#princess connect artwork
spiritsurfers · 2 months
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princess-ibri · 2 months
Wish 2: The Land of Dreams
Did some designs for how our main characters would appear in my hypothetical sequel. First and foremost of course we have Asha and Star, both learning to come to grips with being Magical/Human Shaped respectively, and seeping their relationship as they journey together through the ever shifting Land of Dreams on the Quest Queen Amaya gives them to find the long lost heir of Rosas…
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Then there’s the Heir herself, Princess Maroula. A powerful sorceress in her own right, who a century ago defied her father to undertake her own Quest at the behest of The Blue Fairy, to protect the Land of Dreams against a the fearsome Lamia. For wishes and dreams are deeply connected. Maroula has made many allies in the Dreamlands, but her closest is the magnificent stag Selenos. Together they’ve managed to keep Lamia’s corruption at bay, but no one can battle forever…
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And Lamia has recently found herself a new ally, one as deeply connected to dreams and wishes as her enemy is, and the best bet she has at finally overcoming Maroula. Of course the desperate, angry ex-monarch she plucked from the liminal slack of a mirror prison doesn’t need to know the foe she’s using his power to fight is his own daughter. Especially not when a couple of his own hated enemies show up at just the right moment to focus his attentions…
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And that’s what I’ve got atm!
Links to other artworks I’ve done that pertain to this project
Movie Poster
Human Star origin
Fairy Godmother Asha art concept
King Magnifico/Maroula Backstory
Lamia backstory
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lilith-91 · 11 months
Do you think that Lyanna and Rhaegar were seriously in love?
Yes. It’s literally so plain to see, you have to dig your nails deep in denial to think otherwise. You can read between the lines that GRRM wrote them as lovers.
GRRM has described himself as a romantic and ultimately R+L will be framed romantically (yes yes it has problematic implications when you think about it, but so do many other relationships that the series frames romantically, not least because these books were written with thirty-year-old sexual mores).
He dies with her name on his lips, she with his roses in her hand.
The subversion of “dragon kidnaps girl and valiant lover knight fights a war to save his beloved from her tower” when in truth the “knight” turns out to be a bit of a manwhoring douch who slept with every woman he came across, and the girl loved the dragon he slayed.
The gender subversion of the beautiful Princess with the beautiful voice and the valiant knight who stands up for the weak.
The tale of Bael the Bard, in which a Stark maid associated with winter roses disappears with a singer and comes back with their son. A male relative takes part in his killing and presents it to her as some kind of victory, but it actually breaks her heart, and she dies “by tower”.
Lyanna being heavily asscoicated to Winter Roses which were given to her by non other than Rhaegar Targaryen when he named her his Queen of Love and Beauty. Roses in general are a symbol of love while the blue rose adds a hint of mystique and in attanining the impossible.
Rhaegar, the emo Prince, who was said to have been never truly happy, named the place he stayed at with Lyanna the “Tower of Joy.”
Dany seeing a blue flower growing out of a wall of ice, which filled the air with sweetness in the HotU during the love section of her visions. It's a clear hint of Jon Snow being the love child of Rhaegar and Lyanna who will likely also be Dany’s third and final husband.
Ned confronts Robert about not truly loving Lyanna, because he only ever saw her beauty and not the Iron underneath- it’s implied that the big moment between Rhaegar and Lyanna was meeting her as a Knight who valiantly defended the honor of the weak, not some lovely little maiden spotted at a feast as she would have been to Robert.
The author refers to Rhaegar as a “love struck prince.”
And of course, we have this official new artwork by Justin Sweet, one that GRRM personaly commissioned, which frankly gives me some misguided hope that TWOW is nearly upon us. lol
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I love the interplay of light and dark given what we know of these characters: Rhaegar with his sense of grief/doom is fully in the shade of the enormous heart tree while Lyanna is in the half-light half-dark, perhaps representing her own more optimistic and less convoluted worldview. She's exploring, finding balance; he's watching and seeing something he admires that somehow exists in all the twists and inescapable turns of the forest engulfing them.
The third 'person' in the art is the heart tree itself, old/wise/frowning, but also cradling both Lyanna and Rhaegar. They're both connected to it, representing in a sense that their fates are sealed and known. This is a stolen moment they're having (it's a false spring) but despite the simplicity it's still connected to the much larger world around them.
Another point I like is the lack of sigil etc. on their clothing—we know who they are but the interaction is not one of Targaryen to Stark on it's face. [there's also this other art by the same artist which parallels Lyanna and Jon's poses + Rhaegar and Jon's clothes
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LAST AND MOST IMPORTANT THOUGH: the blue roses at the bottom that are firmly in the light.
Conclusion: Rhaegar and Lyanna were intended to be your classical tragic love story; think Romeo and Juliet or Tristan and Isolde and whatnot, not Rhaegar kidnapping some random girl to have a Visenya. Although Rhaegar’s desire to have a third child probably pushed him into pursuing his passion in running off with ‘his Lady Lyanna’ too use some of Ser Barristan words here.
