#anyway she’s gorgeous her thoughts are gorgeous her comedic timing I love her. anyway
yashley · 28 days
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ashley in talks (part 1)
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
not giving up on my trademark of being late for csweekly even though i vowed i wouldn't be late on this one. i have an excuse. i was doing audition prep/submission for a musical
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i think if i ever actually visited the belltower i would take damage just from being in the space
notes under the cut as always!
OKAY starting thoughts. this is. literally my favorite episode in the entire show. my favorite. im so fucking stoked you don't even know i love watching my blorbos get beat up. me 🤝rueitae
anyways. biting this episode and shaking it violently
i like that the faculty tie actually makes sense and they have solid motivations. it isnt just a plot device for a tie
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love this shiot/angle of bellum btw so behold her. she is so amazing
okay hi. immediately stopping to go on a rant about the atmosphere in this caper. its. fucking. incredible. the scenery is so perfect. the right balance of beautiful and desolate, and it changes as the mood does. i could do this later but i will do it now because idk i want to its my post
notice as the episode goes on how as the tone gets darker in carmen's plotline, the scenery and mood around her gets colder and literally darker as well.
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ivy's backgrounds, meanwhile, stay pretty light throughout because she has somewhat of a more comedic and hopeful storyline while carmen dies in a ditch somewhere.
also, as soon as carmen calls chief, the snow/light of the hologram/shot composition away from the dark trees shows that there is hope now
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just....hope that is tinted with cop fingerprints all over it. i just GOD i fucking LOVE how you can VISUALLY SEE HOW HER LIFE IS GOING its reflected by the very environment around her. compare any shot after she gets acme in to the very last one i put in that set of five.
no moment is darker for carmen than when she gives up, on the brink of death, and calls for help, submitting herself to prison and interrogation in the hopes that even if vile wins today, she can somehow survive to take them down again another day.
man, i am barely a minute into the actual episode and i have a lot to say. that trend will continue. sorry not sorry. back to the actual liveblogging.
fun fact the first time i watched this episode i did not notice the acme agents on top of the building watching "carmen"
i love the little hints dropped to audience members who arent entirely in the know yet (7 year olds) that its ivy, not carmen, and that something is up here. lack of gigantic poofy brown hair, different stature, ivys little smile as she goes past. of course, if you're obsessive like me, youve memorized every characters outline and can tell even with wigs on
OH hey my favorite acme agent hang on
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its her. she is drop dead gorgeous and has a nose piercing. she also i think gets all of one line in the s4 opener telling crackle to do whatever (or maybe its her partner but anyway i love her)
I have already earned from her
have you been GAY for twenty years chief? julia has
julia slays so hard in this episode. wish devineaux stayed dead longer because she thrives when she's by herself
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episode is literally so gorgeous
i love zari just being like oh my god this bitches gay. bad for them
that soft little "i should have known" smile julia does when carmen puts her hand on her shoulder guts me like an animal
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live acme (ants to classify and monitor evildoers) reaction
hey!! next time ivy gets into a frozen adventure with carmen in germany she gets an earbud upgrade :D
zack too!!
that "but powerful" line is literally gay. happy pride month from ivy "muscles" "milady" "i feel powerful dressing in my girlfriend's clothing" lastname
obsessed with zack's little finger wiggles to emulate typing when he imitates player
i love just how. rrgh casual they are. yes carmen is super serious and focused this caper (for good reason. launch codes) but they get in a little. julia notices something small about carmen and that she's cold and the playful tone in the reply from carmen before everything kind of goes to shit. "had to loan my coat once I spotted your reinforcements!" its just a bit of information but its some that she trusts julia with. she asks julia if chief is listening but if she was. carmen would have already blown ivy's cover. i know she stole the pen for good measure but seriously she TRUSTS her
i love how julia pats her jacket and then does not react in the slightest she was just making sure that was HER pen not someone else's
ivy being horrible in snow gag is the best part of this episode
i love julia showing off. she doesnt get to infodump to anyone else but she knows carmen will appreciate it. and shes trying to be coy about knowing what carmen is there to do (sorry jules. you would have been right any other time)
i also like that as julia is infodumping shes absorbing MORE by walking backwards and gazing around the city hall
fun fact: i always wondered how the hell the acme agents got into/hid in the hall without anyone seeing them but there are doors in between all of those pillars!
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this hallway does in fact exist! i mean considering the cs team probably went there to location scout in person (see below picture of duane and the team in san fran) it makes sense!!
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anyway. should i made an "only vaguely related tangents" tally counter for these things at the end of the post lmao
i love how super serious carmen gets here. this episode is so much more mature in its theming than some other episodes. from the launch codes to the fakeout suicide to the continued death before capture thing carmen has going on. man. i cant tell if ivys comic relief section is good for lightheartedness or tonal whiplash lmao
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she has for a split second the look of a mother who just heard her child say "i frew up"
ARGH and i also love how literally nothing julia can say in that time will help. she tries- oh, she tries- but "its not what you think" mistakenly sounds like she was still in on it. it looks, for the moment, like julia was trying to distract her or this acme agent missed her cue or something. of course later in the ep carmen has plennnty of time
interestingly cs does away with the doors in between the pillars for a more ethereal and sophisticated look but there are doors in my heart
i love how carmen turns to run sideways. girl even if there weren't acme agents there where were you going
i also just fucking love carmen's completely silent analysis once shit gets really serious. she calculates and recalculates what she needs to do to survive here. and she's RUTHLESS about it. i think this is kind of the one time we really see her vile training come out in comparison to someone other than vile itself. she takes those acme agents OUT
part of me wonders if carmen, in that little pause by the door, thought that maybe her chances were better backtracking but she didn't want to have to hurt jules to get out. maybe im just gay and wistful idk BUT okay here's my reasoning!! hang on! stay with me!! carmen equals BAD in tight spaces. saw it in rio, saw it in nz, saw it in poitiers. its everywhere- she does better with more space. however, she does like her high grounds, so honestly this is pure headcanon but like,,, not wanting to hurt julia. send post
also you can see in the background julia TAKING OFF after the other agents....no gun drawn of course
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this fight scene with carmen is so fucking fantastic
she never. NEVER. EVER does full fight scenes where she does a lot of offensive but this situation is so different. she SPRINTS at that bitch she holds him HOSTAGE and while of course she's acting so that she doesn't get caught the fight almost portrays her a little villainously with the trail of bodies she leaves behind her as she goes
ALSO THAT FLIP OFF THE WALL MOVE IS SO DAMN COOL. she tricks the acme agent into gassing herself almost effortlessly and only takes a split second to coldly look behind her to make sure there's no one else coming before she takes off again
and then the other three who didnt get knocked out start going after her again which distracts her just enough to let zari catch her with the shot
the shaky "camera" and blurred vision pov as carmen fades in and out of consciousness while instinct alone keeps her going up the stairs is just ARGH chefs kiss
fun fact zari's "there after her" line gets reused in the series finale
btw carmen falling of the tower scared me so bad when i first watched this at like 13. suicide fakeout <3 scared me so bad
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also how the camera keeps moving even when carmen doesnt even seem to be in the picture anymore before her glider catches up with it. top. tier
and then the stockholm music kicks in. hoo mama the music in this episode is fucking unparalleled. that incessant, chilling, repetitive string instrument motif as carmen's situation begins to get really dire. aurgh.
carmen's continued pov as player starts getting really concerned about her and she fades in and out. carmen weaving all over the sky and crashing into shit grggrgrgr its so good
ivy getting tazed. yeah.
ivy can pass as an....argentinian.. right boys
player and zack when two out of four of their active teammates just went mia in the span of a minute: 👁️👄👁️
man do you think they thought it was an ambush or something. like i mean it was but an organized effort by one team. do you think zack was scared he would be next and that player would be left in the dark. anyway
the way moose picks ivy up by the scruff like a cat kills me
the citizens of stockholm on this day watching a foreign police strike happen at city hall and then a tourist get tazed, mugged, and kidnapped by some locals: 👁️👄👁️
i really enjoy that they show us this desolate, still shot of carmen, completely motionless, trapped in a ravine, miles and miles away from the city. she doesnt wake up. its just the cold, harsh reality. and its starting to snow a lot harder.
julia just snatching the pen gets me every time
i love the emotion dropping out of chiefs tone once she sees the 5'2" pissed off lesbian on the other end
YES julia GO OFF she should have gotten to do so much more. she should have gotten to kill someone.
julia glancing back at zari when she says "chase her away and squander her trust" and zari turning away and balling her first is such a juicy little character moment
the venom in "we had an agreement." fhrjhgfejsjjd step on me
you know how people want that throwback spinoff series for the owl house with the lost moments. that but cs. shadowsan's malaysia mission, how the team operated and the jobs while carmen was recovering, more of black sheep's time at vile/her holdover year, her and player learning together once she tours around after escaping, the shanghai job (not the tsonts one), the cairo job, the swiss bank job. how julia got into law, how chase chose his name, more on carlotta and dexter, the two years after vile's defeat and before their reappearance, more of evil carmen, player's backstory as told in silver lion. there is. so much i want to see. tangent tally.
god. player's decision here is such a hard one. he's like sixteen, and he's potentially juggling the lives of two of his best friends with that line. the decision seems obvious, but in this case it is completely, entirely wrong. player's choice to save ivy instead of carmen damn near kills her, and there's no way he could have known. player guilt angst, please!
once again the music. thank you.
carmen's cry of pure pain as she moves juuust tickles something in my brain. she has no one to put on a brave face for and that crash landing HURT.
also how hoarse her voice is
the more groans of pain as she forces herself off the ground they are so good.
i love this episode for its look into carmen's psyche. so much of her is playing off of others, but in this one she is utterly alone. we see her thought processes in the worst of times with no one to fight but the weather and herself. fantastic shit. never forgiving sarcastic chorus for skimming over this episode and saying nothing happens did you watch it
the puff of breath when carmen says "player"!!!
carmen's tone when she goes "oookay." just is so good. gina did not skimp out on this performance and part of me wonders if she could have done better if she wasnt always trying to play the emotionless, suave hero figure and she let carmen be more human, like in this episode. carmen is seeing that she is injured, acme is trying to reach her, her glider is broken, she has no protection from the cold, and that player and any other help is completely out of range and she is not happy about it
carmen crying out when she slips even more when she's trying to climb its so tangible and delicious
FUN ANECODTE because i havent gone on enough tangents for this post already but the first time i ever saw this episode my dad came to pick me up for his half of the week right here. i had to leave the episode right here, with ivy kidnapped and mia and carmen alone in the frozen ravine, the acme pen blinking. i didnt have access to netflix to finish the episode. for. four. days. let me tell you. um. this episode literally did not let me sleep. that first night i was lying in bed i stayed up until like 3am just staring at the ceiling replaying the scenes and making theories. i was dry in the mouth. when i fell asleep i dreamed about it and kept waking up in the middle of the night. i cornered my dad and recounted the entire episode to him and then reeled off my theories to him. i reeled off my theories to my friends. i was literally consumed by the ending of this episode that i could not see. it was Not Healthy and it impacted me VERY HEAVILY as you can see.
but anyway my one theory was that carmen was going to be forced to call acme for help and be arrested because they kept doing closeups on the pen. good job, thirteen year old me. the foreshadowing worked.
back to the episode
ivys literally so cute in this episode
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look at her.
ottoman has chihuahua vibes
the ice lodge staff watching two guys drag some poor red haired white bitch into the hotel like a sack of potatos: im sure shes fine they probably told them she was drunk lmao
im goosebumping something wicked here is one of the phrases of all time
that raw, desperate "no" and scream from carmen is so good. that fall hurt five thousand times more because it was a failure. and also she probably just broke all the ribs that weren't broken before
it took me a few watches originally to see that carmen hits her glider on the way down. first time around i was like where tf did she get that wack ass blanket
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draw me like one of your moose boys
moose boy unironically seems like a nice guy who got dragged into this by otter
can you imagine if they showed up with ivy and were like HAHA. CARMEN SANDIEGO. what would the faculty do with this poor white girl who is definitely not carmen. probably wipe her memory and boot out otter and moose but can you imagine their reactions
or maybe it was right here that i got cut off with the panning shot of the pen and carmen sitting away from it staring at it. whatever it was but anyway yeah
the sadness and defeat as carmen shivers and tells this imaginary chief that vile is winning today either way just kills me i love it so much. carmen's death before capture ideology (almost. capture wins but it almost doesnt)
also team red. didnt know what was on the data crystal!! they didnt know what the handoff was!!! they just knew it was fucking serious and that makes this all the more scary. had ivy not gotten kidnapped they would have missed it. i mean carmen would have probably tried to drag her foot on deaths doorstep ass over to the ice lodge to try anyway but she would have gotten triple pulverized
someone swinging (insert wieldy object) at a gigantic villain and it doing nothing is my favorite battle trope
more ivy appreciation
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she said NOPE
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ivy is literally so cool in this episode. she's still herself but she's trying to channel carmen and fill her gigantic shoes by making her proud. but she isnt carmen, and thats okay. she ends up doing it with a mix of carmen's help and her own goofy, clumsy style
again. ivy being terrible on ice gag is the best. winters in boston must have been torture
man it doesnt even show all of it but you can see the agonizing that went into carmen's decision to call acme. once she makes it she doesnt hesitate in grabbing and clicking it. she does it seamlessly and with resignation. shes already fought with herself enough in her own head.
carmen: literally in the middle of the woods, shaking like a travelling fair rollercoaster ride, and bleeding from a thousand cuts chief: oh hey! sorry about that
i also like that carmen has to heave herself up from sitting, and that she's only standing as a last display of control when every other ounce of it has been ripped from her. she has to lean on the tree, still, even to manage it. as soon as she pushes off of that tree and starts walking towards chief she collapses.
chief those business negotiations. can you wait
i do appreciate that chief doesnt play dumb or think carmen is dumb. she's been calling that pen for as long as carmens been staring at it. she knows carmen knows what calling her means and doesnt try to hide that theyre coming for her.
haha. where in the world is carmen sandiego reference. get it
MAN AND THEN EVERYTHING GETS SOO BAD. you realize just how serious this is when carmen drops the tough act and just reaches out. she does a quip, but her face is just hopeless and she drops like a STONE. she was barely hanging on. already dumped this onto rueitae's post but i think that as soon as she knew she'd done everything she could do and had exhausted every single option except dying on the spot. well. she didnt have a reason to hang on anymore. she gave up every single ounce of control to chief when she clicked that pen and her body needed to shut down to save her. so so so good
i really really like chief running over and hesitating before she puts her "hand" on carmens shoulder. she knows she cant do anything, but she can pretend and she can hope
i really do think she was concerned about carmen here, not just about the intel she was potentially losing. this scene mirrors her past with wolfe nearly perfectly, and it NEVER gets talked about. once again a call chief made on a person who turned out to have innocent intentions (gun was really car keys, julia going off the grid was really just her and carmen talking it out) gets them killed- or, in carmen's case, almost. chief, this time, has the power to save her and fix this mistake. parallels are also fun because obviously carmen is wolfe's daughter so double angst.
