#i was thinking hes either on a secret mission or he went for school but then why would he be alone if its for school?
ryssbelle · 7 months
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kind of a little thing to go with what i posted the other day both as a note for those who dont know my guy and a little fun experiment for me on what Chat and Ladybug would look like if they had Solarmans powers!
tho Ben can't take off the circlet so they'd never get to but ye, Ben's outfit is usually way more brightly colored but he's going through it rn
bonus how Ben got to Paris since he live in San Fransisco
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He's not completely alone there is one chaperone, they already paid for the trip so might as well send the one guy who signed up
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headkiss · 6 months
omg reader and jack making hotch a cute personal christmas present together would absolutely melt my heart 😭❤️ (and hotch's too)
hi lovely! thank u sm for ur request i hope u like it <333 | 0.8k of fluff with jack and hotch!
Aaron Hotchner breathes warmth into your life.
It’s in everything he does. The way he stocks his cupboards with your favorite snacks, the drawers in his dresser that are now yours, the extra hook by the door for your jacket. You never thought you’d find someone like him, someone who treats you so well.
It isn’t just with you, either.
There’s his team and how highly they speak of him, how highly he speaks of them, too. And, of course, there’s his son.
Jack looks up to his dad in a way that tugs at your heartstrings whenever you see it. He sits in his office with him whenever Hotch will let him, even highlights and writes over fake files Aaron gives him that are much more innocent than the ones the BAU actually deal with.
And because Aaron raised him, Jack has that same warmth his father does, only he doesn’t try to conceal it nearly as much.
You’d been worried at first, about what Jack would think of you, how he’d react to a new person in not only his life, but Aaron’s, too. Now, all you feel is lucky that you get to be a part of their life.
With Christmas coming up, you feel luckier than ever.
Jack had waited until Aaron was in the washroom the last time you were over to ask you if you’d help him make a gift for Hotch, and your answer of ‘of course’ was simple as breathing.
Now, you’re sitting with Jack at the kitchen table, Aaron still at the office. You picked him up from school—something you’re happy to do whenever Hotch needs the help, something that makes you feel lucky, too—and went to the craft store before coming back and setting up.
There are supplies spread across the table, markers and glue, stickers and printed pictures.
“Can you pass me the blue, please?” Jack asks you.
You smile, handing him the marker he asked for and smiling even bigger at his sweet ‘thank you.’ Then, you hear the jingle of keys turning in the door, and you and Jack look at each other surprised, his eyes wide.
“How about this,” you say, “I’ll distract your dad, you hide his present, yeah? We’ll finish it next time, promise.”
Jack nods, his face serious like you’ve just given him a real mission. He starts packing things up right away.
Aaron rarely comes home early, no matter how much he wants to. He’s focused, determined, always doing as much as he can while he’s in the office. So, whenever he gets the chance, he tries to get home sooner. To get home to Jack. To you.
His shoulders feel lighter as soon as he steps inside, as soon as he hears the muffled sound of your voice, the response of his son’s laughter.
You come out of the kitchen, the neckline of your t-shirt loose over your shoulder, a pair of Aaron’s socks bunched at your ankles. “Hey, Hotchner. You’re home early.”
“Hi, honey.” Aaron sets his things down, opting to get you in his arms, instead. He reaches for you at the same time you move towards him, like magnets. He trails his fingertips down your arms, holding your hands in his. “Where’s Jack?”
You squeeze Aaron’s hands once before letting go. “One second.”
You turn back to the kitchen, peeking your head in to find that Jack has, for the most part, cleared the table of any evidence. When you look at him, he gives you a thumbs up, “all clear.”
Hotch knows something’s going on with the way you’re acting. He is a profiler, after all. But he decides not to ask, because he trusts you, and he figures he’ll find out soon enough.
You’ve never been the best at keeping secrets from him.
He comes into the kitchen after you, tossing an arm around your shoulders and tugging you closer so he can press a kiss to the side of your head.
“Dad!” Jack cheers, rushing to hug Aaron’s legs.
“Hey, buddy.”
When Aaron looks at the table, he notices that Jack must’ve missed a spot when hiding any evidence, leaving behind two markers. Red and green.
He can feel his heartbeat do something funny in his chest, jumping, skipping, like the rhythm has shifted to beat in a different pattern. He thinks about what you must’ve been doing: making some sort of gift with Jack.
Aaron didn’t think he could love his family anymore, then you came into it and everything felt right, like you’d been the last puzzle piece to click into place.
He pats Jack on the shoulder and kisses your head again.
And on Christmas morning, when Aaron opens the scrapbook you and Jack made him, his smile is instant and wide. He swears he feels his heart swell in his chest.
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asdfghjklmals · 11 months
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, fluff, angst. mentions of unaliving from jjk0. WORD COUNT: 2.6k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc, established couple. student!yuta x sensei!oc, strictly student and sensei, nothing innappropriate.
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SYNOPSIS: oc gojo girlfriend and satoru save a student from a secret execution, and his name is yuta okkotsu. AUTHOR'S NOTE: my take on how oc gojo girlfriend would've met yuta and how yuta sees her. this is the start of a new mini series called the cursed child(ren), and it's basically how oc gojo girlfriend meets satoru's students. REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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it was your lunch hour at jujutsu high, and satoru was hiding in your office. and when you say hiding, you meant that he was avoiding his sensei duties.
“you can’t stay in here, i have to leave soon.”
you sat in satoru’s lap as he brushed your black hair behind your ear, “where are you going?” he asked curiously.
“the school directors said that there’s an issue at one of the public high schools. i’m guessing a curse they need someone higher than a grade one sorcerer for.” you muttered. you wondered why the other sorcerers couldn’t handle the issue. you rarely went on missions nowadays.
“i can go with you if you want.” satoru suggested.
you looked at him and glared, “you promised maki that you’d help her with her close combat, so no.” satoru had three first year students this year: maki zen’nin, toge inumaki, and panda.
“we haven’t been on a mission together in awhile haven’t we?” satoru reminisced, “we used to have so much fun when we were students, don’t you think?”
you thought about yours and satoru’s routine when you were younger. you would drop off megumi and tsumiki at their elementary school, grab lunch at your favorite cafe in shinjuku, complete your mission, and then grab dessert. those were the times. (read 'seeing red' here)
“unfortunately we’re adults and have real responsibilities now. like looking after the students and raising teenagers.” you chuckled, “i have to go, sweetheart.”
you caressed satoru’s cheek with your left hand and kissed him goodbye. he pulled you closer before you started to giggle, “satoru! i have to go now!”
the sly sorcerer snuck two more kisses before letting you go. you blew him a kiss before shutting your office door behind you, leaving him with his signature shit-eating grin.
the school directors’ meeting room
“so you want me to go find a child? for a secret execution?” you couldn’t believe your ears. how could these rude, old school directors expect you to bring a child back for them to execute? your motherly instincts started to kick in. you could never imagine executing a child the age of megumi and tsumiki.
"there are reports that there is child by the name of yuta okkotsu that is harboring a special grade cursed apparition by the name of rika orimoto." the school director stated.
another school director added, "he's already injured four of the high school students, three grade two sorcerers, and a grade one sorcerer."
"and you're asking me to retrieve the child because the grade one sorcerer couldn't do it?" you asked, annoyance in your tone. you were rarely ever summoned for missions due to the fact that you could heal. healers were important to the jujutsu community, so they were usually the last ones summoned.
"precisely. bring him back to us."
you left the directors' meeting room and rolled your eyes. throughout the years of being a special grade sorcerer, you and satoru shared one thing in common: your hatred for the directors and their old school way of thinking. you were glad yours and satoru's grandparents weren't so old-fashioned.
the only reason why the directors didn't turn to satoru is because they wanted a secret execution. if satoru knew about this, he would've intervened as the gojo clan's influence would allow him to do so. you didn't agree with the secret execution either, but you knew that they turned to you instead of satoru because they hated to ask that man for anything. you would tell satoru as soon as you got back.
sugisawa third high school
akari drove you to the school that yuta okkotsu was held up at. as you pulled into the parking lot, you felt the cursed energy radiating from inside the school. it was a vast amount, something that you haven't felt in a very long time. it also felt familiar, similar to satoru's.
"that's not a good feeling", akari said from the front of the car, shuddering as she sensed the cursed energy as well, "you sure you'll be okay? does gojo know you're here?"
"it's fine, akari. i can handle it. satoru is busy with his firsts years right now."
"be safe, (y/n)." akari said as she saluted you.
you nodded to her and set the veil, raising your two fingers, "emerge from darkness, blacker still. purify that which is impure."
a veil started to surround the school. you summoned your shikigami spirit birds. they flew around for a moment as their feathers started to ruffle. that meant that they sensed danger. they flew a few feet ahead of you as you summoned 24 ice shards, circling you. (a/n: did anyone notice that oc gojo girlfriend can now summon 24 shards compared to 12 when she was younger in older fics? she's even stronger in the present.)
you walked into the school and could sense intense cursed energy coming from the classroom that yuta was supposedly in. you opened the door to see him. he was having a complete mental breakdown. his hands enclosed his face, body crouched in a corner, hyperventilating. you waved away your ice shards as they melted into thin air. he was not a threat to you.
"are you yuta okkotsu?" you asked him.
he looked up and shouted, "stay away!"
you stayed calm as force was not going to be helpful here, "yuta, my name is (y/n) (l/n). i'm here to help you." you reached out to him.
yuta's eyes filled with tears, begging. "stay away. i don't want to hurt anyone. everyone that was sent here was hurt because of me."
"don't worry. you can't hurt me, yuta." you said as you crept closer to him. he winced as if he was anticipating something to hurt you. you summoned your water veil, enclosing yourself in a ball of water that made you untouchable to most curses and cursed techniques.
you reached your hand out of your veil of water, "come with me, yuta. there's someone i want you to meet, his name is satoru gojo. we can help you control this curse and help people with it. you won't have to hurt anyone anymore."
yuta looked up at you reluctantly, he slowly reached out to grab your hand. you quickly pushed into his pressure points on his forehead and knocked him out. (a/n: yup, just like satoru did to yuji) you summoned a water veil around him. before you took yuta out of the classroom, you noticed a knife that was turned into a tangled and twisted dagger.
"spirit birds... take that knife. bring it back to satoru."
your spirit birds took the knife and stored it in their shadows. they loved satoru, so they were happy to bring him a gift. you started to think your spirit birds liked him more than they liked you.
you drew the veil down as you walked towards the car.
"akari, call satoru right now. have him meet me in the dungeon."
"got it."
at the jujutsu high dungeon
satoru examined the knife that your spirit birds had brought back to him, "so, the elders went behind my back and asked my own girlfriend to bring them a child to execute?"
you ignored his recap of your story, "we have to save him, satoru."
"of course i'll save him. he's only 16 and underage. who do those damn higher ups think they are?" he said angrily.
you suggested to him, "we can teach him how to control this curse. i'm sure of it. there's no reason to execute him. what do you think about him joining maki, panda, and toge?"
"i think it would be a good idea."
"he's been through a lot," you sighed as you looked at the student who was sitting in the chair, tied up, and out cold. ofudas and different jujutsu seals were painted all over this dungeon.
satoru patted your shoulder, comforting you while you both looked at yuta. you rested your head against satoru's arm as you held his hand.
"did you sense the cursed apparition while you were at the school?" he asked curiously.
"i just sensed what you're sensing right now. the cursed apparition didn't appear when i got to him."
"i see. i'll take care of things, babe. just leave it to me."
the next day
satoru had met with the school directors right after you told him about yuta. and of course, he was able to get yuta's execution suspended. in return, he would have to take him in as a student so that jujutsu high could learn more about the special grade curse that attached itself yuta.
you made sure that yuta had his dorm room accommodations, that his student id card was made, and that he had a uniform ready to go for his first day.
"you really want to give him a white uniform?" you frowned. you thought that white uniforms were ostracizing. white meant that your powers were unstable, and it was something that you had to wear briefly when you first joined jujutsu high over ten years ago.
"he'll get out of the white uniforms in no time." satoru said confidently, "i know you hate putting the kids in white uniforms because it reminds you of when we were students." he kissed your temple.
you handed him a packet of all of yuta's paperwork and his student id.
"he's a special grade." you said to satoru as you looked at yuta's student id card.
"just like you and me." satoru grinned.
"should we go escort him from the dorms?" you asked your boyfriend. he smiled at you and looped your arms around his, clasping his palms together to teleport you both to the courtyard.
yuta's first day of school was eye opening for him. satoru mentioned that he assigned yuta on a mission with maki. he was able to save the two missing children at the elementary school and an injured maki, and exorcise the curse by summoning rika orimoto (satoru got an earful for that one).
it was the moment where maki asked yuta why he enrolled at jujutsu high where yuta realized what he wanted to do. he didn't want to hurt anyone anymore. originally, he had wanted to run away and disappear forever, but satoru had told him that he would be lonely if he did that.
yuta wanted to be surrounded by people, he wanted to be relied on by others, and he wanted to believe that it was okay for him to keep living.
three months later
yours and satoru's main goal in life now that you two were older? it was to create a supportive environment to raise intelligent allies. both of you promised to protect the up and coming generation of jujutsu sorcerers, making sure that they would never have their youth taken away like satoru's was taken from him. (read 'learn to love' here)
the past three months, yuta had made tremendous progress as a sorcerer. he trained hard every day. he was even able to defeat suguru geto during the night parade of a thousand demons...
today, you were having your quarterly meeting with the students at tokyo jujutsu high. this meeting was a review of the quarter, a chance to catch up with the students to see how they were doing, and to see what they needed to do to be on track for high school graduation and their promotions to the next grade of sorcerer. (read ‘graduation’ here)
yuta knocked on your office door. he was right on time for his 1pm appointment.
"come in." you called out. putting his folder at the top of the stack of folders you had on your desk.
"hi (y/n)-sensei." he said with a smile.
you smiled back at him, "hi yuta. how are you doing?"
"i'm doing fine. is gojo-sensei doing okay?" he asked with concern. satoru had taken some time for himself after the incident with suguru last week. you knew he was at home collecting his thoughts and deciding how to be present for his students after losing his bestfriend for a second time. (read 'to be present' here)
"he's having a hard time, but he will be okay." you reassured him, "yuta, satoru wanted me to ask you if you would like to do some private training in africa."
"africa? that's pretty far." yuta said, "and that would mean that i would have to leave maki, inumaki, and panda..." he sounded sad when he mentioned his friends.
you related with him, seeing that it was going to be a hard decision for him, "i understand if you don't want to go. all your friends are here. i would've felt the same if i had to leave satoru and shoko."
"would i get stronger if i went, (y/n)-sensei...?" yuta asked quietly.
you watched yuta as he shifted in his chair, he was looking down at his feet.
"you would gain valuable experience by going. yuta, you're going to be such a strong sorcerer when you get older. hell, you're already so strong compared to most sorcerers your age. i know even megumi looks up to you." you said to him.
