#might make that last one my banner now christ this place is so pretty
redwoodrroad · 4 years
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drizzlewood coast photos i took on opening night in a frenzy of redwood-related obsession pt 2: the redwoodening
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rodr1cks · 3 years
Heather Hills | 2.5k
part two
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neighbor trope where you’re in love with Rodrick but he can’t stop pining after Heather Hills, takes place during Dog Days
warnings: noncon touching (our ass gets grabbed), swearing, smut, heather is a huge bitch
Tonight was the night. You picked out a black silk dress that hugged your body perfectly. You looked... nice? Nicer than usual, at least.
Still, your mood was melancholy, you weren’t too excited to watch Rodrick drool over Heather all night. Despite this, you put on a smile and met Rodrick outside.
His band members, Rowley, and Greg were crowded together in the back. They always left the passenger seat to you, such gentlemen. As soon as you opened the door you were bombarded with wolf whistles and crude remarks from his cronies. “Rodrick if you don’t tap that I will!” The guitarist exclaimed while eyeing you up and down.
“Guys, guys stop, please,” Rodrick seemed a little unnerved by the banter. After that, the van was silent all the way to the party.
Upon arrival, you began to unpack the van, unloading equipment. “Hey, hey, hey, pretty girl like you doesn’t need to do the heavy lifting,” the guitarist said to you as he winked. He always went out of his way to make you uncomfortable. You laughed a bit to appease him, then walked away.
The band was set up and Rodrick was clearly nervous.
“You don’t understand, y/n. This has to be perfect.”
You knew the importance of this going well but you couldn’t decide if you wanted it to. On one hand, he could get Heather Hills, the girl of his dreams. On the other hand, he’d be crushed. Poor Rodrick has already taken enough beatings from the girls at your school.
“I know, you’ll be great, though,” you were unsure of that statement.
“You always know what to say.”
He walked away, ready to start the set of a lifetime.
The guitarist approached you again. “Wish me luck sexy,” he whispered and smacked your ass playfully. You gasped, tears threatening to form in your eyes.
Just brush it off, you’re okay. You need to enjoy the show.
You tried not to think about his pathetic little mustache and the giant pimple that sat squarely between his eyebrows.
Why did Rodrick hang out with such scum?
The first notes of the song rang through the tent. Rodrick was… singing? Heather Hills did not look amused. Panicking, Rodrick signaled to Greg, “FULL DIAPER!”
Dear god.
Banners unfurled and cannons sounded. It was a complete disaster. Somehow the chocolate fountain went haywire and coated half the crowd with liquid chocolate, including Heather. Shit. Rodrick was done for.
Everybody pitched in with loading the van and you were out of there in no time. You feared Heather would’ve killed the lot of you if you lingered any longer. Greg and Rowley were the only passengers this time. You and Rodrick were in the front seat, not speaking.
“Rodrick, can I tell you something?”
You knew Greg and Rowley were caught up in their own conversation but you didn’t want to risk them overhearing, so you whispered. Rodrick nodded.
“Your guitarist, h-he uhm, he kind of touched me before your set.” Rodrick’s eyes widened. “Where?” he asked you sternly. “He kind of grabbed my ass.” You looked down, embarrassed. “Great, now Heather hates me and I’m short a guitarist.”
On the way back to Rodrick’s, you passed a gas station and you asked him to pull over.
“Rodrick let me out at this gas station, pretty please!”
He groaned and pulled into the lot. You ran in and made a beeline for the fridges in the back.
Where is it, where is it, ah!
Mint chip and cookie dough, both your favorites. You checked out and ran back to the van. Rodrick looked over, delighted when he saw your purchases. “He ruffled your hair and muttered a thank you. You smiled, “And that’s not all,” you pulled out two candy bars for the chocolate coated fugitives in the back.
Rodrick parked on the street in front of The Heffley household.
“Alright, everybody out!”
Greg and Rowley filed out as did you. Rodrick stayed put. “Aren’t you coming?” He nodded at you, “I have something to take care of first. Put the ice cream in the freezer and take a shower. Get that chocolate off of you.” He gestured at your hair and face which were coated in chocolate.
What could he need to do right now? Probably off to find Heather Hills and beg for her highness’ forgiveness.
You did as he said and borrowed his shower for a bit. You felt instant relief as the warm water trickled down your shoulders, chocolate melting away along with your stress. After your shower, you grabbed one of Rodrick’s t-shirts.
Lending you a shirt was the least he could do, considering the hell he’d put you through.
What a fucking night it’s been.
You sat around for a bit, awaiting Rodrick’s return. You heard the door swing open downstairs. He walked up the stairs to his room, ice cream pints in hand. You smiled at him before your gaze lingered down to his knuckles.
“Holy shit, Rodrick. What the fuck did you do?”
He looked down, “Well you told me what my guitarist did to you and I- I couldn’t help it. He needed to know what he did was out of line.”
Your jaw dropped, “So you what? Broke his nose?” He rolled his eyes at your theatrics, “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.” Had Rodrick really beat somebody up for you?
“So are we gonna eat this ice cream or what?”
You both sat on Rodricks couch, limbs entangled, eating your ice cream. He looked over at you, “Switch?” You shrugged, passing him your mint chip and grabbing his cookie dough. For the next half hour, you both sat in silence, processing the night’s events.
“Hey, I’m sorry about Heather.”
“Y’know, y/n, I realized something while I was performing. Heather Hills wasn’t by the stage cheering me on, Heather Hills doesn’t go out of her way to be kind to my family, Heather Hills wouldn’t look that good that tiny black bikini of yours,” Rodrick smirked, “and most importantly, Heather Hills didn’t buy me my favorite ice cream to make me feel better. Heather Hills doesn’t care for me like you do.”
You weren’t really processing everything. Was he hitting on you? Or flirting or… He cut your thoughts short by grabbing your waist and pulling you on top of him. “Woah what are you-“ He shushed you and grabbed your ice cream from your hand, setting it on the table.
Rodrick grabbed your hands, halting your mindless fiddling. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize how good you are to me earlier, y/n. I know that probably made you feel like dog shit.”
You let out a choked laugh. “Yeah, it did. But, you know now?” He placed one of his large hands on your cheek, using his thumb to stroke your face gently, “Yeah, pretty girl, I do.”
Pretty girl. Your stomach churned and your face turned bright red. Rodrick leaned in slowly and gently kissed you. His lips felt heavenly, they were soft and warm and better than you could’ve imagined. “God I’ve wanted to sink my teeth into you ever since I saw you in that little bathing suit.”
His voice was low and guttural, nothing like you’d heard before. This was a new Rodrick and you had no idea how to react, all you could do was sit there and stutter helplessly.
You could melt. Was this really happening? You had to check.
“Is this really happening?”
You felt him smile. He licked a stripe from your collarbone to your jaw, “You tell me.” You moaned quietly as his grasp on your waist tightened.
“How long have you wanted this, y/n? Wanted me?”
Your stomach clenched at his words, might as well tell the truth. “Since sophomore year. I-I went to one of your gigs and you didn’t see me” His hand moved to your breast and you sucked in a breath. “You looked so good on stage, I knew I wanted your hands all over me,” you managed to gasp out.
“I knew you were there,” he said matter-of-factly. You froze. “I told my mom, part of why she likes you so much, thinks you’re supportive of me or something.”
Is he serious, this is humiliating.
“I remember what you were wearing, too. A little red dress, you stood out. Never knew the neighbor girl cleaned up so nice until that night.”
He must’ve sensed your embarrassment, “Hey, it’s okay, no need to be shy.” You eased up a little bit, your hands finding his hair and gently pulling. “Atta girl.”
As things got more heated, he got more eager. At one point he looked up at you, silently asking for permission to remove your shirt. You nodded, laughing at him, “A gentleman, I see.” He made stern eye contact with you,
“I don’t have to be.”
He tore your (his) shirt over your head and stopped when he found you were wearing nothing underneath.
“Naughty, naughty girl.”
You wanted his shirt off too, along with everything else. You wanted to see him, feel him. You made quick work of removing his t-shirt and discarding it on the floor behind you.
You could feel his hard on through your panties and it was driving you insane. “Rodrick,” you panted, “I need you, please.”
The hand he was using to roll your nipple between his fingers moved to your clit and rubbed gentle circles over it. “Since you asked so nicely,” he grinned.
Your hand flew on top of his and he winced. “Oh shit, right, your hand! I’m so so-,” he flipped you onto your back and stood up from the couch. Your stomach dropped before you understood what he was doing. He fought with his belt for a moment before pulling it off and sliding his jeans and boxers off.
Christ he’s big.
He resumed his position on the couch and began stroking his cock while hovering above you. He leaned down to kiss your collar bone sweetly.
You muttered one last plea before he positioned himself in front of you.
“Are you ready for me, pretty girl?”
God there he goes again.
You arched your back up in response, letting out a small sigh of desperation. This was all so new, you had no idea Rodrick could be so… well spoken?
Rodrick took a deep breath as he bottomed out. The air was knocked out of your lungs. Fucking Christ. He split you in half with ease, groaning as he rolled his hips against you.
“R-Rodrick?” He muttered something indistinct in response. “Is this your first time?” He looked kind of embarrassed. “Yeah, uh, it is, yes.” Part of you was happy it was his first time. The other part of you felt bad for him. You knew that if girls would’ve just given him a chance, they’d see how incredible he was-
You were torn from your thoughts by Rodrick pulling out and slamming back into your willing body. You nearly screamed. He continued at an absolutely brutal pace.
“Jesus christ, Rodrick, never knew you could do this,” you gasped out, eyes rolling back.
He smirked down at you before pulling out, grabbing your hips, and flipping you over onto your hands and knees. Your head was pressed sideways against the arm of the couch but you didn’t care. Rodrick quickly got back to work, fucking you to the beginnings of your orgasm.
“Rodrick, I’m gonna-“ He grabbed your hair and yanked hard so your back was against his chest,
“Cum on my cock.”
That was all it took, you were gone, shaking and pulsing around him.
After a few more strokes, Rodrick was gone, too. He was grabbing your ass and grinding his hips against you as he finished.
Gently, he pulled out. He rubbed a hand over your ass and admired your raw, red skin.
You rolled back over, panting. “My god, y/n, how did I live without this for so long?” You smiled lazily at the ceiling. He kissed you, clearly spent. You both sat on his couch, heavy panting filling the room.
Rodrick looked over at you, “Ice cream?” He stuck the cup filled with melted sludge in your direction. You put your hand up in protest, “No thank you.” He shrugged, “More for me.” Roderick slurped the melted treat from his spoon. You couldn’t help but laugh at him.
God, Heather would despise this man.
“You know Heather slapped Rowley, right?”
“What? no way?” Rodrick laughed.
“She sure did. Don’t worry though, Rowley got to eat chocolate off of Madison.”
You both spent a moment laughing to yourselves.
You were absolutely satisfied, you could’ve fallen asleep right then and there, on Rodrick’s ratty couch.
“Let’s get you to bed y/n.”
“But I don’t wanna go home, Rodrick!” You whined.
“Who said anything about you going home?”
“Y/n, Mom’s at a writing seminar with Manny and Dad’s at some civil war retreat thing.”
Was he inviting you to stay the night? “Call your mom, tell her you’re with your friend… uh… Heather.”
Giggling, you did just that. “Wait a minute, your parents left you alone with Greg?” He swatted at you playfully, giving you a goofy glare.
Rodrick stood up and offered out his hand. You decided to be cocky and deny his help. In your attempt to stand up, you stumbled, nearly eating shit.
“Woah, woah, easy there tiger,” Rodrick said snarkily, grabbing your waist before you hit the ground. You hadn’t expected to be so unstable.
“Alright, do you want my shirt back, gorgeous?” You nodded sleepily.
He grabbed the previously discarded shirt from the ground and slipped it over your head. He then pushed your hair out of your face and placed a gentle kiss onto your forehead.
Rodrick led you over to his bed. It was a twin but you guys would make it work.
He disappeared for a moment and came back with a rag. “C’mere sweetheart. You turned to face him slowly as he sat down on the bed. He began tenderly wiping between your thighs.
“Look at you, so beautiful,” he mused. Out of instinct, you looked away from him. “I mean it, y/n.”
He climbed into bed with you, his lanky limbs making comfort difficult.
“There we go,” he sighed after you both finally found a comfortable position. You closed your eyes and Rodrick began tracing lines over your lightly clothed back. You could hear the summer rain pattering against his window and you sighed out, completely satisfied.
Nearly asleep, you noticed something in the corner of Rodrick’s room. His black and white one star’s with tire marks plastered over them. You rolled your eyes and laughed to yourself.
Heather fucking Hills.
+ literally don’t even speak to me about the grammar or the poorly written smut. act like you do not see it ty. and please send me rq’s!!
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moontheoretist · 3 years
When she and Tony Stark meet it is very clear that he was not expecting her there, “Jesus Christ, who the hell are you?” he asks, hand pressed to the space over his heart. His right arm is in a sling and that does not look good. “Is there something wrong with your arm?” she asks. It did not appear to be in a cast and she saw no bruising. His breathing was restricted though and that did not bode well either. She narrows her eyes at the thought of someone harming her King’s soul mate but she blinks, letting the anger go. Now was not the time or place. “None of your business, and you are?” he snaps, glaring at her suspiciously. “Dora Milaje,” she responds vaguely, “and I am here on the behalf of King T’Challa.” “T’Challa can fuck off,” Tony snarls viciously and her eyebrows shoot up. “Excuse me,” she says in a dangerous tone. Soul mate or not she would not allow him to insult her King. “Anyone who is involved with Steve Rogers is no use to me,” he snaps. Her eyebrows remain raised, “I understand that Steve Rogers has caused you pain, but I do not understand how that extends to King T’Challa,” she says calmly. Perhaps too calmly but Stark either does not understand the danger or he does not care. Stark rolls his eyes, “I’ve spent the last five years dealing with people who blindly follow Steve Rogers around like a bunch of fucking lap dogs, I don’t need to have one more person tell me that I can never compare. I know that. No need to have anyone else remind me,” he says bitterly, his lip curling up in disgust. That changed things. “I here because the King is not sure what to believe about you. He and the Dora Milaje agree that the information about you is too conflicting to draw a reasonable conclusion. So I am here to try and find the truth, to see what you’re really like. I must admit that I do not like you,” she says honestly. Perhaps the man would take the honesty well. He does not, instead he flinches hard but the expression is gone very quickly. “Great, then you’re just like everyone else. Go report back to your king, tell him I’m as worthless as everyone says I am,” Tony says, turning and walking towards his kitchen. “I do not like many people, that does not mean that you are not a good person. And my personal opinion of you means little when you are not meant for me,” she says. Tony’s shoulders tense at that but he turns slowly to face her. “What do you want to know?” He looks exhausted, like he hasn’t slept in days and she supposes that it is very likely that he has not. The man had chronic insomnia and she suspected it made his very obvious PTSD worse. The dismissals from everyone else around him, including his closest friends, probably did not help the situation. “Why did you support the Accords?” she asks bluntly. Cutting to the heart of the issue was what she was good at, and it saved her time and effort beating around the bush. “Steve told me that I needed to trust people, to listen to them. He was right, so when the opportunity came to listen I did, or at least I tired but apparently that wasn’t right either,” he snaps bitterly, that disgusted look back on his face. “You feel guilty for Ultron,” she says and it is not a question. He flinches at the bot’s name, he certainly felt guilty for being the creator of such chaos. “Of course I do, who the fuck wouldn’t? I nearly ended the world when I ran that program and I should have said something to someone,” he says. She finds that curious, his anger at Steve and his acceptance that Steve was right in his conclusions about his communication skills or lack thereof. “But you did talk to someone, Dr. Banner. I know that he is currently missing but surely you count your communication with him as something,” she says. Banner appeared to be the only Avenger who was not adverse to Tony. The two bonded over science and Tony’s lack of fear of him. “Lot of good that did,” Tony mumbles. “But you spoke to him and he agreed that it was a good enough idea to try,” she says. “So what if I did? Everyone blamed me for it anyways, might as well take the blame. Bruce said it could go wrong and I didn’t listen, I should have.” He leans against the counter and sighs heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Just because your team blamed only you does not mean it was fair. It is not like they are lacking in recklessness and stupidity themselves. What kind of moron releases a brainwashed assassin onto the world? Steve Rogers is very lucky that seems to have had no consequences. And his taking the word of Bucky Barnes as proof of five other Winter Soldiers was not wise either, the man hardly knows what is real and what is not, he is still partially under the control of HYDRA conditioning. Only a fool would take the man’s word at face value. I believe that your holding off until you found real proof of the Winter Soldiers’ existence made you the most intelligent and clear headed of the group, at least in that moment. The rest of the team has far too much faith in a man who is living in nostalgia. Bucky Barnes does not, nor will he ever, exist again as Rogers knew him. He should accept that,” she says bluntly. It was a harsh truth, yes, but a man would never be the same after a trauma like that. Rogers himself was more than likely not the same man he used to be so he should not expect Bucky to be. He should also accept the reality of that trauma on his friend because living in his memories was not going to help Bucky Barnes. Accepting reality, no matter how harsh, was the only way to help Barnes heal from his wounds. It would not be easy for anyone but it was the most beneficial. “You… think I’m the smartest and most clear headed of the group?” Tony asks, looking beyond shocked. “In that moment, yes. You are not without your mistakes but that was not one of them. Tell me more about why you chose to support the Accords,” she says. This time Tony pauses for a long time and she lets him gather himself. It was important to make an accurate judgment. Finally Tony looks up, “Steve was right about listening to people. Sometimes I go too fast and I don’t think things through right, I’ve done it time and time again, even when I was supporting the Accords. I’ll make a snap decision that looks good at the time but I don’t talk to the people I’m supposed to be helping, I just make a decision and assume it’s for the best when it isn’t. I had one hundred and seventeen countries telling me to slow down and stop and I didn’t think that was something I should ignore. They weren’t making unreasonable requests, they just wanted a say in how we ran things and you can’t help people if you aren’t willing to listen to what they need you to do. I’ve learned that now,” he says. “Rogers thinks the best hands are still your own, you do not agree?” she asks, curious. Tony rolls his eyes, “no, he thinks the best hands are still his own, not our own regardless of what he says. You saw what happened when someone said no, it didn’t line up with his beliefs and instead of reaching out and asking to change things, or asking why things looked the way thy did he threw the whole damn thing out. Besides, if we’re talking histories here I have a near one hundred percent fail rate. The best hands aren’t my own so I thought maybe if I had someone else vetting my decisions they might be better but if that person isn’t Steve Rogers Steve doesn’t think it’s good enough.” Harsh words, but they were mostly true. She, too, found the Captain too rigid in his values. “And the agendas he spoke of?” she asks. He was not wrong for being suspicious of the government. They were corrupt, as near all systems were outside of Wakanda and even there they had their issues. At this Tony looks down, “I put too much faith in a system I know doesn’t really work that well. But we aren’t apolitical people, we know what the UN’s agendas were, they were clearly written on paper and we could have worked with that, used it to our advantage. But the fuck if I know what their agendas are. Natasha flip-flops more than a fucking fish out of water, so does Clint, I have no idea what Wanda’s thinking, you already know what I think of Steve, and Sam… well he’s an alright guy. I think he’s an idiot for following Steve around like a lost bird but he’s a good man. I know I made mistakes but that bullshit letter Steve sent me proves he doesn’t care.” She did not read the letter so she is unsure what he is talking about, “would you care to explain?” she asks, trying to be gentle. The man was raw, in pain, and it was bound to end badly for him. She was sure she had her answers but she was curious about the letter and more information would not hurt. “Oh he’s glad I’m back on the compound, obviously I moved back out, but he doesn’t like to think of me being alone because the Avengers were more mine than his. Pretty sure the fact that they’ve all always hated me minus maybe Bruce indicates that that’s a bunch of shit but whatever. And he has faith in people, in individuals? Really? Because I didn’t see any of that faith when people, individuals, were reaching out to us to talk to them and he slapped them down because what they wanted wasn’t what he wanted. And he’s never had faith in me. Never. I find it really hard to accept that he gives a damn about hurting my feelings, especially when he’s always assumed that I didn’t have any. And his stupid ‘I wish we agreed on the Accords but we didn’t so fuck you’ at the end was a real nice touch. He might as well have wrote ‘lol everything before this was a joke because I don’t really care what you think was right, it wasn’t what I think is right so you’re wrong’. At least we can both agree that he was a selfish prick keeping my parents’ deaths to himself,” he mumbles. So Tony Stark fell somewhere in between his public image and someone she did not know. He was clearly emotional, in pain, and that was not going to go well for him but he was not a bad person. He was not what the Avengers thought he was either. “You’re parents’ deaths?” she asks. “Yeah, I mean I can’t keep secrets or so he reminded me about a million times with that Ultron bullshit, but he can keep the fact that Barnes killed my parents to himself. Guess all the shit I do is totally fine if he does the same damn thing. I don’t listen and accidentally create Ultron I’m a problem, and that’s fair, but he can ignore the whole fucking world and that’s totally A-Okay with him. I can’t keep secrets, but it’s fine if he does. I can’t be suspicious of government structures without being labeled ‘insubordinate’ and ‘arrogant’ but when he does it it’s fine!”
The Truth Never Set Me Free (I Did It Myself) by TenSpencerRiedPlease
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elwenyere · 4 years
Call My Bluff
(Stony ficlet inspired by the prompt from @wired-heartbeats​, “Why are we the only two people relatively good at strip poker here damn it guess I gotta lose on purpose to get this rollin huh”)
“All right, chumps,” Clint said, flicking cards expertly across the table from his perch on the kitchen counter, “the little blind is a sock, and the big blind is an item of outerwear of your choice.”
Of course, since Clint hadn’t suggested they play strip poker until the team had already made a substantial dent in Bruce’s latest batch of home-brew IPAs, some of them didn’t have many choices left at this point. Bruce had managed to hold onto both socks but was otherwise down to just his boxers, a white tee shirt, and a watch. Natasha had discarded a jacket, a headband, and a boot. And Thor and Clint were both surrounded by piles of clothing, though Tony suspected they were actually stripping at a faster rate than they were losing.
Steve, on the other hand, had yet to shed a single item.
It was infuriating, really, because Tony had spent all day reviewing the World’s Most Soul-Deadening Slide Presentations ahead of the Board meeting tomorrow – a meeting for which he’d also promised Pepper that he would stay sober – and so the very least he deserved for so much good behavior was for the supersolider with whom he’d been hopelessly infatuated for the last two years to show a little skin, for Christ’s sake. Instead, the only consolation available was that Tony was playing about as well as Steve, having sacrificed only his tie and a pair of cufflinks to win a button-down shirt from Bruce on the previous hand.
Tony folded early this time around, partially because Clint was squinting one eye in a way that meant he was going to bet big and partially because Tony wanted to watch Steve’s face as he checked the bet. Tony had learned more and more of Steve’s tells over the years: the furrow between his brows that meant he was worried, the crossed arms that meant he was remembering something he couldn’t talk about. The data set grew regularly these days, filling out with the little signs that let Tony predict how Steve was going to move and what he was going to need. But still, for the life of him, Tony could not read whatever it was that flashed across Steve’s face in moments like this one, when he glanced up at Tony as he thumbed the edge of his cards. The expression came and went, leaving a sensation like a hot coal in the center of Tony’s chest.
“It’s my deal,” Steve said finally, and Tony snapped out of his reverie in time to notice that Thor had won the last hand, and Clint was now heading to the pantry to grab potato chips wearing nothing but a pair of purple boxer-briefs.
Natasha, meanwhile, was taking much longer than seemed strictly necessary to relieve herself of a pullover sweater, and Tony suddenly froze in the act of picking up his cards: because how had Natasha given up a sweater? Tony had lost every bet he’d made with her since the days when Natalie Rushman was clearing his schedule for lunch at Carbone, and she had just abandoned her second-largest item of clothing to a pocket-nines bluff from Thor, God of Incurable Credulity? Not fucking likely.
Tony narrowed his eyes as he watched her twirl the discarded sweater in a few graceful circles with her wrist. Noticing his glare, she gave him the tiniest of smirks, her head inclining across the table. Tony followed its direction and saw that Bruce was staring openly, mouth hanging slightly ajar, cards lying untouched on the table.
Well that was an interesting development.
Tony felt a slow grin spreading across his face, and he looked instinctively back toward Steve to see if he had noticed Natasha’s adaptation to the game as well. But when he met Steve’s gaze, the grin stuck, only halfway formed. Because Steve was staring directly at him and wearing an expression that (as Tony had learned through painful experience) roughly translated to: “wearing a parachute would only slow me down.”
Steve dealt the river card without even glancing at it.
“I’d like to raise the bet,” he said. “Nothing shy of two yards of fabric.”
“A rousing challenge!” Thor yelled, slapping his cards down on the table. “I would hate to give way under any less brave an assault.”
“I’m out,” Natasha smiled. “I don’t think I have the kind of action this round calls for.”
Tony twirled his cards between his thumb and index finger, doing his best to pass off the sudden firing of his nerves as indecision over his hand. Steve had leaned back in his chair, but his eyes hadn’t left Tony’s, and whatever look Tony had caught a glimpse of earlier was fixed in place now, making Tony feel vaguely like the arc reactor was overheating.
“I’ll call,” Tony said, drumming his fingertips on the table. Steve finally broke eye contact to look down at the movement, and Tony watched in disbelief as his jaw somehow set even further: like concrete getting pressed into granite.
“I’m uhh – I’m out I think? Yeah, I’m going to fold,” Bruce said.
“Probably the right choice, Banner,” Clint nodded sagely, now back from the kitchen and tossing barbecue chips to himself in the air.
“Okay boys, show us the goods,” Natasha demanded.
“Full house,” Tony announced, laying down a king and a queen.
“Well, you’ve got me there, Tony,” Steve replied. Slowly and deliberately, he turned over his cards to reveal a king and a ten.
A pair of kings? But that was a garbage hand. That meant that Steve –
Steve was reaching down and peeling off his undershirt and sweater in one smooth motion.
“Bad luck, I guess,” he said. And then he gave a shrug that sent an absolutely criminal ripple of movement across his bare chest.
Oh. Oh: that smug, chiseled bastard.
“Deal the cards, Nat,” Tony said, taking care to wet the tips of his fingers with his tongue before he plucked his off the table.
One hand later, Tony was slipping the waist of his pants slowly over his hips. Two hands later, Steve was using more muscles to remove a pair of socks than Tony had known the human body to contain. When Tony retaliated by rolling up his sleeves before peeling off his own socks, Steve ripped his belt off with a speed that made Tony feel like the armor had taken a blow to the head. By the time Tony shimmied his way out of his dress shirt, Bruce had to pretend to bump into the table before Tony remembered there were other people in the room.
“I’m going to head to bed,” Steve said abruptly, tearing his eyes away from Tony’s forearms as he stood up. “Gotta know when your luck has turned.”
“Oh someone’s getting lucky, for sure,” Clint smirked, and then he ducked — almost in time to avoid a projectile potato chip from Natasha.
“Yeah, so I’m just going to…go be over there now,” Tony said, in what he felt was an impressive display of self-possession for someone staring at the retreating ass of Steve Rogers.
“Don’t say I never did anything nice for you, Tony,” Natasha called after him as he scurried out of the room.
He barely made it around the corner and into the hallway before he was being swung around and held against the wall, one of Steve’s hands planted firmly against his chest.
“Took you long enough to get out of that shirt,” Steve growled.
“I could have gotten to the shirt faster if someone weren’t an unrepentant cheater who was dealing from the bottom of the deck – again,” Tony shot back, gripping the loops of Steve’s jeans and pulling their hips together.
“I must have misread your signals then, because I was pretty sure you were interested in what I might do from the bottom,” Steve whispered, his lips teasingly close.
“God, Rogers,” Tony groaned, “how can you be so corny and so hot at the same time? It drives me completely nuts.”
“It does?” Steve asked, the pressure against Tony’s chest lightening as Steve pulled back to search Tony’s face.
“No, Steve,” Tony said patiently, “I just wriggled my hips in front of Clint Fucking Barton because you fill me with incredibly casual, ordinary thoughts. Of course you drive me nuts, you idiot. I’ve been crazy about you for years.”
And that was probably more of a revelation than a race to lose at strip poker merited, but Tony couldn’t regret it, because a totally new expression had bloomed over Steve’s face. As Steve leaned down and pressed their foreheads together, one finger tracing the line of Tony’s jaw, Tony tried to memorize it. Tell: the smile that meant Steve Rogers was happy.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Destiny
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Ch 3- Fuck You, Mr Stark.
Chapter Summary: Katie’s whacked out journey through her subconscious continues and she’s taken back to a time full of Hammer Drones, Senate Hearings and a Pirate Goth…
hapter Warnings: Bad Language words.
Chapter Pairings:  Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: So these chapters contain flashbacks of sorts- but they’re not flashbacks as Katie is watching the events unfold in front of her-a “Time heist” of sorts. However, to keep it clear and hopefully not confusing, the events she is watching are depicted in itallics instead of me trying to keep calling her 2010 v 2030 Katie…
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Destiny Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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“Oh come on Kiddo!” Tony sighed as Katie got out of the car, slamming the door behind her. “You hardly spoke two words to me over dinner. I thought by taking you for your favourite double cheese and chilli fries you might have calmed down by now.”
“Well you thought wrong.”  She seethed as she turned to look at him. “What the hell were you thinking? Why didn’t you just stick to the cover that Coulson gave you?”
“Why should I?” Tony looked at her “It’s my suit. I made it, I own it.”
“God, you are so fucking arrogant.” She glared at him, storming up to the door of the mansion. “Look, will you just chill out!” Tony followed behind her “You saw the reaction, everyone loved it.” “Oh get your head out of your ass, Tony!” She wheeled around, blazing as she pressed her hand to the entry pad to the side of the door “You just painted a huge Target on our heads!”
“On my head…” “Yeah, and by proxy that includes ME!” She stalked into the house as the door clicked open. “Jesus Fucking Christ.”
She stepped into the entrance hall, Tony following her. “JARVIS.”  He called.
“Welcome home Sirrrrr.” JARVIS’ voice distorted and trailed off. Tony paused and looked at Katie, the two of them standing side by side as they glanced around the room. Tony stilled, his arm going out to the side in front of Katie to stop her walking any further into the room as they both spotted someone stood in the dark behind the couch, looking out of the large glass windows over the ocean.
“I am Iron Man.” The person spoke, not moving. “You think you’re the only Superhero in the world.” The man, dressed in a long black trench coat turned and began to walk forward a little as Tony did the same, Katie following. “Mr Stark, you just became part of a bigger universe, you just don’t know it yet.” Tony looked at his sister, then to the mystery man, frowning. “Who the hell are you?” The man walked forward into the light of the lamp by the sofa and Katie looked at him. He was tall, black and bald, an eyepatch covering his left eye “Nick Fury, director of SHIELD.”
“Oh.” Tony replied.
“I’m here to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative.”
“The what?” Katie asked.
“An initiative that SHIELD has.” Fury looked at her “An idea, to bring together a group of people with powers and abilities to keep the world safe.” “Powers and abilities?” She dead panned, arching an eyebrow. “What, like Superman?”