ivy immediately switching to suspicious spy face after she slams into the bar is so funny
YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW OFTEN I USED TO JUST RANDOMLY SAY "hello, im shady mcshade from some sleazy rogue nation, check out my briefcase full of untraceable cash!" to just RANDOM PEOPLE IN MY LIFE with NO CONTEXT
the bartender is not paid enough for this
the little trill of carmens triumph theme when ivy looks at the grappling hook is so good
girl. ivy. you missed that REALLY BADLY for someone who threw an anchor up three stories with pinpoint accuracy like a couple years ago
poor ivy she was doing so well with the quips and the competence until she announced it to the entire ice lodge
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warrior cats girls on the playground
ivys unhinged scream as she barells towards otter is so fantastic
it would really have super sucked if zack had run ivy over
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again. this episode is so beautiful
i love that otter and moose would normally have never even been glanced at for an episode because they suck so bad but because it was untrained baby ivy (who still kicked their asses) they could be there also who assigned them the nuclear fucking launch codes. who did that
oh man you can see the smile drop off ivys face when zack asks where they can find carmen. she doesnt even think that carmen is still missing. she probably thinks carmens back on track by now, not that it would be HOURS later and shes still missing.
zack getting to ivy on the other side of stockholm: 🐌🐌🐌 zack getting to carmen twice as far away in the middle of the woods: 🦔 (too lazy to find sonic meme. sonic meme.)
julia just giving zari the most disappointed look when zari kicks carmen when shes down
FUN FACT OF THE DAY! in the original storyboards, julia and zari were supposed to get a SHOOKETH reaction shot when chief offers carmen a way out with z and i. they cut it. rude.
the pen lowering down to reveal julia behind it has always felt like such an important shot and i dont know why. like theres some symbolism im majorly missing out on there
ahh, the heartbroken look between friends
AGAIN this episode punches you like an elephant on steroids with that quiet "is she going to make it?" CARMEN IS ON THE BRINK. OF DEATH. AND HER FRIENDS ARENT EVEN CERTAIN SHES GOING TO MAKE IT THROUGH THE NIGHT. MAN. it raises the stakes up so high like obviously she wont die but in a tvy7 kids cartoon this is so fucking serious
carmen, delirious with the cold and pain, wondering if someone made a clone of her:
addressing all groups of people from now on as "student body most vile"
hey vile has a sick waterfall wall
it is really interesting that they do in fact shut down the academy. no one is allowed at the castle anymore once they move there. its also cool that in s4 because bellum doesnt have to be there teaching she can go to the himalayas and tinker full time!
wow. zuko and luz are in that crowd <3
okay. so. best episode ever. i love it so much and ive already gushed about it way too much so i wont keep you much longer.
tangent tally final count: like at least five it depends how specific you are
sorry about how long this is take it up with a brick wall it will be remorseful than me
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comradekatara · 11 months
Sry for going insane on your blog today. Anyways do you think Suki would be able to access the spirit world? I'm a Sokka spirit world truther(who isn't) and think abt him connecting with Yue in some way whenever I think about them. I think he brings her things to read, including his own poetry. You wrote about Yue writing poetry, right? I can picture it so well. I bet her calligraphy is gorgeous.
Do you think that Suki could visit her, too? I never saw her as being a very spirit world person... but them interacting is interesting. I have trouble imagining Suki in a role where she's there fully as "Sokka's partner". When she's introduced to Sokka's family she's still foremost a Kyoshi leader. She's a warrior and a diplomat. But when she's interacting with the Literal Moon Spirit, she would be there as "Sokka's partner". Ofc being a Kyoshi warrior is still who she is and her identity, but she doesn't have to carry the responsibilities she has in her daily interactions in the same way. Still, she's meeting the Actual Moon. It's not quite like her interactions with the gaang. It's a weird situation. I do think that it would make Yue really happy to see someone was protecting Sokka for a change. And protecting him in a non-controlling way. In a real way. And she would find the Kyoshi warriors cool as hell after growing up in such a patriarchal society... maybe she'd just really like listening to Suki's stories. :) Since you are a tastemaker(polyam Sukka + Yuekka real), I thought you might have interesting ideas.
Actually, Iroh and Zuko are interesting to think about, too. Iroh could probably get there, ofc... I wonder what she'd have to say to him. Usually, the story focuses on what Iroh says to others(? it's been a while), and I feel like an inversion of that would be interesting... I don't know. Above all else I think Yue would appreciate having someone to talk to, and Iroh's a charismatic conversationalist if nothing else.
Honestly Zuko is mostly just for laughs. Like yeah, he participated in the invasion that led to her death, among many other things. But more importantly, he'd be jealous of the Yue Sokka poetry club. I feel like he'd be a Yue poetry #1 fan. If you take a Zukka route do you think Zuko ever awkwardly looked up at the moon and asked for advice/her blessing? Not thinking she could hear but doing it angstily and symbolically. Do you think Yue could hear him. Lots of comedic potential. Xx love your blog best place for atla content
i think suki meeting yue is something i can't really reconcile as well as i can reconcile sokka reuniting with yue in the spirit world (which even then, is something i think would only happen because of aang's meddling), just because it's so thematically crucial that yue and suki are at separate points in the timeline of sokka's arc to inform his character, and thus the idea of them ever meeting kind of wrinkles my brain. i do think that yue would find suki cool as hell though. so yeah i could see a yue/sokka/suki meeting going really well, but i think it would take a really long time for sokka to agree to that meeting, since i think he'd be really reluctant to open up about yue to suki, even after they reunite.
i've talked (and drawn) before about iroh, aang, sokka, and yue having tea in the spirit world together. iroh canonically has been to the spirit world, which is the main reason why i think sokka could with enough dedication. i doubt sokka would ever consider returning to the spirit world until one day aang is all "well i talked to yue in the spirit world the other day. and LEARNED A LOT, I MIGHT ADD" [pointed glare at sokka]. sokka could've sworn aang knew. (katara saw them kiss, she must've said something to him at some point! apparently not???) sokka doesn't think that he can enter the spirit world, he's like the least spiritual guy ever, and his brain is incapable of meditating, but aang refuses to take no for an answer he's all like "she misses youuuuu why are you you're ignoooooring her" so sokka is like "FINE. i'll TRY it." because he feels like if he can apologize to her in person then he should make an effort to do so. (and from then on they're just in a very long distance relationship, and also i think they live together in the spirit world after he dies. i'm such a sap for them i know.)
as for zuko, i think yue sees him as kind of a sad clown (she's not wrong). like the first time she ever really saw him was when katara wrecked his shit in three seconds flat, and then she'd see him yelling at the sky o smite me mighty smiter style. i imagine in that scene she's making this face 😬 . actually i imagine her in the background of a lot of scenes that take place at night, with a big ol bucket of popcorn. but yes i think he would make dramatic speeches to yue and yue would be like [head pat] there there (not that he actually knows that she's listening), but i do think yue would sympathize like she's just as dramatic as he is. internally, perhaps, but dramatic nonetheless (remember when she said to sokka "i can't be friends with you i can't even LOOK at you it's just too difficult!!!!!"), so she'd definitely feel for him. she'd be like "sokka have u considered giving zuko a kiss. just a little smooch, even" and sokka's like "NO WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP TELLING ME THIS???????" and yue's like "well he recited a sonnet about you at me from his balcony last night. it was actually pretty good."
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ginevrafangirl · 1 year
Love Between Fairy And Devil Commentary Part 3
The final one! Excerpts from my reactions while watching episodes 25-36! Apologies for the delay
Part 1 | Part 2
when did shangque fall in love with her anyway i feel like it snuck up on me. like it was obvious it was going to happen, but the how happened subtly
the grooms need to get DRESSED
it would be hilarious if girlie and sauron get together now and kiss and people see and incest rumors cause the weddings to fall apart
wow sauron looks SO weird with his hair up
a red wedding is about to happen // its snowing as well for maximum effect
he cannot control hellfire well anymore he really should not be doing this
i love that him being 'injured' means he got eyeliner and dark lipstick
she didnt fail the tribulation besties she is fine
FINALLY we get a badass moment from girlie
wdym 'why cant i control hellfire' its obviously cause you have emotions again
have i mentioned how much i hate jin guangshan
did she just feed him her blood to heal? what in the svsss?
girlie's 'i want to jump into the river' after getting caught locking lips was so cute
also why is everyone acting like they dont know why sauron cant use hellfire // i mean he was against her restoring his emotions for this very reason??
god i knew they were gonna be disgustingly cute
i think jieli was prettier in the mortal clothes but girlie is definitely more gorgeous in her immortal robes
i really appreciate the little comedic moments scattered through this show
omg this is beautiful // the women singing together for the return of their men // very avatar like
DAMN that was an eventful two episodes // the wedding happened, batman appeared, everything went to plan, batmans identity was revealed, girlie and sauron finally kinda got together, danyin and ice man came back and girlie's true identity was also revealed
its so crazy that they are saying they need to settle the score as if sauron hasnt regularly whooped jack frost's ass completely
girlie you were happy as a mortal cause you were rich
omg she is literally 'i see you as a nice friend'-ing him rn. i didn't expect this level of self awareness
sauron feeling proud of dragon boy for scoring a date
sorry dragon boy jieli is a businessminded woman
i feel like a matchmaking auntie watching these cuties together
oh good batman backstory // he literally has no parents. but he is also blind like a bat. and uses sound - the flute. // i am a genius
HAN PU!????????? baby batman is HAN PU (who rules the world reference)
also batman is literally luo binghe (svsss reference)
good for jin guangshan and jack frost's mom for running away and escaping this madness
frostie is suicidal. cue the beat boxing song
that man did NOT swallow
DANYIN? danyin is the baby??? then why does the pregnant lady look like jieli???
i am 99% convinced fake old god is gonna die
this is a very random last minute storyline/backstory that i did seriously not see coming
has jieli been a plant by catwoman and batman this whole time?? thats why she cant reciprocate dragon's feelings?
shangque stop saying you'll forgive her manipulating you
damn the whole city gathered to stop him from getting laid
he wants to mawwy herrr
this is why dating villains is fun, they truly dont give a fuck about right or wrong, just you. great romance
he didnt go to hang locks! does he need to get the spike in him right NOW?
that punishment is so awful sauron become 3D in a 2D show
there is lightning! are they gonna kiss kiss body swap again?
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why dont they just tell emo boy girlie isnt a fairy, she is the goddess of xishun
this conflict is seriously so unneccessary, she is a GODDESS
the people on twitter were right, this does get only better as you keep watching
thats not a cave, thats a torture chamber
and he decided to share her pain // ofcourse he did
thats a long ass wig
i thought he was gonna carry her but them walking hand in hand is so much better
ice man and jin guangshan's fathers name is lord DONG that is amazing
wowwwwww danyin just confessed her love in front of EVERYONE // balls // she has got balls
girlie's true identity was the fix-it of everything huh
dragon boy is brave to the point of stupid giving jieli all his money // omg is she finally accepting him // i wonder what they will get up to in his dragon form
now wtf is happening here
plot is now aiming at killing girlie i see
i dont see how he didnt see the loss of hellfire coming from miles away after he got his emotions back, i mean wasnt he so opposed to it for this very reason??
i cant believe they hurt my babygirl dragon boy
the phrase "menacing fairies" is quite funny
sauron just wants to live in domestic bliss but the plot wants WAR
i love the meek obedient expression sauron gets on his face around girlie
he is too smart to work with an obviously evil swirling dark cloud // right?
mr sauron i thought you werent gonna lie to her
she has gotten good at setting boundaries
is he possesed rn or just what is happening
i hope the war lives up to the hype, unlike who rules the world // i mean we have been talking about it for literally 30 episodes
the crazy thing is that if he had been straight up with her and told her why she has to die she would have killed herself easily
jieli is fucking smart
I GET IT NOW // he cant take off the bone orchid cause she is devoted to him, so he has break her heart so he can take it off
oooo is it time for ✨war✨
for two opposing armies the fairy realm and demon realm sure have the exact same armour
i think even if she tries to kill herself she wont die cause of special goddess powers
ooooo i think he will use the evil qi and then girlie will purify it
wow her screams of pain are quite intense
honestly i am sick of lady war just having no agency in this story // like lets have her come back to life and tell off batman please
ohhh its the long awaited batman vs iceman fight
they sure picked a place with terrible visibility for this war huh
who tf is qingchuan???
after all this time iceman just now found out batman is ronghao?
love how lady si ming still hasnt shown up again // though i do still believe she will
i knew it!! her magic dust brought everyone back to life
that god(dess) for better visibility amirite
wait are they still pretending she isnt gonna live
sauron doesnt have enough sand on his face, he face planted multiple times. i need him to be coughing up sand
oh wow she is actually disintigrating thanos snap style
why is jieli not just telling dragon boy the truth that she was poisoned? is it cause she knows catwoman is gonna come after her and she doesnt want him to get hurt?
and now batmans all happy and shit?? rude
omg stop manipulating lady war i am sick and tired of her agency being taken away
awwww this is a very cute sequence if not for the fact that he is definitely dreaming
wow watching sauron smile with all his teeth is weirddd
so i guess the remaining 5 eps will be him trying to get girlie back
if dragon boi dies i am gonna riot
oh its a dream sharing incense burner!
woooooow hot take from ice man there 'she will come back from death cause she hasnt married me yet'
i love the juxtaposition of the chaos irl and the serenity in his dream
i am really confused about the girlie marrying iceman prophecy because there is no way thats gonna happen right? unless she has some serious memory loss or something
i am so confused about ronghao's feeling towards lady war
jin guangshan is a fucking bitch
hah i knew lady si ming was gonna turn up
what a power couple though lady si ming and her dragon living together forever
popping back in to say i was right about the memory loss (i stopped in the last few eps cause i was tired lol)
i hate memory loss tropes btw // her memories better come back
did lady war just off danyin?? // misdirect
after i was done i had some last words to say
the ending wasnt bad exactly, plot wise, but i missed the light hearted tone of the show in the last six episodes and also why do we get more fluff in the middle than at the end??
all i wanted was to see them getting married and sitting on the moon throne as king and queen
and not a single jielie/shangque kiss?? we were ROBBED
And that's it folks!! Overall a very fun and enjoyable experience, would recommend!
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plastic-summer · 7 months
my thoughts on taylor's grammy nominations
i still think midnights is criminally underrated in the fandom, so it would be amazing to see her getting the awards she deserves! absolutely taylor's most cohesive album to date and you can just see how proud she is of it. the lyrics, the production, the visuals, the narratives, everything, just pure pop perfection. i'd expect nothing less from the legend that is miss taylor swift.
1. record of the year - anti hero.
anti hero is a fantastic song, i will never understand why people hate it all the time. it showcases something i think taylor is super good at and that stands her out from other artists - pumping endorphins into the most heart wrenching lyrics. this award is mostly for sound and production however - i'll come back to lyrics later. i think anti hero separates itself production-wise from the rest of midnights (which has a dreamier vibe to it) which i love because it's more raw and personal and honest than the other songs, which are more narrative or experience based. i wouldn't suggest it's the best song on the album, but it's absolutely a deserving single and winner of this award.
it has some super tough competition for this award - it's been an amazing year for music - especially sza's "kill bill" and victoria monét's "on my mama" (both of which i'd be equally happy with as winners). i would say myself that anti hero shines far more in its lyrics than its production, which might hurt it in competition, so if she loses out on any awards, it may well be this one.
