#i love to headcanon him eating/drinking strange things
quesadilla-day · 23 days
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delicious jade 😋yummy yummy 😍
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pandoa · 1 year
it's the little things: II
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the little things they do for you
~feat. octavinelle~ ~twisted wonderland characters x gender neutral reader~
~headcanons~ part 1│part 2│part 3
first part came out in september and i'm happy to come back to this lil collection~ enjoy!
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floyd leech carries you like a potato sack everywhere you go. princess carrying? cute little piggy back rides? never heard of it! floyd only knows the potato sack carry, and the potato sack carry you will get. you could be taller or smaller than the mischievous eel, but he won’t care. he’ll lift you up with ease and a grimacing smile on his face as he giggles at the surprised look on your own. he’ll even run up to you at the most random of times where you’d least expect it, scoop you up into his shoulders, and run off to seven’s know where as your friends stare and deadpan at the way floyd seemed to carelessly glide through the halls with you objecting in the distance. 
"Hang on tight, hehe, I'm taking you with me~!"
"Where? Oh, I don't know. I was just in the mood for running somewhere not here."
"And you're coming along!"
"Well, not like you had any choice, anyway. The way you're just dangling over my shoulder is making me kinda ticklish, haha~"
"Say... Even if I didn't scoop you up just now, you'd still come with me right?"
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jade leech purposefully places things you commonly use on higher shelves just to make you call out to him for help. it’s not that he enjoys seeing you helplessly struggle. he just simply likes assisting you out of the graciousness of his own heart~ 
actually, who is he kidding, that notion was completely false. jade finds it quite endearing whenever he sees you, at first, unsuccessfully attempting to reach for a stray book or can of tuna that was placed a little too high for your taste. seeing your face twist in frustration as you rose up onto your toes and called his name made him chuckle at the strange adorableness of it all, so he began to put things around both your dorm and his a few shelves higher than usual just so that you’d give him that same pout of yours and ask for help. you haven’t caught on to him yet, so what was the harm? just don’t be too mad at him once you find out~
"Hm? What is it, Prefect?"
"You need... help reaching for that alchemy book on the highest shelf? Now, how did it get there, I wonder...?"
"Oh, don't give me that face... I am quite innocent here."
"Just stand back, (Y/n)."
"It will always be a joy for me to assist you."
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azul ashengrotto adds your favorite foods to mostro lounge’s menu without you noticing. it could be the most robust food twisted wonderland has seen—or even the most simple one—yet azul will be caught shamelessly editing mostro lounge’s menu just to accommodate your taste buds. he says it’s to “add variety” to benefit business, but in reality he hopes that you’d pay the bustling restaurant of his a visit or two if he added a few pastries you’d like to eat. it’s not bribery if you don’t notice, yes?
"Oh! Prefect! Lovely to see you here today."
"Would you like to order something from our menu? Perhaps there'll be something you like."
"There are many drinks, some small pastries, a few appetizers... Hm? What is it?"
"Oh, that? My, that dish has always been here, (Y/n). Maybe your eyes haven't caught them yet, is all."
"I think I'd know my own menu, dear Prefect. Now..."
"Is that all you would like to order?"
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a/n: imagining mostro lounge as a host club iM SORRY-
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ghouljams · 7 months
Hey Ghoul ! I hope you’re doing well.
It’s not really an ask about your writing, but I wanted to know if you had received the last three asks I sent you ? They were about Keegan (maybe demon!AU ? I’m sorry, I don’t really remember), Roach (no specific headcanon idea, just that I loved the way your wrote him and needed to see more of your takes on him) and ghost!Ghost on Halloween (I think it was about how they would spend the night, like with movies or something).
I’m sorry I could not be more specific, I’m a bit scared of sharing my name in asks unless it is about writing about someone’s AU or headcanons, and I actually sent them quite a while ago (the last one was ghost!Ghost, I sent it on Halloween I think - and I think there was one with Fae!Price ?). I feel like Tumblr likes to eat some of the asks I send to people a lot, so I just wanted to make know if this devilish app had been naughty again. Feel free to ignore the ideas mentioned above, this is just about the Naughty Tumblr Check.
Anyway, I’m still melting every time I see a new post from you. Your last AU with Ghost (forgot the name, I’m not familiar with era at all and my memory is poop) is just *chef’s kiss*. I can’t help but think about Ghost having a few drinks and still getting annoyed at all the guys trying to hit on the reader, and just goes to stand in front of her like « I’ll fill your dance quota of the night. Dancefloor. Now. »
And he is not sorry about the broken fan, at all.
Lots of love and inspiration on you, Friend 💚
I have your asks love! I just have 160 asks and a million ideas in my brain all the time. I'm adoring Ghost as a period romance protagonist, what a dashing gentleman he is.
It's strange, you hardly even shiver when his shadow envelops you, though you see your friends clam up tight. The lothario kissing your hand pulls back abruptly and excuses himself. You make a mental note that your escort is good for something, as you turn to face him. He doesn't look happy, but when does he ever. Ghost holds out his hand.
"Dance card," He demands. You place it on his palm and he inspects it. You think you've done rather well for yourself all things considered. All first sons and no one less than a Count. He tugs a short pencil from his breast pocket and scratches it against the card quickly before drawing a neat line. He hands it back to you and takes your hand as you look to see what he's done now.
"Simon Riley" is dragged in tight cursive along the last of your openings.
"This is ridiculous," You tell him, "You can't-"
He tugs you close, his hand firm on the small of your back, and you realize you're already on the dance floor. Huh? What? How did that happen? You glance back at your friends who all look as surprised as you are, and Ghost spins you along with the music. He's a shockingly good dancer, coordinated and strong enough to corral you away from trying to lead. His hand moves over your back, keeping you just on the wrong side of what's proper. Too close. A few older women fan themselves with their eyes narrowed as you glide past.
Not that you notice, you're too busy watching Ghost. His eyes hold yours, challenging you to pull away, to find another partner. His grip on your hand is loose, but the one on your back tells you there's no escape. When the dance is over he lifts your gloved hand to his masked lips and somehow that covered kiss feels warmer than anything bare could ever compete with. You can feel his lips against your hand as clearly as you can see his eyes dropping respectfully. You never want to dance with anyone else.
Which is perfect because he's scratched out half your dance card.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 2 months
What are you headcanons about Senju in the relationships with new toman
Like toman in the good timeline? That's what I went with since that's the newest version of toman, tried to include everyone in it and I think I got everyone at least mentioned once? (South is also here).
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She enjoys teasing Baji (this includes telling Chifuyu and Kazutora childhood stories about him)
Senju still challenges Mikey sometimes and will try to beat him in lots of little contests like arm wrestling.
Likes Mucho a lot, sometimes he brings her cake (she's unsure as to why Sanzu frowns about this though)
Likes hanging out with Taiju because she finds his fighting style to be strong and interesting.
Draken is thankful for her presence since she handles the division whenever Sanzu gets into trouble and disbanded.
Once playfully threatened to break Hanma's wrist after he teased her over her height and patted her on the head. Hanma of course was very amused by the whole interaction (though he didn't do it again).
Switches schools to either Takemichi's or another group in toman's school so she isn't so alone anymore.
Has a bit of beef with some of the members who think guys shouldn't fight girls. It's not uncommon for them to step into her fights and take her opponents as a way of trying to keep her safer. (As time goes on this becomes less common)
Tries very hard to make friends with Hakkai even after she's told he won't talk to her. She brings him drinks a lot and tries to be friendly towards him.
She tries to convert them all into being mint chocolate chip fans, but struggles to actually win anyone over.
The first time she meets Angry, she assumes she's done something wrong so tries to make him laugh/ smile.
Gets along well with Rindou and sometimes works out with him
She also sometimes works out with Kakucho too (she heard about the yakuza thing from Rindou and immediately wanted in. But unfortunately Kakucho just took her to beat up some random thugs)
Her and Inui hold a lot of respect for each other
Occasionally goes on shopping trips with Koko
If she needs help with her uniform or dressing then she has no problem asking Mitsuya for it, he acts completely natural about it which makes her feel more relaxed when she needs help with adjustments. (Emma is also sometimes around to lend a hand)
Although her and Smiley are on good terms, he'll sometimes blush if she gets too close or hugs him. Angry thinks this is funny
She once complimented Shion's tattoo, he thinks this makes them close friends.
Likes reading manga with Chifuyu
Becomes very close with South (even though he seems to appear after toman) they play fight a lot.
Ran has offered to take her to his hair salon many times, she's always refused.
When she first joined toman, a few of the background guys weren't happy with this so she beat them up then asked if anyone else had a problem with her being here. No one stepped forward.
She likes the mizo mid members and thinks they're pretty funny (they were acting strangely when they first met her, mainly because they were holding their breaths and hoping Makoto wouldn't say anything weird. Especially since Sanzu was watching them the whole time).
Izana cheers for Senju anytime she challenges Mikey
If Pah needs someone to walk Pochi, he knows Senju is always willing to help out (she loves dogs)
One time when Peh wanted to talk to Mitsuya during handcrafts club time, he took Senju with him and told her to distract Yasuda with "girl stuff". It backfired pretty badly though when they started talking about embarrassing things Peh had done.
