#but it's always somewhere in the forefront of my mind
aberooski · 6 months
The way things are going right now just in general, it's probably gonna be a hot minute before I get this fic done and ready for the world. But in the meantime, have this cover art style piece I meant to post for Halloween and didn't oops.
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bby-bo · 1 year
When The Boss Comes Knocking
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the following is a CEO!Sakusa fic that landed somewhere between sfw and sorta nsfw, but its kiyoomi and he just makes my brain go buzz in every situation so i just couldn’t help it 
Part 2
Summary: You dated Sakusa in high school but went your separate ways after graduation. Turns out he missed you much more than he let on. 
Warnings: none, just kiyoomi being hot. use of “sweetheart” and “baby”
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Sakusa Kiyoomi always has been and will always be the man of your dreams. Tall and broad shouldered, even in his high school years he was the pinnacle of your existence, and all you wanted was to be near him. Your wishes were granted for only a brief period of time when you finally dated in your junior year, but your Kiyoomi was ripped away from you when his family decided he needed to start preparing to take over the business.
The Sakusa Group was well known and respected for their acquisition of many successful start-ups, but details of their business dealings were always very secretive. And the company had only grown and expanded since Kiyoomi became CEO at just a mere 25 years old- not that you were stalking the Sakusa Group’s movements in your free time or anything.
When the two of you broke up he had encouraged you to “follow your own dreams”, and made sure to mention he would be extremely busy in the years after graduating high school.  You had received the underlying message loud and clear. He wanted to be left alone and didn’t want a girl from a regular family ruining his image when he entered the executive world. Your heart was shattered, but that didn’t stop you from missing Kiyoomi dearly even years later. The hugs that completely enveloped your frame and the scent of his light cologne, the one he brought you to pick out for him on his birthday. The rasp of his deep voice and how its sound had burrowed into the back of your brain, the memories of random things he once said to you popping to the forefront of your mind haphazardly throughout your days.
You had done as he said, and moved to the city to become an author as you always dreamed. Actually, you were pretty successful in the romance industry and even though you only had a handful of books published, your fanbase was so dedicated and charismatic. In your single year of dating Kiyoomi you had amassed a lifetime’s worth of romantic material, and between your real life experiences with him and the melancholy fantasies that kept you up at night nowadays, you had lots of inspiration. Although, even you were prone to the classically dreaded writer’s block.
Today was just a regular Tuesday morning in the office, where you preferred to write when you were stuck in a rut. Unfortunately, the coffee mug on your desk was not bringing the inspiration that you wanted and you glared at the last sip, willing some piece of creativity to be hiding inside as you downed it. Nothing. Loosening a sigh, you dropped your head into your hands just as a knock rapped on the door. Without lifting your head you greeted the visitor, already knowing who was on the other side.
“Come in!”
“How’s it coming? Anything I can get you right now?” It was the sweet front desk girl, Josie, checking in on you. Again. 
“Unless you can write in my place, there’s not much you can do for me i'm afraid” Josie meant well, but her insistent interruptions certainly were not helping your workflow, and this was the third time within 30 minutes she’s asked if you needed anything.
“Okie dokie, I’ll check back later then! Keep at it! ” 
“Oh, you don’t have to-” She was off with a wave without hearing your response, the door slamming behind her. With another sigh, your head dropped back into your hands, frustration building. 
Not 5 minutes later, there was another knock at the door. But this time the door opened before you could respond.
“Holy shit, Josie i’m really fine I swear- K-Kiyoomi???” You burst from your seat in surprise, your eyes all but popping out of your head.
And there he was, like a fever dream come to life, standing in the doorframe. His handsome face tilted to the side slightly, a smirk pulling across his lips.
“There you are, I’ve been looking for you” His voice had gotten deeper since the last time you spoke. His hair a little longer, his chest a bit stronger. But his eyes remained the same, that dark gaze enticing you and melting you down with just a look.
“W-what are you doing here? How did you-? What is this??” 
As much as you wanted to cave and run straight into his arms, you vividly recalled your last conversation with Sakusa. Not Kiyoomi. He had corrected you so coldly before parting, saying “you should call me by last name from now on, otherwise people may get confused”. As if it would be bad if people mistakenly thought you were still dating. As if to push you that much further away. Your confusion only grew as you looked at him now, unsure of his motives for being here. 
“Came to scope out a new prospect. I sent an executive to meet with your publishing house’s CEO last week” His smirk widened as he took deliberately slow steps into the room, sleek confidence dripping from him. 
That's right, your boss had mentioned that your little publishing house had been recently approached by a huge parent company with an amazing offer, but as far as you knew nothing had been made official. And you certainly had no clue that said parent company was the Sakusa Group. The realization settled in, and the frustration you felt earlier was starting to bubble up again. 
All of a sudden he was in your space, sleek black button-up shirt in your direct line of sight. What was his goal here? Certainly this has nothing to do with you? Right. Exactly. He claimed he was here for business. Then why..??
Long fingers gripped your chin, thumb tugging your bottom lip from between your teeth where you nervously chewed it. 
“Where did you pick up this bad habit? And when are you planning on acknowledging me properly?” Your heart dropped to your stomach. His firm grip brought your face to look up at his, a little too close for comfort. Kiyoomi’s smirk tilted into a small frown, an admonishing look starting to grow.
“Of course sir, I apologize. Good morning Mr. Sakusa.” Backing out of his hold, you bowed in respect. Of course he was here for just business. 
This only seemed to irritate him further though, and when you rose from your greeting he took another step closer. You may as well have been toe to toe now. 
“Since when do you address me that way?” His eyes were too intense, and you could feel the memories of your past relationship coming up in your mind, emotion nearly overwhelming you before you swallowed it down.
“I’m not sure what you mean sir, it would be improper for me to address you otherwise” 
If he was irritated before, then he was surely pissed off now. 
His hands gripped your shoulders, roughly pushing you back against your desk before planting his palms on either side, caging you in. 
“Why won’t you look at me, hm? It’s disrespectful to ignore your superior sweetheart” Shit. That voice had you in a vice grip and he knew it. He was using it to his advantage. 
“I was unaware you would be my business superior until a minute ago, forgive me sir” How long will your legs hold up before melting completely?
“Seems like something is bothering you. You don’t like the idea of working with me? Or maybe you don’t like the idea of me being your boss? Sweetheart, I hope you realize I know you’ve been writing about me.” 
“No! No thats not-!” Your head shot up in a rush to disagree, or maybe to explain. Either way, you immediately realized your mistake and you were silenced once more. The tip of your nose brushed his, and his breath brushed your lips in an intimate greeting, as if to say “hey, i missed you”. 
His mock irritation melted away, the smirk returning once more. You fell into the trap too easily.
Most people knew Sakusa to be the cool and straightforward man he showed to the world, but when you dated in high school he quickly shattered this image. Though he certainly preferred to stay away from crowds and strangers, he was still human after all, and loved to be in your personal space whenever he got you alone. He had always enjoyed making you blush and stutter, thriving off the knowledge that he could affect you so deeply. Clearly, he still enjoyed that feeling. 
But you were not a toy, and he was interrupting your work day. And how dare he just come back into your life after throwing you aside for so many years?! Absolutely not, you refused to be disrespected this way. Your hands came to his chest, giving him a solid (and completely ineffective) shove.
“No. This is not professional Mr. Sakusa-!” 
Sakusa didn’t back up a single inch. Instead he gripped your face, long fingers pinching into your cheeks slightly. Your breath caught in your throat, previous arguments completely obliterated.
“Stop. Saying. No. Now answer me. Since when do you call me by my last name? You’re purposely not answering my question” 
When you took a breath in you caught the scent of his cologne, and it was the same one you picked out for him in high school. He still wore it. Every single thought emptied out of your head, except for the recognition of how close he was to you, and where he was touching you. 
“Say it.”
“Say it like you mean it, baby.”
“Kiyoomi.” A smile broke out as his name fell from your mouth a second time.
“That’s my girl, just as pretty as ever. I missed you so bad sweetheart, I’ve been looking for you in the city for some time now. And don't worry, I’ll make up for lost time, so don’t push me away.” 
His second hand came up to the back of your head, tugging you back by your hair and bringing your mouth to his. But he didn’t kiss you, he denied you the pleasure, only speaking against your lips. You let him do as he pleased, no longer able to deny how much you missed him. Missed this. 
“Look at you with your hair so grown out now.”
“Do you like it?”
“I love everything about you.” He moved to plant a firm kiss to both of your cheeks, and to your disappointment he slowly released his hands from your face and hair. 
“The Sakusa Group will officially be in ownership of your publisher by the end of the week. You’ll be seeing a lot more of me, so get used to it sweetheart.” He offered no further explanations or goodbyes, and he left your office with only your disheveled and flustered state to prove that he had really been there at all. 
You made absolutely zero progress on your writing the rest of the morning and afternoon, but when you returned the next day ready for another day of failure, you opened the door to see your office transformed into a florist. 
There were flowers on every single surface, completely covering your desk and the floor. There were roses of every shade, along with tulips, orchids, and other kinds of flowers you had never even seen before. Each bouquet was bursting with color and life, wrapped in silk ribbons and set in gorgeous porcelain vases that looked absolutely priceless.  There was only a small path left open for you to walk to your desk seat, and on your keyboard was a note. 
“A flower for every occasion I missed. And more just because.” 
Your hand came up to your mouth, tears already welling up in your eyes. You looked to the bottom, and saw he signed the note,
“Always Yours, Kiyoomi”
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evenmoreofadisaster · 3 months
As promised I’ve written One and Two being protective siblings since we passed the prelims. Read below 🖤
Consciousness pulls to the forefront of One’s mind. The slider snaps awake to the quietness of his brother’s lab. He blinks once. Twice, before registering the fact that he had passed out. 
One sits up attentively from where he was sleeping against Two’s desk. “Oh, crap,” he hisses. “How long was I out?”
He’s trapped under a soft purple blanket that had been tossed lazily across his previously relaxed shoulders. One’s limbs fight for freedom, flailing around, eager to detangle from the cozy blanket, which he has no memory of cuddling up with. Finally free from his bounds, One climbs to his feet, clutching Two’s blanket in his hands. “Hey, if you were trying to get me to sleep, it didn’t work.”
One frowns. Now that he’s more awake, he realizes that it’s dead silent. Not even the sound of light tinkering reaches his tympanum to put him at ease. The slider spins around, hoping that maybe Two had just fallen asleep as well, but no. His chair is empty. 
Dread seeps into his chest and his heart rate hammers as his eyes dart around the lab. 
Where is my brother?
One curses himself mentally and searches the rest of the house. Every room he passes leaves him feeling more and more anxious. The last time he left Two unsupervised, it didn’t end so well for his brother. One’s spent every day since then trying to prevent another accident from taking place and risking Two’s life. He was lucky that he only lost an arm that day.
Every room, he ends up back-tracking and walking through the hallway empty handed. He’s not here. He’s not here. He’s not—
It hits him suddenly, like a wave crashing into a mountain of rocks, and he stops. A fuzzy memory resurfaces. Before he nodded off, Two had been talking about needing to stock up on scraps for future projects. One curses again, silently, in case Huginn and Muninn were perched somewhere nearby and heard him. It’s not unlike them to tattle to Dad whenever he misbehaves. This, especially, Draxum can’t find out about. 
There is only one place Two goes to to find junk for his toys. That’s on the surface. The one place that’s more dangerous than their own home. 
One rushes to his dad’s lab, thankful that his pops is out running errands, which makes stealing the blue mystic sword much easier. He’s only used it a couple of times before, under Draxum’s surveillance… but he can’t wait for his dad to come home and show him the right way to swing. 
He pauses, then slowly reaches for it. When his fingers brush the handle, he almost flinches away, but remembers that Two is up there alone. He picks the weapon off its display and draws a breath, concentrating. In a quick sweep, he makes a portal just big enough for him to squeeze through. It’s not perfect, he thinks to himself, but it’ll do.
One loops the weapon through the sash along his waist and steps through. 
Repo’s scrapyard is just a few miles from the closest portal into the Hidden City. Two took the opportunity to slip away while Number One slept, figuring it would be a quick trip. After several days of sleeplessness, Two was sure One would not be awake for a while yet. By the time he noticed, Two will have returned with a wagon full of scraps. 
The sky is dark and the moon shines bright. Two pulls his wagon through a narrow alley and takes the route he’s less likely to run into humans, the route he always takes to get to the scrapyard. The paved path takes Two through the woods that are behind the junkyard. It’s usually quiet, which Two appreciates. One accompanies him on most of his trips, unless Two manages to sneak out while his brother is occupied with training or asleep, like today, for example.
He’s almost there. Just a few more steps, until he reaches the torn back fence that gives him full access to the human’s metal scraps. 
Something rustles far off to Two’s right, making him stop abruptly and swivel his head in that direction. An unsettling chill runs up his spine; the only weapon Two has is the brand new mechanical arm attached to his left shoulder, but even that is still in its early stages of development. He hasn’t had the chance to test out the new upgrades… 
Two hesitates, but continues forward slowly, trying not to make any sudden moves too quickly. He takes a step and hears a growl coming from the same place, and that makes him freeze. He turns his head and stares into the darkness, where he finds two glowing orbs staring right back at him. The animal snarls, baring its sharp, hungry teeth. It inches forward, its crazy eyes glued on him as if he were its prey. 
Two’s blood turns ice cold. His whole body tenses, prepared to fight. He’s certainly trapped, he can feel it even without looking. A fight would put him behind schedule, especially with untested weaponry and the months he’s spent out of practice. Two glances to the fence, thinking maybe he can make it if he runs. That was his first mistake. 
The animal attacks while he’s distracted. The next thing he sees is the animal’s teeth gnashing into his face. Two throws his new arm out in defense, hoping to fire a blast, but the machine's transformation stalls. Two curses sharply. The animal’s jaws lock tightly around his metallic wrist. It tugs and thrashes, jerking Two forwards with too much strength. He stumbles. The arm creaks and cracks and Two can feel the wires in his shoulder start to tear. Panic screams at him in spite of him and Two aims a fierce kick at the mutt. That was his second mistake. It pulls and Two loses his balance. He falls back and the animal rips the mechanical arm off with one violent jerk. Pain explodes in his shoulder, but he doesn’t even get the chance to cry out before the canine pins him to the ground with its claws. 
Something hard pierces his shell, probably a rock. The dull tip digs uncomfortably into his shell’s soft tissue, making him squirm and kick. The animal snarls in his face. Two flashes his teeth in a threatening hiss. But that’s all he can do. The thing is much bigger than he had anticipated, almost twice his size. 
A flash of blue blinds him and the next sound he hears is a sharp whine when Number One tackles the beast to the side. All at once the pressure lifts. Two sits up and scrambles back, his whole shoulder throbbing. 
He stares as One fights off the creature, apprehension stirring deep in his stomach when its teeth sink into One’s forearm and draws blood. It starts to pull him, like it had with Two, but One is much harder to throw around. He wrestles it to the ground, shoving its head into the ground until it’s forced to still. Two sees One lift his sword back and hears him swiftly bring it down through the animal’s neck. 
Silence hushes through the alley as the rabid canine draws its last breath, and One gets to his feet and steps back. He doesn’t move after that. 
Two stares at his back with wide eyes, silent, until One finally turns around. 
“You okay?”
Two frowns. One’s stare is vacant. He’s been seeing that a lot lately. 
“Are you?” He counters with a raised eyebrow. 
One’s eyes trail to his bleeding arm, but he just shakes off the injury as if he’s had worse. “What, this? This’s like a papercut.”
”Scoff. It certainly is not.”
He watches One cautiously as he comes over and kneels in front of him. He places his hand over Two’s and gently moves it so he can assess the damage to the stump at his shoulder. 
“You snuck out on me,” he says after a while. 
Two turns his head away dismissively. “I needed my supplies. You needed to sleep,” he huffs. 
“No, I needed to make sure you didn’t run off and get your fake arm torn off,” One retorts.
Two narrows his eyes and shrugs him off.
Number One rises and picks Two up by the back of his shirt. “C’mon, let’s get that shoulder cleaned up, okay?”
“I didn’t get what I came here for,” Two protests, but One is already waving the sword around, making a portal home. The blood-stained ōdachi falls at his side, then One faces Two and stretches out his injured hand that Two notices is shaking. 
“I’ll come back with you tomorrow,” he promises. Two bites back an argument and swallows it thickly. There’s a slight lump in his throat that makes him avert his gaze.
He hates to admit it… but if he had One to tag along as usual, this entire debacle, most likely, would not have happened. But now he’s lost a prototype prosthetic without even reaching the gates of his destination. If there had been people around, the commotion he stumbled into could have gotten him into much more trouble than he’d been equipped to handle. The whole thing was just another disaster. All of this he knows just as well as One, which is why he complies, taking his brother’s hand and follows him home. 
Two sits on the floor of the lab while One starts to assemble the tools needed to put his arm back in place. The softshell scowls when he sees Number One’s blood seep through the poorly wrapped bandages around his arm.
“Did you even clean it?” Two asks with a hint of distaste.
“I can do that later,” One crouches beside him and lays the tools out onto the floor. “So, what first?”
Two narrows his eyes. “No, you won’t.”
One lifts his gaze and holds Two’s stare. Two doesn’t look away. He raises an eyebrow. “You won’t.” 
“If you don’t tell me which thingy-majig does what I’m going to start guessing.”
Two’s eyes widen. “Do not do that, you’re going to mess it up!” One’s hand drifts towards the screwdriver and Two just about loses his mind. “Not that one!” he barks. One stops and gives Two a smug look which he meets with a glare. He huffs, then sighs and starts to explain the process of attachment, making sure One follows his directions to the letter. 
