#just a friendly reminder that special episode exists
absolutebl · 1 year
Ai’ with Aye & Akk - The Eclipse & Thai honorifics
hazmatilda asked: (and tumblr ate it so I’m reposting)
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So I went down quite a rabbit hole with your bl linguistics Tag (thanks for that, 3 hours of reading when I should have been sleeping or working on my masters thesis for Wednesday :/ ), and I am riveted. I started watching Thai BLs with bad buddy when it was airing, and have watched most of the ones that have aired since then and now working on the backlog. I love linguistics, and have been noticing the different personal pronouns etc in Thai especially, so it was really cool to see that all laid out in your posts! The third person one is particular is quite special to me, and I wish it existed more in English and German. It's very frustrating being a genderqueer person living in Germany because non gendered pronouns don't really exist, and when they do it's quite niche and hard to get others to use :/
I couldn't agree more. I've grown to have real affection and love for Thailand's pronouns.
I also adore the way in many Asian languages we can just say our own name for the "I" pronoun. So much harder to forget someone's name and ALSO  you're consistently reminded of what it is and how it shoudl be pronounced.
Just so you don't have to deal with my terrible (and hugely erratic) tagging system, I do have a language post meta guide (master post round up) just in case you want to rabbit hole some more: 
BL Language & Culture Master Post (mostly Thai) 
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Back to your question... 
Anyway, my question is, I noticed in The Eclipse the Ai' prefix (particle?) used between the boys, which you mentioned is not really used in BLs often, and I wanted your more detailed take on the way that Akk changes in his address of Aye in this regard, especially over the last couple of episodes. Is he being particularly rude?
Ai is an honorific originally used between peer/age mates/equals. (Like Phi or Nong.)
But now, depending on the stress/emphasis it carries different connotations including affection (Akk & Aye), insult (Ae & Pond in Love By Chance), annoyance/exasperation (Leo in Don't Say No), or pleading/whining (Fiat in Don't Say No).
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Is he being particularly rude?
Yes but also, no. He's being... rudely affectionate? He's changing the boundaries of their relationship with, what amounts to, what I'd call an “insult honorific or mode of address.” (Common within peer groups, particularly marginalized ones. See gay & masculine identified use of "bitch" in late 90s early 2000s queer culture, particularly in North American coastal cities.)
So amongst some of my queer friends, regardless of gender or orientation someone will often yell, "Hey Biiitchesss!" Technically an insulting term, in this context, a friends honorific among peers and a way of identifying oneself and ones friends as different from the surrounding social morays.
Back to Ai'.
It seems mostly used for relationship emphasis these days (friendly intimacy, of a jocular/teasing nature), and almost always among peers. I think of it occasionally as an insult honorific.
In California the word "dude" is often used for this. "Seriously, dude!?" when someone cuts you off on the FWY. "Hey, Dude" to a friend you meet for lunch. "Awe, Dude, that's rough" affection/sympathy. And so forth.
I haven't watched Eclipse in a while so I can't speak to the bit your actually referring to. So there may be an additional use pattern in play, but Ai is an interesting honorific, in that it's one of those that isn’t always, or even often, entirely honoring. So to speak.
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I do talk about Ai quite a bit in this post: 
Why Ai'Hia was so funny in Cutie Pie
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Never let me go also seems to be playing with the formality a lot, due to the class differences, which is cool to see. I'm sure the changing register and formality will play into PalmNuengs speech as the show progresses hehe.
Sorry for the ramble! 🧡🧡🧡
No apologies for rambling needed here, since I’m ruler of rambletown. 
Yes it’s very very fun to see. You also get this a little with RainPhayu in Oh My Sunshine night (young high class seme + older servant uke), and a TON with Ae & Pete in Love By Chance. 
If you haven’t watched it, I would highly recommend that one. Pete talks almsot entirely in high formal register and Ae in low. It’s a great way to train your ear for the two different registers. There’s no spoiled prince dynamic, so it’s an entirely different play on a class difference than NLMG. They are one of my all time favorite pairs for many reasons. Language is one.
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All the best and I hope you keep enjoying yourself with BL and the linguistics! 
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angievores · 2 years
A Theory on how these two could Start or have Already Started or can call it as random rambling on vegas pete
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They said they toned down Vegaspete story a lot. That means with problematic parts they may also have changed their starting point. So here's my thoughts on how their story may progress keeping novel aside.
"They say their relationship is painful but beautiful.its all consensual.Be ready when it happens. It's equally fun as the main cp. They are two puzzle pieces which fits together." Everything is said by cast or showmakers.
For me to be painful means at any cost they would want to be together but can't because of their external goals. They both has some deep pain inside which they will embrace in each other's presence. It's beautiful that means their love is going to be pure and very deep. Achieving all of this in a room from starting seems difficult in 6 episode.
For their first time to be consensual after getting captured,both should have at least certain amount of attraction for it to be impactful. The attraction from pete ( even if it's very slight,just physical nothing romantic)at least should exist before confinement for people to not call it stockholm Syndrome. Vegas we know could get it in a split second. Even if pete initiates just to buy some time, it would still be dubious and without any attraction, it's difficult to make it beautiful.
So what if they had a history ,not anything sexual but some important interaction, maybe something emotional where they saw an interesting side of each other. It's not impossible as they know each other for a long time. But that very very little spark is hushed down by them as it was impossible. For pete it was his boss and his boss enemy. For Vegas he is very much obsessed with kinn to focus on anything else and pete isn't of any strategic importance towards his goal.
Vegas keeps tabs on everything around kinn. He sent that lady assassin to check porshe even before his dad told him so. So he must have done similar on his all bodyguards. He may have found someone cute or handsome (you know whom) but not of very much importance to kinn. They changed kinn's type so why can't vegas type also. In the series every bodyguard belongs to kinn, just arm, pol, pete are assigned to khun. There doesn't seem to be any head bodyguard for khun. In fact pete, arm, big and porshe are his most trusted and of highest ranks. Vegas must keep all of them on check from time to time.
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Vegas did found porshe handsome but it's not until kinn chocking porshe, he realized porshe importance. Then after his dad's order he has to focus on him. For whole second family and bodyguards to participate in friendly facade in ep 7 , it must be kan's order (getting porshe on there side is that important to them).
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Now talk about vegas pete,This interaction is very odd in ep 4. (Very unlikely but what if he came for pete but got kinn and porshe luckily).The gesture of Vegas touching Pete's shoulder seems to be signify their relationship. It's same when pete played Vegas in special episode. In evry poster, trailer Vegas hands are on pete shoulder or chest or face. We all can see pete is very nervous or scared in his presence compared to others even when he wasn't spying. But why?? and what for??
He could sense Vegas evilness but he was unhinged in ep 7 when Vegas mutilated a body and was comfortable in working with him. So it's not just fear of authority.
He is scared Vegas would do something to him. Why? Did Vegas tried something on him in past? Like making some advances as in ep 6.
He is interested in him or is aware of Vegas intentions towards him (if they have such). But it's not anything deep and very little physical attraction or amusement that is insignificant to Vegas compared to his goal kinn.
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Was he this excited bcz of porshe headbutt (a challenge) Or bcz that reminded him of something similar in the past. Or bcz this time porshe (a challenge)is kinn's weakness too? I wondered that bcz this still was present in a romantic mv and hand gestures represent him and pete. Why giving porshe related still when his romantic pairing is pete? (If there's such a twist as Vegas liked porshe bcz of pete, I'll die). Because Except this still, there's no solid proof that he follows porshe bcz he is personally interested in him. In fact it's all ambiguous , he is trying so hard bcz of dad, bcz of kinn Or both. He himself never said anything when porshe isn't around. They can easily change this ambiguous love triangle situation into vegas never liked porshe Or was interested in pete from beginning. This way it serves both the purposes in first half (vegas being second lead) and second half (vegas being crazy for pete)of series.
But pete is always blurred or not shown in porshe presence to Vegas. Maybe bcz even if pete somewhat interested him at some point,he chooses to completely ignore him as his main focus is kinn and pete would be a waste of time. (Novel spoiler-he is driven by revenge) or because they don't want to show us pete reaction now(because it's insignificant or because it'll be a huge spoiler).
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This time, pete himself walked into Vegas vicinity. Was Vegas showing his intentions or caught on pete's feelings (if he has some). That "take care" was a warning that if you come more closer , you have no idea what I'll do to you. How would he know a condom will get such a reaction from pete? (Has he observed pete before). Pete was totally creeped out. He got the message very clear.Or has he seen or sensed this vegas before too?
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pete has successfully caught his attention till this point. Vegas no longer wants to ignore him. Was Vegas thinking "you are very daring, even after so many warnings came this close". Vegas is in full mood to play with him. This interaction was very different from any novel interaction (although more creepy) Vegas didn't gave him any warning but played according to pete's lame excuse. Dropping him quietly to his room doesn't seem like Vegas (maybe gave him indirect warning or gave him food to confuse him more).
One more thing vegas doesn't leave a single opportunity to touch pete. While pete doesn't like or feels uncomfortable with any unfamiliar closeness or touches, especially from vegas. I did another post on this. He has a very strong sense of personal space.
Another reason is in their consume you trailer,vegas approaches pete first before observing him and instantly got obsessed at first touch while both were already bathing in red chrysanthemum (passionate love) and red wine (transformation). He plays with his chest (heart), before hurting him. While Pete's body reacts, his face observes. I don't know how to interpret it. Either after capturing he'll first play with him and then hurt him more Or if he hurts him just after capturing, now he's playing with him (in background of course)
If that's true then when he'll found this boy in his wardrobe one day,he won't let him go that easily. He would be presented with a golden opportunity where he can play with pete however he wants. vegas capture pete because he interests him (as his prey) rather than to just vent his emotions on him. That submerged spark will came floating and will turn into fire when they get unmasked in the room.
There's a single still hinted at Vegas torturing pete (electric taser one) &so far many stills are misleading, like kinn chocking porshe.(Have you any idea what could be misleading about it if it is) . If not for consume you trailer, there isn't single frame of them being together but they can't start their story abruptly, there needs to be significant hints dropped in background which will later show that their story was progressing and will make us coming back to these episodes.
Puzzle pieces that fit together.Those who are love starved can give tonnes of love upon receiving a drop. Vegas wants someone to see him and pete wants someone to take care of him, the guy is always tired taking care of others. Of course they'll later share deep emotional bonding .
Before you accuse me of being delusional,I myself also don't believe fully in it. I don't expect anything at this point. @secondtime20 it's because of your post that I got these thoughts in my mind. Anyway It's just a theory or possibility,and may seem like a ff but if they go by such a path, it'll somewhat solve their problematic start. Also explain their late start as being in same room will be just catalyst for their relationship. And it won't be totally out of context . There are ambiguous hints here and there. (Man if he needs to be obsessed with pete, do it from the very first episode). Also explain why they can't show much interaction between them in first half.
Another way is pete turns out as fcked up as Vegas. Will directly look into his eyes when unmasked. Will be the one initiating everything.
On a side note, very unlikely but what if he was serious here.
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I know he was joking and it was foreshadowing future. But so far I have noticed they sometimes hide serious plot behind comedy. For example, khun smacking vegas for jealousy but was actually protecting his brother, actually khun's whole existence, pete having guts to plan search his boss room but was actually ordered by kinn(maybe), him acting oblivious to kinnporshe relationship, him acting idiot in hallway but founding vegas room. But it's still very unlikely of above pic being true.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
Bethyl Head Canons. Just Cuz.
Also I was just scrolling your latest insta posts and got to thinking about that line: “There’s no escape for the living.” Hmm. How can I overanalyze this right now? Lol. Well I’m going to first deep dive into the syntax. 
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The assertion that there’s no escape for the living comes with an obvious inversion: There is only escape for the dead. That means you can leave the CRM if you’re dead. This makes sense, in a mafia sort of way. Once you know what you know, you can’t go free. You can’t make that choice anymore. You are a hostage. 
Thinking back to Coda. What if…and this is just a major what if and something I’d never really considered till now, so just hear me out—what if Beth is NOT inside the CRM? What if she is in hiding from the CRM? 
Like Mary Magdalene, protected by her Knights Templar from the murderous faction Opus Dei. Beth is only able to leave Grady once she’s “dead.” And her death is shrouded in inconsistencies. We’ve speculated that somebody was actually never going to let Beth leave alive that day. There’s no escape for the LIVING. So she died. But then what if she was recovered in time, and saved? 
Now we’re going into head canon zone: what If Edwards, desperate for redemption, finds her after TF loses track of her and saves her life? In Slabtown there’s a curious line about him telling Dawn they need a CAT scan machine. What if he got one? From the CRM ofc. He saves Beth and she recovers. 
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But after some time, the CRM deems Grady no longer functional. I mean it’s become very dysfunctional in the end, we know that, with a lot of internal rot and fragmentation. And rotten parts are a threat, so they decide to eliminate said threat. Maybe Beth escapes, possibly not alone, and she finds some friendlies and she’s in hiding? 
If she’s been part of Project V, there may be something special about her blood. Maybe she survived the infection, like Alicia, and now she’s immune and she’s just out there, and they’re trying to find her? The parallel to Mary Magdalene has me not totally writing this off as an alternate possibility to where Beth could be. Imagine a whole faction fighting to protect her? And that she’s immune and has become almost like their salvation? 
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A template does exist for this. In season 2 of Fear, Nick ends up at a shantytown in Tijuana where the leader has a healed bite mark in his shoulder and claims to be immune. We find out he was actually bitten by a human and had been lying to his people to keep them hopeful, but I’m just saying this notion has definitely been toyed with before. Anyway, just some thoughts. Like, I don’t think this is definitely what’s going on by any stretch, but it has suddenly occurred to me as a possibility.
Okay I’m just going to continue this head canon for a moment because it’s fun lol and because it also reminds me of something from World Beyond. I re-watched episode 1.1 the other day, and in the end, Barca comes to Lt Colonel Kublek after the massacre and tells her that they searched everywhere and “can’t find her.” Kublek is pleased with this. 
We’re pretty sure he means Hope Bennett, since Kublek gave her and Iris the map of NY to gaslight them to leave of their own accord. Say a walker horde hits Grady. Maybe Beth is bitten saving others (including Edwards) and escapes. 
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After Beth gets sick but doesn’t die or turn, and she recovers, Edwards realizes that whatever they’d been doing in Project V had worked. She was immune. And after denying her multiple times, a la Peter to her Christ, he finally becomes devoted to her, and he helps her find safe haven. 
Meanwhile, CRM soldiers are combing through the rubble and trying to verify that everyone is dead. But they can’t find Beth. Could even be Kublek herself standing amidst all the carnage. ANYWAY. That’s my head canon express for the evening lol. Very fun to ride!
I like this a lot. We toyed with the idea of not being able to leave the CRM before and with the information we received from Fear with AL and Isabel we know that it's fact based. So I like the thought that in some ways Beth has not approached or search for her family because she would not want to put them in danger. 
Actually I read a fan fiction recently that had a similar plot line. To add to your head canon/theory it would mean that both the flash and the blur in the opening credits that we have seen through the years would literally and figuratively be showing us Beth on the run. 
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Another thing that would come into play is that this would/ could tie in with the mysterious (legs) pulling out the red machete from the ground. I just had an epiphany that the actions of (legs) pulling out the red machete would be a play off of Arthur of Camelot pulling out the sword from the stone. An sign of Beth being the chosen one.
Yeah I love this too. I have some thoughts but I’ll have to put them in later. I’ve had some similar head canons (exactly the same only different ) so I think we’re all on the same page in general.
Now I'm thinking of it as more of a group chat fun fan fiction with some legitimate TWD canon facts. We do have a while before Fear starts and even longer before any of the new spin-off start so why not have some fun. 
I was thinking about how Daryl could find out about Beth especially if he's headed for France and then I thought wouldn't it be cool if Beth is on the run and fighting against the CRM already. How about he finds a Wanted Poster. I know you're shaking your head but didn't we see a Wanted Poster in s11B? 
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It had to do with Eugene looking for the people he thought had kidnapped Stephony. Daryl fines on a wall of Wanted Criminals by the CRM a call back to the missing persons board at the CW but this one is for people who are Wanted by the CRM. A Wanted Poster with the name Beth Greene and a drawn image of her. Would that not catch his attention. This is so much fun.
Head Cannon Update. Between s4 and 5 after Beth had been kidnapped there was this comical promotion I think it was backed by TWD, it was a milk carton with an image of Beth. It read, if found return to Daryl Dixon. This could have been an early hint or later on they kind of played off of that thought. 
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Starting in s8 we suddenly had the paintings behind Maggie's desk at Hilltop of her family. The image of Beth was not exact but so close that there was no mistaking it for being her the same could apply to a wanted poster. I'm sure we've talked about this before but we had Beth being kidnapped by Grady and then we have Rick being kidnapped by the CRM and we know that Daryl is going to be kidnapped and sent to France that is just too much of a coincidence to be one and for it not to all tie together.
I love these! I was also thinking about how Jadis made those paintings in Maggie’s office. Did she have photographs? Maybe Maggie had somehow preserved some, or gone back for them at some point. I mean there’s so much they don’t tell us. 
