#go drink some water thats important
iqmmir · 5 months
i dont think i did much today except study and talk to maybe three people.... hmm....
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i definitely share the problem many people have of whats in my head vastly outpacing what ive actually written, but i sort of have the opposite problem with other parts of the creative process bc the thing is when i do actually write its never so much bc i sit down to write, more like the ideas that have been pressurizing finally burst forth in a chaotic torrent that drags me into a fuguelike state where there is nothing but feverishly getting the words out with minimal mind to editing or organization and eventually after at least several hours i surface and find myself with like 8k new words of writing to sort through, and hope the spell is broken rather than being only a brief window of lucidity bc it wont properly be done for the next couple days actually, which is what happens sometimes
#these days i am lucky bc i usually have a typing medium at hand and can get the new writing in the form of typed files#in the past i have definitely used all sorts of things that were less than ideal bc the writing frenzy hit in inconvenient circumstances#i have covered paper plates front and back. scribbled in pen on the inside of water bottle wrappers. literally stolen paper from nearby#printers or on a few occasions /ripped blank pages from unattended notebooks belonging to others/ bc thats how bad the Need to write is#obviously at that point i had already run out of room on my hands arms and available sections of my legs so i was desperate#i once had no better writing tool available than green icing so guess what? i used it and later had to transfer the notes worth salvaging#to actual pen and paper once available bc icing attracts ants so it couldnt stay#in drama i covered a piece of scrap wood all over with writing while having a psychotic episode and people called it the board of prophecy#and this is just counting the times it has actually been story/character/worldbuilding notes and scene/dialogue fragments and timelines#yknow actually useful creative stuff? as opposed to just randomly Needing to Write Anything Just To Be Writing And Have Written which#has produced stuff of wildly varying content and quality over the years lmao#anyway under no circumstances be jealous of 'actually being able to get the words out' lmao its losing days of your life to it#its not being able to eat or drink or sleep even when your brain is released from the frenzy enough to remember that those 1) are things#and 2) you need to do them. its missing important events you needed to go to and important things you needed to do#and not being able to explain why without gambling over your continued freedom and autonomy#etc etc anyway guess why im mentioning this? hint it has to do with the new folder in my notes app with a total of ~32k new content in it#most of which is Fun and Fresh but with a dash of Throwing In Some Revitalized Versions of Old Ideas and which holds so much potential as a#new thing to occupy my days with for the next few months at least and which also. crucially. stole several days of my life from me#i only stopped bc i hit cluster headache time and was forcibly jolted from being able to process anything that wasnt overwhelming pain
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flawless-peach · 3 months
activities to improve your life
(in no way do you have to do these or all of them in order to improve, these ade just little things to do to help you feel good about yourself <3)
- go on walks outside, or just get outside in someway. in the summers my boyfriend and I would walk a couple blocks to get a snowcone. now that's its spring I walk to the gas station near by to pick up energy drink for my boyfriend (spring semester)
- wake up earlier, now this one is important to me because I am a huge morning person and so is everyone in my family. but some people aren't naturally morning people. so dont feel like im saying wake up at 5am. I more mean wake up with enough time to enjoy your morning and look forward to the day, you don't want to rush to get ready
- drink an appropriate amount of water, I personally aim for about 60oz now, which I don't hot everyday, but when I first started trying to drink more water I started out with 20oz because I just wasn't drinking water. so don't push yourself because you'll only hate the water rather than appreciate what it can do for you
- journal every day. I normally don't journal about my day until the next morning as I reflect on the previous day, because I don't want the day to "end" before it's actually over. but I try to write reviews about episodes of the shows i like or take notes over my audiobooks and try to think about why I like/dislike them. I find that this helps me so that whenever I start getting emotionally overwhelmed to slow down and put into words what's wrong rather than just being overwhelmed
- working out to feel good rather than look good. I've had a terrible relationship with my body most of my life and so by working out to feel good i have different goals and schedules i followed than when I was trying to lose weight, and it's helping like my body even if it's not changing how it looks. I try to exercise at least 3 days a week, but if I don't feel good enough to i don't force myself (the walks outside are exercise too, so thats also helping me feel good even if I eat a snowcone immediately afterwards ^^)
- positive affirmations. I really struggle with this one, but I have a widget on my phone that rotates through different ones and im liking the ones that are good and at the end of the week in my journal I wrote them all out.
- look for long lasting happiness over short term happiness. this one is a lot harder i just wanted to add it on the end because sometimes I put off doing something I know will make me happy in the end because of short term gratification. I normally feal with this by letting them merge if I can (so like everything shower tiktoks while I get ready for my shower)
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wileys-russo · 4 months
“i was sleeping” “yeah well now your not” leah williamson
4am wake up II l.williamson
"then there was a magician! babe you know i fucking love magicians." leah slurred as you hummed. "was he as good as the one at your birthday baby?" you questioned hearing a gasp.
"oh i forgot about him! fuck i told this guy he was the best and that was a lie!" leah groaned with a whine and you heard a bump and a mumbled apology.
"tripped over someones stupid table. who the fuck put that in the way!" leah huffed with a small hiccup on the other end of the line.
"how rude of them. hey lee? can you take a break from the rum and drink some water for me baby?" you smiled as your girlfriend let out a deep sigh.
"yeah i guess. but only for you baby girl cause you're the best and i love ya!" leah slurred, grunting as she sat down in a booth. "i love you too sweets. are you back with alex and jess again?" you questioned as leah hummed.
"can i speak with al please?" you asked as leah whined. "why! you're my girlfriend and you're not here. alex has her girlfriend with her she doesn't need mine!" leah scoffed making you chuckle, the blonde out at an event which you had to miss due to a clashing family commitment.
family just as important to leah as it was to you she'd completely understood and encouraged you go, even offering to skip the event herself but you'd never let that happen considering she was set to present.
though it was obvious you both had very different nights.
it was your grandma's 90th birthday so you'd had a couple glasses of wine and everything was nicely wrapped up by about ten in the evening, meanwhile it was now midnight and it seemed leah was just getting started at the after party.
much as she'd begged you to come and join her you were far too comfy wrapped up in bed to bother, so leah had settled for a phone call to 'wish you goodnight' which nearly a half an hour later she was still yet to actually say goodnight.
"oh shut up and give her here leah you idiot!" you heard the blondes best friend scoff and there seemed to be a tussle of sorts before the line cleared. "hi sexy. we miss you!" you heard alex greet, your girlfriend gasping in offence and sternly ordering her to never call you that ever again.
"hi scotty. can you get her a water please? if she doesn't have a couple inbetween drinks she'll wake up tomorrow an absolute nightmare to deal with." you chuckled, your girlfriends hangovers something else let alone when she was dehydrated on top of it.
"on it babe. jess isn't drinking so she'll drive her home, wouldn't dare put her in a taxi at this rate." alex chuckled as you heard leah start to sing along to something in the background. "bub we're gonna go dance. i love you!" leah snatched the phone back and blew you a kiss before the line cut off and you sighed in amusement.
you were sure alex would have fun dealing with that.
"babyy girll!" your eyes fluttered open at the sudden sound, wincing at the sharp pain which shot through your neck at the awkward position you'd fallen asleep in, phone tucked beside your head where you'd been watching tiktoks before you had.
you heard a loud thud and suddenly the room lit up as you nearly hissed, shielding your eyes as leah flicked the lights on and fell through the door frame stumbling forward and catching herself on the edge of the bed.
"leah?" you rasped out unsure if you were still dreaming or not as the blondes head popped up at the end of the bed where she'd fallen down to the floor.
"thats my name!" she slurred and pulled herself up onto the mattress with a grunt as you rubbed your eyes tiredly and pulled yourself into a sitting position. "you didn't wait up for me." your girlfriend frowned somewhat adorably.
"i was sleeping." you smiled with a shake of your head. "yeah? well now you're not!" the blonde slurred with a grin crawling toward you.
"oh jesus." you mumbled at the state of your drunken lover, unable to hold back the amused smile at her scruffy state.
"my names leah but you can call me jesus if ya want babe. but i know you prefer oh god! oh god! oh god!" your eyes widened and you lurched forward to cover her mouth now much more awake as your girlfriend started to mock your moans.
"oh i missed you." you were all but tackled back down to the bed by the taller girl, grimacing at the strong smell of alcohol on her breath as she tried to kiss you but missed as her lips instead kissed the pillow beside you.
"i missed you too lee. but time for bed i think!" you smiled, tapping your phone which glared back 3:56am. "i have a favour first." leah smiled charmingly as best as she could, pushing herself up and off of you allowing you to sit up again.
"mmm?" you hummed with a raised eyebrow, slipping out of bed and making your way round to help her get her shoes off where she was struggling with them. "make me some food? please bubba?" the blonde pouted, the term of endearment one that only left her lips when she was absolutely smashed.
"lee, darling its nearly four in the morning. sleep now and i'll make you the best breakfast in bed ever later!" you promised, pushing her hands away and helping her wiggle out of her suit pants next causing her to let out a sigh of relief.
"do you come on the menu?" the defender smirked, eyes starting to droop as you shook your head. "so i see we've had some tequila shots then yeah?" you laughed, the particular alcohol forever making the girl ridiculously horny much to her ongoing frustration that you refused to engage in anything when she was drunk.
"maybe a few. but i had some water! just for you." she pointed to you and attempted a wink which just wound up being an over dramatic blink. "did you now? how responsible you are." you teased, moving away to grab her some comfier clothes to sleep in.
"i am the responsible one in the relationship duh. i'm older and wiser!" leah sighed as you grabbed her hands and tugged her to sit up, struggling to unbutton her shirt as she smacked your hands away.
"i can do it! strip for you any day sexy." she wiggled her eyebrows and flopped back into bed, and sure enough though it took her a few minutes she managed to get the shirt off as you helped her up and into a large baggy t-shirt.
"do you want me to take your makeup off baby?" you asked softly, chuckling as her energy levels seemed to be dropping and she nodded wordlessly and laid back down as you darted into the bathroom.
"you're so pretty. my pretty girl!" leah sighed out, hands resting on your legs as you hovered over her gently wiping away her makeup with the micellar wipes. "you're very pretty too, even a drunken mess." you quickly pecked her lips as you finished and moved off of her.
ignoring the whines for you to come back you hurried into the kitchen grabbing some advil and a bottle of water for the blonde in the morning, checking the door was locked and chuckling at the wake of destruction she'd left in her path toward the bedroom.
"that's a tomorrow problem." you mumbled with a smile at the multitude of knocked over and dropped items all over the ground, only picking up your girlfriends suit jacket and draping it over a chair.
"baby!" leah yelled out with a whine as you quickly returned. "i'm right here." you promised, helping her get into bed properly and gently swatting away her hands which grabbed and poked at you demanding you give her attention.
flicking the lights back off you blinked a few times to adjust, not that you needed to with how your girlfriend was kicking off, easily able to follow her voice back to bed.
"where the fuck-oh hi bubba!" she grinned in the darkness finally feeling the bed dip as you moved in beside her, latching onto you. "cuddles please, love you." leah slurred quietly, patting your thigh affectionately as you shuffled down the bed, her head moving to rest right above your heart with a tired sigh.
"goodnight leah." you chuckled, tangling your hands in her hair and messing about with it like you knew she loved. you heard her mumble something back but had no idea what it was as you smiled pressing a soft kiss to the crown of her head.
the only woman you'd let wake you up at four in the morning for a cuddle.
