#ppl used it as a dating meet. maybe if we gave them something they could be passionate about they would come.
noctomania · 2 years
Not to be dramatic but
Sometimes I'm like ...
then I'll see some stupid bullshit comin out from our own community and I'm like...
I'm just gonna turn my civil rights in now, I give up there's no saving us from ourselves.
#not to be anti today it's just....is this what people died for? for us to know you are not a bottom? to know every detail of a select few?#wtf are we doing?#also i was thinking about my own track record like when i was in the alliance and I'm just disappointed in myself!#we should have been doing so much more. not that we did nothing and i did also do a lot of community service but#i just feel like we did very little in terms of partaking in local or regional protest and action etc#but also personally i was just there for community and friends but i wish i had been more in tune withthe rage i feel these days#hell i was even slighty transphobic back then and i was on the board for the group#my how times have changed#we did do good stuff raised lotta money provided resources safe space etc but i think we could have done more to invigorate our base#ppl used it as a dating meet. maybe if we gave them something they could be passionate about they would come.#in fact they did. every time the drag show came around membership went up#bc drag is an act of rebellion even still.#not that everyone treats it that way but you know what i mean#anyway I'm just trying to say give up the vanity projects and get fucking mad.#i don't want to be a joykill this is something every marginalized community deals with#in the queer community it does feel like a vanity project. part of why i now primarily identify as generally queer#queer is political to me. the details of what ways in which i am queer are my business#maybe my dr and my partner will know the details.#but john swift on twitter or mary lou harbinger on fb do not need to know the ins & outs of my complicated sexuality & gender identity#all they need to know is that im here in queer and I'm not the only one. when we fragment ourselves into smaller groups it makes it easier#to pick us off wen they know one group will not protect the other.#use transphobia to turn cis queers against trans queers. use racism to turn white queer against brown queer & brown against black queer.#use sexism to turn queer men against queer women#use biphobia to turn sexualities against each other#use gender binary to turn trans people against each other#use classism to turn wealthier queer against poor homeless or incarcerated queer#and finally make queer a dirty word for the portion that will only ever treat this as being about them instead of us.#do you know how racism worked? how conservatives work? they find the biggest umbrella and get under it together#not trying to credit them but look how it works. if we expect to be able to fight back we have to unite. union is not erasure.#individual identity does matter. so does the collective community identity. time and place.
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I'm so excited for your new series and day one was already a masterpiece 🤌🏻
I just realised I had written I am conventionally attractive but what I wanted to say is I am NOT conventionally attractive, it sounded so conceited💀
Oh I didn't know that duo had a siren effect. I don't know if it can give you more indication but I'm also venus dominant, with a taurus sun (11th house) and libra moon(4th house.. which i personally would say give the native mommy issues 🤡). My Lilith and Mars are both in Virgo.
Oh the kdrama series was me joking how that right person wrong time situation felt like (hint: there was a very sappy confession under the rain while sharing the same umbrella)
I definitely recommend the spiderman kiss cause it's so trippy yet romantic 🤧 I'm a huge hopeless romantic which is kinda ironic on how I only ended up in fwb situationships 😂
I was thinking of you today cause I had a guy friend ask me for flirting and dating advice 😂 I came to realise I'm quite to the point with asking someone out which wasn't the case a few years ago, but I guess I found out being more bold is way more helpful. I would rather express my point properly and get turned down than miss my chance and regret it. A lot of times I would approach guys that had me interested in them and told them how I found them to be my type and was wondering if they would want to see if by getting to know each other in a deeper level could uncover a connection, a spark between us. Or if they are a person I saw and caught my eye I would go up to them flash a smile, say hello and tell them that they caught my eye and I would love to get to know them if they gave me a chance, so far it had a 100% success rate (well at the same time I tried it on 3 or 4 guys but there are extremely high chances they might actually not be your type at all, cause that was my case 😬)
Hope you had a great beginning of the week 💕
Okay, the spiderman kiss is going in my notes. However, when I think of spiderman I just think of Twilight 'you better hold on tight spider monkey!!' haha.
I love all the cheese.
I feel it's very difficult to not get into a FWB situationship in this day and age, it's either you're emotionally celibate and just hold out or you enter into those situationships and hope for the best.
I've chosen to go down the celibate part because I have an anxious attachment style so situationships would break my heart haha.
But I have a high sex drive and it's been 3 years and omg it feels awful.
Honestly, we go about the same way when it comes to asking guys out. I usually do the same thing and say I'm interested in you and if we can hang out sometime and it's been no's so far so either my game is off or I'm picking the wrong ppl haha.
I laugh at my awkwardness because otherwise I'll cry lol.
But I'm like you, the infatuation gets long enough when you're like 'okay, I just need to know if I have a chance' and then I just do it and get it out of my system.
Even though I've been rejected, I do feel more relieved when I've just confessed it to them.
I've never been in a right person, wrong time type of situation before.
I think the closest I've been the right person, wrong time type of situation was:
I had a guy friend that I had a really good connection with, we had the best banter, we would always sit together and smoke cigarettes and talk about music.
He was a Capricorn and studying politics at my uni. He had that alternative grunge style, he always wore leather jackets, flannels, beanies etc.
Whenever we would meet up, he would always light my cigarette for me and give me really warm and intimate hugs.
And I mean, the hugs were pretty intimate for a guy-girl friendship.
When we'd hug, he would always stroke my hair, or the back of my neck or rub my back.
So I always thought that maybe there was something there.
But he was always in a relationship and with a girlfriend so obviously, I was never able to ask if he was interested or see if what we had was more than friendship.
But I remember just seeing him with his partners and he always seemed like he was very caring and loving towards them.
And I just remember thinking what a great catch he'd probably be.
And then thinking, why isn't he into me? what don't I have that the other girls do?
And he graduated 3 years ago and I haven't seen him since.
And even now, I sometimes wonder if he ever thought of me as more than a friend.
But yeah, that's one of my many tragic romance stories haha.
I hope you have an amazing week as well, I hope you get some time to yourself.
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Treasure Hunter AU
I binged watch the Mummy trilogy while i had no wifi/internet for a while and I had an idea for a treasure hunter Mari with Daminette.
Damian was bored.(age: 22-28 years old.)
At a gala party.
Meets Marinette who was equally bored.(abt the same age as D)
He finds out she was the finder of this famous artifact on display.
Damian tugged at his collar, scanning the crowd. His father needed a plus one to show up with and everyone else were busy.
He grabbed a champagne flute and made his way to the edge of the room.
He found a woman in a black evening gown, looking as bored as he felt. short dark hair. Blue eyes.( I suck at describing people after the third time doing it. It feels overrated)
"Hello, stranger. You bored with mingling in with the assholes on their high horses?"
"Should I be offended?"
"We will see. Depends on you."
"How about you? A beautiful lady like you not kissing up their asses to climb the social ladder. That is strange."
She made a face. "Trust me. I don't want to be here but my friend wanted family time so I came in his place. What about you? Why are you here?"
"I am pretty sure my father wanted someone to get him out if the vultures came too close."
"Vultures, adept descriptions. I am glad no one realized who I am yet or i would be in their claws."
"Who are you representing, anyways?"
"Myself but Adrien or Kagami usually comes in my place but tonight, they have their son's play to go to."
"Adrien and Kagami. Aren't they the Agreste-Tsrungi?"
"You are the Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Globe trotting Treasure hunter and also world-class designer, MDC."
"Now you know. What's your name, handsome stranger?"
"You don't know?"
"Hey. Like you said globetrotting treasure hunter. I am not up-to-date on the news front. And when I am in Paris to do designer stuff, i am too busy to look at the news."
He gave her his hand, "Damian Wayne. Son of Bruce Wayne who is a billionaire and owns Wayne Enterprise."
She shook it.
"Pleased to meet you."
She stills design but like sent her designs to Adrien at least once every month, who had rebranded Gabriel to Miraculous Designs.
Some ppl thinks he did it to spite his father, who is in jail. Adrien and Mari has a partnership thing.
Mari also makes clothes but for a few months. And the rest of the time is spent travelling.
Exclusive designs from MDC are rare but the designs hand made by her are rarer so they are like a really big deal. They have the most amazing details. Really expensive and limited edition.
The rest of the time Mari spends finding Miraculouses (Miraculi ?) lost in the world so if she happens to find a few priceless artifacts that aren't the Miraculous. She donates it.
Alix helps and sometimes go find them with her.
She has Tikki and Plagg and maybe Wyazz all the time to look for curses and counter it.
She has also met John Constantine. They have an arrangement of sorts. A few magical artifacts that doesn't have to Miraculous business are given to him in exchange for any miraculous stuff he has or found.
Adrien funds her trips.
He is married to Kagami.
Kagami goes with Mari and Alix for a few months sometimes. Adrien likes being a stay at home dad.
Their kid is named Marin/Martin because it was Mari who got them together.
The few trips Mari dragged him on was enough to make him stay behind and run the business.
(Back to the story) Damian fangirled a little because Mari had been doing stuff like this since she was 18.
It was an amazing reputation she has.
She invites him to her next trip after questioning his skill sets.
"Are you good with heights, dark scary places and adventuring into the unknown?"
"You any good with guns, swords, knives, booby traps and keeping calm under pressure?"
"Yes. I have many experiences with them."
"Can you keep a secret?"
"Yes. Why are you asking me this?"
"Wanna join me on my next trip to the jungle of China? There are myths about some hidden temple."
Damian was a little conflicted.
He hadn't have the chance to explore the world much. He had been somewhere else for a mission (for the League of Shadows or JL business) but never for pleasure.
Being a vigilante by night and working at Wayne Enterprise by day gets a little boring after some years.
His brothers had a chance to travel the world on their own for a while. Sure, for reasons other than sight-seeing and looking for something to break out of the rut he was in. But still.
This was an exciting opportunity but a tad suspicious.
"Why me?"
She looked surprised at that.
"Oh. Well, my friends enjoy coming with me on my adventures, treasure hunting and all that every now and then except Adrien but they have other things in their life to come with me all the time. I can mostly survive on my own most of the time but it gets lonely travelling on my own and it's nice if someone is there to watch my back. I understand if you don't want to come. It's just that I enjoy your company and you aren't like those assholes on their high horses. My gut feeling says I can trust you. You are not after the treasure or see it as one big game. You are looking for an escape. You would definitely catch me if I fall. As you know from my choice of friends, i have a bad habit of pulling rich kids from their stuffy lifestyle and take them on potentially life-threatening adventures." She joked. Then she lowered her voice, "Besides, it might be handy having a former assassin around."
She said in Arabic.
His hand went to his hidden knife and found it not there.
"Looking for this?" She said, holding it.
"How much do you know?" He hissed back in the same language.
"Relax," she gave back the knife, "my mother was one and I have accidentally came across a few in my adventures. I know one when i see one. I took a stab in the dark with your middle-eastern background. Speaking of, you know Talia Al Ghul by any chance."
He narrowed his eyes.
"She's my mother. Why?"
"You look like her. Met her a few times. Nice lady but scary. Mine's Sabine Cheng, goes by the Blue Reaper." She said it so casually like their parents weren't dangerous deadly assassins and had normal jobs.
"You aren't normal, are you?"
"What gave it away?"
"That you willingly gave away blackmail material to me."
"Normal people don't have assassins for mothers. And you and me aren't exactly meeting the minimum standards for normal. Besides, I just told you a family secret that you would have found out anyways with a through background search and a little digging. So far all I know about you is that your parents are Talia Al Ghul and Bruce Wayne-I wonder how an assassin got together with a billionaire-, you are a former League of Shadows assassin, you are great with weapons, keeping secrets and so far meeting the criteria for an adventure buddy. That's all I swear. And that you have some pets. A cat, maybe."
"How you know about my cat?!"
"Cat hair on your clothes." She was good. "If it will ease your mind about me, you can ask me 5 questions that I will truthfully answer. "
"So why are you doing this?"
"That's question 1. Well, I really want whatever this is between us to work. Partners, Friends, Companions, Comrades. Whatever you want to call it. Like I said, I get lonely sometimes and need some human interaction to at least keep myself sane. You looked like you want to be somewhere else and I thought this is perfect. I am not going to tell anyone about you or push you to join me. I swear on my mother's sword."
"Are we killing anybody?"
"Mostly I try to avoid that as much as possible. Sometimes I get into situations with no other alternative. " She looked away guiltily.
"Fair enough."
"Not judging me for that. That's a first for me."
"I am a former assassin and have killed before. I have no right to condemn you for your past."
"How much are you willing to tell me about this hidden temple?"
"That has to do with a secret. I would tell you more when there are less ears around. But this temple was said to hold a magic jewel that grants some powers and it is located really deep in the jungle. Getting there might take months."
"You forgot to mention that last one."
"Oh yeah. You think you can get away for some months. This kind of stuff usually takes a while. Like I said before, no pressure. Anyway, 2 questions left."
"What's my salary?"
"Aren't you a billionaire?"
"My father is. I have a trust fund and I get a salary for doing my job at the company. You are lucky that I just finished with most of my assigned projects so I might be able to come."
"I am so sorry about just assuming things about you. You can say no to the offer. The temple is said to hold some other treasures but I mainly want the jewel. We could auction off a few bits and pieces. I usually just donate them to museums and universities or sell them to those who really appreciate the history. I would also pay for the entire expenses for the trip."
"Can I think about this?"
"Sure. Here's my number. I leave on the 1st of next month. Gimme an answer a week before that so I can make the proper arrangements. It has been fun talking to you, Damian."
She walked away, going towards the buffet table.
Back in the car on the way home to the manor.
Bruce asked, "Who were you talking to for that long?"
"The one that gave you her number."
"Oh. MDC. She invited me to join her in China next month to find some hidden temple."
"She did?"
"Yes. Not only that she found out about mother and know what I did before I came here. She doesn't know about Batman, Robin or Crow. And she said she wasn't going to blackmail me but just wanted a companion to go with her. Ideally, it would be best to silence her before she digs any further into me but I trust her. I sincerely believe that she meant it when she said that she's not going to tell on me. And I am really tempted to take up on it."
"What do you want to do?"
"On one hand, i would be gone for months so there won't be Crow in Gotham for a while and I have a few projects I need to finish up. On the other hand. Father, I have been a vigilante for over 10 years now and I haven't really done much out besides that, school and now work. I have appreciated all you have done for me over the years. But I want to go with her. Do something that is not connected to Batman or Wayne or Al Ghul. Just a little something different for myself."
"You can go if you want. I am not going to stop you. I will make arrangements so the projects would be done by someone else. The others can cover your patrols. You are still young so it is understandable to want some fun every now and then."
"Thank you, Father."
Bruce put his hand on his shoulder.
"I am proud of you as Crow and as Damian Wayne. But if you want to go find some hidden temple in China just for a break from this life, to be just Damian, go for it. There are worse things you could do. Just tell me if you are going to go on any future trips like that." (I don't know DC much, sorry if that is a little OOC but I like good dad! Bruce.)
Damian dialed the number on the card.
"I accept your offer, miss MDC."
"Damian? Right, text me your email address. I will sent you things you would need to pack and flight details. And can you come by to the Gotham Rose Hotel tomorrow? I will give more details on the temple."
Damian comes by the hotel.
Marinette tells him of the kwamis and miraculous and makes him swear to not tell anyone unless they already know.
The hidden temple actually might have a miraculous.
Damian gets a little interested in the akuma situation she mentioned.
Mari doesn't say anything about it much.
When he got back, he goes to the Bat-computer and did some digging.
Ladybug looks a little familiar. Pulls up younger picture of Mari and look at that, she used to be a superhero.
Wonder Woman was kept informed of things and made sure no one goes to Paris without her knowing.
Zatanna helped capture the villain Hawkmoth and end his 2 year reign.
Fast forward, they are in Beijing now, sleeping off jetlag.
The next morning, They get out of the city somehow to the city limits and somewhere remote.
Mari uses Kalki and transports them to the jungle.
They set up camp. Cue Campfire stories.
"I thought getting here would take months."
"No actually, finding the temple would. According to my research and the map I copied through less than legal means, it is somewhere in this general area. There used to a city around here too and the king or emperor pissed off some powerful priest or wizard, take your pick. There was a curse. The city crumbled down and the temple is the only thing standing because the king went there and prayed to the gods for protection. The one who answered his prayers and protected the temple in doing so the king was pressed into service of the god. The king did everything the god said for a while but later, he started to hate it and began disobeying the orders. The god cursed him for his disobedience. The temple he was protected in became his tomb and he was tasked to protect the chest inside the temple for the rest of eternity. Anyone who opens the chest would gain the ultimate power to rule the earth. Thankfully, we are not after the chest. Some powerful crack-head with a misused miraculous tried to find it and open the chest for more power. But he never returned. My theory is that the miraculous is still in the temple. As long as we don't wake up the king or go for the chest, we would be okay."
"What are the guns for? And How did you get them past security?"
"In case of emergencies, an army of undead was mentioned and guns are surprisingly good repellent. Well, most of the time. It's useless if there is a no weapons can kill 'it' rule. Then, it's just a stress reliever. I kept them in a pocket dimension. Makes it easier to get around."
Damian vowed to never let Marinette meet Jason. Judging by the pile of guns and occasional knives and other weapons she took out of the brown satchel which apparently holds a pocket dimension, Jason would adopt her. He wondered if that was all that was inside in.
They packed up and started searching the jungle for hidden temple.
It was a month and a half before they found it.
They bonded a lot during that time.
They had a moment after drinking a little alcohol which Mari has in the pocket dimension. Or Drank a lot of alcohol and had sex.
It was awkward and they both agree to not talk about it again.
Soon after, they found the temple. But it is still a little far away.
But the temple is not the only thing they found. They also found a campsite with many people milling around. Some of them carried guns.
Somewhat rich bastard who overheard their conversation at the gala. Heard treasure and found out where Mari's next expedition is.
Had the help of some scholar who wants to be famous for the greatest find since King Tut.
They found the temple even though they had no magical help, they left 2 weeks before Mari did, so yeah.
Rich Bastard's name is 'Philip Anderson'(This sounds familiar to me for some reason and I can't find out why.) and Scholar is 'Harry Scott'
They have armed bodyguards and some 'hired' help to get the treasure.
Anderson is still rich but his company had been getting losses the past 2 years and this is a quick, easy get rich scheme.
Mari and Damian: "Rich asshole on his high horse."
Anderson doesn't know about the chest but Mari and Damian thinks he does and it was what he was after.
They set up camp a little further ahead of Anderson's
Unfortunately, they were found by Harry. Somehow.
I am going to continue this when I am more awake.
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joyseuphoria · 3 years
She hated how much she liked him now
Thank you sooo much for the prompt!!!
The “him” in the prompts are replaced with “her” since this is a fem!jily fic!!! I had too many ideas for this fic...maybe I’ll write some of the rest in the future, but here you go!
You can read it here or on ao3
(Tuesday 16:00)
Sirius Black: moony and the rest of you pay up
Marlene Mckinnon: why should we pay u?
Remus Lupin: u still owe me 20 btw so i dont think i will
Sirius Black: ofc ppl like u wouldnt know smh
jamie finally asked lily on a date
Peter Pettigrew: Wait what
Marlene McKinnon: afsjtksjdggehej
tell me everything 
Sirius Black: well little prongsie finally sucked up and asked ickle lilykins on date
Marlene McKinnon: give me the details black
or i s2g ill kick u out of the group 
Sirius Black: empty threats
if u really wanna know u can go ask em
(Marlene McKinnon has removed Sirius Black from the group chat)
Peter Pettigrew: Remind me to not ever cross paths with Marlene 
(Tuesday 17:00)
Jamie Potter: good riddance 
thx marls 
Marlene McKinnon: got u covered hon
now spill 
Jamie Potter: i hv a date with lil on friday:)
Lily Evans: that she does;)
Marlene McKinnon: i demand details ppl
(Dorcas Meadows has removed Marlene McKinnon from the group chat)
Remus Lupin: wh did u do that for 
Dorcas Meadowes: She was being too nosy
I didn't like it
Jamie Potter:.........thx??
Dorcas Meadowes: Welcome sweetie
(Tuesday 17:34)
Mary Macdonald: wait what????!!!!!??!
(Wednesday 16:30)
Sirius Black: r v up for spying on them on fri?
Marlene Mckinnon: u kno it;)
Mary Macdonald: hell yeah
Peter Pettigrew: Yes! ofc
Remus Lupin: we should give them some privacy sirius
tho ik its a foreign concept to you
Dorcas Meadowes: Obviously
And of course I wanna spy on them
Remus Lupin: but still...yes
Sirius Black: ther is no privacy between  frnds
Marlene Mckinnon: so v meet up at 4 outside the bistro next to three broomsticks 
Peter Pettigrew: Wait when’s their date and where?!??
Mary Macdonald: at 5 in 3 broomsticks pete cmon keep up
Remus Lupin: how did u know that?
Sirius Black: im her brother and both their best frnds its obvio that id be the first one to kno
Marlene Mckinnon: and im lilys best frnd too sirius 
Dorcas Meadows: You spied on them didnt you?