“No, he doesn’t exist.” Fury shook his head simply, unperturbed by her blatant sarcasm. “I’m thinking more along the lines of extraordinary people, if you get my drift.”
“Like who?” Tony asked, his tone clearly disbelieving.
“Two of my agents, the best I have” Fury turned to him. “And I am considering you and Dr Bruce Banner. If we can track him down that is.”
“Banner?” Katie frowned. “Who’s that?”
“He’s a scientist.” Tony replied his eyes not moving from Fury “He injected himself with some version of the serum the SSR used on Steve Rogers back in the day but it gave him a few side effects.”
“And unlike the ones Captain Rogers got they’re not permanent.” Fury finished.
“What do you mean?” Katie asked.
“Nine times outta ten he’s Dr Bruce Banner.” Fury continued “But when the Hulk as they call him takes over, well he’s big, green, and he struggles to control himself.”
“And you clearly have no idea where he is.” Tony spoke. “Which isn’t surprising.” He turned to Katie “The story I heard is that he found out the army wanted to use him as a weapon so he went underground.”
“Right.” She nodded, turning to Fury “And now you guys at SHIELD want him as a weapon? Along with Tony and these two other agents?”
“Not weapons, no.” Fury shook his head. “As a last line of defence.”
“Defence from what?” Tony looked back at Fury.
“Threats you couldn’t even begin to understand.”
“I’m pretty good at understanding most things, being a genius and all so try me.” Tony demanded.
“I’m well aware this all sounds a little crazy, Mr Stark but believe me when I say you simply have to trust me on this.”
“Erm, you break through my security, which I’m kinda disturbed about, then sit there like some kind of…” he waved his hand up and down, gesturing to Fury’s appearance “…spooky goth pirate and you want me to simply trust you?” Tony held Fury’s gaze and shook his head. “Sorry, no can do.”
Katie looked down at the floor, biting her lip at Tony’s summary of Fury’s appearance before she raised her head to see the Director was looking at her brother, an almost amused expression on his face.
“Alright.” He shrugged, and with that he walked towards the pair of them, pausing as he reached their side. “Just give it some thought.”
“I won’t.” Tony said simply.
Fury sighed and turned his attention to Katie. “Agent Coulson was impressed with you yesterday. SHIELD could use someone of your calibre.”
“Me?” Katie frowned. “For what? I don’t have a suit.” “Not all superheroes wear fancy outfits,” Fury stated as he shrugged a little, “and not all heroes are super.” Katie blinked. “Like I said, give it some thought. You have Agent Coulson’s number.
And with that he turned and headed through the door, leaving the siblings looking at one another in stunned silence.
Katie turned to Tony. “Goth pirate…man, the first time you said that I nearly died. Did you see my face?”
Tony grinned and Natasha smiled. “You know, it was actually one of his favourite nicknames.” “No kiddin’?” Tony turned to look at her. Natasha nodded and Katie snorted at her brother who simply gave a huff of laughter. The three of them left past Tony and Katie who were furiously in discussion about their encounter with the Director and the door shut behind them as they strode into the dark Malibu night. 
“Ok, so where’s next on this whacked out, fucked up dream trip?” Katie asked as Tony pulled the car out of the gate and onto the freeway.
Tony looked at Natasha in the rear view mirror, simply winking and Katie rolled her eyes. Again, she blinked and found herself looking up at Capitol Hill, in the daylight. Tony once more pulled the car to a stop, abandoning it basically in the middle of the road and they strode out, heading straight past the security guards at the gate as if they didn’t exist.
Which, Katie had to remind herself, they didn’t.
She followed Tony, taking in the familiar décor of the inside of the building, before she stopped as she looked at the large set of double doors at the end.
“Oh my God…please tell me this is the Senate Armed Services Committee meeting?” she turned to her brother, a smile on her face.
“Yup, welcome to the Weaponized Suit Defense Program Hearings…” Tony grinned as he yanked open the doors and they walked into the large senate room. She spotted herself and Tony sitting on the rows of benches at the front, the row of 8 senators all raised slightly higher at the front of the room, Stern perched in the middle.
“You know what…this has to be one of my favourite Tony Stark moments ever!” Katie turned to look at her brother.
Tony looked at her, smiling “Yeah, you’ve said that once or twice.”
“Mr and Miss Stark, could we pick up now where we left off?” Senator Stern spoke, banging his gavel down and Katie nodded at him, but Tony wasn’t paying attention. He was facing the opposite way, trying to speak to Pepper who was simply giving him a furious look telling him to turn around. There was more banging and Stern spoke again. “Mr Stark. Please.”
Katie elbowed Tony and he turned around. “Yes dear?”
“Can I have your attention?” Stern asked.
“Do you or do you not possess a specialised weapon?” Stern looked.
“He does not.” Katie shook her head, looking at the Senator who was trying to keep his face straight at the fact she was answering, not Tony.  As part owner of Stark Industries she was also under scrutiny too, but she was both legally and commercially trained, and Stern knew this. He was going after Tony, because he was known to be the flashy, flamboyant one, the one that in their opinion would slip up. But Katie knew Tony. Well. Better than anyone. And for that fact she knew that Stern was seriously underestimating him.
This was going to be fun.
“You do not?” Stern looked at her.
“We do not.” She repeated.
“Well, it depends on how you define the word weapon.” Tony added. Katie turned her head to look at her brother, narrowing her eyes as the cameras from the various press members in front of them continued to flash.
“The Iron Man weapon.”
“No, my sister is right. My device does not fit that description.” Tony shook his head.
“Well… how would you describe it?” Stern asked, leaning forward.
“I would describe it by defining it as what it is, Senator.”
“It’s a err, it’s a high-tech prosthesis.” Tony said. The people in the room laughed and Tony looked around before turning back to look at the Senate “That is… That is… That’s actually the most apt description I can make of it” Tony said, looking at Katie as he placed both hands on the table in front of him.
“It’s a weapon. It’s a weapon, Mr Stark. And we’re here today to...”
“Please, if your priority was actually the well-being of the American citizen…”
“My priority is to get the Iron Man weapon turned over to the people of the United States of America.” Stern spoke simply, looking at Tony.
“Well, you can forget it. I am Iron Man.”
“The suit and Tony are one.” Katie shrugged “To turn over the Iron Man suit would be to turn over Tony.” “Which is tantamount to indentured servitude or prostitution, depending on what state you’re in.” Tony shrugged as more laughter rang out
“You can’t have it.” Katie shrugged.
“Look, I’m no expert…” Stern began but Tony cut him off.
“In prostitution? Of course not. You’re a senator. Come on.” He slapped the desk and turned round, holding his hand up waving as the room laughed. Katie looked at him, then to Pepper exasperatedly. Pepper was glaring at Tony. He mouthed “no?” and she shook her head slowly, with the manner of a mother telling off a small child.
“I’m no expert in weapons.  But, we have somebody here who is an expert on weapons. I’d now like to call Justin Hammer, our current primary weapons contractor.”
Katie looked at Tony who raised an eyebrow and leaned forward to the microphone as Justin took a seat at the end of the bench. “Let the record reflect that I observed Mr Hammer entering the chamber, and I am wondering if and when any actual expert will also be in attendance.”
The room let out a little ooooh and Katie fought back a chuckle and looked at Tony as he shot her a small wink. Stern hammered on the desk once more as Hammer raised his glass of water to Tony, smiling a little as he took a sip before he laughed as he pulled the microphone towards him
“Absolutely. I’m no expert. I defer to you, Anthony.” Hammer looked at Tony, gesturing to him with his hand “You’re the wonder boy.”
Tony arched an eyebrow a Hammer continued.
“Senator, if I may…” He stood up. “I may well not be an expert, but you know who was the expert? Your dad. Howard Stark.” He looked at Katie and Tony. “Really a father to us all, and to the military-industrial age. Let’s just be clear, he was no flower child. He was a lion.”
Tony took a deep breath and Katie gently dropped her hand onto his, giving it a discrete squeeze as Tony looked up at Stern, before his eyes flickered back to Hammer.
“We all know why we’re here. In the last six months, Anthony Stark has created a sword with untold possibilities. And yet, he insists it’s a shield. He asks us to trust him as we cower behind it. I wish I were comforted, Anthony, I really do. I’d love to leave my door unlocked when I leave the house, but this ain’t Canada. You know, we live in a world of grave threats, threats that Mr Stark will not always be able to foresee.”
At that Katie rolled her eyes as Hammer moved to take a seat.
“Thank you. God bless Iron Man. God bless America.”
There was muted applause, the most of it coming from the Senators and Stern leaned forward again
“That is well said Mr Hammer. The committee would now like to invite Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes to the chamber.”
“Rhodey?” Katie frowned, looking at Tony who was also frowning.
The cameras started flashing again and they both turned to see Rhodey walking towards the front.  Tony got up and headed down the aisle a little to greet him, shaking his hand.
“Hey, buddy. I didn’t expect to see you here”
“Look, it’s me, I’m here. Deal with it. Let’s move on.”
“I just…”
“Drop it.” Rhodey instructed as they walked towards the bench.
“All right, I’ll drop it.” Tony conceded.
Rhodey made his way behind Katie, squeezing her shoulder and she smiled at him
“Hey Kiddo.” He greeted her as he took a seat between her and Hammer.
There was a little introduction to the room about Rhodey being the USAF Weapons Procurement Liaison, before Stern finally got to the exact reason he’d called Rhodey to the hearing.
“I have before me a complete report on the Iron Man weapon, complied by Colonel Rhodes. And, Colonel, for the record, can you please read page 57, paragraph four?”
Katie felt herself grow cold as she glanced at Rhodey who was frowning.
“You’re requesting that I read specific selections from my report, Senator?”
“Yes, sir.”
“It was my understanding that I was going to be testifying in a much more comprehensive and detailed manner.” Rhodey stated calmly.
“I understand. A lot of things have changed today.”
“I bet they have.” Katie shot out, loudly. Stern turned to glare at her and she folded her arms, her gaze never faltering. Eventually he turned away and looked at Rhodey.
“So if you could just read…”
“You do understand that reading a single paragraph out of context does not reflect the summary of my final…”
“Just read it, Colonel. I do. Thank you.”
“Very well.”  Rhodey opened his report to the relevant page and took a breath “As he does not operate within any definable branch of government, Iron Man presents a potential threat to the security of both the nation and to her interests.” 
He glanced then to Katie, the pair of them looking at Tony as he was lounging back in the chair, his face devoid of any humour as Rhodey started to talk again.
“I did however, go on to summarise that the benefits of Iron Man far outweigh three liabilities and that it would be in our interest…”
“That’s enough Colonel” Stern but in but Rhodey continued.
“ …to fold Mr Stark…”
“That’s enough”
“…into the existing chain of command, Senator.”
Katie glanced at Rhodey who looked at Stern, his face passive. She smiled, loyal to a fault, her brother’s best friend had done his best to ensure the full picture was seen, trying to curtail the attempted hatchet job from Stern.
“I’m not a joiner, but I’ll consider Secretary of Defence, if you ask nice.” Tony nodded, to laughter form the crowd. “We can amend the hours a little bit.”
Besides her Rhodey sighed, reaching for his glass of water, taking a sip
“I’d like to go on and show, if I may, the imagery that’s connected to your report.” Stern ignored Tony and looked a Rhodey.
“Imagery?” Katie asked, as Rhodey shook his head.
“I believe it is somewhat premature to reveal these images to the general public at this time.”
“With all due respect, Colonel, I understand. And if you could just narrate those for us, we’d be very grateful”
Rhodey shrugged, defeated and waved his hand at the screen to their left “Let’s have the images.”
“Intelligence suggests that the devices seen in these photos are, in fact, attempts at making manned copies of Mr Stark’s suit….”
Katie kept one eye on the images and then noticed Tony lounge in his chair as he pulled out his StarkPhone as Rhodey continued.
“This has been corroborated by our allies and local intelligence on the ground…indicating that these suits are quite possibly, at this moment, operational.”
“Hold on a second buddy. Let me see something here.” Tony leaned forward, holding his device in front of him, tapping at it. As he did so, a separate box on the screen full of small lines of code, and the words “Welcome Mr Stark popped up. “Boy, I’m good. I commandeered your screens.” Tony informed the room as voices began to chatter. He turned to the right and did the same to the screen at that side. “I need them. Time for a little transparency.”
He leaned back in his chair, still looking at his device as he lay it flat on the desk. “Now, let’s see what’s really going on.”
“What is he doing?” Stern asked.
“Adding a little objectivity.” Katie smirked as Tony took a breath
“If you will direct your attention to said screens, I believe that’s North Korea.”
Tony tapped a few times and a video of a crude suit began to play. The suit didn’t work very well at all and fell over, its guns cracking the camera screen.
“Can you turn that off? Take it off.” Stern said loudly as talking broke out behind them, and Justin Hammer stood up.
“Iran…” Tony switched the footage to show another suit, this one could fly…for all of five seconds before crashing, judging by the smoke, probably on fire. “No graved threat here…” Tony mused and Katie nodded at the screen which was now showing a familiar face.
“Is that Justin Hammer?” She grinned, because it was clear it was, compounded by the small Hammer Advanced Weapons Systems logo in the bottom left hand corner. “How did Hammer get in the game?”
Tony grinned as the room started to mumble as the footage of Hammer, with a suit that didn’t really work played. “Justin, you’re on TV. Focus up.” Tony said as he looked at Katie, giving her a wink before the pair of them turning to Rhodey, almost identical smirks on their faces. Rhodey hastily hid his own smile behind his hand, rubbing at his top lip with his index finger.
“Okay, give me a left twist. Left’s good.” Hammer’s voice sounded from the TV “Turn to the right. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.”
“Language Justin.” Katie grinned as Hammer found the plug and the screen went dark.
“Wow. Yeah, I’d say most countries, five, ten years away.” Tony nodded “Hammer Industries, twenty” “I’d like to point out that that test pilot survived.” Hammer hastily clarified into his mic as he sat down.
“I think we’re done is the point that he’s making.” Stern spoke as he stood up “I don’t think there’s any reason…”
“The point is, you’re welcome, I guess.” Tony drawled lazily, waving his hand.
“For what?”
“Because I’m your nuclear deterrent. It’s working. We’re safe. America is secure. You want my property? You can’t have it.” Tony’s last few words were punctuated by his hand slapping the desk. “But I did you a big favour,” at that he stood up and Katie looked at him, grimacing as he smirked, “I’ve successfully privatised world peace.”
Both his hands made the peace signs and everyone in the room stood up, all talking at once and applauding. Katie looked at Pepper who was shaking her head, her face stony.
“What more do you want? For now!” Tony clapped as he turned around, gesturing to the members of the committee “I tried to play ball with these ass-clowns.”
Katie groaned and then her head whipped to Stern as he sat down and spoke into the mic, his professional front completely gone.
“Fuck you, Mr Stark. Fuck you, buddy.” He seethed. Tony cupped his hand round his ear, mockingly as he smirked and picked up his sunglasses. “We’re adjourned. We’re adjourned for today.”
Tony put on the glasses and grinned at Stern “Okay.” he gave Stern the thumbs up.
“You’ve been a delight.” Stern snarked as Tony began to blow him kisses.
Present day Katie was doubled over, tears pouring from her eyes as she watched Tony flounce down the aisle in the courtroom towards the doors at the back. Her eyes strayed to her past self who was sat, looking at Rhodey, biting her lip trying hard not to laugh. She remembered thinking at the time how she should be as pissed, as Rhodey and Pepper where, at the fact Tony never took serious things seriously but this had been a hatchet job from the start. And Tony had outwitted them all, as usual.
“Fuck you, Mr Stark…oh, it’s a classic.” She wiped her eyes, turning back to her brother.
Tony grinned, before he sighed, looping an arm round he shoulder. “It was fun, huh?”
“Fun might not be the word I would use but, well, it was certainly entertaining.”
“Which is why I thought we could see it again.” Tony grinned. “A little reminder of just how you were by my side, once again.”
“I hate to break it to you but this next bit isn’t quite so hilarious.” Natasha said, moving forward so she was at the side of Katie.
“That’s because it doesn’t involve me.” Tony quipped and Natasha rolled her eyes as they walked out of the courtroom and made their way to the car. As they drove, Katie waited as long as she could before she blinked and then, to no surprise, their surroundings had changed again and she felt a pang of nostalgia wash over her as they drove over the bridge towards the Triskellion. She turned to Natasha who flashed her a smile.
“Good times.” “Yeah, not so bad. Until we brought it all crashing down.” Katie sighed, peering up at the place she had once-upon-a-time worked.
Natasha gave a huff of laughter as Tony drove through the magically opened barrier at the end of the avenue and into the car park.
“I’m sitting this one out.” Tony shrugged, looking around “Hmm, maybe I’ll take a walk, try and find a cheeseburger. Man I miss those.”
Katie looked at him, snorting as Natasha nudged her, signalling for her to follow. They headed into the familiar building and over to the elevator, the same one Steve had some sixteen years previously catapulted them out of.
“Least I’m going up, not out the side and down…” She mused.
They exited on the floor where Fury’s office was located and headed inside. The director was sat at his desk, Coulson and Natasha stood opposite him. Natasha’s hair was long and curly, just as it had been the first time Katie had met her.
“Natalie Rushman…” she quipped and Natasha looked at her, her eyebrows raised, smiling slightly.
“Stark is drawing un wanted attention to himself, as the Senate Hearing last week proved.” Coulson stated. “I don’t think that’s the last we’ve heard of that particular issue either.” “Yeah, well, I don’t trust Stern, as you know. There’s something about him.” Fury took a breath and stood up. “Okay, Romanoff, I want you in Stark Industries so you can get me a detailed appraisal of both the Stark siblings and let’s see how far this illness Tony is suffering from goes.”
“Both of them?” Natasha looked at Fury who nodded.
“Coulson likes the girl.” Fury stated and Coulson turned to Natasha, handing her a manila file with Katie’s photo on the front. “She’s smart. Brave too as I saw a few months ago.”
“What’s her background?” Natasha asked, taking the file and opening it.
“It’s all in there, but the quick version is she’s been working in the UK since graduating from Oxbridge in 2006 with a first in English literature and mythology. She published a number of papers on Greek and Norse mythology and from what I’ve seen she has good analytical skills, she can read people.”
“Useful.” Natasha mused and Coulson nodded.
“She currently heads up the Legal and Commercial team for Stark Industries International.  She’s not a bad shot with a gun either, she hit a water pipe straight where she aimed at from almost 200 yards out.” Coulson shrugged. “With a bit of training, I think she’d be a real asset.”
“You got forty-eight hours to come up with a plan on how to get in and a cover.” Fury spoke to Romanoff and Natasha nodded. Fury then looked at Coulson. “Is the fact Miss Stark seems to be, err, romantically involved with Agent Ward going to be a problem with this?”
Coulson shook his head. “Ward has no idea that we’re even considering recruiting her. And I’ll ensure its kept that way.”
“Ward’s sharp enough to recognise that if he does encounter me whilst I’m in position he won’t blow my cover.” Natasha nodded. “He knows the script.”
“Good because that is a complication we do not need.” Fury levelled her with a look and Natasha smirked, as she glanced down at a page in the file.
“From Jonny Storm to Grant Ward.” She closed the file. “Bit of a difference.” She grinned. “Suppose you can’t blame a girl for wanting something a little hot every now and then.”
“You sound like you’re speaking from experience.” Fury looked at Natasha who shook her head.
“He’s not my type.
“Which one, Storm or Ward?” Coulson asked.
Natasha shrugged “Either.”
Coulson smiled, his eye twinkling as Fury looked at Natasha before he met Coulson’s gaze, shrugging.  
“By the way, have we any idea on the whereabouts of Dr Banner?”
“Not yet.” Coulson shook his head. “But we’ll keep looking.”
Natasha turned to Katie. “I wanted you to see, that even before that little business with the Hammer drones we were thinking of recruiting you. Coulson saw something in you. Something special, that I saw too. Despite your constant protests to the contrary.”
Katie blinked, her eyes filling a little with tears as she shook her head.“I was nothing special, SHIELD made me what I was.” “Bullshit.” Natasha shook her head, gently squeezing Katie’s arm as they watched Fury dismiss Coulson and past Natasha. “You were our Supernova from the start.” Katie looked at her, sniffing a little as Natasha pulled her in for a hug “And you’re still a goddamned superhero, suit or not.”
***** Katie sighed as she entered her hotel room, reaching for the lights. That had been a fucking nightmare. Once Tony had effectively blown a hole in their home after a showdown with Rhodey he had taken off. She’d then, along with Natalie and Pepper spent fuck knows how long dealing with the emergency services. She had no idea where the hell her brother was, and at that particular point in time she didn’t care. He’d behaved like a prize prick.
She walked through to the main living are of the suite and gave a little yell of surprise as Natalie was sat on the couch, along with a familiar face.
“What the…” Her mouth dropped open, looking at Fury as he stood up. “Natalie…what…” And then it dawned on her and she let out a groan. “You’re one of them? You’re SHIELD?” “Miss Stark, allow me to introduce Agent Natasha Romanoff. One of the two I was telling you about.”
“Well,” Katie blew out her breath, “fuck me.” “Yeah, it was kind of a shock.” Katie looked at Natasha as they watched the scene in front of them evolving as it changed again to reveal Agents now moving around her Malibu home in the daylight which was a little bit broken from the events of the party. “But at that point I was kind of past the point of disbelieving anything. Especially after Monaco.” “In my defence,” Tony piped up as he appeared besides Katie, “I was dying.”
“Yeah, which is why we found you inside a huge Randy’s Donut sign, eating a real donut without a fucking care in the world.” Natasha looked at Tony as Katie sniggered.
“Sir! I’m gonna have to ask you to exit the doughnut.” She mimicked Fury’s voice. “You still wouldn’t come down, it took me threatening to climb up there myself for you to listen.”
Tony shrugged “I’d already told him, I didn’t want to join his super-secret boy band.”
“Lucky for you we ignored you.” Natasha shrugged “Well, I say ignored, it was quite the opposite actually. You’d become a pain in our ass.”
“Yeah, yeah, you had bigger problems in the Southwest, I remember.” Tony examined the cuff of his sleeve. “Namely Point Break.”
“If they hadn’t given you that lithium dioxide you’d have been a nightmare.” Katie looked at him. Tony eyed her for a moment, then nodded to the scene in front of them, Tony, Katie and Fury sat in their home, the wall completely blown away whilst two agents stood on the balcony looking out through binoculars.
“What do you remember about your dad?” Fury asked and Katie took in a deep breath and looked at Tony.
“He was cold, he was calculating. He never told me he loved me. He never even told me he liked me…”
“Tony…” Katie started to protest but he ignored her.
“…so it’s a little tough for me to digest when you’re telling me he said the whole future was riding on me and he’s passing it down. I don’t get that. You’re talking about a guy whose happiest day was when he shipped me off to boarding school.”
“That’s not true.”  Katie sighed, and Fury pointed at her
“She’s right. It’s not.”
“Well, then, clearly you both knew dad better than I did” Tony leaned back in his chair and Katie’s attention was drawn to two Agents who walked behind Fury, carrying a silver, metal box of sorts.
“As a matter of fact, I did.” Fury placed his glass down and glanced at his watch “He was one of the founding members of SHIELD.”
Katie blinked and looked at Agent Romanoff who had appeared behind her
“What?” Tony sat up straight.
“I still don’t know why he never told us.” Katie looked at Tony as they watched their past selves bombarding Fury with questions which he deflected.
“Beats me.” Tony shrugged “But he was a man of many mysteries, as this proves.”
Katie’s eyes tracked Fury as he left before she turned back to look at herself, her brother and Agent Coulson.
“I’ve been authorised by Director Fury to use any means necessary to keep you on premises.” Coulson looked at Tony “If you attempt to leave or play any games, I will tase you and watch Supernanny while you drool into the carpet. Okay?”
“I think I got it, yeah.”
“Wait, do I need to stay here too?” Katie looked at Coulson. “Because just to warn you, I’ll likely end up killing him before any blood poisoning does.” “Err, I can hear you.” Tony glared at her
Coulson shrugged. “That’s up to you Miss Stark,” he then turned to Tony, “enjoy your evening’s entertainment.” He nodded to the box as he left.
Katie let out a sigh and sank into a chair, running her hands over her tired eyes.
“You heard what he just said. You can go.” Tony looked at her. “Yeah, well, as much as I would love to jump on a plane and head to New York right now, I can’t leave you like this, Tone.” Katie shook her head as her face reappeared from behind her hands. “What kind of sister would that make me?” Tony looked at her taking a deep breath before he glanced at the box again and grimaced. “Think I might burn that.” “Don’t.”
“Why not? I don’t care much to see what dearest Daddy left for us.” “For you.” Katie looked at him. “What he left for you.” “You know, that was the only reason I opened that damned box.” Tony said softly and Katie turned to look at him. “Like I said, I didn’t care and I didn’t believe a word Fury was saying but you, that simple phrase, reminding me that he left it for me specifically spurred me to do it.”
“Without that you would have died.” Katie stated simply.
“I did.”
“I mean then, dick.” Katie glared at him. “Man I was so angry at you when I found out the palladium was poisoning you and you hadn’t told me.”
“I didn’t want to worry you.” He shrugged, watching as their past selves both took a hold of a handle of the box each and picked it up. “Looking back on it, now I realise I was doing that anyway with my erratic behaviour.”
“Are you getting it yet?” Natasha asked gently and Katie looked at her. “All these seemingly small decisions you made and these apparent innocuous little statements, they all formed something so much bigger than you could ever have dreamed of.”
Katie looked down at her feet and swallowed.
“It isn’t about being Supernova, or an Avenger, or a perfect human.” Tony smiled “It’s about being Katie Stark, the person you are.” “That said, hold that thought because this next memory we’re gonna visit,” Natasha smiled, “this one was kind of a big decision.”
“So she’s worth a shot?” Fury lounged in his chair, looking at Natasha as she sat opposite him. The pair were sat in an abandoned warehouse that appeared to be serving as some kind of temporary housing facility for SHIELD. There were three large displays in front of them, all being projected from the same type of metal box Fury had left at the mansion, and nothing else in the room bar a desk and a few chairs.
“I believe so. But, the thing is, I don’t think you’ll get one without the other, and my assessment of Tony isn’t quite as favourable.”
“Then we’ll just have to pique her interest.” Fury shrugged.
Natasha frowned. “New Mexico?” and Fury gave a little smirk, causing Nat to snort, “good luck with that.”
“You make your own luck.” Fury said simply. “In the meantime, I have another assignment for you. I need you to trail Dr Banner. If this item in New Mexico is what we think, then things are starting to get a little…weird shall we say.”
Natasha nodded, “I’ll get right on it” and with that she stood up, nodding to the files on the desk. “Let me know how you get on.” “When do I ever need to tell you anything?” Fury looked at her. “You know more than me half the time.” Natasha laughed. “Now we know that isn’t true, don’t we Nick?”
“You absolute shits!” Katie looked at Natasha, tearing her eyes from the past version of the red head who was leaving Fury’s office. “That whole thing with Thor’s hammer, it was a ruse to get me into SHIELD.”
Natasha shrugged.
“I always thought it was because of what I did in New Mexico that I got offered a position but it was you all along!”
Natasha smiled. “Well, Coulson stuck you on the radar, but it was my decision to put you forward. A decision I’m proud of and would make a hundred times over.” “It was a shit decision.” Tony sniffed. “You knocked me back.”
“That was more of an ego check than anything.” Natasha shrugged. “I think deep down Fury always knew the way it would go.” She looked back at Katie. “You proved me, and Coulson for that matter, right with your actions in New Mexico. Showed the exact level of compassion, bravery and initiative that we expected.”
Katie blinked and shook her head. “I was just a normal person.” “You were, are a Stark.” Nat said simply. “And SHIELD was all the better for it. It was your dad’s legacy after all.”
The scene in front of them faded and then, in the same offices, Katie saw herself and Tony sat at a desk.
“Should you be looking at that?” Katie asked as she sat next to Tony who had picked up the manila file which was emblazoned with the words “AVENGERS INIAITIVE PRELIMINARY REPORT. Before Tony could reply, a hand pinned the report down and they both looked up at Fury who was leaning slightly over the desk.
“I don’t think I want you looking at that.” He levelled Tony with a look as he sat down opposite them at the other side of the desk. “I’m not sure it pertains to you anymore. Now this on the other hand,” he picked up another file off the desk, “is Agent Romanoff’s assessment of you. Read it.” He instructed, handing Tony the file.
“Errr,” Tony scanned the page, “personality overview. Mr Stark displays compulsive behaviour…’”
Katie snorted and Tony looked at Fury. “In my own defence that was last week”
Fury looked at him and Tony gave a small sigh and continued. “’Prone to self-destructive tendencies.’ I was dying. I mean, please. Aren’t we all? ‘Textbook narcissism’?”
“Agreed.” Katie jumped in and Tony turned to look at her as she shrugged. He arched an eyebrow, holding her gaze for a moment before he looked back at the report.
“Okay, here it is. ‘Recruitment assessment for Avenger Initiative. Iron Man? Yes.’ I gotta think about it.”
“Read on.” Fury replied.
“ ‘Tony Stark not… not recommended”? That doesn’t make any sense.” He dropped the file to the desk. “How can you approve me but not approve me?”  Katie’s eyes tracked Fury as he got up out of his chair with a heavy sigh as Tony continued. “I got a new ticker. I’m trying to do right by Pepper. I’m in a stable-ish relationship.”
Fury perched on the edge of the desk by Katie and looked at Tony. “Which leads us to believe at this juncture we’d only like to use you as a consultant.”
Katie knew that despite her brother declaring he wanted nothing to do with this initiative, that was going to be a blow to his ego and sure enough, Tony simply took a breath, stood up and offered Fury his hand to shake. Fury obliged, and Tony clasped his other hand on top of Fury’s. “You can’t afford me.”
At that he turned to leave. Katie made to follow but Fury signalled for her to stay in her seat.
“Then again,” Tony turned back round, “I will waive my customary retainer in exchange for a small favour. Rhodey and I are being honoured in Washington and we need a presenter.”
“I’ll see what I can do.” Fury said simply. “Now, if you would be so kind, I’d like five minutes with your sister.”
Tony looked at Katie who nodded. “I’ll be in the car, Kiddo.”
Once he was gone, Fury turned to her “Miss Stark, like I said to you six months ago, SHIELD could use someone of your calibre.” Katie smiled and shook her head. “I’m sorry Sir. I’m flattered, I really am but,” she took a deep breath, “this, well it really isn’t for me.”
Fury sighed, “I thought you might say that. In that case, would you, perhaps, consider also joining us as a consultant?”
“Consulting on what?”
“You’re fairly knowledgeable on Mythology, am I right?” “I did a degree and had a few papers published.” She frowned “Why?”
“This pressing issue in the South West.” Fury walked to one of the screens and pressing a button. “I’d like your take on it.”
Katie’s eyes fell open as she glanced at a picture of a huge crater, and inside it looked like…
“No,no way.” She mumbled, standing up. “That’s…no, I mean…what the hell is that?”
“The official story is its part of a satellite.” Fury shrugged. “Does it look like a satellite to you?”
“No, it looks like Mjolnir, the fabled hammer of Thor.” She frowned, before she scoffed, shaking her head. “This is a plant. A fake, a hoax.” She looked at Fury. “There has to be some kind of explanation.”
