#posting this on a full moon feels fitting
swooningshadow · 14 days
I think it's time we start eroticizing childbirth. experiencing what was once your worst fears for your body, the worst pain of your life, just to bring my child into the world. to get home and be raped as soon as the door latches as I split your stitched pussy open, knowing you'll have to go through all of this again and again
*this post is about t4t fag shit*
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✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯≫ Lee Eun-Yoo
\No Monsters AU/Randoms hcs/
-❀•≫ Actually she's as smart as her brother, she just doesn't use her brain the same way as he does. She uses her smarts for herself and her passions, not really for actual useful stuff so ppl assume she's average-smart
-❀•≫ She was probably biting people as a kid when she was angry
-❀•≫ High tolerance to spice, but doesn't really like the taste
-❀•≫ REALLY tactile and has no sense of physical boundaries 😭 will take your hand to play with it without asking while she's talking to you
-❀•≫ Gave chapstick to Hyun-Su for his chapped lips but since he keeps forgetting about it she applies it to him herself, it trains her to be more careful with her gestures
-❀•≫ She's an ESFP 👍 Fuck personalitydatabase, my girl is so emotional no way she's a ESTP !!!!
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rosesnbooks · 1 month
Aries placements
Since we are currently in aries season, i wanted to make a post about some of their placements! Hope you enjoy this post, and I'm looking forward to your feedback♈
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❤️sun in aries people are vastly different from one another. not all of them relate to the confident image of someone who has the qualities of a leader. they can be shy and dislike lots of attention and responsibility. but i do think most of them are passionate about the things they love and they like to share these with the ones closest to them. also, they are very curious. there is something innocent about them
🌹moon in aries types show the classic traits of aries people that are known to others. the people i know with this placement have an unmatched temper and intensity. they have strong emotions regarding everything, so they either love or hate certain things. i feel like their mothers went through many difficulties in life, and tried to display their strong character. also, people with this placement have a desire to be more masculine, and less sensitive. they have outbursts of strong emotions, especially anger that gets out of their system as soon as it arises. they will be there for you in good and bad times, and you'll appreciate that. but if you cross them, they won't see you in the same light ever again. i've noticed that they love music or anything in the arts. it gives them immense joy and passion that they cannot always show and explore in their everyday life.
💋rising sign in aries have a strong presence wherever they go and people are quick to form opinions about them. they seem passionate, direct and a bit aggressive. women with this ascendant are seen as femme fatale. men seem a bit restless, opinionated, very masculine, and intimidating to some. their appearances vary, but they have some noticeable facial features that demand your attention (eyes esp., and the nose) they look amazing in black, red, and any loud colors. they have so many facial expressions, and it's quite charming and funny. they are a bit loud sometimes
🎬mercury in aries is an interesting placement. a lot is going on in their heads but it depends on the individual whether they'll show this aspect of their personality to the world or not. they have strong opinions and they are not fans of a gray mindset. i'm not saying they view things in black and white only, but they definitely prefer to be 100% sure in things. they are humorous, but at the same time they take things too seriously lol. they prefer direct people and explaining things clearly and concisely, without beating around the bush. they also like to provoke a bit the people they love, with good intentions ofc. lastly, they have to be careful when talking about sensitive topics, and discussing things with people who are sensitive. they must not be too harsh and "objective" since it can be easy to hurt others this way.
💄venus in aries love fiercely and dislike cold people who aren't ready to pursue them bravely and honestly. if you lack interest and manners, they will cross you off their list pretty quickly. they are lots of fun and want someone similar to them in this aspect. i think they can be really loyal as partners once they find someone who fits their criteria. continuous display of commitment and passion is the way to go with them. they are really sensitive actually, so they want someone that makes them feel safe, and someone who would be patient with their emotions.
❤️‍🔥mars in aries are energetic, full of life, passionate (i cannot help myself, this word describes them in a nutshell), like to take the lead, have various ambitions they need to fulfill. their temper is a bit scary at times, so they need to work on that. i feel as if this placement is not that common. they succeed in whatever they have planned in life because of their ambitious and strong mindset.
🎫jupiter in aries will have lots of luck by working on their confidence, saying how they think and feel instead of bottling up their emotions and ideas. pursuing various hobbies, especially those that involve physical activity. they need to relieve their stress as well. also, being spontaneous and brave could provide happines and new opportunities. focusing some of their big energy toward the people they love is also rewarding. the people around them love their enthusiasm and optimism btw.
💌saturn in aries need to watch out for their impulsive nature that dives head first without giving anything much thought. not only could they hurt themselves in this process, but others around them as well. there are consequences to all of our actions. moreover, there is no need to be shy about taking risks and taking the lead, but it's important to do it the right way. like i've said, confidence is key. by working on themselves, they could become unstoppable.
paid astrology readings
(photos were found on Pinterest)
Don't take anything too seriously since I am not a professional
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kangals · 4 months
some of my fave pieces of Great Dog Advice I’ve seen people give include:
-You do not need to impose exercise restrictions on an injured or post-surgical dog, because dogs will never over-exert themselves.
-only deworm your dog on a full moon.
-dogs will only eat food that is good for them; they naturally know to avoid toxins
-dogs should be allowed to breed freely because they will only mate with the most fit partners.
-some dogs simply should never have their hair groomed or cut because it will make them feel bad about how they look.
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starsworldd · 3 months
🩷 𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝔂 𝓸𝓫𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼 🩷
long post and giant paragraphs!
readings are open! ‼️‼️
BIG credits to 0degreestaurus and ellie witchy astrologer both on tiktok for the information on this post. PLEASE go check out their info if you have enjoyed today's post.
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mars in 11th - you don’t fit in anywhere because you are born to lead
5th house - this house is more than just fun and one-night stands…sure it can represent simple pleasures and such but we forget that venus rejoices here which is the planet of love. therefore, this is a house of love and how we want to love, how we want to express our lust for life … it’s more of a passionate/meaningful house than people think. how do we become the best version of ourselves? the 5th house can address this too since venus also represents potential! (venus exalts in pisces, a zodiac that deals a lot with potential/possibility)
✤ i think that there’s often a very one dimensional look when it comes to placements in their exaltation/fall/detriment/domicile… let’s take taurus mars as an example. although taurus mars may fail to do what mars wants to do naturally—conquer, speed, efficient, etc..— this placement is known for their laid back and sensual/indulgent nature which is something that maybe aries mars—a domicile zodiac for mars—may lack. taurus mars CAN be active like aries mars. but taurus being ruled by venus wants/needs to feel pleasured and creative in the process. activities such as dance or even house-cleaning are things that could be in a taurus mars' wheelhouse. the only part where taurus fails to execute mars' true qualities is that taurus does not deal with challenge, pain, upheaval, etc... as well as aries/scorpio/capricorn does because venus is about enjoying life and gratitude and mars represents rebellion and change. but taurus mars' still have the same ambition as say a cap mars does. taurus mars is in a sign of its triplicity after all. which transitions to our next topic pretty nicely...
✤ TRIPLICITY IS IMPORTANT YALL!! for those of you who don’t know, triplicity is when a planet isn’t in their sign of exaltation/domicile (including a sign of its detriment/fall) but in the same element as their exalted/domicile ruler is in. triplicity especially helps out lessen the effects of detriment/fallen planets. lets take a look at a few examples:
- moon in scorpio: the moon is in domicile in cancer. the reason why the moon doesn't like scorpio is because scorpio is ruled by mars and mars wants to fight, conquer, and break cycles. it seeks to go down below and bring our issues into the light. scorpio wants to end darkness. but the moon does not function in this manner. the moon represents manifestation and fulfillment through the journeys we have been through in life (jupiter exalted in cancer) and connecting it back to our own soul, memories, and life mindset. the moon, just like how it passes through new and full moons (light and dark) phases in real life, always circles back to previous phases, it doesn't mind fluctuating between light and dark unlike scorpio. another way to think about this is that cancer/moon goes out into the world to gather its info/experiences (positive or negative) and then processes it internally. scorpio works in the exact opposite. scorpio gathers its info/experiences in an internal manner, and processes these things externally (bringing problems into the light and therefore ending the darkness that came with burying these qualities/problems). BUT scorpio and cancer, are both protective and healers. we can think about this is in their symbolism and element. scorpio and cancer are both represented by animals who have exoskeletons (cancer - crab, scorpio - scorpion) which demonstrates their instinct to protect. the astrology community has long knew cancer's ability to protect, but scorpio? scorpio being protective? scorpio is protective in the sense that it breaks cycles and protects justice (mars is all about finding justice). it's also important to note that scorpio also protects through its fixed quality. fixed signs maintain things and keep it consistent hence why they're fixed signs, they bring things back to tradition and order. though it may hurt and scorpio's protective qualities may manifest in an unusual manner to others (think about the scorpion's stinger), scorpio's motto would be that "the best defense is a good offense". the moon can still heal, process, in scorpio which is why it has tripilicity. BUT scorpio makes the moon do this function in a reversal order. placements that have tripilicity often represent much creative and reflective power—hence why so many artists have scorpio moons (lady gaga, miley cyrus, ice spice, etc…).
- venus in virgo: venus in virgo has tripilicity because venus is in domicile in taurus, which is another earth sign like virgo. but venus is in fall in virgo. why? and why does it have triplicity beyond just being in an earth sign like its taurus counterpart? lets start off by defining venus' qualities. venus is about pleasure, enjoyment, and ease. arguably, without venus there really is no purpose to live. why do we work? because we want money. why do we want money? because money gives us nice things. why do we want nice things? because through having nice things, we can discover our identity, our likes and dislikes, and experience all that life has to offer us. and this is really our end goal is it not? to express and do what we love so that we can enjoy life and bring VALUE and MEANINGFULNESS into our life. value + meaningfulness is a very venusian quality. venus goes beyond money, marriage, or sex at its most basic forms. venus wants the ultimate satisfaction and meaning that can be possible in our lives (even more evidence as to why venus likes pisces, venus is the POTENTIAL of our what lives could be). but virgo is ruled by mercury. where mercury is about chaos and the processing mind, venus works in the realm of feeling and pleasure. mercury is planet that helps us process the world around us, to categorize, and to put things in their place. mercury is able to tell the difference between what is real and what is illusion (which is why mercury is often noted for being the comic trickster, especially if you connect to roman/greek mythology where mercury/hermes was the messenger of the gods and notoriously known for tricking other gods too). but venus doesn’t care what is real or what is fake because either way, venus considers both the non-physical aspects and the physical aspects of life to be valid (think about how libra, ruled by venus, is symbolized by the scales in this manner). but mercury/virgo wants to change and transform the impossible into something possible. in this manner, virgo disrupts venus' peace and ability to ground us to our lives, and it may be that people with this placement often find themselves getting stuck in an everlasting cycle for having to adopt/adjust and having to separate their non-physical and physical worlds (even though venus wants them to be together). HOWEVER. we still have to talk about how, regardless of virgo's pitfalls in virgo, it does have some dignity here. but how? as previously mentioned, virgo is an earth sign just like taurus, a sign ruled by venus. i like to correlate the earth signs to the energy of the pentacles suit in tarot (not to be confused, pentacles and earth signs both have their differences still!). a lot of the cards in the pentacles suit deal with being comfortable in one's own energy, resources, sense of satisfaction/achievement, and rhythm of life. doesn't this sound very similar to the venusian energy described above? and because virgo is also an earth sign it does share some of this same energy. it shares similar energy by wanting to establish new patterns, rhythms, systems, etc… virgo has a better idea of how life could look like. (venus is about potential! venus is also about improvement, ease, efficiency...all things that virgo works towards) it just gets stuck in the chaos that comes with making new systems...after all it is much harder to make magic happen on the physical plane! (virgo is an earth sign, earth signs work in the physical plan). because it's harder to make magic happen on the physical plane this is why venus has an easier time in pisces because pisces works in the mind/feelings/imagination.
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✤ speaking about water signs, i would argue that pisces is also just as transformational as scorpio but isn’t denoted for its transformational qualities because it isn’t considered to be as intense as scorpio (even though it is intense, just in a different way). pisces is a sign of redemeption, it’s where we tie loose ends and where we want to forgive others and ourselves for the wrong doings we have done. it’s about potential within ourselves, potential to be something amazing (hence why the two most benefic planets in astrology, jupiter and venus, LOVE pisces). once we have set ourselves free and found our potential we can achieve great things (which makes sense because what comes after pisces? ARIES. aries is ruled by mars and he’s going to achieve EVERYTHING).
✤ but i want to make this distinction between pisces -> aries vs. scorpio -> sagittarius. both of these water signs lead to jupiter ruled signs so it often implicates some sort of healing is done once we have transitioned from one sign to the next. pisces to aries speaks of redemption as we talked about previously. but transitioning from scorpio to sagittarius represents freedom. although this may seem like a similar concept to redemption we need to clarify that pisces and aries are much more internal and self-related signs than scorpio and sagittarius. pisces deals with our own sources of creativity, inspiration, and how we find healing within ourselves (jupiter represents healing). everyone finds redemption in their own unique way right? and although pisces is a personal sign it is also the sign that teaches us how to open our hearts to the world again. through opening our hearts, we offer our own wisdom/ideals to others through the JOURNEYS (jupiter = journeys) we have been through in our PERSONAL way because think about it, pisces is the last zodiac right? each zodiac represents a story or facet of life. it is unrealistic that we as a society have experienced the exact same facets of aries-aquarius. it is in pisces where we sum up all of the previous energies/facets of the previous zodiacs (both positive and negative energies) and through experiencing different facets of each zodiac, it is in pisces where we find a different life/way/mindset from having experienced these facets in order to create a new start for ourselves (and for the rest of society too, jupiter likes to collectivize). pisces makes us reflect (water sign y'all) where we need to begin anew again. then aries is where we actually plant this seed and begin to grow into these new ideals, traits, mindsets, etc... going from scorpio to sagittarius represents freedom because scorpio unburies what was "dead" then sagittarius explores this new "world" that scorpio has opened up and begins to gain more knowledge, experience, and greater connection to other places beyond the home.
✤ venus in the 7th house, no matter what sign it's in, i think is a karmic placement. @hot-astrology made a post about how venus represents mirrors (go check out the post very insightful) and i couldn’t agree more. the 7th house represents ALL encounters + relationships (positive or negative) in our lives. when venus is in this house as previously mentioned, it can act like a mirror in our relationships. the relationships we have (or don't have) with others can guide the native into the best version of themselves by noticing and observing what qualities are mirrored back to the native, making the native think "do i want to maintain these qualities? do i want to change or stay the same?". because of this, i've noticed people with this placement are also very reflective and observant of their surroundings. people always mention how charming or persuasive these natives can be but sometimes they fail to mention how certain natives with this placement (very dependent on house, sign, aspects, ruler of venus/7th house, etc...) are acting in this manner because they seek to find different facets of themselves through their encounters with others. this can lean into poor self-esteem, lack of boundaries, or an extreme need for external validation if not monitored carefully, but if these negatives are kept in place, this can be quite an adventurous and even fairytale-like placement.
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hope you enjoyed!
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A Bumpy Ride…
Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
Word count: roughly 4.8K
After a Halloween Party has gone awry, Eddie needs some private time with his girlfriend...but where to go…
Warnings: NSFW (minors do not interact), mentions of a prior fight, terms of endearment (good girl, angel, baby, sweetheart, pretty girl, etc), unprotected sex (wrap it y’all), aftercare included (so important y’all), squirting, subspace though not explicitly stated, oral (f receiving), fluffy sex for the most part! 
Author’s note: Sooooo there was a post I saw a while ago from @dearramiel saying that they needed feral Eddie the first time his girlfriend lets him hit it raw so…and turns out I had already written that for a longer fic…so here it is! And it’s in the van no less! Enjoy!
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It had been a long night. What was supposed to be a fun Halloween party at Gareth’s house had turned into a brawl when Jason and the rest of the jocks dared to show their stupid smug faces. While the Corroded Coffin members had managed to push the jocks out of the house, Y/N had taken the time to check in with everyone else and got the party back into full swing right as Eddie’s head popped around the corner. She had just finished carrying a friend of hers to a nearby chair after they had too much, handing them off to Robin who was doing her best to have a good night. 
“Do you need to lean on someone now?” Eddie asked as he wrapped an arm around her waist.
“I should be asking you that,” Y/N said as she turned back to him, “Jason got you in the side pretty hard huh?” 
“You’re giving him too much credit”, Eddie lifted his shirt and Y/N observed the budding bruise that was growing on the surface area on his lower abdomen. “Holy shit,” he got a closer look and poked it. “OWW FUCK” he moaned.
“Here,” Y/N said as she leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to the skin, “That better?”  Eddie said no words. No think. He just looked at her. And made some indiscernible sound that went like “Garethasgusroom.” 
“What?” Y/N giggled as she stood back up, allowing her hands to rest on his chest. 
“I think I need some first aid,” he sighed, resting his hands on her neck, while stroking the base of her head. 
“Well then…” She smiled, “Why don’t we get out of here? Everyone is so caught up, I doubt they’ll notice.”
“People will absolutely notice that you’re gone,” he whispered. He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her down the stairs “but they’ll manage” he went back to running, flinging open the front door.  
“Real subtle, Munson,” She teased as she shut the door behind them, careful as to not further damage Gareth’s house. 
“You’re not fast enough”, he scooped her up and began sprinting to his vehicle, which was supposed to be sexy, but ended up giving Y/N a little whiplash. 
“Eddie, if you need me that bad we shouldn’t have stayed long enough for Jason to have his hissy fit,” she teased as they arrived at the car, Y/N glad to be on the ground again as she held the side of the van for support while she found her feet. 
“You are so powerful,” he blurted. “Like seriously. I was kinda scared. But… I kinda liked it. I like how protective you are. You remind me of me,” he opened the back door and offered her a hand inside. “But you don’t have to be so strong all the time.” 