Senju is amazed at how much corn Mochi can eat, she thinks it's cool
Senju once found Kisaki asleep at a meeting so she snuck his glasses away, put them on and then did her best kisaki impression. Kisaki was not impressed.
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sweetstarart · 3 months
40 Wallace Wells Headcanons!!!
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He loves the band gorillaz! His current favorite songs are Dare, Dirty Harry, Rock The House and 5/4
He used to animate and draw in college but he hasn't really picked it up since then
He and Scott don't have much closet space, so they put some of their clothes in a kitchen cabinet. Scott is very scared Ramona will open it one day
When he eats burger He takes the pickles off and saves them for last. He does the same thing with shrimp pasta and also likes it most when there are 5 shrimp left over to eat. Scott thinks this is weird.
He's quite a powerful psychic, but since he's a beginner he has no idea how to utilize his powers. In the future, Old Wallace becomes one of the most powerful psychics in Toronto
Old Wallace's hair turned grey after what him and Mobile simply refer to as a "Psychic Mishap". This same mishap lead to him also needing very strong prescription glasses
He has 5 favorite colors, Green, Pink, Black, Teal and Red. If you ask which is his favorite, he'll usually cycle through 3 of those options before telling you he doesn't have a favorite
He scratches his knuckles when he gets nervous
He keeps his hands behind his back while doing this so people are less likely to notice
Sometimes he taps his fingers instead
Starting book 2, He's been taking French classes. He likes to say dumb things in French around the house that don't apply to whatever they're talking about, Scott is none the wiser
He likes turtles!
Although Wallace sometimes kicks Scott in his sleep, he can actually be fairly affectionate sometimes if he's feeling happy or lonely. Sometimes he hugs Scott in his sleep
Strangely enough, he doesn't do this to mobile until a few years into their relationship
Wallace used to have braces and acne in high-school. It is one of the very few things he's insecure about
He constantly forgets Young Neil's name and swears its either Francis or Dennis
Him and Other Scott have known eachother since they were kids but only became friends in high-school, when Wallace would stay over at his house from time to time
According to Scott and Other Scott, seeing Wallace win a drinking game is one of the most horrifying things they've ever seen
His record is 19 beers in 5 seconds
Oftentimes He wears a variety of Bracelets on his arm. His sweater usually obscures this, but they can be heard clanking together when he runs. When asked why he does this, he says he's "Matching with a friend"
His birthday is July 4th
He ran away from home during high-school, leading to him crashing at his friend's houses until he finally got an apartment
He frequently stayed with Scott, Other Scott and Roxy (until they stopped being friends towards the end of high-school)
Like the anime said, he let Scott crash at his place and he never left. At first, he figured since Scott let him stay over a week once, it only seemed fair to do the same. Soon a week turned into a month,but he couldn't bring himself to simply tell him to leave
He's somewhat of a pushover, but is too prideful to admit it (or embarrassed... who knows!)
He has tons of pride merch that he saves specifically for the month of May. Not June, because he "likes to stand out" (It's actually because when he started doing this, he got the month wrong)
He won a Ball point pen from a high-school drinking game. He calls it his most "prized possession" and he keeps it in a jewelry box alongside his bracelets
Scott is listed as "The first guy you should call if I ever get drunk and pass out bc he knows good and well he owes me a favor" on a list his frequent bartender asked him to make (Her name is Leni btw)
He and Gideon (the cat) would actually get along pretty well if they ever met
He and Gideon (the man) would not get along very well. But Wallace would find him extremely attractive in secret
He finds most of Ramona's exes attractive with the exceptions being Roxy and Kyle katayanagi
He passed his driving test while completely drunk. He woke up the next day and had no clue how to drive and couldn't even remember doing it until he found the license in the kitchen sink
He's had tons of flings, but never had an actual boyfriend until he met Mobile
He is so gay, that he litterally pukes rainbows
He thinks Stephen is hot. His only reason for not pursuing him is the fact that Scott made him promise to never make out with his friends
His favorite food is shrimp Alfredo
The reason Wallace makes bacon so often is because he bought it in bulk once as a dare from one of his friends. No clue what kind of bacon it was, but it expired a year from that day and the bottom shelf of his fridge was packed full of it for months
He always loses at rock paper scissors
He knows how to play piano
He has Hayfever
And... that's it! Except not really, I actually have way more!
But thats all I'm posting for now...
Thanks for reading!
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amazinglyegg · 11 months
Paladin Danse headcanons because I love this little dude
Doesn't like being talked about behind his back, even if they're saying positive things about him. If he's talking about someone not in the room he's bringing up the things he said in that conversation next time he sees them because he thinks they deserve to hear the praise/critique.
Never really looks at the little things in life. The smell of brewing coffee, the way the sun rises over the trees, the calming ambient chatter of a shared living space... it all goes unnoticed by him. He finds himself thinking about the future constantly, and it takes someone who consciously points it all out to him for him to learn to live in the present more.
LOVES learning, although that passion dies down a bit while he's in the Brotherhood, partially due to grief/trauma and partially due to the Brotherhood indirectly teaching soldiers that outsiders are bad and the Brotherhood is always right. His love gets rekindled when he joins the Minutemen.
Doesn't really believe he has PTSD and pushes away medical help because he sort of feels offended that he was diagnosed despite his skepticism. The type of person to think "I don't have PTSD because I don't have any flashbacks, I just have nightmares and intrusive thoughts and sometimes I feel the same overwhelming emotions I felt when the trauma happened... but none of those are flashbacks!" (spoiler alert, man, not all flashbacks look like they do in movies).
Touch starved but not in the "cute clingy boyfriend" way. More like the "cringing away from touch because it's physically painful" way. He hasn't gotten any sort of physical contact in SO LONG and it's seriously fucking with him.
I was going to make a separate post about this but this man would fucking LOVE laser tag. He would be IN HIS ELEMENT. He would be THRIVING. Let this guy play a game of laser tag with some other soldiers please it would be great enrichment for him.
Strangely passionate about socks. Yes, socks. Do you have any idea how GOOD high quality socks feel?? If you complain about any sort of foot pain he has sock brand recommendations for you. He's the sock equivalent of "It's 'cause you're always on that damn phone" that parents use. "Danse my head hurts" "It's because you didn't get the socks I recommended to you" "????"
Will drink as a social activity, but mostly drinks alone. Also a sad drunk.
Would love any and all fidget toys he gets his hands on. Probably refuses to use them because most of them are colorful and "toys", but if you manage to sneak a fidget cube or a tangle in his hands while he's sitting around? That bitch will be used non-stop until he leaves it somewhere and forgets about it. Will probably adjust whatever action he's doing so he can keep one hand free to keep fidgeting.
Doesn't like anything that sticks to his hands or makes a mess on surfaces, like slime, putty, paint, mud, etc. If you hand him slime he will touch it once and then leave to go wash his hands.
Sleeps hot, probably without a blanket often because he overheats. Tosses and turns a lot. Does that thing where he can sleep through basically anything but the second you try to tiptoe past him he will shoot awake.
Keeps Cutler's and Krieg's dog tags in his bedside drawer. Doesn't do so with anyone else's, not because he doesn't care about any of his other teammates who died, but because he knows if he let himself keep doing that the drawer would get filled way too quickly. That realization was at about the same time he "toughened up" a lot more and fell into the commanding officer mindset he's still in today.
Doesn't like needles. He'll get shots and whatever if he needs to, obviously, but unlike most other undesirable things he'll actually complain about it a bit instead of acting like the tough guy. Probably looks away whenever he needs to get stitches.
Eats a ton of food, not so much water. Will absolutely demolish several servings of pasta and then complain of a dehydration headache, completely unaware that the last time he drank water was 7 hours ago.
Likes training new recruits, makes him a bit nostalgic for the old days with him and Cutler. Tends to be a bit soft with the ones that really remind him of Cutler, but in the type of way where he pulls them aside just to say "You did really well today :)" completely oblivious that the poor initiate assumed they were going to get reprimanded and are now having a mini panic attack.
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 4 months
hiiii hiiii!!! was curious :3 how's it gooinnnng?? uh, feeling booooooorooooooored got any fun headcanons you have floating around the space station?? :3
It's going well enough, Anon! I finally got around to this! Sorry it took me so long, I've been having a hard time doing things. But never mind that! Here's a mixed bag of headcanons!
Medic can make a killer hot chocolate. The only issue being, he will NOT elaborate on why he's so happy and eager to make you one.. He'll hand you the most beautifully decorated hot chocolate, but he stares at you with the most terrifying smile, staring through your soul. You should drink it, though, what's the worst that can happen.
Speaking of Medic. This man would be a menace at Diner Dash. I can not explain. He'd just be so good at it. Put him in endless mode, and he'd play it for hours, you could not get him to put it down.
Speaking of video games, Scout is insane at Mario Kart. He will kill you on Rainbow Road, you will not win against him, he's a maniac. He mains Peach. Also, funny enough, even though he has so many siblings, none of them would play Mario Kart with him. He may have teared up because Pyro asked to play with him.
