#i'll tell you all about it if you want to hear it but yeah no listen
esmedelacroix · 2 days
All the ways I defy you.
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pairing: exboyfriend!miguel o'hara x f!reader
summary: Since the end of your relationship, Miguel has been acting strange. At home, at work, and even around his own friends. He even goes so far as to break work rules all, for you?
cw: very angsty, depressive behaviors, tiny suggestive part
a/n: Hey! Just wanted to say thanks so much for all the love on the first part I uploaded a while ago! This is coming to you very late I know. I was a bit stressed with finals and moving out of my dorm. Here's part two, I hope you enjoy it! A comment, like, or repost is always appreciated.
previous part | miguel masterlist
*listen to this song on loop for the best experience !
Of course, when I thought that I could rid her of my life for good, the universe sent her flying in my direction. I do not want to be near her. Not because I hate her but because I know I make her upset. I don't want her to be around someone she associates terrible feelings with(me). Yet there she was drenched at our front door.
"I'm currently on the hunt for an apartment, but I didn't know this was going to happen—so—sniff—I'll have to stay here for a while. Is that okay?" my sweet girl asked as she averted her eyes. Drenched in rain, runny mascara, and her tears. Voice quivering and body shaking.
"Yes, of course, yeah, come in," I responded a bit too quickly, opening my door wider for her to enter. I stepped aside and rummaged through the bathroom getting her a warm fluffy towel.
"Um, I'll take the couch so you can sleep in our—my room," I said, correcting myself. Which only made her tears spill more.
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"Yes, you'll catch a cold if you don't," I assured.
"Do you even care?" she muttered under her breath.
Yes, Of course I do baby you're my everything.
"I'll be in my office if you need anything," I sighed.
. . .
Sleeping uncomfortably on your couch is not for that week. But that didn't compare to the feeling of hearing my ex-girlfriend crying herself to sleep in the bed we once shared. Our physical proximity was so close. All I had to do was get up, open the door, and cuddle her. Tell her everything is going to be okay.
How can one be so close to someone but so far at the same time? The paradox of my situation with my ex-girlfriend tore my heart, mind, and body apart.
Just then her cries and sniffs died down and I could hear her familiar soft snore that she swore she didn't have. When I closed my eyes to sleep, the first thought that came to my head was her. Her sleeping form. How peaceful her face looked. The way her chest rose and fell as she breathed. My perfect girl was the first and last thing I thought about. Her mere existence in my imagination had lulled me to sleep. Fuck, I made a mistake letting her go, I thought to myself.
. . .
"Hobie Brown," I said sternly.
"I already know, I get it, but things happen, mate," he shrugged, foreseeing the lecture he was about to receive from me.
"No, I don't think you 'get it' because you broke one of the only three key rules you have to follow here," I interjected.
"Just let him off the hook this time," Gwen interrupted.
"No. I can't. You, Miles, and Pavitr could learn from this as well. Don't disrupt the canon, report to me after every single mission, and never, ever, ever leave your post," I lectured.
"What if something important happens?" Miles questions.
"Nothing is more important than keeping the canon intact," I snapped.
"At this rate, you and your girlfriend will break up before I finish my written report. She must really enjoy your relationship; If you could even call it that," Hobie smirked as he walked away.
That shut me up. Because what he predicted was not far from reality. Are my rules too much? I couldn't say anything back to him because he might have been correct. For the first time ever Hobie Brown got the last word. The rest of the afternoon I reflected on myself and my rules. Not leaving your post is important, I told myself.
. . .
"I got your text," Peter B sighed as he took a seat next to Miguel in the cafeteria.
"You broke up with her?" he asked, quivering a brow.
"Yeah, it was just too much," I sighed, rubbing my hand along my face.
"What do you mean? She's like the best thing to ever happen to you. The first time I ever saw you genuinely laugh was the day you brought her to work and she kept cracking the worst dad jokes. And you're telling me you broke up with her?" he rambled.
"Peter, I was making her unhappy," I admitted.
"Then just stop making her unhappy. It's as easy as that. Knowing her, she probably communicated what was bothering her with you too," he said sternly.
"I can't just stop following protocol," I said, stating the obvious.
"For her? For the women you love? You should be able to," Peter sighed. My lungs felt like they had been attacked by a million bees. Palms were sweating buckets at the mere thought of experiencing my baby Gabriella disappear in my arms again. Her painful screams filled my ears. The grief-stricken reality that her daddy, her "hero", couldn't save her. Amid my miniature panic attack, Peter placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. Successfully pulled me from the nightmare I was reliving back into the present.
"But, Peter, Gabi, I—I can't let that happen again. What if a parent, just like me and you, loses their kid the same way I did? I just-I can't do it. I have to keep the canon undisturbed," I said, stumbling over my words.
"Miguel, that isn't going to happen again, you have us now. You have help," Peter said a little softer, noticing that he hit a nerve.
"I would never forgive myself if millions of families, partners, and could-have-been end or cease to exist because of me," I admitted.
"Miguel, if you were to leave your post, you would have someone fill in for you. You give yourself all of these extra jobs that you don't need to be doing," Peter insisted.
"But if I don't do it, someone's going to make a mistake," I insisted.
"Or you can trust in the people that you hand-picked for this job," Peter suggested.
"It's more complicated than that," I rebutted.
"No, it really isn't. You're just making it more complicated. You need to trust in your team," he finished.
"And maybe get your girl back?" he suggested as he got up to get Mayday from Gwen's lap to go change her diapers.
. . .
You called out of work sick. Truthfully, you were glued to the bed. You didn't have the desire to get up or do much of anything. You hadn't showered that morning or eaten breakfast. All you did was stare at the ceiling, out the window, and the framed photo of you and Miguel that he hadn't put away yet.
Tears stained your cheeks, your eyes swelled to oblivion, and your stomach was empty and practically eating itself. The refrigerator called out to me but I didn't answer. I couldn't. Does he even care like I do? You asked yourself.
Staring blankly at the limewash accent wall of your once-shared room that you were considered a guest in. Just then your phone rang. You shot up and immediately checked who it was. You shamelessly smiled when the contact name "my miguel 💕" popped up on your screen. You clicked the answer button after taking a deep breath.
"Hello?" you said.
"Hi, you're probably at work right now, sorry to be a bother," he started.
"No, not at all. I called out today. I've been feeling under the weather," you assured.
"Do you want me to bring you anything for dinner? I'm going to get Chinese takeout tonight," he said.
"Yeah, I'll have whatever you're having," you responded.
"Okay, I'll be back around 7:00 with dinner. You know where the medicine is, take care of yourself please," he assured.
"Okay, I'll be expecting you," you replied before hanging up first.
He told you he'd be home around seven but you didn't count on it. He broke most promises anyway.
You decided to finally shower and have a small snack. You sat on the couch with your Kindle in hand. The couch smelled like him. The throw pillows smelled like his lavender-scented shampoo. You couldn’t help but wrap yourself in the blankets he had used the night before. It didn’t compare his hugs but it was good enough for now.
You spent some time reading some romance novels. Putting yourself in the shoes of the heroine and pretending that the love interest was him. Pretending that it was Miguel who ran all the way to your house while it was raining to hold you and wipe your tears in the dead of the night. Instead, you sat in your living room wondering whether or not he would actually do that for you.
You heard keys in the door and it opened soon after. You got up and slowly approached it with a pillow in hand as a weapon. You had no idea who could be dropping by the apartment at this time. Just then Miguel turned the corner takeout in hand and you wound up to hit the perpetrator. “Whoa calm down, it’s just me,” Miguel chuckled.
You let out a long exhale in relief. “I just wasn’t expecting you to be home so early,” he sighed as you put the pillow back on the couch.
“What do you mean? I said I’d be here around this time and you said and I quote, ‘I’ll be expecting you’,” he teased.
“Well I’m just kind of used to you saying things and not delivering,” you said under your breath loud enough for him to hear as you helped him unpack the food he got and set it on the living room coffee table.
“Well I decided to be less of a dick today,” he quipped.
“Should’ve done that when we were still together,” you answered half-joking.
He gave you an apologetic look. His mouth opened then closed. Like he wanted to say something but he stopped himself. Like he always did. I wish you could tell me what’s on your mind, you thought to yourself.
“I’ve been pretty shitty huh?” he said with a pained expression on his face.
“It’s not your fault,” you assured taking a seat next to him.
He put something random on Netflix to watch while you got water for the two of you. As usual, he never read the synopsis of anything he watched and accidentally put on 365 days. Classic Miguel. “Oh god, this is a bit inappropriate,” he commented, almost choking on his lo mien.
“It’s nothing we’ve never done before,” you smirked.
You watched his cheeks flush out of the corner of your eyes. He hugged the my melody plush you had gifted him a while ago a little tighter. He adjusted his glasses sheepishly.
You recalled the time you asked him about his glasses. Him being ashamed when he admitted that he needed to use glasses whenever he looked at a screen because played too many video games as a kid.
Suddenly, the TV blended in with all the other noises in the background. The sounds of cars honking on the streets outside the window, the rain constantly hitting the top of the air conditioner, the soft hum of the drying machine, and the—tick—tock—of the clock on the wall.
It was just you and Miguel in that room then. Stealing glances at each other. Contemplating whether or not you should release the many unspoken words bottled up inside. “I’m moving out in 2 days. I found a place,” you said, breaking the silence.
“Oh, that’s….great. Seriously, good for you,” he says looking away. What you didn’t know was that Miguel wasn’t congratulating you. He was trying to convince himself that you leaving was a good thing. That it was good for you and for him. That it was everything he wanted.
You could hear the pain in his voice and although you could see his face. You knew the downcast expression that was painted on it.
. . .
Two days went by way too quickly. Two days of sleeping on the couch. Two days of coming home early and on time to spend time with my loved ones before she left. Two days of baking sweet treats while we watched Romance movies. Two days of soaking in her presence before it was completely gone from my life.
As soon as I knew it, that morning when I decided to help her move her things out instead of going to work. I put Jess in charge of the morning instead which she was ecstatic about.
Once the final box was loaded in the moving truck we faced each other at the front door. The front door I’ve her drunk body through. The front door we used to kiss at when we couldn’t wait to get in our house. The front door she knocked at with all of her stuff when we decided to move in together. The front door where I would chase after her after an argument. The front door I revealed I was Spiderman at. The front door she came to drenched with rain in tears the day I broke up with her. Which was now the front door that we would say our last goodbyes at.
We looked into each other's eyes for a good 30 seconds. Tears filled her eyes and mine. "Just, come here big guy," she sighed, opening her arms to me.
I was hesitant. If I touched I was afraid I wouldn't want to let go and I would hold on forever. All I could control was the now. So I pushed those thoughts of fear away and I held her. Her arms wrapped around my waist. One of my hands rested on her back while the other was on the back of her head caressing her hair. For once I built up the courage to say what was on my mind without holding myself back. I took a deep breath in before admitting, "I'll miss you,"
"I still love you," she replied before letting go and walking out the door for the last time.
I heard the door click and it was final. "I'm sorry," he whispered.
. . .
I felt lighter as I walked down the hallway to my office. Memories of her still played endlessly in my head but I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder when I took Peter's advice and split my jobs up with my coworkers.
Today most of the spider society would be in Pavitr's universe catching any extra anomalies that slipped under our radar. As well as closing the quantum hole that was starting to form. We had almost all hands on deck in this assignment and I would be leading it.
The mission reached a new height for us when a Prowler variant from a different universe was found. Gwen and I were on him while also trying to keep the streets and civilians safe. Peter joined us soon after he finished his task. Just when we had cornered him, my watch began to ring. The contact name appeared as "Mi Corazon" and my heart dropped. My heart dropped because the only way she could call me on my watch was with the emergency one I had made for her. She was in trouble. I looked around at Peter and Gwen and they both urged me to answer. "If you need to go, you should go," Peter said, fighting off the Prowler who took this as an advantage to strike.
"Don't worry about us, we got this," Gwen called out, giving Peter a hand while looking back at me.
"But, I can leave my post. I made that rule," I stuttered as the ringing of my watch heightened my nerves. Peter gave me a look
"For her? For the women you love? You should be able to," the words played through my head as the worst possible time.
I can't, I can't do it. I have to stay, I thought to myself.
"You should be able to," I told myself.
As I battled with myself in my head, Peter snapped me out of it. "Answer that call, Miguel. I'm sure you'll regret it later if you don't. We got it covered. Trust in us? Please?" he called out.
Every cell in my body and even my brain told me not to answer the call and not to leave my post. But every beat in my heart and whisper of my soul told me to answer the damn call. So I did.
. . .
I had never swung through the streets of Nueva York faster than I was now. Her little voice fueled me even though biologically I should have no energy right now.
"Miguel I need you, I need you right now,"
If a branch was in my way I simply swung through. They would hit my body and bruise me a bit but none of that mattered right now.
"Someone broke into my house,"
Tears began to form in my eyes wondering if she was okay. If she was safe. “ You still there baby?” I asked as I swung past building upon building.
“Yeah—sniff—I’m here,” she replied. I let out a relieved sigh.
“Just wait right there, baby. Stay on the line, I’m almost there,” I breathed out.
. . .
You didn’t expect him to drop everything at an important mission for you. That's why you didn’t tell him that you knew who robbed your house.
That’s why you didn’t tell him that your ex-boyfriend had texted you the moment he found you that you and Miguel split up. The same ex was the reason why Miguel had to help you tighten your home security before you moved in with him.
So when Miguel found you on the ground a mess with tears still streaming down your face. You felt as though you had to tell him. "This was Kyle wasn't it?" he asked.
"How'd you know?" you asked, looking up at him, his arms still wrapped around you.
"I had a bodyguard follow you around for a while just to make sure you were okay while I figured out a time to help you install some security here. They noticed a guy was loitering outside of your apartment building a lot but they assumed he was a resident," he explained.
"I'm sorry I called you for this, I'm a mess and you were doing something important, probably," you rambled.
"No, nothing is more important than your safety and your happiness," he interrupted.
"Miguel, you don't have to say that to make me feel better. I know how important holding the Spider-Verse together is to you," you admitted.
"You're more important. So much more important. I'd sit and watch the whole Spider-Verse crumble and burn as long as I’m watching it with you safe in my arms," he confessed, holding you tighter.
"I'm sorry I never told you that sooner. Or showed that in my actions when we were together. There hasn't been a single day I haven't thought about you since I first met you. I thought that by breaking up with you, you'd be happier and you'd be free of me. It's hard being in a relationship with me and it's even harder to love me because I'm so flawed," he continued.
All the things he wanted to say but never dared to say to you spilled out at once.
"I just didn't want you to think I'm weak," he admitted sheepishly.
Shock struck your face. He's been struggling so much and you didn't know. "Oh Miguel, I could never think that. You are the strongest man I know. Once I had to bike up a very steep hill to get a bandage for my little brother who scraped his knee, it was really hard. Another time, I took a test that had 120 multiple-choice questions and two essays in two hours. That—was really hard. But the easiest thing I've ever had to do..." you started as you cupped his cheeks with both of your hands.
"...is love you. It's a pleasure—to love you, Miguel. You are not an inconvenience to me" you assured.
The two of you held each other on the floor of your trashed apartment. For the first time out of many to come, Miguel defied his protocols and the canon for you. He challenged his way of being for you. And he conquered his fear of opening up all to be a better man for you.
"I know it's hard for you to talk to me about what goes on in your head, and we'll work on it but this is a really good start. Thank you," you said.
"Does this mean we're back together? You really want to be with me after all this?" he asked.
"Yes, of course," you chuckled.
"I love you to the moon and back," he sighed.
. . .
to be continued ?
taglist: @truth-dare-spin-bottles @hobiebrowns-wife @lazyjellyfish300 @scaryplanetdestroyer @lauraolar14 @reader-1290 @prettygirleli @spicydonut25
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ghostkennedy · 1 day
I'll Never Feel Ashamed
~re6! Leon Kennedy x fem! Reader~
i wrote this request back in december for @death-paint 's birthday. i never got around to sharing it here and i believe our daddy dom leon here needs to see the light of day. i love you lill <3 thanks for the constant support, love, ideas, and motivation you always give me. xoxo
Word count: 1850
Content warnings: established relationship, calls reader housewife/good girl/whore/slut/crybaby/bitch in heat, condescending leon, dom leon, daddy kink, breeding kink, creampie, p in v sex, unprotected sex, overstimulation
You’re turning the heat down on the stove, reducing your homemade sauce to a simmer when his presence materializes behind you.
Your head whips around and a smile breaks out across your face. “Leon! You’re home early!” You place a quick kiss to the tip of his nose before turning back around and stirring your sauce. 
He nuzzles his face in your neck, gently nipping at the sensitive skin. It has goosebumps rising across your skin. You’re gently biting your lip, trying to keep yourself focused on the task at hand. But he’s the most distracting son of a bitch to ever exist.
“I think the sauce is done. All I gotta do is pour it over the chicken and toss it,” you speak cheerfully. He still doesn’t speak, just hums into your skin before lightly sucking on it. 
“Don’t worry about me, sweetheart. Finish your chicken. Pretend I’m not even here.” He mumbles into your skin. He’s so close to you; you can feel the slight vibration from his throat as he speaks in that low timbery voice of his. 
All you can do is roll your eyes. Pretend he’s not even here? Right. As if he isn’t continuously breathing, kissing, sucking on the most sensitive part of your neck. As if his half hard dick isn’t starting to poke at your ass. 
You remove your sauce from the heat, slowly pouring it over the skillet containing your chicken. You’re trying to stir it, toss it, just anything, but he’s pressing himself so hard against you. He’s basically holding your body hostage where you stand. 
Another minute passes and you’ve successfully coated your chicken in sauce, turning the heat off. When you go to move–to grab plates to dish out the food–he stops you. Pulls your ass against his groin, forcing you to be hunched over and completely engulfed in him.
“Leon? You don’t want dinner?” You ask with a pout on your face and he can hear it in your tone.
“Baby. Not even gonna give me my appetizer? Tsk. You’re supposed to be my good little housewife.” He teases you and you have to force your eyes closed to prevent them from rolling back. You love when he talks to you like this.
“But I worked so hard on-”
“I know you did, sweet girl. Don’t tell me you’re not soaked right now just from a few kisses on this neck. How wet are you already for me?” He cuts you off, leaving you with your mouth gaped open subconsciously. Brain already foggy from him barely touching you. All you can focus on is his body heat against you and his dirty words. 
You whimper, “So wet. Throbbing so much it hurts.” Your cheeks heat up at the words leaving your lips, but it’s worth it. Worth him groaning into your hair, pulling both of your hands behind you and forcing your wrists together. 
He stands up straight and pulls you along with him. Walking you to the back of the couch, pushing your hips into the back of it and pushing your chest down. He releases your hands so that you can brace yourself, pushing your hands into the seat cushions to keep yourself steady.
“Just shut up and take it for me, yeah?” He pulls your pants and panties down in one swift movement. You moan out at his words and he chuckles at you. “What? Don’t wanna be a good little housewife for me? Wanna be treated like a dirty little whore, hmm? Or does it not matter to you? As long as you’re getting fucked, you don’t care what else I say or do.” His hand smacks your ass hard and your feet nearly leave the floor from how hard you jump.
“Nooooo, daddy. I’m your pretty housewife. I’m a good girl for you,” Your voice is super high pitched and whiny. And it drives Leon absolutely crazy. Such a sweet, shy girl completely flipping a switch and becoming a needy slut for him? Yeah. He’s going mad.
“You know how you can be such a good girl for me, baby?” His hands are caressing your hips and plump ass. Your body always sends him into a trance. He can’t get enough of you.
You look over your shoulder and hum in intrigue at him. His dirty blonde fringe falls in front of his eye as he smirks at you. “Let daddy pump you full of cum. Let me breed this tight cunt until I know my baby is in there. You’d be such a pretty mama for me. Stomach all round with the proof of how well I fuck you. Doesn’t that sound nice? Let me bury my cock so deep in this cunt that your body can’t help but take my child? You want that, baby?”
Your eyes gloss over as he continues to speak to you. Just when you think he’s done, he just keeps going. 
“Oh fuck. Yes! Want you to fuck a baby into me. I need it so fucking bad,” Your voice is pleading. Your mouth waters as his hands leave your body and he slowly starts to fumble with his belt.
“Well, of course, sweetheart. All you had to do was tell me. Daddy will breed a baby right into this hot pussy. I can see how fucking wet you are; all ready to be bred until you can’t take it anymore. Don’t you worry, baby. You won’t have a choice. Gonna give you all my babies.”
He frees his cock from his pants and you can see how fucking hard he is. He strokes his hand teasingly up and down the length of his shaft. “How bad do you want it, baby?”
You can’t stop yourself from whining. You’re so wet, you can’t take anymore teasing. You’re a minute away from reaching down and touching yourself. You’re so desperate for some sort of stimulation that all shame is leaving your body. All that matters is your pleasure.
“Daddy! Stop teasing me,” your voice nearly breaks. You want to cry from how much you want it. No. Tears are falling from your eyes; you are crying from how much you want it.
“Awe. Such a little crybaby. So pathetic–crying for daddy’s cock like this. Patience is a virtue, you know that?” You’re about to bite back at him when he finally shoves his dick into your hole, bottoming out immediately. “Oh fuck, baby. Cock slid right in. Even this pussy is a crybaby for me.” He chuckles at you.
But you don’t care, not at all. Your eyes are squeezed tightly shut as your pussy squeezes even tighter around him. 
You don’t mean to. You can’t help but slowly push your hips back and forth on his cock. You need him to move and your brain is so gone that you can’t even utter the words to ask him for it.
“Look at you,” Leon coos out as he removes his hands from your hips, lazily placing them on his own. “Go ahead, baby. Fuck yourself on my cock like a bitch in heat. Being such a good little slut–breeding yourself on my cock like this.” 
His words are making you work yourself faster on his cock. His filthy words only work you up more and more. You could cum like this. Shit. You might cum like this and he can feel it too.