"if i can get stronger and protect the people i love, i'll do it." he confidently said.
"well... that didn't take much convincing." you chuckled as yuta blushed. "you can always come home whenever you want too. don't worry about the finances and lodging, i'll take care of everything for you." you smiled at him.
"you really are the best, (y/n)-sensei..." yuta said softly with a smile, "so, who's going to be training me while i'm there?"
you grinned from ear to ear as you remembered interrogating a specific sorcerer with satoru, threatening him to train yuta or else.
"yuta, if anything happens to me, i need you to take care of the current first and second year students," satoru said, "i've got a bad feeling. i'm especially concerned about the first year, yuji itadori. just like you, he was up for a secret execution. if you could watch over him, i'd appreciate it."
"if anything happens? like you getting a girlfriend?" yuta asked, no jokes aside.
“oh, you're a comedian now, huh?” satoru retorted.
"well, i can't imagine anything else that would happen to you." yuta chirped as he walked side by side with his sensei.
"and for your information, i do have a girlfriend."
yuta asked curiously, "the sensei with the black hair and green eyes?"
"how did you know?" satoru asked. he never told his students about you. he liked to keep them guessing and let them find out on their own.
"just had a feeling." yuta said with a smile.
you were the one that had gotten yuta's paperwork ready when satoru suggested for him to train with miguel in africa. you were also the one who made sure he had somewhere to stay and that his finances were taken care of while he was away. miguel always preferred to talk to you instead of satoru in regards to anything that concerned yuta.
your job at tokyo jujutsu high was more than just administrational, you took care of every student, just like a mother.
yuta had a hunch that you were the woman that kept his childish sensei in check. there was something about the way gojo-sensei would mention your name in such an endearing manner, the way he looked at you when you would come into his classroom to give him paperwork while you flashed your signature cheeky smile at him, and of course, the way he was always quick to end a lesson or spar so that he could sneak away to your office to "speak with administration."
"i know what you're thinking, sensei." yuta said out loud, "i'll take care of (y/n)-sensei too."
satoru scoffed in surprise. he knew you would be able to take care of yourself, but he was grateful. grateful that his students loved you just as much as he did.
"thanks, yuta. i appreciate it."
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
[part two] to build a home - gojo satoru
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word count: 3.8k warnings: !!manga spoilers!! swearing, jjk-verse style fighting series summary: when (y/n) (y/l/n) catches wind that the notorious sorcerer killer, toji fushiguro, has children, she makes it her personal mission to find them. the catch being she couldn't tell a soul about them- the risk of the zen'in clan learning about them was too great. keeping the secret isn't the hard part, it's lying to her friends, shoko ieiri, geto suguru, and of course gojo satoru, that she struggles with. especially when satoru has suddenly become so keen on keeping an eye on her lately.
series masterlist
[part two] : "Playing Games of Levitation"
Finding any information on Toji Fushiguro wasn’t a simple task.  Not when (y/n) had to juggle her secret investigation with schoolwork, training, an assignment here and there, and her friends.
The summer was hard on her.
More often than not, she was only left with the wee hours of the late night-turning early morning to follow scraps of leads.  It had taken months of overworking herself with little sleep, but after some time, she finally got somewhere.
It was just a name, which wasn’t much, but if it was who (y/n) thought it was, then it was a lead all the same.  And it was more than she’d found in the last six months of researching.
The smell of old books was starting to make her head dizzy these days, anyways.  So putting her energy towards following something excited her.
Sliding on her shoes and throwing her bag over her shoulder, (y/n) hurried out of her dorm and through the hallways of the school.  Today was Sunday, and she wasn’t sure she’d find much time through the school week to leave campus.  Which left today her only option if she wanted to get started as soon as possible.
She’s lucky enough to not pass any of her teachers or friends.  No one who might think to ask her where she was going in such a hurry on her own.  She doesn’t think she’d be able to come up with a good enough lie, anyways.  
She’d already been lying for months on end.  It started as soon as she came back from her private investigation, and ever since she’d been throwing out excuse after excuse to her friends.
“There’s bags under your eyes, are you not getting enough sleep?” Geto had taken notice of her heavy eyelids and thinning body one day a few months ago.
“Oh, just a little trouble with training, that’s all” She’d tried to assure him, and she figured it was believable enough.  But it hadn’t calmed his worry.
“There’s always time to work on your technique later, don’t wear yourself out too much, okay?” 
She shoved the memory down in her mind, hoping to forget the guilt she felt for troubling her friends.  If she was going to continue down this road, that would only mean there were more lies to come.  She’d either have to get over her guilt and get better at lying, or come clean.  And at this point, coming clean wasn’t an option.
(y/n) almost made it all the way to the front gates where the barrier cut off before getting caught in the act.  But just as she’s about to step through, a pair of sorcerers are entering.
Haibara Yu, and Nanami Kento.  Two second-years.
“(y/n)!” Yu’s friendly voice calls as he waves to her, jogging through the gate to catch up to her.  “You headed out?” 
She flusters, wishing she was better at lying with ease.
“Yeah- I- I was just gonna go to some shops in town”
The lie seems good enough, because Yu smiles back at her and nods his head.
“We just got back from Kyoto,” He tells her, gesturing back to Nanami who didn’t have the same hurry to come talk to her.  “I hadn’t been in forever, I forgot how beautiful it was” 
If his eyes linger on her for too long, (y/n) doesn’t notice.  Too wrapped up in her own agenda, she misses the softness in his gaze and the longing in his voice.
“It is a beautiful city,” She agrees, a bit absentmindedly.  “Your assignment went well, I assume?” 
“Could’ve been worse” The gruff voice of Yu’s partner mutters out.  (y/n) gives Nanami a small smile in acknowledgement as he approaches.
“That’s the spirit,” She says, jesting just a little bit.  Enough to keep the conversation light to keep them from thinking twice about her heading out on her own.  “Well, I better get going.  You guys rest easy” 
“Bye, (y/n)!” Yu waves cheerfully as she heads off.
Nanami’s gaze follows her more curiously, but he doesn’t say anything, just follows beside his colleague as they go in the opposite direction of her.
Once she’s through the gate and past the barrier, (y/n) lets out a breath of relief.
She had to get better at lying.
It had been hours since she’d arrived in town, and (y/n) was starting to think her lead was a bust.  Most of the records at the town hall didn’t provide much with the name she had, and the few civilians she’d asked didn’t know who she was looking for.
She’d just given up, sitting on a bench with only a box of mochi to show for her work today.  She hadn’t even taken a bite out of one of the sweets yet, not feeling like she’d deserved to treat herself.
Come on Fushiguros, she thought to herself, eyes scanning over the people gathered in the streets, hoping an answer would present itself.  Where are you? 
“Leave us alone, Fushiguro!”   
A distant shout of a child rang in her ears, and she perked up, trying to find the source of the sound.
Her eyes land on a group of kids across the street.  They looked like they were gearing up to fight, a few boys pitted against one boy, and one girl, standing a bit behind him.  They looked young, like they were only in grade school.
“Yeah, leave us alone!” One of the boys in the larger group shouts.
(y/n) stands, but doesn’t rush over to the scene just yet.  Even if the boy and the girl were the Fushiguros she was searching for, it wouldn’t be wise to insert herself without a plan.  They were children, and she was a stranger.
The boy, with messy raven hair, has the harshest scowl on his face as he glares at the boys.  The girl behind him doesn’t seem interested in a fight as she’s tugging at his arm.
Curiously, (y/n) casually crosses the street, feigning interest in a shop just a little ways away from the group she was more or less spying on.
Well, it was full-on spying actually.  She was straight up spying on a bunch of kids.
As she stands before a window of expensive jewelry she could never actually afford, she listens closely to their conversation.
“Megumi, let’s go!” The girl calls, pulling more harshly on the boy’s arm than she had before.
“Tch,” The boy scoffs, still glaring at the group of boys that now that (y/n) can see better, look to be a few grades older than him.  “Fine” He mutters, giving into her wishes, and turning away, walking away with her, in (y/n’s) general direction.
“Stop picking fights with rude people, little brother.  You’re going to get yourself in trouble” The girl scolds, but the boy, Megumi, just walks ahead of her, seemingly ignoring her.
So they were brother and sister, (y/n) noted.  That increases the odds of these being the Fushiguros she was looking for.
She turns her attention back to a rather pretty rose gold plated bracelet as they pass by her, but as soon as they do, her eyes follow them.
“I’m just trying to look out for you, Megumi” 
“You’re just trying to be annoying, Tsumiki” 
Megumi and Tsumiki.
(y/n) smiles to herself in pride, before turning around on her heel, and walking off.  With her mochi and two names with faces to match, she feels good about her work today.
Now she just had to get back home and hope no one noticed her absence today.
By the time Thursday rolls around, she’s anxious to go back into the town and find the two children again.  Her next move was to find where they reside- she only hoped they had a roof over their heads.
She’s supposed to train when she’s done with her classes, and she knows that she should.  She hadn’t attempted to push herself since the day of the incident, and if she didn’t start to grasp the extent of her technique soon, then she was going to raise suspicion with her teachers.
But maybe if she was quick enough, she could spare some time to go to town.  It shouldn’t be too hard to break into the school records to find the address for the young Fushiguros.  Once that’s complete, it was only a matter of time before she was certain of herself that these were Toji’s children.
Remembering the look on the young boy’s face, she’s pretty sure that they must be.  He held the same intensity in his little body that Toji had carried the few days that she had followed him.
“Where’s that head at, right now?” 
(y/n) jumps, not having heard Geto approach behind her until he spoke.  She laughs nervously as she turns to see him smiling, apparently amused with himself for taking her by surprise.
“Don’t sneak up on a girl like that, you’ll get yourself punched” She teases.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” He replies.  “You off to train?” He asks, gesturing to the path towards the field where she’d been practicing her teleporting.
“Uh, yeah, I was” She nods, rubbing the back of her neck anxiously.
He raises a brow at her nervous tic.
“Not in the mood?” He asks, tucking his hands into his pockets.
“It’s not that, I just…” She trails off, trying to come up with a lie that was good enough for him to believe.  Geto Suguru had a pretty decent bullshit detector, and he wasn’t afraid to call people on it.
He steps forward, giving her a warm smile.
“Don’t be anxious to fail,” He tells her.
She blinks in surprise.
“Satoru told me that you were taking the Riko Amanai incident pretty hard,” He admitted.  “Don’t let that hold you back.  As long as you try, you can’t really fail, right?”
(y/n) doesn’t know what to say, so she presses her lips together and nods her head back at him.
“Would you like help? I don’t know much about teleporting, but if you need someone to cheer you on, I’d be happy to” 
She chuckles at his kindness, before shaking her head.
“No, that’s alright, Suguru.  I appreciate it, though” 
“Anytime,” He says warmly.  “Just know you can find me if you do need help.  But I’m sure Satoru would be much happier to be your mentor.  He’s probably a better option when it comes to teleportation, anyways” 
(y/n) nods again, albeit a little shakily.
Ever since that night in the kitchen, where he told her about killing Toji, and comforted her when she nearly broke down in front of him, her relationship with the Six Eyes user had gone from odd to bizarre.
She considered herself lucky that he’d been given so many assignments in the past six months that he was gone more than around these days.  Because when he was home, he was relentless with spending time with her.  Whether it was helping her with her homework or crashing her alone time to make her watch a dumb movie he found, if he was around, he was always around.
It was becoming increasingly harder to be annoyed with him.  For one, a part of her did miss him when he was gone, even though she would rather die than admit it to him.  He was her friend, and she cared about him.  They used to spend every day together, so when he was on an assignment for a whole month, she missed having him around.
But it was another thing that when he was around, she had to put a pause on her investigation.  He was around too much for her to get anything done without him noticing.  And now that she finally had a decent lead…
“Yeah, I might have to bother him the next time he’s free” She mumbles.
“Want me to go get him?” Suguru asks, jerking his thumb over his shoulder.  “I think he was just about to pretend to annoy Shoko at the morgue out of boredom.  It’d be doing both of you a favor” 
“Oh- I don’t want to be a bother-” 
“Nonsense, I’ll get him now” Suguru waves his hand dismissively.
Before (y/n) can protest, he turns around and is hastily making his way towards the morgue.
Well, shit.  There goes my chance at getting out of training early to go into town.
“You came to the right guy!” 
Gojo cracked the knuckles of his fingers dramatically before his chest, his arms extended in a stretch.
(y/n) stands before him on the field, trying not to show her displeasure with doing this right now.  She really did need the help, but her mind wasn’t anywhere near focusing on her cursed technique right now, and the most important thing with teleportation was focus.
“We’ll start easy, a lil’ warm up to get that cursed energy awake,” Satoru’s grinning, his cockiness only seemed to grow at the idea of playing teacher.
“How about you start by going from here to the other end of the field?” He suggests, pointing to where the gates surrounded the neatly cut grass about a hundred feet away.
“Okay,” She sighs, shaking the nerves out of her hands.  “I have to hex you first” 
“Oh, right,” He nods, and steps forward, leaving little to no space between them.
(y/n) swallows thickly, realizing just how tall he was.
He’s always been tall, it’s not like she’s only just noticed, but for some reason, today it makes her head spin with nerves.
She raises her hand to his forehead, closing her eyes as she gently places her index and middle finger on his forehead, just above his sunglasses.  Her cursed energy buzzes through her skin like a small shock of static electricity.
Since mastering the ability to keep his Infinity up automatically, (y/n) had noticed he left it up more often than not.  It had been odd, the few times he’s handed her a pencil or she almost bumped into him, only to not actually touch him at all.  At first it unsettled her, knowing that he’d probably kept at this ever since his encounter with Toji Fushiguro, but she learned to bite her tongue and not draw attention to it.
But now, it almost felt more strange to actually touch him.  She wondered if skin to skin contact made him uncomfortable now.  If it did, he didn’t show it.
Satoru had seen her use her cursed technique before, on other sorcerers or her teachers when training, but he’d never seen it so up close, and he’s definitely never experienced it first hand.
The feeling of her cursed energy lingers on his skin, and if he concentrates, he can almost feel it flowing with his.  As though it were settling itself deep in his bones.  He supposes that’s the effect of the technique, it must have to attach itself to him pretty securely for her to blink herself back to it.
“Okay” She sighs, pulling her fingers away and stepping back once she’s certain her cursed energy had imbued itself in him.
“That’s it?” Satoru asks, curiously.  “Feels weird” 
“Yeah, I’ve been told that if you focus on it, you can feel it there for a few days,” She says.  “Shoko said it was like getting a shot, you still feel the needle even while your body’s healing itself” 
“If I cry are you gonna kiss it?” He teases.
(y/n) rolls her eyes.
“Just go over there already so I can get to teleporting” She says.
He lowers his sunglasses just so that he can wink at her, and in a flash he disappeared, now standing across the whole field.
“You got this!” He cheers, jumping up and down with a thumbs up in the air to show his full support.
