#charity auction fundraising ideas
nlwhydonate · 1 year
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Fundraising activities can draw a lot of attention to your campaign, and you can gather the set amount for your fundraiser by doing such. It involves many kinds of fundraising events. There are many good fundraising ideas and end number of solutions for your campaigns to flourish. Here we are going to answer your question to “How can I make fundraising fun?”
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kitkat238984 · 29 days
I Bid This Bitch Goodbye
Summary: As Tony Khan's niece and junior producer, you were placed in charge of an auction event where fans can win a date with their favourite wrestlers.
But when you spy a face that has caused you nothing but trouble, you are determined to bring this bitch to the ground.
Notes: I meant to post this yesterday but oh well. Happy late birthday, Hook.
4339 words.
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There was nothing particularly special about you. You were just an ordinary woman with an ordinary life, ordinary parents, and an ordinary education. You supposed the fact that your uncle-in-law happened to be a billionaire made you a little less ordinary than some others, but you never let it get to your head. Whilst in highschool you refused to let anyone know that were in close connections to such major businessmen in the sports industry. They would have flipped. 
The friends you made were genuine and you were thankful for that… but unfortunately the enemies you made were also genuine. Right bitches they were. 
You did try to make a living for yourself at first by working in a gas station, however, you weren’t really going anywhere with minimum wage, and the offer to work with your uncle in his new wrestling company was always on the table sooooo why not? A little career push never hurt anyone. 
You were now a junior producer, learning the backstage roles that made up the AEW family that you were so warmly welcomed into with open arms. Everyone seemed to like you there and you gained many friends in your first few months, Hook being one of the wrestlers you’d grown especially close with, originally getting along because of your similar ages, and now you acted as if you’d been friends since childhood. 
Of course, like any good childhood friend, he loved to mess with you and tease you, for example whenever you’re tasked to call him to the ring he thinks it’s a funny idea to go wandering around backstage, forcing you to go on a wild goose chase trying to find him. 
“I need to start keeping an air tag on you”. 
“Or maybe you should start being good at your job?” 
“I’d actually be able to do my job if you weren’t constantly playing hide and go seek”. 
Such a child… 
Or how about the few times he snatched the clipboard straight out of your hands and held it above his head where you couldn’t reach? 
“Just give it back. I need to get back to work”. 
“No one’s stopping you from working”. 
“There very clearly is someone stopping me”. 
What a dick… 
But! Today, he would regret all those times where he’d taken advantage of your job and made you look like a fool. He would be at your complete mercy and like hell would you take any pity on him; you were going to have your own back on this guy and he was going to suffer and you were going to enjoy watching it. Just like any good wrestling match. 
You walked through the hall with a proud smile glued to your face, looking forward to seeing the faces of over-adoring wrestling fans, full of hope that they can outbid everyone else for a date with some of the most favourite wrestlers AEW had to offer. 
As the organiser, you were one of the first people to arrive, only a couple of other producers and stagehands present who were setting up chairs - which were most likely to be discarded once they were in such close proximity to the wrestlers. 
Oh, revenge was sweet indeed. You made this happen, Y/N. You’re an absolute genius. 
When you proposed the idea of a charity fundraiser to your good ol’ uncle Tony about auctioning off dates with the wrestlers - not only to boost good publicity, but to give something to young children who had dreams of wrestling professionally - he immediately fell in love with the idea and told you to start making plans and secure some good people for the event. 
Those wrestlers needed to be put to good use anyway. You knew they were good for something. 
“Hey, have we got enough chairs for everyone?” you asked one of your colleagues who was setting up the seating. 
“Uhh I think so. If not, only a few people will have to stand”. 
You hum in response and start setting up the microphone and speakers before your sound guy arrives to take over. You’d hoped he would arrive soon because you had no fucking clue what you were doing. You were just tired of walking around watching everyone else do stuff. 
Whilst playing with the buttons of the soundboard, a loud, ear-piercing boom echoed through the hall, accompanied by a few pained cries you’d caused people. 
Oh, the cringe. 
You practically threw the microphone down and stepped away from the area you were working on. 
Best to leave it to the professionals. 
“Good idea. Deafen us so we can’t hear the screaming superfans later”. 
You turned to the sound of Hook’s voice to see him at the very end of the hall having just walked through the door. Just your luck for him to walk in as you embarrass yourself. But your luck was about to get better. 
“Thank you”, you replied genuinely, watching his figure moving in your direction. “You’ll need it when they’re screaming in your ears all night. Probably in more ways than one knowing your record”. 
He laughed softly and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck as he stood only a few feet away from you. 
“Hah you got me there, huh? A manwhore? Is that what you women call ‘em?” 
You shot him a warm, patronising smile. “Only behind your back”. You quickly changed your mind. “Oh who am I kidding? I call you that to your face”. 
You brushed past him, abandoning your post at the soundboard to help finish setting up the chairs, Hook closely following behind like a loyal puppy with his owner. 
“Nah I wouldn’t do that. Not with a fan, at least”. 
“Why’s that, fuckboy?” You joked. 
“Very funny”, he responded, rolling his eyes. “I’d feel like I'm taking advantage of their love and adoration for me or something like that. Not that I’d blame them of course”. 
You immediately stopped what you were doing and sent him a raised eyebrow. Like you’d believe that story. In the time you had known him, Hook had numerous women hanging off his arm (and that was only from what you had seen on social nights out with work), and sometimes those numerous women would be on one occasion. You were grateful you didn’t share the same hotel with him. Those were sounds you most definitely did not want to hear. 
He seemed to have noticed the scepticism written on your face and spoke before you had a chance to reply. “You don’t believe me?”, he asked in subtle disbelief. “I can be a gentleman, you know?” 
“You? A gentleman? I bet you’ve never even dated a girl before. I’ve only ever seen you walk out of bars with these ‘female friends’ of yours”. Despite ultimately joking, your teasing did have some truth behind it. For the four years you’d known him, you had never known this man to go out on a single actual date like to a restaurant or the movies or something cheesy like that. 
It didn’t bother you, of course. Or at least that’s what you kept on telling yourself. You had no reason to be jealous; you didn’t even like him in that way nor had you ever thought about him romantically. That was partially true until this moment. 
Sure you appreciated him, just the same as you appreciated all your hot friends. You work in the wrestling industry full of strong, sweaty, fit guys and girls. What did you expect? 
Fine! You admitted Hook was easy on the eyes. So what? It’s not like you’d ever wondered what those perfectly sculptured muscles he so proudly displays in the ring yet modestly covers underneath his hoodie felt like. And it never once crossed your mind what was so addictive about running your hands through his tousled hair as you’d seen him among all the women do repeatedly. 
Nope. None of that. Not. At. All… 
It couldn’t be that soft, right? 
Stop those intrusive thoughts, Y/N! It would never happen anyway. 
“You’ll see one day”, he defended, snapping you out of your thoughts. “I’m just trying to have fun whilst I’m still young. I’m not rushing life like you seem to be doing”. 
You sensed that you may have struck a nerve with the harsh tones in his voice as he looked at you expectedly, although you quickly felt awkward, a little ashamed of yourself for criticising his early life choices and perhaps taking your jokes a little too far. 
A big apology would have to wait, though, as there was so much shit to be done before the event started and it would have been unfair if you weren’t pulling your weight enough. After all, this was your chance to show your uncle that you had what it takes to progress in the company. 
Temporarily moving the problems with Hook to the back of your mind, you opened your mouth to speak a quick ‘sorry’ with the intention of making it up to him later like buying him a drink or something. However, another voice from only a few feet away echoed through the spacious hall. 
“Hey, who’s been messing with this setup?” 
Your sound guy must have come in without you noticing because you whipped your head around to see his face scrunched up with such confusion and frustration. You winced and turned away, pretending you didn’t know anything. Perhaps there was time for one long, drawn out apology. 
Never had you been more relieved to be made fun of, hearing the sound of a snicker from a certain hooded figure standing before you to which you smiled lightheartedly in response. You should have known he wouldn’t stay mad at you for long. 
What seemed like what was meant to be the end of the conversation clearly wasn’t because Hook still insisted on standing opposite you, staring and twitching his nose as if something was bothering him. 
“What do you want?” You asked, not wasting any time and getting back to setting up chairs. 
“What makes you think I want something?” 
“Oh I’m sorry. Don’t you?” Sarcasm was basically your second language. 
Hook was silent for a few seconds, allowing yourself to secretly smirk whilst your back was turned away from him. Just wait for it. 
“Okay yeah I do want something”. Bingo. You were right as always. “I need you to bid for me”. 
You scoffed into a breathy laugh. He couldn’t be serious, right? That’s like straight up asking you on a date without actually saying it and with a lot more complications than there needed to be. He continued. 
“I’d give you the money back, I swear. I just really really don’t want to date a fan who’s desperate enough to be here to win a date with me. It’ll be chaos”. 
As much as you questioned the cruel wording, you understood where his point was coming from. The entry fee in itself was five-hundred dollars and these people would have had to have been glued to their screen, waiting for the tickets to go on sale. On top of that, they wouldn’t even guarantee a date because they’d still have to bid a ridiculous amount of money in the auction. 
You’d love to help him but you already had your sweet sweet revenge all planned out. 
“Ooo it’s sooooo nice that you’re willing to give all that money to charity, and I’d hate seeing you at the mercy of some overbearing girl - or guy for that matter - buuut no. I’m not going to bid for you. It’d be wrong of me since, if you haven’t noticed, I’m running the whole thing”. 
Hook’s silence spoke volume as he now knew exactly how you felt about him being in this auction. 
“Bitch…” he muttered, turning to the side. 
“What was that?” you asked sternly, finally facing him, not having stopped setting up the chairs until now. 
“I said I… need to talk to Mitch”. He pointed to one of the guys on the other side of the room and pretended to approach him. 
You sighed before calling out whilst he was still within a few feet away, “His name is Thomas”. 
“Then I need to talk to Thomas, bitch”. 
“Oh just fuck off”. The conversation ended with you indignantly laughing at his teenager-y antics. 
Every single chair that you among others had placed had someone sat in it - well, they were all allocated, at least. One crazed fan that caught your eye was standing, of course, violently shaking the person next to her who you really hoped was her friend and not some stranger she was using as a human cocktail shaker. 
It was show time. Honestly, you had no other job than to make sure everything was in check, ensuring that the auction went as you had envisioned. No introduction was needed as Tony Shiavone (who was way too happy to be the announcer for a change) went straight to it, announcing the first wrestler up for grabs, and you were quite content standing off to the side where you could watch the whole show as well as watching the crowd. 
“Coming in from St. Marks Place, he’s cold-hearted, he’s definitely handsome, and the girls go crazy for him”. 
Ha ha! Although it was the first auction, this was definitely the main event in your opinion. The one you had been looking forward to the most. 
“Weighing in at 202 pounds, he currently holds the championship for the best single life. He’s Hoooooooooook!” 
If the pool of merchandise wasn’t enough to figure out exactly how big of fans these people were, the screaming made it all too obvious. You hardly heard his song playing due to a mix of the yelling and the (hopefully temporary) deafness it caused you. 
Seeing Hook walk on stage as just himself without the aloof persona he puts on was strange to say the least. It felt as though all these people got to experience a side to him that only you had the pleasure of seeing, which you knew was absolutely ludicrous because you weren’t the only person in his life. Perhaps it was the fact that these ‘people’ were the women who were about to pay a ridiculous amount of money at a chance for his heart. 
Was this what jealousy felt like? 
No, of course not. You had no reason to be jealous. You were about to relish in the suffering he was about to endure by one of these fans. 
But what if the date… went well? What if he actually started a relationship with that woman? What would that mean for the two of you? 
You desperately tried to shake your head out of those thoughts. He said he wouldn’t romantically involve himself with a fan anyway. 
…but what if-? No! Shut up, Y/N! 
Hook’s eyes immediately met yours, eyebrows raising as if to say ‘wish me luck’, to which you smirked in a reply, reminding yourself that this whole event was meant to be enjoyable for you. 
“And we’ll start the bidding at three-hundred dollars. Oh straight in with the three-hundred”. 
The bids came in so fast that you could hardly comprehend how many bidding paddles were flying up in the air until they began to slow down as the price continued to rise to those outrageous prices you were waiting to hear. 
“Two-thousand dollars to the woman in the front here. Is there a twenty-one-hundred here?” 
The higher the bids came in, the fewer women that were left standing, eventually cutting it down to just two, and then to one, and boy were they desperate. 
“That’s five-thousand dollars to the woman at the front going once”. 
Pause. You peered at the lucky lady who had won the date with Hook and what came into your view could have made your body implode from how badly your blood was boiling. 
“Going twice”. 
Pause. It couldn’t be her, could it? But that long golden blonde hair and sharp facial features were completely undeniable. 
“Five-thousand one-hundred!” Your voice spoke out before you even had time to think, your glare not having left the woman who stood on the front row. Her disgusting victorious smile returned her natural hideous jealous scowl you’d known for years which whipped in your direction as probably many other heads, including Hook’s, did - not that you were paying any attention to anyone else now that the woman who had been harassing you for almost two years was here in front of you. 
You were lucky you hadn’t spoken to the audience yet because you feared what kind of backlash you and the company would have received if anyone knew you - an organiser - started bidding in their own event. 
“Two-hundred!” Her voice fought back to which you quickly retaliated with a hundred dollars more. Like hell was this bitch going to get what she wanted. 
You knew Petra from highschool. She was one of those who thought she and her friends were oh so much better than you because of how much makeup they wore and how trendy their new Prada outfit was. She even bragged about her grades from time to time. After all, she did a lot of grinding on hard work to achieve those. 
“Six thousand!” 
Where the hell was she getting this money from? 
You presumed she was rich all these years, but not ‘I’m gonna buy myself a famous boyfriend’ rich. 
“Seven!” You on the other hand had no reason to worry about money. One huge benefit of working in your uncle’s business was the generous pay. Uncle Tony really did not hold out when it came to paying his staff. 
You could see Hook’s perplexed look from beneath his hoodie directed at you, most likely wondering why you had such the change of heart, but you couldn’t let your focus drift away from the burden sitting on the front row. She must pay. 
After you graduated and All Elite Wrestling had taken off, word had gotten out that you were Tony Khan’s niece, so when you mistakenly decided to post on Instagram about your new job there, the number of private messages you had received from people you had hardly spoken to in the past came flooding in, asking if you could get them tickets, or arrange a meet and greet with their favourites. 
You’d decided to ignore all of them, however, there was one who was painfully persistent that you eventually had to tell them to shut the fuck up because it was never gonna happen. That person was, of course, Petra. Every week or so it was all ‘Can you set me up with Hook?’, ‘Oh my god isn’t Hook just the hottest?’, and ‘Can’t you do this for me after all you put me through in high school?’ 
Who the hell did she think she was? A princess? Not everything isn’t her fault. 
You didn’t fail to notice the slight panic in her widened eyes after you raised the price by another thousand dollars. 
Where’s daddy’s allowance now, bitch? 
She hesitantly gestured to Shiavone to up the bid another hundred, however, now you knew she was running short of money, you felt you could wrap this up pretty swiftly. 
“Eight-thousand dollars”, you said with a smirk. You were definitely going over your limit and you’d probably have to budget your shopping for a couple of months, but boy would it be worth it in the end to see that smug face wiped clean off. 
“Nine-thousand dollars!” How many sugar daddies does this girl have? She probably knows she can leave and suck someone’s dick for another 1k. 
No matter how she got the money, you knew you had more. 
“Ten–thousand dollars!” The murmurs and Petra’s silence spoke all. You saw her visibly gulp and glance around the floor in disbelief. She wasn’t going to find another two thousand dollars on the floor so you really did not know what she could have been looking around for. She lost her pride a long time ago and she sure as hell wasn’t going to find it here. 
“And the date with Hook goes to uhh… the lady over there for ten-thousand dollars!” 
You sent Tony a small, thankful smile for not telling everyone who you were, and you were quite surprised that Petra hadn’t said anything appalling yet given she too knew that you had to have had a part in this event. She’d even begged you for weeks in advance if you could rig the event for her. In hindsight, you really shouldn’t have been at all shocked to see her here. 
One of the backstage crew gestured for you to follow them to which you obliged, leaving the noise of disappointed groans behind you. One glance at Hook before you disappeared behind the curtain told you that this situation was just as awkward for him as it was now for you. 
Your mind scoured for a suitable justification as to why you might have spoken up when you did. 
You could say it was for charity? Those unfortunate kids were about to be bathed in riches and opportunities with the amount of money being thrown at them. 
Not having any faith in your poor, disingenuous excuse, and seeing Hook making his way towards you, you decided that perhaps it would be better if you simply told him the truth. It was a valid reason after all. You wanted Hook to suffer for all the teasing he had done to you in the past but you didn’t want to torture him to death. 
“Is that why you decided to work here?” 
You stared at him with a puzzled look and he continued. 
“Because you’re a secret superfan?” 
Rolling your eyes, you scoffed and whilst waiting for an actual response to come to your mind, another half laugh, half scoff filled the silence, making his claim seem like the truth. You had not joined the AEW team because you were a Hook superfan (because you weren’t), but over the years of working alongside him in the background, you had naturally become one of his biggest fans. 
“Yeah, you wish”. You regretted the poor excuse for a comeback as soon as it left your lips. 
“Sooo are you gonna tell me why you just bid for me or are you gonna stand there all awkward?” He asked after a long hesitation. 
Yep. The truth is better than an obvious lie. 
“I knew the other woman from high school and trust me when I tell you that I was doing you a favour. She’s a slut. A tart. A whore if you will. I swear in God’s name if I ever see her again I will-” 
“Alright alright I get it. You can tell me more on our date”. 
You were glad Tyler decided to interrupt you there as you hadn’t even realised your hands clawing at thin air as if choking the very woman you hadn’t been able to get out of your life since you started working here. She had caused nothing but distractions and… 
Wait, what? 
Hook chuckled at your doe eyes. “You won fair and square, right?” 
“Well yeah but I didn’t realise that– I didn’t think– I thought you wouldn’t– okay, a date sounds great”. 
“Are you sure? I didn’t think you’d want to date a ‘fuckboy’ like me”. 
Ah shit. Yeah you forgot about that. Well you supposed now would be a better time than any for an apology. 
“Look I really am sorry for that. I was–” 
“It doesn’t matter. You weren’t completely wrong. But I won’t be like that with you. How about tonight?” 
You sent a warm smile of relief. Perhaps you had just been in denial all this time because you were suddenly super excited for this date with this good-looking, hilarious, kind friend of yours. 
“Sounds perfect. It’ll probably be late, though. I have to help clean up”. 
“I’ll wait, don’t worry”. 
He edged past you and left you with your heart feeling like it was about to burst out of your chest and with butterflies hitting every inch of your stomach lining. The shaky breath you let out was quickly sucked back in when two hands gripped your hips and pulled your body close to theirs. 
“I like it when you're nervous around me. Cocky didn’t suit you”, Hook muttered in your ear. Every part of you tingled now and you felt you could hardly move. 
That would’ve been awkward if it wasn’t Hook. 
You managed to turn your body, watching him make his way to the back door, looking like he was walking down a fashion runway or something. 
Before he could reach for the handle, you called out to him, not letting him get away with the comment you had just realised he made. 
“You’re still going to pay me back, though, right?” 
He turned with a smirk and without saying anything, stuck both his middle fingers up at you before leaving the building. 
Smug bastard… 
You spent the remainder of the day with a gigantic grin plastered upon your face. You hadn’t dared show yourself on stage as the organiser after your little showdown with Petra, and you had hoped that all of those people out there would never figure out who you were either. 
Perhaps she would leave you alone now after that whole ordeal, knowing that she lost and would finally be able to accept that she will never be able to get to Hook through you. You had to give her some credit, however, because without her, some other girl would have won and you would never have been given this date opportunity. 
Instead, you would probably be eating ice cream in bed in pure jealousy rather than savouring the humiliation you had originally wished upon your date. 
Your date… Ah! Exciting! This ten grand had better be worth it. 
Bonus: A few private messages! (I had no idea what I was doing)
Message #1
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Message #2
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Message #3 (Blurry schmurry. It's fine)
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End notes: I would like to apologise for being naive. I thought it was cool that Chris and Hook were teaming, especially since I saw Chris Jericho's band in Feb (which was great btw) and I got overexcited at their collaboration. I scold myself everyday since he pushed Taz and took the belt.
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okay shop girl and bruce attend a fashion show for something yk bruce was just invited or it’s for some charity and he needs to go to uphold the wayne enterprises reputation or whatever 🙈so they go and they’re watching and it’s kinda boring, kinda interesting, they’re just talking w each other and a piece sparks shop girls interest and bruce notices 💗 then he gives it to her as a gift or somethin
idk just an idea! 😌 i had to watch a fashion show in a marketing class and it made me think of them 🤍
Previous Part | Masterlist | Next Part
Warnings: Fluff!! So much fluff! POV Shifts between Bruce and Shop Girl
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“You’re home early.” 
His voice is thick from disuse, and you can't help but wonder if you'd managed to wake him. You glance up from where you’re standing, sorting through the mail on the kitchen counter, and smile as a sleep-ruffled Bruce drifts into the kitchen. 
“You’re up early.” You shake your sleeve back to eye your watch. “It’s barely three in the afternoon.” 
“Alright, smartass. I might still go back to bed,” Bruce grumbles, scrubbing his hand over his eyes. You grin as he pecks your lips, and you raise your hand, sweeping your thumb across his budding stubble. Bruce curls his arms around your middle, pressing his face into your neck as you turn back to the mail. 
“You’re getting scruffy.”
“I’ll shave.” 
“I kinda like it.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” 
You squirm, giggling softly as he pointedly nuzzles against you. 
“Is everything alright?” Bruce adds. 
“Hm?—Oh, yeah. My boss had a meeting with the board, so she gave us the afternoon. We’re regrouping in the morning.” 
“...Am I supposed to be at that meeting?” 
“I’m sure you could read the minutes later.” 
“I’m sure I won’t.” 
You snort, setting another invitation aside. You feel Bruce lift his head, resting his chin on your shoulder. 
“What are the stacks?” He asks.
“Left is yours, middle is mine, right are joint invitations.” 
“And the pile closest to you?” 
“Junk mail?” 
“And invites that just aren’t gonna be, you know. It.” 
“Such as?” 
“Well, your invitation to judge the Miss Gotham pageant, for one.” 
“I might want that.”
“Not funny. And a fundraiser for the Gotham Opera.” 
Bruce falls quiet for a few testy moments, and you resume sorting through the remaining stacks. You don't need to tell him why you've chosen to discard that particular invite.
“We could go,” He offers after a few moments. 
“We could,” You concede, “But it would cut into your nightly activities, and I’m not an opera fan.” 
“Nn-nn. Too stuffy for me.” 
Bruce lifts his head fully, pressing a long, grateful kiss to your temple. You smile, leaning back against him more heavily as his kisses trail over your cheek, down to your jaw.
“What are the invitations you’re considering?” He asks. 
“There is a fundraiser for the Gotham Fashion Institute that Liz has gotten us on the list for. She thinks it’d be a good way to ease us into joint public appearances.” 
“You wanna go?” 
“I think it could be fun.”
“When is it?” 
“In a couple of weeks.” 
“Seems short notice.” 
“It is. She said they had a few cancellations.” 
“So we’re the second-string guests.” 
“They didn’t think you’d go, so they didn’t invite you in the first place.” 
“You have a dress?” 
“I’ll find one. Might ask Liz if she knows anyone who can get something together for me on short notice.”
“You’ve been talking to Liz an awful lot these days.” 
“I guess,” You shrug. “She and Grant have been a lifeline for this press stuff.” 
“Gotham Fashion Institute, then. Anything else?” 
“A fundraiser for the Gotham History Museum—” 
“A gala for the Gotham Academy, aaaaand,” You eyed the return address on an envelope in your hand, “A silent auction for the Gotham City Science Institute.” 
“So all of these involve some kind of donation?” 
“You’re good for it.” 