“That’s it; fucking just like that. Show me how much you need daddy’s cock. Cum on daddy’s cock and I’ll fuck you like the slut you are. Fuck you as hard and as deep as you like.”
You’re pathetically moaning nonstop. All you can focus on is the pleasure; how fucking close you’re getting. 
Leon bends over, slipping his hand down between you and the back of the couch. His fingers immediately connect with your clit and the change in position has shifted the angle of his cock.
Your hips stop moving as his cock stays pressed firmly up against your sweet spot and his fingers quickly rub your clit in the exact way you like. The way that has you clenching around his cock and cumming hard around him.
Your head is thrown back as you moan out loudly through your orgasm. Your hips start to shake as the overstimulation hits and he removes his fingers from your clit. He straightens his back and uses his feet to kick yours even further apart, spreading your pussy even more open for him.
He stares at your leaking cunt with admiration. Your fluids are coating your thighs and it looks like fucking Heaven to him.
He doesn’t give you very much time at all. You’re still panting and shaking with aftershocks when he shoves his cock back inside of you, immediately starting a punishing pace.
“Oh! Fuck! Daddy, I-” You try to tell him how you can’t take it. How it’s too much and it hurts, but the words won’t formulate. They won’t string together and form any sort of coherent sentence. 
You're basically lying limp over the back of the couch, your head and arms laying limply over the cushions.
He grabs your throat with his hand and pulls you up, bringing your back to his chest. His other hand grabs your hip and pulls you off the ground. Your legs immediately tuck under yourself, but he quickly forces them apart. 
Your ankles are up against your ass cheeks and your knees are spread far apart on the back of the couch. Your hands shoot up, gripping to the forearm of the hand that’s wrapped around your throat. 
You aren’t holding yourself up at all. It’s all of Leon’s sheer strength holding you against him. And his thrusts never falter. The new angle has your eyes rolling back and drool dripping down your chin. 
“There you go,” His cheek is right up against yours. You allow your head to completely lol back and lay softly over his shoulder. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum. Gonna breed you, fuck. Gonna give you a nice cream pie, baby. You want that? Wanna be stuffed with my cum?”
“Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,” It’s the only word you can think of. The only word you can force past your lips. 
His hips stop as he buries his cock deep inside of you, cumming with a loud moan right into your ear. And you’re moaning right back from the sound of him cumming and the feeling of his cock so deep in your tight pussy.
You stay like that for a minute, both trying to catch your breath again. 
You think he’s going to pull out of you when he shifts, but he starts slowly pushing his cock in and out of you again.
“Leon!” You squeal out as he starts to slowly and steadily pick his thrusts back up.
“Dumb girl. You think one cream pie is gonna be enough to get you pregnant? I told you I was gonna be sure, baby. Gonna be nice and thorough. Won’t stop until I’m shooting fucking blanks.”
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luvlucia · 3 days
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tension - yjw
summary: jungwon has been working a lot lately and you've finally had enough but he can't stand your brattiness || warnings: dom!jungwon x sub!reader, brat tamer! jungwon x brat!reader, argument, angry sex, unprotected sex || genre: smut, angst, established relationship || word count: approximately 1290 || a/n: see the request here!
For the past few weeks, Jungwon and you had barely any time together. He has been constantly working lately and only really home when you were about to go to sleep, or already asleep, and then gone in the morning. Every time he was home he was really tired and overall not in the best mood from how much he was working.
Today, Jungwon had gotten home earlier than usual but he had to leave soon due to an important meeting that he was mandated to attend.
You hadn't said anything about his absence the past two weeks but Jungwon could tell it was making you upset. He understood because he was also annoyed with how seldom he saw you as of late.
You sat on the end of the bed as you watched Jungwon fix himself up, having to leave soon. As you watched him your pout grew. "Jungwon.." You softly said, hesitantly.
"Mhm?" He responded, still looking at himself in the mirror as he continued to fix himself up.
"Can you at least eat dinner with me before you go?" You asked. You would be happy with even a short dinner with him because you knew that you'd most likely be sleeping when he got back home.
"I can't, angel. I have to go to that meeting soon." Jungwon said, glancing back at you momentarily before looking back at himself in the mirror, giving himself one last once over before turning to face you again.
"I'm sure you could have a quick dinner with me before you need to go." You nearly pleaded.
"I can't." Jungwon reaffirmed, his expression serious. "I'll see you after the meeting." He then said and that only made you more annoyed.
You rolled your eyes, making him furrow his eyebrows a little. "Yeah, you'll see me but I won't see you." You said since you'd probably be sleeping.
Jungwon let out a sigh, "So stay up." He said, annoyed. He wasn't really annoyed with you, more at the situation actually. He was just taking it out on you.
"Why should I have to stay up for you?" You said, completely bothered by him saying that.
"You shouldn't but it'd solve your problem, right?" Jungwon asked, his tone becoming less calm.
"Or you could just eat dinner with me for a bit and I'd be satisfied. Why can't you just do that? We have some time. It could be quick." You said, sounding both irritated and desperate.
Jungwon looked away from you for a moment before looking back into your eyes, "I told you I can't do that. I don't have time for that."
"You never have time for anymore! Even when you are here." You said rather loudly. "I mean, do you really have to work that much or are you just doing it so that you don't have to be with me?" You then asked, tears brimming in your eyes.
"Do you even hear what you're saying right now?" Jungwon asked, stepping closer to you as you remained sitting on the end of the bed. "You think I want to work all the time? To be away from you all the time? I mean, come on. I need you to really think about it because what you're saying makes no sense."
"I never get to see you anymore, Jungwon!" You complained. "It's so lonely, can't you understand that?" You then asked. "No, you can't. You at least have friends at work." You added, just saying stuff because you were upset and at your breaking point.
"You need to watch your mouth, Y/n." Jungwon says firmly, stepping closer, and looking down at you.
"Why should I? You're not going to do anything about it. You have to go to the meeting, remember?" You said rather brattily.
Without any warning, Jungwon leans down and crashes his lips against yours. The kiss was hungry and rough. You were surprised at the suddenness of all of it, having no time to react as he laid you down on the bed, standing in between your legs as he continued to harshly kiss you, groaning into your mouth.
Your hands made their way to his broad shoulders as he continued to sloppily kiss you, his hips grinding against your own. You let out a soft moan into his mouth as he continued. Jungwon pulled away from your lips for a moment as he grabbed the waistband of your shorts, grabbing ahold of your underwear as well as pulled them both off of you, tossing them to the side before spreading your legs again and grinding his clothed crotch against your bare one.
"Not going to do anything about it, huh?" Jungwon repeated what you'd said, a small smirk on his face despite the angry look in his eyes. He scoffed as he undid his belt and unzipped his zipper before pulling his own pants and underwear off, letting them drop down his legs.
Completely without warning, he grabbed the base of his cock and shoved himself inside of you, making you let out a squeal as you grabbed his arms. Jungwon started thrusting into you abruptly, letting out grunts and groans with every thrust.
"You c-complain and complain... like I... like I have a choice in how much I work?" Jungwon asked through his thrusts. "You... act like I- I want this?" He continued as you let out whines and moans of pleasure. "You don't know what the... the fuck you're talking about." He breathily said.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." You whined as he continued his movement in you. "I just... I love you." You said, tears brimming in your arms as your grip tightened on his flexed arms.
"I love you more." Jungwon groaned. "Even if you think I don't." He said. You didn't say anything in response, just letting out more sounds of satisfaction. "I- I work so much... for us. Yet... yet you treat me like I'm some asshole." He continued, letting out his frustration not only through him fucking you but through his words as well.
You wrapped your arms around his neck gently, pulling his face down to yours, just wanting to kiss him. You missed this intimacy between the two of you, not having much of a chance to do this with him working so much. Even if these weren't the best circumstances with him being so annoyed, it didn't matter to you. You just wanted him.
Jungwon locked lips with yours again as he continued his thrusts, the both of you already coming close to your releases. Eventually, he stopped kissing you and just kept his mouth on yours as he let out louder groans of pleasure, your moans filling his ears as you covered his cock in your cum. He thrust into you a few more times before his hips stilled and he released inside of you.
Jungwon remained inside of you for a few minutes before pulling out, your guys' seed making a mess as it poured out of you. Jungwon fixed his bottoms before going to the nightstand and grabbing some tissues to clean you up.
Once you were cleaned up and dressed again, Jungwon sat down next to you on the end of the bed, looking over at you as he rested his weight on his palms that rested on the mattress.
"I love you, okay? I'm sorry that I've been working so much lately but it'll get better soon." Jungwon said and you just nodded, looking down at your lap. Jungwon moved one of his hands and gently took your chin in his grasp, turning your face to look at him. "You need to not be such a brat though. You know I don't like it."
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blkkizzat · 1 hour
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⏭ summary: your best friend gojo is a hopeless otaku virgin with zero rizz that's still obsessed with digimon—despite being a grown ass man. you're a slut who despite her best whoring efforts—can't cum. you'll take his v-card and he'll fix your broken pussy, deal? college au.
⏭ cw: virgin!satoru, gentle sex then rough sex , spanking (ass & pussy), slight sugar daddy/baby dynamic, coercion, dubcon, ecchi/pervy/freak nasty satoru, apprehensive bimbo!reader scared to nut, reader is also a bit of a tsundere brat but this isn't brat taming per se, oral fixation, toe licking, riding, prone bone, missionary, pussy eating, deep-throating, forced gagging, fingering, squirting, edging, olfactophilia, hand-job, protected & unprotected sex, bdsm references, masturbation, bit of somnophilia, pet names: Bunny (reader is called that in lieu of y/n), suggestions of geto x reader, mentions of satosugu and shokohime.
⏭ a/n: in my crack smut bag again cause this white haired demon wont let me rest until i write this nasty shit. fr tho this fic 13.3k and literally 10k of it is Gojo fucking you six ways to sunday. fyi this is the same y/n from nerd!geto but this is a different version of that AU where suguru is the one who has rizz and satoru is the nerd. y'all better read this or i'll never write gojo again istg lmfao. also shoutout to @halosdiary for beta reading and telling me it was good enough to post lol.
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Startled by Gojo’s sudden outburst—you nearly rolled off the bed. 
Thankfully Suguru is sitting next to you and caught you before you fell off completely. 
Fully energized by his win Gojo sprang up from his elaborate PC setup, bouncing around the room in celebration. Fist-pumping the air he couldn’t contain his excitement after winning the Tokyo Regional Qualifiers for the Digimon Online TCG. 
“Guys, hey guys! See! I told you I’d win! I’m the strongest! The digidestined!”
You and Suguru exchanged exasperated glances before side-eyeing the hell out of Gojo.
This went on for a good 10 minutes so you had since returned to mindlessly scrolling TikTok, not wanting to encourage your grown-ass-almost-22-years-old-best-friend’s excitement over a children’s game.
“You sure showed those middle schoolers, Toru.”
Suguru quips with a smile. He’s clearly being sarcastic but Gojo is unfazed—nothing could damper his mood.
“Damn straight I did!”
Both you and Suguru have to chuckle, rolling your eyes at his childish enthusiasm. 
Despite the shared sentiment of annoyance over your best friend’s hobbies, you both were just happy to have Gojo back again. Two long years had passed since his parents made him travel the world on a rotation program, tasked with visiting the various Six-Vision Industries offices he would one day inherit. 
Being the nerdy genius he was, Gojo stacked a mass of university level credits in high school. So even with missing the first two years of college he’d still be joining you as a third year at your university come fall. 
After being apart for so long it was refreshing to hang out again and kicking it at Gojo’s mansion had been a daily occurrence since the start of the summer. Although things had definitely changed in the two years Gojo had been away there was one thing that certainly hadn’t.
Gojo was still a fucking huge otaku nerd. 
You’d thought his time spent in the business world would have matured him. However, being abroad, away from his friends and spending all day around the ‘stinky old fogeys in suits’ as he called them, only made him retreat further into otakudom. 
That much was evident as his collection of posters, figures and manga had somehow only seemed to grow even with him away. 
“Alright, while I just would love to stick around and hear more about you destroying the dreams of 12 year olds Toru—beach girl just texted me, gotta bounce!”
Suguru tries to leave but Toru clings onto him practically spider monkeying himself onto his back in an effort to get him to stay. 
“Sugu! Don’t leave! We’ve already been apart from each other for too long~~”
Sighing, Suguru attempts to pry his incorrigible bestie off of him.
“Satoru, you just spent the last 5 hours playing Digimon acting like me and Bunny weren’t even here. I’m sure if you go back to playing you won't even miss me.”
Gojo continues to pout as he whines for Suguru to stay.
“But I miss you already Sugu!”
Gojo presses his cheek against Suguru’s as Suguru’s eyebrow begins to twitch.
“I know! Invite your date here! Our chef is 10 times better than any restaurant you’d go to and you know we have an infinity pool grotto and onsen!
While the offer was tempting as any potential date would be thoroughly wowed by the decadent splendor that was the Gojo Family Residence—Suguru would also thoroughly cuck himself once his date was given the grand tour. 
Particularly the stop which included Gojo’s anime figure and otaku memorabilia rooms. 
While a good number of them were harmlessly nerdy shonen or slightly ecchi isekai figures—the rest? Well the rest contained every kind of freak nasty hentai figure you could think of—shibari, futanari and even the classic La Blue Girl tentacle dioramas—it was like a horny museum. 
Although at this point it should be considered a horny mausoleum as no woman who walked in would be walking out still in the mood—it was surely a place where horny went to die.
“Uh yeah, sure next time Toru….”
Suguru reaches back to pat Gojo on the head reassuringly. 
Lying as he was more than certain there wouldn’t be a next time. There wasn’t even going to be dinner—this was purely a hookup situation. 
“...but she’s already waiting for me outside my place—gotta run!”
Realizing Gojo still wasn’t letting go, Suguru sighs realizing this would require him utilizing his Judo training. 
In one swift movement, Suguru manages to shoulder-wheel Gojo and toss him onto the other side of his massive bed. The bed rebounds as he lands, slightly lifting you off your belly but you still are more interested in your phone. 
This isn’t the first time Suguru has Judo thrown Gojo off of him (likely wouldn’t be the last either).
Saying quick goodbyes before Gojo could recover, Suguru manages to slip away.
“Traitor!!! So much for bros before hoes!”
Utterly dejected, Gojo crawls up next to you on his massive bed.
“At least I still have you here Bunny.”
“Uh, not to pile on but you know I’m only here until Shoko and Utahime text me they are ready to go to the mall, right? I’m in dire need of a new handbag!”
Now clinging on to you Gojo throws another small tantrum as the weight of half his sinewy body presses into your back, his lean muscular arms wrapping around your shoulders.
“Not you too, Bunny puhleeease!”
You’ve known each other since you were in diapers so it wasn’t odd for you, him or Suguru to be found giving the others platonic cuddles like this—often all together too. The both of them were always so much bigger than you so you often enjoyed the comfort and security of always being the filling in the cuddle sandwich.
Gojo rests his chin on your shoulder watching as you continue scrolling TikTok. You sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes before his irritatingly hyperactive nature gets the best of him, and he starts poking around your phone to click on other videos that weren’t the 'mystery and makeup' ones you were watching.
“Toru, you know you could get a lot of your own hoes to hang out with if you weren’t such a huge otaku nerd…”
You had to swat Gojo’s hand away again as he tries to click on another prank video and he rolls off of you with a frustrated sigh. 
“...you’re almost as good looking as Suguru…”
Muttering the last part of that under your breath. Arguably Gojo’s features were just as if not more striking than Suguru’s. 
He was too hot himself for all of it to go to waste for being such a big dork.
“I’m sure Sugu would be happy to teach you ‘the way of the fuckboy’ if you asked Toru—that is if you’d actually go out clubbing like a normal 21 year old.”
“Why would I do that though? My house is 100 times better than a club!” 
While no one in your friend group was what someone would consider poor, Gojo’s wealth paled in comparison to anyone else’s and that went without saying. He’d had everything—if not more—than even the nicest tokyo club had. This was all thanks to his parents as socialites in their own right, often entertaining businessmen, dignitaries or foreign representatives with their ultra-exclusive parties.
“Besides, it wouldn't work—”
Gojo continued to pout.
“—Suguru would just get all the hoes anyway.” 
Easily able to walk up to even the most standoffish looking women, Suguru would have them reduced to bashful school girls in under 5 minutes. The women were always willing to hand over their numbers or drop any immediate plans to hang out with Suguru instead.
A good number of them had boyfriends already too.
Yet despite having the looks, Gojo opening his mouth ruined any advantage his lustrous blue eyes, exotic snow white hair and sharp handsome features gave him.
“Well, Suguru has a normal 21 year old’s room for starters, Toru. Not full of nerdy ass anime posters and Digimon tournament trophies.”
Gojo goes quiet. 
Driven from an early age to fill his head with knowledge of politics, technology, and international business relations, he spent the precious free time he did get with his friends or consumed by his own interests. Interests which just happened to be a bunch of otaku shit—Digimon in particular. 
It was an escape he’d cherished as a child and that didn’t change growing into adulthood either, if anything he needed it more now.
When Gojo doesn’t answer you look over to see him actually sulking for real now—face buried in a giant Agumon pillow plushie. 
What a crybaby. 
But the crybaby was one of your besties so you decided to lighten the mood and tease him a little.
“Ya know Toruuuu….you could just fuck Sugu then. Don’t think I haven’t seen y’all get a lil’ handsy during our cuddles!”
You give him a playful smirk and mime grabby hands at him.
“Oh and you haven’t? Don’t act like you wouldn’t fuck Suguru either!”
No longer appearing mopey, Gojo is up and laughing again. Mission Accomplished.
“Hey! I never said I wouldn’t but this isn’t about me, this is about you finally getting some play!”
You snap back but you’re blushing.
Like damn, who hadn’t thought about fucking Suguru though? 
“It's not the same if he makes me bottom! Plus no one thinks I can get pussy!”
Gojo grumbles, hugging his Agumon plushie to his cheek. 
You can’t help but notice how cute and baby girl he looks all pouty. 
He’d definitely get women lining up around the block of his huge ass mansion if he could at least get to the dating phase without giving out the otaku ick. 
“Because you can’t Gojo—Hoes don’t want to fuck guys who play Digimon!”
“But you’re a hoe and you like digimon too!”
Turning to look at him, you’d had half a mind to slap the shit out of Satoru but he had said it so earnestly. There was no sass nor malice behind his words. 
Besides, you were a hoe. That wasn’t something you ever denied.
You sigh. 
“Yeah I am a hoe now and I—keyword—liked Digimon. But that was back when I was a kid, Toru!”
Gojo scoffs and rolls his eyes.
“Listen, you’re my friend so m’gonna keep it a buck with you—a guy concerned with being digidestined is definitely not pussy destined, you digidork!”
You playfully hit him with the pillow you were laying on, not wanting him to start sulking again. 
Finally stimulated by something interesting Gojo wastes no time joining the pillow fight you initiated and you tussle with him on the bed until you both are exhausted and out of breath. 
Of course you come out of it victorious though. By the end you’d pinned both the pillows and Toru under you. 
Gojo however is back to pouting.
“Ugh, Bunny seriously though—I can’t go into junior year of college as a virgin!”
You smirk at his complaints as the answer is obvious.
“Throw away your figures and digimon cards then.”
“I’d rather die.”
“A virgin? At this rate you will.”
Gojo huffs in defeat as you settle comfortably on top of him this time. 
You’re about to reach for your phone again until you see a curious look flash across his face—the kind of look he always had as a kid when he thought of a hair-brain scheme that would lead to getting you all in trouble.
“Toru—what is it? And why do I have the feeling m’not gonna like it?”
You pull away cautiously, but his large hands grip your waist, stopping you and causing you to squeak in surprise.
“Hm, I dunno—was just thinkin’... why don’t you fuck me, Bunny?”
Your deadpan expression has Gojo scrambling, holding you closer in a vice grip when you try to squirm away. 
“Hey! Wait, I’m serious! Come on, Bunny! I need the experience and you always tell us about all your hookups! You have the experience—help a guy out!”
Staring at him skeptically you considered.
I mean sure, you always thought Gojo was attractive, more so since he returned this summer nearly a half a foot taller—but he was Gojo Satoru.
Your dorky, goofy, pervy otaku bestie practically since birth! 
You couldn’t just go and fuck him could you?
God, you could only imagine the taunts you’d get if word got out. Your friend group would never let you live it down! 
“Nah Toru—that would be too weird!”
“Huh, how come? You said I was almost as attractive as Suguru earlier!”
You stiffen.
Fuck, he’d heard that after all. 
“Ooo, ooo! Annnnd, you said last week you wanted a sugar daddy… Well, hi! I’m right here!”
The huge grin on his face has you frowning although more so because he was actually making some sense for once. I mean you were half-joking when you said it—well, let’s be honest not really. 
However, you mostly said it because while your family was well off enough, you still weren’t living in the lap of luxury by any means like a Gojo clan member. Unfortunately for you though, you were born with the expensive tastes of someone who was. So while you could afford a cute Chanel bag or a MCM wallet here or there, you’d set your sights on something higher—a coveted Hermes Birkin. 
Toru certainly could afford to buy you a whole truck load of them with what his family made in less than an hour. 
Nevertheless that wasn’t really the issue at hand. 
In spite of you being far from a virgin, there was actually a good reason why you wouldn’t be a good choice for Gojo to lose his v-card.
“Er, em—that’s really not the issue, Toru…” 
Trailing off you’re the one pouting now as you glance at your nails. 
“Then what? Don’t tell me our lil’ Bun Bun is shy now? Over lil’ ol’ me?”
Gojo teases you by sticking out his tongue—chuckling when you snap your head up to glare at him.
“You wish…” 
You grumble, chewing your lip now and debating whether or not to tell him the truth while Gojo looks at you with wide and glassy puppy eyes. Shaking your head you come to the conclusion you could trust him with your secret. 