2. album of the year - midnights.
in my eyes, midnights won album of the year as soon as it was released. it's just stunning in every possible way. again, there's lots of tough competition from all different genres, but midnights is in a league of its own. the production is gorgeous and (unpopular opinion probably) very different from what she's released in the past, with this amazing dreamy and nostalgic quality to it that brings to life the album concept without it being ostentatious. it follows a clear but not garish or derivative narrative path, again subtly and tastefully presenting its concept. the lyrics are consistently reflective but present differing emotions, which again is indispensable in this particular concept. it's absolutely a 10/10 album in my books, and clearly one of her best, if not her best overall.
3. song of the year - anti hero.
okay, this one is for songwriting, which we know is what taylor swift came to do, and what she will always dominate in. i said about the record of the year nomination that anti hero will be known for its gut wrenching honesty and not necessarily for its sound, and i stand by that here. for me, taylor's selling point is her ability to write music that is obviously deeply personal to her, but also general enough that any of us can relate to it and feel heard and seen. anti hero is a masterclass in this - every word is perfectly crafted in such a way that you can see yourself and your own struggles in it, even if they're nothing to do with hers, without a scrap of taylor's personal feelings being lost in it. it combines beautiful poetic lyrics with a punchy hook that somehow remains perfectly tasteful and never cheap or lazy, and every second of it is dripping with genuine emotion. this is one of the songs of hers that will outlast us, and deserves to be recognised as such.
4. best pop duo/group performance - karma (ft. ice spice)
i will be one to say this song is WAY overhated. it's a grower for sure, but i love it. ice spice is just so excellent with wordplay and rhyming, it's great to see them on a track together. karma is a brilliant song anyway, it's so tongue in cheek it regularly crosses into comedic in an artful way. i don't expect it will win, if i'm honest, not because it's not a good song, which it is, but because it has too much competition for it to live up to standards. most likely it will go (deservedly) to "candy necklace" or "ghost in the machine".
( her other nominations are for best pop solo performance for anti hero and best pop vocal album for midnights - not much more i can say there )
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bisexualnettobean · 2 years
Ok so I just finished watching the first episode of Netflix’s Bee and Puppycat, so here are my thoughts:
As I had mentioned before, it looks gorgeous. It has this Studio Ghibli and 90’s Sailor Moon feel that makes it look very comforting and soft. Its current aesthetic is a massive improvement over the one shown in the Cartoon Hangover pilot, earlier episodes and the comic books. The style is cleaner and it definitely leans more into anime than cartoon, which I like. Also, I like how most of the show’s charm was kept intact. The show is still as whimsical and funny as the first time I saw it. I loved how the show kept minor “mistakes” that the voice actors made, like stuttering and pronunciation errors to make every conversation seem real and grounded. Bee and Deckard’s conversation still holds up nine years after the pilot.
I like how they managed to go further in depth on world building and expanded on character backstories. However, certain details are no longer implied, such as Puppycat’s identity as the space outlaw, and other things I would’ve liked being kept subtle. I loved seeing baby Bee and her dad. The story behind Bee’s firing made Bee go from someone ‘pathetic’ to someone who is kind and sweet. I’m happy that the episode length is now 22 minutes instead of the original ten.
And now for the things I did not quite like:
The humour isn’t as good. Maybe it’s nostalgia bias talking, but the pilot had more weird, comedic moments than the Netflix version. The energy of this new show seems a lot more toned down compared to the earlier stuff. They changed up the whole (real life) Temp Agency scene [You took too long, now all your candy’s gone], they cut out when Bee went dumpster diving for Puppycat, and although Deckard and Bee’s conversation was good, it’s not as funny as the original. I wonder if they’re going down a more dramatic route for this adaptation, because it seems like a lot of the comedy was sacrificed. Bee’s weird little behaviours like being messy, lazy and impulsive, as well as her adult problems like being broke were changed to be cuter. As a result though, she doesn’t feel as relatable, and it’s not as comedic.
I miss pathetic Bee, now she’s just cute lol. Anyways, if you made it this far, you get a cookie. *For clarification, I am just comparing the pilot and the first episode because one is a reboot of the other. The Youtube shorts and Lazy in Space are all their own thing.*
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Edge of the World
I knew it was gonna be harsh for King this episode but ouch...
first of all shoutout to Hooty he really did protect these kids!
I do feel the need to mention I'm surprised Hunter wasn't mentioned or shown once (1)? like Eda I know he's not your kid but he did run alone into the woods, panicking, is anyone gonna go check up on him
King wants his demon family to meet his owl family and for them to play catch together :(
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hugs <3
anyways poor Luz is having a hard time, understandably, so she must be thankful about the letter so that she feels like there's something she can do
LULU! I love her current design
I liked the little heart to heart with Eda, she is stressed about how serious this all is so it's nice there's anther adult there to talk to
I saw the promo images by the crew with the baseball and glove and I KNEW it was gonna be heartbreaking. I suspected King's dad was dead and I think that is very much the case now huh
getting an army def would've been helpful, but I guess that's out of the question now
thought if you think about it they're kinda losers too, Titan slayers trappers who have never even seen a live Titan
though considering they worship the Collector, and they got King to light up the uh, Round Boi, I am very much expecting to see these guys again
they have this teleporting magic thing, even if it was destroyed it's still interesting. so they're far, but they can travel
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I always loved the concept of islands made of a giant carcass, it's fascinating and horrible. seems they can warp from the hand to the finger right? how'd they get the finger so far away
I thought we'd get an Eda+Lily B plot but we really didn't get much from them after leaving, so the cliffhanger makes me think they did something. the house may be empty, or they may have called someone, but who?
I knew there was something creepy or something bad was coming but the moment I realized they were WEARING the SKULLS my jaw dropped, that's dark
"he passed down that skull of yours" they assumed he was in disguise too
it's so sad because he thought he was learning about his family, about his culture, his people! but they were just going to hurt him
how long does a Titan live? how fast do they grow?? if King's dad was still around a few years ago before he hatched then I'm sure he's not the Titan we're living on but is he 100% dead??
is King really the last one...
EDIT because oh my god Titan Blood NO ONE LET BELOS KNOW
this kid's heart has been broken enough times!!! give him a break!!!
Luz and Hooty are actually a comedic duo bless
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A couple things:
This dude has wings! I remember back in Eda's requiem I wondered if this meant King would get wings eventually but seeing as other people in the group don't have wings I think it's just him?
and it seems to me he was getting attached to King before realizing who he was, which is kinda sad
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"can we play catch?"
look at how tiny he is :'(
"release the grand Huntsman from his prison" it's interesting they have the Round Boi and it's shattered. does Belos know where it is?
I thought the Collector would be freed in the Day of Unity but it seems these guys want to free them too hmmm Bill knew of Belos but doesn't seem to care or be for or against him, so they're not working together...
King lit the flame and his eyes glowed, he was somehow connected to the Collector but the ritual was thankfully left unfinished. but the fact that it started is VERY concerning
"tell Lulu how brave I was" I WILL HUN
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this shot is gorgeous
and we end with the house surrounded.
Once again things get tense and the Day of Unity is a week away, so next week should be intense too. this was an Emotions Heavy episode for the main cast, especially King of course, and we finally get the confirmation that he is a Titan. the last one. poor baby
So, speaking of next week
so, ever since Hollow Mind I think it's clear we're on Season Finale Mode so all episodes will be intense. Next week we have Labyrinth Runners (is that a Maze Runner reference lmao) and it's a Gus episode which yesss I love my boy.
but it says the Emperor's Coven is going to Hexside, so I assume they're hunting for Luz and probably anyone who sides with her. Gus will team up with an "unlikely ally" and there's a lot of options there so we gotta wait and see.
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Still, I noticed this one shot of the promo is definitely from next week's ep and it's the last shot from the promos we haven't seen as far as I can tell (do correct me if I'm wrong). Which means we're going blind into the last few episodes. ominous
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kalims · 3 years
Oh I loved traveler's mom dating Zhongli! Could I please ask for something like that but with either Baal or Beidou if it's not too much to ask?
✉ ⋮ of course! I'm always down to be gay for women. you didn't specify so I'll just give some headcanons 😠 also the setting for this post is after baal's story quest so no lumine for now, I'm also going with aether as the canon twin :)
fluff, established relationship. I love lesbians <33
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this was actually a very interesting dynamic to write about, as we all know ei here is using raiden shogun as some sorts of vessel or perhaps the term 'puppet' is more fitting. so raiden shogun is less willing and will definitely not let you meet ei herself unless you're accompanying either of the travelers.
so let's see it as this, aether paying the plane of euthymia a visit to check up on ei but with you offering to accompanying him, albiet curious by the almighty shogun. of course, aether had already provided you with the true story of ei's realm made out of her will and consciousness.
the meeting is a bit awkward but it'll escalate to a comfortable atmosphere that has aether feeling that's he's some kind of third wheel that's trespassing on a forbidden date that he shouldn't witness, but alas he won't agree to giving away his mom so easily even when he believes that ei will take good care of you.
with her growing fondness that she doesn't want to admit. ei eventually comes to a conclusion that you are always welcome to come visit her personally, maybe chat with her and discuss common interests and so she installs a function in the raiden shogun to spare you some time to bond unless you want to talk to ei which the shogun will gladly let you in.
aether is admittedly quite peeved that you always go on and visit her euthymia instead of informing him beforehand, though you are an adult capable taking care of yourself and you definitely don't need your son trying to stop you from a possible chance of happiness and it seems like he's vividly aware of that so he let's it go reluctantly.
paimon still isn't used to being transported to where ei is so the only thing you need to know that aether and paimon are in the euthymia are her little shrieks of suprise. it's a good thing she's so loud because you didn't know how to explain to aether that you uh.. pecked the electro archon on the lips. but it's not like he'll be able to do anything to stop you! you're still the mom that won't hesitate to scold his ass anyways.
the sight of you taking a leisure stroll with baal is surprisingly a very common occurrence amongst the streets of inazuma, onlookers still hadn't gotten used to the shogun looking like she's practically glowing when with you, scratch that both of you are literally glowing. from happiness? perhaps.
the twins and paimon now have two hot moms, and yes. even aether thinks so, and he knows lumine will be ecstatic knowing this too. this only urges him to get his journey over with faster so you can all finally reunite.
I just thought of a headcanon that mother reader (you) is the one that tends aether's braid and keeps it fluffy but convenient enough to fight in, so maybe what if you also styles ei's hair? its so long and well kept so who wouldn't want to drag their fingers around her gorgeous hair while she stays quiet, possibly quite flustered. definitely not you!
generally, this is a very innocent relationship. with ei willing enough to go out of her boundaries to please you but she's also curious to what lovers do exactly but she's too shy to ask of it. usually, she might gather the courage to ask you of your travels to which you happily oblige. it ends up with her head seated on your lap as she listens to you ramble in the realm that once suffocated her with overbearing loneliness.
will beelzebub look upon her with a smile?
ong, this is one cute duo alright.
I've never mentioned this, but for pure comedic purposes. mother reader likes to consume alcohol on a daily basis, but atleast once a week. it helps her forget about the stress about possibly spending months, or even years looking for her lost daughter even if it's temporary, it keeps her mind off it.
yes enough with that, once beidou and you are introduced it'll quickly turn for the worse or better aether can't tell because you're both now drinking buddies that are honestly kinda loud for their good but that applies to the captain more.
to be honest, you probably confused aether with kazuha when you were drunk and inazuman just stood there like:👤 as you hugged him warmly thinking it was aether. and your son was positively confused as to why you were embracing kazuha, low-key also jealous??
beidou once made a joke about kazuha being her son while you remarked with "omg it's like we're all big family you know?? we both have cute sons!" then both of you proceeded to laugh before teasing aether and kazuha who just wanted to leave out of embarrassment.
aether doesn't know whether to dislike beidou or not because she's obviously got something for you, he decides against it in the end because she really hasn't done anything wrong. plus, attraction is something one can't control so he can't really blame her.
in the rare nights where beidou is the one that steers the fleet, you always don't hesitate to join her for a night alone. the few numbers of the crew that were unfortunate enough to not sleep early has met their demise. however there are some times where both of you just settle down for a heart-felt talk, sparing those who were awake your mercy. 💪
when beidou feels as though you've been missing being back on foot, she doesn't hesitate to let the crew drop both of you off alone for maybe a little date, her treat! behind the scenes, beidou secretly convinced kazuha to distract that traveler and his small companion to which he agrees in the end since he can't really say no unless he wants to get thrown off the ship but he doubts that the captain is as cruel as that.
beidou's part was really short since I couldn't think of anything else and I have a stupid runny nose 🤬🤬 bye you didn't see me.
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phantomtrader19 · 3 years
Phantom of the opera 1st & 3rd preview review
Auction - I was absolutely overjoyed to see the chandelier onstage!! I personally loved the new set, it was sad to see the angel had gone but I’m so glad they put the homage to Maria bjornson in the centre where the angel was as seen below (it’s modelled after Maria I overheard)
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The cloth covered piece behind the chandelier is a broken middle section of the inner proscenium that when the overture starts re-assembles and rises into place absolutely stunning addition!!
some words were changed
“Lot 666, a chandelier until recently believed to be destroyed... *normal lyrics* “Our workshops have restored it and fitted it with wiring for the new electric light so that we may get a hint of how magnificent it will look when re-assembled” so like the restaged tour lyrics.
Standard auction really not much change but haunting as always!
Overture - perhaps a new sound system? But the overture was absolutely thunderous and I was LIVING for it, lighting design is new and a lot more flashes of light which upped the dramatic feel to it! The chandelier was new and I thought it looked absolutely wonderful it certainly didn’t disappoint it’s a lot bigger than the original which was a cool change. The curtains rose like before and the inner section of the proscenium was sort of like a centre piece and as the overture gets to the middle part where the music sort of slows then dramatically picks back up again (I hope I’ve explained that okay 😂) the dust covers on everything are very swiftly removed and it looks beautiful. The audience went crazy for the overture and it was just amazing to witness!
Hannibal - Saori’s cadenza was so fierce and you could tell she was having a blast up there! Again she got an applause as she came out on stage. The ensemble was fabulous as expected costumes again all the same but fresher as they were all brand new or from the uk tour 2020. Christine doesn’t come out with the ballet girls she joins just before they all do that lovely en pointe section which Lucy does as she is a trained dancer as well! A couple ballet girls now wear their wigs in curlers and tied up in ribbons to give that extra feel of a dress rehearsal which I’m still to figure out if I liked. Yukina Hasebe one of the ballerinas wears a black wig in a plaited ponytail with a black fringe which was interesting but they all wear their regular degas wigs the rest of the show. Everything else remained relatively the same.