Bruce chuckles, turning you in his arms as you set the letters aside. 
“What am I gonna do with you?” He teases, shaking his head. You smile, curling your arms around his shoulders and cuddling closer. 
“I can think of a few things.” 
"So can I."
Bruce grasps the back of your thighs, and your stomach swoops as he eases you back onto the counter, scattering the stacks of mail. His lips cover yours before you can tease or fuss. You slide your hand up into his hair, groaning softly as he tugs you closer.
"I thought," You mumble between kisses, "That you were...Going back to bed."
"We both are."
The press isn’t as much of a shock as it used to be, but you haven’t had a clamor like this since Bruce brought you home from Gordon’s office. Your name is being yelled, along with Bruce’s, and you can hardly take anything in for the rapid flashing of cameras. Bruce’s hand rests on your hip, anchoring you to his side as your gazes sweep the press in front of you. 
You’re smiling, right? You’re almost certain you are—your cheeks hurt from how much you’re pushing it—
You feel Bruce lean in, his lips brushing your ear: 
“Are you giving them your panicked smile?” 
You can’t help but break into a real smile, fighting back a chortle. You know that he’s right. 
“Don’t make me laugh in this dress,” You warn. “I’ll burst out of my shapewear.” 
Bruce’s laugh heartens and warms you, and you lean into him as the camera flashes seem to double. He steers you away from the step and repeat after a few moments, ignoring the calls for one last picture. 
“Take your time,” He counsels, “Your eyes will adjust.”
“I should start wearing sunglasses to these things,” You grumble, squeezing one eye shut, then the other in turn. As you adjust, you become acutely aware of the number of people looking at the two of you. Nerves well up, your stomach sinking with panic. You only just manage to keep from taking a step back, letting Bruce’s hand steady you. 
“We can leave whenever you want,” Bruce murmurs. 
“We should at least stay for the fashion show. Otherwise it’ll just seem rude.” 
“Who cares?” 
“I do!” 
“I do?” Liz’s voice is a welcome reprieve among the curious murmurs surrounding you. “Do I hear wedding bells for you two?” 
“Jesus—” You hiss over Bruce’s admonishing, “There wasn’t enough material in the rumor mill already, Liz?” 
“Mm,” Liz shrugs, hooking her arm through yours. “I was getting bored with everyone’s rumors about Grant and I getting married. Figured I’d stir the pot, give us a break. Come on!” Liz begins to draw you away from Bruce, “Let’s get you a drink!” 
You turn to Bruce, who gently nods you away. 
“Go on. I see a few board members. I should find out what that meeting was about.” 
“Bruce, that was two weeks ago!” 
“I forgot to check the minutes.” Bruce leans in and drops a kiss to your lips before giving Liz a kiss on the cheek. You frown as you see his lips move, and watch Liz give a small nod. He turns, shooting you a wink before he turns, melting into the crowd. 
“...What was that?” You ask Liz as she guides you toward the bar. 
“He was just thanking me for getting you invited,” She excuses. You’re almost certain that it was more, but you don't want to dive into right now—not when half of Gotham’s social set is eyeing you so closely. “Let’s get you a drink, and then I have a few people I want to introduce you to.”
Keep an eye on her. 
That was all that Bruce had murmured to Liz. Bruce keeps them in his periphery as he’s drawn into a conversation with a couple of his father’s old acquaintances. He sees her gradually growing more comfortable as she’s pulled into conversation with a couple of Liz’s friends. Her nervous smile slowly shifts into a genuine one, and he sees a lightness in her that he’s often privy to when they’re alone. And he knows that he ought to be giving the men he's speaking with far more of his attention, but he can’t help but just…Look. 
Bruce knows that he shouldn’t glue himself to her side for the length of the evening. He’s used to swanning around these things, having empty conversations with socialites, politicians, influencers. But he also knows that he can’t be her shadow as long as they’re together. He’d spotted the invitations that were only addressed to her. People know who she is, and who she is to him, and that scares the shit out of him. But…Knowing her stubbornness, and her resilience, she’ll want to start getting the hang of these things, even without him around. 
And goddamn, is she beautiful. He doesn’t say it enough, does he? He watches her head tip back with a laugh, and he swears it brightens the room. He knows that Liz had been joking about wedding bells, but he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about it.
He hasn’t mentioned it to her, not yet. Hell, he hasn't mentioned it to anyone, not even Alfred. But if anything ever happens to him, he wants her taken care of, and comfortable. He remembers the way that she worried about money when they met, how she forced herself to go back to work after the attempted robbery—he’ll be damned if he ever lets her feel like that again. 
Bruce’s heart leaps into his throat as her head turns toward him, her eyes catching his. She tips her chin down just a little, brows raising as she mouths, You okay? It warms him in a way that he can’t describe. In a room full of strangers, in a situation that he knows well and she hardly knows at all, she’s gone out of her way to make sure he is alright. He excuses himself from his conversation, and watches as she does the same. He meets her in the middle, and before she can say a thing, he gently grasps her jaw, drawing her in for a sweet kiss. He feels her curl a hand around his lapel, a gentle hum buzzing against his lips. Bruce breaks the kiss, smoothing his hand over her hip. 
“Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” He asks, grinning as she bashfully ducks her head, averting her gaze. 
“Liz’s designer really came through at the last minute,” She excuses. 
“It’s more than the dress, baby.” 
She leans in, kissing him gently again, and Bruce can’t help but wonder if it’s as thanks, or to keep from complimenting her further. 
“We should take our seats,” She insists, nodding toward where others are beginning to drift toward the chairs on either side of the catwalk. Bruce takes hold of her hand, allowing her to lead the way. 
“How were the minutes of the meeting?” She asks. 
“I didn’t hear a word they said.”
He grins as she snorts a laugh, shaking her head. 
“Absolutely ridiculous,” She mutters. 
Truth be told, the fashion show passes Bruce by as much as the conversation with the board members did. He spends more time watching her, taking in her reactions. 
“Do you see anything you like?” She murmurs. 
“Mm,” He glances toward the current model strutting down the runway, taking in slinky white top and the cerulean tasseled skirt. “I’m not sure it’s my style.” 
“I’m not sure that it's mine, either.” 
“Wouldn’t wear it to work?” 
“I don't think it’s office-appropriate,” She giggles. He sees her expression shift, her eyes widening slightly as she watches the next model approach. Bruce casts a cursory glance toward the next model. He watches them go as he murmurs, “What do you like about that one?” 
“Who says I like that one?” She meets his eye, smiling at his disbelieving glance. She gives a small, nonchalant shrug. “The necklace is interesting.” 
Bruce looks up as the model passes, eyeing the silver x lariat necklace, with a small emerald hanging from one strand, and a small diamond hanging from the other. He turns to look at her again and finds her attention already set on the next model. She may feign disinterest, but he knows her better than to believe it.
“Honey! Are you ready?” 
“Almost!” You call back to Bruce, standing from your vanity and stepping into your heels. You smooth your hands over the skirt of your dress as you look at yourself in the mirror, drawing in a steadying breath. Tonight is going to be great. You had a nice time at the fashion show a couple of weeks ago, so the Gotham History Museum is going to be a breeze. You’ll pose for a few pictures, have a few drinks, wander around the exhibits. It’s going to be fun! Honestly, you’ve been actually looking forward to this one. You turn toward the door and raise your brows when you find Bruce there, leaning in the doorway. 
“Well?” You give him a small spin. He smiles, straightening up. 
“You look beautiful.” 
You grin, reaching up and adjusting his tie slightly. 
“You look very handsome.”
“Thank you…But I do think you’re missing something.” 
You frown, looking down at yourself. 
“My purse is on the bed—” 
“No,” He shakes his head. “It’s not the purse.” 
He draws a long thin box out of his pocket, and before you have a chance to dwell on the sheer injustice of the average depth of women’s pockets, he lifts the velvet lid. Your mouth falls open in shock, your breath catching in your throat as the familiar diamond and emerald glimmer in the light. 
“Bruce,” You breathe, shaking your head. “You didn’t.”
“I did,” He chuckles. “Turn around.” 
You do as he requests, biting your lip as the coolness of the silver brushes, then settles against your skin. You raise your fingers, trailing them across the diamond and emerald in turn as he fastens the clasp. You watch in the mirror as Bruce presses closer, feel the heat of the kiss he presses to your nape, and the firmness of his grasp as he settles his hands on your hips. 
“It looks even more stunning on you than I thought it would,” He murmurs. You shake your head, stunned at the glint of the jewels in the light. You can't even imagine how much this must've cost him.
“I love it.”
“I’m glad.” 
“Is this what you’re going to do any time I tell you that I like something?” You tease, turning to face him fully.
“Within reason.”
“So if I tell you that I like a stegosaurus skeleton tonight?” 
Bruce’s face twists in mock contemplation. 
“Alfred has been considering redecorating the garden.” 
You can’t help but laugh, giving Bruce a gentle squeeze. 
“What am I going to do with you?” 
He gently nudges the tip of your nose with his, eyes warm and smiling as he draws you into his chest.
“I can think of a few things.”
Next Part
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ihni · 7 months
Imagine, a charity auction - you know, those ones from the movies where people bid on another person and it's like a "date" or a picknick or whatever. I'm not sure about the setting or the story behind it (school? basketball fundraiser? country club stuff?), but Steve goes there (is dragged there, perhaps) and he's Over It already and thinks it's stupd, but he's got money and it's for charity so whatever, he figures he'll do his duty and bid on someone and maybe have a meal and exhange awkward small talk with whoever, and then go home.
Anyway, to his great surprise, Billy Hargrove is one of the people who have agreed to be auctioned off for charity (unknown to Steve is that the charity is for abused kids or animals, and Billy feels Strongly about that, okay?). And like, he's wearing a good shirt, unbuttoned to his chest, and tight jeans and he's smiling with white teeth and his hair is perfect and Steve hates him suddenly, is filled with rage about this guy, his bully, standing there and smiling and thinking he's gonna bring in a lot of money and probably, like, score with whoever buys him.
And the announcer must know that Billy will bring in the most money, because she saves him for last, and when she presents him she wags her eyebrows and says that whoever buys Billy will have him all to herself, for the whole evening, and that he's up for almost anything and like, Steve wants to throw up a little.
But then an idea hits him and he thinks, what better way for payback than to bid on Billy? If he wins, Billy will be his for the whole evening; he can make Billy do whatever he wants - like rearrange the garage or clean the upstairs bathroom with a toothbrush. Or maybe, just maybe, he can demand an apology for that time when the guy gave him a concussion - he doubts that it'll be sincere, but just the possibility of watching Billy Hargrove growl out an apology, however insincere, is enough to have Steve's heart speed up.
Okay, so the most likely thing to happen is that Billy will laugh in his face and refuse to do anything Steve tells him to do, but at least if Steve wins, Billy won't be going home with any of the women here. Won't get laid, if that's what he's counting on. And honestly, even if Steve won't get to live out his petty revenge fantasies, it'll be worth it just to ruin the guy's plans for the night.
So Steve checks his wallet, and then waits until the bids are trailing off - they're already higher than for anyone else, and perhaps not so strangely, it's mostly adult women who have been bidding - and then he clears his throat and doubles the latest bid.
Everyone turn to look at him, but Steve only has eyes for Billy. His eyes are very blue in the light of the spotlight where he's standing, and wide as if startled. The smile has fallen off his face, but he quickly puts it back when people's attention drift back to him for his reaction.
The gavel falls, and Steve has just won Billy Hargrove for the rest of the day.
Now. What happens next? It could be a kind of pick-your-own-adventure kind of thing.
Romantic/fluffy: They are awkward at first, but they eat their food and Billy really IS kinda different like this, when it's just the two of them, and maybe Steve asks about why he even did this, and Billy lets slip that he really DID do it for the charity, that he doesn't care about the ladies but the CAUSE, and maybe he thanks Steve for the bid. Says that it will help a lot of kids/animals. And that thank you startles Steve, because who knew that Billy could be polite, huh? Human, almost. So he doesn't go through with his plans of making Billy work for it, but instead they just hang out for the rest of the night and like, they CLICK, you know? And in the end Steve confesses that he was GOING to make Billy do menial work as payback, and when Billy laughs and asks why he didn't, he just shrugs. "I don't know," he says. "This was ... better, I guess." And Billy looks down and then back up and licks his lips and nods, too. "It was good. Thanks. For not making me scrub your bathroom with a toothbrush." And they laugh, and then maybe they drink a little more and i don't know HOW but once they're both a little tipsy and interested and such, they kiss, too.
Angsty af: Billy 100% definitely expects the worst. He heard what the announcer said, too, and he's seen the leering way these women looks at him and he KNOWS it's a meat market, barely veiled prostitution, okay, so he knows what's expected of him by whoever wins. He's been psyching himself up for it - he's gonna sleep with whoever wins him, and he'll make it worth their while because while he won't enjoy it, it's what's expected of him and besides it's for a good cause and it means that he can somehow help kids/animals who are being abused so he'll just ... do it. But then STEVE is the winner, and Billy is so confused. Because he knows that Steve hates him, he's never made a secret out of that ... so why did he bid on Billy, when he has to know what kind of auction this is? (Spoiler alert, it's not REALLY that kind of auction, but of course Billy believes it is) Obviously it's payback, right? Right. So Billy squares his shoulders and figures he's gonna take this, too - if he can sleep with some old lady, then he can definitely stomach Steve and whatever the guy has in store for him (because at least Steve is a GUY, and also maybe possibly Billy might have had a tiiiiny crush on Steve since he rolled into town. Okay it's not so tiny. Okay it's still ongoing. Fuck). It's not gonna be like in his fantasies, maybe - Steve still hates him, after all - but he'll take what he can get. And so when they get somewhere alone and Steve starts making awkward smalltalk, maybe Billy is so set on what he's sure going to happen, that he decides to take the first step. Get it over with. Rip the bandaid off. So he turns so he's facing Steve and is like "Okay, so how do you wanna do this?" Steve looks confused and is like, "What?" Billy continues, powering through, "How do you want me? On my knees, or ...?" or maybe he just drops to his knees, to show that he's not gonna back out, he's not a pussy ... Cue a very confused and appalled Steve, but not for the reasons Billy probably thinks. Bad continuation; Steve goes with it, because hell, how many chances are he going to get to shut Billy up this way? Less bad continuation; Steve is horrified and pulls him to his feet again and they talk and clear the air. Billy being like "... but I thought you bid on me for payback" and Steve's like "Yeah, I was gonna make you clean my bathroom, you idiot!" (and Billy's like "... I'd rather suck your dick.")
Somewhere in between the two: Steve DOES go through with making Billy do menial work at his house as a means of payback. And Billy knows that he doesn't have to do it, that he can just up and leave, but he figures a) he kinda owes it to the guy for breaking his face that one time and also b) it's for charity and Steve DID shell out a lot for his payback so Billy will play along. So he rearranges Steve's garage, with dusty heavy boxes and stuff. He cleans the bathroom ... with a goddamn toothbrush, because apparently Steve is mentally eight years old. Steve, in turn, didn't expect Billy do ANY of the things he came up with, and is confused as to why Billy hasn't punched him in the face and left, yet. So he comes up with worse and worse things for Billy to do; hand-wash his dirty socks. Crawl in under the crawlspace under the house to remove old building material. Clean the drain under the sink. The whole time, he's expecting Billy to snap and just, stop. But he doesn't. So when Steve tells him to climb onto the roof and remove the bird's nest in the chimney and Billy's only reply is to ask for a ladder, Steve snaps (because that's dangerous, okay? he could DIE). "What the hell, Hargrove, why are you doing this??" "Doing what?" "Everything I say!" and then they shout a bit and it all ends with Billy saying that it's his way of saying sorry for what happned at the Byers' house, and Steve is stunned because he did NOT actually expect an pology. And of course Billy is embarrassed for not understanding that Steve didn't actually expect him to do all that stuff, and Steve feels like shit for making him do all that stuff when apparently the only reason why he did it was as a way of an apology. And by then it's pretty late so Steve offers for Billy to have a shower at his place and he'll get a late dinner started (they never even got to the eating part, since Steve didn't think Billy would even stay around for the FIRST task). And they have a late dinner together. And talk, like two civil people. And actually learn a bit about each other, after that.
(I'm sure there are like 20x more events that could happen, too. I just like the charity auction plot and I want like ALL the variations.)
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artists-ally · 7 months
{Train Wreck} Azriel x Cassian!Sister {Pt. 2}
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Why hello there my loves!!! There was so much positive response for that first part???? I cannot believe people genuinely enjoy my writing so much it makes me feel so appreciated! Anyway, here is part two! Enjoy!! Also, I promise other parts won't be this long, I got a little carried away 😅
Part 1
Word Count: 16,171 (totally should've made this two parts but... oh well)
Warnings: Modern AU, OFC, language, hurt/comfort, angst, arrest, drinking, gambling, mentions of trauma, trauma responses, panic attacks
Summary: As Ira gets settled in, there is a constant set of eyes on her from Cassian. He offers Ira a chance to make a good impression, but is bringing his train wreck of a sister to his annual charity event a good idea?
Tagging: @blessthepizzaman @cyrygher @librafairy @needylilgal022 @thelov3lybookworm @bubybubsters
It has only been two days and I already want to push Cassian off a bridge. 
His rules are in-fucking-sane. He won’t let me outside before eight, and wants me to be back by ten. There is no going outside unless I clear it with him first, tell him when I get wherever I’m going, and when I get back. I mean, how ridiculous can he get? 
Apparently even more. 
“And I will need you to sign this.”
Cassian slid a piece of paper across from me. In addition to the other one he gave me of the drafted fucking mandate. “Is this some kind of a joke?” It was an NDA.
“We–meaning Rhys, Az, and myself– have a very strict confidentiality agreement. Not only with ourselves but with our investors, lawyers, and employees. Since you are going to be living with me for the foreseeable future, you need to be a part of that. We are going to discuss business operations when you are around and you are not allowed to repeat them to anyone. Under any circumstances.”
“And who exactly am I going to be repeating all of these things to?”
Cassian shrugs, “I don’t know, and I really don’t care. You’re gonna make new friends, Ira. And we aren’t exactly a small town rodeo here, so people will know who we are and will want to know shit. So, sign here, and then you are free to go.”
“I’m hardly free, I feel like I’m back in juvy,” I whispered that last part for only me to hear, flicking the pen across the paper. “Happy?”
“Sure, I’m happy,” he rolled his eyes. “Oh, and before I forget, you’re coming out with us tonight.”
My ears perked up at that. Cass got up and I scurried after him, the dining room chair scratching on the floor. “Really? When? And for what?”
“Every year we have a fundraiser for our community,” Cassian explains as I quicken my pace to keep up with him. Fuck him and his long ass legs. “All the money we make from the auction, poker tournament, and bingo night are collected and donated to the city.”
“Bingo, really?”
“We have to appease the older crowd somehow,” Cassian shrugged, heading down a long hallway in his house. It was a lot more compact than Rhys and Feyre’s home, but equally as flamboyant. It was smooshed in a line of townhouses somewhere in the city. Cassian opened a door to a guest bedroom and led me to a closet. “Here are some of Nesta’s old dresses. A couple of Feyre’s too, and some of Mor’s.”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not but I am not built like they are, Cass. What the hell am I supposed to do with those?”
“Figure it out,” he gave me an unamused smile. “You’re crafty, I’m sure you can make something work.”
He left me in the closet and I looked around. It has been years since I’ve worn anything other than jeans and a t-shirt, let alone a dress. The closest thing was the skirt I had borrowed from Mor a few days ago. 
As I rummaged through, I slowly began to realize that none of these were going to fit. I was going to have to figure something out because who knew when the next time I could go out would be. And I was not going to miss this.
There were a couple of options, and when I tried them on, either the zipper in the back wouldn’t move or the sleeves wouldn’t fit over my shoulders. Sometimes the bust was too tight, but the waist was fine, or the other way around. I ripped more than a few on accident. My best bet was to find two similar colors and try and piece them together. 
I snatched two black dresses and went back to my room. I looked at the pair of scissors on my desk and at the dresses. I hoped no one would need these one day. 
My cuts were average and jagged, but I had plans to pin them together with some safety pins I found in a drawer. I cut off the skirt of one of them and made a slit to the hip. When I shimmied it on, I rolled over the hem and pinned it in place, making it as even as I could. The top would be… tricky. 
I didn’t have a choice but to cut off the sleeves and make it completely strapless. And I had to cut a V in it so my boobs would fit. Normally I loved them, but right now they were my mortal fucking enemy– besides the law of course. It was tight across my ribs, but at least I could breathe. There was some good boning in the bodice so at least I wouldn’t flash anyone.
Not that I would mind, I needed some action. To blow off some steam since being reinstated with Cassian. 
And there was little I could do to keep my thoughts away from Azriel. About blowing off some of my steam with him. And blowing him in general.
Fuck was he hot. I mean, it seemed impossible to have such an attractive group of people all in one spot, and then there was me. I wouldn’t ever say that I was ugly, but Mor and the others? Devastatingly gorgeous.
But that’s besides the point. Azriel has been around, but really never around. He’s here in the morning when I wake up, but never comes back until late at night. Which leaves me with little to no time to admire him. I can hear him come in since his room is right next to mine, but he never acknowledges me. 
Probably for the better. Or worse, I haven't decided yet.
Azriel was secluded, I could gather that much. And from what Cassian told me he was– or had been– struggling through something. But what did that have to do with me? It wasn’t like I wanted to marry the guy, I just wanted him to rail me and then I’d be good. What's so harmful about that?
But don’t even get me started on the way he acts whenever he is around me. He’s kind of a prick, always making fun of the way I’m dressed or the way I wear my hair. Always has some rude remark that makes me want to punch that perfect face of his. And kiss it. 
There is definitely something seriously wrong with me and my delusional thinking but I refuse to acknowledge it because it is the only coping mechanism I have developed that doesn’t involve me in handcuffs.
Now, if Azriel wanted to put me in handcuffs then-
“Ira?” Mor called from somewhere. “Where are you?”
“My room,” I mumbled around the roll of body tape in my mouth as I tried to lay the fabric over my bits to cover me up. “God fucking dammit.”
“Uh oh, Nesta isn’t going to be happy when she sees you mangled her engagement dress.”
“Her what?” Oh no, no no no Cassian is going to end me.
Mor burst out laughing and leaned up against the wall. “I’m just fucking with you. It was one of my old college sorority dresses. It’s no big deal, I didn’t even know I had that one still.”
“Oh, well… sorry. I wouldn’t have needed to if Cassian just took me somewhere to buy a dress,” I apologized, turning in the mirror. “What do you think?” “Cassian is going to hate it,” she smirked, looking over my shoulder. 
“Perfect,” a grin of my own spreading. “Please tell me there is going to be alcohol at this event?”
“There always is, but whether or not you can have any isn’t up to me,” Mor put up her palms and sat down on the vanity stool. “I think it’s a bit ridiculous, what Cass is doing.” “Thank you,” I sighed out, taping the last bit into place and stretching to make sure it wouldn’t come loose. “Not that we know each other super well, but there are reasons why he should do it. Part of me knows he’s just doing it to keep me safe, but I also know its payback from years ago.” “Can I ask about you and him or is that just not something you're willing to share?” She asked, unlike Rhys or Azriel did. That in and of itself meant more to me than anything in the world. 
Mor was nice, nicer than anyone I had ever come across. It’s who I spent a good chunk of my time with when she was here and not working at Midnight’s Shadow, Azriel’s club. We had built up a little bit of a relationship in the two days since she was the only one who bothered to ask for my number. 
“It’s really fucking complicated. I was about 14 when he left? I think? I don’t know, it doesn’t matter. But I heard him in his room and then he was…” I shook my head, that sting in my throat coming back like it did every time I talked about it. “It wouldn’t have bothered me so much if he had just fucking told me.”
“He didn’t even give you a heads up?” I shook my head. “What the fuck?”
