#god you are so right. he is SUCH a good boy im holding him gently
seungminhour · 4 months
[💭] thinking about the types of hugs bf!skz would give you
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◞✩ pairing : bf!skz (individual) x gn!reader
◞✩ contains : lots and lots and lots of fluff and hugs and just the boys being so smitten lol, probably some typos, i have not looked over this too well
◞✩ notes : this has been in my drafts for ages, but i never got around to finishing it lol. also, i wont lie, i loved writing in this little bulleted style. im gonna have to write more silly little things like this! anyway, i hope you all enjoy 🫶
01. bang chan - bear hugs
will open his arms and just let you launch yourself into his embrace no matter the mood you’re in
you’re sad? he just opens his arms silently and lets you come to him on your own terms
you’re seeing him for the first time since he left for tour? opens his arms and lets you come flying to him - catches you every single time
literally engulfs you completely
gently rocks you back and forth when you need it, running his fingers through your hair and whispering sweet things into your ear
“shh, baby it’s going to be okay. you’re fine, i’m right here if you need me”
definitely the type to cup your face, wipe your tears away and tell you to “turn that frown upside down” with the sweetest look on his face (it works every single time of course bc your bf is just so sweet and loving and caring and you can’t help but crack the smallest of smiles at him)
tries so hard to shield you away from the rest of the world by being in his arms
also uses it as a way to annoy you
will come up behind you while you’re trying to do something and just drape himself fully over your back
won’t get off until one (or both) of you end up on the floor
02. lee minho - back hugs
i Really have been thinking about back hugs and lee know recently, like it’s taken over 80% of all my thoughts
he especially loves back hugs in the mornings, like i’m talking clingy in the mornings
sometimes you wake up before him and you’ll be cooking breakfast for the two of you and he’ll quietly sneak up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist and just watch as you cook
do NOT try to get him off of you, because he Will retaliate by digging his chin into your shoulder to get you to stop wiggling
you’ll feed him little bites over you shoulder while asking if it needs anything
he’ll do his cute little “mmm!~” and shake his head against your shoulder
you wake him up while while you’re trying to get out of bed? good luck because he’s reaching up and grabbing you by the waist to drag you back in
“where do you think you’re going? it’s not time to get out of bed yet”
holds you there until one or both of you fall back asleep
loves to stand behind you and watch you do your nighttime routine too
asks so many (of the same) questions just because he likes to hear you talk
gets all doe eyed while watching you explain to him the benefits of one face mask over the other
he really is just smitten
03. seo changbin - picks you up and spins you around
this man. oh my god
you cannot convince me that he doesn’t love to pick you up and just take you places
like if you wanna go somewhere and you’re sitting down, be prepared for him to just lift you up and take you where you need
time for bed? he will gently pick you up off the couch and bring you to bed himself, just because he can
absolutely looooooves when you get all flustered by it
“binnie, i can walk myself you know?”
“just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”
is alllllllll about the princess treatment
as a result this translates over to his hugs 100%
literally almost knocks over the guys when he sees you come in the practice room one day
sprints full force at you until he’s scooping you up in his arms to spin you around and around until you’re breathless and dizzy
loves to pick you up and gently sway the two of you when you’re not feeling the greatest
if you come home upset and he’s there, he’s immediately picking you up and rocking you side to side as he runs his hands through your hair
sometimes you want to talk about what’s made you this upset, other time you don’t, so he’ll just hold you in place until you tell him what you need - whether that be a warm bath to relax (which he carries you to) or to be let down so you can pace and rant about how shitty of a day you had
04. hwang hyunjin - buries his face in your neck
he just wants to be as close to you as he can possibly get
loves loves loves the whole skinship of it
sooooo many neck / shoulder kisses!!!
so soft and sweet about it :(
he’ll gently hold you face in one hand while he moves you hair to the side with the other so he can make space for himself between your neck and your shoulder
always leaves at least one kiss to your neck before he rests his forehead there
“you know, hyune, you can’t just hide in my neck forever. at some point you need to come out”
will literally pout, shake his head and shove his face closer to you
he’ll fall asleep like that too
if you two have a movie night on the couch, be ready for him to lay directly on top of you, shove his face into your neck, and then promptly fall asleep within the first 20 minutes
the list of unfinished movies you guys have is astronomically long because this happens so often
you can tell if it’s been a bad day when he comes home and immediately goes to hide away from everything in your neck.
you just hold him there for as long as he needs
sometimes he will talk about it, other times he will just sit there, quietly sniffling while you comb your hands through his hair to bring him a little comfort
05. han jisung - clings to you
i will forever and always stand by the fact that han jisung is one clingy motherfucker okay
like i’m talking he launches himself at you the moment you step through the door when you get home
will not let you go for at least 5 minutes
“hanji, babe, can you at least let me put my things down first?”
the little fucker would hold you tighter and pout “nooo, i just missed you so much, wanna hold you for a few more minutes”
definitely calls it his “recharging time”
will 100% get all whiny and pouty if he doesn’t get to hug you for as long as he wants to
somehow manages to be the worlds biggest blanket hog and the worlds biggest cuddler at the same time
half the time you wake up freezing cold on one side and burning up on the other from where he has cocooned himself in all the blankets and then clung onto you for dear life
does not shy away from sticking to you in front of his friends
if you guys have a movie night with everyone in the dorms, he is not content until you are sat in his lap with his arms wrapped around you and his head pressed against yours
bonus points if it’s a scary movie and you sit sideways in his lap so you can hide your face in his neck when it gets too spooky
06. lee felix - squeezes you
this man just has so much love and happiness to spread, he can’t help but squeeze the life out of you every time he sees you
it doesn’t matter how long it’s been either
a day, a week, hell even if you just go to take a shower and come back he’s squeezing you as soon as you return
most definitely shakes you a bit while holding on to you for dear life
grabs you and does the fully body vibrate thing just to annoy you
sometimes he gets a little carried away and you’ll have to remind him that you actually Do need to breathe at some point
“lix, baby, i can’t- i can’t really breathe-“
“oh!” he’d giggle bc ofc he would, “i’m sorry baby, sometimes i just forget how tightly i’m holding you.”
gives you tiny reassuring squeezes when you need them tho
he can somehow always tell when you’re having even the slightest of bad days
also can tell exactly what kind of squeeze you need
if you come home upset, he’s right there to grab you and hold you tight, kissing the side of your head as the tears that have been building up all day finally come crashing down
tries to physically squeeze the sadness from you because he hates seeing you like this :(
if you come home mad, he’ll sit with you while you rant about your day and offer small, reassuring squeezes to your shoulder to show you he’s listening
07. kim seungmin - rests his head on / against yours
idk smth about seungmin just screams that he loves to rest his head on or against yours
and if he’s tall enough to place his chin on the top of your head? oh he’s giddy about it every single time
loves to wrap his arms around your shoulders from behind, place his chin on top of your head, and just stand there like that
is also a little shit about it ofc
“you’re so short, i can see clear over your head. how embarrassing.”
“yeah, but you love it.”
he does indeed love it.
he loves that he can rest his head against yours if he needs a little recharge and he loves the smell of your shampoo and he loves how close your temple is for him to kiss
oh that’s another thing
he will kiss your temple / forehead any chance he gets - like it’s literally his favorite thing to do
when you really need comfort, he’ll pull you close and kiss your forehead before resting his against yours while you try to forget how terrible of a day you had
softly knocks his head against yours just for the fun of it
he loves to hear you giggle and get tripped up on your words when he does it, so he’ll keep doing it until you physically have to pull yourself out of his embrace just to finish your story
08. yang jeongin - waist hugs
i just really think he would be the type to wrap his arms around your waist and never let go, ya know???
like he would always be holding your waist in some way when you’re out in public just to make it easier to tug you into his arms whenever needed
loves loves loves to slowly move his hands from your sides to your back just to tease you a little bit
will 100% use giving you a hug as an excuse to start a tickle fight tho, so always be on your toes
he’ll sneak up behind you, snake his hands around your waist while acting like the innocent and sweet and loving bf he is
and then as soon as you let your guard down he’s going in for the kill, digging his fingers into your sides and tickling the life out of you
won’t stop until you call mercy
“i’m going to have to take away your hugging privileges if all you’re going to use them for is to tickle me.”
“you wouldn’t dare to take them away. you love my hugs far too much for that.”
walks away all smugly because he know he’s right. you would never deny him a hug, even though you know the risk of it ending in tickles
loves to gently run his hands up and down your sides while he’s listening to you talk
he’ll definitely slide them under the hem of your shirt
sometimes this is to place his freezing cold hands against your warm skin to make you jump, other times it’s to provide comfort when you need it
he’s slide his hands under you shirt and gently runs his hands up and down your bare sides and back when you’ve had a particularly rough day
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astrolynnworld · 6 months
pairing: dom!matt x reader
summary: matt has a bondage kink that he wants to try
warnings: smut, bondage, language, oral, degradation, praise, implements of daddy, choking, one use of spit play, rough, love, lust.
pre a/n- this is gonna take me so long to write, watch
word count: 1,603
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although it was a few days after christmas, matt told me that he still had a surprise gift for me.
so here i am waiting for him to bring this mysterious gift out
matt comes into the living room with a big box in his hand, and a smile plastered on his face
“oh god” i say out loud as he places the box down in front of me
“open!!” he says excitedly
I get to opening the boxes wrapped in paper.
inside the box i find multiple whips, ropes, and handcuffs
“huh? what the fuck is all this?” i asked confused and unamused
“remember when you said that if there was anything we wanted to try in bed, we can just bring it up to each other with no shame?” he states, implying something bigger
“yeahhh..” i respond
“well, this is kinda new, but I want to try.. bondage” he replies hesitantly
“bondage huh?” i repeat for clarification.
“yeah.. bondage” he says again hesitantly.
“i like the idea of you being restrained, while i am in full control of your stimulation” he continues
“oh..” i say in complete awe
“we don’t have to if you’re not into it I just thought it would be-“
“no no no i’m totally down. I just wasn’t expecting something like this from you.” i interrupt
“when would you want to try something like this?” i continue
“uhm.. i was kind of thinking right now. if you’re down with that?” he asks
“oh! okay yeah.” i reply as i stand up from the couch
i follow him to the bedroom, “this is gonna be interesting” i say with a chuckle
we get to the bedroom and matt starts unbuckling the restraints and attaching them to the bed frame
i stand by an watch the boys plan unfold right in front of him.
he gets up off the bed, “strip” he demands
“why don’t you take them off for me” i look up at him with my seductive eyes
he smiles and comes in close to kiss me
he strips me down to my underwear and bra as he continues kissing me
he sits me on the bed starts undressing himself before making his way back to me
he starts kissing up and down my body making my way to my pussy.
he takes off my underwear and starts lathing at my clit
licking up and down so slow and gently.
he takes his hand and starts using his fingers to circle my clit as he licks up and down my pussy.
“fuck matt, your tongue feels soo good. please don’t stop” i moan and buck up into him
he now takes his hand and uses the wet coat of my juices to slide into my hole
he uses his fingers to thrust in and outside of my hole while still giving me the oral stimulation on my clit
the combination was overwhelming and i continued to grind into his face until he pulled back
“do you wanna be a good girl baby?” matt asks
i nod my head
“words princess” he states
“yes. i wanna be a good girl daddy” i reply
“well good girls listen to their daddies okay? so you’re going to do everything i say correct?” he issues
“correct” i repeat
“good girl. now lay in the middle of the bed for me baby” he demands
i do as im told.
he grabs the restraints and starts tying it to each limb of mine.
first the right arm, then my right leg, moving on to my left arm and my left leg.
“there you go baby. all set!” he says as he tightens the last restraint
he crawls on top of me and and starts to tease my lips
he would kiss me once then pull his head back in order for me to fish for more
“baby pleaseee. you know i need you so bad right now” i beg
he lightly slaps my cheek then grabs my throat, “i know you do princess, which is why you’re in my full control”
he leans down to my face while still holding my throat, i can feel his breath on my lips
“so pathetic. i love it”
“stick your tongue out for me princess.” he insists
i can see the salvia leave his lips to make contact with my tongue
“swallow.” he demands
i follow as instructed
“such a good girl for me, my love” he smiles while jerking on his hard dick
he starts to climb up higher to my face, and dangling his cock in front of my face making me go cross eyed
“you look so dumb underneath me like this” he smiles
i stick out my tongue and lift my head up as far as it can go so i could reach his cock with my mouth
“aww is my little slut struggling to get my cock? does she want me to make it easier for her” he says before inching it closer
still not enough for me to reach. each time my tongue touches the tip, he pulls back a little
i throw my head down in frustration, “please matt. please don’t do this to me” i beg
“tell me what you want and i’ll give it to you” he says
i pick my head back up, “your cock matt. i want your cock in my mouth matthew. i want you to fuck my throat, please” i whine
and with a swift motion, matt grabs my head and inserts his cock in my mouth
he uses his hands to push me back and forth on his cock while he also uses his hips to thrust inside my mouth
“fuck your mouth feels so good” he groans while throwing his head back
“your throat is so tight and warm on my cock.. fuck” he continues
nothing other than the sloppy sounds of him fucking my mouth and his moans can be heard throughout the room
“oh my god you’re such a slut. i bet you like that i’m in full control of you like this right now. i bet you’re so turned on by this” he grunts out
“you like when i fuck your throat when you’re tied up under me with no control? huh?”
