#i mean he's def burning in hell and everything for all hes done
jq37 · 1 year
I'm really glad you've seen Starstruck, because it means you have the context for this. Every disastrous decision made this episode, were THOSE the stupidest things these people have ever done? I thought 'my farts smell awesome' was the lowest they could go, but look at that, they collectively found another layer beneath that. This has to be the biggest L the Intrepid Heroes ever took. Outside of a TPK, losing a Mcguffin is as rough as it gets. The RNG giveth and the RNG taketh away.
OK, now that I have that out of the way, holy hell that last episode took a full year off my lifespan I think. Murph saying that it was like Fabian's Bad Day on a loop was right. I've never watched an episode of a ttrpg and thought, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" so consistently. Even after watching the Adventuring Party I'm not 100% confident I understand what some of those moves were about. I am going to try and break down by thoughts on each interaction, roughly in order from least to most baffling to me.
*Red and the Beast*
If this was as crazy as things went, it would have been a pretty normal episode. I fully understand why Ylfa would want to talk to the Beast being a monstruous princess and all. And Emily's side-motivation of wanting to maybe get some potions that would help them travel without freezing to death made sense as well. Sure it was a little awkward, but in the way that all pre-teens are sort of awkward around people who they think are cool. She didn't spill any serious beans or burn any serious bridges. This one gets a pass from me. 
*Ger and Elody*
It probably feels like I'm ranking this pretty low. And I am if we're talking in pure terms of cause and effect. Because loudly and weirdly spilling the beans the way that he did was a TERRIBLE move tactically and DEF alerted the princesses to their plan. BUT I wasn't CONFUSED about why it happened. Ger had a thing to do that made sense--find out if his wife was in on the erase everything plan and fill her in if not/try to convince her to switch sides if so. He had a reason to get frustrated and do something stupid. This was, in my eyes, a good plan that went poorly because of bad dice rolls and Murph's commitment to character. So while it was VERY unfortunate, I'm not actually confused about why the desperate frog man who is known for being awkward was weird and awkward to his wife in a dire situation so it didn't really frustrate me in the same way that some of the other scenes did. We also got one of one only pieces of new information in this episode--that it doesn't seem like Elody is in on the plan (though with his trash Insight rolls, who even knows). I wish he'd taken Roz with him to back up his story right away (and give him advantage of dice rolls). I also wish he'd brought Roz with him so she wasn't able to do her own solo mission. Speaking of...
*Roz and Snow*
This is not a conversation that needed to happen tactically. I was like, why is this going on? Just because everyone is having a little chat doesn't mean you have to have a little chat too. I will admit that by the time I got here, I was feeling so much second hand cringe that I missed a bit of the conversation. But I do know that Roz told Snow that she told the entire group about their chat and that they were fine with it. WHY TELL HER THAT??? The plan was clearly told to Roz with the understanding that it was for her ears only. Why immediately be like, "So I talked it over with the squad..." You're showing your hand! You're telling Snow you're not really aligned with the Daughter's of the Crown. If you were going to talk to Snow, why not try to figure out what the actual plans are wrt the erase the world endgame? They really don't know anything about the specifics of the plan. Just some nebulous talk about spilling ink. Why is no one asking questions about this? How are they supposed to stop a plan they don't understand?  Anyway, I think this conversation didn't need to happen and while it wasn't as disastrous in effect as Ger's convo, his had a good reason for happening while I don't think this one did which is why it frustrated me more. 
*Pinnochio and Cindy*
OK so this one frustrated me a TON because it had so much potential for getting information and moving the story forward but that's not what happened at all! As a sidenote, I was surprised but excited when they showed up at the castle and the Snow Queen fight was already over offscreen because I was like, "Man! We're going to get so much good information next episode!" Haha, nope! This conversation started off really strong with Pinnochio saying that they're kinda step-sibs which I thought was a great opener and something I hadn't really considered. I thought he was going to maybe bring up how the stepmother's goal seems to be fucking with stories (in a similar way to what they want) and seeing how she reacts. Or maybe following the thread about how she ALSO feels like she doesn't have agency in her story because she's a puppet of a narrative without even a name. And I don't want to assume but seems like Brennan was giving him the opening to go there like when Cindy was talking about "her own story" and Pinnochio was like, "She doesn't have one" Cindy seemed willing to talk down that thread but it was dropped really quickly. And this whole conversation had such a dissonant vibe where it was like Cindy was in Crown of Candy and Pinnochio was in Fantasy High or even Starstruck in terms of seriousness. Which, from a comedy standpoint, was extremely funny but from a narrative standpoint was like, Pinnochio...I'm begging you...please...ask her one direct question. Lou said he was playing up Pinnochio's childishness because he's a child in a weird situation which, sure I guess. But man. It was a very funny scene but not very narratively fulfilling.
*Pib and Cindy and a Window*
Pib readying the horses? The most competent move of the session! Pib unilaterally deciding to try to push her into her book? Why???? Like, OK. I wouldn't have told her about the book if I was Pinnochio--at least not without consulting the group. BUT once the proverbial cat was out of the book, why not let her have it? It might give her some perspective she doesn't already have and you might be able to sway her into being an ally. I feel like Cindy and Snow while true believers in the plan, aren't beyond reason. They don't strike me as gung ho about the entire situation. They give me the energy of people who are exhausted and on their last resort. I honestly feel like there is a world where this is all salvageable if they'd let her have her book without going full hostile. Maybe it's not the most LIKELY option. But I think there was a chance. But nope. Initiative. Even if they'd gotten her in, what's the next move? You're in a palace full of her allies and none of you have rolled more than a ten all session! Were you going to hold her hostage and run? Like, bruh. If they wanted to leave, they should have just left! Why did they make a whole production about it? I swear, they stayed in the castle the exact worse length of time. Not long enough to get any info, but too long to leave gracefully. Anyway, I thought this was a wild decision to just make. 
*Princess Interlude*
This isn't a part of the breakdown. This is just something I wanted to talk about. We really don't know how much the princesses know about The Situation and that's a big piece of the puzzle for us to know how BAD of a plan this is with the info they have. Because one of the few things we learned this episode is that Cinderella is surprised that the Stepmother doesn't have her own book. If they think that each person has their own book and they can write themselves out of existence without it affecting anyone else then this is actually a suicide pact and not a murder-suicide pact which still isn't GREAT but it's not WORLD ENDING which is decidedly less selfish. I still think it's an insane thing to try without having a full understanding of their world but if you're only playing with your OWN lives, then that's your right. 
And wrt to the PCs, since they were spilling the beans left and right, why not be like, cool. Ink spilling. Great plan. Now what about the Auroratory?  Because their stories don't just exist in ink. They're oral tradition, baby. I'm sorry you don't like your lives but ink spilling isn't going to solve everything. 
Finally, I need to go back to past episodes where the princesses are lamenting to be sure, but I'm honestly not 100% sure what it is they're so distressed about. There is an element of fighting for free will but I'm not sure what it is they think they don't have control over. Because surely if they had no free will, they wouldn't be able to fight their stories at all, right? And if it's just that they're stuck with all their memories from all their lives, Witches do that all the time, right? Can they just not handle the Everything, Everywhere, All At Once lifestyle because they're not inherently magical and they're cracking under the pressure? From what I remember from the previous episode, it sounded like Cindy and Snow were distressed over the *existence* of dark versions of their story which is why they wanted to destroy everything completely. But also, isn't darkness just a thing you have to accept if you're going to have free will? And also, I don't know that it makes sense to destroy the entire world just because there are timelines where bad things happen (especially when the worst things don't even happen to them). Who awakened these princesses in the first place? Based on the introductions, we're led to believe it's Cindy and Snow who were the first ones, but now that we've met Rapunzel, I have my doubts. And speaking of her, back to the list.
*Tim and Raps*
Tim what were you THINKING?????????
God, where to begin. Ally said they weren't sure if Raps was in on it or not two APs in a row which is baffling to me because I thought Brennan telegraphed it pretty hard that Raps was both very clever and very fake. We first hear about her trying to deceive the Baba Yaga (one of the SCARIEST NPCs who even DEATH doesn't fuck with) and getting away with her tongue intact. Then, on a really high insight check, the party learns nothing about her, except that she's so shiny you can't really read her. Suspicious as hell. THEN, we learn that she has hair that's everywhere that can potentially be used to spy on people. And when she describes murdering the Snow Queen, she says it in the most politician-y, obfuscate-y, side-stepping culpability way possible. YEAH. I THINK SHE'S IN ON IT. I am floored that it wasn't obvious that she was full team nuke everything. The twist to me would be if she was secretly GOOD. I was wondering if the was the actual mastermind, I didn't even realize we were discussing whether she was IN ON IT.
But like, OK. That aside. Whether you are going in thinking she's good and misled or fully in on it, THIS WAS AN INSANE WAY TO HANDLE IT.
If she's GOOD and just awkward from how she was socialized you're being weird and aggro to her. 
If she'd BAD and being manipulative you're being super clumsy and antagonizing her. 
My heart SUNK when Brennan revealed that. Like, GOD I didn't think that could have gotten worse and then it did. 
And it's made worse because this is 100% a conversation that didn't need to happen. If I walked in and Raps was there, at most I would ask her about how her hair worked so we maybe knew for tactical reasons. That's not a crazy question to ask a person with magic hair that's everywhere so she wouldn't necessarily have a reason to be suspicious. And then guess what? I'm GONE. Just, based on second hand embarrassment and mechanical effect (LOSING THE BOOK), this is by far the worst conversation all episode and that's saying something.
(Also, RIP Mira who's going to wake up to a VERY different situation than when she went to sleep.)
The last thing I want to say about this episode is I kind wish that either Roz or Ger or both had died in their rescue plan. Not as a punishment mind you. While it was a tactically bad move, I think it's totally in character that Ger would have tried to go back for his wife and that one of his friends would have joined him. But we haven't had that many deaths this season and I feel like some more death exposition might give us more about what's going on. Because I feel like we only have a small piece of the puzzle, and there's not that many eps left to go. You know how in Stranger Things, the plot always ends up split between three groups and none of them actually know what's going on until they all communicate in the penultimate episode? That's how I feel right now except it's the PCs, The Princesses, The Faries, and the Librarians.
It's also potentially illuminating for Elody if the princesses are willing to kill Roz and Ger (I assume they'd bring back at least Roz). And if they were split up from the main party, that's an interesting place for them to be story-wise.  (Also, if they brought back Ger but were like Elody he's in the dungeon, don't talk to him he'll fill your head with lies. But she visits him anyway, just like when he was a frog at the pond...but I'm just writing mental fanfic now.) My point is there was potential there for us to get interesting info (and story beats) there which is why I was kind of rooting for it. This whole episode was a big bust with regard to moving towards any sort of goal and they really just made their situation severely worse to no real end. And now the princesses who want to end the world have the most powerful device in all of story. 
(Coda: Where is Scher with her "We're real enough" energy to talk the princesses out of their spiral? For the love of story, I am losing my mind here.)
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halfmoth-halfman · 9 months
I sincerely hope we get to see a new form of Canary after all this carnage. Like she went through hell, scraped out of there barely alive, barely together, and on the other side of this she finds this special kind of confidence. A confidence that lets her stand on her own without feeling the need to run from Graves. It'd be the kind of confidence that burns cities down, make her horrible father grin from the grave, have Price and co. looking at her in pure disbelief.
But I also hope she doesn't. As much as I love that kind of post trauma transformation, I feel Canary's path takes her to rescued animal mentality. She's grateful but she is oh so skittish. She'll run if you get too close too quick. Price won't be able to comfort her through touch (that's gone, buddy.) It's going to be sitting in silence, slowly reacclimating to not living in fight or flight, learning to rewire and trust her mind and her body again. Ptsd is a complex and tricky bitch. It's gonna rock everyone's world.
I loved the coat scene. It was so tragically beautiful in the depiction of that pure panic that comes from the fear of an abuser. It felt real and authentic. I always find panic attacks the hardest to write/read because they're so easy to get slightly wrong, and this was perfectly done. I love that Ghost is the one who got her in that moment. He's the perfect one to see it for what it is and rescue her from that spiraling pit.
This fic is a hard read only because of how heavy it gets. Yet, it's that very heaviness that pulls you in and makes you stay. It isn't self-indulgent in these dark themes. Each is used carefully and purposefully to create a world in which your readers feel their chests aching with each disaster that strikes Canary. You've gotta be ready to walk into this one, and I appreciate how thoughtful your warnings are before each chapter. I felt adequately prepared without anything being spoiled.
I didn't intend to write so much, but your fic has plagued me since I read it all in one sitting the other night. There are so many layers to it that I enjoy watching reveal themselves with each new event. I'm genuinely excited to see what happens next. Canary has been severely injured. I have a feeling there is going to be some temporary mobility issues/needing help frequently that is going to bring a lot of this trauma to the forefront right away.
there's only so much i can say without going into spoiler territory, but we'll def get a different canary after this. i feel like it's a combination of the two, she's confident and ready to burn everything to the ground when it comes to graves and makarov, but in private, when she's alone or with the 141, a lot more of that skittishness and paranoia comes out.
we've seen that touch is like the go-to form of comfort for a lot of the 141 so there's going to be difficulty navigating how to comfort her when she doesn't want to be touched. it's gonna be a long and complex journey for everyone involved, esp canary because there's things that she probably didn't even realize have affected her but now will come to the forefront because she's in a much more relaxed environment.
the coat scene was one of the first scenes i had fully planned out for the series! i wasn't fully sure who was going to be the one to find her (originally it was valeria and farah) but i knew it'd be a moment where canary was so panicked that it wouldn't matter how scared she was of the 141 member that found her, she just needed to get the coat fixed because graves and makarov being mad at her was worse than anything the 141 could do to her. in the end, it just felt right that ghost would be the one to find her, since he was the one who accused her in the first place. it's a very "here's the direct consequences of your actions" moment for him.
i get what you mean about panic attacks in fics, but i know they're hard to nail down since everyone can have different experiences with them. most of the panic attack scenes in designer dress i pull from my own experiences and things i've felt with my own anxiety.
i knew when i started doing a mob!au that there were going to be some dark themes since that's very common in this genre, but i tried/am trying to make sure it's not a dark fic if that makes sense? i, myself, am very sensitive to certain triggers so i always try to make sure i give the proper warnings for every chapter and am always open if anyone needs something tagged that i may have missed (within reason ofc)
i appreciate you going into so much detail here omg, this is very thoughtful and so sweet. things are def going to be difficult for canary going forward, but there's a more hopeful vibe to it—she's healing and getting therapy and relearning how to trust again which won't be easy but will be better for her in the end.
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leia-lee-k · 1 year
I’ve got a lot of thoughts about the state of minds of both the main leads in Love Like the Galaxy post the 5-years seperation. To avoid spoilers I’ve put them under the cut. ;)
HBY’s actions after the 5-year separation make a lot of sense to me based on his character in the drama (he is def different than the one in the novel). He is operating under 3 main issues.
He knows and understands CSS more now and doesn’t believe she will ever forgive him. Obviously, he wants to get back with her, has been since before he even left for those 5 years, but he also knows that it’s going to be nearly impossible for her to forgive him. He doesn’t expect it at all. You can see that when he tries to dismiss himself from CSS’s parents after the Empress’s death, but that scene also highlights the next issue, which is...
He is still pretty socially inept. It’s one of his flaws. While he does get better at it while dating CSS, it never really goes away. He has no idea what words to use or how to use them. This man doesn’t really have a filter, he usually says what he means and means what he says, but is smart enough to know when not to speak. His poetic, smooth flirts with CSS? Just him being honest and speaking from his heart. After the 5 years, when he doesn’t believe he can show his heart to her anymore, what can he say? He doesn’t believe he has the right to speak openly to her about his feelings. Mostly because...
He respects the hell out of CSS. One thing I love about HBY throughout the show is his respect for CSS. She tells him that she can’t trust him and give her heart to him anymore? Then he will bow out respectfully. He won’t pressure her. He may be devoted to her and will never love anyone else, but he won’t put his own feelings onto her. He did this when she was previously engaged so... 
That’s why we don’t see him beg. We might want to see him beg after what he did, but that doesn’t seem to be his character in the drama. We want to see him fight hard for her, and be relentless like we know he can be, but he has had 5 years to think of everything he has done and he’s mellowed out a bit. And he treats his relationship with CSS like he treats his heart and his heart is pretty bruised after the 5 years, so he absolutely has to be careful with it. Thus he holds back, much to the dismay of the viewers, me included.
As for CSS? I’ve seen a lot of people upset at her ice queen act. I’ve watched LLTG about a billion times now and I think I understand why she seems that way. Namely? She is fighting depression and grief hard. She states that HBY is her true love and the show has kinda hammered it hard that CSS is the type to love deeply. She mirrors HBY to a ridiculous degree. Some of her main issues throughout the show have been:
Her abandonment issues.
Her low self-esteem/self-image.
Her anger issues.
Learning to love and learning to forgive (she learned to love pre the 5-years seperation).
Her anger issues have always been very subtle but there are signs here and there. “Venting her anger” has been quoted a few times in the show. It makes sense that she is angry and it ties heavily with her abandonment issues. 
CSS states that she had to put down her anger issues during their seperation, so she no longer has that burning intensity that she used to have. It’s off-screen, which I think was a poor choice in storytelling but you can piece it together after a few re-watches (or if you’re really good at retaining info during your first watch). Like HBY, she has mellowed out or matured out of her anger, which means she doesn’t have that to fuel her. Her depression and sadness then take center stage. What about her other issues though?
When HBY abandons her or plans his murder/suicide while leaving her out of the loop, it rips open a wound that has never truly healed. Throughout the show, we can see that CSS is affection starved because of her parents leaving her with relatives that didn’t give a piss about her, or AKA abandoning her at her birth. It becomes an even larger wound when her mother comes home and gives her zero affection. And while CSS eventually gets the affection she needs from both the Empress and HBY, what she really needed was stability from someone showing her affection (which is why the Empress plays such an important role in CSS’s life). But that only comes with time. Her abandonment issues were something only time could heal (with continued assurances from someone CSS could rely on). In the show, she only had a year with her family before her wound was reopened.
5 years under the care and love of the Empress gave her that. She needed that time, to not only let go of her anger, or to rebuild her shattered self-image*, but to build up the assurance of stability. She also knew the Empress was sick, but it allowed her a semblance of a rock-solid foundation for a decent amount of time. 
*(She was going to be HBY’s wife, he -and the Empress ofc- gave her confidence, but the feeling of being not good enough was going to resurface when HBY did what he did. It was good that she found it again when she made a career for herself as the Palace Chief.)
So what was left? She matured, but her heart was still “dead” as per her words. Someone who is sad and depressed isn’t going to be very lively, which is why she seems like an ice queen. She isn’t being mean or emotionless, she is just in a place of deep sadness where other emotions have a hard time coming forward. When you’re that sad, you do become a bit numb to everything else as well. So to heal from that sadness, she had to come forth and return to the waking world outside the palace. And she was forced to with the Empress’s death and HBY’s return.