Think of me (Carlotta) nothing different I don’t think, Saori sounds brilliant she’s so sassy I love her! Her tantrum is brilliant as she’s so tiny and all this anger bursts out of her it’s really funny!
Lily was also absolutely divine in this part aswell gorgeous voice and good comedic timing.
Greg Castiglioni has a nice voice but not too convinced on his portrayal as piangi not my fave but not bad! (I miss Paul tabone so much!)
Think of me (Christine) My heart was pounding as the piano started I was so eager and excited to hear Lucy safe to say she doesn’t disappoint she’s so radiant and has the voice of a bell, her cadenza is the movie cadenzas but higher and it was fantastic Think of me was much the same but again the set looked so bright and new it really was gorgeous, I absolutely love the new addition of the mini proscenium inside the outer one it frames the stage just beautifully! Rhys’ part was great aswell lovely voice :)
Angel of music - much the same again, the ballerinas have a bar where they practise upstage left which was a nice touch. Lyric change to -
Meg - “your face Christine, so strange”
Christine - “I’m changing Meg”
Meg - “No one’s changing”
In the third preview the lyrics changed to
Christine - “he’s with me even now”
Meg - “Your hands are cold”
Christine - “all around me”
Meg - “Christine are you alright”
Christine - “it frightens me”
Meg - “don’t be frightened”
So reverted back to something similar to the original lyrics! Ellie is a lovely Meg and her wig is auburn and it looks lovely!
Dressing room - everything the same
The mirror - everything the same again killian has a great voice and sounded very threatening! when the phantom brings Christine through the mirror Raoul calls out angel and instead of the title song beginning the music continues into a dramatic swell no where near as long as the restaged tour though.
Title song - Raoul leaves the dressing room as the title song begins and the ballerinas walk onstage congregate round Raoul and then they all walk off as Lucy and Killian appear on the bridge so no more doubles a bit of a restaged tour moment again I’m still to figure out how I felt. There seems to be extra set pieces like flat cutouts of staircases which move with the bridge which I really enjoyed, I think it added more depth to the stage.
The first preview the candles on the candelabras were poking out of the floor as they usually did and Lucy and killian appeared on the boat and however the candelabras didn’t rise which was confusing however they did in the third preview apparently it was a technical malfunction so I was very happy to see it fixed as the lair looked really bare without them.
I Have brought you - nothing different
Music of the night - mostly the same but it was like the phantom could put Christine to sleep when he sung close your eyes her eyes closed and she seemed to kind of lose consciousness it was a really nice touch to see how much control the phantom had over Christine. The catch is gone now :(
The morning after/ I remember - again the same
Stranger than you dreamt it - Lucy’s acting in this scene was just out of this world you can tell her Christine was absolutely horrified by the sight of the deformity and killian was fantastic!
Magical lasso - same as normal
Notes/ prima Donna - exact same as before except i don’t know if it was just me but the curtain behind the manager’s desk seemed a lot larger which was nice as it filled up a bit more of the empty space. Raoul wore a brown bow tie for this scene. Saori and Lily both were fantastic in prima donna would love to see lily again and will most likely be seeing Saori anyway in my upcoming visits. Rhys was really good in this song he was very clever and lovely belt. Francesca Ellis is definitely a standout in the show her voice is so unique unlike any other I’ve ever heard her acting is also 10/10! Managers I think could work on their timing for the comedic parts but that’s the only complaint Matt and Adam are great otherwise :)
Il Muto - lovely to see Manon Taris back on stage and James Hume and I want to say Hywel Dowsell were amusing to watch aswell! Saori and Edward court as Don Atillio were great Lucy was so cute as Serafimo!
The ballet - all the ballerinas were gorgeous! And the male ballet dancer was fantastic! Andre was trembling like crazy when trying to introduce the ballet and engaged with the audience quite a bit which was fun, the ballerinas screamed a lot when they noticed the phantoms shadow on the backdrop and the music had a build up behind the actual original score which made the reveal of buquet’s body more dramatic!
The Rooftop - Lucy looked gorgeous in her rooftop costume! She seemed genuinely distressed and her acting again just shone through, Rhys at the beginning was giving me Hadley Fraser/ restaged tour vibes coming off as dismissive of Christinebut he begins to soften Lucy’s soar was sublime probably one of the best I’ve heard it just floated from her!!!
All I ask of you - Rhys and Lucy had a lot of chemistry and she was beaming from ear to ear when Rhys sung to her. Beautifully done
All I ask of you reprise - the controversial Pegasus.... would it have been nice for the phantom to appear on top of the angel? Yes, is the Pegasus statue THAT bad absolutely not it was beautiful! Killian was fab! Loved the sustained note on “when he heard you siiiiiiinggggggggg” liked a lot!!!
CHANDELIER CRASH WAS SO COOL, killian appeared in box five and shot sparks from his staff essentially shooting the chandelier down. It crashed like it did in the original and swung really fast over the audience and made an explosion noise which was changed at the third preview the music sort of rumbled instead of the explosion which worked better as the explosion was rather odd since the chandelier didn’t collapse or like the restaged tour chandelier spew fake glass.
INTERVAL The blue curtain is GORGEOUS
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Danganronpa V3 Pregame Headcanons
hey Y’all! I have an imagines post on the way, but in the mean time have some of my V3 headcanons
TW/CW: Almost All Pregame V3 Characters (Excluding Kaito, Shuichi, K1-B0, Tsumugi And Kaede), Mentions Of Abuse And Self-Esteem Issues, Mention Of Violence
Maki Harukawa Maki was always all for mindless violence, and what better place to be violent than a killing game. There were no other motivations behind her audition and she told the team just as much. She was thrilled when they told her that she would be the strongest character, unparalleled by even the martial arts masters of the previous seasons. However she was never told that they would be changing her motivations, making her broken and unwilling to kill. She went into the killing game hoping to come out on a mountain of corpses, to be feared by everyone in the outside world. She got her wish, just not in the way that she wanted.
Kokichi Oma Kokichi was a nervous boy, despite what he may tell you. He was constantly terrified of everything around him, but lied his way through life to convince everyone he was okay. He wasn’t sure why he auditioned for Danganronpa, maybe he wanted a place where his constant fear would be justified, maybe he wanted a new world to recreate himself in, maybe he just wanted an excuse to let it all out and break down. His one request of the team was to “make me more like myself but... better.” They listened to his request, making him more confident and snarky, but his constant lying had become such an extreme part of who he was, that the team kept it. After all, he asked to be himself.
Miu Iruma Miu was hopeless at romance. Well, not like she wanted actual romance anyway. All she wanted was for everyone to swoon at her presence and kiss the ground she walked on. She wanted to be a gorgeous celebrity, known and admired all over the world. The kind of celebrity that you would hardcore crush on for years. What better way to do that then to audition for the worlds most popular TV show. She wanted to be the fanservice character and asked the team as much. They complied with her request, but decided to take it a more comedic route, using all of the worst troupes and making her little more then a desperate mockery. She was the fanservice alright, but she will never be as widely loved.
Ryoma Hoshi Ryoma had been watching the show for as long as he can remember. He had always looked up to the strong-willed and awe-inspiring protagonists. He didn’t really have anyone else in his life to look up to, so he clung to these characters like glue, using them almost as a guide on how to live. “What would Makoto do here? How would Hajime handle this?” When he heard that there were auditions for the new season, he did everything he could to get an audition. When the team asked him about what kind of character he wanted to be, he just repeated over and over about how he wanted to be the protagonist. He wanted to be an inspiration to people. He asked this of them so much that they casted him as a weak-willed character with nothing to live for. They had already chosen their protagonist and his constant inquiries had made them grow petty against him.
Rantaro Amami Rantaro had never had a good relationship with his family. His parents gave him a boat to live on when he was old enough and them seized all contact. He had sisters, in fact he was the only son, but all of his sisters had moved across the world for college and none of them really left on a good note with him. His only chance at a new life, and therefore a new family, was auditioning for Danganronpa, The only request he made was that he be an only child and an orphan. This was an odd request so the team pried for more information, and his story gave them a very interesting idea.
Korekiyo Shinguji Kiyo hated humanity. he hated it to the point of it being an intense obsession. To him, it was full of heartless people who would do nothing but take advantage of him, while everyone else just stood by and refused to believe him. people would get close enough to him for him to consider them family, only for them to shatter his trust and leave him broken. he wanted an escape from it all, and he wanted the recognition that would get people to believe him. he thought auditioning for the show would get enough attention that he could finally share his story, he was desperate to join and he made the team aware of it. He didnt want to be loved or hated, he just wanted to be memorable, and the team happily complied.
Kirumi Tojo Kirumi felt useless. For her entire life she had been told to “get out the way” or “just let me do it, you’re messing it up.” She felt like every time she tried to help, she just ended up making the situation worse. It did severe damage to her self esteem and she ended up not even being able to do things for herself, becoming extremely dependant of those around her. She had heard of Danganronpa, everyone had, but she never thought she would be much good in a killing game. She had no intention of auditioning until she heard that they would be completely changing your personality and give you your own ultimate talent. She went to the audition room and asked to be cast as the ultimate maid. “I just want to be helpful. I want everyone to be able to rely on me for once.”
Angie Yonaga Angie was the type to idolise those with power, and she wanted nothing more than to have that same level of power for herself. She fawned over the antagonists from previous seasons, holding them on a pedestal. She had always been adamant that she would be one day get into a season of Danganronpa and become the most powerful antagonist yet. She wanted to manipulate and twist the other participants to her will, and walk out of the killing game without having raised a finger. She wanted to put herself on the highest pedestal of all, towering above those that she idolised for so long. When auditioning, she tried her hardest to prove how good of an antagonist she would be. All of her talk of manipulation and basically wanting to be a god gave the team a great idea. 
Gonta Gokuhara Gonta was a fearless man, which fit his intimidating build. He wasn’t scared of heights, or the dark, or ghosts. He wasn’t even afraid of death, making him a great candidate for a killing game. He had been introduced to Danganronpa when some friends of his wanted to see just how far his lack of fear went. He had been watching the show ever since, always commenting about how they shouldn’t have hesitated and “I would be so much better at this than those wimps.” Upon hearing that auditions were being held for the next season, Gonta’s friend’s held him to that statement and pushed him to audition. The team were impressed with his courage, but were persistently prying for any kind of phobia they could get out of him. They eventually got one. Bugs. They knew exactly what to do with this information.
Himiko Yumeno Himiko loved attention. All she ever wanted was to be the centre of the world and have everyone know her name. She spent her life wishing she had the talent of an ultimate so she could use it to become famous all over the globe. She spent years trying to decide what talent she could have that would give her the best chance of drawing a crowd. She eventually decided on magic, seeing how magicians could awe people of any age. She waited for years to find the opportunity to audition, and when it finally came she took it quickly. She was adamant that she wanted to be the best magician, and she wanted everyone to know it. The team saw the opportunity and made her so good at magic, that not even she believed they were tricks anymore.  
Tenko Chabashira Tenko was weak. That was a fact that she couldn’t deny. She could never quite get the hang of fighting and never had any way to defend herself. This led her to surrender easily when threatened, even pushing other people under the bus just so she could escape unharmed. She had always envied that characters in her favourite show, how they were all so much stronger than her both physically and mentally. She swore that if she ever got the opportunity to be in a killing game, she would be stronger. She didnt care how hard she had to fake it, she would definetly convince her classmates that she was not someone to be messed with. She was nervous when she heard about the auditions, but decided to give it a go. She told the team about how all she ever wanted was to be strong and they complied, taking full advantage of the fact that she had no other requests.
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myelocin · 4 years
To Us, A Love Story Unwritten | Kuroo T., Miya A.
Hello!! Before you begin reading, THIS STORY IS A PART TWO to Redefining You , which I highly recommend you read first because a lot of things are connected! :D
Part 1 | Part 2 | Epilogue | Bonus
Synopsis: Time away from Tetsurou leads you to the serendipity that is Miya Atsumu. 
Characters: Kuroo Tetsurou, You, Miya Atsumu
Genre/Warnings/Tags: None! Angst,  HEALING, Hurt & Comfort, surfer!Atsumu, tattooed!Kuroo, Fluff
WC: 7600+
a/n: here’s a word dump of my feelings bcos i made an oopsie and projected real ppl in 2d characters again
*playlist if u want maximum feelies: Blue (Elina), Miles Apart (Nick Wilson)
The thought of healing didn’t cross your mind until some months later.
In the mornings after that morning, you stood in your balcony, leaning against the railing with a mug of coffee, your thoughts wandering. Sometimes you thought of what kind of coffee you liked, and other times you caught yourself wondering how Tetsurou moved through his six AMs. Morning thoughts were reserved for the things you prefer to keep out of your head during the day. Tetsurou, of course, had always been an exception. He somehow always flowed in your train of thought whether the numbers on your watch flashed 3am or 3pm.
Or now, you thought after taking a quick peek at the time in your phone, 6:19 AM; all you could think about was how sad his golden eyes looked against the black of Tokyo’s backdrop.
Tetsurou making his way into your thoughts has always how it’s been for almost a decade, and habits are a little hard to break. At least, that’s what you say to reason with yourself.
Thinking back to your words that night, the “I love you” just kind of slipped out. But you know you meant it. Shifting your wrist to the side, you studied the tattoo again, then closed your eyes to remember the expression on your best friend’s features.
You meant the I love you, you told yourself again. Towards yourself that was for sure; towards Tetsurou.
And that’s always going to be the case, taunted the voice in the back of your head.
After that night, Tetsurou had broken up with his long term girlfriend for good. Though he didn’t necessarily ruin himself over the breakup—there were changes.
He still texted you at odd hours to show you a video he thought was funny, still showed up to your apartment for movie nights, and more or less was still present. But it was during the particularly sentimental scenes in the movie where he’d choose to refill the popcorn or grab another soda, and you could see that his can was still half full. You noticing that Tetsurou always chose to pick the other boba shop that was on the other side of town never flew past you either. You knew that that was the shop he always used to take her after classes—so even seeing how his hands never failed to tighten against the steering wheel when the two of you would drive by, you always pretended not to notice. Even though four months had passed, you know that for him, the wound was still fresh.
And remembering how sad he looked that night, you couldn’t help yourself to feel for his pain. At the end of the day, weren’t you just two people who yearned for the love that couldn’t be yours?
So you sigh and take a sip of coffee from the mug; it had grown a little cold. The digital clock on your phone read 6:31 AM next to a text from Tetsurou asking if you had time for lunch later.
Replying a quick ‘yep. meet u at the usual :)’, did nothing for you trying to have a more productive day off today and thus the morning felt a little slower than normal, so you sigh. Again.
It was going to be one of those days.
Tetsurou always made it a point to look gorgeous. Was he trying? Probably not, but that son a bitch knew people gave him looks that lingered a bit too long to be considered just a passing glance. You nearly snort in laughter at the way he opens the door to the café a little too, for better words, extravagantly, and walk to you purposely taking his time because you could tell he felt the way the young mom sitting at the table near the counter was giving him the look.
