#i hope i did them justice this was a delicious prompt but i wanted to do something a little silly and unexpected with it plz forgive me
krisseycrystal · 1 year
krissey!! for the writing prompts--20 with ema skye?
20. "it aches, it eats me and I still don't know its name" + Ema Skye
o - o - o
Kay mashes a snort behind a gloved hand. And it's funny how when she laughs, she gets crows feet. How her eyes crinkle in such a way that makes her look like the poster-child of mischief.
"Ema.exe stopped working. Beep boop."
"Geez! Do you know where you are?"
"'Course I do." Ema blinks and looks around herself. She glares at Kay as Kay does a very terrible job of trying to muffle her snickers. "Our apartment's living room. Not that a big mystery--you can stop laughing at me, now."
Kay wraps her arms around her middle and nearly bends in half, howling. "You shoulda seen your face! You had such a blank look when you walked in here..."
"W-well--" Ema feels her cheeks pinken. She crosses her arms over her chest. "You know how it is."
"Do I?"
Ema clears her throat. "Yeah. Uh. Studies have shown that when you walk into a new room, sometimes the change in lighting can make you forget why you walked into that room in the first place, so..." her voice trails off.
"Wait, really?"
Ema shrugs. She spins around and strides back through the doorway she had stepped in from. "It's a theory."
Kay waits.
Two minutes later, Ema's loud, "Goddamn it! It was milk!" feels almost satisfactory to hear.
o - o - o
Give me a prompt from this list (and a character or two) and I'll write a drabble!
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whumpsoda · 2 months
May I suggest a whumper who puts spells on his whumpee’s or hypnotizes them or smth to believe that they’re all a happy traditional family. Whumpee’s all think this is completely normal—even the family dog which used to be whumper’s most resistant captive.
Sorry this took so long… I just had to do this prompt, it’s too good! I hope I did it justice :3
cw: brainwashing, pet whump, multiple whumpees, lady whumpee, captivity
Villain loved his family. 
Some would never believe him, most prominent due to the means of which he sourced said family, but really, he did love them. Cared for them, even.
“Movie! Movie! Movie!” Youngest squealed, just like the child he believed himself to be, swinging his feet excitedly on the couch. Adorned in his favorite pajamas, bright pink and far too small, he waited for the rest of his family to join him in the living room. One hand was wrapped around a gigantic bowl of delicious smelling and steaming popcorn, the other ruffling through the grease coated hair of his pet.
Hero, with his chin placed atop his former partner’s lap, held a dopey smile and glassy eyes as his scalp was softly scritched at. He shivered with delight, nearly drooling over the blissful touch and smell of food he wasn’t allowed to eat. Villain couldn’t help but wish he had a camera ready to capture such a mind bogglingly satisfying image.
“Watch out!” Medic- or, the former medic, now Villain’s partner- exclaimed, a sweet grin strung across her lips. “Puppy over there is waiting for you to drop something!”
Youngest only chuckled, cheerfully ruffling Hero’s hair. Gleefully, Hero giggled, leaning into the pleasant touch. “Come on, come on! I wanna start the TV!”
“Okay, okay!” Villain yelled back, smiling from ear to ear, watching as Youngest and Hero’s faces both lit up upon seeing their former enemy enter the room. Hero eagerly crawled over to meet him, nuzzling and stroking his face over the fabric of the other man’s pant leg.
Almost, Villain wanted to laugh. His plans and wishes had come perfectly true. His toughest foe and captive, reduced to that of a mere dog. Yearning only for cuddles and treats, too stupid to understand the world around him. No more fight, no more irritating quips, no more screaming, no more Hero. 
The thought made Villain positively giddy. 
Villain searched into his back pocket, holding out and dangling a bone shaped dog treat between two fingers. Hero brightened, sitting up sloppily. “Paw.” Villain instructed, shaking Hero by the hand and dropping the reward between the man’s teeth, right onto his panting tongue. “Good boy!”
“Dad, come on! Come on! Mom!” Youngest called, kicking his feet still, but now in impatient anticipation. 
“I told you, I’m coming!” Medic entered, hair put up into a lazy bun with a plush robe tied around her waist. “I was just grabbing a drink, baby.” She placed a quick peck to the lanky man’s forehead, before adjusting the vibrantly pink clips scattered about his hair.
Youngest’s face flushed, giggling. “Dad, c’mere!”
“Come on, puppy.” Gifting Hero a few pats to the head, Villain gestured him along to the couch before plopping down beside his partner. He hooked his arm around Medic, pushing her head to sit upon his shoulder.
Sometimes, he secretly wished she’d give him little kisses just as she did Youngest. He’d never felt such tender contact before, and most likely never would.
Following example, Hero hopped onto a cushion beside youngest, getting prepared to curl up beside the man in his eyes he deemed as a young child before Medic pointed to him with disapproval. “No.” She scolded. “No dogs on the furniture.”
With a frown he climbed back down on all fours, disappointedly furling into a ball at their feet. Villain watched in satisfaction, bending down a moment later to pat the whining man’s head. 
All the while Youngest fiddled with the remote, just until he managed to get the television turned on. A moment later the screen switched to life, instantly the sounds of a newscast filling the group’s ears.
“Hey,” Villain started, reaching around to take the remote for himself.
He couldn’t let them see anything they weren’t supposed to. Anything that could pull them from their brainwashing, even by the slightest bit. Youngest wrenched it away, barely taking notice, instead captivated by something dancing upon the screen.
The criminal’s heart skipped a beat. That something, just so happened to be himself.
Videos, pictures, recordings, even, of the three’s heroics blared across the screen, regular civilians that worshipped the group pleading for the team back. Other heros as well, begging for their friends and comrades to be found.
Villain clamored for the remote desperately, chest beating with a spark of adrenaline. All three of the other family members were fixed on the TV, brows furrowed as their minds twisted blank, refusing and yet fighting to digest what they were watching.
“Youngest! Give me the remote!” Villain shouted, the other man still refusing to give it up with an iron grip.
Oh, no, no, no, no-
“That’s…” Youngest mumbled, brain gradually working to achieve comprehension.
Medic’s expression was twisted in befuddlement alongside him, frozen rigid in place. “I don’t… understand…”
Please, no-
“Nngh…!” Hero whimpered, shrinking back with fearful puzzlement.
Villain couldn’t fail. Not then, and not ever. He couldn’t let them break free from their conditioning, couldn't allow them to remember, and most of all couldn’t afford to lose them. He’d never had such a loving, happy family, let alone a group of people he cherished so shockingly dearly, and he wouldn’t let his hard work go to waste so easily.
Finally, some button was switched that successfully flicked the screen, turning it to whatever else was showing at the moment. Still shaking, Villain sighed in relief as the other three blinked out from their trance, minds easing and carefully returning with his control still strict in place.
Medic sputtered in confusion. “What… um, sorry…” she mumbled, turning to her partner for an answer. He couldn’t let her know. He couldn’t let her realize, or she would hate him again-
“Momma, my head hurts.” Youngest whined, gripping the sides of his head and dropping into her lap. He scrunched the muscles of his face in an attempt to clear his head.
Still in that of a hazy daze, Medic’s vision still unfocused glazed over, she stumbled over her words. “Mine, um, mine.. too…”
Hero rubbed against her leg in dreaded distress, croaking whimpers scratching from his throat. He clawed the walls of his mind, shoving himself back down in favor of the brainwashing.
“Everything’s alright! Let’s just watch the movie, okay?” Villain brushed them off, trembling, quickly setting up the program correctly this time as the rest of his companions were plagued by bitter affliction. Anything to distract them.
Everything was alright. Everything was fine. He’d caught it just in time, and they weren’t going to remember. They weren’t going to leave him, because he wouldn’t let them.
Not like everybody else. This was different. Villain loved his family, and they loved him.
Didn’t they?
General taglist- @softvampirewhump
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captain-mj · 9 months
May tumblr endure the pain of all the angst fics on it's sight for eating your askbox.
Well then, I'm really glad you liked the Selkie!Ghost prompt I sent in :D, I loved what you did with it ^^ -X/3NH
(If you want the old prompt just tell me)
Okay new prompt: Ghost is a monster that lives under the bed and in the closets of children. Soap has been the singular person he's haunted, not by choice, just because Soap won't have a single nightmare related to him. In fact, Soap sees him as a friend.
Ghost's kind feeds off nightmares related to them, so he's latched to Soap until he can get a singular nightmare out of him. But Soap is now in 141 and he still hasn't had that nightmare relating to him.
So Ghost now protects Soap because he's grown attached.
(Do what you want w this concept, but I was thinkin Ghost takes a shot for Johnny, but gets that nightmare he wants so bad, it's about him dying in Soap's arms. Ghost's now free, free to choose another contract, but he doesn't want to get anymore nightmares, he wants to be with Soap. (also his family isn't too nice cause "he's the reason SOap doesn't experience nightmares, he's doing it wrong" (No soap is just a massive fan of monsters and doesn't feel scared around them)))
Wow thats a lot, well enjoy ^^
Hello friend! I want to say, I absolutely adore your asks and I'm sorry for always taking so long to answer them! They usually need to be a tad longer than my normal stuff and I want to do them justice! Also, did some very mild experimentation with some formatting/punctuation. Nothing super noticeable but if you notice something looks weird, its on purpose!
Also, Ghost is also a child for the first portion of this. He matures a bit faster but their age gap is only really a year (felt weird writing about an adult monster under some kid's bed)
Ghost had never, ever heard of a kid like Soap. The kid was... well. If changelings were real, Ghost would put money on him being one.
Soap regularly grabbed spiders and played with him. Not the cruel playing of little tyrants that ripped their legs off, but a genuine, loving little thing. He'd pet them and let them crawl over his hands and set them outside when they started to get agitated.
Snakes fascinated him. The first time he managed to see one at school, he came home, sat on the floor and told Ghost all about it. How the scales moved and reminded him of Ghost's arms. Then he asked Ghost if he was a snake which made him lash out and try to yank the kid under the bed.
However, since Soap feared him no more than he feared snakes or spiders or soft kittens, he just went straight through him. It looked more like he tried to pat him than anything else.
Ghost couldn't believe it. Other monsters his age were back home! Bragging! And here he was, taking way too much time.
"I'm going to kill you!"
Soap sighed. "You're always so grumpy. Do you want me to make you a cup of tea?"
"...I guess." Ghost pouted.
Soap smiled at him, radiant. Ghost wondered if he was made out of the sun.
The tea was delicious. He even got biscuits on the side.
"Why do you want me to be scared of you anyway?"
Ghost refused to talk to him about it, worried it would ruin his chances of ever going home. Soap smiled at him.
"Is it like a grade? If you scare me, you get a better grade?"
"Something like that." Ghost agreed. "I need to scare you."
"I will do my best to be scared by you!" Soap smiled at him and finished eating.
On Soap's thirteenth birthday party, far far after when Ghost should be long gone, he asked for some odd things. Horror posters and books about mythology. Ghost knew he was trying to get more information on him, probably to banish him.
Soap never did anything though. He continued to be his friend with so much ease. He also never told anyone else. At some point, Soap realized this was abnormal and instead of panicking like Ghost had hoped or maybe telling someone, he just moved on.
"We're friends. I couldn't endanger you like that." Soap had answered honestly when Ghost asked.
"We are NOT friends."
Soap smiled easily. "I'll get you to admit it one day. I promise." He gently nudged Ghost's shoulder. Ghost hadn't been touched in a while and the fact that Soap could touch him but he couldn't quite touch Soap was... weird. A little scary.
Soap smiled at him gently.
Ghost hated the day that... man put the idea of the military in Soap's head. He inspired Soap apparently. Sent him on this spiral to try to get into the military.
"Fucking hell, Johnny. The military?" Ghost sat on his bed and stretched out. His shadows had shifted from... well shadows into dark clothing. Recently, he had gotten used to adjusting them to look like a leather jacket, leather pants and dark gloves. If this so happened to be exactly like Soap's most recent movie crush, then it was purely coincidental. And if maybe, just maybe, Ghost enjoyed the lingering gazes from Soap, that was also coincidental.
He cropped up in Soap's dreams sometimes, but it was never frightening. The only reason he even knew was because Soap sometimes muttered his name in his sleep.
"It would be great! Going out there, helping people, good innocent people. Going on missions and adventures."
"Your brains being splattered against the ground. Dying. Fucking up and hurting people that don't deserve it." Ghost grinned, ignoring Soap's scrunched up face.
"Stop being such a bawbag. This isn't going to scare me so you're just doing it to be a dick." Soap hit Ghost with a pillow.
Ghost laughed and laid flat on his bed. He went quite when Mrs. MacTavish passed by, asking if either of them needed snacks. "She can't hear me, can she?"
"Course she can. Why couldn't she?" Soap tilted his head.
Ghost frowned. At this rate, he might as well just become human. He already fucking was. "How long?"
"About two years now. She thinks you're super shy." Soap explained, not understanding how terrible this was for Ghost.
Ghost dissolved, slinking under the bed.
"Wait, Ghost!" Soap looked under the bed. "Come on. Are you sad about your family again?"
Soap flinched and sighed. "I'll make you tea, okay?" He left Ghost alone for a bit while he did.
Ghost did miss his family. He couldn't go back until he fucking got a stupid nightmare and he was hungry because Soap's dreams were so fucking devoid of any fear. Stupid asshole.
The tea made things a little better.
When Soap finally got everything together to join the military, he was 15. Too young to actually join, but that wasn't going to stop the asshole. He planned to join and Ghost had to go with him.
The problem? While Ghost was roughly 16, he didn't have any papers saying he existed and he couldn't just wait for Soap to come home on his leaves. So he just made some stuff. Fake documents and different things. he was also very, very fleshy. Soap and him had touched hands and his skin felt the same way.
It disgusted him. He really, really hoped that while they were in the military, Soap would learn fear.
But that didn't happen.
Because Ghost was accepted and Soap wasn't.
"You're clearly too young. Try again next year."
Ghost felt his heart drop.
This did not occur to him as a possibility.
Soap immediately started in on the man while Ghost sat there, stunned. He tried to smoke away. Dissolve and reappear miles away and back home.
His body refused. Panic flooded him.
Ghost spent... three years? Time was weird. But he bumbled around the military. For the first time... ever, he ate what he was supposed to. Nightmares. None of them were good enough. They weren't Soap. It was better than the nothing he had been experiencing the past 19 years. That's when they reunited again.
Soap flinched when he saw him before hearing him speak and immediately brightening. "Hello... Simon."
"Hello, Johnny."
So Ghost watched out for him. He had to keep him alive and safe. Both because of his job and also because Soap needed to dream of him to set him free.
Soap still dreamed about him. Ghost could hear him speaking his name in the dark of night. Saying it with a tone that Ghost heard other people use in these scenarios. It was different than the playful manner of when they were younger. For some reason, it made Ghost's chest flutter.
Somehow, Ghost became a Lieutenant and Soap became one of his Sergeants. They worked together well and no one ever suspected it was because they were old friends.
Ghost had long since felt human. Any connection he had to being a monster gone. Even if he fed off the fear of his comrades, they weren't exactly Soap. He still had to eat human food and had human problems like cold hands.
Still felt pain.
The bullet went straight through his chest and the blood from his wound splattered all over Soap's face.
Soap's blue eyes widened. He was finally afraid.
It tasted rather bitter.
Ghost collapsed into him and Soap cradled his body. His blood covered them both.
Soap screamed his little head off. So loud and insistent.
Ghost wanted to dissolve. Wanted to sink back into the darkness and hide under Soap's bed again.
"never wanted to join the military."
"Why did you then?"
"wanted to stay close to you." Ghost admitted, panting. His mask felt tight around his face. "it wasn't just a job for me. hadn't been for a while."
"The military?"
"No. Johnny." Ghost leaned up and kissed him through the fabric.
He finally dissolved.
His consciousness floated somewhere. It felt like home. He could still smell the soap Mrs. MacTavish used on the sheets.
Soap dreamed of him. Ghost was rather violently dragged into it, spectating whatever Soap finally put together.
The fear and adrenaline was intoxicating. Finally rid him of the awful feeling of being hungry that had plagued him for so long.
Soap held his body. It looked much worse than it was. The entire world seemed tinged with Ghost's blood.
"Please. Please. Stay with me." Soap begged, rocking his body.
Johnny wasn't afraid of Ghost. He was afraid for Ghost.
How endearing.
The bond between them, the hold, snapped. Ghost felt himself start to spiral away from Soap, his body wanting to spin back into smoke.
But he dug his heels in.
"No." Ghost mumbled. "Got this fucking far. Can't ditch now." He had spent the majority of his life with Soap and he was realizing now that he wanted to spent the rest of it with him too.
It continued to drag him and he struggled and thrashed until his eyes flickered open to see Soap staring at him.
"You're awake."
"Fucking hell, don't stare at me like that. And I'm supposed to be the monster here." Ghost sat up, fully healed.
