#like. not just about my mutuals themselves not tagging which okay whatever
toytulini · 1 year
swiftie mutuals no hate but why do literally no swifties tag any posts at all
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fiercynn · 10 months
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
since there are both recent newcomers to bbs fandom and people like me who are new to bbs tumblr, i thought i'd create a getting-to-know-you meme for people to introduce themselves if they want! all questions are optional
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
hi i'm deepa! i'm indian-american, in my 30s, queer, and agender – please use my name (either deepa or fiercynn is fine) instead of pronouns when referring to me!
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
i watched the whole show in the course of about 36 hours just about two weeks after the finale had aired, in february 2022! i joined bbs fandom on twitter soon after and have been there ever since, but i’ve only really been interacting on tumblr in the last few months
favorite ship(s)
patpran and inkpa…i'm a traditionalist ig lol
favorite character(s)
it’s so hard to choose but i think it has to be pran! i love his pining and his cockiness and his anxiety and his kindness and his grumpy faces. really channeling pat right now aren’t i
favorite episode(s)
episode 5 for obvious reasons; my second-favorite is a tie between episode 3 and episode 8 i think
favorite scene(s)
rooftop kiss, episode 3 bus stop scene, episode 8 backstage apology scene, and episode 9 picnic bench hand-holding scene
one thing you would change about the show if you could
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people?
ughhhhhh SO HARD TO CHOOSE and i think i'll do a longer rec list sometime but here are some of the earliest fanworks i engaged with that really set the stage for how i think about bbs
dynamic (fic, patpran) by riddles2 on ao3: one of the first fics i read in the fandom, it’s pat’s pov through episode 5 and it’s absolutely seminal imo
international love song (fanart/animation, patpran) by @architectxengineer: science is one of those incredibly multitalented people who writes, makes fanart, and animates?? among other things??? and this animation is sooooooo gorgeous and makes my heart absolutely melt
same page (vid, patpran) by dkyth73 on youtube: such a good fanvid of the show that p’aof himself tweeted about it!!!!
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
traffic was slow for the crash years (fic, patpran): gotta plug my baby, right? this is my patpran fake dating au which is 80k words and was so fun to create!
we both know you’re my only dream (fic, patpran): on the other end of the length spectrum, this 1k fic is one of my favorite things i've written ever
just being friendly (vid, patpran) co-vidded with @scribescribe: yes i know this is an msp song but we made the vid before msp aired!! i think it’s very cute hehe
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
since “just being friendly” is already obvious from me and scribe making a vid to it lol, i'm going to say “keeping tabs” by niki, which is extremely pran-coded. like. look at the lyrics. doesn't it seem like it was written to be about pran’s feelings at boarding school, where he misses pat desperately and hopes pat’s thinking of him but is also trying to convince himself that pat’s forgotten him and that everything pran wanted from him was just a delusion on his part. PRAN 😭 😭 😭
idk anything else you want us to know?
i have opinions about pran’s sweaters
okay i'm literally going to tag all of my tumblr mutuals that i think are still in the fandom (if i missed anyone sorry!!), but also if you want to do the meme consider yourself tagged! please don’t let this flop lol 🤞🏽
@citystoryscapes @nicolasechs @architectxengineer @mahuhumaling @manogirl @galauvant @miscellar @monamay @dancing-out-in-space @melto @incandescentflower @loveongsa @dimplesandfierceeyes @geonbaeeee @faillen @cinnamonseadragon @inkpaa @yourunwiththewolves @prany @pranpats @teesemomma @iathefurrr @inventedfangirling @sharingfandoms @lamonnaie @maychild @thegayneurodivergentagenda @mistergreaves @dudeyuri @nyttvera @thecriers @threezoz @wontbotherrn @not0nmain
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cousticks · 9 months
Yo! I'm Cou, like in Acoustic! That's where the 'cousticks' comes from (mind blown, yet?) I'm a whole 21 years old, and would prefer they/it pronouns.
This account is my dumping ground for fandom posting, including analysis, aus (which you can find a list of here), writing, doodles, and more! You can find some of this writing on AO3, too.
I follow back from the url 'causticacoustic', as this is one sideblog of several. Please do not be alarmed by a purple Master Chief icon following you out of nowhere, or leaving asks, that's me!
Minors are welcome, but I'd prefer only my 18+ friends DM me. 18+ mutuals are welcome to my discord, too! Just send me a DM.
I encourage talking to me. Be it via asks (anon or not!), comments, reblogs, DMs, whatever, I love conversation, I'm just a little incapable of starting it, usually.
More blog info below!
This is mostly a BSD blog. In the future it may also contain other media. Vanitas no Carte is probably going to make an appearance eventually, who knows what'll come after that.
Other media interests I doubt I'll post about here include:
the Halo universe
FLCL (only the og. we don't talk about the reboots.)
Portal games
Dishonored games
bad action movies in general
and more!
I also have other non-media interests, but I won't clog this up with them. You should totally ask me about them though.
I don't post or reblog anything NSFW. This is 90% because I don't want to forget to tag something, 5% because I'm ace and don't really need that here, and 5% because I don't want to make this blog a place minors can't go.
Honestly, I'm not great at tagging upsetting content. If you need something specific tagged then leave me a DM or ask (anon or not) or something and I'll try my best to keep a running list of what needs tagged and how (I keep a Google Doc for myself for my tagging system and will happily add your needed tags to it). Chances are, you'd be seeing violence or blood. If you're in the BSD fanbase, I'm kind of making a blanket assumption that you're okay with that when you interact around here. If not? Good luck, I guess.
I give all characters their own individualized tags. I'm working on making them all short song lyrics. Please feel free to ask about any tags you see! Characters that haven't been given lyric tags yet are given the tag 'placeholder [character] tag.' If they're an au-specified character, such as from Beast, its specifically 'beast [Character] tag'. I have a handful of AU and/or concept emoji tags. If I ever see it relevant enough, I'll make a key for them.
Drawings are tagged #doodles. 'Personal' not really content posts are tagged #sticky note. More put-together posts I intend to actually circulate in the world are tagged with the fandom and relevant characters / novels, ex. #bsd dazai, #bsd fifteen, etc. People I interact with frequently might find themselves with their own tags as well! Mutuals, please don't think I suck for not giving you a tag or something pretty pretty please. My brain is very tired so I'm limiting it to those that appear often I promise I'm not slighting you personally on purpose.
I love getting asks. They can be actual questions on my thoughts, chain mail, insults, little gifts, whatever. I don't care. I love them and will treat them all with care. I have anon enabled and will always have it enabled. I'm also a big fan of ask games and have a ton of them tagged under #ask games. Those are all active all the time forever (though if its an older one you'd have to specify) I just like having things to talk about. Please talk to me.
This is very long and says absolutely nothing. Please direct all questions, comments, or complaints to the ask box.
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Tumblr Superlatives Tag Game Part 2
Rules: Tag (or list) the mutual/friend/acquaintance/etc. that best fits each category. I was tagged by @mistmarauder because she likes to derail my day.
Is the funniest: @mistmarauder makes me howl with laughter even when I'm mentally flipping her off and I always appreciate @brassm's memes
Has the best tags: I'm saying the same as Jess - @stagefoureddiediaz @evcndiaz or @extasiswings - their tag essays end up screenshotted and put on posts for a REASON
Is the most underappreciated creator: @captainofthefallen which I get because she tends to write in small fandoms but if you're a Star Wars fan and know anything about Knights of the Old Republic you need to read her fic "Two With One Stone" OR I'M BLOWING THE PLACE UP
Is the most underappreciated blogger: @catdadeddie just because she deals with SO much crap in her inbox and I feel like people should appreciate her patience more
Is most likely to be kinkshamed: *tosses hair* me. :3 okay okay seriously, maybe @evcndiaz?
Knows you best: @captainofthefallen @devilsbrokerank @extasiswings although @mistmarauder is coming around the turn and gaining down the stretch
Is most likely to delete their blog in a rage: @catdadeddie seriously how she hasn't rage quit yet with the nonsense she sees, I don't know
Changes their url most often: LUCKILY I HAVE SANE FRIENDS WHO DO NOT TORTURE ME WITH SUCH THINGS actually @evcndiaz does it occasionally
Is everyone’s favorite mutual: @mistmarauder everyone wuvs her
Is most likely to become Tumblr famous: I actually do have some tumblr-famous mutuals but I'm not gonna tag them since they obviously get enough annoying attention already. You know who you are, I still can't believe you think I'm cool enough to talk to.
Is most likely to win The Hunger Games: @givemeunicorns are you fucking kidding me? hands down. she grew up in the middle of nowhere and currently works in the woods. she handles snakes with her bare hands. she'll survive whatever the arena throws at her AND kick your ass
Is most likely to marry their Tumblr crush: I actually don't really feel like any of my friends or mutuals are the type for that.
Would call you to bail them out of jail: @devilsbrokerank and they wouldn't even remember how they got in there
Has the longest block list: @extasiswings lmao or maybe @eddiediass IDK I just get a Vibe
Is most likely to strive for world domination: someday @extasiswings or @catdadeddie is gonna snap and decide they can do it better themselves
Is most likely to survive the zombie apocalypse: @givemeunicorns she's the butch leading the remnants of civilization
Has the strongest food opinions: @mistmarauder although if you asked her she'd say she has the "correct" food opinions
Is most likely to keep a plant alive: I do not trust any of these people with a plant. okay maybe @givemeunicorns since it's kinda her job.
Is most likely to share their fries with you: @tulipfromtheinternet or @captainofthefallen (grudgingly)
Doesn’t return their library books on time: @devilsbrokerank HEY RETURN YOUR BOOKS
This was difficult to do since I don't really talk to a lot of people on here, so sorry for tagging some of you multiple times, ha ha.
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i-d-e-g-a-f · 4 months
“demonized her by putting her in a relationship” and “being harassed for existing” yall are one to talk every kataang post i see on EVERY platform y’all are lurking saying “kataang sucks” and telling ppl to kll themselves over the ship. also demonizing her is ironic bc if she ended up with zuko it would’ve just ruined everything she went through and worked for so stay mad fucking freak 💀💀
1. Get the quote right, I said “disservices her by putting her in that relationship.” which is very different from whatever you said.
2. I can’t argue against anecdotal evidence or your experience but I can say in my experience, I’ve always seen people shit on zutara unprovoked and try to justify it with their performative activism or try to act as if it’s okay to make assumptions about someone’s character because of an unproblematic fictional ship. Also I don’t cross tag so if anything is ironic, it’s that you’re lurking in our tags when you just criticized zutara shippers for doing so.
3. Once again I said disservice not demonize, massively different. But for arguments sake tell me what did she gain from being in a relationship with Aang? Did that relationship not ruin everything she worked for? Because the Katara in ATLA was passionate and never stood on the sidelines when she saw injustice. But the Katara we see in the comics and LoK is passive and constantly sidelined to being the Avatar’s wife or mother of the Avatar’s children. Not her own person. She doesn’t even have a statue when everyone else in the gaang does. In season 1 Katara literally protests for the right to learn how to fight and in LoK we see none of the passion. What is exactly so fulfilling about her relationship with Aang? Was it him being an attentive father to their children? Oh, no that wasn’t it. So tell me, would being with Zuko really ruin everything she’s worked for, because it seems like being with Aang already ruins that quite successfully. Katara basically becomes an accessory to Aang which, yes, I would say disservices her! Especially when we’re shown that she is capable of having relationships with people based on mutual respect, compassion, and mutual emotional support. Relationships where they are equals and one is not an accessory to the other. Relationships where they respect each other boundaries and don’t act entitled to another’s affection.
But you know what’s even crazier is that at the end of the day none of that even matters because that is just what I prefer and you don’t have to agree! My problem lies within the fact that I constantly see anti zk’s assert that zutara is an inherently problematic ship or that people who enjoy the ship are problematic or are just hysterical women. Those assumptions are problematic and unfounded and if anything perpetuate misogynistic stereotypes about women being not knowing which man is actually good for them. It also requires an incredible amount of cognitive dissonance to arrive at those conclusions because the people who argue that Zutara shippers only like Zutara because they want a bad boy will talk about how Zuko has a great redemption arc in the same breath. We truly cannot have watched the same show, watched Zuko say “Hello, Zuko here” if they think the appeal of Zutara is that Zuko is a “bad boy.” However, even if it was, that still wouldn’t justify the constant negative assumptions made about the people who enjoy the ship, or the way those generalizations about zutara shippers are used as a way to delegitimize zutara (ad hominem fallacy). I fucking hate kataang and I am open and honest about that, but I don’t go around saying the actual people who ship kataang are problematic or are all secretly incels because that is a ridiculous and unfounded generalization. I hate kataang so I will critique kataang, not try to discredit its shippers in an attempt to make the ship seem less legitimate. I cannot say I’ve seen anti zks and the general fan base behave similarly.
I can’t speak for the anti kataangers in kataang tags because fun fact i have it blocked because i don’t like it! But I will say, although i do not condone going into other ships tags to instigate, there a massive difference between shitting on a ship versus shitting on the people who enjoy a ship. And mind you, I noticed the pattern of people shitting on zutara fans long before i even became a zutara fan. This is a trend amongst this general fan base that flares up anytime new atla content is released and I was venting about it on my page as someone who is tired of it. It is my god given right to vent about a fictional couple I don’t like on my page and to vent about the fandom discourse trends I notice. If you notice different ones and want to vent about make your own goddamn post, don’t act like a coward and send anon hate just because you disagree with me. I have my opinion and you’re entitled to yours. You have your own experiences with this fan base and I have mine. If your upset, vent about it on your own goddamn page instead of accosting me with your dumbassery.
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toburnup · 2 years
tagged by @pizzaqueen 💙💙
What is your total word count on AO3? 133,009
How often do you write?
anywhere from 2-5 hours a day lately, i'm on vacation!!
Do you have a routine for writing?
YES. put on one of my playlists depending on what i'm working on (slfksldjf i make them for each fic and then have specific parts of it depending if the mood is soft or sexy lmao) and then i start typing and do not stop until it's done. or persie distracts me.
