#atla zombie au
freakurodani · 1 month
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have we put them in a zombie apocalypse yet?
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theduckeminence · 4 months
“Water. Earth. Fire. Air.”
“My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days, a time of peace when the Avatar kept balance between the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads.”
“But that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked.“
“According to my grandmother, in response to the Fire Nation bringing devastation to the world in attempt of war, the Spirits grew upset by the way in which the order of things have been put into imbalance.”
“So, in response to the losses left by the fire, a rot was releases into the world.”
“And slowly, taking the body and minds of others, the infection known as Spirit Rot came to be.”
“Only the Avatar mastered all four elements. Only he could stop the outspread of this disease. He can bring peace back to and for all of us. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.”
A hundred years have passed and the Spirit Rot has since consumed the world, leaving behind more devastation and losses than the Fire Nation had done.
Two years ago, my father and the men of my tribe journeyed to the Earth Kingdom to help fight against the infected and offer transport and assistance, leaving me and my brother to look after our tribe.
Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn into the Air Nomads, and that the cycle is broken. But I haven't lost hope. I still believe that somehow, the Avatar will return to save the world."
Or, an ATLA infection AU.
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discordiansamba · 4 months
"Okay, show of hands. How many of us are half-human, half-Galra?"
A lot of hands go up, but surprisingly, not everyone's does. One version of himself, a Galra with red and purple markings wearing Blade armor just looks confused.
"Wait," he says, "-you guys are only half Galra?"
"See, I'm just completely human," one version of himself with gray eyes says, "-but I guess I was raised by Galra? So technically I'm still an alien."
"Wait," a puzzled version of himself wearing a more fantasy version of Blade armor tilts his head, "-what's an alien? I mean, I'm half Galra, but-"
"-actually yeah, same question," a version of himself with golden eyes wearing a cloak asks, "-what's an alien? also what's a Galra? I'm human also. By the way. Definitely human."
"That feels like a really obvious denial," another version of himself that's purple but is wearing more Altean style clothing says, "-also I'm half-Galra, half-Altean."
"I am also half-Galra, half-Altean," a version of himself that definitely looks a little too much like Lotor raises his hand.
"Half-human, Half-Altean," another version of himself wearing even fancier Altean clothing says.
"Full Altean," says another version of himself, "-it's a recent and complicated development. Don't ask."
"Y'all are aliens?" A version of himself that looks mostly human asks, arching a brow. "Huh. Guess that... might explain some stuff about me."
"You guys aren't Shifters?" A deeply confused version of himself asks. "Like? You can't change your shape? That's so weird."
"I can," one version of himself says, and demonstrates by turning themselves Galra in the blink of an eye, "-you mean y'all can't do this?"
"I wish I could do that," says an extremely tall, very Galra version of himself wearing Lotor's armor, "-but no."
"I'm... a lot of things," says a version of himself who does, in fact, look like a lot of things, "-but originally I was just half-human, half-Galra."
"...why do so many of you guys have aliens in your universe?" one version of himself asks, "-because I don't. I mean, I may be a genetically modified superhuman, but-"
"Actually being part-Galra would explain some stuff," a version of himself with visible Galra features says, "-I just thought the changes were because I'm infected with a zombie virus."
"Wait. What the fuck."
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the-genius-az · 2 months
Azula is a zombie/human, a mutation or something, where she is conscious although unfortunately when she became a Zombie she was bitten so much that some ripped off pieces of her, but she can live without a heart, you could say that she is immortal, but they can take parts from her of the body.
Mai and Ty Lee are humans who survive day by day, both girls never expected to find another "survivor", but they were happy because they had found someone who has a lot of supplies.
Until days later they both cried over Azula's "death" after a zombie attack, until they heard Azula awkwardly flirting with both of them while they had tears in their eyes.
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atlas-likes-writing · 5 months
TW: Gore, death, viruses, blood, depictions of violence.
Red Hood that comes back to Gotham at the same time he does in canon, but not in the way you'd expect.
Everyone knows the Lazarus Pit changes you, for better or for worse. For Jason, it was so, so much worse.
Imagine the moment he steps out of the Lazarus Pit, with Ra's Al Ghul smirking at the idea that he may, finally, defeat The Dark Knight once and for all.
But that smirk is wiped off his face the minute he sees what he has created.
It's morose. It's ugly. It's grotesque. The skin on his body hangs off the bone and makes a disgusting squelch whenever his feet hits the ground. His arms are drawn upwards towards Ra's, his iris' non-existent and his mouth agape. He staggers towards the Demon's Head, hands grasping at nothing as he stumbles his way towards him.
