Fred Weasley Series Part 1”
Description: (Y/N) Potter experiences rising anger levels at the Quidditch World Cup, but nothing would prepare her for how she would feel after. 
Warnings: A tiny curse word! 
Word Count: 2,708
Date Posted: September 10th, 2020 
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You, Harry and Hermione, worked out where the pegs and poles of the tents would go. Once you finished, you were sure that these looked like regular muggle tents.
There was no doubt that once Bill, Charlie, and Percy arrived, there would be no room for all eleven of you. You noticed that Hermione and Harry were having the same thought process.
The three of you shared a quizzical look as Mr. Weasley crawled into the tent, “We’ll be a bit cramped,” he called, “but I think we’ll all squeeze in. Come and have a look.”
You and Harry ducked down and made your way into the tent - you shared a look of astonishment. You had walked into what looked like an old-fashioned, three-room flat, complete with bathroom and kitchen. You scrunched your nose, oddly enough, there was a strong smell of cats.
You left Harry with the rest of the Weasleys and joined Hermione and Ginny in the tent you three would be staying in.
"Hey! How come your tent doesn't smell like cats?" Ron complained as he entered your tent.
You, Hermione, and Ginny let out a laugh at his misfortune. Ron rolled his eyes, "Hermione, (Y/N), Dad wants us to go find some water while he the others are going to find firewood"
"Firewood? Why can't Dad just light the oven?" Ginny asked.
"That's what I said!" Ron exclaimed, "He said something about anti-Muggle security."
You, Harry, Hermione, and Ron set off across the campsite with kettles and saucepans. You were amazed at how many witches and wizards there were in the world.
The four of you began to walk in pairs, Hermione and Ron in the front, you and Harry in the back.
"Harry," you said.
"Hm?" Harry hummed, turning to you.  
"What were you and the boys talking about?" You asked, "Right after Cedric left."
Harry flushed, "Nothing. It doesn't matter."
You rolled your eyes, "You're lying."
"No! I'm not!" Harry exclaimed.
"Harry, you seemed upset," you said softly. You made sure to give him the best puppy-dog eyes you could manage. Over the years, you had been able to get anything out of Harry by using that one look.
You smirked as Harry groaned, "You know I hate it when you do that, (Y/N)."
"Are you going to tell me now?" You asked.
"It was nothing, (Y/N)! It was just something George said about Fred."
Your smirk instantly fell, "What about Fred? Are you upset with Fred? Is everything okay?" you asked, wringing your hands.
"I know that you're close to Fred and George, but why are you so concerned?" Harry asked with his brows furrowed.
"I'm not! I just-"
"Do you fancy him?" Harry asked abruptly, cutting you off.
"No!" You said, waving your hands. You felt your face flush.
"Yes, you do!" Harry exclaimed, "I know when you're lying, (Y/N)."
"Harry!" You hissed, "I don't fancy Fred!"
Once you said that, you watched as Harry's face drained of color, "You and Fred. Fred and you."
"What? Harry, what are you on about?" You asked, your face still feeling hot.
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing," Harry said, sounding stern.
Before you could respond, green clouded your vision, "Er — is it my eyes, or has everything gone green?” said Ron. You had walked into a patch of tents that were all covered with a thick growth of shamrocks, so that it looked as though small, oddly shaped hillocks had sprouted out of the earth. Grinning faces could be seen under those that had their flaps open.  From behind the four of you, you heard your names.
"Harry! Ron! Hermione! (Y/N)!"
It was Seamus Finnigan, your fellow Gryffindor fourth year. He was sitting in front of his own shamrock-covered tent, with a sandy-haired woman who had to be his mother, and his best friend, Dean Thomas, also of Gryffindor.
Before the four of you went to join them, Harry pulled you back, "We'll talk about this later."
You rolled your eyes, you knew your brother could be dramatic at times, but this was completely unnecessary, "I thought you said it was nothing!"
"It is," Harry said as he walked ahead to join Dean and Seamus.
Hermione gave you a look, you rolled your eyes and mouthed, "I'll tell you later."
She nodded in understanding as you all joined Seamus and Dean.
“You won’t be getting anything for Christmas,” Harry told Ron, thrusting Omnioculars into Ron and Hermione’s hands. “For about ten years, mind.”
You laughed, "I hope you both know that he's lying."
