#but he has some HONKERS
the-acid-pear · 1 year
Love how transexual everyone in that stupid tower is. Trans on trans violence supremacy.
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eegnm · 2 years
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Asuma be upon ye
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socialbunny · 1 year
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bandys-brainrots · 6 months
New to tumblr so I only just found out about Gandalf’s big naturals…wow?
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haiytham · 1 year
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He's just going to use his noise cancelling headphones all day and mind his own business while his roommate is out there doing whatever the hell with his own briefcase
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wooshztro · 6 months
start putting random things on a character design that 'doesn't do anything for the design/character' or 'doesnt look good' on them.
im shoving my insecurities on them. im gonna draw that femboy with a limp. I'm shoving things that I wish I could have and would help me. I'm drawing that twink with a cane.
im shoving things on that design that could make no sense to you because its my design.
BOOM give that man top surgery scars BOOM give that man tits BOOM-
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gremlingottoosilly · 6 months
Would brat wifey reader get punishment for calling konig's pecs 'tits'? She's mischievous and gropes his chest every chance she gets because she just can't resist :/ maybe snuggles up his t shirt and bites them.
Bonus if she calls them slang that old colonels don't know like honkers 😼
He is extremely conflicted. On the one hand, you're a lady, you shouldn't be calling his body names like this, it's dishonorable! God, you're so silly sometimes, he doesn't know what to do with you( He likes that you're bratty and playful, it makes him feel slightly better about himself - he isn't a perverted evil dog who is dragging some poor innocent girl away, you can answer him with your quick it and sharp tongue, but he also needs to punish you sometimes! He is embarrassed that you're even so obsessed with this part of his body - he is prideful of his muscles, he spends hours in the gym to sculpt his figure as the murder machine he is, but he isn't in the gym rat cult anymore, he wouldn't say no to a nice piece of pie and some good greasy food, he has a healthy layer of fat on his tummy and a bit on his hairy tits, it's only natural in his age! He thought at first you were laughing at him, with your mischievous pranks and little smiles that kinda make him insecure, so he asked you time and time again what you really mean by calling his chest that( When he is googling all of those slang words for tits though...yeah, you're in for a good, long spanking. You brought this upon yourself, you shouldn't mess with your older man of a colonel!
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paegei · 4 months
how would the seventeen members react to their significant other having nipple piercings? i have mine done and i adore them they make me feel so cute🥰
tysm for requesting ! 'twas planning on writing this thought soon ! looks like you read my mind \^o^/
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svt members opinions on nipple piercings
with or without piercings, he is ALWAYS lapping at those bad boys. piercings just add to the fun. he thought you reactions were cute pre-piercings ? afterwards, this man is OBSESSED with your sounds. i mean OBSESSED.
we all know this dude is a menace. his foreplay is immense, add in the piercings ? just added another 10+ minutes of nipple play. if your tits are not SOAKED in his spit, he would not be able to sleep that night.
as i have said and will always say; joshie boy goes BONKERS for some boobs (esp for all my small boob gals out there). when you revealed your newly decorated tits, he almost busted in his tighty whiteys. he def stares at your chest even when it's clothed. boy just can't get the sight out of his mind.
paegei #1 jun boob enthusiast. his tit pic collection SKYROCKETED after your new piercing. man is feral. his thinking about them while sleeping, while singing, while dancing. his brain has become consumed by the sight. somehow loves cumming on your tits even more, who would've thought ?
this dude is down bad, are we shocked at how crazy he went over them ??????????? seriously guys, act surprised. again, constantly playing with your boobs. not even in a sexual context. he'll be showing you a video of his latest performance, and his hand just creeps up your shirt. can't blame him though, boobs are boobs.
be prepared, him playing with your jewellery is definitely becoming his new go-to punishment. he will not move on from your tits till you are shaking and crying (even then he might not move on just yet...) also plays with your nips like he's using his controller IM SORRY.
his jaw drops FOR SURE. tries his damn hardest to not gawk but you can tell how much it affects him from the flush peaking up his neck. in his subby moments, loves suckling on them. twirling the bar in with his tongue, writing his name with the movements LAWD.