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prince-kallisto · 2 months
Location of the Princess Glow and Malleus’ ‘Resurrection’
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After watching Fairy Gala, I found it very interesting that Crowley mentions he keeps the magestone controlling the school’s weather in the Mirror Chamber. We do not get to see where this is actually stored, but he keeps it here specifically for safekeeping, as there are many rules of who can be allowed in the Mirror Chamber and when.
But then it hit me- if Crowley has as much of a connection to Meleanor as it’s theorized…what if the infamously missing Princess Glow is in the Mirror Chamber? Or specifically, in its Mirror Chamber’s chandelier?
With the Meleanor in the Dark Mirror theory and the Crowley-Levan theory, I’ve seen it proposed that Meleanor’s missing Princess Glow is in the Mirror Chamber. We have little information about the Princess Glow, but the goal of attaining it was one of the many unfortunate reasons why Henrik wanted to lay siege on Briar Valley in the first place.
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Apparently, it can grant wishes and heal wounds and sicknesses that would normally be incurable. It’s a very powerful magestone/crystal, and affixed to Meleanor’s staff. We have yet to see that actual power of the Princess Glow, but it must be an incredibly powerful artifact if this is indeed the case.
This is one event that has been consistent through all mediums of TWST (game, manga, novel): The “heart” of the chandelier in the school’s cafeteria breaking. It is THE event forcing Yuu, Deuce, and Ace (then Grim), to go to the abandoned mine to fetch a new magestone by the order of Crowley. It is also where the mysterious first Overblot of the game appears, and the one we’ve had the least answers to. This Dwarf Miner phantom is also where Grim gets his first taste of a blot crystal 👀 However, it also forces all four of them to work together in a common goal, something Crowley remarks as a rarity.
What I mean to say is that the chandelier is the “core” setting up A LOT of concepts in the game. Within all three mediums of TWST, it’s not unusual for storyplots to be tweaked or outright removed. But the chandelier breaking is consistent plot in all three:
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The game has Ace, Deuce, and Grim accidentally breaking the chandelier through a fight, an event infamously known throughout the school with a rumor of “stupid freshmen” breaking the extremely expensive chandelier on their first day. Crowley specifies how one-of-a-kind this chandelier is, its light meant to burn for *eternity.* An interesting detail 👀
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In the manga, this is a scene that’s condensed for smoother storytelling and less panels, but Ace, Deuce, and Grim set the Queen of Hearts on fire, and as punishment, Crowley sends us to the mines to get a magestone for the chandelier. Here, apparently the chandelier has been slowly dying out, which is very different from the game- but I think the fact that the “heart” of the chandelier slowly dying could be a relevant metaphor as well 👀
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The novel sticks much more closely to the game, where Deuce, Ace, and Grim break the chandelier, breaking the gemstone fueling it. The novel has incredible details regarding the gemstone itself and Crowley’s reactions to it.
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HOWEVER! I’d like to mention several caveats to this, just because I’m still very confused about it haha 🤣 Meleanor’s staff has very similar shape language to the fountain below. But, when it’s night, the cafeteria chandelier that serves as the catalyst to the prologue, the yellow light turns green. The shape and color of this chandelier looks similar to the Princess Glow, doesn’t it? Almost like it’s suggesting where it is.
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But in the infamous Malleus artwork, there’s clearly a light coming from above that’s shining down onto his chest. However, the position of the light seems to suggest it’s coming from above? It’s coming from the ceiling somewhere though…the light is also here with all the dorm leaders, mirror, and a raven with a key, the light is also present here and coming from above and shining on Malleus.
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I wondered if the light was coming from the Dark Mirror itself, but the light overlays the mirror in the work. HOWEVER, the in-game scene in the prologue seems to suggest the light being from Mirror. so…I’m not really surely where this light is coming from NAHXJD 🤣 But considering how it’s been a consistent part in promotional art of the game, there must be great importance to this light.
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I also checked in-game assets that @alchemivich has found, and the chandelier in the Mirror Chamber is remarkably detailed and beautiful, and we can see better how the light shines on it in the game. It resembles flowers, doesn’t it? A proud, beautiful flower of evil…?
Anyway, as I’m sure that you’ve guessed by now, the reason I think the Princess Glow is somewhere in the Mirror Chamber is because of this mysterious light. Henrick says he saw “the light of the Princess Glow,” and knew Meleanor had it in her staff. And in all these images I’ve shown above, in the incredibly mysterious prologue and promotional art, there’s always this ray of light shining down over the *Dark Mirror*
This theory depends heavily on the concept of Meleanor being in the Dark Mirror, of course. The Princess Glow is said to cause miracles…and could the miracle include a very slow yet sure resurrection from the dead…?
And speaking of resurrection, TWST is very fond of using that piece of promotional art of Malleus rising from the coffin. It’s used in A LOT of trailers of all kinds. Many have pointed out that this adds a lot to Malleus’ heavy biblical symbolism surrounding him. But @/hanafubukki and @/moonlightequin1 mentioned this artwork to me, of the six coffins in the background and Malleus rising from the 7th one. In the recent soundtrack teaser, there’s this mysterious new scene of the coffins rising…but only 6 of them. The 7th is missing, which may be the coffin Malleus is rising from.