“Yes, you’re right.” Fury shrugged. “But the thing is, when you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how utterly ludicrous, has to be the truth, and, well, we’re running out of impossible to eliminate”
Katie looked back at the photo, shaking her head “No, no way.” “Miss Stark, when I said I’d seen things you couldn’t even begin to imagine I meant it.” He looked at her, and Katie swallowed as she stared back at him. “Now. I’d very much like for you to take a look and confirm that I’m crazy.”
“Where is it?” She asked after a short pause.
“New Mexico, about thirty miles South of Santa Fe.” “There’s a professor I know, based in Seville” Katie looked at Fury “He’s an expert I consulted a few times over my degree. Elliot Randal his name is. It’s probably worth giving him a call.”
“I’ll get onto it.” Fury nodded. “And as for you, well, I can have a jet ready to fly you out there within the hour.”
Katie glanced at the photo, everything inside of her was screaming that his was ridiculous, farfetched, down right ludicrous, but there was just that small part of her brain that was niggling. If it was what she thought it was, then she couldn’t pass up an opportunity to be part of the team that identified it.
Imagine what that would mean for man-kind going forward.
She inhaled, letting the breath out of her nose before she gave Fury a curt nod. “Okay. I’ll go.” “Really?” Tony scoffed as Katie watched herself, shaking hands with Fury. “It was that easy?”
“I was curious.” Katie shrugged. “And I’m glad I was. That decision to go to New Mexico, without it, I would never have joined SHIELD. Might never have met Steve. I’m guessing that’s what this little flashback is about?”
“Hmmm, possibly not but one thing is for sure, you wouldn’t have been the one sent to that Boxing Gym. And whether or not Steve has ever told you this, you were the reason he took that mission inadvertently.” “He would have done it anyway given the Tesseract…” “But he trusted you right from the start, and that swayed him.” Natasha pressed. “And when you fought alongside him in Stuttgart, captured Loki, then the battle in New York, all of that just solidified the fact in his mind you were a good person. It might not have been love at first sight but he trusted you, confided in you. You worked side by side, grew close both in and out of work, and he fell in love with you. You understood him, could cope with his lifestyle because you lived it.”
Katie blinked as what Natasha was saying began to sink in. “So this,” she waved her hand, “me seeing this now, isn’t simply a reminder of me making a decision that in the end led to me becoming an Avenger. It’s about me making a decision that meant Steve and I made it?”
Natasha nodded.
“Because we never would have done if I didn’t understand what SHIELD and the Avengers were about on a simple day-to-day basis.” Kate finished.
Natasha beamed, “You made it easy for him to love you and possible for him to envisage a future with you because you lived the life he was all about. Shared life experience, so to speak.”
“And all that stems from that simple decision to get on a plane to New Mexico because you were curious.” Tony smiled and Katie looked at him, once more the tears stinging her eyes “Actions have consequences Kiddo and nine times outta ten it’s the consequences we don’t ever dream of at the point of acting which are the ones that shape our lives.”
 **Original Posting**
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mymoonagedaydream · 4 years
Witness Protection (Part 12)
Summary: Maybe it was time to stop running
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x y/n
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: Language 
Author’s Note: This is the last one :( I’ve really enjoyed writing this series and I’m so grateful for all the support. More stories definitely coming soon!
The car rolled to a stop and Bucky killed the engine. You were only half-asleep, so the gentle jolt of the brakes prompted you to open your eyes. As they adjusted to the light, you barely believed the view they were met with.
‘What the hell?’ You muttered, staring through the windscreen. 
You were parked outside the compound.
Bucky chuckled. ‘It’s not perfect, but it beats the basements and motels we've been living in lately.’
You looked over at him, bewildered. ‘What’s going on Buck?’
‘Look, I know it seems too soon,’ he turned in his seat to face you, ‘but I think you’re ready.’
‘For what?’
‘Staying put. Not having to run anymore.’ 
Your breath hitched as all the muscles in your stomach tensed. You’d been looking forward to this day but he was right, it definitely seemed too soon. A confusing mix of excitement and fear filled your chest, then you realised that you’d been gawping at Bucky in complete silence for a good few seconds. 
He must’ve seen your concern, so he carried on explaining. 
‘Back there on the road- you stayed calm, you focused and you hit your target. It doesn’t sound like much, I know we’ve still got work to do but I think, for now, we can breathe easy.’
You felt a faint smile spread across your face, staying in one place for a while did sound pretty great. It was almost embarrassing how easily Bucky could talk you down from a panic. You knew there was a lot more you needed to learn, but you trusted his judgement completely. 
Hell, if he asked you to run naked directly into Hydra’s headquarters you’d probably do it. 
‘Yeah?’ He smirked. ‘You’ll have to live here though. Y’know, so I can keep an eye on you.’
Before you had a chance to act on the sinful urges provoked by that bloody smirk, Steve emerged from the doorway in front of you. He didn’t look surprised, Buck must’ve told him you were coming. What the hell else had he gotten up to while you were asleep? You half expected cake and a welcome banner when you got inside.
'This place looks a lot better than when I last saw it.' You slammed the car door behind you. 'It's much less… on fire.'
‘We usually try to keep the fire to a minimum.’ Steve stepped forward and embraced Bucky, before putting an arm around your shoulders and leading you inside. 
‘Don’t worry, I’ll get the bags.’ You heard shouted from behind you.
You chuckled and looked over at Steve. ‘How’s Sharon doing?’
‘She’s all good, always asks about you when I see her- asks when you’ll be back. I didn’t have the guts to tell her she’ll have to find a new flatmate.’
You’d miss living with Sharon, but staying at the compound with Bucky was probably the most normal life you were capable of at the moment. It was also the only life you really wanted. Not that you’d admit that to Steve, cause he’d think you were crazy. 
Christ, maybe you were.
Bucky dropped the last of your boxes from the flat onto the bed. 
'Do you have enough stuff?' He asked sarcastically, flopping down on the duvet next to the pile.
‘I definitely don’t have enough stuff to make this room look any less like a sweaty gym changing room.’
He pulled you down onto the bed beside him, turning his head to the side to face you. 
‘Was Sharon alright?’
‘Yeah, fine.’ You sighed. ‘To be honest she was probably glad to see the back of me, after everything. She can get herself a new flatmate, one that doesn’t bring home ex-KGB agents and metal assassins.’
You watched as he chuckled and looked back at the ceiling. Seeing him so relaxed made your mind wander, back to something you’d been concerned about. 
His frightening episodes had been getting more frequent with the increasing intensity of your training, you were worried that eventually something would bubble up that he couldn’t control, but you didn’t know how to bring it up with him. Suggesting that he step back might seem ungrateful.
‘You alright?’ He furrowed his brows at you. ‘You look worried.’
‘I’m good. I’ve just been thinking a bit.’ You shifted on to your side, tucking your elbow under your head. ‘I figured, now that we’re here, maybe I could get Nat to take over some of my training? Take the burden off you a little.’
‘You’re not a burden.’
‘No, I didn't mean that, I just-’ you rubbed your forehead, figuring out how best to word it. ‘I can see how the training affects you Buck, and I think it’s been getting worse. I appreciate everything you’ve done so much, but you know you don’t have to do it on your own anymore.’
He nodded slowly, then smiled and pulled you over to lean on him, planting a kiss on your forehead. 
‘You’re probably right.’ He sighed, your head rising and falling with his chest. ‘But there’s no way she’s taking over firearms training, I’m not missing a minute of that. The faces you pull are too good.’
You hit him playfully on the thigh and got your waist squeezed in return. Adjusting yourself, you brought your face to level with his, lifting your arm so you could stroke his cheek. He leant in and gave you a soft peck, before sweeping his hand gently over your stomach, stopping when it reached the tender spot under your hip. 
'Let me see.'
You leant back and lifted your shirt slightly to show him the most recent patch he’d put over your bullet wound. You’d bled through the first few, but this one seemed to be holding up fine. He leant down and planted a soft kiss on it. 
'You’re so corny.’ You laughed, pushing the hair away from his face. 
‘Shut up. Does it hurt?’
You craned your neck to look at it. ‘Not a great deal. At least the scar will have a good story behind it.’
He straightened back up and rested a hand on the mattress next to your head, hovering his face over yours. His expression fell into one of deep sincerity. 
‘You sure you’re happy with all this? You feel safe here, with me?’
‘I’m sure.’ You smiled, bringing your hands up to cup his face. 
‘That’s good. I’m so tired of running.'
@zizzlekwum @calwitch @shower-me-with-roses @supernaturalwintersoldier @the-romanian-is-bae @shadowed-wax @justanotherblonde23 @connie326 @sxbby-barnes @chipilerendi
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Galactica, Chapter 54 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last time on The Thanksgiving Chronicles: Things got real as Courtney and Bianca had sex for the first time and Pearl and Adore for the last (??).
This Chapter: Adore seeks comfort, Katya decorates, and we just might have escaped from the alternate dimension where it’s always Thanksgiving. (Thanksgiving Chronicles 5 of 5)
More than anything else, Adore felt stupid. For believing, even for a second, that she and Pearl were finally on the same page. It was her fault, she supposed. She’d initiated things before they’d had a chance to really talk.
It still hurt though.
She could’ve just gone home and crashed. But she really didn’t want to be alone, and it wasn’t that late. Maybe Bianca would be up for an old movie. And she still had all those leftovers. Besides, she was planning to stay there to house-sit starting on Friday anyway, so it just made sense that’s where she’d head.
What she was not prepared for was the sight when the elevator doors opened. Clothes strewn all over the foyer and the bottom of the stairs. Courtney’s purse, spilling out its contents, right by her feet. Her mouth opened as she took it all in, temporarily too amazed by what she was seeing to remember that she was sad.
She walked forward a few steps and then stopped when the dogs came tearing through the apartment to greet her, barking up a storm. She set down her stupid box and knelt down to pet them.
“Hey guys! How’s it going? What the fuck has your Mommy been up to?”
“Hey.” Bianca appeared next, wrapped in one of those fancy silk robes she loved so much, awkwardly asking, “Um, what’re you doing back here?”
“Uhhh...I guess I’m interrupting, huh?” Adore said, trying not to laugh, standing back up.
“Or, you could...not?” Bianca cleared her throat and gestured vaguely back to the elevator. “And call me in the morning?”
“Yeah, I could…” Adore tilted her head, pretending to consider it for a few seconds before she took off, racing towards the stairs.
“Adore!” Bianca tried to grab at her, but she missed, Adore adeptly avoiding her hands and continuing.
“Too slow, old woman!”
“Fucking hell!” Bianca exclaimed, as Adore left her in the dust, laughing maniacally.
Courtney sat up in bed, startled by the footsteps thundering up the stairs, pretty sure they didn’t belong to Bianca, who had gone down to feed the dogs. She grabbed the covers, pulling them up to cover her naked body just as Adore appeared in the doorway, standing there breathlessly for a few moments, staring at Courtney with her mouth open and chest heaving.
Courtney relaxed a bit, seeing that it was just her best friend. She supposed this saved them that awkward ‘So...I slept with your sister’ conversation. She gave Adore a mildly self-conscious little wave.
Adore threw back her head and laughed, then skipped forward and flung herself onto the bed.
“Oh...my...god. What the fuck, Courtney?”
Courtney wasn’t sure what to say to that, so she just giggled, covering most of her face with Bianca’s comforter, only her eyes peeking out.
“What are you doing back so soon, anyway?” she asked, and Adore rolled her eyes.
“It’s been like six hours.”
“Oh. Oops,” she said, another giggle slipping out before remembering where Adore had been. “How was Pearl’s?”
“A disaster.”
“I’m sorry,” Courtney said.
“Yeah. Well…” Adore sighed, then her eyes zeroed in on something and she laughed again. “Courtney. Are those yours?”
Courtney followed her gaze to the foot of the bed, where her panties had apparently landed.
“Yes, why?” Adore reached for them and Courtney slapped her hand away, laughing.
“Because! I know what kind of underwear you normally wear, and those...did you intentionally wear lacy little sex panties to come to my sister’s house today?”
Coutney pressed her lips together, saying nothing, and Adore shook her head with delight.
“Oh my god, you filthy lesbian slut.”
Courtney giggled some more, settling back against the pillows with a shrug.
“Adore...” Bianca walked in just then, holding Courtney’s purse and a stack of neatly folded clothes, which she set on the little bench at the foot of her bed. “Get your fucking shoes off my duvet, bitch!”
“Sorry, sorry!” Adore swung her legs to the ground and began removing her shoes.
“That didn’t mean take them off, that meant…” Bianca sighed. “We really need to discuss boundaries here.”
“Really? You want to discuss boundaries after fucking my best friend?”
Courtney brought up the covers to hide her laughter as Bianca shot her sister an irritated look.
“Alright alright. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She heaved herself off the bed and headed for the door, where she turned around and said, “Now, be safe, okay? We don’t want any pregnancies here-”
“Goodnight Adore!”
“Nighty night kids!” Adore blew one last kiss and then disappeared.
Bianca turned towards Courtney, shaking her head. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay.” Courtney bit her lip. “Are you upset that she knows?”
“No. Are you?”
Courtney shook her head. “I’d have told her anyway.”
“Mmm...and what would you have told her, exactly?” Bianca began to untie her robe, one shoulder already slipping down.
“That...um…that we…” Courtney’s eyes roamed over Bianca’s body, pulse quickening. It was almost too much. The tits, the ass, those legs. Courtney was consumed with a desire to be pressed up against her smooth tan skin once again, wrapped in her and around her.
“That we what?” Bianca asked, now joining her under the covers, one hand sliding across her thigh. The husky voice right in her ear sending shivers up and down her body. “What did we do?”
Courtney whimpered, pushing Bianca onto her back and hovering over her, prolonging the torture by just looking at her, not touching.
“Oh, she’s in charge now, huh?” Bianca teased, trailing fingers up the back of her thighs.
“Mmhmm…” Courtney murmured, finally lowering her hips, pressing their bodies together as she went in for a kiss, wet and messy, spurred on by the fingers digging into her ass.
Pearl stumbled out of her bedroom, head pounding with a hangover from all the shots she’d consumed after Adore left, but seeking out the coffee she’d smelled from her bed. She assumed that Trixie and Katya would be lounging on the sofa, enjoying their day off and relaxing.
Instead, the sight that met her was an absolute explosion of Christmas kitsch. It seemed that, with Thanksgiving now behind them, the apartment was about to turn into a holly jolly nightmare.
There were yards and yards of garlands and colored lights, boxes of ornaments and holly and a big stuffed reindeer, multiple nativity scenes, Trixie’s snowglobe collection, some mechanical carolers with very strange off-putting faces that had to be Katya’s, and two Christmas trees, including a sparkly pink one that Trixie was currently assembling on the floor.
“Good morning Pearlie!” Trixie chirped. “Want some gingerbread coffee? We have eggnog creamer, too!”
“Jesus fucking Christ, you guys,” Pearl croaked.
“Exactly!” exclaimed Katya, pulling a colorful banner out of one of the boxes that read ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!’
“You’re deranged,” Pearl told her. She felt like shit, and she wanted her friends to take care of her, but they seemed so happy. “Completely crazy.”
“Pearl, please have more respect for our lord and savior?” Trixie said, making both himself and Katya crack up, punctuating their lunacy with a high five.
Pearl stared at them for a few moments before turning on her heel. It was too early for this. She’d be better off back in bed.
Back in bed where her terrible mood couldn’t affect anyone but herself.
Bianca got up carefully, slipping from the bed so as not to disturb Courtney. They’d been up most of the night, and though Bianca had a billion things to do today, she wanted to let Courtney sleep in as long as possible.
She was out of the shower, fully moisturized and drying her hair by the time Courtney appeared in the bathroom doorway, tousled blonde hair spilling over her shoulders, wearing nothing but a sleepy smile on her face.
“Good morning, sunshine,” Bianca said, putting down the blow dryer and brush in her hands, eyes raking over Courtney’s naked body. “Nice PJs.”
“Hi,��� Courtney replied, suddenly bashful, biting her lip.
“Come here.”
She walked forward, but when Bianca turned around to take hold of her hips, a hand flew up to cover her mouth.
“I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.”
“Do I look scared?” Bianca asked, one eyebrow raised, and Courtney lowered her hand slowly. Bianca leaned towards her, nuzzling her nose gently before grinning and moving to place a row of kisses along her jaw, finishing with a soft press to her lips. “How’d you sleep?”
“Honestly? I can’t remember sleeping that well since...ever.” She grinned, then wrinkled her nose and added. “I really want to brush my teeth, though.”
Bianca laughed, giving her a pat on the ass and pulling open a drawer, getting out a new toothbrush, still in the package. “Knock yourself out.”
Courtney stepped up to the counter, picking it up and reaching for the toothpaste, tossing out a very deliberately casual, “There were a lot of toothbrushes in that drawer, huh?”
“I got a 24-pack.”
“Mmm,” Courtney raised the toothbrush to her mouth. “...So, how many are left?”
Bianca tossed her a sly look, asking, “You wanna count them?”
“No. Sorry.” Courtney looked embarrassed, eyes avoiding Bianca’s in the mirror.
“You know...whatever’s happened with other women...that has nothing to do with me and you,” Bianca said.
“I know. I’m sorry. I’m just a little, uh…”
“You’re beautiful.” Bianca moved towards her, wrapping her into an embrace from behind, kissing her neck. Courtney tilted her head to give Bianca better access, eyes falling closed, when a knock nearby made them fly right back open again.
“Uh...morning guys...you fuckin’ or can I come in?” asked Adore’s voice.
“Be right back,” Bianca whispered in Courtney’s ear.
Bianca tightened the belt on her robe and strode out into her sitting area, where Adore was perched on the armchair.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Nothin.’” Adore drew a little design in Bianca’s new area rug with her toe. “Just wondering if you wanted to get some brunch or whatevs.”
She was clearly a bit dejected, and Bianca took a few steps forward.
“I still have to pack, but...maybe you could take Courtney out? Have a girls’ day? On me?”
“Are you alright?” Bianca asked softly.
“Yeah. Just like, feel kinda dumb for thinking, you know. That things would be any different.” Adore looked up, her blue eyes misty.
“You’re not dumb,” Bianca told her, putting her hands on her shoulders. “You just...trust people with your heart. And some people don’t deserve it.”
Adore nodded, letting out a dry, sad chuckle.
“But hey. Some day, you’ll meet someone who does. And they’re gonna love you so much,” Bianca promised, a thumb catching the tear that had begun falling down her left cheek.
“Thanks,” Adore sniffled, and Bianca pulled her in for a warm, tight hug. She held her close for a few moments, rocking her, then kissed her cheek. “You didn’t just make a pussy juice mark on my face, did you?”
“Ugh!” Bianca pushed her away, laughing. “Get the fuck out of here!”
Adore giggled, heading for the stairs, before turning and saying, “Hey, B?”
“I love you.”
“Back atcha, pussycat.”
“Hey sleeping beauty.” Sutan smiled, reaching out to push the blanket underneath Violet’s chin, the top of his girlfriend’s head touching his hip, the TV playing on low in the background. “How are we feeling? It’s still a couple of hours until your next dose.”
“Mmh?” Violet cracked an eye open, looking up at him. “M’okay.”
“And you’re sure?” Thanksgiving had taken more out of Violet than it seemed like either of them had expected.
“Mmh,” Violet smiled. “Stop worrying.”
“Okay, okay,” Sutan laughed. “I get it.”
They had been on the couch all day, which Sutan didn’t mind in the slightest, his laptop open on his knees as he was working through his emails, his phone on the table. Tamisha had sent him a long list of potentials other agents had found, but she wanted his opinion on them before signing them with the company on entry level contracts. He’d been meaning to get to it all week, but with all the chaos, this was the first chance he’d had to really dig in.
It was one of the things Sutan excelled at, several of the girls already rejected based off of their photos and videos, but he had a handful he wanted to see in person, a model not worth much in the high fashion industry if she only sparked through a camera lens.
One potential in particular had caught his eye. She only had a shaky full body phone photo from the day she had been discovered, and a few selfies, but there was something about her face that had instantly caught his professional attention in a way white girls rarely did, and he had known instinctively that she didn’t belong in L.A.
Sutan had fully expected for Violet to go back to sleep, her prescribed painkillers knocking her out completely, her eyes closed, but it didn’t seem like she was gone just yet.
“Do you need to make another call?”
“Why?” Sutan tried to keep his voice impassive, to not show the clench of his stomach on his face. He was used to everything from casual flings to his most serious relationships being annoyed with him working nights and weekends, but it was the reality of his career.
“It’s nice. Listening to you talk.” Violet yawned, hiding her mouth with her blanket. “Makes it easier to sleep.”
“Really?” Sutan chuckled, the answer the last one he had expected. “Well in that case. I’ll see what I can do.”
Courtney stirred her iced tea with a metal straw, trying not to get too lost in her head while Adore was in the restroom. Last night had been amazing. Magical, even. Everything she’d been dreaming of. And then this morning, that spark was still there--Bianca was so affectionate and sweet with her, making her feel special in spite of everything Courtney knew.
When she looked into Bianca’s eyes, she saw things that she was pretty sure she wasn’t supposed to, not after one night. Especially not the way Bianca had, very kindly and suavely, ushered her out for brunch with Adore. With the very believable excuse that she gets cranky when she packs, and she didn’t want to “subject” Courtney to that. So Courtney was pretty sure that she was a fleeting distraction, and she told herself over and over that she’d be okay with that. Whether it was actually true...that was another story.
Adore got back to the table, sighing with relief when she saw that the drinks were there. She sat down and quickly sucked down half her hurricane, then looked up at Courtney.
“Yes?” Courtney asked sweetly.
“You have a lot to tell me, miss thing.”
“What do you want to know?” Courtney asked, a faint blush warming her cheeks already, since she had a pretty good idea of exactly what Adore wanted to know.
“Well first of all, um...I know it’s hard to tell what with her voice and all, but Bianca is a woman.”
“Oh shit, really?” Courtney asked, before breaking out into a grin.
“Since when do you fuck women?”
“Since...last night, I guess.”
“Are you like...gay? Bi? Or is this just another case of my sister bagging a curious straight girl?” Adore asked, taking another sip, almost done with her cocktail already. “Shit, I should really have ordered two of these.”
“You could drink your water.”
“Gross.” Adore rapped her knuckles on the table. “Answer the question!”
“Uh...I dunno, I haven’t really thought about labels. But…” she shrugged, a smile pulling at her mouth. “I’m definitely not straight. Not after that.”
Adore laughed, then asked, “So has this really never come up for you before?”
“I mean...you know my brother’s gay. Like very gay.” Courtney rested her chin on her hand. “A full time drag queen.”
“Yeah, so?”
“I dunno, I guess there was always this kind of thing with my parents, like ‘yeah we have one glorious sparkly camp child and one...plain one,’” she said with an apologetic little shrug.
Adore laughed harder at that, signaling to the server for another drink. “You were the bland unseasoned child, huh?”
“Yeah. And it was so obvious with him, and everyone knew and I guess I just thought...that being gay was this intrinsic magical thing that’s really clear. Or like, some giant revelation that comes to you all at once.”
“So...then did you ever have feelings for a girl before?”
“Kind of...but I always sort of rationalized it away. You know, that it’s normal to admire female beauty and girls are just prettier than boys and they smell nicer and...” Courtney sighed. “I think I thought that if I could force myself to tolerate a man, then I must be straight. Cause that’s what straight women do.”
“Ugh, so sad.”
“I know, right? But yeah. I guess I...have always liked girls, but I just didn’t think it meant I liked girls.”
“You know I would have gladly helped you work these feelings out in college.”
Courtney laughed, giving her a soft kick under the table.
“Man. Just when I think Bianca’s losing it, she scores a fucking ace…”
“Why thank you,” Courtney said, fluttering her lashes and tossing her hair.
“So like...are you guys gonna be dating or...what’s the deal?” Adore asked, giving the server a wink as she set down her new drink.
“I don’t know. I guess...whatever she wants.”
“But what do you want?”
“I…” Courtney hadn’t really thought about it much. She figured the whole thing was entirely out of hands. Everyone told her, everyone warned her--Bianca doesn’t do relationships. Bianca does flings. So in her mind, the best she’d hoped for was a fling that lasted more than a night. But now she was going to Tokyo for a week and Courtney has a strong suspicion that even half the world away, the mere thought of her would still be able to conjure up tingling sense memories on Courtney’s skin. She looked up at Adore, who was patiently waiting for an answer, and admitted, “I really like her.”
Adore nodded, and Courtney continued.
“She’s just so smart and commanding and sexy and I just-”
Adore’s nose wrinkled at the word ‘sexy,’ but Courtney went on.
“Well, she is.”
“You know she’s like...old enough to be your mother, right? I mean not for nothing, but there are women our age who would gladly fuck you. I promise.”
“The thing is…” Courtney leaned forward, eyes glittering, lowering her voice to say, “I think her age is kind of...part of it? She’s just so successful and confident and she knows who she is. If I even had an ounce of that, I’d be set. And the sex? Was like…”
“That’s my sister, please proceed with caution.”
“It was so fucking good,” Courtney said, trying not to gush or get too detailed. “I’ve never...I mean I know I have no real frame of reference for sex with a woman but it was...transcendent. It’s like I was living in this two-dimesional world and suddenly not only was it 3D, but it was like...more than that. A kaleidoscope.”
“Did y’all fuck or do mushrooms?”
“I’ve done mushrooms before. Last night was...a billion times better.”
“Damn.” Adore shook her head, lifting her glass. “Well...here’s to more transcendent fucking.”
“Cheers,” Courtney laughed, clinking glasses with her.
Fame sighed, sliding even further into the bathtub and wiggling her toes, music playing in the background as bubbles and rose petals surrounded her body.
She was thankfully, blissfully alone, Patrick taking his family to Radio Music Hall for a show.
The thoughts of scalding hot water and complete privacy was the only thing that had carried her through the morning, her mother-in-law daring to say to Fame’s face that their coffee selection was subpar, as if her beans weren’t flown in directly from Colombia.
Fame was considering if it’d be worth it to add a few drops of essential oils to her bath, when she heard her phone buzz,  but instead of picking it up from where she had placed it on the edge of the marble tub, she ignored it.
Or, she would have, if it didn’t buzz again, and then again and again.
Fame sat up, water dripping from her body as she reached for her phone, annoyance flaring in her chest when she saw Pearl’s name.
Didn’t she realize she was still upset with her?
She was seconds away from just deleting the messages without reading them, when yet another one ticked in, and curiosity won her over.
PEARL: I know we’re not talking right now
PEARL: Which sucks
PEARL: You were right though
PEARL: I’m a bad and terrible person
PEARL: Just thought you should know that I understand
Fame paused, reading the messages once more, a sinking feeling settling in her stomach.
Her silence had only been meant as a punishment, a way to show Pearl her displeasure, to make Pearl understand that she couldn’t just go against her direct commands or orders without a consequence, but this was never what Fame had intended.
Pearl was many things, but a bad person wasn’t one of them.
Fame pressed down, holding the phone to her ear, her hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun.
“... Hello? Fame? Is that you?”
“Come over. Right now.”
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blossomoranges · 3 years
Crossmarch and Mirai's Search For The Silver Fox
hi everyone! this was part of the @ikesennw‘s secret santa, written for @mitsushide from me. the fic focuses on her character, Mirai, facing her first Christmas in Azuchi posing as a princess of the Nakamura clan. in truth, she’s an undercover agent for the Crimson Lotus, an organisation of women looking to bring down the feudal warlords, and an all-around badass. also, local himbo Yukimura makes a cameo.
read her fabulous series beneath a night sky, vast & wide  for more context!
word count: 1550
pairing: hints of mirai/mitsuhide
Winter had come to Azuchi on swift wings, bringing a chill to the air and a coating of frost on the ground. But this year, the season was different. The Oda’s support of the Western traders had brought a new influx of foreigners to the gates of the town, and with them came stories of strange cultures and traditions. ‘Christmas’, as it came to be known, was a winter festival celebrated by many of these people - a time of feasting and gift giving and togetherness. Nobunaga Oda, with his endless fascination for anything new, had announced a holiday for the citizens of his provinces.
Mirai wasn’t sure what to think of all this. A day off for all the hard-working people of Azuchi was a step in the right direction, but it could just be one of Nobunaga’s passing fancies. There was no guarantee that this festival would become a tradition. Plus, she could barely pronounce the name. Christ-moss? Clip-mass? Whatever.
And just how was she meant to look for openings to rid the land of these warlords when the castle was flooded with people preparing for a banquet? 
Ever since she’d arrived in Owari under the Nakamura banner and the guise of a sickly princess, she’d made sure to document the routines of the six key warlords, but they’d seemingly scattered to the winds. Mirai had caught a glimpse of Masamune Date cooking up a storm in the kitchens, the door to Ieyasu Tokugawa’s office had been barred from the inside, and Mitsuhide Akechi… was nowhere to be found. According to Honoka, he’d last been seen heading out to the town centre. She can’t say that trying to track him down is a wise thing to do - princesses don’t usually go around tailing people. But the sheer volume of people stocking up on winter goods and preparing for this strange festival provided safety in numbers and a golden opportunity to see what the kitsune was getting up to.
So here she is, standing at the edge of a crowded marketplace, attempting to track a man who’d perfected his disappearing act and to blend in all the while. 
If she wasn’t so experienced, she would never be able to find him.  She cleared her mind and focused on the smells, sounds, and sights of the market, and kept pushing forward. Out of the corner of her eye, Mirai sees a swirl of teal and ivory. The chase is on.
He’s a worthy opponent. Mitsuhide ducks, dodges, and weaves through the town with the grace of a heron, while Mirai follows in his tread, slinking just out of sight. She can’t survey him from the rooftops (damn these unwieldy kimono skirts), so she darts into one of the many alleyways to stay out of sight. Their pattern of fox and mouse holds, right until the kitsune stops in his tracks at the very edges of the market, turning to examine a stall surrounded by trinkets and charms. Mirai is a tad surprised - he didn’t seem the type to enjoy frivolity, or anything uninvolved with torture for that matter.
His exchange with the shopkeeper lasts mere moments before he’s off again, out of sight and drifting away like a spirit with questionable taste in clothes. Thus comes an end to her fruitless chase. She needs to head back to the castle soon, anyway. After he had overcome his initial animosity, Hideyoshi seemed convinced that Mirai might drop dead from a cold as soon as the sun sank below the horizon. There was a slim chance he’d be too busy to notice her disappearance, preparing for the banquet and worshipping the ground Nobunaga walked upon, but it wouldn’t do to be questioned. 
The road back to the castle gates was so much more boring without a target to prey upon. The crowds had dissipated a bit as it neared sundown, though some citizens milled about, browsing and discussing the coming winter. The winds were even more chilly, but she kept a measured pace.
There was something glinting in the last rays of the day. Mirai inclined her head towards the source, a blanket laid out with accessories much like the ones that had caught Mitsuhide’s attention. She was in no rush to return to the castle - regardless of the festivities, it was just another night of endless posturing and waiting for openings to strike. Looking at pretty things might suit her disguise. 
She crouched to examine the wares, her eyes drifting over the kanzashi, hairpins, and obi charms. Aha! There was the culprit. A group of silver animals hung upon cords were caught in the light and a tiny fox curled up against its tail rocked gently at the forefront.
