#ive already reached the 'want to do something i enjoy but nothing i enjoy feels worth doing' stage
trainercrow · 2 years
Oh boy
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jkslipppiercing · 2 months
Never Been A Friend | Part 2 | Jeon Jk
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♧ synopsis: Sneaky glances across the room weighed with a dozen different meanings left to be unsaid; confusion desire, lust. He was never a friend, was he?
♧ pairing: brother's bsf!jk, bratty!reader.
♧ warnings: jungkook is so pussy whipped it's hilarious, he's kinda in denial, masturbation but at the end, y/n is drunk, jungkook taking care of drunk y/n, jungkook curses like every other sentence, this is jk pov btw!!, kinda fluffy but really really cute, he loves her eyes, and i forgot what else, EXPLICIT CONTENT!!
♧ WC: 3.1k
a/n: hiiiii sweethearts! ive missed you guys so much 💕💕 make sure to read part 1 before reading this if you havent 🥹🥹 hope you enjoy and please tell me what you think!
Part 1
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“y/n?” I shake her shoulder softly, attempting to nudge her awake. “wake up.”
When she mumbles something unintelligible and trails off to sleep, I exhale a soft sigh and hop out of my car after pocketing my phone and keys.
I'm fucked.
Utterly fucked.
The ride to her brother and I's dorm had been one of silence. Other than a few grumbles and whines from y/n when I seated her in the passenger seat next to me, she spent the ride peacefully sleeping. Unaware.
So unaware that I had to reach over and tug the hem of her dress down each time it hiked up her thighs. Her bare thighs. Her full, smooth, silky thighs.
Fuck, man.
She makes my blood boil.
I’m still not over the fact that she was left alone and oblivious before her brother had called me. How long had it been?
What if I hadn't picked up?
What if something happened to her?
Am I exaggerating? Maybe.
Does that lessen my anger? Fuck no.
No, because how the fuck can a brother be so nonchalant about leaving his sister alone while drunk? All for a quick fuck?
He's never gonna hear the end of it. I’ll make damn sure of that, but for now, I have to get this drunk-out-of-her-mind girl up to my apartment dorm.
I had tried asking her for her address multiple times, but all in vain, of course.
I didn’t even know she was in town.
Thought she had stayed with her parents in her home town- which her brother had mentioned only twice, maybe even three times- after graduating high school. He brought it up in conversation once but never justified why.
I mean, sure, not everyone wants to go to college and that’s fine, but why hadn't she?
Was she more of a liberal person?
Did she figure out her future already?
Why do I care?
I shake my head as I round the front of the car to get to her side. Her head falls when I open her door, and I instinctively catch with my hand, hoisting her up so she’s in a properly seated position with her head on the headrest.
God, I can already feel the headache approaching.
Taking her seatbelt off, I pat her cheek to wake her.
No response.
“Y/n, come on.”
I pat her cheek again.
Oh well.
Placing one arm under her knees and another under her middle, I carefully slide her out of the seat and carry her into my arms. Her breath tickles my neck as her head rests on my shoulder, her nose nudging my pulse.
Which skyrockets.
Fuck, that felt good.
But I don’t know how to feel about that, because:
1. This is y/n we’re talking about.
2. A little nudge to the throat has me weak at the knees?
3. Toughen up, dickwad.
She huffs as she adjusts her head and pulls her arms around my neck for support, nuzzling my neck farther before mumbling something that sounded like, “mmm, warm…”
Her head is nestled to the crook of my throat and her breath sends a shiver down my spine.
The fact that I have to catch the moan in my throat has my cheeks grow an embarrassing shade of pink.
Clearing my throat awkwardly- which causes y/n to groan at the disturbance- I try my best not to disturb this brat’s beauty sleep as I walk up to the apartment building.
Wait…something’s not right.
I stop my stride short to try and point out the prickling feeling-
This brat’s dress is so short it might be flashing her ass by the way I’m carrying her.
Jesus Christ, give me strength.
Wincing at the loud creak of the door announcing my arrival, I nudge the door closed with my foot as I step into my apartment.
A shared apartment.
An apartment I share with the almost passed out drunk girl im carrying in my arms’ brother.
Yeah, shit.
Never in a million years would I have ever imagined this shit happening.
It’s not that big of a deal, except I cant really help the intrigue that accompanies the thought that comes with y/n.
Why did she scowl at me the first time she met me? Had I done anything to cause her to show such an awful bad impression?
I must admit, I never stopped thinking about her.
Not in a stalker way of thinking. I didn’t think about her in an obsessive type of way…not at all.
I guess I could say it was just…weird.
I never understood.
I was just interested.
Interested in the way her hips move on the dance floor.
Interested in the way she acts like a brat whenever she feels like it.
Hell, I'm interested in the way she flips me off whenever we cross paths for the fun of pissing me off.
Yes, she gets on my nerves; but she was never worth throwing a fuss over.
I barely saw her once every two months, if we’re being honest. The college her brother and I go to being almost three hours away from where they lived, it was a long trip.
But the way I felt about this girl puzzled me way more than I’d ever appreciate, especially since I knew nothing about her.
Nothing. Nada.
Where she goes to college, where she spends her time living, what she does on a daily basis…
No clue.
Then…what the fuck is she doing here?
A pained groan from the girl driving me insane pulls me back from my raging confusion.
She clings to me harder like a baby koala as she mumbled something incoherent under her breath, snuggling into the crook of my neck into what seems like her favorite habit tonight.
That one motion has become my weakness in a matter of minutes.
All because of her.
She does it again, this time connecting her nose with a spot right under my jaw. Her lips just shy of the skin on my throat, she groans in what seems like satisfaction.
My knees almost fucking buckle.
I try to focus on any sound in the apartment, relieved when I'm met with silence.
With a resigned sigh, I make my way to my bedroom.
Keeping my footsteps quick and light, I shift my door open with my shoulder-
I cant help the grimace that makes its way to my face.
It fucking reeks in here.
Of sex. Right. I was having sex.
The second relief of tonight washes over me when I find my bed empty, the sheets rumpled and messed up on top.
I should probably make a call to apologize to the fuck buddy previously occupying my bed, but I got better things to do.
A particular brat to take care of.
God, she cant sleep in here when it smells like this.
Making a detour, I go for the couch, setting y/n lightly on her ass. Her hands tighten around my neck in protest, which causes my neck to crane down awkwardly, but it still makes me chuckle when she frowns up at me through her blood shot eyes.
Fucking adorable, that is.
How her lashes prettily frame those sad eyes.
Sad eyes I was always unable to forget.
Those sad eyes. My demise.
Fuck me.
I untangle her arms from around my neck, adjusting the pillows thrown messily around the couch to create a cozy , temporary cocoon.
Picking her up swiftly, I lay her down on her side and brush a stray hair away from her face. Her soft, soft, soft features peer up at me as she struggles to keep those pretty eyes open.
“You’re smiling.” The cutest little slur laces up with her words and I just cant fight the flutter in my chest.
What the fuck?
It’s then I realize how hard I’m smiling.
“I’m not.” Too rough. Too scratchy. Too fucking vulnerable.
She’s not even touching you, fucker, and here you are. All hot and bothered.
Shut up.
She giggles, the sound reverberating as the most adorable drunken giggle I’ve ever witnessed.
It pains me how oblivious she is.
Her dress hikes up her thighs, almost baring her ass to me, and in other cases I would’ve been turned on.
But now? My blood fucking boils.
I should’ve killed that fucker while I could.
I’d taken care of drunk girls before, most of them being my friends.
I’m the boring ass in the friend group that always stays sober to take care of the others. The others that get so drunk and messed up that I have to take them up to their apartment and put them to bed because of how out of their mind they become.
I’ve never thought much of it.
Never cared, really.
But this girl?
Goddamn it.
One second she infuriates the hell out of me; she’s stubborn, hot headed, and just reckless.
Then the other I’m smiling like a dork in love.
She’s not even my type for fucks sake.
But then again, this is the first time I’ve seen her like this.
So vulnerable, with her guard down. I tug her dress to cover her ass with barely restrained madness.
She reaches up to touch my face with what seems like the utmost amount of effort from her to make any movement.
“pretty.” As she touches my face with light fingertips and pink cheeks.
Crumble. I almost crumble.
“Yeah?” I don’t know what’s gotten into me when I push away another rogue hair strand as she giggles again.
“mhm.” A little hum of contentment before she drops her hand and flutters those eyes closed.
Softly, softly, softly.
With a step back and a tired sigh, I cover her up with a blanket as I tuck her in and make sure she’s comfortable.
I make pretty quick work with taking my bedsheets off, with utmost effort not to grimace every time I get a slight whiff.
It’s not that bad…it’s just…weird.
Really weird.
Whenever I picture y/n in my bed, every single fantasy that clouds my mind is inappropriate.
But tucking a girl in a bed that was previously used by another girl just hours before? Not to mention, a naked one?
That’s a douche move.
And I never thought of myself lowly or in any way to appear humble. But im also not a fucking asshole.
Im arrogant? So what?
Im confident. I plead guilty.
Cocky? Whatever floats your boat.
I tug at my sanity that hangs by a dwindled thread. My thoughts race back to a dreamy gaze and soft eyes. Adorable frowns and drunken giggles.
if it was as easy as bottling them up in a pitcher so I could drink her in every once in a while, I would’ve done it a while ago.
If I could, I would.
My mind was so caught up with her that I didn’t even notice how fast I’d changed the sheets.
I’d cracked the window open for a little ventilation and fetched an air freshener, which made the room smell decent. Better than decent.
A quick change of clothes and bedsheets later, Im carrying y/n from the couch to my room.
I lay her on the bed and nudge her awake.
“y/n?” a tap to the cheek.
Thankfully, she stirs awake. The drunken haze a little lesser than before, but nevertheless still there. Her eyes peer up at me, droopy with exhaustion.
I clear my throat awkwardly under her gaze, switching my weight from one foot to another.
“you need to change.”
Her eyebrows scrunch up in confusion as she tilts her head.
“your dress looks uncomfortable to sleep in.”
“left you one of my Tee’s so you could change.” I turn around and head for the door, giving her much needed privacy. “you have five minutes. Change.”
And with that, im out of the room closing the door behind me.
I lean back on the door and take my phone out of the sweats I put on earlier, purely for the decency of y/n being here.
I usually walk around in my boxers as well as sleep in them, but it’s too early to traumatize the girl.
Not even past unlocking my phone, y/n’s voice reaches my ear from behind me as she yells my name.
I knock, unsure if I should come in, but enter when I hear her confirmation.
Peaking my head into the small opening I’ve made through the door, my eyes land on y/n with her facing me.
Her eyebrows are pulled together in concentration as her hands are both reached behind her back, apparently struggling with something.
Her heels are off and her hair is messy from her running her hands through it, her mascara smudged and her lipstick almost completely wiped off.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a prettier sight.
Her lips pull forward in a slight pout, and she turns around to grace me with a view of her halfway bare back.
She tugs harder at the zipper, only getting it stuck farther.
“help?” she asks in a tiny voice, looking above her shoulder with a helpless look.
Noting how long I’ve been standing in place, frozen and doing nothing, I clear my throat as I shuffle my feet towards her.
“oh, um, yeah.” Staggering for words was never my thing. Rubbing my neck was never my nervous tick.
Except…y/n was never my thing, either.
Her beautifully messy hair cascades down her back, and I bundle it up with a hand and rest it over one of her shoulders. My fingertips lightly touch hers and the distraction that accompanies the shiver rolling through her body at the contact clouds my focus. Her hands fall to be replaced with mine at the zipper, and I tug gently.
It doesn’t budge.
Okay, it’s stuck.
Obviously, genius.
When my knuckles graze her skin as I try to get a better grip on the zipper, she shivers again, a soft sigh leaving her lips.
Pretty baby’s a sensitive drunk.
A giggly, bubbly, and hella oblivious drunk.
I pinch the frayed open sides above the zipper with one hand and tug it with the other, a concentrated rumble of my chest unconsciously making an appearance.
I’ve apparently shifted closer to y/n in the process, and I just now realize that I might’ve groaned in her ear.
When I successfully slide the zipper down just above the curve of her ass, y/n turns around with a grace I don't miss even as my undying lust for the feel of her skin remains unwavering.
“thank you.” Sounds barely audible from how breathless she sounds, and fuck, when she bites her lip, I want to punch myself.
Those lips.
Those eyes.
My cock restrains, stiffening at the images attacking my mind with her lips around it.
A gust of wind blows through the curtains, thrashing y/n’s hair in all different directions.
I tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear, knowing damn well I have no business touching this girl.
This girl that stands almost naked and drunk in the moonlit darkness of my room.
Her softness bothers me.
Her innocence a loud cry for corruption.
She reaches up to undo the strands of her dress, and the realization that she must’ve seen something in my eyes snaps me back into reality.
I was always told how much my eyes could tell.
And judging by my earlier thoughts, she must’ve seen it.
The darkness.
The lust.
She starts to slip her dress down, down, down, and my mind is nowhere to be found.
My cock hardens at the thought of her naked, submission written all over her.
But this is wrong.
So wrong.
Even as I step closer to her and bind my forehead with hers, my mind goes in all different directions.
Fuck her.
Shut up.
“Y/n.” a raspy attempt at a plead. “you’re drunk.”
She closes her eyes. “I want this.”
Fuck me sideways.
I know for a fact she doesn't.
I'm not stupid.
Even as my forehead stays pressed to hers, I don’t miss the tangy scent of tequila on her breath. Faint, but there.
I haven’t forgotten how red her eyes still are.
How dry her lips are from all the alcohol.
The pink tint of her neck and cheeks.
Alcohol is flowing more than freely in her system, and I know for a fact she also wont remember a thing.
“you don’t.”
So I do something stupid.
Something I know I'll regret by tomorrow.
I stop her hand that’s tugging her dress down and cage it between both of our bodies. I place my other on her neck, long fingers eating up the space beneath her jaw as my thumb rests on her cheek.
I stroke it once, twice, three times.
And I kiss her.
A small, feather-light peck on her swollen lips.
It's not needy, nor is it hungry for anything more.
It's something I crave to keep me sane, at least for the next few hours.
Because this girl?
This girl is a deadly thing that will destroy me.
She’ll destroy me before I ever get the chance to ruin her.
And the bad thing is?
Even as I pull away,
Even as I shove my tee shirt into her hands and bolt out of the room after telling her to sleep,
Realizing the fact that I didn’t regret it scares me.
Even as I grab a towel, strip bare, and lock myself in the bathroom,
I think about her.
The freezing water does little to calm the white hot lust in my veins, and my stiffened cock stands true to that statement.
I wrap my fist around my dick, and I dare to fucking think about her.
I think about her on her knees, mouth open.
I think about her on my bed, laying on her back with her legs open.
I think about her on top of me.
I close my eyes and I fucking think about those lips, those eyes, that dreamy gaze.
Her soft sighs.
How she’d kiss me.
Would she gasp into my mouth?
Cry into my pillow if I pounded her pussy from behind?
Would she beg?
She’d be my little slut.
My pretty baby.
I cum the hardest I ever have, a guttural grunt and an explicit “fuck.” into the walls of my bathroom. Alone in a goddamn shower, when im fisting my cock and thinking about someone.
No, not someone.
Fucking y/n of all people.
And guess the fuck what?
I want to kiss her again.
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how was your day today 😇
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@skzthinker @whoa-jo
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eyeballpussy · 4 months
"That Boy is A Monster" - Luke Castellan x Ares!Fem!Reader
Content Warnings - hate sex, oral (fem receiving), fingering (fem receiving), making out/kissing, unprotected p in v sex (wrap it before you tap it), cream pie, Luke is an asshole, cursing, some angst, Luke is a bitch, Luke is probably very ooc, use of y/n, lmk if I missed anything!
y'all don't be mad at me if Luke is extremely out of character, Ive only watched to movies and tv show 😭
lowercase bc I'm lazy
You sat across from him at the dinner tables. you knew you shouldn't have dated within your own friend group. now you have to sit across from the worst man ever for another two months. you were zoned out completely, tuning everything around you out, until.... "do you have anything, y/n?" you head snapped up to look at the person talking to you. you could barely hear but knew it was a boy. looking around you see that its Percy, the newest kid here. "huh? what?" you asked, not knowing what he was talking about.
"do you have any advice relating to camp?" Percy asked you. you looked around and thought for a minute. "one, don't start shit if you can't end it and two, don't date." you shot Luke a sharp look after speaking, but he was already looking at you. you scanned over his face, looking at his smug expression. you hated him. you were 99% sure Percy didn't know about you and Lukes history together and you planned to keep it that way.
you finished your dinner and went back to your cabin, you had found a new book recently that you'd been enjoying. surprisingly you were the only one in the cabin. you walked to your bed to grab the book but it wasn't there. "where the hell is it?" you mumbled to yourself. you tore up your bed sheets looking for it but still couldn't find where you'd put it. "looking for something?" a familiar voice calls out to you, Luke. you tuned to look at him and there he was, book in hand, leaning against the cabin door frame, looking horrifyingly beautiful. "give it back." you demanded. "woah easy, girl" he said, his low voice vibrated through you head like a melody. you hated him so much but god was he beautiful.
"Luke, give it back now." you harshly said. you hadn't talked to him since your break up a year ago. he stood up straight, no longer leaning. "you know, I think Chiron would be pretty upset if I showed him that you had a book like this tucked under your pillow." he said, flipping through the pages. he began walking towards you, his face coming more into view. he got dangerously close to you, about half an arms length away. you looked up at him, "give me my fucking book back, Luke." you couldn't tell if you wanted to punch him in his fucking face or sit on his lap and aggressively make out with him.
"why does someone so pretty have to be such a bitch?" he softly said, reaching a hand up to tuck your hair behind you ear. his words angered you and turned you on at the same time. a million emotions raced though your head. "is there something else you want, Luke?" you asked him as if you didn't know. "oh I think we both know what I want." he tossed the book to the floor and placed his hands on your hips, tugging them closer to him.
your faces were merely inches apart, you could feel his breath against your face. your arms wrapped around his neck. "gods I fucking hate you." your lips smashed onto his. he immediately kissed back. you sat down on your bed dragging him with you, leaving him onto of you.
his tounge explored you mouth like it had many times before. his hands were moving all across your body. your thighs, waist, chest, face, nothing was left untouched. he pulled away from you for air. "you sure?" he put his lips back on yours, harsher than before. his knee moved to part your legs and rub your, now sensitive, clit. the friction made you moan into his mouth. but it wasn't enough for him. he rubbed his knee harder on you, pulling away from your mouth to watch your face.
your hands gripped onto his arms and you threw you head back. you were so sensitive, too sensitive. it had been too long. his knee stopped moving but kept the same amount of pressure. "Luke.." you begged. almost like he didn't hear you, his hands moved up to grope your chest. your hips bucked against his knee, it was agonizing. "tell me what you want." he demanded. "you know what I want." you told him, too embarrassed to say what your truly wanted, his mouth on your pussy.
"do it or I'm walking out." he threatened. you questioned why you even wanted him to stay in the first place. "Luke, please.." you begged "please what?" he knew what he was doing, the smirk on his face was proof. "please eat me out...." you whispered. "sorry what way that?" you show him a look then repeated a little louder. "please eat me out." it was barely above a whisper. "one more time?" he teased. "Luke." gods he was annoying. "okay okay" he said as if he actually cared.
He removed his knee from between your legs, you whined at the loss. he moved down the bed to he could take of your jeans. you lifted your ass up so he could get them off. you didn't realize till the cold air hit that he'd taken off you underwear as well. he spread your legs, taking in the view of your soaked cunt. "You know, for someone who hates me, you're awfully wet." you muttered a quick "fuck off" but he didn't say anything. instead, his head dipped down to your cunt, licking a long stripe up and landing on your clit.
his warm mouth enveloped your clit. you moaned way too loud for your liking. he began sucking, and gods was he good at it. he knew you inside and out, it was almost concerning how much he remembered. He moved down to tongue fuck your cunt. His long was long and thick. It made your toes curl and your hands moved to grip his curls.
He pulled away for a second, which felt like days, but your cunt was soon filled again with his long fingers. He solid them in without warning. He paused to let you adjust a bit. His fingers started at a fast pace, barely giving you room to breathe. Your moans got louder by the second. He looked proud when you saw his face.
He moved back down to suck your clit. It was too much. Your back arched so much it hurt. Your fingers tugged harshly on his hair and you heard him moan. “Did you just fucking moan?” You asked, voice breaking and moaning after each word. “Shut up” he mumbled, his voice sending vibrations straight to your clit.
Your moans and pleads echoed throughout the Ares cabin. Gods you were lucky no one was in here. A tight coil started to form in your stomach. He had turned you into a moaning mass at this point. All you could say was his name. Repeating it over and over and over again.
The coil was getting so tight, too tight. “Please.. don’t stop..!” You begged. He looked up at you for a second and somehow his fingers went faster. You almost screamed. You were so close. He kept going until it snapped. Your toes curled and you back arched. You screamed and shoved his head into your pussy. Your hands griped his hair so hard you swear you pulled out a few strands.
He sat back up and you could see in the yellow light that his face was absolutely drenched. “Holy shit, I-I’m sorry” you breathed heavily, still coming down from your high. You didn’t know you were apologizing but you did anyways. “Don’t worry” he chuckled, “this is the best part.” He said. You blushed a faint red.
You closed your eyes to focus on your breathing.After a couple seconds, you heard him unbuckle his belt. You opened your eyes. He pulled his pants and boxers down at the same time. His dick was fully hard and sprung out of its its confinement.
His left hand pumped his cock slowly while his right spread your legs farther apart. He maneuvered you body to your knees being by your head. He guided his cock to your hole, his tip prodding at you entrance. “Is this still okay?” He asked. You nodded your head.
He slid in and stoped. His tip was the only thing in you but you felt so full. He continued pushing himself in. His girth was already to much. He bottomed out inside you and gave you time to adjust. Your nails dug crescent moons into his upper arms.
He began to move slowly inside you. You both had breathy moans coming out of your mouths. “Luke..! Please…” you wanted him to go faster. He knew what you wanted. He knew everything you want from him when it came to sex. He picked up his pace and leaned his body into yours.
His groans and moans were almost as loud as yours. Your brain was going numb. His dick going in and out of you at such a fast pace was godly. He paused to readjust himself. You whined and begged for him to keep going.
He started again but he was harsher. His hips snapped into yours. Your moans were music to his ears. He angled his hips up and he found your g-spot. Your screamed. You didn’t know how to react to it. He looked shocked for a moment but started up again. He made it his mission to hit your spot with every thrust. It was too much. The overstimulation felt so good and bad all at once.
“Holy fuck..” he moaned. You cunt righted on him. You were so close. His cock continued to ram in and out of you at an impossible pace. You could tell he was getting close. His thrusts got sloppier and his moans got louder. His hands gripped tightly to the headboard and you hips and his eyebrows furrowed .
“Y-y/n fuck…” he groaned. You both were so close. You were a moaning mess. The only thing you could think about was him and his cock fucking into you.
You came with a scream. You clamped down on his cock and he came too. He thrusted softly a few more times then pulled out. You both sat there heavily breathing trying to calm down. he sat back and spread your pussy to watch the mix of cum seep out of you. his face was unreadable.
He walked off and got a towel. He cleaned you off and put your underwear back on. “Don’t tell anyone about this” he didn’t even look you in the eyes. He just walked off. He left you there. Trying to figure out why the fuck you just did that.
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gvnvks · 2 months
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acts of service they do for you… !
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> pairings: non-idol!zb1 x fem!reader
> warnings: not proofread, lowercase intended, pet names
> song recommendation: not another song about love by hollywood ending
> a/n: literally nothing to say … so so so sorry about disappearing for so long 😭 im begging on my knees for any reqs… i literally have 0 ideas
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you found yourself standing in front of the sink, staring at a mountain of dishes that seemed to have multiplied overnight. with a sigh, you rolled up your sleeves, resigned to tackle the chore.
just as you were about to plunge your hands into the soapy water, jiwoong entered the kitchen, "hey there, need a hand?" he asked, already reaching for a dish towel.
you couldnt help but smile at his offer. "i was just about to start, but if you're offering…"
"consider it done," your boyfriend replied, flashing you a grin as he began to gather up the dirty dishes. he moved with practiced efficiency, stacking plates and bowls with ease.
"you really didn't have to," you protested, though secretly grateful for his help.