Your money bags considerably lighter, you went back to the tents. Bill, Charlie, and Ginny were all sporting green rosettes too, and Mr. Weasley was carrying an Irish flag. Fred and George had no souvenirs as they had given Bagman all their gold.
You made your way to Fred and George, "What in Merlin's name possessed you to give ALL of your gold to Bagman?" you asked in a hushed whisper.
"That, my sweet (Y/N), is for us to know, and for you to find out," George replied with a cheeky grin.
You looked at Fred for a moment and wrung your hands together. You hadn't spoken to Fred since Cedric left, "Fred, can we - can I-"
A deep, booming gong sounded somewhere beyond the woods, cutting you off. At once, green and red lanterns blazed into life in the trees, lighting a path to the field. “It’s time!” said Mr. Weasley, looking as excited as any of them. “Come on, let’s go!”
"Here’s Lucius!” Fudge called. You weren't paying attention to his schpeel about you and Harry to the Bulgarian minister.
You, Harry, Ron, and Hermione quickly turned around. Right behind you and the Weasleys were no doubt the Malfoy family. You almost laughed at Draco's mother, as she was wearing a look that suggested there was a nasty smell under her nose.
There was a tense moment between Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy. You remembered the fight they had in Flourish and Blott's right before you and Harry's second year.
“Good lord, Arthur,” Mr. Malfoy said softly. “What did you have to sell to get seats in the Top Box? Surely your house wouldn’t have fetched this much?”
You scowled, "And who did you have to threaten, Mr. Malfoy?" You replied in a harsh whisper.
Hermione, Ron, and Harry turned to you quickly. Hermione gripped your wrist as a warning. Mr. Malfoy's cold gray eyes looked you up and down, "Ah, the Potter twin. Draco has told me a lot about you," he said as his lip curled.
Fudge, who wasn’t listening, said, “Lucius has just given a very generous contribution to St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, Arthur. He’s here as my guest.”
Mr. Malfoy shot you a smug grin as he turned and stared Hermione. Hermione, who had turned pink, stared right back at him. You knew what he was thinking. You knew what people like the Malfoy family thought of witches and wizards of Muggle descent.
You felt the strong urge to spit on him right then and there, but Mr. Malfoy wouldn't dare say anything in the presence of the Minister of Magic.
Draco gave you, Harry, Ron, and Hermione a scornful look before settling himself between his mother and father.
"I could feel the anger coming off of you," Harry whispered.
"What?" You replied.
"It felt like you wanted to spit on him," Harry answered with a grin.
"I did," you said, "How did you know?"
Harry shrugged, "I just knew."
"He was about to jump from the box!" Hermione told you as you were all back in the tent, "I had to pull him back into his seat!"
"What are you guys talking about?" Harry said as he and Ron entered the girls' tent. 
"How bloody stupid you two are!" Ginny exclaimed. 
"You almost killed yourselves over some Veelas!" you added on. You weren't as upset as you made yourself out to be, but you enjoyed watching the boys squirm. 
"It wasn't our fault!" Ron complained, "They're just so..." Ron trailed off with a dreamy look on his face. 
"Ugh!" Hermione said with disgust, "Get out! Go to bed!" Hermione stood up from her bed and pushed the boys out. She groaned as she fell back on to her bed. 
You and Ginny shared a knowing look as Hermione sat back up, "Anything you would like to tell us, 'Mione?" you said with a smirk. 
"Hush!" Hermione said, "And don't act like you weren't upset when Fred was acting the same way!" 
"Hey!" you said in protest, your face already feeling warm. 
Ginny, who found this exchange absolutely hilarious, was rolling around her bed, laughing, and clutching her stomach. 
"Oi! And you!" you said, staring pointedly at Ginny, "you looked as red as your hair when Hermione had to pull Harry down from the ledge of the box." 
Ginny suddenly stopped laughing, and all three of you stared at each other in silence, all with red faces. 
It only took a moment before you all began to laugh at your foolishness. The three of you were extremely close, seeing as you were surrounded by boys all the time. You loved your brother and the Weasley boys, but you, Hermione, and Ginny understood each other in a way the boys couldn't. 
"Shall we go to bed?" Hermione asked. 
You and Ginny nodded, suddenly feeling very tired. 
Three "goodnight's" rang out through your tent. Hermione turned off the light, and you succumbed to the sensual temptation of sleep. 
"Get up! (Y/N), Hermione, Ginny, wake up!" Mr. Weasley's frantic yells quickly roused you out of your sleep.