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flowerflowerflo · 3 months
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girl's guide to academic success: part 2 ⊹˚. ♡
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ romanticism
i think i mentioned this in my romanticism post but pinterest is ur best friend. if i know anything about it u can trust i have a pinterest board for it; thats the same for school. gather motivating pictures & and pretty images that align with ur personal goals and style and make u wanna get up and work! i also use tumblr for this too. i'll link a couple blogs i love for this later on <3
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ surroundings
if ur studying, make sure u actually enjoy the place you're studying in, or try to to the best of your extent. whenever i study im 9 times out of 10 always at my desk and ive decorated my desk specifically so that it motivates me to get up and do whatever i need to do + its super pretty and makes me smile every time i see it <3 decorate ur area with little trinkets and both things u love and things that motivate you, and switch it up when you can! don't stay in the same place all the time. spontaneity is fun!!!
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ personalisation
make it pleasing to look at so ur more motivated to go back and revise over them if needed, and so you have something to do as well that is still related to your work if ur someone who gets distracted easily like myself. some inspo i use for my work:
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🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ hydration!
make sure ur drinking lots of water !! i drink lots of water and lots of tea whenever im studying or doing any kind of schoolwork and it helps me a lot, + its just those little bits of comfort yk
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ music and concentration
i work way better with any music in the background but if you're someone who gets distracted easily i'd recommend making a specific playlist for studying and listening to non-lyrical music like lofi, video game soundtracks, classical music, instrumentals of songs u like, etc. (i'm not telling you to go against the rules of ur school but i put a headphone in in class sometimes and cover it with my hair just because i know i work way better with it and it helps me a lot bc most of the people in my classes are so freaking loud. so if ur allowed 100% go for it but i don't recommend what i do if you have a strict school)
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ prioritising ur health & compromising
like i said in my other post, prioritise your health over anything else. if you didn't get a good nights sleep last night and you have a test tomorrow and need to study, then compromise; if you already know a lot about it or its not fate changing or life altering in some way or you can go over it quickly in the morning or something, go to sleep. your health is always more important in the long run and will help you to do even better in the future in every area of ur life
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──★ ˙ ̟🎀 links (some of my fav studyblr girlblog posts!)
study methods: @4theitgirls
studying plans as an accounting major: @iluvprettygirls
study tips: @honeytonedhottie
academic burnout: @seulhrts
elle woods: @4theitgirls
productivity hacks: @theambitiouswoman
paris geller: @4theitgirls
i also personally recommend @zooxanthellae for one of the study blogs! she does a lot of studyblr posts under the tag #zoostudies & they're SO CUTE ♡
all my love 💗🫶🎀
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honeytonedhottie · 5 months
disconnect and heal⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🌙
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this post is simply to help u ground urself and it serves as a reminder to just take a deep breath to stay focused and trust the process. remember to fill your cup more often and pour into yourself.
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BE CONSCIOUS - take a deep breath and just be conscious of what u feel and who u are. practicing awareness and consciousness helps to ground u. imagine that ur seeing things thru ur eyes for the very first time if that helps. pay closer attention to the little things about urself/how u feel/and what seems to be a constant in ur life. bcuz the things that are most constant in our lives, are the ones that go the most unnoticed or taken for granted.
DISCONNECT FROM SOCIAL MEDIA - take. a. break. i promise u it's so good for you. if u dont wanna take a full on break from social media at least implement time limits. bcuz when ur doomscrolling ur flooding ur brain with dopamine which is super bad for ur mental health and wellbeing in the long run. so just do urself a favor and make sure that ur keeping everything balanced and consuming social media in moderation as with everything else.
REFLECT - how do you feel? reflect on what you did that day. take some time to step back and process everything bcuz u dont always have to put ur feelings on the back burner. make urself a priority. ask urself the tough questions like "am i making decisions that'll put me where i wanna be" or "am i listening to my body?"
TAKE A BREATHER - give urself time to rest and relax. disconnect from things that drain u and connect with things that'll hydrate u instead. drink a cup of water, take a nap, read a book. take time to just sit and meditate on ur thoughts.
INTENTION - this category speaks for itself but just do things intentionally. just slow down and be intentional with what u say, what u think, what u do.
LITTLE BITS OF PROGRESS - when ur disconnecting for a bit and healing, healing is a PROCESS and i think that thats an important thing to remember so keep in mind that (1% is better than 0%) and that ofc ur best isnt gonna look the same every single day so let urself live
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godessanonymous · 6 months
DR3 - Reminder
Request: No. Pairing: dom!daniel x bratty!reader Genre: just filthy ass smut thats all Summary: You and Daniel have been in a relationship for a while now, at a gala you decide to tease him a little, so he reminds you who you belong to ;) Warnings: use of bad language, toys, bondage, overstim, semi public sex.
Not proofread - 4.3k Words I have nothing to say for myself. This is filthy, like baaaddd but oh well hope yall enjoy.
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You had started to work for Alpha Tauri about a year ago, that’s when you met Daniel Riccardo for the first time. A tall dark haired mystery of a man. You could never tell what his intentions were, mixed Signals all around. It started out with some harmless comments mostly complimenting you, then it turned into caring gestures like bringing you water after long Work hours in the paddock, getting you food when you didn’t have the time to do it yourself and at some point even driving you home. While you said you were friends neither of you could deny the tension that never actually left when you were around each other.
You had gone out to dinner a couple of times before but that was mostly with the team or just as friends. But this time it was different, Daniel had approached you after the race, he looked a lot more shy than his usual bubbly self made him seem. He politely asked whether you would like to go out with him that evening, you just looked at him confused before answering yes. His face lit up just enough for you to notice it, he said to pick you up at around 7.30 that evening and just sprinted off.
You were in your room at the hotel now, a pile of clothes stacked up on the bed from you deciding what to wear to tonight, you were still not sure, was this a date? How pretty did you have to look? After staring at yourself in the mirror for a bit you decided to go with something classic but not too over the top. You quickly did your makeup, since your outfit was simple you made your makeup look extra pretty.
Not too long after that he picked you up and took you to a cute restaurant not too far away. It was beautiful and that’s when he finally worked up the courage to talk to you about hist feelings toward you. You had to say you agreed, the way he looked at you, the way he was always so caring towards you made you slowly but surely fall for him. The night ended with a faint goodbye kiss and plans made for the next date.
All that happened around 6 months ago and Daniel had surprised you with a lot of things, but the most interesting thing was probably his preference when it came to sex. He was kinky, always down to try new things. He loved being in control. You had never done anything like that so a little hesitation came up in you when he proposed the idea of trying something new in bed. Despite feeling hesitant at first you quickly discovered how much you enjoyed his kinky fantasies, the more you tried the more things you found out turned you on extremely. Falling into submission gave you a form of freedom and forgetting about other struggles, even though you would eventually you also liked to be bratty, make him work for it. Sometimes even doing it in public just to get him worked up a little. He was insanely good at communicating what he wanted and what you were okay with, big on consent which is insanely important in these kinds of dynamics.
There came a day where you and him had attended a gala evening. A lot of influential people were there and it was a beautiful show to see all the artist and awards. You got a little bored tho, looking at the mad sitting across from you in a perfectly fitting black suit sipping on a glass of red wine. You had been throwing in little comments all evening, not listening to him and doing your little thing.
The show finished and you decided to go to the club/bar area for a bit and have another drink before going home. So you walked over to him. “ ill head over to the bar for a bit, tag along or come get me when you are ready love.” You whispered in his ear, he looked at you with his big brown eyes. “Sure, maybe ill come over later, just behave please.” You just smirked at him and walked away, Kika and Charlotte right by your side.
The bar was amazing, the drinks were too good not to drink  more and soon you got a little too excited and hit the dance floor with Kika. Soon someone stole you from Kika and an arm snaked around your waist, you didn’t recognize the man that was suddenly taking up your view but you certainly didn’t mind it. You decided to hit him with the “ I’m taken” right from the start. He just chuckled at responded “Don’t worry, I just wanna dance, my friends are making me feel single.” Nodding his head in the direction of a pair dancing. You chuckled and decided to go with it, making Danny just a tiny bit jealous would surely lead towards a pleasurable night for the both of you right?
The guy was nice but once you spotted Daniels eyes basically piercing through your body you said goodbye and returned to the bar to order another light drink. You were a little drunk but not too much to lose control. You chatted with a guy sitting next to you a little bit before an arm draping over your shoulder made you look up into the face of a fired up Daniel. “Lets go home, looks like someone needs to be reminded who she belongs to.” He hissed into her ear just loud enough for her to hear it. Her heartbeat fastened and she awkwardly excused herself from the bar. Daniel was holding onto her waist tightly as they made their way through the crowd of dancing and chatting people.
He had called a uber and roughly pushed you down in the black seats of the car when it arrived. Once on the way to your destination you decided to throw caution to the wind and placed you hand on his thigh, slowly moving your way up. His big hand enclosed around yours and lifted it of his leg. “Oh love don’t do that, you’ve been working me up all night, hope you are ready for what is waiting for you. I’ll have you begging soon enough.” He said quietly and it made your heart jump in excitement.
The door clicked shut behind you and it took less than a second for his hands to grab your wrists and pin them above your head. Your breathing started to speed up as his body pressed you flush against the wall and his breath lightly caressing over the delicate skin of your neck. “You have no idea how much trouble you’re in pretty…” he said as his teeth sink into the skin of your neck. “What… I was having fun, nothing happened, I had a great time. Why should I be in trouble?” you asked innocently. He let go of your hands, one moving to your throat and one to your ass instead. He put just the slightest amount of pressure around your air way. A breathy whisper: “you know exactly what you did baby, you wanted this, so game on let’s see how long you can keep that attitude up little lady.” Shivers of anticipation ran down your spine. Hand still on your neck he slowly guided you towards the bed. He gently placed you in the middle of it. “Stay where you are. Clothes off.” Is all he said before he disappeared into the walk in closet to retrieve some goods for the night.
You decided to comply to a certain extent, dress off but the lacy underwear staying on your body as you moved under the blankets covering up your half naked body, acting like you were gonna sleep. It took a second before he returned, a box in hand. Seeing you didn’t follow his commands made a little fire light inside of him, he shot forward pulling the blankets off you before deciding you were not anywhere close to behaved tonight. Quickly grabbing your wrists cuffing them to the a bedpost rendering your hands unable to do anything. Daniel stood back up admiring your body laying on the perfectly white bedsheets. “So, since you seem to want it so bad, lets have some fun. But firstly color baby.” “Green”, “Game on the love.”
The tall Aussie settled between your legs, hand on your  lower stomach to stop you from moving under his touch. He began trailing kisses down your body, hands following with the lightest touch.
