#i know how to deal with a punch not a stab wound
junkdaw · 10 months
i'm so tired of being nice i DO want to go apeshit
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toecrust69 · 11 months
Can i request a gn!reader who’s been trained to be a weapon most of their life so they’re not really good with feelings? They’ve been adopted by the batfamily and they get hurt on a mission, they hide and stuff but dick or Jason (maybe both?) finds out, and like kinda scold them for not saying anything and ask why they would keep this a secret. The reader replies something ‘I just didn’t think it was a big deal’ IT WAS A BIG DEAL. So it’s just fluff and angst😇. You can end it with them having a movie night after patching reader up to feel better? You can change somethings up if it crosses your boundaries! <3
Warnings: mild mentions of violence and wounds, cussing, mentions of past trauma, mentions of drug abuse, mentions of an old abusive home, bad writing, animal abuse. Please let me know if I miss anything
A/n: Hello and tysm for requesting!! I just wanted to let you know that if you are in an abusive relationship or family, you are not alone. If you are sensitive to content like this, please leave (respectfully ofc)
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You pressed yourself up against the rough alley wall, clutching your side in pure pain as tears threatened to fall down your face.
You squinted your eyes shut and gritted your teeth to hold back a grutal scream of pain and slid down the wall.
You were just out on patrol, as usual, when you heard various voices, laughter, and whines from the very same alley you layed in now; soaked in your own blood.
Without a second thought, you dove down into the alleyway. You immediately realized what was going on.
There were five men surrounding what seemed to be a puppy with various wounds.
You frowned. Damian would not have been happy if he saw this.
The men turned to look at you and you could tell some of them were panicked while the rest simply smirked and stared you down.
A large fight ensued between you and three of the men while the other two stood by and watched while also making sure the puppy wouldn't escape.
You took note of this and kicked down one of the men I the direction of the other two, causing him to stumble back, bringing the two with him.
The puppy escaped but you couldn't.
Soon they were all fighting you, and it was a bit too much for you to handle.
They kicked you over and over on your sides, punched you, spat at you, and even stabbed you.
You barely won the fight, and now you stared down at their bloody, unconscious bodies in pure hatred.
You couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed and upset with yourself.
Since the moment you were born, you were trained to be a weapon similar to Damian.
You absolutely hated it and you were more than happy when Bruce took you in, but you still felt ashamed any time you were beat in a fight.
You remember how your parents used to severely punish you any time you'd fail a mission or training.
They never held back when it came to your punishments. Even when you were a toddler.
They'd punch and kick you just like the men had and you fucking hated it.
You hated how it brought you back to those dark memories and you hated how it reminded you that you'd never fully recover from it.
Your new family always tried to convince you that'd things were different now; that you were safe.
You'd always try to believe them but there was always that lingering feeling that you were never good enough.
There was always a tiny little voice that screamed and yelled at you about how useless, weak, and annoying you were.
There was always that little voice that told you how much of a burden you were to your new and old family.
But that wasn't the problem right now.
The problem right now was how you'd get back to the batcave/manor without getting caught and interrogated by Bruce or any one of your other family members.
You scouted out for an idea in your head when you finally got one.
Damian, Bruce, and Tim were still out on patrol and Jason and Dick weren't even in the city.
So all you had to do was walk in through the front door with your spare key and pray that Alfred wasn't going to see you.
'Perfect ', you thought.
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You searched for your keys in your pocket until you finally got them.
Bruce gave it to you the first time you arrived a couple months ago, claiming that it'd help keep you safe.
You never really understood what he meant but you didn't really mind.
You sloppily fit the key into the whole and twisted it until you heard the familiar click of the door unlocking.
You cracked the door open and peeked in to see if anybody was around, and thankfully, there wasn't.
You fully pushed the door in and stepped in.
Closing the door behind you, you propelled yourself towards the grand stairs.
You immediately froze in your tracks when you heard two muffled voices coming closer towards your direction.
Who could that be? Nobody except aflred was home and these were two voices.
'Was it an intruder? ' You thought and immediately got into your fighting stance, fists up, ready to fight.
The voices inched closer and closer when you realized they sounded familiar, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it.
You held your stance when the owners of the voice stepped into your field of vision.
'Fuck! ' You immediately began panicking when you realized who it was. Dick and Jason.
They were about to ask you a question when you beat them to it. "What the fuck are you doing here!?".
"We should be asking you that" Jason retorted and you rolled your eyes.
You went back to your normal stance, trying to ignore the painful sting in your feet and arms.
Dick ignored Jason and turned you, signaling you to answer first.
You sighed in annoyance and began explaining your lie you made up on the way here. "I forgot my batarangs and came back here to get them".
They both gummed and not-so-subtly glanced at one another, clearly looking through your plain lie.
"Your lying," Jason stated plainly, "Tell us the truth"
But you completely ignored and asked once again; "now what are you two doing here?".
They frowned.
"If we tell you, will you tell us the truth?" Dick asked and you thought for a second.
You were already in too deep— there was no coming back.
So, you reluctantly nodded your head in agreement.
"Bruce called us in for an emergency meeting." Jason said plainly. "There. Now tell us the truth".
You hung your head low and noticed how your hands seemed to have had a seizure from all the shaking it was doing.
You felt as if they'd yell and punish your if you told them the truth. You knew that wasn't the case; you knew they weren't like that, but you couldn't help it.
Tears threatened to come falling down when you thought of another lie. Hopefully theyd believe you this time.
"I felt a bit tired and decided to come back early." You said a bit too quickly. "Goodnight" you murmered before rushing up the stairs and to your room.
They called after you to come back but you only ignored them and sped up.
Excruciating pain shot through your body with every step you took, but you couldn't care less.
Your hand barely touched the door handle when another one put a hand over yours, stopping you from opening the door anymore.
You looked up and saw Jason, jaw clenched as he stared into your soul.
Feeling a small bit of pressure on your shoulder, you looked and saw yet another big, rough hand rested upon your shoulder. Dick.
You shrinked the longer they stared at you until one of them spoke.
"What happened" Jason asked once again, voice as cold as his stare. Actually, he wasn't even asking, he was demanding.
You gulped and your eyes darted around the room but was quickly interrupted by another deep voice.
"Answer the question" Dick said coldly and you knew that there was no going back now.
You let go of the handle with a shaky breath and turned to face the two of them. Their arms were crossed as they stared down at you and you swore you felt tiny little bugs crawling up and down your entire body.
"D-do you promise not to be mad?" You asked in a small, shaky voice.
They were a bit taken back for a second but quickly recovered; hoping you didn't see their faces.
"Of course not" Dick reassured.
You still felt a bit uneasy about telling them what actually happened but you knew they'd never actually judge you.
"I was attacked by 5 men during patrol. I was trying to fight them off but I wad too weak," tears were now falling out your eyes and down your face. "I'm sorry" your voice was small like a mouse at the end.
Their icey gazes immediately warmed up as they began trying to reassure you.
"It's okay, there's no need to apologize" dick said as he brought his hands up to wipe your tears away with the pads of his thumb.
He held your face between both his hands and you couldn't help but lean into the unfamiliar touch.
"Are you hurt?" Jason asked
"Yeah... just a bit".
"Why did you tell us?" Jason asked in what seemed to be a hurt voice.
"I didn't think it was a big deal" you admitted sheepishly and dug your face more into Dicks hands as if trying to hide from your emberasment.
The truth was the complete opposite.
You knew it was a big deal but you didn't want to bother or burden anybody— especially not your brothers— with your wounds.
It was fucking painful but you thought you could patch yourself up.
You didn't need any help, right?
They were completely and utterly shocked— what do you mean no big deal!? This was a huge deal to them.
"What do you mean 'no big deal'!?" Jason asked, almost mockingly.
Dick scowled and sent him a glare, signaling at him to shut up.
A huge wave of guilt washed over Jason, but he didn't show it. "Sorry" he mumbled sheepishly.
"C'mon, let's take you to the medical room" he whispered into your ear as he lead you down the stairs and towards the batcave.
They placed you onto the small bed and in the bright florescent light, they could tell your injuries were definitely more than a big deal.
Blood covered your mask and suit. They could tell your leg especially hurt considering most of the blood came from there and your abdomen.
They didn't even understand how you even managed to walk— let alone up the stairs.
"Get me the med-kit" Jason demanded, pointing at Dick then the nearby meditation.
He was back in a flash with the med-kit and set it down beside you.
Jason opened it immediately and pulled out all the materials he needed.
Jason was always better when it came to patching up wounds compared to Dick. It was mostly because Jason got more hurt than Dick did during patrol, even though he'd never admit it.
His hands were fast but gentle as he began patching you up.
You had a high pain tolerance, so it only stang when he pressed the alcohol against your wounds.
Once he was finally done, he put away all the materials and turned to face you along with Dick.
You had since stopped crying and began pushing yourself off of the bed, standing up to your full length.
"Thank you" you mumbled, barely loud enough for them to hear.
They nodded and you began making your way towards the door when the stopped you.
"Hey" Dick said and you turned to look at him. You signaled for him to continue and he did, "you're not alone. You can always reach out to me or anybody else for help, okay?"
You nodded your head in agreement and they both smiled.
I'm not really happy with this one but oh well, I hope at least you enjoyed
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shade-pup-cub · 1 month
Febuwhump 2024, Day 22 - Wars, Mask/Time & Chain - ALT Last Words
Fandom: LOZ/Linked Universes
Summary: Through a portal, Time is reduced to his younger self. Things are never simple with the heroes and they all learn how young Time really was when fate forced him into his role of being a hero.
CW: Slight blood and language
“We aren’t gonna last much longer here!” Legend grunted out as he blocked a sword that was aimed at Hyrule.
Four hissed as he got nicked by an arrow. “Any tricks up your sleeve Vet?”
“I’m fresh out of tricks and we are overrun!”
Wild was in a tall tree picking off monsters when he shouted, “Portal! It’s towards the end of the hill.” It was a snow covered hill and a straight shot into the portal. They all kept fighting as WIld thought of a plan. “Shield surf to it, the monsters can’t keep up!”
One by one they all hopped onto shields, pulling off the crazy stunt they all gave Wild a hard time about multiple times. Legend and Sky sat on their shields. Wind and Hyrule dove onto theirs, laying on their stomachs as the others were more experienced with balancing on their feet. It didn’t take long for them to crash through the dark portal and roll across the green grass on the other side. Of course Wild’s shield broke and he went flying into Twilight, bringing them both to the ground.
Shaking off the dizziness from switching worlds, there was someone missing. “Where’s the Old Man?” Wind asked when the eldest couldn’t be seen.
“Uh, you guys, I think I found him.” Sky was crouched down next to what looked to be a child. “I didn’t see him get hit by anything. Did the portal do this?”
Hyrule was the next one to kneel by the child. “He’s so tiny.”
Time groaned and rechead for his head. Two bright blue eyes opened and he took a moment to register that what was in front of him were people. He rolled away and pulled his sword. “Who are you people? Where am I?”
Being the youngest, Wind wiggled his way through everyone who was gathering around. “Back up! Give him some space will ya!” Wind huffed and turned back to the kid. “Hi, you don’t remember us do you?”
“Why should I know any of you?” His blade stayed between him and the others. He glared at them with an all too familiar look, even if he was turned into a kid, baby fat still laid over his muscles.
Twilight stepped closer, then stepped back when the young Link pointed his sword at him and growled.
Wars was the last to be coherent to everything and the voice from the past had him pushing everyone to the side quickly. “Mask?” His little brother was standing right in front of him again. How did he not know that Time was Mask?! He was kicking himself for not putting it together. “Hey little brother, it’s been a long time. You want to put the sword down so we can talk about what’s going on?” Warriors got onto one knee to be more eye level.
It was clear that Mask knew who Warriors was. His face softened, shoulders relaxed and sheathed his weapon on his back. “Cap?"
"Yeah, it's me. You haven't changed a bit. How long has it been since you were in my era?" Wars needed information. He needed to know what they were dealing with. Mask wasn't always the levelheaded one like he was as adult Time.
"Maybe a month or two." His eyebrows pulled together and the boy's features turned from calm to anger. "Did you try to find me after our last battle?"
Warriors didn't have to think back very hard. He knew the battle, the sinking feeling in his gut when he saw his little brother's green tunic grow darker due to a stab wound. He had hollered for Mask to get back up when the kid hit the ground. Wars never got the chance to see if he did.
"I looked for you for days on end. There was no sign of you anywhere."
"You ran away and left me for dead." The words came out coldly, meant to sting.
"That's not wha-" He was stopped by a fist colliding with his cheek.
Mask sat on Warriors chest and kept punching. He gave three more blows to his once big brother's face before the Captain grabbed Mask's wrist and sat up. "I didn't run away! I was kidnapped!"
"Bullshit! You left because we were losing!" Mask slammed his head forward, effectively making Warriors grab his bleeding nose as it broke against the younger's forehead.
Twilight, being the strongest, wrapped his arms around Mask. The boy thrashed against the hold. "Let me go!"
"Not until you calm down so we can talk everything through." Twi moved his face out of striking range when he saw that Mask was going to slam his back.
"Fine, let's talk! Let's talk about how Link left me dying with a gut wound, under a pile of his dead soldiers, bleeding out and I had to use the Fierce Deity Mask just to stay alive!"
Sky looked at Wars, then Mask. "How old are you?"
"Eleven." Mask felt Twi's grip slack some and took his chance to get free. He drew his sword to keep the others from grabbing him again.
Legend surprisingly was at Warriors side first, "The Cap said he was kidnapped, don't you think you should hear him out?"
"So he can tell me lies?"
Hyrule was fixing Warriors nose, saying, "He is your brother. He always talks about you, how great of a kid you are and how he misses you."
"I don't care!!" He huffed as his anger rose and clouded the little bit of a filter he had. His eyes locked with Warriors and venom dripped from words, "You are not my big brother, you are a coward that left me for dead and I hate you. I hate everything about you. I wish you were dead!"