two words. tit. fucking. HE LOVES TIT FUCKING !!!!! like yeah, he liked it before you got the piercings, but the sight of looking down ???? seeing the jewellery jingling ???? with the movement of his thrusts ????? man loses ALLLLLL of his cool.
like soonyoung, bros hands are LATCHED on. complains if you wear a bra or even a shirt. don't hide his babies from him ??? don't you love him ????? immedietly notices if you change the stud. like im talking the SLIGHTEST change. bro is locked in on the honkers.
bro is ecstatic. jumping for joy kinda ecstatic. definitely pouts when he has to wait for them to heal, but then is always ON TOP of that care. the day he got the all clear to play with your boobs, he was on the verge of tears.
listen, as much as kwan loves the sight, he is more interested in what you decide to adorn you nipples with. after he gets a taste of what sort of jewellery you take a liking to, he is constantly surprising you with even more. also definitely dropped to his knees when you showed him, the drama queen he is.
dude did not think boobs could get any better. titty fucking to the MAX. just twists and flicks at the bar every now and then, just to see what would happen (what did he expect ?). honestly, would not be that shocked if he suddenly wanted to get his done too. vernon likes the looks of it what can he say.
the second your shirt is off, his eyes are BUGGING out of their sockets. borderline cartoon character ass reaction. you guys will simply be cuddling on the couch and he suddenly remembers you got your nipples pierced and just immediately shoves his head under your shirt and gets to town. bros got a mission.
not proof-read ! lmk if there's any mistakes (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
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jobean12-blog · 6 months
It's a Wrap!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader (Ft Alpine and Winter)
Word Count: 1,211
Summary: Getting anything done with two floofy floofs around is never easy...of course they're just so cute but also pains in the butt (in the best way!)
Author's Note: Just love Bucky with his animals so much and this idea popped into my head. There is no particular Holiday or occasion mentioned here so whatever one you want to use is perfect! The dog, Winter, is the one I always use in my stories- he has three legs and Bucky adopted him and of course there is Alpine our fav kitty. The photos in my moodboard are what I imagine they'd look like! Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: Soft and sweet fluff and fun and the cutest animals ever!
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“Hey mister!”
Bucky gently tugs the bow from Alpine’s claws.
“That’s not for you to play with! You have plenty of toys!”
Bucky turns to Alpine’s toy bin and points with a stern look. “See…too many toys!”
Winter hops over and nudges Bucky’s arm with a cold nose, a large stuffed duck hanging from his mouth.
Bucky scratches behind the dog’s ears. “I know buddy. That’s your favorite duck.”
Winter’s tail thumps loudly against the side of the couch as he cocks his head to the side.
“If I play now I’ll never get this done,” Bucky tells Winter softly.
He then leans closer to the dog and whispers in his ear. “And if Alpine doesn’t quit his shit I’m gonna have to lock him in the bathroom.”
Winter drops his toy and barks loudly, side eyeing the cat.
“I know,” Bucky says in comradery. “But let’s see how we do.”
Winter promptly does his best stretch and then lays down right next to Bucky.
“Ohhhh big stretch,” Bucky says before giving Winter a pat.
The dog’s long, fluffy and white tail thumps a few more times before he settles quietly, the majority of his body pressed against Bucky’s outstretched leg.
Alpine, not wanting to be left out, sashays over and sits right in front of Bucky, looking up at him with big blue expectant eyes.
“Alpine,” Bucky sighs. “You can’t sit there bud. How am I supposed to wrap?”
The cat blinks several times and then lifts his paw to lick it, clearly uncaring.
Bucky scoops up the cat and positions him on his thigh next to Winter.
Winter ears go up and he sniffs Alpine a few times before settling back down. Alpine gently bats at Winter’s nose before he lays on his side and gets comfortable.
“FINALLY!” Bucky huffs. “Now maybe I can get some things wrapped before Mommy gets home.”
At the word “mommy,” both animals perk up.
“She’ll be home soon,” Bucky assures them with soft pets. “But I need to at least get her gift wrapped first!”
Bucky looks between the rolls of wrapping paper. “Which one should I use?”
