#and then nya starts going to school....
senseiwu · 2 years
Realised that Lar in mermaid AU might be really clingy... literally.
Because like Maya and Kai, he's an octopus. And not only do they have tentacles, but little sucker thingies too.
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He doesn't like his parents leaving for work or whatever, or Kai going to school 💔💔
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Cole sees a way to screw with jay and all common sense goes out the window
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dimepdf · 2 years
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request?
synopsis. you were a sucker for jealousy sex, man.
pairing. toji fushiguro x reader
genre and warnings. +18 nsfw under the cut. minors dni, established relationship, domestic fluff, dilf!toji, milf!reader, tattoos, jealousy sex, exhibitionish, Toji being childish, cowgirl position, hints of subby Toji | — feedback is always welcomed & don't forget to reblog 🤍 800+ w.c.
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Dilf!Toji who comes home from picking up Megumi and your daughter Nya from their kindergarten after-school activities. 
Toji scolds the two for running down the hallway as soon as the front door opens, their little pitters from their feet slapping against the wooden floor as they rush into the living room where you were lying snuggly just to tackle you into a hug. 
The two are all smiles and giggles as they kick off their sneakers and snuggle up next to you.
They were practically glowing with excitement, as if they hadn't seen you just hours before, on the same day you had taken them to school. "Mommy! Mommy! Can I show you what I made in art today?"
Despite posing the question, the girl had already started unzipping her bag and shuffling through the strange, cryptic amount of things she had packed inside of her small Hello Kitty backpack.
If you hadn't had quick enough reflexes, you'd have thought she was trying to take your eye out by shoving the bendy wire figure right into your face.
"Oh wow, honey, it looks so creative; I can tell you worked really hard on it." You honestly couldn't tell what it was—fuzzy purple, red, and green covered wires all bent into some sort of shape that you could only assume to be a figure, but you put on your best motherly smile for your child.
"It's you, mommy! Can you tell, I even gave it a big butt." When Toji came into the living room, slouching his shoulders on the back of the couch and leaning forward.
Looming over the exchange, you decided to change the direction of the conversation before he could get remotely lewd about his favorite body part of yours.
"Did you make anything, Megumi?" Despite not being your biological son, the coal-haired boy still showed the same amount of admiration for you as your own daughter did. 
But it was still very clear that Megumi had all of Toji’s attitude, with the boy showing no interest in his sister's show-in-tell and not even bothering to cover up his glare at her art project. "That looks like crap," Megumi states bluntly, earning a dramatic gasp from Nya. 
The girl held the figure to her chest as if she were protecting it from him.
"You look like crap." Toji teases, no better than the children. As the three start bickering back and forth with each other, you reach for the TV remote and pause the Netflix show that you were trying to binge.
It was like you were raising three kids, as the argument only became pettier by the second.
"Why don't you tell mommy about how Itaduri’s mom liked your tattoos?" Megumi shrugged, your brow furrowed in surprise as the two children abruptly switched teams to go against their father.
"Is that why she was touching your arm?" Nya asked naively, unaware that she had just unpinned a grenade.
Your palm pushed away Toji’s face as he tried to distract you with a kiss, curving him as you dug for more information between the two. "And what was daddy saying while she was touching his arm?"
“He said thank you.”
Now that you understood the cost of having a super hot husband, you weren't blind to Toji’s charm, but over the years of being in love with him, it was pretty easy to say that he was just blessed with his attractiveness.
Having women throw themselves at him was nothing new,it was just another daily problem added to the things that Toji had to go through. 
It's not like he entertained any of the women that came up to him because he truly only loves you, but that didn't mean that you weren't allowed to be a little needier sometimes.
Plus, he wasn't complaining much while lavishing you with affection. His hands lingered on your body long after the kids had fallen asleep for their naps. 
It was daring, having to straddle his lap on the couch in the family living room knowing that the kids could wake up at any moment, but for Toji.
It was just another goal he was willing to complete, seeing how fast he could make you cum in that circumstance.
Handing his hand down to your thighs, he gives them a squeeze as he catches his breath, watching you ride him with an admiring glint in his eye. "You're so fucking beautiful, you know that?"
"Really? more beautiful than that other bitch?" You knew Itadori’s mother wasn’t a bitch.
If anything, she was a kind lady who knew how to make really good brownies.
You’d probably scalp her if you ever saw her skirting with Toji again.
No hard feelings, but she should know better than to touch what was yours.
"So much—ah, you’re the most beautiful woman I know." Toji whimpered, reaching his tattooed hand in between and sharing some attention to your clit. 
You were a sucker for jealousy sex, man. 
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not me making another milf!reader man,,
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alastorswifee · 1 year
༆ 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓮!𝓛𝓵𝓸𝔂𝓭 𝓐𝓤
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༆ Boyfriend!Lloyd being so nervous when he first started dating you, he’s so used to people not wanting to be around him due to his father’s bad reputation
The only people he’s interacted comfortably with are the other ninja but that’s only in a best friend/sibling aspect
When Nya found out about Lloyd’s feelings for you, she encouraged him to be himself and make his move before someone else does
It took the green ninja a good few days before he built up the courage to do it but here he was
He showed up to your locker one morning and told you that you looked really pretty, one thing led to another and that led to you two eating lunch together
Then it became an everyday habit, him always greeting you by the lockers then planning to have lunch together
Soon his confidence got a bit higher than in the beginning but that’s only because he’s gotten to know the kind of person you are and he got comfortable around you
Soon enough he planned a way to ask you out and to his relief and surprise, you said yes
Now you two are a cute little couple
༆Boyfriend!Lloyd bringing you flowers(if you’re allergic then he’ll bring fake/plastic flowers) every week or two as one of his ways of showing you affection
༆ Boyfriend!Lloyd walking you to all your classes no matter what you say, he always insists that it’s no trouble at all
༆ Boyfriend!Lloyd always aiming to kiss your cheek or forehead because he’s too shy to kiss you on your lips at first
He eventually mans up one day tho don’t worry, with some encouragement from the group
He was hanging out with you after school and as usual, he walked you home to make sure you’re safe. This time tho, instead of kissing your cheek before you head inside, he cupped your cheek which made you look at him with curiosity.
He’d slowly lean down and whisper “can I kiss you?..”
How could you say no?
That’s how you two had your first kiss
Ever since then, he would always want to kiss you, not in overly public places tho because he can get a bit shy with pda
༆ Boyfriend!Lloyd introducing you to Koko a month or two into the relationship, he figured that if he’s going to do something as big as dating he might as well let his mother know
She’s thrilled to hear that a girl loves and cares about her son, she invites you to have dinner with them some day and gave you the privilege of getting to call her mum(only if you’re comfortable ofc)
The other Ninja obviously know about you but haven’t properly met you yet. When they did, some of them did the overprotective friend act at first to jokingly scare you but they warmed up to you pretty quickly when they saw how happy you made Lloyd.
༆ Boyfriend!Lloyd would invite you to stay the night on weekends if you’re allowed to and if his mum says yes which she most likely will allow
Those little sleepovers will consist of lots of cuddles and kisses
༆ Boyfriend!Lloyd has a secret love for baking, from time to time he’ll bake you some sweets such as cupcakes, donuts, macaroons, cookies and more
༆ Boyfriend!Lloyd is a very understanding and caring person, if anything’s going on please tell him. The poor baby will get worried sick if you’re being distant or any of your behavior changes
If you need space or time then tell him because worrying him isn’t the best decision
Communication is a huge thing for him, if you can’t tell him what’s going on then it will cause a huge problem because he’ll start worrying and stressing as well as overthinking.
If you’re alright with him helping you through whatever is bothering you, he’ll do everything in his power to try and help you get better and support you.
༆ Boyfriend!Lloyd stays up late on some nights because you’re on his mind so that results in him making you playlists with songs that remind him of you or with your music taste
༆ Boyfriend!Lloyd being pouty whenever you don’t give him a kiss or you tease him affection wise, he’ll follow you around like a lost puppy until you give him a kiss or anything
༆Boyfriend!Lloyd going on patrol sometimes at night as the green ninja and uses that as an excuse to drop by your bedroom balcony to say hi
Sometimes if you’re okay with it he takes you on nighttime rides in his dragon mech
He’ll show you all the beautiful city lights from a brand new perspective and view. The look of happiness and wonder in your eyes making him fall in love with you all over again
༆ Boyfriend!Lloyd and you relaxing in his mech as he had let it sit ontop one of the tallest buildings in ninjago city.
You both talk about your future while stargazing, Lloyd honestly didn’t think he’d find someone such as yourself but here you are proving him wrong.
He doesn’t wanna get older without your head on his shoulder.
He wishes time could move slower when he’s with you, he cherishes every living second he has with you.
He knows you’re the person he wants to grow old with and be with forever.
And if reincarnation exists..
He hopes to find you in every lifetime.
