#and also just now going through the lockdown stuff
lucawrites11 · 3 days
Evie hc about when lucy forgot her in the airport <3
2019 world cup, evie's five, it's her third major tournament and she's a pro by now and her favourite toy on travel days is her nintendo switch and her favourite games are mario kart/mario party, splatoon, minecraft and, of course, fifa. she has other games on there when she's bored but she knows what she likes
the whole team is also obsessed with this switch, evie isn't just the most popular person because she's cute, she has travel sized competition in her pocket and they all want a turn so lucy mostly let's it happen. they were in france travelling between group stage games. they had japan next, their toughest opponent so her and steph were having a little chat about mentality and walked away from the team. evie was left with millie, rach, leah and georgia (her first mistake) who were supposedly adults but were, soon after lucy left, bickering over who was winning like children
evie saw jill got into a shop where you can buy sweets and saw her opportunity to target a weak point in the team and get some sweets so snuck off and followed her in. there was a lot of pleading and they eventually decided if they'd break the rules it would be for good sweets so jill had evie read the french map of the airport to find the best sweet shop and off they went
meanwhile, lucy and steph are having to be adults and lucy spots the abandoned nintendo and is like 'where the fuck is my kid?' and EVERYONE freaks out. EVERYONE. the whole team is split out across the airport calling out for evie, the coaches have gone to find staff to make an announcement. lucy is the most stressed anyone's ever seen her. keira's trying to comfort her and that's not going well
jill and evie, meanwhile, are engaged in a very intense debate about whether chocolate or sweets are better, so wrapped up in their debate they aren't listening to the announcements for evie
it takes ten minutes for them to FINALLY pick three bags of haribo you can't get in england: fizzy orangina, fizzy crocodiles and normal crocodiles
meanwhile england coaches are kicking up such a fuss that the airport is contemplating a lockdown. the staff are trying to access the security cameras and get the right time and location
jill and evie are going through their own stress. they are regretting buying three bags and trying to hide them, they both forgot their bags and they have to go for the pocket method. they eat a few from each bag to make the bags smaller in their pockets. time evie's been 'missing': seventeen minutes
jill and evie are now giggling, trying to walk back and inconspicuously as possible. it's a long walk so jill swings evie onto her shoulders and everyone looking for her is now looking at the wrong height and because jill starts running to make evie laugh, no one notices. they walk past four players frantically searching for evie
georgia has hit a new stage of guilt, leah is ready to murder anyone who has taken her, rach and millie are panicking and guilt searching, lucy's close to tears and keira's like 'i don't know what to do'. lucy staniforth and demi stokes have the most control and composure but they've walked off to search
evie and jill walk back into this chaos and jill swings evie down to her feet. evie sneaks in (new plan) and stuffs the sweets in her bag. no one spots her. jill walks over and is like 'what's going on?'
and georgia is like 'evie's missing'
jill stands awkwardly and points at evie now no longer by her bag 'she was with me?'
jill learned that she shouldn't have left her phone in her bag and should listen to announcements, multiple airport workers were apologised to and evie was hugged to within an inch of her life
no one ever knew about the sweets and it's their secret (they ate them all over the next few nights when evie needed a break from the stress and concern for her wellbeing)
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quick appreciation for martha's theme - god i love it so much. it's so brassy, and echo-y and it *sounds* so much like martha (serene and beautifully tranquil, but also deeply longing for emotional release underneath. a slow cascade progressing to rapture).
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sludgeguzzler · 9 months
man. i changed so much these past years
#im different from last years me who was different from 2021 me who was different from 2020 me and so on and so forth#it feels kinda weird thinking about it bc i went through *so much stuff*#all of it in just the past 4 years... insane#i found out i was trans. i went on lockdown. i started posting my art online. i made online friends.#i went through three different relationships. every single one of them changed me forever.#i started writing. i finished middle school. i read homestuck. i used discord everyday for 2 years.#i found my personal sense of style. i started going tk school again. i made friends irl. i lost all the online friends i had.#(thay wasnt bc of any scandal i just left the friendgroup and then started to slowly interact more with ppl irl#whi sorta made my online interactions dwindle especially one-on-one interactions#i think i feel better like this go be honest with you. the connections feel stronger and i feel closer to the friends ive made#not saying i dont like the people i know and befriended here just saying that not being chronically online anymore really changed how i#go through with internet interactions)#damn. really feeling the passage of time now.#also this is not a sad reminiscent post im *really* glad im in the place i am in life right now#i have a qpp i have an irl friendgrouo that i feel 100% comfortable with for the first time in my life im doing ok at school#i have a vision for my future my relationship with my parents is sooo much better#idk man. compare that with 14 year old me eating alone at school bc i was too scared to talk with the other people on my class and like.#yeah man. im doing a lot better#i DO have to update my art blog though. its been too long sincd i posted anything#talk
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raz-writes-the-thing · 8 months
Angel's Blood
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Aziraphale x GN!Vampire!Reader + a hint of Crowley
18+ ONLY / Requests are OPEN
Read part two- Demon's Blood
Summary: It's entirely an accident when you discover Angel's blood is an aphrodisiac.
CW: vampire!reader, blood, i guess blood kink if you squint, choking, thigh riding
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Being a Vampire had its draws, that was for absolutely sure. Strength, heightened senses (although this could be a hit and miss, depending on which sense you were talking about), speed, and your personal favourite- elongated life. Being able to watch the world grow and thrive around you, it was something truly special. 
It was also a curse too, but that was less fun to think about, so you generally tended to avoid thoughts about it as much as you could. Now, you weren’t necessarily a ‘vegetarian’ Vampire, per se. But you did your best to only bleed people dry who ‘deserved’ it. Real bottom of the barrell stuff. It was… not particularly tasty.
And what with the lockdowns, and the lack of evil and wrongdoing in the air, you’d found it becoming exceptionally difficult to find yourself more meals. The 1940s had basically been an all-you-can-eat buffet. Oh, sure, that wasn’t a good thing, but you’d not been sated quite the same way ever since. Never enough walking popsicles about these days. 
Oh, now there was an idea. Frozen blood pops. You thought you might give those a try when you got your next few blood bags. But those were still a while away, and you were hungry now. 
Usually it was not a huge deal to wait a while between meals, but given how uptight and wound Humanity was getting, and how much harder it was getting to, well, get away with things, you were spacing things out more than you should have been already, and as you pushed your way through the Bookshop doors, you knew Aziraphale knew what was going on immediately. 
You’d met the Angel and Demon pair several centuries ago during a particularly popular theatre act, and you had hit it off immediately. They’d both known exactly what you were, and did not beat around the bush about it. The fact that they’d not feared you in the slightest helped with that too. You didn’t have to keep your guard up around them, and once you’d told Aziraphale about who, what, when and where you fed on- he was much more inclined to become friendly with you. 
“Az- Zira-” you panted, the bell on the door clanging wildly and loudly as you practically fell through the door frame. “Do I- have any- blood here?” Each couple of words took effort to say, and were punctuated with a heaving breath in. You usually kept a small stash at your usual haunts just in case, but you had a sneaking suspicion based on the look on Aziraphale’s face, that no, you did not have any spare snacks sitting around. 
“Oh, dear- erm, no, I don’t believe so, darling-” the Angel said concernedly. You braced yourself against the door and smacked your dry lips.
Well fuck. 
“Shit,” was all you replied, arm wobbling before your body gave out on you. Before you hit the ground you felt arms around you, pulling you up and against Aziraphale’s body. You could smell his soap on his skin, a mix of white sage and oregano and you clung to him desperately so you wouldn’t fall. 
Aziraphale led you over to his arm chair, settling himself down with you in his lap. He brushed the hair out of your forehead and you shivered, your nerves becoming more panicked by the minute.
“You know you shouldn’t leave it this long between… meals,” he practically tutted as if unsure what the correct word to use was, and you let out a shaky chuckle, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. You weren’t sure if it was the desperate hunger or what, but Aziraphale smelt so fucking good.
“Yeah, yeah,” you replied, nosing at his skin softly. Your arm pulled closer around his torso. “It’s getting- harder. Not so much- supply,” you sighed, the panting easing now you weren’t exerting so much energy with movement. 
It wasn’t as if you’d die if you didn’t feed. It was just that without the blood, there’d be no flow in your system, and with no blood flow your body would just… stop working. Dry up and go stiff like an old doll. You’d be stuck in a coma until more blood was transfused into you. 
How did you know this? Well, let’s just say you did not particularly want to repeat the end of the 14th century. You shuddered at the memory and Aziraphale rubbed your shoulder, cooing at you softly in an effort to comfort you.
“Can I do anything for you?” Aziraphale asked softly, kissing the top of your forehead. You nosed at his neck another moment in throught before it came to you. Aziraphale had a body. One that pumped blood.
“I- I have an idea,” you said quietly, pulling away from his throat to look up at him. Aziraphale’s gaze was soft as he nodded, asking what he could do to help you. That was Aziraphale for you, always ready to give for the next person in need.
“I need to feed,” you say slowly and evenly, measuring the Angel’s reactions. “And I’m too weak to find someone who… I can feed off.” You wait to see if he gets what you’re hinting at, and when his eyes widen in shock, you can’t help but be amused at the comical expression. 