You were already starting to get desperate for him feeling the stubs of his short beard rub against your skin. Trying to spur him on a bit you stuck out your chest a bit, he chuckled, finally moving on of his hands to slowly massage your breast making a soft moan escape your lips. “Already turned on huh love” he said stopping right above your belly button just hovering there for a second before moving up the length of your body in one quick motion. One hand lingered on your throat the other was now drawing small circles up your thighs.  His lips crashed into yours dominantly making you gasp for air every chance you got. Daniel used the opportunity to enter her mouth with his tongue eagerly exploring it. You spilled a small moan into him has his hand moved over where you needed him most. Light fingers stopping on your clit, slightly pressing down, just enough to make you need some friction badly. The position didn’t allow you to do so, your lips escaped a tiny whimper. His weight lifted off your body as he sat up and dragged your pretty red panties down your legs. They flew somewhere to the ground next to the bed. The driver dragged a finger through your wet folds making you squirm. “Already all wet for me? So easy…” he murmured, wetting his finger and suddenly pushing it inside of you. His grip on your hips was impossible to move against holding you down. Quickly followed a second finder and you could already feel the knot in your core starting to build as he started moving painfully slow, curling his digits in just the right places. Your legs wrapped around his waist trying to relive some of the pressure you felt. A soft “Please” escaped your lips. “We have barely even started yet and you are already a whimpering mess, for that big attitude its surprisingly easy to have you in shambles don’t you think?” He responded with a grin on his face, you were slowly getting closer to the edge. That’s when he pulled out, you whining at the sudden loss of sensation. The weight on the bed shifted as the Aussies reached over to the box still resting on the bedside table and pulled out something you couldn’t quite identify, It looked like a bullet but it was a little too big for the ones you had seen and used before. He didn’t waste any time as he took the small vibrator and pressed it into you, it had a weird shape, one side resting fairly deep inside of you the other moving up around to your clit in a u-shape. Its small nature making it easy to slide in, yet it still took you off guard feeling it.
Danny held up a remote and smiled as he pressed a button making the device come to life. You gasp, it felt so good stimulating two spots at the same time. The Pleasure was insane. You were close again quickly not being able to form a coherent thought. As you were just about to release the buzzing stopped, making you let out a frustrated groan. Meanwhile Daniel got off the bed and freed your hands from the cuffs, keeping them together. He tossed a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie in your direction. You were confused what on earth was he planning on doing. “Get dressed. We are going on a walk.” As it slowly dawned on you, your punishment was not getting to come, you hated it so much. His dark eyes looked at you warningly as you reached between your legs. “leave it where it is” Your eyes widened. Hesitantly you got up and put on the clothes he had tossed your way.
He lead you to the elevator and down onto the sidewalk of the road along your building. It was almost 12AM on a week day so no one was around this area anymore. You could still feel the u shaped vibe between your legs and you started walking, Daniel didn’t say anything so you just followed him. After a couple of meters he finally started talking. “So I have a challenge for you hun. We are going to take a walk and ill have some fun with our little friend here, if you manage to keep walking and not be loud maybe ill rethink my decision on not letting you finish today.” He smirked. “Color baby” “Green”.
He started on the lowest setting, it was pleasant, stimulating but nowhere near strong enough for you, every corner you passed he went up a level. At level 4 is when it started to be a challenge, the constant friction of your walking and the vibration between your legs making it hard to not atleast breath heavier. You knew he route the two of you were walking in the cold breeze, you’d do this a lot when you were in need of fresh air, it wasn’t long but you still had a good bit to go when the knot started to build in the middle of your core. Reaching level six you were struggling to keep up with Daniels Pace, desperately clinging to his arm as you passed another corner, you only had 2 to go, your breathing got heavier and Daniel gave you a challenging look as you gripped his arm even tighter as the pressure increased. You were approaching the door of the building as you felt your legs starting to give out. You bit your bottom lip trying not to make any noise. Daniel just watched you enjoying your struggle. Your nails dug into his skin as you reached the door, letting out a heavy sigh once you were inside. “Good Girl.” He whispered into your ear and you couldn’t help but feel proud that you had managed. Or so you thought. The buzzing hadn’t stopped. It just went down to a pleasant humming, not allowing you to get any further in your need to finish.
The ride up to the apartment was quiet, too quiet. He pushed the door open and closed in a quick motion hungrily biting marks into your shoulder as he pushed you onto the bed, stripping your clothes of in the process. “Time to teach you manners kitten.” He said reaching for you arms and you could feel the semi soft rope slowly tighten around them as he started to form a harness around your entire body. You wanted to move, be bratty but you were too deep into submission already to stop him from doing what he does best. Hands locked in place behind your back, legs spread and secured by a rope connecting to your back you were unable to move anymore, enjoying the feeling of anticipation of what he would do next.
He rid himself of his shirt, you admired the muscles of his chest in awe. The wonderful sight was soon taken from you as a blindfold slipped over your eyes, vision going black. “Before I go on with making you regret being bratty, do you remember your safe word love?” He asked with a beautiful gentleness in his voice. You nodded. “I need you to say it.” “Tulips” “Good Girl.”
You heard the box moving and the U Toy leaving your body in the same second, you were about to protest when the emptiness was replaced by a lubed up dildo pressing into  your middle. You couldn’t hold the loud moan escaping your lips as he pushed it in inch by inch. You wondered how big it was, you couldn’t see it so you never saw it coming when it started vibrating making you scream in surprise. It had bottomed out by now, hitting everything deep inside your core. Moving it a little bit Daniel started to kiss your tense body all over, you were trying to move with the pressure getting too much but your restrains simply didn’t allow you to. Daniel moved to your breasts starting to suck on one of your nipples, you whimpered at the pleasure spreading through your body. “Danny- Please… please can I come.” That’s when the buzzing stopped and he pulled of your chest. You let out a whine. “You know the rules, only good girls get to come. Why don’t you apologize for your actions first.” The toy came to life again and you let out a scream. You tried to form words but couldn’t get them out. “Use your words.” He said teasingly, turning his attention back to your boobs. “im- i- Im sorry okay Danny, I wanted to make you jealous-“ is all you could say before the pleasure took your ability to speak again. “Is that so?” You were one second away from falling over the edge when he pulled completely off of you. “UGRH you dick I was so close.” “I know, but I have to finish preparing you properly, don’t I? And don’t give me that attitude if you expect to finish today.” He said, his voice dropping and the tone not leaving any room for argument. You swallowed heavily. You were so desperate.
His hands moved down your body once again as he loosened the knots around you ankles giving you a little bit of your freedom back. He rolled you over onto your stomach placing a pillow below your hips to make it a little bit more comfortable for you. Knees pressed open to your sides Dann had perfect sight of your third hole. Instead of working something in like you thought he would you screamed at the stinging sensation as his hand lands flat against your ass. You screamed, Tears pooling in your eyes. “One..” SLAP “two” … “Ten.”
By the time he was done you were a sobbing mess, the pain feeling equally as bad as good. His rough hand slowly moved across your sore cheeks making you whine even more. “You took that so well. I think its time to move on to something more fun.” He said, sliding a finder up and down your middle.
You already new it was coming, but you still jumped at the sudden sensation of the metal plug against your slit. Moving up and resting on your asshole. It was a little bit cold but you liked that as a contrast to your burning, sweaty body. “Do you think you can do it?” Daniel asked. “Yes Sir, I can.” You answered now fully committing, no more games. He pulled the blind fold off your eyes, squinting trying to ajust to the half lit room. “I want you to look at me while I work it in.” he said  already massaging the tip of it in. You forced your eyes to stay open and on the gorgeous man behind you. He had pulled his shorts down along with the boxers and you could see his hard length as he stroked it while working the plug at the same time. He took it slow, the stretch burning impossibly hard as he slowly made his way in. A loud moan escapes your lips as it slides home the big of it resting inside you now. Daniel whispers a quiet fuuccckk before sliding the dildo back inside you moving it in and out at a good speed now. You moaned his name as the fake dick pushed against the metal in your ass with every time it slipped in. The vibrations jumped to a all time high and pleasure got almost to much to take. “Danny please can I cum?”
 “you know what mouse, ill give you a choice, either you stand your punishment like this and get to cum once later, or ill let you come but ruin you till you cant come anymore. Hm? Take your pick, you’re gonna be a mess in the end anyway.” He said, knowing both options were going to be torture in the best way for you. You couldn’t even get your mouth to open and Daniel to decide for you as he slammed the toy in all the way. Making you come on the spot, it was the hardest you ever released. You screamed his name in pleasure and you body wanted to move so bad but the firm hand on your ass and the rope around you body kept you from doing so. The high of our O made your mind foggy and make you feel floaty. The male didn’t stop moving, he worked out all the way through the orgasm making you moan even louder with the overwhelming sensitivity of your body. He slowed down for a second as you began to come down from your high. “How many do you think I can pull out of you today? Lets do 4 more shall we?” That is when you realized what you had gotten yourself into, if they were all this intense you wouldn’t make it past number 2 without passing out.
He loosened the rope and it fell of your body as he rolled you back on your stomach. “Stand up.” He commanded, you gave your best to comply standing on shaky legs. You still had strength but the slight aftershocks of your orgasm where still rocking through you. He sat on the side of the bed and tapped on his thigh signaling you to sit down. You comply glad not having to stand anymore. “You wanna cum kitty, go ahead, get of on my thigh then.” He said, looking at your desperate eyes. Slowly you start to move against him, his flexed thigh muscles giving you the perfect pressure against your clit.
You were breathing heavy , trying to get enough air in your lungs to recover after your forth orgasm of the day. Quiet pleas falling from your lips. “I need you Danny” you whispered. “You will get me love, I cant wait any longer. Color?” “green” you pant, you were a mess, body hurting impossibly but the pleasure was bigger than your urge to rest. You needed him inside of you. He wanted to come as well. Not wanting to wait any more he fished a condom out the box and covered his hard cock with it. Back on your stomach he moved one of your knees over his shoulder basically folding you. Without further waiting he slipped inside of you, despite all the preparation of today he still stretched her far, he finally bottomed out and slowly started to pick up pace the angle making the feeling of him even more intense, he was rough, demanding and you could feel he was close. His fingers found your already overstimulated clit and started drawing slow circles around it, you were so close again and you felt him twitching as well. “please Danny, I need to come” you panted not sure how long you could hold on anymore. “Beg for it love, beg.” He said, even though he was impossibly close as well. You looked at him with foggy eyes, “please Daniel, ill be good- please- I need you-“ You whimpered. “together…fuck” he moaned realizing he cant put it off any longer as your walls clenched around him and he combusted shortly after, both your bodies shaking. “Oh my baby I love you.” You said as your body started to slowly come down from the overwhelming last high that left you almost light headed. Your body went limp.
He pulled out of you panting heavily. Before you could fall limp against the pillows he flipped you over and swiftly and painlessly as possible pulled out the plug that had rested there for the night. It hurt but not bad, you felt empty without the toys in you. but you appreciated the calm As you rested against his sweaty chest. You stayed like this for a couple of minutes until he got up grabbing two towel from the bathroom as well as a bottle of water. He returned to bed starting to clean you up, even the soft touch of the towel making you squirm a bit. “You did so well love, well done.” As he cleaned you up and lifted the water to your lips while cleaning himself up. You were thankful for the cool liquid making your throat feel so much better. You passed it back to him as he got up again and quickly washed off the toys before returning back to bed. Your mind was still all foggy and with the little you had left in you, you moved closer to him, his arms closing around you protectively while he whispered praises in your ear. Kissing you softly. After he noticed you returned to reality a little bit more he asked how you were doing, you just smiled at him and said “that was amazing dan, so Great but everything hurts” He couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Yeah that’s the point. Are you gonna behave now?” You shook your head and both laughed. His hand was stroking your hair and you slowly fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.
As much as he liked being rough, and dominant he also loved taking care of you after, its what you both needed.                                                                                                                                          
i told you... if you made it to the end, congrats your mind is as dirty as mine. As always feel free to request any driver x reader pairing. im open for anything.