Anyway, if Jadis is a double agent like we’ve speculated, then maybe she’s seen Beth, recognized her, and helped her. What a great way to tie WB into Daryl’s arc. If she sees Daryl, she’ll be able to help him find Beth, and then he can help reunite her with Gabriel. Also I can’t remember if someone already said this, but probably the reason they had Gabe and Rosita break up is so that when she died, he wouldn’t still be devoted to her. He would be able to move on, re: Jadis.
I don't know that anyone has actually written about the reason Gabriel and Rosita were no longer a romantic couple because they were still devoted to one another and shared a child they both loved and parented together but speaking for myself I have played with the thought that it had to do with Jadis/Ann using Gabe's last name and their past relationship and how that might play into a future storyline.
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Yes I feel that Gabe will always be devoted to Rosita as a mother and a partner, but if they were still in romantic love, that would make it difficult for Gabe to see past her to another relationship, even with a woman he’s already been with. It will be interesting to see what unfolds. I really believe they had Jadis take his name with the full intention of having her see him again.
So, one head canon I've had a lot, which is similar to this, but slightly different in detail, is the idea of Beth having been a test subject after Grady, but escaping. That would obviously be in line with what you've said. But I also extend it to think that she actually is part of the CRM again, but she's kind of deep under cover. So, they don't realize she's one of the test subjects that escaped years ago. In a way, it's a little like Jadis (but with a different twist) in that she would have been out of it for a time and then gone back in.
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I also really love the idea of the wanted poster. The other thing it would obviously connect to is Yumiko seeing the wanted poster for her. I know that was originally the Michonne/Melodie arc in the comic books. 
Lots of TDers thought Beth would get that back in the day. For some reason, I never did. I could totally see why TDers would think that and how it would fit right into Beth's arc, so I understood. But for some reason, it just didn't fit for me. I think it was something about it being about Michonne and her daughter that just didn't scream Beth to me. Which of course makes no sense because they can twist and remix it any way they want, which is what they did by giving it to Yumiko and Tomi. 
Anyway, all of this is just to say that I can see that being them laying the groundwork for something similar to happen with Beth. I really like that idea.
The other thing I like to imagine is that Beth is actually some well known warlord type that is known by the resistance. Not that many people know her true name or true identity, but that she's kind of legendary in fighting against the CRM. 
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So, it would be like Daryl hearing all kinds of stories about some resistance fighter with some generic name. ("The Wolf" or something.) Maybe he even assumes this is a guy, because due to the amount of success this person has had in fighting against the injustice of the CRM, most people would. But over the course of time, he learns the identity of this freedom fighter is Beth. That's one of my fave head canons too.
Head Cannon Up. Liesel I love the thought of Beth being called The Wolf! With that thought in mind, I took a chance on a Wanted Poster.
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(@wdway did the above artwork.)
Daryl seeing the poster ask someone, "why is the girl called the wolf?" Their responses, she's a wolf in sheep's clothing. She appears to be so sweet and pretty and kind but at her heart she's a wolf. That's when Daryl knows it's not just a girl that looks like Beth because underneath all that pretty exterior and heart of gold there is a mighty strength.
I’m not at ALL picturing Daryl breaking down into actual tears when he realizes who she is…
Imagining whoever he is with asking him what’s the matter? And he’s just like, sucks it all back and WHOOSH, disappears. To find her!
We should just take over as writers for the show it’s decided.
I've had so much fun today with these head cannons.
They're also has to be a scene where he sneaks back in and takes the poster and puts it in his back left pocket. Left=Beth.
Did you notice she is wearing her double heart necklace?
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Some possible reference shots. There was one photo that looks ALOT like Emily. I enlarged and it got blurry but still.
Love it, @wdway! Can’t wait to see what you come up with, @galadrieljones! I love your wanted poster! It’s lovely! And I totally agree that we should all be TWD writers.
Head Cannon Update. The guy that tells Daryl why The Wolf is called that go on to said that she is also notorious for burning things down. Daryl just grins.
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if you're still doing wip asks, what about either 'season 4 if [redacted] hadn't died' or 'the bet' or both
"The bet" is a fun one. It's based on me continuing to think No Nut November is a silly and fun idea but like. ridiculous. 0/10
Anyway plot that would exist if it was not family friendly tv in the seventies: BJ and Hawk make a bet where neither of them can *ahem* nut for a week.
“Nice of you to come home, Romeo.”
“Sorry, Beej,” Hawkeye mumbles, tugging off his boots before falling back onto his cot, not even bothering with the blankets.
“She must be something special, that the third time this week you’ve stumbled in while the light through yonder window breaks.”
“I was in supply with Bigelow, making much ado about nothing,” Hawkeye says with a sleepy-sounding laugh, but he yawns, lapsing into silence.
When BJ – who is now wide awake – glances over at him, he swears he can see the faint shadow of a hickey in the dim light, and Hawkeye’s hair looks as though Bigelow was running her fingers through it.
It sends a searing bolt of jealousy through him, which mixes in the pit of his stomach with groggy annoyance that he’s now awake while Hawkeye looks as though he’s dead to the world.
And 'season 4 if [redacted] hadn't died' is going under a cut because. spoilers for tww season 3 finale and also spoilers for the s4 episode "debate camp". It's also a self-explanatory title.
“I didn’t think I’d be seeing you anytime soon.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well.” He makes an exaggerated show of checking his watch. “It’s only eleven now – did Amy end up getting back to you?”
“Yeah, she got us the answer we needed.”
“Still, I figured you’d still be downstairs, doing whatever it is you do when you’re not putting the press corps through their paces.”
He grins. “Yeah?”
CJ doesn’t know how to say that when she heard Toby’s good news – and here, a grin spreads unconsciously across her face – that there was only one person she wanted to share it with, and he’s sitting in front of her.
“Toby’s going to be a dad,” she says, delighting in the joy of it, because God knows they needed a win right now. “He just told us.”
“It’s great, right?”
“It is.”
“Really reminds you about what matters in life,” CJ says, and she loves the sight of Simon in the golden glow of the lamp. “Makes you feel…”
“Like celebrating?” he asks, and she reaches over, plucking the book from his hands and tossing it aside.
“You took the words right out of my mouth.”
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toa-kirhan · 1 year
First time watching ToH S1E2 (Witches Before Wizards). Thoughts below:
Holy hell what a second episode!
Starting off the episode strong w/ a fantastic first joke. The terrifying fantasy world is very friendly!
Why is everyone mean to Hooty :c
Very fun OP! I’m glad that the nose girl from the first episode looks to be a recurring character. Also I guess Luz making a ball of light confirms she learns magic?
Really appreciate King’s food laughing with him at Luz’s cone hat.
Sleepy magic staff Owlbert ^^
Eda mentions magic schools, which implies the existence of a formal school system in this world. Magical boys and girls confirmed!
Also, what species is Eda and the other characters from the OP? Generic elves? Fae folk? Is 30 actually an old age for her species, or is it just an old mug?
New setting name: Bonesburough! In addition to the giant arms, eyes, and mouths, there also seems to be a large ring structure w/ banners in town plus what looks like a keep or cathedral in the background.
The show has now acknowledged the fact that Luz seems to be the only human and openly asks whether or not that means anything significant to the plot. The ending suggests no, but I wouldn’t count it out as a plot element for other episodes.
It’s been only a day but it seems like Luz’s honeymoon phase w/ the Boiling Isles has already worn off. Cue culture shock.
Eda explicitly warns Luz about her rivals and men in sandals, with Luz herself getting Adegast to admit that he’s a potionseller, but her own enthrallment w/ the seeming confirmation that there is storybook wonder in the Boiling Isles blinds her to Eda’s warnings and advice. Eda’s joking attitude probably played a role in Luz downplaying the danger as well.
Luz doubts Eda’s intentions of sending her out to deliver potions. Though it turns out that Eda was being entirely honest w/ her. Beyond that fact, I imagine Eda also wanted to acclimatize Luz to the Boiling Isles, how different it is to her home world, and that everyone is not what they seem.
I do appreciate how much Eda seems to care for Luz despite having just met her, willing to sacrifice herself twice in two episodes to ensure Luz is safe, consoling her about falling for Adegast’s trap, and giving her time alone to process her thoughts.
So is Hooty the house itself? Eda punches the wall and he seemed to react. Also, Eda seems to have a habit of smacking things to get them to work.
What a shame that the Cat Town was nothing more than an illusion. Also the cat man dissolving in Eda is horrible and traumatic and I love it.
The dream sequence with Adegast’s puppets surrounding Luz were creepy as hell. Very reminiscent of Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future.
There was also a surprising amount of violence shown when Luz starts fighting Adegast. Granted, it was bloodless violence against illusionary people and a giant octopoid demon, but still.
I loved the imagery, tone, and message of the ending with the three looking over the Bones of the Isles. Destiny isn’t given out by a wizard or by prophecies, but by the actions and decisions you take to shape your own life. There are those that will try and prey on you, to make you feel special so they tear you down, but there are also those who genuinely care for you as a person and throw everything to protect you.
She doesn’t say it directly, but I imagine Eda was like Luz once and once fell for the same type of trick that Adegast played on Luz.
Just briefly mentioning the Bones of the Isles, but there seems to be another rib cage to the left of the main one, and various ribs or spikes in the background. The image also reminds me of the God Warrior remains in Nausicaä.
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antters-event · 1 year
As an Indori, everyone is used to going places and trying new things for the sake of having a good time. And as one of the greatest cities in India known for its cultural diversity, food, and lovable people, it never ceases to disappoint us.
So, what plans do you have this New Year In Indore? You must’ve heard that question so many times. Everyone likes to celebrate the upcoming New Year as they please and no problem with that. But, if you choose to stay at home eating snacks and watching other people have all the midnight fun, maybe you just have to be reminded that YOU CAN TOO!
And if you don’t want to follow others and want to do your thing, that’s okay. Because you get to decide what you do in the New Year. And this blog will give you some ideas about that,  along with some upcoming events and New Year Parties in Indore you can be a part of, to say GoodBye to 2022 in your own way. Here are a few ideas to let you know how you can enjoy some of the best exhibitions and festivals and be a part of and finally blow off that 2022 steam.
Netflix and Chill
When it comes to passing the time and forgetting all the bad things that happened to you, you cannot underestimate what the OTT platforms have in store for us in an era where entertainment is at its peak. Quality entertainment can be found anywhere.
So, whether it is a New Year’s episode of Friends, or a Bollywood classic if one decides to be at home, eating popcorn. Entertainment can make you feel better and you can sleep it off to the new year. So, you can just watch television, order something on Zomato from your favorite place and have a good night’s sleep. It’s a cool way to step into 2023. Have an adventure Nothing better than stepping out of the loop and looking for a change in scenery and air. And nothing beats some quality time with family and friends, trying new activities, food, and places to explore and experience new things. There are many places around Indore with lots of those, you can go trekking at Gidiya Khoh, have a Pluck and Dine experience at the Nature’s Kitchen or go to an amusement and theme park on the outskirts and have the day off. But if you have such plans for the New Year’s weekend, you should make haste to book tickets when the Happy New Year offers still exist. It is crucial to make up your mind about what you want to do because if you don’t, the last thing you want is to let the opportunity slip away and wait a whole year to feel fantastic.
Grand openings are a New Year Thing
Many restaurants, theme restaurants, clubs, and many other interesting places get down to business on New Year’s with breathtaking offers and surprises, and if you want to go, you can have a decent time there, by yourself or with your friends.
And everyone would wish for only that. That one blissful moment that people look for to do something different. Something that makes them feel reloaded and rejuvenated to take on the New Year like a champion.
You’ll only find extraordinary things to try and participate in on New Year’s Eve of 2023. But if you’re looking for entertainment, a fun time, and something new with your special ones, you can find all of those things easily. And luckily for you, Antters presents COUNTDOWN, the biggest New Year party in Indore, where you’ll have the best live performances on the 31st by DJ Sheggy and Nawazish Band, and on the second day, there will be a performance, by DJ Syrah with Singer Shiv and Poorvi, will give their phenomenal performance on January 1st, giving your 2023 the boost it needs.
And one of the best things about our event is that it is family-friendly, which means a party you can attend with your loved ones, whatever age group they belong to. So, awesome food, to refresh and replenish your soul and the company of the people you love, twice. What more could Proud Indori ask for? Venue: Shri RGP Gujarati Samaj Ground, AB Road, near Bombay Hospital, Vijay Nagar, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.
I would hurry if I were you.
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ppaniniart · 3 years
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ilikekidsshows · 3 years
how much do you think Adrien and Marinette's relationship developed from season 1 to 3 ?
Very well, as a self-professed connoisseur of all things slowburn, let me go over the Adrinette development that has happened in the show up until the season three finale and educate this fandom on the subtle beauty that is the Adrinette arc. This is gonna be long, because, apparently, there's a lot of material to cover, because this relationship can fit so much development into it.
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Let's go in chronological order (as far as I can tell). In 'Origins', Marinette first started becoming a stuttering mess around Adrien when he opened up to her about how he wanted to make friends, becoming infatuated with the sensitive side he showed. Meanwhile, Adrien is excited over the prospect of having made a friend.
In 'The Bubbler', Marinette only manages to get out an awkward "hey," at Adrien and Adrien mimics her, in lack of a better response. He barely seems to know her at this point.
Marinette begins her infatuation with Adrien by simply thinking about him and fantasizing about him. In 'Stormy Weather' we hear Marinette's daydream, fully fleshed out on the details of what their children should be named, but not sure what their pet should be. Adrien seems pleased to see Marinette, but doesn't seek her out, also maintaining some distance.
Then comes 'Mr. Pigeon'. Adrien finds out Marinette is into designing and is taken aback by her verbal floundering. He also didn't know Marinette's last name. When he introduces Marinette to his father, there's an awkward silence after, like he'd finished the sentence too early, because he did, he never said her last name. Adrien knew Marinette existed, and was interested to know more about her, but that's it. Meanwhile Marinette speaks complete nonsense to Adrien, unable to remember what words even are.
In 'Evillustrator' Adrien seeks Marinette out of his own volition, having the perfect conversation starter in her encounter with Cat Noir. He wants to know what she thinks of him. Meanwhile, Marinette manages to get full, coherent sentences out, but keeps saying contradicting things. Adrien responds to Marinette with a drawn out "okay," starting to learn to just go with it and, at the end of the interaction, pats Marinette's shoulder companionably as he leaves. He thinks they're familiar enough for him to touch her casually, he was just waiting for the chance because he’s so touch-starved.
'Horrificator' doesn't actually show Adrien and Marinette interacting directly outside the acting scenes, where Adrien is very receptive to having Marinette as his co-star, but Adrien gets to see Marinette at her best, helping people out and solving problems. This episode is where Adrien starts to form his opinion of Marinette as someone dependable.
In 'Animan', Adrien knows Nino likes Marinette and is fully supportive. He's convinced Marinette would be receptive to Nino just acting natural and not doing anything special, so he thinks Marinette is a kind and warm person. He has no reason to think Marinette is into him instead. Marinette fumbles around Adrien again, and this time Adrien doesn't react at all: he's used to it.
In 'Kung Food', Adrien rushed to help Marinette the instant he heard from Alya that Marinette needed help. Marinette manages to get her meaning across even as she fumbles. When they have a discussion about Marinette's uncle, Marinette doesn't stutter once, and Adrien holds Marinette's shoulders when he comforts her. They managed to keep to casual interactions during the episode because they have other things to focus on.
In 'Gamer', Adrien is very casual around Marinette, inviting himself over to practise the game and being pretty frank about his insecurity as Marinette's gaming partner. Marinette responds first in a way that devalues Adrien's feelings ("No, you're amazing, I'm bad"), but eventually gives Adrien the lucky charm as a gesture of accepting him as her partner, a gesture Adrien will treasure for several episodes to come. Also, this episode has more casual shoulder-touching from Adrien to Marinette. (Aside note: Cat Noir later mimics Tom's body language in the episode, so Marinette's parents really made a first impression that stuck.)
In 'Volpina', Marinette shields Adrien from Fu's suspicions, but does briefly entertain the thought that Adrien might be Hawk Moth. This could be part of her catastrophizing or realizing she doesn't know him well enough to know for sure. Marinette also saves Adrien from his father, for Adrien's sake, not even revealing her own involvement in the matter to get closer to him. Marinette just wanted to help him out.
'Despair Bear' has Adrien protect Marinette from making a scene and making herself look bad, something he'll do again later in 'Chameleon'. Adrien sees it as his place to interfere for Marinette's benefit in this way and he thinks about the possible repercussions Marinette might have gotten from accusing Chloé publically without evidence. Adrien also instantly gets the idea to ask Marinette to dance when she bumps into him and decides to just roll with him when Alya arranges them into the typical "slow dance" position. At the end of the episode we see the first instance of Adrien invading Marinette's personal space by leaning in to talk to her. All in all, Adrien is just very comfortable around Marinette in this episode.
'Gigantitan' is more about Marinette learning not to overthink, something she didn't entirely learn as she prefers to abort the entire mission rather than enter a scenario with Adrien she hadn't considered. But we see Adrien offering Marinette a ride home even when his bodyguard is impatient. He really wants to do a favor for her.