Soap went to stop him before pausing. "Always forget you're not human. You okay?"
Ghost nodded.
"Do you remember what happened?"
He nodded again.
"All of it?" Soap batted those damn eyelashes at him.
"If you're asking for another kiss, you can just lean down."
This kiss didn't have fabric between them.
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f1-giuki · 2 months
i'm here again. lestappen chussy smut with touch tank by quinnie <3
Caro have I ever asked your hand in marriage? 🥺❤️ FINALLY HERE WITH THE CHUSSY!!! it's been 84 years but I managed to write some chussy action😭 Hope you like this, even if it's long af😭💖 The song choice was amazing and I hope I did it justice!!!!!!!💖💖💖
touch tank - prompt post
“Where has Charles gone? This is supposed to be her championship pool party!” George complains, holding his Martini glass tightly in his hands.
Lando rolls his eyes.
“It's her championship party, if she wants to sneak out with someone, it's her right to do so…” Oscar argues.
“That's why we can't see Max!” Carlos snickers, making the others laugh.
“Max? Did she invite Max, of all people? I thought they were mates on track only!” George asks, confused.
“Have you been living under a rock, George?” Oscar asks with a small smile.
“I beg your pardon?” George asks after taking a sip of his drink. Alex, on his side, has to keep a loud laugh from escaping his mouth.
“Mate, they've been dating for the past season, what is wrong with you?” Lando asks, disgusted that he finished his concoction of rum and Capri sun.
“Actually, they're together now, since the competition between them got tighter,” Carlos explains, proudly showcasing his knowledge.
“Since the Tuesday of Brazil, I think, Max asked her before the Sprint,” Oscar points out.
“How the fuck do you know this?” George keeps on asking.
“We have eyes, George…” Alex laughs.
Max and Charles are not far away from the party going on in the garden and adjacent beach of the Dubai villa Charles rented. They're on the roof of the building, where the sunspots are, giggling and sneaking away to have five minutes where they don't have to shake hands, accept congratulations for the championship! and sorry for the championship! or withstand some teasing. Five minutes where they can be freaks in love.
The 2025 season was one for the books, with Charles becoming the first-ever woman to win a Formula 1 world championship and Ferrari winning the title again after 18 years. Italy turned completely red, with people and celebrations filling the streets during the day and fireworks illuminating the night. The dream came true for Charles. Win with Ferrari. Against Max. Her boyfriend. She ticked off every point from her list, except having a moment for herself.
The party on Sunday was crazy and the sex with Max in the bathroom of the club was crazier.
Monday felt like a fever dream littered with soft kisses, with realisation slowly sinking in, as all the journalists left in the Emirates asked her all types of questions. The president of the Italian Republic and the Prince of Monaco also asked her for official events where she could be honoured as a champion by the local institutions.
Tuesday was calmer, in a way. Charles wanted another celebration, with just her friends, so she rented a villa in the morning for the afternoon. Her wish was everybody's command. She's a Ferrari world champion. But the party felt stuffy after a while, and Charles, in her bright red bikini, wanted nothing more than to feel Max's cold lips on her skin, looking at his messy hair and sunburned face, so they disappeared on the rooftop of the villa, where a few sunbeds were waiting for them.
Max doesn't bother closing the door to the rooftop, he's too preoccupied kissing Charles, with her legs wrapped around his waist, and trying not to fall as she keeps rubbing herself on his dick.
Max gently lowers her on the soft towel covering the sunbed and kneels between her legs. Charles Leclerc is a sight to behold, splayed out underneath him, her short and curly hair creating a delicious brown halo around her head. She thinks about all the religious imagery created with her face. If she's the Virgin Mary, then he shall be God. Maybe she shouldn't think about him putting a baby in her. Maybe later.
“No reward for the champion?” She asks, with a sly grin on her lips. The red lipstick she wore has moved all over her lips and on Max's.
Max laughs and rolls his eyes. They can hear laughter coming from two floors down, where the party is still going on. Max blushes a little.
“What? Are you afraid they will find out how good you can eat me out?” Charles asks, slowly undoing the strings of her bikini bottoms on her hips, baring her pussy to him. Shameless. Max loves her too much.
She knows he's salivating at the sight in front of him. He's thirsty, no matter how many times he quenches his thirst at such a source.
She watches him kneel on the ground and pulls her closer to him from her knees. Max feels such a deep hunger inside of him.
Charles moans in anticipation and Max licks a fat stripe over her cunt, making her laugh. The Max show is about to begin.
He leaves kisses all over her pussy, keeping eye contact with Charles. When she throws her head back Max sucks her clit lightly, enjoying how she writhes under him. He starts licking at her folds, savouring and claiming, sucking, as his hands keep her thighs spread. Charles moans and Max laughs, reverberating on her pussy. She fists his short hair, pushing his face closer to her core.
Max moves one hand to her labia, toying with the wetness he finds there as he goes back to her clit, sucking and flicking it with his tongue. Charles is always so sensitive, so easy for him to take apart. He gently bites her folds and enjoys when she clenches over nothing. He teases her again with kitten licks at her entrance and when she tugs his hair meanly he grins and starts fucking her with his tongue.
Charles moans and the thought of all the people downstairs comes blaring in her brain, making her impossibly wetter. Max, slurping and sucking, is the only one who doesn't make her feel like a maniac. He gets it.
He coats his middle finger in her arousal and starts teasing Charles’ entrance, looking up at her, covered in spit, searching for consent, breaking his rhythm and driving her crazy. She groans and nods and Max slowly replaces his tongue with his finger, moving up to kiss her mons Venus.
As he pumps his finger in and out he places his other hand over her lower belly, claiming the soft skin there. Charles sobs and undoes her bikini bra, playing with her breasts, pinching her nipples and pulling them, moaning louder as Max inserts another finger in her and fucks her.
He looks so good, gentle and devoted, with his baby blue linen shirt open, matching his ice eyes. Charles could come on the spot, thinking just about her lover. So big and safe and brave. She feels like just a girl when she's with him, in the most positive sense. She's just Charles, whether on an F1 track around the world, in an ice cream shop in Italy, or with her tits out in the Emirates afternoon sun. She's not some kind of circus animal with him.
Charles comes, squirting on his face, as he curls his fingers inside her, licking at her cunt and stimulating her clit with his nose.
He licks her clean and she sobs happily. Before it gets to be too much, Max lets her go, sitting next to her. She hugs him from the side and Max holds her with a big and dumb smile, as she inhales his scent, mixed with the salt in the air.
“I love you,” he says, stupidly in love, and she grins, with her forehead against his bicep.
“I love you too,” she says, laughing as Max drags her on his lap, making her sit there gently, lending her back to the sun.
“Oh God, Oscar, mate, you were right! They were fucking on the roof!” George shrieks in the garden, making her and Max laugh.
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hoodoo12 · 2 years
Hollowed, Hallowed
I asked for a prompt, and @perdrixforelle obliged so well: Beetlejuice shows up looking worse than usual, all sunken eyes (re: the keatlejuice makeup) and won't say what happened (he got exorcised within an inch of his life) He wants to get it on but reader has to femdom him into resting and getting better and then he gets rewarded with gentle sex for his good behavior.
I hope I've done this delicious idea justice. NSFW. Enjoy!
Beetlejuice staggered into the room. 
Not just staggered. Almost fell. 
You looked up from your book and couldn’t contain a gasp. “Holy shit! What happened to you?!”
He looked awful. Haggard and wan. More than just ratty and like he’d been living like a hobo; he looked beaten and left to suffer instead of put out of his misery. 
Deep, deep purple, almost black, encircled his eyes. The purple of heavy bruising, although no wounds were visible. His eyes, typically bright, took a moment to focus on you. His cheekbones--you couldn’t tell if they were more pronounced because his cheeks were sunken into hollows or if the skin was stretched too tightly over them. You didn’t even know he had cheekbones like that! The semi-black nails on his fingers were more ragged than normal. His right hand had a palsied tremor. “Beej!” Dropping your book, you went to him. You slipped a hand into his armpit to help support him if he went down. “Babes,” he replied, a little dazed. He shook his head and seemed to come around a little. “Hey. Hey! I’m home.” “Uh-huh. Let’s go sit down, okay?” You moved him with very little resistance towards the couch as you repeated, “What happened to you?” As he sat--collapsed--he waved a his free hand dismissively. “Nothin’. Nothin’ at all. Just the usual. You know.”
You did know his usual, and this was nothing like that. Pursing your lips to demand he tell you exactly what he’d done, Beetlejuice interrupted you to say,
“I’ll be better once we bone.” “What?!” “Bone. You know, do it. Get it on. Make the beast with two backs? Knocking boots. You doing squat thrusts in the cucumber patch. Bumping uglies! A trip to pound town--” “Beetlejuice!” It was unclear if the use of his full name or the sharpness of your voice snapped him out of his collection of ephemisms. Once he was quiet, you sighed. “You look like you’ve been run through the wringer. Whatever happened to you, whatever you did--” Here you raised your voice to be louder than his; he automatically insisted he was not going to tell you about it, “--I don’t care. You need to relax. Okay? Okay?” He tried one more time. “Baby, just a quick dicking and I’ll be right as rain. I promise! It’ll reset me, make me feel . . .”
His voice faded out. He would feel . . . in control? Welcome? Sexy? You had no idea what the next word in his sentence would have been. You shook your head. He managed to sulk and look frail at the same time. The pout you were used to. The sickliness you were not. The specter’s skin tone was always a shade of pale, now he looked truly anemic. 
Thinking over everything, you came to the conclusion that he would continue to grump and whine pathetically until he got what he wanted. Well, at least you could take care of him first. “Come on, Beej,” you told him. Once more you took him under the arm and tugged upward to encourage him to stand, then follow you to your bedroom. He managed a facsimile of his usual shit-eating grin, like he’d won. Before he could crow about it, however, you told him to get naked. He complied, although with less zip than typically when he thought he was getting his way about sex. Once he was nude, you pushed him backwards till the backs of his legs hit the bed. One more push and he sat. “Lay down.” Beetlejuice reached for you. “Come on, babe, I’ve shown you mine now show me yours--” “I said lay down.” The bite in your tone widened his eyes which, truthfully, made the dark pigment around them look worse. Modulating yourself, you cupped his jaw and stroked his beard with your thumb. Beetlejuice leaned into the caress. When the muscles in his face loosened again, you gave one final swipe with your thumb right over his lips. He tried to follow your digit to kiss it, but you patted his cheek instead. “Now. Lay. Down.” He looked up again and it was on the tip of his tongue to protest once more. “Telling you three times is two times too many,” you warned. 
That buttoned his lip. Beetlejuice scooted back and lay down without another word. He’d learned when not to push it. “Good boy.” In the position you’d told him, you finally stripped down to nothing but your underwear. It wasn’t the cutest or sexiest you owned, just plain white cotton. From the way Beetlejuice’s eyes locked on to it, riveted to the barely darker patch at the junction of your thighs, however, it could have been see-through lace worn by a lingerie model. He reached for you. You patted his hand as you stepped away from his touch. “Now. You’re going to listen to me and do what I say. Understood?” 
He nodded, still staring at your crotch. 
“You’re going to lay there and you’re going to relax. You are not going to touch me. I am going to touch you. Is that understood?” Another nod. “You need to answer me out loud.” Finally his gaze flicked up to your face. “I understand.” “Good boy.” With his verbal agreement, you sat on the bed next to him. Knowing that even since he’d met you and had gotten used to casual physical contact how touch starved he was, you ran your hands from his collar bones to his waist. Long, sweeping strokes. After starting you never lifted your hands, trailing at least your fingers back upward to do it again. You moved from his chest to his arms, gently massaging them each individually right down to his rough fingernails. You didn’t speak, and neither did he. Instead, quiet, inarticulate moans slipped from his parted lips. At some point he closed his eyes too. Typically he watched you. On occasion you told him to keep his eyes on specific body parts or actions. This time you let him rest. An indeterminate amount of time passed. When you got to his legs, you bypassed his groin. Beetlejuice held his faux breath in anticipation as you dragged your fingers through the bush of his pubic hair, then let it out as you stroked his thighs. His cock, erect and weeping at the tip, bounced as he emptied his lungs. By the time you worked your way to his feet--you didn’t actually massage him below his ankles, he was ticklish and kicked like a mule the one time you’d run a finger on his soles, plus his toenails were a hundred times worse than his fingernails--everything about him had slackened. If he’d been feeling more himself you wouldn’t have been surprised to see drool in the corner of his mouth dripping into his beard. Not because he was actually asleep, but for one of his teases about how hard you slept sometimes. 
At least now he looked marginally better. Rest did him good. He needed more, of course, but he didn’t sleep and would probably pop up the second you got off the bed . . . “Beej, turn over,” you said. You slipped off the bed as if to give him room to obey. He did without question and lay quietly, not even griping about his dick being smooshed when it could be put to better use, you know, wink wink. Leaving him be, you took a moment to find your harness and his favorite strap on. That took a little digging in your toy drawer and not once did Beetlejuice lift his head. You’d have expected a lecherous grin or dirty remark--something about his bootylicious rump, he was so predictable--but he didn’t make a peep. You weren’t even sure he’d realized you had gotten into your harness, although you certainly weren’t quiet as a mouse about it. Getting back on the bed, you climbed over to him awkwardly on your knees. Bumping one of his legs to the side, you straddled it for a second before making him widen both thighs enough for you to fit between them. “I think you’re feeling better, Beej,” you praised, “but I think you’re going to feel great.”
He twisted to look over his shoulder at you and once more his eyes widened a little. “You said something about dicking, right? Right?” He swallowed before croaking, “Yes’m.”
Filling your hand with the baby oil you’d pulled from the drawer, you stroked the silicone cock jutting from your groin. Oil wasn’t ideal for the silicone, but you knew the distinct smell of it did something for him, so as a special treat you used it. It coated everything in a different kind of slick than water-based lube, and made the hot pink dildo shine brightly in the overhead lights. 
You squeezed another healthy amount of the oil into your palm, then let it warm before slipping your fingers and hand between the cheeks of his ass. You lathed him in the sweet scent of it, prepping him even though you’d been told again and again he didn’t need that. He wasn’t a breather! But you preferred the prep, with the small eager sounds he made. The shifting he did to get on his knees to lift his hips for you. The insincere whine when you smacked his ass to get him back down; insincere because lowering himself again gave him a touch of friction his cock demanded so much.
Beetlejuice enjoyed it too, especially when you lightly rolled his balls so they were slick too. 
Finally satisfied with what you’d done, you told him to stay right where he was and not to get up on his knees. “I also think you mentioned a quick dicking?” you mused as you used one finger to stroke the now glistening puckered muscle between his cheeks. His ass clenched. “Yes! Yes I did, yes’m!” “That’s unfortunate,” you replied, and with a hand on the base of the dildo to steady it, you pressed the tip to his asshole. Without you reminding him, Beetlejuice visibly relaxed as you eased the full length into him. He gave a shuddering groan when you bottomed out. His hands fisted into the sheets below him. Keeping the points of your hips pressed against his ass, you leaned over him to whisper, “I’m going to fuck you. Slow and deep, Beej. You’re going to feel every inch of my cock push in and pull out of you. You’re going to want more. You’re going to want me to fuck you silly. But what you’re going to get is a measured, even pace. Do you understand?” He whined again. It was not pretend this time; now the noise was needy. Half of you wondered if you stayed immobile just like this how well he’d do fucking himself up into you. That wasn’t what was best for him right now though. “You need to answer me out loud.” Beetlejuice knew better than to make you repeat things so many times, but tonight you were a bit lax. “Yes. I understand!” “Good. Good boy,” you praised. On the last syllable, you pulled back, then moved forward again, just as you’d promised. Slow and steady, you fucked him. Under you, the specter mewled and clawed the sheets. At first. As you continued to keep a unfaltering movement, Beetlejuice slowly relaxed again. Sitting back on your knees you were able to see his fists unclench. Tension in his shoulders eased, and by the time you took hold of his love handles for some support, the tautness in his waist and hips melted away too. While the little grunts and gasps continued with each thrust, you hoped he just let the pleasure wash over him. 