Sirius Black: v hv all the rights to spy on them
Mary Macdonald: wait i thought that i was lilys best frnd
Dorcas Meadowes: I can confidently say that it’s neither of you
I’m her best friend
Sirius Black: prove it
Marlene Mckinnon: yeah!
Dorcas Meadowes:  (sends an attachment)
Marlene Mckinnon: shit
Mary Macdonald: …...fair
Private chat between Jamie Potter and Lily Evans 
(Thursday 19:45)
Jamie Potter: cant wait for our date tomorrow 
Lily Evans: ik u cant 
Jamie Potter: 
Lily Evans: <3
Private chat between Jamie Potter and Sirius Black 
(Thursday 19:48)
Jamie Potter: sirius sirius sirius 
lily just sent me a winky face emoticon!!!!
what do i do???!!!?!!!?!?!
(Message read at 19:49)
Private chat between Jamie Potter and Lily Evans 
(Thursday 19:51)
Jamie Potter: :D
Private chat between Jamie Potter and Lily Evans 
(Friday 16:30)
Jamie Potter: u ready?
Lily Evans: yes ! 
wher r u
Jamie Potter: cool
just reached ur door
(Friday 16:30)
Sirius Black: where tf r u guys 
its only me and marlene here
Mary Macdonald: just outta class 
be there in 10
Remus Lupin: home
Peter Pettigrew: At the ice cream parlor for ice cream
Dorcas Meadows: Oh get me some too Pete?
Remus Lupin: me too pls pete
Mary Macdonald: oooh id like some too
mint chocolate chip for me pls
Peter Pettigrew: Sure thing! wh abt the rest of u??
Dorcas Meadowes : Strawberry! with a lot of strawberries as toppings!!!
Remus Lupin : devils choc ofc
Sirius Black : guys can v focus at the matter in hand??!!
also charcoal ice cream pls
just as black as my soul
Peter Pettigrew : ...k
U marls??
Marlene Mckinnon:..........vanilla. thx
(Friday 16:45)
Sirius Black: where tf r u guys?!!??!?
theyll b here any sec
Remus Lupin: sirius everyone is here
except for u and marlene
where tf r u guys?!!???
Marlene McKinnon: we r at the spirit store 
where tf r u guys????
Sirius Black: i told u guys to meet us here
Dorcas Meadowes: Wtf is a spirit store?
Sirius Black: a store that sees our spirit 
Peter Pettigrew: Ur ice creams starting to melt!!!!!!
Mary MacDonald: oh the halloween costume shop?
Sirius Black: to dress up ofc
Marlene Mckinnon: honesty guys?
lily and jamie will recognise us if v go like this
and v cant afford that!!!!
Remus Lupin: that is smart….
didnt expect it from u both
Sirius Black: fuck you remus
fuck you
Dorcas Meadowes: So what are our disguises??
Marlene McKinnon: dog ears and nose 
a gily suit
a moon suit
rat whiskers and ears
a tree hat and glasses
and a big floppy hat and sunglasses for my beautiful girlfriend
Dorcas Meadowes: ………….
Peter Pettigrew: Dorcas and remus took ur ice cream btw
Something about it melting, u being stupid and u not being here
 Sirius Black: remy how could u
Marlene McKinnon: ffs dorcas 
i thought u loved me
Peter Pettigrew: Who’s wearing what costume?
Remus Lupin: also sirius 
do u really think that we can pull it off?
itd be tooo obvious 
Mary Macdonald: nd theyll realise that we r spying on them
Sirius Black: they couldnt even realise that they had a crush on each other until i intervened
do you think that theyll realise that its us???????
Remus Lupin: …...point
Sirius Black: so im wearing the dog ears and nose 
marls gonna wear the gily suit
the moon hat and the silver suit is for u remus 
Marlene Mckinnon: the rat whiskers r for peter 
and the tree hat and sunglasses r for mary :)
(Friday 16:55)
Sirius Black: ok now positions!
marlene mary and i r sitting in the booth behind the big fat hydrangea 
nd remus peter nd dorcas r gonna sit 2 rows behind them in the corner table outside
Peter Pettigrew: How do u even know where the r gonna sit?????!!!!!???
Marlene Mckinnon: v bribed the receptionist obviously
Sirius Black: she will make sure that they sit second in the row between the hydrangeas and the window 
Remus Lupin: how can v hear them if v r outside??
Marlene Mckinnon: oh hush remus 
ever heard of privacy?
Remus Lupin: wtf do u think we r doing rn??!!?!??!?!!
Dorcas Meadowes: Making sure the date goes perfectly?
Sirius Black: thank u dorcas
Mary Macdonald: yeah!
Remus Lupin: …………
i give up 
Peter Pettigrew: Just now?
Thought u gave up when Jamie successfully insulted Lily two yers back when in fact she was supposed to ask her out on a date :/
Sirius Black: that was a good laugh
(Friday 17:04)
Peter Pettigrew: Ok they’re sitting rn 
Dorcas Meadowes: Don’t they look cute together
Remus Lupin: do i hv to wear this silvery rocky suit?!??!
Sirius Black: yes
and yes they look perfect 
our ship is finally sailing 
Dorcas Meadowes: Is is is Jamie stuffing a breadstick in her nose
Peter Pettigrew: No I think she’s trying to look like a walrus
Remus Lupin: she does not need to embarrass herself more
Mary Macdonald: u really think this is anything compared to the time when she tripped over her cat and fell on lilys bday cake?
Sirius Black: lolol
the bruise she left him with lasted for two weeks
Dorcas Meadowes: I stg that woman has the best boxing skills
Marlene Mckinnon: dorcas!!!! not me????
im ur girlfriend!!!
Mary Macdonald: lolololol
she thought that jamie did it on purpose for years lol
Marlene McKinnon: and why tf is lily doing the same
i thought she had more sense than that
Remus Lupin: love can do that to you ya know
Sirius Black: u would know
Marlene McKinnon: ohhh look jamie snorted the breadstick out of her mouth!!
Mary Macdonald: lily did it too
Mary Macdonald: i think she has enough sense to not offend lily 
Remus Lupin: ya think?
u want me to remind u about all the times she offended lily?
Peter Pettigrew: Yeah so much that she hated Jamie
Sirius Black: nah she didnt 
if anything lily hates how much she likes her now
Marlene Mckinnon: do u think theyll order soup?
Sirius Black: yeah ig
jamie wants it to be all fancy
Marlene McKinnon: pls dont order tomato soup
Mary Macdonald: it awfully looked a lot like the waiter said no tomato soup
Peter Pettigrew: Really? Lily hates tomatoes why would Jamie order em
Thought she wouldn’t today
At least
Sirius Black: thank hell jamie didnt order the tomato one
Dorcas Meadowes: Remember when Jamie made marinara for Lily to impress her lol
Remus Lupin: that plan backfired soo bad 
Marlene Mckinnon at least lilys prank to get back at her was awesome
Sirius Black: that was such a power move!!!
and including taylor’s song
Remus Lupin: tho she coloured her cat the so called emerald green and not key lime green and v had to listen to her go on and on abt how lily knows her fav colour 
Mary Macdonald: jamie continued to think that it meant that she knew it for three months
Dorcas Meadowes: As if u didnt like it
Mary Macdonald: lol i did love it
Peter Pettigrew: They are bonkers 
Dorcas Meadowes: Bonkers for each other
Sirius Black: lol
Dorcas Meadowes: Their soup’s here
Sirius Black: spinach soup???
ewww jamie 
Peter Pettigrew: Ahh creamy mushroom soup for Lil ig
Awesome choice 
Mary Macdonald: they really ought to try new things
(Friday 17:16)
Remus Lupin: wh did u guys order?
we ordered a lasagna 
Marlene Mckinnon:?uhh same 
ohhh look 
Peter Pettigrew: The waiter’s back with pasta for both of them YAY
Do you guys think that they realised that we are spying on them??
Marlene Mckinnon: nah they’re hopeless Pete so no
Sirius Black: thank hell that they r cute
Remus Lupin: lol
Dorcas Meadowes: 3 yrs ago I wouldnt have thought that they would be here together on a date
Mary Macdonald: hell they woulnt have even been here as friends 
Remus Lupin: or come here with us
Marlene Mckinnon: lily didnt even kno that she is bi then
Dorcas Meadowes: Yeah
It was quite a rough time for her
Peter Pettigrew: Guyssss
I have a question 
Dorcas Meadowes: Shoot Pete 
Peter Pettigrew: Why is the group name curly squad?
I mean only Dorcas’s hair is curly I only gathered that much
Dorcas Meadowes: Lol no Pete
Sirius Black: LOLOLOL
Marlene Mckinnon: lolll 
Dorcas Meadowes Ohk so
None of us here are just straight so we’re curly lol 
Sirius Black: lil nd i r bi
u r ace
dorcas nd mary r pans
remus is gay
jamie is lesbian 
Marlene Mckinnon: i am bi too 
u already knew that but still
Sirius Black: so yeah thats why 
Peter Pettigrew: Oh wow
Thanks guys 
Sirius Black: np pete 
Peter Pettigrew: Jamie just leaned over to brush the remnants of pasta from lilys lips!!!!!!!!
Mary Macdonald: thats soo cute they r perfect
Sirius Black: nauseating more like
Dorcas Meadowes: I’m just revelling in the fact that she didnt brush him off
Marlene Mckinnon: thats second year of uni lily
even first fits in the category 
Peter Pettigrew: and she held her hand!!!!!
Sirius Black: is that…...snep
Remus Lupin: snep?????
Dorcas Meadowes: Where
Sirius Black: behind u guys
Remus Lupin: OHHHH FUCK
Mary Macdonald: do u think that he knows abt their date
Sirius Black: well jamie did post it on her insta so…….
Dorcas Meadowes: Oh shit
Peter Pettigrew: Shit alright
Marlene Mckinnon: hes coming over ig
Mary Macdonald: yup hes in
Remus Lupin: well u know what they say abt cannons sinking a ship :/
Sirius Black: remus theodore lupin u dare say that jily lames is not cannon
Marlene Mckinnon: remus ralph lupin wtf
Dorcas Meadowes: Remy, how could you?
Peter Pettigrew: Why would you say that Remus?
Mary Macdonald: remus john lupin u take that back right this instant
oh we r playing call remus wrong names 
sry I didnt realise
 Remus Lupin: i am sry guys I ship jily as much as u do
Sirius Black: LAMES
Remus Lupin: but i had to lol
i think v should go stop him from disturbing them
Mary Macdonald: hes already headed their way
its too late
Marlene Mckinnon: i s2g i will punch snep today if he does anything to them
Sirius Black: ill tackle him 
Marlene McKinnon: perfect
Mary Macdonald: v might blow our cover too
not that im worried abt that
tho they might not appreciate the sentiment 
Sirius Black: v shld go
Dorcas Meadowes: I feel like they'll want to handle this themselves
But ok!
Mary Macdonald: ok he hates u and remus the most so dorcas and i should go first 
Sirius Black: but im their best friend
Dorcas Meadowes: Too late they’re already talking
Sirius Black: NOOOOOO
Remus Lupin: ig he just mentioned siris name
Sirius Black: seems that way
if he says anything abt jamie or reg i will lose it
Dorcas Meadowes: I think he’s berating lily for being out with jamie….
Mary Macdonald: ofc what else does the greasy slime ball know
Sirius Black: ok im gonna go
Peter Pettigrew: How to grease your hair 101??
Sirius Black: lol yes
Marlene Mckinnon: is he
is he pointing over to us
Mary Macdonald:k they r looking at us
Peter Pettigrew: Did Lily just call ur name out, guys?
Dorcas Meadowes: Mary, make sure Marls and Sirius don’t do anything stupid
“Sirius, no!” Remus shouted, as the boy in question marched over to Jamie’s and Lily’s table. 
“Well, hello there snivellus. Looking positively greasy today aren’t we?” Sirius taunted. 
“What are you doing here Black?” Snape sneered. 
Sirius hummed before responding, “We just fancied a dinner here. What about you?”
“Looking for something to grease?” Marlene chimed. 
“Marlene,” Lily warned. 
“Thought I’d visit my friend Lily here. That’s all Black,” Snape answered. 
“More like crash her date,” Dorcas muttered, as she joined the group around Lily and Jamie’s table with Remus, Mary, and Peter.
“I am not your friend Snape.” Lily stood up, accompanied by Jamie.
“Lily!” The greasy haired man faced her pleadingly, “I care about you a lot. That’s why I’m telling you to not date Potter! Thinking that you’re bi may well just be a phase that’ll go away, Lily. Moreover, she doesn’t really care about you! She just thinks that you are some sort of prize to be won.” 
Jamie looked like she wanted to dislocate Snape’s jaw, her fists curled at her sides. But the warning glance Lily threw her, made her insides calm down 
“You know nothing about me Snape,” Lily said, with gritted teeth. “Now go away before I dislocate your nose.” Sirius whistled in support. 
“Lily, we’ve been best friends since we were ten. I know you, Lily. Please listen to me,”
“If you were my best friend you’d have supported me instead of behaving like an ignorant ass. Now please go away.”
“Lily, please.”
Barely a moment later, Lily’s fist connected with Snape’s nose. Blood leaked down his front, while the rest of the gang rushed to vocally support her. 
 “You’ll regret that Lily!” Snape glared threateningly. 
Before long, Sirius had tackled Snape to the ground, and accidentally splattered the lasagna the waiter was bringing over to their table, on Snape’s head. 
“I...“ Lily began.
“You can save your breath, Lils,” Sirius started, “he’s a harmless, entitled prick”
“Looks like you have a lot of grease to get rid of, Snep,” Marlene announced. 
“And Snep, pro tip: the only shampoo that keeps the grease at bay is the Sleakeasy shampoo. You should try it out!” Jamie, ever so helpful, advised, and moved to position her hand behind Lily’s back. 
“Sorry about that Sir, we’ll cover the charges for the ill-fated lasagna,” Sirius apologised to the waiter as he helped him up from the ground. 
“Could you please get him out of this shop? He’s been troubling us, as you can see,” Dorcas asked, politely. 
The waiter simply looked baffled. However, he nodded and successfully escorted Snape out of the restaurant. 
“Now this is going to be quite the first date story to tell at the wedding.” Peter spoke up for the first time since they gathered at the table between the hydrangeas and the windows. 
Jamie blushed and looked around, anywhere but at Lily, though her hand never left Lily’s back, while the redhead laughed at her.
“Well, since we’re all together, we can have dessert and you can continue spying on us while sitting at our table,” Lily said. “Nice ears you’ve got there, Sirius. Though I’d prefer Dorcas’s floppy hat.”
“Yeah! I personally love the whiskers, Pete. Seriously, Marlene? A gily suit? Inconspicuous much? And Remus, you have enough sense to stop them!” Jamie put on. 
Remus just shrugged, his big crescent shaped moon hat toppling Mary’s tree hat downwards. “Sorry,” he said, bending to pick it up. 
“Thanks,” she said, when he gave the hat to her, “why did we agree to wear these again?”
“So we would be incognito, Mary”
“And we were successful! These oblivious dorks didn’t even realise that it was us until old snivelly pointed it out,” Sirius stated.
“Also, we did have ice-cream before coming here, so you guys should continue, we’ll leave,” Dorcas said. 
“Hey! We didn’t get to eat that ice-cream! You and Remus took it from us,” Marlene reprimanded. 
“Yeah! So we’ll be staying here and you guys can shoo away,” Sirius included. 
“Well in that case you can all leave and get yourselves ice cream while Lily and I can finally enjoy our date,” Jamie, now pushing Sirius, and shoo-ing the others to the doors, said. 
“Say what you want Jamie, I am enjoying our date,” expressed Lily. 
“You are?” Jamie turned around, completely forgetting the others in the room. 
“Well, looks like they’re more nauseating and lame than before. Should we go?” Asked Marlene. 
“Nah. Let’s just sit outside and spy on them through the window,” Sirius smirked. 
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paperpeachy · 3 years
your doopliss headcanons are very lovely, could we 🤲 have some more? xx
TY!!! i’m glad u dig em anon, i’d b glad to talk more abt my boy ! and hooo boy. this'll b a whole can of werms i hope ur ready for me to go ballz to the wallz right off the bat !! lol
so. u know how i said before that doopliss was raised in an environment where he's not used to ppl being faithful to their passions? yes well, that's based on my personal hc that he was the lovechild of eve and podley (y'know, the twilighter mum of three and the barkeep from rogueport). to recap actual canon, the two are ex-lovers who had dreams of performing in musical theatre together (eh eh see where im going w here?) eve ended up getting into broadshroom by herself, to which podley felt like he was holding her back and decided to run away. bc he SUCKS. which just made eve drop out from the show. so yeah ! the reason why i believe doopliss to have a flippant/non-committal attitude to everything is bc of how quickly his father gave up on his mother, and how easily his mother gave up on her dreams. not to mention he would've been raised in that stuffy apartment eve mentioned. i think the idea of 'starting from the bottom' def let a sour taste in doopliss' mouth.
the parrot was a gift to doopliss when he was younger, but he never rlly cared abt the guy, and it got closer to eve anyway. BUT when doopliss turned into a duplighost, he ran away with the parrot to keep his name-curse functioning (like father like son)
doopliss is one of the ONLY bad guys mario faces that's smart enough to expect being defeated, but it doesn't mean he won't make a show out of it ! and def does not mean he's stopping there. chp 4 body swap is a product of doopliss projecting his inner drama gaze onto the game and seeing how 'the audience' will react to mario(tm)'s greatest misdirect and milking it for all its worth bc hes an asshole and we love that for him ! but ye basically, to doopliss, fun trumps attempting to win. nothing comes from trying anyway, he'd say 🤪
doopliss meets and starts dating mimi for a short time during the events of The Void, and they have a MESSY messy break up when he realizes she's part of a gang trying to erase the life he's so carefully cultivated. the breakup is when doopliss comes to full terms with how much he cares for where he's at in his life rn, so he takes mimi's attempts at justifying her plan V defensively.... after the void closes, they talk again and now they're literally the bestest of friends! they've seen each other at their most vulnerable, so they're super comfy w each other's rotten-ness lawl
he tags along w beldam bc 1) the thing he based his entire identity around just lost its meaning. and 2) he's directionless bc of that, so when the opportunity comes up to tag along w someone who (maybe?) has it together, he's like 'omg what the fuck ever' and just joins (this does not help him mentally in the long run, ofc). he's pretty messed up post-game until vivian finds him and slowly coaxes him out of his slump.
he has the world's most surreal experience when he's pretending to be zip toad. a successful actor? from humble beginnings? who's had a relatively easy life? huh?? the two hang out a lot post-ttyd, both being in the same industry n all, and doopliss rlly has no idea what to make of him bc like, yeah the difference in upbringing between them is refreshing and new, but he's also bitter bc he looks at the guy and doesn't know how he turned out the way he did in comparison. and it frustrates him ! bc he doesn't like coming to terms with his problems being rooted in something he apparently internalized.
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flooffybits · 4 years
To Risk It All
Idol: Kim Taeyeon (Girls’ Generation)
Request: Yes
Anon: hi! you're one of my fave writers & i want to say that im absolutely in love w/ your works! can i request a taeyeon scenario wherein she tries her best not to let the public know abt their relationship because she doesn't want ppl hating on s/o that they can't even enjoy a simple date outside? s/o was fed w/ it so they got into an argument? tae eventually apologized & took it upon herself to reveal their relationship to the public? im sorry if this is very detailed btw :( i hope it's okay!
Author's note: theres no need to apologize! detail is actually really nice because it makes writing the story better
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Years of being under the spotlight has given the idol a lot to learn. After being harassed from dating a junior, being bashed for a member being kicked out of their group, and losing a friend where she was forced to hide her own depression, she’s learned how privacy would always be intruded by many.
At first, she didn’t want to think too much into the relationship she had with you. You were someone she met at some cafe, as cliche as it sounded. She accidentally poured her drink all over your shirt and she ended up apologizing profusely and insisting to buy you a new shirt.
She found comfort in you for the little time you spoke when picking out a shirt. You knew who she was, yet you treated her like a regular person, something she’s been wishing for in a long while. When she realized that you were someone she could talk to, she asked for your number and if it was okay to meet again without the accident, and you happily agreed.
When she started to fall for you, her fear started coming back, too.
She had to be professional about it, but she also didn’t want to lose you. So she kept those feelings down and tried to be as normal as possible around you, though she couldn’t help it when butterflies would swarm inside her stomach whenever she saw you and how the world seemed brighter when you smiled or laughed
It put her at ease.
So one night, she thought that maybe it would be okay to just be herself around you and her feelings poured out of her like a waterfall. It would have been alright if you rejected her, that would have been much easier. But instead, you initiated the kiss right after she told you and all things came flying out the window.
You weren’t too bothered with having to keep the relationship a secret and she appreciated that. She could just enjoy her time with you in private.
