#my golden sun prince
starsfic · 9 months
prompt to continue the azure/wukong storyline
azures longing turns into something sharper; obsession.
when MK has a small fight with wukong’s husband azure’s mind randomly decides that “qi xiaotian is my son and this bastard is his kidnapper.”
maybe he puts a love potion into food he knows wukong likes and sent it home w/MK unknowingly. poor MK has to watch his baba get delirious and tired, eyes blown out leaning over the table mumbling azures name as the powerful potion kicks in
So I presume this is for the Art School AU. Unfortunately, the au is no magic. So, instead, you get this!
The news nearly made Azure fall over.
“Wukong is alive?!” He gripped the table tight, trying to steady himself, unsure of how to react to the news he had just been presented with. Some part of him screamed in anger- Wukong and his successor was the biggest challenge against his campaign. The other part of him, the weak part that he had given away so many centuries ago, screamed in joy.
No matter what, he could not silence that weak part of himself.
“Well, yes. The boy-” Of course, of course, it was Qi Xiaotian. Azure had found it too easy to give a part of that weakness to him- they both loved too easily. “And Macaque.” Also of course. “They managed to release him.”
“I…” Wait. He barely managed a chuckle, straightening. Oh, he was an idiot. He had forgotten what he had done, before he had left for the ridge. A simple backup plan. “They’re hiding out at the mountain.”
“Yes, of course they are, but what is so amusing?” Yellowtusk said. “I have not heard you laugh like that before.” He sounded tense, as if worried reality would begin to break again.
“Just a backup plan.” Azure straightened. “Wukong will not be an issue.”
Peng cackled as Yellowtusk's eyes went wide.
"You poisoned him?"
"Alright," Wukong clapped his hands together. Everything was going great! The plan was fully hammered out and everyone was on the same page. "Before we get to training, who wants snacks?"
Hands went up. Even Nezha, who he figured would be furious at the pause, even raised his hands.
"Yeah, I figured." Wukong chuckled. "I-"
"I got them!" Qi Xiaotian bounced up to his feet and zoomed into the kitchen. Immediately, noises began in the kitchen. Hopefully, Xiaotian was breaking into the cabinets designated for him and the others, not the giant fruit storage pantry.
As the others drifted around, Wukong turned to the art. His heart ached, just for a second, at the little drawn Camel Ridge Trio getting sucked into the scroll. He bit it back. Nobody needed him getting cold feet.
Even if he had questions.
“No. Nothing like that.” Azure had too many close calls with poison to ever use it. Besides, he didn’t want to kill Wukong, no matter what his anger claimed. “A moment of weakness, I admit.”
Yellowtusk’s eyes narrowed. “Not poison.” he said, slowly. “Something else.”
"Need some help?"
Xiaotian glanced back over his shoulder in time to see Pigsy press the pause button on the microwave. "Always." he said, barely fighting back a massive grin.
Son. Pigsy, for the first time Xiaotian could remember, had called him "son".
He knew Pigsy and Tang both viewed him as a son. He knew it. Too many stories had been told of Tnag calling himself Xiaotian's father figure from Pigsy gushing about him to his relatives. But it was the first time Xiaotian had ever heard it out loud.
Soon enough, a wide array of snacks was on the tray. "Need anything else?" Pigsy asked. "I was thinking water."
"Yeah, but the monkeys also make this really great peach juice. I'll grab it."
"Got it!" Pigsy picked up the tray and marched out.
There had been food in the weird cold box. Azure had not stayed long, the little vial burning in his pocket.
Too many solid things. Too much of a risk someone else would drink from that jug.
Xiaotian opened the fridge to grab the jug of peach juice and paused. An open peach yogurt was on the top shelf, right next to the others. It was something Xiaotian had found that Wukong had liked with great delight. Although, he had never seen his mentor not finish one . Even weirder, it looked completely full, as if Wukong had opened it, stirred it, and just set it back.
"Hey, Monkey King?"
His mentor's voice raised over the talking in the next room. "Yeah, bud?"
Xiaotian poked his head out, showing the opened yogurt. "Do you wanna finish this yogurt?"
Wukong raised a brow. "Huh. Didn't know I had that in there." He seemed worried for a second before shaking his head. 'Eh, probably forgot. Sure, bud!"
"Okay!" Xiaotian pulled out a spoon, set the yogurt on the other tray, and walked in with the jug and the rest of the snacks. The moment he set the tray down, Wukong grabbed the yogurt. He eyed it, looking like he was wondering if it was off. "I did come out of the blue," he suggested. "Maybe you didn't get to touch it?"
Wukong hummed. "Yeah." He scooped up a good dollop and bit down. He hummed. "Tastes good!"
The potion had slipped from the vial easily and, with a few stirs, had disappeared. Azure had set the yogurt back without another word and had left the small cottage.
Something slammed down. “You gave him a love potion?!” Yellowtusk bellowed.
“You gave him a love potion?!” Peng squawked before bursting into laughter. Their chuckles died down when a heavy jug full of wine sailed at their head.
“That is not okay!” Admittedly, Azure should’ve kept in mind how the others would react. Yellowtusk was the most sensitive to the idea. The number of times Wukong or DBK or even himself nearly got love potioned and had to be saved by Yellowtusk was ridiculous. “Why would you do that to him?!”
“Hey…Wukong? You okay there, bud?”
It was Macaque who first noticed. Of course it was, because Xiaotian was an idiot. His mentor looked weirdly pale, setting down the yogurt. Or, tried to set down the yogurt. It more fell out of his hand.
“Wukong!” Nezha actually sounded panicked, gripping his shoulders as the golden monkey slumped over. From where he sat, Xiaotian could see how his pupils had dilated. The lighter yellow was drowning out the gold. “What’s wrong?!”
“I…Azure…?” The words were slurred, Wukong pitching forward. Suddenly Macaque was there, leaning him back. “Where’s Azure…?” The slurred voice sounded distressed.
“He’s not here.” Nezha said, sounding like he was trying to be comforting. “He can’t get to you, Wukong, you’re safe.” If it was meant to be comforting, it didn’t work, based on the tears welling up.
“What’s wrong?” Xiaojiao said, grabbing Pigsy’s hand. She squeezed it as distress clouded her eyes. “What’s wrong with him?”
“I don’t know!” Xiaotian nearly whined, meeting his mentor’s clouded eyes.
Were they…pink?
“I just want to be happy with him.”
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rig-a-rendal · 9 months
dropping an absolutely insane deep lore take from the song of ice and fire franchise: i think azor ahai is The Sun.
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tsukii0002 · 1 year
Mc takes Diavolo secretly to the human world, to a big city, huge and full of people. And then, at some point, they end up getting separated. And now, Mc is hysterically running around looking for the future king of Devildom as if he were a child.
Mc: *panicking* oh my fucking god I lost the fucking prince of hell.
Runs all over the place while everyone watches them.
Mc: *panicking harder* sir!!! I need your help, I have lost someone I am responsible for!!
Random man: Oh no! What the child look like??
Mc: *close to tears* two meters tall, with the muscles of a Greek God, dark skin, hair as red as fire, eyes as golden as the sun... *practically crying* all alone and lost...
Random man: ...
Mc: *sobbing* he's a little sunshine... *dramatically falling to their knees on the floor* Lucifer and Barbatos are going to kill me...
Meanwhile, somewhere in the city, Diavolo is having fun watching a pigeon and a rat fight over a churro.
Diavolo: ha ha ha, what an amazing place the human realm is.
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hopelessromantic5 · 3 months
King Arthur happens to be traveling through Ealdor the exact day the citizens decide they’ve had enough of Merlin.
Labeling him too dangerous, they tied him up on the pyre in the center of town.
As long as Merlin had been alive, he’d never seen this pyre lit.
He would’ve just gotten himself out of this situation with his ‘gifts’ if it weren’t for his poor mother.
The villagers would never let her live in peace if he magically disappeared.
No, this was the only way she could go on living, even with a broken heart.
He didn’t fight. He didn’t really hear much of what they spit at him. But he could hear his mother wailing at him, to save himself, to do whatever he must do.
He’d resigned himself to an early death.
Tom, the town representative, started spewing some righteous words at him. New Religion words that didn’t quite make sense to him, but that’s to be expected. He is, himself, a creature of the old religion, if prophecy is to be trusted.
“Do you have anything to say for yourself, serpent?”
Merlin opened his mouth to tell his mother that he loved her, but he stopped short.
In the distance, he could hear a sound.
The beating of hooves on hard, cold dirt.
Visitors were approaching.
It must be fate, he thinks.
As the horses drew closer, the villagers slowly turned their attentions away from him.
Merlin simply hung his head, letting the Earth he loved so dearly decide which way his life would swing.
“What is the meaning of this?”
A calm, steady voice came from behind him. Deep and concerned. Merlin wished he could see the man.
“My lord,” Tom bowed, as well as he could, which was strange.
Upon realization, Merlin’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head, were these visitors noble? They never had nobility stay long enough to make comments on anything, only ever just passing through.
“I asked you a question.” The voice said again, with all the authority of someone who’s used to using it.
“This man is a sorcerer, sire. We were just-“
“What has he done?”
“What has this man done to call for these extreme measures?” When no one answered him immediately, he rephrased.
“Surely there must’ve been a crime committed?” As if it’s a question.
Merlin’s mother pulled herself out of shock and brought herself forth.
“He did nothing, sire.” She spoke firm and unmoving. She must’ve seen hope in this man that Merlin had yet to lay eyes on. “He’s only ever used it for healing wounds and helping our gardens in the winter. Please have mercy on him, my lord. He is my only son.” Tears started falling as her voice broke. She finally met Merlin’s eyes again and he smiled at her, weakly.
“So this man-“
“Sorcerer.” Corrected Tom. What a dick.
“This man, did nothing but heal you and help you survive and this is how you repay him?”
Again no answer.
The man seemed to gesture at Tom, walking towards the town elder, and bringing him finally into Merlin’s line of sight.
The doomed boy nearly gasped.
Silver and red bled together in the sun, armor and finery melded like roses in white sand.
The man-the lord…the knight? He had golden blonde hair, that shone like it’s own light.
Blue eyes made even more obvious and striking surrounded by unblemished, sun-kissed skin.
“You seem to be leading the horde. Tell me why?” No, answer. “Cut him down.” A command. The stranger’s face was a hard, blank line.
Funny how, even then, he didn’t feel like a stranger. But Merlin was in no state to remember it.
“My lord, I do not think that would be wise. Your father was the one to wage war on magic-“
“I am not my father. Cut him down.”
Merlin swallowed. Uther Pendragon was the only person in his mind that waged the war on magic, that began the purge. Which means this man could only be his son, Prince Arthur.
What a prince he was.
Well, King, now.
No wonder every person in the vicinity practically dropped to their knees upon his arrival. They’d all heard stories of ‘The Just King’ that now reigned over Camelot. Giving whatever he could to his citizens that needed it most, never turning anyone away who seeks shelter. Merlin had heard the same as everyone else. Seeing the King in person now, he was in awe.
“I will not endanger the lives of all who live here.” Tom turns back to Merlin with the lit torch.
Merlin held his breath, but the second Tom turned away from him, the King pulled his sword. It made the loveliest sound as it left the sheath.
The sound of salvation.
Tom had the tip of a majestic blade directed right at his throat, as the King spoke again.
“I said, cut him down.”
The look on the King’s face was one that could kill.
Merlin wondered momentarily why he cared so much.
Finally someone from the crowd stepped forward with a knife and began to cut away Merlin’s ties.
Hunith leapt forward and engulfed her son in a hug, while also somewhat holding his body upright.
He did not want to let go, considering he thought he would never get to hug his mother again. But the entire village was watching them.
As was-
“What is your name?”
It was phrased as a question but spoken like a command. Merlin knew it was directed at him without opening his eyes.
He did, reluctantly, release his mother and turn to the golden King, facing deep blue eyes head on. Never cowering.
The King must’ve seen something in him. Something every other person was blind to or chose to ignore, simply because he was a peasant. He took a step closer and Merlin could hear the tiny tink of metal pieces on his shining armor, as he did so.
“Well, Merlin.” He said, as if trying it out for himself. “Seeing as I’ve just given you your life, I’d like to ask a favor.”
Merlin’s curiosity was peaked, to say the least. King’s didn’t ask favors, they took whatever they wanted.
King Arthur did not wait for a reply to continue.
“I’m in need of assistance. And I could use someone with a gift like yours, specifically.”
Merlin narrowed his eyes in minuscule doubt. Doubt of intentions, doubt of his safety.
The King somehow knowing his exact thoughts said
“Of course you would be permitted to come back when you are needed. And when I have accomplished my goal, if you wish, you can leave. I will not keep anyone against their will. I am simply offering.” A small smile played on his mouth. Flush pink lips. He also held up his hands as if to say ‘I will not harm you’.
Merlin’s gut told him to follow this man.
Terrifyingly, his intuition told him to follow this man, practically a stranger, anywhere. Everywhere.
Merlin felt a pull he’s never felt before. In the moment, he assumed it was immense gratitude for saving his life.
Merlin turned to meet his mothers eyes, he already knew what she was going to tell him.
“I think it will be good for you. To get out for a while.” She smiles softly.
“Will you be alright?” He whispered, glancing at the crowd still gathered around an unlit pyre.
“I’ll be fine.” She grabbed him in a bear hug, like she always did. “And if they boot me out, I’ll come find you.”
Merlin sighed into her shoulder.
When Merlin turned back, the King had turned his eyes to the ground, giving mother and son a moment of privacy.
Merlin was starting to warm to him already.
“Can I pack first?”
King Arthur met his gaze then, doing that half smile thing, again.
“I suppose.” He nodded. “But don’t dawdle we need to move if we want to make it back before sundown.”
“Yes, sire.” The title which usually held reverence and respect, was laced with sarcasm. He didn’t seem to think twice, as he strode away towards their hut to gather his things.
If Merlin had looked back, he would’ve found a fully beaming King looking after him and about six knights with faces of complete shock.
And perhaps, one knowing mother.
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clandestineloki · 11 months
Cold Flower (NSFW)
Tumblr media
A/N: My public apology for going dormant on Tumblr for nearly 5 months.
tw: jotun!loki dom!loki, sub!cottagegirl!reader, loki’s cock is big but his size kink is bigger, corruption kink, praise kink, manhandling but very cutely if i may say!!, unrealistically fast paced because loki is horny ) >:D
read it on ao3!!
The grass tickles your ankles as you step through the bushes, careful not to step on any pretty flowers in your path.
Sunset is nearing, and you've only gotten so much as a few ferns. But you don't mind. The forest will bloom when it wants to, and even if you haven't collected any flowers for your work you're having a wonderful time looking around at all the birds and the deer and the butterflies and nature; just getting away from the busy life in the village is enough of a treat.
Stepping through a clear patch, you look around for any deer traps. What deer traps? The ones that have hidden nets that burst out from the ground like flytraps and scoop up any poor being that just happened to be there, leaving them trapped up in the air by a rope tied to a tree.
Now that you think of it, a clear patch in the middle of the forest means one thing: a deer trap has been set off already.
Right above where you stand.
Realizing the danger of being anywhere near a threatened or harmed deer, you’re ready to bolt out of the woods when you look up, and see a net that’s filled with leaves, branches, and stray grass reeds.
And dangling out of the net is a leg— a leg that looks less like a deer’s… and more of a person’s.
You gasp in horror. Someone’s caught in it!
Running around the tree, you find the rope suspending the trap buried in the ground. You rummage for your shears and hastily cut it, grabbing the rope to pull it down with your weight and let the trap sink to the ground slowly.
When it does, you run over, cutting away as much of the net as you can, digging through the leaves until you reach someone covered in an enormous fur cape.
You gingerly pull it back, and stare in awe.
It’s a man, with dark hair and sharp features, no doubt very handsome despite the scratches and cuts he’s sustained. The linen top he’s wearing is littered with twigs.
Softly, you brush away the twigs when you touch his wrist and freeze.
And quite literally, because his skin is as cold as ice.
Almost as if he were a corpse.
“Sir! Sir! Please wake up!”
When Prince Loki’s eyes open and adjust to the glare of the sun— and the silhouette blocking it out— his breath hitches.
Is this Valhalla? Am I… dead?
Surely, he must be. For above him kneels the most beautiful girl, almost shimmering in the golden light, it’s definite that you’re an angel.
“Hello? Sir? Can you hear me?”
An even lovelier voice for a radiant woman. He nods, and you let out a sigh of relief.
“Oh, thank goodness!” You lean forward, brushing away twigs from his face and cloak. “I thought you had died! I hate those deer traps, they’re dangerous and they're so hard to see! It almost killed you! Are you alright?”
“Yes- Yes, I’m fine. Thank you.”
It’s as if he spoke without thinking, eager to hear more from your pretty lips. You catch your breath, kneeling back down, and he sits up to get a better look at the captivating face of his savior.
“How long have you been up there?”
Loki brushes his hand against his cheek. “I'm not quite sure- ah-”
He hisses when his fingers graze a wound on his temple, and he retracts his hand to find a few specks of scarlet.
“Probably not long, I'm still bleeding,” he shows you his hand, and you gasp.
“Oh, no,” you take a closer look at his face. “My house isn't far from here, I can help you clean up and get some rest. You must be exhausted. Are you alright with some porridge and biscuits? They're all I have the ingredients for and the farmers’ market is a bit far so I'm sorry if...”
Loki honestly can’t concentrate on what you're saying. He nods along, but he's rather focused on you.
As he tags along behind you as you retrace your steps to your home, Loki whispers a thanks to whatever Gods led him to be graced by your beauty in this moment, regardless of the circumstance. He had just been hunting for sport, unaware of the trap that had pulled him up into the tree so suddenly and rendered him unconscious.
Now, he's found something— no, someone— better; a much more rewarding, delicious little prey.
“I just realized I haven't introduced myself."
Loki looks up just as you say your name, timidly holding out your hand. He takes it after a moment.
“Loki,” he replies, once he finds it in himself to speak.
“Like the prince?"
He recoils a bit in surprise. “Yes- Yes, like the prince. Uh-"
“How are you feeling?" you ask, dabbing the cloth lightly against his wrist.
“They don't hurt if I don't move."
“Okay. Let me know if it does.”
Loki nods, watching you silently tend to his wounds, before he hisses softly.
You flinch, pulling away. “Oh, I'm sorry-"
“You really don't know who I am?” Loki asks.
A second passes as you look down at him, brows furrowing as you sit down next to him on your bed.
“I can't recall. Sorry, have you ordered flowers from me before?"
“You run a flower shop?”
“Yes, that's why I was in the woods. I was looking for fresh flowers and came across you up in that trap.” You tilt your head. “What were you doing in the forest, anyway?"
“I was... hunting for deer, and the last thing I remember is hearing something above me snap.”
“Hunting… Is that what you do for a living?”
“Well, no. My brother and I do it for sport."
Loki stares at you blankly. “My brother, Prince Thor."
You nod.
Loki chuckles. Your pretty little head hasn't registered it.
He leans in close, brushing his lips against your ear, and whispers very slowly:
“I'm Prince Loki."
And the reaction he gets is the cutest. Your lips part as your eyes widen, to which he grins.
But he doesn't expect you to fling yourself off the side of the bed and onto the ground, bowing down to him.
“Your Highness!” you squeak. “I'm so sorry, I didn't know!! I-”
“Darling, please," he chuckles, shaking his head. “That isn't necessary-"
“I'm so sorry, I'll get some tea, do you want anything from the market? Please, allow me-”
Loki bends down, lifting you off the floor in a princess carry and sets you down on the bed.
“Please, don’t stress yourself. You saved my life.”
He takes your hand, kissing it softly as he smiles up at you.
“Thank you, pretty angel.”
Your eyes widen as you stutter out tiny breaths. Norns, aren’t you the most adorable?
“I don’t think you believe me.” He stands up, pretending to be offended by your silence.
“No!” you cry . “I mean- I do believe you! It’s just- I was surprised, I didn’t think-”
“Didn’t think what? A prince would just be out in the woods for no reason?” He laughs, leaning down to you. Before you can respond, he chuckles again. “That’s alright,” he steps back, “you just need a little… evidence.”
Loki closes his eyes, and lets himself shift into his true form: blue skin, dark green patterns across his biceps. He hears the tiniest gasp of amazement from you as the magic also heals his wounds and cuts (and hopes that he’ll hear more of those cute noises very soon).
When he’s done transforming, he opens his eyes and stares down at you.
Dear Norns.
He knew he was already taller than you in human form, but this was just delightful. You’re much tinier than him, staring up at his stature with those wide doe eyes of yours.
“You are-” you blink a few times in shock. “You are the Jotun prince.”
He smiles even wider. “That’s right.”
“And… I… just saved the Jotun prince.”
He starts laughing, leaning down to whisper in your ear.
“Clever girl.” He knows he’s downright cruel, teasing you just because you’re so cute. “And do you want anything in return for ‘saving the Jotun prince’?”
“Well, I don’t know-”
Loki walks closer to you, and stands between your legs as he drops his cloak to the floor and leans down, drawling his next words very slowly.
“You deserve something… special. Something downright… pleasurable as a reward for saving my life. Something that you’ll remember for the rest of yours.”
He chuckles darkly when your breath hitches in realization.
He wants to make love to you.
He pushes you down on the bed, trapping you in with his large body as he takes your wrists in one of his hands.
“You’ll feel undeniable bliss. I’ll take you over and over and over again until I’m sure you’re truly satisfied, because you’re such a sweet little angel saving my life and cleaning me up and looking so fuckable.”
You mewl, no doubt keening from his dirty words. He cups your chin.
“All you have to do is say yes. You don’t even have to do anything~”
His thumb brushes over your quivering lips, and push into your mouth. Loki grins as you look up at him, nodding slowly.
“Use your words, angel,” he teases, pulling his thumb away from your mouth.
It takes you a few moments to catch your breath. “Okay…”
He wanted to make you beg. He wanted you to say please, please fuck me so he could flip you over like you weighed nothing and take you over and over again like you’d asked but the way you whimpered withered away the last of his patience.
He had to make you his.
Loki captured you into a passionate kiss, muffling every last sound your pretty lips made so that only he could hear. He pulled away only to push you down on the sheets again, forcing his tongue into your mouth as you twitch in his hold, unable to comprehend how dizzy you are from just a kiss.
The two of you pull away for air as his dark green irises watches your eyes glaze over with submission. He grins, unbuttoning his white button-up and tosses it elsewhere.
He grins as you stare at his chest. Your tiny hands reach for him, tracing over the markings and patterns.
Loki hisses, taking your hands in one of his. You whimper as he stares down at you.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, “Did that hurt?”
“No, no.” His voice softens as he leans in, kissing your nose gently, his other hand pushing your dress up your thighs. He kisses your cheek, then presses his lips against your ear. You shiver at his ice-cold breath.
“It doesn’t, angel. It’s just that if you keep doing that, I won’t be able to resist flipping you over and pounding you into the sheets until you’re dripping with my cum and you can’t think.”
He pushes his knee against your crotch, making you squeak like a pathetic little mouse. Loki grins.
“I will be doing that, mind you,” he teases. “But I simply have to get a taste of your pretty juices first~”
Your skirt bunches up against your twitching hips as Loki stares down at your dripping cunt.
“Oh," Loki chuckles. “You're already wet for me, angel, isn't that adorable~?"
You mewl, bashfully covering your face as he grins at your embarrassment.
“Stop teasing..."
Loki shakes his head, pouting in mockery. “Only if you stop being so cute when you're flustered. But until then…”
He places his hands on your thighs, pulling you closer to him as he lowers his face to your mound.
“... I'll enjoy fucking you until you submit to me.”
Your eyes widen as he licks your folds very slowly, and you whine shakily.
“Prince Loki..."