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But then it hit me. For a long time now, I’ve had a bad feeling about Malleus’ fate in book 7. I’m not sure- but I feel like Book 7 won’t have the traditional “closure” that most of the Books do? And then I remembered: in the Book 7 trailer, there’s a split-second shot where NRC’s coffin gates are hidden in the background of the dark abyss Malleus is trapped in. Why are these coffins relevant to him specifically? 👀
Unless…remember how Book 7 says that Malleus’ barrier and sleeping spell can only be broken in two ways: either he puts down the barrier himself, or he “disappears” in the process of forcibly removing the spell. If Malleus truly reaches a bad ending…would his rising from the coffin be taken more literally? The light of the Princess Glow can cause miracles, and I’m sure TWST wouldn’t kill off one of the students- especially Malleus. STYX and Ortho have all agreed that the best and only course of action to take it to try and convince Malleus to put down the barrier himself- and I fully agree that the other students, especially Yuu & crew, have no intentions of genuinely hurting him. But something feels off to me, and I don’t know what it is! >_>
I mean, so far we haven’t seen the other students suffer from terrible effects from their own blot afterwards. Idia was surrounded by heaps of blot, but his own curse that consumes blot may have helped on that manner. Malleus however, essentially has an infinite cycling supply of magic since he can feed of the nature of the world, so his barrier keeps expanding without him running out of magic. will this affect somehow? 😭
He DID get that weird glitch that only Yuu has had in his fight against Ortho. It’s been brought up time and time again of how fatal blot can be, literally consuming the Overblotted mage. We have yet to see this consequence in action, so I wonder if Malleus would be the first…? Back to the trailer, he is in a dark abyss, before getting trapped in a cage of his own thorns (and with the NRC coffins in the background). Hana also mentioned to me that this may be where “true loves kiss” comes around again with Malleus- which I also think connects to the “Sleeping Death” from both Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Crowley has been established to be the one in control of the coffins, and the one who unlocks them. Was Malleus put in a coffin for his own safety or “resurrection” in Book 8???????? Why is one coffin missing in the soundtrack teaser???????? Why is he in the coffin I NEED ANSWERS AUGHH
I don’t know, I feel like I wrote all of this leading to no where because I undermined my own theory several times BAJXJD 🤣 It’s all just me desperately reaching and vaguely connecting information, but I just have that *feeing* 🤣🤣 I still can’t figure out where the prologue is going with all this >_> In a different theory, someone suggested to me another possibility for the Princess Glow that I recommend 🫶
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evermore-grimoire · 1 year
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The Evermore Grimoire: Princesses
Princess Jasmine is the daughter of the Sultan of Agrabah and his late wife, residing in the kingdom's lavished palace alongside her father and loyal companion, a tiger named Rajah. She believed him to be a spiritual gift from her mother, who would tell her stories about the ‘star tiger’ of the same name. Because of her status as a princess, Jasmine was unfortunately forbidden to ever leave the palace walls, spending her life sheltered within the confines of the royal home. She often felt suffocated by the laws of her kingdom, which restricted her from socialising with her subjects and forced her to constantly meeting suitors to possibly arrange marriages. This situation ultimately prevented Jasmine from making any real connections, as she had never had any true friends (aside from Rajah), which left her with the desire to see the world and experience life outside of being a sheltered princess. This desire alongside her rebellious nature would eventually result in her meeting Aladdin.
artwork by Dim Draws
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onceuponastory · 11 months
last stroke of midnight - bucky barnes x reader
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Plot: When a stroke of luck and a little bit of magic allows her to attend Prince James' royal ball, Y/N soon realises that they’ve met before. Pairing: Prince!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader Warnings: Mentions of Y/N’s stepfamily belittling and degrading her, her parents dying, and her doubting herself. Classic Cinderella story stuff. Also, a little bit of angst bc it’s me. As always, if I miss any triggers, please let me know! Notes: My final entry for @buckybarnesevents Into an Alternate June-iverse Connect Four event! My final square was Fairytale, and I realised I haven’t written a Cinderella inspired story before, so here we are! This can also tie into the Royalty square I had, but I’ve used that already.
Not beta’d, so any mistakes are my own.
Slowly, Y/N makes her way down the hallway, the sound of her heels against the tiles reverberating around the room. Various elaborate portraits and other pieces of artwork stare down at her. Unsurprisingly, the royal palace is ornately decorated, ready for the hundreds of guests attending tonight. Y/N has never seen somewhere so beautifully decorated in all her life. When she reaches the end of the hallway, two heavy oak doors stand before her, the muffled sound of music and laughter from the ball seeping through. That’s how her life seems to be nowadays. On the outside, looking in. It’s still a wonder that she was invited to this ball in the first place. But Prince James ordered every maiden in the kingdom to be present, and who was she to deny a Prince’s wish?