For CSS to move forward she needed to learn to forgive. And the start of that was with her family, her parents, the first people to abandon her. Not with HBY. That’s why the “move on” scene was both heartbreaking and needed. She wasn’t ready to forgive him, the timing was off, but she needed to hear him apologize first. She needed the assurance that he would be okay because she would always think of him but couldn’t be with him. With that, when her mother apologizes, tells her that they’ll never leave her again, and asks to give them a second chance, she could accept it (and you start to see her old troublemaker self come back with her asking her father which of 3 gave him the worst headache lol). She then has a shaky but possible new foundation. Her grandmother then apologizes (she overhears so it’s not direct) and CSS realizes she needs to focus on the people that love her. That scene parallels the one at the beginning where she says she needs to be more solitary and think of herself.
Now she is ready to hear and forgive HBY. (It’s why she ends her engagement talks with YS.)
CSS is still stubborn ofc, so it takes a death scare, but his words of regret reach her and they get back together. That’s when you start to see her thaw. You start to see her being happy again. Unfortunately this is where the 10-episode cut/edit really hurt the show. We only get 1 and 1/4 of an episode to see her come back to herself. We see her defend the village, then tease and smile with HBY, but we don’t fully get to see our old CSS return within such a short time. We can infer, that yes, she will be her old self soon enough (and even better), but we don’t see it on screen. That’s why I think a follow-up movie is needed tbh. 
But yes, it makes sense for her to seem so frigid after the 5 years because the focus was on her sadness/depression and her grief at being apart from her one true love. A lot of her other development happened within the time skip and left her with only a little bit more to go before she was fully developed. She needed that entire time to process a lot of things emotionally (and imo, something we needed to see on screen, the final episodes were poorly done sadly). Not so much for HBY, the poor boy, he probably pieced together his folly within a few months and the rest of the time he was just in a time-out for his bad behavior. 
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
For one day
Jax Teller x f reader fluffy Drabble
An: This is like a pre-drabble, some fluff to lighten the blow of this one. You can see this as one of readers memories w/ Jax OR read it as it’s own thing
Warnings: none
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“I’ll take care of it.”
You lean closer, grab his kutte and kiss him on the lips. “You sure? So much needs to get done at the house.”
“Everything’s quiet right now. I have the whole day.” Jax replied.
You raise your brows, “I dunno. You know how to do many things Jax. But taking care of a house?” You chuckle.
“Hey,” he wraps his arms around you, drawing your body closer to his, “I can handle it. What, laundry can’t be that hard. Or making dinner. Just don’t expect some 5 star thing.” His expression is a mix of amusement and confidence. “I mean it. Go, spend the day with your friends. Thank you for everything you do. You’ve made the house beautiful. The least I could do is take over for a day.”
“Okay,” you touch his face with your hand and caress his beard, “don’t burn anything down. Keep an eye on the appliances.”
As you step away from him, Jax pulls you back into his arms and steaks another kiss. After a brief embrace, he watches you get in the car and drive off.
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After a whole day out with friends, you return home feeling refreshed and energized.
Through the day, you checked in with Jax via text, he assured you everything was going fine. It was no secret the guy was pampered, women spoiled him his whole damn life, especially his mother. You honestly were sure he never did his own laundry before today.
Upon entering the house, things appear good at first glance. The living room is decent, not your version of clean but definitely Jax’s version. Then it hits you, the smell of burned food.
On the way to the kitchen, you nearly trip over a basket of overflowing laundry. Stepping over it, you enter the kitchen.
“Jax! I’m home.” You announce in-between laughs. The kitchen is a mess. The sink full of dishes. On the floor, by the fridge sits there empty grocery bags.
At least nothings on fire
Jax appears behind you, he hugs you and kisses the side of your face.
“So, looks like you had everything under control.”
Holding you from behind, his beautiful blue eyes connect with yours. “It was a disaster. I finally got the smoke alarm to stop half an hour ago.”
When you burst into a laughing fit, he laughs too.
“What the hell were you trying to cook?” You asked. “Why did you need every pot in the kitchen?”
“Some stupid recipe,” he grins then plants a kiss on your cheek, “sorry baby. I have pizza coming,” he turns you to face him,“it’s heart shaped.” He grinned.
“So proud of yourself.” You tease and rest your head against his chest. “The laundry. I’m afraid to ask.”
Jax is quiet. When you glance up again, he flashes that charming smile.
“You mixed the dirty ones with the new ones?”
“By accident.” He frowns.
“What am I going to do with you?” You playfully slap his butt. “That means you have to wash all of it. Again.”
Jax pouts, then tries to distract you with kisses. It works for a little while, then you pull away.
“Go, put all that in the wash. I’m going to open more windows and air this place out.”
Like a little kid sent to clean his room, Jax drags his feet on his way to the laundry bin.
“Do it right this time and you’ll get a treat.” You smile and open the living room window.
“Oh yeah, what kind?” He lifts the basket with ease, his biceps on display.
You wink and head to the next room, replying over your shoulder. “You’ll see.”
Personal head canon:,You cannot convince me this man can make anything more than a sandwich or bowl of cereal & he def never or rarely does his own laundry 😂 I still love him tho. This just a headcanon I’m def not saying this has to be true. Just my own head canon.
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More Jax /SOA
More Charlie
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet // Ethan Torchio
words // 2383
warnings // smut, clearly its nsfw headcannons
pairing // Ethan Torchio x GN!Reader (might be mentions that seem like they are for f reamer but comeon theres lingerie for every body 👁️👄👁️)
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. an apology to the people on my tag list i think i accidentally have not been tagging you this whole time i am so so so sorry omg
request // yes, it was a reblog i cant find it right now
summary // self explanatory
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Regarding you, Ethan is the king of after care. As rough as he can be in bed, that’s just how sweet he can be once you're done with it. Goes full on dad mode (don’t know how else to explain this). He will have water, painkillers if you’re now in pain, a washcloth to clean you up, new clothes, and of course the cuddles.
“I’m alright, Ethan. I can do it on my own,” you say as Ethan walks to you with the wet cloth ready to clean the mess he made on your body.
“I know you can, amore. I just want to take care of you,” he says as he leaves a kiss on your lips.
I can also see him being the one to make a big fat breakfast the morning after, or at least get up early to pick something up.
Now I also feel that he is in need of some aftercare. It depends on the day really, if he’s had a pretty rough day and all I feel like he’d ask for some backrubs after. In this case he’d fall asleep so quickly like omg. But on the biggest part I see him feeling the need to reassure you that the things he said (i think we already established that this man would call you a slut) are not how he feels about you and will be asking if you feel the same.
“Do you love me?”
“Wha- of course I do, Ethan! Where is this coming from?”
“I don’t know… I guess - I guess I am worried that you don’t after what I said.”
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
When it comes to himself I feel like he really likes his chest and arms. Like I don’t know but I see him really getting off with you pretty much mastubating on his chest. Ya know what I mean? (i think you do you little sluts). He pretty much enjoys anything you do on his chest. I can imagine him looking at the mirror after you two had sex, seeing the cum on his chest along with the marks you have left and just smiling.
“What are you looking at, love?” You ask, seeing as the man is standing in front of the bathroom mirror from your spot on the hotel bed.
“Nothing, just the mess you made.���
“Mhm, and I bet you like it, huh?”
“You have no idea… Hey, are you sure you got tired? Cause I think I can do another round.”
As for his arms, as I said, he simply really enjoys that he can man handle you anytime, get you in any position he likes and feel you scratching them from the pleasure.
When it comes to you, Ethan is an ass guy. Say what you want but the man is an ass guy, end of discussion. He loves anything that involves your but. It does not explicitly have to be something like anal. He simply enjoys seeing your butt and holding it in his hand. It does not matter if it’s big or not, if it has stretch marks or whatever. Wear lingerie that he likes or that itty bitty teeny weeny bikini if you wear them or even some tight pants that make your butt just poìp and he can not contain himself.
I think I have said that to someone here (i think I had sent an ask to zodi @ icouldbeyourputtet) before but I feel like this man is very into spanking, like not even the rough malicious way. but this very wholesome chill way.
You had been talking about it all day, not having had a minute alone with each other for days, you could only dream what you could do that night after everyone left.
A playlist was playing in the background and a cigarette was burning on the ashtray next to your legs, you assuming a similar position, as said cigarette, bent over Ethan’s lap as he caressed your ass cheeks and back, playing around with the lingerie set he had gifted you a while back. (Did I just go to search my fave porn vid, lol exposing myself, and get disappointed because I can’t find it and translate it into fanfiction? yes yes i did, so bare with what i can remember)
“It’s okay, baby, you can take a little more, come on,” he praised, leaving a spank and yet another soft rub on the very red cheek.
He continued, going with the music, a very nice pattern, not very rough spanks but just enough to cause pain, pleasure and redness all over. Accidentally the man landed a few very rough ones causing a gasp and a series of giggles as you practically fell off his lap.
“Ethan, what the hell?” You laughed getting up from the floor and this time sitting on the man’s lap, sharing kisses with him.
“What,” he copied your action and laughed, “it was not intentional. I got carried away by how nice your butt is.”
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He is and is not messy. He will not want the cum to be in every surface possible you know, he will be careful but at the same time this man just loves to see his cum on you, whether it’s your back or your stomach, or in you if you’re ok with it. I bet he has a teeny weeny breeding kink but not necessarily because of the idea of breeding you but rather because he looooves seeing his cum run out of you… I'm not sure if this falls in the breeding kink category but alright
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes to fuck you while watching porn.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I feel like he is pretty experienced. From what they band has said in interviews and stuff, he seems to be getting some pretty often (no one, NO ONE, is surprised at that). He is not acting arrogant tho (not unless that’s the dynamic of the night), he is willing to learn what works for you and you specifically
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
As I said this man is an ass guy so I’d say anything that involves having the view of your ass. Humor me but i think he’d really like 69 with a female/afab partner (don’t know if this works very well with two dick-baring people lol). It has it all, eating you out,
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I think it can be both with him. He will not exactly try to make jokes but if something like the previously mentioned spanking incident happens it’s def welcome.
Now as a general rule I see him being pretty serious. I will be honest, I’m getting brat tamer vibes from this man so it’s all pretty serious when you really get into it.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Considering he’s an Italian man and if you look at a lot of photos of him he def fit the ‘mediterenean’ man type. I see him just barely grooming. I don’t see him really shaving or whatever but he also wouldn’t want you to choke on pupic hair, he much rathers you choke on his dick
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It all depends, really. He can be quite intimate with you but it all depends on the moment. There are different occasions for everything. For example, and this is a paradox that I hope I’m explaining well enough to understand, he is not very rough (will not be very aggressive and stuff, like to the extreme those tik tok boys want to pretend they are with their * growling * ew) but he will be rough. intimidating looks, spanking just enough to make you feel pain and redden up your ass cheeks. He’s like that mostly when you are being bratty.
Most of the times, like we’re talkin kind of lazy sex moments, it more wholesome ig, like very intimate and just comfortable and almost comforting. Ok, but like why do i see him having sex and having casual conversation (not the most common, i see this as like lazy day off, having nothing else to do and not being like super horny but being more like h o r n y … am i making sense?)
Setting the scene, you two are at home, both have a day off but it’s kind of raining so any of your plans are ruined. At this point it’s at around 10 am, not early, not late. You have missed each other and both have made it obvious but you are both in a very tired state so you opt for something not too much.
Plain and simple missionary is what goes around this time, Ethan on top just holding your legs around his waist,, going at a pretty medium pace.
“It’s a pity the weather is bad today,” says Ethan staring out the window.
“I know, we were going to go to the beach… I’m bummed about it,” you say, short of breath as the man continues his pace fucking you.
“Mhm, true. But this is better, amore, no? I’ve missed you so much,” he breaths out the last part, moans interrupting his words.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He does that pretty often, especially if you are not around to help. Sometimes it’s because of you that he needs to. I would def see him exchanging naked pics with you and at first he does that to tease you but he ends up teased when he sees a video you sent of you masturbating.
Bets that he’d be taking photos and vids of you fucking on occasion so he goes to these when he misses you on tour.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
As I mentioned previously I see Ethan to be a brat tamer. That I see to be the main kink that kind of works around everything else.
“Can you stop this, slut? It has gotten exhausting. I told you no noise but here you are,” he ordered, looking down at you trembling below his finger tips.
His face was quite stoic, voice never wavering from the strict and cold tone he tended to have when scolding you on the daily. Most times it was leaving a cup out of the sink but this time the scolding came from misbehaving. As if it was not enough that he was punishing you for being a brat and riling him up all morning, now you had to disobey orders. It was getting to him for sure.
“I’m sorry daddy,” you whisper, Ethan seeming satisfied with the response.
“Aw, why so tame puppy, now you decide to be nice?” His tone stayed the same, his words imitating a joke but the whole ordeal was not even close to it.
Now as for other kinks (did I open a site because I could not think? yes, shut up), as a result of being a brat tamer dom there are some few more kinks accompanying specifically that. He is def into bondage, both tying you up but also being tied up on occasion.
“Puppy, I have told you that is not a way to treat me. Untie me,” he says calmly, wrists tied on the headboard of the bed, eyes fixated to you.
“Well, why not? You do it all the time,” you whine, placed on all fours, facing Ethan as you lean towards him on your hands, “I want in on the fun.”
If only he was not tied… Ethan’s mind was already going places, figuring out exactly how he would punish you after you untie him -or after he escapes the restrains, whatever comes first. You knew that, very well - in all honestly that was the plan, that is always the plan.
“Amore, let me go. Let me go and your punishment will be tame,” he voiced looking at you, now positioned on top of his lap, touching yourself right then and there.
“I sense you want to be punished puppy, don't you?” You simply nod your head, eyes closed in pleasure.
“You see, the problem is you will not enjoy what I am thinking.”
“Well, get yourself off now that you can, cause after I get my hands on you… You’re not getting to cum for days, amore.”
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Honestly, anywhere. I can see him having a preference to the luxury of either of your houses or a hotel room but if you push his buttons just right, some restaurant’s bathroom it is.
why can i imagine him having sex at a weeding venue’s bathroom….. omg…..
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Honestly, both. I feel like he would be extremely good at giving it, but would never opposed to receiving
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s ok with them but he doesn’t love them, ya know?
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.
Is surely try to do new things but it will always depends on what it is.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Come on. This goes without saying. He is a drummer for a living. He can surely go on for long…
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I def feel like he has a fair amount of toys. Some for himself, some for you… He looooves using them to punish you.
(small mention to my last fic little puppet)
“Beautiful, puppy! You have been doing so good for us, taking your punishment so well, but we are not done yet.” A buzz sound is what concerned the girl, eyes widening at the toy.
It was a small remote virator, imitating sucking on the clit. The drummer placed the girl over his knees, stuffing the toy between his leg and her clit, shocking the sensitive bud. “I think you can take a few more spanks,” said the man, landing one at the expanse of her thigh, the skin giggling at the contact.
“Damiano, count,” ordered the assertive man, seeing his friend kneel in front of Y/N, kissing her and then doing as he was told.
“I think we were left on twenty-three. Twenty four,” he began, counting all the way to forty before the ordeal was over.
The whole time Y/N was shaking, just about to fall off the edge, asking for permission to cum but her wishes were not granted just yet. She was exhausted, overstimulated, frustrated, and now unable to move on her own. But, oh man did she need more. The two men were more than willing to assist her.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
A ton! It’s his specialty. Maybe one of his most common punishments is edging and teasing. He can drag it on for days
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He is not very loud but is surely encouraging you to be.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @teenyweenynightghost
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ivyaugustetc · 3 years
the dead poets at hogwarts: a headcanon from hell
@aedan-mills @charlie-dalton-simp @pretentious-strikes YOU ENCOURAGED THIS BEHAVIOR SO YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE CONSEQUENCES. also i love you a lot but THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT.
also @aedan-mills i found out that some of the wand stuff is related to their birthdays and i am much too lazy to look all that up and figure it all out, but anyone else is welcome to lmao. sorry to disappoint but alas it's summer and i don't want to research that much. but other than that, please listen to me flex my extensive knowledge on harry potter :)
neil (half blood): i'm sorry,,,, can you say gryffindor? this boy would get up there and in a second the sorting hat would have him all figured out: big dreams with the will to pursue them, but not ambitious enough to step over others to achieve said dreams? sounds like a gryffindor to me. i just know he'd thrive at hogwarts, probably going on to play quidditch (def a chaser) and would excel in charms class. as far as pets go, i feel like he'd stay simple and classy with a chill barn owl he'd name after a famous broadway actor. he would kind of be a mix of james and remus, in which he's wild and crazy but still manages to get good grades. the teachers love him simply because they don't know much about him outside of class. he would absolutely LOVE going to hogsmeade and going batshit crazy at zonko's and honeydukes. he'd have a whole phase where he gets addicted to licorice wands and everyone else thinks they're disgusting but he simply cannot buy enough of them. he'd play a bunch of zonko tricks on the rest of the poets, saving the most harsh for charlie and the most wholesome for todd <3
todd (muggle born): ugh see i can see him being both a hufflepuff and a ravenclaw, but my heart says hufflepuff so i'm gonna go with that. he would absolutely HATE the sorting ceremony with a burning passion. getting up in front of everybody only to have a hat judge u??? no thanks. HAHAHA CAN YOU IMAGINE HIM ON A BROOM. i can't either because he would simply never get on one, probably referring to them as "flying death traps" more often than not. "hey todd, you think about joining quidditch?" "no thanks, i'd rather keep my limbs intact ;)". but he would love muggle studies a lot, even if the teacher was boring as hell. snape would scare the hell out of him for sure, resulting in his lowest class being potions. he would excel in classes that are more learning out of the book rather than in practice. for a pet, he'd want something that could not possibly turn on him and would just be sweet and loving, so ima give him a toad :) he'd name it something fancy and british, like nigel or sumn. and because of nigel, he'd love chocolate frogs because hey they're twins!!