“i bet it feels so good to you huh? such a nasty little slut. my slut. my slutty princess who’s such a good girl for daddy.”
all as he continues to fuck my throat
“fuck i’m gonna cum-“ he slows down his pace and pulls out.
i take gasp silently trying to catch my breath and regain air
“as much as i’d love to cum in your pretty little mouth, there’s better holes to work on” matt says before slide back down to my bottom half
he starts using his cock to tease my clit and wake her up from the lack of stimulation in the past few minutes
but doesn’t take long before she’s starts leaking out wet juices again
“so fucking hot” matt exclaims before sliding into my hole
i arch my back at the feeling of his girthy long cock sling inside me
matt’s length never fails to surprise me
he starts off slow with a deep thrust that sends me into a shock every time he pushes himself in
i can feel everything in my body stop when he pushes himself in like this
i don’t even have words for him, i can’t even get to thinking right now it just feels too good.
“you look so brain dead on my cock right now. do you like it when i take care of you like this princess?” he asks
i nod my head
“words princess.”
“nugh- ye- yes matt. yo- feel so f- fucking good ri- right fuck- right now” i try to form a sentence
he bends down and starts kissing me while interlocking my restrained hands with his
“i- it’s n- not fair t- that you g- get to make me f- feel like this.” i whimper out while shutting my eyes
“look at me” he responds
i try to look at him but it’s so hard to keep my eyes open
“look at me or im going to stop”
i try my best to keep my eyes open as he fucks deep into me, picking up the pace
“i fucking love you”
“nhmmm i love you so much matt. fuck” i say trying to keep my composure
“you’re so fucking perfect and you always feel so good”
“there’s nobody better than you”
“you’re so fucking perfect and you’re fucking mine”
“my perfect girl, mine all mine.”
i feel the knot in my stomach starting to untie
“matt im gonna cum.” i say while squeezing his fingers that are still interlocked with mine
“me too baby. just cum with me.”
“cum with me like the good girl you are”
“daddy’s good girl”
i arch my back and fuck myself into his cock for the last few times as i come undone on his cock
he throws his back back as he also releases his high
he brings his head back down to kiss me as we both finish off our orgasms.
“you’re so fucking good to me. i couldn’t have found anymore more perfect than you” matt praises
i blush and smile, “i love you matt”
“i love you more y/n”
matt undoes the restraints and uses a bedside towel to clean up our messes
he tosses the towel in the hamper and proceeds to climb back in bed to cuddle me to sleep.
couldn’t have chose a better life
a/n- took me an hour and a half but i really love this story so much!! hope you guys enjoy as well
@mattsneezing <3
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l1tw1ck · 9 months
Please write more of the toy. PLEASE -🥚
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Toy (2)
dom!bottom!ftm oc x sub!top!masc reader
wellll since you asked sooo nicely and im in the mood to write some sexy dominating men,,, | AFAB Language Used
CW: Non-Con, Dark Content
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Debt Free
CW: Non-Con, Pet Play (Sort of) (puppy pet name, mention of collar and leash)
You were given the opportunity to clear your debt by dating your goddamned debt collector. He fell for you and basically ruined your life, he made you fall deeper and deeper into debt just so he could make you desperate enough to accept his offer. Now you're in his bedroom, wearing a studded collar and a leash. He likes treating you like an obedient dog and making you do things for him knowing you're not allowed to deny him. He could kill you if he wanted to.
He sits comfortably on your face, treating it like a special throne. He arches his back, shivering as he feels your tongue exploring his soft walls. "Mm...just like that, puppy~" He moans. "You've gotten better- uh~!" He gasps as your tongue finds his g-spot. He throws his head back, crying out shamelessly in pleasure as you eat him out. You're not the biggest fan of him but you can't deny the wonderful taste of his pussy and the pretty moans that come out of his mouth. "Yes- yes-" He breathes out.
"Fu- fuck~!" He squirts. "Mmh- such a good puppy.." He grinds down on your face before getting up.
ok i got lazy sorry
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How to Please a Man
CW: Stepcest, Manipulation
this was lowkey difficult to write bc i have no idea how to finger someone 😭😭😭 im an autistic asexual virgin who absolutely hates masturbating with my fingers bc sticky so if anything is off ... thats why
You decided to ask your step father for relationship advice. You're a virgin and you're very nervous about asking out your crush. He was eager to give you advice and even offered to teach you some things.
"I bet you don't even know how to kiss." He climbs onto your lap. "Let me teach you." He doesn't wait for an answer and forces you into a kiss. You try to push him away but he's too strong. He grinds down on your crotch, determined to fuck you.
He finally pulls away from the kiss. "Relax, most guys don't like inexperience. I'll make sure you know what you're doing with him." He stands up and grabs your hand, pulling you into his bedroom and bringing you onto the bed with him. He manages to shimmy his shorts and boxers off, exposing his wet cunt to you. "Don't be scared, try and do what you think would feel good."
You swallow the lump in your throat. He's probably right. Your crush would appreciate it if you knew what you were doing. And this probably doesn't mean anything to him. He's just helping you out. Although you're unaware of your crush's anatomy, this'll probably be helpful for any future endeavors too. You look at his t-dick and hold it with your thumb and index finger, gently sliding it up and down. "Is...is that good?"
"Yeah, so good.." He moans. Jerking his dick is the easiest way to get him off thanks to how sensitive is. "But, you shouldn't rely on just that to please m- him."
"Oh- okay." You slide your finger down his cunt, eyeing him for a reaction. You slowly push your finger inside him, your breathing turns shallow as you take in the feeling of his warmth. You didn't know it felt like this. So warm, so plush, and so fucking wet. God. You feel weird for thinking this way about your step father but dear Lord, his pussy feels amazing. You slide in another finger and fumble around in his insides.
"Try finding my g-spot. You'll know when you find it."
You search around for it, earning a soft gasp from him when you find it. You poke it with the pads of your fingers, effectively pleasing him. You get the smart idea of sucking his dick while doing this.
"Fuck- good boy~" He throws his head back. "That's it. Keep going.."
You find yourself getting turned on by the sound of his moans and his praise. This is so wrong but oh so fucking good.
You keep going until he squirts, making a mess of the bed. You pull your mouth off his dick and lick up his slick before pulling away.
"Do you wanna learn more?" He looks at you with a lopsided smile. You nod eagerly, no longer worried about the morality of this.
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part two for the second part if i remember lololol
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Baby Boy Darling!
—Your boyfriend turning into a little baby? What are you going to do with him?
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairings: Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor, Nikolai, Ranpo, Jouno X Fem! Reader
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Format: Drabble
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.8K
A/n: Mildly rushed but acceptable ig!
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↳Osamu Dazai
"You know... I don't think this is a good choice for a bedtime story"
The little infant in your arms looked at you curiously. He wasn't old enough to make any sounds other than crying, but the martyred expression he was wearing and his firm grip on your thumb displayed his intention with no complicacy. Nevertheless, that didn't stop you from putting the suicide manual on the nightstand.
"Now now, don't look at me like that. I'm a good babysitter, and a good babysitter doesn't teach babies ways to kill themselves"
You gently caressed his puffy cheeks. "I'm also a generous babysitter, which is why I don't slap your hand away when you grab my boobs"
His gaze fell on his small chubby hand that was trying to get a hold of your breast. It was a good thing you had a T-shirt on, or with the way he was trying to cup them they would've been bleeding by now.
"I'm sorry honey, I don't think you can hold them anymore. Your hands are just too tiny!"
He whined and pouted in response.
"I know! I'm sad too. C'mon, smile a little for me will you? Smile for your mommy"
If he was still an adult, he would have rolled his eyes and smiled, but he wasn't. He was just a cranky baby who was probably planning your murder in his cute little head.
"Get it? Mommy? I'm your mommy! God you didn't have a sense of humor when you were a child did you? I miss my kind, loving boyfriend"
He looked at you unfazedly.
"Alright, how about I sing you a song? Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you aaaaaaaa— ah!?"
Dazed, you looked down at your baby boyfriend with widened eyes, only to find him staring back at you while his mouth was on your right breast. He was trying to suck on it, but that wasn't easy when it was covered with two layers of clothes, your bra and your T-shirt. Your eyebrows jumped in surprise.
"Wow, you still like the right one better?"
↳Fyodor Dostoyevsky
"So this is the power imbalance they were talking about huh?"
The violet eyed infant stares at you blankly, having a "it won't be this way for long" look in his eyes. You're holding him in front of you while sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing the cheekiest grin you could ever wear.
"No wonder you were so crazy about it. Having somebody wrapped around your finger... feels awesome!"
Still the same bored look.
"giving me the cold shoulder now? I'm just using simple logic to prove my point-which is also what you used to do. I'm saying that from this moment, you're totally and completely dependant on me"
Fyodor tilts his head to the side and gives you a weird look, tempting you to imitate his gesture. A strong feeling is causing you to brag about the current situation and tease him, and you're willingly giving into it.
"Alright. Since I'm the one in charge now, I'm setting a few ground rules. No more acting all workaholicly and staying up until late. No more skipping meals, mister. Im gonna feed you with my special milk, hehehe~ Also, I've got some confessions to make"
It's probably a bad decision to bring these up right now, but you're too captured in the heat of the moment to realize that.
"Ok. I've been trying to tell you this for quite a while. The truth is... I'm pregnant"
The unfazed look is still on.
"Yeah, that was a lie. The real truth is... I was the one who ate all your snacks"
Still no change in his expression.
"...But I assume you already know that. Ugh, keeping secrets from you is such a pain... could you not figure me out for just once?"
Fyodor doesn't seem very eager to respond. He's already very annoyed with how things have turned out and is not really in the mood to joke around. You come to that conclusion when he touches your forearm with his chubby little hand.
"You're gonna activate your ability and kill me, aren't you?"
↳Nikolai Gogol
"Quiz time!!"
Your baby boyfriend whines in annoyance.
"Who's gonna get paid one in his own coin and suffer like I did every time he teased me?"
You flash him a cocky smirk, matched with the way you're looking at him from above as he's lying on the bed. You're standing next to the bed, happier than you could ever be, planning all the steps of your revenge as you trash talk to him.
"That's right. It's no one but youuuuu! Hahahahaha!!"
Nikolai wants to prove to you that he's still strong and nobody can defeat him, but he realizes there's noway he can imply that other by a sulky attitude, which he reluctantly suffices to.
You hold his favorite snack in front of him and shake it, smiling wildly. "Come on darling! Have some! Eh? What are you waiting for? Awwwww! You can't? Then I'll help myself!"
You shoved the entire thing in your mouth and laughed hysterically.
"Nom nom* tastes nom* heavenly! No wonder you never let me have a bite!"
Nikolai is starting to feel a little guilty now. He didn't know that his teasings have made you a spiteful whore.
"You hate babies so much, and now you are one! That's the scariest punishment itself! Can you feel the power of karma? It's a bitch, ain't it? Well, now that you can't talk anymore, I have something to say to you!"
You bend over until there's a small gap between you, pointing at his tiny figure. The bullying attitude is all gone and instead, there's soft glare lying in your eyes.
"I want one of these. Give me one when you get back, Kolya"
You're wrong. This is the scariest punishment.
↳Saigiku Jouno
"Thank you for the meal!"
Jouno is upset. There are many unfortunate things happening for him at the moment. He doesn't like to be a baby. He doesn't want to be unable to do anything other than crying, pooping, eating and sleeping. More importantly, he doesn't want to feel your teeth on his cheeks.
"Mhm, so soft and squishy!" You smile sweetly and look at his puffy cheeks, stained with your bite marks in crimson. "I could just eat you up now, 'giku. You tatse so sweet!"
Anyone who hears this would be happy and blush slightly, but Jouno wasn't one of them, as he tilts his head and looks away, having the most adorable pout on his lips.
Grumpy as always.
"C'mon now, it's not that bad! Look on the bright side! Everyone will have to do everything for you since you can't do it yourself"
Jouno tilts his head back, his eyebrows jumped in surprise.
"Right, that wasn't a really good example of the bright side"
Sighing, you lay next to him on the matress, hands traveling through his white locks. His muscles relax a little bit as he gives into your warmth, nuzzling his head in your chest. You hum with a soft beam, inhaling his baby scent.
"You smell very nicely too, 'giku. Don't be too depressed about this. It's not the end of the world. We'll find a way to turn you back eventually. Plus..."
You lightly pat his back, pressing a lingering kiss on his forehead. "I can have you all to myself, since you can't go on any missions and leave me here all alone anymore"
Yeah, Jouno thinks, maybe it's not that awful after all.
↳Ranpo Adogawa
"Ouch! Why you- let go of my hair you aggressive baby!"
Ranpo cries a whine out and pulls your hair harder, leading you to scream back even louder.
"Stop it! What is wrong with you? I dont care how upset you are, I'm not gonna give you any sweets- ow ow ow!! Ranpo- I said let go of my fucking hair you dumbass!"
Your angry shout startles the dark haired baby. It's not just that he's little, you'd never talked like this to him before. Slowly loosening his grip on your hair, he starts sobbing quietly, covering his face with his chubby hands. This breaks your heart.
"Nooo... I'm sorry sweetie! Mommy- Aunty- god I dont even know what I am to you anymore! Whatever- I'm sorry ok? But you can't eat sweets baby boy, you're smart enough to know that, right?"
