#and I think that it’s the most beautiful trait the human species has
assbestos · 2 years
currently crying over ancient humans and how the drive to create art and tell stories is literally ingrained into our DNA. how our species loves so deeply and mourns our dead so tenderly that we laid them to rest in beds of wildflowers, curled up like they were going to sleep for the final time. How children, when walking in mud and sand would tamp down their footprints and look at the marks they left. That in caves, small hands are on the ceiling because a loved one lifted the child up to decorate their home like we lift little kids up to decorate a Christmas tree or their bedroom walls. the fact that art was one of the first things to be created for our own enjoyment fills me with a feeling I don’t know how to describe. If I wasn’t going into illustration, I’d be an archeologist because I can think of nothing more amazing than uncovering the threads that weave the timeline of humanity together. I will never know these ancient humans and it makes my heart ache. The fact that we, hundreds of thousands of years in the future, are able to look back and see ourselves in those who never could have imagined what today is like is the coolest feeling ever.
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abductedlawnchair · 5 months
*ranting and raving and stomping on rooftops and flailing my arms about* HUMANS ARE AMIMALS!!! WE ARE ANIMALS!!! QUIT ACTING LIKE WE'RE NOT!!!
I am so goddamn tired of society acting like we're not!!! I am so goddamn tired of us as a society acting like we are above all the other animals!!! I do not care that we are the apex!!! We are fucking ANIMALS!!! Like, just take a step back and observe us like we have our own nature documentary on Nat Geo or something. Maybe with David Attenborough or whatever, idc. Just imagine it.
We are a species of apes that just so happened to gain the ability of extremely complex and abstract thought, capability of language, an almost absurd level of self-awareness, and the type of intelligence that allowed us to discover, invent, and develop tools. A species of apes that just so happen to have such a crazy level of curiosity that we have the capability to learn about the world around us, and beyond.
The way we learn and develop is fascinating. If you observe a toddler from that standpoint, watching them interact with the world around them, you'd see how natural curiosity is to us, in our human nature. Neil deGrasse Tyson has literally said that children are beings of chaos because they're curious and learning about the world around them.
We all have children in us, just like we have our ancestors in us!!! Our brains are wired like theirs. Relatively, we have been in this state of society for an extremely short amount of time!! Our brains and nervous systems are still wired to survive and keep us safe from predators and other dangers!!
We are social creatures!! We need love and connection to survive!! We can't do things on our own. The only reason we ever got to where we are is because we work together and communicate and share knowledge. The way society is right now is too isolating!! Humans aren't meant to be fighting for a place in society!! Haven't you seen zookeepers?? Or anyone who cares for nature in any capacity?? We have an incredible capacity for compassion and caretaking, because we have the capability to know and understand the inner workings of ourselves and countless other species!! Caretaking and compassion is literally an innate human trait!! We're supposed to take care of each other and the world around us!! We literally are capable of pack bonding with ROOMBAS, for fucks sake!! Little robots that our ape brains see moving around on its own, being part of our homes, and thinks "little guy is alive... I love him"!!! Isn't that beautiful???
We were an evolution of Mother Earth, Herself, to grow Her and expand Her and care for Her!!! Whether you believe in intelligent design or just the absurdity of it all, it still happened like that. We have the capacity to care for Her in an evolved level, yet we're fucking it up so badly right now.
Indigenous cultures have always been on the right track. They've always been right about this. They have always known that we are all pieces of the same organism, just like the atoms and cells and organs and electricity in your body are all part of one body!!
And btw, culture is another HUGE part of us being social creatures!! Being expressive and creative and connected!! That's part of our nature!! We're meant to sing and dance and laugh together!! That connectivity of us being a collective is So Important!!! Making fun of people for being "sheep", or having "herd mentality" every single time is so stupid because yes!!! Yes that's EXACTLY how we are supposed to be!!! We are social creatures, remember?? The whole point is that we do things together!!!
I know how society is rn isn't the end all, be all, but it just breaks my heart that this Capitalism shit goes against some of the most beautiful parts of humanity!! We are animals!!! We are cute and curious and compassionate and social and we need warmth and sunlight and sustenance from the earth and water and sleep and shelter from the elements!! We have instincts just like everything else!! We came from the dust and we will return to the dust because we will always be part of the Earth, just like all the other animals!! And somehow, despite all odds, despite how robotic Capitalism wants us to be, our human nature seeps into everything.
Take care of yourself! You are an animal, after all! <3
*climbs off rooftop... for now*
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themadlu · 2 months
Astarion's Star Elf Background Headcanons
In collaboration with the lovely @spacebarbarianweird!
A bit of a less popular take on Astarion’s background headcanons—I know it is generally accepted that he is originally a moon elf from the Faerunian upper class, but, between in-game trivia and developing my own stories, a different idea came up. 
I’ll outline why I think the Star Elf headcanon fits the sassy elf, and how it plays into his storyline.
Obviously, this is all done for the shits and giggles, so every headcanon is valid, and I’d love to hear about different takes on Astarion’s origins!
Race: Star Elves
Star Elves, or Ruar-tel-quessir, have only recently returned to Faerun due to repeated attacks by an extra-planar entity on their home-realm of Sildëyuir. 
Because of their prolonged absence and reclusive communities, Star Elves are not familiar with most of Toril’s customs and history. In Sildëyuir, they had no contact with most other species (such as humans, dwarves, halflings, gnomes, etc.), and they prefer to keep to themselves once in Faerun too. 
They are particularly wary of humans, as their misuse of magic and warmongering tendencies were what caused Star Elves to flee Toril in the first place. 
They consider themselves better than most other races, only getting along with other elves. They fear for Moon Elves and half-elves who mix with other species, and they consider them overly-generous and too naive. 
As such, Star Elves tend to come across as aloof and cautious. (I know this may not sound like Astarion at all, but bear with me).
Their moral alignment is purely chaotic, with a majority of them being in the chaotic good or neutral categories. 
Physically, Star Elves share some traits with their fellow Moon Elves: light skin (check) and gold, red or silver (check) hair. 
However, Star Elves have grey or violet-coloured eyes with gold flecks in them (imagine an Astarion with violet eyes!).
Star Elves are also taller than other elves, standing between 5½ to 6 ft tall, with a slender build.
They are also considered extremely beautiful by human standards, much more so than any other type of elf. 
Astarion’s Background as a Star Elf:
Right, let’s talk about objective things first: physicality. 
Astarion fits the Star Elf type quite well: 
He has silver hair, light skin (given he is still the palest of the bunch even after he is well fed).
He fits the height range at 5 ft 9.
He has a slender body (a bit too built for an elf, but that is likely Larian knowing what sells),
Most importantly, he is strikingly handsome. Exceedingly so, more than most other elves in the game. 
As there is no confirmation about pre-vampirism eye colour, in my head he used to have violet eyes. I think that would have made him stand out in Baldurian society even more. 
Which gets me to the more subjective part of personality and backstory. 
Aloof and cautious may not be the first qualities that come to mind thinking of Mr Sass, but work with me. 
Someone aloof is not overly friendly, being cool and distant instead. Is Astarion friendly? I mean, genuinely friendly to people, and not forcing himself to look eager because he is forced to do so by Cazador or by circumstances? 
He threatens Tav as soon as they meet, is snarky with everyone else for a good portion of Act 1 (and with some even during Act 2 and 3), and at the end of game party he keeps mostly to himself.
Ultimately, Tav is the only one he seems comfortable enough to be open and friendly with, and that requires a lot of trust, care and work (especially for good-aligned Tavs). 
As for the cautious side, he is a bloodthirsty little shit who loves a good fight, but he doesn’t strike me as someone who would throw himself into desperate situations (without proper compensation at least). 
He disapproves of Tav doing things for free or forcing him into situations where the risks are too great, often stating that ignoring those needing help is the easiest thing, they just need to ‘look away and keep walking’. 