But not all things last forever since two years after, Dispatch decided to come and ruin her life once more. There have been some pictures of the two of you, but your faces were always covered due to Taeyeon’s request. It kept you protected and even if people noticed her, they wouldn’t know who was with her.
“I know, Tae. I just wished we could do something else.” You sighed while you sat on the couch, fingers running through your hair whilst she crossed her arms, lips pursed together. “We can but... just not now. It’s too risky.” She says and you know because you’ve already heard this before.
The conversation has been reoccurring, much more now with Dispatch keeping a close eye on her.
It irritated you.
Yes, you knew that this was going to happen when you first started seeing each other. But you didn’t think that you would nearly be on house arrest just for it. It felt suffocating and restraining and it wasn’t healthy, to either of you.
“Then why don’t we just tell them. At least that way, we don’t have to keep hiding.” Her head whips to you, looking at you as if you had grown a second head. “Y/n, the reason I don’t want us going out is that they don’t find out.” She emphasizes and it doesn’t help your frustration.
“Then what are we supposed to do? Even coming here is risky for you because everyone knows you don’t live her. If people saw you, that’s it. And then what?” You finally snapped. “I can’t go out to see you, we can’t be seen together, then what’s the point?” Your words made her heart rate rise. It was scaring her because it sounded like there was only one way out of this, if she chose not to come clean.
“I’ve told you, I’m doing this to protect you.” She breathes out and you stare at her with a frown, doing your best to stay calm with the situation you were both in. “I don’t need you to protect me, Tae. I am more than capable of handling myself.” You tell her, voice lower compared to your outburst earlier.
“I don’t want them to start sending you hate or threats. I don’t want them to suddenly walk up to you and potentially hurt you. You mean too much to me for that to happen and I can’t forgive myself if something bad happened to you because of me.” Tears were threatening to come from her eyes, but she didn’t want to let them out. “If you do, then you would have enough faith in me and our relationship than the fear of what everyone else will say or do.” You reason, standing up and then walking towards the bedroom.
Taeyeon was left in the living room, staring quietly at the spot you once occupied and let out a deep breath. She had to run her fingers through her hair, doing her best to brush her exhaustion and anxiety away. This was one of the things she wanted to avoid, yet here she was.
Looking at the bedroom, she chewed on her lower lip before she shook her head and walked inside. With a quick look at you, back to her with the blankets pulled up to your chin, she slipped in behind you, doing the same and curling up under the covers.
The next day was a little calmer compared to last night. When Taeyeon woke, she saw that you were already awake and had breakfast prepared, though after a little panic of waking up alone in bed.
Sometime during the night, you both ended up tangled together, bodies close, without realizing. And when you woke up, that was the same position you were in. It made your chest tighten because as much as you wanted to keep this relationship going, it was too tiring for both of you.
"Good morning." Her voice was gentle, careful as she entered the dining room and sat down while you offered her a small smile. "Good morning." You greeted back while taking a sip of your coffee.
There was a pause and you both have to admit that this was one of the most awkward breakfasts you've ever had. Neither of you could look each other in the eyes, and neither knew what to actually say. But thankfully, her phone rang and stole her attention away, and judging by the grimace on her face, you could only guess who it was and what it was about.
“Go ahead. I’m going to work, soon.” You tell her, picking at your food since you didn’t really have the appetite to eat anything and Taeyeon bit her lip. “Y/n, I’m really sorry about last night but I will fix this. I promise.” She tells you, reaching for your hand to give it a squeeze and you try not to sigh and give her a weak smile. “Okay.”
Taeyeon left your place with hesitance. She drove all the way to SM, thinking about what could possibly happen and what she could do. She didn’t want to keep hurting you like this, it was unfair. And then your words from last night echoed in her head when she got to the parking lot.
Staring at the wheel, her hands went loose before dropping to her lap. She had to take a minute and actually think of this whole thing. If she kept hiding you away, these fights would only keep on escalating and the risk of losing you was slowly rising, too. But if she did come forward and told everyone, the possibility of them hurting you scared her beyond belief, but you convinced her that you were capable of protecting yourself and she knew firsthand that you could.
It was just a battle between her own fears and she wasn’t sure which side she would be taking. Glancing at her phone, she sees the picture she took of you when you were sound asleep next to her.
Looking at it now, she knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with you. It was just something she hasn’t told you yet.
At that moment, she grabbed her things and finally exited her car to go and get this meeting over with, her head held high as she steeled her resolve. She wasn’t losing you. That, she was certain of.
Coming home after a tiring day, you kicked your shoes off before dragging your body over to the bedroom, dropping your keys on the counter as you passed, but your hand stopped mid air when you saw Taeyeon sitting on a chair, wringing her hands together. When she finally looked up to meet your gaze, she gave you a smile before standing up.
“You’re back.” She breathed out and you blinked in confusion, slowly putting your hands on the table while she bit her lip and then carefully handed her phone to you, an article pulled up that was dated today, published just a few hours ago. “What’s this?” You ask hesitantly and she just gives you a pleading look.
You look down, immediately seeing the picture of your girlfriend but was quickly followed by the one you were both in and you already felt your breath hitch in. After a quick glance at her, you let yourself read the contents of the article, slowly feeling your muscles grow less tense when you saw that Taeyeon had confirmed the rumors of her seeing someone.
“You...” You choked out while putting her phone down and she let out a breath. “I thought about what you said and... you were right, that I shouldn’t let other people control how my life goes.” She looks at you, her eyes shining as she reaches for your hand like she did that morning.
Taeyeon has endured so much throughout her career, but all the hardship brought her to where she is now. It was what brought her to you and she believes that maybe this is what life planned out for her. With a steady gaze, she squeezes your hand. “I want to be with you. I want to live the rest of my life with you.”
Your eyes softened as you took in her form. Your girlfriend was truly an admirable person and you just wanted to take all that suffering away from her. But it also moved you how she was willing to tell people that she was dating again even after what happened before. But the last bit made you freeze while analyzing her features, trying to see a sense of doubt, but there was none.
She stared at you with nothing but certainty and love and it was enough for you as you pulled her into you and pressed a long kiss against her lips, one she happily accepted with her arms wrapping around your neck.
You would both be okay, even through the hate. She had always been afraid, but now she was more than willing to risk this career. Because unlike this, you gave her a sense of comfort and security.
She would be damned if she gave that happiness up.
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silver-embersss · 3 years
Broken Horns and Broken Hearts Chapter 8
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Tubbo had collapsed into bed only a few moments before, but the next the boy knew, he was sitting in yet another meeting, with the rest of the cabinet casting him slightly strange looks as they argued.
He internally panicked, scouring his brain for any memories of getting up, or even walking to the meeting - but there was nothing. A quick check of his timetable confirmed that he’d only lost a few hours this time, instead of two whole days, but that didn’t make it any less terrifying. Where were these sudden gaps in his memory coming from? And why was Quackity staring at him like he’d grown a second head? He shook it off as nothing, perhaps their confrontation last night.
The meeting was followed by another speech, where Schlatt announced a festival to be held in a week, the organising of which was probably going to be delegated to Tubbo on top of the rest. The teen scanned the cityline in boredom, and he was pleasantly surprised to see Wilbur duck behind a parapet. Thankfully, the ex-president couldn’t see him - specifically his horns - from where he stood next to Quackity, but he took a small step back anyway to make sure. Remembering the conversation he had with Tommy yesterday, Tubbo made a mental note to write down the ambush plans they’d discussed earlier and deliver it to the hidden chest.
The gaps in his memory became more frequent as the festival drew near, but Tubbo somehow managed to keep his act together, ignoring the strange looks he got as his horns grew and his patience diminished. The teen also ignored the way his friends talked about him behind his back, denouncing him just because of Schlatt. He simply pretended not to hear the hurt remarks about his grumpiness.
Tommy slashed wildly with a stone blade, shards of granite screeching off the wall, and he heard Techno chuckle condescendingly from behind. The teen spun around in irritated tiredness to snap at his older brother.
“At least I’m preparing and not just farming fuckin’ potatoes for three hours straight, dipshit!”
The mocking smile on Techno’s face widened.
“The thing is, Tommy, I don’t need the training - you clearly do.”
“Oh, shut up. Stupid pig bastard.”
Tommy glanced worriedly upwards towards the ravine entrance, where Wilbur stood, currently fucking up his sleep schedule even more. The pig followed his gaze and raised an eyebrow, silently judging his hypocrisy, but Tommy ignored the hint and went back to attempting to massacre the granite wall. L’Mandog could look after Wilbur. They had a war to fight, and if The Blade was going to slack off, well. Then it was down to Tommy to carry their rebellion, wasn’t it?
3 bites of a baked potato later, Techno was back in his farm, both him and Tommy trying their best to pretend each other didn’t exist.
Strangely, it didn’t work.
Eventually, Tommy gave the wall a break and swapped his stone sword out for iron, strapping the bare blade to his hip.
“I’m gonna go check the notebook chest!”
The teen called to Techno, trying not to disturb Wilbur in his moonstruck reverie as he left. Despite his efforts, Tommy felt his brother’s eyes on his back as he crept through the undergrowth.
A few hasty ducks and desperate, pleading headshakes at Niki later, the teen made it to the hillside underneath the prime path that hid the chest. For a split second, he thought he saw a flash of black - Tubbo, maybe? - dash around the corner, but it was gone before he could call out to whoever it was.
A quick glance in ‘the mailbox’ (as Techno called it) revealed the notebook they'd been writing correspondences in, but thrown hastily down on its front, bending the spine. The messy placement was at odds with how it normally lay when it was Tubbo’s turn, but the teen didn’t think much of it other than a muttered curse at the dictator who was keeping his best friend busy doing everything that Schlatt should have been doing.
Tommy skimmed through the rushed explanation of the festival’s weaknesses and snapped a picture of the map Tubbo had painstakingly sketched of the proposed layout. They’d agreed not to use names in the book in case one of them was caught with it, so Tommy just scribbled ‘Thx bitch, hang in there’ on the next page and replaced the book.
For a moment, he entertained the crazy idea of abducting Tubbo so he wouldn’t have to deal with the drunken tyrant, but the thought was soon brushed off due to its impossible nature. Plus, who would be their spy then? Will tried to get in contact with Fundy, but was left on read - the fox was still seemingly bitter about losing the election, even if he did cheat.
After a wistful glance at the half-broken walls, Tommy shoved his communicator back in his pocket, took a step back and fell into a creeper hole.
It wasn’t long until Tommy came back from the mailbox, but it was 11:30 at night, so Techno once again tried to convince Wilbur to come into the relatively warmer Pogtopia. The ex-president was mumbling a steady stream of nonsense (which was slightly concerning, to say the least) but it wasn’t exactly a strange occurrence.
“Wilbur? Will?”
No response.
“I’ll make you stew if you come in.”
Food usually got the attention of his siblings, especially Tommy, but still Wilbur ignored him. With a sigh, Techno gave up and went back to his farm, giving L’Mandog a pat on the head as he turned away. It wasn’t the best result, but at least he tried, right?
Casting his memory back, the piglin couldn’t remember Tommy eating that day either, so he pulled a cauldron on top of the campfire anyway, letting the water boil while he rummaged in the chests for some steak. Cutting the meat into small cubes, he threw it into the pot alongside some salt and half a clove of chopped garlic. While the pot simmered, Techno sat cross-legged on the ground next to it and got to peeling and chopping some of the potatoes he’d farmed, throwing the peel in a nearby bucket. It didn’t take long for Tommy to come barreling down the narrow stairs, an ecstatic look on his face as he sniffed the air.
“It’ll be ready in a bit.” Techno grunted at him, ignoring his excited yell.
“Do me a favour and get Wilbur.”
The teen raised an eyebrow at him.
“Bet you already tried.”
The piglin glared at him, and Tommy raised his hands in surrender.
“Okay okay, I’m going!”
The festival date was set. Planning was under way. All the information had been leaked to the rebels - and yet Tubbo couldn’t help but feel he was missing something important. The feeling was so urgent, he’d checked off lists a million times and gone over everything with Quackity a million-and-one, and it still hadn’t gone away. That, combined with the memory gaps, bleeding horns, and the alcoholic president, weighed on him more heavily than he’d admit. Sleep was a rare luxury, not a necessity. Fundy took every opportunity he had to glare menacingly at him, and even the recently-released Niki kept her distance. It hurt, to be so isolated from these people he’d fought beside for months, but there was no time for moping. There was barely even time for breathing.
“Tubbo! Get me a coffee!”
“Yes, Mr. Schlatt!”
As he sped down the hall, clipboard and a stack of papers in hand, Quackity called him from outside. He set the papers down on the hallway table and stuck his head out the door.
Big Q motioned towards the square, where a large hole sat in the centre of the seating.
“A creeper blew up the square, can you fix it?”
“Yeah, just-” “TUBBO! COFFEE!”
The teen bit his lip and gestured awkwardly over his shoulder.
“I gotta go-”
Without waiting for a response, he dashed back to the small break area where the coffee maker was kept. He set it going before rushing to collect the stack of forms left on the table. While the coffee brewed, he read through as many as he could. This was the usual routine - multitasking, never taking more than a second’s break, trying to stay on Schlatt’s good side - and he’d gotten used to it. As Tubbo grabbed a stack of cobble from his chest, a message buzzed through his communicator. Cobble in one hand, communicator in the other, he typed a reply in snatches, mostly looking forward as he hurried towards the creeper hole.
TommyInnit whispered to you: Tubso
You whispered to TommyInnit: What?
TommyInnit whispered to you: I need you
He sighed angrily.
You whispered to TommyInnit: tf do you want???? m busy!!!!!
TommyInnit whispered to you: is schlatt being a dick again? We need more info on the festical
You whispered to TommyInnit: well im actually doing stuf unlike some ppl!!!!! TommyInnit whispered to you: ???? u good?
You whispered to TommyInnit: lok i dont have the time!! get yor own fuckin informton!
Another message pinged through but Tubbo ignored it, shoving the little black box back in his pocket and continuing with his tasks. The next thing he knew, it was the middle of the night, moonlight streaming through the window of his room. A slight jolt of nausea accompanied the sudden change in his surroundings, but the teen shrugged it off. It was routine, after all. It was a struggle to pull his pyjama top over his head, as his horns grew bigger every day. Surely they’ll stop growing at some point. The sharp points protruded about a centimetre past his chin, and were a lot thicker than before. Succumbing to his exhaustion, Tubbo let out an ear-shattering yawn and fell into bed, digging his nails into the itchy skin around the base of the horns. A jolt of pain made him yelp, and something warm trickled down his hand.
Note to self: Invest in bandages for these things!
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muwur · 4 years
do u think u could write something fluffy for atsumu? :D (if not, bc he just showed up in the anime, futakuchi?) nd they/them pronouns pls :3 ty ty!!!
dating headcanons
✧ hc’s ✧ for atsumu and futakuchi
❧ gn reader
✎ 1.6k words
a/n: oml my first request fgrinffej thank u anon <3 been doing sum ~research~ and brainstorming snaccing and i hope this is okay ! >:) for u i shall do both ppl hehe. feel free to lmk if you would like me to redo or add anything, i wanna do my requests justice :*)
also i find myself gettin inspo at 4 am ofhfuohf i hope this is a bit fluffy, tho its a bit playful n snarky as well fnoggrefjf. also this took me so long bc i literaly got this whole other idea LMAOOOO but i find it more suitable as a separate piece so be on the lookout for that (nudge nudge itll feature atsumu ;) i got a bit carried away AAHA). here u goo
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✧ boi’s a tease
✧ on days he stays really late to practice so like?? most days LOL  you drop by a nearby eatery and pick up some fatty tuna (or something else, you like to change it up sometimes even if fatty tuna is his fave)  for him to munch on (gotta replenish your body!!)
✧ even though it’s for him, he’ll make you share the food with him as you both sit on a field nearby the gym
✧ likes to feed you but exaggerates it just to mess with you
✧ “say ahh, y/n” he coos with a smirk when he holds out some food from his chopsticks
✧ and just to mess with him back, you close your mouth around the piece, taking it from the chopsticks slowly and never breaking eye contact with him until after you chew and swallow
✧ “ah, that was delicious, honey” you smile cheekily
✧ rip atsumu, he malfuncc inside
✧ however
✧ fights you for the last piece of any food or snack you’re sharing
✧ “why even offer sharing if you’re just gonna hog it all”
✧ “you were just slower than me, that’s not my problem”
✧ in the end, he would definitely just let you have it. Only fights you when hes bored and wants to provoke you, which is often
✧ pretty affectionate in public. likes to ruffle your hair or place a head on your hand, no matter what height you are
✧ especially likes to do this when you’re annoyed at him, which kinda makes it not cute anymore and you just wanna punch him in the face
✧ as annoying as he could be tho you had to admit that your bickering could be quite fun he was definitely a caring partner
✧ is quick to take notice how youre feeling, liek:
✧  “hey, are you feeling okay?”
✧ “yeah im fine, why?”
✧ “you know you dont have to lie, right? you cant hide these things, anyways, i can just tell if something’s up. what’s wrong, babe?”
✧ pulls you aside to talk things out a little, then offers to spend some time together after practice  
✧ squeezes your hand as he walks you home, plants a soft kiss to your forehead before parting ways, and says goodnight
✧ he also notices any changes, no matter how small, in your appearances:
✧ *scrutinizing you* “what do you want, atsumu?”
✧ “did you do something different today? maybe like with your hair or uniform or something?”
✧ “o-oh, yeah, i did.”
✧ “hm. it really suits you, actually.”
✧ “oh, thanks. it’s such a small change, i didnt think anyone would notice--”
✧  “dont get too ahead of yourself, i didnt say it looked nice-- im kidding, im kidding!” he has to say in order to defend himself from your piercing glare
✧ lowkey highkey cant go long without seeing you
✧ so when he finally gets to spend some time with you, he’s even more touchy than usual
✧ you eye him suspiciously before saying, “you’re acting like you missed me or something”
✧  “yeah, i did miss you. something wrong with that?” he asks, burying his face in your neck as he hugs you from behind
✧ “yes, because its been two days”
✧ expect lots of kisses and hugs, though. mans is deprived and he gets what he wants (with consent, of course)
✧ makes sure everyone knows he’s there to stand up for you if necessary, which can be pretty intimidating
✧ loves it when you fall asleep on his shoulder. will take selfies with your sleeping face and show you later
✧  “you look cute even when you’re drooling all over my arm”
✧ doesn’t talk about how he sniffed or kissed your head when you were asleep. definitely doesn’t admit how he was whispering about how lucky he was to be in love with you asdfghjk
✧ was the first to admit he loved you
✧ it occurred after his team won a game to qualify for nationals. excitedly, you raced your way to meet him and tackled him in a hug. who cares if he was sweaty. “i knew you guys would win, and im so proud, atsumu.”
✧ he stumbled a bit and hugged back. he pulled away shortly to look you in the eye
✧  “y/n, i love you.”
✧ and all you could do was blush before he pulled you into a soft, yet passionate kiss
✧ surrounded by like. literally everyone lol
✧ osamu just fake gags in the background
✧ later that day:
✧  “sooooo do I get a reward for winning ? ;)”
✧  “dont push your luck”
✧ but you do spend the night just chilling at his place, watching a movie and cuddling, unwinding from a long day
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✧ you met each other in class, bonding over how bored and sleepy you both were
✧ one day he started passing you notes and you went with along it until this class’s purpose in y’alls lives was just for goofing off and totally not to see each other’s smiles or be a bit flirty
✧ loves to mess around with you, but also thinks highly of you
✧ shortly after you started dating and met the boy’s volleyball team, moniwa asks you to please keep futakuchi in line
✧  “babe, please, you’re driving your seniors crazy”
✧ but ever since he became captain, you could sense that futakuchi seemed more responsible
✧ but poor bby was also wayyyy more tired than usual
✧ you poked his back with your pencil whenever you found him dozing off in class, just in time before he risked getting caught by the teacher
✧ you also nagged him about getting more rest and maintaining his health, doing things to help him out until he gave in and made a better attempt at taking care of himself
✧ unless you have other activities going on, you’d usually come by the gym to watch practice and then walk home with futakuchi
✧ you always bring him and his team snacks. they all love you, especially koganegawa
✧ “how are you and y/n dating, they’re so much nicer than futaku--”
✧ cant even finish his sentence before the captain smacks his head and poor kogane chokes on his snacc
✧ but les be real you also go to admire your manz
✧ on the walk home one day:
✧  “you hit a really good spike today”
✧ sheepishly scratches the back of his head, “oh, thanks. kogane’s sets are improving, so it’s getting easier to hit the ball”
✧ secretly loves and craves your praise
✧ futakuchi’s pretty down for pda. you two can often be seen walking down the aisles, hand in hand
✧ will also give you lots of pecks, especially on your cheeks and lips
✧ he also insists on helping you carry your things
✧ wants you to rely on him
✧ saw you shivering once and took his jacket off, draping it around you like nbd
✧ lets just say he wishes he coulda thought of that sooner dhqnwxhgergk  youre not allowed to look this cute
✧ but now you literally keep half his closet in your house cuz he always tells you to return it whenever you want
✧ could go on dates anywhere and literally have such a good time. the night market? y’all will share foods and play games the whole time. the park? he could go for a nice, relaxing walk, or if it’s at night, he’d love to lie in the grass and admire the night sky with you (as long as you hold hands lol). at home? would totally binge some shows or movies with you, has sour gummies n a blanket ready to share hog
✧ can be a tease, but will protect you at all costs
✧ glares at anyone who looks at you with interest (boi gets jealous)
✧ had to pull you into his arms and give you a kiss to save you from getting hit on by someone from a rival school. “hey babe, i’ve been looking for you. let’s head back, everyone’s waiting.”