“You deserve this, Beej,” you managed to say in between moans of your own. He jerked a little at your words, breaking your rhythm. You waited until he settled again before continuing. “This is all for you, I love fucking you and hearing you--” “What about you?” he groaned. “What can I do for you--” “Shhh now,” you ordered. “This is good for me, doing this to you, for you.” He obeyed. You were telling the truth. He’d looked so trounced when he’d shown up, all disoriented and distressed. It wasn’t a good look on him, so making him just stop and let you do all the work made you feel--not powerful, exactly, but like you could do something specifically for him. He may not admit it, but he liked when you took charge. Once in the dark he’d whispered that it made him feel wanted, and safe. When you took care of him. Edging him wasn’t your goal tonight, but the specter on his belly under you didn’t do anything to get additional friction to his cock. The smooth rocking of that pink dildo in and back out had to stimulate him, just not enough to make him come. The sheets under him were going to be soaked with pre-come. You just knew it. Beetlejuice had been so good, letting you fuck him in a way that wasn’t common for the two of you. Unhurried sex just because simply wasn’t either of your style. Tonight, though, he’d probably have let you do as you wanted as long as you wanted, except your thighs and knees started to ache. Giving his sides a squeeze, you asked him to get on all fours. It took some maneuvering because you were loathe to let your cock slip out of him, but eventually he was able to comply. This position, something more routine, made it difficult for you not to slip into the familiar motion of fucking him faster and harder. You both liked the sound of the fronts of your thighs slapping his ass; Beetlejuice even canted back towards you in anticipation of that first harder thrust. But you clicked your tongue. It was enough to remind him of what you’d said you would be doing. Leaning over his back again meant you didn’t have the leverage to thrust as well, but it did leave your cock buried fully inside him. Reaching around and under him, you wrapped the hand you’d filled with baby oil around his cock. He’d lost his erection but his cock filled again as you stroked him. The softer noises he’d made grew into sharper ones as you allowed your hand to work with a much snappier pace then you’d fucked him. He didn’t seem to know if he wanted to throw his head back or let it drop as he escalated closer to orgasm. His voice hitched and caught in his throat, and after a moment of everything tensing once more he finally came, dripping over your fist and to the sheets.
After the throbbing shaft in your hand stilled again, you carefully peeled yourself off him. You rocked away from him and he cried out at the loss of the dildo in his ass before twisting to flop on his back away from the mess he’d made on the bed. He threw an arm over his eyes.
Eyeing the impressive wet spot and smears of come decorating the sheets as you stripped out of the harness, you said, “I’m taking that back. You can do something for me.” “Anything you want, baby,” he muttered lazily, without moving. “You get to lay on the wet spot.”
Beetlejuice lifted his forearm enough to open one eye to look at you. The shadows of his eye sockets he had sported when he arrived looked a little less deep, now. “Lay so both my front and my back are covered in come?” he asked. “You know I love it, baby!” Dramatically he rolled right back where he’d been. He grinned at you; you couldn’t help but smile back even as you shook your head. Whatever happened to him while he was out of your house, whatever had hurt him, at least he was feeling better now. 
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hchollym · 2 years
Percy and Marcus get changed in a rush and swap clothes, a lot of questions are asked when Percy shows up wearing Marcus’s quidditch sweater and Marcus shows up wearing Percy’s weasley sweater
Thank you so much for the prompt! 😊
I love it, but I'm not sure that I did it justice, so if anyone else wants to write another version of it, then I'd love to read it! 😍
Warnings: Mild Language & Some Sexual References/Discussion. I'll cross-post this to AO3 later.
Better Late Than Never
Percy Weasley has never been late to class in his life, and he certainly isn’t going to let it happen now that he’s the Head Boy.
He blames Marcus – his bloody gorgeous, distracting boyfriend makes him lose all sense of time and logic (thank Merlin the twins don't know about him; they'd never let Percy live it down), which is why Percy is frantically trying to get ready, throwing on a shirt and collecting his materials to dart out the door.
For once, Marcus is just as rushed as him since he has quidditch practice (none of the Slytherin Quidditch Team is taking NEWT-level Transfiguration at this hour like Percy). Normally, Marcus just takes his sweet time, uncaring if he's tardy to anything (sometimes even doing it on purpose), and a small part of Percy is feeling rather proud that he is able to make his boyfriend lose track of time when it matters too.  
That thought doesn't last long as he heads to the door, pulled back briefly by Marcus for a quick goodbye kiss, before walking briskly to class – running in the halls is against the rules, after all. He just barely makes it in time, and Professor McGonagall gives him a strange look but doesn't say anything.
He spends the rest of class focusing diligently on the work, ignoring the way his classmates are glancing at him and whispering – they’re probably just jealous by how high his grades are in the course, but perhaps they’d be able to achieve the same marks if they devoted a little more time to studying and a little less time to gossiping.
It isn’t until he gets to the Great Hall for lunch that he finally realizes something is amiss. Everyone sitting around him keeps looking at him oddly, and he frowns. Do I have ink on my face again? He rubs it to check, but his hand comes back clean.
"What in the bloody hell-"
"-are you wearing?" Fred and George ask in turn when they show up.
Percy glances down, freezing when he realizes he's wearing a Slytherin Quidditch Team sweater. His eyes widen in panic, and he can’t help but glance over to the Slytherin table just in time to see Marcus sit down, wearing a maroon sweater with a gold 'P' on the chest.
Percy's fairly certain he stops breathing - though in the back of his mind, he can't help but notice how good Marcus looks in his sweater; it stretches over his chest, tight around his muscles, making them look bloody delicious, and he would be drooling if he weren't busy panicking.
How had he not noticed that they were wearing the wrong sweaters? Marcus' sweater was so much bigger and baggier (and comfortable and good-smelling and –), and how had he been so oblivious?! Everyone follows his gaze, and he knows they put it together a second later when there are a few gasps.
"Flint!" Fred and George scream at once.
Marcus looks at him then, smirking smugly, and oh, that little shit is enjoying this. He has no problem with their relationship being public knowledge (in fact, he'd been trying to get Percy to admit it, because he said he wanted to "make sure everyone knows you're mine").
He can feel his face heat up like it's on fire as he looks down at his plate. Fred and George are losing it next to him, ranting and raving about the shock and treason, and Oliver is bloody laughing at him – the traitor – but thankfully that does help, because then the twins transfer their ire to their Quidditch Captain for clearly knowing about this and not telling them. As Oliver holds his hands up in surrender to two furious Weasleys, Percy just hopes that this revelation blows over soon (doubtful).
Over the next few days, he's actually shocked by how few people bother them about it. People whisper all the time, and the Slytherins tease Marcus (but nothing too harsh because they probably know he would murder them without hesitation), and Oliver makes sure most of the Gryffindors leave him alone (and Percy is really grateful for that because he knows that Oliver is not Marcus' biggest fan and has never been happy about their relationship, but he’s doing this for Percy anyway).
The only ones who give him hell are the twins (even Oliver's not brave enough to intervene with them), and they alternate between berating him for his awful taste in men (“Why can’t you date Diggory or Rogers instead!?”) and teasing him (“You are the cliché of the good girl liking the bad boy, Perce").
It could be worse though. Nobody told his parents – he's assuming, because they haven’t written him – but Bill writes him a letter stating how worried he is for Percy because he doesn't want some Slytherin manipulating him, and he expresses doubt that Percy ever learned about gay sex during “The Talk”, so he hopes Percy knows that he is supposed to use condoms for anal sex too. Percy wants to burn the letter and throttle him, but then Bill finishes the note by saying that if Marcus ever hurts Percy, then he'll make sure he gets permanently lost in a pyramid, and well, that’s actually rather sweet.
Charlie sends him a nice, supportive letter saying congratulations on getting a boyfriend and wanting to know all about their relationship, and Percy decides that Charlie is now his favorite brother.
That only lasts approximately 2 minutes though, because then Marcus gets a howler, and Charlie's voice rings out across the Great Hall, going off on Marcus for taking advantage of Percy who is "innocent" and “pure” and how Marcus better keep his slimy paws off Charlie's baby brother. Percy is mortified as everyone starts laughing, and now Charlie has officially been moved down to Percy’s least favorite sibling.
But Marcus just grins and winks at him, and he’s wearing Percy’s sweater again, and Percy’s stomach flips. He thinks he may have developed a thing for Marcus wearing his clothes, because they look damn good on him, and he likes that everyone knows that Marcus is his (and okay, now he gets what Marcus meant about the public claim).
So, he decides to wear Marcus' sweater again the next day, and he’s rewarded by Marcus’ pupils dilating in raw desire. As Percy stands up to leave the Great Hall, Marcus jumps up and follows him, and Percy decides that he won’t mind being late to class, just this once.
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indigowallbreaker · 1 year
May I request Raphael x Bernadetta from FE3H with the hand-holding "calloused hands in soft hands" please? It's one of my favourite Fire Emblem pairings.
Thank you for waiting! I hope I did your favorite pair justice :D
(Currently accepting rare ships! Click here for an UPDATED info post!)
The last thing Raphael wanted to do was panic Bernadetta. Experience from both school and battle had taught him how very easy it was to startle Bernadetta-- then there would be nothing stopping her from running off like a hunted deer.
So even as Raphael lead them around the bodies of enemy soldiers and discarded weapons and patches of burned buildings, he kept his voice cheery.
"Marianne'll patch you right up and you'll be good to go!" He said, tightening his grip on Bernadetta's hand as a riderless horse ran past them. "I bet no one will make yah train for a while. You can cuddle up in bed all week!"
"That sounds nice," Bernadetta said wistfully. "I have some books I've been meaning to read."
Raphael looked down at her, anxiety pooling in his stomach at her words. Bernadetta had her eyes shut tight but Raphael could still see the damage done. As much as he pretended everything was okay, as much as he desperately hoped everything was okay, Raphael privately wondered if Bernadetta would ever see again-- let alone read the pile he knew was next to her bed.
Claude's secret strategy for defending Garreg Mach from the Empire had been to set off flame charges in the middle of the battlefield. The ensuing blaze had driven the Empire back, sure, but Raphael found it hard to be impressed with the plan after finding Bernadetta in this state. Evidently she had been standing too close and been hit by soot, ash, and no small amount of splintered wood.
Still, Raphael guided her through the battlefield back toward the gates of Garreg Mach with as much optimism as he could muster. "What kinda books?" He prompted. He saw Hilda streak across the sky on her wyvern towards the retreating Empire troops and hurriedly looked down at Bernadetta again.
"There's this one about all the Saints that Seteth lent me when we came back here. Oh! And the Professor gifted me one about plants! I'm not sure what kind but the cover looked interesting."
As she talked, Raphael kept his head on a swivel, ready to scoop Bernadetta up if they were ambushed. Her soft hand in his felt out of place on this burning battlefield. It was hard not to just run and pull her along, get her away and safe back in her room as fast as possible.
"There's this recipe book I brought from home I want to try too," Bernadetta was saying when Raphael remembered to pay attention. "I can try making you something from that, if you want? Y-You liked the meat I made before so I thought..."
The overwhelming smell of burning wood, bushes, and flesh had, for once, made Raphael feel nauseous at the idea of eating meat. But he squeezed Bernadetta's hand and said, "Sounds delicious!
"A-Are we almost there?"
"Almost. Hang in there!"
"My eyes really itch now..."
"Claude!" Raphael pulled Bernadetta closer to his side and grinned in relief upon seeing Claude's silhouette.
Both Claude and the Professor looked around at Raphael's shout. "I thought you were up front with Hilda and Lorenz?" Claude said with a furrowed brow.
It was the Professor who started forward toward Raphael. "What happened?" They asked, taking Bernadetta's other hand.
"She got hit," Raphael stated vaguely. He didn't want to talk about finding Bernadetta amid the rumble, shaking and gasping, both hands over her eyes and blood in her hair. Instead he let Bernadetta's hand slip from his and aimed a worried look at the Professor. They nodded in understanding.
As the Professor began leading Bernadetta towards the healer's tents, Claude pat Raphael on the shoulder. "You should go with her," he said.
"She's in good hands now. I'm just glad I could keep her calm."
"I think she still needs you."
Raphael watched Bernadetta's retreating back and bit his lip. It wasn't until Claude gave Raphael a slight push that Raphael let himself all but race forward. "We're almost done here!" Claude called after him, reading the reason behind Raphael's hesitation. Raphael flashed him a thumbs up before closing the distance between himself and Bernadetta, taking her hand once more.
She squeezed it tight. "Don't leave again," she ordered, voice high.
Raphael smiled even though she couldn't see it. "I won't. Promise."
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thebradleybradshaw · 2 years
a-z nsfw prompt | b. bradshaw
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synopsis: nsfw alphabet for b. bradshaw (18+ MINORS DNI!!)
note: thirsty bitches only !! byeeee i blacked tf out writing this. this was highly requested, i hope i did it justice!! likes, comments, & reblogs are always appreciated. have fun and stay thirsty xx
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Rooster is completely exhausted after sex. He’s glistening from sweat and completely spent. He likes to dramatically lay there, huffing his breath, bragging about ‘how good’ it was. He’s dying for a compliment, hinting at you to also talk about just how mind blowing that experience was. Once the adrenaline has died down he becomes clingy. He makes sure that you’re cleaned up and assesses any damage he may have done, leaving little ‘sorry’ kisses wherever a bruise seems to appear. Once the cleaning process is done he’s curled up next to you, looking at you with such puppy dog eyes you’re ready to explode.
This is typically when the pillow talk happens. Now that he’s more relaxed he’s more open to talking about things. He’ll just spew out everything that has been on his mind as he absentmindedly plays with your hair. It’s quite endearing to watch him ramble on and on without any end in sight. Don’t even consider moving or getting up. The second he feels you shifting his arms are locked around you and he’s whining. “I don’t think so, honey.”
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Rooster is extremely proud of his hands. He’s a pilot after all. His hands control an entire airplane. One slip of the wrist and he’s fucked. His hands hold so much power in and out of work. He finds it humorous just how weak in the knees you get from his touch. Whether it’s a soft caress of your cheek, squeeze of your ass, or a strong choke - you love his hands. He has the shape and feel of your body completely burned into his brain, but still likes to take his time to explore further. You particularly like the callouses that form after his workouts.
On you, he’s a big fan of boobs and hips. It doesn’t matter the size - A to GG cup - he’s foaming at the mouth. He’s constantly buying lingerie, night gowns, or sports bras just so he can stare at them as you walk around the house. Your hips are more specific. Not just your hips, but that spot below your hips before your thighs -its delicious. It’s a place he’s holding onto for dear life when he’s being particularly rough. There’s constantly fingerprint shaped bruises in that area. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
In the beginning of the relationship Rooster advocated for safe sex. He always wore a condom. There was no room for potential pregnancy scaries. It was just sex- two horny people who were constantly in the mood. It wasn’t until a year later that things became different. He looked around the room, checking every possible drawer for a condom. THe two of you had completely depleted the box. It would take too long to buy a new box, and he needed sex now. He nervously asked you if you would be okay skipping the condom. After much consideration, you decided to have at it. You never changed your mind. The first time Rooster was able to feel you completely he made a sound that came from Heaven above. It was a pathetic whimper that lit a flame you never knew you had. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He's always wanted to make a movie. He wants to be able to watch over and over again. The way you move, the way you sound. He wants to keep a video on his phone whenever he needs to hear you, but you're not there. What keeps him from asking is the fear of it being leaked. It would embarrass him completely if it did. But, he does contemplate how much money the two of you could make with it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s had sex before - that much is for sure. Does he know everything? To an extent. Sex in the beggining was clumsy and a learning process. You had to learn what each other liked and didn’t like. However, once he knew something you liked - he never forgot it. His mental index card holds every position, feeling, and words that make you lose control. The more comfortable he got with you, the more he started asking to do new things. It’s not uncommon to be yeeted about the room as Rooster figures out the next surface to fuck on.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Oh, there’s a few.
Missionary - it’s a given. Having you underneath him gives him a power trip. You’re prey to his vices, trapped. He especially likes it when he wants to be as close as possible. He’s practically folding you into the mattresses as he tries to bury himself as deep as possible. He’s peppering kisses along your neck and ear, whispering sweet nothings and encouragement. He likes to feel your legs squeezing around his waist, your nails raking down his spine. It’s an absolute position for morning sex.
Cowgirl. Boobs. Rooster is below you and mesmerized by the way your tits bounce up and down with each thrust. He’s more quiet underneath because he’s so blown away he can barely breathe. It’s the most beautiful sight he’s ever seen. He lays back with a grip on your waist and let’s you use him for whatever you need.
Face down, ass up - doggy. This is for when he’s feeling dominate and fiery. The sounds of hands smacking your ass are loud and echoing. He’s got a fistful of your hair in a makeshift ponytail. The other hand holds down your lower torso and he goes wild. You typically end up in this position if you’ve made him jealous. It’s the perfect way for him to put you in the place - no mercy just endless fucking.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It really depends on the mood. If it’s a quickie before the two of you go to work he’s probably being a bit of an annoying tease, thinking it’s hilarious. He’s cracking jokes as the two of you calm down and try to get dressed for the day.