He was the virgin otaku after all—he’s the one who should be embarrassed here!
“It’s just that…I–I can’t cum.”
Gojo just blinks at you. 
Clearly confused with metaphorical question marks surrounding his head as that's definitely not the answer he was expecting.
“I’ve slept with plenty of guys before but I never had an orgasm. I don't even really get close—I mean, sure, it feels good, I guess—mostly just a little weird. I heard some people just can’t and maybe that's me.”
You shrug, a bit nervous to look Gojo in the eye as you thought he may tease you further about this but was lost in contemplation. Almost as if he was seriously trying to do the biological math around what you’d just told him.  
After about a minute more he finally asks—
“—Does Suguru know?”
A simple question, unloaded in tone as Gojo is genuinely curious but it leaves you flustered nonetheless. 
“What?! Are you crazy?! Why would I tell him?!”
“Just figured if anyone could then—”
“—Hell no, Toru! Besides, what if he does? I’m not trying to be reduced to a fuckboy’s pick me if he ends up being the only man alive who can give me an orgasm!”
Sure Suguru was hot as fuck—as was a lot of your other fuckboy friends (Toji and Sukuna)—but you definitely didn’t want to end up like the dickmatized girls that would follow them around and literally box each other in the streets over some cock. 
You weren’t much of a fighter anyway and your face was far too cute to be getting scratched up.
Pussy should be put on a pedestal, not the other way around. You’d continue to be orgasmless before it came to that.
“Mm, but Shoko and Utahime know?”
You’re blushing more than ever this time.
“Um, yeah—T-They said once I realized all men were worthless to call them and they’d give me multiple of them.”
Gojo snorted at that but he was now convinced you both could help each other. 
“So we have no other options—then it's settled!”
In one fluid motion Gojo snatches away the pillows from between you and swaps positions—now with you on the bottom.
Gojo groans.
“Come on, Bunny! I want pussy, you want to cum on top of getting that Bikram bag—
“—Birkin bag.” 
You corrected him.
“Yeah that one! So let’s help each other out, eh?  PULHEEEASEEE—Just the tip?”
You weren’t at all convinced that Gojo—whose sexual knowledge came purely from JAV, hentai and onaholes—could make you cum.
But then again sure, fuck it, why not?
You were getting bored waiting for Shoko to call you anyway and if Toru was willing to come off a Birkin for a lil’ pussy, you might as well fuck him. 
None of the other guys you had fucked even came close to making sex this worth it. Frankly this would be worth it even if you didn’t actually cum.  
“Fiiiine Toru, let’s have sex—”
“—BUT we’re laying down some ground rules!”
Sitting up with a straight back, Gojo obediently awaited your orders.
“Anything you want Bunny, name 'em go’on!”
Gojo’s overenthusiasm was like a puppy and you were sure if he had a tail it would be thumping on the bed like crazy now. 
You wanted to crack a smile but you know from prior experience that if you give men an inch they will take the whole goddamn mile—and Gojo of all people was no exception—so you are firm as you sit up to look in his eyes and lay down the law.
 “First—like you said, just the tip.”
Gojo started to protest but the raise of your eyebrows had him changing his tune immediately.
“Got it! Got it! Just the tip would be amazing Bunny, what else?”
He chided himself and you continued.
“And secondly, just because you bros have no loyalty, it’s still ‘chicks before dicks’ over here. You better get your nut quick cause I’m still leaving to go purse shopping when Shoko and Utahime call me.”
Gojo waves you off with that rule. 
“Psh, we should have plenty of time, it's almost 6pm! They’ve probably been too busy bumping their own purses together to go shopping with you for one. You haven’t heard from either of them in hours!”
Fair point—wildly out of pocket, but fair. 
“Bumping Purses!? Really, Toru?”
“You know I’m not lying—but that’s it then, right Bunny?”
Not waiting, Gojo throws his shirt off and starts fumbling with the ties on his sweats before you stop him.
“Nah, Toru, hold your horses! One more rule!”
Freezing mid-action, Gojo's hands are shaking as he expectantly gazes at you, waiting for the last condition before you give him the green light.
“Finally, third—and most fucking importanly—if you make any, and I mean even just ONE—otaku reference, especially Digimon while you’re inside me I’ll snap your lil’ digidick off, understood?”
Gojo swallowed. 
Hard terms to live with but something he would be willing to abide by for pussy.
“Yes ma’am! Got it! Just the tip, you will ditch me for the purse bumpers and no Digimon!”
Gojo repeats your rules matter-of-factly. 
You roll your eyes but are satisfied enough he understood and you wave him off in the direction of your bag.
“Good. Now, be a good boy and go get a rubber out of my purse.” 
Bolting over to your purse Gojo grabs a pack of condoms and is back on the bed in an instant.
Reality sinking in on what you were about to do and who you were about to do it with, you suddenly become hyper aware, appraising Gojo. 
You note just how much in the two years since high school he’s grown. Still a bit lanky in areas but overall he filled out more for sure and his muscles were much more defined rippling underneath his skin as he eagerly clambered over you. Gojo still possessed the same piercing sky blue eyes that lit up a room but they looked all too predatorily hungry now that he was hovering over you. 
You swallow.
You’d feel almost completely out of control of the situation if it wasn’t also for the bundle of nervous energy radiating off of Gojo—his hands spasming like he might bust his pants the moment he touches you.
You try to maintain your composure, but your jaw drops and your eyes widen in shock when he finally pushes his sweats and boxers down in one swift motion.
Gojo was fucking huge!
“Toru—what the actual fuck?!”
Third leg was a massive understatement. 
I mean you didn’t think he’d be small—you’d been around him enough in boxers, sweats, pjs, etc growing up—but you didn’t expect this. 
He was definitely a grower and Christ did he just fucking grow!
Gojo looked puzzled until he followed your wide eyed gawking down to his lower half. 
“Am I the biggest you’ve seen, Bunny?”
Growing prideful Gojo pokes at you a bit and your ogling only grows more incredulous. 
You didn't know if he was the girthiest but certainly the longest by far. He’d actually puncture a lung if he stuck that whole monstrous thing in you!
It would literally have to be just the tip and you are thanking God right now that he’d already agreed to those terms. That would be much too uncomfortable to cum from and you are beginning to question how the pornstars manage. This wasn’t a JAV but Gojo, if his company ever went belly up, certainly had a promising career on OnlyFans ahead of him.
Gojo’s chest puffed up ten times more from your staring as he slipped the condom on (which only fit two-thirds of the way down). 
“O-Ok, Bunny now you!”
His cock throbbed more violently the longer you looked at him. The anticipation is contagious to say the least and you can't help but feel your chest warm at his eagerness. 
Gojo wants to get the attention off of him and you smile at him knowingly.
“You mean you don’t want to take my clothes off yourself?”
The thought never occurred to Gojo but he dumbly nodded. Your yelps echo in the room as his massive hands are on your hips faster than lighting pulling you towards him. 
The motion causes your tits to jiggle, the soft mounds moving freely beneath your spaghetti strapped halter and Gojo berates himself on how he only now is noticing you weren’t wearing a bra all this time. 
Gojo’s mouth goes dry at your nipples, already peaked and poking through the thin fabric. 
Your nipples pucker further when the crisp air of the A/C hits them after Gojo pulls your top overhead and you arch up to assist, not realizing you presented yourself to him like a treat to a dog. 
Gojo wraps his strong sturdy arms fully around your body. Pressing his face deep into your chest as his warm wet lips latch onto a nipple. His mouth now suctioned to you, Gojo swirls and flicks his tongue around the hardened bud. Gojo moans around your flesh, pleasantly surprised at how addicting the sweet salty taste of your skin is. 
If Gojo wasn’t sure he had an oral fixation before he surely knows now. Zoning out everything else except for the sloppy sounds of him worshiping your breast, he relishes the contrasting textures of his rough tongue suckling the soft skin of your swelling bud. 
Gojo surely would have been latched onto you for hours and you are only able to pry his head away when he releases your nipple with a wet pop to take a breath.
You’re panting and red faced as you yank his head back. 
But Gojo is a man solely focused—tongue hanging out off his mouth captivated by how cutely your areola puffed as it glistened with his spit and fighting overwhelming desire to get the other one in a similar state.
“Huh–Bunny, b-baby—you taste so good n’ your tiddies are so nice—so fuh-kin’ soft.”
Gojo’s tongue is hanging out of his mouth drooling as he attempts to dive back into your chest. you feel his heavy cock on your thigh as his hips begin to rut against you. 
This was too much!
“Stop Toru! You’re being too rough, they are sensitive! Besides, times’ ticking! Remember I have no problem leaving you blue balled if Shoko or Utahime call me!” 
You do your best to give him a disapproving look as you blush.
“Awe but you seemed like you were liking it, you were whining loud enough.”
“Shut up n’just get on with it!”
“Yes ma’am~~”
Enjoying your breasts so much Gojo almost forgot he hadn’t even seen your pretty pussy yet. 
Making quick work of your shorts, Gojo manages to pull them down just over your core but is stunned once again as he burns the image of the skin-melding fabric of the mesh hot pink g-string covering your cunt. The thin satiny straps dug into your supple hips amplifying your curvaceous form.
Fucking slutty as hell!  
Rivaling that of even his most favorite and most scandalous hentai figures. 
This was so much better, so much more lewd as the clingy fabric struggles to cover the fat of your plump pussy lips—not like the transparency of them left much to the imagination. 
God help him, he just wants to tear them off with his teeth and open mouth swan-dive into your dewy lil’cunt—-pushing his tongue deep into your peachy core tongue fucking orgasm after orgasm out of you until he drowned in your milky nectar—but he has to restrain himself.
You probably wouldn’t like that too much given your reaction earlier and he’d die if you’d happen to just call the whole thing off.
Mouth drying and hands twitching—Gojo is trying so hard to be a good boy and contain his more perverted instincts.
“Earth to Toru! Y-You good?”
Gojo looked like a tightly wound coil ready to pop in every sense of the word and you hated that his nervousness was making you nervous too. 
So on edge you almost jumped once his eyes snapped up to meet yours.
“G-Great, Bunny…j-just fine.” 
Gojo’s voice falters, becoming more pitchy and you giggle. As much as Gojo wants to look at your pussy as he peels the flimsy moist fabric off of them he couldn’t do that at this moment—he would actually bust his pants.
Instead, Gojo leans in to kiss you, but you block him. He ends up kissing your palm instead.
“Toruuu… that be too weird, we’re friends remember?”
“Yeah friends who are fucking, Bunny! You mean you won’t let my tongue in your mouth but you’re letting my dick inside your pussy?!”
You knew it sounded nonsensical even before he said it back to you. But your heart was pounding so loudly in your ears you could barely hear him anyway.
You didn’t know what you were scared of this time? 
You had let all your other previous hookups makeout with you but Gojo was different. 
This felt entirely different.
You didn’t know why, you just knew it was and you were apprehensive of the unfamiliar emotions he was stirring in you and this wasn’t supposed to be anything more than an arrangement between friends.
“Don’t you need to warm up tho Bunny? Obviously m’no pro at this—but even I know a little bit more foreplay is usually needed?”
Your heart beats louder at his concern but you push that aside trying to focus on your breaths. 
Satoru should have been the easiest lay but for a reason that alludes—you were coming undone before him.
“Shut up Toru and just fuck me! The foreplay stuff doesn't matter, it won't make a difference anyway, m’not gonna cum! Also you’re big af so grab your lube. We're gonna need lots of it!”
Toru pouts but follows your commands without fuss. 
Although he’s anxious to get his dick wet he also is still thinking of how he can hold up his end of the bargain other than a stupid purse. 
You said he didn’t need to but he wanted to. 
The thought of finally losing his v-card excited him but there was something that made his cock throb harder at being the first man to give you an orgasm. 
But you don’t want him to touch you beyond what was absolutely necessary, so how was he going to accomplish that exactly?  
Gojo was a genius and had the IQ score to prove it, he’d be able to solve the problem once he was inside you, right? 
Turning back to face you after retrieving the lube from his nightstand, Toru has to grab the base of his cock this time to keep from prematurely coming in the latex that was already starting to thicken with his precum.
There you were laid out like a slut—panties pulled to the side—fingering yourself a bit to loosen up, having reconsidered his suggestion of foreplay when the twitching on your thigh reminded you of how big he actually was.
You notice his jaw hanging open, utterly entranced as his eyes follow the motions. 
You knew you should be letting him do this to get the experience but honestly there was no sense in setting Gojo up for failure—delivering a significant blow to his ego when he inevitably couldn’t make you cum. You didn’t want to damage him even more if he felt it was his fault your pussy was apparently broken, you having tensed up completely every time a guy had tried before.
But you can’t deny you are getting some pleasure—if only through your own amusement—as you grab his cock and pump the lube he poured down his latex covered shaft, still fingering yourself—much to Gojo’s delight and wonder of seeing an actual real pussy up close. 
Gojo sucks in air and groans pitifully as your hand spreads the cool gel over his length which only intensifies his ache to be inside of you. 
“C’mere, Toru…”
You beckon sweetly, guiding him forward with your back against the pillows, you tease the crown of his tip through your folds preparing him for missionary. 
Gojo nearly bites a chunk out of his lip when his thick cockhead finally catches over your slicked entrance and you’re left wincing.
“T-Toru, e-easy—o-ok? Not too deep...”
A breathy confirmation shudders out of Gojo as he’s easing himself into your warm tightening cunt. The stretch is immediate which mentally confirms for you he is also the girthiest you’ve ever had as well. 
Your heels dig into his hips to brace yourself while he hovers over you, arms shaking.
Even with the rubber on, Gojo still thinks he might melt from how warm and tight you are—so much better than even his onahole with the custom grip and heating features. 
Screwing his eyes shut, Gojo has to count backwards from a million, recite Japan’s national anthem, list the GDPs of the top 10 wealthiest countries—anything—or he will cum too soon or worse, crack and drive his hips until he’s all the way to the hilt from the way your dangerous lil’ pussy is sucking him in.
God, it felt like your slutty cunt had a mind of its own calling for him to push in a lil’ deeper, greedily begging for him to go a lil’ further but Gojo resists. 
Sweat beads on his brow from the exerted effort of sheer willpower to keep his promise to you.
To Gojo’s credit, he really is doing his best, only a little less than a third but due to his length that's still a lot. 
Your eyes wander up to Gojo’s face and away from where he is wholly splitting you open, lest you clench on him even tighter and you knew you needed to relax. Even if you weren't really feeling much but the overwhelming strain from the tight fit, looking at Gojo you were happy that he appeared to be in bliss at least. 
His eyes still squeezed shut, mouth hanging open and spittle flowing down his jaw Gojo was in his own world as he continuously babbled nonsense about how perfect your cunt felt around him.
Just the tip in you for all of 20 seconds and already pussy drunk from just this much. 
“B-Bunny, Oh SHHIII–B-Bunny—m’cute Bun—FAH-ACK s’gud—m’gonna cum soon UHH–pussy feels s’good—oh-oh my god!” 
Although his entire body is quaking with pleasure, the few functional brain cells that survived the fiery blaze of your sinful lil’ pussy are still thinking of you. 
Gojo tries to give some attention to your neglected lil’ clit, but a single swipe causes your leg to jerk and you promptly push his hand away again.
“N-NO! Pleaseee, m’too sensitive Toru! J-Just focus on your thrusts! Y-You’re s’close, m’can feel your cock twitching i-i-inside me...”
Gojo wants to challenge you on this—suspecting from the way your cunt felt constricting around him you felt something pleasurable then—but he’s too far gone and much too inexperienced to keep focused on anything else. 
Especially when you are so explicitly describing him fucking you. 
Grabbing his face you bring your foreheads to touch to help calm him so he’d last a bit longer. Although you still hold his face to prevent him from kissing you, he's close enough that you're sharing the same breath, now looking into each other's eyes. 
He struggles to maintain eye contact though before the magnetism of your heated core had them rolling back again.
You're still not close to cumming, yet you are beginning to enjoy the warm comforting feeling of being this full as he holds you close, his short thrusts gaining momentum. 
Sharing intimacy with someone you actually cared about for once is really nice and you wouldn't mind having more sex like this even if you couldn't cum. 
Thumbing over Gojo’s moist lips you coo sweet praises to him as he desperately moans around your delicate appendage. Suckling your thumb between his lips and nursing on it until he can no longer contain the heavy breaths that overpower him and fan across your face. 
Sharing the same exhaled breath is making you light headed and you mewl at the keen sensations it stirs in your pussy that has him full on gasping now. Gojo releases the whiniest moan as he falls into you, unable to support his arms any longer. 
Showering your neck with open mouth kisses as his body curls more into yours.
However it all proves far too much when Gojo faltering more in his promise, slips more than halfway into your cunt—instantly filling the latex as it balloons inside of you as you scrape your heels against his back.
SHIIIIIT! He s’big! 
Despite nearly splitting your poor pussy into two at the end though, Gojo did such a good job for his first time. 
You’d forgive him just this once though as you wrapped your arms around his head, gently petting his undercut. His heaving breaths quiet under your soothing touches, finally ceasing the stream of his spit and tears that had been pooling in your collarbone.
Staying like that for a while holding him while his heartbeat calms to match yours and his length softens inside you. You close your eyes peacefully for a few moments before you hear your phone vibrate next to you. 
It's Shoko!
Shoko’s text apologizes for the delays and offers to get dinner instead—promising to go shopping with you and Utahime tomorrow since they got held up and you make plans for dinner in two hours. 
Perfect. That gives you plenty of time to clean up and get yourself presentable. 
“Did you cum even a lil bit, Bunny?”
Oh sweet baby, if you have to ask…You think to yourself but it's not poor Toru’s fault your pussy is out of order.
“Um, no Toru baby—but you did so well! Ya know you’re actually pretty cute and considerate when you get a little pussy. I’m sure you’ll manage to make any girl you happen to get naked happy!”
Gojo counters you with a disappointed look still panting slightly as he pulls out and rolls over bringing you towards him to cuddle. Allowing him, reasoning that you don’t have to get up right this second.
Yoour back meets his chest and it’s then you notice the condom still inside you. Figures since it was much too small in the first place. Yet you couldn’t complain as it managed to do its job due to Satoru not going all the way in. Breathing out you grimace a bit as you still had to give it a pretty good tug to lodge the filled latex out of your sore cunt. 
“Goddamn Toru, you were pretty backed up huh?”
Having witnessed the entire display from over your shoulder and the sight of the light blue rubber covered in your fluids while drooping heavily with his own has Gojo’s dick stirring again as you jiggle the rubber demonstrating its fullness before tossing it into the bin beside his bed. 
Conflicted Gojo broods for a while as he hugs you to him. 
While his body felt mostly satisfied, seeing you still unsatisfied put a huge damper on his mood. 
Sure you had told him you couldn’t come—but would any girl cum without much foreplay or stimulation? 
Even the darker hentais and JAVs he’s seen had more foreplay than this!
Thinking over the experience again in his mind he had a hunch that if right could cure your lack of orgasms but needed you to let him fuck you once more to be sure. 
“So you’re gonna hit and quit just like that, Bunny?”
He teases clinging onto you again when you try to maneuver out of his embrace.
“No time for more cuddles Toru—Shoko texted, we’re getting dinner in two hours.”
“Wait! Bunny! That’s so far away—Let me go again, pleeeease!”
Gojo is determined this time to make you cum for real! And, yeah you know—your slick heat sliding up and down his cock again would be a highlight too.
“—Come on bunny! We solved my problem but we haven't fixed yours, you still haven't cum yet!”
“Toru, I thought we understood we were never going to solve my problem in the first place—so don't stress! Also I know this is probably the first time a girl has said this to you and actually meant it—but it's really not you!”
Gojo puts his negotiation face on. 
You wanted to play hardball? Bet.
“I’ll give you my black card for a whole week!”
Gojo turns you around to look him in the eye so you could see how sincere he was, he really wanted to try again—he knew he could make you cum this time!
You sighed. 
You couldn't really be mad at him—in fact, it was actually the cutest thing—that he wanted to keep trying for your benefit—but you didn’t see the point when it would just lead to the same result. You don’t even need to glance down to see Gojo’s cock was just as resolute as he’s already recovered and fully bricked—length pulsing against your ass. 
Well—given his last performance you were sure he’d last all of five minutes and if you had his black card for a whole week you were about to tear the entire Hermes store up—a Birkin and a Kelly in every color!
Hell, maybe you could even get the coveted baby pink ostrich one. 
“Mmm’kay, Toru—black card for a week! No limit!”
“Yup of course! Oooh no—Wait, no rubbers and I'll let you have my new g-wagon too! I hear raw sex is sooo much better you will cum for sure then Bunny!”
Well you knew a good bargain when you heard it.
Throwing the unopened condoms to the side you laid back down.
Imported European cars are stupid expensive to get in Japan and if he was coming off a g-wagon—especially as it was a custom powder blue matte with dune colored seats and shiny platinum rims—then he could have as many two-minute pump sessions as he wanted.
He’d likely pass out from dehydration in less than twenty tops anyway.
“Okay, but same rules as before except no cumming inside Toru! I mean it! It's too much of a mess to clean up after, it’ll be dripping all night especially all that you came last time…”
The thought of your gooey tender cunt weeping his nut for hours has Gojo’s balls tightening in want of making it a reality—but he knew if all went to plan you’d be begging for it! 
First—he needed you to take a more active role this time. He saw you settled back onto the pillows and that simply wouldn’t do. 
“Um Bunny, can you be on top? I-I’m dying to see what your cute tiddies look like jiggling all crazy like in my face.”
You cover your chest, frowning in offense at his more debauched ecchi preferences but you agreed nonetheless. 
Relenting as it’d likely have him cumming sooner and then you could finally get ready to meet the girls—all in your new g-wagon, although you’d definitely have to make up a lie as to how you scammed it out of Gojo.