“You gonna buy anything? I’m about to close up,” came a rough, unrefined voice. 
Mirai barely spared a glance for the man before responding in a cool tone. 
“I am just admiring your wares, sir.” 
“Well, admire them quicker! I’ve been busy all day with this… Crossmarch nonsense the Oda are putting on. I swear, all you girls are like this.”
He must have been blessed by the gods, because if Mirai didn’t want to blow her cover, she’d have attacked by now. Her newfound acquaintance was dressed head-to-toe in scarlet and his head, clearly empty, was crowned by a mop of brown hair. He also seemed to be the world’s worst spy - six golden coins were emblazoned on his chest, marking him as one of the Sanada. She grasped for the little fox she’d been examining, tucked it into her pouch, and chucked a few coins onto the blanket. Not the best use of Rui’s funds, but needs must when playing a princess.
“Good night, merchant. You may want to use those funds to buy a new kimono. One that’s less conspicuous.”
She glided away from the blanket, taking careful steps, only half-listening to the spluttered retorts of the merchant-warrior. 
The moon peeks out from behind the heavy clouds to cast her light over the courtyard, lighting it up in splendour, and Azuchi’s newest princess watches in turn. She had broken out in shivers from the frigid air long ago, but the stillness provided a balm for her mind. The banquet had been so loud. The further away she was from crowds of rowdy men, the better - at least Mirai can be herself here under the moon’s watchful gaze. 
The day wasn’t entirely a loss: she’d learnt the layout of the town, confirmed the presence of enemy forces, and managed to find a fox - just not the one she’d set out to catch. Her charm was threaded onto her obi cord, but Mitsuhide was still shrouded in mystery. 
With his wit, guile, and access to information, Japan could be his. So what was his motivation for following a distasteful man like Nobunaga?
The moon slips away at the same moment she feels that something, or someone, lurking in the dark behind her. She’ll have to feign surprise if the presence behind her decides to declare itself, but her thoughts race - everyone has the same primal response to shapeless beings in the dark. Kaede’s words echo across time in her thoughts.
‘You are a warrior, but don’t forget the frightened girl that you were. Your past exists within you, dear Mirai. Use that fear to spur on the strength that will always rest in you.’
The words bring a pang to her heart, but she cannot say whether it is fear or pain or grief. She forces herself to breathe.
“Hello, little mouse.”
She casts an upward glance at the voice’s source. With his white robes shrouded in the pale moonlight, the man could pass for a ghost.
“Good evening, Lord Akechi.”
“Oh, do call me Mitsuhide.” His crescent moon smile is wickedly sharp.
“Mitsuhide, then.”
They remain in silence for a few moments.
“Why is our darling princess out here? You’re missing all the festivities.”
“I prefer quieter company. Everyone in the banquet hall is awfully loud for my tastes.”
“I see. You must be tired from your excursion into town, as well. Such a busy day,” he tuts.
Had he spotted her trailing after him? No matter. There was a challenge in his voice and she would not rise to it. 
“I haven’t had much chance to explore. I had missed seeing new places and people, after being ill for so long.” 
“No need to defend yourself, little mouse. I merely noticed your fetching new charm.” He gestured to the sleeping fox in the centre of her obi.
The kitsune brought something out of his robes and set it beside her, as his other hand rested upon her head. It was a battle for Mirai to resist raising her hackles at him.
“A Christmas present for you. I heard you like this particular bird. Good night, little princess.”
Then Mitsuhide was gone, disappearing down the corridor and leaving silence in his wake. 
The only trace he had left was a bronze statue that fit neatly in her palm. A little quail. Was this a trick or some bizarre act of kindness, or did he really just like seeing her puzzled expression? The mystery surrounding him had grown. Mirai hoped she would get her answers soon, but they would not come on Christmas night.
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snarkwrites · 3 years
13.12, heat, ray palmer [m]
Title: heat
Theme: bonfire - look, i swear, this relates to the theme ya’ll. It’s.. bonfire adjacent.
Fandom / Character(s): Legends Of Tomorrow/Arrowverse,Ray Palmer (atom) and OFC, Avaleigh Benson.
Warnings: Filth. Sweet and gentle, loving filth. Unprotected filth. Pretty much it... Kids, go outside. Read a book. This is not for you.
Word Count: 2.5 k, roughly. 
And I thought, what better way to start 12 Days Of Christmas challenge from @champbucks this year than to write about Ray. because I love him and I want to. Well, apparently, just writing about him wasn’t enough. I had to write sweet filthy things with him. So, here we are. Enjoy?
Also.. I made the banner. So don’t steal it or repost.
@chasingeverybreakingwave & @helluvawriter 
[ about my writing | masterlist | multifandom tag doc ]
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“There’s a snowstorm blowing in. We should stop and make shelter for the night.” Ray stated it matter-of-factly as he nodded towards the abandoned cabin just a few feet ahead in a clearing. I eyed the cabin and then him and snorted, shaking my head no vigorously. 
“Ray, no. I’m sure if we keep walking, we’ll be fine. And we might even find the Waverider.”
“We’re stuck.” Ray came to a full stop and whirled around, staring down at me. “We’re stuck and we’re lost. I can’t even tell how far we are from the nearest town, let alone the one we have to be in. It’s safer if we make shelter now. Trust me on this.”
I went silent, biting my lip. The darkness was settling in. The temperature was rapidly dropping too and it only served a reminder that I’d come out with Ray on this mission with my thinnest leather jacket.
My only actual jacket.
We were lost in the woods, in the freezing cold. On Christmas Eve, no less.
I stopped walking because for a second or two, I could’ve sworn that I heard the ringing of a lone church bell. But the wind picked up and I hugged myself real tight, straining to hear over the sound of it howling. “I thought I heard a bell, Ray.”
“Me too. But we need to get inside, okay? It’s freezing out here. You’re freezing.” his eyes roamed over me and he shook his head. He started to remove his own thicker jacket but I shook my head no stubbornly. “I’m.. I’ll be fine, okay? Let’s just.. Get in that cabin I guess.”
Every part of me wanted to object heavily about what I was agreeing to. As a horror fan, I’ve seen what the cabin in the middle of the forest might be home to and frankly, I wanted no part of my skin being made into a suit.. Or being someone’s appetizer.
We were just a few feet from the cabin by now and I stopped, hesitant to get any closer.
“Ray, maybe this isn’t a good idea.” I called out, fidgeting nervously. “What if someone does live here and we burst in there..”
“If someone lives here, then they can at least tell us where the nearest town is.. Maybe even give us a ride. Look. We’re not arguing about this, okay?”
The tone he said it in caught me off guard a little. But it also served to make me realize that I was being childish, to an extent. And probably annoying and or possibly slowing Ray down. The thought had me nodding and going silent.
I took a deep breath as I gazed at the cabin.
“At least knock!” I hissed as Ray stepped onto the porch and approached the door.
Ray knocked and my breath caught in my throat. When the door swung open, Ray peered in and I hissed, “Are you shitting me? Have you not watched a horror movie, sir? It never goes well for the nosy ones!”
Ray stepped into the cabin and I swore up a storm quietly, stepping onto the porch and through the door behind him. Right behind him, literally.
Ray turned back, I guess to tell me that it was safe and all was clear, the cabin was empty, but instead, we found ourselves body to body. I swallowed hard and stared up at him, poking my tongue out. “You know you’re fucking lucky, right?”
“Not lucky. I just know how to tell when a place is empty or not.” Ray shrugged, a hand raising to rake slowly through dark and shaggy hair. I grumbled a little. And it hit me then, neither of us had really taken any decent amount of steps back or away from one another. 
Another loud gust of wind blew through, making the old glass windows in the cabin rattle and I hugged myself just a little tighter. Ray rubbed his hands together and then placed them on my upper arms. “This is going to be okay.”
“I know, I’m not scared.” I muttered, even managing to dredge up a halfway convincing eye roll and blow my hair out of my face as if I were just impatient or mildly annoyed at the setback and the situation we found ourselves in.
I was lying when I said it, of course, but I had far too much pride to own up to that. I took a deep breath and spoke up again. “We need to build a fire.. Something. And that fireplace looks like it hasn’t been used in a thousand years.”
“Probably only one hundred, but I see what you’re getting at. First, though.” Ray slipped off his thicker jacket, holding it out to me. Again, I shook my head. Too stubborn to accept the offer. And maybe, too afraid that if I did, having the scent of his cologne in my nose constantly might actually fuck around and be my undoing, at last.
“You’re freezing. Take it before you get hypothermia.” -again with the firm tone, Christ.. Are you trying to kill me, sir? 
“Nice try, Raymond. But that tone? Doesn’t always work on me.” I stared up at him, standing straighter, trying to make myself taller. To at least appear that the tone did nothing to me. To seem like I wasn’t quietly panicking. Like my first instinct wasn’t to melt against him and just.. Let him protect me.
Because God knows, it really was. And I didn’t know why, exactly and honestly? That kind of irked me.
The man just has this magnetic pull and I’ve been drawn in since I joined the team four and a half weeks ago.
I spotted an old axe leaning against the stone wall surrounding the fireplace and I stepped away from Ray, wandering over to it. Hefting it up with a quiet grunt.
I turned to find him right behind me and again, to find us body to body. He eyed me and the axe I was holding. “Where are you going?”
“We just established this, sir. We need a fire of some sort. So, I’m going to cut wood. Problem solved as soon as I find a dry enough spot out there to start it.” 
I went to step around him and his hand circled my wrist, prying the axe from it gently as he stared me down. 
“The only place you’re going is over there. To sit down and warm up. With my jacket. I’ll go find firewood, okay?”
“I hear what you’re saying, but I’m going to have to politely and respectfully tell you no. I can handle it. Besides, I need to… Think.”
And that I did, because as I stood there, another alarming thought came to mind. If we start a bonfire, that’s all well and good, but just how in the hell are we going to manage keeping warm when we’re trying to sleep?
There’s only one way I know for sure will do the trick and… Somehow, I get the distinct impression that Ray Palmer is not going to cuddle up with me all night. No matter how much I may or may not want him to.
He’s kind of been… Distant since I joined the team. Mick told me once over beers that it wasn’t so much me as it was Ray, going through a dark place at the time. He told me to just keep trying with the guy. To give him time and space. He’d come around and then I’d be wishing to all hell Ray would back off.
,, not likely” I found myself thinking as my mind replayed the conversation. In the process, I managed to miss Ray, taking the axe, putting his jacket around my shoulders and walking out of the cabin.
I wandered over to the window and pulled back the rough and ragged plaid covering it, peering out. Ray stood out in the snow, swinging the axe at a tree. I shook my head and laughed to myself softly.
The growling of my stomach reminded me that yes, I’d skipped out on breakfast.. And lunch.. In favor of more research and some alone time in the waverider’s library and I grumbled to myself, feeling around in the pocket of my own thin leather jacket.
When all I came up with was a pack of cinnamon chewing gum, I scowled and tossed it on the table beneath the window. “Naturally, I didn’t eat a fucking thing all day.” I mumbled to myself as I shook my head.
The thought had me wandering to the little area in the one room cabin that served as a kitchen. Peering in the cabinets and cupboard. There was canned food there, but I wasn’t sure how well I trusted my life to it. I mean, it looked relatively new, which I did find strange… Given that the cabin was empty. It was obvious that someone had been here and they’d been here recently.
Maybe it was a hunter’s shack or something. I put all my current nagging concerns about the cabin we’d found out of my head and went back to snooping around. I found a linen closet. A heavy blanket the only piece of actual bed linen stored away inside. And the blanket looked bright and vibrant.. Again, I reminded myself this might just be a hunting cabin. Or someone’s get away for weekends.
The door swung open, making me jump a little in surprise and I ran over, trying to take some of the wood from Ray’s arms.
“Wait a minute, I literally just saw you chopping away at that big tree..”
“Yeah, and I’d still be out there too if I hadn’t found the stack of firewood around the side of the cabin already cut.” Ray dragged a hand across his forehead and I laughed softly, shaking my head a little, despite my best efforts not to, stepping closer to him. The smell of wood and his cologne permeated the air around us and I licked my lips, taking a shaky breath as I stared up at him.
“We need to get the fire going. And you, sir… You need your jacket back. I’ll be fine.” I tapped my foot against old hardwood floor and tilted my head, looking up at him expectantly, waiting on him to take the jacket back.
“Why are you so stubborn?” Ray asked the question, pushing the jacket I’d taken off and held out to him back at me. I held it out again, more insistent. He grumbled, but when he saw that I wasn’t intent on giving in, he took the jacket, slipping it on.
After a few seconds of the most intense silence I’d ever endured in my life, he cleared his throat. And naturally, I was off in lalaland, revisiting the tangent from earlier about just how we’d keep warm while sleeping, so I jumped at least a foot in the air and put my hand over my heart.
“I make you tense.” Ray trailed off.
“No, no. It’s not you. It’s getting used to everything.” I shrugged, a little nervous because he honestly had not one clue just how dangerously close to the truth he was. “This is a lot to take in, sir.”
“You can call me Ray. Or Raymond. Sir’s a little.. Formal.” Ray was stepping a little closer. His hands settled on my upper arms, rubbing them as if he were trying to warm me up. I gulped because suddenly, it felt like all the air got sucked right out of the room.
“I’ve been calling you sir for over a month now and it didn’t bother you before.” I eyed him as I said it, curious. Why was he just now noticing? Why was it just now bothering him? That little sliver of hope sparked up and I tried my best to dampen it. Because surely, he’s not feeling the same magnets pull I am. He gives every sign to indicate otherwise. That he tolerates me, at best. That I might be an annoyance or in his way for the most part.
“It did, I just never said anything.” Ray mumbled, leaning down a little. His hand left my upper arm and smoothed over my hair, tucking it behind my ear. “You’re soaked.”
,, you don’t know the half of it, Ray.” I thought to myself, clearing my throat abruptly. Oh, I was soaked alright... 
I should’ve backed away, stepped back.. Done something. Anything.
But honestly, I didn’t want to. I was freezing. Tired from the hike we’d taken from where the Waverider dropped us to here. Panicking because there hadn’t been any word from the team at all for hours now, so we had no way of knowing what was going on until they checked in. Hungry, because of course, I hadn’t eaten two meals today. And most of all, I was more than a little.. Frustrated. By my current little ongoing internal war where my feelings for Ray were concerned.
“Snow is wet.” I muttered quietly, my fingers curling in the front of his jacket. I was trying to will myself right out of anything that might be kicking around in my head. Anything I wanted to do that might just make tonight so much more awkward. I laughed softly, shaking my head.
“What?” Ray questioned, tucking his fingers beneath my chin to make me look up at him.
My mouth opened and closed. I didn’t dare say what was threatening to come out. Because I wasn’t entirely sure if he’d actually stopped to think about it yet, either.
“How are we gonna keep warm tonight?” I finally managed to find a way to phrase what I’d been thinking without seeming too forward or taking the risk of making things awkward as hell.
Ray took a shaky breath. I took at least two. Neither of us were saying anything. The soft bump of our bodies as we migrated closer had me gulping as I made myself hold his gaze. Waiting. Wondering what he’d say.
“Do you have any ideas?”
,, fuck. What exactly do I say here, huh?” I wondered to myself. I shrugged because shrugging was so much easier than opening my mouth and saying what I was really thinking. I raised my hand and dragged it through damp hair, shivering a little as a blast of cold air hit me. Ray’s hands settled on my sides, moving up and down slowly.
“You’re freezing. Let’s go out to the fire.”
I nodded. And for once, I didn’t put up an argument when he started to walk outside. I fell into step beside him, quietly trying to figure out just exactly how to answer what he’d asked without seeming… Forward.
Because the thoughts in my head were anything but proper at the moment. All I could think about was the way hard muscle and the warmth of him felt, pressed up against me cautiously like he had been for a little bit while we were in the cabin.
Ray dragged a thick log over and we sat down on it, staring into the fire.
“Body heat. The answer is body heat.” Ray shattered the silence with those words and I bit my lip, tearing my eyes off the fire to look up at him. He was looking at his hands, a quiet chuckle coming as if the thought only just occurred to him.
I coughed, mostly to cover up the fact that I was reeling more than  a little. To make some kind of sound to lift the tension a little. And finally, I found a response. “We’re both adults. Not like it’s a huge deal, Ray.”
Oh, but it was.
I didn’t dare let on how huge, either.
Ray managed a smile, nodding as he swallowed hard. “Right. Not a big deal at all.” he muttered quietly. I huddled against him a little, flashing a smile. His arm slid around me and god help me, I only barely stopped the whimper that was threatening to come out.
“This isn’t so bad.” I muttered quietly, my voice muffled by his jacket.
“It’s not.” Ray cleared his throat and answered, his voice husky. I could feel the warmth of the bonfire we’d made starting to take over, and combined with the body heat between Ray and I, I was starting to feel a little more relaxed.
I yawned and so did he.
“It’s late.” Ray mumbled, barely stifling a yawn as he spoke.
“Or early.” I mused, glancing up at him.
“If we’re going to try and regroup, figure out where we are and how far we are from where we need to be tomorrow, we need rest.” Ray spoke up again after a few seconds. I nodded in agreement.
“I think I saw a blanket in there. Some canned food too.. If we have to stick around.”
“I wonder why the team hasn’t made contact? I hope nothing’s happened.” Ray looked worried when he said it and I nodded again, agreeing with him. “They might have had an emergency stop or something.”
But honestly, it was worrying me too. It didn’t seem like they’d go hours without checking in. And almost as if on cue, the comm devices attached to our wrists went off in unison.
Ray and I were looking at each other intently, waiting on our team members to speak.
Sara took over.
“How’s everything going?”
Ray and I raised a brow as we shared a look.
“Good? I mean except for us being lost in the forest?” I answered, a brow raised because something sounded off with Sara.
“Shit. The Waverider didn’t land where it was supposed to. Fuck.” Sara swore and took a few deep breaths. “Okay, let me try to track you guys.”
“Thank god. Maybe with some idea of where we are…” Ray trailed off. I held my breath, waiting.
“You guys are almost 10 miles from the town you need to be in. Okay, don’t panic..”
“We’re not.” Ray and I answered in unison. Ray continued, “We uhh, we found a cabin in the woods for the night.”
“Oh, thank god. Tomorrow, you two are gonna want to find a ride into town. We’ll check in again in the morning, bye!”
And like that, Sara was gone. I paced a little, trying to puzzle out exactly what had just taken place, because Sara was acting a little off. “You don’t think they’re in danger, right?”
“No, but I do think they’re up to something.” Ray mused aloud, rubbing his chin. He chuckled quietly, mumbling to himself as he shook his head about whatever it was that he was thinking.
I eyed him. I didn’t ask what he meant, either. I got the feeling that I might not want to know. Especially not given the fact that I know full well that Sara and Mick know exactly how I feel about Ray Palmer… No thanks to my big drunk mouth and lacking inhibitions, or me going all pouty when I got touchy-feely with Ray after a night of bar-hopping with Sara and Mick and then winding up spilling everything to Sara and Mick over beer the next morning at breakfast while Ray was still sleeping in our bunk.
It should’ve been glaringly obvious to me if I really stopped to think about it. But I wasn’t thinking about anything but the current situation.
And how uncomfortable I thought it was going to make Ray feel.
“I don’t… I feel like it’s gotta be a major emergency, otherwise, they’d have checked in before now.” I stretched and promptly hugged myself again when I realized just how much bite the cold air had to it. The fire was getting smaller.
I was so tired that I could barely hold my eyes open. One quick glance beside me showed that Ray was yawning, moving around a little to keep awake and keep warm and rubbing his eyes more than a little.
“We should probably put out our fire for now and go inside.. Try to figure out the sleeping thing.” I stood abruptly, because I was suddenly filled with energy and tension all at once. And not a bad tension either…
Ray, on the other hand… I was almost 1000 percent certain that he was either silently freaking out or silently annoyed that he was stranded here overnight with me and that we’d have to resort to body heat to keep warm.
Before he could say or do anything, I sprang up, hurrying towards the cabin. The one blanket I’d seen earlier looked reasonably thick, so that was a plus I supposed. By the time Ray stepped in and shut the door to the cabin tightly behind him, I was unfolding the blanket. 
I sat it to the side and slipped off my jacket, emptying the contents of the pockets on the table and when I heard the heavy clink of metal against wood, I smirked and grabbed for my father’s lucky Zippo.
I’d seen some candles in a drawer earlier too.
Turning my back to Ray, I busied myself digging through the drawers until I found the candles. My eyes settled on a row of old glass beer bottles lining the windowsill as if someone had been using them for makeshift vases.
When I couldn’t get the candles to fit properly, I took the bottle and hit it against the side of the heavy wooden table. The neck shattered away from the bottom portion and I took a candle from the box, shoving it down inside. I lit the candle and moved on to the next candle and bottle doing the same until I had all of the bottles filled with a candle and all of the candles lit.
I stuck my hand against the table and grimaced the second I felt a little shard of glass dig into the top layer of skin on my palm. “Ouch.”
“Let me see it.” Ray had just been standing there, leaned against the door, watching me and looking as if he were lost in thought until I got the glass stuck in my hand. Then he was across the room and at my side, reaching for my hand.
I squirmed, because a fun fact here… I am an actual giant baby when it comes to any sort of pain or illness. And the shard of glass had dug down into my palm pretty deep at this point.
“I’m fine. If you find my pocketknife there on the table, just hand it to me.” I nodded towards the spot on the table that my pocketknife had settled on when I emptied my jacket.
Ray eyed me as if I were losing my marbles. “You’re not fine. That’s in there pretty deep.”
I blew at my bangs and tapped my foot. “Hello, which one of us was basically living on her own at 11? I’ve got this, Ray.”
“You do realize you don’t have to do everything yourself… Right? Besides, I know where that knife’s been. I’ve seen how you use that knife. It’s definitely not sanitary to go digging out a shard of glass with.” Ray wasn’t letting go of the gentle grip he had on my wrist. I gazed down at the way he held my wrist in his hand and gulped to myself because it hadn’t ever really occurred to me just how big his hands were in comparison to my wrist.
Then again, to be fair.. He’s not been the touchy sort.
Until tonight.
And neither have I… Until a few nights ago when I went out bar crawling with Sara and Mick and proceeded to make an entire idiot out of myself flirting with the man when we all got back to the Waverider.
When I realized that we were migrating closer together all over again, I tilted my head, looking up at him quietly. “Fine. Go ahead, Dr.”
I flashed a smirk, even though every part of me was dying to snatch my wrist out of his hand because I am… Not a fan of pain. And I’m so used to doing all this stuff for myself that I wasn’t entirely sure I trusted anyone else to do this stuff for me but me. 
I jumped and flinched as he carefully tried to push the shard of glass to the surface of my skin. If I flinched and fidgeted any harder, I probably would’ve flown through the roof. Ray stopped and looked at me calmly.
“What? It freakin hurts, okay?” I babbled. Flinching again a second later when Ray caught hold of my wrist gently all over again and tried one more time to work the shard of glass to the surface.
“Are you done now?” Ray asked, his eyes locking on mine for a few seconds. If I thought the tension between us was high before, it felt… So much higher now.
So much higher. I almost couldn’t breathe.
“Okay,alright.” I tensed just to keep from squirming. Ray eyed me and I bit my lip because the look in his eyes was… Definitely an intense one. Smouldering. His touch got even more gentle and I didn’t think that was possible, given what he was trying to do. “Count to three out loud, Avaleigh.”
“One, two” and before I got to three, he was chuckling, holding the thin shard of glass up a little as he gave me a teasing grin. “Got it.”
“I didn’t even feel it, how?” I mumbled after a few seconds of staring.
Ray merely shrugged. He nodded to a stack of mattresses in the corner of the room, in front of a floor to ceiling window. The moon flooded the area with light and only added to the mood set by the lit candles, the flames shadows dancing on the walls. “We should probably get settled in.”
I eyed the mattresses for a second or two, shuffling my feet as I cleared my throat. I intended to answer him verbally, but the only sound that came was me, clearing my throat. Instead, I managed a nod and finally, my mouth seemed willing to work again.
“I put the blanket on that stool over there.. I’m gonna get comfortable.”
“Get comfortable?” Ray questioned, fidgeting slightly as he gazed down at me. His hand was lingering at my side and just the way it felt had me swallowing down a lump in my throat. If he had any clue how I actually felt, I found myself thinking, he wouldn’t touch me at all. Or I don’t believe he would.
“Silly man.” I stopped in front of him and tilted my head, flashing a bit of a teasing smirk up at him as I continued, “I’m an actual human furnace at night. I can’t sleep in layers.”
Ray coughed abruptly and for a second or two, yeah. I felt smug, because I got it in my head I was right. He wasn’t interested in me at all. In fact, I’d probably just made things awkward. Which bothered me, but for the time being, my weird brain being what it was, I chose to take comfort in the fact that yet again, I was right. I absolutely had to be. All the signs were there.
I slunk across the room, stopping in front of the door to the bathroom that I’d found earlier, while Ray was out getting wood for the fire we built outside. Pulling the handle, I stepped inside and after taking several long and deep breaths to center myself again, because god knew, all the touching and the looks and that firm fucking tone he kept taking with me tonight were all.. Combining to take it’s toll… I proceeded to strip down to my underwear and the thin strapped long tank top I’d had beneath the black and gray striped sweater I’d been wearing. Then I stopped and thought about it, and swearing under my breath, I slipped the thin sweater back down over my head too.
No sense in making him feel even more uncomfortable than he already did.
I could make it one night sleeping half clothed instead of naked as I preferred.
I stepped back out into the main part of the cabin and stretched, making my way over to the mattresses, walking right past Ray as I did so. I flopped down on the pile of mattresses, wiggling around until I got as comfortable as I could while still leaving Ray some room. Ray made his way over to the mattresses, carrying two of the candles over, sitting them on the little stool sitting next to them. And he bent, about to climb over me to settle in behind, pausing, hovering over me and staring down.
I bit my lip, staring right back up at him. It felt like everything around us just sort of...Froze. Or disappeared altogether.
He leaned down a little. “This is okay… Right?” he asked quietly. The way his voice dropped almost to an intimate whisper had me barely biting back a whimper.
“We’re adults, Ray. It’s fine. Besides, I don’t fancy being taken out by hypothermia, okay? I.. Trust you.”
“You trust me.” Ray repeated quietly, getting the slightest hint of a goofy grin as he did so. I licked my lips and tried not to stare at his mouth. More to the point, just how close it was to mine right now. Or the way it felt, with him lightly pressing into my body from above. I wiggled a little before I could stop myself, causing us to rub together. He sucked in a breath. Kept staring down at me, biting his lip. 
“I just said that, didn’t I?” I mumbled, mostly to break the silence hanging heavy in the air. To distract myself from what my mouth really wanted to do at the moment. He chuckled quietly, nodding down at me with that goofy and bright grin still plastered on his face. “You did.”
“Are you getting in? Or do you want me to move over…” the question was asked awkwardly. I was horrible at this. The worst. You’d think that knowing I had not a snowballs chance in hell with Ray Palmer would make me bolder somehow, but it didn’t.
It only made each touch… every single one, accidental or not… that much more intimate. It had me tense because I couldn’t even catch my breath around the man right now. I was stuck in a cabin with him overnight and it only amplified the fact that I wanted what I couldn’t have.
Ray swallowed hard and climbed over me, settling in behind me. He started out lying on his back, his arm behind his head. I tried to hug the side of the mattress that I was on, despite knowing that we were supposed to be trying to keep body heat between the two of us. I just… Couldn’t.
“This isn’t going to work…” Ray spoke up and I rolled over to face him, biting my lip. “It will. And this blanket is thicker than I thought.” I mumbled the words, lost in his eyes. He shook his head and insisted, “We’ll never keep enough body heat between us to stay warm with you trying to hug the edge of the bed, Avaleigh.”
“I didn’t want to crowd you.”  I muttered in a daze, still staring. 
“You won’t be. And you feel like you’re freezing. Human furnace my ass.” Ray air quoted what I’d said before getting into bed, his words falling away as he started to stare at me all over again. I moved just a little closer. “Better?” I inquired as I yawned.
“You can get closer. I can’t keep you warm if you’re still halfway off the bed, Avaleigh.”
I moved a little closer. Our bodies were brushing together now. My heart may have fluttered a little because I could feel hardened muscles pressing against my body and the contrast felt so good. My breath caught in my throat as he put an arm over me and he eyed me.
“Are you okay?” Ray’s quietly mumbled question sent a shiver right through me because I’d been adrift in my own thoughts and internal conflict and I forgot how close we were lying together.
“Yeah, I’m fine. This is good.” I flashed him my best grin. Inside? I was… melting. Literally dying to get closer. Even though I was body to body with him in the little bed already. I felt his fingertips digging into my lower back just a little and I was pulled even closer. Somehow, my head wound up nestled just above the center of my chest and when my lips brushed right against bare skin, I felt his body shiver beneath them. His fingertips dug in even more.
I bit my lip, raising my head to look at him as if I were asking if it were okay. He chuckled quietly and his other hand wound up dragging slowly through my hair. Catching here and there, playing with strands before tucking beneath my jawline. His mouth inched closer to mine and time seemed to slow to a stop.
It felt like a lifetime, but his lips brushed mine clumsily. My hand raised, lingering on his shoulder for a second or two. But that didn’t feel right somehow, so I moved it, my fingers dragging through shaggy and dark hair, tugging at it lightly, just to be greedy and deepen the kiss.
I never imagined Ray Palmer liked to bite when he kissed. I’d always just… sort of thought it’d be soft and clumsy, gentle like I know he is. But this kiss was so much more than that. It was gentle and yet it felt desperate. Full of desire. His mouth locked on my bottom lip and I whimpered into the kiss. He pulled me partially on top of him and I trailed my tongue over the outline of his mouth hungrily. His fingers tangled in the ends of my hair, gathering it at the back of my neck and using his grip to pull me into the kiss even deeper. When he bucked into me from below, I whined into his mouth, rocking right back against him.
The kiss broke and we pulled apart, gasping for our next breath, wide eyed. I swallowed hard, preceded immediately by a few shaky breaths and my mouth opened and closed as words failed me all over again, but Ray was already raising to sit, putting me in his lap with my legs wrapped around him.
This is not how I pictured tonight going by any stretch of my imagination and I was frantically combing back over the way it had gone so far to try and piece things together and figure out if I’d missed anything somehow.
“You’re overthinking. You always get a wrinkle in your brows.” Ray muttered in a husky tone against my mouth, smirking at me a little.
“Oh, I’m overthinking, huh?” I challenged.
But one of us had to think a little. And honestly, my mind was still blown.
Ray’s hands moved up and down my sides gently. That hungry look was back in his eyes again and I gave up trying to puzzle it all out. I knew what I wanted. Obviously, this was what he wanted at the moment.
The hungry gaze turned serious and he pulled me in more, rocking me right over the way he strained at his jeans, which he’d opted to keep on. I hissed against his mouth, a whine coming on the tail of the sound. “Ray.”
“Want you so much, darling. It’s driving me insane.” he muttered against my mouth as it fell open willingly. His tongue trailed over my lips, then outlined my teeth, before finally meeting mine in a deeper and slower kiss. A kiss he seemed determined to draw out until neither of us could breath on our own and were breathing together instead.