fanon knox (pure blood): hogwarts fuck boy. okay well maybe not f boy but like...his favorite part is the fact that this is a co-ed school rather than an all-boys school so he can spy on both genders equally yknow. hmm i get hufflepuff vibes from him because he's a big romantic, sucker for cute relationships, etc. he would enjoy whichever class his current crush is in, although I feel like he'd do well with classes that involved spells and wand work mostly lmao. he'd want a really fucking cute pet, so i'd give him a kneazle (it's like a cat but a bit more lion like). he'd give it a strong sounding name, something german idk. but he'd love the shit out of that kneazle, i can tell you that much. i feel like he'd try out for quidditch his first few years, not make it on, and then make it on to the team around fourth year and somehow end up team captain in seventh (and that proves kids, that you too can have a redemption arc in sports). as far as candy goes, ima say he likes the super sour candy like acid pops n shit. like i feel like the others would dare him to each as much sour candy as he can and then he wouldn't be able to taste for a week. but he'd think it was worth it :)
cameron (muggle born): good god this boy just wants to learn. magic just fascinates him, what with growing up in a big muggle family (bestie he is the weasleys if they were all type a). he's a ravenclaw, no questions asked. he would love classes involving preciseness and attention, things like potions and transfiguration. i feel like he'd have a cute, stable relationship along the way ofc because he deserves so much love and happiness and UGH he's a baby. he'd stick with a lil ginger cat, naming it after one of the famous wizards he's read about. he would love spending christmas at the school and going places when the ground are nearly empty, enjoying the scenery. for candy, he'd go plain and simple with chocolate frogs. can't go wrong with those. he'd still have fun with his friends, but he'd skip a lot of parties for some studying (don't judge, i do it too lmao). would not play quidditch but would enjoy it, end of story.
charlie (pure blood): slytherin. don't dispute it. think the weasley twins but even more flirtatious. he would be a regular at every single party that happened, flirting with the guys and gals shamelessly and drinking butterbeer like it was water. look me in the eye and tell me he would not absolutely fucking HATE GILDEROY LOCKHART WITH EVER FIBER OF HIS BEING. he'd do spot-on impersonations of him though. teacher's worst enemy. like when he walks into class on the first day, every teacher collectively mutters "bloody hell not this kid again". asks the most incredibly stupid questions ("okay but is there a spell to turn my eyebrows green? just the eyebrows though, not my hair"). he would be the most aggressive beater on the slytherin team, though he would never deliberately try to hit someone, just distract the shit out of them ("put the fear of god in them and fate will do the rest"). he'd want a loud, aggressive pet but he'd probably end up with a mean cat that hisses at everyone. he'd give it the most adorable name that just. does not fit the personality. something like priscilla. for candy, he'd take his chance with bertie botts' every flavour beans and just roll with the punches. he's chaotic like that.
pitts (half blood): ASTRONOMY IS HIS JAM. he fucking loves that class. he tutors the entire ravenclaw house in that class. he's the guy that little first years who are terrified of the class go to when they're completely lost and don't understand what's going on. besides that, i feel like he'd just be everyone's cool older brother yknow? like he'd be in charge of helping all the first years figure out where stuff is and giving them advice to help them and stuff. he would be a die-hard quidditch fan although he would not play the sport (maybe recreationally on the weekends and holidays and stuff, but the fact that it's so fucking dangerous just does not appeal to him). he'd like the candy that does tricks and stuff, like fizzing whizbees and stuff. he gives me charlie weasley vibes, where he's hardcore in certain areas (in his case, astronomy) and just flipping chill in anything else. cool older brother vibes, man. it fits.
meeks (half blood): i've said it once and i'll say it again: nonproblematic ginger dumbledore. also a hufflepuff <3 this dude just wants to fucking coast along, getting good grades and not participating in the dumb shit that could probably get him killed (even though he would in a heartbeat if his friends were in danger. duh). he'd be a teacher's favorite, probably having conversations with his favorite teachers during free time. okay ik this isn't technically at school, but i swear to god he would be dumbledore one day. like he would be the chill ass headmaster who gets shit done while also being very la di da life is nice flowers are pretty type of person. that being said, his favorite candy is and has been lemon drops ever since dumbledore got him addicted to them. his favorite classes would be potions (he'd surprisingly get along well with snape) and he'd just be great and mixing shit right and just knowing how much of stuff to add in ("how much powdered root do i add?" "about three and a half shakes." "that's not a measurement, meeks." "*shrug* it works"). he'd stick with his small friend group and love them to death, but he'd be a friend to all really. he'll help anyone that comes to him asking for help with homework (and though he won't admit it, he gets super prideful when it's someone a few years ahead of him).
stick (muggle born): harry potter if harry potter could've been more harry potter. like he would just be a part of everything and end up being part of some prophecy that demands he'd save the world and at first he'd be like HEY i'm just a small boy but then he'd grit his teeth and finesse the shit out of this preventing the end of days stuff. he'd definitely be a gryffindor, and fucking proud of it. he'd be the seeker on the quidditch team because he is so short and small and yeah he'd fucking kill it there. he'd kind of be the shy one no one expected much from, but once he starts absolutely wrecking the shit out of the other houses' quidditch teams, he'd become sorta popular? like people would invite him to parties and stuff and he's too nice to say no, but he'd mostly just hang around the outskirts, saying hi to the other poets if he saw them and mostly talking to chris and ginny (danburry, not weasley). he'd like defense against the dark arts and minerva mcgongiall would become his literal mother i can't explain it. he'd have an owl as a pet and treat it like it was his own child, telling it thank you every time it brought his mail or took his mail. as for candy, he'd like drooble's bubble gum because the bubbles are all magic and shit and i just feel like that would make him so happy <3
chris (pure blood): the older sister lesbian <3 she'd be a sweet hufflepuff who would be friends with everyone while also being the greatest socialite the school has ever seen. you know that party that practically the entire school attended and talked about for months on end? she planned that shit. she'd be like pitts in the respect that she'd help all the first years find their way in the school and in life in general. she's just such a warm and kind person that everyone would love her. she's have a little pink pygmy puff to match ginny's purple one, and she'd give it such a perfect, human name like lila or something. she'd be great at muggle studies and all the teachers would love her. also every one is so invested in her relationship with ginny it's adorable. he favorite candy is acid pops even though they make her eyes water like crazy. she'd make pretty good grades, every once in a while getting one slightly lower than she'd expected, but she always manages to bring them up to her satisfactory level :) she would not play quidditch, but she would go all out to support ginny, even though they're in different houses. that's what i call love, baby.
ginny (half blood): the mom lesbian <3 she's a ravenclaw and also one of the sweetest people in the whole school. while chris helps other with the social aspect, ginny will help anyone in any subject they need help with (she and meeks are a help duo on this). she's quieter and less social than chris, but she's one of the best chasers the ravenclaw quidditch team has ever seen. she'd end up team captain by fifth of sixth year. she'd be like oliver wood in that she is sO invested in the team's success that at sometimes she'll go a bit crazy, but chris is always there to help her put things back into perspective <3. she'd make stellar grades of course, being good friends with all of her teachers. her favorite candy would be the sweetest things like fairy floss. as previously stated, she'd have a purple pygmy puff to match chris's pink one, and she'd also give it an adorable human name like lisa or something. ginny's just sweet to everyone, especially neil and his friends.
I DID IT. IT TOOK FOREVER AND A FEW HAIL MARYS BUT I DID IT. enjoy besties <3 love u all
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rainbowtransform · 3 years
@ethereal-deadly-clover @melancholycatastrophe
:) (def would consider checking out this post before for a little more context!!)
Here’s the thing: Dream loves his server. He enjoys playing with it, growing flowers and managing to coax dogs and cats out from the undergrowth of trees. He looks at the stars above him, big and bright and beautiful. When he decided to settle, Dream puts away his shoes.
He walks barefoot through the grass, feels the wind, and feels the earth beneath him. The word he has inhabited, the world that holds him close and murmurs words of love is huge. It’s awaiting his exploration, and hums a song that he doesn’t quite understand.
His feet are bruised by the time he finishes his walk. Bad scolds him for it, but he sees the faraway look in Dream’s eye, and remembers the first time he’d gotten his own server. “Be more careful,” he says quietly while wrapping them. “Shoes are important, and you’re not going to help yourself without them.”
Dream shrugs. He wriggles his toes, and smiles.
“I like going barefoot.” He says. “It makes me feel closer to the World.”
Pandora’s Vault burns his feet almost instantly. Dream spends the first week hopping from foot to foot, settling them into his respawn hole, and wondering why it never hurt this much before.
Sam looks at him with no expression, and only raises an eyebrow at his hopping. There were shoes in Dream’s changing bag, but he’s hasn’t worn shoes in forever. The only time was when he’d enter the Nether, but he’d take them right off afterwards.
“They’re uncomfortable.” Dream tells Sam. “I’m wearing them.”
A sigh.
He’s in the trees, feet dangling. Sam’s underneath him, shoes in one hand and a half-smile flitting across his face. “It’s almost winter,” he says. “You’ll get cold. You’ve got to wear shoes.”
Dream shrugs. “I’ll wear socks.” He counters.
“They’ll get wet,” Sam says back. Dream crosses his arms. No one likes wet socks, but Dream doesn’t want to wear shoes anymore. He hasn’t been for a while.
“What if I only walk on the Path? Or I only leave when it’s warm enough or I just go outside the community house.”
Sam raises an eyebrow. “You’re not going to do that.” He says bluntly. “You can barely sit there for this world, you’re always exploring. Now you’re going to dust inside for a whole season?”
Dream sighs. He climbs down the tree, and Sam smiles at him. He gives Dream the shoes, and then tightens his own laces when Dream’s tying his. “I’ll be back before this season’s over.” Sam tells him, brushes aside Dream’s hair.
Dream feels uncomfortable. Sam says his goodbyes, and once he’s out, Dream takes off the shoes.
(The others look away. They’ve gotten used to not trying; Sam’s the only one who still does. Callahan even took his shoes off for a week or two, trying to connect to the world like Dream.)
The thing about Techno joining him is that he’s calm and collected. He’s bored, but he hasn’t been through the things that Dream has been.
“So,” Techno says, looking at the shoes Dream has on. “Why are you wearing Velcro shoes? Can’t tie your laces?”
Dream shrugs. “The Warden put them on me.” He said. “He usually does before Quackity comes.”
“I don’t know. I think it’s like a punishment inside another punishment. He knows I don’t like shoes.”
“You can take them off right?”
“With permission.”
Techno shrugs. “Well… I’m giving you permission.”
Dream shrugs. “The Warden’s supposed to.”.
Techno hums. He drops his cape around Dream’s shoulders, and leans against a wall. “Well,” he says. “I’m going to sleep.”
(And if Dream leans next to him, far away enough to not touch him but close enough to grab Techno just in case, that’s enough. And if Dream wakes up tomorrow with no shoes, Techno looking like he hasn’t moved, there’s no one’s business except his own.)
Dream writes and writes. His hand shakes, cramps, but he taps bare feet against chests and dips them into the respawn pool. Techno takes the books, and flips through them, and sometimes he’ll make Dream laugh. He also just watched Dream and the difference between shoeless and having them.
It’s done, Dream thinks. He signs his name off, writes it in a flourish. It’s like signing his death warrant. Dream finished the last sentence, and hands off the book to Techno. He doesn’t read this one, but he does give a hard look in the camera’s direction.
“Listen, Dream,” he says softly. “I’m going to go away for a while. I promise, I promise, I’ll come back. But you’ve got to stay strong okay?”
Dream stares at him. “You’re leaving?” He says.
Techno takes the cape from the floor and drapes it over Dream’s shoulders. “I am. I’ll come back for you. Team Chaos, remember?”
“Team Chaos,” Dream echoes.
And then he’s alone.
(Quackity hates that Techno got away. Sam hates that Techno got away, and burned the shoes. Dream cowers in the corner, begging forgiveness even though he did nothing.)
Drowsy, Dream opens his eyes to see the Warden putting Velcro shoes on him. Dream hates them. It means that Quackity’s going to do something and Dream doesn’t know what. Sam doesn’t look at him, but he does make sure the straps are tight on him before leaving.
Quackity comes in minutes later. Dream curls in a corner, trying to get away, trying to get them off, ect are they on him what is he planning sometime sometime sometime—
He’s lead outside, with a bunch of people on the entrance. He tries to reconnect with the earth again, tries to feel the world underneath his feet, but there’s—it’s nothing.
He can’t feel anything except the socks and the shoes that feel dead, dead, dead. He would have fallen, trying to grab something in his hands—grass, dirt, the shoes—if the Warden’s hand didn’t tighten on his arm.
The warning is clear: stop.
“See?” Quackity says. “He’s fine. Sam hasn’t done anything to him.”
Dream looks up at the sky, and tilts his head. It’s dark, almost like it’s about to rain. Dream hasn’t seen rain in a long time. He wonders what season it is, before his attention is snapped toward Antfrost, who looks him up and down.
“Why is he wearing shoes?” Antfrost asks. “Dream never does.”
“Pandora’s Vault is hot,” the Warden says. “His feet will burn otherwise.”
They ask the Warden a bunch of questions. They don’t ask Dream, but Ant kept giving him weird looks when he reached for the grass beneath his feet. He just wants to connect again.
Dream feels wind against his face, and he looks to where it’s coming from. There’s a shadow, flying low with the wind. Dream almost looks up, but doesn’t. It’s probably a bird.
The Warden’s hand tightens again, and Dream could feel tears building. Dream looks up and then suddenly everyone is staring at him.
“Dream,” Puffy says. There’s something in her expression that he can’t quite place. “Are you okay?”
Dream turns away and tries to grab some grass again.
“Prisoner,” the Warden says. “Answer the question.”
Dream catches Quackity’s eye, and watches how his expression changes from one of pleased to angry. The Warden’s hand is getting tighter, almost digging into him. Dream nods once, and the Warden lets go.
“Well, that’s a lie.” Technoblade says from above, and then all hell breaks lose.
Dream loves the night sky and the stars that come with it. When Dream first settled, they could see millions of stars above them and Dream made his own constellations. The stars glowed bright.
(Later on, it became too light to see some of them. But Dream remembered where they used to be. He’d sit on the roof of the Community House for hours, tracing where they were.)
But in the Arctic, they are unfamiliar. “Make new ones,” Techno told him. But Dream misses the old stars, he misses his fri—
He misses when there was no wars.
When it was just Dream in the world, he managed to bring a star down from above. He held it in his hands, hot and cold at the same time; and he watched it. It fizzled and spit and didn’t burn out for a long time.
Dream thinks he was a star, intimidating and untouchable. But he’s also at the end, his fizzle had sparked out. He’s not who he used to be.
He doesn’t know who he is.
He tries to be barefoot in the snow, tries to feel the earth underneath his feet. There’s nothing except the stinging bite of cold and the dogs’ breathing.
Techno finds him, shoeless, sitting on his porch edge. He’s holding onto two pairs shoes, one Velcro and the other with laces. “It’s pretty cold,” he says.
Dream doesn’t reply. Techno sits down next to him, “Listen,” he says. “You lose the most heat out of feet and your head. I’m okay with you being shoeless in the houses, or the porch. But once you step off, you’ve got to wear shoes. Choose one.”
Dream looks at them. “Laces,” he says. “I can wear laces.”
“Sure, nerd,” he says. Techno leaves the shoes on the porch, and then gets up to go inside. “Phil’s making hot chocolate,” he says. “If you want.”
Dream nods. He lays down on the porch, and looks at the stars above him. A million, waiting for constellations.
So, Dream begins drawing.
Dream used to coax flowers into blooming early before the Wars began. Iris and Ivy, lilacs, and Lilies, asters and carnations. Roses and willows, and everything underneath the sun.
In the Arctic, they don’t grow. They shrivel because the Arctic is cold, and flowers are used to warm weathers. And Dream almost cries, when he manages to have a flower grow.
It’s a daffodil.
The Syndicate come back from a mission, gunpowder staining hands and wither residue left on Techno’s cape. They’ve also got Redstone dust on them, but Dream doesn’t ask.
Dream watched them walk up, and Techno glanced down at his bare feet. “We can go on a training mission,” Techno tells him. “Somewhere warmer.”
There’s a break, and Dream looks down at his feet, and the flower that he’s grown. Niki and Phil are already inside, discussing what they should bake for dessert tonight and Boo’s already gone and writing something in his Book.
Dream looks up at Techno, and smiles. “Sure,” he says quietly. “I’d like that.”
(There’s something almost beautiful when he reconnects to the server. When his feet dig into soft soil, and he can feel everything.
Dream lays down, and watches the sky. Techno lays next to him. They’ve got weeks to spend here.)
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implexedactions · 4 years
Do Not Fight Back - Yandere Purge AU
Hey! So this was part of a server wide event I did with other members of Lovesick! They’re all super amazing and you should DEF check out the others who took part! This is inspired by the yandere purge AU created by @yanderemommabean (we have permission to use the AU). Read the linked post to find out more, but to cut things short. Yandere’s are legally free to capture their darlings, and it lasts from 6pm to 6am!
Beta’d by the best person ever: @drxwsyni
This contain YANDERE CONTENT!!!
It’s yandere purge night and you’re accidentally outside when it starts. It would be a shame if a certain flame hero was watching...
--- Your job ran late today, because of course it fucking did. It was yandere purge night, not that your boss seemed all that concerned. Although, from the look on his face…well, best not think about that. He probably wasn’t after you, hopefully. You walked down the urban street, past the closed shops and locked buildings. You glanced towards the sunset, the sun's orange glow disappearing over the horizon. Wait, what? It wasn’t THAT late, right? Sure, work ran late, but you finished at 5 PM, not 6 PM?
You opened your phone, you had…a minute before the sirens…fuck.
You dashed into an alley, crouching next to a vending machine, it wasn’t ideal, but staying out there could mean certain death. You’re an idiot for even letting this happen to you. You’re NEVER meant to remain outside during tonight. A yandere could kill you if they even THINK you’re trying to interfere. You rummage through your pockets...nothing except a phone and some loose coins.
The sirens ring throughout the city
No weapon, no quirk, no safety, no chance. You hold your head in your hands, freaking out. No one would think of helping you, you could be a yandere trying to get at them. Your best bet is to stay here until it is over, potentially using the vending machine for dinner.
Your phone buzzes.
[HellFire]: Hello.
[HellFire]: You do not know who I am, but I have been keeping my eye on you for a long time.
[You]: Oh god…please don’t say you’re after me…
[HellFire]: I propose a hunt.
[HellFire]: I catch you, the obvious happens.
[HellFire]: You evade me for the next 12 hours? You go free.
[HellFire]: The rules? Always keep your phone on you and online, I will be sending messages. Respond to my messages, or you will pay dearly. Do not worry about other people, if they try to hurt you, I will burn them to ash. If I catch you, no fighting back. Break any of the rules, and there will be hell to pay.
[You]: What?! Can I at least ask some questions? Is my phone bugged? Do you know where I am now? Can I hide or do I have to keep running? Why me?
[HellFire]: Mind, I do not expect you to win. I am the number one hero for a reason.
[HellFire]: The hunt begins. Do try to have fun tonight, my dear.  
…Endeavor?! Enji Todoroki, the number one hero, was after you?! You’d be flattered if you weren’t shaking with fear. You try to take some deep breaths.
[HellFire]: I would run, my darling… I doubt hiding behind a vending machine will do you any favours….
[You]: How do you know my location already?!