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mysicklove-main · 1 year
With: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Mina Ashido, and Ochako Uraraka
A/N: Different types of drunks are so funny to me. I love watching some ppls personalities just doing a 180, its always so amusing to me. I also might write one for demon slayer characters, I was on the fence about mha or kny. lmk if i should do it for my other loves :)
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Light Weight/Sloppy Drunk
Light. Weight. I mean everyone know it, after one drink his cheeks are flushed and he is grinning like a mad man.
His former classmates love to just offer him drink after drink, just to see him get wasted.
Sloppy drunk. Im sorry, but he is. Slurring his words, hiccuping, stumbling everywhere. 
He always ends up falling somehow, you find him laughing on the floor with people crowding over him trying to help him up.
Talks to everyone he can find. Literally they cant even understand what he is saying because he is slurring his words and rambling about everything.
”Im not drunk, Y/N! You're drunk!” As he is on the floor, refusing to grab onto your hands to help him up. He's so stubborn.
He always ends up vomiting. 
You basically have to pour water down his throat to sober him up.
He refuses to go out the next couple of days cause he is so embarrassed of his actions.
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Silent/Clingy Drunk
His usual scowl disappears, and for once in his life he looks…relaxed?
Just watches his friends do stupid things without any yelling.
Seems to scout for you the second you leave his sight.
Lots of mumbling under his breathe that nobody hears.
Sticks with you most of the time. Only talking when someone talks to him, but even so he gives one word responses.
You only know that he is drunk because of his flushed appearance and slight smile. Its so rare to see him smile in front of people.
Mumbles compliments in your ear, and plays with the hems of your outfit.
Holds your hand the entire night and follows you around.
Randomly will disappear and come back with another round of drinks for the table. Instantly becomes everyones favorite drunk.
Yells at everyone the next day if the mention anything about him being “soft”
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Relaxed/Smiling Drunk
Its rare to see Shoto give a full smile, but after a couple of shots he just can't stop grinning.
Is surprisingly much more talkative and friendly towards his ex-classmates.
But the second he finds somewhere to sit, he is stationed there for the rest of the night.
He acts more high than drunk istg
Just sits back and smiles, laughing at everything that comes out his friends mouth.
Its so cute though, because he gets so excited when talking to you.
He def slurs his words but you cant even tease him because he looks like he is having the time of his life.
One of those drunks that finds out they have a random special talent. Like have u seen that video of the drunk dude that finds out he is fantastic at piano?? Thats shoto.
Laughs at his self when he tries to walk in a straight line. “Look Y/N. I cant walk straight!” You just have to go along with it
Doesn't get hungover at all! But also doesn't remember anything lol
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Crying/Emotional Drunk
Something about it just gets him so emotional. He doesn't even know why.
He drinks and cries, drinks and cries, until you have to drag him home.
Most of the time he is crying about like the least important things like how good you look right now or how crazy it is that he is dating someone like you.
Other times he tries to go all “meaning of life” on everyone. It throws everyone the fuck off and you always have to try to get him back into the moment. Its so funny tho 
When he bumps into someone, he apologizes so much it makes the other person feels uncomfortable.
Will randomly go silent and then start crying again. The bartender always looks so concerned. 
You have to bring him home early bc he just ruins the vibe. he is not allowed to drink when you guys are tying to relax and enjoy the moment.
Sober him is way more fun lmaooo
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Flirty/Touchy Feely Drunk
Are you surprised? 
Its like every single pickup line is blurted out no matter the moment.
You'll be in the middle of a conversation and all of the sudden you hear some bullshit like. “Hey baby, are you from Tennessee?” “Denki dont.” “Cause youre the only ten I see” scares off every single girl you were talking to.
Tries to get you to do lewd ass dancing with him and acts like you killed him when you decline.
Hand on your waist, or thigh, or neck, or ass if you dont slap him away. Genuine pervert.
You catch him flirting with Bakugou once and you got so much second hand embarrassment from the way the blonde just stared at him in disgust.
Tries to unbutton his shirt, and about every ten minutes you have to rebutton it for him. “What, you cant handle all of this?” You almost kill him.
Overall, at least he is a partier and you know youll have fun with him.
Gets HORRIBLE hangovers tho. You are stuck taking care of him the next day (again)
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Affectionate/Friendly Drunk
Makes friends with every single person she sees.
The drunk girls you see in the bathroom that hypes you up? Thats her.
Especially if you are her partner?? God damn she compliments you so much.
Ends up helping the DJ chose songs when you guys go to clubs. Seriously it is so funny how she ends up talking to everyone.
So much dancing. So so much dancing. Even if its just the two of you, you guys are dancing.
But also mom too, like makes sure everyone has water and isnt getting too fucked up (izuku). Keeps everyone a their best.
You stumble over, she catches you with the biggest smile on her face. Wont even tease you, just continues to make the vibes just absolutely great.
Holds her alcohol perfectly. Enough to get crazy, but she isnt stumbling nor slurring her words.
I just want to go clubbing with her.
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Angry/Fight Picker Drunk
This seems like a shocker. What precious ochako getting mad at people???
Yes. She picks fights.
ALWAYS with dudes that her twice her size too. Be prepared to fight istg.
Yells at people who are too drunk (Izuku) and tells them to get their shit togehter. You have to use your hand to cover her mouth before she gets kicked out.
So many curse words. So many.
Literally gets approached by nobody because she has the biggest frown on her face. 
You have to try to ease her up by dancing with her or showering her with compliments.
Cheers her up for a bit, and she goes back to all smiley and happy, but then someone interrupts the two of you, and she goes back to being pissed.
You have to watch her 24/7.
She doesnt drink that much anymore because she knows how she gets lol
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brookiidookiii · 8 months
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ROTI contestants in the hunger games.. what if we did that huh
OKAY IM GONNA GO INTO A LOT OF RAMBLES AND RANTING UNDER HERE LMAOO I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS i need to get it out my system. ofc since theres only 13 contestants for ROTI, id have to include some pointless ocs that only serve the purpose of getting slaughtered but ehhh theyre not that important. for the districts-
district 1- lightning and dakota (altho dakota is more trained for the cameras than actual combat)
district 2 - brick and jo
district 3 - B and female tribute
district 5 - sam and staci (i have no clue where to put him since realistically theyd die first thing in the bloodbath. "yeah, did you know my great great great great great great half aunt susan invented the hunger games? ya, before them people just watched TLC")
district 7 - mike and zoey
district 8 - anne maria and male tribute (once again didnt know where to put her. maybe id switched mike and zoey to be district 8 since zoey can make clothes)
district 10 - dawn and male tribute
district 11 - scott and female tribute
district 12 - cameron and female tribute (maybe ill put him and staci together)
any unnamed districts or characters, just assume theyre filler characters . mikes alters are still here, except mal because i dont like mal and hes too OP. and for the winner??? im sticking to the elimination order in the show for this one to avoid any problems (also itd be fun to see how cameron could kill jo) so the finale comes down to brain vs brawn once again
cameron, zoey and mike all have their little alliance for a while (until scott kills of mike at the feast) and for a while it comes down to cameron feeling guilty and upset because he knows that if the three of them made it to the final 3 together, cam would be killed off immediately. brick jo and lightning and the other careers (minus dakota) all have a little alliance and until it comes down to just brick jo and lightning, jo and lightning are planning to kill off brick together. that is until brick sacrifices his life for jo (im thinking a collapsing cave?) and dies and jo feels guilty forever
dawn and scott have an alliance as well until dawn tries to poison his drink, but since scott is a farmer boy and would know a lot about how to recognize tainted water, he swaps his drink for hers, killing dawn with her own drink.
manitoba, svetlana, and vito are all mikes alters and theyre careers. chester is just chester he doesnt do much.
btw there wont be that much romance, only between mike and zoey (though a svetlana and anne maria mutual attraction isnt that bad..). ofc i also have my bias as a jock shipper too but thats all for now. ill probably make more with this au lets see
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vampirebloodie · 7 months
Jealous jealous jealous boy | Mark Hoffman x Reader (Part 2)
Summary: Where you were Mark's ex-wife and even after so long he was still jealous of you, especially with Strahm.
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Warning: NSFW Smut 18+, rough sex, creampie, degradation kink, gun play, "toxic" Mark, little CNC
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You had been living with Lindsay and Peter for three weeks, unfortunately you hadn't gotten the job, so you were doing all the household chores to reward them both. You were heating the coffee when you felt Peter's arms around you, he placed a quick kiss on your cheek and then sat down at the table with Lindsay.
“Good morning beautiful women, you woke up early today.”
He took the cup and held it out to you as you filled Perez's cup. You filled his and sat at the table, starting to eat some toast with butter.
“We need to go to the New Jersey police station today, did you forget? We were called into the Jigsaw case.”
Lindsay replied and you choked on your coffee, feeling their eyes on you and Peter's hands patting your back.
You stared at them and Lindsay sighed.
"Yes. Don’t worry, you can stay here in the meantime, i know you don’t want to see Mark anytime soon.”
She said worriedly.
“Or you can come with us, we will have to rent an apartment near there, it will only be for two weeks.”
Peter suggested and you thought for a few moments. Maybe going back to New Jersey wouldn't be such a bad thing, you were also part of the police, but you hadn't been called like the agents and you knew very well why that was, Hoffman had a little influence there and obviously didn't want you close to these cases.
“Okay...i can go, i ll pack some things.”
You finished drinking your coffee and went to your room to pack a small suitcase, Peter followed you.
“Don’t feel pressured. If you don’t want to go, that’s okay.”
He comforted you by placing a hand on your shoulder.
“I can’t run away from Hoffman forever.”
You hadn't officially signed the divorce papers and constantly ignored Hoffman's calls, you thought it was a miracle that he hadn't tracked you down and gone after you.
It was already past noon, you had just arrived in the city and had left your things in the new apartment, you got down and walked to the police station which was close by. You entered and soon came face to face with the boss.
“Special agents and.... Ms. Hoffman?”
He looked at you in surprise, you had practically disappeared from the city for more than 14 days.
“I no longer use that surname. Hello again... well, i haven't been called for this case, so i ll wait at reception.”
You spoke and turned, heading to the customer service room, sitting in one of the chairs and taking out your cell phone to see the new news about the case, new bodies had been found and no other suspects besides Jigsaw. They still didn't realize that Hoffman was the apprentice, your mouth suddenly went dry and you went to the water fountain to drink some water. Even after drinking the water you still felt a little unwell and dizziness hit you. You soon recovered and took a deep breath, you couldn't keep it all to yourself anymore, you needed to report Hoffman.
You walked quickly to one of the rooms where one of the police chiefs was, opening the door panting, scaring the man.
“Ms Y/n Hoffman? ? Why are you here?"
“Don’t call me like that. Please, i need to make a report! I know who Jigsaw’s apprentice is!!”
You practically screamed and leaned on the table. The man's eyes widened.
"What? Really"
“Please, you have to believe me, the apprentice is…”
It was Mark's voice, you made a desperate face and refused to turn around, he had arrived at the worst time and had probably heard what you said.
“Detective Hoffman, we have an important update, Y/n said she knows who Jigsaw’s apprentice is.”
The boss explained and you closed your eyes tightly, then looked at Hoffman who was looking at you with a suspicious look.
"Oh really? Thats really good, and who would that apprentice be, Y/n?”