(y/n) takes in a deep breath, holding it while she shakes the nerves out of her hands.
Breathe out.
Breathe in,
She closes her eyes, letting her mind focus on her own cursed energy.  It’s like a spark in darkness, just as far as Gojo stood.
Breathe out.
When she opens her eyes, she’s standing before him.
Gojo grins at her.
“That was great!” He compliments.  “How do you feel?” 
“Fine,” She shrugs.  “But I marked you, so that makes it easy.  The trouble is trying to mark someone from afar.  That’s what Yaga wants me to focus on” 
“Hm,” He thinks to himself, trying to think of the best way to get her used to it.  “Let’s try something crazy then” 
Her brows furrow as she shakes her head.
“No, I don’t think we should-” 
“What, scared I’m gonna make you do something stupid?” He asks.
She raises a brow, silently asking him if he even had to ask that question.  Satoru barks out a laugh.
“Have some faith in your teacher, (y/n/n)!” He tells her.  “Come on, let’s go back to where we were so we have plenty of space” 
Just like that, he’s disappeared again.  (y/n) groans as she spins around to see him in the middle of the field, where they just were.
She’s in front of him again in a second, barely having to focus to bring herself there.  He grins again at her ability to do so with ease.
“Okay, now take your mark off” He tells her.
“But I-” 
“Come on, no buts, just do it” He pushes her.
If he tires her out too much, then she definitely won’t be able to sneak into town this afternoon.
“Satoru,” (y/n) sighs.  “I’ve never been able to do this without passing out” She admits.
“Well then today will be a breakthrough!” He tells her.
She’s frowning, not sure where he got such an unprecedented amount of belief in her.  But judging from the advice Suguru had given her earlier, she fears that they may have noticed her abandoning her training.
So as badly as she wanted to do some light B&E this afternoon, she decides that she’ll have to worry about Megumi and Tsumiki later.  If she walked away from Satoru now, it would only pose more of a problem in the future.
“Fine” She mutters, and reaches her hand back up to his forehead.
This time, as she takes her cursed energy back, Satoru frowns, a weird feeling replacing what once was her mark on him.
“That’s odd” He mutters when she’s finished.
“So I’ve been told,” (y/n) replies.  “What does it feel like?”
Emptiness, Satoru thinks.  It’s a distinct, hollow feeling left in his chest, similar to negative feelings such as sadness, loneliness, regret.
He looks at her, seeing her genuine curiosity, and realizes that she doesn’t know removing her marks have this effect.  So he shrugs his shoulders.
“Don’t know,” He lies.  “It’s just weird” 
“Oh,” (y/n) hums.  “I’ve never really done that before.  Most people let the hex just fade away on it’s own, it only takes a day or two before I have to hex them again” 
So that’s why she didn’t know, Satoru thinks.  The cold feeling has already washed away, so it’s effect wasn’t drastic, but it was distinct.
“Alright, back to class,” He claps his hands, his wide grin returning to his face.  “You ready?” 
“As I’ll ever be” (y/n) breathes out.
He’s above her so quickly she does a double take at him practically floating in the air, just a few feet off the ground.
“Alright, come on up,” Satoru beckons her with his hand.  “The air is fine!” 
Normally she would spit something sarcastic back at him, but all she could feel now was anxiety.
“You want me to not only teleport in a way that I’ve never been capable of,” She deadpans.  “But you want me to suspend myself in the air- something I’ve never even attempted?”
“Aren’t I the best teacher ever?” Satoru grins down at her.
(y/n) balls her clammy hands into tight fists at her sides.
With a huff, she closes her eyes, and refocuses herself.
Breathe in,
Breathe out.
She focused her mind on where she wanted her body to go, and surprisingly, she felt her fingers vibrate with her cursed energy.
Maybe she could actually pull this off.
When she opened her eyes again, his were right there before hers.
Her jaw dropped open as she looked down, her feet dangling in the air, the ground a few feet below her.
She looks back up at Satoru’s face, with his madman grin and eyes lighting up behind his sunglasses.  Her expression mimics his own, as disbelief and excitement hitting her all at once.
And in her moment of joy, she felt her body drop.
She yelps, the short plummet taking her by surprise.  Before she can brace herself for the ground, Satoru is standing there again, and her body hits his arms instead.
“You okay?” He asks her right away.
She nods shakily, even though fatigue washes over her head.
“Yeah,” She sighs, and he carefully sets her down, his hands hovering around her shoulders just to be sure she could stand.  “Yeah… yeah I’m okay” 
He’s not so sure, as her eyelashes hang heavily over her eyes, and she’s swaying just a little bit, as if she were a child willing herself to stay up later in the night.
“Maybe that’s enough for today,” Satoru decides, knowing she probably won’t put an end to her training, even if she was barely standing.  “But that was really great” 
“Yeah?” She looks up at him, a tired smile on her face.
“Yeah,” He confirms with a nod of his head.  “That was amazing.  I’m really proud of you” 
Her cheeks flush with pink at the compliment.  She’s never gone looking for Satoru’s pride before, but having it makes her feel a little fuzzy.
In her tired state, she lets out a little giggle.
“Thanks, Satoru,” She mumbles.  “Means a lot”
He really is impressed, he didn’t give her the compliment out of kindness, he truly meant it.  In the past he’s known that when she’d attempted teleporting herself without hexing someone first, the moment she appeared at the second location, she’d dropped to the ground in unconsciousness.  So for her to not only be stabilized when she teleported up to him, but she even hung in the air in the same way he did- Satoru knew that was an impressive feat.
“Come on, let's get you some rest now, hm?” He prompts, wrapping an arm around her shoulder before blinking them both into the school.
She remains semi- awake until he gets her to her dorm, but once she hits her bed, she’s knocked clean out.  Satoru smiles as he realizes this, and carefully drapes her blanket over her so she wouldn’t wake up from her nap cold.
He turns off her light and shuts her door quietly behind him, but not before quietly bidding her a “sleep well”.
taglist: @whats-humanity-lol@malinq-ashida@mor-pheus@bekahtaylorgriggs@pookiea@megumimind​ @thealchemical @pearlstiare​ @niallerhere​ (if you want to be tagged the quickest way for me to see would be messaging me!! dm or inbox)
xoxo - jordie
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potassiumivy · 15 days
PLAYBOY. | jjk
❥ mdni. fic masterlist.
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he hated the first day of his second year. 
that was the first time he got to put a face to your name. you were gojo's new student, and he made sure to parade you around like some sort of trophy. you introduced yourself so sweetly despite the pointed glare he gave you. you got along instantly with his dumb classmate, who kept giving you heart eyes like some corny high schooler.
he hated your clan. a clan of prideful and strong women.
he made sure to remind you everyday by calling you a slut, not even bothering to say your name. honestly, even if your friends made sure to defend you, you would brush it off and continue with your day like nothing happened. this pissed him off even more. 
he made it his personal goal to get a reaction out of you. he would go out of his way to provoke you, yet you remained unprovoked. that was until he finally put his finger on your weakness— your friends.
he hated your friends, but above all, he hated your technique. 
everything you touch turns to gold— and so did he when he insulted your friend kirara. he became a literal gold statue, and he couldn't get out of it. you didn't release your technique for a good day.
after that incident, everything went back to normal. you wouldn't even bat an eyelash around him, still grabbing his bicep on missions, and laughing to yourself when you would tell him about your day. 
naoya used to push you away, telling you that you should die since you refuse to walk three steps behind him. he would call you a dumb bitch, but you wouldn't even interrupt your own speech, clawing at his bicep with your pink nails again and continuing to blabber even if he wouldn't give you the time of the day.
and then, after a few months, his pathetic classmate, ino takuma, climbed up a few ranks, meaning that he would accompany you two on your missions. now, it was no secret that you had ino on a leash. he would only see you during school and training— you were usually paired up with either naoya or your classmates for missions. 
so, being unfamiliar to your weird dynamic, where you would stick to naoya like glue while he would cuss you out, it was more than unsettling for him. he never knew someone could stand this man, let alone enjoy his company. he also didn't know why you, out of all people, were so patient with his misogynistic classmate. 
at this point, naoya got sick of you, and shoved you away harshly. "don't look in my eyes when you talk to me, you bitch." he spat.
you ignored his comment once again, reaching out to hold his bicep like usual. that was until your words died on your tongue when ino gently held your hand, his fingers embracing yours. 
"talk to me instead." his gaze was softer than cashmere, and his words, sweeter than honey. your lips agape, you blinked a few times, and he laughed fondly at your reaction. "c'mon," he ushered, "tell me about those cats you fed in the alleyway."
he started walking again, bumping into naoya, who clenched his jaw in annoyance. ino didn't apologize— he was on autopilot around you. he pulled you with him, walking backwards to avoid breaking eye contact. it was worth it, so so worth it. 
he got to see the shine in your eyes and the flutter of your lashes. "i think the cats were lovers."
"were they?"
"yeah." you smiled. "i like cats."
"yeah? what would you call your cat if you had one?" ino wanted to know everything about you. 
your answer was immediate."ponyo."
"like the ghibli movie?"
"mhm. it's my favourite."
he rubbed his chin with his free hand, deep in thought, which made you giggle at his playfulness. "i think my favourite is princess mononoke."
"i haven't seen that one yet." you admitted, making ino gasp dramatically.
"i know, i know, how shameful." you rolled your eyes. 
"i have the dvd in my room, so come over to my dorm tonight." he squeezed your hand, giving you a bright smile.
"i will." you replied before turning around. "naoya! walk faster, i want to try that new restaurant after the mission!"
his head perked up, his eyebrows raised in confusion before he scowled again. "it's zenin to you. don't order me around."
he caught up quickly, and for the first time, he didn't try to walk three steps in front of you. he remained at your side, even when your hand wasn't holding his. 
*✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:
*✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:
naoya still remembered the following events. he remembers you clutching his uniform's sleeve after the mission, about to beg him to take you to the restaurant you talked about earlier. 
he pushed you forward before you even got to open your mouth. "just lead the way." he mumbled.
your eyes sparkled before you lunged at him.
"you're so nice today, naoya!"
"stop it before i change my fucking mind." he groaned, trying to escape your grip.
you immediately stopped before grabbing ino's hand and running towards the restaurant. "come on, ino! it's naoya's treat."
"what— no, wait!"
at the restaurant, you ordered a shit ton of food, even though naoya clearly told you he wouldn't be paying for you, nor ino for that matter. you just ignored him, making him rage even more. 
when ino excused himself, you immediately turned to naoya, who was too busy fitting three dumplings in his mouth.
"i told you it was good, didn't i?" you chuckled, and he vigorously shook his head. he wasn't the best liar. "whatever. you'll pay for me anyways."
"no, i won't." he protested with his mouth full, making you cringe a little.
"yes, you will. you say that everytime, but you still pay for me." you wiggled your finger in front of his face, making him scowl. he swatted your hand away, going back to eating his food.
"why don't you get angry at me?" you tilted your head, confused by the question.
"why would i get mad at you?"
"so you're telling me that you know your place as a woman?"
"what are you on about? weirdo." your eyes widened at the bullshit he was sprouting. "should i turn you to gold again? i swear i won't get you out of there this time."
"huh? no, i'm asking why you let me call you a whore?"
"what's wrong with being a whore?"
he choked on air, grabbing his cup to take a swing of water. "are you saying you're a whore, then?"
"i'm a slut in flesh, yes."
he blinked rapidly. "are you fucking with me right now?"
"look, naoya. i like dick. like, really." you said loudly which made him go red. "is that what you were trying to make me say? the fact that you call me a hoe doesn't affect me, 'cause it's true. you get it now?" 
he nodded, frozen from the sudden turn of events. you snorted at his expression, shaking your head from amusement. 
you cleared your throat, leaning back in your chair, manspreading. "so... are we friends now?"
naoya's breath hitched. this was all against his morals. 
you clicked your tongue, taking a napkin and wiping the grease around his mouth. "you're such a sloppy eater, naoya..." you giggled, "silly, silly boy."
"yeah..." he breathed out, completely mesmerized.
you pecked the corner of his lips, sitting back in your chair.
"good boy."
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©potassiumivy, 2024. all rights reserved. do not translate / modify / republish my works.
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gamerwoman3d · 3 months
Pretend I'm Him 
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Imagine secretly banging Kuai Liang before the shit hit the fan at Ying Fortress.  In the aftermath of the fallout, the grandmaster wants a word…
[My apologies to other genders - lady anatomy used, from the start this time. Additionally, you don't have to agree with what this reader character thinks: just understand her information has been filtered. She is not omnipotent. Her information about the fallout is limited to what her clan/grandmaster has said about those events.]
Tags: SOFTER Bi-Han.
[Yes this is MK1 Bi-Han x Reader]
[🔞Spicy/Explicit after the cut🔞]
Imagine this non-committal relationship with Kuai Liang that was supposed to remain a secret. Imagine sneaking out on the regular, just to feel his hot tongue on your clit. You learned every soundproof nook and cranny of the Lin Kuei stronghold like your lives depended on it, not because any threat to either of you existed here at home, but rather because if you were forced to go more than a couple of days without sex, you felt like you just might die.
And then there was some bullshit at Ying Fortress. You were already so pent up waiting for Kuai Liang to return. You knew it was serious because his brother, the Grandmaster himself, went with him to oversee the mission.  Your heart jumped for joy when you overheard that the Grandmaster finally returned, only to discover that Kuai Liang and their adopted brother were marked as traitors, and would likely never be returning to the fortress.
Sure, you were worried for Kuai Liang, for the clan, for the future. Hell, you even felt some concern for your Grandmaster's broken heart. And maybe you were a little scared for yourself: Kuai Liang wasn't the enemy when you were sleeping with him, but you did sleep with said enemy, and had some concerns about what that might mean for you if that fact was discovered going forward. After all, the Lin Kuei stronghold was your home. Its walls protect your friends, family, and your entire support network, all clumped together in this small community which calls the stronghold home. Their protection might be at risk if the clan begins to suspect you of colluding with a traitor.  But deep down, in your shadowy id, the second you heard the news, your initial gut reaction was "FUCK. WHAT AM I GONNA DO TO GET MY NEEDS MET, NOW?”
No one can blame you. Every day that Kuai Liang was gone was a day that you burned inside for the lack of him.  You were so excited when you thought he was coming home, so energized, so ready to extinguish the flames, so wet.  
What a fucking letdown. And it was days ago.
You stared at the blank encrypted messaging app on your phone. If you messaged him, and were discovered, it could be taken as an act of consorting with the enemy. If you didn't, it might seem to him like you didn't care. If you reached out, he might think you were stalking him to help your clan hunt him down. But the only way to stop overthinking it was to reach out and see what happens.
Kuai Liang didn't answer. You weren't being left on "seen" - it was as if he lost his phone entirely.
No closure. Fantastic. Could it get any fucking worse.
Your phone buzzed in your hand. Not Kuai Liang, as you had hoped, but your best bud. You answer on the first ring, only to be interrupted by your breathless friend's frantic whispering.
