#despite how similar the elements sound
rileyslibrary · 1 year
Ghost is shocked by your immunity to being tased.
I received an ask from an anon for this story. Unfortunately, either Tumblr ate it, or I accidentally deleted it; I can’t be sure because I trust neither of us. Gladly, I remember the gist of it. I hope that anon sees it. (Sorry, anon, and thank you for the ask.)
You push open the workshop door, and notice a curated display of taser gear spread across the table for today’s training session. Ghost, your lieutenant and trainer for the day, occupies a corner, busy with extracting all sorts of stuff—taser guns, pulses, stun batons—from bags and placing them on the table. He catches the sound of your entrance and turns halfway to face you.
“You’re early,” he mutters under his breath.
“I just couldn’t wait, Lieutenant,” you reply sarcastically.
He huffs. “We’ll see about that once training’s over.”
You approach the table, and look at the equipment. You reach out and grasp a taser gun. It looks exactly like a pistol but bulkier and has yellow elements to distinguish it from firearms.
“Could you please remind me how this baby works?” you ask.
He turns his entire body towards you and contemplates your question. Although the training session is just half an hour away, and he doesn’t technically need to explain anything, you’re his weak spot. So he leaves the gear in the bag, walks towards you, and begins to give you a detailed explanation.
It almost feels like a private session, but you have ulterior motives—you’ve already been through a similar class in the past and are eager to skip this one. Despite your repeated attempts to convey this to Ghost, he remained adamant that this course would be a refresher for you and, thus, necessary.
“Once you have a clear shot, you press the trigger.” He concludes.
“Like this?” you ask, directing the taser towards your right foot and squeezing the trigger. It stings, but your previous training has taught you how to get used to the feeling and handle the pain better. Or at least make it look that way.
Your poor lieutenant stands speechless as he looks at the now-fired taser gun. He slowly looks down, where his shocked eyes trace the two wires extending from the device, connecting to your foot.
“What the fuck did you do?” he shouts, gesturing towards your leg.
“Jeez, Lt., you seem stunned,” you comment.
“Are you having a laugh, soldier?” He scolds you with as much authority as he has left from what he just experienced. He drops to the ground, working to remove the wires from your foot. He stands up, alternating his gaze between the device and your leg. Finally, he turns to you.
“How come you’re not in pain?” he asks, confused.
You shrug, unaffected, and pick up another taser from the table. “Maybe the first one was defective; let’s give this one a go,” you suggest, aiming at your other foot and firing.
“Are you out of your mind, Y/N?” he screams in a high-pitched voice and kneels again to retrieve the second taser from your foot.
“Come on, Lt., it’s not as bad as it seems!” You reassure him with a grin, seizing a third taser from the table. This time, you point it at Ghost’s leg. “Wanna see?”
He lifts his knee and gathers his arms close to his body. He looks like a pitcher, ready to throw the ball in a baseball match.
“No, no, thank you very much”, he protests.
“Sure?” You ask and aim at his other leg on the ground.
“Absolutely certain, you maniac,” he says, switching legs. “How far are you willing to go to skip this class?!”
“Not too far,” you reply with a smile, “as far as these two wires go when they get propelled from the taser gun.”
“Cut it out!”
To his relief, the rest of the team enters the room, and Ghost instantly transitions into his authoritative persona. He places both feet on the ground, protrudes his chest, and places both hands on his waist. He clears his throat.
“Take your positions, everyone,” he commands, “everyone except for you, Y/N.”
“Why am I excluded, Lieutenant?” you ask with a pout and a playful wink. “Is it because I’m unfazed?”
“Nah, soldier,” he replies and walks behind you to tidy the wires from the already-shot taser guns, “it’s because you’re a live wire—always keeping me on my toes.”
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bridgetotheskyyy · 8 months
Accommodations - Itachi
Kinktober Masterlist
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Warnings: 18+, somnophilia, ONE BED!!!!!!1111, dubcon-y elements, fingering, not beta read
A/n: Catch up day! Day 11: Somnophilia! I wrote this in like a half an hour always up for itachi 🤣🤣
Word count: 1.2k
Read on Ao3
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When you told Itachi there was only one bed, he didn’t care.
What did it matter to him? They were on an assignment after all, and in no way did it include the most comfortable of accommodations. So once the two of you landed in your targeted village and settled in, Itachi made no comment of the single bed destined to be shared.
When you emerged from the bathroom in nothing but a sleeping shirt and underwear, he still had no comment. It was none of his business how his partner dressed, in or out of bed. As long as you were prepared to adequately perform, to face the next day’s dangers.
He was neutral. Unfazed. Dedicated. 
When he woke up in the middle of the night to your plush chest pressed against his back, your arm around his lower half, he cared a little. 
Perhaps he had a comment or two.
Itachi’s eyes flickered to the night stand’s clock: its long hand pointed above to two. You would be in a deep sleep, with no awareness of what you were doing. Itachi had not forgotten the comment you had once made in passing about him sharing some similarities to your old lover. He’d only hoped said similarities wouldn’t prove a hindrance to you in future assignments. Your actions were perhaps muscle memory. An old habit struggling to die.
Itachi furrowed his brows, thinking of what to do. Should he intervene? Move you away from him? Wake you? Find somewhere else to sleep? Slowly, he turned to face you. Your face was relaxed from the bliss of sleep. His eyes dipped lower; the sheets crumbled around your hips, leaving your upper half bare to the night’s cold. His gaze trailed up your goosebumped arms, landing on where the night shirt dipped low to expose your cleavage. You were quite pretty. 
Itachi tilted his head, surprised by himself. Why would he think that, and at a time like this? It was unnecessary. You nuzzled into the pillow with a light snore. Itachi couldn’t find it in himself to wake you. After all, you had done nothing wrong. Itachi sat up in bed, preparing to shift you to your other side ―
You whined, a much less peaceful sound. Itachi paused. You frowned in your sleep, gripping the pillow harder. A slight squirm before another whine. At first, he wondered if you were in physical pain, before ―
“Don’t go …” You murmured. “N ― No … Stay.”
He realized: a nightmare. Things he was acquainted with. Were you dreaming of him? Your old lover? He knew, this deep in sleep, a nightmare would only destabilize you. He couldn’t have that. He had to help. You had to sleep and sleep well, lest you underperform today. He would worry about himself later.
He pulled you closer, his touch faint as he scooted you into his arms. You hummed with approval, entwining your legs with his. 
“More …” 
More? More of what? Itachi experimented with touches; he grazed your shoulder with his thumb, stroked your hair, ran fingers over the small of your back. Still, you squirmed, as though unsatisfied, his ministrations calming but not quelling. It was only when his hand, upon return from your back, brushed against one of your breasts did Itachi have his first lead:
“Mmm …” You nuzzled into him, your head coached into his neck, forehead tickling the tip of his chin. 
I see. Itachi’s fingers grazed lower until one caught on to the hill of your pert nipple. You shivered, edging closer to him. Itachi’s sickened heart ran wild in his ears despite his composure. Your reactions were so … It had only been the slightest touch, albeit on sensitive skin. If your response was this positive, what if he … He slid a hand past your shirt. His thumb grazed your nipple before capturing the nub between it and another finger ―
“Ahh!” Your moan puffed hot breath at his neck. Your legs squeezed tighter around his as he teased your nipple, a knee rocking into an erection he fought to ignore. 
Still, it wasn’t enough; he could tell the nightmare still plagued you. Itachi placed you on your back. He rode your shirt up to expose your breasts, nipples erecting in the cold air and the excitement his touch brought you. Itachi’s mouth ran dry as he eyed your cunt, perfectly hugged into a pair of panties. He laid atop you, fixing a hand between your bodies to slip past the elastic band of your panties. 
He kissed your parting lips when his fingers found your aching, slippery clit. His hair curtained and grazed your cheek as he trailed your jaw with kisses. His touch was deliberate, but gentle; he knew not what he was doing, only what he had learned from eavesdropping on other men. You arched into him, the action nearly plunging one finger into your eager cunt. 
“Y―Yes …!” You cried out as Itachi nibbled on your earlobe. Dainty hands raised to grip his shoulders as he took the risk and dipped a finger into your cunt. 
Itachi’s breath became increasingly labored; there was no hiding his erection now, aching conspicuously at your thigh. He peppered the junction of your neck and jaw with kisses before adding another finger and relishing your response. He wondered in the lustful haze: Did you need more? Did you want more? What would stave away the nightmare(s)? Perhaps you needed something bigger than a finger?
Itachi’s unoccupied hand became occupied with your left breast, kneading and teasing the delicious flesh as you squirmed beneath him. So responsive … And yet still in the deepest sleep. Something about the strange dichotomy sent pleasure throughout him, and he decided to reward you with another finger. You whined underneath him, digging a heel into his leg as he scissored you. Itachi nibbled and absentmindedly marked your neck, growing too greedy to deny you, and added a third finger for good measure. You shifted, rocking into his fingers as they caressed a rough patch of skin from within. You were close … 
Clench clench clench. Itachi took the hint, tapping and rolling into the rough skin growing rougher as you suffocated his fingers in a vice and climaxed around him in a series of soft, heavenly cries. Itachi held himself stock still above you as you came, lest the friction of his groin and your thigh bring him along with you.
He withdrew his fingers as you relaxed. Itachi lifted his head from your neck to study your face ― would you sleep well now? ― only to meet your open eyes.
“Itachi …?” You blinked in confusion. “What … Where?”
He removed himself from you, but your eyes caught his slicked, pruney fingers.
“Oh no,” you said. “Did I …?”
Itachi lowered his gaze. “You were in the middle of a nightmare.” He paused before realizing this explained nothing. “I thought it would help.” 
He didn’t need to face you to know your breath was labored, and the idea of you exhausted from him, by him, was exhilarating. 
You laughed. That got his attention.
“It did,” You said, lowering your legs to nestle in the sheets. “Thank you.” You eyed his erection and your lips curled. “Now … Would you like me to help you?”
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goblin-enjoyer · 7 months
Normalize the tf2 mercs as being absolute genetic freaks of nature under the hood. Medic is crazy and we know he gets paid good so he’s probably got lots of bits in his bin if you know what I mean.