Ra's Al Ghul has made a zombie. A disgusting, hideous zombie.
It's then when he gets a sick and twisted idea. He traps the undead Jason, and carts him away in a wooden box with "Gotham City" on the label. He's dropped in front of Wayne Tower, and the box he's kept in is opened. He's unleashed, and Jason Todd's reign of terror begins.
Though what Ra's didn't account for, is the zombie's intelligence.
He goes about it systematically. Secretly. Going for little-known thugs and criminals in dark alleyways first, before moving on to drunk party-goers and drugged out civilians that happened to stumble across him in the dead of night. Soon enough, he has an army. An army of unsightly and repulsive walking corpses.
When he's ready, he strikes in the middle of the day. He targets hospitals, shopping centers, and high-rise offices. Within 30 minutes, half of Gotham is overrun by the walking dead.
The Batfamily are on red alert. Nightwing is pulled from Blüdhaven and Bruce finally allows Alfred his time to shine with his vast variety of firearms. Superman. Starfire. Raven. Martian Manhunter. Everyone from the elite meta groups across America are called in to deal with this potentially world-ending threat.
It's only until Tim Drake gets bitten when they realise that this is a real danger.
First it's Tim. Then it's Flash. He got bit while leading zombies into a trap set by the Teen Titans.
Now there's a meta-user out there. An undead corpse is running around at the speed of sound, biting, scratching, and killing every living thing around it.
You know what they say, right? When one goes, the rest is soon to follow.
Next it's Green Lantern. Then it's Aquaman. Then it's Beast Boy. Then, somehow, it's fucking Superman, who got bit by one of his best friends, Wonderwoman.
Soon after that, they all go.
That's right. Earth's mightiest defenders are ripping people to shreds. Tearing innocents clean in half from the top of their heads to the bottom of their torso. It's horrific and is classified as an international emergency.
The entire world goes to shit, until Batman finds Patient Zero. He's locked the rest of his children in quarantined cells, their blood and saliva drips down the glass doors and soulless eyes stare at him as he strides past.
He jumps into the Batmobile and shoots out of the cave, mowing down the undead as he goes with regret in his eyes. Through all that lust for death and murderous gleams in the eyes, they're still human. Humans who are sick and need to be treated. Now, with most of the world's strongest fighters succumbing to this virus, he must be the one to stop it.
He discovers Patient Zero in a warehouse near the docks of Gotham. He enters, batarangs in hand and ready to be thrown at anything that moves. He sees a throne at the other end of the room where a figure sits. He creeps up to it, and realises it's made of human bones, much to his horror. As he gets closer, he makes out the face of the person who started it all.
His son. Jason Todd. The one who got away.
His batarangs clatter on the ground.
His dead son turns to him, face knarled and ruined, and his mouth opens. A horrid sound leaves his throat.
He's speaking, but he sounds like he's screaming.
"Look what you've done, father. This is your fault."
Reblogs appreciated!!
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ciaossu-imagines · 5 months
Ikerev & Zombie Apocalypse?
Of course, anon dear! I'm so, so sorry this took forever to get back to you but if you're still reading, I hope you'll enjoy the headcanons I thought of for this AU!
Okay, so we're going into this with me forewarning everyone. By it's very nature, a zombie apocalypse AU is going to get dark, gritty, angsty, and probably a little fucked up and as I love getting the chance to get angsty and dark, you know things might get fucked up here and there with some of these headcanons. If that is not your cup of tea or something you think might bother you, it might be better for you to stop reading.
So now that we have that out of the way, if you're still reading, let's get this all started. So, in my head, this AU is less of an actual alternate universe. I still very much see this set in Cradle, with the same universe existing of Magic and the Magic Tower and the different armies. However, I don't see the armies as still really fighting each other - they are at peace and the Magic Tower, though definitely still shady as fuck and definitely still up to no real good, isn't thought of as an absolute threat. Everything seems good and peaceful and that's part of the real set-up of this AU.
So, to get to the real meat of this AU. So, everything is nice and peaceful. Life seems idyllic. But then things start to change. The Magic Tower, still headed by Amon Jabberwock, is doing what the Magic Tower always does - experimenting with the Magic Crystals, seeing what can be done with them. Their latest experiment is working with the crystals and humans to see if, by ingesting bits of the crystals and thus integrating them into the human body, they can enhance the boundaries of what a human body and mind can do. The experiments seem to be well-meaning, are sold as looking to find cures for aging, for disabilities, for anything bad that can possibly happen to a human body or mind. What they're really after, or at least what Amon wants them for, is to create his own army of superhuman soldiers to conquer Cradle, though not even his followers are really privy to that fact.