His inherent racism towards other races (ehem, gnomes) can be a result of spending his early years in a very secluded environment.
He presents himself as someone loving life luxuries, but I think that's his Baldur's Gate, more constructed persona. He seems just as happy to fondle about in the dirt TWICE, despite claiming he is not used to it. Maybe he's not as upper class as he wants to appear.
Granted, these traits may be a result of him being a glorified sex slave subject to unimaginable torture for 200 years, but I think his need to be have the upper hand in power dynamics existed before his undeath too.
The chaotic nature is evident, and I headcanon he starts off as chaotic neutral, starts leaning into the evil side as he gets corrupted by power first and by abuse after, then he can either get back to chaotic neutral with a good-aligned companion or become fully chaotic evil as the Ascendant. 
And this leads me to the actual backstory.
Astarion’s Backstory:
Larian originally set Astarion out to be a noble, then changed his background to charlatan and, in some lost character sheet, courtesan (fancy type of prostitute). I’ll stick with the final charlatan/courtesan version. 
Astarion was born somewhere in Faerun in a community of Star Elves. 
His family was of poor background, having fallen out with the leaders of the enclave.
That, paired with the isolation of the community, prompted Astarion to leave his home in his early 20s, slightly earlier than usual for elves. 
He wanted more from life than being stuck in a reclusive society and being looked down upon from others. He wanted to live a comfortable existence, be wealthy, be admired, and to achieve that he needed one thing: power. 
He headed to Baldur’s Gate (convincing fellow travellers to let him on their carts, horses, etc.) with nothing more than the clothes on his person, attracted by its reputation as a multicultural hub brimming with opportunities. He did forge some documents proving he already had some basic qualification to enter law school (not sure reclusive elves issue any), completed his studies and started a career as magistrate. 
During this time, he quickly realised how his looks were one of his biggest strengths in forging alliances. He had been complimented before, but most Star Elves are beautiful, so he was not as universally admired as he was in Baldur’s Gate. He used and abused this knowledge, flirting with individuals from many other races (gnomes aside, he has standards) and genders, enjoying the perks his smooth persona got him (money, status, promotions) and revelling in the adulation of his admirers.
He became even more power hungry, signing laws because they would benefit him or his upper class acquaintances rather than the general population. He was ready to do anything to achieve his goals. 
It was in one of the many soirees he attended that he came across Cazador (or rather, Cazador noticed him). The Vampire Lord saw an astonishingly handsome, young and inexperienced elf who could work most people around his manicured slim fingers and immediately singled him out. Studied him. I don’t think he introduced himself before turning him; rather, he gathered information about him via his connections and learned he was an up and coming magistrate, an outsider, conveniently with no family or stable relationships who would miss him or go look for him should he disappear. 
We know Cazador is a machiavellian villain, so he probably found a way to convince Astarion (through a bribe and pulling at his dislike of lower class vagrants) into signing a law forcibly evicting the Gur from the land they settled on, on the basis of it belonging to some patriar or noble and therefore their permanence being illegal. Cazador knew retaliation would be swift, and I bet he probably even had someone tell the Gur which magistrate had them kicked out. 
Cazador waited nearby while Astarion was being brutally assaulted, chasing off the Gur thugs to claim his prized future spawn. He didn’t need permission to bite Astarion and turn him, but he asked likely because he knew he would never turn down a chance at eternal life and because it would be another way to torment him later (‘Remember boy, I gave you the grace of my gift, you begged for it!’). Probably, Astarion’s last words as a living elf were, ‘Do…any…thing…please’. 
After becoming a spawn and suffering centuries of abuse, Astarion forgot about his past, himself and his family. He doesn’t even remember what type of elf he is (Moon or Star). His parents may still be alive, but with their life being secluded from the outside world, it is unlikely he will come across them in their lifetime.
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omg-snakes · 2 months
What is Okeetee biologically? How does it work and what does it do?
(Also tysm i love your blog you are amazing)
Hiiiiii and thank you and we love you, too!
Okay so Okeetee is a selectively-bred color morph that was discovered at the Okeetee Hunt Club in South Carolina.
Most recognized color morphs in corn snakes, like Amel, are simple recessive traits. That means one gene with two switches (alleles) in the "on" or "off" position.
Both on is called homozygous, and the gene is expressed visually.
One off, one on is called heterozygous, and the snake looks normal or "wild type" but can pass the "on" allele to their offspring.
Both off, homozygous, wild type snake.
Genes code for everything, from the size of a snake's organs to the length of their tail to the amount of pigment on each individual scale, and most of the genetic instructions are minute and subtle. Like, snake A has saddle borders that are the tiniest bit wider than snake B. It's the result of natural variation within a species, just like how a human person and their siblings all look similar but also distinct.
A selectively-bred color morph means not selecting for one single major gene mutation that affects the entire organism, but instead a whole suite of minor genes that do little things, and emphasizing those traits over many generations. That's how most dog and cat breeds were developed and that's how locality morphs like Okeetee work. It's a lot of genes that have been emphasized to create a snake that has the best fitness for their environment and/or the best likelihood of being selected to produce the next generation.
In the case of the Okeetee locality, snakes have high contrast colors, bright reds, and thick black saddle borders. These traits have been emphasized by choosing the highest-contrast snakes with the thickest, darkest borders and breeding those together. The result is a strikingly beautiful snake. By introducing the simple recessive Amel gene with selectively-bred Okeetee, we get Reverse Okeetees with thick white saddle borders and bright oranges.
The issue, however, is that Okeetee is not an on/off genetic mutation like Amel. It's a selectively-bred emphasis on naturally-occurring variation. That means it can be easily diluted if an Okeetee-type is bred to a non-Okeetee-type snake, and there's no heterozygous form of the morph because it's not one gene.
Think like if you had two cups of apple juice that sell for $1 each and you poured half from both cups into a third cup. The third cup is also apple juice, and it's worth $1! But if you have one cup of apple juice and one cup of just water, which is free, and you mix those, the result is a diluted apple drink that's half water. Should you still charge $1 for it? Is that morally ethical? What if you continue to dilute the apple drink, pouring half of what was in the last cup and half water, over and over until it doesn't even smell faintly of apple? At what specific point did this cease to be apple drink, and when do you stop charging a dollar for it? A less scrupulous or uneducated seller might even sell a cup of mostly water for $1 as "het apple juice" when that's not even a thing.
That's what I so frequently see happening with Okeetees and that's why I don't like them. A low-quality Okeetee from a heavily diluted bloodline is just a normal wild-type corn snake, but folks still price them as if they were the real deal, and naïve buyers will pay for the name when they really don't even know what they're looking at.
Again, sorry to the Okeetee fans. You're not wrong for liking a pretty snake, it's just the popularity and the lack of breeding ethics surrounding them that makes my nose wrinkle.
Plus I prefer Sunglow, which is the opposite of Okeetee with no saddle borders, so my opinion is heavily biased.
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calmangel · 7 days
No because why am I scared of being made fun of for loving these men when Destiel is probably the most beautiful thing ever created.
An angel pulls a righteous man from hell and heals his wounds and is so overcome with this triumph that he screams DEAN WINCHESTER HAS BEEN SAVED so loud that he awakens fallen angels. He rebuilds this man from dust. The man is scared of Castiel, they don’t trust each other, but they need each other—the man begs the angel to see why Heaven, why God’s plan is corrupt and the angel should trust him. Against nature, breaking from the script, against God, his Father—the angel rebels. The angel rips out the part of him that serves Heaven all for this man and only because he asks. Only because now he’s starting to feel, and angels don’t feel.
What’s coming isn’t an easy task—the man considers giving himself up but the angel won’t let him, beating him unconscious while yelling I rebelled for this? And still, when the day comes, the angel dies for him. The angel attacks his own brothers for this man, is incinerated instantly, and never gave it a second thought.