Y/N melted at that sentiment and he watched as her eyes went wide. It was a state he noticed she got into every once in a while, usually when she was feeling overwhelmed, needing him to take the reins and hold on tight.  
“I don’t?” she asked, her tone going high, taking a step closer. 
“Nope,” Eddie popped that ‘p’.  He could watch as she looked for words before taking his hand instead, the final nail in the coffin that allowed him to take over. With that he picked her up and helped her into the back of the van, climbing in after. He made sure to shut the doors behind him and when he looked back at her she was gazing up at him like he had hung the moon and stars. A while ago, he had opted to make the back of the van comfy - pillows and blankets around. The guys had asked and he said it was since they were traveling more for the band, he wanted them to be comfy…but they all knew that was far from the truth.
Eddie was reminded of the real reason as he watched Y/N’s fingers dig into the blanket she was laying on top of, a soft sigh coming from her as Eddie leaned in. Her hands instantly went to his shirt and she went to pull him in for a kiss only for him to tut and reach one hand over, his other lifting her head to rest a pillow underneath it. 
“You comfy, sweetheart?” He asked, his hand coming down to rub circles over where he could feel her hip bone. She let out an affirmative hum and it was like the stress began to melt off of her, making him smile. “You wanna let me take care of you tonight, Y/N?” She nodded and whispered out a soft “yes,” making him smile as he leaned in to kiss her. 
“Are you sure this is what you want right now?” He asked genuinely as he paused, thinking over the events of the night, “we can also just go home or stay here and cuddle-“
“No,” she shook her head and turned his face to look at her, “I really want this. Need to…need to not think for a while. Just want to be with you.” Eddie melted as he saw the trust and sincerity in her eyes. This wasn’t the first time she’d had a day in which she really needed to forget it all in a way only he could provide. 
“You’re so sweet when you get like this,” Eddie said softly, his voice genuine, as he kissed her and pulled away only to speak, “You’re so strong baby, so damn strong. When you let me see you like this, uh,” he let out a groan as he ground into her, allowing her to feel how hard he was through his jeans, “You get me like this all the time but when you let go and just let me make you feel good, take care of you,” he ran out of words and just kissed her until he felt her give a little tug to his shirt, causing him to pull back, “You ok, Y/N?” He brought his one hand up to caress her face as he looked down at her with concern, “Was that too much?”  
“No,” she shook her head quickly, her eyes blown wide as she still held onto him, “I…I trust you so much,” She confessed, “That’s…that’s why I think…I feel safe to not be so strong…with you…if that’s ok?” Eddie positioned himself over her so that their noses were grazing. 
“Y/N, you make me strong. If I get to be the person you lean on, I’d consider it the highest honor because I love you and nothing else can-”, he stopped. “ I. I. Love. You” Y/N felt her heart skip a beat as he said it, the words he had confessed to her he didn’t think he had the power to say to anyone ever. She had accepted it then, and it really was fine, she didn’t mind it since he showed her every day…but to hear him say it. She instantly tangled her hands in his hair and pulled him down to her, needing to feel every inch of him. 
“Again,” She asked as she pulled away to kiss down his neck. 
“I love you” he breathed. She held him so tight as if this was all that mattered in the world and honestly, it was. He was. 
“Again,” she begged, this time adding on a soft, “Please.” Her tone was so shaky he could have sworn she was close to tears as she sucked marks into his neck, needing him to be hers in every way. 
“I love you”, he ran his hands down her back gripping her so tight as he buried his head into her neck.
“I love you too,” She told him, “So much. Fuck, I just…I love you.” She had held those words in for so long. Since she had told him she loved him and he had expressed he wasn’t able to say those words yet, she hadn’t said them since, trying hard to follow his lead and show him instead of telling him. She wanted so badly for him to be happy, safe, and comfortable with her. He deserved it. And she wanted to give him everything he wanted, everything she had to give. And to say them again, and to hear them, that was everything. 
He pulled his head from her neck and looked down at her again, the sheer adoration in his eyes every time he looked at her something she hoped he’d never lose. 
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, a message for only her.
“So are you,” she replied, earning a smile from him. She felt his hands slide up her skirt and grip the elastic band of her underwear. He pulled it back so it popped onto her skin with enough force to make her let out a little gasp as he chuckled at her, her returning it with a soft giggle of her own as he buried his face into her neck once more and pressed a kiss there.  
“What color is it tonight?” he smiled into her neck. “Tell me before I see it”.
“Black,” she confessed, “Wanted it to match your jacket.” 
“God you’re such a fucking good girl”, he groaned as he slid his hands into the waistband, ever so slightly tracing over her but never getting near where she needed him most, “Tell me what you want, pretty girl.” She let out a soft whine making him chuckle as he traced his fingers over her slit, “You want me here? Is that it?”  
“Yes,” She said, her voice breathless as she gripped his hair even tighter, “Want you-need you,” she corrected as she held him so tightly. “Please, Eddie.”
“Fuck,” he swore as he felt how wet she was despite everything that had happened tonight, “I need you too, baby.” He ran his fingers over her slit a couple times collecting the wetness there before bringing them out, admiring them in the light. He looked down at her, the girl completely blissed out underneath him as he held the fingers up to her. “Suck,” he commanded gently and she did, taking his fingers into her mouth and sucking on them without any hesitation. 
“Jesus, Y/N,” he swore as she whined, grinding up against him for any sort of friction. He pulled his fingers out of her mouth, drawing a whimper from her as he did which he quickly stifled with a kiss to her lips. “Can I use my mouth on you baby? Would you like that?”
“Eddie, need you inside-”
“Baby,” he lectured as he moved down, and slowly ran his hands up and down her thighs reveling in the goosebumps in his wake, “You know you need to get ready for that-”
“Ssh,” he said as he watched her eyes go glassy at how badly she just needed to forget it all and let him be in complete control, “I’ve got you.” She nodded with a soft whine as he finally pulled down her underwear, letting out a groan at the way she was revealed to him. “Been thinking about this all night,” he confessed as he blew on her, making her whole body shiver, her thighs spreading further apart for him. “Watching you dance with your friends. And then hearing you tell Jason the fuck off. God, wanted to take you right then and there. Didn’t fucking matter half the basketball team was there. Any of those fuckers would like the show.” He slipped a finger into her, watching as she let out a gasp, hands gripping onto anything she could, fingers he knew would soon be tugging at his hair like they always were when she got like this. “Thought about this, putting my fingers in you, having you a little mess for me. And only for me.” She let out a moan as he put another one in, and began to move them inside of her. 
“Shit, you always sound so pretty. My pretty girl,” he purred as he leaned down and began to press kisses to her neck.
“Eddie please-”
“What do you want, angel?” He asked softly as he began to suck hickeys into her neck, one in the exact spot he knew she liked behind her ear. 
“Please fuck me,” she begged, voice so shakey and he knew she was gone, putty in his hands in a way that promised the sweet relief she always needed. 
“Anything for you,” he said as he nodded. He brought his lips down to her clit and kissed there first, gently just to get her used to it, using his free hand to hold her hips in place causing her to sigh out in contentment as he felt her give more of herself over to him. 
“There you go,” he cooed in adoration, “let it all out, baby. I’ve got you.” Y/N’s voice got even higher in pitch as he began to really focus his efforts, his fingers moving inside of her coupled with his mouth moving against her. He knew what she liked at this point, taking his time to not only learn every intricacy of her body but also of her mind when she got like this. Before long, he could tell that she was on the edge, her fingers pulling harder in his hair as she squirmed despite his best efforts to keep her still. 
“Wow, already? You really that pent up for me sweetheart?” He asked only to receive a high-pitched hum. He chuckled and the sound coupled with the vibrations and the way he pressed a third finger into her had her teetering off the edge. The last thing it took to get her there was simple. 
“Let go for me,” he commanded, and she did, with a soft cry, her eyes squeezing shut as she held him impossibly close, needing him. He made sure not to waste a drop, licking her clean and when he came up, he was shocked to find how quickly she sat up to kiss him. He pulled away ever so slightly and she chased his lips until he quickly put a finger to them.
“Is this what you want, baby? You want me inside of you?” He asked gently. She nodded and clutched his shirt. 
“Please Eddie, please. Need you inside so bad,” She confessed, getting so whimpery for him when she got this pent up. 
“Your wish is my command, darling,” he said as he kissed her while her hands wasted no time undoing his jeans and pulling him out. 
“Oh fuck,” he swore as she stroked him gently. He was already hard as a rock when she took him out, pre leaking from his tip as he shuddered on top of her. “Please, just like that.” She laid back down and Eddie was on top of her once more as she stroked him and began to line him up.
“Y/N, wait.” She did, instantly, her eyes going wide as she looked up at him to make sure he was alright. His eyes were wide but his tone soft as he smiled at her, reminding her gently, “I need to put on a-”
“I’m on birth control,” Y/N said quietly. Eddie’s eyes went even wider as he processed exactly what she was saying to him, his reaction of shock and surprise making her continue on, “And…I know you’re clean…and I am too…so…if you want…”
“Are you sure?” Eddie asked, his hands coming to hold her cheeks and scan her eyes for any sign of hesitation at all, “You’re sure?” 
“Yes,” She nodded, “Need you. Need all of you.” 
“Fuck,” he swore again as he braced himself, his hands pressed so hard into the floor of the van, “If you’re sure-”
“I am if you are,” She double-checked with him. He nodded, a soft smile on his lips before he came down and kissed her so softly, slowly beginning to inch himself into her. 
It was a very different feeling, one that was new for both as he slid into her, taking pauses as their moans and pants mixed together. 
“Holy shit,” he swore having to pause half way through from the way she was squeezing down on him, “you’re so fucking tight,” he chuckled, causing her to gasp which in turn had her clenching around him making it worse. He cringed in pleasure, hissing as he brought his hand down to draw soft slow circles on her clit, “Gonna need you to relax for me, sweetheart or I won’t last long.” Y/N kissing on his neck to distract herself from the burning stretch wasn’t helping him to keep from blowing right then and there. He tried to allow his mind to wander elsewhere as he had in the past when he had been too close too fast with other people but this time, all he could think about was her. 
After a couple of more moments, he felt her buck her hips, a clear indication that she wanted more of him, all of him. 
“Please,” she begged as she wrapped her arms around his neck and looked up at him, red lips swollen from the way he had been kissing her. “All of it.” He nodded and complied, pressing the rest of the way into her with a hiss, hands worming their way under his shirt to dig her nails into his back.
“Oh my god,” he groaned as he pressed his lips to hers, anything to tell her how good he felt at this moment. He kissed her so passionately, her whimpering underneath him fueling him as he pulled out ever so slightly as a test, both moaning into each other’s mouths. 
“Still want another minute?” He asked as he pulled away, trying his best to maintain his last thread of sanity to check in with her, resisting the urge to fuck her into next week. “I can-”
“Please move,” she begged, her one hand tangled in his hair as the other ran scratches down his back, “Need it so badly, please Eddie, please!” And just like that, his last shred of sanity snapped. He pulled all the way out and then filled her again in one fatal swoop drawing a shriek from her before he pressed his hand over her mouth. 
“Remember, baby,” he said as he stilled inside her for only a moment, “If you’re a good girl for me like you’re being right now, I always give you exactly what you want. I’m going to right now, but if you don’t want everyone here at this party to know, keep being good and try to stay quiet for me, ‘kay?” She nodded and he removed his hand, smiling before he pressed a kiss to her forehead as the hand that was over her mouth trailed down to her neck and without really squeezing, just found home though drawing a whine from her at the feeling of the cool metal rings against the warmth of her throat. The whine was a quiet one as she tried her best to comply with his commands. He knew in times like this that was the only thing she aspired to do. 
“There’s my girl.” He didn’t even give Y/N a moment to breathe before he was back to his brutal pace. Her legs came to wrap around his waist, her nails leaving the most delicious burning string on his back as she clawed at him. She could feel him, every ridge and veins as he continued to fuck her into the next week. And she, oh god, he thought as he took for her all she was worth, she felt like velvet. He couldn’t get past the sound of him fucking in her, the wetness of it all. She was always a perfect fit for him but right now she was squeezing him like a vice - so damn tight he knew he wouldn’t last long. He watched her face contort as she tried her best to keep her moans quiet.
“So good,” he praised her, drawing even more of a moan, “My good fucking girl,” he punctuated each word with an especially rough thrust, feeling her clench so tight around him, the moans falling from her mouth his own version of heaven.
“Shit baby,” he swore, bringing the hand around her neck down to her clit despite her little protests, “I’ve got you. You’re ok.” Her eyes were glossy, makeup running as he continued to ruin her and the way she looked up at him had him pressing his lips to hers like he was poisoned and she was the cure. He felt the tears slip down her cheeks as she clenched down impossibly tight around him. 
“Go on, Y/N,” he whispered in her ear, “Let go.” And she did, her mouth falling open in a silent scream as he felt wetness gush from her, coating where they were connected. 
“Fuck,” he swore, unable to hold off his own end as she continued to grip him like a vice. “Shit Y/N I’m gonna-”
“It’s ok,” she managed, her breathing so heavy as she rode out her high, “Please-Eddie-”
“But I’m still-”
“Let go.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck” he swore again as he couldn’t hold back any longer burying his head into her neck as he came inside of her, the girl gasping and holding him as he did. He continued to thrust shallowly, allowing them both to ride out their highs, before he heard her hiss in pain from the overstimulation and slowed, still inside of her. 
“Shit, Y/N,” he swore as he came up for air, taking in gulps, as much as he could, “I’m…I’m so sor-”
“S’its okay,” she reassured him, the hand in his hair playing with his curls as she pulled his face back into her neck, “Wanted you to. Felt right.” She pulled him away when he went quiet to see the guilt written on his face. She let out a soft sigh, smiling up at him, completely blissed out as she pressed a kiss to his lips. “It’s ok Eddie. Really.” 
“Okay,” he nodded, smiling and letting out a little sheepish chuckle, “I guess I should-”
“Please don’t pull out yet,” she asked softly, causing him to halt any motion to do so, “Just…stay like this with me for another moment…please?” He melted, rolling them both to the side so that she could nestle right into his chest. 
“Of course,” He nodded, pressing a kiss to her forehead, “Always.” The pair lay in comfortable silence, just holding each other and being as close as they possibly could, intertwined in every way. God did it feel right. That was all Eddie could think as he held her so close to him, her head tucked into his chest as he kissed the top of her head.
“I love you, Y/N,” he repeated, meaning it from the deepest part of his soul. 
“I love you too, Eddie,” came her soft reply. He beamed from ear to ear, holding her even tighter as she giggled, finally coming down all the way. 
“We should probably get cleaned up and head back, huh?” Y/N asked as she pulled away just enough so she could look up at him. 
“You just took me raw for the first time, squirted, let me finish inside of you, and now you want to go back to Gareth’s Halloween party?” Eddie asked, laughing in sheer disbelief. 
“Well when you put it like that,” Y/N teased as she too fell into a fit of giggles, becoming aware of how sore she was and the fact that he was still inside of her trying her best to keep him from slipping out, “But yeah we should at least say our goodbyes.” 
“Good thing I equipped the van for this very situation then,” he said as he pulled out of her with a little hiss, drawing a gasp from her. Eddie sat up as Y/N rolled onto her back and his eyes were instantly glued to her center, watching as their combined release dripped out of her.
“Holy shit,” He swore, his fingers moving to put some of it back in as it oozed out of her.
“Eddie!” She scolded with a gasp causing him to bring both of his hands up in defense.
“Sorry, sorry!” He said as his eyes reminded glued, his hand not covered in slick searching blindly for where he put the damn towels and wet wipes. “I- I just…”
“Eddie Munson I swear to God if you get hard again-” The pair both dissolved into giggles as he finally tore his eyes away, searching in earnest. 
“What Y/N L/N?” He teased as he finally found them and returned to her to clean her up with the utmost gentleness. “You gonna scold me? You might wanna watch out on that front since that could result in me getting hard too. Did you miss what I said about loving that you’re so damn sexy when you’re mad?”
“You said I was so damn sexy when I’m strong,” Y/N teased as he finished cleaning her up allowing her to sit up as he cleaned himself as well before tucking himself back into his boxers, “It’s when I’m angry now?”
“Why not both?” He asked, sticking his tongue out at her as he went to redo the zipper of his pants before laughing. “Damn, guess I should have taken these off all the way, huh?” Y/N looked down to find them covered in her release and went neon red, burying her head in her hands as he laughed. 
“Oh my god, Eddie I’m so sorry-”
“Hey, hey,” he said with a laugh as he moved around, looking for something else now, “I’ve known the risks since the first time we ever did anything, remember?” She went even redder the memory of the first time he fingered her. “I am…as always…fully prepared,” he pulled out a new pair of pants with an “ah ha” from somewhere in the van, “See! I’ll be good as new and as long as we fix up your hair and makeup, they’ll never know!”
“And what about your hair?” She asked as she reached for the little makeup case he kept in his glove box just for her. 
“My hair is always glorious,” he said with a beaming smile as she attempted to change pants, rather unsuccessfully, eyeing her ass as she was yet to pull down her skirt. “It just happens to look especially good after sex.”
“And mine doesn’t?” Y/N pouted as she turned to look back at him, having him debate round two with serious consideration before she turned away with a giggle. 
“Oh trust me, it does,” He replied as he pulled her by her hips to sit in his lap as she worked on her makeup, “But,” he began to press kisses down her neck causing her to squirm, “if you go out with messy hair, everyone will know and I thought our tactic was subtly. My hair is always a mess. It’s part of my charm.” Y/N giggled some more as he wrapped his arms around her waist and tucked his face into her neck with one final kiss before watching her apply her lipstick in her little hand mirror. 
“How do I look?” She asked after another minute, looking at him in the mirror.