Smart enough to know that?? Huh!
Ranpo sees right through your little plan. He knows all these little tricks inside out- hell he was the one who taught you all of them; but what pisses him off is how it's working on him even though he knows your true intention.
The smirk you've been holding back shamelessly appears on your face when he wears a serious expression, nodding like someone who's given an important task and is determined to do it carefully and correctly, then points at your boobs.
Your smile instantly fades away.
"Shit. I'm not doing that"
↳Chuuya Nakahara
"Your struggle is hilarious to me"
Baby Chuuya watched you with a threatening glare. He was clearly unhappy about this situation, and you enjoying his frustration was not going to help him at all.
"I know you really need it right now, but honestly, I don't think your little tummy can digest that"
Merely ignoring you, he tried to open the bottle of wine he was struggling to hold with his chubby feet; but every time he pulled, the bottle would slip out of his not so tight grasp. He couldn't use his ability on it, since the bottle would sink into his little body. He couldn't even roll over on the bed, and his so called nanny was laughing instead of helping him.
Forget about all the things he'd been through. This was the true misery.
"Alright. Give me the bottle"
He didn't seem to agree, because he immediately hugged the bottle with all the strength he had, like it was his dearest thing. Your serious expression showed that you weren't going to give up either.
"You give me that bottle mister or you won't get extra milk tonight"
Reluctantly, he opened his arms and you snatched the bottle, putting it somewhere high. When you turned around, you saw him sulking.
"Don't be like that baby, you know you can't drink that right now. I thought you were a reasonable person hmm?"
The cute pout resting on his lips made you giggle and bend down to kiss his cheek. He was still pretty upset, so he looked away from you. Unfortunately, he couldn't do anything about the little blush on his face.
You carefully held him up and looked at his tiny figure. His long hair was gone and instead, there were short ginger locks on his head. His bluebell eyes however, hadn't changed one bit, still as gorgeous as ever.
You smiled at him. "You want me to throw you up?"
He looked oblivious. He probably knew what you were talking about, but hadn't figured out whether you were serious or not.
Shaking your head to the side, you tightened your grip on his waist before throwing him up in the air, and catching him before he fell on the ground. He got so excited that he started laughing, letting out adorable baby noises.
"Aww, you like that huh? want me to do it again?"
He blinked.
"Ok! Three, two, one! Whoa!"
Chuuya had jumped higher than this before, but not once did he feel the thrill he was experiencing now. He was having the time of his life, flying in the air with no effort. Every time you threw him up, his mouth got opened wider, wider, and wider,
until vomit came out of it, landing on your chest.
There weren't any throwing and catching after that, since you were too busy looking at the vomit, shocked. But it wasn't him vomiting that caught you off guard, it was the vomit. It wasn't milk, it was wine.
"Ok, we need to talk about your drinking problem when you turn back to an adult"
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All rights reserved © 2023 AshTheMadWriter. Please do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my works on any platform.
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godjustkys · 18 days
Can you do Stefan Salvatore x Top Male Reader?!
your wish is my command :3
| mdni 18+
| First time?
please give requests.
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Pairing: Dom!bottom!Stefan Salvatore x Sub!Top!AMAB!reader
Genre: Smut.
Word count: 2,628
Warning(s): Gagging, dirty talk, creampie, slight feminisation (pecs/tits, asshole/pussy/boy cunt), pwp, belly bulge, eye rolling (?), unprotected penis in ass - basically raw dogging, no use of lube. (besides precum, if that counts.)
A/N: my guy you crazy for this request.
@malertop im sorry I took so long pookie, hope you enjoy this <3
“Hey hey hey, come on now, don't do that.” Stefan cooed, making you look at him, his hand placed firmly on your face. Your eyebrows were furrowed as you looked up at him through your eyelashes.
You were sitting on the bed, feet on the floor. Your body was practically aching for more of Stefan's touch. Stefan was right in front of you, leaning down more to your level, his other hand running gently along your thigh.
“I'm— why.. why are we doing this..” you muttered out, your leg jolting due to the friction from Stefan's hand. “You know, [Name], I don't bottom. Truly, I don't.” He pointed out, his hand moving from your thigh to your crotch. “But,” his face was so close to yours - you even leaned back a bit to get some distance. “For you.. I might as well.”
“Stefan- wait..” your voice was barely above a whisper as your breath hitched once you felt his hand rubbing your bulge. You were going to say something else but Stefan cut all of your thought process off by kissing you.
You groaned silently into the kiss, Stefan taking the lead - it was obvious. Not to say you were completely inexperienced, of course you had kissed someone before, but it wasn't like this. It wasn't so passionate.
You kissed him back after a short moment, trying to keep up with the other. God, you could feel him smirking against your lips and it was the hottest thing ever.
Stefan pulled away, his eyes half-lidded by lust. “You've received head before, yeah?” He inquired, tilting his head to the side slightly.
You were looking at him with urgency in your gaze, like you wanted to tell him to do more with your eyes only. In response to his question, you shook your head quickly. It was the only answer you could give him. You felt too shy to even say anything to a question like that.
“No?” He seemed surprised, delighted and amused all at the same time. “You're gonna have a good time then.” Stefan said, the confidence radiating off of him.
He got onto his knees, positioning himself in-between your legs. You looked down at him, your face holding anticipation. Stefan pulled the zipper of your pants down as he gently bit down on his lower lip.
“Stefan..” you whined out, straightening your back as you leaned forward, possibly in an attempt to stop him.
“Relax,” he gave you a teasing look. “Don't get so tense over a blowjob, [Name]. You're one of the most powerful witches I've come across and me doing this gets you all nervous? C'mon..” Stefan had this shit-eating grin on his face.
Sure, you were in fact a powerful being, but that was the opposite of your personality. So shy, avoidant, always keeping to yourself..
You gasped, your muscles tensing underneath your shirt as Stefan pulled your cock out of your boxers and started stroking it slowly. “Damn you're big,” His eyes had widened slightly at the sight.
You clenched your jaw at the feeling - it was unusual.. but god did his hand feel good. Was it because it was Stefan or because you were a virgin?
Stefan had his other hand placed on your knee, your cock slowly getting slick with precum due to his hand motion. Your face was heating up, you could feel it. You were starting to sweat, your breath getting erratic. Your hands were at your sides, holding you up properly.
“Does this feel good? Hm?” Stefan asked, maintaining eye contact with you. You felt so dirty but so turned on at the same time.
Before you could even respond, Stefan took you into his mouth, receiving a small whimper from you. He sucked you off at a slow pace at first, letting you get accustomed to the wetness and warmth of his mouth, his hand stroking your dick at the base - whatever he couldn't fit.
You let out a shaky breath, letting Stefan take control. You didn't really mind. “Ghh.. s-shit.” You muttered out, your hips bucking upwards a little bit, obviously involuntarily.
Your action made Stefan gag and then he let out a very muffled groan, sending vibrations throughout your pelvis area. “Mmhh..—” you bit your lip, trying to contain the noises that Stefan was eliciting from you.
Stefan pulled away for a brief moment. “Lemme hear you, baby, please,” he said breathily, immediately going back to the blowjob he was giving you. He took you into his mouth as much as he possibly (humanly) could, gagging again. He repeated that action, over and over again.
You brought up a hand to cover your mouth, muffling your needy whines and moans. You never considered yourself to be so sensitive in oral, but the effect that Stefan was currently having on you made your brain shut off, the only thoughts that you were having was how good his mouth felt and what you'd give to fuck him.
“i— god,” you whimpered, your voice high pitched. Stefan heard you loud and clear since he smiled while sucking you off, his pace only increasing. The gagging sounds were getting much more frequent and louder. The vibrations were not stopping either. “f-fuck.”
Your cock twitched inside his mouth, your legs threatening to close as they jolted lightly once or twice, you were close.
Stefan's eyes had gotten glossier, his eyes half-shut, eyebrows furrowed. He knew you were going to cum soon, therefore, he had both his hands on your legs, keeping them in place.
Your breathing was so loud, your mouth agape, drool at the corners of your lips. You clenched your fists, trying to hold back, last longer.
The way Stefan's tongue moved against your tip in a circular motion sent shivers down your spine, you were starting to feel a bit overwhelmed, perhaps even overstimulated.
“Stefan- S- Stef—” you sputtered, your voice came out sounding like a slutty moan. “Plea— ease,” you whispered through a sigh. Right at that moment you were going to cum in his mouth, but he pulled off with a small pop sound, standing up.
You were left breathless, just staring at him. Your eyes flickered all over Stefan's figure as he started undressing himself. His shirt was on the ground oh so quickly. With that — his pants and underwear were off faster than anticipated as well.
He returned his attention back to you as he walked forward, putting a hand on your chest, pushing you down to lay on the bed. You swallowed hard, complying with his advances. Your entire body stiffened the moment Stefan got on top of you, straddling you between his legs, more so sitting on your lap. Your cock was so close to touching his.
“You wanna fuck my pussy?” Stefan asked, his eyes narrowing as he leaned down to give you a quick kiss on the lips. His hands roamed your clothed torso, making sure to explore every inch of you even if it was through clothing. The question made you feel more timid. God, you wanted to say yes, to give him a very clear and affirmative answer, yet the only thing you did was nod in response.
“Just enjoy yourself, yeah?” He breathed out softly as his hand wrapped around your cock, lining the tip of it with his entrance. “Take it all in,” he joked with a small chuckle, slowly lowering himself on you.
Your eyes drifted to the ceiling as you breathed in and out deeply, the feeling of your cock in his ass was an entirely new one, therefore you had to get adapted to the tightness of it. Stefan let out a few breathy gasps himself, wincing silently as he bottomed out on you. “Might've underestimated you a little, [Name],” He pointed out, holding himself up by propping his hands on your chest.
You didn't say a word to respond to his taunting, just lifting your head up a little to look at what exactly Stefan was doing. His face lit up as soon as you started watching his motions. He slowly but surely started riding you, furrowing his eyebrows as he felt your length and thickness inside him. It felt amazing of course, but he'd be lying if he said it didn't hurt even a little bit.
Stefan groaned, his fingers gripping the fabric of your shirt as his pace increased. “oh— sh–shit..” He lowered his head, having difficulty keeping it up. He felt his stomach doing flips. Your face scrunched up as you laid your head back down on the bed, turning it to the side. You didn't even know where to put your hands at this point.
“No no no, look at me, [Name], you gotta look at me.” Stefan put his right hand on your jaw, making you look at him. He was already starting to feel hot, sweat forming on his forehead. “Wouldn't wa..ant—” Stefan cut off his sentence because he was speaking as he was lowering himself, and somehow, the angle he was hitting it at made him grit his teeth and let out a small hiss.
He removed his hand from your jaw and put them on your chest as he straightened his back, trying to hold himself up properly. Your hands, ever so slightly shaky, moved lightly along his leg - from his calves to his thighs, fingernails gently grazing against his skin. That soft feeling made Stefan shudder even though he kept riding you, his pace still moderately slow.
Stefan wanted more though, so much more from you. He wanted you to fuck him senseless, to fuck him to the point where his eyes would be rolling to the back of his head, to the point where he couldn't form coherent sentences, to the point where he was a moaning mess — he wanted it. No, he needed it.
“How are you feeling? Huh? You likin' this? You likin' my boy cunt?” Stefan questioned, his eyes becoming cloudy and half-lidded with pure lust for you. His voice was rather quiet and shaky, increasing the pace as he talked.
“Mm—.. mm..” You could only hum out affirmatively in response, looking at Stefan's facial expressions. Your eyes were visibly glossy, barely even keeping them open with the rush of arousal running throughout your entire body. Stefan was breathing through his mouth, almost like he just ran a marathon. Well, only that he didn't, he was riding you. Taking you pretty well too.
Your hands moved to Stefan's hips at a leisurely pace. You felt as if your mind was burning the sight of Stefan like this into your brain, not that you cared, really. He was pretty like this. Without any warning, Stefan slammed himself down on you at the same angle as before, hitting his prostate fairly harshly. He fully bottomed out. “Fffuckin' —ell!” His eyes shut tightly, back arching as his hands gripped your shirt tighter.
Your breathing was shallow, it was hard to control it when the sensation of Stefan tightening around you felt heavenly. “Hnghh..” You let out a noise, one of content and pleasure. Your fingers dug into his hips a tiny bit. “Haah..” Stefan breathed out as he looked at you through his eyelashes, a grin forming on his face. “Hah, you holdin' out well.” He managed to compliment you and mock you in the same sentence.
You whimpered at his sentence, mind completely clouded by lust. “Good boy,” Stefan commented breathily, pushing himself up before he slammed down on you again. “A-ah! Fuckkk, you're so d..deep inside me, [name],” He choked out, his hands grasping the fabric so hard that his knuckles turned white. You let out a simple groan, twitching inside his needy hole.
Stefan moved his left hand to press against his abdomen - making you feel that. You felt it, through the skin, his hand moving your cock back a bit. “You see this..?” He rasped out, pulling his hand away, the belly bulge now becoming much more apparent. “You're so big,, isn't it... sad, how you don't use your cock?” Stefan leaned down as he started moving his hips up and down at a quicker pace.