Of course, if her stepfamily had it their way, she’d still be at home, finishing her chores. Honestly, she thought her dream of attending the ball was as ruined as the dress they tore up to force her to stay home. It was only then that Y/N learnt she had a fairy godmother of her own, who gave her a gorgeous new dress, a pumpkin carriage and a pair of glass slippers, making her look like a true princess. And now, Y/N is standing in the royal palace, surrounded by various noblemen and women, and royalty from all over the world.
And she’s never felt so out of place. She’s still waiting to wake up, for this happy dream to be over in the blink of an eye. Even now, she can hear her stepfamily screaming in her ears, forcing her to do all the household chores, as they have done every day since her father died. Treating her like a servant, rather than a human being. For so long, Y/N thought that was what the rest of her life was destined to be. Living as Cinderella, their idea of a nickname for her, rather than Y/N. Since her stepsisters took over her bedroom, Y/N has nowhere else to sleep at night other than on the cold tiles by the dying light of the fire. And each day, she wakes up covered in soot, which inspired the name.
Their voices and laughter still echo in her mind, even now. Belittling her and labelling her a mere servant with no potential. Especially for even thinking that she could attend a royal ball, Prince’s invitation or not. But here she is, at the royal ball. Wearing a gorgeous ball gown that shimmers like the stars whenever she walks, and a pair of glass slippers that somehow perfectly fit her feet.
Finally, she has a chance to do something else, to be someone else, even if it's just for a night… and she’s terrified to take it. What if they see right through her? Realise that she doesn’t belong here, that she never did? Warily, Y/N holds her hand out, her fingers tracing along the ornate, carved detailing on the door. But she’s made it this far. Surely that must mean something.
Suddenly, the doors burst open, and Y/N gasps. “I apologise, I wasn’t-” Apologising for everything is simply second nature to her now. At least, it is when you live with people like her stepmother and stepsisters.
“Ma’am.” The guard bows to her, gesturing for her to enter the ballroom. She steps back for a moment, taking a breath for courage as her heart pounds through her chest. Yet, her feet start moving without a second thought, leading her into the ballroom. She glides through the room, past everyone’s watchful eyes. Y/N can hear them whispering, wondering who she is, and she has to tune them out before she becomes too panicked and flees.
Until suddenly, the crowd parts like the sea, and Prince James steps forward, right towards her. The second she looks into his silvery blue eyes, she recognises him right away. “Hello again.” He chuckles. “I’m thrilled to see you made it.”
Of course, Y/N could never know that she was the entire reason he suggested inviting everyone in the kingdom to this ball. Since he first saw her, Prince James couldn't get her out of his mind and yearned to see her again. And the ball his parents insisted he throw to find a suitable wife seemed like the perfect opportunity to find her again. The sparkles on her dress twinkle in the light, and he can’t stop smiling the more he looks at her. She looks beautiful.
And yet, Prince James could never know that the main reason Y/N is attending this ball is for the hopes of seeing him again. Although, she had no idea he was the Prince in question.
The two first met when Y/N was at the market with her stepsisters, being bossed around once again. Thankfully, they soon stopped bothering her and went to visit the local dressmaker, granting Y/N some precious alone time. Once they left, she took some time to walk around the stalls and take in everything on offer. Just taking some time to do nothing. As the sun warmed her skin and the cool breeze blew through her hair, Y/N finally felt at peace again. She wasn’t Cinderella, at the constant beck and call of her stepfamily. For a few blissful moments, she was Y/N again.
Soon, she found a stall selling fresh fruits and vegetables, and her stomach began to rumble. That morning, like most others, she was preoccupied completing the other chores and making sure her stepfamily were fed. And that meant she hadn’t thought about feeding herself. All the food on offer looked so enticing, and she just couldn’t resist. She rifled around in her pockets to find the few coins that she had managed to hide away, hoping it would be enough for something to eat. As she did so, a voice cut in.
“No, please. Allow me.” She had turned to see a face with a pair of gorgeous silvery blue eyes smiling back at her. Before she could protest, he paid for some apples and handed them to her.
“T-Thank you, sir.” She smiled, gazing over at him. It had been so long since someone treated her with kindness that Y/N swore she could’ve broken down into tears right then.
“Please, don’t worry about it. I couldn’t leave a lady like yourself in distress.” Y/N giggled at that, her cheeks burning slightly. As they started walking together, Y/N glanced over at the kind stranger, her gaze tracing over every inch of his face. As she did, a feeling of warmth settled in her stomach. Of course, a large part of that was because of his kind gesture, but Y/N found herself attracted to him from that very moment. With the way his eyes sparkled whenever he laughed, and the way he smiled at her… falling in love with him was very easy to do.
They spoke for a while, as close as friends, despite only meeting a few minutes ago. “Forgive me if this sounds rude, sir, but I haven’t seen you at the market before.” The man laughed, adjusting the hood of his cloak.
“Is it that obvious?”
“A little.”
“Well, I thought it would be a pleasant change from my normal life. Getting out in the fresh air, meeting new people.” He explained. “And….” He looked over at her, smiling softly. “I’m glad I came.” Her cheeks burned, and her heart felt like it was doing backflips in her chest.