The others gasped and Warriors felt like he had just been stabbed in the heart. 'Is this how Time felt?'
Mask covered his mouth as soon as the words came out, big ocean blue eyes watering. He had seen the Cap close to death before and it terrified him. He would never wish real harm to him. His guilt was clear as his ears drooped and the tears spilled over.
Wars looked hurt and turned his head away from the child he adored and protected.
Mask looked around at the others who were shocked by his words. His bottom lip wobbled and his chest ached. Here he was being a cruel brat to the one person who never lost faith in him and he never thought he would see again. 'What have I done?!' He took a few slow steps back. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, I promise I didn't mean it."
Dread sank into his gut like a stone thrown into a lake. Warriors wouldn't look at him. 'Why do I keep messing everything up?' "M'sorry…" Mask bolted for the forest, ignoring the calls for him to come back.
"Let him go…" the Captain said as Wild went to chase after the boy.
"But he-" Wild began to protest.
"Give him some time, then I will go after him." Wars began washing the blood off his hands and face. He had so many questions, but he needed to ask Time, not Mask.
"He's eleven, but Time said he went on three adventures. We know of the original one, then some adventure where he got the mask collection, but he was in the War?" Wind was trying to wrap his head around it all.
Legend paled. "He had three adventures within three years. No wonder he doesn't talk much about his journeys, his childhood or hardly anything personal outside of Malon."
There was a heavy silence as everyone pondered over their own traumas leading up to Ganon and other evils. To think a child, well they were all children, but a nine year old kid that should still believe in make-believe went through anything remotely similar, if not worse. The Goddesses better have been desperate.
"I'm going to bring him back." Warriors whispered as he finished getting as much crimson off of him as he could. He followed the clear signs of where Mask had gone. Tall grass was split by the boys frantic run.
"Mask?" He started to call out once he was fully in the woodline. "Mask, come out so we can talk. Please?"
He stopped at a downed hollow log, seeing the trail end there. He could hear the faint sniffles from inside it. He sat with his back relaxed on the rough surface, rubbing the edges of his scarf as he gathered his thoughts.
"When I was captured and taken to Cia, I was thankful that it was only me. She would have used you against me. I saw you get hit and not get back up. I could only pray that someone found you in time. I managed to escape that night and I ran right back to where I had been standing before and began the search. There were so many bodies that needed to be sorted through, but I only wanted to find you. I didn't stop until midday that next day. Impa knocked me out so I could get medical attention and promised to continue the search. No one ever found you and I thought I lost you forever."
The sniffles slowed to a few hiccups. Warriors he could hear Mask moving around before he poked his head out just enough to look at the Captain.
Warriors sighed heavily. “I have hung onto your last words to me before we went into that battle. ‘Children are the promise of a future, the assurance of greater things to come’. You sounded too old for those words, but now I know why. You really are an adult trapped in that body, aren’t you?” When Warriors turned to his side and saw Mask looking at him, he smiled gently and reached out a hand. Mask came crashing over into his arms.
A few moments of a tight embrace, Mask gave a wet laugh. “You were trying to keep me and Tune from fighting because we were children. I was glad I changed your mind, but how did you find out about my physical and mental age thing?”
“I got to meet you as an adult, late-ish thirties. You are actually traveling with me and all the other heroes that you saw earlier.”
“And Tune?”
“Tune too, but he hasn’t been to the war yet.”
“I didn’t see myself though.”
Warriors didn’t exactly know how to say this to him easily, but they kid deserved to know. “That is because you are him, but when we all went through the last portal it changed you back to this age and clearly with no memory past this time in your life.”
“Of course it did. I hate time travel.” Mask mumbled before looking up at Warriors. “I really have missed you and I’m sorry for what I said. I didn’t mean it.”
The now older hero pulled his little brother into his arms. “I’ve missed you too Sprite.” Releasing his hold, Wars asked him, “Ready to go back before one of them is sent after us?”
“Probably smart to get you back to safety.”
“You little shit…” Warriors, with as much love as he could, pushed Mask off his lap and got some of the best giggles out of him.
Arriving back to the others, Mask stayed slightly hidden behind Warriors, barely talking as the others were introduced to him, again. Warriors was patient, knowing that Mask was trying to trust the ones in front of him. “I go by Warriors or Captain, this here is Sky, he is the first of us. -”
Mask gave a breathy “wow”.
“- That is Four also known as Smithy. Legend is next to him, he is our veteran.”
“Or Bunny.” Sky added.
“Ha ha.” Legend gave a rude gesture with no heat behind it.
“Hyrule is next to him, he is our Traveler and part fae.” Warriors loved the starry eyed look Mask had at that. “Next is Wild, he is the only one that can cook. The taller one is Twilight and your descendant.”
“So which girl did I marry?” Mask somehow asked innocently.
Twilight choked. “W-which one?”
“Yeah.” Mask gave a chuckle. “I’m technically engaged to Princess Ruta and Malon.”
Wind burst into laughter. “Twi could have been part Zora!” Twilight promptly caught the now second youngest in a headlock, thoroughly messing his hair up.
Warriors rolled his eyes, also messing with Mask’s hair. “Malon.”
“I was hoping for that.” Mask said with pink cheeks.
Wind broke free of Twilight's playful hold, going for a kick to the knee, saying, “She’s great! You two look so happy together.”
Something in Mask’s chest stirred… Happy… He was going to finally be truly happy. He pulled on Warriors scarf, whispering in his ear. “Is that Tune?”
“Sure is.”
Mask flung himself over to the pirate. He was still shorter than him, so he wrapped his arms around the boy’s middle, squeezing tightly. The last time he saw Tune was the last time he had seen the Captain, but the sailor had been forced through a portal created out of nowhere.
Wind was always happy to help someone, but even as he wrapped his arms around their age reduced leader, he asked, “Did I miss something?”
Mask nodded. “Yes, but I can’t tell you what it is or it could ruin what has already happened.”
Those two were tied at the hip the rest of the day. It was terrifying and refreshing. The two played in the trees (easily dragging Wild along in their fun), played more pranks than imaginable and told stories with such animated movements that only children had.
The terrifying part, Legend had asked Mask what his favorite magic was. Instead of just telling the Vet, ‘Din’s Fire’, Mask felt the need to show him. Everyone took cover as the little monster in green rolled on the ground, laughing hysterically as the fire was pushed out around him.
Warriors got up from where he took cover. “Sprite! Really?!”
The other sat up with black soot smeared on his face and into his hair, “What?”
Warriors pointed to the whole woodline behind Mask that was now up in flames and looked to be only growing larger, spreading from tree to tree at an alarming rate. “You are going to burn the whole forest down!”
“I can fix it!” Mask pulled out his blue ocarina and began to play an upbeat song that Mask swayed to. Thunder clapped as lightning streaked across the suddenly darkened sky, then the rain came pouring in. Somehow Mask was laughing even harder at the others expense, falling back over.
Warriors really couldn’t be mad. At least the fire was out.
They set up camp right there, not wanting to travel after the day's events, especially as the night krept closer. There was a buzz of happiness around them all as Wild cooked, Mask curiously looking into the pot.
Warriors had a fond smile as he settled into his spot to eat, just watching Mask. He had missed him and now never wanted him to leave his sight.
Wars looked over when Twilight sat next to him, a fond smile also on his face. “How’s it feel to see him like this again and know that he turned out okay?”
A low laugh slipped out from the Captain, “I imagine it’s the same feeling you had when we found Wild. Seeing the young man he had become during the time apart. Someone to be proud of.”
Warriors paused as he pumped his shoulder into the other man’s. “The same feeling Time has every time he looks at you. Proud.”
Twilight lowered his head, ears dusted pink. The young man always looked up to the eldest hero from day one and Warriors had always been curious over why, but that was a secret Twi kept close and he would never push for him to spill it.
Across camp, Mask stood before placing both hands on his head. He stumbled a bit to his left, knocking into Legend who caught him before he fell.
“Kid, you good?”
“I don’t… I don’t know. Som’tin isn’t right.” Mask slurred.
Warriors was on his feet instantly, headed for the youngest when they all saw Mask fade in and out like a blur or the static that would come up on Wild’s Slate. Not a soul moved when Mask screamed, voice going from his young pre teen voice to a post puberty voice. When he came back into focus, he was no longer the young child, but a tall teen in a green tunic, cap, white collared undershirt and white leggings.
Looking at the closest people to Mask- Time- Link(?), Wars took a mental not for later of how Wind paled, but clearly had excitement in his eyes while Legend paled with a whole different emotion. Anger.
“Y-you-!” Legend started, but Warriors put a hand up for him to stop and took slow steps as if the teen in front of him was a spooked animal. “Mask?”
Sorrow filled eyes looked up at him. “Link… Cap? What is happening? Where am I?”
“What is the last thing you remember?”
Mask seemed to be searching his memory. “I- Zelda… s-she was sending me back.”
“Back to where?” Warriors didn’t want to pry on a memory Time hadn’t ever told him, but he needed to know.
“We defeated Ganon after I woke from the seven year sleep, but she-” he was starting to struggle to breath with his panic. “She wouldn’t let me stay there, in that time, making me go back to when it all started.”
Mask crumbled to his knees with another scream, body blurring again until he was an even smaller child than he was at the beginning of this chaos. He looked so heartbroken as he cried out in anguish, but it wasn't physical pain as much as it was emotional.
Twilight was the one to step in as Warriors was trying to work through his shock. “Hey, Link right?”
The child- gods… he was a child!- showed no fear as he looked up at the Rancher, removing the tears from his eyes. “Mhm.”
“What’s the matter?”
“She left me.”
“Zelda did?” Twilight did a head tilt, similar to Wolfie.
“Navi, she left me. She was supposed to stay with me forever, but she left!”
Off to the side, Hyrule gasped and placed both hands over his mouth. The name must have meant something to him.
Before the child could collapse into Twilight’s arms, he blurred out again, coming to as a young adult. His hair was long, coming to his mid back while braided. He was in his green tunic, but took up the black fitted undershirt and black leggings.
His head was down, hands holding his face, hands that were covered in blood. The sight of blood pulled Warriors from his pause. He landed next to Twilight, grabbing the changed hero by the wrist.
The other gasped, startled by the contact and jerked his head up. There was so much blood, the wound over his eye fresh. He was trembling like a lead, but Warriors didn’t have time to console him since he seized up again into a blurry translucent mess.
Now his hair was cut short, his body more bulked with muscle like they knew Time to be, but his face was still young, mid twenties.
“C-cap… make it stop. Please, I can’t- ha-AHH!”
Another see through static blur and Time was back with them. He looked beyond exhausted, white as a ghost and older… older than he had been that morning before all this happened.
“Wars, I’m gonna be sick.” Time barely had a moment more before he began to puke. Somehow Four already had a bucket waiting. Then again, Four had a tendency to get sick and probably saw it coming.
Twilight helped keep Time up on his knees as Warriors kept his hair out of the way. The others tried not to gather too close, not wanting Time to get claustrophobic, but they were concerned for their leader.
Mouth rinsed, Time abruptly stood, staggering for a moment. Legend had his hands on the man’s back, Sky and Twi at his sides, Wars at his front. He didn’t listen to anyone telling him to take it easy and that he needed to sit down. Instead of sitting, Time’s good eye rolled back and he collapsed forward into Warriors, bringing them both down to the ground.
With the air officially knocked out of him, Warriors wheezed out, “By the Three Sprite, you are heavy!” Some of the tension bled out with that, bringing a chuckle to the boys.
Once checked for injuries, taken out of his armor and cleaned up a bit, Warriors laid his brother back onto his chest in a non crushing way, allowing him to sleep peacefully for the first time since the last time they were at the ranch.
With the moon high in the sky, the forest child stired, waking Warriors. Time was groaning a bit as he pushed himself up off the Captain and out of the embrace.
“Hey, where are you going?” Warriors asked as he saw Time sigh, ears lowered, running the blue fabric through his fingers like he had two decades before. It was a look of longing, a look of still needing or wanting to be close and maybe even protected.
“Too big. Too big and too old.” The simple words cut like a knife. Time thought he was too old to be held close. It was even more of a sign that he was forced into the role of an adult too early. He should have been held as a child, had someone care for him and codle him before he was thrown into his first adventure, but he wasn’t.
Wars sighed. “You aren’t too big or too old to lean on your big brother. Now get back over here Sprite.”
Time looked like he wanted to flop back down where he had been, but he held himself back, going slowly until his head was resting on Warriors chest again, blue scarf around him like it had been when he was twelve.
Warriors carded his fingers through his brother’s hair. “Children are our future, but that doesn’t mean they should have to step into the roles the future holds for them before they are ready. Be a child for a while longer. I have you.”
He didn’t mention how his tunic started to feel wet under Time’s cheek and how he clung to him a little more.
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silent-sanctum · 1 year
Hi! May I ask for a Stardust Crusaders Jotaro x Reader?
Where reader gets cut pretty deep and is in immense pain, what would Jotaro do?
I love your stuff btw!!
hello! And thank you for enjoying my fics! Truly appreciate it😊💌 I hope you don't mind the amount of ✨angst✨ this lil work has dear anon, and I do hope you, and the fellow readers enjoy it~
Hurts Like Hell - Jotaro x Reader
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word count: 1.8k+
“Hey it’s him. That infamous delinquent”
“Hey dude, shut up! He’s gonna hear you!”
“Shit,” Jotaro cursed through his bleeding wounds. His knees wobbled by the slightest with every sprint and every corner he turned, feeling the high of adrenaline decrease with each run, but he couldn’t give in. Not now. “Shit shit shit!”
“Why do women care for an edgy bastard like him anyways? It’s not like he cares for them anyways.”
His breaths turned more ragged with excruciating effort as he neared his destination. With each hurried step, his heart raced- more out of fear than from the pain and injuries his body was still coping with. Almost there.
One more turn around the corner. And he stilled, heavily panting as his anxiety spiked at the sight before him.