All this dirty talk only got you harder, even inside of him, if that was possible. “I- I'm not,, w- there's no need.. for it-” You tried reasoning, your voice becoming higher pitched. The ecstasy you felt was outstanding. “Think about how good you'd make others feel..” He murmured next to your ear, his breath sending shivers down your spine. Your hands lowered slightly, holding onto his thighs with a very light grip. You weren't sure if that was okay.
Stefan rolled his hips, that action alone almost sending you over the edge. “Oh..— ohfuck..” You slurred your words slightly, eyes widening at the feeling. “Feels good, doesn't it [name]?” Stefan's hands grasped both of yours, moving it to his pecs. “Don't be so shy, touch me, please,” he almost whined out, nonetheless, a smirk plastered on his face.
You very hesitantly gave his pecs a gentle squeeze, eyes completely fixated on them. He never stopped fucking himself on you, using your cock to fulfill his own sinful thoughts, his desires. Your grip tightened suddenly as you jolted lightly with a small whine. Damn it, you were getting close, Stefan noticed that. “Yeah, yeah hold onto my tits, just like that,” He rambled out, now practically going at an inhumane pace, his legs starting to shake.
You scrunched your face up, biting down on your lower lip to try and suppress your sounds as best as you possibly could. Stefan's moans turned louder eventually, his eyebrows furrowed for a moment. You looked up at his facial expressions, studying him as heavy pants continued to leave your mouth. “Agh! Mmhhh! G-god!” His eyes started rolling to the back of his head as he desperately propped himself on you again, arms shaking. To be honest, his entire body was shaking.
Stefan felt you throbbing inside of him as he tried keeping up the rhythm and depth of his bouncing, only for his hips to stutter, making him clench around you pretty tightly. “M...m'so c-close..” you managed to breathe out a warning, your voice barely audible. “Ye-yeah, yea, I am to-oo..” Stefan responded to you, his eyes squeezing shut as he threw his head back, chasing his own orgasm.
You pressed your hands against Stefan's pecs, palms grazing his nipples. He was sensitive there, so in return to that, he clenched around you yet again, letting out a slutty groan. With his walls tightening around the length of your cock, you came. That's what sent you tumbling over the edge, back arching off of the bed as you pressed your head back into the mattress, moaning loudly.
With your cum filling his hole, that feeling of warm liquid, that belonged to you, inside him, stimulated him plenty. Strings of cum shot out of his dick, landing on your stomach and a bit on his. He was breathing heavily, forehead wet due to the sweating. His body shuddered, his arms almost giving out. The pleasure Stefan just experienced was top tier - he wasn't going to waste this chance to get what he wanted.
He rolled his hips again, your cock immediately hardening inside him. “Wh- Stef— Stefan,, again?” you asked innocently, your hands on the bed freely. “Mm,” He hummed in response, giving a nod as he rode down his previous orgasm. “I'm not letting you go 'til I had my fill of you.. and I mean that,” Stefan explained, moving his own hands to your shoulders as he leaned down to kiss you. The kiss was sloppy and half-assed of course, he just wanted to get you hard again..
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sunaluv · 1 year
Hi not sure if you take requests i just saw this idea on tiktok 😭i was thinking if you could write isagi, rin, nagi, kaiser where their fem s/o is talking to a friend on the phone and tells them that she got her brazilian wax done by a guy (it could be any name) IM ALREADY CACKLING JUST IMAGINING THEIR REACTION
i know this is kinda suggestive but since it's not necessarily nsfw i'll just take my chance xD
Feel free ignore if you don't feel like writing it! :*
i feel dumb i literally had to look this up to confirm i know what im talking about 😭
feat: isagi, rin, nagi, kaiser
cw: suggestive, cooch talk
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isagi watched as you gently pressed down on your crotch, wincing at the sensitive feeling. you could feel his frown from his spot at the doorway despite the fact you’ve insisted you’re fine.
“are you sure you don’t want me to get you some ice or something, babe?” the bed dipped slightly as he sat down, hesitantly placing his hand on your thigh.
you sighed. “i’m fine, ‘chi. i’m not gonna break.” giggling, you moved to sit up on the bed. “i don’t know why it hurt so bad this time, i think he might’ve—“
“he?” his blue eyes blinked.
there was a pause as you chose your next words carefully. “yeah…he…”
his hands pinned your shoulders back down the the bed, his eyes declaring urgency. “you’re telling me another guy saw your,” he gestured down below with his eyes. “for free?!”
patting his cheek gently, you sighed. “technically not for free, i payed him.”
“baby whyyy!”
“relax yoichi,” removing his hands off of you, you sat back up again. “he made sure i was okay with it, the only girl on shift that day was available half an hour before we leave and i’d rather bear the pain now than on the plane.”
the boy held his head in his hands as if he was betrayed and you had to hold back the urge to roll your eyes.
you walked up to him, placing your hand on his shoulder. “if you want, you can come with me next time?”
your eyes finally met as he craned his neck up. “yeah,” he wiped his running nose. when he started crying you do not know. “i-i’ll go with you next time.”
“good god. and they say women are more dramatic.” you muttered, leaving your boyfriend to sulk on his own.
the car was awkwardly silent as you and rin sat in the parking lot. he had just came to pick you up but was caught off guard by the guy giving you aftercare instructions for your brazilian wax.
“…did he wax you?” he was hesitant to ask.
you were silent as you contemplated the best way to go around this.
“i see how it is.” he obviously mistook your silence. “was there nobody else to do it? preferably someone with less meat between their legs?”
your eyes widened and you had to swallow your laughter. “rin that’s inappropriate. he’s just a waxer.” you regained composure.
“my ass,” he sighed, finally starting the car. “he couldn’t possibly have gotten you right, he’s a guy he doesn’t know his way around pussy.”
“…you’re also a guy?”
“do you know your way around pussy?”
he side eyed you, knuckles whitening as his grip on the wheel increased. “i don’t know [name], do i?”
you silence spoke all he needed to know. “then it’s settled, i’ll wax you next time.”
“okay, rin.” you chuckled. “who knew you could be so jealous.”
“nobody’s jealous.”
when you arrived home, you didn’t see rin for the next hour, little did you know he was cooped up in your shared bedroom, watching various waxing tutorials.
your legs swung as you chatted on the phone idly whilst your boyfriend played games on his pc.
“how was your brazilian girlll!” your friends voice sounded around the room.
you sighed. “it hurt so bad! you didn’t tell me how much pain i was gonna be in!” you frowned dramatically to the camera. “luckily the guy was nice and gave me a heads up and all.”
the nonchalant demeanor of your white haired boyfriend dissipated as he got off his game at record speed and snatched the phone out of your hand, ending the call.
“…did you just say he?” his brows furrowed and his bottom lip jutted out ever so slightly.
“hey i was talking!” you got up. “give me the phone, sei.”
“how could you let another man see you like that,” he dropped down to his knees dramatically, hugging your torso. “if you wanted to break up with me, you coulda’ just said so ya know.”
“relax you big baby,” you chuckled stroking his hair. “he was just waxing, it’s not like he had his fingers inside of me.”
he squeezed tighter. “don’t say that!” his face pressed into your stomach. “and don’t say ‘he’”
you laughed silently at his theatrics, moving to lie down on the bed.
for the next hour (yes hour :|) you stroked nagi’s hair comfortingly, dismissing his mutters about the poor waxer man who was just trying to do his job.
you were catching up with a friend at the football stadium after the match had ended. the stadium had cleared out a bit, leaving you two some time to gossip.
“how’ve ya been girl,” she looped an arm around yours. “i feel like i haven’t seen you in forever!”
you laughed, “i’ve been good, mostly working and stuff.”
the two of you idly gossiped, not realizing there were a few people left. your friend left with her husband, giving you a business card before you met up with kaiser to leave the stadium.
“hello beautiful,” he kissed the back of your hand. “what do you have there?”
you skimmed the front and back of the card before handing it to him. “a business card for my waxer my friend recommended. he did a good job, might get him to do my next one…”
“who did a great job?” he asked incredulously.
you repeated the name of your waxer.
“that sounds like a guys name,” he chuckled.
“because he is a guy…” you trailed off.
there was silence for a couple seconds before a rip sounded through the air.
“kaiser!” you snatched the torn card out of his hands. “why would you do that!”
“he’s a guy!” he stated as if that’s a valid reason. “how can i sleep at night knowing my lady is letting another man tend to her bushes?!”
flustered, you turned your back to him. “stop talking like that!” you held your face in your hands. “…you’re embarrassing me…”
he breathed deeply before turning you around by your shoulders. “i’m sorry, sweetheart,” he peeled your hands from your face, angling your neck to meet his eyes.
“how about i make you a compromise, hmm?” his smile told you just about how unfair this was going to be. “i won’t talk about you tending your bushes if you stop letting other men see it, okay?”
he stuck out his hand and moved yours to shake it before you could protest.
“you don’t play fair, you know that?” you interlocked your hands before heading out.
“of course i know that,” he grinned, pearly teeth and all. “how else do you think i’ve come so far.”
kaiser could now get a peaceful sleep knowing he is the only one between your legs.
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heeliopheelia · 8 months
"was that your first kiss?" (heeseung x reader)
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genre: fluff word count: 0.7k requested by nonnie ♡
a/n: last heeseung drabble for this event!! i had so much fun writing this, i'll probably expand this idea a little more in the future!! im so tired im falling on my face rn so i'll do a grammar check tomorrow!! 🤍
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It's hilarious, really, how your campus' it boy Lee Heeseung seems to be absolutely smitten with you.
With the mentioned above man hot on your heels like a shadow, you try your best not to get distracted and keep putting the pile of books back on their rightful place on old shelves. Paying no attention to his stubborn tailing you, you bite back a smile at his soft grunt when he stumbles into another table corner for the nth time this hour.
Without no words needed anymore, you hand him one of the books and he automatically slides it onto the top shelf where you can't reach.
This has been going on for about two months now – you spending your afternoons helping the elderly campus librarian putting back the returned books, and Heeseung entertaining you with his presence as he relentlessly tries to work for this date with you that he's been yearning for for such a long time.
"Are you free this Friday?" He asks suddenly and you send him a glance. He leans one shoulder against the tall bookshelf and beams at you. "We have a game at 6, you have to come. I won't be able to make it into the hoop without seeing your pretty little face cheering on me from the stands."
"Sounds to me like you're not that good of a player if you won't," you bite back playfully but don't say no to his offer. The both of you know well that you'll come just as you did the last five times.
Heeseung's smile broadens as he closes the distance between the two of you a little more. "Every athlete needs a lil something to get them going. In my case it's you, my muse."
You can't help but scoff at his blatant flirtation and with a shake of your head you take a step back in an attempt to get a hold of your hammering heart again.
And with a yelp, you trip over the bag that you've carelessly tossed to the floor some hours before, and stumble forward – straight into Heeseung's chest. Not wasting any second more and risking the chance of you backing away, he takes the opportunity of having you this close to him and cups your chin with his long fingers, only to lean down and plant a kiss right on your lips. You freeze in your place, stunned with the sudden new feeling as you heart nearly beats out of your chest.
He pulls away to check up on you, hoping he didn't cross any of your boundaries, but when he sees your sparkly eyes looking at him with such astonishment, face flushed so fucking adorably, he can't help but mold your lips back together again. He nibbles at the plush of your lip gently, thumb sliding to your chin to tug it down slightly and allowing him to deepen the kiss a little more.
There are no thoughts present on your mind other than Heeseung and his stupidly charming smirk and his stupidly confident attitude and his stupidly handsome face that never seems to leave your mind for even a second.
When he pulls away, he's met with your stunned face, eyes fluttering open and gaping right into his. He bites back a laugh as you remain speechless, a fat blush arising on your cheeks.
"Was that your first kiss?" He ends up asking, hand reaching up to brush the stray strand of hair out of your eyes. When all you do is nod your head sheepishly, eyes desperately avoiding his, he lets a wide grin spread on his lips. "Yeah? I was your first?"
You smack his arm gently and feel your ears burning when he catches your hand and intertwines it with his one.
"Shut up." You say and the quiet mutter squeezes at Heeseung's heart mercilessly.
And, god, he's so pathetic. So in love with you that if his teammates caught him in such state, he probably wouldn't hear the end of it until the day of his graduation.
"So you'll come? Right?"
With a roll of your eyes you close the distance parting your faces and mumble into his lips, "Yes, you idiot."
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permanent taglist: @bambisgirl @arizejkt19 @luvmura @milisabunny @cathy-1997 @satoruskitchenrag @ramenoil @jenjnk @jaylaxies @yoongspi @nichoswag @s00buwu @dazzlingligth
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spidrrweb · 1 year
new spiderverse clip dropped can we get some cute pavitr hcs please i love him so bad
pavitr crumbs for my lovies 🫶🏼
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SORRY THIS IS LATE ,, might be spelling errors cuz im sleepy and wrote this at 2 am 💔 | spiderverse masterlist
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oh my god is he smitten for you and all of mumbattan knows. thinks it's a little dangerous to show you off (doesn't want villains to target you) but he makes it known he has a partner. however, the spider society knows you.
introduced you to his auntie the second these feelings started to form, he wanted to make sure she liked you and see how well you two got along. (gets very happy whenever he comes home and sees the two of you talking over tea or watching some show together while you waited for him, or just to hang out.)
too much traffic? you missed the bus? can't find your bike? dont wanna walk? no problem, this boy loves carrying and swinging around with you.
promises to never drop you, however he 200% has pretended to drop you and accidentally did. freaked out more than you honestly and ever since then he's made sure to hold you extra tight.
has pictures of you all over his bedroom walls; a couple by his bed and a few by a couple posters he has. also keeps a lot of souvenirs from your dates: movie tickets? next to a picture of you guys. note you wrote? a doodle maybe? yup, theyre all up there somewhere
^ he always says good morning to the picture of you btw, gets super embarrassed when his auntie walks in and asks "who are you talking to?"
love language is psychical touch once this man has his arms wrapped around you, you're never leaving. and if you're spooning, he's the big spoon (loves resting his forehead on your shoulder, pressing sweet kisses on your back) however, he doesn't mind switching.