His hands roamed more, moving lower down my body. Slow. Gentle and deliberate as if he were learning every single curve to my body to commit to memory. 
“I’m right here. I’ve been right here the whole time. You have no idea how much I want you. How much I care… I love you.” I blurted it out, a quiet helpless whisper against his lips before I could restrain myself and the fact that the words were out there felt so freeing.
I melted against him completely, my legs squeezing the sides of his body as they circled his waist. When the kiss broke, I took his face in my hand, dragging my thumb over his lower lip, leaving it to quiver as I did so.
The more I rocked against him, the louder his groans got against the shell of my ear. The harder his fingers dug in and the more his hands roamed my body. Fingers gripped the hem of my sweater with precision and in a split second, he was tugging the thin garment up and over my head, letting it settle on the floor as his mouth continued to dominate mine hungrily. “Say it again, Avaleigh.”
“Say what?” I asked the question despite knowing full well exactly what I’d just said and what he wanted me to repeat. And given what Sara told me about how close he’d been to Kendra and just how that had ended, I kind of had the feeling I knew exactly why he needed me to repeat it.
“You know what you said, sweetheart.” Ray’s tone was thicker, laced heavily with desire he wasn’t bothering to hide now. That hungry look in his eyes was so much hungrier when they fixed on mine as he pulled away to stare and roll his thumb over my swollen and bruised lips.
“I love you.” I meant it and I’d say it a thousand times, but at the particular moment, I said it because I’d do anything to get his lips back against mine. His hands wandering all over me again, squeezing and rubbing. Touching me in that gentle way. I’d never felt quite that special in my life.
His touch had me melting. His kisses had me addicted.
My fingertip trailed down the center of his chest, toying with the button to his jeans as I rocked against him urgently. I could feel my underwear soaking through and I knew he had to feel it, there had to be a wet spot forming on his lap where I was sitting, grinding myself against the bulge strained at his jeans. 
“I mean it, Ray.” I promised, pulling his face closer, my mouth latching onto his lip, nipping and sucking until he was bucking himself right up into me and moaning into my mouth as my tongue slipped between his lips when they parted. His hand dragged through my hair and settled on the back of my neck, pulling my mouth in completely as he deepened the kiss and took over, a low growl hanging in the air only to be swallowed by the kiss just before it broke and we took a few seconds to breathe.
“I love you too. Kind of why I kept my distance, Avaleigh.” Ray admitted quietly, a sigh following as his shoulders dropped a little, almost as if he were ashamed to admit it. “Then the other night when you came back and you were touching me and flirting, I..” before he could finish, I was melting against him all over again, my fingers tugging impatiently at the waistband of his jeans, snagging the button and pulling it free from the buttonhole. His teeth scraped against my bottom lip.
“You’re sure?” he breathed out against my mouth, his breath shaky. I licked my lips and nodded, not a second's hesitation. My finger trailed slowly over the zip of his jeans and his breath caught in his throat. 
“Ray, c’mon… Please?” I begged, rocking myself over the bulge and bearing down just a little harder as I did so, an urgent and needy whine escaping my throat. Ray’s hand slipped down between us, palm settling against my soaked panties and he growled as he closed the distance between our mouths and bodies all over again.
“You’re so wet already… How? I haven’t done anything.” he mumbled lazily as he worked me onto my back, positioning his body between my legs to keep them open. His hand cupped and squeezed me through my underwear and he leaned down, mouth catching against mine clumsily, a brief little peck as he moved from my mouth down the front of my throat.
I never once stopped to think that Ray might like to bite.. But his teeth latched onto soft skin and a shiver raced through me as I raised my arms, wrapping them around his neck. My fingertips dug into muscular shoulders just a little deeper and his body tensed and released tension under my fingertips as he crashed his mouth against mine all over again after his mouth ventured up my neck and met my lips all over again because I was whining, begging him for another kiss. 
We’d both long forgotten about how cold we were. We’d both forgotten about any earlier awkwardness. Everything was just rapidly melting away and suddenly, I was dreading tomorrow when we’d have to leave the solitude of our little found paradise behind.
One of his hands wound up on my thigh, squeezing as he rocked himself against me and his other hand cupped and squeezed my dripping sex, practically growling every time his hand came away a little wetter than before. I rose to sit as best as I could and lowered my hand, tugging impatiently at the slipping waistband of his jeans, gazing up at him as I swallowed down the lump in my throat.
He nuzzled his nose against mine and chuckled softly, slipping from between my legs to stand, letting his jeans hit the floor and pool around his ankles. He kicked them free and they settled on the floor a few inches away from my discarded sweater. Then he was lowering himself all over again, settling between my legs and his hands were all over me. Slipping beneath my tank top and working it up, letting me raise up so that he could pull it off and toss it over his shoulder before gently pushing me flat against the mattress all over again, a hand at either side of my head as he rocked into me and I met each barely clothed thrust with a thrust of my own, my moans echoing quietly into the room surrounding us and disappearing into thin air. 
My hand slipped down between our bodies almost around the same time as his fingers caught in the banding of my panties and the quiet rip of fabric filled the air between us. He tossed them on the floor and I tugged at the waistband of his boxer briefs, pouting up at him. He rose up, letting them hit the floor, kicking them free at his ankle to join the growing pile of clothing on the floor around the mattresses already. 
And then he was pressing himself against me completely. Carefully, as if I were made of glass. Touching me all over, his mouth dancing all over my skin and when he wasn’t kissing, touching me, he was staring down at me with this look of total adoration in his eyes and I was looking back up at him the same way.
He leaned down to kiss me and our faces bumped making both of us laugh softly. His hands slipped down to my sides, gripping and as soon as I felt his thick cock graze right against my folds, I whimpered and rocked myself up into him just for more friction. As if all the friction I’d gotten earlier wasn’t enough. I was aching, throbbing even. I wanted him more than I’d ever wanted anything in my life.
“Sorry.” he apologized and I giggled, playfully latching onto his lower lip with my teeth and rubbing myself against him as much as I possibly could. His cock brushed against my center again and I whimpered, catching hold of his face, mumbling against his mouth in a pleading whisper, “Ray, please. Need you now, baby.”
“Now, huh?” Ray muttered back against my mouth. His fingers squeezed my sides as he started to bury himself inside me slowly, peppering kisses over my face and neck, his thrusts long and slow. Our hips smacked softly with the connection of each one and I sighed in content as his forehead rested against mine and we locked eyes. My breath caught in my throat as the tension really melted away. I could feel him stretching me, and it felt so good. Amazing.
My hands wandered up, resting on his shoulders, my fingertips digging into them lightly. Carefully, because I didn’t want to hurt him and I didn’t know if he’d be the type to appreciate marks left behind in the morning.
Then his mouth broke from mine, moving slowly down the front of my throat.. Dragging across my collarbones and up the side of my neck, dancing lightly over my pulse before latching lazily on exposed skin. I could feel the mark forming as he kissed and sucked my neck and I moaned, rocking my hips against him just a little faster, desperate for him to pick up the pace, needy as hell.
“Ray, oh.. Fuck. Raymond.” I moaned out, writhing beneath him. My fingertips dug into his shoulders just a little bit. If he was going to leave marks and everything, I was going to. My hands were all over him, leaving where they rested on his shoulders to slip down, gently dragging my fingertip down his chest or move my hands over his sides. 
Something about me using his full first name as opposed to merely calling him Ray had him snapping. His hips snapping against mine faster, a little harder. His touches got a lot more.. Intense. His teeth tugged at my lower lip and his hand slipped up my side, resting against my neck, his fingers caressing my cheeks. He rolled a thumb over my kiss swollen lips and gave a loving gaze. “Warm enough, Avaleigh?”
“Getting warmer.” I whimpered as he drove deeper, his hips smacking softly against mine with each deep thrust. My hands drifted back up, over his biceps, resting on his shoulders again, gripping and squeezing each time he managed to bottom out or hit my spot and make me moan just a little more. His mouth crashed against mine all over again, a kiss so deep that I forgot to breathe somewhere in the middle of it all. “That’s good.” the soft tone combined with the low gravel of his voice had me biting my lip as I stared up at him, raising a hand, dragging my thumb over his bottom lip.
Every single touch felt so gentle and intimate between us that I was honestly just a step away from going into overload. It was like something in both of us snapped. We couldn’t touch or kiss, rub against each other enough. I absolutely loved it.
My legs raised, wrapping around his hips. The new angle had him groaning into my mouth as our mouths collided all over again. His hands moved down my sides, one settling on my thigh and the other on my hip as he continued to plow into me, driving my body into the pile of mattresses just a little. The kiss broke, his mouth wandering down my neck, leaving a string of bruises and bites behind that I barely felt because they were that gentle. 
“Feels so good.” he mumbled in a daze, stopping to rest his forehead against mine again and stare into my eyes as he worked on catching his breath and I worked on catching mine, pouting because I’d been so damn close to an orgasm shattering through me and again, he stopped. His breath tickled the shell of my ear as his mouth brushed against it and he whispered quietly, “So beautiful.”
“Look whos talking, handsome.” I managed to moan out the words as his thrusts sped back up all over again, only to slow when I could feel my body starting to coil and tense as my orgasm started to build all over again.
The soft and goofy grin he gave as I said it had me giggling against his mouth softly. Our bodies were fully pressed together and his hands glided all over mine, not resting or lingering too long in one certain area. “I love this. I love you. So much, princess.” the lazily muttered words against my skin had my breath catching in my throat and before I could stop myself,  I was repeating them. “I love you too, Ray… Ah- oh.. Right there.” I moaned out as I felt his cock strike my spot and bottom out, my orgasm threatening to shatter through at any second. I almost couldn’t hold back anymore.
My fingertips dug into his side and his lower back, driving him even deeper inside and his mouth crashed against mine, a deep and needy kiss that seemed to deepen even more with each meeting of our bodies and deep thrust into my dripping sex. “Raymond.” I moaned out, my back arching. Ray coaxed quietly, “C’mon, sweetheart. Let go for me.” as his lips left mine, roaming down the front of my throat, teeth grazing against skin.
I needed no further coaxing. My orgasm shattered through, leaving me whimpering and clinging to him as I kept rocking my hips upward to meet his thrusts. His thrust got more erratic with each one and he was kissing me anywhere he could get his mouth, nipping and biting, his hands gripping my body as he fucked into me faster and deeper. “Oh.. Mmm. Taking me so well, darling.” he growled against my neck huskily as his lips locked on my skin, leaving another mark behind. “I don’t want to stop.” he trailed off, me surprising myself when my response was to say “Don’t stop. Don’t you dare stop, Ray.”
I could feel him throbbing, filling me up as he pulled me closer, held onto me tighter and his thrusts slowed down, eventually coming to a stop. As he worked on catching his breath, his hand moved over my face tenderly and he stared down into my eyes. 
“Merry Christmas.” he gave a goofy smirk as he said it and I could my cheeks flaming up. I pulled him down almost completely on top of my, my arms going around his neck. His hands cradled the back of my hair, fingertips tangling in it as his forehead rested against mine and we both yawned and worked on catching our breath, kissing softly. He fell to the spot in bed next to me and pulled me on top of him, his arms locking around me to hold me in place and kissed the bridge of my nose, laughing when I yawned too.
“We should probably attempt sleep. We have.. A long day tomorrow.”
“Lots of walking.” Ray mused, squeezing me tighter.
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Stark Spangled Destiny
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Ch 3: F**K You, Mr Stark...
Chapter Summary: Katie’s whacked out journey through her subconscious continues and she’s taken back to a time full of Hammer Drones, Senate Hearings and a Pirate Goth…
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words.
Chapter Pairings:  Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: So these chapters contain flashbacks of sorts- but they’re not flashbacks as Katie is watching the events unfold in front of her-a “Time heist” of sorts. However, to keep it clear and hopefully not confusing, the events she is watching are depicted in itallics instead of me trying to keep calling her 2010 v 2030 Katie…
Please let me know what you think- comments and re-blogs muchly appreciated.
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“Oh come on Kiddo…” Tony sighed as Katie got out of the car, slamming the door behind her. “You hardly spoke two words to me over dinner. I thought by taking you for your favourite double cheese and chilli fries you might have calmed down by now.”
“Well you thought wrong.”  She seethed as she turned to look at him. “What the hell were you thinking? Why didn’t you just stick to the cover that Coulson gave you?”
“Why should I?” Tony looked at her “It’s my suit. I made it, I own it…”
“God, you are so fucking arrogant.” she glared at him, storming up to the door of the mansion. “Look, will you just chill out!” Tony followed behind her “You saw the reaction, everyone loved it.” “Oh get your head out of your ass Tony!” she wheeled around, blazing as she pressed her hand to the entry pad to the side of the door “You just painted a huge Target on our heads!”
“On my head…” “Yeah, and by proxy that includes ME!” she shook her head, walking into the house as the door clicked open “Jesus Fucking Christ.”
She stepped into the entrance hall, Tony following her. “JARVIS.”  he called.
“Welcome home Sirrrrr.” JARVIS’ voice distorted and trailed off. Tony paused and looked at Katie, the two of them standing side by side as they glanced around the room. Tony stilled, his arm going out to the side in front of Katie to stop her walking any further into the room as they both spotted someone stood in the dark behind the couch, looking out of the large glass windows over the ocean.
“I am Iron Man.” The person spoke, not moving “You think you’re the only Superhero in the world.” The man, dressed in a long black trench coat turned and began to walk forward a little as Tony did the same, Katie following. “Mr Stark you just became part of a bigger universe, you just don’t know it yet.” Tony looked at his sister, then to the mystery man, frowning “Who the hell are you?” The man walked forward into the light of the lamp by the sofa and Katie looked at him. He was tall, black and bald, an eyepatch covering his left eye “Nick Fury, director of SHIELD.” He said simply.
“Oh.” Tony replied as if someone breaking in to their home was a regular, every day occurance.
“I’m here to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative.”
“The what?” Katie asked.
“An initiative that SHIELD has.” Fury looked at her “An idea, to bring together a group of people with powers and abilities to keep the world safe.” “Powers and abilities?” she dead panned, arching an eyebrow. “What, like…Superman?”
“No, he doesn’t exist.” Fury shook his head simply, unperturbed by her blatant sarcasm “I’m thinking more along the lines of extraordinary people, if you get my drift.”
“Like who?” Tony asked, his tone clearly disbelieving.
“2 of my agents, the best I have” Fury said “And I am considering you and Dr Bruce Banner. If we can track him down that is.”
“Banner?” Katie frowned “Who’s that?”
“He’s a scientist.” Tony replied his eyes not moving from Fury “He injected himself with some version of the serum the SSR used on Steve Rogers back in the day but it gave him a few side effects”
“And unlike the ones Captain Rogers got they’re not permanent.” Fury finished
“What do you mean?” Katie asked.
“9 times outta ten he’s Dr Bruce Banner.” Fury continued “But when the Hulk as they call him takes over…well he’s big, green, and he struggles to control himself.”
“And you clearly have no idea where he is.” Tony spoke “Which isn’t surprising” he turned to Katie “The story I heard is that he found out the army wanted to use him as a weapon so he went underground.”
“Right.” She nodded, turning to Fury “And now you guys at SHIELD want him as a weapon? Along with tony and these 2 other agents?”
“Not weapons, no.” Fury shook his head “As a last line of defence.”
“Defence from what?” Tony looked back at Fury.
“Threats you couldn’t even begin to understand.” Fury said simply
“I’m pretty good at understanding most things, being a genius and all so try me.” Tony demanded.
“I’m well aware this all sounds a little crazy, Mr Stark but believe me when I say you simply have to trust me on this.”
“Erm, you break through my security, which I’m kinda disturbed about, then sit there like some kind of…” he waved his hand up and down, gesturing to Fury’s appearance “…spooky goth pirate and you want me to simply trust you?” Tony held Fury’s gaze and shook his head “Sorry, no can do.”
Katie looked down at the floor, biting her lip at Tony’s summary of Fury’s appearance before she raised her head to see the Director was looking at her brother, an almost amused expression on his face.
“Alright.” He shrugged, and with that he walked towards the pair of them, pausing as he reached their side. “Just give it some thought.”
“I won’t.” Tony said simply.
Fury sighed and turned his attention to Katie “Agent Coulson was impressed with you yesterday. SHIELD could use someone of your calibre.”
“Me?” Katie frowned “For what? I don’t have a suit…” “Not all superheroes wear fancy outfits” Fury said simply, “And not all heroes are super.” Katie blinked “Like I said, give it some thought. You have Agent Coulson’s number.
And with that he turned and headed through the door, leaving the siblings looking at one another in stunned silence.
Katie turned to Tony “Goth pirate…man, the first time you said that I nearly died. Did you see my face?”
Tony grinned and Natasha smiled “You know, it was actually one of his favourite nicknames.” “No kiddin’?” Tony turned to look at her. Natasha nodded and Katie snorted at her brother who simply gave a huff of laughter. The three of them left past Tony and Katie who were furiously in discussion about their encounter with the Director and the door shut behind them as they strode into the dark Malibu night.
“Ok, so where’s next on this whacked out, fucked up dream trip?” Katie asked as Tony pulled the car out of the gate and onto the freeway.
Tony looked at Natasha in the rear view mirror, simply winking and Katie rolled her eyes. Again, she blinked and found herself looking up at Capitol Hill, in the daylight. Tony once more pulled the car to a stop, abandoning it basically in the middle of the road and they strode out, heading straight past the security guards at the gate as if they didn’t exist.
Which, Katie had to remind herself, they didn’t.
She followed Tony, taking in the familiar décor of the inside of the building, before she stopped as she looked at the large set of double doors at the end.
“Oh my God…please tell me this is the Senate Armed Services Committee meeting?” she turned to her brother, a smile on her face.
“Yup, welcome to the Weaponized Suit Defense Program Hearings…” Tony grinned as he yanked open the doors and they walked into the large senate room. She spotted herself and Tony sitting on the rows of benches at the front, the row of 8 senators all raised slightly higher at the front of the room, Stern perched in the middle.
“You know what…this has to be one of my favourite Tony Stark moments ever!” Katie turned to look at her brother.
Tony looked at her, smiling “Yeah, you’ve said that once or twice.”
“Mr and Miss Stark, could we pick up now where we left off?” Senator Stern spoke, banging his gavel down and Katie nodded at him, but Tony wasn’t paying attention. He was facing the opposite way, trying to speak to Pepper who was simply giving him a furious look telling him to turn around. There was more banging and Stern spoke again “Mr Stark. Please.”
Katie elbowed Tony and he turned around “Yes dear?”
“Can I have your attention?” Stern asked.
“Do you or do you not possess a specialised weapon?” Stern looked.
“He does not.” Katie shook her head, looking at the Senator who was trying to keep his face straight at the fact she was answering, not Tony.  As part owner of Stark Industries she was also under scrutiny too, but she was both Legally and Commercially trained, and Stern knew his. He was going after Tony, because he was known to be the flashy, flamboyant one, the one that in their opinion would slip up. But she knew Tony. Well. Better than anyone. And for that fact she knew that Stern was seriously underestimating him.
This was going to be fun.
“You do not?” Stern looked at her.
“We do not.” She shook her head.
“Well, it depends on how you define the word weapon.” Tony added. Katie turned her head to look at her brother, narrowing her eyes as the cameras from the various press members in front of them continued to flash.
“The Iron Man weapon.”
“No, my sister is right. My device does not fit that description.” Tony shook his head.
“Well… how would you describe it?” Stern asked, leaning forward.
“I would describe it by defining it as what it is, Senator.”
“It’s a err, it’s a high-tech prosthesis.” Tony said. The people in the room laughed and Tony looked around before turning back to look at the Senate “That is… That is… That’s actually the most apt description I can make of it” Tony said, looking at Katie as he placed both hands on the table in front of him.
“It’s a weapon. It’s a weapon, Mr Stark. And we’re here today to...”
“Please, if your priority was actually the well-being of the American citizen…”
“My priority is to get the Iron Man weapon turned over to the people of the United States of America.” Stern spoke simply, looking at Tony.
“Well, you can forget it. I am Iron Man.”
“The suit and Tony are one.” Katie shrugged “To turn over the Iron Man suit would be to turn over Tony.” “Which is tantamount to indentured servitude or prostitution, depending or what state you’re in.” Tony shrugged as more laughter rang out
“You can’t have it.” Katie shrugged.
“Look, I’m no expert…” Stern began but Tony cut him off.
“In prostitution? Of course not. You’re a senator. Come on.” He slapped the desk and turned round, holding his hand up waving as the room laughed. Katie looked at him, then to Pepper exasperatedly. Pepper was glaring at Tony. He mouthed “no?” and she shook her head slowly, with the manner of a mother telling off a small child.
“I’m no expert in weapons.  But, we have somebody here who is an expert on weapons. I’d now like to call Justin Hammer, our current primary weapons contractor.”
Katie looked at Tony who raised an eyebrow and leaned forward to the microphone as Justin took a seat at the end of the bench. “Let the record reflect that I observed Mr Hammer entering the chamber, and I am wondering if and when any actual expert will also be in attendance.”
The room let out a little ooooh and Katie fought back a chuckle and looked at Tony as he shot her a small wink. Stern hammered on the desk once more as Hammer raised his glass of water to Tony, smiling a little as he took a sip before he laughed as he pulled the microphone towards him
“Absolutely. I’m no expert. I defer to you, Anthony.” Hammer looked at Tony, gesturing to him with his hand “You’re the wonder boy.”
Tony arched an eyebrow a Hammer continued.
“Senator, if I may…” the man stood up. “I may well not be an expert, but you know who was the expert? Your dad. Howard Stark.” He looked at Katie and Tony. “Really a father to us all, and to the military-industrial age. Let’s just be clear, he was no flower child. He was a lion.”
Tony took a deep breath and Katie gently dropped her hand onto his, giving it a discrete squeeze as Tony looked up at Stern, before his eyes flickered back to Hammer.
“We all know why we’re here. In the last six months, Anthony Stark has created a sword with untold possibilities. And yet, he insists it’s a shield. He asks us to trust him as we cower behind it. I wish I were comforted, Anthony, I really do. I’d love to leave my door unlocked when I leave the house, but this ain’t Canada. You know, we live in a world of grave threats, threats that Mr Stark will not always be able to foresee.”
At that Katie rolled her eyes as Hammer moved to take a seat.
“Thank you. God bless Iron Man. God bless America.”
There was muted applause, the most of it coming from the Senators and Stern leaned forward again
“That is well said Mr Hammer. The committee would now like to invite Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes to the chamber.”
“Rhodey?” Katie frowned, looking at Tony who was also frowning.
 The cameras started flashing again and they both turned to see Rhodey walking towards the front.  Tony got up and headed down the aisle a little to greet him, shaking his hand.
“Hey, buddy. I didn’t expect to see you here”
“Katie didn’t catch the rest of their hushed conversation, but she watched as Tony and Rhodey approached the bench, Rhodey smiling softly at her.
“Hey Kiddo.” He greeted as he took a seat between her and Hammer.
There was a little introduction to the room about Rhodey being the USAF Weapons Procurement Liaison, before Stern finally got to the exact reason he’d called Rhodey to the hearing.
“I have before me a complete report on the Iron Man weapon, complied by Colonel Rhodes. And, Colonel, for the record, can you please read page 57, paragraph four?”
Katie felt herself grow cold as she glanced at Rhodey who was frowning.
“You’re requesting that I read specific selections from my report, Senator?”
“Yes, sir.”
“It was my understanding that I was going to be testifying in a much more comprehensive and detailed manner” Rhodey said calmly.
“I understand. A lot of things have changed today.”
“I bet they have.” Katie said loudly. Stern turned to glare at her and she folder her arms, her gaze never faltering. Eventually he turned away and looked at Rhodey.
“So if you could just read…”
“You do understand that reading a single paragraph out of context does not reflect the summary of my final…”
“Just read it, Colonel. I do. Thank you.”
“Very well” Rhodey opened his report to the relevant page and took a breath “As he does not operate within any definable branch of government, Iron Man presents a potential threat to the security of both the nation and to her interests.” 
He glanced then to Katie, the pair of them looking at Tony as he was lounging back in the chair, his face devoid of any humour as Rhodey started to talk again.
“I did however, go on to summarise that the benefits of Iron Man far outweigh three liabilities and that it would be in our interest…”
“That’s enough Colonel” Stern but in but Rhodey continued.
“ …to fold Mr Stark…”
“That’s enough”
“…into the existing chain of command, Senator.”
Katie glanced at Rhodey who looked at Stern, his face passive. She smiled, loyal to a fault, her brother’s best friend had done his best to ensure the full picture was seen, trying to curtail the attempted hatchet job from Stern.
“I’m not a joiner, but I’ll consider Secretary of Defence, if you ask nice.” Tony said, to laughter form the crowd. “We can amend the hours a little bit.”
Besides her Rhodey sighed, reaching for his glass of water, taking a sip
“I’d like to go on and show, if I may, the imagery that’s connected to your report.” Stern ignored Tony and looked a Rhodey.
“Imagery?” Katie asked, as Rhodey shook his head.
“I believe it is somewhat premature to reveal these images to the general public at this time.”
“With all due respect, Colonel, I understand. And if you could just narrate those for us, we’d be very grateful”
Rhodey shrugged, defeated and waved his hand at the screen to their left “Let’s have the images.”
“Intelligence suggests that the devices seen in these photos are, in fact, attempts at making manned copies of Mr Stark’s suit….”
Katie kept one eye on the images and then noticed Tony lounge in his chair as he pulled out his StarkPhone as Rhodey continued.
“This has been corroborated by our allies and local intelligence on the ground…indicating that these suits are quite possibly, at this moment, operational.”
“Hold on a second buddy. Let me see something here.” Tony said, leaning forward and holding his device in front of him, tapping at it. As he did so, a separate box on the screen full of small lines of code, and the words “Welcome Mr Stark popped up. “Boy, I’m good. I commandeered your screens.” Tony said as voices began to chatter. He turned to the right and did the same to the screen at that side. “I need them. Time for a little transparency.”
He leaned back in his chair, still looking at his device as he lay it flat on the desk. “Now, let’s see what’s really going on.”
“What is he doing?” Stern asked.
“Adding a little objectivity.” Katie smirked as Tony took a breath.
“If you will direct your attention to said screens, I believe that’s North Korea.”
Tony tapped a few times and a video of a crude suit began to play. The suit didn’t work very well at all and fell over, its guns cracking the camera screen.
“Can you turn that off? Take it off.” Stern said loudly as talking broke out behind them, and Justin Hammer stood up.
“Iran…” Tony switched the footage to show another suit, this one could fly…for all of five seconds before crashing, judging by the smoke, probably on fire. “No graved threat here…” Tony mused and Katie nodded at the screen which was now showing a familiar face.
“Is that Justin Hammer?” she said, grinning, because it was clear it was, compounded by the small Hammer Advanced Weapons Systems logo in the bottom left hand corner. “How did Hammer get in the game?”
Tony grinned as the room started to mumble as the footage of Hammer, with a suit that didn’t really work played. “Justin, you’re on TV. Focus up.” Tony said as he looked at Katie, giving her a wink before the pair of them turning to Rhodey, almost identical smirks on their faces. Rhodey hastily hid his own smile behind his hand, rubbing at his top lip with his index finger.
“Okay, give me a left twist. Left’s good.” Hammer’s voice sounded from the TV “Turn to the right. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.”
“Language Justin.” Katie grinned as Hammer found the plug and the screen went dark.
“Wow. Yeah, I’d say most countries, five, ten years away.” Tony nodded “Hammer Industries, twenty” “I’d like to point out that that test pilot survived.” Hammer hastily clarified into his mic as he sat down.
“I think we’re done is the point that he’s making.” Stern spoke as he stood up “I don’t think there’s any reason…”
“The point is, you’re welcome, I guess” Tony said lazily, waving his hand.
“For what?”
“Because I’m your nuclear deterrent. It’s working. We’re safe. America is secure. You want my property? You can’t have it.” Tony said, his last few words punctuated by his hand slapping the desk. “But I did you a big favour.” At that he stood up and Katie looked at him, grimacing as he smirked “I’ve successfully privatised world peace.”
Both his hands made the peace signs and everyone in the room stood up, all talking at once and applauding. Katie looked at Pepper who was shaking her head, her face stony.
“What more do you want? For now!” Tony clapped as he turned around, gesturing to the members of the committee “I tried to play ball with these ass-clowns.”
Katie groaned and then her head whipped to Stern as he sat down and spoke into the mic, his professional front completely gone.
“Fuck you, Mr Stark. Fuck you, buddy.” He seethed. Tony cupped his hand round his ear, mockingly as he smirked and picked up his sunglasses. “We’re adjourned. We’re adjourned for today.”
Tony put on the glasses and grinned at Stern “Okay.” he gave Stern the thumbs up.
“You’ve been a delight.” Stern snarked as Tony began to blow him kisses.
Present day Katie was doubled over, tears pouring from her eyes as she watched Tony flounce down the aisle in the courtroom towards the doors at the back. Her eyes strayed to her past self who was sat, looking at Rhodey, biting her lip trying hard not to laugh. She remembered thinking at the time how she should be as pissed, as Rhodey and Pepper where, at the fact Tony never took serious things seriously but this had been a hatchet job from the start. And Tony had outwitted them all, as usual.
“Fuck you, Mr Stark…oh, it’s a classic.” She wiped her eyes, turning back to her brother.
Tony grinned, before he sighed, looping an arm round he shoulder. “Fun times huh…”
“Fun might not be the word I would use but…it was certainly entertaining.”
“Which is why I thought we could see it again.” Tony grinned “A little reminder of just how you were by my side, once again.”
“I hate to break it to you but this next bit isn’t quite so hilarious.” Natasha said, moving forward so she was at the side of Katie.
“That’s because it doesn’t involve me.” Tony quipped and Natasha rolled her eyes as they walked out of the courtroom and made their way to the car. As they drove, Katie waited as long as she could before she blinked and then, to no surprise, their surroundings had changed again and she felt a pang of nostalgia wash over her as they drove over the bridge towards the Triskellion. She turned to Natasha who flashed her a smile.
“We had some good times” “Yeah, until we brought it all crashing down.” Katie said, peering up at the place she had once-upon-a-time worked.
Natasha gave a huff of laughter as Tony drove through the magically opened barrier at the end of the avenue and into the car park.
“I’m sitting this one out.” Tony shrugged, looking around “Hmm, maybe I’ll take a walk, try and find a cheeseburger. Man I miss those.”
Katie looked at him, snorting as Natasha nudged her, signalling for her to follow. They headed into the familiar building and over to the elevator, the same one Steve had some 16 years previously catapulted them out of.
“Least I’m going up, not out the side and down…” She mused.
They exited on the floor where Fury’s office was located and headed inside. The director was sat at his desk, Coulson and Natasha stood opposite him. Natasha’s hair was long and curly, just as it had been the first time Katie had met her.
“Natalie Rushman…” she quipped and Natasha looked at her, her eyebrows raised, smiling slightly.
“Stark is drawing un wanted attention to himself. As the Senate Hearing last week proved.” Coulson stated “I don’t think that’s the last we’ve heard of that particular issue either.” “Yeah, well, I don’t trust Stern, as you know. There’s something about him…” Fury took a breath and stood up. “Ok. Romanoff, I want you in Stark Industries so you can get me a detailed appraisal of both the Stark siblings and let’s see how far this illness Tony is suffering goes.”