Gojo takes your place on the pillows, amused as now it’s his turn to beckon you forward. Steeling yourself, you embarked on your climb to mount him. Tall and lean with wisps of hair sticking to his face Gojo looked more like he belonged in a painting, unnerving you that a face only an artist could sculpt admired your body with his lustful gaze. 
He was too sexy for his own nerdy ass good like this and you failed not to whimper when his strong hands settled at your waist.
Lube in your hand you smirk, gaining some confidence back when you hear Gojo hiss as the cool gel once again spreads down his fiendish girth that pulses restlessly at your touch. The sensation is all the more agonizing without the latex barrier hindering him as your, your silky smooth palm glided over his bare cock before tugging back the sensitive foreskin covering his crown head. 
Licking your lips you almost want to bend down and taste the pre marbling like a pearlescent jewel on his pretty exposed cockhead.
He’d probably cry like a baby if you did, you mused with a grin. 
No, good—God girl snap out of it! 
You chastise yourself—no, you had to focus and end this quickly before you lost your mind. The idea of fucking Gojo beyond what he could buy for you started to get more appealing and you couldn’t allow that.
Readying yourself to mount him this time you realize your pussy is quivering in anticipation of the stretch—it was uncomfortable last time so—why was your body reacting this way?
Your own pussy betraying you as she seemed to yearn for the opportunity to gobble him up, taking him in with less resistance in spite of you. Flexing around the thick intrusion inside your core you shiver in feeling the curve of every vein on his girthy cock as you lowered yourself onto him..
The way your pussy flexed as a jolt of electricity ran through you scared you—a new sensation bubbling up inside, threatening to make you lose yourself in the feeling.  Must be survival instincts you rationed—your cunt scared for its life never having encountered such an acute danger like Gojo’s dick before.
The burn was pleasurable this time, sucking in sharp breaths at every slight movement of him moving inside your core. Yet Gojo is in even more bliss—from the serpentine motion of your hips cascading over his own to how your your puffy pussy lips looked so wonderfully parted, stretched open around his cock—FUCK!
How was he going to complete his plan if his brain just started turning to mush everytime your dangerously succulent cunt grinded against him.
“O–ooo shiiiiiit!”
“Y-You okay, Bunny?”
Although Gojo himself looked like he was in agony his face was reddening from how good your raw gummy walls were surging around his length.
“Hhnng, fine Toru—y’er j-just big.” 
Gravity was your natural enemy in this scenario and you took him a bit past halfway this time.
Wanting to distract you, his large hands grope your tits but you knock him away—your stomach fluttering. 
“What's wrong, this time?”
“S’N-Nothing, it’s—just put your hands on my hips, it helps me so my legs don't get tired.”
You lied.
Well your legs were quivering but more pressingly your heart started to race and you didn't know if it was because a cock like this could actually relocate your uterus to your lungs or if you’d actually started catching something similar to romantic feelings for Gojo Satoru. 
Either one was unacceptable in your book.
“Hurry up and cum, Toru!” 
However Gojo is about to say something, your phone rings.
“I-Its Utahime…”
“Don’t answer Bunny! Focus or you’re never going to cum!”
“I can multitask, Toru! Besides, on the small chance I do I know it's definitely going to take longer than the two minutes you lasted before.” 
Hushing Gojo’s protests and eyes flaring at him to be silent, you answer the call. 
You greeted each other with your usual peppiness—like Gojo wasn’t 6 and a half inches deep with 2 and half more to go—give or take—inside you.
“What’s up? Oh erm, what am I doing—”
A sly and haughty smile plays on his lips and you scowl at him.
“—I’m still at Gojo’s and no—I’m not doing much at all right now! Haha—yeah. I can definitely talk, of course!”
Gojo frowns as his eyes narrow and to placate him you start half heartedly rotating your hips.
You still looked sexy as hell though. Even with less effort expended it was still a workout as shown by the sheen of perspiration glowing off your body. That delectable sight combined with the light swaying of your tiddies was more than enough for him to cum if he just focused on himself.
But he was determined not to this time, not until you had.
“See Toru? They were helping Shoko’s parents!”
You stick out your tongue and he makes a face back at you.
“Oh what?—s’nothing—Ha! Well ok! He said you were too busy bumping pussies to go to the mall with me! Psh—typical am I rite? Huh—put you on speaker? LOL O-OKAY.”
Gojo mouths to you offended you’d rat him out like this as Utahime’s voice shrills through the phone.
“Satoru you loser! You have to talk about our pussies cause you could never have one of your own in a million years!”
Snorting with laughter Gojo is more than amused. 
If only they knew.
You pale signaling at him to ‘STFU’ or he could finish himself off.
“Aww, is that so Utahime? I’m so hurt.” 
The mischief in Gojo’s voice is obvious—he’s clearly mocking you.
Annoyed with him getting the upper hand and feeling sassy, you pile on—
“Exactly Hime! I mean he might get some—but a total otaku like him wouldn’t know what to do with a pussy if he even ever got in—EEP!”
A heavy handed smack comes down on your ass—hard. 
The force ripples its way into your cunt causing you to feverishly tighten as your tongue pushes a low moan out between your lips.
“Oh ho ho—what's this? You actually like getting spanked huh, Bunny? You dirty, dirty girl…” 
Gojo is whispering again before his hand once more swats at that same cheek.
The sting causes saliva to pool in the corners of your mouth. 
If looks could kill Gojo would have died a horrible death—that is if you could focus enough to even glare at him. You’re absolutely mortified—too consumed by the spanks that fiercely rained down on your reddening bottom, your pussy getting shamelessly wetter with every hit.
“Bunny! What’s happened?!”
You hear Shoko’s concerned voice this time.
“N-N-Nothing, G-Gojo’s being mean to me cause I told on him! H-He pinched me so hard Shoko!”
Gojo mouths again and his demeanor turns absolutely devilish. 
Oh? So that's how you wanted to continue to play? 
You were such a brat sometimes but then again so was he and his competitive nature soared at the challenge.
“Oh did I? Like this, Bunny?”
Gojo’s  palms cup your tits roughly before he pinches them, twisting your nipples causing the slobber that collected to dribble down your chin and onto your chest.
The grip his thumb and forefingers have on your sensitive buds intensifies and you can barely keep the phone in your grasp as you hold it out arm extended to keep your cries from being heard. 
With only one hand free there’s no way for you to worm nor pry his hands from your tits as you are still struggling not to sink lower and choke on your own tongue from the electrifying sensations assaulting your cunt.
This couldn’t be what it was like could it? This overwhelming feeling?
You didn’t want to admit it but as tear-inducing as the sensations were—they felt real fucking good. 
Your hips began involuntary rocking as your core now craved how Gojo’s cock scraped against your walls like it was trying to carve itself even deeper inside you if you’d let your hips drop just a little bit lower. 
“Toru! Stop picking on our Bunny! Don’t make us come over there and kick your ass!”
The sweat that now runs down Gojo’s brow threatens to blur his vision but he’s locked in and focused. The phone situation being so fucking raunchy combined with the way your pussy is creaming on him (despite you trying your hardest not to feel good) has him stressed. 
Swallowing he had to try hard to keep up the act as well as please you without cumming—it would be a feat if he accomplished it to say the very least.
God, this was all so shamefully vulgar. 
Did you do this on purpose answering the phone? 
He didn’t even know this was a kink of his—or yours apparently.
But your “problem” was now clear to Gojo:
It’s not that you couldn’t cum, it’s just that you were scared to cum. 
Any real stimulation triggered your fight or flight. 
You were perfectly capable, you just needed a bit of forcefulness—however the effect of it terrified you and you bolted from it every time you had sex with someone—until now. 
Heh, there would be no more running from the nut for his little bunny rabbit.
Gojo wonders how far into his ecchi depravity he can take you.
“Your Bunny, huh?”
Gojo's eyes squinted as if he could stare down Shoko and Utahime through the phone.
You were his. 
He was the one who was going to make you cum and frankly he didn’t give a fuck anymore if Shoko or Utahime heard it—in fact he wanted them too.
Planting his feet into the bed, Gojo’s form shifts as he swiftly grips your waist simultaneously bringing you down while driving his pelvis up—pummeling his entire length into your guts. The prickly patch of groomed hair at his base tickles your poor abused lil’ clit which had been forcibly nestled into them—the result of being smashed against his pubic bone. 
Vision momentarily blacked out and burning with tears mixed with your running mascara, your pussy still reeling from the sheer magnitude of Gojos long girthly length now all the way sheathed and practically tearing through your womb. Your eyes are firmly lodged in the back of your head, the electrifying vibrations cause you to drop the phone entirely. Your world is spinning from experiencing your first small orgasm that only increased intensity as your efforts to escape Gojo are in vain. 
Your cervix is screaming at the probing intrusion of his bulbous tip ramming so far up into you but Gojo has you anchored to him unable to flee from his onslaught of thrusts.
If you could string together a coherent thought you would have wondered if in fact your stomach had been relocated next to your lungs as you felt so full you couldn’t breathe. 
Your pussy violently spasms around his girth, creamy fluids seeping down onto his base from your cunt sloshing around him.  Gojo grips your cheeks spreading you wider increasing the squelching noises echoing from your cunt.
Shit though, Gojo thinks your perfect pussy might actually break his dick off from how fervently you were clenching him. 
Tongue fully lolled out of your mouth, you’re grasping onto Gojo’s shoulders for stability as your saliva drips down his pectorals.
“BUNNY!! Are you still there?? What’s that noise?”
Shoko and Utahime’s calls for you go unanswered. Gojo on the other hand is grinning, albeit through gritted teeth, pleased at how his long trunk-like cock is rendering you nonverbal. 
“Hehe, you definitely came a bit that time didn’t ya—ya nasty lil’ Bunny, don’t lie.” 
“N-N-Nooo T-Toru–s’like I-I c-can’t breathe—”
“Heh, a’course you can baby Bun—that's what it feels like when you cum, even I know that.”
Another firm smack to your ass has your cunt quivering wildly.
You feel like the virgin in this situation now—and honestly—are you not? 
Did those other dicks really count? 
It felt like you were having sex for the first time as this was a totally different experience even from the earlier round with Gojo.
“Don’t worry though, now that I know what kinda shit you’re into—I’mma take care of that pervy lil’ princess pussy sooo good, Bunny.”
Oh god—That couldn’t be true could it? 
Spanking? Nipple twisting? Having your insides pushed up to your throat? 
You didn’t actually like this kinda freaky shit did you?
Yet your body’s reactions remain true even if your mind doesn't want to accept the cause of the fire that is burning within you. Your pussy is in raptures at the feeling of being molded into the exact shape of Gojo’s cock—veins and all.
Absolutely pleased with himself Gojo retrieves the phone.
“Awe p-poor thing, just stubbed her toe runnin’ from me. My—SHIII–room is—FUHHH—k-kinda a m-mess—S-See? I almost tripped just now too. Isn’t that right Bunny?”
Gojo brings the phone closer and you bat it away wishing he would just hang up and spare you the humiliation. Although humiliation seemed to be your new kink as mirroring his earlier actions as you’re pathetically moaning into his skin. Gojo’s masculine scent, mingled with the salty aroma of perspiration, floods your senses, making you feel even more lightheaded, increasing the sloshing of his cock buried deep in your cunt.
The crude noises that rang from your bodies squelching and slapping against each other renders Gojo unable to keep up the charade either. Making up a quick excuse—he has to go get ice for your toe—he quickly hangs up on Shoko and Utahime whose puzzled protests of concern he couldn’t give a single fuck about anymore. 
God fucking you while on the phone with them was so fucking hot, he’d have to get you to do it again—maybe with Suguru next time, he’d probably even be into it.
“Hey B-Bunny—y-you think Shoko and Hime were naked too?”
You groan.
This fucking hentai otaku perv—you already told him that they were helping Shoko’s parents! 
You want to glare, scream, chastise, get up—but you can’t—you’re at the mercy of him ruthlessly drilling up into your cunt and can only heave out tired mewls in reply.
“Fuuuck–imma cum again soon! Do you feel the way your naughty lil’ cunt is squeezing like she wants to wring me dry, wan’t me to give it all to your pussy Bunny?”
“N-Not i-inside m’pussy, T-Toru!” 
A devious smirk appears. 
Heh, yeah he promised not inside your pussy.
Without warning Gojo rips his cock out from your sopping core and manhandles you onto your back. Thinking he will simply cum outside somewhere you're finally able to breathe again and you exhale—only to feel his monstrous length being shoved down your throat.
Your eyes shoot open. 
Greeted with the image of Gojo's heavy balls in your face, his ball hairs tickle your nose as you gag around his girth straining your throat open wide. You think if he didn’t reach your lungs through your guts he certainly would now that he’s eight and a half inches down your esophagus.
“You said i couldn’t cum in your pussy Bunny, so let’s use that pretty lil’ mouth pussy instead—sweet fuck, ya know she’s almost tighter than your actual cunt.”
Your hands fly to the outside of his thighs pawing over the sweat glossed skin as you drag your nails down them, leaving welts in an effort to get him to ease up. The potent musk of your shared lust that had dripped down his balls was now rubbing on your face assaulting your senses. 
It was fucking nasty, so gross and yet your own pussy betrayed you—burning with an ache to be filled again at the smells that stimulated your own primal hedonistic urges.
“Awe, don’t be like that. I know you like it rough, yeah? I haven’t forgotten about you either baby.”
Gojo of course at this point isn’t talking to you but your cunt.
With one hand squeezing your already constricted airway, Gojo’s other snaked its way over your body and reeling it back before delivering a mean open palmed slap to your clit. 
The sound of your soaked cunt echoed through his room and he almost came from that alone as your fluids trickled out of you faster, further soiling his expensive sheets.
“This pussy likes being spanked more than those cherry cheeks of yours huh, Bunny? I know my filthy hentai pussy does.”
You’re obviously unable to answer but the way you’re gurgling moans around his cock lets him know this is exactly what you like. Thrusting two thick fingers into your quivering core his burly appendages bullied themselves in as far as they could go. 
“You know—G-God, FUCK you’re tight—Bunny, you know I read in an h-manga how girls can squirt from a lack of air and a little bit of prodding, s’ppose—S-SHIII—t’be something in here that sends em absolutely wild.”
Fingers searching deeper it's not until Gojo pulls back to add a third that he scrapes past a firm spongy spot that has your legs buckling.
Astonished by the amazingly sexy reactions of your body—Gojo’s eyes are blown out wide over how much your clit swells, your hole twitches and your juices spurt out of you as your tears run over your cheeks to wet his balls further. Gojo doesn’t even need to thrust as your throat tightens around him like crazy with him jamming his fingers into that particular spot over and over.
Lost in your own ecstasy you’re proven wrong as contrary to your belief you thought his otaku sex-ed would be to his detriment to his skills. However it's exactly because of all of the lecherous and depraved shit he collected and consumed did he know exactly what to do to you now that got you all messed up. Eyes lodged into your skull, squirting and practically blacking out with his dick stuffed down your throat on his long dexterous fingers abusing your cunt.
With a keen grunt Gojo cums, pumping loads of viscous fluid down your throat forcing you to gorge on his thick cum. 
“F-Fuck Bunny are you a throat goat? M-Milked me dry...”
He’s still driving his pliable fingers in and out of you, his arms are shaking from his own orgasm but he doesn’t care. Nothing on earth could stop him from replicating the beautiful sight of your pretty lil’pussy spurting out juices that run all the way down his forearm.
“…heh, looks like I can milk you too, Bunny.”
Gojo finally dislodges his dick out of your throat but still runs a hand through your pussy folds to rub soothing circles on your clit. You whimper through your coughs as you spit up some of his cum, still gagging after what were mere minutes but seemed like hours of choking on his beefy cock.
Vision spotty, tremors run through your body—both ends so thoroughly fucked out—that it doesn’t register that Gojo is once again lifting your body bringing you towards the edge of the bed.
If you thought Gojo was going to give you aftercare from having used your body like one of his anime fleshlights, you’d be correct—but not before one last round. 
Lifting your hips off his luxe bed Gojo positions your wobbly legs on his shoulders. His eyes are blown out and crazed with his own twisted perversion. Weakened and spent himself as cock twitched from overstimulation but he’s never been a quitter—determined to make you cum again and again before one of you finally passes out.
Your toes wiggle and you keen as his tongue ravenously dips between your toes. Trailing his tongue past the arch of your foot to bite your heel.
“You’re so fucking sexy, Bunny—the best pussy in the whole world, how could you ever think she was broken? You were just waiting for me to use her huh?”
“S-shut up–Toru, j-jeez…”
Your windpipes had been fucked raw and you’re croaking which to your dismay only seems to turn Gojo on more and he’s tapping his tender engorged cockehead on your clit. Your brows pinch together as you bite back moans from his frenulum catching and chafing so wonderfully over your clitoral hood.
“Puhleaseeee, Honey Bunny! Let me fuck you a bit more now that we know you are as ecchi coded as I am, m’kay my pervy princess?”
The very thought shames you and you think your heart might seize from embarrassment if it doesn’t give out from pleasure first and your heart feels like it might beat out of your chest chest from all the pet names Gojo is bestowing upon you. 
You try to reason with him through your defeated huffs as you press your legs shut together.
“...y-you made me cum from your fingers n’ your cock.. Y-You won. Pleaseee—I-I don’t even think I can cum any more.” 
Not convinced Gojo pushes your legs back.
“Oh, is that right? Let’s ask her then!”
Gojo delivers another smack onto your slippery pussy as if on the command of her new owner your obedient cunt immediately leaks a bit more creamy slick onto his palm.
“See, baby? She says you can though and that she’s tired of you running from it Bunny—”
Still hugging your legs together in his grasp, Gojo lowers himself to rub his cheek against your pussy like it was his favorite pillow. 
“Don’t fret my pervy lil’ pussy I won't let Bunny deprive you any longer from what you really need.”
You groan yet Gojo is more gentle this time as he gingerly rolls you onto your belly and lifts your hips to slide his giant Agumon pillow underneath.
Urgh, did it have to be this one!?
There's no time for complaints though once Gojo spreads your cheeks wide. A glob of spit hits your crack as his thumb prods against your shy puckering rear hole while he humps his cock between the fat of your thighs through your soggy swollen folds. 
“Shiiit imma fuck this tight lil’ bunny hole next time baby, m’kay?”
The thread causes you to shudder yet all your back talk and sass is gone from his illicit preparations as he elicits heady mewls from your hoarse throat. Your cunt flutters eagerly to have him fill you again as his fingers imprint themselves into your bottom.
The anticipation is so intense as bracing for his size ripping through you you nearly fail to notice Gojo is now humming to himself—humming—THE DIGIMON CHAMPIONS THEME SONG!?
—And suddenly you’re screaming again, eyes glued to the back of your skull as his hips jerk forward, drilling his dick past your walls to pound directly into your cervix with the tempo of a  madman.
OH FUCK! …s’good!
You finally surrender letting your cunt control your brain as you throw ass back to meet his frenzied thrusts. Like a drug addict from the first real taste your pussy is already addicted to the feeling of his cock destroying you.
His name fell from your lips like a mantra, the only word your brain—now thoroughly fucked smoothed—could remember.
The sight of you chasing your own pleasure as your ass slammed back onto his pelvis, your skin rippling as it bounced and splashed frothy fluids onto his abs sent him further into perverse degeneracy. 
“F-Fuck Bunny—baby, this pussy too good—We can’t tell Suguru for a while, kay? He’ll want to fuck you too and this pussy is just f’me. Suguru gets all the pussy s’tell me you’ll keep yours f’er me. Thought you were broken but you just needed my cock this whole time—”
Burying your face in the sheets bashfully at the mention of Suguru, your cunt pulls more taut around Gojo’s cock.
“—FUHH, g-go out with me yeah, Bunny? Love you s’much—SHIIIIT—buy you whatever you want—t-take you where you want—this dick s’yours Bun Bun—all yours!”
Plunging into deeper if it were even possible Gojo’s blunted nails drug into the fat of your ass and hips, it wouldn’t scar but it would certainly add to the inevitable bruising. 
“I’ll never even look at a non 2D woman again as long as I have you as my lil’ onahole—shit I’ll never even buy one of those again unless it's in the shape of your pussy—F-FUCK, w-wait–y-you think we could get one made in the shape of your pussy–my girlfriend’s perfect pussy?!”
It’s too much—too overwhelming and your mind is slowly but surely being corrupted by Gojo. Otherwise the image of him whining while fucking a onahole casted from your cunt as he watches you finger yourself would have never in a million years popped into your mind. 
Determined to see you unhinged in every respect, Gojo didn’t want to deny you pleasure but if he had to be a little mean to you so you could finally be honest with him then so be it. 
Slowly pulling out, your expression is near frantic as you look back at him. Your mouth gaping and babbling nonsensically for him not for him to stop—you were so close.
Gojo simpers, relishing in your cute cockdrunk face scrunched with confusion from him pulling out so suddenly. 
“W-Words baby, c’mon I just spilled my heart out here!”
Your pussy weeps longingly for Gojo’s cock as your body shakes with a yearning begging to be filled again. 
God help you, you want him. 
You want him and his sinfully curved demon dick badly, it’s all you could think about—Not even remembering what life was like before he so perversely rearranged your guts.  However, not only did he know how to hit all your spots, he knew you—and despite him completely disregarding all of the rules you had initially set, he was the first guy who actually cared about how you felt during sex, even if he was a perverted otaku.
There was simply no use in denying it any longer. 
You caved.
Tears streaming down your face as you hiccupped your admission of affections for him, red-faced and flustered.
“S’toru, I-I’ll be your girlfriend—need you n’need your cock s’much—”
Pressing the side of your face against the mattress you bring a shaky hand through your legs, fingers slipping over your slick as you part your pussy lips—your vacant core exposed and fluttering, begging for him just as hard.
“—m’also you’re onahole T-Toru, I promise i’ll only fuck you, j-just please keep fucking me, i wanna cum on your cock, want your cum in me Toru baby!”