✧ you happily follow him, not noticing how futakuchi looks back at his now sworn-enemy and sticks his tongue out at them
✧ he will fIGHT anyone who hurts you, is very overprotective to say the least
✧ always makes sure he knows where you’re at, starts to worry a bit if you’ve gone mia
✧ got reallly worried one time when he called you like 5 times and you didnt pick up!
✧ 20 minutes later his phone rings and he picks it up immediately. “hello? y/n? are you okay?? you haven’t been answering me for a while.”
✧  “ahh, yes, im sorry about that, my phone died :P”
✧ thinks the best cuddles are the ones in which you both end up falling asleep. also likes to admire your sleeping face totes not a creeper
✧ also loveloveloves to snuggle you from behind and bury his face in your neck and loves to just smELL you
✧ you told him you loved him first
✧ you were having a rough day when you heard a knock on your door
✧ opening it, you found a futakuchi giving you a small smile and carrying a plastic bag full of goodies. “i, uh, didn’t want you to be alone, so i thought we could hang out for a bit? just us two, your favorite snacks, and whatever else you want to do”
✧ touched by his gesture, you pulled him in by his jacket’s collar and gave him a long kiss
✧ after separating, you looked into his eyes as you cupped his face gently. “thank you, kenji. i love you. this means a lot to me”
✧ ejiufnicenjfdhksujsk he nearly melted in place
✧ later tries playing the pocky game with you, but then y’all forget about the pocky after your first round and stick to the smooching
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iheartkikixo · 4 years
Thoughts on the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D series finale
You were warned.
Okay. So Agents of Shield is finished.
On the first watch I won’t lie, I was REALLY conflicted and bothered by the ending. I really couldn’t understand why they chose to go that route and I ended up pacing my house for like 30mins. However, after a couple hours of mulling it over, a rewatch and a nap. I understand why they ended it the way they did and actually have a newfound respect and maybe even love for the ending.
I know on first watch seeing everyone (especially May and Daisy) separated and alone initially feels depressing and possibly like the last 7 years of building this family was redundant, but if you look closer, it wasn’t...at all.
When we first met May, she wasn’t just alone, she was broken and self-isolated from everyone that she cared about and who cared about her. After the events of Bahrain, she closed herself down and became a shell of herself while her guilt and self-loathing threatened to eat her alive. The May we see in the final 3 episodes is so incredibly far from that. When Daisy throws Bahrain in her face in s2, the self loathing is still very present and she still can barely speak on it, she still feels like a monster for what happened and she retreats away from the team (to a degree) and back into herself. This reaction is so different to when Kora throws Bahrain in her face in 7x11. May is at a point where she fully realizes she wasn’t the monster in that story, she did what she did to save the innocent, and that at her very core is who she is, a protector of the innocent and those who can't protect themselves. And like she tells Kora, she’s “made peace with it”. In the last scene with May, yes there is a sadness that the team isn’t all together, but she’s not broken, unhappy or even alone. She’s found a new calling teaching at an Academy named after Coulson which upholds his legacy. She’s jovial when Flint comes and she laughs and jokes. It's so far removed from s1 May. Before Bahrain, May wanted kids and even when she was trying to save Katya, you could tell that she cared about kids a lot, this echoes to her protectiveness over the bus kids, and also extends into the Framework where kids being in danger was the thing that kinda brought her back to herself, and then also Robin, who she becomes a mother to. This is where the best of May comes out, she’s a mentor and a protector and in her last scene we see her happily being that to Flint and other students. So it’s full circle, she’s physically away from the team but not holed up alone in a cubicle in pain. She’s healed over these past several years and found a new purpose for her life, and her Shield family and time with them gave her that and made that possible.
The same with Daisy. When we meet her she is truly alone, she’s grown up alone, has nobody, she’s living in a van, she doesn’t even know her real name or date of birth, she’s searching for her family and searching for an identity and purpose. Throughout the last 7 seasons she’s found all of that and more. In this ending, like May, she’s not with the team, but she’s not truly without it either. She’s still in Shield, still doing missions, still in contact with the team, she still has them. If something goes wrong, there isn’t a doubt in my mind that they will come running as they always have, but after several years of fighting Hydra, Inhumans, ghosts, demons, LMDs, aliens, Chronicoms, being stranded on alien planets or at the bottom of the sea, being thrown into the future and then into the past, being mutilated or killed and resurrected or not, they all deserve some reprieve. They also can’t live under each other forever and they all deserve to actually live their lives. At the beginning of the series Daisy was lost and she didn’t know who she was, by the end neither of those are true anymore. She’s found her calling, she’s found family, she’s found relatives, she’s even found love. And now It’s like she’s paying it forward. Someone found her and gave her love, home, family and solid ground and now she’s doing the same for others (namely Daniel and Kora). Everything really goes back to the conversation her and Mack had where he tells her that even if the team dynamic shifts, it's okay and she’ll be okay. In real families we don’t all stay under the same roof forever, we branch out, take jobs in other cities or countries and start families of our own, but it doesn’t negate our original family and I don't think this ending does either. It doesn’t mean found families hold less weight than blood families, because with family (the people you’ve chosen to love and have chosen to love you back, blood or not), even when you’re not around them 24/7, distance and time change nothing. Based on the group conversation, they clearly have been in contact and will continue to be, Jemma saying she’ll email Daisy later about something they had earlier discussed, Mack and Yoyo still being together even though they’re on mission in different places at the moment, May telling Mack she has some names of recruits to send him, Coulson telling Daisy to give him a call once she gets back to Earth etc. It's not that they’re not family anymore or that they’re only gonna contact or see each other once a year, their life choices just have them spread out and busy, but they’re still family. Jemma saying they need to do the group meeting annually doesn’t mean it has to only happen once a year, nor does it mean they won’t interact individually whenever they can, it just means that despite how busy life gets they need to make sure they as a whole group isolate some time to be together however they can. That is the most family thing ever. Throughout the year ppl are busy and you see each other but not everyone together at the same time, but then you have something like Thanksgiving or Christmas where everyone makes it their business to find themselves under the same roof for a day. It feels like the same concept applies here. It only feels sad right now because it's new, but after a while it will be normal. They’ve spent the better part of a decade living under the same roof and now they’re not even on the same planet all the time, it's a weird adjustment, but they will adjust.
As far as Philinda goes. Philinda has been my AoS OTP since season 1 and while I was kinda sad initially that they didn’t end together, I get it. Phil is dead and PhilLMD is just that, an LMD. A robot. He’s not real and as such, while still having Philinda scenes makes me happy, I don’t think I want May to have to settle for a robot no matter how advanced. It’s not fair. Especially with her being an empath now, every time she touches Phil it's a reminder that he’s not real. He can’t grow old with her or be truly intimate because everything about him is coded into him. She deserves the chance and the space to move on and find something real with someone real and him being around her all the time would prevent that because she loves Phil, even though he’s not really here anymore. Phil was ready to go in season 5 as he felt like he had already been given a second chance and didn’t want to be greedy, which is why he didn’t seek out the cure in space. LMD!Phil who works solely off of Phil’s memories and feelings is echoing the same sentiments by contemplating shutting down. It's not fair for May to let herself explore this any deeper (especially now being an empath as she feels things more deeply), only for him to decide to shut down leaving her again, and it's not fair for them to explore this and him to force himself to stay operative until she dies as to not hurt her again, even though his Phil coding is telling him it's time to go. I feel like once everyone is comfortably settled into their new lives and he knows they’re all truly okay, he’ll shut down for good, until then he’s just around in case they need him.
I don’t think I need to speak too much on Fitzsimmons or Mackelena. With everything Fitz and Simmons have endured over the last 7 seasons, retirement (not sure if Simmons is fully retired too) seems beyond reasonable. We’ve watched them lose each other or themselves in one way or another every season, and like everyone else on the team they kept coming back for more when it would’ve been easier to walk away and most probably would have. But they're not most people, they are a family and refused to abandon the team while it was in need. So this ending with their super cute kid is just very deserved and great to see. Mackelena. I love that they’re still agents. I was also initially surprised Mack was still an agent as he seemed like the most likely to leave a couple seasons ago. Maybe the Adventures of Mack and The D gave him a new outlook, realizing that there are so many out there who want to and will do good if given the space and opportunity to. I also love that Piper asked for a Davis LMD and that he and Piper can argue like old times. I thought that was kinda cute.
Overall, I feel like this moment was necessary. Change sucks, but it's necessary for growth. I also think the messaging is great and applies to the cast, the fans and just the world in general. Change isn’t bad, people come into our lives for seasons and they teach us, love us, heal us and sometimes leave us, but that’s not the end. There are new people and new adventures waiting, and the same way people come into your lives for a reason, we also are destined to go into other people's lives and be that person who teaches, loves and heals them the way someone did for us. It’s a cycle. And that's one of the ways the world moves forward and gets better. Good people bringing out the best in other people, who move on to bring out the best in other people, creating more and more good people. Philindaisy will always hold the most special place in my heart in this show. Phil found May in her cubicle and Daisy in her van, and the three of them saved each other in so many ways and gave each other everything they needed as well unconditional, unwavering love and support which helped them move beyond their past traumas to the point where they were mentally healthy and strong enough to not just have the family they formed with each other, but also form their own families outside of the original family unit and do the same for others. That in itself is beautiful. This is the end of this particular part of their journey, but in no way do I think it's the end of the family that they all formed over the last 7 years, because you don’t go through all they went through and then just feel nothing. They will forever be a part of each other and they will forever pull from the lessons, experiences and love they have for and gave each other. And that’s life, and also what I’m taking away from this show.
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meowmerson · 4 years
Waitwaitwait does this mean we gonna get head boy/head girl part two AND three?????? 🥺🥺🥺🥺
do u kno what happens when i try to only write smut i end up with 7000 words and still no smut i hate myself anyway heres part 2 to the head boy head girl thing and i still haven’t gotten to the smut part IM SORRY
I will post these all together once its complete so ppl can read them all together lmao
“So, Hermione,” Lavender started as if she was going to say something of value, but when Hermione raised her eyes from her schoolwork, Lavender said nothing at all. Instead she waggled her eyebrows suggestively, and Hermione knew immediately what she was implying.
“Stop it.” Hermione snapped.
Thankfully, she stopped the hideous eyebrow-waggling, but she did not drop the subject. “I’m just saying, you and Tom have been spending a lot of time together, and you haven’t even—“
“Lavender, I swear to Merlin—“
“Haven’t even said anything about it!” Lavender bulldozed over Hermione’s interjection, and Ginny, who was painting her nails bright shades of Red and Gold for the upcoming Quidditch match, nodded solemnly along. “I mean come on, You can’t leave us hanging like this.”
“I’m not leaving you hanging.” Hermione said firmly, putting on what Ron often referred to as her Mum-voice, “There is nothing to hang on, because nothing is happening, Lavender.”
“Yes, Lavender,” Ginny interjected, arranging her face into a scowl and mimicking Hermione’s tone of voice, “Tom only sometimes sticks his hand up my skirt in Potions class—“
Hermione sputtered furiously, and Ron—who was nearby playing a game of chess with Harry—groaned.
“Riddle has never, not once, stuck his hand up my skirt anywhere, let alone in the middle of class!” Hermione protested, turning a furious glare on Lavender, “Stop making things up!”
“I saw it!” Lavender insisted.
“Can you lot talk about something other than Tom Bloody Riddle for once?” Ron griped.
“Tom and Hermione are dating?” Harry asked, clueless as ever, as Ginny roared laughing.
“Aw, shit,” Ginny said after she calmed down, staring balefully at her nails, “I fucked it up.”
“Give me,” Lavender said, sliding off the couch to sit by Ginny and grabbing her hand and the bottles of nail polish.
“I am not, nor will I ever be, dating Tom Riddle!” Hermione protested, feeling very much like a broken record at this point.
“Then why was his hand up your skirt?” Lavender asked.
“It was never up my skirt!” Hermione exclaimed.
“I know what I saw!” Lavender snapped.
“Aw, shit—“ Ginny said, pulling her hand away and holding up her index finger to show Lavender had accidentally swiped the red all the way down to her second knuckle, “Lavender what the hell?”
“Sorry,” Lavender shrugged, unbothered in the face of Ginny’s ire, and she added, “Just got so hot and bothered thinking of—“
Hermione knew what she was going to say, and had heard enough, so with a groan, she rose to her feet, packed up her parchment, and stomped out of the Gryffindor common room.
“So,” Harry spoke up as she was on her way out, “Are they dating or not?”
Tom Riddle had never, not once, stuck his hand up Hermione Granger’s skirt.
He did often have his hand on her arm when they walked together, as they sometimes did when he descended upon her like a vulture and she could think of no rational reason to tell him to fuck off. He did, at times, let his hand very briefly settle against the small of her back if he was saying goodbye, or saying hello, or brushing by her in the corridor. And perhaps, once, when he was sitting by her in potions class—as he had taken to sitting by her in every class they shared together, which was most of them—he may have very briefly, and very innocently, laid his hand on the bare skin of her thigh where her skirt had ridden up, just to get her attention as he pointed toward an ingredient on the far side of their table that he wanted her to pass to him. And maybe, maybe she had flinched a bit violently, and hurriedly fixed her skirt as she stood, and maybe she moved so quickly that he didn’t have time to retract his hand before she was already standing, stepping away from him, and maybe his fingers trailed down her thigh very, very slightly as he pulled his hand away, and maybe Hermione noticed the look of unrelenting glee on Lavender’s face as she gaped from across the room.
But he had not put his hand up her skirt. Lavender had a disgustingly over-reactive imagination. And Hermione certainly did not at any point think he was trying to put his hand up her skirt, absolutely not, that is not at all what went through her head when she first felt his fingers brush her inner thigh.
It wasn’t even her thigh really. Barely. It was closer to her knee, really, and she didn’t think of it often. She didn’t.
She thought, more often, of Malfoy. He had returned to his usual self, he muttered under his breath when she answered questions in class, called her a know-it-all, cornered her, Harry, and Ron in the corridor with his cronies when he was in the mood to start a fight. But he hadn’t called her a mudblood in the weeks following the incident, not once.
And she still couldn’t figure out why.
She knew how, that was easy to figure out. Obviously Tom Riddle had either threatened or tortured him into refusing to use that work against her, but she still wasn’t sure why. Similarly, she wasn’t sure why Tom Riddle insisted on being around her as often as possible.
He sat by her in class, sought her out in the library, he made conversation during rounds which they completed together every night. She entertained his peculiar behavior, but she didn’t try to piss him off anymore, not with the memory of Malfoy standing in front of the Great Hall, head bowed, contrite, directly following her disagreement with Tom the night before.
She just wanted to figure him out. Sometimes he would say something benign, something ordinary, something she had heard a thousand times before, like “you are an extraordinarily bright witch, Hermione,” and she would find herself so desperate to know what he meant by it, because it wasn’t like him to mean exactly what he said. She wanted to crack open his skull and peer into his mind, dig deep into is psyche and unearth all his little secrets, find out why he was the way he was, find out what he was doing, find out what he wanted.
She heard a knock on her door, and she looked up from her book. She felt her heart race for no logical reason, except for the fact that he had never once knocked on her door before.
“Yes?” She called, and glanced at the clock. It was too early for rounds. He didn’t answer, clearly preferring for her to open the door instead of speaking through it. She frowned, but stood and opened the door nonetheless.
“Hello, Hermione,” He smiled.
“It’s a bit early for rounds.” Hermione pointed out.
“Yes, I’m aware.” He said, still smiling, but it felt a bit more mocking now, “I was hoping you might join me for tea before our rounds today.”
A bit strange, but the request was not entirely out of nowhere. She had gotten used to his attempts to be in her company at all hours. Still, he had never actually invited her to do anything, had only ever sidled up to her in open spaces whenever the opportunity presented itself. “Is everything alright?” She asked.
“Of course,” He said, and gave her an innocent sort of expression, one that suggested he had no idea why she was asking that, “Just in want of your company.”
There was a small, double-sided smile on his face. Hermione wish it didn’t make her heart race.
“Fine,” She agreed, knowing she should say no, but unable to recall the reasons she should say no for.
They sat on the two armchairs by the fire, and for some reason Tom knew exactly how she took her tea (strong, milk, no sugar) and Hermione was mildly interested to see he took his tea black, no sugar. For reasons she refused to think about, she filed that little tidbit of information away, in case she needed it later.
“Has Slughorn invited you to his upcoming party?” He asked her.
“Obviously,” Hermione said, taking a sip of the tea he had prepared for her. Perfectly made, just like everything else he did.
“Perhaps you would like to go together?” He asked her.
It wasn’t surprising, or at all strange, for him to ask her. She knew he would. But she is still struck by the strangeness of the situation, of their situation, and so she hesitated. She wasn’t used to being on Tom’s radar. She had been battling against him for the place at the top of their year ever since she started at Hogwarts, but he had never really given her more than a glance outside of classes. She had expected that to change, at least a little bit, once they were forced together as head boy and head girl, but this was…
She knew it stemmed from their argument, from the first (and only) night she had seen him truly open, honest, and angry, but she couldn’t understand how point a lead to point b.
He could be covering his tracks, she thought suddenly. He could be luring her into a false sense of security, presenting himself to her and everyone around them as nothing more than a besotted classmate, so that when she one day meets her untimely demise, he is the farthest thing from a suspect.
A foolish plan, though, really, because she wasn’t a simpering idiot who would drop all her suspicions just because of…
But she hadn’t mentioned her suspicions on a long time, she realized. She held on to them, clutched them close to her chest, ready to brandish them the moment she finally could and say ‘look, look at him now, see him for what he truly is!’ But she hadn’t voiced her concerns to any of her friends for weeks, nearly a month now. If she were to die tonight, for example, it would seem to her friends that she had dropped her suspicions long ago. And Tom wasn’t foolish enough to leave any evidence if he decided to off her.
It struck her suddenly, that she hadn’t watched him while he was pouring her tea.
She glanced down at her cup, already a quarter empty, and then back at him. He quirked a brow, and it was then she realized she had never answered his question.
She cleared her throat, her heart suddenly racing in her chest, “Slughorn actually suggested that to me.” She said.
“He suggested it to me as well.” Tom said, smiling kindly, and Hermione looked at her cup of tea again.
She felt hot, but that could be because of the fire, or because of her fear, or because of the way Tom Riddle tilted his head and observed her under dark lashes. She willed herself to calm down, paid close attention to any symptoms of poison, but felt none.
Don’t be ridiculous, she suddenly chastised herself. The stupidest thing he could do would be poison her in their shared common room.
“Is that why you’re asking?” She asked, slightly breathless in her panic. She hadn’t quite calmed her heart down yet, and couldn’t distract herself from searching for symptoms of poisoning in her body.
“No,” He said, sounding genuinely surprised by her question, “I ask because I would like for us to go together.”
Hermione tapped her finger against the rim of her mug, “Well,” She started, and readied herself to lie through her teeth, “I’m afraid I already asked Ron if he would go with me.”
Tom got a very particular look on his face then, as he often did when she did something to go against what he wanted. He went very still, and his face went very blank, his eyes dropped to watch her finger tap against her mug over and over and over, and she watched his jaw twitch.
“Ronald Weasley.” He said darkly, and suddenly Hermione wondered if it was a mistake to say that. She thought of Draco Malfoy, shaking in an abandoned classroom, terrified out of his mind, and started turning over things to say to fix the dark look in Tom Riddle’s eyes as he said her friend’s name.
“I don’t appreciate Slughorn trying to set up his students as if it is any of his business,” She said, watching his expression closely, “And I had a feeling you might ask me.” Tom finally looked up, met her eyes again, a curious gleam in his eye. “I’m sure it isn’t a mystery to you as to why I might not want to accompany you anywhere.”
His jaw twitched. It might’ve been the wrong thing to say. “I had thought we might be passed this.” He said, “After all the time we have spent together.”
Hermione still didn’t take another sip of her tea, even though she had gone this long without any reaction, and she was passed the panic that said that Tom Riddle might be poisoning her,  but she kept it in her hands regardless. “What is the point of this, Riddle?”
“The point of this was to ask you to Slughorn’s party,” Tom insisted, “Only for me to discover that you have, for some incomprehensible reason, decided to go with Ronald Weasley.”
