#bro you stop taking it you gain it all back it literally says that
snoopyrps · 2 years
✨ fuck ozempic ✨
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occamstfs · 3 months
Diet Diaries
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Hi all! Thank you so much for 500 followers! Here's a little style switch up to celebrate, got a lotta refs in this one and I quite leaned into the diary entries so I hope it's not too much! Hope y'all enjoy this stereotype reversal and as always, best! -Occam
Monday March 21st-
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I am beyond sick of Steve. Moving in together was a mistake, I don’t care how cheap the rent is, he is a narcissistic slob and I am eager to never see him again. Well no, I shouldn’t get ahead of myself. Our R.A. had this idea to try and walk in each other's shoes, which I don’t know? It might not be the worst thing? My big idea was switching diets actually- honestly I’m just hoping if he ate more like me he’ll stop stinking up the dorm. I can dream at least. Literally though he just can’t go to the gym as often if he eats like me. If I'm lucky at the very least his deodorant will last longer, I cannot take another day of his b.o. seeping through the walls, ugh! Anyway, wish me luck! I’m sure this will be a breeze for me, he usually just eats junk anyway, hope he enjoys my salads~
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Andy that little fucker. He was being such a little bitch to James and now I’ve gotta eat his rabbit food for a week or lose this bet or whatever. Steve don’t lose tho. Lil twink’s gotta eat whatever I make him too and you can bet your ass I’m gonna make him match my macros if I’ve gotta starve myself like he wants. Fuck! This shit is going to absolutely tank my routine! I’ve gotta make Andy give up. I’m gonna go so hard on him he’ll have to hit weights if he doesn't want to blow up like a pig. Maybe then he’ll stop bitching any time I don’t fucking shower every time I get back home. 
Tuesday March 22nd-
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My Lord! He is trying to kill me! I don’t know how anyone could consistently eat as much as he’s telling me to. I’m so bloated from all this food.. He looks so smug every time he tells me to keep eating, I’m sure he doesn’t eat like this. He’s just trying to break me but I’m not going to let him win this easy.
Ugh, I feel so bloated my pants are so tight on my waist. I didn’t think meat sweats were a thing but man I am needing to put on deodorant like twice a day now and I’m not even exercising. I will say that now that I’m eating so much, I don’t hate the idea of going to the gym. It’s been a while since I went but I should probably at least hit up the treadmill lest I get even more of a gut- maybe I’ll see if he wants to go tomorrow. This is all just an exercise to understand each other more after all, no need to make it a stupid competition like he wants eh~
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Fuck! I am so tired of Andy’s pussy-ass diet. I had absolutely no energy at the gym today, I told all my bros that I was just gonna take it easy but fuck! I really was working my ass off and I struggled to even meet a PR I set last week. It was supposed to be a push day and I didn’t even get a chest pump! Why the fuck am I still going. I’m abso-fucking-lutely not getting gains on his fuckin’ bitch-ass salads and oats.
Eatin’ like a fucking twink and the fucker has the nerve to ask to go to the gym with me tomorrow. I’ll make sure he regrets that >:) Gonna work him like a horse so he’ll throw in the towel! After feeling how sore actually working on yourself makes ya, he might actually learn something. I’ll turn in early so I can go all out and show him what a real man looks like.
Wednesday March 23rd-
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Man! I totally get why Steven eats so much now~ I am absolutely raring to go and get this; He said I could go to the gym with him today! He even seemed like he wanted me to go with him! I feel like I have more energy than I’ve ever had before, I might even try some weights!! I don’t know but I’m so excited! It’s like I can feel my chest and biceps begging me to go and hit some iron haha! Or whatever those “bros” say~ I hope he’s got something good planned for lunch because I fuck Sorry! I just want to show him that I can do all this dude stuff too! I’m a man right? I guess all this protein is making me feel more like a man than usual idk. Either way though I’m ready to go! Hope we have some fun!
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That bitch’s fuckin’ fru fru salads are ruining my PR’s for sure! I bet he knew that when he begged me to take him to the gym today, knew it was the only time he could show off to me was when I’m so out of it. And he didn't! Just to be clear I could still wipe the floor with  him even if I’m not at my A-game. Ugh, I do gotta hand it to the little fucker though. I KNOW he hasn’t even really set foot in a gym before but man. Beginners luck my ass, as soon as I showed him a technique he lifted like he’s been doing it his whole life! It’s like I could see his pecs and tris swelling up with each lift. Not that I was staring at the bitch or anything but he’s just I just need this fuckin’ diet thing to end so I can get back to my grind, I guess I wouldn’t hate taking him to the gym more often, would be hot to make a bitch into a bro Fuck! What am I writing, I just need to lift again.
Thursday March 24th-
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Bro! Weird? Whatever, I am absolutely on fire! Steven’s diet is absolutely killer! I don’t know how it’s working so well but man I couldn’t care less, I felt like a pro in there! My coaches in school would always shit on me for not trying but man! I was barely trying yesterday but I could tell from the look on Steven’s face that I was acing it! I guess I’ll have to admit to him that he is definitely onto something with his macros but man, not until he gives up haha! Man, I need to chill haha, it’s not like I’m any stronger than I was Monday but man, looking at myself in the mirror it just seems like my clothes are just fitting better. Catching on my chest rather than my stomach y’know? I’ve never noticed that there is muscle on my arms before but man the way my sleeves are kinda hugging my biceps mm. I need to chill haha! Can’t use all my energy before hitting the gym again today!
OH! Also totally weird, I’ve had to shave twice this week! Once last night and then again this morning which is so weird! I’m not complaining though, it’s not like I wouldnt look hot with a beard right? Although my face is a little itchy already, my chest too? Whatever though haha! Time to head back to the grind lol!
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God!! Andy Andrew is being such an asshole! He’s clogging the sink shaving which I know he would so be on my ass if I had done that. Wait, he did get on my ass for shaving! But it hasn’t been a problem this week, it’s like I’m not even growing stubble for some reason? Probably from not working so hard at the gym, is that how that works? Whatever it’ll be over as soon as this stupid diet thing is. We’re halfway through now. Thank God! Because that fucking twink is starting to stink up the dorm which again!! He was such a little bitch all the time to me about that! It’s like he’s literally stopped using deodorant as soon as he started needing it! He’s never exerted himself in his life and now that his pits are sweating at all he’s suddenly allergic to hygiene, ugh! I saw last night too the fucker fell asleep with his head in his pit too so it’s not like he doesn’t know it. 
It was a little surprising actually, cause I would’ve sworn he was hairless like one of those freak cats but man his pit was as thick as my pubes! Thicker maybe, uh? Man I wish I could get that image out of my head, it’s like the tuft was pushing out further each time he inhaled, man that’s kinda hot? Fuck! I swear this twink-ass diet is making me think like him too. I need to sneak to the gym later, without him. I cannot have him getting ahead even while I’m still on his chickenshit diet.
Friday March 25th-
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Ah!! That Little bitch! He was already at the gym when I got there! Ugh! It makes me want to punch a wall, or fight him. Or something I dont know! It’s just, he was lifting my body weight on the bench when he saw me, it was so ho ugh! It doesn’t matter what it was, I can’t stop thinking of that smug look on his face- what I would give to wipe it off… That absolute prick knew what he was doing. Ugh, speaking of pricks! He may as well have not been wearing shorts at all by how much his cock was showing through them.
I knew my meal prepping was fucking tight but man, I can’t believe hot its made him. It just really fucking turns me on, or no its such a turn on for chicks. Yeah. Whatever. I need this bet to end already. Clearly he’s totally obsessed with my lifestyle so he should just admit it already! Also, hate to say it, but to Andrew’s credit his diet ain't too bad either. I’d never tell him this, and it is all a little emasculating but my skin has never looked this good. I’m not even doing skincare or anything but it’s like I’ve been on a routine for years, it’s crazy! It’s still ruining my upper gains but man, my ass looks so good it's crazy..
Oh also re: facial hair, I woke up this morning and could’ve sworn I used to have chest hair but now it looks like I’ve got just a little left around my nipples and leading up from my pubes? I might go ahead and shave those too, might as well be totally smooth like a chick right haha, I wonder what Andrew would think? I need to chill haha, maybe I’ll go see if he’s still at the gym~
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Fuuuuck dude lol. I should’ve started hitting up the gym ages ago. Don’t know what I was even wasting time on before I started doing twice-a-days? Studying I guess but I can figure that shit stuff out hm. Fuck it is so much better to be strong than a dweeb. Every set it feels like I’m just busting out new PR’s! Gonna need to buy new clothes though cause I am absolutely tearing up my crop tops, my twinky little wardrobe just isn’t cutting it anymore. Maybe Steven’d be down for a clothes swap, I’ve seen him eying up my fits all week, god knows he’ll fit them better lol. Oh haha, and speaking of him eying things up >:) You should’ve seen his little face blush when he walked into the gym this morning! He looked so pissed at me lol, but I’m not gonna grab him to come along every time I need to get some sets in right? It was pretty embarrassing for him yesterday anyway, the way I showed him up lol. I’m not just gonna sit around and watch him not lift weights when I can figure this shit out myself, thought it was supposed to be his thing though lol.
Mm, saying that though, I def didn’t hate having a little audience from his treadmill. God, his blushing face as he stared directly at my work-out chub. Fuck, it really got me going. It really helped my sets too haha. Maybe I should hit him up lol, I can tell how bad he wants me >:)
Saturday March 26th-
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Ugh! That douche is walking around the dorm completely shirtless! Do you know what it’s like to have an oaf flexing away across the room from you 24/7! He knows what he’s doing, and thank god my dick isn’t showing through my shorts like I thought it usually does because he might literally pounce on me then-
Ugh! I didn’t even mention this morning. I literally woke up to him jacking off his morning wood! Do you know what a bitch-fit he would have thrown if I did that! He would’ve filed a police report, probably the dweeb, or. I guess I could too?? But it was just so fucking hot. I tried to pretend I was asleep, but he totally caught me. He literally smirked and made eye contact as he finished too- thank god he didn’t see my boner as he asked if I wanted to clean up his mess. He’s such an ass! 
I still have a boner now actually, it’s his B.O. driving me actually crazy! It’s like I can’t think near him if he’s going to stink this bad god.. Oh, he’s doing pullups on the door frame fuck. He’s supposed to be hairless but I see sweat dripping from his pits god I can't. God with each pull up his chest looks even more powerful. His cock is bobbing up and down in his pants and I can not look away. Fuck it’s getting even bigger. I’m supposed to be the strong one right? It’s not, fuck. This isn’t right. He just so fucking, god that body, I need him-
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And Drew:
Heh. I knew that fucking twink couldn’t resist me. Every little thing I do wraps him even tighter around my finger. Every flex and smirk turns him on even more I bet he can’t even think straight the way his little dick is losing it in his briefs- I took all his jocks since I’m sure he would need them anymore. Bet the little bitch didn’t even remember they were his.  
Might as well have been drooling when he saw me jacking my cock this morning lol, surprised he didn’t take me up on the offer to lick up the mess. I know he wanted to lol. He’ll get the chance soon enough though >:) God it’s a two-way street though. That fucking twink is so fuckable now, thank god he doesn’t need to shave anymore, don’t want his peachfuzz scratching my cock cause god that mouth is so fuckable now.. To say nothing of his fucking juicy ass, god! I’ve been working out in the room all morning waiting for him to give in and ask me to fuck him, idk if I can hold it in much longer. I might need to jack it again, my balls are bluer than I ever thought they could be, fuck. It’s like they're sore. Ugh I feel them getting heavier, heh, that little fucker cant resist though. God I feel precum starting to pool in my jock. If I put my pit within a foot of his face I give him five before he can’t help but shove his face in. I need to fuck him, but as if I’m going to let him see how desperate I am. Stevie that little fucker. He’ll be riding my cock any second now.