You run out of the alley; the street illuminated poorly by streetlights. Enji knew where you were, specifically that you were behind a vending machine. He’s either got cameras, or he was right in your line of sight. You sprint down the street, most people aren’t stupid enough to be out, and you give most yanderes a wide berth. You see one with a darling, you force your eyes away and continue to run.
Your lungs are burning, exercise isn’t your strong point, and one can’t operate on adrenaline alone.
[HellFire]: Tired already? I did not realise you were so weak…such a pity, I expected a fight from you…
[You]: No one expects to be running down a street from a goddamn villain?!
[HellFire]: …disrespect?
[HellFire]: Unacceptable.
As you’re running, a car behind you blows up, fire scattering onto the street. You still can’t see him.
You notice a mall still open. None of the shops would be in business, but the area might provide a suitable hiding place. You run into it, sliding doors opening to let you into the air-conditioned space. You steal a glance behind you, no one visible on the street or rooftops.
[HellFire]: A shopping centre? I hope you do not expect a gaudy fountain to save you.
[You]: Fuck you, honestly.
[HellFire]: That is quite a bold statement for someone in your position.
[HellFire]: Most criminals at this point are kissing my boots, begging for mercy, and yet, you show defiance. Breaking you should be fun.
You run down a corridor, reaching an entirely empty circular food court. Fast food shops line the walls, with two, opposite facing exits to the area, both leading onto streets. Silence is abundant as you run through, dodging chairs and tables, desperate to make it to the other side.
The sound of an electronic sliding door reaches your ears. Panicking, you dive over a business’s countertop, hiding behind it as you try not to breathe too loudly. You hastily switch your notifications off, so him texting you won’t reveal your location.
[HellFire]: You know something I learnt from my job?
[You]: What?
[HellFire]: Someone can know they are being hunted, but not know they are already trapped. The villains are overburdened by fear and hope, of both capture and escape. They desperately reach their hands out to touch a goal you know is impossible to reach.
[HellFire]: That feeling… of knowing their entire future is at my mercy…
[HellFire]: is sublime.
[HellFire]: …
[HellFire]: Say, how are you finding that uncomfortable food stall floor?
“Hello, darling…”
“No! Get away from me!”
You bound over the counter, avoiding his hands, and desperately try to reach the exit. You turn around, and he is just…standing there. Looking at you. With a smirking grin on his face. He’s wearing his hero suit, flames dancing up his body. He loves this, he likes thinking you’re some object to be captured. You run out onto the street, cold night air hitting you in the face, the sun has entirely disappeared now, all traces of it gone.
Where the hell can you go that you’ll be safe?! It hasn’t even been 30 minutes of this torture; you’ve got so much time left! Panting, you notice he has exited the building too, but he just stands there, looking at you, grin adorning his face. You spot a train station.
You run towards the train station and don’t look back. You jump the ticket gate, feeling that your life matters more than a civic duty. You run up the stairs onto the platform. The trains won’t be running, but maybe you can run along the tracks if it comes down to it? As you try to catch your breath, you realise something…you turned your phone notifications off in the mall, which means he could be messaging you, and you wouldn’t know.
Scrambling you pull out your phone.
[HellFire]: If I were you, I would not take another step towards that train station.
[HellFire]:  ...?
[HellFire]: Oh, are you not checking your messages now?
[HellFire]: I warned you, remember that…
[You]: I’m sorry! I swear, I didn’t mean to ignore it! It was my phone
[HellFire]: I can not believe what I just saw.
[HellFire]: You leapt over that gate like a common criminal.
[HellFire]: So, now I have to punish you for multiple reasons. You ignored so many rules…
[You]: I didn’t mean to, I swear! I’m sorry! Please don’t hurt me!
[HellFire]: You fought back when you were captured.
[You]: It wasn’t fighting back?! It was escaping, capture would be grabbing me.
[HellFire]: You didn’t check your messages.
[You]: Like I said, my phone was off, it was an accident!
[HellFire]: You IGNORED my commands.
[You]: My phone was off! I didn’t KNOW there were commands!
[HellFire]: You broke the law.
[You]: I was going to go back and pay the $1.50 tomorrow!
[HellFire]: And we are only 30 minutes into this hunt.
[HellFire]: Tell me, darling.
[HellFire]: Did you really think you could outrun me?
[HellFire]: The top hero?
[HellFire]: I knew you were not the smartest person, considering, well, everything about you.
[HellFire]: But this really takes the cake.
[You]: Oh, honestly, fuck you. Why do you even WANT me?! We’ve NEVER met!
 [HellFire]: …you’re quite disrespectful…
[HellFire]: I will have to fix that.
“Face me.”
You whip around to see him staring at you, sadistic grin adorning his face. You turn to run, but his large hands grab your arms, holding you in place. He picks you up and turns you around, so you’re facing him. His hands are noticeably warmer than they should be.
“There. Captured enough for you?” He says with a smirk.
“Please! Just let me go!” You shout, struggling against his arms fruitlessly. You scream and kick, managing to bring a foot against his knee. He noticeably winces.
“I warned you about fighting back, you insolent brat!” His face steels as his hands become warmer. You can now feel his breath down your face as your squirm, desperate to escape the burning hands and singing clothes.
“I…I…Why me?!” Tears start to fall down your face as you realise this might be your fate.
“Because you shouldn’t be anyone else’s. Do you recall that train villain? Such a stupid villain, but I digress. I saw you try to help people, helping people off the train when it arrived at the station and calming that little kid. It was so…kind, so generous. You were a true hero. I need that in my life, so you are mine.” He at least has the decency to not look you directly in the eyes. His hands cooled down a bit while he was speaking. He seems somewhat ashamed by what he’s done.
“You could’ve just approached me! Hell, I’m not going to turn down a meeting with the number one hero?! You’re a fucking idiot!”
“Attacking someone while they are vulnerable is usually considered bad form, brat. But I see you have no qualms attacking me.” His palms heat up again, but he seems to have a looser grip on you. Maybe if you…
“I’m sorry, okay? This is just a lot to take in. I…I do admire you, as a hero y’know? I always considered you so calming. You made the city feel so much s-safer, you made ME feel safer.” You look him in the eyes, trying to act as small and gentle as possible. His warm breath washes over your body as he seems to re-examine you. Just a little bit further and…
You bring your knee into his lungs as he is breathing in, winding him. He drops you and you turn on your heel and jump onto the train tracks, running off down the tracks.
He shouts after you.
“Bad idea brat! You want to be punished? Fine then!”
You stare ahead, no trains seem to be running, so you won’t have to make a choice between death and getting run over by a train. You follow the train tracks until you reach a tunnel. You turn around and see him merely walking menacingly toward you, not even running. He has such an angry look on his face, flame beard shooting out in rage. The fire touches a signal box, and it melts to the ground almost instantly. Yeah, no, you aren’t dealing with that. You turn and run inside the tunnel, desperate to escape him. You hear a roar from behind you as fire shoots past your head, hitting the cylindrical wall and dissipating.
“I missed on purpose, stop at once! I will not hesitate you ungrateful bitch!”
You stop and turn around to face him, tremors running through your body.
“Stop approaching me, please?! Can’t we just talk?!” You say shuffling back with each step he takes towards you.
He raises an eyebrow, and astonishingly, he stops, about 8 paces away.
“I…please, just let me go! I don’t want this!” you say, tears running down your face.
“And why would I care what YOU want, bitch?”
“Because y-you love me o-or ..desire me or something?!”
“Pfft. Maybe, but you know how this works by now.” He takes a step forward, you stand still. His flames cast flickering shadows against the tunnel walls.
“I’m sure you have co-workers, family, friends, who disappeared never to be seen again, OR have a pet of their own.” He takes a step forward, you stand still. His feet leave the rocks red hot.
“You know you cannot escape me. It has not even been an hour.” He steps forward, you stand still. You can feel his heat now.
“Do you expect to run all over the city, making daring escapes and just barely being able to stay out of my grasp for 12 hours? To evade capture from the number one hero?” He steps forward, you stand still. His flames die down, but your body feels like it’s overheating.
“You woke up at 5:12 AM today and had a shift from 7 AM to 5:45 PM. You are not going to be able to keep up this adrenaline and energy til 6AM tomorrow. Being awake for 24 hours is not an easy feat, my dear.“ He steps forward, you stand still. Your tears on your face start to evaporate.
“Oh, do remind me to thank your boss for keeping you late. Money does wonders to people's sense of ethics.” He steps forward, you stand still. He chuckles quietly at the situation and examines your body.
“You cannot escape me, you have no quirk, no talents, no skills. This is not a fair fight because it is not a fight, my dear. It is a hunt, and you seem to have this silly notion that the fox can escape the hound.” He steps forward, you stand still. His hand reaches out to grab your arm, and you do nothing to stop it.
“Advice for your new life, when I give a command, my dear, it helps to oblige. So, hear me when I say: Do. Not. Fight. Back.”
You do not fight back.  
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otomegema · 3 years
title: Convergence Theory, ch. 2 pairing: Gojo Satoru x Reader summary: You are a lesser family member of the Gojo clan, so far removed you don’t even carry the name, but you carry the Limitless ability and thus the potential to be a bride to the future head of the clan— a fact you patently reject at fifteen. Twelve years later you are a second grade sorcerer struggling to obtain first grade status when the object of your deepest objections offers you a deal. rating: mature tropes: fake dating/engagement, rivals to lovers, slow romance Link: Archive of Our Own
It had been a logical move to allow Gojo to take down your number, entering it into his contacts with an obscene amount of heart and wishing star emojis by the brief glance you caught over his shoulder. It looked like he was already banking on your acceptance of the deal, but when you parted, your to-go sushi in a small plastic bag, you hadn’t expected to hear from him until tomorrow evening at the latest.
Or maybe even never.
But now, back in the hotel you were being comped for while in Tokyo, you wished silently that you’d never given that man your cell phone number.
Have you made a decision?
He wasn’t human. It was barely 6am, did he wake up this early for lessons every day? You groaned, nearly swatting the phone off the nightstand in the dark.
You shot back a fast reply.
-oh I’m sorry
-I’m still recovering from getting electrocuted the other day
-Some asshat led a curse to me
You rolled over, managing to get at least another decent half hour of sleep in before the phone chimed again, lighting up the darkened hotel room.
YOUR asshat
Should you choose to accept this mission
You threw off your covers, forcing yourself up to sit against the stack of pillows behind you as you tapped out a reply.
-My pretend asshat
-Mother will be so proud
The dots of his reply began immediately.
So is that a yes?
You sighed, rolling your eyes to yourself.
-Day isn’t over -Hasn’t even started tyvm
The dots began. Stopped. Began and stopped again, this time not reappearing. You tossed your phone onto the bed and teetered up and over to the coffee maker. The pot was finishing brewing by the time your phone chimed again.
You’re so slow.
The addition of punctuation and the sudden lack of emoji seemed almost like a warning flare that Gojo’s patience was waning. But you hardly knew the man and really, what did you care? A favor for a favor was what he offered. You didn’t owe him anything.
I have other options too.
His text continued and for a moment you frowned, wondering if his intention was to have that sound like a threat. You felt heat rising in your throat— he didn’t want to play that game.
So no pressure. Genuinely.
Oh. Good. That was better. You felt the tension uncoil as fast as it had grown.
Tho I AM your only hope for advancement <3
You could have thrown the phone right through the wall. Your thumbs worked rapidly, shooting out your reply in no time.
-Ah yes, your finest quality
A quick appearance of dots.
My special grade ranking? (・ω<)☆
You smirked.
You’re no fun.
Text me when you are done being boring.
This was probably the most you had ever spoken to Gojo, despite having seen him on and off from a distance for the better half of your life. He was hard to miss. Every event at the main house would have him and his immediate family at the forefront. No one ever stopped talking about Gojo Satoru and his accomplishments and his strength and his skill as a sorcerer.
It was nauseating, having to pretend to nod and smile like it was all some great blessing just to orbit near him. It was bad enough he read like a sun to your abilities, as if he needed to be made to think he was anymore of the center of the universe.
Your palm itched. The desire to tap back a response now, a firm denial, very strong. But not stronger than your excitement at the possibility of being a first grade sorcerer. It was everything you had wanted. Prestige, recognition, tougher missions and the pay and rewards that came with them.
You were no weakling. Sure the telemetry technique took you out of commission, but it was hardly your greatest feat. You had finally been able to manifest the cursed technique lapse, blue. Granted, it was a one off and exhausted you so fully afterwards that you nearly fainted on the spot… but your tolerance was getting better. The precision of your manipulation of your cursed energy would never be on par with Gojo, but you could, some day, maybe even manage to shoot the technique off twice.
Reversal Red was next to impossible. And Hollow Technique? Truly impossible. The Six Eyes was needed to even attempt it. Most of your practice had been devoted to perfecting your long distance teleportation skills, fine tuning your telemetry technique and working on establishing your domain. That one was easier. The Unlimited Void crushed your opponent beneath an overload of sensory information, information you could easily channel and tap into with your own unique skills as a Limitless user.
But like all things, you were only second best. And barely. It was a joke. Comparing yourself to Gojo. He was on a level you could never achieve— unless.
You grabbed your phone, hastily dialing the new number and wincing at the loud, cheerful greeting from the other line.
“Good morning, moon of my soul, tenderest heart, darling—!“
“I haven’t even said yes yet, you monster.”
“Ah! A name of my very own? Be still my trembling heart!”
“I wish to make an amendment to the agreement.”
There was a lengthy pause. You could practically hear the slow spread of that sly smile. Content as the cat who caught the canary.
He knew he was about to win.
“Let’s hear it.”
“If you are putting my name forward for first grade, that means you have someone else in mind to be the second backer and someone in mind for me to shadow on missions and train with, yeah?
“I do.” Gojo said, his tone surprisingly serious.
“Have them put my name forward instead. I want to shadow you.”
Gojo laughed, a short mirthless thing, “What makes you think I have the time?”
“You have enough time to play pretend, I’d think any fiancé would leap at the chance to be with his lovely wife-to-be and keep her safe.”
Gojo hummed.
“Why me?”
This was an oddly familiar conversation.
“Purely selfish reasons. You are the best Limitless user. I am a Limitless user. I want you to teach me.”
“You aren’t on my level.” He said, no malice in his words, just simple facts.
“Then teach me what I can handle.”
There was another pause.
“I’m not gonna go easy on you just because you’re my girl.”
The bare utterance of the endearment sent a shiver up your arms and not an entirely pleasant one either. His girl. God, how would you even begin to explain this fake engagement to your parents? Who knew the depth of your jealousy and bitterness over Gojo since you were— what? Five? Younger?
“Since I am just your ‘pretend’ girl, I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
“Your funeral, babe.” Gojo said, “But I’m glad we resolved this early! Because we are having dinner. Reservations are made, I’ll pick you up at seven. Wear something pretty!”
Your words caught in your throat, stuttering across your tongue and unable to force out before the line cut off and he was gone.
You pressed the edge of your phone to your temple, already feeling a headache coming on. Something pretty? Shit.
-Something pretty? -Too vague. I have no idea what I’m supposed to wear.
A dress! Something for the evening. A Line.
V Neck def
Show off what puberty gave ya (^〃^)
Chiffon with ruffle lace
And grey-blue
To match my eyes <3
-Where in the world do you expect me to find that specific dress in the next few hours
Downstairs with hotel staff I had it dropped off <3 <3 <3
-That’s creepy
(つω`。) </3 </3
-Enough with the hearts -How much? I’ll pay you back
It is a gift <3
-How’d you even know my size
A gentleman never reveals his secrets
┐(‘~` )┌
You sighed and set aside your phone to call down to the front desk. Sure enough, a few minutes later someone brought up a large white box, tied with a grey-blue ribbon. You set the package on the small counter in your room’s kitchen and opened the lid, brushing aside soft tissue paper.
The dress was ridiculously soft, made of fine, nearly translucent layers of chiffon. It was a lovely color, the sight making you suddenly think of the feeling in the air before a thunderstorm, the smell of rain. The ribbon matched.
You looked for a price tag and found none, but folded away at the bottom of the box was a hand written receipt. You paled at the figure displayed on it.
-Gojo, I can’t possibly accept this.
Don’t be stupid. No one would believe I was serious about a woman unless I was positively spoiling her rotten. s’not like it broke the bank!
-Forget the first-grade rec
-Pay my bills
Too late! Negotiations are closed :)
-So what the hell am I doing at this dinner?
Eating Duh and being seen with yours truly easy peasy right?
You sipped your coffee, keeping the mug well away from the dress. It was certainly nicer than anything you had ever owned in— well. Ever. It was hard to argue that there were clearly going to be some additional perks to this arrangement you hadn’t previously thought of.
Plus we gotta go over some ground rules
-Thought you said negotiations were closed
-This mean we can revisit my bills?
Students need me!
Ttyl babe
The ease in which that man showered you so soon with endearments was nauseating. Had he ever even had a girlfriend before? Or just those usual moon-eyed women who fawned and petted him?
And now everyone was gonna think you were one of those girls. You drank your coffee faster, relishing in the way it burned down your throat and overpowered the bad taste in your mouth.
“First-grade… first-grade. Remember the first-grade.”
And training. You’d squeeze every possible benefit from this arrangement out that you could. Sorcerers worked in teams, but at the end of the day, it was every man and woman for themselves.
Let them think what they want when you were seen tonight. You would come out on top.
The day passed quickly and you found yourself standing in front of the hotel mirror, twisting back and forth to get a feel for the movement of the dress— and half practicing staying upright in the heels that had arrived not even a moment later.
They were high enough to be appealing, but low enough to keep you from falling over on your face. Gojo had texted an explanation that he figured you were out of practice in wearing anything other than sneakers and combat boots and to consider them training wheels.
You’d wanted, once again, to punch him in the face.
The kind of girl he liked was a stilettos kinda girl, you guessed, huffing to yourself as you sat down and twirled one of your ankles, stretching the muscle. Even the low heels were not entirely comfortable, but you’d manage.
Checking your makeup one last time, you picked up your own worn purse and slung it over your shoulder. Women who wore these kind of dresses and came in on the arm’s of other men and women like Gojo never had anything more than the smallest clutch— but you weren’t those women.
You made your way down to the lobby and were surprised to find a chauffeur waiting outside with a very very sleek European car of some kind. You weren’t great about those kinds of things, only noting the seats were made with soft black leather and there was even a divider built in like in a limo to give the passengers privacy.
The chauffeur ushered you into the empty car and you sat back with a sigh as silently he delivered you to the next destination. You had, in some small place, hoped Gojo would already be present.
Why he felt the need for such spectacle was beyond you, but maybe this was what was expected of a clan family son when he courted a young woman. It felt— weird. Nice, but weird. The drive was not overly long, the car coming to stop.
You knew this restaurant. Some fancy French-Japanese fusion place that charged a hundred dollars for a single plate with a broiled pear covered in wasabi or some weird shit. Already you felt your stomach churning with anxiety and encroaching regret.