Then again, you don’t blame her. You weren’t too far from her reaction, albeit you actually had the decency to not openly gawk at him. Tetsurou plopped down in the chair opposite from you and pushed his sleeves up to his elbows and propping them up the table before grabbing the menu from the middle of the table.
Already knowing your order, and his even though he still looks through the menu every time, you sit in your seat waiting for him to settle on the same thing he ordered the last time you ate there.
“Tetsu, why do you have to be so extra every time you see someone looking at you for more than three seconds?”
He cocked his head to the side and peeked at you from behind the menu, “Because I’m hot, tree.”
Though you rolled your eyes at the nickname, you still smiled at the familiar banter, “I still don’t get why you call me tree when you’re the literal beanpole in this friendship.”
“That’s rich coming from you, considering you told people you knew a talking rooster in highschool,” he deadpanned, but you knew he was on the edge of a chuckle from the way he emphasized his words.
“Hey,” you raised your arms up in defense, “people thought you were interesting that way so…”
Tetsurou set the menu down and rolled his eyes at your response as the waiter greeted the two of you. Before Tetsurou could open his mouth to say what he wanted, you spoke, “I’ll get the carbonara and he’ll get the tonkatsu ramen—“
“Oi-“ he interrupted from the side, still, you continued, “we’ll also get iced tea, extra sugar for him, and a little less for me.”
The waiter looked between the two of you waiting for Tetsurou to finish speaking but he only leans back huffing out a, “She’s right.”
You smirked. “You get the same thing every time.”
“Well what if I want something else one day?” he replied to which you rolled your eyes as a reply.
In between bites, Tetsurou looks up from his meal, “Any plans?”
You twirled the straw of your drink around the liquid and looked at him, “I was thinking of traveling somewhere. My boss is letting me take some time off, and season’s kind of slow, so might as well.”
He nods, and then points his chopsticks at you, sighing, “Oh to be young and employed with an employer who doesn’t want to kill you with work.”
“We’re literally seven months apart,” you deadpan.
He huffs in his seat and continues eating.
“Have you decided where you’re going?”
You look to your left at Tetsurou who’s facing you, no longer paying attention to the movie playing in the TV.  Smoothing out the blanket on your lap, you sigh and tilt your head. “Kinda? I’m thinking somewhere warm. Kinda miss the sea.”
At this point the movie you two settled on a few hours ago had been completely forgotten, so you shift your body and face him. He offers you your third (or was it the fourth?) can of beer for that night, which you take and pop open immediately.
“(Y/n), can you even swim?” he laughs.
You glare at him from behind your drink. “I can go and look pretty in the beach while sipping my margaritas thank you very much.” 
Tetsurou clinks his can against yours and leans back against the couch, shifting to a more comfortable position. When he finally settles, he positions his head in a way that’s still facing you.
Draping your legs across his lap, you rearrange the blanket so that it covers the both of you. You feel the weight of his hands leaning against your legs and then hear him speak, “How long are you gonna be gone?”
You shrug. “I don’t know, a month? Two months? Haven’t even got the ticket yet.”
He gives you a look you can’t decipher, and then his voice becomes a little quiet, “What if I want to go with you?”
“Tetsu, you know your job won’t let you off that long,” you reply. 
He lets out an exaggerated sigh and pout at you, “You’re going to go and find a new surfer best friend who’ll buy you margaritas that flips his hair and you’ll forget about me.”
You chuckle. “Like that’s gonna happen.”
At this point the alcohol must have hit the both of you because you suddenly look at him, eyes soft in the way you usually would mask in the hours you were sober. He looks at you, equally as deep in the state of inebriation as you are because his eyes are as hazy as the slur in his tone when he says, “Nope! Because you looooove me (y/n).”
And he laughs at his own joke, tilting his head back to take another swig of beer. The comedic undertone flies past you anyway, because you fiddle with the edge of your sweater and sadly nod, “Yeah. I do”
In front of you, Tetsurou raises his hand, smiling, then hollers, “High five! Love you too.”
If it wasn’t for the liquid confidence, you would’ve laughed along to his joke and take another gulp of your beer to swallow the confession—but you’re four cans in and Tetsurou saying that he loves you too clouds the usual boundaries swimming in your head.
He doesn’t notice you when you take another heavy gulp from your can, or bite your lip afterwards, but he hears you when you say, “I do, you dumb fuck, I love you.”
And as soon as you say it, you feel him look at you. You choose to keep your head down. A few beats of silence passes before he speaks, “I know, (y/n),” he reaches forward to grab your hand, taking it into his. He traces the lining of the tattoo before continuing, “I know your tattoo story. And I’m still proud of-“
“I love you, Tetsurou,” you could almost wince at how loud it echoed in the silence, and the alcohol is still swimming in your system so you take another gulp hoping to dive deeper.
You feel him stop tracing the lines on your wrist so you take your hand back to your lap. He let the quiet envelop the room again before he spoke, and you could tell he was careful with his words.
“That time in the balcony, when you said you loved someone…” he trailed off so you look up and catch his stare. His eyes were still glassy; your head was still swimming, the rational thoughts further muffled by liquid confidence.
“I meant you,” you say, and try to fight the urge to break eye contact.
And because Tetsurou chooses to reply with a hushed ‘I’m sorry.’, you tell him ‘it’s okay, Tetsu.’ and retreat to your bedroom with a mumbled excuse of sleeping off a headache.
You lie in the dark with one hand over your eyes and sniffle quietly. You hear his “I’m sorry,” echo in the silence, but you try to ignore the thought at how immediate the apology was. He always had a habit of thinking about his answers in uncertain situations.
But you know him more than you give yourself credit for, you realize, so you shut your eyes and ignore the sting of the tears because you know. You’ve always known everything you felt for him had been on the unrequited side for the most part.
The certainty in his apology still hurt none the less.
That morning you wake up with a slight pound in your head and an empty apartment. At least he didn’t stick around, you thought, fully aware that the conversation afterwards would have most likely been too awkward to sit through.
Sighing as you rounded the corner to enter the kitchen, you paused in your track to look at the table where a plate of omurice lay in the middle next to a glass of sweet tea, the condensation still a little fresh on the glass.
Taking a seat and whispering a soft, “Itadakimasu”, you picked up the glass and took a sip. It didn’t taste as sweet as his.
Your eyes still stung, but you couldn’t help but smile at the taste. Looks like he remembers how you like your tea too.
After that night, there never really came a talk about where the two of you stood. Two days after the not so sober confession, Tetsurou showed up at your door with a bag of donuts demanding your company to picnic at this new spot he found recently. So you played along and pretended like nothing happened. The rational thoughts were back, your head no longer cloudy so this time, you laughed along with Tetsurou.
Though you could tell this time around his gaze towards you lingered a little longer, and he began to have moments where it looked like he was contemplating to start a conversation then ultimately deciding against it at the very last second. It was fine, though. You weren’t sure if you were ready to have that conversation just yet.
So the next few weeks flowed like how it always did. Movie nights, playful banters, small talk, and beer—only this time you never drank more than two.
“Have you decided where you’re going?” he asks.
“Yeah, there’s this island in the Philippines. Siargao. My flight’s next week. The place looks sunny enough, but I might hop around the other islands if I stay long enough,” you reply.
“Don’t drown,” he laughs, and sets his beer down. You turn your focus back to the movie after chuckling at his reply and ignore how he never picked up a third can this time. And unlike before, he didn’t ask if he could come along this time.
Tetsurou drops you off with a half hug and a request that you update him as often as you can.
After a final wave at the gate, you board the plane with a return ticket to Japan slotted for two months later down the year.  
The island of Siargao is as beautiful as the pictures you always see on social media. Outside the unit you rented, was a stretch of untouched beach that was some ways from the main square of the city. And true to your words, for the first week of your arrival, you spent your days kicking the sand, lounging by the water and sipping on margaritas.
Tetsurou sent you multiple messages during the first few days, to which you replied through selfies with your margaritas. He’d send you a photo of himself rolling his eyes with the caption “off to work, because I have a job. Like some people.” , or something along similar lines.
You tried to think this wasn’t some random trip you took just because of Tetsurou. It had been a long time since you last took a vacation for yourself; work was lenient, you saved up enough, and frankly, you missed the beach. Tetsurou was just the icing on top of the cake that helped you make your decision, you rationalized.
Plus, you thought, this place is paradise.
And you held on to that thought because a few days later came the knock on your door at six in the morning that introduced you to the serendipity you never could have predicted. Your little summer serendipity came in the form of a six foot one, and totally ripped blonde named Miya Atsumu.
He knocked at your door asking if you knew any places that rented out surfboards and scooters. By the time he was at the third word of his sentence, you knew he was Japanese because of the accent that lingered after he spoke. By the fourth sentence, he smiled in a way that had his eyes crinkling. And by the end of the conversation, by whatever being possessed you in that moment, probably that extra margarita, you had agreed to go to the main square in the city with him.
Atsumu knocks on your door for the second time that day at five in the afternoon wearing a loose white button shirt and another eye crinkling smile. Dangling a set of keys in one hand he nodded behind him and said, “Ready to go? I got the scooter from the place you told me.”
This time, you voiced out your hesitation, “Ahh, it’s alright. You don’t have to get dinner for me tonight. I just happened to know a place.”
He smiles and blinks at you laughing, “Ya travelin’ alone?” You nod then he continues, “Same here. Might as well know someone in the area. Heard the food here’s good, so let’s go.”
You open your mouth to protest but he turns and walks towards his scooter so you huff and follow after him. He did have a point. You were going to be there for two months so might as well actually take the time to know some people.
After Atsumu helps you fasten the belt on the helmet, he tells you to ‘feel free to hold on to my waist if ya need to balance.’ and then backs to the main street. Your hands rest on his shoulders as he drives along a road parallel to the stretch of water on your far left. It must have been close to seven, you take note, because as you glance up the colors in the sky begin to blend into mellow hues of orange and red.
You look forward and glance at Atsumu’s reflection in the side mirror before briefly catching his eye. From the mirror, you could see an expression that was somewhere between a smirk and a smile.
“Ya like what ya see?” he yells over the wind.
You squeeze his shoulder, then lean closer saying, “Just drive. I’m not in the mood to die.”
He laughs over the holler of the open air and you can’t help but smile along to how his laugh lingers in the air.
Soon enough, the two of you settle into a restobar by the beach, one close enough to the water where you could ditch your flip flops and let your feet sink in the sand.
This has got to be the fifth margarita I’m drinking today, you think to yourself before taking a sip. Still good though, you inwardly snort. Atsumu sits across you from the table nursing his own choice of drink.
The atmosphere was nice, the live musician strumming his first song in the background. Then Atsumu speaks from across you, “So,” he begins, “How long ya stayin’?”
You fiddle with the straw of your drink, facing him, “Two months. You?”
He shrugs, “I don’t know yet. Off season and there’s not much to do back home, so might as well be bored somewhere a little more scenic.”
“Indefinite vacation,” you nod—impressed, “Must be hella loaded.”
He laughs again, “I’m comfortable.”
The silence envelops the two of you again, but as the musician begins another song, from the corner of your eye you see Atsumu listen, clap, and smile so you decide maybe befriending this stranger won’t be so bad after all.
The next night you head for go for drinks, Tetsurou messages you with a picture of him and Kenma in the car with a caption, “movie night minus the traitor who left the country >:((“ and you reply with your signature margarita selfie with Atsumu throwing a peace sign to your right. Tetsurou replies with a smiley face and you don’t hear from him for the rest of the night.
The next few weeks consisted of waking up shy of the sunrise and walks along the trail where the waves crept towards the sand. Atsumu liked to join you in the mornings, of course, the days he actually wakes up before ten AM. Some days you’d watch him peddle out into the water catching wave after wave as you sat in the sand, under a shade. You didn’t really go out into the water and preferred to just sit in the sun, so the times Atsumu would catch a break, he’d lay out a towel next to you and sit to talk.
He was talkative. Extremely talkative. But it was welcome, you suppose. He asked aimless questions during conversations. Conversations with him usually sounded like this: “(y/n)?” “Yep?” “Whadda ya think about riceballs?” “They’re…okay, I guess.” “Good to know.”
It was endearing, you suppose. Atsumu respected your boundaries and never pried, that fact was for sure. Though, he chose to fill in the beats of silence with little facts about his life. Over the course of the next month, in the moments you’d spend with Atsumu during the day, you’ve learned that he was playing for a professional volleyball team, he’s originally not from Tokyo, he tripped during a fan meeting, has a twin brother who’s darn good at cookin’ (he emphasized), and that his favorite food is fatty tuna. You don’t remember specifically asking, but he talks anyway you can’t bring yourself to mind one bit.
During the past month and some, Tetsurou sporadically texts you a greeting to which you reply to—but this time, it wasn’t until much, much later that you realize you didn’t think too much about the change of tone and much hastier conversations. You usually ended the phone call this time around, too.
Nearing the last few stretches of golden hour, Atsumu would routinely knock at your door and drag you out to walk around the beach only retreating to your respective units hours after the sunset.
It was during this one night where Atsumu sits you down and stars a small bonfire. He excused himself for a brief moment then came back with a Tupperware of what you assumed to be snacks, a blanket, and a hoodie which he lent you (that up to now you still haven’t returned).  You smile as he takes his seat next to you, comfortable in his hoodie.
“So,” Atsumu breaks the silence, “how come yer runnin’ away for two months?”
“That’s kinda sudden,” you reply.
He knocks your shoulder with his lightly before speaking again, “You don’t have ta’ share if you don’t wanna.”
“No pressure,” he says again and his eyes crinkle at his smile so you press your shoulder against his and say, “I just wanted time for myself I guess.”
He nods, so you continue, “It’s nothing dramatic, really. For a big part of my life I just…lived according to how people placed me in their lives. I guess I just wanted the space where I had to make decisions from nothing if that even makes any sense.”
“Depends. How many margaritas did ya have today?” he jokes.
“Atsumu! You were with me the whole day, I haven’t even had one yet,” you laugh out.
“But I understand what ya’ mean. Yer all good, I just thought you were gonna say you were soul searchin’ cause of a boy that broke ya’ heart back home.”
You look at him and wince. “In a way, that was a factor as well.”
Half expecting a sympathetic reply, you find yourself rolling your eyes and laughing because Atsumu suddenly yells, “Bingo!” and flicks your forehead.
He faces you and holds his hands up, “Hey, we all got a reason to do stuff so I ain’t gonna judge ya’.”
You smile and lean against his shoulder because you know he’s sincere. 
“Atsumu?” you call out.
“Yeah?” he replies as he turns his head looking at you. 
The red of the flames flicker as a glassy reflection against the brown in his eyes and your thoughts become jumbled for a second.
“If I find out you’re here because you got dumped I’m never letting you live it down.”
His eyes crinkle along with his laugh and you find yourself missing the pools of brown, but the echo of his laugh resonates clear in your ears as compensation so you decide you’re satiated.
“I swear I just got bored back home!”
Atsumu spends the next few hours by telling you stories and giving you soft smiles, and you don’t notice the absence of Tetsurou’s message that night.