You might die from the shame of it all once you sober up from being utterly cockdrunk and stupefied but all you could think about right now was Gojo’s hard dick laying heavy pipe back into your cunt.
Something snaps in Gojo.
Head over heels for you now, Gojo knew from that moment on he’d never let you go. 
Real or 2D—no could compare to you in Gojo’s eyes. 
Toru finally found something he loved more than digimon—your perfect lil’pussy.
And he was going to show her how much he loved her right now.
Taking what was so graciously presented to him this time around, you’re short circuiting once he’s finally inside you again your most base needs being satiated turning you into a cockfiendish whore crying for him to fuck you harder as you grip his sheets like you could rip them apart. 
His strokes become more merciless, unrelenting on your pussy and Gojo leans his weight onto your back, legs bent crouching on top of you, his hips becoming manic they thrashed forward in short heavy thrusts to hammer you into the mattress.
Gojo himself is beyond gone. 
Disregarding all promises of mentioning otaku shit while he was wrecking your cunt.  
“Fuck bunny this feels better then what I thought Agnewomon’s pussy would be like— you You would look so sexy in that cosplay. Gonna have you dress up for me and show you off at cons. I’ll buy you whatever you want, anything, the whole fucking world yeah? Just fuck—wear those those vibrating panties while you cosplay too, you’d like that?”
You tightened groaning at his debauchery, something that was not missed at all by Gojo who by this point had fucked his own self dumb in your angellic cunt. White strands of his hair stuck to both of your faces as he tiled your head back so he could see how desperately those little hearts danced in your dilated pupils before they were reduced to nothing more than mere splotches whiting out your vision.
“Fuck u really are a slut huh bunny? Tightening at the thought of all those otaku perverts looking at you in that skimpy outfit while. But they can’t have you—m’the only otaku pervert that knows how to make you cum!”
You’re delirious as your melodic honeyed cries just wanted him to stop talking—pointing out every single time your body responded to his ecchi tastes becoming your tastes—now just yearning for a taste of him. 
Reaching back you’re pulling him down to smash your lips together. Messy, but you could care as Gojo tried to swallow your tongue fucking his own into your mouth with a force that matched his cock. If fucking you was heaven then kissing you was nirvana—he’d give you the whole world if he could keep fucking you like this forever.
Gojo needs you to cum again soon as the feral need breed your tummy until it swells with his seed has him losing the little sanity he even had to begin with. A virgin until today he’d saved up so much waiting for your tight cunt this whole time. 
Moving his lips away from yours only for air, your chest heaves harmonies cries from his hand weaving under your bodies. Jittery fingers swiped frantically over your clit, hurling you towards your euphoric climax as his lips descend back upon yours.
“Cum Bunny—I got ya baby.”
Deliberately plowing himself harder against your cervix, your body seizes up releasing tension into pure white energy that you swore was pumping through your every vein as an extension of your pussy as his heavy load spurts to paint your walls and sear your insides as his thrusts continue to swill his seed inside you, pushing it further into your womb—-thank fuck for birth control.
However that was the last thing you remember before you go limp, temporarily blacked out as you swear you’ve transcended to a celestial plane of existence. One where all slutted out souls went to escape from the unearthly pleasure they’ve been tortured by. You don’t know how long you’ve been out but you're squirming as you come back to consciousness. Realizing your now back on your back as your hips involuntarily rocking against something thick and wet. 
When you finally manage to open your eyes you're greeted by Gojo tongue slurping at your clit and lapping up the cum oozing out of your battered hole like it was a refreshingly creamy bowl of kakigori. His hands embedded themselves into your thighs pinning them to the bed nibbling on your clit and having your already overstimulated core climaxing on his tongue once more.
Strings of your sticky nectar connect his tongue to your cunt as he looks up at you. Having the audacity to grin lovingly at you as if he didn’t look like a downright starved and deranged man with a sheen of shared fluids dribbling down his chin. He’s pussy drunk once again this time buzzed off the pungent yet sweet taste of his cum marinating in your creamy tenderized cunt.  
Gojo is cheesin’ at you like he’s found his favorite spot in the world—and he had as far as he was concerned.
“You said it was too messy, remember Bunny? The least I can do to make it up to you is scoop every drop out of your runny lil’ cunt with my tongue! What kind of boyfriend would I be to have all this cum soaking my Bunny’s slutty little thong and spilling down her thighs while out to dinner—so I decided to have mine a little early.”
FUCKING HELL—DINNER! What time was it?! 
Disordented, your head is fuzzy and you could feel the soreness settling in your muscles. You didn’t think you’d be able to get out of this bed in the next 24 hours, let alone make it to dinner—if you hadn’t already missed it! 
“Nnnn, n-not like I can go anymore Toru, s’all your f-fault!”
Your bruised lips poke out into pout. Gojo chuckles at you how cute you look and he rises up from between your thick thighs to boop you on the nose as he gazes adoringly at you.
“I know princess m’sorry—I already texted Shoko saying you couldn’t, don’t worry~~”
But your eyes widened as you were now fully worried. 
Worried as to what the fuck Gojo actually texted them! 
“—I just told them you weren’t feeling well, was that okay?”
Quickly assuaging your fears—you can relax a bit for now (although you were sure you’d have a lot of explaining to do later) as Gojo pulls you to him again and softly kisses your neck, hands returning to your ass to rub soothing circles on your chaffed skin. 
Relaxing again floods sleep into your eyes. A welcome godsend honestly, so you can process everything that just happened, especially Gojo aggressively fucking a love confession out of you. 
“And m’sorry if I got carried away Bun… but you were so good for me, so fucking perfect! Just relax and I’ll take care of you! I’ll handle everything—for you and your nasty lil’ cunt. I love you both and I’ll keep both my pretty girls happy forever! I promise!”
Gazing at you with cartoonishly sparkling eyes, you have to look away from Gojo lest your ears altogether burn up in embarrassment from his shameless and yet a hundred percent earnest vocalization of affections that somehow still got your heart racing.
“—oh and my parents will be here tomorrow—we can tell them right? They will be so excited! They've been telling me since I was little I shouldn’t let you get away! Ooo! Ooo! Maybe now that we're dating they’ll let us use their sex dungeon! We need to think of a safe word though Bunny—”
Scarcely comprehending anything he is saying to you, your mind like your pussy had been fully liquified. Both ruthlessly corrupted by Gojo’s long otaku cock and pervy ass fantasies which is no surprise seeing as his family even owns a—
Like a shot of caffeine directly into your veins your eyes nearly pop out of your head as you blink at him dumbfounded, mouth hanging open.  
“Doesn’t that sound fun, Bunny!? My parents are so cool! When I turned 18 my dad even gave me some of his rare and one-of-a-king hentai figures for my collection to get me started and then—”
Tuning him out you’re gagged at the unexpected revelations—and his parents always seemed like such charming n’ decent God fearing people too. Well known to be ruthless in the business world, but upstanding global philanthropists nonetheless.
Well the apple sure as hell didn’t fall too far from the sordid sex fiend tree, that was for damn sure!
Clearly you had no idea what you were getting yourself into or had unleashed by agreeing to be Gojo’s girlfriend. I mean, could no longer deny your growing feelings for him—plus he did just give you multiple back-breaking-terrifyingly-mind-numbing-earth-shattering-orgasms. Not to mention, you would definitely be getting one of every Hermes bag ever made if you wanted one—but at what cost?
Your Dignity? 
The right to call yourself a functional and contributing non-degenerate member of society?
Who knows really…
Although perhaps dating a Gojo, the next heir at that, you’d be too rich and highly regarded for people to even care (we’ll except for your friends giving y’all hell but you could eventually make peace with that).
You internally groan as the gentle touches on your bottom morph into lustful gropes and you know your brand new boyfriend would not be granting rest for your totally demolished lil’ pussy anytime soon unless you could distract him a bit.
“—Toru, Toru baby listen, please.”
Interrupting him, you muster the energy to put on the sweetest face you can manage in your exhausted state. 
And of course, Gojo, as always and yet unknowingly, tests the limits of your tolerance.
“Yes, my whittle Bunny, my kinky baby girl—hentai goddess divine?”
Gojo nuzzles your nose in an eskimo kiss as he showers you with ‘loving compliments’. 
Scrunching your face, you grit your teeth through your already weak smile to stop yourself from losing it at him referring to you as ‘hentai goddess divine’—y’all would definitely be having a talk about that as well as appropriate in-public pet names later though.
“Babyyyyy—I’m so sticky and sore, why don’t you be a good boyfriend and get stuff ready for us to take a bath, hm? Maybe find me something else to wear too, hm?”
You did need a bath and you calculated even with his energetic disposition it should take him at least 15-20 minutes to delegate the tasks and get everything together considering how huge his mansion was.
“Oh! Of course, of course! Just wait here! I’ll be right back, my ecchi angel.”
Brow-twitching you sit up to wave at him with another strained smile as he scrambles to put on pants and heads out of his room.
You sigh tiredly and make yourself comfy on his cloud like pillows. 
Thinking he’s finally left and you can savor some much needed time to make peace with what you got yourself into by agreeing to be the girlfriend of an otaku nerd like Gojo Satoru—
—when his head suddenly peaks back in the room with a sheepish look on his face.
“Heh, you know Bunny, was thinking—you really didn’t think I could code crack your cute lil’ cunt now did ya?”
Your eyes are closed but your fists are balling angrily gripping onto the pillows surrounding you.
“Don’t worry Bunny, yours is the only pussy my dick is digidestined for!”
With that, Gojo narrowly avoids the Agumon pillow plushie that is swiftly hurled at his head as he dashes away from the door, his merry yet hysterical laughter echoing through the halls.
©blkkizzat 2024. do not steal works or gfx, do not translate.
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⏭ a/n: this fic was wayyyy too long but i've been kinda mean to y'all gojo glazers lately rejoicing in your sorrows cause you are now miserable like the rest of us lmfao, so consider this y'alls bone :P tbh im kinda surprised this is the first full gojo fic i've written lol, it was fun tho cause otaku!gojo is a freak for pussy would drive you insane in all the right and wrong ways. i still have invisible man gojo and ceo/professor gojo planned tho (plus that frat boy satosugu request).
plug choso p3 next! (i promise!!!) taglist.
reblogs and comments are my life's blood ty ᥫ᭡ .ᐟ
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daenysx · 1 day
Hey! Id love to request something for Modern!Aemond fluff/ hurt comfort. If you're not interested no worries at all! But maybe something where you're not together but you're also not 'just friends' and reader is kinda insecure bc they don't have a lot of experience with partners and Aemond starts to notice them acting weird and then it goes from there. But yeah idk if this is a good request or not lol, if you don't feel like writing this no worries at all! Love your writing!
thank you so much for requesting!! i hope you like it ♡ requests are open
modern!aemond targaryen x fem!reader, hurt/comfort
"what's wrong?"
sometimes you think aemond has super hero senses, how can he feel your distress when you're standing behind his chair? he can't see you but he somehow knows you are fiddling with your fingers, something eats you up inside.
he turns, still sitting on the chair in his room. he looks up to your face, still questioning what's gotten you so nervous.
"um- nothing's wrong, it's just-"
he holds your hands when he realizes your nails are hard on your skin. he separates them and keeps them in his huge palms on each side. "come on."
you take a breath. "do you remember the guy i told you about last week? he was a friend of-"
"rhaena." he completes. "yes, i remember."
"i was thinking- i don't know it sounds stupid now that i think about it but-" you start. you feel close to aemond, you're not ashamed of telling him a story about other guys. "he was acting like we're flirting you know? he was really nice and- i don't know maybe i was expecting him to ask me out after all that flirt."
your voice feels so small. "what happened?" aemond asks, he sounds like he could kill the guy for upsetting you.
"i saw him kissing a girl today." you say. "i don't know if she's his girlfriend but no matter who she is, it means i was hoping for nothing."
it's just a guy. nothing to be upset over. you're not in love with him, he could kiss anyone he wants. still, this is only a little piece of a bigger disappointment. you think no one will ever want you.
"i'm not sad, but i feel bad." you say. "why is it always someone else?"
aemond looks at your curled lips, he always thought you look cute with the frown. he keeps holding your hands, not quite knowing what to say. he's never been the best person to comfort someone but he cares. he cares about you. he doesn't want you to think you're unworthy of anything, he can see the walls of sadness and disappointment you build in your mind.
you straighten your posture when you see him say nothing. what were you thinking anyway? maybe you're looking for some reassurance from a man you're close to, you think he'll tell you you're pretty and smart, that guy should go to hell for making you feel like this. you close your eyes to take a proper breath, pull your hands back to your sides. aemond has an unreadable expression on his face.
"you know what?" you start, trying for a smile. "forget it. i mean, it doesn't mean anything right? there's nothing we can do."
aemond sees you blushing. "i'm sorry, i was just-"
"it's okay, aemond." you say gently. "i wasn't looking for pity or anything else, i'm sorry for overwhelming you with my insecurity."
you're being too honest. you don't care. it's no secret most of the guys you like don't like you back, even when they do, you don't know how to keep them. you have too little experience, the only guy you feel comfortable around is probably aemond. one of your friends said you look like a couple once and you were so surprised at her words you couldn't look at aemond for a week. you can't bring yourself to have romantic feelings for aemond even though there's a potential. you can't lose him.
"your insecurity?" aemond asks with a disbelieving voice. "i don't understand."
so he wants to hear all of it. he can deal with it then, you don't mind telling him.
"i don't think i'll ever be loved by someone i love. it's just- i'm full of half finished stories about that, i'm so sick of feeling like this." you say, taking another deep breath. "i'm not saying this because i expect anything from you. we're close and- you asked."
aemond's lips part open. you're so clearly blind to yourself, you don't even know how you make people feel. you don't know how pretty he thinks you are, how kind and sweet. he doesn't want to ruin his relationship with you- he doesn't even know what to call this thing between you two. friends? friends who secretly like each other but being too afraid of losing one another because how inexperienced you both are in relationships?
he holds your hand again, squeezes your fingers in an attempt to comfort you just one bit. you let him do that, you close your eyes when he rubs the back of your hand with his thumb. he brings your hand to his lips, brushes a tiny kiss on your skin. is that what affection feels like? you're a stranger but you could love it.
"aemond, what-"
"i know how much you hate being wrong but- you are in fact wrong, sweetheart."
he kisses your hand again, it feels nice. "you think you're unloveable? do you even see yourself?"
you can't help a tear escape. "i'm-"
"no, you don't." he answers his own question. "you don't know how pretty you are. you don't know your effect on people. your effect on me."
you try to pull your hand back. "you don't have to prove anything. i didn't tell all these to get something in return, i don't want your pity."
he is strong as he holds your hand. he looks up to you, gives you a smile. "i'm not pitying you. if there's anyone who needs pity it's me."
he promises himself that he's not gonna ruin anything. he will not mess this up. he can't. aemond targaryen's life is full of ruined relationships and sad stories, he'd be damned if you'd be one of them.
"aemond, we shouldn't-"
"no, i know." he stands up. "i know exactly what you think. i've been thinking the same things since i met you."
you look unsure. this is a dangerous game to play, you don't know if you're brave enough.
"tell me about them." you say, can't control your thoughts or your words. "tell me what we think."
aemond takes a deep breath, he places your hand on his heart. "we both think this is too fucked up. we don't want to lose each other but-"
you look deep into his eye, consequences be damned. "but?"
"we are losing the chance of a perfect pairing." he says with a low voice. "i can be better than all those guys who made you upset. you really don't know how i see you."
it feels exciting, your heartbeat goes into madness. can you let yourself accept buried feelings for him? his look is promising and confident. your brain stops thinking when you rise on your tiptoes to kiss him.
the kiss feels like true insanity. you don't know if you'll feel satisfied or regret what you did minutes later. aemond kisses you back and the clouds of madness disappear. he holds the back of your neck, a possessive kind of touch that you've never felt before.
"we still have a lot to talk about." you say, breaking the kiss.
aemond presses his forehead against yours softly. "i know." he says. "just let me kiss you one more time."
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mymindcreatedthis · 3 days
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From behind (18+)
Rachel Daly x Reader
Word count: 1,122
Warning: Smut, handjob, cumshot, Bulge Teasing, (Rachel giving R handjob) R receiving. Dirty talk, (cumshot on mirror, cum dripping down Rachel’s fingers and hand.
*Y/n's pov*
We just finished practice. I've noticed that Rachel seems off. We get back to the hotel, and go up to our room.
I unlock the door and we go in. I go in after Rachel, Rachel grabs her clothes.
"I'm gonna take a shower." Rachel says.
"Okay." I reply.
Rachel takes off her jersey, and shorts leaving her in her sports bra and boxers. She goes into the bathroom, she clothes the door and locks it.
I sit on the bed and mess around on my phone. I hear the shower turn on after 10 minutes I hear the shower turn off. The bathroom door opens, Rachel comes back into the room.
She throws her dirty clothes onto her suit case and lays down on her bed.
"Bathrooms all yours." Rachel says.
"Okay." I reply.
I take off my shirt and shorts leaving me in my boxers. I grab my clothes, I look over and see Rachel biting her lip and checking out my bulge.
I smirk. "Like what you see Daly?"
She clears her throat and blushes darkly. "W-What?"
"I saw you looking at my crotch. Like what you see?" I ask again.
She blushes darkly. "Shut up and go take your shower."
I chuckle at her comment. I go into the bathroom, I close the door. I strip out of my boxers and bra. I start the shower and get in.
*Rachels pov*
I hear the bathroom door close and lock and hear the shower start. I grab my phone and text the one person I know I could talk to about this.
Me: I need help in so fucking wet and horny. I just saw Y/n's bulge I couldn't stop staring.
Leah: Wait what?.... I don't know.... She had a you know what?
Me: Yeah she does, I mean looks like she's packing 10 or 12 inches.
Leah: Fuck really?..... now I kinda want to see it?
Me: Yea really? She's about to come out of the shower. I gotta go I'll talk to you later.
Leah: Okay talk to you later, I expect to hear all the details when I see you tomorrow.
Me: Yeah I'll tell you everything tomorrow, don't worry.
I swipe up and turn my phone off as I hear the bathroom door open.
*Y/n's pov*
I change into new clothes and come out of the bathroom. I throw my dirty clothes, onto my suit case. I look over and see Rachel biting her lip and staring at my crotch again.
I clear my throat and grab the tv remote. I sit on my bed. "Did you wanna watch a movie?"
"Y-Yeah sure." Rachel says.
I sit in the bed with my back against the head board. I turn the tv on and scroll through Hulu. We decide on the new prey movie.
I press play, halfway through the movie I feel Rachel looking at me again. I look over at her she was checking out my crotch again.
I blush darkly and continue watching the movie, The movie finally ends. I turn off the tv, I get up and go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. Rachel does the same, I stop in front of the mirror next to the tv and adjust my shirt and pants.
I stop when I feel Rachel pressed up behind me. She presses her front against my back. She starts kissing my neck as her hands roam my body. Her hands move to my boobs she massages my boobs a bit roughly as she kisses my neck.
I moan. "R-Rachel what are you d-doing?" I stutter.
She rubs my boobs with one hand. She moves her other hand down and rubs my crotch over my sweat pants.
"F-Fuck." I moan.
Rachel smirks. "Someone has a boner."
"S-Shut up." I moan.
"Wanna cum?" Rachel asks.
I nod my head. "Please I'm hard, I need a release."
She slides my sweatpants and boxers down my legs and tosses them off to the side. We both look in the mirror as she starts stroking my dick in front of the mirror.
"S-Shit." I moan.
Rachel smirks. She spits on my dick and continues stroking it.
"Your spit feels so good on my dick." I moan.
"Oh yeah? You're so hard love." Rachel says.
She picks up her pace and strokes my dick faster.
"F-Fuck Rachy." I moan.
"Shit just like that, I'm gonna cum buckets if you keep doing that." I moan in pleasure.
"Maybe I should keep doing it then." Rachel says sexily.
I moan loudly as Rachel goes faster. After 5 minutes of an amazing hand job I feel myself getting close to cumming. Rachel strokes my dick faster I moan as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
"S-Shit Rach. I'm close, I'm gon-"
Before I could finish I shoot webs of sticky cum all over the mirror cumming like crazy.
"Woah fuck look at that cumshot." Rachel says.
Cum continues oozing out of my dick as she continues to stroke my dick. Helping me ride out my high.
"You are still hard baby. You need to cum again?" Rachel asks.
"P-Please I need a release." I reply.
Rachel smirks, I move my head back slightly and make out with Rachel and she jerks me off.
She stops kissing me for a moment she spits in my dick drenching it in spit again.
She continues stroking my dick as she kisses me. I moan in the kiss, Rachel smiles against my lips and strokes my dick faster.
She goes faster, after 5 more minutes of an amazing hand job I moan in pleasure as I feel my balls tighten.
"I'm gonna Cu-" before I can finish my sentence I bust my load. I shoot thick ropes of sticky cum all over the mirror and floor. Cum drips down the mirror.
Rachel continues stroking my dick, as the rest of my cum oozes out of my dick. Rachel raises her hand to her moth and licks my cum off her fingers and hand.
"Mmm tasty." Rachel says.
I blush darkly as she licks off the Cum. She grabs her phone. "Hold on love I'm gonna record a video and send it to Leah."
I smile and nod, Rachel snaps a video of my dick then pans the camera to the mirror covered in my cum and showers her fingers and hand covered in my cum. She stops recording and sends it to Leah.
I kiss Rachel and put my boxers and sweats back on. I lay in bed with Rachel, we cuddle and fall asleep.
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knightyoomyoui · 2 days
The Tale Of The Bloodline | TWICE MiSaMo (Mina, Sana & Momo) x M/F Reader- CHAPTER 12: "The Mysterious Ally"
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In this chapter, it follows the aftermath of what happened last week on Knockdown when Kim Jennie makes a save for her former friends and co-members of BLACKPINK against the control of The Bloodline which then leads them to declare a war against them to be held on the next premium live event. However, both teams needs 5 members, and each of them has one more missing person to complete their respective teams. They go on to search for a rightful fighter in the roster who can fill the vacant spot.