Neither Winter nor Alpine respond so Bucky makes a commitment on his own. As soon as he starts to unroll the paper Alpine pounces, pawing and poking at it.
“Alpine!” Bucky chides as he lifts him up. “You can’t play with that!”
Alpine meows loudly as his legs swing back at forth and his tail swishes side to side. Bucky turns the cat so they are face to face.
“Listen you. Unless you’re gonna help you have to behave!”
“I’ll put you in the bathroom!”
Winter’s head lifts and he huffs.
“I know I won’t but still…” Bucky grumbles.
He takes Alpine and sets him on his shoulder. “Stay there!”
Alpine digs his claws into Bucky’s Henley and sits perched atop his broad shoulder.
Winter rests his head on Bucky’s thigh.
“Ok, here we go again,” Bucky sighs.
He takes your gift and sets it down in the center of the paper and begins to fold it.
Winter’s wet nose immediately pokes at the paper, leaving a wet spot.
“Doggo!” Bucky says sharply. “Watch that honker.”
Winter’s tail wags still and he scoots closer, inspecting everything with his big black nose.
Once Bucky has it wrapped as best he can he looks at the bag of ribbon.
“This one?” he says as he holds up a particularly pretty one.
Alpine immediately swats at it with a clawed paw and Winter tries to give it a small nibble.
“Shit,” Bucky mutters. “You two are no help!”
Bucky secures the bow as best he can then looks over his handiwork.
“I mean…,” he starts as he looks it over. “It’s the thought that counts right?”
Alpine grows bored with the now wrapped gift and starts to bat at the stray hairs that have fallen loose from Bucky’s bun.
Winter licks Bucky’s hand.
“Thanks guys.”
The sound of the lock turning alerts everyone to your arrival and Bucky quickly hides the gift then follows the animals in their rush to greet you.
“Hi doll face,” Bucky says as he takes you in his arms.
Winter shimmies his large body between the two of you until you pet him and Alpine slips between your legs to rub against you.
“Hi guys!” you smile.
“We missed you,” Bucky says.
“I missed you all more.”
You wrap your arms around Bucky’s neck and press your lips to his.
“What have you been up to?” you whisper.
“Nothin’ much,” Bucky answers.
Winter barks.
You raise an eyebrow and slip from Bucky’s grasp. As you approach the living room Winter bounds past you and starts to dance his paws on top of the mess Bucky left.
“Wrapping?” you ask as Bucky slides up behind you and circles his arms around your waist.
“I thought I should get started,” he murmurs against your ear.
“Want some help?” you ask.
“Definitely,” he answers. “Between these two floofs,” and he motions to Alpine and Winter, “I only got one thing wrapped.”
Bucky sits and leans back along the couch, spreading his legs wide and patting between them. You sit in the open space and rest your back to his chest.
As soon as you grab the wrapping paper, Alpine appears out of nowhere and attacks it.
“See what I’ve been dealing with!” Bucky whines even as you feel his body shake with laughter. “A menace!
Winter, as if knowing he was left out, tries to smash his way onto Bucky’s lap.
“TWO MENACES!” Bucky adds in a huff.
You giggle and pick up Alpine, smooshing him to your chest and cooing at him sweetly.
“Have you been driving daddy nuts all afternoon my sweet boy?”
Alpine nuzzles his head under your chin and purrs.
“And what about you,” you say to Winter as you wrap your free arm around his fluffy neck and scratch his head. “Who’s my good boy?”
Winter’s whole-body wiggles in joy and he starts to lick your face.
“Aw Buck. They couldn’t have been that bad!”
Bucky grumbles something inaudible from behind you and it only makes you love on the babies more.
“How about we just have a cuddle party? We can wrap later,” you suggest.
“I love this plan,” Bucky hums. “But first…we need sustenance!”
He stands and then helps you up before walking into the kitchen. You hear the rustle of bags and the banging of cabinets as you prepare the couch with the pillows and blankets.
As soon as you’re seated Winter paws at the spot on the cushion where he usually lays. You give him a small lift to help him up and then watch as Alpine walks along the edge of the couch and jumps down to the pillow below.
Bucky comes back in with his arms full of goodies.