On the afternoon after some weeks more, Atsumu comes to you by knocking at your door at five in the afternoon (which doesn’t even surprise you at this point), demanding you put on swimwear because he was going to teach you how to swim. At first, you stare at him with a blank look—wherein he stares at you right back with equal intensity, so after some time, you sigh and shoo him out, telling him you’ll meet him outside after you get ready.
After tugging on some shorts and a bikini top, you walk outside and glance around looking for the telltale blonde of Atsumu’s head. It doesn’t really surprise you when you hear your name being hollered from some distance, so as you look to the direction of the water—you see Atsumu waving his arms wildly, already waist deep out in sea.
The water was warm, at least, and you carefully wade in the water towards Atsumu. He lets you grab his arms to help you find balance against the waves knocking against you.
“You know you’re going to fail if you try to teach me right?” you say.
“Just needed an excuse to get you in the water,” he chuckles. 
You respond by splashing him with a handful of water. And somewhere in between splashes of water and playful banter, you find yourself wading chest deep into warm water, Atsumu’s arms acting as your anchor against the push and pull of the waves. The two of you stay like that for some time and you allow the woosh of the water and distant sounds of the children on shore fill the silence.
“Golden hour’s almost up, ‘Tsumu, we should go back.” you say after some time. 
He stands behind you and leans down a bit, then surprises you as he wraps his arms around you, pulling your back to his chest. Your breath hitches, then his voice sounds low near your ear, “Look at the sky.”
And so you do. The sky in front of you lights itself in bursting shades of oranges, reds, and touches of violets. You turn your face to the side but stop because you see Atsumu staring at you, the expression on his face soft.
“Pretty, ain’t it?” his lips part to say, and you nod because you see licks of the sky’s painting reflected in the glassy brown pools of Atsumu’s eyes.
He blinks and smiles in a softer way that only the corners crinkle up, and you don’t notice how your hand eventually found its way to wrap around his because you’re gravitating towards him—face angling closer until you felt his lips press against your forehead.
“Did you know,” you begin, “when you feel deja vu that means the universe is telling you you’re going down the right path?”
Atsumu looks as you, “Does this feel familiar?”
“In a way,” you respond and smile.
Turning to face him, Atsumu’s hands cradle yours as he presses his lips towards the side of your lips, then back to the side of your head feeling him smiling into the kiss. “You’re somethin’ else, (y/n).”
You look at him wearing a smile mirroring his, “Something good I hope.”
It’s something good, you decide later that night as you settle in bed after dinner with Atsumu. The past few hours flew by in a mirage of good conversation, light hearted jokes and even more eye crinkling smiles from Atsumu.
Settling into the comforter, you grab your laptop just in time as Tetsurou’s face pops up on screen, requesting a video call. Propping yourself up on your elbows, you hit the accept button and wave hello as Tetsuou’s face appears on the screen. He holds a can of beer as a greeting and leans forward. His eyes look glassy.
“(Y/n)..” His voice trails off before slowly continuing, “—how are you?”
You don’t notice his tone from the high you’re still feeling from the day so you beam at him, “I’m good! Atsumu and I are really hitting it off! You’d love him Tetsu!”
He stares at you through the webcam and then he sighs deep. Finally catching a drift of the atmosphere he’s giving off, you watch him crack another beer open and slowly speak, “You okay? Did something happen?”
He sets the can down at the table in front of him and places his face in his hands. You notice the new ink around his forearms. “I miss you, (y/n).”
“I’ll be home next week, Tetsu,” you say
“I—“ he pauses to look up at you with glassy eyes, “I think we should give us a try.”
Your heart clenches. “Tetsurou, you’re drunk. We can talk when I get home.” He shakes his head, and his movement is a little sluggish, so you continue to speak before he could, “I saw the photo your ex posted earlier. You’re still not okay, Tetsu.”
He leans back to his chair with a little force, “And suddenly you are? After being in love with me for eight years, (y/n), you expect me to believe that you’re suddenly okay? Bullshit.”
Your face grimaces, and you feel anger bubble up, the emotion seeping into your words, “I don’t think you’re ever going to go away, Tetsurou. For years I watched you fall in and out of love with someone who was never me. I’m not suddenly okay but I accepted that this—“ you pause to gesture between the two of you, “—isn’t going to happen and I’m moving on. I watched you when you were at your happiest and I deserve that too, Tetsu. I deserve to be at my happiest whether it be by myself or with Atsu-“
“We can try, (y/n),” he cuts you off softly.
“But I don’t deserve someone who isn’t sure about me,” you reply.
And maybe it’s the liquid confidence that riles him up, but he suddenly straightens his back and looks at you with the same glare you stare at him with, “And are you sure about Atsumu? You told me none of us are saints, (y/n), you’re not better off than I am here.”
You open your mouth, but the silence remains; the atmosphere suddenly heavy.
Then Tetsurou slumps before he he speaks, “(Y/n), I—“  
“It’s okay, Kuroo,” you watch as he winces at his surname, “It’s late and I really want to get some sleep. You should too. Take care.”
You catch the last second of him parting his lips at an attempt to reply before you promptly ended the call and shut off your laptop.
His words ring in your ear the entire night, and you think of Atsumu the entire night. You watch the second hand of the clock on your bedside table tick slowly. Your hand comes to rest against your eyes as you try to let sleep pull you in.
You think of Tetsurou who looked at you with glassy eyes that told you all the reasons why his heart was still hurting, then you think of Atsumu—of how the sunset looked better reflected in his eyes than it did painted across the sky.
“I really hope this is something good,” you echo your words from earlier as you let sleep finally succumb into slumber.
The night before your flight, Atsumu seats you outside for a bonfire, with the same blankets, snacks, and hoodie fitted around you. The first few hours he jokes about little stories that happened throughout his life and listens patiently when you’d share a snippet of yours.
At this point, you weren’t sure where the two of you stood. You look at him from the corner of your eye as he blows against an extremely burnt marshmallow before sheepishly offering the stick to you.
“When we’re back in Japan I’m lettin’ ya taste ‘Samu’s cookin’ to make up for this I swear.”
You lean your head against his arm and blow on the charred marshmallow, “Have you decided when you’re coming back?”
“Yes, but I’m not tellin ya,” Atsumu chuckles.
“What!” You exclaim, suddenly sitting up, “You already have a ticket?”
“That’s also a secret, doll.”
You sigh and move to lightly punch his shoulder, but instead, he catches your hand midway and envelops it in his own. Atsumu looks at the tattoo on your wrist peeking out, so tentatively, he pushes down the sleeve and looks at it.
“Baby’s breath means eternal love, right?” he asks, voice hushed.
“I’m surprised a big, buff, man like you knows,” you reply.
“Oi, big buff men can be sentimental too,” Atsumu quips.
“(Y/n),” he begins then looks at you in a way that suddenly has your stomach churning, “Should we give us a go at this?”
He asks the same question as Tetsurou did a few nights back and your head is swimming. Tetsurou’s words muddle the thoughts in your head as you turn to face Atsumu who is looking at you with eyes that always held the same softness that remained unchanged from two months ago.
Is this even fair for Atsumu? is the thought that you circle around.
“I don’t want to give you only half of me, ‘Tsumu,” you cradle his cheek in your palm and your heart stirs when he leans in. 
“You’re too good for me,” you confess.
He closes his eyes and you find yourself missing the dancing specks of scarlet flames reflected in his orbs. 
“You’re killin’ me, doll,” he sighs, his face still warm against your palm. Atsumu’s hand trails up and cups your hand that’s still flush against his cheek.
“Is this the part where we say we’re the right people who met at the wrong time?” he jokes quietly. Atsumu looks at you with a smile contrasting against the somber expression in his face, and you feel your heart clench.
Your thoughts momentarily flicker back to the night you talked to Tetsurou in your balcony some months ago and remember the feeling of déjà vu hinting that you were heading in the right direction with your decision.
Staring back at him, you look at your own reflection in darkened pools of brown and don’t feel déjà vu’s familiar push. Atsumu’s other hand trails up your face and his thumb rubs against your cheek. You stay silent when he sighs again and your heart clenches in the way that hurts, and your brain scrambles for a reason why.
Atsumu angles your hand in a way that lets him press a kiss to the tattoo on your wrist. “Hope ya heal in time, (y/n).”
You’re still quiet, thoughts still muddled as your rationality wrestles to string words to convey to Atsumu. “We can stay in contact, ‘Tsumu. I still want you to be in my life,” you slowly say.
“I don’t wanna be hurtin’ you while you’re still tryin’ to find yourself,” he says, and you nod. Déjà vu never comes and your heart still aches.
And your heart remains heavy as the two of you stand up to retreat for the night. Against the door of your room you look at him and press a kiss on his cheek. He smiles at you.
“Well, I guess,” you initiate, “see you around?”
He smiles and crosses the short distance between the two of you, then presses a chaste kiss on your forehead. “If the universe wills it, doll.”
The feeling of déjà vu is absent for the rest of the night.
After the first few days of your arrival back in Japan, you stay in your apartment cursing the winter. This particular winter was a little harsh for Tokyo and the sudden temperature change you needed to adjust to didn’t help with your traitor immune system. Kenma had waited for you at the arrival area of the airport instead of Tetsurou that day. Then again, you weren’t complaining—you didn’t have any plans to talk to him immediately after coming back home.
You didn’t need to report back to your job until the next week so the first few days, you loitered around your apartment mindlessly passing the time. Some mornings, you’d drag a chair by the balcony and sip your morning coffee. The snow accumulating on the rails and the gloomy morning light was a far cry from the little island you explored with Atsumu back in the Philippines, but your thoughts still ghosted around him from time to time.
The morning you left for the airport, he slept in, but that didn’t stop you from leaving a sticky note in his front door with your contact details neatly printed in the paper. Throughout your day, your eyes constantly flickered to sneak glimpses at your phone’s notification bar, but there was never an unknown number. So you sighed, and instead scrolled through the photos you managed to capture with him. The image of Atsumu stared back at you through the screen, expression beaming with unfiltered happiness and you find yourself smiling along every time.
A knock on your door one morning brings you out of your haze. Before you could look through the peep hole, another knock comes and then a voice, “Ah, (y/n), I think you’re home now,” your hand on the door knob loosens, “It’s Tetsurou. Can we please talk?”
You must have stayed quiet too long because he speaks again, “I got you donuts.” 
And you sigh, because he’s right, the two of you need to talk. But you still tell yourself you’re only opening the door because it’s six in the morning and you can’t be bothered to make breakfast so the donuts are the only reason you’re letting him in.
Tetsurou sits on the opposite side of the dining table gripping the handle of his mug with one hand before he clears his throat and looks at you, “I’m sorry.”
“Tetsurou,” you begin, “You’re someone that I don’t think will ever leave my system.” His eyes are a little clearer now that you return his stare. “You’re still the person who grew up with me even if time difference existed you know. You’ve had so many roles in my life and that’s never going to change.”
He looks at you, suddenly looking like a teenager again. His golden eyes stare at you and gleam of something unspoken. “I think somewhere along the years I really did fall in love with you, (y/n). And it just sucks how we never met at the same page. I really do love you, (y/n).”
“Maybe in the next life, Tetsu,” you say suddenly choked up. “We both deserve-“
“A fresh start.” He cuts you off, smiling. “A fresh start.” You affirm.
Before you knew it, Tetsurou rolls his sleeve to his elbows and angles his arm showing you a small outline of the sun peeking out behind some buildings. You look at him just in time for his explanation, “It’s not as sentimental as your baby’s breath tattoo, but sunrises remind me of you.”
You feel your eyes water when you look at the amber of his eyes growing glassier, “You got a tattoo that reminds you of me?”
“You’ve always been a constant in my life, (y/n). I shared so many sunrises with you. And I mean it when I say that I want you to find what makes you happy.” He tells you as you smile and lean forward, tracing the lining of his tattoo. The moment feels a little like déjà vu that doesn’t disappear when Tetsurou speaking again, “I love you enough to realize that kind of happiness won’t be with me, (y/n).”
He looks at you and everything feels so familiar. You choke out a sob that sounded a little like a laugh and Tetsurou does the same.
“You’re never getting rid of me, you lunatic,” you say, and Tetsurou laughs—eyes glassy from the pricks of tears fighting to slide down his cheeks. “We’re okay, right?” He asks you. And you nod, because your heart constricts in a way that doesn’t hurt, the knot in your stomach gone and Tetsurou looking so beautiful from the morning light that filtered in feels so familiar.
“Always, Tetsu.”
And after some moments of comfortable silence, he looks to the window on his left saying, “So, surfer dude slash volleyball player, huh? I think you got a type going on, (y/n).”
You roll your eyes and finally grab a donut from the box. “Yeah.”
Tetsurou chuckles, “Tell me about him. He’s the first guy who makes you look dopey in love.” So you smile and look out the window thinking about the boy who spoke of the little moments and showed you worlds under the sun and feel your heart mellow to a gentle beat, “He’s something good.”
Atsumu’s number doesn’t show up on your phone for the next month, but you try to keep yourself from doing your own research, or as Tetsurou pointed out, stalking, for his presence in social media. If he didn’t want to be found, you’d just leave him to it.
Tetsurou sits across from you at the arrival gate in Haneda airport later that month, scrolling through his phone and mumbling curses because Bokuto, his friend, had told him the wrong time for his arrival and won’t be arriving until a few hours later. Instead of driving back home, wasting gas, and sitting through traffic, you suggest to pass the time at a café instead.
“I swear to god, (y/n), remind me to end my friendship with him the second he lands,” Tetsurou huffs from across you.
“You’re being dramatic again,” You roll your eyes, laughing. 
“He’s gonna be here in a bit,” you pause and stand up, grabbing your phone, “I’ll go check the board so stay here.”
“Since you left your wallet here, I’m treating myself to another frapp, thanks (y/n)!” you hear him call from behind you, so you turn to flick him off as you keep walking.
Looking at the board above the gate, your eyes scan to look for information regarding Bokuto’s flight. Under said flight, you smile looking at SIARGAO listed within the board. Briefly, your thought wonders off to Atsumu; you hoped he was doing well.
A flow of people begin to trail out of the gate and into the lobby. Assuming that it must be from Bokuto’s flight, you stand on your tip toes from your little corner to look for the telltale monochromatic palette of his hair.
Grabbing your phone, you hastily press call to Tetsurou’s contact name, to which he answers with a drawled out “Heeelllloo?” along with an exaggerated slurp to the Frappuccino he bought with your card.
You open your mouth to tell him to come over, except that you don’t because standing a few meters in front of you is a familiar blonde.
From the phone in your ear, you hear Tetsurou call your name, so through the haze in your thoughts, you mumble a quick “Never mind.” and hang up. You don’t think Atsumu notices you just yet because he’s pulled his luggage to the side, a little closer to you this time, and pulled out his phone to what you could guess was him texting somebody.
You don’t speak for the first few beats of silence because, holy shit this is fanfiction material—is this actually happening? Eventually he pockets his phone and looks around, before his eyes spots you, who at this point, is still openly gawking at him some distance away.