Buildings that used to stand firm for god knows how long, now crumbled into large chunks of debris with few of their base foundations serving as reminders of what were used to be. The streets and pavements cracked and caved in from the colliding power of two Stands. But that was the least of his concerns.
Because in the same area was where he last saw-
“Y/N!” Jotaro yelled the loudest he could, his voice echoing throughout the emptied street. He trudged through the ground, bypassing each huge pile of debris with Star Platinum aiding him in clearing them. “Answer me!”
“Hello… Just so we’re clear, I’m not here to harass you with flowery letters or sweets. I’m just here to eat in peace, okay?”
“Why do you care?”
“Damnit Y/N,” Jotaro persisted despite his severe aching, teeth gritted as he shoved past the countless debris off his path. He grew desperate. “Damnit- Where are you?!”
Eventually, his search came to a halt. And his chest might as well have stabbed him from the way his heart froze in terror. Underneath the fallen concrete of the neighboring building, a large red pool of blood crept its way out of the pile.
No. It couldn’t be. Picking up the pace, his remaining adrenaline offered him that boost to rush over to the aforementioned site. The second he stopped before the damned debris, Star unleashed an array of punches to obliterate them.
And there you were.
Jotaro let out one quivered breath. “F-Fuck.”
“Why the fuck did you follow me woman?!”
“You think I wouldn’t start getting worried whether or not you were still okay?!”
You lay motionless on the broken pavement, a gaping cut slashed from your left shoulder down to your right hip. Beside your body was the knife his mortal enemy once held in frozen time. The same weapon that was supposed to be for Joseph if you hadn’t interfered.
It felt like it all happened in a second- your weakened self, barging into the scene to distract the enemy with your Stand, time stopping for only him and Jotaro to witness, his grin widening as he walked to you to deal the severe laceration across your body. In front of him. To make him reel with agony.
He could never forget the way he trembled with anger and horror, his breath shaking at the sight of your body sliced open at the mercy of the cruel vampire.
Jotaro dropped to his knees, immediately seeking your presence, checking for signs of life to spare him his sanity. Crimson tainted his faded green top. “Hey…” He noted your fast shallow breaths and the faint pulse on your neck. “Come on.” He carefully picked you up into his arms, gazing at your face with a silent plea for your eyes to open.  “Wake up. It’s me.”
You didn’t respond.
He quivered, panic beginning to set in. “Y/N, open your eyes goddamni-“ A cough. A violent one that caused you to stir and regain consciousness with blood leaking from the corner of your mouth. Your eyes couldn’t open as wide as it normally were, but knowing you were still alive was enough for him.
You had the audacity to put up a weakened smile as you croaked out a quiet “Jotaro…”
Hearing you call for him in this state tore something inside. “Damnit.” The delinquent gritted his teeth as he positioned his arms underneath your knees and back to lift you off the ground. Though as he got up, he let out a pained grunt, his knees giving up and sharp pain stabbing him from where his shoulder broke.
“You’re… hurt,” you whispered. “Don’t… do this.”
Jotaro ignored your words as he forced himself back on two feet with your frail body secured in his arms. Star could’ve made this easier for him, but he just had to hold you close to him. Just to make sure you were here in his grip.
“The old man’s got to be nearby.” He bolted to the opposite direction, harsh breaths escaping him as he allowed whatever energy he had left to keep going. “He’ll patch you up.”
“Jojo...” Your hushed voice sent hundreds of tremors into his racing heart. Focus! Don’t panic. “I-I’m cold.”
“Fuck.” He held you closer to him, pressing your broken body close to his and shit, your skin was cool to the touch. “Hang in there. I’m sure they’re nearby.”
“You really can’t shut up, can you?”
“Hmm… I really can’t. Why don’t you shut me up more often then?”
“You brat.”
A giggle. “You ass.” And a kiss.
With his injuries worsening and his vision wavering, Jotaro’s movements grew sluggish no matter how hard he pushed himself to move. He grunted with pain as he lost his footing, tripping over a slab of debris he failed to notice.
Though as he collided with the ground, he shielded you from the impact with Star coming out a split second to embrace you from the front. Jotaro was so close. He could feel the faint sensations of the Joestar mark approaching from a distance.
He tried to get up again, albeit slower and with added agony to his efforts. But he wasn’t immortal like DIO. Just a human who couldn’t continue leaving wounds untreated. With the attempt, he cursed as he fell onto his knees and groaned.
“Please… that’s enough.” Through strained vision, he gazed down to look at you with tears spilling from your hooded eyes. “I’m… I’m not worth… the suffering…”
“Shut up,” Jotaro said, sharp with an underlying tone of panic laced with it. “Stop talking and hang on.”
You whimpered as the delinquent made his way to a nearby wall to lean against with you pressed tight against him. “Just… don’t say anything until gramps gets here. He’s coming.”
“I… I can’t-“ You heaved and coughed frighteningly large droplets of blood onto the pavement. Jotaro didn’t know how much he could hold himself from breaking down at the sight of your immense pain. His eyes stung with unshed tears.
“It…” You sobbed, a weak hand clutching the fabric of his clothes. “I-It hurts… so fucking much Jojo.”
His breath trembled with fear, holding your head close to his broken shoulder as he held you tighter in his arms. “I know. I know it does.” Jotaro steadied you as he placed a firm kiss on the crown of your head. “But he’s coming here. And everything’s going to be okay.”
You buried your face into his shirt as tears continued to stream down your face, your shaking hands gripping his clothes.
Fuck. FUCK. “Old man!” Jotaro yelled out to the open. Angry. Frustrated. Desperate. “I know you’re near! Hurry goddamnit!” With every strangled sob ripped out of you, he could feel his chest caving in more and more with dread. “Gramps?! Pol?! Fucking anyone?!”
His screams stopped as he looked down to you with frenzied eyes. And he wished he didn’t. You became pale, your skin colder, the blood still leaking out of your gaping cut. But even after your cries and the severity of your condition, you still had it in you to smile at him as if that would ease his turmoil.
“I’m tired…”
“No… no, no, no- You stay awake for me.” He said, lightly shaking your shoulders to stress out how much that gesture would mean for him right now. “Stay with me until others come. Okay? You hear me?”
You let out another bloody cough, the light in your eyes dimming with every second. The hold you had on his shirt loosened by a bit and your head lolled against his chest. “I… want to sleep Jojo…”
“You’re not going to sleep damnit!” He gritted out, his hands tightening from where they were holding you up. “You can do that when we get back where our wounds will be treated. So just… f-fucking just…” His voice trembled, unable to keep himself from feeling the pain of everything.
A cool palm cupped his cheek, slowly lifting his head up towards your beautiful, bloodied face. “It’s okay…” You whispered to him, your thumb grazing the tear streak running down his cheek.
Jotaro let out one shaky breath, pressing his face against the chill of your hand. He felt pathetic. Pathetic because he did everything that was almost impossible, but now… he couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t heal. He couldn’t teleport. And now…
“We lost Avdol… Iggy… Kakyoin…” He muttered through his tears, wrapping his arms around you. Fuck the blood. Fuck his broken bones. “I can’t… I can’t lose you too. Not you.”
At his words, your eyes swelled with fresh tears and with a broken whimper, you uttered, “I…I want to stay here… with you.”
“Remind me that when we defeat DIO, we should frequent the beaches in Tokyo after school.” A beaming smile. “The ocean’s quite lovely, don’t you think? I want to visit it sometime, and you can come with me~”
He could feel your breathing turned faint, but he ignored it and continued to hold you close to him. He grasped the back of your head and directed it towards his shoulder. “Then stay. Because you’ll be okay. It’ll be okay.” A couple more tears ran down his cheeks as he pressed his face against the side of your head. “They’re coming and... we’ll visit the ocean. Like you always wanted.”
“I… already did…” You croaked, thumbing his shining aquamarine eyes. “Every… day.”
All the strength from your limbs left as your hand dropped from his cheek. The one gripping his shirt dropping with the other. Your eyes grew heavier and the pain grow duller and duller. “Jo… Jotaro-ssi… I…”
“It’s okay. It’s okay.” He began to rock you back and forth in gentle motions, his gaze now distant and his deep voice cracking with every strangled sob as everything turned hopeless. “Stay with me. It’ll be okay. You’ll be okay.”
Jotaro couldn’t tell how much time has passed, but he never ceased in his swaying motions and never-ending whispers. Even when he couldn’t hear you speak. Or when you stopped moving entirely. Even when Joseph and the Speedwagon Foundation arrived to witness the scene before them.
A broken mantra of “You’ll be okay… you’ll be okay… you’ll be okay….” was all he could say.
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chuuya-fan-page · 8 months
Your thoughts about Stormbringer? (And Chuuyas'relationship with the Flags, Murase, Adam and or course, Dazai)
Hi Anon!
It has my overall favourite characters (Rimbaud and Verlaine mwah ily) and the overall story is just SO GOOD, plus the insight we get into Chuuya's character and why he does the things he does. The way we see him go from a liability, someone who's ready to leave the mafia at the first chance, to calling it his family? It's INSANE.
Asagiri truly outdid himself with everything going on, it's insane to see Stormbringer in comparison with all the other light novels, there's such a massive difference in length. Not to mention some of the language is just beautiful, and the descriptions feel like a gut-punch.
Chuuya gets so much depth through Stormbringer, it's really what unlocked his character for me; we now see why he's so loyal, why he allows himself to be controlled, just what he's been seeking, it makes him understandable. Dazai's "dog" jokes suddenly get a deeper meaning, Chuuya is like a dog in many ways, like a dog who returns to an abusive master because he's so damn loyal it hurts him. And god he's so forgiving, just, god.
Shirase stabbed him in the back (literally), and yet he goes to great lengths to protect him, Verlaine uproots Chuuya's entire life, and yet Chuuya forgives him, Dazai is Dazai, but Chuuya puts his life in his hands time and time again.
FUCK he hurts me.
As for his relationships (and I know you didn't mention Verlaine but god I love his relationship with Chuuya) with all of the above;
The Flags have a really interesting and unique relationship with Chuuya, they're a really important step in Chuuya claiming back his past. They solidify the groundwork of Rimbaud's final words from Fifteen; Chuuya is Chuuya, and that's enough for them.
(Tackling them one by one now)
Pianoman seems to see himself as a sort of mentor figure to Chuuya, he is of course the leader of the Flags, and therefore protective of all of them, but he goes to lengths to make Chuuya feel included and cared for. His form of affection seems to be annoying Chuuya with little gestures to make him accept them slowly, he's aware of how volatile Chuuya is at this time and handles him with care. Pianoman was the one behind the whole "one year anniversary" that the Flags threw for Chuuya, so it's clear that he pays attention to Chuuya, and cares for him a great deal. Pianoman is very blunt about some things, he confronts Chuuya out right about his motivations and troubles in order to assist him.
Albatross has a similar form of showing care; by being a little shit. He's a lot less subtle than Pianoman, as he outright pisses Chuuya off on purpose, but in ways that are clearly jokes, a way to add levity to the tense air around Chuuya joining the mafia. He does take notice of Chuuya's moods, tries to calm him down when he gets too riled up, and clearly doesn't want to push him over the edge to the point that it's no longer funny. He's the closest of the Flags with Chuuya, as they live in the same building, and they go on missions together, or rather, Albatross drags Chuuya on missions with him as a forced bonding method, despite the fact that he messes with Chuuya, he also cares about making sure that he's not upset.
Lippmann takes a slight protective air towards Chuuya, similar to Pianoman. He jokes about taking Chuuya under his wing and is also featured laying a soothing hand on Chuuya's shoulder, which leads me to believe that this is something he does often. Lippmann is an actor, and that comes through with some of the calculated ways he guides conversations, carefully pointing Chuuya towards the fact that he is a part of the Flags and ensuring that he feels included. Lippmann is able to read Chuuya's behaviour, that is part of his job, and he tailors his interactions to suit Chuuya's needs, he is described as being gentle, particularly when it comes to topics that are fresh wounds in Chuuya's past.
Doc is a weird little fuck, and I love him dearly. His form of affection seems to be threats??? Which is uh, unique...i guess? The best way I can really describe the way he interacts with Chuuya is just that he's weird, and generally off-putting, although he seems to quickly include Chuuya in with the rest of the Flags, at the very least he treats them all the same. Doc is weird to analyse because everything he says is just one curveball after another. Due to his weird relationship with death and God, I'm inclined to believe that he respects Chuuya for being a fighter, he does comment on the fact that "Poison isn't enough to kill Chuuya", which almost sounds like a begrudged compliment, as Poison is his self-admitted way that he's killed lot's of people. He also put a ton of effort into tracing back Chuuya's medical history, which shows care if not affection.
Iceman is another interesting one to analyse. He, like Albatross, takes care to ensure that Chuuya feels comfortable, he admits that he didn't want to hold the celebration for Chuuya, because he thought it might upset him. Iceman is very blunt and upfront with Chuuya, he doesn't sugarcoat or lie to him, he makes it clear that the Flags all believe in Chuuya's strength, and calls out his unnecessary violence, as well as revealing Pianoman's true intentions in watching out for Chuuya. Iceman respects Chuuya, after all, Chuuya was managed to escape being killed by Iceman when he was in the Sheep, and holds no grudges. Although they have the most tense relationship out of Chuuya and the Flags, Iceman still allows Chuuya to see below his cold facade, and shows him his true nature.
Chuuya overall is conflicted when it comes to the Flags. In many ways, he interacts with them the same way he interacts with Dazai, because that's just how he is with people. Anger is a shield for his other emotions, when he's overwhelmed by their kindness and care for him, he threatens to leave and accuses them of trying to make him "weepy" so that he'll apologize. He does let some of his guard down around them, and they're the people he's closest to in the Mafia at that point, he fights well alongside them, and despite their few scuffles, trusts and cares for them.