@kitomon eat this while I try to get rid of writers block
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seravphs · 1 year
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Suna becomes a regular at your maid cafe - a regular thorn in your side, that is. 
wc — 1.4k
tags — fluff, reader works at a maid cafe 
next: omakase | shoujo series masterlist
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“Yes, master,” you practically bite out the words.
Suna raises an eyebrow at you. “Aren’t you missing something?”
Ugh. This man is insufferable. With a pained smile, you wince through the last part of your mandatory response to orders. “Nya! One Kitty Kitty Paw Parfait coming right up!” 
In the back room, you drop to your knees, cradling your head in your hands now that you're safely hidden from the eyes of your customers. 
You have to do it. 
You have to kill this man. 
There’s no way you can keep serving him these ridiculous orders. You’re going to die of embarrassment. If it’s him or you, you’re going to choose yourself. 
Working at a maid cafe only started because of your best friend. She convinced you to do it with her, only to quit a few weeks in. You had stayed, against your better judgement. 
“Please,” you remember her begging, tugging on your hand beseechingly. “The pay is so good! Just think about it - 20 dollars an hour?”
To a high schooler, that was a crazy amount of money. Both of you gasped when you saw the flyer, imagining everything you could do with that kind of cash. 
“But if I saw someone I knew, I’d die of embarrassment,” you remind her. Sometimes it feels like it falls to you to be the rational one of the pair of you. She dreams and you keep her grounded. 
“No one will see! Who comes to this part of town anyways?”
Rintarou Suna does, as you find out one day when you’re taking out the trash. 
A heavy hand lands on your shoulder, making you yelp. You spin around, ready to scream for your manager. You can never be too careful as a young girl flouncing around these streets in a maid dress. 
“I thought it was you,” he says, wide-eyed and clearly stunned. 
You drop the trash in the bin and sprint away from him, only to hear the distinct sounds of footsteps after you. You’ve seen Suna play for your school’s volleyball team. There’s no way you’re out running him. 
Luckily, the cafe is just ahead. 
It might be embarrassing for you to be caught in your black and white frilly lace and poufs of tulle, but it’s just as embarrassing for Suna to be caught entering. He’s one of the star athletes on your school’s incredibly strong volleyball team - he can get any girl he wants. Why would he come in here?
Suna crashes through the open door a split second later, interrupting your monologue. 
“Hi,” he says, not even breathing hard. “Table for one, please. Oh, and I want her.”
You should’ve known that thinking rationally would never apply to men who have no social awareness. Suna simply does not care. More than anything, that lack of interest is what makes him such an unmanageable beast.
“What do you want?” You whisper furiously, under your breath. It’s still not low enough for your manager to ignore, though, and she shoots you a reprimanding look over the counter. “Master,” you tack on to the end of your sentence. 
“I think I’ll start with a Kitty Kitty Paw Parfait,” he says with a smile. “With the add on.”
You stare him down. “That’s not what I meant.” 
“If you share my parfait with me, I’ll tell you.” 
“One Kitty Kitty Paw Parfait. That’s all?”
Sharing dessert with Suna in an inappropriately adorable cafe feels much too close to a date for your liking. The parfait is a frothy work of art. It’s a monstrosity of a confectionery, starting with a base of hand crumbled crackers. Each layer alternates between warm biscuit, sweet cream, or fruity jam, all topped with a swirl of whipped frosting and slices of fruit.
To be honest, you didn’t think it would be to Suna’s taste. You hate to judge by appearance, but Suna doesn’t strike you as someone who would like dessert. He’s not a bad boy exactly, not in the conventional sense, but he’s not the target audience for this cafe, either. His nonchalance and blank expression makes him feel unapproachably cool. 
The underclassmen look up to him. You see them crowd outside your classroom during break, waiting for the chance to talk to him. Part of the legend is his style. He rolls into class looking effortlessly tousled, his jacket hanging askew on his shoulders. He only has one piercing in his left ear. You heard a rumor that he let Osamu pierce it for him at an away game, only to get benched by Captain Kita as punishment. 
Suna wears mostly black. He blasts rap on the way to school in his headphones. He likes sneakers and he’ll wait on a queue for hours at a pop-up just to snag his dream pair. When he smiles, one side of his mouth lifts higher than the other. He wears rings that his younger sister makes for him. Sometimes he comes to school with colorful butterfly clips in his hair to hold his bangs back if he hasn’t gotten a haircut in time. You know that’s his sister’s work, too. 
You hadn’t realized you knew so much about Suna. You hadn’t realized you were looking. 
His spoon clinks against yours gently.��
“You can eat, you know.”
Mechanically, your spoon starts to move. As soon as the tartness of the berry hits your tongue, it’s immediately followed by the sweetness of the cream. Your eyes widen. Despite working here for a while now, you’ve never had one of the desserts. It’s surprisingly good. 
“Right?” Suna chuckles. 
Because he’s usually quiet, eating and talking with Suna feels strange at first. You’re not used to having his undivided attention on you. The ice breaks as soon as you notice the way his hair is sticking up in the back, like a duck’s tail. When you point out his messy head, he shrugs and makes no move to fix it. 
“Brushing my hair is a pain,” he says. 
It makes you giggle. It might be lazy, but it’s strangely charming. Before you know it, Suna’s drawn you in with his insouciant smiles and effortless ability to lead a conversation. It’s not that he’s naturally charismatic, but something about the way he listens and responds has you preening under his attention. 
You’re almost upset when he calls for the check. He seems to notice.
“I’ll be back!” He calls as he leaves. 
He’s already gone. 
You realized he never told you why he came. 
Most teenage boys would be embarrassed to make a maid cafe their normal hang out spot, but Suna comes on the dot every single day. Your coworkers have taken to referring to a table in your section as Suna’s table. He always orders the Kitty Kitty Paw Parfait, and he always makes you draw a little chocolate heart on it. 
You love your coworkers, you really do. You don’t think you would’ve worked here as long as you have if they didn’t feel like family to you, but sometimes older sisters can be annoying. 
Case in point: Shizuka, one of the older maids, just ruined a con you’ve been running on Suna for a long time. 
“You’re not doing it right,” Shizuka scolds you. “You forgot the ‘nya!’”
You flinch. 
Suna’s eyes widen. “Oh? Tell me more.” 
“When you order a Kitty Kitty Paw Parfait, we’re supposed to go ‘Nya! Of course, master!’” 
Suna pins you underneath an uncompromising stare. “Do you know how many of these I’ve ordered? You owe me a lot of ‘Nyas.’”
“Suna,” you say pleadingly, your face burning with mortification. 
He relents, a little. Something about your expression makes him melt, his eyes softening a minuscule amount. It’s barely noticeable, but it’s there. “Fine,” he smiles. “You can just start now.”
The minute you finish your humiliating speech, you vow revenge on Suna, but he just laughs. It’s too easy to get used to him. If you don’t actively remind yourself that he is your classmate, that you don’t actually know him that well, and that you first spoke to him just this week, it would all be too easy to feel like you’re friends. 
That’s why you have to draw a line in the sand before he can get even closer. You’re scared to find out how this ends. You’d rather cut him out of your life now. This is probably a game for Suna, but for you it’s something else.
It’s hard to remember all of that when he waits until the end of your shift to walk you home. He’s standing by the door, making small talk with your manager, who adores him. 
“Ready to go?” 
When you nod, he grabs your bag from you. The way he acts is so straightforward. You wouldn’t describe Suna as confident, but rather flexible. He takes everything that happens as it comes, and never lets it break his stride. Things are easy for him because he chooses to let them be. When he walks, his hand bumps yours once, twice. 
It’s easy. The hands. The act of being with him. 
It’s not a long walk home, but you wish it was. Fifteen minutes isn’t enough time for you to work up the courage to tell him what you need to say. Thankfully, he breaks the silence first. 
“You’re quieter than usual. What’s up?” 
“You need to stop coming,” you tell him, hating the words even as they come out of your mouth. 
He stops, forcing you to stop with him. “Why? Are you actually mad?” 
You wish you could say yes, but you can’t. You shake your head, praying Suna can just take the hint and leave you alone. 
He blinks at you. “Then no can do, ma’am.” 
“Why do you even come?” You hope his answer can push you to take the step you need, but it only cements him further in your heart. 
He smiles at you in a way you’ve come to associate with Suna, sweet and uncomplicated. “I just like cute things.” 
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starsfic · 18 days
After learning about his parentage, Mikey sneaks inside an art auction of Hamato Yoshi's art, learning both about his father and Draxum.
After Iron Fan manipulates her son into a state of possessiveness over his mate, Red and her enter a civil war. DBK and Qi Xiaotian are watching on the sidelines. (Or, Ironbull and Spicynoodles keep fucking in each other's bed. Smut.)
Eros and Psyche AU: Lunar New Year this year is both tense and exciting- Xiaotian's pregnancy will soon be over and Red and DBK are rebuilding a rocky relationship. Both become issues when Spider Queen attacks.