“Both of them?” Natasha looked at Fury who nodded.
“Coulson likes the girl.” Fury stated and Coulson turned to Natasha, handing her a manilla file with Katie’s photo on the front. “She’s smart, brave too as I saw a few months ago.”
“What’s her background?” Natasha asked, taking the file and opening it.
“It’s all in there, but the quick version is she’s been working in the UK since graduating from Oxbridge in 2006 with a first in English literature and mythology. She published a number of papers on Greek and Norse mythology and from what I’ve seen she has good analytical skills, she can read people.”
“Useful.” Natasha mused and Coulson nodded.
“She currently heads up the Legal and Commercial team for Stark Industries International.  She’s not a bad shot with a gun either, she hit a water pipe straight where she aimed at from almost 200 yards out” Coulson shrugged “With a bit of training, I think she’d be a real asset.”
“You got 48 hours to come up with a plan on how to get in and a cover.” Fury spoke to Romanoff and Natasha nodded. Fury then looked at Coulson “Is the fact Miss Stark seems to be, err, romantically involved with Ward going to be a problem with this?”
Coulson shook his head “Ward has no idea that we’re even considering recruiting her. And I’ll ensure its kept that way.”
“Ward’s sharp enough to recognise that if he does encounter me whilst I’m in position he won’t blow my cover.” Natasha nodded “He knows the script.”
“Good because that is a complication we do not need…” Fury levelled her with a look and Natasha smirked, as she glanced down at a page in the file.
“From Jonny Storm to Grant Ward…” she closed the file “bit of a difference.” She grinned “Suppose you can’t blame a girl for wanting something a little hot every now and then.”
“You sound like you’re speaking from experience.” Fury looked at Natasha who shook her head.
“He’s not my type.”
“Which one, Storm or Ward?” Coulson asked.
Natasha shrugged “Either.”
Coulson smiled, his eye twinkling as Fury looked at Natasha before he met Coulson’s gaze, shrugging.  
“By the way, have we any idea on the whereabouts of Dr Banner?”
“Not yet.” Coulson shook his head “But we’ll keep looking.”
Natasha turned to Katie “I wanted you to see, that even before that little business with the Hammer drones we were thinking of recruiting you. Coulson saw something in you. Something special, that I saw too. Despite your constant protests to the contrary.”
Katie blinked, her eyes filling a little with tears as she shook her head “I was nothing special, SHIELD made me what I was.” “Bullshit.” Natasha shook her head, gently squeezing Katie’s arm as they watched Fury dismiss Coulson and Past Natasha. “You were our Supernova from the start.” Katie looked at her, sniffing a little as Natasha pulled her in for a hug “And you’re still a goddamned superhero, suit or not.”
***** Katie sighed as she entered her hotel room, reaching for the lights. That had been a fucking nightmare. Once Tony had effectively blown a hole in their home after a showdown with Rhodey he had taken off. She’d then, along with Natalie and Pepper spent fuck knows how long dealing with the emergency services. She had no idea where the hell her brother was, and at that particular point in time she didn’t care. He’d behaved like a prize prick.
She walked through to the main living room and gave a little yell of surprise as Natalie was sat on the couch, along with a familiar face.
“What the…” she looked at Fury as he stood up. “Natalie…what…” And then it dawned on her… “You’re one of them? You’re SHIELD?” “Miss Stark, allow me to introduce Agent Natasha Romanoff. One of the 2 I was telling you about”
“Well...” Katie blew out her breath “Fuck me.” “Yeah, it was kind of a shock.” Katie looked at Natasha as they watched the scene in front of them evolving as it changed again to reveal Agents now moving around their Malibu home in the daylight which was a little bit broken from the events of the party. “But at that point I was kind of past the point of disbelieving anything. Especially after Monaco.” “In my defence…” Tony piped up as he appeared besides Katie. “I was dying.”
“Yeah…which is why we found you inside a huge Randy’s Donut sign, eating a real donut without a fucking care in the world.” Natasha looked at Tony as Katie sniggered.
“Sir! I’m gonna have to ask you to exit the doughnut.” She mimicked Fury’s voice “Man...you still wouldn’t come down, it took me threatening to climb up there myself for you to listen”
Tony shrugged “I’d already told him, I didn’t want to join his super-secret boy band.”
“Lucky for you we ignored you.” Natasha shrugged “Well, I say ignored…it was quite the opposite actually. You’d become a pain in our ass.”
“Yeah, yeah, you had bigger problems in the southwest, I remember.” Tony said “Namely Point Break.”
“If they hadn’t given you that lithium dioxide you’d have been a nightmare.” Katie looked at him. Tony eyed her for a moment, then nodded to the scene in front of them, Tony, Katie and Fury sat in their home, the wall completely blown away whilst two agents stood on the balcony looking out through binoculars.
“You told Tony that he hadn’t tried everything.” Katie looked at Fury “What do you mean he hasn’t tried everything? What hasn’t he tried?”
“He said that Tony was the only person with the means and knowledge to finish what he started.” Fury looked at her, then to her brother as he took a sip of his water.
“He said that?” Tony raised his eyebrows, clearly not believing a word Fury was saying.
“Are you that guy? Are you? ‘Cause if you are, then you can solve the riddle of your heart.”
Katie looked at Tony as she shook his head. “I don’t know where you get your information, but he wasn’t my biggest fan.”
“What do you remember about your dad?” Fury asked and Katie took in a deep breath and looked at Tony.
“He was cold, he was calculating. He never told me he loved me. He never even told me he liked me…”
“Tony…” Katie started to protest but he ignored her.
“…so it’s a little tough for me to digest when you’re telling me he said the whole future was riding on me and he’s passing it down. I don’t get that. You’re talking about a guy whose happiest day was when he shipped me off to boarding school.”
“That’s not true.”  Katie sighed, and Fury pointed at her
“She’s right. It’s not.”
“Well, then, clearly you both knew dad better than I did” Tony leaned back in his chair and Katie’s attention was drawn to two Agents who walked behind Fury, carrying a silver, metal box of sorts.
“As a matter of fact, I did.” Fury placed his glass down and glanced at his watch “He was one of the founding members of SHIELD.”
Katie blinked and looked at Agent Romanoff who had appeared behind her
“What?” Tony sat up straight.
“I still don’t know why he never told us…” Katie looked at Tony as they watched their past selves bombarding Fury with questions which he deflected.
“Beats me…” Tony shrugged “But he was a man of many mysteries, as this proves…”
Katie’s eyes tracked Fury as he left before she turned back to look at herself, her brother and Agent Coulson.
“I’ve been authorised by Director Fury to use any means necessary to keep you on premises.” Coulson looked at Tony “If you attempt to leave or play any games, I will tase you and watch Supernanny while you drool into the carpet. Okay?””
“I think I got it, yeah.”
“Wait, do I need to stay here too? Katie looked at Coulson “Because just to warn you, I’ll likely end up killing him before any blood poisoning does.” “Err, I can hear you.” Tony glared at her
Coulson shrugged “That’s up to you Miss Stark” he then turned to Tony “Enjoy your evening’s entertainment.” He nodded to the box as he left.
Katie let out a sigh and sank into a chair.
“You heard what he just said. You can go.” Tony looked at her. “Yeah, well, as much as I would love to jump on a plane and head to New York right now, I can’t leave you like this Tone.” Katie ran her hands over her face “What kind of sister would that make me?” Tony looked at her taking a deep breath before he glanced at the box again and grimaced. “Think I might burn that.” “Don’t.” Katie said gently.
“Why not? I don’t care much to see what dearest daddy left for us.” “For you.” Katie looked at him. “What he left for you…” “You know, that was the only reason I opened that damned box.” Tony said softly and Katie turned to look at him “Like I said, I didn’t care and I didn’t believe a word Fury was saying but you, that simple phrase, reminding me that he left it for me specifically spurred me to do it.”
“Without that you would have died.” Katie said gently
“I did.” He grinned, shrugging.
“I mean then” Katie glared at him “Man I was so angry at you when I found out the palladium was poisoning you and you hadn’t told me.”
“I didn’t want to worry you.” He shrugged, watching as their past selves both took a hold of a handle of the box each and picked it up “Looking back on it, now I realise I was doing that anyway with my erratic behaviour.”
“Are you getting it yet?” Natasha said gently and Katie looked at her “All these seemingly small decisions you made and these apparent innocuous little statements…they all formed something so much bigger than you could ever have dreamed of.”
Katie looked down at her feet and swallowed.
“It isn’t about being Supernova, or an Avenger, or a perfect human.” Tony smiled “It’s about being Katie Stark, the person you are.” “Yeah, hold that thought because this next memory we’re gonna visit…” Natasha smiled “This one was kind of a big decision…”
“So she’s worth a shot?” Fury lounged in his chair, looking at Natasha as she sat opposite him. The pair were sat in an abandoned warehouse that appeared to be serving as some kind of temporary housing facility for SHIELD. There were 3 large displays in front of them, all being projected from the same type of metal box Fury had left at the mansion, and nothing else in the room bar a desk and a few chairs.
“I believe so. But, the thing is, I don’t think you’ll get one without the other…and my assessment of Tony isn’t quite as favourable.”
“Then we’ll just have to pique her interest so to speak…” Fury shrugged.
Natasha frowned “New Mexico?” and Fury gave a little smirk, causing Nat to snort “Good luck with that.”
“You make your own luck.” Fury said simply “In the meantime, I have another assignment for you. I need you to trail Dr Banner. If this item in New Mexico is what we think, then things are starting to get a little…weird shall we say.”
Natasha nodded “I’ll get right on it” and with that she stood up, nodding to the files on the desk. “Let me know how you get on.” “When do I ever need to let you know anything?” Fury looked at her “You know more than me half the time.” Natasha laughed “Now we know that isn’t true, don’t we Nick?”
“You absolute shits!” Katie looked at Natasha, tearing her eyes from the past version of the red head who was leaving Fury’s office. “That whole thing with Thor’s hammer…it was a ruse to get me into SHIELD.”
Natasha shrugged.
“I always thought it was because of what I did in New Mexico that I got offered a position but it was you all along, not Coulson like I thought!”
Natasha smiled “Coulson stuck you on the radar, but it was my decision to put you forward. A decision I’m proud of and would make a hundred times over.” “It was a shit decision.” Tony sniffed “You knocked me back.”
“That was more of an ego check than anything.” Natasha shrugged “I think deep down Fury always knew the way it would go.” She looked back at Katie “You proved me, and Coulson for that matter, right with your actions in New Mexico. Showed the exact level of compassion, bravery and initiative that we expected.”
Katie blinked and shook her head “I was just a normal person.” “You were, are a Stark.” Nat said simply “And SHIELD was all the better for it. It was your dad’s legacy after all.”
The scene in front of them faded and then, in the same offices, Katie saw herself and Tony sat at a desk.
“Should you be looking at that?” Katie asked as she sat next to Tony who had picked up the manilla file which was emblazoned with the words “AVENGERS INIAITIVE PRELIMINARY REPORT. Before Tony could reply a hand pinned the report down and they both looked up at Fury who was leaning slightly over the desk.
“I don’t think I want you looking at that.” He levelled Tony with a look as he sat down opposite them at the other side of the desk. “I’m not sure it pertains to you anymore. Now this on the other hand…” he said, picking up another file off the desk “…is Agent Romanoff’s assessment of you. Read it.” He instructed, handing Tony the file.
“Errr….” Tony scanned the page “’Personality overview. Mr Stark displays compulsive behaviour…’”
Katie snorted and Tony looked at Fury “In my own defence that was last week”
Fury looked at him and Tony gave a small sigh and continued “’Prone to self-destructive tendencies.’ I was dying. I mean, please. Aren’t we all? ‘Textbook narcissism’?”
“Agreed.” Katie jumped in and Tony turned to look at her as she shrugged. He arched an eyebrow, holding her gaze for a moment before he looked back at the report.
“Okay, here it is. ‘Recruitment assessment for Avenger Initiative. Iron Man? Yes.’ I gotta think about it.”
“Read on.” Fury replied.
“ ‘Tony Stark not… Not recommended”? That doesn’t make any sense.” He dropped the file to the desk. “How can you approve me but not approve me?”
Katie’s eyes tracked Fury as he got up out of his chair with a heavy sigh as Tony continued.
“I got a new ticker. I’m trying to do right by Pepper. I’m in a stable-ish relationship.”
Fury perched on the edge of the desk by Katie and looked at Tony. “Which leads us to believe at this juncture we’d only like to use you as a consultant.”
Katie knew that despite her brother declaring he wanted nothing to do with this initiative, that was going to be a blow to his ego and sure enough, Tony simply took a breath, stood up and offered Fury his hand to shake. Fury obliged, and Tony clasped his other hand on top of Fury’s. “You can’t afford me.”
At that he turned to leave. Katie made to follow but Fury signalled for her to stay in her seat.
“Then again…” Tony turned back round “I will waive my customary retainer in exchange for a small favour. Rhodey and I are being honoured in Washington and we need a presenter.”
“I’ll see what I can do.” Fury said simply “Now, if you would be so kind, I’d like 5 minutes with your sister.”
Tony looked at Katie who nodded. “I’ll be in the car, Kiddo.”
Once he was gone, Fury turned to her “Miss Stark, like I said to you 6 months ago, SHIELD could use someone of your calibre.” Katie smiled and shook her head “I’m sorry Sir. I’m flattered, I really am but…” she took a deep breath “This, well it really isn’t for me.”
Fury sighed, “I thought you might say that. In that case, would you, perhaps, consider also joining us as a consultant?”
“Consulting on what?”
“You’re fairly knowledgeable on Mythology, am I right?” “I did a degree and had a few papers published.” She frowned “Why?”
“This pressing issue in the South West.” Fury said, walking to one of the screens and pressing a button. “I’d like your take on it.”
Katie’s eyes fell open as she glanced at a picture of a huge crater, and inside it looked like…
“No…no way.” She mumbled, standing up. “That’s…no, I mean…what the hell is that?”
“The official story is its part of a satellite.” Fury shrugged “Does it look like a satellite to you?”
“No, it looks like Mjolnir, the fabled hammer of Thor…” she said, before she scoffed, shaking her head “This is a plant. A fake, a hoax…” she looked at Fury “There has to be some kind of explanation.”
“Yes, you’re right.” Fury shrugged “But the thing is, when you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how utterly ludicrous, has to be the truth…and, well, we’re running out of impossible to eliminate”
Katie looked back at the photo, shaking her head “No, no way…” “Miss Stark, when I said I’d seen things you couldn’t even begin to imagine I meant it.” He looked at her, and Katie swallowed as she stared back at him. “Now. I’d very much like for you to take a look and confirm that I’m crazy.”
“Where is it?” she asked after a short pause.
“New Mexico, about 30 miles South of Santa Fe.” “There’s a professor I know, based in Seville” Katie looked at Fury “He’s an expert I consulted a few times over my degree. Elliot Randal his name is. It’s probably worth giving him a call.”
“I’ll get onto it.” Fury nodded “And as for you, well, I can have a jet ready to fly you out there within the hour.”
Katie glanced at the photo, everything inside of her was screaming that his was ridiculous, farfetched, down right ludicrous…but there was just that small part of her brain that was niggling. If it was what she thought it was, then she couldn’t pass up an opportunity to be part of the team that identified it. Imagine what that would mean for man-kind going forward.
She inhaled, letting the breath out of her nose before she gave Fury a curt nod. “Ok. I’ll go.” “Really?” Tony scoffed as Katie watched herself, shaking hands with Fury “It was that easy?”
“I was curious.” Katie shrugged. “And I’m glad I was. That decision to go to New Mexico…without it, I would never have joined SHIELD. Might never have met Steve….I’m guessing that’s what this little flashback is about?”
“Hmmm, possibly not but one thing is for sure, you wouldn’t have been the one sent to that Boxing Gym. And whether or not Steve has ever told you this, you were the reason he took that mission inadvertently.” “He would have done it anyway given the Tesseract…” “But he trusted you right from the start, and that swayed him.” Natasha pressed. “And then when you fought alongside him in Stuttgart, captured Loki, then the battle in New York...all of that just solidified the fact in his mind you were a good person. It might not have been love at first sight but he trusted you, confided in you. You worked side by side, grew close both in and out of work, and he fell in love with you. You understood him, could cope with his lifestyle because you lived it.”
Katie blinked as what Natasha was saying began to sink in. “So this…” she waved her hand “Me seeing this now, isn’t simply a reminder of me making a decision that in the end led to me becoming an Avenger. It’s about me making a decision that meant Steve and I made it.?”
Natasha nodded.
“Because we never would have done if I didn’t understand what SHIELD and the Avengers were about on a simple day-to-day basis.” Kate finished.
Natasha beamed, “You made it easy for him to love you and possible for him to envisage a future with you because you lived the life he was all about. Shared life experience, so to speak.”
“And all that stems from that simple decision to get on a plane to New Mexico because you were curious.” Tony smiled and Katie looked at him, once more the tears stinging her eyes “Actions have consequences Kiddo and nine times outta ten it’s the consequences we don’t ever dream of at the point of acting which are the ones that shape our lives.”
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abuttoncalledsmalls · 4 years
Take A Giant Step - Chapter 6
Warnings: Alcohol, Angst, Anxiety, and Language
Pairings: Frankie Morales x f!OC
Word Count: 2K
A/N: Here is Chapter 6! If you would like to be tagged (or un-tagged) in upcoming chapters, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Shout out to the AMAZINGLY LOVELY @yespolkadotkitty​ for beta-ing this! Please enjoy. <3
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5
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Banner by @yespolkadotkitty​
“So let me get this straight - you know nothing about mixed martial arts, but you are going to a mixed martial arts match tomorrow night?”
“For the seventeenth time, yes Jeff. I am.” I rolled my eyes and picked up my container of fried rice. We sat in his office partaking in our weekly ritual of Takeout Thursday. Every Thursday we would order out for lunch and catch up on non-Gallaway related business. I told him about dinner at Arianna’s with Frankie the week before and how he invited me to the match.
“Things sound like they’re getting serious, eh?”
“We’re just hanging out. Like friends do.”
“Mags - he is inviting you to meet his friends. The men he served with - the people that know him best. That is kind of a serious deal. He’s probably going to ask them what they think about you.”
“You think so?”
“I fucking know. I do the same thing. Why do you think I call you at three in the morning to ask what you thought about so-so? It’s so that you can let me know if I’m sleeping with a psychopath or not. It’s very important.”
“Well, homies help homies - always. Even if it is for stuff like that.”
“Exactly and I’m trying to help you. You need to tell him that you want him. I know sometimes those words are hard to find. If that’s the case, just suck his dick. A blow job is just another way of saying ‘I care about you’.”
“Jesus Christ, Jeff. You know the entire Shakespearean cannon by heart and that’s the one piece of encouragement you give me?!” He straightened up in his chair and placed down his chopsticks. 
“If Billy Shakes thought of that, he would have used it. I’m pretty sure the best Shakespearean advice that could be given in this situation is to tell Frankie about your feelings sooner rather than later. Because this will they/won’t they shit is going to kill everyone.”
The next evening, Frankie picked me up from home. I was tying my Target knock-off Keds when I heard a knock at the door. I shot up to answer it. There he was in his usual outfit - a grey t-shirt, blue jeans, work boots, and his baseball cap. I was secretly relieved to see that his beard was growing back in. He stood in the doorway with a shy smile.
“Hi, Maggie.”
“Hi, Frankie.”
“You ready to go?”
“Yeah.” I grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys. I locked my front door and we headed out towards his truck. He opened the passenger side door for me and waited until I was buckled in before he closed it. He hopped into his seat, started the engine, and then we were off to the Venture Area.
“Your shirt is funny.”
“Is it,” I asked looking down at it. I was wearing a navy blue t-shirt with bold white lettering across the chest that read SPORTS. I decided that jean shorts and my knock-off Keds went well with it. Frankie didn’t really give any specifics about what was proper attire for this kind of thing so I had to guess. I could only assume that his comment signaled some approval.
“I know I shouldn’t be nervous about meeting your friends, but I still am. Just a little bit.” 
Frankie turned to me and flashed me a comforting smile. “The boys will be on their best behavior. If not, I’ll kick their asses.” I giggled softly. There was no doubt that he could do so. He was part of the special ops. It was just difficult imagining this sweet and reserved man engaging in violence. However, there was that saying about still waters running deep.
“Tonight will be fun,” he assured me as we pulled into the Venture parking lot. Once he parked the car, he got out and went around to open my door for me. It was such a little thing to do, but it was really nice. I thanked him and we started to head towards the venue’s entrance. Two men were standing just off to the side of our destination. One was taller and had blonde hair. The other was shorter with dark hair. They were both yelling “Fish! Catfish!” I glanced at Frankie and noticed that his entire face was lit up. He was clearly elated to see his friends.
As we got closer, the shorter man came up to Frankie and hugged him. They exchanged a greeting in Spanish and then laughed. The taller man came up and gave his capped friend a hug as well.
“It’s been forever, Catfish,” said the taller man.
“Yeah. I know.” Frankie turned toward me. “This is, uh, Maggie Lawrence. Maggie, this is Santiago Garcia and William Miller.” I said hello and shook their hands.
“So, this is the famous Maggie,” declared Santiago. He was the shorter of the two men. He had dark, expressive brown eyes. His hair and beard were black with a peppering of grey throughout. He had a certain swagger and strong aura of confidence.
“Well,” I began. “I’m nowhere near as famous as the infamous Santiago.” 
William laughed out loudly. “Not even five minutes in and she is busting balls. Maggie, you’ll fit in fine. We’re just missing Benny, my brother. You’ll meet him after the fight,” said William. 
“We should go in,” commented Frankie.
“I don’t want to get shitty seats again,” grumbled William. The four of us headed into the arena.
After the fight all of us, including Benny, went out to a local pub called The Circle. We got a table in the back which was the absolute correct call to make. The adrenaline and booze made the boys a little rowdy. The beer flowed as freely as the conversation did.
“Maggie,” started Benny. “You’re a smart girl. An artsy girl. What are you doing hanging around with this guy? The only poetry he knows is by Poison.” Santiago and William laughed while Frankie blushed.
“Didn’t you know that the verses of Brett Michaels are now discussed in the highest of academic circles?”
“What?” The confused look on Benny’s face was priceless.
“I’m fucking with you, Benny. I enjoy hanging out with Frankie because he’s sweet, funny, smart, and handy.”
“Awwww, Fishie is sweet and handy,” teased William. Frankie turned beet red.
“I’m gonna go order another round for the table,” Frankie got up and headed over to the bar. William and Benny were still laughing at the conversation. Santiago motioned me to come over.
“They’re going to talk and laugh for awhile. Let’s move down to the end of the table and chat. So I can learn a little bit more about you.” We moved down the table some. 
“We’re really glad that you were able to come out tonight,” said Santiago.
“I had a lot of fun. It’s been great getting to meet you guys. Frankie was so pumped that you all were coming to town.”
“We were pretty excited that we were going to see him. It’s been a while. I know he was really looking forward to introducing you to us. He talks about you a lot.” I bit my lower lip and could feel my cheeks blush.
“I’m not that interesting. He probably only mentioned me like once or twice.”
“No. I’m serious. You didn’t have to help him get all of those gigs or even hang out with him.”
“I did - do - it because I really like spending time with him. He’s amazing. I think he deserves the sun, moon, and stars.” 
Santiago smirked. “He feels the same exact way about you.”
“Excuse me?”
“Catfish. Frankie. Francisco. He likes you. A lot. You are the only thing he has talked about for the last two months. It’s been nothing but ‘Maggie this’ and “Maggie that’. I feel like I’ve been talking to a sixteen year old girl instead of a forty-two year old man.” 
I giggled nervously. “How do I know that you aren’t fucking with me?” 
Santiago looked at me with his mouth open. “You seriously have not noticed the eyes he has been making at you all night? He’s smitten! He desperately wants to make a move but is terrified that you’ll turn him down. This poor man has been through enough to last him two lifetimes. He keeps getting dealt one shitty hand after another. That’s taken a major toll on him and his confidence. Look, we see a great guy when we look at Frankie. But he can’t see that himself. Benny, William, and I have seen that he’s been so much more happier since you two met. I have to say that it looks like he makes you pretty happy too.”
Santiago went on, but his voice started to fade into the background. Frankie had been hiding his feelings for almost the same reason I had been? It felt like a light had been turned on and I could finally see. Francisco Morales was interested in me. There was a chance that this could happen. That surge of hope that I was suppressing was coursing through my body again. I had a shot!
When Frankie came back, Santiago smiled and winked at me. I returned to my seat, pretending that nothing had happened. As the night went on, the guys shared various stories from their army days. A majority of them were centered on drunk pranks played on one another on the base. Their laughter and joy was so infectious that I felt like I fit in. I caught a quick glimpse of Frankie. I’d never seen him so happy and relaxed.
“It’s getting kind of late. I think I’m gonna call it a night,” yawned William.
“Awww. It’s the old man’s bedtime,” teased his younger brother.
Everyone stood up and began to say their goodbyes. Santiago slipped out to pay the tab while the two brothers were giving us hugs. 
“Make sure you keep Fish in line. He needs it from time to time,” warned William. 
“Oh, I will.” I turned to smirk at Frankie, but found that he was busy speaking with Santiago. After William and Benny left, I went over to the two remaining men.
“You ready to head out?” asked Frankie.
“It was great to meet you, Maggie. Catfish is really lucky to have you around.”
“I don’t know. I think I might be the lucky one.”
The ride home was mostly quiet. The soft pitter patter of raindrops and Journey underscored the drive. I was still reeling from my conversation with Santiago. It was only when the truck stopped in my parking lot that I snapped back into the moment.
“Your friends are a lot of fun. I really enjoyed meeting them tonight.” 
Frankie blushed. “They’re good guys. They liked you too.”
“I got to speak with Santiago a little bit. He’s a charmer that one.”
“Always has been. He’s been able to talk himself out of anything for the most part.”
“I can see that. He’s very open concerning how he feels about you guys.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“I wish I could be like that - open with my thoughts and feelings. Sometimes this intense passion for someone or something consumes me. It feels like an incredible force of energy that is desperate to leave me. It wants to go out into the open and be free, but I can’t let it. The fear of showing that vulnerable side - that passion - is so risky and overwhelming.” Tears were starting to sting my eyes. “The very real possibility of rejection and hurt is so prevalent that it’s just better to hide and be safe -” 
I was cut off by the most tender kiss of my life. Frankie pulled away and looked at me with those soft brown eyes. Time stood still. I went back in and we kissed again. And again. And again. He then gently kissed my forehead.
“It’s okay, Maggie. It’s safe. We don’t have to hide from one another anymore.”
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numinous-shaman · 3 years
Secret Space Program Timeline Wars
Not even organic time travelers know what's going to manifest exactly, but I do know this is a timeline war and the forces of chaos and corptocracy are what will lead us into a horrible A.I., future of soullessness and military industrial servitude, if we don't shift the tide in consciousness back to human values soon.
There ARE definately forces ready to resist tyranny all over the country and there are also militarized groups invested in destroying the stamina of defensive forces too, war on our soil is NOT desirable. There used to be only a timeline with five free states in the future, having Constitutional protection, back in 2011, I was aware when that was secured. Then we got an 11 state timeline some years later and I'm pretty sure the last I felt we had a pretty solid 27 state structure for manifesting continued protection of Inalienable human rights, should succession become necessary.
I hope it's more now, it would be wonderful to have the whole country turn back from the Great Reset completely, before the Great Divide manifests. But, consciousness just isn't aware enough to expect that at this point, it's painfully obvious watching the majority of people demand to be experimentation survivors and freely give over their genetic code to hybridization with other species, and new technology, that the level of awareness of the masses has been greatly reduced, along with understanding of their own value, rights and responsibilities. Of course, we KNOW in the future that it was "the fears" that caused them to sell their liberty, not actual harm, just the idea of it and their lack of awareness regarding the methods to manipulate them made it all possible. Watching this play out in real time, is just gut wrenching.
MAYBE, if enough false flags happened to jolt then awake they would help fight their captors instead of beg them in, but the iron curtain of information has become increasingly difficult to penetrate. I don't think Trump is the Messiah, but I think if he's prohuman then he'll use this opportunity he has to rally some people who care about freedom behind him and hit them where it hurts, AT THE INFORMATION LEVEL. We need to get past the frequency fence of distorted information being used to hold humanity hostage and unable to discern the danger.
Of course, the controllers want it that way, they want us dumb and happy when they cut out lives short and all the blame for the genocide resting squarely on our own, failure to rightfully apply free will. I've had more than my fair share of exposure to eugenist, reptilian timelording types of beings and I will tell you what they never will, because I'm not like them although I perceive them. They believe in survival of the fittest, or most cunning, really.
They figure if they are smart enough to fool humans and conquer us, then our benevolence is a weakness and they deserve to rule with an iron rod and treat us like domesticated cattle and resources for their whims. They think of this world as part of a larger ocean and the bigger fish wins, unless the smaller fish gets smart enough to survive. The idea of a loving Creator force is foreign to them, nature is cruel, only children have foolish dreams of things which are obviously not true, that's what they would say to a child who believes good will win out, simply because it's moral.
Now, if the alien Corptocracy gets their way and are able to slice through the federal government and manifest authoritianism quickly, this is probably where the Orwellian vision of two sort of parallel societies might spring up in the same land, some flocking to federally managed economic development, while others reclaim land and resources for sustainability, environmental protection and multicultural preservation, in states leaving the union. Those were basically the legal umbrellas we used to get support from the corptocracy in some timelines in the future and not called fundamentalists, revolutionaries or radicals for simply wanting to remain natural humans and to keep our Bill of Rights.
They didn't care about our rights or our liberty or right to make our own health decisions, because they thought it was important, NO. We had to show that the degradation of our environment was no good for them and the degradation of our genetics was akin to killing a protected animal, because it was an endangered' species. Human interest was protected only under the banner of what today might be equated to Leftist Liberalism or Environmental Activism. So many humans are already under the influence of such heavy programming and so degraded genetically, they already serve the AntiChrist system, the Corptocracy who is attempting to rewrite our souls for capture and control, and just don't know it. Wanting to be human completely and to access nature and make individual choices, was called tragically fundamentalism and seen as radical or mad. Covertly, the secret societies weilding heavy handed influence within the Corptocracy knew the truth and knew the human ascension potential was intentionally being cut off from the masses and tightly controlled. They had their own plans of breeding into the genetics of ascendant humans while enslaving the rest.
The Multidimensional capacity of the human soul was lost by most after being genetically degraded with medicine, environmental toxins and food. Humans literally lost their ability to fully embody and connect with their soul and multidimensional nature, the process happened over a few generations and most didn't notice it occurring or miss it when it was lost, everyone was tuned into their pain and pleasure body only, five senses they couldn't see through with higher ones. In many probable futures a company called Aegis was ultimately responsible for raising awareness and support from the rich to help achieve their goal of protecting, studying and tracking the human potential for Multidimensional communication and influence on the environment. Many human domains for natural living were organized and protected legally and with force by Aegis Corp. and Aegis Shield Corp. Organic and inorganic time travel was experimented with by many factions, warring for control over the timelines and various aspects of our future. Time travel operations were in place before Sept. 11th and that event itself has already been altered by divine intelligence and human operatives, so we are experiencing already, an altered version of the past. The 911 timeline, 911 numerological sequences are an energetic reality that crosses the threshold of the unconscious mind for many of us.