^ adding to this, he loves linking pinkies with you, thinks it's a little cuter than holding hands.
his scalp is sensitive, loves when you play with his hair and your nails gently drag. also likes when you make tiny braids, he'll keep them in for a while.
also gets flustered easily with or without you making him; if he's sitting in his room and you pop into his mind he's smiling like an idiot and melting right then and there.
LOVES making you laugh. Music to his ears and he loves noticing the little details when you laugh; maybe it's your dimples, or the way you cover your mouth when you laugh, or how your face might scrunch up, or your smile. he loves your smile.
Always insists on a "good luck kiss" before he goes into battle
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©spidrrweb 2023. thanks for reading loves, reblogs are always appreciated <3 REQUESTS ARE OPEN !!
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pandorxxx · 10 months
Trading places
Lo’ak x omatikayan fem reader
Warnings: p in v, cursing,multiple creampies, orgasms, praise kink, dom-reader, whimpering/frustrated/crying lo’ak.
“Shiiiiit.” Lo’ak whimpered, his tied hands pressing against your stomach to slow you down. You had been riding him for the past hour, milking him dry of everything. Ropes of his own seed dripping down his balls with every bounce of your hips. Sticky pelvises colliding rapidly.
“You can take it, right? Isn’t that what you make do?” You moaned, holding onto his clammy shoulders as his head fell back on the couch. He shook his head lazily, tears streaming down his flushed face.
“I-Im so sorry, baby. I’m sorry, but I-I can’t do this. Please.” He spoke breathily, voice rippling with each hard bounce to his lap. His eyes met yours, he was practically pleading from the gaze he gave you, but all you did was kiss his forehead.
“No, baby. I want you to cum for me.” You teased, rolling your hips into his. He gasped, glancing down at the source of pleasure.
“Ohhh come o-nnnn. I came s-seven times already- ngh!- please. I don’t t-treat you like this. It’s t-oooo much.” He growled in frustration, his teeth chattering from the overstimulation.
“One more time, big boy. You can do it. You’re doing so good for me.” you moaned, purposely clenching around him. He groaned in restraint, his jaw clenching as his head went back again. He wanted nothing more than to rip out of those restraints.
You continued bouncing on him relentlessly. Loud clapping sounds filling the room. Lo’ak was usually the dominant one, and the switch in roles had him frustrated, on top of the unbearable pleasure you were sending him. He began to weep under you. Tears blurring his vision. He tried to push on your stomach again, just to hault your movements.
“Goddamn Y/n, please. Why are y-ouuu fucking me like this? I-I can’t feel my legs baby, pleaseee!” He cried, trying to wiggle out of the restraints, but it was no use.
“Because I WANT to.” You hissed, bouncing on him slow and hard, making his head spin. His mouth flew opened, silent whimpers escaping as his eyes rolled back.
“Yeahhh, baby. You like that? Hmm?” You teased, kissing his bottom lip. He nodded lazily, his body starting to spazz under yours.
“I-I can’t. Fuuuck, I can’t.” He mumbled, his head sinking into his chest as he fluttered in and out of consciousness. You let out a little chuckle, smacking his cheek gently.
“I know, I know. I’m almost done. Just wake up for me.” You reassured, rolling your hips into his. “Ah-a-ha! O-Ok.” He whimpered, his eyebrows furrowed in pleasure.
“Y/n. I-Im gonna cum. I-I’m cumming.” He moaned, lip quivering as his eyes rolled in pleasure. He let out a loud groan before shooting his eighth load of the night, directly into your womb.
“Ohhh yes, lo’ak. I can feel it….so fucking much of it.” You spoke sensually against his quivering lips. Your sweet words making him let out a loud moan as he filled you up to the brim.
“Keep filling me up, lo’ak. Juuuust like that. Pump me FULL, ok?” You moaned in his ear, licking it seductively to tease him.
“Fuuuuuck.” He spoke in an exhausted tone, head finding refuge on the couch again. You sped up the pace, moaning loudly as you chased your orgasm.
“P-please. It’s s-ooo sensitive, y/n.” He whimpered, shaking with every bounce. God, you loved the way he begged.
“2 more minutes. I-I’m almost there! Fuuuck lo’ak.” You whimpered, speeding up your pace. In turn, making lo’aks head spin.
“Ohhh, oh fuck. Ohhhh fuck!” He moaned, trying to get out of those restraints now more than ever. It was the moment when you started to roll your hips, nice and hard. He lost all thought. Beginning to pass out completely with a few sharp whimpers before he closed his eyes.
“YES! SO CLOSE LO’AK!” You screamed, eyes closed as your body began to shake from the on coming orgasm. He let out a small groan in response, still fluttering in and out of consciousness.
“Mmm cumming!” You announced, bouncing your way through your intense orgasm with a Loud moan. You finally slowed down before stopping completely. Catching your breath before looking down at you lifeless boyfriend with a loud gasp.
“Oh God. Lo’ak?” You asked, untying the restraints gently, only for his hands to fall In his lap. He groaned in agony underneath you, grabbing your hips softly.
“I-I’ve gotta.” Lo’ak panted, trying to lazily lift you off of him, with little to no success. “You’ve gotta what, baby?” You asked, caressing the sides of his heavy head.
“Gotta—uhh. C-Clean you up.” He muttered, trying to sit up, only to fail miserably with a loud sigh.
“What did you do to me?” He joked, looking into the sky in defeat. You chuckled, lifting your hips up slowly. He came out with a pop, his seed spilling out of you like a waterfall.
“Ohhh shit.” He groaned, finding enough strength to watch the scene underneath him. “How about i clean up this time, hmm?” You asked, pecking his quivering lips. He rolled his eyes, frustrated at the fact that he couldn’t tend to you how he always does.
“Fine. But this is the LAST time you’ll be in control. You’re too much for me.” He chuckled, rubbing circles into your hips.
“Yes, lo’ak.” You nodded, standing up slowly to tend to your exhausted boyfriend. Maybe you should do this more often?
Taglist: @number1gal @loak-bae @tiredmamaissy @neytirishottie @terrorthewolf @lethargicluv @reyzzsostellar @m0nst3rfk3r @agelsully @jakescumdump @wekiamo @st-cass @cleardonutangelwagon @tsireqas @satanlovedays @afro-hispwriter @urfavgirlmakenna @fanboyluvr @iameatingmyhair @secretflowerobservation @violet-19999 @xreadersstuff @sweetllamaparadise @lia-nath @sullymenrhot @dotheyevenknowmars @xdbluesky @slay-nt @domino-x3-blog @ladylovegood-69 @itssomeonereading @sweetirilly @skxawngmia @j-jinxee @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @cumikering @pxndorasdream @itsaleidasworld @atxxokirina @yeletta @eywascall @valeriearriana37484 @avatarsslut @bee782916 @atxxokirina @taylormarieee @sweethoneycn
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dizscreams · 1 year
Drunk n Love — Ethan Landry ★
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PAIRING: Ethan x gn!reader
SUMMARY: Ethans drunk and he says some cute and lovey stuff
WARNINGS: none :)
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You were walking around this stupid frat party wondering where your boyfriend went. You saw Mindy and Anika on the couch so you went to them first. “Hey guys, have you seen Ethan? I can’t find him anywhere,” you ask worriedly.
“Uhh I think he’s in the kitchen with Chad,” Mindy tells you and with a nod of your head you go to look for him. Pushing past all these sweaty people you wonder why you’re even here. Chad had convinced Ethan to go and Ethan didn’t want to go without you, he had practically begged you. You loved him but he was such a piece of work when he wanted to be.
You go to the kitchen and the first thing you see is Chad and Ethan chugging whatever’s in their red solo cups. “Heyyy Y/N!” Chad shouts as he slams his cup on the counter, clearly drunk. ‘Oh god’ you thought. You look over at Ethan who can barely stand on his own. “Chad, what have you made him drink?”
“Hey I didn’t do anyyythin’ he has a mind of his own and a very smart one too! What I do- or wait what HE does is not my fault,” he says defensively with his hands raised.
“Uh huh- right.” You go over to Ethan and put your arm around him. Fuck he was heavy. “Hiii y/n you look so pre-pretty,” he says with a hiccup. You mutter a ‘thank you eth’ and then look over at Chad, “I’m taking him home. You stay here and I’ll get your sister,” you say pointing to Chad with a stern look.
“Yeah yeah whatever mom,” he slurs and pours himself another drink.
“C’mon Eth, let’s get you home.”
“Yes ma’am.” You roll your eyes and make your way back over to where Mindy was. “Mindy! Your brother’s in the kitchen absolutely wasted I think it’s time to take everyone home.”
“Aw shit alright. Thanks, y/n.” You nod and try to get Ethan to move with you but he was too busy staring at his hands. “Ethan what the hell are you doing?”
“Look- look at my hands why are they so big? They’re like very large.” You try not to laugh and grab one of his hands. “Yeah they’re so strong now cmon let’s go home, Eth.”
“I don’t want to.”
“You have to.”
“Nuh-uh you can’t make me,” he says sticking his tongue out.
“Ethan I swear to god if you don’t move right now I will kick your ass.”
“Ooo i like you mad you look hot,” he says with a goofy smile and a giggle as he sways. “Ethan! Come on!” You’re now dragging him out of the door and he mutters an ‘okay okay’.
You end up finally making it to his dorm after a long walk that should’ve only been five minutes. You walk him to his room and place him on the bed. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt and jeans that probably weren’t going to be comfortable to sleep in.
“Ethan, do you have any pajamas or something more comfortable?” You ask pushing some curls out of his face.
“Mhmmm they’re in the sec- second drawer, baby.” The poor boy could barely hold his head up. You nod at him before going to the drawer and pulling out plaid blue pajama pants and grabbing a random gray t-shirt.
You sit the clothes in his lap, “Here go get dressed in the bathroom.”
“I don’t wanna get upppp,” he whines.
“Ethan I don’t wanna watch you change-“
“You’ve never had a problem beforeee,” he giggles.
“That’s when you’re sober dumbass,” You playfully push his shoulder and he falls back on the bed dramatically with a ‘so rude!’
“Fine, I’ll just turn around.” And you do so as he changes. You could hear him struggle trying to get his shirt off and wanted to laugh at him. He didn’t get drunk often, but it was slightly amusing to you when he did.
“Okay Okay im good now,” he tells you.
“Alright, let’s get you in bed,” you say and he crawls under the covers. You put a light blanket over him and kiss his head as you go to turn off the light.
“Wait-” he stops you as he gently grabs your wrist. “Are you not gonna sleep with me?” he asks with a pout.
“Ethan, I have to go.”
“Nooo! No you don’t. Can you just- just stay with me until I sleep? Please?” He says with his big brown eyes looking up at you.
“Okay, but only till you fall asleep.”
“Yayyy!!” You shush him for being too loud before you’re under the covers with him. He turns so his back isn’t facing you anymore and instead he wraps his arms around you while his chin is on top of your head.
“Hey Y/n?”
“Yeah Ethan?”
“You know I love you right. I love you a lot and thank you for takin ca- caare of me. You’re a good partner.”
“I love you too and you’re welc-“
He cuts you off, “I’m gonna marry you some day, did you know? We’re gonna have a weddin a faancy one too,” he smiles to himself.
You’re stunned for a moment before the biggest smile is across your face. You’re about to respond but you see he already closed his eyes and was ready to sleep. You lay there with him not wanting to get up and decided you were going to stay there all night.
Even though he probably wouldn’t remember this tomorrow, you would, and you’d treasure the memory.
That boy has your whole heart.
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this sucksss but I love him so much :( AND IM SORRY GUYS ILL WORK ON REQUESTS TMR!!
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Hi! I LOVE the way u write leo valdez and was wondering if u could do an x reader fic where she gets accepted to her dream college? Im manifesting lol 🤞🤞much love xx
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ College Girls Do It Better, Duh!!