This was gonna suck.
This was gonna suck so bad.
The chauffeur opened the door and you barely managed not to wobble on the pavement. Feeling stilted and exposed as other guests and couples regarded you with open curiosity and veiled judgment.
Clearly they were used to seeing the same people come and go from this restaurant and you were not one of them.
You clutched your bag tighter to your arm, hand reaching inside instinctively to find your phone and text Gojo you were out. This was over. Find someone else— when your surname was shouted from the door.
All eyes turned as if in sync to Gojo, wearing simple trousers and a white shirt tucked in. He didn’t even have a tie or a jacket, his dark glasses obscuring his eyes even as he looked right at you.
A few people tsked their disapproval, but they may as well have been ghosts for all the attention Gojo paid them. When you didn’t immediately make your way over to him, Gojo shoved his hands into his pockets and strode over to meet you.
He grinned, the lowering of his chin and the slow rise back up an obvious indicator he was sizing you up and didn’t care if you knew.
He whistled.
“Ow, ow!”
“Shut it— you know this dress could cover my rent for half a year?! And these shoes! I could buy a used car with this ensemble.”
“You even drive?”
“Not the point.”
He laughed again, loud and careless.
“Figured since you were dawdling you might need an arm to lean on.” Gojo said, offering your his elbow without removing his hands from his pockets, “Or perhaps…”
He feigned a gasp, “Are you feeling shy?”
“I’m leaving.” you deadpanned, managing half a turn before his hand was on your waist, turning you back. He took your hand, the feeling of his palm on your side still burned into your skin as he hooked your arm in his own.
You allowed it, leaning on him only a little. He looked pleased, smugly so, as he led you inside and to a table that was already set for two.
There was a wine glass sitting by your own plate. The one by Gojo’s was turned upside down and set to the side… a can of soda sitting, bright and out of place, in its spot.
“… where did you even get that.”
“Vending machine.” Gojo said simply and even kicked your chair out a little for you to take a seat. How flattering.
“Wine is for you, if you want it. Figured it might help take the edge off.”
You rolled your eyes, not bothering to wait for the server to return and simply tipping the bottle of red into your own glass.
“What about you?”
“I don’t drink.” He said, cracking the tab on his soda with a loud pop. Several eyes filtered your way, whispers behind hands and napkins as Gojo all but drained the can in one gulp.
“So— ground rules?” you said, unfolding a cloth napkin and settling it in a half folded triangle across your lap the way you saw other women doing.
“Straight in, huh? Alright. Terms.” Gojo lifted one finger, “As already discussed, you and I will be ‘courting’— dating. Whatever the fuck. I’ll take care of arranging the dates, you show up, act sufficiently smitten and in about a year give or take, we break up.”
Gojo lifted a second finger, “Two. In exchange, I have two first grade sorcerers who will back your promotion. And, as requested—“ Gojo’s voice dropped a fraction, almost grumpily, “—you’ll come with me on my missions for your first semi-grade probation.”
“Now ground rules. At any point either of us wants out, it’s done. No questions asked. But don’t think that means you get to ditch and just keep that first grade appointment. I’ll make sure you end up right back at a grade two.”
You sipped your wine, giving your mouth something to do than form some very choice words at that moment. Gojo noticed, his smile almost a snarl, but the expression quickly vanished. You had a funny feeling trying to hoodwink or swindle him would end very poorly for anyone.
“And when you develop feelings for me—“
“If.” You amended quickly, but Gojo ignored you.
“—when you develop feelings for me. You have to tell me and again, the engagement is over. You can keep your rank. No harm no foul. I can hardly blame you for falling for me.” Gojo said with a wistful sigh. You were grateful for the arrival of the first course, forcing you both to fall silent for a moment until they departed.
You had no idea what was on the plate. Some kind of salad? It was hardly a mouthful. Gojo didn’t even touch his silverware and feeling less than impressed with the cuisine, you didn’t either.
You drank your wine.
“Barring sickness or injury you are required to appear for every date I set. Including the ones where you have to meet other members of the main family.”
You frowned, but didn’t object.
“Wait— what about you?”
“What about me?”
“Is the engagement off when you develop feelings for me?” You said lightly, trying to play off your smile as wistful.
Gojo scoffed, his reaction almost enough to hurt your feelings… just a little bit.
“Non-issue. I don’t do feelings.”
“God, you sound like a fuck boy.” The words came out before you could stop yourself, the last syllable off your tongue right at the moment the server had returned to reclaim your plates. An eyebrow was raised and you hid your face down with a flustered cough.
By the time you looked back up, you got the joy of seeing Gojo staring at you from over his glasses, a broad and deeply amused grin on his face.
“Not non-issue. If I get the feelings rule you get the feelings rule. End discussion.”
Gojo shrugged, again not touching the newest course which was, to your extreme annoyance, some kind of grilled pear.
“You should slow down.” He warned in a sing song voice as you poured another glass.
“I’m not a baby— okay. So we got terms, we got ground rules. Anything else?”
“You can’t refuse my gifts.”
Your eyes narrowed sharply and he simply smiled and hummed with a shrug.
“It’s for appearances! Oh. Speaking of appearances—“ Gojo sat up, fishing something from his back pocket and sitting it on the table. You stared at the simple black box, fearing a vein might burst in your forehead at any moment.
“What is that.” You stated more than asked.
“Open it.” Gojo said, his voice light and encouraging as he nudged the box closer, “Come on, open it. Open it. You know you wanna, sweetie, light of my life, fire of my lo—“
You snatched the box up if only to stop him from finishing that sentence.
You swallowed hard, the sounds of the room fading out as you flipped open the box and found, sitting upon a small satin pillow— a… key?
You lifted it from the box, noting it even had a little custom keychain made to look like a white cat with a tiny blindfold.
“It’s to my apartment!” Gojo announced with a giddy laugh, clasping his hands together in a way that was entirely un-adult like.
“… I have my own place. Thank you.”
“In Kyoto. This is here, in Tokyo. Where you will need to stay for this all to work, remember?”
“Where will you stay?” You asked dryly, vaguely hoping his answer would be something other than what it was no doubt going to be.
“Very funny. You’ll have your own room—if you want it.”
“Why—“ your voice nearly broke and you had to take a moment to clear it, “Why uh— why wouldn’t I be wanting my own room?”
“Feelings are off limits, naturally. But if you want to take me up again on that offer from back in the day…”
The surge of cursed energy that rippled off of you was so strong Gojo nearly toppled backwards, his laugh gaining a somewhat nervous lift to it if only for just a moment.
“I’ll have my own room. My own locked room.” You bit out, feeling your face flushing hot and hating every second Gojo seemed to be enjoying your utter mortification, “Unless that is a problem.”
“Nope. Not at all. Probably for the best ultimately, I’ve been told I have a bad habit of dickmatizing folks.”
“… I’m sorry, you what.”
“Dickmatizing! Ya know. Like hypnotizing but with—“
“I got it!” You groaned, pressing your face into your hand. When did it get so damn hot in here? You snatched up your wine glass and finished off the contents, feeling even hotter.
“Is that all?”
“Unless anything comes to your mind, then yep.” Gojo finished, ignoring yet another course. You were almost tempted. The dish was some kind of meat, but the sauce drenched over it smelt sharply of something bitter and sour at the same time. You stomach recoiled at the thought and yet rumbled in protest to its growing hunger.
“So what do you think?”
“You’re disgusting?” you said flatly.
“I meant about the deal.”
You glowered openly at him. It was going to take a lot of practice to turn that deprecating expression you felt naturally pull unto your face at his sight into something loving and tender… but for first-grade ranking? For lessons on your Limitless? Fuck. Fuck you’d do it.
You poured the remainder of the bottle into your glass and polished it off in one shot.
“I accept.”
Gojo clapped his hands together, “Excellent! Now let’s get the hell out of here.”
“Huh?” You barely managed to get the questioning sound out before Gojo was up and out of his chair. You scrambled up, head rushing with the wine and the weirdness of this entire conversation. By the time you managed to catch up with him, he snaked out his arm and wrapped it around your waist, pulling you flush and warm against his side.
You about threw him across the room, but your attempts at a grapple were thwarted by the sudden thrumming of the familiar Neutral Limitless ability, stalling your moments to such a small speed you felt suddenly frozen.
The impulse to toss him passed and instead you let him escort you outside where the car was still waiting.
“Take us to the place, ya know the one.” Gojo said to the driver and in a surprising show of gallantry, actually held the door open for you to get in first.
“And open the back window. If she throws up, I’d rather it be on the pavement.”
You elbowed him in the chest— accidentally of course.
The car drive was a bit longer, taking you away from the glitz and glamor of this side of Tokyo and to what looked arguably as one of the most hole-in-the-wall noodle joints you had ever seen. The street kitchen was small, the counter open outside with a few bar stools. The smells of teriyaki and spices and cooking oils were heavy in the air and made your mouth water.
Gojo perched on one of the stools and you came to sit alongside him, watching as he ripped open a set of chopsticks and rubbed the splinters off.
He ordered quickly—yakisoba and yakitori. Along with several packages of mochi they kept behind the counter in the same kinda plastic bags you’d find at a convenience store.
Gojo had been right— you should have slowed down. The world had a light haze to it… a slight tilting. His hand on your back felt massive and overly warm as he guided you back to sitting straight.
“Eat, ya lush.” He ordered, piling noodles and chicken unto a smaller empty plate for you from his own, “C’mon.”
Gojo popped one of the mochi bags and dumped the sticky sweet confection right on top of your yakisoba. You grimaced, picking the sweet off and trying to wipe some of the sauce from it before you took a generous bite.
The food was greasy and delicious and abundant and cheap and your mouth was in heaven. Even having not used your Limitless since yesterday, every taste still felt heightened. Maybe it was the way your cursed powers tried to compensate from the wine, but everything somehow was more delicious.
You attempted to snag another piece of yakitori from Gojo’s plate, only to have your chopsticks blocked with a clack.
“Ah ah ah— hands off.”
“What’s yours is mine, right?” You chided, only to be dodged again in a movement faster than your eyes could perceive. Did he just use his Limitless to counter you? Feeling emboldened, you activated your own, the faint pulse of the energy so close together giving you the sort of deflecting feeling one experiences when holding two sides of the same magnet near together.
Repelling, shifting. Trying to shove the energy into a way that the two forces would collide rather than deflect.
You were concentrating fully. The minuscule movements invisible to even your eyes, but the feeling was there. A sort of blindsight where you didn’t need the Six Eyes to tell you what was happening— but it would have definitely helped. You flicked a glance up and lost your control, your chopsticks shooting away and nearly cracking one in two.
Gojo chuckled. It was the expression on his face that had distracted you. His eyelids were half dropped, his smile soft as he readied himself to deflect you again. Your energy was no match for his… but it matched. It was made of the same stuff. Controlled the same way. He could see, with the sharp clarity of his Six Eyes, every tiny precise movement you made with your cursed energy. A mirror of his own abilities in miniature.
He was playing with you. And all the sudden you felt as if a small knot in your chest had shaken free, the coil coming undone.
Was there anyone else on this Earth you could do such a thing with?
Feeling strange and suddenly shy, you drew your energy back in and refocused on eating from your own plate, grumbling at your loss.
A second later, Gojo’s chopsticks moved over your plate, dropping another helping of noodles in.
A small concession. A victory in it's own right, even if it had not won the yakitori.
“Sober up, will ya? But don’t eat too fast. I’m not cleaning up vomit, no way, no how.”
“You’re always so vulgar.” you murmured, speaking around a mouthful of noodles and mochi. Gojo turned and stuck his tongue out at you. A confirmation or a reprisal, you couldn’t be sure.
But regardless, it did something to you he had never managed to do before.
It made you laugh.
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atsumiyass · 3 years
Bakusquad during christmas
here’s a lil something for christmas since i’m feelin in the spirit - venus
warnings: fluff, platonic relationships
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Katsuki Bakugou
Bakugou would definitely take on cooking duty.
We all know mans can cook BOMB ASS FOOD.
He literally wouldn't let anyone else take on the job so...
But I feel like if you tried to help out he wouldn’t care as much
Bc he has a soft spot for you, ofc.
Also bc he knows you can cook pretty good as well.
So you both spend the afternoon cooking together.
Which turned out to be fun...
Apart from when you almost burned down the whole dorm building but we dont talk about that.
Once you finished putting away the food for tomorrow, you had the amazing idea of watching a Christmas movie to get into the spirit and relax after all your hard work.
it took some begging, but he finally agreed.
as long as you watched whatever he wanted, of course
but i mean who were you to say no to Bakugou
you made your way to his dorm since he had a tv and you didn’t
lucky prick
he put the disc in and you both settled on the wall where his bed was, a few feet apart from each other
but you’re y/n, and you’re in desperate need of attention
and it was cold
and Bakugou just happened to be a couple feet away
so the only logical option would be to snuggle up next to him
it took some courage but when you did, he surprisingly didn’t mind
he actually put his arm around you.
you took the chance and snuggled in closer.
soft Bakugou was a once in a lifetime experience, you had to take advantage of it.
especially since he would never act like this in front of the others
“so do you think they’ll like the food?” you asked, looking up at him.
“hell yeah they will, we made it didn’t we?” He replied, not looking away from the screen.
you smiled and turned back to the movie.
This Christmas was gonna be one to remember, thats for sure.
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Eijirou Kirishima
This baby is on christmas tree duty
he asked you to tag along tho, for support
and bc he has a lil crush on you but you didn’t hear it from me (;
you both get to the common area and take a look at the empty Christmas tree
its huge.
as tall as the ceiling huge.
you might have to call Uraraka for this one
you looked at each other like
“this is gonna take awhile.”
so you both get to work, first stringing the multi-colored lights around the tree
luckily they didn’t get all tangled up in the tree, so it didn’t take that long
(you actually ended up calling Uraraka to help you since it was so high up)
Once that was done, you continued on with the tinsel.
which ended up in it all getting tangled from you both fooling around.
in the trash it goes.
Next was the ornaments.
They varied from red, to white, to even hero themed ones.
you started from the bottom this time, not wanting to get Uraraka again
you decided to turn on some christmas music to set the mood since you both were just sitting in awkward silence for a hot minute
i hc that kiri get shy around his crush pls
so once you got the perfect spotify playlist going you went back to working on the tree, humming along to the song.
little did you know Kirishima was on the other side of the tree, having an internal conflict.
does he talk to you? does he make a joke? does he not say anything? does he-
“hey do we have anymore red ones?” he heard your voice, making him breathe a sigh of relief.
“yeah here..” he said going to grab one.
but ofc you didn’t hear him
so you also went to go grab one
and just like those cheesy romance movies
your hand landed on top of his.
you both looked up at each other and quickly pulled your hands back.
You felt your face heat up as you nervously laughed and picked up the ornament, making your way back to your side of the tree.
my shy, oblivious babies tsk tsk 
Soon enough you finished all the ornaments and stood back to observe your work.
it honestly looked really good.
“wow Eji, it looks great dontcha think?” you asked, turning towards him.
“Yeah we did a super good job! great work y/n!” He said, giving you his signature sharky smile along with a thumbs up
your heart: doki doki
Suddenly a light bulb went off in your head
you had forgotten the star!!!
the most important part!!!!!
wtf y/n smh do better
you dug around in the christmas box for the star, which you soon found.
“hey could you go get Ochaco again? we gotta put up the star.” You called out to him.
“I think she’s out training with the other girls, i’m sure we can handle it.” he said confidently.
you guys couldn’t handle it.
somehow you ended up on top of him after falling off his shoulders.
could this get anymore cliché srsly.
luckily the star hadn't broke, so with the help of Ochaco this time, you got it up all nice and snug.
You plugged in the cords and the tree lit up, the rainbow lights and golden star illuminating the room.
your eyes sparkled in admiration, as the whole class gawked at you and Kirishimas work.
“You’re such a good team guys!” Yaoyorozu said, clapping her hands together with a smile.
and that, you were.
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Denki Kaminari
Denki our electric boy would be on presents duty.
how did you end up tagging along with him? 
you offered to go, like the kind person you are.
you actually wanted to keep an eye on him to make sure he didn’t accidently break something or pick up the wrong presents.
either way
you both arrived at the first store to pick up Mr. Aizawas present, since the whole class chipped in to get him something as a thank you.
you got to the counter and gave the clerk the receipt, and they went to the back to get the order.
what you didn’t know was that while you were there, Kaminari was wondering around the store touching everything he possibly could.
it was only a matter of time before he broke something
you soon realize he isn’t behind you so you go to look for him since the clerk is still in the back
“Kaminari? Where did you go?” You call out to him, but hear no response.
You continue in the store, searching every rack to see if he was hiding inside (yes Denki is childish what about it)
you do end up finding him though
just, not in the way you would imagine.
“Denki what happened?” You asked, speed walking over to a stupefied Kaminari
you saw two batteries on the ground and connected the dots.
of course.
you sighed, picking up the batteries and putting them back on the shelf.
“c’mon you big oaf, lets get back.” you sighed again, guiding Kaminari back to the front
once you got back to the counter the clerk had already come back, present in hand.
they looked at you like “da fawk are these bitches doing”
you grabbed the bag from the counter, thanked the clerk, and left. 
(yes you paid smh you aint no robber)
Hand in hand with Kaminari you made it back to the dorms in one piece thankfully and by that time he had gotten back to a somewhat normal state
as normal as he can be
When the rest of the class asked what happened, you told them:
“just Kaminari, being Kaminari.”
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Mina Ashido
you and Mina would def go ugly sweater shopping together.
both of you would force the guys (Bakugou, Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero) to wear them all throughout the Christmas party.
so you headed over to the nearest mall to pick some out for everyone, since (in Minas words) you both have “exquisite taste in fashion”.
which you dont, but they dont know that.
Once you entered the shop you both sprinted and got yelled at to the sweaters section and started to look through the racks.
“Ouu this one just screams Bakugou!” she exclaimed, pulling one from the rack.
It was red, covered in stars, ornaments, and ugly santas with orange words that read ‘Merry Christmas’ across the sweater in cursive.
yeah he would hate it, but then again thats the whole point.
“definitely, lets get it.”
After about an hour or so of picking out unique (ugly asf) sweaters for each of the boys, you paid and left the store.
The day of the party soon rolled around and you got your sweaters on, heading over to the boys’ dorms to give them theirs.
Bakugou: Hell no!
Y/n: pretty pleaseee *puppy dog eyes*
Bakugou: .....fine.
Kirishima: aw yeah cool! I'm gonna look super manly in this!
Sero: I have a bad feeling about this, eh whatever.
Kaminari: we’re gonna look so stupid in these hahaha!
Once they all came out in their sweaters, you and Mina had a whole ass FIT OF LAUGHER 
like I'm talking a good 10 minutes on the floor.
After getting yelled at by Bakugou, you headed over to everyone else.
but not before fist bumping Mina in victory.