“I’m glad you did too.” She smiled. But before they could talk for much longer, the voices of her stepsisters filled the air, calling her and pulling her out of her brief moment of happiness. Sighing, her body slumped in disappointment. The handsome stranger raised a brow, concerned by her sudden change in emotion.
“Is everything alright?” He had asked, instinctively placing a reassuring hand on her forearm. For a moment, she considered telling him the truth about her life. But as her stepsisters got even louder, she realised she couldn’t possibly drag him into this, or let him hear the things they say about her. It’s bad enough that she gets to hear it day in, day out.
“I’m sorry. I better go.” She sighed. When she saw the man’s face fall, she regretted her choice even more. But she didn’t have a choice. “Hopefully, I’ll see you again, sir. Thank you again for the apples.”
And here he is once more, standing in front of her in all his royal finery, looking like a completely different person. He’s still just as handsome as he was that day, his eyes still sparkling. And of course, she’s sure that she looks a lot more different than she did that day, too.
“You’re a Prince?” She gasps. “The Prince?” Embarrassment flows through her veins, and her heartbeat rises. How could she have been so stupid, so naïve to not realise that she was speaking to the Crown Prince? The bitter venom of her stepmother’s words flows through her veins once more.
“You foolish child! To think the Prince would even want you, a servant girl, at his ball-”
“It’s quite alright. Please, do not worry.” He reassures her, placing a soft hand on her forearm and pulling her out of her spiralling thoughts. Just like he did that day at the market. As he does so, Y/N feels herself beginning to calm down once more. And a familiar warm feeling settles in her stomach. “I’m sorry. I should have been honest.”
Even after the complete bombshell that's just been dumped on her, she is glad to be reunited with him, too. She and Prince James stare into each other's eyes for a little while longer, each feeling their hearts beat faster and faster. For a moment, the crowds fade away, leaving just the two of them together. Despite all her anxieties from earlier that night, Y/N feels so at ease around the Prince. For the first time in a long while, she even finds herself smiling. It isn’t until the music starts playing again that they remember where they are. And the crowd is still watching them. Clearing his throat, he stands up straighter. “May I have this dance?” And once more, Y/N’s feet move forward without even thinking about it.
“Of course.” Nodding, she slips her hand into his, whilst he rests his on the small of her back. As his fingers brush along her spine, she gasps. Being in his arms feels so right, so comfortable. Every time his touch brushes against her, it feels like a spark of electricity throughout her entire body. She’s never felt so alive.
Despite how long it’s been since Y/N danced, being with Prince James makes her feel so at ease that she easily matches his steps. As they dance together, moving gracefully throughout the room, Prince James twirls her under his arms, spinning her around the room. Y/N honestly feels like she’s floating. For a moment, she forgets all her worries, and it’s as if she and the Prince are the only people in the room once more. In fact, it feels like they’re the only people in the universe right now. The fact that her stepmother and stepsisters are here, and are no doubt watching her with the Prince doesn’t even cross her mind. She could stay here for the rest of her life, in his arms.
After spending most of the night dancing together, Prince James soon invites Y/N out into the palace gardens for some peace, and to relax after dancing for so long. The cool night air hits her skin, and Y/N takes a breath. All thoughts of the time limit on her night, and her fairy godmother’s warnings seem to have slipped her mind.
“I must say, you are a wonderful dancer.” Y/N chuckles.
“Thank you very much, Prince James. Although, I did have wonderful company.” Prince James grins, blushing furiously.
“Please allow me to introduce myself. Properly, this time. My full, official name is Prince James Buchanan Barnes. Personally, I think it’s too fancy of a name, so my close friends and family call me Bucky.” Immediately, she drops into a curtsey. “Please, don’t feel the need to do that. It’s alright.” He chuckles. She’s still amazed by his refusal to treat her like she’s any different to him, or a different class, like she’s been used to people doing most of her life. In fact, he looks at her like she’s the most important person in the world. And it’s making her even more smitten.
“I just can’t believe I didn’t realise you were a Prince when we first met, Your Highness.”
“Please, call me Bucky.” He smiles. Y/N chuckles, and her cheeks burn even more. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth when we first met. The truth is, I enjoy going out into the kingdom and meeting the people. It’s surprising how easy it is to be undetected when you wear a cloak.” He laughs. Oh, she knows that very well. “And besides, I’m sure you understand. Wanting to get away from it all.” His words confuse her for a moment… until the penny drops.
He thinks she’s the same as him. A royal, disguising herself in order to escape her life. Of course, she looks the part right now, but it’s all fake, just pretend for the night. Her head swirls, her smile dropping. Is that why he wanted to speak to her alone? Because he thought she was something different, something special? If he knew the truth, who she really was, he’d never want to see her again. Embarrassment rushes through her, chilling her veins as her stomach churns.
“Is something the matter? Did I say something wrong? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“No. I’m alright.” She lies. Her mind screams at her to tell him the truth, that compared to him, she’s a nobody, just a simple servant girl. He’s been so compassionate towards her already tonight, surely he’d understand. But she can’t bring herself to tell him. This night has been so wonderful already, and she can’t ruin it now. She just wants one good night with the man she’s falling in love with. At least after tonight, she’ll never see him again. He won’t know anything else about her.