“Look at this cuddle party,” he muses as he sits next to you.
You snuggle into Bucky’s side and Winter snuggles closer to you. Even Alpine curls up close to Bucky, his warm head pressed against his metal arm.
With your snacks at the ready and Lord of the Rings on the screen you settle into the soft warmth and comfort of your little family.
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@hiddles-rose @kmc1989 @randomfandompenguin @blackwidownat2814 @buckysdollforlife @goldylions
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2melamoo2 · 4 months
First post… um yeah!! :DD
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katsuki bakugo x fem!reader
requested? no!
Time period - UA
Head cannons
prompt - How Katsuki shows affection!
Reader Personality - HYPER. (hence the sugar-rush nickname)
Reader Quirk - not mentioned
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Katsuki has always struggled showing affection, so when he met you (and at some time later, started dating you) it was a BIG change for him.
He definitely needed an adjustment period to showing affection, which is why you guys kept your relationship a secret from the rest of 1A at the time.
He struggled with physical touch at the beginning, always afraid he would get too nervous, which would lead to him sweating, and then that means explosions and oh lord his hands are popping just thinking about it.
This meant he did everything BUT physical affection, but your relationship was a secret so i suppose this worked out.
He definitely used to cook your favorite foods when it was his turn to cook (and still does)
He also gave you extra food, if his girl wasn’t full by the end of the night, he hadn’t done something good
It does not matter if you are this mans girlfriend or not, he won’t take it easy on you when training (at least that’s what he says…)
Katsuki LOVES watching you fight, he gets all fluttery inside and is just so proud of you… because that’s HIS girl kicking ass.
Will always take care of you if you over work yourself. One time you ended up battering the fuck out of Sero, but after training you were done for the day. which meant straight up to bed and didn’t speak to anyone at all. After waiting a few minutes, to avoid suspicion of course, your knight in shining armor came up to your dorm with a one of his hoodies just for you and let you cuddle him while he finished his homework.
A few months into your relationship, Katsuki definitely started getting more comfortable, he would start complimenting you during training (obviously not outright like he wanted too… just the occasional “you actually did well for once”), started calling you different nicknames (definitely went from “sugar-rush” to “sweets”, if anyone asks it’s because of your personality… and they get their head blown off), and the biggest one of all, letting you hook his pinky with yours.
He was TERRIFIED of touching you. Didn’t want to do it at all. But the more it happened, the more he wanted too.
Katsuki didn’t initiate physical contact at first. It always started with you being touchy.
But now he can’t get enough of you, he physically can’t sleep without you in the same bed as him.
HE LOVES lying on your chest. wether you have flat or huge honkers, you best believe he is sleeping with his face right in between them.
Scratch. His. Head.
He gets migraines and his ears are definitely always ringing (due to his quirk), so when you scratch his head, everything goes out the window, it just feels amazing to him.
In Short - Katsuki Bakugo loves you.
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I’m no where near done with my head cannons… i just didn’t want this to be pages and pages long-
I hope you all enjoyed!! please feel free to send it requests!!
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hopeluna-archived · 1 year
Now for the important question....ass or boobs?
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Characters: The brothers + the dateables
CW: crack, my dumb ass imao
A/N: i'm so sorry about this, just ignore this
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I- looks at you like "I don't get paid enough for this shit"
Actually he doesn't get paid at all. #justiceforSingleMom
They are just....boobs yk? They're so fun and soft and sexy - Lucifer's inner thoughts
Pls leave him alone MC, he has important work to do :')
He's a ass man and he's proud of it 🤚🏼
Mammon loves ass. Flat ass, non-flat ass, medium flat ass
He appreciates it all
You might catch him staring at your ass if you're observant enough
Will deny it tho, it looked at him first
Leviathan, Avatar of Envy, The third born, Admiral of Hell's navy and Thigh man
If given permission, will bury his face in your thighs
Its heaven to him. Pun intended
Maybe leave some bite marks on them if he's feeling particularly brave ;)
No I will not elaborate
Boobs. And ass. And thighs.
He's a slut
He'll take everything you throw at him
Still Asmo has a good point
Why choose one when you can love all of them?
I cannot explain this but ass.