I just shrugged. “It’s fine. I’m over it.” Definitely not over it. “And I don’t want anything I tell you about him to change your perception. I’m sure he’s a much different person now.” “That’s exactly it, though. He is such a family person, so to speak, that it kind of shocks me. He loves getting us together and doing card nights with movies. To hear he acted like that? For fucks sake Ira I didn’t even know you existed… It’s hard to think anything but differently about him.”
I bit back the tears. Card nights and movies? That's what we used to do together. She didn’t need to see me cry, and I didn’t want her to either. “It’s not his fault. I don’t blame him for not mentioning me. There isn’t much to talk about.”
“Why would you say that?” Mor said politely, “share what you want, I don’t want to overstep.”
I fiddled with my fingers. Playing with the devil's on my shoulders. Should I just bite the bullet and get it over with? I just sighed. “When he left I had a lot of issues. A really hard time coping with it all. I made some pretty awful decisions and ended up in a correctional facility. Not really juvy, but not really not juvy if that makes sense? I don’t know if he even knows about it at all. Nothing good happened after he left and… I don’t really know. I do, but-”
“Ira,” Mor said in a very soft tone. Like she was trying to keep from scaring a wounded kitten. “You share when you’re ready. And I will listen.”
I couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think clearly as tears clouded my eyes. Mor stood up and came to a halt in front of me. “You’re gonna get through this, Ira. It’s gonna fucking suck, and I don’t think you’re gonna find someone who understands that more than I do. When I was-”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Shh,” she hissed, and I sealed my lips, a smile spreading across the pressed line. “I am a one-for-one person. You give, I give. You take and I take. I know there aren’t many people in this world you trust, so let me make it a little easier for you.”
I just nodded. 
“When I was younger, I also made some mistakes. Got involved with the wrong group of people and ended up paying the price. It took me years to get over and I wasn’t sure that it was ever going to get better. Or that I’d ever be able to trust people blindly again. Then I met Rhys and he lent a helping hand. And, believe it or not, your brother made a huge difference in my life.”
“You’ve gotta be joking,” I snickered. “Nope,” she shook her head. “When he’s not entangled in work he can actually be a really fucking good time.”
“That somehow doesn’t surprise me at all.”
“What I’m trying to get at is everyone here has had some shit to deal with in their life.” She took my hands in hers. “Rhys was on the verge of bankruptcy, Feyre had to drop out of art school to take care of Nyx… we’re basically a refuge for misfits. You’re gonna fit right in. Now, enough with the heart-to-heart, you and I are going to go get our nails done.”
“We are?” I couldn’t help but let a tear slip through, and I sniffled. “I have to ask Cassian.” “He is so overbearing I swear,” Mor looked to the sky and cursed. “You get out of this and I’ll go talk to him.”
“Okay,” I squeezed her hands before she left. I know I told myself to not get attached to her, but fuck was she making it hard. As much as I want to fall into her arms for telling me everything was gonna be alright, that wasn’t realistic. And she wasn’t my fucking mother, and I wasn’t five. She didn’t need to shoulder my burdens. It wasn’t her job. 
She’s just being nice. She’s just being nice. 
I ripped the top off my chest– quite literally– and laid it out on the bed to wear for later. After I had gotten changed, I met Mor downstairs where she was talking with Cassian. I tried to slip past them to the kitchen but-
“Ira,” Cassian shouted. Dammit. “Come here.”
“Yes, Colonel Sanders?”
“Stop calling me Colonel Sanders,” he rolled his eyes. Mor snickered and Cassian glared. “Why didn’t I know beforehand that you wanted to go out?”
“It wasn’t her idea, Cass,” Mor countered. “I told you that.” “Seriously, I had no idea until she just came up,” I tried to express it as genuinely as I could. Unfortunately, another skill I had developed was seeming extremely genuine when I couldn’t give two shits. 
“You’re gonna go with her?”
“Yes, dumbass. I am the one taking her,” Mor smacked the back of his head. “We’ll be back in two hours.”
“Fine,” Cassian pinched his nose.
“On second thought, maybe three. She needs some shoes to match that… new dress.”
“Do I even want to know?” “Nope,” Mor and I said at the same time, and we bounced out of there as fast as we could before Cassian could change his mind. She walked to a shiny, obviously just washed Mercedes SL Roadster. Navy blue with light gray interiors. Convertible. H.O.T.
“Okay, this car is sick.” I was basically foaming at the mouth. “What's the top speed you’ve reached in this thing?”
“The speed limit,” she winked, but mouthed a hundred and twelve. “We have an appointment to catch, but on the way back I’ll drive the back roads and give you a taste of the wind.”
I climbed in and sank into the seat. This car was comfier than my bed. Not that that was surprising, I was basically sleeping on a cardboard box. When I asked for Cassian's room, I should’ve specified that I wanted his room at his house. Not the one he occasionally slept in. But I guess he and Nesta needed the space. 
Boy were they bad at being subtle in the middle of the night. 
I need to make a list of things to get and double underline earplugs.
Mor must’ve been a local celebrity with the way the salon employees greeted her and offered her a seat right away. 
“Who have you brought with you?” 
“This is Ira, my good friend's sister. She’s staying with us for a while and we have the charity event at the casino tonight so I thought we should make a whole day out of it,” Mor smiled, scanning the wall of nail polish.
“Oh how fun. I’m Claire, Mor’s nail tech,” the lady introduced. “Please, take a seat and let's see what we can do for you this time around.”
On the way over I had looked up some nail inspo on Pinterest. Mor told me, word for word, to ‘get whatever the fuck I wanted’ because it was her treat and she’s always wanted a little sister to spoil and pamper. I wasn’t sure how that made me feel, but I think I liked it. 
I pulled up the picture on my phone: medium length but very pointy. The accent nail was matte black, the others a shiny, deep maroon that faded into black at the tips. Those also got a sparkly topcoat and some crystals on the accent nail. I had a vision to do a dark smokey-winged eyeliner look with some ombre lips to match the nails. 
Very classy but a little bit of ‘fuck with me and you’ll regret it’ vibe. 
I watched intently as the technician, Melinda, carefully crafts the nails. How these people did this I’ll never know. The powder seemed like a fucking struggle. She started telling me something about the liquid-to-powder-ratio and my brain left the conversation. Very underrated artists for sure. 
“So, what do you want to do with your hair?” Mor asked, bending her fingers to look at the pretty coral color on her nails. They were super shiny, almost a chrome finish. 
“I saw this picture of a shaggy kind of french twist? I think I could figure it out,” I shrugged, looking at my nails before sticking them under the curing lamp. “What about you?”
“I’m just gonna curl it,” she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. “Oh, don’t forget to remind me about the shoes.” “No, it’s fine. I have some different options. This is more than enough.” I had seen the prices of the manicure package. It included a full manicure plus a full set of nails. And it was not cheap. 
“Please, Mor,” I let out a nervous laugh. I cut it off almost immediately. I cannot start doing the Dana thing. “I don’t need the shoes. This is perfect.”
She just nodded, letting it go. 
Thank. God. I did not have time to get into the whole underprivileged child thing. Where it made me feel sick to my stomach to not only ask for something, but to have people offer it knowing full well that I did want it, but would deny every offer. It made me feel guilty because I should be grateful for what I do have. I didn’t need it, but I still wanted it. A feeling somewhere between pity and desperation. 
I didn’t want people to feel bad for me, but I just wanted someone to care. To understand even a little bit.
Trauma was such a weird, twisted thing. 
“Do you want to add the sparkly top coat or just the shiny one?” Melinda asked, twisting the two bottles in her hands.
I thought. Looked at the nails, then at the polishes. “Fuck it, let’s do the sparkly one.”
She chuckled, tapping the bottle against her palm. “It’s what I would’ve gone with too.”
“Those are literally so gorgeous,” Mor leaned over. Hers were done and she was sucking on a lollipop. “You’ve got an eye for this kind of thing, don’t you?” “Always a dreamer, never the dream,” I batted my lashes playfully, sighing as if I were in a daze. “I think I’ve always liked this kind of stuff, I’ve just never had access to it until now.”
Mor patted the top of my head before saying she was going to pay up front.
“So, Mor said that she’s good friends with your brother?”
“Mhm,” I nodded, palms instantly going a little clammy. “Yeah we recently reconnected after about six years.”
“Oh, how wonderful!”
That’s one way to put it. “Yeah, I missed him. Probably more than I ever let myself think before. I spent a lot of time being angry at him.”
“Well, my dear, it is never too late. The two of you may have been going your separate ways, but it’s never too late to turn around. It’s only too late if one of you is left standing and the other isn’t.”’
Okay, did Mor accidentally make some last minute edition to the manicure package that included an overly inspirational surprise? I was not expecting that. But now that I was thinking about it… it was like Cassian and I were standing on two opposite ends of a bridge. The constant rumble for the past lurking in the darkness below. Always there. I could see him, barely, but that everlasting presence was there; a cloud of fear and worry that we wouldn’t ever get past or differences blocked my path to him. 
Why couldn’t I just forgive people? Why did I have to hold grudges and make things complicated? I was wired so differently than most people. Like here I was, with Mor at this incredible nail salon and all I could think about was how much money she was spending on me. Why couldn’t I just be excited for my first real set of nails? Or thankful that Mor never made any type of facial expression over how expensive all of this was? 
Dana and Arthur always made the same face when something was expensive, and I could pick up on it after only seeing it twice. Then I subconsciously– totally consciously– made the effort to pick less expensive options.
It’s in the same category of responses when I hear them coming down the hall and I have the overwhelming feeling of needing to look busy because I simply just don’t know how to relax. 
Staking on constant alert was so fucking exhausting.
By the time I snapped back into reality my nails were done and she was wiping down her station. “Thank you, Melinda. They’re beautiful,” I smiled sweetly, taking the few dollars I had shoved haphazardly into my pocket and giving them to her. “I know it’s not much but-”
“Nonsense. The gesture is much appreciated but please keep it, dear. You are welcome back here whenever you’d like. You too, Morrigan!”
“Next time I will bring some of Elain’s cookies for you!” Mor called from behind the counter. “I’ll see you soon, Claire!”
“Bye girls!”
I could not stop looking at my nails. Could not stop pressing them against my palms or trying to do things without messing them up. 
“You’ll get used to it,” Mor laughed when I tried to re-tie my hair up in a ponytail. 
“I’m more worried that I’m gonna stab myself. Or that I’m- fuck. I have contacts in. How the hell am I gonna get my contacts out?” I pressed the pad of my finger against the underside of my lashes and pried my eyelid up. “This is gonna end with me in the ER.”
All thoughts of doing my hair went out the window. I severely overestimated how well I’d be able to function with these daggers attached to the tips of my fingers. By the time we got back it was already three o’clock. Cassian told me to be ready by four-thirty. Lovely. 
I rushed a brush through my hair and took some of my moose and tried to get the mop of curls to curl. Whoever gave me this hair deserves the death penalty. Whether it came from my mom or dad, I didn’t know, but we were gonna have a problem if we ever met in person.  
I eventually found a way to pin it up to where it kind of looked nice. It was as good as it was going to get. I only had forty minutes to get my makeup done and into the dress. 
The tape stuck– hallelujah– and I shifted the skirt around until my leg was exposed in the slit. Again, it was as good as it was going to get. I probably would’ve been better off with the skirt and just putting on a bralette or something on top. 
Oh well, it’s already on and I don’t have time to fuck around. 
For once my makeup went on smoothly and looked sleek and clean. And the lips to match the nails? Nail on the fucking head with that move. 
I did actually have shoes to wear and they were some nice platforms. One of the nicest things I owned. Totally didn’t steal them from a girl in high school when I crashed junior prom. To be fair she deserved it. She’s the bitch that ratted me out, it was quite literally the least I could do to fuck with her. 
Again, petty crimes. 
Very fucking petty.
“Ira, it’s time to go!” Cassian’s obnoxious voice boomed up the stairs. 
“Jesus okay,” I shouted back, collecting my jewelry and deciding I could put it on in the car. I came clunking down the stairs and everyone was already at the door. Another thing that made me feel like I’m suffocating? Running late. And I was always running late.
All eyes were on me. Cassian looked like he wanted to suffocate and die, Nesta looking pretty indifferent. Azriel was on his phone.
“You’ve gotta be- you know what, this is my night. Just get in the car. I’m only going to say this once but Ira… please just be on your best behavior.” Cassian dragged a hand down his face, shaking his head as he looked at me. 
It wasn't my intention to be a problem tonight, I didn’t want my fleeting moments of freedom to be revoked. So I complied.
Cassian looked pretty good, all things considered. He was in a tux with a bowtie, Nesta in a very elegant yet stylish slip dress. Mint green to match Cassian’s bowtie. Azriel was… Don’t look at Azriel. Do. Not. Look.
“Fine. But what’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” 
“It’s a charity event, not a strip tease,” Cassian said in pure disgust. 
“Well if you had just let me out of the house to go dress shopping then I wouldn’t have had to look like this. But, need I remind you that this is my fucking body and I can do whatever the hell I want with it. Why do you care how I’m dressed?”
“Down, girl,” Azriel mumbled from behind me. I whirled around so fast and he was right fucking there already. 
Did he just say ‘down girl’ like I was some fucking dog?
“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?” I may have been at least five inches shorter than he was, even in heels, but that was not going to stop me. 
“Well I certainly wouldn’t talk to Nesta that way, she’d make me sleep outside,” He ran a hand over his cleanly shaven jaw. “And last time I checked Cassian wasn’t a girl so… I guess that leaves you.”
“Keep my name out of your fucking mouth or you’ll regret it.”
“Okay, cool it you guys,” Cassian grabbed onto my arm, but I yanked it away immediately. 
“Yeah, cool it, Ira,” Azril mocked, somewhere between a laugh and a snort.
Fury blinded me and I turned around to face Cassian. “So you’re just gonna let him talk to me like that?”
Cassian just blinked at me. “You're more than capable of defending yourself, Ira. And I don’t want to get in the middle of this. Not today.”
“I think what he’s saying is that he’s not at your beck and call. More of the other way around,” Azriel said in a very condescending voice. 
“Do you really want to keep pushing my buttons? Because I don’t think you do,” I took another step towards him, eyes narrow and nostrils flared. I was not about to let this self-centered son of a bitch walk all over me. 
No matter how pretty he was. I had some morals. Not a lot, but some. 
“And do what, hmm? Who are you gonna tattle on me to?” Another step closer.
“I think my knee between your legs would certainly leave more than a lasting impression on what I am capable of doing.” I matched his step stride for stride. 
Azriel grinned. "You have no self control, you can't help but pick a fight, can you? It's like it's all you know how to do."
“Alright enough,” Cassian stepped between us, pressing his hand against Azriel’s chest. “Az?”
“Yes?” His eyes never left mine. 
“Back the fuck off. Don’t ever think it’s okay to talk to my sister like that again.” Woah. Not expecting that. I’ve never seen him leer at someone like he did at Azriel. Then that gaze turned on me. “And you, what was the one thing I asked?”
I could’ve sent him through the fucking gravel. “He started it.”
“You’re bickering like third graders,” Nesta shouted over her shoulder. “Please spare the rest of the fucking neighborhood and get in the fucking car or we’re going to be late.”
“Leave each other alone. There, happy?” Cassian cocked his head and narrowed his eyes. All I could do was bite my tongue and shake my head in disbelief. 
“Prick,” I held back the urge to spit at Azriel's feet. I went for the car Nesta got in, telling myself to pick and choose my battles.
“Aww, you don’t want to ride with me, princess?” He called out, and I flipped him off.
“Do not provoke her,” I heard Cassian say. “Don’t make this harder than it’s already going to be.”
What the fuck did that mean? I didn’t intentionally want to make this a rough night for him. But now? I was thinking very differently as to how this night would go. 
“Ira,” Nesta turned around in the front seat while I buckled myself in. “Whatever you’re thinking, don’t.”
I just folded my arms across my chest. “Easy for you to say. I mean, how do you even stand the guy? He is such a fucking-”
“Douchebag? Oh, I’m well aware,” she chuckled. “But this is his event. His project that he spends months planning and sending out invitations for. I won’t pretend like I know what the fuck happened between the two of you, and I’m not going to ask because it’s your business and I really don’t care. But for my sake, don’t do anything stupid.”
Harsh, but I got the message. I stayed quiet as we pulled out and onto the road. The air was thick with tension and I just wanted to get out of the fucking car with both of them. Even if that meant being attached to him all night.
Despite the treacherous waters, excitement and butterflies fluttered my stomach as we hit the highway and I could see some city lights in the distance. 
“Okay, a few rules,” Cassian eventually said after turning down the volume on the radio. 
“Great, another leash,” I sighed. 
Cassian and I met eyes in the mirror. He was really not having it. I bit my tongue. 
“I’m gonna give you a chance, Ira. I don’t want to force you to my hip all night simply because I just don’t. You can be in whatever room I’m in, but wherever I go next, you have to be there. And I don’t care if you’re drinking some, but please don’t get wasted. Keep a low profile.” “Done,” I smiled, nodding along. 
“I cannot believe I’m going to say this but… try to have fun? Meet some people and whatnot. Just behave. That is all I am asking.” Heavy emphasis on all. 
“I will,” I nodded. I’d try anyway. But if there was going to be tequila, then well… that’s a different story. 
We arrive and valet the car. Velaris Nights Hotel and Casino shined bright in my eyes. I looked around and Midnight’s Shadow was right across the street. Hopefully that Azzhole would stay there. I giggled, Azzhole. I’m so funny. 
I walked up behind Cassian and Nesta. Apparently I wasn’t close enough with them for the security guard to think I was at their party.
“Ma’m, the event doesn't start for another hour,” he put his hand out to stop me. 
“Oh, no I’m with-”
“She’s with me, Derrick. This is my sister Ira,” Cassian introduced and the guard gulped.
“Apologies, sir. A pleasure, Ira. If there is anything you need, come and find me. Sorry for the confusion.”
Okay, now that was cool as fuck. I guess that’s the kind of reaction you get when your brother operates the whole fucking thing. That kind of connection could be fun. 
On the way over he told me that he, along with another one of his friends, was the pit boss. The other one– Amy or Amanda or something– was already here. Apparently they were some pretty A-list celebs around here. The party was scheduled for six and they needed to be here before the chaos started.
“Not cool enough to get in here, princess?” 
My stomach rolled at the sound of his voice. “Piss off, Azzhole.”
“Azzhole, really?” His brows furrowed and a smirk spread over his full lips. “Be original, sweetheart.”
“Wanna see how original I can be?” I fell into step beside him. “How about you’re a predictable, conceited, arrogant-”
“You forgot cocky,” he butted in. “And handsome. I’m very handsome.”
“Egotistical,” I listed off. “Like I said, you’re predictable. And I wouldn’t flatter yourself, sweetheart.”
“I’d hardly call it flattering, more of a confidence booster. Three days in town and you think you have me all figured out? Care to bestow some more wisdom on me, your majesty?”
“Please, the last thing I want to do is have to hear the agitating sound of your voice for the rest of the night. Piss off, will you?” I scoffed, adjusting the choker on my neck. 
“Don’t worry, princess,” Azriel bent down to talk in my ear. “I think we got off on the wrong foot. You’ll find out that I can be a lot of fun. If you ever let your guard down, we might even be able to have a good time.”
“Yeah because my brother would be so thrilled about us spending time together.”
Azriel shrugged. “What he doesn’t know won’t kill him.”
Now, I know I heard that incorrectly. But before I could open my mouth to respond, he plucked a champagne flute off a tray and raised it in the air before downing it in one go. 
I finally allowed myself to look at him when he walked away. He was dressed in all black; black button up, black slacks, black dress shoes and a black belt. And a silver watch on his left wrist. In another world I might’ve thought that we looked like we could go together, but that was galaxies away. God his back and shoulders…
His ass. He was dangerous. Probably in more ways then one, and fuck did I want to find out all of them.
As I made my way over to Cassian, Mor ambushed me and had a bright smile on her face. 
“Hey you,” she greeted. “Don’t you look good.”
“Thanks. I love that dress. The corset top is perfect.” It was coral colored to match her nails. The structured bodice had sheer paneling and a floor length skirt. Her blond hair was in curls and she had on some wicked eyeliner. 
“It was a pain in the ass to get into. Where’s Cassian? I need to ask him if he wants me on the floor or up with Amren keeping an eye on things.”
Amren, that’s her name. The other pit boss apparently. “He’s over there talking with someone.”
Mor nodded, grabbing some champagne for me and her. “Loosen up, babe. You’re stiffer than an iron pole.”
“I’m not stiff.” I was so fucking stiff. This place was a playground for adults, and I had just turned twenty-one. My mind was running rampant with thoughts. 
“Okay, you’re not stiff. And I’m ShaquilleO’Neal,” Mor teased, linking her elbow with mine. 
We made our way over to Cassian and Rhys who were talking with this ginger guy. He had long, fiery red hair and a scar running the length of his face through his eye. He was also quite stunning. I don’t know what’s in the water here but I think I need some. 
“Ah, this is her. Lucien, this is Cassian’s sister Ira,” Rhys extended his hand to me, gesturing like I was some higher up.
“A pleasure,” Lucien inclined his head. “I am one of the business investors for the hotel.”
“Ahh,” I said. What the fuck am I supposed to say to that? I don’t know how to talk to these people. So I just stayed quiet. Cassian’s words rattling in the back of my head: keep a low profile. 
“I’m not sure that I knew you had a sister,” Lucien looked me head to toe. “I can see it, though. Same eyes, same nose.”
Here we go again. 
“I’ve been getting that non-stop since I showed up here,” I scoffed. “I mean could we really look that similar?”
“Well, we are related,” Cassian laid his arm across my shoulders. “You’ve grown into it, Ira. Dana had always thought that we’d look more alike as we got older.”
“It, by no means, is meant as a shot at your beauty, Ira,” Lucien’s lip curled up. “You look lovely tonight.”
He reached for my hand and gave the back of it a kiss. If my eyes weren’t nearly falling out of my skull, I might’ve accidentally done the same to him. Thank god I did not kiss the back of his fucking hand. His massive hand, might I add. 
Lucien most definitely wasn’t my type. He had his life together and looked like a good person. I was far too erratic and damaged to be of any good to him. But if he was suggesting something…
“Oh, uhh thanks.” Oh, uhh thanks? Did you just get fucking electrocuted, Ira? “I like your suit, it compliments your hair very nicely.”
That wasn’t a lie. He had on a hunter green blazer and a black vest with a black tie. There was one braid running along the side of his scalp, down the side of his face and behind his ear. The rest of it flopped over the opposite side of his head. 
“I think I’m gonna like you, Ira,” Lucien smiled, pointing at me. “See, she likes my suit. Why’d you give me hell for it?”
“Because you look like a stick of celery,” Cassian was very obviously in a mood. 
“I do not,” Lucien rolled his eyes. “It’s too dark of a green to be celery.”
“Potato potato,” Mor shook her head.
“Don’t be rude,” I said to Cassian. “If he’s confident wearing it, who are you to squash that for him?”
All eyes looked at me and our little circle went quiet. Welp… fuck.
“Can I get you a drink?” Lucien asked me, clearing his throat.
“Yes.” “No,” Cassian and I said together. I glared at him so hard I thought he’d burst into flames. “I’ll find you later, Lucien.”
Cock blocker. 
I gave a sorrowful look at Lucien when he walked away. Cassian was still focused on me, but the second he got pulled into another conversation I winked at Lucien. He smiled back. 
I looked around at the main lobby. There was a full chandelier sparkling above me, and some stone pillars going from the floor up into the ceiling. The black marble floor reflected all the lights, much the same with the counter top of the bar. 
Who knew a bunch of boys could design something so intricate and delicate. They probably had to consult Mor. Or Feyre, more likely. I liked the touch of silver here and there within some of the statues and decorations. The balloon arch was a little cheesy though. 
I ditched Cassian and took a lap around the room, just surveying the crowd. I could feel his eyes on me every turn I took. Whatever. I guess this would be my one shot at proving that I could behave and control my impulsions. Anything to prove his ass wrong. 