He crossed his arms and you bit your lip, you had some evidence against him that was in your apartment, just your word probably couldn't count as proof.
“I… you’ll find out soon enough.”
You walked quickly feeling Mark's eyes burning into your back, you needed to find Lindsay and Peter, you asked the receptionist who just told you that they had been called to a crime scene quickly and couldn't tell you beforehand. You would have to solve your problem yourself before Hoffman could solve it. You grabbed your things and left the police station as quickly as possible, going to the apartment where your things were.
You entered the property and ran to your suitcase, opening it and taking out some photos and DNA samples that you had secretly collected from Hoffman through his saliva and hair. You put the envelope inside your coat pocket and turned to leave again, only to find Hoffman looking at you with a serious look, you wondered how he got in since you locked the door.
“Did you think i would let you walk around freely knowing about my second job? I thought you were smarter, love, I've been watching you for a while. I already knew you had evidence against me.”
He showed you a copy of the keys, showing that he had been snooping into your life since you left, he knew you were with Strahm and Lindsay, he knew the three of you were going to New Jersey, he knew you were going to report him. Then, your eyes watered and you moved away as he got closer and closer to you, until he cornered you against the wall, you held the evidence tightly in your coat pocket.
“No one is going to save you, sweetheart. I told them to take Strahm and Perez to another place, do you thought i work alone? You don’t know how jealous i was seeing you with that shitty agent, drinking coffee with him, going to cinema... he could never be better than me, ever.”
“When i left... Was that all theater?” “No... i really suffered a little about it, but i knew you and your pussy would come back to me.”
He held your face, caressing your cheek, you had nowhere to run, he would probably kill you in one of those sick traps.
“Please don’t hurt me.”
You practically begged, he just smiled.
“Nah this will not hurt, you’ll like it, i like it when you beg.”
You felt the barrel of his gun touch your stomach and your blood ran cold, the gun passed through your stomach until it stopped on your chin.
His hands grabbed your hair and you moaned.
"It is not enough..."
You knew what he wanted, his hand let go of your hair and you lowered yourself onto all fours under his feet, as a kind of worship.
"Please sir..."
“Are you going to be a good girl or am i going to have to blow your head off?”
You quickly agreed and he pulled you up by your shirt, you felt his lips on your neck and closed your eyes, feeling your insides pulsate.
“Strahm can make you feel this way as easily as i can, hm? Can he make you show what a slut you are?”
You moaned as he turned you against the wall, feeling his member rub against your ass. Mark picked you up and carried you to Strahm's room, where he threw you on the bed and climbed on top of you.
“This is his room...”
You warned.
“Better yet, im going to get my cum all over this sheet so he knows who fucked you on his bed.”
He started kissing you while running his big hands over your body, his hands went to your jeans, removing them immediately leaving you in your panties, his hands ripped open your button-down shirt exposing your boobs.
“Still being a naughty girl who doesn’t wear a bra, hm?”
He asked pinching one of your nipples and you moaned in response. He was pleased with that, you heard the zipper of his pants undoing and his cock jumping out of his underwear, hard, big and thick, none were comparable enough. Your mouth watered.
His hands opened your legs and he removed your panties, placing the item in his pocket. His long, thick fingers passed through your already wet pussy and pressed your clitoris, starting to make circular movements, you bit your lip, holding back your moan, his hands grabbed your neck, making you startle.
“Don’t hide it. Don’t keep it.”
He positioned his member at your entrance and thrust himself inside at once, you screamed, feeling your pussy being widened by his cock, it had been a while since you had sex with someone.
“I missed my little slut’s tight pussy so much.”
He said, throwing his head back, he was holding your neck as an impulse to make quick and rough movements inside you, the bed was banging against the wall and Mark's hips were against you, the scandalous sound of your moans joined with these noises along with his low sighs and moans.
You asked feeling your eyes water.
“Please, hm? You will cum only when i want.”
He pulled out of you and turned you around on the bed, leaving you exposed.
“So perfect, you are mine.”
He praised before thrusting himself inside you again, you moaned loudly against the pillow, his hands alternated between squeezing your waist and slapping your ass. You couldn't hold it in any longer.
You called his name, this gave him more motivation to increase the pace inside you.
“Cum for me, cunt”
He spoke, pulling your hair and you felt spasms throughout your body as you came on his cock, he gave a few more thrusts before melting inside you, muttering some swear words, you moaned softly, feeling the hot liquid fill you, he came out of you and you fell onto the bed, looking up you saw him with the papers in his hand.
“You won’t need this anymore, darling.”
He said, tearing those papers into little pieces, he was right, you certainly wouldn't report him anymore. Mark lay down on the bed behind you and grabbed your waist, placing light kisses on your shoulder.
"I love you."
“I love you too babe. Don't leave me again never.”
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pure-oddity · 4 months
Illusion of choice
Serial killer!Simon Riley x reader
(Warnings: death mention and Simon's lack of care for said death. Implied drink tampering. Simon is a little intense. (Let me know if more are needed). Reader sees red flags and promptly ignores them.)
(This isn't like chapter one or anything it's just a snapshot of something that went down in this universe) not proofread, you know the drill
"You love that you gave Simon a chance and became his friend. He's become one of the most important people in your life. So when you ignore the bad feeling you get around him sometimes, you just hope it won't come back to bite you (it will. He will too)"
“Tony Swalts, you don't go near him. He haunts the alley next to the pub. Every Thursday, like clockwork. Always looks like he just came in from the rain.” Simon says, takes a sip of water, and continues eating.
You look up mid chew and eye the man across from you.
He's maskless, hardly ever wears it around you anymore. You watch as his scarred jaw moves, chewing into the meat - deer you think? You stopped asking what it was, he's never fed you less than the best so why bother worrying.(you feel bad for worrying, but sometimes, sometimes-)
His eyes, dark and empty, stare at his plate. He's a dispassionate eater save for the few hums of contentment you get on a particularly good meal. Nowadays, he lets you help make the meals - will even indulge you and try any new recipes you find online.
He's fine with you seasoning and marinating, less so when it comes to cutting and handling hot items. ‘leave the knife work to me lamb, best that way’ he says ‘no use burning yourself, give me the pot’ he urges. You think it's his nice way of calling you a hazard.
(You don't bother trying to correct him, he gives you that stupid look - his ‘lieutenant stare’ is what you call it. You crumble under it quickly, like you imagine any of his subordinates had.)
You nudge a bit of pea around your plate.
Open your mouth to speak.
Go back to the pea.
Roll your shoulders and feel your mouth form around the first syllable.
Back to the pea again.
You nudge too hard and it smears a baby barf green against the white ceramic of the plate.
“Wh-why? I. I mean I'm not looking to make any new friends or, anything. But…why?” You pick a new non smashed pea to toy with, eyes downcast.
Your leg twitches when you hear his fork gently clack against the wood of his table.
You feel the lieutenant stare, you ignore it - but you feel your face heat up under the weight of his gaze.
He doesn't get. Mad. At Least not at you. You know that, but you brace for it anyway. It's just what you're used to. He's mumbled about breaking you of that habit a few times, like you're some unruly puppy with an interest in chewing furniture.
“Don't. Think I should get into it. It'll do more harm than good. Smells like fish , if you really need a reason to avoid him.” His vague answer is what does more harm than good, now more curious and nervous than ever. But you will keep the fish thing in mind, your nose is sensitive.
“Well. Uhm. Thats not great to hear. I'm actually more worried than I was before I asked.” You accidentally smush another pea. “Shoulda just kept my mouth shut…” you mumble. You've eaten enough, more than enough you think - you're about to ask him for a Tupperware when he speaks again.
You're expecting this to be the end of the conversation. But he surprises you by elaborating, “Some birds have had….less than nice things to say about him. And he has done….less than nice things to them and anything he can Leer over.” he grabs a napkin, sets it near you, grabs another and wipes his face clean. “Don't want him thinking you're next.” he tacks on.
You mirror him gently, making sure to get your fingers too.
“Just. Keep away from him, yea? Not like it'll be hard. Fucker like him? He's bound to get what's coming to him.” He assures.
He rises with his plate, and you go to do the same but he presses you down by your shoulder.
“Few more bites, you skipped breakfast - you did, I know you did - hardly ate any of dinner, too busy playing with it. “
he squeezes your shoulder, gives a quick rub to your back, and then goes to place his dishes in the sink. You shovel a few quick spoonfuls of pea into your mouth, washing them down with a gulp of water. Your stomach turns but he is right about having skipped breakfast. You don't dwell on how he knows, just accept that he does.
You remember that Tony spoke to you once, just once. The conversation ended just as quick as it began when Simon slunk up behind you. You didn't look back as you were shepherded into the pub that night. Wonder if there was a wordless exchange that you would have caught if you did.
You wonder if Simon forgot that night. You don't think so. He's got a good memory when it comes to you (it doesn't unnerve you so much anymore, how he knows you. it doesn't bother you. It doesn't-)
“Right. You're lookin about as green as the peas, c'mere. I'll pack it away for later love.” He beckons with a hand and you dutifully follow, eager to be done having lost your appetite.
You watch as he roots through his cabinets and fishes out a container. The food is packed neatly inside and placed in the fridge, and he joins your dishes with his in the sink.
He stops your move at washing them by gesturing towards a stool nearby.
“You know the routine. I wash you dry, man your station.”
You snort, imagine him saying that in battle. Sounds silly to you, but you're sure in the moment you'd take it seriously - assuming you weren't trying to run off from the firefight.
Up the stool you hop, dry rag in hand, while Simon washes. The water is steaming, whisps of evaporated water curling around his reddening hands and wrists. Says it's better for sanitization- just not for the hands, you remind him. He's lucky you're invested in him, you keep a bottle of hand lotion in every room. He won't use it himself, but stays still while you rub it into cracked knuckles and callus ridden palms.
He's quick with the dishes, and to tease him a bit you make a show of inspecting for missed spots - you don't find any. He chuffs at you, the weird breath laugh that he does.
“Mean it though, lamb. Keep away from him.” He reminds, disregarding the pleasant mood you had painstakingly created.
You set the dish down with a touch more force than necessary and his brow twitches. You mutter a half assed “my bad” and avoid his eye.
It's not like you want to see this guy, really. You do plan on avoiding him but. But you can't just let Simon dictate these things. You're an adult capable of making your own choices, youre the one in control of your own life , you- hearing your name stops your train of thought.. He says your name in a way that snuffs out your rebellious spark. Hardly ever uses your name, only when he's serious.
There have been times when you responded to ‘lamb’ faster than you had your own name, it's so foreign to you.
“I. I won't. I won't go near him, okay? It's not like I want to talk to some sleazeball anyway.” You concede, fight leaving you.
He's behind you faster than you can process, boxing you in between the counter and his solid mass.
“....m'not actin like this for no reason. Keepin you safe, lamb. Always keeping you safe. It's my job now, not asking for permission and I wont. You're my one good thing, my lamb, my…friend”
He says friend like that sometimes. Not in a way that makes you think he views you as less than a friend. But makes you feel like he sees you as more.
You don't broach the subject. Neither does he. You don't like change and he knows that (you also feel like running from him would be easier if you're just a friend, not that you need to run - it's just a precaution).
“I know. I know, Simon. I just…I don't like when you decide things for me sometimes.” You admit, hesitantly.
A beat of silence goes by and you feel the need to backtrack rise through you. You have a few appeasing lies brewing when he hums thoughtfully.