Idk Beel just seems like a very ass person
Like listen he's not innocent as everyone makes him out to be
He's just a wholesome guy. So like just imagine him casually slapping you in the ass out of nowhere
And you're just like 😀⁉️
And he's just like 🤷🏻‍♂️💁🏻‍♂️🍔
Certified user of boobs as pillows
Yk how you smack the pillow a few times to fluff it?
Boy will legit pat your boobs and snuggle in and not even acknowledge you
Like sir?? I'm not even here, i'm a hallucination ✨
Pls i'm a boob person for him, I wanna squeeze those honkers
Dia is both a boob and a ass person
He just thinks both of them come for different uses
Your boobs are his stress ball
Your ass is also his stress ball with the added benefit of slapping it
Yup he saw that question coming from a miles away
But nevertheless he'll humour you
Idk why but he just gives me boob guy vibe
Simeon likes you for you heart, your kindness, you sincerity, your mind-
Enough said.
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© hopeluna. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost any of my work in this or any other site. Do not steal or modify my ideas/concepts either.
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devotion-disorder · 9 months
Chest size of the yan bois? Pls?
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Kuuya has actual negative chest cause hes always hunched over. and as much as i would like to draw noel with some big ol’ honkers, he has, at most, just slightly more chest than the average anime twink😔
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tenko-thinks · 10 months
Upper moons and an s/o with large breasts
Cw: a reader with some huge honkers. I'm talking a real pair of badonkers. Some HUGE habagah-- anyways, suggestive , mentions of lactation?¿ I'm projecting my back hurts
Ft. Douma Akaza and Gyutaro
Requests are open i encourage them, im not that creative
♡ ------ ♡
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Douma is one person I see that values breasts on a feminine partner. They imply fertility, after all.
And that implies youth. Beauty. Which is quite attractive not only to the part of you that he desires to devour. But also to the part of him that is a.. Man.
His hands are almost always trailing down to your breasts. Resting on the softness there.
He only becomes handsier over time, bolder and pretty uncaring of boundaries. Or public opinion. He has a right to squeeze, he feels.
When he's bored he enjoys them in an almost cat like fashion. Lifting them and releasing them to watch the jiggle of soft flesh.
Absolutely the worst to sleep with though you'll be in bed and a hand with find your tit under your clothing and it's like Antarctica. He thinks your reactions are to die for. So he's going to keep doing it of course.
There's a part of him that wants to delve deeper on the idea of your fertility. Watch your breasts swell. He wonders if your milk would be like drinking your blood? Just as devine?
Also you're twinsies with fat tits congrats
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Akaza does not strike me as someone who cares about the body of his partner so long as they're healthy.
However he cannot deny his base attraction to. The simpler things in life. If you're well endowed. Well, it only means more of you to love.
And love you he does. He's not great at showing gentle affection but words of affirmation are natural to him.
If you're insecure of your chest? He's there to soothe you.
If you're proud of them and love showing them off? Free hype man.
#1 malewife no matter the form his s/o takes i will die on this hill.
Pull a "my tits feel heavy" and ask him to hold them. It'll be funny i promise.
Gets very flustered around you in the nude however. Pointedly NOT looking at your chest. Save him.
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Living in yoshiwara, Gyutaro has seen numerous women. Most of which bearing a few extra pounds on their chest.
He hardly even knew smaller boobs existed . Sure he knew they Did but big was average to him. So I can definitely see him being more of a tits guy just by nature of his environment.
He's an asshole though , bless his heart. Very much the type to just like. Lightly swat at your boob when you annoy him or catch him off guard.
Laughs if your chest is sensitive, and he will abuse that knowledge. Going out of his way to find situations to tease about it.
He however also knows the downsides of having them as well. Considering he's a brother to a sister in a similar predicament as you. Back pain or whatever.
So to make up for his unrelenting teasing, Gyutaro will often just hold you. Or help you crack your back. On a good day he might give you a shoulder rub if you ask nicely. He will call you a loser or pathetic ♡
He often has Daki bringing you warm compresses or bags of rice to rest on your lower back. When she doesn't cry about it, she's actually surprisingly understanding about the whole situation. Not that she'd say that through her pride.