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1 WEEK LATER | November 18, 2022
The newly reunited BLACKPINK consisting of Lisa Manoban, Rose Park, Kim Jisoo, and Kim Jennie who recently did the initiation to bring their bond back in order to cease The Bloodline's unruly dominance in the main roster were the ones that got tasked to open the show to address the brawl that happened last week.
They all stood in the ring together, something that felt surreal and relieving seeing them all on the same page once again just like the old days. Lisa and Jennie looked at each other with an awkward yet satisfied smile on their faces while hearing the crowd cheer for them.
Lisa hits the mic thrice to do some checking, still not moved from the embarrassment she took caused by the technical team's fault on not fixing the sound system of her mic while she made her return last week which would've made her return better if that didn't happen."Is this thing working on properly now?"
The crowd cheered again with some laughed at her joke knowing what she's referring at. "You all can hear me now, right? Yeah? Well, Sapporo, how are yall doin?!"
Again, the crowd's lively sounds resonate in the arena, happy to see one of the fan favorites checking up on them. Lisa smiled and nodded, understandably thinking that they were all doing well at the moment while watching the show live. "Alright, I'm going to start off with this. I noticed there's a lot of people who are happy to see that in fact… Kim Jennie is standing here by my side while the rest of my girls are ready to go to war with The Bloodline considering the fact that…
Lisa looked at Jennie and stood closer to her. "You and me, girl, we have more than a decade of history together. A rivalry. How many times have we gone to war with each other, friend? How many times have people questioned us about whether we really do trust each other?
The truth here though is that those so many years of rivalry has created mutual respect…" Jennie stared at her and nodded slowly, agreeing with what Lisa is saying. "It created a bond. A bond so strong that as a matter of fact I asked Jennie to be my bridesmaid when I got married few weeks ago." The audience clapped to congratulate Lisa about the news, who took it with a heartfelt gratitude.
"Jennie, we the BLACKPINK wants that baddie in you." She pointed at her.
Jennie laughed amusingly at her term. "Baddie? You really said baddie?"
"Well yeah I said it."
"Hmm actually yeah, i'm feeling really like a baddie myself here right now." Jennie agreed.
"You are? Well, I'll tell you this girl, when it comes down on this, there's no one I would rather be in the tranches with than you, Jennie." Jennie nodded appreciatingly at her sincerity. "So what do you say, will you be one of us baddies again?"
Jennie chuckled at Lisa's silliness. The fans then started to chant "baddie" at Jennie, and it made her pretty surprised that the fans were going along with Lisa's humor. "Nobody knows what it's like to be outnumbered by The Bloodline more than good ol' Kim Jennie. Just like it seems when you get them beat. Just like when it seems you have the upper hand… another muppet appears, another one multiplies… but when the odds are even, that's a different story altogether.
As a matter of fact, I'm going to war… and I want to go with my sister."
Jennie offers a handshake to Lisa. She just looked at it first before she made the move to step forward and bring Jennie to her closer for a longing and thankful embrace that made the fans feel touched and glad for the two best friends.
Rose lifts the mic to her mouth and started speaking, with no means of rudely interrupting the two's wholesome moment. "Well this is nice girls but uhh… let's get serious shall we?" Jennie and Lisa broke up their hug to pay their attention to their co-member. "Sapporo! It's fight night! And Jisoo…"She wraps her arm around Jisoo's neck like a buddy and points the mic at her, giving her the opportunity to continue her words.
"Yup, it means… it's Wargames!!!", Jisoo exclaimed, as she confirmed that BLACKPINK and The Bloodline will be the ones who the participating in the annual Wargames match which features two rings placed side by side together in one roofless steel cage and you can only win by pinfall or submission. If a competitor tries to escape the ring then it automatically means their team forfeits. Hardcore is legal in this match also.
The crowd cheered and it made both Rose and Jisoo hyped while Jennie and Lisa walked around the ring seething the intensity building up through their core by all means to unleash it all against The Bloodline. "Alright, ladies. I see 1, 2, 3, 4 people but…"
She went near at the ringpost where one of the cameramen are, she stared intently at it and smirked as she held the mic for a while to create suspense. "… who could be the 5th member for our team?"
"Well I'm gonna let you know who's gonna be the 5th member is-"
"Hold on right there, ladies." They all heard a familiar voice coming from the distance. The crowd both booed and cheered at the sudden emergence of Minatozaki Sana on stage, with a microphone of her own in hand. "I think I speak on behalf of the entire Bloodline when I say that… we do not care who the fifth member is. We don't!
We're feeling good! We're feeling great. You can even say that we're not feeling…" Sana paused, and the crowd slowly picked up what she meant by it. They start chanting SHY SHY SHY as a callback to the joke she made to YN when the two had a confrontation in front of the Empire Chief. Sana smiled and said that they got it right. "Yes, you might say we're not shy shy shy about getting involved in this whole thing.
She slowly walks confidently, boasting about The Bloodline's unbothered state en route to the War Games, speaking as their representation, aka The Honorary Muse. "Now here's the thing: you girls really think that you all are getting into our heads. Do you know who you are dealing with? You are talking to Minatozaki Sana right now! Aka the Master Strategist… Aka the Honorary Muse… Aka Myoui Sana?! "
Jennie and Lisa chuckled at Sana's ridiculous nicknames she bragged all for herself. "And you all really think that we're worried about - wait let me tell you something, I don't make a lot of guarantees, but I'm putting my name on this one. As The Honorary Muse, I personally guarantee you… The Bloodline will win Wargames!"
Sana saw one of BLACKPINK's members who is going to be her opponent for the tournament that will indicate who will be the winner of Japan Federation's World Cup: Kim Jisoo who is getting amped up at Sana's irritating blabbering. "I see you're getting round up there, Jisoo. You and me don't need to wait tonight, girl. You and me are going to have a one on one match tonight anyway so here's what I'm going to do, I'm going to run onto you and I'm gonna give you a small taste you can all expect next Saturday at Wargames!"
"Well Sana uhh…" Lisa took the initiative to speak next. "I'm delighted to see you being confident but uhm… something tells me that when you find out who the 5th member of our team is… well you might about to get to piss your pants when you meet this person."
Sana scoffed and smirked sassily at her, not getting provoked by her threats. "Because… It's the last thing you gonna expect."
Sana's brows furrowed while still plastering that smirk to cover her slight nervousness on this mysterious person as they ended their confrontation with BLACKPINK's theme playing in the arena again.
"So here's the question now, who will be the 5th member of Jennie, Lisa, Rose, and Jisoo for Wargames as they look to end The Bloodline's dominance." commentator Knight Yoo asked.
"Absolutely I have no idea, partner." his fellow commentator on the desk Lee Kwangsoo replied.
The Bloodline has arrived with Myoui twins YN and Mina along with their cousin Hirai Momo. As they got updated from Sana herself that she confronted BLACKPINK who were the ones who opened the show… well, just like the usual, one of them is highly opposed of Sana's decisions around the room.
"What you said about the Bloodline? I know you're not dumb enough to go out there a guarantee W's at Wargames." YN is currently scolding Sana, with Mina and Momo just listening to their discussion. Sana looks tired listening again on listening to YN's strict words, shaking her head and breathing deeply to compose herself. "We don't even know who their fifth member is!"
Sana immediately stood up and went face to face with YN. "What did I do wrong this time?" she asked, sick of the blame she's receiving. "Tell me what was wrong that I did, all I just did is to go out there and say we're gonna win. Are you saying we're not gonna win?"
"Ofcourse we're gonna win!"
"Okay, so what's the problem?!"
"Cuz you're gonna be running your mouth-"
"Now wait a second YN…"
"Hey listen you two." Mina stood up from her seat and went in between Sana and YN. "Both of yall need to be on the same page. Yuta is on his way here, we have to be like that before he comes here."
"Take a chill pill, alright?"
"I'm child, I'm chill."
"Take a breath, Sana. Alright?"
"Right." Sana agreed at Mina. YN is just staring at Sana while he/she follows what her twin advised for them to do. Sana then made her way out of The Bloodline's locker room. YN then faced her twin and complained again. "Sis, she will need to be-"
"And you, you better stop worrying about her too much!" Mina interrupted her to give the proper scolding for her younger twin."We got Bloodline business to handle tonight, and we need to figure out who will be our fifth member tonight, you know that Yuta might not be available for Wargames."
"Y-you're right."
"Handle business, come on."
"You're right, you're right."
They stopped exchanging words of comfort when Sana reappeared again on the scene. "Hey sorry, uhh I forget to mention, you know the thing we talked about earlier?" She asked Mina.
"Yeah I did."
"Okay." They did some weird handshake together that caused YN to accidentally burst out a laughter in which he/she tried to control immediately to hide it and avoid breaking up character near Sana. They hugged before Sana left again. Momo just looked weirdly at YN and the latter blushed after he'she got caught.
The Myouis continue to search around backstage. They went on to visit some locker rooms to ask for their fellow heel warriors if they want to align with The Bloodline for one time but all of them refused, either they hate The Bloodline too, they don't want to get involved, or they have a much more important feud to focus about instead.
The unsuccessful twins still ain't losing hope yet, especially when they got to cross paths with someone familiar that they think would be a best option to add more shield in protection against BLACKPINK.
"The Harbinger Of Doom" Bae Irene who attacked Kim Jennie when she made her return to Japan Combat Federation few months ago was seen by YN and Mina walking her way back to her place after she just won a match against her opponent out there. The two went eye to eye with a fellow villain and the latter eyed them down with complete seriousness.
"Are you the fifth member?" YN asked her with angst. Mina traces her out and came up with an unsatisfied conclusion.
"Nah, this ain't her YN."
"Let me make things clear to you…" Irene spoke after. "I'm not a follower."
"So we won't gonna see you there with us after, huh." Mina replied. "You won't gonna make a name for yourself out from The Bloodline after Sana fights Jisoo tonight, right?"
Irene smirks. "When I come to take Yuta's title, which I will… I'm gonna do it on my own time. And when I do, I'm not gonna show him some pack… I'm gonna do it all by myself.", she made a statement that he's not yet over on setting it sight on target at the current champion.
Irene left the two, still remain unsuccessful to search for their fifth member at Wargames. It made them problematic, as time is running out for the main event to come after tonight and for the show to end. They don't have enough opportunity remaining to look for more fighters out there who are willing to face BLACKPINK.
It it now time for the main event as "The Honorary Muse" Minatozaki Sana for Japan with The Bloodline on the ring side goes against BLACKPINK's Kim Jisoo for Korea with the rest of the team standing up for her own side in support for her stake in this week's tournament round for the Japan Combat Federation World Cup.
As the match proceeds minutes after the bell has rang for the two fighters to start, Jisoo climbs to the turntackle to deliver a moonsault down through all Bloodline members after they all gathered when The Myouis checks out on exhausted Sana.
"Jisoo and Sana, who will advance to the semifinals of the World Cup tournament…" Knight calls as they watch Jisoo holding her aching wrist while returning to the ring and going to the opposite turnbuckle facing Sana's direction to the other side.
She tried to charge at Sana for a running punch but Sana counters, lifting Jisoo's body and gave an exploder suplex to the turnbuckle, making Jisoo's back hit the corner of the ring. Sana then went on Jisoo's previous spot in replacement so that she could set Jisoo up to get hit by a Helluva Kick but the referee had its attention after Lisa and YN throwing hits at each other until YN tried to escape by climbing to the ring just in time to interrupt Sana who was about to ran towards Jisoo.
Lisa grabbed YN's feet as she tries to pull him/her out but YN fights out. The referee is giving a warning to YN for illegally entering the ring being not an official competitor. Sana complained at YN getting in the way but YN didn't heard it. Instead, Sana just watched YN getting thrown to the ringside barricade by Lisa.
Distracted, Jisoo rolled Sana for a surprise pin but Sana kicks out. However, she got surprised again when Jisoo quickly sets Sana with a Boombayah reverse slam, hitting Sana's front down to the mat. She went for a cover afterwards.
"Jisoo goes to the semifinals next week!" Knight declares Jisoo's victory.
The announcer didn't even got to give the credit to Jisoo when suddenly Momo entered the ring and kicked Jisoo's face. She carried her, hooker her arm around and gave her a spinning slam. Momo roared furiously until Jennie joined her inside the ring and stole her attention, giving her blows to the head and sending her through the corner where she kicks Momo repeatedly.
Rose and Mina on the other hand were also fighting each other. Rose dumps Mina out of the ring and followed her there. They go on to collide through the barricades while Jennie and Momo exchanges hits and switches positions on the turnbuckle.
As Jennie stomping Momo and Rose punching Mina on the ringside, the crowd then went in awe when the entrance theme of The Empire Chief and current Japan Combat Federation World Champion plays during the chaos.
Yuta Nakamoto arrives with his Special Advisor Park Jinyoung on the stage, his evil intentions set mainly on their adversaries. He started running and unleashed a superman punch on Rose then speared the approaching Jisoo from his right.
After he bragged and roared in effect of the damage he inflicted, he noticed Jennie staring on him, as she stood in the center of the ring. She took off her shirt, showcasing her only wearing a sports bra through her well-built physique, as she intensely aims at the undefeated enemy.
Jennie gestures for Yuta to come in and bring it on. Yuta who is feeling confident and tough, climbs to the ring to accept Jennie's invitation for a fight. Momo tried to distract Jennie only to get thrown through the top rope which caused Yuta to take the short advantage by spearing Jennie as she turned her body back around.
Jennie holds onto her hurting midsection as Yuta mocks her out of it. He was about to approach the weakened Sana laying down on the upper right corner of the ring but he felt a sense that someone is stalking him from behind.
He finds out that its the vengeful Lisa, who wants payback for the ones responsible for her minor injury that took her out for months. "Now here's the two who has history together before, especially when it comes to Quest Of Survival." Knight referred to their feud seven years ago when Lisa cashed in her championship contract right after Yuta won his first world title to steal the spotlight to him and win the title away from him, giving him only a reign for 5 minutes that all happened at the same pay-per-view in which they're both about to head onto in a Wargames match.
Lisa and Yuta stares down at each other in the middle of the ring before Yuta went for the blow first then Lisa strikes back. They exchanged punches until Lisa got the lead. It cut off short when Sana suddenly got up and bumped Lisa to her back, breaking her up from Yuta. Lisa catched Sana and pushed her to the corner before Yuta was able to superman punch her too.
Yuta positioned himself, squatting at the corner with adrenaline rushing through his veins. He stares at Lisa slowly getting back to her fett, unknown that an impactful spear is about to hit her next. However, Yuta's excitement was replaced with shock when the arena played the entrance theme of another fighter that made the audience jump out from their seats in joy.
Cho Miyeon, who is out of action after taking an emergency leave because of her fractured hand makes her surprise return for tonight's Friday Night Knockdown. She savagely marches through the ramp and superkicks Mina out of the way. YN tried to attack her but he/she also met another superkick from Miyeon.
Yuta tried to warn Miyeon not coming to the ring but she initially refuses as she stepped in the apron. The two who has a personal history together also, as Miyeon was one of the first found victims of The Bloodline before who tried to take the title away from Yuta third times only to fail through all of those.
The crowd then chanted "holy shit" as Miyeon slowly comes up in front of Yuta and they stood level at the ring. Yuta tried to hit her but Miyeon caught his wrist, and returned the same greeting by slapping Yuta then went on to hit him repeatedly as she sends him to the corner of the ring.
She angrily stomps at Yuta's poor body until she turns around and stopped when she saw her bitter former bestfriend turned to be enemy throughout their career, Minatozaki Sana standing away from her. They stared at each other and slowly grew inches closer until Yuta gives Miyeon a surprise superman punch out of nowhere.
Rose pulled Sana out of the ring and threw her at the barricade. With Yuta and Miyeon remaining in the ring, Yuta goes for his signature battlecry but Miyeon gave a knee strike onto Yuta's forehead, making him dizzy which allowed her to kick Yuta on the torso and hit him with a devastating stunner.
The crowd cheered as Miyeon watched Yuta slowly roll out of the ring while holding his head. Sana also watched her Empire Chief got beaten by her former bestfriend, gasping her mouth.
The show ends with The Bloodline as the fallen odds gathered at the ringside, unbelievably witnessing BLACKPINK peeking at them through the ropes along with Cho Miyeon, making herself the official 5th member for Team BLACKPINK for this coming Wargames match at Quest For Survival pay-per-view event.
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mellybouboulove · 1 day
My guardian angel🤍𓆩♡𓆪☁️
Chapter 3
Plot summary: Drug Dealer Ellie Williams X OFC slowburn fic, out of universe and takes place in college, set in the 2000s. Smut content to come.
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2, Chapter 4
Tags: #wlw #sapphic #drugdealer!ellie #modern!ellie #tlou #slowburn #smut #fluff #tlouau #au #modernau #drugs
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Chapter 3
The morning after, I woke up on the couch covered with a blanket. The light was shining through the blinds and the birds were singing, that was my first night of real sleep since a week. Lana who was sleeping on my lap started meowing to get to feed her. I finally get the energy to open my eyes and stand up to feed my cat. Suddenly I looked around realizing she wasn't here anymore.
A wave of emptiness submerged me. My house is still a mess because I was still too lazy to do anything about it. I took a shower, my head full of questions : Why did she leave without telling anything? Did she even care at all? Am I just another stupid drug addict to her? I guess I'll never know. Anyway, it's not my problem anymore. I have more important things to think about like where to find my opiates. Right now I'm feeling better but I know I couldn't handle another day sober.
I put on another pyjama after getting out of the shower when I heard the door opening. I quickly left the bathroom and ran to the leaving room full of joy. Here she was ; she had 2 bags of groceries in her hands and a big backpack; could this be what I was thinking about ? No, she��s too busy to do this. She probably came to say goodbye.
-Ok so, I saw that the fridge was empty, I bought you eggs, pastas… She started to enumerate what she bought for me and explained that she wanted to stay with me for the weekend. I was right, she was about to stay here for a while. -Thank you so much I don't know what to say Ellie that’s so kind of you, how much do I own you? And why do you want to stay here? I’m not at my best you know.. -Nothing, she said, it’s my pleasure if I can help you. I’m gonna stay here for the week-end and yeah I saw that you’re not at your best. I don’t want to be a passive watcher of your fall, that's also why I want to stay with you.
I was so happy to hear this, I don't know if she would be able to do anything to help me heal but her attention was already enough to make me feel better. She installed  her clothes then we talked about my situation while eating. I explained to her how I was feeling about what happened.
-I'm gonna give you some meds. If I see that you’re about to vomit or you’re shaking or about to faint I’ll give you something. If you’re feeling bad and start thinking too much about it just talk to me. I listened carefully to her instructions and she continued.  -Do you think you'd be able to clean your place with me?
All alone I could never clean all that, I couldn’t even find the motivation to eat but now she’s here I dont know why but it seems effortless. She got up, turned on MTV and dragged me by the arm to the kitchen. I did the dishes as she was throwing out my spoiled groceries that were still in my fridge and placed the new ones she just bought. Then we picked up all the clothes that were around my house then she did a machine while vacuuming and cleaning the dust everywhere. We changed my bedsheets, cleaned the bathroom and even gave a bath to Lana. 
Later, we both felt hungry so we decided to bake pancakes. It was really fun, though we first argued on the measurements of the sugar, she gave up and let me add an extra amount of sugar to make them sweet enough. She was eating the leftovers of dough stuck in the spoons and bowls and as she wanted to give me a taste, she unintentionally put some dough on my face which led to a little -very cliché romcom like- fight of trying to put dough on the other’s face. We were running around the kitchen aisle when she finally caught me and we started to calm down. She wiped the dough I had on my cheeks and forehead with her thumb then we went back to baking. The dough was ready, it was time to bake them on the pan. She was making them flip in the air like a pro which I strangely found very attractive of her. She tried teaching me but I made the pancake fall and the dough that was not cooked yet spilled everywhere. She decided to not let me have control of the pan again for the rest of the recipe and I, instead, took charge of setting the table and doing the dishes we just dirtied. 
We enjoyed our pancakes in front of SpongeBob Squarepants. 
-You were right, the more the sugar, the better. She said.  -Told ya..  -Are you feeling tired or do you wanna go out now ? -No I’m feeling good, what do you have in mind? In reality my head was hurting but I needed to stay occupied.  -I was thinking we could go to the fair maybe? -Ohh yes sounds good for me, let me get ready first.
I took another shower after sweating like a pig with all this cleaning, I got dressed in a skirt, a tight top and my platform boots, put some makeup on then did my hair. In the meantime, Ellie took a shower and got ready too. We got into her car on the way to the fair. The smell of the popcorn, cotton candy and churros filled my nostrils, the sky was dark, the stars and lights from the attractions were lighting us. We decided to go for a ride on the big wheel, we sat next to each other, her arm behind my neck, as we enjoyed the beautiful view from the top. I spotted a thrilling roller coaster. I begged Ellie to go for a ride with me until I had to drag her by her hand. We had a lot of fun, I felt like a kid. 
Then, she decided to play a shooting game that could earn us a big teddy bear. After 3 shots, she finally managed to get the target; we were handed a big green dinosaur plushie. I felt so excited, it kinda looked like a date. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, violently turning me around; I was a little shaken up and turned with furrowed eyebrows to see the person who was assaulting me when I ended up face to face with Emily. My heartbeat immediately increased, my throat felt as tight as a bow. 
-How dare you step foot at any party, how dare you pretend like nothing happened ? You’re such a pathetic selfish bitch. Do you ever even think about what you did and how much it impacted me ? Going on cute little dates with your stupid girlfriend while Jonathan is dying at the hospital ?? How can you even handle looking at yourself in the mirror? 