“Absolutely beautiful,” he said, the sincerity in his voice melting her down to her core. He pressed a quick kiss to her cheek as she set the makeup case down in the back and pulled down her skirt at last as they got ready to depart.
“Well that’s good considering that you literally had me crying,” she chuckled as she made sure to wipe away the very last of the mascara on her cheek. 
“The only time I’ll ever make you cry,” Eddie said with conviction and a smile as he went to open the doors. “Ready, sweetheart?”
“Ready,” she replied. He smiled and opened them, looking to make sure no one was watching before offering her a hand out of the car. She giggled as he helped her out, quietly closing the doors behind them and sitting her on the edge of the van as he looked at her still carrying her shoes in his hands. 
“Here,” he said as he took them from her, “Allow me.” He kneeled down on one knee, shoe in hand, and began to slip them onto her feet, pressing soft kisses to both ankles as he did. She giggled and he smiled up at her. 
“You’re too good to me,” She said as he stood up, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
“You deserve nothing less,” he replied, giving her one more quick peck so as to not mess up her lipstick before taking both hands and pulling her to her feet. “Now come on,” he beamed as they began to walk back, “if we wait there a second longer, I promise you round two will be in order.” 
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yourstruly-caycay · 18 days
A "Loving" Husband
Yan! Poseidon x reader
Woo! My first time writing a yandere version of a character, and for the first time in forever I post something ehe.
Warning: yandere behaviour incoming
Synopsis: Poseidon never have any intention to tell Atlas, his son, about the inside of the golden door under the deep sea within the darkness. But, out of impatient and curiosity, Atlas bound to uncover the secret.
The curious little boy finds himself in front of a huge golden door, a shiny one as it shines by the glimpse of the moon. He checks his surroundings once more to make sure he doesn't hear any doorstep near him as the window shows a scenery of the darkness of the sea. He sighs in relief as he's ready to find the answer that his dad has been avoiding to answer, “If this door is in this deep underground, what could dad possibly hide?” 
He tries to push the door, he keeps pushing to the point his face and hand turns red. “I can open it!” He courage himself  as it finally opened a little bit, small enough to fit his size.  
“Ha! Dad must be proud if he knows that I can open a door this heavy.” He pat his back proudly as he goes through the door. The inside of the room is exactly as he questions it, a room full of old neat treasures and artifacts on the shelves. Out of all the treasure he saw, he spotted something bigger. A beautiful and shiny marble statue of a life-sized woman sitting on a couch with a lot of jewelry on her and white silk dress, but he notices that the clothes at the waist part are ruffled, as if that part has always been touched. 
"Hmm, why does the ring seem familiar?" To get a better sight, he climbed to her thigh and sat on her. Observing the ring closer, he remembered the very same pair of rings in his dad's finger.
“But why is it on the statue? I thought mom was supposed to wear this? Perhaps I should try to give it back to her.” Carefully, his eyes focus on taking off the ring from the finger without realizing that his feets slip from the statue's silk dress as he’s hanging by the ring finger. 
Unfortunately, the ring finger cracks as his head knocks onto the floor. He rubbed on his injured head, displeased seeing the gold blood on his hand from the injured head. However, the feeling of pain is replaced by panic as he closes his mouth when he sees the ring finger shatter from the statue. In a speed, he grabs the statue's ring finger and sprints all the way to his room.
By the next morning-
The boy jolted up from the sudden loud voice outside his room, he immediately opened the door. His heart beats fast and eyes go wide seeing his father and mother arguing in the hallway with Hades and some staff hidden in the corner or running away because they’re too scared at the sight of Poseidon.
“You insolent women-” Before Poseidon’s trident even near Amphitrite, Hades held his wrist and said in a stern voice. “Poseidon, calm down,” His eyes now turn to glare at him, but Hades still has the stoic face and staring back at him, “It’s just a statue, I don't know what's so special about that. But, if you’re still determine to punish the culprit, do it, but don’t throw the blame to the wrong person.”
And so, he put his trident down, his breath steadier and turned back to his usual stoic face, yet eyes still glare at his brother, “Just a statue? That statue is a prize possession of mine, worthy of my time to care for it.”
Hades can only sigh and shake his head in disappointment, meanwhile Amphitrite opens her mouth to say something while holding in the trembling voice with knees getting weak pressing down her fear as she stares back at him. The trident might not pierce her at all, but the sharp wind from the trident is enough to cause a scratch of gold blood to flow from her face.  
"You've got to be kidding me, Poseidon, everyone already fucking know that you're protective of that precious little statue of yours. I don’t know what’s so special about it, it might be more special than me, but have you even spared a little heart for your poor wife whom you married by your own choice? Why do you marry me if you never treat me like a wife?"
"Amphitrite," Poseidon said coldly, "Since when gods married for love? Just do your own job as a queen." 
Poseidon is finally out of sight as Amphitrite clenches her fist, glaring at her husband's back. "Tch, what did the statue do to make you this crazy?" she mumbles. 
"Amphitrite, I do apologize for his manners." Hades pats her shoulder as he sees her in a trembling state, she gazes at him with tears spilling from her eyes. 
"There's no need to apologize," she wipes her tears, "It’s his fault… no, it's my fault. How stupid and naive I am to agree to marrying him in the first place. I thought that maybe… if I become a good wife; a good mother, then maybe he can at least show an ounce of love to me like any lover does… what did I do to deserve this?" 
"Don't say that, it’s his fault for being immature." 
"Immature?" she snapped at him, "No no no, it’s insanity. I saw it in his eyes, the possessiveness and madness when the part of the statue is missing, all for the sake of that? I don’t know how long I will have to bear this. I can slowly go insane too for centuries living in this lifeless marriage, Hades, especially when the son he so much loved is not my own blood-" She gasped and closed her mouth, Hades got caught off guard hearing it.
"What?" He holds her shoulder, “What do you mean? Didn’t Poseidon announce to the whole Greek pantheons about you bearing his child?” Amphitrite isn’t able to hold eye contact anymore seeing the confused but angry Hades. 
"Mom..."Her heart drops dead as she turns in horror to see him trembling, the familiar uncomfortable expression when he has to witness the familiar scene many times.
"Atlas!" She runs to hug him, "Did you just see the fight? Oh, I'm so sorry to have you see that." 
"Mom... what do you mean?" 
"W- what is it?" 
"So, you're not really my mom?" His eyes are getting glossier each time passed along with his red nose. "Then, where's my real mom? Did she abandon me?" The tears fall as his crying sound is getting louder making her feeling more guilty, she hugs him tightly and pat his blonde hair. 
“No no, of course not my dear… she’s umm… she-”
“I believe me and him deserve an explanation from you, Amphitrite.” He glared at Amphitrite like a predator caged its prey, unable to let her run away from the problem. After a long uncomfortable silence, she takes a breath first and stands up to glance at him. 
“You both deserve an explanation… but, promise me,” she continued, “Don’t tell Poseidon, at least not now, okay?” He nods as she leads them to Atlas’ bedroom and locks the door. She sits on his bed as she massages her head, trying to find the best words to explain while the two of them wait for her. 
“I already knew Atlas when he’s only a toddler, I still remember the sight of Poseidon holding him…”
~The night before the wedding~
To her younger self when she was still a naive princess, who was once frightened by Poseidon’s first sight. The way he always ignores her or glares at her when she makes a mistake. Hundreds of insults and mockery threw at her, driving her to avoid him even more throughout years staying in Poseidon castle as his fiance because her father thought that it’s a “good thing” for her to get familiar with him before the marriage.
When she’s ready to go to sleep, relaxing her tense muscles before tomorrow's marriage, the sudden strange calming sound arouses her suspicion. She opens the doors and follows the sound. All the way to the bottom of the sea floors. She found the source of the sound from one of the rooms and opened the door a little bit. Her eyes went wide at such a beautiful sight of the cold tyrant of the sea showing a small smile toward the unknown baby, holding the sleeping baby with such a gentle touch while humming a calm deep lullaby with the moon illuminating him heavenly like an angel. 
“Impossible, how can he be so cruel, yet gentle at the same time?” She mutter
“Women, what are you doing?” She jumped at his sharp tone, once warm turned icy in a split second. She slowly opened the door, welcomed by his unamused face. She clears her throat to not feel pressured by the awkwardness, “My apologies, Poseidon, I just happened to hear your heavenly lullaby from my bedroom, I can’t help but listen to it too.” 
She glanced at the sleeping baby, a smile growing wide fighting the urge not to touch the cheek, “So, who’s this baby? He’s just as beautiful as you.” 
“My son.” 
Silence came again, as her mouth slightly opened and eyes wide in disbelief. Unsure what to even say, “S- so, you’ve married before, then?” she frowned when he kept silent, “Where’s your previous wife?” 
“Passed away.” He said in the usual cold tones, but she knew underneath that  there’s a slight crack and irritation as his gaze now turned to the moonlight. Of course she passed away, or else Poseidon wouldn’t even remarry. However, deep in her heart she knew there’s a small crack discovered he’s used to love a certain woman, and now the baby is the only thing left of that woman. 
“Sorry to hear that,” she continued, “What’s the name of the baby?”  
~the night after the marriage event~ 
It was a cold kiss, but she received it welcomely despite his expressionless face throughout the whole wedding, but it’s okay. “It’s really okay, he’s probably not used to me yet. One day he will!” She patted herself. Emerald eyes sparkled at the whole sea regions and the Greek pantheon of deities and nymphs congratulated them, isn’t this what she’s been dreaming of? Marrying a handsome prince and living happily ever after? 
During night time where everyone has a great time of feast, smiling and chattering. While Poseidon were discussing with his brothers and several gods, Amphitrite was accompanied by Aphrodite and Persephone having tea together as the both of them enjoyed their little chats while she quietly listened. 
“Dear Amphitrite sweetheart, may I ask why you would want to marry Poseidon? It’s clear as day that he’s hard to be swayed by love.” Amphitrie got caught off guard with Aphrodite's question, she rested her chin on her hand thinking the perfect way to explain it. 
“Well, I’m aware that a god like Poseidon is difficult to read and likes to close himself off from everyone. I’m aware too that this is a marriage for political reasons, but time itself is impossible to read too, who knows it’ll take time for him to open up to me, and maybe I can fix him.” 
Aphrodite giggled while pinching her cheek playfully, “Amphitrite, I hope you can keep your words, I’ll give you the best gift if you can win his heart.” 
“Haha, to be honest, I’m used to being scared of him too, but when I saw him holding his son gently in his arm it’s like seeing part of the real him open up. How can I not want to win his heart and show his other good side to me too ?”
“Son?” Persephone gasped and stood in surprise causing everyone to look at them, “What do you mean he has a son?” 
Suddenly, everyone is freezed, tons of eyes now peered at Amphitrtie who was surprised too at everyone’s new discovery. “I- I thought everyone know that he has a child-” 
Suddenly Poseidon touched her shoulder and leaned her closer to him as he announced to everyone, “Yes, I do have a son… with her.”
Everyone including his brothers and her families are elated by the news, congratulating the couple as they continued the feast. However, Amphitrite snapped at Poseidon who’s still avoiding her eye contact, questioning his suspicious act… head feels dizzy as she frowned at the announcement. Suddenly, Zeus wrapped his arm around Poseidon and Amphitrite in joyous, “Congratulations on having a child! So it turns out you guys already did a dirty thing before the marriage, huh?” 
“Shut up.” 
“Congratulations, I anticipate meeting my nephew by tomorrow.” Hades shook his hand while laughing, yet despite the wonderful news, Amphitrite got left confused all alone watching the crowd in line congratulate them, leaving her deep in thought of her mind.
“Poseidon, what’s with all of this? I thought everyone knew about your son.” Amphitrite sat on bed facing Poseidon who’s changing his clothes to something more comfortable, once again avoiding eye contact with her. She clenches her fist when he has the nerve to ignore her question, “Not only that, but you LIED to them about him being my son in blood? What about your previous wife? How would she feel about this?”
“Don’t remind me about Y/n, Amphitrite.” 
“Y/n? So that’s her name, huh? Don’t tell me that no one also knew about this Y/n.” 
Another silent response made her more convinced, knowing this, she slowly moved away from him, his unreadable expression made her stomach twist. “Poseidon, why would you lie?”
What are you trying to hide?
“All you need to know is that I did all of this to keep her and Atlas safe from the gods’ eyes. If they ever discover the truth about them, I’ll gouge their eyes and shred their bodies to pieces where their mouth wouldn’t spread all over to other realm,” Amphitrite shiver at his calm tone, she felt her heart skipped a beat at his eyes finally made an eye contact, the eyes that threaten her as if a trident ready to strike her if she made a single mistake, “This include you too Amphitrite, just do your job as a queen and a mother, and I’ll turn a blind eye on you. Remember that this is a marriage that’ll benefit your family.”
“That’s all I know,” Amphitrite steady her breath as she lies her head down, feeling uncomfortable with the silence, “It’s true, ever since that, I wouldn’t dare to ask him about her. I- I don’t- I don’t know why my foolish self is still trying to love him despite his undying love for his previous wife.” 
Tears spilled from her eyes, words unable to be formed as she cover her cry from them. “Why did I even keep pursuing?” She thought, but a sudden heaviness on her caught her off guard, uncovering her face to see Atlas hugging her. 
“It’s ok, mom.” Amphitrite hug him back with more tears spilled, her heart melt knowing Atlas is still calling her mom despite the truth. However, Hades is still standing across from her as he Massages his forehead, still surprised yet angry, but at his foolish brother. 
“Atlas, can you please change your clothes and go have breakfast? Your mother and I still have to discuss about… this…further through.” Atlas nods as he changes his clothes and unlocks the door to go to the dining hall, leaving Amphitrite and Hades alone in his room. 
Hades approach Amphitrite to sit beside her as his hand tap on her shoulder, “I’m sorry to hear that… I never thought he would do that.” 
“It’s not your fault.”
“It is. As his brother, I shouldn’t have been too lenient on him, he’s just using you for his own benefit.”Amphitrite shake her head, “It’s partly my fault too for not refused it and being naive, I was too scared by my own father,” clearing her throat as she jump to different topic, “But, about her…” 
“Y/n…” Hades humm, “So she’s Atlas' biological mother, why does Poseidon hide her from everyone? Out of shame?”
“Poseidon is a pride god, if he loves her that much, what makes him want to hide her in the dark? Have you ever suspected her identity and background?” 
Amphitrite put her hand on the chin as she recalled her moment when she was in the library, however it put a frown on her face, “I have try to search about her in the library, yet no books have had a record about her, so for now I’m assuming that she’s not a goddess from this pantheon nor a nymph.”
“Not even a nymph? How did you come up with that assumption?” 
“From Atlas of course, if Y/n is a nymph from certain creatures, he will have the appearance or characteristic of that creature, however none of it are in him.”
“Fair enough.”
 “How about you? Does the name Y/n sound familiar?” 
“That’s… the problem, it’s new and unfamiliar within this patheon nor any other places, never for eons have I ever heard that name,” Hades massages his head and sighs as the mystery causes a headache to him., sick of his brother’s antics, he stand up, “I will ask him right now, he’s the only one who knows the truth.”
Hearing this, Amphitrite immediately stand and holds his shoulder as she shakes her head, “Don’t! If you ask him he will immediately know I told you and will slaughter me,” she continued after steadied her breath, “Please, I’m not stopping you to research about her, but don’t directly ask him.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll talk to him about this too. He has been hiding this far too long, I’m disappointed at his oddly obsessive behavior-” 
“Hades, your shoes.” Hearing her gasp, he looked down and froze, seeing the crimson blood seeping from under the bed all the way staining his shoes. He kneels, and looks under it to discover the missing part of the statue — the ring finger — feeling the hard rock texture, yet when he touches the bleeding part, he shivers from the soft rotten meat and bone texture. 
“There’s a dead body of a mortal hidden inside a statue, how is it under his bed?” He frown, “Moreover, the ring on that finger-“
“It can’t be, that’s the same pair of rings that Poseidon has.”
197 notes · View notes
hausofneptune · 13 days
synastry / composite chart notes ⋆.*:・ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
[astro notes no. 012]
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hey y'all! i decided to finally get in my bag and make a post ab synastry and composite charts. and bc i constantly see this question brought up: in synastry, both people will feel the connection. how they feel it and whether one of them is affected more by it than the other depends not only on the full context of the synastry chart, but your individual natal charts, as well as things like transits, retrogrades, lunar cycles, eclipses, etc. there is no one shoe fits all answer for how energy manifests in astrology, always keep that in mind when engaging w astro content.
apologies for how long this post is btw, my virgo moon is constantly getting caught up in details and i never know when to stfu
click here for a (free) in depth synastry report!