When the mood is more sultry he’s all serious. He’s making demands, praising, even possibly degrading. He’s the boss. There’s no room for silliness. You do what you’re told and that’s that. Although, that is more during anniversary or jealousy sex where Rooster is in more of a dominate mood.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
His hair is beautifully sunkissed. The carpet only slightly matches the drapes. He’s darker and more curly. He’s big on grooming. It’s not completely gone, but it’s nicely shaved down. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Rooster can be so intimate to the point of cheesy. He just can’t help it. The bedroom is his safe space. It’s where he can be vulnerable and emotional. When he’s in a soft mood he’s placing kisses to your temple and neck, gently thrusting at an agonizingly slow place. He likes to take his time and enjoy the warmth and heat that radiates from you. It’s like a fuzzy blanket that creates tingles down his spine. It’s not uncommon to get a few ‘I love yous’ and he’s staring into your soul. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
It happens. If you’re gone on a trip or he’s on a mission, it’s what he resorts to. He has a high sex drive and few of your polaroids in his pocket. He usually does it in the shower to get his day started. But it could never beat the real thing with you. He also has an arsenal of nudes that he keeps on his phone is a separate album. Sometimes he just stares at it.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Let’s discuss:
Bottom of the pyramid: hair pulling. It’s simple and it’s effective. He’s sandwiched between your thighs, eating away as if it’s his last meal. The first time you gave his hair a squeeze, he let out such a squeal you couldn’t help but do it again. The soft tugs on his hair seemed to give him more energy. You learned that by gently squeezing a fist into his hair he would release a delicious vibration that sent you right over the edge.
Middle of the pyramid: biting. It’s fun, it’s kinky. Since he always has to be clean and proper in his uniform, Rooster has created a game of leaving bite marks in places no one else could ever see. Pink and purple marks are scattered over your chest and torso. You find new ones every time you strip to take a shower. You’ll send a snap of the map of bite marks, where he replies with a simple “can’t wait to add more”. He’s gentle with his bites, but he likes for you to go full vampire. He wants to feel your teeth sinking into his shoulder as he’s pounding away on top. The sheer adrenaline and pain drives him an extra mile. As he’s changing into his uniform he swipes a finger over the bruise, reliving the fond memories of the night before.
And finally, the top: praise kink. This kink never fails to completely derail the two of you. Rooster is so starved for validation. All it takes is an ‘I’m so proud of you” and he’s bending you over the nearest surface. He’s had a rough day at work, everyone seemed to get on his last nerves. He was desperate to come home and hide away from the ick of the world. He came to you for a hug, an innocent simple hug to help make himself feel better. Your arms snaked around his neck, a hand resting on the newly cut, prickly hair at the base of his neck, “Aw honey, I’m sorry. I’m sure you did so good today, I’m still proud of you.” You made sure to keep your voice low as you dragged out the praise. His once tired muscles tensed up below you. Before you could register, you were being propped up onto the kitchen counter, Rooster practically tearing his uniform jacket from his body. He knew you were just teasing him, but he made sure to do something to make you exceptionally proud of him. As he always said, he ‘aimed to please’.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Work is, of course, completely off limits. He’s a man of privacy and reputation. The home? Fair game. Bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, living room. Every single part of your shared house has witnessed at least one sexual encounter. It was his mission to ‘bless’ each room of the house. Then there’s the truck. What’s more romantic than a gorgeous sunset on the horizon while being absolutely obliterated by your boyfriend? Nothing compares. As long as there is privacy, Rooster is all for it. He’s protective, he refuses to risk any chance of someone seeing you in such a private state. He really wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if you got caught. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
All you have to do is ask. He’s watching you laugh at something your friend said, he’s hard. You’re in a bubble bath, hard. You’re innocently putting on clothes for an event, hard. You’ve almost become such a habit that he gets withdrawals after too long. Of course he understands if you’re not in the mood, or a bit too sore from the last time. But the minute you give him those fuck me eyes he’s all about it.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything that would cause you physical, deep pain. He respects kinks, but the protectiveness he feels for you would not allow him to participate. A little nimble and joking bite is soft. Anything with hitting or blood would cross his boundary. It’s just not something that he is interested in. He would respectfully say no and think of something else to try.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
It’s a two way street. His favorite sight is you on your knees, hair pulled back, and dick in your mouth. It’s beautiful, it’s feral. Your makeup is a mess and there’s a tear going down your cheek and he is done for. It’s something he constantly daydreams about. 
Rooster is a master with his tongue. He’s buried deep, airway constricted, and he goes to town. He never gets tired of your taste flooding his senses. He’ll go all night if you let him. The mustache adds a delicious burn that leaves you raw and aching. He’ll go until your voice is hoarse and you’re spent. It’s a hobby of his.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s fast and rough when the situation calls for it. If it’s angry, makeup, or jealousy sex you are fucked. He’s thrusting hard and fast, filth spilling into your ears, the sound of balls slapping skin all around you. He’s got a strong grip on your throat controlling your breathing. He’s teasing and degrading a bit, never letting you second guess who exactly you belong to.
In normal situations, it’s a gentle rhythmic pace. Rooster really likes to take his time. There’s kisses and whispers and soft touches. He’s complimenting you left and right. It’s the kind of rhythm that can last as long as the two of you possibly can. There’s no rush. He’s got the entire night free to do nothing but shower you in love and attention.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Loves them. Since he’s practically always in the mood, sometimes he needs a quick outlet to get it all out. Quickies are usually in the morning before he’s running late for work, lunch time when he randomly comes out, or before you all go out with friends. He doesn’t need much time, just enough to get the point across that he wants to fuck.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is always up for learning what you like, and what he likes. He typically won’t say no unless it crosses a personal boundary. He likes to keep things spicy and interesting so that it doesn’t get old and boring. He’ll surprise you with new lingerie or a new flavor of lube just because he thought it would add a little bit of fun.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Normally he’ll give it all and exhaust himself in one round. He gets it all out so that the two of you can spend the rest of the time relaxing and spending time together. Unless it’s quickies, he can last two rounds. There’s a point where it can become too long and things start getting uncomfortable. He keeps it about 40 minutes, taking his time, switching it up, so that you’re not getting too exhausted. Unless, of course, it’s one of those nights where he wants to take as long as he possibly can. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He’s got the basics: vibrator, cuffs, blindfold. The vibrator is solely for your use. It gives him a power trip to be in control of it. He’s changing the intensity, placing it anywhere rather than where you need it most. He’ll turn it off just when you can feel yourself getting ready to spill- just be an asshole. The cuffs are his favorite. When he lets you take the reigns he loves nothing more than to have his arms cuffed above his head. It gives an extra spice to watch you on top while he’s restrained. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Rooster is an asshole. He loves to get you all hot and bothered, give your hair a squeeze and place a sloppy, deep kiss to your mouth and then dip. “See you later, baby.” and he’s out the door. You’re left gasping and incredibly frustrated. He loves the way you glare at him as he’s walking out the door. It does nothing but add to his ego to know you’ll be waiting for him when he gets back, even when you try to say you won’t be.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s a cursor. “Oh my fucking God, you feel so good” “holy shit” “fuck, fuck, fuck” amongst others. They’re low grumbles that rattle your chest, and octave lower than his normal voice. He gets in your ear, barely whispering “I know you like that, baby”. He’ll never be loud enough for anyone else to  hear. He keeps his grunts soft and low. He’ll let out a growl here and there when he’s being pretty rough. A lot of the time he’s breathing deep, brows furrowed in concentration, mouth slightly open as if he’s taken aback by how good you look being fucked.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Rooster was pissed. Guys had flocked to you all night and you absorbed all of the attention you could possibly handle. It was innocent on your end, no matter what their intentions were. You were having fun. Rooster did not agree. He was angry, insulted, jealous. He was pretty much silent the entire ride home, knuckles glowing white from his grip on the steering wheel. He followed you into the house, locking the door behind him. He found you in your shared bedroom, beginning to undress.
“Get on your knees,” his voice finally rang out. His eyes were nearly black in the dim light as he stood before you. 
You smirked, “excuse me?”
Rooster wasn’t in the playing mood. “I said get on your knees,” he repeated, “I didn’t fucking stutter.” 
Every hair on your arm stood up at attention. Slicked pooled in your matching lingerie as you contemplated disobeying him. You decided against it, slowly dropping to the floor and maintaining eye contact. Rooster held no expression on his face, but there was a sinister gleam in his eye. He held you hair in a makeshift pony tail, guiding a hand to his belt. “Get to suckin’.”
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
We’ve all seen the beach scene. Rooster is absolutely fucking ripped. Abs that run for miles, arms that could squeeze a melon in half. Arm veins that are delicious. He’s fucking hot, point blank period. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It’s high. Almost annoyingly high. He enjoys sex. It can be fun, passionate, intense, whatever. He finds sex one of the best ways for him to show you his feelings. Sex is vulnerable and private and only you can see him in that position. Not to mention he just finds you extremely attractive and tends to think with his dick. It’s his favorite way to start and end a day.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Since he spends all of his energy fucking your brains out, he’s exhausted when it’s over. He takes a few minutes for aftercare before he’s struggling to keep his eyes open. He’s curled around you, still babbling on, as his voice begins to get quieter and quieter. He’s practically mumbling nonsense as he begins to fall asleep. And he always has the best rest of his life after sex. He’s satisfied, happy, and completely relaxed. You sometimes try to stay up just to look at his peaceful figure, but you’re just as spent as he is.
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reveltica · 3 years
I appreciate your stay
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pairing: childe x gn!reader
a/n: i am stoked to be writing this fic inspired by a prompt made by @tartaglia-please-come-home ! i hope you would enjoy this and i hope i did this justice~
WARNING!: angst, hurt with no ounce of comfort (yet), cheating, childe cheated on the reader so this will be sad and also, PLEASE REFRAIN FROM HARASSING CHILDE MAINS IN GAME JUST BECAUSE OF A FANFIC. that would be all thank you~
"You're listening to Radio Revel"
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"I'm sorry [name], I still have a lot of paperwork to do back in the Northland Bank. Maybe next time?"
But his Fatui agents told you that he had handed over his papers early.
"Oh, that was today? Shoot uh— I'm supposed to attend a meeting with a few agents regarding our next move. Maybe next time? I promise, I'll make it up to you."
He never did.
"[Name] I'm kind of busy right now."
He always were.
But that's okay, you thought. He was a prominent Harbinger. Of course he would be very busy ever since the "death" of Rex Lapis and the appearance of this Traveler whom he called Lumine.
These events happened maybe a month or two in the past. Osial's unexpected reappearance caused an uproar. The Qixing, Adepti and of course the Traveler all fought together to defeat the ancient god.
And ever since then Childe became more and more interested in Lumine. After all, he had experienced the delicious thrill of battle when he had fought her off in the Golden House.
He had talked more and more about her whenever you two would share dinner or just talk in general in your shared house. At first, you wouldn't thought anything of it. He seemed very excited and happy to be talking about his encounters with the Traveler. You were even glad that he gets to spar with someone who is on the same level as him. Good exercise for him, you thought.
That is until...their encounters frequented at an uncomfortable speed.
So you shopped for groceries one day right? Then you caught wind of Childe and Lumine walking around the market. Talking, laughing even. They seemed so close together. Some people even saw them doing commissions together at one point.
Again, you didn't think anything of it. They're good friends.
"Ahh there they go again. They seem to fit each other perfectly." One vendor mumbled softly. Another vendor—who is a good friend of yours— slapped the other vendors arm, earning an angry yelp. "Have some shame, [name] is right here!" your vendor friend said.
"Oh, it's fine. I'm not bothered at all." your naive self smiled.
Your friend squinted their eyes and cocked their head to the side. "Are you sure? We've been seeing them together almost everyday. Surely something must be going on." they pressed.
You just frowned at their statement. "Now that's just you jumping to conclusions. They're just friends. Childe wouldn't do anything behind my back." the tone in your voice had a hint of anger but you managed to control it. After all, it was your lover whom they've been slandering.
Your friend held up their hands in surrender and sighed. "You're right, I wasn't in the right place to say anything." You just sighed and the both of you stayed quiet while they packed your grocery.
You went home after that. And as much as you want to brush off your vendor friends comments, you couldn't help but have this heavy and nasty feeling deep inside your gut that maybe...
Now back to the present.
This feeling stayed when Childe began to grow distant. He would cancel date nights or he would make up excuses why you couldn't meet up with him or go to his office in the Northland Bank just to give him lunch you freshly made.
He would also go home late. Disturbingly late like, 2 or 3 am. Honestly, why would he even go home at this hour? And while you're pondering these negative and invasive thoughts, your friends words from a few weeks back came into mind.
"Maybe they're right.."
And right you were. You could see the change of attitude whenever you're around Childe. How he wouldn't reciprocate the kisses and hugs you would give him.
Or how he would be very quiet when you two were alone or you talking to him in general. At this rate, everything feels one sided. You had an argument about this with him. And it didn't fare well in your favor.
"Why are you always so clingy and needy of my attention? Can't you understand that I'm far too busy?" Childe raised his voice.
"I know that! I do know. That's why I am asking you whenever you have free time. I miss you Ajax. I miss being with you—"
"Don't I always come back home? You always have me all to yourself."
"Yes, but do I really?!"
Silence. Childe squinted his eyes at you, sighing heavily. "Oh, is this what this is? Were you jealous? God [name], I didn't peg you to be that type of person."
You were silent still. You didn't mean to blurt out that thought.
" Look, Lumine has nothing to do between us—"
"—Yes, she is a good friend of mine that's all there is to it."
"...I understand." Was all you could say. Another beat of silence before you two decided to rest for the night. Knowing that of you let this argument go any further, you might not stop the barrage of your inner thoughts.
How many days has it been? Weeks? Months maybe. This has been going on for a very long time now and miraculously enough, it seems that Childe had been making up some time for you. Dinners and breakfast cooked for you. Small dates at the place you both deemed special.
They weren't grand but it made you feel relieved. It made your doubts of his faithfulness go away.
But that was only a short amount of time.
It happened again. Him becoming "very busy" and have no time for you at all. You didn't think anything of it, he must be really busy organizing both of your trip back to Snezhnaya.
So, for the time being, you decided to bring him homemade lunch. The kind where he wouldn't need chopsticks for.
When you arrived, his agents told you that he wasn't there and that he had left a while ago. So you looked frantically. You looked and looked and looked and all of a sudden your world came crashing.
There you see them on a field, sparring with each other. Childe throwing away his water blades and tackling over Lumine. They laughed together. You had to admit, they do look good with each other. Like puzzle pieces fitting together.
But that made your heart ache even more.
And what puts the icing on the cake was when Childe confesses his feelings to Lumine. You were close enough to hear it, but not visible enough for the two to see. You noted that his voice became firm yet soft, indicating that what he was saying was genuine. You could also see his face, flushed and vulnerable.
He was letting his defenses down with someone else other than you. But you couldn't see Lumine's reaction since her back was turned towards you.
You wanted to be angry. You wanted to charge at them, slap Childe across his face and scream obscenities at him and Lumine. How could they? How could HE?!
After all those years being together? Did it mean nothing to him? Sure, you weren't that powerful of a fighter like his precious Traveler but you surely could put up a fight!
God you wished you could just scream and cry but you couldn't. Your mind's boggled. Your eyesight blurry not with tears but with the heart shattering feeling of loss. All you could remember were your childhood days with him back in Snezhnaya.
But your anger depleted as soon as it came. Its as if your mind already knew that this would happen. That there was really something happening between them a long time ago. Your mind was prepared all this time ever since that argument you had with him.
Your face hardened at the sight and you turned your heel and silently walked away. You're not stupid, why would you hang onto something that had let go of you a long time ago?
He was clearly falling out of love with you all those times but you just didn't want to believe in it. Of course you were in denial but now...you're not.
Tired. Exhausted. And you're done.
It would be much better to end this right away you thought.
Childe came home almost on time that night. Let's say, 10 pm. And for the last time, you cooked him dinner, surely he hadn't one yet, right?
He saw you sitting down by the table, reading a book. His food placed on the surface neatly and it looked delicious.
He was about to thank you for waiting for him and he was about to tell you that he had already ate when he noticed something.
He noticed the sudden change of your aura. The way you looked? You looked exhausted and it magnified when the moonlight struck your face.
You didn't even approach him and greet him like the usual, instead you looked up and forced a small smile. He was stunned.
Something's up and he knows it.
"I didn't hear you come in. Please take a seat Ajax." you said rather softly.
"Oh, um. I'm good I already ate."
"Who said about you eating? I just said take a seat."
When did you become like this? He thought to himself. He could feel the tension in the air and his senses say that he should tread carefully.
But this is YOU we're talking about. Why should he calculate his every move?
It was there, the familiar sense of dread. But it still felt foreign especially when it was you. So he obliged and took a seat in front of you. You put your book down, looked at it one last time before turning and looking up at him.
"This will be the last meal I'll be cooking for you." you started. Childe furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. What do you mean? Are you going somewhere?
"This will also be the last night I'll be staying here with you." you continued. "The Traveler Lumine,your friend. How is she?"
Ah, this another one of your jealous fits? He just groaned and closed his eyes but he surprisingly answered honestly. "She's doing fine. Look, why do you care about her so much?"
You simply smiled. "Because I hope she could take care of you. And treasure you. And love you like i did."