I was left speechless, tears started to fill my eyes, my hands were shaky. She was right; I’m so selfish. I’m thinking about this day on repeat all day long but I didn’t even really try to check up on them. After my treatment started to make me feel crazy, I couldn’t focus on anything else than drugs. I guess it was easier than facing my responsibilities and the horrible consequences my actions had on my friends’ lives. I was just looking for something to focus on other than this. Emily has lost her scholarship after not being able to stay in the soccer team due to her injuries. Jonathan was still in a coma, his parents are visiting and praying for him everyday. I’ve been the luckiest out of us three yet I can only think about MY problems, MY addiction, MY guilt. 
After what felt like forever of just standing there, Ellie took me apart in a more quiet area. She handed me a glass of water to try to calm me down. She pulled me into a hug and I let myself cry into her arms. We agreed it was time to go back home. Yet again we were driving to my house, making ourselves comfy on the couch while she reassured and took care of me. The day after we spent a while talking about everything and I understood focusing on drugs was selfish, I need to take action and try to fix what I can; Ellie said she’ll help me with everything and will stay with me all along but once the weekend was over, I quickly came back to reality.
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sunwoniie · 1 day
Figure it out
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Pairing: Ni-ki x reader
Synopsis: you're finding out that you're pregnant from your best friend.
Warnings: the reader is obviously pregnant
English is not my first language
n/a: this an old scenario that was written for a whole story but I'm too lazy to write so it's just that !
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"Are you done ?" Ni-ki said who was leaning against the toilet door with his arms crossed under his chest.
You two were in one of the school bathroom, the least used. It was only you two in this whole silent bathroom.
You decide to take a pregnancy test because of the obvious symptoms that you have. You didn't want it to do it alone since you have no friends and the only person that you have is Ni-ki and it's also because he's involved in it.
"Yeah." You said after you finished peeing on the stick and put it aside so you can put your panties and your shorts back on.
You didn't want to go out until the result is ready, don't want to face him while you waiting for the result. You close the toilet seat and sit on, while having the stick between your hands. You have to wait 5 min but it's feel like an hour.
You're right foot was tapping on the floor due to stress.
"Relax, y/n" you heard ni-ki's calm and soft voice.
"Shut it, riki, your not making things easier, this is still fucking stressful" you said, running your fingers through your hair.
Your heard silence, he didn't say anything else and just obeys you.
"I'm sorry," you started "i didn't mean to be harsh, i just feel horribly stress by this situation and by my finals"
"It's okay, I understand" Ni-ki said still using his soft voice. "Thank you for agreeing to come do this with me" you said, staring at Ni-ki shoes which is the only thing that is visible to you. "Why thanking me ? You're not alone in this situation, that's the least I can do"
You didn't say anything not knowing what to reply.
"what do you think we will do if you are pregnant?" He asks you take a moment of reflexion and said " i don't know, I will probably won't keep it or putting it in a orphan center until someone adopt it, I'm still young for that and I didn't even start my college studies."You said before marking a break .
"what about you?" "I don't know, it's your choice," he mark a break before he tells you "and I'll be by your side no matter what you choose"
You fluttered about what he said, you only cough "your choice is also important, i wasn't alone" "yeah but I'm not the one who's going to bear it during 9 months"
"True but are you really sure is that what you want ?" You ask but not hearing anything from him instead you hear beeps of the stick, letting you know that the result is ready.
You look at the stick, and feel like your  insides dropped as you swallow hard.
"What is it?" Ni-ki asked but earn not responding
You stood up and open the toilet door and you come out of the toilet.
"Chaewon?" He looks at you confused but mainly concerned about the look on your face a mix of shock and fear.
You passed by him, not looking at him you just walk to the bathroom counter and put your two hands at the end of the counter, the pregnancy test still in your hand. You put you head down trying not to cry, it's obviously a hard task.
Ni-ki approaches you, and looks at you, worried. At the sight of you face, he can tell that the result is not what you wanted. You slid the hand with the test on the counter towards Ni-ki and take your hand away from it. You still have your head low.
Ni-ki took the test, stands shocked as he tries to swallow but find it hard.
You lift your head up looking at Ni-ki, tears where all over you face, your nose was slightly red.
"What are we going to do ?" You cried out, you couldn't stop it.
Ni-ki immediately put the test on the counter and cup your cheeks.
"We're going to find a solution, I'm here with you, y/n" he said as he swipes your tears away.
"It's okay, let it out" he told you before take you in his arms, your face on his chest and his head on your head. He rubs you back back and forth slowly.
You still cry on his uniform but he couldn't careless.
"We're going to find out, don't worry"
Taglist: @y9jungone @peonywon @moon368
21 notes · View notes
WIP Weekend
Weekly WIP upate:
Currently working on ch 4 of The King's Gift. This is where the plot will slowly start to pick up, and I'm looking forward to getting some action and drama in.
@cuips-not-cute has already gotten started on some first sketches for Updraft, and let me tell you, I am in LOVE! Planning on getting chapter 4 done by the end of this month.
18 out of 29 celebration requests are done, with more coming early next week, once I finish my ficlet for this month's pop-up round of the @steddieholidaydrabbles
Send me an emoji and I'll write and share three sentences from that project.
🏰The King's Gift
⚙️Updraft (my @steddiebang2024 fic with art by @cuips-not-cute)
🥳Celebration ficlets/holiday drabble
Snippet from 🏰
Tumblr media
Speaking of Max, she’s already in the yard when he arrives. She's holding two horses by the bridles - a large and imposing-looking black one and a slightly smaller one with a beautiful, light tan coat - and deep in conversation with a scowling Eddie.
“I don’t care about your excuses,” he hears her say as he approaches. Since she has her hands full with the horses, she can’t poke a finger at Eddie’s chest, but Steve has an inkling that she absolutely would if she could. “I want you to return them in top condition. Not a hair out of place, you hear me?” 
“You wound me, Red,” Eddie slaps a hand to his chest, all dramatic affront. “When have I ever handled your precious animals with anything but the utmost care?” 
She measures him with a withering look, jerking her head at the black horse, which moves its ears nervously, almost like it’s sensing they’re talking about it. 
“Yeah? Was or wasn’t he practically caked in mud the last time you brought him back?” 
Eddie scowls, suddenly very interested in the tips of his boots. 
“‘s not my fault he likes rolling in it.” 
“Oh, so it’s mine? Is that what you’re saying?” 
“What? No,” Eddie groans, raking a frustrated hand through his mop of curls - sloppily tied back with a string of leather today. “C’mon, Max, you know that’s not what-” 
She talks over him. 
“You know what, I don’t care. But if you bring him back looking like a pig, you can clean him up yourself. No running off on important king business, no urgent matters suddenly demanding your attention. You take care of your own messes, do you-” 
“Steve,” blurts Eddie, who has finally spotted him standing a few feet off, following the argument with wide eyes. “You made it! Robin found you then!” 
He flounces over, leaving Max to glare daggers into his back, smile wide and overjoyed as every time they see each other. 
“Yeah, obviously,” Steve retorts. He shakes his head exasperatedly, but can’t quite help the fond little smile that tugs on his lips. When Eddie entwintes their fingers to pull him over to where Max is still waiting with the horses, he doesn’t flinch or pull back his hand. He’s slowly starting to get used to Eddie’s very physical ways of showing affection. “What is this about? She said you had some sort of surprise for me?” 
“Couldn’t keep her mouth shut if she tried, that one, huh?” Eddie huffs good-naturedly, and Steve resists the urge to point out that he can’t talk, exactly - not with the way his own mouth tends to go a mile a minute when he gets into a topic he’s really excited about. “As a matter of fact, I do. C’mon, let me introduce you.” 
“Can I go then?” Max asks as they approach. Her face is set into her usual, annoyed frown, but when Steve smiles at her in greeting, she cracks a toothy grin in reply. “I have better things to do than watching you two being all lovey dovey.” 
“Hey, we’re not-” Steve starts to say, but Eddie pushes past him, taking the bridles out of her hands and shooing her off. 
“You go ahead, I’ve got it.” 
Max flashes Steve an obnoxiously smug grin as she skips off into the stable buildings. 
“Have fun,” she says. “Don’t let him roll in the mud.” 
“For fuck’s sake, that was one time,” Eddie groans. 
“I was talking to Steve,” Max calls over her shoulder, and then she’s gone, the stable door slamming behind her.
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durmom · 1 day
It’s Useless
Summary: you are pulled from your universe to the supernatural world. You have to navigate your relationship with the boys and knowing what’s going to happen.
Warnings: talks of depression, weed, smoking, swearing, alcohol.
Part: 1/? First part is a lil slow maybe a lil depressing but part 2 is where it gets good
You wake up screaming bloody murder, sweating and gasping for air.
Fuck another nightmare.
Its dark as fuck in your room before you hear footsteps slamming down the hall. Panic sets in, you live alone. The door slams open and there they are in all their glory, guns blazing, Sam and Dean Winchester.
“What. The. Fuck.” You freeze. Not even a second later,
“This is a dream,”
“It has to be.”
“Where's my shirt?” You keep repeating ‘what the fuck’ over and over while you reach down and grab you shirt to cover yourself. Forgetting there are two guns pointed at you.
“This isn't real.” A shot goes off. You’re stunned for a moment looking next to you. He fucking shot the wall inches from your head.
“Hello?! Who are you?” Dean asks. You finally make eye contact and you throw up in your mouth.
“No. No. Fuck Imma be sick.” frantically you look for a bucket, trash, anything. You get up seeing the bathroom and vomit into the tub.
“Lady! Seriously, who are you? If you don't answer, imma start shooting!” Dean warns you.
“Y/n, my name is y/n”
“And what Dean?” You snap. This isn't real, you're going to wake up any second. Cas?
It was an absentminded thought but Cas pops in next to you. “Hello Y/n” and black.
Boys POV
She lays on the floor of the bathroom, passed out, probably from stress.
“Cas?” Sam asks exasperated.
“This is y/n”
“Yeah we got that much.” Dean says annoyed.
“Why is she here, how’d she get here, what is going on?” fires off Sam.
“This is y/n she is from an alternate reality, she was brought here by Amara. She along with your mother is a present to you Dean. She is human, trust her.”
“Wait, Amara got me my mom and some random chick from another universe?”
“Yes.” And with that Cas is out.
Your POV
“What do we do?”
“Well she ain't staying here.”
“Dean.. she's got nowhere else to go.”
“Sammy, she's not just a dog on the side of the road. She's a person.”
“Yeah Dean shes a person, shouldn't we-”
“- Damn y'all are so annoying,” You rub your head, sitting up on the tile, “one of you boys please tell me what's going on.” Grabbing the counter to stand, you feel shaky and almost fall before Sam grabs you and guides you to the bed. He squats down so his eye level with you,
“Well Cas said that you're from a different reality.”
“Yeah no shit sherlock. I mean who brought me here? Chuck? Amara? Who?”
“What the hell did you just say?” Dean asks the gun still at his side, Sam had holstered his once Cas left.
“I said, Dean, Who brought me here?”
“Yeah, yeah I got that but what do you know about Chuck and Amara?”
“I'll tell you what I know once you put away the damn gun and tell me who brought me here.” Dean looks at his gun and debates if he should put it away. He looks to you. Shes just a girl, in a fucking t-shirt, not armed, and probably weak he thinks before fucking the gun in the waistband of his jeans.
“That's what I thought.” You sigh.
“Amara.” he states clearly done with you.
“Amara brought you here.” Sam tries to restate nicely.
“Thank fuck.” You lay back on the bed, covering your eyes with your hands.
What should I do?
“Okay.” you say sitting up.
“Okay what?” Sam stands up to get out of the way.
“Okay let's do the interrogation.” you walk towards the door, shocked that they boys move out of your way.
“Don't you want pants?” Dean asks, looking you up and down.
“Nope.” You walk down the hallway hoping to find your way to the library. Luckily it was pretty easy, they make the bunker look way bigger in the show than it is. You sit at a table and the boys follow suit. Your dissociation is so bad, everything looks and feels fake. You are trying to just go with it because that's what they do in the fan fics right?
“Okay, my name is y/n y/l/n, I am not from your reality. Remember when you guys got thrown into an alternate universe and your lives were just a tv show? My reality is like that, well different, same thing, different fonts. I am a huge nerd and am obsessed with the show. So yes I know pretty much everything that has happened and will happen. In my world there are no monsters so hunting is not a thing. I literally have no clue why I am here and I am honestly panicking and none of this feels real so it's gonna be real interesting, I cannot believe this is happening, this is a dream right, it has-”
“Y/N” Sam stops you. “ Slow down.”
“Did you just jump realities for no reason? I didn't think so, I will slow down when I feel like it. This is the craziest thing to ever happen to me so sorry im fucking freaked.” You sit back crossing your arms.
“Damn you got a mouth on you.” Dean finally says something
“Shut up Dean.” You and Sam snap before whipping your heads to each other in shock.
“Ughhhh, what the fuck is happening?” You run your hands down your face.
“How do we know youre telling the truth? And you're not some witch, or demon, or some other thing?” Finally Dean gets to what he’s been wanting to ask.
“Test me.” You reply nonchalantly holding out your hand. Dean grabs the duffle sitting on the table. He does everything, he cuts your hand three different times, with the demon blade, an angel blade, and silver.
“Okay okay enough Dean, Cas already told us she's human.”
“Wait what did Cas say?”
“That you were brought here as a gift to Dean from Amara, that you’re human and we should trust you.” Damn Sam’s puppy eyes are just as intoxicating as they look on tv. You can’t help but laugh, a gift to Dean.
After a hundred and one questions the boys seemed satisfied enough to let you stay. Well Sam did, Dean was apprehensive as always. They had tried to ask about the future but you told them you didn’t know what to tell them or if you should as you didn’t want to mess with their timeline. They asked mostly what you knew about them and everyone they knew. Nothing about you yet. It was only seven by the time everything was done but you were exhausted so you wandered around looking for the room you had woken up in. Finally taking in the room you saw you had some of your personal belongings. Some of your clothes, your baby blanket, some makeup and personal hygiene. Everything was so surreal. As you got ready for bed you realized you had none of your medication, your vape, or any weed. Nothing to help relieve the stress of the day. Fuck. You spent most of the night tossing and turning until fully knocking out around three am.
Boys POV
After you had left they made their way to the kitchen to grab some beers.
“We have to find a way to get her back. Maybe Rowena knows a spell, or we can-“
“Dean maybe this is a good thing” Dean looks at Sam in bewilderment
“Sammy how on Earth is this a good thing? We have a girl we know nothing about, who doesn’t know how to hunt, all she knows is what’s in a TV show!”
“Dude she’s a gift from Amara. She knows how everything goes down. Honestly we could use a break.”
“In the form of a girl who knows nothing about hunting, and is a hundred pounds soaking wet?”
“Dean, come on.”
“No Sam, Seriously how is she supposed to be our break?”
“I don't know but she knows everything that has happened and will happen so maybe she can help.”
“I'm calling Rowena.” Sam sighs as Dean leaves the kitchen.
Your POV
The next day you woke up around four pm. Well the boys didn't wake me up.
All you wanted to do was lay in bed. What they don't get right in the fan fics is the panic that sets in not knowing how to navigate the situation. You lay in bed debating this exact thing
I mean how bad could it be if I told them everything? I mean if I hide everything they aren't going to trust me. If I even hide half of the shit they aren't going to trust me. Stupid. Dumbass trust issues.
You groan very loudly, slamming your fists on the bed, throwing a tantrum. There's a knock on the door.
“Come in.” You sit up in bed as Sam walks in.
“Hi, I was just wondering if you wanted to eat?” He has a bag from some fast food joint.
“Yes please.”
“I didn't know what you like so I got a few different things.” He hands you the bag standing at the end of your bed. You pat the bed and he sits on the edge of the bed.
“I like pretty much everything, except for mushrooms.”
‘Ha, well I got nothing with mushrooms.”
“Ugh you know me so well.” You say laced with sarcasm before laughing.
“You think you're funny.”
“I think I'm hilarious.” You smile taking a bite of your burger. Sam laughs and sits smiling at you.
“So.. what's up Sam?”
“Well I just wanted to ask a few questions.”
“Mhm… go on.”
“What was your world like?”
“Oh!” The question caught you off guard,” umm, its, its mundane, I guess, I mean theres things I loved but the world was going to shit, I mean back in my world we have a genocide going on in palastine and our government has gone to shit. Even with the election about to start it all felt hopeless. But to be positive, my generation was trying to change the world. We have this app where information spreads like wildfire. I could learn how to do something new everyday, it's awesome.”
“Kinda sounds like here, I mean we have monsters, and I know our government is corrupt but monsters are kinda the big problem. Do you want to go back?”
“I mean not really, I don't have anything for me at home, but knowing Dean he's probably already called Rowena.” Sam laughs, “What? Did he?”
“Yes, he did. How did you know?”
“I mean I have been watching the show since I was twelve, and in all of the fan fics that's what he does.”
“I'm sorry the what?” Your face runs hot and a blush forms.
“Shit I just outed myself… Uh, fan fiction, so people write about the show inserting themselves into the story and this, what's happening to me is a popular one.”
“Wait so you’ve read about this?”
“Yes, it's not at all like they describe. I mean they dont write about how panicked you are and how literally nothing feels real, you dont feel human, and its fucking awkward as hell talking to the people youve grown up watching.”
“I mean I dont think it's awkward, but i'm not you i guess.”
“Yeah it's very awkward. Anyways, do you think Rowena’s spell is going to work?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well let me know when Dean is about to go through with it so I can be prepared.”
“I will.” You and Sam make light conversation while you eat. You tell him about your life in your world. You don't have any family as they all either passed away or you went no contact with them. You were just working a serving job while figuring out what you wanted to do. You had just quit your nursing job as it was draining the life out of you. Changing careers at almost thirty was a huge change and it had been stressing you out. You then come to the realization that you are almost thirty. Supernatural ended almost five years ago.
“Wait, what year is it?”
“What the fuck!” you get up pacing the room.
“In my world it's 2024, I am 29 there.”
“So.. you’re 22 here?” Sam's eyes widen as he does the math.
“Dude no, there's no way I am 22 again.” You run to the bathroom looking in the mirror for the first time since you got there. Shit. “Sam, I'm definitely 22 again!”
“What do you mean?”
“Sam, I am 22 again. I mean I can tell, my face is younger”
“What?” You pull up your sleeve noticing that some of your tattoos are gone,
“What the hell? Sam, some of my tattoos are gone.”
“Sam ask me what one more time and I’m going to lose my shit.”
“I just.. I don't know what else to say.”
“I don't either!”
“Okay, okay, I mean physically you're 22 but mentally you're 29 right?”
“Yeah, I guess, so it's the least of my problems.”
“Yeah, yeah, one thing at a time right?” Sam is clearly freaked out.
“Right.” You calm down. I mean most girls dream to age backwards right? To wake up looking younger than you did the day before. You hear Dean yelling for Sam.
“You sure?”
“Yes Sam, Go.” He leaves the room and a panic attack ensues. You try to calm down, frantically looking for your phone. Yesterday you had been too exhausted to try and find it luckily it had come with you to this world. Unfortunately Supernatural had been what would calm you down during these moments but it didn't exist in this world. Youtube however did exist and luckily so did Cody Ko. You calmed down within twenty minutes and by that time Sam had come to inform you Rowena was here. As you walked to the dungeon Sam told you he tried to convince Dean to let you stay. Clearly it did not work. As you walk in you see Rowena working away at her spell. Her beauty took your breath away.
“Wow,” She looks up at you, “ You are more beautiful in person.” She gives you a smile and a light chuckle before turning to Dean, “You sure you want to get rid of her?”
“Shut up Rowena.” He scowls, arm crossed. He hadn’t even acknowledged you since that first night.
“You don't always have to be an asshole, you know that right?” now you were crossing your arms.
“Who even told you we were in here?”
“Sam did.”
“Why?” he looks at Sam, clearly annoyed.
“-I asked him to. I said knowing you, you would call up Rowena trying to find a way to get me home. So I asked him to let me know when, so I could be prepared.'' He just scoffs before asking Rowena if she's almost done.
“Magic takes time my dear.” He glares at her, “But yes I am done. Are you sure you want to go through with this?”
“Do it.” You and Sam don't have time to object before the bowl lights in flames. The bunker rattles a bit but nothing happens. You stay standing there with your arms crossed.
“Well?” Is all you say before Dean starts tearing into Rowena.
“Dean!” You yell getting his attention.
“What?” He snaps whipping around to face you.
“It didn't work, dipshit. It's not her fault. Rowena is the most powerful witch in history, she did the spell right. Stop throwing a tantrum because things didn't go your way. Normally in fan fictions something is keeping the reader here… So my guess is Amara made it so I can't go home.”
“I like her.” Rowena smiles at you and you return the gesture.
“Not now Rowena, get out.”
“But we-”
“NOW!” he yells. Rowena gathers her things and leaves the dungeon giving your shoulder a pat before she exits.
“Now what did you say?” Anger fills his eyes. Sam is just looking back and forth between you guys.
“Dean, I don't know why you’re so angry with me. I was brought here for you. If anything I should be mad at you. Like I said, Amara probably made it so I can't go home. That's always how it works.”
“How it works in what?”
“Fan fictions.” Is all you say. He could've come and talked to you if he wanted more information. And why not fuck around with him. Make him think it's something important.
“Sam, help me out here.” He sighs exhausted from the whole situation.
“No.” Now this is shocking, very unlike Sam, he chuckles before saying “ No, you could've tried to talk to her. She was pulled from her life and put here. She's in shock dude. She was brought here by Amara and all you've asked her is about the past and future. You have yet to ask a single question about her. Why are you always such a jerk to people you don't know?”
All Dean does is sigh. He tries to leave the room but you block him just standing in front of him with your arms crossed.
“No Dean, I wanna know. Why are you such an ass to me? I've been here for 36 hours? Pulled from my home with basically none of my shit, got interrogated and cut up. I've answered all your questions. Hell Cas even said you could trust me. I just don't get why you can't be a little more open minded.” He finally makes eye contact with you before he just picks you up, turns around, sets you down, and walks out.