'Riposte' has the second attempt from Marinette to simply spend time with Adrien, after 'Gamer'. She went into a lot of effort to learn fencing on time for the try-outs. She accidentally compliments Adrien to his face, who is very grateful for the nice things Marinette said about him. Caught off guard, Marinette fumbles once more, but manages to recover. Adrien laughs in enjoyment of the occasion and Marinette shares the laugh. Adrien keeps showing how comfortable he is with touching Marinette when he tutors her. Meanwhile, Marinette is very flustered, but manages to focus on what she's doing, doing well enough for Adrien to notice.
Adrien also questions Marinette's call as the referee, not concerned with Marinette's possible negative reaction and Marinette does respond honestly, showing Adrien that he can trust her judgement. Adrien also gushes about Marinette to Kagami, when he insists that Marinette didn't deny her the point to be mean, and the affection in his glowing endorsement has Kagami immediately note that Adrien likes her a lot.
In 'Befana' Adrien admits that he always carries Marinette's lucky charm with him, which inspired him to make one for her as a gift. The episode even ends with him looking at his own charm fondly, as the narration brings up "the person giving (the gift)", signalling that Adrien is specifically thinking about Marinette, who gave him the charm.
When Adrien asks Marinette for a safe place to hide in 'Gorizilla', Marinette gets over her stuttering very quickly when she realizes Adrien is in trouble to help him. Even in the subway Marinette is able to focus on Adrien possibly getting into trouble at home instead of getting flustered again. Adrien sidesteps the concern by playing the situation down, reminding Marinette that he does, indeed, always carry the lucky charm he got from her with him. At the movies he's more upfront to her about the restrictions he's placed under and why the movie is so important to him. Also, at no point does he point out Marinette is in her PJs, even though he definitely noticed. He probably just thinks it's a Marinette Thing.
'Frozer' has Marinette go all out for Adrien's sake, not because she wants to be with him, but because she wants to see him happy. She gives him advice on how to pursue another girl and asks Luka out on a double date to be there for him. On this occasion Marinette also shows how she's not as selfish over Adrien here as she was back in 'Gamer', when she was very willing to rob Max of something he really wanted in order to spend more time with Adrien. Meanwhile, Adrien gets distracted from his actual date when he wants to make sure Marinette is okay. When Plagg accuses him of "going after Marinette", Adrien is surprised by the suggestion, and assured Plagg that Marinette is just a friend.
An interesting thing to note is that Adrien actually sounds uncertain in 'Frozer' when he calls Marinette a friend, the one time he does so (at least in the English dub). This is why, when Marinette asks him to go skating with her sometime, he does entertain the thought of it just being just the two of them (aka, a date). However, when Marinette assures him it would be a friendly outing with other people too, the moment passes, and Adrien forgets his doubts and agrees to a friend outing. Plagg put the idea in his head, and Marinette could have sealed the deal. This is another occasion where Adrien pats Marinette's shoulder.
'Troublemaker' is the episode where Marinette's self-sabotage really gets going, when she "reassures" Adrien that she'd never consider him attractive in a romantic way ever. Meanwhile, Adrien once again invades Marinette's personal space and implies he doesn't mind modeling if it's for Marinette as he invites her to a photoshoot and says he's glad to have her as one of his fans.
In 'Style Queen', Marinette is actually open with Adrien about her insecurities and Adrien reassures her, and he supports her in 'Queen Wasp'. He also says he'd be able to model for her if she made it in the business, repeating his desire to model for her specifically that he first stated in 'Troublemaker'.
In 'Reverser' Marinette panics when suddenly encountered with Adrien and having to explain what she's doing, but Adrien gets the gist of it, having learned to interpret most of the word vomit Marinette produces and astutely claims: "That's typical of you," about Marinette helping someone out and offers his assistance if she needs any.
In 'Maledictator', Adrien is brave enough to let Marinette know he disagreed with the reason she and everybody else was happy. He doesn't pretend to be fine with the "good riddance, Chloé '' party because, just as Adrien knew, Marinette doesn't judge him for being sad to see Chloé leave.
In 'Heroes' Day', Adrien admits he came to the picnic to tell Marinette just how highly he values her. He shows how much attention he pays to all the times Marinette has helped their classmates and gives the iconic line "You're our everyday Ladybug". Marinette manages to gather up her courage to kiss Adrien on the cheek in response. This is also a notable moment when Adrien opts out of the usual shoulder pat, implying the gesture is something Adrien does to cut away the physical distance between himself and Marinette, since such a thing wasn't necessary in 'Heroes' Day'. (This boy is touch-starved, guys!)
In 'Chameleon' Adrien starts trying to play mediator between Lila and Marinette but, when that didn't work out, he once again protects Marinette from making a bad call with an opponent out to wreck her reputation, but he also acknowledges that Marinette had been wronged and decided to personally support her by sitting next to her since she'd been having such a tough time that day. He just wanted to support her like a friend would.
'Backwarder' has Marinette try to take the easy route of confessing through a letter, which predictably ends up not going as planned. But, as Adrien said, he spent all weekend making sure he could help Marinette with something he thought she really needed help with. Adrien just really wants to be able to do things for Marinette.
'Weredad' gives us an interesting glimpse into how Adrien views Marinette in relation to romance, noting that he "didn't think Cat Noir was her type". He's most likely referring to Luka, since he's the only guy Adrien has seen Marinette with, and Luka is quiet, contained and thoughtful, nothing like how Adrien presents himself as Cat Noir. However, since Adrien doesn't consider himself a candidate, he does most likely consider himself more like Cat Noir than Luka, aka, not Marinette's type.
'Desperada' has one of Marinette's worst freakouts in a while. Adrien showed up suddenly, and Kagami challenged her directly by saying: "Are you here to watch your boyfriend practise?" Marinette also tries to shoehorn Adrien into every situation, be it a guitarist or superhero, possibly as a subconscious attempt to gain more control of the situation with Kagami. As Tikki said, Marinette has a troubled heart in this episode.
'Chrismaster' shows off the fact that Marinette has tons of presents prepared for Adrien in advance for different occasions. These were most likely prepared during the early stages of her infatuation, when she was admiring him from afar and fantasizing about him. Making presents "just in case" fits the fantasy model. At this point, she’s embarrassed over having done it.
In 'Startrain', Adrien immediately relaxes into sleep as well when Marinette falls asleep on his shoulder. This boy is touch-starved, guys, and Marinette's touch in particular calms and soothes him. Similarly, when Marinette wakes up in the middle of their nap, she settles right back to continue sleeping, no panic in sight.
'Stormy Weather 2' shows Adrien connecting Marinette's handwriting from the note on his homework with the valentine he got, and all of the misunderstandings together convince him he was mistaken. "She's just a friend who loves fashion," Adrien says with a downtrodden face, disappointed that Marinette couldn't care for him as more than "a friend who's also in fashion". He thinks of Marinette insisting that she'd never be into him, and of Marinette and Luka skating together, with obvious chemistry between them. And, in the end, when he says it's just someone with similar writing, he sounds wistful.
'Party Crasher' has Adrien insist Marinette is one of his guys, clearly missing her when he's hanging out with his school friends. In fact, when she does show up unexpectedly, he looks very pleased.
'Puppeteer 2' is an episode that sets up obstacles for Adrinette in addition to the misunderstandings listed in ‘Stormy Weather 2’. Marinette finds out Adrien is in love with someone else, and Adrien tries to share more parts of himself with Marinette, only for it to end very badly. Adrien has been getting braver about expressing himself to Marinette, but it's mostly been his opinions so far. In 'Puppeteer 2' Adrien tries to joke around with Marinette, only for Marinette to end up mortified and crying. This convinced Adrien that there's a part of him that Marinette won't be able to accept so he'll have to hold back with her.
Meanwhile, Marinette overcorrects because Manon, as kids are wont to do, keeps airing out all of her dirty laundry regarding Adrien, and so she convinces Adrien he's lucky she even kinda likes him. Adrien connects this with the fact that apparently his sense of humor is something that Marinette hates enough to cry over it.
The rest of season 3 stays on the course set by ‘Puppeteer 2’. Adrien still cares about Marinette immensely, even if he's convinced she doesn't like him nearly as much. He puts himself on the line to protect her from Lila in 'Ladybug', and neither he nor Kagami consider Marinette's presence on their outing third-wheeling in 'Heart Hunter'. Meanwhile, Marinette is pulling away, convinced Adrien and Kagami are the perfect match.
There you go, that's the Adrinette development, broken down step by step, during the first three seasons. As you can see, it's actually quite a lot, and some people might even notice more development tidbits.
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draftingteacups · 2 years
Okay here are some funny baby Pokémon with the boys ideas because I got them and they refuse to leave.
Jamil with a Cannea. Just, the walking cactus confuses him at first, but then they started to subtly cause problems on purpose that he can benefit from, and since Jamil is respected by the dorm no puts together the pieces that Cacnea is the one responsible. Just, these two are very devious, especially when working together. Also both live in fear of Joltik because that bug type weakness means Cacnea is more then a little afraid that they'll actually die if Joltik taps them with any amount of force, especially when/if they evolve, since they gain the Dark Type and become four times quad weak to the Bug Type. Even if they can naturally learn Poison Jab to beat said Joltik away.
Idia ran across a Wooper during the rare times he was out of his room, and just, the obvious no thoughts head empty stare, they way they were staring at him, the fact that they seemed really mellow(they are), and the fact that they can smile so much despite having no arms endeared them to him. And just, he knelt down, opened his arms, and let Wooper come to him and now he has a Wooper now. A corner of his room is just a little water/mud tank for them to vibe in and be healthy now. Their existence reminds him to eat actual food since they need food as well. Just, he and Wooper are just vibing. (Meanwhile in the background Ortho, while glad his brother made a friend and is being slightly more healthy, occasionally just stares at those two.)
Lilia with a Noibat. That is all.
Ooooh, Jamil with a Cacnea 👀 Usually, whenever I see Cacnea, the Pokemon is paired with Jack because of how Jack loves cacti.
I've been thinking of some of the students not being into the whole concept of Pokemon since they don't really understand it/not as into it as the other characters/what's so special about them in the first place.
For Jamil, he would be at odds with the concept of having a Pokemon partner.
He doesn't know much about them and the only person that he can get the information from is the same person that puts him on edge AKA Soni.
Soni was a wild card the moment she came to NRC, and it showed. Although Soni does get invited by Kalim to come over to Scarabia and Kalim visits Ramshackle, Soni is never alone, whether it's her Pokemon, her friends, or that cat monster by her side. Not to mention that she had a sharp sense of who to trust, which was a good thing to have at NRC due to the rather colorful cast of people that attend the school.
For Jamil, the fewer people involved, the better his plans would turn out. That was until the other Scarabia students thought that Soni would be able to help out with Kalim since they were friends and Soni happened to be there for the Winter Break.
And then Episode 4 happened.
Yeah, Jamil doesn't have the happiest experience with Pokemon 😅 although he does find being a Pokemon Trainer interesting since it'd give him the ability to leave his role as a servant. It's honestly hard for me to think of the right partner for him, but I do have a few that would be interesting.
Pansear/Panpour/Pansage- either one of these would work or all three, depending on how I could put it in the fic lkJASjdlkjlk; Pansage and Panpour are the ones who'd be wary of Joltik the most, so I'm leaning towards those two the most in honor to the original ask.
Panpour always has the best water for tea, which is handy for any random guests and gives Jamil some time to prepare a meal with the help of Pansage.
Pansage's leaves help with exhaustion and stress, which Jamil would appreciate for all the things he has to handle; it's a friendly Pokemon, which I think would be a nice call to Kalim's open and friendly nature. Pansage would be a reliable partner in terms of detecting spices and such.
Grookie or Thwackey could be interesting. They could help with the dancing and making beats for the dorm to listen to. Jamil would probably dance to their beats in his own spare time. It'd be difficult to see where they would be in terms of the dorm itself unless they hide where the animals are.
Aww, Idia and Wooper though. That's cute. Ortho sees his brother with a Pokemon and getting a new friend in the process. But I can also see Idia being more into the informational side of things with Pokemon than actively engaging with them. It's hard to pinpoint a partner for him alksdfjlajl
Lilia with a Noibat, that makes sense.
There was an ask with Toxel and it's pretty fitting for him to get one, but we've also got Sir Alolan Grimer and Gulpin too laksdj so many Pokemon ☠️
Like I have this immediate want to put them with Pokemon and have all the members in TWST like them as soon as possible, but I'd like to keep options open for interpretation.
Cause Pokemon are a relatively new thing for people in TWST, it'll take people time to adjust to the new concept, which I think is pretty realistic.
It's like what's in Pokemon: Legends of Arceus where Pokemon were seen as dangerous creatures and people barely know anything about them. Soni's taking the first steps to get people used to the idea of Pokemon, but it'll take a while for everyone to like them or accept them when magic had always been the dominant thing in their world.
I think it's cool to see how people slowly interact with Pokemon and learn to like them, which was one of the reasons why I wrote the fanfic in the first place. That type of thing is my favorite, even if it's slow to implement. It makes for interesting conversations with characters and I'd like to explore that in the fic 👀
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rainbow-filmnerd · 2 years
How I would rewrite Miraculous.
So, a few years ago, I used to watch this neat little show that's been on a number of networks. You may have heard of it, but it's called "Miraculous Ladybug". Yeah, it's a cartoon that I thought was good... for about two seasons. Then as I watched Season 3, things didn't seem to sit right with me... But in short, I feel like the show is NOTORIOUS for being how all over the place it is. A total mess, and I'm so flipping glad I don't watch it anymore.
Although, my curiosity does peak from time to time, just to see what other disaster may have made this show flop. I shared some of this with @fabuloustrash05, but this is how I would rewrite the ENTIRE SERIES. And friendly reminder, I have not seen an entire episode of Season 4 or either Miraculous World special, so for the most part, anything that happened in past the first couple eps of Season 3 WON'T be mentioned here.
We all know that a movie is coming out soon, but it seems like it's the origin story that we got to see during Season 1. Now I don't know what would happen, but I feel like the origin story should be kept the same. Only thing is that I would make it the SERIES PREMIERE rather than the SEASON 1 FINALE. That will be saved for "Volpina" with an after credits scene that will reveal/confirm to the audience that Gabriel is Hawk Moth, which I felt was obvious after an episode or two in. For the most part, Season 1 will remain untouched by my hand.
Season 2 would be left alone too. There were some pretty decent things happening, like some progress on our leads' relationship, and not to mention, CHLOE'S REDEMPTION ARC THAT WAS RIPPED OUT OF HER HANDS. But more on the latter in a bit.
The only things I'd leave alone for Season 3 are the following:
The episodes "Chameleon", "Weredad", "Feast", "Backwarder", "Silencer", and "Miraculer"
Lila's character arc of trying to sabotage Marinette and her working with Gabriel/Hawk Moth (including trying to get her expelled like in "Ladybug")
Natalie's illness from the Peacock Miraculous
The Miraculous Swap between Adrien and Marinette
Chloe finding out that Marinette likes Adrien but not telling anyone about it
Sabine and Marinette ALMOST getting akumatized
Alec Cataldi, Master Fu and Bob Roth getting akumatized (I know that I said whatever happens in s4 is non-existent but the premise of those three getting akumatized is actually good)
Kagami and Marinette becoming friends (socially awkward characters trying to befriend extroverts are the best okay?!)
More background history on Master Fu
The revelation that the "future Hawk Moth" will not be Gabriel
And now onto the changes for Season 3:
Legitimate development between Marinette and Adrien's relationship, which would be on the verge of a blossoming romance
The well-deserved redemption arc of Chloe. While still maintaining a "Queen Bee" personality, she would be one of those "rich girls with a secret heart of gold" (think Cleo de Nile from the OG Monster High series)
Some growing tension/strain between Gabriel and Adrien
Actual development for characters that appeared in only one episode when they were akumatized (Marc, Ondine, Marianne, etc.)
Anything that made the characters themselves look terrible (like Marinette's sudden mean/stalker-like behavior) will be completely discarded
Adrien interacting with the Guardian/Master Fu and learning more of the Miraculous like with Marinette
Lila being RIGHTFULLY punished for all the lies she stirred throughout the three seasons
Costume upgrades (especially for Marinette)
The season finale itself (just below)
The s3 finale was one of the biggest disappointments in animation ever. So, to make up for it, here's my vision of what would happen INSTEAD (on top of what I'd keep/change). I also haven't decided if this would be when Marinette and Adrien find out of the other's superhero identity here, but I want that to be the case by the end of the series (without any disastrous consequences).
It would be similar to the big fight during s2, but with more Mayura and Lila. The five Heroes (Ladybug, Cat Noir, Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Queen Bee) all in action to save Paris and defeat Hawk Moth once and for all. They are successful in doing so. The cause? Gabriel's own weakness of seeing Adrien in any danger in his pursue to get the Miraculous needed (like in "Style Queen"). He would also come to learn that he too fell victim to Lila's lies after he considered what Marinette has done for Adrien. After the defeat and reveal, the Butterfly Miraculous would disappear (in an after credits scene, Lila would find the Miraculous and become the next "Hawk Moth"). On top of what caused his defeat, Natalie would become very ill from the Peacock Miraculous, and with that, we would finally find out what happened to Adrien's Mom and the wish Gabriel wants to make (to revive his wife).