You know what, I'll just drop everyone's Mario Kart mains and their second option with no explanations!
Demo would main Yoshi, Dry Bones being his second
Engie would pick Daisy, dying on this kill. Um, as a second pick I get Lakitu vibes.
Heavy would choose Bowser, Luigi being his second
Medic switches between the princesses, but mainly Rosalina, King Boo being his second.
Scout is a Peach main ONLY, if he is alone! (One time, he messed up and picked Peach before anyone else could and was very embarrassed.) If he's playing with others, he picks Mario, Larry being his second.
Sniper doesn't care. He'd probably let someone else pick for him. He normally gets a princess character, but he doesn't mind.
Spy is always picking rose gold Peach, regardless of Scout's mocking. He doesn't need a second pick because he'll get pissy about it.
Soldier doesn't have a set main, but I feel like he'd pick any of Bowser's kids.
Pyro is a Shy Guy main, and I am so normal about it, Bowser Jr. Is its second pick.
None of them really fight over mains though, the all normally get the character they want.
Totally away from all of that. I think Spy listens to classical music, and Scout also likes classical music so one time, Scout heard it from Spy's room and just came in, starting to make fun of him, but ended up just... sitting with Spy. I think a lot of their bonding is nonverbal.
Hey, I'm doing another speaking of bit, Spy has a habit of showing up at the exact moment someone needs something, with the item. Medic needs a coffee? Oh well, Spy just happened to be there with one. Scout's looking for something? Spy just found it! How strange. He always acts like its such an inconvenience, this is the only way he can show love.
Scout, Sniper, Medic, and Soldier all have sensory and texture issues.
Scout will gag at the thought of eating puddings and jellos and can't stand flashing lights. Sniper hates bright lights and hates the texture of anything slimy. Medic is overwhelmed by noises in crowds and can't stand sticky foods. Soldier has issues with fabrics and tags and can't stand soft/smooth.
Back to Spy again, I think he really likes the smell of lilacs and vanilla, I don't know why.
Scout once ran out of Bonk, Medic offered him a tea. Medic and Scout drink tea together when one of them has a bad day.
Engie collects rocks. He's just always been a fan. Sometimes, he'll sit outside the base, looking at the ground just searching for pretty rocks. He's given some to Pyro before, and now Pyro goes and sits with him sometimes.
Sniper's happiest moments in life are genuinely sitting in a dark room, not talking, just sitting with someone he cares about. He finds the presence of someone more comforting than words.
You know those gimmick blogs that can identify something from one picture? Heavy can tell you exactly what book any quote is from.
Pyro, Demo, and Soldier collect fireflies together sometimes.
Anyways! That's all I have for now. Sorry, they aren't anything major or great. But writing them made me smile, so thank you for that, anon!
I'm hoping I'm finally back to writing because this reminded me how fun it is.
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personwhowrites · 11 months
Task Force 141 with some of my Headcanons <3
Simon “Ghost” Riley
-He knows how to do any magic trick. He only learned them to feed his inner child, if he gets really drunk that’s when all hell breaks loose with his magic tricks. He doesn’t show them at workplace, well.. maybe sometimes he does only when you or Johnny are around to praise him. (He has that ego going)
-Finds it hard to believe that Johnny (soap) can’t cook. He things it’s strange that Johnny is a a 30-40y that can’t cook for shit.
-Hates hates coffee, it’s not because his British. He doesn’t like the taste of it, or the way it’s been made. Thinks is stupid that some beans can make a very powerful drink.
-Loves, and I mean loves when his teammates praise him. Especially you or Johnny, he doesn’t know why but it just fires him more. Even sometimes showing off, but of course he doesn’t admit it.
-When sparring with Rookies he tends to go overboard. For rep, he needs to keep that “scary” image of himself to the new people. Can’t blame him, he has a name to live up to.
-Big softie when his sick, he isn’t right state to know anything. He only whines to you or Price when his sick.
-Secretly puts stuff in high places where others can’t reach, so they depend on him. Doesn’t even know why he does it, but still enjoys every second of it.
-Let’s be honest, this man will never ever hurt someone when his mad. He can control his anger in any situation, unless the person is hurting some he cares about.
-Might get some slight disagreement here but Ghost will never ever open up about his trauma with anyone in the team. It’s his demon to deal with and that man will suffer in silence if it means his team can be happy and less worried about him. Even if you or someone else on the team try to get him to talk, it wont work.
-Big fan of Transformers, especially Optimus Prime. He feels a strong connection to the character, but keeps his obsession a secret.
-I sense that Ghost a man that has a very high tolerance to spice. I mean like high enough that concerns you at times when you see him eat the “one chip challenge” for a snack. He has packets in his vest.
-Ghost secretly has a pink gun. He only got it for laughs, but then immediately got attached to it. He was planning to show the team but stopped himself because it was his “gem.” (Has hello Kitty stickers tho)
John “Soap” Mactavish
-He can cook, better than the others. Yet he prefers to burn his food and get pity from you and the others. (You bring him lunch now.) he definitely brags about it to the others, and definitely knows that Ghost is catching up to his lie.
-Hates and I mean hates comedy movies. He finds them too dull and very predictable in his mind. Anytime you or the others members suggest a comedy movie.. a piece of him dies..
-Loves to be round Simon, wants to be the shoulder that Simon can depend on. He does feel some Jealousy when he only goes to Price or you when his sick. Makes Soap think that Ghost has favorites..
-Really really hates explosives, but acts like he doesn’t. The sound sometimes hurt his ears and at times soap fears that he would go deaf. Has mentioned this to Price, so when the others see explosives, Price will make a big deal and keep Soap away. (Such a caring father captain.)
-Soap definitely has favorites in the team, Ghost coming in first, then Price, Gaz and you. It’s not because he doesn’t like you, just that he been longer with the others. You do at times makes him question if he sees you a friend or more..
-loves to mess with everyone in the team. At times he does go overboard, making the team upset with him. Yet his golden retriever energy gets him out of any situation and he knows it.
-I see Soap having a short temper when it comes to someone messing with him. Soap doesn’t do anything at first, but then will go to see Ghost.. and let’s say those Rookies never were the same again.
-Depends on Ghost while in the British base. He knows that he really shouldn’t but Ghost became someone important even if Ghost pushes him away. I think it’s like this slight obsession he has..
-Super fan of old shows, like Friends, Sex in the city and The office, at times Soap would would try to recreate the office. Price would be annoyed when the others members agreed to it, he thought it was dumb at first but soon enjoyed it. That phase lasted three days before he moved onto something else.
-Soap is definitely sensitive to some sounds. Like a chair being dragged against the floor, it makes his teeth hurt. Price and the rest of the team know and will do anything to avoid that sound. They respect Soap and want him to feel safe with them.
John “Captain” Price
-He knows his the father of the group, and has accepted that. Except with you, he sees you more than a kid to take care of, sometimes jokes around that you’re the second parent.
-Price is the man to adopt any new rookie he sees. His seen like a major father figure in the base, no one disrespects him. Rest in peace to anyone who does..
-Loves to surprise his team with small gifts. He knows it’s not much but it’s glad he was able to bring a smile to everyone
-Price left his wife, I mean like divorce and cut all contact with the woman. He saw that his ex-wife never understood that the British forces were his calling. The wife wanted a family and for them to settle down, but price wanted more.
-Price tends to doze off if he’s sad. Soap and Ghost know this and make sure to be there for him. It’s difficult at times since Price acts a lot like Ghost with his feelings. His a book, a book you have to carefully open and set down.
-Talking about books, I want to say that Price hates them. I don’t see him as a reading a book in a day off. Being active is something he needs, it doesn’t matter what it is, his always hiking, exploring or testing new things. Makes Gaz join him, sometimes even showing up at his apartment with hiking gear.
-Definitely has a soft spot for Gaz out of the others. Gaz is close to your age, but slightly older and he knows it will be rough for him. Seeing the way sometimes, racism plays out in the base. Price makes sure that everyone must respect all races.
-Price will put his job on the line for the team. When Shepard was a “good” person and threatened to fire someone in his team.. Price would fight blood and sweat to keep that person. Even saying “Discharge me not them.”
-Price knows his growing old, his retirement is closing in. So he makes sure that his whole team can always depend on him even if it’s a day off. He will make sure you and the others know he loves y’all.
-Price will be someone to plan a whole day of activities if you or the team and him ever had a day off together. I mean a whole bunch, even ones taking you guys out to eat or go to an amusement park.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-Let’s be honest, I see Kyle as a very quiet person. I don’t see him being a yelling type, unless it depended on someone life. When Price took him under his wind he was great full. Wanting to learn everything he could from him.
-As well with the others he has favorites. Price, You, Soap and Ghost. Him and Ghost barely talk, but respect each other more than anything. He didn’t mean to have favorites, but he saw the difference in how everyone talked to him.
-Super close with you, since it’s better to understand each other humor. Makes Price confused when you and him joke about something he don’t understand.
-Big fan of sweets, he can handle anything sweet. At any time he could have a candy in his mouth or a lollipop ready. He does hand candy out to the tema before the missions, finds it as a “good luck” charm to them. They don’t know that, but happily accept the candy.