Loki grins, kissing your pretty cunt wetly and pushing his tongue into your dripping hole. And your helpless whimper of pleasure as he devours your pretty pussy whole is the cutest and most captivating noise he's ever heard.
He draws it out of you again, and again, and again, drinking every bit of your slick, even if poor little you are just getting wetter and wetter.
You're panting now, and Loki is equally as short of breath, only ever breaking away from you to watch your pretty face scrunch up so cutely. Loki licks his lips, nibbling on your thighs and making you squeak and tremble in his icy grip.
“You're such an adorable little angel," Loki grumbles. "Makes me want to eat you up like a little mouse, hmm?”
He holds you down firmly as your moans tickle his ears. The way your little hole squeezes around nothing is just so cute, he just has to stuff you full after he makes you come far too many times than you can handle.
“Aww,” Loki chuckles as you whimper breathily, thighs thumping helplessly against the bed. “Little angel can’t take it anymore?”
He brushes a blue finger against your dripping folds, sinking into your hole for the millionth time making you squeak and sob in sensitivity.
“P-Please…” you mumble, glazed eyes pleading for a moment of rest.
He sighs, forgetting you’re just a pure little thing having her first time, and gently scoops you into his arms to press a few kisses to your cheek and whispering your name.
“Have I thanked you enough already~?” He teases, and you nod, nuzzling into his hold though you shiver lightly.
Loki’s heart skips a beat. He feels you cling to him tighter and he feels your little ass grinding against his cock.
“Well,” he muses, “I believe my kingdom will be overjoyed to find that an angel like yourself saved their prince, hmm?”
“Huh?” you ask, still pleasure-drunk as you settle into his lap, as if you perfectly fit in his hold.
“I said,” Loki chuckles his icy breath tickling your face, “My kingdom would be overjoyed to find a pretty thing like you saved the royal prince, wouldn't they?"
“And they'll throw a week-long celebration...” he continues, trailing kisses from your cheek to your shoulder. “All for you~”
“R-Really?” you gasp as he begins sucking on your skin, sure to leave marks after. “A whole week? That's too much-!”
Loki laughs against your shoulder, holding your hips down so he can feel your hips grind against his cock. “Nothing is too much for a perfect little angel like you~"
Loki licks the bite mark he's so carefully placed on your skin, then looks up at your glazed eyes and twitching pout.
“Would you like to come back with me to the palace?"
The look of confusion and bashfulness across your face makes his cock twitch against your bare folds.
“Me?! With you?!"
“Do you abhor the idea of that?”
He knows he's being mean and he knows you don't hate the idea, but Loki just can't resist seeing you so embarrassed and stuttering to apologize.
“No! I didn't mean that! I was just surprised-"
Loki shakes his head with a little chuckle, and brings you closer to his face to kiss the crease between your eyebrows.
“I know, I know. I was just teasing."
“Don't be mean like that!”
Loki laughs darkly when you cross your arms.
In a flash, he’s got you on your hands and knees before your pretty head can even figure out what’s going on.
“And if I do, what are you going to do about it?”
You shiver at the dark growl in his voice.
You're so far deep in this haze all you can see is blue.
“Your highness-!”
Loki presses your chest against the bed, leaving your pretty ass on display, purely his for the taking.
“You’re just a little mouse that can’t hurt anything, hmm? Just so innocent, and weak, and ready to be ravished.”
A cold, thick finger traces your wet folds, and you whimper, burying your face in the sheets as he tickles your hole until you’re shaking with need.
“Maybe I’ll take you back home with me… and make you my wife.”
Loki shoves his finger all the way in, knocking the wind out of you because you swear you can feel him in your tummy.
“Your- Your wife?” You ask, voice higher and breathier.
“Yes~” he mocks your airy voice. “My pretty wife, who won’t have to get her pretty hands dirty ever again, who I’ll take care of, and protect, and fuck every single night.”
Loki curls his finger, reaching that sensitive little part in your cunt that effectively leaves you a mumbling, drooling mess on him.
When he’s gotten you wet enough, he draws his finger back (to his cute little angel’s momentary dismay) and forces your thighs apart with his body, the head of his cock twitching against your folds.
Loki will forever remember the gasp you let out when you feel just how big he is.
“Do you want to be fully mine? Do you want me to fuck this little hole of yours with my cock until you’re screaming for me?”
You whine at his dirty words, slurring something that sounds like a yeah, and he knows he’s got you exactly where he wants you.
“Really?” he chuckles, fingering your little hole one more time to slicken your folds. “Do you think I’ll fit~?”
And with the dirty wet noises that tickle his ears as he sinks all the way in he gets his reply.
“Oh?” Amused, he runs an icy finger up and down your bare back. “She can take it, after all. What a good girl~”
Loki barely gets the praise out before the prettiest whimpers fall out of your mouth like sweet honey, your poor cunt clenching down on him as your voice gets higher and breathier by the minute.
“Please-” you hiccup, turning to look at him with those pretty teary eyes.
His vermillion eyes stare you down cruelly as he grinds his hips down into your ass, making your head fall onto the sheets as you slur out a moan.
His cock feels so heavy inside you and by the way he laughs quietly you know he knows just how big he is compared to you.
And the way he pins you down harder lets you know he loves it.
“Oh, you just feel so good around my cock,” Loki groans, pulling back and thrusting into your leaking little pussy.
Poor you, already sensitive beyond imagination as this handsome blue prince ruins any other man for you with the way his cock stretches you out better than anyone ever will.
Not that anyone else will get the chance to. Loki’s decided it: he will take you home to the palace and make you his wife, and everyone will bow before their new princess.
Loki can't resist you any longer. He beats your poor cunt like the beast he is until you're whimpering and bucking against him helplessly.
“Feels... weird..." you shudder and gasp, tears leaking from your eyes as he sinks deeper into you, his huge cock hitting all the good spots inside you as your pleasure takes over your senses.
“Oh, is she close? Is this perfect little cunt going to come all over me?”
Loki's dirty words make you whimper and nod dumbly.
“Yeah," you sob.
Loki laughs at how blissed out his little saviour is and stops,pulling out slowly and groaning when he hears the sinful squelching as your juices drip onto the sheets. He turns you on your back, pinning your wrists to your sides, and captures your lips in his as he sinks into you once more.
“I missed these pretty lips," he smirks into the kiss, taking you for himself.
“Y-You just kissed me a few minutes ago..." You sigh dazedly, though you love the attention he's giving you.
“Still can't get enough of you. You're just so sweet~" Loki licks your lips, thrusting harder and making you squeak and link your fingers through his.
“Say my name."
“Gods," he throws his head back, almost moaning at how submissive you sound. “Surrender to me, darling."
His hands snake down to the back of your thighs, lifting them and pressing them to your chest, quickening his pace.
Your eyes scrunch up as you nearly scream in pleasure, wriggling away as if you could escape from him.
“Surrender to me, angel~" he grins, kissing your neck and marking you up. “A pretty angel like you deserves to be pampered like this every day. Imagine that? You'll never have to lift a finger, I'll do all the work, I'll do all the fucking.”
Loki accentuates that last word with a hard thrust into your hole, making your eyes blur over with tears as you mewl helplessly in the Jotun prince’s tight grip.
“Awh, don't cry," he teases, kissing your nose when he gets a sinfully great idea.
He stops his movements, making sure he's buried all the way inside you before he flattens his tongue against your soaked cheek and licks your tears away.
You gasp, stunned for a moment before you keen and twitch helplessly, whining loudly as he does the same to your other cheek.
And your poor little cunt just clenches down again.
Loki growls, his primal instincts taking over because you're his ideal mate and you're nothing like he's ever seen. The sounds in the room get filthier and filthier as he loses control and rams into your poor hole.
“What do you say, angel?" Loki asks, letting go of your wrist before his hand makes its way down to your clit, rubbing the little bud and making you scream and tremble in his arms. “Be my- fuck- be my bride? Be my pretty little princess?”
“Yeah,” you mumble, chest heaving as your eyes flutter shut.
“Are you close?"
“Cute little mouse," he chuckles, pressing open mouth kisses to your neck as he rubs your clit. “Let go for me now, angel."
It’s a sight from heaven as you orgasm all over him, soaking his cock with your juices and helplessly thumping your thighs against the bed because Loki won't stop thrusting in and out of you.
Loki growls, pinning you to the bed. He stills, and you gasp at the feeling of his warm, thick cum filling you up. It makes you feel even more full than you already do and it makes you dizzy with even more pleasure.
It becomes too much for your melting brain to handle when he pushes deeper into you and you gasp, attempting to kick him away.
A firm, cold hand grabs your ankle and spreads you wider, and you whine shyly when he grins at you with a cruel glint in his eyes.
“Stay with me, darling," Loki teases, gripping your hips possessively and holding you still on his cock so he can finish filling you up.
It feels like hours before he breathes again, but it's only been seconds for him, already wanting another round with you.
But the prince resists, setting your sore legs down slowly and carefully sliding out of your cunt.
You sigh in exhaustion, but your breaths falters in embarrassment when you feel just how much he pumped into you, dripping out of your twitching folds and onto the bed.
A tiny drop even lands on your ass and Loki chuckles at your wide eyes, leaning down to kiss your lips and whisper a dirty promise that he'll fuck you down there too next time.
“Next time?” you ask, lips parting.
“Yes," he teases. " I've decided it, you're never leaving my side, my guardian angel~”
And he scoops you into his side, letting you rest before he has a few more rounds with your pretty hole— then he'll take you back home to the palace and convince you to stay. He'll show you the library. He'll let you lose yourself in the royal gardens all day if you wish! As long as you return to his chambers each night and let him please you the way you deserve to be.
But he's fallen for you already and the whole kingdom will burn in a blaze of sapphire dust if anything or anyone ever keeps him away from you.
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flowerandblood · 2 months
Object of Desire (1/3)
[ dark • Aemond x Arryn • widow female ]
[ warnings: dubcon, hate sex, sex content, smut, angst, domination, violence, swearing, humiliation, hard chauvinism ]
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[ description: Aemond is forced to marry a widow from House Arryn as part of the alliance and support of his brother in the war against the Black faction. This story is an Anon Request, sorry it took me so long. I know anon wanted it to be a softer and sweeter story, but it didn't fit Aemond's character and what I think would be going on in his head. The female character has a specific eye and hair color. Lots of humiliation, violence and chauvinism. ]
Part 2 − Object of Despair Part 3 − Object of Delight Epilogue
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
My other works: Masterlist
He thought the greatest humiliation of his life was behind him when he lost an eye, when his brother and nephews gave him a pig instead of a dragon. He thought that now that he was a man, rider of the greatest dragon walking the earth − he would finally get everything he deserved, a wife from a dignified, respected House, and with her an offspring, his inheritance, an extension of his lineage.
He could not hide his expression of disappointment, disgust and bitterness when his mother informed him that instead of one of Lord Baratheon's daughters he would be marrying Lord Arryn's niece − his grandfather, intent on strengthening his brother's position on the throne felt that depriving Rheanyra of the support of the Eyrie, her mother's kin, would greatly weaken her in the ongoing war.
He would have endured this change without a word were it not for one thing.
The woman was a fucking widow.
Already intimate with another man who had taken her virginity, she was worn, marked, like an overbitten apple that now someone had to eat to the end to keep it from rotting.
He imagined in the back of his mind how the court, which both feared and mocked him, would spread rumours that the One-Eyed Prince was not only crippled but must marry a woman devoid of value and her greatest virtue, for no other lady would agree to be his wife.
However, he knew what duty was and intended to fulfil it.
Despite his mother's suggestion, he did not want to see her before the nuptial day. He felt that he did not want to further exacerbate her bad enough appearance in his eyes; he feared that she was not only worthless but plain ugly, her mind empty and shallow.
Although the nuptials were to take place in the noble family, knowing that this would not be her first wedding it was decided that the whole ceremony would be modest, only the most loyal lords and relatives who supported their cause were invited.
Looking at his reflection in the mirror in shame and disgust, at his emerald tunic adorned with golden threads swirling in embroidery reminiscent of dragon's heads, he thought it seemed too refined for such an occasion, for such a woman who could offer him nothing.
He knew that there was no fault of hers in her husband's sudden passing from this world, that it was pure politics, but he could not help thinking that it would have been better if she had died with him.
Waiting for her in the Great Sept, he felt nothing − he had not even bestowed a single glance on her when he heard the sound of trumpets, indicating that she and her father had entered the temple and were heading towards him.
As he felt her presence beside him he immediately noticed out of the corner of his eye that she was dressed in a blue gown, flowers of the same colour in her hair − curiosity forced him to at least glance at her and he swallowed loudly as his gaze met her violet eyes.
The colour of the Targaryens.
He froze, feeling his heart suddenly begin to beat faster, unable to look away from her irises, from her long, dark lashes and eyebrows surrounding her eyes like a sky surrounding the sun − unintentionally his gaze studied quickly her entire silhouette and face.
He swallowed with difficulty, turning his head away, realising that her figure was pleasingly girlish, she was young, too young in his eyes to be a widow − her dark hair was tied back, myosotis tucked into her curls at the sides of her head, her gown made of some thin, smooth, shiny material shimmering blue and purple at the same time.
He couldn't focus on what the Septon was saying; he only glanced at her again when Daeron handed him the cloak with which he was to cover her − her gaze fixed on him, her eyebrows arched in sorrow as if she was in pain, her eyes gleaming, slightly reddened, as if she was barely holding back tears.
He felt like asking if she was so disgusted with him, but no sound came out of his mouth.
With a stony face expressing indifference, he threw his cloak embroidered with a three-headed red dragon over her back and then took her hand in his, small and surprisingly smooth.
She didn't look at him when, in a trembling, soft voice, she repeated the words of her vows with him. He tried to remember her doing it for the second time in her life, that she was someone else's, warming someone else's bed, but he couldn't.
She seemed so innocent.
They hadn't exchanged a word during the wedding feast; he watched from the corner of his eye her demeanour, her face − she seemed to him absent, sad, ashamed.
He thought with a squeeze in his throat, filled with jealousy and envy, that she was a beautiful young woman, and someone had her before him.
He took a loud, impatient sip of wine from his cup, its tart, slightly sweet aftertaste spilling over his tongue, dulling his mind.
He felt like his head was going to burst.
They both tried to put it off for as long as they could, however, eventually his mother suggested that his spouse was surely tired and should retire to bed.
He pressed his lips together at her words, rising silently, looking at this strange, frightened girl out of the corner of his eye, her face turned towards him, her eyes open wide in terror.
"Come, wife." He hummed coldly, without emotion and heard her swallow hard − she followed him quietly as he left the hall, heading down the dark torch-lit corridors to his chamber.
He watched indifferently as her servants helped her undress from her beautiful gown, slowly untangling the curls of her hair, one of them wanted to remove the flowers from them, but he protested.
"No. The flowers are to stay. Let at least some semblance of innocence and purity remain." He sneered, saw that the corners of her mouth twitched, her eyebrows arched in pained humiliation.
He cocked his head, intrigued that she endured his words and what was happening with such humility.
He thought that if she behaved like this, perhaps he would take pity on her and actually put his child inside her, so that she could somehow regain her dignity, to be the mother of his heir.
"That's enough." He said at last, when she was left only in her nightgown, from under which he could see the outline of the pleasing shapes of her womanly body, waiting patiently until they were left alone.
She was looking somewhere far away, sad, tired, humiliated, her face, although pale, as if filled with mourning, was smooth and pleasant, the shade of her eyes seemed to him more blue in the firelight.
Proof that they shared ancestors, a common heritage.
For some reason he felt some kind of affection for her at the thought.
He got up from his seat with a loud creak of wood, walking with a slow, lazy step towards her − he saw that she twitched but did not look at him, her lips parted slightly in an accelerated breath, betraying her nervousness.
He walked around her, looking at her as if she were an object, assessing her figure, the shade of her hair, the shape of her face from every angle. She swallowed quietly and lifted her chin, looking at him with some kind of challenge, a decision that she would accept what was about to happen and give him no reason to mock her.
He hummed at the thought, stepping behind her, feeling her flinch all over as she felt his large hands touch her waist and then slide lower, to her womb − he felt surprised, licking his lips with his tongue, that his manhood swelled hard in his breeches when, in some sudden, involuntary reflex, her small hands grabbed his wrists, yet not stopping his movements, just trying to maintain some semblance of control over what was happening.
She let the air out of her lungs nervously, closing her eyes for a moment as his nose sank into her sweet-smelling, smooth hair, his hands stroking her lower abdomen trailing over it in tender, slow movements as if he imagined she was already carrying his child, his reason for being proud and pleased with her.
"This poor man, whose name I can't even remember, died without an heir. Why?" He whispered in her ear, a note of menace in his voice, his fingers digging into the fabric of her nightgown and her stomach, forcing her to take a step back, bumping into his throbbing manhood pushing against her buttocks. He heard her gasp softly, swallowing loudly, her body quivering in his embrace.
"The will of the Gods." She replied softly, her voice melodious, warm, pleasant to his ear. He hummed again, acknowledging her answer, his hands again beginning to stroke her womb in an unhurried, tender gesture.
"Why would I need a wife who won't give me an inheritance? Hm?" He asked in a tone as if he was curious and intrigued − he felt her whole body tense up in fear knowing that he was mocking her.
She drew in air loudly, suddenly tightening her fingers on his arm as his hand slid lower, between her thighs, the tips of his fingers began to brush her there with calm, steady strokes.
His free hand rose higher, to her neck, tightening around it warningly when he felt her buttocks begin to rub against his length, feeling a pleasant wave of heat surge through his spine and lower abdomen. He looked down at his fingers between her thighs, even through the material feeling the moisture leaking through it.
"A wife is a gift. Like a sword, a book or a horse." She cooed softly, responding with a rocking of her hips to the touch of his fingers. He involuntarily chuckled at her words, charmed that she understood exactly his approach, that her mind was not obscured by bottomless female fantasies, but stood in reality.
"Why would I need a chipped sword, an empty book, or a blind horse?" He asked lowly, his hand from her neck moved higher − his fingers cupped her cheeks, forcing her to turn her head towards him, to look at him, her violet eyes misty, bright, beautiful.
She smiled and giggled softly, startling him completely, bringing him out of his thoughts.
"It's amusing to hear you speak about blindness, husband. I hope the lack of your eye doesn't bother you anymore." She whispered with a satisfaction that made him snort in fury − she squealed quietly and closed her eyes as his fingers dug into her cheeks and shook her, as if he wanted her to come to her senses and remember who she was standing in front of.
"You are nothing, whore. Do you understand? Nothing. A worn-out cup to be filled with seed. I don't have an eye, but I do have a fucking dignity that my mother deprived me of by forcing me to marry a creature like you." He hissed, shaking her head violently once in a while, wanting it to get into her little empty head what he had just said.
She looked at him with hatred, her gaze seeming darker, more dangerous to him, her tongue hitting her palate with a quiet click of her saliva as she whispered a single word in his direction.
He didn't even know when his hand tightened in her hair, slamming her head against the table that stood in front of them forcing her to lean forward with a violent gesture − she squirmed loudly and cried out, clenching her fingers on the tabletop as she tried to catch her balance − he kicked her ankle with his foot forcing her to spread her thighs wider.
"You like it rough, hm? You find yourself better at being a whore than a wife? Very well then." He growled, his free hand undoing the buckles of his tunic, untying his breeches quickly, releasing his throbbing erection, giving it a few sure squeezes at the base, for some reason what was happening, their quick, rapturous breaths aroused him even more.
"Fucking male pride. Take what you want, you won't break me." She hissed with such hateful envy that he chuckled out loud, somehow impressed by how brazen she was.
"There's a little dragon burning inside you, isn't it? We shall see. I'm a man full of patience." He sneered, lifting her nightgown up in an impatient motion, exposing what was between her thighs, her rosy, puffy folds glistening with her moisture.
She pressed her lips together, struggling to hold back the sound of discomfort as he pushed against her, forcing the fat, pink head of his cock between her tight walls. He sighed heavily, feeling how wonderfully she clenched around him on all sides, hot and surprisingly soft.
"− fuck −" He gasped out, spreading her thighs wider with his leg − she cried out loudly as he sank all the way into her with one sure thrust, her fleshy muscles throbbing againt him in panic.
They both began panting loudly as, in some subconscious, natural reflex, he began to pound into her with the impatient, aggressive stabs of his hips.
"− fucking whore −" He growled angrily, clamping his hand painfully tight on her hair, her mouth parted wide in a helpless moan as he suddenly quickened his pace, looking down, feeling a wonderful thrill of elation at the sight of his manhood opening her slick folds wide again and again with deep, brutal thrusts of his hips.
"− bastard −" She cried out, responding however to the pushes of his hips with a fierceness from which his voice stuck in his throat. He was no longer sure, groaning low with pleasure, feeling the way her walls squeezed him wonderfully, sucking him inside, whether what they were saying was true or just a test of strength and dominance, an attempt to establish who would have the last word.
"− shut the fuck up − to think you still have the strength to babble − shall I put it in your mouth so you'll finally be quiet? −" He snorted through clenched teeth, gripping his free hand over the soft, smooth skin of her firm buttocks, slamming into her like mad.
It seemed to him that they were both moaning and panting too loudly, as if they were in some kind of frenzy, his thighs slapping against her bare skin with a sticky smack again and again, barely sliding out of her.
"− fuck − o-oh fuck, stop −" He gasped out as he felt her muscles suddenly clench greedily against his manhood at his words, intensifying his sensations. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes as he heard sweet, loud moans of fulfillment begin to erupt from her throat, her body trembling all over − she whimpered when he didn't slow down, chasing his own fulfilment.
"− I know − fuck, just a moment longer − shhh −" He hushed her and groaned low, sighing in relief when he felt that wonderful, relaxing feeling, bliss in his mind and whole body, delight as his seed spilled deep inside her, right where it belonged.
His hips rocked inside her a moment longer with her mumble of displeasure, her eyes closed, her breathing ragged, her fingers trailing over the table top as if she couldn't calm down.
"− it's alright − easy − it's alright −" He whispered, panting heavily, stroking her soft hair with slow, tender gesture, her eyebrows arched in pain as she wept loudly, tears one after another began to run down her face.
He wasn't sure if she was crying from relief that she had it behind her or from grief that she had to go through this again.
"− I know − I know −" He hummed, running his fingers over her smooth, dark curls, for some reason feeling the need to reassure her, fulfilled and content after what had happened between them, his half-soft manhood still twitching deep inside her, all slick from their shared moisture.
"− I don't blame you, wife − that man was weak, as was his seed − you will soon bear me a son −"
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @randomdragonfires @apollonshootafar
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xcherricutie · 2 months
🌺 drift away 🌺
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[Lucifer Morningstar x Reader]
[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three] [Part Four]
[Word Count - 1.4k]
[Tags: Angst, songfic (I can't help myself)]
[Notes: My first Hazbin Hotel one shot. Still new to Tumblr, and new to writing one shots, I'm used to writing longer form. Hope this post is up to the standard. It's like, 1 in the morning and I have work tomorrow morning, enjoy. I will hopefully get out a part that's kinda like a prequel, I wanna do Other Friends lol. Obvs inspired by Steven Universe.]
Let’s go in the garden, 
You’ll find something waiting, 
Right there where you left it, 
Lying upside down...
Excitement shot through your system, your feet dragging along the ground as a giggle bubbled from within you. You paused every few seconds as the man before you looked back, a single brow raised at your antics. He took a few steps forward, the sounds of your feet tapping as you followed along filling the air. He sighed, turning around. His eyes, golden sclera and deep red irises, landed on your own, though unfocused. Almost as if looking straight through you. 
He’d tried to keep you here, to stop you from following. He knew you were only doing what you were meant to do. You were made for him. An angel born purely to keep Lucifer in check, to keep him happy. You loved being by his side, you loved spending time with him on Earth, in the garden. You thought he loved it too. You thought he loved you. 