Sunday March 27th-
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Fuck <3 !! He finally fucked me!! God, it was like nothing I’ve experienced before~ His cock was like a beer can and goddd the scratch of his beard as we were making out.. Hehe if I keep thinking about him I might just cum again right now! He can fully toss my body like a ragdoll and I’d thank him ugh! He’s just so hot, and to think he wants to fuck me!! Ah~ I’ll need to keep myself pretty so he won’t get tired of me hehe! Not that it’ll be a problem, I just need to keep on his diet, God who knew it would be this good! I don’t even remember whatever problems we had before all this and I can’t imagine anything better than getting fucked by him <3 Ah! He he~ He’s staring at my ass right now so I guess it’s time for another round! Can’t thank our R.A. enough for this idea, well he he I’ve got an idea for how to thank him, oh! Drew’s ripped off his jock! Wish me luck he he~
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My little bitch is so tight, fuck. I’m surprised he can even take my cock but god can he ride it. Gonna have a hard time taking a break from fucking him to even hit the gym. Need to make sure the twink keeps up the diet tho or we’ll have an issue. Be sure to make him come to the gym whenever I do, if not to tighten up then to watch me heh. Won’t hate fucking him in the locker room too. Mm, God his fucking tiny body makes me feel so powerful. And I fucking am. God my bis are the size of his thick thighs, fuck his ass. My cock is straining my jock just thinking about it. His tiny waist ugh, I need my sweaty body over him now. Not like he’ll mind, the horny fucker. Mmm hope he’s ready to take my cock, bet his mouth is already watering heh. Pop my pecs at him and he’ll struggle not to cum on the spot, he better keep it together until I let him though. Can’t be having my bitch blow his load that fast. Thank fuck he’s chilled out finally, though I guess my cock’ll work wonders on anyone >:) speaking of it’s about that time again. Hope he’s ready for some more action, hate to have to find another hole.
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666writingcafe · 1 month
Top Secret!!!!!
A Group Chat Involving Everyone but MC and Luke
Solomon: It's nearly time for me to give MC their preliminary exam. How many stars is MC up to?
Mammon: you serious, bro????
Mammon: you haven't kept track of mc's stars????
Mammon: old man alert
Satan: Four.
Solomon: Thank you, Satan. What other three virtues have been rewarded?
Diavolo: Gratitude from me.
Simeon: Patience from me and generosity from Luke.
Solomon: So, chastity, diligence, and humility remain. I was thinking of having us play Tail Thieves.
Asmo: I love you, Solomon, but no.
Solomon: What's wrong with Tail Thieves?
Asmo: One, it's a childish game.
Lucifer: ^
Asmo: Two, do you not remember how MC behaved the last time you tested them? They were BORED OUT OF THEIR MIND, and it impacted their performance as a result.
Beel: That's true.
Asmo: Any twists you come up with are going to be too predictable.
Solomon: *glaring crow sticker*
Solomon: I'm SURE you have a better idea.
Asmo: I do, actually.
Asmo: It involves testing their chastity.
Solomon: Go on...
Asmo: We'll seduce them.
Mammon: that's a stupid idea!!!!
Levi: youre just saying that because youre jealous
Belphie: *laughing emoji*
Beel: *gif of someone doing a spit-take*
Asmo: I'm being serious.
Asmo: During their last stay in the Devildom, I managed to charm them, which gained me access to their deepest desires.
Asmo: They have fantasies involving all of us. Tempting them with those will be the ultimate test of their chastity. If they're able to resist, then they earn the star.
Lucifer: That's actually a well thought-out idea.
Barbatos: ^
Diavolo: ^^
Solomon: *glaring crow sticker*
Solomon: Fine.
Solomon: Who's participating?
Levi: mammon and i are out
Mammon: speak for yourself!!!! the fuck???
Levi: if this is meant to really test mc then everyone has to commit to the bit and you and i both know that youd tap out the minute mc looks at you sideways
Mammon: *glaring crow sticker*
Levi: while ive gained some confidence i still wouldnt be able to maintain my composure long enough to complete something like this
Asmo: I will provide the necessary information, but I myself will not be seducing MC, as much as it pains me to say.
Satan: Of course it would pain you to say that.
Asmo: *eye roll emoji*
Solomon: Do you want to judge with me?
Asmo: I mean, I kinda figured we would, so...
Barbatos: My participation will depend on what I'm meant to reenact.
Asmo: Are you afraid it would conflict with your duties?
Barbatos: Yes.
Diavolo: Well, if you're worried about me stopping you, don't. It wouldn't be fair of me to expect you to sit this out if I'm planning on participating.
Mammon: WHAT??????
Levi: bro
Levi: he literally jumped out a castle window to be with mc
Levi: he's THIRSTY
Belphie: Unfortunately.
Asmo: Not to be the bossy brother, but Lucifer, you aren't allowed to back out.
Lucifer: Wasn't planning on it. I know where I stand in MC's mind.
Satan: You know, I think I might chill with Mammon and Levi. I thought about joining in the fun, but I don't think I have it in me to see things through.
Satan: And before anyone chimes in, no, it's not because Lucifer confirmed his participation.
Belphie: We know. If it was, you'd be trying to one-up him.
Satan: Thank you, Belphie. I TOTALLY wanted that out there. *eye roll emoji*
Beel: I'm in.
Belphie: Quick question: would it be fair of me to participate?
Asmo: Actually, you'd be PERFECT for this. You can argue that you know MC more intimately than ANY of us. You'd know what buttons to push to make them really sweat.
Belphie: Okay, cool. I'll do it, then.
Simeon: Me too.
Levi: lol what
Mammon: ayo, do you even KNOW how to seduce someone, simeon?
Simeon: How do you think I'm able to write some of the scenes in TSL?
Levi: well okay then
Solomon: So, to confirm: Lucifer, Beel, Belphie, Diavolo, and Simeon are definite participants, Barbatos is a maybe, and Mammon, Levi, and Satan are sitting this out?
Nine people liked Solomon's message.
Mammon: the three of us can keep an eye on luke. we can either help him run the cafe or take him out someplace fun.
Levi: you know you seem awfully chummy towards luke lately
Mammon: we bonded during our fairy hunt.
Asmo: Then that settles it. Solomon and I will meet with the volunteers for further discussion.
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lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 25 - Bathroom
@jegulus-microfic January 25 Word count 979
Previous part First part
Regulus had disappeared into the gloomy house. But James could guess where he’d gone. There was only one room in this entire house where any of them could stay for more than a few minutes, and that was the kitchen. 
He found them all crowded around the table. Sirius looked grumpy. Remus was pinching the bridge of his nose. And Regulus was cackling at something he must have said. They hadn’t even lasted a minute before one was winding the other up. 
“What did he say?” James asked Remus, thinking he’d get the straightest answer from him. 
“That he was sorry you were late but that you’d spent the afternoon on the sofa one step away from shagging.” Remus said matter of factly. James couldn’t hold in the groan that escaped him. 
“Reg, what did I say before we came in?” 
“Not to rile him up.” He looked at James angelically. “But in my defence, he did ask.” James wandered over and pecked him on the cheek. 
“You know that’s not what he meant, love.” He raised an eyebrow, imitating Regulus’s patented look.
“Oh, so this is just happening now, then?” Sirius gestured towards them both, interrupting their moment. Regulus glowered at Sirius.
“Yes. So deal with it.”
“So, not just a one-night stand?” He said, glowering back just as fiercely.
“Not that it’s any of your business, Sirius. But just for your information, nothing even happened last night. We kissed out in the garden and then went up to James’s bedroom and slept.” He narrowed his eyes. “Happy now?” Sirius didn’t look overly happy. 
“I suppose at least now I don't have to kill James.” He said nonchalantly as he leaned back in his chair as though completely at ease.
“Hey, what the hell, Sirius? You were plotting my demise?” James feigns outrage. `this was how Sirius and he sorted things out. 
“What can I say, big fella, bro’s before hoe’s.” Remus snorted, setting them all off into fits of giggles. 
“Okay, let's start eating the food before it goes cold,” Remus said, wiping his eyes as he took the bags from James’s hands while Regulus grabbed plates and cutlery from the draw. 
They sat down and enjoyed the meal, laughing back and forth like normal. 
They were so close to being finished when Sirius opened his big mouth. 
“You should be thanking me, you know. If it wasn’t for me literally dragging you out of here yesterday, Reggie. You wouldn’t have whatever this is.” James stood up before Regulus could retaliate. They’d bicker for a bit, and he’d stop them, but they needed to get a few jabs in at each other before they’d let him. 
“Just popping to the bathroom,” He told Regulus when he looked over at him mid-jibe.
“Yeah, and if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have even been allowed in his house.” James winced. That was a sore spot for Sirius, and Regulus knew it. Sirius’s parents had tried to disinherit him when he came out, and Regulus had said they’d have to disinherit him as well. 
Of course, Walburga and Orion hadn’t taken that well, so the Black brothers had gathered a few belongings and left together that night. 
James stopped. He’d gotten lost in his thoughts, remembering the night Sirius turned up on his parent's doorstep, dragging Regulus along behind him, and gotten turned around in the vast house. It didn’t help that everything looked the same, gloomy and old. 
He wandered up and down, opening and closing each door, unable to find what he was looking for. 
“Lost?” A familiar voice whispered in his ear, and for the second time that day, James had his arse grabbed, and he jumped into the air, squealing.
“Christ, Reg!” He yelped. Regulus gained at him cheekily, taking his hand and pulling him towards the right door.
When James reemerged from the bathroom, Regulus grabbed his hand again and pulled him up the next flight of stairs, and into a room James had never been into before. Regulus’s bedroom. He’d been in Sirius’s hundreds of times—it was chaos. Regulus’s, on the other hand, was neat and orderly.
Why did you bring me in here?” James asked as he picked up a photo frame with a picture of Regulus and Sirius at the beach. He thought it was a really sweet photo until he saw what was in the background. 
“Seriously, Reg. All the photos from that day, and you frame the one of me being attacked by a seagull?!” 
“It’s a nice picture of Sirius and I. It’s hardly my fault that you decided to fight a seagull at the exact moment it was taken.” He smirked at James, eyes crinkling. “And to answer you’re previous question. 1. I’m returning the favour from yesterday. You showed me yours, and I’m showing you mine. 2. I’m keeping you up here long enough for Sirius to think we’re up to no good.” He told James as he checked his reflection in the mirror. James let out an exasperated sigh.
“Are you actually trying to see how much it takes to make your brother’s head explode?” He asked, already knowing the answer Regulus was going to give.
“Yes!” He grinned mischievously, pushing his sleeve up and checking his watch. “I think it’s been long enough. Let's go back down.” He reached up and kissed James deeply, bruisingly. Running his fingers through James’s hair, making it stand up. When they broke apart, Regulus looked over James’s bruised, spit-wet lips, slightly flushed complexion and wild hair and nodded. 
“What was that?” James narrowed his eyes, feeling that Regulus was plotting something. 
“Nothing. Just wanted to kiss you.” Regulus said, brushing his fingers through James’s hair again. James sighed, not entirely placated. But he was sure he’d find out what Regulus was up to once they went downstairs.   
Next part
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fuckyeahpunkflower · 1 year
Guys guys guys its AU time! With older Miles(18) and older Hobie (20). (Also no spider man powers, normal times)
Miles is attending a prestigious University in Northern New York after years of studying and applying for scholarships at Visions. Rio and Jefferson are super proud of him although a bit sadden that their baby boy is now a young man leaving the house.
On the plus side, Miles is SUPER stoke to finally FINALLY have his very own dorm ALL TO HIMSELF! no more cramped spaces, uncomfortable bunk beds or missing shoes (that somehow always made an appearance again when Ganke returned to the room) Miles admits he will miss Ganke but they'll definitely catch up over some games on the PS4 and summer breaks.
But the best part about this university in Mile's opinion is the fact they allow pets on campus and in dorms. Which means he can live his dream of owning a dog. He's always wanted a dog since he was a kid but his parents never thought he was responsible enough to take care of it ( but mainly because Rio and Jefferson didn't want to deal with a toddler and training a puppy at the same time) Now that Miles is grown he's decided its time to make his own decisions. And that decision was to get a dog the moment he moves into his dorm. It took him 2 weeks to get settled in with his belongings and getting familiar with his classes around campus but after that he was heading towards the nearest pet shelter he could find.
And here we enter Hobie Brown! He works at the local pet shelter which houses all sorts of abandoned and neglected pets. From your typical cats and dogs to reptiles, birds, and even fishes, Hobie is there to take care of them all! And on the weekends he playing with his band mates.
Anyway Cue Miles entering the pet shelter and he's immediately greeted with the site of Hobie. They make brief eye contact and Miles freezes in place lost in thought *Damn, I was not expecting to see someone so fucking cool and hot today oh my gosh get it together you're here for a dog you're here for a dog you're here for a-*
"You know usually people tend to rush straight to the pups and ignore me but with the way your staring at me right now I can't say I'm complaining. your face is the same shade as the pups little red rockets back there" Hobie snickers
"Bro WHAT!?" Miles yelled in utter shock. He was NOT prepared for any amount of what was said to him in that moment. "What- I mean- like man- that was the wildest response I've ever-" He stops rambling to gain his composure back. "Look man, I came in here hoping to adopt a dog, can you help me or what?"