“Ron is my friend.” Hermione said firmly. “Why are you so angry, Riddle?”
Tom blinked, then he turned and set his mug of tea on the table to the side. He leaned forward, elbows on his knees, and watched her very closely, “I’m not angry, Hermione.” He said calmly.
She was forgetting herself again. She tried to remember Malfoy, trembling, afraid, she tried to think of Ron, and the situation she was putting him in, but Tom Riddle was so confusing, and she couldn’t figure out just what the hell he was after, and it infuriated her. She put her tea on the table as well, and mimicked his posture. “Well, I am.” She said.
Tom tilted his head, just a little, like he often did when something fascinated him. After a moment of observing her, he said, “You have such a Gryffindor approach to things, Hermione. I do find it refreshing.”
He certainly had a way of knowing exactly what to say to piss her off. “Why are you following me everywhere?” She demanded, “Why are you always asking me questions? Why are you asking me to accompany you to party?”
“I seek you out because I enjoy your company.” He answered quickly, and though his response seemed candid it still felt like a farce, “I ask you questions because I find you fascinating. I am asking you to accompany me to Slughorn’s party for the same reasons.”
“I don’t trust anything that you say.” Hermione snapped, and Tom Riddle smiled wide. She hated when he smiled like that, it showed off his straight, white teeth and dimpled his cheek. She felt that smile deep in her gut.
“That’s why I like you.” He said.
Hermione grit her teeth, “You know what?” She said, “You can do rounds by yourself tonight. I suddenly feel exhausted.”
She stood without another word, stomped off to her room and shut the door. Tom didn’t stop her.
She did go to bed early, but her sleep was far from restful, and when she woke, it was due to images of Ron shaking with wide-eyes, terrified, writhing under Tom Riddle’s wand. She snapped up in bed, chest heaving as if she had just been drowning, gulping in lungfuls of air and clutching her wand tight in her fist.
She had to check on Ron.
She crept out of her room without even checking the time, but given the dark common room, it must be late, definitely late enough for Tom to have finished his rounds and returned to turn off the lights. Enough time for him to torture Ron into submission.
She hurried through the corridors, peering around corners like a paranoid idiot, until she made her way to the Gryffindor common room. She ascended the stairs to the boys dorm as quietly as she could, found the 7th year dorm room, and crept inside.
It was dark, and all the boys were asleep. Most had pulled their curtains shut, save for a few, but she had to peek through every curtain until she found Ron’s bed.
He was fast asleep, peaceful, and as far as she could tell, unharmed. She realized then that her hands were shaking, and she didn’t know what to do next.
So she crawled into his bed, sat at his feet, her wand held tight in her hand.
She couldn’t even use the excuse that she was overreacting, not exactly. She knew that Riddle was capable of causing great harm to people, Malfoy was a perfect example, and for all of her accusations, Tom had never once denied it. So he might want to harm Ron, he might do anything if he felt it would get what he wanted.
It would help if she could figure out what he was trying to do. If he was trying to earn her trust, to erase her suspicions, then harming Ron would make no sense. But if he was trying to control her, to manipulate and silence her, then of course he would hurt her friends.
He wouldn’t do it in the Gryffindor common room, this she knew. It didn’t make her feel better, and it didn’t convince her to leave.
Unfortunately, Ron chose that moment to wake up. It happened slowly, and Hermione still wasn’t quick enough to leave or hide. His eyes fluttered and he shifted in his sleep. His ankle kicked her side, and in his half-asleep state, he felt her out with his foot for a moment as if trying to figure out what was on his bed. She didn’t move, and didn’t say anything, just sat there and watched him wake up, knowing he was going to think she was crazy.
Blearily, once he realized he could not figure what was on his bed just by foot-sight, he opened his eyes and looked at her.
He flailed, his arms getting caught up in his duvet, and he screamed.
“Shh!” Hermione snapped, holding her hands out as if to forcibly make him remain still, but she didn’t actually touch him, “Shush, its just me!” She kept her voice low, as quiet as she could, and Ron stared at her as he cowered against his headboard, his face twisted into confusion and incredulity.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” He hissed.
She realized she had no rational answer. “I….well—“
“Why are you sitting on my bed in the dark watching me sleep?” Ron squeaked.
“I was not watching you sleep.” Hermione rolled her eyes.
“Oh right okay—what were you doing then?” Ron hadn’t calmed down, and didn’t seem like he would calm down any time soon, “Plotting my death?”
“No!” Hermione objected.
“Then what the bloody hell are you doing?” He asked hysterically.
Hermione hesitated, “I…uh…” Then she sighed irritably through her nose, “I know you won’t believe me, but Riddle—“
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Ron interrupted, “You gave me a fucking heart attack in the middle of the night to tell me about Tom Bloody Riddle?”
“Ronald, listen—“
“You’re bloody mental!”
The curtain was thrown open, “Hey, what’s going on—“
Ron screamed again, and Harry jolted, staring between Ron and Hermione with confused eyes, his glasses askew.
“Weasley, will you shut the fuck up?” A voice snapped in the dark, Hermione was pretty sure that was Seamus.
Harry crawled in and pulled the curtain shut, and Hermione cast a quick Muffliato. “What’s going on in here?” Harry asked, still glancing between them as he straightened his glasses.
“Hermione has lost her fucking mind!” Ron threw his hands up.
“I have not!” Hermione snapped.
“Yeah, uh,” Harry tucked his legs up, wrapped his arms around his knees, “What are you doing here, Mione?”
Hermione considered lying, but she remembered the fear she felt drinking that cup of tea, the fear that she might die without her friends knowing her suspicions, so she was honest. “I just thought…Riddle freaked me out, I thought—“
“Bloody fucking hell,” Ron muttered.
“—I thought maybe he would do something to you, Ron.” She finished.
“We’re still on that?” Harry asked, sounding more confused than exasperated as opposed to Ron’s huff.
“Yes,” Hermione said firmly, “Yes, we are.”
“And this couldn’t wait until the morning?” Ron griped, “You know, after sleep?”
“Why would Tom want to do something to Ron?” Harry asked.
“Because I told him that Ron and I are going to Slughorn’s party.”
“You what?” Ron whined.
“We’re going.” Hermione said firmly, and give Ron his due, he didn’t argue on that point, just turned his eyes to the ceiling and silently resigned himself to his fate.
“Why would you tell him that?” Harry asked, looking increasingly confused.
“Because Riddle asked me, and I needed a reason to say no.” Hermione explained.
Harry, somehow, looked even more confused. “Ok, wait, so…you and Tom aren’t dating?”
“No, I am not dating Tom Sodding Riddle!” Hermione exclaimed.
“She’s lost it,” Ron whispered to Harry, clearly aware that Hermione could hear every word he was saying, “She’s lost her damn mind.”
“Fuck you, Ron.” Hermione snapped.
“Well,” Harry said brightly, “Since we’re all up, how about a trip to the kitchens?”
Hermione scowled.
“What do you say, Head Girl?” Ron asked, “Gonna deduct house points?”
“Let’s just go to the kitchens.” Hermione sighed.
They didn’t really understand, when she tried to explain it. And every time she said that she couldn’t understand what Tom was after, they exchanged this look like they thought she was being dense, and then refused to explain to her what they were thinking.
It wasn’t precisely that Tom and Hermione didn’t speak in the time between their conversation and Slughorn’s party, but they certainly didn’t talk any more than absolutely necessary. Tom didn’t spend quite as much time with her, but that was mostly due to the fact she spends nearly every waking moment with Ron, much to Ron’s annoyance.
“Mione,” Ron said once, standing in front of her from her seat on the grass nearby where Quidditch practice was taking place. She looked up from her book. “Wouldn’t you rather read that in the library?”
“Wouldn’t you rather mind your business?” She asked brightly.
He huffed, and leaned forward to speak quietly, “Hermione, I know you’re going through like a mental breakdown right now—“
“Ronald—“ Hermione started warningly.
“—But you’re really screwing with my game, you know?”
“Your quidditch game?” Hermione asked, confused.
“My lady game!” Ron exclaimed, then hurriedly quieted himself, “No girls will talk to me because they all think you’re into me now.”
Hermione shrugged. “I don’t see why that would deter anyone who really wanted to be with you, Ron.”
“It does when they’re all afraid of you.” He insisted.
“No one is afraid of me, Ron.” Hermione said, turning back to her book. Ron just huffed again and dropped the subject, returning to his game.
Tom and Hermione still did rounds together, but their conversations were all surface level. They talked about classes, they talked about books. They never mentioned Slughorn’s party, not once.
He also had ceased the unnecessary touching, although he continued to sit beside her in classes.
Hermione thought perhaps it was a change in tactic, and continued to follow Ron around no matter how many times he called her a paranoid guard dog.
Slughorn’s parties were always a bit stiff, and a bit awkward. Hermione had been invited to them every time they occurred since her third year, and there were never more than about 15 people, guests included, so it was near impossible to avoid anyone if they were there. She kept this in mind while standing by Ron at the side of the room, her eyes constantly searching for Riddle, who had yet to make his appearance.
“Would you stop fidgeting?” Hermione said quietly to Ron as he rolled his shoulders and shifted his weight from foot to foot.
“I hate these stupid things.” Ron grumbled.
“Stop being such a baby,” Hermione said, turning to face him and eyeing the sad state of his dress robes. She sighed through her nose and moved to stand in front of him, tugging his robes into place so that he looked like less of a mess.
“Stop mothering me,” Ron said, pushing her hands away.
“I am not mothering you,” Hermione argued, “I don’t mother.”
She straightened his collar.
“Stop doing that!” Ron said, slapping her hand away. She punched him in the arm as revenge and he winced and stopped battling her as she straightened up his robes.
“What is this?” She asked, fingering a stain on his collar.
“I had a snack before I came.” Ron shrugged.
“You’re disgusting.” Hermione said, pulling her wand to clean that spot on his collar, “I can’t believe you are willing to be seen like this.”
“At least my hair doesn’t look like—“ Hermione glared up at him and Ron snapped his mouth shut with a clack, before opening it again to say, “—like a uh—beautiful fluffy cloud.”
Hermione rolled her eyes.
“You can stop fussing now—“ Ron said, reaching up to bat her hands away again, and this time she caught his wrist.
“I’m not fussing,” She said firmly, and glanced briefly around the room, “I’m—“
She saw Tom Riddle in the far corner of the room, by the refreshments, and who should be on his arm but Pansy fucking Parkinson.
“Ow, Hermione, stop—“ Hermione jerked her attention back to Ron and realized she was digging her nails into his wrist. She hurriedly let go, and Ron rubbed at his now sore wrist, “No need to injure me just because your boyfriend—“
“Not my boyfriend.” She muttered under her breath.
“—found himself a new girl.”
She glanced back over to Pansy and Tom. Tom patted Pansy’s hand on his arm as she laughed at something that probably wasn’t funny, she had never heard Tom say anything funny in her entire life.
“Being a bit obvious, Mione.” Ron chided her.
“Obvious?” Hermione said, turning back to Ron, “Obvious how?”
Ron fixed her with a knowing look.
“Stop looking at me like that.” Hermione said.
Ron kept looking at her in exactly the same way, even waggled his eyebrows a bit as if he thought that might drive the point home.
“You look like an idiot.” She told him.
When everyone sat around the table, it was about as awkward as it usually was, with the added bonus of Parkinson glaring at Hermione every time she spoke. Tom Riddle watched her as well, but Hermione had never been able to pick apart this particular gaze so she didn’t trouble herself with trying now. Ron kept fidgeting in his chair, to the point where Hermione had to reach over and pinch his knee to remind him to sit still, and he made a very rude face every time Slughorn tried to speak to him, as if he would rather be beaten by the Whomping Willow than have to speak to anyone present.
Hermione was a bit distracted, to be honest. Every time Pansy laid a hand on Tom’s arm, or leaned over to whisper in his ear, she felt her fists curling.
Pansy and Hermione had never really got along, much in the same way her and Draco never got along. Pansy was Slytherin, pureblood, privileged, and a bitch. Ron used to joke that if Pansy wasn’t such a racist piece of shit, he thought her grade of bitchiness would go well with Hermione’s, and Hermione had responded to that with a smack on the head.
That was the only reason it grated on her so much to see her here. It had nothing to do with the fact she came with Tom Riddle.
“How long do these things usually last?” Ron asked quietly at her side, and Hermione almost jumped. She had nearly forgotten he was there.
“No much longer,” Hermione said, turning to look at him, “You look like you’re enjoying the food at least.”
“The only bearable thing about this.” Ron confirmed, but Hermione was focused on the sauce at the corner of his mouth.
“Wait,” She said, and reached out to wipe her thumb across the sauce.
“Shush, I’m just—“
He reached out and grabbed her face, squeezing her cheeks until she jerked away. “How’s it feel when someone randomly grabs your face, huh?”
“You had sauce on your mouth.” Hermione pointed out, “I was being helpful.”
“I already told you to stop mothering me—“
“I’m not mothering you, and it's still there, let me—“
She picked up a napkin and dipped it into her water, reaching up to wipe his mouth as Ron made a very childish face. Hermione laughed, because he was being ridiculous. Sometimes she really felt like he hadn’t aged since he was twelve.
“There,” Hermione said, setting her napkin down. “Now stop pouting.”
“Not pouting,” Ron said, “Just didn’t want to come to this fucking thing in the first place.”
Hermione rolled her eyes, and made the mistake of looking across the table.
Tom Riddle was watching her, face blank, jaw clenched. She met his eyes on accident, and then found she couldn’t look away. She observed the tense line of his shoulders, the very slight downward turn of his lips, and she wondered what had caused his sudden change in mood. He had been perfect a moment ago, smiling and charming and at ease, and now he glowered at her in a way only he could, the type of glowering that wasn’t glowering at all unless you knew what you were looking for.
It made her heart race, it made warmth spread from her chest up to her cheeks.
She suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable, and desperately wanted to leave.
“Excuse me,” She said quietly to Ron as she stood, “I need the loo.”
Ron, already distracted by dessert, waved her goodbye without a word.
Hermione hurried out of the room and into the corridor, felt her anger and her unease buzzing beneath her skin. She just needed a moment outside of the room, away from Tom Riddle and his disconcerting gaze, away from Ron who kept looking at her like she was over-reacting, like there was something she didn’t understand, away from Pansy Parkinson who drifted between glaring and staring smugly over at her from across the table, probably with her hand on Tom’s knee.
It was her stupid crush, her ridiculous little fixation, rearing it ugly head again, and she knew it. It was her least favorite part of herself, her obsession with Tom Riddle that never seemed to die no matter how many reasons he gave her to hate him. She wasn’t an idiot, she knew what it felt like to fancy someone, she just didn’t understand why her heart was so steadfastly focused on a man who, as far as she was convinced, tortured his fellow students in empty classrooms at any given opportunity.
She took a deep breath, let it out through her nose, slowly. She tried to calm down.
She felt a hand on her arm and somehow knew who it was before she even turned around.
She jerked away, turning to face Tom Riddle head-on, and for a single moment, neither of them said a thing.
“Pansy Parkinson.” Hermione commented, unsure why that was the only thing she could think to say, “Interesting choice.”
“She wasn’t my first choice,” Tom pointed out, “But you knew that.”
Hermione grit her teeth.
“You and Weasley are quite close.” Tom said, his tone was light, but his gaze was not.
“He’s my friend.” Hermione spat, “I trust you are unfamiliar with the experience.”
Tom quirked an eyebrow, “You’ve certainly been spending a lot of time with your friend.”
“It’s none of your business who I spend my time with.” Hermione snapped.
“Try as I might,” Tom said cuttingly, his voice so sharp she nearly flinched at the sound. She hadn’t heard him speak like this in a while, “I cannot seem to shake your suspicions, Hermione, I wonder why that is?”
“Because you are a liar.” Hermione said.
His jaw twitched, and he took a step closer, but they were already close enough, so that single stride brought him far, far closer than she felt comfortable allowing him. But she didn’t move away, and she didn’t push him back. “A liar?” He echoed, and he spoke so quietly, but she could hear him so clearly in the silent corridor. She was aware, suddenly, just how alone the two of them were, and that familiar feeling of panic began to well up in her throat.
“Did you think I would just forget?” Hermione asked, and willed her voice not to shake, “Did you really think that I would forget about Malfoy just because you follow me around, and compliment me, and flirt with me, like suddenly it doesn’t matter anymore?”
Tom’s brow twitched, and while he hadn’t quite reacted in the same way he had that night, all wild-eyed with a twisted sneer, she could still tell he was angry. “Malfoy again.” He said, in that same dark tone that he had said ‘Ronald Weasley’ the other night. She gritted her teeth, watched as Tom took a single step away from her lifted his hands in a sort of helpless gesture, and said simply, “I fixed him.”
Hermione stared, and stared, and stared for a moment more. She didn’t understand why every time they spoke, she always came away more confused. But before she had the chance to ask what he meant, Tom was already continuing.
“My methods are unimportant,” His brow quirked upwards, but not in a sarcastic way or a combative way, his expression was a beseeching one, like he wanted her to understand, “He upset you, so I fixed him.”
Hermione felt her heart lurch, and then race, “The first time,” She said, “The first time I found you—“
“Was nothing.” Tom finished for her, and then a bit more severely he said, “I may be a liar, Hermione, but I have not lied to you in a long time. Ask me.” Hermione watched him warily, and he said again, “Ask me.”
“What do you want from me?” She asked, and it wasn’t really what she meant to ask. She had a hundred questions, she wanted to know exactly what he did to Malfoy, she wanted to know how many people he had hurt, she wanted to know who else he was planning on hurting and intimidating, but Merlin, the way he looked at her made her desperate to know what he was thinking, what he was hoping for.
He smiled then, just a little, like he was pleased with the question she chose but also maybe a bit in awe of her. It was the wrong thing to ask, she knew it. It was a selfish and foolish thing to ask him. But it drove him closer, he closed the distance between them, watching her closely all the while, until he stood just in front of her, with only their breath between them.
His fingers found her wrist, barely touching, just hovering featherlight over the skin. “Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to.” He chided gently.
She might’ve had a come-back or a follow-up question, but the feeling of his fingers on her arm was distracting in a humiliating way. She felt something curl in her belly, and heat seemed to expand from her stomach clear into her fingers and toes in an instance, sudden and violent and overwhelming. It wasn’t fair that she felt like that form nothing more than the barely-there brush of his fingers against her wrist, just like she felt it when his hand found her arm, or her back, or her thigh.
“Why did you follow me?” She asked him, because she needed to know, because she still didn’t understand what he wanted from her, what his plan was, and even knowing he would just lie to her face she hoped she could read between the lines, finally get a small look at what goes on in his labyrinth of a mind.
“Because if I had to watch your friend,” He spat out that word as if it was a curse, “Shove more food in his gaping maw knowing that he has somehow managed to commandeer all of your attention, then you really would have something to guard him from.”
“And what would you rather I pay attention to?” She asked, and Tom’s fingers circled to the underside of her wrist, drawing down until they met her palm, holding her hand so gently she almost wondered if she was imagining his hold. His thumb brushed across the top of her hand.
She didn’t realize it, but she had been staring squarely at his mouth as he spoke, and had been for a while. When she noticed, she raised her eyes to meet his again, but he was staring at her lips as well.
She should stop this. She should snatch her hand away, she thought, but as she had that thought his fingers glided further down, until he had threaded his fingers between hers and pressed his palm against hers. She should push him away she thought, but he was already stepping closer, his free hand raised to curl his fingers under her chin, to tip her head back. She should tell him to get away from her, she should tell him to get out of her face, to never touch her again.
But his lips already met hers.
It was so soft, so gentle, so light, and still, she felt it like a slap. She felt so hot, and all her blood seemed to rush to her legs as if ready to run, it made her lightheaded, it made her unable to think clearly, so she let him kiss her, relished in the softness of his lips against hers. It felt new, it felt innocent, and his thumb dragged up the length of her index finger as their hands remained interlocked, his other hand shifted to cup her jaw, his thumb sweeping across her cheek.
She jerked away, and she didn’t think it was fair that she could feel so breathless when he had barely touched her. She stared into his eyes, glancing wildly between them, desperately trying to regain control of her actions, but all she could feel was the tingle of her lips, his hands on her skin, and all she could think was how disconcerting it felt now, to know what it was like to be kissed by him and find her lips suddenly bereft.
His eyes were so dark, and she was sure they weren’t usually this dark, weren’t usually this black, but his pupils had swallowed up whatever color there usually was. She wished she could read him better, wished she could understand the flexing of his jaw, the pucker in his brow.
“What…” What are you playing at? She was going to say. What are you doing? What is the point of this? But she didn’t have the chance to ask, because he closed the distance between them again, but this time it wasn’t a feather-light caress, it wasn’t gentle, it wasn’t kind. His lips met hers and it was hard, it was sudden and startling and rough. She let out a sound, muffled against his lips, purely out of the surprise of the onslaught of sensations that it caused, her whole body tensed up as if preparing to take a hit. His hand slipped from hers so that he could slide it around her waist, his fingers digging into her back to pull her closer, his other hand threading into her hair. Her hands floated helplessly at her sides for a moment, she was too engrossed in the sparks that went straight to her core with every stroke of his lips against hers, and it wasn’t a constant decision to meet ever press of his lips with her own.