-An amazing driver,better than anyone in the team. Main reason why he drives the team to places, Kyle doesn’t mind it if they ask to go far away places. It makes his mind calm, knowing that you all trust him with your lives in a car.
-Like Soap I feel like he can be sensitive to some sound. So he understands when Soap feels horrible with sound. They relate so much that it brought them closer.
-Kyle seems to be the type of guy that will listen to anyone. I mean anyone with their problems and help them sort them out. His mother taught him to be that way and he loves her for that.
-Like anyone on the team.. he would put his life on the line. Example: when he went back for Price when a ton of people were firing at him, he didn’t think he just went for it! This man deserves more attention.
-Kyle knows about some racism going on in the base and his thankful for Price protecting him. Even more thankful when he sees the rest stand up for him in a matter of seconds when they see the problem.
-Believe or not I think they would see the reader as a platonic love interest at first, but if things go closer than they think.. it might become interesting.
-They have cookouts I mean a ton, Ghost would be the one seasoning everything with the help of Soap. Gaz would be on the grill, cleaning it and making sure everything is good. Price would be there just watching them come together, if you were to join them. Price would let you do anything you want.
-They have game nights and it’s chaotic, I mean fully chaotic to the point you can’t understand anything. Soap would start speaking Scottish if he lost and Ghost would be the one calming him down.
-Movie night is a pain for Soap. He knows what everyone would pick.. romance comedy. Ghost wouldn’t budge to laugh at a single thing, But Gaz and Price would be laughing.
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Leon Kennedy headcanons because he has infected my little homosexual monkey brain like the plague
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- Bites the skin on his lower lip as a habit and picks at it mindlessly
- Like he won’t even realize his lip is bleeding
- Leon has sharp canine teeth and is constantly accidentally biting his tongue, the inside of his lip, and the inside of his cheeks like, exceptionally hard (almost always has a small open wound in his mouth, lots of scars)
- Prefers plain mint gum over spearmint gum, usually only chews sugar free gum as well
- Super flexible (which is canon tbh) and he loves doing stretches
- He sleeps and sits in strange positions because of his flexibility so things that are super comfy for him might be damn near impossible for others to do
- (slight chreon) Chris has definitely gotten distracted by Leon stretching because goddamn why he is so flexible???
- Leon prefers thicker soups over thinner ones
- The least picky eater imaginable oh my god he’ll literally eat nearly anything if you tell him it’s edible I stg
- (RE2 Leon and a bit of RE4) A little insecure about his babyface, like if he walked into a bar he would definitely get carded and he’s just kinda like “man :(“
- Used to be a dog person but now he’s kinda afraid of them due to the trauma he has with dog B.O.W.s
- Leon is often compared to a cat by Chris (he thinks the man is very cat-like, especially with how he likes to sit/sleep and his personality)
- Doesn’t smoke but has hit a younger coworkers vape once and his eyes teared up from him trying to hold in his coughing (he liked the flavour though, it was strawberry kiwi ice)
- Prefers pistols and close-combat weapons (such as his knife) over semiautomatic weapons
- Leon is autistic. That’s all I have to say about that
- Violently bisexual but in denial about liking men (he’s already bad with women, he doesn’t wanna think about how it’d go with men 💀)
- Like to sit in ways that stretch out his legs, likes to stand/lean against walls so he can stretch his legs. He takes up a lot of room because of this but he will move if needed
- The only reason he’s still allowed to have his license is because he works for the government
- Usually though the government will provide him transportation for everyone’s safety
- Can only cook really simple meals and can never eat/deal with meat a few days after a particularly rough mission
- He more often than not has nightmares and is an extremely light sleeper
- Leon really doesn’t get a lot of sleep and has to resort to sleep pills fairly often
- His one-liners and jokes keep him grounded as he does missions
- It’s also why he prefers to wear fingerless gloves! The gloves protect his palms but being able to feel things directly to his fingers can be helpful in keeping him grounded and focused on the mission
- HATES insects and will kill them but will gently take spiders out of the room and outside with the cup and paper trick
- If he’s drinking to relax he’ll have a fruity cocktail or something sweet but if he’s drinking to forget/cope he’ll choose something that’ll burn his throat going down
I have way more so I’ll probably make another list at some point <3
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gatorwizard · 10 days
useless erasermic headcanons
their first official date was at a cat café. aizawa immediately fell in love with a small tuxedo kitten and yamada tried to put it in his shirt to kidnap it (he failed, shocker).
when aizawa falls asleep yamada takes his phone and sends strange and ominous messages (you will cough in three days) to tensei and kayama. they caught on the first time but won’t tell him.
aizawa isn’t the best cook but yamada is much worse and would burn down the kitchen. they usually just eat 7/11 food because anything is better than overcooked well done congratulations food after a long day.
sometimes yamada lets aizawa pick songs to play for his radio show.
yamada religiously collects vinyl. aizawa goes hunting for any limited or alternate edition of a record he doesn’t have. (i firmly believe he has asked jirou or kaminari for help finding vinyl in private)
they watch reality tv while eating junk food every sunday, since this is their only day they have off together.
they gossip about the kids over dinner and shinsou is there like 🧍🏽🧍🏽🧍🏽be adults
when they turned 18 they all went out for drinks. yamada and aizawa got the most horrendous matching tattoos from a sketchy parlor hidden in an alley. kayama still makes fun of them.
aizawa has a collection of chococat trinkets. yamada insisted he surround himself with things he enjoys. (there is also a pompompurin for yamada, kuromi for kayama, cinnamoroll for shirakumo, and pochacco for tensei)
their apartment is filled with the same mismatched furniture from when they initially moved in together, all thrifted. the kitchen is decorated with garfield stuff.
okay thanks for coming to my ted talk 😻😻
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tartigglez · 1 year
"i know it hurts..."
headcanons of some genshin boys when you have your period (pt.1??)
kaeya, diluc, thoma, childe, zhongli (separately) x afab!reader (pronouns not mentioned)
genre: fluff
word count: 800-ish
tags: periods, no distinct mention of blood, wholesome boys (for the most part), a lottttt of physical touch + petnames, kaeya is teehee, diluc is clueless as shit, thoma is absolutely whipped, childe is also clueless, zhongli is wayyyyy clued in
tw/cw: zhongli is written as genderfluid, mentions of foods/drink (soup + tea), kisses in zhongli's, i don't think there's much else to add here, lmk if i missed smth
a/n: surprise? hi! i've had a very emotional night, so its time for something extremely self indulgent. i wrote this mostly for the genderfluid zhongli agenda. also i'd like to remind everyone that i am genderfluid, my pronouns are they/she/he!!! ty, enjoy.
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kaeya’s personality seems to go through some sort of shift when you’re on your period, seriously! he’ll go from being a flirty, unserious captain with an eye catching smirk to a kind, gentle, soft spoken man. he will quietly hold you if you’re in pain, and try his best to distract you. will kiss you softly and assure you that it will pass, without ever making you feel like you’re exaggerating. strokes your cheek and does whatever you want to do in order to stay distracted. 
“darling? are you alright? are you sick?”
“no, just cramps.”
“ahh, here.”
“how does this feel? you okay? comfy?”
“yeah, I’m okay. thanks kae”
“not a problem at all, lovely”
“so, how was work? 
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diluc is lowkey confused at first in your relationship. he’s never spent much time around anyone who has a period, let alone having to live with one, so it makes sense (a little) that he really doesn’t understand anything that’s happening to you, or what hurts, or why, or how he can help. the first time he finds you curled up in his bedroom in dawn winery he’ll be really confused and awkward, run to adelinde and try to very discreetly ask her what to do (he doesn’t do a good job), but eventually she gets what he means, and tells him to just ask you, which he builds the confidence to do after hyping himself up for like twenty minutes.
“hi, 'luc”
“uh… are you okay?”
“uhm… may i talk to you about something?”
“yeah, of course! what’s up?”
“what is… happening to you right now? it’s painful, i know, but how do i help? what do i do? what do you need? how can i make you comfortable? i don’t want you to be in pain.”
“pah, how sweet. come, sit, i’ll explain”
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thoma knows exactly what is going on, and when its going on. keeps track of your periods (with your knowledge and consent ofc) just so he knows what days to bring you whatever you may need. he’s a BIG BIG acts of service and gift giving kinda guy, because he’s always in the city, so he always picks things up for you. this happens even more when you’re on your period. of course, sometimes, his estimates of your starting days will be a little bit off, so he might end up randomly doing something and it seems like its out of nowhere, and he tries to play it off like it is too. 
“thoma? what’re you doing home this early?”
“oh, I thought i’d come home and make you soup!”
“make me… soup? that’s a little strange…”
“no it’s not! it's just because i thought you liked it, especially when…y’know”
“hah, your guess was off darling, you’re two days early. still, i appreciate the thought love. let’s eat?”
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childe is clueless. extremely clueless. but he’s also super duper sweet, and a very fast learner. he tries his best to understand what’s happening and what to do, but unfortunately he doesn’t really have anyone to ask about it. so he’ll literally read a book, which is rather rare for him but he would literally do anything for you. if you’re feeling really unwell, he will insist on taking the day off work to look after you. he’s extremely attentive and gentle, which is the side of him his “co-workers” don’t get to see. 