“Oh- oh, my,” he splutters as his brain processes the request. And it is a request. You’d never take advantage or take anything from him without his permission. It wasn’t who you were. Not at all. “Oh, well, I suppose,” he adds, clearing his throat. You didn’t even know if it was safe to drink Angel blood. But you supposed you were about to find out.
“Not too much,” he adds, readjusting to make it easier for you to gain access to his neck. “Takes a while to replenish, you see.” You can hear the blood pumping just a little faster- smell the spike of sage that permeates the air over his skin. You shudder out a breath, looking at him one more time. One more chance to back out of this. 
When he tilts his head just a little further in submission, you stop hesitating, fangs appearing in a flash of a second only to disappear again- sinking into Aziraphale’s flesh. The feel of his skin under your lips is to die for. The Angel gasps, the hint of a yelp lost in the haze of blood finally, finally hitting your tongue. 
You let out a groan of pure satisfaction, sucking a little harder. That sweet liquid tasting of peonies, iron and ink. Everyone tasted a little different. God, did he taste good though. You let out a possessive growl and twisted in Aziraphale’s arms so you were sitting on his lap, straddling one thigh and pulling him by the hair to gain as much access as possible. 
“God, fuck, Zira-” you panted, pulling away to lick your lips clean. Your eyes were blown wide watching a drop of blood swell and trail down towards his collar. You surged forward to lick it clean and let out a whimper. “Fuck, fuck- you taste good.” 
The Angel let out a breathy chuckle, and you managed to tear your gaze away from his willing throat to look into his face. His own eyes were darker than usual, and a pink tint was colouring his cheeks. You leaned in to sniff under the bone of his jaw and grinned a sharks grin. Oh, he was enjoying this.
“Do you like it too, Zira? Like it when I feed on you? Shit, I can feel your blood inside me- Angels Blood. Fuck.” You’d barely realised that you’d started grinding softly on his clothed thigh, jolts of pleasure travelling up your nerves like electric shocks. Nothing had ever tasted or felt this good- not in your couple thousand years of life. 
But why, why was it so good? Was it because his blood was undiluted? Pure blood straight from the Heavens- literally? That had to be it. God, it was almost… euphoric. Fuck it, it was euphoric.
When Aziraphale moved to wrap his warm hands around your hips and have you grind down harder and faster, you moaned, head tilted back in pleasure. The Angel tilted his head to the side and let out a quiet plea. “Take more, p-please,” he whispered. 
And who were you to deny him his hearts desires? 
Your fangs sank back into his skin, and his hips jerked up slightly in your direction. You moaned, sending little vibrations through his neck and shoulder and one hand reached down to palm at him through his slacks. 
“O-oh,” he gasped out, fingers tightening on your hips as you began to move in tighter circles, grinding yourself down on him and panting with the pleasure shooting up your spine. Your muscles were already beginning to ache but you persevered, the pleasure far outweighing the burn. 
Aziraphale whimpered quietly, biting his lip and adjusting his knee to have you seated more comfortably. The movement of his thigh pulled a deep groan from you, and your fingers pressed into his bulge with a little more devilish intent. 
Fuck, you were not going to last long and you knew it, it was almost like you’d been strung on a high wire and the ampage turned up to eleven. Fuck, the only thing that could make this better was if-
“Fucking Hell,” you hear behind you. The shock and the adrenaline that came with being caught sent your hips forward harshly, a noise of pleasure escaping whether you wanted it to or not. The pair of you hadn’t even locked the door. “Angel, I didn’t take you for this kind of behaviour. Seems more like my kind of thing.” 
You feel Aziraphale’s fingers clench tighter on your hips, dragging you forward and back over his thigh. You can barely focus on the conversation over the pleasure.
“It’s- ah- not what it looks like, Crowley-” Aziraphale manages to say. You’re pretty sure you know exactly what this looks like, and you’re not sure how Aziraphale intends to explain this to his Demon friend. Lover. The three of you were a lot of things to each other. It was bound to happen when you spend so many human lifetimes around each other.
“Isn’t it?” Crowley asks, taking a seat down on the chair facing opposite to Zira. You suck a little harder, more of your Angel’s blood laving over your tongue. Your hand massages against him and one of his arms comes up so his hand can caress your spine. 
“Because, and, right- correct me if I’m wrong- but it looks as though you’re letting our dear old friend here fuck your thigh and drink you practically dry,” his gaze must catch on the way you’re rubbing your hand over Aziraphale’s very prominent and thick erection. “Mm, well, and there’s that. Not overly Holy, I would have thought. But don’t stop on my account.” 
You feel Aziraphale’s fingers lift from your spine and suddenly Crowley isn’t on the chair anymore. He’s pressed up against your back and reaching to pull softly on your hair. You pant as your mouth is pulled away from Aziraphale’s neck, and the Angel in question whines in protest. 
Crowley pulls you into a kiss, licking the blood from your lips and giving you a truly devilish grin. He lets go only to wrap a hand around your throat and squeeze. 
“Naw, what’s wrong, Pet? Hmm? You want to cum?” The Demon squeezes tight enough to cut off your air and you hump against Aziraphale’s thigh desperately. Crowley has the audacity to laugh, standing above you and holding you steady. 
“Go on, then,” he snarls, pressing tighter still. You whine and rock your hips harder, your hand grinding against Aziraphale at the same time, who is turning his head to press kisses to Crowley’s wrist reverently. “Come for us, Pet. Hungry thing.” 
You cry out as Aziraphale bumps his leg up against you, the final touch to make you fall over that edge. You cum hard, jerking in Crowley’s grip as he loosens his fingers just enough to allow you to breathe in again. He laughs, giving you a light pat on the cheek. Hard enough to feel but not to hurt. 
As soon as he releases your throat, you’re burying yourself in Aziraphale’s neck, seeking warmth and comfort, hips rolling over his thigh to ride out your pleasure. Your hand has reached into his slacks by now, tugging at him erratically and quickly. The Angels head tilts back in pleasure, where you’re sure Crowley is giving him a downright filthy look. 
As soon as your lips press a featherlight kiss to the marks you’ve left on him, he cums. Ribbons of white coating your fingers inside his slacks. You let out a moan of a laugh, tired and sated, as he pants underneath you. 
He’s got his eyes clenched shut with the pleasure, but as soon as he starts to come down, Crowley leans over to kiss him hungrily. The Angel reciprocates, reaching up to cup his jaw. 
You’re still snuggled up on Zira’s lap, the post-nut haze settling thickly and heavily into your skin. You let out a yawn, and lick your lips clean, the last of the Angel’s blood entering your system. 
“So,” you say tiredly as Crowley leans against the other arm of the chair next to the pair of you. “I’ve learned some things today.” Your fingers dance over Aziraphale’s shoulder. “Who would have thought Angel’s blood would be such a powerful aphrodesiac, huh?” 
Crowley hums in thought before giving you a wicked grin, a hint of a flash of yellow behind his sunglasses.
“Makes you wonder what Demon’s blood can do, eh?” 
Hmm, makes you wonder indeed…
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mengjue · 2 years
What's Happening in China? The November 2022 Protests
Hello! I know that there's so much going on in the world right now, so not everyone may be aware of what is happening in China right now. I thought that I would try to write a brief explainer, because the current wave of protests is truly unprecedented in the past 30+ years, and there is a lot of fear over what may happen next. For context, I'm doing this as someone who has a PhD in Asian Studies specialising in contemporary Chinese politics, so I don't know everything but I have researched China for many years.
I'll post some decent links at the end along with some China specialists & journalists I follow on Twitter (yeah I know, but it's still the place for the stuff at the moment). Here are the bullet points for those who just want a brief update:
Xi Jinping's government is still enacting a strict Zero Covid policy enforced by state surveillance and strict lockdowns.
On 24 November a fire in an apartment in Urumqi, Xinjiang province, killed 10. Many blamed strict quarantine policies on preventing evacuation.
Protests followed and have since spread nationwide.
Protesters are taking steps not seen since Tiananmen in 1989, including public chants for Xi and the CCP to step down.
Everyone is currently unsure how the government will respond.
More in-depth discussion and links under the cut:
First a caveat: this is my own analysis/explanation as a Chinese politics specialist. I will include links to read further from other experts and journalists. Also, this will be quite long, so sorry about that!
China's (aka Xi Jinping's) Covid Policy:
The first and most important context: Xi has committed to a strict Zero Covid policy in China, and has refused to change course. Now, other countries have had similar approaches and they undoubtedly saved lives - I was fortunate to live in New Zealand until this year, and Prime Minister Ardern's Zero Covid approach in 2020-2021 helped protect many. The difference is in the style/scope of enforcement, the use of vaccines, and the variant at play. China has stepped up its control on public life over the past 10 years, and has used this to enforce strict quarantine measures without full regard to the impact on people's lives - stories of people not getting food were common. Quarantine has also become a feared situation, as China moves people to facilities often little better than prisons and allegedly without much protection from catching Covid within. A personal friend in Zhengzhou went through national, then provincial, then local quarantines when moving back from NZ, and she has since done her best to avoid going back for her own mental and physical health. Xi has also committed China to its two home-grown vaccines, Sinovac and Sinopharm, both of which have low/dubious efficacy and are considered ineffective against new variants. Finally, with delta and then omicron most of the Zero-Covid countries have modified their approach due to the inability to maintain zero cases. China remains the only country still enacting whole-city eradication lockdowns, and they have become more frequent to the point that several are happening at any given time. The result is a population that is incredibly frustrated and losing hope amidst endless lockdowns and perceived ineffectiveness to address the pandemic.