The champagne was weirdly sweet and smelled like roses. But it was alcohol and I was fine with that. There was a series of tables lined up at the side, but no food or anything on them yet. I guess they’d bring it out closer to the guests arriving? I had so many questions that I wanted answers to. Mainly what the actual fuck is Cassian doing running a fucking casino? 
By the time I made it back around the room, I snagged another flute off the tray of a passing by waiter and stuck the empty one in its place. This one tasted much better. Across the room my eyes landed on Azriel. He was talking with a group of people who looked mildly afraid of him. 
He stuck out like a sore thumb. Everything about him screamed unapproachable. All hard lines and defined muscles. There was nothing soft about him, and I was also very very fine with that.
Everyone else was wearing full tuxedos or gowns. But he was just in a button down shirt and slacks. Which fit cruelly tight on him. Showing off a toned physique. And his amazing backside. 
My finger tapped against the glass with all the thoughts I was having of him. About his hands on me and his mouth on mine. Do I have any idea as to why I’m so ready to drop to my knees for this guy, absolutely not. He would have one hell of a blow job though. It wouldn’t ever happen, mostly because I think Cassian has already snuck a camera in my room to make sure it didn’t. 
Mor apprached Azriel, coral gown catching the attention of several other people. She stuck herself right at his side, his arm falling across her back. 
Oh, fuck.
I watched more intently than I ever had. Were they a thing and I didn’t know it? It would make a lot of fucking sense. I mean, look at them. He’s hot, she’s hot and I don’t even swing that way. I’d be an idiot to not notice and appreciate Mor’s beauty. 
They looked like exact opposites, yet somehow they seemed to fit seamlessly together. Her shoulder lined up with his, her hip to his. 
My heart fucking ached. For no other reason than I was jealous he was touching her and not me. It made absolutely no sense considering I wanted to burn him from the inside out. He was an ass. But if they were a thing… I can’t fuck that up. I mean, I could if I wanted to, but Mor had been nothing but nice to me. 
For the second time in two days I found myself acknowledging that she was a good person. A great one. That she did not need to be involved with me and my bullshit. Azriel may have been a gigantic bitch, but I didn’t want to cut ties with Mor just because I had irrational feelings for him. That would not be fair for her. Or myself.
Am I actually talking myself out of a bad idea? Wow that’s… new. Normally I acted instantly on every idea I had. Good or bad. Since when did I debate with myself?
I washed down the feelings with the rest of the champagne and headed to the bar, perching myself on a stool while I waited for someone to show up.
Not longer than five minutes passed when I felt a presence behind me. It was Lucien. 
“Hey,” I smiled, a genuine one. 
“I waited until the coast was clear,” he grinned, sliding into the spot next to me. 
“Cassian is just a pussy,” I rolled my eyes, finding him easily across the room. He was a head and a half taller than anyone. Lucien snorted, covering his mouth with his fist. “It’s true.”
“I don’t disagree, but he is my main business partner and I do not want to get off that list because there are dozens waiting in line to have the business that I do.”
“You said you’re an investor? What exactly does that mean?” I hoped he wasn’t about to man-splane things to me. I wasn’t a genius by any means, but I didn’t want to be talked to like a child. 
“If they need money for construction, or for a new stock, that’s where I come in,” Lucien explained. “They first came to me with the outline of the business and I knew it was going to take off right away. There isn’t a whole lot in this city besides rich people and their fat pockets. What better way to bring a city to life than to build something that can bring people in.”
“So you are basically their personal bank?”
“No,” he chuckled. “Not exactly. Yes, I have the money, but it is more so my advice they come looking for the most. Sure I could write checks all day, but you can’t buy good, quality financial and business advice.” “Have you ever heard of Zoltar?” I laughed, noticing the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled. 
“If you’re referring to the genie in a plexiglass box that takes coins in exchange for fixed fortunes, then yes I have. But I don’t think he’s going to be putting me or your brother out of business any time soon.”
I nodded along, pleasantly surprised by his professionalism. He surely knew what he was talking about. Not like I could confirm if it was accurate, he could be talking straight out of his ass for all I knew. 
But he didn’t make me feel like an idiot, which I was thankful for. 
“What can I get for you tonight?” A bartender asked. 
“Honestly, I don’t really know. Something that looks fancy but is gonna make me feel it in the morning,” I sighed, and judging by his eager nod he knew exactly what I needed. 
“And for you?”
“An Old Fashioned will do, extra bitters please,” Lucien gave a polite smile; it didn’t crinkle his eyes in the way I had seen when I made him smile. Reading too much into this? Definitely. “I don’t want to seem insensitive or anything, but how old are you? I won’t tell anyone if you’re underage but I don’t want to-”
“I’m twenty-one. Just had my birthday a week ago,” I explained. “I know I look… young.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Lucines ginger brows furrowed. 
I just shrugged, “It is when you constantly get treated like a baby.”
“Fair point.” Lucien swirled his thumbs around one another for a few moments, watching the bartender make our drinks. “Did you do anything fun for your birthday?”
“Probably not anything you’d consider fun.” I was certain that telling Cassian’s investor that I spent my birthday at a restaurant, pretending to be a waitress to make quick cash, was not a good idea. “It was not the twenty-first birthday I dreamed of as a kid.”
“Bummer,” Lucien frowned a little, taking a sip of his drink when he had it passed to him. “When I turned twenty-one, my brothers thought it would be a hilarious idea to call beforehand and ask the bartender to freak out on me when I walked in. He acted like he had seen me before, which he hadn’t, and was adamant that I had been in here with a fake ID. Safe to say that I nearly shit my pants.”
I laughed, squashing the immediate guilt of using a fake ID on numerous occasions. I still have a few, but there’s no point in keeping them anymore. I can get in anywhere now. Totally legally! 
I said thank you to the bartender before giving my drink a taste. It was good, but I could definitely taste the headache tomorrow. Was I a stranger to drinking? Absolutely not, so hopefully this would give me some sort of buzz.
“How many brothers do you have?” My vain attempt at not asking about the scar.
“Five,” Lucien’s eyes got a little big. “All older.”
“Jesus, and I thought one was chaos. Your poor mother,” I took another sip and felt my stomach ignite with the familiar burn. “Speaking of the fucking devil…”
“Ira,” Cassian spoke in a harsh tone. His eyes narrowed on Lucien. “Come on, we’re heading over to the greeting line.”
“Okay, have fun.” This wasn’t my party, I didn’t need to stand and greet people. 
“Ira,” he bared his teeth. “Lets. Go.”
“You are such a cock block, you know that?”
Lucien’s cheeks were the same shade as his hair. “Oh, Cassian I wasn’t-”
“I know you wouldn’t be that stupid,” Cassian grabbed my elbow. “This one? Now she’s a different story.”
“You think I’d fuck your business investor? Do you really think that poorly of me? No offense,” I threw over my shoulder with a wince. 
He raised his hand with an understanding smile, “None taken.” 
A gentleman. I think I’ll add Lucien to my internal list of people to be grateful for. And that was a very very short list. He was a great guy, just not for me. 
“I wouldn’t put it entirely past you.” Fucking rude. “I’ll see you later on, Lucien. Let’s go, Ira.”
“Shackled yet again,” I sighed out, not bothering to hide my clear annoyance as I picked up my drink. A Mojito I think? “Thanks for the convo, Lucien.”
“Anytime, Ira.” He tipped his glass to me, and I did the same. 
I followed behind Cassian’s massive shoulders and scowled the whole way. Why did he always have to do that? Wasn’t he the one to try to make friends in the first place?
“Can I just say that you haven’t known me for the past six years and you have no right to make judgements on my character,” I hissed, finally catching up to him. “That was a total dick move. We were just talking to each other. You’re the one who told me to have fun here.”
“And what was one of the rules I had? Wherever I go, you follow.”
What. A. Fucking. Loser.
We rounded a corner and there was a grand staircase just outside the set of glass doors. It was lined with red carpeting and velvet ropes. To my surprise, there were some photographers waiting on either side of the stairs. 
“Now, stand here and smile.”
“That’s it?”
“For my sake, yes, that’s it. Don’t talk to anyone, just be quiet,” Cassian squared his shoulders as he stood next to Rhys and Feyre. Nesta was on his left, me on his right. 
“Eye eye, captain buzz-kill.”
He rolled his eyes. 
“You certainly do like getting under his skin,” Azriel’s voice chilled my spine. 
“It's another one of my favorite hobbies,” I responded, smiling as a woman and her older husband walked by, shaking Rhys, Cassian, and Azriel’s hands. 
“Along with the pick pocketing and hot-wiring?”
Just to prove how fucking capable I was, I carefully reached down, effortlessly removing his watch from his left wrist without a single hair being disturbed. I held it up in front of his face, dangling it like a carrot. His eyes widened and he looked from his empty wrist to the watch in my hand. 
“A rolex? A little… basic. Certainly this one could sell for a few hundred thousand, don’t you think?”
“Give that back,” he lowered his voice, and I smirked. 
“Finders keepers.” I took an obnoxious sip of my drink.
“Now.” He was so easily ruffled. I had found a weakness of his; he did not like it when I touched his stuff. 
I placed the hunk of metal into his open palm and he put it on with a clenched jaw. “Insult my skills again and I’ll make sure the cash is deposited into my bank account before you even realize the watch is missing.”
“You’re quick, I’ll admit that,” he still whispered. “But we both know that you hide behind a mask to cover up the fact that you lack any level of human decency.”
Now that fucking stung. “Who the hell are you to tell me about human decency? And what the hell happened to the whole ‘we got off on the wrong foot’ shit? Your words, not mine.”
I need to stop believing that people will keep their word. I thought Cassian was genuine when he told me to have fun and make friends. Wrong. And not that I really expected Azriel to stay true to his in the first place, but he had no business making assumptions about me. Even if they were right. 
The muscles in his jaw clenched as well as his fists. It was immediately wiped away as another guest approached. But when he was gone, his mouth was open again. 
“Fine, you got me there. Let's be civil and have a normal conversation. Are you having a good time?”
“Do you honestly think I am?”
“I honestly don’t care,” he scoffed. So much for the effort to be civil. His eyes locked with mine when I stuck my tongue out at him. “You seriously need a lesson in etiquette.”
“And you seriously need a lesson in how to not be a douchebag,” I quipped, catching the attention of the couple that walked in front of us. I mouthed a ‘sorry’. 
Azriel’s shoulders shook with a suppressed laugh. “You really don’t know how to be subtle, do you?” “It’s not exactly in my play book,” I responded, plastering a fake smile on my lips. “And for the record, I know how to have some class.”
“You sure? Because you look more like you belong across the street.” He was referring to Midnight’s Shadow. And he was not subtle about the way he looked at my outfit. As much as I didn’t want to shiver at the gaze, I couldn’t help it. It made me feel guilty, especially when I saw Mor quickly stepping into line next to Azriel on the other side. 
They exchanged a quick smile and my heart froze. Why the hell was he looking at me like that and not her?
“And I do. I’m far better at drinking and dancing than I am at pretending to be interested in this fucking sleep fest.”
Azriel grumbled another laugh, his voice deep. “The festivities are actually entertaining. All the old ladies flock to the bingo room the second it’s open. And the poker tournament is always fun to watch.”
A light bulb went off in my brain. “Do you have to already be registered to play?” My devious little mind was thinking about getting in on the action. 
“No, why?” He asked. 
“Because I might want to join them,” I shrugged. “What else is there to do?”
“You can play poker? I’ve barely seen you able to control your hair let alone your facial expressions,” Azriel teased, gesturing to the mess at the back of my head. 
“I have an amazing bluff. See? My poker face is already on, I’m standing here pretending to be nice to you when I really want to kick you to the fucking ground.”
Maybe a touch too hard. But his lips curled into a smile and I didn’t miss the way his eyes flicked to my mouth. “Such a wicked, testy thing.”
“Got a problem with that?” I tipped my glass back, finishing the crafted drink before wiping the corners of my lips, waiting for a response. Again, his eyes went to my mouth. 
“Absolutely not.”
I just rolled my eyes. “You fucking wish, buddy.”
“There are plenty of things I’d wish for before you in my bed, sweetheart,” Azriel challenged, rocking slightly on his heels. “World peace, a lamborghini-”
“A lamborghini?”
“Earplugs,” He rattled off next. “Seriously, do you ever stop talking?”
“Only when I’m certain I’ve made my point.” 
“Cassian, your sister won’t shut up,” Azriel whined like a toddler. 
“Seriously, you’re tattling to my brother? What are you, three years old? Get a fucking life, dude.” “I’m not three, I’m just annoyed.” “Both of you, stop it. Now.” Cassian was pissed. His cheeks were a little red and his eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets. “If you don’t start behaving I’ll drag you out of here myself.”
“Yes mother.” My jaw was damn near on the floor. I wasn’t five anymore. I didn’t need to be scolded by Cassian. And especially not by Azriel who was quietly chuckling to himself. “What the fuck is your problem with me?” “I don’t have a problem with you,” Azriel shook his head. “Despite my better judgment you’re actually kind of funny. But Jesus, you need to learn how to respect people. Do you know how hard he works to put this on every year?”
I didn’t, and I didn’t care. “Why does it matter?”
“It takes months and months to coordinate. Between investors, vendors, caterers, guests… It takes a small army. And to then suddenly throw you back into the mix? Did you ever stop and think about how he might be handling all this?”
No. I hadn’t. Not for a second. I didn’t respond. I am an awful fucking person. 
“Exactly. This hasn’t been the easiest transition for any of us. So do us all a favor and cut him some slack,” Azriel’s tone was a little sharp, but he wasn’t being unreasonable. 
And he was right. I hadn’t thought about how any of them would adjust to me being here. Out of the blue. Just in their lives and in their business after years of not knowing that I even roamed this earth. 
“It’s not fair,” I mumbled. 
“What isn’t fair?” Azriel asked. 
“Cassian is the one who cut me out of his life. Not the other way around. He has no reason to be pissed at me for just simply existing,” I huffed, air rushing back into my lungs. 
“I think it’s a little more complex than-” “What the fuck do you know about us anyway?” I spun to face him, not giving a flying fuck about who was listening. “Cause I’m thinking it’s not much because if you knew, you’d know who I was from the beginning. So keep your speculations to yourself from now on. Got it?” To my surprise, he actually nodded, biting his lips and not looking my way again as the rest of the guests flowed in. 
I was hot. Burning hot with rage and anger and hate. The fucking nerve he has to pretend he knows what happened between Cassian and I. The second Cassian said I could go, I was flying back around the corner to the bar. Thankfully, Cass didn’t try to stop me. He might’ve walked out of here with one less hand. 
The two shots of tequila left a wake of burn in my esophagus and settled in my stomach. I needed food. Quick. I didn’t actually want to give myself alcohol poisoning. 
There were typical fancy party snacks and shit that wasn’t going to be enough to fill me up. The place was buzzing with people and now I just wanted to leave. I was irritated and a little sweaty. Those things didn’t mix well when I got overwhelmed. And the absolute last thing I needed was to have a panic attack in a room full of people. 
I feel so violated. None of what was going on here tonight was okay. There was little I could do to keep my emotions in check. This was wildly unfair. Down right cruel. Cassian didn’t own me and he sure as hell needed to get his friend under control. 
I needed air. Badly. 
“... I don’t know whether or not that event is going to be able to fit into our calendar. We are already booked through the end of the year and- Ira?”
“I’m just going outside for a minute,” I said quietly to Cassian. I gave him a look I hoped he would recognize from years ago. The one I always gave him when he knew I wasn’t able to breathe right for one reason or another. “Just wanted to let you know.”
He gave a nod. And that was more than enough of an understanding. I kept my head down and pressed through the crowd to a set of doors. The setting sun greeted me as the chilly september air brightened my senses again. 
In for four, out for four. In for five, out for five. In for six, out for six. 
One of the only memories I have of Cassian actually being helpful was when he taught me how to control my breath when I had my first panic attack. I was about six years old. Dana and Arthur were having a conversation in the other room and I overheard them. 
“She doesn’t understand right from wrong,” Dana shouted. “What are we supposed to do?”
“Be patient with her, Dana,” Arthur countered. “She just found out they’re not getting adopted. She has every right to be angry and untrusting of us. It’s not her fault. She needs time to adjust to the situation.”
“Yes it is her fault! She got into her teacher's purse and stole her wallet! She pushed a kid off of platform at recess. She is out of control. Here, at school… she is gonna move on to worse shit one day.”
“Ira,” Cassian shook my shoulders. “Ira it’s okay, just breathe.”I hiccuped a sob, snot dripping down my chin. My brain and chest and lungs felt like they were on fire. I couldn’t hear or see anything clearly and all my limbs felt numb and tingly.
“Shhh, Ira it’s okay. I’m here with you. Follow me, put your hands on my chest. Feel me breathing okay? Can you follow my breathing?”
I just nodded, not able to form any words. With every rise of his chest I pulled in a shakey, nauseating breath to match his. In… and out… in… and out…
I opened my eyes and felt my control slip back into my body. The colors in the sky grounded me back to the present and I let the tingling seep from my fingers and toes. Who would’ve thought that suddenly finding yourself back in communication with the person who abandoned you would cause such an emotional roller coaster?
I did not see any of this coming. In the past two days I’ve had more anxious episodes than I have in the past two years. That’s when I got out of “not juvy” and came to live with Dana and Arthur again. 
They were stronger than ever and I had no fucking idea why. That's a complete lie. Of course I knew why. I hadn’t seen Cassian for years and now I’m suddenly living with him again? What did I expect to happen? Clearly I didn’t know it would trigger a fuck ton of memories that I’d rather bury in my mind for the rest of my life. But here we are. 
Here I am. Standing outside of his hotel. His hotel. Having a panic attack. God I am so fucking pathetic. 
This is not the way I wanted tonight to go. If I was going to be stuck here with him for the rest of the night then I was gonna spend it on my own fucking terms. Fuck him. Fuck Cassian and his stupid rules. 
With another grounding breath, I rolled back my shoulders, taking another look at the sky before opening the door. I swallowed my self pity and put my game face on. Now I’m on a fucking mission. I was here to have fun. To make friends, per Cassian’s request. 
Let’s go win some fucking money. 
Two and a half hours later I had a stack of chips around me and a royal flush between my two cards and the river. There was a crowd behind me and someone’s sunglasses rested on the bridge of my nose. 
“Miss, the turn is yours. What’s your call?” The dealer asked. 
I had a royal flush. He was not beating that. Just couldn’t. I smirked, pretending to peek at my cards to appear in distress. “Check.”
“Check,” the only other player said from my right. 
The dealer burned and turned the last card, and another fucking hit appeared in the river. I’ve got him by the fucking balls.
“Check,” the man says again, tapping his fingers on the table relentlessly. 
“All in,” I said instantly, the small crowd gasping as I pushed the dozens of chips into the center pot. Could you believe that all I had was twenty dollars to start with and now I was over two grand? It pays to be bold sometimes. 
He flipped over his cards, revealing a straight flush with a smirk.
I clicked my tongue, “Damn. Thought I had that one.”
“Ha!” The man pumps his hand in the air. “Nice try, pretty girl, but I’m-”
“Sorry, is that an eight you turned over?” I asked the dealer, full well knowing that it’s a nine. 
“N-no it’s a nine, ma’am,” she pushed it closer to me and I glanced at my cards.
“Oh,” I chuckled and leaned back. “Thank god, for a second I thought you beat me! But I think a royal flush beats a straight.”
Even the dealer had her mouth open. The guy to my right damn near broke the glass that was halfway to his mouth. I flipped over my cards and spread them out for all to see. Cheers erupted around me as I won the whole fucking tournament. 
“Bitch,” he hurled my way, but I let it slide off me as I stuck my arms in the air, pushing the glasses down to give him a wink as he walked by. 
“Congratulations, miss,” the dealer smiled. “The pot is yours to cash. And there is the bonus as well. Follow me.”
Bonus? I got a bonus for beating some old man's ass at cards? Hell fucking yeah. I was more than buzzed and I swayed when I stood up. A hand steadied me as I wobbled. 
“Note to self, don’t mix tequila with champagne,” I giggled. “Thank you, Cassian.”
Cassian? Cassian. Oh SHIT. CASSIAN. Uh oh. I'm in big. Fucking. Trouble. 
“I think there has been some confusion, Darla,” Cassian said to the dealer. “She was not eligible to compete in today's tournament.”
“Oh? That’s not what I was told. She signed up validly and was-” I watched her eyes dart from my face to Cassians; albeit through blurry eyes, so maybe she was looking behind me. I turned over my shoulder, asking if she wanted to talk to the people behind me. “Oh…”
“Yeah, oh,” Cassian sighed. “Not your fault. We’ll think of something to do with the earnings.”
“Those are my chips, I won them fair and square. As square as Spongebob. The one who lived in the pineapple under the sea,” I clarified in case anyone didn’t know which one I was talking about. 
“Apologies, sir.”
“It’s alright,” he tugged me closer to his body and I stumbled into him. “Let’s go. You’re cut off.”
“Should’ve done that a long time ago, Cassie,” I slurred some of my words, I think. But who cared when I felt like I was walking through the clouds. 
“Don’t call me that here,” Cassie grumbled, dragging me away from the table and my beer that I'd yet to finish. Of course my only logical response was to say it over and over and over again as loud as I could. 
“Wait, my beer!” I cried. “Can we go back and get it?”
“No, we can’t,” he snapped. Cassian dragged me around a corner and into some room off to the side. When he shut the door, he sat me in a chair. This looked oddly like an interrogation room. Especially when he flipped on the single overhead light. He took a deep breath. “Are you out of your fucking mind?”
“No,” I gurgled. “I am very much in my mind. See? It’s not going anywhere, my thick skull keeps it there for me.” “Don’t play stupid, Ira. What made you think it would be a good idea to enter into the poker tournament. Or that I’d be okay with it?”
“You didn’t specify that it was off limits,” I shrugged. He didn’t and he knew it. “And the bingo was boring. They kept reading them wrong and it pissed me off. They kicked me out.”
“What?” Cassian’s eyes were comically wide. “What the fuck did you do?”
“I kept telling them they were wrong. No one else was doing it so I took it upon myself. Batman has saved Gotham once again!” Cassian actually had to restrain himself punching me. I was sure of it. He brought up his arms, but did nothing with them. He just shook his head in what seemed like disbelief. “There are very few things that make me want to drive my hand through a wall, Ira. But right now? You are at the top of the fucking list.” “Get in line,” I swayed a little in my seat. “I don’t know why your panties are all in a knot. You told me to have fun. And I was having fun. I was winning money.”
“You are unbelievable,” Cassian huffed. 
I just folded my arms. A knock on the door had me groaning and I tossed my head back. “Can I go now?” “No. Who is it?”
“Me,” a voice that sounded a lot like Azriel’s said. Great. Just what I need. Him.
“Come in,” Cassian commands and the door swings in. “What?”
“Amren wants to know what's going on. She’s kind of pissed because people are not happy right now,” Azriel said, and I could feel his eyes all over me. “Don’t you look like a bottle of sunshine."
I flipped him off.
“Tell them Ira is going to donate the money to the charity,” Cassian said after a few moments of silence. When I shot my head back up, mouth open in protest, I felt like I was gonna throw up so I snapped it shut quickly. 
“Okay,” Azriel shrugged as if that was easy enough. 
“No,” I blurted out. “That’s not fair, I won that money. I want to decide what to do with it.”
“Well, it’s customary to donate all earned money to the charity tonight. It’s the… courteous thing to do. You should know that since you apparently know how to be classy,” Azriel’s tone was laced with venom. Little did he know I had fangs of my own. 
“That’s my fucking money,” I snapped. “Who gives a shit if it’s donated to charity. It’s just a couple grand.” I watch them share a look. Blinking. Not saying any words. “What?”
“Where did you get a couple grand?” “I won it,” I shrugged, not thinking anything of it. “I had a twenty in my purse and-”
“Don’t fucking lie to me, Ira. Did you win it or did you steal it?” 