Hobie looks at Miles with amusement in his eyes "Sure thing love, straight to the back we go!"
And that was Hobies and Miles first interaction at the pet shelter.
Back to the p o i n t!!!
This is basically a college Miles and pet shop worker Hobie (except its a shelter) AU merged into one. Basically Miles visits the shelter every week looking for a dog to adopt and Hobie shows him around. With each visit Miles begins to learn more about Hobie and his relationship with the animals at the shelter. Like how Hobie absolutely adores this grey African parrot that was left in the cage on the street. Its feathers are sparse and sheds but it loves to mimic Hobies Cockney accent.
Eventually Miles adopts a cute senior black Labrador named Orca due to the white and gray furs around her eyes. Even after getting his dog he still visits the shelter between classes to talk to Hobie.
So like yeah in order to keep this short before I literally write the first fucking chapter of this AU on here.
Miles is in college and develops feelings for Hobie while he helps him adopt a dog. They hang out sometime later and Eventually BOOM they're boyfriends :D
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clownboymcchucklefuck · 7 months
Virgil Evans Analysis
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Analysis under the cut hehehe
Virgil is definitely one of my favorite yanderes just because of how deep his character is. Something about the mix of trauma and also just pure obsession and desperation go together perfectly. So first off, trauma and this man has been through some shit especially since his trauma is what makes him a yandere.
-Virgil’s Backstory:
First of all, a few days before Virgil’s tenth birthday he had an argument with his father who then had to go and visit his sister whose husband had passed away from another country and went on a plane. There was a malfunction during the flight which sadly killed Thomas. It’s pretty clear that this had a hard impact on Virgil and his childhood considering that he had to go to therapy due to his mom noticing that he coped by playing the games his father had bought him before he died in his alone time. 
In highschool he joined a track team and was the second fastest runner but then later quit since he figured that wasn't what he wanted to do for the rest of his life, his sister Sarah introduced him to theater and all this ends up showing a lot in his yandere behavior but right now we talking about traumatic backstory so shhhhhhh. He started a band with a few of his friends and it was going pretty well for him until one of his band mates started a rumor about him ‘sleeping around’ just because Virgil politely declined their love confession. Virgil got so mad that the bandmate couldn't handle the rejection that bro literally whooped their ass.
During college Virgil spent most of his time hanging out with his younger siblings and helping his mom with the house when she wasn't able to be home. He was doing very well mentally and was even considering getting himself back out there to start dating again. But one day as he sat in his house he started to question the state of his reality, That's when everything around him had started to glitch. Virgil could only watch and cry as he watched his family and everything he thought was home disintegrate and fade away in front of him. 
Leaving only him. All alone. 
-Virgil’s Yandere Behavior:
Oh dear.
Okay but as sweet and fluffy Virgil he is not one to fuck around with. I say this because I have literally asked so many questions, done so much research to say that escaping Virgil might as well be impossible. 
In that case that you do run away Virgil can 1, track you down using technology (Your phone plus other people's devices around you.) 2, will crossdress and mimic a woman's voice using his theatrical talents to gain your trust before revealing his identity and taking you back. Keep in mind that getting caught by Virgil after trying to escape also gets you the bye bye leg movement treatment where he puts you to sleep before paralyzing your legs. Also just running away period is difficult too, mf taking morning jogs and being the second faster runner in track is definitely catching my iron deficient ass.
Also you can’t hide anything from elf boy. I did send an ask because I saw some people trying to trick Virgil by revealing their plan in Spanish but since Spanish is one of the three languages Virgil speaks it didn't work. I tried the same thing but instead I used dutch. But surprise surprise even if you don't speak his languages they still go through his code and translate it for him. Also in Yoshi’s words, “he has your ip, your home address too, your government files say alot about you”. 
Virgil is always watching you. He watches everywhere you go. It doesn't matter if you're in his world or your world he can watch you. I innately thought that he could only do this through devices but no. Devices or not he always finds a way. He can also crawl through devices and you can’t stop him either. (Throw shit at him anyways though.) and this also means he can drag you back to his dimension too. 
Watches you sleep and steals your shit (Clothes) kjasnjkcnask-
He's a fae. That's a danger in itself. He can put curses and hexes on people if they have feelings for MC. But that's usually after he stalks your friend for any information to blackmail them about to get them away from MC. Same thing goes for if say a roommate is hurting MC then he’ll blackmail them to get them away from you but if they don't then he’s not afraid to take matters into his own hands. 
It is also impossible to get away from him by fighting. It’s been talked about a few times but Virgil was in alot of fights during highschool with different types of species so he definitely knows what he's doing when it comes to fighting. Virgil also doesn't feel normal pain like a human, throwback to when a ask stabbed him and he just casually said ow and pulled the knife out. He feels pain but nearly as much as a human does.
Now doing research for this theory and reading through all the WYS posts I found something and I'm shocked how much people forgot about it:
Even after death, he still knows who you are when you are a different identity.
-Overall Analysis: 
Virgil is very patient, calm and gentle with MC but at the same time he’s clearly not one to fuck with. If MC pushes the right buttons it can push him to curse MC and basically ruin their life. But that's extremely rare. He is a fae and despite being gentle and caring he can be dangerous. Whenever he paralyzes MC’s legs he doesn't know what he's done until it's already been done. A trait that is in Virgil whether it be yandere or OG he is always a caretaker, yandere Virgil however tends to have more twisted ways/delusional ways however. But at the same time he does prefer to take the more patient routes and kidnapping MC is a last resort.
Virgil is very family oriented, we can see that from his childhood, how he kept his dads necklace and how he treats his siblings. Virgil misses his family dearly and he’s clearly traumatized from the event. Something I find terrifying is that Virgil doesn't care if MC wants a relationship with him or just wants a roommate type of thing. He just doesn't want to be alone. Don’t leave him alone. You’re the only person that exists besides him. You can’t leave.
D̸͚͍̜̠͈̘͈͖̈̌̎͘Ǫ̶͕͓̻̝̺̺̗̩͉͠N̸̢̖̪͈̻̺̈́̋̓̎̅͠T̷̟̘̮̣͓̤̤͓̎̎̕ ̷̨̧̗̺̮͕̘̫͖̆͂̃͋͗̐̌͑͛́L̶̨̢̢͙̲̥̠̞͆̂̿͆̒̚͜E̷̡͔͖̞̤̮͚̬̰̐́͆̃̐̋̇̆̄̿͂́͜Ä̵̛͇̱̣̩͚̯̖̞̥̭́̽̓͗͊́̄̀ͅV̶͚́͊̓̀͘E̵̦̯͔͖̼͎͓̻̰͐̈́̐̕̕͠͝ ̸̘̤̥̳̆̅̆̃͋̏̔͠ͅH̴̼͖̉Ȉ̴͉̀̓͌͌̈̏̋͑̈́͘M̵̗̯̭͇̏͂̀̈́̿̽̄́͜ ̵̨͇̥̫͉̦̳̘̓͛̄̈́̎͒͘͜͝ͅA̶̼̯̞̔̅́̐͝L̵̻̠͖̜̥̊̈́O̵̯̘͂͐̅̎́̇͋͒̕N̷̨̢̯̦̙̜̙͉͍̽̑͒͑͘͜Ę̴̹̣̼͔͍̰̱̝̭́̽́̇͂̏̾.̴̨̣͍̙͖̯͈̜̂̀̈́ ̵̡̱̩͇̹͔̠̩̲̏̄̉̀H̵̡̬̰͕̖̻͇̳̬̓̓Ė̵̞̿̚ ̷̢̢̺̜̥̮͖̝̝̫̺̪̆̔̆̊̅̍̒͋̈́͘͝͝H̵͓̰̓͗A̴͈͓̓͛͒̾͋̔̃̕͝͝T̶̨̳̩̲̫̹̫̻̖̅͗̂̆̿͑͜͠Ę̵̗̗̰͍͎͖̰͂͘Ṣ̶̰͕͉̫͍̞̩͙̫̈́̉̐̔̂͒̎ ̵̟̦̙̳͚̗̦͇̊͑̉̍ͅỊ̵̢̞͚̥͇̺͖͔̣̹̈̿̉̀T̸̗̆̈̂́̊̕͝ ̸̨̡̳̮̼̮̥̔̏̏̅̂̀͝͝ͅḦ̵̱̘̌̈́̐͑̽́̀͒͋͘͝E̸͉̋̽ͅŖ̶̞̭͉͙͈̙̹͒̃͋̀̍̎̀̋̑͜͠Ę̶̟̣̝̮̰̺̹̙̻̼̐̂̏��̂͆̅͋͘.̶͍̤̠̹̙̖̜͓͂̅͂̽͝ ̵̖̫̣̹̻̖̭̑̀͌̔H̸̺͔̳̤̥̞̬̊E̴̢̺̹̻̗̱̞͚̬̱̐͑̏̅̈́̓̈́͘͜'̵̣̞͔̼̈́̓̏̄̽̈͒͛̒̀̕Š̸̢̧̩̥͉͔͎̩̮̦̽̀́́͊̀̑̀̓ ̵̨͓̜̑̀̎͗͗̑̈́̔Ś̷͔͈̖̳̦̖̝̫͕̩̑́͌̐̀̌̅̓̃̚͘O̵͚͉̞̽̿̚Ȓ̵̛̹͚̤̃͋́͛͗̾̒͗Ŕ̶̨͚͈̹͚̮͂͗͛͜͝Y̴̪͍̪̼͖͇̋͂̓́̃̄̈́͘ ̵̨̯̳̫͖̞̬̦̌̉̒̿̒̇̽̂̂̚͘͝Ì̵̡̝͔̠̭̊̅̀́͘T̷̲̜͕̩͛̃̀̈́̀͌̇͌͗͘ ̶͇̦̠͉̭͕̯̏̍͌͂H̶̘̰̙̖̠̜̅͂A̷̮̩̝͖̗̿̐̐́̇̂͠͝S̸̢̞̤͛̀̊ ̷̢̺̮̘͍̬̥͙̦̃̋̽̿͛̈̀̅̓͜T̶̡̺͕̟̻͉̞͂̓̈́̓̇ͅÓ̴̜̝̬͎̍̑ ̴̢̛̞̤̥̯̩͖̳̝͉̱̂́̑̀̔͒͊̕B̶̨̧̙̘̬͖̱̙̗͕͌͑͆͊̌͛̒̆̉̆̓̕Ȩ̴͖̥͆̕ ̴̦̗͉͚̱̟͖͎̀͊̃̃͜͝T̸̡͎͓̥̝̘͕̪͚̖͙͌̂͐̍͜H̴̻͓̫̘̬͎͓͎̾̏̉͌̔I̸̙̒S̸͖̩͙̺̩͍̖͔̠̘̎̊̓̎̍̒̎͐̍̌̔̄ ̷̨̡̪̖̖̼͙͙̭̣̳̔̈́̒́̿W̸̛͖̙̪͎̄̓͐͆̑̀̾̕̚̚Å̷̧̜͈Ỳ̸͎̫̃̃͌͝.̷̙͍͉̣̤̈́̂͆̇́ ̶͚̻̫̟̘̺̗̋̈́̌̉́͋͋͗̕͠Y̶̭̜̘̭͕͖̱̆̂̆̏͜͜Ò̸̡͍̖̲̮̬̻̗̊̂̽U̴̧͔̗͓̻̥͚͓̙̒͠'̴̢͎̝͍͕̪̈́Ṟ̴͓͝Ẽ̷̢̯̰̞̳͉̬̻̠̻͗́̈̋̃̆̓̅̏̆̄ ̴̻̃̿͗̃̾̏͘T̶̨͇̖̖̰͚̺̠̪͈̙̟͒̿͊̆͝Ḧ̴̹̝̘́͆È̴̱̤̬͉͛̋͗͛͒̈͝ ̴̢̠̖̺̘͓̲̻̹͎̆̄̇̓͗́̈́̒́̽͝͝O̵̙̫̼̼̜̠͖̾̓͛͆N̷̺̑̌̑̏̿̃̚L̸̨̻̞͓͑̌͠Ÿ̷̘̰̮̹͇̗̺́̎̌ͅ ̸̹͈̟͕̹̣͛͋̕ͅƠ̶̛̛̰̙̪̝̠̦̫̑̈́̑͛͑́͜Ņ̸̢͈̭̤̲̠̣͍̻͓̂̅̎̓͜͝͝È̷̞͇̩̯̥͚ ̶̧̩̜̤̬̣͇̠͇̻͙͑̀̃͊̀͌͒̇̔͘̚̕H̶͕͖̪͎͉͊̓́̍̀̿͗́̑̕̚͜E̷̞̿̐͊̌̾͑̇́̇̐͝ ̴͎̙̬̀̐̀͐͋́͊̈̎̈͜C̶̛̜͕̘̙͓̞̗̮̬̽̍͑͋́̾̉͠͝ͅA̸̘͉͕̺̪̦͙̬̰͛͐́̊̂̊͘N̶̫̻̖̜̳̤͚̣̱̜̙͗̾̀̔̊̐̚ ̶̛̺̤͍̠̭͕̅̂͋̆̕̕͠T̷̠̣̿̎͂̽̔̈̚͝Ắ̴̧̢̠̞͈̩̣͚̱̭̄͐̑̐̔̽̉͊̕͜L̵͔̯̱͎̭͑̓̋̾̉̅̃̒̀̾̂͝K̶̮̫̙̻̪͆̓̐̊͒̅̊ ̴̧̻̖̈̽̈̽̾́̓́̕͘͝͝T̷̢̡̨̤͉̤̟̠́̉̓̈̇͗Ő̷͔̦̤̜̒͂̒̀̓̉̔.̸̪͐ ̸̩͒͆̾͐̓̓̎̉͝P̵̧̧̭͚̥̺̟̝͉̹̯͛Ļ̸̖̖͝E̶͍̯̰̭͈͕̥̭̦̮͍̗͌̽̈́̕͠A̷̡̟͕͌̎̅͛̽͋̎̊̕S̵̡̧̲̟̣̱̤͕̗͙̈́̀́̈́̈́͋̈́͆̏E̸͔̞͖͑̓̽͛̌̐̈̏̇̕ ̴̨̝̺̰̦̫̦̮̬̌̿́̐̏ͅͅD̸̫̱͔̰̦̯̠̘̩́̈́̀͆̀̈́̈́̀͌͝Ơ̷̧̫͍̟̿͌͛̐Ń̸̡̛͎̠̞̇͂̕'̵̨̢̢̦̩͙̰̻̹̗͛͗͆̓̋̾̔̐͠T̴̼̘́̇̌̀̈̏͝ ̶̥̪̲͚̮̟͑͐̈L̴̰̂͌̏̉͒E̸̡̟̦̺͙͓̙̖͑͂͌̅͛̒̕͝ͅA̵̭͗͗͛̾̽V̵̥͚̯͙̐͊̓͐̽͝Ë̷̝̩̞̺̟̓̌̈̂͗̎̎͝.̸̡̟͕̮͉̱̪̱͐̄̀̒̾̅̒͐̽̊͗̚ ̵̢̧͍̩̯̱͒̽͐̌̏̇̿̾̚͜͝I̶̹̤͝T̴̥͎̱̝̫̬̘̗̬̱̰̆͛̂ͅ'̸̢̺͈̦̥̱̳̻͕͕̦͉̆͑̋̾Ŝ̶̲̤̀̊̓̀ ̴̢̛͎̲̟̜̹͓͍͋̆̉̽̔̚S̶̢̪̩̞̦͓̳̟͇͉̽̐̓̉͆́̀͐̎̾̑͜͝Ơ̴̢͉͚̏͆̃̓̋̀͆ ̶͔̎̉̓̏̾L̷̫̖̮̮̪̋͋͆͋̍͘͝͝Ơ̵̡̢̝͕̲̫̜̝͉̿́̔̄͛̎͛̃̋͘N̶̢̫̝͎̩̻̻͋̈́͛͋̓̈́̍̔́͌͝͝Ȩ̸̰̼̉̔̅͋̂̉͛̾Ḻ̴̨̢̦̫͔̼̥͉̲̗̼̓́͐̔̚Y̸̡̳̊.̶̨͔̰͉̬̳̤̹͎̹͕̗̾̒̾́͛̄̋̅͑̅͗͠
01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110111 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01101000 01101001 01101101 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01111001 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100100 00101100 00100000 01110010 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00111111
Word count: 1.2k