Too bad the experiments seem to be failing. Most of the humans experimented on are dying…and then things seem to change. Things start to appear to be going well and the Magic Tower rejoices and gets inspired to really test even further limits of the experiment. The long and short of it though - these new Crystal infused humans? They're super-strong, seemingly impervious to all harm except complete decapitation to sever the connection of brain and body, with superhuman senses…oh, and they all go insane. Like, their brain goes bad - all limiters are taken off and they start to act solely on impulses and basic desires instead of any rational thoughts or logic. They're extremely violent if threatened at all or if something stands in the way of one of their wants. They experience extreme hunger at points and if food isn't readily available….well, humans are a source of meat too. They crave sex, food, shelter, warmth, liquid. Some of them retain enough of their personalities to have cravings for things they especially loved before the experiments as well.
The worst thing? Though they start as mindless, they quickly seem to link up into some sort of hive-mind and they start enhancing their numbers. If they don't outright kill, they forcibly turn others into beings like themselves by forcibly feeding them crystals. If the person survives this, they join The Hive.
It starts in the Tower. Amon willingly joins The Hive, makes himself the Head of it. Dalim, being a Disciple of the Tower, is in this initial first attack by these creatures. Terrified and no longer trusting in Amon, Dum does do the right thing in the end and tries to ensure that the experiment dies in the Tower, that none of the infected escape the Tower. He helps get other Disciples out but unfortunately, he succumbs to an attack by several of the infected and gets forcibly recruited into The Hive.
The infected surge out of the Tower and it's not too long before the peace of Cradle is completely shattered and things become a full out 'zombie apocalypse'. The armies each do their best to fight The Hive and protect the citizens but still steadfastly refuse to join forces with each other until much later on in the story.
I see Jonah as being one of the first to die. It's not because he's not strong and more than a capable fighter. It's because he's just genuinely someone who doesn't have a lot of common sense. His death comes in the first wave of the infected out of the Tower. He chose bravery and doing his duty but, after seeing other soldiers downed and even seeing some be forcibly infected, his ego and lack of common sense really did him in and he gets slaughtered and eaten.
Though he'll last throughout most of the story, I do see Lancelot dying. It's his death that inspires the two armies to join forces and come together, actually. The thing is, as a magically strong person already, the Hive (and Amon, their leader) didn't want to kill Lancelot. No, they became almost obsessed with changing him, with making him a part of the Hive. Though Lancelot was strong and clever enough to hold them off for a long time, while saving someone else whilst in the midst of battle, he was left vulnerable for long enough to be force fed what was needed to ensure he would eventually turn. Though the only one who was aware of this was Kyle, who steadfastly maintained that they would find a way to save Lance, Lancelot knew what needed to be done. He told Sirius and Harr the truth of what had happened and begged his two best friends to do what needed to be done - to kill him.
Sirius was the one to actually end up doing the deed. He'd already lost most of his family and by that point, had seen enough other people die. He'd been so strong up until that point and he'd inspired so many people to keep going with his never give up attitude, his optimism that things would get better, and his hard work. But after that, after being forced to kill one of his oldest and dearest friends? He sure kept trying, so hard, but the fact of the matter was that after that, Sirius really started to give up. Another major story event really did him in and he almost recklessly charged into the next major battle with The Hive and was taken down. Those close by at the time said he seemed almost relieved as The Hive killed him.
That other major story event? It has to do with Harr. Harr was a Magic Tower Disciple who had abducted his position the second the Tower started experimenting on humans. It was just something Harr could not handle, could not get behind, so he left. He did his best to keep his eye on things with the Tower though, worried about what might happen. When the worst does happen, Harr feels immense guilt for not having done more to stop this from happening. He becomes obsessed with finding a cure for those infected, with stopping this with as little bloodshed as possible. Loki helps him, as does Kyle, who also becomes obsessive about finding a cure.
As the days and weeks go by though and they seem to be getting nowhere, Kyle starts drinking harder and harder and becoming more and more reckless in his efforts to learn more about the infected. He needs test subjects and by the time the armies manage to trap and transport an infected person to him, not only have they suffered major casualties, but the infected in question is normally dead as well. Kyle becomes tired of seeing people die and being helpless to stop it and he directly goes out into the field. Dead infected specimens aren't helping; he needs a live one and becomes bound and determined to get one. While trying to do so, Kyle gets captured and changed.