Pyro is straight up nonhuman. Pyro is a fire elemental that the Mann brothers have bound to a hazmat suit and medic made a real boy by giving them meat. Not making her a human body mind you, but rather every time he gets damaged, instead of bursting into flames meat forms around the wound and it bleeds instead of letting the inner crea tur out.how? Wizard. Moving on.
Soldier has massive lungs that make him 20% more louder. If he was smarter he could probably echolocate his way around. That or sound attacks idk he eats wizard pills he could have hollow bones for all I know. Sure he has hallow bones now for rocket jumping. Im the one typing I get to make nonsense on the fly.
Medic put pigeon dna in scout and that’s how he makes his trademark milk-like substance. How this happens you may ask? Scout saw medics doves have sex while getting his second Uber heart surgery and said “man I wish I could pick up chicks that well” and medic said “good idea I will help you with this” and then looked at the camera and smirked. The administrator does not spectate medics lab/operation room/dove breeding center anymore. Also scouts immune to radiation due to all the bonk he ingests, though sometimes he does become radioactive sometimes. 
We already know that demoman’s body creates alcohol and that he has a ghost eye, but did you know that if you shoot him with some sort of piercing explosive round he will combust into flames. I… I couldn’t really think of anything for demoman I don’t play him as much.
Engineer always wishes he could have kids, but doesn’t want to have sex. That and he removed most of his reproductive/unnecessary/extra/mid organs with machine parts like 30 years ago. So after the events of the games and comics where everyone is happy and junk, he teams up with medic to make himself some half robot half human half whatever dell conagher is at that point at time children. He asks if medic ever want kids he can do the same for him but he declines as at this point in time he has perfected the art of male impregnation.(on various ape parts) dell is a great father and yes I added this part because the whole humanized sentry thing that went around a while ago touched my heart because despite the words of almost every engineer main everywhere I get so attached to the sentries I build that I die a little bit inside every time I die and my buildings get sapped and I have to just watch as my babies get destroyed. I get too attached to my buildings to play engineer
Heavy doesn’t stop growing, similar to that of a reptile. His skin is as thick as a rhinos. He hibernates for a month in summer because I said so. He has accidentally killed/crushed medic before and is now eternally cautious when in bed with him. Medic doesn’t mind, he knows what he’s gotten himself into. Heavy can also talk to birds like a Disney princess. Medic didn’t add any bird parts for this to happen he just was always like this.
Sniper can dislocate every bone in his body and go through cracks that are at least the size of his head. He will use this to show up in the most unexpected places imaginable. Is legally classified as an tardigrade in some places due to his ability to be fine in almost any place (volcano,Arctic,sewer system, a walk in closet so large it took him 5 weeks to get out, space that one time). Can go up to a year without eating (the team found this out at the same time they figured out the space thing). Swallows things whole.
Spy can shift his flesh around to disguise as almost anything, keeps the mass and weight though. Breaths mostly through his skin so he doesn’t cough due to his decrepit lungs. Was hit by a car once. Doesn’t have anything to do with the subject matter of the tf2 mercs being freakish beings with human skin but I just wanted to include it here.
Medic. What isn’t medic? The only thing consistent with his biology is that he can regenerate somehow. He alters his body so much that it is roughly equivalent to 1 tyranid hive fleet and 2,million ork painboys.(the tf2 mercs would be more likely to work for the orks than to ever work for one of the human factions in 40k and I just needed to get that off my chest) This is how he manages to get away with all the things he’s done. Banned from this continent? Just become a new person who’s not banned from that continent and presto you’re good! The laws don’t account for the ship of Theseus!
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primofate · 2 years
“Can I date Y/N, please?” [Genshin Impact - Diluc and Kaeya’s sibling edition]
Summary: In which your potential Genshin lover asks your Genshin sibling(s) if he can date you.
Characters: Diluc and Kaeya as your brothers, Aether, Albedo, Venti, Bonus: Tartaglia, gn!reader
Notes: There was a similar request a while ago but for the volleyball AU, I might do that or I might not but what are your thoughts on this brand new brainrot I have? I felt like I just needed a change of pace about what I write, needed something platonic-ish but also cute and funny??? idk. These days I feel like my genre is changing a little, or I just need a break from romance.
Warnings: crack elements, fluff, overprotective siblings, alcohol consumption, Diluc and Kaeya are civil towards each other, complicated deception in Tartaglia’s part, I only mixed and matched certain characters cause I thought those would be particularly interesting, some are longer than the others cause I enjoyed writing it more.
Your brothers: Diluc & Kaeya
Who wants to date you: Aether
“Relaaaaaaax, you’ve fought a giant dragon before, this is nothing!” Easy for Paimon to say, Aether thinks. Not for him, when he was going to ask Diluc and Kaeya for their blessings to date you. The Kaeya part, not too bad. The Diluc part...Aether didn’t know what to think. 
“H-Hey, you two! C-Can I talk to you, real quick?” As the night descends Aether finds Diluc and Kaeya outside of the tavern, sharing a table together, like you said they would on Friday nights. 
Kaeya’s eyes light up, tipping his glass of wine over to Aether, delighted that the traveller had decided to join them this evening. “Look who it is,” his voice, smooth as ever glides towards Aether. Diluc glances over to Aether, moves a glass over to the empty seat and curtly says “Take a seat,”
Aether feels a lump on his throat as he sits quite stiffly. Paimon seems to have stiffened up too, her talk of being brave all down the drain. “To what do we owe the pleasure tonight?” Kaeya asks while asking Aether if he wanted wine or grape juice. Aether opted for the wine, feeling as if he needed more liquid courage. 
“Uhhh...” Aether starts, watching as Kaeya poured the wine, eyes darting up to Diluc who was also looking at Aether expectantly. “Well, ummm... nothing major, or dangerous, really...” he lets out a nervous laugh, tips his head as thanks towards Kaeya when he finished pouring and adds, “It’s just...about Y/N,”
Both of your siblings’ heads snap up to attention and in unison they say, “What about them?” Suddenly the fresh air seems to have disappeared despite sitting outdoors and Aether’s hands start to feel a little clammy. It looks as if neither Kaeya nor Diluc breathes, just staring at Aether to continue, blank looks on their faces.
“They...uh...They’re really nice company, you see.” Aether starts, hands coming together on top of the table, eyes darting back and forth towards Diluc then Kaeya. Their blank expressions haven’t changed. 
Aether clears his throat and continues. “And, well, simply said they...They’re really nice, really...” Aether remembers you in his mind’s eye, and for a split moment he looks to be in a trance, thinking of how his heart palpitates just at the sight of you. “Really charming...Y/N is just... so...” he snaps out of his daydream immediately and straightens up again, remembering he’s in front of your siblings and it was not the right time to be dreamy-eyed right now.
But Diluc seemed to have a look of realization on his face, Kaeya chuckles and pours himself another glass of wine. Neither of them say anything, letting the traveller finish his sentence. “...Sorry,” Aether clears his throat again, “I...I’d simply like your permission to date them. Uhm...We’ve been on a few dates already, actually... I just...” Aether averts his eyes when he feels the heat on his cheeks. “I’m serious about Y/N, I just wanted to let you two know,”
There’s a moment of silence, just the sound of Kaeya sipping on his wine and clinking his glass back down on the table, before he spoke up. “Come now, traveller, you don’t think we haven’t noticed?” he grins.
“Huh?” Aether lets out, dumbfounded. 
“Y/N’s been going out more frequently, it isn’t difficult to notice,” Diluc responds, closing his eyes as he takes a sip of his grape juice too. “Besides, the two of you walk around town quite often. I didn’t think it was such a big secret,” 
“O-Oh...” Aether laughs nervously and scratches the back of his head. “S-So, you’re okay with it?”
“Well not so fast there, my friend!” Kaeya seems to be the more jovial one. Seems to be the one who is “okay” with everything, but on closer inspection there’s a glint in his eye, whilst Diluc actually looks calmer and more put together. “Do you really know our Y/N that well? Let’s test your knowledge, shall we?” Kaeya proposes, to which Diluc holds back a sigh. One of his silly games again, it seems.
“Kaeya here might want to test you, traveller...but I have no qualms with your relationship with Y/N......Provided that Y/N’s happy...but you have a lot of things on your hands,” Diluc’s gaze hardened for a split moment, and Aether knew what he was implying. 
Aether’s search for his sister, his journey across nations and his adventuring were all a big part of his life. “Are you sure you have adequate space for Y/N in your life? If not...then I suggest you reconsider,” 
It was more of a threat than anything, but Aether knew where it was coming from. What did he expect, trying to go through your two brothers who seemed like night and day, and yet similarly protective of you? Kaeya cuts the tension with a laugh. “Serious as always. See, all you have to do to get my blessing is to play a game with me, traveller,” 
“Are you two trying to bully Aether?” The three of them swerve towards your voice as you stand there with your hands on your hips, eyes furrowed, shooting a concerned glance towards Aether. “I was getting worried when you didn’t show up at our meeting place,” 
“No such thing,” Kaeya beams at you and Diluc casually shakes his head. “Not at all,” then they went back to drinking their respective drinks. 
You sigh and place a hand on Aether’s shoulder. “I told you, you didn’t have to do this, they’re just going to make your life harder. I can date who I want, you know?” you smile at him reassuringly but Aether laughs nervously, feeling sweat on his temples. 
“Come on, let’s go. Leave these two behind, they’ll get over it!” You insist, tugging on Aether’s sleeve and he complies as you turn to walk away first. 
Aether turns back around to bid your brothers’ goodbye, only to find that they’re sporting rather eerie and perfect grins on their faces. 
“See you around, traveller. Watch your step,” 
Who wants to date you: Albedo
“You want to date Y/N?” The surprise in Kaeya’s voice is obvious. He didn’t think the alchemist was one to be interested in such things, but the fact that he had come out of his lab and visited Kaeya over at his personal office in the Favonius HQ, Kaeya had a feeling that Albedo was more than just interested. 