"Hey! Sub-Zero's looking for you. I dunno what's going on, but I gotta go.”
You'd rather be back in school as the kid walking shamefully to the principal's office. You'd rather be back at bootcamp pounding sand in freezing temperatures.  You'd rather be a deer stuck in the headlights of a speeding semi.
You snap to your senses and delete the encrypted app from your phone.  You straighten yourself up and do what you do best - Sneak out, and sneak around the Lin Kuei stronghold.
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You hid for a minute to think, watching from the shadows as your Grandmaster's best people searched for you in an unobtrusive manner. Then, you decided to take yourself to him. His family's private domicile was far enough from yours that your immediate family wouldn't have to see or hear whatever went down. Maybe you could keep your secret a bit longer that way. Or maybe he'd murder you on the spot.
His back was to you as you approached the garden at the front of his home. He stood unmasked, and spoke to a pair of his men. The men each stole a glance at you, prompting Sub-Zero to turn and glance over his shoulder as he spoke.
He did a double-take.
He immediately dismissed the men, who walked past you as you strode up the walkway toward them.  With the whites of his eyes visible between the top of his bottom eyelid and the bottom of his brown irises, Sub-Zero's expression felt uncharacteristically soft as you approached.
"I heard that you wanted to see me, sir?" you questioned.
You held your breath.
"Yes. Don't be nervous, you're in no trouble," he said.
His voice sounded strange when he spoke gently.  It sounded strange without the muffled echo from the mask.  Both things being true at once, it was like speaking to a different person than the masked master of the training grounds. His voice wasn't the stinging gravelly growl that he used while in command. It was a husky, comforting sound, sprung from a genuine intent to calm and reassure your quivering heart.
With a wave of his hand, he invited you inside.  Someone brought tea, and he redirected it to an office in his house. Now life felt exactly like a visit to the principal's office, if upon one of the bookshelves was a photo of your shirtless lover holding your shirtless principal in a headlock.
Your eyes fixated on the photo of Scorpion and Sub-Zero. It was before Kuai Liang had the scorpion tattooed, but well after his biceps had formed into what they still are, today.  You wanted to say that you missed him dearly, but damn, you missed his body.  Staring at the divots along his obliques had you dying to feel them between your thighs once more.
Sub-Zero's eyes followed yours to the photo. For a millisecond, his eyebrows knit in pain in an otherwise bemused expression.
"Tomas took that photo... the little traitor.”
“What happened?” you asked.
“Mm. Mom called Kuai Liang to nag him over the phone. I can do a convincing imitation of him so I snuck up behind him and said ‘You can’t make me!’” Bi-han mocked.
You had to admit to yourself that his imitation in that moment was spot on. But you also forced yourself to keep quiet, even as the uncanny mockery of your lover's voice made you miss him even more.  
He continued.
“Immediately, we hear her squawking on the other end of the line, and he crushes his phone so hard in anger that the screen snapped. She always believed he actually said it and then hung up on her.”
The bemused expression faded from his face, leaving behind a pained gloss over his brown eyes.
“She was mad at him for so long. I deserved the beating he tried to give me.”
Sub-Zero reached out and gently turned the photo down upon its face before opening a locked file cabinet and rifling through its folders.  He gestured to the tea and to the seating, welcoming you to make yourself comfortable.
You thanked him, sat, and took a sip of the boiling hot tea that was served to you; it would have been seen as an act of enmity not to do so.  You held the cup for warmth and comfort.  Truthfully, the hard ceramic was stinging-hot and smooth to the touch... god damn. Must every little thing remind you of his touch. You pressed your fingers into the glazed surface to feel the sting on your fingertips, in a futile attempt to disengage yourself from the current reality. Your panic over the immediate future kept a strong hold on you, even as you wished to be back in Kuai Liang's arms.
Sub-Zero closed the drawer, keeping his eyes fixed on the papers of a file he'd withdrawn. It still wasn't apparent to you how much the man knew about your relationship with his disaffected brother. And the grandmaster had yet to state what he wanted with you. If you truly were not in trouble, does that mean he didn't know? Or was he secretly ready to send you back to the character select screen? You bit back your burning questions. Moments of excruciating silence passed.
"... Keep breathing," he instructed, trying to withhold a smirk.
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You gasped a bit. You realized that you weren't just biting back the questions - you were holding back your breath.  Your breath hitched and shuddered as it fought to catch up quietly.  Sub-Zero waited until your breathing evened out to speak.
"You still haven't asked me why I wanted to see you. Do you already know?" he asked.
The question was bait. And you knew it. You shook your head and said no.
He nodded. 
"You're good. You are really good," he said.
You took the compliment in silent confusion.
"I think if anyone here could get to Kuai Liang, it's you," he said.
You swallowed. You broke a sweat.
"What makes you think that?" you asked, acting as though you were innocent of having had any prior connection.
He arches an eyebrow. At the same time he thumbs a piece of paper out of the file: a receipt from the pharmacist. The receipt showed that you were issued a few prescriptions: silver based ointment for blisters, and one slightly more embarrassing cream. You remembered needing it after a particularly hot experiment with Kuai Liang went wrong in the early days of your secret relationship.
You turn red, not when he shows it to you, but when he looks into your eyes with a cocky, knowing gaze. His eyes may as well have become the headlights; your secrets become the deer. The mess was just as bloody in your mind either way. You suddenly wish patient-provider confidentiality were a more sacrosanct part of Lin Kuei military tradition. But even if it were, the grandmaster likely had methods of extracting their information. Your heart pounded. 
He knew you'd fucked Kuai Liang. 
His voice stayed strangely dulcet, full of compassion and understanding when he next spoke. His words didn't match his timbre.
"When I read this, I came to the conclusion that you both got a little too fired up.”
"Not the puns, please. I'll go pound sand in the freezing desert, please no more puns," you thought.
You didn't mean to groan aloud at his terrible pun. It just kinda happened. You didn't expect him to soften and apologize so quickly, but he did.
"I am sorry to have brought that up. I truly am. I imagine it must have been painful, or at least deeply uncomfortable for you. To the matter at hand, let us both start by committing to being straightforward with each other. That will benefit the both of us, greatly. And now I will ask you, kindly, please do not insult my intelligence by feigning ignorance, and I will not insult yours by pretending I'm funny. Agreed?" 
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“You said I wasn’t in trouble.”
“You’re not. Listen… I can't afford to make a mortal enemy out of someone who can sneak around my own home as effortlessly as you have. I had my best people searching for you, but when you arrived here, my guard was down. My back was to you. If Kuai Liang had asked you to kill me, you could have done it, right then.”
It’s true. Your eyes widened. Your thoughts were so preoccupied with whether or not he would kill you, that it never occurred to you that he could be worried about your own ability to kill him, let alone kill him in his own home at any time you desired.
He sat the papers down, cupped your face with both hands, and lifted until your eyes met his. This close, you could see the dark circles of sleeplessness form beneath his eyes. Something about the out of place strands of hair on one side of his bun made you imagine him awake all night, laying on the messy side.
“I just want to be able to sleep. I try to sleep each night knowing that on any given night, you could end my life if you wanted. I’ll sleep easier when I know where you stand. I’ll sleep much easier if I know you’re going to stay on our side. But even if you don’t, Kuai Liang is out there somewhere and I fear he is lost, suffering, and alone. I know I couldn’t stop you if you want to reach him and join his side. And even if I could stop you, I would choose to let you go, in hopes that someday maybe you can talk some sense into him. And no, I do not want to see any harm befall either of you. You are Lin Kuei. The Lin Kuei are my life. You have my word that I will continue to honor and protect your family and friends to the best of my ability if you decide to leave. But stay. Please. I would do anything for you to stay. So what is it? What do you want? What can I give you that will make you stay?”
Your face turned red between his warm hands. You hadn’t been touched by a man since they left for Ying Fortress, and your body had jumped to inappropriate conclusions beneath his touch. You couldn’t answer him. He studied your face. He shook his head and spoke.
“The only thing you want is him, isn't it?”
Well… maybe the only thing you wanted was sex. You weren't quite in love with Kuai Liang, not in the way that would have you abandoning everything you knew to join him in his fight against everyone who ever supported you. With Bi-Han’s firm grip on your face, you couldn't turn your head from your grandmaster. But you broke eye contact, casting your eyes down in shame from your inability to honestly answer that Kuai Liang was indeed the only thing you wanted. He wasn't.
“I don't want to die, and I don't want to break my oaths,” you said.
“You're not breaking your oaths. I'm willing to command you to go to him. To spy. To watch over him. To guide him and make sure he doesn't get himself killed in service to Liu Kang. You'd never be marked as an enemy, always welcome to return.”
Leave everything to go babysit a grown man? Hell naw.
“I don't want to leave…” you admitted it.
“Then look me in the eyes and tell me you are not considering running away to find him,” Bi-han gently ordered.
You turned your eyes as far away from him as you could. Logically, a man that breaks his oaths and abandons your entire community was not worthy of running toward. It should have been easy to tell Bi-han that there was no part of you that wanted to chase after Kuai Liang. But instead, you replied:
“I can't. The… the sex… was amazing. And the thought does cross my mind.”
As you said it, his breath stilled. Your words caught him off guard.
“So then it is only the sex that you want? Not the connection, the heart nor the soul?” he asked.
You certainly had not treated each other like soulmates. If anything, you and Kuai Liang had treated each other like fucktoys, and you both loved every minute of it.
“That's right,” you said.
Somewhere in your gut, you realized: if Kuai Liang had loved you, considered you his soulmate, or had even wanted to build a life with you, he would be here. He would have returned. He would have done anything to return to your side, including obey illegal orders. If he ever truly loved you, he would have at least considered joining his brother in betraying God Himself. But Kuai Liang had done none of that. He chose his path with no hesitation. He was gone from you now, and if you were honest with yourself, you always knew that the two of you weren't meant to last forever.
The thought brought angry, embarrassed tears to the brink of your eyes. You hoped you could bite them back for the duration of Bi-Han’s inquiry.
“And yet, you want it enough that you feel tempted to run to him. It burns so badly that you feel tempted to aid a deserter?” Bi-Han said.
Neither you nor Kuai Liang were serious about each other. At least not enough to label each other or go public with your fling. That's why you both kept it a secret. You should have told your Grandmaster all of this with your words when he asked if you wanted his brother's sexual services more than his heart and soul: but you said it all with a cringe and a silent nod.
Yes, it was only the sex that I wanted. Not his heart. Not his soul. you silently admitted.
Bi-Han’s face twisted into a quizzical pout, not dissimilar to a look you'd seen on your lover's face in the past when he silently sought solutions as he worked through problems in his mind. The silence lasted too long for comfort; you could sense him figuring out what to do with you. His brows flashed with the strike of an idea.
“Pretend I'm him,” he said.
Your mind jumps to a scenario where you pretend that Bi-Han is your lover and act out all the fantasies you'd saved for Kuai Liang's return. You felt perverse: it felt wrong to assume you'd been ordered to *treat* Bi-han in the same sexual manner that you would treat his brother. Surely he didn't intend for you to imagine Kuai Liang while he pleasured you in the deepest most erotic methods. Even allowing yourself the briefest glimpse at Bi-Han through a carnal lens proved devastating. One glimpse was all it took to deeply appreciate his shoulders, his eyes, his strength, his agility, his voice, his highly regimented grooming habits. Good god, you marveled at what he could do to you if he wanted. Was he really suggesting himself to be your lover? A stand in?
Imagine the Grandmaster reducing himself to the role of a stunt cock, just to keep you loyal to the Lin Kuei. Erotic thoughts banished the angry tears back into whatever well from which they sprung.
You were certain you couldn't have understood him correctly. Maybe he meant “imagine what I'd do if I were in his shoes planning my next move” or something.
You asked him to repeat himself, to clarify his orders.
“That was an offer, not an order,” he said, “I'm at your disposal. I meant it when I said I'd do anything to have rest assurance that your oaths still mean something. Use me however you wish. Make me sneak away with you if that's what excites you. I won't make you keep me a secret, yet if you desire it, I'll take our secrets with me to my grave. Whatever you want from him, I'll do my best to provide you in his stead.”
“You're offering… sex?” you asked incredulously.
“If that interests you, then yes. Whenever you want him, whenever your desire for him burns away your strength, leaves you weak, needy, or desperate enough to leave us, I want you to consider coming to me first. You won't have to explain yourself, and I do not expect you to banish all thoughts of him.”
Words failed you.
He allowed the uncomfortable silence to linger a bit too long.
He inched closer, hovered over you where you sat in a small but growing puddle of your own wetness. His face lingered near yours, his breath against your flushed cheek. You pressed your knees together. He murmured toward your ear, in a hauntingly familiar mimicry.
“Pretend I'm him,” he said in Kuai Liang's voice.
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He continued to warp his timbre to mimic his brother's softer, hoarse intonation. And, for the first time in your life, you dared to interrupt him.
“Does that interest you? If not tonight, then later-” he asked.
“Tonight. Tonight, please,” you whispered.
“As you wish,” he said, perfectly mocking his brother's voice.
He leaned in until the bridge of his nose almost met yours. He stilled himself. His gaze invited you to make the first move: cognizant of the amount of power he held over you, he required a great deal of assurance that you truly wanted to do it. He let his warm thumbs caress your cheeks as he waited for you.
You shut your eyes, pressed your lips shut, pressed the shut lips against his, and kissed. He kissed back.
His lips were different from Kuai Liang's. They were firm, fitting. Kuai's lips were supple and plump enough to surround yours when kissed like this. Bi-Han’s lips could only give yours that surrounded feeling by parting just enough to gently suck your kisses, while gliding his tongue against them to tease them open.
You trembled, imagining what this sensation would feel like on your clit. You whimpered into the kiss despite yourself. You couldn't imagine this kiss as one of Kuai Liang's; Bi-Han’s kiss tasted like minty whitening gel and expensive honeyed tea. Kuai Liang’s kiss smells like smoke, tastes exactly like one might expect that a man who breathes fire and eats pussy should taste like. It was too different. It was Bi-Han. You were letting the grandmaster slip his honeyed tongue into your kisses, and into your dreams; You couldn't let yourself pretend otherwise.
You remembered the way you would melt just to feel Kuai Liang breathing. How you'd melt to feel his hands on your back. How you'd feel to be enveloped in his embrace. Bi-Han’s body was not so comfortable as Kuai Liang's. You remembered Kuai Liang's thick arms felt strong but pliant. You held Bi-Han’s biceps in your hands. They felt more like polished mahogany, stiff, smooth. The density of the man's arms was unlike what you were accustomed to; but the feeling raised your temperature.
You pushed back on his chest, pulled yourself away, and broke the kiss. He let you break the kiss, and waited for you to explain.
“Do you still feel okay?” he asked.
“Yes, it's just different.”
“Is it too different?”
“You taste different,” you said.
“What should I taste like,” he asked.