Virgil belongs to @wouldyoustayvn/@turquoisesea01
Tags for my pookies 🤭
@dont-wannadothis-anymore @mysticnebula @mr-ritza
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mewmeomei · 1 year
streamer!twst : octavinelle (platonic ver) edition !
romantic ver. here!
heartslabyul , savanaclaw , octavinelle , scarabia , pomefiore , ignihyde , diasomnia + bonus
a/n: .not exactly proud of this one grrr
credits to @charlie1120w for azuls nd a bit of floyds part :33
desc: what if they stream?? and what if you're their friend???
characters: azul ashengrotto , jade leech , floyd leech
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
azul ashengrotto !
advertisement streams for mostro lounge
he streams himself making the food and showing off the newest menu
and its always after hours while he's alone in the kitchen or inside the vip room
he got like a big ass message on the corner of his stream like "like & follow for free coupons and discounts at mostro lounge the next time you visit 😘" and "donate to support this streamer!"
he sometimes takes chat out for a walk in mostro lounge outside of his vip room
^probably almost got a fight on stream once
he IMMEDIATELY ended the stream the moment the first hit was landed on one of the person
pretended nothing ever happened next stream and he now doesn't leave the vip room when streaming 😍
has attempted to try and get vil, leona to come to mostro lounge so he could get them on stream
vil reluctantly went to mostro lounge once because he's getting annoyed of azul
azul immediately went out of the vip room while streaming for the first time in months
how fast he gained customers and followers that stream is insane
he got lots of money that day because of people wanting to meet vil and people found the staff there hot and gave large tips
*huff puff huff puff* madol.. *huff puff huff puff*
def bribed cater to do a collaboration stream w him
honestly i think his chat would bully him often
i mean who wouldn't want to bully a guy that moans like every other word and talks all serious
ihaveabigpp donated 10$ ! : "i hc u as a ugly baby"
"how dare you insult me like that, user ihaveabigpp. your digital footprints may get leaked, and your future employer will see you've been doing online slander. you won't ever get a job like that balblabkabka"
chat found him even goofier after that
he got bullied even more 💀
he cried in his bed that night 💔
jade and floyd occasionally crashes his streams
he got like even more followers after the first time they crashed his stream
now every stream has some people begging him to bring the twins back
bonus : he gives his followers special treatment if they ever go to mostro lounge
they get served by bro personally like woah
with (name)!
they're also a staff there (+azuls bestest friend)
that also crashes his streams sometimes
when they do crash his streams tho its usually at the end of his streams
the first time they did tho
you can see azuls finished product getting taken away by an unknown hand as azul watches in disbelief
you could hear satisfied moans off screen
"mm woah this shits good"
ok bitch who said you could eat it
when (name) did that his
facial features starts twitching
and he does his farewell to chat
slowly lift his head up to look at them
"you do know i could make your life miserable in a second right?"
"pshh as if you'd actually do that u love me"
he did make their life miserable in a second
even more work
they're literally still working after hours
and they have the leech twins harassing them 24/7
they were so stressed they made a deal w azul
holy shit (name)s stupid even i wouldnt resort to the golden toilet paper (me saying that as if i didnt write that)
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"oh? i see. alright, here's the deal: i give you normal work hours and ask floyd and jade to stop harassing you, you stop interrupting my streams. is it a deal?"
jade leech !
hiking+mushroom picking streams
he wears a silly hiking bucket hat everytime he does a hiking stream
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(this one specifically)
everytime he finds a mushroom his smile obviously gets brighter
immediately flips the camera to film the mushroom and start explaining the deets of it to chat
he gets so excited you could hear excitement in his usual serious tone
his chat purposely ask him questions about mushrooms to hear him get excited
its like a guilty pleasure for them ww
if he finds edible mushrooms he cooks them at the end of the streams
we love our shroom addicted malewife 😍
he says some.. interesting things to chat sometimes
"ah, don't worry, i was just joking 😊" you just said you may or may not be a cannibal that isn't funny
sometimes plays games with floyd and azul
its usually horror games
he makes that very perverted smile of his whenever azul gets jumpscared and screams
his chat..loves it... ok
his fans are probably as insane as he is tbh
with (name)!
joins in some of his hiking streams
they got no choice
its either go or go
they're now officially his cameraman
jade probably asked if they wanted to make crack with shrooms
it was on live too
"do you want to get arrested.." "why not?"
(name).. run
they ended up just somehow grinding edible mushrooms into powder and ate it
they were choking almost the entire stream
someone did a time lapse and it lasted for 3 minutes
the moment they stopped coughing they were just lying there on the kitchen floor
like really insane
(name) was convinced they were high
(spoiler: they're actually not)
they kept screaming at jade abt how he drugged them
jade knocked them out (there wasn't another solution)
then jade had to reassure chat they weren't actually high so they won't get investigated 💀
anyways after stream jade treated them to a homemade risotto 🫶
"heh, sorry for frightening you. although you did overreacted a bit.."
floyd leech !
he streams whatever he feels like it at the moment
and streams whenever he likes
he will might go "wow this is boring im gonna do this" mid stream
honestly all his streams are confusing but people sit through it cuz um he's goofy
whenever he plays games he calls jade during the stream like
"hey jade play with me"
"floyd, im-"
"ok see you in 2 minutes"
jade drops everything and joins in bc he's a good brother 🤗
bros chat goes feral
t-twins.. t-t-twi
they stream together pretty often
it's either jade invites himself in or floyd forcing him
azul also a victim
floyd just straight up shoves his phone into azuls face
he'd kept doing that till he gets kicked out or azul is about to bust
once brought chat to mostro lounge's kitchen and started mixing every drink together and drank it
"oh!! yummy!!"
ended up drinking the whole drink supply 💀
azul found out and is PISSED
floyd got banned from touching the kitchen for a month
any closer to the kitchen azul's eyes will actually pop out
i.. actually am running out of ideas so heres a drawing as apology<3
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staff z's getting fired btw
with (name)!
gets chased down by him whenever he sees them that he forgets he's streaming
known as "that shrimp person" in floyds streams
does stupid activities with him in his streams
did a "pranking azul at 3AM 😹😹" stream once
they snuck in his room while he's peacefully sleeping
(name) was helping floyd film and their own phone in their other hand
after getting in a not so visible place
they started to blast a woman cursing you in witch videos
azul woke up clearly frightened
he didnt move like at all but he widened his eyes vry vry big 💀
my guy screamed like he just witnessed someone eating a live octopus 💀
floyd and (name) kept laughing as they run out of his room
chat got jumpscared by floyd dropping from the ceiling so bad they are also panicking 😭😭
"ahaha!! shrimpy, you saw how azul screamed right?? we should do this more often!! gyahaha!"
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I just saw your post about BAMF Spider and like.,.,., BRO!!!! It’s so good!!! Do you have any idea what everyone’s reaction would be?? Or his time in captivity now (going with the scenario he does get captured)??? Is Quaritch going to be proud of BAMF son??? I’m sorry I need to know more
Thanks for the feedback! I was just thinking about adding to this, so this came at the perfect time. I think everyone’s reaction oscillate between outrage about how stupid Spider was by doing this and how how shocked that he was even capable of doing this.
Jake doesn’t not know how to respond, apart from in a very concerned (yet angry) fatherly way. He absolutely doesn’t understand why Spider needs to do this & as Jake is from earth, naturally, the very idea of anyone becoming a child soldier is abhorrent. With all the emotions, Spider’s logic as to why he’s doing this (“This is my home, If I have an opportunity to defend it I will fight every time”) doesn’t get through to him and he ends up dismissing Spider’s beliefs and wants because “he’s just a kid”. Spider eventually gets fed up with this behaviour and decides that since Jake doesn’t want to treat him like he isn’t a perfectly capable combatant, He won’t treat Jake like he’s a General.
SIDE NOTE: Can we all take a moment to realise that Jake had no business leading a long-term campaign against an invading force much stronger than anything Pandora has faced. At best, he should be an advisor or strategist. This man won one fight with the RDA, and that’s only because a Literal God decided to step in. There is a reason he is a corporal - he doesn’t have mindset or skills required to lead a large army against an enemy like the RDA, over the course of what likely will a decade or more. So far, we have seen no attempts to gain intelligence from Bridgehead, develop new and improve existing techniques for eliminating RDA forces (i.e. new weapons & tactics) or even any development in utilising Electronic warfare against the enemy. Rant over.