“Yes,” The blonde replied curtly. Kaeya thought there was more of an explanation, but none followed and it was merely just himself and the alchemist just staring at each other now.
���...Is there...any reason for that?” Kaeya pries, not willing to just say yes so easily when it didn’t even seem like Albedo showed any genuine interest towards you aside from his words. 
“A reason...you say?” Albedo thinks out loud, his hand coming up to rest under his chin. A few seconds pass by and as much as Kaeya respected Albedo and saw him as a good ally, his application to date you wasn’t going very well, until he started speaking again. 
“...Truthfully I don’t understand it very clearly myself,” the Kreidiprinz starts. “It’s a rather peculiar feeling...of wanting Y/N by my side,” Albedo turns away and looks off into a faraway distance. “I enjoy Y/N’s observations, their ramblings, their view on certain things in life...but if you ask me for a logical reason of why I would like to date them...There isn’t one, I suppose it’s more of an emotion than a logical reason. I simply want to spend more time with them, an impossibly, illogically long time. More than I’ve already spent with them.”
Kaeya is rendered speechless by the whole thing. The alchemist had managed to answer his question in a rather unconventional yet truthful and sincere way. It sounded just like Albedo and Kaeya couldn’t help but laugh. “Looks like today’s full of surprises,” then he stands up and starts to stack the papers on his desk without giving Albedo a reply.
Albedo senses the avoidance, but is brave enough to ask again. “I assume I have your blessing, then?” his eyes follow Kaeya’s form who shrugs easily with a smile “I don’t see why not. You’ve always been a man of your word.”
“...Thank you...Would you happen to know where I can find the master of Dawn Winery?” Albedo asks and Kaeya is once again dumbfounded by how serious Albedo actually was about you.
“Diluc? Oh don’t worry about him, he’ll be fine,” Kaeya waves a hand, and Albedo is immediately suspicious. 
“...I...insist. If I personally told you, it’s only right that I personally tell him as well,” Albedo reasons but Kaeya again dismisses him. 
“Tell you what, I’ll tell Diluc and you won’t have to worry your head over it,” Kaeya proposes and again Albedo hesitates. It’s not that he didn’t trust Kaeya...well, maybe he didn’t, not a 100% at least, but Kaeya immediately pulls the ‘brother’ card. “You trust me, I’m Y/N’s brother after all, right?” Kaeya felt the hesitation in Albedo, but enjoys the way the alchemist seems to battle with himself on whether to say yes or no.
“...I...suppose I can let you handle it,” Albedo relents, and Kaeya claps the smaller man’s back. “There you go!” 
Kaeya never told Diluc. Did he forget? Possibly. Did he do it on purpose? Most likely.
Diluc had to learn the hard way, and Albedo had some explaining to do.
Who wants to date you: Venti
“Absolutely not,” Diluc doesn’t even look up from his task of drying glasses at the bar, watching as the white cloth wipes up the residue from the cup. He doesn’t even know if the bard is serious, but Diluc has the impression that “serious” wasn’t a word that Venti usually used. 
“Aweeeeee come on, why not? I can take care of Y/N! You know that, right?” Venti, sitting on a bar stool situated in front of Diluc, starts whining. Diluc’s eye twitches, he’s aware what Venti really is, and is aware that Venti can absolutely protect you. “Take care” of you though? He had his doubts. 
“Protecting them is completely different from taking care of them,” Diluc simply says to which Venti hums in thought, touching his braided hair absentmindedly as he replies. 
“I can do both!” He cheerfully restates and rocks back and forth excitedly on his chair. 
“Forget it,” Diluc says with finality, though he knew in the end he couldn’t really stop you from making your own decisions, at least he could convey to Venti that he wasn’t completely onboard about the whole thing. 
“Why are you so against it? I’ve been nothing but a good patron to your establishment!” Venti yet again protests playfully. Diluc finally picks his gaze up to look at Venti with a half-serious glare. 
“A good patron? By ordering dandelion wine every night, getting drunk and forgetting to pay for it? You really think that’s the kind of person I’d want for my sibling?” 
Venti slinks backwards with a nervous laugh. “I just pass out before I can hand you the money that’s all. Next time I’ll pay before drinking, eh?” 
Diluc’s glare doesn’t falter. “No,” yet his hands continue to wipe. “Pay for all the ones you’ve consumed before and maybe I’ll think about it,”
Venti gasps, hand coming over to his chest. “Are you...Are you selling your sibling?! Are you saying if I pay for all the dandelion wine I’ve consumed...I’ll have your blessing?”
“I said I’ll think about it, I didn’t say yes. Besides, paying for what you consumed is common human decency,” 
“Oh, good thing I’m not human then,” Venti mumbles but Diluc hears it and is an inch close to throwing the bard out of the tavern, and also forbidding you from seeing him ever again, but Kaeya walks in.
“What’s all the commotion here?” he asks, chuckling at the face Diluc was making. He looked like a volcano that was about to erupt.
“Ah! Drinking buddy!” Venti was delighted to see the knight of Favonius, thinking that he had an ally now. Kaeya salutes at Venti and takes a seat next to him on the next barstool. Diluc immediately breaks the news to Kaeya.
“This bard wants to date Y/N,” Kaeya blinks, letting Diluc’s tone and livid expression finally settle in. 
Kaeya chuckles and turns to Venti, “Really now?” as if an amused child who just discovered something wonderful in a museum. “And what makes you think we’ll agree to it?” Kaeya attacks immediately and Venti is wounded.
“What? I thought you were on my side! We’re drinking buddies!” 
“Precisely why I’m not sure if Y/N’s a good match for you,” There’s something a little menacing about Kaeya’s smile. “Doesn’t paint a nice picture, thinking that you’re here every night while Y/N’s all alone, you see,”
“I’m NOT here every night!” despite Venti’s cheerful disposition even that comment gets to him. “Besides, once me and Y/N are official I’d rather spend that time with them,” the bard huffs, not noticing the glint in your brothers’ eyes.
“Well, let’s settle this with a drinking challenge then,” Kaeya suggests, motioning for Diluc to give them two glasses. “You’re only worthy if you can hold your alcohol better than me,” 
“Deal,” Venti is overconfident when the challenge starts. Unfortunately for him Kaeya and Diluc had already done this before. Halfway through the challenge when Venti is a little tipsy, Diluc starts pouring grape juice instead of wine into Kaeya’s glass. 
Venti doesn’t understand how Kaeya wins every time. 
Who wants to date you (bonus character): Tartaglia
(I sincerely think this needs a whole fanfiction of its own. Tartaglia dating Diluc’s sibling is a complicated disaster waiting to happen but I still wrote a small snippet because I think it’s an interesting thought)
“Tell me where you met him again?” Diluc asks you, pulling his glove on his hand to start the day. It should have been a normal day like any other, with Diluc going on his usual patrol in the morning, but you had sidetracked him, told him that you wanted him to meet someone, and that you’ve invited Kaeya over to the mansion as well. 
Diluc could tell that whoever this person was, you already had a certain liking towards them. 
“At Liyue, brother,” you say, mentally making a note that this was probably the third time you’ve said it. You can tell Diluc is anxious, possibly because this was a total stranger to him. Someone who wasn’t from Mondstadt, someone who he was only hearing about now when you have apparently been seeing him for months now. 
“Why did you only tell me now?” Diluc adds, dusting his coat off and finally turning to you, brows furrowed, arms crossed. You smile apologetically. 
“Well, he’s a busy person, and I was trying to find the right time to tell you.” You explain and Diluc doesn’t budge from his position as he questions, “Busy, you say?” How was he going to look after you if he was “busy” as you said.
“Yeah, a bit like you, actually. Running around doing errands,” Diluc almost winces. Since he was also a busy person, he couldn’t really say anything bad about this other person being busy. That would be hypocritical. 
“10 minutes, and I’m off to work,” Diluc grumbles, but sees the delight in your eyes and he’s always had a weakness for your happiness. There’s a slight commotion downstairs which the two of you can hear, since the door to his room is ajar.
“That must be him!” and again the joy that sweeps your face is immense, Diluc is almost angry that an unknown man was able to make you this happy. He sighs and follows after you down to the living area.
Sure enough, there’s a tall man, chestnut brown hair, charming smile on his face, holding flowers. Childe’s eyes light up as well, the moment he sees you jogging down the stairs and he somewhat hesitantly opens his arms to you. Diluc doesn’t know whether to grimace at the sight of you jumping into them and him spinning you around once with a laugh, or just ignore the whole thing altogether.
For a moment you and Childe are stuck in your own world. With him telling you that he missed you, it’s been a while, and passing you the sunflowers in his arm. You’re overjoyed by the sentiment and look up at him with awe, Diluc clears his throat at that moment. 
“This is my brother, Diluc. This is Childe, brother,” You introduce them briefly and Childe is the one who stretches his hand out first, Diluc only follows.
Childe knows well who your brother is, it’s the exact reason why he took extra precautions today, like his delusion being concealed. Did he originally know that Diluc was your brother? Not at all. But when he found out, he was much too in love with you already. He’d make it work, right? 
If you found out that he was part of the Fatui, it’d be a problem. But if your brother found out... that would be a completely different and bigger problem.
So, he kept his facade.
“...Where do you work?” Diluc suddenly asks. He doesn’t even ask how Childe is, if he’s tired from the long journey or how the two of you really met. He gets straight to the point, and something in his instincts is flaring up. 
Childe gives a pleasant smile as he takes his hand back. “The Northland Bank in Liyue, Internal Affairs,” Childe stays by your side, comforted by your presence next to him. Truthfully he’d go through any hurdle just to have you, even if it meant tearing you away from family. Was that too much?
“...The Northland Bank?” Diluc questions, eyebrow raising. “A Snezhnayan bank...and you don’t look Liyuen at all,” Childe chuckles at Diluc’s observation and gives a simple explanation. 
“I’m originally from Snezhnaya. Just in Liyue for business... All my siblings are back in Snezhnaya though, so I travel pretty frequently just to see them,” Playing the ‘I’m a family guy’ card was usually a nice place to start, though Childe wasn’t sure if that was able to fool Diluc, because the red head said nothing.