“morning baby! how’re you feeling?”
“mmhh,, morning chi. ‘m okay, a bit crampy”
“okay, i’ll stay here then.”
“what? no, you have work. you gotta go!”
“i’ll call in sick, they can live without me for a day”
“chi you can’t do this agai-”
“i’d do anything for you”
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zhongli. understands. everything. okay hear me out. zhongli can take any form he wants, so sometimes out of curiosity he would change into another body. he’d get completely, utterly shocked the first time he got a period whilst in this form (it was unexpected.), but learned how to cope with it, because he wanted to be able to fully understand the struggles that some mortals might go through.
he knows exactly what to do when this happens to you, speaks to you calmly and holds you if you get cramps. will brew tea for you, and get the latest herb combinations for pain relief from baizhu. will snuggle up to you, place his hand on your stomach because it’s warm, and hold you close. kisses your neck gently and asks if you need anything, overall just a big sweetie. if you want him to, he’ll go into his half-dragon form, so he can wrap his tail around you. loves you more than anything and will do anything to make you comfortable. you need something? it’s yours, no matter the extremes he has to go to in order to get it. constantly making sure you take your time with everything, and making sure that you don’t overexert yourself.
“my love, i know you’re in pain, please don’t push yourself”
“i know, i know, i just have a little more work to do”
“i trust you, but i’m staying here with you, just in case. have you eaten? are you comfortable? do you need any pain relief?”
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smokersbaby · 1 year
What is true romance for Smoker? If you have any headvanons for it, I'd love to see them!
I loved this simple but adorable request, It was so heartwarming to write and I hope it has the same effect on you just as it was for me.
Characters: Smoker TW: none, just fluff Word count: + 1,1k Author's note: I found some material on the internet about love language, so I decided to write some headcanons for Smoker about it.
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The 5 Love Languages of Smoker
1 - Acts of service: Smoker is for sure into the "act of service" kind of romance: he adores giving his partner his time by doing something that will make you happy for sure (even if it's not that obvious, Smoker is a careful observer when it comes to his s/o and manages to understand what you like and dislike just observing your reactions through everyday life), and above all knowing that he has little to no time, due to his full-time job as a Vice Admiral, makes his actions even more valuable. 
Smoker would find a way to show you their love through everyday efforts, just as bringing you your favourite snack when he sees you in a bad mood, knowing it will cheer you up for sure, or handling you something to drink in the middle of the afternoon without even asking for it, just because he imagined his S/O was thirsty. 
Once, when you were outside doing some kind of everyday commissions, he decided to try to cook your favourite dish for dinner. As you returned, you found out how he failed his task successfully, burning the stoves. He felt so miserable for not being able to give you a decent meal but your heart melted seeing that tough and grumpy man putting all himself into cooking just to put a smile on your face. 
2 - Words of affirmation: let's be honest, Smoker hates catchphrases such as the classic "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?". Furthermore, he's not good with words and prefers to express his affection towards his s/o with actions. But sometimes words of affirmation escape his mouth, and every single time it happens Smoker's words are genuine (and they come out of nowhere, without even realizing that his sentences sound like compliments until he sees you blush after hearing them).
Once, after returning from his job to your shared house, it was impossible not to notice how tired and a bit down in the dumps he was. As he entered the front door, Smoker embraced you in a tight and comforting hug: that simple gesture was all he needed at that moment.
"My home..." he mumbled while caressing your hair and holding your body pressed against his to feel your comforting warmth. 
As he spoke that simple word, you immediately realized that he wasn't referring to the fact that he was finally home, but he was somehow addressing you as his home, implicitly saying that you were his safe place. 
3 - Gifts: thank God he's not the kind of guy who needs to buy you expensive gifts to show you his love. On the other side, if you are accustomed to receiving lots of presents from your S/O, it can be a bit strange for you to understand his way to express his feeling at the beginning of your relationship. 
He may think that expensive gifts aren't a sign of romance if there isn't a true reason behind them, they are probably just a waste of money since happiness doesn't come from this kind of thing for him.
As said before, it's more common for him to make acts of service that can be considered little gifts to make his S/O smiles, such as giving them snacks or something they truly like eating, bringing them to see their favourite places together and enjoying a peaceful evening looking at the sea and drinking beers.
On the other way, if you look for a way to melt Smoker's heart, you can give him any kind of present, even the silliest and simplest one (like a handmade bracelet or a piece of cake) will make him all flustered and a blushing mess because it's his S/O that gave him that. He'll keep that gift of yours forever (not the cake tough, he'll eat that right away).
4 - Quality time: his favourite way to spend some quality time with you it's through cuddling: he'll lay in the bed right beside you, his arms wrapping around your body as he spoons you, making you feel protected in his warm embrace. That kind of safety you feel in his arms it cannot be found anywhere else but with Smoker since in these kinds of intimate moments he just stays silent and enjoys your presence. 
That's also his favourite way to fall asleep since he can keep you close to him and snuggle against your body. It may be difficult for you since he's 209 cm tall, but Smoker adores being the little spoon sometimes, just to understand how his S/O feels when they are in his arms (he won't tell you he likes it though).
But cuddling isn't the only thing that can be called quality time with him, since he's busy with work most of the time when he finds time to stay with you during the day Smoker tries to take you on simple dates, knowing you'll enjoy spending your time with him not only at home.
Once he brought you to a hidden tiny beach where the two of you had a picnic while looking at the sea and as soon as he understood that you loved that kind of thing so much, he tried to bring you there as often as he could (consider that he'll probably propose to his S/O there, in their special place).
5 - Physical touch: as you can already imagine, Smoker isn't the kind of partner that likes to show his love to the world.
For him, it doesn't come naturally to kiss or hug you in front of others, that's because every single touch counts as an intimate and shared moment between you two and he feels uncomfortable knowing that someone else might watch sharing your love. 
That's why other people addressed him as grumpy or rough, but if someone doesn't like to be touched in public it doesn't mean that they're a cold-hearted person. On the contrary, Smoker is a bit of a softie, and when he's alone with his S/O (as soon as he starts to get accustomed to physical touch and this way of showing love) he can become that kind of man that hugs you all the time if he has the possibility. 
Above all, he loves hugging you from behind when you don't see him coming and placing his chin on your head.
Talking about smooching, he loves to kiss your forehead as a sign of protectiveness towards you, he starts to kiss your face all over if he sees you sad or crying, making you all ticklish and laughing because of the way he smooches your face as to say "don't cry, I am here".
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sora227 · 1 year
DRDT Headcanons, but it's things I do
Well, you see the title, let's get onto it! (sorry if it's a little ooc)
If there were windows in the killing game, Rose would constantly note the weather. Specifically, clouds. She’d be like, in the middle of nowhere, say “Oh, today it’s Nimbostratus.” And almost no one would get it except for Xander, Charles, and Min (the canon smartasses)
Veronika is OBSESSED with natural disasters. Like she will spit out facts about a bunch of tsunamis, how they work, etc if you asked her to.
Xander is actually incredibly creative. He has a bunch of ideas in his brain, he just doesn’t know how to sort them out.
David rarely takes naps, despite being mentally tired a lot.
Nico HATES the cold. They are sensitive to it. But at the same time, it could be 102 degrees Fahrenheit outside, and they’d still wear a sweater because “it’s not that hot guys, I could take it off but that would make it useless to bring it.”
Whit has silly humor, but even so, no matter how much he tries, is still seen as an outcast no matter what. People just stop talking when he talks, is silent because they don’t want him nearby and it hurts.
Teruko went a few years without breaking a bone, just getting hurt a lot. (this is my life, I just said a few years for Teruko cause we all know her luck)
Charles always sits with his legs crossed. Like one leg crossing another yk yk.
Arturo eats a lot of strange things. He has eaten paper numerous times. And grass. And the plastic covering on straws. And a bunch of other stuff.
Arei reads manga and watches anime, but not too much like… others.
Ace really wants to throw chips at people’s faces for the hahas and the sillies.
Levi drinks tea because ye
Eden cannot take a hint when someone is making a move on her (why would they tbh,, she looks like a child) or doing anything suspicious around her, until a year later when it just pops in her head and she’s like oh. Oh.
Hu acts like a very strict mother at times, and a very careless mother at others.
Min gets good grades most of the time, but rages everytime she has an unpleasant grade for her standards.
J loves ties. Ties are cool.
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steddieas-shegoes · 11 months
Headcanon sentences!;
1. "You're going to be a good sad someday, Teddy bear" teddy bear = Eddie's nickname
2. "Saying yes to you was the best decision of my life"
3. Based on me playing Steddie in the Sims 4: Steddie playing Sims 4 and "How do you keep setting the stove on fire making Mac and cheese?!"
Okay assuming that's a typo and you meant dad this one's gooooood shit
No one had expected Max to be the first one with a baby, or a baby at all for that matter.
But here she was, 22 years old, Lucas by her side, holding their newborn baby boy with the biggest smile on her face.