Taking a deep breath, Lucifer forced a smile for you. His wings softly flapped behind him, lifting him off the ground, raising him to be just above your face level. His finger tapped your nose, his enchanting voice coming through. “Here in the garden, let’s play a game, I’ll show you how it’s done.” 
“Here in the garden, stand very still,” His hands on your shoulders, you looked up at him with a beaming smile, happy to spend time with your love. 
“This’ll be so much fun,” Your voice, soft and delicate spoke, earning a smile from him. Your heart fluttered at his smile, his cheeks crinkling slightly as his eyes closed, appearing relaxed. At least to you. But appearances weren’t all what they seemed. 
“And then he smiled, that’s what I’m after,” You clenched a fist, pressing it to your chest, trying to calm your fast beating heart. You could feel the eyes of the demon behind you on you, the very demon that came from him. “The smile in his eyes, the sound of his laughter.” 
You could see the scene replaying before you all over again. You could even hear the soft chuckle that had once escaped his lips, his hands softly squeezing your shoulders. You knew she could see it too, but you didn’t want to acknowledge the memories that had begun to rush back to you, memories from long ago. Memories you’d wished you could forget. 
“Happy to listen, happy to play, happily watching him drift away...” 
Lucifer’s grip loosened on your shoulders, his wings flapping as he pulled away, leaving you to your little game. You watched him fly into the bright sky, disappearing in the light of the sun with another. But you didn’t think anything of it, because he loved you. He was playing with you, spending time with you. 
The girl behind you could only watch in silence, her throat squeezing closed as she tried to keep her inner turmoil to herself. She knew exactly where she was, exactly where you had taken her. The wilted bushes, the out-of-control bramble, the spiraling roots through the grass. This was the long-abandoned Garden of Eden. This was where it all began. Where Charlie’s father, Lucifer, had started humanity’s spiral into chaos, starting with you. 
“Happily waiting, all on my own, under the endless sky...” You glanced up to the stars dotting the night sky. Everything seemed to be happening so fast. You never wanted anyone to see this, you never even wanted to see it again yourself. Yet, here you were, sharing your vulnerability with the person you’d come down to Hell to kill. The princess of Hell herself, and Lucifer’s daughter, Charlie. You had let her in, showing her your memories. “Counting the seconds, standing alone, as thousands of years go by...” 
The roots had begun to cling to your still form, your body aching, your wings begging to be spread once more. Your hair, once something you had been proud of, now in shambles, grown out nearly to your feet. Deep bags had sunk into the skin under your eyes, a telling sign of your exhaustion. For how much longer must this game go on, you wondered, but never dared voice it. You were meant to make him happy, right? 
“Happily wondering, night after night, is this how it works? Am I doing it right?” Your fists clenched, unable to bear looking at your old self any longer, watching as your sickened form disappeared, turning into speckles of gold in the wind. You stepped forward into the place where you had once showed Charlie your older memories, resuming the familiar stance you had been in for over ten thousand years. “Happy to listen, happy to stay, happily watching him drift away...” 
A cool breeze blew through your hair, reminding you of the countless nights you took solace in the feeling, the only thing that reminded you that you were still alive, still conscious. Your eyes met Charlie’s, a faint smile on her face as you spotted the tears welling in her eyes. You turned away with the breeze, taking a step in the opposite direction of Charlie, startling her as she was quick to follow. 
“You keep on turning pages, for people who don’t care, people who don’t care about you,” 
You walked along the edge of a pond, legs brushing against the soft petals of the flowers surrounding the pond. The breeze pulled along the flowers, a long dead water lily being ripped from the ground. Grasping the weakened petals of the flower in your hand, you turned to Charlie with a soft smile, placing the flower in her blonde hair that felt just the same as his. Just as you pulled your hand away, turning your attention to the water, the flower crumpled in her hair, falling apart. 
“And still, it takes you ages, to see that no one’s there, see that no one’s there, see that no one’s there, everyone’s gone on without you...” Your eyes drifted back to the spot you had become a part of for so long. The spot you thought would one day claim you and set you free from the pain that he’d left behind in you. Charlie’s eyes followed, her eyes widening to see more of your memories, more of what her father had caused. 
“Finally, something.” 
The two seraphims, Sera and Emily, stood before you, fear and sorrow written across their faces. Emily ripped roots that had grown to hold you down tightly off, while Sera ran her fingers through your broken hair, tears streaming down her face. 
“Finally, news, about how the story ends.” 
Sera rambled on and on about everything you had missed. About how humanity had progressed. About the angels that had replaced you in society. Everybody thought you were dead, at the hands of the Devil. You didn’t understand any of it, not until she explained just what had happened, why you were even standing here, playing this game. 
“He isn’t an angel anymore, fallen long ago, leaving you for Lilith, and his brand-new daughter...” 
“Isn’t that lovely?” 
Tears streamed down Charlie’s face as she watched your younger self burst into tears, sobbing violently into Sera’s chest as she hugged you tightly, muttering useless apologies over and over. You cried and screamed, telling her to stop lying and to bring you to Lucifer, to end this game already. You begged and pleaded, telling her that it wasn’t like that, that he loved you, he asked you to stay and play with him. He couldn’t abandon you. You were his angel, his love. 
“Isn’t that cool?” 
You ignored the pain that squeezed your heart, watching as your memories faded in those familiar golden glimmers, begging that this would be the final time you’d have to see them. You ignored the hot tears that dripped down your cheeks, your emotions leaking through, escaping the tight hold you’d kept them in for so many years. 
“And isn’t that cruel? And aren’t I a fool to have happily listened, happy to stay, happily watching him drift, drift...” 
You squeezed a fist to your chest, your heart slowing down finally as you sighed deeply. This was the end. This garden, where everything had begun, would finally see the end of the story. Where you would finally let go of the memories that haunted you for ten thousand years, and move on with your life, putting an end to his little game. 
“Drift away...” 
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aphroditelovesu · 4 months
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Winter Solstice | Yan!HOTD
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❝ 🐉 — lady l: Merry Christmas, my dear readers! I wish you a great day and a prosperous New Year! I hope you enjoy this Christmas special with our yandere family from HOTD! Good reading, forgive me for any mistakes and once again, have a great holiday to you ❤️🎄.
❝warnings: yandere themes, mention of death and obsessive and possessive behavior.
❝🐉word count: 1,941.
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A long, long time ago, when the Earth was young and the days were short, people looked up to the sky with wonder and awe. They watched the Sun rise and fall over the horizon, its heat bringing life to the earth and its dark nights bringing a deep sleep to the world.
In the ancient realm of the seasons, each cycle marked the eternal dance between light and dark. As winter approached, a whisper spread through nature. Leaves fell from the trees, animals sought shelter and the nights extended, enveloping the world in a blanket of darkness and cold.
It was the time of the Winter Solstice, a magical moment when the Earth seemed suspended between extremes. People gathered around campfires, telling stories of times gone by, sharing warmth and hope amid the impending darkness.
On the eve of the longest night of the year, eyes turned to the sky, waiting for the miracle. Slowly, the Sun began its journey towards the horizon, fighting the darkness with its golden light. The stars twinkled above, bearing witness to the celestial spectacle.
And then, in the most sublime moment, the Sun began to rise, rising majestically into the sky. The colors of dawn painted the landscape, and people celebrated the rebirth of the Sun, knowing that light and warmth would return to the world. It was a symbol of renewal, hope and the continuous cycle of life.
On the Winter Solstice, people came together to celebrate the courage of the light that faces the darkness, remembering that even in the darkest moments, there is always the promise of rebirth and the light that returns to warm the hearts and illuminate the souls ways.
It had always been your favorite time of year, you loved how the snow fell from the sky and painted everything white, the food, the exchange of gifts and most importantly, it was when your whole family was together. You appreciated more than anything the few moments of peace that your family spent during that date, all happy and together. Like a big, loving family.
Having them all together was what you loved most as you grew up. All the disputes, the fights seemed to disappear during this time of year. Your heart and mind were at peace.
The green of the forest and the fiery red of love and passion. Its fabric was as soft as a spring breeze, a harmonious blend of silk and cotton that moved like leaves dancing in the wind. The predominant green was reminiscent of treetops, its hue varying from a lush emerald green to softer nuances, like newborn buds. The waist was accentuated by a deep red belt, as if it were the blush of the petals of a passionate rose. The intense tone stood out, creating a magnificent contrast with the lush greenery, and a decorative bow added a touch of elegance.
Something beautiful and elegant, with both of your family colors. Of the Targaryens and the Hightowers. There was some small, discreet blue embroidery that symbolized the Velaryon, subtle but standing out in its own way.
You turned to your maid who was looking at you with affection, you smiled at her, ''What do you think, Diane?''
She smiled widely, ''You looked incredible, my princess/prince. A suitable choice for a dinner with your family.'' There was a hint of worry in her tone, but you just held her hands and squeezed them gently.
''Don't worry, Diane. Everything will be fine.''
She nodded, ''Yes... Do you want me to accompany you to where the banquet will be held?''
You politely denied, ''No, but thank you.''
A hint of disappointment flashed in her brown eyes, but she just smiled and after a simple bow, she left the room. You took a deep breath and looked at the ring that adorned your finger, a gift from your grandfather, Viserys. He was sick and you swore to yourself that you would do everything to make this dinner enjoyable for him. He deserved it.
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Just as you expected, everything was impeccable and your family was already waiting for you. A majestic dining room, adorned with golden chandeliers that hung from the vaulted ceiling, casting soft light on long solid wood tables.
The walls were covered with richly embroidered tapestries, depicting scenes from Targaryen history and grand festivities. The polished stone floor gleamed in the light of the torches that adorned the walls, reflecting the grandeur of the space.
In the center of the room, a long table stretched out, covered in an immaculate linen tablecloth and decorated with wildflower arrangements and heraldry of noble families. Silver candelabras exuded a soft glow, while golden goblets glittered in the dancing light of the flames.
Music filled the atmosphere as skilled musicians played lutes, flutes and harps, entertaining guests with happy melodies and lively dances.
''(Y/N)!'' Your mother's excited voice called out to you and you smiled at Rhaenyra, who quickly hugged you, placing her head against the crook of your neck, ''You look great, sweetheart.''
''Thanks, mom. You look great too.'' And indeed, she did. Rhaenyra wore a dark red dress decorated with gold that fit her perfectly. She pulled back a little and smiled at you.
''(Y/N)! We're here.'' On one side of the table, your younger brothers sat. You looked at Jacaerys, Lucerys, and little Joffrey, who were smiling at you. You kissed Rhaenyra's cheek and went to sit next to your brothers. Or you tried, for that matter.
For you were quickly pulled to the side as Aegon grabbed you and pulled you closer to him, Aemond, and Helaena. You smiled at your aunt and uncles and greeted them.
''Sit with us.'' Aegon asked and pointed to an empty chair next to Helaena who was smiling sweetly at you. You looked nervously at your brothers, who were staring at Aegon with disdain.
Aemond frowned and placed a hand over your shoulder, ''Come, stay with us.'' His tone said there was no room for argument.
Luckily for you, the doors opened and revealed Viserys along with Alicent, both smiling when they saw you. You apologized to your aunt and uncles and quickly walked over to your grandparents, helping Viserys sit down.
''Ah, (Y/N)... You look great!'' Viserys praised you, as soon as he sat down. You smiled at him and kissed his cheek in thanks.
Alicent pulled you into a tight hug, ''My husband is right, you look great. This shade of green suits you very well.'' She murmured and walked away hesitantly, adjusting your clothes. You kissed your face.
''Thanks. You look amazing too.'' She smiled in response and held your hands, squeezing them gently.
After a few minutes of talking to your grandparents, you walked over to your father and uncle, who were sitting next to each other. Laenor smiled widely and pulled you into a tight hug, not wanting to let go. He only let go when Daemon cleared his throat, irritated.
Laenor rolled his eyes and let go of you, staring at Daemon with an iron gaze. Daemon returned the same look and you acted quickly before they fought.
''Happy Solstice to you both.'' You said, twiddling your fingers nervously. Daemon smiled and patted you on the shoulder twice, pulling you into a hug. You hugged him back.
''Happy Solstice, my child.'' Laenor said after you and Daemon parted ways.
''Happy Solstice, (Y/N).'' Daemon said, looking at you softly. You thanked them and apologized as you left them, wanting to greet your other family members. You spotted Baela and Rhaena sitting near your brothers and quickly walked over to them.
''Finally. I thought you would never come and talk to us.'' Baela complained and got up from the chair and hugged you tightly, ''I missed you, cousin.''
You returned the hug tightly, smiling at her words, ''I missed you too, cousin.''
Rhaena cleared her throat and stood up, hugging you as you and Baela separated.
You smiled at the squeeze and said, ''I missed you too, Rhaena.''
Joffrey got out of his chair and jumped into your arms, laughing loudly when you caught him in a tight hug.
''You're getting too big for me to keep doing this.'' You laughed and rolled him over, placing him on the floor. Russing his dark hair, you smiled when he laughed. You hugged Luke, who seemed especially clingy today. Jace also hugged you tightly and wished you a Happy Solstice.
After talking for a while with your brothers and cousins, you went to greet your paternal grandparents. Rhaenys and Corlys were sitting next to Otto, oddly enough, and the three of them looked at you with affection.
''Grandmother.'' You kissed Rhaenys's cheek who kissed yours back.
''Grandpa.'' You hugged Corlys and he hugged you back and complimented the blue details on your outfit.
''Otto.'' You greeted your great-grandfather, who smiled warmly at you. He seemed relaxed and calm, more so than he normally was.
''Shall we have dinner in honor of this happy day?'' Viserys's loud voice sounded in the room and everyone focused on the King. There was a bit of tension about where you should sit, but you chose next to Viserys and Rhaenyra, who shook your hand under the table.
Servants brought silver trays loaded with delicious delicacies. Large roasts of meat browned on skewers, exuding a tantalizing aroma of exotic spices. Tables were adorned with fresh fruit, from crimson apples to juicy grapes, and freshly baked bread that looked like it had come straight from the oven.
Plenty of wine circulated among everyone and soon everyone was laughing and talking. Your heart felt lighter when you saw your entire family happy, getting along for the first time in a long time.
After the banquet, you all went to one of the rooms of the castle, where the gifts were. The exchange went well, you received gifts from everyone individually and you presented them with what you carefully chose. Ser Criston was present and you gave him a gift too, under the watchful eye of your family, a pure Valyrian steel sword. He smiled in thanks and said he would give you a gift later.
When it seemed like the exchange of gifts was over, Otto said, ''We have a special gift for you, (Y/N). From all of us.'' He gestured to your entire family, who looked on expectantly. You took the gift from his hand, a wooden box with gold details, which was well packaged.
As soon as you opened it, all the color in your face disappeared. It was a head, a human head. You felt like you were going to throw up when you recognized the head. Diane, your servant.
''W-What is this?!'' You groaned, the words stuck in your throat as you held the box, your legs shaking as terror invaded your body. Everyone seemed calm, even Viserys.
''This is our gift to you, my child.'' Rhaenyra said and approached you, placing a hand on your shoulder, ''To remind you not to approach anyone.''
''They can't be trusted,'' Alicent began to say, ''Diane couldn't be trusted. Criston was the one who cut off her head and Rhaenyra, Helaena and I cradled her. The choice of the box was Daemon's.''
They looked at you expectantly, as if they hoped you really liked the gift. Your hands were shaking so much that the box fell to the floor, Diane's severed head falling to the floor.
A perfect ending to a loving Winter Solstice with your family, from their perspective.
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ew-selfish-art · 9 months
Dpxdc (sounds like a bad joke) AU: A Cat, an Amazon and an underage Dead kid walk into a bar...
Selina Kyle was on official Catwoman business on the Coast of Greece, though of course she told her currently on (off again on again) boyfriend Bruce that it was just a girls weekend away. A particular jewel came to mind and it needed to be hers, ancient Obsidian carved with symbols of power (and yes, one of the symbols happened to be a cat.)
Selina knew she was getting close to the artifact when Diana Prince showed up. The no-good goody-two-shoes museum curator seemed to have a will of iron, and each time they crossed paths, the tall beauty had some passing remark about Bruce (which was really starting to get under Selina's skin) and the fact that they were just friends. Who does this chick even think she is? Just because she can speak fluent Greek, knows Selina's boyfriend's favorite bedtime story to read his kids, and has an ass that just won't quit doesn't mean she's better than her!
Selina is going to (remind herself frequently that women in competition is just a factor of the misogynistic capitalistic society they live in) do her best to keep under the radar, steal the artifact fast, and then make Bruce propose to her.
But then this weird scrawny kid shows up and asks if she's seen something of his. Selina is on the street, sitting at a table outside the local cafe conveniently located across the street from the auction house holding the artifact, when he approaches. He looks like he could be one of Bruce's kids, made distinct by his very nervous demeanor and shrunken shoulder's attempting to make him look smaller. Briefly, he tells her about a piece of black glass that has a few drawings of his on it, about the size of his palm, and may or may not have some lingering ability to... he doesn't finish his sentence.
Diana was walking across the street to go into the auction house... but to Selina's chagrin, the tall could-be-a-model crosses and approaches them instead. Her eyes are settled on the young man, and he's nervously asking her something in Greek. (How did a kid with a midwestern accent speak fluent greek?) Diana explains that he must have gotten a replica of the item showing in the Auction house somehow, and the kid looks like he's eaten a sour lemon all of a sudden.
A projectile comes hurdling at them a mere moment after the kid's cold breath becomes visible in the hot greek sun- Diana braces the impact for them both, her golden bracers revealed from under her sensible work blouse sleeves.
"Oh! You're Wonder Woman!" The kid gleefully exclaims, which makes Diana and Selina both die a little inside, before adding: "Hey, no worries about this guy, I got 'em. But could you grab that chunk of obsidian for me? It's mine and I'm seriously in hot water for having broken my cro- er- for losing it in the first place. Thanks!"
He suddenly bloomed into white hair and green eyes, a dark suit appearing from nowhere, and flew towards the threat. Wonder Woman didn't spare a single word on Selina and chased after him into combat.
Selina sipped on her coffee and, upon finishing it- casually got up, went to the auction house, and stole the Obsidian. Finders Keepers.
It was the late afternoon when Diana walked into the Bar right behind Selina with the teen at her side. He looked nervous but was eye-ing the bottles on the wall as much as he was trying to look intimidating to her. Diana looked annoyed at best, and not just with Selina.
"I think we should have a little chat, sound good to you Kitten? Princess, did you want to stay to talk too?" Selina's famous cat like grin on full display.
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charliemwrites · 2 months
A reader x Simon commission piece I just recently finished for my sweet bean N.W. I had a lot of fun writing a little scenario I never would have thought up on my own!
(Reader is described with FAB anatomy, but no gendered pronouns are used. No sensitive content warnings, just spice.)
It’s a perfect day.
The sun is a bright golden marble in a perfect jewel sky, toasting the sand into a powdery bed. There are only wisps of flossy cloud to interrupt the light, a feathery salt-soaked breeze to soften the edge of heat. The water is nothing but lazy ripples, foamy waves crawling up the coastline before slithering back.
And your coworker is soaking wet.
When you first signed on as a lifeguard, you didn’t expect more than some extra pocket money. A little financial cushion while you finished working through your master’s program. A chance to get some sunshine instead of holing up in your room. Maybe the occasional bit of eye candy while you fished children out of the shallows and fussed at families for littering around the barbecue grills.
You didn’t expect Simon “Walking Wet Dream” Riley. (Okay, that’s not his actual nickname – apparently it’s “Ghost.” Because of course it is.) You didn’t expect his big, fuck-off muscles, or his perfect sun-bleached hair, or the dark ink of his tattoos, or…
You got more than just eye candy when Mister Price hired you. Simon is a whole damn feast. Especially when he’s fresh from a cool-down swim, red trunks weighed down by water and tides, revealing the tantalizing curves of his hips. Droplets skittering over the bulges and divots of his body, sparkling in the sun…
“Excuse me?”
You try not to jolt, head jerking to the guy that hopefully hasn’t been standing there too long. He looks about your age, maybe a bit older. Wavy, chin-length brown hair and eyes nearly as blue as the water. Pretty, in a young Instagram prince kind of way. Maybe your type in another time – the time Before Simon.
“Hi,” you say quickly, “did you need something?”
“Do you have any plasters?” he asks. “My little brother scraped his knee.”
You glance at the kid shuffling just behind him, his knees dirtied and one red with a bit of blood. Nothing serious, you determine, but could use some first aid.
“Oh, poor thing!” you say. “C’mon, we have some bandages in the shack.”
You wave to get Simon’s attention, make the quick hand-sign indicating you’ll be gone for a moment. He notices you, the two boys, then nods and makes his way back to his usual lookout spot.
The shack is a quiet, cool oasis away from the heat. You’ve dozed off next to the mist fan more times than you care to admit, only to be woken by Simon pressing a cold water bottle to your cheek. It used to annoy you, but now you appreciate the reminder to hydrate.
There’s a robust first aid kit in one of the cabinets, though you groan a bit when you see how high Simon’s stashed it this time. Damned tall man; you could swear he does it on purpose. You try to reach it on your toes, but when that doesn’t work, you jump a bit. Still no luck. You’re going to have to get the stepstool at this rate.
“Here, I’ve got it.”
You jump a bit as Insta-Prince comes up behind you, sliding in close before you can scoot out of the way. He stretches his arm over your head, tugging the kit down from the shelf. When you glance up – concerned about something falling on you – you find him smirking down at you.
“Thanks,” you say trying not to snatch it out of his hands.
“Seems like an… inconvenient place to put that,” he muses.
You sit the younger brother on a plastic chair near the door and kneel, kit open on the floor. “We usually keep it lower… I think Simon forgets I’m shorter than him.”
The kid winces a bit at the sting of wound wash but puts on a brave face when you smile at him.
“Seems pretty rude. Is he hard to work with?” Insta-Prince asks.
You hesitate, trying to think of how to respond. Simon was intimidating, at first. Dark eyes and stoic expression, he was difficult to read. Always within a stone’s throw, you used to feel like he was hovering. Like he didn’t think you could do your job right.
Over the months, though, that insecurity has bridged into a tentative friendship. Even if he’s not talkative himself, he lets you chat to your heart’s content. Keeps you hydrated, reminds you to eat snacks and apply sunscreen. Even handles the rowdier beachgoers when they break rules, his bigger stature and sharp glare enough to cow even the most entitled people.
“No, he’s—”
“What’s the hold up?”
You glance up at Simon’s broad form angled in the shack’s doorway. His eyes aren’t on you or the kid, though. They’re on Insta-Prince – standing a little close to you, now that you’re not focused on the younger brother.
“Just finishing up,” you answer, smoothing a waterproof bandage over the scrape. “You did great, buddy, high five!”
That earns you a little smile and the requested high-five as the kid hops out of the chair. When you stand, Simon’s eyes flick to you. Darker than deep water, something swimming within that you can discern from the surface. It makes you fidgety, like you’ve been caught out doing something you shouldn’t.
“Remember to log it,” he rumbles.
“On it!” You lean over the wooden counter to pluck the clipboard from the wall on the other side, relieved that someone put the pen back for once.
“So, you have to write down all the injuries people get?” Insta-Prince asks, trying for casual conversation. The air feels oddly stifling, and gets worse when he settles closer, peeking around to see the sheet.
“Just if we use medical supplies,” you answer, scribbling quickly.
“Lifeguards only in the shack, kid,” Simon interrupts. “Get moving.”
You try not to snort in amusement. While Simon might tolerate you, he’s got a general disdain for most beachgoers – ironic considering how adamant he is about safety. But he seems to find the average person a nuisance to be constantly monitored and herded away from trouble. Like a shepherd with a flock of particularly stupid sheep.