What’s your favourite trope/pairing?
thought-to-be-unrequited-love-but-is-actually-mutual-pining. and currently steddie <3
Do you have a favourite fic of yours?
usually whatever i'm working on at the moment but let it roll into the night will always have a special spot in my heart because i was going Through It at the time 💙
Which fic of yours has the most kudos?
my robin POV fic subtext (something i can't quite put my finger on) but it's also the first one i posted, after S4 part 1 so it got a lot of traffic
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
my over-explanation of simple things. sometimes it really works, and sometimes the words can speak for themselves and i should just let it be!
Now, something you do like!
my ability to write tension. sometimes i read it back and i'm like..... okay, that's pretty damn fun 😌😌
tagging: @theamazingbard @alligator-writes @werewolfsteve
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wooahaes · 2 years
I would consider myself small and skinny and even I hate when writers describe readers as small 😭 it makes me so uncomfortable bc I know there are so many people reading who probably don't fit that and it's strange to me that they don't consider that when writing. it's why so try to be super conscious of how I describe reader (which I barely ever describe ANYTHING physical about them, I hate even when people describe putting hair in a ponytail or something) and even try to be conscious of actions that might not be inclusive (such as being lifted, wearing bfs shirt, etc).
I'm really sorry that you are finding so many fics that aren't inclusive :/ with smaus that use ulzzang pictures, i always try to imagine that it's just the aesthetic/pose writer is going for but it still breaks the 4th wall for me bc it sticks out like a sore thumb being like "that's not what i look like/most readers look like"
hi nonny ur cool and very nice i love u
also god... the ponytail thing gets me every time as someone who typically cuts her hair short lmao literally i kinda run my hand through my hair like how... how did i do that... magic.......
i think the thing that gets me is that it's like... really not that hard to write an inclusive reader fic imo? like why is it important for reader to be thin/tiny/petite/small/whatever word you wanna use to designate that they're small? is it really that important that you have to derail from your writing to include something like that? also, who thinks of themself like that? it's also annoying in first person (both fic and published works) when people do the "my blue eyes" shit because no one consciously thinks like that. there's a big difference between a new writer saying "i open my blue eyes and run a hand through my long blonde hair" and maybe using it to set something up. maybe your character has contacts or maybe their eye color mysteriously changed because ~magic~, or maybe they're on the run and dyed their hair and chopped it all off. but in reader fic? where the whole point is projecting onto a blank slate to imagine yourself in these situations? i don't need to tell you what you look like. you already know what you look like.
whats the point? it's fine if you want to write something for yourself and for other people like you. genuinely, it's okay to do that as long as you tag it so people know. i respect smaus with ulzzangs that outright say that the writer used pictures for reader. i'm personally not going to read them, but at least i actually get a warning. even if its easier to just not include the pictures, i respect works that tell me outright whether it'll actually be for me or not. i write chubby!reader fics sometimes where all that's specified is that reader is a bigger person. i don't think i've ever specified how big, but the sentiment is still there. people write fics for people of color and they tag them.
i think it's completely okay to write works for yourself and people like you, but it just kinda feels unfair that if you fit into this "other" category (not thin, not short, not white, etc.) you have to tag it. everyone should tag their stuff. it just makes it easier to navigate and for people to find works that they can potentially see themselves in.
anyway i don't really read smaus that aren't written by my mutuals, tbh. i think there's one i started but then went "oh i'll come back to it" and then failed to do that lmao (i'll get around to it sometime tho!! it actually seemed super cute and i don't think there were any ulzzangs Anywhere, bless).
but if you want inclusive smaus... u should check out my mutual, ursa @thepixelelf !!! she's very funny and cool and also she talks about inclusivity in fics and why its important <3 she's the one who made a lil text convo with the vernon idea i posted about he + reader saying they're expecting when they're literally just getting a cat together hehe <3 but shitty fanfiction + the entirety of been there, done that is very good!! for a completed work... u should check out first to fall (cheol x reader) <3
also you should just check out ursa in general tbh she's one of the best ppl i know and i'm very thankful to have a mutual like her? i think everyone i'm mutuals with is someone i care for a lot and people who i think are extremely kind, but ursa has the biggest heart and i truly appreciate everything she does.
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barbierpt · 7 months
funny how you had no problems when anons were going to syd to call her cheap and say they were shitting on content makers but when someone else says that gifs can be overpriced now you agree with it? just shows how little your words means.
anon, are you okay?? because this obsession you have with me and this nonexistent rivalry or mutual hate relationship with rptsyd is really getting so old.
i'm assuming you read mcthsman's response to that ask about gif packs being paid for?? they brought up a lot of great points i never considered, especially about underused fcoc and how USD prices might translate as higher in other currencies. they did a great job explaining their viewpoint on this matter and i agree with what they're saying. if the rpc has a desire to bring more diversity into writing, i do believe that those resources should be accessible to the public without a paywall, especially when they're not popular fcs that pretty much almost every gif maker has made packs of.
that said, i don't mind gif makers charging for their efforts in creating and editing resources for like private commissions. or i saw another blog mention donation links or patreon as more accessible ways for those who can't spare $20+ for gifs we can't make ourselves and want to use. and i personally don't mind paying creators for their time and effort on what i think is a fair price. not everyone in the rpc is rich. i work two jobs myself to make ends meet and have a little extra spending money i can save for donations and things like that so i have no complaints on my end.
syd did talk about some packs being overpriced (15$ for 250 gifs if i remember correctly) and also mentioned how they've paid or donated more than that. they also admitted themselves that if the rpc thought that was a fair price then they didn't mind it being a "broke me" thing. one of my tag responses to an ask about that basically shared a similar sentiment in that i understood not everyone can pay that much for gifs when we all have real life responsibilities like rent/mortgages, groceries, utilities, medical bills, vet bills, etc.
there was nothing mentioned from syd then like what mcthsman is saying now about underused faces of color blocked from the majority of the rpc behind a paywall, which is a pretty significant issue i didn't realize was happening until i saw it in their post and it is something i feel should be talked about.
this isn't the first anon i've received on a subject that snaps at me about what i've said or not said or what syd's said. not everything i talk about or answer has to do with syd unless she's explicitly mentioned and whatever you think my feelings are towards them. i have them blocked because i didn't like their content and i didn't agree with them continuing to be so hateful towards strangers on the internet who felt they had to make a public apology on this site like they're a celebrity on twitter. the fact that you're using this pretty significant topic of discussion as a means to stir some pot for... i don't even know your objective here. probably so syd has more to talk about on their blog idk. it's sad and embarrassing. it clearly shows you don't care about this issue at all and you're trying to make this personal for your own drama of the week.
you can keep sending me anons about syd cause i won't be answering them any more. and the ones i do continue receiving i will block your ip address to prevent any more coming into my inbox.
hope you understand!! 💓
0 notes
Meet again
(Gally x reader)
NOTES | so i don't usually write x readers as most of you or at least my moots and followers will know, but i've been curious to give it a try, and who better to start with than our precious gally? i wrote this mostly out of artistic curiosity, but i mean elena liked it, and i count that as a success <3 also thanks for beta-ing elena! @gladerscake
WORD COUNT | 2100 words which i think is longer than normal but whatevs
TAGS | modern day AU which i'm told is not normal for tmr x readers but here we go asldkfj, one-shot, park ranger gally, forests, pine trees, it just feels like the glade ygm, first kiss, anticipation, meet again, reunion, gally's strong arms how could i not okayyy
Tumblr media
Gally and you are going to meet again, in just a few hours. You still can’t believe your luck, and some part of you still cannot believe that it is real. That you’re really going to see him again. To have him again.
Of course that’s what both of you had hoped for, that you’d find a way to make it work, find a way so you two could live together – could live in the same country at least.
When you met him in the US, and you there on vacation with your family, your attraction had been instant. Gally had immediately caught your eye, arms strong and with that breath-stopping captivating aura he emanated as you watched him go about his work as a park ranger.
Your family had decided to spend some days camping at that national park - “That breath of nature is gonna be good for you,” - your dad had said, in response to which you’d only rolled your eyes.
But in the end, you had been more than glad about it.
Because it was there that you met Gally.
The first few days, Gally and you hadn’t even spoken to each other at all – you’d just caught his glance a few times, and had immediately noticed the blood rushing to your cheeks, and you’d averted your gaze quickly, lest he’d catch on to it. But then one day, on bonfire night, the two of you had started talking.
You don’t even quite remember how when you think about it now, but what you do remember is how you’d suddenly found yourself gushing to Gally about books and movies you liked, completely losing yourself in details and fervent analyses that had been burning on your tongue for eternity – and Gally just smiled at you, listened intently, sometimes asking clarifying questions, but all the while hanging on your lips as though he’d never heard anyone say things quite as interesting as these. You’d found yourself stunned, expecting him to get annoyed or bored at any second – but he never did.
Gally made you feel seen in a way you’d never quite experienced before. And the feeling was mutual – when he talked about the forest, the animals living at the national park and the measures they were taking as rangers to ensure a sound ecological balance for all living things there, you just couldn’t help but hang on his every word. You marvelled at his knowledge, but most of all at the care he showed for the animals and plants around him.
You’d never met anyone before who seemed quite as… pure as Gally?
He didn’t seem to care much about money or status, instead he seemed to be concerned with leading a simple, yet worthwhile life. And somehow, his take on it all made you feel a slow and silent peace within you. Like the world could be an okay place – if you could only stay at his side.
You’d stayed at the park with him that summer, leaving your parents to travel the rest of the United States by themselves. You had told them something about wanting to learn more about the ecology of these forests, fabricated something about wanting to pursue this direction further in your studies and wanting to get a feel for it now, and how this summer internship at the park was the perfect opportunity for you to do that.
They’d let you do it – although you were sure you saw a sly smile on your mother’s face as she kissed you goodbye. You didn’t react to it – although she might have detected a hint of embarrassment in your face, however much you’d tried to conceal it. But it didn’t matter – nothing really mattered except that you could spend more time with Gally.
The two of you became inseparable, and with time, a deep and easy peace filled the time you spent together.
And then was that first kiss – you remember it as though it was yesterday.
The smell of the pine tree needles in your nose, the dinner you’d just finished filling your stomach with a warm and happy feeling – although that feeling might have stemmed from the fact that Gally had been looking at you with a… strange look in his eyes that whole evening.
You couldn’t quite tell what it was. There was something in his eyes that you felt you had seen before, but you couldn’t quite place it.
The tree trunk you were standing against was scratchy at your back as standing there, leaning against the pine tree and looking out over the valley stretching beyond you. The rough smell of the smoke from the fire burning at the camping place below filled your nose, and you could still feel the warm glow the fire had left on your cheeks.
Gally was sitting on a log a little way off, and there was nothing big to be said, just the two of you watching the sunset, the rewarding calmness of a day of heavy work lying between you. You talked a bit about the ongoings in the park, about what you’d do the next day, but of nothing much really.
Suddenly, you noticed that Gally had gone silent. You looked over at him to check if everything was alright, but you gave a little startled jump when you noticed he’d gotten up and was standing closer to you now.
“What’s.. Uhm, what’s up Gally?” You asked, hearing how your voice sounded a little insecure.
Gally looked at his hands, as if trying to find courage, as if trying to find words for what he wanted to say.
You felt a little afraid – was there something you had done wrong in your work, and he needed to tell you off for it, but was uncomfortable doing it? Or had you said something wrong, a joke that had inadvertently hurt him? You just set out to ask, when Gally found his voice.
“I...” he hesitated. “I’m sorry if this is inappropriate. And.. I really don’t want you to feel pressured. Like, at all.”
He empathised those last words, but you could only look at him in confusion. What was he getting at? Gally saw the confused look on your face, and gave you a helpless look. You didn’t understand, what was he trying to say?
“I…”, again, Gally broke off. He was kneading his hands against each other and looking down at them, something you had often seen him do when he was trying to find the right words for something, trying to line up his thoughts in the order he wanted to present them in. You waited.
Finally, he looked up again, a firm look in his eyes, as if he’d decided he just needed to get it over with.
“I like you.” He said. “I really, really like you. And I wanted to ask… I wanted to ask whether I could kiss you.”
You felt yourself speechless, completely at a loss for what to say.
His gaze was turned back down at his hands, but he looked back at you when he said: “I’ve been wanting to ask you this for quite some time, actually.” To your astonishment, you could see his cheeks had a faint pink tinge to them by now.
You felt your gaze go soft, and resisted the urge to clasp your hands to your face to stop the giddy smile you could feel rising up on your face from showing. Instead, you let that smile spread, and you remember thinking that you must have looked like a total idiot, beaming at Gally sheepishly like that.
A tentative smile started spreading on Gally’s face as he saw what was happening with you.
“I –“ you stopped to cough. “Uhm yes, actually.. I’d like that very much.”
You gave an awkward little chuckle, but Gally lips spread into a smile that beamed at you so fondly you again felt the urge to hide your face behind your hands. You couldn’t quite believe he’d look at you like that.
But Gally’s smile was here to stay, and it transformed into something softer as he stepped closer to you.
You could feel yourself getting nervous, but when you felt Gally’s body heat radiate from him, and his calloused and strong hands take yours into his, somehow, a feeling of utter calm settled over you.
And then Gally’s lips had brushed against yours, and you’d felt your heart stop for a second with the unbelievable feel of it. You hadn’t even realised how badly you wanted Gally. – But now, all the looks you’d thrown him over the course of the last weeks, how you always felt so calm around him, the funny feeling you had gotten in your stomach when watching his muscular shoulders strain while cutting trees and doing woodwork, the way you’d felt your gaze shift to his hands more often than probably was normal – now it all made sense.
You weren’t sure what to do, but Gally put a hand behind your back, steadying you while the other one held the crook of your neck, his warm hand soft against your skin. And you found yourself giving into Gally, a smile making its way onto your lips even as you were kissing him. You felt his lips twist into that same smile, and then you felt the vibrations of Gally laughing softly against you in his body that was now so close to you.
You let that smile stay on your lips, delirious with the feel of it all. Gally placed a small kiss on your cheek, then one on the other cheek, then one on your forehead, your nose, and then countless other small kisses on your face, and you couldn’t help but giggle at it, which in turn made Gally smile again.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for forever, you know,” he said.