She'd only given birth a few hours ago, Lucas' family coming in to visit before she even got a chance to take it in.
Eddie had never held a baby. Not once.
But he knew how to comfort Max, had been the best at it for the last 8 years or so. She looked exhausted, and he immediately put his arm around her shoulders and let her rest her head on his shoulder.
"Proud of you, Red. Look at this little gremlin. Poor thing looks like Lucas. Hope he grows out of that."
Lucas interrupted his own conversation with Steve to glare at him.
"You wanna hold him?"
Eddie couldn't exactly turn that down, not when Max looked like she was kind of asking for a break without actually asking for one.
She gently placed the sleeping baby in his arms.
He felt it immediately: the why someone would put their body through this, the why people choose to throw a specific type of fun out the window to have kids.
"Decided on a name?"
Max leaned her head up from where she'd rested it on her pillow.
"Yeah. Steve? Stop talking to Lucas and come look at my baby."
Steve did as she asked, like he always did. It was no secret she was tied for favorite kid with Dustin.
"Steve, Eddie, this is Andrew Steven Sinclair."
Eddie and Steve looked up at her together, equally surprised by the name choice.
They both cried, and Max rolled her eyes, but didn't tease them about it, probably already warned to be kind by Lucas.
Steve held him for a few minutes, walking around the room and gently rocking his arms to keep him asleep.
Eddie watched until it was his turn again.
He held him for nearly 30 minutes before Steve finally told him they needed to go and let Max and Lucas rest and bond with Andrew alone.
As they left the hospital, Eddie kept rambling about things he wanted to buy for Andrew, things he wanted to do with him as he got older. It continued on for the entire drive to their apartment in the city and even over dinner that night.
Finally, Steve kissed him, effectively shutting him up long enough to talk.
"You're gonna be a good dad someday, teddy bear."
Eddie blushed.
He saw it now. He saw what Steve wanted so badly and now he wanted it too.
He'd make sure they had it somehow.
2. This could be so sappy but what if it was funny instead
It was late.
They were tired.
Food didn't make itself and they were way too exhausted to do it themselves.
"I could just call in pizza."
Steve had turned down takeout already because of their budget or whatever, but Eddie was too hungry to care about a budget now.
"Fine. But just a small. No drinks or breadsticks."
Eddie jumped up before Steve could change his mind.
Because it was so late, the pizza was delivered quickly. Weird how no one else wanted pizza delivery at one in the morning.
They both let out loud moans at the first bite, smiling at their pizza slices like they found long lost loves.
"Aren't you glad I convinced you to order pizza?"
"Saying yes to you was the best decision of my life."
"And they call me the dramatic one!"
"Shut up and eat your pizza."
3. Okay but actually funny story one time I did forget I was boiling water to make mac and cheese (I was in like 6th grade leave me alone) and nothing caught on fire but the kitchen sure didn't smell good for a while
In a strange turn of events, Eddie took on a nanny job when they moved to Chicago. It paid well and he was guaranteed off for any shows his band played, plus all the major holidays and half of summer.
It paid so well, in fact, Steve could focus on his college classes instead of also having to work.
Every Monday, instead of going to the family's house, they dropped their five year old daughter, Emily, at Steve and Eddie's apartment.
They'd have a full day of walking to the park at the end of the block on nice days, or playing with Eddie's "for fun" guitar, or laying out tons of paper across the kitchen floor and finger painting, or playing princess and dragons.
Eddie was great at it. Except for the whole cooking part.
Usually, meals were prepped already when he went to Emily's house. But on Mondays, he had to make lunch and dinner for her.
He stuck to sandwiches for lunch, but dinner could get rough.
He managed to do okay with microwaving chicken nuggets or cooking frozen pizzas.
But he'd gone through two stoves from trying to make mac and cheese.
He was persistent though, knew if he just focused on only the mac and cheese, nothing would burn or catch on fire or break.
Unfortunately, Emily chose to have a Code Red Emergency just when he added the pasta to the pot.
It's fine, I have 8 minutes to fix what she needs me to.
Emily had broken one of the minifigures that Eddie used for D&D and she was heartbroken. Eddie explained it could be fixed, he'd just glue it tonight and she could play with it again next week, but she was inconsolable.
Naturally, he got distracted trying to help her and the smoke alarm started going off.
"That's a bad word!"
"I know!"
Eddie managed to handle it before the fire got big, but their mac and cheese was burnt and he would just have to settle for some fish sticks.
Emily got picked up and her parents smirked at the smell and slight haze to the air, but didn't comment.
Steve, however, wasn't going to ignore it.
"Oh my God, you did it again didn't you?"
"Did what?"
"How do you keep setting the stove on fire making mac and cheese?!"
"Emily was having a crisis!"
"We're going to have a crisis if you don't get to it in time and burn the whole apartment complex to the ground!"
They made a new rule that night that he wasn't allowed to make any kind of pasta anymore unless Steve was home to watch.
He'd feel stupid if it wasn't such a good idea.
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italoniponic · 2 years
May i request headcanons for the vice dorm leaders with an gn!s/o who sleep walks? And sometimes wakes up in random places?
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
| Notes: Hi, anon! I know that Ruggie isn’t a vice leader but I just wanted to include him. Yeah, I’m that shameless Even tho it took so long (that’s the thing about long groups), the first thing I thought of was the places where the reader could wake up at. And that was the funniest part lol I mean, there’s such pretty weird choices here, definitely. Hope you like! Also, there’s this debate whether only first-years have to share rooms or only dorm leaders have their own room but let’s just assume in this specific story that vice leaders have their own room too, maybe by the side of their leader’s ones just some sudden realization while writing almost the entire request Thanks for the request <3 |
Trey Clover, Ruggie Bucchi, Jade Leech, Jamil Viper, Rook Hunt, Lilia Vanrouge x g!n reader who sleep walks / vice dorm leaders / headcanons / a bit of fluff / use of “you” pronouns
Cherry's Harvesting event 🍒 Masterlist
With Love, Sleepwalker
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Trey never believed in coincidence or fate. If something happened, it was a mere consequence of a previous action. But he couldn't say exactly what happened that night. Trey felt a momentary pain in his throat and went down from the bedroom to the kitchen to make a hot chocolate, hoping to appease the discomfort a little with something warm;
Heartslabyul at night is strangely quiet. Red, black and blue wallpaper hallways surrounded by different decorations look monochrome under the evening shadows, losing their style and becoming monotonous. That's an impression Trey always had the few times he needed to walk around during the night;
When Trey turned on the kitchen light, he didn't notice anything special — he was still kind of sleepy. Before going to bed, he took some things off the main counter that was in the center of the kitchen, leaving only the recipe book and a plate of donuts for the students to eat and not open the refrigerator;
But the moment he went to get the milk, he felt something different when he deposited the box on the counter. Normally, the wood was hard but at that moment it seemed soft? Almost alive...? Trey then recognized you lying there, fully asleep and undisturbed, the empty donut plate full of crumbs on top of your belly;
Trey took a step back, trying to recover from his fright and then he saw the cookbook and its metal stand slumped to the floor. Well, he thought he heard some noise a few minutes ago but he assumed it was just an impression. So it was you all along? Have you walked from Ramshackle to Heartslabyul only to lie down in the kitchen?;
Once you commented that you had sleepwalking problems and sometimes, in these unconscious wanderings, you woke up in the most inhospitable and unexpected places. “Gracing us with a visit, huh?,” Trey asked, laughing softly, knowing you couldn't answer at the moment;
Trey felt sorry for you. He could only imagine the trouble that these crises gave and the worries that it must cause for you. Then, after a few minutes, he prepared two cups of hot chocolate and woke you up from your dream world. You seemed as surprised as he did to have woken up in such a place. But you thanked for the hot drink;
Trey promised to keep the incident a secret and you apologized for the inconvenience you caused. It actually livened up Trey's night a bit — and he told you that clearly. Finding you was never boring, something interesting always happened. You said goodbye at the dorm gate and Trey joked that you could come back literally any time you wanted;
And he really meant it. For the next few nights, Trey spent studying until a little later, slowing down his teeth brushing and always being aware of his surroundings, especially at evening, in case you suddenly appear — conscious or not. He just wanted to be able to spend more time with you. Also, as hard as it is to explain, it was a good feeling that he found a side of you that your closest friends maybe didn’t have seen yet;
One night, fate presented Trey with a new chance. He heard some flamingos quacking and upon meeting Riddle in the hallway, he promised he would check what it was. The half-alert, half-sleepy leader was grateful and let the vice go to the gardens. There Trey found the reason for all that chaos: you were lying in the middle of the garden, surrounded by hedgehogs and the flamingos seemed to judge your carefree way;
“Your dreams are going to be more comfortable if you lie on a couch, at least,” Trey said as he took you in his arms, scooped some grass and dirt out of your pajamas, and led the two of you into the dorm's lounge room. He laid you down on a sofa, covered you with a blanket and took a place for him in the closest armchair, where he could watch over your sleep until he himself slept too.