The newly infected Kyle is feral and attacks his former comrades, killing Loki. Between Loki's death and Kyle's change, combined with watching Sirius kill Lancelot just the day before, Harr cannot handle things anymore. It's too much and his brain just can't deal. Harr takes a dive, head first, from the place this all started - the Tower itself. He's dead upon impact with the ground, quick and painless, but dead nonetheless.
Because the idea, while horrible, was too delicious to resist…I really do see Dean being brutally savaged and beaten to death by his own infected brother. The sibling rivalry had carried over enough in the infected Dalim's mind for the need to kill his brother to be a major desire of his.
Now, I have always kind of headcanoned that Mousse has narcolepsy. Obviously he doesn't have a route so I don't know for sure if that is canonically true but I see that being his undoing in this AU. He gets infected in his sleep very early on in the story.
Oliver becomes very useful though. He devotes himself to making weapons and traps and fortifying buildings to become shelters. Though he doesn't go into battles himself and is very protected, he's such an important and integral part of everything.
I do see Edgar, Fenrir, and Seth becoming rather famous as front line warriors against the Hive. All or any of them alone become major targets of the Hive because of how many infected they take out and how integral a part of survival in this new world they become.
After Lancelot's death, Blanc and Ray become co-leaders, trying everything they can to gather and ensure the safety of all non-infected individuals. Blanc keeps an eye and really dedicates himself to ensuring the non-infected are safe and taken care of and that shelter, food, water, and basic needs can be met for everyone while Ray leads the more military side of ensuring continued life and safety for the survivors.
Zero ends up specializing in rescue missions, in getting groups of non-infected people to safety, and really ends up becoming Blanc's second in command. Luka, meanwhile, stays under Ray and does fight…Luka's biggest regret in everything though? That he couldn't save his brother. So he becomes foolhardy and reckless at times, taking risks he shouldn't, because to him, if he can save even just one more person…maybe that will take some of the guilt away, absolve him even a little. Even just a smidge.
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longing-for-rain · 5 months
Zombie apocalypse AU where Aang won’t let anyone kill the zombies and tries reasoning with them instead and gets immediately eaten alive
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stardust948 · 2 months
@waterfire1848 I found the ATLA Zombie AU video!
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phoenixyfriend · 4 months
Making this its own post instead of an ask.
I divide crossovers into categories or types, and here the most basic ones.
A character from one setting ends up in another, completely unrelated setting. They do not share a universe, do not share a planet, nada. This is "falls through a portal" type of crossover. EXAMPLE: A Witch's Favor, where Wanda Maximoff and Maria Rambeau (Marvel) end up in the Star Wars universe due to an unexplained spell malfunction.
Shared Verse:
The settings could theoretically, in some manner, exist in the same universe without ever intersecting. EXAMPLE: I usually use Naruto for this example, e.g. the Hidden Continent exists in the Pacific but has had minimal influence/interaction with the rest of the setting up to this point because it's magically cut off from the rest of the planet. For Star Wars, this is usually pretty easy by just putting whatever the second canon is as just. A planet in Wild Space. They exist in the same universe! They just haven't found each other yet! A great example is the fic A Star to Steer By, by @norcumii and @dogmatix. A subset of this is fics where one is the distant past of the other, like Muse on This or Red-Eyed Black Widow.
Mixed Verse:
The setting is one that involves both canons influencing each other to a degree, or being in the same verse without being a fusion AU or shared-verse. The settings exist together, both having strong worldbuilding elements of the original, but are not fully themselves and show obvious elements of the other. EXAMPLE: Unfortunately my most recent example is an HP crossover so. Please keep in mind that this is from four years ago, before R*wling outed herself as a massive bigot: Professor Storm.
More or less 1:1 "this character from fandom A would be this character from fandom B" or otherwise "characters from fandom A reimagined in fandom B with none of the original setting." For a long time, HP was the biggest and most constant example, but uhhh that's clearly been falling out of favor like raw eggs. I've seen a lot of good ones for Hunger Games, though, and even wrote my own, but I know some other common ones are Steven Universe (which gem are they?), AtLA (which bender type are they?), or Pokemon (what trainer type are they). Also, arguably, generic AUs that don't take place in canon-verse, like modern or historical or zombie or Generic Cyberdystopia. EXAMPLE: After Me Comes the Flood.
Element Overlay:
A world-building element from Fandom B is applied to the setting and characters of Fandom A. Common examples are Daemon AUs or Sentinel/Guide AUs. I think a fun thing to point out is that, while they don't technically have a source fandom of origin since they were developed communally by fandom, soulmate AUs and omegaverse count as well.