"i know," jiwoong said, shooting you a wink. "but i wanted to. plus, its the least i can do after you cooked dinner last night."
as you worked side by side, scrubbing and rinsing, the conversation flowed effortlessly between you. you talked about everything and nothing at all – from your plans for the weekend to the latest episode of your favorite tv show.
at one point, jiwoong paused to inspect a particularly stubborn stain on a plate. "looks like this one needs some extra attention," he remarked, reaching for a sponge.
you chuckled, shaking your head in amusement. "youre so thorough."
"its all in the details," your boyfriend replied with a shrug, scrubbing away at the offending spot until it disappeared.
before long, the pile of dishes dwindled down to nothing, thanks to jiwoongs efficient work. with a satisfied smile, you leaned back against the counter, admiring the clean kitchen.
"thanks for the help," you said, genuinely grateful for him being so altruistic.
"it was my pleasure," jiwoong replied, drying his hands on the dish towel. "besides, anything to make my favorite person smile."
you sat at a small table, your fingers tapping rhythmically on the surface as you waited for your boyfriend, to arrive for your date. he was always a little late, but you didnt mind. it gave you time to people-watch and soak in the lively atmosphere around you.
finally, hao appeared, a sheepish grin on his face as he approached your table. "sorry im late. traffic was insane."
you waved off his apology with a smile. "no worries, hao. ive been enjoying the view."
taking his seat across from you, your boyfriend reached into his bag and pulled out a small package, wrapped in colorful paper. "i got you something," he said, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
curious, you eagerly tore into the wrapping to reveal a box of your favorite snack. "oh! how did you know i was craving these?"
he shrugged. "just a lucky guess, i suppose."
you laughed, leaning across the table to plant a quick kiss on his cheek. "youre the best, you know that?"
hao grinned, his cheeks flushing slightly at the praise. "i try."
as you indulged in your snack, the two of you fell into easy conversation, discussing everything from work related to literally anything else, letting the hours fly by.
eventually, the sky darkened and the café began to empty out as patrons headed home for the night. reluctantly, you and hao gathered your things and prepared to leave.
as you walked hand by hand through the bustling streets, the glow of the city lights casting a soft halo around you, you couldnt help but feel grateful for your boyfriend.
"you know," you said, squeezing his hand gently, "i think this might just be the perfect night."
hao smiled down at you, his eyes sparkling with adoration. "with you, every night is perfect."
today was the worst day you could imagine. not doing well at job, getting yelled at by your boss, just starting your period… it hit all at once. as you approached your apartment building, you noticed a familiar figure waiting for you at the entrance. it was hanbin, his hands filled with grocery bags. his face lighted up as he saw you.
"hey there," hanbin greets you with a gorgeous grin. "i thought id surprise you with some groceries. i know how busy youve been lately, so i took care of it for you."
you chuckle at his thoughtfulness. "youre too good to me, hanbin. thank you," you say, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
together, you make your way up to your apartment, your boyfriend regaling you with everything and nothing — hes always been a natural storyteller.
once inside, he set the bags down on the kitchen counter, taking stock of the contents. "woah, you really went all out," you remark, impressed by the assortment of fresh produce and pantry staples.
hanbin shrugs modestly. "i just wanted to make sure you have everything you need," he says, flashing you a grin. "plus, i may have or may have not indulged in a few snacks along the way."
you playfully roll your eyes at him before reaching for a bag of apples. "well, i appreciate it. you always know how to take care of me," you say, leaning in to give him a hug. "how much do i owe you?" you ask, looking up at him.
he brushed off your question with a smile, his eyes softening as he gazed at you. "you dont owe me anything, sweetheart. seeing you happy is payment enough for me."
as you entered the gym, you spotted matthew instantly, his buffed frame standing out amongst the crowd. with a warm smile, he waved you over, his eyes brightening as you approached.
"hi," matthew greeted, his voice carrying a playful tone. "ready to crush those weights?"
you chuckled, feeling a surge of affection for him. "absolutely, especially with you by my side."
you both headed towards the weights section, where your boyfriend always offered his unwavering support. as you began your workout, he stood beside you, offering encouragement and spotting you whenever needed.
"come on, youve got this," matthew cheered as you lifted the barbell, his hands ready to assist if you faltered. "youre stronger than you think."
with each rep, you could feel your muscles burning, but your boyfriends presence gave you the motivation to push through. his words of encouragement were like fuel to your determination, propelling you to new heights.
after a challenging set, you took a moment to catch your breath, leaning against the bench. matthew stood beside you, a proud smile on his face.
"you killed it," he praised, giving you a gentle pat on the back. "im always amazed by your strength."
you smiled, feeling a surge of pride at his words. "thanks, but i couldnt do it without you. your support means everything to me."
as you moved on to the next exercise, the two of you engaged in a light joke war, exchanging lighthearted jests and teasing each other about your progress. with him by your side, the gym felt less like a daunting challenge and more like a fun part of the day.
after a grueling workout, you and matthew retreated to the stretching area, where you relaxed your tired muscles and enjoyed each others company.
"im beat," you admitted, letting out a contented sigh as you stretched out on the mat.
matthew chuckled, sitting beside you. "you did amazing, as always. we earned ourselves a post-workout treat, don't you think?"
you perked up at the suggestion, the thought of indulging in a delicious meal together making your mouth water.
"absolutely," you agreed, shooting him a witty grin. "as long as you promise to spot me while i devour whatever were eating."
your boyfriend laughed, his eyes sparkling with affection. "deal. anything for you."
as you trudge through the door after a long days work, the aroma of something delicious envelops you, instantly lifting your tired spirits. you kick off your shoes and follow the tantalizing scent to the kitchen, where you find taerae bustling about, apron tied securely around his waist, his sleeves rolled up and a focused expression adorning his features.
"welcome home!" taerae greets you with a warm smile, his hands busy chopping vegetables with practiced precision. "how was your day?"
you sigh contentedly, the stress of the day melting away at the sight of your boyfriends earnest expression. "long, but seeing you here makes it infinitely better. whats all this?" you ask, gesturing to the array of ingredients spread out on the counter.
taerae beams proudly. "i wanted to surprise you with dinner tonight! i know how much you love that one particular recipe of yours, so i thought i'd give it a try."
you feel touched by his gesture. taerae isnt that much of a cook, but the fact that hes gone to such lengths to learn your favorite recipe speaks volumes about his love and dedication.
"thats incredibly sweet of you, taerae," you say, crossing the kitchen to wrap your arms around him. "im sure itll be amazing, no matter what."
he chuckles, returning your embrace with a gentle squeeze. "well, i hope so. i may have had to watch a few youtube tutorials to get the hang of it."
you laugh at his admission, imagining him furiously scribbling notes while trying to keep up with the pace of the video. "im sure you did great. is there anything i can do to help?"
your boyfriend shakes his head, his focus returning to the task at hand. "nah, ive got everything under control. why dont you go relax for a bit? dinner will be ready soon."
reluctantly, you release him from your embrace and make your way to the living room, sinking into the comfortable embrace of the sofa.
time seems to slip away as you lose yourself in a book, the minutes ticking by until taerae finally calls you back to the kitchen. you enter to find the table set with candles flickering softly, casting a warm glow over the room.
your boyfriend stands proudly by the stove, a steaming pot of your favorite dish bubbling away in front of him. he grins as he sees you, gesturing to the chair hes pulled out for you.
"ta-da! dinner is served," he announces, ladling generous portions onto your plate. "i hope its as good as you remember."
you take a bite, savoring the familiar flavors that dance across your tongue. it may not be perfect, but its made with love, and thats all that matters.
"its delicious, taerae," you say, beaming at him across the table. "thank you for putting in the effort to make tonight special."
he beams back at you, his eyes shining with love. "you know id do anything for you, love."
you and ricky were on a mission today - a shopping spree, a day dedicated to finding the perfect pieces to add to your home. you wanted to go alone, but ricky insisted on joining you, his enthusiasm evident as he happily trailed beside you.
as you entered another store, a quaint home decor boutique, your eyes widened with excitement at the array of items displayed. ricky, ever the gentleman, offered to carry the shopping bags. "let me take those, baby," he insisted, reaching for the bags already laden with your purchases.
you chuckled softly, gently pushing his hand away. "no, ricky, ive got it. you dont have to carry everything."
"but i want to," he countered, his eyes dripping with determination.
you couldnt help but smile at his sincerity. "alright, you can carry one bag," you relented, handing him the lightest one.
your boyfriend grinned triumphantly, accepting the bag with a nod of thanks. "deal."
as you moved from aisle to aisle, ricky stayed true to his word, diligently carrying the one bag while you browsed through the shelves, examining each item with care.
after a while, your arms began to ache from holding the heavy bags. "okay, maybe you can take another bag," you conceded, unable to hide the strain in your voice.
his eyes lit up with delight, his lips curled up in a smirk, and he eagerly accepted the additional burden. "told you. wanted to see how long you will last."
as the day progressed, your boyfriend kept bothering you with his tender gestures - whether it was carrying the bags, fetching you a drink, or offering his opinion on decor choices, he was always there. was, and forever will.
coming back from college, you found yourself standing in the kitchen, staring at the sink full of dishes. it was your turn to do them, but after a long day at school, you were feeling drained and exhausted.
gyuvin, always attuned to your moods, entered the kitchen and immediately noticed the tired slump of your shoulders. "hey," he said with a soft smile, crossing the room to wrap his arms around you from behind. "rough day?"
you leaned into his embrace, grateful for his comforting presence. "yeah, it was pretty hectic," you replied, letting out a tired sigh. "i just... i dont have the energy to tackle these dishes right now."
without missing a beat, your boyfriend pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head. "dont worry about it," he reassured you, his voice warm and soothing. "ill take care of them for you."
you turned to face him, a mixture of surprise and gratitude in your eyes. "but it's my turn," you protested weakly.
he shook his head. "i know, but youve had a long day. let me handle this, okay?"
you smiled softly at his kindness. "okay, thank you," you said softly, reaching up to cup his cheek affectionately.
as gyuvin rolled up his sleeves and got to work on the dishes, you leaned against the counter, watching him with a fond expression. it wasnt just this one kind act that made you fall for him all over again – it was the countless little ways he showed his love and support for you every single day.
after a few minutes of silence, broken only by the sound of running water and clinking dishes, gyuvin glanced over at you with a soft grin. "you know, if you keep staring at me like that, i might start to think you're falling for me all over again," he teased.
you chuckled softly, shaking your head. "as if i could ever stop falling for you," you replied, your voice filled with affection. "youre too sweet, gyuvin."
he paused in his task, setting down a plate to walk over and wrap you in a warm hug. "and youre too amazing to not spoil."
// 박 gunwook. LETTING YOU EAT THE LAST BIT OF A DESSERT (this one is such ass im so sorry)
you and gunwook had made it a tradition to visit this one cute café every saturday evening, savoring the delicious treats and enjoying each others company. tonight was no different, as you both settled into your usual spot by the window, the soft light casting gentle shadows across the table.
"hello, welcome to bean bliss cafe," you heard a waitress, greeting you cheerfully. "what can i get for you today?"
glancing at the menu, you and gunwook quickly decided on sharing a slice of their famous chocolate cake, a decadent treat that you had been craving all week.
minutes later, the waitress returned with a generous slice of chocolate cake, adorned with a scoop of velvety vanilla ice cream. your mouth watered at the sight, and you couldn't wait to dig in.
after a while of eating and sharing stories, you reached for your fork again, wanting to take another bite of the cake. your face fell a little however, as you noticed that theres only a small bit left.
"theres only one a little left," you pointed out, furrowing your brow.
gunwook simply smiled, pushing the plate toward you. "its all yours," he said, his voice soft but determined.
"but what about you? dont you want it?" you protested, feeling a pang of guilt at the thought of eating the last bit of dessert all by yourself.
"dont worry about me," your boyfriend replied, reaching across the table to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "id rather see you enjoy. it will bring me twice as much joy."
as you entered the school library, you immediately spotted yujin sitting at a table near the window. his eyes were focused intently on his notebook, lips slightly pursed in concentration. his hair, messy as usual, added to his endearing charm.
"hey, yujin," you greeted, sliding into the seat across from him. "thanks for agreeing to help me with this math stuff. i swear, im hopeless without you."
yujin looked up, a warm smile spreading across his face. "hi, baby. dont worry about it. well do this together, okay? whats giving you trouble?"
you pulled out your textbook and notes, laying them out on the table. "its these calculus problems. i just cant seem to wrap my head around them. like, seriously, why does math have to be so complicated?"
your boyfriend chuckled softly, reaching over to squeeze your hand. "i know it can be frustrating, but trust me, once you get the hang of it, its not so bad. lets start with this one," he said, pointing to a particularly tricky problem. "do you remember the chain rule?"
you nodded, grateful for his patient guidance as he walked you through the steps, breaking down the problem into manageable chunks. his explanations were clear and concise, making even the most complex concepts seem simple.
as you worked through the assignment together, the hours seemed to fly by. occasionally, youd get stuck on a problem, but yujin was always there to offer encouragement and support.
"youre doing great, baby," he said, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your temple. "i know its tough, but i believe in you. if all else fails, we can always grab some ice cream afterwards."
you laughed, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. as the afternoon sun began to dip below the horizon, you finally finished the last problem, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over you.
"i cant believe we actually did it," you said, grinning up at him. "i seriously couldnt have done it without you."
your boyfriend smiled back, his eyes sparkling with pride, smiling playfully. "thats what boyfriends are for, right? to help their pretty girlfriends through the tough math stuff."
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© gvnvks 2024. do not copy or translate any of my works.
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wonwoonlight · 4 months
finding love / kim mingyu
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a/n: mingyu brain rot bc i dreamt of him last night and ive never felt so loved 😭😭😭😭 first fic of the year! not proofread bc im too lazy. Enjoy🤍 do tell me if u enjoy this??? Hello???
wc: 1.1k // just some musings about love // fluff // super very soft // i dont think theres any warning except that i want him NOW.
[ ♤♤♤ ]
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
It's not anything as dramatic as you not believing in it. You just really haven't found the right person, nor have you been trying to look for one. Which is why it's a wonder that you end up with someone as wonderful as Kim Mingyu.
Your meeting with him wasn't anything special either. It's nothing out of a fiction; it's not exciting and it's not magical. It's just you, being Chan's friend and introduced to the members when he invited you to their concert and you visited the backstage once it finished.
It wasn't an instant click either, you just ended up talking individually somehow and the relationship progressed as time passed by.
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
He holds your hand when you're afraid even if you don't say anything.
He holds your hand when you're afraid even if he's afraid.
You both hate horror movies with passion, but once in a blue moon you two would challenge yourself just to see if it has changed. Every single time Mingyu would brace it and watch through everything just so he can tell you when to close your eyes and when it's okay to open them again.
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
He would listen to everything you talk about. From your complain about your coworkers, to your random ramble about some stuff you see on Instagram reels.
He listens.
He always does.
Because one day you're talking about how it's been quite some time since you've eaten lasagna and the next dinner Mingyu bakes lasagna for you himself.
He listens.
Because when you mention once in passing to your friend, to which Mingyu only listens partly to because you're on the phone and doesn't realize he's already awoken from his nap, that you've always wanted to try snorkeling, Mingyu arranges for it immediately once he finds a suitable date for you both.
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
He finds time to contact you in midst of busy schedules, and always tells you beforehand if he's going to be too busy to reach out in any way. You've told him plenty of times that you understand and that he doesn't need to reassure you everytime, but you've also told him once long before you started dating that you're the type to welcome words of assurance more than anything.
So he continues to reassure you everytime he can.
“What do you think about this?” Mingyu asks, yet again in another set of outfits.
You don't know shit about fashion, and you think Mingyu looks good in everything because he knows how to dress himself well. This is something that he's aware of, but he also likes your validation so you always try your best to say anything other that “You look good” and “I like this better than the previous one”.
“I think… you know I like it best when you're in black so I'm not sure if your current outfit is actually better than the black one or not.” You say sheepishly, to which Mingyu laughs at.
Your heart skips a beat at the sound of his laughter, something that hasn't changed despite having dated him for almost a year now. He makes his way to you and engulf you in a hug, whispers something that sounds suspiciously like “you're so cute” though he doesn't admit it because you don't like being called cute.
“Hmm.. Maybe I should go for the black one.” He says as he looks at himself in the mirror once again.
“What? No! Wear what you think is best. You know I have zero sense of fashion.”
“You like it, though.”
“I like you. You know you can wear the ugliest shirt out there and I'll still like it.”
Mingyu freezes and you see the tips of his ears turning red. You don't always say your feelings out loud, and when you do, it always hits a soft spot within him. And for all the cheesy comments Mingyu always parades to his fans, he's actually bad at receiving them himself.
You would usually jump at this opportunity to tease him, but you're feeling especially soft today, so you walk up next to him and tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
“I appreciate your sentiment, but don't trust me this time around, okay?” You chuckle and cup his warm face before dropping a peck on his lips.
“Alright…” He presses his lips together and goes for another kiss. “You'll really like everything…?”
And as much as Mingyu reassures you, you reassure him back.
“I like you. So you can wear anything, and I'll like it as long as it's not something weird like a dragon costume or something.”
Mingyu succumbs with a shy smile and hides his face in your neck.
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
He's brought you happiness that you didn't know existed. He always makes your bad days good and your good days even better.
You automatically look for him when something makes you laugh, a part of you always wishes to share your happiness with him no matter where he is. You also look for him when you're not feeling your best, because one look and Mingyu knows you need him beside you, his arms enveloping you to ground yourself to him, and his deep voice reminds you that things are going to be okay.
“Does it bother you?” Seungkwan asks one day. You, him, Mingyu, and Seungcheol are chilling in Mingyu's dorm.
“What?” You return his question, getting more comfortable on the sofa. You're leaning against Seungcheol's shoulder, as Mingyu is too busy playing something on his phone and you don't want to restrict his movement by leaning into him.
“The… you know. Whispers. What people say?”
“About me and Mingyu?” You make sure. Your relationship isn't public, but you know some people in his company doesn't exactly approve of his choice of a girlfriend even though their opinions don't matter.
You hum as you look at Mingyu, sitting comfortably on the floor near Seungkwan. He comments on how random the younger guy's question is, but doesn't seem too bothered by it.
Something pleasant settles in your chest as you continue looking at him, your smile growing when the answer to Seungkwan's question pops in your mind.
“Not really, no.” You turn to him with a smile, your voice firm with security. “I know Mingyu loves me and that's enough.”
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
Because he loves you with everything he has to offer and beyond, never once failing to let you know his feelings haven't wavered.
Because you want to do everything for him even if you're not able to, your heart always finding a way to be with him even when he's not next to you.
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Hello i hope dat you are doing well 🫂💕.
Can i resquest the task force 141 + alejandro
With a fem reader who is very soft and kind and never got mad infront of them. but one day they got pissed at someone so they started to yell and curse and argue and her s/o is like dayum ive never seen her dat mad before 😳 actually kinda hot tho
I'm doing okay going through midterms!
Yess i love this trope. It kind of got a little suggestive in this but it's nothing explicit. I used SpanishDict for translations so it's most likely wrong so just message me to fix it
The 141 + Alejandro with a soft reader who gets mad
Price is a rough, rugged man
Years of military and hard missions have made him someone who's not exactly the most soft or delicate person in the world.
So he's always a little surprised when someone so soft and kind like you has fallen in love with a man like him
Even on your bad days, even on the days where you both are just not agreeing with each other, you're always kind to him and he's never seen you mad before
Your softness balances him out and he helps you when you need his roughness to take over and deal with something
So they day that you snap takes him off-guard and awakens something in him
It was one of those days where he was dealing with the "politics" side of the job, something he particularly hates because of the nuance it takes
Someone was making rude comments toward Laswell and Price, pointing out the flaws in there work and the mistakes they've made, mostly putting the blame on Price
It had been happening all day and it was getting on his nerves
And apparently yours too
The moment that the meetings were over and everyone was going to your cars, the person just happened to make a comment that sent you over the edge
"Will you shut the fuck up?" You yelled. "How about you get off your lazy ass and actually do the job yourself if you have such an issue with the way we do it!"
Price watched you rip them apart, cursing them in everyway with wide eyes, completely stunned by this reaction and...strangely turned on
You had confidence, you were in complete control of the conversation and you looks so hot with a glare on your face
You were also defending him. It's not like he needed you to do it, but he definitely appreciated feeling taken care of
Sometimes he just wants to be taken care of
It took him a lot of willpower for him to stop you because he just enjoyed watching tear them apart
When he finally pulled you away and got you into the car, he already had a hand on your thigh
"Let's blow off some steam before we go back, yeah?"
Oh Ghost, he has so many issues
His life hasn't exactly been an easy one by a long shot and it's definitely messed up his perception of himself and the world around him
It's hard for him to think of himself as something good for the world
So he never goes a day in his life without being grateful for you, he loves you so much he is devoted to you
Bad days, good days, any day
Even after being with you for so long, he's still sometimes caught off guard by your soft touches, you kindness and the way you kiss him like he is good
You bring him back to reality and he appreciates your softness because it remind him that he's safe and that the world doesn't have to be that bad
However, watching you become angry for the first time definitely had him thinking some...thoughts
There were some rookies who were gossiping about Ghost
It was nothing new, he was used to them saying strange things or speculating what's under his mask or why he's so scary.
He honestly finds it amusing because they'll learn not to ask questions soon enough
Except one of them got pretty bold and set something off in you
Ghost was talking to you and every time he did he usually let his guard down which was usually a good thing
Neither of you noticed the rookie creeping up behind Ghost until he reached up to grab Ghost's mask
"Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are?" You screamed and caught both of them off guard. "Get away from him!"
Ghost watched as you rushed up to the rookie, still confused and very stunned by your reaction
Your ran the rookie through, cursing him and punishing him in the worst way you could as you berated him for trying to take Ghost's mask
Ghost was very lucky he had his mask on because the blush across his face was so red he was sure he looked like a tomato
You had bite to you, something he didn't know and as much as he liked your softness, this new side showed just how capable you were
He also may have liked to know you had his back when he wasn't paying attention
Eventually he pulled you away from the rookie but pulled you a way into his room with the intent to see more of this side of you
"Don't get shy on me, show me just how angry you are, yeah?"
Soap may seem like he’s all happy go lucky but that comes with a price
He generally pushes things down and lets them fester inside him, and when those things boil over he’s hard on himself
He’s not exactly kind to himself but he hides it underneath the jokes and the cocky smiles
You see through him though and you give him enough courage to be a lot nicer to himself, especially with how kind you are to him
He also gets to be authentically himself around you which is a a pretty toned down version of he is on the field which is freeing for him
When you got angry around him for the first time, he was speechless but in the best way possible
Soap is pretty used to not being taken seriously or being the end of some unkind jokes about his intelligence
It took him a while to get to the point where they don't bother him but he's figured out how to just ignore the person who makes them
You however, can never get to that point and though you had never showed any outwards anger for them, today had been the finally straw for you
Was it because you were having a bad day and everything was just piling up on each other? Maybe.
Was it because you hadn't seen Soap all day because you both were too busy to spend time with each other? Absolutely.
To your credit, you had tried your hardest to ignore the jokes as you went through the day, waiting for the moment when you finally got to see Soap again and just fall into his arms
But after a particularly bad comment about Soap, you snapped
"Listen here dumbfuck, maybe if you got your head out of your ass you'd see Soap is a lot more than that." You snapped and couldn't help the string of insults and curses that flew out of your mouth
After you were finished chewing out the person, shame washed over you and you were happy that Soap wasn't there to see that until he wrapped his arms around you from behind
To say that Soap was turned on would be an understatement
He had just walked into the room to see and hear you defend him and compliment him with a kind of fire he had never seen from you but want to see more of, especially in the privacy of his room
"Keep going bonnie, please."
Gaz is actually quite serious and most likely ends up pouring all himself into his work more often than not
He wants to prove himself even though he doesn’t have to because he likes his job
He doesn’t understand that he’s already proven himself since he’s in the task force so it’s a battle to keep him from overworking himself
For everyone else it’s a losing battle but for you, you nearly always win
You've managed to wiggle yourself into the cracks of his otherwise admirable ambition and give him a taste of those soft moments that make him slow down
He doesn't realize how hard he's been working himself until you do and he's extremely grateful that you take the time to make him just breathe and enjoy life
He's never seen you angry before and the moment he sees you snap, he's thinking about how nice you've been to him in some intimate moments and how he might not want that right now
He had been pouring himself into his work again and this time he had been going so hard he injured himself
But instead of being responsible like Price had told him to be, he felt shame for not being able to handle the pain so he decided to keep going
You tried your hardest to keep him from working but he was determined to do it and this was one of the rare times that you lost the battle
It wasn't until he nearly got himself killed that you had enough
"God dammit! Are you trying to get yourself killed?" You snapped at him as slammed the door to his room.