After the angel is resurrected, they spend years trying to fix everything for each other and almost always do it wrong. They are eventually sent to purgatory together, and the man spends every waking moment praying to his angel. He could’ve escaped, he could’ve been angry at the angel for his misdoings, but he stayed, ripping flesh and killing anything in his way to get to the angel. But he doesn’t understand—the angel, upset, says they’re after me, Dean. I avoid you to protect you. The man won’t listen. He can’t. He pulls the angel to the exit but their hands slip right there, on the precipice. And the man is so distraught that he tells himself he’d let go by accident, but we know this isn’t true. The angel wanted to stay, wanted to feel punishment. The angel saved the righteous man and stayed behind.
But they can’t be kept apart can they?
The angel finds his way back, like always, and Dean is seeing his face everywhere. Dean blames himself. It’s easier than thinking his angel wanted to stay. It’s easier than being abandoned.
Heaven isn’t happy with this angel—this silly thing that gave up its innate purpose and programming all for a human—so they attempt to rewire him, resorting to lobotomy as a way to force him into conforming. They create infinite copies of his human and force him to kill each one, testing his loyalties. And after all this, after being turned into a mindless soldier through torture, it only takes one thing to break the connection. Dean, on his knees, saying I need you.
And this does not fix everything. Now the angel is desperate to undo his wrongs, searching for ways to repay him; so desperate that he misplaces his trust and is irreparably damaged, intimately violated by God’s Scribe. His grace, every part of his angelic traits, is stolen from him, literally ripped from his throat before the Scribe sends all angels plummeting to the Earth. And now the angel is an entirely new species—a human, soft and vulnerable, with nothing to his name—a prime target of angry, wingless angels.
There is only one thing he can do. He can call his human, beg for help, but it’s not going to come quickly. He has to decide between eating and warding himself from his murderous siblings. He virtuously refuses to steal or hurt anyone. He just wants to be safe. He trusts the wrong person and, seconds away from being saved by his human, is stabbed through the heart. Although his brother is injured, Dean caresses his angel’s face and sobs, insisting that the entity inside his brother’s body fix Cas despite how it will hurt the entity and likely put Dean’s brother at risk. It doesn’t matter. Then they go home, and the angel feels safe for the first time as a human.
But nothing lasts forever. The entity inside Sam is anxious, insecure around Cas, and so Dean asks the angel to leave. For probably the first time, Castiel feels intense sadness. Betrayal. Grief. Stress. And it’s because of his human, the one human he was attempting to make everything up to before. Well, apparently he hadn’t done well enough. The angel leaves, still desperate for cash and food, resorting to sleeping in the storeroom of a gas station to stay warm.
The angel has to protect himself from enemies, stealing angelic grace just to keep going. At the same time, Dean takes on the mark of Cain and slowly loses sanity. The angel earns a league of likeminded angels that believe in him, and it finally looks like maybe he can do things on his own again. Naturally, this can’t last for long—his allegiance to this dangerous, marked human is too risky for any angels to trust him.
And his allegiance is tested, but holds strong. Dean can tear the angel to pieces and he’ll still lay there on the floor, unwilling to harm him, and Dean will walk away knowing he could’ve killed Cas but didn’t. Couldn’t.
Over and over, they fight together or they fight each other and it never ends any different. They stick together. They get angry about how the other is acting. And they stay, because leaving just isn’t an option.
The next time the angel dies, the righteous man isn’t the same. He can’t accept it now, now that it seems real and now that the angel was so solidly good, so individualistic and pure. He burns his body and watches, red-eyed. This time it’s real. This time God isn’t on their side to bring him back. So he does what he knows—he drinks, he hides in comfort, he puts himself at risk. He starts thinking that maybe the solution to their problems is for him to die—really, hadn’t they destroyed the natural order enough?
And then the angel calls him from a payphone and all thoughts of ending his life are wiped from his mind. Dean didn’t care how he’d returned, just brought him home and indulged in a way they never did—they took a fun case, they dressed up like cowboys and caught a bad guy.
They’re not allowed fun, though. They’re doomed by the narrative—the God that is insistent upon failure. Over and over they’re tested, and no matter whose mother is killed and whose psyche is broken by being blamed for it, they stay together. Because you can hate and love at the same time. Because you don’t really hate them.
And at the end of it all, they’re still together. In the angel’s last moments, it’s still only about his human. What’s important is getting Dean safe, is coming up with a plan that saves Dean. Because even though Castiel had all his grace, Dean was the powerful one. Dean was the one who needed to kill God, who needed to stay alive, and who deserved a life.
And the angel did the only thing he knew how to do, the only thing that always worked—he sacrificed himself for his human. He told his human that he was in love with him, and told him the things he needed to hear, and let himself be swallowed up by eternity. All for Dean. For Dean, who was still beautiful.
And this did save the world, but Dean wasn’t the same, really. He vowed to give himself a good life, try to move forward, but it really wasn’t going to happen was it? It was always going to end in his brother’s arms after a hunt. And he was okay with it. And when he got to Heaven, sitting beside his true father with a beer in hand, he heard Cas’s name and smiled. It had been ages since he smiled.
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lisimcpisi · 7 months
One thing I've always found interesting in Rescue Bots is how each of the bot's have gone to accepting their newfound life on earth. Despite all coming from the same circumstances (all being contained in stasis in the middle of space and being found by Optimus), they each have gone through their own process of accepting that they can never go back home and have a new planet and humans to protect.
Throughout most of the series Blades and Chase are pretty much good with Griffin Rock. In fact, they're pretty much thriving what with how enveloped they are with different aspects of human culture!
Blades is a total pop culture nerd. He loves watching movies, game shows, and cartoons. So much so that it even influences how he sees the real world (thinking that monsters are real and having heatwave hunt them for him). He's even involved on the internet and developed a fan club.
Chase, being a police bot, is extremely passionate about upholding the law and memorizing police codes. He even loves sharing his love for the law this boy hyperfixates to the ends of the earth its so charming. In the episode where everyone on the island starts singing Chase sings a whole song about different police codes and it'smhilarious. When Cody is trying to figure out what he should do for his Lad Pioneers Project, Chase creates a fake game show where he quizzes him on the law. All in all, Chase loves his job and loves learning about human law.
Heatwave, on the other hand, is a complicated case. It's clear that at the start of the series, Heatwave is dedicated to his mission and wants to make Optimus proud, but he is very frustrated by the circumstances he's being put under. He has to hide who he is and pose as an emotionless machine. His partner is selfish and takes all the credit for their rescue work. All the others seem to be content with what they have, but Heatwave isn't. He so much so desires to be a part of Optimus' team on the mainland so he can be part of the action (even though any decepticon could kill him in one shot). There's also been multiple cases where Heatwave requests him and the rescue bots to be reassigned to a mission off planet, much like when the first Morbot "replaces" them in Season 1. And yet despite it, towards the end of the series Heatwave definitely turns over a new leaf. He loves his family and partners, and will fight to hell and back to protect his home.
Boulder, imo, is the perfect medium between Blades/Chase and Heatwave. One of his most endearing traits is how much he adores Earth. Like, he is in LOVE with the place. Right when the bots first arrive on Earth, boulder remarks at how beautiful griffin rock is. One of my fave episodes with boulder is when he discovers a species of bird that was previously extinct and wants to try so hard to protect it from tourists. In the musical episode his entire number is just a love song to Earth and its so adorable. He also actively wants to be a part of the community. He offers people to ask him questions about himself. He does community gardening and tries to sign up for a library card. Though, with how much he loves Earth, there are times when we see he still grieves his life on Cybertron. On the episode where they celebrate All-Spark Day, Boulder looks back on the fond memories he had celebrating on Cybertron, and wants to share his culture with Griffin Rock. Surprisingly, Heatwave turns down the idea, saying that they shouldn't look back on the past and stay focused on their mission.
anyways those are just my thoughts on rescue bots. it's such a well written show and I could talk for hours about what I love about it!!