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─ ruler of your 1H in their 9H in synastry can indicate a long distance relationship, or traveling playing a significant role in this pairing
⋆.*:・☽ the partners may have differing backgrounds, i.e. being raised in different countries, being of different ethnicities/race, having different religious/spiritual beliefs, etc. the 1H person may feel that their identity and the way that they navigate through the world is significantly impacted by the 9H person’s ideologies and beliefs
⋆.*:・☽ the 1H person could feel like they learn a lot from the 9H person, and might find themselves feeling more introspective around them. the 9H person may feel that despite the difference in their upbringings, they see something in the way that the 1H person carries themselves that is admirable, and may even inspire the 9H person to explore different ways of thinking and learning. they could also find themselves wanting to teach the 1H person about their culture and traditions, or about their own personal beliefs
─ saturn conjunct juno in synastry can manifest as both partners having the same shared principles in regards to their needs for stability and commitment in their relationships
⋆.*:・☽ if this is a stronger aspect in the synastry chart, there's probably a good sense of dependability that the pair feels for one another, and an inclination to sustain a fulfilling, long-term relationship. saturn will usually be the one who takes the lead and provides structure to the relationship, while juno fortifies the foundation. it is possible for saturn to overstep or be too authoritative at times with the conjunction, which is why it's important maintain a sense of understanding between one another, as well as space for individuality to exist within the relationship
⋆.*:・☽ saturn can act as a stable, guiding force in juno's life, and juno typically views saturn as a source of wisdom. this aspect can also indicate there being a difference in age or maturity levels, with saturn usually being the older or more "mature" person in the partnership
─ ascendant sextile jupiter in synastry can indicate a connection defined by spiritual fulfillment and abundance
⋆.*:・☽ with this aspect there's usually an instant "click" between the two upon first meeting, and they could even feel as though they were destined to find one another. jupiter is not only physically attracted to the ascendant, but feels as though there is an innate understanding of one another's values. the two may even share personal beliefs, or have interests in the same topics or follow the same spiritual practices
⋆.*:・☽ this tends to be a very optimistic pairing, especially on jupiter's behalf, as jupiter is genuinely devoted to helping facilitate the ascendant person's personal and spiritual growth. the ascendant person in this equation is typically very appreciative of jupiter's uplifting nature, and may even enjoy going on adventures with jupiter and learning alongside them throughout their journey as partners
─ ceres conjunct pluto in synastry may manifest as a deep bond between two people that provides an extremely nurturing and innately protective nature to their relationship
⋆.*:・☽ this is a connection that can be very emotionally intense, both parties will experience themes of rebirth and renewal through this relationship. the way that pluto navigates their need for nourishment and emotional fulfillment will be triggered through their connection to ceres. this can result in pluto surrendering their need for control and allowing ceres to provide comfort through this phase of renewal. or, this can manifest as pluto becoming resistant when faced with their ideals surrounding being cared for, and doubling-down on their need for control. pluto tends to be very protective of ceres with this aspect, and can potentially be too overbearing at times
⋆.*:・☽ depending on how the energy of this conjunction manifests, the transformation brought on by this aspect can be life changing. when this energy is productively channeled, both partners navigate this deeply spiritual bond with wholehearted support for one another. ceres will usually be the person that pluto feels truly understands them, while pluto reciprocates that empathy and leads ceres through their personal and spiritual evolution and growth. there’s a post i came across that said something along the lines of “it hurts to be misunderstood, but are you ready to not run away the day that you find someone who truly understands you?” and honestly, i feel like that summarizes this aspect best
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─ sun square north node in synastry is indicative of a karmic/past life connection, there is apparent wounding that needs to be worked through in relationships where this type of aspect is present
⋆.*:・☽ when these natives meet, it typically feels as though they’ve known each other for their entire lives. ultimately, these types of connections are meant to push the natives to evolve beyond the reoccurring lessons they keep encountering. with this aspect, the sun may feel stifled or insecure in their identity. while the NN genuinely wants what’s best for the sun, they may feel as though their intent constantly gets lost in translation. the NN person’s attempts to aid the sun person in expressing themselves may inadvertently trigger the sun person’s sense of self
⋆.*:・☽ this is usually a connection that people find extremely difficult to break away from. it definitely takes people who are very mature and know how to navigate conflict in a healthy way to be able to maintain a relationship with this being a prominent aspect. regardless, the most relevant part of experiencing a connection like this finally succumbing to and receiving the lesson you’re being presented with
─ ruler of your 8H square their neptune in synastry can indicate difficulty with idealization, both partners may struggle to see one another for who they actually are
⋆.*:・☽ this can manifest as conflict regarding the pair’s shared resources. with this aspect, the planet that has rulership over the 8H plays a significant role in how this energy plays out. i.e. if saturn has rulership over the 8H, the saturn person may grow to resent the neptune person and their “impractical” nature, while the neptune person may grow to view saturn as too impersonal and controlling. if this a prominent aspect in the chart, this relationship could be unhealthy. these natives could run into financial issues or debt, or even potential addiction or abuse
⋆.*:・☽ depending on the full context of the chart(s), i could definitely see there being potential to actually work through this square and maintain a positive, productive relationship. both parties (specifically neptune) have to work towards knowing when it’s time to lead with their head and not their heart. this can be a very spiritual connection, and the natives involved have to put in the effort to not fall prey to the depths of neptune or the idle energy of the 8H by instilling boundaries and prioritizing clear and honest communication between each other
─ moon square mars in synastry may show a deeply passionate connection, but misunderstandings and conflict can be present and reoccurring
⋆.*:・☽ while moon/mars aspects tend to signify a level of magnetism or sexual attraction between the two parties, these natives could find it difficult to express their emotions in a healthy, constructive way, specifically with the square. with this dynamic, the moon could find themselves feeling triggered by mars, and ultimately feel as though their needs for emotional support and nourishment aren’t be fulfilled. on the other hand, mars may feel held back or stunted by the moon, or feel as though the moon doesn’t share the same determination for their goals and generally feels unsupported in the relationship
⋆.*:・☽ emotions on both ends can be extremely intense, with the moon usually being more inclined to react more hastily. with this aspect, the moon usually has to work through any potential codependency that mars’ behavior invokes, while mars has to put more energy into being more considerate about how their actions and attitude impact the moon. ultimately, this is a very passionate pair, and they tend to be extremely devoted to one another regardless of their differences or the challenges they encounter
─ venus square uranus in synastry can indicate a connection that is very spontaneous and unpredictable in nature
⋆.*:・☽ while this aspect can bring an abundance of creativity and be a source of inspiration for the natives, it also has the capacity to cause instability within a relationship. uranus’ clever, rebellious nature is something that venus is initially attracted to, but after a while that admiration can boil over into annoyance or frustration, as venus feels they can’t rely on uranus to provide a sense of stability and harmony within their bond. this can also manifest as a long distance partnership, or a pairing where one partner (usually uranus) travels significantly more than the other
⋆.*:・☽ on the other hand, uranus could begin to feel restricted by venus, and struggle to maintain and express their independence in the connection. ultimately, both parties will have to adapt and compromise for one another’s needs. uranus may need to work to find balance between prioritizing venus’ desire for security and maintaining their sense of individuality in the relationship. while venus provides uranus with a level of excitability in the relationship and grants them their space when needed
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─ sun conjunct saturn in the composite chart can manifest as a relationship where both parties uphold the same values around structure and tradition
⋆.*:・☽ this is an aspect that definitely gives "power couple" energy. while they may not be the most outwardly romantic pair or partake in PDA, they're extremely mature and tend to excel when working as a team, as they push one another to achieve both their personal and shared goals. with saturn here, this can be a very karmic relationship as well. this pair deeply values the connection they have with one another, and seek to maintain a long-term partnership. they may even feel an innate sense of responsibility for one another, and tend to navigate their relationship in a more traditional way
⋆.*:・☽ this pair may also run into issues when it comes to competing for the role of "leader" in the relationship, as one or both partners can be too domineering at times. they may need to work towards finding and maintaining balance in terms of power distribution, as to not bump heads with one another and hold space for each other's thoughts and feelings without judgement. this is a couple that may do well in business together, or may have even met one another through their careers as well
─ ruler of the 6H in the 10H in the composite chart indicates a connection where is a shared desire to be of service to others through their professions
⋆.*:・☽ this pair strives to help others, and they're typically viewed as a very generous couple. their work may entail advocating on behalf of the disenfranchised or underprivileged, and they could both be deeply invested in their careers. although, this dedication may come at the expense of one or both partners' health, as there can be a tendency to overextend themselves in order to accomplish their goals. these natives have to be mindful of how they approach their careers, as whatever challenges they encounter can deeply impact their well being, and potentially interfere with their day to day life
⋆.*:・☽ the planet that has rulership in this placement will provide more context into how the energy plays out. for example, if the moon has rulership over the 6H, there will be a shared emotional investment in the work that this couple does. this would intensify the way that their careers or public perception affects the way that they navigate their relationship, and can potentially impact their mental health as well. boundaries and healthy habits need to be implemented here, as the couple may grow overwhelmed when they feel can't reach the goals they've set in place. generally, this would be another placement that's indicative of working well as a team, as there's a strong, unshakeable sense of support between these two natives
─ chiron trine mercury in the composite chart can manifest as a pairing that finds healing and compassion through expressing themselves to one another
⋆.*:・☽ this couple may feel extremely comfortable opening up to one another about past hurt or strife in their lives. depending on the strength of this aspect, these natives tend to feel safe around one another and find that communication leads to personal and spiritual evolution for both of them. this doesn't mean that misunderstandings won't arise, just that when they do, there's usually an innate ease to working through that conflict, and therefore less of a likelihood for hard feelings to be harbored
⋆.*:・☽ this couple could also "share a brain" in a sense, and they're usually the type to finish each other's sentences and communicate with one another through body language and eye contact. they also could've faced similar challenges growing up in terms of insecurities surrounding their self-expression. this is an aspect that tends to be very wholesome and beneficial, as the innate, intellectual bond that these natives have typically makes for deeply empathetic, nourishing relationship
─ black moon lilith sextile venus in the composite chart can indicate a pairing that navigates their love for one another in an intense yet unconventional kind of way
⋆.*:・☽ with this aspect, the partners usually feel seen and understood for who they really are, and therefore find it easier to express the more raw, underlying parts of their psyche that they've grown used to suppressing for others. the parts of their identities that they feel ashamed of (or were shamed for), are the very traits and characteristics that their partner falls in love with. this can be a very creative connection, and the two may feel innately inspired by their relationship
⋆.*:・☽ this can also be a very sensual aspect, as the two may feel comfortable enough to explore intimacy and sex in a way that feels freeing and liberating to them. the two may have to practice reigning the energy of lilith in, as with this aspect they can grow "too comfortable" and over do it at times (not as much as with the challenging aspects though). ultimately, this is a pair that not only respects one another's independent nature, but encourage it. they both grant each other the freedom to express their individuality outside of the relationship, which is ultimately what's most important to the two of them
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─ ruler of the 12H conjunct the ascendant in the composite chart may indicate a connection that is defined by it's deep spiritual nature
⋆.*:・☽ this is a relationship that the couple may keep private and to themselves, and typically has a significant impact on the psyches of both parties, for better or for worse. others may view the couple as very "secretive", and/or mischaracterize their relationship. these two could also bond with one another through their shared experiences of the "darker" aspects of life. they're also usually very protective of the bond they share, and view what they have with one another as sacred and worth safeguarding from others
⋆.*:・☽ with this aspect, there can be a tendency to over-idealize the connection at times, and both parties will have to work to view their relationship for what it actually is, not the romanticized version of it in their heads. the planet that has rulership over the 12H adds a significant amount of context as to how this energy will manifest. for example, if jupiter has rules the 12H and is conjunct the ascendant, this would intensify the spiritual nature of the relationship. the couple may be viewed as charitable, wise, and fortunate, and while they could struggle with practical matters, jupiter's cushioning may end up protecting them in the long run
─ jupiter opposite pluto in the composite chart can manifest as power struggles regarding one or both partners' resources
⋆.*:・☽ this is an aspect that can indicate fruitful abundance (material and/or spiritual) within a relationship. these two may also have a shared resistance towards authority, or have personal philosophies that go against the grain of societal norms. although, this can also indicate a struggle to express one's personal ideologies, or to pursue their aspirations, without the other feeling imposed upon. this feeling of constraint can lead the two to behaving in ways that are selfish or manipulative as a means to maintain a sense of authority
⋆.*:・☽ these natives may encounter conflict or challenges stemming from a need to control in every single aspect of the relationship, specifically when in it comes to finances. ultimately, this pair must put more effort towards finding and maintaining balance, and working with each other instead of against. when evolved, this is an aspect that can lead the natives to building a productive, bountiful life with one another through releasing the shared need for power and control in their connection
─ chiron square moon in the composite chart may indicate that past painful experiences have the potential to impact the couple's ability to connect with one another
⋆.*:・☽ with this aspect, the natives can encounter challenges regarding their emotional compatibility. this aspect is also indicative of both parties having some sort of wounding surrounding the mother or early childhood that negatively affects how they provide (or can’t provide) nourishment for one another. themes of emotional avoidance or co-dependency can show up in this connection as well
⋆.*:・☽ ultimately, this is a connection that can have a profound impact on both parties involved, and in the best case scenario will influence the two to work through the hurt and trauma that this connection triggers and brings up for them. with time and effort, they can work to show up for not only each other, but themselves as well, in a way that is healthy, honest, and validating
─ mars square saturn in the composite chart can manifest as a lack of security that evolves into themes of power and control
⋆.*:・☽ with this aspect, the natives both feel as though they know what is best not only for the relationship, but for their partners as well. this is another aspect that can indicate that the pair is extremely headstrong, and challenges may be frequent. they're both extremely passionate, and can assert themselves in ways that make the other feel anxious or insecure. independence can be something that these two inherently value, and they may struggle to express their autonomy without fearing retaliation or conflict from each other
⋆.*:・☽ this is another pair that will have to work towards seeing the value in what they can build together, instead of (purposefully or not) tearing each other down. there's a balance that needs to be implemented, which will require work on behalf of both of them as individuals. eventually, these two can evolve to the point of playing to one another's strengths, and in turn fortifying the strong, stable connection that both of them seek out of their relationship
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ja3yun · 5 months
The Moon That Sometimes Shines | L.HS (TSTAB Alt. Scene)
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lee heeseung x reader
warnings: smut (mdni), fingering, dirty talk, choking, pet names (baby girl, angel), alcohol, slight exhibitionism, if I missed anything lmk!
wc: 3.6k
synopsis: after seeing your ex-lover jaeyun and his fiance being close to one another, heeseung offers you a much needed distraction.
a/n: i accidentally deleted the original post so here I am at 3am re-uploading it :( anyway like i said the first time, this is part of the tstab series original plotline before i changed it but can be read as a stand-alone one-shot since this is an alternative scene.
tstab masterlist
“Y/N! Hurry up, we’re going out tonight.” Eunseo’s pretty voice travels through the door. After confirming it was her you open the door and look at her confused. “Me, you, Heeseung, Jake, and Yeoreum are going out. Like a joint bachelor-bachelorette thingy.” She claps excitedly. 
“Didn’t they already have their parties? You got really stressed when the inflatables you planned went to your elderly neighbour.” A chuckle leaves your lips as you recall the incident. The delivery of nonsensical blowup dicks and penis straws went to Mrs. Kim, a 87-year-old lady, who lives next door to Eunseo and she, unfortunately, opened it. Their relationship was never the same.
Eunseo scowls at the thought, “Please don’t remind me, she thinks I’m a sex pest or something now.” Her hand raised to stop you from saying any further as she carried on, “But this is just to let loose. After that walk and shit, I think they need it.” Nodding you agree and she smiles, “Then get ready! I’ve looked out your fit.” That could only mean one thing: you were going to be cold tonight.
After getting dressed you trail behind Eunseo you walk into the living room to find the rest waiting for you both which seems to be a theme this past week. Eunseo apologises like she always does and then hurries everyone as if she isn’t the reason the taxi fare is already up by £20. 
Heeseung puts his hand on the small of your back, leaning down to whisper, “You look so fucking good, angel. If there wasn’t such a thing as bro code…” he trails off and leaves it there with a cheeky smile. To be honest you felt hot, probably the hottest you have in any of your best friend’s clothes. She had looked out a black corset top with lace detailing at the side, a white mini skirt with perfectly placed black bows on either side of your hips, and black thigh-high boots that were not the easiest to get on. This outfit called for your hair to be curled and eyeliner so sharp that it could open envelopes.
Nudging him you laugh and keep walking, “You couldn’t handle it.” You playfully sway your hips and Heeseung pretends to fall to his knees, a hand clutching his chest. When little moments like this happen, the world suddenly feels like it’s aligned.
The taxi drive is short, and full of chatter and excitement. Yeoreum and Jaeyun seem to have made up, her laughter and his hand on her thigh being your indications. 
The club is busy, filled with people your age and younger just trying to get drunk. Thursdays are always the best day to go out; it’s cheaper and has a more student-based clientele than on a Saturdays when creepy men in their 40s come out from the shadows. Eunseo flashes her signature smile and you guys are let in without any hesitation. You look at her skimpy outfit and think that might have helped the situation.
Music and heat hit you all at once and it’s overwhelming but in the best way possible. The musky smell of alcohol and smoke from the machines feels like a time machine back to your second year of college, a mixture of shame and fondness washing over you as you remember the many hook-ups and walks of shame you did.
Eunseo grabs your hand and raises it as she leads you to the bar to get the first of too many drinks tonight. She orders two double vodkas with lemonade and two Baby Guinnesses, they've become your favourites over the years. As the bartender goes to make them she turns to you, “Are you going to make your move on Heeseung tonight?” A loud sharp laugh leaves your mouth at her question, she really wasn’t letting this go.
“Eunseo, he isn’t my type I have told you this.” The shots come first and you clink it on the bar and shoot it down. “He’s hot but I’m not interested.”
“Those two sentences don’t go together, babe. And what’s one night? You’ve been with plenty of uglier men than him.” Her eyes are on Heeseung at the other side of the bar, buying drinks for him and the bride and groom. 
“I don’t know,” Of course, Heeseung was attractive, even more attractive now than 4 years ago. His perfect nose, attractive side profile, and when he smirked…god when he smirked. But could you truly do that to Jaeyun? 
Your drinks are now in front of you both, “Come on, let’s dance.”
One hand holding your drink and the other holding Eunseo’s hand you lead her to a spot and start to move your hips to the music, letting all the tension you’ve felt go. A genuine smile creeps on your face and you down your drink. And another. And another.
Everyone was enjoying themselves and as your eyes land on Yeoreum and Jaeyun, you realise just how much fun they’re having.
Jaeyun’s hand is caressing her thigh, his tongue lapping up her mouth, and her tits are pressing into his chest. If you were closer you swear you could hear them moaning.