“No, I actually didn’t,” you said, hearing very well how breathless your own voice sounded. You really wished he would kiss you again - and he did.
When he drew back after a long while and let his forehead rest against yours, you realised that you had never felt that safe in your life.
“Flight from Denver boarding at Gate 10” – The loud airport announcement voiced by that generic female voice that was the same everywhere in the world roused you from the memories you’d gotten consumed in.
You felt your heart rate pick up again, and your head get a little dizzy. You orientated yourself, and then rushed towards the gate where Gally was supposed to arrive.
When you arrived there you were a little breathless because you’d rushed so much - but you just couldn’t wait to see Gally’s soft smile again, to feel his arms around you again. Of course you were there far too early now, and the moments seemed to spread out forever, time barely moving even though you were willing it to go faster so badly.
But then, people started trickling out of the sliding doors, business women, families laughing, wheels of trolley cases rattling over the floor, big bags thrown over shoulders – and then, your heart stuttered in your chest when your eyes registered a familiar shape among all the strangers.
A yell escaped your lips without your doing, and without planning to, you were rushing forward, tears streaming over your face – and then big, warm arms caught you. They wrapped around you, held you tight and you could feel the sobs ripping through you, and hear the small nonsensical words that were washing over you in a constant, soft stream of affection. Big hands were stroking over your back, and your nose was filled with that gorgeous scent that made you feel at home immediately – that made you feel as though everything in the world was going to be alright.
You nuzzled into that broad chest you had missed so much, and then Gally gently pried your arms from around his body and removed you from him at arm’s length so he could have a look at you.
The smile on your face was teary, but the look in Gally’s eyes made you forget all of your tears and sorrows. He cupped your face in his hands, and you could feel his rough and calloused fingers stroking over your cheeks, gently trailing away the wetness of your previous tears.
“It’s all good now, honey,” Gally said, his deep voice washing over you like rain after a drought.
And as you smiled back at him, you knew that he was telling the truth.
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neon-junkie · 3 years
White Smoke, Blue Lines
Summary: There are many things that the Jedi Order forbids: Attachments, specifically ones with Clones, and partaking in drugs - both of which you're about to break, when a certain clone helps you obtain the specific herb that you're after.
Pairing: Hardcase x Jedi Reader Reader Description: Reader is female and uses she/her pronouns. This fic does not include any descriptions of her appearance.
Warnings: Use of Drugs. Tags: Sharing a joint, Mutual pining, Flirting, Teasing, First time, Making out, First kiss, Shotgun kisses, Smut, Oral (receiving), Dirty talk, Grinding. Word count: 7.3k Notes: Personally, I'd like to think that most of the Jedi love getting blazed as fuck, especially Yoda, that little froggy bong-smoking fucker, but logically, they'd say no to drugs. Either way, I just want to share a joint with Hardcase, so here's the fic for it >:)
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"Your girlfriend's heading our way, Hardcase," Jesse prods, slapping his brother's arm to get his attention.
"Hey! Wha- she's not my girlfriend," Hardcase huffs, pushing Jesse back, squabbling whilst still on the landing platform.
"Yeah, but you want her to be," Jesse snickers, and Fives joins in, giggling away as the pair begin to bash their skulls together.
You clear your throat, interrupting the presumably playful banter that is going on between two of the 501st boys. The 501st aren't your battalion, but they sure do feel like it, considering almost all of your missions are paired up with General Skywalker's. You have your own men, and he has his, but there's an unspoken agreement that when working together, they're both of your men, and all the clones are content with that.
That being said, you know each of Skywalker's men by name, ranking, personality and whatnot. You've spent the last few years quite literally by their side, squished together on gunships and cruisers, dragging each other from beneath rubble and fallen clankers, and there's even been a few incidents where they've had to carry your injured self from battle. Nasty memories, but you have the 501st to thank as your saviours.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," you say with a soft laugh, watching as their eyes go wide, locking onto yours. Jesse and Hardcase clear their throats, removing each other from their locked stances, and they straighten their backs as they greet you with a shy "General."
Your gaze turns to Hardcase as you politely ask, "Hardcase, may I have a word alone?"
Jesse begins chewing on his bottom lip in an attempt to mute his laughter, but a few snorts slip through. You've overheard Jesse and many others tease Hardcase for his apparent feelings towards you, and although you haven't sensed too much from him, whatever feelings he may have are mutual. However, war and order comes first, and the likelihood of a Clone dating a Jedi is, well... there is no likelihood. It's forbidden. End of debate.
"Uh, of course," Hardcase nods, and follows you from the landing platform, heading towards the Barracks entrance, but not slipping inside. It's quiet here, minus the few clones passing by, unloading the gunships at their own pace.
Your eyes trail around the perimeter before speaking up, not paying any mind to the clones nearby, but assuring that there are no other Jedi in this vicinity. "Hardcase... uh, I was hoping for your assistance in obtaining something," you begin talking, keeping your voice level just above a whisper.
"W-what can I help you with, General?" Hardcase gulps. His hands flex into fists, bunching up at his sides, and he attempts to mute his thoughts, praying that nothing lewd will spring into his mind... again.
"Call me by my name, please, Hardcase. We're off clock, and when it comes to something like this, I'd rather... forget about the Order," you exhale, your gaze finally meeting Hardcase's wide eyes. Nervousness is radiating from him, and it doesn't help that you're prolonging your question, rattling his anxiety as every second passes.
Hardcase mutters your name with a nod, and states that he's "not quite following."
"Before I ask, I just want to explain that I'm approaching you as a friend, and not as a General-" you mumble, prolonging the question even more.
Hardcase nods, and sighs anxiously when you continue rambling. "-And I am coming to you specifically about this because, well, I am under the assumption that you also partake in such activities."
"Please tell me what you're after already!" Hardcase blurts out. Both of your eyes turn wide at his outburst, and he's about to apologize for letting his emotions control his mouth, but you speak up before he can.
"Do you know any dealers?" you finally ask.
Hardcase pauses, still with the same wide-eyed expression. His brow slowly raise as he thinks that he knows what you're on about, but just to be certain, he asks, "dealers... for?"
"Drugs. Weed, specifically," you sheepishly state. "My last one dipped off the radar, I assume he was arrested, but I-"
"I didn't know you smoke," Hardcase softly laughs, flashing you a lop-sided and extremely cheeky grin. You roll your eyes, followed by playfully punching his upper arm, which only causes Hardcase to laugh even more.
"I'm going to take your answer as a 'yes,'" you state, folding your arms and looking up at the clone, who wears his cheeky smile with pride.
"Yeah, I can sort you out," he nods. "I've been buying off the same guy for a while now, but he's weary of strangers. Maybe I could put a good word in first, or-"
"-You could come with me?" you suggest. "To pick up, I mean. That would certainly ease his anxieties."
"Y-yeah, s-sure," Hardcase gulps. His flushed, vibrant red cheeks are hard not to notice, and you're quickly hit with a thick cloud of flustered energy, radiating from him. You've not spent much time around any of the clones outside of work, minus popping by their quarters to pass on information and whatnot, and that one incident where you ran into them at 79's, but that's as good as it gets.
"I'll meet you outside the front of the barracks at 19:00, but around the corner beside that small diner, just to be safe, if that's alright with you?" You question.
"Y-Yeah," Hardcase stutters again, nodding eagerly at your request. "I'll comm my guy and let him know that we're picking up later. He's not too far from here, just a few blocks away."
"Okay," you sweetly smile. "I'll leave you to it, thank you again!" You say your goodbyes, heading in the direction of the temple to continue your chores for the day, leaving Hardcase on the barracks landing platform.
He pinches himself. That just happened, didn't it? That lovely, sweet, and kind General just approached him to ask about drugs? And she trusts him enough to meet up with him, off the clock, and conduct a deal with him?
The trust. Hardcase could go and rat you out to the Order right now. He could knock on the temple's front door, demand to speak to the manager, and tattle on you for partaking in such illegal activities. But he doesn't - why would he?
Hardcase snaps from his daze as he overhears his name being called, and Jesse and Fives appear in his line of sight. Hardcase huffs, knowing what's in store for him, and begins approaching his brothers. They've already stripped themselves from their upper-armour, relaxing in their blacks, now leaving them defenceless from the upcoming brotherly play fight that will no-doubt happen once their teasing has begun.
"What did the General want?" Fives questions as Hardcase approaches, who decides to continue walking into the Barracks, praying that he can drag them back into their quarters fast enough to prevent their teasing. Rex is always there to break up their bickering, especially when it involves certain comments about certain Generals.
"She just asked me about some stuff, nothing important," Hardcase shrugs, rubbing the back of his neck with his gloved hand as he walks.
"That's not what it looked like when we walked past," Fives grins.
Jesse joins in on the smirking. "You both looked flustered, but you especially looked like a Cadet attempting to flirt."
"No, no. It wasn't like that-" Hardcase huffs. He debates telling them the truth, considering that they know and also partake in illicit activities, but is it worth the relentless teasing that he will face? Hardcase already knows his answer, and he already knows that his brothers will find out sooner or later - hopefully later when they catch him sneaking out of the Barracks unaccompanied.
"What was it like then?" Jesse raises a brow.
"S-She..." Hardcase stutters, and exhales heavily. He finally admits to the truth, and ensures that his tone of voice is hushed, not wanting anybody to overhear. "She asked me who to get stuff off, so I told her."
"Stuff?" Fives questions.
"He means..." Jesse explains with a wave of his hand.
There's a pause from both of them, and for a brief moment, Hardcase assumes that that's the end of it. But he is unbelievably wrong.
"Wait- The General, a Jedi, asked you for..." Fives coughs. Both his, and Jesse's expression flicks between confused, concerned, and curious, and the pair keep their ears close to Hardcase as he continues explaining what just happened.
"Yeah," he sheepishly nods. "She basically said that she trusts me, and that I look like the kinda guy who knows where to get that stuff, so I said I'd help her out."
"Help her out how?" Jesse questions.
"Well, uh..." Hardcase stutters, rubbing the back of his neck once more. "You know what Dog is like, he's not too fond of strangers-"
"-Yeah, which is why he wouldn't sell to us at first," Jesse states the obvious, and Fives nods in confirmation.
"-So, uh, she's going to come with me later to pick up," Hardcase innocently shrugs. He bites his bottom lip, attempting to focus on walking down the corridor, rather than watching his brother's reactions. It's coming. Hardcase know's it's coming, and when the wave finally hits, it drowns him.
Fives and Jesse scream, instantly jumping on their brother to begin their playful teasing. "You have a date!" They begin barking at him, riling him up, unfazed by the curious onlookers that pass by. "It's a date, our boy Hardcase has a date!" They cheer, and Hardcase, attempting to mute his laughter, eventually pushes both of them off.
"It's not a date!" He instantly begins denying, only to be playfully shoved between both of them as they protest his protests.
"It's a date, Hardcase. You two are meeting up later for a date," Jesse purrs, wrapping his arm around Hardcase's neck as the trio turn the final corner to approach their quarters.
"What are you gonna wear? Something nice?" Fives questions, knowing that they own little to no personal clothing.
"Make sure you shave your balls, chicks love that," Jesse comments, raising a cheeky brow at his brother.
Hardcase finally shoves Jesse off him as he gags at his bold comment. He remains silent, as flustered as ever, quietly wishing that it is a date, rather than him accompanying you to pick up weed. His gaze turns to the quarters' door, and he quickly punches in the code, ensuring that his flustered expression is blocked from his brothers.
However, the second the door opens, Fives pushes him into the room, and proudly announces, "guess who's getting his dick wet later, boys!"
The torment has only just begun...
Hardcase's pace is faster than usual, weaving his way through the endless sea of people that cover Coruscant. The diner is barely five minutes from the Barracks, but Hardcase is running late due to his brothers pestering him non-stop.
Their teasing was ruthless, exactly what you'd expect from a bunch of men, specifically siblings. Even Rex had joined in on the banter, but reminded his men that this definitely isn't a date as such things are forbidden, not to mention consuming drugs. The talk of his 'date' is not to leave the Barracks, and even when it is spoken about, it must be spoken in hushed tones to prevent by-passers overhearing it through the thick walls.
Hardcase tugs at his shirt again, cursing the smaller fit that he's borrowed off Tup. He's slightly thinner than Hardcase, and it seems that he buys his shirts even smaller to ensure that his best features are on display, pressed against the ironed fabric. Hardcase was originally going to meet up with you in sweatpants and a t-shirt, and his suggestion was met with a sea of tears as every single one of his brothers pushed him to wear something enticing.
"It is a date, after all," Dogma chimed in.
"It's not a date," Hardcase had replied. He had reached the point of auto-pilot, automatically reminding everyone that it's not a date whenever he heard those specific words.
His brothers ignored his declines, and collectively agreed that Hardcase is going on a date, whether he sees it as that, or not. They all helped doll him up; Tup loaned his navy blue shirt, sleeves rolled up at the elbows and the top few buttons undone, exposing his collarbones and teasing his toned pecs. Hardcase insisted that he wears black jeans, making his outfit seem more casual, rather than borrowing Dogma's suit pants.
Hardcase is assuming that he'll be back within half an hour, ready to tell his brothers "I told you so," when they ask why his 'date' didn't last long. He huffs to himself, finally reaching the destination, at to his surprise, you're already stood outside.
"There you are," you state as he appears in your line of vision. Hardcase, for once, manges to control his flustered expression as he locks on to what you're wearing; it's nothing fancy, casual attire, but you and Hardcase could easily be mistaken as a couple out on a date.
"Sorry I took so long," Hardcase sighs. "The boys were..."
"-being themselves?" you answer his statement, and he nods awkwardly in agreement. You playfully roll your eyes, knowing far too well how boisterous and bold his brothers are. "Anyway, lead the way," you gesture, and with that, Hardcase begins leading you on the short journey to his dealer's place.
"He doesn't live far from here," Hardcase reassures you, holding his hands up innocently.
"Good, hopefully he lives close to me," you say with a laugh, not wanting to trail too far.
"You mean... the temple?"
"Oh, no. I decided to get my own little apartment nearby. I needed my own space, the temple can feel over-bearing, and it's nice to... not feel like a Jedi, sometimes," you briefly explain, hoping that Hardcase understands your desire for self-isolation.