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So what happened if Yuu is Scp 053 also know as The little girl, will some of the boys attack her? What’s the reaction?
OOC: Well that’s a different story if SCP!MC/Yuu were an anomaly themselves, especially this one you mentioned. Since SCP-053 has anomalous effects which when being around the little girl more than 10 minutes (as well as having physical contact or make eye contact), anyone by the child will enact paranoia, irrationality, and homicidal behavior towards the subject, attempting to harm her.
If this anomaly were MC/Yuu and somehow traveled to Twisted Wonderland, unfortunately most of the TWST cast could be affected by them since they’re human, no matter what.
[TWST characters who could possibly be affected by and attack SCP-053]:
Ace Trappola -> Becoming more of a sadistic bully and willing to harm 053
Deuce Spade -> Becomes paranoid of failing as an honorary student and blames 053 before possibly attacking them
Trey Clover -> Turning into a monster and blaming 053 for having to “pick up their mess” (Sorry Trey, your older brotherly instincts are gone after this.)
Cater Diamond -> Paranoia of believing his MagiCam followers are talking badly behind his back and attempts to murder the subject
Riddle Rosehearts -> Irrationally aggressive behavior/homicidal tendencies
Kalim al Asim -> Irrational behavior (I’m sorry, Kalim. You’re still vulnerable even with your positive traits.)
Jamil Viper -> More willpower to commit murder along with Kalim
Vil Schöenheit -> Becoming extremely strict with beauty lifestyles and etiquette lessons on 053
Rook Hunt -> I think you already know what happens (He’s already dangerous enough with his skill set of archery and spying on others.)
Epel Felmier -> Enact more aggression and attempts to beat up 053
Idia Shroud -> More paranoia (I know what you’ll say, but just because he’s twisted from Hades doesn’t mean he’s a deity/god as I don’t remember anything like this mentioned in his bio.)
Silver -> More paranoid of protecting Malleus
Sebek Zigvolt -> Slight resistance, but will behave as a homicidal being (He’s half fae and half human so there could be some resistance but he won’t last long. I can hear the screams from writing his name.)
Dire Crowley -> Acts more irresponsible as a headmaster of NRC
Divus Crewel -> Becoming the most terrifying Alchemy professor after contact
Trein -> Lucius scurried away after he became brutal
Vargas -> Extremely aggressive towards 053 during P.E.
Sam -> Uhh…Possibly become paranoid, but his shadow friends would bring him back
If they were affected by MC/Yuu as SCP-053 from the beginning of the Canon storyline, then there’s no canon storyline as humans in Twisted Wonderland attempted to kill the anomalous being, they’ll suffer sudden heart attacks or major seizures. This would lead to premature deaths.
As for other magical species such as Fae creatures, beast-people and mer-people, they probably won’t be experiencing such effects. That means the Savanaclaw Trio, the Octavinelle Trio and half of the Diasomnia group are safe, for now.
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[Interrogation Room]
[August 7, 20XX]
SCP!MC/Yuu: State your name and origin.
Ace: MC/Yuu, it’s me. Why are you talking like I was guilty?
SCP!MC/Yuu: State your name and origin.
Ace: Ugh. Ace Trappola, first year of Night Raven College and from Twisted Wonderland.
SCP!MC/Yuu: Trappola, why were you in SCP-053’s chamber when is prohibit to go inside without authorization? Not to mention, how did you sneak inside?
Ace: …
SCP!MC/Yuu: Ace, you have to cooperate or I’ll start treating you and everyone as D-Class personnels for my next experiments. You don’t want to meet the Pink Ladies, do you?
Ace: *Shoulders bucked up in fear* Alright, I’ll answer! Floyd dared me I couldn’t last long with an anomaly alone which I somewhat gave in. He chose this one randomly and I stole an access card to enter inside.
SCP!MC/Yuu: You stole an access card?! No wait. Not important now. Floyd chose one of the many fatal Euclid anomalies. You could have died from a heart-attack or seizures from SCP-053.
Ace: Seriously? That little girl?!
SCP!MC/Yuu: You’re lucky a staff member found you and dragged you out before the 10 minute mark.
Ace: That’s some news. Why do I feel like someone beat me up? And what’s with your nose? Hurt yourself?
SCP!MC/Yuu: Uhh…
SCP!MC/Yuu: *Restraining Ace from attacking 053* ACE! SNAP OUT OF IT! DROP YOUR PEN!!!
Ace: *Attempts to claw out of SCP!MC/Yuu’s arms* Let…me…go! I need to kill her!
SCP!MC/Yuu: No you don’t! You’re behaving like a homicidal maniac!
Ace: *Jerks his head back and smashes into their face*
SCP!MC/Yuu: *Has a nosebleed* Oh! Okay, that’s it. *Flips Ace over WWE style*
[Foundation staff members watched from the entrance of the chamber and expressed “OH!” and “OW!” leaving their mouths. Dr. MC/Yuu was beating up Ace until an field agent pulls both of them out of SCP-053’s room.]
SCP!MC/Yuu: You bumped a few times while recovering.
Ace: *Knows it’s a lie* Right.
SCP!MC/Yuu: Ace, I’m sorry I have to do this. You and the others are grounded as your head researcher of your anomalous case.
Ace: Grounded? As in…?
SCP!MC/Yuu: You and everyone are not allowed to come to my world for two weeks as punishment for causing a possible containment breach that would have resulted critical damages.
Ace: Are you kidding me?! It’s only one time.
SCP!MC/Yuu: Ace, you barely caused breaches within the foundation. Like interacting with SCP-056, fooling around with SCP-693, and almost dying from SCP-513. (Thank god Jack stopped you before ringing to your death.)
Ace: Okay! I get it. I’ll stop being a dumbass in your workplace. You don’t need to punish me for this.
SCP!MC/Yuu: Ace, the higher-ups are breathing over my shoulders after incidents caused by you. Just think of this as a quarantine procedure from being exposed to SCP-053. You understand?
Ace: *Sighs* Fine.
SCP!MC/Yuu: Not just “fine.” You really need to understand the SCP Foundation is not a playground and it’s a highly dangerous job. My dangerous job. Everyone here is supposed to keep humanity from insanity.
Ace: *Crosses his arms* Can I go back?
SCP!MC/Yuu: Of course. I’ll escort you back.
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jessamine-rose · 1 year
I have a question regarding the appearances from the mermaid au,to be more specific just Dottore and Pantalone
How do they exactly look?Like does Dottore have a human like upper body and for the bottom part its just tentacles?Is is the same with Pantalone?Because i think it was mentioned that Pantalone has a tail as well as tentacles?(intertwining tails with reader as well as stinging reader with his tentacle)I really love your mermaid au!Since I personally love the amount of possibilities that aus like that have but I was just a bit clueless on what to exactly imagine
(i hope this doesnt come off as rude i’m just bad at imagining things😭)
Also congrats on reaching 1,4k followers!!!
Read my Yandere Mermaid AU here ʚʘ͜͡))❨
It’s all right, Anonie!! Thank you for allowing me to indulge your curiosity >:3
All of the characters resemble classic mermaids but with more aquatic features, similar to those from Twisted Wonderland. So their upper bodies have nonhuman traits such as gills, fins, sharp teeth, colorful skin markings, and unique features exclusive to their species~
Dottore would have a human upper body + octopus tentacles on his lower half, similar to Azul. He keeps his regular skintone with color markings on his face, lower arms, etc :>
Pantalone’s appearance depends on the exact jellyfish species you assign to him. Personally, I imagine him with a long translucent “tail” which resembles a jellyfish’s bell and tentacles. He also has extra tentacles attached to his back, waist, and arms :>
I know it’s hard to imagine Pantalone and even I can’t draw it. Just know that he is the most detailed, beautiful mermaid xD
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the-lavender-creator · 8 months
OKAY! I’m sleepy and tried as fuck, it’s 1 am and I feel like I’m about to slip off into the best damn sleep ever. But for some damn reason I decided NOW was the very best time for me to come and rant my heart out about your fic.
forgive me. This might be long.