Lastly, we would have Season 4 (which may or may not be the last season, but I don't want the series to drag on like it's doing now). For the most part, the season would focus on trying to track down the Butterfly Miraculous/the actual threat of Lila, a Gabriel redemption arc (trying to make amends with Adrien, heal Natalie, fix the Peacock Miraculous, and revive Emilie), Marinette and Adrien finally admitting to their feelings and becoming a couple by the end of the series (or sooner).
I don't usually make long posts like this, but I wanted to get this out there as my personal vision from a former fan of this series. You probably won't see any more ML posts on my blog unless it's real good salt.
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
I’ve just read your piece on Zack & Cloud (you nailed it). What Zack & Aerith has together as a couple is much much more than what she will ever have with Cloud. Zack & Aerith has a long and meaningful romantic relationship, this same ‘romantic relationship’ never existed with soldier/true-Cloud, ever. Zack importance to Aerith and Cloud should’ve never ever been questioned, period.
Hey anon! 
I agree 100%... Aerith’s interest in Cloud did begin because of Zack. She wanted info on Zack. This was more clear in the Remake since she flat out comes out and says it was the first guy she loved AND tries to tell Cloud his name. In Crisis Core, she wrote 89 letters to the guy. One every two weeks for four years. She waited four years. Four. Years. 
I would say that’s not something small. Zack obviously meant the world to her. She also meant a lot to Zack. When he realized she’d written her last letter and it’d be four years, he was devastated. He tells Cloud while still in the Inn in Nibelheim that they needed to get to Midgar because he saw the list of 23 tiny wishes.
Zack and Aerith’s relationship was a focus in Crisis Core. There were a lot of cute moments between the two of them. Something we don’t see with even Tifa and Cloud, but this is also due to a personality differences between the four of them.
Aerith was shy at first - she was young - Zack was the charming, handsome guy that was friendly to her. 
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He called her an Angel when he woke up in her church. Zack immediately seemed taken with Aerith here. Yes, he was described as a flirt, and in OG they pretty much called him a womanizer (this is where some of this hate is coming from... I don’t think it was supposed to be taken so seriously). In Crisis Core, Zack gets teased about talking to Aerith because everybody knows she’s special. In OG, Zack’s parents say that he did write home about a girlfriend. 
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What did Cloud do? Gave her a dirty look and didn’t even remember who she was.  Even though he’d met her before. Cloud doesn’t like people, though, especially not people he doesn’t know. However, he will help anybody - even people he doesn’t know - and Aerith appears to need help before he leaves the church. 
The first two pictures on the top are when he first sits up. The second one in particular is him backing up from her like “Who tf are you?” This is just Cloud. This isn’t specifically against Aerith. He would have done this with anybody he didn’t know. 
The third picture is him looking up at the hole in the church roof and probably wondering how he’s even still alive. The last one is right after she says “Nice to meet you again!” This look cracks me up. It is that like of “Ooookayyy.” Go watch it. It’s hilarious to see him change his face when he turns his head. 
The pictures of Cloud kind of crack me up. I would really like to see the same scene that Crisis Core had with Zack falling through to see the level of animation on his face. The graphics were good for the time, but the new technology really helps to show a lot of what’s going through their minds. 
In Remake, they made sure to have two holes in the ceiling after Cloud falls through to show where Zack fell through and where Cloud fell through. Of course Aerith is excited - she just had a guy fall through the church just like Zack did... and he has Zack’s sword and clothes on. 
This just shows the difference between Cloud and Zack and how they are. Zack was flirty and charming. Cloud is... well, Cloud is Cloud. He’s not smooth (he tries and does succeed a few times I suppose), but he’s an awkward ham. This was a stranger to him and he just wanted to go home at this point.
Aerith’s personality in CC vs OG and Remake shows her character growth. Mostly due to her experiences with Zack... she picks up on some of his confidence and mannerisms. Zack helped Aerith feel confident, just like he helped Cloud feel more confident.
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I think some of the scrutiny and looks Cloud gets around Sector 5 may be related to this above comment from the Attendant. They seem to like Zack very quickly. I think they start off when Aerith first brings Cloud to Sector 5 with thinking maybe he’s like Zack, but seem turned off by him pretty quickly, because he’s nothing like Zack in how he acts. 
I also found it comical that Aerith’s reaction to the guy’s second comment is that they just meant, but her next line is contemplating that perhaps something IS there between them...
This is how she acts when her and Cloud are called a couple in Wall Market:
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Sad. She just  looks sad. She doesn’t want this. She was okay with it being about Zack 5 years prior to this, but I think it also reminds her of that moment. It’s painful for her. Cloud also doesn’t react positively. Sadly we don’t have a good view of Zack’s reaction because, well, it wasn’t a cut scene and they really didn’t animate idle characters back in the day. 
Zack teases Aerith. A lot. He makes fun of her for being picky about the flower cart, but does agree to upgrade it like she wants. He tells her to write down all of her tiny wishes after teasing her about it. Aerith teases Zack back too. Aerith tries to tease Cloud and doesn’t really get a great response... because he probably doesn’t even know what she’s doing. He’s dense. Like really dense. He does it with Tifa because he’s initiating it. With Aerith he’s just dense. Teasing generally is seen as flirting, especially the type that goes on between Zack and Aerith.
Zack didn��t need to be cool, but he does ask Aerith if he’s cool for killing some monsters. I think he’s trying to flirt with her more there.... Zack was Zack. He wore his heart on his sleeve and didn’t see selling flowers as uncool. This also shows just a basic maturity difference between Cloud and Zack, but that’s not really Cloud’s fault. Personality wise, though, I think Cloud would sell flowers if a girl he liked asked him to as his real persona... He pretty much does whatever Tifa asks him to in Chapter 3 without really complaining.
I think in Remake, too, they made it clear that the Turks were aware of her relationship with Zack. Rude says to Aerith when he sees Cloud with her “This your new boy toy.” She seems a bit offended by this and tells Rude it’s her bodyguard. 
It was pretty clear that Zack was more interested in getting to know Aerith right off the bat. He bought her a cute pink ribbon for her hair, which of course is always a source of argument on whether or not Remake “retconned” the ribbon, since she has the ribbon as a child too, but I don’t think they took that away. 
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Then we’ve got the park. Zack is excited... Cloud needs a nap. I really don’t think Aerith was romantically interested in Cloud in Remake. I think in OG at the park part it was more that Aerith was interested in Cloud, but also interested to see if he knew anybody from SOLDIER. It’s much more apparent in Remake that she’s more interested in who he knows from SOLDIER. She takes him to the same place that she took Zack. 
Cloud is mostly cold towards Aerith until after she tells him about Zack. He seems to soften up a bit after that. I’m not sure if he’s more comfortable or if he gets a zap during his episode to tell him to stop being a dick to her. 
Overall, though, Zack and Aerith have a ton of cute moments in Crisis Core. She cared about the guy a lot. She’s not over him in Remake, she’s trying to convince herself that she is... but she’s not. There’s no closure for her, for one. She kept writing for four years... if she really didn’t care, didn’t want to wait, why write to him for so long and so frequently? 
With Cloud, this was a potential new prospect, but also a way to try to get closure on what happened. If you notice, they don’t have Aerith say he probably ran off with some other girl, like she does in OG. I think with the Crisis Core story showing a much better picture of how those two were, it wouldn’t have fit.
Aerith and Zack have one of the more outwardly romantic stories in FFVII’s Compilation. By. Far. Tifa and Cloud’s is a deeper one that isn’t shown through words and flirting. Most of what Tifa and Cloud do isn’t shown to the player outwardly. A lot of it is through physical contact, like in Part 1. Tifa tells Cloud under the Highwind that words aren’t the only way, so they’re really playing that up. 
Anybody who denies that Zack and Aerith had a pretty solid, heavily implied, romantic relationship either didn’t play Crisis Core or refuses to acknowledge it. It’s slammed in your face in Crisis Core. I honestly forgot how cute the two were until I was watching clips of them and was pretty surprised at how blatant they were with these two. It’s more blatant than most FF couples that early on, honestly. 
They do have a tragic romance - we know his fate in the normal timeline and we know her fate, but it’s definitely super cute and I would say she absolutely loved him. I think it turned from puppy love to true love the longer she waited for him. Zack brought out a lot of Aerith’s charm that we see in OG and Remake that people always say is what brings Cloud out of his shell. The guy who helped Cloud be more confident and come out a bit, helped the girl who further helps Cloud come out a bit. Cloud and Aerith never did have anything close to what Zack and Aerith did, whether or not they would have is up for interpretation. My guess is no.. Cloud’s true self was and is in love with Tifa. It wouldn’t be fair to Aerith, honestly. I think Aerith was interested in meeting real Cloud. I don’t think she only liked his SOLDIER persona, but it was all she knew about him. 
Discounting her relationship with Zack is shitting on her character. By comparison, Cloud is not exactly nice to Aerith at first. Yes, he does become nicer to her. In OG, player choice dictates this more, so you can be nice or you can be mean to her. In Remake, you don’t get a choice. He’s cold at first towards her and slowly warms up to her, just like he did with Avalanche and crew. The only one he doesn’t need encouragement to be nice to is Tifa, but we know why.
Thanks for the ask!
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brandonxdylan · 3 years
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Omg OK so there’s yet another gay 90210 storyline that I feel compelled to offer commentary on, and this one’s perhaps the most frustrating one of all (which is saying something because none of the gay representation on this show has been what I’d call good, and in fact most of it has only served to make me hate these self-involved heteros even more). 
So here we are. It’s season 9, and all the drama is extremely contrived at this point, and you can tell that the writers are basically just pulling ideas out of a hat. What if Val murdered her dad? What if Dylan came back? What if Donna had a heretofore unmentioned cousin who was a pro figure skater and also a pro schemer? It’s from this context that we get “hey, what if Steve’s mom was gay?” 
Personally, I’ve always appreciated the continuity with Steve’s family life. His parents are pretty well-rounded characters with full, consistently plausible(ish) backstories, which is more than I can say for half of the regular characters on this show (*cough cough* Noah). Given that, is it random and contrived for Samantha to come out as a lesbian? Yeah, probably. I don’t think this was some grand plan that the writers had been sitting on for nine years, just waiting to reveal. But I don’t really care because it’s also true to life. A lot of people come out in middle age if not later, and this was a post-Ellen world after all. Being a gay celebrity (Steve’s mom is a sitcom star) was no longer unheard of. However, it was still considered a huge risk to come out as gay and still expect to find work (especially if your work was expected to be “family friendly”). So the conflict here is timely, and fairly realistically written. The actress who plays Samantha, Christine Belford, sells it, and there’s a nice sense of empowerment that comes through in her character, who is clearly not willing to tolerate the bullshit box that society wants to put her in. There’s the makings of a truly compelling story here. But of course that’s not what we get, because man, does Steve piss me off in these episodes, and as per fucking usual, the writers completely let him off the hook. 
When Samantha first comes out to Steve, he’s shocked. Fair enough. But it’s not long before he begins to place lots of unfair judgment on his mother (despite David trying to talk him down by saying lesbians are valid because two girls making out is a turn on…thanks for that David). Eventually he goes so far as to remind the reporter from a gossip magazine who contacts Steve for comment regarding rumours of his mom’s sexuality that’s he’s adopted. Naturally, Samantha takes this as tacit admission that he’s ashamed of her, as she sees this as being Steve’s way of distancing himself from her and her sordid Lifestyle.™ Which it absolutely is. This is where we get the exchange pictured above in which Samantha justifiably questions Steve’s selfish expectations of her and he comes back with this WAY HARSH slap in the face. He immediately regrets it, but the damage is done. His true feelings are crystal clear. 
And to be clear, my issue is not with Steve’s homophobic feelings. I actually think that, especially for the late 90s, Steve’s reaction isn’t that unusual (sad though that may be), and I think there’s lots to be gained from digging into the ways in which latent homophobia can manifest itself in unexpected ways, and how that can cause massive problems within otherwise close families. No, my issue with this episode is with how Steve’s homophobic feelings are resolved. The storyline culminates in Samantha getting fired from her much-hyped comeback sitcom once she’s outed. And it’s not until this happens that Steve finally starts to come around. But this is what pisses me off the most, because right up until then, Steve is only thinking of himself, and how his mother’s sexuality impacts his life. He even goes so far as to question why she adopted him in the first place, asking if it was part of her heterosexual cover up. My good God, this is some hetero nonsense that I simply CAN. NOT. Anyway, when she drops the bomb that she got fired, suddenly Steve becomes protective of her and is furious that she has to suffer such injustice. But…like…BRO. You were literally JUST treating her the same way. The whole thing reads as “you’re my mom, and I can be homophobic and treat you like a pariah, but the rest of the world? HELL NO!” 
And honestly, like so many Very Special Episodes of 90210, it’s not the fact that the characters are flawed that’s the issue. The problem is that no one ever learns from their flaws or has the opportunity to grow in a realistic way. The characters are often depicted as having latent (and sometimes straight up blatant) prejudices, and that is okay, because we literally all do. But almost every time, these prejudices only function to give the main characters an opportunity to simply change their mind and get a pat on the back for doing the bare minimum. Steve’s relationship with his mother changes exclusively as a result of external factors completely outside of his control. He doesn’t have to do anything. He barely even apologizes! It totally feels like the show is condoning Steve’s earlier behaviour, which feels pretty retrograde by today’s standards, and I’m sure was not particularly progressive even by 90s standards. It pussyfoots around the complexities of the questions it raises, and to be honest, that always leaves a bit of an icky taste in my mouth, because it seems clear that the issue isn’t being raised out of interest in exploring it - it’s being raised to pose as a problem for the straight characters. 
Still, I don’t want to speak for all queer audiences, but I for one am very used to accepting scraps. I mean fuck, this blog literally exists because I projected a non-existent romance between Dylan and Brandon on to the show because queer audiences are so used to having to do the work that most shows won’t in terms of creating queer characters. So to see a show like 90210 actually attempting to address queer issues on TV in the 90s (however shallow and frustrating the end result may be), is still satisfying. It was a worthwhile endeavour, and many similar shows did it well. And as much as I’m tearing into this episode, I’m still glad it exists because even though it provides no answers or legitimate commentary (90210 is weirdly centrist when it comes to political and social issues), it at least acknowledges that gay people exist, and that they can be middle-aged mothers, which is a demographic that doesn’t even get a ton of representation now, let alone in the 90s. Most coming out narratives follow teens or twentysomethings, which is fine, but coming out can happen at any age, especially in the 90s when the stigma was only just starting to lift, and many people who had been closeted for decades felt like they could finally come out. And for all my issues with the way Steve is portrayed, Samantha’s portrayal feels surprisingly tender and sympathetic. But, like so many queer characters, she ultimately shows up only to offer complications for the straight people around her before vanishing into thin air, because this was the last episode Samantha appeared in. 
At least this way I can imagine her living her best gay life somewhere.
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filmmakerdreamst · 4 years
‘Boy Meets World’ Re-watch (as an Adult)
‘Girl Meets World’ doesn’t count as a sequel. Not because of the writing/tonal choices but because in the original show - despite continuity issues - the characters felt like real people e.g. the way they spoke/acted/dressed was the way people behaved in the 90s where as in the spin off, they were Disney characters e.g. hyper versions of themselves especially Cory and Eric. And the transition between both shows didn’t come naturally. It’s not an objectivity badly written show but it was pretty much a re-do of the old show with the same storylines/tropes without continuing the story. (I say the same thing about ‘The Incredibles’. vs ‘Incredibles 2’.) Also there were too many cooks in the kitchen pushing one way or another. You could see Micheal Jacobs style, all the aspects were there, but he was also creating a ‘DISNEY’ show at the same time. I don’t know about you but the one message I took from the original show was ‘finding out that life cannot be packenged into a lovely little present ’ which kind of contradicts everything that the new show is. If anything GMW is an AU universe (and it really felt like that, rewatching it right after BMW e.g. it felt flipped) almost like Disney’s version of ‘what happened next?’ The primal difference between both shows is BMW is portraying what is real and GMW is based on what is real.
Going off my point, I will however be always thankful that it exists because I probably wouldn’t of found out about ‘Boy Meets World’ otherwise. Although saying that, I never thought that the original show needed a continuation of any kind (a lot of things make sense about the spin off if you acknowledge that Disney requested it - I think it would of been much better off on its original platform) ‘Boy Meets World’ was very much a product of its time i.e. when tv shows were still relevetivley new and had no rules - like there is stuff in there that not even adult shows today have. Plus there was something about it that felt very personal (such as the characters and setting) as if the creator based it on his own childhood growing up and I think that was part of its charm and why it had such a big effect on pop culture - I’m not so sure you can repeat that.