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Ruggie didn't have much of a habit of staying up late, but that night he stayed in the dorm’s lounge until late to finish writing an alchemy report — which he couldn't finish earlier because he helped Sam tidy up the stash in exchange for a payment. The good news is that he would be able to buy a better dish in the cafeteria for lunch tomorrow;
However, as he was reaching the conclusion, Ruggie thought he heard a noise of footsteps. He wondered if any dorm students might be wandering around in the middle of the night, but he didn't bother to check anything out. He was not a bird to stick his beak where it was not called;
The noise suddenly stopped and was replaced by a thud that caught Ruggie’s attention even more. He sighed, giving up the report and looking out the window to check what should be happening outside. It was dark but, the Moon could show the silhouette of someone lying between the horns of the elephant skull of the front yard and at that moment, the breeze brought a smell that didn’t belong to that dorm;
More curious and shocked, Ruggie descended to confirm your presence in that rather unusual locality. He stared at you for a minute, bewildered. You were sleeping on the floor, arms around the two horns as if it were the arms of a throne. Comfortable as a stray cat sleeping in the trash. It was impressive;
Ruggie then remembered the sleepwalking problem you vaguely commented on once. He turned his head a little, holding back laughter. Well, from the way you were sleeping, you didn’t seem troubled. Ruggie crouched down and pulled your cheek, laughing a little when you woke up in an alert state. “Rather a hyena than a vulture, don't cha think?”;
You scratched your eyes, not yet fully awake to process Ruggie's jokes. He offered you his hand to get up and you went inside together, where he poured you a hot tea — which you expected to exist in that wild place. Ruggie and you chatted a bit, him still having fun at the expense of your awkward decision of place to sleep;
After you explained your condition better, Ruggie promised not to tell anyone about the incident. Since he still wanted to be close to you, he escorted you back to the Ramshackle and made sure you got to your bed safely. When he returned, he barely managed to complete the report because the image of you sleeping so adorably didn’t leave his head;
The next morning, when Jack passed by, he found it strange to smell a trace of your scent on the elephant skull and asked Ruggie if he knew anything. Ruggie gave an excuse that you stopped by the dorm to ask for help with your studies and he, as a good veteran and friend, decided to help you. Such a good deed made Jack give him a cute admiring gaze;
The two of you didn't get to touch on the subject of sleepwalking much more after that, but you kept talking normally. Ruggie finished the report but that night was unforgettable. If he could help you with anything — he would, really. That’s why, before going to bed, he would sweep the horizon with his eyes to check whether you would appear or not;
But all that caution didn't leave Ruggie sufficiently prepared for when your sleepwalking crisis struck again. He woke up in the middle of the night and went to have a snack in the kitchen when he caught your scent again. Keen ears and bright eyes, he sought your presence around the dorm’s ground floor;
And he found you sleeping near the lounge’s fountain. You were so relaxed, spread out on the ground like sand. Your snoring sounded low, mixing with the quiet noise of the small waterfall nearby. “Sleeping without worries,” Ruggie smiled to himself. He took you in his lap and left you lying on one of the chaise loungers nearby, taking the other to be next to you. Ruggie watched you sleep, a silly smile on his face.
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The kitchen clock struck midnight. Jade sighed. A sigh that no one heard or could see because he was hiding in Octavinelle’s kitchen, having only his phone with the low light of the screen as a companion. Jade was distracting himself by looking at mushrooms while waiting for the mysterious dorm invader to show up so he could ambush him;
A few weeks ago, on different days, petty thefts happened in the kitchen stock, someone almost dived into the aquarium and found Floyd's secret stash of snacks. All this probably at late night, where there was no one in the lounge or walking around. Azul had Jade make the first night's round and Floyd would follow the next night;
Whoever it was, Jade should get explanations. In the worst-case scenario, bust the idiot who thought themself worthy of rudely enjoying the Sea Witch's dorm. They had questioned all the students and Jade revealed that none was the culprit. But who would be the affronter anyway?;
Suddenly, Jade heard the sound of a door being slowly opened in the distance. He put away his phone and sneaked into the shadows, careful, to approach the stranger with lazy steps. Then the person seemed to climb onto something and collapse right there. A snore was heard and Jade turned on one of the chandeliers to find that you were lying on top of one of the lounge tables;
“What a fun surprise,” Jade grinned. They say the sea welcomes anything but your presence was really unexpected. Jade soon connected the dots, as you were fast asleep and didn't seem to notice where you were. You once commented on your sleepwalking problem and the consequences it sometimes brought you;
At the end of the day, you took food from the fridge because you must have thought you were still in Ramshackle and the other time, instead of climbing into bed, you dipped just one of your legs into the aquarium that adorned the walls. And Floyd didn’t have the best hiding places for his things — the other students were only afraid to steal from him. If you woke up at some point after doing these things, it's something Jade would have to figure out later;
Or at that very moment. Jade touched your shoulder, shook you a little and eventually you woke up. The first thing you saw was a pair of amused heterochromatic eyes, Jade's smile revealing his teeth from end to end. That was the definitive snap for you to understand that you were in Octavinelle... as it happened previous nights;
You begged Jade for mercy, asking him to understand something you hadn't yet found a way to control. Jade laughed and offered your admission to his club in exchange for his silence. To Jade's continued surprise and fascination, you accepted without a second thought. In fact, you seemed happier than he expected. Interesting…;
The next day, Jade only informed Azul that he had taken care of the problem — or part of it. Azul was surprised, but not too perturbed by his vice’s vague comment. Floyd just didn't get why you showed up at Jade's club room that afternoon;
Saying Jade solved the problem wasn't necessarily a lie, just as it wasn't true. But he went on to do more research on sleepwalking to find a way to offer you assistance and began pinpointing patterns for your sleepwalking adventures. In any case, it wasn't a bother for him to suddenly find you at night;
Jade had worked overtime that day and stayed a little longer in the lounge’s room to tend to his newest terrarium. At a certain time, he got up and went to check the Mostro Lounge that he had purposely left unlocked. You were comfortably lying on one of the leather sofas, immersed in your own dreams. “I'll find you a better place to sleep, lovely shrimpy,” Jade hummed softly, like a lullaby.
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Because of his life as the Asim’s family servant, Jamil was used to sleeping with one eye closed and the other open. Not literally, of course. But he was always on the lookout for any strange movement in the vicinity. A strange sensation woke him up suddenly and just to confirm that everything was fine, he left his room;
Sometimes Kalim couldn't sleep and kept wandering around Scarabia — that is until Jamil found him and put him back to sleep. But in a silent glance at the leader's room, Jamil saw that Kalim was sleeping soundly and peacefully. However, there was still something wrong in the shadows. Jamil closed the door and wandered around the halls a little more;
A short time later, he found the door to Kalim’s treasure room half-open. Would it be a thief or a murderer? Jamil swallowed hard. Even though the situation was different between him and Kalim after everything that happened, it wasn't like he could let a bad person try to kill him or hurt the dorm students. He needed to be careful and calmly resolve the situation;
With wand in hand, Jamil silently approached the treasure room and put his eye on the door’s crack to check what the situation was inside. Everything was dark. Should he assume that the thief was hiding or were they just stupid to do things on the shadows? Suddenly something touched Jamil and he almost died from a heart attack;
The magic carpet had touched his shoulder with one of its ends, calling him inside. Jamil frowned, wondering at that situation. The carpet then floated inside and turned on the light, while Jamil looked inside cautiously, half hidden behind the door. That's when he finally identified the cause of all that confusion;
Like Kalim, you were sleeping so soundly that you snored. And it was even surprising, considering that you were lying on a pile of gold coins and jewels. The magic carpet flew over you until it landed on your lap, like a blanket. You pulled it closer to you, turning to the side;
Jamil let out a sigh that he had been holding all this time. “It's not a thief or a murderer... just you. Good thing.” He couldn't believe this was happening to him. Jamil approached you, better observing your posture when sleeping. You had told him about your sleepwalking but it's the first time he's seen it up close;
You slept peacefully as if you were still in your bed in the Ramshackle, unaware of the completely different environment around you. Jamil ended up smiling, finding all that a little funny. Maybe that was because it was you. He lightly touched your face, then you woke up to the look of him staring at you. Were you still dreaming?;
Jamil led you into the kitchen for tea and explained his side of the story. You filled him with excuses, sad that you bothered him, and he listened to all this holding back a smile. You'd get cute worrying about him like that, just like when you're sleeping. Suddenly, you noticed that Jamil was looking away — you didn't notice that he was blushing;
A few more nights passed and Jamil began to give a redoubled look at Scarabia after dark. He didn't want to admit it to himself but he was looking forward to seeing you again. At the same time that he was looking out for sleepwalking things to help you — apparently hypnosis could help too — Jamil would like to witness you sleeping again;
And his wish came true on a given night. Jamil woke up for a moment to have a glass of water and got frightened when he saw you lying on the kitchen counter, stretched out like a sleeping tiger. He even forgot about his own thirst. “You’re really something, huh? Allow me to help then,” Jamil muttered as he took you in his arms, heading into the lounge where you could sleep peacefully on the cushions and tapestries and he could be by your side.
