#latinx poet
fictionalfairyy · 1 year
Just for a second- a poem by me 💔
Safe in the bath-just for a second
Eternally grateful for the water and how it clouds my ears- grateful the world lets me think about you without interruption just for a second
When the water hits right where I need it to-just for a second-Just for a second all I see doe eyes and stiff denim
Head under the water one more time just for a second
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meagankimberly · 2 years
Poetry Limbo
I’ve found myself in a rut lately with my poetry. Sure, I fell out of practice without having workshops or consistent deadlines and writing challenges, but it’s more like the well has run dry. At least, that’s how it’s felt for the last year or so.
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See, I often wrote about my anxieties, especially surrounding my bisexuality and keeping it secret from my family. But then I went to therapy and started working on coping mechanisms for my anxiety. And then I came out to my family so it’s no longer a secret. Without those things, what do I write poetry about now?
More than that, the poems I wrote in the past about these things, I don’t know if I want to have published anymore. It feels strange to want to abandon an entire manuscript of work that I spent years pouring my soul into. But it doesn’t feel like I need it out in the world anymore.
So, where do I go from here? What forms will my poetry take without my old demons haunting me? I’m sure I’ll get to the answer eventually. In the meantime, I’m going to try some writing prompts and find inspiration in music, art and nature to get the juices flowing again. Maybe I can become a poet of hope instead.
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Loving my new frames! 🤓
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kodiescove · 2 months
Hi yes
How do I befriend writers on Tumblr so I may buy their ebooks and write reviews of their books and spread word of their writing?
I am terrible at this whole "connecting with social media accounts" thing but I'd very much love to give Tumblr authors a shout out on my blog! Especially since everyone was down for my representation masterpost!
If you are an author who writes about:
Queer identities
BIPOC identities
Mental illness
Mental disabilities
Physical disabilities
I will add it to my TBR!!!! It will get talked about and reviewed!!!! I will buy a physical version to donate to my hospital!!!!
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angeloftheodd · 7 months
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Shoutout to Christine Stoddard, my amazing friend and collaborator! ❤️ She wrote and directed Mi Abuela, Queen of Nightmares, which just finished its run at The Tank in NYC. What a theatrical gem! 🤩 I edited the story and poems featured in this play, and seeing her words come to life was glorious. ✨ As the founding editor of Quail Bell Magazine, she always has been an innovator and all-around great person. 💖
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theoffingmag · 10 months
In the yellow room:
a glass bowl full of dead bees. A black sunflower, petals as long as my body. I never had a favorite type of flower before. Neither had she. She kissed me on the lips, Instantly killing herself. Her petals burst, fell like guillotined confetti. I picked them up. One by one. Buried her with the bees in a blue yard. This is why I came here: To grieve.
— María Esquinca, “I Stepped into A Series of Colored Rooms”
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entrecortada · 8 months
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this feeling i’ve had my entire life about both extremes and feeling everything in its entirety or nothing, it’s so strange validating it with my past self.
have i really felt this way my whole life? or am i perhaps making it up?
at some point i was deluded about this feeling of intensity i felt. now that i’m conscious about it i believe to have been causing my own problems this whole time, but no that’s not true.