"Yeah, I can understand that," he shrugs. "At least you're able to get your own place. That sure would... be something," Hardcase sighs.
A gentle hand rests on Hardcase's forearm as he walks, and you give him a soft squeeze, reassuring him as you comment, "you know that I'm not fond of how the Republic treats clones."
"Yeah, I don't think there's many Jedi out there who are," he agrees. Hardcase exhales heavily, feeling your hand disappear from his forearm, and as he leads you down a side street, he decides to swiftly turn the conversation around. "He's just up here, I'll buzz for him to come down," Hardcase explains, and slips his comm link from his pocket, tapping away on the device.
"You know, I was going to suggest you come back to my apartment and share a joint with me. My way of saying thank you for helping me out," you suggest.
Hardcase almost drops his comm link, catching it before it hits the floor, preventing the device from being carelessly trampled on by his own boots. He lightly coughs, and his gaze meets yours as he replies, "we don't have to, I don't mind. I-I mean, I'm always happy to help out-"
"-Hardcase," you cut his babbling off. "I'd love to have a smoke with you, if you'd like to."
This time, Hardcase can't hide his flustered expressions. His cheeks begin contrasting heavily against his bold, blue tattoos, decorating his warm face; his pupils are wide, both with a mixture of nervousness and lust, and his mouth remains parted, forgetting how to breathe. Hardcase is so fixated on the thought of being around you, sharing a joint with you, going back to your apartment, that he doesn't overhear his name being called out, at first.
Hardcase finally snaps out of his startled state to see his dealer approaching, and heavily clearly his throat before introducing you to Dog. He's your stereotypical dealer, attempting to keep the exchange swift and quiet, and seems fond of you when you purchase a hefty amount of weed, wanting to ensure that you have more than enough to last.
Dog exchanges his comm link number with you before dipping off, ensuring that you can pick up off him any time. "Any friend of Hardcase's, is a friend of mine," he states. Huh, yeah. A friend.
Silence fills the air as you overlook the few grams that you've purchased before slipping it into your pocket, turning your gaze to Hardcase, who has zoned out once more. You raise a brow, and Hardcase suddenly remembers that he never answered your offer. "Y-yeah, we can go and share a joint at yours," he eagerly nods, followed by licking his drying lips.
"C'mon then," you playfully nudge, and begin leading the way to your apartment.
The journey home is short, filled with Hardcase's rambling rant about how a few of his brothers irritated him on the last series of missions. You questioned what was on his mind, and not wanting to admit the overwhelming array of emotions that he feels towards you, he decided to fill up the silence with bitching instead. It's a win-win; Hardcase gets to let off some steam, and you get to laugh along and enjoy Hardcase's rambling, something that he does when given the opportunity to.
Hardcase, especially now, sometimes forgets your abilities, and just how prominent they truly are. You know exactly how he feels towards you, and now that you're here, entering your apartment with him, you can forget about both of your statuses the second your apartment door closes. Right now, you're two friends hanging out, sitting on the couch after grabbing a drink for both of you.
Using your weed, Hardcase begins rolling a joint, putting his calloused fingers to work. He pauses his work to take a hefty gulp of his drink, parched from earlier when he felt the life draining from him at the idea of going back to yours. However, now that he's actually here, he feels content; maybe it's because your apartment is so welcoming and cosy, or maybe it's because your general presence often soothes him (when it's not riling him up,) but either way, he's finally comfortable.
You put some background music on, just loud enough to sit comfortably in your ears, and Hardcase announces that he's finished rolling. "Beautiful, isn't she?" he playfully states, holding the pristine joint up to your vision.
"Of course, she is. She's your creation," you smile. Hardcase flashes you a playful, puppy-like grin at your compliment, and you laugh at his warm expression. "Spark up," you state, and leave your seat to go and open some windows.
The joint is lit when you return, and your eyes lock onto the thick smoke flocking from Hardcase's lips as you take your seat beside him. "Here," he mutters, passing you the joint. Hardcase lubricates his mouth as you occupy yourself, smoking at your own pace, and the poor man almost spits water on you when he turns to see you exhaling, the cloud of smoke slowly trickling from your lips.
"What?" you question.
"N-Nothing," Hardcase coughs, attempting to clear his throat. "Went down the wrong way," he explains, and you pretend to understand his response. Your Jedi senses picked up the overwhelming attraction Hardcase felt when he locked his sights onto you smoking; you understand the attraction to the act of smoking, but never have you considered that somebody could feel such a way towards you.
That knowledge settles in the back of your mind, ready to be picked up on later on, hopefully when you've attained more confidence and relaxed even more. "Your turn," you state as you pass the joint back, your fingertips brushing against Hardcase's as he takes it from you.
Minutes pass as you two continue sharing the single joint, eventually being stubbed out in your ashtray. "How're you feeling?" Hardcase questions as he relaxes back on your couch, finding comfort in your variety of pillows.
"Good," you confirm with a nod. "I completely forgot to ask him what strain of weed this is," you sigh, coming to terms with the fact that you're going into this high blind.
Hardcase picks up the bag of weed on your coffee table, and looks it over before laughing to himself. You raise a brow, and he explains, "I don't know why I'm looking it over. It's not like I can tell."
You chuckle with him, already beginning to feel the swift effects of the mystery strain. Your hand runs through your hair, sweeping a few strands back off your face, and when you look up from the floor, your eyes instantly feel heavy. "Kriff," you curse.
"Good stuff?" Hardcase questions with a light laugh, melting into your couch. You turn to gaze at him, instantly noticing his lopsided smile; a deep red colour appears on his cheeks, and you dread to think what thoughts must be running through his mind if he's blushing at you.
"Yeah, good stuff," you confirm with a nod. Shuffling back onto the couch more, you get comfortable, tucking your legs against the pillows.
"You wanna stretch your legs out?" Hardcase questions, patting his toned thighs, maybe a little too eagerly.
You nod, and prop your legs up on Hardcase's lap, who instantly rests his forearms on top of them. He hands begin playing with the fabric of your pants, fiddling mindlessly, trailing his calloused fingertips up and down your shins. You chuckle at the image, seeing some of yourself in him; Hardcase overhears your laughter, and raises as a brow as he smiles and asks, "what?"
"You're a fidgeter too, huh?" you state.
Hardcase grins as he shakes his head, looking like a happy puppy. "Yeah," he confirms. "I've been told that back on Kamino, my growth chamber leaked. That's why I can never sit still," he shrugs, and adds, "not that I mind."
"I like that," you smile. "I love seeing how different all you clones are. Makes me forget that you're actually clones."
"Yeah, me too," Hardcase sighs. He looks away for a brief moment, silently reminding himself about the situation that he's currently in. As of right now, he's content and calm, enjoying a joint with a Jedi - an odd scenario, but Hardcase is fond of oddities. However, come tomorrow, he'll be back on the field, wiping out clankers with his chaingun; at least he can enjoy this moment before it passes.
"Fancy another?" Hardcase questions as he turns back to you, and smirks as he adds, "if you can handle it."
"Of course, I can handle it. You don't have to baby me," you scoff. "Maybe I should baby you instead, seeing as you're almost falling asleep on my couch," gesturing to Hardcase's extremely cosy state.
"No, I'm not," Hardcase scoffs in return, sitting upright instantly. "Your couch is comfortable," he innocently shrugs, and begins rolling another joint once you've moved your legs off his lap. "And how would you baby me, huh?"
A large, bright, and interesting lightbulb lights up in your mind; you've wanted to break the thick, tense ice between you two for so long, but given the circumstances, you've never been able to. Now is your chance!
"I'll show you how to properly smoke," you flirtatiously smirk.
Hardcase raises a brow as he meets your gaze, and he rolls his eyes at your remark. "I know how to smoke, sweetheart," he sighs, the pet name escaping without him realising. "But go on, let's see what you've got."
"Alright," you nod.
Hardcase rushes to roll the second joint, soon revealing a slightly crinkled joint, but that doesn't make it not smokeable. Rather than lighting it, he passes it to you instead, and watched curiously as you begin sparking up, puffing on the end to get the good stuff flowing. You eventually begin exhaling thick clouds of smoke, blowing them from your vision.
"Ready?" you question, and Hardcase eagerly nods, attempting to bite back on his laughter. He's so smug, certain that there's no way you can smoke better than him, and his smug expression remains as you intake an average amount.
Holding the smoke between your closed lips, you shuffle closer to Hardcase, pressing your thighs together, your shoulders tapping against each other before Hardcase turns his upper body to peer down at you. Your eyes meet his, and since your mouth is occupied and unable to instruct him, you resort to moving him into position.
You lightly grab his chin, and Hardcase follows your movement as you bring his lips towards yours. Your thumb brushes over his bottom lip, and Hardcase understands what you're signalling for. His lips part slightly, just enough for you to press your lips against his and blow the smoke into his mouth.
Hardcase shudders, and takes his time moving away from your lips to eventually blow out his share of the smoke. A sigh follows behind his exhale, and when he finally turns back to look at you, his eyes are half-lidded, but open enough to show his wide, lustful pupils, decorated by his amber irises.
"Good?" you simply question.
A cheeky grin covers Hardcase's lips as he nods eagerly, but it slips away as fast as it appeared, and he pouts as he replies. "I don't think I got much smoke, you'll have to try again."
You giggle, and Hardcase joins in, almost patting himself on the back for his boldly flirtatious comment. "Alright," you agree. The joint is pressed to your lips again, and you inhale heavily, holding the smoke in your mouth as you signal for Hardcase to get into position. He's cheekily grinning as he parts his lips, pressing them lightly to yours, and his eyes flutter shut as you begin blowing smoke into his mouth.
Hardcase can't help but swiftly kiss you before pulling away, turning his head in the other direction to exhale the smoke. He's grinning again as he turns back to you, his tattoos slowly turning purple as his cheeks begin turning up. "My turn," he chuckles, and takes the joint from your grasp.
Hardcase repeats your fluid movements, and he's now plucked up the courage to hold your jawline in the palm of his hand as he dips his head down to kiss you. This is definitely a kiss with smoke trailing between your lips; you don't even bother inhaling, watching through slowly-shutting eyes as the smoke disappears between kisses, fanning out into the room.
The smoke soon leaves, and you're still locking lips with Hardcase, feeling the faint, light stubble of his facial hair on your upper lip. His soft kisses quickly become firmer, desperate, hungry, and the hand that was once on your jaw slides up to entwine in your hair. You're not sure if Hardcase is a naturally good kisser, or if the weed in your system is making you more sensitive than usual, a burn forming between your thighs as the kiss deepens once more.
Boldly, you break the kiss and pluck the joint from between Hardcase's fingers, stubbing it out in your ashtray. He watches through half-lidded eyes as you straddle him, your knees resting on either side of his hips, introducing your crotch to his growing erection. He's still smirking, and his smile remains as he pulls you down to kiss him once more, this time with added mewls and moans, escaping whenever your lips slightly part.
"Hardcase?" you call out between kisses, and Hardcase lets out a softly grunted, "huh?" when you call his name.
"I wanna know something," you continue, your tone of voice thick with lust.
"Oh yeah? What?" Hardcase raises a brow, breaking the kiss so he can gaze up at you with his slightly red eyes.
"Do your tattoos cover all of your body?" you question, and instantly, Hardcase begins chuckling at your words.
"Why don't you find out for yourself, sweetheart?" he invites you in. You lick your lips as your hands move from his shoulders, finding the buttons on his shirt, and at an agonizingly slow pace, you begin unfastening each of them. Hardcase almost rips the shirt off once it's finally unfastened, discarding it on the other side of your couch, revealing his delicious form.
Hardcase is a meal of a man, toned from years of work and fighting. His tanned skin looks lush, contrasting against his blue tattoos that continue over his chest and arms, disappearing into the waistband of his pants. Your hands begin trailing over each line, admiring the flawless line work; they hook around the waistband of his pants, and your eyes meet Hardcase's as you continue talking.
"Can I take these off?" you question.
Hardcase playfully tuts as his hands find your waist, kneading at the fabric of your shirt. "Not until this comes off. Fair's fair, right?"
"Of course," you agree with a nod. This time, Hardcase is the one gawking over his form once your top comes off; his hands follow the flow of your body, every dip and crevice, every curve and bump. Just when he thinks this day couldn't get any better, you smile as you reach your hands behind your back, unclasping your bra and letting it slip down over your shoulders.
Hardcase's face literally lights up, grinning playfully as he moves his hands up to cup your breasts. "Mesh'laaaa," he slurs his words, followed by mumbling a series of phrases in Mando'a, and you can only assume that from his given expression, they're all words of affection. Hardcase, whilst still smiling, dips his head down to latch his mouth onto a nipple, flicking his tongue over the bud and sucking gently. He kisses along your chest when switching between each nipple, and rolls his hips as a way of encouraging you to get closer.
Slowly and softly, you begin rutting your hips, grinding down against his growing erection. Hardcase begins letting out the softest of moans, sucking on your nipples more firmly, his hands tightening their grip around your waist. "Karking hell," Hardcase grunts, moving his lips from your breasts to look up at you. "These have got to come off, please?" he both asks and suggests.
You swiftly nod, shuffling off Hardcase's lap. You undo your pants, shimmying them down to your ankles, and step out of them, leaving you almost bare. Hardcase goes to reach out, to grab you once again, but you tut and offer him your hand instead. "Are you coming?" you offer, and Hardcase swiftly grabs your hand before you can even finish your question.
You begin leading him towards your bedroom, your hand slipping from his as Hardcase shuffles out of his pants. He almost trips over his pants legs as he kicks them off, leaving them in a jumbled pile on the floor. His tattoos do continue even lower, partially hidden under his boxers, but you'll soon see for yourself.
You sit on the edge of the bed, offering your hand out once more to drag Hardcase on with you, but he rejects your offer. Whilst shaking his head, Hardcase settles onto his knees, his hands finding your thighs as he hungrily spreads them apart. Oh. He groans at the sight of your spread legs, despite still having panties on; you're uncertain if it's the weed effects taking place, or if Hardcase really is working this fast, but he rushes to kiss down both of your thighs, stopping just before your cunt and moving cheekily onto the other one. He's teasing you, but it's clear that his patience is running thin.