He might as well have slapped me clean across the face. The way my heart sank in my chest… he didn’t trust me. He had not one fucking ounce of trust in me. “You’re kidding, right?”
He just gave me an unnerving look. 
“You really don’t trust me, do you?”
“That’s not the point.”
“Yes,” I nodded. “That's absolutely the point. I was just trying to have fun. Like you told me to do. Not everything I’m involved with is a scam, Cassian. I can’t even believe you would think that. I didn’t even know anything about the tournament until I sat down to play.”
“You’re saying you didn’t know how much that jackpot was? Or the bonus?” “I didn’t even know there was a bonus,” I said truthfully. “How much?”
“Nothing,” Cassian dragged a hand down his face, thumbs in his eyes. 
“Well, it’s certainly not nothing,” Azriel raised his eyebrows. 
“How. Much.”
“Not a fucking-”
“Thirty four-thousand total,” Azriel said way to enthusiastically.
“You’re gonna donate thirty four-thousand dollars? And it’s the money that I earned? What the fuck is wrong with you? I could use that money, you know.”
“Why the fuck did you say anyhing?” Cassian was running his fingers through his unbound hair. 
Azriel just shrugged, “Because I knew the look on her face would be hilarious.” 
“Don’t you have better things to do? This needs to be a private conversation.” I was damn near seething now. He was not serious. He could not do something like this to me again. He’s undermining me. 
“Not really, and this is really funny,” Azriel grinned, fussing with the cufflinks on his wrists. 
“Why don’t you go suck face with Mor, you fucking asshole.” Woah… totally shouldn’t have said that. Even I was a little taken aback at my words. 
Cassian narrowed his eyes and brows, just moving his eyes between Azriel and I. 
No one moved. I’m not even sure anyone breathed. I just watched my brother and his douchebag of a friend exchange a series of looks. They made facial expressions like they were talking, but I never heard any words. Suddenly I felt a whole hell of a lot more sober. 
“Good luck, princess,” Azriel said in that tone that made me want to peel the skin of his bones. Then the door clicked shut. Just Cassian and I. In an enclosed space. 
“The money is going to be donated. And that is final. You’re going home. Right now. I’m done dealing with you,” Cassian’s words dig deep. I’m done dealing with you. I’m done dealing with you.
“Yeah, walk the fuck away. Just like you always do. I thought you’d change, Cass. But clearly you’re still the same coward you were six years ago. After all this time… you still don’t trust me. Still don’t trust your sister. It’s only been two days and you’re already kicking me to the curb? Some brother you are.” I was disgusted by him. Never in my life would I have though he would’ve reacted like this to seeing me again. Sure I expected him and I to have our differences. But this? This was borderline torture. 
I watched his shoulders tense as he paused by the door. He didn’t speak, but he didn’t need to. I knew I hit right where I wanted to. And I hoped it fucking hurt.
The clang of something against iron forces my eyes open. I groan, trying to open my eyes but find that they’re crusted together. Fucking gross. I roll my head back, neck cracking with the movement. 
Everything above my shoulders– including those– ached. 
I practically peeled my lashes open one by one, light bright in my eyes. I blinked several times to clear the gunk and noted how dry my mouth was. Man… I should’ve drank more water. 
I know I sent a neuron or two from my brain to tell my arm to move, but it didn’t. My arms didn’t move as I tried again, and then again. I sat up in a panic, taking in my surroundings as quickly as I could through the splitting headache. 
Bars. Iron bars. Concrete floors, cinder block walls.
Oh shit.
“Ira Drallor?” Damn it’s been a while since anyone used my last name. A man was in front of me through the rows of bars.
“Huh?” My chest rose and fell quickly. “W-What the fuck is happening? Where am I?”
“Relax, you’re not under arrest.” Arrest… Arrest? Holy shit, I’m in a fucking jail cell. “We just needed somewhere safe to put you.”
“Put me? What do you mean put me? Where’s all my stuff? What happened?” “Calm down, someone is on their way to get you,” He held out a steady hand, unlocking the gate and stepping inside. “I’m gonna come and take off the cuffs, okay?”
I scrambled up and turned around, hearing the unmistakable sound of handcuffs unlocking. The second they fell away I grabbed them, massaging the red indentations. “What the fuck happened?”
“You were out on the street drunker than the Chicago Bulls after their NBA Championship,” he chuckled. Because I knew whatever the fuck that meant. “Someone reported you, not to get you into trouble, but because you were alone. Walking down a busy street at two AM. With one shoe. In the middle of the road. At least you still had your purse with and ID in it.”
So much for having any ounce of self preservation. Or dignity.
“Am I being charged?” I hope to god that they don’t know I have a criminal record.
“No,” he says and I deflate instantly. “But some advice? Maybe just… don’t ever do that again.”
I gave the closest thing to a smile that I could, and then he left. I looked around, then down at myself. 
My feet were bare, but both of my shoes were tucked in the corner. Along with my purse. Two of my nails were gone and my hands were covered in grime. My skirt was torn and I’m sure that my face is a wreck. There is a little mirror above the toilet and I might as well have been out to sea for seven years. 
My hair is a rat's nest and, to no one’s surprise, my mascara is streaked down my face. I look like I’ve been beaten half to death with my makeup everywhere. 
Two things were going through my mind: what the fuck happend being the first. The second was Cassian might actually kill me. 
Guilt and dread filled my stomach, pushing anything else in there to the surface and into the toilet. I gagged and hacked and coughed into it. This was definitely not my proudest moment. Vomiting in a jail cell toilet that hasn’t been cleaned in god knows when. 
Just how I wanted to start my day. Or night, I had no idea what time it was. Of if it was the same day.
The guard must’ve been nearby because he brought me some water and a packet of crackers. He’ll be on that list with Lucien if I make it out of here with my head still on my body after Cassian shows up. 
Fuck… what am I gonna say to Cassian? I hardly remember anything from last night– the night before?– and I don’t know the full extent of what I did. I remember the poker game and then being furious at Cassian about him making me donate all of it. Oh god… I didn’t have to get up on stage and declare that, did I? Fuck… this is gonna be a mess to clean up.
What I couldn't figure out was why I was so mad at Cassian. He probably said something stupid. He always does when he’s angry. I back-tracked through my memories. I was playing poker, then I won. I remember getting dragged into some room and Azriel was in there. No- Azriel came in later. I think? 
Never drinking that much ever again. 
“Well well well.”
I snapped my head up way too quickly and the light above me circled around and around. I rubbed the back of my neck, squinting until the figure came into clearer view. 
That was not Cassian. And he was objectively worse. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” I hissed at Azriel. I was so not in the mood to see him. Or hear him. Or smell his cologne but I guess none of that was really up to me since I was behind bars. 
“I’m the one bailing you out,” he folded his arms over his chest, smiling smugly as he shook his head. “You look like a fucking disaster.”
“Gee, it’s almost like I got blackout drunk and woke up in a jail cell. What’d you expect, me to be well rested and done up like a Barbie?”
“I see your attitude is as snarky as ever. If I would’ve known you were gonna get locked up at the sight of me and Mor I would’ve done it a lot sooner. This is priceless,” Azriel made a vague gesture to me being locked up and leaned up against the wall. 
Him and Mor? Oh- right. Fuck, was I that obvious about it? I really didn’t feel like bickering with him. I just wanted to go home and go to sleep. “What time is it?”
He looked at the watch I had plucked off his wrist earlier. “Almost five.”
“AM or PM?”
“AM?” He gave me a funny look. “Do you have any recollection of what happened?”
“Does it fucking look like I know what happened? No, I don’t. But can you hurry up and get me the fuck out of here?”
“Only if you say please,” Azriel smiled, his stupid, perfectly white teeth flashing. 
I blinked at him. “Azriel I swear to god I will-”
“Just say please and I will get that guard over here to unlock you. The longer you let your pride win, the longer you’ll have to wait for the aspirin, Gatorade, and bacon egg and cheese bagel in the car.”
Every single remark flew out of my mind the second he said aspirin. “Azriel, please get me out of here.”
“Like you mean it,” he grinned wider if that was even possible. 
I was gonna put him through a wall the second I got out of here. But I inhaled, detaching my shoulders from my ears, and swallowed. “Azriel, please. Please get me out of here…”
Something softened in his eyes as he nodded to his right. The sound of keys jingling cut through the air and the guard appeared. Thank fucking god.
“Alright, Miss Drallor, you’re free to go. Get home safe, you two,” he smiled as I walked by, and I read his name tag. Benjamin. 
“Thank you Benjamin,” I smiled, arms full of my belongings. “I’ll try not to get that hammered again. Thanks for keeping me safe.”
“I had a daughter your age once. If someone did the same for her as I did for you, I’d owe them a hell of a favor. Take care, now.”
With a mutual nod, I padded over- still barefoot- to Azriel. “Can we go now?”
“Sure,” he pushed off the wall, spinning his keys around his finger, catching them in his palm. 
The sun was just beginning to shed light on the horizon, a few birds chirping along with the crickets. It was cold, and my feet ached more than my fucking head. I kept my eyes on the ground, careful to not step on any sharp stones in the parking lot. 
“Over here,” Azriel waved, guiding me towards a shiny black Audi R8. Jesus fuck that was a nice car. I paused a few feet from the passenger door, taking in the all black vehicle. This thing cost about seventeen times more than my life's worth. “Leave any scratches and I’ll drop you on the side of the road.”
Some part of me knew he was joking, but I took it seriously. I just wanted to get back to the house.
I carefully opened the door and set my things on the floor in front of the plush leather seat. I began to go around the hem of my skirt, taking out all of the safety pins and cupped them in my hand. 
“Ira that was… I wasn’t serious.”
I just shrugged, looking at him as I sat down. “I think I’ve caused enough fucking damage for one day so I’d rather not risk it.”
The car fired up with a touch of his finger and roared to life. Before pulling away, he reached in the back and plopped a small brown bag in my lap. Did he just… he actually bought me supplies? I peaked in the bag, cheeks heating up a little with tenderness as I saw exactly what he said he had. A bottle of blue Gatorade, a thing of aspirin, and a delicious smelling sandwich. 
“I uhh,” I was genuinely at a loss for words. “Thanks, Azriel.”
“Yeah, it’s not a problem. It's one thing to press buttons, but I don't kick people when they're down. Despite what you think, I am a gentleman.” Why was he being nice to me? Why were his eyes smiling like his mouth? This is weird. Everything about this is weird. 
We pulled out of the parking lot and headed down the road. Lamp posts were still on, and a few deer were over on a field once we got out of the main city. There was some soft music playing on the radio as we drove back to the house. 
“I’m gonna warn you, Cassian is furious.”
“Great.” What did I expect, though. I shoved the bagel into my mouth and might’ve actually moaned at how good it tasted. 
“In all honesty, I think he’s more afraid than anything. You were there in the room when he left and then you were just gone. Literally no one saw you leave, how did you get out?”
“I’m Houdini,” I snorted around a mouthful. His shoulders shook with laughter. “No, I don’t know. I just… do that I guess.”
“Not the first time you’ve had to make an escape, huh?” Azriel drove with one hand on the wheel, eyes flicking over to me before they settled back on the road. 
“You can just add it to the never ending list of ‘skills’ I have,” I said. Every emotion wretched through my bones. Above all was shame. “He’s gonna kill me.”
“No,” Azriel pressed his lips together. “I genuinely think he’s not gonna be as pissed as he is worried.”
“What do you mean not gonna? Does he know you found me?” He shook his head. “What- why?”
“Because it would give him time to be coherent when he sees you after what happened yesterday. I don’t think you want that, do you?” No, I abso-fucking-lutely did not want him to prepare before I could get there. I shook my head. “Then consider this a formal favor.”
“A favor?”
“Yes. I saved your ass from Cassian, now I want something in return.”
“What could I possibly have that you would want? Cause you’re sure as hell not gonna get access to my top secret box of top secret secrets.” Maybe I'm still a little drunk. We took a sharp corner and I leavened into it, head smacking into the side of the car. Yup. Definitely still drunk. “You have a box of top secret shit?” He gave me the blandest ‘I don’t believe your bullshit’ look ever.
“No, but if I did you wouldn’t get access to it,” I smiled, taking another huge bite of the sandwich. It was so fucking good. “What do you want?”
“I want to know what the fuck happened between you two.”
The fucking audacity. He had no right to ask, and he had no need to be in our business. “Sorry, that’s one of my top secret secrets. Better luck next time.”
He clicked his tongue, “Stop being such a hardass for once in your life and just answer the question. I’m not gonna tell anyone, I just want to know why you two are at each other's throats all the time.”
“It really isn’t any of your business,” I said, folding my arms over my chest. 
“Well, you’re living in my house so yeah, it kind of is my business.”
Fair point. 
“There really isn’t much to it. He fucking abandoned me with our foster parents. Totally left me alone with them without a fraction of an explanation or a way to find him.” Why was I telling him any of this? I didn’t fucking owe him anything. “I think the worst part about it was that I blamed myself more than anything. I’ve spent six years of my live thinking I was the one who drove him away when in reality he ditched me for fucking you and Rhys. So I apologize if I don’t welcome you with open arms, but you mean absolutely nothing to me.”
Azriel was silent. I didn’t even hear him breathe. “Ira, it wasn’t-”
“There, I said it. Are you happy now? Fucking prick,” I ground my teeth together so hard I thought they’d crack out of my jaw. Tears stung my eyes and I forced myself to look out the window so he wouldn’t see my trembling lip. 
In for four, out for four…
When we pulled in the small driveway, Azriel put the car in park but made no move to get out. And neither did I.
“If it means anything, I really hope you two work your shit out. Because not only is it a pain to listen to, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen Cassian so…”
“Burdened?” I finished for him.
“No,” he gave a small chuckle. “I was gonna say challenged. He is one hell of a dedicated person. He's determined to a fault. And the way he talks about you is… he really wants to help you. He wants to be there for you now that you’re here. He just doesn't know how to yet.” “So he just sees me as something to fix? Fucking perfect.” I rolled my eyes, collecting my things and reached for the handle. It didn’t open. I clicked the lock button and it still didn’t move. When I snapped my eyes to Azriel, he had his finger on the child lock button. “Let me out of here. Right now. And I will not be saying please.”
“Here him out,” Azriel gave me a look. A pointed look. “He wants to help you, not fix you. You don’t need to be fixed, Ira. You just need to be shown some basic human kindness for once in your life.” “Because you would know anything about being treated less than royalty. Open the fucking door or I’ll show you exactly how good some of my skills are,” I threatened. I was not above breaking windows. Especially if I was practically being held hostage. He listened. 
Wise move. 
I marched up to the door, smoke billowing out of my ears as I tired the handle. Locked. 
Having to wait for Azriel to come and unlock it was mortifying. It might even haunt me in my dreams. He strode up the sidewalk like he had all goddamn day, sliding the key into the hole and turning it. 
The foyer was empty, save for the shoes haphazardly piled in the corner. Two short beeps rang though the space as the alarm system declared the door was open. The stairs were right there and it would be so easy to-
“Azriel? Did you find her? I’m about ready to call the fucking National Guard where the hell could she… Ira,” Cassian came out of nowhere and barreled into me, scooping me in his arms. I could barely breathe, and my head and neck and body throbbed. 
I coughed, the air strangling out of my lungs. He was hugging me. Cassian was hugging me. He never hugged me, even as a kid. Only when I had panic attacks would he hug me. 
“Fucking put me down.” I thought I was gonna be popped like a grape. 
“Where the fuck have you been? Do you have any idea how fucking worried I have been? Where did you go? Why are you so… so dirty?”
I just gaped my mouth open like a fish. 
“You wanna tell him or should I?” Azriel quipped from the corner. 
“Pipe it, Azzhole.” I didn’t care if it was unoriginal, it was still funny. I turned back around and looked up at Cassian. For a moment I let myself believe that he was actually worried about me. “And I honestly have no idea, I can’t remember. I woke up in a prison cell.”
I watched all the color drain from his face. “P-Prison? What the fuck, Ira? You were arrested?”
“No, apparently a good samaritan saw me wandering in the middle of the street? Barefoot as well. Well, technically I had one shoe on, I have no idea how they found the other one actually-”
“You spent the night in prison?” Cassian roared, surely waking the whole fucking neighborhood. His eyes were huge and he breathed raggedly, hands smothering my shoulders.
“Chill out, I’m fine. They just kept me there to keep me safe for the night. How they got in contact with Azriel is beyond me,” I shrugged, brushing off his hands. I moved down the hall and settling into one of the kitchen chairs. Cassian stood so tensely I wasn’t entirely sure he wouldn’t break himself in half. “No charges.” “Thank fucking god,” he blew out a breath of air, covering his eyes with his hand. Then he glared at Azriel. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me you knew she was alright? Alive even?”
Azriel just shrugged, “Because I like fucking with you.”
“This is not something you fuck around with, Az. This is my sister, she could’ve been dead for all I knew. O-Or kidnapped. How did you even know where she was?”
“I got a text from one of the bouncers that said a woman matching her description tried to break into the club,” Azriel’s gaze hardened when he looked at me. “Apparently you smashed one of the windows and took a bottle of Jack Daniels.���
My blood ran cold. Now that was a legit crime. 
“So I went down the street, found your shoe, and eventually you. For the record, I was that good samaritan that called in to the station. So you’re fucking welcome for not pressing charges.” Azriel looked pissed. Rightfully so, if all that was true. All traces of that sentimental conversation, all traces of any kindness were gone. 
Cassian just breathed in. Then he breathed out. A little longer inhale the next time around told me he was doing the same trick he taught me all those years ago. 
I twiddled my thumbs. “Let’s get the yelling out of the way.” “I’m not gonna yell,” Cassian rubbed the looming five o’clock shadow on his jaw. 
“Just get it over with. I can take it, don’t hold back,” I rested my temple on my fist, eyes taking in my dirty ass feet. I need a shower. And then a bath. And then my cardboard box of a bed. 
“No,” Cassian shook his head. “I’m not gonna yell at you, Ira. I’m done yelling at you. Clearly it’s not getting anywhere so what’s the point? I just spent the past seven hours scouring the city for you because I thought you left. And I was sick to my stomach because of the last words we spoke to each other. I know I’ve been a shitty brother. A coward. But I just got you back… I don't want to lose you again.”
A rush of memories crashed into me. My very drunk words rattled around in my head. Some brother you are. They played over and over and over and-
“So you’re… not pissed?”
“Oh,” Cassian scoffed. “I’m fucking irate. But I’m just relieved that you’re alright.”
A total fucking one-eighty from a few hours ago. Huh. Weird. 
“But Ira we– we have to do something because I can’t ever have that happen again. So, here’s what we’re going to do. Starting next Monday you are going to be working at the hotel for me.”
“Okay that’s… that’s fine,” I shrugged. I was totally expecting him to send me to the military. I felt like there was a catch coming. 
“And every penny that you make is going towards paying Azriel back for the damages that you caused.”
There it was. 
Well, it’s better than being on the street. I looked from him to Azriel. Him and that fucking smirk. “Fine.”
“Good,” Cassian blew out a long breath. “Oh, and you’ll be working for Azirel, too.”
“What?” Both of us exclaimed at the same time. 
“Didn’t you say you could use an extra set of hands, Az?” There was a very obvious tone to him. He wasn’t offering my help, he was volunteering me. Involuntarily. “You can put her in charge of cleaning up in the mornings.”
“I don’t want her in my building, she wrecked it,” he spat, pacing over to us at the table. He was so tall from this angle. 
“Too bad. You want the costs covered?” Cassian stuck a hand out at me, “Well there it is. It’s been a long day. Go to fucking bed, both of you. And keep your bickering to a minimum please. Nesta is still asleep.” “Good to know she cared about me enough to make an appearance,” I huffed, receiving an eye roll from Cassian. His feet sounded up the stairs and Azriel and I were left in the kitchen. Alone. Very very alone. “Look, I don’t want to do this as much as you do so why don’t we just sweep this under the rug and call it a day. Both of us know you could pay to have a window fixed by sunrise so… wave your magic wand and make it go away.”
Azriel grinned. A devilish look. A devious look. “Oh, absolutely not. You broke my window, and you’re going to come up with the money to fix it.”
Petty bitch. Only he could rival my pettiness. 
“And if I have to call in reinforcements,” he pointed up, referring to Cassian. “I will.”
“Oh, because I’m so afraid of my brother? Please.”
“No,” Azriel closed the distance between us. His body heat radiated toward me, his breath fluttering some of my loose hair. “But you should be very afraid of me.”
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haee-elia · 8 months
spence-tober: day 20 - painter
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pairing: painter!spencer reid x fem!reader
summary: in which you sit for a handsome hermit artist
word count: 1410
warnings: none? mentions of buying someone's time at an auction (for charity!!!), disagreements of buying someone's time, i do not condone this 'traditional' event
spence-tober masterlist
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To be completely honest, you thought this whole situation would be a whole lot more uncomfortable. Although your neck was getting pretty stiff. You have to resist the urge to crack it or change the position of your head.
“You can take a break if you need.” A voice rings out in the studio you’re sitting in.
You can’t see the man with the studio light right behind him, dim enough to not blind you but bright enough to block out your vision of the rest of the dimly lit studio. 
“Thanks,” You still say to him, a grateful smile on your face.
When your best friend, one of the local organizers of a charity in the area, had approached you about ‘auctioning’ off a date with you, you had no idea this is what the date would come to.
At the auction, you had originally been nervous worrying who would bid the highest amount for a ‘date’ with you. There was an especially eager older man who you knew to have had four divorces all to much younger women. Many joked that he was the Leonardo DiCaprio of your town. He had been the front runner, out-bidding everyone until a younger, tall man in the back bid an absurdly high number and finally ended your anxiety about spending a date with the older man.
And when you had caught up with him to give the man your information for your ‘date’, he had simply smiled, introduced himself as ‘Spencer’ and then explained that he’d like for you to sit for him to paint as your date.
You were surprised at the request of the date, but were glad to indulge if it meant not having to actually go on a date in which he bought you for. The whole being auctioned off thing was quite outdated in your opinion, but the charity event catered towards an older crowd and it was one of the biggest fundraising events every year.
“So, are you new to the area?” You ask Spencer who’s behind the easel, still working on the portrait. 
When you arrived to his studio, he hadn’t said too much and you were dying to learn more about the man who rather than go on a date with you, wanted to be able to paint your resembalance. 
Throughout the session so far, you had tried not to move or talk to help the painting go along smoothly, but with the silence came the growth of curiosity.
“Yeah, you could say that.” Spencer replied, eyes still focused on the canvas. 
Through the bright lights, you could make out his figure. His perfectly messy yet well groomed hair swept against his forehead while his glasses were starting on a descent down his nose. There was a whisper of facial hair that you gathered was probably just past due for a shave and his torso was still in perfect posture. His large hands held the palette and brush while his legs straddled a metal stool. 
Your eyes flicker with curiosity and question, “What do you mean by that?” You can’t help but ask.
Spencer chuckles, “I’ve lived here for a little under a year. I just-,” He stops for a moment, trying to find the right word, “don’t get out much, I guess.”
You hum, “Is that why I haven’t seen you in town?”
The town you reside in is small. It’s not small enough that everybody knows everybody, but a newcomer would have definitely picqued some interest in the gossip circles at the local cafes or in the book clubs or knitting groups. 
“I guess so.” He replies, “I would have remembered if I’d seen you or not.” He comments.
“How come?” You’re just full of questions after sitting still and quiet for so long. 
“I have an eidetic memory.” Spencer answers. “That means-”
“-you can recall an image in sharp detail after it’s left your vision.” You finish for him, “Right?”
He peeks his head out from the side of the easel, “How do you know that?” He says non-accusingly. His tone reads more of curiosity, like yours.
“I studied neurology and psychology for a bit, before switching to a more pharmaceutical specific study.” You explain.
“You’re a pharmacist then.” Spencer clarifies, attaching his focus back to the painting in front of him.
“Close.” You say, “I’m getting my Pharm. D right now. Still technically a student.” 