There is a thirst account for Qi Xiaotian, the Monkie Kid, and there is a thirst account for Red Son. Both men run the other account secretly, admitting their dirtiest fantasies about their rival to Twitter. And then Xiaotian slips up. Smut.
After Marinette's horrible excuse of an expulsion, Sabine decides to call on her older sister for help. There is rot in this school, and it'll take a demon queen to root it out.
Chloe successfully crashes and saves a train, with the only casualty being Maribrat's leg. Lila is climbing up the social ladder with her lies, trampling Marinette underfoot. Both queen bees see an opportunity when the school announces its first prom and prom queen contest.
Long Xiaojiao and Qi Xiaotian do everything together. This includes being deflowered by Red Son. (Smut.)
Prince Red is cursed into the horrific form of a bull man, with the only cure being him learning true love. Unfortunately, Red likes his new form too much and scares away the suitors his parents send. He meets his match in the latest suitor, Qi Xiaotian. Smut.
In the wake of learning about Splinter’s real identity, Leo and Raph struggle with deciding on how to handle it. (Or, according to @stylishbutdefinitelyillegal, Hamato Saki earns the Worst Uncle award.)
The first part of Episode 1, when trying to leave their hometown of Crystal Cove to start their second year of college, the Mystery Gang finds themselves trapped in Crystal Cove.
@draw-of-the-moon's Chimera Parents: Pigsy just had to suggest that the kids come along to his grandmother's farmhouse with him and Tang. He just had to go to the store. Hopefully, Chimera will never learn that he let their kids get kidnapped. (Or, Tang opens a scroll labeling the locations of four golden weapons, only for him and Nya to get kidnapped by skeletons. Kai is recruited by a mysterious old man to learn spinjitzu, and Pigsy has child leashes for all three of them.)
LMK S5 theory fic: Erlang Shen is supposed to be on vacation. However, in an hour,he learns that his uncle is dead, someone is trying to do another coup, and Sun Wukong has been filleted again. The people who deliver this news, including mass criminal Master Subodhi, the duo of Ao Lie's descendant and Iron Fan's son, and the creation goddess Nuwa, make things... difficult.
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justtwotired · 7 months
Whispers of the night - Lloyd Garmadon x reader
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Part 1
part 2
part 3
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Lloyd POV:
I walked into the monastery and found the others in the living room watching tv.
“Where have you been?” Kai asked lazily and I shrugged.
“Hanging out with a friend,” I said and they all looked at me.
“You have other friends?” Jay asked and I frowned a bit offended.
“Yes, yes I do.” I said, it was true, I did have a few other friends from school outside of my family, but I don’t think they’d see Y/n as someone who falls under the term of ‘friend’.
“With who?” Cole asked, trying to make sure an argument wouldn’t start. I sighed and turned my back to them, putting my stuff on the table. “Y/n,” I mumbled.
“Who!?” Kai shot up, I’m pretty sure he heard me, but just was not really wanting to hear it. “Y/n,” I repeated louder this time and turned to him. “Something wrong?” I asked challengingly.
“Oh come on, Lloyd! She’s a thief, she’s a bad influence!” He said and the others just laughed. “You’re just mad that we got beat into a race by a group of teens,” Nya accused and Kai scowled at her.
“Oh please, I could beat them any day! They just caught me of guard!” He said and turned to me. “What did you do with her? Steal some lunch or something?” He asked sceptically.
I shook my head a bit annoyed. “No! We just hung out, and she was really nice and funny!” I told them. “And yes we grabbed lunch, and she payed, for all of it, leaving a tip and everything!”
“It is pretty weird behaviour to steal from a store, but being generous like that at the same time.” Zane said.
“Honestly, I think she just does it for the kicks.” I said and they all looked at me. “The kicks? She wants to get kicked?” Zane raised a brow.
“What? No- it’s like, they do it for the thrill, for fun. But like at places like Harvey’s who don’t suffer from much loss,” I explained.
“I thought she was just poor or something,” Jay said and I shook my head. “Believe me, she is not, I walked her home, and I’m telling you, she is rich rich.”
“Ohh, got yourself a rich date?” Nya winked. “You think she’s into girls?” She joked, making the others laugh and Jay let out an offended noice.
“I still don’t trust her,” Kai said and I groaned. “Kai! You’re the one that got me her number in the first place!”
“I didn’t know she was a thief!” He argued. I just sighed and remained silent, not wanting to get into an argument.
Your POV:
I hummed to myself, sitting on a building in the middle of the city, watching it slowly die down. I loved to watch Ninjago city at night, there was darkness but lights everywhere, mostly at Borg tower of course.
I looked at the time, almost two in the morning. I had school the next day, yeah, definitely sleeping trough maths.
I had an oversized hoody on -which I may or may not have stolen from James- and hid inside it. It was cold out. I had my earbuds in and my phone rested in my pockets.
Maybe I should go back, I did not feel like getting a cold or anything, if there’s something I hate, it’s a stuffed nose.
I looked up to watch the stars, instead, all I saw where clouds and a big raindrop landed on my forehead, followed by tons of others.
Definitely my sign to go.
I looked down from where I sat. I could jump this, easy. Pushing myself of the roof, I felt the wind travel trough my hair before I landed on my feet.
I tried walking fast as it started raining harder and harder.
To invested into getting home before everything was soaked -spoiler alert, it already was- I didn’t notice the puddle of water mixed with mud and stepped right in, slipping and falling backwards with a yelp.
I expected to hit the ground, but I didn’t. Someone had caught me and then steadied me to my feet.
“Look at that, seems like we meet again.” I turned around and found myself staring at the green ninja, flabbergasted and flustered by his quick appearance, I couldn’t help but blush.
“Where you following me?” I suddenly realised and he laughed. “I saw a potential thief, don’t blame me,” he joked and I gave him a look. “Kidding, I saw you and then you fell, you’re lucky I’m quick.” He winked and I rolled my eyes.
“My hero,” I said sarcastically. “What are you doing out here anyway? It’s night and it’s raining cats and dogs.” He asked sceptically and I shrugged.
“Didn’t check the weather before leaving home,” I admitted and he shook his head. “You need to try staying out of trouble, sweetheart,” he said and I swallowed thickly at the nickname.
I was about to answer but sneezed in stead. “Bless you,” he said before giving me a cocky look. “Well, I suppose you’re already blessed when you look like that,” he said and I was about to retort but shut my mouth, just unnabe to form words.
“Look, this is all fun and stuff, but I need to head home, I’m tired and probably going to catch a cold,” I said and he nodded before thinking for a moment.
“My bike isn’t far from here, want a ride?” He asked and I hesitated. “I don’t want to be a bother, you probably have stuff to do.” I said and he let out a low chuckle.
“No worries princess, not much to do tonight, except for saving pretty girls from falling over.” He winked and I sighed. “Fine, but straight to my house, no funny business, greenie,” I pointed at him and he smirked.
“Whatever you say, ma’am,” he said and I shook my head in disbelief.
My mouth fell open slightly at the sight of his bike. It was beautiful- sure, I’ve seen it on tv, or in the news paper a few times, but in real life it was way cooler.
“Here,” he handed me his helmet and I pulled my hands back. “What- but there’s only one helmet,” I protested. “Just take the helmet, I’ll be fine.” He assured.
“Are you sure, I mean I can-” He cut me off with an exasperated sigh. “Y/n!” He said sternly.
Seeing there was probably no point in arguing I just took it. He then got onto the vehicle and helped me climb on aswel.
“Where to?” He asked and I told him my street name. “Ohh, rich girl,” he said jokingly. “Better hold on tight,” he said and it took me a second to built up the confidence to wrap my arms around his waist.
He sped off, and honestly it was amazing. James had a bike, and I take passenger rides all the time, but this, this was different, it was incredibly fast and The Green Ninja managed to make his way trough the streets without any issues.
He went slower at my street and a few houses down I told him to stop. It had stopped raining when I got off and took of the helmet.
“Thank you,” I said with a smile and he took the helmet back from me. “Not a problem,” he winked once again. “You live here?” He looked behind me at the house with slight confusion, I didn’t really get why.
“Uh, no, a few houses down, but I snuck out, and your vehicle is rather loud, my mother will personally murder me,” I said and he laughed a bit.
“Oh, you’re a rebel aren’t you?” He teased and I just breathed out a laugh. “Aren’t you funny,” I said sarcastically.
He was about to say something but stopped, I heard vague talking of someone and realised he must be wearing an earpiece or something.
“Yes- alright, alright I get it, I’m going,” he said a bit irritated. “It’s not to much of a deal, not like there was much going on anyway.” He said.
He looked back at me and smiled. “That’s my sign to go. You should head inside and take a shower,” he said and I nodded.
“See you, princess,” he said before speeding off again.
I proceeded to sneak into our backyard, this way I could get into the kitchen and sneak upstairs.