Hardcase groans as he finally licks a firm stripe over your clothed cunt, faintly tasting your slick through the thin fabric. He repeats the motion a few more times, teasing himself more than you, and swiftly decides that he needs your underwear off. Now. They're quickly removed, tossed onto the floor that he's settled on, and once again, Hardcase is the one groaning as he finally begins lapping at your folds.
Everything feels so rushed, your head spinning ever so slightly as you lie back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling between your fluttering lashes. Hardcase is a messy eater, unfazed by the sounds of wetness and slurping, lapping at your cunt like a starving man. He flicks between a series of motions, but always ensures that when he sucks your clit, he does it hard, chuckling to himself as you begin squirming on the bed from his actions.
"So karking good," Hardcase mumbles against you. "I can't believe I've finally got my head between your thighs," he groans, and slips his tongue into your entrance, tongue-fucking you a few times before deciding that you deserve something firmer to fill you up. You're unbelievably soaked, more than slick enough to fit two of Hardcase's thick fingers, pushing them slowly until he reaches his knuckles.
With his lips around your clit, Hardcase begins pumping his fingers, curling them to ensure that they brush against your g-spot with every thrust. You don't even realise that he's shaking at first, until you prop yourself up onto your elbows to notice that his other hand is moving rapidly. Hardcase has managed to free his cock, pumping it in time with his thrusting fingers.
His cock is gorgeous, girthy with a blue stripe running down the middle. Hardcase notices you staring and raises a playful brow, only for his expression to turn into concern as you smirk maliciously. Without saying a word, you raise your hand, and use your special abilities to begin jerking Hardcase's cock for him. He's forced to move his lips off your cunt, letting out a heavy groan as you begin jerking his cock.
"Karking hell!" Hardcase yelps, moaning hungrily as you pump his length. "I always forget you have those abilities," he chuckles, and returns to eating your pussy. Despite being occupied, his own words sink into his mind even deeper - you're a Jedi. He's hooking up with a Jedi. Hardcase is the lucky Clone who gets to enjoy seeing what else you can do with your Jedi powers. Kriff.
You sense the realisation from Hardcase, his thoughts barely clouded from the smoke that's still lingering in his system. You've become swiftly adjusted to the sensation of being high, but now that those thoughts are present, you realise how utterly blazed you are. Your head is, thankfully, no longer spinning, but your eyes are half-lidded, and you're almost constantly grinning, giving away your dazed state. Hardcase is the same, finally relaxing as smugness takes over, proud of himself for achieving such an unimaginable goal.
"Ughh," Hardcase grumbles against your folds. "Taste so good, you feel so good around my cock too! Well, I mean your... uh, the force feels good?" Hardcase stutters, raising a brow as he attempts to explain the new sensations washing over him.
"Why don't you come up here, and find out how good I feel around your cock?" you flirt.
Hardcase grins, scrambling up to his feet. He shuffles up onto the bed, toned arms resting on either side of your head, pinning you beneath him. Your juices are all over his chin, his blue tattoos glistening whenever the street lights through your bedroom window hit his face at the right angle. With a laugh, you clean him up, and the second you're done, he dips his head down to crash his lips against yours.
Your hands trail over his shoulders, admiring how toned and defined he is. Hardcase is softly mewling between kisses, expressing his hunger and desperation for you. He begins grinding his solid length against your folds, slicking himself up, but teasing himself more than he's teasing you. Either he's naturally sensitive, or the weed has cranked his sensitivity levels up tenfold.
Hardcase begins angling his hips, attempting to catch your pussy at the right angle and push his cock in; he breaks the kiss in order to concentrate, refusing to give up on his desires. Eventually, Hardcase manages, and lets out a heavy moan as he finally pushes himself into your tight cunt.
"Heh, no hands," Hardcase chuckles once he's fully sheathed. He holds himself there, and you're uncertain if it's because he's letting you adjust to his size, or because he needs a moment to collect himself. Both, possibly? Given his calming expression.
You swiftly grow impatient, and lock onto his gaze as you groan, "Hardcase, move."
"Yes, General," Hardcase cheekily replies, and you roll your eyes at his audacity.
But that playfully frustrated expression on your face is quickly wiped away, your brows turning upwards, and your mouth parting as Hardcase begins thrusting himself deep into you. He's girthy, stretching your walls with every thrust, filling you up with no room to spare. Hardcase seems to be moaning than you are, possibly, it's hard to tell, given your stoned state, and the fact that you're moaning just as loud.
Hardcase's thrusts are delicious, firm and fast, slowly bruising your inner thighs; you wrap your legs around his waist, ankles crossing over, and lightly grind your heel into his lower back as a way of spurring him on. Hardcase chuckles, and comments, "needy thing," before following your order and slamming into you even harder.
You're moaning way too loud, certain that you'll receive a noise complaint tomorrow. Whatever. You remind yourself that you don't care, that you need this, that you've been pining after this Clone for way too long. He's not letting you down, he never has, despite not being in your ranks. No doubt, you'll spend the next few days walking funny, receiving concerned expressions from Jedi and Clones alike; it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together, since Hardcase will definitely be walking with a limp.
Hardcase dips his head down, leaving purple marks along your collarbone. He's muttering between kisses, barely audible through his heavy breaths as he continues slamming into you. "C-Can't believe we're doing this," he grunts. "Been after you for so long, so kriffing long. You have no idea!"
You let out a soft laugh, "you don't exactly keep your feelings hidden."
Hardcase's cock comes to a halt, twitching deep inside you. He props himself up on his forearms, peering down at you as he asks, "you knew?"
"Everybody knows," you chuckle. You pull his head down for a kiss, reassuring him that the feelings are mutual. "Wouldn't be here if I didn't feel the same," you mutter against his lips.
Hardcase breaks the kiss, raising a brow as he jokingly replies, "you wouldn't be here? But this is your apartment-"
His words are cut off as you let out a laugh, and Hardcase laughs along with you, soon returning his lips to yours. He has you pinned perfectly to the bed, his hips rolling ever so slightly as he introduces his tongue to yours, swallowing down your moans whenever the kiss briefly breaks.
As Hardcase pulls away from the kiss, he slips his cock from your slickness, and lets out a grunt as he pushes himself up onto his knees. He eagerly pats the bed as he orders, "on your hands and knees, sweetheart."
Whilst smirking at him, you shuffle into the new position, peering over your shoulder once ready. Hardcase licks his lips at the sight, his large hands kneading as your ass, enjoying everything you have to offer. He spends a few moments simply playing with your ass, one hand moving from the mound of flesh to run his thumb over your folds, finding your clit and grinding over it.
"Hardcase," you mutter.
"I know, I know," he chuckles as he moves his hands away, lining himself up. "Hard not to do that, you just look so good," he grunts, and finally begins pushing into you again.
A firm pair of hands find your hips, wrapping around them, holding you tightly. Hardcase jumps back into his rushed pace, eager to feel your walls fluttering around his cock once more. His whines and moans start up again, matching your own, the sound of skin against skin echoes around the room.
Hardcase begins muttering sweet praise, "sweet girl, my perfect girl, so karking tight around me-" he lets out a grunt. "Kriff, I'm not gonna last long, babe," Hardcase informs you.
You reach down between your thighs, fingertips about to touch your clit, but Hardcase chuckles as he redirects your hands. "Here, let me," he says with a smile. Hardcase wraps his large palm around both of your wrists, pinning them behind your back, your head dropping onto the duvet. His other hand slips beneath you, firm fingertips begin rubbing eagerly at your clit.
Needless to say, Hardcase has a lot on his plate, and his thrusts become somewhat sloppy, but more than enough to get you off. "Come on, girl, cum on this cock," Hardcase instructs through gritted teeth. His cock begins twitching inside you, an orgasm sitting on the edge, but like the gentleman that he is, he waits for you to hit peak first.
You cry out his name, part of your words muffled from your face being smothered against the duvet. Your orgasm finally hits, your walls clenching tightly around Hardcase's thick length. He grunts, and swiftly removes his hands from you, rushing to pull out his length. His release lands on your back, grunting and sighing heavily as he paints you white.
"Kriff, oh, babe," Hardcase sighs, jerking his length slowly to push his final drops of cum onto your bare body. "Wait here," he mutters, and rushes to climb off the bed. Hardcase almost trips over his own feet, his legs turning into jelly in his post-orgasm phase, along with whatever weed is still pumping throughout his body.
Hardcase returns moments later with a damp towel, and cleans you up whilst humming playfully. He lands a light slap on your rear as he announces, "done!"
You roll onto your back, star fishing on your bed; your chest is rising and falling heavily, matching Hardcase's deep breaths, who joins you on the bed after tidying himself up. He's slightly sweaty from his workout, but still wears that usual cheeky grip as he props himself up on his elbow, lying on his side, looking down at you.
"Did you have fun?" Hardcase asks, the audacity.
You roll your eyes, laughing lightly as your hand moves up to wrap around his neck. "Come here, you," you flirt, and pull him down into a tender kiss, reassuring him that you definitely had fun.
Hardcase's hand finds your waist, fingertips running along your skin whilst he shares a tender moment with you. The kiss isn't rushed and heated like earlier, but soft and loving, warming your chest, and sending shivers along your skin. As it breaks, Hardcase flashes you a grin, then kisses the tip of your nose before falling back on your pillows.
"C'mere," he mutters, waving his hand. You follow his lead, settling in the curve of his neck, sprawling yourself over him whilst still regaining your breath. There's silence for a while, a welcoming silence, shared between two people who have finally broken the ice. Hardcase eventually fills up the silence as he asks, "you'll let me take you out for dinner some time, won't you?"
You move your head off his chest, peering up to see his warm brown pleading eyes, his bottom lip slightly sticking out. "Yeah, of course, I will," you agree with a sweet smile.
Hardcase hums happily as he places a tender kiss on your forehead, his hand moving up to direct your head back onto his chest. Neither of you say anything after that, content with the silence that once again fills the room, later complimented by light snores as you both drift off to sleep.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 3 years
Newcomer: Chapter 2
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x fem!Reader
Words: 2.3k 
Summary: The Outer Banks was a place you’d only heard of until recently. The unfolding changes in your life had led you to this very moment, and it appears you still have much to learn... 
Warnings: swearing, (***) minor time jumps 
A/N - sorry for the delay, had a huge assignment due and work <3 I know this is a slow ass start to the series, but trust I’m trying to build momentum LMAO 
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It had been just over a week, and seemingly still trying to settle in. Majority of your belongings, clothes and other sentiments have now been unpacked and neatly placed away in their new space, although you felt the hardest part wasn’t over just yet. Yourself, Caleb and Anya still struggled to find your way around town, mostly succumbing to the help of Topper, who despite initially being ever so welcoming, had grown slightly agitated from the coercion of having to always help. He’d be dragged out of whatever event or plans he had made, just to help out, especially during the grueling days of the unpacking stages of moving. Not to mention the not so discrete argument you’d overheard, just a few days ago, that he had with his mother, complaining about not being able to enjoy his own summer break. 
You couldn’t deny that your presence did somewhat impede on his break, therefore, the guilt was there. You knew you’d have to start taking on some accountability, with or without Topper’s help. 
“Y/N, can we just run to the store real quick, I need to grab a few things and you know how hopeless I am with directions…Please, come with, or else I’ll have to get Topper and we both know how much he loves-”
“Yeah, yeah-”
With a reluctant sigh, you tagged the page you’d just turned over in your book and propped yourself off the bed, adjusting your midi skirt before nodding in agreement. 
One of the most convenient things about the Outer Banks was that nearly everything was within walking distance. It gave you a chance to explore the scenic landscape and water front, and perhaps even chat with a few of the locals you hadn’t yet properly met. 
“So, how are things looking with that JJ guy? He seems pretty cute,” You intrigued, nudging your sister’s shoulder into conversation. 
“Yeah he’s great actually, he's a really funny guy. He, uhm, he wants to meet but-” 
“But what, Anya? That’s exciting! We sure could do with someone else’s company that isn’t Topper.” 
“Yeah, I know but, I, well we, don’t really know him that well. Who’s to say he isn’t some sociopath, Y/N.”
“I highly doubt anyone around here is a psychopath, Anya. Look around, this is a place people come around to relax or retire.”
“Don’t speak too soon, Y/N…”
For some odd reason, you hesitated in a response. Anya was right, you had no familiarity with the people of Outer Banks, although it just seemed like an outrageous place for crime. Ever since arriving, you felt some unexplainable ease here. 
“But I mean yeah sure. I’ll probably meet up with JJ some time… In public though, and you need to promise me that you’ll be on the lookout. Not like you’re busy with any plans at the moment, huh,” Anya remarks, as you appeasingly roll your eyes: God she could be so paranoid. 
“Yeah, yeah. I promise. Think we turn right up ahead-”
Continuing right on the pathway, you could just faintly decipher the movement of people bustling in and out of the stores, and with that a wave of relief settled over you. Seemed like you knew your way around after all, having doubts along each turn of the walk.  
“Make this quick, Anya, the sun’s starting to set, okay.”
“Whatever, Mum!” Anya quips, before rushing off into the convenience store, leaving your lonesome self outside waiting. 
You watched the crowd across the street at the diner, enjoying their dinner, as you observed the locals in action, contemplating who was who, as you heard Evelyn exchange many names with your father over endless dinner conversations. 
One name that stuck by you was “Cameron.” 
Evelyn mentioned it countless of times, although you’d simply assumed they were one of the many well-known families that had established themselves in town. There wasn’t much else you knew, or wanted to know. You hardly met anyone else outside of the house, nor were you in any rush to. 
Instantly snapping from your extensive thoughts, the familiar voice dragged you back to reality, as you turned your sight to its direction. 
“It’s Y/N, right? Anya’s sister! It’s me, JJ, the waiter-”
“Yeah, of course, I remember you-”
As formal and proper as your manners from childhood were, just as you’d gone in for a handshake, JJ wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in warmly for a friendly embrace, before letting you go. 
It had caught you off-guard, although not at all in a distasteful way. 