There are other types, like infusing the plot of one narrative into the setting and characters of the other, which is a really fun kind of fusion (I always come back to thinking about Age of Marvels by justplainrii, which only ever got three chapters but still eats at my brain sometimes), buuuuut I'd say most crossovers are some variant of the above.
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comradekatara · 4 months
for tbe atla people who has had in-universe fanfiction written about them (along the lines of tina belcher who came from bobs burger belcher)
your asks are always so strange (both in content and wording) that I end up having to read them like 5 times before I can begin to parse them. anyway I love that you cite tina belcher instead of just. rpf. like the literal terminology for this phenomenon that we do very much have at our disposals. so I even can’t tell if you’re asking “who would have rpf written about them” (which also presumably differs from historical fiction about past avatars or smth like that) and “who would write freaky friend fiction (like tina)?” i’m gonna go with the latter bc it’s way funnier.
i think that girl meng would definitely have written some….things…..about aang, iykwim. zombie apocalypse au, enemies to lovers, there was only one bed, etc etc.
i can also just kind of see jin doing this (abt lee from the tea shop or otherwise) i can’t explain it she just has fujoshi vibes. like, whenever ppl talk about how jin, zuko, and jet should have all been friends in ba sing se, i’m usually like “uhh… why tho….” but now i see why. it’s so that she could write jetko rpf about them.
for therapeutic purposes mai probably writes a lot of really cathartic short stories about her entire family, the entire royal family, and ty lee all falling into a sinkhole. but then mai saves ty lee from drowning at the last minute, which teaches ty lee to appreciate her instead of that stupid sinkhole bitch azula (this is all pre boiling rock, obviously).
at one point mai and sokka find a notebook of really angsty fanfiction about the blue spirit and they’re like, “oh my god this is amazing we gotta show this to zuko, he’ll get a kick out of this,” not realizing that zuko actually wrote it himself as a way to work through his identity crisis. he’s just like, “yeah….wow….so cringey, right? but also, kind of incredible how this writer articulates the struggle of the bisected self in extremis so beautifully……right? you guys think so too?” and sokka and mai just look at each other and silently go, “okay…. we may have made a mistake…..”
when katara was a child she would make up stories in her head about finding the avatar and befriending him and having him fall in love with her due to her courage and beauty and (hopefully, someday) waterbending talent and they would defeat the firelord together and live happily ever after. but thankfully she never wrote any of this down, because paper is a very scarce commodity in the southern water tribe and even she knows better than to invoke gran gran’s wrath on that. she never tells aang. although at some point (in sworn secrecy) she does end up telling zuko (assuming that he’d understand considering he also devised fantasies of finding the avatar to cope with his miserable existence), and he laughs for hours.
during their time together in the nwt, yue’s diary gets filled with all kinds of lurid fantasies of sokka killing hahn (in increasingly brutal ways) and sneaking her out of the palace so that she can join team avatar and they can be together forever. of course, whenever they talk about it, she’s just like “yes I love hahn he is great and I love my people and I would never leave my home” so sokka’s just like “okay girl you do you.” but then during the siege, yue actually sees sokka kill a man, and she’s suddenly so conflicted because all her self-indulgent fantasies were a bit too real (and in reality, he’s way more efficient about killing people than he was in her fantasies, almost like he’s done it before….) and she has no clue how to feel about it. anyway, thankfully, yue has learned how to hide her diary really well at this point, because if arnook ever found those particular pages he would’ve tracked down sokka and killed him without hesitation.
ok bonus follow up to the fujoshi jin writing jetko rpf au: eventually they find it (or maybe she’s bold enough to just straight up give it to them. you know what, she might be) and read it. jet’s like, “uhhh…. jin….. i’m not gay. you know that, right?” (he’s actually been hitting on her for… a while now…) and zuko’s like, “okay well i might be. BUT NOT FOR HIM!!!”
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freakurodani · 16 days
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introducing two very good boys!!!