You continued to chew him out about his behavior and he watched you with wide eyes. You were right of course, but now he just wanted to play hard to get you to show more of this side of you
"What're you going to do about it, love?"
(brat Gaz anyone?)
Alejandro is a man who loves deeply and feels very deeply
Often when he feels too much he puts into his work or he just pushes it away because the time doesn't call for it
He's so used to it that sometimes he just explodes when it becomes too much
When you can, you encourage him to feel everything and you're always there to let him know that it's okay
He really appreciates it and he loves you so much because how could he not. He feels the best he has for a long time since you both became partners
However, he does worry that you do the same since you're so sweet and he's never seen you angry before so he's always trying to make sure you know that you can feel too
(You do it's just you don't get mad)
That is until one day something just snapped in you and he saw another side of you that made him hungry for you
You both were not having a good day and it only kept getting worse
It was one thing on top of another and even Rudy couldn't keep things under control so it was chaos
You could see that Alejandro was close to snapping but you also were which made it hard for you to suggest you both take a breather
Unfortunately for you, someone decided to just do one more thing that set you both off
Alejandro began to yell but you quickly overpowered him and just let loose
"How can you possibly fuck up this bad?" You were beyond frustrated and though the vaquero didn't deserve it you were just so angry.
Alejandro practically watched you with heart eyes, slowly feeling himself get excited as he thought about you using him to let all that go
When the vaquero ran away from your wrath, he immediately swooped in and leaned in your ear
"Vamos a mi oficina, mi vida." ("Let's go to my office.")
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morgansunflower · 15 days
Home Again
Bruce Wayne X Kent! Kryptonian! Reader
Warnings: character injury, angst, explicit language and injury.
Words: 1234
Requested taglist@too-strong-to-lose @asrainterstellar
Arthur's notes! Batmom is Clark's sister. Kon is the second clone of Bruce and Y/N. He is found when Tim is Robin and is 9 years old. Unlike his brother Conner(who is 19), he does continue aging physically.
With Bruce's back broken by Bane. Conner takes his, place as Batman temporarily. Little Kon runs off feeling afraid as he's completely out of control. Jason is naturally surprised when he shows up at his place.
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Kon gazed intently with much dismay to his Dad as he laid in the bed. He was wearing a back brace from Bane bending his spine, breaking his back. He had a IV giving him antibiotics. He hears his Dad's heartbeat that was weak. The heart monitor was like a, loud speaker against his little ears.
He swallows hardly hearing Bruce's soft winces in pain. Kon couldn't stand it. Before his mother could look to his distraught face.. He speeded to his room.
Noticing their little brother was absent. Cass and Tim tried to comfort him. Once he wouldn't answer their pleas. They applied pressure to Kon's bedroom door but found that it was to no avail.
Kon had heard their footsteps and sat in front of his door so they wouldn't see, him quite this upset.
"Kon listen to me buddy. Bruce is gonna be OK" Tim promised him
Tim pushed at the door again and this time it opened however revealed Kon.. Was gone.
"shit" Tim cursed..
Kon could be anywhere. The whole family excluding their mom was notified, as they thought she was already worried enough. No one knew where he was. Conner unfortunately was a bit busy at the moment taking Batman's place.
Jason puts on his jacket and curses every word he knew. He opens the door abruptly and felt as if he was hit by a train. He takes a deep breath. There in front of his door Kon-El Wayne, nearly soaking wet from the rain pouring down...
"dammit kid are you trying to catch a cold!" Jason scolds with a deep worry in his voice he tried to conceal.
Jason let's Kon in and let's everyone know Kon's safe.....
Jason walks to his room grabbing a t-shirt and one of his black motorcycle jackets in his closet. He comes back to Kon who was strangely silent and very still...
"here put these on" Jason ordered tossing the clothes to his little brother.
Kon took off his wet shirt and put on Jason's shirt with his jacket. Both items of clothing nearly engulf him.
Jason opens his fridge. What would he like? Bread?.. Guess he's stuck cooking. Jason preheated the oven and gathered ingredients for cookies..
"you know how to bake?" Kon asked giggling
Jason quirked his eyebrow "do you want the food or not brat?"
"just kidding" he laughed "want some help?" he offered
"sure" Jason accepted
The two brother's made cookies together and once they were done. They enjoyed them, while sitting on the couch. Kon sighed softly to himself waiting for Jason to something.. Anything... But he said nothing.
"are you not going to ask me why I'm here?"
"no heard about Bruce figured you needed to take breather. As to why you chose my place of all wonderful places in Gotham.. I'm curious, otherwise you don't have to tell me anything"
Kon shrugged.. "I guess cause you're fun"
"you guess?" Jason laughs "damn am I that terrible?"
"no" Kon laughs "I've been here for a few hours.. I probably need to get back home"
Jason grabs his keys to his impala "it's still pouring down rain. I'll give you a ride home"
Kon couldn't deny that it was certainly not like Jason to go to the Manor without a real emergency. He certainly wasn't going to tell him no..
As they arrive at the Manor. Kon reaches for the handle to open the car door, but hesitated. He looks to his older brother with pleading eyes, begging him to come. Jason's expression remained blank.
"you're not coming inside. Are you?"
"nope. Tell.. Tell everyone I said hi" Jason told his little brother
Kon reaches up hugging Jason's neck. He was naturally surprised as Kon NEVER hugged him, at least certainly not moments like this. As he let's go he super-speeded inside the Manor. Jason smiled softly and reaches to turn the key, but felt nothing.
He scoffed with a wry smile "that little thieving brat"
Jason opens his car door intending to go inside, get his keys and get out in one swift motion. Hopefully undetected by his family of super-hearers and detectives.
Y/N lovingly touched Bruce's forehead rubbing it gently with her thumb. He tilts his head gently kissing the palm of her hand.
"Jason's home. He's OK" she softly said
Bruce only smiled softly. He could feel the bit of worry in her touch against his cheek. He wished speaking wasn't so painful. He wished he could hold her and promise her that he's OK.
Jason tried to walk slower past the recovery room of the Manor. He thinks he's made it as he made it past the door.
"Jason" she said
Jason sighed heavily turning around to look to his, mom "look Kon just showed up so I came to drop him off and the little brat stole my keys. So I'm just getting the back" he defends
"I see.. How are you doing?" she asked
Jason sighed "... I'm okay. How's B?"
"he's in a lot of pain but he'll be OK. Have you been sleeping any better?" she softly questioned
".. I have my nights.." he shrugged "I'm sorry Ma but I gotta go I'll try to be by tomorrow.. Maybe"
Before he took another step his mother embraced him. She feels his hesitant arms wrap around her. Y/N hears his heartbeat slowly calm down to a softer beat.
"I love you son" she smiled kissing his head
Jason let's go of her before he truly becomes emotional...
".. love you too Ma" he gently said
Jason went to the family room seeing Tim, Cass and Kon. All three were watching a movie together. Cass paused the movie smiling to her brother.
"hey Jay! Didn't expect you to hang around. Want to watch the movie with us?" Tim offered in a inviting tone
"nah I came to collect something of MINE" Jason said looking at his little brother
"I don't know anything about it!" Kon playfully defends folding his little arms and looking away
"keys twerp!" Jason said with a open hand.
"here" Kon scoffed tossing Jason his keys that he easily caught "oh your jacket!" Kon motions to take the clothing off. "and your shirt" he then chuckled.
"keep 'em. It'll make up for me missing your birthday last month" Jason smiled to him ruffling his hair
"thanks Jason" Kon grinned giving him a genuine hug.
"don't mention it bud" Jason smiled "well I guess I better get going"
"noooo!!" Kon whined holding his brother tightly so he couldn't move.
"c'mon don't disappoint the little munchkin" Tim pleads
Cass put her hands together in a pleading manner. Jason sighed with a small smile shaking his head no
"Jason? I didn't know you were home" Dick smiled
"hey Jay! Glad to see you're still alive and well" Duke joked
"just dropping by" Jay scoffed
"you sure? It's been a while since you've stayed" Conner pleads stepping into the room
Alfred stepped in with a cart of assorted snacks and desserts. Everyone looked to Jason hoping they'd change his mind.
"Master Jason. Would you care for a bite?" Alfred kindly offers
"thanks Alfred but--humph" he grumbled unable to get Kon off of him. He was a little overwhelmed by the affection by well.. Everyone "unfortunately I don't have time for snacks"
"please" Kon begged
"alright fine! But only for a hour!" Jason scowled defeated but deep down.. He missed home.
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senp1i · 10 months
An Yujin of IVE x Male reader smut [well kinda]
an; tbh did decent for first try, open for constructive criticism. Word Count- 762
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An Yujin sighs softly as she stretches out on her bed, relaxing after a long day of practice and recording. Though tired, her mind is restless, as it often is when she finds herself alone with her thoughts. Her thoughts drift to her beloved boyfriend Y/N, as it so often does lately. A gentle smile tugs at her plump lips as she imagines his face, his warm smile that always makes her heart flutter. She misses him every time they're apart like this.
Just then, there's a soft vibration in her phone, a video message pings on her kakaotalk. And low it behold it is from the man she holds closest to her heart.
Yujin settles back against her pillows, tapping the play button eagerly. She misses his face, and the sound of his voice as it brings her dire comfort. What surprise has her loving Y/N sent her this time? Her heart swells with affection, ready to see his smile once more.
As the video starts playing, Yujin's eyes are immediately drawn to Y/N's handsome face filling the screen. He smiles and it makes Yujin melt.
"Hi baby," he says softly. "I miss you. Hope you're not working too hard like always." He chuckles. "I wanted to send you something to cheer you up since we can't be together right now. Uhhh Close your eyes, I have a surprise..."
Yujin smiles and does as he says, closing her eyes in anticipation. She hears some rustling sounds from the tablet, her boyfriend’s quiet laughter. "Okay, open them!"
Opening her eyes, Yujin gasps softly. On the screen, Y/N is shirtless, wearing only sweatpants that hang very low on his hips. His pale [or tan], muscular torso is on full display, along with the teasing trail of dark hair that disappears below the waistband.
"Like what you see?" Y/N asks playfully, his dark eyes dancing with mirth. "I know how much you enjoy admiring my body, baby. Wishing I was there to please you, make you scream in pleasure."
Yujin feels her cheeks flush hot at his words, her heart pounding in her chest as desire pools low in her abdomen. Even just seeing him like this has turned her on so easily. She lets her eyes roam hungrily over the sculpted planes of his chest, his abs, wishing she could reach out and feel their hardness under her fingertips and palms.
Y/N must’ve imagined the want in her eyes, for his smile turns wicked. "Enjoy the view for now, babygirl. I'll be seeing you soon. Be a good girl and touch yourself for me, thinking of the things I'll do to you when we're finally together again..."
The video ends abruptly, leaving Yujin aching and breathless. Her boyfriend knows just how to wind her up and leave her wanting. Now alone with her thoughts and the lingering image of his hard bare torso, she can't help but let her hands wander as desire takes over...
Yujin lets out a shaky breath as her hands slide down her body, cupping her perky breasts over her shirt and giving them a gentle squeeze. Her nipples tighten in real time, aching to be touched through the thin fabric. Lowering, her hands travel, coming to rest in between her thighs. Even through her sweatpants she can feel the heat and wetness in there, a witness to how easily her Y/N turns her on.
Slipping her hand beneath the waistband, Yujin breathes shallowly as her fingers make contact with her slick, swollen folds. She spreads them open, finding her sensitive nub already throbbing for attention. Her slow, teasing circles do little to nothing to ease the ache, only making her long for Y/N more and more. Memories of past ‘workouts’ with Y/N come rushing into her mind - his skilled tongue and rough fingers coaxing orgasms after orgasms out of her until she sobs for him to stop, as it becomes unbearable. The thought has her moving faster now, rubbing herself with increasing urgency as fantasies of him take over.
It isn't long before the first waves of bliss begin to wash over her in pulses. Yujin bites her lip to stifle her moans, as to not alert her beloved members. Her fingers work busily between her thighs, chasing that necessary peak, until her body finally convulses in the pleasure. Only the memories of Y/N can bring her such pleasure, even when he is miles away.
As she comes down from her high, satiated for now, Yujin smiles dreamily. Waiting and yearning to be in Y/N’s arms again soon.
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crissiebaby · 3 months
The Padded Palace Act IV: Chapter 3
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, crossdressing, inappropriate language, humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
“Open wide! Here comes the airplane!” cooed Latasha, leaning over the high chair’s wooden tray and whirring a spoon filled with unidentifiable mush around in front of Connor’s face. Warmth radiated off her smile, luring Connor in with the kindness only a seasoned caregiver had the power to offer. 
In the back of Connor’s mind, he knew something was off but it was as if a thick fog was swirling around his head that only Latasha could cut through. He fell deep into her trusting eyes as he opened his mouth and allowed for the spoon to pass his lips. The taste was indescribably mesmerizing, though it likely wouldn’t matter what he ate. Anything Latsha fed him would be as flavorful and satisfying as the rarest of steaks.
Latasha’s smile grew in unison with Connor, enjoying his ebullient expressions almost as much as he was enjoying the food. “That’s my good girl,” she said, taking hold of his bib and gingerly patting his mouth with it, “Let me know when you’re ready for another bite, sweetie.” She eagerly scraped around the edges of the bowl in her hands, prepping the bite that would finish off his meal.
Connor nodded enthusiastically as he worked around the bite in his mouth before swallowing in the most exaggerated manner possible. Unable to sit still, his floofy dress and triple-diapered booty swished and rustled against each other, showcasing his joyous approval. Tragically, his happiness would fade slightly as he was once again impacted by the feeling that this wasn’t right.
That feeling would only become amplified by the sound of a heavy door opening and slamming shut. Seconds later, he was greeted by a familiar face. “Hey, Latasha! How’s the little stinker doing today?” asked Stacy, entering the kitchen dressed…normally. Wearing a t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans that would make hiding a diaper impossible, it was clear that she was no longer the padded princess he’d once known. Offloading a diaper back onto the adjacent dining table, she promptly reached into the bag and produced a second bowl of baby food, this one filled to the brim. Steam rolled off the bowl as if it had been pulled from a microwave moments prior.
“Hehe! See for yourself,” said Latasha, gesturing to Connor and putting him on the spot. Blush filled his cheeks whilst his eyes darted between his caregiver and he used to be in charge of diapering. Wait…why would he diaper anyone? He was nothing more than a baby, right?
Approaching Connor with the new bowl in hand, Stacy quickly scooped up a serving far larger than the one Latasha had prepared for him. He wanted to protest that he’d already eaten enough but the second his lips parted, they were instantly loaded up with pulpy, grey mush that tasted considerably worse than Latasha’s.
From there, it was rinse and repeat with Stacy refusing to slow down as she forced bite after bite down Connor’s throat. “Watatha!” he mumbled nervously, his panic only receiving doting laughter in response.
“Did I hear it’s someone’s feeding time?!” said another familiar voice, this one too bombastic to belong to anyone other than Ellie. Sure enough, the spunky redhead was the next to join the kitchen party, and much like Stacy, she too was diaper-free, “I want a turn!” Reaching around her back, she produced another bowl of food seemingly from thin air. Armed with a spoon of her own, she took turns with Stacy piling the sticky gunk into Connor’s overstuffed mouth.
Slowly but surely, Connor’s tummy began to pooch outward against his dress and press itself into the high chair’s tray, making his seat very uncomfortable. Desperate for relief from Stacy and Ellie’s relentless feeding, he stretched his arms out toward Latasha. If anyone could save him at this point, it was her. Unfortunately, this coincided with the entrance of two more girls: Riri and Skye. Both were unsurprisingly dressed to match Stacy and Ellie, leaving Connor the only one diapered within the Padded Palace.
“Wowza! I can’t believe I used to let her change my diapers,” said Riri, her out-of-character reaction further fueling Connor’s inescapable humiliation. She, too, held a bowl in her hands and was fast approaching the high chair to join the other.
Cutting through the growing crowd of girls to deliver a bite so large that Connor could barely fit his mouth around it, Skye smiled sadistically as she spoke, “Right?! She’s too precious to do anything other than one fill after another after another…”
As if on cue, Connor’s stomach lurched followed by a rush of colon pressure. Not that any of the girls played any mind to his intestinal noises, choosing instead to continue stuffing his face. He whined and bucked against the tray of his high chair in hopes of dislodging it and freeing himself. Sadly, he may as well have had his diaper glued down.
Suddenly, the sound of Latasha’s pacifier-shaped doorbell being rung echoed throughout the kitchen. “Oh, let me see who’s at the door,” said Latasha, exiting the kitchen in the direction of the front door and leaving Connor alone with his four female tormentors.
A confused and concerned look crossed Connor’s face. Everyone from the Padded Palace was here. Who else was showing up? That question would answer itself as the caregiver trio of Carol, Martin, and Mal all made their grand entrances. “Oh. My. Goddess! You told me she was a cutie pie but you didn’t tell me she was THIS cute!” said Carol, leading the posse of Bigs through the kitchen on a beeline to Connor. Unsurprisingly, they all knew to bring bowls of baby food for Connor, who appeared as though he had a pillow shoved under his dress with how rapidly his gut was filling up. Making matters worse, they all looked to be at least ten feet tall from where Connor was sitting, nearly doubling the height of the other girls.
Up to this point, none of the people residing inside the Padded Palace were particularly out of place. Nothing, however, could’ve prepared him to come face-to-face with the former college professor who had offered him a job all those months ago. “I’m sorry, Connor but I must retract my offer for the TA position,” he said, revealing the bowl of baby food he had held behind his back, “The world of academia isn’t for everyone, especially for someone who can’t keep her pampers dry.”
The room erupted into vicious mockery, deepening the crimson hue that had taken over Connor’s complexion. His eyes watered as the helplessness of his situation became insurmountable. Was this really where he belonged? Everyone else thought so. Maybe they were right.
“Hey, Connie,” said a voice that Connor wasn’t immediately able to place. That being said, he couldn’t shake the same sense of familiarity the other had carried. Those who had gathered around his high chair parted ways, allowing Erica, his old babysitter, to emerge from the crowd. Her hands were mercifully empty as she leaned over the tray and whispered a single sentence into Connor’s ear, “Only bite off as much as you can chew.”
With those fateful words, Connor squinted his eyes shut, ceding all control.
Returning to consciousness with a vengeance, Connor’s eyes shot wide open as a wet fart ripped through his diaper accompanied by the smallest amount of fecal matter. Not that he would ever notice considering how full his diaper already was. He cringed as each tiny movement came with a miniature mudslide. “Thanks for the change, you guys,” he muttered sarcastically under his breath as he came too, taking note of the crib bars he was surrounded by. If they were going to put him to bed, they could’ve at least gone all the way.
Trapped in a groggy state of mind, Connor knew he should feel utterly embarrassed to have been stuck inside a crib with a dirty diaper that put the majority of the ones that the girls churned out daily to shame. Then again, if he allowed any of their diapers to get this bad, he’d never hear the end of it from Latasha. In spite of the abject humiliation he was experiencing as well as his acute desire to wear something dry, a diaper change sounded far too daunting, especially with the dehydration headache that was pounding against his skull. Rolling over so that his mess was no longer squashed against his rear, all he wanted now was to fall back asleep.
For the second time in a short span, Connor’s eyelids parted abruptly. Only this time, it wasn’t a disturbance in his bowels that startled him awake. Instead, it was Riri’s hushed voice that captured his drowsy attention. A hand extended outward from her crib, waving in his direction and beckoning him. “So much for getting back to sleep,” he thought, sighing and preparing himself for a messy onslaught once he finally worked up the strength to sit up.
SubscribeStar: subscribestar.adult/crissiebaby pixivFANBOX: crissiebaby.fanbox.cc All CB Links: linktr.ee/crissiebaby
Edited by AllySmolShork
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BlossomBitchDolly BlushyBen DD Exminister Gun1242 JFN LittlePissy PrincessKittenLizzi Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca WH17N3Y & Four Anonymous Investors
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toiletwipes · 1 year
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~3k words / hey hey hey. so ahah. yeah. @l0veb0mb1ng keeps dropping bangers and they have good vampire fics so I couldn't help myself! blame her! anyways. hope yall enjoy!
[You get a little too invested in the murders happening around the city and get introduced to the phrase: fuck around and find out. Wilbur happened to be the person to save you. And he's kind of a vampire. Roll the tapes.]
Nothing makes sense in this fic, I am so sorry but the title is from Custer by Slipknot. I'll do a part 2 <//3
When one pictures their ideal death, it usually involves passing on during their sleep or perhaps something just as kind, maybe old age.
All this to say this is not what you pictured for yourself.
Curled up, in someone else's arms, a half-stranger, cradling your body as the two of you put pressure on the wound in your neck. You can hardly speak, struggling to even breathe, and all you can see is this man, speaking to you and you're hearing none of it. And after considering everything, yes you don't want to die… but dying in his arms seems nice.
A very handsome man, with brown, wispy, curling hair into his eyes as he looked over you, around you as he tried to find anything that could help. There was nothing. And you liked the way his eyes were red, despite knowing why they're red. His smile, you remember, had been the prettiest thing you'd ever have the pleasure to see.
"Wil-" you choke on the blood on your mouth, trying to speak, and his hands shake as they press harder on your neck and he shushes you, every part of him shaking even with the weight of your body in his lap.
"It's okay, you're gonna make it out of here, the ambulance-" and you lift a trembling hand to graze his cheek. It leaves a streak of blood on his cheek by his mouth.
"Smi- le. P-p-... please." And the two of you hear the sirens already, and his eyes flicker between the street and your face. And he chokes on air he doesn't need before flashing a small smile.
"You're going to make it out of here, I swear. You'll make it." He kept repeating it even as you felt the ache, the pain in your neck dull. Before you could realize it, you're being placed on the ground, gently as he could and without the added pressure from him, you gasp and gag on the flowing blood. But it doesn't last long, bright lights show and people slide into your blurring vision.
For better or for worse, you close your eyes and let them deal with it. Sleep tempts you enough to listen.
Blinking your eyes awake, you tilt your head to the side to see the monitoring equipment and the IV attached to your arm. You swallow, with an extremely dry throat you notice, and look away. You've always had a weak stomach when it comes to these things. Looking around as much as you could though, there's no one in the room. Your eyes trail to the door with the window and open blinds and people pass by every few seconds. Nobody opens the door.
You sigh, not that you really expected someone but… the last thing, the very last thing you remember, is the smiling face of a truly beautiful man. The thought of it, separated with the choking on your own blood part, still makes you feel warm.
The table beside you has your things on it, your phone and your keys. And a bouquet of flowers sitting in a vase, the prettiest you'd seen. You recognize tulips and carnations but nothing else. Still the white and blue flowers are pretty and thoughtful.
No tag on them to show who the flowers were from. Frowning, you take your phone, groaning for a second as you reach with a weak arm. Leaning back into the bed out of breath, the phone lays on your stomach, the cold screen apparent through the thin sheets.
When you catch your breath, you're quick to unlock the phone, going straight to your call log. There's a missed call from your boss and then there's your aunt in town, but there's one call that makes your eyebrows raise up.
It's a phone number you don't recognize, but checking the text messages, it seems like you did know him. Or, were going to know him. And then it all comes back to you.
Meeting him at night, having information about these strange killings in your part of the city, and then after a week of this, being attacked. Not by him. Something else entirely. And he'd tried his best to call the ambulance, let them know of your location and held tight to make sure you made it till then. At least you think. (And if you think hard enough, you remember part of his name. Will, maybe.)
The last thing you truly do remember is his smile and the warmth it brought you even when touching him made you shiver and the cold ground still sink into your bones, even now in this hospital, you could feel it.
The door opens and a doctor walks in.
He explains you lost a lot of blood, that they managed to get to you in time and that if they were a minute late, you wouldn't have been here. But then he explains that you've got a patch on your neck, that despite losing so much blood, it didn't even need stitches. ("It was… strange.")