“Mm….even when it's easier? Just letting me decide?” He asks, his voice deeper somehow- accent thickening somehow, as he draws closer. If you took a deep enough breath your back would touch his chest.
You keep your breathing controlled, shiver, and nod. “Even when it's easier…I- I should still be the one to choose. For the most part…unless I ask you.” (but oh isn't it tempting, the thought of just letting someone else take over and-)
He sighs. And from the corner of your eye you watch as he nods. Nods again. And then like writhing snakes his arms slither back and away, he takes a few audible steps back(audible for your comfort) and leans against the kitchen island, arms now crossed.
“Alright, lamb. What do you want to do about the Swalt situation?”
As pushy, and overbearing, and all encompassing Simon and his attention is, even when he makes you feel like you're drowning - the moments of consideration he shows you keep you hooked to his side.
“I…..I don't want to be near him. And I don't want him near me…Especially not with that smell.” You decide, resolute and feeling just that much better expressing some control over your life.
“Done and done, lamb. We'll keep you outta his sight and mind. Let his luck run out, I'm sure he'll get what's coming to him.”
The last part…feels like a promise. A thinly veiled threat. It makes your stomach curdle at the thought, and you focus on lightening the mood (undigested pea won't taste, feel, or look nice coming back up).
“So soldier boy, Intel says you haven't seen the hobbit series yet - that's a crime. I could have you arrested, you know?”
He snorts. “Yea? You gonna cuff me, officer?”
“Not officer.” Your correct him “judge, jury and executioner. And as such I sentence you to ‘watch the first movie with me’. While serving hard time you're also tasked with making popcorn.”
“Could I ask the oh so supreme authority to grab some throw blankets? I have evidence to suggest one of the parties involved gets cold real easy.”
You sniff indignantly. He's just a space heater, you're the normal one. But, “ a reasonable request, consider it granted.” he loves keeping his flat cold.
You watch the movie together, he doesn't mind that you make little jokes here and there - he even joins in a few times.
And he likes it! That's what he tells you at least. And you think you've gotten better at reading him, so you're pretty sure he means it.
He lets you prattle on about the movie. You let him curl you into his blanket, tucking you into his side. He makes a comment here and there. Offers praise in regards to certain scenes and questions others. You talk into the night, forget about swalt, forget about all the tension, forget that you're supposed to drive home.
It's late now. And you're far too tired to drive, he reminds you that this isn't the first time you've slept over.
even has a set of his clothes ready for you.
It takes two nights for people to realize Tony Swalts was missing. 3 more for his body to be found and the story to hit the news.
‘Another soul stolen by the infamous Reaper’ is what the news is headlined as.
“Told you so” he says, smug (almost…proud?) As the newscaster goes over the details. “His luck ran out, took a risky gamble and lost. Good riddance”
“Y-yeah, you called it…a guy like him was uh. Bound to end up like this, eventually” you murmur in nervous agreement. You're sat next to him on the couch while the segment airs. He's got his arm thrown against the back of the couch. His fingers gently play with pieces of your hair.
You don't listen to the broadcast, not concerned with the details. You know it's gruesome, know that he died screaming - terrified beyond belief and in pain.
You know that Simon really shouldn't be so happy at the news. Relieved maybe, but happy? You'd understand happiness from the perspective of anyone Swalts wronged but - you see Simon's shoulders shake as he quietly laughs- but you know this can't be a normal reaction.
You also know that you were with Simon around the time of death, shared a bed at his instance (co-sleeping helps keep him asleep longer, he says). Woke up next to him and everything. Know that you got up in the middle of the night for water, only to have him go get up and pour you a cup himself. He has an alibi. You are his alibi. There would be no way for him to have done something like that and hide it so well.
This internal battle never seems to stop. Torn between what is real and provable and what your intuition tells you is happening.
You've been in his house, you've seen every room, checked every crevice. Nothing. It's Simon. Your Simon. Your friend for fucks sake. Sure he's a bit rough around the edges but he's a good person. You know him, you think. You really truly think you do. Know what he likes, what he doesn't. Gotten better at knowing what he's feeling or thinking.
You know all these things. You know it's not him.
But you just don't know why he looks so…
You keep quiet ultimately. Remind yourself that he is your friend. And that he's been accused of being this horrible killer before, worked to show and prove his innocence in court- was even attacked by the real killer and just barely survived!
And as he plays with your hair and switches over to the movie he let you pick out you settle deeper into his side. He let you pick on his night, cause he ‘wanted you to pick something that made you happy’. Why would a monster be sweet? Considerate? Why would he feed and experience life with you? Laugh, and joke, and smile with you?
You don't know. Maybe you don't want to know. Maybe it's better that way.
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viscerax · 2 years
may I request poly robin & Finn x reader who's a cheerleader?
#1 Fans
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The heat of the afternoon created a groggy blanket around you as your cheer practice went on. You were thankful for the light uniform and the flowy skirt that definitely made the heat less miserable.
Despite the heat, there were two people still sitting on the bleachers, watching paitently and intently during each of your performances, clapping and cheering when you landed or balanced perfectly.
Thats what gave you the motivation to not die from heat stroke.
Every practice was like this. Staying late in the afternoons with the rest of the cheersquad, doing your little dance, then walking home with Finney and Robin, not without stopping for drinks from the Grab N Go.
Bot tommorow was the real deal. The biggest basketball game of the year.
And you were a nervous wreck. During this practice, you continued to stumble or trip or fall or lose balance almost every time, taking at least four tries to get a position right. The pressure built up with each failure, and eventually you could barely hold your tears back. This was your first year as an actual cheerleader on a team, and this was your first big game. You were absolutely wrecked.
"5 minutes everyone! Go get some water!" Your coaches booming voice called out, and your posture immediately relaxed. "Y/n. A word."
You tensed up again as you tentatively walked over to your coach. She stood with her hands on her hips, and a clipboard in hand. "Y/n. If you can't fix up your act, im going to have to put you out for tommorows game. This is an important game, and we need our cheer routine to be perfect. We can't have any... loose screws messing with the whole program. So either do better, or sit yourself out. Got it?"
You felt hurt, but you knew she was right. "Yes ma'am." You murmured, struggling to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over.
You turned and walked towards the bleachers, hoping to see Robin and Finn staring at you with wide grins or arms open wide.
But when you didn't see them there, you practically broke down on the inside. Maybe they left because they were embarrassed watching you completely fail.
You sighed and started trudging towards the nearest bathroom. Just as you rounded the corner, you found yourself being greeted with a pair of arms wrapping around you.
Out of reflex, you almost punched your "attacker." But you calmed down when you realized that whoever hugged you in fact was not an attacker.
You opened your eyes to see Finneys fluffy head of brown hair resting on your shoulder. It was a bit surprising, considering Finney was rarely the first one to initiate a hug, but you didn't mind. It was comforting. You wrapped your arms around him and looked back to see Robin "cooly" leaning against the back of the bleachers. Finney let go of you and grabbed your hand. The two of you walked over to Robin, who seemed to have a bit of concerned look on his face.
"Whats wrong today, Y/n? You're all clumsy and shit. You're usually the best one out there." Finney gave you a concerned frown, and a feeling of got weighed down on you, beginning to pull years from your eyes again. Robin immediately noticed your distress and grabbed your free hand, rubbing his thumb over the top of your hand.
"I-im sorry." You sighed and took a shaky breath, trying to wipe away the tears so that your mascara didn't run down your cheeks. Robin sighed and stepped closer, wiping the tears from your cheeks, giving you a soft and encouraging smile. "Its just- tommorow is my first time performing in front of like a whole crowd. What if I mess up? That would be so embarrassing! And then- that would probably embarrass you guys and I would just-" you rolled your eyes. "Ugh! I don't know. Maybe I'm just not built for cheerleading." You frowned, crossing your arms over your exposed stomach.
Finney and Robin exchanged glances before looking back at you.
"You don't really believe that, do you?" Finneys eyebrows were knitted together with concern.
"Yeah, that's bullshit. You're an amazing cheerleader. The best one out there. You've just got some first time jitters. That's normal though. Trust me, you're going to kick absolute ass out there!" Robin smirked and squeezed your hand.
Finney nodded. "Yeah, what Robin said! And besides, even if you mess up, we would never be embarrassed of you. Hell, you could fall and mess up the routine, and me and Robin would still be up there cheering for you. You are the best cheerleader I've ever seen!" Finney had a bit of a goofy smile on his face, and you immediately felt better.
Robin sighed and untied his bandana from around his forehead before tying it around your own. "There. A good luck charm. But you have to give it back after tommorow. You already steal enough of my clothes." Robin teased and you smiled, nodding.
"Thank you, Robin." You placed a kiss on his cheek, smiling and blushing a bit.
"You always steal the spotlight, Robin!" Finney whined in a teasing manner, grabbing your hand again. "I don't have anything cool to give you, Y/n. But I hope this is enough." He murmured before leaning and placing a quick peck on your lips.
Finney was as red as a tomato from the simple action, but you found it endearing. You kissed his forehead before letting out a quick breath and turning to look back at the field where the team was practicing, and most of the girls were already back. You looked back at Robin and Finney. You quickly pulled them into a tight hug. "Thank you, guys." You whispered before letting go of them and quickly running back to the field.
Robin and Finney both looked at eachother, seeming pretty pleased in themselves.
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A/N: I love doing these poly requests they are the sweetest things ever </3
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ultra-raging-ghost · 22 days
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"Goodbye my three little ones, your father has to go"
"Im sorry chat, i guess ill just speak from the heart. the way i lost dapper and pomme i dont think i really.. had time to process, so losing him like this feels like losing all three of them at the same time"
Visiting bagis... poor zeno fucking died to a rooster LMAO i missed bagis place so fucking bad
searching for pepito.... where is my baby.... where is my little pepito, there pepito is
Bad doesnt really know what to do with himself, hes still sad but richas is like. Officially gone. Which is a crazy thing to process. I was having a hard time dealing with it but i think richas' final goodbye made me feel a lot better about it,it doesnt feel like theres a nail in the back of my brain now, im a little more content with this at least. Wont really be happy about it, but more content with it
We're gonna go leave a richas flower (blue orchid) at bagi's old base <3 just like how we left a cornflower at a place special to pomme.
hehehe agent 18/panks_ is in chat and theyre tormenting bad for fun
Offering pepito the opportunity to visit one last place, bad plans on coming back and visiting a couple final places sometime soon, not tonight but soon. Probably gonna end after pepito picks where to go
pepito cant think of anywhere, bads picking one more place to go
Pepitos gonna be temporarily dapper while in the official dapper time spot <333
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bads back, i got so comfortable in the old house that i forgot we have to leave. Just a wave of sadness washed over me, it feels like leaving home all over again, it feels like we should be able to walk into the old spawn from dappers train station and see pierre and pomme and etoiles again
pomme in chat... assuring bad she and dapper wont be leaving any time soon. Bad promises us he has some really fun stuff hes been working on he thinks we'll enjoy, this journey isnt over
while waiting for pepito we're reminiscing on when he had to triangulate the Dont have Your Gun thing that was playing that he couldnt find LMAO
currently visiting the old subway bad was building with dapper underground.... the new terrain generation generated a FULL end city RIGHT next to it!!!!
gonna visit bobby fields another day, thats another day issue, but dapper wanted to go see it with him lol
Bad found out Lullah and Richas were leaving yesterday, sounds like he didnt know chay was leaving till today
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Pepitos playing around in the balloons Boo left <33
Bad: Yeah i remember when pomme and dapper came in one of these end cities and scared the muffins out of me Pomme: ?????? Pomme: bro you were dead Bad: I STILL REMEMBER.......