I peeked trough the window. It was dark, no one was inside. I snuck trough the window I left open for myself and then upstairs where I took of my clothes and hung them to dry.
After taking a quick shower and laid in bed. The next day was going to be hell.
I was completely and utterly right, I got detention for sleeping in maths class, which got my friends laughing it me during lunch, I bought a coffee in the school cafeteria and I forgot that I was holding it so it went cold, and look at that, Miss Malcam was sick so we had a substitute… no one likes that substitute, she’s horrible and always has it out for me specifically.
Oh, not to forget, I was sneezing, causing and wheezing, the whole enchilada. My nose was stuffed and I felt like I couldn’t breath, I basically looked like shit.
And of course, it can always become even worse.
As I was looking for my next class -I forgot, alright, don’t blame me, blame the constantly changing schedule- I bumped into someone and fell.
I was caught, though my phone wasn’t as lucky. “Oh, I am so sorry!” I said and then bend to pick up my phone, then looking at the person in front of me.
“Falling for me, are we?” I locked eyes with Lloyd and I swear to god, I wanted the earth to swallow me whole.
I. Looked. Terrible.
“Lloyd!” I said surprised and embarrassed. “I uh, I thought you said you graduated last year.” I stuttered nervously.
“I did yes, but Kai teaches the self defence class here and he can’t make it so sent me instead,” he explained and I just nodded absently.
“I see,” I sniffed, making it feel like my eyes are going to pop out of my scull.
“Are you alright? You look sick,” I said concerned and I shrugged. “I’m fine, I was out in the rain yesterday, just a cold.” I waved it of and inspected my phone for damage, but it was fine.
I glanced at the time and scowled. “I’m sorry, Lloyd, but I really need to get to my class,” I said and he smiled slightly.
“It’s fine, I’ll catch you later?” He gave me a crooked grin that made my knees weak. “Yes, I’ll see you!” I waved before quickly walking off.
I want to die of embarrassment.
I sat next to Amelia in Science and she grinned at me. “You still look like shit,” she said and I glared at her. “Your face did gain some colour though, something happen?” She wiggled her eyebrows and I sighed.
I told her the story and all she could do was laugh at me. “Honestly N/n, you’re the most badass, fearless person I know, and there you are, nervous because of some boy,” she said and I hit her shoulder, making her laugh even harder.
When the lesson was over, we met with Luna and made our way to our very last class of the day.
“Where’s Flora?” Amelia asked Luna who had been in the same lesson as her. “She’s gone to some of her other ‘friends’. Said she’d meet us there.” Luna said and I sighed.
“Give it a break, Lu, I know you don’t like them, but we tolerate them for Flors, alright?” I gave her a look and she sighed.
“Yeah, I know, but I can’t handle Flora not being able to see how fake they are with her,” Luna sighed as we turned a corner.
“We have a while, want to head into the restroom and freshen up a bit?” Amelia changed the topic, looking at me especially. “Obviously,” I said and they laughed.
In the bathroom I took my hair out of the way to messy bun it was in, which took a while as the damned elastic got stuck in the hair I did not brush that morning.
I barely had time to get ready that morning, I just put on my clothes and threw my make up and jewellery in my bag to put on at school… I never did.
Millie brushed my hair for me while I put on some mascara and eyeliner, not being much of a ‘full face make up’ person.
Not only because I didn’t have the time, but also because I did not know how to do it -I swear those girls on TikTok are literal magic- and I didn’t take the time to learn.
“See, that’s better… still quite sick though,” Luna commented. It was true, I had puffy eyes and sniffed every now and then. My voice was a bit hoarse and I looked exhausted, but it was way better then before.
“Alright, what do we have?” We looked at Amelia who always was the one that knew where we had to go.
“We have self defence class,” she said and Luna and I shared a look. “Self defence class?” I asked sceptically.
“Yeah, school decided that with the crime going on, not only first years needed self defence class but all the others do too.” She sighed a bit annoyed.
“Meh, it’s fine, not like self defence is that hard.” I waved it off as we excited the bathroom.
“Well, we aren’t all being trained since we where little- which reminds me, can’t you just illusion yourself some make-up?” Amelia interrupted herself.
“I could, yes, but I’m not risking it faltering in front of other people, I’d be the talk of the school and I’d rather not,” I said with a small chuckle.
As we entered the small gym in the school, we searched for Flora.
When I saw her, my fists balled and I quickly stormed over, followed by the other two.
“Hey!” I called out and the boy with his arm around a rather uncomfortable Flora’s waist looked up. “Leave her alone,” I said with venom in my voice.
He smirked at me. “What? Jealous?” He asked and winked, making me narrow my eyes. “Be for real, she is clearly uncomfortable and has a boyfriend, leave her alone or I will knock your teeth out.” I threatened with a harsh glare.
He took his arm off her and took a few paces towards me. “What is your problem?” He hissed and I rolled my eyes.
“My problem is you being a fucking asshole, leave her alone and I might just let you off with a warning.” I said and he huffed a laugh.
“What are you going to do? Throw your nail clippers at me?” He asked and a few others laughed as we now had some on lookers.
“N/n, it’s fine, really” Flora started but I cut her off. “No, don’t even start that, love, I’ll handle this arse for you,” I said and turned back to the guy.
“If you are so cool and strong like you want people to think, then I’ll see you outside after school if you are man enough to fight me,” I challenged and I heard Luna sigh behind me.
“Aand, there she goes, oh we’re going to have to explain to Jamie,” she sighed and I gave her a quick glare.
“You fight me? You’re a girl, I’ll have you down in seconds, if you challenge me I am not afraid to hit you, what will you do when I have you begging for forgiveness on the ground?” he said and I narrowed my eyes.
“If you are going to act like that, I can arrange to pull your bones from your body now instead of later, in fact-” but I was interrupted by someone standing between us.
“Hey, Hey, let’s not do that in this class,” I looked at Lloyd who had intervened. I completely forgot he said he was teaching self defence for Kai.
“This lesson is about to start, why don’t you both sit down?” He suggested and with last glared at each other, we turned away.
“Y/n! Seriously?” Luna asked in disbelief. “What? I can handle him,” I waved her off and she groaned.
“Yes, I know, I’m not concerned about that, I am concerned about the fact that James is going to be so mad, plus, you’re parents are going to ground you for like- forever, again!” She said and I waved her off.
“It’s fine, as long as Flora is alright,” I looked at the girl who nodded. “I am, but you really didn’t have to do that.” She said and I shook my head.
“Nonsense, you’re one of us now, and in our group we protect each other.” I said and she gave me a teary smile.
That whole lesson, I normally would have glared holes into that guys -who I know is Jacob Brown- head, but instead, I was watching Lloyd catch us up on basic self defence, demonstrating a few things and explaining like a professional.
I heard giggling and looked behind me to see Amelia and Flora make hearts with their fingers making me scoff and stick out my tongue.
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enavstars · 6 months
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This is Ninazu Rashid or Dr. Rashid, my only ninjago oc besides Cyra. He is a doctor in Ignacia that befriended Kai and Nya and cares a lot about them.
Basically I wanted to make a kind and patient adult oc because Kai and Nya need one (badly) and there are barely any nice adults in the show (not including Ed and Edna, we respect them :>).
(Cw: mentions of homophobia and ped0philia)
Dr. Rashid is the doctor of a small clinic in Ignacia who also runs the pharmacy. He met the siblings when Kai got badly sick and they called him out for help. Even when Kai got better, Rashid couldn’t keep the situation they were living in off his mind, so he would usually go to check on Kai's health... and also take care of them a bit, in whatever little way he could.
Nya used to go by the clinic after school because Rashid would usually give her drinks and snacks (she loved the hot choco in winter) and he tried, with little success, to make Nya convince Kai to come so he could eat something too.
One time, Nya got sick and Kai went under the rain to his door to ask dr. Rashid for help; of course, he went with him and gave the necessary medicine to Nya. Since they couldn’t afford it, though, Kai asked to work at the pharmacy to help Rashid as compensation, and after a lot of insinsting, the doctor finally gave in and let him. But they ended up bonding during that time, and Rashid did defend Kai even when he started stealing, but he also made him understand that he should only do so when absolutely necessary.
However, as he's gay, when the conservative village found out a bunch of nasty rumors started to spread, most of them about his sexuality and his relationship with Kai and Nya (ped0philia). Rashid tried to endure the comments but it was starting to affect his job with people simply not going to the clinic because of it. So, sadly, he had to leave to Ninjago City, unintentionally leaving Kai and Nya with even more abandonment issues and not a single safe person in the village.
In the present he spent many years trying to be Kai and Nya's general doctor for whenever they get hurt in missions (even going out of his way to study more so he could help them), until finally he made it (I know nothing of how hospital works so this may be wrong). The siblings were confused and angry at him at first, until he explained the reasons why he left and they calmed down.