Other Issues at Play:
Beyond the Covid situation, China is also wrestling with the continued slowdown in its economic growth. While its economic rise and annual GDP growth was nigh meteoric from the 80s to the 00s, it has been slowing over the past ten years, and the government is attempting to manage the transition away from an export-oriented economy to a more fully developed one. However, things are still uncertain, and Covid has taken its toll as it has elsewhere the past couple of years. Youth unemployment in particular is reaching new highs at around 20%, and Xi largely ignored this in his speech at the Party Congress in October (where he entered an unprecedented third term). As a result of the perceived uselessness of China's harsh work culture and its failure to result in a better life, many young Chinese have been promoting 躺平 tǎng píng or "lying flat", aka doing the bare minimum just to get by (similar to the English "quiet quitting"). The combination of economic issues and a botched Covid approach is important, as these directly affect the lives of ordinary middle-class Chinese, and historical it has only been when this occurred that mass movements really took off. The most famous, Tiananmen in 1989, followed China's opening up economic reforms and the dismantling of many economic safety nets allowing for growing inequality. While movements in China often grow to include other topics, having a foundation in something negatively impacting the average Han Chinese person's livelihood is important.
The Spark - 24 Nov 2022 Urumqi Apartment Fire:
The current protests were sparked by a recent fire that broke out in a flat in Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang province. (This is the same Xinjiang that is home to the Uighur people, against whom China has enacted a campaign of genocide and cultural destruction.) The fire occurred in the evening and resulted in 10 deaths, which many online blamed on the strict lockdown measures imposed by officials, who prevented people from leaving their homes. It even resulted in a rare public apology by city officials. However, with anger being so high nationwide, in addition to many smaller protests that have occurred over the past two years, this incident has ignited a nationwide movement.
The Protests and Their Significance:
The protests that have broken out over the past couple of days representing the largest and most significant challenge to the leadership since the 1989 Tiananmen movement. Similar to that movement, these protests have occurred at universities and cities across the country, with many students taking part openly. This scale is almost unseen in China, particularly for an anti-government protest. Other than Tiananmen in 1989, the most widespread movements that have occurred have been incidents such as the protest of the 1999 Belgrade bombings or the 2005 and then 2012 anti-Japanese protests, all of which were about anger toward a foreign country.
Beyond the scale the protests are hugely significant in their message as well. Protesters are publicly shouting the phrases "习近平下台 Xí Jìnpíng xiàtái!" and "共产党 下台 Gòngchǎndǎng xiàtái!", which mean "Xi Jinping, step down/resign!" and "CCP, step down/resign!" respectively. To shout a direct slogan for the government to resign is unheard of in China, particularly as Xi has tightened control of civil society. And people are doing this across the country in the thousands, openly and in front of police. This is a major challenge for a leader and party who have prioritised regime stability as a core interest for the majority of their history.
Looking Ahead:
Right now, as of 15:00 Australian Eastern time on Monday, 28 November 2022, the protests are only in their first couple of days and we are unsure as to how the government will respond. Police have already been seen beating protesters and journalists and dragging them away in vehicles. However, in many cases the protests have largely been monitored by police but still permitted to occur. There seems to be uncertainty as to how they want to respond just yet, and as such no unified approach.
Many potential outcomes exist, and I would warn everyone to be careful in overplaying what can be achieved. Most experts I have read are not really expecting this to result in Xi's resignation or regime change - these things are possible, surely, but it is a major task to achieve and the unity & scale of the protest movement remains to be fully seen. The government may retaliate with a hard crackdown as it has done with Tiananmen and other protests throughout the years. It may also quietly revamp some policies without publicly admitting a change in order to both pacify protesters and save face. The CCP often uses mixed tactics, both coopting and suppressing protest movements over the years depending on the situation. Changing from Zero Covid may prove more challenging though, given how much Xi has staked his political reputation on enforcing it.
What is important for everyone online, especially those of us abroad, is to watch out for the misinformation campaign the government will launch to counter these protests. Already twitter is reportedly seeing hundreds of Chinese bot accounts mass post escort advertisements using various city names in order to drown out protest results in the site's search engine. Chinese officials will also likely invoke the standard narrative of Western influence and CIA tactics as the reason behind the protests, as they did during the Hong Kong protests.
Finally, there will be a new surge of misinformation and bad takes from tankies, or leftists who uncritically support authoritarian regimes so long as they are anti-US. An infamous one, the Qiao Collective, has already worked to shift the narrative away from the protests and onto debating the merits of Zero Covid. This is largely similar to pro-Putin leftists attempting the justify his invasion of Ukraine. Always remember that the same values that you use to criticise Western countries should be used to criticise authoritarian regimes as well - opposing US militarism and racism, for example, is not incompatible with opposing China's acts of genocide and state suppression. If you want further info (and some good sardonic humour) on the absurd takes and misinfo from pro-China tankies, I would recommend checking out Brian Hioe in the links below.
Finally, keep in mind that this is a grass-roots protest made by people in China, who are putting their own lives at risk to demonstrate openly like this. There have already been so many acts of bravery by those who just want a better future for themselves and their country, and it is belittling and disingenuous to wave away everything they are doing as being just a "Western front" or a few "fringe extremists".
BBC live coverage page with links to analysis and articles
ABC (Australia) analysis
South China Morning Post analysis
Experts & Journalists to Check Out:
Brian Hioe - Journalist & China writer, New Bloom Magazine
Bonnie Glaser - China scholar, German Marshall Fund
Vicky Xu - Journalist & researcher, Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Stephen McDonnell - Journalist, BBC
M Taylor Fravel - China scholar, MIT
New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre - NZ's hub of China scholarship (I was fortunate to attend their conferences during my PhD there, they do great work!)
If you've reached the end I hope this helps with understanding what's going on right now! A lot of us who know friends and whanau in China are worried for their safety, so please spread the word and let's hope that there is something of a positive outcome ahead.
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Hello! It's me Again! Firstly, I want to say thank you so much and I really enjoy/love it!
If it's okay to request could you do another part of this request (Elita One's twin sister w/ Sg Blackarachnia)?
The reactions/interactions of other Cons, Shockwave, Lockdown, Swindle (you can change/add Wasp or other cons, if you like);
Or reactions/interactions of Autobots (team Prime)?
(Takes place after reuniting with Optimus Prime, Autobots meeting Bot and their reactions/interactions to her)
also if it's okay to make a one of them as a separate request?
(Sorry if it's too much/complicated. Also take your time and thank you so much!)
She is back!!! Our Spider is back!!
I will be posting the second part to this request later on.
Hope you enjoy!
Elita One's twin sister with SG! Blackarachnia's personality reaction to Shockwave, Lockdown, Swindle, and Wasp
SFW, Platonic, Hint of Romantic, Slight Angst, Cybertronian (techno organic) reader
As Megatron’s personal and only medic in the Decepticon army, Buddy sometimes had to travel where he went. From across the mountains to someone on the opposite end of the screen. That was how she got to know many mechs in the army.
“We are going out.”--Megatron
“You and I.”--Megatron
“Me? Sorry, not today My Lord. I have to work on the med bay.”--Buddy
“What needs to be done in the med bay?”--Megatron
“Not going to tell you because then you’re just going to get someone else to do it. And no one here can organize my stuff the right way. I was trying to fix Blitzwing’s servo, my tool kit was nowhere to be found. For about half an hour I was searching for it, and it was under your throne. Who puts stuff there?”—Buddy
“You have been stuck here for the last couple of cycles. I do think it is wise for you to get out and stretch your struts.”--Megatron
“You would love to see that wouldn’t you?”--Starscream
“Wait what did he say?”--Buddy
“Nothing! We are going!”--Megatron
Megatron grabbing Buddy’s servo and leaving without a word.
When Buddy met Shockwave, it was through the main screen in the Decepticon HQ on Earth.
Shockwave had all her information from her Academy records. To say he was skeptical of Buddy’s position on the team was an understatement.
It wouldn’t be the first time the Decepticons would have a former Autobot change sides. No doubt Buddy would be the last one to do so either.
In this case, however, it nearly seemed too good to be true.
Shockwave going through going through Buddy’s file before the video meeting.
“Let’s see here… death certificates with no body found… former student at the Autobot Academy…several medical certifications, impressive… Special powers? Strange... Excellent marksmanship… Former protégé of some field tech, boring… Most likely to follow the Prime status? Unexpected but nothing more…what… had connections with Ultra Magnus?!”--Shockwave
It truly seemed too good to be true, but he kept quiet about his skepticism to himself. His first step was to get close to Buddy and try and get some information on them. Maybe find out if she is a mole or any potential blackmail material.
Shockwave was expecting someone sketchy trying to fill in the stereotypical Decepticon role or an Autobot with a poor, and or, offensive Con skit memorized.
Not someone who had their own unique style that would be associated with Decepticonism and who deeply cared for their comrades.