Murase and Chuuya's relationship is short-lived, but adorable. In some ways, Chuuya and Murase have many connections, Murase's relationship with N can be compared to Chuuya's relationship with Verlaine, mainly in that they have weird-ass older brothers who are batshit insane. There is something to be said about how N inadvertently brought about the end of his younger brother's life, and through his influences drove Murase to be a better person and help people, which is why Murase is so determined to bring Chuuya into the light (Odasaku moment). Murase is such a daggy-dad, every part of me wishes he'd managed to pick up Chuuya before everything had happened. He shows so much care for him, and even though Chuuya insults him flippantly, he doesn't give up on trying to improve his life. God dammit Asagiri, why are you like this.
ADAM. MY SWEET SWEET ROBOT MAN. God I love him. He's got Chuuya's back 10000% and he's there for him every step of the way. I can sooooooo draw a million and one parallels between Verlaine and Adam, but for now we're only talking about one synthetic human. Adam is SO caring, he immediately places Chuuya as the most important person in his system, he buys snacks for him before they go out on their mission, he stands up to Shirase for Chuuya's sake, and god he shows how much he truly admires and cares for Chuuya. Adam is fascinated by human nature, and to him there is nothing more human than Chuuya. One of my favourite scenes is when Chuuya calls Verlaine human, and Adam is overjoyed, thinking that Chuuya has drawn the obvious conclusion that due to his and Verlaine's similarities, if Verlaine is human, so is Chuuya! Silly stupid robot man i love you so much. And he SACRIFICES himself for Chuuya, god, he DIES for him, and we know he did that of his own violation, which makes it WORSE. Chuuya begrudgingly comes to care about Adam, and from the beginning calls him reliable and trustworthy (HE TRSUTS HIMDVJHBJHFG), and is genuinely happy at his return. They make me so sad oh god.
Slotting Verlaine in here real quick because his relationship with Chuuya is one of my favourites. They're besties, they're worsties, they brothers from two different continents. Verlaine is quite literally the stereotypical overprotective brother, except he's also the king of the assassins, so he shows his love by murdering Chuuya's friends. The most painful thing about his actions to me is that he genuinely thought he was helping Chuuya. Verlaine is too lost in his own pain to realise that his and Chuuya's situations are different, that his own past is not what he thought. Verlaine projects heavily onto him, even calls Chuuya his "other self", and he spends most of Stormbringer in denial about his own relationship with Rimbaud, and consequently Chuuya's relationship with those around him. Verlaine's pain runs deep, and it cuts into Chuuya as well.
Stormbringer is SUCH a turning point for their relationship. There was a trust forged in Fifteen, but that kinda went to shit after Dazai pulled that whole thing with the Sheep. Even so, there's something there, Dazai is still the one who nullifies corruption and takes Chuuya to see the Flags, he's still the one who allows Chuuya to tie him up and spin him around by the ankle as "revenge". And he's the one who gives Chuuya what might be the first choice of his life. Stormbringer shows something very, very important for Dazai's character, which is that he was always capable of change. While many people point to Odasaku as the reason Dazai changed so much, which is true, he was able to change before he met him. It's so important to remember that Dazai always had it in him to change, he just needed to right push, and Chuuya was one of those pushes. Odasaku was just more of a shove. Dazai not only deliberately puts himself in another person's shows for Chuuya, but he gives him a genuine and real choice, one that he intends to uphold. Stormbringer reforges that trust between Soukoku, it shows them once again as equals.
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They're perfect.
TY FOR YOUR ASK ANON <33 I love Stormbringer so much
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Hajime: My ultimate goal is to punch God in the eye, just to spite him one last time.
Makoto: You know, when Nagito comes over, Hajime can get a little… Kaede: Psycho? Kyoko: Scary? Shuichi: Drunk? Makoto: All three.
Kaede: You have to apologize to them Kokichi. Kokichi: Fine! But I must warn you that this might make me a better, nicer person and that is NOT the person you fell in love with!
Shuichi: "I lost a bet." Shuichi: The second-most ominous phrase in existence. Kaede: What's the first? Shuichi: "Let's make a bet."
Shuichi: If you kill me, my teeth only have a 2 drop rate. Hajime: What? Shuichi: Good luck.
Hajime: Whatever happened to the concept of less is more? Nagito: But if less is more, then just think of how much more 'more' will be!
Kaede: We’re going to defeat you with the power of friendship. Kokichi: We’re not friends. Kaede, holding an axe: We’re going to defeat you with the power of incredible violence.
Kyoko: If bees can be fish and boys can be girls, then why can't my dad love me? Byakuya: I thought I was going to have to yell at you, but now I think I should hug you.
Comments under an image of a really hot knife cutting bread Kokichi: Imagine stabbing someone with this knife. Shuichi: It would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful. Chiaki: if you want information it is Makoto: why would you STAB a person when you can have TOAST?
Makoto: I want a bf. Byakuya: Do you mean best friend, boyfriend or bread feast? Because you’re being really vague here.
Kokichi: Do you know the ABCs of first aid? Chiaki: A. Bone. Coming out of the skin is very bad.
Makoto: You’ve got to learn to love yourself. Nagito: But don't you hate yourself. Makoto: Yeah, but this is about you. Stay focused.
Nagito: I feel like the world would be better if I'd never been born. Kyoko: Aw… that's not true. Kyoko: It'd be exactly the same. Kyoko: You're not important.
Shuichi: Well Kokichi, I have to say, I'm really disappointed. Kokichi: Well, you didn't HAVE to say it. You could've just thought it.
Makoto: Here's two facts about me. Makoto: 1. I hate hot people. Makoto: 2. I'm a hypocrite.
Kaede: Fellas, I gotta know for science. Is the opposite of red green or blue? Makoto: Technically a mix of green and blue? Kaede: So blurple. Makoto: That's implying you're mixing blue and purple. Kaede: Would you rather have fucking bleen? MOTHERFUCKING GRUE? Makoto: You were confusing before but now I'm scared.
Kokichi: I just wanna be called cute 21/7. Shuichi: Why no 24/7? Kokichi: Snack breaks.
Makoto, to Shuichi: If Hajime doesn't say "I'm King of the world" within an hour on that boat, I will give you my next pay check. Hajime, within 5 minutes of getting on the boat: I'M KING OF THE WORLD!!!
Byakuya: And have you learnt anything this Christmas, Shuichi? Shuichi: …Not really. Byakuya: Nothing? Shuichi: Tell you one thing I have learnt—Christmas; ultimately, commercial holiday. Who's the real winner at Christmas? Amazon. they have drones now! Tiny little dystopian slaves delivering iPads and headphones. I ordered a toaster; It was on the doorstep five hours later! Do we need that? It was 4.99! For a toaster! I mean, someone's being exploited there.
Shuichi: Where have you been all day? Hajime: Oh, just dealing with things way beyond my maturity level.
Nagito: Hajime annoyed me today so I told them that I can’t wait to see what they have planned for our special day tomorrow. Kaede: There is nothing special about tomorrow. Nagito: But there is something special about watching the color leave their face as panic takes over.
Shuichi: I’m the smartest, wisest person in this group. Chiaki: Really? Then why is your hand stuck in a vending machine? Shuichi: I paid for my Mars Bar, I’m getting my Mars Bar.
Hajime: WHO THE FUCK- Kaede: Whoa, language! Hajime: I speak fucking English! Kaede: …
Chiaki: I need a long word. Shuichi: T-rex but the long one.
Kyoko: sSSSHIT- I BURNT MY LIP- Kokichi: …Why the fuck would you even drink coffee with a METAL STRAW in the FIRST PLACE?? Kyoko: BECAUSE WE WERE OUT OF THE PLASTIC ONES!
Makoto: :) Hajime: >:( Makoto: Turn that frown upside down! Hajime: ):< Makoto: Not sure what I was expecting…
Makoto: So I can either do something dumb that could very well get me injured or I can listen to Hajime and not do the thing, Makoto: Well there’s a clear right answer here. Makoto: proceeds to throw five packs of mentos into a barrel full of diet coke
Kyoko: Hi, could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire?? Makoto: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔 Nagito: Why were you microwaving a lemon??? Makoto: I read boiling lemons helps cover up up bad smells (I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges) but I didn't own any pots. Shuichi: Did you burn an orange too? How??? Makoto: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔
Kaede: Hajime likes to win. When they were 8, a little Club Scout friend of theirs bragged they could sell the most cookies. Kaede: Damned if Hajime didn't walk the neighborhood till they got blisters on their feet, and won by 10 boxes. Kaede: Best part is, Hajime wasn't even a Club Scout.
Nagito: You know, Hajime, when you generalize, you tell general… lies. Hajime: … Hajime: Are you trying to teach me moral lessons through puns.
Nagito: You know, Kokichi, when you generalize, you tell general… lies. Kokichi: … Kokichi: Are you trying to teach me moral lessons through puns.
Hajime: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine. Nagito: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again. Hajime: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?? Nagito: Is it working?
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chaotic-orphan · 4 months
Febuwhump: Day Twelve
Prompt — semi-conscious (from @febuwhump calendar)
TW: semi-conscious weak Whumpee, medwhump, medical Whump, injured Whumpee, stab wound, blood, description of poisoned wound, poison, bad realistic writing of medical stuff (I’m not a doctor), needles/syringes mentioned, medicine mentioned, in vitro means of administering medicine(If I missed any tags please lmk, I know people are squidgy about medwhump so general warning)
Youngest bursting through the door was the first warning Doctor got that there was a problem. Medic was next through the doors to the medbay, holding it open for Right hand and Rogue who carried between them a semi-conscious Leader.
“This bed,” Doctor said immediately. He stood, taking his glasses off and rolling up his sleeves as Rogue and Right Hand lifted Leader between them and placed him carefully on the bed. “What happened?”
“He just collapsed at the door,” Youngest said, their voice high pitched.
Doctor’s eyes cut to Medic’s who was doing a good job of trying to ignore their stare. “How didn’t you notice this?”
“Do you?” Medic snapped, running a hand through their hair. “He obviously hid it from us!”
“Fine. I’ll deal with it. I need you to clear the room.”
“I can help,” Medic protested but didn’t speak further at the withering look Doctor sent them.
“You can see to the rest of your teammates and make sure none of them are likely to collapse in the next ten minutes.”
“Hey,” Right Hand said tightly. “This isn’t Medic’s fault. You know how stubborn Leader is.”
“All the more reason to be extra vigilant.”
“You being a dick isn’t exactly helping Leader, Doctor,” said Rogue, baring her teeth at him.
“Clear the room,” said Doctor. “I don’t need everyone’s snide comments while I work.”
There was a few more grumbles before the teammates left the room one by one. Right Hand pushing Medic and Rogue out before they punched Doctor before he helped Leader. Youngest was the last to leave, sending worried looks at Leader and nodding at Doctor before leaving.
Doctor straightened and got to removing Leader’s combat gear. “Leader? Can you hear me?”
“Ung,” Leader hummed in what Doctor could only assume was a yes.
“Do you know where it hurts? Can you tell me what happened?”
“Hot… hot, pain, fell..” he mumbled incoherently. Doctor clicked his tongue against his teeth as he got down to Leader’s undershirt that had a stain of blood slowly growing.
“Hot?” Doctor asked. “As in burn? Burning pain?”
“Mind… fire,” Leader supplied and Doctor hummed. He lifted the shirt to see a small knife wound, about two inches in diameter that was the cause of Leader’s pain.
“I need to clean it, Leader,” said Doctor, turning to grab the rubbing alcohol and cotton pads. He doused the pads in alcohol and said quickly: “alright. I’m going to do it now.”
Leader whined out through gritted teeth, grabbing at Doctor’s wrist to stop him as Doctor rubbed the wound, searching for the incision. “There you go, Leader, almost done.”
Between the wipes over the wound Doctor noted the purple hue surrounding the knife wound. He hummed to himself thoughtfully.
“Mind… fire,” Leader grumbled pathetically. “Burn, please ugh… burn.”
“I have some good news and bad news, Leader,” said Doctor. Leader’s pain filled eyes met Doctor’s and Doctor smiled reassuringly down at him. “You’re not going to die.”
Doctor left Leader’s sight as he crossed the room to the medicine cabinet containing all the antidotes to common poisons and other drugs that affect the system. When Doctor turned they saw Leader turned over, trying to push themselves into a sitting position. Doctor would have smiled at the sheer force of will if it didn’t endanger Leader in that moment.
Doctor came back with a bottle and syringe which he placed next to the tourniquet on the table beside Leader’s bed before gently pushing Leader back into a lying position.
“I know exactly why your mind is on fire,” Doctor continued. “It’s Venom’s blade which you will be happy to know we have the antidote for.”
“…tthha.. hnk… Doh.. ct—”
“Hush, Leader. You need to save your strength. That’s the good news,” Doctor said, cutting Leader off. Leader’s bleary eyes opened slightly in question. Doctor had to contain his smile for the next part as he drew the liquid from the bottle into the syringe.
“Yes. Bad news next,” said Doctor lightly, grabbing a tourniquet from the table next to Leader’s bed. Doctor attached the tourniquet to Leader’s arm, just above the elbow and put his hand around Leader’s, forcing him to make a fist to find a vein.
“Supervillain needs you out of commission for the next part of his plan,” said Doctor conversationally, letting go of Leader’s hand once he had found a vein.
Leader blinked bleary up at Doctor, his eyebrows furrowing deep. “Wh— what?”
Doctor smiled down at Leader. He put the back of his hand on the back of Leader’s forehead. “Hmm, look at you, Leader. You’re so out of it.”
Leader lifted a lifeless hand to bat at Doctor’s hand. “Nn- funny…”
Doctor grabbed Leader’s wrist in a tight, strong grip and placed it back by Leader’s side. With his other he laced it through Leader’s hair, brushing the sweaty strands from his forehead.
“Look at you. You’re so sweet and docile like this, if you weren’t so good at your job we wouldn’t have to intervene like this, y’know.”
“Doc..” Leader whimpered then let out a loud groan of pain and turned away from Doctor’s hand on his forehead.