And that hurts deep in her soul, more than anything in the world. The universe seems to be set on constantly taking away every ounce of happiness in her life. First it took her parents, and then her freedom. And now, it’s taking Prince Bucky. But like she said, this is how it has to be. She couldn’t bear him seeing the truth, or seeing him letting her go.
“These gardens really are beautiful.” She says, hoping to steer the conversation away from anything to do with her.
“Well, that’s my mother’s pride and joy.” He chuckles.
“My mother loved flowers too.” She nods, thinking back to the flowers that used to adorn their garden, vibrant hues of pinks and purples. The bees and butterflies that filled the air, flying past as Y/N played with her parents. Life was so much simpler back then, so happy. She’d give anything to return to that time, when she had no worries or stepfamily. Although, being with Bucky is making her feel just as happy as she did back then.
“Well, she must have been a wonderful woman then.” 
“She was. She really was.” 
“And you’re right, they are beautiful. In fact… there’s a lot of beautiful things here tonight.” He smiles, and Y/N’s cheeks burn even deeper this time.
“Thank you.” She murmurs, a small smile tugging at her lips. “This has truly been such a wonderful night. And I never want it to end.”
“Then stay with me. Just a little longer” Bucky smiles, stepping closer. Y/N gasps, shaking her head in disbelief.
“I wish I could, but I can’t.” When he sees the tears shining in her eyes, Bucky’s brow furrows, noticing how panicked the woman is becoming. He sighs, not meaning to come across as so forceful, or to scare her.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“You didn’t. Not at all. You’ve been nothing but wonderfully kind to me all night.” She sighs. “It’s just… a lot to explain, Your Highness.” When he hears her call him by his official title again, it registers a feeling deep within in his gut. At the market, when her face fell as soon as she heard people calling for her, he wondered what was wrong. And now, seeing her so distressed, things are starting to make sense. Whoever this woman is, she seems to be hiding from someone. Or something.
“If anything is wrong, I can help you with whatever it is you need.” Y/N chuckles, sniffling slightly.
“I wish you could.” She’s worried enough about the possibility of her stepmother finding out she went to the ball in the first place, let alone her knowing she spent the whole night with the Prince. But if she did, Y/N would take full blame for it. It would break her heart if Bucky was hurt by her actions. Y/N steps closer to him, gently taking his hands. “But the fact you even offered means more to me than you could ever know.” Bucky looks into her eyes once more, gently cupping her cheek. Even though he only met this woman recently, he already feels like he knows her better than anyone else in the entire kingdom, even his closest advisors. He’s falling more and more in love with her with every waking moment. And he wants to make sure she’s alright. He has to.
Suddenly, a sound pierces through the air. The sound of clock chimes. Immediately, Y/N’s blood runs cold.
“What time is it?”
“It’s midnight.” Everything hits her all at once, like a bucket of cold water has been dumped over her, chilling every part of her. Her fairy godmother’s warnings ring out in her mind once more.
“At the last stroke of midnight, everything will be as it once was.”
“I’m so sorry, but I have to go. Thank you for a lovely evening!” She gasps, breaking free from Bucky’s grasp and rushing back towards the palace, to her carriage before the chimes finish. As she runs through the gardens, dodging people left and right, she can hear Bucky calling after her, trying to get her to stop. And every fibre of her being wants to turn back and tell him the truth. She knows he could protect her if she needed, that he would in a heartbeat.
But she can’t take that risk.
When she reaches the steps leading up towards the palace, Y/N runs down them, adrenaline rushing through her veins. In her haste, she can feel her shoes slipping off, but she has no time to stop them. When the first slipper falls off, Y/N doesn’t go back for it, too worried about Bucky seeing the truth to care about a shoe of all things. She slips the other one off, clasping it in her hands as she finishes her descent of the stairs and climbs back into her carriage.
As it sets off, whisking her back to her ordinary life, Y/N glances out of the window. Bucky stands on the stairs, watching her go. And Y/N feels her stomach twisting, and regret fills her veins.
“I’m sorry Bucky.” She whispers.
The carriage only makes it a few miles away from the palace before collapsing completely, turned back into a pumpkin. And so, Y/N begins the long walk home, still clutching her remaining glass slipper. The waltz she and Bucky danced to replays in her head, and she hums along to the tune, moving through the steps in her head.
“It was wonderful.” She sighs to herself. “Better than I could’ve ever dreamt it.”
When she’s only a few yards away from home, the sound of hooves approaches, and Y/N ducks out of the way behind a wall. Peeking out, she glimpses them as they pass. Almost immediately, she notices the royal crest on the saddle. The feeling of hope builds in her gut once more, and she smiles. Bucky’s looking for her. He wants to find her again.
But just as soon as the hope rises, her anxieties sink in once more.
He’s not looking for her, some poor orphaned servant girl with no dowry to her name. He’s looking for the girl he thought she was. The princess, the wonderful dance partner. The girl who doesn’t exist. Sighing sadly, Y/N glances down at her remaining glass slipper, still glinting in the moonlight. A permanent reminder of the wonderful night she had…and what she lost.