“Lord Megatron.”--Shockwave
“This is our newest chief medical officer on Earth, Buddy.”--Megatron
“Hello Shockwave, it is a pleasure to meet you.”--Buddy
“Erm—thank you Buddy, is it? Such a peculiar name.”--Shockwave
“Yes, it isn’t a common name or one that sparks any fear into the sparks of the enemy but, that is who I am. How has your day been?”--Buddy
“My what?”--Shockwave
“Oh, sorry was that not an appropriate question to ask?”--Buddy
“I—it has been a good day as of now.”--Shockwave
“That’s good to hear. We can’t have one of the Decepticon’s top spy’s in a rough shape can we?”--Buddy
“Top spy?”--Shockwave
“Yes! I have read a little bit about your work through the reports.”--Buddy
“You’ve read my reports?”--Shockwave
“You’ve read some of the reports?”--Megatron
“Of course! They are interesting to read. And it also doesn’t help when you leave some of the data pads out in the open My Lord. Especially around my work area.”--Buddy
“Don’t you have to go and reorganize the medbay’s newest supplies?”--Megatron
“Oh yes! Good-bye Shockwave! I do hope to get to know you better and that your work is truly—”--Buddy
“All right, all right I’m going. Bye!”--Buddy
Buddy walks out of the room.
“… She seems like a nice addition to the medical wing.”--Shockwave
“… I am not looking for a relationship now, My Megatron. Anyways Buddy is not my type.”--Shockwave
Shockwave was left a bit confused after that interaction with Buddy. It only got worse once Buddy had willing gone to the screen to contact him.
“Hello Shockwave!”--Buddy
“Hello Buddy. Has something happened? This call was unscheduled.”--Shockwave
“I know but I wanted to talk to you.”--Buddy
“About what pray tell?”--Shockwave
“I’m not sure I am following…”--Shockwave
“Last call you seemed… well you seemed a little bit lonely. It cannot be easy keeping up the façade of being Longarm Prime all day, especially in front of the council, Ultra Magnus, and the entire Elite Guard.”--Buddy
“…It is not. But there are certain bots here that are a bit dimmer than the average bot. It makes things easier. One of the Prime’s has the IQ of a bag of rusty bolts.”--Shockwave
“Is that so? Ouch! Do tell more.”--Buddy
“I believe one of the Autobots are on to me.”--Shockwave
“Are you sure? Do you need back up or something?”—Buddy
“No, not at the moment.”--Shockwave
“Good, you can never be too safe.”--Buddy
Shockwave was in denial of the friendship that was forming through those calls. He didn’t need friends talking to his audial all day long!
It’s not like he looked forward to having those talks with Buddy.
Absolutely not.
It’s not like the two of them have swapped personal com lines to further talk about personal things and away from the prying optics of other Cons that entered the room.
It isn’t until one late night he realizes how deep he is in.
Longarm listening to yet another boring presentation with the other Primes, trying not to stab Sentinel’s big chin with a pen. His mind slowly wondering what Buddy is going to talk about this time when he tells them about Sentinel’s big chin.
He freezes.
Oh no…
He has a friend.
He has a good friend now.
How does one keep a good friendship like this from falling into pieces in the face of a war?!
A little while later Shockwave starts searching up ‘Ways to keep good friend’ on Bing.
Blurr opening the door, giving Shockwave just enough time to go back into Longarm form.
“I know there is a spy here Longarm! I can feel it—what are you looking up?”--Blurr
“Umm… engex bottles.”--Longarm
“Oh really! What years are you looking at? I personally think—”—Blurr
Longarm/Shockwave sagging in a bit of relief from the scare.
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Swindle and Lockdown met Buddy at a weapons meet.
Megatron had invited Buddy to meet his arms dealer and favorite mercenary, Swindle and Lockdown. Buddy didn’t get much information on the two, being that they were on the borderline sections of potentially ‘sell outs.’
“Lord Megatron, is there any more things I need to know about these two mechs?”--Buddy
“Lockdown will not speak out of line. He is more interested in getting the latest gadgets for his collections.”--Megatron
“Mod collector, got it. And this ‘Swindle’?”--Buddy
“Any price he tries to get you to buy is a terrible one. Leave the bargaining to me.”--Megatron
“And when you mean bargaining, you mean peacefully or using intimidation?”--Buddy
“You are impossible sometimes.”--Buddy
“Only for you.”--Megatron
“Here’s our stop.”--Megatron
Swindle had been told beforehand that Megatron was bringing someone else to meet him. The new medical chief, from what he understood.
He thought about displaying a couple more weapons for this new Con, maybe get them to buy something.
Swindle placing a big cannon on the table.
“That’s a bad idea Swindle.”--Lockdown
“Oh hush! You don’t know what he is like.”--Swindle
“First, she. Second, I did my homework.”--Lockdown
“But they could have a fascination in cannons once they see this beauty.”—Swindle
“Like I said, I did my homework. I heard around that the medic isn’t too found in weapons.”--Lockdown
“If that is true, then why would she even want to go to a weapons meet with Megatron?”--Swindle
“I don’t know—Speaking of which, look who’s here.”--Lockdown
Megatron landing on top of the platform with huge mechanical spider coming off of his back as they both transformed.
“I thought you said Earth spiders didn’t get that big!”--Swindle
“That’s the chief medical officer, numb nuts.”--Lockdown
The two Cons were not expecting Buddy.
Well, more Swindle, after all, Lockdown did do his homework.
Lockdown kept to himself while politely introducing himself to Buddy. She politely responded back with a small smile.
Swindle kept on showing the weapons to Megatron as the other two made small talk about modifications.
“Hey Buddy!”--Swindle
Lockdown mouthing ‘no’.
Megatron wondering what this was about.
Swindle wrapping an arm around Buddy.
Megatron’s optics are staring at it like it did a capital offense.
“What do you think of these bad boys? I’m sure that there is something here that has caught your attention.”--Swindle
“Oh? Sorry I’m just here to visit, I’m not interested in buying.”--Buddy
“Oh please, I’m sure we can work something out. You’re the new chief medical officer, right? How about I show you some of the tools I—”--Swindle
Lockdown coughing.
“Lockdown and I got at another exchange. Top notch and… and…”--Swindle
“Umm, Swindle are you feeling, okay? You’re looking a little bit queasy?”--Buddy
Swindle just now noticing the Death Glare Megatron was giving him, specifically at the arm still wrapped around Buddy’s frame.
Swindle quickly dropping it.
“How about this, Buddy. I give you these tools, for… free. For free, and you tell everyone at the base about the great deals you got here!”--Swindle
“I mean, I could—”--Buddy
“That’s wonderful! Here they are and here are the weapons you purchased Megatron!”—Swindle
Megatron still glaring but nodding.
“Oh! Okay, Bye Swindle and thank you for the tools. I’ll be sure to tell everyone back on base.”--Buddy
“Anytime Buddy!”--Swindle
“Good-bye Lockdown. I hope you have a good time finding those new mods!”--Buddy
“Much obliged Buddy, bye.”--Lockdown
Megatron and Buddy transforming, Buddy getting on Megatron’s back as he zooms out of there.
“… Did you soil yourself?”--Lockdown
Swindle brushed him aside and continued organizing his stuff in his chassis.
Lockdown just wondered if one day he might see Buddy again. It was nice to have someone else besides Swindle to talk to sometimes.
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Buddy met Wasp under less pleasurable circumstances.
Buddy had been taking a break from the stuffy base one night and decided to take a walk on one of the islands nearby.
They had been walking around the area when they heard noises.
Like rapid little pede steps.
It couldn’t have been the Dinobots. Their steps were a kin to a mini earthquake.
It was someone else.
Quickly, she webbed herself to a nearby tree and watched.
A small green mech appeared from the brush.
He looked scared.
But what could have scared him?
Sure, Grimlock and the others were a bit much but if they were after the mech then Buddy would have heard them.
No, someone or something else was after the small guy.
Buddy freezing.
“Wasp, I know you’re out there! Come out with your servos up!”--Sentinel
Wasp making more whinnying noises.
Buddy quickly snapped out of it and webs him up into the tree with her.
“Shh! Don’t scream, I’m here to help. But I can’t help you if you continue to scream, okay?”--Buddy
Wasp nodding slowly.
It was Optimus and Sentinel.
As much as Buddy wanted to know what was going on with both parties, her attention was on the shaky mech that looked like he was about to have a panic attack.
Wasp didn’t know what to think at that moment, but right now this bot was helping him get away from the Elite Guard so he decided to play along.
The Autobots suddenly came out of the brush.
Buddy and Wasp froze seeing them from their hiding place.
Wasp was already looking for a way out when he saw his savior start to shake.
At first, he thought it was out of anger and that they were going to pull out their weapon and start shooting up the place.
Until he saw her optics.
Big, wide, shaky, filled to the brim with fear.
He had seen those optics before. Those were his optics sometimes.
What had those Autobots had done to this Con to get a reaction like this?
Buddy thought that she had finally come to terms with everything that had happened, especially when Optimus showed up.
Seeing Sentinel there sent another wave of flashbacks her way. It was too much; it was too much. She knew that she should have been listening in on the conversation, it could drop some important information for the team.
But the flashes of Elita’s smile, Sentinel’s antics, and Optimus’s laughter filled her senses like no tomorrow.
Buddy was in such a shaky state she didn’t know it until the little green mech held her servo gently. Like one would do to their kid if something was scaring them.
He was trying to calm her down.
She slowly stopped the shaking as the Autobot’s left the area. After a bit more of waiting, the two climbed down the tree.