Fixated on the thought of his tongue on your clit, you bit your lip and parted your knees slightly from muscle memory. You were remembering times when Kuai Liang tasted like you in the moments after he tongued open your pussy.
When you didn't answer his question in words, he studied your body language, noting that your legs were no longer pressed together. Fear of impropriety forced you to hide this sexual part of yourself from your grandmaster for as long as you could remember.
“Ah,” he said as if reading your mind, “is that where you want me?”
“Yes, yes I want you there, but with kisses. Kisses please. I want your kisses, there. I need you to kiss me the way you did just now, only, down there,” you finally answered, keeping your eyes closed for the duration of your confession.
“You like my kisses that much?” He asked.
The sound of a smile painted his voice.
“Mmm-hmm,” you answered, “I like your kisses, I haven't had any kisses since you left for ying fortress…”
Sub-Zero realized your statement was true whether you were pretending to address him as Scorpion or not - either way, you haven't had any play since “he” left for ying fortress. He let his hands wander along your hips, stroked over your belly below the naval, just to watch you squirm.
“That sounds rough. No kisses, none at all?” he teased.
“Nooo, none! What about you?”
He shifted into his natural, gravely tiger-purr voice to whisper an answer.
“I can't speak for him on that topic, but for me it's been a long while. A lot longer than Ying Fortress.” he confessed.
Part two link here
To See My External Masterlist, Click Here
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christinesficrecs · 8 months
Hey, this is my first time requesting some docs. I’m really craving some possessive Derek🥹 Sterek please
it’s obvious, you’re oblivious by EvanesDust | 14.8K | Explicit
Derek’s new roommate is alpha bait but seems disinterested in everyone—especially Derek.
Stiles is suddenly popular, but can’t seem to catch the interest of the only alpha he actually likes.
…or the one where Stiles and Derek get paired together in room assignments and are secretly in love with the other.
I don't know why, but I guess it has something to do with you by LunaCanisLupus_22 | 17.8K | Explicit
The one where Stiles goes thrift shopping and steals an alpha's shirt. And gets a lot more than he bargains for.
The subtle seduction of Stiles Stilinski by DropsOfAddiction | 5.8K | Explicit
Derek waits, thinking it will only be a matter of when, not if. But nothing ever happens.
Stiles doesn’t jump him when they’re pressed close watching films on the couch, he doesn’t clumsily kiss him while wearing his stupid sombrero and he doesn’t grab Derek’s hand when they’re at the movies.
He doesn’t do any of the things that Derek had predicted he’d do.
In fact, he doesn’t do anything at all when it comes to Derek.
Derek’s not used to having to make the first move and it terrifies him; even with his limited romantic experience with a few homicidal women, they usually just took what they wanted from him.
Derek’s never wanted anyone like he wants Stiles and every time he sees him lately, it’s like it gets a tiny bit worse.
A Letter From Mom by StilesIsMySpiritAnimal | 32.9K | Explicit
After waking up at the age of 11 without any memories of his past Stiles spends eight years with his father in the tiny town of Shelter Cove, California. After his father’s death he receives a notice from a storage facility in some town called Beacon Hills. Stiles is confused and thinks the manager made a mistake until he finds a letter that should have been for his 18th birthday that his dad never gave him. It’s from his mother, who he has no memory of. Weirdly enough, her letter mentions Beacon Hills and some woman named Talia, who he’s supposed to trust. Confused and angry at his father, Stiles sets out for Beacon Hills anxious and determined to find out what his dad had been hiding from him all these years.
It’s (Not) a Cult by lhr111 | 56K | Explicit
Well Stiles, you told me a few weeks ago that you thought Derek was leading a cult.”
At that Derek whipped his head toward Stiles in shock. “You thought I was a cult leader?”
Stiles will not be shamed. “Well, either you or Peter. Peter made more sense, but since he deferred to you that one time I was a little unsure. I mean, what else could I think with all the weird shit going on. You, hanging out with random high school seniors, doing secret things, ordering them around like you are their parent, them actually doing what you tell them. It’s really weird, okay?”
The Dynamics of Infatuation by AllTheseSquaresMakeACircle | 36.1K | Explicit
Stiles was slave. Then he wasn't. Ever since then, he's been stuck with the royal family. And if was being honest with himself, he did not entirely mind it.
The Darkness Fades Away by heartsdesire456 | 44.9K | Mature
After Derek is the one who saves Stiles from a terrible night gone wrong, they aren't the only ones forced to overcome barriers, break down walls, and try to rebuild their lives one step at a time.
Though, they are are the only ones doing it together.
Proximity by NadiaHart | 5.9K | Explicit
This was supposed to be a routine scouting mission. Go check out the creepy warehouse that suddenly appeared behind the abandoned movie theater off route 15; take some notes, maybe a photo or two. Do some basic recon and report back to the rest of the pack.
That is decidedly not what happened. And now, standing chest-to-chest, squished into a shipping crate with Derek, Stiles absently wonders where he went wrong.
He Gets Me High by talktowater | 11.5K | Explicit
Stiles and Derek act like a couple. But they're not. Seriously! Derek has a boyfriend and Stiles has a girlfriend. They're just friends, overly-attached and possessive friends, but that's it. Right?
When it all comes crumbling down by Littleredridinghunter | 216.1K
Stiles is recovering from the Nogitsune. Erica is the only one that is really there for him, Scott's too busy rekindling his relationship with Allison and Stiles feels like he's falling apart.
When a near-miss with a kelpie results in an encounter that he could never have predicted, Stiles begins to think his life might be getting back on track.
He's wrong.
Stiles' life is so messed up he can't even begin to explain it, maybe it's time for him to finally do something for himself and get out of Beacon Hills. But where will that path lead?
With Stiles involved, no doubt danger and death won't be far behind.
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baddiewiththebook · 7 months
-> Dating your best friend Eddie Munson might have been pictured differently in your head. Despite a blissful weekend, you’re met with a few bumps in the road; and, your friends slowly figure out that what you're doing in private crosses the boundaries between friend and lover.
-> eddie munson x you (she/her)
-> friends to lovers, secret relationship, angst
-> warnings - strong language and suggestive scenes [no smut]
[Part 2] [Part 3]
This is a sequel to One of the Boys
-> <-
"Five minutes," Steve counts on his watch. "I swear I'm leaving her."
Adjusting the itchy Family Video vest against his chest, Steve has had enough patience with Robin. He slams his fist into the horn on his car hoping the entire neighborhood wakes up. Maybe they could riot to her front door to get her out of bed.
Steve twists the dial to his radio. Seriously, where is this girl? Every morning at seven o'clock, Steve stops by her house to give her a ride to school. And, every morning the same routine plays like a horribly tuned piano. Well, today's the day, Steve puts his foot to the gas pedal.
"She can walk to school," hand on the gear shift, Steve readies to peel off the curb and zip down the street. But, he doesn't.
No, Steve is far too gentle of a soul to leave his friend out on the edge of a cliff like that. Allowing a puff of hot hair to escape, he rests back in the drivers seat and takes his foot away from the pedal. Maybe knocking some sense into his head would do the trick. He bends forward onto the steering wheel. The horn beeps, and deafens him.
Robin yanks open the car door. "Good morning, sunshine!"
"Next time-" Steve says lifting his head.
"'Next time, I'm leaving you!'" Robin slots into the passenger side, and buckles herself into the car. "Anything new with you?"
Steve doesn't like to believe that he's gotten so predictable. In fact, all driving around Robin to school and the the endless amount of freshman that need rides to go to and from their stupid after school club, Steve contemplates asking for compensation. But, again, he's not that guy.
"What took you so long?" He asks.
Robin scoffs. "I was in the bathroom. What? You want me running out here with my pants down leaving a trail behind me? I don't think so."
"Thank you for that visual, Robin," Steve winces.
Sure, she's running a few fifteen minutes late, but doesn't everyone have at least one bad day - or a week - or month - or year?
Robin sat straight up in her bed that morning with a pile of drool next to her on her pillow. Hair stuck straight out on one side of her head like it was trying to escape her. Yes, she could hear every horn honk that came from Steve Harrington's car, and no she did not make it her mission to torture him every morning by being late.
Her power went out. Or, maybe she slept through her alarm. Potayto; potahto. Either way, she smudges on a bit more blush from her compact in her bag, she's in the car now right?
"Did you eat breakfast?" Steve already know's she'll say 'no.' "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you know. And, don't you have a test in first period? Shouldn't you be focusing on that instead of . . . what is that pink stuff?”
"It's blush, Steven," She teases. "You sound like my dad."
"Ha ha," he quips back. "Backseat."
Robin stretches around to see a brown paper bag soaking in it's own juices. He's stopped at the diner, before he came to pick her up. Sure that might have been his lunch for later in his shift, but he would rather not have his friend pass out while trying to recite the alphabet or whatever they teach these days.
"Stevie!" Robin pouts her lip.
"Shut up," he jokes.
Their relationship is platonic, although Robin did have to wave off Steve’s crush on her. She’s not into him, nor is she into any other man she’s ever come across. As a friend, however, Steve has turned into one of her closest. She relies on him, especially with him withholding her biggest secret. She’s very gay.
On the way to school, Hawkins is still all the same gray town. Cool weather blows winds through the streets freezing them all like icicles. Snow this year is said to be minimal, but freezing temperatures suggest otherwise.
Pulling into the parking lot of his old high-school, Steve hits his breaks sending Robin sliding forward. She clutches her bag, and adds a screwed look upon her face.
“My bad,” Steve doesn’t sound very apologetic. But, nonetheless, they’re friends and he has to pull her leg when she pulls his.
Robin springs from the car with her backpack in her hand, and her breakfast sack hanging out of her mouth. She muffles something along the lines of ‘thank you’ lost in translation behind the paper bag.
You wouldn’t know from the outside looking in, but Robin is quite apprehensive about school. There’s only so many crowds, and so many people that she can manage at one time. That’s usually why she’s on the hunt for someone she knows so bright and early - to defend her of the rampaging school children.
For example, Jason Carver is one of the biggest a-hole’s in the school. But, people still praise him like a King. That was Steve once, so she tries not to be too harsh when she judges him. But, he’s not making the best case for himself when he’s threatening a freshman boy for flunking Jason's homework. Jason’s minions are given the order to toss him into the dumpster, and Robin has the smarts to look away.
Robin swings open the double doors to be smacked in the face with the thick musk of high school air. She’s a bit late, so she thought that maybe people had begun flocking to class. Wrong. She dodges some kid parading around with an easel with the legs sticking out, so at least no one would bump into him.
There’s a window of opportunity for her to swing into her home room, and chow down on her breakfast before Mrs. Brown doesn’t scold her for not sharing with the rest of the class. She’s got about ten minutes until the bell rings, and Mrs. Brown is no where to be seen. She’s probably got her head over the copier grinding the gears a little too hard to give out weeks worth of homework due tomorrow. That’s her favorite.
As Robin sits in her usual spot, she opens the greasy bag in front of her. Bundled under a pile of trash from Steven’s breakfast burrito, she does find herself a single sandwich. Ham and Swiss cheese with far too many thick slabs of tomato for her liking. She lets the tomato slide off in a pile of sad gooey slime, and then places the bread back on top of the sandwich to complete it.
“I’ll see you later,” the usual conversation between classmates bores Robin, but the sound of your voice piques her interest.
“Yeah, I’ll see you later,” Eddie’s words draw out low and deep.
You’re giggling now, and Robin tilts her head to the open door. Without checking for other occupants, you swing Eddie into your shared home room to plant a various amount of wet kisses to his lips.
Frozen in time, Robin sits like a statue. She knows she’s not supposed to witness the exchange. Especially by Eddie overlooking his shoulder a number of times, before running off down the other hallway. You chase after him, but only to learn into the hallway to watch him run off.
You’re completely smitten.
Robins never known you to be this unaware. There’s a time and a half that she’s readied you for dates, but she’s never seen that shine in your eye, the flush on your cheeks or the floating just above the ground where the rest of us are.
How she skirted past being caught by you or Eddie is mind blowing. But, you’re in a ‘love bubble’ that’s impenetrable.
Robin grabs a thick needle, and jabs at the edges until the bubble bursts as you sit down. Forgetting the sandwich, and the painful growls from her stomach, Robin now twists in her seat making the chair moan.
“Good morning, Robin,” you’ve got cupids arrow in your ass. “When did you get here?”
“I don’t know,” her sarcasm is drooling from her mouth now. “Sometime before you and Eddie started making out at the door.”
Your stomach flips, and your face drops down back to earth. “Uh, oh.”
Robins bounces. “When did that happen?”
“Last Friday, after school,” you blurt as the bell rings. “Listen Robin, you can’t tell anyone what you saw. Please? We’re just trying to keep a low profile for a while.”
The classroom begins to fill, while you’re still silently begging for your friend to keep her mouth shut for once in her life. Robin’s the worst at keeping secrets!
And, Robin does go through the list of who she’ll blab too first. She could tell Steve because he would just reply ‘Who?’ and get all squinty. Or, she could tell Dustin, who’s really close to Eddie. That’s a fair trade.
That’s when Robin notices the gray plume of smoke floating into the classroom. A haze of green and gold glitter spiral into the archway. Suddenly, the mask drops to the tile floor. And what’s left?
Roxie Martin.
Robin might have a bit of an imagination, but what is very real is the absolute terror stricken fear written across your face. She’s a ball of evil with a bat hidden in her bra - probably.
Yeah, Robin thinks that she’ll keep quiet for a while.
“Good morning, class,” Mrs. Brown zips into the classroom with a years worth of paper stacked in her grip. “Roxie, please find your seat. And, unless you have enough to share with the rest of the class, put away your food, Robin.”
Robin’s stomach growls.
-> <-
tags: @stardustingold @loves0phelia @ogoc-19 @hellfirenacht @blackholegladiator @alligator-person @eggo-segual @rustboxstarr @harmfulb1tch
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tsukasalvr · 8 months
Hey!!! It's 🇧🇷 anon here! How are you?
Can I request Hanako and Tsukasa Yugi with an s/o that is from Demon Slayer? Like... S/o is from Demon Slayer and somehow ended up in Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun... I've been brainroting this for a long time idk why...
If you don't want to make this request, that's fine
s/o from demon slayer
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Anime/fandom: Tbhk
Characters: Hanako, Tsukasa Yugi
Warnings: I don’t proofread
A/n: this one person in my third period is kinda fine and Im trying soo hard to get close to them
Tbhk masterlist | Main masterlist
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It was night and Hanako was wandering around the empty halls, and when he was passing the back door he heard a loud crash.