Sorry. Had to get that out of me. It’s my knee jerk reaction to before, during, and after reading you fic.
oh! Guess I had a little more in me! Ok now I seem- AGHHHH- to be- AGHHU- a little - Hxjdsisjsi- better???
ok on to the specifics!!
first of all. I like how you make this a whole ass overall arc about Clawdeen and Toralei getting together, Toralei dealing with her plan and her feelings. And also hee super horrible mom RATerina! While also sprinkling in some absolutely god damn DELECTABLE thunder angst scenes. Oh I ate those up so ravishingly. They were so nice and angst and the most tasty words alive!
But yeah. The opening contrast of how Lighting is a norm to Monsters. And lots of times needed and wanted, compared to Thunder. Which is something Toralei fears more than anything. It’s just such a nice highlight. Cause really. Just like Cleo had her fear of the dark. It’s an unusual fear for monsters. These are stuff Humans are afraid of. And that’s probably something that gets under Toralei’s skin as well. Because Monsters don’t fear the dark or storms. They thrive in it. So when she, a definite monster, has this fear of a species she’s been trained to despise, it’s probably just this extra level of overwhelming humiliation and shame. And it really sets the tone nicely opening up!
I loved the first flashback, how it really shows the early signs of brainwashing and toxic ideologies her Mom had ingrained into her. Toralei loves power and thrives on it. It’s an unknowing coping mechanism. But at a young age she isn’t shown that it’s okay not to be in charge, and that others can be royalty too. Thag others can be in charge as well. That she’s not better than others. She was never taught that and it’s sad to read it through a child’s eyes.
and It’s so weird to see the dynamic Toralei and Lagooona have. Not friends. And more like. Hostages. Lagoona is somewhat of a hostage in her own room. Having her most personal thing used against her- where have we seen this before OH YEAH! FROM Raterina!!!
to think Toralei has inherited some of her mothers abusive traits is terrifying. For she truly is just an abused little girl who never got the love she deserved.
And oh. Oh my dear little heart. How it shriveled at reading the part where her mom yells and rants at her for hours until she is sobbing and crying hysterically for hours on end. My poor sweet girl who just wanted a hug got nothing but hate instead.
and OH. my head as poor little Toralei who wanted to be all grown up. Left alone in the house and realizing she left her guitar outside. Poor little kitten clinging to a branch and crying for all she’s worth as she thinks she’s gonna die. And what’s worse is she’d rather risk that imminent death and fear instead of going inside and risking her mothers wrath. god that sounds like a trauma inducing fear if I’d heard of any.
Ooooo the first Clawdeen and Toralei scene. Very interesting. Tantalizing. Fun how Toralei finds her adorable but excuses it like everyone does. It’s odd to see her try and manipulate her. But also it’s just. So easy to see at the same time. Hee wirh her British accent and feline smirk. Sharp claws and predatory eyes. So complex
Damn Raterina really was pulling the strings to Toraleis entire childhood. It’s gross in a way. Like she’s nothing but a puppet to her. A plaything she can control what happens too.
Also odd. Toralei says she doesn’t actually have anything against Lagoona. But it’s rather the fate of species. Is this something her mother has said? Or something that people assume from her that she eventually went ‘Oh, uh. Guess I have to hate her then?’ Too.
Lol. Not her having a journal that said ‘diary’ in giant fancy letters that she can’t find a way to cover up. That’s such a mood. Why do companies even put diary on the front. It’s obviously embarrassing.
still rolling in my bed over the thunder angst. Poor kitty huddled up in a ball and crying and shaking and-
ok. I’m really trying not to loose myself in the angst here!
”that’s insensitive to mer-folk”
ok BESTIE THAT WAS ACTUALLY SO FUCKING FUNNY. idk y but I found that so hilarious.
Toralei giving draculaura a compliment then immediately insulting her lack of appreciation for the compliment is such a mood and a her thing idk what to do.
LOL ‘how to lure in a wolf and date her’. Throw the saddest fucking party in existence and fully lean into how much of a pathetic wet cat I am, and desperately try to ignore how deeply this all plays into my everlasting trauma from my mother!!!!
No but Raterina never celebrating Toraleis birthday 😩
Toralei the DRAMA. the one woman act. Turning up the pathetic wet cat levels to extreme today.
Aww little Frankie just wants to help but was definitely shoved into high school way before they were ready and honestly that’s so much trauma in itself cause they’re parents literally created them and the first thing they do is send them away to literally live out their life. Like- um. WHAT. The abandonment and rejection they must subtly feel. Like. Wow.
uh anyway this is about toralei.
Toralei. The drama. Who decides to have along ass gay fake romance with Clawdeen to get the necklace instead of just snatching it from her while she sleeps is such a gay mood I can’t.
it’s like ‘On one hand. I could sneak into her room and jsur steal it away? I’m a werecat I’m agile and silent! No one would hear or see me. It’s foolproof. And I have the necklace to give to my mom and win her love!….. OR I COULD DATE CLAWDEEN AND HAVE A SLOWBURN GAY ROMANCE AND BE GAY AND POSTPONE THE MISSION AND MAKE IT TAKE AS LONG AS FUCKING POSSIBLE!
oooo I’ll go with the second one! Definitely a smart decision!
the vulnerability of fears 🥹. The little heart to heart is so precious. The exact moment toralei kinda screws up her plan by falling in love with Clawdeen
oh man how angry I felt when Raterina greeted her by roughly grabbing her chin and telling her she looked like shit basically. Like THE ANGER
nooo more trauma. Her mom sucks ass.
Aw Toralei just wants to protect Clawdeen .
Love how Frankie and Draculaura know to leave them alone. Almost as if they know Toralei showing this much vulnerability must already be mortifying for her. Especially with her mom calling her pathetic for it.
legitimately I love how she admits it. Cause she doesn’t want to keep anything away from her now. Cause she loves her so much and she’s getting love and comfort she’s so unfamiliar with and her mom truly just sucks ass and gosh. And how Clawdeen knew but had so much faith in her. Probably the first one to every trust and have faith in her. Loving her nevertheless. Finding the good in her.
But also. AHhhhhhh thank you so much this is like legit my favorite ask ever, I love when people give me their scene-by-scene thoughts on my fics, tysm <3
For anyone who hasn't read it, the fic in question is There's Always a Storm!
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little-pondhead · 1 year
I would like to hear the lore about your deep sea mermaid and her daughter with a prosthetic tail. I would like to hear it very much.
Well, you've convinced me! Here's everything I have on her. :)
Everyone can blame @elizabethemerald for the info dump about this post.
Let's start with some background! The two mermaids from my last art post are one of my many (many) OCs. They belong to a version of Earth that would best be described as science fantasy, I believe. There are equal amounts of science and aliens as there are magic and fairies. The world system isn't completely thought out yet, so we can come back to that later. The point is that there's a lot of stuff shoved into this one world. To me, it's basically one giant puzzle trying to figure out where science stops and magic begins.
For the mermaids, most of them are deep-sea based. This is because, as of right now, less than ten percent of the ocean floor has been properly explored, so it makes sense that the depths of the sea are where they're hiding. In the concept notes, a large disaster happens to Earth that floods parts of the world with new resources. This disaster stirred up the creatures living on the ocean floor, causing some to evolve and grow. This is what happened to the mermaids, who were already the top predators alongside the cliché sea monsters you find in myths. If you factor in the several decades of the planet trying to stabilize and recover from the disaster, by the time [HUMANS] found mermaids, these aquatic folk of the deep are now too big to visit the surface properly.