Then three things happen in succession; first, Atsumu’s eyes widen, second, he blinks really fast, and then finally, third, cracks a smile.
And as soon as his smile pushes the crinkle in his eyes, you feel yourself release the breath you’ve unconsciously held in. He pushes his luggage with him as he walks towards you, hand held up in greeting and the smile still plastered wide on his face.
“Yo,” he says and your heart bursts with your reply that came out a little more breathless than you’d expected, “Hi.”
Tetsurou stands some distance away from the two of you, holding your wallet and his Frappuccino. He spots the blonde mop of head you’re staring at, really you should chill out (he thinks), and immediately recognizes his features as Miya Atsumu, the same guy who’s been a part of your daily margarita selfie for the two months you were in the Philippines.
The bedhead watches you walk towards Atsumu, and he to you before you both met somewhat in the middle, then looks at you, finding himself smile because of how happy you looked. He stands in his spot and can’t help but feel some sort of déjà vu as he stops himself from approaching the two of you. His heart, he realizes, clenches in a way that sort of hurts but sort of doesn’t, but because this is the first time looking at you with a smile so unabashed, he settles with the thought that because he loves you—you deserve nothing short of the happiness you’re feeling now.
And you can’t help but feel the same as Atsumu laughs out a comment about how the universe must really want the two of you together. His arms circle your figure after exchanging a few pleasantries and inside jokes and you smile into the crook of his neck.
“This feels a little like that déjà vu thing ya talked about before, ya know.” He mumbles. And for the brief moment you see Tetsurou’s text on the screen of your phone reading, “whipped.”, you laugh in a way that has you feeling dizzy and light. You feel like you could cry when Atsumu kisses the side of your head, because this moment feels so familiar.
Atsumu feels so familiar. So when you break the embrace and look at the reflection of your watering eyes in the warm pools of his, more than ever, you were sure that this is exactly where the gods meant for you to be.
a/n: *i’m aware there’s no direct flight from haneda/siargao but pls bear w me ;A;
proceed to Epilogue :D
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My Girlfriend is an Alien Review
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I don’t normally review modern romance dramas because first of all, I’m more or a xianxia/wuxia/historical drama kind of person so I don’t watch too many modern dramas in the first place, and second, when I do watch modern dramas, I choose the simple, fluffy kind, so there’s not much to critically review anyway. I mainly watch them between dramas to cleanse my palate. 
But I finished MGFIAA yesterday and I have thoughts, mostly good ones. 
1. First Impressions
I was really skeptical about this drama at first. It’s a rich guy CEO/poor girl drama, and I normally hate that trope. The last CEO dramas I watched were Boss and Me and My Sunshine 6 years ago, but that was because I wanted to watch Zhao Liying and Tang Yan respectively. 
But, after reading comments on reddit about how people thought MGFIAA was Wan Peng’s best comedic work so far, I decided to take a leap of faith and gave this drama a shot. I went into the drama mostly blind and had no expectations. I had just finished You Are My Hero and My Little Happiness, both dramas in which the FL and ML have different careers (which is a dynamic I really like), so I wanted to watch something completely different that would prevent me from comparing it to these last 2 dramas. 
The drama starts of kinda meh. The FL uses her alien powers to save the ML from a car crash. The ML is a stereotypical alpha male CEO. Nothing too surprising or enticing yet. But the scene that sealed the deal for me was when the FL starts stealing and trying on clothes while window shopping at the mall. Wan Peng was just gorgeous and glowing in that scene. And then the next scene that confirmed it for me was when the FL freezes time, but the ML is unaffected by it and he sees her for the first time but is unsure if he’s hallucinating or not. After that scene, I decided to stick with the drama to see what all the hype was about. 
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2. Simple, sweet, no-non-sense plot
There’s only one plot line in the drama, which is the romance between the main leads. There are no supporting couples or subplots. All supporting characters are either helping the leads get together, or are plotting against the leads, so everything directly relates back to them. I really like this because it makes the story more focused on just one storyline and one couple. 
This is different from most dramas where it’s common to have a subplot with a supporting couple. My Little Happiness had a supporting couple whose plot line was completely separate from the main leads, while You Are My Hero had two supporting couples, which dragged out the drama. 
I suppose this is because Wan Peng and Hsu Thassapak were not that popular at the time, so the plot could be more focused on them to promote them. On the other hand, when you have a drama where the leads are already popular, the production team will try to leverage that popularity to bring attention to lesser-known up-and-coming actors in the supporting roles. I remember how Yang Zi and Deng Lun had less and less screen time towards the end of Ashes of Love, and Tang Yan and Luo Jin also didn’t have much screen time in The Way We Were, and Yang Mi used Eternal Love to help promote the actors under her agency, like Dilireba (although Yang Mi managed to keep the drama mostly focused on her storyline). 
3. Comedy
Despite being a sitcom comedy, this drama didn’t make me laugh out loud like some scenes in my Little Happiness and You Are My Hero did, but there were a lot of scenes where I couldn’t help but grin like an idiot because of some of the adorably awkward antics the FL and ML did. They also mock the CEO romance genre in some scenes by exaggerating the trope, which was amusing (but still cringey) to watch, but I guess that was the point. 
However, I will admit that there were some outright cringey scenes that were hard to watch. A recurring plot point was the the FL’s fascination with the male body and pheromones. So sometimes, she can’t help herself and reaches out to touch the ML’s abs. This plot point works because she’s an alien who’s curious and doesn’t know better, but the second hand embarrassment you still feel is strong nevertheless. I think physical clinginess just makes me really uncomfortable in general. 
The kiss scenes were very PG, probably because Hsu Thassapak is married with kids, but there are a lot of innuendos in the dialogue and physical comedy.
4. Acting
Wan Peng is effortlessly adorable and bubbly, and the voice acting really helps sell that as well. (The voice actress, Qiao Shi Yu, who dubs her is the same one who usually dubs Zhao Liying and who also dubbed Yuan bingyan in Love and Redemption. I think the voice actress is often used for cutesy characters. Wan Peng has a much lower voice, which I already guessed when I saw pictures of her. She gives off a vibes of someone who would have a low voice). 
Hsu Thassapak has a chiseled face that looks too sculpted, and so I was skeptical about whether he would be able to emote, but he actually carried the emotional scenes quite well. Again, the voice acting also really helped. Hsu Thassapak has a higher voice than his voice actor, who I think also dubbed Luo Jin in Princess Weiyoung. 
Wang You Jun was great at playing the ML’s younger brother and love rival. I was surprised to learn that he’s actually younger than Wan Peng because his acting felt mature (even though he’s character isn’t). 
5. Story Originality
I can’t make an assessment of how original the story is because they do rely on a lot of predictable tropes, but I can say that it was well-executed. It’s not easy to insert fantasy elements into a modern drama and make it believable, but I was on board with the ridiculous premise. Not only is the FL an alien, but the ML has a type of amnesia where he forgets all the women he meets whenever it rains. And yet, I was hooked and invested against my better judgement. 
6. Overall Impression
8/10. The drama is exactly what is says it is, so I can’t really complain. The plot progresses logically, even if there are some frustrating moments, but you can understand why the characters made the choices they made. It will take you some time at first to get used to the outlandish premise, but after the first 2 episodes, you’ll be rooting for the FL. 
The FL’s character is also reminiscent of xianxia dramas where the FL has no idea what romantic love is (e.g., Love and Redemption, Love and Destiny), and slowly learns how to love. I’m apparently a sucker for that trope, so it was actually quite easy for me to fall for this drama, despite being initially skeptical about it. 
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S/O Volunteers at a Daycare
Request: Im not entirely sure how to request but I did read your rules! So is it alright if I request DTK and Ciel with an S/O who works at her mother’s daycare during the weekends?
Title: S/O Volunteers at a Daycare 
Genre: fluff abound, and maybe a little comedic 
Pairing: Death the Kid/Ciel Phantomhive x Reader (separately) 
Notes: Okay, so this prompt made me flat out UwU shamelessly. Seriously, this was an adorable idea! That said, these are two of my favorite characters, so this made it even better!
So, thanks for the request! It made me feel bubbly and motivated, despite being almost stuck over the past week. Otherwise, the only things I would want to make you aware of are that I wrote them as headcanons because I felt that they would work best for the request, I tried to provide a small story for each set of headcanons, and - I think that’s it! I hope you enjoy it! (It also may be a little short, sorry!) 
Below the cut! 
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Death the Kid
straight outta the gate, he knew about your work at your mother’s daycare
he had to deal with a particularly dangerous kishin that attacked the workplace a while back, and he saw you as he took care of the tainted soul despite you already prepared to use your arm to fight against the monster
but what he didn’t know was that you worked so well with the children.
your intelligence is what drew him to you, and though he had his suspicions about your great understanding of children
this was unexpected.
he seriously thought that you would be more likely to take up the receptionist position.
you were very sociable, so that was where he thought you’d decide to volunteer as it would utilize your sociability and intelligence.
but this was odd.
he was patrolling around Death City, not failing to notice what he needed to
but this?
yeah, no - this was new.
he saw you and your mother, standing outside beside the playground with the kindergarteners
pushing them on the swings and lifting them onto higher structures if needed
frankly, the sight was adorable.
he noticed the way your eyes lit up when you were around the children, almost a motherly appeal in them
and when he saw the whole picture, he was even more starstruck by you.
you are so good with children,. 
like seriously.
most of the time, they look at him and look away or decide to make a fuss about his - shiver - hair. 
so this was something only he could dream about. 
it’s only when he brings this up to you that you realize he had seen you that day. 
“so, dear, you volunteer at the kindergarten downtown?”
“uh...yeah. why are you asking?”
“well, i was asking on behalf of an event that you could participate in.”
turns out he wanted to invite the kids to see the DWMA, and wanted to know if you’d be willing to go with him and guide the group despite it being a weekday. 
if your mom was down, so were you
luckily, your mom was ecstatic
and lord death was 100% down for it
so this was happening
eventually the day came, and all of the students were so happy to hear that they would be seeing the big school that they always saw from different points in town. 
when they saw you, though, they all ran to hug you tightly.
the sight made kid a little jealous lol
either way, they also spotted the boy beside you, and a few of them questioned who he was.
so, before he could go on a formal route, you stopped and introduced him yourself
“his name is death the kid, and he’s lord death’s son.”
“is he your boyfriend?” 
cue the matching tomato faces
your mom knew, she loved him
and normally she would stop this immediately, 
but the scene right in front of her eyes was entertaining and not harmful so- 
the tour of the school started, and as you and kid introduced the rooms and class system to the kids,
he had an almost vice-grip on your hand the whole time. 
sometimes, his grip could be painful, but this was one of those secure ones where you didn’t feel like you were going to slip at any second.
it made you feel happier, maybe a little more confident to present what you were presenting
until it hit lunchtime, where the children gathered around you and listened intently as you told stories of goings-on at the DWMA
kid and your mom listened to the occurrence from behind
“so you and my daughter?”
“miss/ms./mrs., if i may-” 
overall, though, the whole scene left the dual color-haired teen feeling even more happiness at the sight of you.
intelligent, gorgeous, talented, and kind and sweet? 
what more could a man want than someone as perfect as you?
following the tour, you and kid sat down and talked.
after some time, you and him came to the conclusion to take him with you sometimes.
because some of the kids really were starting to like him. 
eventually, it became a common occurrence for him to join you when volunteering on the weekends.
at one point, they targeted kid and called him big brother when you brought him to the kindergarten.
so yeah, you and kids? the sight is the perfect way to get him to turn firetruck red, so use it. 
and him and kids? vice versa, he can and will use it. 
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Ciel Phantomhive
listen, he knows you’re the closest thing to an actually good angel
but this was a whole new level of angel
he never really completely understood why you decided to do what you do, but he knows you’re pure-hearted
so could someone please explain to short blueberry wealth over here why he was surprised to see that you volunteered at a kindergarten?
let’s just say that when your mom was called upon to answer questions about the last time she had seen a notorious burglary suspect
and he saw you interacting with the children inside on his way out.
he blushed.
he couldn’t help it! the scene was too cute, and it made him feel something domestic!
(yeah, sebastian had a field day with the scene of ciel trying to cover his completely red face with his outerwear.)
anyway, the event made him see you in an even brighter light.
your kindness knows no bounds, does it? 
either way, he had to uphold an image.
as much as he wanted to gush about how sweet it made him feel and how much more beautiful it made you, he couldn’t
whether that was because he just couldn’t be overly sweet by nature or if it was his mature aura he had to exude to do business, he didn’t know
but yeah
he loved the image, and he went to any lengths to see it happen.
in fact, he took some extreme lengths for the children the kindergarten.
after doing some basic research on the kindergarten, it didn’t charge much for people to send their children there. 
at all. 
so he became aware that it was a kindergarten for poor families. 
(and he became flustered again. sebastian saw, teased him for it, then got commanded to clean up whatever mess the other servants of the manor had made.)
with this knowledge, he had specifically asked for Funtom toys to be sent to the kindergarten and gifted to the children. 
he originally planned to keep his name out of the endeavor, but that plan went bust when he remembered the image.
again, the domesticity that he felt from the image just- 
yeah, he was blushing again
and this was his reason behind showing up at the kindergarten and formally giving the children the toys.
you hadn’t known that he was going to do this, so your shocked face was very obvious.
the kids were shocked, but very grateful.
one of them even called him brother, and though it was odd, he found the statement oddly endearing and awkwardly patted the small boy’s head.
that’s when you blushed. 
after all of the children had their gifts and were sent off for nap time, your mother thanked him face-to-face. 
you were stood beside her in the doorway, trying to simultaneously keep an eye on the children and keep an eye on your short significant other
the blush never left your cheeks, and as you saw his hesitance to show any real “emotion” (if you get what i mean) you chuckled.
ciel still found the image so loving, and he still couldn’t help but get flustered but,
after all of this and the many times after that he provided support for either the kindergarten itself or the kids, you started to tease him.
(on the sidelines, sebastian was teasing the two of you which always resulted in him being instructed to do some offhand task elsewhere as a ploy to get him to leave the room)
(good times) 
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koishua · 3 years
I am not great at theorizing but I would love to hear about your favorite characters from atla!
oh my, i am SO down for this. let me take a look, okay
i wont rank them or anything bc i love them all, but my top five would be uncle iroh, sokka, toph, suki, and azula.
UNCLE IROH. is the story's source of lesson and of wisdom. he is such an icon and he is loved by all istg he is the best man ever i love him so much i wish i was related to him as a niece like zuko or something. he truly is so wise and kind against all.
he is one of a kind, he was such a gem and held a strong view of what was wrong and what was right. i think people underestimate how great of a bender he is, tho. he was a member of the order of the lotus (eyyy the oldies but goldies gang basically lmao) aka the strongest people ever hello?? he represented the fire nation in that group and my GOd is he an amazing one.
he is different from most, because unlike other firebenders, his skills and abilities aren't directly derived from anger and fury. that's why he isn't as hot headed as regular firebenders and even teaches zuko about this (which works bc zuko is considerably calmer later in the series)
and then there is his legacy. mans beat an entire dragon in a battle of flames?? he breathes fire too so that's always the coolest thing ever and his diligence while working himself back to prepare for war in that prison absolutely took me out omg the way he strategizes??? explains why he was a general. he has a heart of gold unlike any.