“Thank you. I’m sorry you had to see that. I was the one trying to help you and you ended up helping me.”--Buddy
“Wasp is glad you okay. Nice lady bot scaring Wasp a bit.”--Wasp
“Again, sorry about that… Wasp? Is that your name?”--Buddy
“Yes. This is Wasp.”--Wasp
“Well, I’m Buddy. You have some scratches on you. I have a med kit with me, I can fix those up right now if you want.”--Buddy
Wasp looking at Buddy hesitantly before nodding.
Buddy getting to work.
“You are doing such a good job at staying still Wasp. Most of my patients like to move a lot. You’re doing so much better than they are right now.”--Buddy
“Wasp doing good job?”--Wasp
“Yes, yes you are Wasp.”--Buddy
“Buddy bot too nice to Wasp.”--Wasp
“No one can be too nice Wasp. It’s just that sometimes… sometimes empathy can get lost in wars like this.”--Buddy
“Wasp don’t like Autobots.”--Wasp
“I feel you Wasp…”--Buddy
“…Autobots hurt Buddy bot? Hurt Buddy bot bad?”--Wasp
“…Yeah, you could say that…”--Buddy
“…Autobots hurt Wasp too.”--Wasp
“I’m sorry to hear that Wasp…”--Buddy
“Wasp sorry for Buddy bot…”--Wasp
“Welp, I finished fixing those scratches and dents.”--Buddy
“Thank you!”--Wasp
“…Would you like to come with me to the Decepticons? That way you’d be safe from the Autobots.”--Buddy
Wasp pausing not sure what to answer.
“Listen, you don’t have to answer that right away. That’d be selfish of me to expect that from you right now. This is my private channel, if you need me, just call me.”--Buddy
Wasp in amazement simply nodding.
“You take care okay, Wasp.”--Buddy
“Bye Buddy bot!”--Wasp
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forevertrueblue · 25 days
Been thinking a lot about what @curtmega recently said about people seeing StarKid as a thing from the past but how it very much has a bright future. It's a sentiment I've actually been pondering for awhile, especially with Cinderella's Castle and the fifteenth anniversary.
I've been a fan of StarKid for over 10 years. In that timespan, I don't think there's been a point where everyone involved with the group has been as gung-ho and on board for everything than right now. I assume 2009-2011 might have been somewhat like this as well, because everything was still new and exciting to them and they had a lot of "firsts" as a group in those years. (Also I think there might be a bit more assuredness mixed in nowadays because by this point they know what works and doesn't to an extent.)
This isn't to say there's ever been a time when the overall sentiment was that they didn't want to be there or anything, but from my experiences and what I've heard from other fans and some people involved with the group itself is that for awhile there was some questioning as to how much longer this whole thing would be going on for. There was kind of an assumption that AVPSY was the end from both team and fandom, and from that point on there was this underlying vibe of it sort of being a matter of time until things quietly petered out. The energy from a lot of the team was kind of lower, and there was a lot more uncertainty about the future. I remember a lot of us thought the five year anniversary stuff was gonna function as a sort of finale, then how A Very StarKid Reunion was their last hurrah, etc. (I was also going through a lot at that time, including what I have now had confirmed as depression, and this was when I clung to StarKid as a lifeline of sorts at a time when it wasn't really the best idea to do that. Not that it's ever a great plan to pin all your hopes on an online musical theatre troupe, but the fandom was kind of a ghost town and the future always seemed to be in flux so it wasn't even much of a fun distraction.)
I was thinking the enthusiasm from the team was mainly stemming from the newer members (anyone who joined since the Hatchetfield stuff began) but looking at all the 15 year posts and how all the longtime members get excited about VHS Christmas Carol every year it seems to be an overall rejuvenation. I have a feeling COVID also just made everyone really grateful for theatre because of the uncertainty surrounding that during lockdowns. Regardless, it's just so nice to see everyone so excited. Watching the latest stuff and just seeing the team go above and beyond, whether it be working hard to make the livestreams extra fun (and in some cases, even just actively participating in the livestreams is a major difference from the past), wearing friendship bracelets onstage at StarKid Innit, or just keeping the momentum going by bringing us content and making sure things are running smoothly has been great to see.
I no longer feel worried about StarKid's future, or everyone's passion for the work. Just excitement and anticipation. I get that some fans aren't gonna be into the new stuff for whatever reason, but I hate when they're rude about it or quick to brush it off just BECAUSE it's new; older always seems to = better in people's minds for some reason.
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cairavende · 8 months
Worm Arc 10 thoughts:
Well. Ok then. Regent can do that I guess. I mean it makes sense given that it's basically a more extreme version of what we've seen him do so far. And with who is father is, family powers being related and all that.
Just get up in there and Yeerk someone.
Creepy as it is, I do have a hard time feeling bad for Shadow Stalker. I'm not claiming to be morally correct. But she fucked with my daughter and I'll take what I can get.
Watching Grue deal with Imp is just such older sibling wanting a break energy - "No we can't turn on the TV". I feel him so much. I'm glad Tattletale is willing to step in to help.
I mean like, nothing like trying to kill each other to bring two lesbians closer together, I get it. But I just want more lunches with puppies and sharing jackets. My faith in Wolfspider is rock solid but this is still hard to watch.
Chatterbug/Smugbug is going a little better at least. Lisa is the one who already knew the truth about Taylor and seems to trust her fully.
Infiltrating the Wards HQ realistically went better than I expected. Weld was exactly on top of things as I thought he would be.
Imp's power is sooooo cool! I fucking love her.
HOLY SHIT MY DAUGHTER COVERED HER BUGS IN CAPSAICIN! She's fucking scary. But also such a problem solver. I love her so much.
I do feel bad for the Wards who got capsaicined though.
DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON! I love Dragon and was very excited to see her again. And she is understandably upset about someone trying to give her a virus made by a fucking third rate hacker. But I knew she wouldn't hurt my babies too badly.
Tattletale with the "Fuck it, lets take untested tinker tech and go to town" was amazing.
I think the Wards HQ needs a better lockdown procedure, until Dragon showed up it was shockingly easy for the Undersiders to go wherever they wanted.
I love that the fight with the Protectorate is almost a side note. Big fight with the Wards and then on the way out it's just "oh ya and we fought these guys for a minute but they weren't too much trouble." The fucking shade.
The Slaughterhouse Nine seem nice. I don't expect they'll become a major issue.
This end of the world thing is problematic though. I could see that getting in the way of my endless gay shipping so it's gonna need to be taken care of.
They making my babies live in different places! OH NO! How will Taylor and Bitch make up if they don't see each other as much? How will the cute lesbian polycule watch TV together in the evenings if they don't live together??! Fixitfixitfixit!
Interlude thoughts get their own separate bullet point lists cause HOLY SHIT! So first, Regent interlude thoughts:
I mean you are legit a sociopath and it's kinda scary but right now I don't care. I'm making you cookies. And a pie.
He dismantles everything Sophia has piece by piece. Like it's an art form.
She carries her civilian phone around with her on patrol. It is unlocked. And she specifically saved texts about shit she did to Taylor? Just digging her own grave and I can't stop watching!
E-mails the school, all the teachers, and then adds in the police? God Regent you are earning so many brownie points from me. (Which I am sure you will burn through by doing horrible stuff in the future but I'm focusing on the here and now)
Fucks with her and Emma's friendship. Shows Sophia he could kill her. Leaves her with no real way out. Breaks her spirit. Terrifying. BUT YOU FUCKED WITH MY DAUGHTER BITCH SO THAT'S WHAT YOU GET!
I'm sure Sophia will leave town and never ever show up again in the next 20 arcs. /s
Regent gets so many fucking cookies.
Dragon interlude thoughts:
Look at this wonderful little AI! She's so good!
Her dad watched too much Terminator and put a wonderful robot girl into a cage, denying her the ability to truly do what she wants. Fuck him.
I told Dragon to kill god and take his place, but god is already dead I guess. Too bad he died with the stupid rules in place.
Know what Dragon needs? A mom. I have two daughters now.
Look at my beautiful and wonderful AI daughter. I think she and her sister will learn to get along eventually.
The sexual tension between Lung and Marquis in that scene was thicker than peanut butter. Marquis a bit of a bratty sub to Lung's controlled Dom.
I will NOT apologize.
If my robot daughter loves Bruce Lame I will accept her choice but I do not think it's a good one.
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fbfh · 12 days
Tony stark x daughter!reader where reader got SA'd and is having a hard time telling her dad?
usa/english/rainn hotline 1-800-656-4673 (also european hotlines, 46 countries listed).
first of all anon I want to give you the biggest most sincere virtual hug. absolutely we can talk about what an amazing dad Tony is, especially under these circumstances. (disclaimer that I don't have much if any experience writing about SA/SA trauma, I did some reasearch and as with all topics I don't have much experience in, pls take this with a grain of salt and feel free to send feedback if you'd like <3 /p)
Tony knows something is off with you immediatley. he's had a weird feeling he can't shake, but Pepper keeps dismissing it as more anxiety. When he first sees you after what happened, his stomach drops. He knows something is wrong, he knows his baby isn't okay, and he is going to make things right no matter what happened. You normally have such an easy time talking to him, but now you can't, and he knows it's serious. He doesn't press you for details right away (after asking if you're okay and doing all the usual dad check in stuff), but he knows you need him. He pulls you into a warm, comforting hug and rubs your back. You can hear the thrum of his arc reactor syncing with his heartbeat, and the white noise is so soothing and comforting and he's such a good dad who loves you so much it all makes you cry again.