" ’S’ matter?" Ginny mumbled. 
"No time! Grab your coats and shoes and meet the boys outside!" 
You, Hermione, and Ginny quickly did as you were told. You knew something was wrong from the way Mr. Weasley sounded. 
You rushed out of the tent, pulling a coat over your nightdress. You placed a hand over your mouth in horror as you saw a small Muggle child, who was spinning like a top, sixty feet above the ground, his head flopping limply from side to side.  
Bill, Charlie, and Percy emerged from the tent, fully dressed with their wands out, "We’re going to help the Ministry!” Mr. Weasley shouted over all the noise, rolling up his own sleeves. “You lot — get into the woods, and stick together. I’ll come and fetch you when we’ve sorted this out!"
They sprinted off, Mr. Weasley quickly on their heels. 
"C’mon," said Fred, grabbing Ginny’s hand and starting to pull her toward the woods. You, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and George followed. You all looked back as you reached the trees. The crowd beneath the Roberts family was larger than ever; you could see the Ministry wizards trying to get through it to the hooded wizards in the center, but they were having great difficulty. It looked as though they were scared to perform any spell that might make the Roberts family fall.
As you walked in a tight group, Ron yelled in pain. 
"What happened?" said Hermione anxiously, stopping so abruptly that you and Harry walked into her. "Ron, where are you? Oh this is stupid — lumos!"
"I tripped over a tree root," Ron mumbled angrily. 
"With those big oaf feet you have, it'll be hard not to."
You, Harry, Hermione, and Ron turned. Next to you was Draco Malfoy, leaning smugly on a tree. 
"Fuck off," Ron snapped. 
“Language, Weasley,” said Malfoy, his pale eyes glittering. “Hadn’t you better be hurrying along, now? You wouldn’t like��her spotted, would you?”
His attention was directed at Hermione, "What’s that supposed to mean?" said Hermione defiantly.
You were gripping your wand so tight, you were sure that your knuckles were turning white. 
"Granger, they’re after Muggles," said Malfoy. "D’you want to be showing off your knickers in midair? Because if you do, hang around... they’re moving this way, and it would give us all a laugh." 
"Shut up, Malfoy!" you snarled.
"Hermione is a witch," your brother snapped. Just as he could feel the anger radiating off of you before, you could feel it radiating off of him now.
You decided to leave Hermione, Ron, and Harry and catch up with Fred, George, and Ginny. Hopefully, the trio would follow as you left.
When you reached the twins and Ginny, Ginny was the first to notice you.
"Oh, (Y/N)!" She cried in relief. She flung herself on you and gave you a tight hug, her face was red and splotchy as if she had been crying. 
"We thought we lost you!" George said as he joined you and Ginny, "Fred was just about to go out of his mind." 
Fred silently joined you and looked around, "Where are Harry, Ron, and Hermione?" he asked. 
"What do you mean?" you said, "They're right here..." you turned around, and all you saw was the path you came. You assumed that once you left, the other three would follow you. 
It was like your world had come crashing down. Harry and Hermione would be targeted, Ron being a pureblood would only do so much. Ron, Hermione, and Harry were practically defenseless. 
You detangled yourself from Ginny, "I-I have to go," you managed to stutter. 
"What? Are you mad?" Fred snapped. 
"I have to find them! They're not safe!" you cried. Ginny took a step back next to George. 
Fred moved forward, "You won't be safe if you leave! If you haven't noticed, you're (Y/N) bloody Potter! You're a target too!"
"Oh, so now that I'm in danger you want to speak to me! Fred Weasley, you have been cold to me this entire trip! I don't know what has gotten your wand in a knot, and I don't care! You are not the boss of me, and I will leave and find my brother if I please!" You yelled. You were furious.
"Well, I need to keep you safe!" Fred exclaimed. His face was flushed with anger, and you were sure your face looked the same way.
"You aren't a bloody hero! And I don't need protection!" You shot back. You turned to walk back into the woods but you felt Fred's arm snake around your waist. 
"What are you doing! Let go of me!" You yelled. You were on the verge of tears at this point. Your brother and best friends were in unimaginable danger, and you couldn't help them. Harry was the only family you had left. Of course, you had your godfather, Remus, and you had your uncle, Sirius, but Harry was different. Harry was your brother.