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xoalin4-xota-linda · 3 months
Random ass Nikto + Velikan headcannons because I’m bored
Some x reader, some sexual things mentioned like half of them
Velikan, sleeps like a log, doesn’t wake up, you could shake him all you want, hit him with the pillow, and this man will just be there like ⚰️. Would probably wake up if he smelt food. 100% snores loudly.
Nikto, doesn’t like being tied up, not during at all, but will definitely + likes tying you up, would probably gag and Blindfold you as well.
Velikan, definitely drinks beer a lot, would be sitting on a couch or just standing somewhere and you see him with a beer in his hand. Definitely would hold his beer above his head if he was in the ocean and a wave came. SAVE THE BEER
Nikto, definitely likes to fuck a lot, 100% fucked a lot of women when he was a teenager/young adult. Still goes to Brothels a lot when he has a day off tho, he loves women.
Velikan, probably the type of dude to make out with you, sit you on his lap with his cock inside you, just to hold you there by your hips and watch you squirm around, trying to move and get some feeling of his fat cock inside you but can’t, while he just has a shit eating grin on his face.
Nikto, would 100% eat someone, he doesn’t care that they are human, if he doesn’t have any other food to eat and there was someone newly dead? Either cooking it up or eating some raw if he has no time for fire.
Velikan, if you get too annoying, talking too much, won’t stop moving, nagging him too much. He would probably throw you on the couch/bed and sit or lay on top of you to shut you up and keep you put. Beware this man weighs as much as an elephant when sitting on top of you, you literally can’t move.
Nikto, I feel like this man is into some kinky type shit, would try almost anything with you. Except pegging, this man ain’t having anything ANYWHERE near his ass. but would probably have a blood kink, likes seeing you bleed or in pain in someway.
Velikan, he has some mighty thighs, they get even bigger when he sits down. It makes a comfortable chair for you. So he would probably grab you and pull you onto his lap or to sit you on one of this thighs. Would probably fall asleep with you like that which your head laying on his bicep.
Nikto, tho he is not one for being affectionate or anything, it’s usually just a fuck for him. He secretly, would never show or tell it, but secretly likes getting kissed between his eyebrows on the arch of his nose by you. Probably the only time he has ever really gotten butterflies in his stomach.
Velikan, wouldn’t mind fucking you in front of his friends, like genuinely doesn’t care, probably gets more turned on by it.
Velikan, ass and thighs man, he loves em dearly.
Nikto, boobs man, he be grabbing them honkers whenever he can. speak to the wall if you think I’m wrong.
Alright, that’s it. Peace out✌️
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cyberrose2001 · 8 months
Kinktober: Day 2
Prompt: Titfucking
TFP Optimus x afab reader
Warnings: reader has big honkers, cum milking, some light oral (reader giving)
Word count: 678
“Oh, Primus…” Optimus moans breathily. Optics narrowed to pinpricks as he watched his spike disappear behind the band of your lacy white bra and into your cleavage.
Optimus had always had an infatuation with you, and you weren’t entirely sure why at first; you were just like any other human he’d seen. But the longer you had dwelled on it, the quicker it took to realise that it wasn’t just you he was longingly staring at.
He had been staring at your tits. Optimus Prime, the gentle and seemingly innocent leader with the frame of a Greek god, had been shamelessly ogling at your tits.
And you don’t blame him, honestly. You were a reasonably endowed human, blessed and cursed with a larger-than-average cup size. It’s no surprise that Optimus had been curious about them or, more likely, turned on by them. And it was no surprise that you had started to appreciate the attention from him and enjoyed how his intake ceased to work when you would wear a skimpy spaghetti strap tank top to the base when the days got hotter.
But today, it was the berthroom that got hotter instead.
Curiosity killed the cat? No, curiosity makes the mech a begging, whining mess between your tits.
“Ohh, you like that, huh?” You moan with him, hands cupping the outside of your bra as you teasingly drag his engorged cock through your cleavage.
Optimus shudders as he melts into the berth, servos fisting the sheets as the tip of his sensitive spike disappears into your flesh, “I… I do.”