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content: leo valdez x fem! reader warning: language, like the smallest amount of angst ig, stress and anxiety (the poster children of senior year) author's note: hi little miss anon!! congratulations on being my first ask by the way!! anyways, as someone who is currently fighting for my life to get through this last stretch of senior year, I feel year. I applied to my dream college since eighth grade early decision all the way back in november and got deferred. and i know this might be hard to hear and i know i didn't believe it at the time, but it was honestly one of the best things that ever happened to me. It allowed me to take a deep dive on who i am as a person and find actually interests outside of just that school. now, i've been accepted to another college in the same city (boston girl 4 eva) with a scholarship that covers more than half of my tuition and under a major I actually want to pursue (marine biology with a minor in journalism for anyone who was curious). ANYWAYS i've yapped on long enough and you're not even here for this little ted talk of mine. please carry on and i hope you enjoy this little bad boy i whipped up.
this was it: senior year. everything added up to this. finally! we’re in the homestretch, folks! gods, on top of stopping the world from ending every other summer, y/n had to keep good grades up too. she was more than ready to trade leo’s sweaters for a cap and gown, counting down the days to graduation. a break would have been greatly appreciated but the fates were never that kind. well, they were kind enough to give her leo, so they couldn’t be all that bad in her eyes. though, the pressure was starting to make y/n crack in ways she didn’t expect; the pressure that comes with college acceptances and, sadly, rejections. she felt like she was falling behind a bit, a lump growing in her throat and her chest tightening at every acceptance letter her friends got. of course, she was overjoyed for them and she’d buy them cupcakes and celebrate their accomplishments but she couldn’t help but wonder when it would be her turn. i mean, she slaved away over her college essay, she maintained the best grades she could, did all of the extracurriculars she could manage, on top of being a two-time saver of the world. something she, sadly, could not tell colleges. well, she told new rome university, but she figured they got a lot of letters like that. but, for now, y/n just waited…and waited…and then waited some more just for shits and giggles. 
“today’s the day, right?” jason questioned as he walked with y/n towards their civics class. y/n swallowed thickly, nodding her head, although a bit reluctantly. 
“y-yeah, early decision round two comes out today for new rome. now, no more talking about it or i’ll pass out," y/n told him and jason laughed, bumping his shoulder with her gently. 
“come on, give yourself a fair shake. they’d be stupid not to-” 
“don’t jinx it!! go find some wood to knock on, sparky,” the girl ordered in a panic and jason quickly rapped his knuckles against a door as they passed, the poor ceramics teacher peeking her head out to find no one waiting. 
“okay, okay, no bad juju,” y/n muttered to herself following the boy's actions, taking a few calming breaths. jason gave her a sympathetic look as they took their seats, rubbing his hand gently over her tense shoulders. their eyes both went to the empty seat next to y/n before turning to each other with tiny smirks. 
“i bet he’ll get here just as the bell rings,” mused y/n, trying to rid herself of her anxiety with humor. jason pretended to think it over, before holding his hand out. 
“nah, he’s gotta be at least ten minutes late today,” countered jason and y/n shook his hand with a determined look. as the pair's eyes stayed locked on the clock, mere seconds before the bell would ring, leo came waltzing to the class, an iced coffee held in one hand and his keys swinging around in the other. mr. wright glaring at the boy, knowing he couldn’t give him the tardy he so desperately wanted to. leo made his way to his seat, kissing y/n’s cheek as he sat. y/n’s smile widened and her stress and anxiety began to melt away. 
“for little miss smartie pants here,” he hummed, sliding the drink in front of her with a wink. y/n took a sip, shaking her head at him as she looked at him out of the corner of her eye. 
“lots of talk coming from someone who’s already been accepted with honors,” replied y/n, jokingly glaring at him though she couldn’t stop a proud smile from spreading over her lips. leo had a habit of underestimating himself and when he got accepted into new rome university on a scholarship to boot, he couldn’t really ignore it anymore. y/n was his number one supporter, buying him shirts and lanyards and pennant flags. leo rolled his eyes, slinging his arm over the back of her seat. 
“they’d be stupid not to accept-” 
“knock on wood right now!! what is with you guys trying to curse me?!” y/n bit out, shoving the boy in the direction of the wooden desk. leo knocked his knuckles against it whilst sharing a look with jason, who just shrugged. 
“i’m just saying-” 
“mr. valdez! if you’re just going to show up to disrupt my class, do not continue to show up!” mr. wright called, narrowing his eyes at the trio. 
“sorry, mr. wright, but i do kinda need this class to graduate. if i didn’t, i guarantee you i would not be here right now,” joked leo, earning laughs from the rest of the class. mr. wright’s eye twitched as he stared at the boy before grumbling under his breath and returning to his lecture. leo held his head high after that, knowing he’d won for today. 
the rest of the day seemingly flew past, y/n anxiously and constantly checking her email. after lunch, she sort of relaxed, somehow managing to convince herself that the email wasn’t going to come today and she’d just worry about it some other day. but, as she sat in her seventh period class, her phone buzzed on her desk. she didn’t think anything of it, determined to finish another math problem before she allowed herself a phone break. then her phone buzzed a few more times, her attention being dragged away from her math homework at the borderline constant buzzing. she huffed, picking up her phone before her eyes went wide and her breath tumbled out of her lips. 
there on her phone she had an email from new rome university which read, ‘today’s the day! log into your student portal as your status has been updated.’ under that, and the root of the near constant buzzing, were texts from all her friends. leo was typing in all-caps, something about running to her class at the moment. her group chat with frank, hazel, and piper, the three other people who applied in the same decision group as her, had multiple texts about wanting to throw up and being too nervous to open it. annabeth had sent a text too, something about y/n being one of the smartest and sweetest people she knew and no college acceptance or rejection could change that. 
ignoring all of them and feeling like she was in a haze, y/n unlocked her phone and got to work logging into her student portal and watching the spinning circle as she waited for it to load. bam! welcome screen, nothing new so far. y/n continued to breath, though she knew it was unsteady as she placed a hand against her chest, hoping to regulate her rapid heartbeat, which she could feel in her toes and hear in her ears. then she noticed a little hyperlink, informing her that her status had been updated. her finger hovered over it as hazel updated that she’d been accepted, promptly being followed by frank and piper. y/n squeezed her eyes shut, swiping away their messages and slamming her finger down onto the link. more waiting and then it finally loaded. she scrolled slowly, wanting to ease herself into rejection…
dear y/n l/n, 
on behalf of new rome university, we are pleased to inform you that you’ve been accepted. congratulations! furthermore, we’d like offer you a scholarship for academic integrity, blah blah blah 
wait- did that say accepted?! y/n’s eyes did a double take, which was growing increasingly more difficult as tears were starting to pool. her hands shook and she promptly stood up from her chair, muttering about needing the bathroom to the teacher before basically bolting out of the class. she moved quickly down the hall, her eyes darting around wildly until she heard the stomping of feet and the squeak of rubber on linoleum. leo rounded a corner at the other end of the hall, his eyes instantly focusing on the girl, on his girl. without a second thought, the two of them sprinted to each other, basically slamming against the other as they met in the middle. leo’s arms wrapped around her frantically, unsure of the verdict but wanting her in his arms either way. y/n curled into him easily, crying against his shirt, tears of joy but he didn’t know that. 
“so?” leo whispered after a moment, cupping her tear-stained cheeks and looking down at her with what could only be described as unfiltered love. y/n looked at him before cracking a small smile through her tears. 
“i got in. i- i got in, oh my gods, i got in!” she stated, growing more excited everytime she said it.
“duh! my clever girl! ooh, my clever college girl!” leo cheered, smirking down at her. y/n laughed, shoving him off as she reached up and wiped away some of her tears. 
“whatever, you absolute hammer head.” 
“there’s no getting rid of me now, baby. you’re stuck with me. wooo, we’re going to college together!” added leo, smiling down at her in genuine excitement. y/n looked up at him and leo could have sworn his bmp spiked, even after all these years. 
“wouldn’t have it any other way,” she mused, reaching up and cupping his face before pulling him down so she could press her lips against his. easily, his hands found her waist and pulled her closer, as her arms draped over his shoulders.
the bell rang, school being out for the day, and as students flooded the halls, leo let go of his girlfriend and cupped his hands around his lips, screaming: “MY HOT ASS GIRLFRIEND JUST GOT ACCEPTED INTO A PRESTIGIOUS ASS SCHOOL! THAT’S MY GIRL RIGHT THERE!”
author's note cont. : I know what your all thinking, how could she possibly have more to say?!?! HA you underestimate my ability to yap. anyways, on a more serious note, I'm wishing you, anon and anyone else who needs to hear it, the best of best luck with colleges and whatnot. They'd be stupid to reject you and i'll proudly shove you all in my suitcase and take you to college with me. jk...unless. No, fr tho, don't let a rejection define you! Fate is fickle and will find a way to treat you to the life you deserve, don't forget it!! Anyways, now that I spent my whole night slaving away over this, I am off to bed, hope you guys enjoy and have great days!!
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trash-magics-blog · 11 months
"You need a man... Not a boy" pt.2
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Captain John Price x reader (NSFW)
Summary: Your current bf is being a little bitch so John decides to put him in his place... And treat you right while he is at it..
(since this is part 2 the boyfriend won't be mentioned)
Recap: You and John had just gotten out of the bar and into his truck and now you guys were making out and things were getting pretty... Crazy
+ Last paragraph of pt. 1
"Come here love, please...?" He asked, his voice sounded soft and he reached his hand out, to pull you into his lap. As you went over and sat in his lap you guys looked at eachother then you decided to do it, you grabbed his face and kissed him, he kissed back and pulled your hips to him. He slipped his tongue through your lips and the taste and burn of scotch hit your tongue and it sent a shiver down your spine...
You knew what you wanted and so did he, you had a feeling you'd walk away from this situation satisfied. As you guys continued to makeout and move almost in sync with eachother, John decided to get a little bold and snake his hands up your dress and feel at your upper thighs. You weren't expecting him to hook his finger over your panties and cause them to snap back and smack at your hip, causing you to jump slightly, he chuckled a bit and pushed them to the side, gently massaging your cunt.
"Already so fucking wet for me darling..." John said, his voice was husky and rough, it was one of the many things you liked about John. You moaned into the kiss for a response and rutted your hips into him and he took that as a sign to finally put one finger in, causing you to grip onto his shoulders. You liked the feeling but one just wasn't enough, you needed two "John please... another one" you whined, your mind was cloudy with pleasure and from drinking a little too much and it showed with the way you spoke but john happily obliged.
He gave you a sweet kiss on the neck and put another finger in, slowly rolling them in and out of your tight cunt, the feeling was so addicting, you couldn't help but let out a quiet moan or two, but John wanted to hear you come fully undone so he quickened his pace. The sound of his fingers going in and out of you filled the truck and John had started to also leaving hickies scattered across your neck that were for sure gonna be there for awhile. You laid back on the steering wheel and just let go, you were a moaning and whining mess on top of John, gripping his shoulder and tightening your legs around his, you could feel that knot on your stomach building up.
John could feel it too and all he cared about was seeing you get to your climax. "Such a good girl for me... God your so beautiful like this" John said between kisses, he adored you and he was gonna show it. The praise though, made your cunt tighten around his finger and every little sensation was heightened, you were so close now all you needed was John to give you the go. "John... I-Im gonna cum please, don't stop!" He smiled again and whispered in your ear "go right ahead love, cum all over my fingers, please...". He practically begged you to cum and with that, you came and it coated his fingers and got a bit on his pants, the sight making John blush slightly.
You relaxed and laid against johns chest, he was holding you securely and telling you what a good job you did, it made you feel good, how he was so nice and how he cared about you so much. You were gonna marry him, no doubt about it but you kept that thought to yourself...for now. As things got calmed down, John looked at you and said, jokingly "So... Are you seeing anyone?" To which you replied "hmm, I think so" making you and him both chuckle a bit. You guys continued to date for a good while before one day, he took you back to the same bar and after you guys were done having your fun, he stopped and kneeled Infront of you and asked that one question you had always wanted to hear "Y/N, will you mar-". You cut him off by how excited you were and hugged him tightly and said yes, a couple times over, he loved seeing you so excited and you loved him entirely.
*The end*
A/N: I got really excited to finish this so I just went ahead and did it, I hope you like it!! And next will most likely be a Rudy x reader, I need to get a actual schedule for my writings and stuff💀
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napakmahal · 8 months
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Don’t slut up that college
Btw if you’ve watched the show and if you look (not that close) you will find a lot of Euphoria references.
“I want to look like attractive but not desperate. Like im begging to make a move.” Tadashi help a hanger with a loose light green short sleeve button up. In a few minutes he’d be leaving to spend the night with this girl he’d been talking to for a while who lived in the dorms of another campus. SFIT didn’t allow foreign students on their campus unless they were being considered for a spot there so it was easier for him to go over to y/n’s place.
In order to get complete, unbiased, and a mixture of different opinions he’d invited his entire clique over to his hour to help him pack. Along with his little brother listening by accident of course.
Gogo coughed into the crease of her elbow, “I don’t think she’s going to look at any of your clothes and think: Oh my god he’s trying to fuck me.”
“LANGUAGE!” Tadashi scolded, referring to the much younger college students behind the paper room divider.
She popped her hand over her mouth, “Oops, sorry.”
Hiro removed one of his headphones from where he’d been watching some dumb youtube video on his bed and called out, “It’s all good Gogo!”
Honey pointed out, “I like it. I think you look very presentable and casual. Like it’s enough to go out, but not too over the top.”
“Yeah,” Wasabi, who was sitting on the floor right next to his friend’s bed agreed. “Besides, I think muted colors and calm patterns make you look clean.”
Tadashi was holding onto the hanger and placing it in front of his torso as if he was actually wearing it before turning around.
The blonde looked up, squinted for a few moments before responding. “It’s nice. Suits you really well.”
With a sigh, Tadashi took the shirt off the hanger and rolled it up into a log before gently placing it inside his backpack. He needed help planning out this weekend. Over the course of the months Y/n and Tadashi had been talking he thought he’d made it abundantly clear that he really liked her. And he had, but he also wanted her to know that he took her seriously. So showing up to the two-day mini vacation they planned dressed like a bum was not an option. He liked this girl and was very committed and devoted to her and he was going to act like it.