“My brother was hurt, man, give me a break,” Insta-Prince protests, annoyed.
“And now he’s not,” Simon replies. “You should catch up with him. Kids need to be watched, isn’t that right, sunshine?”
You hum absently in agreement, signing off on the injury log with your initials. There’s a beat of silence that itches at the back of your mind. When you look up, Simon’s arching an eyebrow at the guy, thick arms crossed across his barrel chest.
Sir, firearms are not allowed on the beach, you think, before wrenching your eyes from Simon’s biceps.
“Did you need anything else?” you ask Insta-Prince.
“Just what time you get off work,” he replies, giving you big, soft, hopeful eyes.
You blink, a bit shocked. Flirting happens rarely for you, except maybe platonically with Soap or Gaz. To be fair, you’re not exactly the female lifeguard idol that most people would fantasize about. Half the time you jog around in shorts and a rash-guard, more comfortable in unisex swimwear and keeping the worst of the sun off yourself. Helpful to avoid wardrobe malfunctions if a panicking swimmer grabs at you.
Besides, you’re not really looking to get hit on. Hard to keep an eye out for emergencies if someone’s chatting your ear off for a shag by the restrooms. (You didn’t think people really did that until Farah groaned about it at the bonfire when you first hired.) Still, now that it’s happening… you don’t hate it. This guy is objectively attractive, apparently cares about his younger sibling enough to get him first-aid, and is weathering Simon’s increasingly annoyed scowl.
You figure there’s no harm. Not like someone else is showing a similar interest.
“At sunset,” you answer. “So, uh…”
“6:30,” Simon offers.
You shoot him a grateful look as the kid begins scooting for the door, skirting around Simon’s wider, thicker frame. Christ, the difference is stark. You tug at the front of your rash-guard to relieve some of the sudden heat.
“Maybe I’ll see you then,” he says before disappearing around the corner.
You stare after him for a second. He didn’t even ask for your name. “Huh.”
“The hell was that, sunshine?” Simon grouses.
You turn to him and shrug. “No idea.”
“Really now?” he scoffs.
You shake your head, already agitated by the whole thing for no reason you can pinpoint. Lean over the counter again to hang up the clipboard. “Really.”
“This isn’t a place for your silly summer fantasies and little meet-cutes,” he growls. “This is a real job, with real lives on the line.”
You twist around, brows furrowed as your mouth drops open in offense. “I know that.”
“Do you? Then why the fuck were you in here flirting?”
“I was helping the kid,” you argue, “you saw him!”
“Real convenient, that. When the older one’s been eye-fucking you all damn day.”
Any snappy retorts drown in the shock of his crass language and the accusation. All day? That guy? And Simon noticed? Never mind all that – Simon would seriously think you’d use a kid’s injury as an excuse to… what? Get cozy with an attractive stranger while on duty?
“I don’t know what you’re on about,” you huff, “but I need to get back out there.”
As you pass, a big, rough hand snaps out and catches your elbow. You come up short, half-turning towards him, face hot. Equal parts angry and ashamed for some reason. Summer romance your ass.
“Get it together,” he orders.
You click your tongue at him. “Same to you.”
You wrench your arm back and storm out onto the sand, snatching your floatie from the shack railing along the way. Don’t know what jellyfish stung his ass, but you hope he figures it out. Don’t think your self-esteem can take another round of… whatever that was.
The rest of the day passes tense and slow. Without Simon to talk to, and the beach relatively peaceful, you’re left to fixate on the incident in the shack. What was that about? You thought for sure you’d grown on Simon a bit. Sure, you’re one of the younger lifeguards, which is why Price assigned you to Simon’s post, but you’ve worked hard. You thought you’d proven yourself.
Checking your watch, you find that it’s nearly 6:30. The sun doesn’t seem that low yet, but the beach got empty while you were idly keeping watch. Might as well pack it in, you figure.
Not even thinking of Insta-Prince when you hop up the little wooden steps to the shack. Simon isn’t back from wherever he’s monitoring yet, and you’d like to be clear before that changes. Just in case he’s still in a bad mood.
You shed your blue swim-shorts and rash-guard on the counter, leaving you in the more standard one-piece. Roll your shoulders a bit uncomfortably, itching to squeeze into your binder after a day with tits-out. You’ve gotten accustomed to the sensation of leaving it off for the job, but you’d still prefer to wear it when safe.
You flop onto the counter, reaching over the side to fish your bag out from its cubby. Of course, that’s the exact moment that you hear Simon’s heavy step on that creaky board by the doorway.
“Bloody hell,” you think you hear him mutter.
“I’m just about to head out,” you assure him.
“Meeting up with that knob?”
Your temper flares. You abandon your bag and land on your feet, spinning around. Come up (very) short when Simon’s right there, not enough room to breathe without your chests brushing. But you don’t allow yourself to be deterred.
“So, what if I am?” you challenge.
His eyes darken, then narrow. “This isn’t a game you want to play, sunshine.”
“Maybe I do,” you insist, planting your hands on your hips.
He exhales slow and heavy, boxes you in against the counter with hands on either side of you. Your stupid, traitorous heart skips a beat, then trips into double time. Normally he wears a rash-guard too, but not today. No, today it’s swathes of tanned, scarred skin. And it’s so, so close to yours.
“You won’t win,” he warns.
Your tongue feels heavy and clumsy, maybe because your thoughts feel the same way. Now, you’re not always the most aware of “signals,” but there aren’t many other ways to interpret someone near-pinning you to a counter with smoldering eyes.
You scramble to review the earlier confrontation through a new lens. The way Simon glared at Insta-Prince, not you – until you seemed open to his interest. Oh. Ohhhh.
You wet your lips; the way his eyes lock onto the movement bolsters your courage.
“What if… I don’t want to win?” you ask.
His eyes dart up to yours, something a little sharper than longing when he whispers, “I’d make you a sore loser.”
An unexpected laugh bursts out of you; his teeth flash in a crooked smile as he scoops you up so easily. He sits you on edge of the counter and steps between your thighs, pelvis bumping against yours. You gasp, head dropping to stare wide-eyed at the frankly monstrous bulge in his trunks.
“W-wow,” you mumble faintly, thighs squeezing around his hips.
“C’mere, sunshine,” he growls, cupping your jaw.
You tilt your face up, sigh softly as his mouth slots over yours. He tastes like blue powerade and sea salt, tongue curling against yours when you grant him enthusiastic access.
Your hands make scattered, eager work of exploring him, unsure where you want to touch first, just that you have to. He’s as solid as you always expected, densely packed muscle under healthy, hydrated layers of fat. Sun-warm beneath your palms, shudders as your skim them dangerously close low on his twitching abdomen.
“Can I take this off?” he asks, tugging gently at the shoulder strap of your swimsuit.
“Yeah,” you mumble, wriggling closer.
He huffs in amusement, peeling the elastic material over your arms and down your chest while you scatter kisses over his jaw and neck. You gasp into his peck when his calloused thumbs brush your hard nipples. Just a small touch, yet electricity is racing up and down your spine.
“This alright?” he checks.
You hum the affirmative, pressing into his touch as he pinches and rolls the sensitive peaks, slow searching. Reclaims your mouth to swallow each and every little mewl and moan that spills off your tongue. You can’t help rocking against him, hot and hard through the thin layers of swimwear.
“Simon,” you whine against his mouth, “c’mon.”
“Impatient,” he teases, nipping your bottom lip.
“You’ve kept me waiting long enough,” you complain, tugging at his trunks.
“I know, sunshine,” he coos, “just wait a bit longer.”
He takes the tiniest step back, fingers hooking in your swimsuit again to roll it the rest of the way off. You lift your hips to help, nearly squirming as strings of slick web between the fabric and your pussy. But Simon seems hypnotized, snapping the strands with his fingers and following them back to your swollen cunt.
“Fuck, all this for me, baby?” he rasps.
You make an embarrassed noise – which quickly graduates into an alarmed squeal when he drops to his knees.
“Simon, wait, I’ve been working all day and—”
“Don’ give a fuck,” he growls, “I’ve been dying to taste you for weeks.”
He yanks your thighs over his big, strong shoulders and dives in. It’s messy and obscenely loud, filling up the tiny shack and all the empty space in your head. Would be embarrassing if you had any room for something so frivolous. Instead, you’re gone on the way he sucks your clit and laps thirstily at your entrance. Utterly obsessed with the deep, throaty groans that leave you throbbing.
It's been a while, true, but you know he’d have you on edge so fast regardless. And he does, rushing up on it like a building, rolling wave. The devastating kind that’ll drown you in unyielding currents.
“Wait, wait,” you squeak, tugging at his coarse hair.
To his credit, he stops instantly, though he sounds absolutely gutted about it. Pulls back licking his lips like a cat with cream, chin practically dripping.
“Alright?” he asks, voice shredded to ribbons.
“I just,” you pant, “I just w-wasn’t ready to – to… I wanna cum on your cock. Please, Si?”
“Fuckin’ hell.” He surges up, pressing you down flat to kiss you stupid(er) and senseless. The taste of you isn’t as offensive as you expected, not coming from his tongue. “You’ll get anything you want if you keep talking like that.”
“Just want you.”
He helps you off the counter, drags you by the wrist to the plastic chair by the doorway. You’re about to protest – no way can that chair support someone his size, never mind both of you. But then he’s spinning you around, crushing you to his chest, and yanking you down into his lap. Any such nonsense as good sense dissolves like a sandcastle.
You can feel the length of him pressing hot and a little wet against your spine. (So, so high up your spine, good god). When he freed himself from his swim-trunks, you’re not sure, nor do you care at this moment. Your priorities narrow down to one absolute necessity: getting him inside you now, now, now.
“Easy now, baby, don’t hurt yourself,” he purrs in your ear. “Let me help.”
He curls big hands around your hips, tight enough that you relish the bruises that may bloom there later. Supports your weight as if it’s nothing to him, propping you over his lap as you line up his cock, dragging the flushed head through your pooling wetness. He curses low and rough, sinking you down until the tip catches on your entrance.
“There we are,” he grits, hands flexing in your soft flesh. “Nice and slow now, sunshine.”
If you had your way, he’d already be balls deep in your aching pussy. But his grip is firm and unrelenting, lowering you inch by thick inch down his shaft. You back and squeeze around him, encouraging him deeper, faster, helpless little noises escaping from your gaping mouth.
“That’s it, halfway there,” he breathes. “Doing so well.”
You choke. Halfway?! You already feel stuffed, walls gripping every contour of his cock like you were made for him.
He twitches inside you, bulbous, leaking head grinding deliciously, and your resolve cracks right down the middle. You dig your nails into his thighs and slam your hips down, crying out as he buries deep inside. Can feel him nudging your cervix, stretching your silky walls, all the way down to where your opening is sealed tight around the base of him.
“Fuck,” he snarls.
“F-feels so good,” you whimper, head falling forward as you clench around him.
Oh, you are definitely going to be so perfectly sore after this. You can’t fucking wait.
“If you’re that impatient to be ruined,” he chuckles breathlessly, “best brace yourself, lovie.”
You barely manage to get your feet planted before he’s fucking up into you, hard and mean. Just what you want, what you need. Your head falls back to cry your pleasure to the shack roof as you bounce. Rocking your hips each time he bottoms out, grinding him against that spongy bundle of nerves inside you. It’s mind-numbing; you’re leaking around him, know it must be dripping onto the floor at this point.
He snakes a hand around to your front. Brushes where the two of you are connected, the strange and dangerous sensation making tears prick at your eyes. Then his fingers skip up to your needy, oversensitive clit. You almost want to stop him, already so overwhelmed with pleasure. But again, anything like coherent thought is ripped away on a tide of ecstasy when he begins rubbing quick, tight circles.
Your rhythm faulters at the new stimulation, but Simon just widens his stance. It changes the angle, drags the head so perfectly against your g-spot. With the hand still on your hip, he starts jerking you down to meet each thrust. It’s slightly slower, but so much sweeter, combined with the rhythm he’s strumming on your clit.
Your orgasm rises like a tsunami, higher and higher, a devastating force building up inside.
“Simon,” you keen, “Simon, I’m gonna – right there…”
“That’s it, sunshine. Get me nice and wet with your cum.”
That voice, saying such filth in your ear, sends you over the edge. You nearly convulse, eyes rolling back in your head as you scream. Back arching, writhing and gripping crescents into his thighs. And you can feel yourself gushing all over him, onto the floor.
“Yes, yes, fuck, just like that.”
You’re near limp as he keeps hammering into you, practically using you like a toy to get himself off. The thought alone makes you squeeze around him again, a powerful aftershock bringing another flood of wetness. Your head lolls back against his shoulder, crying into his ear, begging him to cum inside you, fill you up…
He crashes his mouth into yours as he cums, groaning into your lax mouth, jerking violently into your overstimulated pussy. You swear you can feel him spurting inside you, thick and white-hot. It feels… it feels…
You break the kiss to suck in a deep breath, lightheaded and still squeaky with pleasure. Simon trails soothing kisses over your shoulder, grip easing up to caress over the forming finger marks. You hum softly, voice husky. Flutter your eyes open and blink at the pink sky out the window.
“Is it… is it just now sunset?” you ask.
Simon chuckles against your ear. “Looks like I was about thirty minutes off. Whoops.”
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zapreportsblog · 7 months
❝army of ivarrsons❞
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✭ pairing : ivar the boneless x reader
✭ fandom : vikings
✭ summary : ivar has always thought of himself to be a failure of a man, his legs did not work like an normal man, his prick did not work. The only thing he was good for was being a prince and a warrior though he wasn’t all that good at being even those in his eyes, but then along came a woman. One so pure, so beautiful she looked to be a goddess amongst men. And with those sweet words she spoke “I will bare you many sons ivar the boneless.”
✭ authors note : I have requests closed as y’all seen but it’s only temporarily, haven’t really been up to writing and seeing as how I had many ideas in mind for stories I thought fuck it let’s try again
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The morning sun cast a golden glow over the great hall of Ivar's family estate, illuminating the long wooden table laden with bread, cheese, and freshly caught fish. Ivar sat at the head of the table, his older brother Sigurd to his right. As usual, Sigurd couldn't resist testing his patience.
"Good morrow, brother," Sigurd teased, a wicked glint in his eye. "Have you finally learned how to eat without spilling half your breakfast on your tunic?"
Ivar clenched his jaw, determined to keep his composure. Their sibling rivalry had existed for as long as he could remember, and it showed no signs of waning. He forced a strained smile. "I'm making progress, Sigurd, unlike some."
Before the exchange could escalate further, the heavy wooden doors of the great hall swung open with a thunderous crash. A thrall, gasping for breath and drenched in sweat, stumbled into the room. The hushed conversations ceased, and all eyes turned to the intruder.
Ivar rose from his seat, ready to reprimand the thrall for her lack of decorum, but before he could utter a word, she dropped to her knees, her head bowed low.
"Forgive me, my lords," the thrall panted, her voice trembling. "I bring urgent news."
Ivar exchanged puzzled glances with Sigurd. Urgent news was a rarity in their peaceful corner of the world. He gestured for the thrall to continue.
She raised her head, revealing wide, terrified eyes. "Freya herself has come and blessed us. She walks among us."
The words hung in the air like a spell, and a collective gasp swept through the hall. Ivar's skepticism wrestled with the growing sense of anticipation. Gods did not simply descend from the heavens to walk among mortals.
Before he could question the thrall further, the great hall erupted into chaos. The guests and servants rushed toward the entrance, shoving past each other in their eagerness to catch a glimpse of the so-called Freya. Ivar, however, moved reluctantly through the crowd, his curiosity piqued despite his reservations.
And there she stood, in the center of the throng, an ethereal vision that defied belief. Freya, if that truly was her name, had luscious hair that billowed in the wind, eyes that seemed to hold both otherworldly wisdom and untold mysteries. Her face was mature but agelessly youthful, her features mirroring the very essence of a Viking legend. It was as if the stories of the gods themselves had come to life.
The hall was filled with awe-struck whispers as people fell to their knees, proclaiming that the gods had indeed come to pay them a visit.
Amidst the reverence, Freya's gaze found Ivar's, and she offered him a serene smile. A shiver ran down his spine as their eyes locked. Something unspoken passed between them.
"We have much to talk about," she said, her voice carrying a mysterious weight that left Ivar both uneasy and captivated.
As the crowd continued to kneel and worship the divine presence before them, Ivar couldn't help but wonder what secrets this so-called Freya held and how her arrival would reshape their world.
Ivar stood alongside his older brothers, Sigurd, Hvitserk, and Ubba, each of them caught between awe and skepticism as they gazed upon the enigmatic woman who claimed to be Freya. The hall had fallen into reverent silence, save for the murmurs of those who dared to question her divine presence.
"Are you truly the goddess Freya?" Sigurd finally ventured to ask, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and curiosity.
Freya, or the woman who bore her name, smiled, but her response held an air of mystery. "My face holds many names, Freya may just be one of them."
The brothers exchanged glances, unsure of what to make of her cryptic words. It was Ubba who stepped forward, his towering frame casting a shadow over the ethereal figure before them. "Why have you come to bless us, then?" he inquired, his tone respectful but inquisitive. "If I may ask without sounding rude."
The woman, who had introduced herself as (Y/N), let out a melodic laugh that echoed through the hall. "Rude? Not at all, dear Ubba. You see, I am here for Ivar."
Ivar's heart skipped a beat as all eyes turned toward him. He had been prepared for many things this day, but not for such a direct and unsettling revelation. He struggled to find his voice. "For me?"
(Y/N) nodded, her enigmatic smile never faltering. "Yes, for you, Ivar. If you were to accept me into your home, I would bear you many healthy children."
The words hung in the air, pregnant with meaning and implications that Ivar could hardly fathom. The weight of her gaze bore down on him, as if she could see into the depths of his soul. It was a proposition unlike any other, one that would reshape not only his destiny but that of his family and people as well.
Sigurd couldn't suppress the unease that gnawed at his heart. He looked from his brothers to (Y/N), his eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Why him, and not one of us?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of bitterness.
(Y/N) met Sigurd's gaze with an unwavering serenity. "You are all favored by the gods," she began, her voice carrying an air of wisdom. "But Ivar, he is favored above all. The accomplishments you will face, the children you will bear into this world—they will be great, but not as great as his."
The revelation left Sigurd and his brothers exchanging troubled glances. It was a difficult truth to accept, that their destinies were preordained and that Ivar's path would surpass theirs. But even in the midst of their uncertainty, (Y/N) offered a glimpse of hope.
Ubba, ever the one to voice the unasked questions, spoke next. "If you are truly Freya," he began cautiously, "then how come you are here with us and not your husband, the Allfather? I do not wish to be rude, but you are married to Odin, are you not? Yet you speak of carrying my brothers' children."
(Y/N) smiled, her eyes holding a mixture of fondness and sadness. "Odin and I have long since split," she explained. "But for the sake of the other gods, we remain faithful to one another—just not in the way one would think."
The brothers exchanged another set of glances, their minds trying to grasp the complexities of divine relationships and the implications of (Y/N)'s presence in their lives.
Amidst the questions and uncertainties, Ivar felt a wave of insecurity washing over him. He couldn't help but voice his doubt, his voice laden with self-deprecation. "You should choose one of my brothers or someone else," he said, his tone laced with a mix of humility and resignation. "They are able men and can do all the things a woman would need in a man. You don't deserve a cripple like me."
(Y/N) turned his head gently, making him meet her gaze once more. Her smile remained, unwavering. "But yet I chose you."
The words held a weight that Ivar struggled to comprehend. In that moment, he couldn't help but wonder if he truly understood the depths of the path that lay ahead, one where gods and mortals intertwined in ways he had never imagined.
As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, Ivar found himself giving in to the uncharted territory that (Y/N) had brought into his life. The same night they met, they wed an impromptu ceremony all of Kattegat’s members and held a extravagant feast of celebration.
Now, in the dimly lit chamber, amidst the cheers and laughter, the newlyweds were about to partake in the bedding ceremony. Ivar couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he apologized, his voice tremulous. "I'm not very good at this," he admitted, his cheeks tinged with embarrassment.
(Y/N) leaned in close, her eyes holding a comforting reassurance. "You'll do just fine," she whispered, her breath warm against his ear. "I've seen how your first time went, my dearest ivar. It is normal to be nervous, especially when it's not the one you truly want."
Ivar felt a surge of relief wash over him. Her understanding words eased his doubts, and he let himself surrender to the passion that simmered between them.
Throughout the night, their love-making was fervent, passionate, and filled with a longing that transcended mere physical desire. The hours blurred together, and the dawn found them entwined, their bodies and souls intimately connected.
The next morning, Ivar awoke with a grin that was unusually happy for the stoic prince. Ubba, his older brother, noticed the change in his demeanor and couldn't help but inquire, "Did something happen to Sigurd, brother?" He assumed that Ivar might have witnessed their brother's misfortune or a rejection.
Ivar chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Nothing of that sort, brother."
Not long after both brothers had been joined by Floki - a member close to their family especially their father and seen as another father figure to ivar, for breakfast, the trio exchanged casual conversation, and Ivar's newfound happiness was hard to conceal. In the midst of a seemingly mundane conversation about the weather, Ivar couldn't contain himself any longer.
"I must share some news," he declared, his voice ringing with confidence. "Last night, I performed well in bed. Every round, to the very end."
Ubba, caught off guard, nearly choked on his mead. Floki raised an eyebrow, intrigued but nevertheless proud by the sudden announcement. "Is that so, Ivar?"
While Ubba struggled to contain his astonishment, he managed to offer a hearty congratulations to his brother, even if a tinge of bitterness lingered. The doubts that had plagued Ivar, the assumptions made by his brothers, had all been dispelled in the passionate hours he had shared with (Y/N).
It had been just a week since Ivar and (Y/N) had wed, but the news that swept through the village was enough to send everyone into celebration. (Y/N), still affectionately referred to as Freya by the villagers, was pregnant with the heir of Ivar, the prince of Kattegat.
Upon hearing the news, Ivar wasted no time in throwing a grand feast to celebrate this momentous occasion. The great hall was adorned with banners and torches, and the long tables were laden with the finest foods and meads. It was a joyous occasion, and the entire village turned out to celebrate the impending arrival of their future leader.
Throughout the festivities, Ivar's attentiveness to his wife was unmistakable. He was by (Y/N)'s side at every turn, anticipating her needs before she even voiced them. If she desired a drink, he would fetch it for her or have a thrall pour it with haste. When she wanted more meat, he ensured her plate was overflowing with it. And when she complained of stiffness in her shoulders and back from the long hours of celebration, he was there to ease the tension, his strong hands working wonders on her weary muscles.
Everyone could see the happiness that (Y/N) brought into Ivar's life, and it was evident in every glance, every gesture, and every tender touch between them. Despite the brevity of their marriage, their connection was undeniable, and it had only grown stronger with the promise of a child.
As the night wore on, and the revelry continued, Ivar found himself in a state of contentment he had never known before. With (Y/N) by his side and the prospect of fatherhood on the horizon, he couldn't help but look to the future with hope and excitement. The people of Kattegat watched their prince with admiration, knowing that he was not only a formidable leader but also a devoted husband, eagerly anticipating the arrival of his heir.
The months had went by swiftly and soon the long-awaited day had arrived. The air in the room was filled with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety as (Y/N) prepared to give birth to Ivar's heir. The labor had been long and exhausting, pushing (Y/N) to her limits, but she persevered with unwavering strength and determination. Ivar stood by her side, providing constant support and encouragement, never leaving her sight.