Neytiri. Is a complicated story. Yes, she is outraged by Spider’s decision for the same reasons as Jake. However, She rationalises by the ‘demon blood’ argument, that this is how Spider will destroy the People by becoming like his father. She denies being at fault for pushing Spider down this path in the first place, reasoning that he didn’t need to become a murderer - he just needed to leave the People alone. She believes the tattoos and Viking braid to be a way to mock the People, which almost causes a fight after they return to High Camp but Jake is there to stop his mate from doing something stupid. Which was good, because Spider was very much ready to throw hands down and fight Neytiri. He could never forgive what she said, and now she wants to attack him over the identity he has come into on his own - yeah, that would end in Neytiri being KO’d. Spider honestly doesn’t care for what she has to say to him, since he doesn’t really care for her opinion since it often revolves around insulting him in some way.
The Sully Kids are very clearly worried for spider but still think it’s cool that He is fighting for his homeland. they wish that they spent more time with him and socialised with him more over the last few months, but they simply didn’t want to aggravate their mother. Looking back on it, they deeply regret not hanging out with him more, because now they can’t really recognise the Spider that they knew in him. Kiri is slightly more upset than the others, because she knows that he is pulling away from Eywa - she can feel it. She begs for Spider to abandon all of this and to rejoin them, reassuring him that her mother will be better towards him. Spider doesn’t believe it though. He likes this version of him - it’s something he was developed and he now feels comfortable as the person he is now. He tells Kiri this much, which prompts Neteyam, Lo’ak & Tuk to step in and try to convince him to give it all up. Spider just walks off, because he can’t possibly handle the sting of this betrayal. He can’t hate his friends for not understanding him, but this is who he is and they will need to accept that.
Norm is absolutely against it. He shuffles between lecturing spider, shouting at him for being so completely stupid & grounding spider from his privileges (access to the workshop, the armoury and gun range, his scorpion, etc. ). Norm has zero grounds to do any of this, because he hasn’t been caring for spider as soon as Max took on that responsibility full time. Before Spider can loose his cool, Max steps in and for the first time in years for Max, He begins cussing out Norm and screaming that Norm has no right to tell Spider what to do and that if he ever starts screaming at his boy again, he will [Blanked out, due to the unspeakable things and threats my mind just conjured up at the thought of Max threatening somebody]. Norm is speechless, his jaw is on the flaw. He has never heard Max swear or act violent in their time knowing each other, so Norm flounders for at least enough time for Max to take Spider away to somewhere safe.
Just as another thing, This would be the first time that Max outright declares Spider his Son. Everybody knew it by this point, but since there was no reason to state something everyone knew (or at least the scientists), it was never said. It was only spoken and declared between Max and Spider when they were together.
Mo’at deserves her own post. I’m putting it in the works to write - so bare with me, please. 
In terms of Spider being captured, he does not. When the recom’s show up, Quaritch cannot believe that this is his son. He was worried that his son would look some hippy but this is frankly worse. A tatted up, heavily scarred, blonde-haired white boy, covered in all black fatigues and strapped with three different weapons was not what he had in mind - and he did not like it. When Jake and Neytiri come to the rescue, Spider took that as an opportunity to distract the recoms and start mowing them down with their own guns. He refused to have Neytiri of all people save him. He was only her because Lo’ak invited him and Spider only accept because he knew that Lo’ak was going to get everyone killed so he should tag along to stop him before that happens. Quaritch is in complete awe about how terrifying his son is (“That boy is a true Quaritch right there!”), but he has to retreat because he will in fact die and if what his son is shouting at him - he will die very slowly.
This is an incredibly long post for me to right, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. If anybody wants to send in more asks, I will gladly answer them. However, I’m exhausted from a long day of work and writing so I’m gonna nap for a bit.
A uni student with consistently low levels of sleep
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danganronpafan777 · 1 year
Dra 1 males x male s/o who is very flirty with them if it is fine with you🙏🏻
Of course it’s fine by me! I love this!
Your flirty personality annoyed him at first
Why were you acting like this? Couldn't you see he wants nothing to do with you?
When he realized that you were only so flirty with him, he felt oddly flattered, along with other emotions he hadn't felt in years 
He promptly pushes it all away, even when Akane begins to pick up on it
No, he won't say he's in love 
He's not. He's definitely not.
Obviously, his luck forces him to see you literally everywhere he goes, and he honestly feels like he can't escape you and your stupid flirts 
It takes lots and LOTS of pushing, but eventually he admits his feelings and accepts your confession
He isn't one to blush, being pretty stoic and having good control over his feelings, but sometimes you are able to catch him off guard, usually when the two of you are alone 
He won't flirt back. No way in hell, but he will start to worry if you suddenly stop flirting with him
"...You haven't said a stupid pick up line today."
"Oh? Sorry, would you like me to flirt with you?"
That's the closest answer to a yes that you'll receive.
Mitch Higa:
It takes a while for the two of you to get together, mostly because it takes Mitsuhiro a long time to realize and come to terms with the fact that he likes a guy
He spends a lot of time avoiding you, scared of what these feelings could do to his reputation
"C'mon Higa... You're just confused... Straight hair, straight Cs, Straightfoward, straight guy..." 
It takes a lot of reassurance and opening up to his friends, and even then, he's really nervous and your flirty personality didn't make it any easier
When you finally accepted his feelings with a wink, he felt emotions that he never felt before
When the two of you dated, he would get beet red anytime you flirted with him, looking away and telling you to stop in public, but in private, he would just shove his face into your chest 
You called him a tsundere once and he refused to look at you for days after 
Slowly but surely, he gains confidence to flirt back, and when he does... oh boy
It's a flirting war, him wanting to see just how red he can make you, but for a while, he's usually the one to tap out first 
He may blush and look away from you and the cameras, but he secretly adores your flirty personality 
"Y-Y/n! There's reporters here! J-Just... calm it down until we get home, okay?"
Haruhiko Kobashikawa:
Like Mitch, it takes him a while to realize he likes another boy
When he does, it hits him all at once
It was when he was in the hospital after he blew up his plane, and near burned down a house to impress you (just totally a bro thing) and he woke up and thought, "Holy shit I'm totally bi"
It still takes him a while to confess, but when he does, he pulls you in for a kiss, to which you kiss back and playfully tease him over 
Everytime you flirt with him, man gets an instant nosebleed 
You literally have to buy him more shirts, and Satsuki and Teruya teasing him over it doesn't make it any better 
He would try to flirt back, but would immediately stumble over his words and screw it up, leaving him much more flustered that you 
"Y/n! You're-....You're um...You're so sweet you can...no that's not it...shit-"
He secretly loves the attention, even if he won't admit it
He'll blush harder if you flirt with him in public, but his whole face would still turn red in private, and he might even cover his face with a pillow
If you softly pulled the pillow away and held his face, looking him in the eyes, he would faint on the spot
Yamato Kisaragi:
It took less than a week for this man to be completely enamored 
He found your personality really charming and tried to flirt back on a few occasions
Still, he wanted to see if you really felt this way towards him, or if it was just your personality
Mikako was pretty annoyed the whole time, just wanting you two to get together at this point
When it finally happened, you guys were the lovey dovey couple of the class
It was sweet but also insufferable to everyone
Most of the time, Yamato might blush a bit, but it's rare for you to get him red and stammering, but it's definitely happened (The funny thing is, it probably happens most often when you aren't even trying to flirt with him, like accidentally falling asleep on him or something)
He likes to try to flirt back in public, but in private, he just soaks it up in your arms 
No matter how cheesy your flirts are, he always loves them
"Aww.. Y/n~! You're adorable, you know that?"
Teruya Otori:
He was bright red the first time you flirted with him and bright red the hundredth time
It flusters him even more when he learns that he's the only person that you flirt with 
He'll avoid you just so he can go one day without turning red, but then suddenly he feels bad about it and misses you 
It's at that point that he realizes that he likes you 
He tries to become your friend first, and the two of you become pretty close! He helps tutor you in math, to which you say a bunch of math pick up lines that lead him to excuse himself to stuff his blushing face into his locker 
His heart skips a beat when you accept his confession, and the two of you finally start dating (Your class thought you were dating the whole time...)
He probably tried to flirt back once, messed it up terribly, and decided that he would never do it again (He actually might though, when he gets older and gets more confidence)
Whether it's public or private, he's going to try to hide his face whenever you flirt with him
"Y-Y/n..! Wh-Why yo gotta say things li'e dat..." 
Tsurugi Kinjo:
He was very confused by your personality, and definitely tried to push you away for a while 
He might blush a bit more when he realizes that he's the only one you flirt with, and it would take a while for him to develop feelings for you 
He would be very slow to confess his feelings, and would only really come out to Yamato and Yuki, who would completely support and encourage him
Even when the two of you start dating, he’s still not used to your near constant flirting 
In public, he’ll lightly push you away, but in private, he’ll let it happen (Not without blushing a bit of course)
Tsurugi would almost never flirt back, but if he did, you’d be stuttering for weeks
A part of him is happy when you flirt with him, because it proves that even though his job and questionable beliefs make him act distant, you still actually love him, which he’s eternally grateful for 
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to hide his face whenever you flirt with him in public
"Y/n...why…why do you say those things in front of everyone..?"
(He secretly doesn't mind!) 
Kakeru Yamaguchi:
From the moment he met you, blush blush blush.
His feelings were clear to literally everyone, but it took him some time to accept them, and he did everything to avoid you, even if you made his day just by being close by 
It embarrassed him even more when he realized that he was the only person in your class that you would flirt with
He needed lots of reassurance from Kanata and Kinji before even approaching you himself, and you probably had to lay off the flirts a few times just so he wouldn’t pass out mid conversation 
When you both finally got together, you, if anything, flirted with him even more!
He’s pretty sure you're going to be the death of him and he’d pass out if he ever tried to flirt back
Whether it’s in public or private, his face will turn beet red and he will stutter out a near incoherent reply
In private, he’s more likely to pull you closer to him afterwards, no matter how flustered he is
In public, he still might hold your hand, but might not be able to speak for a bit…
“Y-Y/n..! D-Do you… really mean that…?”
Kinji Uehara:
Your personality was definitely not what he was expecting 
Kinji tried to ignore the feeling in his chest and the slight tint of pink on his face whenever he talked to you, but it just wouldn’t go away
It got even harder to ignore when he learned that he was the only person that you flirted with 
He was able to accept the fact that he was gay pretty easily, and didn’t make a big deal out of it, but having a crush? That was brand new territory for him
Over time, he was able to open up to his classmates and befriend you, but it was still a while before he would confess
When the two of you finally started dating, stopping himself from blushing wasn’t any easier 
He’ll ask you to tone it down in front of the kids, but eventually they were teasing him about it 
Kinji would try to act unbothered, whether it was in public or private, but he still has his blushing moments
It’s rare for him to flirt with you back, but he’ll try it every once and a while, and smile at your reaction
He gets used to your flirting over time, until it’s practically a comfort 
“…I see. You’re special to me, too, Y/n.” 
Dra Yuki Maeda:
Your flirting definitely made him blush a bit, but he assumed it was just your personality 
When he realized that it was only him, his face turned way redder each time you did it
The two of you became friends and it wasn’t long before the two of you started dating
He didn’t mind if you flirted with him in public, just blushing a bit and giving a humble response 
“Y-Y/n! We’re already dating…Y-You don’t have to keep saying those things, you know…”
“Damn, alright. I guess I won’t flirt with you anymore.”
“W-Wait! That’s not what I meant!”
He adores your personality, even if it’s embarrassing in front of his friends, and your classmates probably tease him for it 
He gets used to your flirts over time, but it’s a while before he is confident enough to flirt back
Overall it’s a very wholesome and loving relationship!
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greekbros · 1 year
"greek-Bros": Tiresias
*legend says a man named Tiresias was transformed into a woman after striking two mating snakes. After a few months of his new found life, Tiresias had once again struck mating snakes, changing back into a man. Zeus and Hera however became..... curious*
Zeus: *has fukn kidnapped Tiresias to gain his input on gender* ....you are not in trouble....we just want to discuss your...um....past months.
Hera: *equally eager* Yes, you see, me and my husband have been arguing amongst ourselves on the topic of gender... specifically who is better.
Zeus: Mmmyes, now. I understand you were born a man....but you have spend a considerable amount of time as a woman, correct?
Tiresias: ugh... correct?
Hera: So...*clasps her hands together* who's better and why is it women?
Zeus: Wu-what?! I beg your pardon, Hera?
Hera: Zeus, let's cut to the chase. Life as a woman is hard, terrible and unless you're a Spartan woman.... literally it's difficult...but it is women who feel more pleasure, emotions and have a different view of the world.
Tiresias: ugh actually.
Zeus: Good answer my boy, to be a man is far more responsible than being a woman, considering my dearest warbler, you have proven your own argument wrong.