Childe's eyes widens. Wait, what were you talking about? How long did you know?—
"I knew about the both of you a long time ago. I was just way too in denial, you know? With the way you treated me not too long ago, I thought that maybe we had hope. I thought that you two spending too much time together were just mere coincidences. But today..." you sighed and your eyes slowly darted back down to your book.
"Today, I was supposed to bring you lunch. But I didn't catch you in your office. So I looked for you. And guess where and whom I found you with."
"Wait, [name]—"
"And I heard you confess in the sweetest voice I've heard. The voice I missed hearing. I missed that voice that would also say the words that you just told Lumine earlier. So, I've made up my mind. I couldn't let this go on any longer especially since we're both not happy in this relationship. I appreciate your stay with me, I really do. But this is something that would benefit the both of us." you sighed, tears almost spilling out. While Childe was hurriedly thinking up ways to explain himself you finally said the words you've been dreading to say a long time ago.
Words you never even dreamed of telling him.
" Ajax, lets break up."
Childe found himself sitting in the dining room alone, the plate of food still in front of him. It's been hours since you've left. Quite dangerous but it's alright. You decided to stay at the Wangshu Inn for the night and leave early for Snezhnaya.
He haven't even noticed the luggages that were standing by at the door.
His mind was a mess right now. He couldn't process everything in just a short period of time. His confession to Lumine and to his break up with you.
Should he be happy? He doesn't know. He wished he could've spoken up earlier about what he felt. About what really happened with him nd Lumine earlier. But seeing you with the face of someone who had given up and is very dead inside, he couldn't muster up the courage to talk.
He thought that maybe...maybe this is for the best. He thought that you breaking up with him would do you a huge favor. He knows.
He knows that he hasn't been treating you right and this was the right decision to make. He was glad you did that. You were ecstatic you did that.
But why does he feel so cold? He should be happy, right?
His hand picked up the spoon and he began eating the last meal you cooked for him. He continued eating, savoring each bite.
"It's gone cold."
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a/n: well...I'm sorry if this felt rushed or if the development seemed off? I tried my best and I wouldn't mind hearing some feedback to further improve my writing.~ this might have a part 2 as well since i have ideas.
Again, this is just Childe in a fanfic and is not Childe's true or perse canon personality.
hope you'll have a wonderful day/afternoon/night!~
part ii 》
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silver-pieces · 2 years
dig my nails in dynamite
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Pairing: vampire!BatCat x fem!reader
Synopsis: Selina wants the next taste.
Warnings: 18+, this fic is dark, tw: noncon, tw: blood, tw: injury (Selina’s fingernails are sharp), tw: compulsion/mind control, smut (kissing, grinding, sucking), sexy, sexy vampires
A/N: This chapter focuses on Selina, and is my first time writing smut for a female character - I hope I have done her justice. I’m open to receiving requests, prompts, & headcanons for this trio btw. Divider by the amazing @firefly-graphics​.
prev < series masterlist 
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He’s broad enough to block the wind - that’s the only reason Selina becomes aware of his presence.
She lowers the binoculars and stares down at the diner across the street, where warped light spills from the window and reflects in the black puddles.
Only the server and two patrons remain - a woman in a pressed white shirt and blazer, and you. A scarf artfully adorns your neck, your nose scrunching adorably as you read through the menu.
Selina learned long ago how to interpret Batman's silences. This one, she intuits, is a question. What is she doing here?
"She's on a date," she tells him.
He eclipses the moonlight beside her. "She doesn't know."
Her throat burns.
Days, they have waited, without so much as a drop of blood to sustain them. No other human would do, not when you had tasted so good.
Their pet.
Now, days out of hospital, you’ve finally made an appearance in public. And if you’re strong enough to do that, then you’re strong enough for them to feed.
She steps up to the edge of the building, preparing to jump down, but he remains still, focused on you. His lack of protest is unusual.
"So what, you're not going to stop me?"
He lifts his gaze to her, and she sees a hollowness in his eyes.
"Be gentle."
She wants to snarl at him, to snap her teeth and say this is not how we do things. But he’s right - neither of them want you in the hospital again. "Cross my heart.” She smirks.
The hunt begins.
She lands in the alley 60 feet below, bending her knees so her heels don't break. She can feel Batman's eyes on her as she crosses through shadows.
The soft sound of your voice calls to her through the door of the diner. The bell rings, but you're facing away, so you don't see Selina enter. Your date briefly slides her gaze over the newcomer, before dismissing her to focus back on you.
Selina approaches the counter.
"What can I getcha?" The server asks.
"Just a latte, not too hot, oh - and extra milk," she says with a pleasant smile. Her voice carries in this small space.
Air currents shift - you turn your head just slightly, angling Selina in your line of sight. Your pulse begins to increase.
A thrill races through her, and she glances over her shoulder to meet your gaze. Just as she suspected, you're staring straight at her. Frozen. Remembering.
The coffee machine squeals, the delicious scent of your fear permeates the air, and the tension draws itself out, hanging in the air between you.
"Hey, what's up?" Your date reaches out to grab your hand.
How dare she touch you. Selina glares in her direction. But the distraction costs her, because as soon as you’re free from her stare, you surge up, out of the booth.
She almost loses it then. Prey. Pet. Mine.
But the sound of the paper coffee cup set down on the counter snaps her out of it.
“Three ninety-nine, miss.”
Cash slides across the counter, and she closes her perfectly manicured nails around the cup. “Keep the change.”
The bell didn’t ring, and your scent instead leads Selina to the bathroom, where you were smart enough to lock the door. She opens it anyway, bypassing the cheap lock with ease.
You’re leaning towards the mirror; clutching your scarf in your hands and staring wide-eyed at the scars on your neck. You look to Selina as the door swings shut behind her. “You did this to me,” you breathe. “You and - ” But you can’t seem to finish.
She tilts her head. “Having some trouble with your memory?”
You step backwards, the scent of your fear doubling into horror.
Selina blurs forward into you. You crash against the wall with her face inches from yours, forearm pinning you by the chest. “We’ve been patient with you, little mouse. Given you time to recover.”
“Please - don’t - ”
“Please?” She chuckles, and darts her tongue out to your bottom lip, leaving it damp. “You forget, I can scent the arousal in your cunt right now. You want this.” She holds the coffee cup to your lips. “Don’t say I never did nothing for you. Drink.” Her eyes radiate their vicious compulsive glow with the order. She’s had enough pushback from you for now; she wants obedience.
You close your lips around the lid and drink, lowering your gaze in humiliation. The latte goes down easy when your body goes completely compliant under her compulsion like this.
You finish, gasping for breath.
The empty cup drops to the floor.
“Good girl. I should be able to taste that in about ten minutes.” She leans back and chuckles. “Jesus, I miss caffeine.”
Your brows furrow for a second.
She strokes your cheek, being gentle with her sharp nails. “What should we do while we wait, little mouse?”
“I don’t understand,” you beg. “Wait for - for the caffeine to...”
“Mm-hm,” she nods. “Exactly.” Her eyes flick down to your mouth, and suddenly she breathes in, closing her eyes. “You smell even better now.”
Before you can respond, she crashes her mouth against yours. You’re stiff in her grip, accepting her touch but not responding, but your mouth tastes delicious.
She shouldn’t care that you’re not responsive. Or fighting. Some humans are like that; simply accepting of their fate; and in the end they all die the same. She shouldn’t care.
A growl of frustration comes out anyway, right into your mouth.
You whimper.
Fuck. She smooths a hand over your head and pulls away enough to make eye contact with you. Her eyes glow, making yours glow a second later as you fall under her thrall again. “Come now, mouse. No more fear. Whatever else you’re feeling, don’t hold back.” It’s a risk, removing your inhibitions. You could scream anyway, you could fight harder, you could retch in disgust. But a part of her, a part which she will later deny to herself, is curious.
You take a moment, after she releases you from her compulsion, to just stare at her. Letting the effects of her compulsion sink in. Then, your eyes dart down to her mouth, and you cross the gap, surging into another kiss.
Unexpected delight fills Selina. She laughs and kisses you back, pressing her body against yours.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful Selina,” you confess, wrapping your arms around her neck to pull her further into you.
Pulling back, she takes you by the throat. “Mistress,” she corrects, “you are my pet, and I am your Mistress.”
You nod obediently. “And what do I call - him?”
She grins, and tilts her head. “He can tell you that himself.”
Something crossed between wariness and hope enters your gaze. “He’s here?” You giggle, and then gasp and cover your mouth, staring at Selina with wide eyes. “I - oh my god I told the police officer to thank him for saving my life.”
Jesus, it’s like you’re drunk. “Very cute.” She flicks her nail up beneath your chin. “I want to taste you.”
Your eyes go wide, and then you tilt your head to the side, baring your neck for her in an instant.
Her fangs lengthen - your neck, offered up to her on a platter. All she had to do was remove your fear and you had become a fascinating mystery. “You want me to bite you?”
Your throat works as you swallow. “Not really, it hurts. But... I want to obey you anyway.”
The scent of your arousal has increased tenfold, and Selina groans. “How did we get so lucky?” She leans in to your neck, inhaling your scent. “I will bite you, soon. But when I said taste...” Her hand trails down to lift up the skirt of your dress.
Your breath stills.
As she presses her face into your neck, she explores beneath the fabric, her clawed fingernails softly tracing up your thigh, and stopping at the outline of your panties. She dips a fingernail beneath them.
“Mistress - ” you warn.
“Shh, you’ve been good so far, don’t ruin it,” she whispers into your neck.
You make the smart choice and shut your mouth.
No. Fuck, she doesn’t like that either. What’s wrong with her?
She pulls back from your neck and closes her other hand around your throat, forcing you to meet her cold stare. “I revoke my compulsion,” she says, eyes glowing yellow. “You can hold back if you want. You can fear.”
You immediately whimper and squirm in her grip. Fear floods your scent, and, impossibly, your arousal grows. Fuck, just like she thought.
She makes quick work of your panties, tearing through them with her nails.
You squeak before she squeezes your throat to cut off the sound, shaking her head in disapproval. “No screaming.”
Her eyes drop down, the sight of her hand reaching beneath your dress, the scent of your wet pussy filling her senses. It’s enough to bring her to her knees in front of you, the soft thwack of her thigh-high boot-covered knees hitting the floor.
Beneath the skirts of your dress, Selina unveils the source of that sweet scent. She presses her face between your legs and licks between your folds, tasting your arousal for the first time.
Your hand comes down on her head, trying to pull her back. “S-Selina - ”
She hisses, closing her hand around your wrist, her sharp nails digging in. “What did you call me?” A fang scrapes between your folds and she almost loses herself in your taste, but she needs to remind you of the rules. To train you well.
Your body wavers. “Mistress, sorry Mistress.”
Her breath fans your wet folds. “You’re lucky, little mouse, that even your cunt tastes good. Now, squirm all you want, but keep your hands off me.”
A gentle whimper graces her senses, as she feels you squirm obediently beneath her touch. A grin forms. She laps at your folds, consuming your slick with the urgency of her burning lust, fangs aching for more.
The act of receiving your arousal turns her on more that she thought it could. Her pussy pulses with carnal pleasure, a luxurious purr rising from her chest, and the vague buzzing of your phone harmonizes with the vibrations she produces against your clit. Your thighs clench around her, so close to cresting.
Selina’s brows furrow. Everything about you is so addictive.
You make a pathetic cry of desperation as you suddenly find release, sustaining Selina on your arousal alone as it gushes out between your legs.
She dines on your slick, all for her, completely and utterly turned on.
Your legs give out - she lets go of your pussy and pushes your abdomen back against the wall, hooking your thigh around her shoulder to keep you upright.
The door creaks. “Hello?”
She hisses and whirls around, eyes glowing to catch the intruder in her thrall before they can scream.
“Oh,” you pant.
Oh is right. Your date hesitates in the doorway, eyes glowing yellow as she stares back at Selina, entranced.
Selina lets go of you, pulling your dress back down. “She’s cute.”
You whimper behind her. “Please don’t - ”
“Quiet.” She stands and approaches the girl as you slide down the wall behind her. The girl stares at Selina, all wide eyes. “Forget about this. Your date ended when she left the diner and never returned. Now leave.”
The girl nods, and closes the door without a second’s hesitation.
Selina turns back on you, her fangs practically throbbing. “Where were we?” she growls.
You’re a sight to behold - dishevelled and scared, curled up against the wall, chest heaving with your panicked breaths.
The scent of your fear fills her lungs, and she drinks deep, her head tilting back and eyes half-lidded. She may intend to drink from you, but it’s you who consumes her. And you’ve been spoiled enough. It’s her turn.
She’s on you in an instant, straddling you by the hips while you scramble back, trapped against the wall. It’s too easy to overpower you, to take you by the wrist and yank your arm to her aching fangs. “Fuck waiting any longer.”
Her grip tightens, and her nail makes a superficial cut at your wrist, where blood begins to well. Red colours her vision, and her vampiric nature takes over. Her lips close on your wrist, fangs scraping your soft skin while she laps at your pulse.
Like last time, it makes her wet. Impulse enslaves her - she wants to grind against you, so her hips flex against yours on instinct. Her other hand entwines with yours and presses it up against the wall above. She is consumed by your taste, the essence of your slick and slightly caffeinated blood mixing in her mouth, and the feel of your warm body moving against hers.
It’s not long before she realises she should stop. But she has to force herself to back off, because the beast inside her is still demanding more. The temptation to pin you down completely beneath her, to dominate and own you, to ensure you never forget her again...
The wall cracks beneath her palm as she uses it to push herself back, off of your lap, crouching a short distance away.
Huddled against the wall, you seem disoriented, cradling your arm close. “Mistress?” you murmur, before your gaze catches on something behind her, eyes widening.
And Batman looks down at Selina from above.
Her pussy pulses with insatiable need, but a possessiveness overtakes her. She surges up and glares at him. “What are you doing here? This is my hunt.”
A muscle feathers in his jaw. “The other girl. You took care of her? I saw her leave.”
“Yeah I took care of her,” she confirms impatiently, eyes rolling. “Shit, baby, you scared me.” She pushes playfully on his chest.
He says nothing, but his eyes dart down to her lips, mouth and chin still wet with your slick and blood.
The sight of him, unhinged always makes her lust burn brighter. The air zings between them, an unspoken understanding as she stares right back. She pushes him back, and he lets her, backing him up against the wall and going up on her toes to slant her mouth on his.
It starts soft, Batman letting her lead, until his tongue darts out and he gets a taste of you. He groans, arms encircling Selina instantly. His kiss dominates, fangs out as teeth and tongues clash, growls and purrs blending into one. He must be starving, and Selina is more than happy to sustain him.
Eventually their hunger is briefly satiated, and they both turn their attention to their pet.
You’re watching them, looking so innocent it makes her want to feed on you all over again. She crooks a clawed, bloodstained finger. “Come here, little mouse.”
Pleasingly obedient, you slowly rise.
But Batman’s hand closes around Selina’s wrist, and as she flicks her gaze back to him, he takes her finger into his mouth, licking and tasting more of you until her hand is clean.
She purrs his praise.
You reach the two of them, a cute, flustered look on your face at their display.
“I’ll give you the honours,” she tells Batman as he entwines her hand in his.
He turns his intimidating thrall on to you. “Tell no-one about any of this.”
You blink and look away. “You mean I-I’m allowed to remember? And you’re letting me go?”
Selina looks to him for his answer, and the devouring, dark look in his eyes makes her shudder in his arms.
“For now.”
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You could have at least had the decency to come up with an excuse to leave. Fuck you!!!!!
You stare at the text, but you are unable to summon up any tears. You should be furious that those - those vampires had ruined your date.
Instead, your mind is racing with thoughts of them.
Selina, beautiful, cold, demanding.
And him. Oh, god, he looked hungry.
You are terrified, standing beneath the streetlight, waiting for a taxi you called ten minutes ago that still hasn’t arrived.
The hairs on the back of your neck prickle.
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
If allowed could I also request Dec 15th with Clavis from ikemen prince leaving cookies 🍪 for Santa with MC but ends up eating the cookies themselves and making a mess in the Christmas room? They get intimate and break and spill many many things 🙈🙈🙈 well… they also have some fun with the cookies too 🙈💕🥵
Thanks @rhodolitesrose for the request! My last story for this challenge! I hope I did your prompt justice - I think Clavis had fun making mischief here.
@altairring - here's the second one I mentioned earlier
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A/N: This is part of @voltage-vixen's event 'Tis the Season for Smut 2.0 Content Creation Challenge
Prompt: Dec 15 - Free prompt
Warnings: Explicit, NSFW, Minors DNI
Requested by: @rhodolitesrose
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“Clavis! The cookies are supposed to be for Santa! Not for you!”
He finished his cookie, wiping the crumbs from his mouth. “Someone had to taste them, haha.” He picked up another cookie from the tray and dangled it in front of your face. “C’mon Belle, it’s so yummy.”
You stepped closer, inspecting the cookie. It was positively scrumptious looking and very tempting. “Did Yves bake those?”