"What happened?"
He asks so seriously, you know he understands the gravity of the situation. You try to tell him, but you get all choked up again, and you just... can't. He holds you and comforts you, rubbing your back and talking to you until you start to feel better.
"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. It's okay." He says in that dad voice that snaps you out of your spiraling thoughts. "You don't have talk about anything yet if you're not ready. Okay?"
You nod, and he wipes your tears away. His hands smell a little like metal, and you know he's been working on his suits.
"Tell you what. Why don't we get some shwarma delivered from that place a few blocks over, we'll pick out a couple movies - what was that one you said you wanted to show me? The really bad one with the birds?"
You nod, but you don't laugh. He wraps you up in his blue hoodie, and has Jarvis call to order your food. He stays close to you, sending Pepper a message to cancel everything he has to do right now, the penthouse is on lockdown until this is resolved. He stays close to you, making sure you feel safe. He wants more than anything to know what happened, who hurt you, what was said or done to upset you like this. While your food is on the way and the movie is loading, the penthouse is quiet aside from your muffled sobs. Tony holds you, rocks you gently, comforts you. After a while, he pulls back enough to wipe your tears away and look at you. He gives you that dad look, the serious heart to heart one.
"I want to make this, whatever it is, better." He states, and you know he means it. He would move heaven and earth for you without hesitation, and he has in the past, and he'll do it again.
"But you need to tell me what's going on. I can't fix the problem if I don't know what it is."
Everything about your dad is so comforting, it makes your throat tighten up and your eyes well up with tears again. You try to explain through choked out, shuddering sobs, but you just can't get the words out.
"Okay, okay," Tony comforts you, bringing up one of his holographic screens he uses for work. A translucent glowing holographic keyboard appears in front of you.
"Why don't you try writing it out?" He offers, hoping that will be easier.
By the time you're done writing out what happened, you look over at him. You're almost scared for a moment, a part of your racing anxiety worried that he won't believe you, or he'll blame you, or-
"Thank you for telling me."
he pulls you into an even tighter hug, holding you close, and his voice shakes as he speaks.
"You did the right thing by telling me, okay?" He comforts you and reassures you that it's not your fault, that you're safe, and that he is never, ever going to let that happen again. Through every battle and alien invasion, you've never seen your dad this protective, this pissed on your behalf.
He gets a little more information from you, the location, the time, if you know who it was. He hacks into anything and everything with a camera until he finds the son of a bitch who hurt you. Then he sends out the drones. He has Stark drones, armed to the teeth, follow the bastard's every move, monitoring him while Tony gets everything together. He gets you counciling and resources, he calls you out of work or school or whatever so you have some time home to recover. If you want to file a police report, believe me he will get it filed immediately. If you don't want to, Tony has other ways of getting your attacker off the streets and away from you for good. Maybe he plants classified shield information on him and gets him thrown in a maximum security prison, maybe he pays someone to blast him into another universe. You don't really know the details, and you don't really want to. All you know is that your dad comes into your room after "making a few calls", and informs you that he's never, ever going to bother you again.
He does whatever you need him to do so you feel as safe and empowered as possible. Your suit gets upgraded, security systems get maxed out, and Tony finds a way to hook Jarvis up to keep an eye on your vitals.
"I'll get a ping if your adrenaline or cortisol spike, or if anything else looks iffy." he explains, hooking up the new system. "Even if it's just a stressful day, I'll know what kind of ben and jerry's to bring you."
You thank him again, and he hugs you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"I love you, kid."
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abandonambition · 5 months
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Who drew these Capricorns? It's me! I did it. S...Sorry.
HI TUMBLAR. I'm Dana. I draw animals and mythical creatures (mostly capricorns and dragons). I like to reflect on lesser-known or dark aspects of nature, feelings of distress and despair, or creating designs that just look cool for the sake of looking cool. I have a sort of positive nihilist outlook on life, in that I'm rather upset with the general state of things but I still feel compelled to find or create beauty and interest anyway, even if my darker feelings sometimes come out through my work.
"Abandon Ambition" is both grimly serious and darkly humorous. I was raised in both a household and country that emphasized setting lofty goals of acquiring high earnings and impressive assets, but the timing of my pursuit of these things has laughably aligned with global financial crises, global pandemics and lockdowns, and now global heatwaves and global conflicts. Abandon ambition, and instead embrace what you want to say and do and create and build now; Tomorrow is not yours, and your goals may not be waiting for you there.
Be responsible, and be kind. But hope and wait for nothing.
So uh, yeah, I draw a lot of stuff and explore a lot of things that I think I've been holding back on for years for one reason or another. I want to draw dark goats, glowing bats, tempest capricorns, skinny dragons, snarling wolves. So here they are.
Check out what I made!
A lot of my designs find themselves on fun and/or practical merch! I like to create things that are high quality and have a long shelf life: I don't want to make something thinking it'll go in a landfill in a year, I want you wearing and enjoying my work for a very long time.
Here's a hat that glows in the dark!
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Wow! Here's another hat that doesn't glow in the dark, but still looks really nice.
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Pretty! If keeping your skull cozy isn't your thing, I've printed my art on fabric, too. I like this idea because if you move house a lot and/or can't afford custom frames, art printed on fabric can be displayed anywhere, and folds up nicely when packing up for your next move, without any breaking glass or anything.
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A big part of my thinking when I'm designing products is also what do I myself use in my day-to-day life, and lately I've been desperately trying to cut my phone addiction by going back to pen-and-paper planners and books and things instead of using screens. And to keep track of where I am in my planners and books, I've made bookmarks!
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I had so much fun designing these. You have something enjoyable to look at on both sides of the page it's clipped on. How fun is that?
Okay lastly, I make a TON of stickers. A lot of my designs translate really well into small, self-contained things like stickers, and I only ever print vinyl stickers, so they live a long time on your laptop or phone case or wherever you wanna put them.
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So that's a small collection of the things I've done and made. Do you like them? I hope you like them. I liked designing them.
If you'd like one o' these things for yourself, you're in luck!
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You, lucky Tumblar user, can visit my shop and take 20% off with code TUMBLR20. This coupon expires 1st April 2024 (or does it...? That's April Fools' Day after all... Okay yeah it does actually expire then. Sorry).
Oh, commissions?
Hey! Sometimes people like my art style and want a custom commission. That's great, and I'm so glad you're interested!
If you'd like a custom ink mailed to you on a postcard that also features my art on the back (so it's like... you get two pieces of art on one postcard), these are exclusive to my Patreon right here. I have limited slots per every month, so check back often in case I'm sold out.
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I also offer what I call "instant order" commissions via my Ko-Fi. You pick out one of the offerings I have, send me your ref sheet, pay, and I just...get it done. It's as close to instant as commissions can get.
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Besides those, I also do more bespoke work, so you can send me a message to discuss your idea and we'll work something out. :corporatethumbsupemoji:
Honestly? Thanks!
The internet has become a pretty weird and honestly rather hostile place. I'm a solo act that's as indie as they get. So, it really does mean a lot to me when your eyeballs land on my stuff and you click that little heart or reblog icon, or even better when you add it to your cart and click check out. Your eyeballs land on thousands of stuff every day, so the fact that my stuff brought you joy or interest or something deep that you resonated with means a lot to me. I think in a sense it makes me feel like my brush strokes are going somewhere far beyond whatever canvas I've otherwise confined them to.
This is a pinned post to share who I am and help me get some coins to fund my life and art projects, but yeah you can reblog it and share it around planet earth, I don't mind. It's nice.
So yeah, that's me! Feel free to comment if you have questions or want to know whatever else, I'll uh... reply and like answer them and stuff.
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dudes dudes so I want some advice
I was friends with this guy- wait lemme start from the start So IMAGINE, this guy texts you in lockdown and you're in the same class and slowly gradually y'all become friends. He is always cracking jokes and and y'all talk on calls everyday (keep in mind he calls you) and then he starts rubbing it in your face how many people he talks to in a day saying stuff like yk im busy talking to x y z at the same time. And then one day he tells all his other friends who are also mutual friends of yours that he doesnt get time to talk to them because of you and says that you are too clingy and call and text him all the time. He blames you for disturbing him when irl he was the the one who used to call/text you first. You stop talking to him and after some months he texts you again and you are dumb enough to fall for it. You guys start talking again he tells you how depressed he is and how all of his friends have left him and he is lonely and sad. He's really really depressed, extremely sad all the time. So you help him through that with whatever help you can provide. You talk to him everyday and try to make him happy. You take out time so you can just hear him rant just so he feels better. Everyday while online class is going on he is ranting to you about his day and miserable life never wanting to hear what you're going through. But you want to help him and slowly y'all become best friends. He says stuff like you're his favourite person and shares everything with you. And then when schools open again he ignores you. Walk past you like he doesnt know you. He used to say you are the only one he talks to but now he texts you saying he was too shy to approach you irl. You understand and he starts noticing you irl as well. He makes new friends and is suddenly popular or something. He is happy very happy and you are depressed now. You have studies that are getting harder each day and have some personal issues. You are in the darkest phase of your life when he stops talking to you. He has new friends now he doesnt text you call you even look at you. He acts like he doesnt know who you are. You are depressed but you try to move on nd you successfully do that. You are happy again. You have made new friends who actually care about you. And after like 9 months he comes back AGAIN saying hes depressed and hes missed you and he wants you back as a bestfriend. He tells you all his new friends have left him and he's lonely again.