Dr. Rashid then proceeded to ask what he could do to make them feel better from then on, and actually listened to them and treated them like grown people (looking at you Ray and Maya :))). Kai and Nya then forgave him and are really good friends with him now.
More stuff:
He got married and is sad and frustrated that he couldn't invite the siblings to the wedding.
He is really respected in the hospital for being the only doctor who Kai and Nya listen to and how "docile" they are with him.
Kai and Nya sometimes visit him for dinner.
He is also very kind to the other ninja and understands how hard they work for Ninjago. He is specially kind to Lloyd for that and for being Kai and Nya's younger brother.
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500 Follower Special~Twisted Wonderland
Finding Out Your a Girl~Pool Party Edition
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It didn't register that you were a girl when you told them. Giving them a disclaimer whenever they changed infront of you or actively discussed the topic of sweaty balls and weird hard-ons. They happily exclaimed that you were one of the boys. Preaching that famous line of everyone being equals. In that way you are like Epel who will admit his status as a farmer but others would no sooner believe it until he's happily harvesting horse manure on a Saturday.
Kalim was having another party, inviting pretty much the whole school. Of course leave it to Ramshackle's prefect to distribute invitations on his behalf properly so that everyone of the dorm leaders actually shows up (Diasomnia and Ignihyde I'm lookin' at you!). And so it begins shirts off and briefs out, the fun is just beginning and everyone's already having a ball. Adeuce, being the loyal dolts that they are look for the cat-monster and their prefect finding them in the corner conversing with Malleus. Feeling annoyed jealous they grab a water gun and splash you and your out of place jacket inciting the competition to react. Dashing into the water for safety they turn and wait for you. Shrugging off your make-shift cover up because it's no good anymore you reveal yourself one piece, bikini, or even a tight swim suit either one everyone's eyes are on you. You probably don't notice the open-mouth gawking that everyboy at this party is doing because you are jumping in or your dipping your foot testing the water before slowly submerging.
Ace is shocked for a moment before happily recharging his water gun. If he got to see this much by simply squirting you imagine what he'll see by absolutely dousing you! And if your so willing to give everybody a show might as well make it worth everyone's while!
"You really think I'll be distracted by your rockin' bod?! No mercy, right?"
Snapping him out of his nearly drooling daze Deuce hurriedly agrees. Man, you really do have boobs...I mean you told him you did and ofcourse that doesn't mean he thought you were lying he's just glad when he got off on it later It wasn't just too many layers pushing against his side when you hugged him.
"R-right! I won't hold back either!"
He proceeded to hurriedly recharge as you had begun dragging your arms from just below the water drowning the two in a waveol of your own.
Starting back the festivities everybody continues to try and act normal as possible. Of course Riddle Rosehearts is practically as red as his hair.
"I-its just so indecent for them to be wearing something l-like that!"
"But it's literally a bathing suit..." Cater sweatdropped.
"It is quite literally the right attire for this event." Trey spoke, amused.
"W-well i-i c-can't believe that their really...uh-"
"Unexpectedly curvy?"
"A good pillow nya?" Chen'ya popped up swiping from Riddle's forgotten plate and dicing in.
The dorm leader was so beside himself he couldn't begin to even articulate how startling this was for him. There were no rules that said what to do when there was female present. Should he make some? Like maybe wearing your bathing suit on Tuesdays? But only the dormleader gets to see? No way it cause a riot! It'd be insane...right?
Cater on the otherhand was debating if he should post on Magicam just how cute you were in that swimsuit. But he ultimately decided against it noting the caption: "Going to the pool with my gf!"
Trey continued to laugh as he watched his dormleader fluster over you. He couldn't deny his own interest reminding himself to cook something for you. He wouldn't mind seeing you fill up other things thanks to his sweets either.
"Now this is something I'd wake up for."
"You can say that again."
Across the pool under the shaded cabana Leona Kingscholar was awake and keeping a predatory eye on you as you giggled in attempt to escape Ace who somehow got a hold of a bucket. He was closely followed by the Hyena-boy who had just returned with not only their drinks but with quite a few wallets swiped while everyone was busy staring at you. Not to say he didn't stop to burn the image in his brain before making his rounds. Hey, when opportunity knocks!
"Please, excuse me."
Jack Howl frantically left the pool as he realized his wagging tail was splashing his Pomefiore friend. He was well aware that by definition he should expect you to be soft but his wolf side couldn't help but swoon at the sight of your feminine physique. He couldn't fight his ears immediate inclination to your squealing as you narrowly avoided the stream of Deuce's watergun. He was all too excited to closely
guard you when you tossed a watergun to him.
Floyd Leech wasn't one to pass up anything fun and he also wasn't one to hide his emotions.
"Ne~shrimpy if I can keep ya steady during the chicken fight you'll be sure to squeeze my head
"He~he~but seriously don't stop."
Azul Ashengrotto's mind was running a mile a minute. Had he known you had a body like that he would of capitalized off of it by now. Maid outfits! Cosplay days! Maid outfits! He'll have to somehow gain something over you to trap you in a deal. And of course he'd have to include a private showing. Yes he could see it now. Students on the VIP list get to see the latest peeks at what his girl was wearing. His girl hanging on his arm with every new deal he makes. His girl...his...his girl-friend?
"Azul your spilling."
"R-right. Yes. Ack!"
Jade smiled, more than entertained. At the mere release of your self Azul was spilling all over himself and his brother was quite visibly overjoyed as well. And Jade? Well Jade couldn't deny-he uncharacteristically, was willing to squeeze you and even do a whole lot more but what fun would that be if he just got everything he wanted in one go? Drinking in the red face of Azul and the joy on his brother's as he helped you fight Epel. This was the first of many entertaining moments involving you and as far as he's concerned this wouldn't be the last.
"Ha-ha Jamil!! Come join us!"
Kalim always knew you were beautiful, he thought about it everyday. He also thought it'd be great to see you having such a good time with everyone. He won't deny he felt heat rise up on his cheeks when you took off your cover up. He quickly shook his head, running over to join you and Adeuce as you two had begun calling others over to start a game called chicken fight. He really liked having fun with you and apparently Jamil did too. He couldn't wait to invite you for more fun.
Jamil Viper had recently become more pronounced in his independence so finding clever ways to deny his master, Kalim Asim, had become his new past time. But when that same master invited him into the water where the girl of his dreams was wrestling he was as obedient as can be. He found that he quite liked you when you weren't disrupting his plans. When he originally found out he noted but it never really sunk in until today. Immediately he thought of how excited the Asim family would be if they knew but for now they didn't. And if he was going to eventually separate from the name anyway how sweet would it be if he not only excelled in every aspect of school but in his loveliness too? It would be bliss. Not to say he didn't like you without the fanfare but he couldn't deny it would be so much sweeter.
Vil Shoeinheit was staring pointedly at you as you romped and rolled with your friends. He was posed gorgeously under the cabana he had set up careful to not let too much of himself be tanned by the scorching Scarabia sun. How could he have missed this?!  Was your feminine charm so sullied he couldn't believe it when you complained about it?! Was everything you did so weird simply because you were trying to blend in with worthless potatoes?! Not on his watch! As the best world class model it was his job to make sure your beauty was exemplified properly! If anyone should discover and show the world your splendor it would be him! Of course as, he predicts, you'll stumble with the new fame of the entire school. No matter he'll gladly guide you and show you how to maintain your fame. First the school, next the world.
"Rook, we'll have to schedule a date with Ms. (Y/n)."
"Oui oui Roi du Poison!"
Rook Hunt was absolutely ecstatic. Too long had he watched your curves be silhouetted by the bulky uniform or the veil of those old tattered curtains. He was finally seeing you in all your glory; he couldn't be happier. When he wasn't accompanying Vil he was sure to take pictures to engrave your image in his head. Reminding himself to try drawing a nude version later. He couldn't join in until he made a snide comment about Epel's physical ability. Which was met with streams of water directed at both him and Vil.
"Oh la la! Seems like we've been challenged."
"Then as Vil Shoeinheit, dorm leader of Pomefiore dorm I will not disappoint."
Epel was astonished to see his friend was actually a girl. Like many he thought you were joking specifically directed towards him. But you were actually like a girl? Not just looking like one? He's not gonna lie he was pissed.
Of course he isn't too mad. I mean he gets to hold hands while trying to knock you off the freakishly tall eel-mer. Of course in reality you two are fighting but man does he love your determined face. And when it just became straight wrestling he along side you were clearly at a disadvantage. But your supposed weakness brought a shared power and both of you were were working on subduing Jack before Rook just had to speak. Reviving the water gun fight was collateral for getting even with his torturer. No one was going to question how much of a man he was today especially not in front of you!
