#islamic witch
coffee-butler · 6 months
I run a discord server called Garden of Eden. It has 400+ members. It's a general religion and spirituality server for all people and faiths, mainly for discussions and community rather than debate. We watch shows, and anime, play games, share art, talk about stuff unrelated to religion, and so on. Everyone is welcome, no matter their faith or background. We have a friendly community and love getting new members, so please message me or reply to the post if you want to join.
(If you just like the post without messaging or replying, I won't assume you want a link.)
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ome-magical-ramblings · 7 months
Prophets, Mounts, and Open Secrets/Initiation
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This is a continuation of my post here , a more personal and more "in touch" post. I think even if people point out the secret in a tradition then the tradition itself will prevent the person who wants to abuse the secret from abusing it. So no matter how much I speak about this then the secret will always be hidden from those aiming to abuse it.
Sometime my blogs get a bit impersonal and I want to say that how close it is when I talk to you, the reader. That I am trying my best to tell you that all the prophets, all the scripture, all the stories, all the events within the scriptures were, are, and going to be happening. That's the secret within the scripture, even my friend @poimandresnous in his blog in this post . The Corpus Hermeticum talks about it in Chapter 11/XI: And, thus, think from thyself, and bid thy soul go unto any land, and there more quickly than thy bidding will it be. And bid it journey oceanwards; and there, again, immediately 'twill be, not as if passing on from place to place, but as if being there.
And bid it also mount to heaven; and it will need no wings, not will aught hinder it, nor fire of sun, nor auther, nor vortex-swirl, nor bodies of the other stars; but, cutting through them all, it will soar up to the last Body [of them all]. And shouldst thou will to break through this as well, and contemplate what is beyond - if there be aught beyond the Cosmos; it is permitted thee. [...] But if thou lockest up thy soul within thy body, and dost debase it, saying: I nothing know; I nothing can; I fear the sea; I cannot scale the sky; I know not who I was, who I shall be - what is there [then] between [thy] God and thee?
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If anything I hope the preceding is the key for reading scripture and even prayers, you can't read them and just look at it as a newspaper or a Television show, you HAVE to be there. That's why even in buddhist sutra you have the same idea, It is like a concert. If you read about it in the newspaper, or see it on television, this is nowhere near as real as when you personally go to the concert hall and experience the concert in person. From a collection by someone called "The Ordinary Man" on November 27, 2003, what did he say?
“To read the sūtras” means you are just a student reading stories from history. Then it is hard to enter into the teaching assembly, and hard to awaken to the realm which the Buddha is speaking of! [...] This experience [of a concert] is almost impossible to communicate in words – and all the more so when it comes to experiencing the realm the Buddha speaks of: this is even more impossible. I know syncrectism but I am trying to drive the point here. The message here is that when the transfiguration of Jesus happen in the Bible, it is happening. When the "Man-Shepherd"/Divine Mind tell Hermes to go to Ocean, to heaven, and depth of depth he's TELLING YOU. All of the stories in all literature are INSTRUCTIONS for YOU, for you to SEE them, to HEAR them, to FEEL them, to TOUCH them, to SNIFF them. They're THERE...literally but if you read them right then they will become here. Why did the transfiguration happen in the mount of Tabor, why did God tell Moses to look at the Mountain then he made it crumble, why do we have the story of Seven Sleepers in Quran and De situ terrae sanctae. A lot of people wonder where they will find the teacher or a suitable teacher, but they don't take refuge in the prophets and saints for some reasons. That's the key that open the whole virtues and make them a thousand fold more effective, meet Khidr, meet Mohammed, meet Elijah, meet Jesus, meet Moses, they're HERE and they didn't go anywhere else. Do I have ijaza to make this work, or do I have the skills to make this magic work? Yeah you can initially do it, but once you have this deep and powerful connection to the prophets, to the saints, to the bodhisattvas, to the HEROES then you would be immersed and transformed by the experience of meeting them. It's not merely the meeting of them, the whole scripture is transformed because now you already know that the whole thing for what it is. Okay enough repeating the same points I mentioned before lol now time for personal experience...