It wasn’t until his lips parted and she felt his tongue against hers that her hands finally sprung to life, she clutched at his arms, felt the tense and release of his biceps as he wrapped his arm fully around her waist, and she couldn’t understand how every stroke of his lips sent such a violent spark of heat straight to her core, she couldn’t remember where they were, or what they had been doing, or why it had taken so long to explore this feeling.
His hands were constantly moving, like he needed to touch every part of her. They went from her hair, to her throat, her shoulders and her sides and her back until they firmly grasped her waist and pressed her firmly against the wall of the corridor. Every stroke of his hands she could feel straight to the marrow, every sensation echoing in her core. His teeth caught her lower lip, scraped against the sensitive skin and then soothed it with his tongue, his fingers kept a bruising grip on her waist. It was nothing like the first kiss, gentle and soft and controlled, and she got the feeling he might feel just as out of control as she did, judging by the way his fingers dug warningly into her waist when she tried to arch her back.
It was too much. It was too much and she thought of Malfoy, and Ron, and all the other nameless unknown faces that saw the wrong side of this mysterious boy.
She pushed Tom away, and she was struck by the look in his eyes, a bit crazed, a bit wild. His brow was twisted in confusion, maybe a bit of anger, his lips were parted and swollen and wet and the only other time she had seen him with an expression so clear and unguarded was when he was angry. But this was different.
His hands were still on her, so she pushed him away again, further this time. She was well aware of how breathless she was, gasping for air like a fool, and suddenly his face was shuttered again, his brow uncreased, his mouth a straight, stern line.
“Hermione,” He started, and Merlin it sounded like a warning, like a threat, and she shoved him once more just to shut him up, just so she didn’t have to hear him speak so quiet and low and heated.
She tried to leave, and he reached for her, wrapped his fingers around her wrist, but she jerked away. She glared at him as viciously as she could manage, and then she turned and fled, fled like a coward because she couldn’t trust herself to say anything, knew she would sound like a breathless fool if she tried.
She didn’t even stop at Slughorn’s party to collect Ron. She fled all the way to the Gryffindor tower and didn’t look back.
“And then she fucking ditched me to go make out with Tom Riddle in the corridor—“
“Ronald!” Hermione snapped as Lavender started screeching with delight, “I did not—“
“Don’t lie,” Ron thrust a finger in her face that she immediately slapped away, “I saw him when he came back, I know what it looks like when someone gets back from a good snog.”
“Can’t hide it anymore!” Lavender said in a sing-song voice, kicking her feet excitedly on the sofa in the Gryffindor common room.
“It is just like Hermione to snag the hottest boy in school and then run away.” Parvati grumbled.
“Remember Viktor?” Padma said.
Parvati sighed wistfully, “Do I ever.”
“I didn’t run away—“ Hermione tried to argue.
“Can’t believe you chose to hide in Gryffindor tower instead of getting dicked down by Tom Riddle.” Padma said.
“Tom Riddle,” Parvati repeated, and shook her head as if she was disappointed.
“So,” Harry finally interjected from where he was sat beside Ron, staring between them all, “Tom and Hermione are definitely dating now, right?”
Ginny finally exploded into the laughter she had been holding in throughout the whole conversation.
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rairaidango · 4 years
SEEDS THAT GROW - Tobisaku, Madasaku, Ita(masaku)
First chapter garnered more attention than I had expected it to ngl! But it felt nice to know ppl like wtv im trying out here. Here is chapter 2! Just a reminder I’m not a creative writer (nor do I write well at all lol). This is just fun for me and allows me to focus on something new during quarantine :) It’s pr slowburn but focuses on a lot of Sakura’s thoughts and feelings. (and her amazing friendship with Ino) 
TW : mentions of depression, anxiety, self-loathing, etc
“Yeah I’ve definitely seen you at the club before!” Itama pointed at her, mouth wide open in a boyish smile.
There was no way this Itama boy was that boy. Was there? 
Sakura’s eyes were eagle wide but she quickly shook it off with an awkward laugh. She really couldn’t be sure if it was him, but maybe it was? There really was a possibility. 
“Ah, you know maybe! I can’t recall if I have seen you on a night out though.” she tried to calm her nerves down with even more awkward laughter, but she caught Itachi’s eyes. He could see she was a little uncomfortable.
“Maybe you were like really drunk or something but I’ve definitely seen you-”
“Itama, you’ve seen everyone at the club.” Itachi rescued her. She gave Itachi a silent look of thanks. He only nodded in reply. “And you know, you talk too much man.” He slapped the Itama boy on the back.
“Was just trying to be friendly!”
“More like annoying. Why are we friends again?” Shisui tapped his finger on his chin comedically before laughing and receiving punches. 
The boys were strangers to her, with maybe the exception of Itachi, but she barely ever spoke to anyone outside of her girl group. She never allowed herself to talk to guys casually, and there was a reason for that as stupid as some people felt about it- but it made sense to her at the time and she feared getting close to people.
So this, this, this was nice. And this was a good thing, a casual conversation with friendly guys. She smiled at the thought, because she missed the times when she had close male friends. 
“Alright, everyone’s here according to the attendance list.” Madara announced whilst shuffling the papers in his hand. He pointed to the board making sure to point out the layout of the plans for tomorrow. “The introductory session is tomorrow and we’ve all assigned you to specific roles. We have a large group of eager college students who want to learn more about the wondrous world of medicine and medical practices. If you look at the board you’ll see about 5 groups, each group having 10 students. And two of you will essentially be leading each group and bring them around our campus, then the facilities in our building. This tour will all happen after the presentation that I and Izuna will prepare. Lecture hall 2 alright. You should ALL be there before students arrive. Is that clear?” 
The many student volunteers nodded. 
“Do we have to do anything before the talk?” Itama raised his hand and spoke. 
“Usher in and organise the students coming into the hall. Just make sure everything’s done in an orderly fashion. Knowing you Itama...please do this and work with Itachi.” 
Madara knew Itama? Sakura quirked her brow glancing ever so slightly at the boy with the badly done highlights. She wondered what relationship they had for Madara to speak so casually of him. 
“Will this be sent to us through email?”
“Of course, you’ll receive the plans, groups, layout and even the presentation when you leave the union. We professors aren’t stupid enough to think any of you, or one of you, could remember this stuff.” A playful smirk plastered on Madara’s face was all it took for Sakura to understand that he was probably only referring to Itama. “Alright 3.30pm tomorrow. Go home and get some rest.”
Who were they to each other?
“You know, I get why nii-san finds your uncle annoying and doesn’t like him very much.” Itama grumbled. 
“Eh well to be honest, I get your brother.” Shisui shrugged in response. “Madara likes Itachi though, because he’s a ‘prodigy’.” Itachi only smiled at the mention of his name.“He’s your professor right uh-sorry what’s your name?” 
“Ah yeah he is.” a pause. “Uh my name is Sakura. And he’s really a good teacher though.” She got up from her seat and caught sight of the mentioned professor turning off the projector. 
And then she realised he was looking right back at her with a piercing red gaze. Embarrassment rose in her and her cheeks felt hot; she looked away as quickly as she noticed his gaze and covered her face from him. 
What was that reaction?
“Sakura? I bet you hear how fitting that is.” Shisui snorted. She noticed Itachi was giving her some sort of look, but she couldn’t really figure it out. 
Ah shit, he knows. 
“Yeah, but you don’t have him constantly picking on you in class and after class and outside of university.” 
“Outside of university?” Sakura questioned. 
“Yeah, he’s just close to my family. Don’t really understand how or why.” Itama says hands stretched up in the air. 
“Don’t know why we’re close to you.” Itachi teased coolly, earning him an annoyed look from Itama. 
“Yo, anyone wants some bubble tea. Kokoro Kafe?” Shisui and Itachi grabbed their bags and headed towards the door. “I could do with some milk tea.”
“My sweet tooth and I agree. Sakura?” Sakura looked at the boys in front her. Were they really inviting her to go out and eat? Her? 
It was a good thing, they were nice people, and where was the harm in getting to know them?
But Sakura couldn't accept this.
“It’s alright, thank you though. I really do appreciate the invite. I’m just going to go back home and eat.” She smiled, eyes closed. “It was really nice meeting you three though.” She waved, and the boys all waved back and left the union. 
She sighed.
Outside, it was getting dark. The blue paint of the sky was darkening to a violet tone dashed with white specks of clouds. The yellow street lights only added to the magical transition of day to evening. It was quiet - but not eerily so, soft fading chatter of students echoed around the campus and the sounds of distant birds were sung in the air. 
Sakura breathed in, taking in the moment. She was sitting down on the cold stone steps in front of the union. She rarely ever looked at the scenery around her, but when she did, it helped her feel a little bit more at peace. It helped her feel a little bit more alive.
“Sir, you haven’t left?” a sudden bubble of anxiety exploding in her.
“I am now. Are you alright?” He asked. She wasn’t sure if he was asking just to be nice or if he genuinely was concerned. 
He probably didn’t care, he just had to ask as her teacher. Realistically speaking, why would anyone really care anyways. She was pretty burdensome and didn’t deserve to be worried about by even her closest friends. 
“Yeah, I’m fine!” She smiled, her smile feigning genuine happiness.
“Alright then.” He passed her a...cookie? “Just making sure. Get home safe, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He pointed at her, his expression asking her for confirmation. She just nodded in reply with the same smile.
His figure grew smaller as he walked away and into the parking area, and her stomach felt even more uncomfortable now that she was alone. But she wanted to be alone, so she really couldn’t complain about the discomfort. 
Also, what the fuck? A cookie?
“I kind of wanted to ask for her number…” 
“Then you should have before we left.” Shisui sipped his Chatime drink. “But then again, maybe you scared her off with all that eagerness.” 
“I don’t think I came off too forward.” Itama stated questioningly, and looked to Itachi for an answer.
“I mean...when you mentioned the club..she did look a bit uncomfortable.” Itachi pointed out. Itama pouted slightly. “Maybe next time. You need to be able to read people better if you wanna find someone.” Shisui only laughed. All of the boys, including Itama himself, knew that it was hard for the boy to date. “Not your fault though, cheer up.”
“I was a bit nervous.” Itama said, taking a sip of his green tea latte with a nervous smile.”I’m sure I’ve seen her at Kyo, but only in passing maybe, once or twice. Pretty sure we never talked before.” he sunk into the chair. Itachi just stared at his friend’s disappointed features. “I would’ve remembered.”
“You’re so upset, awh!” Shisui teased.
“She was just really pretty, you know?”
In their house it was always quite lively; everyone was cooking and getting dinner ready before communing in the living room area to gossip and talk about their day. Hinata and Ino were undoubtedly the best cooks of the house, while Sakura and TenTen were often the ones buying readymade food. 
Tonight however, Sakura’s fridge was almost empty and all she could really make was some good old penne pasta with ready done tomato sauce. She wasn’t upset about the option, but it was about the fourth time in a row now that she’s had to eat pasta for dinner. 
Ino came into the living room - bouncing happily as her usually gleeful self- with an amazing katsu curry dish she had whipped up. The curry flavours lit up the whole room in salivating awe. 
“Yes, all of you can have some too. I made a lot.” She grinned with a certain kind of confidence only the Yamanakas had. Taking a seat on the floor between Sakura and Tenten, Ino dug into her delicious dish.
“Honestly I’d marry you just for your food.” Sakura hummed after taking a spoon of her curry. 
“JUST for my food?”
“Let me correct myself.” Sakura rubbed her chin in a joking manner. “Because I love you.” Sakura hugged her best friend, and everyone erupted with laughter. 
“Ino would be an annoying wife though, think about it.” Temari piped in. “All that nagging and having to do everything her way blah blah.” 
“Well, Shikamaru seems to be completely fine with Ino.” Tenten winked and gave a sly look to her long haired blonde friend. 
“Oh shut up, we aren’t a thing. We’re just hooking up here and there and we enjoy each other’s company.” 
“Well I bet 50 that they’ll end up together!” Ino shot a look at Tenten.
“Honestly I’d be happy if you guys date Pig, you’ve known each other for a while and he is actually a nice person.” Sakura thought of them dating, and she had always rooted for them to eventually end up together. Ino furrowed he brows. 
“Maybe Ino just wants to just leave it as it is?” Hinata, usually just an observer, added. “I’m happy you’re having fun though!”
“Okay enough about me guys. My love life is always a hot topic but it gets tiresome when-” Ino flipped her hair back dramatically, “-its always about me” she grinned and sat prettily. 
“Yeah oh my god Hinata how are you and Naruto!” Tenten squealed like a little 15 year old girl. Hinata blushed at the question, she was usually more reserved when talking about her personal life.
But Sakura could feel a tightness in her chest at hearing that name. 
Hinata noticed this, and smiled softly. 
“We’re doing really good. It’s been about 2 months and he’s already met my family.” Hinata made sure to keep it short for her pink haired friend. She knew there was a lot to unpack there and hadn’t expected Tenten to carelessly bring that name about. 
“Awh, you guys are honestly so cute. It makes me happy knowing that 2 of us here are having good and fun love lives.” Tenten sighed as she slid next to Temari. 
“Let’s not talk about me though!” Hinata waves her hands off nervously. “My relationship isn’t very interesting, we all know about it!” She glanced at Sakura, who was fumbling with her fork and pasta. Ino noticed it too and caught on to redirect the conversation. 
“Sakura! So, found that mystery hot makeout session boy in Kyo yet?” Ino grinned nudging her best friend.
“Ah?” Sakura woke up from a trance. 
Fuck. She didn’t like falling in and out of conversation and her thoughts like this. It was really tiring and disorienting. 
“Kyo guy!” Tenten giggled back.
“Oh you know what, maybe? I met this guy today and he said he recognised me-”
“What?! You’re only saying this now?? Bitch the fuck!!” Ino’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped to the floor. 
“What’s his name?” Temari asked amidst all the shocked faces.
“Well uh..I met 3 guys. The guy who I think could be the one I met at Kyo is Itama. Then I met Sasuke’s brother and another Uchiha. Shisui if I remember right.” Sakura remembered. They were all really friendly guys.
“Was it at that meeting today?” Ino asked.
“Yeah, Madara knows like all three of them personally. Madara’s Itachi’s uncle. And I think Madara also knows Itama’s family? Or something? Honestly I’m not sure.” It was confusing to be fair. 
“Even I’ve never met the famous Itachi…” Ino muttered. “So, Itama was it?”
“Yeah. He’s got like brown hair with silver highlights and it’s not done well I can tell you that.” Sakura scoffed. “He said he recognised me because he’s seen me in the club.”
“Ah but everyone here goes to all the clubs. Your pink hair sticks out so he probably just remembered that.” Temari waved her hand and looked at Sakura before smirking. “Was he cute though?” 
“I mean..he was actually pretty cute...in a boyish charming kinda way.” All the girls had wide smiles on their faces.
“Will Sakura finally find the one?!” Ino shrieked.
“Is this Kyo club makeout boy?!” Tenten added.
“Will Sakura go on dates again?!” Temari furthered the questioning.
“Stay tuned to find out!” Hinata closed the statements clapping her hands together. It was followed by her kind smile and all the girls laughing- the atmosphere was light and warm between them. The girls, all 5 of them, shared a strong bond. 
Sakura smiled at their jokes, but she also knew they genuinely wanted her to be happy. All of them understood how hard it was for Sakura to engage in meaningful conversations with boys; her anxiety and defenses would instantly go up if a boy approached her on campus. Which was why they were all so interested in ‘Kyo club makeout boy’ who Sakura -though very drunk and out of it -chose to instigate a hot kissing battle with. 
However happy they were for her -and she was appreciative of this, don’t mistake that - it was hard to see herself dating again. It was a scary thing to think about, even though deep down she wanted to fall in love, again. She missed being in love, and the last time she was - she was unlucky. 
There was a knock at Sakura’s door. 
“Just come in!” Sakura yelled from her desk spilling with notes from lectures. The door opened revealing Ino in her flowery satin nightdress. 
“Almost done?” The blonde sat on Sakura’s double bed that was messily covered in her grey covers detailed with white and pink sakura trees. Looking at Sakura - who was dressed in her oversized Neck deep tee - Ino could see she was stressed; but this was often how Sakura looked. It worried Ino.
“Yeah - I’ll get to bed soon.” Sakura muttered, completely focused on her assignment. Scribbling away, her desk lamp was bright and boring into her papers and laptop screen; her jade eyes were tired and her eyelids weighed heavy. She sighed. She wasn’t taking care of herself with all of these late nights. 
She was tired of feeling this way.
“Do you need me to stay? Ino asked. “I can’t really sleep either... I’m just feeling a little off as well.” Sakura turned to look at her, not sure what she was saying.
“Yeah..of course. What’s..wrong?” Sakura asked, turning around from her work. Ino shuffled uncomfortably and crossed her legs on the bed. Had Sakura been so caught up in her own head that she completely ignored her best friend? Was Ino hiding it well or was Sakura that selfish?
“The whole talk earlier about Shikamaru...it just made me uncomfortable.” Ino paused. Sakura had completely forgotten and internally facepalmed herself. “I don’t like him that way. And you know how I feel about relationships.” The issue here was that Ino didn’t want to settle down, and Sakura would often bring up relationships to Ino - about how Ino should get in a relationship. Sakura knew that her friend was a strong and confident person, but had taken that for advantage and pressed on Ino’s insecurities.
“Fuck I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have projected my own wants of being in a relationship onto you..” Sakura muttered, guilt strung in her words. Her head was swirling and she felt horrible. Why was she such a bad friend? People always had to support her, people always had to help her, and she couldn’t even keep her own mouth shut. Why was Sakura such a fucking shit friend- and to Ino who had been there for her every step of the way. 
“No it’s okay, I just felt weird talking about it and I know I won’t date him. I just don’t want to get into a relationship.” Sakura’s eyes were heavy with exhaustion, but her head was heavy with guilt. “Hey, honestly don’t feel too bad about it at all. I came to also just sit with you. I knew you were uncomfortable too.”
Ino could pick up on Sakura’s discomfort, and Sakura couldn’t even do the same for her friend. She didn’t deserve Ino. 
“Yeah. The whole Naruto thing kinda just made me space out.” Sakura ducked her head as she moved to sit next to her best friend. “It’s just...it hurts to think about it sometimes.”
“You know, I think if you tried to talk to him now he would be all for it. You know how much he cares about you. Heck he loves you as much as I do.” Ino’s head fell into Sakura’s neck to remind her that she wasn’t alone. 
“Maybe one day I can. When I’m better.” Sakura muttered, wanting to believe it could happen. She wanted it to, but somewhere inside, she didn’t want it to. 
“Well, when you’re feeling good, or bad, and on your best and worst days I’m here for you okay?” Ino smiled reassuringly. 
“I know.” Sakura smiled in response. “I...I also emailed welfare for a session…its in 2 days” Ino jumped up and looked at her friend. 
“You did?” Sakura nodded smiling. “I’m so proud of you! That’s a really big step! I can’t wait” Sakura was met with a loving hug and giggled in response. “I am so proud of you. I’m coming with you okay?”
“You don’t have to-”
“I am.” 
Sakura thanked Ino. That night, Ino slept on Sakura’s bed to make sure Sakura slept alright and that she would feel at ease falling asleep. Ino missed being at peace with her best friend, and she just wanted the best for Sakura. 
There were no other two best friends like those two. 
She doesn’t even know why she’s here at this point. Why did she volunteer to do this? 
Sakura groaned internally, her back against the wall. She was standing in the hall filled with college students, and she was lined up on the sides of the hall with other volunteers. She slept pretty late last night, but she was glad she managed to get sleep anyway. The anxiety and self-deprecating thoughts always snuck their way into her head when she wanted to find peace in slumber; but she felt like she deserved it anyways.
It was just exhausting. 
“Oh I think he’s finally about to end his speech.” Shisui spoke. 
“Finally.” Itama yawned. “We gotta gather the students and call the groups after this.” Itama looked at Sakura, expecting an answer from his group partner. She was looking at Izuna presenting, but her mind seemed elsewhere. 
“Honestly, Madara talks a lot, but Izuna can go on forever. At least Madara is able to get straight to the bush rather than beat around it.” Shisui huffed. “Don’t know how Sasuke and you dealt with uncle Izuna over summer.”
Sakura woke up. Sasuke?
Itachi noticed.
“We were fine. It wasn’t hard.” Itachi shrugged his shoulders.
“And now your tour shall start. The volunteers will bring you around campus and the facilities - they’ll call you by name so when they do please stand up and come on stage.” Izuna closed signalling a thumbs up. 
“Aight, that's our cue Sakura.” Itama nudged her with a grin. 
He had such a boyish grin, Sakura thought. 