It takes much longer than Two would like, but finally, they reattach the mechanical arm and he can move it freely again. 
One leans back. “There, done.”
Two flexes his fingers and rolls his shoulder. It could do with a few tweaks, but it’s good for now. He looks at One again as he gathers the tools and puts them away. The previously white bandages are now a much darker red. 
After a moment, Two stands and approaches One. “Give me your arm.”
Two stops and scowls. “Your arm. Let me see it.”
“I told you I was gonna—”
“Let me see it.”
One shifts, but stretches out his arm. Two grabs his wrist and unwraps the bandage around his forearm. Two’s nose scrunches up at the sticky mess under the wrap. One pulls back. “Don’t worry about it, I can take care of it.”
“I let you fix my arm,” Two retorts. 
“Yeah, but you didn’t really have a choice.” “Neither do you.” Two turns around before One can protest and takes out the medical kit in the back of his lab. He gets One to sit then sits in front of him just close enough that he doesn’t have to reach to clean One’s wound. 
Two drenches a cloth with alcohol and wipes away the blood staining One’s scales. Aside from a few grimaces and quiet hisses, One doesn’t complain any more. Neither of them say anything for a while, until Two cleans up enough red to be able to see the full size of the bite. 
“You need stitches. And something to ensure you haven’t contracted a virus.”
“You think so, doc?”
Two glares at him and One closes his mouth, which is usually impossible for him to accomplish. But Two’s been noticing that a lot as well. A lot of things have started to change recently and Two’s not sure he likes it. 
After a few beats of silence, Two retrieves a needle and wire. “I can sedate you, if you’d like.”
“Nah, I’m okay. I should stay awake in case you forget what Dad taught us.”
“I don’t need your help,” Two remarks sourly, then starts stitching. 
“Are you mad?”
The question takes Two off guard. He pauses, sensing One’s frown, but continues to poke the needle through. He doesn’t know the answer to that, so he doesn’t say anything. 
“You’re mad,” One states. “Why? Because I saved you?”
Two feels the corner of his mouth twitch. “That wasn’t supposed to happen,” he mutters. 
“What, that dog thing showing up and attacking you?”
Two doesn’t answer that either, though his jaw tightens around an argument. He doesn’t want to fight right now. He hears One huff quietly. He doesn’t say anything else. Two continues to stitch him up in silence. When he’s finished, he wraps Number One’s arm with a fresh set of bandages. While Two puts away the medical supplies, One cradles his arm close to his chest. 
“Don’t tell Dad about this or we’ll both get in trouble,” he murmurs while rubbing his wrist. 
Two zips up the kit then lifts his head to look directly at One. 
“I would never.”
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bby-deerling · 7 months
that's what friends are for (platonic sanji x zoro's partner!reader)
one time you comfort sanji, and one time he comforts you. currently obsessed with the idea of being zoro's partner who is also close friends with sanji despite their rivalry! wc 2.2k, light spoilers for wci and wano. platonic but sanji is sanji. cw for alcohol use (reader gets drunk)
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In the dead of night, your hand was hastily scribbling the events of the past few days into your notebook, glancing up every few seconds to make sure there were no marine or enemy ships on the horizon.  Normally, you would be snuggled in between Zoro’s legs, laying back against his chest as he snored in your ear.  The notebook served as a place for either of you to doodle and write all the things that came to mind (or were difficult to say out loud) while the other was asleep—a secret, never-ending conversation. 
Since the crew was currently split up, you had been keeping meticulous notes on everything that had happened to make sure he didn’t miss one bit of what happened on your end.  You start to draw a quick sketch of Pudding to assure Zoro that she was indeed a real woman who was somehow attracted to Sanji and get so engrossed in the process that you miss the scent of tobacco filling your lungs and a familiar presence settling next to you.
“That really looks like her, darling.” he murmurs as he looks over your shoulder, causing you to jump and slam the book shut.  His cigarette smoke lingers on his breath, causing your nose to wrinkle in disgust.
“Can’t sleep, blondie?” you ask gently, setting aside the usual teasing bite in your tone that you reserved for him.  After all that the cook had been through in the past few days, concern for his well-being was at the forefront of your mind.
“I don’t think I’ll be sleeping well for quite a while after all of this, sunshine.” he replied, hand raking through his hair as he leaned further back into the couch of the Observation Tower.  Something in your stomach turned at seeing him in Zoro’s usual spot, making the ache in your heart due to his absence grow stronger.
“You missing the stupid mosshead?” he asked, with a bit less disdain than usual at the mention of his rival.
You nodded.  “A bit extra tonight.”
“We’ll be to Wano soon, dear.” he says.  Comfortable silence fills the air as you lean back and fix your eyes towards scanning the ocean.  Sanji pulls another cigarette out of his jacket pocket, but you stop him before he grabs his lighter.
“Not up here.  Zoro will think I started smoking again.” you scold.  Instead of putting the unlit cigarette away, he fishes out another one and places it between your fingers.
“Just one won’t hurt, sunshine.” he whispers.  “We used to smoke together all the time.”
“Zoro hates it.” you said, handing him the cigarette back with a sense of finality in your voice.  “I made a promise years ago that I wouldn’t smoke anymore, and I don’t plan on breaking it.”
Sanji smirks.  “I had a feeling you quit for him.  Was he really so threatened by our little smoke breaks?”
You shake your head with a smile.  “More like he didn’t want to taste your shitty cigarettes on my lips anymore.  Besides, it was starting to gnaw away at me too.”
“In what way, dear?” he asked.
“It might seem a bit silly, but the act of it started to make my stomach churn.  Inhaling your smoke and physically filling my chest with it felt sickening when my heart was already entangled somewhere else; even if I never had any improper intentions the action itself still felt wrong to me.  Too intimate.” you reply.  “Especially when you always insisted on lighting my cigarette with the tip of yours.”
Sanji chuckles.  “You could have just asked for my lighter, dear.”
“I can’t work one by myself, I didn’t want to look stupid.” you giggle.
You offer him one of the blankets you’ve wrapped around yourself, and he takes it gladly.
“If things were different, do you think you could’ve seen yourself loving Pudding?” you ask, breaking the silence.  He eyes you cautiously before answering.
“On the record?” he asks, motioning towards the notebook.
“Off the record.” you assure him.  “I’m just curious.”
“I don’t think it’s worth discussing because her feelings for me weren’t genuine.” he said softly.  “I overheard her before the wedding.”
“She’s been through a lot.  She probably was just lashing out as a defense mechanism, she’s still so young and dealing with so much.  I wouldn’t doubt that she’s looking out at the clear night sky, bawling her eyes out because you’re gone.” you say.  Sanji goes silent.
“Would it even matter if she loved you back?” you ask, voice nearly a whisper.
After a long pause, Sanji replies.  “It’s always been Nami.  It will only ever be Nami.”  He stiffens slightly and then relaxes as you squeeze his shoulder.
“She was so excited to see you, you know.” you say.  "She missed you dearly." Sanji nods, a small, pained smile cracking at his lips.
“I’m not good enough for her and she knows it.” he says, voice nearly cracking.
You sigh, rubbing circles into his collarbone with your thumb.  “Sanji, you’re compassionate, incredibly tough, inside and out, and devoted to the bone.  You’re deserving of all the love in the world.”
A devilish smirk erupts on Sanji’s face. “A confession?  Darling, you’re going to crush mosshead’s heart!” he teases.
You scoff.  “In your dreams, blondie.  I plan on going with him to the ends of the world, and then some.” you say, beaming proudly.
“I’m afraid you have no choice dear, he’ll get lost otherwise.” he replies, smiling with satisfaction as you giggle at his words.
“I’m so glad you’re home, Sanji.” you say with a yawn.
“Me too, sunshine.” he whispers back, both of you settling back into silence watching the crashing waves. 
Eventually, he falls asleep against your shoulder, and when the sun breaks over the horizon, you let him sleep in and get a head start on his plans for breakfast.
Sanji is finishing up dishes when you come stumbling into the kitchen.  Luffy and Zoro were still asleep with no signs of waking up, and while everyone else was preemptively celebrating the victory in Wano, you were on edge and antsy for your captain and partner to rise from their slumbers.  Already tipsy, you staggered with unsure footing to the liquor cabinet, fiddling with the padlock keeping it shut.  Successfully gaining entry, you grab a small bottle of mango-infused sake before slumping down on the floor to drink it.
“I didn’t know you knew the code to the liquor cabinet, dear.” Sanji says.
“I’m not drunk enough to forget my own birthday.” you mumble, eyes fixed at the floor as you unscrew the cap on the bottle.  “We couldn’t make it his; 1111 is the first thing someone would guess.”
Sanji grabs a few of his freshly baked oatmeal cookies from the counter and sits down beside you.
“Don’t you want to save that for when he wakes up?” he asks you gently.
“Was planning to, but I finished that bottle of bourbon with Robin.” you reply.  “She told me to get a snack before heading to the beach but I need another drink before I go down there.”
“Made these special for you, sunshine.” Sanji says, handing you an oatmeal cookie, cringing as you take a swig from your sake bottle first and use the small treat as a chaser.
A wide smile spreads on your face.  “Just like my mom makes!  You’re too good to me blondie.”  Sanji smiles in response, and nudges the bottle away from your hands, replacing it with two more cookies.
“You need to eat, dear.” he says quietly, and thankfully, you listen to his suggestion. 
“What’s got you so rattled?” he asks gently.  You were typically a happy and cheerful drunk; even when you went past your limits and Zoro had to rub your back and keep you from falling overboard while you puked over the side of the Sunny, you had a big smile on your face.  However, despite your smile just a moment ago, the aura radiating from around you is nothing short of depressing, filling the cook with concern.
“They’re teasing again.” you whisper.  “I know they’re making fun of her and not me, but it’s humiliating.  Especially when she purposely waits until I’m not visiting to give them sponge baths.  She’s probably touching him right now.”
You cover your mouth and stare at the floor, embarrassed at the vomit of feelings that you had just divulged.  You wanted nothing more than to let it roll off your back like the nonsense that it was, especially because Zoro was fast asleep during most of Hiyori’s advances, but it was hard when Usopp currently thought it was the funniest thing in the world to throw himself over Franky and cry out something stupid like “Oh Zorojuro~!  I hadn’t realized I gave you another sword!” while motioning towards the cyborg’s crotch.
“Oh dearest…” Sanji sighs, throwing an arm around your shoulders and giving you a squeeze.  “Mosshead is a lot of things.  Moronic, single-minded, stubborn, impossible…but as much as I hate to say it, disloyal isn’t one of them.”
“I’ve taken it so well, haven’t I?” you whisper.  “I didn’t even say a word to him when I saw her wrapped around him, fast asleep.  If I did, he would’ve gotten upset that I wasn’t focused on the mission.”  You pause for a moment, a touch of anger bubbling to the surface.  “Do you think he would have given me the same grace?  If he were to walk in on me sleeping next to, let’s say Trafalgar Law, with his head buried into my chest, we wouldn’t have anything left between us but ashes and memories.”
“You’ve taken it so well, sweetheart.” Sanji reassures you; although he agrees with you, he bites back a variety of his own opinions regarding the stupid mosshead’s behavior as of late in order to spare your feelings.  “And I know he appreciates your understanding, even if he hasn’t had the chance to tell you yet.”
You’re quiet for a moment, still staring at the floor as Sanji rubs circles into your shoulder.
“I’ve barely seen him these past few weeks, Sanji.  What if he’s lost feelings for me?” you choke out.  Before Sanji can respond, you continue.  “She’s the most beautiful woman in Wano, Sanji.  Don’t even try to deny it, I saw the way she got under your skin too.  He has ties here in Wano through his bloodline, and she gave him a legendary sword; what do I have to offer besides my heart, my soul, and the skin on my bones?”
“Darling, he stayed true to you for two years, I hardly think that a few weeks would cause him to have such a change in heart—” he starts to say.
“Aw c’mon, blondie, what was he going to do?  Fuck Mihawk?” you snap, cutting him off and causing Sanji to laugh so hard he nearly snorts.
“Seriously Sanji,” you say, sitting up and looking at him for the first time in this conversation causing him to stifle his laughter, “let’s say that, hypothetically, if we were together, and Nami were to confess her complete and undying love for you, what would you do?”  The cook goes quiet for a moment, trying to figure out how to answer your nonsense question diplomatically, but runs out of time before you take his silence as an answer and continue.
“See?  How could you resist being given everything you’ve ever dreamed of?  Wouldn’t you be eager to let go of the past too?” you ask, voice trembling.
“Sweetheart,” he whispers, brushing your tangled hair out of your face, “Can’t you see that you’re all he’s ever wanted?”  His words prompt you to throw yourself into his arms and start sobbing—under normal circumstances, his nose would be gushing with blood, but right now his focus was on getting your breathing and emotions under control.
“I just want them both to wake up.” you say, voice cracking.  “I want to sneak away with him and crawl into his arms and cover him with kisses and tell him how much I missed him and melt away into his skin.”
“I know, sunshine,” he says with a sigh as he strokes your hair, “but doesn’t it give you immense comfort knowing that you’re front and center in all of his dreams?”
“He’s probably dreaming about killing Dracule Mihawk.” you mumble, looking up at him.
“And you and Chopper are cheering him on while he does it.” Sanji says with a smile, patting your head.  His heart sighs in relief when you grin back at him, and he sees that his words have seemingly finally gotten through to you.
“Thanks, Sanji.” you whisper, breathing finally steady. “Sorry for losing it.  It’s hard keeping it all inside sometimes.”
“There’s never any judgement here, dear.  I’m here whenever you need me.” he replies.  This time when you hug him, a spurt of blood flies out his nose. You grit your teeth and lightly smack him upside the head in return; it lacks its usual power due to still being so raw from sobbing your heart out.
“I’ll make you some tea to help you sober up faster, have a few more cookies, sunshine” he says as he extends his hand to help you stand and guides you towards the kitchen table, gratitude beaming from your eyes.  He knew that when you sobered up, you would feel indebted to him for comforting you, but he knew there would be a time in the future that he would need your support, and it would all even out eventually.
After all, isn’t that what friends are for?
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marigold-hills · 5 days
june 5: gold | @wolfstarmicrofic | word count: 412
Remus is rendered in golds and in shadows. The light of the moon comes through the window but doesn’t touch him here, the oil lamp stronger in the night with its soft, diffused glow. It sets Remus’ curls alight, reflects in his eyes – sharper and more yellow with the coming full moon.
Sirius throws caution to the wind. It’s only possible because it’s 2am and nights like this tend themselves to hazy conversations with words which couldn’t be said in the morning.
You’re my home, Sirius thinks a nonsensical thought and out loud says: “I want to keep you close.”
Remus’ hand pressed into his skin, held immobile by a tight grip Sirius can’t release.
“I want to keep you safe,” Sirius continues, and he knows that the words are true and that they are an explanation for the tattoo, but it’s not the full truth. Is it? No, he feels that somewhere else, like a blind spot in his mind. Frustrated with the need to scratch it into forefront and scared of what he would reveal.
“You do keep me safe, Sirius,” Remus says because he always knows how to soothe. “And if you want me close, I’ll be there. I’m not going anywhere.”
Moony has fingers made for holding quills and wands, a voice for speaking ancient words. Now he holds Sirius, fingers over heart, and his words are a balm.
“Of course, Pads. You know that. Anything for you. You didn’t have to tattoo a wolf symbol on yourself to bind me to you.”
Something unlocks. Is that what he’d been doing? He’s well aware of the end of the year fast approaching and with it the last of times they’ll live together like this – sure they’ve all agreed to share a flat after Hogwarts, but Sirius isn’t naïve. He knows life gets in the way of all plans. Maybe that was what it was, a desperate attempt to keep Moony with him, in any form, in any way.
“And you don’t mind?”
“Mind? Pads, how could I mind. I feel the same way.”
Yes, he thinks, but also not quite, not enough. It should be a relief – it is a relief that Remus, Moony, his Moony feels the same about the situation, but the part of Sirius he doesn’t like to think about (the part he thinks is the Black family madness) cries out more.
Behind them there is a click of a door opening, then footsteps.
This is part 5!
This is a bit shorter than usual which I am sorry for, but I’m also pretty sure it’s worse than usual which I’m *more* sorry for. I got made redundant today (and on maternity leave, too!) so feeling a bit meh about life. I’ll probably come back and revisit it at some point in the future.
Remus is always golden when I write him - skin and hair and mind etc - so this was a nice prompt to get.
@moon-girl88 @digital-kam @tealeavesandtrash @sweetstarryskies @alltoounwellll @hunnybeemarie @hoje--aqui
(let me know if you do/don’t want to be tagged in next parts)
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Ooo, if your alright doing so, could you be able to make a one shot of that blind reader x Norton 👀 Feel like if Norton was capable he’d use their blindness to his advantage on flustering/teasing them. The drama would be interesting lol!
sorry anon wrote suffering and fool's gold not being normal
Rated Mature | Warnings: dubcon, not the best relationship
Tried to keep the original ask of this being a male based reader (though it can be read as gn)
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The difficulty comes from the hunter version of Campbell, Fool's Gold hyper focusing on you rather than getting rid of the survivor version of himself. No, he rather have you stumbling to set you traps, to recover when he hits you.
Toying with you, he chaired that nurse and the professor to get them out of the way. Norton is too far away by now to get to you.
Plus this is Golden Cave, knowing himself, Norton is likely having a breakdown, heh.
“Let go!” You kick the air as he strings you up with the balloons, struggling to escape. He drops you somewhere within the cave.
“Pity we have to be quick about this, darling.”
Fool's Gold is obsessed with you, the matches you've had with him have always ended with you struggling to escape or having to cipher while Mercenary or Batter get his attention (having to up their game to achieve this). Norton has been trying all this time, but he knows himself.