“Hush now, Leader. You did exactly what we wanted you to do. I’ll tell your teammates that I can’t determine the cause and that you’ll have to sweat out the poison for a few days under my excellent, watchful care.”
Leader tried to roll away from Doctor but Doctor didn’t let Leader so much as twitch away from him. He caught Leader’s chin between his thumb and index finger with a sharp smile.
“You have done beautifully. Now rest up, when you wake the world will need someone like you.”
Leader’s eyes narrowed into a glare. A pathetic glare, but a glare nonetheless. “Team… stop you,” he said with a heavy breath.
Doctor’s smile turned sweeter. “You’d best hope for their sake they don’t try,” said Doctor as he let go of Leader and got the syringe, flicking the tip of it.
“Now, you’ll just go for a small nap Leader. It should aid with recovery.”
Leader had barely strangled “N” out of his mouth before he felt the needle pinch into his arm. He hissed, shaking his head miserably as he used his free hand to push Doctor away.
Doctor smiled at his pathetic attempts to stop Doctor from injecting him with anything now that his intentions were revealed. On a good day, well, any other day Leader would have been able to dominate Doctor physically, but physiological wise, Doctor would always win.
Doctor pulled the needle out and undid the tourniquet as he watched Leader’s eyelids fall heavy over his eyes. The barest flashes of Leader’s eyes told Doctor that Leader was trying to fight sleep.
Doctor grinned down at him. “Go on, Leader. Fight it as long as you can, I’ll be here, ready to administer another dose if necessary.”
Leader’s eyes finally closed and his grip on Doctor’s arm loosened then fell to the bed with an unceremonious flop. Doctor returned the bottle of anestesia to the medicine cabinet, locking it again with his key. Months of undercover work and finally Supervillain was ready to make a move. Doctor smiled at his reflection in the cabinet glass.
Time to go sell Leader’s mysterious illness to the team.
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punk4ndisorderly · 1 year
light on
The one where Y/N is the daughter of a legendary Team USA coach and used to attend the development program with the boys. 8 years after they last saw each other in person, a reunion brings Jack and Y/N back into each other’s lives... and hearts.
if you keep the light on, i'll keep the light on
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IX X - where lines overlap XI
Y/N shook the her colleague's hand, excusing herself and leaving the room hand-in-hand with Joey, walking through the clinic’s waiting room, heading towards the exit.
“Y/N?” a familiar voice spoke close by, startling the pair.
She stopped dead on her tracks, completely caught off-guard.
“Jack? Hi!”
The doctor saw him get up, coming to greet her with a peck on the cheek. She couldn’t help but notice that he smelled heavenly.
It took him a little while to register Joey's presence, as she stood behind her mother’s legs, keeping a tight grip on the hand that held hers. As soon as he did see her, he crouched down so he could meet her gaze. The resemblance to Y/N was uncanny, her eyes as wide, glowing with curiosity and wonder as the eyes of the fiery teenager he had known all those years ago once did.
“Hey, kiddo.” he smiled tenderly.
Y/N mimicked his pose, turning to the tiny version of herself.
“Jo, say hi! This is Jack, mommy's friend from school… You don’t have to get all shy…” she cooed, never letting go of her daughter’s hand.
“Hi Jack. I’m Josephine. I’m five.” She mustered up the courage to say, holding up five fingers of one of her tiny hands.
“You have a beautiful name, Josephine. I’m twenty-eight… I don’t have enough fingers for that though, do I?” he chuckled, making the little girl laugh in response.
While observing their interaction attentively, Y/N thought about how endearing Jack looked as he spoke to her child. She kept to herself that she used to watch his games while she fed Joey when she was a baby. Every other day the two of them sat on the couch and saw him soar across the ice. Maybe it would come up in conversation one day.
“Hey, I’m here too!” Luke stood up from his seat, letting his presence be known.
“Luke Hughes! I haven’t seen you in ages!” the doctor grinned, standing up and reaching out to hug her friend’s little brother, while Joey and Jack remained in their own little world, discussing his favorite color.
“We’ve still got the whole if we’re both still single when you’re forty we’ll get together deal going on, right?”
“Would I ever bail out on you?” she chuckled, pinching his cheek.
“Didn’t think so, darling!” Luke smiled back, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
Jack ignored the slight pang of jealousy he felt when he was reminded of the understanding Luke had reached with Y/N back when they were practice linemates. His brother was fourteen at the time and had a huge crush on her, which she found extremely cute, so she jokingly took him up on his offer. What Jack couldn’t predict would be that his dorky little brother would turn out to be so good looking and have much more charm than him.
He cleared his throat, returning to his full height as Joey rushed to her mother’s side, making Luke smirk and remove his arm from where it rested.
Looking him up and down, eyebrow raised, her eyes landed in his right hand, wrapped up in gauze.
“What’s with that, Rowdy?” Y/N pointed to his injured limb.
“That? Bar fight.” Luke shrugged. “A big, scary dude was harassing this very nice girl and Jacko asked him nicely to leave her alone. The man threw the first punch so, naturally, my boy defended himself and took a swing at him. Out of nowhere, this gigantic Yeti-looking fella appears and smashes a beer bottle on the counter, moving in to stab my big brother, who tried prying it out of his hands. They struggled for a bit, but eventually Jack got the bottle and a pretty nasty wound with it. Five stitches, boom!”
Jack covered his face with his left hand, shaking his head.
“Oh. Sounds dangerous.” Y/N teased condescendingly, patting his back.
“It was, but you know Jacky, he handled it.” the younger man assured her, backing away from the pair.
“Of course he did.” she winked, turning her attention back to her very own knight in shining armor. “How’s the healing going?”
“I’m getting the stitches removed now, but I think this one is going to leave a mark.” the Devils' player smiled, lifting his hand up.
“Well, think of the number of women you’ll pick up with the bar fight story…” Y/N snickered.
“Luke's imagination is… Fertile. I’m sorry about all the bull -” he stopped himself when he saw Joey's curious eyes looking up at him. “- crap he tried to feed you. What really happened wasn’t even remotely that exciting.”
Her eyes were trained on him, glistening with sheer amusement, his fumbling oddly endearing to watch.
“I figured as much… I think it’s cute how he’s got your back with the manly, chivalrous story. I’d love to hear all about the real version of events one day. I’ve got to go now, though. I’m dropping this little one off at her dad’s for the weekend before heading ti the hospital. I’m pretty late already, so…”
“Yeah, of course, go.” Jack stuttered, giving her a quick hug goodbye. “It was nice to see you again so soon.”
“Don’t be a stranger.” his friend asked, a hint of a grin on the corner of her lips, walking away, hand-in-hand with her doppelgänger.
 The brunette man watched her leave with a slight twinge of unexpected sadness, not even realizing he had zoned out until his cousin started making kissing noises beside him.
“Oh, Jack, don’t be a stranger!” Luke taunted, pouting his lips at him, earning himself a slap in the back of the head. “Ow! Are you going to call her or am I going to have to intervene?”
“God, Moose, I still have no idea if I actually feel something for Y/N or if it’s all just me trying to get Stevie out of my system. I can’t ask her out on a date!”
“It’s not a date, you presumptuous bastard, it’s just two old friends hanging out. How are you supposed to know if you like her like that or not if you two don’t interact face-to-face?”
“Either you call her or I’ll make my move. She’s even more beautiful now…” the younger man trailed off, smirking at the reaction he got from his cousin.
“You’re the spawn of the devil.” the forward mumbled under his breath.
“Yeah, but you’ll thank me later.”
“Don’t hold your breath, little brother. Stay here and wait for my name to be called up, I’ve got to go outside.”
“Aye, aye captain!” Luke extolled, giving him a salute.
Jack rolled his eyes jokingly, exiting the clinic and going through his phone, looking up her number.
It’s all or nothing, Hughes.
The call went straight to voicemail, ending with Y/N's sweet chuckle at something that sounded like a baby’s voice in the background. The brunette man took a deep breath, trying to make the message sound as casual as possible. He surely didn’t want to seem desperate.
“Hi. It’s Jack. Jack Hughes. You probably know that by now because I’m the only person in the world who can be this awkward on the phone. Anyway, I know we just saw each other, but I’d like to hand out soon, we haven’t had an impromptu hangout in a while… Text me or give me a call if you want to go out for lunch sometime. I promise I’ll tell you all about my badass scar. So… Mmm… Yeah… Let me know if you’re up for it. Stay sweet, parakeet!”
Stay sweet, parakeet? What the fuck, Jack? What is wrong with you?
Jack cringed inwardly, ultimately deciding perhaps that was the best he was going to get. He really was awkward.
The screeching of the chairs being dragged back against the floor as she gave her interns permission to leave and do their rounds, making her scrunch up her nose, her eyes closing for a second.
“Don’t forget to do neurological assessments!” she called out, hoping the younger doctors were still listening as they walked out the door.
Life as a doctor, especially at a teaching hospital, wasn’t easy, but she would never take her job for granted and she was so happy she was able to do something she loved for a living.
Returning to the lockeroom after a long afternoon of classes, she turned her phone back on, opening her assigned locker and placing her white coat and scrubs inside. Her mobile phone rang twice, letting her know she had one missed call and one new voice message.
Y/N took one last look at her bag to make sure she wasn’t taking anything more than she needed to home and closed the tiny metal door, turning her key to lock it, forgetting completely about the notifications on her phone until she got home, showered, ate and called her ex-husband, wanting to say good night to her daughter.
“Okay, baby, sleep tight. Mommy loves you.” the young woman cooed, hanging up only to be reminded of the unanswered call and unopened voicemail on her phone.
Hi. It’s Jack. Jack Hughes. You probably know that by now because I’m the only person in the world who can be this awkward on the phone. Anyway, I know we just saw each other, but I’d like to hand out soon, we haven’t had an impromptu hangout in a while … Text me or give me a call if you want to go out for lunch sometime. I promise I’ll tell you all about my badass scar. So… Mmm… Yeah… Let me know if you’re up for it. Stay sweet, parakeet!
She almost fell off her bed, snorting at her old friend’s choice of words. Only Jack could say those kinds of corny things and get away with it. He sounded slightly nervous and impossibly cute.
The doctor returned the call, waiting for him to pick up as she turned another page of the novel she had been trying to finish for months. In her prime she would’ve read it in two days, but raising a child mainly alone and long, exhausting hours at the hospital had kept her away from five-hundred-page-books and into the path of terrible reality tv shows that lasted 30 minutes max.
“Hello?” she heard someone say from the other end. Not someone, him.
His voice was raspy, as if he had been sleeping for hours. A wave of regret and pity washed over her. Poor Jack, startled by his phone at – she looked at her bedside table, where her alarm clock rested – nine-thirty?
“Did I wake you up?”
“Hmm… Kind of.” Jack chuckled, closing his laptop and placing it on his coffee table.
“Dude, it’s nine-thirty.”
“I was reading through a contract my agent sent me and ended up snoozing.” he admitted, sighing.
“That boring?”
“Unbelievably so. What’s up?”
“I was calling about the message you left me…” she said, biting down softly on her bottom lip.
The hockey player sat up straight on his couch, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles.
“We should definitely go out for lunch or something. When are you free?” Y/N inquired, leaning back against her headboard, playing with some loose strands of her hair.
“Tomorrow?” he offered.
“You’re in luck, tomorrow works for me. Day off. Perks of running the unit I guess.” the doctor explained, a small smile playing on her lips. “Let me know the time and place.”
Wow. I was not hoping for this to go this smoothly. Maybe she doesn’t think I’m a total weirdo and the voicemail wasn’t as bad as I thought it was, he thought to himself, stunned by the turn of events.
“Yeah. Okay. I will.” Jack managed to stammer out, thanking the saints she hadn’t decided to do a videocall and therefore couldn’t see the blush that had crept onto his cheeks. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“See you later, alligator.” she giggled, hearing a loud groan coming from the other side of the line. “Night, Rowdy.”
“Hello, is it me you’re looking for?” he sang purposefully out of key from behind her, squeezing her shoulders gently with his large hands.
“Hey there, Lionel!” Y/N smiled, dazzling him with her breathtaking award-winning smile. “I was starting to think you had stood me up.”
“Never.” the brunette man countered, placing a hand on the small of her back. “I’m sorry, traffic was terrible and I couldn’t find a parking space within three blocks from here.”
“You had to walk here?” she gasped, pretending to be outraged. “Sounds very down-to-earth of you, superstar.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Jack rolled his eyes, faking annoyance while placing his hand on the small of her back. “Come with me, you dork. I’ve made a reservation for my favorite table up here.”
The amazing view over downtown New York from the rooftop of the building rendered Y/N speechless.
He gazed at her attentively, eagerly trying to catch any micro expressions that would give him any clue of what she was feeling as he guided her to their table.
“How the hell did I not know about this place?” she uttered, still completely baffled over the beauty of this little nook. “Well done, Gretz!”
“The Garden is great, hu?” the hockey player smirked. “I came here for the first time a few years ago with Trevor, actually. That was a weird day.”
Y/N twisted her lips into an amused grin, placing her index finger over them.
“Let me guess… They totally thought you guys were a couple.”
“They totally thought we were a couple.”
“We would make a good-looking pair if that was the case.”
“Undoubtedly. Although I do think Trevor's suitors aren't big fans of sharing…”
“Probably risky to try and find out.” he chuckled. “The second time I came here I was with…”
“Stevie.” Y/N completed his sentence, making them both go silent for a few seconds. “I know you had to work with her two weeks ago… Do you want to talk about it?”
“I did promise to tell you the story behind the five stitches…” Jack sighed, seeing one of the waitresses walk by and waving to ask her to bring them the menu. “But first… Food.”
They both went through the long list of dishes, making their respective orders once they were satisfied with their perusing of it.
“So… The wound…” the doctor prompted, eyeing him carefully.