“He sure did.” He pulled the cookies away, pretending to take a bite out of it. “You know they’re delicious.”
You took a step forward and snatched the cookie from his hand and took a nibble. You closed your eyes, the cookie was crisp and buttery, its flavors melting on your tongue. Clavis was right, the cookie was divine.
“Oh, Belle,” Clavis chided. “You have some crumbs on your face. Let me help you.” He dipped his face to yours, his tongue darting off where he claimed you had cookie on your face. “There, that’s better,” he smirked.
Clavis eyed the tray of cookies and treats. “It would be an absolute shame to let these cookies go to waste, don’t you agree?” He picked up a bite-sized berry tart, pulled the berry off, and rubbed it along your lips, teasing you with its taste. You stuck your tongue out, trying to grab the fruit from his fingers. He pulled it away slightly, before popping it into your mouth; the taste of the berry was so sweet you licked your lips.
It was your turn now to feed Clavis a cookie. Before you did so, he took off his jacket and coat. When you gave him a surprising look, he laughed. “I don’t want to make a mess all over my clothes.” There was a glimmer of mischief in his eyes; you knew he had an ulterior motive, and it was not to keep clean.
You continued to feed each other cookies, while helping the other remove articles of clothing – so that you don’t leave crumbs on your fancy outfits. “Whoops!” Clavis exclaimed when your skirt fell to the floor. Your body was flushed with warmth, enough so that the slight chill of the winter air didn’t bother you in the least.
The tray of cookies now almost empty, Clavis laid across the couch, pulling you clumsily on top of him. His elegant fingers deftly unlaced your top as his mouth captured yours in a passionate kiss. Moving in a haste to remove clothing, your arm carelessly knocked over the glass of milk sitting on the table with the cookie tray.
Horrified at your mess, you immediately pulled back, wanting to clean it up. Clavis watched your reaction, his amber eyes alight with mischief.
“Why clean up? Let them think Santa was here, making a mess.” He dropped his voice, now husky, dripping with desire. “Why clean, when we can have some fun?”
You didn’t need much convincing, your mouth soon found his; you weren’t sure who initiated the kiss, but it didn’t matter. His tongue was warm and inviting, and oh so sweet, twirling and teasing yours. His hands caressed your curves, his fingers lingering on your breasts, pinching your nipples gently. He pushed your body against the couch, his lean frame pressing against yours. Your body arched up against his, wanting more.
He soon slid his hand between your thighs, his palm rubbing the sensitive skin of your thighs. Moans escaped your lips, your hand on his, guiding him to where you needed him. His mouth nipped at your neck, pink marks blossomed on your skin, as his slipped a finger inside you. You ran your hand along his thigh, feeling his shaft stiffen against your touch.
Pleasurable moans filled the air as he thrust into you, your bodies joining as one. Your eyes closed, your head fell back, as pleasure built in your body. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, clinging to him, as cries of his name escaped your lips. He let out a loud groan as he spilled his seed deep inside you, your bodies both trembling with bliss.
Moonlight spilled into the room, casting a pale light to our afterglow. He softly brushed back a lock of my hair and kissed your forehead. He disappeared but for a moment, returning with the last of the cookies and fed you one. You looked around the room – there was spilled milk, an empty tray of cookies, and crumbs everywhere. You were glad you and your lover would be long gone by the time anyone else woke up and found this mess in the Christmas room.
But it was all worth it.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
Call me the flash because of how fast I’m asking this! XD
Anyways, how do you think the boys would all react to a MC who HATES Valentines Day because their former boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other dumped them on Valentine’s Day?
Damn we got a speedster over here! Someone call the justice League, you're missing a super XD
As someone who just generally dislikes valentine's I feel like this will go very well~ though seeing as alot of my prompts are the boys and them are already in a relationship - I decided to add abit of ✨ oof✨ to this prompt
Not a big Valentine times day fan either
Ever since the Devildom was introduced to the holiday he wasn't a fan
There was no such thing as love in the air
But then you came into his house; he still finds it stupid and doesn't get the hype but having you around makes me him wonder if he should do something
When he found out you hated valentine's Day he felt relieved
But because it was because of a past lover???
He sees this as a challenge; you really think he's going to just brush this off?
When valentine comes you are greeted to roses, chocolates, wine and a fully prepared meal for you two
"Is this fitting enough for the holiday? I heard people tend to go overboard these days."
"You know I didn't want to celebrate today-"
You frowned, slowly coming to sit with him at his desk which has been turned into a makeshift table with cloth covering it
"And let some mortal spoil such an occasion even with your present partner? Think of this as your first steps of Getting over them."
"I'm mortal, Lucifer, don't say it like it's something insulting."
He jabbed his fork at you, raising a brow
"You're avoiding my point, don't you wish to move on?"
"I- of course....I'm happy with you."
"Then dig in, I made it myself."
You huffed, digging In but soon found yourself wrapped up in how delicious it was
He raised his wine glass to you, silently gesturing for you to do the same
"To a new meaning to valentine's."
You hesitated but repeated his words
Your glasses clinked and that was the first sign of your relationship becoming stronger
Active lover of the holiday and celebrates every year - couples want gifts and he can get money aswell as the fact he's a romantic
So when he found out you hated valentine's; he had to change that even when he found out why - that reason just made him annoyed that you were still hating on the holiday
"yo! Yo! Yo! Guess who just got money~ this guy so that means I'm treating ya!"
"oh? How comes?"
"It's valentine's! And you're the person I'm spending it with!"
"you know I hate it-"
He huffed, puffing out his cheeks
"And I'm going to make you stop hating it, was that ex of yours really so important you don't wanna spend valentine's with me?"
"It's complicated, I just really hate it now, it's attached to bad memories-"
"then let's change that! Make some good memories so you can stop being a grump on the day of love."
He grabbed your hands, giving you puppy eyes
You were utterly helpless to them and let him take you out
He stole a heart balloon and tied it to your wrist, doing your initials on it in Sharpie with a 'x' between them
He did definitely treat you; buying you chocolates, a teddy bear, the two of you matching keychains and many other items
You let yourself be happy as he got excited, dragging you around to every shop either of you looked at, wanting to get more matching stuff
He definitely made your valentine's a positive one
Hated it
His reason was because he was always alone for them, never getting anything and ending up never giving anyone anything because he believes they'll hate it
He felt Insecure that you seemed to still be attached to the breakup of your ex
Fearing that you could be missing them
You both spent valentine's as a couple but mocking and booing at others
At one point you threw Chocolates you didn't like at a overly touchy demon couples from a window
"Do you still think about them....?"
"Your ex, you're not over your breakup with them and we've been spending Valentines being bitter."
"I thought you enjoyed being bitter about it."
"I do but could you answer my questions, please - I know I'm not much and I'm sure they were so much better than me but maybe we could spend a little bit of valentine's together as you know....a celebrating coup-couple."
He was completely blushing, hiding his face behind his arm hoping his rambling didn't completely ruin your feelings towards him
"If you really want to, I don't have any feelings for my ex and it's just that reflection that sticks with me but, I wanna try if it'll make you feel more secure."
You guys ended up watching 'normie' movies, cuddled in his bathtub bed eating what was left your chocolates
You kissed his jaw and he immediately stopped functioning
You smiled, holding him closer
Perhaps valentine's can be a good time
Casual valentine's man
Doesn't really care for the holiday and only has spent it with his brothers
He's use to just giving his brothers a small gift and never have a partner to spend it with
But things were different now and sadly, you hated the holiday
He respected your reason why but he felt worried that you were fully over your ex as you still let the holiday be ruined for you
He got you a small gift like he does his brother's
Wanting you to be apart of it but not doing anything big
"happy valentine's, I know you don't celebrate it but I thought you'd like the gift anyway."
"Satan....I didn't get you anything- Let's go out then, I'll treat you."
"I'll consider it a valentine's date."
Whilst he normally had a 'meh' feeling to it, he wanted to spend his first valentine's with you on a date
He just wants the experience and can say he's spend it with you
Even if it was a one time thing
"really Satan?"
"Let's spend this one together and be happy, next year we can go destory things and let out our anger towards the world."
That won you over, you agreed
You took him on a date
You both tried to ignore all the decorations everywhere but that was pretty hard, got lunch together and even walked around to see the new sights
You ended up in the park, staring to the horizon with confetti on your backs and Satan with a party hat
It was forced on him whilst you guys were out but he never got rid of it
"I liked today, maybe after we destory things we can go on another date next year?"
He LOVES love!
Nothing brings him more joy than valentine's
Aphrodisiacs are being sold EVERYWHERE
When he found you out hated it he was so upset, he wanted to spend it with you! His usual valentine's crew was nothing compared to you!
And you hated it because of an ex dumping you?!
"Noooooooo! (Y/N) don't let them ruin this for you, please, let's go on a cute picnic or even just stay in room if you don't want to go outside-"
If anyone saw asmo hugging your leg whilst you trudged down the halls, they definitely didn't say anything
"Let me spend today how I want!"
"what? Eat ice cream and get grumpy over someone you're not dating anymore?"
You frowned, knowing he was right
"why not spend it with your gorgeous boyfriend instead? Don't I shine up on your day?"
He had those Puppy eyes again
You finally stopped trying to get away from him, crouching down and cupping his face
"will you let go of my leg if I say yes?"
He nodded
As soon as he stood up you helped him straighten up his clothes, fixing his hair for him
"I'm sorry for dragging you around the house, I know I shouldn't be moping but it just really hurt."
"I know, darling but let's get through this together, we'll do whatever you want."
He was being honest; you were in charge of the whole day
You stayed in his room, having a romantic bath and then ate your feelings
After that you both went out and enjoyed dinner
Life really was happier with him; you decided you'll be doing with him more often
Mainly focuses on family valentine's
Has had to play a few sports game on the holiday and every player got a kiss and gift from a cheerleader
He liked the thought and always liked it when he was given food
But he wasn't interested in any of them
Or really the holiday itself, he always wants to share his love for the people around him
Why wait until some holiday to do it?
But when he finds out you hate valentine's and it's because of your ex
He considered fighting your ex
Doesn't want to force you to celebrate with him but wants to be able to do stuff with you
"Wanna go out to eat? They have valentine's day deals."
"i don't really feel like taking any part of it."
"I want to spend today with you and don't like seeing you being upset over the past."
"You just want to eat? No surprise dates or big deal about today?"
"no, just want to hang out with you."
He immediately took your hand, taking you to the restaurant he saw online
On the way we got you a magic rose
Handing it over for you to wear
But other than that he stuck to his word,just having eating out with you and didn't even talk about the holiday
You smiled but apart of you did feel bad you were going to stop something like this from having because of your ex
You felt the rose, looking up at him
"Want to take a couple's picture? They're doing it for couples celebrating today."
"we don't have to, you don't like today."
But you insisted, letting him pick you up for the picture and kissed his cheek
You were able to get the picture in different sizes and he put the small one in his wallet
From then on you planned to keep spending Valentines with beel
Absolutely disgusted by it
Will always tell anyone how much he hates it
But on the other hand, he watches romcoms and yells at the TV for the chatacters not understanding they love each other every valentine's
He's just trying to keep up his edgelord persona, okay
When he learned you hated valentine's he was happy
Means he didn't have to do anything
But it's because of your ex?? He's now going to be romantic as FUCK
You enter the attic expecting to find a chill place to rest but instead there are rose petals everywhere and belphie laying waiting for you
You expected something like this from asmo but you couldn't deny seeing your boyfriend try to be romantic whilst half asleep was pretty cute
"I have romcoms and violent horror movies, pick your flavour."
"what's with all this? You know my feelings about Valentine's."
"I'm not going to let some pathetic ex ruin this valentine's for us, so I'm romancing you - is it working?"
"I'm picking the horror movie."
You put the dvd in ignoring him
"That doesn't change the mood for me."
You should of known
You cuddled and watched as people got ripped open and blood went flying
Belphie wiggling his eyebrows at you whenever an couple came on
You just shoved his face laughing
You forgot your bitter feelings and looked down at your now asleep boyfriend
"thanks for today, maybe you can try again next year."
Thrilled by it all!
It's so heart warming to see love be so celebrated
Demons were always so violent and everything had to be edgy - he was tired of it
Was disappointed you hated it, he already had plans for the both of you
But after finding out the reason - it seems all his scheduling was back and the gifts became more grand
"Trust me, I'll change your mind on Valentines! We're together now and I want to treat you to a date."
"but why? I don't wanna take part-"
"We are going to get through your heartbreak together! I know things can still sting even when you feel over it, so let's just try."
You thought it over, nodding
He just grinned, taking you by the shoulder and led you to the royal carriage
You struggled to sit down when it was filled with gifts and flowers
They all had your name on them and immediately blushed
You should of known he'd go all out
He took you to see the Devildom at night, where all the lights covered the streets like stars
He set up a picnic in the park and you both ended up dancing in the water fountain
"I really enjoyed today, thank you."
He kissed your cheek, telling you not to worry
Isn't a fan of all the decorating and cleaning up that'll be involved when the day is over
But he gets time off to de-stress and that's always a plus
He was thankful you weren't a fan of Valentines but your ex? He might have to write them out of timelines
Understood you just had a sting from it all and was use to feeling that way
Was surprised when you were one to actually make the first move on Valentines
"I wanted to give you this, I don't want to celebrate but I thought this could be nice?"
It was a pocket watch with a hidden compartment, it had a picture of you and him
Good thing he also got you something; a locket with the same picture you have him
Was it an accident? On purpose? He'll never tell, he just knows it's your favourite picture of you two
"I see, then we won't celebrate it but I'm sure you would still be willing to accompany me in the gardens?"
Takes you on a boat ride across the lake even better as it's sunset and the water looks immaculate
Cooks you both dinner and you just spend the day as if it was any other
"I like spending Valentines with you."
"I would hope so or I would fail as your boyfriend."
"I wanna spend the next one with you properly."
"As you wish, I'll be sure to make it the best one you've ever experienced."
Forgets holidays
Always likes bringing up history facts about any holiday as he's seen them all evolve from one part of history to modern day
Pretends to not know how to celebrate it so people will try to explain it to him and end up not really knowing why they celebrate things
You hate Valentines? Doesn't care but it's because of your ex? That he doesn't get
"So you're still hurting from your past relationship that you don't want to spend valentine's with your boyfriend?"
"when you say it like that it sounds really bad."
"I'm not really up for celebrating so it makes no difference to me but I'm not sure I can accept you still letting them upset."
You sighted, knowing he was going to make up some sort of plan or trick
But instead he just kissed your hand
"let's go to the human world, I heard there's a traveling fairground."
You agreed to go, both of you making it there in seconds and of course everything was heart themed
You couldn't escape the love
It was actually really fun! There were bouncy castles, a Ferris wheel and lots of food stands
You were definitely willing to celebrate again if it was going to be like this
A day of love? It's Charming
Finds it amusing how people can much such a big deal out of it all
Though he thinks you should always be expressive of how much you love the people around you
So you hating it was an opposite to him but he was respectful
Knowing it was because of your ex made him displeased
Whilst very understanding, wanted to atleast improve your opinion on the holiday so you didn't associate it with them anymore
"Let's just do one couples related thing today then we can do whatever you please."
"but why? I should be allowed to dislike what I dislike."
"you're absolutely right but you're letting an ex ruin a whole day for you, don't you want to spend it with me?"
"of course I do! I'm just unsure."
He smiled, grasping your hands
"that's fine, we won't do anything big, just a fun date and then you're free to do as you please."
He was right, you didn't do anything big
Just went to a pottery class and you made all sorts of clay creations together
It was peaceful and there was no Valentines being forced down on you
You giggled when he showed you the clay heart he made
"we should make this our thing, valentine's we do things like this together."
He agreed, happy to make Valentines whatever you wanted it to be
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lovesgonnabe · 3 years
Love Is Worth It Episode V - We Got The Pandemic Blues Under a New York City Skyline
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Characters: Chris Evans x Maya Alonso-Evans (Black OFC)
Warnings: straight fluff, cursing, implied smut.
Word Count: 3485
Summary: What happens in NYC stays in NYC!
AN: The NYC Skyline prompt is by @iguessweallcrazyithinktho thank you so much for letting me use your theme I hope I did it justice. If you haven't read any of her stuff what are you doing get on it!
Disclaimer: There’s only slight edits so there may be errors. Also if you haven’t noticed this series will have many time jumps and things referenced here may make more sense later on in the series when new episodes come out so please bear with me.
Taglist: @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss, @canadian-girl87, @i-just-like-fanfics, @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful​ if you would like to join the taglist message me.
Please leave a note and tell me what you think!
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June 13th, 2020
Being with Chris had its many perks but not working was definitely one Maya never wanted to take advantage of.
When Chris first brought it up when they got engaged she looked at him like he had two heads and said “I worked to hard put myself through school to get these expensive ass letters behind my name to just stay my ass at home” and that was the last time they had that conversation.