este sentimiento que he tenido toda mi vida sobre ambos extremos y sentir todo en su totalidad o nada, es tan extraño validarlo con mi yo pasado. ¿realmente he sido así toda mi vida? ¿o es que acaso me lo estoy inventando? en algún momento era ilusa a estos sentimientos de intensidad que sentía, y ahora que estoy consciente de ellos siento que he creado mis propios problemas, pero no. no es cierto
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xxvioletinexx · 1 year
We could be so good
If you wanted to be
I’ve dipped my hands in the possibility
Swirling my fingers in it
And it’s warm and stains my finger nails
With hope so red and radiant
It’s like I’m holding my arms up to the sun
Lips parted and chest open
“Let this be everything I’ve been searching for”
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thebookdragon217 · 1 year
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"dear god, I'll never understand how some people meet a drowning person & offer INSPIRATIONAL advice instead of offering a hand or rope" I'm celebrating love today with this heartwarming collection. Promise of Gold/Promises de Oro by José Olivarez publishes today and I need you all to run and gift yourself his words. This collection has me pausing, breathing a little clearer, drawing emojis in the pages, texting screenshots, thinking about ways to dismantle systems, clinging to memories and remembering the ancestors. I am also being reminded that it's OK to not be OK and self-care is alos letting others love me when I need to heal. This one is perfect for today because love is one of the prominent themes and explored in so many poems: in the ways we care for each other and ourselves, the way we use our voices to advocate, the ways that men love through actions and less words, the ways that love shapes communities and so many other aspects. Olivarez's collection also captures themes of immigration, racism, love, family, masculinity, friendship, the pandemic, mental health and grief. The format takes you on an exploration, transforms you and gives you a nice big abrazo at the end. Olivarez wore his heart on his sleeve and the emotions just bleed through. For me the bilingual format was golden. I read through it first in English and then flipped it over and read in Spanish. Palabras hit different in español. I love you doesn't melt my soul the way te amo does. Olivarez is a word magician and his prose will cast a spell on you. Thank you @henryholtbooks for the gifted copy. #PromisesOfGold #JoseOlivarez #tbr #poetry #bookstagram #bookreview #bookphotography #latinxpoets #Mexican #bookstagrammer #books #reading #latinxbookstagram #latinx #love #HappyValentinesDay #poets #IGreads #bookrecommendation #murals #art #PromesasDeOro #libro https://www.instagram.com/p/Coqwav_LKrz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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blk-achillean · 1 year
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pattytacuri · 2 years
The Latina Thing (for AOC)
Make fun of our accents- Make fun of our names- But y’all never have our rich history Call us feisty, caliente, spicy Call us fiery, loud, sexy But y’all will never have the exotic magic Try to bully us into silence Try to put us down with racist and ignorant insults But y’all will never have our immigrant work ethic or ingrained determination Try to stereotype us- Try to make us feel less than Try to kill us- But y’all never kill our chingona spirit
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fictionalfairyy · 1 year
Dawn and dusk-a poem by me (dispite the fact ive never been in a relationship)
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Here I lie eternally
Here I lie allowing every inch of me to be discovered by every inch of you-decades will pass and your hands on my body will never become irrelevant
The crinkles of my eyes and the rose of my cheeks will feel the tender touch of all ten of your fingers over and over again…even if you know destiny is not a considerate woman- you drink me in knowing you will inevitably drown-even then you will return like dawn and dusk..
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meagankimberly · 1 year
Behind the Poems: Binary Code
The next poem in my Behind the Poems series is “Binary Code” originally published on Burning House Press. Bilingual bisexual bi-cultural. Ones and zeroes. DNA.Make a single switch or delete a digit and I become another. 01100010A Spanglish dictionary embedded en mi cerebro, flippingpages back and forth and sometimes pegándose. 01101001Dark brown curls cascading from the top of my head…
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blackbirdsilhouette · 9 months
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Macondo week selfie. Giving myself the gift of community and time for my writing.
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morallyrainyday · 5 months
11/2/23 abuelita why: an variation of “abuelito who” by sandra cisneros
Abuelita why do you drink tea made from fire
why do you call my name like that
why do you sing to your tea kettle
what are you seeing that I cannot
Tell me whether or not
the Lord’s word is good
why was this his plan for us
Tell me whether or not 
I should hunger for love
Like a flightless bird in the snow
Constantly wishing for more
They ripped your mother tongue from your throat
and yet
you traded half your accent for a job
and a pair of shoes
Abuelita you are garnet and gold sun
you are gardening gathering sins
you are smokestacks and tea leaf and licorice
you are the poem before it begins
Abuelita why are your eyes made from honey
why do you always find the goodness in things
why can’t I dream the way you taught me
asking why can’t I
why can’t I why?
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theoffingmag · 10 months
Vickie Vértiz: I’m both in Mesoamerican times — as someone who practices Aztec dance, and has a belief system built with syncretism, and also as a professor of Chicanx Studies is like taking apart Mexican identity via Mexican nationalism, and a child of the 80s as a queer person, and someone who worked grew up working class who loves things that have existed for a long time, and who likes to reuse them. I’m the scholar, of my memory, but also a kind of collective memory of people in my generation, but also folks who continue to face these questions and are looking for these answers about being a queer person of color, being a femme being an immigrant daughter. What does it mean to have a desire — agency over your desire — as a Mexican American woman or femme queer person in this world, and a lot of those questions are timeless. Unfortunately, fortunately? And so I have a map that’s at different planes of time I’m trying to draw. And I’m a scholar of like, my family, myself, my community and I’ve seen these themes just come up over and over and over again. 
Q&A with Vickie Vértiz, author of Auto/Body
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