(be kind to sokka, food is scarce)
part 2 of the atla zombie au
[Part 1]
[Next Part]
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hm. monster high mh au. what monsters/cryptids whatever are they atlas?
what an EXCELLENT question omg omg omg i love monster high, this is perfect
there are literally so so so many possibilities of what could fit them, but heres my general list
alex- gargoyle. hes stone faced, cold, and has got a helluva chip on his shoulder. his dog is named rocky. plus i think he would look hot in that kind of design. the gargoyle designs go HARD
i know everyone normally says werewolf for tim (just like alex is usually a vampire) BUT if this is a monster high au then im gonna think outside the box and say
tim- boogeyman. if youre familiar with twyla, i think he would be pretty much like her, except he would be the introvert side instead of shy side of this meme
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going on,
brian- zombie, though im hesitant and can be swayed to something else. i just think it sort of fits his hoody vibe. shuffling and grim and sulking in graveyards. dirty and leaves in his hair. he would make suchhhh a cute zombie, especially if he combined parts with a frankenstein monster situation and stitched his limbs back on and got electricity boosts!
jay- invisible man. like invisibilly. he uses his powers for evil and for stalking and stuff. its awesome. he pranks alex so much and alex hates it HSDKJGFHKGJ
jessica- skeleton. reference to her dynamic with skully in the comics, plus i feel like it just Fits her
seth- voodoo doll. i know the character hoodude voodoo was technically "made by frankie" and wasnt "born" like the rest of them, but just consider this: white doll reference, and brian makes him? is this anything?
amy- ghost. reference to her haunting the narrative of season two marble hornets. also she totally fits being all floaty and creepy and ghoulish. i think she would be some kind of banshee type ghost. very horrifying and screamy. ohohoho this is good stuff.
sarah- im gonna say vampire, BUT she would look a lot more like a batsy claro style vampire with wings and stuff, she isnt pink like draculaura or valentine.
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sugolara · 1 year
𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙨 𝙖𝙜𝙤
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ft. Katsuki Bakugo x Shoto Todoroki x Izuku Midoriya x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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Three months ago, Izuku and F/n were sleeping peacefully, occasionally tossing and turning while Katsuki was on look out. During the night, Katsuki's ears caught sounds of footsteps. At first he figured it was a rotter wandering around, but that wasn't the case as he heard a car and a couple people talking.
To make sure it wasn't his imagination, he peeped out through the curtains and sure enough there were at least four men standing outside and a van with customized backdoors parked along with a truck and its headlight shining. 
The headlight made Katsuki hard to see but the silhouette was enough for him to slowly run and quietly wake the pair up.
The sleeping pairs that were now wide awake quickly reached for their weapons; with Izuku holding his rifle, F/n holding a revolver, and Katsuki holding a bloody axe. 
They stayed quiet for a moment hoping they would pass by but atlas, footsteps began to approach the home. The three mentally frustratedly sighed and took position in case they tried to break in. 
"Are you sure you saw them going in here?" A voice ranged out. Another voice followed, "Positive. I saw the red truck here last time. Look, it's over there!” 
"How many would you say is in here?" A deep voice said. "Three; two men and a woman." 
Izuku, Katsuki and F/n looked at each other. They were watching us? But for how long?
Their thoughts were interrupted as a loud bang was heard. Most definitely a kick as soon they saw a boot making its way through the door. The three then took cover as bullets began flying through the door. "Open up, we know you're in there!" 
With Izuku next to the stairs, he caught the other two's attention that stayed behind the couch. With Izuku signaling Katsuki and F/n, they ran up the stairs as another set of bullets came flying by almost hitting Izuku. 
The three heard as glass shattered and then heard a car backing up. They shortly heard a whistle and a bang. 
With Izuku and F/n sitting at the top of the stairs and watching the living room, Katsuki crawled to a nearby room so he wouldn't be spotted and peaked through the blinds. His ruby eyes widened as to what he was seeing. 
A van began to reverse straight into the house. The house shook as the van rammed its way in and then a thump was heard coming from inside the house. 
The three gasped as shortly they heard groans coming and shuffling heading for them. Quickly getting up, Izuku pulled F/n into the room where Katsuki was in. The three heard laughter and a few gunshots. 
"Did they just fucking trap us!?" Katsuki yelled as he heard the dead coming closer.
“We have to fucking kill them!” F/n yelled with her gun ready to aim.
“No!” Izuku yelled at F/n and pushed her back, “Your wound still isn’t healed. Any pressure or any of the dead fluids goes into your wound, you’ll get infected!” 
F/n cocked her gun and glared at Izuku, “I wasn’t talking about them.” 
Realizing what she meant, Izuku nodded and told Katsuki to help him and barricade the door with anything heavy. 
But the three quickly dropped to the floor as bullets were fired at them. None of them were hit but they shielded their heads as glass shattered around them. 
"We have to do this now!" Izuku yelled and pulled Katsuki up. They began to block the door from the rotters coming inside. Izuku looked around for F/n and saw her crouched near a window with her revolver in her hand. 