It's so important to understand though, the leaders didn't care about our souls or the afterlife, the government is controlled by soulless corpore entities, not human ideals. They only helped us, in the end at all, because they wanted to replicate what it's REALLY like to be human and receive your Divine nature in artificial systems and experience a replicate reality using technology for virtual extended life spans in artificial worlds of clones or digitized and uploaded into what is akin to a virtual reality cloud. The small percentage of true humans lived parallel lives, but they fought to not be dependent on the Corptocracy, so that separation would remain and the rest of the world saw and treated then like an oddity, some kind of stage show freak for them to project their own fears and insecurity onto. They had no idea they were just dangling participles, evolutionarily speaking, slated for nothing but further degeneration, experimentation and enslavement. I can already feel this separation becoming palpable, the emergency vaccine powers are definately a trigger event
The real humans, eventually were able to live protected, to stay in touch with natural order and live like a natural human, but only in exchange for information and for power the secret societies used for themselves. We still managed to create hubs of Divine Creator energies, cruelty free animal zones and real human existence to assist with keeping balance in the world by helping the Corptocracy understand the importance of universal law and the real purpose of morality at the level of the template of reality manifestation. This helped the populations (we weren't all human) to survive and avert pole shift, we literally have to keep the balance.
The effect of that knowledge on the majority was not natural though, it was tyranical and the populations who destroyed the old America demanding liberation were the ones who ended up with the least liberty in the end. All of these impressions are collected from possible futures and parallel realities, I pray everyday the options improve and more real humans remember who they are and what is really important. They had to shut the inorganic (technologically) induced time travel missions down, the effects were bizarre and became a greater concern than originally imagined. There are rogue groups still experimenting covertly, it is well known in the future and these groups are hunted religiously by the scientific order.
Organic time travel is more mystical in nature, it's the ability of your higher self to project itself back in time to your physical self and effect change which shifts the future. This is just one example of the types of abilities the Multidimensional human is able to do, if their genetics and consciousness aren't interfered with and free will used to serve Love, like Christ taught. The elite know that REAL humanity doesn't need their faulty technology to externalize their powers for interconnectivity and don't need controllers at all. That's why they aim to suppress us, dumb us down and keep the secret about who and what we are far from our awareness.
They need us to control, to feed off, to feel powerful by dominating and to justify their own limited, dimensionalized existence. They are like an interdimensional invader, a parasitic intelligence we are playing host to and giving more power over our entire universal time matrix. The ONLY people who won't be TOTALLY owned and controlled by these corporate boards and warlords in the future, are going to be the ones who dedicate themselves to consciousness expansion and Spiritual Ascension, because they'll need those enhanced abilities and awareness to stay a step ahead of the parasite and their legion of zombie enforcers, demanding submission to intelligence beneath the true Human. They expect us to out smart them if we really deserve our free will, I'm not condoning the belief system, just making it conscious in hopes more people can see through the vaneer of humanity they aim to project.
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Happy Birthday, Edward!
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Technically, Edward’s birthday isn’t until tomorrow, but I was too damn excited!!
I really wanted to do something special for Edward’s birthday, so I thought I’d write him a little something to celebrate!
There’s also some self-indulgent Chredwis in here, because there isn’t enough of that out there.
Characters: Edward Quinton, Chris Jackson, Drew and Nevin Jovel, Isaac Beamer, Ell Fisher
Word count: 2,164
Warnings: Swearing
The boys belong to @onebizarrekai​, Ell belongs to me, and the picture was drawn by my good friend @oakskull​!
Fic is under the cut!
Happy birthday, Edward!
Chris was ten seconds away from a fucking panic attack. He was pacing back and forth, muttering to himself, finishing off his fourth chocolate bar in the span of ten minutes.
“Okay, so Ell’s baking the cake, Nevin’s cooking other stuff, Drew’s finishing up the playlist for the party…wait, what about the decorations? OH GOD, ARE THE DECORATIONS DONE?! THIS PARTY’S GONNA SUCK ASS IF THERE ISN’T ANY DECORA-”
“Calm your tits, man!” Isaac sighed, walking in the room with a box of handmade decorations. He put them down and held up a banner that said, ‘Happy Birthday, King Edward Quinton!’ There were crowns drawn on it with shiny markers, and it was covered in rhinestones and glitter. “Also gonna toot my own horn and say it’s some of my best work.”
“Oh, thank Kai,” Chris sighed, relaxing. “...Why is it so shiny, though?”
“It’s Edward’s birthday. Everyone knows that your birthday is the one day per year that you get to feel important!” Isaac grinned. “Plus I wanted to use a ton of glitter and rhinestones.”
“Isaac, honey, I love you, but how much did you even USE?” Drew cried, squinting at the banner and shielding his eyes.
“You remember when I went to the arts and crafts store with the five hundred dollars Ell gave me?”
“Two hundred and fifty dollars were spent on anything that sparkled.”
Drew facepalmed.
“Well, the aesthetic does look pretty nice,” Chris nodded. “Ell, do me a favor and use your telekinesis to help hang all of these up.”
“Gotcha, Chris-cross!” Ell grinned, lifting her hand. The banner lifted in the air all on its own. She lifted the box up with her hands and wandered off to decorate the rest of Chris’s house.
“I can’t believe that your dad’s okay with holding Ed’s party here,” Isaac said. “I figured that he’d say no to this.”
“Oh, Dad doesn’t know,” Chris replied. “He’s been on a business trip since Monday. He won’t be back until late next week. As long as we clean everything up afterwards, he won’t suspect a thing.”
“Damn, you’re being a rebel, aren’t you?” Drew raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, because this is important! Tomorrow is Ed’s big day!” Chris cried. “Tomorrow has to be absolutely perfect! Just like he is…”
“What was that last part?” Nevin asked, leaning closer to the monochromatic teenager.
“NOTHING!” Chris shouted, face going red, turning to Ell. “Ell, you’re gonna pick Ed up later so he can spend the night at your house, right? You know, to keep him busy so we can set up the finishing touches the next morning?”
“Uh-huh!” Ell gave Chris a thumbs up. “I’m gonna get up early and sneak over here to bake and decorate the cake. If all goes well, I should be back before Edward even wakes up.”
“Remind me why Edward’s gonna stay the night at Ell’s house, again?” Isaac asked. “He could’ve stayed at my place. We’re on pretty good terms.”
“Ell lives the furthest away from all of us,” Chris reminded him. “I’d have him stay at my house, but obviously we can’t, since we’re having the party here.”
“And we all know what Chris would do to Ed if they spent the night alone with each other,” Ell added.
“Jesus fucking Christ, guys! It’s not like that!” Chris cried. “We’d just play birthday games.”
“Birthday games?” Drew repeated.
“Yeah! Like Spin the Bottle, 7 Minutes in Heaven…”
“Chris, those aren’t birthday games,” Isaac facepalmed. “Those are the types of games that horny teenagers play at parties.”
“Hey, who can blame him? That’s how I would want to ring in MY birthday.” Ell’s face started to turn red. “But with somebody else, if you catch my drift…”
“Ell, stop it. You’re gonna bleed on the carpet.” Drew sighed, pulling out a tissue and handing it to Ell.
“Alright, everyone regroup here tomorrow morning at 8 am to put on the finishing touches! Ed’s… er, cronies will arrive a few hours before, and Ell and Ed should be here at noon! Don’t be late!”
Everyone said their goodbyes and went their separate ways, Isaac getting into his car, Drew and Nevin heading home, and Ell walking towards Ed’s house.
Chris shut the door behind him, sliding to the floor. He was nervous. So, so nervous. This party was one of the many surprises that he had for Edward, when tomorrow came.
“Tomorrow is going to be perfect,” Chris said aloud to the empty house. “It has to be. For Edward.”
Edward’s cake looked amazing. It was several layers tall, and was frosted in different colors, and even had a tiny little Edward made of modeling chocolate and fondant.
“It’s not really one of my best creations, but Ed’ll like it,” Ell shrugged, wiping some frosting off of her cheek.
“Not one of your best?!” Chris cried. “This is the best birthday cake I’ve ever seen in my life! How did you even manage to make this in two hours?”
“I’ve been in a ton of baking competitions before. No biggie.” Ell blew some hair out of her face. “You gotta learn to work quickly in those sort of things.”
“Did you win a few of them?” Chris asked, intrigued.
“Nope. I won them all.” Ell grinned. “What did you think all those trophies in my living room came from?”
“Martial arts competitions,” Chris replied without hesitation.
“You’re not wrong, actually. I just keep those trophies in my room.” Ell checked the time. “I better go. Ed’s gonna wake up any minute now, and I need to keep the B-day boy distracted.”
“Alright,” Chris sighed. “I’ll call you if I need you to distract him for even longer.”
“That won’t happen.” Ell smiled at Chris, confident.
“How do you know?”
“Let me ask you a question.” Ell leaned in close to Chris. “Do you love Edward?”
Chris’s face went completely and totally red.
“Well, the same generic and platonic love I share with all of my friends and family-”
“No, you dumbass! I mean romantically! Sexually! That kind of love! Do you love Edward in that way?”
Chris balled his hands up into fists. He could lie in this situation, say that he didn’t, but Ell could read minds, and on top of that, she could instantly tell whether someone was lying or telling the truth, so denying that he loved Edward in this situation proved moot.
“Yes. I romantically and sexually love Edward,” Chris admitted, his cheeks warming.
“In that case, I believe that you’ve got this in the bag,” Ell smiled. “You won’t let anything go wrong for him. It’s his birthday, and you want to make it really special for him. You want to give him a birthday that he’ll never forget, in the best way possible. And you’ll succeed.”
“You really think so?”
“I don’t think so. I know so. Telekinetic’s intuition.” Ell tapped her head, looking like the guy from the “you can’t do” meme.
Chris chuckled. “Thanks, Ell. You’re the best.”
“You’re welcome. That’ll be thirty bucks.”
“I’m kidding! God…”
Edward felt something sit down on his chest, followed by a heavenly smell. He opened his eyes, and Ell was sitting on him, a party horn in her mouth, holding a tray.
Ell blew on the horn, and she took it out of her mouth using her telekinesis. “Bon anniversaire! Feliz cumpleanos! Happy birthday!”
“You made me breakfast in bed? That’s awfully nice of you!” Edward grinned, taking the tray. “Ooh! French toast!”
“Not just any French toast!” Ell grinned. “It’s my grandmother’s special Nutella French toast! The recipe’s been in my family since the day Nutella was first sold in 1964!”
Edward took a bite of it, and his eyes lit up. “Holy shit, this tastes amazing! Nevin would probably kill for this recipe!”
“Yeah, I figured, which is why I haven’t told him about this,” Ell chuckled. “Do me a solid and keep this under wraps, will you?”
“It’s the least I can do,” Edward nodded, taking another bite. “Damn, I gotta say, you’re a really good cook.”
“Oh, thanks. I’m mostly self-taught.” Ell crossed her legs. “So, do you have any plans for today?”
“I usually go out for dinner on my birthday with my family, but I’m pretty much free until then,” Edward said. “I think I might go see Chris. My cronies probably got me something. Well, at least Cody, probably.”
“Oh, I bet you’ll see them soon,” Ell smiled. “Trust me.”
“Okay…” Edward took another bite. While he was distracted, Ell checked the time. She needed to keep Edward distracted for four hours. While some people would think that was impossible, she knew how to do it.
“You know, there’s this new store that opened up nearby that’s full of weird stuff,” Ell said, rubbing her thumb and forefinger together. “And I heard this rumor from one of the librarians that the place had some haunted items…”
“Haunted? As in, ghosts?” Edward leaned forward.
Ell nodded.
“Well, what are we waiting for?! LET’S GO!” Edward shoved the rest of the toast in his mouth and started taking his shirt off.
“HEY! Girl in the room!!” ********************************
“You want… that book?” Ell asked, raising an eyebrow as Edward held up a dusty, old book with some kind of symbol on the cover.
“Yep!” Edward grinned.
Ell breathed in deeply. “Dude, I know it’s your birthday, and I don’t mean to shoot you down on your special day, but I haven’t seen you pick up a book that wasn’t assigned to you for class.”
“Well, unlike you, I do all my recreational reading in the comfort of my own home, and only there,” Edward said, holding the book to his chest. “Besides, this book is just oozing with supernatural stuff. I can feel it in my bones.”
“Alright, if you say so,” Ell shrugged, giving the cashier several hundred dollar bills. “Keep the change, m’theydy.”
The cashier looked confused, but put the money in the register without complaint.
It was almost noon. Time for Ed to get so fucking surprised.
“Hey, Chris just texted me,” Ell said, looking at Edward with a gleam in her eyes. “He asked me to bring you over to his house. He has something for you.”
Edward’s cheeks dusted pink.
“Edward? You alright, buddy?” Ell asked.
“I-I’m fine!” Edward said rather quickly. “L-let’s hurry up.” Ell grinned, grabbed Edward’s hand, and fucking ran. For someone who was the shortest person in Foxfield High School, she was fast.
“Ell, slow down! Christ alive!” Edward cried, stumbling to catch up to his younger friend.
Ell finally screeched to a stop in front of Chris’s house.
“Chris said to just go on in,” Ell said, panting slightly. “I’m gonna go use the bathroom.” She dashed inside the house, opening and shutting the door quickly.
“Okay, everyone! He’s here!” Ell whispered.
“Okay everyone, go and hide!” Chris hissed. “When Ed comes in, count to three, and then jump out and yell, ‘Surprise’! Got that?”
Everyone nodded, scrambling to find a hiding spot. Ell used her powers to turn the lights off as she hid behind the couch next to the twins.
Edward opened the door, entering the dark house. “Hello? Chris?” He squinted, looking around the pitch-black house. “Are you home?”
Ell turned the lights back on, and everyone jumped out from their hiding spots.
“SURPRISE!” Everyone yelled. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”
“W-what? A… a party?” Edward looked around the room in disbelief. “You guys set this all up?”
“Actually, it was Chris,” Isaac admitted, elbowing Chris in the side. “He got the idea in the first place. The rest of us helped in our own little ways. I made the decorations, if you can guess.”
Edward held back laughter as he looked at the extremely glittery banner that was hanging on a wall. He turned to Chris. “You planned all of this by yourself?”
Chris nodded, his face turning slightly pink. “It’s your birthday. I wanted to make it really special for you. I hope you like it.”
“Well, I don’t like it.”
Chris felt his heart sink. “O-oh. I’m-”
“I love it!”
Chris blinked. “Y-you do?”
“Yeah!” Edward grinned. “I can’t believe you went through the trouble of planning a huge surprise party just for me. It’s such a great birthday gift.”
Chris looked at Ell from the corner of his eye. She gave him a knowing look, and nodded, as if she was telling her to go for it. Chris took a deep breath.
“Well, can I give you another gift?” Chris asked.
“Sure! What is-”
Chris grabbed Edward, dipped him down, and gave him a long, deep, passionate kiss. Isaac and Nevin fucking sceamed, while everyone else stared in awe.
After thirty thrilling seconds, Chris separated from a blushing Edward.
“Happy birthday,” Chris grinned.
Edward stood there, frozen for a good while, before he smiled back, tears of joy streaming down his face.
“Thank you.”
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galadrieljones · 4 years
As You Were (Chapter 8)
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Fandom: The Last of Us | Pairing: Joel x OC | Content: Fix-it | Rating: Mature
When Joel and Ellie take a wrong turn on their journey from Pittsburgh to Wyoming, they find themselves lost in what feels like a time warp: a beautiful place with a dark and dangerous secret, filled with painful reminders of the past. But they aren’t alone. When they meet Cici and Noah, a mother and son fighting tirelessly for survival, things change. For those with little hope to spare, family is what you make it.
This is an AU, starting after the events of the Summer chapter in the first game, and extending into the timeline of the second.
*cw: canon-typical violence, blood
Chapter 8: La Crosse (Pt. 2) / The Lapp Farm (Pt. 2)
"Jury's still out. But, man. You can't deny that view."
As Joel and Noah worked their way through the city, nothing much changed, at first. The buildings were empty. Many were boarded up, but not all of them. Little streams and creeks seemed to have broken through the bluffs, coming in off the La Crosse River and now flowed in skinny little ribbons in the empty lots and fields. Looking upon them was paradoxical, for the water was enticing in its visual clarity, but both Joel and Noah knew the truth. There was not much wildlife, and this brought into the world a worrisome quiet beyond the sound of the wind in the trees. The sun came down even still and brought color to the parking lots, all of them overgrown with tall grasses and ponds. The cordyceps in the water did not seem to affect the flora. It was a pretty place, Joel thought, despite its indifference toward human life.
As they crossed the city, Joel could tell they were getting closer to pure, raw nature, as the greenery thickened, and the buildings and houses became increasingly sunken by floods and overtaken by trees and their massive root systems. He knew from the map that the campus was more or less nestled within a great many bluffs, which rose up like grassy table tops, and the Mississippi was less than two miles to the west. Little purple flowers grew everywhere, and they started seeing mushrooms, too, growing on some of the blackened moldy walls of fallen structures, and so Joel and Noah did not get too close.
They just kept following the signs for the Circle of the Holy Signal, and headed straight toward Centennial Hall at the central campus. At times, Joel thought that perhaps he was being watched, through the windows in the residential neighborhoods, but this was hard to put his finger on. Even in the natural wreckage, there were so many houses, small and intact, lined up in rows across many blocks, that he consistently found himself wondering what could be inside. They found a German Shepherd recently dead by what appeared to be a gunshot wound, lying by the side of the road near a middle school. While they had been crouched low, trying to determine exactly how long ago it had been killed, another dog came up with its tail wagging. This one was some sort of lab mix, and it looked lost and starving as it sniffed at their hands excitedly. Joel scrubbed it behind the ears once and then reluctantly bid it to flee. They had nothing for it. This was a sad and desolate place.
After they had walked more than two miles, they started to see actual signs of the campus, which was promising as well as foreboding. School flags that had survived, still flapping off the street lights, and crimson banners for the football team. There were take-out restaurants and bars with their windows bashed in, some of them still advertising discounts for students as well as a UW Credit Union. They walked down Main Street for a while, passing many Lutheran churches, sometimes more than one on a single block. Some of the churches had been co-opted and hung with banners that read Worship Circle, another tell of their mystery cult. Those churches in particular were so overgrown with the mushroom, they looked like beautiful death flowers, and Joel bid them to put on their gas masks just for the time being, as he was worried about spore levels, even in the open air.
At some point, they came upon a school store. It still had mannequins in the window and the doors were locked up with a heavy chain. Joel stopped to look around and Noah leaned against a stop sign to drink some water.
“What’s your take on this place?” he said eventually. "Do you have any like, feelings about it?"
Joel was examining the chain around the door handles. “My take is, this might be a fool’s errand.” He had a small screwdriver and lock pick, given to him by Bill back in Lincoln. “But I have been known to make my fair share of foolish decisions over the years. Anyway, this town seems fairly dead.”
“We can go back,” said Noah. He was holding the water bottle, soaked in sweat from his dark hair to his red Converse. “We saw the church. Maybe there’s nothing else to see. Maybe it’s too dangerous.” He had a kicked look about him, like a puppy. Joel saw him for his age then—old enough to know a lot, but still too young to know much better. He had a lot of confidence and sometimes this could make him seem older, but he was still only seventeen.
“What do you wanna do?” said Joel. He popped the lock on the chain with considerable ingenuity. He was a little proud of himself. "I'm here to help you."
“I wanna keep going,” said Noah. “I wanna know what’s going on.”
“All right then,” said Joel. “Let’s get to Centennial Hall and see what we can find.”
“Okay,” said Noah, like he had been reenergized. “What are you doing?”
“I’m going inside,” said Joel, loosening the chain and letting it drop. It made a loud noise and he then used a piece of rebar to pry open the doors.
“Why?” said Noah.
“Because,” said Joel, letting the rebar clank to the concrete sidewalk. He wiped the sweat from his face and his beard. “There might be something in here I want.”
They went inside. It was surprisingly maintained. It even looked defended, as if somebody had taken up shop in there many years before. There were makeshift blockades in the front of the store and what looked to be a sizable nest in the employee’s lounge. From the looks of the posters on the wall, he guessed it had been college kids.
“It’s just paraphernalia, for the college,” said Noah. He was going through the aisles, looking at the clothes on the racks, the mugs and water bottles. “What would you want in here.”
“A souvenir,” said Joel. He went over to the women’s section. A huge piece of particle board had fallen from the ceiling. He hauled it away.
“For yourself?”
“No,” said Joel.
“For Ellie?”
Joel was scouring a rack of hooded sweatshirts. “She asked me to bring her something, as a trade-in for not letting her come along. Hey, does this look like her size?” He held one of them up, a faded crimson with the words UW - LA CROSSE stamped on front, in a sort of vintage font. He thought it seemed like something she'd wear.
“What size is it?” said Noah.
“Uh, a woman’s extra small.”
“Well, she’s pretty extra small. So, I’d say that’s a good bet.”
Joel gave him a look. “Come here,” he said. “Put this in your backpack.”
“What?” said Noah. “No. You put it in yours.”
“I don’t have room in mine. Your mom packed it with one too many bomb parts and radio frequency enhancement mumbo jumbo, and it’s already digging in my spine.”
“Fine,” said Noah, swiping the sweatshirt. He rolled it up tightly and shoved it in the front pocket. “For Ellie.” Then he zipped it shut and they looked around. He saw something funny, one gray tee-shirt folded neatly in a disorderly stack. He held it up and showed it to Joel. “What about this one, for you?”
It said: UW - La Crosse Dad.
Joel said, “Yeah, that’s real funny.”
“I thought so.”
They were alarmed then, by a loud and inhuman screech, some banging on the walls coming from a locked back room.
“Jesus,” said Joel, picking up his shotgun. Whatever it was, it was angry, but it was trapped. He thought it might have been one of the college kids who'd made a nest here, which saddened him.
“That’s the first one,” said Noah. “In the whole town. What does that mean?”
“It means we’re getting closer to the epicenter of whatever the hell is going on here,” said Joel. “We should keep moving.”
They left the store, left the infected to rot. It was blistering now in the high noon sun as they continued their journey. “What was that thing in the store, do you know?" said Noah, earnest. He had his shotgun in his hands, a heavy pistol stuffed in the back of his jeans. He had killed plenty of Infected in his life, but it was mostly runners.
“Sounded like a clicker,” said Joel. "Based on the looks of things around here, that is most likely what we'll be running into. Whatever happened, it’s been years.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” said Noah. It was a common sentiment for him, but now, something had changed in his demeanor. He seemed desperate.
“What now."
“We lived for so long, on our farm,” said Noah. “It felt safe, growing up there, barely encountering any of this insane bullshit, until just this past year or so. But these people here, in the city, it looks like they went through something horrible, for such a long time. How can that be? How can they all be dead?”
“If I remember properly,” said Joel, “it took the cordyceps some months to take root in the midwest. Once they isolated the big cities, it was a slow trickle to the end, and smaller cities like this, once they got it, there wasn’t much support. They got it bad. Local militias rose up in their various…forms. I ain’t surprised you all managed to survive on your land for as long as you did, given how isolated you are, but I suppose that it was only a matter of time before it got to you, too, one way or another.”
“This is so sad,” said Noah as they looked around at their desolate surroundings. He was shaking his head over and over again like he could not believe it. “My mom was born in La Crosse. Her ancestors came here from Norway in like the 1890s. Look at it now.”
“What about your dad?”
“My dad was born in Madison,” he said. “His grandparents were Spanish immigrants.”
“Was his family farmers, too?”
"Yeah,” said Noah. They were walking along, kicking around in the middle of the road, all cracked up with weeds, listening to the wind. “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“You’re from Texas,” he said. “What about your parents?”
“My parents were also from Texas,” said Joel. “My grandparents, too.”
“Where in Texas?”
“A town called Odessa.”
“Have you ever been married?” said Noah.
Joel was looking up at the sky now. There were some carrion birds up there, circling. A bad omen. “What?” he said.
“I asked if you’ve ever been married.”
“Why would you wanna know that?”
“I’m just curious,” said Noah.
Joel sighed and gave in. “Yes, I have been married.”
“A long time ago.”
“What happened?” said Noah.
“It didn’t work out.”
“I see,” said Noah, sensing his unease. “What’s your last name?”
“My last name?” said Joel.
“Yeah,” said Noah, innocent. But then he also noticed the birds. Their conversation dropped off a cliff. “Holy shit,” he said. “You see that?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Those are turkey vultures.” He was chewing on a stick, something he’d picked up off the ground. “They nest all over these bluffs.”
“Yeah, well,” said Joel. “Looks like they found something. Come on.”
Meanwhile, at the Lapp farmhouse, Ellie had wandered over to the bottom of the stairs. They were heavy and a dark wood. Everything about the house seemed really sturdy, but it also seemed really old. Things creaked and there were occasional dips in the flooring. “I think she’s upstairs,” she said. She thought she’d heard movement now from the floor above. But she wouldn’t call out Becky’s name, because it seemed like it might not be her place. She was a stranger here.
“Becky?” said Danielle.
"Hang on,” said Cici from the living room. She had redone her pony tail. It was high on her head now and twisted into a bun. “Looks like somebody’s coming to the backdoor.”
“What?” said Danielle. "Who?"
Concerned, Ellie came back into the kitchen space and placed her hand on the loom. Maybe she hadn’t heard anything after all. She glanced toward the stairs and then back to the door. There was a little window in the door, the shape of a semi-circle, and now a girl rushing up the steps, wearing a white dress and a little white kapp. She tried to get in, but it the door locked. She knocked several times, with urgency.
“Danielle?” said the girl. “Danielle, are you here?”
“Hey, is that Becky?” said Ellie.
“Becky,” said Danielle.
She went to the door, opened it quickly. Becky came inside, her small, pink hands on the slope of her pregnant belly. Her hair was very orange, almost striking. When she looked around and Saw Cici, then Ellie, she became alarmed. “Cici?” she said. “What’s going on?”
“Everything’s okay,” said Danielle. “Where’d you go?”
“I woke up, and you were gone. I went outside. I looked everywhere.”
“I found one of the sick in the barn,” said Danielle. She helped Becky to the kitchen table, where the two of them sat down. Becky seemed out of breath. “I went to find Cici and Noah to help.”
“Oh,” she said, relieved. “Goodness. I was so worried.”
“I’m gonna take care of the runner in the barn,” said Cici.
“Runner?” said Becky.
“She means the sick,” said Danielle.
“Oh,” said Becky. “Right. Cici, how is Noah? It has been a long time since I last saw you.”
“Noah’s doing just fine,” said Cici. “Congratulations, by the way. On your blessing.”
“Oh,” said Becky, re-situating in the chair. “Thank you. We are so grateful.”
“This is Ellie,” said Danielle. She came over from the table and held Ellie’s hand. It was unexpected, but Ellie just went with it. Her hand was warm and clammy. The floor creaked where she stood. “What was your last name again, Ellie?”
“My last name?” said Ellie. She hadn’t spoke it in such a long time. She looked down at her hand, inside Danielle's hand. “It’s Williams, I guess. Ellie Williams.”
“Ellie is new to the farm.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” said Becky, fanning herself with her hand. “But you’re so young. Are you one of the ones from town?”
“No,” said Ellie, growing increasingly unsure of what she should say. “No. I’m here with—well, it’s kind of hard to explain.”
“You needn’t worry,” said Becky, so sweet, but strange. Her hair was like a pyre. Her cheeks, nose, and forehead were violently freckled and her eyes were very blue and misty. Like planets.
“What was that?” said Danielle. She had dropped Ellie’s hand and was now staring up at the ceiling. They all heard it then, the sounds upstairs. It was a loud thud, then some skittering like a giant rodent, and then a door slammed shut. Ellie felt a chill in her bones.
“Holy shit,” she said. She rushed back to the stairs, held onto the railing like a baseball bat, got up on her tip-toes to to see. “I knew I heard something.”
“I got it,” said Cici. “Ellie, stay here.”
“You can’t go by yourself. It’s one of them.”
Cici had drawn her pistol. Danielle was backing away, toward Becky, who sat very straight. They both looked pale, almost shocked, as birds. “It’s inside?” said Danielle. “How’d it get inside? I locked it in the barn. I used the chains.”
“I’m guessing it’s not the same one,” Cici said. “Just stay here, be very quiet. And Ellie, if you insist on coming, you keep behind me. Don’t do anything stupid.”
“Lead the way,” said Ellie.
Ellie didn’t have a gun. She’d left it in the truck. Still, she wasn’t scared. She had been through this now, so many times, with Joel. She knew what to do, and each of those fucking things she killed, since Tess, since Henry and Sam—since fucking Riley—she had recently decided: It was going to be vengeance. She wasn’t gonna take it anymore. On their way in from Pittsburg, she and Joel had stopped at a rest stop oasis in Ohio, foraged some food from a huge gas station there on the side of the freeway. She fell asleep, leaning against one of the shelves while Joel gassed up the truck, and she had a nightmare in which she saw Joel just standing in the hotel back in Pittsburg, water up to his knees, a bite mark in his hand. He told her he was going to take his own life and then instructed her calmly upon how to get to Wyoming. Take the I-80, he had said. He said it over and over again. She woke up unnerved. She had been clenching her jaw so that her teeth felt jagged. She never told him about the dream, but it, along with so much else, had changed her.
When she and Cici got upstairs, it was just a simple hallway with three bedrooms. One at the end, and two on each side. Only the door at the end of the hallway was closed. Based on the sounds they were hearing, it was a runner in there, hiding, probably terrified. They went slowly. Ellie could tell that Cici was gonna try to keep things quiet. The walls were painted white and very clean. Ellie gazed upon the quilts which hung there, just like the ones she had seen downstairs. There was something special about them. The colors were plain. Red, white, and blue, and the purity of such reminded her of the American flag. As she stared at the quilt, she got lost as she so often did and failed to realize that, as they were focused on the room at the end of the hall and approaching it in silence, there was another runner, vibrating real quiet in the bedroom to their right.
“Oh my god,” said Ellie.
The thing rushed them. It happened so fast, like a straight line wind, and when it went for Cici, Ellie didn’t think. It was a girl runner and not so big so she whipped it back by the hair and stuck her knife in its throat, five or six times till it died. The blood was everywhere. It was on Ellie’s face, her shirt, her hands. The sound of its death was loud, and as she dropped it to the floor, the other one came through the door, gnashing and alive. Its screams were horrifying. Even as she no longer feared them outright, the Infected were fucking demons. Ellie tripped over the dead one trying to get away, and just as she did, Cici raised her gun and shot the thing in the head, twice, point blank. It went down like a fucking sack of bricks. Ellie was on her ass and out of breath.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” she said, shaking her head out like a dog. “Is that all of them?”
“Are you okay?” said Cici. She saw the blood. She hauled Ellie up and started searching her for marks.
“I’m fine,” said Ellie. “Are you?”
“Yeah, I’m okay,” said Cici, though she seemed unsettled. “We need to get the hell out of here.”    
“What about Becky and Danielle?”