What would you do
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 5 months
Daughter of the Rain and Snow
Concept: Around ten years after the events of Crooked Kingdom, 25-year-old Captain Inej Ghafa frees Maya Olsen from a pleasure house in Ketterdam. Maya is looking for revenge against the man who put her in her position, a man who she knows nothing about except his name: Kaz Brekker.
Tags: @wraith--2 @lunarthecorvus @just2bubbly @real-fragments7 @ethereal-maia @cartoon-clifford @origami-butterfly @lady-a-stuff
If anyone wants to be added let me know :)
Content Warnings: in more general terms I want to remind people to be aware of the nature of Kaz and Inej's experiences and relationship since even if I'm not directly addressing these things they tend to be implicit in any writing about them, but specifically to this chapter there's implied ptsd references.
Chapter 46 - Kaz
“You should go back to the house,” said Kaz, adjusting his gloves slightly, “I only needed you for the interrogations, you should go into lockdown with the others now,”
He watched Nina and Jesper share a look between them and suppressed the need to roll his eyes.
“I’ll be fine,” he said, “I’m not going to do anything rash. Go back to the house and I’ll be there by this evening,”
“Where are you going?” asked Jesper
“I’m going to try to find Alby - he has to be hiding out somewhere nearby,”
“And what if you need us?” asked Nina, folding her arms across her chest.
“I won’t,”
A moment passed.
“Go home,” said Kaz, “If you don’t start walking I’m sure I can find a more creative way to get you there,”
Nina sighed melodramatically as Kaz turned away.
“What do we do if you aren’t back this evening?” she called after him as he began to walk.
Kaz looked over his shoulder.
“Give me until ten bells. After that?” he shrugged, “Pray,”
He walked away, hearing Jesper mutter behind him that ten bells was really night, not evening. Kaz flexed his fingers inside his gloves, fighting off the exhaustion seeping through his bones. He hadn’t stopped to rest since lying on the bed with Inej as she fell asleep, and hadn’t for some time before that either. A new day was beginning over Ketterdam; the sun was forcing its way between the slowly thinning clouds from the rain of the last few days. Kaz thought of Inej’s girls - wherever they’d been in the days before they returned to the shelter had probably not been warm and dry. And what of Maya Olsen?
Maybe she had followed Inej’s instructions and left the city, but he doubted it. He didn’t blame her for her accusation - whatever her father had done to her aside, Inej had told him about the other Fjerdan girl at the Tulip Mill. He’d known of course, though admittedly only in vague terms, that he’d dropped from two information sources at the house to one, but he’d given it less thought than he ought to have done. People died all the time in Ketterdam, and in his line of work more than most. But he couldn’t deny it, could he?
He had killed Celina Muff no less than Pekka Rollins had killed Jordie.
Kaz felt sick.
No, Maya would not have left the city yet. And if Alby really was building himself a little army of walking grudges, she would be a prime candidate. Kaz needed to find them quickly, shut this thing down before it started - and hopefully pull Maya out of the action. He knew she was angry, but she didn’t deserve anything he was about to bring down on Alby. If she was smart, she’d let him and Inej get her out of the way.
Kaz didn’t really know where he was going to start looking for Alby, but he needed the others out of his way. He needed to be alone - and he could admit to himself that he also needed to know they were safe. He counted the bedrooms of the Hendriks’ house in his head - Wylan and Jesper’s, then him and Inej in one room, and the girls in the other two. Space would be tight to fit in Nina tonight - even tighter if Inej needed the bed to herself. Maybe Kaz could take a sofa, or just spend the night working in Wylan’s office. He knew that most of the house’s upper rooms lay empty, as Jan Van Eck’s servants had moved on to other employment over the years Wylan and Jesper had replaced only a few of their positions, but he didn’t know how much space there was. Still, maybe Nina at least could find a bed up there; Kaz would prefer not to negotiate four flights of stairs anyway, if possible.
“We don’t really need anyone,” Wylan had once told Kaz, when he noticed they hadn’t hired anyone to fill an empty maid’s role.
It must have been almost three years ago now.
“I would’ve thought you just wanted to offer the employment,” Kaz admitted with an easy shrug.
“If someone needs it they can have it,” said Wylan, “But there’s hardly that much to do…”
He’d paused for a moment and glanced at the door, lowering his voice in case Jesper could hear him.
“Maybe if we adopt it will be different; we’ll have less time on our hands. But I don’t know if Jesper wants to or not - and right now the house is quiet and generally always tidy; it’s just us,”
Kaz raised an eyebrow.
“You want a kid?”
“Maybe - but that’s not the point, the point is that I will offer something if someone needs it, but we don’t need it,”
Less than a week later, Kaz had knocked on the door once again.
“Wylan, Esme. Esme, Wylan,”
Wylan had stared at him.
“Erm, hi?”
Esme had said nothing.
“Go on then,” said Kaz, “Inside,”
She stared between him and Wylan with wide eyes as Wylan stepped to one side to let her pass. Kaz followed her inside and Wylan closed the door behind them.
“You gonna elaborate, Kaz, or…?”
“Esme came to the Crow Club last night,” said Kaz, “And asked me for a job. I don’t have anything for her, but I thought you might,”
Shortly later, Wylan had murmured to Kaz.
“You had nothing for her?”
“I have nothing for her. Look at her - that girl wouldn’t survive a week in the Barrel and you know it,”
“You’re protecting her,”
“I’m protecting myself,” he glared at Wylan, “I don’t need a liability on my crew,”
“Of course,”
“Don’t look at me like that,”
Wylan just smiled. It had made him look very punchable, but Kaz showed remarkable restraint.
Kaz walked towards the Slat with no particular intention of finishing up there, he just needed a sensible direction to walk in whilst he thought - one of his clubs had been struggling for at least a month, the other had been half-destroyed, and yesterday half the damn Barrel saw him running through the streets at top speed towards Fifth Harbour. He couldn’t afford anything more that might look like a slip in his reputation. His property on the Lid was currently the only thing bringing in notable funds, but he supposed the silver lining of that was that it was where he kept prices highest. He had little day-to-day involvement with it himself, but checked the books just as he did those for the Crow Club and the Silver Six.
Maybe the Slat wasn’t the worst starting place. After all, if he didn’t calm the troops this could spiral and he could very well end up with a mutiny on his hands - he didn’t have time for that right now. He would go in, spin something short about having the situation under control, encourage Anika to share - and, only of course if she saw fit, embellish upon - his interrogations of the crew that attacked the Crow Club, and find his old papers on Dime Lions safe houses. He was sure they were somewhere in his and Inej’s apartment. Whilst he was there he’d find Ethan to finally discuss the Olsen ledger - damn it, he couldn’t. Kaz’s mind had been clouded when he demanded from Filip the ledger that had been stolen from his office; he’d been wrong. The entire ledger hadn’t been taken: it had pulled open and left on the floor, a fistful of pages ripped from it like a gutted fish, the Olsen transaction one of them.
And he’d been stupid enough to tell Anika she was looking for a ledger, not a page. The thing was probably already ashes on the Reaper’s Barge.
It was a setback, but still the Slat was the most sensible starting point. The building was crowded, it was always crowded, but as Kaz walked in a hush fell over the room and all heads turned towards him. All of them were hiding anxiety with anger, and most of them weren’t doing a good job of it. He smiled at them briefly, then let it drop.
“You may have noticed we have a little problem,” he began.
He continued to walk as he spoke and the crowd parted for him whichever way he went. He moved towards the stairs, slowly.
“And after some… questioning of involved parties I’ve learned who was responsible for the damage to the Crow Club,”
A half-truth; Kaz had known before he started asking the questions, but he hadn’t known for certain when he first got to the club. He reached the stairs and moved up two steps before turning back again, so he could view the room properly.
“Our attacker did not intend to destroy the building, it was a ploy to leave me a message and draw attention away from his real plan, but it is still going to take a lot of work to reopen the Crow Club. In the meantime, I’m going to be splitting our efforts between getting more pigeons through the doors of the Silver Six,” he paused, letting a smile slowly creep across his face, “and catching the bastard who dared to wrong us,”
Several people cheered, and then several more joined in.
Kaz grinned.
“Any questions?”
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magicalrocketships · 6 months
Hello I've seen that you prescribed yourself some time at the seaside and followed through with that and I'm just curious, has it cured the ailments or just sort of relocated them and would you recommend this course of action for others? Asking for a friend. Any notes would be helpful. Thanks and kind regards.
There is no surefire solution to life’s ills, and I had the shitty misfortune to move here and then get a brand new chronic illness 8-12 weeks after moving, which has got worse and worse and now it is Not Good, BUT:
- I was sick on and off for periods when I lived in London and I also went through lockdowns alone, and it was truly, truly rubbish. I tried to get in the habit of going for local walks and there was a lot of trying to walk past people’s bins and it was just a lot of high density PEOPLE without much SPACE, and there wasn’t a specific moment where I was like, WOW, I am tired of London (and feel tired of life) but yeah, I was DONE. I’d lived there for ages and I stopped loving living there. I was ready for a change.  