“We’re so doing this next year.”
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ilkkawhat · 3 years
Did anyone else notice the acknowledgement to Nick’s past between the victim services advisor April Martin in the episode Death and the Maiden? How she told him to keep the other card just in case because she senses Nick’s own abuse and how hostile he is towards her for it?
oh nonny how I wish I could find the two page essay I had written to my friend back when this episode first aired, of how this episode was a perfect exploration without directly acknowledging Nick's past, of Nick's past. How he was so affected by this case but unlike 2x03 he didn't let it show--I think the 2x03 case we saw more of his emotions because it so closely paralleled his own experience that he even put himself in the damn flashback which is not something you see like, ever in that show (off topic but I hope the revival brings back those classic flashbacks)
I think April was yet another in what I feel like is a pretty sizeable pile of storylines that they probably wanted to explore a bit deeper--maybe even a full on relationship between the two of them--and hell now that I think about it, there was that bit in 12x03 where Nick had that back and forth with Doc Robbins' niece about baggage and stuff and you just know it was hinting at all of Nick's baggage--but I def think she had gotten some sort of feeling from him that made him stick out from all the other CSIs, which is why she was so willing to help and even came to him when she sensed that something wasn't right with Tommy--if any other CSI had gone into that office, would they have gotten the same treatment from her? Would they have stood up to her (fairly) cruel jabs towards the CSIs who in her eyes, treated death as a joke and victims as evidence? I feel like most others would just shrug her off but here we have Nick who's like "uhm yeah no, that's not how it is" and for once he's the one challenging that almost ignorance (similar to how his ignorance was at times, challenged, i.e a little murder) and while yeah he kinda storms off cause her words hurt him (bless his heart) and pissed him off she saw that, she saw that hostility that was obviously covering something deeper within him and extended that hand, extended her heart and I think if she reappeared in the show again, Nick would have returned the favor--maybe not full on divulging his past, maybe not directly seeking the service that she offers in the professional sense but maybe would have just...let her in a bit.
I rewatched those two scenes they had to answer this ask and another notable thing to me is that Brass was the one who led Nick to April--Brass, who has been there for all of the victimizations Nick's had to experience (and I mean...just look at Stalker. Look at how he cups his hand around Nick's neck, calming him down, comforting him with a soft smile and the assurance that "it's over") and so he obviously knows who April is, what she's capable of--and how Nick might not just need a professional consultation so to speak for a case, but a personal one too? And like yeah, he's not super reckless "i'm not afraid to die" post meat jekyll yet but I think Brass has known Nick long enough to see those cracks in him and idk man, I'm sure with just...Nick being Nick, with how he survived literally being thrown out of a window, all the gun point incidents, having been stalked, blown up, being buried alive--seeing Nick surviving all of that and still coming to the job that got him in those predicaments in the first place (well ok though, Stalker may have still happened if he wasn't a CSI since Nigel met him while installing his cable but oh god...what if the team was too late? how would that lack of personal connection to Nick affected their urgency to protect him??? What if that instance is what would pull Nick into the team? The possibilities of AUs are endless here folks)
but with all of that, there must be something else that happened to him to allow him to literally rise from a grave being like "yeah I'm fine." Something worse. Something that men in particular don't seem too eager to talk about.
Brass is a detective.
He's probably seen it all between his time in New Jersey and Vegas.
He probably saw something in Nick that he's seen before in other victims.
And not only that, he knows that like April, Nick has a big heart. A big bleeding heart even though Nick denied that April did, I think it's clear that Nick sure as hell has one and while he ends up kinda hardening up as time goes on--we still get flashes of it. we still see him admit to Doc in season 13, "sometimes this job really gets to me" and he tells Nick, "worry when it doesn't."
What if Brass felt that Nick was heading towards that direction? Season Ten Nick, while again, not as reckless as Indestructible Season Eleven Nick, was def carrying his head a little too high. Sure, he was stepping into more of a leadership role and therefore had to kinda hold back some his emotions, but seeing him work this case, seeing him say "I would have killed him too," seeing him take this case so seriously and probably in a big whole denial, "this isn't the same as what happened to me." there had to be something going on and that's why he gives him to April. To not just help the victim, but help himself before becomes too hard-boiled.
Before he stops being Nicky.
And going back to April and your original ask 😅 I could def see her being able to work with Nick a lot more than any of the "therapists" that Nick seems so against, just getting bits and pieces and running with them as much as she can. Maybe encouraging him to let her see more of the CSI side to things, and letting him see the work that she does. It wouldn't be easy, of course, I could see Nick walking away when she pushes too hard, just like Catherine did, but if he got backed too far into a corner or if she caught him on a really vulnerable night, I bet he'd crack like an oyster and just tell her everything and she would be able to help him in ways that nobody else could to that point--she could help that ghost of the nine year old boy who was too scared to do anything but sit in his room, in the dark, waiting for his mom to come home. Does she encourage him to finally tell his parents about it? Does she encourage him to tell more of the people close to him? Does she encourage him to sure, keep it to himself but to not blame himself for it? To show him that he can still trust the people he's "supposed" to trust, that the work isn't as dark and heavy as he sees it on a daily basis (which, hell, maybe they could have done the post grave danger burn out storyline george talked about wanting to do in an interview once where he couldn't' even look at spaghetti without seeing blood and bodies--god let this man just be the showrunner of his own show) and GOD! we could have just had it all. It could have been such a real, genuine relationship between two people on different sides of the same coin that tips the scales of justice--connecting over victims, and how they just want to help
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vivithefolle · 3 years
Love isn’t a Deus Ex Machina thing, it’s literally the core theme of the series, hence why Love Magic exists
Love Magic is never a concept at any time in the series. It’s only about “Lily Potter’s spell”. But what’s so special about Lily Potter? What’s so great about her? She did the thing any halfway decent mother would do for their child: she gave her life for them. Molly would’ve done it for any of her sons. Narcissa would have done it for Draco. Mrs Granger the nonentity would have done it for her daughter had she not been lobotomized instead. Lily Potter’s sacrifice isn’t anything special. It’s only special because Rowling decided so, because the Plot needed it to be.
Love isn’t a Deus Ex Machina thing? Then how come Quirrel conveniently burned to death at Harry’s hands? How come Harry had to live at Privet Drive because reasons so he could be abused so naive readers like you could feel very sorry for the poor widdle orphan and pat themselves on the back because wow, aren’t you special for feeling sorry for the poor widdle orphan?
And I didn’t misunderstand Harry. I literally explained him to you
If you don’t like him, I don’t care. Just stop giving his uniqueness to other characters
And you literally showed me exactly why you don’t understand him.
Harry’s superpower isn’t teh special uniqueness of his luuuurve, or the absolute pure pureness of his heart, it’s that he has FRIENDS. Friends who’d die for him, friends who’d sacrifice themselves for him, friends who’d do anything for him. THAT’S the power of love, not some bullshit ~special pure pureness of the heart of Harry Christ our lord and savior~. Harry isn’’t unfailingly kind or uniquely loving or whatever the shit. Harry is a run-of-the-mill teenager who has such obscene luck I wouldn’t be surprised to learn he was conceived under the influence of Lucky Potion.
You just showed me you’re a member of the Church of Harry Christ and I’m not interested in joining. Dear God I thought I was too attached to fictional characters but wow am I glad I’m not at your level.
Also one more thing: “tortured” someone?
Sure. A painful stunner is DEF torture (that’s legit all his Crucio did; it acted as a painful stunner. It threw Carrow backwards and hurt him while it did. Crucio isn’t even close to that when performed properly)
............ you... you fucking little hypocrite.
You filthy, lying, little bitch cunt of a fucking hypocrite.
Remember when I said the next person who’d try to lie to me to pity poor wee widdle Hawwy would be sorry? You pathetic little piece of shit. If you’re so in luuurve with your precious cuntfuck of a camera archetype you’d accept EVERYTHING about him, wouldn’t you? Haha, but noooo. “Oh wee poor Hawwy only used a painful stunner :)))))))” you fucking little bitch. Oh you accuse ME of trying to “make Hawwy not special :(((” but you... YOU... Hahahaha sorry everyone. I have a slight aversion to people blatantly trying to gaslight me. You may find me getting a little bit angry if you happen to trod on this trigger of mine.
Let’s see that again shall we? Open your eyes and your chakras, bitch, we’re going for a ride.
“It’s not a case of what you’ll permit, Minerva McGonagall. You time’s over. It’s us what’s in charge here now, and you’ll back me up or you’ll pay the price.” And he spat in her face. Harry pulled the Cloak off himself, raised his wand, and said, “You shouldn’t have done that.” As Amycus spun around, Harry shouted, “Crucio!” The Death Eater was lifted off his feet. He writhed through the air like a drowning man, thrashing and howling in pain, and then, with a crunch and a shattering of glass, he smashed into the front of a bookcase and crumpled, insensible, to the floor. “I see what Bellatrix meant,” said Harry, the blood thundering through his brain, “you need to really mean it.” - Deathly Hallows
If I could reach through my screen to force you to look at the relevant bits, I would. And I’d also slap you in passing. Yknow, just so you think twice before being a stinking fucking hypocrite again in the future.
Now, let’s do some actual literary analysis that isn’t your ~wah hawwy puwe of heawt luuurrrve~ diarrhea you’re still trying to paint my poor innocent blog with.
Now let’s see that PaInFuL sTuNnEr in detail:
He writhed through the air like a drowning man, thrashing and howling in pain 
In bold so you can see it very well. Admire the curve of each letter, the angles and the lines. And most of all, interpret the meaning of each and every word. Watch how he’s compared to “a drowning man”, do you know how excruciatingly painful and distressing it is to drown? How the air fills your lungs as you claw desperately for the surface, trying to find something to cling to, anything, the feeling of your lungs filling with this foreign substance you cannot spit back out? The feeling of fading away as all your oxygen is consumed by the futility of your hopeless flailing, your muscles losing their strength, your panic dulling as you slip into unconsciousness and water claims yet another victim...
Of course, drowning people don’t thrash and howl in pain. Because all they’re focused on is trying to BREATHE. But Amycus’ focus isn’t on trying to breathe. Amycus is only focus on Harry’s Crucio and the pain it’s bringing him.
But sure Anon. A pAiNfUl StUnNeR. Fuck you.
and then, with a crunch and a shattering of glass 
Now I’m aware Dummywood has made you believe that glass can be traversed easy without any consequences but real glass doesn’t work like that. Real glass takes some force to shatter. Real glass shatters into hundreds of tiny pieces that embed themselves into your flesh and skin, kinda like... oh! Kinda like that glass chandelier that fell on Hermione, once. After she herself was Crucio’d if I remember well. Hmm, by whom exactly, I have it on the tip of my tongue...
“I see what Bellatrix meant,” 
Ah yes. By the woman who tortured to insanity Neville’s parents and whom Harry is literally acknowledging as having taught him this particular lesson.
Harry himself is TELLING US HE LISTENED TO BELLATRIX’S ADVICE. ON FUCKING TORTURING PEOPLE. But “a PaInFuL sTuNnEr He’S aN oRpHaN :’‘‘(((((”. Fuck off. Fuck off, Anon. Fuck off and learn to fucking read.
Ah but I got ahead of myself! We’re not even CLOSE to the point!
he smashed into the front of a bookcase and crumpled, insensible, to the floor 
So Amycus gets tortured - or, as Anon astutely put it, pAiNfUl StUnNeR - smashes through a sheet of glass, and gets knocked out.
Hmm. Now if Harry just took out a knife and brought it to Carrow’s neck, he’d be worthy of being called Bellatrix’s faithful apprentice.
And now I’m gonna quote one of my Quora answers again because my followers deserve better than to see me completely lose my mind at some anonymous cowardly cunt trying to lie to my fucking face.
On the topic of Harry’s Crucios:
This could mean that Harry is scarily proficient at casting Crucio, that Amycus has low pain tolerance or that he was knocked out when he fell, but regardless of the meaning, IT’S NOT GOOD. EVEN IF IT’S A DEATH EATER, EVEN IF HE PROBABLY DESERVES COMEUPPANCE - IT’S NOT HARRY’S JOB TO GIVE OUT SAID COMEUPPANCE.
(Like, can I please remind everyone that Harry is supposed to be the Jesus Christ of his story? In the Bible we never have Jesus Christ torturing the pharisees or any of those who didn’t believe in him. Just… you’re telling me Jesus “Peace and Love” Christ would torture people… what the hell, Joanne?)
“I see what Bellatrix meant,” said Harry, the blood thundering through his brain, “you need to really mean it.”
…………………….. Um. Harry, what the fuck are you doing???! He’s taken Bellatrix’s advice! He actually relates to the insane sadistic terrorist! He is capable of using a curse that literally requires sadism to work!
(Again, when someone tells me “Jesus Christ”, “sadism” isn’t the first word that would come to my mind.)
At least there’s some sort of reaction. “the blood thundering through his brain”. But that’s a very… nondescriptive reaction. Is it the “adrenaline pumping in my veins” blood? Is it the “holy shit what have I done” blood? Is it the “I could get used to this” blood?
We don’t know. We’ll never know.
Alright, skipping to the part that interests us -
She struggled to pull herself together. “Potter, that was foolish!”
Eh, I’d have said “tactically unsound” (what if Amycus wasn’t knocked out), “monstrous” (that’s Bellatrix’s favourite curse you’re using, Harry), “insane” (re: Bellatrix), but yeah, I guess “foolish” would also cover it.
“He spat at you,” said Harry.
Ever heard of Disproportionate Retribution, Harry? A few fascists regimes all over the world were especially fond of it.
Then I’m skipping over the one thing that causes the most outrage because I’ll go back to it soon, just let me finish with this:
“[…] but don’t you realize — ?” “Yeah, I do,” Harry assured her. Somehow her panic steadied him.
I guess we can imagine that McGee is saying “don’t you realize what you’ve just done?”
Harry “assures” her he realizes. Harry knows. Harry has just used the literal goddamn Torture Curse and he’s totally cool with it. Or, if he was uncool with it, now he’s cool with it. Because “her panic steadied him”. So seeing McGonagall panic makes Harry think “yeah, using Crucio was the right thing to do”.
Well then! Onwards then, Dark Lord Potter! First it’s just one Crucio, then it’s just three, then it’s just one little murder of one lowly little naysayer, then it’s only a little more murder…
And now we’ll go back a smidge, because how are we supposed to react?
How are we supposed to reconcile the idea of Harry, who’s supposed to save us all through his Power of Love, with the Harry that has just tortured a man into inconsciousness?
Even if that man was a Death Eater, Harry is supposed to be the Christ-like figure. He’s supposed to be love and forgiveness incarnate. Heck, not a hundred pages later he’ll offer forgiveness to freaking Voldemort! He forgives Draco Malfoy, he forgives Albus Dumbledore, he forgives Severus Snape!
So how do we reconcile Harry Potter The Forgiver with Harry Potter The Torturer? Tell us, O Author! Tell us how to navigate the murky, twisted depths of human morality!!
“Potter, I — that was very — very gallant of you — […]”
That was… gallant?
Wait, doesn’t gallantry imply some form of honor?
As in, not taking your opponent by surprise -
Harry pulled the Cloak off himself, raised his wand…
As in, facing your opponent head-on instead of hitting them in the back -
As Amycus spun around, Harry shouted…
As in, not torturing your opponent???
He writhed through the air like a drowning man, thrashing and howling in pain
That’s… unless the definition has changed, nothing about this is gallant…
Let me just -
(of a man) polite and kind towards women, especially when in public
showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things
Alright, so, Amycus isn’t a woman, so Harry can’t, by definition, be “gallant” to him.
Still, being “polite and kind” to a woman didn’t involve “torturing someone who disrespected her”, last time I checked. Punching an asshole harrassing her, definitely *pats Ron*, but torturing that asshole… no, just no.
And well, I guess casting Cruciatus is a difficult thing to do… and Harry didn’t seem very afraid to do it… that’s not supposed to be a good thing, but apparently, now it is…?
What made that
As Amycus spun around, Harry shouted, “Crucio!”
more gallant than
“What else did you take, what else? ANSWER ME! CRUCIO!”
After all, they’re the exact same thing. Torture. Inflicting tremendous pain upon someone for the heck of it.
Why do people lose their heads over Harry using Crucio, when they seem to neglect the fact that Draco Malfoy cast it?
Well, easy enough - Draco Malfoy is an evil little cockroach. The guy wished death upon people, he bragged about the fact that his Daddy dearest was a terrorist who killed people. It’s not too surprising that an evil little cockroach like him would find it acceptable to torture someone he considers “not human”, isn’t it?
What’s more surprising however, is that the hero, Harry Potter, who has been subjected to the Torture Curse, whose only use of the Torture Curse previously was when he felt distress and pain unlike any other, that Harry Potter whom is supposed to be a hero and some sort of role model, would actually manage to use said Torture Curse even though it requires real sadism to actually work.
And what’s even worse is that Harry Potter casts that curse, that literal Torture Curse, and instead of being rightly horrified, instead of being terrified by the boy’s use of such a heinous spell, instead of saying “alright Harry, you’re not doing this again, ever, right?”, instead…
Instead McGonagall calls Harry “gallant”, instead of telling him off for using such a curse. She briefly calls him “foolish”, but it doesn’t register, really, since she ends up calling him “gallant”.
That’s what angers people. That the Torture Curse is the most horrible, awful thing you can do to people… unless you’re Harry Potter, in which case it is a little “foolish”, but mostly “gallant”.
But of course, little Anon over here isn’t angered. Because little Anon is a faithful devoted member of the Church of Harry Christ Our Lord And Saviour. Little Anon can say enormities like A pAiNfUl StUnNeR and believe it with the whole force of their little Anon heart, because uwu Hawwy speshul orphan pure lurve uwu.
Little Anon, please get the fuck out of my blog and never, ever come back. I’m sure this arrangement will be beneficial for everyone involved.
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Bad Guy
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Here you go @flybi91​! This is def full of angst and fluff!!
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If someone had told you yesterday that today you would witness an alien invasion, you would have scoffed and called them mad. But that was exactly the scene that unfolded in front of you in the bright afternoon sun. Ships seemed to appear out of nowhere and a bunch of tall creatures with blue skin walked out with their weapons raised. What started as a quiet walk in the park soon turned into a panicked run as screams filled the air. 
You ducked and doged the fire as you tried not to think about the strangers that you passed that you would never see again. Then, you noticed a man standing in the middle of the street. He didn’t seem as worried about the invasion and the violence around him, but you also noticed that one of the blue creatures had snuck up behind him.
Without even a second thought, you rushed toward him and pushed him out of the way at the last second before the creature could shoot him. The two of you fell to the ground with a grunt, and he seemed shocked and confused at the sudden movement. But, his face quickly turned to anger as he scrambled to his feet and yelled at the alien.
“Shoot them, not me you imbeciles!” 