BMW is big on meta I’ll tell you that. I love how it’s so aware of itself. The amount of depth that it has never ceases to amaze me. It’s whole universe is so dense and huge. Every quote/storyline is so unique it sticks in your brain forever. (I swear the humour got more and more deranged every season). The show was also incredibly queer and progressive.  It didn’t give a crap about sexuality. Much more than I remember. Proof to never use ‘but it was made in the 90s’ excuse.        
I loved how the show kept reinventing itself every season as Cory grew up so you really felt you were growing up with him and all the characters. The Character Development on this show was so natural/authentic. Every single character got a chance to shine. No one changed their look in one episode and no one had an intervention every time someone had an identity crisis (GMW) My favourite development was Shawn Hunter. He went from a cool kid to a ladies man to a poetic soul. It was so satisfying to watch.
I realised that Cory Matthews is actually my favourite character (before it was Eric or Shawn) I already have a special soft spot for ‘annoying’ characters because they tend to be the most memorable/real. For example, Karma Ashcroft from ‘Faking it’ was my babe while everyone was hating on her. I really related to his anxiety/self hatred about being average and I loved that he constantly made mistakes. It was very refreshing. He’s also incredibly queer-coded. I found that alot of his mannerisms make sense if you see him with extreme compulsory heterosexuality (because identity’s such as bisexual or gay couldn’t exist normally in the 90s) There are moments in the show where he literally mimics his best friend’s behaviour around girls e.g. when the class pretty much gets brainwashed by the sex ed video in ‘Boy Meets Girl’ Shawn gets asked out by a girl, making Cory jealous - which pushes him to ask out Topanga.
It’s funny how a few years of life experience can change perspectives completely because when I was sixteen (aka the same age as Cory and Topanga) watching BMW for the first time, I was mad at Amy for ‘not understanding that they were in love’ (in ‘A Walk to Pittsburg’) but now that I’m older I’m actually agreeing with her. Yeah, what do they know about love? Because all season long they were acting quite superficially.
Cory and Topanga became somewhat of a toxic couple in seasons 5 -7. Reminded me of my parents relationship because my mum gave up her chosen university to be closer to my dad and they aren’t together any more. Topanga’s love for Cory was very conditional and Cory cheated on her multiple times/openly begged for sex  (Again like my parents) And you should never be in a relationship with someone who makes you say “You make me think not so very much of myself” There are arguably much more signs of emotional abuse than love in their relationship especially from Topanga’s side. Plus their story was altered so many times to give it more basis (they retconned Shawn and Cory’s friendship to do this) I could write an essay on how Kevin and Winnie’s love story on ‘The Wonder Years’ is much more believable because it actually addresses how toxic it was and they grow apart in the end. If GMW was a realistic continuation, they would be divorced with a little girl - leave them in the 90s where they belong.
Alan and Amy were couple goals! Cory and Topanga wish that they could have what they have. Literally the definition of ‘a healthy relationship on tv that keeps thriving and over coming obstacles without big drama’. Best TV parents ever.
I loved the Matthews family; how they all had individual arcs and developments of their own. One of my favourite arcs was in season 5, when Eric and Cory were both jealous of what they ‘didn’t have’ with their dad, so Alan made an effort to give them both that they needed. Honestly, I had never seen so much healthy communication on TV before. Alan is the best father around. His whole personal arc of giving up managing a supermarket because he wasn’t passsionate about it anymore and buying a mountain store was so inspired. I found it funny that the family had more of a relationship with Shawn than Topanga.
Shawn Hunter never caught a break. It got a bit tiring. He was never allowed to be happy for five minutes. Every time he laughed or smiled, 5 years were added onto my lifespan. Why didn’t Johnathan Turner adopt him? I loved their dynamic. Why did he let him go back to his abusive father who just dumped him anyway?
Jack and Shawn’s complicated dynamic was possibly the most unique/interesting arc of the entire show and no one talks about it. I don’t care what y’all say - despite them being very different, Jack was the only one who fully took care of Shawn without second thoughts (Turner and the Matthews family had doubts)
I liked Shawn and Angela. I thought they were much better suited than Cory and Topanga. I honestly wouldn’t of minded if they ended up together even though I always had a feeling they wouldn’t. (Like I’m glad she went with her dad in the end) And considering how important they were as a interracial couple in the 90s, GMW handled that very poorly.
Shawn and Cory should of ended up together. And before you come at me with ‘it’s important to have m/m friendships without toxic masculinity’ (which is an important arguement to have) - yeah no shit there’s an entire Industry based around that/pitting women against each other. While it is important to have those friendships between men that are close and even intimate (take Chandler and Joey, Schmidt and Nick, Isak and Jonas and Jake and Charles for example) there was also another layer to their relationship which the narrative played off sometimes as them “going out” or “in love”.  I actually recently found out that a writer - who came into the show in season 3 - confirmed that she wrote gay undertones into their relationship on purpose ‘In my opinion as a writer, they thought they were “straight”, they both didn’t realise or understand their feelings for eachother’ but couldn’t deliever because the producers wanted to keep the show “kid friendly”. Kind of like Xena and Gabby. I know people prefer Jack & Eric (I love them as well) but everything got ruined for me as soon as they introduced the ‘love triangle’ and I always tend to prefer emotional tension over sexual. They were just so unconditional with each other/ their friendship was so good and healthy and now I’m so bitter that it never happened.
I never understood why Shawn and Cory had to stop being best friends after he got married. He’s not Topanga’s property. I always hated how Topanga tried to interrupt/interfere with their dynamic — although now I realise it was because the two of them purposely left her out. Looking back at it, If it really was just a intimate friendship then why would she get so easily jealous if she didn’t sense there was something else deeper going on? You should never marry someone who puts you second.
I didn’t like Topanga when she was with Cory (or vice versa) Especially after they got married. She was a great character on her own. Feminist before her time. Hermione Granger before her time. I always felt she deserved a lot better than him in a way e.g. if someone I considered a friend speard a rumour around high school that we slept together - I would never speak to that person again. SHE SHOULD OF GONE TO YALE GOD DAMN IT. And as someone pointed out the other day, if the roles were reversed some of the stuff she does or says to Cory would be considered domestic violence. ‘She’s always blaming Cory on shit that isn't even his fault or makes him feel bad or shuts down his emotions and turns it around so he's comforting her instead.’ There was even a moment in GMW (not that I consider that show a continuation) where she locks him out the house for a few days after he insulted her chicken, and his son Auggie had to bring him spaghetti. If Cory was a woman, that would not be played off as a joke - that would be considered abuse. They were however a better couple in GMW ironically.
Angela Moore is now one of my favourite characters on BMW. She was beautiful. Her friendship with Rachel (and Topanga) was the best. And I frickin’ loved her and Cory’s friendship development - when they could of easily not played into that. I hate that she got villiaized in GMW.
My favourite seasons are 4, 5 & 1. My least favourites are 3 & 2 & 7. And even then the show was still pretty darn good.
The back and fourth clash between Turner and Mr Feeny in season 2 was very entertaining.
Mr Feeny and Eric are my favourite relationship on ‘Boy Meets World’. I love how Eric was the only person that Feeny directly told that he loved him. Also, why didn’t Eric become the new Mr Feeny? He showed more traits of becoming a teacher in the show than Cory did.
Eric and Tommy was probably the most heartbreaking plot line in season 6. (That season was an emotional train wreck) I cried for a fourth time. The world doesn’t deserve him.
I loved the development of Shawn and Topanga’s friendship. Even though there was a silent competition over Cory, they eventually became good friends. I found out that the song ‘She will be loved’ was inspired by them which is awesome but it’s also proof that people ship for less if it’s an m/f dynamic - just sayin’. I however see a more convincing potiental romance with the two of them than Cory and Topanga sometimes.
On Cory and Topanga again - they weren’t a bad couple overall. I liked them in s1 - 3. They had some great moments. But upon my rewatch (getting out of that 90s idealised headspace) I found them to be too similar at times - chafing as another person put it - to the point where they cancel each other out. A lot of people pointed out that Riley and Maya paralleled them and I was thinking “That’s not nesserily a good thing.”
‘Dream. Try. Do good.’ is on my mantelpiece.
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yurimother · 5 years
Top Yuri Anime Poll Results
Whether it is subtext or explicit, cute or sexy, school love or gay action thrillers I love yuri anime. These series either focus on or contain elements of female same-sex relationships. Pride month is the perfect time to look back and reflect on the best of this genre. I teamed up with OG Man of The Yuri Nation (yurination[dot] wordpress[dot] com/) and together we put out a poll asking what you thought the top yuri anime series were and over 1000 of you responded submitting almost 5000 different entries. We spent hours combing through the data, analyzing and commenting on the results and we would like to share our thoughts with all of you. Enjoy the reflections of me the yuri critic and OG the dedicated yuri fan!
These are the Top 20 Yuri Anime as voted by you
1. Bloom Into You - 692 Votes
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OG: Be it East or West the YagaKimi took the world by storm. Citrus and BiY once again taking the top two spots remains unsurprising.There is something undeniably fascinating about our leading ladies consisting of an asexual slowly coming to love her senpai back but restraining herself for various reasons. The biggest one being said senpai having a deep case of self-loathing and a fear of romantic reciprocation, also for various reasons. She is like “I love you but please do not love me back”. Then there is one of the most popular “cursed” lesbians of all time in Sayaka, the fantastic adult side-couple (The world needs an anime starring lesbian adults/mothers) and the various other characters who have their own interesting tales to tell. The series absolutely deserves a spot in the Top 10 though it would not be in my personal Top 3. Oh and as Yurimother said the presentation was fantastic.Visually stunning from start to finish in my opinion. Special mention goes to the criminally underused first-person “camera”. So cool.
YuriMother: I agree with this series deserving a spot in the top ten even if not the number one slot. For me, it was good but not great. Moments such as the aforementioned adult couple as well as stellar art and a phenomenal score made this series enjoyable but they were not enough to overshine the problems of the narrative. For the love of the Yuri Goddess, this series is crying out for asexual representation but insists on carrying on with its confused romance. Enough complaining though, many people love Bloom Into You despite its faults and I agree. The characters are interesting and lovable and it manages to tell a yuri story more real and complex than the typical fluffy girl meets girl narratives.
2. Citrus - 452 Votes
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YuriMother: The presence of Citrus and Bloom Into You prove two things to me, the importance of recency, as both anime aired only last year, and the sheer popularity of these series. Both had established and extremely successful manga runs which were adapted into English by the publishing masters of yuri, Seven Seas. Citrus is a contentious series, to say the least, as it includes elements of (non-blood related) incest and non-consensual actions as part of Mei and Yuzu’s “relationship.” However, if you possess the magical power to turn off the part of your brain screaming at you that those aspects are deeply problematic or if you seek a different interpretation then Citrus can be downright WONDERFUL. I actually loved this anime series for its characters, amazing animation, and salaciousness. As OG said, it is an operatic concussion of emotion (seriously everyone in the series needs therapy) but my is it fun to watch. The Citrus anime also holds a special place in my heart, as the first serious piece I ever wrote was a review for it over on Okazu (nice plug)! Citrus is certainly not for everyone but those that stuck with it and overlooked some of the problems ended up loving it.
OG: Here we are again with Citrus at #2. My thoughts on the series remains the same as in the previous two lists I discussed (the Akiba Research and goo Ranking Japan lists), overrated. Good soap opera/telenovela-esque series but my feelings on the cast are mixed (which I imagine was the writer’s intent). My main issue has always been the obstacles repeatedly challenging Yuzu and Mei’s feelings for each other instead of it focusing on “Hey. We like each other but our parents got married. What do we do? Can we keep our desires for each other in check?”. Instead it is one newcomer after another who want to eat either Yuzu or Mei and Yuzu repeatedly asking herself if she really wants robo-stepsister patties? I will give the anime adaptation credit. The story was easier to enjoy animated than drawn. It also helped that I grew up in a telenovela loving family. The characters’ actions, reactions and emotions were depicted better in the anime. I still consider the show’s greatest accomplishment being the humanization of Mei-Tron. In the manga it took a post-epilogue continuation to show readers “Hey everyone. Mei-Tron was human all along.” whereas in the anime I sensed the small bit of humanity quicker than in the manga where I continued seeing her as a block of wood with a brain up to the point where I dropped it. Harumin though is the greatest regardless of anime or manga adaptation. Bless her. Regardless of how I feel about the series I get its massive popularity. After all, were the rest of the story to get an animated continuation I would gladly pick it up...Not the manga though.
3. Sakura Trick - 342 Votes
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OG: There are fans who understandably would disagree with Sakura Trick’s praise but I will always defend it and the anime as one of the very best in the genre. First off it aired at a time where animated on-screen close up kisses (specifically consensual ones) between ladies were rare. Haruka X Yuu’s relationship was believable for the most part. Even their season finale resolution, them not getting what being “in love” meant at the time, made sense though I get why it left some scratching their heads. Probably not the best “manga lure/bait” end I suppose. On the bright side Kotone X Shizuku’s story definitely did not have the two doubting their true feelings for each other. I do hope Kaede X Yuzu eventually hooked up in the manga as they too had potential to be a lovely couple.
YuriMother: Sakura Trick has no real narrative, no great insight, and offers little intellectually. As a teacher, it makes me furious, as a fan of yuri, elated. The anime is beloved for its plentiful soft service, presenting a plethora of kisses, cuddles, and awkward thigh shots (ew). However, it was one of the first anime to include this much explicit yuri service without being pornographic. All the characters were cute and fun, even if there was little in the way of development or complexity, it worked for the series. If you want something to make you think or to learn about yuri, pass over this one. But, if you want a cute and meaningless anime definitely watch it.
4. Yuru Yuri - 337 Votes
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YuriMother: OG may not be a fan of Yuru Yuri but I certainly am, which is fairly obvious to anyone who observes that a solid 20% of my communications occur in the form of gifs from this series. It is hilarious, cute, and playful. Just like Sakura Trick, this anime is an easy watch with ultimately little substance. However, the part of me that is not rolling of the floor laughing every time I watch Yuru Yuri lives in a state of pained existence with the knowledge that this work of all things ended up being so popular when people are telling interesting stories about queer women and people in actual relationship that manage to still be funny and adorable while having something to say.
OG: The undisputed most mainstream friendly yuri series there is. It is also one of the funniest. My one gripe is that excluding a select few the main draw of the show besides the comedy and yuri is the ship wars, meaning (almost any girl can be shipped with each other). Not a fan of that but hey, it brought Namori the big bucks so who am I to judge? In any case not much else to add. It deserves all the adulation it gets but the free for all shipping irks me. Reminds me of how they botched Chika X Riko in the Love Live! Sunshine!! Anime. If you were going down the Riko X Yohane route from the start then why give us Chika X Riko in the first half? Ship wars yo. Tch. Hopefully I properly explained myself..
5. Kase-san and Morning Glories (Asagao to Kase-san) - 289 Votes
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OG: Still wish this got a 12-13 episode anime. The glorious movie showed how much it deserves one. Whether it will happen or not remains to be seen. In any case the beauty of Kase-san X Yamada is how simple their romance is. No strings attached whatsoever. It is as straightforward as a self-proclaimed “ordinary” cutie, Yamada, having a crush on the super cool school beauty Kase-san. Said beauty is revealed to be just as “adorkable” as Yamada. The other highlight is their story not ending once they officially started dating (as is the case with many romance stories) but that being only the beginning, like real life. From then on, side-stories aside, the two biggest challenges for the two is Yamada accepting that it is okay for someone as “ordinary” as her to be the “cool babe”s girlfriend and Kase-san finding different ways to express her love/hunger for the cutie. As for the OVA, cramming the second part of the first series in an hour definitely had the downside of excluding some important moments, yes, but it at least covered some of the best moments in the manga. The first half of the story was summarized in a five-minute music video. One last thing. The animation, though a bit too brought for some, was glorious. It also had some long pauses which were effective (The bus stop scene being the most infamous) but while I did not mind them at all even I will admit some pauses went a bit too long. A small nitpick all things considered. Fingers crossed one day we either get that 12-13 episode anime for the first series, the sequel or both. That is one of my dreams.
YuriMother: At last, an anime that I do not have to react cynically to! Kase-san is one of the single greatest works of yuri animation to ever to be created and its glory is rivaled only by the manga from which it originated. Despite being only a one hour long OVA this adaption told such an engaging and realistic (finally) story of romance and personal growth. We get to skip the meatless girl meets girls arcs and get into the depth and complexity as Yamada and Kase work to further their relationship. They struggle with the fact that they are two different people who want different things out of life and love and have to actually work on their partnership. Kase-san also includes signs of physical affection and love that are never lewd, immature, or gross, I do not even think I could refer to them as “service”. However, for me, Kase-san’s greatest victory (both the anime and manga) is in its escape from school romance, which in this genre is often a shelter from reality, allowing for women to be in relationships without actually being queer. Kase and Yamada instead make an effort to continue their romance and build a life that includes their relationship once they graduate in a triumphant final act. This anime is a slap in the face to the class S stories and sloppily sexualized works which proliferate the yuri genre. Asagao to Kase-san shines as a holy beacon for the greatness that this genre can achieve.