“...Enjoy your stay in Mondstadt, then,” Diluc simply says and stalks off towards the door. You’re not surprised at how curt your brother is, he’s usually like that with new people, but you assumed Kaeya might be a bit more welcoming. You whisper towards Childe to reassure him. “Don’t worry, he’ll warm up later on,” and he only smiles back at you. 
Just before Diluc reaches the door it opens to reveal that Kaeya has arrived. As usual he’s got that grin full of mischief on his face, but his eyes dart towards you and Childe immediately. “Ah, this must be the gentleman I’ve been hearing about,” Kaeya starts. 
“Sir Kaeya, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Childe, I’ve actually brought a bottle of wine from Snezhnaya--”
“Actually,” Diluc cuts through the conversation, then places a hand on Kaeya’s shoulder. “Kaeya’ll be coming with me for a minute, he’ll be back later,” and gives Kaeya a pointed look before taking his hand back and proceeding out the door. Kaeya doesn’t falter and doesn’t look surprised at all, it must have been something important, he knows that look on Diluc’s face. So, Kaeya shrugs and addresses you and Childe. 
“It won’t be long, I’ll catch up with you later. Do leave the wine with the maids. In the meantime, the two of you should walk around town for a bit,” Kaeya waves, still the ever present charming smile on his face before turning and disappearing out the door as well. 
Childe can’t help but let out a sigh, he doesn’t know out of stress or out of relief. You pat his back and give him a sympathetic look. “They’re just a little strange, but they’re good people, I promise,” 
Childe chuckles under his breath and places a hand on your back, smiles down at you and presses a quick kiss on your forehead.
“I’m sure they are,” he reassures you more than he reassures himself. He’s 100% sure he’s dug himself a grave. Something about Diluc’s gaze on him tells him that the Darknight Hero knows. 
It’s a little strange that Childe most certainly knows that your brothers are good people. 
Though, he can’t quite say the same thing about himself.
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comradekatara · 5 days
trivial question, but: do you think ty lee can see auras? i'm torn between a. yes but they're not actually "auras", she just calls it that to be more cryptic to azula. i like her having a parallel skill to toph, but i don't like theosophy being grouped with legitimate east asian cultural influences in canon lore. or b. no, she came up with that lie when azula drilled her on how she was able to know info she shouldn't, and just leaned into it. or c. she's just being a quirky teenager
lmfao I don’t think this is a “trivial question” at all! I think ty lee’s invocation of auras and the context in which she deploys it is actually very crucial to understanding her character. everyone (azula, mai, zuko) responds to her aura talk in the same immediately dismissive way. it’s a ridiculous notion on its face, even in a universe wherein spirituality is respected (it’s less respected in the fire nation of course, but they nonetheless tie a great deal of value to their overvalorization of firebending, which is fundamentally a spiritual practice). ty lee is uniquely trivialized for her discussion of auras, in a similar way to how I, for example, dismiss any conversation about astrology as simply being a load of bullshit. and similar to astrology, there’s a gendered element to that dismissal; it’s viewed as a silly and frivolous interest for girls.
ty lee is a girl who deliberately plays up her femininity to an almost parodic degree. she (ostensibly) loves the color pink, and makeup, and boys, and she squeals at pretty shells, and emphasizes the importance of having clear skin, and she talks like she’s always just sucked in helium. now, there’s nothing wrong with being a stereotypically feminine girl, but that’s not actually what ty lee is. ty lee is a carefully crafted lie. she is a performer, and a gifted acrobat at that. when she plays this role, it is with the intention of being dismissed so as to be underestimated. she deliberately plays up these feminine qualities, performs her gender in such a way that she courts misogynistic reception to her presentation. mai claims that only stupid girls would be flattered upon being given beach trash, that only stupid girls crave male attention, that only stupid girls care about auras. azula claims that ty lee’s technique for attracting guys is “shallow and stupid” (despite it working perfectly on her for however many years they’ve been….friends). ty lee does these things specifically because she wants to be seen as a stupid girl.
she is a better manipulator than azula, and in many ways, far more powerful. think of the scene where azula pushes her out of jealousy because ty lee is better at cartwheeling as a microcosm for their entire relationship. ty lee knows exactly how dangerous she is, and so she knows that to not be seen as a threat to azula’s uncontested authority, she must present herself as someone stupid and naive for her own safety. and it works perfectly, because she is a teenage girl, and no one close to her is wise enough to see past her facade. when the conversation veers into territory that is threatening to her, she can steer it back onto safer ground by bringing up auras, or something equally frivolous. she knows full well that it makes her sound dumb, and that’s why she says it; she knows exactly how she is received at all times. meanwhile everyone around her believes that she’s hopelessly naive for being such an unrepentant happy-go-lucky frivolous weirdo. and so does a not insignificant number of people in the audience, too. because she’s genuinely just that subtle, and brilliant, and terrifying.
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jamimix · 6 months
Ain't this just a Dream? (Part 8)
SAGAU x Creator! Reader Apologies for the lateness. I was busy procrastinating on this that I managed to graduate college ehe And also, I’m removing the taglist for now. Sorry. I just find myself obsessing over fixing it too much ;v;
Last Chapter
“Your actions are quite admirable.”
The imposter didn’t flinch despite the wind managing to cut a scratch on to their face, yet they frowned, showing their annoyance. Bright red blood dripped from it, making the corners of Kazuha’s lips twitch into a smirk.
“How foolish. Let me share you a secret before we part.” Their eyes lit up green and Kazuha could only watch as the red blood spilling from their face turned to gold starting from the wound. They suddenly twist the blade inside of him, bringing him closer, making him cough out blood, unable to keep it in, and then whispering into his ear.  “I may not be the real one, but you will never have your proof.”
He couldn’t see it, but his vision’s glow faded, even as he’s still barely alive. And with it, the control he has over the element, left with the wind. He feels the sword burning in him, but it’s wasn't a painful one, much to his hazy confusion.
He hears your call of his name, making him feel a slight guilt that he couldn’t stop you from seeing him like this. Once the blade finally slides out from him, he finds himself falling backwards into yours and his friend’s waiting arms.
Despite his darkening vision, he sees a genuine smile, so similar to yours, flash on the imposter’s face, while a silent voice rang in his head. For all that what was copied, it didn't sound like you. And though it happened for only a moment, he felt relieved.
‘Thank you for taking care of them, Kazuha.’
He felt so relieved knowing that you’d be safe.
You weren’t sure what you were expecting when the wind quelled, exposing you to the horrible scene. But nonetheless, it woke you up.
Kazuha’s blood gushed down the blade that went through him, the tip of it was an inch close to you, and to the ground below. You suck in a breath, but you regretted it almost immediately. The choking stench, the smell of iron in the air. It all feels too real.
You are not dreaming.
You watched as the blade was ripped out of his body, an amused chuckle slipping out from its owner.
This was never a dream.
You ignored the disrespect, quickly catching him into your arms, not caring about the blood that coated the two of you as his eyes started losing its light. Ignoring everything other than him, ignoring the pair of glowing green eyes that watched your every move, and ignoring the fighting that was still happening behind the scene.
You knew from the start but just didn’t want to believe it.
There's so much blood. Please don't die, Kazuha. Kazuha. Kazuha, it should've been m-
"Ah, I must've failed if you're crying because of me." When did the tears start falling?
With little strength Kazuha have, he managed to bring his hand your cheeks, weakly wiping the tears away, though he only succeeded on smudging his blood on it. You reached up, cradling his hand close to your face.
You couldn’t help but curse yourself. You’re a God, aren’t you? So why can’t you heal? How do you fix this? Why are you so useless?
"Tears never suited you, (Y/n). Smile for me."
And so you did. Wobbly as it is, you swear you tried your best. It was all so you could see him giving it back. But when his hand fell limp, so did your smile. All that was left was a shell of a body of someone you knew and cared about.
At least you weren't alone in your mourning. A faint whisper of his name echoed from beside you.
“Ah, Traveller! What brings you here?”
Seeing Lumine wasn’t much of a surprise for Venti, but seeing the other is. Venti couldn’t help but look at the two with confusion in his eyes.
'When did this happen?' He cannot help but think with slight amusement. Their 'grace' would have never allowed such thing to happen unless...
“Where’s your grace?” Lumine spoke up, looking at him quite seriously. Her gaze is almost colder than that of their grace when they’re mad. Aether just stood beside her, a hand on her arm, making sure she wouldn’t do anything too rash yet.
“Well, shouldn’t you know? Up in the sky, on a heavenly palace made by the beings of the land.” He let out a chuckle, acting clueless, strumming his lyre in in tandem with his words.
“I’m not playing, Barbatos. Where’s the real one?”
Venti’s hands still before he another sigh left his lips. Did they lose them again?
He look at Lumine for a moment before closing his eyes and listening closely to the wind. They're loud, too loud for him to actually hear anything from, seeming to argue amongst themselves, a bit too wary of him. Only once they deemed him not a threat, did they whisper.
"A sad tale has come for us." He says with softly as he finally understood the wind's words, letting his lyre fade away with a sad note. “Let's go to Liyue Harbor.”
"Are you done?"
They spoke, boredom lacing their voice, yet their eyes show differently. They walked closer to you, stopping just near your feet. You can briefly hear Childe calling out something before a loud thud and a groan was heard.
Looking up, you find yourself staring back at someone with a face so similar to yours. The twitch of your- their lips made it obvious that they’re trying not to grin.
"Really, the audacity of you to- heh- impersonate me is outstanding."
They crouched in front of you, a smile growing on their face as they then whispered, as if not wanting to wake up the dead, bright green eyes meeting yours. Unconsciously, you held Kazuha closer towards you.
"But (Y/n), that's not true at all, is it? Oh, how I missed you."
You flinched when their hand went towards your face. You tried to move backwards, with Kazuha still in your arms, but you were stopped by the bridge's railing. They ignored your movement, continuing to put their hand on your face, wiping away the disgusting blood that the samurai got you. Abruptly, they stopped, sighing before moving their hand away.
"It seems you're not complete yet. Apologies for… hurting him. I’ll make sure to wrap him up nicely."