Idia Shroud was burning up. Scarabia was hot but he wasn't about to abandon his favorite hoodie. Even if he felt like dying. He knew well enough not to let his pasty pale otaku skin see the light of day. But he felt as though he was revived or rather in the pot and out of the pan when he saw you strip. Pictures were great and all but it had nothing on the real deal. Many a time had he sent Ortho to report on 'your safety' or investigate the non-magic student of Ramshackle dorm. He was never disappointed though. Like the main girl in any reverse harem anime everything just seemed to happen to you. One situation after the other he thought he was simply a fan to watch from afar until his...STYX situation. Inserted in your chaos he just found more reasons to like you. Now his hair was burning pink and so was his face. Silently appreciating the playful splash from Ortho who finally dawned his water proof gear.
"T-thanks Ortho! I was sure I would have melted at this point."
Ortho was so excited! All their friends were in one place! Having fun through a strength building activity like swimming. Plus the new development of the water games was sure to make healthy use of the growing teenage stamina! All while strengthening bonds with each other! This was great! He was noting everything for his own research.
"Wow so this the energy expected of water-themed parties? What fun!"
While Ortho was still learning about humans and the different stages of their life he had been informing himself with some tabloids. All about a teens 'hot' love life and he was sure his brother was living it right now. What an exciting endeavor! Seeing his brother heat up and fidget everytime he sees you aligns perfectly with what the material describes as a crush! And the crush is you? How perfect! He'll have to make sure his brother was presentable around you from now on. I mean he would love to have a sister!
Malleus Draconia was thrilled to have been invited by his favorite child of man. So excited to be invited he may have neglected the weight of the invitation. Fully aware of your female status he may have had an outdated reference (thanks Lilia) about what you'd be wearing. So when the prince witnessed you so casually reveal your supple silhouette to all these boys competitors he was beside himself. So beside himself he blanked; just staring at you silently as you proceeded to have fun. It wasn't until he felt the brush of his caretaker running past him to join in the fun did he snap out of it. Waterballoons were flying and slapping into anyone and everyone who wasn't already apart of the fun. Finally joining in he is easily dodging left and right while dishing out his own hits. One slip up had him splashing a particularly large water balloon in your face. He stopped worried he may have incurred your wrath to end whatever feelings of friendship
or love
you two have. Instead of disgust you broke out in your infectious laughter as you reached for your own weapon of choice firing multiple water balloons into his chest. Snapping up to return the favor he finds you carried off by none other than Lilia who is followed closely by Silver.
"Don't think hiding behind him will save you my child of man!"
Lilia Vanrouge was having a ball. As the acting guardian of the prince of thorns himself everything that was to be, had to be overseen by him. So the fact that a female was in attendance of Night Raven College was a point of extreme interest. At first the possibility of a human queen of course was considered but he couldn't deny his own intrigue in you as a character. The fun thing about humans especially you was that if all went well you wouldn't be here forever. Which just made this all the more entertaining. A time limit, the competition of a whole school, and the flightlessness of youth-it was like the perfect stage for the best drama of all time! At first he told himself he'd only meddle a little but soon that evolved to his own heart being tickled at your presence. While it always was fun to get on his son's and Malleus' nerves he in all seriousness was willing to pursue you. Who better to satisfy your needs than a fae who's been around the block before? So of course he'd jump at the chance to show everyone how likely it was that he could steal your heart by stealing you.
"Awww are you upset I have a darling sitting so comfortably in my arms?"
"Lilia?!" Registering it was he who was dashing you around the party at such speeds with such ease.
"Fa-you won't have her for long!"
"Oh! Are you mad I get to squeeze her like this?"
Silver was peeved. I mean he cherished you for the softness everyone seemed to lack. Not only physically but personality wise whether you're quiet or abrasively loud you always seem to check on everyone or specifically him. Letting him rest on you was something that left him snoozing with a smile. He didn't feel the need to compete with you. I mean obviously you couldn't measure up but you spurred a feeling he was willing to fight for. Even if it was against his father. Plus in his opinion if there's anywhere he could beat his father it'd be in his love life with a fellow human.
Your mischievous giggle answered Sebek as he wiped his face of the water and rubber blocking his view. At the recognition of your voice he couldn't help a crimson blush blooming on his face. Gorgeousness embodied in a mere human was on Lilia Vanrouge's back aiming at everyone who was still not wet. It was only you who could make him react in such a way and for diverging his duty from Malleus he hated you for it. But that didn't mean he wasn't watch eagerly as you abandoned your coverup. He turned to save face but only after burning that image in his head. And for him to want someone that his prince was set on was wrong...but if all he was doing was diverging the throne from a clueless human than maybe this was most beneficial.
Far away in the preciously closed down potions class Divus Crewel, Dire Crowley, and Ashton Vargas sat around watching intensely at the moving image of Kalim's party focused mostly on you.
With a labored sigh Crowley held the bridge of his masks beak.
"My kindness has backfired! All this free time and all she has done is share her secret! Now no one can rest easily!"
"Everyone already knew it wasn't much of a secret."
"Still its gone terribly now I'll receive copious amounts of transfers to the Ramshackle dorm!"
"I doubt anyone is going to willingly transfer to live in that dump."
Crewel growled as he witnessed the thirsty stare of another student.
"Those strays are acting like wild animals! Come Monday I'm whipping them all with 100 question quizzes!"
"Multiple choice?"
"Your right Vargas! I'll make them long answer!"
The coach sighed pitiful of his students before another image popped up within the cauldron.
"Man, everyone seems to move a lot faster when (Y/n)'s included...hmmm."
He dared not finish his thought with Mommy Crewel in earshot and silently proposed using you to get his less athletic students involved.
"Oh Cater-san posted something! 'Having fun at the party my bae's such a baddie!' (Y/n)'s dating him?"
Crewel practically knocked the cauldron over trying to look at the post on Crowleys phone. Vargas and Crowley both trying wrench the phone out of his gloved hands as he turned as red as his tie in absolute anger. In the corner of the room Lucius, the cat, listens intently while grooming himself being sure to inform his owner ,Mozus Trein , later on of his students transgressions. Fully expecting some fish for himself and a lengthy essay for the boys he sat contented. Still grooming himself he thought, 'how can I word this without giving Mozus a heart attack?' While it was true he had 3 other daughters that didn't mean it was any easier to see them being pined for so heavily. "CURSE THAT SAM! FOR EvEn GiVing hEr THaT sUIt!" In the middle of organizing his shop he sneezed; then began knocking on wood in hopes that whoever uttered his name in good fortune. Noticing a notification on his phone and opening it he smirked as he looked at the posted pictures on Cater's magicam. "I've done it again. Good luck (Y/n)!"
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cookii-moon · 2 months
Introducing… the Perfectly Neurotypical Ninja!!!
(I had an idea and thought it’d be funny)
our first incredibly neurotypical ninja is…
✨ JAY! ✨
Has zero volume control whatsoever
He can NOT be quiet for the life of him
There is no way he doesn’t have some form of anxiety disorder
Like his entire panic and fear definitely seem like anxiety to me
Has a plushie he still sleeps with for comfort and is emotionally attached to (which is super real of him honestly)
Panic attacks
He DEFINITELY has hyperfixations
Have you just seen him in general
That one short where he just starts running around on the roof
Also that one time he and Kai were supposed to train and got distracted by competition (Actually this could probably apply to all the ninja because they do this type of thing all the time)
Got so hyperfixated on dancing games that he learnt how to dance
I don’t think he can sit still it just doesn’t seem possible to me
(I’m not a Jay fan so I can’t point to much else off the top of my head but we’re all in agreement there’s no way he’s neurotypical right?)
Okay never mind, our FIRSt neurotypical ninja is…
✨ COLE! ✨
Talks to himself. A lot.
No seriously he talks to himself so much
Professional school dropout
Gets along great with animals and people who don’t fit in
Probably has owned a pet. Or five. (Probably a cat or a reptile) (he came around to them eventually and now he loves them) (dogs are too energetic and loud)
Most likely has depression
Definitely has sensory issues there’s no way he doesn’t
That one time he nearly had a breakdown from being overwhelmed. (Points to core shorts)
Dislikes metaphors (canon)
Wears the exact same hoodie without fail in every single episode where he has to wear civilian clothing (I think it’s a comfort thing at this point)
Probably taught himself several different ninja things he had no need to learn (why can he fight with a sword and nunchucks when he never uses either of them outside of a single special) (this also applies to shields and staffs and throwing stars but those are at least practical)
He says it’s to prepare but really he did it for fun
Has somehow not discovered his ninja special interest yet
(he physically can’t do anything else it’s too boring) (even when he’s not ninjaing he needs to practice once a day minimum or else he explodes)
Dances when happy/excited (definitely not a stim)
Immediately starts telling Jay about dancing when he enters the contest in a very excited manner (definitely not infodumping)
Has caused several misunderstandings due to bad social skills (he can NOT read the room for the life of him)
His best friend is Jay.
(even if he’s not autistic there’s no way this guy is neurotypical.)