“The wound… Well… Stevie came onto me in her dressing room and for a moment I let myself go… But then I realized that what we were doing was wrong so I stopped her. She was pissed off and started saying you and I had something going on, that she should’ve seen it coming. When she left I kind of punched a mirror and… Well… Got this baby to show for it.”
“She still has feelings for you, you know?” she pointed out, after giving it a bit of thought.
“She might.”
“Do you think Stevie would freak out about the slightest possibility of us being together if she didn’t? I get that she feels betrayed and mad, you guys just broke up. You should talk to her and set things straight.” Y/N advised, taking a sip of the iced tea the waitress had just left on their table, along with their food.
The way Y/N had just understood and summarize the entire situation without actually having met his ex-girlfriend face-to-face left Jack bewildered. She noticed how confused he looked, reaching for his left hand and grazing her thumb over his knuckles.
“It’s not that hard to figure out, it’s Women 101. Don’t put too much thought into it, just be honest with her and speak from the heart.”
His blue eyes shot up, locking with her big, hopeful ones. The Devils' player couldn’t exactly pinpoint why it was happening, but her touch made goosebumps rise all over his skin.
“I can try…” he spoke quietly.
“You’ll be fine, trust me.” the doctor assured him, a decided look on her face. “Anyway… What on Earth possessed you to eat that?
“You should know this here is an amazing tuna tartar… And it’s delicious.”
“I’d definitely need a tub of ice cream to cleanse my palate after putting tuna tartar in my mouth.” she stated, her face twisted in disgust.
“You haven’t even tried it! Here.” Jack prompted, offering her a spoonful of his food. “Come on.”
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully, taking one small bite, her face immediately revealing what she thought of the delicacy.
“Oh god, no, that’s awful. I’ll stick to normal human food. And you, sir, owe me a tub of ice cream.”
The pair chatted away for three more hours, completely oblivious to their surroundings.
“The sun is setting already.” she remarked, holding her chin up with her fist, her elbow propped up on the arm of the chair as she set her eyes on the spectacular view. “Thank you for inviting me to come here.”
“I thought you might like it…” the brunette man replied, a shy smile making its way onto his face.
Too busy being mesmerized by the glorious sunset unfolding before her, the teacher failed to realize Jack had been admiring her gorgeous semblance. He watched her in awe, much like one would stare at the most beautiful painting in the world, taking in the way the sunlight enveloped her, her peaceful gaze set on the horizon and a small smile decorating her features.
It was so easy to waltz around the line between friendship and something more. To be honest, he’d always danced around it, coming back and forth between the two realities, never taking one step too far, but now he was starting to fear he had reached the point of no return.
“Have you ever thought about where we would be right now if we had never met?” Y/N's voice snapped him out of his trance, making him look in the same direction as her.
Jack shifted in his seat. Entertaining that hypothesis sounded painful.
“Not really. Thinking about what could’ve been isn’t going to change anything, right? For better or for worse, everything that happened in my life lead me to be here, right now, with you. I’m glad it did.”
She turned her head to the side to face him, not saying a word, looking at him in such a tender way it made his heart skip a beat. For a moment, the world was composed of the two of them, no one else.
That is, until a teenage girl with platinum blonde hair marched up to them, clearing her throat softly before speaking up.
“Hi! I’m really sorry to bother you guys, but I’m a huge fan and it’s my last day in New York, so… Would you mind taking a picture with me, please?” she chirped, seemingly starting to shake as soon as Jack's eyes landed on her.
“Hey! Of course, it’s very nice to meet you…” he prompted, waiting for her to say her name.
“Claire.” the teen introduced herself.
“Claire! Beautiful name!” the Devils' player complimented, placing his arm around the petite girl’s shoulders. “Do you want me to take the picture?”
“If you don’t mind, yeah.”
“Sure, that’s what I’m here for.” he smiled, taking her phone from her hand.
Y/N noticed how the girl swooned over the handsome man as he lifted his arm up and took a snap of the duo. The effect he had on women never seemed to simmer down, no matter how many years had passed since he was just a teenage boy with a pretty face.
“Thank you so much!” Claire crowed giddily, accepting her phone back. “I’ll stop being a cockblocker now!”
They both said goodbye to the young girl, waiting until she was out of earshot before breaking into a fit of laughter over the cockblocker comment, Jack sitting back down as the fairy lights hung around the lounge turned on, giving the rooftop a whole new look.
“I think I might just live here from now on.” the doctor whispered while leaning towards him.
“They’ll probably let you do that if you sing for the jazz quartet.”
“There’s a jazz quartet? That’s it, I’m moving in.”
A loud buzz filled Y/N's ears as her phone rang non-stop on her bedside table. Groaning loudly, she felt up the wooden top, grabbing her mobile device, not even bothering to open her eyes.
“Good morning, dork!”
“River! Hi! Isn’t it crazy early?” she inquired, her head pounding. “What’s up?”
“We’re going for a run, nerd. Get ready, I’ll be there in ten.” her older brother informed her.
The singer took a look at the alarm clock on her nightstand, her eyes opening and immediately widening as she did.
“Jesus, River, it’s six-thirty in the morning!”
“The sun is up and shining bright. Your ass better not still be in bed when I get to your house, or else…” River warned sternly.
“Why did I ever think it’d be a good idea to give you my address and my keys?”
“I’m good during emergencies.”
“You’re not even here most of the time… Traveling with your fancy engineer boyfriend!” Y/N reasoned, pushing the covers off her body.
“Don’t sass me, young lady! I’m taking you out to do some exercise. It’s good for you! Let’s go!”
“Alright, alright… Jeez.”
Getting geared up for jogging, she tied her hair in a ponytail with a pink scrunchie, drinking a cup of black coffee and eating an apple before hearing her brother honk outside.
“What’s up with the frown, Grumpy?” River teased, poking her cheek when she entered the red convertible.
“I should be lying face down on my king-size bed, but instead I’m in a car headed for a run with an overly-cheerful morning person. What do you think?” she grunted, using her sunglasses to cover her tired eyes.
“You stayed out late last night, didn’t you?” he smirked, his attention not leaving the road ahead of them.
“You so did! You know I can see through you like cellophane, don’t lie to me!”
“Okay… I did…” Y/N confessed, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Oh, did Y/N Y/L/B go on a date? Who is he?”
“It was not a date!”
“Who is he?”
“I knew it! I’ve got to call Trevor, I’m getting dinner on him!”
“We just went out for a late lunch and ended up talking for hours… Don’t make it to be something it’s not.” the younger sibling pleaded, reaching out and turning the radio on.
“Right… Yeah… I’ll quit hammering you about it… For now…”
“What are you even doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in Boston right now? Did David come with you?”
“Oh no, he stayed. It’s just me.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Obviously, but I had to come back earlier to get some things done and he couldn’t come with me so…”
“Okay, but you still haven’t elaborated on what those things are…”
“You’ll see. Now sit back and enjoy the ride.”
Easy for you to say, you’re not the one who’s sitting in a car with a person who drives like a maniac.
The two siblings sang along to the songs that came on, forgetting about Jack, David and everything their names implied. Finally, after an hour and a half car ride, River parked under a tall tree, exiting his vehicle.
“Are you coming?” she asked, resting her perfectly manicured hands on her hips.
“Did you really just drive to Newcomb to go for a run?”
“I like it here, it’s secluded, quiet, beautiful…” the eldest sibling shrugged, starting to stretch.
Y/N shook her head, mimicking her brother and climbing out of the cherry red mustang, starting her warm-up.
“In the trunk.”
The doctor picked up two canteens and followed River into the small gated community. It was customary for the properties around the river to belong to very rich people, having been passed down from generation to generation, who were now converting them into luxury camping sites, prepared for a glammed-up version of setting a tent and freezing or sweating to death.
“So, are we running or what?” she challenged, a glint in her eye.
“Oh, it’s so on, sister.”
River and Y/N ran alongside each other on a dirt-road path for about forty-five minutes, before the eldest Y/L/N sped up his pace and disappeared into the middle of the trees before them.
“Hey! Wait up!” the doctor called out, panting and trailing after her brother.
I really need to get back into doing exercise on a daily basis, this is killing me.
She ran in the direction she had seen River go in not long before her, only to find herself near a pond, surrounded by gigantic pine trees. Several mountain streams could be heard from afar, setting quite a picturesque view with a forest backdrop.
Her mouth dropped open at the sight of a log trellis covered with hanging vines and a beautiful gazebo.
“Where the hell are we?” Y/N asked, completely bewitched by the beauty of the site.
“This -” River began. “ – is Hidden Creek.”
“Is that a dance floor?” the doctor inquired, looking behind her friend.
“Y/N, focus, nerd.”
“Remember when we used to binge watch that terrible teen show when we were kids and one of the girls told the other that love meant giving chances when there were no more chances left to give?” River asked, leaning against one of the logs, a small grin on his face.
“Yeah, vaguely… Why?”
Y/N sat down next to her brother, drinking from her canteen and wondering where the conversation was headed.
“We watched that episode again a few months before I asked David out… I was all heartbroken and pledging celibacy for life and that night you texted me this.” he paused, handing his sister his phone, opened on their text chain, a message that appeared as saved, from four years before.
Don’t give up on love and what it had to offer you… I know you’ve been let down and hurt before, but I am absolutely sure you’ll find someone who will make you feel so much love you’ll be scared your heart might burst. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll wonder about who you were before that feeling came and knocked the air out of you… It’ll be so worth it. Wait and watch it unfold.
The doctor nudged her brother gently, smiling.
“I remember that part…”
“You were right. I waited. I struggled, but I did it: I found love. It’s David. I wanted to let you know that I’ll always be thankful for this text. Especially now. Your words helped me find the strength to carry on hoping my prince charming was out there.”
Y/N reached out to wipe a couple of tears that had managed to escape the older sibling's eyes, leading him to straighten up and recompose himself in seconds.
“Tell me, what do you think about this place?”
“I am in love with it. It’s like walking into a fairytale.”
“I’m glad you do, because I booked it for two weeks from now.”
The doctor knitted her brows together, not understanding what he meant.
“Are you having a party? Riv, no one’s going to drive an hour and a half and do a forty-five-minute run to come here for a party, big bro…"
“Well, they better… It’s my wedding, after all.”
“I’m getting married!”
I have no idea if there is a luxury glamping community in Newcomb NY, but I'm once again taking the ~ artistic liberty ~ and running with it. also, surprise, you, Y/N, have an older brother named River!
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we back back back 😂
Could I request a Deadpool x Non-binary plus size person where they’re friends with Wade but also in love with them. In order to hide their feelings, reader focuses on other things like spending time with Colossus and the rest of the team. Wade starts noticing and getting jealous, jabbing reader with sarcastic/funny comments until reader confesses at a crucial moment. A dangerous mission 👀👀
Bitte schön😊😊
Danke schön❤️🥰
Hier bitte schön bestie 🥰❤
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You confessing your feelings for Wade during a difficult mission includes:
-Wade not wanting to have you on the mission in the first place but Colossus forcing him to actually stand up and hand you over the file of the new mission
-You accepting the file with a fake smile as you secretly don’t want to go on a mission with him, your romantic feelings for him already straining the remaining pieces of your “friendship”
-But you swallowing your anxiety and getting suited up, noticing how Wade keeps looking at your legs whenever you have to walk past him
-”Don’t walk into the door, Sherlock” is what he tells you when you’re about to walk into the closed door of your meeting room
-When everyone is in the jet and flying to the hidden location, you can’t help but notice Deadpool huffing and puffing whenever you and Colossus try to have a conversation, that being a little tradition of the two of you in order to keep your nerves calm and steady during difficult missions
-”Do you have a problem?” you finally snap at Wade when he tries to interrupt you for the sixth time with a loud sigh and huff
-”Nope.” is all he says before turning his head and pretending like you don't’ exist, you not knowing that he’s acting out because he’s afraid that it’s only a matter of a few days before you and Colossus step forward and reveal an imaginary relationship
-Once you arrive at the hidden location, it doesn’t take long before shots are being fired, grenades being through at ya’ll and the whole team having to fight like their lives depend on it
-You’re in the middle of a hand to hand combat when your enemy suddenly surprises you with a blade after having given you a sharp punch to the jaw
-That fucker instantly jammed it into your stomach and you couldn’t help but gasp loudly as the sharp pain overtook your senses, making you collapse on the floor while trying to breathe through the pain, your heartbeat thumping loudly in your ear while the shock takes over your body
-”[Y/N]!!” Wade yell once he sees your body collapsing on the dirty ground
-”Fuck you!” he yells at the person that stabbed you before ending their life with a clean headshot while running towards you
-”Hey, hey look at me. You’re gonna be okay? You hear me?” Wade frantically tells you, pressing a cloth to your stab wound and applying a horrible pressure which makes you scream out in pain while tears gather in your eyes
-”I-I love you, Wade” is all you mumble as you feel sudden exhaustion take over you, the blood loss becoming too much and you not knowing whether you’ll survive or not
-Wade does not hesitate to gently kiss you and promise you that everything will be okay while you slip into unconsciousness
-By the time you wake up, you’re in the medical center at the compound, flowers and chocolates resting near the window on a small table
-Suddenly, you feel something warm resting in your hand and when you look down, you see a hand holding yours
-”Yes we’re holding hands, deal with it” Wade’s soft voice chuckles, making you instantly grin before looking up and seeing him sitting next to your bed and holding your hand, a relieved look now taking over his face while tears brim his face
-”Kiss me”
-”Only if you promise not to die while I do so”
-”Shut up and kiss me” you command with a chuckle before Wade leans in and presses his lips softly against yours
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-Emmanuelle 💋❤️
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autisticwriterblog · 2 months
❤️ with saga/casey for the kiss ask :)
❤️ first kiss / realization
Sorry this took so long. I had such issues writing this for some reason.
TW for blood and injury (nothing too graphic)
When the knife slashes Casey’s arm, the blade slicing through his sleeve and gouging his arm, Saga is overwhelmed by a desire to keep her partner safe. Which is why, when their suspect begins to run away, dropping the bloodstained knife on the ground, she doesn’t pursue the man, instead running over to Casey, needing to look after him.