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and this is where we reach the end of this post from the general to the particular of mine, and I hope that this is more of something to motivate people, to push people, and to open up the boundaries assumed or pushed onto them by themselves or other. The mount tabor prayer was an extremely strong one, and the visions of the prophets were always related to nature, related to meet them in Mosques, in Churches, in wilderness and they would always have this glow to their face that's very distinct and powerful that made look away immediately, looking at the prophets, all of them exude a sense of peacefulness, caring and a sense of comfort. They aim no harm but their presence is truly strong. Once you meet the prophets then your experience with reading Bible or Quran is transformed completely, like meeting a teacher he pokes you or guides you in the right direction and the whole thing just make you tear up in awe of greatness of these luminous beings. Sometime people take working with angels or archangels for granted, when it's not. Even prophets, saints, bodhisattvas and so on, it's so rare and ethereal that...I can't even bring myself to put it into words. Instructions and inspiration in practice come easily and guidance arrive when it was lacking. Prayer is inflamed and the door of charity opens up. In the end? Where the lack of teacher is, the door of wisdom opens up and guidance is presented. As Matthew said:  “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. In the end, I end this with tears in my eyes not of sadness but because of the loneliness of the path that hermits, and guides walk being used a spiritual tools not as human, my heart goes to them and I hope to carry the lamp of light as they carried it for me.
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junkbbykow · 1 year
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Astrology Across Asia by DearAsianYouth
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kodiescove · 1 month
Would any Queer Muslims be willing to share some resources with me as I go through my journey exploring Islam?
I'm especially looking for resources that have softer language, and/or have a queer perspective on Islam.
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djbjmj · 1 day
Are there any exmuslims that are afraid of witchcraft?
I mean I don't believe God exists, but people are saying devils and spirits do. I don't know and I don't intent to find out honestly. I'm not into manipulating things and life. I just want to exist. Basically don't believe in anything and just want to stay that way for my own sanity.
But what if I get harmed or cursed? It sounds terrifying.
Am i being rude?
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kvittie · 8 months
just a reminder (this is a more serious post)
please ask people about what youre confused or concerned about , before you record them and send it to authorities .
a few days ago , i got some scary news that people would start recording me and send it to the principal , because they were worried about me culturally appropriating . for context , i am the only veiler at school , and i wear veils in a hijab style . that day i decided to face veil , which i only do ever so often .
i understand where the people were coming from , but they were uneducated and rushing to conclusions that could have easily been answered if they had just asked me questions .
i went to the principal before they did , and she pulled the person who said they would record me in and we talked everything out , and the whole situation was avoided , but it really really stressed me out and scared me , so please please ask people or confront people if you are concerned or confused .
to answer questions about my personal veiling , i am hellenic polytheistic pagan , which means i worship greek gods (specifically medusa and demeter)
muslim and islamic religions arent the only religion to veil , or use hijab style head coverings / face coverings . christianity and catholicism also veil . so does judiasm , wiccan , pagan and many many other religions . islamic religion wasnt the first to veil either , greek mythology has paintings and statues that prove it .
so please do your research before you come at people , especially if youre going to try to go against them and get them in trouble . thank you .
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pantherasox · 1 year
Islamicate Occultsim
As-salamu alaykum
Muslim magic isn’t exactly the right phrase to use here. While many practitioners would be definitely view these practices as modern magick, sihr is technically a no go. That is to say that these two paradigms are working under different definitions. In my definition, magick is the flow of energy around us to enact will. There is nothing about this definition that is inherently shirk. It’s all about how you practice and what you believe that separates you from the religion.
It would be easier to use the word occultism or esotericism when researching.
I will not be sharing my own practice today, as I am not religiously but culturally Muslim. I’m not a “Good Muslim” by any means, and it is my path to decide how I go about my beliefs. Instead, I’ll be sharing my research and key terms I’ve found so you can make your own judgements. As an American placed outside of the culture with maybe two muslim friends, it’s been incredibly hard finding research. Every google search will make you feel shame for your practice being a sin. Magick is all around you in your community, you just have to look with magickal eyes. Any protection you seek from Allah (swt) is magick, is esoteric, is occult.
In the medieval era, esotericism and science were tied together. It was simply understanding the world through Allah (swt). This is a great place to start your research!
If you want to get closer to the Source, look into Sufism. Hermeticism overlaps with Islam. Astrology is alive and well, and has a basis in historic practice. Alchemy is still of use to people as a spiritual practice. These practices are real, and you are not haram.
Need an overall deepdive? Read the works of Dr Liana Saif.  Read the Ghayat Al Hakim (Picatrix). For hands on work, read the Shams Al Ma’arif (Sun of Gnosis), which was partially translated in English not too long ago. Every time you are told to read a surat for specific things, that's magick.
Every day, we get more information as to what the old practices look like. You are not alone.
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url0cal-weird0 · 6 days
Allah? (SWT) God? Aphrodite? Moon? Universe? Mother Earth? Lucifer? someone? I need someone to talk to. my thoughts are getting loud and blurry and scary. I need these thoughts gone. I dont want to go back to a time thats in the past
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importals98 · 2 days
plan for ww3 (according to occultists)
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gouinisme · 8 months
the thing is i'm a fucking expert on my mother's particular flavour of homophobic euphemism so people dont realise how fucking shitty it is when she says something is twisted or is a type or is a community or this morning when she told me she wants me to dye my hair black bc she doesnt want me to attract the kind of people that looks for each other
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nordseehexe · 4 months
Al-Uzza – Altarabische Göttin des Morgensterns
In vorislamischer Zeit war Al-Uzza Schutzgöttin von Mekka. Ihr Heiligtum ar Suquam bei Mekka.