It’s hard to watch, your true love tangled in someone else, but that’s reality now.
Your view is obstructed by a broad chest clad in a loose My Chemical Romance t-shirt. Heeseung.
“What did I tell you about only focusing on me, baby girl?” His hands find home on your waistline and pinch them slightly to get you to look up at him.
“It’s hard, Hee” You confess, eyes glazed from the alcohol and forming tears. It was pathetic how upset you got over Jaeyun and Yeoreum considering you were the reason they found each other. If you hadn't left it would be your mouth smothering him with kisses.
Heeseung’s hands soothe over your hips, applying pressure the closer he gets to your ass. “I know, angel. It’s so hard to see someone you love with someone else.”
His eyes are staring deep into yours as if he’s confessing something to you. 
What you don’t know is that back in school Heeseung was infatuated by you. The way you spoke, the way you laughed, the way you kissed. Whenever you kissed Jaeyun he would see how your tongue would move with his best friends and wish, no, pray that it was his just once.
He didn’t want forever, he just wanted once.
Once just so he could taste you. Heeseung knew you would always belong to his best friend, there was no doubt. Even back in the day he wouldn’t ever come between you. 
But it isn’t like those days anymore. You aren’t Jaeyun’s and Jaeyun isn’t yours. 
Obviously, he felt guilty for even conjuring up such an image of you and him but as you stare up, eyes glistening and hazed he can’t help but push the guilt to the back of his mind. 
“Angel, only look at me from now on, okay?” He shouts it loud enough for you to hear over the club music. 
Is it just you or have his lips gotten bigger over the last few years? 
“Something on my face, Y/N?” 
Oh. You’re staring at him. Yet you can’t stop. His smirk is spiraling you into a tizzy, his tongue poking just enough to lick his bottom lip. Maybe it’s the alcohol talking but you want to kiss him. Really badly want to kiss him.
Instead of responding, you lift your hands to his chest, splaying them over each of his pecks. He’s so toned under the t-shirt you can’t help but squeeze subtlety.
Bringing his lips down to your ear he whispers, “Want a distraction, baby girl?” 
God yes
Heeseung’s breath is hot in your ear and the wetness of his lips is just barely touching your lobe. It’s driving you crazy. But…Jaeyun.
“What abou-”
He cuts you short when his teeth nibble the shell of your ear before he speaks, “Shhh. Told you I would help you this week didn’t I?” You can feel his smile widen as his lips ghost down your neck.
Shutting your eyes you try to focus on your breathing. Is it wrong to indulge in this? Jaeyun is over there with his fiance kissing and touching her, so why do you feel guilty for wanting to do the same with Heeseung? 
Because it’s his best friend you say to yourself.
“C’mon, Y/N. I’m sure if I touched your pretty cunt right now I’d feel how much you want me.” There’s a stir in your stomach as he utters the words into the base of your neck.
Honestly, until now your brain had been so wrapped up in overthinking you hadn’t noticed how wet you had gotten. Somehow from the moment he touched your hips, your pussy pulsed, wishing his hands and mouth were all over it. 
Heeseung’s head lifts and his eyes look into yours just like before, this time they’re filled with desire. He’s begging for the green light, the okay go, to prove his theory right.
And you give him it.
You allow him to touch you somewhere he has been dreaming about for years with a single nod. Sneakily, his hand reaches down and his middle finger runs over your soaked underwear. You bite your lip as he applies some added pressure to your clit. 
“I was right, baby girl.” His arrogance in this situation is only adding fuel to your fire, “You’re fucking soaking. Is it all for me?” 
You can’t look him in the eye out of sheer embarrassment because how did he get you so worked up like this so quickly? The only other person that has been able to do this is Jaeyun.
Leaning down so his lips hover over yours you can tell he’s holding back from kissing you despite his finger literally sitting atop your clit. “Answer me.”
“Yes.” It comes out breathy and needy. “For you.”
Heeseung closes his eyes. There is no going back if he kisses you right now and he knows it. “Tell me to kiss you.” His eyes don’t open but the way his hand massages your cunt you can tell he’s desperate, “Please, baby girl.” 
Instead of words, you reach up to kiss him and let go of all inhibitions. Your actions cause Heeseung’s hand to move away from your vagina and back to gripping your hips firmly.
He inhales deeply while he kisses you like he is trying to use all his senses. Tasting you, hearing you, touching you, he is taking you all in. The only thing he wasn’t doing was looking at you, his eyes shut from the pleasure but he knows how you look because every time you kissed Jaeyun he memorised every detail of your face.
Heeseung’s hands grabbed your ass and you moaned from your throat while his lips still attacked yours, the noise sounds like music to his ears and it just makes him more eager to keep going. The alcohol running through his veins pushes him to his next action.
“Jump.” He instructs and you obey, jumping so you can wrap your legs around his waist. Even the feeling of you like this was heaven to him. He genuinely wished he could have gotten to you first all those years ago but he’ll settle for right now. “You listen to me so well,” Heeseung whispers against your lips and that’s when he sees you’re too far gone with lust to even care what he’s saying. Your kisses get more needy as he carries you to the back of the club.
The on-lookers have faces of disgust as you practically dry hump Heeseung all the way to a dark area in the club but you don’t care, you don’t even notice because all you can focus on is the aching radiating from your core and how his mouth molds perfectly to yours.
“Fuck, angel, you don’t even give a shit if people watch, hmm?” He’s mocking you and all you can do is whimper and ask for more. 
Perching you up on a shallow shelf-like surface attached to the back wall you instantly spread your legs open and he slots himself in between, deepening the kiss. Heeseung’s 6” stature towers over you even when you’re sat on a high surface. He always loved how small you looked when you stood next to him.
His left hand is now lost in your hair making a mess of your once neat curls and his right was keeping you steady on the ledge. Pulling away he looks at your state, “You look so fucked out and I haven’t even started yet, baby girl.” Your skirt has turned into a belt due to it bunching up, leaving your whole bottom half exposed. Well almost. Your thin white panties are the only thing keeping you decent, and Heeseung needs them gone. 
Luckily, the club is so dark and no one can see your uncovered core as Heeseung yanks them down your legs and holds it in front of you with one finger. “I can keep these, yeah?” Before you can answer he’s shoving them in his pocket. In the morning you would be mad because they’re your favourite pair, but right now you couldn’t care less. 
Just like before his middle finger glides in between your folds collecting your juices but as fast as his digit was on you, it was off again, bringing it to his mouth and sucking on it. You can’t properly see his face but you can see how his eyes roll back, “I would eat your little pussy so good if it wasn’t so obvious what I was doing.” He didn’t mind people watching but if he could avoid it he would, and being on his knees with his face buried between your thighs would certainly draw attention. 
“Hee,” Your voice is a whisper but he just hears it and leans down, “Please make me forget.”
Ah. Jaeyun. He almost forgot that’s why you agreed to let him do this. To distract you from his best friend and your broken heart. Guilt and a little something else fill Heeseung’s heart but he quickly pushes the thoughts to the back of his mind when your hand is palming his cock. 
Throwing his head back exposes his adam’s apple and quick as lightening your mouth is on it, kissing it softly. “Jesus fuck, Y/N.” He huffs and his hands push you away, leaving you confused. “I need to touch you, baby girl, I gotta hear those sweet moans, or else I’ll go crazy.” Granted, he’s going to go crazy either way, whether it was from you touching him or him touching you, but he is aware he probably doesn’t have a lot of time and he can’t let this opportunity to make you cum slip from him. “Be good for me angel.” 
One single kiss on your forehead and then he’s giving you what you want. Two of his fingers are teasing your entrance, rubbing circles gently around it. “Can you take the two of them or want me to start with one?” Heeseung might have been clouded by desire but he also wants you to be comfortable, not pushing you too far. 
“I can take it.” You don’t care if you actually can’t, you just need to feel something.
“Of course you can, baby girl. You’re so good.” His words of affirmation are similar yet different to Jaeyun’s. He’s more firm with his words than your ex-lover, like he’s making you think you’re taking the lead but in actual fact, he’s always in charge. “Going to let me make you feel good? Forget about him?”  All you can do is nod and crane your neck up to kiss him but he pulls away and raises his eyebrows, “Not going to ask? After I’ve been so kind to ask you if I can touch you?”
All while he’s speaking down to you, his fingers are still teasing your entrance. He doesn’t stop, that is another difference between Jaeyun and him. When Jaeyun teased you he would stop altogether and have you mewling for him to go back to what he was doing. But Heeseung knows it pays to play the long game, give you a constant taste of what he could offer, and make you beg for something you were already getting. It got him off so much to know his partners needed not what he could give them, but what more he could do to satisfy them. 
“C-can I kiss you.” 
“Yes, you can, angel.” And then without a breath, you’re kissing him, his fingers keeping their circular motions at an agonising pace. “How hard was it to ask, hmm?” He smirks and you could slap him for being so hot and annoying all at once if you weren’t so desperate.
You go to speak but moan instead as he puts some pressure down below, “Huh? You want to ask for something else, angel?” He didn’t have time to be doing this but it was so fun to watch you like this. 
“Can you..” This is so embarrassing. When was the last time you asked for someone to finger you? “Can you fuck me…with your fingers?”
“Would be my pleasure, baby girl.” His middle and ring fingers slip inside you with a little effort, “Jesus, angel, how long has it been since someone fucked you?”
“4 months.” Not that you were counting but it was 4 months and 3 days. If you knew the time right now you could probably pinpoint the exact hours and minutes too. You were so busy with finals for Uni and work you didn’t have the time to indulge in your needs. That was probably why Heeseung was having such an effect on you.
Probably just because it was Heeseung in general.
He’s fucking you open, stretching you out so good you can’t help but grab his band t-shirt for more stability. “Hold my shoulders, it’ll be better.” It’s like you’re his lap dog the way you just follow all his instructions. You mumble an ‘okay’ and grip his shoulders tight. Once he feels you get more secure, he goes harder.
Almost like he is trying to feel every inch of your insides his fingertips pushing hard against your upper walls, just how you like it. As he feels your forehead resting against his chest he knows he’s got you. “You like it when I fuck you like this with my fingers?” and you nod, but that’s not what he’s looking for. His free hand grabs your jaw and forcefully lifts your head to look at him, “You know I need to hear you.” God, he is so hot. 
“I love it, Heeseung.” Your winded words make him smug. 
“You want to ask for anything else?” The grip on your jaw loosens and the back of his hand and fingers glide smoothly over your neck. Again here he is making it seem like you’re in control but you know exactly what he wants, “Anything at all?” 
You almost can’t get the words out because he’s curling his fingers deep inside you, “Ch-”
“I’m sorry, baby girl I didn’t catch that?” He’s so self-satisfied with himself that he's getting everything he ever wanted. 
“Choke me.” 
And just like that his strong hand is wrapping around your throat, squeezing just enough. Heeseung knows the test the waters of your limits but honestly, you don’t have any, none that you know of anyway. 
Heeseung’s hands feel different from Jaeyun’s, stronger, just like his words. The tightness of his hand cutting off your airways makes your eyes roll back and spine arch. “So beautiful, angel.” 
The sweet words leaving his mouth don’t match up to his tight grip. Your head hits the wall sharply as he pushes you back but it only adds to the sensation of pleasure you’re feeling. 
“Hee, m’gonna cum.” It’s not so much a warning because you’re cumming around his fingers. His digits hammer into you, the muscle in his arm ripples as he gives you all he has. Heeseung wants you to remember this he’s going hard and cutting off your air. 
You’re such a beautiful sight.
“Doing so well for me, angel.” His pink glossy lips replace his hand on your throat as he kisses you where he knows there will be bruises. “So fucking beautiful.”
As your chest heaves and lungs gasp for air, you realise this is the first time you haven’t thought about Jaeyun. Mission accomplished, you suppose.
“Yeah, pretty?” His hand retreats from your pussy as he stands back up to loom over you again.
“Thank you.” Biting your lip you want to say more but you don’t exactly know what to say. 
His fingers tap your mouth, indicating for you to open it and you answer his silent command and open wide. The next thing you know he’s shoving his fingers into your mouth and you taste yourself. This is a new experience for you and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t love it and hope it isn’t the last time you’re sucking your cum off someone’s fingers. And if it happened to be Heeseung again, you definitely wouldn’t say no. 
“Remember this whenever you think about him.” He starts staring deep into your eyes, “And if you ever need a refresher, you know what room I’m in.”
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misguidedasgardian · 5 months
The Hour of the Wolf (6)
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VI. My love, my duty
Summary: There is a fine line between protection and betrayal
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, arranged marriage, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon, war, smut, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 4 k 
Notes: Alright…. In the last chapter, I rushed it a bit… like I said… I’m traveling and it was getting late and I wanted to post it… but anyways… I’m here to write smut, angst and fluff and I will deliver! so hopefully from now on I can be more detailed jejeje
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“Are you alright?”, he whispered wetly against the side of your face, you barely nodded, trying to regain your composure…
It had been such a mix of feelings… nervousness, shyness, pleasure, then pain, sharp, blinding pain, then fullness, then pleasure again, and now, as your husband laid still on top of you… still inside you… you didn’t think you’d want to let go of him, this felt so right, like you were born to fit together that way.
But he retrieved himself from you slowly, making you wince when he released you, you felt so empty, you didn't like it, it showed on your face
“Are you alright?”, he asked softly, you barely nodded, he looked in between you, and rose from the bed, abandoning it and that made you shift uncomfortably, you grabbed the soft sheets and pressed them against your chest, suddenly conscious of your nakedness.
The candles were still shining brightly, and that made you and him able to see everything very clearly… he turned his back to you and you could see his toned muscles there, right down to his buttocks, that made you feel your cheeks heated
He was as handsome from behind as he was from the front.
You felt a tightness when he walked away from you… 
“Don’t leave me”, you demanded, it came so quickly you barely thought the words before they left your mouth, and you almost regretted them
“What did we just discuss?”, he asked, amused, turning to you, you looked down at the sheets, ashamed, “I wouldn’t dream of leaving, my love, I was just fetching something to clean you”, he said gently, grabbing a rag, and pouring water from a decanter in a bowl
“Oh”, you said softly, smiling silly
He returned to you, taking the sheet from your body
“Spread your legs wife”, he demanded in turn
“I already did”, you joked and he chuckled, placing his big hands on your thighs and spreading them softly. You couldn’t look away, as you saw his seed and your blood leaking from you. He took the rag, got it wet with a bit of water, and softly, placed it in your intimacy
You whined, pain and soreness blooming
“Sorry”, he said, cleaning you softly, “I don’t want you to be even more uncomfortable”
He finished with you, leaning in and kissing you in the inside of your thighs making you moan, and then he put those things away, to return to you after cleaning himself 
He accommodated himself under the cover after he made sure you were too, and then he surrounded your body gently with one of his thick arms and pulled you towards him. You hugged his side, resting your head on his chest…
Again… it felt like you were made to fit together
He leaned in and kissed the top of your head
“This was Jacaerys’ room”, you whispered sadly, looking around, Cregan did the same
“I didn’t know”, he said back, “I just took it because it was close to yours, and has a nice view”, the room itself was comfortable, painted in a deep red, it felt like home.
“My grandfather gifted this room, one of the nicest in the palace, to his favorite daughter’s first son and heir”, you said with a chuckle, he chuckled too
“Is it true that the King sometimes held him in his lap while he sat the Iron Throne?”, he asked then, you smiled
“It was”, you whispered
“He would be proud of you”, he assured you, caressing your back
“Thank you”, you said
You felt such a familiarity to him, you knew him for barely a moon, you had seen him naked for the first time an hour ago, yet… you felt like it had always been like this, this felt comfortable, and right, as you cuddled even more into him. He encouraged it, holding you even closer and caressing your skin with his rough fingers, the touch wasn’t rough though, it was so subtil and warm
You fell asleep in his arms… he didn’t want to disturb you, managing to fall asleep as well, letting the candles burn until they completely melted.
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You woke up feeling a warmth… a soft… wet… caress, when you came to your senses, Cregan was kissing your neck, and the side of your face, the sun wasn’t even over the horizon yet
“I want to have you again wife”, he purred, you managed to giggle to stifle a moan
“So soon?”, you whined childishly, but playfully
“Are you alright? sore? hurt?”, he asked, concern tainting his voice, you couldn’t see him, as you had turned in your sleep and now he was hugging you from behind
“No”, you admitted, you were a bit… but you also… wanted more. You felt his hand between your thighs, teasing your entrance again, making you moan, and relax in his hold.
In this position, it was a tight fit, but this time, pain was not there when he pushed himself inside of you, slowly and gently, caressing you softly and kissing the side of your face.
“Mmmmm Cregan”, you whispered like a prayer, as he retrieved himself from you, and then started thrusting into you, slowly but sensually, in one movement, the tip of his cock grazed a spot inside of you that made you whine, turning in his embrace, your eyes rolled to the back of your head
“Oh”, he purred, you could see the smirk on him, “there it is”, he said decisively, and now that he had found that special spot, he wouldn’t let go, fucking you in that angle that make you whine and toss in pleasure, loosing yourself in his arms.
But he gave no quarter, hugging you tightly and fucking you even rougher.
This position made it tighter, but more intimate, as his body was completely stuck to yours, he was holding you tightly, kissing the side of your face, you held onto his thick arms that were around you, trying to ground yourself.
You had touched yourself, you had made yourself feel pleasure…
But nothing like this
You cummed, hard, squeezing him so tightly that triggered his own orgasm.
His hand was placed on your lower belly
“I will give you my seed, and you will give me a child, right?”, he asked
“Yes”, you murmured
“Do you want that?”, he asked softly, “to have my babies?”
“Yes”, you whispered
“You sure?”