As the hours turned into eternity, the cries of pain echoed through the room. The midwife worked diligently, guiding (Y/N) through each contraction, offering words of comfort and reassurance. By her side, Ivar held her hand tightly, his eyes never leaving her face. He could see the strain etched upon her features but admired her resilience in the face of such intense pain.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the moment arrived. The cries of a newborn filled the room, and tears of relief streamed down (Y/N)'s face. Ivar's heart swelled with joy as he looked upon the tiny face of his firstborn son. The room seemed to glow with an ethereal light, as if the gods themselves had blessed this moment.
"I am truly blessed by the gods," Ivar whispered, his voice filled with awe. "For I have a wife, the fairest of them all - the goddess Freya herself - in my arms, with my firstborn son, an heir. I never thought I would find such happiness, but I am grateful that I have."
(Y/N) smiled weakly, her eyes shining with love and exhaustion. She reached out a trembling hand to touch Ivar's cheek, her touch filled with tenderness and gratitude. "And I am blessed to have you, my dearest Ivar," she whispered. "You have given me strength and love beyond measure."
In that moment, the world outside ceased to exist, overshadowed by the miracle of new life. Ivar and (Y/N) found solace in each other's arms, cherishing the precious gift they had been given.
The midwife gently placed the newborn in (Y/N)'s arms, and Ivar marveled at the sight. His heir, his legacy, lay peacefully in his mother's embrace. There was a newfound sense of purpose and responsibility that settled upon Ivar's broad shoulders.
As he looked upon his wife and son, Ivar knew that he would protect and cherish them with all his might. He, a warrior feared by many, had found his greatest joy in the form of his family. With a heart filled with love and gratitude, Ivar vowed to be the father his son deserved, and not the man his own father had been.
Six years had passed since the day Ivar and (Y/N) had wed, and in that time, Ivar had become a force to be reckoned with. At the age of twenty-four, he had accomplished more than he had ever dreamed of. He had conquered lands, brought riches to Kattegat, and solidified his reputation as a formidable leader.
But it wasn't just his conquests that defined his success; it was the growing family he had built with (Y/N) by his side. Their firstborn, Arvid, had been a source of immense pride for Ivar, carrying the weight of being the heir to the throne. Following Arvid, twin boys named Audun and Axel had joined their family.
Their blessings continued with the birth of a daughter, Astride, who brought a new kind of joy into their lives. And after Astride, more sons had followed: Ase, Bodil, Dane, Ebbe, Eir, and Inge, each one a testament to the love and connection between Ivar and (Y/N).
Now, with the passage of time, the couple found themselves on the brink of another exciting chapter in their lives. (Y/N) was expecting once more, and this time, they had received the news that they were to welcome another set of twins into their growing family.
The prospect of more children filled Ivar with a deep sense of pride and fulfillment. He had not only achieved great success in his endeavors but had also created a legacy that would continue to shape the future of Kattegat for generations to come. With (Y/N) by his side, he looked forward to the challenges and joys that lay ahead, knowing that their love and the family they had built together were the greatest treasures of all.
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zooone · 8 months
as above, so below
╰┈➤ a grumpy grim reaper falls in love with an optimistic angel.
one sided hatred to lovers; grim reaper!wilbur x angel!reader
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𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - here it is, my magnum opus. even tho its not done! i had to split this fic in half, so unfortunately there will have to be a part two :( very sorry. but on a lighter note, HUGE HUGEEE thank you to @harbingerofheartbreak. as per usual, she helped me visualized the entire thing and even made some of the plots and ideas that i used. in fact, the original fic was supposed to be a grim reaper x human, but it was florence who thought of the grim reaper x angel prompt and i could not thank her enough. furthermore, she helped keep this fic going and constantly pushed me beyond my limits to do so. the fic was started july 21st and it was supposed to be shelved after a couple weeks, but she made me keep going. she is the best forever and ever go read ynaf. additionally, another big thanks to @starsyoubreaklikesugardust for being another little beta reader for this fic. she always has the greatest ideas known to man and i wanted to run everything by her bcuz it was like having van gogh rate my painting. i had to share this with her earlier than i thought cuz she was threatening me but we dont have to talk about that smile. both of these people helped me so much, and i will forever be in debt to them.
all in all, please please enjoy and give this your love pretty please <3
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - talk of death, religious aspects, and swearing
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she had a lot of questions about wilbur.
not the type of, "what's your favorite color?" or "what's your favorite band?" questions. more like, "on a scale of one to ten, how much does being a murderer really affect your mood?"
all of these questions would go unanswered. including "what's your favorite band?" no matter what, she just could not crack the code of wilbur soot.
to say he was intricate would be an understatement, and her ongoing curiosity would surely be the death of her.
unless he had something to do about it.
he stomped away from her on the rooftop as she followed after him.
"i told you to leave me alone," wilbur grunted, trying to speed walk past her with his long scythe trailing behind him. "is that so difficult to understand?"
"i just- i just wanna talk-" she panted, trying to catch up to him. her white dress flowed beneath her, but wilbur tried not to think about it too much.
"no." he made a sharp turn to fully face her, making her nearly bump into him.
her frown was illuminated by her golden halo, making her hair look almost cloud-like. her eyes glimmered like the entire sun was like a clown nose on her face, despite them arguing in the cold of night.
she pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. her halo also lit his face up, and she saw the permanent frown and scrunched up eyebrows under his dark hood.
"why not, wilbur?"
he looked at her like she asked if the moon was real.
"you ruined my job. again." he punctuated his sentence with her name, saying it like he was curling at the nasty taste of it.
he always hated her. there was no mistaking it. he hated the way she giggled and danced around just because she could. he hated the way she spoke, always sounding so bright and happy and fucking naive. he hated her big white wings and her shiny halo.
"there you go talking about your job! like its all that matters to you," she yelled over the continuous honking cars beneath them. "do you even care about anything else in life?"
they weren't even supposed to interact, her being an angel and him being the prince of death. but he was always out doing his grim reaper duties, and she couldn't help but stop him.
he just wanted to follow orders from mumza- the queen of death. every single day that he existed, he had to take the lives of those who were ready. it ate him alive, but it was his only purpose.
"i can't care about everything else in life if i have to care about everything else in death," he grumbled under his breath, making her go silent. he liked her silence, loved it even, because that meant she couldn't criticize him for everything he did.
he would tell her about how angry the job made him. that if he could just switch spots with his brother, the stork, he would be the happiest being in hell. that he hated being the grim reaper almost as much as she hated him.
but if there was anything he really hated, it was opening up to people. and vice versa.
the last time he remotely opened up to someone, it was his mother, and he barely remembered the conversation. it was all the way back when he was welcome to smile. all he could recall was it being something about love, whatever it meant.
"will you please leave me alone now?" he sighed, rubbing his hand in his eye. he watched her eyes go from their usual large state to becoming droopy. she silently nodded her head.
"sorry. goodbye, mr. grim reaper," and the title tore him to shreds. it angered him, over everything else, that all he would be to her was an evil being.
yet, he watched as she jumped from the rooftop, fluttering her wings until she flew away. as she looked back over at him, he couldn't place the odd feeling left in his stomach. if it was guilt or hatred, he would never know.
he would continue to travel, picking up the souls on his way. she always thought he was lucky for being able to travel wherever he wanted. she always wanted to befriend the humans- in fact, she wanted to befriend everyone, but she found it impossible when she was constantly being held back.
he arrived back to hell's palace, a bag in one hand, and his scythe in the other. his head drooped down, avoiding any unnecessary eye contact with the other demons.
that hope would be short lived, however, as a demon took his shoulder as he walked.
"wilbur!" he spoke cheerfully, as if he wasn't living among lava pools and ash.
"quackity," wilbur responded in the same, monotone voice. it made the demon groan.
"quackity-" he mocked, changing his shape to an exact replica of wilbur's. mimic demons, they were called, and they were able to take form of any other being, even adorning their voice. it came in handy for most demon's entertainment, but it certainly didn't faze wilbur.
he stared into the mimic of his face, hating what stared back at him.
"oh come on. that usually works on people," quackity frowned as he twisted himself back to his natural state. he began poking wilbur with his blackened hands. "just give me a little giggle, wilbur."
"no." he'd said the word so much that it rolled perfectly off his tongue. "and for fucks sake, please put on a shirt."
quackity laughed loudly. "we're in hell, wilbur! its hot as- well, hell down here. don't tell me you haven't thought about walking around shirtless either." he paused, putting his hands on wilbur's dark outfit, "or.. hoodless.."
wilbur glared with an unamused look on his face, shrugging quackity's touch off of him and trying to continue walking along his path. walking away from conversations never worked to end them, yet he still tried it.
it would be the second example today that his tactic never worked, because quackity continued to walk along with him into the palace.
"what's the catch today?" he said it like it was a cheer. "did you get the big numbers? beat your high score yet?"
he would say he could feel his blood boil, but the flames in hell already did that.
"no. i don't keep track," he explained simply, pouring his bag's content into the soul sorter. it went to the fates to decide whether the soul was good or bad. simply enough, the good souls would be transported to heaven and the bad ones would stay. sometimes he imagined them debating over a soul's purity. the sound of screams every time he opened the bag would never become easier to stomach.
"bummer," quackity hummed. "why don't you try to make the job a little fun?"
"because i don't want to, okay?" he raised his voice. this time, quackity caught the memo and stayed quiet, except for a "shit, okay." under his breath.
wilbur walked along the palace's stairs, leaving quackity alone in the lobby without another word. this time, walking away from the situation made it stop. the third time really was the charm.
he set his hood down to his shoulders with a sigh, being able to fully see the gold and red palace for what it was. all of the vibrant and bright colors that quite literally clashed with the flames. it was scary and huge, but it was home to him. it was all he'd really known.
he went up to his room, laying on his bed with a groan. sometimes he wished his bed was quite literally made out of feathers, because his back always ached. tommy always said it was because of his "fucking posture", but wilbur knew he had no room to talk. just the thought of him jumping into a big pile of fluffy feathers made his bones ease a little more.
he would spend the night rolling around in his not-feather bed, having issues with his sleep. it was such a frequent problem for him that it was barely even a problem. just how he existed.
and, meanwhile, she would spend her "night" (in quotations. it never got dark in heaven.) staring up at the sun, wondering what sort of buttons she could've possibly pushed with wilbur to make him hate her. it was a recurring thought, but it kept her up too frequently.
the worst part about waking up was simply that. waking up. wilbur would roll out of bed, fluff up his hair a little bit, put on the same clothes, and be going. he went through the same routine every day and he hated it. but at the same time, if anyone disrupted his routine, he'd be angered.
and his routine was ruined.
"morning, tommy," he muttered, wiping the sleep from his eyes with a yawn. he couldn't be bothered to be angry this early, and definitely not to tommy. "aren't you supposed to be in heaven right now?"
"i'm on break," tommy said in a matter-of-fact tone. he stretched his arms and his wings with a groan, leaving some stray yellowed feathers behind. "delivering babies to peoples' doors is quite the workout."
wilbur barely registered his words, staring idly past tommy. his eyes wandered more on a decoration on a table behind him. he didn't even notice that tommy had continued speaking until he put his hands on his hips and sighed.
"yeah. both mum and dad really like me!" tommy spoke, ruffling his hands through his hair until he realized his goggles were in the way. the mention of phil darkened his mood.
"mum told you to stop calling him 'dad'," wilbur spoke monotone and simple, as usual.
and as usual, tommy groaned at wilbur's monotone voice and simple words, slouching down. "she also told you to stop being so fucking gloomy."
wilbur felt the need to do a lot of things; one- hit tommy with his scythe, two- tell tommy what a privileged asshole he sounded like, and three- do both at the same time. but wilbur had an okay-ish perception of tommy, growing up alongside the boy took a lot. but as annoying as the boy was, he was wilbur's company. even if he would rather swallow his scythe than to admit it aloud.
instead of acting on his mental list of intrusive thoughts, wilbur only sighed. he didn't bother to pick the conversation back up, his eyes wandering to the decoration again. had they always had that there? it looks off-centered.
"well," tommy noticed wilbur's spacing and patted his shoulder as he walked towards the stairs. "good luck today."
wilbur stared blankly through the fringe of sweaty hair on his forehead. inside, he was trying to form whatever a smile was. "thank you, tommy."
he watched as tommy jumped down the stairway, yellow tufts of hair flying with him. he heard a shout from down below, "and don't forget to fix your posture!"
wilbur scoffed in response, sounding more uninterested than he intended to, but ultimately pulling his shoulders back. a new day! a new window of opportunity! is what wilbur would think, if he wasn't wilbur.
he grabbed the railing of the stairway, his pale thin hand contrasting with the gold. he stared at his feet the entire time stepping down. he'd already forgotten about "fixing his posture".
he made his way down the lobby, not getting a chance to speak to his mother due to the abundance of demons lined up, trying to tell her that she was making a mistake. it was typical, but it still left bags under her eyes. wilbur only gave her a timid wave as a greeting before exiting through the palace's doors.
he dragged his tacky shoes through the red dirt beneath him, watching as tiny rocks rolled along his feet before stopping. he almost ran head first into the elevator due to how long he kept his gaze down, but luckily he saved himself from the mental embarrassment.
he stepped inside, proving his identity to the machine far more times than he needed to. mimic demons would always try to steal his finger print to use the elevator and get themselves back onto earth, but it was never successful. he had a keycard, just in case the identity proving didn't work. tommy had the same.
as the doors parted and he made a careful step out, he did his daily greeting to the guard (his daily greeting being a casual glare and a furrow of his eyebrows) and used his scythe to poke himself out.
from the surface, it would simply look like a boulder being turned over. but as wilbur stepped onto the grass, he took a moment to breathe. the air on earth was far better than the smoke in hell. he would spend a great deal of time taking a couple deep breaths, appreciating the silence, oh the lovely sound of absolutely nothing-
"wilbur! there you are!"
he almost screamed. instead, he only turned to the source of the way-too-cheerful voice, saying her name in utter disbelief. "what are you doing here?"
he didn't speak as if he were asking a question. he wasn't actually interested in why she was here in the grass with her elegant white dress and her annoyingly wide smile, using her wings to shield herself from the sun, even if they were translucent.
"i was waiting for you!" she squeaked, getting up from her spot in the grass and practically skipping up towards him. she had what looked to be a gardener's nightmare in her hands. "this is for you!"
before he could say another word, she pushed his hood off of his head. she had to use her wings to reach the top of his hair, but she was still able to run her hand through his brown waves. and as she giggled, she placed her makeshift flower crown on his head.
she pushed herself away- still hovering on her wings, and took a long, meaningful look at him. "you look great!"
"i feel disgusting," he said with anger, taking the weeds out of his hair and stuffing them sloppily into his bag. "why did you do that."
she looked at him with a frown, but still tried to make herself sound happy. her halo flickered softly. "it.. it was supposed to be a gift for you."
"yeah? well i hated it," he squinted his gaze down at her, and she could feel herself shrinking the more and more he looked.
she stayed quiet, the halo above her head still flicked on and off. she looked at him with nothing but a frown, lowering herself so that her feet hit the ground.
what she failed to notice was that he unfurrowed his brows ever so slightly upon seeing her upset.
"let me just get going, okay?" he spoke, trying to make his voice a little bit softer but still keeping the agonizing punch in there.
she spoke quieter now. "i have one more thing for you."
wilbur flinched, fully expecting a glitter bomb to come out of her pocket. but to his surprise, it wasn't.
she pulled out a pack of gummy worms, handing it to him with a pitiful smile on her face. he took it, examining it slowly.
"why is it open?" he took another look at it and realized it was almost half empty.
"umm.. i got a little hungry waiting for you," she mumbled, playing with the hem of her dress. "you were taking a little bit long."
"and speaking of which, i've been talking to you for a little bit too long," he retorted, crumpling up the bag of gummy worms in his palm. the sides of the bagging were practically fighting with the cage he made out of his fingers.
he began to walk in the opposite direction, debating in his mind exactly how long it would take to make his way out of the field and to the nearest trash can. she quickly followed behind him, almost tripping on herself in the process.
"hey- i didn't expect a hello from you, but a thank you would at least be nice!" she yelled as he speed-walked away with his grumpy walk and stone shoulders. "i'm talking to you!"
"and i'm not," he grumbled, fiddling to put his hood back onto his head as a way of closing himself off.
"just-" she flapped her wings, trying to be alongside him. "just have some gummy worms, please?"
he glared, slightly squinting from the piercing light of her halo. "maybe later."
"right now."
as much as he didn't want to, he stopped dead in his tracks. his stare was hurtful and his hand clenched onto his scythe. that was the most demanding he'd ever heard of her.
there was a voice in his head telling him to leave, to just let her have the last word and be gone. but he felt like he couldn't move.
"excuse me?" he only said, scrunching his eyebrows up.
"i want you to have them right now," she enunciated her words, crossing her arms and trying to copy his expression. she was fighting her usual bright smile under her pursed lips. "in front of me."
he blinked, almost starstruck. "why?"
she seemed nearly surprised at his one word question, her stern voice softening slightly. "you look like you haven't been taking care of yourself," as she spoke through a pout, he could feel his face warming up, like tiny little punching bags beneath his skin. "i wanna make sure you're eating."
he hated the feeling of his cheeks going warm. he slept in hell, obviously he knew what warmth was. but for some reason it felt even weirder when it was behind his skin. he cleared his throat with a cough.
"this? you think this is healthy?" he held up the crumpled, half-empty bag, speaking with his forceful actions.
she went quiet again, only speaking loud enough for him to hear. "i couldn't afford anything else at the gas station."
the feeling of warmth in his cheeks soon boiled over into anger. "you couldn't afford anything else?" he repeated in disbelief, "you are quite literally an angel! you're invisible to the human eye! it is so easy for you to steal."
"but i don't wanna be a bad person!" she copied his raised voice, standing on her tiptoes as almost a challenge. "i leave money in the cash register for the man. you know, he's really struggling. he could use the money. his name is robert, i think-"
"i don't care!" wilbur screamed, cutting her off completely. she flinched at his voice, feeling overwhelmed tears start to prickle from her eyes. she hid behind her wings, afraid that he might do something drastic.
he felt his shoulders shrink at her reaction, but ultimately grumbled and opened the pack of gummy worms. he hesitated, holding out the candy in front of him.
she opened her eyes from her flinch, and saw him sniffing the gummy worm. a smile spread across her face. "you just.. take a bite out of it."
"i know," he muttered. he was already mad enough that he had to eat it, he didn't want to be instructed on how.
"oh.. okay. i mean- i just kinda assumed that you didn't know because i don't think there are gummy worms in hell. they'd get all sticky and stuff. at least, that's what i've heard. are there really no gummy worms in hell?"
he looked at her with no amusement on his face. she looked right back at him, however, wanting an answer to her long winded question that was somehow said in a singular breath.
"no… no there aren't," he spoke slowly, raising an eyebrow at her. "are there gummy worms in heaven?"
why was he making conversation with her? he should be out collecting souls right now, not talking about stupid little gummy worms with this stupid little angel. he mentally slapped himself in the face, cringing with a shake of his head.
"no, there aren't," she batted her eyelashes like she was trying to think for a moment. "but phil sometimes gives me money for gummy worms. i share it with the others!"
he was barely registering her words, his mind still clouded with the mental boxing match he was having with himself. he was being stupid. not even the mention of phil was able to knock him from his thoughts.
"hey," she waved her hand in his face, acting as the referee and stopping his boxing match. he was almost at a knockout. "you've been making that face for a while. do you not like gummy worms?"
wilbur didn't know how to really respond to the question, having never even tried gummy worms before. he looked back at her. she had her full attention on him, waiting for another answer that he would hopefully not blunder.
"it's.. it's fine."
he definitely blundered.
he ignored it, not ready for a round two fight, and put the gummy worm in his mouth.
she leaned forward. "how is it?"
it was about the best damn thing he's ever had.
"it's.. okay, i guess."
"great!" she jumped- fucking jumped. "im sure you have to be on your way for your very important job-"
he completely forgot about his being the grim reaper, straightening up suddenly with widened eyes and tightening his grip on his scythe. he cursed under his breath, running towards the direction of the city.
"hey, i didn't finish!" she called out, catching up to him once more with flaps of her wings.
"i can't talk. you've already made me late enough," his hood almost fell off in the wind with how quickly he was running. "fuck, mum's gonna be pissed."
she would, in fact, not be pissed. she was always far too busy to even greet wilbur or tommy, and they hadn't done any sort of domestic activity in what felt like an eternity. he tried to convince himself that he didn't care, that she was just busy with being the queen of death, but it was extremely lonely.
there wasn't any time for them to really speak. they were both always busy and family meals were long forgotten. in fact, wilbur had never eaten in front of another person before. the most he'd done was eat some boring, rotten food while sitting on his floor with tommy- and even then, he was only picking at it idly with his fork.
he found comfort in eating alone. there was no one there to judge him or to argue. it was just him, his thoughts, and the literal grayed out food they had in hell. but there was something always so reminiscent about having food with another person, even if it was just something like dessert.
"oh," she sighed, moving her wings idly. she watched as he ran away without another look. her arms swung at her sides in an almost confused fashion. "okay. um- hope you like your gummy worms! bye wilbur!"
at least she didn't call him mr. grim reaper again.
he didn't care, anyway, just trying to get to work on the job he obviously hated. but when he stopped to catch his breath, he couldn't help but stare at the pack of gummy worms in his sweaty palms, the colorful designs contrasting his dull looking hand.
he looked around. it looked like there were no cheerful angels in sight, so he figured himself to be safe. he popped another gummy worm into his mouth, scrunching his nose at the taste of something so impossibly sweet. it was a pleasant change from the tasteless foods in hell, and the addictive sweetness coated his tongue for a while.
he stuffed the rest of the pack into his bag, appreciating how empty it was without the souls inside it- a temporary feeling.
wilbur already felt like he'd wasted enough time, and got to work. bringing people to death's door wasn't exactly the easiest job.
he started with a car crash, wincing at the amount of shattered glass and blood everywhere. he fell sick to his stomach with a nasty feeling bubbling up in his throat. all those years dealing with death and it still never got easier to see the causes.
he held his scythe up slowly, shutting his eyes in a flinch. he thought of a thousand things all at once, trying to focus on one. they have to die. i have to put them out of their misery. they're dying because they have to, not because i chose to.
he took a breath, feeling like needles were going up his nose and into his lungs, and swung the weapon down.
it sunk through the person's body without struggle, opening up a passageway for him. he removed his scythe carefully, as if it would hurt them.
he sat on his knees next to the car. although his body was phantom-like against the gravel, he could still feel the roughness under him.
he held a cold hand to the person's back, trying to ignore how it looked to see the life drain from under their eyelids and filter out onto his palm. as soon as he could no longer feel a nauseating pull on his hand, he lifted it gently. he watched as the soul threaded directly off the person, catching onto his fingertips.
he didn't bother to take a closer look at it. the last thing he wanted was to remind himself that these people were actually human. he only took it in his palms, mushing it until it turned into a small circular shape. he put it in his bag, not caring to look at what else was in it.
wilbur would continue to follow through with that sequence throughout the day, as he usually did. scythe, hand, soul, bag. when he was growing up, mumza told him that he would be used to it in no time. but as "no time" passed, he still felt like throwing up after each day.
he made his way down the elevator, his shoulders stinging with the weight of his bag. the souls were practically weightless, but gathering so many into his bag made it sag down. he held his scythe with two hands, his arms being too sore to function properly on their own.
tommy was waiting for him at the steps of the palace, ignoring everyone lined up at the doors. his elbow was on his knee, and his face was being held up in his palm. he had been playing with a stone, trying to break it with his fingertips.
"wilbur," he automatically sprung up upon seeing his brother. he used to go in for hugs, however stopped shortly after wilbur started discussing how much he hated them. "mum wants to see you. says its important."
wilbur took time to react to his words, feeling like his bones weren't his. he only hummed an, "oh. okay," as he made his way up the steps, his feet barely dragging behind him.