(these are not the actions of a neurotypical person we’re all in agreement of that right)
Whoops… uh…never mind…our FIRST!!!! Neurotypical ninja…
✨ NYA! ✨
Terrified of failure
Like it haunts her she does NOT want to fail she has an entire arc devoted to it
Has a hard time letting go of things (she holds grudges A LOT)
This also includes things of sentimental value like Samurai X
Change is difficult for her just in general
SUPER stubborn
Definitely has a schedule that she envisions in her head but forgets to tell everyone else
(that short where she planned to spend time with Jay but he was going to the arcade)
Short temper especially on bad days
The more I write this the more I realize how little characterization she actually gets for most of the series
Justice for Nya honestly
(I’m assigning her neurodivergence I don’t care how short this is)
(I think autistic. But spicy.)
(probably also anxiety or OCD)
(do you see the vision)
….Okay so maybe not that one either- Uh… our FIRST!!! Neurotypical !!! Ninja!!!
✨ KAI! ✨
Has anger issues. Probably.
Super impulsive
No like incredibly impulsive. Ultra impulsive.
Craves attention but has really bad self worth issues
Hinges his worth on his powers (not healthy)
Wanted to be useful so badly that he convinced himself he’d get powers if he drop kicked Garmadon (it did not work)
Did I mention anger issues
Wants to be useful so he can protect!!!
That one time he and Jay were supposed to be training and-
Has zero patience
(I don’t know what flavor of neurodivergent he is but he’s neurodivergent somehow)
(once again I don’t pay attention to Kai there’s definitely more)
…Okay so this time for sure. Introducing FOR SURE our FIRST neurotypical ninja….
✨ ZANE! ✨
Do I even need to say anything
The entire episode “Home”
Social skills
Taking things literal
That one canon (?) book where he apparently has flashbacks to the ice emperor (im calling OCD or PTSD on that one Zane)
Also that one time he locked away bad memories in decoded (decoded is canon to me and the reason for that is mainly because it actually references ghost Cole (iirc) which is a miracle)
Yeah I think he has PTSD
that one time he hyperfixated on and roleplayed as a detective and then a pirate
probably more. Maybe.
That one’s a robot he’s disqualified. The FIRST, FOR SURE, NO MISTAKES, neurotypical ninja is…
✨ LLOYD! ✨
The fact he apparently has so much of starfarer memorized that he can nearly win a quiz contest thingy and the only thing that stopped him from doing that was that he hadn’t read a brand new limited edition issue
starfarer in general he is not normal about starfarer
Way too trusting for his own good
I would be more surprised if he didn’t have some sort of disorder considering everything he’s gone through
hes got to have at least something related to his trauma right
(This one is way shorter because. Again. Not a Lloyd fan. but. I think the starfarer thing is enough to push him into probably not neurotypical territory.)
(most kids do not know the entire plot and all the fun facts to a long running comic book series by heart)
Are you kidding me none of them are neurotypical?
Okay ne- what do you mean the last one
there’s those ones over there!!!! *points to Arin, Sora and wyldfyre*
Oh wait they’re also neurodivergent?
…..uuuuugh shows canceled then…. Sigh… Guess I’ll start up the Incredibly Neurodivergent Ninja show instead.
(disclaimer this is a joke)
(but they are all neurodivergent that part isn’t)
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cobbleztone · 2 months
I am at school with a migraine at the moment, so here is how some characters deal with them (batfam stuff first)
Bruce acts the same as when sick. It would take everyone who has ever lived or will live to stop him from going out unless he physically can't .
Dick "Drama Queen" Grayson is out for the count, if he goes out he will make it everyone else's problem.
Jason has a reputation to uphold. He will go out guns blazing still. According to him "papa ain't raise no bitch."
Tim is responsible and takes medicine, but that's the end of his responsible actions, as he still does case work
Damien is the same as Bruce, until Bruce's "dad sense" goes off, and Damien is benched for the night
Stephanie stays home and sleeps
Barbara relaxes and takes medicine
Duke uses his power to keep light out of his eyes
Cassandra is the same as Bruce but no one knows she has one
Alfred rests as the others (try and usually fail) to do work for him
Kai is one stubborn mother fucker, he wont admit he has one but its obvious he does.
Cole takes meds and takes it easy on training
Jay is so chaotic and loud that his thoughts are loud enough to cause discomfort.
Zane is a nindroid. He doesn't get migraines (the envy i feel rn)
Nya is actually responsible and rests, drinks lots of water, and takes medicine.
Lloyd sleeps in wearing Starfarer pajamas (let him be a kid at heart i will fight anyone who doesn't. That's not a threat but a promise)
Eda sees rest as for the weak. She takes a potion to help and powers through
King is still a child, so he sleeps all day in a dark room
Hooty doesn't get migraines, HE IS THE MIGRAINE
Luz reads to distract herself after taking medicine (or potion if available)
Amity was taught that showing weakness is bad and thus no one can tell (exept Luz with her "Girlfriend Sense) (is this one just made because i hate Odalia? I plea the Fifth)
Hunter is the same as amity (Luz and Vee can sense it because of "Sibling Sense" and Camila can with "Mom Sense") (yes i hc that Hunter was adopted by Camila, fight me)
Gus uses his breathing exercises taught to him by Willow to help
Willow just relaxes in a garden with plants and tea
Lilith is used to dealing with it because of her time under Belos (insert something hating on Belos im too tired to care at the moment)
(Note that all these people exept Lilith hit Hooty when he engages with them)
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stafdash · 1 month
Okay, I don't know if it's just me thinking about this, but did the ninja receive a proper education, especially Nya, Kai, and Lloyd?
I'm not really sure how to explain this, but they were all really young when they became ninja, like 13-15 years old minus Lloyd, that would mean they technically left school around 6th to 9th grade. And then there's Lloyd, who left school when he was about 10, and even then, wasn't his school supposed to teach kids how to be evil? So it couldn't have even started teaching Lloyd basic things like money and stuff. And with Nya and Kai, they were abandoned when they were kids, with no parent figure (as far as I know) making them go to school and stuff and ig people can say stuff like "oh how does nya build suff if she didnt go to school" but that could just be because she had to grow up and her own and learn to fix things so yea
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jalluzas-ferney · 11 days
My headcannons on how the ninja met in the movie/high school au
I like to think Nya and Kai were new to the school mid sophomore year, and both of them had a hard time getting to make friends and all that. Nya for one I can see her getting really excited about making friends and trying her best to socialize, but fails miserably as she ends up being too akward or people see her as weird or ‘annoying’ . She finds the little friends she makes talk about her behind her back and are overall quite fake and mean.
Because of this Nya is left with like no friends and obvi very sad and insecure, especially since Kai barely has any classes with her and he doesn’t quite have any friends she can be introduced to either.
until one day she meets this quite guy that sits in the back of her Geometry class, Cole.
They actually meet when he sees Nya crying by herself in one of the hallways during class, and because he’s Cole, he decides to go and comfort her and stuff. As they talk they start to really vibe with each other and after that they begin to talk more often and sit together during that class. They quickly become great friends. They hang out at Cole’s house and go hang out at the park and stuff.
Nya is incredibly happy to have found such a close and nice friend, and obviously tells Kai, whom she from what she knows, doesn’t have any friends. So because of this she’s excited to introduce them to each other and get Kai and Cole to become friends as well.
Nya brings Cole to hang out at their house, and all though Kai was reluctant at first because he wanted to be alone that day, he ends up joining them and having fun hanging out with them. (At this point Nya and Cole have been friends for three weeks.)
On the meantime, Kai hasn’t actually yet admitted to having a friend as well. Probably because at first he thought they weren’t friends? But after some tutoring lessons they began to hang out more casually because they enjoy each others company and actually get to know each other personally, resulting in them basically becoming friends. This friend is Zane. He was Kais partner for a chemistry project and Zane noticed how clueless Kai was- so he offered to tutor him for free. Kai was hesitant at first but ended up caving in, since he also struggled with other classes. After some sessions every day, kai and Zane became to actually warm up to each other and drifting away from tutoring into goofing off and going out to hang out and stuff. Before Kai knew it, he finally had a friend. (At this point he and Zane would of known each other for two weeks and a half)
When Kai admits this to Nya, all though Nya at first is frustrated that Kai didn’t tell her sooner, she gets super excited at the idea of all four becoming friends. So she begs for Kai to actually bring Zane home at some point so she can bring Cole as well and shit.
The next day tho, before Nya invites Cole to her house again, Cole actually invites her to this TSA club after school. Apparently he has a friend who begged him to come along and Cole thought that maybe Nya would like the club, since it’s related to technology and all that. Nya accepts the offer, texts Kai that they’ll arrive a little later since they’re going to a club.
Guess who they meet at the club? You guessed it, it’s Jay. Cole introduces Nya and Jay to each other and all though Jay is a complete nervous wreck at the beggining, he slowly lets loose and he and Nya get along amazingly. So much that she decides to bring Jay to her house after school as well.
(Btw I should probably specify what grades they’re on.