“I’m fine, Anderson,” Casey says as blood seeps between his fingers, but his voice is tight with pain.
She doesn’t believe him. Casey always underplays how bad he feels. The idiot could be dying and still deny it to her face.
“Let me look,” Saga says, steering Casey to sit on a low brick wall.
“Fine… But at least let me radio for backup.”
“Deal,” she says.
And as Casey takes out his radio and calls for assistance, Saga eases his jacket down his arm, revealing the blood soaked, torn sleeve of his white shirt. From a quick glance at what she can see through the tear in the fabric, the cut bleeds profusely, but doesn’t seem too deep. Hopefully, the sort of wound that can easily be healed by a handful of stitches. Relief unwinds a ball of anxiety in her chest, because she totally wasn’t worrying about a worst-case scenario. This, she can handle.
They have a first aid kit in their car, but after tailing their suspect for half an hour, they’re far from the car. So, as they wait for backup (and a ride to the hospital), Saga makes do with what she has, unravelling her scarf and pressing the fabric against Casey’s arm. And when she wraps the fabric around his arm, applying pressure to stop the bleeding, Casey hisses in pain, broadcasting the sound through the radio. Immediately, backup begins to pester him, and Casey sighs.
“Fuck’s sake,” he mutters, taking his mouth away from the radio so they can’t hear him. He really hates being fussed over.
But, and here is Saga’s take on this, it’s not being fussed over for people to show concern about your open wound. And, sure, the cut might not be as bad as she first thought, but Casey still has a fucking gash on his arm and a disturbing amount of blood all over his shirt and the makeshift bandage.
Fuck, he gave her such a scare. For a few moments, Saga really thought her partner might bleed out in front of her. Her heart still pounds as she stares at the pained frown creasing his clammy face. She could have lost him.
And as she dwells on her despair about potentially losing Casey, something hits Saga like a punch to the face. She loves him.
Saga has often wondered if she has a crush on Casey, but she never thought about love. Until now, when he just got stabbed and her protectiveness and worry overwhelm her. She loves him.
“You okay there, Anderson?” Casey asks as he switches off his radio, and Saga wonders what expression is on her face.
She isn’t thinking straight, her mind addled by her worries about Casey. And that is why she doesn’t think twice about her stupid, impulsive decision to lean down and give Casey a quick kiss on the cheek.
“What the…?” Casey mumbles, staring up at her.
Heat rushing to her cheeks, Saga breaks eye contact, instead staring down at his bandaged arm. That was such a stupid thing to do. Utterly unprofessional.
“Fuck… I’m sorry,” Saga says. If she didn’t have her wounded partner to look after, this would be when Saga just runs the fuck away to escape her embarrassment. “I didn’t…”
“Hey, Anderson…” Casey says. Through the pain clouding his voice, she hears another emotion. But it isn’t anger. Or disgust.
He almost sounds… happy.
Confused, Saga returns eye contact again, watching a smile spread across Casey’s face. That can’t be right. Why would he smile after she was stupid enough to kiss him like that?
“Y-Yeah?” Saga says, wanting to kick herself when she stutters. She fucking hates getting flustered.
“You know, if you wanted to kiss me… you could’ve just asked,” he says, smirking (although the expression soon becomes a grimace when he winces).
Saga stares at him, her mind short-circuiting. Not only did Casey just get stabbed, but now he’s actually flirting with her. What the fuck is going on?
“Are you serious?” Saga asks, wondering if the blood loss is going to his head or something.
“Unlike you, Anderson, I’m not much of a joker, remember?” Casey says. “And I’ve kinda got better things to do, like trying not to bleed out, than to lie to you.”
“You’re not gonna bleed out,” she says, “but we still need to get you to a hospital.”
“Yeah, I know,” he says, still unimpressed by being cared for.
Saga rolls her eyes, but a smile creeps onto her face. And when she leans down and presses a kiss to his clammy forehead, Casey takes her hand in his own, and smiles too.
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ollyou · 3 months
Does Solly have a giant form like in the game? I've been wondering that for a while now (been a longtime follower of your AU and been wanting to know this question for a long time)
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Does Colly literally get bigger with no change to him whatsoever? No.
Does he just transform into canon Olly’s final phase? Yes, and it makes sense if I explain it, I promise.
So basically! The pendant Colly wears is literally him. The human body he has is a product of the magic of the Fold of Life in my AU! His human form can sustain injuries like a regular human, although he has an accelerated healing process unlike a normal human in real life. Since Olly’s whole deal is being able to fold himself into whatever he wants, Colly does that too, but with the pendant!
The pendant essentially unfolds itself, wraps the unfolded paper around Colly’s human form, consumes it, and begins folding normally like in canon PMTOK. This leads to him being able to fold himself into any normal origami creation, including his canon form, and all the forms shown in his boss battle!
One might wonder why he even bothers to transform if he’s got his own capable human form, and the answer is that like Olivia, in his base form (the human form is the base form in this AU), he’s not super capable of combat. He’s got a lot of powers of his own, being magic and all, but human bodies can be fragile. Any significant damage sustained to his human form depletes the magic energy of the Fold of Life keeping him, well, alive. You can think of the magic in this case as a human’s blood, essentially. So, it is very much possible for him to die from a human’s blood loss.
On the other hand, origami doesn’t have blood, and the bigger something is, the less a few punches, sword slashes or bow/gunshots could hurt it. Think of how stabbing a rat would pretty much instantly kill it, but stabbing a whale would feel like a mere splinter to it. By transforming from his small pendant and human body (his human form incapable of changing size) to a bigger origami body, Colly is able to simulate that. Taking small scissors could literally kill him if used on his pendant, but small scissors used on a massive and extremely tough paper body may not even leave a scratch.
The way Colly even dies despite all this is because the paper of his pendant that is his life force still manages to become crumbled and torn when Olivia transforms into the giant hammer and repeatedly slams into his large form. He transforms back to his human form when dying, and his body looks beaten up to match. The pendant on him is torn, revealing the Origami Craftsman’s writing inside it. When he takes his last breath, all that is left is the paper used to fold him/his pendant, and his human body dissipates into a fleeting light.
If it’s too confusing an explanation, you can think of Soul Gems in Puella Magi Madoka Magica! The way they work is pretty similar. The same also goes for how the Gems work in Steven Universe. I didn’t base the AU off of either of those series despite adoring them both, but they wound up looking pretty inspired anyway!
Hope this helps 😈
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starwalker03 · 6 months
Interested in the idea of Slade teaching Dick or someone how to use and fight with a healing factor. Not in the edgy ‘let me show you how much you can survive’ way but in terms of combat strategy and pragmatism. They probably have to dodge and block with different priorities. Slade’s larger organs can take a lot of damage but he doesn’t seem able to grow anything back. Not losing a limb is a bigger priority then getting stabbed in a major organ. Dick would need to learn how long injuries take to heal and how to set his own bones so they don’t heal wrong mid combat. There’s strategy in learning how much damage you can reasonably take and decide what injuries are worth what. in planning how when stall to heal and when to fight throw the pain and risk worse injuries. Slade has definitely put thought into it. I also think if WMLP Dick lost his healing factor it would messed up his fighting style.
Oh for sure! Having a healing factor completely changes the priorities when fighting.
Dick goes from Bruce to Slade, which is already a huge shift but it's visible in all the small parts too. especially in something like this. Bruce is a tank of a man, but he's teaching Dick how to fight from a young age and utilising his strengths as a gymnast and acrobat. That means teaching him not only how to dodge but how to focus on using the strength of an opponent against them. Because he's also teaching him how to conserve his strength! They go for long patrols and are often put in situations where they will be forced to function at their peak for hours as they deal with goons before they get to the bigger fight. And then on top of that, they need to be able to shape up and keep stride with their team mates. It's a lot of strategy, a lot of thinking, and for it to be effective it needs to become instinctual.
That's probably one of the first things Slade needs to train out of him. There's no point dancing around an enemy to conserve strength and stamina, because Dick has plenty of it, all he's doing is dragging things out and allowing the enemy a chance to find a way to escape. He needs to teach Dick to be able to simply take a punch square in the face without faltering in his step. Moreover, Dick would have learnt to conserve his energy and avoid injuring himself by never putting his full weight into a hit, especially because he can't kill anyone. That's another thing he has to learn, his knuckles won't really bruise and his legs won't snap if he roundhouses a particularly brutish enemy.
But it's a double edged sword, because you're right. they can't really hope to grow a limb back. They might be able to heal from it if it is stitched back on and everything, but if they lose their limb in battle, as far as they know it's gone for good. And setting bones mid-fight! jesus that's a mental image.
I'm imagining Slade picking some big two-handed sword, a claymore or executioners blade or something, with real heft and a sharp edge, and telling Dick to defeat him without risking amputation, but also without relying entirely on dodging. Dick having to crush the urge to dance around and flip and duck as he looks for a weakness and instead force himself too close for the sword's range and fight Slade for control of it.
Slade purposely breaking his leg and then throwing himself at him with a punch, forcing Dick to find a way to reset the wound mid-fight without opening himself up for an attack.
Dick finally seeing Bruce in battle. Bruce trying to simply get him to stop, stand down, let him talk. Knowing he has a healing factor and deciding it is worth the pain to resort to simply shattering Dick's knee and breaking his femur.
Dick screaming, Bruce feeling the need to throw up as Dick is forced on hands and knees from the pain. But he doesn't lie down, doesn't stop when Bruce tells him to, that they can talk about this. No. He clenches his teeth with something near a growl, grip on his sword still string through it all, and forces himself to his feet. Eyeing Bruce, who is wavering and concerned but not taking a step forward. sheathing the sword, holding eye contact as he resets the bone with a sickening crunch, storming forward again with murder in his eyes.
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sansxfuckyou · 5 months
can't deal with that feeling (without my body reelin')
Summary: Casey and Rafaela meet, things escalate very fast
Warnings: swearing, mentions of hockey related injuries, April can be read as straight or aroace
Authors Note: they are so fucking yuri. i need to be put down. hope ya'll enjoy
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Casey Jones is nothing but trouble.
April O'neil doesn't do much in ways to tame the vigilante either, taking deep enjoyment in the chaos that the ravenette sows.
"Oi! Toss me down a puck!" Her voice held a shockingly low timbre too it, April tossed a puck down to her best friend. The ravenette caught it on the blade of her stick and tossed it back and forth before slapping it across the ice, "Woohoo! Score!"
"Hey hockey girl! When do you plan on finishing up so we can do that tutoring of yours?" April shouted down to Casey who was meandering across artificial ice comfortably.
She shrugged, "Dunno, how much work do we have left?" She gives this caved in grin, having lost a tooth or two to a terribly misplaced puck in her teeth when she decided she didn't need protective gear. Still she makes her way to the bleachers, shooting stray pucks to the back net as she goes.
"How much math did you skip?" April countered with.
Casey gives this wounded sound, "I really hope you're a good tutor, you better be worth the twenty bucks I paid."
"So we have a lot of work then?" April asked smugly as the hockey player dropped down beside her and unstrapped her skates, quick to replace them with battle boots.
Casey slid her skates into the base of her sports bag, baseball bats, hockey sticks, a golf club, she was set for everything but academics. She leaned back, "Any ideas on where we could study, babe?" It's mostly in jest, and April laughs so Casey'll have to to play it off as a joke.
"You know I don't like chicks," April answered with, "But I know a few places, Jones."
She hoists the bag onto her shoulder and barely aches despite the weight of it all. Again, with the caved in grin, "Worth a shot trying," She takes the lead, "Show me the way."
It happens faster than she can pull out her hockey stick to fight.
Slammed against the ground by a figure dressed in all black while some green assholes fought them off with April. All she could do was try to stand up and rush over with a baseball bat in hand, ready to bash open a head.
"Casey! Just stay put!" It's April, Casey ignores her.
Slashing the wide end of the bat against a rib cage she hears a shatter unbecoming of anything organic. Then there are sparks and she rears back, an elbow finds itself firmly planted in her humerus before something spiked is jamming into a throat and popping off a head. Then they turn around and she's face to face with something beautiful but not human in the slightest.
"If you're gonna get in my way then make yourself useful!" The words are spat sharply with a certain resonance of femininity despite the muscle, it makes Casey feel like vomiting with how many butterflies are present in her stomach. She nods dumbly, grip on her bat tightening before she launches herself at a different enemy.
The same mutant follows her, hacking and slashing with pronged weapons while she lays out heavy hits. There's grace to each motion the mutant lays out, every kick and every punch and every stab. Casey is pretty sure she's infatuated with it, infatuated with something about it.
By they time they're in a pile of shattered gears and further mushed brains Casey's heart is pounding in her skull. Her back is pressed against a shell, hands grasping the baseball tightly. Something is tickling the back of her neck and it isn't her own hair, something rough and torn and fabric.
"What's your name?" Casey asked, breathless, tired, worn.
"Rafaela," She answered with, voice just as rough as Casey's.
"Cool," The ravenette answered with, "You're one of April's freak friends aren't you?"
There's a nod, the fabric against Casey's neck shifts and that's the only way she can it's a nod, "That's me, and my sisters."
"Sisters?" Casey asked.
Rafaela laughed, "Don't get your hopes up, Miley's straight as an arrow, Leona is the chastity queen and Donatella has her sights set on April."
"And you?" Casey asked, pushing her luck until it shoved away Rafaela if she was unlucky.
"Single, girl kisser," Rafaela answered with bluntly, "You?"
"In a similar predicament to your own, Raf," She gave a hum as she spoke.
"I take it you play ball?"
"Prefer hockey,"
"You could teach me, we'll call it a date,"
"You're awfully fast to trust a human,"
"April was with you, she's safe enough to trust, and if you aren't," she gives just enough pause for a couple rapid heartbeats to pass, "Your head will look lovely on my wall."
Casey can't help but shiver at the threat, "That's hot."