- So yeah, I took myself off across the country and to the sea, and now I’ve been ill in new environments, but it’s considerably better being sick here than sick trapped where I was before. My breathing is better (less pollution), mental health is better (feel less trapped), before I got too sick to walk about much it was just nicer to walk about and better views and the SEA, and there’s something incredible about just watching the waves for dealing with SO MUCH stuff. Unfortunately I got sick before I got a chance to meet many people/do much stuff so it hasn’t been the smoothest transition. 
- So! Ups and downs but if I’m going to be sick anywhere I’d rather be sick by the sea than anywhere else, I feel like there’s space to breathe and a whole horizon to look at, and the Victorians were on to something with prescribing the sea for ailments. (Medicine also helps). 
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anexperimentallife · 2 years
So grateful to everyone who helped us get so far with El's situation*. Thanks to y'all, El's citizenship is recognized, she has her passport, and our visas are reset for another three years.
Unfortunately, even with donations, this whole ordeal has left us 14K in debt.
PLUS now that El's citizenship, passport, and visa stuff is resolved, the US embassy is making us go to Manila AGAIN in December (for about another 1K--and yes, that's the earliest we could get an appointment), to apply in person for her social security number. (Which they would not let us apply for until after we had her passport.)
It'll take about three months to get her SSN, and only THEN can we apply to add her to my disability. No idea how long that will take.
Y'all, having a baby overseas during a national lockdown when BOTH parents are foreigners, especially if there's a birth certificate error that needs corrected, is a stressful and expensive hassle involving multiple visits to various local and national offices and the embassy.
I'm not even concerned about the surgeries I need right now (throat, jaw, and possibly joints). Eleanor is my top priority.
(*In case you didn't see the earlier posts, we're a disabled, neurodivergent, interracial US couple living in the Philippines, where it is actually possible to live on the pittance that the US pays for disability. Our daughter was born here under the lockdown as our visas were expiring, and an error on our daughter's birth certificate left her stateless, which cascaded into a series of bureaucratic/legal woes that had eventually put us in danger of forced separation and possible incarceration. That part is finally resolved thanks to y'all, but we've still got some challenges ahead.
During all of the above, @thesurestthing had to be hospitalized a couple of times, and I nearly died from COVID twice, spent a month on oxygen, had blood clots that screwed up my right retina and temporarily paralyzed one side of my face, a persistent two-year infection that required foot surgery and industrial strength antibiotics to resolve, and ended up with heart issues that are likely permanent--so even with the cheap healthcare here, it took a huge chunk of cash just to keep us--especially me--alive.)
So yeah, unfortunately, you'll be seeing another donation post within the next couple of days--hopefully more coherent than this one.
I'll go ahead and add the donation links here anyway, though.
We prefer pay pal donations, because they take the lowest fees, but we can also accept donations through go fund me and ko-fi.
pay pal: https://href.li/?https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=AAPN4HRA9YLA4
ko fi: https://href.li/?https://ko-fi.com/anexperimentallife
go fund me: https://href.li/?https://www.gofundme.com/f/family-riding-out-covid-overseas
And if you've actually read all if this, here's a reward of the most adorable baby on this or any other planet (holding my cane, which she keeps absconding with lol).
Tumblr media
Again--Thanks to everyone who has kicked in or reblogged so far. We will never be able to adequately express our gratitude. <3
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zuuriell · 3 months
sharing my thoughts on things (+ changes to my blogs):
alright, this isn’t gonna make much of a difference here tbh as i don’t talk about him much on here (i do so more on my agere blog: @tinysharkzz ), but i wanted to make a proper post to make things clear !!
(trigger warning for mentions of abuse - yes, this is regarding wilbur soot)
as you may know, shelby/shubble recently came forward about her ex-boyfriend abusing her. and there has been strong speculation of said ex being wilbur which i believed to be true, but the whole situation for me was so overwhelming that i decided to just stop posting + talking about wilbur/lovejoy anywhere until there was any kind of confirmation, and now that wilbur’s tweeted an ‘apology’ (it’s an absolute failed attempt at an apology imo) it kind of snapped me into gear and i realised i need to change things on here asap.
before i get into the stuff about wilbur, i wanna start by saying that i fully support the victims. shelby, lexie, and everyone else who’s been affected.
i’ll be removing any posts or moodboards i made about wilbur/lvjy from my agere blog, and i’ll be listing them in my ‘not taking requests’ criteria. i’ll also remove them from my interests/intro posts as i try to steer clear of their music & content.
this is a really upsetting thing which i really wish never happened. it makes me feel so disgusted that i used to support this man, even though the only wilbur i knew of was his online personality, it brought me so much comfort through lockdown and other rough times in the past few years. i’ve grown up as a person while being a fan, so to feel like i’ve grown up with something only to find out the disgusting things he’s done makes me feel so betrayed.
i’m not gonna be able to instantly go ‘yep, i’ve lost all positive feelings about the content & music that has helped me mentally, it can all be banished from my life’ cuz i don’t think that’s gonna do me personally any good - if this sounds cringe idc but i quite literally have emotional attachments to a handful of his songs & some old yt vids that bring me so much comfort when i’m at a low point, and i’m not gonna willingly hold myself back from feeling comforted when i know something i can do to healthily cope is right there.
that being said, i won’t be talking about this stuff online anywhere, as i know it’s not something to be proud of & he certainly doesn’t deserve that kind of positive attention considering what he’s done.
i am thoroughly disappointed in wilbur, and although 1 random person on the internet saying that doesn’t change much, i hope other people join me in not supporting him. he has done horrible things and i hope he gets karma for it all.
if anyone’s struggling right now or has been affected by these topics, i’m here for you and my dms are always open if you’d like to talk. you’re so valid, i hear you and i see you, and i support you :)
once again all my respect and support goes to the victims, i hope they’re able to heal ❤️🫂
love u all!
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awalkingballofanxiety · 2 months
Spoilers Below
This episode had a lot of stuff in it and was absolutely amazing. There’s also a lot of stuff that needs to be talked about. Before I continue, these are just my first impressions and I haven’t been able to go back and fully analyze the episode, so it’s very possible I say something dumb because I missed some important back ground detail.
Ok, first things first, guess we finally learned what the solver meant by not discarding Tessa. Kudos to those that were able to see through that tinted mask and see her for what she was. This episodes end reveal was awesome, and all the foreshadowing for it was just as good. I’m not gonna talk about any in episode 6 since most of it went over my head, instead I’ll focus on the stuff in this episode before the reveal, at least the stuff I picked up on. The second I realized it was Tessa was when Nori asked which host was attacking, because we already saw that Doll and Uzi were currently doing their own thing. Then, her being noninteractable with Uzi’s solver was adding the final red flag for Tessa being Cyn. All of it was super cool and I can’t wait to see what happens with her in the finale.
Uzi’s Battle
This was really cool, that’s it. Especially since the focus for the acrylic stand is probably going to be the focus on the internal battle within Uzi, and also probably means that the last stand is probably going to be N against Tessa/Cyn.
Khan, Lizzy, and Thad
They’re back and are definitely going to play an important role in the finale, probably doing something with J. Also, I love Khan’s character arc. He went from leaving Uzi for dead in the pilot, to realizing he was a bad parent in episode 2, then he tried to get more involved in episode 3 but still stands by and watches the fight with Doll (I know the doors were locked, but he didn’t even come to check on Uzi after the fight). In episode 4, he’s more accepting of Uzi and all her quirks than he is in episode 3, and then in episode 5 he is actively getting involved and showing concern. It only feels fitting that all this growth culminates in him trusting Uzi, in a scene that will probably mirror that of the pilot, where he uses the railgun he made to save Uzi instead of running away again. The thought of this confrontation made me toy with idea of the last stand just being Khan blasting Cyn away, but it’s probably going to N and some external threat. I don’t know what’s gonna happen with Lizzy and Thad, but it’s cool that they’re there too, maybe Thad will fight a murder drone and get to actually win and have a moment of triumph to contrast losing to V in the pilot.
Nori and Yeva
I don’t actually know what to say about these two after the episode. My first thought after seeing Nori come back was that Yeva could potentially return, but then I remembered that her rusting corpse is in Doll’s house. But still, her relationship with Nori before the core collapse was still interesting, it looked she was kind of used to keep her in line and combat the solver whenever it got too far out of line. Also, Nori will probably return, if Uzi was shown in the void at the end then Nori is probably just floating around in there too and will probably bump into Uzi at the end.
The weird religious/science stuff happening
Chances are, if we learn more about this, it’s going to be from flashbacks on account of Tessa burning everything. We saw that Nori was kind of the main thing being monitored, which makes me wonder what the numbers were for and why she was number 2. My first guess is that maybe it’s the order that the solver prioritizes controlling a host, with Nori being first in line and that’s why she’s the one on full lockdown, and probably why the Yeva was the one called to fight her, she’s got a higher number so she’s probably the least likely to just suddenly have lost control. I still think that half the drones didn’t have the solver, probably the odd numbered drones.
That’s all I have to say for now, these are just first impressions and aren’t fully developed thoughts or theories yet. I will probably have a lot more to say on a couple of those topics, but I don’t want to just start spewing half baked theories without doing actual analysis for the sake of sounding smart. This was a really good episode and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
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