“Lets round up the kids.” She joked, a more confident part of her showing. Itama looked at her, amused.
Gathering their group, Sakura felt a little out of place. She had to remind herself to be confident, to just go with it, and that she would be fine. A little speaking wouldn’t hurt her and she chose to do this, so she had to live up to it. 
“So here we have our main cafeteria. Conveniently close to the Student Union, so it’ll be easy to grab lunch.” Sakura walked the students through the food hall. It was large and circular shaped, and it smelled like damn good food. 
“It’ll be easy unless you’re studying art.” Itama joked. “Which none of y’all are, so it’ll be an easy quick lunch!” he winked, earning him a laugh from the younger people. Sakura smiled. This Itama boy had charm, that much she knew. “Alright so that concludes the main campus. We’ve just got the facilities left in our building.” he led the way. 
Itama was so confident, and so happy. He carried himself so well and just by the way he walked, you knew he was someone whose company people enjoyed. 
“Oh yeah we’re passing the main Law building, if any of you were interested in what’s that big old rusty building. It’s the Law building. Just one of their buildings.” Itama pointed to a very wide and stretched out red brick build. 
Laughs, and a lot of them. 
“They like you.” Sakura noted, walking by Itama’s side. She peered to see his reaction which wasn’t any less than what she expected from the boy. A toothy grin. He may be older, but sometimes she swore he was 15. 
“I’m just a likable guy haha! They like you too, you know. You speak very well.” he replied pointing backwards to their walking group of students.
“Oh no, I really don’t.” He looked at her with a really-bitch-? Face. “Alright, I guess..yeah I can speak quite well. But I’m not as confident as you.”
“What? Really? You seem really confident to me.” That earned him a sweet laugh. He suddenly felt a jump in his stomach.
“I’m not. I can be, but I doubt myself a lot.” They were close to the building entrance. “You also don’t really know me.” She pointed out, opening the doors to their building.
“Okay everyone, we’ll take you to labs first.” Itama announced to the buzzing group, before turning to Sakura. “Well then, can I get to know you?” he swung his phone out. 
“Did you get her number?” Shisui asked, slinging an arm around his two friends. 
Itama looked at the pink haired girl across the lecture hall.
“No, I didn’t.”
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locktobre · 3 years
In your Barbie-verse, what was it like for Rip growing up, and when he was an adult, post-getting out of fairy prison? Also, what happened to his mom? In the movies, we don't see her, and iirc, she was never mentioned, so I just assumed she died at some point, or Break was just a single dad.- That PCS Anon
Rip backstory is my favorite and I sure have a lot of it lmao
Rip’s mother was Barbra “Barb” Bloom, and she died when he was 9 (his brother Chuck was 11). But up to that point, Rip actually had a pretty good childhood. Barb also has a power, she was pretty sure, but it was so nebulous she could neither prove nor quite define it--either the ability to always find what she was looking for, or simply being in the right place at the right time, one of the two. Break didn’t believe it, and she didn’t bring it up a lot, since again, she couldn’t really explain the feelings she got, she just knew that some moments were special.
When Rip first started seeing things, she thought he was just being an imaginative kid, but then she realized it could actually be magic when she noticed that like... Rip doesn’t really have that great of an imagination. He’s more analytical, he doesn’t really color outside the lines or tell lies or get in trouble. Idk how to explain it, but sometimes ppl just seem like the type to say anything, you know? And then there’s ppl you can’t imagine ever lying or doing anything crazy or anything like that.
Anyway, so they were in it together while she was alive, and he had her there to talk about what he was seeing. But then she died, and Rip took it very hard. Everyone did, but Rip lost the one person he could really talk about magic with. And on top of that, he didn’t even know if he believed in magic anymore, bc if Barb was in the right place at the right time, she wouldn’t have been hit by that car, would she? So he doesn’t know what to believe, bc if she was wrong about her magic, then was she wrong about his? How does he know that he’s not just crazy? And he can’t talk to Break about it, bc Break does not believe. Chuck doesn’t really, either, but he’s nicer about it.
So that all leads to sort of a downward spiral as Rip grows up, bc he doesn’t always trust his perceptions. And that leads to the desperation to just jump thru a flyway when he’s 17, he was really not in a good place at the time. I touched on it in my other post, but he was gone for a couple weeks, and Break legitimately thought he was dead. And then when he tried to explain about the flyways and getting lost, of course that just pissed off Break even more bc it’s just more of Rip’s bullshit, right? So Rip eventually just says he ran away and then came back when he ran out of money (which is kinda-sorta the truth, if you strip the magic out). So Break’s furious with him (and so is Chuck), he’s grounded forever... But that’s actually a good turning point for him, bc he met Lilliana. And after the flyways, and Lilliana giving him some (begrudging) answers, he knows he’s not crazy. His friendship with Lilliana only lasts a few months, but by the time she cuts him off he’s friends with Finn, who may not believe him but also doesn’t fight him at every turn when he brings up magic, he’s more like lmao ok buddy whatever you say, which is honestly better than what Rip gets at home. And Finn does come around awhile to like wait no shit, really? For real? Which Rip can’t really believe but he’s so grateful.
Anyway so that’s up to 1989. Fast forward a couple years to 1991. Finn and Anne have been together for awhile, but Finn’s kind of like... He doesn’t want to break up with Anne, he still loves her a lot, but since their relationship has to be a secret, and it can’t really be any other way, it’s starting to wear on him. And he’s started to develop some romantic feelings for Rip that he wants to pursue, in part bc it would be much easier, honestly. But when he brings this up to Anne, she really doesn’t want to break up with him, either, so she says that he should just date Rip, too. And Finn’s like and... you’d be fine with that? And Anne’s like I will learn to be, anyway. And Finn’s not really sure if this will work or if Rip will even go for it. Rip is hesitant but he’s open to basically whatever so he’s like we can try it for awhile, I guess. Anne really makes an effort to be chill but it is hard on her and Rip’s like maybe we shouldn’t do this and Anne’s like I think the problem is that we don’t really know each other. Like Rip and Anne aren’t really friends, they’ve obviously met before but never really hung out one on one so Rip really knows her as Finn’s girlfriend, and she knows him as Finn’s weird friend. So they decide to start trying to get to know each other and be friends.
Rip doesn’t talk about any magic stuff with Anne for a couple reasons, one of which is that he doesn’t want to come off any weirder than he does when he’s trying to befriend the woman, and also bc she’s a royal and Rip does not care for royals. Not bc of anything politically, he just doesn’t think they are careful enough with magic and he doesn’t trust them with it. (He doesn’t trust anyone with magic, actually. Not humans, not fairies, not anyone.) So he has to give her the edited version of events when she’s like have you dated anyone before? And Rip’s like it wasn’t really dating but I did have a brief relationship with Lilliana Roxelle and Anne’s like. You mean the French supermodel? And Rip’s like yeah and Anne’s like how did you even meet her and he’s like I crashed her NYE party. And Anne doesn’t know what to make of him, bc it’s such a wild, specific thing to say that it could be a lie but it just feels like it’s true, bc why not say something more believable if you were going to lie? Anyway Rip’s more chill about not being believed at this point bc he has one person on his side again (Finn), so he just shrugs it off. And they just kinda move on and talk about their families and not getting along with their fathers, which are very different situations but it’s enough to commiserate over, and they just keep going like that.
And at the beginning of this, remember, Anne thinks of Rip as just Finn’s weird friend. She has no idea what he sees in Rip, romantically. (Or platonically, for that matter. Like he’s fun to hang out with but why not literally anyone else?) And Rip’s not super good looking, either. Like, he’s handsome enough, but you probably wouldn’t look at him twice. (He’s Break’s son, so that kinda limits how hot he can be lmao.) But he just has something about him. Like, when you talk to him, you get his full attention, he’s really supportive and sympathetic and he always feels like he gets what you’re going thru. So Anne starts to get it, and then she’s like wait am I catching feelings for this guy? THIS guy? And yeah, she is. So the three of them actually end up dating for awhile, which is a lot more complicated but they like each other enough to make it work.
However, meanwhile, Rip has met Calissa. And she’s a mermaid, and a queen, and she’s married, and she has a kid, but... Well. The heart wants what it wants. So Rip has to break it off with Finn and Anne. He can explain to Finn about Calissa, so they could maybe still date, but he can’t really tell Anne about a mermaid, and if he doesn’t tell her she’s a mermaid he doesn’t really have a good excuse for why they can’t ever meet this other girl and it just feels weird. And it’s already complicated, he can’t be in so many complicated relationships at once. And Anne’s really confused about why Rip would break it off, until he says that the girl he wants to see is already married, and Anne’s pissed that Rip would pursue something with a married woman. And he says he knows it’s wrong but... he’s gonna do it anyway. (He can’t exactly say that she’s not in love with her husband but can’t get a divorce bc she’s a queen and it would be a political nightmare... Which might not help, anyway, but at least it’s better than interfering in a loving marriage, right? Right?) Anyway, Anne thinks he’s not the man she thought he was and she doesn’t even want to be friends with him anymore. Finn still is, but they don’t hang out the three of them pretty much ever again.
Rip has his secret relationship with Calissa, she gets pregnant, and then they don’t really know what to do bc they don’t know if it’s Caligo’s baby and it’s fine or if it’s Rip’s baby and they need to panic. But as her pregnancy progresses, she’s pretty sure it’s Rip’s bc the baby’s movement feels different, she’s pretty sure the baby has legs and not a tail. So they really start to panic. Rip obviously wants to take the baby, but he can’t just show up at home with a random kid and say that hey btw my mermaid girlfriend gave birth. Break would think he was insane. Anyway so that’s when Rip gets the idea to fake his death, which he does. And he moves down the coast a ways and raises baby Merliah for about a year, until the Gloss Angeles guard track him down.
Cue botched execution and 17 year exile in Fairytopia, and then he returns to Earth in December 2012.
And life is actually... pretty damn good. He’s reunited with Calissa and Merliah, and his dad now knows he wasn’t lying about seeing fairies and meeting a mermaid and all of that. He has a lot to contend with, re-adjustment-wise, with how much the world has changed in the intervening time, and he also has 2 other daughters he had no idea about, and then Calissa gets pregnant with twins pretty fast so there’s a lot going on, but he’s used to chaos and having to learn about new environments so he takes it in stride, pretty much. He also reconnects with Finn (at Merliah and Kylie’s urging), so he even gets his old friend back.
And then, in 2016, a year post-RNR, Finn tells Anne that Rip’s alive. Which is in response to her telling him about keeping Sloane from him, and so he takes the opportunity to say I’ve actually been keeping something from you, too. (Idk if those two secrets are roughly equal, but for the characters I’m going to say they are.) And so Anne reconnects with Rip, too, and finally gets brought into the loop and learns about Rip’s powers and what really went down with him and Calissa and all of that. Which is a big shock but also he has some helpful advice about how to approach the situation with Sloane, having done it twice himself lmao. So honestly, everything comes up roses for Rip. He gets to live the rest of his life in quiet domesticity, which is all he ever really wanted.
The ONLY thing that kinda sucks is that due to how mermaids (and fairies) age, Calissa basically looks the same for their whole marriage. So as he gets older, she looks more and more like some young trophy wife, and he hates that anyone looking at him would think he’s some weird old man lmao. (He’s only 3 years older than her in actuality.) But that’s basically the only thing that sucks. Everything else in his life is very good, bc he deserves that goddammit.
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iraprince · 4 years
it's cool to me you're asian-american! i am too and i don't think mental health is talked enough in our communities. i also used to be suicidal for a long time because of shitty abuse and it's heartening to see someone else who’s been through it and survived. also, can i ask how you met your wife? i want a wife LMAO. that was something your comic gave me hope for, maybe someday will love me (romantically) for who i am….. (i'm also queer, specifically bi) thanks for your presence in the world!
marina and i met online by talking abt anime. anime will get you laid, folks (after you spend several years also working on yourself and improving as a person and struggling towards stability, but that’s details)
but the point is somebody will. it’s just your responsibility to get to a point where you’re a ready recipient and reciprocator of that love, or it won’t work! marina and i joke abt the several years of lesbian pining between us meeting and when we finally started dating, but the truth is that if we’d gotten together five years ago instead of three, i wouldn’t have yet been a person who could be a healthy, supportive, reciprocal partner to her to the degree she deserves, bc my own shit wasn’t sorted. (and i’m not gonna talk abt my wife’s personal stuff in detail, but she might have struggled to be a recipient of love back then as well.)
obviously i’m not saying “AAAAALLL your shit has to be FIXED or you’ll never find love!!!” bc i still am working on a lot of shit (now with my wife’s support) and nothing is ever really “fixed.” but a lot of the time i spent laying around hoping and praying for romance to fall into my lap, like, i now look back at those periods of my life like “okay, but what would you have done with it?”
THIS IS ME GOING OFF ON A TANGENT THATS BARELY RELATED TO THE ONE QUESTION U ASKED but it’s just something i have a lot of thoughts abt lol... bc the road to having a solid, fulfilling relationship was a long one for me, so i just have a lot of thoughts abt love + mental illness recovery and how the two can be linked but not in the way i see ppl link them, usually
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httphopewrld · 5 years
control Me (pt. 1) | (f)
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↳ part of the ‘lyrics series’
Jimin was just a guy who modeled for your art class, and someone you found attractive, nothing else. You didn’t think anything would evolve from that. However, whenever you needed him for your sketches, he always came over without any hesitation. But there’ll never be anything between us. You convinced yourself. Although, that changed when Jimin asked, “What am I to you?” Maybe he had feelings for you. Maybe there was more to your relationship than you realized.
Pairing: model!jimin x reader
Genre: fluff, but the series does have smut in it
Rating: no rating! There’s some swearing, I think, but that’s the only thing
Warnings: reader does get their drink drugged, HOWEVER there is no mention/suggestion of rape b/c that’s a sensitive topic for some ppl (including myself), SO please be careful at parties: cover your drink, pour your drinks yourself or get it straight from the bartender, and always be with someone you trust.
Word Count: 2k+
A/N: inspired by Colde’s song, ‘Control Me’. Please give this song a listen! It’s been on repeat, for me. Also, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JIMIN!
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
You dashed towards a seat in the front, quickly slamming down your backpack on the chair as a boy with a beanie was about to do the same. He scowled at you as you sat down with a triumphant smile.
This was your last class of the day: human anatomy. In this class, you would study the human figure through sketching diagrams and 3D models and examine the muscles and tendons of the body. The goal of the course was to further your knowledge of the human body to, hopefully, make your art more realistic.
Today, everyone would need to choose one of the seats that surrounded the raised platform in the middle of the room. Your professor, Mr. Heinz, advised the class last week that today an actual model would be posing.
Being an eager student, you wanted to get somewhere in front, so you could see things in detail and not be blocked by anyone else.
As you pulled out your sketchbook and charcoal square stick of charcoal, you saw your friend Rachel sit across from you, closer to the back. She had a disappointed look on her face.
When you locked eyes, you gave her sympathetic smile, but mouthed, “You snooze you lose.”
She rolled her eyes, before mouthing back, “fuck you.”
You both silently giggled at her response as your professor entered with, who you assumed, to be the model.
“Class,” his voice boomed, “this will be the subject of today’s sketch.”
He gestured towards the model, “This is Jimin.”
Jimin had dirty blonde hair. It hung loosely around his head as if he’d run his hands through it numerous times before entering the classroom. He wore a baggy grey jumper that crumpled at his wrists. His eyes resembled sideway crescents as he waved at you all sheepishly.
Everyone nodded as Mr. Heinz continued, “Be kind to him, this is his first time modeling for an art class.”
“I’ll try my best not to move,” Jimin chuckled, making some of the students do the same.
“Now, Jimin,” Mr. Heinz pointed to the platform in the middle of the room, “I’d like you to grab a chair and sit down in a pose that shows some thought.”
You watched Jimin grab a chair and sit down on the platform. He removed his jumper, revealing his black t-shirt underneath. He set his jumper beside his seat.
He leaned forward resting an arm horizontally over his left knee, allowing him to rest his elbow on his right knee and prop his chin atop his fist.
You watched as his biceps flexed and unflexed as he tried his best to keep still, while everyone silently sketched him. You observed as his jaw clenched when trying to keep a calm, but strong, expression.
Your eyes traced the way his lips rested on his face. The way his draped slighting on his forehead. The silver rings adorned his fingers; which you hadn’t noticed before. His eyes seemed to wander around the room, before settling…on you.
His lips turned into a cheeky smirk behind his fist, causing you to shyly smile back.
You continued sketching while trying your best not to make eye contact with him—to prevent any more blushing from happening.
Your sketching was interrupted by Mr. Heinz’s voice. “Pencil’s down everyone! This is only practice, for your greater project: sculpting! Which we will start next month. I advise you all to do more practice on your own time as we continue with human models.”
Everyone began packing up their things as Mr. Heinz added, “I recommend you all contact friends to model for you!”
The students replied with various forms of ‘yes’ as they exited the classroom.
Rachel came over to you as you were putting your things into your backpack.
“Y/N, what are you doing?” She muttered.
You tilted your head, not understanding why she sounded annoyed. “I’m packing up my thing for my next class…?”
“I saw how you looked at that Jimin dude,” she nudged you teasingly with her elbow. “Shoot your shot.” She winked.
“Rachel, I don’t think—”
“We need to get models to model for our sketched anyways. God knows if Mr. Heinz will check our sketchbooks—” Rachel took a deep breath, “Y/N, you’ll need to contact him either way; date or not. Might as well—”
You gave her the look that made her stop talking.
She sighed, “I’m just saying—try for once.”
“Hey!” She jumped in before you could continue. “Isn’t Joey having a party tonight? Kaleb and Jason were talking about it.”
Joey, Kaleb, and Jason were some of your guy friends on campus.
You looked at her with concern. “Rachel, I think you’re going insane.”
“There it is! Joey is having a party…” She pulled her phone out and scrolled through her messages. Her face lit up once she seemed to have found what she was looking for. “Here! ‘8 pm at my place. Bring friends’!”
“Rachel, I don’t think—”
“Y/N,” she grasped your arm, “what’s the worst he can say? No?”
It seemed that she could see you weren’t entirely convinced, making her continue, “If he says ‘no’, screw him! He doesn’t deserve you.”
You pursed your lips and continued to weigh your options.
“Please, Y/N. just try.”
You rolled your eyes, tired of her pressuring you. “Okay, Rachel. I’ll do it.”
She silently did a victory dance, as if her yelling hadn’t already brought everyone’s attention to the two of you already.
“Wait for me outside,” you said, packing your things up and swinging your bad over your shoulder.
You walked up to Jimin, who seemed to have finished talking to Mr. Heinz.
He turned around, conveniently, as you approached him; causing you to make eye contact with him.
Oh shit. You thought, due to the sudden eye contact.
“Hey,” you smiled, “Jimin, right?”
“Yeah,” he smiled back, “and you are…?”
“Y/N,” you held out your hand, which he took.
Jimin shook your hand. “Nice to meet you, Y/N.”
“Same to you,” you grinned.
You made small talk for a bit, asking him how long he’d been modeling (he only started recently) and what urged him to model for an art class (he was curious and wanted to expand his profile), before finally proposing that he come to the party on campus.
“Your friends won’t mind me coming?”
“I don’t see why not? If you’re with me, so it should be fine.” You shrugged.
“Just don’t out drink any of Joey’s frat friends and you’ll be alright,” you winked, causing him to laugh.
“I’ll try my best,” he chuckled.
You turned slightly, getting ready to leave, “So, I’ll see you there tonight?”
“Yup!” He smiled.
As you were about to leave, he interrupted you by saying “Wait!”
He jogged up to you. “I don’t have your number.” He rubbed the back of his head, “I kinda need to know how to get to your friend’s place.”
“Oh yeah,” you rolled your eyes at how you forget to give him the address, “duh.”
You gave him your number and said ‘goodbye’ again. As you walked out of the class, you saw Rachel and gave her a thumbs-up, causing her to run to you and give you the biggest hug ever.
R& B and rap music rhythmically shook the floor beneath your feet. Drinks were handed out to guests as soon as they entered through the door, and snacks were orderly placed on tables around the main floor.
There were at least one hundred people scattered around the house. It wasn’t a massive party, but it had enough people to create a ruckus.
Every so often, Joey would have to go through the speakers and tell everyone to quiet down or the police would come shut down everything.
As for you, you paced back and forth in Joey’s bedroom. First of all, you couldn’t fathom how Joey was able to afford a house; and secondly, it had been a couple of hours since the party started, and Jimin hasn’t arrived.
“He’s probably late,” Joey suggested, crossing his arms. He clearly wanted to get back to drinking and dancing.
Rachel eagerly nodded, “Yeah.”
“You know what?” You stopped pacing, turning towards them. “Fuck it.”
You stormed towards the bedroom door and threw it open. “We’re going to fucking drink and have fun. I was obviously obsessing over some random stupid boy.”
“You can say that again,” Joey mumbled, causing Rachel to elbow his stomach.