Tiresias: ugh wait I w-
Hera: Nooo my argument is that INSPITE of all that, being a woman is an absolute joy!
Tiresias: well I I did spend like 5 weeks as a hooker that actually was pretty interesting.....buuuuut I mean I'm not certain if there's actually a major difference between women and men. I mean cutting out all the social and biological aspects, there really isn't much from t-*looks up at the two towering gods looking down at him like a cockroach*
Zeus and Hera: *both prepared to obliterated the living shit out of Tiresias if he gives the "wrong" answer* .....
Tiresias: *probably feeling he has to choose the next set of words VERY wisely*...hehe...wow ugh...is it getting a little hot in here?
Ares: *busts through the door along with Hermes and Dionysus, all three dressed up like FBI riot specialists* TARGET SIGHTED! MOVE MOVE MOVE!
Dionysus: *tears off his shirt as a tactile distraction and starts chip and Dale dancing*
Hera and Zeus: *just completely speechless*
Hermes: *with the speed and precision of a FBI raid officer, grabs Tiresias and runs off with him on his back*
Ares: Mission complete boys! Operation: BRO CODE has been successful. *Calls in air support* Bring 'em in.
Dionysus: *stops and quickly shuffles back to Ares, pretending to have a gun by taking out a banana*
*Halios and Apollo come in on the sun chariot but Apollo is doing Hollywood sound design levels of simulating a helicopter*
Halios: ....how much am I getting compensated for this tomfoolery, little godling?
Apollo: Two drachma and a blueberry *tosses a rope to Ares and Dionysus for them to get them*
Halios: *angry and wondering why he agreed to this*
Zeus and Hera: *now alone, confused and both extremely angry* .....
Hera: ....They are all grounded aren't they?
Zeus: very. Very grounded.
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wyrvel · 11 months
can u tell us about the planned plot of heart at seven bells if u ever made a plan for it?? i rlly liked the fic so i j wanted to know what kind of ending u had in mind for it :)) thank you
Oh I got the whole thing
Yoo Joonghyeok breaks into Kim Dokja's house to make him breakfast and move in, hoping for the reaction to #confirm one way or the other what Kim Dokja meant by the marriage proposal pampering of the pelt but the reaction ends up being too vague so they end up playing Avoiding The Conversation Chicken where Yoo Joonghyeok goes Well I Will Keep Doing It. Until You Tell Me What You Were Doing. And Kim Dokja goes hey. Get out of my fucking house?
God the details are so bleary from this point on. I think Yoo Joonghyeok likes the "marriage" & continues pushing it & getting unspecific reactions to the point where it's starting to become clear Kim Dokja just doesn't consider them romantic overtures but gets the benefit of the doubt because the luxury of getting a normal reaction feels relaxing. Yoo Joonghyeok just enjoys being a homemaker. Also is it REALLY not romantic when they are possibly flirting. Makes you think (Yoo Joonghyeok is under extreme stress from his job and this is his only outlet)
The other faction of selkies they're fighting end up trailing Yoo Joonghyeok to the house and outright say oh, your little husband? & Kim Dokja gets in one "um, that was absolutely not what I was doing" before being kidnapped to the ocean.
So the entire rescue Yoo Joonghyeok is like fuck. I have to go get him so he can break up with me. Fuck. Augh. I think I actually like him. Fuck!!
And Kim Dokja saves himself (of course) and they reunite while he's trying to doggy paddle back and have an argument & Yoo Joonghyeok is like I know you aren't my fucking husband!! Stop complaining!! And Kim Dokja is like why are you so chill about the anullment!! And of course. He knew. He just pretended not to because it made him happy.
HEARTBREAKING DIVORCE. Kim Dokja's life sucks now that he doesn't have a working husband cooking him meals and cleaning his house. Yoo Joonghyeok is miserable in the ocean again and is taking it out on everyone. His employees are going to the bar begging Dude Please Wife Him Up I'm Scared.
Kim Dokja musters up the willpower to visit his favourite author's home and it's extremely bleak in there & he remembers the author's later works were bitter about the ocean. Opens the window to the sea. Kim Dokja likes it :(
Kim Dokja conspires with the nixies to steal the coat again so he can UHHHHH I'LL FIGURE IT OUT WHEN HE GETS HERE, goes through the marriage proposal again (bro is not thinking about the gravity of his overtures), and gets Yoo Joonghyeok 🥺 at his house. Kim Dokja did not figure it out. They kiss passionately & Kim Dokja goes well. If you say so king.
Yoo Joonghyeok becomes a homemaker again and gets the euphoric highs of being a genuine husband while he does it & Kim Dokja finally gains fulfillment in making someone else happy Forever :) he ends up doing acts of service just to see his husband happy every day. Guy who wasn't even thinking about his own capacity for love when literally proposing marriage: 🥰
& that's the story. I am not writing all that for real
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strangerfigs · 2 years
Can we please stop believing these leaks you guys? I’m so tired. I’m going to set myself on fire. Like, they are all saying different things. Anyone can make anything up. And most importantly, it’s not canon, until its canon. Like when it is aired. Like, the critics have not even seen Stranger Things yet? And what I think is funniest about the leakers is that they go back and forth on how many details they’d like to share on subjects like “I’m not gonna say anything more on that” like why?!? You’ve already spoiled so much, why not just expose everything? Where is the logic in that?! Seriously.
What we should focus on, instead, is what is canon and what’s happened in the show! That’s all we are sure of, and there is a lot of evidence that points towards a win!! Be happy about that. Fuck the leaks. Let’s just focus on the show. And in my mind, Mike is repressed, and will eventually come out, even if it’s not in canon, and then he will end up with Will, the end, so it doesn’t matter anyways. Thank you. JK I really hope it happens but I’m serious. I will just tell myself he is repressed and will be repressed until his early twenties, just as I was because that literally happens, all the time, especially in the 80’s Okay, ahem. So, I already made a post on my personal predictions, but it was not at all explained, and also ended on a joke, so here goes, my predictions… explained and expanded. I am going to put it under the cut because this about to be hella long. I’m mostly gonna focus on season 4 things
M*leven is set up to break up, most likely Eleven breaking up with Mike.
Let’s just go ahead and tally the reasons, honestly.
i) “from el” just. enough said.
ii) el is gaining independence, autonomy, and maturing, and her arc is completely separate from mike this season, like - it’s about herself? We see in the first episode, how much of her world revolves around, Mike - like the shrine she has for him (i cringed) and the fact that she asked agela to tell mike that she was just joking around, like, why? That is not normal, or healthy, but ok, whatever, another time and post for that. Also, just the parrarrel of Mike and Brenner? That’s - not a great parrarrel to have. Both of them saying, ‘what did you do?’ like bro, come on. It’s giving - toxic relationship. Eleven feels like she needs Mike and while their relationship can be cute! It can! Don’t hex me, it’s toxic and it’s always going to be unhealthy, like Eleven needs to grow on her own. Even in Lenora, she did not grow on her own, instead she focuses on lying to Mike, basing her her world around him, and using him as a scapegoat to be happy, which is so typical with relationships when you have a past of trauma, especially with family/caregivers, like romantisize partners/future partners and idolize them to the point where it’s not real (and i know people have mentioned her idolizing and romantising her relationship with mike before but it just make so much sense with her past i had to bring it up). When you grow up in an environmemnt where you have no one, you fantasize about the idea of having that special person to love and take care of you. El returns to Mike after she loses her powers and after she loses Hopper. That’s when she says I love you to him. Eleven has been through so much, and even if Byler does not happen, I really, truly hope M*leven break up, because Eleven deserves to figure out who she is out of Mike’s eyes. Like Max said before. Mike was her first friend, person who took care of her, and their relationship, or friendship, I mean, I hope and think should forever be bonded but it’s so so so unhealthy, like please, please, please just - please, I need them to not. Plus she is a lesbian, so.
vi) lack of anything eleven related in his room, while el has a shrine for him. ‘Oh, he just isn’t sentimental’, no. He has drawings from Will in his bed room and in his basement, that he canonically switches out.
v) the music that played during their big fight scene has only been played when associated with death
vi) Mike is a pretty optimistic/idealistic character, he is usually not the one to give up, such as, will’s disappearance/“death”, el’s disappearance, defeating the mind flayer, trusting will to still be on their side, when eleven broke up with him, he did not take that as a break up - he knew they would get back together, etc etc etc, the literally only time i can think of when he was not optimistic about an outcome was when he did not want el to use her powers in season 3, and he was worried for her, and guess fucking what? The kid was literally right!! El lost her powers! ! ! And that really fucked with her head… like he was legit right, and maybe he lost faith with will being alive and eleven being alive for a split second, but that was at his lowest point with it - when they literally found will’s ‘body’ and also after nearly a year of trying to reach el, like he is not someone to just give up quickly and admit defeat, he is a planner! Yet, here we have their fight, their first real fight, and he has already been acting weird towards her, like it’s obvious she’s way happier to see him than he is to see her, and such, and he says, “i don’t think it’s a fight you can come back from.” Like, just - is just ? Ready to kick in the towel. We do not see his whole, ‘I’m going to fix this’ attitude or ‘everything will be fine’ attitude. The only similar attitude he has is when Hopper tells him to put space between himself and Eleven, like he surrenders to that pretty easily (which is more evidence toward Boyer but I’m not talking about that rn). And even in that case, he is still sure that things will be fine between him and El. It’s stressful, yeah, but he’s trying to win her back, he’s ‘trying’ to get her back, and it’s obvious from the start that is his intention, and he definitely does not think it’s the end of their relationship. So, his attitude is fishy here. It’s defeatist and that’s not him… which really shows to me, that he doesn’t want to be in the relationship anymore, but he also does not want it to end because he is scared, and because he does care about her (as a friend) but you typically do not stay friends with exes, and also because he probably feels that he should want the relationship, so it would be so much better if el dumped him, because then it’s like, he is way too scared to pull the cord himself, and if el does it then its like, well, what can you do? Even though that’s never his attitude with anything, and he is overall an optimistic and idealist person, and he even calls himself a ‘self-pitying idiot’ because of how he is acting because it’s very out-of-character of him
viii) “i didn’t know what to say”, enough said.
ix) mike literally nods when will says, ‘sometimes people don’t like the truth’ like. bye.
x) “you know what i think of you” enough said. “you’re the most incredible person in the world” = impersonal. she saved the world twice, which he pointed out to dustin, anyone would agree with this probably, she is a “super hero” as mike points out.
Mike is Repressing His Feelings for Will
i) airport scene - no one, no one acts that weird around someone. the camera, literally just focuses more on this interaction than m*leven’s. mike literally jumps like 5 separate times throughout s4 when he is staring at will, this is one of these times, by argyle. mike literally jumps. it is the first of many. he also literally just hugged dustin… like the day before. he went a year without seeing el, and it wasn’t awkward, was it, like they literally started dating right after, yet… will has been his friend for 10 years, and you’re going to tell me that 6 months apart did that… no. no. no. no. like the only logically explanation is repressed gay feelings. and i, as someone who has a lot of gay feelings, can confirm. one time i was changing in front of my friend, and we were both in our underwear, and i said, i don’t feel weird when it’s just me with my clothes off, or you with your clothes off, but it’s weird when we both do, you know? she didn’t know. she is not queer. i didn’t accept, or even, like… acknowledge my queerness until so so so many years later, like at least five, and yet this stuff happened to me all the time.
ii) again, mike nods when will says it’s hard to open up because sometimes people don’t like the truth - they live in small town in the 80’s that robin has vocally said multiple times now, esp in her podcast, that you are not allowed to be different and the only way to survive if you are different is to act normal.
iii) his behavior is as fake as his shirt, and we really only see him when he softens up around will as he comforts him. He is not this way either while he is in Hawkins, like… he’s himself there.
iv) he is in D&D club again, he misses will
v) the way he looks at will. enough said.
vi) robin puts emphasis on looking around nancy’s room, and making judgements based on her because of room. in jonathon’s room, there is a picture of him and nancy, in eleven’s room, she has a shrine of mike, when bob died, joyce kept the ‘super bob’ picture on the fridge, mike has will’s drawings in bedroom, no pictures of el, and also has will’s drawings in his basement. weird. weird how it’s romantic for everyone else but not mike. oh yeah, jonathon also looks at a picture of him and nance in his room.