"(Y/N), please, darling," Fred whispered in your ear. You had started to cry, heartbreaking cries that left bystanders cold and aching for loved ones they had been separated from. George and Ginny watched. Ginny, with tears, slowly running down her face, and George, with his face stoic, gripping on to his sister's hand tightly.
You and Fred sunk down to the ground, your face still hot and sticky with sweat and tears. You couldn't accept defeat, you needed to find your brother and the rest of your friends. 
You pried Fred's arms off your waist and quickly stood up, "I'm sorry, Freddie. I have to go." 
Fred looked up at you in shock from the floor. You didn't give a second thought as you quickly took off through the woods, leaving the three Weasleys in the clearing. 
Fred stood up silently. He was still in shock. He watched the path in the woods, waiting to see if you would come back. 
When you didn't, Fred turned around and kicked the tree Ginny and George decided to sit against. He slumped next to Ginny.
"Fred," Ginny sniffled. 
"What?" Fred snapped harshly. 
"Why do you have two wands?" Ginny asked timidly. She already knew the answer, but she hoped it wasn't true.
George turned to face his twin, "Oh, Fred. You didn't."
A cold wave of fear and regret washed over Fred, "I took her wand so she wouldn't hex any of us," he said slowly.
"But-" George started. 
"Dammit!" Fred yelled, "She's out there with no wand!" 
Quotes from the book used: 
“We’ll be a bit cramped,” he called, “but I think we’ll all squeeze in. Come and have a look.”
“[He] had walked into what looked like an old-fashioned, three-room flat, complete with bathroom and kitchen.”
“Er — is it my eyes, or has everything gone green?” said Ron.”
“[They] had walked into a patch of tents that were all covered with a thick growth of shamrocks, so that it looked as though small, oddly shaped hillocks had sprouted out of the earth. Grinning faces could be seen under those that had their flaps open.  Then, from behind them, they heard their names” 
“It was Seamus Finnigan, [their] fellow Gryffindor fourth year. He was sitting in front of his own shamrock-covered tent, with a sandy-haired woman who had to be his mother, and his best friend, Dean Thomas, also of Gryffindor.”
“You won’t be getting anything for Christmas,” Harry told [him], thrusting Omnioculars into Ron and Hermione’s hands. “For about ten years, mind.”
“[Their] money bags considerably lighter, they went back to the tents. Bill, Charlie, and Ginny were all sporting green rosettes too, and Mr. Weasley was carrying an Irish flag. Fred and George had no souvenirs as they had given Bagman all their gold.”
“And then a deep, booming gong sounded somewhere beyond the woods, and at once, green and red lanterns blazed into life in the trees, lighting a path to the field. “
“It’s time!” said Mr. Weasley, looking as excited as any of them. “Come on, let’s go!” 
“[...] here’s Lucius!” 
“Good lord, Arthur,” he said softly. “What did you have to sell to get seats in the Top Box? Surely your house wouldn’t have fetched this much?” 
Fudge, who wasn’t listening, said, “Lucius has just given a very generous contribution to St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, Arthur. He’s here as my guest.”
“smallest Muggle child, who was spinning like a top, sixty feet above the ground, his head flopping limply from side to side.”
“Bill, Charlie, and Percy emerged from the boys’ tent, fully dressed, with their sleeves rolled up and their wands out. “We’re going to help the Ministry!” Mr. Weasley shouted over all the noise, rolling up his own sleeves. “You lot — get into the woods, and stick together. I’ll come and fetch you when we’ve sorted this out!” 
“C’mon,” said Fred, grabbing Ginny’s hand and starting to pull her toward the wood. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and George followed. They all looked back as they reached the trees. The crowd beneath the Roberts family was larger than ever; they could see the Ministry wizards trying to get through it to the hooded wizards in the center, but they were having great difficulty. It looked as though they were scared to perform any spell that might make the Roberts family fall.”
“What happened?” said Hermione anxiously, stopping so abruptly that Harry walked into her. “Ron, where are you? Oh this is stupid — lumos!”
 “Language, Weasley,” said Malfoy, his pale eyes glittering. “Hadn’t you better be hurrying along, now? You wouldn’t like her spotted, would you?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” said Hermione defiantly. 
“Granger, they’re after Muggles,” said Malfoy. “D’you want to be showing off your knickers in midair? Because if you do, hang around . . . they’re moving this way, and it would give us all a laugh.” 
“Hermione’s a witch,” Harry snarled. 
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