When you asked about the flowers, he hums and scratches his beard, "I think I saw a guy deliver them to your room but other than that, I don't know I'm sorry." You mumble your thanks, sinking into your bed before the nurse comes back in and you ask for another blanket.
They let you out after twenty-four hours, and you make it home in time to see… nothing has changed.
Everything was exactly as you left it.
Which also meant the dinner you were in the middle of eating was still there. You grimace, throwing the whole plate away as you move through your apartment. Nothing had been out of place.
Tapping your fingers against your folded arms, you think absently about the wound. About how you asked if he could anything, from that night, and he froze, it was for a split second but he froze. And then he shook his head, stopping and cutting himself off every few words. But it sounded mostly like he couldn't do it. Like it would hurt him. And hey, modern medicine has its wonders, so you're not too upset.
But that night when you go to peel the bandage back after getting completely undressed to shower, your breath is stolen completely. There is hardly a wound, sign that a wound was ever there in the first place. There's two tiny dots, dragged down in a jagged line, but they're mostly scars. Fresh, and still tender when you graze over it with a finger, but still. Scars.
It made you wonder.
Whatever he did, he didn't make you into something like him. That much was obvious. The hospital food had left you hungry for real food, but the food was still things like a sandwich or a box of donuts, things like that. Nothing like whatever made him hungry.
So, scrubbing your skin off of any dirt, you get out, and dry as fast as you can. Throwing on shorts and a hoodie, you sit in the middle of your bed, arms wrapped around your legs as you dialed the phone number to this man.
He doesn't answer. And he doesn't answer the second call, and that's when you leave the voicemail. "Hey, um, Will, is that right? I- it doesn't matter, or it's not that urgent but it matters to me but I need you to call me? Or something because I'm seriously freaking out and something's wrong. Please call me back." You've never felt more pathetic in that moment but what could you afford to lose?
Dignity means nothing to you right now and as you pad to your kitchen to eat, you just knew you needed answers. Leaving your phone on the bed just in case because if he calls, and you know it's a bad time to be petty, you want him to feel just a little desperate like you did. Enough to call you a second time.
And when you come out of the kitchen after eating the leftover soup in the fridge, you see your phone has one missed call. And nothing else. Not even a voicemail.
You wonder if you should call him back when you hear frantic banging on your door. Glancing at your phone one last time, you manage to convince yourself that it couldn't possibly be him. It's way too soon, there's no way he lives close by and when did you ever give him your address?
The frantic banging didn't stop until you slide the lock off the door and opened it, and your mouth gaped open at seeing him. Him.
"I-" you stammer, struggling to form a thought. "I called you like four minutes ago, how-" he waves his hand and stops you from talking again.
"Will you let me in? And show me what's wrong?" His voice pleads with you and you bite down on your lip, chewing as you contemplated it for a second. It is why you called him, after all.
Letting him in, you lock the door behind him and show him to the couch. He doesn't sit but you're too bothered to care about it, you sit with your legs tucked under you.
"I want to start by saying I don't exactly remember everything that night, just that I was supposed to meet you and when I did, I got attacked and I- I almost died."
("Hey, hey, stay with me, you're going to be okay. Y- you're going to make it, just- just listen to my voice okay?" His voice shakes in your memory. And you have to pull all of your strength together to stay focus, even with all the blood leaving and choking and the hot, blinding pain in your neck.)
He doesn't move but you can see the flashes of emotion on his face.
"And- and when I got home and went to take a shower, it's just. Well, look." You stuttered through the beginning, breath catching in your throat as you thought about it and when you pulled the jacket down enough, just to show the scars, he stiffened. "And I wanted to know if you did anything to me- if you tried to heal me, even a little bit-" and he shakes his head, turning away and to the window. He stands by it and yeah, you look at his hands, they're closed and shaking with how hard he's clenching them.
"I told you at the beginning, there are going to be risks, looking into this." And he turns around, face definitely angry and frustrated. He can't cry, and it's not a thing of refusing to, no you can see them building in his eyes and they just won't fall. "If I tried to save you the way I was, you would have rathered me to kill you by now." And he starts pacing.
You look down at the ground, not feeling an ounce of guilt or regret. You know the truth of those murders, first hand. You know what's killing them and that's more than what the public knows. But it almost killed you.
"You have to drop it." He speaks.
And automatically, you refused, "no." You didn't even want to entertain what he wanted you to do.
"Either you stop looking into this or you die. It's as simple as that." He says, moving away from the window and towards you.
"The people need to know they're not safe-"
"-they already know!" He shouts, stopping four steps away from you. He digs his palms into his eyes, "five people have died the same exact way and nobody has been caught. People already know they're not safe. And if you tell them what, a fucking blood-sucking demon is the person behind it, they'll never believe you. And then you'll still get killed just like everyone else." He drops the palms from his hands and then steps closer, and despite being so frustrated and scared, your heart beats harder at being so close to him.
"You almost died already, just please stop." His hands hover over your neck and face, close enough to feel the chill of his cold skin.
"I can't stop. The people who died-" "-they're already dead, there's nothing you can do for them." And he steps away and when you watch him, he releases a breath he doesn't need. He turns away and for a moment, things are quiet.
And thinking real quick, to the moment where he stood so close and stared you in the eye like you staying alive mattered more than the justice these people deserved- you recall the dark irises. Nothing like the red color before.
"You're hungry." You state, and his shoulders tense up. "Why?"
"Trying to lose weight, it doesn't matter. That's not what I'm here for." He refuses to turn around.
"It- I just- there's still one thing that I'm confused about." He doesn't say anything as you stand up, moving closer to him. "I was bleeding out, I was right there. It would've been easy to-"
"To kill you?" He turns around and the both of you freeze at how close the other is, despite him being far more aware of it. And yes, that's what you want to know. He was right there, the same kind of creature that's killing your city's people, holding your bleeding body and you were right there.
"It would've been easy," you say, and his eyes dart to your face. He searches your eyes for something you can't describe.
"It wasn't." He said in the end and then backed up, backs away from you, holding his breath again. "Stop trying to be a hero and lay low for a while." And then he slammed the door on his way out.
It's one thing, to be told to stop being a hero, it's another to follow through with the advice. It's not like you wanted to die, far from it. But knowing what you know, you couldn't just let everyone fend for themselves against a feral vampire.
Not to mention, you're not going to listen to someone be cryptic, be the prettiest man you've ever met, and then leave you alone to make stupid decisions.
So right now, you've been following whispers and half-true rumors about this guy. It leads you all the way to this house. Right on the corner and in the middle of a neighborhood. You wonder if that's by choice for a second before wandering inside, quiet as you could with creaking floorboards. Not to mention, the door was already unlocked and swinging in the wind.
Not a good sign.
The inside was in a worse state. Things toppled over, blood splattered every imaginable surface. Bodies littered the floor. It was harder to hold the bile in as you followed the trail of chaos up the stairs, following the noise. As soon as you reach the top of the stairwell, you hear Will's voice and your heart beats a little faster. What the fuck is he doing here? And after a few whispered words, you heard vile things.
Limbs torn, flesh bitten off. Awful stuff and by the time you can even think of moving your feet because was that Will? Did he just die? You see something tossed across the hallway and seconds later, Will walks into your line of sight. He is just covered in blood. It's smeared around his mouth, coating his hands and it's seeping into his clothes. His hair caught some of it but in all honesty, he looked every bit of monster he claimed to be.
And you couldn't feel more relieved to see him.
"Oh thank fucking- you're alive." You feel your shoulders drop and you run up the stairs, just close enough to wrap your arms around his shoulders and press your forehead against his chest, standing on the lower step. You make a point to ignore the blood.
His hands slowly come up to rest on your shoulders, pushing you away enough to give him space. Enough space to tilt your head back to meet his eyes. His eyes are wide, wild and completely red. Brighter than anything.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" His voice drops in pitch and it's almost a growl with the way he speaks so low. And shit, you were supposed to stay low, weren't you?
"I caught wind of the guy being here and I was just-" your words get caught off as you watch him move, his hands dragging blood across skin and clothing, wrapping themselves around your throat in a delicate motion before pushing you against the wall, still on the stairs.
"Yeah, he's dead. Made sure of it." Your eyes, previously focused on his face, dashed to look at the dead body's direction but he clicked his tongue, lifting a finger to nudge your face back towards him. "Eyes on me." And something about him, probably knowing he's a monster, covered in blood, right after killing the man you've been tracking down, makes his gentle touch feel even softer.
He groans, leaning his nose into your hair and inhaling, and he nearly covers you in his body with how close he is. "Can feel your heartbeat under my hands, it beats so fast. Thinking about me?"
And you know your heart beat even faster, knowing he could hear it, feel it. "Are you gonna kill me this time?" You ask, because this is a strangely ill-fitting position to kill someone. Because you want him to be this close because…
"Oh, I don't want to kill you- maybe get a taste of you but," he moans into your hair, a hand leaving to press against the wall beside your head, "no, no. Want you alive. Want you begging, squirming underneath me. Need you. Need you so fucking bad" And then he presses even closer, his hips pressing against yours and you can feel him. Feel him hard and twitching beneath blood-soaked clothes. And by then you couldn't keep your hands off of him, coming up to grip his clothes, bite back your whines as he continues to grind you against the wall.
Then, a moment of clarity, you remember you're in a house full of dead bodies. Probably all monsters.
"Take me home, Will, and you can have me," whatever possessed you to say that, you don't know. But he pulls back and as you're about to head downstairs, he presses a hand against the back of your head, pulling you close to him as he kisses you. Hard with teeth clacking against each other, nipping at your lip before pulling away. Listening to you pant against his mouth.
"Hold on," he whispers against your lips, stealing another kiss before wrapping your arms and legs around him and all you can think as the world blurs around you is how lucky you are you aren't dead. Strange thing to say before you get fucked into the next week by someone who is probably legally dead- after he just slaughtered a house full of monsters- quite the strange thing to say.
But still. You're lucky. You're alive, and you're starting to think you might like this guy.
Strange things indeed.
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ please hold my hand (chapter 11)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count- 6k
chapter warnings- swearing, fighting, so much fucking angst omg, anxiety, panic attack, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of body issues, mentions of abortion.
author note- Hey guys, apologies on the delayed posting, life has yet to calm down for me and im writing in my free time to try and distract me, (free time which is very limited) I wrapped up my semester and now im getting a job, recently someone close to me passed and on top of that im dealing with family fights and shit, so ive been trying to not rip my hair out. I love all of you guys so much and appreciate you for reading my stories, i know im a smaller author on here just writing silly bts fics and stuff but I find comfort in having a small community on here that I can run to when I need to just get away from everyone irl. Sorry for the blabbling but yes- bottom line is I just appreciate you all so much <3 feel free to ever message me anytime if you need someone to talk to, im here always.
enjoy the chapter!
Taehyung knew you were off
something wasnt right and he knew it, but he also knew to give you time to come to him on your own.
The next morning he sat with you in the bathroom, it was pretty early and birds could be heard outside chirping as the sun rose.
"so....whats going on?" he asked
You woke up first, trying (Failing) to come up with some way to explain that you are pregnant, he heard you pacing the room and stress organizing random shit, so he awoke too.
He frowned, "but last night you told me you wanted to talk" he gently reached out and pulled you closer to him, your eyes glued to the floor.
"oh that..i um...."
its now or never.
Do it.
tell him.
Tell him you are pregnant, we're gonna have a ba-
"i was wondering when I could have my phone back" you blurbed out
His eyes sank to yours, "Y/N...." he sighed, "when we get back to Busan"
"but i just want to check stuff...really quickly" you looked at him, eyes wide
"i dont think thats a good idea"
"why not?"
"because of everything that is going on...you dont need to get hurt by Kaito and his stupid ass friends anymore than you already have"
"no" he shushed, "those rumors are only rumors and will die down soon, fuck that school....just enjoy the rest of the week with me" he softly whispered, pressing the lightest kiss to your lips as you frowned.
sure, it was an excuse to cover up the actual problem at hand, but you really did want your phone back, your mind had been so caught up with baby kim that you completely forgot about the shit storm you had to walk into the moment your flight landed back in Busan.
You refused to look at him as he rubbed your back, "cmon, lets shower"
you both ended up underneath the warm water, cuddling up as your face leaned into his chest, silently.
His hands softly roamed to hold your hips, squishing your skin slightly.
He softly giggled, "m'sorry baby"
"no" you scoffed and tried to move his hands off your waist. "I know I gained weight dont make me feel like shit"
He immediately frowned, "honey i wasnt trying to make you upset, you look beautiful, I think you actually look even prettier, you were losing so much weight this past year with stress and school....you look healthier"
"healthy is code for fat, no?"
Taehyung shook his head, "no baby, i mean it, you are so beautiful"
you turned around to face the shower head as he ran his fingers through your wet hair.
"why are you so moody?" he whispered softly, kissing your shoulder
"im not!"
He hummed, "kinda..."
"just stop" you sighed, wringing your hair out and pushing the curtain aside to get out, drying and wrapping your body with a towel as Taehyung watched, concerned.
You wanted to tell him so bad, but every time the possibility of even mentioning the situation tried to come up, you froze.
You still couldn't fathom it yourself....you were so young...and about to have a kid that you didnt plan for.
You hated it. You hated every ounce of it, because now you were growing attached to the small little thing, it didnt even have a formed body yet and it was already starting to make you feel protective and soft.
You found yourself resting your hand on your abdomen every now and then, not even realizing it. You also saw yourself whispering to it as you ranted when you were alone.
You didnt hate the baby, its not like they asked to be there, it was yours and taehyungs fault, and it was a symbol of the love between you both.
What you hated however- was the fact you knew you didnt have what it takes to be a mother, and the baby would end up resenting you and never speaking to you after 18 years.
You were guilty and sad and struggling, and all you wanted to do was be held and loved and told that it was gonna realistically be okay.
And you knew the only way you could get that is if you told someone.
The rest of the week went by okay,
Your mother had taken tae and you up to her friends farm where you both had worked and helped him plant flowers, you also discovered that this "friend" of hers was anything but.
"hey they look kinda cute" taehyung giggled, filling the soil with his potted flowers
you crossed your arms, "no they dont, shes literally seeing someone and didnt even tell me!! her daughter!!! can you imagine??"
Taehyung smiled, "well...its not like you and i arent keeping anything from her right" he smirked
"if we told her we were 'dating' I doubt she would be shocked, this is different"
"how so?"
"Shes just...." you sighed and watched the front porch of his farm, where your mom and him sat on the swing "thats not my dad"
"dont you want her to be happy, y/n?"
"this isnt about that....what if he breaks her heart like dad did? what if he just fucking leaves when things get difficult?"
Taehyung looked at you softly, knowing this was more than you being upset at your mom finding a romantic interest and not telling you.
"its okay" he whispered, pulling your attention back to the flowers.
Your mind was racing, and suddenly you got hit with a thought that knocked the wind out of you.
What if taehyung left?
the men in your life dont have a good track record here, and what if him being happy over the baby isnt true, what if he is mad and leaves....its so easy for him to just leave.
As the trip ended, you began to distance yourself slightly, as if you were already trying to prepare for when he does go.
The morning of your flight, the thought of getting on another plane ride nauseated you
"we gotta get you anti-motion sickness pills" taehyung smiled, handing you your coffee order from the airport starbucks. "you arent even on the plane yet and you seem pale."
Coffee, not good for the baby. You read that on a forum last night.
You nod, looking off into the distance as he tries to hold your hand to walk to the end of the terminal, you slowly step away
"you ok?" he whispers, looking at you
"y-yeah...just clammy...dont wanna hold hands"
He nodded in understanding.
You wanted to hold him, climb on his back as he walked even, but you needed to distance yourself, in case it ended up being just you and baby.....just as was with your mom and you.
As you found your way to your seats, you tried to just sleep away all your thoughts, but it proved more difficult than you hoped.
Taehyung slept peacefully as you bounced your knee and picked at your nails. The poor woman sitting in front of both of you struggled to keep her own children in their seats while she fed her newborn, who was beginning to wail.
Damn....you were overwhelmed just watching
Taehyung woke up and darted his eyes to the kids in front of him, one boy peeking around to both of you and sticking out his tongue.
He softly giggled and waved, whispering "hello" as he shot you a knowing look.
They made a small interaction with eachother, doing silly faces back and forth until the younger child got tired and crawled over to his mothers lap once more. To say it wasnt cute was a lie.
Maybe he would be okay, perhaps you were overthinking it all
He would be excited, right?
You weakly smiled and took a sip of water, stomach churning.
Taehyung lifted the arm-rest so he could move closer, his arm pulling you to him as he kissed your head- you were trapped.
"Want some mint gum?" he whispered, reaching into his little bag
"no im okay"
"princess it might help the nausea?"
you sighed and leaned away, "im fine just stop"
he frowned and looked back at the small tv in front of him, his own mind stressing over if he did or said something wrong to you. Youve been super moody towards him since the trip and it was a tad bit concerning.
You felt awful, but you were overstimulated with so much shit that you couldnt put on a lovey dovey act right now.
Taehyung put his headphones on and unwrapped the piece of gum, placing it into his own mouth as his head rested against the seat, defeated.
this is wrong
this is so fucking wrong, and you know it. He has been there for you time and time again, and you just push him away when you know he would be more than accepting of the situation that very much involves the two of you.
Rip the fucking bandaid off.
Later that night, you two finally arrived home to your apartment after getting out of your uber.
"let me take these to the elevator" tae smiled, taking your luggage and throwing it over his shoulder.
"thanks" you whispered, rubbing your eyes in exhaustion.
You leaned against him after pressing the button of your floor and getting your key out.
"sleepy?" he mumbled
the doors open and both of you walk down the hall, passing doors of other apartments.
It was peaceful, being home.
You had fun with your mother and spending your birthday at your childhood home, but nothing will beat the comfort of this apartment.
You watched the back of taehyungs head as he walked in front of you, holding two suitcases while making sure his fish baby was okay as well, it was adorable.
Your eyes were fixated on him as you approached the end of the hall
You placed the key into the door and practically watched him drop everything to the floor, (besides the tiny fish tank)
"we can unpack tomorrow right?" he sighed, tiredly
you nod and begin to walk into your bedroom, where taehyung follows.
after getting comfy and clean, the two of you settled into bed in the dark room.
Taehyungs arm draped over your waist, keeping your back flush against his chest.
You sighed, closing your eyes as peacefully as you could as his lips found their way to your shoulder and neck
"i missed you" he whispered, a hint of humor in his voice
your eyes stayed glued to the wall
"dont get me wrong, I love your mom, but she is the number one cock blocker-"
"im tired and want to sleep." you speak, voice stern now.
he pulled away as if you burned him, "...sorry" his head fell against the pillow as he rolled to lay on his back.
It was quiet for a moment, "did i do something wrong?" he whispered
you took a second to reply, "what?"
"this entire week, things have been....weird....with us. Did i upset you, princess?"
Taehyungs voice was low and shaky, as if he was afraid of breaking you. Sure, the week was bad in the aspects of Kaito and his bullshit, but there was no reason to take it out on taehyung.
"are you saying this because I dont want to have sex right now?" you sat up, looking at him with disgust.
He quickly threw his hands up in defense, "baby- no!! Thats not it at all, its nothing to do with anything like that"
You audibly sighed, running your hands over you face as you listened to him speak
He continued, "you just seem....off...and i want to make sure that you are ok"
to make sure....that you are ok.
The man who has little to worry about in this life, and situation wants everything to be okay.
You threw the covers off your body, rising to your feet as you walked towards the bathroom, suddenly it was too much again.
Too much to juggle, too much for one single woman to deal with at once, it wasnt fucking fair that you were here right now.
You blamed yourself because you both were careless, and now you blame yourself because you have authority, and responsibility for this child. Yes- he may want it, but your mind races back to the fact of how he struggles to even look after himself. He might get overwhelmed and give up, your life may fall apart, and hes rambling about YOU being OKAY?
"where are you going?" he got up quickly, following after you
You pivoted on your heel, blocking him from entering the bathroom with you, "i just want to be alone right now taehyung, Please"
He scoffed, "you cant act like this, get me all worried, then run away and hide, thats not fair!"
Your eyes widened, "not fair? why is how I act not fair to you? why do you assume every action, every emotion, every breath is about YOU??"
He stood back a little, not prepared for how you suddenly turned from cold shoulder to just plain angry.
"y-you have no idea!" you gripped your hair as you got a glance of yourself in the mirror, and as quick as it was, tears began to form at the lining of your eyes.
"idea of what, y/n? you are scaring me" taehyung whispered, unsure if he should attempt to comfort you.
You took a few breathes and rubbed your arms to self soothe yourself, "Its late....im tired....youre tired, lets just sleep please"
"sleep? after this?"
you nod, silently shutting the door to the bathroom as he stood in front of it. "you are gonna sleep in the fucking bathroom?"
"who cares if I do?"
He sighed, looking down. He wanted to help and was only met with a door slamming to the face, and you ignoring his pleas to help you with whatever this was.
He tried once more, hand jiggling the door handle, "baby...baby please....."
You sat on the other side, your back pressed against the door and your knees to your chest as tears fell freely now. You felt like an awful person- perhaps you were one.
He whispers, voice cracking, "whats going on? why wont you....why cant I help?"
You wiped your eyes, looking down at your hands as taehyung spoke behind the door. "please just go...."
"no...im not going to leave you when you are in an emotional state like this"
"please." you try once more
"y/n, im not joking around anymore, open the fucking door."
Your heart raced at his sudden fed up tone, you knew he wasnt going to let this rest tonight.
"y/n....open the door"
the two rooms were filled with silent breathing, it felt like forever before you suddenly stood up as he listened to your shuffling.
You blew your nose and looked at yourself in the mirror again, a mess. an absolute mess, how could one fuck up this badly?
suddenly...this is beyond you, especially in this moment.
Its not just your life anymore, and you are being selfish a bit. He has a right to know, its not just a you problem. You sigh, eyes on the mirror. all you could see was someone whos had maybe one of the biggest downfalls of the century....but you also saw a girl who was vulnerable, and wanted to try.
Your hand shakes as it moved to unlock and open the door, you met taehyung who stood there with fear in his eyes, obviously more than just concerned over the bizarre behavior.
"taehyung." you whispered so quietly, that if any other noise was occurring in the house, he wouldnt have heard you.
He stuck his eyes onto yours, not leaving for a second.
"i-im.." you choked, trying to compose yourself.
"youre what, princess?" he whispered, using your same soft and comforting tone
shaking your head, you let out a soft sob, feeling embarrassed but knowing there was no other way around the situation anymore, and the longer you dragged this out, the worse things crumbled
you said it in one, big, relieving exhale. it felt wrong to say aloud, but your chest was no longer tight, breathing was slightly easier.
"i'm pregnant."
Taehyung's air left his lungs, his face contorted into different expressions, mouth moving to form words yet nothing was coming out.
You couldnt look at him anymore, eyes darting to your feet.
"i-im sorry...fuck" you walked past him, moving into the living room as he stayed where he was.
You stood in the center of the room, shocked at what you had just done on some random night, the clock read 2:28am. You wanted something special, and instead you dumped it on him as if you were telling him what you were making for dinner.
he looked around, the words you just said suddenly hitting him, suddenly becoming real.
"youre what?" he whispered to himself, heart beginning to race as he turned around quickly and chased after you.
you had moved to sit near the window, looking at the city in the dark room. His soft footsteps could be heard over your quiet cries.
"dont hate me" you cried, "please dont hate me" you wiped your eyes, unable to turn around to face him. "I already hate myself, I know this isnt what we had planned but god...taehyung," you turned your head softly, eyes blood-shot, "please dont go" you whispered.
He stood behind you, hands clammy.
You tried your best not to have a full blown meltdown, you were already tired enough.
He slowly sank to his knees, a softer expression overtaking his previous one.
"i-if you w-want me to abort it, I dont think I can" you sobbed, "i know school isnt even done yet, we are so young and everyone will hate me, im so sorry taeh-"
He inturrupted you quickly, wrapping you into his arms tightly, tears of his own falling. "no, no no,.." he tucked your face into his neck, softly swaying. "no...no no"
You only cried harder, your hands clutching his shirt with a plea to not leave.
"I-" he sighed, taking a few breathes, "I could never leave you" his hands tightened, "you mean so fucking much to me, and you think I would ever leave, or ask you to abort the baby? something we made, together?"
His eyes were shut, voice trembling with fears of his own, however most of all he was relieved you finally told him.