Rafaela laughs, "Come with me to the lair girl, we'll work out a skate date later."
Her knees shake as Casey glides her across the ice, hand in hand. It's laughable really, a warrior like Rafaela reduced to nothing with a pair of skates designed by her big sister and a sheet of ice below her. Casey doesn't laugh though, she just holds on extra tight so her date doesn't fall.
"And you like this?" Rafaela asked.
Casey shrugged, "It's a lot more fun with a hot girl other than me on the ice, sadly April said no, because she doesn't like girls."
"Aw, how sad," Rafaela mocked, "I'm right here, Case."
She leaned in to press a kiss to the tip of Rafaela's beak, her nose, above her mouth but below her eyes, "I know, I'm just bitching."
"You must have a masters degree in it,"
"I'll let go of you,"
"I take it back! Just, please don't leave me out here,"
"No one's gonna see us, I locked the doors,"
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shade-pup-cub · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
Forgot I had this...
Shaking off the dizziness from switching worlds, there was someone missing. “Where’s the Old Man?” Wind asked when the eldest couldn’t be seen.
“Uh, you guys, I think I found him.” Sky was crouched down next to what looked to be a child. “I didn’t see him get hit by anything. Did the portal do this?”
Hyrule was the next one to kneel by the child. “He’s so tiny.”
Time groaned and rechead for his head. Two bright blue eyes opened and he took a moment to register that what was in front of him were people. He rolled away and pulled his sword. “Who are you people? Where am I?”
Being the youngest, Wind wiggled his way through everyone who was gathering around. “Back up! Give him some space will ya!” Wind huffed and turned back to the kid. “Hi, you don’t remember us do you?”
“Why should I know any of you?” His blade stayed between him and the others. He glared at them with an all too familiar look, even if he was turned into a kid, baby fat still laid over his muscles.
Twilight stepped closer, then stepped back when the young Link pointed his sword at him and growled.
Wars was the last to be coherent to everything, but the voice from the past had him pushing everyone to the side quickly. “Mask?” His little brother was standing right in front of him again. How did he not know that Time was Mask?! He was kicking himself for not putting it together.
“Hey little brother, it’s been a long time. You want to put the sword down so we can talk about what’s going on?” Warriors got onto one knee to be more eye level.
It was clear that Mask knew who Warriors was. His face softened, shoulders relaxed and sheathed his weapon on his back. “Cap?"
"Yeah, it's me. You haven't changed a bit. How long has it been since you were in my era?" Wars needed information. He needed to know what they were dealing with. Mask wasn't always the levelheaded one like he was as adult Time.
"Maybe a month or two." His eyebrows pulled together and the boy's features turned from calm to anger. "Did you try to find me after our last battle?"
Wars didn't have to think back very hard. He knew the battle, the sinking feeling in his gut when he saw his little brother's green tunic grow darker due to a stab wound. He had hollered for Mask to get back up. Wars never got the chance to see if he did. "I looked for you for days on end. There was no sign of you anywhere."
"You ran away and left me for dead." The words came out coldly, meant to sting.
"That's not wha-" He was stopped by a fist colliding with his cheek. Mask sat on Warriors chest and kept punching. He gave three more blows to his once big brother's face before Warriors grabbed Mask's wrist and sat up.
"I didn't run away! I was kidnapped!"
"Bullshit! You left because we were losing!" Mask slammed his head forward, effectively making Wars grab his bleeding nose as it broke against the younger's forehead.
Twilight, being the strongest, wrapped his arms around Mask. The boy thrashed against the hold. "Let me go!"
"Not until you calm down so we can talk everything through." Twi moved his face out of striking range when he saw that Mask was going to slam his back.
"Fine, let's talk! Let's talk about how Link left me dying with a gut wound, under a pile of his dead soldiers, bleeding out and I had to use the Fierce Deity Mask just to stay alive!"
Sky looked at Wars, then Mask. "How old are you?"
"Eleven." Mask felt Twi's grip slack some and took his chance to get free. He drew his sword to keep the others from grabbing him again.
Legend surprisingly was at Warriors side first, "The Cap said he was kidnapped, don't you think you should hear him out?"
"So he can tell me lies?"
Hyrule was fixing Warriors nose, saying, "He is your brother. He always talks about you, how great of a kid you are and how he misses you."
"I don't care!!" He huffed as he sheethed his sword seeing that everyone was staying put. His anger rose and clouded the little bit of a filter he had. His eyes locked with Warriors and venom dripped from words, "You are not my big brother, you are a coward that left me for dead and I hate you. I hate everything about you. I wish you were dead!"
The others gasped and Warriors felt like he had just been stabbed in the heart. 'Is this how Time feels?'
Mask covered his mouth as soon as the words came out, big blue eyes watering. He had seen the Cap close to death before and it terrified him. He would never wish real harm to him. His guilt was clear as his ears drooped and the tears spilled over.
Wars looked hurt and turned his head away from the child he adored and protected.
Mask looked around at the others who were shocked by his words. His bottom lip wobbled and his chest ached. Here he was being a cruel brat to the one person who never lost faith in him and he never thought he would see again.
'What have I done?!'
He took a few slow steps back. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, I promise I didn't mean it." Dread sank into his gut like a stone thrown into a lake. Warriors wouldn't look at him.
'Why do I keep messing everything up?'
"M'sorry…" Mask bolted for the forest, ignoring the calls for him to come back.
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Hotel Del Luna (호텔 델루나) Whump List
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Synopsis: Nestled deep in the heart of Seoul’s thriving downtown sits a curious hotel, the like of which no one has ever seen before. Running this hotel is Jang Man Wol, a greedy, suspicious soul who has spent the past thousand years acting as the establishment’s CEO. Trapped in her resentment for a betrayal, Man Wol is doomed to spend all of the eternity running this odd establishment, catering to the needs of the most peculiar clientele.
Things take an interesting turn when Goo Chan Sung shows up. Once the youngest assistant manager ever to work at a multinational hotel corporation, Chan Sung finds himself forced to manage the Hotel del Luna because of a deal his father made with Man Wol years ago. Excellent with managing money, he starts to put Jang's excessive spending and disastrous finance situation in order, that may be exactly what this odd establishment and its cursed CEO needs.
Genre: Horror, Comedy, Romance, Fantasy
Whumpee: Goo Chan Sung played by Yeo Jin Goo
Note: despite the romance tag, I decided to watch this just for my best boy Pyo Jihoon (he's so cute, ah, bless his heart), and was pleasantly taken aback by how good this drama is. It carved my heart out and left me hollow. I was crying like I don't know who. And the little whump moments were just icing on a cake.
!!Spoilers Below!!
Warning!! A character kills himself by jumping off a building in ep. 12
Ep. 01: sold off by his father, scared after seeing a ghost
Ep. 02: scared by ghosts, chased by a ghost with a sword, thrown into a pillar, nearly struck by a sword×2, saved, fainted
Ep. 03: sleeping, (flashback: possessed while unconscious, slapped(or, his body at least)), sleeping
Ep. 04: possessed(willingly), stands in path of a moving bike, punched someone, bleeding knuckles, people plan to get rid of him(semi-comedic), sleeping
Ep. 05: scared, protective of someone, finds out people plotted to make him go mad, gets married to a ghost against his will, it's revealed he would've died if they went through with the wedding
Ep. 06: none
Ep. 07: punched in the chest and thrown on the floor
Ep. 08: took a curse upon himself to save someone, chest pain, collapsed on the ground, passed out, slept through three days straight
Ep. 09: gets completely soaked when a ghost passes through him
Ep. 10: serial killer finds him
Ep. 11: attacked with a syringe, cut cheek, fought, concern for him, assumed dead
Ep. 12: gets his wounds treated(kinda), the killer demands to speak to him and writes a hateful post about him that people support then kills himself in front of him, that guy then becomes a vengeful spirit and swears to haunt him, sleeping
Ep. 13: his friends are targeted by the vengeful spirit, gets trapped in a tunnel between life and death, possessed
Ep. 14: stabbed by his love interest to death(or not actually), thrown around, choked, crying
Ep. 15: grieving, teary-eyed
Ep. 16: sleeping, his lover moves on to the afterlife, crying, implied death (but it's fine and not tragic, they're just showing his next life with his lover)
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yui-kuromori · 2 years
Okay, I’ve had this idea for a while, and I really wish I had the time to write a fic about it but I DON’T. So I’m gonna dump it here and yeah, if anyone feels like writing it, send me a message or ask or something.
(Also, this involves a Billy Hargrove redemption arc and I know the character can be really controversial/triggering, so uh, fair warning on that okay?)
So, yeah, Billy surprisingly survives getting tentacle stabbed in the chest and after a short stay in the hospital is discharged to go home. Thing is, Billy doesn’t feel safe at home, and if everyone’s being honest, Neil's probably gonna be relieved to have him out of his house. As he’s brainstorming somewhere to stay, Steve motherfucking Harrington pops up in his hospital room and offers the guest room in his own home, stating that “he talked to Max about it and they figured it was the best option”. And fuck, Billy really wants to refuse but he’s also in no position to reject help, so he swallows his pride and agrees.
The next few weeks pass by in bickering, yelling and reluctant acceptance. Billy makes a full recover from his wounds, and occupied the Harrington garage with working out gear and matted floors. The Byers move away, and the kids spend an increasing amount of time in the house with the both of them. Billy takes to watching the kids and Harrington for entertainment.
He notices Dustin, his annoying bright smile clearly Harrington’s favorite, Max, who finds in Harrington the tenderness and comfort Billy has never been capable of providing, Lucas, who sees a mentor, an idol, something to strive for as both of them spend hours under the boiling sun, dribbling a basketball in the backyard. Then, he notices little Wheeler, full of anger, alone, never seeming to fully fit in in their dynamic.
And fuck if that doesn’t hit Billy a little too close to home. Looking at Mike in those moments can almost make him forget about how much of a little shit Wheeler is. But Billy is no nanny McPhee, not like Harrington is, he’s not entirely sure on how to approach the kid.
But then a fight breaks out one day. Not a fistfight, the kids are too soft for that, but it leaves Dustin red faced, Lucas gritting his teeth, Max clenching her fists and Mike walking away, hissing like an angry cat, and suddenly, Billy lets out an “I got it”, avoiding Harrington’s confused, cautious stare, and goes after the kid.
Mike’s not easy to deal with, he spits a particular brand of poison that Billy knows someone only develops by being raised in a specific type of household, and snaps like a cornered animal, and Billy gets it, he understands what is like to be so angry that the air itself tastes like rage, heck, he feels like that most days. So, without thinking about it, he corners Mike and throws the first punch.
It’s more of a tap, really, he doesn’t want to bruise the kid too much. But then they are rolling on the floor, punching and snarling like wild animals. The kid hits hard, but focuses on the chest, shoulders, so Billy knows he doesn’t mean to hurt him. They continue at it for a while, before collapsing on the ground, panting, bruised messes. “Feel better?” Billy asks and Mike responds with a surprised “Yeah”, and Billy helps him up, pats his head like he would a large dog’s.
From then on it evolves naturally. Wheeler and him are made from the same stuff. They get each other, frustrated, with rage bubbling beneath their skin, and oh so painfully repressed. It’s easy in a way it never has been to tuck little Wheeler under his arm and drag him away for messes. To curl his long, frail looking fingers in a proper fist and coaching him into attacking his punching bag.
Suddenly, after a difficult conversation with Lucas and Max, followed by a hard, but sincere apology, Billy enters the pick up rotation, and Mike always rides shotgun. Suddenly, Billy’s chasing the kid around in the backyard, wrestling and screaming and getting him into shape because “fuck you Hargrove, I’m not joining a sports team” suddenly he’s teaching the kid how to fight dirty, because between the bullies, government agents and the quarry incident (that was told to him while he wiped the blood off the kid’s bruised nose) every fight is life or death and Billy’s telling him to “bite, tear off a chunk of flesh, go for the eyes or the crotch, it doesn’t need to look pretty, it needs to *work*”. He’s sharing the kid’s first drink with him, laughing as he sputters at the bitter taste. Billy’s taking care of his first hangover and teaching him how to do so in the future because Wheeler’s a goody two shoes and is probably gonna be the sober friend, but either way, Billy’s teaching him how to drink because there’s no way in hell his kid’s making a fool of himself once high school parties start.
Billy, who cusses out Mike when he learns that Mike flat irons his hair because “fuck you Wheeler, I had to perm mine”, and spends a night away teaching him how to wash and scrunch his curls back into existence. Billy, who bullies him into sending Will Byers his letters, that spent weeks rotting in a box under his bed. Billy, who works out while Mike writes, tucked in a corner in the garage. Billy, who kicks him in the sheens but then hugs him in barely contained worry when he does something stupid, who helps him get a part time job with Max so he can afford a ticket to California, who takes Mike to the Quarry and screams on the top of his lungs with him, letting out weeks of pent up rage, who picks him up at the police station when he’s accused of arson (a certain Ted Wheeler’s vacation boat that spends most of its months tucked away in a storage container) and gives him an alibi, only to pat Mike in the head in that way Mike has learned meant affection and congratulates him once they’re out of sight.
They’re not nice, not like Steve and the other kids are with each other. There’s too much teeth and sharp bone in them to do so. But they’re good, and fuck if it doesn’t feel cathartic to Billy to be able to fully care for, nurture, someone in the ways that he knows how and not be pushed away for it. To be able to ask Mike where he’s going, with who, at what time, why, with what clothes, in a way that had made every other person in his life cower away in discomfort only for little Wheeler to preen a little under the attention, never feeling suffocated.
He ends up working at the local gym, giving boxing lessons. Mike goes to school, befriends Eddie Munson, who Billy keeps a sharp eye on. Months pass. Billy drives Mike to the airport and gives him one last pat on the head when he goes to California.
He’ll never admit it, but remembering the little shit, among Harrington and his mom and his sister, is what gives him the strength to run when Vecna comes for him.
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