Once he has you isolated, he grins like a cat that got the cream.
You struggle as he pins you down on the ground with a pickaxe, the large handle pinning you down as the pickaxe itself digs into your shoulder. Painful, greatly, but the panic of the large ore of a man opening your legs is at the forefront of your mind.
It is no secret that the prospector and yourself are sort of a complex item. Very complex, as he is the one who caused your blindness— This blindness that gifted you this strange ability to pick out the sound of certain materials, rocks like gold or diamonds to name the popular ones.
Being a miner is all you know, you swore to kill Norton Campbell.
Now you both are fighting to stay alive in this manor's games.
Fool's Gold laughs at the way you resist him on the pure fact of embarrassment, touching you through your worn denim pants, his solidified hand between your legs.
Up and down with two fingers.
“How long will it take for you to cum like this, hm?”
You growl at those words, “Fuck off!” Choking on those words when feel him applying more pressure.
“Oh, I will. Soon.” licking your cheek, “Next time, I am going to ram my cock deep into your—” He stops when something attaches itself to the back of his upper torso. The Hunter looks behind him as he pulls the pickaxe out of your bleeding shoulder. “You lil’ shit.”
A heavy-breathing Norton standing behind with the other magnet in his hand, his eyes glaring a million daggers at himself.
Fool's Gold is suddenly pulled forward into a crate while Norton grabs you and puts you over his shoulder.
The match ended in a draw.
The post-match argument does not happen this time, it is the second time Fool's Gold has shown he will go out of his way to get you. You figure it is because he is essentially Norton, just unhinged or something. And, clearly, has no problem in taking what he wants from you.
“How long?” Nurse left when Norton showed up in your room. Dark and brooding. You sit on the bed with no shirt on, chest exposed. Like him, you are covered with scars from the blast, and worse is the section of your eyes. The skin never healed properly and most days you are grateful not to see what makes people gasp when they see you without your partial mask.
“Two months into the job.” The door is closed and locked behind him, “You cared.” He starts removing his shirt, you hear it then tilt your head up when you can smell him. His hand touched the side of your face that wasn't too ruined by the explosion.
“Your standards are that low, Campbell?” Teasing him.
“If mine are low, yours must be in the ground.”
You click your tongue annoyed, you pull him forward by grabbing him by the waistband of his pants and falling backward to bring him down with you.
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bettysupremacy · 2 years
Sleepless Nights Like These
Steve Harrington x fem! Reader
Summary: When Steve is lonely, and can’t sleep, he thinks about his girl, and everything he loves about her. Though a late night visit from his favorite girl always makes things better.
Warnings: none I think? Like one mention of a strip tease as a joke, one curse word I think, it’s literally just fluff. Overbearing and tooth rotting fluff. Literally sick to my stomach while posting this cause I want it so bad.
1.5k words ☻
Steve’s favorite place to receive her kisses were right under his ear, on the tender malleable skin that always felt oh-so sensitive. He loved how her lips molded into it, the way it sent tingles up his jaw, the way each of the kisses were long and thought out.
He knew she loved them too, but definitely no more than him.
He wished he could take that feeling, preserve it, hold it close to himself on the nights he couldn’t see her. He’d keep it tight in a Mason Jar, in Tupperware, between pages of a book like pressed flowers, if it meant he got to pull it out and have it on nights like these.
His fingers itch to grab his phone.
He loved the way she loved his voice. Talking, singing, whispering. He knew she wished she could record everything he said and replay it back in her Walkman, she’d told him herself.
She’d stare at him with these dopey lovesick eyes when he sang, heart squeezing satisfactorily when he’d lazily look down at her. He wouldn’t normally sing, but when his girl asks for a song, she’s getting a song. They’d lay in bed and she’d feed his ego these big bites he didn’t know if it could swallow.
“Your rasp changed my life.” She’d said, and he believed her.
He loved the nights, like last night, where she’d beg him to drive her outside Hawkins city, to somewhere the blinding streetlights couldn’t reach. She’d show him the constellations she saw through the misty morning air, on her walk to the bus that morning. Steve doesn’t care that he can almost never see them, he’ll let her grab his outstretched arm and guide his pointed index finger where she wants him to look.
“Do you see those dots?”
“Yes.” He’d been lying.
“Those make up Orion’s Belt.”
“Who’s Orion?” He’d pushed. It was his way of begging her to keep talking.
“Orion was a huntsman who-“
He loved the little notes she would slip into his lunch bag. He’d pretend he didn’t see her sneak it in there before she had to leave for school.
“Nancy’s driving me to school today!” She’d yelled by the front doors, and he gave it a moment before he came into the foyer, giving her time to stuff the colored paper into the bag.
They were often no more creative than the greeting cards he’d see at Melvald’s general store, but they were greater by far. He’d make himself wait till lunch to read them, give himself something to look forward to, but he’d be itching to read them all day.
I love you!
Have a good day Stevie!
Don’t get on Robins bad side, I love you!
He’d keep them in his pocket for the rest of the day, thumbing at it. The message staying in the forefront of his brain until he saw her next. He kept them in a spare brown bag up in his closet hiding away, he could never find the strength to throw them into the family video bin.
He wished she were here now, laying in bed with him. Nothing dirty, he needs to clarify. He wants her to push his hair back and to beg him to keep scissors away, to tell him for the millionth time don’t shave the mustache.
He grabs the phone quickly, split decision before he can change his mind, dialing in her number. It rings 3 times before he checks the time. 12:34 blinks at him brightly. Shit, he should’ve-
“Hello?” His girlfriends groggy voice comes from the other side.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you up, sweetheart?”
“Good morning, Stevie.”
“Goodnight, sweetheart.”
He hears the click of her lamp. “Why’re you calling so late?”
“Couldn’t sleep.”
“Could I help?”
“This is helping.” He tells her honestly.
“Could I come over and help in person?”
“You can’t walk here at midnight, because your dickhead boyfriend cant sleep.”
“Don’t call yourself that.” He can hear her shuffling around her room, “We live two houses away from each other.”
He huffs, giving up the small argument — this is what he had wanted. “I’m gonna wait outside for you.”
“You can if you want.”
“I do.”
He hangs up, jogging downstairs quickly so he can be outside before she leaves her house. The cool night air nips at his skin, settling a chill of goosebumps over his arms and thighs. He really should’ve put a shirt on. Or pants.
“Is this strip tease for me?”
He turns, watching her hop down her front porch steps. She giggles at his horrified face.
“We have neighbors!”
She shrugs, pulling her coat closer as she checks the empty street for cars. “The Wilsons are on vacation.”
“And the Clifton’s?”
“On vacation with the Wilson’s.”
Steve gasps, “And we weren’t invited?”
She walks into his outstretched arms, letting him wrap himself around her. “I’d hope not, they’re weird.”
“They are weird.” He agrees.
She leans up on her tip toes, grabbing his jaw in both her hands so she could kiss under his ear. He leans into her touch, gripping her waist tighter as he fights to bottle the feeling, so he can remember it later.
They’ve never talked about it. The ear kisses. It wasn’t something you needed to talk about, something you needed to discuss. They were uniquely them.
His eyes droop sleepily and he stressfully rubs at them, hoping she didn’t see the way his blinking stalled.
“What’re we doing tonight?” He bends down and nips at her jaw.
“Getting you to sleep?”
“The fun way?” He murmurs into the kisses he just worked down her neck.
She draws from his touch, pushing him away, though she can’t hide the giddy smile from his affection. He looks down at her, pulling her closer by her forearms. His smile is saccharine sweet as he watches her abashed nose wrinkle.
“Was it something I said?” He muses, chasing her eyes. When she doesn’t answer Steve, he pokes her sides. “Hm?”
She giggles, peels of them getting lost in the dark night. “Nothing you said.”
“Oh, okay, I was getting worried.”
She shakes her head, bubbly giggles dying down. It’s cold out here, so cold, and Steve is still in his boxers. He pulls her in again, wrapping his arms around her and nosing at the juncture where her neck meets her shoulder. She smells like her chamomile body wash.
“I’m cold.”
“Baby,” She wraps her arms around his back flatter, willing her warmth to transfer to him, “You’re freezing. Lets go get under your covers.”
He takes her up on that offer, chasing her up his stairs and into his room, pulling her close to him and relishing in her whines as he tumbles onto his bed with her. He’d affectionately called it their bed once, and he doesn’t know why he doesn’t do it more often. The way she nuzzled her head in his chest, abashed, had him dizzy for a week.
She struggles against him, whining something that goes in one ear and out the other.
“I need to take off my pants, Steve.”
He drops his arms from around her, enthusiastically helping her up so she can peel off her pants. She laughs at him, pushing his hands away when he tries to help.
She climbs into bed with him, pants newly gone. They adjust and settle, getting comfortable for the night. Limbs tangle, breathing settles out, loud unapologetic voices calm to whispers, and eyelids droop. He wraps his arms tighter around her, each movement languid.
“I missed you.” Steve murmurs into the darkness of his room. The calm has settled over them like thick blanket, hushing them and tucking their conjoined bodies into sleep. He half isn’t expecting a response.
“I missed you in my sleep.” Her sleepy voice whispers.
He cracks a smile, closing his eyes as her lips press to his chest. “I wasn’t in your dream?”
“You’re in all my dreams.”
“Oh, okay, just checking.”
Her shoulders shake with a short laugh, like sleep is weighing them down too much for anymore movement.
“I’m so tired.” He murmurs again.
“So sleep.”
He’s too embarrassed to tell her he doesn’t want to. That he’s fighting it off so he can have this memory forever. He stares at the ceiling trying to memorize the way his arms feel around her, the way he doesn’t know which leg is his and which is hers, the way he can feel her warm breath fanning across his chest. He wants something to cling to on another lonely night, where she can’t just walk down to his house and make him feel better.
How can you get a memory in a mason jar? How can you wrangle it into Tupperware, or stick it in between book pages like flowers?
He turns towards her, pulling her flush up against his chest, and she lets him, too asleep to fight.
“More comfortable?”
“Mhm.” He grumbles.
He tries to memorize the way the smell of her body wash still hasn’t worn off, how she sighs when he presses a kiss to her hair, the way she hugs his arm close to her.
“G’night, love you.” Her consciousness is fading.
“Love you more.”
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writingdevil · 3 months
The Lonely Cottage in the Woods
(Hi!This is my first time writing a fic in a certain fandom,and it's also my first unique post on my blog,despite being on this site for ages.This fic is inspired by a piece of boatem art by @wasyago )
Somewhere,deeps within the forests of the land of Hermitcraft,a small cottage stood.Tall,quiet and proud.
The cottage served as a shop for travelers,people either needing supplies for their journey,or advice on where to go next.The cottage never had a shortage of visitors in Hermitcraft,what with all the creative and determined minds that dwelled the land.
But the cottage also served as an Inn,and was proudly stated on the sign that was nailed to the front of the house for all to see-'Scar's Spectacular Shop and Inn!'
The problem though,was that nobody ever wanted to stay the night at the cottage.They would always buy the supplies and take the information that they needed,and then leave.Leaving the owner of the cottage with a heavy heart and an even heavier silence.
The man who resided in the cottage was a cheery,happy man,who lived in an incredibly silent house.He was always willing to help people on their journeys,whether it be to help them clean their wounds,or point them in the right direction.But they never stayed.They just got what they wanted and left the lonely man,in the cottage that was beginning to feel too big for him.
The man's name was Scar Goodtimes,and he's lived in his travelers shop for years now.But as the years passed,Scar wished more and more,that some people would linger at the cottage,for just a day or two.Even though Scar was quick to get over it, some sad thoughts would worm its way to the forefront of his mind.
Like how the table looked too big with just one plate of food.
Like how the house looked too clean for his liking,no clutter to be found.
Like how there was a lack of life in the house.
Bur Scar understood.Really,he did.A lot of people wouldn't be quick to trust a lone man in a forest and stay the night.Stranger danger and all that.But then he'd hear other things when people thought he couldn't hear their whispers.
Yes,true to his name,fading scars littered across his body,not an inch to be spared.There was even a large and obvious scar that slashed across the middle of his face,which he knew people ogled at,but he didn't mind.
What he did mind,were the rumours about how he got the scars.A lot of things he overhead was that he used to be a bloodthirsty arsonist,or a shady criminal who used to run an empire,and they just got more outlandish from there.
Truthfully though,Scar just got into a lot of accidents.
(Though,sometimes,he'll hear those rumors and look down at his arms,and a quiet voice in his head will wish they weren't so visible)
But it's fine.He doesn't mind being in a cottage most of his life.He's got Jellie,his precious cat,and he knows that one day,he'll get used to seeing people not sticking around,and his heart won't twist in pain so much.
Knock knock!
The first peculiar man that he meets in a while,was named Impulse.He was large,buff,and had two horns protruding out of his head,with a long tail swishing back and forth behind him,and a sheepish grin on his face.
"Hi!Are you the innkeeper here?"
"Why yes I am!My name is Scar Goodtimes,what can I do for you,good sir?"The man rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he said "Well,I was wandering around, looking for new clients in the area for builds,but I didn't notice the time,and then i saw the sign that this place was an inn,and I'd really like to avoid the mobs,if that's okay."The implied question hung in the air between them,and Scar had to physically stop himself from trying to jump out of his wheelchair.
Someone was asking to stay at his makeshift Inn!Also,the man seemed no casual about it,not a hint of suspicion or distrust in hid voice whatsoever.This completely normal offer meant so much more than Impulse would ever know.So,with an excited grin,Scar happily said "Make yourself at home!"
Which Impulse certainly did.He was respectful of his house and of Jellie,most importantly.He got settled in,and during dinner,they talked about Impulse's plans and what his goals were after today.
Impulse was quite a hard-working demon,always looking for the next farm or building to create,for others to use.He has recently just finished working on a massive factory,that had been given to a town to use itself.He was just wandering around now,waiting for the next client to build for.
Scar was very impressed with Impulse's driven nature,but when he asked a certain question,the relaxed smile fell off his face and confusion replaced it instead.
Scar had simply asked "Have you ever built something for yourself?"
That question-hit different to Impulse.His tail flicked back and forth in agitation the longer he couldn't answer,but the silence pretty much answered for him.No.He's never build anything purely for his own benefit.
Scar was quick to brighten the mood and patted his shoulder comfortingly as he said "Hey,it's okay if you haven't.Besides,you have all the time in the world to build whatever your heart desires.Just make sure I can see it when it's done."He said that last part jokingly,not expecting it to have such a weight on Impulse's heart.
Impulse didn't leave the next day.Instead,he walked up to him that morning,fiddling with his tail nervously,the complete opposite of the cheerful man he was yesterday and asked "Is it okay if I stay here for a few more days?I...might have to make a change of plans for myself."
He didn't elaborate,but he didn't need to as Scar immediately blurted out "Yes!Of course!"feeling joy return to his heart.So just like that,the cottage in the forest wasn't lonely anymore.
Impulse was a very nice addition to Scar's life.He would talk with Scar all day long and play with Jellie,and help around the house without complaints.He sometimes even brought a fresh perspective on some of Scar's own projects,making some redstone suggestions.Hewould check up on Scar if he was feeling down (a first for him) and make sure that he was happy and laughing all day.It was such a welcome change,and it may still just be two people in a big cottage,but Scar was just happy to hear another voice through the walls from time to time.
Scar didn't comprehend the hole that Impulse had started to fill in his heart,until he saw blueprints and papers scattered about on the table one day,and at the top of the paper,was titled-Personal Build! Then he knew that he had done something right.
"Um,Scar?There's someone sleeping on the front porch."
The second odd person that Scar met,didn't even come to the cottage on purpose.
Scar rushed to the door and yanked it open,only to find a young woman,sure enough,sleeping outside the cottage,her back against the doorframe.Her head kept dropping forehead as she slept,a curtain of brown hair blocking her face.
She didn't look injured in any way,but that didn't mean she wasn't in danger.Scar bit his lip,unsure of how to go about this,but then he heard Impulse walk up behind him and softly called out "Hey,ma'am?Ma'am,are you okay?"
Thankfully,that was enough to wake her as she groaned,rubbing her eyes lazily,sitting up properly,and Scar had to force himself to be patient before launching into questions.
The woman got her bearings together pretty quickly though,yawning as she looked them both in the eye.But when she did,Scar's mouth dropped slightly in awe.Both her eyes had a background of a dark void,almost like a night sky,and within them,a twinkling star in the center of her right eye,and a crescent moon in her left.
"Good morning,gentlemen."were the first things she said,her voice holding nothing but chipper positivity,as if this was a normal occurrence."It's actually almost midnight."Impulse nervously corrected,probably not equipped for a situation like this,but Scar definitely was,used to being friendly with all types of people,and this lady was no different.
"Well,nonetheless,hello to you too.My name is Scar and this is my friend Impulse."The woman smiled brightly,sticking her hand out "It's nice to meet you both too.You can call me Pearl."Scar gladly shook her hand,and was surprised to find her hands just as calloused as his own."I hope you don't mind me asking but are you-okay?You're not hurt are you?Or in any sort of danger?"
Pearl shook her head,the bell on her sleeping hat jingling loudly in the night.She crossed her legs,still sitting on the porch,and replied "Oh,no,I am perfectly fine and safe,you don't have to worry about me."but then Impulse asked in worry and confusion "But then why were you sleeping on the porch?"
At his question,Pearl's shoulders slumped and her smile shrunk,but still appeared happy as she explained "Well,I was simply living my life,far across the land from here,building farms and being self-sufficient,but then a few days ago,I kinda started to feel-bored.There was nothing new to do and I didn't really have friends to talk to,and in those moments, I tend to just look up at the night sky."then she did exactly that,and Scar copied her, watching as the stars glistened in the sky.