But fast forward to 2020 If you told Maya that she would have to close both of her dermatology offices in the middle of award season a few months ago she would have laughed at you.
She just couldn’t see herself not working because she loved what she does, but with both New York and Boston putting in place stay at home orders there’s nothing she could do.
It didn't help that it was only Maya in Boston dealing with work and all that entails, Delilah's up in the air school situation, and a whole hoax of things while Chris was in L A being as supportive of a husband and father as he could be on the other side of the country.
At least Dodger was being pretty normal.
Thanks to Chris's family for being so helpful where they could because for a minute Maya felt like she was beginning to drown.
This saga starts with the beginning of the pandemic.
January was chill there were whispers that there was a deadly pandemic on the horizon but no one took it seriously.
February Chris had left at the beginning of the month to LA to promote his new show Defending Jacob and it wasn't like anything out of the ordinary the couple worked, and called each other daily.
Chris told her he'd have to be there through March but would be home in time for Maya's birthday in April.
Her lawsuit against Boston PD was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount that was donated to charity and trust me that lawsuit cost them a pretty penny because Chris was threatening to go to the press and Boston PD did not need anymore negative press.
After finding out that the older officer already had many reports against him for abuse of power he was "let go" by Boston PD and the other officer was demoted to desk duty and sent Maya an apology letter for his actions
She thinks he only did it because her husband is Chris Evans but she tries not to be a cynic.
In mid March with her offices were forced to close and the lives of her twenty employees were in her hands, but sin there was no money coming in she had to regrettably furlough all of them until she could open back up.
This news could come at a worse time because Lilah's school was trying to transition them to online learning for the rest of the year.
So Maya now had to also be her home school teacher for the last 2 months before summer vacation .
Maya does feel blessed because she was still able to teach some derm online classes through NYU, and her family was healthy but Chris still wasn't home.
Because of travel restrictions in LA on April 1st Maya found out that the earliest Chris could be home was in possibly July or Mid June if they are lucky because he need to start filming for Grey Man that was set in Boston.
Then rumors started to swirl that Chris could be cheating on Maya but
She doesn't play that and isn't a dummy
Chris isn't stupid and
He's been in their home in LA quarenting with his brother Scott the whole time so if some foul shit did happen she would be the first one to know and on the first jet smoking to beat some ass.
But hey when it rains it pours.
In interviews Chris would say he was "quartining with his family at home in Boston."
They would try to make the spaces look just like Chris and Maya's homebase in Boston even going as far as strategically moving photos of them in the background to make it look like his office at home.
And it actually work most people thought Chris was in Boston anyways and it was all gossip the others thought he went back home to clean up this mess.
But nope Chris was not in Boston he was 2,764 miles away and this time it all just felt different and he hated not being able to be there with them during this crazy uncertain time and Maya just needed a vacation.
In April Maya and Delilah just had dinner at the house for her birthday they facetimed Chris and once Liliah had gone to bed Chris and Maya had sexytime over the phone.
The rest of the month Maya just went with the flow and did the same through June.
Now we are all caught up and in the present day.
It's Chris's 39th birthday but he was still in LA.
Maya stayed up to call him at midnight in LA because that was their tradition but now it was about 12pm and Chris has not picked up any of her phone calls Maya was annoyed.
Maya and Delilah sat in the Den as Maya was detangling Delilah's freshly washed hair getting ready to put her curly hair into braids as Mulan played on the tv in front of them.
"Mommy can I call dad it's his birthday and I haven't got to talk to him today. Lilah says playing with Maya's phone.
"Go ahead sweetheart maybe you'll have better luck them me." said Maya as she sectioned Lilah's hair.
As the facetime ringtone went Dodger who was laying in his dog bed next to Lilah began to bark and then he ran for the front door Maya looked that way but didn't see anything since the alarm didn't go off either which she found strange.
She shrugged it off only for a second until she heard a bag hit the ground as she quickly stood up the only thought in her head was to protect Delilah helping her to hide under the couch.
As the person entered their den Dodger continued to bark and she grabbed a pair hair scissors about to attack the intruder until she saw his face and exhaled the breath she didn't even know she was holding.
"CHRIS you scared the shit out of me" she said before he could say anything.
He laughed "Baby I didn't mean to scare you" Chris said
Lilah screamed and crawled from under the couch.
"daddy, daddy, daddy I missed you and Happy Birthday." Lilah said running into Chris's arm.
"I missed you to babycakes you been taking care of mommy for me" Chris said holding Lilah and walking towards a still shocked Maya.
He kissed Maya's forehead trying to pull her into a hug but she rolled her eyes and pushed his hand away.
"Chris i thought you weren't coming home till July" Maya asked
Chris shrugged "plans change now are you gonna come and give daddy a kiss you what"
He said flopping on the couch with Lilah on his lap.
Mays sucked her teeth peeked his lips and told Lilah to come so she could finish her hair.
Her saltiness cause Chris to laugh as Lilah moved over to her mom.
They were sitting on the same couch so Chris bent over and began to whisper in her ear. "Stop acting like that baby I wanted to surprise you"
Maya gave minimal response and Chris didn't like that so then he brought heat.
When he walked Maya had on a beige short set the top was fairly tin and the shorts barely covered her ass, he could see her nipples stand at attention on her delicious breast when walked.
It's been 3 months since he's had sex with his wife and boy can he feel it. He gave her tigh a firm squeeze now pecking her spot behind her ear forcing Maya to stop mid greasing Lilah's scalp to take a deep breath.
"if you stop acting up tonight I'll do that thing with my tongue that you like if not daddy won't be letting you cum at all tonight.
Chris said moving his body back to his original position smirking at his shooken up wife whose attitude did a 180 quick, fast and in a hurry.
Chris was no home and with his girls and he couldn’t be any happier.
After braiding Delilah's hair Maya went and they dropped her off at Chris’s moms which was a fight in itself because she wanted to stay with her daddy but Maya had other plans.
The original plan was to take Chris out of the country for his birthday but plans change.
Before Chris showed up today Maya had nothing planned for Chris's birthday because he was not suppose to be home they were just going to the same thing they did for her birthday.
On there way back home my had an idea with there hands intertwined Maya began to speak.
“So birthday boy what do you want to do for your birthday” Maya asked
“You know I don’t care as long as I’m with you my love” Chris said kissing her hand.
Maya giggled “Well we’ve dropped Dede at your moms and Scott said he could take Dodger”
She states looking at the puppy through the rear view mirror as Chris began to rub is thumb over her knuckles.
“It seems you already have a plan for us babe” he smirks
“I know you are just getting home but how about we drop Dodger off and I was thinking maybe drive to New York, I need to get out of Boston and have a bit of a staycation”. She said.
Chris chuckled and looked at Maya as the stopped at the red light.
“Wherever you lead I’ll follow. He said
“You are so corny old man” Maya laughed as she leaned over and peek his sweet lips.
They continued their drive to Scotts and talked enjoying eachothers company for the first time in a while, they were so wrapped up in each other that Dodger had to bark to remind Chris he was about to pass Scoots house .
Maya laughed at the puppy then pet him telling him how good of a dog he is.
“Alright birthday boy Scott has Dodger now let's switch its my turn to drive you around” She said.
They headed home to pick up a few things and then The Evans were off and headed for there trip.
After the 3 and 1/2 hour drive they got to New York and the barren streets shocked them.
They are staying in there penthouse apartment on the upper east side that over looks Central Park and New York's famous skyline.
Before settling in Maya decided to get groceries once she got back Jazz played softly in her ears as the punchy aroma of the candle Slow Burn hit her nose.
“Hey Chris I'm back” she called out to him.
She was met without a response just the smooth stylings of Frank Sinatra.
Maya put the groceries in the kitchen and headed to their master bedroom.
Kicking her shoes off and following the rose petals into the bathroom that revealed Chris who sat in all his glory in the pink tinted bathtub.
Apparently he did not hear her as his eyes stayed closed and his arms outstretched.
And all Maya could do was admire the greek god that was her husband.
His long wingspan encompassed the entire back of the tub as his strong biceps would flex ever deep breath he took. And don't to get Maya started on those baby blues which were one of the only things Lilah did not get from Chris. Those same blue eyes were now looking straight at her.
“I was hoping you’d be back soon” he said
Raising his head to look at his goddess of a wife smirking at him.
“So I’m guessing you would like me to join you?” She asked
Maya teased him as she began to slowly remove her clothes.
“Hey aren’t I the birthday boy that shouldn’t even be a question Maya so you better bring your sexy ass in here” Chris said to her as his arms still laid on the back of the tub looking like a king”
Maya stepped in with Chris’s help the warm water encapsulating her body as she sinks down.
She sighs in satisfaction when her body is finally completely in the water as she lays into Chris’s embrace.
They just sit there and enjoy each other company, washing the dirt off of each other from the day, and stealing kisses from one another.
Maya and Chris were that couple you loved to hate they didn’t show off their love that much with Chris’s anxiety and Maya’s destain for public scrutiny because she’s black woman with a man of Chris stature, PDA was mostly off the table. However behind closed doors they are the cutest most intimate couple you’d ever meet.
Once she was clean from her road dirt Maya left the water first placing a kiss on Chris’s lips as she headed to start dinner and Chris laid back and continued to relax.
Once Chris finally got out the bath he found Maya in the kitchen halfway finished with dinner.
“Jesus babe it smells fantastic in here and I see you changed the music” Chris said
He was now fully dressed in a blue t-shit in matching joggers, his hair damp from the bath as Lauryn Hill's rendition of Can't Take My Eyes off of You played in the background.
She chuckled “only the best for you my king”
"Mhm I like the sound of that" He said as he went in the fridge and grabbed a bottle of white wine and poured them both a glass.
She was at the counter cutting up veggies.
“Ok so how long do I have wait before I can devour all this?” he asked placing the glass in front of Maya.
They took their first cheers of the night tapping the glasses together.
Maya took a sip and moan at the taste of the wine.
“Soon Chris don’t stress it babe you will be fed very soon” she said.
Her hips began to sway to the music as she hummed along.
At long last, love has arrived, and I thank God I'm alive
Chris walked up behind her wrapping her arms around waist swaying with her body and catching the rhythm.
You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off you
Moving her hair to her left shoulder Chris begins to kiss her neck.
"Remember when we first bought this place." Chris asked
"Yes you didn't want to you said my place in Brooklyn was enough for us" Maya said putting the knife down and melted into Chris's strong arms.
"Mmm but you did an excellent job at convincing me why we need this place, 3 bedrooms right in the Heart of the city just for times likes these when want to get away." Chris said with his arms still wrapped around her.
She laughed "I thought it was because you fucked me against the balcony on our terrace is why you said yes"
He smirked at the memory "well that to"
Chris sucked on her neck and moved his down her satin dress but the timer on the pot decided to be a cock block and go off before he could make a move.
He groaned and Maya laughed directed him to get ready to eat.
Just as the food was finishing up Chris set the dining table for two, taking the rest of the flowers from his bath laying them out between the kitchen and there Terrence where they were having dinner overlooking the city.
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It was a beautiful night. There was a soft breeze and the city was a glow quieter that usual but still a sight to behold.
Maya brought out the food as Chris poured them another glass, they both sat prayed then rose their glasses to cheers again.
During dinner Chris made some corny jokes that always seemed to put Maya in a better mood as Maya would slyly rub her foot up Chris’s pant leg.
Next came dessert still out on the terrace they shared a slice of cake (more like Maya fed Chris cake) which is how she ended up in his lap enjoying the very expensive yet immaculate view they had from their home.
He rubbed her thigh as he kisses her shoulder just thinking of the fastest way to get Maya out of her dress.
"god you are beautiful" Chris said
His hand now playing with the trim of her panties under her strappy white satin dress.
"Oh no birthday boy you not fucking me out here tonight you gotta come inside for your last present" Maya said.
Chris groaned Maya got up seductively waking back inside her curves just begging him to follow her
“This woman Is going to be the death of me” Chris thought as he came back inside and closed the door that lead to the terrace.
Maya handed Chris his third and final glass of wine of the night.
He raised an eyebrow "Are you trying to get me drunk Mrs. Evans so you can have your way with me?" he asked.
Taking a sip from his glass he smacked Maya the ass and watched it move as she walked towards their living room.
She laughed "I wouldn't have to get you drunk to have my way with you Mr. Evans"
Their living room had floor to ceiling windows that overlook Chris's second favorite city, and that's where Maya stood wine glass in hand looking all the people that looked like ants. But all Chris could think about was how this woman fell for him.
She watched the scenery and he watched her but when that signature trumpet blew he remembered that the music was still playing and so did she.
Maya turned around to see Chris was watching her one hand in his pocket and the other still holding his wine, she made a face at him.
"What are you looking at me like that Chris, you ok?” she asked hand on her hip taking another drink from her glass.
The moon shined off her skin like she was in the sun, her white dress reminding him of their wedding day the way it hugged her figure.
Still speechless Chris walked up to her placing both of their glasses on the coffee table, he brushed her hair behind her ear and she moans nuzzling her head in his touch.
"Baby I am absolutely perfect because I am here with you" he says.
Chris softly pulls her by the waist bringing her flush against her body as raspy voice of Louis Armstrong in Le Vie En Rose brought butterfly’s to Maya’s stomach because this was their song.
His hands lay softly on her waist as her arms lay around his shoulder as they dancer slowly around there living room.
Hold me close and hold me fast, The magic spell you cast, this is la vie en rose.
His cologne sent waves of pleasure and warmth through her body, when Maya laid her head on his chest not wanting to let him go. As their heartbeat became in sync the moonlight casted their sillones on the ground.
They were two lovers who were lost in eachother hoping to never get out and wanting to hide from the world it felt new but familiar.
Once the song ended Chris kissed her so deep and and passionately Maya thought she was gonna cum then and there.
Chris's hands moved from their previously respectable position making circle on her hips to the bottom of her ass telling Maya to jump causing Maya wrap her chocolate legs around his waist.
As Chris walked he kept repeating how much he missed Maya so much while he was in LA.
They couldn’t even make it back to their bedroom for their first round of many.
And Maya was a goner as Chris made love to her all night in every corner of their apartment as the city watched as the couple were engulfed with each other.
But there was a little voice in the back of Maya's head "Well damn how are we going to top 40 next year" it asked.
The preoccupied side of her brain shooed hat thought away so she could just enjoy being with her man at this moment.
Thanking god there was no more space between them like the miles before.
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merryfortune · 3 years
Sunlight wasn’t streaming in
Written for 100ships on Dreamwidth
Prompt - #12 Sunlight
Ship: Hitch/Sunny
Fandom: My Little Pony: A New Generation
Word Count: 1,470
Rating: G
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Tags: Pre-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, Character Death, Grief, Pre-Relationship
   Even now, Hitch felt anxious to enter the Starscout resident. Phyllis’s warning still rang clear in his head even now but it was important to him that he visited. He hadn’t seen Sunny in a while, not since… not since her dad had passed away. No one had seen her, actually, and Hitch figured it was his duty as a strong arm of the law, peace, and justice that he perform a welfare check on her but he still felt a tremor of unease. 
   There was something drastically different about the lighthouse today. Sunlight wasn’t streaming in through the windows, all the curtains had been drawn shut. It was solemn. Silent. Unnerving. Even so, Hitch pulled through and nudged open the door. It was open. As safe as Maretime Bay was, all the other ponies in town locked their doors lest a Pegasus or a Unicorn come a-knocking but of course, silly and idealistic Sunny wasn’t like that. Not even when she was grieving so deeply, she wanted to be left uncharacteristically in the dark.
   Hitch swallowed a lump in his throat as he crept in through the door and he glanced to the side of it, the framed photo on the wall of Sunny and Argyle was askew. Hitch fixed it. It wasn’t right just to leave it crooked. After that, he swung his head out and then he called for Sunny.
   At first there was no response but then he heard it. A muffled go away but that only propelled Hitch further into the lighthouse. Onwards and upwards, he figured. He couldn’t just leave Sunny like this. So, he made his way up to her room, using all the contraptions that had impressed him as a young colt but now, just seemed dangerous now. He was certain this madhouse was breaking many by-laws but it didn’t seem appropriate right now to count them all.
   “May I come in, Sunny?” Hitch asked the door to Sunny’s room.
   “Since you're here… you may as well.” Sunny mumbled back.
   With her permission, Hitch came inside and closed the door behind him. Even up here, where the light house should get the most light of all since it was Sunny’s inner sanctum, it was very dark. Dim. Grey. It unsettled Hitch as he drew in closer to his childhood friend who languished in her bed, under the covers.
   “Are you okay?” Hitch asked.
   Sunny dragged herself out from under the covers and glared, “No,” she snapped, uncharacteristically, tears in her eyes, loathing herself for being angry but loathing Hitch for asking, “my dad just died. Of course I’m not okay.”
   “It’s fine.” Hitch mumbled. “Be angry, be sad… I just want to make sure you're getting it out, not bottling it up.”