6. Puella Magi Madoka Magica - 286 Votes
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YuriMother: Hurray!! For two entries in a row, I get to talk about series that I wholeheartedly adore without having to constantly attach caveats. Puella Magi Madoka Magica is not considered by all to be yuri, and that is certainly not what it is best known for. PMMM is however famous for twisting the tropes of the magical girl genre and creating one of the most cohesive and thoughtful narratives ever put to screen. This series summoned a new era for the magical girl genre (what OG humorously referred to as the “Moepocalypse”) but no other title managed to top Madoka Magica’s runaway success. Every aspect of this work is highly polished including character designs, a phenomenal soundtrack, and superb writing. This is not only the definitive work of its genre but of all postmodern anime. Whether or not one is a fan of yuri every anime fan should give Madoka Magica a watch.
OG: Meduka Meguca. Its impact in the “Moepocalypse” (Shows where cute and sexy girls consistently suffering physically and emotionally. These are usually dark magical girl shows.) genre and legacy are undeniable. It deserves all the praise it gets. It scarred many unfortunate souls, Homura is a legend in yuridom, Kyouko X Sayaka are glorious (Especially in Rebellion), Meduka’s Mom Junko is a Top Tier Sexy Mama, Charlotte the Witch is a very strange girlfriend and of course Hitomi is a walking anti-fun meme. The animation, especially the creepy doodle like monsters known as Witches are memorable. However, it is not my favorite Moepocalypse show. That honor goes to Yuki Yuna is a Hero.
7. Strawberry Panic - 224 Votes
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OG: Like it or not Strawberry Panic is a yuri classic. I have a strong feeling that like many readers around my age (31 during this writing) this was their first 100% yuri anime. The cheese is real but it is the yummy kind of cheese and I loved almost every minute of it, except Amane X Hikari. That was the weakest of the love stories going on. Poor Yaya trying too hard (Not saying this in condescending way. She literally tried too hard). It is like a young adult lesbian novel but more fun. I mean Nagisa X Shizuma might as well be “Lesbian Twilight but not crappy”. Let us be honest, Shizuma is a vampire. Chikaru is an undisputed goddess and Kagome is the cutest.
Oh and I will repeat this statement till my last breath…
YuriMother: I may be almost a decade younger than OG but even for me Strawberry Panic was my first yuri and it more than earns its nickname as the “gateway yuri,” although last year’s Citrus and Bloom Into You may be presenting serious contenders for this title. If for no other reason than nostalgia, Strawberry Panic remains my favorite yuri works but this ridiculous soap-opera of an anime does deserve a fair amount of recognition. I see Strawberry Panic as the culmination of the S subgenre revived by Maria Watches Over Us. However, this work succeeds at both parodying many of the tropes of S and yuri while breaking a few. However, its greatest accomplishment is introducing many of the young western fans of yuri to the genre. Strawberry Panic, you are an overly dramatic mess but thank you for all you have done.
8. Revolutionary Girl Utena - 176 Votes
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YuriMother: Another gem of the yuri genre, actually scratch that, if works like Kase-san are gems then Utena is the minerals from which gems form. I think that is how it works, I am not a geologist. My poor analogies and subtle nods to Steven Universe aside, Revolutionary Girl Utena is one of the single most important works of yuri anime, possibly even more so than Sailor Moon. These two works were the dawn of the current age of yuri, an era spurn on by social progress and the internet into a place where more yuri works featuring honest depictions of homosexuality are flourishing. Utena laid the groundwork for queer representation in anime and for that I remain forever grateful to this masterpiece.
OG: I must confess. While I saw the movie long ago and thought it was cool I have yet to sit down and finish watching the main series. I cannot say much about this show other than it is another yuri classic. Possibly one of the biggest. I think I will leave this to Her Holiness because even if I had seen it I do not consider myself someone who possesses the sufficient intellect to properly explain why this is a legendary show.
9. Flip Flappers - 132 Votes
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OG: I would need an essay to explain why this show is legendary. Let me see. It is a story of a girl who discovered her gayness thanks to her growing attraction to a lovable idiot/genki. There are references to Western media, dimension hopping (including Class S Hell), self-discovery, a sexual orientation journey, a tree, armored wedding gowns, crazy third wheels, Ku Klux Klan stand-ins…You know what? Just watch Flip Flappers. It is a hot mess of random, crazy, creative and thought provoking awesomeness with a wonderful dose of gayness. Glory be to PapiCoco. However, as Her Holiness mentioned this is essentially Ikuhara-san levels of weirdness (though not as complicated I feel) but as the plot thickens it all (sort of) starts making sense...eventually. That tree yo.
YuriMother: Flip Flappers was almost too strange and abstract even for me, and that is saying something. However, upon further examination, one of the most interesting works of yuri is revealed. This heavily stylized anime delves deep into the sexual maturation of its protagonist while examining the yuri genre and representation in media. Flip Flappers is the perfect marriage of heavy visual style and intellectual substance. Definitely give them one a.. err better make that three watches, as you will want to be sure to get everything out of this beautiful series as possible.
10. Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid - 131 Votes
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YuriMother: This series is the closest anime fans have to a lesbian couple having a family that we have, and that is a shame. I LOVE family narratives, outside of the yuri genre Usagi Drop is my favorite anime. To me, seeing women balance life, a relationship, and children is some of the best queer representation there is. However, for every point in Kobayashi’s favor, there is also a glaring fault. Kobayashi is a modern woman in the workforce providing for herself and her “family,” but is borderline abusive to Tohru. Kanna is an inquisitive child being raising by two women, but there are weirdly sexual scenes featuring her. As previously mentioned on this list, if one can silence the reasonable part of the brain this work becomes enjoyable, hilarious, and adorable. Unfortunately, its faults prevent it from being more than an amusement and I seriously doubt that they will fade in the second season. But hey, it sells a ton of figures so… YAY!
OG: This series is one of the closest yuri fans have to a series starring a lesbian couple with a daughter and it is wonderful. Is the tale of an eternally grateful dragon who wanted to repay the human who saved her life, albeit drunk, by becoming her live-in maid. Tohru being a dragon girl had incredible power and could easily crush everyone in sight but preferred to try and understand humanity so she could live in peace with the woman she loved. It of course was hard at times but thanks to Miss Kobayashi slowly growing to accept her back (romantically she had a ways to go) and the two raising the adorable bundle of mighty puff known as Kanna they became a happy family. How long this relationship will last and whether Miss Kobayashi would come to fully love Tohru back romantically remains to be seen. I have high hopes it can and will happen. Kanna X Riko is precious (Yes. Even that scene). We even have a potential BL couple, which is nice. Not a fan of Lucoa X Shouta the shota. Not because of the age gap but it not being my kind of romantic comedy. It is the same reason I have a hard time buying Tsubame X Misha from UzaMaid. Mya-Nee X Hana from Wataten...maybe. At least Mya-Nee showed she is patient. Back to Dragon Maid. Great series. Naughty of course but great.
11. Sweet Blue Flowers (Aoi Hana) - 119 Votes
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OG: Megane girl falls for a cutie but has a hard time confessing to her to the point she gives a relationship with another girl a try. Said other girl has troubles of her own courtesy of her own views on what love. Do not get me started on the OTHER girl who likes megane’s girlfriend. I did not even mention megane girl’s first love interest who she herself eventually begins questioning her feelings for the glasses wearing maiden. While this is well known throughout the history of yuri anime Aoi Hana made it clearer than ever that Yuri + Classical Music go hand in hand. Plus the show is quite pretty. Ultimately enjoyment of this series depends heavily on viewers’ patience.
YuriMother: Aoi Hana was ahead of its time in many regards. Most yuri during the early twenty-first century was unrealistic and melodramatic, especially with the revival of S stories. Aoi Hana instead presents a calm and realistic story that we still rarely see in yuri anime today. Instead of relying on tricks like service or comedy Aoi Hana presents a serene and character-driven story which is matched by equally calming scenery. It is certainly not the most thrilling watch, but a slow and beautiful slice of real life that remains one of the all-time strongest yuri works.
12. Yurikuma Arashi - 99 Votes
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YuriMother: Yurikuma Arashi is strange, to say the least, but this is not out of the ordinary for legendary director Ikuhara, who also directed Utena. Parallels are easily drawn between this work and Flip Flappers, as they are both complex and encoded with enough symbolism to drown a bear. Yurikuma is one of my favorite works in the yuri genre and I have had more than a few heated discussions about interpretations of the work, including one memorable occasion when I was visiting a college professor and we ended up in a shouting match in the middle of the hall. However, while Flip Flappers holds a high degree of polish the same can, unfortunately, not be said here. Yurikuma Arashi has more than a few scenes of fanservice many of which overly fetishize the characters and relationship and some of the symbols, particularly lily flowers and the word “yuri” are practically beaten to death with an object I refuse to come up with because I am starting to have my fill of symbolism. However, despite some of its sloppiness, Yurikuma is one of the single most interesting and well-formed anime out there and analyzing it is practically a right of passage for seasoned yuri fans.
OG: Yurikuma Arashi is my favorite of Ikuhara-san’s series. To me it was the least complicated of his works but even so I needed help to understand the show. Luckily I had plenty of assistance. The meat of the story is more complicated but put simply it is about a war between a group of bear girls (and some human girls) who want to freely express their love and/or desire/hunger for each other and another group that amounts to Right to Censor from WWF. Like I said it is far more complex than that but that is the gist. The anime is quite ecchi and it has good reason for it. Again the gay bears are the more liberated of the groups and them getting more sexy scenes is meant to showcase that. Our heroine has good reason to be grumpy and a divine entity was introduced alongside a certain someone from a certain dark anime we already discussed.
In the end it is a show starring lesbian bear girls. I love love stories between women and i love bears. It was obvious I would end up enjoying this one. Like other complex stories it is not for everyone. Shows like Flip Flappers, Utena and Yurikuma have something of a learning people will have to get accustomed to in order to enjoy them.
13. Whispered Words (Sasameki Koto) - 88 Votes
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OG: To me Aoi Hana and Sasameki Koto were always connected despite the former being a drama and the latter a comedy. Both star a female protagonist struggling with how to best tell the girl she likes her true feelings whereas their love interest for one reason or another makes it all the more challenging to get their feelings across. Both shows aired during a time yuri was not as popular of a genre as it would become over time. Perhaps if they had come out a little later when yuri was becoming more popular in the mainstream they would have fared better…Then again they may have helped set the groundwork for future yuri shows so it’s just as well they came out when they did. In any case both good shows worthy of “best of yuri” lists. SK has the dynamic of the megane in love and her somewhat airheaded love interest who specifically likes “cute girls”. Poor megane has a hard time figuring out what the airhead defines as “cute”. The show also features an amusing side-couple of an ojou-sama and her tsundere girlfriend. Not to mention the somewhat controversial side-girl who plays a more prominent role in the 2nd half of the anime. Heck, even Mr Crossdresser himself is cool. Let us not forget Miss “Ha Ha Ha!” Another really good show that I would love to see the rest of the manga get animated someday but considering most anime are essentially manga commercials and the SK manga ended the odds of a 2nd season are close to 0.
YuriMother: 2009 was a great year for yuri anime, with both Sasameki Koto and Aoi Hana, among other works, airing. But while Aoi Hana sought to resist many of the common tropes of the genre and tell a simple grounded story Sasameki Koto appears to have looked a the list of every convention possible and say “yeah I can do that.” It has melodrama, comedy, one-sided love, friend love stories, I worship this genre but even I think there is a limit. However, Sasameki Koto is one of the most competent yuri anime works of the current era. While all the tropes are present most of the problematic aspects of the genre are not. The story is well written, characters enjoyable, and art that is really well done for the time. I enjoy every watch and if I ever want to quickly download the genre’s tropes into another person's head I need only duct tape them to a chair and throw on Sasameki Koto.
14. Riddle Story of Devil (Akuma no Riddle) - 77 Votes
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YuriMother: Akuma no Riddle was highly anticipated back in 2014, sporting a premise of student assassins that, while certainly not unique, was outside the norms for the yuri genre. It promised a dark and thrilling take on the yuri genre that would not become popular until the yuri horror trend a few years later. At first, it looked like this would be successful with an excellent setup and some pretty compelling characters but ultimately Akuma no Riddle fell flat and became more derailed as it continued. The monster of the week style of episodes left little room for complex plots and plans or proper character development, which is a shame because of how engaging so many of the assassins were upon original presentation. However, this show still has some of the best action in the yuri genre, placing it alongside series like Cannan and Utena despite its flawed storytelling. If nothing else, the anime may compel one to read the manga, which expands the story and characters more than the show was given time to.
OG: Professional assassins secretly gathered at an academy in an attempt to take the life of a seemingly innocent cutie to win the ultimate prize, one of whom wishes to protect the adorable redhead. Yes the manga, which is pretty much a Director’s Cut, is better and the anime would have benefited from having 20+ episodes instead of 12 and a delightful beach OVA but the show did a good job of showing viewers what each assassin was like, their motivations (though many of their origin stories were summarized in written biographies during commercial breaks viewers needed to pause to read) were clear enough and the duels, as brief as some of them were, had enough spicy goodness in them to be memorable, especially the ones in the latter half of the show. Oh, and although the manga wrapped up after the anime it had a very similar ending.
15. Revue Starlight - 72 Votes
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OG: Gay theater girls who strive to become the top star, meaning the best actress or lead actor of the cast. How do they do it? By working hard and overcoming their personal hardships? Yes. That. What makes this show so wonderful despite being almost a year old as of this writing is not only do the ladies all have interesting stories to tell but so does the stage. Every song, prop, movement, dance, gesture etc. It is like the performers and performances are united. It is like in Spongebob where not only does the person in the boots tell a story but the boots as well.
Oh yes. I almost forgot to mention the mysterious underground theater and talking giraffe. Never forget the talking giraffe from Hell. #Wakarimasu.
Super cool and super gay.
YuriMother: Bushiroad continuously gets better at what they do, creating media franchises of cute girls filled with music and making mountains of cash from smartphone games. Inspired by the likes of Love Live, they created BanG Dream and last year Revue Starlight. However, where these franchises fell short Revue Starlight success. It never twists its characters to tell a story but rather creates compelling arcs around them. I thoroughly enjoyed and agree with its place on this list.
16. Konohana Kitan - 68 Votes
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YuriMother: I know of Konohana Kitan for its constant presence at yuri events more so than the anime or even the manga. It is adorable, relaxing, simple, and fun. While it does not add anything super substantial to the genre it does not take anything either or present any objectionable material. The “plot” is nonexistent but that does not matter, as it is not trying to tell a story or make commentary, just be fluffy and simple.
OG: Konohana Kitan to me is a Girls Club (Cute girls doing cute things) and iyashikei hybrid anime. It is visually stunning as it is relaxing with Yuzu pretty much one of the cutest demigoddesses in existence. She of course is a chick magnet but her heart will forever belong to Satsuki.
17. Destiny of the Shrine Maiden (Kannazuki no Miko) - 65 Votes
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OG: The other stuff on the show is still not that great but ChiMeko will forever stand the test of time as far as I’m concerned. Top 10 for their love story alone. Yes. I know THAT ONE SCENE continues being controversial and talked about every time curious new yuri fans witness greatness…but I will forever defend Chikane because I get where she was coming from. Would I have done something different? Yes. The thing is you need to put yourself in her shoes and understand what she wanted to accomplish and how far she would go to get it done. Kotoha is best side-character and Souma Ogami is real man’s man who does not deserve the hate. He was an honorable warrior to the end. He fought well and accepted defeat like a man. Plus his yell is inspirational.
YuriMother: My feelings on Kannazuki no Miko are incredibly mixed. It has many of the worst facets of early current era yuri anime, tropes include S, rape and… am I reading this correctly, demon mechs? Worst of all it presents a cycle, a never-ending loop that haunts the characters in the overarching plot and it does not resolve it. If a work ever presents such an element, like Puella Magi did, it must be overcome or confronted at least. Its presence makes the already cringy story feels cheap and lazy. However, I love the two female leads and their difficult relationship. I love the music, especially the hauntingly beautiful ending theme, and the final moments of episode 11 are some of the greatest seconds I have ever seen in an anime. I cannot wrap my mind around my view of this series but at the end of the day, I understand it. I do not believe that work like it would ever be warmly accepted today but for its time it does stand as a breakout piece of yuri anime.
18. Princess Principal - 61 Votes
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YuriMother: Princess Principal is one of the best anime of the past few years. It had everything, an interesting premise, great characters, an incredible soundtrack. Alongside all this is the sharp writing and thrilling story. Princess Principal did everything Akuma no Riddle wanted to with an intriguing and action-packed story featuring strong characters. On top of all this, the animation is top notch. A six-part movie sequel is planned which has me somewhat concerned, but I am glad to see that it is being continued as the ending to the series was one of its weakest aspects. Now if you will excuse me, I need to listen to some jazz.
OG: Cute and sexy gay spies in a dramatic British Steampunk setting. What more do readers need? Allow Her Holiness to elaborate a bit further. Currently waiting for the multi-part cinematic continuation.