“Does having an eidetic memory help with painting a subject?” You ask next, happily sitting in the chair now. The atmosphere doesn’t feel as uncomfortable and you find yourself quite enjoying getting to know the man behind the easel. 
Your friend likes to joke that artists are mysterious and while you don’t always agree with her, you do see that Spencer is more quiet than most and perhaps a bit of a hermit. A handsome hermit, but still a hermit.
“I can, but I prefer to paint a subject that’s in front of me.” He answers you, “With an eidetic memory, it’s helpful when I’m finishing up the details and for the little things. But when someone’s sitting for me, the subject is ever changing. When you breathe, the picture shifts. When the light reflects in your eyes as you look around, the picture shifts. A mental picture can never do that for me. You can.”
With the end of his sentence, he looks back around the canvas and into your eyes and you feel yourself warm up. Who said only writers had beautiful words?
“So am I your muse, then?” You tease, hoping to not show how much his words affected you just then.
You see his lip curl up into a playful smirk, “Maybe.” He answers, leaving it at that.
For a handsome hermit, Spencer certainly could turn a pretty phrase when he wanted to but at the same time, his bashfulness made you also feel a flutter in your stomach.
“I’m assuming that you won’t be finished just after one day.” You say, trying to invoke a little more conversation out of the man. You think he owed you at least that, after sitting silent for him after some time.
Spencer shakes his head, “No, I’d like to spend quite a bit of time capturing your likeness.”
There it was again, you think to yourself. Just one sentence and you feel your skin warm up again, butterflies forming in your stomach. Even though he had insisted that he wasn’t buying a date from you, but rather your time, you find yourself wishing this was a date.
“Would you have me sit for you again?” You find yourself asking him. For some reason, you can’t bear not ever seeing Spencer again. There’s a curiosity in you about him. Something drawing you in.
“I-I-I don’t want to take up any more of your time.” Spencer insists, his hand holding the paintbrush shakes a little with hesitation. It shows in his tone as well, “You’ve already done me a favor sitting for me today for so long.”
“I don’t mind.” You say confidently, wanting to get your point across. “Really, I don’t.” You insist it, in fact.
“Are you sure?” He asks, shyly this time. 
You nod your head to confirm, “Honestly, this has been the best date I’ve been on in a long time.”
Spencer shakes his head, “This isn’t a date.” 
“Oh,” is all you can manage to say. You hope he can’t tell the slight disappointment in your voice.
“We’ve barely even talked.” He explains further, putting his palette and brush down on the cart next to him. 
You smile and nod. It’s true, after all, you barely know basic information about him. Sliding off the stool when you see him start packing up his supplies, you stand, “Well, just remember next time you don’t need a date for me to sit for you. I’m flattered that you even want to paint me.” You say honestly.
“You’re beautiful.” Spencer blurts out. “How could I not want to paint you?” He asks rhetorical.
You blush and bite your lip, keeping in your own comment about how he’s quite handsome himself. As you grab your purse, he speaks again.
“And if I wanted to ask you out on a real date? Without the painting and the sitting.” Spencer inquires, “Wo-ould you be interested?” He clears his throat as he stutters a little bit.
A grin grows on your lips.
“I wouldn’t say no.”
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a/n: i struggled to find inspiration for this one when i took inspo from my wildlife photographer!spencer and thought of the mention of an auction date. i don't agree with auctioning off a date with someone, whether they be of any gender, but i thought this was a sweet idea where you more so bought her time and gave her a choice as well.
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happy-beeeps · 1 year
Cover Boy
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Summary: Trying to come up with an idea for a fundraiser, the reader has the idea to enlist the faces of the GAR in a calendar shoot. It’s for charity!
WC: 2.3k
Warnings: Literally none aside from kissing and some sexual innuendos, also I make beach balls and pilates canon in universe sorry
Pairing: Rex x heiress!reader and platonic reader x every clone ever 
A/N: This is an absolute crack fic, I hope you had an ounce as much fun reading it as I did writing it. Also, you don't need to read my longifc for this, but it is the same reader!
* * *
Fives and yourself are in the middle of a particularly strenuous portion of the aerobics holo you’ve recorded in your living room. You’re both sweating, you in a hot pink athletic set and Fives in his blacks, you’re both huffing and puffing, trying to keep your conversation from a moment ago up.
“What about an auction?” He says, face reddening as he speaks.
You attempt to wave your hand, but the movement is lost in the switch to squats. “That’s so boring. If I’m attaching my name to a fundraiser, it’s gotta be big.” Your hands go to the side of your face to emphasize the word. “I want it to be for a cause I care about, but also something fun, ya’ know?” You huff out as the impossibly fit Salenga on the holo keeps a maddening pace of step ups and arm raises. 
“Have you even picked a cause yet?” He says, arms swinging around him as he steps up onto the small boxes you each have in front of you. 
“No,” and you sigh, a real sigh, that has you reaching for your water a few beats early. Fives follow your lead, and you leave the Salenga woman to keep working herself past the point of fit. “In my dream world, it would benefit you guys. Maybe that one foundation that donates to the orphans on Independent worlds?”
“I mean, that’s hard to do, you’d have to practically give something away for people to give us more money than they already think they have by paying taxes.” He crosses his arms and leans back on your couch. You crinkle your nose and pretend the sweat dripping into the upholstery doesn’t bother you. 
“C’mon, you’re the fun one, you’re supposed to help me with this.”
“I’m telling Jesse,” he says, and you both laugh and settle into silence as you catch your breath. That short lived silence is broken, however, by Rex opening your door, mail in hand, smiling at you. 
“Hey you,” you bolt up from the couch and walk over to him, swinging your arms around his neck and pulling him for a kiss. You love when he’s home on Coruscant, when he can come home from meetings with the General and stay at your apartment. It's so domestic.
He smiles into it, putting the mail on the island and wrapping an arm around your waist. “You two kids have fun?” He asks, looking at the worn out shape of his brother melted over your sofa. “Did you kill him?” he mock whispers to you, and you lean into his side and turn to look at the packages on your counter.
“No, I’m just gonna throw up if I look at you two.” Fives replies, hand clasped over his eyes. You roll your eyes at the dramatics and shuffle through the packages. There’s a box from your facialist, an order you placed at a designer a week ago, a new pair of shoes, and-
Oh. It’s an idea. An idea you know Rex will absolutely hate. But an idea nonetheless. 
“So, hear me out.” You hold the calendar in front of your hands, out towards them. Rex scrunches his eyebrows in confusion and now it’s Fives’ turn to sprint towards the door.
“This is it!” He shouts, looking through the calendar and back at you. You can’t help it, you’re grinning now too, and Rex is looking more and more concerned at the frenzied state of the two of you.
“What’s it?” He cautions, and you wrap both arms around his waist.
“How much do you love me?” You ask, batting your eyelashes up towards his face.
* * *
The answer is, evidently, a lot. Rex has successfully gathered not only the 501st, but rallied some of the 212th, the Corries, the Wolfpack, the 327th, and a few more men you’re not entirely sure you remember in the few weeks you’ve been planning this. You’ve sweet talked (gave a lot of credits) the owner of 79’s into using the space for the shoot, and you enlisted the help of a photographer you’ve worked with in the past, a kind eyed Nautilian named Eo. You’re standing before the chatty group of clones next to Eo wearing a short, baggy long sleeved dress with a plunging neckline and chunky belt, holding a glass of  champagne that you tap the stylus you’re holding against. When that doesn’t work to quiet the crowd, Rex emerges from his spot behind you and places two fingers in his mouth and whistles, catching their attention much faster. “Thanks, love,” you murmur over your shoulder, just for him to hear, before smiling in front of the men. You introduce yourself, in case anyone doesn’t know who you are, which earns some chuckles from the group. Sure, maybe not all of them know you as Rex’s girlfriend, but Tup had told stories about the unlucky shinies who had covers of you pasted around their bunks before they knew who you were. You’ve got a face they want to remember, he had said. “I want to thank you all for coming today, this is going to be really exciting!” You exclaim, clapping your hands together and bouncing a bit on your heeled boots. You earn some smiles off of that, and you hope your genuine excitement rubs off on them. You place a hand on Eo’s arm, “This is Eo, they’ve been my photographer on a few shoots before, they’ve made me look amazing, and they’re going to make you all look even better.”
Eo tufts in response, but smiles. “My goal in my studio is for each model to express themselves as their truest self,” they gesture to an assortment of props, some military themed, some seasonal, some more random. “I like to capture the moment, not the person, so please, group up, stand for solos, whatever makes you feel like the inner star you are.” Eo is dramatic, but so are you, and you know this is going to be great. Rex sighs behind you as the group starts to move around, and you turn to him, jumping a bit. “Isn’t this fun!”
“How do you do this? This seems exhausting and we haven’t even done anything.”
You smile and shake your head, “I’m not a model, I’ve only been in like two photoshoots, and that’s because Jil planned it.” 
Rex slides his arms around your shoulders and pulls you in as you watch the chaos unfold, “Meh. You look like one to me.”
Some of them, like Fives and Gregor and Sinker are more than prepared to model. Obviously, you had hoped that some of the clones would feel comfortable shedding some layers, but you aren’t prepared for Fives to immediately shed the top layer of his gear and blacks and begin making some suggestive poses with a pair of grenades. This incites the other two, and suddenly Gregor is at his side, dangling a blaster between his legs while Sinker runs a hand through his blonde hair and actually smolders into the camera. Eo is eating it up, and honestly, so are the rest of them. Soon enough, you’ve cornered the Corries into some Life Day themed images with their red armor, and Cody and his crew use the sunshine pattern on his plastoid as a cue to toss a multicolored beach ball around. Even Wolffe is getting in on the fun, holding up Boost in his arms while the latter blows a kiss into Eo’s camera. Rex is laughing, and he’s popped into a few of the scenes with his boys, his helmet tucked under your arm as he grins towards you. You send him a wink and he rolls his eyes back at you, but he’s smiling. You use your other hand to mime punching numbers into a comm and mouth call me. Kix nearly chokes at the sight, and Rex lets out the biggest laugh he’s had all day. You’re grateful Eo is there, and snaps the moment into permanence. Everyone is really enjoying themselves, and you can’t tell if it’s the electric energy or the fact that you slipped the 79’s owner some extra credits to start bringing out beers.
Either works.
“Let’s get one of all the commanding officers,” Eo says, and gestures to a few of the men around them. Rex and his brothers move to sit on some of the barstools, looking stoic and strong and remarkably handsome. They all have such different energies about them, you don’t know how you could ever imagine them being clones. Brothers, sure, that much is evident by the way they talk to one another. But they’re all so remarkably different.
After a few more shots of each garrison that showed up, you call them together and explain the process. Of the proceeds from calendar sales, half will be sent to the charity you had thought of before, Padme had already helped you contact them, and the remainder was to be split amongst the clone battalions. Not the GAR, but the clones. Their eyes widened at the statement, eager to maybe have some real spending money, and they woop and clap and hug you on the way out. You stop and chat to a few of the troopers you know well from other battalions, and of course your boys in blue, and you don’t notice Eo and Rex chatting off to the side. 
Everyone has left now, and you tug Rex to a seat near a window. “I can’t help but notice you didn’t go for a solo.” You state, and purse your lips. 
He laughs, and leans back. “Nah. Don’t need it.”
“I didn’t say it was for you.” And you wave Eo over. They move to get the lighting right and you step back and admire Rex. He’s just so handsome, strong jawline and bright blonde hair. You have to physically hold yourself back from jumping at him, so opt to sigh dreamily instead. “You’re just so handsome.” You say, right as Eo snaps the image. 
He smiles back in response, a real one, a genuine smile. “Use that one for your birthday month in your calendar,” he reaches his arms out towards you and you oblige, happily. He pulls you in towards his lap and you fall into him, smiling and laughing while he brushes the hair out of your face. “I love you, even though you’re insane, and you make me do shit like this.”
You kiss him in response. You know he means it and you know he knows you do. It’s warm and soft and the exact embodiment of the warm, fuzzy feelings you’ve had today. You’re so wrapped up in the moment, you don’t even notice Eo taking pictures the entire time, or the thumbs up Rex sends them.
* * *
A month later, you get the first physical box of calendars. You had ordered a few for promotions, but word got out faster than you anticipated, and the public was more than happy to donate to a worthy cause. And if they got a calendar featuring the Republic’s strongest and bravest? Consider it a bonus. You and Rex are sitting on your couch flipping through the sample, and CeeDee your serving droid brings over a bottle of wine, seeing as you had just polished off the last one. You’re giggling and pointing at the troopers, but it’s a nice change, seeing these normally stoic men actually enjoying themselves. There’s of course some more risque inclusions thanks to Fives and Gregor which you both laugh at, and you smile fondly at Rex’s page, plastered across the banner for your birth month. “It’s a gift to me,” you say fondly, looking up and stroking his cheek. 
“I’m really proud of you, you know.”
“Oh, why? Because I successfully avoided turning this into a full blown porn shoot?”
Rex laughs and pours you another glass, “No, honestly, next year let’s do more,” he sips from his glass, “I think this is going to help, you know, change things. Have people see us as actual people.” He sets his cup down and pulls you in for a kiss. It’s quick but profound, and you can feel the meaning in it. “Thanks, for everything.”
You beam, and lean into his chest. “You’re welcome.” The two of you sit in silence for a few minutes before you’re interrupted by a ping on your datapad. “Eo sent me the files, so we can send all the holos to every trooper!” Rex is smiling, his chin on your shoulder looking over you. You swipe through the gallery, smiling at all the shots when you get to the end. There’s a few pictures, all candid, of you and Rex. You’re smiling at each other, wrapped up in each other’s arms, kissing. He’s in his gear and you’re in a tiny dress, and you’re in 79’s. “For when I’m not here.” He murmurs, pressing a kiss to your temple. The tenderness of it, the way he must have set it up, doesn’t slip past you, and you turn back to him.
“You’re just too good Captain,” and you kiss his jaw before leaning back on his chest. “Now we have to get you one for yours,” you gesture to his datapad, on the ground beside you.
“Oh, I’ve already got one.” He pushes a few buttons and his datapad switches to an image of just you, you’re laughing at something, eyes gleaming, glass in hand. The picture is a little blurry, it’s missing the perfectionism of Eo, but there’s something light in it, something raw and real. 
“Did you take this?” You ask, and he shrugs.
“Eo let me take a few.” He says, and pulls you up on his lap. “Like you said, I’m very good.” He whispers, before closing the gap between you with a kiss.
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forpiratereasons · 5 months
i know you mentioned another auction for palestine, but i was wondering if anyone was doing or could drum up support for a traditional fundraiser with goals alongside it, like with the renewal campaign (that's still receiving money!!)? i've seen talk that that would be the easiest way to get money where it needs to go, if that makes sense, more no-strings attached which might make people more eager to give? or was part of the original auction the ability to give a donation for nothing "in return" already, i'm not sure?
i just have no idea how these things get started, but i think people are very eager to give and it would be a good idea to take advantage of the momentum and attention and do some good! :D
heyo, yes, there was absolutely a traditional fundraiser alongside the auction and I'm sure there will be again! there's also a traditional fundraiser going on right now at rainbowYOUTH, which supports queer youth in Aotearoa NZ.
honestly I've been pretty impressed with how well organized a lot of fan fundraising has been in ofmd fandom - we also did fundraising last year to support the writers/actors strikes and we had food and drink delivered to the picket lines i think every day of the strikes, and after s2 we also did a fundraiser for orgs that support amputees in the UK. there have been fundraisers to support abortion advocacy after roe v wade was overturned and to support trans youth in the UK after s1 in honor of Jim. folks now are matching their donations to the #hoistthead campaign with donations to PCRF, though that's happening on an informal basis for now, and like i said before, whatever excess there is on the #hoistthead campaign will go to rainbowYOUTH and other charities associated with or supported by our cast and crew. it's a generous fandom! it's been really great.
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cerberusxt · 1 year
Lesbian Pride Sister of Battle and how you can win her !
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For the Fabulous Marine fundraiser, i’ve painted a Sister of Battle with the lesbian pride colors (more angles visible at the end of that post).
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For those who don’t know what the Fabulous Marine fundraiser is, you can check their in depth website, but basically it’s a bunch of miniature painters that, during the whole pride month, do various livestreams, or paint mini they then put up on auction or through a raffle in order to get money for the Trevor project, a non profit focused on suicide prevention efforts aimed at LGBTQ youth.
That year, the goal is to reach 10 000 dollars (at the time of writing, it’s already at 9000$ so hell yeah !).
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With that being said, I decided to participate that year trough the raffle option instead of the auction because I think it’s the best way to let everyone have a chance of getting a cool mini without the need to have lot of disposable income (not that there is anything wrong with that, especially if it’s for charity, but i’m sure you get the idea behind letting more people having a shot).  Anyway...
How the raffle works ?
To enter the raffle, simply click here ! You will then see a page that ask you for a donation. Chose an amount and will be able to chose a reward :
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For that raffle, the minimum is 5$. You can donate more, it means you will get more chances of winning since I will count each 5$ increments as one ticket (for example, if you give 20 dollars, you get 4 tickets to your name).
The raffle will finish right at the end of pride month, meaning the 30th june.
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For those wondering, the base is magnetized (I basically stuck a magnet on the display and a metal washer under the Sister of Battle base), meaning you can remove her from her display to add her to your army if that’s what you  prefer. Be warned though, it’s painted for display, meaning I didn’t varnished anything.
Anyway, more angles !
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bridgyrose · 5 months
If possible, could I ask for a transmasc Weiss and his fiancée Ruby attending a fundraising gala?
(One Schnee Gala for the anon)
Weiss adjusted his tie over and over as he watched his reflection, disappointment crossing his face when he realized how much he reminded himself of his father. This was supposed to be a fundraiser to move the Schnee name into another direction, pull away from the legacy his father left, and now, he wasnt even sure that would be possible. Every attempt to move away from his father brought him back every time he saw his reflection. 
“You done fussing about how you look yet?” Ruby asked as she walked up behind Weiss, resting her chin on his shoulder. “The gala is starting soon and we dont want to be late.” 
“We wont be late, it cant start without me.” 
“And you plan to move away from that mirror when? I swear, you’re still just as bad as when you used to wear dresses.” 
“I need to make sure I look perfect,” Weiss said as he pulled his fingers away from his tie, straightening out his shirt as he looked himself over. “Everything for tonight has to be perfect. If its not perfect-” 
“Everything will be fine.” Ruby kissed Weiss on his cheek, pressing up against his side. “You’ve spent months planning out this gala. I promise, everything is perfect already.” 
Weiss rolled his eyes and pulled Ruby close, gently moving his hands down the red dress she wore.  “You know this needs to be perfect. This whole gala is meant to give back to Mantle, to everyone who lost their lives making this kingdom. If I cant do that, then what was all of this for?” 
“And you’ll be able to do that. I know you will.” 
Weiss nodded as she looked into Ruby’s eyes, slowly relaxing as he took her hand and felt the gloves she wore. He gave her a quick kiss, pulled away, and took a breath to relax himself as he squeezed Ruby’s hand. After a few moments, he walked with his fiancé out of the bedroom and down the stairs to the ballroom that had been set up for the charity gala to look over the last few preparations before the event started. He checked every table to make sure the tablecloths and doilies were all the proper shade of white, walked past each art piece he commissioned to be auctioned off for the fundraiser, and made sure the musicians he hired had the right music for the atmosphere. Everything was perfect. 
Though, as he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the suit of armor near the entrance, he couldnt help but stop and look over himself once more, only seeing Jacques looking back at him. The color and style of his suit was still much like his father’s, his long hair pulled back into a ponytail looked more like it was slicked back than pulled back, even the few feminine features he had still brought his father to mind over his mother. 
“Are you sure you’re up to this?” 
Weiss turned away from his reflection and put up a fake smile to Ruby, gently taking her hand and thumbing her fingers. “Of course I’m up to this. I’ve spent too much time getting everything ready to go back now.” 
“You know there are other ways to give back, right?” Ruby asked, putting her hand on Weiss’s arm. “Galas are nice, but they arent the only way to raise funds. You could create a charity or start by rebuilding the neglected homes.” 
“I have to do the gala.” Weiss started to walk through the rest of the ballroom, keeping Ruby close. “Its what Schnees do and I refuse to leave the idea of a gala like this tarnished by my father and the way he used to carry things out. If his daughter couldnt fix how the rest of the world sees my family, then maybe his son can.” 
“All I’m saying is that you dont have to do things exactly like him.” 
“Then what would be the point?” 
“To be you.” 
Weiss paused in his step and looked around him. Everything was exactly as his father would’ve liked it, a gala that he would’ve put on to try to show that he cared about Mantle instead of treating it like a playground to use for his own profit. “I can be me, after I fix this.” 
Ruby shook her head and leaned against him. “Its always about fixing how everyone views your family because of your dad. First it was fixing the treatment of the faunus, then it was recompense for what your family had a hand in with Vacuo, when do you plan to stop? You know I’ll be with you no matter what you do, but I thought transitioning was supposed to be a way for you to start over. Instead, it feels like all you’re doing is remaking yourself to be someone your dad would like.” 
“I…” Weiss sighed and felt his composure start to drop as he leaned against a wall. “This is the last thing I need… want… to fix. You’re the love of my life and I want to make sure that I have everything in order before I start everything over with you.” He smiled a bit as he looked up at Ruby, gently pulling him close. “Today is the last fundraiser the Schnees will hold, and tomorrow will start a new chapter for us both.” 
Ruby pressed into him. “You promise?” 
“I promise.”
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nlwhydonate · 1 year
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In crowdfunding, fundraising strategy is not only about making appropriate plans to raise money for your cause but also keeping your existing user base associated with you for the long term. It should concentrate on building and maintaining the relationships between the fundraiser and the donors. And auctions can be one of the classic ways to organize a fundraiser. Organizing a friendly bidding event works excellently if you have unique items to exhibit on the silent auctions.
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harleychick91 · 5 months
New SuperCorp Story!!!!
The Winning Bid (rated T)
Lena finds herself donating ten thousand dollars as she and a board member’s wife get into a bidding war. The prize? A date with National City’s Girl of Steel.
AO3 and FFN
Rubbing my temples, I stared at Sam and Jess who sat across from me. Both looked perfectly content after their outlandish proposal for the fundraiser. Are you kidding me? Auctioning off a date with Kara, well Supergirl, as a prize for National City’s Winter Fundraiser. It would bring in funds but how do I ask that type of question to my best friend? How will I feel seeing Kara on a date with someone? Especially another woman. She’s not been on a date since Mon-El. Is she even ready for that?
“Miss Luthor?” Jess questioned. “Are you alright? You have that look in your eyes again.”
“The one where she’s trying desperately to not admit she’s head over heels for her best friend and the thought of someone on a date with said best friend makes her skin crawl?” Sam’s eyes narrowed. “Definitely,” she chuckled. “If you strain too hard, you may burst a vessel. How are you going to explain that to Kara?”
“Shut up, Sam,” I grumbled. The action caused the brunette to laugh harder. “I could fire you.”
“You could,” she smirked, “but you won’t. You love me and Ruby too much.” Becoming serious, Sam continued. “The fundraiser is in a few weeks so you’ll need to ask Kara soon.” Hearing a soft knock, the woman grinned. “I wonder who that could be? Someone who has permission to freely walk in and knock on your door.” Jess looked between the two of us, refusing to make a sound. The tightness of her jaw barely hid her amused grin.
Running a hand through my hair, I tried to compose myself before the reporter entered. “Come in, Kara.”
“Hey!” Blue eyes fell on Sam and Jess. “Oh, am I interrupting a meeting?” Placing her bag and jacket on the coat rack, Kara studied us. “Is everything okay?”
“Lena has a question for you.” Sam stood with a grin. “Jess and I were just leaving. See you soon.” With that, the two women left. “Oh, Lena!” Sam popped her head back in. “See you at the meeting this afternoon.”
“Leave,” I smirked. I should fire them both. Sadly, both are far too good at their jobs to lose. Sighing, I leaned back in my chair.