Just then, the door to the boys shared bedroom swung open with a creaking noise. Their Aunt Cass was standing in the doorway holding their newly groomed cat like a baby in her arms.
“Hey Auntie.” Hiro greeted her without looking up. The rest followed in saying hello.
Aunt Cass walked into the room before looking around at all the clothes spread out on her oldest nephews bed.
“I want you to know I’m putting a lot of trust into you. Letting you go out.” Aunt Cass pointed her finger at Tadashi before dropping Mochi the cat and letting him run to sit on Honey’s lap for ear scratches.
From the other side of the divider Hiro laughed and said, “Yeah Tadashi, don’t get her pregnant!”
Aunt Cass grabbed one of Tadashi’s shirt and threw it at Hiro’s face. “That’s not funny, Hiro.”
The boy’s smirk wiped off but quickly returned when his aunt looked back at his older brother with a serious tone. “No seriously, do not get her pregnant.”
“Relax Auntie,” Tadashi zipped up his backpack. “She has a roommate.”
“Mmmhmm, listen to me. I want you to keep your phone on you, make sure your ringer is on all the time. If you go out and when you come back I want you to take a photo of you in the room with a working clock in it.” She pointed her finger in his face.
Despite him being an adult, she still worried. After the deaths of their parents, she’d been intrusted with the care of her beautiful boys. And if she’d lost them, lost on of their parents babies, how was she supposed to forgive herself for that?
Everyone’s jaw had dropped at her demanding request.
“What the hell?” Gogo was laughing into her palm.
Wasabi looked up at Aunt Cass, “You mean like a ransome photo?”
Completely falbberagsted, Tadashi laughed out breathlessly with his mouth hung open, “I hate you, did you know that?”
“Aww well I love you.” She wrapped her arm around her (much taller) nephew.
Tadashi wrapped both of his arms around her torso like a little kid and tucked his head into her, “I love you, too.”
Tadashi was getting ready to leave in a matter of a few more minutes. He’d been lent the family’s truck for the weekend for him to use. Not very hot to have to ride around on a moped with your date.
“Okay, have fun rockstar.” Aunt Cass and the rest of the clique including Hiro followed him out as he was getting ready to pull the truck out of the alley behind their garage. Once he was in and the engine was turned on, his entire friend group started making vaguely sexual gestures toward him behind his Aunt’s back. Which then prompted Hiro to shout at the top of his lungs:
Aunt Cass slapped him in the back of the head.
The rest of the farewells consisted of ‘be a gentleman’ or ‘tell her we said hi’. It wasn’t until everyone but Aunt Cass had gone back inside the café that she carefully whispered to herself as she watched the truck drive further away:
“Don’t you dare get her pregnant.”
“Okay, how do I look?” You turned around with your arms spread wide for your roommate to judge.
This would be the first time Tadashi would be sleeping over and for two day you’d never have to say goodnight. Obviously, this was not your first date with him. You guys’s first date was a trip to the botanical gardens where he insisted on taking a million pictures of you and posting them on every social media platform he had (Instagram, that’s it) with the caption ‘someone’s someone”. And ever since you two have been non-stop talking. He’s the first person to wish you a good morning and he’s the last person to tell you goodnight. He just feels right, he might be it.
Your roommate, getting high off her cherry coke-flavored vape kissed her teeth. “Like a bad bitch.”
“Oh my god,” You laughed dropping your face in your hands. “ Thank you for that, but can you come up with another one?”
“Why? You look like a bad bitch. End of story.”
You scoffed, “Yes, and thank you but I feel like he’s not that kind of guy.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“I just mean like he’s not one to call girls bad, or fine. Hell, he has the hardest time saying the word sexy. To him, it’s a cuss word. So, other than a bad bitch is there anything else I can pass off as?”
Your roommate breathed out a cloud of scented smoke, “An angel.”
“Aww thank you.”
“What are you guys even doing tonight?” She asked from her side of the room.
You grabbed your beauty blender and started to fix some things, “Umm we’re just gonna hang out. Grab food, walk around, and then come back here to watch a movie.”
“Watch a movie, or watch a movie?
You rolled your eyes. “You’re actually done.”
“How long till Netflix asks if you’re still watching?” She raised her eyebrows suggestively.
You argued with your roommate, “He’s not the kind of guy.”
“Oh really? What campus does he go to? OMG PLEASE TELL ME HE’S NOT IN A FRAT!”
You gagged at the thought of dating a frat boy. “Ew no, that’s such an ick!”
“So where does he go? Here?”
You shook your head and started going through your collection of jewelry to decipher what would look best with your outfit. “No, he goes to SFIT. He’s a- a robotics major.”
“Ooooh she got herself a nerd!” She laughed in your ear. “How’d you guys meet anyways?”
You thought about that day and a sly smile plastered on your face. A few months ago, one of the girls in your dorm was transferring to SFIT because she couldn’t afford to attend there all four years and a lot of you wanted to show out to the student showcase to support her getting in. There is where you meet a tall boy in a baseball cap with eyes are brown as freshly brewed coffee and honey-baked skin. Needless to say, he was very cute, and the girl with the e/c eyes from the party college across town wasn’t too bad looking at all. And his inflatable healthcare robot was quite the snitch when his heart rate started speeding up around you. What started off as exchanging numbers with and texting a boy from a college across town, turned into wanting to see him all the time, going out on dates, doing homework together, staying up all hours of the night to talk to each other, and sent photos and videos once. And you two wouldn’t have had it any other way.
“Oh shit,” Your phone dinged. “He’s here. Which me luck!”
You grabbed your keys, kicked your shoes on, and started out the door when your roommate shouted back at you, “Good luck, boo-boo!”
In order for him to really be allowed on campus he needed a student to accompany him so it was vital you were on time so they wouldn’t ban him for trying to trespass. Also because you were just like, really excited to see him.
Across the parking lot, in the blue-purple lit sky decorated with the twinking and flashing electric lights of the crazy industrialized city, Tadashi could be found pacing back in forth behind the long tail of the light blue rusty work truck. The second he came into sight, swinging his keys in his hand while he waited for you, you straightened your arms and sped walked towards him.
“Hey, luv!” You smiled at him.
He thought your smile was the most beautiful in the world. All the things you posted wearing more dark makeup with eyeliner wings sharp enough to cut someone were no doubt attractive, but there was something about the photos you were always smiling. Like the time you two went to the aquarium and a little otter named Silvia grew very fond of you. Swimming around and following you around the tank. You smiled so much that date that all the photos he took of you took up almost five percent of his photo memory.
Tadashi quickly turned around to look you in the eye. “Hi-wow you’re so beautiful.”
“Aww thank you.” He embraced you in a hug and took a moment to just take you in. The way your perfume smelled, what your hair smelled like, the different textures of your clothes. Everything mattered. Nothing but you.
The entire time you were driving around, talking and enjoying your time together Tadashi felt like he couldn’t be happier. However, at the same time he could have sworn that he was going to be sick to his stomach. Everytime you touched his hand like you’d done a thousand times before it still made his stomach flip in ways that were questionable to human physiology. Since it was a Saturday, everyone had their boyfriends and girlfriends over and all restaurants on campus were fully booked. It’s not like you and Tadashi were huge fans of sit downs despite your first date being at a sit down.
Instead, the two of you went down to the strip near the pier where the countless food vendors were backed up almost a hundred people each. Where you could watch the sea lions bask in the sunset, kids flying kites, a couple sharing ice creams, and a friendgroup celebrating a birthday with a picnic.
“Wait a second, you surf?!” You screeched while holding onto a stick of takoyaki in one hand and a blue raspberry frozen lemonade in the other.
Laughing, Tadashi answered, “Yeah, I have a surfboard in my room. Haven’t you seen it?”
“No, what the hell? Why am I just now finding out about this?” You playfully elbowed him in the arm.
“Well I haven’t gone in super long. So right now my boards just collecting dust.”
You bolding walked closer to him and placed you head on his shoulder as you walked. “If you ever plan on going again, will you teach me?”
“Of course, so that one day we can go surfing together.”
You held out your pinky, “Do you promise?”
“I promise.” Tadashi interlaced his pinky with yours and kissed the back of his fist.
You two sat on a park bench to simply listen to the natural environment of the city and the sloshing of the sea on the pier’s structure.
“So,” Tadash turned his body towards you. “How are you?”
“Same as the other million times you’ve asked me.” You laughed. That was the first thing Tadashi asked when you guys talked. How you were doing, or if there ws anything you wanted to share. To him, understanding every bit of the mind he’d grown to find so much beauty and adventure in was always the objective. The purpose of the experiment that was the relationship he was chasing after.
“Sorry, sorry,” He raised his hands in defeat.
Though you assured him it was fine you still wondered something. “How come you like asking me questions about myself? Like I ask you things and you answer them, but then you shift back to me. Why do you do that?”
How was he supposed to tell her that he wanted her to understand that he truly wanted her to be with him without sounding like a creep? Just earlier he’d asked all his friends what clothing made him seem like less of a weirdo, and now she was asking a question he was scared she may not want the answer to. At any moment during his answer she could get up adn walk away. What if she just wanted to take it slow, or maybe she didn’t want to date date him at all. She could just be exploring and the idea that he might weight her down could make her leave.
“Uhh,” He laughed nervously. “I just want you to make sure you know I care and take you seriously. I think I’m like pretty good about communicating with people but sometimes, I don’t know.”
You knew what he was talking about. When Hiro was a botfighter, he was constantly in dangerous situations. It was such a difficult time that really did push their limits to the test. The entire household had huge blowout arguments and breakdowns at least twice a month and it was ruining everyone. Hiro had made Aunt Cass cry without trying and the fourteen-year-old’s mental health was in such a decline they were starting to question whether or not he had some clinical disorders. During all of this, Tadashi kind of just watched. Granted he tried to be the mediator, and was always there for Hiro physically but when it came to him trying to express he just couldn’t. It’s not like he didn’t have anything to say, but it was like the words had been taken from him. What he really wanted to say just wouldn’t come out. Maybe if it had Hiro would have stopped a long time ago and there wouldn’t be a scar on their family dynamic.
For everytime he’d had one of these breakdowns he didn’t want to talk to someone that wasn’t you. You just got him, he felt it. He doesn’t worry about telling you and then you bringing it up all the time, or trying to give him counseling, if you’re going to judge him for being so weak he let his own family fall apart even if it was just for a period of time. All the things wrong with his mind and his thinking, you soothed.
You placed your hand on his, with nothing more to say. That’s how right this was. No words needed. You got him and he got you.
“You want to know how I am?”
He nodded and with a whisper answered, “I really do.”
In a whisper you answered close to his face. “I’m really fuckin’ happy right now.”
On his parents memory, Tadashi has never been so forward before. But something about the moment made it feel right. He leaned in and grabbed the back of your head. Like he was going to drop dead of a heart attack right that second if he didn’t kiss you. This wasn’t your guys’ first kiss, but it was the most intimate and dramatic.
With your foreheads pressed to each other he whispered, “Y/n.”
“D-Do you like, umm,” God he was such a fucking idiot. How old was he? Eleven? “Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
You ran your hand through his fine black hair and leaned back with a look of content on your face. “I already am.”
Now, nor you or Tadashi ever really told anyone what really happened on that first night in your empty dorm. Despite the thousands of questions you’d kept it to yourself. All they needed to know was that you were his and he was yours.
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be with you
multiple bsd characters x reader. reader is gn (gender neutral).
about: dates with bsd characters. established relationship
featuring: dazai, chuuya, atsushi, akutagawa, ranpo
notes: atsushi is referred to as “jinko” (white tiger) in aku’s part
kiel notes: idk if you can tell whose part is more self indulgent LMAOOO managed this during writer’s block i think im a god. kidding
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DAZAI — cosy colouring book date at home
dazai recently bought colouring books from the bookstore. he said along the lines of “exploring creativity,” but really, he’s just lazy and broke for outdoor dates. you didn’t mind, though; quality time is still time spent with your lover.
worn out faber castell colour pencils are splayed out on his futon, and you both are lying on your stomachs. he kicks his legs and fills the empty pages with different colours. a peaceful and quiet retreat from the world with dazai gently humming a song you can’t quite make out, only to be disturbed by the gentle sounds and laughter of lovers.
“why’s the penguin yellow?” you giggle, and he pouts.
“have you seen club penguin? all the penguins have different cute colours!” he shades another penguin green and you rolled your eyes. “that game is dead, though..” you remarked, and he scoffed playfully. “not dead in my heart."
being childish and immature with the right person truly heals your inner child.
CHUUYA — aquarium (his mayoi card!!)
chuuya’s gloved hand held your hand as you both strolled through the tanks. your fingers traced the outlines of the fish as they swam close. he points at an ugly fish and laughs, “it looks like you." your jaw drops because that fish was actually ugly. it was your turn to exact revenge, and you point towards a small fry fish, saying, “and that’s you." you stick your tongue out at him and his mouth twitches in amusement. talk shit get hit.
your fish and his fish swam to each other and circled in a dance. he chuckles, “maybe that’s actually us,” he watches the fish swim away, and you beamed, “we could rule the fish kingdom together!” his eyes soften when he sees your bright smile illuminated under the blue aquarium light, before he smirks again.