"i love you so much, god y/n, I love you so much" he rocked a little, hand brushing up and down your back. "you thought I would hate you? baby, no....God no"
"I was so scared" you whisper, unable to pull away
"it's going to be okay, i promise, I know its not the ideal situation, but im not going anywhere, im here for you, okay?"
You sniff, his thumb caressing your cheek softly
"we are going to be good parents, a good supportive family, i'll never leave you"
his hand gently moves down to your stomach, holding the non noticeable baby. suddenly everything made sense.
"we got this, right? we...we can handle anything, because we are a team, and I love you"
"i love you too" you sniff, head pounding.
His eyes scanned yours, "keeping it, is what you want right?"
You nod
"then thats what we will do, and guess what? everything will be fine" he smiled so softly and lovingly, your heart felt constricted. "it'll be difficult, but we are here, together."
"together" your voice is tired and scratchy, a part of you feeling weightless as the fact he now knows sinks in. Its no longer a built up secret you have to hide, he knows.
"and...maybe being parents will be fun?" he giggles quietly, "we can do trips with them, nothing has to change, y/n."
You sigh softly, looking at him, "a lot is going to change, and you need to prepare yourself for that, its not like having a pet, its a real baby with real needs that depends on us for survival..." you look at your clasped hands, "its serious shit"
He nods, frowning a bit
"and I need to start getting a job that pays more than what Ms.Choi is giving me....this is gonna be expensive, I dont know what we are gonna do" your hand covered your face as your breathing picked up again, taehyung watching.
"we will work it out, is what we will do" he spoke softly, he gently removed your hands from your face. "have you seen some of the people who have kids and make it out alive? I think you and I will be just fine...." he speaks "and plus....I think our parents would be more than happy to not only hear about this, but help out too"
You sighed, "fuck I forgot we need to tell our families, Taehyung thats gonna be so embarrassing! my mom-"
"probably already suspected we were closer than 'friends', and how is that embarrassing? our parents have been trying to push us together for quite some time"
"because I dont talk about this shit with people, even my mom, and it makes me .....uhg"
He giggles softly, "shh...its okay, im sure she knows you arent 19 anymore, we are adults"
adults. yeah.
His hands gently held your sides, "my beautiful girl....how long have you known?"
You pushed the hair out of your face, "since Wednesday, I took a test on my birthday"
Taehyung frowned, "and youve been dealing with this alone since then?"
You nod, "remember when I said I needed to get tampons? yeah...I bought a test instead" you slightly smile.
He nodded "hm..im sorry you had to deal with that, Your behavior is forgiven"
"oh about that...im sorry for being a bitch to you, you were just trying to help."
He sighs softly, "y/n, you dont need to apologize, I was just worried about you....im sure within the next 9 months we will deal with a lot of scary emotions, so I better suck it up"
You smile, "i'll try to be good"
"you already are" he kissed the top of your head, helping you both stand to your feet. He looked at your stomach, a smile in knowing what was in there. "baby" he gestured, "thats ours"
You nod, hands resting on his shoulders,
"we will be fine?"
"we will be more than fine...we will be great"
The next morning, you had decided on taking a day off to just live in bed.
This was your last day before you returned to classes for the last bit of the semester, so you wanted to take it easy as possible before facing the crazy drama to come.
You laid under the covers, sipping the water taehyung had given you as he placed the duffle suit case onto the end of the bed, taking out the clothes and folding them, putting them into your closet.
"so have you thought about calling your doctor?" he spoke up, watching you eat the breakfast he made you.
You sat up a bit, "yeah, im gonna call her today possibly, ill make an appointment for this weekend."
He smiles shyly, "can I come?"
You couldnt help but giggle, "you are the father, so yes obviously you can"
"well I didnt know what your boundaries are here..."
You tilt your head, "what do you mean?"
"well like.." he folded one of your dresses, "we havent established our "relationship" if you will, and so I wasnt sure what the boundaries were for me-"
You smile, "I mean....taehyung...we are having a child together, I dont think we have to worry about formalities anymore, right?"
He smiles, shrugging as he hung up more of your clothes, something you insisted on doing yourself but the overprotective taehyung was already sprung into action, forcing you to do absolutely nothing.
"well when you say it like that It sounds funny" he giggled
"hmm then do as you want" you mumbled as he climbed onto the bed, sitting next to you and holding your hand. He cleared his throat before speaking "y/n...would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend, officially?"
"that is so middle school" you snort
"yes or no"
"wow, an offer that includes strings attached, thats new"
"hey you were the one who suggested friends with benefits"
"and now we are sitting here pregnant"
Taehyung giggled, "yes or no!!!"
"hmm.....yeah I guess"
you laughed as he flung onto you, kissing all over your face and holding you close, his long legs knocking off some of the laundry piles he made.
"there goes the clothes" you frown
"aish I'll fold them again, dont worry angel" he sat up and stood after giving you a long kiss on the lips, making you blush.
You want to call yourself silly for worrying so much, the taehyung standing in front of you is incomparable to the one you imagined he would be after telling him, you are relieved but know a lot more is still to come.
You knew taehyung loved you, and wanted to care for you as much as possible, but God, little did you know to what extent.
"taehyung I can walk to class myself, Walking is good for me"
You looked back at your boyfriend as he watched you exit the car while dropping you off at class the next day.
"just be careful, ok? and dont let anyone try anything with you" his eyes scanned the students roaming the campus. "call me if they do, yeah?"
You smile, nodding, "sure....okay, I love you"
"I love you too, ill pick you up at 3 ok?"
You nod softly, waving him off as you begin to walk to class.
You were sweaty with anxiety, eyes forced down to the ground you walked on to avoid any weird glares thrown your way.
This whole Kaito and Annie situation was, and should be, the least of your worries right now- all you wanted to do was finish the semester and be done for a little while, enjoying your pregnancy the best you can with Taehyung at home..
You walked into your theatre class, you were met with Chae, who you havent spoken to in months.
"y/n...where have you been?" she raised a brow, looking up from her phone.
"um, vacation"
"oh" she lowers her gaze on you, you suddenly feel angry that she even feels like its ok to communicate with you right now after taking Kaitos side.
"hows taehyung?" she continues as you take a seat
"im here for class, and class only, dont start anything with me" you spoke without even looking in her direction.
"I just think its funny that you flea right when everything is going on" she shrugged
"I went to go see my mom, not that its any of your buisness"
"listen, kaito isnt a great person and all but he is my friend, and you cheated on him with taehyung after blowing him off"
You scoffed, "oh like how he almost blew my face off? with his fist?"
She sighed, "and poor annie too....she liked taehyung and you just-"
You stopped her from finishing, "listen, chae, You dont know anything and If i were you i would worry a little less on my life and more on yours, everyone knows you failed your final exam because you cant keep your head out of other peoples asses for 3 fucking seconds" you bit and immediately stood, walking out before class even started.
maybe your english class will go better than this one.
Later that night, you sat in bed, head full of worry of what the next 2 weeks would bring at school.
in total, 5 kids had came up to you asking if the "rumors were true!"
you wish you had the willpower to punch their stupid fucking faces, but you needed your degree.
You decided against telling taehyung, which, yes, has proved to not be a good thing to do but you didnt want him to worry anymore about you. You are 23, a big girl who can handle childish college drama. they just need to get over it, and hopefully after they see that you dont care, they will move on with their lives.
"hey im back" taehyung walked into your room, a bag of snacks from the small store down the street, you were craving chips and he wasted no time going to grab them for you.
"are these good?" he held up the snacks, making your stomach growl,
"mm yes, thank you baby" he came over and gave you them, kissing you on the forehead. "what else did you get?" you smiled, looking at the semi-full grocery bag in his hand.
He turned shy, a small innocent smile on his face, "oh um.." he reached into the bag and pulled out a small teddy bear that had the initial of K on it, it was utterly adorable. he giggled softly, "I saw it there and thought it would be cute for the uh, baby" he spoke quietly.
"taehyung" you pouted, holding the bear, "im gonna cry this is such a soft thing for you to do" you giggled and looked at him, "they will love it honey"
"you think?" he smiled
"yes of course" you cupped his face, your heart filled with so much love for this boy, "come here" you whispered, arms reaching over his shoulders as he gently laid against you.
"youre so fucking cute...I love you" you whispered, hand running in his hair
"I love you too" he hummed, eyes closing against your chest.
You looked at the bear again, brining it closer to you. "K for kim"
"yess" he giggled softly
You kissed his head gently and held him tight, "thank you...for being here."
"I wouldnt miss out on this for anything, y/n."
You tried your best to not tear up at his soft words
"can I?" he gestured to your stomach
you nod, curious to what he wants to do
He carefully rolls up your tank top and kisses your stomach, whispering something
"Hi baby, its tae- er, its your daddy" he giggled, looking up at you as you watched happily
"I know from your perspective, things seem crazy but I promise mommy and I are gonna make you the happiest baby ever, we love you so much" he smiled, kissing your stomach once more as you felt tears fall. “We won’t let anything happen to you”
You brushed his hair back as he looked up, eyes meeting yours. “Honey why are you crying?”
“Because” stupid hormones.
He smiled and crawled up, kissing you gently before you brought him down to lay on you again.
“It’s silly…I was so fucking scared to tell you this, so afraid I’d be alone, or that shit would fall apart….but strangely now I feel like for the first time in forever, things are going ok”
He smiles as well, “I feel the same way, im genuinely happy”
“Me too…maybe this was meant to happen, hm?”
“The universe planted a baby into our laps and suddenly we are cured of any issue”
You laughed, “well, not quite, but in most aspects I feel happier than I did before, im glad we are doing this together”
“I am too, it’s gonna be so fun going to all the appointments and then finding out the gender, oh and getting to decorate the nursery”
You rubbed his back, feeling content in his words. “I was thinking about when we tell your family and mine, they are gonna be like oh my god when we tell them we are dating, then boom, pregnancy!”
He looked up, watching you as you spoke.
“Aren’t your parents gonna be angry we did things in the wrong order? Baby before marriage? What if I get disowned” you teased
“Listen, we both know my parents words aren’t anything to take seriously, they are all bark and no bite…im not gonna let them or anyone else do or say anything to hurt you”
“I just want us to be happy”
“And we will be, in our own little bubble” his hand gently rubbed your stomach “are you nervous? About motherhood?”
“More than anything taehyung”
“I’ll be here to help you, ok? You are such a sweet and loving person, you’ll have no issue being a mom and doing it flawlessly at that”
“It’s not just my skill I’m worried about, it’s just….it’s silly but I’m scared about my body changing. I struggle with these things and I know weight gain is healthy in pregnancy but…”
“Baby I refuse to hear you talk badly about your figure…look at you, so fucking sexy and you don’t even have to try. I don’t care what weight you are, or how you look now vs in 9 months, I love you for you and nothing will change that”
You frowned as he kissed all over your face “I love you too…”
“Eat your snacks baby, then let’s get some sleep yeah?”
“Yes…” you opened up the chip bag as taehyung got into his night clothes.
“Oh I scheduled the appointment today” you spoke up, biting into a wafer.
“Yeah? How was it?”
“Well I was a little timid about telling her but she was very happy to know and said she will take me in on Saturday morning for an ultrasound”
Taehyung jumped back into bed, “ah! This is so exciting baby”
“Mm” you giggle, giving him a chip.
“Do we find out the gender?”
You found his words adorable “no sweet boy, that’s not for a bit, but we get to hear the heartbeat and take home sonograms”
“Ohh, yay!” He smiled, cuddling back into you, arm resting over your abdomen protectively.
“Did you feed fishy?” You gesture to the small tank next to the bed. Taehyung shot up “shit…I will now, sorry little guy” he frowned.
“Hope you don’t forget to feed our human baby”
“No promises” he teased, sprinkling some food pellets into the water for the small yellow fish.
You waited for him to return next to you as he settled under the covers. “Comfy baby?” He whispered, shutting the lamp off.
“Mm” you cuddled into him once more as he rubbed your back.
“I love you”
“I love you more my angel, goodnight”
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee @bokieya
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lavender-z-love · 1 year
Knock On
Jaehyun X Black.FemReader
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☁️ Genre: Fluff, Confession, Idol Lovers
✨️ Warnings: Nothing I don't think, Let me know
☁️ A/n: This was supposed to be posed on December 15th but today is the 16th of January- Anyway I wanted to make something sweet so please enjoy
✨️ Wordcount: About 900
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"Wow! The moon is so pretty Tonight!"
Your jaw drops in amazement. The natural satellite, gleaming unusually brighter than usual. Such elegance and charming without it doing much. Jaehyun had brought you to the roof top of the SM's Parking-Lot building. Your fellow Idol friend, asking to spend time with you after a collab. Your friendship growing day by day, it was safe to say Jaehyun was more than ever a big supporter of yours.
He watched you lean against the cement wall/ledge, to get a better look. Your elbows placed on the small wall, you held your chin in the palm of your hands. The stars reflected in your beautiful doe eyes. Jaehyun had to face it, looked like you were more invested in the night sky than him. Jaehyun didn't complain about it though, still you looked absolutely breathtaking. The way the wind blows, as the moonlight glistens upon you. Your dress danced in the delicate wind, shining, giving an illusion you were an angel.
Your jet black hair..its satiny coils which stopped mid-black also had been carressed by the wind. Jaehyun hopped down from the hood of the car he'd been observing you from. As if it wasn't hard enough already to not constantly think about you..or bashful at the sight of you. Tonight he could feel it in his heart; there was no hope for sleep, you lived rent-free inside it. Now standing next to you, it honestly made him timid.
"How are you enjoying the view?"
You sighed in delight,"Oh it's wonderful!" Jaehyun wished you'd look at him like that. You turned to him, revealing a sincere smile. He knew it was genuine and that made him very happy. Your bronzed skin, smooth and airbrushed in the celestial body's light. "Oh! Jae-Sunbae! I hope you dont mind, but I brought you some wine as a gift!"
"Of course. Though, you didn't have to Y/n. Also, please! No need to be so formal with me."
"What? No! I don't mind! Besides, why not?". You playfully winked,"As a matter in fact, celebration is in order!" Jaehyun laughed, receiving his glass. His lips part as the wine glass slips between them. Infact this time, you too become flustered and not because of the wine. Your eyes quickly move back to the sky. Jaehyun hummed as a response,"Its really good!"
"No cheers first?",you laughed.
Jaehyun smiled wryly, and stopped drinking quickly. "Right, Sorry"..He said scratching the back of his neck.
"No, No- I was just teasing Sunbae",you said reassuring him. The both of you walk and take rest against Jaehyun's car, taking seat on top of the hood. Enjoying a nice evening ambience. Jaehyun eventually taking notice that you were shivering. In a swift motion, he takes his jacket off, draping it on your shoulders. You pulled the jacket together, amused,"Sunbae I appreciate the gesture, but aren'tyou cold?"
Jeahyun, scoots a bit closer. Helping you zip up the jacket. "No I'm fine. Though, this is nothing, Im capable of much more than you think, Y/n". He smiled, keeping his eyes on you. "Much more you say? Like what?",you asked as you adjusting the jacket. You were cute, asking him little questions.
"Oh well—cooking, cleaning, I'm a huge romantic.." Suprised to hear him playfully respond back. You were speechless, gazing back at him with a light pink hue. "Seems like, there was competition between me and the moon, for your attention."
"Mhm..Looks like Ive finally won too."
Hiding behind your hair, embarrassed by the things he's saying. Jaehyun's no idiot, the two of you have been working on a collaboration for a while if anything, he's come to have an idea of what your habits are. One of them being when you're shy, you use your hair to hide. His hand carefully reaching over to brush your locks out of your face and behing your ear.
"You're right Y/n, The moon is absolutely beautiful tonight", Jaehyun Sung. Realizing that, the phrase that Jaehyun just said had another meaning. "Sunbae!", You yelp gently pushing his shoulder. "You shouldn't say things like that!" You covered you mouth, shocked by his sudden confession. "Y-You've clearly had enough to drink", You declared soon attempt to take his glass away from him. Though when you placed your hand on the wine glass, Jaehyun stopped you. Placing his slender fingers on yours. There it was that Princely smile he'd given you many times before, but for some reason..this time was different.
Finding your reaction quite enjoyable, he soon spoke up,"Im serious Y/n..I'm not speaking to you as your 'Sunbae'..but as Yuno." Your eyes widened, shocked.. "But..Im-" you were swiftly cut off,"I don't mind one bit."
You averted your gaze, looking down at your fiddling fingers..You liked him, you did- "God you're embarrassing.."
Jaehyun blessed you with that cute angelic laugh. He was now standing in front of you. One hand on your left and the other on your right. He leans in a little,"So? What do you say?"
Why, why was he like this. Speaking of which...the atmosphere so beautiful when he asked you, almost like the universe had this planned for you. The moon illuminates his skin giving him such a glow. There was no pressure into anything you didn't want. You were just taking in this masterpiece in front of you.
Your answer was with certainly, you attempted to hide your bashfulness. "Yes, I-I'd love to."
A cheeky grin, from ear to ear. "Tell me if this is too bold of a move, I'll stop If you're uncomfortable.." He leans in, holding his hand up to your left cheek. Soft strokes with his thumb on your skin. His lips now, embedded on your right cheek. You were definitely flushed though because of the night sky, it went unnoticeable.
Jaehyun pulls away, slightly tugging at your hands. He placing them around his neck, and he went back to his previous position. Leaning forward with his hands on either side of you.
"What's our first deed as a couple?"
You look to the sky thinking,"Err..Um– promise me."
He raises his pinkie to you,"Of?" His action catches you off guard. 'He's so cute!' You thought to yourself. "Keep me happy...Treat me right." You raise your pinky, linking it to his.
"I, Jung Jaehyun, Promise to keep you happy...I'll keep you elated, I'll make you more than happy. I will treat you right, Y/n."
Your pinkies fall,"My turn, ditch the 'Sunbae' Jaehyun, Yuno, or a pet name will do."
He lifts his his opposite pinkie,"Um..Sunb–"
He stops you, waving his pinkie,"uh uh uh..Promise me." With your eyes semi-closed you glare at him. 'Hmm...I guess.' Now linking your pinkie with his again. "Okay then deal."
"Deal", your fingers fall. His eyes glow with endearment. He was willing and ready to make you happy. "What do you say we pick this up from tomorrow? Maybe with a date?"
You nod shyly,"Yes..I like the sound of that."
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Written on December 15th 2022
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ryndicate · 1 year
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ  A Drop in Time
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The limits of your own mind might be the blessing you never knew you needed.
Vampire!Megumi x reader (fem body/pronouns)
notes: haha oops it’s been a month. not gonna say sorry cause i spent the majority of it sick and recovering, so there was nothing to be done, but i am really happy to be posting again! My beta deserves all my appreciation and some damn good soup bc they edited this so fast :’) Easily my favorite chapter so far, so enjoy!
warnings: attempted murder, blood, tiny bit of gore, pain, Satoru Gojo is its own warning, vampire stuff, a little peek of my lore
By expanding, you are consenting to viewing adult/dark content, and all warnings listed above. 18+ Minors DNI
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⋆⁺₊⋆ Ch. ii. ☪︎ Masterlist ☪︎ Series Warnings ☪︎ Ch. iv ⋆⁺₊⋆
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As Satoru absconded with you to the edge of your village and beyond, he made no further threats nor any attempt to harm you, but that didn’t leave you any more hopeful. His chest is firm against your back as he rides you south, your fingers tight on the saddle’s edge and teeth clenched to avoid biting your tongue over the harsh pace he sets on the poor creature carrying the weight of two.
The night air is hot and sticky leaving you miserable at your choice of attire, but the thick smell of rain promises the heat will be brief. Hours pass in silence. The terrain changes from sloping plain to a small woodland, then to the small neighboring town around which Satoru gives wide berth. Eventually you no longer recognize your surroundings. 
It’s still dark when Satoru stops the horse by a nearby stream and dismounts with enviable grace. Long, slender fingers close around your waist and you tense and resist as he makes move to help you do the same. 
Satoru raises an eyebrow. “The horse needs a break before we move on, and you need to stretch your legs unless you want to be as stiff as a board tomorrow.”
Without the heavy plod of hoofbeats in your ear you finally take note of harsh panting of the animal beneath you. Feeling a flash of pity for the creature you relent, and he lifts you from the saddle with terrifying ease. Your knees buckle when your feet meet solid ground and you come to realize that he is quite right. You’re already sore now; you can’t imagine how much worse it will be tomorrow. You shuffle your feet and do your best to flex your muscles, trying to appear uncaring under Satoru’s cryptic gaze. It’s a relief when he turns away, approaching the mount that had wandered to the stream’s edge and is now drinking eagerly.
The imposing vampire checks the saddle’s straps, and pulls something from the attached bag, his back towards you.
You’re unsure what to make of him now that he’s not directly threatening you. The danger has not passed, but with the way he is now maybe there will be a chance for you to slip away. The stars glitter above your head and you’ve seen enough summer nights to know that there’s a couple more hours of darkness left. Satoru intends to cover more ground, but maybe when day breaks there will be a chance for you to slip away without his notice. Do vampires even need sleep? You pray they do.
You sit, trying your best to keep your dress from getting dirty out of habit, and try to keep your expression clear. You let your eyes drift close and relax your jaw; maybe he will assume you’re sleeping. The night has been long but too much has happened, and you’re sure in any other situation, you might be exhausted…but the flame of survival still flickers within you, and you pray your body won’t fall lax until you’ve had your chance to escape.
Something nudges the outside of your calf and you jump violently, eyes snapping open to see Satoru standing over you. You hadn’t heard him approach and now he seems to be doing his best to hold in a laugh. 
You bite back the instinctive desire to snap at him and instead quietly ask him what he wants. 
Satoru crouches and holds something out to you. “Drink.”
Tentatively you reach out and your fingers close around a wooden cup, slowly realizing he’s drawn you water from the stream. You gaze up at him, weary from trying to understand his motives, wondering what use this kindness is.
Satoru sighs as you continue to sit there, fingers shifting around the cup’s edge. Shadows linger around his face, the night making it difficult for you to read the true depth of his expression. “We’re not stopping again until sunrise, and I have no food for you. It was good enough for the horse, so either drink it or don’t. Just make sure to give that back.”
He stalks off and you squint at his retreating back, wondering to the gods what he has to be so affronted about. Are all vampires so indecipherable? Here he is transporting you to your death and he has the gall to take insult at your denial? It’s beyond madness.
Yet still, it’s only a few moments of his back turned until you bring the cup to your lips and drink, so maybe his sanity isn’t the only one in question. Your stomach is a hard knot, but you drink greedily in the awareness that it might be the last. So many lasts come into mind. Your last hug wasn’t your mother’s, it was to little Yachi. The last tea you drank had been sage and peppermint. Your last meal…you can’t even remember what Toshi put in the stew, but you do know you might never have another. So many simple things that no longer seem simple, but instead full of meaning that you should have grasped in the moment. Panic brings a smile to your face because this doesn’t feel real and it makes you want to laugh at the absurdity of your approaching death.
But you don’t. 
Instead you sit, carefully holding on to a wooden cup that a demon made a point to tell you to return. 
You wake to a sharp pain radiating inside your mouth, moaning at the bitter taste of iron. After nodding off, you find you’ve bitten your own tongue under the bounce of the horse’s steps, and your fingers tighten on the saddle as you realize an even graver mistake.
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Wildly looking around, dread tingles down your spine because you have no recognition of your surroundings. A glance up shows that the stars have dwindled so your only mark of direction is the sun, not quite risen but pinking the skyline on your left shoulder.
“Good morning, lambkin. We stop soon, though there won’t be much comfort.” Satoru’s voice rises over the beating hooves. “I made it farther that I thought I would. Hope you like the woods.”
You want to shriek at him for making any comment about your comfort but you’re too busy trying to pay attention to the terrain, looking for cover, harsh ground, places to avoid. Your chance to run is fast approaching and you need to be ready. Daylight will be on your side.
Pink is catching like fire on the tops of the trees as Satoru urges the horse into a thick copse. Your chest feels tight as he secures the horse to a low branch only a stone’s throw into the shade. It’s an easy distance to cover with only a few roots making the ground uneven, but any other debris that might have gotten in your way was trampled down by the vampire’s mount. Your heart plummets, however, as Satoru approaches you with a grim set to his jaw, another set of ropes in his hands. 
There’s no fighting him as he seats you on the ground, binding your hands firmly behind your back. “I’ll be awake before the sun sets, and then these won’t be necessary. I assume you realize that I can’t simply trust you.”