Opening up their palm, green faint light suddenly enveloped you and Kazuha. You tried to stop it, trying and failing to wipe it away, wishing in your mind for it to do so, asking Teyvat to do something… But nothing happened.
Helplessly, you can only watch as it slowly wrap around the both of you.
With darkening vision, you barely saw them standing up, and with a snap of their hand, Zhongli stood by their side with an unconscious Childe dragged by his hand. The former’s eyes widened as they saw blood dripping from his God. A sick sense of pride after seeing it gleam so golden.
“Your grace, you’re bleeding!”
They ignored him, keeping their eyes at you as you finally lost yourself to slumber, watched as your arms held Kazuha tighter before losing the ability to do so. They silently wondered if you’ll ever remember doing that with them.
"I will deal with them personally. As for the body... I applaud dear Kazuha for his braveness, give him a nice coffin and send him off to our Captain Beidou. "
"Understood. But what of Tartaglia?"
It was only then that the imposter’s eyes left you, looking at the boy who has been so loyal to you enough to challenge the whole world.
They were too late. Greeted by a bloody scene and a half-broken bridge, worry grew more rampant in their hearts. There's a puddle of blood on the bridge entrance. They were thankful that it’s not gold, but still...
“I’ll go find Morax to get some answers. Try not to be too suspicious while I’m out.” Venti left, not waiting for any response, knowing he didn’t have to.
Seeing his sister’s shaking hands, Aether brought his to hold on to Lumine’s, trying to provide a bit of comfort. 
“Traveller? We are glad to see you back.” A guard spoke up with a small smile after seeing her.
“What happened here?” The guard frowned, pity and disgust swirling within their eyes as they eye the mess.
“An imposter was caught wandering around the harbour. A fatui and a wanderer tried to help them escape. One got caught with the imposter while the other died.”
Lumine’s breath hitched. Died? Someone died? Surely, surely, it isn't-
“Who… who died?”
“The one hailed from Inazuma. Kazuha, I think his name is. I heard from the others that our grace is kind enough to send him away in a nice coffin. Something about being impressed by his braveness…” The guard trailed off after seeing the dark look that enveloped the other’s face. It was only when someone put a hand on the Traveller’s shoulder that he realized that they aren’t alone, shocked to see the similar face.
“Is this…?”
“Where did they take them?”
The two pairs of seemingly glowing golden eyes made him spill everything. Such lucky fellow, he woke up not remembering a single thing.
Teyvat is… sentient in a way. It could not talk nor directly interact with its inhabitants, it cares for them all deeply. It could only show its care by little ways. The changes in weather, the growth of life from its dirt, and the calmness of the seas for the travellers.
But it wasn’t always like this. It was only because of your absence that they gained such thing. All the power that you had, has to go somewhere, does it not?
When you came back abruptly, a tiny bit of your power leaked out, a forest was quick to sprout and monsters, as some of its inhabitants has called them, appeared out of nowhere. Teyvat was quick to react, stopping the overflow, tried so hard not to let all your power rush into you, not wanting you to get hurt. And though you are its creator, it could not help but care for you as a mother to a child.
So when you were travelling around its lands and sea, it was slowly giving you back every bit of power you used to have. Even if one day, Teyvat can never be there for you again.
Sadly, it was cut off when you asked to go to the Abyss.
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tyrantisterror · 1 month
While we’re on the subject of characters who “make you truly question makes one villainous”, what do you think of the take that villains, or at least ‘true’ villains, shouldn’t be sympathetic at all. That villains should simply be motivated by petty selfishness and cruelty. On one hand, that doesn’t sound like it makes for compelling stories, but on the other… most real-life villains really are motivated by nothing but greed and selfishness. And gain power by making people sympathize with them.
"Villain" is a word that has a lot of nuance to it that people in turn tend to overlook in favor of reducing it to "the guy it's ok to hate." "Antagonist" has the same problem, perhaps even worse, but that's another conversation.
Definitions don't help because more often than not they end up being intensely reductive of the broad scope of meanings the word has - again, another word with a similar problem in this regard is "monster," which can mean a bunch of a very different things that are all nonetheless recognizable by bearing some element of "monstrosity" to them.
So, like, one valid definition of villain is "an evil and unsympathetic character the audience is meant to hate." And I imagine if you gave that definition to most people, they'd agree - until you get to sympathetic characters who are still unmistakably villains. Like, would anyone say the word "villain" shouldn't include people like Doctor Octopus in Spider-Man II, or Mr. Freeze in Batman the Animated Series? Is Shakespeare's Macbeth excluded from the realm of villains because the play hinges on us finding ways to sympathize with him despite the horrific evil of his actions? Is Milton's Satan, perhaps the most iconic take on The Devil Himself, excluded from the conversation because Milton gave him pathos?
Villainy can be about the nature of your actions, and it can be about your relationship with society, and it can be about your choice of fashion and hobbies. It can be all of these things or none of them. Villainy is a form of being othered, one that has so many tropes attached to it and folded under it that the aesthetics of it can be divorced from the morality assigned to them easily. Villainy is so vast and complex a concept that a story can analyze it from a dozen different angels and still not capture the full scope of it.
Or, as one movie on the subject put it so succinctly:
It's about presentation.
As a writer and a reader of fiction, I love looking at time-tested tropes from a lot of different angles, and prying them apart to see how they work, and then seeing how far they can bend and twist until they break and become something else. I think locking yourself into one simple definition of what a villain can be is very limiting, creatively speaking, and think it's far more interesting to explore the concept from different angles. There's room for simple, pure evil bastards, sure, but there's also room for multifaceted evils, or characters will all the trappings of a villain but actions that ultimately speak to a nobility of spirit others have overlooked. The complexity of the trope is beautiful, why not explore it?
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limerenceheart · 8 months
A well I will try, but can't guarantee nothing, basically Neuvillete is the is the Iudex of Fontaine, basically the judge or head of the court, and the leader of the Marechaussee Phantom (a special detective force composed by Melusines) he is quite aloof when dealing with human emotions and often distances himself from the public eye, this can by observed by the fact that "Neuvillete" is his last name, this also guarantees Neuvillete an impartial judgment in the trials. Despite his human appearance, he is actually the Hydro Sovereign(basically the strongest dragon of one element), though not at his full power or dragonhood.
This is not 100% correct but should serve for the request
so from what reading your explanation, he sound like that he have a cat personality, lmao. i chose jing yuan for this since his personality is more suited for this request.
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jing yuan glanced at you from the corner of his eye. the general never predicted to run into an anomaly like you. at first, the interest was solely on an official level with the desire of recruiting you as a cloud knight since your powers fulfil in the missing gap.
once you joined, the fires caused by the attacks of the mara struck monsters would get snuff out a lot quicker but he was surprised at how calm you dealt with the first situation. it made him think that you have been in a similar predicament but after pulling you to aside and finding out the answer was no, he was even more taken back.
but the general couldn't declare that he have an interest in a subordinate so he investigated your background in secret. it was hard but there was nothing extraordinary regarding your background.
this is just who you were and jing yuan wanted a further taste. so he began isolating you by placing you in a healer unit supervised by lady bailu.
"general, surely i am more suited to be on the front lines."
it took a moment for jing yuan to lie since his answer should be that you're more suited to be his prisoner.
"no, (y/n), your power is needed much more in the healer unit. you are saving countless lives."
it was the first time that the general saw emotions entered into your eye.
a negative one.
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voxofthevoid · 5 months
Ch 248 is once again a mixed bag for me. On the bright side, it has a development I've been looking forward to the most since Sukuna left Yuuji's body—Sukuna acknowledging the effect Yuuji has on him. Until now, he's mocked and belittled Yuuji, deeming him weak and boring, except that the specific brand of vitriol Sukuna reserves for Yuuji has made it very clear that his beef with Yuuji is a lot more personal than his conflict with any other character. There's a pettiness there, a kind of irritation that's borderline childish, that wouldn't be present if Yuuji didn't well and truly get under his skin.
So to see Sukuna take a moment in the middle of battle, complete with arms on his hips and a goddamn pout, to reassess himself, his ideology, and his enemies and their goals, all to figure out why Yuuji irritates him and then to see him conclude that it's because Yuuji has indomitable will that he can't stomp down? It's sweet, sweet vindication. Sukuna's immediate resolution to tear that will down with, again, a kind of personal vendetta we rarely see from him marks the exact kind of fight I want out of Yuuji vs. Sukuna.
And Yuuji himself has been a sight to behold despite his relatively fewer scenes so far, from his final moments with Higuruma to the reveal that he can use RCT. His greatest strengths so far have been how quickly he grasps CE usage and now attuned he is to his body. The two combined is what's made him so lethal despite the lack of a CT or even advanced techniques like simple domain. RCT fits quite neatly with the kind of power progression he's shown so far, and combined with his natural durability and sheer resilience, it'll make him even more of a monster.
These are elements I'm very happy with. However, this chapter confirms Kenjaku's end and sets up Sukuna as the final villain, and that's... underwhelming at best. I'm not complaining that Sukuna isn't a particularly complicated villain; it's refreshing and suits how he's presented himself from the beginning. But part of what compensated for one villain being like that was the other being a mad scientist with a pretty cunning mind who kept plotting and planning with every tool in their arsenal. You could trust Kenjaku to keep things interesting while they sought the chaos they dearly wanted, and even the merger coming from them would've had certain meaningful implications because not only is it a dream they strived to fulfil for centuries, but it's also a way to see them finally "let go" of Tengen after exhibiting some fascinating attachment behaviors with her. That authority passing on to Sukuna is about as impactful as Yuuta killing Kenjaku—that is, not at all.
The Yuuta+Rika vs. Sukuna fight that's currently being teased makes me wary for similar reasons. It lacks the buildup Gojou vs. Sukuna had (battle of the strongest, i.e., clash of two immense fucking egos), and another contest of raw power sounds about as appealing as watching paint dry right now. Maybe it'll surprise me, but I'm not holding my breath.