So Nya and Cole would be freshman’s, meanwhile Jay Zane and Kai are sophomores)
Cole Jay and Nya come home to Kai and Zane who had been waiting for them as they attempted to bake smth. Very cute. Soo they all spend time together- and boom they all hit it off great because of course they do. And they all quickly become close friends with each other and form a little group- where they often hang out at Nya and Kai’s home tho sometimes at Zane’s because he’s got a banger house.
The school year ends and the next one begins, and the new freshman class comes in, brining Lloyd Garmadon!!!
As you know, the entire school hates him and is wary of the poor guy, and rumors spread quick, making everyone, including our main ninja. That’s why Cole Jay and Nya almost have a heart attack when one day after club, they come home to Kai, Zane and…Lloyd? wtf is he doing here😭
So apparently when leaving school together, Kai and Zane happened to pass by the bathroom and guess what they find there? Lloyd getting bullied by some assholes. As soon as they come in though, the kids reluctantly leave (ig cuz they might fear Zane telling the teachers or I dunno) leaving Lloyd behind. The two friends feel bad for the guy, despite what Kai might have heard. Zane on the other hand probably already knows Lloyd is pretty innocent since he as a robot has records on everyone or smth and deduces that Lloyd is probably misunderstood and stuff. Since Zane appears so sure that Lloyd is actually good and Kai trusts him probably a little too much, they agree to help the dude and uk…take him home with them.
Lloyd at first is probably TERRIFIED of going with Kai and Zane because uk, trust issues and stuff. But since he recognizes that Zane is a huge green flag and that this man has VERY low chances of actually doing smth, he agrees to go along with them. Which is how we got to Kai Zane and Lloyd sitting by the kitchen table laughing and joking around .
Obviously, Nya Cole and Jay are very hesitant of having Lloyd around, but they decide to give him a chance since Kai and Zane did. Turns out, the boys actually super sweet and quite hilarious actually. And they all hit it off with him, of course.
SO YEAH! That’s how I see them becoming friends lmao that was long and I hope it wasn’t confusing 😭 cuz I was just throwing in ideas and ideas and moments and whatever lmao. You guys see my vision right?
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grayskythunder · 11 months
Fuck it, headcanons that don't serve any purpose other than for my own personal enjoyment
Everyone on the team gets intrusive thoughts because I say so, some much louder than others (Lloyd and kai)
Kai cannot handle spice. I mean he can handle a little just enough for the food to taste good but any more and he will die.
Nya is a God with spicy food anyone catching a whiff of the amount of spice she puts in will not survive. she has the best spice tolerance in the whole team (and maybe realm)
Lloyd only started to dissociate (derailization and depersonalization) after morro's possession (because yes it fucked him up quite badly!!) It used to be triggered frequently directly after possession but its gotten better over time
Jay is trans, Cole is aroace, Lloyd is questioning (like me :D), Zane is pan, Nya is bi, and Kai is the token straight (sorry for this one lol)
Jay keeps accidently exploding the nearest microwave whenever he gets spooked. Like that's his go to thing to explode. whenever there's not a microwave in the Bounty or monastery the police will call them about ANOTHER broken microwave in some poor persons apartment.
Cole and Lloyd would be Lovejoy fans I refuse to listen to reason. Kai hates lovejoy and complains loudly. So does misako but she doesn't let Lloyd know to keep him happy (she does wear earbuds whenever Lloyd starts blasting music at full volume because his music taste is so shit (its mine))
Cole and Jay will have painting sessions together to calm down after bad missions or nightmares (sometimes someone will go get water at 3 am and get scared half to death to see the two of them just casually drawing)
Zane loves classical music. Pixal loves heavy metal rock. They research each others tastes and send music to each other
Kai's hair routine takes 3 hours minimum
Before SoG, Jay used to gel his hair straight and used makeup to cover up his freckles. Now he let's his hair be curly and doesn't hide his freckles
Nya used to beat up bullies at her school without Kai knowing. She got injured so often to the point Kai thought SHE was being bullied until one day he came to visit and saw her absolutely destroying some random kid. He was proud inside but had to scold her
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coffee-master · 4 months
That one episode in season 2 where the Ninja visit Lloyds old school for evil kids and Garmadon creates evil clones of the ninja. Jays clone was by far the funniest one and had rizz. Now imagine this in your au, but instead with Kai and evil clone of Cole. That would be so funny.
Love this idea Anon!
Ninjas: *are trapped in that school*
Nya: Uh, we don't open this door!
Cole: Don't worry, I have training with Kai today, so he'll notice that something is wrong when I won't come.
Kai: You're late Cole and what's up with those sunglasses? *smiles*
Evil-Cole: A new style.
Kai chuckles only: Ok, wanna start or-
Evil-Cole: *unexpectedly pinned Kai to the wall with a smirk*
Kai: *has Bi-panic inside*
Kai chuckles nervously: ha- What are you doing..??
Evil-Cole: I don't know.. What do you think I'm doing..?? *smiles widder*
Kai is literally dying inside: Ha ha- Did that school, turned you into a bad-boy or something..?
Evil-Cole: So we were at school..
Kai confused: What?
Evil-Cole: *hugs him thightly, while stealing his keys and then lets Kai go*
Evil-Cole: Sorry pretty boy, we can't have training today. I need to do some stuff. *immiediately runs away*
Kai: *has an error*
Kai: The hell just happened..?
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froginninjago · 2 months
What if Tomorrow's Tea went differently? (AKA my on the spot villain AU)
From what I've seen, Tomorrow's Tea is when it kind of really settled in that Lloyd was going to be a "hero". He couldn't use the excuse of young age anymore. He was given expectations that no one has met before, before he even made it to middle school.
What if the other ninja weren't ready for that? What if they got fed up with Wu's cryptic sayings and being told to save everyone? First they were supposed to put their lives on the line, but now they're throwing a child out there?
Kai was the first to go. When he saw Lloyd, forced to grow up literally and metaphorically, he saw himself. He saw his younger self taking care of Nya long before he could provide for himself, and he knew that he couldn't watch that same thing happen to Lloyd. So he left. He ran off in the night, and everyone woke up to a note assuring them he wasn't taken, but that was it.
Cole was the second to leave. He was also the one to take Lloyd with him. Lloyd had been close to Kai, ever since the incident in the volcano. When Kai left, right after he'd just had his world turned upside down? Lloyd couldn't handle it. He trained, and only trained. He'd take breaks to eat the bare minimum of food he needed, and sleep only a few hours each night. After a month of this, Cole stormed into Lloyd's room as he was waking up for more training and announced they were leaving. Lloyd, not realizing that this wasn't a trip, went with him. They set out the next morning, and found Kai on the outskirts of the city, planning how he'd return to Ignacia. They convinced him to stay in the city, and stayed with him.
Jay was next. With Kai, Cole, and especially Lloyd gone, Wu had been treating him and Zane especially harshly. It was fine for the first few days, when he could at least talk to Nya. Sure, she was a bit off, but he chalked that up to her missing her brothers. After a week though, when it came clear no one was coming back, she gave up on talking to him. He didn't know where she kept disappearing to, but now it was just him, Zane, and Wu. So he left too. By coincidence, he ran into Cole at the grocery store, who took him back to where he was staying with Kai and Lloyd.
Zane stayed the longest. He saw nothing wrong with his training. Perhaps Wu was being harsh on Jay, Cole, and Lloyd, but he was a nindroid and equipped to handle this. He was built to protect those who couldn't protect themselves, and if he didn't have help, it made sense he'd work harder. He did miss Lloyd, Jay, Kai, and Cole. It was lonely. He hadn't known that he'd formed a relationship, until it was gone. Then, one night, his door was slammed open. Nya announced that she was leaving to find her brothers, and Zane wished her luck. He informed Wu of it the next morning, and that's when he started to consider leaving. Wu hadn't showed any sign of caring that Nya was gone. He hadn't shown much concern for any of the ninja leaving, but Zane had assumed that was due to their training and elemental powers. Now though? He realized what it was. Wu wasn't trying to have them be heroes.
Wu was turning them into weapons. And Zane wasn't going to sit around and let that happen. So he left, and ran to catch up with Nya. Together they found Kai, Cole, Lloyd, and Jay. They all agreed they didn't have the money or experience to stay in Ninjago City, and decided to head to Jay's parents junkyard.
It was a long trip on foot, but they all learned something about themselves. It started when Lloyd was out of his strict training regime. They had run out of money and food, and their youngest picked the pocket of a businessman who happened to pass them. Zane was originally against it, but they all talked him out of reporting them to the police. After all, it was only a one time thing, right?
It was a one time thing. Until they found someone in an alley beating up another. Zane stepped in, defending the woman on the ground and letting her run free. He accidentally hit the offending man too hard and knocked him out. They decided to take some of his money while he was down. After all, he wasn't using it, and they still had to travel a while. Little did they know, this was the start of a new life.
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