vii) emphasis on ‘we’re friends, we’re friends’
viii) his monologue to will. feeling like he lost him. speaking nervously, stating things twice again, telling him his home of Hawkins, is not the same without him = it’s not home without you, you’re my home, and literally bringing his other friends into it, like comparing him to them, because why was that necessary if it’s just platonic, like mike specifically in season 1 says they are all his best friends, so why, why compare them now or rank them? like you cannot tell me that’s not what he is doing in that scene, you can just not, like that is what he means 100%, and then him saying, ‘maybe i was worrying too much about el’ like, yes, maybe you were, maybe she is the puppy that you took in, as the duffer brothers supplied, and you were worried about her moving halfway across the country without her powers, after her dad just died, and she is always struggling, where at least, hey, will had his family, and he was safer outside of hawkins, like that’s just literal common sense, like maybe if he’d just let himself feel, he’d feel his feelings for will, but mike is a caring person who cares deeply about his platonic friends like when he nearly jumped off a cliff for dustin, so of course he is worried about el! mike is a leader, he looks out for his pack, and he was worried about el because yeah, her life was not the best when she left, where for will, california was maybe safer for him…?? mike feels safest and most calm and happiest around will though, but he holds too much guilt, and also, el literally saved will, and gave him back to her, like their is a trauma bond there, and he feels like he owes her, just how she feels like she owes him for taking her in, and they think that’s romantic love, but it’s not, it’s not, i tell you !! but will is his priority, like, he just is, in season 1 and 2 we saw it, in season 3, yes he was ignoring him, but honestly, the second that he thinks will is upset with him, will is his priority, he bike rides in the rain, drags lucas with him, and pounds on the door, apologizing and calling himself an asshole, while refusing to even consider what he did wrong with el, like as sadistic as this is, i almost feel like mike needs to be in a situation where both will and el are in grave danger, but then i was thinking about it, and we sort of already have, like he just gets her back, in season 2, he does not say a word against her closing the gate, even though he fears losing her again to this but he knows its for will, and he can’t lose him, and sure, sure of course he’d wanna do anything to save his bff, but it’s just interesting to see that switch in s3 where he is pushing her to not use her powers because he is scared of losing her even though, she kind of need to do that in order to save them all. And sure they have more time to develop since, and maybe his feelings grew more, but like. it’s interesting that those parallels even exist, like - idk i just think this concept, and their love triangle is so goddamn obvious, that it makes me want to scream and bite off my own head somehow because like. how do people not see it. how.
[I could definitely discuss more but just go read the byler bible proof slides]
Anyways, I am done.
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skinimini80 · 7 months
Tbh if ur looking to break a b/p cycle not purging post binging/overeating is the WAY.
Whenever I b/p, I literally get rewarded for bad behavior in the form of weightloss. Like I enjoy some flavor (mostly stop caring about taste like a couple minutes in) and wake up skinnier. The only things that punish me are the awful feeling of I’m actually going to die any day now, dehydration, fear of any amount of food, fear of water, financially fucked (fr this one is the worst for me).
Yet the only thing I really care about is progress.
My binges have grown due to b/ping so when I truly binge, I almost always throw it up whether I want to or not HOWEVER when I overeat I can sometimes keep it down.
When I overeat and weigh myself the next day, it isn’t easy to see the number go up but it does make me feel like I have a better sense of where my body is at. I’d rather lose through calorie restriction and be like 5 lbs heavier than I thought than constantly be dehydrated.
Plus when you keep food down you can be wayyyy more exact in your calorie counting.
Anyways overeating leaves me full, bloated, and not wanting to binge. Like I do obsess over what I’ll eat but I have no desire for that frenzy of eating whatever I want. I used to feel that kind of desire when I was anorexic, but if I’m being totally candid I’ve been more bulimic than anorexic for years now. I’ve binged over and over and over. It isn’t fun if I can’t purge it. It isn’t desirable. When I eat more than enough my mind isn’t even on food unless I’m planning to allow myself to eat. I can keep food in my kitchen and not touch it! Not even think about it!
Lately I’ve been spiraling back into my b/p fasting hell. I’ve interrupted the cycle for two days now. I already feel a renewed sense of I wanna restrict. Maybe I’m delulu, but I feel a second wave of a honeymoon phase coming on.
So yeah idk maybe try it. Just a day or two. Hell I’m doing a week (sort of, I don’t really wanna eat today lol). Trust me, I almost always get a new honeymoon phase once I get past the initial dread of thinking I gained everything back.
This isn’t targeted towards all bulimics btw. It’s really more towards those who are in the late stages of literally leaving nothing in their stomach. Bulimia is such a crazy thing because most people gain from it, but once you get to a point you can really lose real weight. It’s not worth it. It’s not quicker than just restricting. I’ve been so ill (like near death sickness not an ED) and truly bulimia hell felt so much worse than that.
Btw I call it bulimia hell because I still think I’m bulimic, but I’m not afraid of water anymore and I can convince myself to eat more easily.
Another option is just go full gym bro. Eat enough, build muscles, obsess over calories and feel in control while somewhat improving your health (it’s unhealthy to not take a minute to let your body heal first and it probably will bite you in the ass but it is better than continuing a bulimic spiral)
Also if you can just stop trying to lose weight that would be best for you. You would feel far more hopeful than the solution I’m offering. I just know I’d rather someone stop dehydrating themself like a raisin and restrict their calories than just say “you haveeeeee to accept weight gain! No other way! You simply must go all in! Even though this disorder is all about all or nothing! You have to giveeeeee up that mindset of all or nothing while simply declaring absolutelllyyyyyyyy NO more disordered behaviorrrrrrrrsss”
If you can, yay! I’m so envious! I’m truly astonished at your bravery and commitment. Most of us aren’t so incredible. We are all capable of it, but clearly we tend to lean on coping mechanisms. We feel we need something.
I’m just so god damn tired of being told I must be ready to recover in order to improve my quality of life even a little! I’m not ready! Why would I be! I don’t want to recover but I don’t want to die over a toilet either! Let me wean off! Let me reduce harm! Give me my fucking time!
Anyways I’m horrified at quasi recovery so I am restricting and stuff still but idk I’ve been through these phases a couple of times in the past two years and I gotta say, I didn’t get fat. I didn’t go back to being 140 lbs. I had moments of pure hope and joy. I felt my body relax a little. I’m losing again and have a new breath of air in my lungs. I’ve got the second wind in the race. It’s okay to regroup. It’s okay to harm reduce.
It’s okay to eat. It’s okay to compromise. If it means not having a heart attack because you refuse water, than by all means eat 1200 cals and keep it in! It’s so much better than nothing!
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vagabond-sol · 11 months
Hey tanks? Did you know that Provoke isn’t just for waving your “No, I wanna be main tank” e-peen around? Sometimes it can serve a very real and practical purpose. “No, duh! It’s for tank swaps” you say? No no think smaller! Say, for instance you and your co-tank were recently obliterated by a mechanic shifting aggro to the strongest DPS? “Eh they’ll just panic and die in a second or two” you think to yourself but instead this stalwart little Mon- I mean DPS is actually holding the boss as if he, I mean they, were a tank and with the combined power of literally every applicable defensive ability they have happens to be lasting *gasp* through multiple auto attacks! Now clearly they can’t keep this up and they’ll die soon and you can just step up and take your rightful place right? Wrong you little moron, the boss has begun an easily dodged mechanic allowing this little trooper of a DPS to gain more health back using…what is that? Bloodbath? “This guy must really know his stuff” you think to yourself before letting the thought leave your mind and going back to NOT doing your only job. Well the boss is back on this funky little DPS and things aren’t looking good. All of their defensive buffs are gone and those auto attacks are really rocking him now but you can’t help but notice you still haven’t regained aggro! I mean you’re hitting the boss and your stance is on. What else could you possibly do but wait for your teammates flame to be snuffed out? You feel certain you have some kind of ability that could easily put you back on top in the click of a button but what was it called? Maybe it was Fell Cleav- Oh! The Monk is dead. Finally, now you can stop thinking about this mysterious button and muddle through your rotation again like normal.
Also healers you are not free of sin. I know you don’t trust the other healer but at the very least once both tanks or up save one of those big overhealing spells you’re gonna waste on them for me. Just one so I know you’re aware. Anything bro. I’d ask one of you to just keep healing me and keep me alive but if I stop to type I’ll die because I need to hit the boss for blood bath and please anyone just…one more time. Hegemone graced me with healers that took care of me as I filled in for a DC’ed co-tank but I have never been granted that kindness again unless it was Xavier who I am actively speaking to.
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davishater · 10 months
Head canons of Hutter and Chelsea dating that I came up with while working, cause the new chapter released right before work and it was such juicy information that I could not stop thinking about it for a second:
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Hutter made the first move, because Chelsea is so enthralled with Ron that she doesn't see anyone else.
At first, she said yes for funsies, but after getting to know Hutter more, she really started to fall for him for real.
Ok, but a separate head canon where Ron's just an idol to Chelsea, but Hutter was the one she really liked.
Wait, but then Chelsea being the one to ask Hutter out first actually sounds so good, too!!!
She just keeps stealing glances at Hutter in the middle of class and he couldn't even care less about her.
When she confesses, he says yes for the entertainment (but then again, he doesn't seem like the type to just date someone for the entertainment could be dating to gain experience, cause he seems like the kind of guy who would want a perfect relationship [or is that just me putting false assumptions on him???])
Later that day, when they go out on a date, Hutter finds out she's really into Ron and he's like, "I don't need the experience that bad, bye Felicia!" 🏃🏿‍♂️💨
Go back to where Hutter is the one asking Chelsea out, yo I just imagine him being a blushing mess!!!
Oh crap, but Hutter just playing it cool is a good one, too!
Bro literally be working over time on those weights to prepare his mind, body and heart for whatever might happen after the confession.
"Wow Hutter, look at you go! You must have a new training regiment for your closed circle class."
"...... 0_0"
After weeks of intense training, my guy is so ready to ask Chelsea out on that date! He's been watching videos, talking to himself in the mirror, quadrupled his sets at the gym! Yo, he got dis.
Aight, so uhhhh, bro THOUGHT he was ready. Man can't even SPEAK, CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT HIS BELOVED CHELSEA.
His face is hot, he's sweating BUCKETS, he's stuttering a bit! Man is dying. Doesn't help that she's NEVER FREE!
Hutter decided to take a stroll around the school to try and calm his nerves and think of a game plan. He turns a corner and CHELSEA AND ANOTHER MALE STUDENT TALKING IN A SUSPICIOUSLY EMPTY HALLWAY??? OH NUH UH! NOT ON HIS WATCH!!!
Hutter has never walked up to someone SO FAST! He leans into Chelsea a bit and has his forearm on the wall right above her.
"So this is where you've been."
Boi be so smooth just give him a gold medal!!! Don't forget that side glare he gives the other student!
"Uh, sorry! I had no idea you had a boyfriend already!" Boy be bookin' it outta there!
Hutter and Chelsea just be quiet for a bit cause like, what the heck are you supposed to say in this position??? Hutter's arm is still on the wall above her, like no way she's gonna want him to move that arm!!!!
Hutter looks down into her eyes and the butterfly's are so strong they be flying all around the room!!! The sun is shining, the rainbows are rainbowing, glitter is glittering, stars are aligning, if this ain't a better time to ask Chelsea out, then there ain't never gonna be a time!
"Hutter, what are you doing here?"
Crap! She finally speaks! Boi gotta hurry before the moment is ruined!!!!
Hutter releases his arm off the wall and casually sticks his hands in his pockets.
"Chelsea, why don't you go out with me instead?"
Boi so cool, so smooth, even the butter is melting from jealousy!
Chelsea just stares for a bit, while Hutter cries in his head. She then takes his hand out of his pocket and grasps it firmly.
No words.
My boi Hutter got no words.
"There's a new cafe that opened up in town. Why don't we go there after school today?"
But my guy, you can't just scream! Not right here and now! You gotta keep acting cool! Keep making her think you're the coolest guy to have ever walked on this earth!
"Sounds like fun."
Chelsea smiled.
Nailed it.
Later after class, Hutter and Chelsea head on over to that Cafe, holding hands. She doesn't stop talking about Ron, or the Moriarty family through the whole date and Hutter realizes that asking Chelsea out was a big mistake.....
By the end of the date, Hutter had broken it off with Chelsea.
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Pairing: JJ Maybank x female!OC
Part: 7/??
Series Masterlist
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Weeks went by and June morphed into July without much consequence. Much of the south side was still torn up from the storm, while life on the island seemed to steamroll forward without any consideration for those who were being left in the dirt. Between the parties and the surfing, fishing, and drinking, the summer seemed to be flying by, all in a blur in front of the Pogues eyes.