To compare this to Shibuya, the emotional component that made its climax so compelling is almost entirely missing from this fight. It's there in Yuuji facing off against someone who took Megumi and Gojou from him, like how he fought the curse that took Nanami and Nobara from him, but overall, the deaths feel hollow and the stakes are so impossibly high that they start to feel like nothing at all.
I can't even fully capture what I'm feeling. It's not that I'm not looking forward to the upcoming chapters; I am. It's not even that I think the plot and climax are unsalvageable; they are, to an extent. But by this point, the plot fumblings and wasted potential have added up to a looming shadow I can't ignore even when there are parts I'm genuinely excited about.
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klance-dreams · 3 months
Okay but please imagine Keith’s reaction to seeing Lance after he’s finally spent some time at the beach again? In his natural element, bronzed like a literal god, burnished from the sun? freckles like constellations?? Lance with wavy, curly salt water-hair, eyes soft and relaxed.
+ Keith meeting back up with the paladins after too long away with the blade. 👀
He loves space of course, but even after his time in the quantum abyss, he’s still not used to the way all warmth & body heat was constantly leached away. Despite his memories of cursing his time in the relentless summer heat of the shack, he’s found himself beginning to miss the hot scorch of the desert sun against his skin.
The blade gave Keith a rare opportunity for downtime that somehow happenes to align with an impromptu holiday/break that Allura has planned for the paladins on a sunny, earth-like planet filled with tropical islands, flora & fauna.
To Keith’s surprise, Lance was the one to call and invite him to join them; sunshine already infused in his voice at the idea of seeing a beach again.
For Keith, the mere thought of getting to see Lance in his natural element? He wouldn’t miss it for anything.
He promises to Lance on the spot (he would promise Lance all the moons and stars if he could) to meet him there later in the day.
When he gets there, everyone has already been enjoying the sun & surf for hours. Pidge is sunburned and squinting at the glare against her datapad, glasses reflecting at a sleeping hunk whose legs have been covered by a crude sand castle. He’s spooning a large collection of fruits that look strangely similar to the ones Keith remembers from earth.
Shiro and Coran seem to be playing a complicated Altean beach game that Keith intends to avoid; Allura lays out on the sand, the mice resting in the shadow of her hair.
Keith thinks someone might have called out a greeting to him, but he can’t be sure, because the second he sees Lance? All thougts leave him, head empty.
It’s too soon to blame the redness in his cheeks on the sun, but he can feel how hot his face has gotten anyway.
Lance is sitting in the sand, waves lapping his ankles. His hair is wild & curling behind his ears from the salt water breeze.
The sight of him alone is enough to warm the cold ache Keith has been feeling.
Sand sticks to the bronzed slope of his back, glittering like flecks of gold, effervescent in the bright sun for Keith’s eyes to follow.
His shoulders are broad and already tanned and freckled where Keith knows his own would be red and sore.
His eyes sweep over the scar on Lances back, and the ones on his arms and sides that Keith wasn’t there to protect him from.
But here? With the blue of the ocean to rival his eyes? Lance looks untouchable.
Looks like a god, burning bright and warm and full of life, and when he turns around at the sound of Keith’s name being called out, Keith’s breath catches in his throat because this sight?
This is one he got to see in the quantum abyss. It was one of the visions into his future that he held onto like a lifeline, like a treasure.
The image of Lance’s smile, a true joyful smile, playing behind Keith’s eyelids and keeping him sane on the worst of those nights spent stranded in space.
Lance, eyes dancing bright and smile brighter as his wide mouth forms Keith’s name on a joyful laugh and he hops up to throw his arms around Keith in a hug that feels like /home/ in a way Keith hadn’t known before Lance.
For one delirious moment, the déjà vu is so strong that he’s afraid he and Krolia never made it back at all. That they were still stuck out there in the cold emptiness of the abyss. The way the vision blends with the Lance he has in front of him makes Keith want to hold on tight and never let go.
Especially when Lance leans back and their eyes meet and lock, electric.
Keith still hasn’t even said a word, but Lance only smiles brighter and knocks their foreheads together.
Says, “hey samurai, it’s been too long”
One traitorous hand drifts up against Keith’s will to trace the new freckles dotting Lance’s cheeks, which flush the lightest pink at the attention or maybe the intensity of Keith’s gaze as he floats into Lance’s orbit, pulled to him like the moon to the sun.
Lance’s leans into the hand Keith cups against his cheek, and finally, finally their lips meet; Keith’s cold and chapped and Lance’s, warm and soft, tasting of the ocean.
When he has to pull back to catch his breath, he finally murmurs back a warm and gravely, “hey sharp shooter,” lips pulled up into a crooked grin and eyes tracking the way Lance melts into him at the nickname like always.
They stay like that for a while, catching up on what they’ve both been up to when Lance says offhand, “hey where’s Kosmo?”
Before Keith can answer, they’re both knocked into the surf by 200 pounds of excited space wolf.
Keith wants to be mad, but the way Lance pops up from the water sputtering makes him grin through the hair plastered to his forehead.
Lance takes one look at Keith, waist deep and fully clothed down to the fingerless gloves, mullet drenched, and bursts out laughing at the sight
and Keith can’t even be mad. He pretends to be, crossing his arms and ‘sulking’. He tries to blow his bangs up and out of his eyes before he remembers it won’t work and that sends Lance into tears. Keith sits back watches Lance laugh for a minute, committing the sight to memory.
He’s gonna get revenge on Lance for laughing, but first he needs to level the playing field.
Lance’s laughter slowly winds down as he watches Kosmo run off to greet the other paladins, laughing again when the wolf shakes water all over Allura and Hunk.
While Lance was distracted, Keith had taken his shirt and gloves off, tossing them back onto dry sand and adding his soaked jeans to the pile for good measure.
Keith was slicking his hair back from his face when Lance turned back toward him and froze at the sight, suspiciously quiet.
// …tbc? transferring twitter treads. original thread here!
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stuckasmain · 5 months
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Hal tries to warn them. Twice. I hadn’t noticed until recently but he does, it’s hard to notice because the way he tries to sounds so routine for him. The second time was just before Frank’s murder making it an all the more tragic case.
Hal is programmed to tell the truth- he wants to- has to and yet the one most vital part he can’t tell them. Not yet. But he tries to work around the order by bringing it up in ways where he is not explicitly telling them that something is wrong or about the true nature of the mission. Unfortunately for Hal the way he goes about it is too similar to that of his typical behavior and it goes unnoticed by the crew until it is too late. It is hard to pick up on his concern/meaning without already knowing something was wrong in the first place. This is the case during the second attempt but it backfires- now his entire existence is in jeopardy.
His first attempt is sprinkled with if/have/you/perhaps. His questions seem rhetorical and prying and it’s mistaken for a psychological evaluation. “I’d be worried if I heard XYZ, wouldn’t you be?” Rather than “I’m worried about this, do you feel the same?” Dave seems to pick up on the strain and nerves in his tone but isn’t entirely sure what to do with it. Maybe he just sees it as Hal’s speech improving and becoming more conversational with better tone.
The second time it is just assumed to be his usual behavior, Hal has always been a tad prideful and self assured. His insistence on the matter of error wouldn’t be unusual despite him pointing it out a bit more than usual.
“It can only be attributable to human error.”
I think this here is as close as he can come to outright telling them, it has always been attributable to human error. Someone put in a wrong number or gave a stranger order, a computer can only be as good as its inputs in that if you mess up code, orders etc. it cannot be at fault for that. Here Hal is hinting that the cause of the break, what lead him to (unknowingly) falsify it has been because of conflicting orders and intervention by humans. This wouldn’t have happened if he wasn’t given conflicting orders and lead to lie- he had been operating perfectly before and all of this time … how is that not proof to them that he is not at fault? (In his mind) He thinks he is being much more explicit than he really is- his earlier attempt and the current one fall too inline with how he usually acts for them to take notice, there’s a nuance not noticed by his human companions.
It also further plays into the fact Hal is sick. His attempts at warning them are just as unconscious as him hallucinating the faults in the first place. If he doesn’t know/believe anything is wrong with him why would he try to warn them in the first place? These little moments of lucidity and begging that a truly sick person never seems to remember and you can’t be sure of it was really them or just the fever. That’s why, even after there’s an idea of what’s going on Dave and Frank are still uncertain.
Can you really heed a warning that might be just as much of a trick as the failure?
Can you heed a warning you don’t hear?
When he makes the second attempt they now know something is wrong, except it doesn’t matter what cause it at this point It is something wrong with Hal, their concern is much more on their own and mission survival. Hal has to go to sleep for a while, he must be deactivated— if he hallucinated this break what other vital element could be next? What if it’s the life support systems? Cause doesn’t matter right now survival does.
By the time he makes this second warning it’s too late for him or any of them…
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aranock · 6 months
Just had someone claim that I maliciously stole ideas from a friend without acknowledgong them when said friend is litterally in the video, and I was in the video I supposedly took thing from, despite my not even once thinking about either thing as being even remotely similar. Like not even slightly an influence. Also I am pretty open about when something influenced me. I don't exactly hide it. Idk I feel like people are really stretching to find anything they can hate Jessie and I for this video with. Like really? Really?
Anyway just to be clear The Editor is not a ripoff of my friend Neil from The Leftist Cooks video on metamodernism, great video btw go watch it. I wrote the editor in because as I was doing the script editing proccess on Jessies initial script and came up with a new structure and worried that if I didnt draw attention to this people would maliciously misinterpret part 1 without getting to the part 2 twist. The Editor is LITTERALLY representing what I did in the script editing proccess for this video. Though there role and purpose expanded to represent more broadly what editing and editors do to works, reinforcing the points we make on art as collaborative and the importance of the influence of for example Marcia Lucas on making the original trilogy as good as it was. If there was any inspiration for The Editor it was chatting with my friend @wonderful101gecs about Pathologic and Brechtian Epic Theatre. I wanted to disallow the audience from suspension of disbelief and force them to reconcile with the world as it is and with how narratives are manufactured. Even then its pretty loose inspiration. The Editor was just a natural result of needing a purpose fulfilled and rounding out my layers within layers structure. Im not sure if it was Jessie or I that named them that, but we made them a named character because we worried at one point early on if we didnt do that people might get really shitty towards me. Like originally in the script it was just "Aranock" and as they became a character I pushed it further towards them being a sort of amoral embodiment of concepts masquerading as a villain who was masquerading as a Hero, pretendint to be the great person behind everything. Thus I came to "oh I need a second rug pull" and thats where layer 5 came from because I needed to really REALLY make the audience go "oh I need to question the narrative" and not treat The Editor as the great man myth. Layer 1, the animation, came from a desire to have a narrative layer below the documentary and video essay layers, below any meta layer. So yeah originally this was just a long very direct essay by Jessie about the making of and politics of star wars, my reediting of those become layer 2 and 3, with some small bits of those ending up in layer 4. Oh also some elements of what became the editor and of the script existed before I even began my youtube channel. Like I have been kicking around aspects of these ideas for over 3 years. The Editors opening monologue is almost all from something I wrote about a year before releasing my first video. So yeah I was not stealing stuff from a video by my friend that released last year, and frankly its really shitty that people assume that of me.