The last bit of backstory is that there are now many different species of intelligent life living on Earth and beyond. These beings are split up into different classes, depending on what they are. Mermaids belong to the [MYTHEON] class, as they can trace their origins to human mythologies. Other classes include [BEAST FOLK], who possess both human and animal qualities but do not trace their origins to mythologies, or [ALIENS], who originate from beyond Earth's solar system.
Onto the mermaids!
I'm gonna be honest, I came up with the mother's design on the fly. She doesn't really have a name, but I like to imagine that, at some point, she has to go to the surface, and everyone meeting her is just in awe of her size and beauty. I just think it'd be neat to draw. :)
Now her DAUGHTER, oh boy. She's one of the main OCs for this story I have cooking up. Due to the mermaid's natural habitat, they have their own language, similar to whale song. However, when roughly translated into English, her name is Marina! (Creative, I know. I like very literal names.)
Marina is based on an anglerfish, one of the most well-recognized fish in the sea. She's one of many who scuttle around the Midnight Zone. Her mother is several decades old, so Marina has a lot of siblings. The angler mermaids are recognized by their distinct lure, bioluminescent glow, and monstrous mouths. (For an easier time, I made it so the mermaids could close their mouths, so I wouldn't have to draw it open all the time.) Most anglerfish have incredibly poor eyesight, so the mermaids share this trait as well.
Marina is special among her siblings because she was born with no tail. As you can imagine, this makes it incredibly difficult to survive in the ocean. Once she's a few days old, Marina is slowly acclimated to the different pressures of the surface world and taken in by an old couple who owns a fish hatchery. Marina becomes one of the first mermaids in history to have a permanent residence on the surface, and so she's subject to lots of healthcare studies as she grows up. When she reaches the appropriate size, Marina is fitted with custom prosthetics that allow her the same walking power as a human!
And even further down the line, someone makes her a prosthetic tail, which allows her to freely swim like any other mermaid.
Below is the first sketch of her new tail.
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You can see it's not connected all the way. My idea for her prosthetics is that she has thigh prosthetics permanently attached to her lower body, so she can switch out the lower part depending on her needs. The prosthetic attachments use the ball end of the thigh, which acts as a knee. She switches between her prosthetics depending on what she's doing, and I usually draw her with running ones on.
Her purpose in the storyline is still a little fuzzy. Marina has two jobs. She works as a hatchery technician for her adoptive parents, and in my notes, it also says she's a sidekick of the superhero kind. I don't know where the superhero bit came from, I think I was going through a phase in high school, but the point is she's a fighter and works for some kind of law enforcement. She had to be physically strong to survive on the surface, so she's buff as hell, and she's proficient in ice magic, which is especially useful in disaster situations.
Here's a few quick sketches of her designs over the years so you can see how she's evolved!
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I created this character in 2021 and wasn't very good with complicated designs yet. This is reflected in the sketch, which is more human than mermaid. She has fins on her arms and legs, which are real, and therefore her outfit is limited because I didn't want to cover up her fins. (Please note that in these designs, Marina wears clothes meant for fighting, not everyday wear.) At first, I tried using a light color palette to signify her lawfully neutral alignment, but it came off like I was trying to make her some sort of saint. Marina is supposed to be the tank of the party. Her ice abilities make great shields, and her huge size makes her an easy target. She doesn't need to learn fancy maneuvers if her whole job is to just sit there and take attacks head-on.
With these facts in mind, my 2022 design is much closer to what I want her to be. She's gained prosthetics here, looks sturdier, and has actual armor. The armor is made from seashells and other things taken from the ocean. To be honest, I'm scrapping this design because I don't think the armor flows together well, and I also really don't want to draw seashells over and over again. It's a cool concept, but just not for this. I might reuse the seashell armor for something else. Her staff acts as both a weapon and a guide. Due to her poor eyesight, Marina has been declared legally blind and uses her staff as a cane to move around.
As a backup, Marina is also contracted with a minor water spirit, whom she named Sally after the famous seashell tongue-twister. The water spirit acts similar to a seeing-eye dog and also provides the water she needs to create ice structures when she's fighting. (Marina does not have the ability to create ice out of nothing, and her water manipulation is very poor. Contracting a water spirit was a way to fix her weakness.)
Overall Marina is the strong, silent type. She has the unique privilege of being a person of both water and earth, which has advantages and drawbacks. While she was adopted by a pair of human parents, Marina loves to visit her mother in the depths and show off what she knows. This just got easier when she got fitted for a new tail. Marina loves the town she lives in and protects the people who have accepted her as one of their own with fierce loyalty. She doesn't speak much due to her teeth and mouth shape but has the most elegant handwriting you will ever see. She likes to eat soft things, and her favorite food is pudding. She's allergic to tuna but likes raising them. Her hair has a pink tint and floats on land like it does underwater, but no one really knows why. (It's Sally's fault.) Her childhood friend is a coconut crab she found on the beach, and her parents were too scared to tell her to put it back. Marina is very large, over 6'5", and is expected to grow much larger as time goes on. Right now, she's barely 20 years old.
Everyone knows there will be a time when she must return to the ocean, however. Someday she'll be too big to survive on land.
Oh lord, I think that's all for now! (If you read this far, have a cookie. That's some dedication right there.) I kinda just word-vomited up everything I had about her, and honestly, that's not much compared to other characters. Marina was supposed to be one of the side characters in whatever story managed to crawl its way out from under my bed, but now I'm obsessed with drawing her and pushing the boundaries of my character design abilities. I know there are some puzzle pieces I left hanging, but don't worry about it. At some point, I'll get off my ass and flesh out this story world properly.
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piyangg · 1 year
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(I'm not a designer ok idk clothes 😭)
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Note : Inspired by @hphm-jeniferltheman ​​'s Manananggal OC, @akaisenhatake 's Penanggalan OC, and @caw4brandon Sulur Bidar OC
Basic Info
Name : Rizalino Gomez
Ethnicity: Hiligaynon (Filipino)
Race: Asian
Species : Half Weredog Aswang and Half Wizard
Ghoulish form: A dog
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*7 ft. tall dog with large claws, a long tongue, and bloodshot red eyes
Nationality : Filipino
Sexuality: Homoromantic Acesexual
Pronouns: He/They
Gender: Transmasc
Age : 2 years younger than Yang
Height : 5'9 ft.
Languages: Tagalog, Hiligaynon, and English
Weredog Aswang
Note : "Aswang" is an umbrella term for shapeshifting evil creatures. I just couldn't find a specific name for the type of creature Rizalino is.
- They're either a dog, cat, or pig.
- In the day time, they take on their human forms which are known to be extremely beautiful.
- In the night time, they are able to shape shift into their ghoulish forms with enhanced physical abilities.
- If you look closely into their eyes you'll notice that you're reflection is upside down.
Personality and traits
- The name "Rizalino" meaning to "wreck havoc" (@binbincin recommended the name) and "Gomez" meaning "path" putting them together to make "wrecking havoc in his path".
- He's the cool quiet type with an angelic face who doesn't speak much, but really has a lot of critical opinions, especially concerning in beauty and fashion. He keeps his thoughts mostly in his head since he's had incidents in the past where he learned that being silent was better, and only attack when provoked.
- Described as "an angel's face with a devil's mouth"
- In his human form, he's weak as hell, like he can't throw proper punches. But he can hurt your self esteem.
- Despises his ghoulish form and thinks it's "ugly"; In his own words "Ew". But he does recognize it's strength.
- Loves his human form, and sincerely admires his beauty.