There was now a fondness in Pearl's voice as she continued "I always had a bad habit of letting the moon and the stars drift me away,but this time,I felt like I was being pulled towards something,so I let myself be taken away by the night,and I guess I ended up here."Pearl then shrugged,done with her story and seemingly content with her current position.
It was certainly a story,but Scar felt like she was telling the truth,if her constant beaming smile at the moon was anything to go by.He turned to look behind him,and saw Impulse giving her a small smile back,with a glint of something familiar in his eyes.One shared look between them and they were on the same page.
"Well then Pearl,this cottage also acts as an Inn,so wouldn't you rather gaze at the night sky from inside a warm house,with nice food and fluffy blankets to accompany you?"Pearl glanced down at her lap as she muttered "That does sound nice."There was a minute of silence as Pearl contemplated the offer,and Scar was beginning to worry that she'd say no,but what was she going to do then?Keep walking aimlessly while staring at the moon,with no sense of direction whatsoever?Scar wasn't so sure why he was getting so stressed over a stranger.A part of him said that it was because he was still lonely,but that was ridiculous,he had Impulse now,so his loneliness should be fixed,right?
Maybe he was still lonely,or maybe it was something deeper,something that came from his core,like how Pearl said that the moon was guiding her towards something.Either way,Scar really hoped she would stay.
Pearl hadn't answered yet,and she now had a look of frustration on as she seemed to be arguing with herself,until Impulse spoke up and said "Pearl,we can assure you that there won't be a dull moment while you're in this cottage."
Then she was sold.
Pearl added a new layer of comfort in Scar's life that he didn't know he needed.She added her own spark of life and colour within the house,and she fit right in with the two of them.
She volunteered to help improve the inside of the cottage,making it appear more lively and appealing, making its previous arrangement look bland in comparison,and Scar didn't even realise how dim it looked.
Pearl still gazed at the moon every night,walking outside and simply staring up at the sky. Sometimes,Impulse and Scar joined her. Sometimes,Scar worried that Pearl would feel another tug and would drift away from them.
But she always came back into the house,even weeks after her arrival,and if Scar noticed that,over time,she spent less time looking at the stars and more time with them,well,that was for him to cherish.
The next bizarre event happened a few weeks after Pearl's arrival.
Throughout the day,there was a weird scratching and stomping sound coming from the roof.Impulse said that he would check it out,after he was finished helping Pearl with the redstone machine for their potato crops.
Knock knock!
"I've got it!"Scar called out to his friends in the backyard as he quickly opened the door,expecting another customer.
What he saw instead,was a very tall man,easily over six feet.He wore a clean black suit,which was unusual for travelers.But what was more unusual was the crimson red parasol he held,shielding his pale face and fancy mustache from the sun.He seemed very anxious,twisting the parasol handle, and then Scar noticed that his fingers were covered in a red powder.
When he answered the door,the man took a quick glance at him and then immediately averted his eyes.Scar had the urge to rub the marks on his arms,thinking that they were grossing the stranger out,but then the man stuttered out "U-Um,hello sir."
"Hello to you too.What can I help you with?Do you need supplies for your travels?"The man shook his head and said "Actually,I needed to ask you a question."Scar tilted his head in confusion,but let the man continue.
The stranger tightened his hold on his parasol, trying to gather up some courage,so Scar shot him a soft smile and the man looked stunned at his patience,and that seemed to make him relax enough to speak.
"Have you-um-been hearing weird noises today?" Scar nodded,becoming more curious as to who this man was.Was he an exterminator or something kind of hunter?Surely not,with the attire he had on,nor did he act like he even wanted to be having this interaction.
At his nod,the man sighed harshly,and Scar caught a flash of fangs in his mouth.A vampire,huh?Well that would certainly explain the parasol in broad daylight.
The man began to stammer,his attention much too focused on trying to peer inside his house rather than making a coherent sentence.His eyes were flickering to every corner that wasn't Scar,and when Scar opened his mouth to finally get to the bottom of this,there was suddenly a voice in his left ear yelling "BOO!"
Scar shouted in fright,jumping in his wheelchair as a new voice cackled in his ear.The other man standing before him lost all his nerves as he scolded the new figure "I knew you'd be around here,Grian!Why did you fly off without me?"
Scar panted in shock,a hand on his chest,and looked to the left,finding a man hanging upside down from the porch roof,a wide and cheeky grin on his face.He then dropped,then swooped back up into the air,bright red wings shimmering in the sun. He flew around in the air for a few seconds,circling his friend's head as he replied "Because,Mumbo Jumbo,you slept in and I was bored of waiting for you to wake up."
"I slept in because I was up all night fixing the redstone machine that you broke!"
"Well you shouldn't have left those levers and buttons all over the place!You know I'm weak to them!"
As the tall man,now known as Mumbo Jumbo, sighed tiredly,the new avian friend lowered himself and used his friend's arm as a perch, glancing at Scar curiously.
Oh,these two were trouble,and Scar liked trouble.
The guy that spooked him,Grian,was studying him closely,and Scar was beginning to feel like some sort of prey.He had messy,sandy blonde hair and brown,beady eyes that seemed to stare into his soul.He wore a thick,red jumper,almost matching the colour of his wings,and when Scar looked into his eyes,all he saw was mischief and chaos.
"Listen,I'm really sorry about giving you a fright there.I was just sitting on your roof,messing with Mumbo,and then I heard you talking and just wanted to mess with you a little bit."Grian explained,and Scar obviously forgave him,not that he was angry in the first place.He knew that he was just in the middle of two friends playful banter.
Scar waved him off "No need to apologise,just made my poor heart skip several beats and made my life flash before my eyes."the three men chuckled lightly,then fell into a comfortable silence, which was weird considering that they've only talked for a few minutes.
But then Impulse's voice called out from the back of the house "Hey Scar!Can you lend a hand with this redstone machine?"
"Redstone?"Grian said,eyes drawn to the voices of Pearl and Impulse deep in the house.He suddenly flapped his wings,almost hitting Mumbo's parasol in the process,who grumbled in annoyance and leaned away as Grian floated in the air.
"Mumbo's great at redstone,let him try!"then just straight up flew into the house without a second glance at Mumbo.Scar chuckled as he heard Grian's cheerful voice mixed in with Pearl and Impulse's surprised ones,but Mumbo's harsh sigh brought concern out.
He seemed more relaxed now,from knowing where his friend was,but still seemed stressed as he said "I'm really sorry about him,mate.He kinda just does what he wants,and trouble tends to follow him, along with me I guess.I completely understand if you want us to leave you alone.After all-"Mumbo let a bitter,low laugh out and Scar saw that his eyes were filled with muted anger and pain as he muttered "-not many people take too kindly to our antics."
Scar had already made up his mind the second Grian startled him,but now his heart was set and longed to see what these antics were.So Scar smiled and made way for Mumbo to come in and said "Make yourself at home."
Boy,did they make themselves at home.
Mumbo and Grian were like the last pieces of the puzzle that needed to fit into Scar's empty heart. Mumbo's creative spin on redstone helped the cottage out tremendously,and even when it sometimes didn't work,nobody scolded him,which Mumbo always expected.Mumbo was just as much of a trickster as Grian,poking fun at one another whenever possible,but tended to keep quieter about his hijinks,but slowly,he got louder.
Grian was a hurricane of trouble himself,and Scar,Impulse and Pearl ended up contributing to that chaos more often than not.The avian always had a prank up his sleeve,and everyone always ended up laughing by the end of it.
Grian also loved building things,with beautiful and detailed designs,but he never got around to finishing the back of,for some reason.
He would swoop and glide around in the sky,with grace and with expert precision,as he performed so many different tricks and turns in the air,as if he had been confined to the ground his whole life. Sometimes,Grian would simply perch somewhere and watch as the sun went down,wings relaxed but looking unkempt from a day of flying.
When Scar offered to help preen his feathers and tidy them up (He's seen Mumbo do it countless times) he was surprised when a flash of fear shot through the avian's eyes for a split second,and Scar understood how big of a deal it was when Grian still held his wing out for him without a word.
Impulse.A sweet workaholic.
Pearl.A cheerful night lover.
Mumbo.An anxious genius.
Grian.A pesky prankster.
This was what Scar was missing.A family.
So when one day,months later,if Grian casually brought up needing to get a bigger house to fit all five of them,well,nobody needed to see Scar cry tears of joy,at the fact that his friends were now his home,and not the once lonely cottage that stood in the middle of the woods.
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Keeping It Close To The Chest Pt. 3
TW/CW: Medical Trauma/ torture, medical experimentation, ptsd and flashback type stuff, vivisection wound, Brief suicide attempt with a blade, (If you wanna skip that part it's bordered by '~~'), child abuse, emotional distress, more Danny whump, hurt/comfort- just a lil comfort at the end lol
As always if I missed a tag please let me know! I want anyone who wants to read my writing be informed so they can make the best decisions for themselves. Be kind to yourselves and be safe.
Hey! Here's part three! I'm considering posting this to Ao3! If I do I'll probably edit each part a bit. I hope you all enjoy my humble offering! I'll let ya all know if I do! If you missed them, Part one Part Two
Much love to you all
Danny didn't recognize where he woke up. He could smell antiseptic in the air in combination with the white walls and sheets made him uneasy. Last time he could bare to look they hadn't bothered to clean up his splattered ectoplasm, all the white was abnormal. Bandages, sheets, walls, floor, ceiling they all looked eerily familiar. He could still feel their hands digging inside him. Panic thrummed through his core- the lab, they have him back in the lab-he wrenches at the restraints the scientists had put on him, only for them to be missing.
With no resistance his body crashes to the ground next to the bed he was on with his legs twisted into the sheets. Danny flails his legs to free himself. The deep ache of his wounds pulls him forcefully from the swirling green noxious clouds that fill his head. His parents had never left him without something holding him exactly as they left him. Ready and waiting for their next experiment. His core sinks somewhere around his guts from the thought. Unrestrained. They left him unrestrained; he looks at his bare arms in reluctant wonder.
The knowledge doesn't soothe him at all, they'd return soon. One look at him would make it obvious to them that he was in no shape to run again. Run he has to run. Anxiety and uncertainty made his powers spike and the lights blow above him. The temperature drops around him and he settles for a moment. At least he had access to his powers even if he feels like he'd have to use far much more energy than normal to use even his invisibility.
His par- Maddie and Jack had made the table out of antighost material that kept him from phasing out of the straps, but it was the dried blood blossoms in the vents that had weakened him, his powers slipped through his fingers, out of reach until the hail Mary last ditch effort explosion from his core that had frozen them where they stood. Danny swung his head to look at the.. simple comfy looking bed he had been resting on. Why would they-
Footsteps pound towards where he is, a shadow in the doorway. Fuck, they were back. Whenever they visited it hurt. Jack and Maddie were creative in their experiments, each one brought Danny more agony. Brought Danny closer to a full death. If he couldn't keep them from finding his core again, he really would be dead. His core pulsed, memories pushed themselves to the forefront of his mind.
They touched it, a glove shouldn't hurt like it did, what did they do what did they do to him did they not see they were killing him. He's alive, he's here, he's their son whywhywhy. Jack's comforting bulk turned to cheerful aggression and brute strength used to hurt him; Danny misses his firm embrace, the hate on Maddie's face tore Danny up inside, to see how her face went from deep love to the equally strong opposite was heartbreaking. She once threw herself at Vlad's experiments in that damned forest, her marital arts training had amazed him. She frightens him now, they frighten him now. To use such brutality against their son, she had broken bones, flung him so easily once she had gotten ahold of him. How awful it was to have not one reaction to his pleas- mom please you're hurting me, please it hurtsithurtsyourehurtingmeYOUREGONNAKILLME!
Danny can still hear his own screams playing in his head.
Tension fills Danny's frame sending more shockwaves across his injuries, the brain fog making it harder to figure out who was on the doorstep. He struggled to get to his knees in preparation. If the Drs Fenton were gonna do Frog Dissection 2: Ghostboy Edition he wasn't going to be compliant, even if Danny felt like he wouldn't be able to fight them off for very long at all. Hope that they would come to their senses would cost him dearly. A light flicked on outside the doorway, illuminating... his older brother. Damian Al Ghul, stared back at him.
Danny jolted, he vaguely remembered he popped out of a portal basically on top of his twin, right? His memories are all jumbled. Danny raised a shaky hand to his head, the beginnings of a migraine building. Did he lose his bags? His dagger? Danny didn't dare turn away from the predator in front of him to look. That was how many foolish people during the twin's training lost their lives. How weak was he that he let himself be caught when he could've at least tried to fly away? In some ways this was worse than being caught by his adoptive parents again. Damian was an unknown after all these years, even if part of him wants to cling to his cape and beg for just a days rest before they send him wherever they were planning to.
Damian may be here on a mission, or if he truly did escape the League maybe he wanted to send Danny back in his place so he could remain away from Grandfather's clutches. Danny knows just how persistent the Demon Head could be. Damian had always been the superior heir, but if Mother had been sending... clones? That's what he had said earlier, if Danny could remember correctly. Clones sent to Damian. It was a last resort to claim him and bring him home. Or replace him with the clone that won, he shivers thinking of Vlad.
Would Vlad go for the superior twin if he knew of Damian? That was a meeting Danny wanted to avoid, not that Damian would comply with any of the Fruitloop's plans. Danny paled at the thought, Damian surely would kill Vlad if he tried, then only Plasimus would remain. As of now his human half was the only reason the older halfa wasn't more than a nuisance. What a nightmare a fully ghost Vlad would be. Danny never would've stayed in Amity if he knew the trouble he'd get himself into. Danny was always just the spare. There to take orders, nothing more. His life and death was up to Grandfather. Not even lazarus water was allowed to someone worthless. No need for him beyond the worst case scenario, but held onto until the heir could claim his place.
The domino mask was gone revealing those emerald eyes he's missed for so long, but he still was wearing what he was earlier, Danny can see his blood smears from here. Danny tried to guess what Damian was thinking so hard about but other than his furrowed brows, his twin gave nothing away. In a sick way it made him proud his elder brother hadn't lost his edge.
Danny remained silent as his brother panted into the dark between them. He had to wait to be acknowledged. If he broke this tentative peace there is no telling when the orders would start. Slipping so easily into his League training made Danny bite his cheek to avoid the frown that would take place. Emotion will do him no favors here, even if truly hiding what he was feeling was next to impossible under Damian's gaze. Danny watched as Damian watched him. Damian telegraphed his movements slowly so Danny could see his hands and what they were doing. He had started palming his hidden blades and dropping them carelessly to the floor. Danny's eyes grew wide at the sight.
Damian... he didn't do careless, his every move deliberate and well thought out. This must be something meant to throw him off, make him lower his guard. His elder brother would also never just throw his weapons around unless it was at a target. Perhaps he doesn't need them. Perhaps he wants to kill Danny with his own hands or perhaps he thinks Danny won't resist his order to return. (In this moment Danny couldn't resist anything Damian wanted to do to him, even if he wanted to. He could be shipped back to Grandfather in Damian's stead.) Danny clenched the disheveled sheets in his hands, if he had to take on his twin every advantage he could get. Danny would need.
Looking back to the door, Damian has a small but impressive pile scattered behind him, one last dagger is carefully held in his hands. They're trembling slightly, Danny would have missed it, should have missed it, but he remembered far much more of his past than he ever let on with the Fentons. Danny figured amnesia is a great excuse to not answer their questions on how he got to be alone in Amity Park or where his family was, how he got left behind. The Damian here confused him. Disarming himself, openly trembling- nothing like the brother he remembers.
(They were the same size, but Damian always seemed bigger, his shoulders meant to hold more, the League, Grandfather's expectations and Mother's indifference, Danny and his string of failures, he only ended up holding the heir back. Damian's arms always open to curl up in after Danyal's frequent punishments. A weakness, Mother had said when she caught them, she had ripped Danny from his brother's arms and had mercilessly beaten him until he couldn't move for his audacity, all while Damian watched blank faced. When they were once again alone Damian had whispered apologies while helping the younger clean and bandage himself. Danny had insisted on doing the same for Damian- he had clenched his hands so tightly into fights behind his back that he had a perfect set of bloody nail marks from holding himself back from intervening as he stood at attention nearby- before they slipped into their beds. There would be no sharing tonight, not when Mother would surely check on them to make sure Danny didn't continue to tear Dami down. His elder brother had hummed a soft tune though that Danny fell asleep to. But no, Danny can't be sure that part of Damian still exists, he can't risk the world for his selfish desire to stay by his brother's side. Ra's Al Ghul could never find out just what kind of power Danyal gained via the portal and Phantom in his absence from Ra's watchful eye.)
Damian looks awfully small to Danny now, curled into himself by the door. He sheaths the dagger and gently sets this one on the ground in front of him before he sends it straight to Danny with a perfect kick. Danny snatches it up quickly, he won't look a gift horse in the mouth.
"Danyal..." Damian seems to crumple under the weight of his name, he looks... lost. He clears his throat, goes to say something but clears it again instead. His brother has always been confident. This uncertainty Danny feels zipping between them keeps him on edge. "Ahki please you are hurt, can I help you back to bed?"
Tears. Those are tears falling down his brother's face. Danyal can only stare. Damian had only cried with Danyal a few times in the League, on that rooftop with the stars. Something about how since Damian was older he had to be strong, strong for Danyal, strong in the face of Grandfather.
"I won't go back." Danny rasps painfully slipping into their mother tongue, "I'm sorry Dami I won't go back. Not even for you." Danny thinks he popped some of the stitches holding his chest together under the bandages when he dove to the floor. His shirt feels wet, his blood would quickly eat at the stitches now that he's actively bleeding again. Better to die here, this way, then go back to-
Danny raises his hand.