Also I'm tired of how frequently people have been specifying out just me to be shitty about. Attacking my voice for being feminine, being weird about my body. Really makes me feel great. Love being a trans woman making art on the internet. Love how y'all attack me if my voice sounds how you perceive womens voices should sound and you attack me when it doesnt. Im tired people suck, and its really weird that some of you want me to sound more "manly", but thanks for the validating my self taught voice training I guess????
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arom-antix · 1 year
Why Yuuri (before 2017) should not be allowed to write an autobiography
Okay, to those who might not follow figure skating as closely, I just need to point out that Yuuri, despite what he insists (unreliable narrator), did not do badly in the Sochi GPF.
We know from the flashback in episode 5 that Yuuri during his free skate fell on at least two of his jumps and touched down on one and it can be assumed he didn't do too well on his others. He says in episode 4 that he falls on jumps and makes up the gap with Program Component Scores (how artistic it was) which can also be seen on the protocol from his short program where his PCS is higher than his Technical Element Score (how technically sound it was). This is not how those scores usually relate except in certain cases (see Jason Brown, also known for his high PCS and (relatively) low TES though this is by choice).
This is Yuuri's short program protocol. If you don't know how to read this then all you need to know is that his total score was 82.80, 40.42 of that being TES and 42.38 being PCS.
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Now, to relate that to the real world, in the 2015 Grand Prix Final, Daisuke Murakami scored a total of 235.49, scoring 83.47 in his short program and 152.02 in his free skate and placing 6th. As we can see, that's pretty darn close to Yuuri's score (82.80 in the short, 149.79 in the free, 232.59 total) and I would not be surprised if they were inspired by his scores since they're also PCS centric.
Sidenote: Looking at Yuuri's PCS here and comparing them to Murakami's, Yuuri's are higher, not having anything lower than 8.00. Based on the fact that he was likely very off-kilter, I'd say this is still a very respectable score (duh, Yuuri just can't accept that he's good). Boyang Jin who took 3rd in the short, 5th overall in the 2015 GPF had way lower PCS scores.
Anyway, here's Murakami's free skate protocol.
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Murakami has 8 jumping passes in his free, 7 of which he lands with a two-footed landing on one and a stepout on another. He only falls ass on ice like Yuuri does once on his second quadruple salchow (which was supposed to be a combination. The << and REP are explained at the bottom of the protocol). He does not touch down at any point. Otherwise his jumps look fine to me, most of them barely having any ice spray and only his 3Lz+1Lo+2S combination getting a warning for an unclear edge.
If you don't know, falling is (kind of) the worst mistake you can make on a jump and the judges are required to both give a certain negative GEO (grade of execution) and a deduction of 1 point. Other mess-ups just give negative GEOs.
Murakami's FS score is 73.26 TES and 79.76 PCS which would mean Yuuri's scores are likely very similar. But he fell on two jumps, not one meaning his PCS would likely have been higher to make up the difference.
And if Yuuri's insinuation that he flubbed all his jumps in some manner is true (which I find highly unlikely, have some confidence) and he missed elements by either popping (opening too early which costs rotations but saves you from a fall) or just not doing them, his PCS would have needed to be even higher to make up for that.
Missing elements, like popping a double, triple or quadruple axel into a single (at least one double is required), results in that element not being counted at all. Zero. Zip. Nada. You get nothing for it if you can't make up for it later in the program. Even falling on a jump is better because that's at least a few points. So if that happened, he'd have a big gap to make up with his PCS.
To sum up: with everything that could have gone wrong for Yuuri, this is still a very good score, even on the international scene. And to highlight that, Murakami is happy when he finishes, even fist pumping.
And yes, there was still that 103.17 point gap between Yuuri and Viktor which is the same (okay, 94.95) for Murakami and Yuzuru Hanyu who took gold in the 2015 GPF. But, and I cannot stress this enough, Hanyu broke 3 world records with that score meaning Viktor likely did as well. No wait, scratch that, I know he did because Hanyu's score was 330.43 which Viktor beat by 5.33 points. Of course it's not going to be even close, are you kidding me?
Looking at the World Championships in 2016, Yuuri would, with that 232.59 score, still have taken 11th place. He'd have taken 16th in 2023 and that's with a single quad (I don't trust his quad salchow yet) in the age of quads (and that quad being the one with the lowest base value). I'm positive he'd have been able to do a Jason Brown whose PC scores are so good that he in 2023 placed 5th without a single quad and would have placed 3rd in 2016. Now, take that and throw Yuuri's quad toe loop and some confidence in there and you've got a Worlds podium finish before the series even starts.
And then in the season the show is in, he has his quad toe loop, quad salchow and quad flip. He might even have gotten the quad loop down in the 3.5 months between the Barcelona GFP and Worlds. I definitely see a world champion on the next level (if they'd give us it >:[ )
And scores always get higher over time, the world record having gone from Hanyu's 330.46 in 2015 to Nathan Chen's 335.30 in 2019 still standing in 2023 which is still less than Viktor's Sochi GFP score (335.76) (yes, the system has changed since 2015 but it's close enough that it doesn't really matter in this context. Viktor is OP no matter what).
Really, the fact that Yuuri's in the GFP at all should be all we need to know that he's insanely good. It might not technically be Worlds but my stars, Yuuri, it does basically make you 6th in the world.
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tower-girl-anon · 1 year
6th house: pet edition
Hello lovely people!! This post will focus on the possible traits of your pet (if you have one) or possible future pets (if you want them), and what kind of animal do you connect the most with based on the planet or sign that falls in the 6th house, since one of the themes that rules this house are pets.
As always, I hope this resonates, I apologize for any grammatical mistake, and please don't repost or copy this post without giving proper credits to the owner.
P. D: this post can talk also, if it resonates, of the first pet that you consciously or seriously took care of.
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Aries or Mars in the 6th house: your pet is someone with a lot of energy. A lot of masculine or alfa energy despite of his or her gender. Maybe they will like to act as the protector or defender of the home. In this case, it should be warned that they'll need a lot of training and exercise in order to calm part of that big energy they posses because, if they don't recieve that, that behaviour can turn aggresive or other people can see them as aggresive. You could connect a lot to dogs, specially those races who are percieved as aggresive such as pitbulls, rottweiler, dobermann, etc.
Taurus or Venus in the 6th house: your pet is, or will be, very calm and loving. They will prefer to chill and spend time relaxing at home with you at the couch or bed than spending a lot of their time outside (just for those who have backyards) or playing. With this planet or sign, their body could be chubby due to their innate like to eat a lot of food most of the time. I mean, I can picture a dog or a cat who will look right into you trying to reclaim that it is his/her food time. They will like when you pet him/her, give him/her treats or when you clean them. Posible animals that you connect with: hamsters, cats, dogs and rabbits.
Gemini or Mercury in the 6th house: with the mutable sign as a ruler, you will probably have more than one pet in your lifetime or, most probably, more than one pet at the same time. This doesn't have to apply only in this sign tho'. Your pet could be intelligent, very "talkative" or very communicative in his/her own way, and have different moods depending of the day. These aspects screams "parrots" or birds to me. Maybe because Mercury rules communiation and there is a few species that can learn to imitate sounds. But it can apply to cats or dogs that learns how to "speak" too. Posible animals that you connect with: birds, dogs, cats.
Cancer or Moon in the 6th house: I'm having the vision of those pets who interrupts their owner(s) when they are having personal moments such as exchanging a kiss or something similar. Your pet or future pet could be very caring and emotional. He/she likes demonstration of affection towards them and they do that in exchange when there is an emotional connection between the two. They are very sensible to negative settings tho' and could be very possesive, jealous or moody with their owner(s), especially when they demostrate affection to other pets (if you have more than one) or other people. Animals and pets you connect with: fishes due to the water element, crabs (in reference to the symbol of Cancer) and any animal they can connect emotionally with.
Leo or Sun in the 6th house: your pet could be the center of attention in the house. Maybe he/she is the only one in the house but, despite this, if there is more than one, they could have some kind of personality, trait or talent that makes them stand out or known in the neighbourhood. Maybe he/she can become famous in social media. Another possible traits is that your pet is very independent. He/she likes to do things that he/she likes to do, go where he/she wants to go, eat what he/she wants to eat, and he/she won't be easily persuaded to do the opposite. Animals you feel connected with: dogs, big cats like lions and tigers,
Virgo or Mercury in the 6th house: your pet is very practical, "organized", detail oriented and down to earth. It gives me a very high energy of a cat but it doesn't have to be. Since this is a mutable sign, you could have more than one pet and maybe from different species which, in the end, you will have to learn a lot about how to take care of them. On the downside, they could have some health problems that will make you to spend a lot of time and energy to take care of them. For a lot of you, I don't sense any pets or, if you like animals, you could work with them by being a veterinarian or zoologist.
Libra or Venus in the 6th house: your pet is pretty much calm and chill. They are not the dominant one in the house overall and love shows of affection from their owners along with giving affection too. They also like those times when their owners wash them and make them look beautiful or, if they can't do that, to decorate their space with nice and comfortable settings. A nice space to sleep, a space to play, if you have an aquarium they will like a coral reef or seaweed, etc. Comfort and love is what they want to recieve. Possible animals you connect with: rabbits, cats, dogs, maybe some birds.