It was the third of July, and the group had spent the day on the water. The boys had fished, catching drum in their nets and tossing them all back while the girls laid out on the stern, soaking up the sun and reading. Sammie had a thick book in her hands while Kie was more interested in keeping up with social media.
The sun was starting to set as the group made their way back to land, setting up a fire near the water in front of the chateau and settling in. The air had cooled off considerably since midday, and everyone was rushing to grab what few pieces of clothing they had to throw on and warm up. Sammie raced inside and made it into JJ’s room before he had a chance to catch her, banging on the door when she locked it. He could hear her giggles from inside, eyes widening and his mouth twisting into a smirk when she appeared, his favorite flannel draped over her shoulders and buttoned once over her chest.
“I was gonna wear that!” He cried out grabbing her around the waist and picking her up, swinging her over his shoulder with faux rage. “You were too slow!!” She laughed as she beat her fists on his back “it’s mine now!!” He set her down with a huff , palming the back of her head and pushing her away as she scoffed at him and made her way outside to rejoin the group.
“When are you gonna swoop on that, man?” JJ spun around to find JB standing in the kitchen, holding a beer and staring. He’d seen their whole exchange. “Bro, you know the rule.” JJ shrugged, leaning down into his room and picking up a long sleeve shirt off the floor “No Pogue-on-Pogue macking.” He mumbled as he pulled the shirt over his head, walking towards the other boy and grabbing one of the beers off the counter.
“Doesn’t seem to stop you from sleeping with her like every night for the last eight months” John B said as he kept his eyes on his best friend, raising his eyebrows and taking a swig of his beer. JJ shook his head, popping the tab on his own can “it’s not like that dude, it’s not every night” he took a sip and continued “and it’s literally just sleeping, no lie”. John B nodded, coming around the counter and wrapping his arm around his friend and clapping him on the shoulder “so you’re saying she friend-zoned you, hard core” The other boy winced, not having considered that outcome “Nah it’s good man” John B reassured him “I’ve only ever known you to want to fuck like every girl that walks within five feet of you, this is a nice change bubba” he said, scruffing up JJ’s blonde hair.
JJ rolled his eyes, taking another swig of beer as they made their way out into the porch and then down the yard to where the rest of their friends sat around a campfire. He dropped himself down on a log next to Sammie, wrapping his arm around her and bringing his fist to her head, giving the girl a noogie as she shrieked and tried to pull away. “Asshole” she whispered as she pushed him away and brought her water bottle up to her mouth to drink.
They group laughed and fooled around for another hour or so when Sam finally stood up, reaching for her shoes as she checked the time on her phone. “I’ve gotta get going ya hooligans” she announced “have to be up early for the parade tomorrow” she said in a sing-songy voice. “We’ll be there Sammie!” Kie called out from across the fire, “wouldn’t miss it!”
“I mean we would but-” Pope started before Kie smacked him upside the head. “Can’t wait, Sam!!” He corrected himself and looked to Kie for approval, gaining a nod and a smile. Sam chuckled as she walked away “night guys” she said as she held up a peace sign as she walked across the yard in her bare feet. “Sleep tight Sams!” John B called out, shooting a wink at JJ while the blonde boy glared at him.
After Sam's departure the rest of the group splintered off as well, a while later Pope had to get home for curfew and offered to give Kie a ride, leaving JJ and John B as the last two remaining around the fire. “Well I guess I’ll head home too” JJ smirked, heading off in the same direction Sam had left a short while before, “your house is the other way dumbass!” John B called out in a snarky tone, and instead of throwing up a peace sign as Sam had, JJ stuck his middle finger up as he walked away.
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Minutes later Sam heard a tapping on her bedroom window. She stood up from her desk, moving across the room to pull back her curtains, coming face to face with a blond boy grinning slyly back at her.
Sammie pushed the window up and held a finger to her lips, whispering softly to him “sneak quieter this time” she smiled and her eyes twinkled mischievously. JJ just about melted right on the spot, then shook his head with a smirk and glided through the window. Dropping softly onto the wood floor below and plopping himself down onto her perfectly made bed. “Switching it up tonight, huh?” Sam asked, “to what do I owe this unexpected visit?” She said as she went back to her desk, digging through her basket of bottles and selecting a sparkly blue shade fitting for the holiday tomorrow.
JJ looked around and shrugged, eyeing her band uniform hanging on the back of the door. “Just figured I’d change it up, come bother you for a little bit” he snickered, leaning back and picking his legs up, resting his bare feet on the fresh, un-wrinkled bedspread.
“Bother me?” She exclaimed, “is that what I do? Climb into bed with you every other night and bother you?” She was feigning hurt feelings again, clutching her heart with her freshly painted nails and batting her eyelashes at him, “at least when I head off to band camp next month you'll have your bed back” she laughed as JJ smirked, “nah, it’s cool” he said, flicking his eyes back down to his hands, twisting at the mismatched rings on his fingers.
The two sat in silence for a while while Sam finished her at home manicure and then waved her hands around, blowing on her fingers to dry the polish. She looked over to see JJ tossing her plush fish toy in the air. “I remember trying so fucking hard to win this stupid thing for you” JJ admitted. “You didn’t though, Pope did” she gave him a lopsided grin. “Yeah, I’m well aware” he replied flatly, voice dripping in sarcasm “I stopped shooting at the last second, it was stupid”
“You’re telling me, you, JJ ‘competitive asshole’ Maybank threw a carnival game and let Pope win??” Sam scoffed, “no freaking way” she said as she playfully pushed him over, climbing onto the bed next to him, “Yeah, like I said, it was stupid. dunno why I did that.”
But he knew why. JJ knew exactly why.
The two boys had both been crushing on Sam for years by the time freshman year of high school rolled around, and when the carnival came to town, both were determined to show their undying love in a way only high school boys can, by playing (and hopefully winning) un-winnable carnival games and giving the shitty prizes to the object of their affection. He and Pope had spent hours and who knows how much money on those rip-off games, losing almost every single one.
When it came to the water gun shoot out, JJ knew he had it in the bag; but as he stood there squirting water at that damned rubber duck, he had an epiphany: it had to be Pope. Pope was the better guy, smarter, more in tune with his emotions… he was all around better than JJ could ever be. So he released his finger from the trigger at the last second, allowing his rubber duck fall and letting Pope win. It had crushed his heart watching Pope present Sam with that damned plush fish, but he knew it was the right move.
Who would have thought he’d be sitting here in Sam’s room years later, still pining over her just as badly as he was freshman year.
“Why don’t you ever sleep here?” JJ blurted, shifting his weight and falling back onto the perfectly placed pillows, arms wrapped around the stuffed fish, “I mean it’s super quiet, it’s nicer than that shitty bed at the chateau…” he trailed off, thinking for a second before continuing, “not that I’m complaining or anything, I just don’t get it”
Sammie gave him a sad grin and bit her lip, rolling her body over to lay on her back and look directly at the ceiling . They laid in silence for a few moments, JJ didn’t want to be weird or pushy, but he could tell he’d struck a nerve. Just as he was about to brush it off, change the subject, Sam let out a deep breath.
“Right after my dad left, my mom had a really really low time, like way worse than she is now, I’d been taking care of the house and myself for a while at that point, but I was so fucking tired, ya know?” She paused briefly and looked over, meeting JJ’s eyes as he nodded softly. He did know just how exhausting it was taking care of grown-up problems at such a young age.
“So this one night, I was exhausted, I’d made dinner and cleaned and finished my homework and I just passed out in bed, I couldn’t keep my eyes open for a single second longer.” Another pause as she sucked in a deep breath, “when I woke up it was pitch black, like the middle of the night, I don’t even remember what time it was, but I looked around trying to figure out what startled me awake.
“My door was open, and there was someone standing in my door.” She squeezed her eyes shut as JJ’s eyes shifted the short distance from the end of the bed to the door frame, only a couple of feet away from where they now laid, his blood ran cold, anticipating what she would say next.
“Like I said, it was pitch black, but I knew whoever it was, it wasn’t my mom. It just wasn’t. And they were way too tall to be my dad...plus at that point he was long gone” at that, JJ let out a breath that he’d been holding for entirely too long.
“I was just fucking, frozen with fear, I couldn’t move, but now I was wide awake…” “I don’t know how long I laid there like that, but eventually they must have thought I went back to sleep, cause they started coming in…” she shuddered, as if coming out of a trance, “I knew then that I was in trouble, and so I just screamed. I screamed the way I did that first day you came over here, screamed for my mom to help me”
“Jesus Christ, Sammie” JJ breathed, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “I know. It scared them off, they ran out the house and never came back. But it was my own fault, I’d forgotten to lock the door cause I was a stupid kid.”
“It wasn’t your fault Sams” JJ sighed, reaching his hand out to drape over her stomach, “but your mom… she didn’t wake up?” He asked, understanding the outburst she’d let out a few weeks ago when he came over for the first time.
Sam shook her head softly, “Nope, she has no clue it even happened. But I haven’t slept alone here since. Not if I could help it. She sleeps in there all the time, she can’t be responsible for keeping us safe, so I stayed up and kept watch. Eventually I stopped being scared, but I still couldn’t sleep” she shrugged, sighing again as she rolled over to face JJ.
“Fuck” he breathed out, shifting now to lay on his back pulling Sam with him, causing her to throw her arm across his chest and lay her head on him. “Sorry to get super dark there for a sec” she whispered.
JJ stroked her back softly, still staring at the ceiling, “nah, it’s cool, I mean I asked” he whispered back, thinking about how much worse the situation could have been if Sam hadn’t screamed. He thought of all the times he’d woken up with his own father standing over him, angry and ready to fight, it scared the shit out of him every time; but he couldn’t imagine waking up to find a person he didn’t know. It sounded like some kind of horrible nightmare.
“I’m so sorry that happened Sams” he squeaked out again, barely able to hear his own voice, “I never want you to feel scared like that ever again” he breathed, moving his other hand up to envelop her in a hug.
The room went silent for a minute, and he started to wonder if he’d even said the words out loud, if Sam had heard them at all, when she suddenly twitched, and JJ realized that her breathing had evened out moments ago. She was asleep, and he wondered for a second if this was the first time she’d slept in this room since that night.
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JJ peeled his eyes open at the shrill sound of a phone ringing. The early morning sun was streaming in between the curtains and he was all of a sudden aware that he’d fallen asleep in Sam’s bed last night, the two of them wrapped up together on top of the covers.
Sam grabbed frantically for the phone, eyes still closed as her hand flailed around, searching for the source of the loud ringing. Once she’d grasped the device, she brought it to her face, squinting her eyes in an attempt to recognize who the hell was calling at 6am on a national holiday. JJ peered over at her as she surveyed the number displayed on the screen, her eyes going from barely open to wide in a split second. He just barely heard her whisper “what the fuck” as she jumped up, climbed out of bed and left the room, phone still in hand.
JJ sat up awkwardly, rubbing his eyes and searching for his own phone, no notifications, so it probably wasn’t one of the Pogues…. he sat silently for a second, listening to Sam’s footsteps out in the hallway, then some light clattering in the bathroom next door, and finally, a muffled one sided conversation talking into the phone. He considered checking on her, but he also considered just climbing back out the window the same way he’d come in last night. Before he could make a decision, Sam burst back into the room. Her phone was tucked into the waistband of her sleep shorts, and she carried her toothbrush, eyes frantic as she shuffled around the room from place to place before she caught sight of JJ still sitting on the bed and jumped, clearly startled. “You’re still here?” She asked breathlessly. “Am I not supposed to be?” JJ replied with his own question, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and moving to stand.
“No, no, it’s fine, I just..” Sam trailed off, lost in thought as she picked up her bag next to the door and shoved the toothbrush back into one cheek, “I’ve gotta go, so you should probably head out too” she mumbled before she jumped back into action, haphazardly brushing her teeth as she gathered up sheet music.
“Uh-yeah” JJ responded, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly as he surveyed her strange behavior “I’ll just-” he started as he moved back towards the window, sliding the bottom pane open and ducking his head through the opening, “Sams, you okay?” He asked before he slid the rest of his body out of the house. She twirled back around, once again surprised at his lingering presence, “yeah, yeah I’m fine” she grumbled as she moved towards her bedroom door, “just late s’all” the boy nodded and she was off, silently flitting down the hall to finish up in the bathroom. JJ dropped himself the short distance down onto the ground below her window and meandered across the lawn.
He checked his phone again, it was 6:06am…. Still nearly three hours until the parade started, and two until he had to meet the Pogues at Heyward’s. So, he kept going, passed the chateau and in the direction of his Father’s house.
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