"wait-" tommy called out, making wilbur almost freeze on cue. "i was.. i was wondering if you wanted to hang out by the fountain.. of wishes. the one up there. like- like we used to..?"
wilbur's breath stalled, stopping in his lungs. he'd barely even remembered it, but was holding back a smile at the memory.
that smile became easy to suppress as it slowly disappeared. he remembered all of it.
"mum doesn't want us talking to phil," was all wilbur muttered. he finally took a breath, his chest rising and falling with a sigh. "sorry."
"its not like that anymore!" tommy tried, throwing his hands up in the air in an almost child-like fashion. "they've changed, phil especially! i talked to him the other day, and-"
"mum doesn't want us talking to phil, tommy," he enunciated it slower this time. watching tommy's shoulders shrink, a sinking grayness fell over his face like a cloud was above him.
"yeah. okay," tommy sighed with a shake of his head. he played with the calloused skin on his fingers. "you're right."
wilbur stood there for a great deal of time. as much as it physically pained him, he felt a trapped sensation in his chest.
"tommy?" he spoke softly, barely enough for the both of them to hear. "you're a good kid."
he left before tommy could respond, expecting the boy to make some stupid remark about how soft he was turning. tommy didn't react that way, however. he stood alone on the steps, taking breaths watching as wilbur walked away.
wilbur made his way past the screaming, impatient people. he was always hateful towards loud noises as they made his skin crawl. he thought maybe that was the reason he hated the angel's voice so much.
there he went again thinking of that stupid angel. if he'd given her any more room in his mind, she'd have to pay the rent.
shaking his head from stupid thoughts, he called his mother's name, gaining her attention.
"wilbur," she spoke softly, her voice too tired from all the demons and ghosts she spoke to. her black hair hung over her face messily, but it was covered by a large lacy hat. "how are you?"
wilbur knew she wasn't actually curious about how he was feeling. it was just a filler for the missing years of his childhood.
"i'm doing well," a lie, "tommy said you wanted to talk to me?"
he saw his mother's face light up, as if she'd just remembered something blatantly obvious. wilbur could imagine her thoughts- "oh, thats my son, i forgot."
she fished for something on a table near her large throne. it looked more shiny than any angel's halo. damn it, why was he thinking about her again?
"here," she handed an envelope to him with her large hand. he hesitated in taking it. "the messenger said it was for you. you don't usually get mail, so i figured it was important."
wilbur stared at the wax seal, the intricate pattern almost painful to stare at for too long. "are you sure this is for me? im not-"
"im so sorry, wilbur," her eyebrows disappeared into the shape of her hat as she put a hand to her black gown. "i have to get going talking to these people," she motioned to the line in front of her. "i also have a super busy day. i have to-"
"its fine, mum," he cut her off just as she did to him. he couldn't feel any remorse for his lack of formality. "you're.. doing great."
he spared himself from the long speech his mother always gave about how busy she was. it was always a drag to hear. tommy said it was her way of indirectly apologizing for not giving him family meals- but wilbur always thought that if he was right, she would directly say it.
in all honesty, however, he missed being able to sit next to someone and eat something.
the black lipstick on her face formed into a smile. "thank you, wilbur," she sighed, her body already facing the demon she was talking to last. "and tell me what the letter is!"
"i will," another lie. he was really great at them because she could barely ever hear them.
as he was going to the soul sorter, he turned the letter over in his hand, squinting at the written address. it read, "hell's palace (if it's real! i've never been there but i've heard about it!) for wilbur!" with a bunch of hearts and smiley faces. wilbur felt himself go sick to the stomach, nearly tripping on himself.
it was probably that stupid angel trying to give him a pity letter that he didn't want. he scowled at the thought as he emptied his bag into the soul sorter.
that dumb little angel, who did she think she was? did she genuinely think that wilbur would soften up to her because of a little letter with hearts all over it?
but as wilbur was coming up with more mean adjectives, items had been rejected from the soul sorter, and fell out.
it was her flower crown and gummy worms.
wilbur felt his angered expression slowly fade away like sand in an hourglass. he stared at the objects on the ground by his feet.
he was reminded of her soft smile as she put the flower crown on his head, her gentle touches to his hair like he was delicate. or how she forced him to eat fucking gummy worms because of his health.
he could feel the tiniest sliver of a smile peeking out from the corners of his lips. no, what was he doing? that angel was always so judgemental of him. from the moment they first met, she was always criticizing his job and she was always being rude to him.
but, she still cared about him.
wilbur didn't know how to react to that thought. his stomach felt like it was clawing its way out of him, and that weird, warm feeling came back to his face. he hated it.
he bent over, picking up the flowers and gummy worms. he held them in his hands and under his robe, just in case someone saw him holding them.
he quickly went up the stairs, cutting the corner to his room so that no one saw him. he set the flowers, gummy worms, and letter on his desk, his hands propping him up. he stared, yet again, at the objects until he realized- he hadn't even opened her letter yet.
he took a sharp inhale, his fist pressed so hard against the table that he didn't even register the fact that his hands were shaking. he leaned back, taking the envelope with him.
sure enough, it was from her.
"dear wilbur!
hi! i hope this delivered to the right address. i thought mail would be easier in the afterlife, but it really isn't. i hope you're okay!! i hope you didn't hate the gummy worms too much and that you are taking care of yourself! get plenty of sleep please.
i was writing to ask if you wanted to meet me for ice cream! i asked phil, and he said that ice cream would melt in hell too, so i wanted to have some with you. i can show you all the good flavors and everything.
it would be tomorrow, i've listed the time and address below. i hope to see you there!
ps. you better come with a full eight hours of sleep!"
he read over the letter at least a thousand times, his eyes glazing all over the hearts and smiley faces that she used to punctuate each sentence. he felt like he was going to throw up his ugly, beating heart. he didn't know if he should write back or even show up.
it would be his first time properly eating in front of someone in a while, and the thought made him nervous, almost.
as if to taunt him, tommy burst into the room, the sudden loud noise making wilbur scream. he hid the letter on his desk behind him.
"woah," tommy put his hand up to almost shush wilbur, as if he were some wild tiger. "calm down, man."
"sorry-" wilbur straightened himself up, coughing out of awkwardness. he felt his skin melting off of him, and he wanted something to make the tense air easier. "tommy, can you cover for me tomorrow?"
oh god. was he really that desperate to start a conversation?
tommy's eyebrows disappeared into his golden tufts of hair, a confused look grazing his face. "you want me to what?"
"cover.. for me?" he couldn't even believe the words he was saying. "i have a.. thing tomorrow-" no he didn't. he wasn't gonna go. "and.. i need someone to do my job."
"what thing? its not like you have a.." tommy's words trailed off as he stared at his brother in terror. "do you?"
"do i have a what..?" wilbur spoke with confusion as tommy gawked at him. he stage whispered, as if someone were watching.
"do you have a date?"
wilbur's chest bloomed with an awful sensation, his heartbeat picking up and pounding against his ribs. "what? no, i-" he felt like his mouth was stuffed with tar and feathers. "no, of course not, tommy."
"okay! okay," the boy held his gloved hands up in defense, backing away from a powder keg in the form of his brother. "but, whatever it is, how do i cover for you?"
wilbur dropped his tensed shoulders. "you always talk about how easy my job seems, right?"
"what?" tommy screeched, his gold wings flinching with him. "but- but you're the prince of death and i'm the prince of life! how am i supposed to do that?"
wilbur felt his stomach churn at the comparison. he hated the way people would always say "the prince of death" like it would curse the next seven generations of life. his eyebrows furrowed like caterpillars above his eyes.
"then at least pretend that i'm working," he muttered. "it's gonna be easy. i'm sure mum won't even notice."
tommy's lips shifted as he bit the inside of his cheek. he knew wilbur was right. mumza barely said hi to him too.
"okay," tommy sighed as his shoulders fell in defeat. he pointed a finger at wilbur, "but you owe me big time!"
wilbur nodded in response, shooing tommy away with a flick of his hand. tommy listened (although not shutting the door properly), and left his brother alone in his room. the letter was still hidden behind him.
he sighed, feeling his lungs shrink intensely. he had no clue what to do or how to pull it off.
wilbur went to sleep earlier that night, trying to fulfill her promise to get eight hours of sleep. when he woke up, he could feel his bones almost moving on their own. it felt odd to not have the burden of being the soul taking grim reaper.
he looked at himself in the mirror. he looked nothing short of depressing.
he walked over to his closet, sighing as he was face to face with the same rotten black robes he wore. people always trashed on tommy for owning the same white, red sleeved shirt, but wilbur wasn't any better with his duplicates.
he groaned, his head falling in a near defeat. though, he could see a small glint of yellow. hesitating, he picked it up, taking off his cloak to put it on.
it was a really old sweater that phil got him many years ago. back before everything went down the gutter. he ran his thumb down the frayed material. by some miracle, it still fit him.
he looked at himself in his mirror, scowling when he saw who stared back. he looked nothing like how he usually did, and that slight bit of color changed him. the yellow fabric, even when old, still popped out more than his pale skin did.
still, something felt like it was missing. his glasses, maybe? he set the frames on his scrunched face, pushing it up his nose with the back of his hand. that didn't seem to work.
he looked over at his desk, his bottom lip plumped out as he thought. he gave a long stare to the flower crown, feeling his chest tighten and warm with a disgusting feeling. he picked up the flower crown- more delicately than he'd like to admit, and placed it on his tufts of brown as he stared at his reflection.
his mouth hung open. he looked completely different now. there were so many colors and shapes for him to process. and were the dark spots under his eyes really that prominent?
although, even with the wave of confusion, it felt almost comforting. he tried his best at a smile, but shook his head. too far.
wilbur shuffled through the underworld quickly, trying his best not to be seen- and especially not by quackity.
"tommy," quackity stage whispered, gaining the boy's attention. "what the hell's he doing?"
tommy took his place beside quackity, looking to where he was pointing. he scowled. "dude, i kid you not, he's got a fucking date."
quackity scoffed a laugh before looking at tommy. his face was still scrunched in disapproval, his wings idle behind him. quackity’s expression dropped. “wait- you’re serious? he’s actually got a date?”
“that’s what i’m thinking!” tommy’s voice screeched suddenly. he looked and sounded like a bird. “i’ve never seen him wearing something so.. colorful. and look at his fucking posture!”
they watched in amusement as wilbur jammed his finger on the elevator button, trying to get the doors open as he looked around frantically. he hadn’t even noticed, but his shoulders were in fact more pushed back.
he stared at his reflection in front of him, bringing a hand into his hair to even it out. flowers were still scattered around in his hair and it was as if he were producing a trail of petals behind him. he let out a groan as the doors finally parted, and he stepped in.
“who is it with?” quackity asked, holding his chin. his other hand was dug into his pocket. a small, rectangular figure lining the fabric. “do you know?”
tommy turned to quackity with a serious look on his face, as if he were speaking about a universe killing secret rather than who wilbur was eating ice cream with. “you didn’t hear it from me,” he emphasized his words, “but i keep overhearing this angel talking to phil about wilbur. its weird- especially when you think about how phil and wilbur think about each other.”
tommy grimaced at his own words. he could tell how much it cut the mood. it was practically taboo to say wilbur and phil’s name in the same sentence- let alone even mention phil in the underworld. even with tommy trying to get them to forgive each other, the thought of them ever eating at the same dinner table was unfathomable.
quackity interrupted the tension filled silence by asking the angel’s name. tommy gave it without a second thought, but eventually had to repeat it for quackity to properly hear. they were stood outside the pit of lost souls, a place that the forgotten demons would go. they served no purpose in hell as long as they were somehow remembered by someone on earth. it was always a loud area, having literal burning souls inside.
“huh..” quackity hummed, repeating the angel’s name again. “you think they’ll become a thing?”
“no, definitely not,” tommy huffed, laughing as if quackity was telling a knock-knock joke. “he’s too grumpy to actually function around another being.”
“i say give the guy some slack! he deserves at least a chance," quackity protested. "twenty bucks."
"you're betting on his love life?" tommy asked, but quackity stood still with a smirk on his face with his hand out. "fine. deal."
as they shook on their bet, tommy grumbled, his wings tensing up with him. a plan was forming itself in quackity’s mind, his hand patting the lining of his shorts.
“he’s probably up there making out with her right now.”
wilbur, in fact, was not. he was standing on the distant sidewalk, watching her from afar. she sat on the concrete with her legs crossed, looking like her mind was in another galaxy. wilbur on the other hand, stood with his clammy hands at his sides. his palms never sweat as badly as this, and it was making him unsettled. he tried his best to wipe his hands off on his sleeve, but it only made them damp and warm. he sucked in a breath, ignoring it and walking up towards her.
when he caught her eye, her never-ending smile only widened. she stood up to properly face him, looking at him from the top of his flower-ridden hair down to his shoes. “wilbur?”
“hi.. hi-” his voice cracked, and he tried to cover it up with a fake cough. now his throat wasn’t working. “um, i didn’t know.. i wasn’t sure if.. i-”
“you look really nice!” she interrupted, saving him the embarrassment. he let out a mix of a smile and a relieved sigh, muttering his thanks. “and it looks like you actually slept.”
“i did,” he mumbled, adjusting the collar of his bunchy sweater. suddenly, he could feel every texture touching his body. “eight hours.. just like you asked..”
“it wasn’t so difficult, was it?” she giggled, and the noise stabbed wilbur a thousand times in the stomach.
“actually, it was,” he bit the inside of his cheek, rocking back and forth on his heels with nervousness. “my bed is a literal stone. i wish it were made out of feathers.”
“maybe your dream will come true some time! come on, let’s make a wish,” she tilted her head, closing her eyes and putting her palms together. “i wish wilbur’s bed was made out of feathers!”
“..is that gonna work?” he tilted his head in her direction.
“hm.. i don’t know. but i always like to try it,” she hummed with satisfaction, putting her hands back at her sides. “can i tell you a secret? i’ve always wanted to visit the fountain of wishes.”
the name rung a bell all the way in the back of wilbur’s mind. he remembered his father telling him stories every night about the fountain of wishes. he scowled at the thought of hin. phil would tell wilbur that his only wish was to meet a beautiful woman, but look where that got him.
“what would you wish for?” he asked, trying to shift the gears of his mind.
“i don’t know,” she said, contently, leaning forward to grab his hand. “maybe i’ll think of something later.”
wilbur flinched, something she didn’t see because she was dragging him into the store. he wondered if she could feel how damp and warm his palms were, but it looked like she didn’t mind. for some reason, their hands seemed to magically fit together like puzzle pieces.
his mind was churning again, thinking about the unknown feeling running through him. he felt suddenly aware of everything around him, and it was awful. yet, she kept giggling and smiling like it was just another day. he envied her power of optimism, even if it was the same thing he disliked about her.
uncomfortably, his mind felt as if he was put in a room of a thousand people, contributing and understanding each one of their conversations. as overwhelming as it was, it was how his brain regularly worked. how he somehow managed to get even an ounce of sleep every night, he'll never know.
his thoughts were unraveling before he could roll them back up, feeling tired of aimlessly following the long film of this and that and-
"do you have a favorite flavor?"
it all snapped away.
"uh- um, well, um-"
how was she able to do that?
"oh, right," she giggled. somehow, in the thousand person room that took place in his mind, her small laugh was the only thing bouncing off his skull. "you've never had ice cream before."
unable to process the sudden quiet of his mind, he simply shook his head. "n-no, i haven't."
"try this!" she held out a scoop of her favorite flavor and wilbur stared at it like it was a cure to the common cold.
shakily, he took it. even if it only existed as a transparent-phantom thing, he was surprised that it didn't slip out of his sweaty hands.
"do.. do i bite-"
"just give it a small lick. i know it'll be cold, but it'll taste good," her words felt like a small promise to him, the most comforting thing he'd heard in a while. yet, it was like talking about the weather to her.
god, what was the feeling? he couldn't exactly pinpoint it at all.
he followed her directions, scrunching his brows in a slight concern as he stuck his tongue out. she was right, it was cold. terribly cold. he thought his tongue would get stuck to it like in the old christmas movies tommy forced him to watch.
and yet, it tasted terribly good. it was such an unfamiliar feeling on his tongue, but it somehow had a certain kick that he enjoyed.
he smacked his lips a couple times, and nodded slightly, mumbling his words. "y-yeah, i like that one."
"great!" she spoke, going over to grab the ice cream scooper. the real thing stood still on the table, but the translucent version was in her hands as she scooped up some of the flavor. as long as she put it back in the right place, nothing would be messed up too badly.
as she finished up scooping her cone, she sighed dramatically. "oh gods, i forgot to get cash."
"you don't need to give him cash, angel, he won't even notice."
his tongue went numb- not from the ice cream, but from the small nickname he'd given her.
it was a small gesture, and he could probably play it off, but it stirred his intestines until he felt like throwing them up. he'd never willingly give someone a nickname. ever.
and the worst part? she noticed.
"did you call me angel?" she stopped her fit of panic over invisible cash to look at him, the corner of her mouth lifting in an asymmetrical smile.
"well- yeah, because you're.. you're an angel," wilbur stumbled, unable to pull something out of thin air. he's lied many times. to his mom, to tommy, to quackity. but for some reason lying to her didn't feel right on his tongue. "a-and you.. have a halo.. and stuff.."
she noticed how he fiddled with his fingers, and decided to spare him of the embarrassment by switching the topic to her day. she seemed passionate with talking about every small thing she'd done, and wilbur admired her attitude.
wilbur prided himself in his writing. his pen and paper were like a magical escape from his burdens. he had a specific way with words that would always get him praised by his parents when he was younger. but despite that, he was completely lost on a word to describe his feelings.
she dragged him back outside without a care in the world, looking around like she owned the place. she pointed to a bench, talking about how it was her favorite bench (to which wilbur began to wonder how one could have a favorite bench), and began guiding them towards it.
in the midst of her excitement, however, she made a wrong step on the curb and yelped. wilbur noticed this quickly, bringing a quick hand to her waist to catch her.
"woah, are you alright-?" he brought her back up carefully, checking to make sure that her and her ice cream were still intact. he checked both off in his mind.
"yeah- yeah i'm fine-" she muttered, and it was the first time he'd ever seen a glint of gloominess on her face. "sorry- that was embarrassing-"
"no need to be embarrassed," wilbur's tone was calm. not a monotone calm, but an assuring calm. one that was stranger to her too.
his hand remained still on her waist, his fingers trembling in such small beats. “wilbur?” her gaze slowly met his, and she could see a small droplet of worry beneath the pools of his irises. “can i tell you something?”
he nodded slowly, eyebrows furrowing in such a concerned manner that it almost cut his forehead in half. with his hand still on her waist, he guided her carefully to the bench.
she looked at the pavement, her words coming out in a string of small mumbles that made him feel like they were the only two beings ever. just him, an angel, and a bench. “i don’t.. i don’t usually tell people this,” she fiddled with the hem of her dress, her wings draping over the back of the bench. “but.. the- the way i-i d..”
wilbur stared at the angel- the carefree, optimistic, happy angel; while she broke down bit by bit. he felt like he was almost breaking the law, that he wasn’t allowed to see such a sight. but most importantly, he felt like he needed to help.
he was always gentle, there was no denying it. he spent a lot of time as a child examining bugs (which he called “friends”) and making sure they were okay. and the urge to care for anything in need grew with him, even as everything else changed.
he noticed that his hand was still on her hip, and he drew her closer to his body. the small gesture made her startled, but she quickly grew accustomed to his touch. she felt safe, and wilbur knew that.
she took a deep breath, and spoke. “we were playing a game of hide-and-seek,” she whispered, “i-i was always clumsy, everyone made fun of me.. nobody..”
her words trailed off again, and wilbur felt his heart aching. “nobody..?”
“nobody really.. liked.. me,” she huffed, her face turning away from him. he could tell that she didn’t speak about this much. “everyone hated me, actually. like you do..”
his heart was wrapped in thorns.
it was the clearest thing she’d said. like she had so much time to think about it and deduct it. he wanted to say something, wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shake her and scream at her. but he didn’t. he couldn’t- he felt paralyzed.
“i guess i tripped and fell or something, a-and i-” a bile swelled her throat. “it hurt. a lot. i was- i was screaming and crying for help b-but everyone ignored me. except for..”
her head lifted as she looked at him. it was the type of look in which he could study each pigment on her face, and he’d be able to use the rosiness of her cheeks to paint a breathtaking portrait.
“except for you.”
she smiled. and even through tears, her expression lit up the earth.
“me?” he whispered softly.
immediately, she nodded. she was so close to his face that she could see a tiny cut to the right of his adam’s apple. she suppressed a giggle as she thought about him struggling to shave, making all sorts of faces into his mirror.
“i was so scared and alone.. and then you came along with your big scythe and your scary hood. and you plunged your scythe into me chest- gods, i was so scared,” she giggled briefly at the thought, but her expression was genuine. “but you gave me peace.”
she leaned closer, wanting to wrap her arms around him and die a second time like that. but she knew he’d hate it.
“it was all i wanted in that moment.”
his eyes were droopy, staring from her left eye, to her right, and down at her parted lips. she was nothing short of beautiful. looking at her for that long felt like a mere privilege, forcing him to be speechless.. he squeezed her hip tighter just to hold her.
“i.. i wanted to thank you..” she whispered, so quiet that her vocal chords barely buzzed.
in his peripheral vision, he noticed how her eyelids fluttered softly. his sight blurred as she leaned in closer, and-
“but you always hated me.”
she leaned back in the seat, and wilbur’s disappointment split him in two. she was right there- right fucking there, but she was so out of reach. the only barrier? his own loathing. the irony of hating his hatred felt like a stab wound to his thorn-crowned heart.
and the worst part; she was unphased.
wilbur gulped as a stack of words piled themselves in his throat. that nasty, overwhelming feeling running through him again. “angel, i-”
“so, what’s your favorite color?” she asked in a light tone, licking at her ice cream.
a wave of dismay washed over his face. he couldn’t think. “t-teal?”
“really? i wouldn’t have guessed that,” she swung her legs beneath the bench, clearly unbothered by wilbur’s confusion. “you don’t really dress like a teal-lover. do you think the moon is real?"
"no, bad question. hmm. what’s your favorite band?”
his heart fell into the pit of his stomach, thorns poking at his sides creating a terrible sting on his abdomen. he opened his mouth to speak- maybe cry and release his feelings; but nothing came up. not even an answer to her stupid question. it was nauseating.
she began talking about the sort of music she liked, but none of it struck his brain. he felt sick. he wanted to scream and sob and punch something. but he sat still like he was posing for a renaissance painting.
“hey, that reminds me,” she stood up abruptly, pointing her finger upwards, despite going unnoticed by wilbur. “i gotta get cash for the ice cream man! i’ll be right back.”
he didn’t even realize she spoke, even when she was repeating his name and trying to get his attention.
why was he disappointed at the lost opportunity? why did he want to curl up in a ball and tug his hair out? what was that stupid feeling that was haunting him all afternoon? it was tearing him apart limb by limb. what was the word, what was-
it was love. he loved her. it was as simple as a four letter word.
the last time he told someone he loved them, he was begging his father not to leave. as he watched the man- the god- his father walk away, he realized that the word meant nothing. it only brought him pain; and if he didn't love, he didn't have to feel that agony.
his stomach turned, breathing becoming alarmingly shallow. too many memories flushed his mind, and his throat tightened.
"hello? wilbur?"
"don't come back." he stood up suddenly, ice cream falling to the ground next to him.
"what?" she flinched, staring up at him with terror on her face that he didn't even read. he was so blinded by his anger. the light of her halo flickered.
"i said, don't come back." it was almost a subconscious thing, how he lifted his hand into his hair and threw the flower crown onto the sidewalk. right next to his ice cream.
his throat burned harshly. all of his muscles tensed up in such a way that definitely wasn't healthy. he could barely even hear his own words through the pounding in his ears, and he most importantly couldn't hear her heart ripping in two.