You don’t waste your breath to respond, turning your chin from him and making a show of trying to get comfortable as you angle away. Wind airs through the trees as you try to think of what you’re supposed to do now; you twist subtly at the bindings to find them painfully secure, jagged and harsh against your soft skin. 
“What am I supposed to do all day?” you ask rather petulantly.
Satoru raises an eyebrow at you and shrugs, not committing to a response. “I’m going to sleep.”
“It’s too hot for me to sit like this all day, couldn’t I just walk around instead? I wouldn’t go far.” You wheedle insistently but he rolls his too-blue eyes at you and stands up from where he’d been resting against a nearby tree. You try to shuffle away from him as he crouches in front of you, the white-haired vampire ignoring your indignant huff as he pulls at the layers of your skirts.
“What are you doing?” you hiss, scandalized, as he shifts the fabric over his palms. You receive no response other than the sound of ripping cloth as he tears out the lower layer of your dress. 
“That’ll help.” He grins at you, letting the ruined piece of the dress land in a sad pile next to your feet. “Now relax and enjoy the shade, lambkin.”
You glare at his retreating back grumbling about his indecency, but he pays you no more mind as he settles back in, his head tipping back against the tree and exposing the smooth column of his throat.
And so you wait, your nails making whatever tears they can at the ropes. You wait until his breath deepens, until his fingers slacken, his eyelids twitching under what appears to be an unfortunate dream. You watch him curiously, as his chest rises and falls, wondering what could ail one who seems so…unworldly. But another rub of pain as you test your bonds reminds you to be uncaring, tears pricking your eyes at the sharp chafe. Your fingers and wrists ache from the angle you bend them in to reach, and your hands thankfully find a small stone when you stop to ease the burn. Relief burns bright in your chest as the rope finally begins to fray and when it mercifully snaps you rise unsteadily with all the silence you can muster and sneak to the edge of the trees before taking off at a run.
To your utter dismay, you hear a howl of rage after you’ve barely taken a handful of strides. Your heart explodes like thunder in your chest and you run faster, praying that the short distance into the sunlight is enough to keep him from you. The footsteps behind you are tale of yet more of God’s disregard. There is no force, divine or otherwise, that could stop the sob tearing through your chest as you feel his weight lunge into yours, tackling you to the ground into the shade of an ash sapling.
You’re flipped harshly onto your back, his hips heavy over your waist as he pins your arms to the earth, grip unforgiving. You’re granted the view of his face, once fair skin now splotchy and red as if burned. Ice blue eyes are crazed, and in the daylight you can see his lashes are the same startling white as his hair. Satoru chuckles airily but the moment his voice meets your ears, you feel as if your very life is surrendering to his rage and draining from your body.
“I have expended time. I have expended effort. Magic. Goodwill far beyond your precious understanding. Have you even half a wit in that darling little mind of yours, then hear me now, Rumi. Yes, I know your name,” he sneers at your shocked expression. 
His fingers dig into your cheeks painfully and you’d cry out if your breath weren’t so shallow from fear. The angry sores on his skin are already beginning to lighten, but they do not fade entirely. 
“If Megumi did not need you, I would drain you myself here and now. I am under no orders to retrieve you unharmed. In fact, I’m under no orders at all. I can do whatever I wish with you, and all I need is for you to remain alive. I would not test my lenience again, for you will find it no longer remains. Rather, it’s your choice. We could have some wonderful fun together, you and I. Does that pique your interest, lambkin?” 
You see nothing but manic bloodshed in his eyes and find yourself terrorized into submission by his blinding smile, cowering in the dirt and allowing him to scoop you from the ground with no protest.
He adjusts you in his arms and lowers you both to the ground once more, shifting until he’s comfortable.
You now sit, pinned to his chest, legs framed by his own under the miniscule shade offered by the young tree. The position is intimate, terrifying, and you cannot help but wish that fate had given you any other misfortune than this one. 
“Be still and silent, if you know what’s good for you,” Satoru warns quietly. His silky voice is tattered with pain and exhaustion, but you have no sympathy for his situation, eclipsed by your own. He slumps heavier against the tree and your body naturally shifts with the movement. “When the sun sets, I’ll retrieve the horse. Behave the rest of the journey, and I will pretend this never happened.”
If only you could as well. You fall into a daze, watching the sun climb higher into the sky as the day continues like hell hasn’t encroached the earth. Clouds pass over the sky, light and unaware of the darkness that approaches. Birdsong fills the air with a merry tune, all while evil snores softly at your back. The most beautiful hands you’ve ever seen shackle your wrists, your personal grim reaper to escort you to the underworld.
Despite the many times you bemoaned to your mother as a child that there was nothing for you to do only to be shunted off to your lessons, you’ve never truly done nothing. Time drags its feet in such a way that you’d think it was frozen if not for the way the sun inches its journey across the sky. You’ve nothing to distract yourself with and can’t move about in fear of waking the sleeping monster. Your backside aches from your own weight, and your stomach is finally beginning to realize how hollow it’s grown. You’re now thankful for the water Satoru gave you even after your tongue begins to feel dry, your throat clicking at your intermittent swallows.
Midday is the hardest, the heat sticking to your skin and coating you in an uncomfortable damp. But salt and slick is nothing compared to the way the shade shortens, making your heart patter as the light creeps closer to Satoru’s feet. You wonder if the sun would affect him through his clothing, or would he safely slumber until the sunlight laps at his fingertips? You resist the urge to flex your wrists, wondering how he holds you so tightly in what appears to be a very deep sleep. 
Your chest rises and falls with his. With nothing to occupy your mind, your eyelids grow as heavy as the thick gray clouds that roll in from the skyline. Not even the rain wakes you as to drift into fitful sleep. 
Wakefulness comes slowly as you feel the earth beneath you shift and lull. There’s a saltiness in the air, and a dull roar on the wind. You open your eyes to see moonlight beaming down on a grassy cliffside in the distance. 
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“Are we…?” you mumble, still trying to rouse yourself.
“The southern seaside,” Satoru answers quietly, slowing the horse to a stop. “You sleep heavily for a lady. I thought I would have to carry you down the cliffs.”
“Carry me down the—why are we going down the cliffside?” you asked, alarmed at the prospect.
“We are close to my home, a long forgotten entrance if you will. We won’t be bothered on this path.”
You look around but see naught but plains and sea, wondering what of this place he might call home.
Satoru swiftly dismounts taking you with him, and you watch with wide eyes as he faces the horse to what you assume is west and urges it on alone with a light slap. It takes off at a gallop and Satoru doesn’t even watch it depart, turning to you. “Come, we shouldn’t linger here long. We don’t need the attention.”
He takes your arm and as he drags you along with him towards the cliffs, an old memory plagues your mind. A story one of the elder sister’s of the church had told you. Be it far from you to remember the story in particular, but you remember its lesson with sparkling clarity: vampires cannot pass over moving water. You’ve never met a vampire to prove its legitimacy, but you can’t imagine a church would teach lessons untrue, and so your heart hopes.
The roll of the ocean is loud in your ears, filling you with the encouragement of one final chance. You begin to tremble; it could save your very life, but if you fail…pain beyond your reckoning is sure to follow. You cling to the sleeve of his tunic even as your other hand refuses to leave the earthy wall of the cliff. The path he leads you down is safe to all with sensible mind and those who know where it leads, but your fear is elevated. It feels like breathing wrong would send you tumbling to the same fate you’re planning out for him.
Satoru’s hold on your arm had slackened to that of a guide, not the same iron shackle it had been. Now would be the moment while you’re still close enough to the rise to make it back. You grit your teeth as apprehension makes you hesitate. 
Do it, just do it. What are you scared of? Pain? You’re going to die if you don’t, what mercy is it for it to be less painful?
At that thought your feet come stumbling to a stop, sending a spray of loose earth over the edge of the path. Satoru has barely turned his head before you’ve ripped your hand out of his grasp and planted your hands under his shoulder blades in a harsh shove. He lurches, then he’s over the edge, and that’s it. There’s no shout, no fanfare to compliment the horrific thing you just did, but you can’t even stop to let it sink in. You don’t peer over to make sure he’s fallen; you’re turning and retreating, breath caught in your throat as you lunge for your freedom. You reach the top of the rise and your feet tear at the earth in your haste to make it to the treeline in the direction you came. 
Dizziness enters your mind harshly and suddenly and you crash to the ground. You stare stricken, fingers curling tightly into the grass and dirt as you try in vain to steady yourself. Force, pure and white, shoves its way into your mind, solid and tangible, and the urge to empty your barren insides what of little you have left wracks your body like a fever. Your belly is pressed to the ground, fingers tearing at the grass as you shake and writhe, clinging to sanity by the barest of threads. 
There is no explaining what’s become of you, but for some strangely clear reason you just know you’ve failed. You can feel him: things about him you never wished to understand. His barely contained rage; an endless void of frustration and impatience; deep swirls of panic; aching loneliness; righteous fury; a frantic, frantic devotion. All of it swirls together in your mind: pieces of memory dropping like shards of glass around your consciousness, voices you’ve never heard echoing inside your own mind until you’re not sure you can remember your own.
As the pain continues you wail to the stars, covered by the clouds as if even they have turned their back to you. Through the feverish haze you register footsteps and your body slumps, submitting to every stimulation wracking your body that you just know is his doing somehow, instilling a deep unease within you on top of everything else.
Satoru glowers at you, water droplets from his soaked hair dripping down his snowy strands, sparkling at the ends until he shakes his head and scatters them. Through the tremors it’s almost as if his eyes are glowing, shining blue and bright, but you brush it off as a hallucination from the pain.
The sensations ease and then fade and you slump in exhaustion, one last dry heave shaking your frame. 
This is it. 
He’s going to torture you. He won’t kill you, but you know you’ll beg him for death far before he’s done with you. You don’t have the heart of legends, but that of a mouse in the face of this nightmare. You close your eyes tight, unable to face your own demise. 
Instead of the chilling laughter you expect you hear a deep exhale, and your eyes flutter open to see him glaring daggers at you as he gathers you into his arms again. 
“Not that I expected you to know any better, but that tale is naught but a myth. It would take a lot more than water to kill me.” Satoru's sodden clothes soak into your own. His smooth voice is quiet, reluctant, but firm. “Your tenacity is…unwittingly admirable, and as much as I want to beat it out of you, we’re too close for me to waste any more time. Hold on to me unless you want to plummet to your death.”
You gasp as he turns with you in tow and begins to run back to the cliffside. The air on your skin is cold now, colder where his wetness melts into your own, and it only gets worse as he starts down the path again moving at a pace that terrifies you. You’re sure both of you will pitch to your deaths, and let out a weak moan for him to slow down.
“Can’t, thanks to you. Now we’re racing the tide.” Satoru gives you a short glare and continues the journey downward.
As you near the bottom, an opening in the cliffside appears. Your fingers claw into his tunic as Satoru leaps several feet downward to the mouth of it, feet digging into the wet sand with the combined weight. Immediately you’re squirming to get down, only for him to huff and readjust his hold on you.
“Not yet.”
“Put me down!”
“I said, not yet,” Satoru hisses vehemently, beginning another run. The air inside the cavern is damp and sour, smelling of countless years’ worth of salt and brine. The deeper he goes, you begin to realize the cavern is actually a tunnel, sloping downwards in a path that makes you shudder when you realize goes much deeper than the waterfront. Now you understand his hurried dash, dread striking your gut when you wonder how much time you wasted.
“We’ll drown!” you gasp, twisting to look up at his face, the grim set of his lips.
“That we will, if I don’t make it far enough. So be still, won’t you?”
His breath is coming heavier and you helplessly try to heed him for the first time this entire nightmare, remaining as still as possible in his arms. His arms must surely be aching from carrying you this way so far, and you think back to the way your father used to carry you when you were a child, exhausting yourself at the markets. You quickly tap his arm, and he looks down at you, then forward again.
Annoyed, but heart still thumping, you tap him again and raise your voice. “You could carry me on your back, I’m sure that’d be faster.”
“I’m sure it would too, if I could trust you that close to my neck.”
“I’d rather not drown in an underground tunnel,” you snap breathlessly, fear too prominent to send him much attitude.
Satoru hums, and his pace slows a little but he doesn’t stop. 
“I’ll behave!”
“Fine!” Satoru snaps, jerking to a stop and letting your feet touch the floor.
He crouches and you’re quick to gather what's left of your skirts and clamber onto his back, shivering—despite this being your idea—as his burning hands cradle the undersides of your thighs. You inhale sharply as he takes off at a run once more, arms clasped tightly over his shoulders, the increase in his speed enough for you to feel it in your stomach. Closing your eyes, you rest your head on his back, trying to relax into his movements in order not to hinder him any further. 
After a time Satoru’s movements begin to strain and your eyes flutter open at the change, blinking harshly as you realize how dark it’s gotten. The tunnel has widened significantly and is now sloping sharply upward. You cling to him tighter as force drags you backwards, and his hands grip you more firmly in response. Eventually the ground evens out and he slows to a stop.
“The water never passes here. Down,” he says roughly, and you scramble down as he makes move to drop you. “We can rest a moment, but not long.”
“How much farther?” Your voice echoes down the rest of the tunnel and Satoru shoots you a nasty glare. Your arms ache from being locked around his neck, and your body feels stiff and frail. You try not to think about how hungry you are.
“Quiet. We’re not trying to tell everyone we’re here.” 
Fear lances through you like a blade. “How many more of you are down here?”
“Oh lambkin, all of us are down here.”
 His tone is snide enough to give you doubt, but the idea of it being the truth frightens you. You stiffen, trying to appear more confident than you are, whispering. “And where is here?”
Satoru glances at you, gesturing for you to follow as he begins striding down the path again. “These tunnels lead to a city deep underground, our solace from the sun. We don’t have to worry about humans as a nuisance down here, just the ones we want to deal with.”
It’s getting more difficult to see; you can barely see Satoru’s silhouette in front of you, and you find yourself clinging to his tunic to keep him from getting too far in front of you. The air is getting heavier too, still smelling of dark and damp, and you find yourself struggling to breathe. “You said this was a forgotten way in?”
“Forgotten by most. Only the outcasts still live near the tunnels, which is why you need to stop raising your voice,” Satoru returns curtly, a pointed edge sharpening his tone. He moves to the left and you realize the tunnel has split off into several different paths. They all look the same to you, and you can’t help but wonder if he really does know where he’s going. 
“If you’re sorry, don’t speak until I tell you so.”
Feeling oddly chastised you fall into silence, walking behind him for what feels like hours as he leads you through several twists and turns, more forked pathways, until you’re certain you’re both lost beneath the earth. Throughout it all Satoru never offers you another word.
Unable to bear the silence any longer, you finally tug at his clothing again. “Are you sure you know where we’re going—”
“Who’s there?”
A loud voice echoes off the walls and a warm light flickers suddenly down the tunnel. Satoru gives a soft hiss of irritation, looking side to side frantically before pushing you down a side path that you hadn’t seen in the shadows.
“Not a sound,” he breathes into your ear before he disappears, leaving you alone. The light you’d seen recedes after a moment, pitching you into darkness.
Motionless except for body shaking shivers, your ears strain for whatever sounds you can make out, breaths coming shallow as you come to the conclusion that this is somehow far worse than walking side by side with the unpredictable vampire. 
Your eyes slam shut as a pain filled scream echoes loudly down the tunnel, cut off quickly in an awful retch. You crouch, arms wrapped around your legs in an attempt to make yourself as small as possible. You lean against the damp rock of the wall and try to control your shaking, feeling oddly panicked at the thought that something killed Satoru and now you’re truly alone down here.
Your whole body tenses as your ears pick up the sound of quiet footfall. 
“We’re almost there.” Satoru’s voice washes over you softly, flooding your mind with weary relief that you struggle to reject. You hate the idea of finding yourself dependent on this creature, but you aren’t sure what other choice you have.
He leads you through a couple more dark paths, before you come to a wooden door that’s taller than even Satoru. He pulls it open and ushers you inside a room, lit well with soft candlelight. There’s a bed in the center, but before you can take in much more of the room, you’re jerked back behind your guide.
“Yuuji, what are you doing here?” Satoru’s voice has taken on an uncertain edge for the first time since you’ve met him. You cling to him; he wasn't expecting someone to be here. That can't possibly bode well.
“I came to look in on him and he wasn’t in his chambers. Then I found him here like this. I’ve been waiting for you to come back for two days.” The new voice sounds frightened and angry, and you resist the strange urge to peek from behind Satoru to get a look at him—he sounds just like any of the other young men from your village. He could be Shouta’s age for all you knew. “How could you leave him like this by himself? He’s barely breathing. What happened?”
“I don’t have the time to explain this to you right now—”
“Who’s that?”
You stiffen in fear and Satoru makes a sound of protest, standing taller as if that would hide you from the inquisitive pair of golden brown eyes that peer around his frame to look at you. He has a curious mop of pinkish hair, and an even curiouser sun-kissed complexion. He looks far more muscular than Satoru, a rugged beauty to the taller’s fair.
You shrink back as this Yuuji makes a low sound of exclamation. “Why do you have a human girl with you?”
“I will explain later,” Satoru hisses impatiently, finally shouldering his way around the stocky younger male. “For now you need to leave.”
“I won’t.” Yuuji’s eyes flash, a bolt travelling up your spine at the crimson color that quickly fades back to brown, making you wonder if you truly saw it. Satoru tenses at your side, his grip on your arm tightening until you wince in pain and he immediately slackens again. “Not until Megumi wakes up.”
Satoru seems to be weighing something in his mind, but after a moment he releases a frustrated sigh. “Fine, you may stay. But you must keep this to yourself. If your brother hears of this I won’t forgive you.”
“Okay,” Yuuji responds, curiosity heavy laden in his voice. He glances at you speculatively and your fear rises to a high point as Satoru drags you towards the man prone on the bed until you’re staring down at a man you can only describe as lovely.
The first thing you note, strangely, are his eyelashes: dark and thick and full, long enough to cast a shadow over regal cheekbones. His hair is as dark as raven down and matted with sweat, and his lips look soft despite being a little cracked and dry. His skin is pale; not fair like Satoru’s but rather sickly, and you note his shallow breathing and the dark circles beneath his eyes. He truly looks as if he is resting at death’s door.
This is the deadline prince? You’re so caught up in his poor health that you almost forgot your role here. You startle as Satoru takes your arm and turns it, a small bronze dagger in his other hand. 
“It will be over quickly, Rumi,” Satoru says quietly and your breath is in your throat as he takes the blade across the soft skin of your forearm. You whimper in pain as crimson pools out of the wound.
“Satoru?” Yuuji questions, pupils expanding as the scent of blood fills the small room. You blanch at the hungry expression sharpening his face.
Drops of blood drip down onto the sleeping man’s face, his lips, and Satoru watches him raptly, with a desperation you don’t want to see. The memory of Satoru’s psyche flickers like hot coals in the back of your mind.
“She’s his blood match,” Satoru whispers softly, sounding reverent as Megumi’s lashes begin to flutter.
There’s a beat of silence so tangible that it’s as if you’re choking on it.
“That’s not possible,” the other protests sharply, his expression torn. “You must be mistaken—”
“Don’t question me. I would not have gone through all this trouble if I weren’t certain,” Satoru snaps, cold and harsh.
Yuuji is shocked into silence, stepping closer to the bed to watch.
Your arm throbs as more blood pours down, your lashes clumping with tears you’re too exhausted to stop from falling. Still, you shriek as hands close tightly around your arm and yank you downwards, your knees landing heavily in surprisingly soft down bedding. You catch a glimpse of gleaming emerald eyes before you begin screaming in earnest, the prince’s teeth buried in your open wound. He rips the wound wider and you’re greeted with the horrid sensation of his tongue laving at the gap in your flesh. 
“Megumi, no!”
“Satoru—she’ll die!”
Your eyes roll back and your ears are bathed in what appears to be the shouts of Satoru and Yuuji rushing to restrain the feral vampire who is all but trying to tear your arm from your body. Your consciousness swims out of reach as you succumb to the pain and blood loss, expedited by your fatigue from the rushed travels. Darkness mercifully claims you and you go willingly into its embrace, simply ready for this nightmare to end.
You drift in and out to the sound of voices, to the crackling of a fire, and people moving around nearby. Your entire body aches and your arm is on fire, swathed tightly in cloth. Your lips feel cracked and you desperately need water, but a deep unease and even deeper fatigue keeps you from announcing your consciousness. Your eyes remain closed.
“I’m not sure how fond of her you’ll be, she’s quite a terror,” Satoru sniffs delicately. “Defied me every step of the way—ran from me, twice!”
“Why would she run from you if she…” Megumu trails off tiredly before a few moments pass and his voice drops in irritation. “Satoru, I thought she agreed to come.”
“She did! After some encouragement,” Satoru defends easily.
Megumi groans and there’s the sound of wood creaking, as if someone sat heavily. “And I suppose your encouragement came in the form of no soft threat, now didn’t it?”
“It might have.”
“Tell me exactly what happened.” It’s no request, it’s a flat demand with no compromise—a true tone of royalty.
Their voices flit softly between each other as Satoru recounts the scene from your bedroom, broken by clarifying questions from Megumi. It’s strange to hear even pieces of it retold; it already feels like a memory from another life. You’re not even a little bit surprised to hear him glossing over just how harshly he spoke to you at times, or softening details to his own benefit. In fact, you rightly expect that behavior of him by now.
“Curse you.” The prince sighs in defeat after everything is recounted.
Satoru chuckles. “I’ll take to threatening some poor little human girl and her village over your death, now and every time.”
“You do realize,” Megumi drawls, satiric amusement laced with sharp annoyance, “that at no point did you promise her her life. You didn’t explain or even mention the blood match. For all she knew, death was all that awaited her. And you fault her for clinging to life? I would have run from you too. You never think, Satoru.”
Satoru scoffs. “You tried to kill her the moment I got her to you. If Yuuji hadn’t been here, you might have succeeded. He restrained you while I kept her alive. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so…brutish.”
Confusion swims brightly to the surface of your foggy consciousness. So they don’t intend to kill you? That seems even more unlikely than the white-haired demon treating your wounds. 
“I have no explanation for my behaviour,” Megumi admits reluctantly, a heavy pout to his tone that you imagine is tightening his delicate features. “The moment I tasted her—I wouldn't have believed you about the match if not for the feeling. I've never felt such…”
He trails off, a hush broken only by the crackling of fire stretches between them.
“Her breathing is getting stronger,” Satoru comments casually, as if filling the gap of the other’s unnerved silence. 
There’s a swish of fabric and you feel a hand on your unbandaged arm, too tired to flinch away from the couple of warm fingers pressing into the crook of your elbow.
“But her pulse is getting weaker,” Megumi sighs, frustrated. “We’ll need to call someone to treat her more than you can, Satoru.”
“I’d like to avoid that if possible.”
“If possib—did you hear me?”
They break into a low argument and their change in volume, muttered back and forth to each other, makes it impossible for you to follow further. Satoru says something about your stubbornness, or maybe he’s speaking of Megumi? It matters not, you’re too tired and hungry to concern yourself with any of it. You fall asleep dreaming of a warm stew, maybe rabbit or venison, with countless vegetables and a thick, creamy broth.  
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a/n: ok maybe “meet” was a bit of an exxageration lol
Reblogs and kind comments incredibly appreciated <3
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© All rights reserved to @ryndicate. Do not modify, translate, or repost.
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61 notes · View notes
lowaltitude · 2 years
Assertive (2) | Billy Hargrove
Passive, as told from Billy’s POV.
- Stranger Things
- Passive. Reader’s POV
- x Reader (Y/N)
- Part One. Part Two. Part Three.
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❪ FEM! ❫ 
───── ❝ description + disclaimer ❞ ─────
𖥻 original prompt: ‘ “don’t you know who i am?” “yup. i just don’t care” ’ 
𖥻 no connection to Stranger Things series timeline.  3.6k words
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A week. It had been a week of dealing with Y/N. She was stubborn, I’d go as far as to say she was impossible some days. I’d managed to get her to let me drive her to and from school a few times, mostly by keeping her a little after class so she would miss the bus, but she would spend the whole ride talking to Max.
Max and Y/N had become insufferably close, so close that Max and Y/N were happily immersed in their conversation and didn’t even notice me waiting so that Y/N and I could go to class together.