“Yes please”, you begged, as you came down from your high
He didn’t exit you, he stayed like that, inside of you, your bodies connected
“If you agree…”, he said softly, hugging you tightly against him, “I would like to share your chambers, I’m aware that those are the King’s chambers, and it’s not why I’m asking but rather… it is because I want to sleep every night with you, you being the first thing I see in the morning, and the last thing I see at night”, he whispered against your temple
“Are you sure?”, you asked, fearfully, “I’m afraid you’ll soon tire of me”
“Impossible”, he said, “the Lords and ladies of the realm do not need separate chambers, neither should we”
“You are right”, you whispered, he kissed your shoulder softly
“Now sleep, wife, you’ll need your strength”, he said cheekily, and as if he could control it, you fell asleep again immediately, as the sun was rising in the horizon.
. . .
It had been some sort of a blur, you weren’t quite sure of what day it was, or what time it was when you finally left Cregan’s chambers
Now you had a funny limp and a silly smile on your face, he had grumbled and whined about you leaving, but you had things to do
You needed to get back to being Queen, not only a wife
The Baratheon did not take kindly to your threats, but some sweet words and places for some of them at your court had soothe them, Jahaera was set to arrive in the Keep later this day, and you were so happy
That little girl, as did Aegon, had been through enough 
You went to your chambers to bathe and change, and then, you received the happy news, Jahaera had arrived
You dismissed all protocol and tradition, you went looking for her like you were a little girl, you received her as soon as she got out of the carriage, with the help of Baratheon soldiers
She looked everywhere, at everything, she was young, six name days, you didn’t know how far she could remember though. Her eyes finally landed on you and with only a look, the soldiers released her hands and took several steps back, nobody in the way of you and the little one
“Hello Jahaera”, you said gently, leaning down almost kneeling so you’d be in the same height as her, “remember me?”, you asked with a soft smile, you were speaking and moving as she was a scared little animal, she looked at you with her big violet eyes, and then, from one second to the next, she ran and hugged into your skirts with strength 
“mama!”, it was the only thing she said, you managed to grab her little arms and made her hug you around your neck, hiding her little face in it
“Shh, you are alright now, my love, you are safe with me”, you chanted into her beautiful silver hair, “my sweet girl, you are home now”, you said
She wouldn’t let go, so when you raised her and took her with you, she clung into you like a koala. You hugged her tightly securing her legs around your torso, so she wouldn’t fall, and you turned to enter again into the Red Keep
You shared concerned looks with Cregan who was walking to meet you, and then he looked at the little girl
“And this little one?”, he asked softly, Jahaera barely lifted her head to look at him but then she hid it again, growling.
“This is Princess Jahaera”, you said simply, but you just kept walking with difficulty, towards the old nursery that was now inhabited by Aegon, it was the only room that he liked to be in, two rooms, connected by a common space where there were childish drawings in the walls, and many toys for the children of the family… now to be Aegon’s and Jahaera’s rooms
You didn’t know it then, but Jahaera would clung into you, not ever wanting to leave your side
The first day you would understand, but as night came, and you tried to leave her abed in the company of the nannies and Aegon, she cried and shrieked when you intended to part from her side 
So you stayed, even in her sleep, her tiny hands wouldn’t release the fabric of your dress.
You managed to release yourself from her grasp, and exited to your rooms well past the hour of the bat
Cregan said nothing, but demanded your care, to satisfy his hunger for you.
You were woken in the middle of the night by sorry maids and a crying Jahaera who climbed onto your bed and into your arms, Cregan watched the scene mildly entertained. Luckily you had dressed back after your night activities 
She cuddled in between you two, finally calmed, hiding her little face in your chest, you only caressed her soft silver hair.
Many would be thankful of the little one, that kept you entertained from matters of grave importance, as when you were trying to make Jahaera sleep without you, nightly meeting were taken place in the small council chamber
“We cannot tell her”, demanded Cregan 
“The situation could be easily fixed”, said then lord Redwyne
“But quickly!”, demanded Jason, “it is the Westerlands those savages are pillaging”
Another house had not answered your call to sworn allegiance…
The Greyjoys
Who had taken to the seas and started raiding the Western coasts 
And the small council would not tell you after receiving alarming reports
“She will feel like they are questioning her instead of them being just… Ironborns”, said Cregan
“They were on Rhaenyra’s side, where they not?”, asked the Lord Reyne
“Rhaenyra, for their alligiance, gave them free reign upon the Westerlands who, on that time, where sworn to the Greens”, remembered the Maester, “but they never signed any pacts, the Ironborns are and always been… unpredictable and not worthy of trust of civil men”
“We need to end this swiftly, and rapidly”, demanded Cregan, “Lord Redwyne?”
“My fleet is the closest, and the mightiest on the West side, I will send word and have them take to the seas”
“Good”, muttered Tyland, “we shall asist you”
“She doesn’t have to know”, said Cregan
“This is a mistake”, muttered Arryk, the people of the small council looked at him, “She is the Queen! she has to be told of military action taken under her reign”, he said
“This will only worry her”, said Cregan, “and there is nothing she can do”
“She has a dragon”, muttered Arryk, “she might prove herself”
“Arryk, by order of this counsel, you will say nothing”, commanded Cregan
“As the Lord Commander of the Queensguard I too hold a place on this table, and I say, this is wrong, not telling the Queen about this urgent matter in her own kingdom”
“I agree”, said the maester, “she is no child”, he chided, “she is a Queen, a Targaryen Queen, a dragonrider, a wife now…”, he said looking at Cregan, “you will give her no credit”
“She is still filling in her role, I will not challenge her to take to the skies, to place herself in danger, and burn armadas to the bottom of the sunset sea”, said Cregan, “she is better now, better than when I found her, if we want her to keep getting better and more grounded, this is the way to go”
“This is why she chose us”, muttered Lord Redwyne, “to deal with situations like this”
Both men were outnumbered, so they kept quiet.
In the meantime
You were trying to keep the peace between your children
“Move!”, Aegon demanded, “she is my sister, not yours!”, he pushed Jahaera away who whimpered
“Hey, that was unkind”, you chided, “there is enough of me for the both of you”, both children climbed into your lap, hugging you tightly, cuddling into you
“I’m here, I will not leave, I will not abandon you”, you said softly, Aegon haden’t given you the time of day before, only now that Jahaera presented competition for your affections is that he was visibly annoyed with the girl
Now, as you tried to take counsel with Jahaera perched on your lap, your main focus on the weeks to come where her and Aegon, two small children who now the only family they have was you. The small council took confidence in their work, and lead amazingly, with you only being able to barely participate in the meetings 
You could tell that what Cregan found comical and endearing at first, now he found a bit annoying, as the little girl would not sleep without you, would cling to your side. You had barely been able to put on your night dress, and now Jahaera rested cuddled against you.
Cregan entered the chambers, and as soon as he laid eyes on you, he growled, you could tell he was frustrated
“I would like to bed my wife tonight…”, he said gently, looking sheepishly at the sleeping girl in your arms
“She wakes up in the middle of the night, and if she is alone, she cries”, you explained softly, “she needs me”
“Being a mother suits you wife, I’ll fill you with my own child soon enough”, he said, his voice made you tremble, “If I could breed you that is”, you sighed
“You should be softer to her”, you demanded
“Everytime she sees me, she growls and hisses at me”, he said, annoyed
“You have done nothing to earn her affection”, you chided 
“You made a promise to me, that as soon as you are within this walls, you are mine, my wife”, he said softly, “we need to discuss the fact of having someone else affecting our.. time together”
“I’m aware Cregan, but what would you have me do?”, you asked, “she is small and afraid”
“She needs to know there is nothing to be scared of”, he said, “how is she going to learn if you cuddle her so much?”
“I know she needs to regain her strength, but slowly”, you muttered
Cregan was frustrated, not only by the little girl who prevented him from bedding his wife, but also, from everything else.
The raids in the west had not dwindled, if anything, they have gotten worse, a small army from the Lannisters had been completely destroyed, and the Tyrells were getting involved, at the fear of being affected.
Now more than ever, it was too late to tell you, it had gotten so much worse, Lord Redwyne, soon, was going to need to go home to lead his armada, and he was going to go with him, he needed an excuse to leave your side, as did Tyland
So that, added to the fact that he was failing you as a husband not being able to bed you, yes, he was very frustrated 
Yes he was the biggest supporter in actually lying to you, but… his fear was true, if you believed that someone was causing rebellion against you… he didn’t know how you were going to react, so far, you had been good, you had been improving, he had managed to pull smiles from your lips and gleams in your eyes.
You were getting better, comfortable in your role
But you were not ready to deal with this.
He, was doing what he thought was best.
He wanted to protect you
You stood up grabbing Jahaera in your arms, and laid her in a small bed placed in the corner of the huge room, behind a screen, and then you looked at Cregan
“Better?”, you asked
“Yes”, he sighed, but smiling softly at you
“What’s on your mind?”, you asked, “you seem frustrated, and I doubt is all directed at me”, you murmured 
He stopped his movements, only looking at you softly
“I’m sorry”, he whispered, he walked towards you surrounding the bed, he grabbed you softly, leaning in and trapping your lips on his, “its not all you”, he teased. He led you softly to the bed, covering you both under the covers, hiding yourself.
He took you softly, slowly, quietly.
The very next day, when you woke up smiling in his strong arms, you realised Jahaera had slept trough the night, and that was an improvement
Another week had passed 
And between meetings and focusing on your children, time had passed fleetingly
But something was going on under false pretences and distractions, you couldn’t tell what exactly, so you found it strange when three of your small council members came to you with a request
“My army is sitting idle, I shall send them to secure the Hightower gold coming from Oldtown”, said Cregan, “I shall go with them”, you barely nodded
“Me as the master of coin, shall accompany him”, muttered Tyland, you looked at Cregan, the prospect of being without him did not appealed to you, but you didn’t want to show it
“Very well”
“Matters of importance call me home, your grace, I think is a fine opportunity to take to the roads with the rest of these noble men”
Who were you to deny them of such reasonable request?
“You leave me with only a Grand maester and Ser Arryk?”, you said aloud
“Many Lord from the main houses remain, everyone is returning home for the winter, we had just finished long weeks of audiences, I believe this is the best time”, said Tyland
“Very well, I shall see you in a moon’s time”, you demanded, and they barely nodded, evading your gaze
You didn’t understand why Cregan needed to go, or why you couldn’t go with him to organize his troops who had been camping and resting in the Riverlands, but you stayed within the Red Keep’s walls as requested, the people needed you here apparently.
So with a longing kiss, your husband left you, as did the majority of your small council, you felt sad as he left, but also relieved, thinking now you could aid Jahaera in getting better, teaching her how to sleep in her own chambers
But something was off, you didn’t want to think anything of it, meaning, you were no dreamer, you were not close to any gods for them to grant you special power to highten your senses, so, there wasn’t anything else… except… the looks of concern of Arryk and the Grand Maester in your first meeting after the rest of the council had left, after fourteen days
“What?”, they too avoided your gaze in shame, and now you were getting truly concerned as you stood seated in front of them in the small council meeting.
“Your grace…”, started the Maester.
He did not dare to speak the treason they had commited, but they had received pressing words of concern from the west
It was only two weeks after, not enough time yet, Dalton Greyjoy, the Red Kraken had savaged the Westerlands, not being able to gain entrance to Casterly Eock, he decided to pour his anger to Lannisport, and then, down the coast towards the Reach.
Tyland, Cregan and lord Redwyne we’re barely able to get to a vessel to face the most dangerous armada in the seven Kingdoms, the Arbour stood almost defenseless as the ships were not ready with the men to sail them. But took a ship downriver from Tumbleton managing to arrive in time to sail and meet their enemies
And yet, in a desperate attempt, with the army of the northerners not able to gather with the forces of the Reach… they were looking at a great defeat, a disastrous one.
“And you kept this from me?” You asked looking forwards, further than this very room
“We agreed we could handle it your grace, Ser Arryk and I were outnumbered, we did not want to concern you…”
“Yet my husband and Master of coin and ships… are in sure danger of death… sailing to their doom, Lord Celtigar in Harrenhal…trying to bring the castle and its habitants back into the fold… and I stand here, trying to put order into my own house”
The old man and your sworn sword stood quiet
“What will you do, your grace?”, you only looked to the dragon eye in front of you
“What are the words of my house, Gran Maester?”, you asked, slowly and calmly
. . .
Striking a deal, or bargain with the Greyjoys was like striking a pact with the sea itself.
That family, could not be trusting, they were like the tides, changing and ever turning.
No, there was only war they craved
It was only defeat they understood, for a generation at least
Cregan did not liked the sea in particular, he referred to keep both feet on land, and yet, here he stood, watching the sunset sea in front of him.
He never thought he was going to be this south
“The men are prepared”, he heard a commander of the Redwyne forces for heir lord
He had never even been on a war vessel before, the sigh was overwhelming
“Sails!” Someone’s screamed from the eagle’s nest, and soon enough, in the horizon, black sails, a red kraken flying over them
Dalton Greyjoy
“I hope wolves can swim, pup”, mocked Lord Redwyne as he saw how pale the Stark stood
“This is a mistake, if we fall… she will loose half her smallcouncil”
“That should be the least of your concerns, they just likely take us prisoners and make her pay the Hightower gold for our release” he said dismissively
The old man stood calm, as Cregan never saw him before and he didn’t know if it was because he was certain of their victory, or had given up to certain death…
The Greyjoy’s closed on them by the second, and the soldiers on boards began to prepare for certain colisión with the enemy, gathering long spears, hooks and swords, arches and everything they could arm themselves with
He unsheathed his long sword, delivering a small prayer to the old gods, wondering if their reach went this far…
They were going to die.
Did he managed to plant his seed in your belly? Were you going to be able to put together another small council? Lord Celtigar still was going to be there, as the maester and Lord Arryk, he wanted to believe you were going to be fine…
The last thing in his mind before facing death… was of your well-being…
And he really wished you were not going to be affected by his untimely departure, for a second he wished you had not developed affection for him… because he truly wished you were going to be able to survive this, yet, another loss in your…
The image of your face disappeared from his mind when he heard a screech.
It was far away yet… from one second to the next, everything was quiet…. And then it could be heard again, this time… closer
Cregan raised his eyes to the skies, it was midday, the sun shinning brightly at the top of the sky, it was clear, barely any clouds… and yet… a singular dot, coming down at high speed
“Gods!” Cursed Lord Redwyne
“Dragon!” Someone screamed when a screech turned into a loud growl, and the dot took shape of body and wings
“Take cover!”
Vhaelar took form, its unmistakable color making it shine like a field covered in snow under a winter sun
He flew diagonally, passing over the Redwyne fleet
“Dracarys!”, your form unmistakably upon her back
She breathed a column of fire so strong it broke the first Iron ship in half without much thought, it was so quick then when everyone realized what was happening a second and then a third where burning, people screaming, the Ironfleet, less than a kilometer away, started bursting into flames as the huge dragon dance above them, flying higher than what the scorpions could reach
“Our queen!” Screamed Tyland in the middle of nervous and relieved laughs, “Our Queen has saved us!”
The next thing Cregan heard above the screams and wood collapsing and burning, where people cheering.
His icy eyes followed every move of your dragon, guarding every bolt and arrow that was flying your way but none could reach you.
It took your dragon less than a hour to burn a hundred ships
You left but one, the flagship, where Dalton Greyjoy was, you let him live, because the Ironborn needed someone to guide them, to prevent them from rising again in rebellion, you hoped he learned his lesson.
And then, you flied home, away from your own fleet.
You did not had the strength to face your treacherous council yet, and they did not see your face, nor two weeks after, when they themselves arrived in Kinglanding
They entered the chamber as your were seated on the head of the table, lord Celtigar on his place, Ser Arryk behind you, and the grand maester on his seat.
Lord Tyland, Lord Redwyne and Cregan entered the room slowly, gazes down not daring to face you
As they saw no denial from you, they took a seat, you were deadly quiet, but let them.
“Your grace…” Cregan began
“Lord Redwyne”, you called, interrupting him, “I must thank you, it is a relief to know your armada can be assembled as quickly as you had proven it to be”, you said, ignoring your husband completely, “this will not be forgotten, the loyalty you had proven”
“Thank you your grace” he said shakily
“Your grace…”, called Cregan again
“Lord Tyland”, you called this time, sliding a parchment over the table to his surprise gaze, “the grand maester, Lord Celtigar and I had designed a plan to aid and help in repairing the damage made by the Ironborns in their raids, of course, is not only a monetary package, but resources from the adóbela de, from the tullys and the Tyrell’s that will aid in reconstruction”
“This is wonderful your grace”, he said, visibly relieved
“You are dismissed”, you stood from the table and walked towards the exit, but stopped in your tracks, “I assembled you to advice me, because I value your opinions above all others”, you said calmly but surely, “keep information like this away from me again, and I shall find advice I deemed even in higher steam , is that understood?”, you asked angrily, and they all, all those powerful men, just looked down at the table.
“Yes your grace”, you heard the Choris, and finally left the room.
You went to your own, because they was yet one person you needed to speak to, and you needed to do so on equal ground.
As expected Cregan entered right after yo
“You lied to me”, you accused
“I wanted to protect you, from exactly that! You flying into battle without even a strategy!”, he fought back, making you even more angry
“Don’t you dare turn this on me”, you said firmly, “you lied to me, conspired against me”
“I thought we could end this without making you worry!” He growled, “we could have defeated the Ironfleet”
“Yes sure”, you mocked, “people rises on rebellion against me, and you’d think you’d be best not to tell me!?”
“I told you I did not want to worry you”
“You wound me, it appears that not only half the lords of the realm, but also my own husband and hand doesn’t think I’m worthy of the throne!”, you said, eyes filled with angry tears
“You know very well that is not what I think!”, he said back, angry, not at you, but at the situation
“Then why did you intented to keep this from me?”, you insisted, “You don’t know what is like!”, you shouted, “that the kingdoms would rather go to war that surrender to your reign, for what you have between your thighs!”, Cregan sighed
“The kingdoms love you! They loved your mother”, he said, exasperated, “this is exactly why I didn’t tell you!”