‘Did some lone break in?’ He wondered and went through the door to tave a look, and was shocked to see a person laying near the garden. He flew over to them quickly and was confused by their attire. It seemed to be a uniform but not one he recognizes, and your haori as well, you don’t see people with those here as much
When he heard you groan in pain he stood in front of your head. When you opened your eyes you were greeted with a ghost boy leaning over you smiling
Hanako was suspicious of you I mean you were flaming to be from the Taisho era and had a sword on you—maybe this was some big scheme to get rid of him
But his suspicions vanished when he saw how sincere and honest you were, and when you demonstrated your breathing style, he fully believe you since it didn’t seem to hurt him
He becomes curious and asks questions about demons and will ask to play with the sword you have to scare Kou
“Man eating demons? And you decided to join the corps to kill them? How noble of you!” He praises you since from what you told him of the past missions you’ve had and described how some slayers were brutally killed, he thinks it’s very kind of you risk your life for others
Will boast about you to Kou and how you’re so awesome and will ask you to show off your breathing style and say how it’s the prettiest thing ever
Even though he’s been dead for years and still doesn’t know some modern things, he will tease you for not knowing something even though he doesn’t know either and will call you old to tease you
“It must get so hot to be in that stuffy uniform all the time, if you want you can take it off!” Hanako said cheekily with warm cheeks
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Tsukasa Yugi
Tsukasa was bored, and he was looking out the window that had a full view to the garden. He was tapping at the window at each star he saw in the night sky. But with every tap, he would get even more bored
His eyes were directed a bright light in the garden, his eyes shined with interest when he saw what looked like a portal and a disheveled person with a sword come out of it, and once they were fully out, the portal was immediately shut
Tsukasa immediately went outside, he was very excited. When he went out to see you, he was greeted with the tip of a sword pointing at his neck. He smiled devilishly at you and explained who he was and you did too
You were so interesting to him so he would constantly cling on you and keep you in the broadcasting room. He once licked the sword because of the color
Will ask you to use your breathing styles in the school but when you tell him it can get dangerous, he just brings you to a secret place where it’s only you and him so you can show him
Will ask you about the Taisho period and demons. He learned you came here because of a demon you were fighting who had the power to summon portals.
“So it’s filled with demons who humans? Woah!” He says in awe while stuffing his mouth with honey glazed blueberry muffins then stuffed it into your mouth when he took a bite
Honestly wouldn’t want you to leave, you’re too fascinating to him and with you gone it’ll be too boring.
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gaybananabread · 8 months
On the off chance you've still got spots left, I want to offer some SpiderVerse numbers. >w<
Definitely 29 (Wake Up!) with Hobie getting tickled awake one too many times by Gwen, Pavitr, and/or Miles. I admit I wouldn't be able to pick just one.
I think it'd just be cute to see 7 (Flustered) with Miles and Gwen. Probably with her teasing and riling him up playfully, only for him to turn the tables when he finds out she's ticklish.
17 (Interrogation) with Pavitr trying and probably failing to keep a secret--probably the candy stash--from at least one of the others. I think it'd most likely be Hobie.
I'm tempted to say 10 (Ghost) with Lee Gwen, but I admit I don't have anything more specific than Ghost-Spider jokes. >w<
I hope you like them! I admit I'm tempted to write a couple of them myself if you can't use them. Have fun!
~Panda/Black Feathers
TickleTober Day 7 - Flustered
YOU'RE AMAZING ACK! I have been DYING to write some Spiderverse fics, and these are such fun ideas!  I've had a helluva time coming up with ideas. I'm gonna post links for the event on my masterpost when I'm done, so if you want I can tag on each one, but they'll all be on there at the end of the month. Once again, thank you, and Enjoy!
Lee: Gwen
Ler: Miles
Summary: Miles and Gwen step away for a peaceful moment to themselves. At least, that's what he thought before Gwen pokes fun and teases him. Lucky for him, he finds the perfect way to retaliate. 
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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Things across the Spiderverse had been…well, interesting. Since they’d sorted out the canon event fiascos, Miles had been brought into the new Society. They had obviously worked out some serious issues, and Miguel was forced into Anger Management with Dr. Spidey. Two broken fainting couches later, progress was pretty much on the rise. Overall, things were getting better. Better, and pretty chaotic.
Miles was going on at least two missions a day, both in and out of his dimension. The dimension he visited most, of course, was Gwen’s. He was in her dimension almost every day, either helping out with a villain or just grabbing some pizza or coffee. She had helped him get his grades up, even though his Spanish was kinda lacking. These visits were squeezed in between missions, homework, lectures, chores, and just general life stuff. Needless to say, he was relieved to have a day both off from Society work, school and home chores. 
Miles swung through the water-color streets of Earth-65, heading for Gwen’s place. Things had gotten easier with seeing her as well. Now that her dad knows, he can show up in his suit without issue. Finding her window open, he used his webs to sling-shot himself through the opening. Luckily, he went right through, skillfully landing on her bed. Good thing, too; she was right there, that would’ve been embarrassing. The blonde sat nearby in front of her drumset, rolling her eyes at nis entrance.
“Okay then, showoff. Gimme a sec to grab my bag; coffee as usual?” She set her sticks down, adjusting her beanie as she rooted through one of her doom-boxes for a specific bracelet. She found it, snapping the sunflower cord bracelet on and pulling off her hoodie, revealing her spider suit. Gwen had been dressed and pretty much ready to go before he even got there. Slinging her cross-body backpack on, she pulled her mask over her face and was good to go.
“Yeah, that’s cool. Was thinking of going somewhere quiet afterwards, if you wanna.” She hummed at the thought, nodding. “Sounds good to me. City’s actually been peaceful today, it’s kinda unsettling.” Miles just chuckled and gripped the window sill. He was glad her day had been as calm as his; they would have no problems getting some alone time together.
Miles leaned back, letting himself fall a few feet out her window before shooting out a web to catch himself. Gwen copied the action, adding a bit of flair with a twist and flip. He laughed, feeling the wind whip through the breathable fabric of his suit as he swung. 
They eventually reached the cafe, the kind barista more than used to seeing the two heroes suited-up and craving a caffeine fix. He knew their orders by heart, always whipping up their favorite pick-me-ups whenever he saw them enter. The man grabbed their drinks, bidding them goodbye as they swung away from the shop.
Finally, the pair made it to their quiet spot, resting atop a tower overlooking one of Gwen’s favorite parks. Just out of the way enough for them to safely unmask. They both pulled off their masks, taking long sips of their coffees. Miles hummed happily, feeling the heat warm him and the caffeine wake him up. “Mmm, I love that cafe. The guy’s so nice, ya know?” 
Gwen just chuckled, loving the smile that graced his lips. The drummer scooted closer, just about touching shoulders with her “friend”. “Yeah, think we’re his favorites. I’ll have to bring a nicer tip next time, he deserves it.” She sipped her own, loving the sweeter taste of her iced coffee. She watched as his cheeks warmed a bit, both from the heat of the coffee and her proximity. “You’re cute, you know that?”
That only made his blush darken, the reddish-pink now visible on his dark cheeks. “Shut it, you’ve got no room to talk.” He had meant for it to sound confident, though his voice was a bit higher than he would’ve liked. Stupid feelings…
No way was she stopping there. It was way too fun to tease the boy, getting the blushy reactions and shaky huffs from her words. “But it’s true, flower. Look, you’re blushing right now!” Her tone was playful and sweet, just the right mix of the two so she didn’t sound too flirty. Gwen brought her hand close to his face, playfully poking his cheeks.
He almost choked on his sip of coffee, swatting at her hand and trying to keep his thoughts in check. Flower? He hadn’t heard that one yet, though he definitely didn’t mind it. Still, he had an image to protect, however tattered and damaged it may have been. “Ugh, stop it!”
The growing blush on his face was possibly the cutest thing she’d seen all day. It was so easy to get to him, she had to abuse that fact every chance she got. “Neh, that’s just a you problem. Get less cute and I won’t have to call you out on it.”
Okay, now she’s trying to get me to blush… Miles shoved at her face, his palm pressing into her nose as he tried to put a little space between his blushing face and hers. Gwen just snickered, loving the reactions she was getting. “Wow, I finally have you tongue-tied, huh? Never thought the day would come, I’m kinda scared.”
He laughed a bit at that, finding her teases just a little funny. She yelped as he shoved her face away, lightly biting his hand just to be a gremlin. He definitely didn’t yelp, and he had absolutely no increase of any red coloring on his cheeks. His tone was a sad attempt at a tease, sounding more whiny than anything. “S-seriously, Gwanda?”
Gwen snorted at the silly name, once again reminded that Miles’s calling was definitely visual arts, not writing. “You’re so good at drawing, yet so bad at coming up with decent excuse stuff. How does that even work, blossom?” Her hand moved up, flicking his thick hair.
“Hey, watch the ‘do!” He grabbed her wrist, poking her now-exposed side. He had expected a grunt or groan, but not the strangled yelp the action received. His memories wandered to a few days prior, where Pavitr had been goofing around with Gwen. And, Pav being Pav, had decided to start something he couldn’t finish. The two had gotten into a tickle fight, which Miles definitely didn’t stick around to watch. Nevertheless, he had a perfect idea on how to retaliate to her teasing. 
Smirking, Miles tugged her arm up further, cupping the back of her head with his hand as he pinned her to the concrete rooftop. Once he was sure she wouldn’t hurt herself, he gathered both her wrists above her head, webbing them in place. Gwen wasn’t going anywhere.
“Mihiles- Miles wait!” The blonde squirmed and wriggled, trying to break the webs. Her efforts were fruitless, the silky material seemingly rooted in place. Gwen would apologize, but she wasn’t really sorry for anything. He was cute, it was her job to call him on it.
Miles smirked down at her, his cheeks still bearing a small amount of the rosy hue. “Yeah, don’t think so. Time for a taste of your own medicine!"
His fingers dug into her stomach, poking and pinching the tiny bit of pudge below her belly button. She squealed, not expecting the immediate attack on such a ticklish spot. “GYAA- MIHIHILES! NOHOHO!” 
Her laughter was honestly adorable, wild and happy as she squirmed around. Miles couldn’t help the way his cheeks heated back up, the red color once again burning his rich complexion. Gwen was too lost in laughter to notice, her eyes scrunched tight in mirth. “COHOME OHOHON! IHI- I DIHIDN’T DOHO THIHIHIS!”
That was true, though she did tease him. Her words snapped him out of his little trance, a smirk gracing his lips. “Hmm. Sounds like a you problem, Gwen.” She groaned through her laughter, hearing him quote her earlier sass. “DOHON’T USE MY WOHOHORDS AGAINST MEHEHEEE!” The end was a bit whinier than she would’ve liked, but it got the point across. 
“You deserve it. But fiiiine, I’ll move.” Miles moved up to her ribs, scratching between each bone. Her form-fitting spider suit offered little to no protection, and she had a good hour before the webs naturally dissolved. Miles would obviously stop way before then. Still, she knew that the only way out of this was through him. 
The ribs were, thankfully, not as bad as her stomach. Gwen’s loud laughter dwindled down to bubbly giggles, her arms straining as she tugged at the webs. “M-Mihihiles! Thihis is soho nohohot fahahahair!” 
Damn, why did her laugh have to be so cute? It didn’t matter if it was loud or squeaky, her happy sounds always put a smile on his face and a blush on his cheeks. Gwen would’ve teased him, but she was a bit busy giggling her head off at the moment. Maybe he could use his flustered dilemma to his advantage. “And you said I was cute. Look’it you, you’re giggling as much as Mayday.”
Gwen felt her own cheeks getting pink, the silly teases, tickles, and Miles’s smile was flustering her a bit more than she’d like to admit. She completely deserved it, but still. The tickling wasn’t inherently unbearable, though it definitely got to her. Mainly, it was Miles. His warm yet mischievous smile, dumb teases, nimble fingers and rosy cheeks were melting her brain to a giddy soup. “Shuhut ihihit!”
The park was quiet, Gwen’s silly sounds filling the otherwise peaceful air. From the rooftop, nobody could really hear them, save for a few loud squeals or squeaks. It was just the birds, Miles, Gwen and her lively giggling.
Soon enough, Gwen’s cheeks grew sore, her eyes slightly watering at the edges. Her bright red face was telling enough, a clear signal that it was time to stop. Miles stilled his fingers, only a bit dissapointed he didn’t get to try many spots. He’d have plenty of time later. “You alive down there?”
She grumbled some choice words, burying her blushing face in her shoulder. Miles was a bit better off, his own blush now a faint glow. “That’s a solid maybe.” He chuckled, tearing the webbing and freeing his fellow spider person’s hands. Gwen immediately hugged herself, rubbing at her tingling ribs. “You’re free, giggles~”
That earned him a foot to the hip. His spider sense had warned him in advance, though he let her get the small hit in. Miles raised his hands in defeat, struggling not to laugh. “Ohokay, okay! I’m done, promise.”
“Youhu suck, Morales!” Gwen finally sat back up, fully recovered from his attack. A small blush still tinted her cheeks, though neither of them dared mention it. He did, however, want to joke around a bit. “Only when you need it.”
Another foot to the hip, though he dodged it that time. The other hero got to her feet, wobbling slightly before she found her footing. Experimentally shooting out a web, she swung a few feet, giving herself permission to swing around the city again. Her next web shot was aimed at Miles, nailing him in the chest and pulling him closer. “You’re lucky you didn’t kill me! Could’ve left the whole city in shambles.”
He just laughed, feeling the butterflies swarm in his stomach at the sudden closeness. Another joke was attempted, though it sounded more bashful than anything. “At least you’re pretty when you giggle. Hell’uva way to go out, all adorable blushes and cute smilin’.” 
Gwen bit her lip, his words echoing through his head. Adorable, cute, pretty... Her eyes darted to his full lips, imagining a common scenario that played through her head more times than she was willing to admit around the boy. It was then when she noticed just how close she’d tugged Miles in. Awkwardly chuckling, she looked away, releasing the web tethered to his chest and pulling her mussed up hair back. “Whatever, smiles. You’re worse than I am, a stoplight could get jealous of your blushes.”
He rolled his eyes, tugging the black fabirc of his mask snugly over his face. It did little to hide his emotions though, the expressive bug-eyes conveying his feelings just fine. They had brushed off the small moment, as they had hundreds of times before. Mutual pining would only take them so far, but neither was feeling bold enough to take any action right then. “Zip it. You should’a seen your face a few minutes ago, those cheeks were red as Peter’s suit.”
An empty coffee cup was chucked at his head, though he easily dodged and sent it soaring for the nearby park’s recycling bin. The playful banter continued, even as they left the park and started their patrol. Neither one of the spiderlings could get the happy, warm smiles off their faces as they spoke. Best slow day ever…
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moumouton4 · 1 year
Orochimaru with an s/o who's just some guy? Like y/n is completely average for the most part. Y/n isn't like a shinobi or anything, their just some dude.
(For even for comedic value you could include kabutos or team takas reactions)
Dating Him And Being Just Some Dude || Orochimaru x gn!reader
A/n : I hope you'll like it 😂 The timeline is not respected, the Taka team has never been under the orders of Orochimaru
Warning : None !