“What the fuck man?” You start to follow him down the hall.
“Dean!” you finally catch up, “ Seriously, do you need the I wont hurt you or your brother pep talk?” he ignores you.
“Okay, here we go, I know everything that happens down the line. I know all your lies, secrets, and even how you die.” He perks up just the slightest amount, “I have been watching you boys since I was thirteen, I seriously want nothing but the best for you boys. I never in my life thought I would be in this situation but here I am.” You turn into the kitchen and he cracks a beer open, finally looking at you, “I know that you have a hard time trusting people, I get it, I do too. However you can’t just treat people like shit because you don’t trust them. Even though I know everything about you boys I still don’t trust you. Seeing it on a screen versus experiencing it is very different. I’m fucking scared dean, terrified. I’m in a whole new world. You could at least treat me like a human being.”
“You done?”
“Listen, I don’t want you here. I don’t care that you’re some fucked up gift from Amara. I don’t care that you know what’s going to happen. All you are is a burden that we now have to take care of.”
“ You’re an even bigger ass in person.” You storm out. Sam was listening at the door of course. Tears well in your eyes as you go to your room before shutting yourself in.
Boys POV
“Really Dean?”
“What Sam? What?” He slams the rest of his beer before opening another.
“You have to be so hard on her? She’s in a new world. She had no one back home and now she has no one here. God! You don’t think before you speak. Can’t you for once just try to be nice?”
“Why should I?”
“Because she’s stuck here and I’m not going to let her go off on her own in a world of shit she’s never dealt with. Seriously, why are you being so mean to her.”
He sighs debating in his head,” because…”
“Because what?”
“Amara came to me.” Sam’s face softens now worried, “she said- she said that y/n is supposed to teach me what I need most.”
“What does that mean?”
“I don’t know man. She came to me in my dream and that was it. She just left.”
“So you’re being a jerk why?”
“Because I don’t need her to teach me anything! She knows nothing about our life. Everything she’s seen is through a screen!”
“Maybe she can teach you something. You don’t know that. She’s staying so you better get on board.” He leaves Dean in the kitchen mulling over what was said. Maybe he was too harsh. Seriously though, what is that girl supposed to teach him?
Your POV
Two days had passed and you hadn’t left your room. Sam would bring you food and try to talk to you but you just sat in silence. He tried to say his brother is just a jerk and he’ll come around. That’s not why you were sulking. Honestly you went into a depressive episode. Not being home with your comfort items, alone, scared. On day five Dean was the one who brought you food. He walked into the dark room. You were under the covers with your baby blanket with a YouTube video on. He set it on the bed.
“Thanks Sam.”
“Uh… it’s me.”
“Fuck.” You whispered. “Go away.” He left your room without shutting the door so you yell out, “Dean shut the door please!” You hear the click of the door and return to your state. Sam brings you lunch and talks a bit, mostly telling stories. Dean would bring you dinner not saying anything but he would sit at the end of the bed.
Finally a full seven days had passed and you decided you were done. Done being sad and alone. You needed to find yourself again so you got up, put real clothes on, did your hair, and makeup then wrote a letter explaining you’d be back later tonight with food. It was early in the morning luckily Sam wasn’t awake so you had time to look around to find a card and keys to some random car.
You started at the beach making a list of everything you were going to do to get back on track. .
Doctor for Meds
Vape and Weed
Okay a lot to get done in a couple hours but it's manageable. You start by finding a Secretary of State, you didn't need a driver's license just an ID so that was surprisingly easy. They issued you a new social security number as well. Normally in your world this would be a huge ordeal but you were in and out within twenty minutes. Next you found a doctor's office that take walk-ins. You got your medications and a general checkup. Luckily everything was good. You then went to a nail salon and got your nails done, your previous acrylics were grown out and a fresh set was a good way to get you feeling better. You were a well manicured girl, not super girly girl, but you had a routine that allowed you to be low maintenance in general. After nails you went to a smoke shop to get your weed. They never show it in supernatural so you grabbed a couple different things. A pen, pre rolls, edibles, a bowl, and bud. You didn't know how much alone time you would have or what method you'd be able to use. You didn't drink much and you actually only smoked on weekends but given the situation you were in it didn't really matter anymore. Next you went to a gas station to get a couple vapes, you didn’t know when you'd leave the bunker next so better be prepared. A couple things were the same in this universe and yours. There was a McDonalds on every corner, there were multiple Starbucks, and target. At least you had somewhere familiar to shop. As you pulled into the target parking lot you noticed a couple other shops. A tattoo shop, fro-yo, and some version of this universe's chipotle. You decided after this you'll go get an anti-possession tattoo as you were clearly stuck here. You went into the target and honestly went crazy. You picked up new sheets and a nice comforter, new pillows, towels, and a whole bunch of decor including a new floor length mirror. You then went and picked out new clothes ranging from workout clothes to professional items. You even got new underwear and bras. Then you make your way to the skincare and makeup isles. At this point your cart was overflowing but you still went and picked up all of your favorite products. By the time you left you had two full carts. After loading them into the car you decided on getting this ghetto chipotle for you and the boys. You got Sam a salad, you a bowl, and Dean a burrito. You couldn't call and ask them what they liked so you took guesses and put some items on the side. You got chips and queso, and then drinks. Finally around six pm you were on your way back to the bunker, you don't know how you remembered where it was but you did. You drove into the garage and grabbed as much as you could carry and walked toward the library. When you walked in the boys were just staring at you. Slightly pissed, annoyed, confused, and relieved. You set down the bags handing them the bad of food and drinks. Then started to walk away when Dean asked, “Where are you going?”
“There's more in the car.” you pointed behind you.
“More?” Sam asked. You just nodded and walked back returning with two more bags and a big ass mirror. You walked past them saying you'd be back and dropped the bags off in your room before returning to the library for dinner.
“Dude where were you?” Sam was the first to ask.
“Doing some soul searching.”
“At target?” Dean mumbles with a mouth full of food.
“Yeah, the beach, the nail salon, a tattoo shop, target.” You purposely leave the smoke shop out.
“Well I’m glad you're back.” Sam smiles before taking a bite of his food. You look at Dean with your eyebrows raised. He pauses, swallowing, “I'm glad youre not dead.”
“Dean!’ scolds Sam. you touch his arm telling him it's okay.
“Well that's an improvement I guess. You're welcome for the food Dean.”
“Yeah this is great!” Dean says between mouthfuls of his burrito, “I’ve never had this.”
“You’re welcome. I took a guess. They kinda have something for everyone. I just took guesses on what you guys would like.”
“Well you did great y/n, clearly Dean thinks so too.” This gets Dean's attention and he sits up stiffening, making himself look hard, and not pleased.
“Yeah, yeah, it's good.” He says
“Two seconds ago you said it was great!” You say calling his bluff. Sam and laugh as you leave Dean dumbfounded on what to say.
“So y/n did you have a good day then?” Sam asks.
“Yeah, I, uh, needed to find myself again and figure out how I wanted to go about things. Since I’m stuck here I might as well get comfortable. And on trying to figure out what to tell you guys, I'm still working on that. But I am feeling better.”
“Well that's good. I-”
“- So you're still useless.” cuts in Dean. Sam slaps the back of Dean's head, Dean gives him a look, “What? It's true!”
“Ugh, yes for now I am useless Dean. But I was hoping that you boys could train me so I'm not so useless. I'm a quick learner.”
“No, no way.”
“Dean,” Sam warns, “I’d be happy to train with you.”
“Dude she's a hundred pounds soaking wet, she's probably never seen the inside of a gym.”
“Okay.” You laugh, stand up and take off your shirt and flex for him, “I have been weightlifting for four years. I have what we call a sleeper build. And you’ll never know how much I weigh jackass.” You throw your shirt back on. Sam and Dean’s mouths are hanging open.
“Close your mouths boys.” They snap shut.
“Okay I'll take it back.” Dean says now, eyeing you up and down, “We can see what youve got tomorrow at seven am.”
“Make it nine, I won't wake up that early.”
“Deal.” Sam says before Dean can get a word out.
You grab the other bags and head to your room before getting lasered, putting on music and decorating your new room.
Boys POV
“Seriously I did not expect her to be jacked like that.” Dean says.
“Me either, but she showed you up.” They laugh, “You know she's technically twenty-two in this world, but twenty-six in her world?”
“What?” He almost chokes on the beer. Twenty-Two, how?
“Yeah it's 2024 in her world. I don't know how she retained all her muscle though because some of her tattoos are missing that she got when she was older, and she said her face looked younger. Maybe Amara had something to do with that?”
“I mean maybe, it would make sense. Every aspect of her changes except what matters in this world?”
“Yeah I mean it takes a long time to build muscle like that.” They sit back in silence for a bit before hearing the music coming from down the hall.
“I’m glad she's feeling better.” Sam says.
“Yeah she actually had me worried for a second.”
“You were worried?”
“For a second!” He defends, “I just, I know I said some things, I still don't want her here, but, I think I could've been nicer.”
“You think Dean? I mean did you even think that what you said probably made her stay in her room for a week?”
“Sam, we already went over this. I'm sorry.”
“Did you say that to her?” Dean looks towards the hall. He sighs, getting up and heading to your room. As he gets closer he hears you singing along to Unwritten. He stands outside the door for a while, listening to you sing, debating what to say. After two more songs he knocks.
Your POV
Shit. I can't talk to them. I'm high. Shit. Okay. Breathe. Just don't say anything.
Another knock, “Y/n?”
Fuck! It's Dean! I can't talk to him.
“Y/n? Please open the door?”
Okay, okay, y/n, you can do this, I can do this. You open the door giving Dean a smile. Dean looks at you funny. Fuck are my eyes red? Maybe he thinks I’ve been crying. Crying to Rich Girl By Hall and Oates? I don't think so. Fuck we’ve been standing here staring at eachother for like a minute.
“Dean?” Is all you get out. You fully open the door revealing the boxes and the half set up room you have. He takes a look around for a second.
“Looks like you’re getting comfy?”
“Is that a problem?”
“ No. Just saying.” Dude I cannot do this right now.
He sighs sitting on your bed. He makes a face before lifting his ass up and reaching under the blanket pulling out your baby blanket. All the color drains from your face.
“No!” You jump towards him trying to get it out of his hands. He falls back on the bed and now you're straddling him reaching for your blanket. He is holding it out of your reach so you elbow him in the stomach distracting him enough to get it out of his hands. You grab it and hold it to your chest.
“Jesus Dean, you can't go grabbing a girl's blanket without her permission.”
“Baby blanket?” He laughs, panting a bit from the struggle.
“Yes Dean, if you must know, it's the only thing I have from my childhood and I love it more than anything. I will murder you if you ever touch it again.”
“I'd like to see you try.”
“Dont fuck around and find out.” you warn him, “Why are you here?”
“Um.. I’m here to apologize.”
“Go on,” You cross your arms while still holding your blanket.
“Can you at least put the blanket down? I can't take you seriously.”
“Fine.” He sighs, “I'm sorry for what I said. I was harsh.”
“I mean it's not okay. I just think that was a shitty apology.”
He scoffs, “well apologies aren't my thing.”
“Yeah I know, that's not an excuse. So try again or get out.” Suddenly you were feeling very sober.
“Fine. I'm sorry I was mean and made you lock yourself in your room for a week.”
“I mean that's not why I locked myself away but go on.”
“Go on?”
“Yeah Dean go on you still got more to apologize for.”
“Here try this, ‘Im sorry y/n for having my head shoved so far up my ass that I couldn't be nice to you for even a second. I'm sorry y/n that I called you useless, said I didn't want you here, that I didn't care about you even on a human level, and I'm sorry that im only apologizing after you showed me that you had potential and after Sam definitely told me to apologize.’ There Dean try that.”
“I mean.. You said it all.”
“Yeah now you say it. Just apologizing for being a jerk doesn't mean anything. You need to be specific.”
“Okay.” He sighs and goes on to actually apologize for everything you mentioned. Even thanked you for dinner.
“Much better. You Are forgiven.”
“Yeah that's how this works. You apologize, I forgive you, then you don't do it again.”
“So we're cool?”
“Yes Dean, we are cool.” He gives a slight smile as he stands up and walks towards the door. You go to shut the door and he turns around, “one more thing,” He holds up his hand and you just look at him, “Are you high?”
“Uh- No definitely not.” He squints at you. You slowly shut the door and whisper, “not anymore.”
“I heard that!” He yells.
You went to bed that night feeling hopeful about the future for once. Dean was clearly still apprehensive about you but he was trying.
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
i cant explain it but daigo being subtitled to just be like 'you're making me look like i have no balls' feels so illegal and wrong. hilarious but something's off
#snap chats#WAIT I HAVE TO INTERRUPT THIS POST WITH THE FUNNIEST SHIT#SO I WAS GETTING FOOD FROM MY SCHOOL'S DINING HALL AND YOU CAN WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU WANT ON A SHEET YEAH#AND I SAID I WANTED A SAMMY AND FRIES OK BUT WHEN I GET MY PLATE ITS JUST FRIES#AND YK W/E OK I'LL JUST EAT THAT BUT THEN. WHILE IM LIKE. GETTING PIZZA TO SUB IT YEAH#I HEAR THE COOKS BE LIKE 'yoo why do we just have a sandwich here' AND THE BIN IT#AND I WAS LIKE 'was that a chicken sandwich cause uhhh <:)' AND THE WOMAN WAS JUST ':OOO IM SO SORRY'#LIKE DAWG /IM/ SRRY I FEEL BADLKAJLJ but yeah. they were nice enough to make me another one 😭#ok. back on topic with this fuckin post SORRY. i just have all these potatoes and a pizza to eat with this sadnwich now#i didnt eat breakfast or lunch so its ok. moving on#watch me explain it lol. i think its just cause its hard fr me to imagine daigo even saying balls like that. in jp or english#like he just doesnt have the Oomph to do it like the kansai bitches#see this how i know jo from kansai.... that easy as balls to imagine...#LIKEIM TELLING YOU THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO CAN SAY BALLS AND MEAN IT ARE KANSAI/EAST COAST BITCHES#in regards to eng its the accent... you just put a heavy mphasis on the b yk... any east coast bitches know what im talkin bout#or am i insane.it could be both idk#its cause in context he looks so meek like no !!!!! you dont be shy about balls talk !!!!!!!#I JUST IMAGINE HIM SAYING IT SO POLITE LIKE NO !!!! YOU HAVE TO SAY IT WITH FEELING. WITH YOUR BALLS#anyway daigo bb ily and i care for you but youre not hard enough to say balls#which is the most insaane thing i could say considering Daigo And His History but yk... im right...
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bueris · 21 days
okay maybe I should seriously reconsider my path in life and sell my soul to marketing or journalism instead
#okay venting in the tags you are very welcome to ignore or not respond to it i just need to yell somewhere#i always thought id be an art therapist because well i care about people and want to help them and love art#but everyday i wake up feeling like a fraud and an imposter so like. should i really be doing all that when im not entirely#certain i cpuld handle it??? like i know i haven't gotten the meaty bit of the education towards that yet but like#university costs a disgusting amount of money here and if i pick the wronf thing im likely doomed forever thanks to awful government#i know things could get better like they did after thatcher but honestly im not putting any bets on it considering how the current labour#party is so like if i fuck up here im basically dead#also can i actually do art uni. like could i cope with that. im deeply unethused with art at the moment and honestly will i evwr be#idk#it was jusr a thing i always did but education around it is fucking soul sucking#also the emotional weight of hearing and solving people's problems as a therapist. i would consider myself quite empathetic for the most#part i feel other people's pain quite strongly and obviously as a therapist id be feeling that quite a bit so could i actually cope with it?#ik therapists have therapists but still#i mean im doing work experience at an occupational therapy place so ill just be extra inquisitive about it all to make sure im going#the way i wanna#I'll be fine by the end of a levels ill probably understand what i want in life#if not then gap year to work it out#should probably look at unis for english language too then#sigh#ucas website i may as well marry you#ill be okay im getting in my head about stuff im actually pretty good at art even if there are things i can improve on (like patience lol)#yeah maybe the voice telling me i suck doesnt know shit and should shut up#yeah#shut it nasty voice you're wrong actually!!! im doing just fine and you're being overly critical#they should make a brain that's your friend and not mush that hides the amalgamation of every bad thing ever in its crevices#crevices shoyild be filled with kindness and love.#sex jokes about that#why the fuck is yahoo mail syncing i dont use you you washed up search engine#bue waffling#vent post
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bumblingbabooshka · 9 months
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Worst Guy Ever - Also, Unfortunately, Very Homosexual Convo. (subtextually)
#Evidence of Tom being a bad boyfriend is also in a file labeled 'Tom wants to fuck Steth so bad'#but seriously I wanted to deck him in this convo v_v FORTUNATELY it is bearable bc I think that's the point - like the narrative is#showing that Tom is 'ruining what he's worked for' by being a dick to B'Elanna so I'm not like meta-mad about it (like OTHER Tom/B'Elanna#moments) <- Ex: Tom saying 'I have a beautiful girlfriend' instead of something like#'someone I care about/a girl I love' but that's a like...tv writing thing. I don't like it but I know it's a tv writing thing#Woman as like a status symbol instead of a person you care about#I never care about Tom's inner conflict in Tom episodes (with the exception of the one where he gets thrown in solitary - him going full#rogue was fun) bc his inner conflict is always the most boomer bullshit#Literally he's just having a midlife crisis in this one.#BUT...GUYS....IMPORTANT NEWS...BULLDOG'S IN THIS ONE??#BULLDOG ?? My enemy BULLDOG BRISCOE from Frasier??? Good to see you man! This makes sense.#Steth....WHY would you choose to turn into a guy with a detailed and established web of interconnected relationships on a ship with a#complex hierarchy? Steth really thought he'd be able to play it cool on VOYAGER...the USS codependent...nu uh#they sniff you out and maul you like gophers on that baby#EHHEHEEH the Emh is funny as hell...'WOW...I had no idea me being so perfect at everything was making you feel bad! It all makes sense to#me now...' / Steth(as Tom):....Yeah v_v#SNRKEHEHEHEHEHEH GUYS..I'm taking a mental health day so I can reflect on myself and how even though I'll never be as good as the Doctor#I'm probably still worth SOMETHING#Steth(as Tom): Hey now B'Elanna...let's not go around blaming Steth for things. He's a pretty cool guy actually.#Okay yes confirmed! The above convo is also to show that Steth is 'being better' than Tom by telling B'Elanna what she wants to hear#unfortunately this does not make me like Tom more#SHE WANTS SO LITTLE. SHE ASKS FOR SO LITTLE.#BC Tom DOES say that B'Elanna is 'overreacting' and basically calls her crazy even when it's not for a later moral lesson and#this isn't framed as bad by the narrative. If your girl's always mad at you then your relationship ISN'T good.#There's literally NO resolution once again to their relationship issues. Tom shows her his garage program and when B'Elanna says she feels#she doesn't value her he says 'Yeah I do.' episode ends.#T/B scenes are literally [conflict arises then they argue or kiss] <- it is never...RESOLVED...#Me @ The Writers: (B'Elanna voice) Is this your idea of an adult conversation?#OH. Gay subtext: I hate spending time with my girl I want to hang out and live the bachelor life with my cool guy friend.#Tom's grease monkey program might as well be a subscription to playgirl magazine sit DOWN dude
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apollos-olives · 3 months
before i forget to tell you all
on wednesday my history professor pulled me out into the hall and asked me how me and my family doing. i told him about how we're trying to get people out of gaza but it's getting harder and egypt is upping the prices to leave. he nodded and then said "today i wanted to talk about the biden administration and how they're handling the situation in class" and i nodded and right before we headed back in, i stopped him and said "by the way palestinians are really sensitive over using the correct words for this situation. we don't like hearing 'conflict' or 'war' because that implies there are two militaries against each other and palestinians don't have a military, and 'war' implies it's an equal fight when it's not." and he nodded and said "okay what words do you want me to use" and i said "genocide. call it a genocide, that's what it is." and the LOOK. the LOOK he gave me. i can't even describe how horrible it was. just a pure look of surprise shock and disgust and it was like every single microaggression i've ever received all put in one face. you could instantly tell he was uncomfortable. i then said "you can also call it a humanitarian crisis" and he stared at me for a while and then nodded uncomfortably and said "yeah i'll just call it a humanitarian crisis". i shrugged, nodded, and we walked back into class.
the fact that people are SO uncomfortable with using the word genocide and refusing to use it to describe the situation in palestine is just so fucking frustrating. of COURSE genocide is uncomfortable, it SHOULD make you uncomfortable. but palestinians are suffering from censorship and people refusing to call it genocide is not helping our cause. call it what it is. a genocide.
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pinkduck3016 · 8 months
living with other people will always be some kind of hell, but my roommate is being a special type of annoying this week
#never opens the blinds and wakes up too late for me to ask to open them#I have trees for my mom and guess what#THEY NEED SUNLIGHT ms. horticulture minor!!!#I can tell she's pissed at me for opening them when she's not here but I don't care#also she poured her ramen in the sink and that clogged it#I managed to get so it doesn't take like two minutes to drain after washing my hands but you can still see the noodles in the drain#we're on break right now and she left for home so I'll bring it up after but if it starts smelling I'm going to yell at her#she always calls her parents/sisters/friends and talks to them all evening but last night she left to call them elsewhere#does that mean she's complaining about me? I don't think so but also I don't really care because she is so damn loud all the time#the tv must be blaring constantly she must be laughing at the funniest things imaginable I swear#like babe..... do they have headphones in whatever pensyltucky town you're from#she lost her left one earlier in the year but even before that she would call people without them#at that point it's just privacy to me like I don't want you hearing what my friends are saying#I can just go yeah or uh huh and it's fine#why do you want a whole other person hearing everything#it's not like I don't try to block it out but I can still hear it through my earbuds ON NOISE CANCELLATION#we've maybe had like 3 conversations since moving in but I already know enough about this girl to dislike her strongly
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