“How are you? How’s Anya?” He asked, folding his arms as he leant against the wooden post of the front deck. 
“Yeah we’re good! I’m sure Anya’s kept you posted, we’ve pretty much moved in now. How about you? I haven't seen you around.” 
“Yeah, I’ve been pretty good! Oh that’s great to hear, that would mean you guys are free to come to the Boneyard tonight!” 
“The what?”
“The Boneyard? Where we have this party with a kegger, Topper didn’t tell you?” 
By the puzzled expression reeked across your face, JJ knew to take that as an immediate no, not questioning it any further. 
“Well if you’d like, I could meet with you guys later and escort you there myself. There’s a few friends of mine I’d like to introduce you guys to.” 
“Yeah, sure. That would be lovely, JJ-” 
And as perfect as the timing could get, Anya returned from her little store run, stunned by JJ’s unexpected presence. 
“Anya- I was just telling Y/N, I’d love to take you guys out tonight to the Boneyard, I was going to text you about it before, but something with my Dad-” 
“That’s fine, but we just don’t know where exactly the Boneyard is.”
“That’s okay, JJ’s got us covered,” You exclaimed, before exchanging a friendly wink to JJ who just managed to catch it.
“You texted JJ our address right?” You persisted, growing anxious by the thought that perhaps JJ might’ve forgotten about you two. 
“Yes, for the last time Y/N could you just relax. He should be here any minute now!” 
And just on cue, in the close distance, the roaring sound of an old engine with dull headlights belonging to one of those old, retro “hippie” vans had pulled up through your drive-way. JJ’s head popped out excitedly by the window, waving for you guys to join, and immediately you both walked over. 
It was difficult to convince your father of going out tonight, in fact, he’d been pestering you both to get out and mingle. As soon as you’d both approached him with the idea of heading out to some party, he leaped with relief, and encouraged you both to take up the offer. He was easy going like that, trusted you both knowing how well he’d raised you both. Of course, he covered some basic ground-rules: no drinking, no drugs, no smoking. 
By the time you’d both arrived to the van, you could just make out the silhouettes of some figures inside the van through the grimey windows. JJ was out of the van, as the courteous man that he was, pulling the side door right open. 
“John B-” Pointing to the boy on the driver’s seat, who gave you a friendly wave, made himself known. 
“Kie-” A lovely, young girl, exchanged a gracious smile and nod to both Anya and yourself, before JJ finally introduced “And this is Pope-”, a young, pleasant man sat beside Kie. 
“Guys this is Anya, and her older sister Y/N. They just moved here like a week ago.” 
“Nice to meet you all, thanks for letting us join you guys tonight-” You warmly proclaimed, before gesturing Anya into the van with you following her behind. 
As JJ was carefully closing the door behind you, John B mentioned how JJ spoke of you two, confessing you to be the “mystery newcomers” before kindly welcoming you to the Outer Banks. 
You felt Kie’s over gaze fall between yourself and Anya, and felt somewhat intimidated, although it there was no threatening intent to it, however more of a protective sentiment. 
“So you guys are Kooks, huh?” Kie blatantly questioned, before Pope nudged his elbow into her, as though to signal her to stop whatever interrogation she had planned. 
“Sorry, what?”- Anya questioned in response, frowning as she looked around the van, back to you.
“Kie, stop. They don’t know about any of that stuff. Just drop it, okay!” JJ insisted, as he ran his fingers through his blonde locks, almost in frustration. 
“We really have no idea what this whole Pogue-Kook business is, but perhaps you could enlighten us one day, Kie-” You suggested, as amiable as possible, not wanting to already cross the line with the few locals you’d just met. 
“I sure will, I just can’t believe you guys live with Topper. He’s such an-”
“Ass?-” Anya intervened, finishing off Kie’s sentence precisely the way she intended, making Kie smile in agreement. 
“Yeah, I don’t think he likes us very much,” Anya confessed, and as much as you hated “gossiping”, you couldn’t deny this one. 
“Well Kie, you’re on to talk… What about your Kook year?” John B laughingly mocked, as Kie infuriatingly shoved his shoulder. 
“S-So what exactly is the difference between a Pogue and a Kook?” You intriguingly questioned, shifting your gaze from Kie to Pope. 
“Well, to put it short, Pogues live on the Cut, which I assume Topper would rather die than enter. Whereas yourselves and our Kie here, live on Figure 8,” Pope answered.
“So it’s just a social class thing?” You quipped, being reminded again of how very unprogressive things were around the Outer Banks. 
“Exactly!-” Kie shouted, a hint of relief, as though finally finding someone who’d shared mutual understanding with her cause. 
“I mean there’s more to it-” JJ added.
“But it’s best if you guys don’t get as involved, your only just new here-” He calmly reassured.
“Just keep an eye out for the Kooks, they usually come to these sort of events anyways for the booze they can’t afford-” Kie ridiculed. 
“Yeah, especially Rafe-” Pope uttered, his tone reeking of bitterness to the name. 
“Wait-Who exactly is that? The name just sounds familiar-” You brush off, not wanting to vex Pope any further. 
“Good God, he’s the worst of the worst-” Pope scorned. 
“An asshole-” Kie provoked. 
“He’s the older brother of Sarah Cameron, I’m sure you’ve met her. She’s Topper’s girlfriend,” John B confessed.
“HA! Topper has a girlfriend, since when?!” Anya broke out mockingly laughing: as Kie and JJ chuckled to her comedic outburst. 
“He must be that bad, huh?” You uttered, as the rest began to settle themselves. 
“He’s a terrible person, Y/N. If I was you guys, I’d avoid him at all costs,-” Pope insisted, although by the seriousness of his voice, it seemed more of a warning than anything. 
The Boneyard was a secluded location of the island, where the ashy white trunks of dead logs were arranged in a way to accompany large crowds, and rowdy parties far from the complaints of the adults. As you’d all arrived, kegs ready at the hand, the party had already commenced, as people from which John B described had consisted of Pogues, Kook and tourists. Regardless, all strangers to you. 
As you finally eased yourself into that party mood, you found yourself enjoying the company of the Pogues, they were quite the friendly bunch. And it seemed ANya was letting loose as well, no thanks to her new-found companions: it always seemed like an impossible mission for Anya to enjoy herself, although witnessing her from the standpoint of a bystander, you felt comforted. 
“I’m just going to go grab myself a drink-” You assured John B, as he nodded in agreement. 
As you crammed yourself through the crowd, you felt a tight grip pulling on your elbow, making you topple in the direction of whomever it was that grabbed you. 
“Topper, what the fuck?”
“How the hell did you get here, let alone find out about this?” He exclaimed, by the faint smell of the beer oozing with each breath, you could tell he was slowly becoming intoxicated.
“No thanks to you-” You snapped, before jolting your arm out of his strained grip. 
“Seriously, Y/N. Does your Dad even know you’re here?”
Before you could even respond, some sort of internal sixth sense, felt an intense pair of eyes on you. As you shifted your gaze, to a bunch of people standing behind Topper, you’d immediately recognised his face. 
For some odd reason you felt a shiver crawl down your spine, as though in fright of seeing some ghostly figure. His intense, blue eyes just fixated on you and only you, as he took sips of his drink, with one hand snugged away in a front pocket. It seemed he was in conversation with a bunch of other guys, all dressed quite similarly to one another in their polo shirts and summer shorts, and yet he was not at all engaged... Only to you.  
“Earth to Y/N!” Topper loudly interjected, stirring you to snap back, as you fixed your view on him. 
“Y-Yes, yes he does. Now could you just let me be?” 
And before you knew it, you instinctively stormed off, before Topper had the chance to drunkenly question you any longer. As you disappeared into the crowd, heading for the kegger, your mind persisted in contemplation. 
That was Rafe, surely. You vividly remembered the whole, minor incident during your first encounter with him. 
After what the Pogues had confessed about him, and by his looming nature, you’d never felt so unnerved by someone, you’d in fact, never even met.
But why?
TAGLIST - @juliep7654 @foggybanditgardenprune​
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tiriansjewel · 3 years
Another day in the jatp fandom, another controversy. As a preface, this post is really just going to be me saying: everyone needs to fucking relax. I’m tired of people calling other people out using weighty terms for no reason, I’m tired of people harassing others over something as trivial as an actor’s view on social issues, and I’m just tired of people not staying in their own circles. That’s basically a TL;DR for you all.
So, about this blocklist. Let’s get into it, shall we?
First, my main issue with this list (and I think a lot of other people’s) is use of the words “pedophilic tendencies”. I cannot understate how harmful it is to draw a false equivalence between real, actual pedophiles and smut writers on the internet. We must remember: these are fictional characters who happen to be teenagers, not real children who can be victimized. Calling adult smut writers pedophilic trivializes actual pedophilia, child porn, and CSA. When terms are watered down like this, the term begins to lose meaning. It is okay if smut written by adults about teenagers makes you uncomfortable, but it does not make the authors themselves pedophiles. Not even close.
Second, minors write smut just like adults do. The weirdest thing about this post is the fact that other minors were knowingly included on the blocklist (ie, “most writers are adults” according to the post) which suggests that the issue is with smut itself and not with who’s writing it. As I’ve said before, it is perfectly okay if you want to avoid nsfw content (which is why we have tags, by the way), but making a blocklist based solely on explicit content where you use the word pedophilia is really “not the move”, so to speak. Here’s the thing. I’m seventeen years old, which makes me a minor. I’ve written smut for this fandom, I am writing smut currently, and I will continue to write it. To suggest that smut in and of itself is bad is strange to me. Guess what? People have sex. Teenagers have sex. It’s a part of life, and it will be included in stories about people’s lives. And in comparison to other forms of explicit content like pornography, smut is a great way for young teens who are growing into their bodies to explore and learn about sex and sexuality outside of reality in a safe, contained space.
Third, there is a very big difference between adults writing about teenagers who happen to be having sex and adults sexualizing kids through writing. I’ve been around the block a few times in explicit tags, and at least I find I can always tell the difference between these two types of content. I’d also like to say that these adults (many of whom are still in their 20s, btw) were teenagers once and grew into their sexuality just like everyone else; it’s not like they’ve been separated from the experience! As a smut writer myself, rarely do I find myself personally thinking “this is hot”. I’m writing from the perspective of a character who thinks it’s hot! There is nuance and character development and thought to writing smut, yes, even pwp fics. In this section I would also like to address the fact that several of the people on this list are my friends and mutuals in this fandom. They are all lovely people who have their own reasons for writing what they write and their reason is never “ah yes I feel like sexualizing children today”. It is very shitty to make assumptions about people you don’t know and say they have pedophilic tendencies. That’s a weighty and unfounded accusation. And no, as a minor, I have never felt uncomfortable around any of them.
Fourth, many of these writers have written wonderful non-explicit fics as well! It’s a shame to write these authors off entirely because they’ve written smut. You don’t like sex scenes? Great! Exclude E and M ratings when you browse ao3. Also, some of these adult authors write fic where they age the characters up, probably because it’s closer to their own experience and it makes them more comfortable. They are literally doing exactly what you want them to do by not creating content about minors having sex. Also, I’d like to point out that Charlie is 22, Owen is 20, and Jeremy is 24, and the majority of smut is about the boys. I don’t think I should have to explain why it’s okay for other 20 somethings to view them in a sexual context, even if their characters are 17. Regardless, many of the perceived issues with these writers as people and also with their work simply do not exist.
Fifth, the number one rule of fanfiction is don’t like, don’t read. I myself have seen several nsfw fics in the jatp tag that I have cringed at and chosen not to read because of their tags, summaries, pairings, etc. And that’s okay! But never have I sent hate to these authors, called them pedos, or made large callout posts about them. I simply ignore or block the content and go on about my day. I’m not about to “yuck someone’s yum”, as it were, and I’m not going to be the moral police and tell people some type of content is wrong in all circumstances, even if I find it personally disgusting or ethically questionable. People are always going to write whatever they feel compelled to write, and the great thing about the internet is that we all have the space to express ourselves differently. As others have said, fandom is big enough for everyone. Here’s a nice little example. I’ve been in the Narnia fandom for years now. The four main characters are siblings, so there’s a lot of incest fic. I personally dislike incest fic and think it’s morally questionable, and so do many of my mutuals. We have conversations in private spaces where we tell one another who to block to avoid seeing that content, and every time I go in the ao3 tag I filter out those pairings. But never have we made public lists calling out people we didn’t know, and never have we sent derisive comments their way. Everyone must learn to keep to their own circles and curate their own feeds for fandom to be a positive experience. Everyone must learn to listen to other people and accept that everything has nuance. Everyone must be learn to be kind. As my choir teacher says, “there is never an excuse for being rude”. And when controversy must happen, let’s all be respectful, mature, and level headed in our discourse with one another.
In conclusion, this fandom has an issue with telling people what they can and cannot do or create, and that’s wrong. Fandom is supposed to be a free, positive environment. It is our duty to keep it that way. Thank you for your time.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
A Lazy Day with MC and the Brothers
I was just chilling one day and thought about how a lazy day in with our boys might be like… I like hijinks, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes we ought to slow down too, you know?
Check my Masterlist for more!
Warning: Slight NSFW-ish? I dunno how to tag innuendo...
First off, hats off for managing to convince the guy to just do nothing for any length of time. That’s some seriously impressive persuasive powers, MC, you sure you don’t know how to charm?
Lazy Lucifer=Sleepy Lucifer. He spends so many nights up late getting work done then follows it up by getting up early in order to wrangling his brothers. It's honestly like it all catches up with him... He’s sleeping in and he’s sleeping in HARD.
Might text one of his brothers to bring them in a late breakfast at some point (never mind the fact it’s practically dinner). Beel would be the one most likely to agree to it, but he also may just eat whatever he picked up on the way there so hopefully someone else is feeling charitable… Try Asmo.
Honestly, his entire goal is to not leave the bedroom at all. If he leaves, then he runs the risk of people seeing him… wait for it... relaxing. Oh, just imagine the scandal!!