You couldn’t hide the confusion on your face as he squared up against the tall creature without fear. Even more confusing was that it actually listened to him and turned and went the other direction. You propped yourself up on your elbows as he turned to you.
“You’re an unusual one aren’t you?” he asked in a much gentler voice as he held his hand out to you, “Why don’t you come with me? I’ll show you the universe.”
True to his word, the man, who introduced himself to you simply as the Master, took you from one corner of the universe to another. You saw wonders you couldn’t even imagine, and sometimes he even would take you to your favorite historical periods in time. Never in your wildest dreams did you think you would actually get the chance to meet Alexander the Great.
“This is…” you breathed out as you and the Master sat on a purple beach under the most beautiful sky you had ever seen, “I don’t even have words. Thank you,” you gave him such a sincere look. For a moment, the Master forgot about all the rage he held within him.
Maybe you could be the person to finally help him find peace within himself. The Master was surprised at himself when he thought that maybe he didn’t have to cause so much destruction everywhere he went. Maybe he wanted to make the universe a safe place for you and make you happy.
But just as quickly as that feeling appeared, it vanished when the pair of you ran into someone he knew. After almost a year of traveling with the Master, you saw a side of him for the first time that shocked and almost scared you. 
“Who is that?” you asked as you stood at his side.
“The Doctor,” he snarled. Her loyal group of companions followed behind her as well but the Doctor kept them back.
She strolled up to the pair of you with confidence and just a hint of anger, “Kidnapping humans now are we?”
He scoffed, “Not kidnapping. She’s here of her own free will.”
The Doctor didn’t seem to like that, and she addressed you, “Do you know who you’re really traveling with?”
“The Master,” you replied bluntly. He seemed amused at your accidental rudeness towards her.
“Ask him what he is really, about the destruction he brings with him. Ask him about the things he’s done, the people he killed, the planets he burned,” her tone turned pointed.
“That’s enough,” the Master snapped as he pulled you away from her and dragged you back to his TARDIS.
The Master was in the most sour mood you had ever seen him in. In the time you traveled with him, he told you about what he was, but never mentioned anyone else of his own species or his home. You sat in a corner and let him ramble on to himself in an angry tirade as he flew his TARDIS. Once you felt the familiar jolt of a landing, he walked over to you.
“Let’s go,” his voice was stern, and you swallowed a lump in your throat as you followed him.
This visit wasn’t like your previous trips. He stepped on the planet already pissed off at anyone who entered his field of view. Before long, screams could be heard from every direction and everything was on fire. The Master made sure you were out of harm’s way, of course, but you couldn’t believe what you saw. And it gave you flashbacks to the day you met him back on Earth.
Suddenly the man you thought you knew, the man who had shown you the universe, the man you had grown to care deeply about, became a stranger.
As you tried to get back to the TARDIS, one of the locals grabbed onto your ankle from where she laid on the ground. You stopped in surprise, but you bent down to listen to what she had to say.
“He’s not a good man,” she managed to say between heavy breaths, “I see your heart and it’s a good one. Don’t let him corrupt you.”
You reached out to her and tried to offer a little bit of comfort, “I’m so sorry,” you whispered before she died in front of you. With tears in your eyes, you ran back to the ship and sobbed in the shadows. By the time the Master got back, your sobs became silent and he didn’t even notice.
The Master called your name once he got the TARDIS flying, and was taken aback when he found you slumped down in the shadows, “What are you doing?”
You looked up at him, “I could ask you the same thing. What the hell was that?”
“That,” he replied in a surprisingly harsh tone, “Was what I really am.”
“What? Just because the Doctor accused you of being a killer doesn’t mean…”
“She’s right!” he roared.
You blinked a few times and stepped back against the wall, and you were at a complete loss for words.
The volume of his voice frightened the Master too, only because it was directed at you. From the day you met, he swore to himself that he would never yell at you and never put you in harm’s way. But today he broke both promises he silently made to you, and he was surprised how awful it made him feel.
“Come with me,” he said softly as he held his hand out to you.
With a shaky hand, you took his and you let him take you over to the console. The Master kept his hand in yours as he flipped a switch and the TARDIS shook. The rumble knocked you off balance, but he easily caught you and held you in his arms so you wouldn’t fall over. You lifted your gaze to meet his, and you and the Master shared a moment of silence together.
The Master broke eye contact and wordlessly led you out the doors. The planet he landed on was completely devoid of life, and it looked like it was still in the embers of a lasting fire. It was hot, but at the same time it felt cold. And you could feel the sadness in the air.
“Where are we?” you were almost afraid to ask.
“Gallifrey,” he answered before he turned to you with a sad look in his eyes, “My home planet.”
You turned to face him, your mouth gaped open, “Don’t tell me…” you drifted off as the tears started.
He nodded.
The tears wouldn’t stop once they started, “I don’t know why I’m crying,” you muttered between sobs before you turned and went back in the TARDIS. You were so overwhelmed with emotions, and you couldn’t bear to look at the burned planet anymore.
The Master followed silently behind you and just watched as you wiped the tears of your cheeks. 
You broke the silence in a meek voice, “Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy,” you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him, “And I didn’t want to believe it. But this…” you couldn’t even finish your thought, but you managed to bring yourself to look at him, “This can’t be the same man I care about… that I’ve started to fall in love with,” your confession came as a surprise to both of you, and you didn’t like how long the Master was quiet, “Say something, please.”
He sighed your name, “There’s nothing to say. I wish I could say I’ve changed, that you changed me. But I don’t know if anything can change me at this point,” he sounded sadder than you expected him to, “Not even loving you,” he met your eyes and your mouth dropped open in shock, “And I know I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t be in love with you.” 
“Master,” you whispered as you stepped closer to him. 
“I’ll take you home, and I promise you’ll never see me again,” he couldn’t look at you because he knew the sad expression on your face would break him, “I was being selfish, thinking I could bring someone along like the Doctor does.”
“Master,” you repeated in a firmer voice that forces him to look at you, “You don’t have to be like this. You’re not bound to your anger the way you think you are. Please don’t push me away.”
He tries to retaliate but before he could get a word out, you closed the gap between your bodies and kissed him. It wasn’t a soft kiss, and the Master could feel your emotion behind it. He held you by your waist and kissed you back. 
When he pulled away, the Master looked at you with a tender expression, “Are you sure about this?”
“Honestly,” you replied in a hushed voice, “I’m not sure of anything anymore. But I do know that the last year with you was the best year of my life, and I love you,” a faint smile graced your lips, “The rest we can figure out together.”
Everything taglist: @thirsty-flygirl​
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samthemarvelfan · 4 years
Goodbyes: Chapter Eight
Summary: Ella Monroe is the Avengers newest recruit, handpicked by Steve Rogers himself. Indebted to him for reasons unknown, Cap pairs her up with Bucky Barnes. He is tasked with training her to relearn and hone the skills that have long since rusted. Bucky is cold and distant, and Ella can’t seem to break through the wall he’s built up for decades. He sees something in her though, and it scares him to death. Has the fate of these two strangers been sealed? …or will they always be longing…
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC, feat Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark
Warnings: ANGST, Bucky is a dick, mutual pining, self sabotage, slow burn, alcohol, flirting, swearing. I think that’s it!  Def not following a specific MCU canon or timeline.
A/N: I legit can’t believe the love from you all! Gosh my lil heart might burst! Please stick with me after this chapter and please don’t hate me! Patience is a virtue after all. Thank you for every comment, like, message and reblog. Love you endlessly. <3
Taglist: @iheartsebastianstan @jjlizz @stuckysbabe @sk493494 @lefoutoir @nickangel13 @marvelismysafezone @lilulo-12 @warmvanillafeels @heartofagamotto @ravenesque @pinknerdpanda (strikethrough means the tag didn’t work! I’m sorry!)  (strikethrough means the tag didn’t work! I’m sorry! Tags are OPEN!)
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Three fucking weeks.
At this point, you were almost positive you were losing your mind.
Everyone was still in Romania, and you hadn’t had any actual contact with the team. Sam occasionally gave you the smallest of updates, usual in the form of a message that said “we’re alive.”
Gotta love that detail.
Wanda had checked on you too, making sure you were eating, as you had a tendency to forget to when you were stressed.
What drove you mad more than anything was that you hadn’t heard from Bucky. Was it really all in your head? The two of you connecting finally, and then he just vanished without a word?
Sure, maybe you were being irrational and needy. He was working; risking his life for the greater good after all. That doesn’t make it hurt any less, though.
“Miss Monroe, you’re receiving a call.” FRIDAY’s voice announced.
You jumped off the couch and ran to comm beacon in the middle of the table.
“Hello?” You ask, hopeful.
“Hey, Punchline! Miss me?” Sam’s humorous tone asked.
You couldn’t even speak, the only sound escaping your lips was an almost sob of relief.
You hear Steve chuckle in the background. “I’ll take that as a yes, meet us on the roof in 5?”
“You bet.” You reply quickly.
You pull your gray, half-zip hoodie over your head as you jog to the elevator. “Flight deck.” You announce as you enter.
The doors close and you hear and feel the rumble of the Quinjet docking. “Finally.” You whisper to yourself.
You get to the roof and see the bay doors opening as the ramp drops. Steve is the first one out, followed swiftly by Sam.
“You guys look the shit.” You jest, running at Steve with open arms.
He wraps you in the tightest hug, “Missed you too, Ella.” He laughs.
“How ‘bout me?” Sam asks. You turn to him with a smile, and he embraced you too.
“Is everyone alright? Did you...did you guys...is it done?” You couldn’t really formulate a thought, your mind still wondering how the hell they survived.
Steve nodded. “Every ounce of data we could extract, we did. That base wasn’t even close to inactive. In fact, it was the hub for HYDRA’s new order.”
Your mouth dropped, “What?”
Sam spoke, “Don’t worry, there’s a debriefing tomorrow, we’ll let you know everything we know.”
Your eyes glance behind Steve and Sam. You see Wanda and Vision exit the plane, relieved that they’re okay. You were chewing on your bottom lip, feeling the impatience take hold of you.
Where the hell is he? You thought.
“Hey Ella, listen—“ Sam said, but you tuned him out, hearing more footsteps on the ramp.
There he was, Bucky, safe and—what?
He was holding someone. A woman. Carrying her like a parent does their child after they’ve fallen asleep in the car.
She was stunning. Milky skin with gorgeous red locks. You knew who this was without a doubt, recalling her photo from the file you’d read months ago. Natasha, the Black Widow.
She was smiling. He was smiling. A real, genuine, happy look graced his face as he walked towards you all.
“Barnes, you can put me down now.” She laughed.
He shook his head, “Not a chance, Kitten. Can’t have you runnin’ off on me again can we?”
She pushed some hair out of his face, “I’m not going anywhere this time. I found what I was looking for, and I don’t intend on letting it go.” She smirked her perfect lips at him, causing him to blush.
Bucky places her gently on her feet before looking at you. His eyes looked panicked as he took in the expression on your face.
“You must be Ella! Nice to meet you, I’m Nat. Steve’s told me so much about you.” She smiled, pulling you in for a hug.
Why didn’t Bucky tell you about me? You think begrudgingly.
A smile graced your face nonetheless as you return the hug. “Its an honor, you’re a legend.” You say in an attempt to control your tone. It was true, too. Natasha Romanoff was infamous in your line of work.
“Don’t boost her ego, Kid.” Tony says walking by you.
You smiled politely, eager to escape to your room. “Well you guys must be exhausted, I’ll let you—“
“Hell no. I need a drink and I need one now.” Sam said as he walked towards the door leading back inside.
“You think you get to drink alone, Wilson? I don’t believe that’s how this relationship works.” Tony said as he completed his retinal scan by the keypad.
“We’re gonna have a ‘hey look at that, none of us died’ dinner tonight. Pizza, beer, booze, music. 8 o’clock in the lounge.” Tony said disappearing inside.
You turned around to see Bucky whispering in Natasha’s ear, both laughing like giddy fucking schoolgirls.
Are they...does he...is she... you’re brain tried to think, but it couldn’t seem to complete a thought.
You wanted to punch him in that smug face of his. He didn’t even have the balls to say goodbye to you when he left, and now that he’s back he has the audacity to not say two words to you?
“I’m always down for pizza, how ‘bout you Ella?” Steve asked, swinging an arm around your shoulder and leading you back inside.
Bucky eyed Steve with a curious look, but you couldn’t help smiling at your friend, “Is that even a question, Steve? Pizza is a main food group in my opinion, you know that.”
He and Nat were swiftly on you heels. “You sure about that Els? You look exhausted, have you been sleeping?” Bucky asks from behind you.
You stop suddenly and turn on your heel. Is he serious? The first thing he says to you is basically ‘you look like shit’ and ‘please don’t come to this party’.
“Now that you mention it, Sergeant, I haven’t been sleeping. I was worried about my friends. Wondering when and if I’d see them again, I’d hate to leave thing left unsaid,”
You grab Steve’s and Sam’s hand in each of yours and lift them, “But it looks like everyone I care about made it back on one piece.”
You turn back around and head into the elevator with everyone.
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You stood in your room, fuming.
Is this really who you’ve become? This pathetic teenager pining after someone who will never be hers?
It sure seems that way.
Your stomach churns at the image of he and Nat...together.
An excessive groan leaves your lips as you flop on the bed, ready to let yourself wallow.
Your plans, however, are interrupted by a knock on your door. “What?!” You scream.
The door opens slowly, “I thought you’d have missed me?” Wanda says.
You shoot up, and smile like an idiot. “Of course I missed you, Wan. I’m so glad you’re back!” You embrace her.
The two of you had become quite close recently, and it was so nice to have a girl friend around again.
“Then why do I get the feeling I interrupted a wallowing session, hm?” She said slyly.
You raise an eyebrow at her, “Wan...” You scold.
“I know, I know—stay outta your head. But Ella, your thoughts are so loud I can barely hear my own!” She laughed.
You sigh and sit on the edge of your bed, Wanda joining you.
“I’m just mad. I’m mad at myself for acting like a love struck teenager, I’m mad at him for yoyo-ing me all the damn time. I’m just...”
“In love.” She finished your sentence.
You laugh aloud, “Wan, you have to know someone to love them. That big oaf of a man is too damn stubborn to let anyone in! Besides, I don’t think it’s me he wants.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?” She asked.
You stand heading to your closet, looking through clothes to wear for tonight.
“Nothing. Forget I mentioned it.”
Wanda’s footsteps followed you, “I know you say Bucky’s stubborn, but so are you, Ella.” She smiled softly, her nimble fingers landing on a black velvet dress.
“This one.” She says. The long sleeved, deep v dress was your absolute favorite, and also very fancy.
“Isn’t that a bit much?” You ask.
She raised her eyebrows at you. “Uh, have you met Tony? He says ‘pizza and beer’ but he means a gala... with less people.”
“Fine, but I swear to God if you don’t dress up too then I’m coming back here and putting on pajamas.” You hold your pinky out to her.
She hooks it with a smile, “Deal.”
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8 o’clock comes far too fast in your opinion.
You’d spent the last two hours in your bathroom doing your makeup and hair, and you look damn good.
The dress rested a bit below mid-thigh, and fit you perfectly. You make a mental not to thank Wanda later for forcing you into it.
“Breathe, Ella.” You say to yourself as the elevator carries you to the lounge floor.
Your black heels click through the corridor, the sound softening as your ears fill with classic rock from the end of the hall.
You slowly push the wooden door open, and spot everyone mingling. Maria Hill was there, as was Rhodey, and another man you’d never met before.
“Oh shoot! I didn’t know we had a supermodel living with us!” Sam shouts.
You laugh, “Oh shut up, you’ve clearly already been drinking.”
He shook his head, “So what? I still got eyes, don’t I?”
“You look beautiful.” Steve says cutting Sam off, placing a kiss on your cheek.
You blush, “Thank you, Steve. You boys clean up pretty nice too. I don’t think we’ve ever seen each other like this.”
Steve shakes his head, “Not exactly the suit I’m most comfortable in.” He took a sip of what you assume is scotch. “What are you drinkin’, sweetheart?” He asks.
“Honestly? Anything with vodka. Then I’ll have a shot or two.” You say, taking a seat at the high top table next to him.
“Coming right up, Sam why don’t you come with me fore you dig a deeper hole for yourself?”
You hear Sam grumbling as Steve drags him away, and you suddenly feel yourself being watched.
You scan the room, and spot him almost instantly. He’s standing with Nat, her back to you, leaning on the bar.
Bucky’s eyes, though glassy from the booze no doubt, had never been more focused.
His gaze roamed your body from your feet to your face. He licked his lips slowly, before capturing his bottom one in his teeth.
Shaking your head, you look away from him. “Don’t even think about it, buddy.” You mutter to yourself. You glance at him quickly one final time and see Nat waving her hand in front of his face.
Bucky’s trance seems to get broken and he falls back into conversation with her with ease.
“Moscow Mule? I think that’s what the bartender called it.” Steve says approaching you.
A light bulb suddenly goes off in your head.
“Steve? Can I ask for a favor?” You say, squeezing the lime into your drink
He nods, “Anything, what’s on your mind?”
You let out a large breath. “Okay, please don’t think I’m immature but I’ve been thoroughly pissed at your best pal over there,” you gesture with a nod of your head.
“and I’d really like to get him back for all the shit he’s put me through.”
Steve sips his drink again, as Sam places 3 shot of Jameson on the table. “What did you have in mind?”
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Bucky’s breathing stopped the moment he saw her. He didn’t think she could get anymore beautiful.
Turns out he was incredibly, outstandingly wrong.
He felt his heat racing and his blood pumping, drowning out whatever Nat was telling him about her plans for the evening.
Ella’s eyes were everything to him. They bared her soul and showed him her heart at the same time. He’d never been able to see a future for himself, until she fell into his life.
He worried about her constantly. Not being able to see her or talk to her or hear her voice for nearly 3 weeks drove him crazy. Then seeing her in the state she was in, so obviously sleep deprived and stressed. He hated himself for making her worry so much, and it was clear she wasn’t too happy with him when he got back this morning.
“Hello, Earth to Barnes? Did you hear me?” Nat said, waving her hand.
Bucky shook his head, “No sorry, what was that?”
Nat smiled slyly. “Mhm, your girls got you in a tizzy, that’s for sure.” She said, sipping her martini.
Bucky smiled shyly. “She’s not my girl, no matter how much I wish she was.”
Nat slapped his lapel, “So what the fuck are you doing fuck standing here with me?!”
“Ow! Okay, okay! Christ, shouldn’t you be fucking Banner in a utility closet or something?” He laughed stepping away from her.
“All in good time, Barnes. Now go get your girl.” She said spinning away from him.
Bucky’s eyes traveled to where she was standing, but she wasn’t there. Sam was in her spot, downing a shot Bucky was sure he’d regret in the morning.