“Not half the lords no”, you said bitterly, “If I was a man, nobody would have batted an eye!”, you continued, “everyone would have praised me for my valor!I would have been there leading the attack!”
“If you were a man I wouldn’t have cared!”, he exploted finally, grabbing you by your upper arms, “I wouldn’t be married to you if you were a man!”, he continued softly, and you gasped softly when you realized
“Oh”, you muttered
“What if something had happened to you? If an arrow had gotten to you? Jace died in the narrow sea, his dragon hooked like a common salmon…”
“I was better than him”, you said sadly, “my dragon is bigger… I flew higher…”
“I know that now” he said, “but the very thought of you, angry and worried because of those thick skull fucks, you leading the charge, in your dragon like you did, putting yourself in danger…”, you looked into his eyes and you saw desperation, “they would have risen against you, or Aegon the usurper, or your mother even with Daemon by her side, that is what these fucks do!”
You got quiet
“Don’t ever hide this from me again”, you demanded
“Don’t ever put yourself in danger like that again”, he growled , “I could not bare it, if something had happened to you”, he whispered leaning in
“How do you think I felt?”, you said more teasingly, “when I learn the danger my husband has put himself on”
The mood had lighten, you shared smirks
The line between protection and betrayal was very thin apparently
Lucky for you it was the first one.
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I did not check for errors, I’m writing this from my phone 🤭
@lyannesworld @tremendouswolfsaladranch @unlesshouse @mimsie95 @ostricx @amelia262006 @marihoneywk @ahristata @happinessinthebeing @dd122004dd@lyannesworld @aestmilky @lightdragonrayne @delaynew @mxtokko @stargaryenx @lightdragonrayne @delaynew @mxtokko @good-night-starlight @yentroucnagol @beebeechaos @brakingboundaries @duds31
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luvtak · 4 months
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seasons of love, hhj
✦ pairing hyunjin x reader
✦ genre/tw FLUFF! FLUFF! ONE MORE TIME SAY IT WITH ME! FLUFF!!! hyunjin and mc are very much in love! hyunjin is said to be taller than mc and have bigger hands. lots of kisses and i love yous. suggestive in a couple places. in and out of present and past tense lol. overall very sweet and lovely--hyunjin and mc falling in love through the seasons
✦ w/c 2412
✦ a/n okay so! this is a rewrite of something i posted springtime last year and i hated it lol. this time around i am very proud of hyune and mc and they’re love story and i hope you all love it too!! I've spent months adding scenes and taking them away until I got here <3 please like and reblog, and please please reach out if you have any ideas or questions or just wanna talk!! love you guys forever, mwah!!
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He came to you in the Summer, bringing with him music and dancing, and so much laughter you forget how serious falling in love can be.
There is just something about warm weather. It could be the sun shining over your beloved, lighting them up like a god or a king, maybe it’s just that the temperature resembles the touch of your lover’s caress, or that the awakened world is made for romance. It was early July, and everything was blue and sunny; days were filled with jokes and getting to know each other over hot days and cold drinks. Confessions given on front porches and whispered under blue skies—a million firsts bundled up as the heat went away.
He tells you he likes you so quietly, whispering in his sweet little voice, “would you like to go out sometime?” 
The way his tall frame looked against the paint palette sunset would live in your head forever; pretty hair and long legs, the sweetest smile curving up to his crescent moon eyes. Looking back, you wished you had a camera or shared his talent with a paintbrush–just to have that moment set in stone. The smile that made you say yes. 
In the beginning, he was too shy to hold your hand or stand too close. Inching closer and closer until he stood against you–brushing his fingers against yours until his big hands were enveloping your smaller ones. 
 The first time he kissed you, his hands were shaking.
 He was so nervous you could feel the goosebumps rising on his arms, but he asked so sweetly,
“Can I kiss you.” And there was no way you’d ever say no. Not when he stood there in his summer clothes and pink cheeks, not when it was Hyunjin asking. 
He held you straight against him, both hands on your face—the first press of his lips like drinking water, so slow as not to choke then gulping it down. His skin was soft everywhere you touched, and his kiss was happy: full of teeth and giggles and coming up for air.
Getting to know him was like walking into your childhood home, everything about him as familiar as the lines on your palm. Some parts of you are certain you’ve known him before—maybe you were lovers then too, or maybe two trees whose roots were intertwined. In any reality, you can’t see how Hyunjin is supposed to be with you. There is just no other reason why he could know you so well already, no other explanation as to why his body fits around you like it was made to.
Late one night you tell him your theories, and the smile he gave you was so bright and shiny you thought the sun came up. You tell him calmly and earnestly,
 “Hyun, I’m almost certain we’ve already met thousands of times before.” 
August is hot and covered in orange sunsets and long kisses; pink skies the same color as his cheeks when he asks you out again and again. He tells you about his life while you flip through his journals, page after page dedicated to moments he loved and dreams he’s had, and moments yet to come.
The days are long and it’s so easy to care for him, 15 hours of sunlight allowing you to learn all of him and still need more. Sharing secrets under leaves and laughs under covers–it’s too quick to fall in love, too fast for this insatiable longing to rise up in you. But you think you are, you must be, what else could that aching pull in your tummy be? 
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The first I love you falls from your lips like the leaves around you. A day spent shopping in the Halloween aisles and holding hands to keep warm. He looks so pretty, dark hair standing out against the grays and oranges of the season, and you love him so much you can’t help but tell him. The words float easy, accompanied by wind bitten skin and a warm gaze.
At first, he hesitates, making sure he’s heard you right, until finally the sun breaks on his face and he speaks.
“I love you too, silly.” He says it like it’s obvious, and it is. He’s been telling you with his eyes and his hands for months, it’s the truest he’s ever felt.
Autumn is spent studying each other, learning how and when to touch—how to make him gasp and sigh. His eyes flutter when you kiss his hip and roll when you bite down; He scratches and pulls, he makes your teeth rattle with his skin. Late nights and early mornings mapping each other, he tells you he loves you and swallows the response, touches the words away.
“I love you; I love you; I love you.” You say over and over again, hoping it sinks into his soul like a second skin.
In mere months, he knows your heart like it’s his own, slotting himself into your life like he’s always been a part of it. Your body has become his home; he’s tied his heart to yours in a double knot. You’re made for him, he’s sure of it—molded from the same clay, split-a parts who’ve found each other.
He tells you things he’s never told anyone before, pressing the secrets against your lips and pulling all of your secrets out of you at the same time. 
He adores you, cherishes you as a person, a friend, a lover. He feels happier than he ever has, and he wants to show you to everyone he knows. When he introduces you to his friends, the smile never leaves his face and his hand stays wound with yours. They welcome you like an old friend, and he feels like both pieces of his heart are melting together. He watches you joke with Felix and be teased by Minho, and he thinks you’re the piece that’s been missing this whole time.
Months have been spent just the two of you, and it’s been perfect–intimate and so warm, but seeing you among his friends changes things. Almost like it wasn’t yet real, and now it is. 
When you go to bed that night, he tells you,
“They love you and I love you.”  and the look you give him is so beautiful, he thinks he should bottle it and save it for later.  
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Winter brings an unwelcome guest, a yearning for him that won’t go away—it’s harder to love him when he’s busy, and you wish you could be stronger and less jealous, but you’re only one person. It gets considerably difficult to wash the harsh feelings away when he isn’t there to help you, too many nights spent feeling too far away from him induce an anger you can’t get rid of.
When he arrives late and smelling of alcohol, you can’t seem to swallow the bitterness—why would he be drinking when he could be here with you? 
Hyunjin, never a novice in reading you, picks it up right away. 
One quick comment and then yelling. 
“Are you just tired of me?” It escapes from your tongue like a lash, pricking invisible scars onto every vein. He wishes you would know he misses you too, but how could you when he’s never around, not physically nor emotionally, so you keep screaming. Yelling so loud about things that don’t matter. You hope he knows you’re fighting to stay, not to leave, but the words leaving your mouths are so harsh, you can’t be certain if he remembers he loves you.
If you were in your right mind, you’d know he doesn’t want it this way. Everyday he longs for the heat of summer and the comfort of autumn. If he wasn’t drunk, he could tell you, but instead he says, “I just can’t do this anymore.” Maybe it’s better to let go and find each other next time, next life.
 Recently it’s been too hard, and maybe he’s not strong enough to learn about this part of you, but you are.
You’ve never been afraid to learn his bad parts, sure he’s a dream shaped like a boy, but he’s also whiny and clingy, and sometimes he gives up too fast. Even though it’s hard, and the tears are streaming into the seam of your lips—you gulp down the acidity and tell him you love him.
“It’s never going to get easier, Hyun, you’ll always be busy, and I’ll probably always miss you, but I love you and you said we’re meant to be, and you’re not a liar.” You tell him you’re sorry for yelling, and he says he’s sorry too, and in the morning, he’ll use his hands to apologize and then his mouth and he’ll promise to keep you warm when he can.
Winter is spent learning to love the pieces of each other that are unlikable, to see the invisible boundaries of before and honor them. You remember your theory about the trees with woven roots, and you remind yourself sometimes you’ll have to sacrifice your share of the water to survive, and you hope it’ll be easier when the world reawakens.
Night comes so fast, and it's so cold, but he loves you. It’s been half a year now, and you almost can’t remember where you were this time last year. Were you freezing without him? Or did you only feel the cold now that he’s here? 
All you know is his warmth–pressing into you wherever he can. 
A silent promise for the spring yet to come. 
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His birthday arrives with the first of the blooms, the world not yet alive. You wish him happy birthday under warm sheets, whimpering the words in place of presents. He spends the day with the people he loves most and the happiness he feels eases into spring. He tells you it used to be his favorite; and you promise for his day you will bring some of the magic back.
 You help him pick flowers to paint, and read him your favorite stories, you kiss him under cherry blossoms and show him your favorite sunsets. It helps some, but not all—even so, spring with you is prettier than without. He’s sure his skin is brighter because you kiss it, and his paintings are better because they’re of you. He doesn’t know if you believe him, but he means it. His world has become technicolor since you walked into it.
He says it’s just better with you, “I mean it, honey, life is unbelievable when you’re around.”
It’s almost been a year, months spent learning and growing just like the flowers scattered around you. He loves you, so it takes no hesitation when you ask him to move in. He feels like it was already in the midst of happening anyway—his one drawer became a dresser, and his favorite snacks found their way to your cabinets.
Months ago, your heart became his home, and now he gets to live in it every day. Sure, you bicker some: many sighs of “That’s not where that goes, Hyun.” Combined with sweet mutters of “Well, it should go there, sweetheart.” But it’s exhilarating to open his boxes and link his life with yours—mitch-matched mugs in the sink and dirty clothes mixed together.
Your home is filled with dancing and music, laughter and love. His paintings cover the walls, pictures of your days held with magnets on the fridge. His life is now yours and your days belong to each other, and every night he reminds you it’s almost been a year, but how could you forget.
Sometimes, when he puts a dish away wrong, or leaves his clothes on the floor, you question why you invited him in. Even so, you wouldn’t take it back. He’s added so much color into your life, spring personified. A lovely romantic boy who sets your soul on fire. 
The flowers that line the street remind you of him, and the bees who accompany you on your walk sing a quiet song that resembles his sweet nothings.
 Your sweet spring boy, Hyunjin.
 Radiant in every season. 
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Somehow, he looks the prettiest in the July heat. Of course, every season you’ve spent with him he’s been beautiful, but there is something about his smile surrounded by clear skies. His cheeks are the same color as the flowers and his kisses as warm as the sun. Something about the season where you first met, encasing him in a beauty befit of a prince. You can’t believe it’s been a year with him, a year getting to know how to love him and feeling his love back.
Looking at him now, he could probably make you do anything which is why when he woke you up at the crack of dawn dragging you out to see the sunrise you couldn’t say no. It was frustrating at first, when all you wanted was a few more hours in bed next to him, but Hyunjin could make you do anything if he smiled down at you.
He’s doing it now, looking so darling in his light sweater and clips in his bed-messed hair, looking past you at the sunrise. You love him like this, and it takes all of you not to tell him, to keep the peace of dawn. 
You’ve loved things before—people, places, things, but never a boy like this.
Hwang Hyunjin is so precious, so dear to you that it hurts sometimes. No one has ever loved you the way he does, his love surrounds you—covers you under a warm blanket of his affection until it radiates into you.
He’s telling you how pretty you are, how you look like the fresh blooms and you’re laughing—which is all he wanted. He only ever wants to make you happy, even if that means being a cheeseball sometimes. Especially if that means waking you up early enough to see the sun come up, and he wants to see that smile again, so he asks,
 “Honey, do you wanna know a secret?”
“Oooo, yes tell me.”
“I love you.” It comes so easy, flows so quickly past his lips like a nightly prayer, like it’s something so objectively true he can’t lie about it, which it is. And your smiles is so wide, laughing at how sweet your boy is, and you say,
“Oh, I already Knew that. I love you too.” And he smiles, grinning at the summer sky.
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sprout-fics · 11 months
hey! imagine if Konig could scent Red during her period, like before she even knows about it? And he just goes crazy for her during that time? just a little brainworm :)
Monthly snack
(Period sex, cunnilingus, blood, werewolf sex, I can’t believe I’m posting this let alone writing it, wtf is wrong with me for real)
“Please, Schatz.” He begs, head in your lap, arms wrapped around your hips as you perch on the edge of the bed. The glimmering gold of his eyes glints through the shadows of his hood, illuminating the darkened cast of need there. His massive hands knead into your back, cup under your ass, and you can feel the dull prod of his forming claws against his fingertips that will no doubt leave marks across your flesh come morning. 
“I-I want to taste you.” Konig pleads, voice high, keening, whining as he asks once more. “I’ll make it feel good, I…I promise.”
You teeth your lip uncertainly, fingers teasing the worn fabric of his hood between your fingers. It wasn’t that you were opposed, per say, but that the idea of Konig…involving himself in you while you bled was…well, embarrassing.
“It’ll help.” He tries again, voice strained, scooting closer to you. “It’ll make the pain go away. I…I want it.”
You blink then, at the pure desire that colors his voice, choked and needy as he all but throws himself into your lap to beg for it, to taste you despite it all, offering you pleasure like he worships you like an altar of the moon. Konig was always a little too aroused during the full moon, and those nights always ended with you on your back, on your hands and knees, fisting the russet fur of his back and shoulders and crying out for him until your lungs were fit to burst. Echoing his name over and over like an offering to the goddess Selena herself, crying into the night sky.
This. This was different. The need, the hunger in Konig’s eyes was no less rampant, but now it was softer at the edges, deferential as his eyes turned downwards, as he nuzzles into your lap with a bubbling little whine. When you lift his hood you can see his parted lips, can see his fangs just barely poking out from his teeth as they form a single word.
You hold your breath for a moment, feel it curl warm and damp inside your chest as you look down at him, into his glimmering eyes with pupils eclipsing all but a faint ring of gold. Konig’s chest rises unevenly, breathing in stuttering, ragged inhales that tell the tale of a barely restrained lust, a ravenous desire that you think will let him swallow you whole.
When you nod, he surges upwards, knocks teeth against yours in the sudden urge to kiss you. His fangs skim over your lips as you taste his high, cracked whine across your tongue. Yet there’s no time for you to kiss back, to loop your arms around his broad shoulders because suddenly you’re being tipped back, body hitting the soft goosefeather mattress hard enough to force the air from your lungs. 
Konig has your underwear gone by the time you look up, his hood tossed alongside them so you can see his shift beginning to take hold. Large, pointy ears form from the soft, curly bed of his hair, fangs drawing outwards with his elongated muzzle, the hands gripping your thighs shifting, morphing into the monster that had nearly devoured you so many moons ago, and now seems fit to do it again. 
The soft fabric of your skirt puddles around your waist and you yelp as Konig lifts you up with immense, monstrous strength, hauling you up to meet him. Your hips rise high off the bed, the small of your spine barely grazing the sheets as you’re tipped at a severe angle to accommodate his massive size. Your legs fold over his shoulders, the hair tickling the inside of your calves, entrance exposed clearly to his hungry, wolf-ish gaze. 
“Gott im Himmel.” He groans, voice deeper, rougher, a tone no human can muster. “You smell so good, liebling.”
You smell like blood, you think. The scent hangs heavy and iron in the air as you fist the sheets, feeling your face warm to an uncontrollable temperature that sears down your neck, across your shoulders and chest. Quandary colors your expression, and you lift an arm to toss across your face, hiding you from his gaze in your embarrassment. 
“No.” He growls, and there’s the prick of claws against the soft flesh of your thighs. “Look at me. I want to see you, want to see your face while I do this.”
You comply, but your brow is knotted with a mixture of shame and need that spools warm and liquid under his gaze. When you meet his eyes Konig merely growls at the arousal he finds there, pressing his snout against the junction of your thighs and relishing the high, arching gasp that escapes you. 
“K-Konig-” You try, and you aren’t even sure what to ask for. To leave you be? To take you how he wants? Maybe simply to eat you alive.
Yet Konig does exactly that, the warm, broad stripe of his tongue pressing flat against you and you cry out, feel pleasure lace across your hips and dull the bite of cramps that press down on your womb. 
“Just like that.” He tells you, voice obscured by a dark, grinding rumble that drags from the hollow of his chest. “Just like that, Schatz. Don’t hold back. I want to hear you, want to hear how good I can make you feel.”
Your chest rises in ragged, gasping inhales as Konig sets about his task, the width of his tongue circling your clit, your entrance, the sharpness of his teeth occasionally grazing across the insides of your thighs. There’s a coiling tightness in the core of you that brightens with every swipe of his tongue, every vibration of his feral, untamed noises grunted against you. 