“What’s going on? I could feel the tension as soon as I walked in.” Taking a seat, Kara’s brows furrowed. “And your heart rate is elevated.” She paused to listen again. “More than just too much caffeine.” Does she always listen to my heartbeat? My stomach dropped remembering a few select late nights after having one too many drinks. I hope not. “Lena?”
“Nothing is wrong,” I tried to smile. “I have a meeting with the board later today and have a favor to ask you.”
“Sure. What can I do?”
“I need Supergirl’s help,” I began. “The board has put me in charge of the door prizes for this year’s charity event.” Kara nodded, unsure of where I was going. “As you know, most of the attendees are of higher tax brackets so the prizes need to be elevated to compensate. Sam and Jess had the idea of auctioning off a date with-,” My voice trailed off. I swallowed a groan. “With Supergirl.”
“Oh…” Kara’s face fell.
“Obviously, you can say “no” and I’ll figure something else out.” Half of me wants you to say no but I have no idea what else I’ll do. I can’t exactly auction myself up.
“It’s for the children’s hospital and Toys For Tots, right?” I nodded. “Then I’ll do it.”
Relief washed over me. “You really don’t have to if-,”
“Will it help you?” The blonde studied me.
“You have no idea how much,” I sighed.
“I’ll do it,” Kara smiled. Please, don’t say it. “That’s what friends are for.”
Forcing a smile, I thanked the blonde and changed the subject. “When is Eliza flying in? I’m sure you and Alex are excited to see her.”
“We are!” She beamed. “Mom insisted we still have the Christmas party.” Kara paused, becoming bashful. “I hope you can make it. Alex invited Sam and Ruby. Everyone else will be there too.”
As if I could say no to that hopeful sparkle in your eyes. God, I’m wrapped around this woman’s finger. “Of course I’ll come. I bet you’ve already decorated for Christmas.”
“Yup!” Kara beamed. “Day after Thanksgiving I put everything up.”
“Of course you did,” I grinned. I love seeing how happy Christmas makes her.
“Halloween is your holiday and Christmas is mine!” She paused. “Have you decorated yet?”
My stomach dropped. “I don’t normally decorate since…” My voice trailed.
“Oh…” Kara fumbled, brow creasing.
What is she planning? I know that look. “Do I need to bring anything to the party?”
“We do a gift exchange each year. All gifts are under fifty dollars.”
“I’ll make sure to pick something up then.” Besides the gift I got you yesterday. “Did you have to promise not to use your x-ray vision on the gifts?” I teased.
A light blush tinted the reporter’s cheeks. “Yes,” she shrugged. “Years ago.”
Chuckling, I smiled at the bashful woman. “Well, I appreciate your help. I’ll pitch the idea to the board this afternoon and let you know if the idea is accepted.”
“Sounds good.”
Realizing Kara only brought her bag and jacket, my brow furrowed. “Did we have a lunch that I forgot about? Or coffee…” Flipping through my planner, I skimmed this week’s page for anything highlighted in blue.
“No, no. I was on this side of town for a story and wanted to say hi.”
“Oh, okay.” My chest warmed. She wanted to drop by just to see me. Ugh! Kara, just friends don’t do things like this. Not that I’m not happy to see you. “It’s appreciated since I know how busy both of us are this time of year.”
“I’ll always make time for you,” Kara smiled with a soft blush.
“Well, seeing you is always a welcomed surprise.”
Finish reading on AO3 or FFN
Happy Holidays!!!!
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wonderlandleighleigh · 7 months
Midgelenny Stars Hollow festival antics or Midge giving some kind of cooking/baking lesson?
Usually they meet to chat at the diner. It's casual, and homey, the food is great, the coffee is even better, and they're usually surrounded by their friends.
So when Midge asked to meet for brunch at the Dragonfly, Lorelai knew something was different.
"I have a proposition," Midge tells her as they sit down with coffees and croissants.
"Oh?" Lorelai asks, giggling a little. "Well, I'm very sorry, but I think Luke would object."
"You're too tall to be my type of woman," Midge jokes back waving a hand, making the younger woman giggle harder. "I only like my men tall, I like my women shorter than me."
"Okay, what's up?" Lorelai asks as she gets a hold of herself.
"Well, it's charity fundraising time again," Midge tells her. "The Weissman-Bruce children's foundation needs an injection of cash. And I had an idea, but it would mean taking over all the rooms at your inn for a weekend."
Lorelai blinks in surprise. "Wow. I mean...I'm sure we have one weekend that's opened, but it'd be way down the road next year."
"Perfect, it gives me plenty of prep time," Midge says. "The idea is to auction off a stay here. It'll include the flight, the food, and a cooking lesson from me. In the Dragonfly's kitchen. I'll cover all costs, and all the auction winners' bids will go to the charity."
"I love it," Lorelai tells her. "I really do. But convincing Sookie to give up her kitchen that way..."
Midge beams. "I have that covered." She leans back. "Sookie!"
It takes a moment, but the other woman bustles out of the kitchen. "Hi, Midge! Croissants okay?"
"Perfect as usual," Midge assures her, taking her hand. "I need a favor."
She explains the plan, and she can see Sookie's face closing off as she keeps talking.
"I will make it worth your while," Midge tells her.
"How do you mean?" Sookie asks.
"If you let me teach these rich schmos in your kitchen, I will walk you step by step through the brisket recipe."
Silence falls over them, as Lorelai watches.
"Step by step?" Sookie asks. "And I can have a written copy?"
"The only written copy," Midge smirks. "Not even my kids have a written copy."
Sookie takes a breath and struggles for a moment. "Okay. Deal. But I get to oversee the cooking lesson, too."
"I was hoping you would," Midge chuckles. "I'm old, I'll need help."
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
To Win A Date
When James' boss decides to do a Date Auction with his players, Sirius does everything in his power to get James out of it, realizing his feelings along the way.
“You’ll never believe what they’re doing for the charity fundraiser this year,” James complains the second he enters their flat.
Sirius glances up at him from his spot on the couch where he’s doing his crossword, amused.  “It can’t be any worse than last year.”
James had complained for weeks about the dance-a-thon competition, where he had to dance with all manner of ladies and gentlemen that really wanted their piece of James Potter, famous Chaser for Puddlemere United.  The rules for the night had been simple – he could dance with anyone that paid the fee to support the fundraiser.  
James had danced with no less than fifty different patrons over the timespan of seven hours and had come home furious that he was nothing more than a dance partner – a pretty piece of meat – forced to dance the night away with the annoying people that paid for his company just to raise money just for his boss’ reputation.
“They’ve decided on a date auction.”
Sirius stops what he’s doing to look up and focus completely on James.  “Like someone buys a date with you?”
Sirius isn’t too sure that he likes that idea.  In fact, he’s pretty sure that it’d been difficult enough to watch James do the dance-a-thon (although he did manage to give him a break and cause him to dance with Sirius), he doesn’t want to watch him be forced to dress up and play piece of meat number one.  
“Uh, what exactly would this entail?”
“Apparently, I have to write some ‘about me’ thing, then we’ll gather at wherever they want to hold it – where I’ll show off my assets and smile and be charming, and then they’ll auction us off like pieces of meat.  Whoever wins me, gets a date with me to do whatever they want,” James states.
Sirius nearly chokes.  “Whatever they want?  Like would you have to sleep with them if they asked?”
“They said it’s just a date,” James says, rolling his eyes.  “But they pretty much implied that since we’re all single and it’s a good cause that we should do whatever they want.  Provided they paid enough.”
“They can’t expect that from you,” Sirius says, appalled.
“They technically didn’t say I had to do anything other than date the person.  Just one date – although they do have the option for more than one date, depending on how much I go for,” James states, rolling his eyes.
They both knew that James was a high earner.  Had been every time they used him to get money.  There’s no doubt given how attractive he is and what happened at the dance-a-thon that James would be a high-ticket option.
Sirius knows that he wouldn’t be able to deal with James dating someone else even for charity, but how could he go about dealing with this situation?  
Surely, James’ boss will see reason if Sirius points out that one of his players is rather uncomfortable with the idea and he offers all of the money in his vault for donation.  Even if the man is a piece of work.
“Don’t worry, Jay.  We’ll figure something out so you’re not being bought and paid for.”
James scoffs.  “Yeah, sure.  I’m going to take a shower; I feel gross after that conversation.”
Sirius nods.  “I get it.”
Sirius waits until the shower is running to hop through the floo after getting clearance from the Woodstone’s house-elf. As with the Blacks, the Woodstones were quite made of money.  Thomas Woodstone probably didn’t even need to do the fundraisers for the team to give to charity (except that he likes using them to build his image into a ‘good guy’, especially after most of his family had been on the Death Eater side of the war).  He lucked out that he’d been out of the country for most of the war and unable to take the mark.  He’d bought Puddlemere just improve his image and make everyone forget about that little tidbit.  After all, everyone loved quidditch.
“Mr. Black, what an unpleasant surprise,” Thomas greets after he’s lead into his office by the house-elf.  
“The unpleasantness is all mine, Mr. Woodstone,” Sirius retorts.  “I’m here because I heard about your next planned fundraiser, and I think you’d be better off changing options.  Perhaps something along the lines of selling sweets?”
Thomas laughs.  “Don’t be daft, Mr. Black.  We both know that after last year, this fundraiser has been in the books.  It’s a great way to make money – especially with our number one player.”
Sirius clears his throat.  “How much would it cost?”
“Would what cost?”
“Don’t be daft – how much money would it take to make the fundraiser disappear?”
“You don’t have enough money in the world.”  Thomas laughs.  “You and I both know that our fundraisers aren’t about the money.  I like being in control.  I like pushing people outside of their comfort zone.”
Sirius frowns.  Of course, he realizes what a sadistic bastard Thomas Woodstone is.  Of course, it’s not about the money.  Of course, it’s about being in control of his players and looking good to anyone not in the know.
“Fine – what can I do to save James from offering himself up on a date for your stupid auction?”
“You could trade places with him.”
Sirius laughs.  “You can’t be serious – that would be majorly suspicious.”
“Well, then, I think we’re at an impasse.  Your friend will simply have to honor his commitment.”
Sirius laughs, again.  James didn’t need this job.  Sure, he loved playing, but he could get on any team he wants, plus, they both have money out the wazoo – they didn’t even need to work.
“Yeah, right.  James could quit – he doesn’t need this job, the way the team needs him.  We’ve got money and he’s got the talent that he could take anywhere.”
Thomas rolls his eyes, “Your posturing is too much for me.”
“Do you really think that James didn’t threaten that this afternoon?” Thomas questions.  “He knew what I was intending with this auction, but he, like all of my players, are under contract to complete the fundraisers I come up with until the end of the season.”
“What?  When did he sign a contract that allows you to sell him like a piece of meat?”
“When he signed his deal two years ago,” Thomas states.  “It was in the fine print, and I’m well aware that he won’t be dumb enough to sign another contract with the team after the season is over, so I have to make the most of the contract now.”
He’s trapped.  No wonder James was so furious.  
The smirk on Thomas’ face tells him everything that he needs to know.  Thomas wins this round.  
Sirius doesn’t go home.  He knows that he should, but the idea that bloody Woodstone has complete control over James like this makes him furious.  He always hated that man.  He always felt that since he was from a Death Eater family and just got lucky that he couldn’t join them from out of the country that he should rot in hell (well, Azkaban) with the rest of his family.
Of course, whenever he says that, one of their friends constantly tells him that people could say the same for him (as if he was ever into the Death Eater mantra).  Sirius may share the last name, but that means nothing since he never agreed with their rhetoric.  Unlike, Woodstone.
Not that it mattered.  Contracts in the wizarding world are far more binding that in the muggle one.  Thus, he was stuck and needed a drink.
He goes to the Apple’s Orchard, a muggle pub he enjoys, knowing that he wouldn’t be as bothered as if he went to a wizarding pub.  He sits down at the bar and orders his usual – whiskey neat, taking the swill almost as if it’s a shot, and causing the bartender to raise their eyebrows in surprise.
“Rough night?”
“You have no idea,” Sirius states.  
He hates Woodstone with a passion, and on top of that, he’s facing the fact that his best mate will be forced to date someone just for money.  And given that Woodstone clearly hates James, he wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more than one fundraiser like this in the near future.  He’s practically going to whore James out just because he can.  
“Hit me, again.”
“Wouldn’t it be better to talk about whatever’s bothering you?” the bartender, who’s nametag reads ‘Pete’, asks.
Sirius sighs.  “My best mate has … signed up to do this date auction.”  
Sirius can’t explain that James can’t get out of it, or the magic involved, but he can explain that Sirius doesn’t want him to do it and James is second guessing his choice.  Hence a quick explanation about the fundraiser.
“A date auction?  Is he good looking?”
Sirius scoffs.  “He’s gorgeous.  That’s not the issue.  The issue is that he made a deal to do this auction and that he’s second guessing and I don’t really approve of such a thing.  I mean, dating for money, it’s minutes away from prostitution and it feels wrong in so many ways.”
“How?  I mean, he’s single, right?”
“Yeah, he’s single.”
“So, an attractive man giving up an evening to raise money for a good cause – what’s wrong with that?”
“What’s wrong?” Sirius scoffs.  “What’s not wrong with it?  I mean, he’s going to go on a date for money and I just have to watch him do it.  There’s nothing I can do about it.  And worse, technically it could be multiple dates and then…”
Pete looks like he’s trying not to laugh.  “You sound like you want to be the one on the date with him.”
“What?  No, he’s – we’re just friends.”
“Sure sounds like you’re jealous of whoever ends up on that date.”
“I’m not jealous.”
Pete hums.  “Sure, you’re not.”
“I’m not!”
“Okay, then you should be fine with whoever opts to win his date.  And if you’re not fine with someone other than you winning it – then, maybe you reconsider your friendship.”
Sirius frowns.  He wasn’t jealous – definitely not, but Pete did give him an idea: he could buy James’ date himself, but he had to be careful.  He couldn’t tell James his plans.  He’ll just have to be supportive some other way until the auction and then BAM – get James’ date himself.  
Totally Foolproof.  
Sirius kept his plans to himself.  Difficult though that was since James had complained about not being able to get out of the date auction every chance he got for the last two weeks.  
He thought about telling James, but then James might talk him out of it.  He’d probably tease him about coming to the rescue or even maybe, possibly being attracted to James.  Which he isn’t – he’s just being a good best mate.
Or at least that’s what he told himself over and over again whenever he pictured someone else winning James’ date.  
Unfortunately, Pete’s words kept coming to the forefront of his mind whenever he thought it.  Sounds like you’re jealous.  Sounds like you want to date your friend.
But he doesn’t… of course he doesn’t.  They’ve been best mates for ten years, if he fancied James, wouldn’t he have noticed that by now?  
So, no.  He doesn’t fancy James.
“What do you think?” James questions, interrupting his musings as he enters the sitting room looking like Merlin’s gift to men.  
Okay, maybe he is a bit attracted to James, but that’s not the same as a fancy.  He just happens to know that James is attractive, that’s all.
Sirius swallows and clears his throat as he checks him out.   “You look – good.”
“Just good?” James questions as he turns to the mirror in the room.  “I was trying to look a bit better than good.  Woodstone said I had to look like I care.”
“Bloody Woodstone is the worst,” Sirius states.  “But I just – yeah, believe me, James.  He’s not going to be complaining.”
“Does that mean I look better than good?”
“You look like Merlin’s gift to men,” Sirius states, honestly.  
“That’s quite the endorsement coming from you,” James says, laughing.  “But seriously, good enough?”
Sirius nods, “I meant that, you know.  You look unbelievably good.”
“Really?” James asks, looking quite flattered.  “I thought you were just teasing.”
“Teasing can be real, can’t it?” Sirius questions.  “I mean – you had to realize that you’re attractive with all of those men and women that hit on you all the time.”
“Yeah, but…”
“But what?”
“But it’s not you.  All those men and women hitting on me aren’t the same as you,” James states.  
Sirius wants to ask what he means by that, but before he can, the floo flares.  
James groans.  “Time for this nightmare to start.”
“Maybe it won’t be so bad.”
“I can only hope.”
The place they chose for the auction was rather expensive, no doubt because Woodstone wanted to invite high money makers so that the auction would go off well and get the attention he wants.  Sirius says goodbye to James as he is taken in by his team, all of whom look about as thrilled to be here as James is.  
Sirius moves to one of the far corners and picks up a program.  He glances over the pictures and bios of the team to the order for team to be auctioned off.
He groans when he realizes that James is last on the list.  He was hoping that he could save them both the misery of not knowing who was going to buy James’ date sooner rather than later.  Instead, he’s going to be on pins and needles all night.  
He sighs.  He needs a drink and a paddle for bidding.  
It doesn’t take more than a few minutes to get his drink and paddle, but as he turns to go back to his far corner, he’s surprised to find that his path his blocked by Woodstone.  
“A paddle, Mr.  Black?” Thomas drawls.  “Thought you’d be against bidding on principle.”
“Maybe I changed my mind,” Sirius counters.  “After all, it is for a good cause.”
“Is that so?” Thomas questions.  “That seems quite odd considering you tried to use your influence to shut down the event.”
“Given that the event is still going to happen anyway, I’d say that clearly I was wrong about it being immoral,” Sirius states.  “Besides, just because I have a paddle doesn’t mean I’m going to use it.”
Thomas hums.  “I know what you’re doing.”
“Do you?”
“I do, and I thought you might do this,” Thomas states.  “Thus, I decided to institute a rule – no close friends or family can bid on their player.  Your bids will automatically be disqualified if you bid on James.”
“There’s no rule like that in the program,” Sirius states.  
“You obviously didn’t turn it over,” Thomas states.
He flips the program over and sees the rules:
1.     All bids are final.
2.     Payment is due at the end of the night.
3.     No close friends or family can bid on their player.
He glances up at Thomas when he finishes reading.  Thomas is smirking at him.
“Enjoy the event, I bet it’ll be much more interesting now,” Thomas states before turning and leaving.  
Damnit.  Sirius should’ve realized how obvious his plan would be.  Now he’d have to think of another plan.  
There weren’t many options.  He couldn’t bid on James himself, but he could potentially come up with an alias and bid as someone else.  The only problem with that is that Thomas would no doubt know what Sirius was up to, and thoroughly investigate whoever bids on James just to make sure that it’s not him.  
He could hire someone, but then, he wouldn’t know if he could trust them.  On the other hand, James was close to Trevor Jones on the team.  A good-looking man who had also been complaining about the date auction.
A quick look around lets him spot Trevor’s brother, Jeremy, looking quite uncomfortable and upset down at the program.  Clearly, he had wanted to do the same for his brother.  It would be perfect.
He makes his way over to Jeremy, and says, “Ready for tonight?”
“Not quite,” Jeremy admits.  “I had a plan to save Trevor from being bought and sold when he doesn’t want to do this, but then I saw this.”
He points at the third rule.  
“He doesn’t even know that I can’t help him out of this.  I’m not sure what to do.”
Sirius smiles.  “I had a similar plan for James, and I was thinking – I could get Trevor’s date, you could get James’ date, and it’s a win-win.  What do you say?”
“That I can’t afford James.  We both know that he’s sure to make a lot tonight.”
“No worries, I can afford James,” Sirius states.  “I’ll give all of the money in my bank account to get James’ date, but I can’t bid on him myself so…”
Jeremy nods.  “Seems like switching who we bid on is a good plan, then?”
“I’m game if you are,” Sirius states.
“Works for me.”
That settled, he says, “I’ll go back to my corner, but good luck.  He’s the last spot.”
“Trevor’s in the middle – make sure you don’t miss him.”
“I won’t, I promise.”
Before long, the event starts with Thomas introducing everyone to annual fundraiser, explaining that this year’s fundraiser is a date auction, and reminding everyone of the rules.
“Now, to get us started – we’ve got the lovely Isaac Button.  He’s twenty-two, loves the outdoors and can cook you dinner himself without a house-elf.  Let’s start the bidding at 50 galleons.”
Sirius tunes out.  He doesn’t need to listen to the other players and how much they’re going for.  He only cares about Trevor and James.  He needs this to go well.  He can’t stand the thought that James might go on a date with someone else.  He doesn’t want it.  He wants James for himself.  
Okay that’s a little strong.  Sure, Sirius has come to realize that he fancies James – thank you very much Pete – but that doesn’t mean he’s ready to ask him out or anything.  This is just about saving him from someone who might take advantage of him.  
Nothing else.  
It’s not like he’s going to confess his undying love for his best mate out of nowhere.  
Well, he could but James might freak out.
Before he could wonder if James’ earlier comment meant something about his potential feelings, he hears: “And now, we have Trevor Jones.  He’s twenty-four, an excellent chaser, can play the piano, and knows the perfect places to take you out on the town.  Let’s start the bid at 50 galleons.”
There are a few different people that lift up their paddles and the price goes up and up as two women battle it out before it’s gets to 500 galleons.  At that point, Sirius raises his paddle for 550 galleons.
“I see 550, do I have 600?”
A woman in red, raises her paddle, glaring at Sirius.  
“I see 600, do I have 650?”
Sirius raises his paddle.  Back and forth he and the woman go before he blurts out, “1000 galleons.”
“1000 galleons, going once, twice, sold to bidder number 53.”
Satisfied, Sirius smiles at Trevor, who looks uncertainly between Sirius and Jeremy, but Jeremy’s smiling.  
Good.  One down, one to go.
Sirius zones out, again.  He doesn’t need pay attention to the other players on the team or their bids.  He doesn’t really care.  He feels for them, of course, but he needs to focus on James.  James needs him to fix this issue, and he needs to make sure that Jeremy follows through with his end of the deal.
“And finally, James Potter.  Star Chaser for Puddlemere United, he can fly like no other and is every man or woman’s dream date.  Not only is he gorgeous, but he can cook, he can dance, and he’s pretty much good at anything you might want him to do.  Let’s start the bidding at 500 galleons.”
That’s a lot higher than the others, but James still has many paddles in the air.  Thus, the battle has begun.  
Sirius can’t help glancing over at Jeremy, who seems to be waiting until there’s less paddles in the air.  It’s a good strategy.  The same strategy he’d used for Trevor, so he’s not upset, but he is anxious.  
James can’t go to some random person that might want him to do something he doesn’t want to do.  
This is the most intense battle of the night as James’ number is now more than 3000 galleons, and the battle is between a red-haired woman, a blonde-haired man, and Jeremy.  James keeps giving him looks as if expecting for Sirius to step in and end the madness.  
Except he can’t.  He wants to, but he can’t.  
Poor James.
Finally, after ten minutes, Jeremy yells, “5000 galleons.”
“5000 galleons, going once, twice, sold to bidder 45.”
Relief floods through Sirius.  They’d figured it out.  Now, Jeremy could give him James’ date and he could give him Trevor’s.  Although he doubted that they would actually go on a date.  
With the event now over, Sirius makes it over to Jeremy.  “Thank you for doing this.”
“Don’t thank me – I did it for my brother more than you and James,” Jeremy states.  “Although I am glad that we’re able to switch with each other.  We should go finalize our dates quickly lest Woodstone make something up so that our plan fails.”
“Good idea.”
They quickly make it over to the booth and settle up, relieved when trading the date vouchers were able to be traded once they were paid for.
“Looks like I got my dream date,” Sirius teases as they walk away and straight into James and Trevor.
“Trevor’s your dream date?” James questions, looking a bit upset.  
“No, I – I couldn’t bid on you, so Jeremy and I traded – you, my deer, are my dream date,” Sirius states, showing him the date voucher.  
James looks thoroughly stunned.  “I am your dream date?  Since when?”
Sirius laughs, somewhat awkwardly.  “It’s just a play on the whole date auction thing.  You know, I wanted to save you the awkwardness of going on a date with someone that might make you do things that you don’t want to do.  This way – you win.”
“I win?”
“Yeah, you were a high earner like expected and you don’t have to play a piece of meat for some stranger that might want you to compromise your virtue.”
“Compromise my virtue?” James questions.