Some classical music, a bit of conversation, and maybe a good book in bed would all sound like heaven to him. They may have to get up to make some tea to go along with it, just remind him that drinking coffee on your recharge days can have the opposite effect. The taste of coffee could always just end up reminding him of work anyway…
The evening can go one of two ways. Calm and peaceful or "stress relieving." If they chose the stress relieving option, best be prepared because he'll have a whole night's worth of stress to let out and he's going to need some help… 😏
He’s going to want to be close to the MC the whole time, they can hold onto him or him onto them, whatever works. It doesn’t matter as long as there’s still some kind of contact happening.
A whole day with just him and the MC? And they don’t even have to be doing anything? Where can he sign up??
Cue a lot of doing nothing in particular with Mammon tangled up on them in some way: hugging their waist while he checks his phone, resting their legs on his lap during a gaming session, wrapping himself around them while they just have casual conversation. That kind of thing.
When they eventually get hungry then he might pop down to the kitchen and make them some instant noodles (I wouldn’t trust much else he tries to make since… well we know he kind of just adds whatever’s around to his food).
He might start getting a little restless part of the way through the day though, so they’re going to have to do something to get that energy out… 🤔
Use your imagination, I know this fandom can.
The reigning Prince of Lazy Days. Everything about Levi screams “goof off/game night buddy” (at least if the MC is a fellow otaku anyway).
He probably didn’t sleep the night before because he was playing/watching something so the morning will go down one of two ways: 1) He just pulls an all-nighter and begins to progressively lose his mind as the day goes on, or 2) He’s dead to the world until 2pm. Only one of those options is entertaining so you know what I'm going with.
Things will go pretty smoothly through the morning. They don’t have to go anywhere because his room has plenty of snacks so they can just chill out and watch anime or play video games.
Buuut stuff will get more dicey as the afternoon rolls around and his sleep deprivation sets in. He’ll start losing a lot of his filter and may ramble for even longer than normal with even less coherency. He’ll also get more um… "bold" than usual.
Or he may just want to cuddle with them while he babbles on about how much he loves them and how warm they are and how much they remind him of Henry, which reminds him have they seen the latest season of “My Life with Seven Demon Brothers Who All Love Me!” yet because the main character there also reminds him of them and-
He’ll pass out eventually, probably latched onto them somehow with his tail around them tenderly. Don’t bring it up to him in the morning because he will unsuccessfully try to deny it ever happened.
Not opposed to the occasional lazy day. It actually does good for his nerves since holding in all that pent-up anger can feel like stuffing an elephant into a tea kettle sometimes...
They’re going to want to get him out of his bedroom or the library if they don’t want to fight for his attention against whatever new book he’s eating through today. When the man gets engrossed then it’s like nothing else matters, the House could split in two and he'll only notice if he suddenly can’t reach his drink anymore...
May actually be advantageous to go outside with him, take a nice stroll around the House while having some interesting conversation. They could poke his brain about anything that suits their fancy while they’re out amongst the trees and nature.
If they don’t want to go outside and rather take their chances with the book then okay but the engrossment problem still applies. He may even forget to eat...
Best way to combat his lack of attention is to be a little brat that’s juuust cute enough not to piss him off. It’s a delicate balance. That means getting real close to him, like sitting on his legs, and just occasionally reminding him of their presence with longing looks while tapping, flicking, or messing with the book from time to time (yes, kind of like an attention-seeking cat).
Play it just right and they’ll get attention on them alright, but he may also be looking to punish his “needy kitty." Hope that’s what they’re aiming for... 🤷‍♀️
Really? They want to do nothing? Nothing at all? Are they sure they don’t want to do him instead...? 😏
A relaxing day with Asmo is more or less like a day spent wrapped up in mutual worship and adoration. The guy wants all of their attention and love but he’ll return it and then some. As long as they treat him like the love of their lives it will honestly be like having their own day spa day in Heaven.
If the MC wants to relax, then he’s just the sort to know how to provide for them both. The only question is how do they want it?
The man can give them a full treatment, I mean, just look at his bathroom alone! A good soak in a hot bath, facial masks, back massages, mani-pedis, just say the word MC and he’s more than willing to bestow whatever their little heart desires. That’s his job, isn’t it?
Asmo may be a party boy, but if it’s a little TLC you need, emphasis on the T, then look no farther MC. He’s the guru.
On the flipside if they’re looking for a little release well… who better to ask than Asmo right? He’ll make sure they’ll never want to leave that bed again. 🤭
As long as snacks are still involved then he’s all in, babe. He’ll do nothing with them all day as long as they keep him fed.
Two words. Couples. Cooking. They can’t skip a meal with Beel so if they’re going to spend lazy time with the dude then they better be planning on being a tag along to the kitchen.
It doesn’t have to be a super strict though, it’s not like they’re not cooking with Barbatos or anything, so they can goof off and make a bit of a mess together. Chances are Beel will eat the ingredients to whatever they’re making anyway so... 😅
A lot of lingering touches and just being close to each other as they go. He might want to hold their waist while they stir or they end up feeding each other in cutesy ways... Really it’s a ridiculously wholesome time.
At one point a food fight may break out and they'll cover themselves in flour, tomato sauce, or some other kind of messy food substance...
Careful, MC. Whatever they get covered in will likely only make them look more delicious to him and he might want to "clean them off".... They'll need to take that out of the kitchen, though, like what if someone needs a snack??
The reigning King of Lazy Days. Take notes, MC, for you are watching the Master at work...
Sleeping in and cuddling is a must. He will not let them leave the bed all morning for anything less than a Category Four Emergency (i.e. “I’m going to starve to death” or “I really gotta go piss”). He will pin them under his sleeping body if he has to!
Once they’ve thoroughly missed breakfast and half past noon rolls around he might call in takeout from Hell’s Kitchen for them to eat in the attic room. Expect some cheeky conversation, probably jokes at the expense of his brothers. Cuddling is still absolutely happening, of course, they cannot shake him off.
May borrow an anime from Levi to watch while they snuggle on the couch. He has all the best blankets in the House so they will be neither cold nor uncomfortable throughout.
His hands get a little grabby during these kinds of cuddle sessions, especially during tense moments in the show because he likes to give them a little jolt to make them yelp, the jerk... 😖
If he manages to not drift off during the show (flip a coin on that chance) the night will end in the planetarium, backs on a pile of blankets while they draw pictures in the stars… All hail the King. 😏
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
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Okay. I wasn’t gonna bite and feed into this ridiculous behavior but clearly you’re missing my point.
And I deleted my previous response because it was pretty bitchy and I feel it was overkill, but I don’t feel that what I’m about to say is gonna be any better tbh.
You sound really immature first off. Your expectations of me, someone you don’t know, are a bit outlandish, and you’re just assuming that I have the same relationship with the internet that you do. I don’t btw, and I can tell just based off this interaction.
Listen, I know you think you’re being reasonable—but you’re not.
You are asking and expecting that I:
Background check every internet person I either directly or indirectly interact with, on here, and on other platforms??? Many of which I do NOT use
Just take your word for it without any visual evidence for me to go off of—which I won’t do because I’ve had untrue things said about ME to other mutuals on here, and I’m glad they took it with a grain of salt
OR alternatively if you were to give me a Twitter handle—you’re expecting me to go put in the work myself and do the investigating
But I have a better idea: why don’t YOU compile these concerns and show me privately? To avoid this whole mess?
Also—don’t twist things. “You wouldn’t believe this and that because its Twitter”. That isn’t what I said. I said—I do not use Twitter, so why would I know? WHY WOULD I KNOW? Please tell me. I never said I don’t believe it—but again you will not convince me by just sending an anonymous message. You have to do better than that. Show me this person is fully knowledgeable of the accounts they’re endorsing—show me the horrible things people are doing before expecting me to engage in cancel culture.
Let me tell you what really pissed me off about your first message:
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You’re asking as if I’m supposed to know already. THAT is fucking ridiculous and that is what really spurred me into insufferable bitch mode.
I’m gonna ask you one more time: Do you really expect everyone online to thoroughly stalk and investigate every account they interact with?
I can tell you right now if I were to go through the tags for a fandom, I might come across a gorgeous piece of art and reblog it, not knowing that the particular account is associated with all kinds of weird shit. It could happen. It does happen. It HAS happened.
No, I’m not responsible for background checking every account that I think has decent posts. And you deeming my level of righteousness based off of whether or not I do that is laughable.
No, just because I reblog or someone reblogs from me does it mean that I’m super chill with everything they do online. But I’m gonna reiterate—I don’t know what everybody on here does. Of the people I follow on this website, I personally know 5 of them in real life, and a couple I’ve spoken to enough privately to get to know them enough to consider friends. The rest are all literal strangers.
I’m not telling you I like those things being accused, I’m not telling you I don’t straight up believe you and will ignore the issue if there is one, but you have failed to do your part.
You are not helping anything by sending anonymous messages. You think you are, but you’re not. Maybe take it up with that person themselves. That’s the mature thing to do. And more effective. Not coming to me about it.
I’m gonna tell you this one more time: I go off of what I see on tumblr. If someone is a freak outside of this website, I won’t ever know. And you thinking that I’m responsible for being in the know of that is absurd.
I know it may not seem like it, because I never shut up on here, but I DO have other things to do besides background check and stalk people online. I do have some semblance of a life, actually. I work two emotionally taxing and exhausting jobs, I have two dogs to take care of, I have my personal time spent offline, I have family and friends to talk to on a personal level.
When I get on here, I post, read, reblog, like, whatever. I don’t investigate other people. So my advice to you is if this is an issue that you personally have come across, go about it the right way. Please. Don’t just assume you’re credible behind anon. And maybe, idk, call that person out? Directly? Get their side first?
Idk. I used to be an investigator for the state and we kinda had to get all sorts of information before coming to a disposition on whether or not something happened. So yeah no, I don’t just take everything I’m told at face value. Forgive me for not doing that as I would really hope other people would show me the same respect before trying to cancel me for accusations.
Have a nice day.
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natvrefairy · 3 years
Hi, I saw ur request rules and wondered if I could ask for a merlin X reader (romantic) and it's like really fluffy? Thx 😊
A/N: Of course! I'm so happy my first request is for Merlin, because both him and the entire show are just so iconic. I really hope you like this. :)
Something Meaningful (Merlin x Reader)
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Requested: Yes!
Reader Pronouns: They/them
Word Count: 1,529
C/W: Uther is dead. A little bit of self-doubt on Merlin's side. Occasional rant. A little bit of stream of consciousness. (Cause I'm experimenting with that technique.) Fluff!
Context: Morgana's alive and good. Mordred and the rest of the knights are also still alive, but they're not really mentioned. Arthur and Gwen are King and Queen. Arthur's allowed magic in Camelot, and they know about and accept Merlin! And LGBTQ+ is accepted! (Cause reader is they/them, and there's no angst here. ^^)
When Uther died, Camelot was a bit of a mess. Not that it wasn't before; Uther's reign wasn't a particularly cheerful one. But although he wasn't the kindest person, people still loved him, and his death simply came as a shock to everyone.
Arthur took it the hardest. But honestly, that was to be expected. When most people lose their parent, they get time to grieve, but Arthur didn't have the luxury of time. Uther died, and Arthur was thrown into power.
The first few months were the worst. Not just for Arthur, but the whole castle. But with Guinevere and Merlin by his side, he got through it. And with Arthur as King, it no longer mattered what anyone thought of his relationship with Gwen, because she was now the Queen.
But with Guinevere becoming Queen, a small issue arose. The Lady Morgana no longer had a servant.
Morgana, being as lovely as she was, truly didn't care about the loss of her maidservant. She still had her friend, and enjoyed her independence. But her brother thought it necessary, so the job was given to (Y/N).
Gaius didn't appreciate losing his other helper, but he couldn't say no to the King, so that was that.
But then, Gwen also needed a servant. And once again, the job was given to (Y/N). Merlin most definitely did not approve of his best friend's drastic increase in work load.
"I always knew you were an ass, but I didn't realise you were stupid as well." Merlin told Arthur the following morning.
Arthur's new title as King didn't change Merlin's attitude towards him in the slightest.
"Merlin, you can't address me like that."
"I did before, why is it any different now? Your highness."
"I am the King."
"Doesn't change the fact that you're an ass."
(Y/N) managed to talk Merlin down, but that didn't mean he liked the idea of them having to rush around everywhere all the time. Although, at least it was only Gwen and Morgana, who were both perfectly capable of taking care of themselves.
If it was two Arthur's, that would be an entirely different story.
That was about two years ago now. Camelot has had law changes since; such as the lifted ban on magic, allowing people to freely practise their gift, and the new acceptance of anyone identifying as other than cisgender/heterosexual.
And finally, at long last, the land of Albion was united.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Having both grown up in Ealdor, Merlin and (Y/N) were always close. (Y/N) would constantly seek out Merlin and William, the three of them soon becoming best friends. When Merlin set off to Camelot, (Y/N) tagged along to look out for him, Will staying behind with his father.
Unlike Merlin, (Y/N) didn't possess any magic. But although being completely normal, they always went out of their way to try understand what their friend was going through. They never understood Uther's hatred towards magic. Even without having any themself, they absolutely adored Merlin's gift. Witnessing him in action never failed to put (Y/N) in a state of awe.
But of course, Merlin is much more than his magic. That, (Y/N) always knew, even when he didn't believe it himself. They were always there for him, and he was always there for them. That was how it always was, and how it always will be.
Which is why it was so hard for either of them to pinpoint exactly when their feelings grew. They always cared deeply for each other, but at some point, both completely unaware, those feelings blossomed until they were both completely and utterly in love.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
The two friends were granted the evening off, and unbeknownst to (Y/N), Gwen and Morgana had something up their sleeve. Having long figured out the pair's mutual yet oblivious feelings, the women decided to take matters into their own hands.
This involved giving them the evening off, and directly telling Merlin to confess.
"I'm sure they feel the same way," Gwen encouraged, "I know it's hard, but try something meaningful. If you can't say how you feel out loud, do something special instead."
So here Merlin was, a nervous wreck as he lead (Y/N) outside of Camelot, to a small forest clearing. What if they didn't like it? What if they turned him down? Then it could lead to disaster and they won't want to be his friend anymore and everything they had built will go to waste.
"Merlin," (Y/N) grasps his hand, immediately gaining his attention, "whatever has you stressing out, it's okay. I'm here, and I always will be. We'll face it together."