“They’re coming with us.”
“Cici?” said Danielle from the bottom of the stairs. “Ellie? Are you guys okay?”
“We’re fine,” Cici shouted down the stairs. “Just—just don’t come up here yet. It’s nothing you wanna see.”
Danielle said a prayer. She said, “Praise god that you came.”
Ellie tried wiping some of the blood off her face. It had gotten on her clothes, and she felt momentarily embarrassed. “What the fuck are we gonna do with these things?” she said. “We can’t just leave them here.” She looked at the quilt on the wall. It was a bloodied. Ellie was pissed off about this. She hoped they could just make another.
“Go downstairs,” said Cici. “I’ll wrap them in sheets and drag them outside.”
“I’m covered in fucking blood,” said Ellie. “I don’t want to freak them out.”
"They’ll understand,” said Cici. “We’ve been through this sort of thing before. Though the fuckers have never gotten in the house like this.”
“What do we do with the bodies?” said Ellie. “Burn them?”
“Yes,” said Cici. “There’s plenty of fuel. It won’t be too much work.”
She dragged the bodies out one by one. She then went over to the barn by herself while Ellie, Danielle, and Becky stood outside, by the truck, and waited. Cici lured the thing out and blew it to shreds with a pipe bomb. They doused the bodies with gasoline from a canister in the shed by the garden and set them on fire in the pit at the back of the property. Then, they all drove back to the scrapyard, and though they didn’t go inside, Ellie did see rows and rows of school busses, exactly like Noah had said. Cici got out, used a rubber hose to syphon several gas cans full of fuel for the generator, and then together they all drove back to the farm on the other side of the hill where they would be safe behind the electric fence.
Back in La Crosse, Noah and Joel had found the detritus that had been drawing the turkey vultures from the bluffs. It was a clicker, facedown with parts of its neck ripped out. Could've been dogs, or maybe its own kind.
"Centennial Hall," said Noah, once they got there.
"There it is," said Joel.
The building was straight ahead of them. It was tall, red brick, stately in its prime with massive pillars and a clocktower. Of late, it had been devoured whole by vines robust as ankle tendons. The clocktower was plagued by black scorch marks, too, and the grass surrounding was probably waist-high. There were no more signs, no banners or flags. The building seemed deeply haunted, with the wind whistling through its veins. The clouds were big on the horizon. Joel feared a storm.
He was getting that feeling again, too, like they were being watched. "Noah," he said.
But Noah was already headed to the clicker, the dead one, splayed out in the middle of the road. He threw a rock at one of the vultures, which had been picking at its clothes unscrupulously, and the thing hissed back to the skies. Noah crouched down to get a better look. He hadn't seen an actual clicker since the last time he was here, since his dad.
"Noah," said Joel, surveying the quaint and rural atmosphere. Something was not right.
"It's okay," said Noah.
But it wasn't okay. Joel had seen it first, the thing that was set to change them. The clicker wasn't dead. It flopped over onto its back, surprising Noah and sending him off-balance. He stumbled as it screeched its terrible song, and its face, up close, was like a demon. Joel was there before he had the space to react. He pulled the trigger on his shotgun, close enough so that its head seemed to explode off its shoulders. It went down. Joel grabbed Noah by the collar and looked him over good. He said, "Noah. Noah. You okay?"
Noah thought about losing his guts, keeling over in the street. It had been some kind of event, and he had never been that close before. "I'm fine," he said, exhilarated. "I'm okay."
"Thank Jesus."
They decided to ascend the clocktower after that. It was the highest point they could see, and it seemed a safe place for to find their respite, for now. They climbed a bunch of narrow, spiral stairs and then a ladder, and a lot of it was rotted or rusted, but they made it okay. When they got to the top, it was a small space with a window and a circuit breaker, an old empty bottle of booze but that was all. They looked out over the burnt-out college campus, how it had gone to seed and lost its innocence. They saw the clouds, too, gathering in the north, looking like a definite storm now, moving south with some speed, straight for them and for Viroqua thereafter. Leaning heavily with their backs against the wall, they caught their breath, and then Joel took the two-way radio out of his back-pack. He hooked up the repeater, something Noah's dad had rigged up a long time ago to help them extend the range of the frequency.
"We should radio your mom," he said, "before we head inside the hall. I don't know if it'll work. But on the off chance it does, we should let her and Ellie know we're okay."
Noah was in agreement, even as he spoke little. Joel found the channel and commenced his talking in the radio. Sylvia Plath, he said, loud and clear. Sylvia Plath, do you copy? This is Ryan Adams. We are okay. Sylvia Plath. Do you copy?  Do you copy?
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ivybucky · 4 years
everything i’ve got
request by @s-trawberryv-eins : Please can I request a Bucky x Banner/Stark!reader fic? Angst with a happy ending please. The two are dating but want to keep it a secret out of fear of her father disapproving. Hiding it gets really hard and they fight all the time; maybe even hit the breaks. Her dad finds out and after getting super mad he calms down and eveything works out? This is weirdly specific I know, apologies if it sounds dumb :)xxx
A/N: This was so much fun to write! I’m so excited to finally get my first fic of the decade out. Thanks to @mr-skyline-r34 and @queensevansackles for letting me bounce ideas off y’all and being my no. 1 bitches ily
Current Masterlist
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author: abby
words: 2311
song I’m listening to: take a chance on me - abba
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
For the last year and a half, you’d been with the Avengers as a hacker and spy. As the 25 year old love child of Tony Stark and your mother, working alongside the man was both a dream and a tension fueled nightmare. Guess that’s where you got your attitude and anxiety from. 
The team itself was your new family. All the boys were like big brothers to you, protecting you at any cost. Nat and Wanda were your best friends and your sisters and helped you get over your initial fears of being on the team
And then there was Bucky.
For the last six months, you’d been in a relationship with the former Winter Soldier. The sweet, kind, soft hearted man had stolen your heart the moment you met him. The two of you had flirted constantly throughout the entirety of your friendship, stealing glances, flittery touches, and shamelessly teasing one another. 
After one particularly gruesome mission, ending with you in the medbay with several stab wounds, Bucky finally had decided to change the meaning behind your relationship. You were hesitant to tell Tony, knowing their past had some pretty low lows. You’d convince Bucky to keep it a secret for a while until you knew you were ready to be open about it. 
But now, Bucky was getting frustrated. Whenever you became scared of someone finding out, Bucky would try and convince you it was time to tell the team. But your fear of what your own father might think caused you to pull back and not let it get too serious. While the two of you fought often, it would always end with you both apologizing and moving on. But not tonight. 
You and Bucky had been hanging in your room, it was in the late hours of the night, to be sure that no one would see you. As you rested against Bucky’s chest watching a movie, he softly said, “I love you, Y/N.” 
You shot up in your seat, eyes wide and your heart racing. “What?”
“I, uh,” he scratched the back of his neck while he looked at you with soft eyes. “I love you.”
You put a hand over your heart to try and steady its erratic beating. “Bucky,” you whispered, voice tightening in panic. “I can’t.” 
You loved him, you know you did. But if you said it, then you were open like a wound, and after everything you’d been through, you didn’t know if you could handle getting hurt again. 
“Is that why you don’t want to tell people we’re together? Because you don’t love me?” his face scrunched in hurt and anger.
“James, of course not,” your body trembled.
“Are you embarrassed of me? Is that it? Can’t stand anyone else knowing that you’ve been screwing around with the Winter Soldier? With a monster?” he spat out in anger.
“Is that what we’ve been doing? Screwing around? For six fucking months?” you asked incredulously.
“Well, that’s what it feels like Y/N! For Christ sakes you can’t even tell me you love me,” his voice cracked as it’s volume rose higher and higher. The pain behind his emotions melting through like a hot rod to cold metal.
Tears welling in your eyes, you took a step closer to him. “James,” you spoke softly. “You know how I feel about you.”
“Do I?” An angry tear broke free from his own eyes. “Because this all kind of feels one-side.”
You reached out to touch his arm, ready to confess every feeling under the sun to him, only for him to flinch away. “I can’t do this anymore. I can’t just sit here hidden from view when all I want to do is show you off to the whole world. I can’t be with you anymore. ”
And then was gone. His large frame stormed out of your bedroom and like the ending of a book the door slammed shut with no room left for more words. The sound echoed through your space, leaving you with a shuddering sob in its wake.
The first twenty-four hours after the fight, you didn’t leave your room. Shadows loomed in front of your doorway, some asking for entry, others uneasy with lack of confidence. A cloud hung over your bed, mimicking your state with the bright sunshine outside. At some point, the days just seemed to drag on. Now closed curtains made time disappear and left you with your thoughts. It’s all your fault. Why can’t you just be more open? Maybe you’re the monster. It wouldn’t lasted anyway. He never really cared about you.
Your eyes burned, dry of emotion after four days. You were in a dark place, but life without him was dark. He doesn’t want you.
Your stomach wretched, muscles adjusted to the curled up position you’d kept your self in. The harshness of the fluorescent lights of the hallway made you want to crawl right back into your cave, but you ran out of your secret stash of food yesterday. Shuffling your sock-cladded feet into the kitchen, you didn’t even look up as you headed to the fridge.
“Y/N?” You winced at the familiar voice of your estranged father. With a grimace on your face as you shuffle through to-go boxes, you finally speak for what feels like ages.
“Hey pops,” you managed to get out, voice tight from sobbing.
“Kid, what the fuck?” Tony pushed off his seat by the counter making his way towards you. “Why have you got yourself locked up in your room?” You sighed.
“Tones, I don’t really wanna-“ he cut you off.
“Can you please just tell me what’s going on with you? This is the first time you’ve left your room in four days. You won’t answer anyone’s texts, you’ve won’t open your door. Hell have you even said a word while you were in there? Everyone’s worried about you.”
“Not everyone,” you mumbled.
“What the fuck is supposed to mean?” You met Tony’s eyes with your sunken ones. Your face the slightest bit paler in the harsh light.
“Look you’re not going to be happy.”
“Y/N, you’re my kid. I know it’s only been a short time that we’ve gotten to know each other, but you can always tell me anything. I wasn’t much of a father before because I didn’t know. Let me be a good one now.” He put a hand on your shoulder, nodding encouragingly. You sighed.
“Bucky and I have been dating,” you rushed out, nerves getting the best of you. “For the last six months. But we broke up a couple of days ago.”
Tony’s jaw clenched, brows furrowing in anger, hand slipping from your arm. About of thirty seconds of silence passed before he spoke up.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?”
“Tony-“ you started.
“No, this is a joke,” he scoffed. “There’s no way you were dumb enough to date Barnes.”
“Excuse me?” you asked incredulously. “I am a grown ass adult. You need to watch what you say next old man.”
“Y/N. Bucky is a dangerous, unsteady person. Who knows when he’ll break next? Sure Shuri fixed him, but how do we know for sure.”
“Anthony Stark. You know better than to make those accusation about that man. He has saved your life countless times and mine. Bucky is an amazing man who has been through so much shit I can’t even begin to imagine. He may be dangerous, but he isn’t to me. He deserved every goddamn thing the world has to offer. He has the gentlest heart and the sweetest soul and is the dumbest person in the world to want to be with someone like me. I love that man with everything I’ve got. And now because of my fear of what you would think, I’ve lost him.”
Tony took a step back, his hand going to his chest like you had just shot him, whispering in disbelief, “You love him?”
“More than I can handle sometimes.”
Tony shook his head in disbelief, moving his hand to his forehead to smooth out his eyebrows. He turned and left the kitchen, saying, “I need a minute.” And then he was out of sight.
You covered your face with your hands, groaning loudly as the steps of your father disappeared down the hall.
“You love me?” A gruff voice behind you spoke, causing your spine to straighten and your body to turn.
“Bucky,” you started softly, eyes wide with newly formed tears in your eyes. He looked no better than you did, standing as if the weight of the world had been on his shoulders for days. He held his finger in the air, pausing your words.
“Shh,” he stared at you. “You love me?”
Having never said the words out loud to him before, of course you were nervous. But once you looked in his eyes, the steel blue pools of emotion you’d often found yourself drowning in, you knew there had never been a truer statement.
“I love you,” you smiled softly, stepping closer to him. You let the tears fall freely and quickly now. “I can’t breathe without you.”
Bucky’s lips slowly melted into the sweetest smile you’d ever seen, eyes brighter than the stars outside. He rushed to you wrapping his arms around you quickly, crushing you against his chest. He tried to calm you as sobs trembled through your body. You arms wrapped around his middle tightly, relieved to find yourself there again. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner,” you mumbled against his chest. 
“Baby,” his voice strained out. “I don’t care about that. I shouldn’t have rushed you into saying it if you weren’t ready.” His arms tightened around you more, bringing you completely flush against him. “God, I’m so sorry honey. I hate making you feel like this.”
“It doesn’t matter,” you sighed, pulling away to lay a hand on his cheek. “Just have me back please. I can’t take it anymore.”
“Darlin’,” he chuckled, leaning in to kiss you. “You didn’t even have to ask.”
His lips pressed into yours and you almost passed out from all of your emotions. You could never get used to just how good those soft delicate lips felt. He pulled away, your lips chasing his, and grabbed you hand. 
“Come on,” he tugged. “I wanna cuddle you all I can until the rest of the team finds out.”
Hours later in your bedroom, Bucky and you laid in your bed once again pressed flush against each other. With his arm around your back and your head on his chest, your fingers danced across his peck as the both of you softly talked about everything and nothing. 
Giggling at an offhand comment he made about Sam and the bourgeoisie, you tilted your head to kiss the underside of his jaw. His arms tightened around you before pulling you up and sitting up. With a hand on his cheek, you rested your forehead against his. 
“I love you,” you whispered, pecking his lips. He mouth cracked open in that smile that made your knees weak and moved his mouth to your neck, giving opened mouth kisses. 
“Say it again,” he murmured. 
“I love you,” you half-whimpered. His mouth moved to your jaw, nipping slightly.
“I love you,” you giggled out, his mouth finally landing on yours, nipping at your bottom lip. You hummed happily as you opened yourself more to him, pressing closer. You grinded slightly on his lap, causing him to moan slightly into the kiss. 
An abrupt knock at the door cause you to jump away from each other. You felt Bucky sigh beneath you. 
“Y/N can we talk please?” Tony called out from behind the door. You quickly got off of Bucky’s lap and made your way to open the door, ignoring his reaching hands. 
“Hi Tony,” you said softly. “What’s up?”
He shuffled his feet, looking sheepish. “I feel bad about how I reacted, Y/N/N. You’ve been in a bad place and I should’ve been more considerate and tried to help you through it. And you’re right, Barnes deserves a lot more than what he’s been given. Obviously, he’s been taking care of you and I think you too should be together. I was just being a little over protective. If you want me to talk to him and help you kids get back together then I will. Cause you deserve to feel the kinda love you were describing."
“Tones,” you started. “Don’t worry about it please. I know the news was shocking to hear.” Just as you finished speaking, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. You smirked a little watching his brows furrow. 
“And thank you for your offer,” you winked. “But I think I got it covered.”
Tony sighed. “Okay you two. Just ease me into the PDA okay?”
“You got it,” Bucky answered, earning an eye roll from Tony.
“And you guys have to tell the team. I’m not gonna be the one who lays that news on them.”
“On it,” you smiled. Tony turned with a scoff.
“Yeah, right.”
After the door to your bedroom closed, Bucky turned you around by your hips and pulled you back to the bed. While he kissed you again, you grabbed your phone and took a picture. 
“What are you doing?” he chuckled, pressing a kiss to your shoulder as you quickly typed a message before muting it and putting it on your sidetable. 
“Just giving the team some news,” you smiled, bringing his lips back to yours, moving to lay underneath him.
*meanwhile in the avengers group chat*
Y/N: 1 attachment: we have some news!
Birdbrain: WHAT
Clint: you did not
Steve: Since WhEn?
Tony: I knew the whole time
Add yourself to the taglist
Forever Tags: @srgntbarnes, @i-like-tubs, @shamvictoria11, @blaackpanthr, @avengers-do-it-better, @fab-notfat, @with-a-hint-of-pesto-aiolii, @captainrogerss, @sebbies, @seabassbarness, @hdthdthdt, @katzuhira, @ailynalonso15, @nostalgicbex, @conspiracy-teen, @fireismysaftey, @wonderless-screwup, @winchester-gospels-67, @whiyen-has-a-crush, @saltwater-in-the-afternoon, @wooshytooshy, @jjamesbbarness, @i-put-the-bi-in-bifrost, @nanners-the-great, @marvelsundies, @property-of-loki-x, @imagines-4-you-blog, @wizards-magic-and-witches, @alexindahouse , @theglowstickofdestiny, @sobbingforseb, @memory-of-a-goldfish, @aletheladyinred,  @timelordy-fangirl2 , @girlwhoisfearless @alexiamiky2003 @thisismysecrethappyplace @silverkitten547 @real-kate-bishop-aka-hawkeye @hamiltonwrite12
Bucky Tags: @i-dont-give-a-buck​,  @smol-flower-kiddo​, @goldenkillmonger​, @buckyssxxhair​, @soldatavenger , @pamskky​, @cutiepiemimi13​, @yknott81​@barnsfeysxn @neerness​ @bannanasz​
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unnecessarywriting · 4 years
Agent Rogers
Chapter 3: Assemble
A/n: Hello all! I am back again with a new chapter. I hope you all enjoy, and I just wanted to say that I will be updating some more soon. Any questions will be answered in further chapters in flashbacks and such, so if you are confused, well just hold on, but feel free to ask me questions whenever. Requests are open still and I will still tag people. Thank you all for reading!
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I sit in the bath and let my body soak in the hot water. My latest mission was much longer than it should have been. My three-day excursion in the Andes became two weeks of battling the hot vs cold weather while avoiding getting caught in a safe house all on my own. I almost felt a little lonely, but soon enough I was able to finish up and get the intel to help my company. Yes, Fury is director, but Shield is mine and forever will be. 
My phone buzzes and I know another mission is on its way. I would let it ring, but Fury would only get annoyed and make my life a living hell. 
“This is my bath time so it better be something important.”
“Sorry to burst your bubble agent, but there is an emergency. Our world is in danger, so I’m engaging in the Avengers initiative.” Same old Fury, always so serious. 
“Alright. I gave you the role of director, so I didn’t have to have my bath time interrupted. Go ahead with your plans, make the world a safer place and all that, and don’t call me again.” I hung up the phone and tossed it aside. I did not have time to deal with something, not of my concern. 
Thirty minutes later I step out of the tub and wrap my fluffiest bathrobe around my body. The bliss I feel is interrupted by an incessant knocking on my front door. 
“Here I thought that I could have a relaxing night to myself,” I mutter to no one. “You know, I’m not gonna live forever so I don’t know why I can just have tonight to mys-“ the door opens and reveals Agent Coulson. 
“Not gonna live forever ey?” He pushes past me into my house. “You would’ve fooled me, Agent.”
“I told Fury that he can do what he wants. It’s not my business unless he throws Shield under the bus when he inevitably fails.”
“We need you. I know you refuse to see yourself as an avenger, but we both know that you are one of the most skilled assassins in the world, not to mention the serum flowing through your veins.”
“You make it sound like I asked for this to happen,” I say pouring some wine into a glass.
“I thought the serum prevents you from getting drunk.”
“Sure, but I can still enjoy the taste. It is quite delightful Coulson. What exactly do I need to do?”
He hands me a manilla folder holding information about one Loki Laufeyson. 
“So, still at war with aliens. He was the one from before when Thor came to Earth the first time right?”
“Yes, but now he is after the Tesseract. We need you to infiltrate his people.”
“What’s that supposed to mean exactly? It’s not like he’s some small-time gang robbin’ banks and such. He’s a damn God for Christ’s sake. I may be above the average person, but I don’t have any powers to fight off someone like him.”
“You have a few powers that have gotten you this far in this world of corruption. Liz, he has Clint under some spell. You’re the only one that will be undetectable and let’s face it, as far as anyone is concerned, you’re just another Agent with a vendetta against Shield.”
“Fine, I’ll do it. But I’m not going anywhere near him.” I finish sipping on the red liquid at the thought of having to finally face him. 
“You don’t have to. You two are doing separate missions, but I can’t guarantee that will stay the same throughout this instance. Loki is unpredictable.” Coulson turns to walk away. 
“And Liz, he doesn’t know about you. The only file we have confirms your suicide back in the day. I think you at least owe him knowledge of your life. He has no one, and he hasn’t taken to the time yet.” I stay silent and pour another glass hoping that the alcohol will suddenly start to intoxicate me, but alas, I am cursed to live in this world. 
Dressed in my black suit, I emerge into the underground base run by Loki. I see Clint approaching me. 
“Agent, what are you doing here? This is no place for you. His hand is preparing to grip any weapon.”
“Relax Barton, I’m not here as a part of Shield. Where’s your guy?”
“I presume you are looking for me?” The man from the picture in my file comes forth from behind Clint. 
“Loki I presume?” I extend my hand. He obliges with a royal look of suspicion. 
“And to what do I owe this pleasure, Lady,”
“Elizabeth. And you see, I heard about your diabolical plan to take over the world,” I say accentuating the place around me with my hands, “ and I couldn’t help but wonder how you would do that without my help.”
“And what is it that you could do for me?”
“Well, for starters, I’m a much better company than that fool over there,” I say pointing to Clint. “But I also know a lot about Shield. More than anyone else.” I try to hide my knowing smirk, but it’s a struggle.
“How exactly is that true. You appear to be some lowly agent. You could very easily be lying to me right now. I do have a way to find out.” He extends the tip of the spear to my heart. I grab the spear before he has the chance. 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Although I do like having someone else having total control over my body, my mind remains my own always. I have no reason to lie, which is precisely why I will not tell you exactly who I really am, or how I know what I know. I can assure you, however, that there are things in this world I do not approve of, and I am intrigued by you and your ideals.” So, I told mostly the truth. He’s a trickster, and as one myself I know it is very difficult to trick another one. 
“I like you. Let’s get to work.” I smirk knowingly. 
On the Helicarrier
After running the cross-examination there was a 79% match for Loki in Stuttgart, Germany. Fury looks at his phone when the ping comes through. 
Did the camera get him?
He looks at Steve. 
“Captain, you’re up.” Steve nods in response.
I chose to wear a black gown. It is a sad day I presume. I flew all the way to Germany, and I doubt I’ll get to have any Schnitzel. What a sad day it is. 
I walk into the ballroom of well-dressed men and women. Loki is due anytime. My mission was to report, not to act, so all I can do is watch as he saunters down the steps. Everyone becomes flustered, but I move to the stairs where I sit up on the second floor overlooking this event. He pierces the man’s face, and I can’t help but return to my dark days for a second. If he wasn’t so psycho, he may have been my type, but times have changed. He won’t live very long anyway if Shield has a say. I know I may just overrule Fury to watch him executed. Taking over the world, the last time anyone really made that attempt, my brother did everything he could to stop it. And what do you know, we’re back in Germany. I guess what they say is true, history repeats itself. My thoughts are interrupted by Loki’s yelling outside. 
I walk out and see four of him standing with giant horns. Really? What kind of villain wears something as atrocious as that. I mean come on Loki, you were doing so well. I watch the old man rise amongst all the others. Of course, the German from my time has something to say. It’s quite rich actually, refusing to be ruled by some crazily dressed dictator in this decade. My amusement is cut short by the entrance of one man dressed in red, white and blue. Here he is. Alive and well. I inch away from the scene. There is no way I’m getting in the way of this. I may actually switch sides and really help Loki. I go back inside and watch through the large windows. Maybe this was Coulson and Fury’s plan all along. 
I watch my brother get beaten by this fool until I hear see none other than Tony Stark. Oh yes, the avengers include him. It’s like a family reunion right before my eyes. I leave the building and prepare to get on the quinjet back to the helicarrier. I need to make sure this doesn’t get messed up by those two idiots. 
“How desperate am I? You threaten my world with war. You steal a force you can’t hope to control. You talk about peace and you kill because it’s fun. You have made me very desperate. You might not be glad that you did.” 
I stand in the hallway listening. I hate having to play the double agent, but I can’t stop Clint and I have to make sure that all hell doesn’t break loose on this craft. Do I want to be here? No, but I can’t stay back and let Loki do whatever he wants here. I also don’t know how to help Clint, and the only way to figure that out is by being with the best scientists in the world. 
I hear Stark come out and talk about god knows what. He honestly sounds just like his father back in the day. I continue to listen as he goes on about everything the iridium can do. I turn around the corner and enter the room. 
“Well, if it isn’t our wonderful agent. Long time no see.” Fury says with a bit of anger in his voice. “Do you have any answers for us, or are you just here for the show.”
“I don’t know what you could possibly mean, but let me make one thing clear, this is the last place I want to be. Stark, it sure has been a while. And Romanoff, I see that you’re still sulking over Barton.” I like an entrance. I can feel Steve’s eyes follow me carefully trying to figure me out. I guess I’ll just play the great-great-niece card. 
“Everything Stark said is right, I’m pretty sure. I don’t fully know everything about all of that gibberish, but I do know that they are building that portal.”
“Then why are you here then.”
“Simple. I am completing my mission. I go where Loki goes. He trusts me, I think, and if I have to play the game of double-agent, then so be it. Anyway, the staff has nothing to do with the Tesseract. They are two different beings entirely. I believe that there is some type of power to it, one that is like no other. I observed it as closely as I could, and while there are similarities between the two, they are very different.”
Banner and Stark look to one another, I assume sharing some sort of genius telepathic ideas. 
“What about Barton?” Nat looks at me carefully. 
“He’s in no imminent danger, but he easily could be. I couldn’t take the risk of investigating him and then having to kill him. I don’t know how to fix him exactly, which is why I am here. Banner, I know that you're only here to find the Tesseract, which I would’ve loved to help with by the way, but they are already on the move and I don’t know where to, I need your help or expertise in figuring out that spear.”
“I think I can help in the meantime while we look, but there is no guarantee that I can understand it.” I nod my head in understanding. 
“Cap, you’re awfully quiet.” Stark urges. 
“I know, ‘who are you? How do you look just like her?’ Let’s keep it simple then. Hey Uncle. It sure is really great to meet ya. We can talk about this some other time, alright? Now if you don’t mind, I need to talk with Loki and make sure he knows what’s going on.” I leave and try to avoid the disappointing looks on Fury and Coulson’s faces. It is for the better and for my own safety. I’m not about to expose myself to everyone right before a major mission like so. If we make it out of this alive, I am in no position to be used as a weapon or to be targeted again. 
“What exactly is it that you want here Loki?”
“Well, I could tell you, but I think it would be rather interesting if you found out yourself.”
I circle around his cage.
“Well how about I open this up for you. You haven’t exactly told me what to do in a bit. I’m starting to wonder if you even want me on your side.” I turn away from him. He has an angle, I just need to figure out what it is. 
“No. I don’t think you should. Elizabeth, dear, we do have plenty of time to get to know each other better. Now, don’t get me wrong, I do look forward to that time, but my plans come first.” I nod my head and retreat. At this rate, I’m not going to learn anything. 
I walk down the hall, and I hear Tony and Steve arguing.
“...finishes breaking into all of Shield’s secure files.”
“I’m sorry. Did you say-”
“Jarvis has been running it since I hit the bridge. In a few hours, I’ll know every dirty secret Shield has ever tried to hide.” 
I continue past the door. Tony really is like Howard. I’m honestly not surprised, but if only he knew the dirty secrets I’ve had to hide. That information would never make it to a computer. I’m from the old days, and there is no way I’m going to trust something anyone can hack into with all of the real dirt hidden beneath my fingernails. But, Fury doesn’t understand that security precaution, so I can only wait to see what Tony finds. This could be very dangerous for him. 
The crashes from around the craft tell me that Loki’s plan has commenced. Everyone is starting to infiltrate, and it's only a matter of time before this place comes crashing down. I rush around trying to avoid anyone. I hear a loud roar from somewhere in the craft. The beast is awake. I hurry through others trying to get to Loki. There was no way in hell I would let him get away. As I approach, I see Thor trapped in the cage. I glance around to where Loki is and watch him disappear.
The world starts to slow down as I look up at Coulson. The spear all the way through his body. Everything stops for a moment. Before I know it Thor is gone too.
“Loki, what did you do?”
“Come on love, I thought you would enjoy this. Clean up the place, will you?” He walks away with a proud look on his face. I rush over to Coulson.
“I-it’s gonna be okay. I promise.” I feel the tears spill over my cheeks.
“C’mon Liz. I never knew you to be so emotional over death.”
“Well, good. That means you aren’t dying.”
“Just, tell him who you are. Now, leave me here and go do your job.”
“Shut up. I’m not going anywhere. I may hate your annoying ass, but you’re my favorite agent, and I refuse to let you be alone.”
“Tell me about the old days. I never got to hear about what you two were like.” I talked for what seemed like forever. My life before the war. Who Steve was, his friendship with Bucky, our mother. I told him everything I could fit into that time.
Fury soon runs over. I move aside and watch.
“Sorry Boss. The god rabbited.”
“Just stay awake. Eyes on me.”
“No, I'm clocking out here.”
“Not an option.”
“It’s okay, boss. This was never gonna work if they didn't have something to…” Coulson stops. His body breathing its last breath. He was never supposed to be a martyr. I put my head in my blood-stained hands. I never should have brought Loki here. This is my doing. 
I steal one of the quinjets. I may not be considered an official avenger or whatever, but my friend died. Although Fury lied, he wasn’t entirely wrong. I get out in New York. There, I see the destruction I’ve caused. It is time that I stop sitting on the side-lines. I see my brother looking around aimlessly. I guess now is a good time to stop whining over him.
“Cap, I think you might want to stop looking around for some miracle,” I shoot some of the aliens down and pull out some other weapons, “And start throwing that shield around.” The look he sends me tells me he knows who I am. It is all I need to know as I rush off ensuring that my coms are on. The fight continues until we regroup. Banner rides in on his little motorcycle. Now, this can really begin.
Steve starts giving his orders to everyone in the group. “You, me, and Liz, we stay here on the ground. We keep the fighting here.” Nat and I nod and prepare for the fight. “And Hulk...Smash.” 
Never did I think that I would be here fighting alongside my own brother, in our home of New York, but as I have learned over the decades, try not to expect anything,
I see Steve trapped by a few of those aliens, so I rush in and help lighten the load. The look he gives me sends shivers down my spine. He’s not happy. It may have to do with me putting my life in danger but I am a grown woman now. 
“You’re welcome,” I shout and run away from the scene and start fighting elsewhere. 
I see the portal close and someone falls through the sky. I sit on the building and watch Tony come back. I let out a breath of relief. Normally, I would rejoice with my team, but I know I’m not wanted there. This whole thing was my doing. I drift away from the scene and go back to my apartment in DC. I never was an avenger. I was just the one who brought war upon my people. I was created to protect, but instead, I brought death and destruction.
I slip into the shower and wash away the blood and dirt. Then, I let the tub fill up, and sit myself down into it and let the hot water soak around me. I pick up my phone and send a message to Fury.
Let him know who I am. Nothing more, nothing less.
“This is all I can do for you now Coulson. I am truly sorry, but I will work up to it.” I dunk my head under the water and stay there. Just for a little while.
@jessyballet​ @wherewecomealive​ @lilulo-12​ @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater​
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