"Ahki! No!" Damian cries out desperately, he feels his face twist in horror as dim lights blink into existence under the cabinets. Damian had thought a blade in hand would make Danny feel safer, less vulnerable for their second meeting if he had something to defend himself with. The image his brother makes on the floor was something he never could've imagined happening.
Damian was going to be sick. Danny had always been a joyful and stubborn presence by his side. Not even in the throws of their harsh childhood did he ever give up, ever give in.
Fear almost stops his heart from beating before it stubbornly restarts hard enough for his chest to ache. The dagger Damian had relinquished to Danny was pressed lightly to his own throat by a shaky hand. Damian's exclamation caused Danyal's hand to press a bit too hard, red blood dripped down the side of his neck. Danny looked at him almost hypnotized by Damian's extreme distress at what the light revealed, he didn't recognize the blur of movement towards him in time to react. Damian's hand covers his own wrenching the blade away.
When he found out who broke down his baby brother to such a degree that he felt he had to turn his blade on himself, well, Father's rules be damned, Damian would make them beg for death before claiming their pathetic life. It would be good to remind others of what the Demon Heir was capable of if he deemed it worth his time. Worth crossing Batman and his no killing rule. Danyal was worth everything to Damian.
Danyal is shaking like a leaf in front of him and Damian aches to reach out to his baby brother, yet he doesn't want to force contact. If Danny felt cornered he could spook and hurt himself more trying to get away from Damian and that is the last thing he wants. "There is no need for that here Danyal. I'm sorry Danny, I'm so sorry you've been alone," He chokes out, the Arabic heavy in his mouth, "it will be alright you're- you're Ahki won't let anyone force you to do anything. I'll protect you, I promise."
Damian can see comprehension spread across that scary blank face his twin had been making. It trembles and breaks as tears gather in the corner of Danny's eyes. Danny's hands grip his arm harshly, Damian doesn't correct him. A bruise is a small price to pay for his twin's comfort. Even back in the League Damian never lied to Danny, had always, always, kept his promises. Those tears fall.
Danny wails as Damian pulls him tightly to his chest, he can't hide how he pats Danyal down to check for more weapons. Richard hovers outside the room but Damian knows he's hesitant to insert himself into the situation and have the potential for Danny to act unpredictably again. How astute of him, Damian is relieved at his brother's emotional intelligence. Damian keeps repeating his words over and over while rocking them. Danny obviously doesn't want to settle into it but can't seem to help it. Twins together for the first time in almost a decade, Damian doesn't hide his hitching breaths as they cry together. Damain never wants him to let go.
"I can't stay Ahki, I can't!" Danny sobs, pulling back until his brother can see his face, "Grandfather will- he'll- I'm a walking weapon!" Danny blubbers and tries to get a breath to explain because his brother had always at least let Danny say his argument in the past but ends up coughing until it turns into a whine. His body hurts. His Y incision burns like his- Maddie and Jack- are freshly cutting into him and he just wants this moment to last but knowing they're on borrowed time makes Danny curl closer. His face is pressed to Damian's chest, somehow Damian had moved them, Damian's back rested against the bed while Danny was cradled in his lap. Soothing circles were traced onto his back, something had changed in Damian's demeaner but without looking at his face Danny could only guess what that meant.
His cries slowly petered out in the face of his brother's steady comfort and Danny could feel his body go boneless in Dami's hold. His elder brother's murmurs weren't hidden by his cries so he could finally hear what was being said,
"I've been with Father for five years, I, too will never go back to the League. Ra's is dead, I promise you. Dead and locked away so he can not get revived in the Pits. He will never darken our doorstep, he's dead and Talia knows if she comes here, she will meet a similar fate, Danyal it's going to be okay. We're okay now. We have family who will help. I won't leave you alone again."
Over and over again, Damian's voice full of confidence and vitriol but he keeps his hold loose. Damian had always respected Grandfather and his influence, Danny wasn't sure what to think hearing his brother speak Grandfather's name. Danny had known that awful day the twins were pitted against each other that once the spare died there would be no escape from the League for Damian. If what he says is true... Damian did escape, has been safe with their Father for years.
Exhaustion slams into him, Danny feels... safe. The safety he so desperately needed is here in his grasp and he's terrified of it disappearing, being false. "Dami-"
"Hush Ahki, just breathe, we will talk later." Damian uses his sleeve to clean Danny's face, the gentle swipes make more tears sprint to his eyes, but his brother is patient, content to clean him up. Danny opens his mouth to protest, but Damian gently shushes him. Damian shifts their bodies to move them back to the bed, but Danny reacts like Damian is getting ready to leave, leave him here in this strange new place, scared and alone. (Some part of Danny snaps back at the thought, Damian never had gone back on his word before. Not once, that was a miracle considering their childhood.) Danny's hand snaps out to grab his twin's wrist on instinct. Don't go please. Don't go, I don't want to be alone.
Damian's face softens out of it's natural neutrality, his mouth twisting into a small smile. His real smile, the one reserved only for Danny. "The floor is dirty Danyal and I need to check your stitches, let's get you back in bed." Damian chuckles quietly at the apprehensive look shot his way. Danny was always an open book, at least to Damian. "I'll stay with you, come."
Damian shifts them as carefully as he can only to abruptly stop when Danyal's hand flies to his chest on a gasp. Danny can see Damian biting his cheek and glancing from him to the door out of the corner of his eye before he straightens a bit decision made.
"Richard, I know you are still there," It's said with a sigh but he knows that tone, his brother is grateful. A black-haired man pokes his head warily into the room to look at them.
"Little D! Can I help with anything?" Despite his caution Richard is beaming at them from his spot by the door. Danny grew tense in Damian's arms at the new arrival, but thankfully, luckily, he didn't try to run.
"Tt. Tell Pennyworth I may need his assistance, Danyal potentially pulled his stitches." Richard's face rapidly paled, his gaze swinging to his youngest brother trying to see if blood was leaking through his bandages. Damian was certain Richard would be grateful for Superman's x-ray vision right now by how hard he was staring at Danyal.
Though Richard meant well Damian felt his irritation rise when he feels Danyal curl further into him, trembling hands gripping the life out of his suit. As he resumes rubbing Danyal's back he starts whispering again in Arabic, careful to keep his words between them. Damian is sure an audience isn't helping Danny relax. Damian draws his focus the best he can away from their buffoon of an eldest brother.
Richard lingers in the doorway so without turning to look Damian flicks his wrist and the blade Danyal was ready to use against himself sails true, embedding itself a hair's width away from Richard's hand on the doorframe. "Now Grayson." He growls. Then they are alone. Damian hides a smirk in his twin's hair, before frowning. Danyal would feel better if he was clean, if his hair is anything to go by Danyal hasn't had a bath in a long time. That is where Damian could start. Until he could have a talk with his twin and figure out what he was so terrified of he'd threaten his own life... this would have to do. He's sure that Alfred has some supplies stored in the recovery room. Damian put a tub in the sink to fill with warm water while he grabbed what he needed.
With a brief explanation Danny pouted but hesitantly let Damian lower him so his head was mostly hanging off the foot of the bed. He pulled a chair over and got to work. The first wash was to get the majority of the dirt, blood, and sweat out. After he rinsed the first shampoo out Damian took his time with the rest. Fingers worked through knots and a bit of pressure here and there had Danyal melting in his hands. Truly relaxing for the first time in what was probably a long time. Damian smiled softly. The boy looked to be dozing now, both content to remain like this for a while longer.
From the door Alfred waved Dick off, it had been a long night and Bruce's eldest certainly needed rest. Looking back at the two blood siblings Alfred was sure the immediate danger had passed. He was content to leave them to bask in eachother's presence for a little while longer before he checked on the youngest master's stitches.
Part four
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ohimsummer · 2 years
heat waves
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18+, minors dni please
content: reformed fuckboy! jean x gn! reader, smut, size kink, explicit language, reader is a teeny tiny bit possessive
a/n: jean’s a fuckboy but you can change him 
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“You’re gonna end up stuck with them.”
The words ring in Jean’s ears, but he doesn’t bother to respond; what the fuck does Eren know? He’s not gonna be “stuck with you” because you were nothing to him. You were just another hole he could use to get his dick wet. Yeah, he agreed to be in a relationship with you because you were cute and a good fuck, but you were only temporary. He could tell you were head over heels for him. You did anything he wanted, always so ready to get on your knees and mouth at his cock, so eager to spread your legs and let him fill up your tight hole whenever he asked. Such a subservient little slut for him.
Sure, maybe he did a few things extra that he’d never done with past companions, but it was only to make sure you stayed around. He’d endure a few kisses on the cheek and douses of affection if it kept you wrapped around his finger. Doesn’t matter that he enjoyed it more than he ever had with previous partners. What, just because Jean liked the way you indulged in him meant he wanted to stay with you?
A memory forces its way to the forefront of his mind, one that threatens to shatter the illusion of his negligence. It’s from the other day. Some girl approached him with a beaming smile, twirling her hair, and batting her pretty little eyelashes. It was clear her intentions; Jean was a hot topic on campus amongst students, so it was nothing new that yet another one had made it their goal to make him theirs.
Your arrival interrupts the girl mid-sentence. Jean hadn’t even heard your approach, and he can tell by the look on your face that you’re clearly not happy with the attention he’s receiving. The girl is annoyed at your presence, but her attitude is incomparable to the one she’s getting from you. Your hands are wrapped around Jean’s bicep, silently claiming him as you give the girl a look that could cut glass.
“Stay the fuck away from him.”, you seethe at her. The girl scurries away, having effectively been scared off, at least for now.
It’s weird. Usually, Jean hates that kind of thing from people. Why let some person he was only using chase off another fuckbuddy? But here, now, he doesn’t mind, in fact he doesn’t even care. He’s too caught up in the shirt you’re wearing. It’s some random shirt he’d bought for you just so he could say he got you a gift, keep you happy. It was the first thing he picked up in the store because why would he take the time to put actual thought into it? Not like he was going to be with you for long, at least that’s what he had thought at the time. Jean is actually shocked you even wore it out; the thing was hideous with some tacky, ugly pattern on it.  As you drag him off, he questions you about it.
“It’s my favourite shirt.”, you grin at him and hug his arm tighter.
“Y/N, it looks ugly.” He glosses over the squiggly pattern going down the sleeves, and wants to buy you a new shirt immediately. One that, this time, he’ll actually put effort into picking out for you. You deserved better.
You look up at him, lips puckered in a pout, and for once he’s not focused on wanting to kiss them until they’re swollen and bruised. ”So? You bought it for me and I want to wear it, Jean-boy.”
He doesn’t even say anything about that stupid fucking nickname you picked up from his friends. Jean hates it, despises it even. But here he is now, letting you call him by that name and not even objecting to it. Why? 
It’s not the first time he’s caught himself letting you get away with things he’d never let anyone else get away with, either. He remembers when he pressured his roommate, Connie, to go somewhere else so you could spend the night with him. Normally, a big no-no. He didn’t need people he was gonna dump in a a few weeks invading his space. And yet, somehow, here he is offering to carry your overnight bag for you, setting it down next to his bed and then heading off to the bathroom for a shower.
You pounce on him the minute he joins you on the comforter, shedding your top and lips latched to the side of his neck to mark him as your own. Jean’s hands instantly find their way between your thighs, rubbing over the soft skin as he takes a nipple in his mouth, sending a shiver up your spine. In no time, you’re taking his lubed cock inside your tight entrance. He keeps a hold on your hips, and gazes up at you through half-lidded, lust-blown eyes. Jean thinks you look stunning, hair messy and body shining with a light sheen of sweat. A groan escapes his lips as you take more and more of his cock and, in his frantic thoughts, he thinks about how he’d stay with you for-fucking-ever if it meant being the only one able to see you like this: panting and pleas for him leaving in whispers from your lips between needy whimpers, whole body trembling as you struggle to take him on your own just to please him and show Jean you could do it. 
"I fucking love you.”, Jean breathily moans out. He doesn’t correct himself, doesn’t take it back. He’s too focused on that look you’re casting down at him, one that makes Jean want to wrap you up in his arms and hold you against him for eternity so you can never leave his side. He can keep telling himself that he just loves you for your body, but he can’t keep denying that he actually loves your company, even when you’re not just there to fuck him. He loves the way you relish in bragging to people that he’s your boyfriend. Jean loves the way you smile at him and when you let out your little titters after he says you’re being annoying. A harmonious giggle that calms his nerves and leaves him yearning to hear it again.  
So yeah, maybe Eren is right. Maybe Jean would end up stuck with you. But at least it would be with you.
bad ending
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yournecessaryevil · 6 months
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❄️ Home For Christmas ❄️
It's the holiday season, and you were determined to spend it with your boyfriend. The only problem? He may not be able to come home for the holidays...
• fluff; slight angst; language; smut
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"What do you mean, you can't make it home this year?"
You were currently on a videocall with your boyfriend, and he had just sprung some rather unpleasant news on you. He wouldn't be able to make it home in time for Christmas, because of scheduling conflicts with touring. He was the guitarist for Motionless in White, a band that had only grown in popularity since their start in 2006.
Which meant that he was on the road more often than you'd like, causing him to miss out on several holidays, such as Christmas and Halloween. You'd been fortunate enough to have him home for the holiday season last year, but it seems you wouldn't be quite as lucky this year.
You stared at the screen in front of you, sticking out your bottom lip in a slight pout.
"But it's Christmas!" you protested.
A sigh echoed from the guitarist, a frown marring his perfect features. "I know, babygirl. We've been trying to get a flight out of here for the past week, but everything has been booked solid," he said softly, trying to appease you.
You didn't doubt him for a second; every year, it seemed that everybody and their brother and fifth cousin was trying to fly home for the holidays. The airports were always a mess, and the roads an even bigger disaster on top of it all.
"Hey. Look at me, sweetheart," Ricky's voice gently caught your attention, and you let out a wistful sigh, meeting his gaze.
"I promise, we're trying our hardest to get home this year. Chris has been making calls all day, trying to get us any possible flight out of here. It's just a little harder this time around, everyone seems to have the same idea about going home," Ricky explained.
You nodded, your gaze shifting to rest behind the screen, on the decorated living room. You'd spent the entire past week making the area look as festive as possible, in the hopes that Ricky would come home for Christmas and be able to see it.
But now, the tree sitting there with all its lights and baubles only served to remind you that you'd be spending the holiday season alone this year.
"Why can't I just drive out there and come get you guys?" you asked, the idea suddenly springing to the forefront of your mind.
"Too far of a drive, mama!" you heard Vinny call from the background.
Despite your current downshift in mood, you couldn't help the tiny smile that threatened to break out across your face.
"He's right, you know. That's way too far of a drive, we can't ask you to do that. Just... stay there, stay warm, and please trust that we're doing everything we can, okay, babygirl?" Ricky reassured you.
You gave a reluctant nod, your heart slowly sinking. He and his bandmates could make all the promises they wanted, but you knew how the crowds were at the airports. There was no way they'd be able to come home this year, no way that he'd be able to come home.
"I gotta go, my battery's dying, but I promise I'll see you as soon as I can, yeah?" the guitarist continued. Another sigh slipped free from your lips as you nodded again, exchanging goodbyes with him before ending the videocall.
This year was going to completely suck without him, all you'd wanted for Christmas was to have him home with you...
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"Did she believe you?"
Chris's voice sounded from somewhere behind Ricky, and he nodded, turning to look over his shoulder at his bandmate and closest friend.
"Yeah, she believed me. I hate lying to her, though. She looked so fucking miserable, poor baby," he answered.
Chris raised an eyebrow, unable to hide his smirk.
"True, but at this point, it's worth it. You and I both know the minute you get home, she's gonna fucking jump you. So, you know, win win," he said with a wink.
Ricky laughed, nodding in agreement.
His bandmate was right, Y/N never failed to greet him with wholehearted enthusiasm whenever he came home from tour. It was one of the many things he absolutely loved about her, the sheer passion she had for the things and people she cared about most.
It did kind of suck having to lie to her though. And he secretly hated how easily she'd believed him, too.
There she was, sitting alone at home, probably expecting to spend the holidays all by herself.
And here he was, stuck in a hotel room about an hour's drive away from home, waiting for his bandmates to finish packing up the last of their things.
And Y/N didn't even know...
"Dude, don't beat yourself up over it. She's gonna be so happy to see you, it won't even matter," Vinny suddenly spoke up, giving him a heavy-handed pat on the shoulder.
"Yeah, exactly. It's Christmas. No fucking pity parties allowed," Chris chimed in, grinning at his friend.
Ricky stuck his tongue out at the vocalist, flipping him the middle finger. "Easy for you guys to say. I've never had to lie to her like this before," he retorted.
Before his bandmates could respond, the door to the hotel room opened, both Justin and Ryan walking in.
"That's the last of it, time to get the fuck outta here," the bassist announced.
He had to fight hard against the sudden overwhelming wave of excitement burning its way through his veins.
"Yeah, time to go home," he agreed, trying to sound as casual as possible.
This was it, he'd be spending Christmas at home with his babygirl this year...
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You glanced at the screen of your phone again, noting how late it was getting.
'9:35', the little white numbers glared back up at you, as if taunting you.
This was it, there was no way they'd be home tonight. If they wanted to get home by Christmas Day, they'd all have to take a red-eye flight home. And the possibility of anything being available at this hour? Nonexistent.
You sighed, pulling the blanket tighter around you, lying back against the pillows on the couch. Tonight was going to be a long night, might as well put on a Christmas movie to cheer yourself up a little.