"stop. stop this. stop following me everywhere, stop- stop acting like you care-" his hands balled up into fists at his sides, "stop everything! i never want to see you again!"
and that was all that was needed for her to turn around and fly off, and that was all that he needed for him to realize what a complete moron he was.
his walk home was nothing short of shameful. and this time he walked through hell with messy flower petals in his hair and a stupid yellow sweater and dumb tears in his eyes.
he didn't realize that quackity, a man who was about to lose twenty dollars, was watching him from afar. he cursed under his breath, biting his bottom lip until his hand brushed against his pocket.
tommy's keycard.
he looked at himself in the reflection of a lava pool, making all sorts of scrunchy and over dramatic faces. he experimented with the way the hood fell over his hair and how it made his furrowed eyebrows look.
he made his way to the elevator, admiring how the scythe looked when he tossed it around in his hands. and when it asked for a confirmation of identity, he pulled out the keycard, swiping it before anyone could see.
he'd continue to try to do tricks with the scythe until he got to the top, waving a hand to the guard until he realized he had to stay in character. his lips suddenly pursed and his eyes became hooded.
to his delight, an angel was there waiting for him.
"wilbur-" she stood up suddenly, her hands shaking at her sides. the light in her tear filled eyes was nearly gone, the glow of her halo barely there. "i wanted to a-apologize-"
"come with me," he spoke, as monotone as he could. his hand reached out towards her, and she hesitantly took it.
with uncertainty written all over her face, she spoke nervously. "where.. where are we going-?"
"i want to make up for what.. happened.. last night.." he muttered, dragging her underground.
she held her flickering halo carefully as they zoomed to the elevator, watching him jam the buttons with his finger. she'd never seen someone so eager.
as soon as the doors parted, he forced her inside with such an anticipation she couldn't pinpoint. it made her feel uneasy, how weird he had been acting.
"wilbur?" her voice came out as more of a squeak, taking his other hand in hers. she looked right at him with swelled eyelids. "this.. this isn't a trick, is it?"
his eyes widened, eyebrows unknotting a crease on his forehead. "what?" he practically laughed, "why- why would it be a trick?"
"i don't know.. you just seem.." her voice wavered, eye contact faltering. "nevermind, it's stupid."
"look at me, love," the nickname was.. new. "i don't want to hurt you. i'm gonna make everything up, okay?"
she hummed an agreement, eyes fluttering to make contact with his. his face was soft, just like the other night. but something seemed missing.
"i wanna show you everything about my home," the excitement in his voice was almost raw. "i live in a palace, did you know that?"
"i didn't," she smiled, a forced one. "are you gonna show me around?"
at that, the elevator's doors opened, and she was hit with a sudden wave of heat that nearly made her fall over.
and he almost didn't catch her.
tears started to swell up her eyes as she clung onto his arm, nails digging into broken fabric. soft yelps came out of her mouth.
"love, are you alright?" he spoke worriedly, and the amount of emotion in his voice made her even more lightheaded.
"i-i am-" she whispered, getting back onto her feet. "its just- y'know- what.. what i told you last night..?"
he nodded his head, a soft "oh" coming out of his mouth. but it didn't seem like an ounce of actual empathy lied behind his eyes. a tint of red glazed it instead. she felt odd.
did he not remember? or did he choose not to?
when she was able to walk properly, he led her around. if it wasn't for the burning pit in her stomach, she'd be extremely excited. but she had a feeling that something deeper was lying under the lava pools.
"this is the palace," he sighed, gesturing to the building. "isn't it cool?"
"it is.." she muttered. this awe, she could not fake. the large, intricate structures of gold and red and the occasional fire bounced off her glassy eyes. "can we go inside? maybe you can show me your room-"
"i.." he stiffened up suddenly. "i don't think that's a good idea."
"oh.." she muttered, trying to read his firm facial expression. but she couldn't.
a thick silence fell upon them. the only noticeable thing was how her halo flicked on and off with inconsistent beats.
"hey, i have to.. do something.. how about you stay here until i'm finished, okay? maybe you can talk to my mom or.. or talk to the hellhounds," his voice was unconvincing, but she still nodded, even as disappointed as she was.
and she watched him walk away, turning the corner away from her. she couldn't help the overwhelming feeling of disgust rummaging through her. the constant stares of demons around her didn't make anything better.
her feelings were mixed. maybe he's having a good day or- or maybe he's really considering peace between them.
but what if it really was a trick?
her soft facial expressions fell into her lap, weighing her options. she always sought to find the good in people, always trying and trying to think positive. but even after she revealed everything- everything she couldn't admit out loud, he turned her away. and there was no right explanation for that, no matter how beautiful his palace was.
she straightened up, fists clenched at her sides. she wasn't going to take it. after going through so much of his hatred for so long, she didn't like him practically making fun of her death. she hated it.
she was going to look for him and tell him all of her raw feelings.
as he rounded the corner, his back hit the wall and his knees failed. his breathing was labored as he ran a blackened hand through his changing hair. he could feel the skin literally crawl off of him, and he was delighted to have his normal look back.
quackity sighed against the wall, catching up to his quickened breath. "now all he has to do is find her. and they're forced to make up. and i win my twenty bucks," he muttered under his lips. "god, quackity, you genius."
his laughs felt amazing to churn out. pretending to be wilbur was exhausting him to the core, but it was worth each and every penny of the twenty dollars he'd be receiving soon.
but, through all of his buzzing victory, he didn't notice an angry little angel looking for a certain grim reaper. he didn't notice her stomping around with her fists clenched at her sides.
and he definitely didn't notice her tripping and falling into the pit of lost souls.
wilbur's day went on horribly.
he didn't get any sleep. not that this was any different from usual; but this time his night was spent tossing and turning in his stone bed trying to think of how he was going to talk to her.
his bones ached when he got up, and no amount of stretches could heal the knot in his neck.
work was even worse. especially considering the fact that everytime he heard some sort of high pitched noise, he'd think it was a little angel fluttering her wings at him, and then he'd be able say the speech he had written up in his mind.
he was regretting his word choice of "i never want to see you again" on top of his regret for the rest of his blown out word vomit.
but as he walked from the elevator to his palace, he couldn't help but hear a sort of cry for help. and it sounded oddly similar to the angel's.
"wilbur? w-wilbur.. i know- i know you hate me but this- this hurts -"
was it?
"its not fffunny anymore- i know you got your kick out of tricking- me- but this is- ow!"
it couldn't be.
"i won't bother you again! i promise! just please- let- let me out of here- help me.. please..? it's- it's -"
he'd been hearing her voice in his head all day in somewhat intervals. but this felt more real, more raw.
he stumbled on his feet. he knew where it was coming from. he heard noises of desperate cries from it everyday, but the thought that this might be real? it scared him to his core.
worry rushed over him quicker than second thought, and he rushed over to the pit of lost souls in a panic. hoarse, raspy screams of "angel!" flew out of his throat as he scrambled to climb the volcano-like structure.
she still had a lot of questions for wilbur.
not the type of, "what's your favorite color?" or "what's your favorite band?" questions. more like, "wilbur? hello? please help- this hurts- are you still there?"
and she was starting to lose hope in the fact that those questions might be answered.
one things for sure; her curiosity will be the death of her.
unless he's got the courage to do something about it.
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11.4k || 8.12.23 || masterlist here!
taglist (dm or send an ask to be added!) — @sixofshadowandbone @theoneandonlyyeti @harbingerofheartbreak @starsyoubreaklikesugardust @mcr-pr-fob @sapphic-soot @flynn-thebin @puppyburbites @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @merakiaes @aimi-chann @axthrial @lololol00 @deadphantomsociety @hometown-smile @qweengigi @kisstheskin
thank you so much for your read, i appreciate all of the support <33 a part two is indeed coming soon!! stay tuned
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hisui-dreamer · 27 days
rinnnaaaa!!! congrats on 2k, and i hope you have loads of fun with this event 💖💖 for my request, how about leona (haha i'm so unpredictable, ikr) with peonies! (any culture works <3)
fit for the throne
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x gn!reader
Synopsis: it wasn't fair how his life had treated him, so it was up to you to give him what he truly deserved
Tags: fluff, reader is a leona apologist, leona has never done anything wrong in his life :), reader is secretly royalty
Word count: 700+
Notes: thanks soru!! i hope you don't mind how long this took hehe. i poured all of my leona simp energy into this (⁠*⁠ノ⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠ノ⁠♫
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flower of choice: peony
peonies are often referred to as the "king of flowers", because they overwhelmingly bloom in splendor, giving rise to interpretations of "wealth" and "magnificence".
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A sigh interrupts your focus, drawing your eyes away from the grimoire cradled in your hands. Your focus shifts to Leona, who sits with regal poise in the armchair, embraced by the golden glow of the setting sun. The fading light plays upon the angles of his noble countenance, highlighting the sharp lines of his jaw and the elegant curve of his cheekbones.
“What’s wrong, love?”
Leona's emerald eyes meet yours, frustration etched into his features as another sigh escapes his lips. “It’s another letter from home. They’re requesting my presence for some big event,” he grumbles.
An eyebrow arches at his words. Undeniably Leona's presence radiates warmth and comfort, like the brilliance of a supernova that dispelled the darkness, but it isn’t unknown to you how his worth went unappreciated in his childhood. Surely, anyone could appreciate him better than the palace of the Sunset Savanah had. What could they possibly want with his presence now?
“An event?” you echo, your grimoire long forgotten now that something far more important has caught your attention. Rising from the desk, you move to settle on Leona's lap, his legs shifting so you can lean against him comfortably. "It doesn’t seem very considerate of them to request your absence from school," you frown, your fingers combing through his hair in an attempt to soothe his frustration. It's unlikely they truly require his presence; more probable is their desire for the second prince to make a token appearance, showcasing the facade of a happy and stable royal family.
He huffed at your comment. “When have they ever been considerate?”
It was unfair, how they treated him like a chess piece to wave about whenever they pleased, but refused to acknowledge when he had a voice. He had qualities that could rival the great kings of the past, but his potential is overshadowed simply by the order of his birth. You can't shake the feeling that his true potential is being squandered within the confines of his homeland.
You've observed firsthand how effortlessly he embodies the qualities of a leader. One of your favourite attributes about him is his intelligence. His mind is razor-sharp and perceptive, effortlessly dissecting complex problems with precision. From your casual discussions alone, you’ve gleaned that he possesses a keen insight into matters of statecraft and diplomacy, navigating political intricacies with a deftness that belies his years.
His voice is velvety, smooth, and rich, with undertones of authority. When he speaks, his words carry weight, resonating with a quiet power that commands attention without the need for raised voices or harsh commands. He possesses a natural eloquence and is able to convey his thoughts with precision and clarity, leaving no room for doubt or misunderstanding.
His profound care and compassion for his people fill your heart with warmth. Leona's unwavering dedication to bettering their lives is evident as he tirelessly pushes for policies aimed at fostering prosperity and equality throughout the kingdom. Yet, what truly distinguishes him is his genuine warmth and kindness, treating everyone with respect and consideration, irrespective of their status or background.
But perhaps most striking of all is the aura of calm that surrounds him, even in the midst of chaos. Like a steadfast lighthouse in a storm, he remains unshaken by the turbulence of the world around him, his demeanour unwavering and composed. It is this unwavering composure, coupled with his innate sense of duty and honour, that truly marks him as a king among men.
“You would never be fit to rule!”
The words of Lilia Vanrouge resurface in your mind, the ones that triggered your beloved into his overblot, and a surge of fury begins to build within you.
Because he is wrong, entirely wrong. Because Leona is the only person you could ever see ruling by your side.
Said lion beastman nestles against you, nuzzling his nose gently into your cheek, his way of silently probing your thoughts, having sensed your bubbling anger.
Calmness washes over you at his affection. He truly deserves the world and so much more.
You pulled away slightly, gazing directly into his eyes.
It shouldn’t be too difficult for him to fall in love with your kingdom.
“Leona, dear, did I ever mention that I'm the heir to a kingdom's throne?”
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if you liked this post, don't forget to reblog!
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aemxnd · 1 year
only you | aemond x niece!reader
You return to King’s Landing after a decade away from your childhood best friend, Aemond. While your feelings remain the same, his have changed.
WARNINGS: canon typical incest, angst all over the shop, physical assault, blood kink, knife, death threats, crying, v fingering, handjob, p in v sex
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
My requests are open! 🖤
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The commotion of the royal court swirled around you, distant gatherings of people engaged in conversation and merriment simply orbiting the room and yet your focus remained anchored to one among them.
The poker-straight platinum blonde locks flowing over his shoulders. The thin leather strap coiled neatly around his head. The tight cut of his leather suit perfectly formed to the shape of his body beneath. You smiled to yourself as you took in his lithe figure. How tall he had grown. How handsome he had become.
He suddenly turned to face you, finding you instantly amongst the bustling crowd. Your smile grew wider as you waited for his in return, only to discover his thin lips tightened to a fierce pout and his remaining eye clenched under a suspicious frown. The invisible daggers fired from his gaze to yours spoke a thousand words of Aemond’s true feelings that certainly did not match yours, fading your smile in a heartbeat.
His fiery gaze returned to the room, engaged in a thoughtful exchange with his mother, Queen Alicent, or rather stood firm while she held intense conversation with his somewhat unresponsive frame. He clasped his hands behind his back, idly twirling his fingers together as if he would rather be anywhere other than here in this moment.
“My lords and ladies,” King Viserys’ voice boomed through the hall, the crowd falling silent in waves as they turned to face his address, holding a golden goblet aloft. The announcement snapped you out of your stupor but as you looked back at the spot where you left Aemond, he and the Queen were gone. Suddenly, a hard shoulder bumped against yours and platinum blonde locks billowed in the corner of your sight.
Uncomfortable from your last exchange, you quickly averted your gaze to the floor and noticed his familiar black boots standing beside you, damn near willing themselves to sink into the floor instead of be this close to you.
“Let us drink to the continuation of pure Targaryen blood,” the King continued. “For tonight, I am happy to announce the pending marriage of two souls born of dragon blood, a pairing that grew up side-by-side here at King’s Landing, only to be tragically separated for the last decade. Now they are reunited at last, this is by all accounts a truly perfect match to continue the Targaryen bloodline from the Dragonpit to the Iron Throne.”
You swallowed hard, finding a particularly interesting flagstone to focus on instead of the commotion in the hall.
“I hereby declare the betrothal of my granddaughter Y/N, daughter of my firstborn Princess Rhaenyra to my son, Prince Aemond.”
After a moment’s silence, a tardy round of applause spread throughout the hall, no doubt delayed by the couple’s refusal to even look at each other.
“I take great pleasure in wishing the young couple the happiest of futures together, bound in blood and hopefully bearing numerous grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, for myself and the Queen.”
Cheers erupted from a number of angles in the room, although you didn’t dare to look up to see who had created them.
“A toast to Y/N and Aemond,” King Viserys called over to you, goblet hoisted in your direction as you tore your vision away from your chosen flagstone to find your grandsire beaming from ear to ear. “May their marriage be fruitful, and may said fruits be as bright as the sun above us!”
Aemond scoffed under his breath beside you, barely stifling a chuckle at his father’s declarations until the applause gradually ceased. Upon the sound of the last pair of hands clapping together and the room’s dull roar of conversation returning to normal, Aemond’s black boots scurried away behind you to leave the hall.
“Go to him,” whispered the Queen beside you, nervously wringing her palms together in front of her. “Despite appearances, you may be the only one to talk sense into him.”
“Yes, your Grace,” you agreed without question, grasping your skirt to hasten your escape as you followed the hollow clacks of his footsteps into the dark corridors of the castle.
“Aemond, please wait!” You called out into the blackness, quickening your pace and following the dim torchlight that faintly illuminated your way ahead.
Steering around countless stony corners and passing so far from the hall that not even servants were present in your path, you found yourself led down the hallway towards Aemond’s quarters. The door was closed, its wooden omniscience concealing whether the one you sought had even entered this way.
“Uncle Aemond, please,” you called through the portal, all too aware you may be speaking to yourself. “Can we not talk about this?”
No response came from beyond the door.
“Uncle, you taught me everything I know,” you confessed, pressing your palms to the wood between you and your invisible confidant. “You taught me to honour each and every person with the respect to hear their side to every story. So please, let me hear yours.”
No answer.
You hesitantly clicked the door open, swooping through and closing it behind you as quickly as possible in hopes nobody would witness your entry to your betrothed’s bedchamber. Taking tentative steps further into the room, you called out again.
“Uncle Aemond, I understand this was going to be difficult for us both. We lost a decade while I was in Driftmark with my mother, those years together we will never recover. But we can go some way to mending them, if you will allow me.”
The darkness did not call back.
“You heard the King’s dedication to our marriage. We were inseparable as children, playing together, growing together. We are of the same age, not two months’ difference between us. We trained in the sword together, studied the histories and philosophies together, fought the conflict against High Valyrian lessons together. We fell in love, as much as children understood of the concept. I worshipped the ground you walked on, and I thought you the same in return.”
No reply.
“I tried to stop Luke when he took your eye, I stood by you when the entire court wished to overlook your wounds… save your mother, of course. I fought for you until the very last second before my mother packed us off to Driftmark to escape any further ugliness. I did not wish to leave, I had no choice. I have come back as soon as I possibly could, but it was not my wish to marry before we had reconciled the last ten years of differences between us. We have grown since then, you have become a man and I have become a woman.”
“If we are to be wed, there need not be secrets between us any longer,” you sighed in quiet resolution, assured that your declarations had fallen on no ears at all. You threw your hands to your sides in defeat. “Oh, what’s the use? I have loved you all my life, yet now you cannot stand the sight of me and I do not even know why.”
A gust of air that caught your hair in a breeze signalled a rush of movement toward you, your body suddenly thrown against the wall by a force grasping at your throat and holding you against the cool stone. You winced at the sharp pain in your spine, quickly grappling at the assailant’s hand clasped tightly around your neck.
“Uncle Aemond… I… I cannot breathe,” you wheezed out in sharp intakes of shallow breaths, fingers clutching at the grip on your windpipe.
“Good,” his once-tender voice seethed, the first word he dared to utter towards you since your return to King’s Landing. His face came into view behind your ruffled hair tumbling in front of your eyes, his prominent pout skewing his entire jaw as he half-snarled just looking at you. “This whole marriage is a sham, it would be better for us both if you were to disappear… again.”
“But… but…,” you hesitated, gasping weakly and fighting in vain against his vice grip on your airways. “Why do you think of me so? Wh… what has changed? We… we used to… we were great friends.”
“That was then,” he sneered down at you, watching you squirm with a sadistic delight. He looked into your eyes, seeing panic gazing back at him and curling his lips even tighter with rage, his voice rising to a shout inches from your face: “You abandoned me when I needed you most! As everybody does!”
“Uncle… please, I… I had no choice…,” you protested, your vision of Aemond now blurring at the edges with the image of stars framing his face. “My… my mother… s-sent us to Driftmark. I… I tried to stay for you.”
Noticing your struggle was causing a great deal of discomfort to his own hand, Aemond conceded and released you, massaging his own wrist while blissfully ignoring your battles for breath, harsh splutters and sharp inhales as your form folded in front of him.
“You never wrote,” he spat, towering over your crumpled form. “You never enquired about me. Not once.”
“What are you talking about? Of course I wrote!” You screeched back at him, straightening up to stare him in the face. “I wrote every single day until the guard told me you refused my parchments!”
Aemond’s furious scowl turned to confusion, searching your face for any sign of insincerity.
“You are lying,” he hissed, fists balled together in front of him as if wanting to slam you against the wall once more for such insolence. “I never refused any parchments from anybody, least of all you!”
You both stood in silence for a moment, comprehending how such a turn of events could take place, each coming to clarity at the same moment.
“My mother,” he declared for you both, dropping his tense fists to his sides like lead weights. “My mother intercepted your communications.”
Lost in his own spiralling thoughts as he calculated the betrayal, Aemond spun on his heels and stormed towards his bed, plummeting his weakened frame to the edge and planting his face in both hands.
“Why? Why would she? How could she?” His rhetorical questions fell into the void, not hoping for an answer which you so desperately wanted to provide.
“The Queen only has your best interests at heart,” you followed him to his side, resting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “My family did not exactly ingratiate themselves by dismissing Luke’s attack on you as a child’s quarrel.”
“A quarrel,” he scoffed into his hands. “A quarrel that left me defiled for life. Scarred, broken. Tell me,” he raised his head to look at you through a rage-stricken eye, searing hot tears threatening to burst their banks at any moment. “Who would place their trust and loyalty upon a One-Eyed Prince?”
You sighed, extending a palm to rest against his cheek, brushing the tip of your thumb to outline the edge of his eye patch, grazing the cool leather and tracing the extension of his scar down his countenance.
“I would, Prince Aemond, I always have and I always will.”
He looked back at you, hurt, bruised, tormented, unable to form some witty, sarcastic reply. Instead, he wiped his remaining eye and swept his eye patch clean off in the same motion. Revealing a glistening sapphire embedded into his eye socket, you took care not to gasp or shock, but instead returned your thumb to trace around its edge, marvelling in every royal blue facet glittering back at you.
“Does it hurt?” You whispered, drinking in the sapphire’s beautiful beams in the dim light of the chamber.
“Only when I frown.”
You stifled a chuckle under your breath, using your free hand to lightly slap his arm like you used to as children.
“You frowned at me considerably in the hall earlier, Uncle Aemond.”
“Yes, I did,” he confirmed, gazing up at you with the old familiar warmth you had wished to arrive much sooner. “I willed it to hurt enough to drown out the pain of seeing you again.”
“Hush now, no more pain,” you cooed. “I am here now.”
Your words struck a chord within him. And not a good one. His smile faded back to a scowl, raising both hands to grip your shoulders and throwing you on the sheets beside him, towering over your form as you froze to the spot.
“I suppose you believe a scattering of throwaway comments will be a poultice to the last ten years, dear niece?” He spat through pursed lips, snarling above you and reaching to fumble for his dagger at his hip. “Perhaps I should put an end to my agony once and for all, right here in my own quarters.”
A whisper of metal signalled the unsheathing of his weapon before the cool blade rested against your throat, your breaths becoming shallower and more rapid in fear of the blade slicing your delicate skin.
“Yes, maybe I’ll slit your throat right here, turn my sheets red with the blood of my one and only, the love of my life.”
He looked upon you as prey, nothing more and nothing less.
“Or perhaps your blood is not even red at all. I’d wager it would be black, considering you left me to my own fate for a decade without so much as a flying visit.”
He gazed down at the silver sheen of his blade, watching his own reflection towering over you, dominating you.
“You weren’t there!” He screamed through gritted teeth. “All the taunts Aegon found time to conjure, all the names my wretched father called me, all the cold nights out riding Vhagar to escape this prison!”
You tried to protest but terror froze you to the spot.
“You haunt me, Y/N, you will haunt me until my dying breath and that is a pain greater than any children’s quarrel could possibly induce.”
You gasped carefully beneath the dagger, looking up at him in fear.
“You didn’t even notice, did you?” He gestured towards his sapphire eye, glinting with the fire within him. “It matches your own. I chose a sapphire so I could always be reminded of your fucking eyes!”
You tried to swallow under his grasp but failed, eyes darting around for signs of an escape route.
“You should have been there! But you left me!”
“Aemond, I tried—!”
As you moved to utter a protest, his blade nicked your skin ever so slightly and a bead of purest crimson formed in its wake. His eye widened in terror, casting his dagger across the room and immediately firing his fingers to your throat to stem the bleeding. His breaths became erratic, terrified.
“My… oh gods no… I’m so… I’m so sorry,” he pleaded frantically, closing the gap between you as he lost his strength to hold himself away. “Please forgive me.”