SOKKA. now for him, i have the biggest amount of respect and adoration for. let's adress the elephant in the room here. he singlehandedly devised a ginormous plan to defeat am empire that has been raising tyranny for over a century. how fucking awsome can one get?? mr sexy brain amirite?
plus, he was completely skilless the first part of the series and his entire growth just blows me away every single time. sure, he had his little boomerang but that was it. after they created gaang tho, his potential was so fully exploited i cant even express how proud i am oml he was diamond in the rough.
he acted so brash and was the comedic relief character a lot of the times, so his subtle feats of intelligence didn't get noticed a lot, but oml the way i am down bad for him. his determination and desperation to become god at a skill is so enjoyable to watch like,,, the piandao episode where he learns how to wield a sword is one of my favorite episodes of all time!! anyways, this is getting alittle long so lets move on to....
TOPH BEIFONG. listen. lis-ten. thats my girl right there. i was eight when i first watched atla and she was twelve and the amount of confidence she instilled in little-me is just- *sobs* (also i realized that she is literlly the only character in this with an official lastname lmfao)
toph is forever going to remain as THAT icon. her mindset is as stable and stubborn as they go because of her earthbending lmao i love how self-assured she is. she is the definition of born into riches, growing to become greatness.
her heritage is not at all important to who she is as a character and most people even forget that she is insanely wealthy because she never mentions it. but anyway that is beside my point idk why i touched on this aspect. moving on!!
i feel like they portrayed her childish nature so well in this series like?? sure, she was the greatest earthbender of all time and still is, she was also a twelve year old tween lmao she was something else istg
and her sass, humor and just her entire attitude was so solid oml she was THAT bitch and i mean it in the most awed way possible. i can talk about her more but imma keep it short for this post's sake.
SUKI. my idol right here y'all. this is my og feminist queen right here. badass woman i love her so much. embodies courage, hard work and strength in oneself. man, kyoshi warriors are super awesome i literlly do not have any other words about her other than "woah"
obviously, she couldnt bend at all but growing up on kyoshi island, one made by avatar kyoshi herself by literally parting an entire section of land away to carry them back to make an island by spouting out lava hundreds of miles down the ocean floor is just???? but we aren't here to talk about the blood-thirsty woman rn-
she learned how to deal damage on benders who dared to attack their homeland and she is just- just- idk ugh she is so gorgeous too like?? forget about sokka please, come marry me instead i beg you ;-;
suki is so quick to react to danger and doesn't wait for anyone to save the day. she knows what she can do and she does her best to help ;-; im thinking about that once moment when toph fell into the ocean and suki was the first one to dive right in their to save her while everyone else was just literally standing there lmao even katara who could literally bend water
AZULA. now, this is where shit goes down. i lover her as a character that has been developed to show what a bad childhood environment could lead to in children who are particularly cunning and born a little sharper than others.
azula was a threat to all at the age of fifteen. fif-teen. she was a mastermind in countless incredible plans that overtake populations and she is so incredible quick-witted. perfectly evil for the sake of being evil, but also not at the same time.
the azula we last see in the agni kai between her and zuko, her own bilogical older brother whom she had tormented pretty much their entire life, was the product of accumulated trauma and pressure that she had been subject to ever since she had learned bending fire. blue fire.
she had shown from the start that she was gifted and strong and was on a league of her own compared to other kids. all of her childhood was spent garnering the approval of her father and grandfather who were toxic and evil and bad role models for her. anyone who grows up in bad environments are guaranteed to turn out messed up.
her mother preferred the softer zuko than her sadistic daughter and not receiving her mother's affection enough really showed its consequences in the last few episodes where you get to see her breaking down. she hallucinates about her mother and it was so heartbreaking to watch for me as a seventeen year old. i didn't really get the extent of her pschotic breakdown as an eight year old.
for heaven's sake, she was a devil. idk my thought are so scattered rn but i feel like i can make a post about her complicated character later when i gather my thoughts properly bahaha
tldr for azula: gifted child gone horribly wrong
anyhow, this was super fun omg
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wigwurq · 3 years
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You guys! I finally watched the lesbian holiday movie!! Though when I texted my mom to tell her I was finally watching this, she thought I was talking about The Prom and I laughed for a real long time about it (mainly because it will take me an even longer time to get around to hate watching that!) It already took about a month to get to this one. There is a lot to discuss here - and also one wig!
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So this is the first (big budget) holiday lesbian movie, which I am very here for. However, most of the movie feels like a combination between My Best Friend’s Wedding, Meet the Parents, and The Family Stone but with lesbians. Those movies were made between 1997 and 2005 and this movie feels like it should exist somewhere in that time as well. The whole plot of the movie is basically that Kristen Stewart (Abby) has to pretend NOT to be Mackenzie Davis’s (Harper’s)  long-term girlfriend for the sake of Harper’s conservative family with local political aspirations while also spending 5 days with them during Christmas. It’s a conceit that exists solely in these brand of garbage holiday rom coms but definitely one that feels bizarrely antiquated as well. 
Anyway! There is only one wig in this movie which belongs to Davis, who had a vastly superior lesbian wig in that one episode of Black Mirror that made us all cry. We first see this under this hat where it should have hidden for the rest of the film! 
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Sadly, the next scene involves the full emergence of this wig and truly: NO. This thing is dried out, bent, and disheveled in not a cool way (Stewart’s actual hair is disheveled in a cool way, though). The entire presence of this wig bothers me because: just have her have whatever hair she has? This is not a historical recreation (that I’m aware of?) and she is not playing a real person! This feels like when SNL cast members wear wigs in sketches for similarly non-existent reasons. However, SNL wigs are vastly superior to this mess!
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So anyway, Harper invites Abby to have Christmas at her parents’ house in the heat of the moment during a very romantic (?) Pittsburgh Christmas lights tour which is apparently something that exists. Abby conveniently, and completely for the sake of this plot to work (?) does not like Christmas and also is an orphan, getting rid of any possible Christmas plan conflicts. And then literally on the way to visiting Harper’s family, she is all: by the way, they don’t know you’re my girlfriend or that I’m a lesbian and you have to go along with it for sake of this movie to exist even though this is absolutely a terrible thing to ask of anyone, periodt. But we are beginning to find out that Harper’s character is as full of garbage as her wig. 
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So we meet the parents, who are Victor Garber, Mary Steenbergen, and also Mary Steenbergen’s iPad which vulture correctly identifies as the star of this movie AND IT IS. Especially during the end credits where we get to see all the pics the iPad takes! But I’m getting ahead of myself. The parents live in one of those cavernous houses that is definitely a mansion but tries to feel homey even though it probably has about 12 bedrooms and usually only exists in a Nancy Meyers movie. Despite its amount of bedrooms,  Abby has to sleep in a basement bunker which also doubles as a well organized rubbermaid storage unit. For the rest of the movie, Abby is treated like a subhuman trash person much in the way Ben Stiller is treated in Meet the Parents and Sarah Jessica Parker is treated in The Family Stone, except they don’t also have to pretend to not be in a relationship with the family member they arrived with. This conceit becomes so degrading that you honestly wonder why these people are still together!
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Abby endures scene after scene of total nonsense and still looks better than the wig on her terrible girlfriend. Which starts actually looking better in a few of these scenes but still is very much a terrible and noticeable wig which is on par with Rachel McAdams’ wig in Mean Girls in that we are constantly told that these women are gorgeous and every single time I ask “YOU MEAN WITH THAT TERRIBLE WIG ON THEIR HEADS????” I suppose this wig was “necessary” because Harper’s two sisters also have long-ish brown hair so they were going for some sort of familial consistency except one daughter has a terrible wig and the other two have hair. Also one sister is Alison Brie, who plays a harpy so awful that she starts to make Harper look palatable and one sister is Mary Holland, who also cowrote the script, and definitely wrote herself the only character who I’d like to meet in real life. 
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Along the way, we also meet Aubrey Plaza, who I usually hate because she is just one-note sullen, but here is actually great as Harper’s high school ex-girlfriend who Harper outted and allowed to be bullied and wow Harper - you have been terrible for decades!! Also compared to Harper, Aubrey has beautiful (real) hair, doesn’t lie to her entire family, and has actual chemistry with Abby. I very much wanted Abby to end up with Aubrey and I am not alone! Harper somehow avoids Abby for most of the time they are both staying in the same (albeit huge) house and there is even a dumb subplot about Abby being framed for shoplifting while trying to buy a gift for the parents’ very important white elephant gift exchange during their very important Christmas Eve party and I wonder if any of these people really knows what a white elephant gift is or how to exist in society? Meanwhile, as Harper reverts to being more falsely  heteronormative at her parents house, I started to wonder if her wig was trying to serve a larger purpose in showing how fake this character is but: no it’s just a bad wig. Also this movie really does the impossible: it makes me care about and feel bad for Kristen Stewart! 
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Although I did find it highly questionable that though they are the stars of a romantic comedy, neither Kristen Stewart or Mackenzie Davis is funny AT ALL. Like not even a little! Which makes the “comedic” plight of Stewart all the more upsetting! All comedy is left to the one good daughter (Mary Holland) and also all gay men in the movie. This is mainly Abby’s bff and national (Canadian) treasure, Dan Levy and also Drag Race faves Jinxx Monsoon and Ben De-La-Creme in this one gay bar scene which is honestly truly inconceivable and except for further cementing the fact that Abby and Aubrey really should get together. 
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In the end, Alison Brie finds out Harper’s TERRIBLE SECRET THAT NO ONE IN 2020 COULD POSSIBLY FATHOM (that she’s a lesbian) and they have a fight in the middle of the white elephant party which reveals that all the family has been competing for years for each other’s love which is really really messed up and now I kind of hate everyone in this family. And also Harper is outed to her entire terrible family and also Ana Gasteyer (and also a room full of other randos). And she denies her lesbian truth!  I recently watched Uncle Frank which is essentially everything Hillbilly Elegy wanted to be but is Shakespeare compared to that mess, and a similar scene occurs but that character bravely faces the truth - and in 1970s SOUTH CAROLINA!! I don’t know what time or space this movie thinks it exists in but it is baffling. Still, Dan Levy gives an emotional monologue about how no one can decide when anyone else is ready to come out of the closet so: FAIR. And then Harper does come out and the entire family kind gives absolutely no reaction to this until Victor Garber says it’s ok?? ABSOLUTELY AND TRULY BIZARRELY PATRIARCHAL. And then Harper and Abby get back together in the parking lot of a Love’s convenience store which is as cheesy and clunky as any garbage holiday rom com so I guess this is definitely a new holiday “classic” which I’ll probably watch 100 more times and hate Harper and her terrible wig each time about as much as I hate Laura Linney’s terrible life choices in Love, Actually. AS CONFOUNDING AS HARPER’S WIG OR THE CHOICE TO GIVE HER ONE AT ALL!
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artekai · 3 years
A little while ago I noticed you said that you were watching Assassination Classroom and was just wondering how far you've got?? I've got an idea for an AU but it has some big ol' spoilers so I wanna be sure that you've seen everything before I share it. But other than that: how are you enjoying it? Got any favourite characters in particular? (Sorry, I don't really know anyone else whose watched it so I'm a lil excited lol)
No, please don’t apologize!! I’m SO happy you asked! I don’t know anyone who’s watched it either so I’ve been holding all of my excitement in hjklkjkl
I haven’t finished it yet (I was binging it, but then I got writing/art inspiration and, well... you probably know how it is, sometimes you have plans and your brain is just like haha no), I’m just at the beginning of the second season, but it’s been really fun so far! It’s been keeping me at the edge of my seat, curious and excited as to what the students are gonna try next, how close they are going to get this time, and how their characters and their relationships with each other will develop over time. Also, I don’t know what it is about the art and animation that makes it so pleasing to look at, but it’s GORGEOUS! I really want to draw some art of it once I’ve finished watching it!
Based on the title and what you guys told me, I thought it was going to be super dark and angsty through and through, but so far it’s actually been giving me Saiki K. vibes? (It’s a slice of life anime about an overpowered high schooler who keeps his powers a secret but still uses them to protect his friends, so I think you can see why I’d make the comparison) Obviously Saiki K. is a lot more comedic and over the top, but the light-hearted, humorous parts of Assassination Classroom do remind me of it. And they have gotten many laughs out of me so I’ve definitely been enjoying it a lot lol
(Not to get sidetracked, but that’s a crossover that needs to happen. Saiki vs. Koro-sensei, who would win??? I NEED to know. At first I thought that Saiki had the obvious advantage, but, as I kept watching and learning more about Koro-sensei’s powers, I began to wonder if Saiki even stands a chance?? I guess I’ll be able to draw conclusions once I finish Assassination Classroom lol)
Anyways, I’m guessing that shit will hit the fan eventually but for now let me enjoy haha funny octopus man asdsfdgjkjlkk
Now, as for the characters...
Koro-sensei is a blast! He’s funny and endearing and the heartfelt moments he has with his students are really heartwarming. I will cry if/when they kill him. We stan
Karma. Oh, what to say about him... God, he’s absolutely amazing! His banter is SO much fun and his character arc has been very enjoyable so far! I enjoy every second he’s onscreen. We stan
I don’t have much to say about Nagisa, but I really, really like him. It might be because he seems pretty average but he’s also cunning, cares about his classmates, and his killing technique is flawless. I love him, must protecc
(he doesn’t really need protection though hjaklsk)
The purple haired girl (sorry, forgot her name T-T) is pretty nice too. She doesn’t have much of the spotlight (for clear reasons) but the episode centered around her stuck with me. I like her a lot!
Oh, and the green haired girl didn’t really catch my attention at first, but, after the episode with the giant pudding, I can say I really like her too and I hope there are more episodes centered around her!
Ah, and how could I almost forget? That guy who was really mean and loud and hated Koro-sensei at the beginning, but then got involved in the whole mess with Itona, putting everyone in danger in the pool, and had to reconsider his behavior? (Man, I really am terrible with names ;-;) I really, really love his character! His arc was super satisfying and it’s refreshing to see that the story added more depth to the bully/loud, mean guy archetype!
Overall, I don’t think there’s any characters I dislike? Even when I don’t agree with their actions, I feel like I can always understand why they act the way they do, which is great and helps them feel believable! Their arcs are also enjoyable and you can certainly see them changing over time, so, yeah, the characters are all pretty nice, fun, and endearing in their own unique ways.
Not Takaoka, though. I want to bash his face in with a pipe >:(
He irked me from the second he pulled that good ol’ “we are a family” shit, but he only got worse and worse from there. We don’t stan
Anyways, sorry this got so long!! I’ve been holding my thoughts in for a while so it feels great to have an excuse to let it all out, haha. Really, thanks a lot for this, and also for the recommendation, I really appreciate it. I’ll be looking forward to hearing your ideas once I finish watching! I... might have some plans too, but, of course, I don’t want to do anything with them until I know the whole story... So we’ll see :)
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