You stared at the screen as the opening credits began to roll, and somewhere at the halfway point of the movie, you could feel your eyelids growing heavier, your blinks getting longer, until eventually your eyes closed, sleep settling in. Ricky's face was the last thing you saw in your mind as you gave in to exhaustion...
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Ricky's voice sounded in your ear, a hint of amusement lingering there.
You groaned, arching your body up towards him, wanting to bask in the feeling of his fingertips skating across your skin.
A soft laugh echoed around you, Ricky's fingertips brushing lower, down towards your stomach, lower still.
"Come on, babygirl..." he murmured in encouragement, his scent surrounding you and leaving you in a breathless haze.
A strangled moan left the confines of your throat, as his fingertips slid lower, towards your aching core. "Please, please, please..." you begged him, arching up into his touch.
A smirk pulled up one corner of his mouth, and he shook his head at you.
"No, you need to wake up for me first, sweet baby," he answered, sounding amused.
Wait... wake up???
You awoke with a start, your heart thundering in your chest.
"Hey, shhh... it's alright, it's just me!" a familiar voice sounded, from your left.
Your eyes darted to your left, meeting the familiar blue ones of your boyfriend.
He was here??
You stared in complete shock, earning a soft laugh from your boyfriend.
"Hi, babygirl..." he breathed, leaning forward to kiss you softly on the mouth.
It was at this point you fully awoke, finally registering that Ricky was, in fact, here and home with you.
You began kissing him back, your mouth moving urgently against his, tongue dancing along his, tasting and savoring every inch of him.
A low groan left his throat, his teeth tugging on your bottom lip, hands moving to push the blanket out of the way, fingertips skating up beneath the hem of your shirt to brush along your lower belly.
"Mmm... fuck. Welcome home to you too, baby," Ricky groaned, pulling away to catch his breath. Your eyes met his, and you took notice of the way the pupils of his eyes had blown out so far, there was nearly nothing of the blue irises left.
"How did you get home so soon?" you whispered.
Ricky let out a breathless laugh, shrugging.
"We actually got in yesterday. But I wanted to surprise you this year. Chris was able to get us some time off for the rest of the holiday season, including New Year's. We leave again for the rest of our tour in February," he answered.
Wait... so when you'd called him-?
"So when I called earlier, you guys were already close to home?" you asked, Ricky answering you with a nod.
"Vin tried to get us to go home early, but Chris and the guys wanted us to wait. Those roads are a fucking mess," he said, shaking his head.
So his bandmates had been in on it, too...
You really wanted to be mad, but the hold that Ricky had on you right now was making you feel completely different. And after all, he was home now, wasn't he?
So you chose to forget about it, instead arching up into his touch, much like you had in your dream. And Ricky responded exactly as he had then too, laughing softly as his hand moved lower, his fingertips slipping beneath the lace waistband of your thong.
The minute his fingertips made contact with your aching core, a groan slipped free from your throat, and you arched further up into his touch, pushing yourself against his fingers.
"Fuck... someone definitely missed me, didn't they? You're so wet for me, babygirl," Ricky breathed, his fingertips moving to circle your clit. Another soft groan fell from your lips, followed by a soft whine as Ricky withdrew his fingers from you.
He laughed, reaching down to take you into his arms, but you shook your head at him.
"Nooo, I want you now. Here," you protested, staring up at him with a pleading look in your eyes.
His own blue ones widened, and he cast a dubious glance down at the couch.
"You... you want me to fuck you right here? On our couch? Really?" he asked, a hint of surprise in his voice.
You nodded, kicking the blanket away from you as your hands worked to remove your shirt and thong, until you lay naked before him.
Ricky stared down at you like a blind man seeing the sun for the very first time, running a hand through his hair, his lower lip caught between his teeth.
"Fucking- Y/N, holy fuck-!" he spoke, his breath leaving him in a soft hiss.
You bit back a smirk, letting your legs gently fall open, giving him a perfect view of everything.
"Jesus fucking Christ... Merry Christmas to me, right?" Ricky groaned, hurrying to remove as much clothing as possible. He leaned down, kissing you rather forcefully on the mouth, his teeth tugging harshly on your bottom lip.
"Mm, by the way... I love... what you've done... with our place," he spoke in between kisses, his lips curving up into a smile against your own. You grinned back, shrugging as you leaned back to look up at him.
"I wanted you to have a happy place to come home to," you whispered. Ricky bent down to press a soft kiss to your forehead. "Oh, sweetheart. It's already a happy place, as long as you're here..." he whispered back, before kissing you again.
There was that same urgency from before, like one of you was worried the other would disappear if time didn't slow down for you both. God, you could never get enough of him, of the way he smelled, the way he tasted, the way he knew each and every one of your most sensitive places.
He knew just what made you tick, he always had, from the minute you two had first met.
"Open for me, babygirl," came his frantically whispered plea.
You let your legs fall open for him once more, all too easy and willing for whatever he'd give you, or take from you. His praise came in a hushed groan, his fingers once again finding your slick arousal and circling it around your sensitive clit.
You let a soft moan slip free, as your head fell back against the pillows, giving Ricky full access to your throat. He left a trail of kisses along the side of your neck, pausing to leave a dark purple lovebite there, before moving on to the spot at the base of your throat, sucking your sweet spot between his teeth.
"Ricky, please..." you begged him on a breathless whine, arching your body up towards him, your hips meeting his. An answering groan rose unbidden from his throat, and his fingers slipped further down, down towards where you wanted him most, where you needed him.
He pushed in three fingers at once, not giving you any time to adjust to the feeling, before he began to fuck you with those perfect inked fingers of his. A stab of arousal burned its way through you when he found that sweet spot, and you couldn't hold back your moans.
"Mm, fuck, that's my good girl," Ricky breathed, curling his fingers against that most sensitive of spots, making your body tremble beneath him. "Please, please, please..." you begged him, your words nearly an exact echo of the ones you'd spoken in your earlier dream.
"Beg for it, I know you want it, babygirl. You're so wet, fuck, I don't even need to get you ready for me, for this dick," he groaned, withdrawing his fingers to circle your clit again.
You stared up at him through hazy, half-lidded eyes. "Please, Ricky, please... I need it, I need you," you whined. He shook his head at you, his blue eyes meeting yours, the irises darkening with his lust.
"Again," he hissed, sitting back on his heels to stare down at you, one of his hands finding its way up to your throat, squeezing softly.
Oh, he wanted to play that game, did he?
That was fine, you could play it too.
You stared up at him, a tiny smirk tugging at the corner of your mouth.
"Harder," you told him.
Something in that one word caught him off guard for the briefest of moments, one of his brows raising, before his eyes narrowed.
His grip on your throat tightened as he leaned down, his other hand still working circles around your sensitive little clit, bringing you closer and closer to that edge.
He spoke the word rather harshly, his dominant side coming out to play.
This was it, what you loved about the way you two fucked.
It wasn't just sex with you two, it was more than that. It was an entire fucking experience.
You swallowed hard, looking up at him with those big doe eyes.
Just one more last little detail to push him...
"Please... Sir. I need it, I need your dick, I want it so bad," you begged him, watching his face to see his reaction.
You could almost see the breath leave him, you certainly heard it; an exhaled hiss was your only warning before he lined himself up with your entrance, pushing in only the tip, teasing you like you'd teased him.
"Do you think you've earned it, babygirl?"
Fuck, he was just so hot-!
You nodded, all thoughts of teasing lost to the wayside as you stared earnestly up at him, silently begging him to give you what you so desperately wanted.
"Words, Y/N. How bad do you want it? You gonna be a good girl for me?" he continued.
"Please yes, Ricky, fuck, I need it!" you whined, your hips rising subtly to meet his. The grip on your throat tightened in warning, but he relented, finally pushing in until he was buried as deeply within you as he could get.
The two of you groaned in unison, and you could swear you saw his eyes roll back for a minute, before he leaned forward, bracing himself against the couch with his free hand as he began to set a brutal pace within you.
At this rate, you wouldn't be able to speak coherently, let alone think. You'd be so sore tomorrow morning, but honestly? Worth it.
You matched him thrust for thrust, up until he let go of your throat to push against the backs of your knees, tucking them against your chest and keeping them pinned there as he fucked you.
Holy shit- it was such a deeper angle-!
His name left your mouth in soft gasps, until it wasn't even his name anymore, just a series of incoherent ramblings and gasping pants.
He bent down to kiss you on the mouth as he fucked into you, his eyes clouded over with hazy lust.
"Fuck, that's my good girl. My dumb, pretty little baby, all stupid and fucked out for me," he muttered, throwing in more dirty words of praise as he kissed you.
It wasn't long before you could feel that familiar tightening knot in your lower belly, that slowly growing ache between your thighs.
You were close, you knew he could feel it, too.
He could feel it in the way you were clenching tightly around his dick; he'd be lying if he said it wasn't the hottest fucking thing he'd ever experienced.
A softly hissed exhale of breath sounded in the space between you two, the smell of sex and Ricky's signature cologne hanging heavy in the air, enveloping you both.
"Not yet, babygirl!" he ground out between clenched teeth, his grip on the backs of your thighs tightening, his fingers digging in.
"Mm- please! I need... I need-" you couldn't even get out an intelligent response.
You were pretty sure you looked as blissfully dumb and fucked out as you felt, in that moment.
Ricky knew it too; a smirk flashed across his features before it vanished.
"Aw, you need it? Is that it, babygirl? You need me to let you cum?" he teased you, mock empathy in his voice.
You nodded frantically, trying hard to match the pace he'd set, and failing miserably.
Your thighs were shaking, you had to cum so bad, you needed it. It wasn't even that, either. No, you needed him to cum, to finish inside of you, it's what you wanted the most.
Almost like he could sense it, Ricky smirked again, raising a brow at you.
"My poor baby. You want me to cum in you, is that it? Want me to breed you, fill you up and fuck a baby into that pretty little tummy of yours? Is that what you want?" he asked, his grip on your thighs almost bruising. You nodded again, sticking out your bottom lip in a pout.
Ricky laughed, leaning down to kiss you on the mouth again, gently sucking your bottom lip between his teeth before letting it go.
"Cum for me, babygirl."
And all too easily, you did exactly that, practically leaping over that cliff's edge, falling into a delicious downward spiral, sinking down beneath the depths of those dark waves of pleasure, almost losing yourself in all of it.
Ricky's name left your mouth in a sharp cry, your back arching off the couch, your aching pussy clenching down tight around his dick, frantically trying to cling to the last of your high.
And exactly as promised, he came as hard as you did, his grip on your thighs becoming almost painfully tight before he loosened his hold. Your name slipped from his mouth in a strangled shout as he spilled his seed into you, giving you everything he had until there was nothing left to give.
You could feel it leaking down your thighs, combined with the slick, sweat drenched scent of arousal hanging heavy in the space around the two of you.
But you didn't care.
Because in that moment, the only thing that mattered was the fact that Ricky was here, at home with you, in your arms and here to stay for the holidays.
He gently slid free from you, shifting positions so he was lying beside you, with you tucked safely in his arms.
His breath left him in soft pants, his eyes alight with a fire like you hadn't seen in a while.
"Fuck... that was-" he couldn't even finish his sentence, but you knew. You always did.
"Yeah. Merry fucking Christmas, right?" you teased him breathlessly, earning a round of laughter from you both.
When the laughter had ceased, Ricky nodded, pulling you closer into him.
"Exactly. Merry fucking Christmas, babygirl," he said softly, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
This right here, this safest of havens, the most sacred of places, was where you wanted to be, where you needed to be.
Because here in Ricky's arms, everything else just seemed so small and insignificant, any troubles easily a problem for tomorrow, not tonight.
You nestled closer into his chest, breathing in his comforting scent.
"I'm so glad you're home," you mumbled sleepily, letting out a yawn.
Another kiss, this one pressed to the top of your head, before you heard his response.
"Me too, baby. Me too."
As you lay there in his arms, sleep slowly approaching, you couldn't help the errant thought that snuck its way into your brain.
He'd definitely have to come home for Christmas more often... a lot more often...
After all, there was nothing else quite like being home for the holidays, right?
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🎃 TAGLIST: @synthetic-wasp-570 @tearfallpixie @annateagan @nixwolfe @motionlessindoubt @motionlessomens @veroxbarnes @bangoversequence @nerdraging4point0 @circle-with-me @thesazzb @bobateaandchocolatepudding @talialovesmiw
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oops-all-concrete · 4 months
Hello lovelies, 💘HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!💘
I'm back with more BG3 headcanons! Today's prompt is;
💕Modern AU; Ways the BG3 (romanced) companions are idyllicly sweet with Tav!💕
No spoilers! Tags are; A whole heckin lot of fluff and cuteness!
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Lae'zel -
You have to be careful with what you say around Lae'zel. Made a minor comment 3 months ago that you wanted to revisit somewhere in the Sword Coast? Get packing, you guys are all booked to go. Asked Lae'zel to get you candy on the way home? She has 3 full bags. Say that comment her folks made last time you visited made you uncomfortable- you have a paragraph text apology from all of them the next day. She's not just someone who wants to spoil Tav, she fucking will. (If Tav manages to talk her out of going nuts with the pampering, she's surprisingly sentimental. You bet she keeps a rock in her pocket that reminds her of Tav)
Shadowheart -
She is so excited to post you. She doesn't like social media and tends to keep to herself, but after watching Tav post pictures of them both, she wanted to do the same. The minute she gets even the smallest romantic gesture, she's scrapbooking, she has a wall of Polaroids joined by a horde of hand made sketches, she's putting together little snack baskets and mailing them to Tav, she's about as obviously head over heels as a person can be, really. She's always got a camera aimed at Tav, even if they're just for her. (A good 90% are just for her eyes)
Wyll -
This man never plays games/gets online with both sides of the headphones in. It doesn't matter if the game is online, offline, urgent, time sensitive, dependent on his concentration- if Tav so much as makes a peep, he's out of his seat and across the room. Hells, he takes every chance he gets to go give Tav some attention. In the drift of leaving the waking world, Tav will definitely hear a little "One minute, Tav needs me" despite them not asking. Some footsteps. And then moments later, the warmth of the duvet being tucked all over their body and a gentle kiss to the cheek. Whispered "I love you"s and then a quiet. "I'm going to hop off for a few hours." So you can have some quiet.
Karlach -
She's one of those people that really makes you realise you have good taste in other people. Like, you can't think of a time you went on a walk and she didn't pick up some trash, help an elderly person across the street, immediately offer her seat to a pregnant woman. No matter how prideful Tav might be or not, there's a pride in the admiring looks other people give her. Little girls pass in the street and say "mum, I want to be like her when I grow up!" Everything she does makes Tav proud to be with her, yet somehow Tav is always the one under a spotlight to her. "Oh, me and my partner-" this. "Oh, my partner-" that. "I'm so proud of my Tav. Ugh, I am so lucky" she insists at every turn.
Gale -
He's a night owl, much to Tara's dismay. Wether that's because he can't sleep, he likes being awake in the dark hours or- his brain won't stop nattering at him for a gods damned minute, but either way. He's probably working, quietly cleaning, organising Tavs things so they don't have to worry. In quiet moments, between possibly making them breakfast because of course he's up that early- he's just kissing Tav on the forehead, gently, trying not to wake them. He needs them to sleep but there is not a moment in his day where he doesn't think: "Does Tav know I love them? Can I remind them once more? Even if its just for my peace of mind?" Because he will not rest if he has an inkling his live for Tav isn't at the forefront of their mind.
Astarion -
If you even suggest to this man that you should do matching outfits, he's excited. He always wants to take the wheel, but also wants Tav to have a foot in the idea. He will give ideas left and right, opinions up and down. He doesn't care if it's a date or not, cringe solstice photos, or just gym clothes, he's all for it. If you guys didn't have matching pyjamas already, you have them now, congrats. (If he's still a bloodsucker, he'll definitely still go out of his way to learn how to cook for Tav. Tokyo Ghoul rules though, so Tav gets to taste test a lot. Only the best for his little capri-sun) Overall he's just unashamed and excited to be with someone who very obviously wants to be his, visibly as possible.
(Bonus Halsin!)
Halsin -
This man lives for shared activity. He's quite alright on his own and can allow Tav their space, but going to get massages, haircuts/styles, wine tasting is his total vibe. Just relaxed gatherings together. Nobody lives a spa day like this man. It allows a level of intimacy that nature intends. Cleansing. Careful. Close. He will learn how to do Tavs hair and makeup if asked. Will take pleasure in being able to undress them and put them to bed at the end of a long day. Go on hikes and camping trips, walks through the woods, carving names into rocks and bringing back souvenirs to press into a book that's only getting thicker.
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cakers-2000 · 1 year
Alright, I can't help but ask this: What would be Venti's and Zhongli's reaction to, after getting their Gnosis taken, their s/o disappears for about a week or so. Then they show back up, covered in blood and bruises, holding their Gnosis, and say "Am I not the best s/o ever, or what?" before passing out.
This request was put in before Raiden Shogun had been released so I really hope you don’t mind but I wanted to include her in the mix! She’s my favorite archon!
It's not exactly what you requested, I had some fun playing around with the idea but I hope the outcome is still enjoyed!
You get their Gnosis back
Beginning: When they lost their Gnosis, you were crushed. Whether they would admit it or not you knew that it brought them great pain not having a part of them anymore. You couldn’t bear seeing your lover in such mental anguish and so you set out. It took you a long while and you had covered your tracks, you were going out for a week at least to ‘complete a commission’ you had told them. But that was a lie. You were going to find their Gnosis and bring it back to them if it’s the last thing you do.
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When you first left, he was overcome by the feeling of immense fear. Where had you gone? Were you lost somewhere? Had you decided to leave him? Or the worst thought yet, had you died from heinous injuries? He couldn’t handle losing someone so precious and dear to him, not again.