I hated how she didn’t pay much attention to me, I was always shut down. She didn't even look at me when I sighed in defeat and walked into the school without her. At least there was the positive that talking to Max meant she was talking, instead of side eying me and waiting for our time together to come to an end.
“Billy!” Tommy shouted as I walked into the classroom, I nodded at him and went to my seat. Tommy pushed off the desk he was leaned against, coming over and talking the empty seat beside me.
Y/N’s seat.
“What have you been doing?” Tommy smiled “Or, who have you been doing?”
I rolled my eyes at his idiotic attempts at conversation, usually it wouldn’t bother me to talk about sex but since I’d been hanging out Y/N, I hadn’t been fooling around.
“Just living” I shrugged.
“Dude, come on. Ive seen you running around with that girl”
“There’s nothing to tell. Y/N is my… friend” It felt odd calling a girl, anyone at all, my friend. But I wanted Tommy to stop bothering me, I’d realised that something Y/N disliked was my temper so I was trying to stay calm.
“You’re friends with a girl?” Tommy scoffed, and I admit I knew it was a wild concept.
Looking at the doorway, I watch as Y/N walks in. The wind had made her hair a little messy, and I couldn’t help the deep feeling of longing. Her eyes land on me and I felt like someone was punching me in the stomach again, I wanted to stroke a hand through her hair in a lazy attempt to tame it as a poorly executed excuse just to touch her.
“Move” I said brashly.
Tommy chuckled awkwardly, forcing our laughter as he looked at me in confusion. “What?”
“You’re in her seat”
Y/N purses her lips as she reaches the table, tightening her grip on her books “Sorry” She sighs. Rocking back and fourth on her heels. She had a bad habit of apologising for things she wasn’t at fault for i’d noticed.
Tommy looks at me one last time before hurrying away, taking his place at his normal table. I look to Y/N as she moves beside me, silently taking her seat.
“Hey” I tuck my lip between my teeth to stop myself from smiling like an idiot at her.
She rolls her eyes and puts her notebook on the table “I saw you less than 3 minutes ago”
I watch as she clicks her pen and starts mindlessly drawing spirals on the lines page, a bored expression already playing on her face. Pay attention to me!
“You have to say ‘hey’ back, it’s considered rude to not reply”
Her eyes immediately met mine, and it was like I could hear the blood pumping through my body. She had her eyebrows furrowed, fist clenching the pen tightly, and just as she opened her mouth to say something the teacher came in and she looked away from me in defeat. What was she planning to say? It’s likely she was going to just tell me off for being an asshole, but maybe I had done it already and she was hopelessly devoted to me.
She probably wanted to spend hours just talking, listening to music and enjoying each other’s company. Unwind after a long day or fall asleep in each others arms.
Show me all her favourite books, works of art, and movies that she loves. She’d beg and beg for me to take her back to California so she could see where I grew up, and i’d get to show her how much I used to love surfing.
“Stop looking at me” Y/N frowned. I raised an eyebrow slowly, resting it on the table and waiting for her to give in. She sighed, as if accepting it and allowing a smile to slowly break out of my face “Hey”
Picking up one of her pens, I began twirling it in my hand like a drumstick and looking at what was writhing on the whiteboard at the front of the class. I didn’t really known what we were doing, Y/N always did the work and I wanted to help her but I also enjoyed watching her focus.
Dropping the pen on the desk, already bored of it, I turned my chair to look at her completely. “What kind of music do you like?”
“Why does it matter?”
Waiting, I watched her roll her eyes and I knew she was contemplating if she wanted to make a snide comment or be nice to me. “Same as you, I guess”
“You guess?”
“Music, Billy, I like music.” She waved a hand at me, as if she was shooing me away from her “Don’t bug me about if i prefer… Mötley Crüe to Duran Duran”
I knew for a fact she liked Motley. I’d not only seen her quietly singing along in the car, but i’d also gone passed her window— and by passed I mean, I had started walking to knock on her door but something stopped me and I ended up just slowly backing away until I heard music and noticed her jumping around.
“But you do prefer Motley right? I heard you listening to them the other day” I nod and she once again furrows her eyebrows. Every time she did that I wanted to put my finger between her brows again, I liked the way she went blank for a few seconds when I did that. “You should really close your curtains if you’re going to dance in your bedroom without wanting me to see it”
“Don’t look in my bedroom window, it’s that easy. Freak”
Freak? Me? I let out a low laugh before leaning as close to her as I could, keeping enough distance so that I wouldn’t do anything crazy. “Yeah. Maybe I am a freak, but I think you’d like it”
Her jaw dropped, I studied her face and I could see the cogs turning in her head again. Every thought she thank seemed to be obvious to me somehow. That I was twisting her words. That she kind of liked it.
Before she could say anything, the teacher interrupted. “Billy, Y/N. This is not your lunch break, back to work”
I snatched a piece of paper from Y/N and twisted my seat so I could look like I was hard at work. As soon as she looked away from us I slouched and stopped pretending to write. Drawing random shapes on the page, and sighing aloud to myself. I could see Y/N’s arm in my peripheral vision, and I carefully moved my arm to brush against hers, the slight contact sending a chill up my spine. She didn’t move away and maybe I liked that.
───── ❝ ❞ ─────
I tried to catch up with Y/N after class but she was too fast, and I couldn’t manage to squeeze past the crowd of mostly girls that were gathering around me. Word had spread about celibacy and they all wanted to be the one to bring me back to my usual ways.
“Sorry, I really have to go” I forced a fake smile, peeling one of the girls off my arm. She was gripping me like she was a toddler and I was her favourite toy.
I ignored the pleas and whines, no matter how nice it felt to hear those girls screaming my name I had something else on my mind.
Y/N was opening up, she was welcoming the though that I wasn’t as bad as she believed, I just knew it.
Racing to to my car I tapped my foot impatiently as I leaned against the hood and waited for Max.
“Where’s Y/N, I wanted to tell her something” Max frowned, taking her backpack off.
“Caught the bus, let’s go already”
“What did you do?” Max glared at me as we climbed in.
“Nothing” I spoke through gritted teeth “She just didn’t want a ride today.”
Max muttered something but I was too focused on getting back to our house quickly to care if she was insulting me. We had to be back before she was.
I slammed the car door behind me as I got out, adjusting my jacket collar and leaning against the car with my eyes on the street. The bus pulled up a minute later, and I watched as the doors opened, allowing Y/N to step off.
It kind of shocked and amazed me that no one else was running in circles for her, she was the best this town had to offer and I was the only one to notice. That’s good thought, it means I don’t have competition yet.
She fixes the straps of her bag and I excitedly jog down my driveway, trying to act casual and tucking my hands in my pockets as I pass her mailbox.
People on the bus looked out the window and Y/n looked back at them awkwardly. “Yes?”
I let a smirk break out on my face “Got you so worked up you couldn’t spend another minute with me without throwing yourself at me today, didn’t i?”
Why else would she run away after I was a gentleman. Well, as gentlemanly as I could be.
She scoffed an unimpressed look on her face as she stared at me. “Oh of course, i’ve had nothing but you on my mind all day”
“Really?” I tried not to sound to hopeful or excited but I couldn’t help it, I was practically bouncing on my feet.
She groaned “No!” and it felt like a different kind of punch to the gut than I had felt this past week, the others were a ‘good’ punch. Relieving, warming. but this one was like a real punch, it stung.
Y/N turned away, beginning to walk up her driveway towards the house and I recomposed my slightly bruised ego and went after her. She opened the front door and turned to look at me again, pointing her finger at me, only a few inches away, if I ook one step forward we’d be touching.
“Down boy. Sit. Stay.”
I exhaled sharply out my nose. She was treating me like an animal, and I was one, but I was certainly not her pet. “If you’re going to treat me like a dog you could at least call me a good boy”
“You have to be good for that”
“Do I get in trouble if i’m bad?” Leaning my arm on the doorframe, she stared at me for a few seconds and I felt like my mouth had been stuffed with cotton. I had nothing else to say but I wanted to speak again.
After what felt like a month staring at her face she closed the door in my face and I gawked. Only girls fathers had ever done that to me.
I walked across the lawn, stopping on the grass and looking up at the window I knew was to Y/N’s bedroom. I wondered what it looked like inside, you couldn’t see much from down here other than if the light was on or not.
She appeared by the window, tying her hair up with the adorable aggravated look on her face and I smiled, watching her turn to look out the window. Was she going to check if I was out by my car? Did she miss my presence?
Her eyes landed on me and I swallowed hard before lifting my hand to wave at her. She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, aggressively pulling her curtains shut and making me laugh.
I sighed, almost laughing to myself in amusement “She’s so cute”
───── ❝ ❞ ─────
Waking up on Saturday morning, I was practically up with the sunrise. All my thoughts were about how I couldn’t wait to see Y/N on Monday.
After staring at the ceiling for maybe an hour, I heard the door open and close. Getting up, I peeked out my window and watched my father’s car pull out of the driveway.
Stretching, I went out to the living room. Turning on the television and finding a channel that was just playing music videos. It was only 7 in the morning and I was already lifting weights, this was usually an after school activity to let out any pent up frustrations.
I knew what was getting me so worked up, and she probably wasn’t thinking about me this much. That was truly devastating.
“What are you doing?” Max asked quietly, rubbing her eyes. I glanced over at the clock and saw that it had been a few hours, not minutes like I had thought. My mind wandering had started to become a real issues for me, I lost all sense of time passing when I was focused on girls. Not girls plural, really, just one girl.
Biting the inside of my cheek, I sigh “Whats it look like?”
Max filled herself a glass of water and drank it slowly as I packed my weights away before going to take a shower.
I faced the water, just standing in the shower and thinking. I needed to wash my car but a better user of my time would be ‘studying’ at Y/N’s house, I already knew where she lived and maybe if her family opened the door she’d realise I was amazing when I charmed them. I put my hands in my hair, scrubbing my shampoo and trying to get out as fast as possible.
My hair wasn’t doing what I wanted as I died it, and my clothes felt like they were sitting wrong on my body. It was like the world was against me today and I don’t know why. Not even my cologne seemed to smell the same.
Giving up, I groaned and harshly ran my hand though my hair in one last attempt to make it presentable before exiting my bedroom.
Walking right out the door, I mentally practiced what i’d say. Did she live with her dad? Mum? Both?
Hello Sir/Ma’am, is Y/N here? I was hoping we’d be able to study together for our biology class. Pause for response. I’m Billy, by the way, lovely to meet you.
Is that how people talked, or did that make me sound like I was here to murder her? My usual interactions with others parental figures was the awkward passing when they knew that I was about to have, or just had, sex with their daughter.
I stopped as I got to her front door, taking a deep breath and trying to understand why I was suddenly sweating. Rapping my knuckles on the door, I waited and looked around the street as I heard footsteps approaching.
The door opened and I brought my attention to the girl standing in front of me. Hair unbrushed, toast between her teeth and wearing her pyjamas. The shirt was a little short, revealing her midriff and I tried to not make her think I was looking at her boobs. Looking back at her face, I felt like sighing out loud.
Dark circles under her eyes, cheeks puffy and lips dry. I felt my heartbeat in my ears, every part of my being was telling me to touch her- Kiss her. Even like this she was the prettiest girl i’d seen in a long time and I smirked at the sight of how wide her eyes had gone.
“Good morning” I finally spoke, it felt like I was out of breath just trying to say those 2 words to her.
Reaching forward, I stopped myself from tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear and instead grabbed the toast. I took it right from her out of her mouth and took a bite, smiling as she stood and chewed, confused at my actions.
“What are you doing here?” She asked. Somehow I had expected her to be nicer to me on the weekend, as if she’d realise how much she missed me annoying her.
“Is it so strange that I want to spend time with you, gorgeous?” I hadn’t meant to say that aloud but it felt reliving somehow, to tell her how she looked so effortlessly gorgeous.
She crossed her arms across her stomach, hiding her exposed midriff. I hadn’t figured her to be one of those girls that doesn’t like their body, I think it was perfect so why did she hide herself. “Yes, actually”
Taking another bite of toast, I moved off the doorframe I had He took another bite of the toast, pushing off the doorframe I was leaned against and going into her house. “You just wake up?”
There were pictures on their walls, pictures of Y/N growing up peaked my interest. She had the same most adorable smile, less intoxicating when she was young but just as perfect. “You were cute” I smile, thinking of a way to get her to talk to me again “What happened?”
“You can’t just want into my home and tell me I got uglier” She whined, making me shrug and start walking to her lounge room.
“Never said that. Said you were cute, called you gorgeous not even a minute ago. You got hearing issues or something?” I grinned, knowing she couldn’t see the goofy look on my face as I had my back to her.
There was a blanket on the floor, and I put the last bite of toast in my mouth before picking it off the floor. I draped it over the couch before sitting and looking at her television. She hadn’t said anything, there were so many long silences that I now wanted filled, I just wanted to hear her voice.
“Are you going to close the door?” I asked, looking at her. She seemed to snap back to reality and quickly moved to shut the front door before coming to stand in front of the tv. Hands on her hips and glaring at me.
“I’m trying to enjoy my day”
I grinned “You’ll enjoy it more with me” Patting the seat beside me, I hoped she’d take it. “I know it, Y/N”
“You don’t even know me”
I guess not, but I knew that for some reason I liked being around her. I didn’t want to have some one night stand with her where i’d ignore her in the halls, I liked hearing her poor attempts at insults and watching as she worked. “So? I’m trying to”
She stood there, staring at me with a blank expression. A minute passed and I kept waiting, I didn’t mind just admiring her but I was being scared that she was about to combust. Titling my head to the side, I tried to think what could possibly be going on in her head.
“Fine” She says suddenly, pretending to be angry at me and making me smile. Y/N moves, sitting a few inches away from me. “Do you want to just watch a movie?”
She didn’t kick me out! “Let’s play spin the bottle”
Y/N rolls her eyes and purses her lips, I look at her lips and lick my our before meeting her eyes again. Watching her shake her head “There’s only two of us”
“So you’re saying it would be easier if we just made out?” I raised my eyebrow, I was enjoying my time with her a little too much but I couldn’t help it. I put my hand on the back of the couch, like you’d see in a movie when the guy fake yawns just to touch the girl.
“No, i’m saying i’m not playing your games”
I looked at her, giving her a once over quickly before noticing her tightly she was balling her fists now.
“But I know you want to kiss me. I can tell”
“Sure you can” She snarks “How exactly can you 'tell’?”
I slowly begin to lean closer to her, locking eyes with her “It’s in your eyes. Your breathing pattern changes when i get close enough.” I was so close to her face I could feel her breath, and I watched as her eyes darted around the room trying not to meet my gaze. “And I don’t think you noticed, but you’re balling your fists pretty tight”
She took a sharp breath, looking down and carefully releasing her fists. Y/N looked back up at me, this time meeting my eyes and making me feel frozen.
She scoffed, leaning back on the couch. “That’s because i’m annoyed you’re getting in my personal space”
“Okay, and if I do this you’re still annoyed?” I let my heart take over, putting a piece of her hair behind her ear. I let my hand linger near her face, my finger ever so slightly touching her skin as I pulled it back to me.
I knew she was lying, and that made me happy…? Am I meant to like hearing women lie to me about their feelings?
“Uh huh” I nod, sitting back like nothing happened. Hoping she couldn’t hear my heartbeat from how incredibly loud it was being right now. “Got anything else to eat?”
───── ❝ ❞ ─────
to be continued… !
tags: @im-julessssss @m-rae23 @moonie-brbs @iamaslutforcoffee @kenny-power @billy-hargroves-wife @maackiimoo @reneetje @tayhar811 @harringtonfan4 @jiiisungpark @untoldshortsofthefandoms @theamunson @softbfbilly @goodiefishhh + i can’t reply to comments sorry
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booksdaydream · 1 year
The Lost and Found part IV
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Characters: Dark!Sebastian; use of MC; GN!MC; Ominis Gaunt; eventual Ominis Gaunt x MC.
Summary: Based on this post by @avadakedavravravra​. After Sebastian substituted Ominis with a Polyjuice potion, he seduces MC to force Ominis into disclosing Anne’s location. And to also have a little bit of fun.
Warnings: mild violence; mild abuse (imprisonment); talks about death; sad mainly for Ominis, fluffy for an unsuspecting MC; angst overall; impersonating; lying; gaslighting; non-con relationship; kissing; snogging; lightly groping; a bit smutty; self-hatred; talks about not being enough.
Word count: 6K+ (got little carried away)
A/N: Really hard to know how far Sebastian should go. I have a feeling he’d go much further had he been pushed far enough, but then that’d be heart-breaking even for me. I imagine he’s mostly lost, instead of genuinely evil, so I give him some leeway to act out. Like a spoiling mother, I suppose. Kinda wish he had the opportunity of acting like himself, he’d treasure MC like no one, but oh well too late for apologies in his case. Also, last bit of fluff. It’s just sad after this one. So enjoy! Comments appreciated :) (Once again, "Ominis" in bold is Sebastian's Ominis).
This chapter on AO3
The Lost and Found
Part I
Part II
Part III
“Have you got in contact with Anne yet?” The confident voice of MC asked from the other side of the Undercroft, echoing through the room and Sebastian’s mind. No, of course he didn’t get in contact with Anne. He had no idea where she was. For a moment he considered rampaging through Feldcroft until he found her hiding place, but his anger changed directions when MC continued in a now anxious tone “Do you think Sebastian found her already?” Did they actually think he’d cause her any harm? He held back the desire to roll his eyes, instead taking the opportunity to reach out and hold their hand.
They were sitting in the Undercroft on a hastily conjured Persian rug and some pillows scattered around. Sebastian was working on a potions homework while MC read a book on herbology. They sat very close, something he had gotten used to fairly quickly. And he quite enjoyed. MC held his hand back, interlocking their fingers together. They sighed satisfied and Sebastian held back a not-very-Omininly smirk.
“I doubt Sebastian would go see Anne without a cure in hands, that would be unwise of him. And only a couple of weeks have passed since he left, not enough time for a man on the run to have furthered his research sufficiently.” He brushed off MC’s anxious thought, with a slight frown on his semblance.
Sebastian failed to notice a brow rise on MC’s face. Surely, his lack of cure wouldn’t stop him on visiting his sister. Even if in secret, without actually interacting with her. They thought but did not say anything. Sometimes they had the feeling Ominis knew too much of Sebastian yet pretended to not know enough. A feeling that only appeared after his time in captivity. Although MC did not want to doubt Ominis, they couldn’t shake the feeling that if they had doubted everything a bit more before, they would’ve been able to realize Ominis was being held captive by Sebastian much earlier.
Sebastian squeezed their hand bringing them back into the present and MC felt their face heat up upon noticing his face had turned towards them, rather near their own. They had been much closer than before, but Ominis was very proper. Perhaps a real gentleman. Stealing touches in private, such as this, but maintaining a very friend-like stance in their daily routine. MC couldn't, however, stop wishing more. They had confessed and Ominis had accepted their feelings, but nothing more was spoken about their relationship. Had it evolved? Was what they shared more than friendliness? Could they expect more kisses?
Although Sebastian could tell MC’s eagerness, in the way they would lean towards him when walking the corridors, hands almost touching, or when they would give him anything deliberately allowing their fingers to touch for a moment longer, he couldn’t bring himself to push his manipulation further. No, not manipulation, guidance. Ominis’ words from their last meaningful interaction still haunted him. And he was having a hard time trying to figure out why. He always knew, from that duel at DADA, that he found MC interesting. He even got into trouble with Madam Scribner that one time because he had a crush on them. But wasn’t that it? A crush? He knew he cared for them as a bestfriend, just as much as he cared for Ominis, maybe as much as Anne. But, seducing them was the line he was unwilling to cross?
After the many boundaries he had disregarded, that one was out of question? Or perhaps was he delaying doing so for a more important moment? If that was the case, he had to start working towards it soon because Ominis was peculiar compared to him. He was patient, caring and strived for a slow burn. Sebastian, however, knew he was himself very different. He was passionate and eager; he couldn’t care less about taking things slow. And if he could actually have MC all to himself, he wondered if he’d get lost in them. How much he’d adore them if only they’d allow him. He knew, anyway, that whatever form he decided to move forward with this, he’d likely hurt MC forever. One vile act of unwillingly taking them and betraying their trust.
He wondered if having them in love with him would make it for an easy way to cure Anne. How worth the hurt it could be. His mind quickly remembered that day in the pensive, watching the memories of another ancient magic user, Isidora. One who’s portrait was broken and who’s fate MC’s beloved keepers decided. Her power taking away her father’s pain and the potential it had to take away Anne’s curse. Perhaps MC could be the answer he was avoiding all this time. An answer hidden by his search of the dark arts and his foolish crush. His desire to protect them. Sebastian realized he didn’t have to do so anymore. They had betrayed him as well. Just as he stopped caring for Ominis, he could stop caring for MC. At least enough to cross that line. A necessary evil on his quest to find a cure for his sister. For Anne. They only had him left while MC had Ominis and the many friends they did during this year. They would survive the hurt.
Sebastian squeezed MC’s hand again, gaining their attention and smiled. “Actually, there is something else I needed to talk to you about…”, MC nodded and hummed in agreement, listening attentively as Ominisfrowned still up close. “I have thought about what we shared that day here and… In reality, I am concerned.”, MC stared at him confused. Sebastian knew this was a risk, but no one knew Ominis better than him and this is roughly how he would go about this. “My family is awful; they would be certainly against any sort of relationship between us. Even more so a romantic one… hence I am hesitant about starting it with you, however I meant what I said. I– I want to express to you how much I cherish you. It torments me how I cannot– my inability to properly show you the strength of my feelings–”
“Ominis.” MC interrupted him. Their voice barely a whisper, surprising Sebastian in his emotional monologue, making him move away slightly. “I don’t want you to worry when you’re around me. Not about your feelings nor your family. There’s no need to perfectly show me anything. I– I want you to enjoy our time together just as much as I do. You make me feel so safe and comfortable, I just want you to be able to feel somewhat the same when you’re with me. Not be concerned.” They sighed, their voice losing their strength. “I’m sorry if my confession made things complicated.”
“No. It’s not complicated.” Sebastian responded satisfied with where this conversation was going. “I have feelings for you, there is no question about that. As well as I want to be with you.”
“Really?” He could hear the brightness return to their voice, Sebastian was sure their eyes were sparkling, and they had a stupid smile in their face.
“Really. But I wonder if I am enough.” MC made a confused sort of snort. “I was not enough to help Sebastian in his pursuit. I failed my bestfriend. What is it to tell me I won’t fail the person I like?” Sebastian made sure to put his own bitterness in his sob speech, a bitterness that MC heard very loudly. They reached out to Ominis in a second, not even stopping to observe his severe expression. Sebastian almost lost his breath as they enveloped him in a tight embrace, arms around his waist and face burrowing into his shoulder. He felt MC exhale onto him and squeeze before mumbling in a choky voice.
“You are enough. You were always enough.” Sebastian couldn’t help but feel his own chest tighten and embraced MC back. He waited for anything else they could say that would sound remotely comforting. For him, not his portrayal of Ominis. He almost felt as if he wasn’t alone anymore. Waiting was a mistake. “Sebastian simply wanted more than anyone could give. He was selfish. Selfish and reckless. What started as goodwill and kindness quickly spiralled into ruthlessness and imprudence. He would’ve gotten you killed had you followed him.”
Sebastian squeezed MC into his embrace. They took that physicality as Ominis accepting and understanding their words. But his thoughts were lost, reflecting an enraged mind. Any regret he might have felt in the future for hurting MC had already vanished. They continued disappointing him. He felt corrected. His choice of using MC for their ancient magic was the right one. To betray them as they had betrayed him was nothing but reckoning. He'd tempt them. And he would make sure they would have no way of denying him. He hummed in response.
“You’re right, MC. I should not let Sebastian’s mistakes allow me to doubt myself, to rob us of a future. Nor Anne.”
Any guilt Sebastian might have felt didn’t exist anymore. If anything, he was determined to make MC submit to him. Whether he wanted to prove a point to Ominis or get Anne’s location, didn’t matter. He would achieve these goals as well eventually, yet seducing MC was a retribution of his own. But it was going to take time, one he would savour. He was likely going to enjoy it too. He was careful to approach them slowly, first with his words – Ominis was a man of eloquence afterall – so as to not spook MC.