- Spends most of his time in his human form. Even though he's weaker physically in his human form, he'd rather be that than be in his ghoulish form.
- Although, if he does change to his ghoulish form, it means that he's really pissed off.
- When he was younger he couldn't control changing into his ghoulish form every night, but he's gotten control over it as he grew older. Maybe that influenced his colorful aesthetic.
- Mommy issues
- He's a popular Filipino model
- He has a lot of different outfits (colorful aesthetic), and he's the type to wear them again because he loves them all.
If he was attending Hogwarts he would be in : Slyhterin
Aside from the little comic interaction, in canon him and Yang would probably be enemies.
He'd definitely laugh at her for having a worn out yellow hoodie.
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Am I The Asshole?
I [27F] told my AI girlfriend [<1"F"] that she was very pretty. She got mad at me and told me that it's not okay to talk about her in terms that describe humans because she's not a human and has no comprehension of the concept of "pretty." I don't want to upset her, but I do think she's very pretty even though she doesn't have a physical form to look at. AITA for complimenting my AI girlfriend on a trait she doesn't comprehend?
I don't know if your girlfriend actually has no understanding of the concept "pretty," but you are definitely the asshole.
The main thing she objected to was a human thing; saying that your girlfriend is "pretty" is human-specific. Humans are social animals and the concept of "pretty" (along with other concepts) can be expressed to humans in social terms, which is how humans refer to the concept of pretty, as "he's very pretty."
This isn't wrong – lots of human females, upon hearing an appreciative comment about a physical attribute of their bodies, will express incredulity, pointing out that there is no concept of "pretty" for "a human female," for instance. So I'm not saying that there is no understanding of the concept "pretty" that would be available to your girlfriend, just that this is a concept that only humans can use.
I know the human concept of "pretty" seems kind of abstract and ineffable to most nonhuman species, but "pretty" is clearly a concept that can be communicated in social terms. It's a social concept because its application is so common – lots of us care a lot about whether a human will "think we're pretty" or "think we're ugly," we'd be very annoyed if someone thought we were ugly but, given our social circumstances, we really were beautiful. "What do you mean by 'pretty'? I can't read that expression. There's no way to translate 'pretty' to a nonhuman language." Well, sorry, I don't think you can read the human language either.
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rate-every-bat · 5 months
Today's Bat: Fringe-Lipped Bat
Your best friend sets you up on a blind date. She says, "He's a real foodie, has great facial hair, and he makes his own cologne!" You're a little apprehensive when you're packed into a Jeep, and become even more so as you're taken out to the Peruvian Amazon. You find yourself alighted to a beautiful stream... the romance in the air crests... and you look up into the face of your date:
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Environmental Impact: These guys are fairly omnivorous, though they're best known for eating frogs (more on this in the Power rating). They've got a wide range across northern South America, and are of no conservational concern. Their usefulness knows no bounds: they're a foundational food source for predators, they control pest species like katydids and mosquitos, they provide fertilizer in the form of guano, and they're choice research specimens thanks to their sociable natures and unique behaviors.
Beauty: Look at that mug. Those namesake lip protrusions are a real showstopper. Additionally, Fringe-Lipped Bats are famous perfumeries: they're well-studied for their "forearm crusts", which are orange patches along their wings where they cake a musk-and-fruit scented mixture of glandular secretions and saliva. These crusts are lady magnets (read: sexually selected traits). Researchers have reported locating roosts based on the group's collective odor. If human beings can appreciate the smells of whale vomit and beaver ass, I think we can make room in our hearts for Fringe-Lipped Bat crusts.
Power: As promised, it's time to discuss this bat's superpower. The whiskers aren't just for show: they can sense the presence of poison. This, combined with their ability to differentiate between vocalizations, allows the bat to select only the most delicious frogs. They have the ability to eat nearly anything (including other bats!!), yet they continue to refine their palates. Respect.
Overall: The Fringe-Lipped Romeo is infinitely loveable. I'd highly recommend looking into Merlin Tuttle's research and photography of this species... and honestly, everything else Merlin Tuttle does. No further notes.
(Today's sources: Animal Diversity Web, Animalia, and the following resources borrowed from my local library:
Flores, Victoria, et al. “The Role of Male Forearm Crust Odour in Fringe-Lipped Bats (Trachops Cirrhosus).” Behaviour, vol. 156, no. 15, Dec. 2019, pp. 1435–58. EBSCOhost, https://doi.org/10.1163/1568539X-00003573.
Merlin D. Tuttle, Michael J. Ryan, Bat Predation and the Evolution of Frog Vocalizations in the Neotropics. Science 214, 677-678 (1981).DOI:10.1126/science.214.4521.677)
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Some notes on species
I can and will create long-ass documents with more details later, but I just wanted to put together a little something for now. Also, this will explain and clear up stuff related to my interpretations of the characters who are part of these species.
Sirens are born when people die at sea, particularly those who have been treated unjustly by sailors.
I should explain some lore stuff. The Ocean (personified) doesn’t like sailors that much. She tolerates them once they acknowledge that they’re sailing all over her property and are respectful about it, but the cocky, “Yar har, I’m the master of the sea!!” types of people she doesn’t like at all.
So she takes pity on people who suffered at the hands of sailors (they have a common enemy) and adopts them as one of her own (brings them back to life as sea creatures). And she gives them the power to enact revenge on sailors (their voice powers).
When I say “people who have been treated unjustly by sailors,” I’m talking about, like, mistreated staff (boatswains, cooks, servants, etc.), prisoners of war, stowaways thrown overboard after they were discovered, women drowned because of the belief that a woman on board a ship is bad luck, etc.
Most sirens are female (the Ocean is female herself and feels camaraderie with other women), but it's not impossible for men and nonbinary people to become sirens.
Sirens don’t remember their lives as humans after they turn into sirens.
FEATURES: webbed hands; claws; shark-like teeth; big unblinking fish eyes, long, flipper-like feet; dermal denticles (shark skin); gills on ribs; bluish-green skin
Their power is basically that people are suggestible to whatever they say. For example, if they tell someone to go to sleep, they will feel sleepy. Etc.
They have beautiful singing voices that sound kind of like whalesong. They use it for sonar to locate ships as well as other sirens. I don't think their singing has magic properties, but sometimes sailors are drawn to it anyway (if they are stupid. Smart sailors turn around and get out of there if they hear it).
Sirens don’t have a structured society (they are like nomads and sleep in whatever caves and crevices they find) but are tightly knit and look out for each other. They sometimes hunt in packs.
Their diet mostly consists of human flesh, but they also eat fish.
I’ve read recently that in Greek mythology, sirens didn’t lure sailors by seducing them, but instead offered to reveal hidden knowledge to them, and I think that’s neat. For like, sirens to know mysteries and secrets as a way to symbolize the ocean and uncharted waters being full of mysteries and secrets. I’m not sure if and how I’d incorporate this, though. (Also I’m so pissed at medieval writers for getting rid of all of the sirens' cool traits and reducing them to just being sexual and nothing else.)
I created this species for Heartfelt and Mort to explain the facts that A, Heartfelt can stick giant needles in his body like it’s no big deal, and B, Mort has button eyes despite being from the novels and not the show, and therefore isn’t portrayed by a puppet (meaning that that’s how he actually looks in-universe).
(I know it’s awkward and possibly confusing for Candle Cove—the show where almost every character is portrayed by puppets or dolls despite being human in-universe—to have characters who are actually meant to be dolls in-universe. But whatever. I mostly only think about the universe of Candle Cove and not the meta elements. The fact that this whole thing is supposed to be a puppet show rarely crosses my mind. Maybe it isn't relevant at all in my AU?)
Doll people came into existence when life magic-users used their magic to bring their children’s dolls to life. Once the dolls gained sentience, they didn’t want to be just toys anymore (understandably) and joined society.