19. Izetta: The Last Witch - 60 Votes
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OG: I am known for loving shows people do not think as highly of. Izetta: The Last Witch is no different. I love this show so much. Besides how certain events transpired some complained about the depiction of WW2. Basically think about people ranting about storylines and content featured in certain Call of Duty and Battlefield games. Here however, it is clearly a fictional great war inspired by WW2. I was invested in the following:
-The cute and sexy ladies.
-Seeing two badass lesbians lead an army against an evil empire.
-FiZetta’s romance. This of course being the major highlight. I love FiZetta so much. My sexy lesbian babies and Anne X Grea’s mentors. They taught them everything they know after all.
It is similar to how I felt watching Kannazuki no Miko where my focus was primarily on the leading ladies’ developing romance. The difference is that unlike Kannazuki I was also somewhat entertained by our heroines’ enemies along with their allies. Basically viewers’ enjoyment of the show depends on how seriously they take their history and are willing to overlook the liberties this story takes with its depictions of the weapons, military and the familiar evil empire. FiZetta are one of my favorite lesbian couples of all time.
By the way, in that famous scene, yes they did. Viewers just have to squint their eyes to see “it”.
YuriMother: Another show that I consider to have squandered its potential. I know that lots of people enjoyed this one, including OG but I could not bring myself to finish this constantly mediocre series. Perhaps I am tired of alternative light-fantasy European-war inspired plots. Trying to stand out in this bloated genre is difficult and Izetta fails. Izetta started strong and hooked many viewers with its amazing visual and auditory polish but this was quickly lost in the plot which, while set up well, struggle to gain any ground of pay off what had been established. On the yuri side, it did not really do anything interesting or satisfying, with plenty of scenes feature the character’s standing next to each other looking cute and one or two moments of actual yuri. I am glad that some of you were able to enjoy this one more than me at least.
20. Maria Watches Over Us (Maria-sama ga Miteru) - 57 Votes
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OG: Like Strawberry Panic this is a “Like it or not” classic. Despite being a Class S show it did its own thing and became a pioneer for . It’s also responsible for the many yuri jokes related to all-girl schools in anime.Shimako X Noriko best Grande and Petite Souer! Yumiko X Sachiko were great too as the two grew to better understand each other. Most memorable scene for me was the panda costume. Even Sei is a sleeper icon in all yuridom. Yoshino X Rei had a very interesting dynamic. I actually think they are the real pioneers of relationships between cousins. Thank you YoshiRei. HaruKana, Kaede X Sara and several others owe you two much appreciation.
YuriMother: Another great and significant series, Maria Watches Over Us, took the tropes of early yuri works, Catholic schools, a lack of men, piano scenes, and emotional relationship rather than physical ones and turned the dial up to 11. For better or worse, it single-handedly revived the Class S genre and was copied (and parodied) endlessly for over a decade. However much I complain about S I actually do not think that we would have the current age of yuri without its popularity and proliferation at the beginning of the century so I owe a big thank you to Maria Watches Over Us for that. Ignoring its historical importance and literary significance the anime still presents an engaging plot with wonderful characters and more butchered French than my last trip to Europe. It is certainly worth a watch and worthy of a place on this list.
What do you think should be on this list?:
YuriMother: As I previously said, this is a pretty perfect list. As far as missing titles I can think of the following.
Simoun - not the greatest in terms of plot or animation but it had cute service and a fun action-packed plot.
Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl - This series may be strange and present the dreaded love triangle but it did its best to tell a transgender narrative in 2006, naturally this involved aliens, and I applaud it for its attempts.
Cannan - This series is light on the yuri but heavy on the suspense, action, and amazing character designs. The terrorist plot is exciting and the final train fight featured in the series is one of the greatest action spectacles in anime that somehow manages to remain grounded.
-Harukana Receive: Best all-female sports anime ever made. Plus the gayness is not subtle at all.
-Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku: Eruna Ichinomiya is an underrated yuri icon. While not the first of her kind (That honor, I think, goes to Galaxy Fraulein Yuna) she set the standard of cool and inspirational badass lesbian protagonists who are proud of who they are and...also happen to be super perverts. Eruna made it cool to be such a protagonist. It is nice seeing a lesbian lead who does not care what anyone else thinks. She is hungry for cute girl booties. While she often loses her control in the presence of pure beauty she, as an inspiration for others like her, has enough self-control to not go overboard (most of the time).
-Symphogear: Symphogear is love, Symphogear is life. Hopefully Season 5 will keep up the good work.
-Rinne no Lagrange: My favorite mecha anime and the reason I embrace OT3s when the signs are there. Not the greatest but man was it fun. Plus Madoka Kyouno is still sexy.
-Yuki Yuna wa Yuusha de Aru: My favorite Moepocalypse anime of all time. Yuna X Togo taught me to love and trust some people outside my closest family again.
-Mouretsu Pirates: If someone were to ask me “Hey OG. What to you is the perfect anime?”. I would tell them Mouretsu/Bodacious Space Pirates.
-Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl. Thanks to the first fan commenting and reminding me of it. Definitely worthy of a spot. #HazumuWasAlwaysFemale
Final Thoughts:
OG: Pretty good list and close to what mine would look like were I to make one. Reason I have yet to do so is because I do not feel confident enough to pick a favorite yuri anime of all time. Favorite yuri manga and couples? That I can do, but anime always seems to give me a hard time choosing my absolute favorites. Like I said though, a potential yuri list of mine would look something like this. I also found it interesting how similar the Top 10 are among both our respective fanbases and visitors to the poll conducted by the Akiba Research Institute.
YuriMother: I may have done most the complaining and left the praise to OG but I actually and really happy with this list. I think that every title presented is a worthy addition and while I would certainly move some higher or lower than their current placing I do not believe that these are too far off from my own opinions, which is surprising for a popularity poll. More than anything I am thrilled to see that works I dislike that I thought to be popular did not make this list. Perhaps I should have more faith in people and their opinions. Everyone did such a wonderful job voting and I am so grateful!
Thank you so much everyone for reading and for voting in the top yuri anime poll. To see the full results of the poll and to support yuri news, reviews, and content, check out the YuriMother Patreon. Happy Pride Month
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I feel like I need to talk about this...
I’m very open about being aroace. At least here on Tumblr I am. (Outside of Tumblr, I am technically out, but some issues with my mother and grandmother have forced me back into the closet. I felt miserable about that initially, but I’m learning to be fine with it.) But it wasn’t always this way. In fact, I didn’t even know what aroace meant until I was 18. So how was I supposed to know when I got my first ‘celebrity crush’ that those last words do not, in fact, describe very accurately what I was experiencing? I didn’t know I had ADHD, either. I feel like that might have helped me realise some things about my experience. But let me go back a bit and actually tell you what happened and how it happened. [side note: I’ll be starting from a bit earlier than the ‘crush’ thing happened because I feel like it’s important for whoever reads this to understand how my circumstances shaped the experience I had]
I had always been different from my peers, so it was not surprising to anyone that I was bullied in middle school. [side note: Judging from my and my little brother’s combined experience, I feel like bullying is, quite unfortunately, something of a universal experience in middle school - in my day, I was on the receiving end. This last school year, my brother was the bully. Gosh, I wish I could tell my story without many deviations and without crying as I type, but I’ve already thrown both of those intentions out the window.]
So anyway, things got so bad that I was driven to suicidal thoughts. One night I was just lying in bed, thinking about going through with it, but I was like, well, I’ve got a test in the morning. Maybe after that. 13-year-old me had very weird priorities. I kind of still value my work over my mental health, but I’m working on it. So that night, I didn’t do anything. The next day, right before school, I was on the internet and I found out a new show had premiered. And then, as I was watching the pilot episode, that was when it happened. I saw this boy, whom I will not be naming, and I listened to him sing. I felt nothing much at the moment, but I couldn’t get the song out of my mind all day. Up until that moment, I had had a weird attitude towards music where I’d only listen to female singers. My ‘boys have cooties’ phase, I guess you could say. But this one, he was the first one I didn’t mind at all. In fact, I felt like I could listen to his voice 24/7. I’ve had that feeling hundreds of times by now, but I hadn’t before then. So I figured, this must be what a crush means, right? This must be what all my peers are talking about. The next day, I confided in a girl from my class with whom I was kind of friendly (though not actual friends, I’d say). I asked her if she’d seen the show, if she knew this person. She said yes and we kind of gushed about the song together, and I felt normal for a couple of minutes. I never knew the difference between my experience and what is considered ‘normal’ until years later.
For the time being, the thought of this special person was what was keeping me alive. I started having visions of him walking with me through the school hallways or sitting next to me on the bus home from school. I knew perfectly well those visions weren’t real, but they made me feel better. Happy. Safe. Seen. Full disclosure: I still have such visions, I’ve had them with different people through the years as my hyperfixations change. My latest one is what has enabled me to deal with some of my worst phobias (and I have a long list of them). I’ve never told anybody what it is, and I won’t be telling because I feel like if I do tell, the vision will not be strong enough to work against my fears. But I’m getting sidetracked again. Sorry for that.
So, I was pretty much obsessed with this guy. He was all I could think about, he was keeping me alive through what was possibly the toughest time in my life to date. So naturally, thanks to my heteronormative, amatonormative surroundings, I was convinced I had a crush on him. In fact, after this experience had lasted about a year, I was sure I was in love. 
Then things changed. I started high school. I found a couple of friends, and the people in my class in general made me feel like I could finally be myself. Be open about what I thought and how I felt. So by the end of the first semester, all 27 people in my class knew about my feelings for this guy. What I didn’t know was that they didn’t know that it wasn’t exactly like I was describing it. Because I wasn’t aware that a straight/ allo person’s idea of being ‘in love’ was different from mine. I was just putting things in words I thought I understood. 
So it came as a total surprise when some people from my class started teasing me about it. It wasn’t malicious teasing, that much I could tell. I had been bullied mercilessly before. What my new classmates were doing was asking genuine questions in a slightly teasing manner. For example, it would be known that my special person had a girlfriend, and so they’d ask me ‘aren’t you jealous’ or ‘do you wish you were that’, or stuff like that. And those questions felt so weird. So stupid. I thought, wait, why would I be jealous? Why would I feel bad about this person who has made me so happy, being happy himself? Why would I want to date him? That had nothing to do with how I felt. I told my classmates so. They gave me weird looks in response. So I started feeling like there was something wrong with me. Like I wasn’t doing that ‘in love’ thing right. Suddenly, I felt like my feelings were being intruded upon. Tarnished, somehow. I had always been aware that my visions were anything but real. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. And all of a sudden, somebody was suggesting that I should want to date this person. Why would I want to date anyone, I thought? Even if it was him. Dating people was awkward. Making physical contact with anyone outside my immediate family made me shudder. It still does, though I can hug some of my closest friends without any negative feelings. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Back to my first time I questioned my experience. I was about 14 at the time (in Bulgaria, high school starts from grade 8, ages 13-14 or 14-15), and, well, I didn’t do much questioning at the time. I just told myself that they didn’t understand my feelings, and I stopped being so open about the topic. 
My hyperfixation on this person lasted long. Longer than any other I’ve ever had to date. Maybe it was because I clung to it like it was what tethered me to my mortal life. But by my final year of high school, I could feel it fading away. I was forcing myself to think about this person, to conjure up the old visions; the song that had started it all was drained of all meaning that it had held for me. I was moving on to other hyperfixations. I felt like I was betraying myself, like I was breaking some sort of unbreakable vow. It was time to face the music. So I let go. I allowed myself to move on. It was kind of made easier by the fact that my special person had changed, too, and had moved on to projects that I could not enjoy due to some triggering content. And I moved on.
Then I joined Tumblr. I discovered some things. Among them was Hellenic polytheism. It had been a while since I’d found my faith in the Hellenic pantheon, but Tumblr was where I found out I was not alone, that there was an existent religion. And step by step, I realised that... I had been projecting Apollo’s presence onto my special person. And my old connection to that person had started fading away when I had realised I believed in the gods.
This explained a lot of things. But there was still the fact that I had never been able to look at another person the way my peers were looking at each other. I had been asked out two or three times during high school. I had rejected those people without even thinking about it. My best friend at the time was a boy and most teachers seemed to ship us together because, well, let’s be real - we were constantly fighting like an old married couple. It took him getting a girlfriend and seeing how happy I was for the two of them for everyone to realise that things between us were, and had always been, purely platonic. And now I was going to uni and I had never had feelings I was apparently supposed to have. 
It was also thanks to Tumblr that I discovered the extent of the LGBTQ+ community. I considered myself an ally at first, and I was a passionate ally, too. I still am nothing but supportive to my fellow LGBTQ+ people of all identities, but it was not until I was 18 going on 19 that I discovered the term ‘asexual’. I knew quite suddenly that this was the term for me. I knew what I was and how I felt. I felt mature enough to know the difference between ‘I’m not experienced enough to know for sure’ and ‘I’ve just never had those feelings, I don’t even know what they’re supposed to be like’. It took a bit longer to find out there was a difference between sexual and romantic attraction, but by the time I was 19, I had proudly labelled myself ‘aroace’. I still feel at home with this label. I am completely open to the possibility that it might change with time, but this is what feels right at this time. 
Fast-forward another couple of years to about 8 months ago. I had always known that I got really invested into stuff - shows, books, hobbies, people - only for that investment to wear off after a time. The timespans varied, but I realised I had experienced this ever since I was in pre-school at least. I didn’t have a term for it, though. And then, all of a sudden, Tumblr started offering me posts tagged ADHD. I could relate to maybe 95% of them. At one point, it felt like whatever algorithm this hellsite operates on was shoving the ADHD posts in my face, as if screaming ‘DOES THIS REMIND YOU OF, WELL, YOU?!!!’ in my ears. So I did some tests. I did a lot of self-reflection. I went to a psychiatrist. I was diagnosed in March. I started educating myself on the terminology and found out that what I was experiencing is called hyperfixating. So here I am now.
Here I am now, reflecting back on my experience from 8 years ago, connecting the dots. Realising what it was that I went through, allowing myself to go through it again, with different things and people. I don’t feel the need to cling to hyperfixations anymore because I know that is what they are and I know I can’t keep them forever. Of course, I do feel bad about stopping caring about something that used to be my light and life for a time. I dread the time I’ll get over my current hyperfixation, but I also know it’s inevitable. My ADHD brain needs the change and it happens naturally. And somehow I’m ok with that.
Well, this is it. This is the story of how Tumblr prompted me to discover aspects of myself that have been there for as long as I can remember. What better place to talk about it than Tumblr itself? What better group of people to understand and accept me than my lovely mutuals and followers? If you’re reading this, thank you. For being here, for listening to me, for allowing me to be who I am. You’ve got no idea how happy this makes me, even though I can barely see what I’m typing through the tears. Thank you. 
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onf-headcanons · 3 years
Setting : angst, murder (influenced mass murder), futuristic society, you can read the introduction post prior reading this AU headcanon (for a better understanding cos some keywords will be slightly difficult for non anime audiences)
And warning long post and shipping hinting (I wont write it over explicit but if you are anime audience you can get the hint of which character I based so its suggestive should you integrated anime counterpart to ONF couterpart) if you are uncomfortable with that just kindly ignore it. Only adding it not just because to follow original series but also for the AU/headcanon storyline conflict purposes
Theme song (if you really want to)
Opening : The Realist by ONF
Ending : FLOWER by XIA Junsu ft Tablo
*Special recommend (from original anime) :
Abnormalize by Ling Toshite Sigure (season 1)
Namae no nai Kaibutsu by Egoist (season 1)
Below is the known situation when the story starts in Yuto's POV
Yuto - Inspector
Changyoon - Inspector
Hyojin - Enforcer
Jaeyoung - Enforcer
Minkyun - Analyst
Seungjun & Minseok - dead
And again sorry if its messy (Cos mainly I just want this AU to exist and making it to a birthday gift for myself XD)
The whole structure is followed the anime,but I will fast paced-ify to focus on main storyline. Also I will tweak my words/wordings to a more simpler format so that I wont cause you all headache.
(loosely based from episode 1 and 2)
Its first day for Yuto joining CID as an Inspector, he is under Changyoon. Changyoon, who has already read the profile of his new subordinate/partner, lets Yuto to omit the self introduction as they head off to crime scene at a second tier city nearby.
(He is the first foreigner in the team? why not?)
Before they left, Minkyun comes over to hand Changyoon a briefcase mentioning that there is bit of queue. Yuto thanked Minkyun in a hurry.
On the way, Changyoon guided Yuto to login into system with Dominator gun, just coldly confirmed with Yuto if he knows how to use it. Once Yuto got everything checked, Changyoon went back to his silent mode.
They need to hunt down a man who has escaped (same reason as anime or whatever reason you felt convenient).
At the place its rainy and its already night, Inspectors arrived along with another wagon/van where Enforcers are inside. Yuto thought they are back ups, which is not entirely wrong.
Changyoon shortly briefs Yuto about Enforcers. Quote, " Those inside are beings where their Psycho Pass readings are not of accepted range". Its more like Changyoon is trying to set Yuto a mindset that don't think Enforcers as an ally/ same being as us.