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Rook didn’t have the habit of waking up in the middle of the night, among other things because this could be detrimental to the good sleep routine that maintains a lovely and healthy skin. But naturally, he had a light sleep and sharp ears for any unusual noise. What woke him up was a strange rustling of the leaves of a tree on the outskirts;
It may seem ridiculous to comment on this, but Rook was well aware of the natural sound that the wind made in the trees. It was like a lullaby from Pomefiore’s garden. But the sound he heard was completely different. So Rook got up, closed his robe, and ventured out into the night;
Arriving in the forest, he was guided by the bright light of the moon so as not to warn the possible invader of his appearance. Due to past experiences, Rook acquired a hawk eye even in the darkness and his instincts were better than any night vision goggles. Suddenly he stopped at a certain tree and looked up;
“Oh, mon Dieu, it's Trickster!,” Rook covered his mouth and laughed softly, noting the high point among the tree branches you had climbed to sleep. You were so adorable, all perched up there like you were a little squirrel from the woods or a panther — just to take care of a lost boy, well anyways. His heart weighed with the consideration he would have to wake you up;
Rook knew that you were a sleepwalker, and sometimes, going out for a walk alone at night, you woke up in different places from where you were supposed to be. But life is really full of adventures! And he was so happy to see you there, sure that something in your heart guided you to the beauty and comfort of Pomefiore’s trees;
Nicely, Rook climbed into another part of the tree and woke you up. When you realized where you were, the tree seemed to feel your real weight. So, you fell... or almost. Rook came to your rescue and held you in his arms before you got hurt. You wished that it remained a dream because a lot of headache would come if someone found out what was happening there;
Rook promised not to give a peep about it and, still with you on his lap, led you to the gates of Pomefiore for you to return safely and quietly to the Ramshackle. He said something about unfortunately not being able to keep up otherwise he wouldn't leave your side anymore and you were glad it was dark enough for him not to notice your flushed face;
Rook slept comfortably that night, delighted with the feeling of having held you in his arms and being able to hear your heart with his own. Your little sleepwalking accident awakened old and good memories. Ah, Trickster, you’re an impressive creature even in the small things!;
On a walk through the garden the next morning, some first-year students noticed something strange in the tree on which you had been sleeping. Rook dramatically appeared and took the blame, glorious and unashamed of his supposed fondness for staying up in the trees and talking to the birds in the morning. Epel was the only one who was taken back at first but decided to leave Rook be;
A few nights followed until your next sleepwalking through the school grounds, but until then, Rook always took a quick walk around the dorm, memorizing alchemy formulas and checking to see if you were there before he went to sleep. Even if you didn’t meet, he would be ready to receive you;
Maybe Rook will change your nickname to Prefect “Somnolent” at some point, though your big trick that time was to walk drowsily down the halls of Pomefiore and end up lying on Rook's bedroom rug, as snug and comfortable as a house cat. Rook took a picture of that moment and decided, for the sake of your spine, to put you in his bed. “Good night, mon amour,” Rook said as soon as he finished covering you with the blanket and kissed your forehead. He took his place on the carpet, satisfied.
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The night was quiet in Diasomnia's dorm, everyone sleeping serenely while Lilia turned the night playing an online game. It was two in the morning when he took a break to stretch out and grab something in the kitchen to eat — he learned that it's part of the experience to eat some snacks while gaming. That's when he felt a strange presence around the castle…;
Lilia completely forgot about the snacks and went in search of the familiar presence that was climbing towards the roofs, also sending small bats to investigate the situation from afar. When Lilia arrived at the back of the castle, where the towers completed a circle and there was a stone terrace with gargoyles, he was relieved to find that it was just you;
Well... relief immediately gave way to surprise when Lilia took a closer look at you and saw that you were sleeping in the arms of a gargoyle with their hands outstretched. And you looked so comfortable there! Lilia soon remembered the time you commented on your sleepwalking and how sometimes you went out to walk asleep and woke up in strange places;
At least you were lucky enough to wake up in the old hospitable Diasomnia that doesn’t refuse entry to anyone, even people who weren’t invited to sleep there. Lilia laughed to himself as he watched you sleep for a while. Your sleep seemed peaceful and you snored. If no one knew you were there, they would think the gargoyle had come to life;
“Wake up, little human. Or the big bat will get you,” Lilia poked your cheek, seeing you resist the dream a little longer and then finally waking up. You got frightened to see him there and realize where you were. No wonder you were tired. You got out of Ramshackle and walked down the steps of that big castle until you got there;
Lilia, very understanding and entertained by the situation, offered you a hot coffee and the snacks he was planning to pick up in the kitchen. You accepted, awkwardly, not knowing what to do. If it was to have been discovered, you didn't want it to be Lilia. As much as he was tolerant of strange things, you didn't want to be a nuisance to him or end up making him think less of you — as if that was going to happen;
Actually, Lilia was more than happy to see you there and to have found you before everyone else. If it was Sebek, he would have woken up the whole dorm. Lilia, on the other hand, would keep this precious encounter in his own heart, grateful for your unusual visit during the night. In other conditions, this would be like the stories of knights visiting their beloved maidens and climbing the vines from the balcony counter. You only did it while sleeping;
After eating a little and having a hot drink, you felt sleepy again. Lilia offered to take you back to the Ramshackle with magic and despite your protests that he didn't need to worry, he veiled your journey and your sleep;
It was a little different from when he watched Silver sleeping when he was little. Lilia kept wanting you to sleep well and that nothing bad would happen, but it was a different kind of protectionism. He admired your sleepy expression, the soft play of your breath as if it were a song that only he knew how to appreciate;
In the nights that followed that, Lilia found himself checking your presence around the region, in case you had gone out to sleepwalk through Diasomnia again. Your instinct to not fall into the dorm’s moat was really impressive. But, more than concern, he wanted to see you again. It made him laugh with himself. At last old, dreaming like a young man;
One evening, Lilia was walking around nearby the thorn moat and found you lying at the dorm’s entrance, shivering with cold. He floated up to you and took you in his arms, smiling alone. “Come on, I'll get you a blanket and a comfortable bed, you incorrigible thing,” Lilia laughed softly. His bed might be a mess but it was good enough for you to continue your deep sleep.
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hauntingjasper · 1 month
Headcanons about our beloved Vampire King Marshall Lee?
(i love your art so much!)
Awww, thank you!! 🫶💖
Marshall Lee headcanons then:
1- His backstory is also slightly different from Marceline's. I really like the idea of him being raised in the Nightosphere with his mom, only visiting Ooo once in a while, and then permanently moving there for a freer life. I got that concept from the How To Warrior book! Baby Marshall was such a menace, I love him.
2- AU stuff but he and Fionna are roommates! The treehouse belongs to him, similar to how Marceline used to own it in Adventure Time, except he actually keeps it and lives there with Fionna and Cake. He moved his stuff to an attic that he was supposed to turn into a studio and made it his bedroom-house of sorts, he still comes out to have meals together and hangout. Schwabelle is also there, stealing Fionna's lunch every other day.
3- Speaking of Schwabelle, Marshall Lee adopted her as a kitten, and he was also the one who got her reanimated when she first passed away. He's unhealthily attached to that cat and WILL throw hands for her. Needless to say that he's a cat person.
4- He's Demisexual. I actually posted that on Twitter a while ago but not here uhhhh sorry then, he's one of us aces 🫶
5- He can't eat normal food because of his vampirism, it makes him feel nauseous and throw up. Normally he doesn't give a fuck, or he fills his food with red dye, he can still taste his meals even just by sucking out the color. He also drinks blood from time to time, because only drinking the red off things doesn't give him enough nutrients and it messes with his powers.
6- He's got a big sweet tooth. His favorite flavor is strawberry, and he also likes to drink maple syrup.
7- He often plays as a solo musician but I like to think that he's also in a band with a couple friends (said friends being ocs of mine but shhhh).
8- He can purr when he shapeshifts to his bat form (both small and huge), and he tends to get more cuddly as a bat. He curls into a ball like a cat does.
9- He hates getting sick, just the fact that he's still able to get sick even though he has healing powers pisses him off enough, but he also hates doctors and taking medicine. He spends like 2-3 days dying until he heals, or until someone drags him to a doctor.
10- He didn't inherit many demonic abilities from his mother, other than her soul sucking, but one that he did inherit is that he's able to move his body in a strange way, like Hunson does. He likes to scare people by rapidly turning his head back in 180°, which makes a nasty crack sound. Yes, he already pranked people by pretending to be dead with this amazing talent.
11- He watches a lot of vampire movies, he can go from tragic romances to the Rated-R ones. It's a personal interest of his that he doesn't share with anyone.
12- He can't get piercings or tattoos because of his healing powers, so he resorts to fake ones. If he could get a real piercing though, he'd get a tongue one.
13- He doesn't have a reflection in mirrors, so to be able to cut his hair and put on some dramatic makeup for concerts, he either trusts the process or gets a friend to help him. In addition to that, he often practices his makeup skills on Fionna's face, because she's closer and he likes to mess with her.
14- He likes to customize his own clothes, he knows how to sew and he has a lot of paint in his room for that. He also likes to draw posters for himself. He's pretty artsy.
Uhhhhh, what else, what else… I think that's all I have at the moment. Thank you for the ask!
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