With those thoughts in the forefront of his mind, he set off to search the vast expanse of Mondstadt, with the help of Dvalin of course.
When he didn’t find you there he took to the streets of Liyue. He asked anyone he locked eyes with if they had seen you, checked every nook and cranny and even paid Zhongli a visit but his attempts always came up empty.
He was at a loss. With no idea what else to do, he went back home to Mondstadt.
And spent his days in Stormterror’s Lair with Dvalin at his side. His lyre no longer played the same tune, the strings no longer harmonized so perfectly and his voice no longer belted out the same jolious tone.
He was completely and utterly lost.
The day you came back to him, it was as if color had flooded back into his life.
You were hurt, battered and bruised, but you were okay. And you were back to him. The poor boy nearly knocked you to the ground when he lunged at you, wanting nothing more than to feel you in his embrace.
His hands fell to your face, frantically searching across your cheeks, gently rubbing his thumb across your bloodied and swollen lip.
“(Y/N)... What did you do?!”
His immense worry for you was clear as day in his voice and the way his eyes surveyed every inch of you.
You tried to give him the biggest smile you could muster and held your hands out to him, the smile on your face only growing.
“I got it back.”
He was full of so many emotions, they were swirling all around his mind. You were alive, but you were hurt something fierce. You were beaming such a bright smile towards him, but you were in so much pain, you couldn’t hide that fact from him.
The Gnosis in your hand was stained, a dull brown color took over the once vibrant features and there were a few stained splotches of blood, a much darker hue then the rest of the item.
“M-My Gnosis?... (Y/N) are you crazy!?”
Neither you nor himself expected such an outburst and he quickly placed a hand over his quivering lips. A frown fell to your lips and you slowly dropped your arms to your side, tightly squeezing onto the Gnosis he still hadn’t taken from your grasp. “I thought you’d be happy…”
He wrapped his arms around you tightly, pulling you to his chest as his tears stained his cheeks. “N-No I am happy! But you didn’t have to do that! I was so worried about you! I didn’t know where you went, if you were okay, I was so scared.” He was fighting for breath as he stuttered and stammered through the waterfall of tears escaping his eyes. “I love you so much please please please don’t ever do anything that dangerous again.”
Finally you understood. He was grateful, but putting yourself in his shoes, you would’ve been worried sick as well. Slowly you wrapped your arms around him and buried your face in his chest. “I love you Venti. I’m sorry… I’ll be careful from now on.” “P-Promise?”
You smiled and nuzzled his chest with your nose, gently pulling on the hem of his cape as a yes. “I swear on my life.”
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When you first disappeared he had of course been worried but he tried not to work himself up. Perhaps you were just busy. You had your own life, your own little world that didn’t revolve around him and he respected that. But as time dragged on, and you still hadn’t graced him with your presence, a panic began to slowly overtake him. He tried everything to console himself but his mind kept running wild and he finally had had enough. Without a single word of goodbye to anyone Zhongli vanished practically into thin air.
He searched everywhere, used every last one of his connections through his numerous contracts and those that he called ‘friend’.
Xiao and all of the Adeptus.
All of his fellow archons (at least those he could get a hold of).
And even going so far as to ask the Fatui, or more Harbinger Childe to be exact. (Though the man wasn’t too pleased to see him after the ‘betrayal’ he had put him through’).
But all of his searches led nowhere. He left no stone unturned, no mountain unscaled. Yet despite all his efforts you were still nowhere to be seen.
He had almost given up hope. He had done everything he could think, searched every corner and exhausted all of his connections but he always came up empty handed. Perhaps this was his fate. Everyone he loved always left him eventually.
You were mortal and he was a god, he knew that you wouldn’t be with him forever and he would eventually have to say goodbye but he didn’t think he would have to say it so soon.
He had lost track of how long it had been since you went missing. Probably about a month, but he couldn’t be too sure. All of his days seemed to merge into one, spending all of his time holed up in the mountains, sitting atop the high mountain tops and reflecting, reminiscing and of course, trying to wash away the guilt that threatened to consume him. It was his fault you had gone. He wasn’t sure what he had done, but what other answer could there be? Perhaps you had been angry with him for giving away his gnosis, or perhaps you were angry about all of the secrets he had kept from you.
Whatever the case, he was convinced that it was his fault.
He had tried to immerse himself into his work during his free time (when he wasn’t finding solitary comfort on the mountains) and it was while walking through Liyue Harbor, on his way back to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor that his eyes caught a familiar sight.
That hair… and that figure… Could it be?
His thoughts were all but confirmed when you turned around, somehow seemingly aware of his presence and sprinted your way over to him. You wasted no time in crashing into him for a hug, squeezing him as tightly as your weak arms could manage.
He wasted no timing in wrapping you up in his embrace, resisting the urge to let a few tears spill. It was so unlike him to cry. He finally pushed you away when he was satisfied and gently grabbed your face in his hands.
Now that he could get a good look at you, his stomach churned. You were covered in scratches and bruises. Your clothes tattered in most places and a noticeable limp.
“(Y/N)... what happened?”
You gave him a smile, resting one hand atop his and used your other hand to reach into the pouch at your side, gently pulling out a small item. His gnosis. “Pretty good right?”
He grabbed the item from between your fingertips, evaluating the small little almost chess like piece. It was indeed his Gnosis, the real, genuine item.
“(Y-Y/N) why did you…?”
“Why? Because it’s yours. I know what you were thinking, I really do. But something this precious,” You slowly reached and and used your hands to clasp his together, slowly moving them to touch his chest as he clutched the Gnosis. “Something that’s a part of you, shouldn’t be given away so easily.” You tried to give him a playful smile, though your pain and fatigue was clearly showing through. “And I worked really hard to get this back so please.”
He knew you were right. His head was spinning. He was relieved, yet he was angry, yet he was also in a way… proud. He loved you so much, you meant the world to him and clearly that was why you had his head reeling like this.
He once again wrapped you in his embrace, slowly kissing the top of your head as his grip tightened around you even more, terrified that he would lose you again if he let go.
“I love you. Please… don’t ever scare me like that again.”
“I won’t… I love you too. Now can you please help me get to Baizhu? It’s a long way to walk with these battle scars.”
He smiled a bit at your continuous teasing tone and easily swept you off the ground and into his arms. “I’d be honored Angel.”
Raiden Shogun:
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She honestly wasn’t all that concerned with her missing Gnosis. She had never really needed it before, why would she need it now. Though you understood where she was coming from you couldn’t just let things stand like this and so you packed up your things, preparing yourself for a long journey before leaving the place you called home and searching for the Gnosis.
When you didn’t return to Ei the next day (like you had promised) she practically turned the entire region upside down. Enlisting the help of her entire regimen, sending her puppet into the depths of Inazuma in an attempt to find you, even asking Miko (though it was more demanding with how frantic she was) help find you as well.
But none of these searches ever turned up anything. No evidence, no leads. It was as if you simply just vanished.
And she became lost. She had already lost so many loved ones. It took a lot for her to bring herself to accept her feelings for you, and now what? She was just too accept the fact that people enter and leave your life just like that? This pain… It was why she had been searching for a way to keep eternity in Inazuma.
It hurt.
So bad.
And she hated herself for allowing herself to fall victim to these foolish emotions once again. But she couldn’t shake you off her mind. Perhaps it would be best if she stayed in the Plane of Euthymia forever.
She hadn’t expected to see you again. Trying her best to rid her mind of you in an attempt to free herself from this crushing agony, but it never worked.
What with her staying in the Plane of Euthymia, never to come out again you had to enlist the help of Miko when you came back.
And she did. Not only for you, but for Ei as well.
She was sitting on the ground, seeming to be meditating(?) but she snapped her eyes open as soon as she sensed the presence of another being. Slowly she raised her head, a rather angry look on her features but it instantly softened when she saw that it was you standing in front of her.
She slowly got to her feet, hesitant to even believe what was right in front of her. Was it… really you? “(Y/N)?”
“Hi Ei… I guess I made you worry huh?”
You were covered in wounds from head to toe, your hair a messy, knotted mess. She quickly strutted her way towards you, starting to run as she got closer and engulfed you in her arms. It was rare for Ei to initiate any kind of affection and you took a moment to stand in shock. When you didn’t hug her back her grip on you tightened. There was an almost, scared feeling in her tight grip and so you hugged her back.
“I got your gnosis.”
She refused to move her head from your chest, both out of embarrassment to show you the tears streaking her face and out of fear that you would simply vanish again if she did. “You idiot.”
“Well that’s not very nice to call your hero.”
“Stop joking around!”
Her sudden shout surprised you and your body tensed a bit. She nuzzled her face into you, trying to get closer (though it wasn’t possible). “You selfish fool! I don’t need a gnosis! I never did before and I don’t now! How could you just put yourself in danger like that!? I was worried sick about you! I thought you were dead!”
You could finally hear the tiny sniffles that escaped her and for the first time, you truly understood how much you meant to her. Slowly you wrapped your arms around her a little tighter and ran your hands through her hair, trying to bring her any sense of comfort with your presence.
“I’m sorry Ei… I… I wasn’t thinking. I never meant to hurt you.”
“Please… don’t ever leave me again… please.”
Her voice sounded so broken and you felt a pang of guilt in your chest. You hadn’t expected this kind of reaction from her. You placed a gentle kiss to the top of her head before continuing to play with her hair. “I won’t Ei… I love you.”
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pandenewie · 6 months
EPILOGUE: New Contract
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Y/n taps their pen anxiously against the page of their notebook, eyes shifting towards the clock. How is it that the last 5 minutes of class always seem to last for hours? With every second that goes by, Y/n can feel their body tingling with excitement.
“Got somewhere to be?” Danielle asks, taking note of her friend's restlessness. “We do.” Y/n smiles, causing her to cock her brow with confusion. She doesn’t remember having any plans at lunch.
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“Are we going to eat lunch together tomorrow or with our friends?” Y/n asks, peering up at Niki as they swing their interlocked hands back and forth. “Tomorrow? Uh… I think I’ve got a dance thing.” Niki mumbles. Y/n had been at the forefront of his mind over the last couple of weeks so he’d almost forgotten the lunch-time dance recital their team had prepared.
“A dance thing?” Y/n asks, intrigued. “Yeah, it’s some mini recital thing we’re doing at the front of the school. Practicing for nationals, I think. I don’t know, it’s not that important.” Niki trails off. “It sounds fun though, I can’t wait to watch.” Y/n smiles, making Niki laugh slightly. “You don’t have to, it’ll probably be bad.” He laughs. “It won’t be bad, Riki. Besides, I’ve gotta be there! Who else is gonna cheer on my boyfriend?” Niki’s face heats a bright pink when the word “boyfriend” slips past Y/n’s lips. After fake dating this entire time, he’s still not used to it being real. “Okay… but don’t complain when it sucks.” Niki teases, letting out a yelp when Y/n whacks him in the chest.
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Danielle watches her friend in confusion as Y/n begins to slowly pack up their books. There’s still about 2 minutes of class left and Mr Yoon is still going over some of the key notes for the next assignment. 
“Put your stuff away.” Y/n whispers, only adding to Danielle’s confusion. Never one to question Y/n, Danielle too begins slowly packing up - careful not to alert Mr Yoon. 
The second that the bell rings, Y/n is out of their chair. They immediately grab Danielle by the hand, slinging their bag over their shoulder before pulling her out of the classroom.
“What the hell, Y/n?” Danielle laughs as Y/n drags them through the hall, which is slowly starting to fill up with students. Y/n just smiles in response, pulling out their phone and calling Eunchae. She barely gets a word in before Y/n is speaking down the line “meet us at the front steps!” before hanging up.
Once outside, they are immediately met with the school’s dance team standing at the bottom of the steps, going over a few of the steps with their teacher. The area quickly begins to fill up with students so Y/n drags Danielle to the bottom of the stairs, sitting in the spot that’ll give them the best view.
“What are we doing?” Danielle asks, confused. “The dance team’s doing a performance. I wanted to get good seats.” Y/n says, knees bouncing with excitement. Danielle watches with adoration as Y/n makes eye contact with Niki - sending him a small wave. A few moments later, Eunchae bursts through the crowd, manoeuvring through a few groups of students before finally sitting with Y/n and Danielle.
“Never call me like that again. I thought you were dying.” Eunchae scolds, flicking Y/n’s forehead. “But I should’ve known you were wanting to watch the performance.” She adds, playfully rolling her eyes. “Let me simp for my boyfriend in peace.” Y/n frowns - the word boyfriend causing both friend’s eyes to widen. “Oh, so we're official, huh?” Danielle teases, nudging her friend. Y/n blushes, mumbling a small “shut up” before nudging her back. “Shhh, it's starting.” Eunchae whisper-yells, making the other two turn to watch the performance.
Y/n can’t help the wide smile that spreads across their face as they watch Niki perform. He does amazing - obviously. Despite the way he tried to downplay it yesterday, it really does look like a professional performance. Y/n can tell that Niki is purposefully avoiding making eye contact with them in order to keep his focus - an action they find much cuter than they probably should. Glancing at the others in the crowd, Y/n’s gaze lands on Niki’s friend group - their grin increasing at the way the group of boys scream and cheer for their friend.
When the performance comes to an end, the crowd erupts into fits of applause. The dance team thanks everyone for coming and the crowd slowly begins to disperse. Once most of the crowd has left, Y/n gets up and runs towards Niki. They call his name to gain his attention before jumping into his arms - the action causing him to stumble slightly as he catches them.
“You did so amazing!” Y/n exclaims, giggling as Niki spins them in his arms. He mumbles a small thank you, his face burning slightly at the compliment. “I saw you were trying not to look at me.” Y/n teases, making him scoff. “What? That’s not true! I was just focused on the performance.” Niki bluffs. Y/n doesn't believe him for a second but chooses not to press, opting for pressing a peck against his cheek instead.
“Uh… are we interrupting something?” Jay asks, the sudden voice making Niki almost drop Y/n. “You two look cozy.” Jungwon teases. “Shut up.” Niki retorts, his bitter tone making the group burst out laughing.
“Wait… are you guys actually dating now?” Jake asks, confused. “Uh… yeah.” Niki smiles awkwardly, eyes shifting between his friend and Y/n (who is still in his arms). “I’ve been telling everyone you broke up.” Jake groans, throwing his arms up in defeat. “Your fault for sticking your nose in other people’s business.” Sunoo mumbles.
“Anyway, if you’ll excuse me, I want to spend the rest of my lunch with Y/n.” Niki says, making the group roll their eyes. “You two are disgusting.” Heeseung says, his face twisted in disgust. Niki ignores the insult, flipping Heeseung off before walking away.
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“You know you can put me down now, right?” Y/n asks, laughing slightly as Niki keeps walking. “I’m trying to prove how strong I am.” Niki huffs. Despite his words, it’s clear that he’s reaching his limit. Thankfully, the bleachers are close by - Niki placing Y/n firmly on the ground as soon as he’s gone far enough for his ego. “Who knew getting a boyfriend would mean I didn’t have to walk anywhere?” Y/n jokes, sitting down on the bleachers and pulling out their lunchbox.
The two eat their lunch quickly, chatting about whatever crosses their mind. Niki makes sure to steal a few gummies from Y/n when he thinks they aren’t looking. They roll their eyes at his immaturity yet still tilt the bag to give him easier access.
Eventually, Niki gets bored stealing Y/n’s food and settles on playing with their free hand. Y/n doesn’t pay much attention to what he’s doing, enjoying the feeling of Niki’s warm hand brushing against their own. Suddenly, the feeling is gone and Y/n turns to see Niki pulling something out of their bag.
“What are you doing?” Y/n asks, watching curiously as Niki pulls out one of their journals, as well as their pencil case. He silently flicks to the back of the book before stopping on a familiar page.
It’s their contract.
“Oh my god.” Y/n laughs as soon as they get a glimpse of the colourful page. “Figured this needs a bit of an update.” Niki laughs. Y/n scooches closer to him to get a better look at the page. “Yeah, we broke most of these.” They laugh.
Niki flicks to the next page, titling it Actually Dating. “Draw a heart.” Y/n mumbles, their head falling to Niki’s shoulder. He playfully rolls his eyes yet doodles a small heart next to the words without a second thought. Niki quickly jots down the first rule to the new contract, Y/n letting out a small snort as soon as they read it.
Rule One: Riki must give at least 5 head pats a day
“It’s crazy that you put that and not me.” Y/n laughs. “I think we both know that the head pats are more for me than you.” Niki snickers, giving a quick one as an example. “Well, what if I start doing them back?” Y/n asks, reaching up to ruffle Niki’s hair quickly. He lets out a complained whine, immediately bringing his hands up to fix his hair. “Never do that again.” He says, looking at Y/n with a deadpan expression. He quickly looks back at the page, writing down the next rule.
Rule Two: Y/n is not allowed to walk home alone!!!
Before Y/n can even get in a word about rule two, Niki immediately follows it up with the third rule.
Rule Three: Riki gets to see Y/n’s art before anyone else
“Okay, these are starting to sound a bit one-sided.” Y/n laughs, pulling the book out of Niki’s grip before he can write another rule. “They sound like your everyday boyfriend privileges if you ask me.” Niki mumbles, making Y/n roll their eyes. They carefully take the pen from his grip before adding to rule three.
Rule Three: Riki gets to see Y/n’s art before anyone else (same for Y/n with Riki’s dancing!!)
“That is not the same thing!” Niki argues, a small pout on his face. “You just show me a piece of paper and call it quits. Am I supposed to bust out into some choreography in the middle of the library?” He asks. “No but you could let me watch some of your practices.” Y/n suggests, a small smile on their face. The words cause Niki to pause his mini-speech. “... you liked watching me dance that much?” He asks, a soft pink blush adorning his cheeks. “I loved it.” Y/n corrects, poking his blushing cheek before turning back to the list.