He kicked his rifle towards her feet in case she ran out of ammo. F/n looked back at Izuku who nodded and continued to help Katsuki. 
F/n picked up Izuku's rifle and perched it on the windowsill. With the help of the scope, she was able to perfectly aim at the men outside. She was thankful that Izuku hardly used his rifle as it appeared in good condition.
Katsuki and Izuku grunted as the door wouldn't hold out any longer. Katsuki looked at F/n, "Can you hurry up and get rid of them!? We can't hold out any longer!" 
F/n groaned, "It takes patie–!" 
Katsuki and Izuku gasp as F/n's head flinches back and blood shoots out. Panicked rushed through Izuku's face as he noticed drops of blood coming from the left side of her head and glided down her neck, "F/n! Are you okay!?" 
Katsuki then shouted at her thinking she might be dead as the rifle in her hands slightly fell, "Hey, wake up!" 
Their hearts then thumped as they heard a groan coming from F/n and her head shooting up, "You damn imbeciles, I'll kill you!" 
Shots after shots were heard as Katsuki and Izuku grunted and could no longer hold the door shut. Once they heard F/n saying they got rid of the men, Katsuki and Izuku quickly ran towards the window and pulled her up with them.
A rotten hand reached for Katsuki's leg but he had managed to stand on the roof and shortly follow Izuku and F/n. They carefully climbed down the house and exited the backyard as the fences were down.
They sighed in relief and glanced at the ruined property, their lips frown as they had to leave everything behind; their food, clothes, bags, Izuku’s notebook and much more. They heard painful screams and shouts of help coming from the men but they ignored it. 
Hearing F/n grunt and fall on her knees, the males run to her aid to see if she were okay, “It… hurts.” 
Izuku worryingly checks her wound on her back and sees her blood seeping through the white bandages, “We need to find some burning alcohol and clean bandages before your wound gets infected. Let me see your ear.” 
Thankfully, it wasn’t bad as it was just grazed, a small scar would form and a bit of chunk of ear was cut.
Their heads then turned to Katsuki as he groaned and stood up, "Great, now we have to start over and risk our lives for food. Fucking great!"
 Izuku chuckled at Katsuki's whining though it was cut short as a gun cocked behind Katsuki. Deciding to not turn around, Katsuki stared at Izuku and F/n with his eyebrows furrowed. 
"Looks like I–" A gunshot rang as a thump followed along.
 Katsuki's ruby eyes stared at F/n who held a gun and sighed. "We need to go. Anything could've heard these gunshots and I'm not looking forward to dealing with them."
Nodding at F/n's statement, Izuku followed her. Staring at her figure, Katsuki wiped his sweaty face as his heart slowed down. He turned around and noticed a man that was about to kill him laying down. Approaching him, Katsuki grabbed his gun and a crossbow that hung on his back.
He then proceeds to leave and follow his companions. With his eyes on the h/c haired girl, he thought for a moment. Maybe, in the near future, he would thank her for saving him, twice.
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fandonnavyce · 3 months
Fic Masterpost
By Events
Ectoberhaunt 2023
Crossover Danuary 2024
DPxDC Ship Week2024 & Ship Week: After Dark 2024
Dannymay 2024 (upcoming)
Dead of Mayn 2024 (upcoming)
Invisiobang 2024 (upcoming)
Fandom Trumps Hate 2024 (upcoming)
Ghouls and Gangs 2024 (upcoming)
DPxDC, Dead on Main Series/AUs
My Love I Devour and it's sequel series, The Wild Hunt
Cinderella Wonderland
Everything is posted on AO3, not everything is cross-posted on Tumblr
Ectoberhaunt 2023
Day 2 - White Crow. Danny's a college student with some corvid friends. Dead on Main
My Love I Devour Series (In Timeline Chronology)
Day 4 - Zombies. Another Danny fixes Jason’s Pit Madness/Sick Ghost Core Fic, feat. the inherent homoeroticism of impromptu soul surgery. Rating: Mature. First in the My Love I Devour
Day 10: Occultism, Day 11: Dread vs Calm, Day 12: Obsession vs Repression, Day 13: Horror Flick - Sequel to Day 4
Day 17: Flesh, Day 18: Unravel vs Intertwine. Jason and Danny get down hot and heavy at a nightclub in the ghost zone. AO3 Series Link
Wild Hunt Series (Occurs post MLID)
Day 5 - Hunt. Ghost King Danny cordially invites you to the Wild Hunt, winner gets Constantine's entire soul - Danny's First Draft. DpxDc. First in the Wild Hunt Series
Day 19 - Claws. Danny needs Jason's brains (to write a royal invite) Sequel to Wild Hunt Part I.