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 1283
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Nobody would have thought that Orochimaru, one of the 3 sannin, the one who sought to master all the ninja techniques the world has to offer - and who occasionally wanted to take over Sasuke Uchiha's body to become the most powerful man in the ninja world - would one day fall madly in love with you
Like, you only had your love to give him and frankly - and to everyone's surprise - it suited him perfectly
You were from Konoha, you had an amount of chakra equivalent to the average person
You went to ninja school and after becoming a genin you stopped because you preferred to discover other hidden villages - in any case you weren't particularly good in kunai throwing or chakra mastery so frankly it wasn't a big loss for you
And you didn't do much during these trips except walking and meeting new people, Orochimaru was one of them
He had approached you without a second thought - a very unusual thing for him - and the love at first sight was mutual
As he got to know you better in the intimacy of his hideout he realized that you would not be of any use to him in his research, or in his goal of changing his body yet he kept you with him, the simplicity of your life bringing him great calm and serenity at night when he fell asleep in your arms
Your hobbies were not crazy either
You liked to play video games, sew, but it always took you a long time and you always ended up pricking your fingers a dozen times
You didn't speak many languages either, and sometimes you would burn the food you were making if you weren't careful
Orochimaru was endeared by the mere sight of you, you were so cute and harmless
Oh gosh how much he teased you about this and each time you slapped him shoulder he pretended to be hurt, but the smile he would give you was priceless
You still remember your first meeting with Kabuto
When he saw you he immediately thought that if you had some special ability you must be hiding it well, because he didn't feel it at all in your chakra
He thought that his master Orochimaru was with you only for his own interest but he realized little by little that you didn't have any special ability, you were just some dude, like the florist or the fisherman that we could find in a village
He was very surprised at the time, it was the first time he was in this situation
He didn't know if he should keep Orochimaru's actions secret, but Orochimaru explained to him that you knew everything, he also put pressure on Kabuto
"When you talk to them it's as if you were talking to me, so watch carefully what you're saying"
He nodded vigorously before saying goodbye and leaving to attend to his own duties
Your meeting with the Taka team was also memorable
You were next to Orochimaru when the little group came back from a mission
You barely had time to greet them when Karin and Jugo put their capes in your arms, hers half on your head, as if you were their personal coat rack
You barely had time to take it off your head when Suigetsu put his gigantic sword, Kubikiribôchô in your hands, it was so heavy that you almost dropped it on the ground if it wasn't for Orochimaru who jumped to your rescue, taking it on before it fell on your feet
"You fool, do you ever think before you act ?"
The white headed had looked at him with round eyes "Huh ?!?"
"Who is this ?" Karin asked, and that's when you finally introduced yourself to them, explaining that you were the s/o of Orochimaru
The red headed wasn't picky, and liked you right away knowing that you were with Orochimaru you weren't going to try to get close to Sasuke ( not that he would ever look at her anyways :') )
"Sasuke ? The boy from Konoha you told me about ?" you asked Orochimaru who simply nodded before answering "He is on a special mission for me. He should be back soon my Love"
Jugo had been very polite to you, he was still apprehensive about your ability to defend yourself if he were to lose control
One day while Orochimaru was working - at least that's what you thought - you were chilling in the living room with Suigetsu, who was very nice when he wasn't being flirty to you in front of your companion which forced you to do everything not to let him kill your new friend
You heard footsteps echoing in the cave ( or this Western movie music we hear each time Sasuke in on screen )
When the raven-haired boy entered the room he didn't pay any attention to the two of you, but when he heard Suigetsu laughing at one of your jokes he turned his head to you and asked you in a commanding tone "Who are you ?
You replied that you were Y/n from Konoha and that-
"What can you do ?" he asked thinking that if Orochimaru had brought someone back it must be because you had some unusual ability, he was already thinking of fighting you to compare your level
You decided against all logic to finish your answer to the question he had previously asked "I am Orochimaru's s/o"
Sasuke snickered before bringing his hand to his katana behind his back and drawing it, while you and Suigetsu looked at him with round eyes
Sasuke was sure that if Orochimaru was your s/o then you must be exceptionally strong so he couldn't help but test his theory
He stomped towards you with his sword brandished and Suigetsu interposed himself but fortunately Orochimaru came from nowhere and kicked him in the abdomen sending him back into a wall, the force of the impact causing cracks in it
"What do you think you're doing you insolent boy ?"
He couldn't answer as a fit of coughing took over him because of the intensity of the blow, he was holding his stomach as he got up
"I think he was trying to compare fighting skills"
Your partner chuckled darkly before taking a threatening step towards Sasuke but you grabbed his arm fearing he would hurt him but he pulled away from your grip
He looked at him menacingly, his eyes boring into his "If you dare to touch a single hair on their head I swear there will be nothing left of this body yours"
At that moment he was so angry that he didn't care about taking over his body anymore
It was only later when he was with the Taka team that they explained to him that you were and these are the words of Suigetsu "Just some hot dude" - this guy is only a threat
Sasuke had been surprised to learn this, knowing the rumor around the man who was supposed to make him stronger. He realized that he might not know everything
He still thought that you were special in some way for at least reaching Orochimaru's heart without him having any ulterior motive other than to make you happy
Over time everyone got used to having you around, eventually with or without supernatural ability you managed to get used to this renegade life and then you liked being the only normal person around
But if you ever wished to become powerful Orochimaru would be capable of any madness to make your wish come true
A/n : Again my requests are open 💙🎇
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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eri-lessthan3 · 8 months
Right, as my rimworld ice playthrough is nearing it's end (?), I suppose I should introduce the colony!
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Behold, the Lanwell! Our humble abode, where we have survived checks the days 463 days, wow!
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Let me show you around!
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The brightest room we have is the Schneider's throne room, since she is soon to become a countess! And yes, we are so rich that we can afford to keep the braziers constantly lit (this wasn't always the case ;p). This room also functions as a place for people to hang out and listen to music or look at the art collection that is way too big for this small room ;P
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Right next to it are the main rooms, from which it all started. The kitchen, which used to be our only room at some point, with a nutrient paste dispenser, fueled entirely by uhhhhh... friendly donors! ^^
We also still have our wind turbines as a secondary power source, though we are mostly reliant on chemfuel generators now! Some of which we stole from ancient vaults, and these guys are very efficient :3
We also have our little storage room right next to it. It is mainly a freezer, buuuut it also stores a bunch of random junk, since this is usually how I end up playing rimworld anyway >.<
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Next to the kitchen is the heart of our colony, the hydroponics! This is the only reason why we can live and prosper, as it provides us with food, clothes, medicine, beer, wood, money, and even chemfuel from rice, if we run out of it! Thought this room has seen some destruction before, we obviously need it to always function :3
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Our colony grew right from that luscious heart. We have our workshop area, our personal bedrooms (don't mind Dorgo, he is just jealous and he really wants some jade sculptures in his room -.-). Although unfortunately, those two rooms on the left are empty. Rest in Peace, Vulcavein. We also have our research room and a hospital, which is often the target of enemy drops, for some reason >.<
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To the right of those rooms, we have completely incorporated this space between our base and the mountains. We have a rec room, which used to be a school, we have our temple to Ithalux, with his sigil painted on the floor. As we are also transhumanist, we have neural superchargers and biosculpter pods, and speaking of that
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Say hello to Cambiar! He is currently undergoing age reversal procedures, so he probably can't hear you, actually. Anyways
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We have a rather empty, yet surprisingly comfortable prisoners barracks, even though if we ever do get prisoners, they usually don't stay here for long...
And yeah, we also have our small gene-tailoring room from that one time I bothered to go out onto the map for a secret vault, and also bothered to bring this stuff back, but we never used it, and we can't regularly loot vaults either, as it can get to -60 degrees with no problem. Our feeble human bodies must stay inside of the base for most of the time. Speaking of that:
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This is the reason we have our mech friends! They help us run our base, defend it, and are our only real way to go outside during the winter without freezing to death. Although we don't really do that anymore, as there is no reason to leave our perfect colony.
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Speaking of that, meet Manuel, our first and only android! He is also part of our defences, but he is quite helpful around the base, and he can venture into cold without risking his life that much. In fact, we had to send him on a mission to destroy a mech cluster at some point, and together with our mechs (which uhhh, were hard to control that remotely) he dealt with that easily, definitely nothing went wrong. And he doesn't have to eat, which means that he can caravan forever, I think.
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I suppose I could also present these few bedrooms, with Schneider's royal one standing out the most. She has to have one, as we are planning to leave this hostile world and join our new friends in the Broken Imperium. Now that I say it, that name doesn't bring much hope, but it should be fiiiine.
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For that, however, we will need to protect a royal for quite some time, and thus we have prepared quite the room for them! You can also see our devilstrand growing zone, as we try to extract the most out of this rocky soil. And uhh, don't look at the top, there is nothing to worry about there ^^'
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For you see, we have our small factory over here! Thanks to the VFE - Mechanoids, we can produce steel and plasteel out of basically nothing! This used to produce components instead, hence why the weird layout, but our fabricors can do that on their own. We also have a medicine production facility, though it is currently off. And we have our magic neutroamine generator! Don't question how it works, don't look into that room! Better focus on our neat android workshop, which really didn't need so much random junk there, but I am just figuring stuff out ;P. And yeah, this is why we need the neutroamine!
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Yeah, there is nothing more to see of this colony! Just a bunch of monuments and steam power plants, and that is all ;P There is no need to open those doors, they just lead to empty monuments we had to construct for quests and such :3
And that was the tour ^^
Now, the reason I did this is that we will try to leave this planet once the "summer" starts here, and I will try to not save scum too much. I really enjoyed this colony, but I feel like it is time to move on. I have so many other rimworld ideas either way. So yeah, hopefully see you in the stars!
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haunted-xander · 1 year
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Chiaki had been living with Izuru and Nagito for a couple months by the time she got a message alerting her that Kyosuke, Juzo and Chisa would be checking up on her. The other check-ups were always carried out by lower ranking members, so she found this suspicious. She had been careful to tell Izuru and Nagito in advance when people would be coming so they could conceal themselves, and Makoto and Kyoko stayed true to their promise to be quiet about it.
If they're not here for Kamukura-kun and Komaeda-kun, then what could it be? I hope it's nothing bad... ...Oh, but, this might be my chance to tell Munakata-kun about Yukizome-san. I... just hope he'll believe me. And... I'm worried about how Yukizome-san will react to me outing her... Nagito hasn't been home recently, claiming he had some work to do elsewhere, and she already told Izuru to hide, so she couldn't discuss what to do with him.
Finally, the dreaded knock on her door came. She tried to act casual as she went to open the door. "...Ah, hello, Munakata-kun, Sakakura-kun and... Yukizome-san. You're here already. ...Come in." She cordially opened the door and beckoned them all inside. "Nanami-san! It's so good to see you again! You've been so busy I've barely been able to talk to you! We really need to catch up a bit!"
"Don't get too excited now, Yukizome. We're not here to chat. We've got something more important to talk about."
"Are you saying that getting to talk with my former student isn't important? I'm hurt, Sakakura-kun! How dare you! Kyosukeeeeee, Sakakura-kun is being mean to me agaaaaaain."
"Sakakura-kun, don't be so insensitive."
"...Hmph. Whatever. Let's just get started already." Juzo glanced back at Chisa, looking at her somewhat suspiciously. ...Maybe Sakakura-kun figured it out. Or, he has an idea at least. He wasn't this hostile with her the last time I saw them. "...I apologise for their bickering. Now, you must be wondering why we came to check on you instead of the ones usual responsible for this task. Well... we have a bit of a secret mission for you."
"...A secret mission? Secret how?"
"...The Future Foundation recently got an anonymous tip about a certain group of captives being held in Towa City. These captives are people that were close to the participants of the Killing School Life, and were originally used by Junko Enoshima as a motive. Now that the Game is over, we can safely retrieve them. ...At least, that's the assumption that our leader seems to have. However, we think it may be a trap set up by one of the Remnants of Despair. It's simply too convenient. Chisa reccommended we send you as back-up to ensure the rescue mission progesses smoothly." Kyosuke spared no unnecessary chatter and got straight to the point.
Juzo looked ready to say something when Chisa swiftly cut him off. "If you go on this mission, you might run into one of the Remnants! I know you must be so worried about everyone, they were all your former classmates after all. I can't help but worry too..." Liar. You don't want to help me. Sending me on this mission is probably a trap. ...But I can't just let it be either. What to do...
"...I see. I'll need to think about. There's a chance that getting someone secretly sent is a trap, too." Kyosuke looked confused by her answer, not picking up on what she's implying. "...What do you mean? I'm sure the Remnants are expecting us to launch a simple rescue mission. No matter how calculating you are, there is a limit to what one can predict." In the back, she noticed that Chisa's smile grew colder, and Juzo tensed up. ...It seems Sakakura-kun and Yukizome-san caught it. Convincing Sakakura-kun doesn't seem like it'll be hard, but Munakata-kun...
"...Munakata-kun. What... would you think if I said there might be a Remnant hiding within the Future Foundations ranks? And... what if I told you they were very close to you?" She couldn't just say it outright. Honestly, even if she was well aware of Chisa's current condition, she didn't want to admit it. Saying it was just... too much. But she had to. "...What are you implying? Are you saying there's been a Remnant among us this entire time? One so cunning as to hid themselves completely from us?"
"...That is what I'm saying. And... I know who it is, too. ...But... you're not gonna like it. I'm sorry for not telling you all before. I haven't had the opportunity to tell anyone yet, so I was getting a little desperate. It's... only a matter of time until they make their move."
"Then who is it? Get out with it already. If there's a Remnant among us, we need to deal with them immediately." Juzo impatiently demanded she answered. ...Sakakura-kun probably already figured out who I'm talking about. "...It's Yukizome-san."
A heavy silence filled the room. Kyosuke looked at her as if she'd grown two heads. Behind him, Chisa's smile fell and she gave Chiaki a cold glare. Murderous intent was shown clearly in her eyes, making a cold shudder run up Chiaki's spine. "...What. You're saying that... Chisa's been a Remnant of Despair... this entire time? There's no way... that I can believe that. Chisa is the kindest and most caring person I know, there's no way in hell she's been working for that... that vile woman! There is no way!"
"I know it's hard to believe but-"
"No! It's not true, it can't be true! You must be mistaken! It's not Chisa, it's-"
"She's right, Munakata."
"...Sakakura-kun...? What are you talking about...? You don't seriously...?" Juzo looked uncomfortable, feeling guilty for not speaking up sooner. "...I noticed a long time ago that Yukizome was behaving... oddly. I couldn't really put a finger on it, so I figured I was imagining it and I said nothing. Recently, thought, she started acting even weirder. Ever since Enoshima died, she began running off and doing stuff behind the Future Foundations back, being awfully secretive about it too. ...I didn't really know how to bring it up so I never mentioned it."
Kyosuke stared at him in silence, not knowing how to respond. After a few tense moments, he hesistantly spoke up, "...Sakakura-kun... You..."