He maneuvered around the groups of people, searching for her. The soft rock music playing poignantly through the speakers, he sees a few couples dancing.
He scoots around them and spots Steve.
Good for him. He thought happily to himself.
When Steve sways around with his partner, he sees its not a random guest he’s dancing with. Steve is dancing with a beautiful girl, a woman, Bucky’s girl.
Bucky wants to throw up and kick his ass all at once.
But then he sees Ella.
She’s smiling, and comfortable. She’s happy as she rests her head on Steve’s chest, and sways to the rhythm of the song.
The alcohol in his system doesn’t make these feelings any easier to handle. His vibranium fist clenching and unclenching.
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A whirring sound get both Steve and your attention. That’s when you see Bucky standing about 10 feet away from the two of you as he watches dance.
“Hey Buck, wh—“
“Shut the fuck up, Steve.” Bucky slurs.
Your eyes widen at the words he says to his friend. Bucky is visibly shaking, and obviously drunk—probably more so than you, and that’s saying something since Sam kept the shots coming.
“Bucky, stop.” You say before your mind can stop you.
He lets out a sarcastic laugh, “Not fucking him, huh?” He spat in anger as he pushed by you, leaving the lounge all together.
Steve looked to the door, then to you. Your eyes brimming with tears as you swallowed a sob.
He looks at you with a sad smile, and nods his head toward the door. “Go get him.”
Chapter Nine: Seen
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diegosclownshoes · 4 years
the s2 plot finally kicks off in this part as the agent and five finally meet and make wonderful first impressions on each other. this part is also reads more like a fic than the last (which you should def read before this for it to make sense if you haven’t bc it sets up the whole scene), since it’s p dialogue heavy, and pretty much all from the agent’s pov, but it’s still more on the draftish, notesish side. also some of the original scenes bw five and elliott are gonna be retconned since the agent’s already answered most of his questions about crop circles and whatnot when she revealed where she came from.
The agent find herself standing face to face with the stranger from the picture, now practically burning a little square down onto her skin through the pocket of her jeans. Elliott’s standing behind him mouthing what the hell is going on, and between the disbelief that boy in the picture has actually, finally shown up, the day has finally come, and the panic over what to do with Elliott, the agent does little more (well actually nothing more) than stand there with her lips parted and not a single word on her tongue.
A beat passes as the boy maintains eye contact while he lifts the mug to his lips, taking a drawn out sip, and only breaks it once he steps forward out towards the open area of what’s now the makeshift research/office space where they’ve put together any and everything that they could get their hands on related to the strangers (does it count if the agent knows them from a picture?) who appeared in the alley after the agent..
“Hm. This Colombian?” he asks, turning back around to face them. He looks far too nonchalant about all of this for the agent’s liking, and she has half a mind knock the coffee out of his hand, even if it means her favorite mug breaks.
Before she has the chance to respond, however, Elliott hastily moves forwards before answering back, “It’s my own blend.” The agent quickly grabs him by the arm and tugs him back into the kitchen, the butter knife that he’d grabbed after the boy’s intrusion clattering to the floor.
“Excuse us just a second,” she grits out, dragging Elliott further back until they’re stood up against the counter where the forgotten groceries lay. “What are you doing, oh my god. ‘It’s my own blend’,” she says, doing a (pretty poor) impression of Elliott. “What, are you gonna tell him the recipe now if he asks?”
“What am I doing,” Elliott hisses back. “What are you doing? Because if I’m not mistaken, that’s the same guy from your picture, and this is what you’ve been waiting here for since the moment you got dropped into that alley!”
The agent quickly glances at the boy, who’s poking around their setup, turning over newspaper clippings and fiddling with the machinery, and doesn’t seem to be paying them all that much attention. “That doesn’t mean that you just tell him everything he asks about! We don’t even know what he’s here for or if that little teleportation trick is all he’s got! And also, isn’t it just awful convenient how the one person we’ve been waiting for shows up last, and how he ended up literally knocking on our door?” She again looks back at the boy, who stops reading whatever journal it is he’s picked up and looks back, arching a brow at her. She scowls back.
Elliott sighs. “Well maybe if he got the chance to speak he’d tell us what he’s here for anyway.” He pauses, then frowns. “No harm in being too careful though,” he agrees, pulling open the drawer under the counter and grabbing a (much sharper) knife before the pair make their way back over to the boy.
He gives Elliott a ‘really?’ look as he sees the knife in his hand, but nontheless ignores it before he asks, “Have you ever heard of Area 51? Roswell?” And honestly the agent can’t help the snort she lets out at that. Who knew letting Elliott keep his conspiracy theory crap mixed in with her research would ever get that reaction out of someone.
“Please, you honestly expect us to believe that you’re from another planet? Which one, home to the alien race of vertically challenged boarding school runaways?” The agent crosses her arms and scoffs but before she can say anything else the boy’s once again blinked and now stands directlyfront of her, and she quickly leans back to steady herself.
“Well,” he says, smiling thinly, “If there were such a planet then you’d no doubt be a citizen there yourself, so let’s both of us ignore that comment for now,” and okay, the agent realizes with a little feeling of indignance, he does have an inch (or two) on her. Still, she doubles down on an overly saccharine smile of her own.
“Alright, let’s,” she says back, and silently hates the sense of relief she feels once he steps back. Behind her Elliott, ever the peacekeeper, clears his throat.
“Um, what my niece over here meant to say is that, while there certainly is reason to believe in extraterrestrial life which exists beyond the limits of our own universe, and beyond our comprehension, you and all the other anomalies we’ve seen don’t seem to to fit into that, uh, narrative. So don’t go trying to avoid the question at hand.” The agent gives him a funny look; which question at hand have they even asked at this point? The boy, on the other hand, quickly leans forward again.
“Which others?”
Elliott quickly explains phenomenon that occurred during the five energy surges they’d witnessed together, and the consequent flashes of blazing blue light that  had appeared alongside them each time before depositing a figure into the alley. Somewhere in the middle of his explanation, he’d set down the knife, and the agent hopes that it wasn’t a mistake (she’s confident in her own special power, but if the boy teleports before she has a chance to use it then it won’t be of much use at all).
The boy frowns, brows furrowed. “Did you get a good look at any of them?”
“Yeah, a couple of them. There was the first one, which I saw alone, because, uh my niece wasn’t here at the time.” Before their guest has a chance to ask what he means by that the agent quickly cuts in.
“There was that freakishly big crybaby,” she adds, and the boy turns to face her.
“Yes, a crybaby, a person who cries often, and is thus referred to as a cry plus baby. You know, you should quit playing hooky, otherwise you’ll miss out on more than just those oral comprehension skills you’re lacking here.” And okay, she should feel kinda bad for taking jabs at a teenager but he’s also had her feeling unsettled since the moment he walked (or rather, blinked) in. Before he can respond (most likely with a threat, which. Shocker) Elliott jumps in, breaking up the hostile air.
“He kept coming back to the alley and sat around for hours wailing someone’s name, a woman’s name, it was uhh-”
“Allison,” the agent supplies.
“Yes! Allison.”
The boy frowns (the agent bites her tongue before she makes a comment about his face getting stuck that way). “Luther.”
“Well,” she says instead, “Whoever it was, they all came scattered over the past couple years. No two at the same time. The last one was in September.”
The boy lets out a sigh of relief. “So my family’s alive,” and okay, what? The agent’s eyes widen in part shock and part confusion as he continues. “Shit.I think I stranded them here. Now listen to me-"
"Elliot. My name's Elliot. And this," he gestures towards the agent, “Is-”
“None of his business,” the agent says coolly, crossing her arms.
“Alright, fine. Elliott and None Of His Business, I got ten days to find them and save the world. Now, I need your help to do that,” he says, the last part directed at Elliott. No surprise there, the agent thinks, going for the more guileless of the two. Although it’s not as if she would have done any different herself. However, she once again interjects. Knowing Elliott, he’ll reveal something to this guy before he even asks about it, and she’s not sure she wants him knowing how much they know any more than they need to let on. For now at least.
“You know,” she says, quickly making her way over to one of the desks pushed up against the wall, pulling open one of the drawers and producing a newspaper clipping, “This mugshot looks a lot like arrival number four.” That’s a lie, because she knows for a fact that that is exactly the last arrival, had held the clipping up beside the blurry picture given to her by The Handler and confirmed it at least ten times. But he doesn’t need to know that just yet. She offers out the clipping and he immediately snatches it out of her hands, eyes racing across the picture.
“Diego,” he breathes out, before looking up from the paper and directly at her. She feels a pang of guilt at the look of extreme, almost manic relief in his eyes, when she knows there’s information on all of the rest of, what she knows now to be his family, sitting there in their office.
And then his words truly hit her; in her scramble to make sure Elliott didn’t blurt anything out, she’d almost forgotten that first part where he said he needed to save the world and just. What? Is that a part of her mission? Is she supposed to help him do that too? And why didn’t The Handler ever mention that? She wants to ask him more but has no clue where to start, and before she gets gets the chance to ask (or to be more accurate, splutter incoherently for a second), someone else speaks up first.
“So that’s helpful then,” Elliott states more than questions, looking almost eager to be of more use.
“You have no idea,” is all the boy says, and before the agent gets a chance to ask him wait, hold up, let’s go back to that saving the world bit, he folds up the snippet of paper and disappears with a soft zap. The agent and Elliott both turn to face each. other. Almost a minute passes and then-
“Well that was something.“
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colesterstrudel · 3 years
So here are my endless thoughts on SVU & OC, all under the cut bc I get rambly and incoherent lmaooooo so here goes the format is shit bc I’m on mobile but are we surprised lmao
It is a crime that we never got to see the dress Liv was wearing to her ceremony A CRIME I know it was a lewk I KNOW IT WAS
The Liv/Elliot stare down dkdkdkkdkddk pls they’re just looking at each other like they’re trying to make sure they’re both really there
The flashback to the episode where pregnant Kathy is in a car accident with Liv was a crime against me, specifically, bc how dare you make me deal with those emotions while Liv is also dealing with them with that 100 yard stare WHY
Fin’s “you’re gonna have to ask him” to Liv in the hospital 🤝 his “you’ll have to ask her that” to Elliot in the bar or whatever
The whispered convo in the corner of Liv’s office hello intimacy lmao personal space whomst Liv and Elliot don’t know her and they never have AND THEN when Elliot says “let’s work it” like they’re still partners, LIKE THEY’RE PARTNERS FOR LIFE, IF YOU WILL
Liv spent so much of their partnership pushing him to be with his family and she STILL has to do it even ten years later after he’s broken her heart she loves him so much she loves his kids she wants nothing but the best for him so she keeps pushing him to go back to his family, to visit Kathy in the hospital, but noooooooooooo hardheaded Elliot Stabler just can’t do it
“I give you my word I’ll behave” so u just gon lie like that to her FACE when you haven’t seen her IN TEN YEARS DKSKDKSKSKSKSK LYING IS GONNA BE ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS YOU DO and also when he started rolling up his sleeves??? BRAIN ROT IMMEDIATELY BRAIN EMPTY
Actually okay the whole interrogation room scene bc seeing them in interrogation with each other is painful enough, but the looks Liv keeps giving him while he’s talking to the suspect dkdkkddkdkdk the last time she was in an interrogation room when she could still feel Elliot’s presence around her was when she was crying after he put in his papers YES I AM CRYING THANK U and then the suspect says “why aren’t you in the hospital with your wife” and it’s practically the same thing Liv told him but he can hear that kind of stuff from her and be okay but when anyone else is questioning his loyalty to his family it sets him off (not that she was questioning his loyalty but you get what I’m saying) and UGH the way Liv keeps an eye on him as he moves around the room to make sure he doesn’t fuckin lose it
She bumped into him on the roof ON PURPOSE she didn’t have to be that close to him there’s plenty of room on the roof for the two of them but it’s like she’s questioning if he’s really there and then you have to wonder how many conversations has she had with him mentally or in her dreams that she has to fuckin shoulder check him on the roof to ensure he’s really there, that she’s really talking to HIM
Elliot’s Catholic guilt rearing its ugly head as he caresses the head of his dying wife while he has so much he wants and needs to say to Liv.......am I overthinking this I thinketh not
Liv watching Elliot kiss Kathy’s forehead through the glass door of that hospital room, like she’s been forced to look in on that marriage from the outside for YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The symbolism!!!!!!!!!!!
The waiting room hospital scene yes this will be burned into my brain forever thank u. Neither of them can sit still when they’re around each other now it’s like it’s too much all at once especially Liv she keeps moving and fidgeting and when they ARE still they’re so CLOSE to each other like they can’t bear for there to be any distance, not anymore, not now
They tell each other they love each other without saying the words and it kills me every single time I can’t live like this I wish they were better at talking about their feelings
ANOTHER WHISPERED/BREATHY “ELLIOT” with that side eye YES LIV LET HIM KNOW HE FUCKED UP dkskdkdkdkdk and then she told him she LOVED HIM “you were the single most important person in my life and you just.....disappeared” god this really tears my heart out every time I think about it bc the look in her eyes just 😭😭😭
Liv having to stand up for Elliot once again and defend him to people who don’t see him the way she does, the way he deserves to be seen, she’s had to do it for years when they were partners and now she’s doing it again when he’s only been back like a day and a half
I’ve already talked about the bar scene with Elliot and Fin a bajillion times but!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s just such a good fuckin scene and the emotions and the mannerisms from Elliot are just *chef’s kiss* that man loves Liv so much and he’s so upset he’s missed so much of Liv’s life ugh just thinking about his “who’s the guy?” and how he must be thinking back to “you’re the longest relationship I’ve ever had with a man” and how that may still be true but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t moved on and found someone else to take his place in her heart, in her life, to give her the child she always wanted WHEW
Liv calling Elliot “Stabler” why does that shit hurt my heart so bad dkdkdkdkdkdks CALL HIM EL AGAIN PLS
Amanda likening her relationship with Liv to Liv’s relationship with Kathy? No ma’am. No. Somebody get the spray bottle tell her to shut the fuck up
Elliot called Liv before he called any of his kids about Kathy HE CALLED HER FIRST no I’m fine this is fine that’s just something you’d do like if you loved someone or something lmao def nothing suspicious here
I will never stop talking about that hug okay bc Elliot IS SOBBING and he nuzzles into Liv’s shoulder and she wants to keep her walls up and remain distant but her eyes close and she settles into it too god it’s such a GOOD hug you can FEEL the emotions
“I didn’t get to say goodbye” hello parallels between Elliot and his wife and Liv, the love of his life again this is fine I’m fine
Liv putting his family first and offering to call his kids for him fkdkdkdkdkks god will she ever put herself first with ANYONE or will she always put herself on the back burner can we PLEASE GET LIV SOME LASTING HAPPINESS IN THIS BITCH
Even tho Elliot said he didn’t need her to call his kids it absolutely looks like she DID get his kids and take them to him in the chapel like that’s how it comes across and idk if they did that on purpose or what but that’s what it looks like idk man it just really kills me bc she just keeps putting his family first and keep them together SHE IS THE GLUEEEEEEEEEE IN THAT FAMILY
“I can be objective” not with Elliot miss ma’am and you know that like it’s cute that you think that but 👀👀👀 we all know JUST LIKE WE ALL KNOW that technically you’re off the case but you won’t be off the case you’ll keep looking into things when you can bc that’s your partner, your Elliot, and you can’t not keep looking into it
When Elliot goes downstairs at the courthouse and he starts speaking Italian to those dudes he arrested or whatever and then he starts threatening them and he does the throat slash motion as he gets taken away dkskskskskks BRAIN WORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is that so HOT!!!!!!! @ myself get it together
I’ve already talked about the snow scene in the park but I am not done I will never be done bc the tension!!!!!!!!!!!! Liv won’t hold eye contact for too long and neither will he and I am DYING the small talk is so awkward and then he says “you woulda loved it” about his place in Rome meaning he was THINKING ABOUT HER WHILE HE WAS AWAY
“Elliot, I can’t” OH MY GOD DKDKDKDK and the way she looks at the letter in his hands dkdkdksksks awh hell
Liv was wearing gloves and Elliot was bare handed as they walked around the city in SVU, when she was showing him the pic of the suspect on her phone and here she is again, wearing gloves while Elliot’s hands are bare but this time she brushes her fingers over his ever so slightly while taking the letter from him. The touch is on purpose, has to be, but it’s like the rooftop scene where she bumps into him to make sure it’s really him. Not to mention the gloves vs bare hands thing - she’s erected walls up around her heart and her life and she has all these boundaries she won’t let Elliot cross, not now, maybe not ever she tells herself, and as long as she can separate even the smallest amount of her bare flesh from his she just might be able to make it through him being back in town
ELLIOT WANTED HER TO INTRODUCE HIM TO NOAH YOU CAN SEE IT god he must’ve been so torn up about it bc that’s her kid!!!!!! He’s a part of her!!!!!!!!! He wants to know everything he missed and she won’t even introduce him to her child!!!!!!!!
Angela Wheatley I’m free on Thursday if you’d like to hang out on Thursday when I am free
Liv doesn’t take her eyes off Elliot at the funeral not once NOT ONCE I know I’ve said this before but she’s really the glue that holds that goddamn family together and I am DYING
She holds it together for all the kids and Elliot but the second she walks away her face just fuckin CRUMPLES she can’t hold it together anymore especially after the way Elliot grabbed her whole ass arm to thank her for going I’m dkdkskdkdkdkd this is too much this is too much
Okay so I know Richard Wheatley is the bad guy but I luv him what a MAN. He really said “fuck you you racist piece of shit” and killed his own dad fkdkdkdkdkdksk okay WORK RICHARD
Bell not taking any sorta shit from Elliot I LUV IT I LUV HER GET HIS ASS DKDKDKDKSKSKS he NEEDS people to keep his ass in line bc he doesn’t know how to act not even a lil bit
LIV READ THE LETTER!!!!!! She’s the least stand-offish she’s been to him this whole time WHAT WAS IN THAT LETTER I HAVE TO KNOW
* She knows him too well she knows he’s hiding something from her she knows he’s got something going on but he’s never been good at separating his work from his real life and that hasn’t changed, not now, not even with her and she KNOWS something’s off the way she looks at him while he’s waiting for the elevator is unreal and the lil half nod he gives her bc he KNOWS he needs to talk to her about that letter, especially when she’s WILLING TO TALK NOW but the job!!!!!! “You and the job are about the only thing I’ve got anymore” and he doesn’t even have her, not like he used to, not like he wants to, so he defaults to the job and trying to figure out who killed Kathy and who has it out for him
Okay I obvs didn’t have as much to yell about in OC as I did SVU but I’m so excited to see how OC goes bc it’s got me intrigued already like I need to know. Everything. About the Wheatleys!!!! EVERYTHING!!!!!!! And I need to see Liv and Elliot interact again pls pls I need it 😭😭😭😭😭 ANYWAYS THE END BYE
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