   “Thanks, Hitch.” Sunny murmured as she lowered her head back into her bed. 
   She swallowed a sob but Hitch reached out to her, placing his hoof next to one of hers and she nodded. She knew she didn’t have to be strong or stoic around Hitch, trying to be the sunniest possible version of Sunny even in her grief and so, that repressed sob became a bawl. Hitch nudged his hoof against Sunny’s, consoling her wordlessly during her sobbing and hysteria. She was loud and wet and he could only make a most bittersweet expression but for it, Sunny did feel lighter of her burden of mourning.
   She lifted her head up off her pillow and took a breath, “Thanks Hitch, I needed that.”
   “I can tell.” Hitch replied. “If you need anything else, I’m your guy.”
   Sunny smiled.
   “In fact,” Hitch added, thinking he was being equal parts helpful and sly, “when was the last time you ate? I can go fetch you something if you want.”
   Sunny wanted to protest, that she was fine and that Hitch didn’t have to go to any extravagant length for her but her belly betrayed her by giving a huge growl, as though on cue. Hitch snickered and Sunny fumed, embarrassed but after her huge cry, it did feel good as well to hazard out a little bit of laughter at her own expense.
   “I only want something small… I really don’t feel up to eating anything huge.” Sunny murmured.
   “Got it, how about I bring you up a smoothie, then?” Hitch asked. “It's your favourite, after all.”
   “That would be lovely, Hitch.” Sunny replied with a gracious smile.
   Hitch winked at her and told her he would only be a moment. He trotted off down the contraptions again and into her kitchen. The idea of it being just Sunny’s kitchen weighed Hitch down as he fossicked through her refrigerator and her counters. It had been a long time since he had been in her kitchen, watching her father bake cupcakes for his little filly. Hitch’s mouth turned sour as he realised that he never accepted one from what was going to be the last batch that Argyle would ever bake. That filled him with regret.
   Eventually, he got the blender working and topped it full of whatever he could find. He wanted it to be healthy for Sunny but he also wanted it to be a comfort so he ended up tossing all sorts of fruit and vegetables in there, ice-cream and honey too and the resulting concoction was pungently sweet. He knew - hope - that Sunny would love it as he put a replacement lid with a sippy on the glass blender and brought it up to Sunny’s room again in its entirety.
   “Er, drink it at your leisure, obviously. But don’t let it get too warm or it’ll taste bad.” Hitch said.
   Sunny giggled as she accepted the entire smoothie. She could smell how strongly sweet it was going to be through the lid but it just made her giddy rather than anything else. She took a smiley sip of it, even if her cheeks were half-dried with tears, and enjoyed it. It was made with love and that’s all she could ask for, even if the flavours didn’t exactly harmonise, she couldn’t begrudge Hitch for trying his best for her.
   “It's delicious.” Sunny replied.
   “Not as good as the ones that you make, I'm sure.” Hitch sheepishly replied, toeing the wooden floorboards under-hoof in earnestness.
   “I appreciate it.” Sunny continued, her voice soft.
   “You’d do the same for me, or anyone, really…” Hitch murmured and he realised there was only a very small pool of Ponies - only him - would ask for Sunny to do the same or do the same for Sunny. He cleared his throat. “So, um, if you need anything at all. It can be small or silly or big and huge… You know who to call.”
   “I do.” Sunny replied, having another sip of her smoothie. “You're the best a mare could ask for, Hitch.”
   “Aw, shucks…” Hitch mumbled, his eyes going wide but he was enjoying the praise. “Your, um, really important to me, Sunny, I mean it.”
   “Thank you, Hitch.” Sunny said.
   She leaned out over her bed for a nuzzle and Hitch awkwardly reciprocated. They rubbed their cheeks and muzzle on each other and Hitch held his breath for it. Sunny was all too soft and sweet for him, so Hitch pulled back first. Sunny sighed but she didn’t seem disappointed by the succinctness of the affection.
   “I’ll, um, give you some space.” Hitch said. “And remember to have something solid for dinner tonight, a smoothie is most certainly not dinner.”
   “I appreciate it, Hitch, and I’ll let you know if I need anything, I promise.” Sunny said.
   “Good,” Hitch said with a smile full of bravado, “because I want to see you rabble rousing on your roller skates again as soon as possible.”
   “On it,” Sunny said and she shrugged, “and Hitch?”
   “Oh? Yes?” he said, surprised to be prompted so soon.
   “Could you do me one little favour before you go?” Sunny said and she seemed rather embarrassed by the indulgence that she was about to ask for. “But, um, could you open the curtains for me? I think I need the sunlight.”
   “I think you do, too.” Hitch agreed.
   He trotted over to the curtains on the far side of Sunny’s room, he bit down on the rod and with a heft, he let so much sunlight into Sunny’s room and she basked in the warmth. She smiled, relieved and loved, and made Hitch feel like he had done really good today. The lighthouse was really only the lighthouse, Hitch thought, if it was all lit up, one way or another.
   Thus, with his welfare check performed, Hitch pardoned himself and Sunny promised she would be out and about in the town again soon, she knew her father would want her to be busy and happy. Hitch, too, of course.
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A breathless kiss prompt and I love you for Ethan x MC
Under the Satin Sheets
Book: Open Heart Pairing(s): Dr. Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Dr. Abigail "Abby” Chacko) Word Count: 700 Warning(s): implied sexual content Premise: A take on Ethan and Abby in the airplane. Set in OH Book 3 Ch. 10.
#5 from Kiss Scenarios: Breathless kisses
#1 from fluff: “I love you, baby.”
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Sunlight splays through the airplane window, falling onto the white satin sheets, where two doctors are cocooned in them.
Abigail grins and tries to hide the rosy color escalating on her face due to the mellow, moist breath that Ethan is breathing against her cheek. She curls her fingers tight around the cotton fabric of her pillow.
Just like she did last night, when the man left a purple-reddish mark on her collarbone.
Abby makes a soft sound and a muffled laugh escapes past his pleasantly bruised mouth as he leans in even more. She feels him gently brushing a thumb over her chin and tilting her head to meet his eyes, lightened up in a delicious musky brown from the rays of the sun.
Ethan’s eyes are smoldering, and the young doctor feels the heat pool at the pit of her stomach, as his arms slide over her shoulders to grip the t-shirt more desperately.
“Ethan, I want you,” Abigail breathes in his ear.
In return, he gives her a pliable grin and opens his mouth to press a steamy kiss on the corner of her lips, the gentleness consuming her.
“Later. I’ve been practically pounding you yesterday. You deserve this.”
She practically melts.
Abby’s lips part to let out a petite satisfied noise when the older doctor brushes his other hand through her hair, his lips lightly grazing her chin, a firm tug at her mussed hair. She tilts his head habitually, advancing her neck to Ethan to do as he pleased.
In exchange, he lets out a grow and leans down to press his nose against Abby’s throat.
It's getting too warm.
No, the temperature has already risen above that.
She shifts a little to breath in more properly, and Ethan huffs out another chortle and accommodates himself to leave her more breathing room.
Abigail sighs and instead of looking for more space, she curls more within the warm cage in Ethan’s arms. She lays over him, and he holds her weight on his forearms and the satin sheets covering them from the world. He has always said that it was a way for him to keep her to himself. 
That he didn't want Abby to be shared with anyone, and that it was the only way that he could have her all to himself.
All to himself.
She flushes bright pink at the deep throaty moan that Ethan presses into her ear.
Gosh, that sound.
Abby closes her eyes when she feels his full lips opening to lightly press them together on her earlobe. He twists and pulls until the attending grazes his teeth against her earlobe. 
She gasps, lulling at that moment. 
Enjoying how Ethan’s robust body seemed to keep her championed. 
Loving the feel of his muscles wound tight and so secure on his grip.
Ethan moves his mouth over her jaw again before he reaches her ear, allowing Abigail to hear his rapid breathing, his destitute grunts, his zealous noises.
He seems contented when she tugs him down to have his whole weight on her. He appears to be cautious, but is more than delighted at the submitted addition and sucks on her ear eagerly, before he places butterfly kisses, sliding his lips over Abby's cheek. 
She flushes even more just thinking about how Ethan can feel her cheek turning hot.
He pauses his ministrations when Abby closes her eyes briefly. They snap open instantly, sporting pure irritation on her face. Most likely considering her, Ethan beams smugly down at her, his eyes darting over her face.
Which only causes her to flush even more.
Ethan tilts his head and reaches all over again to cup Abigail’s face. His eyes focus on the inquisitive and lust-filled ones of his lover.
A rueful smirk adorns his face when his girlfriend blinks and darken a deeper crimson, before he parts his lips and efficiently manages to capture Abby's full bottom lip between his. Ethan’s eyes do not dither, rather stare acutely into her globes.
Those ocean eyes.
The waves in them.
Abby is unable to look away and sighs deeply as her entire body relaxes and hums when Ethan pulls at her chin and darts his tongue inside her mouth, prodding it to open wider and give him a better access.
The sheets rustle as he shifts and breathes out ardently when Ethan slips his body to rest between her legs, kissing her lips and sucking on her bottom lip.
“I love you, baby,” Ethan whispers against her mouth.
She softly grins. “I love you more.”
And nothing matters anymore.
Well, except for the flight attendant’s call button, which she does not intend to press again.
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From this prompt list ♥️
Author’s note: I hated how MC accidentally pressed on the call button in the private jet, okay? I was mad af-
Author’s note (2): Thank you so much for this request! Enjoyed writing this tons. I hope I did this justice :)
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Perma: @potionsprefect @gryffindordaughterofathena @maurine07 @missmiimiie @mom2000aggie @nezuzoned
Ethan x MC: @rookie-ramsey @starrystarrytrouble @sophxwithers @lucy-268 @udishaman @ohchoices @ariandrine @mayatrueman @takemyopenheart @obsessedrookie @estellaelysian @sunsetsparade @xxtraord1nary @aleynareads
@openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
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mrsgiovanna · 3 years
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Don Giorno x Fem! Reader
This story has been steeping in my head ever since @abbabycchio created this prompt, I hope I did this justice 😅.
No warnings, just fluff 😍💭🐞💜
Word count: 1508
The ambience in the grand ballroom was delightfully festive- soft light dancing about the glittering crystal chandeliers, the happy chattering of the partygoers mingling with the clinking of glasses and the music in the background, and the delicious scent of Giorno’s expensive cologne overtook your senses as he gracefully spun you around on the dance floor.
“Wow, you’ve gotten really good at this, everyone is practically staring at you,”
“Well practice makes perfect, we’ve been to enough of these events as it is. Come, let’s give them a show,”
Before you knew it, Giorno spun you around and caught you in a low dip, his face mere millimeters away from your own. Feeling every pair of eyes on you both, he smirked and brought you back to your original position just as the song had ended, earning many impressed murmurs from the other attendees.
“After all these years you still get flustered? I told you, I’d never drop you or let you fall,” said Giorno, through the laughs he was trying to suppress. You knew the real reason for your skittishness, but you wouldn’t dare let him know.
You had known Giorno ever since you were assigned to his elite guard when he had taken over Passione a few years ago. Your stand ability was very useful… you were able to disarm an attacker in under 10 seconds, and if the situation became really dire, you could dismember them in a minute, without so much as a hair left behind. In short your ability was terrifying. But Giorno seemed fascinated by it, you were a walking contradiction, so soft and bubbly on the outside, but something dark and menacing had to be lurking in your soul for such a stand to manifest. So he had reassigned you himself and slowly started to understand the nuances of your ability.
You excused yourself for a moment to go to the ladies room to freshen up your makeup, you were utterly exhausted, but when Giorno asked you go with him, you couldn’t refuse. Despite knowing that Giorno’s ability made him virtually untouchable and the fact that both Mista and Fugo were there as well, you still felt more at ease knowing that you were there to personally protect him.
When you rejoined the party you found Giorno nursing a drink on his own, so you took the seat next to him.
“What’s the matter? Why are you sitting here brooding on your own?” you ask, playfully mimicking the expression on his face.
“Is that really how I look? I’m fine though,” explained Giorno. He was just about to continue the conversation when you had let a small yawn escape your lips.
“Gosh, I’m sorry Giorno, what were you going to say?” you say, trying to coax the comment out of him.
“You’re exhausted, we should leave, come on, the car should be waiting for us,” said Giorno with a snap of his fingers, signaling the concierge to ready things for your exit.
“No, no, don’t worry about me, I’m fine, nothing a little caffeine can’t take care of. Besides, we still have to wait for Fugo and Mista, they haven’t emerged from that office yet,” you argued. All protests proved useless though, as Giorno sighed dramatically before picking you up and heading to the exit.
“You know I hate having to repeat myself, you’re clearly tired, we can wait for those two at the villa, at least you’ll be a bit more comfortable there.” There was a bite in Giorno’s voice that told you not to argue with him. As he gently set you down on your feet, the car drove up to you both. The drive back to the villa was a quiet one, the young Don focusing his attention outside, while you looked at him, noting how he had matured in the few years since taking over Passione, the soft innocence in his face being replaced with a mature handsomeness. He’d also gotten a lot taller and broader, experiencing a growth spurt that took everyone, including himself, by surprise.
“Thanks for looking out for me, it’s sweet, I appreciate it,”
“You’d do the same for me, it’s only natural,” he replied, his attention still focused on the moving scenery outside the car.
“I know… still… Are you angry? You’ve been like this since earlier on, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to upset you, I just didn’t want you to stop yourself from having fun on my account,” you apologized. Little did you know that Giorno was actually troubled by his own behaviour, and found it difficult to face you without his own face turning a rosy shade of pink.
“Don’t apologize, you did nothing wrong, I guess my lack of sleep is getting the better of me as well. I’m sorry,”
You finally arrived at the villa, and followed Giorno to one of the lounges. You threw yourself onto the comfortable couch and started to take off your heels, while he pulled off his bow tie and undid the top buttons of his shirt, sighing in relief.
“I’ll brew us some coffee, it seems like we both need it,” offered Giorno, which you accepted with a polite smile, while checking your phone for any communication from Mista or Fugo. You were concerned but also knew how powerful they both were so you decided to put your head down and relax for just a few moments.
Giorno walked in to find you huddled in one corner of the plush couch, the chill you felt evident in the goosebumps visible on your exposed skin. Getting a soft blanket and his laptop, he covered you so that you wouldn’t be cold any longer, and settled down next to you to work quietly while you slept, not wanting to disturb you, but also not wanting to leave you alone.
Every now and again, you would wriggle around and murmur something unintelligible, until you had somehow found yourself snuggled up to Giorno’s arm. Gazing at you affectionately, he decided to give in to his own exhaustion, put away his work and comfortably wrapped his arms around you. A content hum escaped his lips before he quickly fell asleep as well.
A few hours pass like that, with you blissfully unaware of what, or rather, who you were using as a comfortable pillow, until the room was bathed in ambient morning light. You wake up to a hand gently drawing circles on your arm, enjoying the gentle touch in your half woken state, until, a pang of panic set in when realized exactly where you were, you sprang upright, fully awake and aware of your situation.
“Buongiorno tesoro mio, did you sleep well?” asked Giorno, the slight smile he wore being evident in the lightness of his voice.
“Giorno, I’m so sorry, I feel mortified… I… oh my God, you’re my boss… just fire me please… better still, I quit, so this will be my…” you rambled on, until Giorno cut you off as he also sat upright next to you.
“Tesoro… would you just calm down? While having you quit would work in my favor for what I’m about to ask you, I reject that… resignation? If you could call it one… either way, I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now… so here goes-Would you like to have dinner with me? Maybe tonight? No mafia business or anything, just you and I, out on a date,”
You could feel your heart pounding in your ears, and you felt as if you’d forgotten how to breathe as hopeful green eyes searched your face for a positive answer. Building up the courage to look at him, your heart calmed down when you saw how earnestly he looked at you. The man in front of you wasn’t Don Giovanna, he was just a kind, handsome gentleman asking for your company… he was just Giorno.
“I’d really like that Giorno, thank you for asking me,” you said with a softer voice than usual, trying to contain the bubbly feeling in your chest.
“Great, then that’s settled, I’ll pick you up at six,”
Just as you were about to speak, you hear a commotion coming from the direction of the front door, realizing it was Mista and Fugo returning.
“Wow, took you guys long enough, what happened? Are you guys okay?” you asked, relieved that they both returned safely.
“Yeah, we’re fine, just exhausted… what are you even doing here?” replied Mista, speaking through a yawn.
You and Giorno exchanged a glance, smiling knowingly but chose rather to stay quiet. You were both saved from having to entertain any more questions from the complaints of Mista’s sex pistols.
“Alright, alright, you guys need some sleep and sustenance, I’ll make you guys some breakfast while you rest…”
“I’ll help you,” offered Giorno, wanting to spend more time with you.
And with that you both left the room, quietly enjoying each other’s company in that sweet domestic scenario, all the while thinking about what could transpire later on.
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