“Ow!”  He spat at Rachel, only making her do it again.
You rolled your eyes and headed downstairs as the two continued to argue about something out of earshot.
The crowd seemed to have gotten bigger as you stepped onto the main floor. You sifted through the crowd until you got to the kitchen, retrieving yourself a beer.
You sat at the bar, sipping at your beer and people watching.
“Did you come by yourself?”
You turned towards the voice, hoping to see Jimin, but was slightly disappointed to see a girl.
“I have friends, but they’re somewhere in there,” you made a circular gesture towards the massive crowd, causing the girl to chuckle.
“Same here,” she related, moving closer to you, “can I hang with you for a bit?”
“Sure,” you shrugged, taking a sip of your beer.
You two chatted for a while, easily bonding over your subjects and knowing Joey. Both of you exchanged funny stories about girl things (period accidents, awkward situations with guys, etc.) and laughed until your stomachs hurt.
This was put to a halt for a second when she asked you, “Do you like girls?”
You shook your head slightly, “I’ve never tried, but I think I’m okay.”
She leaned closer to you, “Are you open to trying?”
“I think I’m okay, thanks.”
Your words didn’t seem to stop her actions, because she only seemed to move closer to you.
Her lips grazed yours, causing you to jump back.
“Please stop.” You said a bit louder, making some people around you glance at the two of you.
The girl rolled her eyes before smiling at looking past you.
“Are those your friends?” She pointed past you, causing you to turn around.
You moved your head to see over the crowd, but you didn’t see Rachel or Joey, or anyone familiar. You turned back to the girl, who was now holding your drink and her own.
“Look, I’m sorry for pushing you. It was stupid and gross.” She held your drink closer to you. “Can you forgive me?”
You grasped your glass, and held it up slightly, “I forgive you.”
You both giggled and took hefty chugs of your beers.
Both of you talked for a bit more, but then you unexpectedly felt light-headed.
“Hey,” you reached for the girl but missed, almost falling over. She caught you, thankfully, hoisting you off of your seat and onto your feet.
“Wow, you don’t look so good. Let me take you home.” She said, putting your arm around her shoulder.
You nodded absentmindedly, completely overlooking the fact you never told her where you lived, and barely knew her.
She helped you towards the front door, but it opened suddenly, make you and the girl stumbled back.
You looked up to see who had entered the house. “Jimin?” You rasped, too tired to raise your voice.
“Y/N?” He titled his head, appearing to be confused as to why you were being carried out of the party in a drugged state.
“I’m her friend,” the girl looked at Jimin, “I’m taking her home.”
She attempted to leave, but Jimin blocked her.
“Y/N, who is she?” He looked right into your eyes, ignoring the girl’s glare.
“I’m her friend, I just told you—”
“I know that, but I’m asking her.” Jimin scowled at the girl before resuming eye contact with you.
“What’s her name, Y/N?”
You only shook your head in response, letting him know you didn’t know this girl at all.
“I’ll take it from here.” He declared, beginning to wrap his arm around your waist.
“Dude, how can I even trust you with her?!” The girl exclaimed, holding tighter onto you.
“She doesn’t even know your name!” Jimin raged, pulling you out of the girl’s arms. “Now fucking leave before I call the cops.”
The girl left before as soon as Jimin finished his sentence.
He made you look at him as he hastily examined your face and eyes. “Y/N, can you hear me?”
You only nodded and mumbled, “Yes,”
“Okay,” he held your arm over his shoulder and wrapped his arm around your waist, “we’re going to find some of your friends, but you’ll have to tell me their names, okay?”
You nodded again and told him their names.
“Rachel and Joey? Okay, let’s go find them.” He assured, trying his best to half-carry you and lead you back into the main part of the house.
From what you could remember, Jimin asked people around the party who these people were and eventually found them. Then, you remember vomiting into toilet with Rachel beside you and Jimin and Joey at the door, facing away from the both of you. The rest was a haze, but the last thing you remember is Jimin waving ‘goodbye’ as you and Rachel got into a taxi.
  The next morning, you awoke in Rachel’s bed. It was around 12 pm when you looked at your phone.
On the bedside table sat a note reading:
Gone to get some food for the both of us. Make sure to drink the glass of water I left you and have some of the granola bars with the Advil I left too. I’ll be back at 12:30.
-          Rachel
You did as the note said, taking the Advil and chasing it with water and munching on the granola bar.
When you looked back at your phone, you realized you had a couple of texts from Jimin.
Jimin [10:00 am]: hey, Y/N. It’s Jimin. Let me know how you’re doing, okay?
Jimin [11:00 am]: I hope you’re doing okay. Make sure to drink water and eat something
You smiled at your phone, before replying:
Y/N [12:15 pm]: hey, Jimin! I just woke up. I feel better.
You felt your phone vibrate a couple of seconds after you texted.
Jimin [12:16 pm]: good to hear
Then a few seconds later:
Jimin [12:17 pm]: do you remember anything?
Y/N [12:17pm]: only pieces. I remember you taking me away from that girl.
Y/N [12:18 pm]: did the girl drug me?
Jimin [12:18 pm]: I think so. Must’ve been your drink
You frowned at your phone’s screen. That’s why it tasted bitter.
Y/N [12:20 pm]: Thank you for saving my ass last night
Jimin [12:21pm]: np. I’m just glad you’re alright
Y/N [12:22 pm]: are you modeling on Monday?
His text made your chest fill with excitement.
Jimin [12:22pm]: yup! I’ll see you there
Y/N [12:23pm]: yay! I’ll see you Monday then.
You heard the front door opening and Rachel’s voice calling out to you.
“I’m awake!” You replied back, pulling the covers off of you.
You quickly texted Jimin back:
Y/N [12:30 pm]: thanks again for saving me last night. I owe you one!
Jimin simply replied back:
Jimin [12:31pm]: 😉
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spaceysp · 3 years
Saying random stuff to feed into the hyperfixations; pick one of these statements to rant about because I wanna read :)) if u want,
How skeppy must feel with everyone meeting up cause BaD JUST COME ON ,
Opinions on bad planning to take skeppy to dinner and all that jazz ,
Skeppys newest video on the skep channel where bad and skeppy are surprisingly sweet to eachother (and how lately in general bad has been less angee with him) ,
Literally the whole discount skeppy situation , bad being literally in love,
Ride with U,,,,,hetero,,,,explanation,,,, anywhere?
im literally going to talk about all of these so im sorry but read more at your own risk
one: skeppy, i am so sorry a mf does this to you. but seriously, i can only think of a few reasons (that dont sound entirely made for fanfic) that bad keeps putting off meeting skeppy 
1. (the most unlikely) theyve already met and they keep the bit going so the fans dont find out. i can get that they wouldnt want to tell at first because its their own business, but i seriously doubt they would wait very long to confirm it, because ppl honestly can put a lot of pressure and hype on the meetup (esp with skeppy’s “surprise”) so i think theyd release something just so everyone knew that it finally happened! they didnt lie!
2. bad just doesnt want to meet skeppy (actually nvm this is the most unlikely) 
bad seems to be genuinely excited to meet skeppy, even claiming skeppys the one to keep putting it off, not him (which skeppy immediately disproved but) and saying over and over he wants to meet up with him, but always avoiding actually making plans (every single tweet about the meetup) so its clear he does want to meet skeppy eventually, which makes trying to figure out why he wont even harder
3. its not the right time/ waiting for a specific date
leading up to this, i was thinking that there was a pretty good chance theyd meet up on their anniversary, but that never happened rip. the issue is with this is that they guaranteed they would meet up before the end of the year, and at this point theres only one “event” left, but they still dont seem to have any plans to meet. if bad was waiting for the perfect time to do it, why not just tell skeppy to confirm a meetup date? it would get him (and maybe the fans, if they told them) off his back. another variant of this is that there is a set date, but they havent told the public, but again, skeppy seems to be just as much in the dark about this as everyone else
4. health issues 
bads apparently been feeling pretty under the weather lately, with his arm and kidney stones, its very plausible (and reccomended, imo) that bad doesnt want to travel when hes having these problems. of course, skeppy could visit, but he could either not want to spend their time together sick or the plans they have could also be too straining. i think this is probably one of the most likely atm, go see a doctor bbh im begging you
5. bads nervous
this is also one of the more plausible to me. for whatever reason, bads just anxious about it, whether it wont be the same as talking online, or be super awkward or whatever, he could just keep putting it off for that (its still weird and kinda doesnt make sense but in a more realistic way this time)
i know i totally went off track but this brings me to my point, skeppys kinda just waiting for bads confirmation at this point, so seeing his friends have fun meeting up is probably just lowkey depressing and i could see him using it as more the reason they should meet up. really the only thing he can do in this situation(at least, as far as i can tell) is what he has been doing, annoy bad about it or he take advantage of bads jealousy and meet up with someone else. the other option is to randomly come to his house, but it doesnt seem like skeppy is gonna do that, maybe to respect his boundaries? if he was planning on it i think he wouldve done it by now
this kinda ties into my point in the “reasons why bad wont meet skeppy” thing, that bad seems really excited to meet him yet still wont?? its clear he really values any time spent with skeppy, but he also make sure skeppys having a good time too! that why he never does any actual work with skeppy around (i.e. building statues or gathering materials for such), he knows its boring so instead theyll wander around the server telling stupid stories or punching each other off stairs for 20 minutes. im sure itll be the same irl, he mentioned wanting to meet somewhere like a nature reserve or amusement park, probably to make sure theres never a dull moment or time wasted. dinner seems much more low-key, and i wouldnt be surprised if bad just wanted to have an excuse to try and impress him with a nice totally-platonic date
NUMbeR tHree *airhorns* 
they really do be the best of friends! ive noticed that skeppys def been trying to halt arguments fairly quickly now, saying a lot to appease bad and move on, and while bad seems to like to start fights for fun, hes also been a lot more chill lately, im guessing because hes been oh-so desperately missing skeppy and big s was also in Baby mode (aka if bad disagreed with him hed probably just cry until he got his way((sand))) i think that vid just showed them being a lot more natural and happy to talk (plus bad usually is more argumentative when theyre competing, while in that vid they were either just hanging out or working towards a common goal) 
n u m b e r f o u r 
where to even BEGIN with discount skeppy. well, bad actually first came up this idea a few months ago, in either july or august on an idots smp stream when he crafted an ‘artificial skeppy’ in his snack shack that he could talk to whenever skeppy was gone. as we all know idots smp is now rip, but the idea of replacement skeppys remained, just this time they can talk and also ship skephalo. it actually seemed like more of puffys idea at first when she put on skeppys skin as a joke, which bad didnt like the first few times, but when she brought it up again he actually requested it (missing skeppy brainrot 🤔?) this could be either cuz bad wanted to bait some shippers so gave in or he thought it was a pretty funny bit so went along with it (or he actually missed skeppy that much.. surely not ??) either way i think we can agree puffy is not only a comedic genius but a top tier friend and slight wingman, and getting some good jealous skeppy content out of it is also top tier. in conclusion, love and appreciate discount skeppy, badboyhalo has only skeppy on his brain and his friends have to deal with that, hoes (skeppy) mad even though the whole bit is how much bbh is into him
NUMBER FIVE im really doing all of them
What, can be said, about ride with u. GODDAMN. im not tryna insinuate anything, but if someone told me that song reminded them of me i would have no choice but to marry them immediately. i really really want someone to ask bad what songs remind him of any of his other friends (dream, sapnap, george, ant, puffy, etc.) because there are three options
1. theyre just cool platonic friend songs and bad is just in love with skeppy
2. he cant think of any songs for them and bad is just In Love with skeppy
3. they have equal romantic undertones and bad is just Like That with his friends (even so i bet people would be picking out the most minute differences between the songs that make one more.. You Know than the other) 
i know FOR SURe that if i was in bads position (where even the person who made the lyric video assumed they were gay in love) i wouldve curled into a ball and never made another public appearance again, but he really owned that shit, singing it and making unprompted references to it (”i already have a bonnie” YOU AINT SLICK SIR WTF) 
i just wanna know if skeppys listened to it (i mean, hes surely at least heard of it, i know he wouldve seen it all over his timeline) and what he thonks about it. pls tell us big s do you also feel the love in this chilis tonight (ALSO when is someone gonna ask skeppy what song reminds him of bad. im waiting ((hed probably say something like a faster remix or something equally memey (((unless???)))
ANYWAY SORRY FOR MAKING YOU READ ALL OF THAT HOLY SHIT i dont wanna reread this to check for errors so it might be incoherent but again ty for letting me infodump about this it was super fun im in love with you anon
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kurou3gi-blog · 4 years
It means that an Arab acc ig supposed that Ji accepted jk because they were after the gay couple.Interesting to talk about it, because now that I remembered that a twitter account had something similar in 2019.And that the rumors about the gay couple had been strong since September 2018.But your anon has to remember that in order for Ji to save his ass and Ks's, he will lie about everything.I just find your attitudes strange these days.As if he had choked for years and wanted to speak the truth.
Tbh I know my thinking is more hell and overload every time XD  
And really knows that my words can harm, mess, lure even change someone mind.
That’s why after I say I had broken in to pieces, it hard to see I talk about exo before some anon ask me XD
And tried to warning everyone before below the content...
Like I say to other anons more than once that don’t forget that ji didn’t say anything about soo with him on his birthday at 2019. And that clip showed only soo and other happy birthday to ji... 
But are you sure it happened at 14th?
Are you sure everybody who we saw they met ji to happy birthday him were meet him at the same day?
Tbh his same cloth not guaranty that it happened on the same day, if we think of his hat-trick same cloth on soo’s early enlistment announcement period... That he went to met ravi, moon and went convenience store on different days in a row with same cloth..
That made some of us had doubted why he wore the same cloth!? XD
Tbh while I answered that previous anon I thought I may talk about why he kept but now he leaked...
But at last I was tired, so I chose to stop it than chose to spread more shade...
So if you want to know what I think why he leaked it....
Let’s go...
I think all of us and all of ekso knew about gay couple can ruin kr people life...
And It’s true...
But like we see some biggest movie pd could coming out with none of any effect because he is a one of big influencers in kr celluloid world... Everyone celebrated his wedding with his boyfriend at 60+ years old XD
So that mean if you have enough power or biggest back up... Gay issue can’t drag you down.... You will pass it even without any hurt...
And that why I used to say more than once that maybe they can coming out if they have enough power.
But like us and they knew... Gay couple issue will destroy their career if someone can unfolded them...
So... All of us think they were separated by some medias need to unfolded and esm tried to cover it....
But if we turn back to around late of 2015... When most of news medias trolled their a bit deep skinship moments on those award events pics at the same time...
Do you think it is just only accidental or willful by conspiracy term?
Tbh I still doubt since the event happened until now...
Why they all trolled those kind of pics to the world like need to say “We knew it!”
And if they knew it.... So, needed to tell esm about this for make money...
Then do you think how much esm must pay to these media?
But then...
If they already knew...
Why they wait until that time and tried to spread tea at the same time?
Even I think they knew it’s impossible to let’s esm pays a ton of money for their idols to them....
They did it for what?
To tell esm for blackmail....
Or helped esm to press ji accept that kstal deal?
Or ......?
Then after those events, they didn’t trolled the combo pics like that again... - -”
To me it felt like a viral thing....
Happened and ended in one shot...
Full of doubt but I pretty sure I can’t clear it with 100%
Only doubt and doubt why blablabla but blablabla then blablabla? blablablabla...
More things since mid of 2015 until after kstal confirmed...  I felt like it make sense, none make sense and wthex at the same time....
But I only doubt and kept it inside because I think it’s hard to found the true answer...
So no need to try hard to clear it... Because I think we know something you should keep it in silence only...
Even you think it full of doubt an unfair thing, need more clear but no one answer you. So...
I think at first kd accepted about kstal issue with no doubt in esm’s decision...
But when it passed for a while... They have seen many things happen.... I think they started to doubt in what esm told them about their relationship issue effect...
The first thing that made me think like that is his ig live at late of 2018
But when I saw that his ig live that he shoot despite where the battery is running out. I think he know his battery is running out before shooing.  That why i full of question marks again with “he done ig live for what?”
And surprise to saw some comment under that ig live clip said his manager try to stop and said “rumor” before it end…
^^^Sorry if my parlance in these 2 paragraphs looks strange from others.... Because I copied and pasted 2 of them from my old content this.
And yes after I watched that live I felt like he need to tell us about the coming up of his dating issue...
Some of my questions in my head after saw it are... Why he did it? 
I think he knew if he trolled some of us can get his point... It’s mean we can see more analysis about how fake of jk...
Even at last ppl can feel only the girl’s delulu that beyond the truth. XD
Is it not make esm risk?
But like we see that none of it in surface except jk was confirmed...
Btw I still doubt why he chose to leak it... Not keep it in secret like it should be...
Even it looks like a viral ig live for kidding feeling than he did it for some result....
But maybe he need only someone get his trigger viral... Who knows...
Then if + cebu ig issues... That’s why I told that anon that this is not first time of his leakage on his ig...
Sometime I felt like he use his ig for testing some tricks... That it’s work or not...
For something in the future...
Ok back to main course again before I take you go far far away... XD
And these are why I think maybe they had doubted in esm words about gay couple effect...
But I think at first their doubt is only a sediment that waiting for the crystallization day...
The day that their last chain was broke...
I think if jk issue not coming up...
They may keep their doubt in silent until the last day....
But because of esm trolled jn issue to ji again...
Maybe that issue was an eruption starter...
To find the truth about their relationship effect...
It’s real right like what esm told them or not...
And someone need to unfolded them is true or not?
Ok back to 2015-2016 again....
All of us who are kdist may knew that because someone tried to unfolded them...
So the dating issue should coming up to cover that hole...
But in other way... Some of fx fc said at last esm chose crystal, not yo*na because crystal already had some rumors about her relationship with amber or some china rich man at the same time...
Do you feel familiar?
One of famous girl and boy idols have bad bad rumors at the same time...
Along with you start to see a bit hint about those girl and boy idols have secret relationship to each other at the same time...
I think at first no one notice about this coincidence...
But if it comes again with same movement...
Are you feeling you wondering?
Why it happened like god need to match them together...?
kstal and jk have a pretty same pattern from the start... But difference in a bit of details and time ending....
So I'm not surprised if they are aware of it and start not trusting esm.
They just accept that deal but not mean they absolutely surrender...
Some of my feelings about esm vs ekso since late of 2016 until now...
It’s feel like if you deceive me, I will deceive you back.
I touched a bit betrayal from them in sometime...
I think jd issue is ji’s last chain....
How esm lets jd announced about his wedding like a regret surprise made him knew maybe the things they told him not 100% truth...
The thing esm say because of it, so we just let you do it for save your life maybe it was only saved esm life. 
Even esm knew jd may too risked if he confessed that thing...
But esm lets jd do without any protect except gave more works to him like a reward...
And lets kr fan fight with ifan. No care ekso will 9 or not...
Because they no care at the started if we notice how lay can’t comeback with ekso anymore by cn gov and then by his schedule... But jackson g7 can come back with g7 all of times.... And lay at last came to kr to send soo enter the military....
So maybe what esm say to them is just only a scam...
Even someone unfolded them... Maybe it may nothing...
Do you remembered some reporter came out to say jk may fake?
I think it’s a good example to show him to know that if he leak something about their relationship...
Maybe it’s not too bad like esm say...
Then maybe jd issue let him to leak it....
That’s why I used to say that I felt like ji want to revenge and strike esm back with that updated.
Then why he waited until this time?
I think he always tries to find the time & way to leak it with good result.  And some of his ig leakage before that ig undated are good examples about this...
And why he chose this time...
I think because it’s a good time to leak it if we think of his situation now in the name of sperm member under cpt & esm’s arm....
+ gucci, fenti ambassador....
+ one of vogue’s adore children...
I think esm can’t do anything to hurt him for save their deal at least with those partners...
Then a one thing that maybe true...
Tumblr media
Anon said : 
And as always, they are employees or former employees who sell information about idols. Only gay couples do not leak because magazines cannot publish because it is prohibited.
If it’s true I think I no wonder if he wait until this time... It’s good chance to leak with take a bit effect or none of it...
+ How we sure ppl get attention, get notice or trust in our analysis about that ig updated? If you not interest in bxb life in girl’s vision...
+ I think ppl not care about what he say then and now. They focused only wow~ soo with ji...
I think most of ppl maybe not remembered what he say on that birthday ig live....
Then if they remembered.. So...?
Like we see kstal & jk was confirmed and ended with they were real and they are faked depend on each ppl vision...
So maybe he leaked it now because he a bit sure that maybe it may not hurt him much and no need to keep it in secret again if esm can unfolded their artist by themselves like what they did with jd issue...
And maybe this is a last test for make him sure before go to the next step...
Who knows....
But these are only my dumb brain cell’s overload....
So hope you enjoy reading... XD
And sorry if it wasted your time...
Tbh I need to talk with more clear...
But I don’t know how to explain some idea from th to eng.
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