But like she said, it’s better this way.
Isn’t it?
“Your Highness.” The Captain of the Royal Guard pants, rushing into the room. “We looked everywhere, but there’s no sign of the mystery maiden. It appears she’s disappeared out of sight.”
Bucky sighs, nodding. “Thank you for trying, Captain.” He murmurs. He can still see the look on her face as she ran, the fear that something would happen if she didn’t leave immediately. It still makes his heart sink, even now. Nervously, he begins to tap his foot. Something is wrong with this woman, something in her life must be causing her great pain. He wants to find her again and to help her more than anything. The slipper sits atop his desk, sparkling in the candlelight. He picks it up once more, his fingers tracing around the heel. “A shoe made of glass.” He chuckles. “What a wonderfully strange woman.”
“Your Highness?” The Captain asks.
“Tomorrow morning, we commence a kingdom wide search for the maiden who fits this glass slipper.” He states. “No stone will be left unturned. Do you understand?” The Captain nods. “Good. Ready your men for the morning.” As the man departs, Bucky holds the slipper close to his chest, as if he was holding her that closely. “I will make this right.” He whispers. “I promise.”
Please follow @onceuponastory-library​ and turn on notifications to be notified when I next post!
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The devil in disguise
Matt Murdock x fem!Reader
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summary || You are the sweet innocent daughter of Wilson Fisk who has fallen in love with Matt Murdock. Unaware of their private lives, you introduce them.
word count || 2.7k
warnings || nothing really, just a bit angsty. brief mention of violence & blood
a/n || hii, I hope you all enjoy this. I spent a very long time writing and rewriting it. I don’t want to sound like a beg, but Id be very thankful if you gave feedback. this is based on a request. much love💌
masterlist + rules
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Being an artist in New York was a tough job, a city where everyone wanted the same thing- opportunity. In the beginning, you had a bit of a tough run with selling your pieces, you wanted people to buy them because they loved your art and not because of the connections to your well-known father. You loved your dad, but you wanted to do this on your own. You wanted your gallery to be something that you made, not your father.
So after a couple of years, spending hundreds of hours curating your artwork, you were finally able to display them in a mini store that you converted into a gallery.
You have only been open one day and things were already flying off the shelves, selling your most loved artwork for thousands of dollars apiece.
Today, your boyfriend of six months, will finally be meeting your dad at your gallery. You wanted to share this special time with the two people that meant the most to you. Unlocking the doors, your arm linked into Matt’s, leading him through the shop of your most prized work.
“Pass your hand.” You say sweetly, taking his hand in yours. Laying it flat against the canvas on the wall, directing his hand to brush along the mixed media. “You inspired me for this one.” You smile. “If you feel here. There’s a message… I indented the canvas to make braille, and if I got it right… it should say something.” Watching the way his lips turned into a smile.
The bell rings at the door, immediately diverting your attention. “Hello princess.” Your dad greets you, pulling you in for a hug.
“Hi.” You smile, pulling apart to introduce your boyfriend who was looking around uneasily. “Dad, this is Matt, Matt, this is my dad.” You sweetly grin, looking between them with gleaming eyes.
“Pleasure.” He greets your boyfriend, firmly shaking Matt’s hand.
“Good to meet you, sir.” Matt smiles forcefully.
Excitedly screeching, gazing between the two. “Okay- I can’t wait anymore, let me show you around.” Grabbing Matt’s hand to lead him. “Dad follow me.”
You showed them throughout the whole gallery, talking endlessly about the inspiration behind each piece of work, chatting their ears off about every detail.
“Excuse me one moment.” Your dad announces, walking into the back room to answer his phone call.
Matt inconspicuously pulls you aside now that it was just the two of you. “You never told me his name…” Matt quietly asks.
“Oh my goodness- sorry, I completely forgot. It’s Wilson. Sorry, that must’ve been really uncomfortable.” You apologise, placing a sweet kiss on Matt’s now tense cheek. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah- I’m fine. Just you know, meeting your dad.” He partially lies.
“I’m sorry princess, I’ve got to go.” Wilson enters the room, glancing between you and Matt with questioning eyes. His stare penetrated the side of Matt’s face.
“Dad?” You warned, disguising it with a cough. Noticing the way he was looking at Matt.
“Right. I’ll see you soon.” He kisses your cheek before leaving. “If you hurt my little girl…” he turns around to warn, focusing in on your perturbed boyfriend.
Matt has been uneasy around you ever since the day at the gallery a few days ago. You thought it was because your dad frightened him with that scolding, but you didn’t know if it was just that or if there was something else to it. You haven’t seen him since then either, he avoided all your texts and calls, replying hours later with ‘sorry, I was on a case’ or ‘I couldn’t find my phone.’
You had spent the day at your gallery doing inventory and rearranging pieces, quietly enjoying the day to yourself. Taking a seat on the sofa by the wide glass window, zoning out as you gaze at the busy city. Aimlessly scanning around until you notice something out the corner of your eye. It was a car you had seen dozens of times over the last couple of months. You tried not to look at it for too long, never wanting the person inside to acknowledge your awareness.