Day 23: Magic, Day 26: Cults - The Ghost King summoning ritual is active for the first time in aeons. Constantine and Zatanna try it out and get more than they bargained for. AO3 Series Link
Crossover Danuary 2024 AO3 Link
Day 1 - Ben 10 Xover Tucker escapes Space Prison with the help of his two best friends
Day 1 - Another Ben 10 xover, the soft prequel. Ben meets an non-alien ET in a haunted forest
Day 2 - Atla Xover Hey, remember when Sokka got kidnapped into the Spirit World?
Day 4 - Cinderella Wonderland. A Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland Fandom Fusion but make it dpxdc, Dead on Main
Day 5 - The Owl House xover where The Collector becomes fast friends with a certain white haired girl on a day at the beach (Word of God part of the Cinderella Wonderland AU) AO3 Collection Link
DPxDC Ship Week and Ship Week: After Dark 2024
A continuation of Ectoberhaunt's Day17&18; it is the completion of part 3 of the MLID series. Can be read stand-alone more or less.
Part 1: Pleasures of the Flesh Ch 3
Part 2: Sweet Endings aka The Epilogue AO3 Fic Link
Day 2: Wish. Dead of Main Moodboard. Prayers are like wishes (you never know who's listening) so be careful for what you wish for.
Day 4: Wander. Dani Phantom Postcard.
I'll wander far and long to where I wish to roam.
But I won't forget to go and wander home
Love, Dani
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severevoiddragon · 7 months
My personal little portal AU of Hermitcraft that I was reminded of yesterday if anyone is interested
A while back I thought up a portal AU for Hermitcraft (& friends-) and ik someone's probably already done this but this is mine and it's the only au I have so I wish to share. Enjoy my ramble. (I'm just like. Making connections between characters and stating who the hermits would be in portal for this post so-)
Canon Portal characters:
GLaDOS - Cleo. First of all, they have a cat named GLaDOS. Second, she is just as sarcastic as GLaDOS and it just works. Third, Cleo loves portal so I think they deserve a main character moment. Plus Cleo is a Zombie, and human!Cleo can be Caroline. They both died but kept 'living' in a way, so
Chell - Pearl. just BC I feel Pearl has the right personality ngl
Rattmann - Cub. he's a scientist lookin guy and Cleo is currently up against Cub for the museum saga, which reminds me of Lab Rat comic where GLaDOS was tormenting rattmann a bit
Wheatley - Mumbo. Their vocal mannerisms are the same, and so is their accents. They're both funky British dudes. (Although Wheatley is a lot more mean than Mumbo is so-)
Rick/Adventure Core - Ren. "Hey there, pretty lady. You out there havin' yourself a little lady adventure?" Cmon, it's just "ladies get in line".
ATLAS - Impulse. See below.
P-Body - Skizz. These two are just. So ATLAS and P-Body. Ik they played coop together and were this way round so. It's an au, so ATLAS can be yellow, and P-Body can be blue. To make it fit.
Cave Johnson - Scar. Come on, a charismatic capitalist with barely any brain cells? I can 100% see Scar having the bright idea to splurge the budget on moon rocks, and then grind up said moon rocks just BC it sounds funny.
I have no idea which personality cores each hermit (/friends if they fit better), but yeah.
I've had this in my drafts for months so I randomly decided I should post it. If you guys have any ideas, or think that certain characters should switch lmk! :D
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spiky-berry21 · 2 months
So I've been thinking...
Lackadaisy. Zombie. Au.
Just imagine... In an apocalyptic 1920s St. Louis, a mutant disease is rapidly turning the American population into ghastly flesh eating zombies. Among the decline of population, gangs of cats are popping up everywhere around the country, taking in survivors deemed worthy for their operation.
In spite of this, the gangs turn to rival each other, fighting tooth and claw for the one thing able to drown them of their sorrows... Alcohol. One of the primary gang leaders of this now not so secretive operation, Atlas May. Yet after his mysterious death, which was rumored to be a strategic zombie ambush, Atlas's legacy is left in the paws of his widow, Mitzi. Though with the zombie populace gaining more and more each day, Mitzi, and the Lackadaisy as a whole, must defend the once glorious speakeasy from ruin. Despite the ever increasing threat of the zombies, including the various rival gangs, and crooks, dotting the surrounding St. Louis area...
(Note: was thinking about this for a while and just had to get it down, have any thoughts on this au?)
🍄Have a good day/night!🍄
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