“Well, for 5000 galleons, I expect anyone else would’ve expected far more than a simple date.”
Especially given the way some of those men and women had been not shy about the way they checked him out.  
“5000 galleons?” James asks, surprised.  
Sirius laughs, “You didn’t pay attention?”
“We weren’t allowed to hear the bids,” Trevor states.  “They put a spell on us so we wouldn’t know what we were worth.”
“Wow,” Sirius states.  “Anyway, yeah.  I paid 5000 galleons, and it’s worth every one to make sure that you don’t have to play some piece of meat and compromise yourself.”
“I think I’m going to be ill,” James says, looking a bit woozy.  
Jeremy nudges Sirius.  “We’re good here, why don’t you take him home?”
Sirius nods.  “Yeah, I think I should.  Thanks for your help.”
“No, thank you – I appreciate saving my brother, too.”
He turns to James and says, “Let’s get you home.”
As soon as they get home, Sirius gets James into his bed and offers him a potion to help his wooziness.  Once he takes it, James sighs, obviously feeling better.
“There you go, James.  Just relax, everything’s alright now,” Sirius assures him, running a hand through his hair.  
“Do you have any idea of what could’ve happened if I earned that much, and it wasn’t you?”
Sirius barely contains his shiver.  The woman bidding against Jeremy looked quite like she wanted to skip the date and bed James.  It wouldn’t be a surprise given that amount of money that she would have paid to go the length of suggesting such a thing from James.  Something they both had been worried about ever since they discovered the date auction.
“I do,” Sirius states.  “Why do you think I did what I did?  I had the initial plan for me to bid on you myself, but Woodstone thought it through – knew I would do that and added a rule against it.”
“Hence bidding on Trevor for Jeremy and Jeremy bidding on me for you.”
“Exactly,” Sirius states.  “And now you don’t have to worry.  We’ll just have a nice date – dinner or dancing whatever you want and then, you know I wouldn’t take advantage of you.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” James states.  “Still, that’s a lot of money for us to do what we always do together.”
“You’re worth it,” Sirius says.  “Besides, you’ve already saved me – it’s my turn to save you.”
“That’s what this was, payback?”
“Of course not, but it helps,” Sirius assures him.  “I just – I know how worried you’ve been, and I couldn’t stand the thought of you in such pain.”
James smiles.  “Yeah, I get that.”
“Besides, you would’ve done the same for me.”
“Yeah, I would’ve.”
“Now, get some sleep.  We’ll plan out our date tomorrow.”
“Sounds good.”
The next morning was surprisingly awkward, Sirius wasn’t sure why until James says, “You realize that we have to go on a date now, right?”
Sirius hums.  “Yeah, but I mean – it doesn’t have to be any different than one of our normal nights together.”
Of course he wants it to be different – he wants it to be an official date, but he’s not going to say that.  After all, he wouldn’t want James to think he bought and paid for him just because he sort of realized that he maybe fancies James and didn’t want to be all jealous of James going out with someone else like he’d been when he dated Lily – not that he’d ever admit to be jealous of Lily.
It would be a terrible way to start a relationship.  
“Are you sure?”
“Well, yeah, I just got the date to protect you – I mean, it wasn’t, you know.”
“So, you – you don’t really want to date me?” James asks, sounding uncertain.
“Not like this,” Sirius states.  “Not when it was to save your virtue.”
James nods, “Right – of course.  Well, uh, either way, the voucher is for Friday.  We could do dinner, and just hang out.”
“Sounds perfect.”
Despite everything feeling much more normal over the last week leading up to the date, Sirius finds himself surprisingly nervous.  He had expected that they would go to one of their normal haunts, but James had surprised him with the news that he had to make it a proper date.  Somewhere fancy and intimate.  
Apparently, the voucher had a specific location for the date – one of Woodstone’s restaurants.  Just another way for Woodstone to be in control, Sirius supposes.
It just means this date won’t be one of their normal handouts, but that doesn’t mean that it has to be intimate, right?
Sirius is perfectly capable of being his normal best mate self, even in a much more romantic setting.  After all, it wasn’t a real date.  
A knock at his bedroom door jars him from his thoughts, “Hey, Si, you ready?”
Sirius does a quick look over at himself, he thinks he looks good – he didn’t want to look like he was trying too hard, but he did still want to dress to impress.  Especially if they’re going somewhere fancy and intimate.
He opens the door and jaw nearly drops at seeing James.  He looks even better than he did at that auction.  “Wow.”
James chuckles, “Is that a good wow?”
“Very good,” Sirius grins.  “You look – fantastic.”
James grins, “You don’t look so bad yourself.  Ready to go?”
“Yup.  I’m ready to go,” Sirius confirms.  “Are we taking the bike?”
“Yes, I thought – I figured that we usually do when we go out,” James says, shrugging.
While true, they haven’t exactly been that close to each other since before Sirius realized that he fancied James.  Now, all of a sudden, he’s going to have James pressed up against him in form fitting clothes and … well, he’s not sure what he’s going to feel, but it probably won’t be platonic.  
Still, he can’t say no when he just asked James what he’d prefer, so he’ll just have to suck it up.  It’s not that far to the restaurant.  
“Great.  Let’s go.”
They make their way out of their flat to the bike.  He gets on and waits for James to situate himself behind Sirius.
The second he does, Sirius knows he’s in trouble.  He can feel every inch of James’ body against his back, he can smell James’ cologne – a deliciously, surprisingly forestry scent, and once his arms lock around Sirius’ waist, he can’t help thinking how terribly close his hands are to piece of his body that is uncomfortably reacting to James’ presence.  
This is going to be a long ride.
Luckily, they make it to the restaurant without incident.  Sirius managed to focus on the road instead of James pressed up against him, but it wasn’t easy.  
At least they made it safely.  Sirius pulls into a spot and lets out a relieved sigh as James gets off the bike behind him.  
“Are you alright?” James questions, moving so he’s looking at Sirius directly.
“Oh, yeah, of course.  Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I don’t know, but you’re acting weird,” James states.  
“Weird, how?”
“I don’t know exactly, but you’ve been kind of weird the last few weeks,” James states.  “I thought maybe it was just because I’ve been complaining about the date auction and you were annoyed with me, but it’s been over for a week, and you’re acting even weirder.”
Sirius scoffs.  “You say I’m acting weird, but you can’t name how I’m acting weird?  Seems maybe you’ve misinterpreted something.”
“I haven’t – I know you better than anyone else, Sirius.  I know when you’re acting weird,” James insists.  “What are you hiding from me?”
“Nothing!” Sirius says, a bit too strongly.  
“Fine, lie to me.”  James frowns at him.  “Let’s just get this stupid date over with so that I can get out of your hair.”
Great, now James is angry with him.  
“Jay –”
“Don’t ‘Jay’ me,” James states, angrily.  “You’re my best mate – we agreed to never lie to each other after you had to run away from home, and I had no idea how bad it was there.  And now, you’re doing it again?  I just – I thought after ten years of being my best mate, you’d know that you can tell me anything.”
James has a point, Sirius knows.  It’s just – how do you tell your best mate that you suddenly realized that you fancied him?  
“It’s nothing like that – I promise,” Sirius states.
James is still shaking his head.  “Then, at least give me a hint.”
Sirius groans.  This isn’t going to be easy no matter what he says, but he knows how important honesty is to James.  Especially after that fateful summer night after fifth year.  
“I – it’s embarrassing.”
James laughs.  “You’re rarely embarrassed, Si.”
“It’s – I – I realized that I fancied someone … kind of suddenly.”
James laughs, again, and rolls his eyes.  “Right, like I believe that.”
“It’s the truth, and it’s been kind of hard for me to realize it all of a sudden.”
Rolling his eyes, James scoffs, “Fine, as long as it’s nothing like before sixth year, you can keep your secret.  Now, are you ready for dinner?”
Sirius isn’t sure if he should be relieved or upset that James completely dismissed the truth, but either way, he’s going to have to get through this dinner date with James knowing that James is at least a little bit suspicious of what’s wrong with him.  
He’s not sure what he should tell him, and yet, he takes a deep breath and says, “Yeah, ready.”
Sirius isn’t surprised when James barely makes it through ordering their dinners before he asks, “Okay, seriously, what’s the secret?”
Sirius rolls his eyes and tries to ignore the way James’ intense interest in him makes his stomach flutter.  
“Didn’t you just say that you don’t need to know, and I could keep my secret?”
“Did I?” James questions. ��“That doesn’t sound like me.”
Sirius gives him a look.
“Oh, come on, since when do you keep secrets?  We tell each other everything.”
“I told you – I realized I fancied someone and that’s it.  There’s nothing to tell.”
“You could tell me who it is.”
“I’d rather not,” Sirius states.  Then he distracts James by mentioning quidditch and the next game, which is tomorrow.
His distraction works – for about ten minutes until their soups come out.
“I can’t believe I fell for your distraction.”
“I can’t believe you think I’m not allowed secrets,” Sirius complains.
“Oh, come on – I’ve told you about every one of my fancies,” James states.  “I gave you all of the nitty gritty details and to be fair, you’ve done the same to me.”
“It’s different this time.”
“How?” James questions, before pausing with his spoon half-way to his mouth.  “Wait, it’s not Woodstone, is it?”
“No, Merlin, no,” Sirius states, appalled.  “As if I could ever fancy a man like that.”
“Good because I don’t think I could live with that,” James says, relieved.  “Now, tell me – who is it?”
“It’s better left a mystery,” Sirius states.  “Now, will you please let it go?”
“Of course.”
Sirius doesn’t quite believe him, but he does allow the conversation to drift into other matters for a bit, long enough for their dinners to come out, but Sirius knew that it couldn’t last.  
“Is it Jeremy?”
“What?  No,” Sirius states.  “I barely know the bloke.”
“Yeah, but he is attractive.”
“No, I’m not into Jeremey, and I thought you said you would drop it?”
“You can’t blame my curiosity.”
“Haven’t you ever heard the phrase ‘curiosity killed the cat’?”
“I’m not a cat, Si,” James states.  “I just need to know – is it Trevor?  You did joke that he was a dream date.”
“No!  It’s not him either.”
“What about Scotty?”
“The beater?” Sirius questions.  “Why would I be attracted to him?  He’s gross.”
James continues to guess every player on his team, including the reserves, except himself over the course of their dinner, until finally, he says, “I’m running out of players here.  Who is it?”
“It’s you, dumbarse!” Sirius says, way too loudly and surprising himself.
Well, shit.
James looks utterly shocked.  
So shocked that Sirius reads it as utterly disgusted.  
“Oh, Merlin, that was a mistake – I have to – I have to go.”
Sirius rushes off, determined to put as much space between him and James as possible.  He couldn’t believe that he just outed himself to James like that.
He probably just ruined everything they’ve built together.  James’ll probably move out, they’ll stop being friends, and everything good in his life would be gone.  
He vaguely hears James behind him trying to get his attention, but he just speeds up.  He can’t do this right now – it was bad enough seeing that look on his face.  He had to get out of here, take a drive far, far away.  Somewhere James would have no idea about.  Somewhere James wouldn’t be able to follow him.
Maybe he could spend some time hiding out and by the time he came back, James will have forgotten all about it or at least decided that they didn’t need to discuss it.  Or maybe, he’ll be gone.  Yeah, that would probably be for the best.  
Sirius could run away, and James could move out and that’ll be it – the end of an era.
He makes it out the doors and almost to the bike, when he feels someone pulling on his arm and the next thing he knows, he’s all turned around and pressed up against James, whose lips come crashing against his.  
It’s delightful and surprising.  He’d never let himself imagine kissing James, but damn, if he wasn’t a great kisser.  He doesn’t want it to end, but eventually, they both need air.  
“Merlin, that was –” James coughs.  “I know that we have a lot to talk about, but – can we just … continue our dinner date and – and talk about it later?”
Sirius can’t help being hesitant.  He’d just confessed that he was into his best mate, who chased after him and gave him one of the most amazing kisses of his life, and – and now, he just wants to go back to a dinner date that Sirius paid for due to this stupid date auction that started this whole mess?  How does that make any sense?  Then again, considering that he hadn’t intended to blurt it out or kiss James, it was only fair to concede.  He didn’t have to ruin their night together.
“Okay, yeah.  Yeah, let’s just pretend this didn’t happen.”
“No – I don’t want to ignore it, but I – I need time to process,” James states.  
“You just dropped this huge thing on me and yeah, I kind of want to kiss you and forget about dealing with all of these feelings right now, but I – I can’t,” James says, giving him a look.  “I can’t – I can’t risk screwing this up.  I – I need to think things through and at least, we could enjoy dinner together and it’ll … be enough to process and we can talk about it at home.”
Sirius nods.  After all, he’s had weeks to process this.  It’s only fair that he gives James time.  
“Yeah, I – I get it.  Let’s just go enjoy dinner.”
Sirius had expected that the dinner would be awkward after that, even as James leads the way inside, chatting about something that honestly went in one ear and out the other, but it wasn’t awkward at all.
Somehow, by the time that they sat down, again, James had managed to keep the chatter up and he was responding easily enough that it was almost like nothing had changed.  In fact, if Sirius didn’t know any better, he’d assume that it had all been a dream.
A dream with a mind-blowing kiss.  Surprise kiss though it was.  
Sirius couldn’t help thinking about that kiss, even as he and James toss back and forth jokes as if they’d just stepped out for some air.  It was just like any other night, except they’re a little more dressed up and this is technically a date.
Not that Sirius had really considered it a date.
No, that – this was not going to be their first date.  Sirius would want to plan a something a little more them for their first actual date.  
This date is just a practice.  Which means, he should be paying better attention to James and the words he’s saying instead of answering on remote and not really paying attention beyond watching James’ lips wondering if James’ thinking it through would mean that they’d be kissing again later or if James would decide that one kiss was enough.  
Sirius isn’t sure he could handle that, though.  Sure, he’d been thinking of running away but that was before James kissed him.  
James kissed him.  
Clearly, that meant there was some sort of attraction, but was it enough?  Or was James stalling for time so that he could figure out how to let Sirius down easy?
Sirius groans.  Will this date never end?
“Wow, Si,” James states.  “All you to do was say no.”
“Wait, what?” Sirius asks.  He’d completely missed what James asked.
“We were meant to go out dancing after the dinner… I asked if you were up for dancing?”
Sirius coughs.  He’s not sure that it’s a good idea to go out dancing with James, but he’s looking at him so hopefully.  
“Oh – er – yeah, that’s a good idea,” Sirius states.  “We should finish this –”
“Date?” James supplies.
“Non-official, not real technically, date off right,” Sirius states.  “Maybe – practice date?”
James chuckles.  “Practice date?  Interesting idea.  If that’s the case though – that this is a practice date, does that mean I get to mark you?”
Sirius chokes on his drink.  “And what sort of mark would you give me?”
James grins.  “I don’t know – depends on how you do on the dancing.  After all, I carried dinner, and you didn’t pay attention to a single thing I said.”
“I – I … you – it’s not fair,” Sirius complains.  “You just kiss me and then expect me to have dinner and then dancing?”
“That’s what I was promised for this ‘practice date’, so – are we dancing, or do I give you a T?”
“You’d give me a Troll?” Sirius scoffs.  “Did nothing before you forced me to talk count?”
“Fine, fine.  How about you’re at Dreadful, but you can bring it up if you kick arse at dancing?” James offers.  A grin on his face that has Sirius chuckling to himself.
Why did he fancy this man?
“Fine.  I’d be delighted to dance.”
Sirius had decided to tease James about how scoring system for their practice date as they finished their dinner and made their way over to the dance club down the block.  He still can’t believe this class A dork is teasing him about being bad at the date, but he could make it better.  
Thus, holding James’ hand during the walk and contributing to the conversation until entering the club where it’s loud and hard to hear.  He leads them to the middle of the club before during around and starting to dance.
He knows all of James’ moves and can’t help teasing him about how much he looks like a dork.  
“I’m a dork?  Like your moves are any better?”
“My moves are way better,” Sirius states as the music changes songs.  
They both laugh and enjoys smiling and dancing for several songs before the song changes to a slow song.  
“Maybe we should take a break, get a drink?”
James shakes his head as he wraps his arms around Sirius’ neck, pulling him close.  Sirius doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around James’ waist, pulling them flush against each other, and leaning his forehead against James’.  He could see deep into his eyes, and those brilliant hazel eyes are so inviting that he’s tempted to kiss him, again.
Deciding to go for it, Sirius presses his lips against James’, causing James to tighten his arms around Sirius’ neck.  
The kiss is far more brilliant this time since he’d been expecting it, and he’s half-convinced that James actually wants to be with him.  He opens his mouth and runs his tongue along James’ lips, and James complies.  
The kiss turns to snogging and Sirius could almost forget the nightclub and the practice date and pretend they’re at home and he could drag him to one of their bedrooms or bugger him right in the sitting room, but suddenly, he finds himself all wet as someone throws a drink on them.
“Get a room!” the drink thrower yells, before going off somewhere so they don’t start a fight.
James coughs.  “Wow.  Wasn’t expecting that.”
“The kiss or the drink?”
“Both,” James admits.  “I did ask to think about it until we got home, but I – er …”
Sirius frowns.  “Oh, do you – er – need some space?  I just thought – with the teasing…”
James smiles at him.  “Let’s go home and talk about it?”
Sirius nods.  “Yeah, yeah, let’s do that.”
It doesn’t take very long to get home, even though Sirius is just as distracted by James being close to him as he was on the ride to the restaurant.  
It’s lucky though because as soon as they close the door to their flat before he can even begin to ask how to start this conversation, James is kissing him, again.
It’s hot and passionate and frankly, Sirius wants to carry James off to his bedroom and unwrap him like a present, but they needed to talk about it, so he pushes him back slightly.
“Weren’t you the one that wanted to talk?” Sirius questions.  
James coughs.  “Sorry, I – I know it’s my idea to talk, but I just couldn’t resist.”
“So, then, you – you’re attracted to me, too?” Sirius questions.  
James nods as he moves to their couch.  
“For how long?” Sirius questions as he sits opposite him.
“Remember when I broke up with Lily?”
“That was two years ago,” Sirius states, and James makes a face.
“Yeah, I – er – I realized that I didn’t want to spend as much time with her as I did you, and that you are one of the most gorgeous men I’ve ever seen, and you just have the most kissable lips…”
James moves closer to him, evidently wanting to kiss him, again.
Sirius stops him.  “We can kiss in a minute.  Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I – well – you were dating one of the players from another team, and I signed onto the Puddlemere team with the idea that I stayed single so I’d draw in a crowd and – and I didn’t think you – one of the most eligible bachelors in the country – would want to me, I guess.”  James pauses.  “And I didn’t want to risk ruining what we have.”
Sirius groans.  “I guess that makes sense given that I didn’t either.”
“And I would’ve said something if I thought you were into me, but you – you never showed interest until the date auction came up and I thought – well, you’re always obvious with your plans, so you’d get the date and I’d be able to, you know… feel you out,” James offers.  “I mean, it did work well, right?  You said I was Merlin’s gift to men and – and you were acting weird, so I thought –”
James pauses and searches Sirius eyes.  “You do want to be with me, don’t you?”
Sirius nods, so relieved and happy.  “I do – I do, James.  I want nothing more than to be with you.”
“Good, then, let’s start this relationship off with a real date.  You and me, tomorrow night?” James questions, a happy grin on his face.
“I’d love to,” Sirius smiles.  “But only if I get to spend tonight snogging you.”
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
Fandom Trumps Hate 2023
Hey y'all! This year I am once again participating in Fandom Trumps Hate, an annual fanworks auction that helps fundraise money for some really awesome charities. You can check out the full list here!
This year I am offering 3 separate things for y'all to bid on:
1. Beta reading and sensitivity reading for a fic of any length.
2. A 5-10k word oneshot
3. A 20-50k word long fic
If you win one of my auctions, you get to decide what I write about! So if you have an idea you want turned into a fic but don't have the time or motivation to write yourself, bid on my auctions and I will write it for you! While I mostly write for the Shazam fandom, my offers are for DC in general.
How it works: Go the Fandom Trumps Hate website and browse the selection of fanwork offers to find one you'd like to bid on. Then place your bid! At the end, the highest bidder wins and will be notified of their victory! All money goes directly to charity!
If you want to go directly to my auctions click here.
Bidding begins on Wednesday March 1 at 8 am EST and closes on Sunday March 5 at 8 pm EST. You can go to the site now and browse the hundreds of fanwork offers in hundreds of different fandoms!
If you have any questions feel free to dm me here on tumblr!
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seriouslysam8 · 1 year
Brumous Sneak Peek #2
Since I couldn't post over the weekend, I decided to spoil you with a second sneak peek! New chapter is up on Sunday!
Chapter Sixteen: The Reunion
When the meeting was declared concluded, Sirius was one of the first people to stand, keen to get back to the kids in the other room. Then, Dumbledore called him to stay back, as well as Remus, Dora, and Tegan. Sirius squinted as Remus rose from his seat, gathering a few pieces of parchment together and tucking them away neatly in a folder.
Sirius bent down, his face pressing close to Remus’. “What’s going on?”
Remus shrugged. “Haven’t the foggiest. I’m intrigued because Tegan was called as well, so it can’t have anything to do with Harry.”
Everyone slowly filed out of the room. Molly shot Sirius an inquisitive look but Sirius threw up a hand to indicate that he didn’t know. Tegan made her way around the table to stand with the others, a small smile crossing her face in greeting. 
“Do you have the inside scoop?” Dora asked, leaning in close to Tegan. “The boys are clueless, like always.”
Sirius rolled his eyes up to look at the ceiling while Tegan chuckled.
“Nah, no idea,” Tegan replied. “Oi, I heard you were dumped that Cooper case. Gawain has a contact in the Met that may be useful. He was going to get you his contact information, but he’s shit at remembering so make sure you get it off him.”
Dora sighed. “Merlin, thanks, yeah, Axel and I had no idea where to start. Of course, fucking Dawlish was a bloody wanker when he dropped it in our laps.”
Tegan snorted. “What else is new? I swear, Dawlish lives to make everyone’s life miserable.”
Sirius arched an eyebrow at the two. He didn’t know much about Dawlish, but he had never heard anyone say anything even remotely nice about him. He glanced up to see Marlene looking back at him as she exited the room with Andromeda and Ted. He raised his right hand to give her a small wave and he received a smile in return. That was a start, he supposed. Once everyone was gone and the door closed, Dumbledore smiled at the group. 
“I won’t keep you long,” Dumbledore announced as he walked over to join the group. “I had a mission for the four of you, if you’d be so inclined to accept.”
Sirius perked up at the words. He hadn’t been on a proper Order mission in, Merlin, probably since he had watched Edgar Bones die right in front of him. Remus’ gaze bore into him but Sirius ignored it. He wasn’t going to let Remus ruin the moment for him. Whatever it was, he was game to do it. He knew it must be an important one if he was assigning four of them to one mission – two of which were Aurors. Honestly, there wasn’t a group he’d rather go on his first mission back with. He trusted Remus with his life. Dora was his family – the good kind. Tegan had proved where her loyalties lied when she risked her career to help prove his innocence.
“It has come to my attention that a group of wealthy Death Eaters have been buying tickets to the St. Mungo’s fundraising ball and auction next weekend,” Dumbledore explained. “You may know that this function takes place yearly with Narcissa Malfoy always being one of the main organizers as she holds a spot on the board. What is surprising is within the past week, purebloods who normally do not attend are buying tables for the event such as the Crabbes, Goyles, Macnairs, as well as a few others. Table prices run a bit steep and there’s four allowed to a table. Sirius, I was hoping that you would be willing to pay for the four of you to attend.”
Although Sirius suspected that he was only being offered to go so he would finance the operation, he didn’t fucking care. He was more than happy to get out of the house and back into the field. If some silly charity ball was the only way to do that, he was more than happy to buy some nice dress robes and clean up a bit. He’d do a bloody fantastic job at it too so he’d be assigned more and more missions.
“Yeah, I’ll fund it,” Sirius agreed without hesitation.
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