Scorpio or Pluto in the 6th house: I can see three scenarios here: first, those of you who have this placement could indicate an interest with animals that are mysterious, intense and powerfull such as lizards, spiders, scorpions, crocodiles, and snakes; second, those of you who have this planet may choose to rescue an animal that could have gone through some traumatic experience. Abandonment from their original owners, rejected by their parents, death of one or both of their parents, abuse, violence, etc; third, you may have a transformative, and maybe traumatic, experience with pets or animal in general. Maybe you lost one surprisingly, out of nowhere, or you had an accident with animals.
Sagittarius or Jupiter in the 6th house: since one of the most related symbols of Sagittarius is the horse, it is very probably that either you own one or more horses or you feel connected to them. If not, your pet could have a carefree, adventurous, happy and joyfull energy. Most probably than not, your pet enjoys spending time outside playing and exploring the sorroundings so, if you are the type to go trekking or do any activity of the sort, he/she will gladly want to follow you. With this sign or planet, your pet could be very intelligent and it will be easier for you to train them or make them learn some tricks.
Capricorn or Saturn in th 6th house: I have the feeling that the pets that you will have, currently have or had, are those who either have been domesticated by the human civilization centuries ago (example cats, dogs, horses, cows, donkeys, goats or birds) or maybe you will recieve a pet who is an adult already, not a baby, due to different circumstances. Maybe it belonged to a grandmother or grandfather and they can't keep them anymore or they were abandoned. Your pet could be hardworking and serious like those dogs trained to be of service to people with special needs or illnesses.
Aquarius or Uranus in the 6th house: definitely there is something unique about your pet. It could be because of what they are (maybe you have some "exotic" animal like ferrets, some type of parrot or any kind of animal that is exentric in any way), or they rebellious personality or because of the circumstances that surrounded the arrival of your new pet. There is a huge probabily that you don't want, never wanted or never planned to have an animal but one day... BOOM. You have encountered your "pet" and now you take care of them. Those who find baby wild animals abandoned or hurt and take care of them until they are ready to go back to nature or go to a sanctuary may belong to this group.
Pisces or Neptune in the 6th house: since the symbol of the Pisces sign are two fishes, maybe your pets are, literally, fishes or animals who naturally lives in or near the water such as turtles, otters, crabs, etc. Your pet could either be very active or, on the contrary, likes to sleep a lot. Spiritually, you could feel very connected to your pet, there is a natural energetic connectic that allows you to heal and recharge yourself thanks to the help of your pet. For instance, they say that when a cat touches you and purrs, these purrs send energetic vibrations that helps a person to align his/her chakras which, in the end, allows them to cure. If they pass away, they could become your spiritual guardian.
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cafecourage · 4 months
Dragon au part 4 of 4 (finally)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
- Another serpent boy. But he is a noodle with legs. Four’s scales are a pale yellow color but because of the Colors™️ you can see their respective colors reflected back in the light. Four’s dragon form has four sets of horns the second pair grew in later in life thanks to the four swords.
- Four comes from a family of Earth Dragons with metal ties. Meaning they are metal benders ATLA style. He can also infuse elemental powers into his weapons through the uses of gems. Everything he owns has been updated for him as he went through. Anything he wants to test or experiment he tries on his own weapons and. Equipment. Though I am sure Wild would lend him a few things. Four can also shrink on command and split.
- His scent gland is on his forehead, and honestly his scent is basically a berry medley with a bit smoke. He doesn't tend to rub his scent on things as he doesnt care about claiming much. His family has a lot in their horde already, he also isn’t the type to claim family.
- Unfortunately he does have cat tendencies despite his fear of them. But even then that isn’t something he has clued in on and I don’t recommend pointing it out as he would get pouty.
You honestly didn’t know that Dragons can purr. To be fair only the only ‘purring’ you have heard was Twilight but his was more of a low growl. Four has been cuddling into your side purring. He was a bit sick and being the other medic of the team. He has been rubbing his face on your shoulder for a while now. A fruity aroma was getting stronger and stronger.
You put your hand on his forehead. Still warm… well you don't have the heart to move either. Not when he is suffering this much.
- It honestly doesn’t even process that Four claimed you by accident. He probably just thinks it was temporary since he was sick and is kinda in denial about it all. Claiming isn’t something he was going to do for a while even though he is a slightly hopeless romantic. It’s not the end of the world.
- He honestly is pretty up front about what he did and his feelings. He understands if you don’t want to date him but Four wont let you down. This man is polite and respectful and will spoil you. What more do you need?
- I also feel like he wouldn’t be that subjected to his dragon instincts. He has been around enough treasure and making enchanted weapons enough not to get gold fever. So top tier in terms of semi normal.
Fierce Diety:
- A god in his own right Feirce Diety is of course the strongest dragon in the group. He is built similar to Time, bulky and strong. Similar to Time, FD’s Scales are marbled but instead of just the gray and black tones you find in white marble there is also red, blue and gold. Though on his face you still have his signature markings.
- Fierce Deities powers are weird. He has the ability to affect gravity in the sense that he can make his sword slash go down harder, he can make himself move faster and he can jump higher. He can also make himself stronger in general and change how he looks. Given that so many people wore his mask he can shift into them borrowing their image. Sort of. There are differences between what fierce looks like and whoever he is stealing from looks like.
- I actually don’t know what god would smell like. But I do know he probably has a scent gland on his sides. Making it so when he is protecting you his scent gets all on you as your tucked into him safe and sound. By the end of it would probably smell like dried herbs, sage is probably the highest note there is. But it’s warm and old and comforting to you. Maybe not to others.
The War God doesn’t understand how he was in this situation. Not that he was complaining. It just was so long since he was outside of that prison of a mask that he wasn’t used to so much physical touch. With one of the children cuddled into one of his sides, then the other side was you. The person he went into battle to save. You unfortunately were hurt but not too much. Fierce Deity sighs as he relaxes not really knowing if he should move or not.
But as your arms around him tightened gave his answer. Fierce Deity was trapped here. There was no moving here.
- Fierce deity is another person that honestly will tell you outright and might give you no choice. You are his that (might) be final. I say that only because FD is a god. I would imagine even with him being in the seal he would have the largest horde as it includes people. So if you’re not also courting him, you’re still in his horde and will be in his protection. But uh… I wouldn’t suggest saying no to courting.
- Either way he is more subtle but also the most extreme with his dragon instincts. Like out of all the boys in the chain FD will be the most traditional in his belief. He will not mark you out right but he will be pushy unfortunately.
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matan4il · 6 months
To the anon who wrote me about the bodies...
If you have an issue with bodies being held hostage, you should hold accountable the party that introduced that element to the Israeli-Arab conflict. That would be Egypt, back in 1954. The Syrians have also followed suit since 1965.
Hamas and Hezbollah have taken this one step further, intentionally keeping Israel in the dark over whether those that these terrorists are holding hostage are alive or dead. Case in point, on Oct 7, 2000 Hezbollah murdered and kidnapped the bodies of 3 Israeli soldiers. The IDF was able to confirm by the next day that the soldiers were all at the very least wounded during the kidnapping. In June 2001, it turned out the UN had material about the kidnapping, that it did not share with Israel, despite its obligation to do so. On Oct 29, 2001 (a year after the kidnapping), Israel was able to announce the 3 soldiers had been murdered. Hezbollah continued to lie about it even after the confirmation. I don't remember at which point it was exactly, but I remember that Hezbollah released a pic that was supposed to be these soldiers alive. I remember that by this point, while the announcement that the soldiers are dead wasn't official yet, it was pretty clear they were, and I remember thinking how cruel Hezbollah was to intentionally torment the families with false hope. A similar thing happened again on Jul 12, 2006, when Hezbollah killed 5 Israeli soldiers, and then kidnapped the bodies of 2 of them. The terrorists lied about it. So imagine the shock and pain the families experienced, when a hostage deal was conducted in Jul 2008, and after two years of hoping and waiting, they got bodies instead of to be reunited with their living loved ones.
Currently, Hamas has been holding the bodies of Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul since 2014. For over 9 years. For over 9 years, their families can't hold a funeral, and they get no closure.
And this one's maybe the most important point regarding the part of my post you quoted. Hamas isn't just holding the bodies hostage. Israel and Hamas agreed on the release of women and kids, and Israel made it clear it will not make any hostage deals, before all the living women and children are back in Israel, safe and sound. Intel shows Hamas is still holding at least 19 living women that it could release. That's... taking into account that the Bibas family, with 4 years old Ariel, and baby Kfir, might have been killed. Even then, Hamas could easily stick to the deal, and release the women it's holding, who are alive. Hamas is intentionally trying to force Israel to take dead bodies instead, while having to release living convicted terrorists in exchange, based on the current deal, which was made to free living women and kids. We know that statistically speaking, roughly 60% of released Palestinian terrorists return to terrorist activity, and attempt to murder again. That means Hamas is trying to force Israel's hand, to put the lives of even more Israelis on the line, without even getting our living hostages in return.
Hadar Goldin:
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Oron Shaul:
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Hamas is now holding the bodies of at least 6 murdered Israeli civilians. Most are old men and women. Possibly the bodies of a child and a baby. They're not soldiers. They're def not terrorists, who chose to try and carry out the murder of civilians. Here are their faces:
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And that's not counting the bodies of our soldiers. We know Hamas is holding the kidnapped bodies of at least 3 of them. I just wanna remind you, most Israeli soldiers do not choose the army as a career. Their service is mandatory, and is a result of the on going terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians, which started before there even was a State of Israel, when the terrorist attacks were simply on Jews. Our soldiers, are mostly young people, they're our 19 and 20 years old kids, called to defend our 3 and 10 and 12 years old kids.They're human beings, too. They deserve burial, and their families deserve closure as well.
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So how would you suggest Israel deals with this kind of inhumane depravity? What is it that we're allowed to do, when we're trying to get back the bodies, restore the dignity of our dead, and stop the torment of our grieving families and friends?
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