“Aemond, it’s just a scratch!” You joked, slapping his arm again. “We did far worse damage to each other in sword training all those years ago.”
“That was then,” he repeated, releasing his fingers to check if the bleeding had subsided. Sure enough, it was only a scratch. “I never meant to hurt you, I swear.”
“The last ten years were infinitely more painful, Aemond,” you reassured him, planting a caring hand on his shoulder. “I understand your pain but I can see this betrothal is too much for us both. I shall request that the King rescind the promise made between us and find each of us… less agonising matches.”
Aemond scoured your face for a sign you were joking, hoping for another slap to his forearm, but nothing came.
“I’m sure you understand why we need to—.”
You were cut off by his lips crashing into yours, feverishly pressing into you like a man starved. His fingers trailed around to delicately cradle the back of your neck, drawing you in closer and yet you did not withdraw, did not pull back. Instead, you melted into his touch and kissed him back, both moaning gently into the contact for which you had waited all your lives.
Aemond broke away to look at you, tracing your features with his lovelorn gaze as if to mark this moment in his memory for a lifetime. You acquiesced for a moment, but not before you hooked his neck to bring him in again.
“Marry me,” he mumbled into your mouth, vibrating against your lips. You nodded frantically, humming in agreement and nudging your nose into his cheek further grappling for even closer contact. Taking that as a signal, Aemond blazed on, trailing his hand from your neck down across your collarbone, following the trail of your dress’ neckline as it scooped across your chest before resting his hand just above your left breast.
“Am I still in here?” He questioned, devoting his attention to your heartbeat thundering beneath his palm.
“Always,” you whispered, squeezing your thighs together beneath his frame pinning you down, his knees trapping you within the confines of your heavy skirt. Noticing your struggles, Aemond raised himself from you and grappled at your bodice.
In a flurry of blurred limbs, tangled laces and cracking leather, you both raced to disrobe each other, stealing chaste kisses between each garment leaving the confines of your bodies and sharing sentiments you kept concealed over the last decade.
“Missed you.”
“Been so long.”
“Need you.”
“Want you.”
“Don’t leave me again.”
“You’re mine.”
“Always mine.”
By the time Aemond crawled between your blissfully parted thighs and peeled your sodden undergarments from your core, he could no longer conceal his gratuitous moans. Laying his forefinger over your folds and ghosting a featherlight trail around them, he revelled in the keening of your hips, the way your spine flexed beneath him.
“Am I still here, too?” He asked, gesturing at the heat radiating from inside you, pulsing with the want of a lifetime.
“Only you,” you muttered, trailing your hands to ball into his silver locks that flowed down toward you. With your last syllable, he dipped his finger inside you, quickly joining it with another and curling them within your folds to stroke the grooves of your walls.
“Good girl,” he purred lowly, consuming your lips in a haunting kiss while his fingers delved knuckle-deep within you, caressing your walls, beckoning your hips as they bucked into him. “You belong to me, just as much as I belong to you.”
Your grasp wandered down his chest to his cock, leaking beads of anticipation just watching you unravel beneath him. Mirroring his actions, you ghosted a fingertip over the tip to spread his pre-cum, then followed the thick vein down his shaft to curl around his base. A strangled groan erupted in his throat, recognising the similarities in your exchange.
“Am I still down here?” You queried, wrapping a hand around his shaft and pumping ever so slowly, enough for his spine to bend and dip into you while he worked your core in the same teasing manner.
“Mērī ao,” he moaned softly. Only you. “And only you from this day forward, betrothed.”
You hummed contentedly and picked up a steady pace on his length, sending his eye roving to the ceiling while he attempted to retain a similar pace thrusting his fingers deep into your core. In place of quick hurried pumps, he took pleasure in drawing his fingers almost completely out of you and swooping them back into your cunt in languid motions, gasping as you keened into him. Your breaths became ragged, abdomen tightening and back arching as you chased your climax at his hand, racing after the coil tightening inside you. Aemond observed your state and quickly pulled out his fingers, leaving you clenching around nothing and mewling at the loss.
“Not yet, beloved,” he hummed, raising his dripping fingers to his tongue and wrapping his lips around them. As soon as they were clean, they journeyed south to part your pumping fist from his length so he could line his tip with your soaking entrance. Trailing the head over your folds, he held still for a moment. “Are you sure about this?”
“Wh… why would I not be?” You cried gently, hips still bucking into the air to return his contact.
“Before our wedding, would you rather wait?” His courtesy was charming but altogether poorly timed.
“Aemond, I need you…”
“You have me, sweetling,” he reassured. “I can assure you that I will act surprised during the bedding ceremony, as if your maidenhead were not broken when it was I,” he paused to rock his hips gently forward, his cockhead breaching your folds and slipping inside you to the hilt, “who already broke it.”
His cock filled you completely, effortlessly, perfectly. Two jigsaw pieces had found their match, slotting together as if they were made for each other. Stunted gasps and soft hisses through gritted teeth filled the room above the lewd sound of your soaking core greeting his cock, Aemond’s fingers grasping your hips and digging crescent moons into your flesh with every keen thrust into your sensitive walls.
“Oh gods, you feel like heaven around me,” Aemond muttered, sinking his head into your neck and peppering kisses over your skin. “You are my heaven.”
Each time his head nudged at the deepest parts of your core, your back arched up to him, the years between you slipping away with every hastened kiss between you.
“I have needed you for so long,” he confessed, rocking slowly into your core and savouring every twitch of your insides in tune with his body. “I have craved you all my life.”
As he leaned up to face you again, you curled a hand behind his head and drew him down to your lips, only this time kissing the sapphire set deep into his face. Lips pressed lightly to the cool stone and eyes clenched tightly closed, you showed your reverence to the changes he had faced since you left his side.
Upon opening your eyes and falling back to the sheets, you noticed his one eye remained clasped shut, a single tear brimming at the inner corner. You ventured to brush your lips against his, and he closed you in with the deepest kiss you would ever know.
It was in that moment, you could both swear the rest of the world simply did not exist.
His thrusts were smooth, languid, emotive, speaking a thousand lost words between you, his body flexing to reach the deepest points within you and building a pressure inside you that you could not conceal. Your walls tensed around his cock, pulsing wildly and breathing feverishly into the kiss you dare not break. He hoped you had not noticed his eye opening while you embraced, but the silent splash of his tear falling on your cheek gave his secret away.
“Let go with me,” he whispered on your tongue, one hand wandering between your bodies to stroke your abdomen and then cup your mound, concentrating the pressure inside you to breaking point as you screamed into his mouth. “Chase that heaven with me.”
He wrapped his arms around your bristling body, holding you close as you convulsed for him, careening over the cliff-edge of your climax with your eyes closed and lips fused to his. Coming undone with a flood of juices spilling over his cock and bursting the banks of your folds onto the sheets beneath, Aemond roared deeply and thrusted harder before emptying his own within your walls. Fervent strings of his cum painted your womb like an artist consumed by his craft, stuttering thrusts betraying his every pulse inside you.
His palm journeyed to settle within the valley of your hips, expectantly preparing for the day your skin will swell with his child, a child born of the truest love to which no epic poem could do justice.
Reluctantly breaking your kiss, Aemond gasped for breath before gazing deep into your eyes; hazy, lust-blown, besotted.
“I love you, Aemond,” you whispered like a solemn prayer, tangling your fingers into his platinum locks. “I have loved you all my life.”
Aemond reached to brush your hair away from your face, drinking in your gaze up at him as if he had waited all eternity to witness this moment.
“I love you,” he returned, his sapphire somehow beaming brighter than ever before. “And I will love you all my life. Mērī ao.” Only you.
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Passionate Morning
Husband! Sesshomaru x Wife! Reader
Rated: M
The sun has just begun to rise over the mountains on the horizon. The clouds were a beautiful painting of orange, pink, and purple. You were in a delightful daze, just staring at the beautiful sight that you were greeted with every morning. You shifted slightly and you sighed in contentment. You never would've imagined having a demon lover as beautiful as he was, let alone a crowned prince turned king.
Just as you thought about him, he moved just barely behind you, making you look over your shoulder at him. Honestly, you were shocked that he was even in the bed, he'd usually be moving around the castle, or he'd be wandering across the lands on the quest for power. You stared at him for a moment over your shoulder. He was laying on his back, his Mokomoko laying under his head. Not a hair was out of place, he looked like a true sleeping prince. He wore a simple, yet elegant resting kimono.
You could've stared at him all day, but you were basking in the aftermath of waking up from a good night's sleep, so you laid back down, and you got comfortable, shifting yourself until you were laying on your side, and you sighed once more as you closed your eyes, the edges of sleep creeping in to take you back under. But the feeling of a large, powerful hand could be felt gently ghosting over your curves. It started at your hip, and it trailed up your waist, ever so slowly. You gently chuckled at the feeling. You felt him shift closer to you, the bed dipping in under you as he sat up on his elbow and leaned over you.
He trailed his nose up the side over your neck, and you raised your head up, allowing him to do as he pleased. "Good morning, my love. I assume you sleep well?" He asked, his deep voice made your insides tingle and you slightly shivered. You hummed at his words before you answered. "Yes, I did. I'm surprised you're here this morning." You said as you continued to lay on your side. He hummed in acknowledgment at your words. "This Sesshomaru, decided to stay the night with you. For I fear that I haven't been doing that enough with you." He admitted as he placed a gentle kiss on your neck.
You smiled sweetly at his words. "Thank you." You said sincerely. The fact that he decided to stay with you because he felt that way, made your heart flutter. He lightly growled in response as he began laying gentle kisses along your neck, his hand running up and down your waist. The tips of his nails brushed the underside of your breast gently, but the slight prickly feeling of them made you moan. His gentle kisses on your neck trailed up to your jaw and you turned your head towards him in response. You both stared at each other. Yours clashing with his honey golden ones. They were always so pretty in the glow of the sunrise.
"You're ever so beautiful, for This Sesshomaru is a lucky demon." He said, his eyes tracing your face. You smiled softly at his words, he always made you fall back in love with him all over again. You shifted onto your back, and you gently caressed his face. Not a blemish in sight on his ageless face. It almost made you sad to know that you only had about 70-80 years with this man. But if you could come back, then you'd always love him in every lifetime. The hand that was on your waist grabbed your hand that was on his cheek, and he closed his eyes and he turned his head to gently kiss your hand.
Your heart never ceased to never not flutter by his small yet meaningful actions. He held your hand a little longer, before he let it go and he adjusted himself to lean over you. His hair gently slid off his shoulders, making a curtain of beautiful silky white locks. He stared down at you for a moment before he leaned down and he claimed your lips. You moaned gently into the kiss, it nearly took your breath away every time he kissed you. Your hands slowly wrapped around his neck, pulling him down closer to you.
Your lips molded together perfectly, your tongues twirled and curled around each other's, the tips of his fangs presses slightly into your lips, it always seemed to remind you that you were waltzing at death's door, but his tender stares and touches always made you crave for that danger. One of his hands moved down without your knowledge, but the large palming of his hand on your breast made you moan slightly louder and you pressed up into his palm. His mouth detached from yours, and a string of saliva connected you together for a moment before it broke.
He gazed down at you, watching as you slightly huffed from the lack of oxygen, your lips plush and full from the kiss, your eyes hazy with lust and want as you stared up at him. His inner beast growled in success at the sight of you. He looked down at where your resting kimono crossed over your chest. Through your sleep, the fabric separated itself, and he could see the valley between your breasts. His hand moved from your breast and up to the fold. He gently parted it with his claws, before he slipped his hand into your clothes.
With a firm pull, he revealed your soft body to his piercing gaze. You looked away from him in embarrassment, and you took your arms from around his neck, but you didn't cover yourself from him, as he didn't like it when you did that. Instead, you lay your arms down next to your head. He looked up at you, his eyes reading your very being down to your soul. "Don't shy away from me. For This Sesshomaru, wishes to see you in your glory." He said. Your cheeks warmed at his words before you timidly looked over at him. You've both laid in bed together for a few years now, but you always wanted to hide from him, your silent insecurities always making you second-guess your beauty. But he always reassured you, that you were just simply too beautiful for even him to put into words.
His gaze softened when you looked up at him. He kept his gaze locked with yours as he leaned down to your breast. "Keep your eyes on me, for This Sesshomaru is possessive of your beautiful gaze." He said, before he latched onto one of your nipples. You jumped at the stimulating feeling of his warm mouth enveloping your nipple. The tips of his fangs scrapped over your nipple and his tongue lapped at it, the attention made you whine and moan as your breathing picked up. Your gaze was squinted but you kept your eyes on him as your head turned to the side. One of your hands slipped up his shoulder while the other slipped into his hair. He stayed on that breast for a moment longer before he dragged his lips to your other breast.
The attention he gave you every time you both had sex, was always so intoxicating. He'd treat you like the finest piece of China, making you lose all your modesty, turning you into a crude woman. Your moans bounced off the white walls of your bedroom, his low growls making your chest tremble with excitement. When he finally pulled back, you were a painting mess, your kimono practically open, the only thing keeping it together was the thin tie around your waist, hiding your most precious part from him. He stared down at your moist chest, his saliva coated you, mixing his scent with yours, as it should be.
He looked down at the tie around your waist, and he nearly growled in irritation as he realize that your precious body was hidden from him. "Lord Sesshomaru.." Came your voice. He looked up at you, waiting for you to continue. "Please, My Lord. Please take me, pull me under your spell and never let me go." You pleaded. He stared at you for a moment before he traced your cheek gently. "You never need to beg me, for I shall always come to your becking call." He said. Your dazed eyes softened at him and you held his hand to your cheek as you nuzzled into his palm. His stare softened and he lightly growled. You smiled, it was so light, till it almost sounded like he was purring. He pulled his hand from your face, as he sat up straight. Your arms pulled from him as you rested them on either side of your head.
He looked down at the tie and he moved to loosen it. With a few tugs, the tie loosened and he pulled it from your body, dropping it on the ground. His hands laid on your waist and he rubbed his hands up and down gently. You hummed at the light massage. His firm yet gentle hold was comforting. He picked at the fabric and he pulled your clothes open, revealing you completely to him. Your legs pressed together, as you hid from him and he frowned. "What have I told you." He said, his voice slightly crossed as he grabbed each thigh in his hand.
You tensed up and you presses your thighs closer together. "Don't hide from me. Your everything belongs to This Sesshomaru." He said in a possessive tone as he pulled your legs apart effortlessly. You yelped in slight surprise as he pulled your legs wide apart, revealing your moistness to him. You whined in embarrassment but the heat pulsed through you as you watched his hungry gaze linger on you. You watched as he licked his lips like a beast who was about to feast.
Your core clenched and his eyes sharpened at the sight of it. His hands moved down your thighs and under your hips. You yelped when he pulled you down towards him, your back practically laying on his lap, as your hips were angled up to his mouth. He leaned down close to your core, and took in a deep breath and he exhaled with a deep shaking sigh. You whined from the embarrassment as you covered your face.
"Don't smell me there, I haven't bathed yet." You whined out. "This Sesshomaru prefers this scent, it's your most natural state." He growled out. You whined in response, but you moaned out loud when his tongue flattened out over your core and he licked up to your clit. Your core clenched and unclenched as he continued his long strokes. Your hands gripped the fabric of his pants and the sheets as your hips jutted up in humps against his mouth. He kept a firm grip on your hips as his tongue dug deep into your core and his nose brushed over your clit.
You felt the pressure building, and you knew what was coming. Your moaning grew in pitch and your hips began to roll more frantically. The clenching of your core around his tongue made his cock twitch as he gave a low hum. He pulled his tongue out and he latched onto your clit, he sucked and flicked his tongue over it. Your body tensed up and your eyes widen as your vision faded to white and your moan poured out uncontrollably as you thrust in time with your climax. His eyes rolled some before he closed his eyes. Your orgasm lasted a little longer before you slacked against him.
Your breathing was heavy as you rested on his lap. You whined in sensitivity as he continued to lap at your clit, drunk off the overwhelming scent of your release. He pulled off with a pleased sigh as he sniffed the air. "This scent is intoxicating. I can't ever seem to get enough of it. " he said as he pulled back, he laid your hips back down. You were once more on the bed, your legs wide as they lay around his hips. He stared down at you for a moment before he pulled open his kimono. His strength could be seen in his lean and toned muscles that lay upon his perfect body. The magenta markings on his cheeks lay upon his waist and his forearms.
You could never get tired of seeing his beautiful body. No scarring, no marks, just a plain field of unmarked skin. He leaned back over you, his hands on either side of your head, his hair all fell to one side of his body, forming another thick curtain of silky white locks. He dropped down onto his elbows and he leaned down to press a kiss against your neck. You lifted your head up, giving him access and he growled in appreciation. He kissed your pulse before he licked heavily up the collum of your neck.
It was a ritual at this point, he always had to remark you after a few months once the scarring healed from his bite. It always hurts, but the aftermath was always forgiving. You felt his fangs rub against your skin and you relaxed, you learned that tensing up made the pain worsen. But you were pleasantly surprised when you felt the head of his cock rubbing against the opening of your core. You looked down in question, but he suddenly bit down while also trusting into you and your back arched and you painfully yet also pleasuringly gasped out. Your hands tangled into his hair as he thrust into you at an even yet rough pace, your hands tangled tighter into his hair and his fangs gently pulled out from your wound.
He licked the wound, pouring some of his salivae into it to heal it faster, while his thrusts slightly picked up speed. You moaned and gasped as you held onto him tightly. Your legs locked around his waist and he groaned at the position change. He slipped in deeper and he was able to hold you closer. Tears pricked in your eyes as you threw your head back into the mattress, the slapping of your hips connecting echoed out through the room. One of his hands slipped under your body, while the other stayed on its elbow, he presses your chest up into his chest. The thumping of your heart could be felt and he groaned at the feeling of it.
The thumbing of your heart, matched the clenching of your core around his cock. He always felt more connected to you when he had you like this. Writhing under his mercy, lost in your own world of pleasure, the pleasure that he was causing. He felt empowered, yet he also felt vulnerable, he felt like you knew what he was feeling. The way his breathing was slowly becoming erratic, the way his heart beats against your chest, the way his cock would twitch in time with your clenching. He felt open, yet it felt good. To be vulnerable around someone without having to worry about you using it against him.
He loved that, and he craved it. More than he could've ever thought that he would. 'Perhaps, this is why father loved Izayoi more than mother.' He thought as he angled his hips up more and you nearly yelled from the strong stroke of his cock against your g-spot. The small patch of meat deep inside of your core was grazed and your breathing picked up, your hips met his halfway as your end was coming closer. His grip on you tighten as his lips latched onto your neck, kissing everywhere he could reach. He gave a shakily groan at the feeling of your core tightening. His thrusts became faster and stronger. Your body bounced from the strength of his thrusts, your head bobbing as you loudly moaned.
"It's... It's coming." You warned him in a shaky voice. He groaned in acknowledgment at your words. "I... I can't hold it... Anymore." You whined as your core began to pulse. "Then let go, I won't let you get far." He responded. Your brows tightened and your mouth went slack as your orgasm hit you hard. Your moans sounded out with each pulse and he slightly slowed his thrusts, he didn't want to hurt you as you tightened up around him. He growled out lowly, as he helped you ride out your orgasm. Your body went slack as your grip on him loosens. Your breathing came out in heavy pants as you huffed. He looked down at you, his stare was wild with lust but the love was mixed in it.
He pulled out from your sensitive core and you whined from the feeling. His cock was still hard, as it glistened in your liquids. He grabbed your arms and firmly pulled you up before he flipped you by your waist onto your front. You immediately got into position. Up on your knees, hips angled up, legs spread. You were used to him needing to go longer, his stamina far surpassed your own, but you never complained. You loved serving him, it was one of the many ways you showed your love to him.
He gently held your waist with one of his hands while his other guided him into your moist caverns. He grunted as he pushed back in while you whined. He bottomed out and he sighed before he grip your hips in his hands and he began his thrusting once more. Your body rocked as you moaned weakly, your hips slightly trusted back, the feeling of another climax already building once more. He grunted at the tightening of your core. "Already so close to another one are we?" He light-heartedly taunted you. You whined in response. "Your body's sensitivity is always so fun to explore." He said as he traced his hand up and down your back, your sweat from your first orgasm made your skin dewy yet beautiful.
"The paleness of my skin against yours is simply divine." He breathed out as he admired your skin tones clashing against one another. You listened to his words, but you couldn't respond as the feeling of his cock seeming to swell within you made your eyes roll back. He grunted and his gaze narrowed. His knot was inflating and he was catching onto your core, he was getting close to his own end. The fuzzy feeling of his orgasm climbing up his cock and through his body made him shiver in anticipation. He usually lasted longer than this, but it's been a while, so he's a little pent-up. He grabbed your hips, and he picked up his speed, chasing his orgasm with hard yet quick thrusts. Your ass jiggled from his powerful thrusts, the softness always reminding him how fragile you were.
Your hand came up next to your head and you gripped the sheets in your fist as you felt another, stronger orgasm coming. You tried to warn him, but you couldn't form words. But the shaking of your hips and the clenching of your core was enough of a warning. He gave a rather loud groan as he released your hip, he leaned over your body, his hands pressing into the mattress as he slammed his hips into you from behind. He clenched his eyes tight as he felt his end coming, but he refused to finish before you did.
But he didn't have to wait long before your shaky moans grew loud and your vision faded out as a powerful orgasm tore through you. You clenched tightly around his cock and his hips studdered as his thrust became sloppy. His knot swelled up and he pressed himself against your back. He grunted with each squirt of cum that went into your waiting body. The clenching of your core was enough stimulation. Once your orgasm ended, your body began to slope down, but he quickly gripped your hips once more, the knot locking you both together. You both painted, yours heavier than his as you both basked in your afterglow.
He fell to his side, taking you with him, holding you close. His knot is going to stay that way for a while, so he might as well get comfortable. You laid upon his Mokomoko, the fluffy fur was always so soft and warm. You felt it wrap around both of your bodies, its fluffiness acting as a blanket as it covered your nakedness. You slowly opened your eyes and you stared out the window. The once orange, pink, and purple sunrise was now a yellow, white, and blue sky. You stared at it a little longer, before you closed your eyes again, and you fell back to sleep. Finally getting that extra morning nap.
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ldrfanatic · 3 months
Theodore Nott "13"
Theo Nott; Taylor Swift; A cohesive mini-fic series following my favorite songs from every Taylor Swift album as follows;
synopsis - amidst the turmoil of your final years at hogwarts, you found your heart intertwined with theodore nott's. despite the darkness looming, your love for each other bloomed like a rare flower. but destiny, ever fickle, seemed determined to tear you apart.
chapters are based off of my favorite taylor swift songs from each album :)
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Series Title: "13"
chapter list
1 i just wanna know you better | "everything has changed" from the Red album
2 you might still have me | "should've said no" from the Fearless album
3 love made me crazy | "don't blame me" from the Reputation album
4 sitting in the corner i haunt | "right where you left me" bonus track from the Evermore
5 the night i nearly lost you | "the great war" from the Midnights album
6 i think your house is haunted | "seven" from the Folklore album
7 when the sun came up | "out of the woods" from the 1989 album
8 that's my whole world | "miss americana & the heartbreak prince" from the Lover album
9 kiss in cars and downtown bars | "cardigan" from the Folklore album
10 wherever you stray, i'll follow | "willow" from the Evermore album
11 if you'd say you'd rather love than fight | "story of us" from the Speak Now album
12 so casually cruel | "all too well" from the Red Taylor's Version album
13 i had the time of my life | "long live" from the Speak Now album
14 screw me up forever | "suburban legends" from the 1989 Taylor's Version album
15 golden | "daylight" from the Lover album
A/N - if you're gonna read this prepare to cry
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