Rule Four: Wednesday is still for study dates
“That’s if you’re not sick of me already.” Y/n jokes, nudging Niki slightly with their elbow. “I actually hate spending time with you and that’s why I asked you out.” Niki rolls his eyes. He reaches quickly to grab the book from Y/n’s grip, jotting down one final rule before handing it back with a cheesy smile.
Rule Five: Give Riki lots of kisses
“You’re unbelievable.” Y/n laughs, their cheeks reddening slightly. “You get head pats, I get kisses. It’s only fair, Y/nnie.” Niki teases. “You literally just admitted that the head pats are for you!” Y/n exclaims, pointing at Niki with a pout on their lips. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Niki shrugs nonchalantly. “This is an unequal relationship.” Y/n frowns, turning away from Niki. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’ll change it.” Niki laughs, erasing the rule (thank god for erasable markers) before scribbling another one in its place.
Actual Rule Five: Love each other for as long as we can <3
Niki slowly slides the book back onto Y/n’s lap, biting his lip to hold back his smile. Y/n glances down at the colourful page, their face immediately turning three shades darker when they read the fifth and final rule.
“You’re such an idiot.” Y/n mumbles, turning around and pulling Niki into a hug. It’s at a slightly odd angle due to the book in their lap but Niki immediately settles into the contact nevertheless. “I’m your idiot.” Niki jokes, his corniness making Y/n groan with embarrassment. “Okay, okay, I’ll actually stop now.” Niki laughs, patting Y/n’s head gently as they nuzzle into his neck.
The two sit like that for a while, just enjoying each other’s presence. “I’m really happy.” Niki suddenly mumbles - the confession making Y/n’s heart flutter with excitement. It’s such a simple statement, something so minimal that could go overlooked by anyone else - but to Y/n, it means the world.
“Me too.” Y/n whispers back. They slowly pull their head out from its hiding spot in Niki’s neck, looking up at him with shining eyes. Niki suddenly thinks back to all the times his friends had talked about their first kisses, how the moment felt and how they knew it was time. Niki never understood what they meant until now. This is the moment.
So he kisses Y/n. Although they technically already shared their first kiss together - back when their relationship was still fake - it was nothing like this one. That kiss was quick and rushed, done without much thought or meaning. This one is planned, precise and oh-so-special.
Y/n smiles gently against Niki’s lips, making him do the same. It gets to the point where the kiss can no longer continue, both breaking out into fits of giggles as they press their noses against each other. Niki can’t believe all the years he spent thinking love was gross. If he knew it felt like this he would’ve never been so stubborn in the first place. But maybe his objection to love was the right call - after all, it led him to Y/n.
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naavispider · 8 months
Ok so the last part in “Jake’s first flight” soundtrack in Avatar is Ninat praying to Eywa, and that game me an idea. What if the recoms squad camped somewhere near a lone tree of voices and Spider took the opportunity to bow at its roots and sing prayers? How would they (mostly Quaritch tho) react to it? To him singing in Na’vi, and in a religious context?
The moss was a soft blanket under his knees. He knelt down amongst the tender, lilac tendrils of the Tree of Voices like he was on hallowed ground. Every movement had to be soft, considered and mindful. This was a place where Eywa saw all.
“Great Mother, I pray for the wellness of my family. I pray for the prosperity and safety of the People. Let the be okay. Let them escape the terror of discovery.” He carded his fingers through a few glowing branches, as softly as he could, and closed his eyes while holding them. “Most importantly, I pray for forgiveness for my part in that terror. I will be strong, but I know it is not enough. I pray that you can forgive me for being with the Sky People. I pray that you can forgive me for the evil in my veins. Look into my heart and know that it is with the People. Ma Eywa, forgive me.”
When he opened his eyes, he was still as alone as he could be. A soft breeze rustled over the grass around him, and for a second he swore the tree grew brighter. He splayed one hand on the ground as his heartbeat picked up, keeping the other gently holding the tree’s tendrils. It had always been his way of connecting to Eywa without a kuru. “Ma Eywa,” he whispered through closed eyelids, feeling more certain than ever that she was listening.
“What the hell are you doing, kid?”
In an instant, it was over. The wind died and the light dimmed. Spiders heart sank as he opened his eyes in anger, immediately raging that none other than Colonel Miles Quaritch had interrupted.
“Minding my own business,” he growled, standing up and turning around to glare at Quaritch.
Quaritch however, seemed oblivious to Spider’s ire. “What was that?” he asked, a frown forming on his face as he gestured at the tree.
Spider narrowed his eyes, not sure if he wanted to share that most precious moment with the RDA squad leader. He bit his tongue for a moment. “Nothing.”
Quaritch looked suspicious. He tilted his head to the side and his tail swished agitatedly behind him. Eventually he decided to take Spider’s word for it. “What are you doing over here by yourself? Come back to the squad.”
Spider turned his back, resuming his position on the floor. “I’m good, thanks.”
“Leave me alone.”
Quaritch clearly felt some type of way about this, because he hesitated before answering. “If you get eaten by some beast don’t blame me.”
Spider rolled his eyes at the man’s attempt at humour, and didn’t respond. If he did, it wouldn’t be pleasant. He waited until the sound of the recom’s boots had retreated all the way back to where the rest of the temporary camp was set up, a decent distant away from the tree. He closed his eyes again, trying to get back to that place of calm and stillness that had allowed Eywa to hear him. He lowered his breathing and heart rates, and tried to focus on feeling her energy, but the moment was gone.
“Demons!” he cursed.
He took a deep breath, and settled back on his haunches, listening to the low buzz of the forest as he brought to the forefront of his mind a song. In a low voice, he began to sing:
Utralä (a)Nawm ayrina’l(u) ayoeng, A peyä tìtxur mì hinam awngeyä N(a) aysangek afkeu, Mì pun N(a) ayvul ahusawnu, M(ì) aynar Na seze A ’ong ne tsawke. Utralä (a)Nawm ayrina’ l(u) ayoeng, A peyä tìrol m(ì) awnga.
The song told of the connectivity of the People, and Spider had heard it sung and joined in countless times during periods of loss and also celebration. It was one of his favourite ways to pay tribute to Eywa.
Unfortunately for him, his singing hadn’t gone unnoticed. He was brought back to reality by a piercing whistle from the camp. He gasped, spinning round to see who or what had just invaded his privacy again.
“Shut it Lyle,” Quaritch chastised from not too far away.
Wainfleet looked smug as anything, grinning from ear to ear, but he had the common sense to not speak again.
“Bastards,” Spider hissed.
Quaritch put his hands up, slowly approaching Spider’s spot under the tree as if Spider was a scared animal and he was worried about spooking him. “That was pretty impressive. That was all in your funky alien language?”
Spider simmered, clenching his fists at his side. Why he ever bothered trying to teach Quaritch the funky alien language, Spider didn’t know. “Are you trying to piss me off? Cause it’s fucking working.”
“Hey, don’t give me that,” Quaritch said, making a faux offended expression. “I was just thinking how nice it sounded.”
Spider raised an eyebrow. That sounded like some bullshit. “Did you fall over a blastbulb or something?” Maybe the recom was sick.
"Can I not enjoy something?"
Spider squirmed uncomfortably. Not when it comes from me. "No."
Quaritch took a seat next to Spider. The tree of voices's branches brushed over the recom's shoulders and he pulled them off gently. "Sounded real special."
"It was," Spider replied, deadpan. He so did not want to be having this conversation with Quaritch. Especially not here, so close to Eywa.
"What does it mean?" Quaritch pressed. He sounded sincere for once, so Spider grit his teeth and tried to explain.
"It's a song about connectivity. It tells us that we're all seeds of the sacred tree. We are all of Eywa, and eventually we will all return to her."
"The Great Mother."
Quaritch nodded his head as if he'd just put the name to the colloquialism. "Gotcha."
Spider stared at him sideways. Why did he care? Why was he listening to him?
"And this Eywa, she's the big daddy around here, right? The one all the local nuts are obsessed with..." He didn't say it as a question, more like a memory that was coming back to him from a previous life. "I remember Augustine..."
Spider flinched at the mention of Kiri's mom. He also wasn't used to anyone talking about Eywa in such a dismissive and disrespectful way. He'd never heard that before. "You don't see, so just stop talking."
Quaritch had the gumption to look confused.
"You think it's something to joke about. Well I don't want to hear it. Go slander her name to your boyfriend." He nodded over to Wainfleet.
"Woah, kid!" Quaritch was clearly baffled at Spider's response. "I didn't mean to offend. Don't get yourself riled up. I just wanna know why you believe so much in this... this deity."
"...Why do I believe?"
"That's right."
Spider thought about it for a moment, running his hands over the moss beneath him and watching it glow. "....Because she's real."
"Ah ah!" Quaritch made a disappointed face as if Spider had just lost a game or answered a question wrong. "That's a logical fallacy. I'm asking you what evidence do you have."
Spider frowned.
"I mean, there must be a lot if you're willing to sit and sing a song to a tree for half an hour for her."
He bristled, trying not to let Quaritch's language rile him up. "She lives in all of us," he began to explain slowly. "When we die, we return to her and the People can hear their ancestors living on at places like this. She guided Jake through her eye and blessed him with a new body." He shrugged. "If you want evidence, talk to the science guys. Oh wait..." He looked straight at Quaritch. "You already killed one of them."
Quaritch kept his face impassive, though he stretched his jaw, taking in Spider's words. "We've all wished for do-overs, kid," he finally replied, so quietly that Spider wasn't sure he'd heard correctly. Was Quaritch trying to say that he regretted killing Grace?
"You don't belong in a place like this," Spider said, having finally had enough.
"What? And you do?" Quaritch appraised him, an irritated frown line forming between his eyes. "Look at you. You can't even plug into the thing."
Spider snapped, hissing at Quaritch. How dare this man invade his privacy - invade Eywa's sacred site - spew doubts and insults and then attack Spider for not being Na'vi... "Get out!" he yelled, needing the man to retreat to at least a few feet away from the tree's edge. Preferably the middle of a deep lake with weights on his feet, if possible.
"Right, you're kinda sensitive about that, huh?"
"I said get OUT!" A breeze had swept up in the past minute or two, seeming to circle where the pair were sat. At Spider's words, it turned ice cold.
"Jesus!" Quaritch cussed, noticing the dramatic change in temperature. He stared questioningly at Spider, who remained resolutely planted on the ground, the temperature not appearing to affect him. After a second of hesitation, Quaritch got up to his feet and hastily retreated back to the camp, watching Spider the whole way.
Spider didn't know why the cold didn't bother him. He could feel it for sure, but only as if he was a passenger in his own body, feeling without really experiencing. His heart was hammering twice its usual speed. That was the second sign from Eywa today. He didn't know how or why, but it seemed like she had heard him.
She'd heard him.
"Thank you, Great Mother," he muttered, so quietly that no one would be able to hear, even Quaritch, who was stood on the perimeter of the tree, staring at Spider as if he was finally learning to See.
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davecall93 · 4 months
Binge (Finale)
Derek came back to consciousness, finding his 458 pound body seated against the wall of the kitchen floor, surrounded by food packaging and remains of what must have been another one of his spontaneous binges. He felt full but not in the sense of satiated. He felt simply that his stomach had an excess of food in it. Since the onset of his condition, he registered fullness like a storage tank. These sudden binges had happened here and there, and he turned red in embarrassment to be reminded again of his inability to control himself. Peter would come home and find him again having made a mess and have to clean up after him. 
Not that Peter minded. He had infinite patience for Derek it seemed, and Derek still occasionally marveled that Peter cared enough for him to not only stay his friend but become his partner. In fact, Peter seemed to embrace Derek’s condition, feeding Derek then getting him off. And now they lived together in some little place that Peter explained vaguely had been found by coach. 
As it was, Derek had not left the house since he first awoke there that weekend his condition presented. In fact, Peter was pretty much the only person Derek saw except Professor Schneider, from Derek’s former university, who was took an interest in the young man’s condition. Everyone else had been told that Derek had unenrolled from school after his mental break down, which did not get better after he quit the team. Derek felt uncomfortable with these visits because while Professor Schneider was very professional he seemed to get a certain glee in hearing Derek describe how he was doing. Derek knew it was natural that a medical scientist should be interested in such a strange case but it made him feel like a test subject. 
Derek could not remember anything about the week prior to waking up. The last thing he remembered was getting his vaccine and making plans to have Mexican food with Peter. Peter said that he had gone on some kind of terrible eating binge, and when he came he had somehow woken up 150 pounds heavier in a bed in a strange house with Peter standing over him holding a box of donuts. Gone was the young, tight, muscled jock : he was now a fleshy spherical young man with an inexplicable appetite: never really hungry but always ready to eat. Each time Derek chewed and swallowed, his mind went somewhere else. 
Gone also was any semblance of a confident, masculine young man. Derek had become shy, submissive and what lack of confidence he was compensating for before had been brought to the forefront. 
As he thought this he found himself reflexively reaching down to finish a half cookie that had not made into his mouth. He caught himself only after he swallowed and it was if he felt the cookie fall on top of the pile of food his stomach was digesting. The other strange thing was Derek was full but never at capacity. Peter’s enthused and loving feedings always showed there was always room for more. 
“Babe, I’m home,” heard Derek a second before he heard the door shut. Peter walked in, fresh from working out, smelling of sweat and glistening a bit in the late afternoon light. He was carrying a carton of a dozen cinnamon rolls. 
“I…uh…” sputtered Derek.
Peter looked around and smiled widely. “Oh, did we have one of our little binge sessions today, my sweet big balloon?”
Derek turned red again and began to try and excuse himself: “I don’t know what I was…”
Peter leaned down and put his finger on Derek’s lips to shush him. “Babe, it’s fine. What have I said before? You don’t have to apologize. It’s just a little cleaning.”
Derek stopped speaking and looked into Peter’s eye. They were very kind, and he felt that mix of reassurance and embarrassment that was how he always felt around Peter. He also felt stirred up in his groin. Peter could practically make him come with the right kind of stare. 
Peter sat down with the carton of cinnamon rolls. Derek eyed them nervously and said suddenly, “Oh, I don’t think…I’m pretty fulll…”
Peter laughed. “I can see that! You did a pretty good job. I wish I’d known,  I would have picked up groceries.” Peter set the carton down and pulled out the first cinnamon roll. He inspected it, as if for quality, and said, “Don’t these look good? New shop by campus. Everyone’s going there.”
“Well, maybe, later…”
With a swift move, Peter shoved the cinnamon roll into Derek’s mouth. On cue, he began to chew and his mind pulled away, focusing only on the mechanical chewing and the flow of food into the full yet paradoxically cavernous space of his stomach. Peter stared at him in the eye and he could feel himself getting worked up.
As Peter shoved cinnamon rolls into Derek’s mouth, he talked about his day. His professional prospects were essentially guaranteed, and Coach had been working hard to get him into perfect shape to start the next phase of his career. Old teammates were well. He had made a new friend at the gym, nice fellow gay guy whose name was —
When Peter said the name, even through the steady weight over his conscious mind, Derek recognized the name as the guy he had hooked up with that sent him into a spiral. Like a dam bursting, suddenly the weekend he had changed suddenly came back to him, even if very fragmented. He was not some medical freak…it had been coordinated!  And Coach and Peter and even that fucking Dr. Schneider were in out it…
Derek stopped chewing and made a sort of angry sob. “You! You all did this to me! I…how could you?! Look at me?1”
Peter remained calm and pulled back the cinnamon roll. “Babe, I don’t want to tell you to calm down, but there’s no reason to get worked up.”
“Nothing happened to me! You did this!”
“Something did happen to you, babe. But it’s okay. You’re here with me.”
“Something happened?! Then tell me for Crissake what the fuck you call this?” Derek grabbed his flanks and shook them, making Peter smirk despite himself. 
“Well,” said Peter, lowering his voice and pushing his face towards Derek, close enough to kiss. “There was beautiful boy named Derek…” he said then kissed Derek. He stared him intensely in the eyes and began to rub Derek’s spherical gut. 
Derek could feel the rage welling in him but beginning to curve at the wall of Peter’s intense, almost devilish stare. 
“I… I have to…I have to…” Derek was wavering. “I’m going to tell them what you did to me, I’m going to…”
 “And you ate him,” finished Peter on a tone so smooth and lustful that as he shoved the cinnamon roll back into Derek’s mouth, Derek’s fury fell again, getting swallowed up no differently that the cinnamon roll. 
In a second, Derek was no different from before his little outburst.
Peter smiled contentedly as he reached for the 9th cinnamon roll. The weather was nice; he had had a good day. “I could do this all day,” he thought to himself, then out loud, “I should have gotten a dozen more.” Derek chewed mechanically, not really hearing his partner talk.
Peter was used to these little outbursts. They happened every time Derek went on a binge. Dr. Schneider had offered to add a little fog to Derek’s brain but Peter rejected the offer. He felt that his ability to handle Derek was what made them such a perfect couple: Derek wanted to make Peter happy and Peter wanted what was best for Derek. Before, he had been such a tormented young man. Peter could not help but notice from the moment they met And then to have a breakdown over a little sex! Now he here he was, his big stretchy guy, well taken care of making Peter happy as could be. 
He looked around the room noting what needed to be cleaned up and what needed to go into his human garbage disposal. More than a dozen donuts, he wanted to just be in a grocery store with Derek, alone, bringing him food to eat. Dr. Schneider said if Derek did not burst during that seven day interval of feedings that first week, he probably never would. “He’s just the best,” thought Peter, and he began to tickle Derek, which sent Derek’s eyes, over the constant of his mouth, back into his head.
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