“yeah yeah, you don’t even know how to swim,” ouch. there’s some truth in his words, and you can only sigh. fishes are naturally good at swimming, so it wouldn’t be a problem if you guys were one.
he sends you both back home by piggybacking you and zipping through the city. you hold your shoes in one hand after a long day of walking, and you grip the shark plushie he won at the aquarium in another.
ATSUSHI — cuddling in a pillow fort
you throw a blanket over the pillow fort you and atsushi have built in the last ten minutes. he struggles to let the fairy lights stay put as he pulls them around the fort.
“get in already!” you pat the spot beside you impatiently, and he crawls in. your laptop rests on his right thigh and your left thigh, sharing a movie screen. it’s a movie marathon on a rainy day. the horror movie plays, and atsushi hides his face in your neck when a jump scare appears.
lightning flashes outside and thunder roars, sending the poor boy flinching a little. you felt bad, so you decided to call off the marathon (not even one movie in) “okay no more, we can just cuddle." you close the laptop screen, and he lays on your lap. your fingers twirl his soft hair, and he purrs softly. atsushi’s soft purring and the soft pitter-patter of the raindrops outside lull you to sleep. you lay your back against the fort gently, eyes closed and relaxed with your lover.
AKUTAGAWA — cat cafe
it took a lot of convincing for akutagawa to go on this date. he didn’t like going to a cafe with the same species and animal family as atsushi. he agreed anyway because he didn’t want to see you upset (good).
you sat on the floor and wiggled a feather toy around while akutagawa fed lickable treats. many cats surrounded him and rubbed their bodies against his thighs. a white cat that oddly resembles a tiger approaches him, and he moves the treat away.
“ryu, you’re so mean.” you clicked your tongue and fed the white cat some of your treats. “it looks like jinko.” he grumbled and stared at the cat with his void eyes. at this point atsushi is your boyfriend’s boyfriend.
akutagawa uses his ability to create a mini cat tower for the cats surrounding him. you can’t help but giggle at his helplessness when the cats jump on him. they seem like to him a lot, well, except for that one cat he denied of treats.
on your way back home, you told him he looked like a tuxedo cat. he only cocks an eyebrow at you, not questioning your weird comparison.
RANPO — dessert tasting
a flyer comes into the agency’s mail, and ranpo is already dragging you down the busy afternoon streets. “come y/n, we have to go. it’s an important mission.” his grabs your wrist tightly and enters the cafe. mission? at a cafe?
what came into the mail was a notice for a dessert tasting at a cafe before their grand opening. ranpo could already discern the flyer’s content when atsushi walked in with a bunch of letters. who in the right mind would turn down free sweet treats? obviously not ranpo.
the waitress brings out pastries after pastries, and ranpo pushes his glasses up, acting like a food critic.
“hm, these scones are not sweet enough. the texture is too chewy.” he moves on and shoves a spoonful of gelato into his mouth. “i like the gelato. it’s sweet for my liking.” he nods approvingly, and you laugh, wiping the cream off the edge of his mouth. “slow down, the greatest food critic. we’re here to enjoy the desserts too.”
“if they don’t want to lose a customer like me, then i’d better say something about their recipe before their grand opening.” he’s got a point. you doubt he’d actually frequent this cafe, though, because he only came today for free desserts. you both get ramune to cleanse your palate afterwards (not that it helps).
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main menu ☆
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aliaology · 8 months
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summary: reader finds herself falling for the new jersey devil’s center even if her heart is supposed to lie with the new york rangers.
pairings: jack hughes x fem!reader
warnings: none..? just yn getting sappy as hell bc she fell for jack!! use of ‘daddy’ but not in a sexual way.
lowercase intended.
BASED ON “tennessee orange” by megan moroney
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living in new jersey wasn’t much of a difference than living in new york, at least, not to you. at times it just felt less chaotic, in a way that made you miss the chaotic streets of nyc. but moving to new jersey to become a media manager for the new jersey devils was a pro and a con.
growing up in new york city, meant you and your family were very big rangers fans. your father had seasonal tickets, every year. you went to every game with him that you could.
when your family heard you now worked for the new jersey devils, it felt like hell broke loose. working for the.. enemy? now thats foul play, you just betrayed your home team! but you didn’t regret it.
see, there was this boy. specifically number 86, a center for the new jersey devils. jack hughes. he was cute, scratch that— he was hot. you, like many other girls, fell right at his feet. of course you didn’t out right do so or show that.
but he as well— fell hard for you, maybe even harder.
not only did you work for the ‘enemy’ but now you were fraternizing with one?
you had the day off, sitting at your now shared apartment with your current boyfriend of nine months. you didn’t tell your family about him, he didn’t tell his about you. the media had no idea that the jack hughes had a girlfriend either.
your thumb hovers over the call button. the stool under you creaked as you shifted your weight. you clicked the bright green button.
it rang until it didn’t, “hello?” the sound of your mother’s voice filled the room.
“hi mama.” you spoke gently. “ive got some news for you” you told.
“finally! i havent heard from you in so long sweet girl, please tell me everything!” you could hear her smile from the other end of the phone.
you smile. “just don’t tell daddy, okay? he’ll blow a fuse.” you chuckle.
your fingers tap against the counter as you anxiously listen to her laugh. “okay, sweetie. are you okay?”
“dont worry— im doing okay. listen— i know you raised me to know right from wrong, it aint what you think, promise.” you start.
“honey, you’re kind of scaring me.” your mother nervously chuckles.
“listen, okay? i um— i never thought i’d honestly see this day, seeing how scared i was with my past relationships—“ you cut yourself off with a nervous laugh.
“i met somebody.” you told. you heard a quiet gasp on her end.
“really? honey thats amazing! tell me about him— about your relationship.”
you let out a breath. “hes got blue eyes, the prettiest eyes ive ever seen, mama. hes so good to me too, he always holds the door open, he never makes me cry. there has never been a moment where he’s made me upset.”
“oh honey..” she trailed off, sounding happy.
“im not done, mama. last weekend he took me to michigan, where his family lives. we watched a football game, a college one. his brothers used to go there. he let me wear his cap that has been on his dash forever— mama i swear i fell even more for him under those stadium lights. hes perfect.”
“but..” you trailed off.
“but? there’s a but? honey… whats wrong?” your mother sounded concerned.
“mama, you cannot tell daddy— he’s gonna think its a sin. but mama hes a player on the new jersey devils— but forgive me, i really like him, mom. hell, im learning how to golf for him mama. hes perfect, hes got a smile, mama his smile is killer. ive never seen one like it.”
“honey… you’re dad is right here, listening.” you clamped your mouth shut. just your luck.
“does he make you happy?” you heard your father ask.
“yes he does, daddy. i know hes a devil but god you would love him! i know he aint where we are from, but he feels like home. hes got me doing things ive never done. he makes my stomach burst into butterflies, he makes me blush, he makes me feel loved.” you explained.
“and you know i still want the rangers to win, daddy” you told.
you heard him chuckle. “as long as he makes you happy, sweetheart.”
you grin. you stay on the call for what felt like hours, talking about jack. when you finally end it, you feel arms wrap around your shoulders and your chest. a kiss is pressed to your temple.
“i hope you know how much i love you” jack mumbled, trailing small kisses from your forehead to your cheek and your jaw.
“and just so you know, you look better in new jersey red than new york blue.”
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i #hope this wasnt shit LMAO first time posting on tumblr 😻🤘
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alexa-fika · 4 months
I’m at whole cake rn and can’t stop thinking about reader who happens to be Sanji’s little sibling he adopted while on the sea going with Sanji to see Germa. Bonus points if it’s winged child reader!
Love you sm!!! 💖💖
Danger Skittles ( Sanji x male!winged!child!reader)
A/N: So proud of that tittle, I havent read this arc so I had the manga next to me as l wrote so I hope it is good, maybe not a COOK but it is a cook, ya know? Sorry this oke took so long as I said Im going trough a hard moment rn. Also I will be taking those bonus point in the form of kisses Pay up 🫴🏼
Btw PISSED CAUSE TUMBLR FROZE WHEN I WAS ABOUT TO HIT POST, HAD EVERYTHING READY AND IT GOT DELETED THIS IS THE SECOND TIME I HAD TO DO THIS, thank God I write my things in grammarly and them I copy paste them here cause other wise I would have rage quit yall. IT DID IT AGAIN
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Sanji-nii, I don’t like this; your family sounds scary, and they want to hurt Big Brother.”
“I know…I know…I‘ll get us out of this,” he promises his brother, walking down the familiar hallways he had grown up in, the walls that his brothers tortured him in, walking into the dining hall and taking his seat, placing the young child on his lap, ignoring the talk of his brothers
Reader munches on the food Sanji passes to him as he huddles close to him, trying to shield himself with his wings to avoid the crude commentary of his family
“Just ignore them,” he whispers to the boy, rubbing his wings, gently stroking his hair, shielding him from the insults,
“These idiots aren’t worth it.”
Niji soon notices that his insults are not reaching his brother, so he switches his anger to the head cook, berating her for making them ‘vile food.’
Commanding her to stay still, with a sadistic grin on his face, he aims his plate and lunches it towards her face until Sanji quickly moves Reader from his lap, placing him on their chair, as he steps in front of Cosette to stop the incoming plate.
“Just what do you think you are doing, you bastard?” he hisses at his older brother, protecting the cook and shielding her from harm.
Reader Awe at his brother's actions grin growing when he sees Sanji bend down, turning towards Cosette and complimenting her on the food
Cosette chuckles nervously. She’d seen them react violently to her cooking before, but Sanji’s reaction was one she’d never seen before, his compliment catching her off guard, causing her to turn a faint pink color, her cheeks rosy.
Reader’s cheer soon changed into warning screams, seeing as Niji stomped towards him, aiming a kick his way
Sanji quickly turned around at the sound of the screams, having no time to make a move as his brother’s leg was brought rapidly down only to stop right in front of Sanji as his father ordered him to stop
“Let me go!” The boy screams, flapping his wings furiously, struggling against Judge’s grasp as he takes hold of him
“ Your mistakes keep growing. May I attribute that to this amalgamation here and this man?” he said, shoving a picture of Zeff and Reader for Sanji to look at, the sound of the child’s wings still echoing around the rooms as they struggle against the man’s grip
“I suggest you cooperate with the marriage to Pudding lest you want both of their heads rolling at your door,” he said, dropping Reader, watching him flutter back to Sanji
He walks out of the room, the rest of his children following him, glancing back at Sanji, who by now has kneeled down to comfort The child
“Make sure tomorrow’s ceremony goes without a hitch, you know what we are capable of,” he said, leaving the room
Sanji was left staring at the floor in shock and anger and then at his brother’s teary and fear-filled eyes
After a minute, he had collected himself; he looked back at Reader, his hand petting his wings gently
“ It’s going to be fine, it‘s going to be fine… ” he tells him, placing his arm around him, trying to protect him as much as he possibly could.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, Sanji-nii!”
“No, there’s nothing to apologize for; I promise you’re not doing anything wrong, okay?” Sanji says softly, brushing his wings and playing with his hair gently to soothe them
“But now, because I’m here, they are making you do things you don’t want to do!”
“ Hey, hey, listen to me, you hear me? “ he says softly,
“This is not your fault, do you understand? This is not your fault,” repeating himself,
“This is not. Your. FAULT! You got that?”
“No buts! Understand?” Sanji says firmly, grabbing hold of his wrists, stopping them from saying another word,
“ I said it’s not your fault. Am I clear?”
“O-okay,” he nods, rubbing at his eyes, trying to rid himself of the tears not cascading from them
“Will Papa Zeff be okay?”
Sanji sighs softly,
“ I promise I will make sure the old fart is okay,” he whispers to his little brother, his eyes shining with determination.
“Do you trust me?”
“Yeah.. but I don’t know what’s going on, im scared. Why did Big Brother fight Uncle Luffy? Why did we have to leave the straw hats? Why did they want you to marry that woman? And why are you wearing cuffs?”
Sanji's heart sinks when he hears his brother start asking questions. He knew it was only a matter of time before he started asking questions, and he deserved to know the truth, but he was not so sure the harsh honesty of reality is something he could take, so he decided to hold most of the facts back.
“It’s… it’s complicated, ” he begins, his tone is serious as he continues,
“ Just know that all of this will be resolved soon...”
“ I promise I’ll answer all your questions later, but right now, we have to stay focused, okay?” he whispers softly to his brother, caressing his chin with his finger gently.
“I need you to be brave, just for a little bit longer, okay? “ he says, his voice a gentle, soothing tone as he takes his little brother’s hand and stands up, placing him on his feet,
“ I know I can count on you, don’t I?
Sanji smiles, hugging the small boy
“Thank you. This is why you’re my favorite.”
“That’s because your brothers are assholes, Sanji-nii.”
Sanji’s head snaps to the toddler, shocked at his words, eventually letting out a baffled chuckle
“Normally, I would have you in timeout for using those words, but I ‘ll let it slide in this situation.”
He smiles mischievously, his eyes still tear-filled, and his body stiffed with the exchange they had had with Judge
“Im glad Big Brother is not an ass like the skittle men.”
“Okay, don’t push it.”
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Maybe part two when Nil takes revenge on Cosette? I know that last part was kind of out of nowhere and a lil bit occ but I had to get that comedy in, I had to its in my DNA
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