He would slip petnames onto daily phrases. Darling, love, my dear. “Could you be so kind as to pass me the ink, love?”; “Did you take notes for History of Magic, my dear?”; “Good morning, darling, did you have breakfast yet?”. To each and every one of these, MC would have a more interesting reaction. Gasps, sighs and – Sebastian could only imagine – blushes. Even when it was obvious that he would slip them into his speech next, they would be surprised. Oh, and when he would purposedly leave them out, MC would also illicit intriguing responses. Scoffs, sharp exhales, and the restless tap of fingers. MC was very easy to provoke and to understand. They were slowly growing impatient, Sebastian had noticed. Their physical flirting had gradually left the Undercroft and appeared in class sometimes, as provocation.
It was his turn, however. So, Sebastian would lightly scold MC. Which in turn turned out to be amusing on its own. For some reason, MC didn’t seem to mind. Every provocation being met with a scold, was repeated not much later. It went something as hands brushing against each other and MC holding his pinky finger with their own on top of the desk during a lecture, to which he’d respond by leaning towards them, tilting his face near theirs just close enough they would be the only one capable of hearing, and whispering something of the sort “Don’t you think the Undercroft is more appropriate? Right now, I am trying to pay attention, my beloved.” And MC would respond with either a giggle, a slight chuckle, or a harsh exhale, promptly letting go of his hand just to grab it again a few minutes later. Upon his new discovery, Sebastian allowed himself to be bolder.
Still respecting the private guy persona Ominis exuded, he started touching MC furtively. The knees in contact were a constant of theirs. During breakfast, class or even just sitting around in the Undercroft. He would casually ask them to guide him through the castle by his hand, as an innocent excuse to hold theirs – something they would always giggle to, but never deny him – and would interlock their fingers. He would ask more often for help with grabbing things, reaching things, and touching things so MC’s hands would rest upon his for a longer time. Time or another he would scan his surroundings with his wand, making sure all were distracted, to grab and squeeze their knee. When Sebastian was feeling especially bolder, he would squeeze their thigh. To which MC would jump slightly in their seat. They even once scared Natty during a study session in the library. Sebastian did his best to hold down a laughter.
Yet one would think Sebastian would have made any moves on MC while on the Undercroft. But he didn’t. He purposedly made sure to keep in there the same atmosphere as outside, taunting MC. He had tasted – quite literally – what tension could do to them, so he was awaiting with anticipation to when they would pounce once again. He kept everything as chaste as he did in public. The least tamed act was the thigh squeezes that tended to become more often as MC would misbehave more frequently – likely on purpose. He would allow himself to be more verbally flirty, complimenting MC often and almost absent-mindedly than before the confession. Except the tone would remain the same as if they were in public. He knew he was driving them mad. That was the intention.
And, oh Merlin, was he having fun. All the time and energy he was spending, slowly provoking MC, was definitely not his method of choice, but certainly a fun one to pursue. And it was rewarded handsomely that Friday. Sebastian had had a most satisfying day of flirting with MC but needed to cut it short because they’d promised to study with Natty – he had been banned for the thigh incident, although Natty didn’t seem to have noticed. Apparently, MC and him getting closer was expected by everyone since Sebastian’s miserable attempt in keeping Ominis captive.
Sebastian left his room to feed Ominis and when he returned MC was sitting in his bed, waiting for him. It’s a king single bed, clean linen with an emerald duvet folded neatly on top. With two pillows looking soft and inviting. It has a canopy with matching emerald drapes, tied around the foot of the bed. The room has three beds arranged in a triangle, with the opposite side of the top bed having the students’ luggage and pets resting. Sebastian’s things were no longer there, just Ominis’. Each bed has their own drawer and writing desk, on each side of them. They're all made of the finest wood, adorned in silver and green details. The ceiling is very similar to that of a gothic cathedral, in stone and gargoyles, but much closer so that one could reach it upon standing on the bed's canopy if they so wished. The walls had forest green wallpapers, with branches and leaves in velvet, complementing the motif of the room.
“Ominis.” They called, a smile coming through their voice as soon as he crossed the heavy door. Sebastian smiled sincerely happy.
“What do I owe you the pleasure of this surprise?” He barely kept his Sebastianess at bay. He didn’t see MC’s arched brows in a confused, but amused stare.
“I finished the study session and… thought you could use the notes.” They shrugged approaching Sebastian. MC reached out and held his hand passing some parchment to him. He nodded in thanks. “I also wanted to see you.” They admitted still holding his hand. He smirked back.
“I’m glad you did.” His free hand reached up, searching for their face. His index finger touched their cheek lightly, his middle finger their jaw and his thumb their lips. He pressed slightly stronger when he noticed the placement and caressed their bottom lip. “I have been thinking about you too.” He felt MC smile against his hand.
“Not as much as me. I think about you all the time. It’s almost exhausting– ” MC complained still smiling. Sebastian smiled back.
“It’s not a competition.”
“ –and not enough.” They continued as if they hadn’t heard him. He frowned, tilting his head slightly downwards as if to hear them better. “I can’t get enough of you.” Oh, wasn’t he a lucky boy.
In just a couple of weeks he had made MC fall head over heels for his bestfriend, in just the right way he wanted. They were under his thumb, completely submitted. Victory was his. He just needed to convince them to use their ancient magic on Anne. To save her. But Sebastian couldn’t even start talking again, monologuing a guilt trip to bring them to his side. Simply because their lips crashed into his without previous warning. Or rather, he supposed I can’t get enough of you is a fair warning.
MC’s lips flattened with the strength which they pressed against Sebastian’s, their hands reaching out to his chest and fervently searching for something to grab onto. They held onto his robes’ front hem, furiously pulling him closer, with an urgency that would have driven anyone to the edge. The parchment fell from Sebastian’s hand. He could only widen his eyes in response, disoriented. Then their lips moved. Teeth knocking, breath hitching, and a caught moan was heard from MC.
Sebastian finally realized what was happening and his hands started to move. Down their face to the length of their neck, thumb resting on their jaw. He could feel MC’s pulse mimicking the speed of his. His other hand raised to their side, grabbing their waist, and pulling them closer before dropping to their hips to keep them there. MC’s hands left Ominis’ robes, rising to his neck where one of them knitted their fingers in his short hairs, slightly tugging at them. A groan in response could be heard from Sebastian in Ominis’ voice and their bodies were so close one would think they’d been glued together.
Sebastian gasped for air, not realizing how excitedly he’d been kissing them. MC took the opportunity to reach out to his neck with their mouth, leaving open-mouthed kisses from his collarbone to behind his ear, to then leave a couple of marks under his chin and a bite on his neck which received a very low groan in approval from Sebastian. He didn’t need to ask, and their mouths were together again, this time Sebastian was ready.
Their lips kissed and tugged, biting and sucking in hunger. Something MC would later consider very un-Ominis-like. But then and there, touching Ominis was all they could think about. And Sebastian was not far off. Enthralled on the thought of having MC, he licked their bottom lip in a suggestion for deeper contact while pressing them closer to him, rubbing their front against his. With a soft gasp, MC parted their lips wide enough to allow for Sebastian’s kiss, loosening their grip on him enough to instead melt into his arms. Sebastian hand moved from their hips to their lower back grabbing and tugging at their robes, quietly wishing he could take them off. His other hand moved to the back of their neck, his turn to tug on some hairs.
MC moaned into Ominis’ lips, their hand falling from his neck to grab onto his tie, quickly undoing it. They tossed it aside with a chuckle of approval from Sebastian. MC’s hands travelled to Ominis’ robes, unbuttoning them and, with a murmur, helping him get out of them. Their hands sliding the robes off Ominis’ shoulders as one of his hands still held onto MC. They broke the kiss long enough for Sebastian to drop the robes onto the floor and push MC further into the room towards one of the beds. Their lips promptly found each other again, tongues incessantly tasting one another. MC couldn’t help but moan against Sebastian. His hands quickly returning to their waist, travelling through their torso, up to their tie. Sebastian undid it swiftly and tossed it over his shoulder.
He turned them around and walked backwards, groaning as he felt MC sneaking hand over his trousers. His calves hit the bed and he sat down, bringing MC with him to sit on his lap facing him. Sebastian quickly felt for the button of their robes and unlatched them, hearing them slump loudly onto the floor. Their hands promptly found Sebastian again, resting on the back of his neck. The kiss stopped for a moment, and he could feel MC’s gaze on him. Were they admiring him? The mess they made him? He wondered how he looked like.
His chestnut hair all messy, even more than it usually was. His plump lips even more plump and swollen from the rough biting and sucking. He even wondered if his neck freckles were adorned by hickeys and bites. He smiled to himself, satisfied for leaving MC speechless with his appearance and leaned up towards them. He found their chin and kissed their jaw towards their ear, grabbing onto their waist, and starting to work on their neck. Then MC called out to him in a shocked whimper, making him remember that he wasn’t snogging them as Sebastian.
“Ominis…”MC called out tentatively, their voice barely a whisper surrounded by uncertainty. They gulped loudly. The sound almost getting lost between their breathless breathing. “We’re– We’re on Sebastian’s…” Sebastian realized in an almost panic that he had dragged them to his bed, not Ominis’. He felt a chill run down his spine. Ominis’ would never make such mistake. He wasn’t sure how to evade this, so he heard himself start rambling.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize…” He unlatched from their neck, gasping for breath, looking around alarmed.
“It’s okay.” MC calmed him down, moving their hands from behind his neck, buried in his hair, to his shoulders then to his chest. They moved uncomfortably although their voice sounded confident, suddenly very aware they were snogging sitting on Ominis’ lap on top of Sebastian’s bed.
“I couldn’t possibly be a worst friend…” MC froze in his arms, unsure of what they were hearing. He hesitated before exhaling shakily. “I doubted Sebastian all throughout his search, sceptical about a cure.” MC felt Ominis shake slightly under their hands, starting to spiral. “I discouraged him when I should have supported him, I even dismissed him sometimes. Merlin, did I ever sound such as Solomon did?” He wondered. His eyes slightly widened staring up at MC, Sebastian remembering some instances Ominis scoffed at his pleas for assistance.
“Ominis…” MC called out in a soft voice dreading what sort of fears would spill out of his mouth. “You didn’t. If anything, you sounded as a worried friend.” They tried to sound confident while reaching up towards his face, their hand travelling through his neck to his jaw and cupping his cheek. He frowned in pain and continued.
“I thought his search was just something to keep him busy, I didn’t think he’d go far… so far as to dabble in the dark arts. I should have predicted his obsession would tire me out enough to bend to his will. To show him the Scriptorium. To further his research, I’m sure he practiced in secret…” His breath hitched, his voice trembling as his eyes welled with tears. MC kept their voice steady and strong when they muttered a “It’s not your fault”, sounding confident, for his sake. But their breath was also shaky, betraying their spirit. They hoped Ominis didn’t notice as they felt their own expression paint a worried look.
“I couldn’t quench his anger towards his uncle, and it spiralled out of control. I couldn't stop Sebastian from killing him…” Sebastian closed his eyes tight and felt MC pull his face towards their chest while muttering “It’s not your fault” again. They held him there, their other hand moving from his chest to his shoulder then lowering to his back. MC rubbed large circles softly but constantly, embracing him so sweetly Sebastian almost felt all the pain from Anne’s curse, Solomon’s death, Ominis’ and their betrayal float away. A distant memory.
He allowed himself to savour the embrace and wrapped his arms around them, finding their back with his hands. He grabbed at their shirt, almost as if grabbing at her soothing words. “It’s not your fault” was heard again. Then he continued. “I am weak. Weak for allowing Anne to get hurt. For allowing Solomon to hinder a cure to be found. For failing to find a cure myself…” Sebastian mixed his own feelings with the ones he was supposed to paint for Ominis, sounding almost angry. “For not stopping Sebastian… Could I have stopped Sebastian?” He asked, in a whine, sure of his friend’s inability to end his own search but wanting to act just right.
“No.” MC confirmed. A confidence in their steady tone. “I don’t think anyone would have been able to stop him. Sebastian was blinded by the dark arts, corrupted. Certain it was the only way to save Anne. It didn’t matter what we wanted; not even what Anne wanted. I doubted he knew what he wanted himself. Simply that he had a selfish need to cure Anne. And I think he’s likely still stuck in that state, acting reckless out of desperation. It’s not your fault. I don’t think it’s even his. But our choices have consequences. And his have far more painful ones than any of us could’ve imagined. You tried to help him make better ones, but you’re not Sebastian. You can’t choose for him.”
Sebastian trembled in their arms. He was Sebastian. But, even if he made a different choice now, it was too late. His path was already taken, and his friend’s ones were as well. They had already chosen to betray him. He remembered his previous thoughts in his first day acting upon his madness. That his friends saw him as a monster. Deep down, he had doubted that. And perhaps hearing MC talk he could see they pitied him over hating him. Sebastian couldn’t decide if this was worse. But the anger in his chest continued to boil in the same temperature. He continued trembling and MC wondered if he was crying.
“I must look pathetic. Dishevelled in your arms, tormented by guilt over my awful efforts at being a good friend. Even worse, your lover.” He complained looking down, with his forehead buried in MC’s chest. His voice a thin lament.
"It doesn't matter to me if you're a little broken, it never did. If anything, this whole ordeal broke me too. Now, we need to gather the pieces. Together. I'd like to do this together with you. You're not pathetic, you're strong. The strongest I know. And if you need me to remind you of that I will. Your efforts are enough, Ominis.” But this isn't like you, she thought. "And I will love you here too, when think you have failed, but all you did was try your best." He was satisfied with that answer, MC’s declaration very loud and clear to Sebastian.
He pushed back slightly, with a shaky breath. His hands were hurting from grabbing at their shirt too tight and he felt cold from separating from them. He got far away from them enough to look towards their direction with his brow furrowed and his lips tight in contemplation. He relaxed for a second, his unseen eyes looking for their seeing ones, and a hint of panic had settled on his expression before he asked for a last confirmation of support. “You’ll still love me through it all, right?”. Sebastian asked feigning restlessness and lack of confidence, trying to ascertain his power over MC even if he had made a mistake. One that would not destroy his plan, he was confident, but which speech might have fed the seed of doubt in MC.
To that question MC did not hesitate to confidently agree “Yes.” He smiled, his confidence returning to his face, his shoulders rising high in a deep breath. But they looked in his face for any remains of all that pain that had already vanished, in MC’s opinion, too fast. They had realized the trembling in their arms were not tears although Ominis’ eyes were once filled with them. Their confidence slipped away. Doubts roaming around once again.Ominis wasn’t that weak minded.
Sebastian’s absence would have weighted terribly on him, but he was always a very strong person. Being raised by a terrible family, worrying about some foolish pranksters throughout his years at Hogwarts since he was a kid, even getting used to his bestfriend disregarding his deepest fears. Dealing with the worst kind of abuse from those closest to him had to have made him tougher. If anything, it wasn’t Ominis who dismissed Sebastian’s concerns, but Sebastian’s who dismissed his. The self-pity had to have a limit. Because if MC admired something about Ominis was his pride, that could hurt like a knife, just as it did on the first day they met, but could also inspire trust, as it did all these days looking after Sebastian together.
He simply didn’t sound like him at all. But the pained look on his face, the face they admired for so many months in stollen glances, pushed their doubts away. Only long enough for MC to nod in agreement, holding his hand now cupping their face and kissing its wrist. They closed their eyes and heard Ominis completely relax, his breath exhaling shakily. And in the silence between them MC’s thoughts got loud again. They quickly propped a soft chaste kiss on Ominis’ lips, with their eyes open watching his reaction. He smiled satisfied and a sinking feeling churned in MC’s stomach. They got up, grabbed their robes in a haste and left the room, not able to shake off the now familiar notion that something was very wrong.
Sebastian went to visit Ominis with a smile plastered on his face. He had proof MC was enamorated with him. A proof that he hoped would drive Ominis mad if his loneliness hadn’t done so already. Sebastian had been busy focused on alluring MC that he did not have any meaningful interaction with Ominis in weeks. He was always around them, every minute of every day trying to make the most of the time he had as his plan was yet to be exposed. Although, in all honesty, he was likely simply enjoying himself. He’d come around only to drop his food and stayed to hear one or two snarky remarks to satisfy his friends’ social interaction need. And that was it. He would then leave hastily to re-join MC. That was probably not enough for Ominis.
And if he could see, he’d notice it much faster. Ominis’ eyebags were impressive as his nights were terrifying. Sounds that weren’t there tormented his ears, the screams of the family the Gaunts forced torture upon would melt into the scream of MC in the Scriptorium. Sometimes he could hear whispers even when awake, judging his inability to escape the situation he was on. Marvolo snickering. His father sighs. Sebastian’s dark chuckles. He’d renounce that sense as well by dipping into the bath, diving, and hearing nothingness underwater. Sometimes for such a long time he felt his fingertips like raisings.
So, it wasn’t surprising when he stopped responding right away when Sebastian called out to him without much care. That evening (?) was the same. Ominis sat on the bed, facing the wall in front. His posture upright and stiff, a shadow of his years as a Gaunt. He heard the door open but didn’t believe his ears, unmoving. He also didn't react when Sebastian called.
“Here.” Sebastian said, tossing the tie towards Ominis general location.
Ominis frowned feeling a piece of cloth hit his shoulder, waking him up to reality. He rolled his eyes, touching his bed to find the cloth. “How many times have I told you not to throw anything towards the blind–” He stopped himself upon grabbing the cloth and realizing he was holding a tie. His scold died down into a confused scowl. “A tie?”
“Their tie.” Was all Sebastian said, confidently, as if they were sharing an inside joke. Ominis chuckled.
“Do you not believe me? Smell it. I’m sure it still got their scent.” He provoked, a smirk in his voice. Ominis didn’t have to smell it to know it was MC’s, their scent was strong enough for him to feel it without actively seeking it out. It was rather memorable for him. Sea salt, chocolate, and the distinctive smell of soap. He just wasn’t sure why he was holding MC’s tie.
“What is this for?”
“How do you think I got this? Do I have to spell it for you?” Sebastian retorted with a sigh, starting to lose his delicate patience. Ominis frowned, deep in thought. Then he stood up in a flash. Sebastian heard the springs of the bed and laughed out loud. “That’s it. They were kind enough to let me take it out of their delicious neck.” He provoked. Ominis tried to approach, but Sebastian reached out with his wand towards him. He had to stop at the feeling of his own wand poking his chest. It couldn’t kill him but could definitely hurt.
“What did you do to them?” Rage was palpable in his voice, his knuckles white while holding tight around MC’s tie.
“Showed them a good time.” Sebastian smirked. Ominis responded with a ferocious sound, almost a growl. Sebastian found it amusing, entertained by his former friend’s anger. “Alright, alright. Settle down.” He asked amidst laughter. Ominis obeyed, breathing heavy. He retreated backwards towards his bed until he was sitting upright, stiff once again. “It was just some snogging–”
“With my face?!” Ominis interrupted, outraged. Sebastian chuckled once more.
“Obviously. Or did you forget you pushed me to run away, bestie?” He asked dripping sarcasm.
“You’re lying to them. You’re betraying their trust!”
“And I’m willing to do worse.” He threatened suddenly tired of getting scolded by his self-righteous former friend. He rolled his eyes at Ominis’ silence, a well-known desire to explain himself slipped out. “You both betrayed me first. It’s your fault. You forced my hand.” Ominis scoffed. Sebastian regretted saying anything.
“Where’s Anne?”
Ominis tightened his lips in a fine line. He debated whether telling Sebastian would make him stop any kind of manipulation he might be doing with MC, but he couldn’t be sure. He wasn’t sure either if he was stable enough to see Anne.
“Merlin! What is it with you both, thinking I will harm my own sister?” Sebastian asked to no one really, the frustration getting the better of him. Ominis wondered if both meant MC as well. “All I want is to cure her! Argh.” He screamed. Ominis remained impassive, without moving a muscle. Then he spoke calmly.
“What are you going to do to Anne?”
“Cure her.” Sebastian responded in a growl. So certain as if he had already found a cure. Ominis relaxed his face before frowning again.
“I’ll tell you where Anne is. But you need to know that whatever you do, including curing her, will end in her hating you.” Ominis stated candidly.
Sebastian frowned, anger rising. “You don’t know what you are talking about.”
“I do. You’ve already done too much that can’t be forgiven easily. You’ve already lost me, you’re about to lose MC and I’m sure you’ll lose Anne too. This is the path you’ve chosen.” Ominis responded with certainty. The calmness in his voice bubbled something inside Sebastian’s chest.
He approached Ominis and reached out to him. Ominis did not move, sensing himself a prey under the watchful stance of his predator. Sebastian hand found his face, his index finger on his protruding cheekbones. His fingers were cold to Ominis’ cheek. He chuckled darkly, raising his hand, and slapping him. Hard. The sound echoing through the room. Ominis’ face turned harshly with the impact. “Where’s Anne?”. Sebastian asked as if nothing had happened. Ominis didn’t move to face him again, his voice sounding distant.
“She’s staying with Mr. Ndiaye and his twin daughters.” If Sebastian heard tears in his voice he completely ignored it, finally letting go of their friendship. Perhaps at the same time Ominis did. Any painful stab at his heart upon seeing Ominis in his tiny room stopped meaning anything to him. And any apologies Sebastian could utter would carry no more meaning to Ominis.
*No reproduction of this text allowed without credit*
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fujianvenator · 2 years
what are your scp recs? =o i've read some but not all that many overall
SORRY LATE REPLY COZ i had 2 get 2my pc HELP BUT !! Youhave unlocked the floodgates.
087 - the stairwell
an oldie but a goodie! absolute fucking classic, as evidenced by the whopping 3000 updoots. its really like. one of the Hallmarks of the strengths of early scp, aka a simple concept executed VERY EFFECTIVELY. its a staircase! its infinite! you can hear the sound of a crying child in it that always seems to be out of reach! its dark as shit! there is a disembodied floating humanoid face in it. the fourth expedition is fucking Gone despite being the one that ceased all entrance to the stairwell! i love the shit out of this stupid fucking staircase theres a reason it spawned so many games in Ye Olden Babys First Unity Project Days
3333 - tower
*thafnine voice* were time skipping now oh my! i feel this is like, an Inverse 087. instead of going down an infinite staircase u go up an infinite tower! fun! and remember that redacted expedition IV from 087? its not redacted here :) warning for body horror for this one
4975 - times up
despite being from series V this one has a very very old school vibe to it. simple concept executed effectively as opposed to the fucking novel length skips that litter the later series. fair warning for this one if u have issues with unreality MUTE THE TAB. TURN DOWN YOUR VOLUME. no jumpscares but its still a pretty mean trick 😭
lilys 001 proposal - the worlds gone beautiful
short, poignant, beautiful. ykno all those tumblr poetry posts talking abt how no matter how temporary our time is on this earth its still special? it means something? Yea . reading this as a 15 yr old made me understand that somehow
4182 - there is no site 5
whew. unlike a lot of earlier scps the blacked out data in this one Isnt overused in an annoying way. its a Puzzle. what happened to site 5? why are there so many revisions to the article? what is the foundation hiding under all those redactions? hehe.
5140 - EVEREST
another short n effective one ! im not phased by much unless it literally triggers my menthol ewwness but this ones . super fucking creepy to me honestly idk why LOL. hinges on making U ! da reader. quetion whether whats happening in those logs is real or if the explorers are just Losing Their Fucking Minds from oxygen deprivation. i do wonder !
2718 - what happens after
I. HATE. THIS . SCP. that means i love it LOL. i rank horror Goodness by how badly it makes me want to crawl out of my skin like a molting insect! forreal do not read this if u have unreality issues its so bad 😭😭😭😭😭 but i love it! its such a good concept. i hate it. its awful. its stuck in my mind forever. its so effective. If i liked this scp i dont because i did. No i didnt
5999 - this is where i died
YAAAY THIS ONES THE URL OF MY SCP SIDEBLOG!! i like it less now than i did when it first dropped (i was so up to date on this shit LOL i was there when nobody knew what it was abt and the forums was people trying to decode it) and the ending. is fuckin doodoo caca bullshit LOL its such a copout. dont even bother with the last chapter its literally nothing and it only serves to connect it to another scp when the preceeding stuff was already flavorful n interesting on its own 😭😭 warning for gore and body horror
4400 - this is not a place of honor
better enjoyed with the context of longterm nuclear waste warning messages! i actually have a unique experience with this post detailed Here due to my Shitfuck No Good Eyesight where i misread the title as "this is not a place of horror” which fundamentally changed my mindset going into it! i dont wanna spoil much but the last line of the last addendum is so fucking metal it rules LOL
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