As the door of wagon opens, 2 Enforcers steps out, they noticed new member standing beside Changyoon. Due to documentation's wording and Changyoon's words, Yuto thought Enforcers would be people who looks menacing and tough, those by 1 glance you could immediately tell they are used to be/potentially to be psychopathic criminal...
But to Yuto surprise, both Enforcers in suits looks pretty like decent normal person, just like him. One with red hair who is slightly shorter and another with black who is taller.
Both Enforcers approaches to Changyoon with smiley face. While Changyoon just look at him expressionless. The one in red hair with a friendly tone goes, " Glad you are not working alone now Changyoon." But Changyoon only just give him the "Whatever you say" look. And the Enforcer with red hair seems to used to Changyoon's coldness.
Meanwhile, the Enforcer with black hair approaches Yuto to introduce himself and his colleague. He is Jaeyoung while the other one is Hyojin. Yuto responded politely. And Hyojin smiles at Yuto brightly to the extent Yuto slightly questions if looks really are deceiving? Then just how scary these decent looking person's Psycho Pass were when they are actually friendly?
But Yuto's distracted thought was pulled back to reality when Changyoon starts to brief on team missions. Hyojin is assigned to Yuto while Jaeyoung follows Changyoon instead.
While searching for the escaped criminal by checking the area's alleys and back alleys, Hyojin being friendly and tried giving Yuto mental security by offering to answer his doubts because he was once a rookie like him too. Yuto being the good student, has go through documents and manuals so he does not have much questions, but only worry on if he could do good on practical events.
Hyojin's advise was those manuals and what Yuto has learnt prior joining only serve as a guide and reference, so better don't over rely as case by case are all different. However, Hyojin ensures him by saying. "Don't worry, it is us Enforcers who do dirty work. for most of the times"
Out of curiousity, (and with Hyojin's permission) Yuto armed Dominator gun towards Hyojin to check/confirm on Hyojin's Psycho Pass. And it is higher than society acceptance range. Seeing the truth, Yuto inhales a bit of air, he could not help think and compare Hyojin to those physical attributes/vibes gave of by criminals he seen from TV.
Jaeyoung's voice could be heard via bluetooth earphones, mentioning he and Changyoon has found the criminal but the criminal has escaped towards Yuto and Hyojin's direction, along with a hostage. Jaeyoung and Changyoon are now attending the abandoned hostage. (Initially there are 2)
Changyoon approves of Enforcer to shoot should situation calls for that move.
As Jaeyoung's sentence finishes, the criminal dashes out from the corner and Hyojin immediately rushes in front of Yuto with Dominator armed and ready, his friendly vibe are gone and totally different, his emitting aura that are spiking with alert and defense mode.
Since the place they are standing is a dead end, for sure the criminal will back off and escape again. And before Yuto could make a quick decision, Hyojin fires precisely at criminal with Lethal Eliminator mode. It all happens too quick but Yuto grasps the situation fast enough to rush towards the hostage.
As Yuto gotten the hostage in his arm, he softly tries to calm the hostage down. But while doing it, he could the red haired Enforcer behind him coldly requesting Yuto to move away from the hostage.
Yuto immediately understood that the extermination of criminal in front of hostage's presence moments ago triggered the raise of Psycho Pass of the hostage, and now the hostage's stress level is high enough for Dominator and system to see the hostage as threat to fire. One relieving point was, Hyojin's gun is not in Lethal Eliminator mode, so Yuto could tell that there is not really a necessary for Hyojin to fire just yet.
"Wait, ..." Yuto tries to convince Hyojin but the hostage took the opportunity to run. Hyojin chases the hostage and yells at Yuto to catch up.
And Hyojin informs the others through bluetooth that the hostage's Crime Coefficent has went up.
Yuto, wants to change the situation, hurriedly stands up and followed Hyojin. While running and convincing Hyojin that the hostage is only a victim of crime, Yuto realised the object he is holding and quickly plans.
As Hyojin chases the hostage to another dead end, the hostage start to break down and cry as they noticed its dead end. Their stress level are not coming down and they clearly knew what fate lies ahead as the police is chasing them.
Seeing that, Yuto know he cannot wait to explain or persuade Hyojin, so instead of firing at the hostage, Yuto paralyses Hyojin from behind using Dominator trying to save the hostage. The hostage calms down seeing the possibility to not being executed/treated as a criminal.
When Changyoon and Jaeyoung arrives to the spot, they are confused if the hostage assaulted Hyojin. And Changyoon checked the hostage's Crime Coefficient, it is now back to normal. However, as procedure for victim of crime to get treatment and assessment, Changyoon still fires at the hostage to paralyses them.
Hyojin and the hostage are to be hospitalized for the time being. And since Yuto confessed that Hyojin was not assaulted by hostage but paralyzed by Yuto's Dominator, Changyoon demanded a report from him to explain his actions.
The next day Yuto woke up worried if he had ruined his career by the first day. Feeling apologetic, he goes to the hospital to check up on Hyojin after settling a case with Jaeyoung, and he has to oversee the victim to be sent to hospital.
Jaeyoung reminded Yuto that its the same hospital Hyojin and yesterday hostage were in. Yuto then Jaeyoung to return to van while he will check on Hyojin quickly.
Hyojin, who is now numb and paralyzed, lying on the bed with his eyes open, staring at the ceiling and walls blankly.
Hyojin's hunch made him asked Yuto what was Changyoon's response towards Yuto's actions. And Yuto told him the truth that he will need to submit a report. Hyojin only laughs at Changyoon for being a stuborn head and stiff, just like old times.
"Have you done the report then?" Hyojin asks, Yuto only shakes his head replying that he does not know how to start and what to write.
Hyojin, with a playful tone, teased that should Yuto did not paralyzed him, he could write the report on his behalf as a welcome to the team gift, but since he is now paralyzed, Yuto will need to do it on his own.
Yuto felt a bit bad about that, but Hyojin assures him that Hyojin can let it slide should Yuto buy him lunch once he discharged.
"HAHA, should Changyoon ever finds out you drop by to check on me, he might sulk even more." Hyojin mutters in a playful but weary tone.
"Eh?" Yuto gets a little panicked, "Inspectors should not visit or come contact with Enforcers after office hours?"
Hyojin denies Yuto's speculation and mentioned that he does not blame Yuto for what happened, and asks Yuto to check the hostage as well, hoping the hostage can control their stress level well so that they can discharge soon. And Hyojin also jokingly say that hope the hostage won't bump into him in the future, even though unlikely since Enforcer lived a very controlled life.
"Don't be intimidated by Changyoon, give him a bit of time to get used to your presence. Also keep in mind he means no harm." Hyojin adds
Yuto could tell Hyojin is not someone that cold and mean. And he starts to smile back a little again.
Yuto feel like asking if Hyojin and Changyoon knows each other way back, but he had to do that the next time because he still has a report to submit.
Yuto then starts his life adapting and learning how things operating in CID, he is a quick learner so Changyoon is quite content about it. Not long after, he assigned Yuto to head off to crime scene inspection with Jaeyoung while waiting for Hyojin to discharge.
(loosely based on episode 2 and 3 but I omitted most details of the crime case)
Yuto and Jaeyoung are working on a night time shift. The monitoring system alerts them of a potential area stress level rising/ potential target stress level rising so they had to head out.
As Yuto is still a bit inexperienced, Jaeyoung was the one who identified the target. After handling potential threat target, Jaeyoung talked about him being Enforcer for a long time, even longer than Hyojin and telling Yuto not to feel bad about it because experience will grow as time pass.
And also Jaeyoung hinted that it is also because he is "different" than Yuto, thats why he can intuitively know by first glance when someone's looks fishy.
Yuto felt inexperience is just sugar coating his incapability, and that thought shows on his face. So Jaeyoung told him that : " Don't think that you are useless for the time being. "
"Enforcers can't walk around outside without an accompanying Inspector. Your job is also to monitor Enforcers too, so that they won't slack off escape or cause society trouble. Even if that's all you can do for now, that is all you need to do." Jaeyoung continues.
That did not leave a good after taste for Yuto even it is the truth.
As days pass, Yuto did good handling on cases now as he gets the hang of it. Jaeyoung sees leading quality budding in Yuto and sometimes praises Yuto in front of Changyoon. And even with Minkyun, they both teased Changyoon to soften up a little so that he would stop scaring Yuto.
Yuto and Minkyun did to have a bit of get to know each other time when Changyoon and Jaeyoung head out to patrol. Yuto and Minkyun are back up support.
its lunchtime and Minkyun invited Yuto for lunch. So they get know each other for a bit.
Minkyun was glad to have Yuto joining the team because Changyoon and Hyojin are both quite uptight. But Yuto said he did not see Hyojin as the strict character. Minkyun laugh it off by saying that is because Yuto did not know Hyojin long enough.
It later surprised Minkyun that Yuto actually Sibyl system's judgement/assessment towards Yuto, were exceedingly excel. He got A ranking for a number of ministries and agencies and a couple of companies.
Minkyun exclaims as he nearly choked on his food : "Seriously,then why CID?"
Yuto repies him with a wearily smile while handing him a glass of water : "I think that was because for all other jobs there were at least 1 or 2 people beside me that got the same ranking."
"And I was the only one who got an A ranking for the Bureau. Out of 500 students in whole country." Yuto continues while Minkyun looking at him unbelievingly.
"So you just come over thinking there might be something you can do here?" Minkyun makes a guess and Yuto nods.
"That was incredibly amazing Yuto, even if it was assessed and chosen by the system for you, " Minkyun exclaims for the second time. "You could've chosen any kind of life!"
Yuto again can only nod at Minkyun's words, knowing that most people can did not have the luxury like he does. For most people, judged by the system only get to live the lifestyle set by the system and has to follow it . And he, Mizuguchi Yuto gets to choose. Which explains Minkyun's reaction to Yuto's experience.
"You know there are people who get identified as potential criminal at young age and never get to live a happy life ever since." Minkyun murmurs but Yuto did not get to catch it.
When Yuto asks for a repeat, Minkyun just brush it off saying Yuto's experience is so out of the world and he wish he could live as Yuto for once in a lifetime.
The lunch session ends as Changyoon and Jaeyoung notify them that the patrolling team is heading back to office and there are some evidence that need Minkyun's help to analysis.
(slight time skip in between, case of episode 3 happened. Changyoon critiqued on Yuto for being naive to put trust on Enforcers and Yuto gets to know that Hyojin is super reliable even though sometimes reckless. And this is where Yuto starts to look up to Hyojin.)
This happened later back in office when Yuto was out delivering documents to other department and Jaeyoung brought up topic of Yuto catch up really fast when he is handing his report to Changyoon. Hyojin is at his desk, doing paperwork.
They all know Changyoon well enough that Changyoon does not hate Yuto but only dislike the fact that Yuto sees Enforcers as a colleague and maybe even equal as human being. In Changyoon's point of view, naive and innocent. Which in Hyojin's point of view, Changyoon's stereotype is childishly selfish.
"Everyone starts as a rookie though." says Minkyun "But he is fast learner."
Hyojin, adds comment that Yuto is still a bit naive but with Changyoon giving the best guidance, Yuto will excel and might be the best Inspectors ever to exist.
"I mean, you know that better than we do right? You are the one who went through Yuto's profile." Hyojin's tone sound confident about Yuto's capability.
Changyoon is scanning Jaeyoung's report and he raise his gaze so that his eyes met Hyojin's gaze. He is not happy that an Enforcer backs up and siding a newbie.
"That's if he understands what a fool he is to treat Enforcers like a human being." Changyoon stares at Hyojin with a bit of anger in his eyes while saying this. "As long as he still does that, I don't see him qualify as a sensible and independent Inspector just yet."
"Same goes to you, Minkyun." Changyoon adds. "I don't get it why you can even get so awfully comfy with him."
Minkyun and Jaeyoung's face went soulless when Changyoon finishes his words.
The room went into grim silence instantly, and Hyojin's smiling expression changes to a straight face and he did not back off from Changyoon's words.
"Hey, I know you hate me but don't lash it out towards Minkyun." Hyojin retorts. "Keep in mind that you are the head of the team, and behave like one."
"And you think I wanted to be the head of the team to begin with?" Changyoon responds immediately and he puts down Jaeyoung's document on table with a thud, making the aura even tenser.
Minkyun want to say something to ease the situation but Jaeyoung pulls Minkyun's arm to stop him.
Coincidentally, the office door opens and Yuto steps in, he has returned from his errands. His seniors quickly act like nothing has happened and return to their work. But it did not fool Yuto for he could feel there is tension in the air.
Yuto's instinct knows best that it is better to act like nothing happened because he realized he does not understand a whole lot about his colleagues.
(loosely based on episode 4 and 5. Timeline is episode 4 and 5, but I will keep it simple.)
The team has to find culprit behind a murder case. It is found out that the victim was a member of a virtual community, and the account activity is still active until recently. But since the corpse already been some time, the team have perfect reason to doubt that maybe there is someone pretending to be the victim.
Even though it is not like that in the anime, I will tweak a bit here. Yuto has to take the role to "infiltrate" into community (potential enemy quarters) because most users are Japanese. Yuto managed to get some information. And the team comes up with a plan to catch their potential target/suspect.
The plan did not go well, and the suspect escapes. But little did the team know, that the whole case of this murder is not as easy/plain as it seems. It was just the beginning of a larger happening that will shake their lives.
Changyoon and Jaeyoung head out for another potential suspect's residence but returned fruitless. With Minkyun's data, Hyojin raised a possibility that maybe the murder is in the virtual community.
Luckily for the team, even though took a while but thanks to Hyojin's observant trait along with Minkyun's provided data+search of database, they are able to pinpoint the identity of murderer. Changyoon and Jaeyoung as Team A while Yuto and Hyojin as team B.
The criminal flees but Team B is able to wound the target badly. Team A chases, and then only to find the criminal has their Psycho Pass is contaminated badly compared to the first statistic number shown in the team's Dominator. The target is executed on spot as per instruction of Sibyl system.
The case was settled like that and no one ever got a clue how deep the water was.
After several team ups (including this one) with Hyojin, Yuto finally realizes that he might have been a tad naive and he is amazed how Enforcers are able to grasp what the target is thinking and able to foresee target actions.
Maybe when Yuto is taking a breather, Changyoon whofinally soften up a bit towards Yuto after the amount of time working together, comforts the junior that he did good recently but he should just simply fulfill duties as an Inspector so that things wont be overly complicated for Yuto. And for another time, Changyoon advised Yuto to draw a borderline with Enforcers, but not in a harsh tone, more of a pure advise.
"I am advising you based on experience." Changyoon says. " I could not stop him, so I thought I might prevent you to be like him."
Yuto just go by his hunch and ask the reason Changyoon draw that borderline and wishes other people to follow suit. Then Changyoon reveals that he has lost a few colleagues who are also his friends during his days in CID.
All loss are painful for him but none is more painful when his former head of division/chief of team,
Someone Changyoon used to look up to, who also used to be an excelled and brilliant Inspector "falls from grace" after the loss of their mutual friends.
" I don't want you to make the same mistake." Changyoon mutters out his words towards Yuto. He was expressionless when he says that but his worried eyes were exactly what made Yuto empath and felt Changyoon's pain
And the next reveal gives Yuto a shock but the puzzles finally fits together, "It was Hyojin."
"What?" and that's the only word Yuto exhales out of disbelief.
Changyoon let out a sigh and briefly explains, "He lost his brother and his best friend one after another. His brother was executed while his best friend which is also our former colleague, committed suicide."
Yuto only listens to Changyoon quietly, and unconsciously holding his breath. Hyojin? Who would have thought someone who is bright and kind towards Yuto has gone through such tragedy?
"Wait,..." Yuto found a point where he is in doubt. "You mentioned Hyojin's brother is executed, not murdered..."
Changyoon's slightly frowns and averts Yuto's gaze. "Yes, that is exactly what I meant. His brother was executed by the system. And his best friend watched that happened then later committed suicide a few weeks after the funeral."
The details of the story only emerged a bit but it is already complicating enough. Looking at Yuto's perplexed expression, Changyoon gave Yuto 2 files document's number for Yuto to look up to.
"I hope that from reading the file you can understand my point." Changyoon give a light pat on Yuto's shoulder before he continues, "I do understand that no one is a 100 percent saint. But, I do believe that you can choose not to fall by stepping away from all temptations. I kept my stance but he did not. He failed us, Me, his brother and his best friend."
Before Changyoon left, he advised Yuto not to stay up too late as they need to be early tomorrow.
The moment Yuto reached his apartment, he logs into the Bureau's database and search for the file Changyoon mentioned.
Just by the title Yuto knew instantly it was the terror attack happened 2 years ago. But since the intricate details of Hyojin's brother was not in newspapers, this is a record filed in ministry without publicly published but can only access by CID.
Yuto has complicated thoughts, he knew once he clicked into it, he will never view Hyojin and Changyoon the same again.
But the phrase of "His brother was executed by the system. And his best friend watched that happened then later committed suicide" repeats in Yuto's head. And it gave Yuto the motivation to click on the file.
To be continued in part 2... will upload soon (I have to split because its too long)
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