You give him a sultry chuckle, bouncing your breasts along his length, “Never would’ve guessed that Optimus Prime himself would have a thing for boobs, or do I just turn you on that much?”
“I… cannot help myself. You are so soft, so…” Optimus bites his dermas, moving his servos to push your hands away so he can squeeze your breasts around his spike himself, “Nggh… so foreign.”
You suck in a sharp breath as he massages them through your bra, and you can just feel his spike throbbing between your flesh as he does so. It’s arousing to watch him, so much that you’ve started rubbing your thighs together to stave off the aching heat pooling in your abdomen.
“Oh, Optimus, that feels so fucking good.” You whine, your own hands finding purchase on his Adonis belt.
Your praises must’ve done something to him, a snap of a cord that tosses all caution to the wind as he starts to fuck up into your tits. His servos squeeze them to keep you still as he loses himself in his long-awaited fantasy.
“F-Frag, I’m…” Optimus trembles, hips shuttering as he frantically chases his climax, “A lot closer than I -hggff- intended to be.”
“Aww, you’re so turned on you’re gonna overload already?” You try to tease, but you’re not too far behind yourself; the vibrations from his hips snapping into your chest travel straight to your core.
“Primus Y/n, if you continue to talk in that manner, I’ll- ahhhg!-“ Optimus involuntarily arches his back struts when he feels your tongue dart out to meet with his weeping tip.
And that’s the last straw for him. Optimus stills, letting your name fall from his dermas in a filthy, whimpering cry as he spills himself, spike throbbing and hot. Warm, sticky trans fluid floods between your breasts and leaks out of your cleavage. Some hit your chin, and some you can feel leaking from the bottom of your breasts. You keep still, letting him ride out the after-shocks with a few rolls of his hips.
“Oh, Primus…” Optimus groans, frame going limp after milking himself. He peeks down at you, and his softening spike pulses and hardens again at the sight.
You’ve peeled off your drenched bra and started to crawl up to sit on his abdomen, “You think my tits are the best thing we humans have to offer?” You moan, rubbing your aching heat along his spike, earning a sharp hitch of Optimus’ breath. “Just wait until you’re inside me.”
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hyatoro · 19 days
For your OCs — MtL sensitive chest??I think it’d be nice for a tired reader to come home one day and just bury their face in their partner’s honkers 😁 a way to recharge, if you will! and well, if the OC wants it to escalate, who can blame em 😇
Franklin Russell is the most sensitive when it comes to his chest. Absolutely adores it when you slump into his open arms. He has super soft sweaters and those thick cushy sleeves embrace you warmly as you nuzzle into him. Wandering hands make him tense up, having a clue as to where things are going, only to start squirming under your touch. Weak noises are already clawing their way out of his throat as your fingers brush against his nipples. Now his entire body is wrapped around you, arms and legs clamped down. He gives you a heated gaze as he silently begs for you to follow this through to the end. 
Hwang Minsu is the runner up. This lonely fuck is touch starved. He loves any contact with you, and for you to just leap right into his arms has him popping champagne in his mind. When he realizes that you’re specifically nuzzling his chest for reasons he gets all flustered. Tugs his shirt up or down, whatever gives you easier contact to his skin. If Franklin didn’t exist he’d be number one for a naked apron welcome home. He blames his nipple sensitivity on the fact that he’s an omega, but it’s just because he’s a dirty slut for you. All omegas are different, Minsu.
Kayden Nguyen is just sensitive everywhere due to all the anticipation for your touch, both psychic and physical. So yes, he has sensitivity to some extent there, but it’s not to the point where I’d say he has a sensitive chest. It feels good and he loves being able to support you. Especially because a lot of your relationship has been you teaching and helping him through your powers. Getting to be your rock in moments like these has him feeling fuzzy. 
Augustine Carver has the nicest/beefiest tits(confirmed) to smother your face in. He isn’t the most sensitive to it physically, but that doesn’t mean he dislikes it. It’s just more of a psychological thing for him than it is physical. Because he knows it’s supposed to be erotic he gets flustered. Plus it’s you touching him, which is never a bad thing, so he arches his back to get more of your hands on him.
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