We're gonna go play Wordlos (or however you spell it) one last time before leaving the old spawn <3 gonna see if we can get it to work!!!
kinda works!!! Kinda!!! It mostly works!!!! gonna play!!!!!
"I am so proud of your spanish uncle bad!!! its a great advance to know how to explain something, its the most important thing"
We're looking at the paintings, this is it for the day. Richas logged off with bads statue painting so hes probably never gonna see that again LMAO "thats why we get screenshots"
Pepitos saying a little goodnight to the ghosties <33 pepitos gonna eat all of us up because we're so cute. "I see everything, too. EVERYTHIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG". Pepitos telling us to rest, eat, and drink water, and do our favorite things. We deserve it, to remember not to be sad it ended but be happy it happened at all <3
Bads planning on streaming tomorrow, hes not 100% sure what we'll be doing but he isnt gonna let this crank his steam
Pepitos planning on getting on tomorrow! or whenever! pepito doesnt know when pepito gets on LMAO
Thats all for todays stream, ending at 10:15, goodnight bad, richas, pomme, and dapper <3
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cupcraft · 2 years
fuck doomscrolling once again its killing me i want to make a post thats more positive and hopefully it offers some comfort.
THis community is not dream. this community is each of us. artists, writers, webweavers, muscicians, creative minds, lovely people, and most of all a community first. Regardless of if you need to leave or stay but with a new blog content it doesnt matter. the memories here and the kindness and creations we've done are our own.t hey belong to us. they were shared with and to us. I am so grateful for this fandom and everyone in it. I am not leaving myself, i wont give up on the people i've met and interacted with here because of this because yall are so important.
Dont doomscroll. Please block tags, eat, drink water, take your meds, have tea, do other interests, go on a long walk, call your family or friends or go into discord servers. Try something new. pls infodump about your interests. show us your other art or writing. comfort yourself. take a nap. whatever you need to do <3
love you all
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Be Sweet
Jack Hughes x Latina!Reader
Synop: y/n rushes to help her friend and accompany her to a masquerade themed ball but bumps into Narcissus’ incarnate.
a/n: prompt inspired by this: lovers trope. 3.9k words😵 Jack is depicted as an ego-typical guy with too much rizz 🥴, an important background character's name is "Em" fyi, themes & discussion about love and fate 🧀
cw: cussing, reader brings up unhinged hypothetical situation about a kidnapping and a shooting 😭, mentions of cheating , I think thats it
It was a warm evening to start the preparation of getting dressed for a ball and it only got more chaotic as the sun set. You slept through your alarm and had to rush to shower, eat breakfast, buy gas to drive to pick up you and your friend's elegant dresses, and finally drive over to the venue.
To your poor planning, parking was clearly not available. You cringed as your freshly bought gas was idling as you kept weaving through the small lot. Almost half an hour goes by as you find a white car backing out and you quickly turn to claim it's spot until a small black car inches close as possible to take the free spot,
"Don't you fucking dare," you yelled to yourself in your car. As soon as the white car drove off, the black car pulled in, in reverse. You honked for a few seconds and tried to get a good look at the theif but couldn't make out a face.
"What an asshole, I hate people." You whined to yourself and finally decided to park farther away to at least enter the venue in time.
"Where the hell have you been?" your friend with her hair up in heating rolls approaches you and sees your face glisten in sweat
"Everything that could wrong today went wrong. Here's your dress." you handed her dress and reached for your water bottle, the walk from your car to the venue in the sun wasn't ideal.
"Why are you sweating?" she grimaced as she wiped your forehead with a tissue,
"Because some asshole stole my parking, so I had to park farther away and walk all the way here."
"Oh, well sit down and try not to sweat as much. Ashely's going to start on your hair." she passed you a mini fan to cool down but at this point you were defeated and didn't want to get dolled up for something you were forced to attended.
"Are we doing makeup as well?" Ashley the hired makeup artist indirectly asked you through your friend
"Yes" your friend said
"No" you said
"It's a ball y/n, you have to wear makeup." she complained to you
"Can't we do something natural? No smokey eye, I mean I'm wearing a mask aren't I so what's the point?"
"The point is to look good to take pictures and if a man is lucky enough, to see you bat your lashes at him." your friend always tried to set you up with someone.
"A natural but classy look, Ashley, nothing too glamorous." you made eye contact with Ashley through the vanity mirror.
"Got it"
Ashley did what you asked and you started to feel better about the night and more confident, she even added a bold red lip to y/f/n's request.
"Here" your friend handed you a black laced mask, the main reason you agreed to attend the ball; the anonymity of it all was intriguing to you. The mask matched with your long silk dress but it wasted on by helping passing drinks around. You didn't plan to but once the night started to get boring you figured to do anything else.
"Y/n what the hell are you doing?" your friend sees you for the third time the night talking to an older couple after offering them champagne,
"Excuse me," you guided your friend with the empty tray of drinks away "Learning about Paul's and Anne's love story."
"I didn't hire Ashley to do your hair and makeup to talk to the elderly-especially passing out drinks. You're supposed to be finding a guy to dance with." she nagged on you
"Is it sad that it's easier to talk to old people about love rather than with a boy my age?" you jokingly asked but knew the answer
"Very. And concerning." She gave you a deadpanned look, "Here, give me this and find someone." she took the plastic tray from your hands,
"Everyone has a mask on, so what's the point?"
"The point is to talk with a boy your age even if he's ugly or not." well she was blunt for sure.
"Well that's a bit harsh."
She holds you by the shoulders, "Look y/n, I truly want the best for you and you don't know when the love of your life can appear-" she slowly guides you backwards, "You are going to make me fall if you don't let go of me." "And who knows he might appear tonight-" she completely ignores your concerns as you trip on the trail of your dress falling into the arms of a stranger.
You curse her name as you fall into sturdy arms, your eyes meet with dark ones behind a mask, "Are you alright?" the stranger asks before you quickly stand up straightening your dress out,
"Yeah, I'm so sorry my friend-" you turn to blame your friend to see her back walking away from the scene,
"She- I didn't mean to bump into you, she sort of pushed me, sorry." you looked up to the dark haired man in the low lighting.
"It's fine. I'm just glad I caught you in time" he chuckled, "Do you want to dance?" he asked with his hand out,
"Sure" y/f/n's wish was coming true.
"I saw you passing out drinks, didn't feel like dancing?" his hand reached for your waist and you began to sway together to a slow song,
"Not after the day I had, no."
"What happened?" you briefly summarized your day and mentioned the person who stole your parking spot and he laughs,
"I'm glad my stressful day makes you laugh," you say giggling along,
"It's not your miserable day that's funny but that asshole who stole your spot might have been me..." he says scrunching his face in preparation. Your smile and shoulders drop,
"So its your fault that I had to walk half a mile carrying ball gowns in the sun."
"It's possible, yeah." he said calmly holding back a smile
“You owe me for making my day worse then.”
“I don’t think so, and I’m pretty sure that spot was mine first” he said with confidence
“You are joking. I had my blinker on before you even showed up!” His teasing was making you a bit irritated
“Whatever you say,” he stops to think of what to call you, “can I ask for you name?”
“No.” you state flatly
“Why not?” He scoffs
“A thief like you, doesn’t deserve to know my name.” you found joy stringing a man's patience.
"Well I'm Jack."
"I didn't ask."
"But you were wondering, weren't you." he cocked his head to the side, eyeing you through each other's masks,
"Nice ego you have there. I wasn't wondering," you most definitely were, "You know not every girl is falling over after you." you looked right back into his eyes to observe them being a dark blue color.
"I mean you kind of did, literally.” to be fair you did kind of set yourself up for that one.
“That’s because my friend pushed me, don't get me wrong."
"It's y/n." you got lost in your train of thought as you stared into his eyes, "Screw your perfect blue eyes" you whispered knowing it would inflate his ego any possibly more,
"So you are falling for me?" a smug look painted on his face.
"You know what's funny? My friend said I might find the love of my life tonight if I actually made an effort. Do you think me, accidentally, falling into your arms counts as- I don't know whatever she claims love's rules are?"
"Are you saying, you accidentally falling into my arms is fate talking?" to your surprise he didn't scare off running at the talk of love, but he took interest in your wonderment if love and fate were real and or connected.
"You said it, not me." you shied your head down
He chuckles, "I think your effort of dressing nice with red lipstick can possibly set things into motion" his hand softly reaches for your chin making you meet his eyes again.
He breaks the silence, "Will you be my date to this wedding?"
"Excuse me?" you turned your head in confusion this time, the conversation turning from love to weddings was a startle.
"There's this wedding I'm invited to and you dress nice so why not be my date for it?" he asks so calmly
You laugh at his request, “I barely know you. I don’t even know what you look like. Let’s say if I left with you tonight and you kidnap me but I escape, because I have enough survival skills to do so, and then the police do a line up but then I realize I don’t even know what you look like. We're not at a very trustworthy level are we?"
He was taken aback at your ramble, “Wow um alright, I guess not. But you thought of leaving with me tonight?” and of course he only focused on the first part.
“It was a hypothetical situation." you tried to reason your overthinking, "No because I don’t know what you look like.”
“It’s a masquerade ball, it’s breaking the rules if you were to see my face.” he said
“I'm sure the servers are not going to shoot you down if you reach to take off your mask” you joke trying to sneak a peek at the full picture of the man you have been dancing with the past minutes.
Unfortunately he can joke too, “You can never be too sure.” he leans into to whisper giving you goosebumps.
You grab the nape of his neck to pull his closer, your cheek grazing his to whisper, “Then you have no date.”
An older lady interrupts the shared moment asking to dance with Jack, "He's all yours." you smile to the woman and back at Jack before turning away,
"Y/n, wait!" Jack pleads as the woman blocks his view of your figure.
You walk back to your friend who was watching from afar,
"Okay, so what happened? Ya'll danced for awhile!"
"Well he's the asshole that stole my parking, alongside that he has an ego the size of this ballroom." Jack had charm, you were aware, but if he really did want a date to some wedding he would have to work a bit harder for it.
"I'm done for the night. I obliged with your wishes as I practically fell into a man's arms tonight. Goodnight." you swiftly said before she could argue back.
You glided towards the exit, finally taking off your mask. You stopped by the door looking for Jack one last time. Across bodies of people his eyes catches yours and his body freezes in awe. You hold the contact before he begins to walk again cuing you to leave for once and all.
To your unnoticed, Jack made his way to your friend to ask a very important request.
+ The Next Day +
It was still the weekend, not as hot as the day before, but another warm morning spent in the park as you made a habit out of it. Nothing felt more relaxing and enriching than soaking up vitamin D on a park bench until an interruption,
"Is this seat taken?" a familiar voice ringed in your ears before you caught a glimpse of the man
"I guess not, how did you find me?" Although you didn't recognize him at first glance, his hair and smile were recognizable.
"Y/f/n told me you liked hanging out here in the morning so I woke up early."
You shook your head at your friend's loose trust but shocked at Jack's determination, "Wow you are desperate for that date aren't you?"