Taking a deep breath, he had them close their eyes, before gently leading them in the right direction. Glancing around to make sure everything was in place, he tried his best to calm his nerves.
'You can do this,' he thought to himself, 'you can tell dragons what to do, and they listen. This should be easy.'
"Oh, right, sorry. You can open your eyes now."
Opening their eyes, (Y/N) gaped at the scene before them. A rug laid out on the grass, all their favourite snacks and fruit laid out in front of them. Glancing between the dinner and Merlin in a combination of joy and surprise, they struggled for words.
"You did all of this?"
"Well, I may have stolen some things from the kitchen, but... I hope you like it?"
(Y/N) laughed - one of Merlin's favourite sounds - and pulled him over to sit down.
"Thank you."
Just their smile was enough to calm Merlin's nerves, and everything melted away as they began to eat, telling stories and laughing. Everything between them seemed perfect.
That is, everything except for the unsaid feelings.
As they finished and the moon began to rise, they cleared up a bit before laying down to stargaze.
"Star-gazing was a good idea," (Y/N) said softly after a while, turning their head to face Merlin, "but I have to ask, what was this all for?"
"What? Aren't I allowed to just spend time with my best friend?" Merlin replied, a little too quickly.
"Of course, but that's not what I mean. You seemed really nervous earlier. I can tell when you want to say something, Merlin."
He turned his head away in embarrassment, so (Y/N) shifted their body to properly face him.
"Hey, look at me," they said, placing their hand on his cheek and tilting his head back towards them, "you know you can always tell me anything. We've been through so much together. Nothing will scare me away."
Merlin gazed into their eyes in silence for a moment, before speaking up, voice barely a whisper, "It's hard to say it out loud. Can I just show you?"
"Of course. Whatever's best for you."
Slowly, he moved one hand to rest on (Y/N)'s cheek, hesitating slightly as his gaze shifted between their captivating (E/C) eyes and plump lips. Finally, deciding it's either now or never, he leaned forward, tilting his head as he captured their lips in a tentative kiss. He felt them stiffen slightly, his heart racing as his mind flooded with unwanted thoughts. This was the end. They were going to shove him away and never speak to him again.
But then, the thing he expected least of all happened; they actually reciprocated the kiss.
Their hand moved to his hair, butterflies going wild in their stomach. They never expected him to feel the same way about them, and now they couldn't even think straight. The only thing they could concentrate on was the feeling of his lips on their own.
Eventually, the sweet moment came to an end, leaving each of them completely breathless, faces only inches apart. They gazed into each other's eyes, catching their breath while they both tried to process what just occurred.
Then, all at once Merlin freaked out and started a rant, desperately trying to explain himself. Apology after apology flooded out of his mouth, raving on and on about how much he loves them and how he probably ruined everything and should have just kept his feelings all to himself.
(Y/N) cut him off with a small kiss on his lips, leaving him staring at them in shock when they pulled away.
"I love you too, Merlin. I thought I was so obvious about it," she laughed softly, gently running her fingers through his hair. "I'm so lucky to have you in my life, and I'm glad you feel the same."
His shock vanished, and he gave that heartwarming smile of his as he wrapped his arms around them, pulling them close. "You have no idea how happy that makes me."
And so they stayed there like that, laying and enjoying each other's company in the comfort of their mutual feelings. They stayed there until they decided it was time to head back and face Gaius' concerned wrath on them staying out so late. But for once, it didn't bother them listening to his lecture, because their lives had just changed for the better.
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lnarizakis · 4 years
you and i.
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with atsumu miya. 
in 2.2k words. 
tags mutual pining, fluff, in which atsumu tries to scare the unscareable.
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“‘I love you,’ he told her, after all these years of his longing eyes following her swaying body; after all these years of his always looking for her but never finding her. 
“Pensive, she looked down, at the ground, or at her feet and whatnot, then back up at him. ‘I love you too,’ she replied, after what seemed like the time it took for him to tell her he loved her. She took his hands in hers, and reached in, ever so slowly, and…”
The book was taken from your grasp before you could ever read what was to come next. You stared at empty hands, then up at the thief of your book. 
“Ah!” he gasped, “Did I scare you this time?” His words came out of him so fluidly and so repetitively that anyone would have known this was a long-time challenge of Miya Atsumu: to scare the unscareable. He’d done everything he could think of to get you stiff in the legs, cowering in fear, or just gasp aloud, but everything he managed to do ended with a “No, Atsumu-kun, you didn’t scare me today.”
It happened again. You held out your hands for him to return the book, and you said aloud, “No, Atsumu-kun, you didn’t scare me today.”
He let out another sigh in defeat and trudged back to his own seat in the classroom. There he sat not wallowing in the misery of his failure, but in the heat of his embarrassment, flustered as he held his hand that brushed against your own.
Atsumu’s brother Osamu noticed long ago the change in his brother— he wanted to assume it was back in your first year of middle school when Atsumu was surely (though, of course, he didn’t know it himself) in love with every part of you. If Osamu were to presume an exact time at which you were all Atsumu could ever focus on, he would say it was on one cold afternoon, and the three of you were having lunch together… 
“Well—! Well, it’s clearly Osamu who’s the one bad at keeping secrets!” Atsumu exclaimed. The tips of ears grew red from embarrassment; neither you nor Osamu believed it was the chill in the air that made him stutter in his words, his eyes dart all over the openness of your middle school playground, or the corners of his mouth twitch in the formation of a smile. One hand itched the side of his face while the other gripped his sandwich, which was clearly falling apart from his firm hold on it. 
“How is it a secret that you pissed the bed? I’m absolutely positive that (Y/N) would think you’re the bed-wetter type,” Osamu refuted, emphasizing his sureness. “What, should I tell ‘em why exactly you wet the bed, hm? All ‘cause you were afraid of that super-scary movie we watched before going to sleep?”
“It’s Sadako, of all the movies we watched! Of course I would be scared! I’m sure (Y/N) would be just as scared, huh? Wouldn’t you, (Y/N)?” Atsumu was so close to shouting at his brother, but he was so out of his seat to lean forward, closer to Osamu practically to spit in his face. Long forgotten was his sandwich, but you next to him brought him back down to his seat and his senses. He turned to you, almost in desperation that you’d agree with him. 
You hummed. “I’m not scared of anything.”
Osamu sputtered out a laughter. Atsumu stared slack-jawed at you, then shot his eyes toward his brother. 
“This isn’t some laughing matter, ‘Samu! You guys are just makin’ me out to be a wuss right now!” Atsumu exclaimed. 
He then added, “... Which I am clearly not!”
Again, Atsumu sat back down in his seat, as he found himself standing from the excitement bubbling in him. He sighed, hesitating to raise his white flag in defeat, and he rested his head on the slightly-sticky lunch table. Atsumu whined aloud from his skin touching the cold plastic of the table.  
“There’s something you’ve gotta be scared of, (Y/N),” Atsumu said after a while of Osamu’s silent chewing and the pages of your book crisply turning. 
“There’s nothing, really.” You continued with the book you were reading, deeply engrossed in it. There was a small smile resting on your face, Atsumu noticed. Something in him made him want to reach up and brush the strands of hair that fell over your gentle eyes— were you not aware of your vision being slightly covered, or was Atsumu reading too much into your appearance right now?
You turned to Atsumu, and he thought you were going to comment on his eyes that couldn’t peel themselves away from your face. Instead, he was faced with words that pierced his heart warm.
“Well, you can try to scare me, though.”
Atsumu thought he was being challenged, but as he looked back on his blooming feelings for you, it seemed like a taunt. Though, it was all the taunting that made him feel it was his end goal: to get you to lower your walls and reveal expressions you never would have made if it weren’t for him. The diamond in the rough was just taunting him to brush all that dust off itself. 
You were, in every way, his greatest challenger…
… and it was all the more reason for him to fall for you. 
It was a week before Halloween where he found himself looking out the window, staring at the orange leaf that clung persistently to the naked branch of the tree, despite the chaos of the wind pushing it all sorts of directions. His hand still tingled from his earlier actions, which really didn’t help with the lack of notes in his notebook. Atsumu carefully took a glance in your direction, where you sat with poise a few seats behind him, taking diligent notes. 
In actuality, the corner of your page was scrawled with the same words again and again: “You and I, You and I.” It was the last line of your book Atsumu had snatched from your hands that morning, and it was the line that left you in chills the first time reading it, and again the fourth time skimming over it. 
It was the line you wished was to become of you and Atsumu. 
“You and I.”
“What’s that mean?”
It was a week after being in your new high school, and you still hadn’t gotten used to Atsumu’s and Osamu’s newly colored hairstyles. Your eyes lingered up at Atsumu’s blond hair before trailing down to his brown eyes as you told him it was the last line of the book you had just finished reading. 
“What’s it about?” Atsumu asked you, still standing above you as you sat patiently at your desk, waiting for class to start. 
“Oh, it’s really the best book ever— It’s about this boy who’s so hopelessly in love with this girl… and he does everything he can to get her to fall in love with her…! And I’m pretty sure you’re never going to read it, so I’ll just tell you what happens.
“At the end of the book, the boy goes up to the girl, his hands in his pockets, right? And he’s lookin’ down at the floor, ‘cause he’s all nervous and stuff, and he goes: ‘I love you!’ and the girl is just so relieved because after all these years… she’s liked him back. Ever since they were small children. Isn’t that so romantic?”
He hummed, giving you a slight nod. All of that rambling of your favorite book made you feel yourself heating up, and you were positive it wasn’t the warmth of the spring morning. Atsumu then pummeled his fists onto your desk, creating a “Bang!” that was sure to scare you out of your wits. He even added his own “Ah!” of his own to surprise you even further. 
“Did that scare you, (Y/N)?”
“No, Atsumu-kun, you didn’t scare me today.”
Atsumu turned back to face his notes, or whatever was written hastily on the blank page. He’d got to try and scare you at least on Halloween. There was no way he’d ask for the help of Osamu or Suna again, who had so seriously suggested that Atsumu should scare you by Facetiming you so early in the morning, with his crusty eyes and raspy morning voice. He couldn’t ask Kita or Aran, either, who would tell him not to scare you in the first place. 
He sighed wistfully. It was much too loud for his own taste, for his teacher jerked his head back, barking at Atsumu, asking him, “What’s so tiring about my class, Miya-kun?”
The days came and went, and soon enough, Halloween greeted you with a tap on the shoulder. You shrugged its greeting away, hoping to pass through this day like any other, though you knew Atsumu was to have something up his sleeve for today. 
Of course, he did. Atsumu’s plan was menial— silly, almost— but he was sure it was to leave you stiff, standing still right when he jumps out at you from around the corner. After school, you were to walk from the second years’ hallway to the shoe lockers by the entrance of the school building. As you turn the corner, Atsumu will jump out at you, startling you and perhaps even dropping whatever you had in your arms. It was the perfect plan, and it was sure to work out in the end, leaving him the victor. 
Atsumu smirked to himself as he leaned against the wall, waiting for you to pass by. Soon, the soft pitter-patter of your shoes grew louder in his ears, and he huffed out a breath, getting ready to jump out and scare you. He squared his shoulders, held his chin high with pride, and his concentration hardened his expression to give everyone passing by the extra scare factor. 
You were coming close, and Atsumu could almost feel your presence. With a pivot just as graceful as a precise setter’s first step, he jumped out in front of you from behind the corner, and shouted right in your ear, where it would soon be sore for days. 
Upon seeing Atsumu, you stilled in your tracks. You drilled bored eyes into Atsumu’s face, which glowed with the spirit of a champion.
“I scared you…! I finally scared ya!”
“No, Atsumu-kun, you didn’t scare me today.” You passed by him, who wilted in defeat once again. He slouched only enough for you to notice, and you pitied him only slightly. A slight chuckle made its way through your closed smile as you looked down, so as not to reveal your flustered expression. 
He groaned. “Agh, I still haven’t scared ya? And it’s literally Halloween, the scariest day of the year! I’m supposed to scare you on this day!”
“It’s okay if you can’t,” you said, attempting to console him, “Halloween’s just some regular day, just like any other.” He followed you to the shoe lockers, where you both began to exchange your indoor shoes for your outdoors ones. The two of you continued on to the front gate, where Atsumu argued with you. 
“Sure, it’s some regular day to you, but it’s not to me! It’s, like, the six-thousandth year anniversary of me trying to scare ya, and, like, the eighteen-thousandth year anniversary of me havin’ the biggest, dumbest crush on you—!” 
Your heart stopped, and so did you. Every part of you went stiff, and you couldn’t find it in yourself to turn around, even if it was just your head, and ask Atsumu to repeat what he said. You thought your breathing went shallow as you managed to look behind you at the boy, he himself just as frightened of his own words.
“Did you just say—?”
“That I like you?” Atsumu paused. “Yeah, I did.” 
You let out a breath, almost exasperated, as you exclaimed, walking closer to him, “You…! You scared me! Thought after all these years… you’d never say it…” 
The two of you grew silent, and as your head hung low from the embarrassment that pushed it down, all that filled your vision was the dust that accumulated at your worn-out shoes and a couple dried leaves that danced past Atsumu’s feet. 
“I scared you, didn’t I?” was all he could say. You jerked your head up at him with the most exasperated expression, and all he had to give you was a smug look, claiming himself the winner— though not in the way he wanted. Still, the fluster adorned your face, and so you brushed your hair out of the way for Atsumu to rest his forehead on yours. 
He exhaled. “I finally did it,” he mumbled through a smile, “I scared you and you’re mine now, too. Double win.”
You pulled away from him. “Since when am I yours? I never told you I liked you.” 
Atsumu whined, groaning aloud, “Huh? Now I gotta get you to say you like me back, which probably won’t happen for another five years? You’re so unfair, (Y/N).” He reached for your hand, which you gladly took in yours, and the two of you began walking home in unison. 
His hand was warm. 
You clasped it tighter. 
“You and I,” you breathed out.
Atsumu turned to you. “You say something?”
You shook your head, smiling softly to yourself. “No, it’s nothing.”
It’s just you and I.
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happy birthday, hana! @wansseul
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