You arch against the bed, whimper and mewl for him, sweat making your clothes cling damp to your form as the climax inside you only builds, forces itself higher and higher until it’s fit to burst you at the seams. Yet when Konig forces his tongue inside you every nerve within your body seems to light on fire, and you come across his tongue with a shout, calves locking behind his broad neck as you try and contort yourself to push up, onto his muzzle. 
You can feel yourself flutter around him as you come down, and when he pulls back you whine, a touch overstimulated and raw. The world feels hazy around you, your eyes lidded and lip swollen with your teething. Yet Konig takes only one look at you and huffs, clearly pleased, adjusting your legs across the broad, furry planes of his shoulders before lowering his streaked muzzle to you once more. 
“Moon is still rising, liebling.” He purrs. “We’re not done yet.”
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christinesficrecs · 6 months
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I am a big, BIG fan of Sentinel AU's. But it seems like the post I had went poof! Anyway! Enjoy. ❤️
Unmapped by Jerakeen | 11.3K | Explicit
Stiles can never leave a good mystery alone.
I'll Tie You (In My Arms) by Kian | 19K
Derek doesn't want a Guide after his last attempt at a bond nearly got his whole family killed, and Stiles doesn't want to be one if it means losing the last of the family he's got. But Fate doesn't take requests.
I Want You Under My Skin by FunkyinFishnet | 6.6K | Mature
Stiles is a Guide who looks after catatonic or feral Sentinels. One day a grief-stricken fugue-state Derek is brought in and Stiles realizes that he's found his Sentinel. Now they've just got to get Derek out of his own head and able to bond.
Bonding for Beginners by Ember | 43.2K | Explicit
Sentinel AU where Stiles is a Guide looking for real connection, and Derek is a Sentinel forced to get a Guide.
Collide by Green | 36K | Mature
Guide Stiles Stilinski has been waiting his whole life to meet his one and only Sentinel, knowing everything will fall into place perfectly once he's bonded. Then along comes Derek Hale, his werewolf Sentinel, who already has a mate (alpha werewolf Peter Hale) and doesn't want anything to do with a new bond. Does Stiles even fit in the picture? Will he ever get his happily ever after, or was that just a childish dream?
On Anchors and Rudders by Unloyal_Olio | 15.1K | Mature
Stiles might be a sentinel, but Derek is a werewolf. Derek is not and never will be a guide.
There is no way in hell he’ll be a guide. No. Way. In. Hell.
The Normal One? by hellbells | 10.9K | Explicit
Stiles had always prided himself on being the normal one in the pack. He was until an Alpha fight shows him just how wrong they all are. It just might be that he needs Derek to anchor him as much as Derek needs him.
It Started Out as a Feeling by flitterflutterfly | 15.4K | Explicit
When the newly bonded Sentinel Scott joins Derek Hale’s pack, Derek had just been happy that his group was growing larger and stronger. But Scott brings with him his old-temporary-guide-turned-friend named Stiles and the rest of Derek’s pack begin to conspire to get them together. And while Derek is attracted to Stiles, Stiles doesn’t want a full bond and Derek would never force that.
Who Needs A Guide? by LadyDrace | 3.7K
Derek is a sentinel who doesn't need a guide. Good thing, too, because what he ends up getting is in fact not a guide.
Ochre Moon by SOABA | 13.3K
Stiles has unknowingly spent years on medication designed to fully suppress his Sentinel Gene. Then, one day, the medicine stops working and it’s definitely Derek’s fault.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 4 months
Do you know any fics similar to The Mating Privilege or I Don’t Like the Way She’s Looking at You? Just some stories where Derek isn’t the *best* mate/bf/husband etc or they have to pretend to not be together and ends up with stiles feeling neglected or ignored.
I’ve also read “how I long for yesterday” and “worth it” for those that want something similar but not quite what I’m looking for!
First of all. "How I Long for Yesterday" is my fic. So this made my day.
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How I Long For Yesterday by sweetbutterbliss
(1/1 I 6,017 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles blinks, his throat going dry, and he moves his thumb without thinking - liking the post. He feels a surge of petty satisfaction. At least the fucker will know he knows now. He stands up, his body feeling too heavy, and he blows out the already guttering candles. He lets out a sob of frustration when the last one won’t fucking blow out. But he sucks it back in and bites down on his tongue, using his thumb and forefinger instead. He throws himself into their empty bed without undressing. He lies there repeating the words ‘Derek blew me off for Isaac’ over and over. He tells himself to shut up while rearranging his pillow violently, but he goes to sleep with the refrain continuing its painful loop.
Worth It by dragneels
(1/1 I 1,670 I General I Sterek)
He hadn’t thought even for a second, instincts roaring, and jumped in front of Derek, taking the blow. And then he got lost in the darkness. also known as the "stiles telling derek that he's worth everything" fic no one asked for
As the seconds tick by by Halevetica
(1/1 I 3,972 I Not Rated)
When Derek picks up a new contract, he starts showing up late and missing important dates making Stiles feel unimportant. Derek is sure the contract is worth it, but Stiles doesn't understand why.
I'm Torn Do I Stay Do I Go by Adaline_Stilinski
(2/2 I 6,963 I General)
Derek had been focusing on making alliances with other packs around Beacon Hills to protect his pack but in doing so he started to neglect Stiles and there relationship. Stiles get's sick of it and decided to leave for some time apart is it going to help be like the stories Stiles reads and write about how distance makes love grow or will they both realise that there better apart. Will tragedy bring them together
Aberration by JackalPinesOfHouseEvergreen
(11/? I 29,415 I Teen)
Derek is a hot-shot lawyer who is very focused on his work. Stiles is his loving husband who does his best to fit into Derek's high-class family. He's hit some major roadblocks though. He feels neglected and unloved, and worse when Derek ditches him at his own family's parties which leave him humiliated as he tries to appear like their marriage isn't failing.
As an old member comes during some important werewolf ceremony to stir the pot, Derek's relationship with his family and Stiles is tested more than ever. Derek's world has been rocked and turned upside down.
And Stiles? Stiles is trying to find out who he is in the absence of the one he loves. As much as he believes in Derek and in their relationship, Stiles needs to find his self-worth that got lost along the way. Remember the fire he had inside of him as he got in the face of those that looked down at him, the fierceness of his intelligence that made others fear and respect him. Remember how fun life was...
Derek and Stiles drift a bit as Derek realizes he has to woo Stiles again, because he will not risk losing the love of his life. Not again.
The Mating Privilege by Kikileduc
(12/12 I 35,380 I Mature)
Stiles and Derek have been happily mated. The pack is doing well, but in hopes of creating alliances for it to do better, Derek accepts a neighboring pack's request to allow two wolves to join the Hale-McCall pack for a full moon cycle. They hope to form a blood-tie, or at least a long term friendship between the two packs. The issue is Kohona, the tribal leader's daughter, has her eyes set on an unavailable alpha wolf. This could have drastic consequences for their young emissary, however...
Til We Ain't Strangers Anymore by WriteByNight
(7/7 I 35,994 I Explicit)
Stiles should've expected Derek to suddenly disappear since the werewolf was in the habit of taking off without notice. However, Derek always showed up when they needed him.
As the weeks pass by, Stiles is no longer confused and a little hurt. What started as heartache begins to get worse the longer Stiles goes without seeing Derek. Eventually, his body begins to shut down and his only hope seems to be Derek...but nobody can find him.
There's no cure for a broken heart. Except, maybe, the cause for the broken heart himself.
- - -
Or the one where Derek takes off without warning and Stiles finds out he could be Derek's mate and the distance between Derek and Stiles, along with Derek's refusal to develop the bond, is slowly killing Stiles. Without Derek, Stiles will die, but no one knows where he is or how to contact him. And Stiles is barely keeping it together.
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sapphicseasapphire · 2 months
Miscellaneous Cryptid au lore bits that are too short/too specific to make it into individual posts!
If you want more information about any of these, feel free to ask! I’m always willing to ramble about my Little Guys haha!
(In no particular order)
• Sky’s wings are too big to fit through doors. He will 100% for sure run into people in a crowded street. Because of this, he stays behind when the others go to villages. This gets incredibly lonely for our friendly little bird boy so eventually it’s decided that someone has to stay with him. This leads to one on one bonding between Sky and everyone in the Chain! (Except Time)
• Four can control water, earth, fire, and air, but not particularly well. Jack of all trades is a master of none. That being said, each individual color is a master of their element, so when separated, they are a FORCE to be reconned with. Their diminished power as a whole is a huge source of frustration for them, but I can’t let them be too powerful.
• After the their adventure is over, Time lives out the rest of what would have been his mortal life with Malon, then he takes care of his children, and his children’s children. But eventually he’s just… lived too long. His humanity falls away and he becomes more and more of a God and stops interacting with mortals almost entirely. Except when the other Links are born in their own eras, Time looks after them Father Time style and if they fall, he rewinds to before they were injured (their last “save point”) and pushes them to a better path. (Game over. Continue?)
• Even if someone is born with the blood of a God, their powers need to be awakened. This usually happens in a moment of desperation. For example, during Time’s adventures, he meddled with the flow of time so much that it became his dominion. Twilight’s powers awakened when he was like two years old. His parents had been killed by monsters- monsters that were now looking for him. And in his desperation, he looked to a squirrel in the tree above and he copied it. The monsters lost track of him, ignoring the animals of the forest. Time was gifted, well… time… because against a falling moon, it was his last hope. Twilight was gifted shape shifting because he had no other chance of survival.
^ Hylia doesn’t count because she was one of the original Goddesses. Many of the Zeldas, while they do possess the blood of the Goddess, have not had their awakening. Yet.
• Warriors will sometimes blurt out random sets of data without being prompted. He’ll ask to run calculations on things that no one has ever asked him to. And while the others might find this confusing, it’s his way of expressing his interests. Of learning more about the things that he likes, of telling people about the things that he likes. This happens rarely, but when it does, Sky drops EVERYTHING to talk with him, so excited to see him opening up.
• The Legend of the Godkiller is a very idealized and not very accurate retelling of Sky’s final battle against Demise. It paints him as a very confident, willing knight of the Goddess. Full of righteous anger and absolutely thrumming with power. In the story that Time knows, Sky wasn’t even scared. He knew he was capable of killing Demise, and he wasn’t even surprised when he was cursed. This is… far from the truth.
• Yeah, Time knows about Sky’s curse. But what’s he gonna do? Confront him about it? Tell the others? And risk drawing the wrath of the Godkiller? Absolutely not.
• Wild is more sentient than he lets on. He understands more than the others might think. He’s a little chaos gremlin who gets so easily distracted and acts more like a wild animal than a person, but he’s very smart. He couldn’t do long division but he can tell that… something’s not right with Sky and the Master Sword. The others haven’t caught on yet.
• Hyrule is so incredibly timid by nature. He’s used to being hunted: first as a fairy, sought for his healing magic, and then because of his blood curse, sought by monsters to bring about the revival of Ganon. Because of this, he’s incredibly shy. Until one of his companions gets hurt!! Then he’s ALL BUSINESS and he speaks with the authority that one might expect from a fairy so powerful.
• Speaking of that! At first, no one knew he was a fairy! He was afraid that they’d bottle him (they had other bottled fairies in their pouches when he’d first met the others, so it was justified). He kept up his glamour until he physically couldn’t anymore. The others knew he was a magic user- he tended to fight less with a sword and more with his spells and had an affinity for healing, but they didn’t know JUST how powerful he was until his glamour fell apart.
• Hyrule’s glamour can change the way that people see things, but it cannot change the physical shape of something. (Except himself, because his body is mostly magic anyway). For example, he could hide Four’s horns, but if you were to touch the top of Four’s head, you’d still feel them! He can make Wild look like a Hylian, but that doesn’t make their antennae go away. This is why Sky can’t go into towns: his wings may be invisible, but they’re still there, they can still feel pain and can still bump into people and walls. So… he can’t fit, unfortunately.
• The best swimmer (aside from Legend, Ravio, and Wind) is Sky. Which is weird, right? One might think that those massive wings would slow him down. But he has the Water Dragon’s Scale! Everyone’s so surprised when he starts racing people and WINNING. When he jumps out of the water in a spiral spin. Legend can call him a cheater all he wants, but he’ll be a hypocrite for it. He can’t say anything about using magic items to bolster abilities.
• Legend and Wind go from enemies to best friends in the course of like a month. They bond over a war and the ocean, and their connection is strengthened by the conflict that they’re both familiar with. Honestly a big reason that Legend warms up to Wind is that Ravio is fond of him. Also it’s actually impossible to hate Wind. Also he went to Outset that one time and was ablel to better understand Wind’s perspective.
• Wind dies a little bit inside every time Aryll or his grandma call themselves a Sea Monster. But he doesn’t have the heart to correct them.
• Ravio was never really afraid of Wind himself. More so… afraid of the monster that he had the potential to be (Ku). When Wind was never corrupted, Ravio had no reason to hate him! So they became friends during the War of Eras.
• Ravio joins the Chain very late. But we love him anyway.
• Twilight has little nicknames for everyone. If he calls them by their actual name/their title, they’re in trouble.
• Four only splits around Sky, Warriors, Hyrule and Twilight at first. Actually, the first person they split in front of was Sky but that was an accident. Once they determine that it’s safe, they start doing it around the others… slowly but surely…
• Post God Reveal, Legend and Four join Sky in the “distrust Time” corner
• Time wields Wars’ sword because Wars has deemed him the most powerful. Because of this, Warriors will go with Time when their adventure comes to an end. (This way, neither of them have to face eternity alone).
• I know I made a whole big long post about what happens to Mer if they don’t soak, but I neglected to say that all that will happen to Aquili too, just to a lesser extent. Wind needs to soak as well, just not as often as Legend and Ravio do.
• Mer cannot assume their natural form if they have anything on their legs/feet where their tail would go. Ravio’s… not wearing anything under his robes. And Legend… isn’t wearing anything under his skirt. Being barefoot definitely isn’t ideal but it’s better than the alternative: being unable to soak and drying out. Now, they could simply remove their shoes/pants, but they’re traveling and often in battle and they don’t always have the time to shed their clothes. If they need to jump into the water? They jump into the water.
• During Legend’s adventures, him being Mer was a secret. (The Zora were already antagonistic- imagine what they’d do if they knew he was a war mongering Mer!) This is why he needed flippers or a magic item to be able to swim- something on his feet or something magically imbued to keep him from transforming.
• For Sky, Link and Aepon are generally completely fused, but there are certain events that can force an imbalance between their influence over him. For example, if he’s hurt and takes a heart potion for healing, the body is healed, his Link half is healed, but is Aepon half is still weakened. The others might notice that he acts differently after taking a potion and he just seems very… unwell. Distressed, panicked. But also, he has both Aepon dreams and Link dreams. And depending on their frequency and severity, they can affect how he acts when he wakes, at least until both halves are sufficiently awake.
• When Sky’s Aepon half is more dominant, he is actually legitimately a bird. He doesn’t speak, he just chirps and squawks and trills like a bird. He looses all sense of personal space. And he’ll LOOSE IT if his feathers are touched.
• Sky can’t see well at night but he has a much greater endurance for looking at bright things.
• Hyrule hangs out around Sky as much as he can because Sky can’t take heart potions and also his bones are literally hollow and can break a lot easier than the others’
• Hyrule is a GIFT to this world and I don’t draw him enough.
I have a LOT MORE to say about these guys but this is just off the top of my head right now. Also I don’t want to spoil story elements! But let me know if you have any questions or want more context! I have short stories written about like half of these.
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muddyfae · 1 year
Tips for Witchcraft in the Dorm
If you're in a situation where you have a roommate that may not be open to your craft, you're in the broom closet and being in college makes it even harder to practice, you're starting your witch journey while in college, you couldn't take a full sized altar to school, or you're like me and attend a private Christian college (ugh) that makes you feel the need to be discreet, this post is for you!
If you have an altar: Find a way to downsize your altar. For some this isn't a huge thing, but I'm the kind of gal that liked to go all out with my space. The best way to do it is to find a box or container that can be moved easily and has all your essentials, and only take what can fit. If you can't fit certain tools, it's best to find substitutions. A small bowl that can hold water will work just as well as a crystal ball. Putting herbs in bags will allow more room than jars.
Alternative to candle magic: I know the urge to put tape over that fire alarm is real but I'm unfortunately a goody two shoes. Luckily wax burners exist and you can get all the fun of candle magic minus the flame. I like to draw sigils into my wax before melting it for spellwork; and you can get all sorts of different colored wax. If you need unscented wax, you can buy white wax and dye it.
Some discreet types of magic to look into:
Tea. Tea. Tea. I cannot stress how useful tea magic is. There's loads of information about it right here on Tumblr! Most dorms allow ectric teapots and tea is easy to store.
Knot magic. Here's a great post about it. Absolutely any kind of spell can be done with a knot and it's super easy to implement into everyday activities.
Moon magic. Guys, the moon is awesome. Work with it. Moon water is a great manifestation tool and corresponding anything with the moon phases is an instant boost. It's also free and super easy.
Sigils. Really fun to learn and really easy to draw in a couple journals, on a foggy window, in your tea as you stir it, or on your skin. I recommend Pinterest if you're trying to find tutorials.
Runes. I like to cast physical runes but there's lots of ways to use these in everyday magic. Each symbol has their own meaning and there's an abundance of information on them. Similar to sigils, I like to draw them on things.
Extra tips:
Learn the correspondences for each day of the week. Doing little things for each day will keep you connected to your craft as you get through college.
Anything can be a chalice. Cleanse that cup and you're good to go.
Astrology is your friend.
I'm here for you. College is hard. Dorming can be a pain too.
I hope this helps someone. Reblog if you can. Love you all!
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