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Segensvoller Neubeginn
In vorislamischer Zeit war Al-Uzza Schutzgöttin von Mekka. Ihr Heiligtum ar Suquam bei Mekka. Hier soll der Prophet Mohammed, dessen Stamm diese Göttin besonders verehrte, selbst ihren schwarzen Stein in die Kaaba gelegt haben.
Bevor der Islam sich durchsetzen konnte, versahen Priesterinnen ihren Kult. Auch später noch nannten sich die Wächter der Kaaba „Söhne der Alten Frau”. Drei Akazien stellten dort ihren Thron dar, die Göttin selbst lebte in einem Baum.
Sie wird als Starke, Gewaltige und Mächtige verehrt und verkörpert den jungfräulichen Kriegeraspekt. Al-Uzza steht sowohl für den Aspekt der Liebe, als auch den des Krieges, indem sie für Selbstsicherheit steht und in Kriegs- oder Kampfsituationen Schutz gewährt. Sie wird oft in Kampfesrüstung dargestellt.
Göttin des Neubeginns
Al-Uzza kündet den neuen Tag an und ist damit auch die Göttin für einen kräftigen und segensvollen Neubeginn. Al-Uzza ist als jungfräuliche Kriegerin und Jüngste ein Aspekt der dreifachen Göttin gemeinsam mit Manat (Abendstern) und Al-Lat (Mond).
In einer anderen Auslegung ist die Göttin Al-Lat in drei Göttinnen eingeteilt: Q´re ist der zunehmende Mond oder die Jungfrau. Al-Uzza ist die Starke, also der Vollmond, die Muttergöttin an sich. Zuletzt Manat, die abnehmende aber auch weise Schicksalsgöttin.
Interessant ist hier vor allem die Jungfrau Q´re, die sich auch in der griechischen Kore wiederfindet. Der Koran erwähnt sie in Sure 53, 19-23. Ihre Anrufung als Fürsprecherin bei Allah war von Mohammed einige Zeit erlaubt, wenig später jedoch als Götzenverehrung verboten.
Mohammed bekämpfte den Kult der Göttin als Unglauben und ließ das Heiligtum der Al-Uzza, in dem sich nach einigen Überlieferungen auch ein Orakel befunden haben soll, nach der Eroberung Mekkas zerstören. Der Glaube an sie überlebte dennoch im Islam, indem sie im Koran als eine der drei Töchter Allahs erwähnt ist.
Katzen und Delphine
Heilig sind ihr Katzen, vor allem große Raubkatzen. In der Stadt Petra gibt es ihr zu Ehren einen Tempel der geflügelten Löwen.
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All-Uzza hilft bei Liebesangelegenheiten, bei unterstützenden Bindungen, bei neuen Entwicklungen, sie ist die Beschützerin von Frauen, die in Gefahr sind und hilft ihnen dabei, ihre innere Stärke zu entwickeln und sich zur Wehr zu setzen. Sie unterstützt Frauen, ihre Zuversicht und Wachsamkeit (eine Katzenkraft!) zu stärken.
Darüber hinaus begleitet und beschützt Al-Uzza auch Schiffe auf ihren Reisen über den Ozean (Morgenstern). Sie wird auch als Delphin symbolisiert, der entlang der Schiffe schwimmt und sie bewacht.
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angelic-power · 1 year
When you know more about Islam than most other people and see someone claim Allah is different from the Judeo-Christian God (using the term in this context for simplicity)... Yikes!
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asifshah · 1 year
Symptom : know to know the known but don't know to know the unknown.
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voidingintotheshout · 2 years
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I’m taking a mental health break from the Internet.
I think that I’ve been doomscrolling about all of the worst parts about Islam and all of the awful things that Muslims have ever done in history. It’s a habit of doomscrolling about anti-LGBT activities by my fellow Muslims and I think the best instinct in this case of doomscrolling is to just take some time away from the Internet and do off-line activities like reading and drawing and writing. I don’t know how long it’ll last, maybe a few days but I think that I need A break so that my psyche can heal and I can stop obsessing over people who hate me.
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What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Sumerian God Enki-Satan, they’re pro-choice, they follow gay Pagan Gods and they’re the largest Satanist group in the world.
Hey spam bot 🤣 I've dealt with you before. Git out of here!
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luna1aurora · 2 days
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My God is Amazing ❤️
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