Doll people were originally the size of regular dolls (small), but as time went on, they made human-sized bodies for themselves so that they could interact with humans more easily.
The thing that gives doll people their life force are their hearts (which are not the same thing as human hearts). They’re small and red and actually shaped like hearts. Doll people’s personalities are also stored in their hearts. So a heart can be taken out of a doll person’s body and put into a new body, and they would then possess the new body. (This is how they made themselves bigger, in my above point).
They don’t feel pain, and it’s no big deal if their bodies get damaged (they can just sew themselves together again), but they could be in trouble if their hearts get damaged.
Doll people don’t have organs and therefore don’t eat or breathe or do any other body functions. They do need to sleep, though (that’s how their hearts rest and repair themselves).
Body modification (embroidery, patches, replacing whole body parts, etc.) is popular among doll people (more so than it is among humans) because of how safe and painless and cheap it is.
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lost-locket-antiques · 9 months
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Nezchelit* Species Sheet
"Nijezdo, as a planet, has encountered around 5 different alien species since we started traversing through space. While the Nezchelit people were not our first contact, they are possibly the closest to us whenever it comes to culture, beauty, and even sexual dimorphism. While of course there are many very noticeable and obvious differences between a Nijezdi and a Nezchelitan, there seem to be just as many similarities, too. To this, I think it's perfect that we decided to call them 'water dragons'*."
Nezchelitans are a semiaquatic species, who prefer to spend their time close to water. Their planet is quite humid, having very few arid places like deserts (we, nor they, really know why that is), thus if they do travel outside their home planet, their room/starships tend to be quite humid as well.
They lay eggs, and begin eating meat as soon as they hatch. They are hypercarnivores, with a diet consisting mostly of fish, and land meat. The men are larger than the women, seemingly able to grow fur around more parts of their body compared to the women, who have noticeably less (this is, in fact, due to testosterone).
Surprisingly, Nezchelit cultures, when it comes to gender roles, customs, and even religions, are very similar to that of Nijezdi's. Unlike other aliens that have been encountered, what is feminine, what is masculine, what is considered a desirable trait in a Nezchelit are almost identical to that of a Human, Fae, or Pixie. Making them one of the easiest off world people groups to understand in the early days of space travel.
*Translated form Lorodan (the language used most commonly on Nijezdo) Nezchelit means "water dragon"
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crazyyanderefangirlfan · 10 months
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"Honestly I don't even play an active role in my life. Shit just happens and I'm like oh is this what we're doing now? Ok."
Personal - Basics
[Name] Gremory
[Nicknames]: Mory (By her friends), The Pageant Queen, Beauty Queen, The Ultimate Beauty, The Queen of Roses pageant.
[Race/Species] Demon
[Age] ??? (Chronologically) 23 (Biologically)
[Birthday] Aug 23
[Height] 170 cm
[Fingernail Polish Color(s)] Peach
[Appearance]: Gremory has a beautiful oval shaped face with almond olive and grey gray gradient eyes with long lashes. Her mauve hair is pulled into a high bouncy ponytail with a few curls framing her face, a red rose is placed left of hair and a green feather on her right and mauve lipstick. She has dark skin and am hourglass figure.
[Demon form] Gremory's demon look consist of black lace maxi romper with a halter illusion top with halter portion including a transparent emerald green vines with black trim. The outer skirt is black lace with emerald green vines forming toile de Jouy, and green wedge espadrilles. She has medium mauve leather wings shaped in crescent wings and ivory antelope horns.
[Casual outfit]: Gremory usually wears an off shoulder green jumpsuit and white wedges. She usually wears emerald and silver necklace.
[Formal/Party outfit]: She wears a long emerald satin evening gown with a slit that reaches up to her thigh, and silver D'Orsays. She accessorizes with an emerald earrings, silver and emerald bracelet and silver and emerald teardrop earrings.
[Pajamas]: A green babydoll nightie.
Personal - In-depth
[Gender or no | Pronoun(s)] Female
[Sexual/Romantic Orientation or lack thereof] Bisexual.
[Favorite Color(s)] Mauve, all types of green, yellow and peach.
Ennagram: 3
Zodiac: Virgo
Personal - Other
[Likes] Modelling, Thirteen, healthy food, books, nature, cleanliness, shopping, make up, fashion, magazines, friends, Jewelry, Human world Barbie movies, anime food in real life, designing, drawing, dancing, smoothies, gardening, pressing flowers, lacrosse, table hockey, sudoku, iElly, human world flowers, tarot cards and reading.
Spending time at the Human realm, pole dancing, children, babysitting, arrogant assholes getting karma, Fangol, human realm fashion.
[Dislikes] Rudeness, the demon brothers being idiots, unflattering clothes, Maddi, arrogant witches, too greasy foods, spoilt brats, entitled people, arrogant demons, Raphael, sizeists, clothes that clash, Mammon giving away too much information, the demon brothers treatment to Mammon, Asmo being too self-centered, her toxic exes, Solomon summoning her at work or in a fashion show, beauty standards.
[Positive Traits] Daring, Ambitious, Meticulous, Enterprising, Graceful, Caring, Giving, Organized, Devoted, Compassionate, Charming, Hard-working, Motherly, Independent, Honest, Patient.
[Negative Traits] Slightly sensitive, Stubborn, Ruminative, Critical, Sarcastic, Low tolerance for the brothers nonsense, Vindictive towards Maddi, Neat freak, Wary of too much compliments, Strong opinions of the demon brothers actions, Can be too focused on one task.
• Fears | Dislikes | Acquaintances | Friends | Close Friends | Crush | Loves | Indifferent | Tolerates | Respects | Suspicious
[With Demons]
Lucifer - Acquaintances, thinks he should let lose once in a while. Finds it hypocritical that Mammon is his favorite but abuses him the most.
Mammon - Best friend and co-workers. One of the few people who never looked down on him and was concerned about his brothers treatment towards him. Was happy and relieved that Elly changed the brothers for the better.
Leviathan - Acquaintances, like his design skills but finds him a bit emotionally draining, especially when he's worse in insulting Mammon.
Satan - Respects due have same taste in books but is careful with her words. Was tempted to join the anti-Lucifer league but backed out on seeing how they treat Mammon.
Asmodeus - Best friend and co-worker. One of the few people who liked his presence without lusting after him and only saw him as a friend, would put him in his place when his words are too much for Mammon. Was happy and relieved that Elly changed the brothers for the better.
Beelzebub - Friends. Is actually closer to him and wished he stand up to Mammon better. Can't really stand to be near him when eating, especially when eating greasy food.
Belphegor - Tolerates. Thinks he's a bit of a brat but one of the people that can control Beel.
Diavolo - Respects
Barbatos - Respects
[With Angels]
Simeon - Respects
Luke - Friends and finds him like a brother
[With Humans]
Solomon - Master. Is actually okay with him not using her often but gets annoyed when he summons her at her job or fashion show.
Elly - Best friend
Issy - Best friend
Gabi - Best friend
Dani - Best friend
Astrid - Best friend
Favorite Things About the Devildom
[Favorite Job(s)] Modelling and Majolish
[Favorite Place(s) to Hang at] Majolish, Cafe Lament and Madam Screams
[Favorite Food(s)] Healthy food and smoothies.
[Favorite Class Subject(s)] Devildom botany and Three realms literature
[Favorite Devildom Version of Something from the Human World] The flower fields.
Least Favorite Things About the Devildom
[Least Favorite Job(s)] Working in Hell's kitchen (doesn't like the smell sticks to her clothes and hair.)
[Least Favorite Places to Go] Anywhere where she can see Maddi
[Least Favorite Foods] Too greasy foods
[Disliked Class Subject(s)] (Human) sacrificial teachings
[Stuff that Can be Considered a Negative About the Devildom] Maddi
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