"...Chisa, tell me... it's not true... is it? You're not a Remnant... right? ...Say something. Please." Chisa hadn't spoken a word since Chiaki starting talking about the insider Remnant. When Kyosuke aimed his questioning at her, she gave a too-innocent smile. Chiaki began to worry she was going to try and lie herself out of it.
"Aw, you got me! That's right, I'm a Remnant of Despair. I can't believe I managed to fool you for so long!" Her saccharine smile turned cold. "You really are an idiot, Kyosuke. You were so blinded by love that you didn't notice a thing! Really, I gave you so many hints and you never caught any of them! Or... maybe you willingly ignored them. How stupid, how... despairing."
"C-Chisa...? Do you really mean...? You're..." His face showed nothing but pure shock and despair. He could barely get any words out. "Aha! And there it is! That's what I've been looking for all this time!" Chisa clapsed her hands together and smiled gleefully, despair swirling in her eyes. "That wonderful look of despair... Oh, how I've waiting so long to see you with it!"
"Fuck it, I've had enough of this shit-" Juzo ran and tackled Chisa from behind, pinning her to the ground. "Munakata! Snap out of it! We can't have you falling to despair too!" The words seemed to get through to him, as Kyosuke flinched back and shook his head. "...Your right. I... don't want to believe it, but... she admitted it. There's no way I can deny it now. ...I... need to contact Tengan-kun about this. Please excuse me" With the little dignity he had left, Kyosuke took out his phone and left the room.
Now it was only Chiaki, Juzo, and the restrained Chisa in the room. The air was thick with tension, to the point Chiaki found it hard to breathe. "...I'm... so sorry. I didn't want to do this. I-I'm so s-so sorry, for everything." She couldn't hold her tears in anymore, the gravity of what just happened, and what would later happen to her old teacher, weighing heavy on her mind. "I-it's all *sob* my f-fault that th-things end-*sob*-ended up l-like this. *sob* If O-only I'd just *sob* Took K-Komaeda-kun and r-ran then *sob* s-she wouldn't h-have had to come s-save us *sob* a-and then she-"
"God, stop your annoying crying already. What's done is done, you can't do anything about it now so who the hell cares. ...At least you told us before it was too late." Juzo cut into her guilt-fueled ranting, tired of all the sniffeling. "...Just. Go to your damn room and take a nap or something. I'll handle Yukizome here, and Munakata will handle the... other stuff. ...You did good, kid. Get some rest"
Not expecting him to try to comfort him, she gave a slight nod and got up to take that reccommended nap. Behind her back, she faintly heard him say, "...You're much braver than I am. If only I had that courage back then..."
She closed her bedroom door behind her, falling onto her bed and immediately falling asleep.
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
Ohhh then can I ask for 37 prompt with gojo
Cuz why do I feel like this man would have the most awkward crush kiss with his so in high school scenario
went out on a limb and guessed u meant 38 but if u want 37 lmk! <3
38: Awkward Teenage Crush Kiss ___
gojo satoru had no fears. he was the strongest man in the world and he'd known it since he was old enough to know anything. he was overbearing in his confidence, and had been a cocky little shit since he could walk. still, the world bowed down to him, out of respect, out of fright, it didn't matter, they bowed.
being treated like royalty a god came with and odd warping of a young kid's mind. for the first fifteen or so years of his life, satoru would have told you that he loved it, he loved the praise, he loved the admiration, he loved his own force of sheer power- and that wasn't exactly untrue now, now that he was nearing graduation and ready to make a proper debut as a jujutsu sorcerer.
but there was definitely somethind different about him now. now that he'd had a glimpse into the dark realities of jujutsu society, now that he had an understanding of what he was really fighting to protect. his mind was growing, he was evolving, and it had slowly happened before your eyes as you spent your years right by his side, as his classmate, and then his friend, and now...
you'd definitely had some kind of effect on satoru, he'd known that much for a while now. something about your relaxed presence seemed to wrap him up and calm him, too. your usual indifference to his banter or flirting often had him flustered, bewildered by your fond eyes and sweet smile. you actually cared for him, you actually enjoyed his company, and you didn't keep these a secret from him.
you greeted him delightedly when he'd return from missions or join you for lunch, throwing your arms around him with the same excitement either way. had he been gone for weeks or hours it didn't matter, your eyes crinkled with your joy at his presence beside you.
and for the very first time, satoru doesn't know what he's done to deserve such treatment. he can't recall a definitive moment where there had been this shift in your relationship, when he'd started thinking about you even when you weren't there. and he certainly tried to remember, he'd lay awake late into the night racking his memory for what it was he'd done to earn your affections- even if they were friendly. but he never got anywhere, and most nights drifted off to sleep thinking about the warm way you smiled at him, and the sweet way you spoke to him.
it's a few nights before you're going to properly graduate when he finally works up the courage to ask you about it.
(gojo satoru has never had to convince himself to be courageous in his life. he simply was)
you're focused on the movie that the two of you had made plans to watch- the second part of a trilogy you'd been excited about and therefore satoru insisted you made the time to watch them all together- when he breaks the silence with his sudden question.
"why do you like me?"
you give him a double take, at first sending a soft smile his direction having expected a random comment, only to realize what he'd actually asked you, and now you're furrowing your brow.
you kick your legs out across his bed as you mull the query over, as though genuinely trying to find an answer, and satoru frowns when you don't instantly give him a reason.
"do you really need me to tell you?" you ask with a giggle of amusement.
"why else would i ask?" he says with wide, impatient eyes. you giggle again, always finding joy in his company, somehow.
"cause you like praise" you respond honestly. satoru's brows fall as he gives you a bored look, but you just shrug your shoulder before turning your attention back to the movie.
satoru shifts in his previously comfortable position to face you, crossing his legs in his lap as he leans into your personal space.
"you're really not going to tell me?" he whines.
"you don't need me to tell you," you let out a breathless laugh, a little surprised by his antics today. "we've been friends for years, you know exactly why i like you"
"well, you could still tell me" he tilts his head, and you smile in admiration as soft wisps of white hair sweep across his forehead.
"i don't need you to tell me why you like me" you point out, leaning your head back against the wall. satoru pouts, now that you've given up what he was going to use as leverage.
"can you just give me a hint?" he huffs, and your smile widens brilliantly, as though you've never been in a better mood than you are right now.
all of the time you spent with satoru felt like that.
"you're so dense sometimes," you sigh at him. "but you're probably my favorite person on the planet"
that makes him smile- and it makes his face warm, too, which you can see, and you take great delight in it.
"really," you affirm in a soft voice. "i like you because you're unlike anyone else i've ever met, and i imagine i never will meet someone quite like you,"
you give in, because it's hard not to when he's looking at you so intently. you wonder if he knows that he has this power over you, or if he's clueless about it, too.
"i like you because you know exactly who you are, and you've never been afraid to be that person," you continue fondly. "i like you because you're the nosiest, most involved person in the world, and you make a great effort in making sure i'm okay, safe or fed or having slept well, you put more time in making sure i'm taking care of myself- and taking care of me when i can't- than you've ever turned around and given to yourself,"
you sit up off the wall now, brows pinching in just the slightest as you think through what you wanted to tell him next. your eyes flicker over his features as you edit and retract words in your mind. satoru looks like he's never focused harder in his life, hanging onto your every word, and then tucking them carefully into a special spot in his chest that must be for you because it warms whenever you're around, by his side or in his mind, that spot seems to buzz with life and excitement.
a smile twitches on your lips before you speak again.
"i like you because the way you treat me- the way you make me feel has helped me learn how to like myself," you muse. "because i know if you see something in me worth sticking around for... then that something must be there"
satoru's heart is hitting against his chest so hard he can feel it in his ears, and he thinks it might just sucker punch it's way through his ribcage and into your hands.
or maybe it's been in your hands all this time?
his eyes flicker between yours as you share shy smiles and nervous, breathless laughter.
yes, he thinks with absolute certainty, his heart has been yours all this time. and deep down he realizes he must've always known it, because you made him feel just the same way.
you'd always been more than a friend, you'd been his person, the only person that stuck by him and put up with him through and through- and you'd never found it to be a chore. you were his favorite person, and just as you said yourself, you always would be.
"i want to kiss you,"
he blurts it out, and his face is pink with the slight embarrassment of not having conducted himself in a bit more of a romantic way, but he can't help it. your eyes go wide before they soften, and you're smiling back at him in pleasant surprise.
"i mean i-" satoru huffs, rolling his eyes at himself before moving closer to you, staring at you with a heaviness you'd never felt from him before. it had your heart doing somersaults as you waited for him to say what he meant. "can i kiss you?"
this time it comes out soft, his gaze falling to your lips before you answer, already swept up in the idea of kissing you that he's running his tongue over bottom lip with anticipation.
your answer falls from your mouth in a murmur and not even a second passes before his lips are on yours, firm and sweet and kissing you with such a desperation you could almost believe the world was ending and this was your only chance.
you kiss him softly, languidly, taking your time as you slant your mouth over his and try to commit every detail of being this close to him to memory. but it's not long before you throw all caution out the window and your hands are awkwardly grabbing at him- his collar, his shoulders, his hair- it's like you're unsure what to do with them, but in reality you're just eager to take in every second of this moment.
as he tilts his head and deepens the kiss, testing all new waters, you both grow sloppy in your movements. he's practically pawing at you, pulling you close, his hands gliding everywhere they can reach and in turn you're pressing into him until your nose is smushed into the curve of his, soft pants falling against his lips before you're kissing them again.
it's messy, it's uncoordinated, and if you weren't in your body right now you would laugh at the sight of the two of you kissing so madly you aren't even bothered when your lips clash at awkward angles, with you accidentally kissing his teeth and his own kisses landing on your chin, or your cupid's bow. if you truly were out of body, though, you'd realize that you hadn't even cared- or seemed to notice at all.
it was a bliss only the heavens could bequeath upon you, and despite having all the time in the world, you and satoru were happy to rush through your kisses, letting your excitement get the better of you.
xoxo ~ jordie
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Meeting Their Future Child [Saiou Prompt]
Me: I had a little scrap of a similar AU too, it was based on fanart I saw of a momoharu kid going back in time to see them in Hope's Peak (it was a comic and I think saiou was there too? idk, it was a long time ago on tumblr, Natsumi or something, big saioumer back in pre-pandemic days) [@natsumiheart actually, I would never actually forget, it's just that Uncertainty Got Me whenever I am to refer to anyone from memory] but basically, this little kid of momoharu shows up first as in the comic and then a panicked teen pops in too, looking for them
that's my version of saiou kid, and you know it was at most 2019 (more likely 2018 even), because I didn't have either of saiou trans, and no, they didn't have a surrogate, the kid was genetically engineered from their DNA by Miu's invention, and they were actually the first to try it and it wasn't perfect so the kid almost died as an infant because of organ failure and is now a cyborg (and I was absolutely putting myself in her pov, that's the staple of my old aus)
so, anyway, she's a teen now, and actually helping around in Miu's workshop, so she knows how the time travelling machine works, and since she's older she felt responsible to follow the other kid into this and try to fix this before the adults notice
when Kokichi sees them, she's like "I am a projection of your mind, you're hallucinating from sleep deprivation, and you see Shuichi in me, because you're that desperate for him to care, goodnight" while looking him in the eye, in the middle of a school day and walks away
they act like it's a secret mission, but they slip up and call Iruma an aunt, which doesn't really reveal anything, but rises a lot of questions, and I remember that in my version they had some sort of belts they used for time travel? I think the method was inspired by Gravity Falls?? But they needed something to recharge the belts and that's why they went to young Miu for help, and just to have an emotional scene the send back involved some buttons in the back of the belt so help from a second person makes it easier
so she sends back the little kid, and then allows Kokichi to help them
I had a moment of them with Shuichi too, but I forgor, I just know they panicked and blew their cover when she saw him
something something, she knows exactly how to play Kokichi, with his own weapon too, but Shuichi is the parent they take seriously, like, crap, the bad cop showed up, he isn't, but his disappointment is the worst they know and have for reference, so
(also using she/they because this was developed in the era of me kind of circling around they/them pronouns, thinking about it without telling anyone, it's a sign of the times)
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winterspiderpurrs · 1 year
Okay this is more of a prompty/plot bunny but I love your idea of Peter being raised by Winter @lil-jolly in your ask. The idea would honestly be more then 5k work it needs to be like 500k and I just don't see myself writing/dedicated to that.
Here is my layout and if anyone wants to run with... do it and tag us!
Option A :
Peter's parents shield agents investigate hydra scientists- maybe they knew with being double agents they were on a short time line before they got caught.
Maybe one of the parents discover Bucky, know he has moments of clarity but that if you say your his new handler he listens without fault.
So the take him out of cryo and tell him his top-secret mission.
" Mission parameters: if Handler Dr Richard Parker or Handler Dr Mary Parker are non operational, missing in action, compromised, defective, listed as traitor, seek out family member.
Protect Handlers son at all cost. No matter what future handlers request. Your ultimate mission is to protect one Peter Benjamin Parker. Born August 10th, 2001. Queens New York.
Only seek out outside help if it will assist you in protecting one Peter Benjamin Parker.
Ready to comply? "
Option B:
It starts off with Winter being on the plane that the Parkers were on. This time they decided to take Peter with them as they tried to escape, so he wasn't safe at home in Queens. So maybe Winter takes out Richard and Mary, and when it's time to take out Peter he can't. Maybe he sees this kid and it reminds him of his sister( deep in the recessed part of his mind) or of Steve. He knows if he doesn't complete the mission he will be tortured but he doesn't want to kill this (4-6) kid. He kills the pilot and takes Peter with him, not returning to hydra. Let's everyone think they all went down on the plane( maybe he takes his arm off as proof of his death??)
Now honestly you could combined the two of this to work together.
Now we could have two things happen from here.....
Either Winter takes Peter on the run training and raising him all over the world, constantly moving( thank you online schooling) as way of education of what he can't teach Peter. Maybe Peter enters into a contest for Stark Industries without Winter knowing( I'm thinking web formula or a fancy new arm). And that's how Tony gets involved.
Maybe the Parkers had a lake front property with lots of acres that gets locked up in a trust for so many years. No one visits it, Ben and May don't have access as they have to keep battling in court cause of house the wills are listed. So Winter takes Peter there knowing they could live in the secluded area without people bothering. Let's just say the surrounding property is owned by one Tony Stark. The Parkers were the only ones to not sell their property when Tony came to buy it. Maybe Tony at some point notices people living at the lake house.
Now if you want Peter to get powers still you can have it where Peter is part of a homeschooling group to have " normal " social interaction. So he goes on field trips and still does the Oscorp thing. Maybe even the Stark Expo Ironman mask happens still.
Now if you go with Winter Killin the Parkers then I would expect Peter having a heart to heart with Tony even tho Winter killed his parents it was cause of hydra. The man who raised him didn't have a choice. And if he could forgive him then Tony should be able to as well.
Either way. Winter slowly grows into more of Bucky, or switches between personalities. They raise/train Peter. Tony Stark gets involved in someway.
Like.... I feel this would be good.
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