"You as my date? Yeah." he exclaimed, "But I saw your face before you saw mine so I think it's only fair that you see mine now."
"It's okay."
"What is?"
"That," you circled the air surrounding his face ensuing him into a chuckle
"So, will you be my date?" he wasn't going to let this go you thought,
"What's in it for me?" you really wanted to see how far he could go
"You get to spend the night by my side and there's free food and bar"
"Seems very convincing," you sarcastically said
"On a real note, I want to get you know better and spend more time with you," he finally said with genuine.
You thought what would be the harm if it's only one evening, even though he was annoying he was cute too,
"Fine, but I'm only saying yes because I can pick you out of a lineup if I need to."
+Later That Night+
Jack shared the details of the wedding, place and time, and he would be kind enough to pick you up. Your attire was not as elegant as the night before but still cute and picture perfect for a summer wedding.
"Oh this is definitely the car that stole my parking." you told Jack leaning on the open passenger window.
"I said I was sorry"
"You know I actually don't remember hearing an apology,"
"Well I am sorry. You look nice," a man of many words Jack was.
"You look the same from last night." you replied to his appearance as you sat in his passenger seat.
"I didn't wear this last night."
"I know," you smirked as you buckled in.
"So whose wedding is this? Are you the bride or groom's side?" you felt like you needed to do some homework before showing up to a random couple's wedding.
"Groom. He's a friend of mine, my family will be there also, but you don't have to meet them."
Your eyebrows scrunched as you wondered what he meant, "I don't see how me being your date and not meeting your family is going to work."
"It doesn't have to be a formal introduction just a quick hello."
"Right," as you guys drove there you couldn't help to cringe on how awkward this was actually going to be. Being Jack's date to an essentially family friend's wedding and meeting his family. You couldn't help to wonder if Jack finding dates to these events was a common occurrence, the guy had the charisma if needed.
It was a relatively quick drive to the outdoorsy venue and the sun was about to set. Jack's chivalry surprised you when he told you to wait in the car to open the passenger door for you,
"To be clear, I'm just your date for the night. You didn't tell people I was your girlfriend or a girl you are seeing right?"
"Geez never had a guy open the door for you, y/n?" he gave his hand to help you step out his car,
You took his hand, "Sorry, but genuine question though, who am I walking in as?"
"We'll say the truth, a new friend of mine, and possibly a girl I'm seeing." he took your arm to link around his,
"I'm not sure if that's the whole truth." you looked up at him as you walked to the entrance
"I know you don't like me that much right now but just give it the night," he gave you an infamous grin of his.
"There goes that ego of yours again."
As much as you wanted to find Jack and his perfect smile annoying, you couldn't. Spending the night by his side and hearing him crack bad jokes made you cringe and laugh. He kept you at arm length and included you in conversations. He even offer and eventually forced you to dance with him. His family was sweet too, especially his mom,
"You are dressed so nice sweetheart," Ellen had complimented your summer dress
"And you are very beautiful, Jack is very lucky to have you." she continued the compliments
"She's just a friend, mom." Jack was turning red making you laugh at his embarrassment,
"Well if he hasn't forgotten the charm I taught him, maybe you won't be just a friend at the end of tonight," she gave you a heartwarming smile.
But Jack had enough of his mom being a mom, "Okay we'll be going to the bar now. After you y/n," he placed his hand on your lower back leading you to any direction other than his family.
"She's amazing," it sounded sarcastic when you said it but you meant it.
"You're only saying that because she made me turn red." he found a cold beer to cool his warm face down,
"You want one?" he offered a cold one,
"No thanks. True but she wasn't wrong about the last thing she said."
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean Jack."
He didn't indulge in his regular teasing behavior but started to get shy again,
he cleared his throat, "Do you want a soda or something? There's none in the cooler but I can find you one."
His demeanor didn't go unnoticed, "Yeah that would be great," but you weren't going to address it.
"I'm gonna find the restroom though, I'll find you after." you didn't have to use the restroom but you needed a mirror to check in with your appearance as things were getting real.
When you came back looking for Jack you found Ellen smiling at you across the room before you felt arms snaking around your waist. You turned around finding Jack holding you closer than ever giving you a sweet smile and you involuntary returning.
"A bit close aren't you?" you muttered up to him
"Just a little."
"Hey, Jack." a soft female voice was heard behind you.
"Hey Em." Jack's voice dipped in tone. You turned around to see who he was talking to, still in his grasp.
"How you've been?" the beautiful looking girl asked staring at you for a quick second.
"Fine, good actually." his grip tightened around your waist as he rested his head on your shoulder. His hold made you stiffen as you read his behavior.
"That's nice to hear. I think I might say hi to Ellen, I'll see you around tonight." she finished talking before heading towards Ellen's direction. As soon as she left, Jack's grip had loosened and you got out of there quick.
"Jesus christ, who do you think I am Jack?" you harshly whispered at him
"What are you talking about?" he had the audacity to looked confused, you thought. You didn't want to bother with his ignorance so you dashed out of the crowded area but he followed you after. When you reached the gravel driveway he reached for your hand,
"Do not touch me."
"I'm sorry, but what's wrong? I thought we were having a good time."
"I thought we were too until you started using me to make your ex jealous!"
“That’s not-“ you interrupted him 
"Was I just a date to make your ex jealous? Is that why you were so desperate for me to come?" you let your voice raise considering no one was around,
“You don’t understand.” 
“Explain it to me then!” he tried to defend himself but his sentence just trailed off,
“Is she not your ex?” as much as you hated it you felt your eyes start to water.
“Why do you care so much if you’re just a date to some wedding?” he didn't lash out but it rolled off his tongue too smoothly.
“Wow I should've remembered you're still an asshole.” you turned away and started walking off ready to call an Uber,
 “Y/n wait,” he yelled  
“I’m tired of waiting.” you mostly whispered to yourself but he still heard it.
“What does that mean?” he softly asked this time,
“Don’t worry about it you wouldn’t want to care too much.” he finally left you alone watching you walk to the end of the driveway.
"Where is she going?" the pervious female voice interrupted the still silence,
"What are you doing here Em?" Jack's head hanged low as he turned around to find his ex a few away from him.
"I was looking for you. I saw you two leave right after I left. You know Jack I'm still sorry for how things ended and I still think about you and us." she slowly approached him,
"Things ended because I caught you cheating. That won't change the fact that we will never be together again." his voice lashed out this time.
"Are you sure? Because from what I just heard she thinks otherwise. Did you bring her here to make me jealous Jackie?" she caressed his shoulders down his arms,
He swiftly pushed her touch off of him, "No I didn't. Goodnight Em."
Jack ended his night early after that fiasco. He knew he was completely in the wrong and had to make things right even if you didn't want to see him again.
+The Next Day+
You weren't going to let a guy disrupt you daily routine so you spent the next late morning at your designated park. You just didn't think he would be bold enough to find you again.
"Is this seat taken?" an aching voice erupted an annoyed feeling up your spine.
You didn't bother looking at him, "Not anymore." you started to pack your bag and stand.
“Before you leave, can you hear me out even though I don’t deserve it?" you didn't see his face but he scrunched his face to expect backlash.
“What do you want Jack?" you crossed your arms and turned to him,
“I want to apologize” you kept silent, “I'm sorry that you felt like you were treated for my benefit and I'm sorry that the night ended the way it did. When I asked you to be my date, I truly wanted to enjoy the night with you, to get you know better but then I saw her and I couldn’t help try to make her jealous or something. And I know that's a shitty excuse but I didn't know she would be there. Believe me or not but I invited you solely because I wanted to be near you, no one else, not her, just you.”
You slowly took a seat on the bench, “So what now” you whispered as a question and a statement, not understanding what he or you wanted.
“I’m hoping you can forgive me somehow and agree to go on another date, a real date with me this time. If I haven't screwed up that badly..." he whispered the latter as he knew for sure you never wanted to see him again.
“Why should I say yes?”
“You said it that night, what if by chance you bumping into me had to happen, because you know, fate." he made air quotation marks with fingers when he said fate,
You genuinely laughed at his reasoning, “And if I say no? Going against fate’s wishes, what would happen?"
“You will never see me again if that’s what you want but fate probably won’t care either way.” He laughs nervously as his loose defense strategy.
“I won’t go on a date with you jack." you stated firmly making his nervous smile disappear, "But I will hang out with you to see if I can possibly forgive you truly.” you didn't know what hanging out meant but it didn't hold the same significance as a date in your mind.
“Actually?” his voice peaked in pitch before he quickly cleared his throat.
“I’ll trust fate this last and final time, so don’t screw up its plans.” you gave him a sour look but he just returned a bright smile,
“I won’t.”
and he never did. 
a/n: it’s me. I’m fate :D
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worriedvision · 2 days
Right place, wrong time - Sunday
Gender neutral reader, angst lol. Soulmate au.
Reading the words on your arm, you immediately knew who your soulmate was based on the fact there was only one man who took the job of "judging" peoples actions - how, you didn't exactly know. You did, however, know he was a very important man. Being a bodyguard working under Gallagher, you doubted your skills in relation to being worthy of association with Sunday.
Gallagher was a supportive dad to you - when he sensed you were off, he made you a drink on the house and had a conversation with you. When you show him your arm, he lets out a hearty laugh before beginning to pour himself a drink.
"It wouldn't hurt to strike a conversation, right?" He asks. "He probably also knows your first words, and he'll most likely believe you when you explain the arm."
"But what happens afterwards? It's not like he knows who I am, and he isn't really supposed to. It's kind of the point of these confession booths..." You trail off, taking a sip of the drink you have in hand. It is an odd mint taste - almost synthetic, this could be due to a herb thats also been thrown into the mix. It's...strangely clarifying, yet still you are left with questions.
Gallagher prepares a shot for you, almost like he knew this was going to happen, and he slides it over. Turns out, he decided to hydrate you with this shot. You down the show before rolling your eyes.
"Could you give me a glass of water next time?" You ask, Gallagher smirking as he pours some water for you.
"Here ya go, kiddo."
"Welcome to the confession booth. Please state the purpose of your confession, starting with the most pressing sin." Sunday asks, how looking down at your arm as you see the words glowing as he states them.
"This may sound strange...but you appear to be my soulmate, but I don't know what I can do with this information." You scratch the back of your head, Sunday pausing in thought.
"...I suppose this was going to happen at some point." He sighs out longingly. "Given my position, I'm afraid my responsibilities do not allow me the opportunity to indulge too much in relationships."
"I knew that - I'm surprised you didn't tell me to get out by now." You laugh, Sunday pausing once again.
"...I suppose you know more about me than I do if you. How about we spend this time we have to find out about you?" Sunday asks, a smile evident in his voice.
With a smile, you reminisce about general information about yourself - your career, your favourite things, your family, anything Sunday asked about you'd answer. Sunday seems to enjoy the conversation, throwing in his little parts here and there as well.
By the end of the conversation, you both round things off with a laugh before you both remember you likely won't see each other again. Hell, he's never seen you!
"I'm sorry fate has tied us together. Please proceed in your life knowing that in another life, perhaps we would have been very close." Sundays smile drops. "I'd like to ask your name, however due to anonymity I am not allowed to ask this. I wish you the best - if you find a special someone, don't wait for me."
You open your mouth to tell him off for telling you to move on, but then you realise you're asking him to prioritise you in the future.
So, you leave without another word, leaving Sunday to stew in his misery as you go to Gallagher to cry about it.
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