You picked up an art magazine from the coffee table, opening it and raising it to your face. Peeking your eyes over the top to get a better look at the number plate, and to no surprise, it was the same one you had been seeing everywhere.
Startling yourself when the door opens, the bell ringing obnoxiously. Dropping the magazine, you see your father by the entrance with a solemn expression.
“You okay?” You ask nervously, walking over to him.
“I have some news.” He frowns, gesturing for you to take a seat.
“What is it? You’re scaring me.” Scanning your dad's face for answers.
“I don’t want you to hate me...”
“I won’t, what’s up, tell me.” You push once more.
“I did some digging…” Wilson trails off.
“Your boyfriend…”
“What about him?” You snap, desperately needing answers.
“I’m afraid he’s not someone you should trust…Here…” Pulling out his phone to show you a clip.
Staring at the video confused. “I don’t get it- what is it?” Darting your eyes between him and the screen.
“That’s… Daredevil.”
“Yeah, so?”
“That’s your boyfriend…” he says slowly. Masking his lies.
“No, it’s not.” Shaking your head.
“It is. ‘The devil of Hell’s Kitchen’ or whatever he calls himself. He’s a vigilante… and he’s dangerous… he…” he starts.
“‘He’ what?”
“It’s too much...” He closes his eyes, avoiding your surveying gaze.
“Please just tell me.” You plead.
“He… killed your mother.” Intensely staring at the floor.
“What-? Why are you telling me this?” Walking away in disbelief, pacing around. “Why would you say that?”
“There are more videos.” Extending his phone.
“No! I don’t want to see it. How can he do that? Seriously, how? He’s blind.” You defend.
“He was lying about that… it was a cover.”
“Let me see the video.” You demand, snatching the phone from his hand.
Anxiously fiddling with the hem of your dress as you watched the clip of your boyfriend in the red suit. You couldn’t believe your eyes- you didn’t want to believe them.
“I’ve seen enough.” Sliding the phone along the coffee table.
“I’m sorry. I’ll get out of the way.” He frowns, sitting up and leaving without a single look back.
You had decided to close the shop early, feeling too confused to want to be anywhere but home. Right now you wanted nothing more than to slump into the couch and watch shitty tv with a big bag of chips.
When you return to your apartment building, panic settles in when you notice the car again. Unlocking the door with shaky hands, trying your best to keep them still.
“Allow me.” A male voice says from behind. Immediately shuddering and dropping the keys.
“I’m sorry.” Turning around to look at the man. “Just a long day.”
“I’m sorry, that must’ve been really hard.”
“Yeah.” You exhale, disguising it in a laugh. “Thanks” taking the keys from his hand. “Do you- uh, live around here?” You ask, anxiously looking around.
“No, I was here to see a friend. But I saw you struggling so had to help.” He smiles. “And you are…?”
Telling him your name with a friendly smile.
“I’m Dex.” Shaking your hand. “Good to meet you… I’ll uh- see you around.”
After a long hot bath and take-out dinner, you lump yourself onto the couch. Pulling out your phone to see numerous missed calls from Matt. Deciding not to engage, you place it aside.
Frantic knocks pound at your door that startle you upright. Quietly walking over, peeking through the peephole to see Matt anxiously pacing around.
“What?” You snap, whipping the door open.
“I came to see you… you wouldn’t answer my calls.” He gushes, smiling apologetically.
“Not so nice is it?” You say snidely.
You cut him off. “I’m not in the mood right now. What do you want?”
“You scared me- you didn’t answer, I thought something bad had happened-” He continues, catching his breath.
Interrupting him again. “Are you actually blind?”
He flashes a confused look, head tilting to the side as if to understand you better. “Yes. Why would you ask that?”
“Wait a second- how did you get here?” You ask, finally putting the pieces together. “If you can’t see… then how did you run here?” You question with a stern whisper, not wanting your neighbours to hear.
“Can I come in?” He asks, avoiding your question.
“No, you can answer from out there.” Placing your hands over his chest to stop him from coming any further.
“What’s going on?” He questions, his face looking puzzled.
“Why don’t you tell me?”
“… I don’t know.”
“Who are you?”
His mouth opens but no words are made, gazing at you with his eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?” He snarks, walking past you and into your apartment.
“I didn’t say you can come in.” Forcefully closing the door to follow Matt into your living room.
“Where’s this coming from?” He sadly questions, taking a polite seat on your armchair.
“I saw my dad today…” you start.
He gives you a nod to tell you he’s listening.
“He told me something and… I don’t know.” Burying your head in your hands.
“What’s wrong?” He asks sweetly, rushing over to the seat next to you to console you. Gently stroking over your back.
“Please just tell me who you are.” You quietly ask, your words muffling against your palms.
He deeply sighs, brushing his spare hand through his hair. “I think you know...”
Your back stiffens and your neck twists around to stare holes into Matt’s closed eyes. “You’re ‘him’? You’re Daredevil?” You speak quietly as if to soften the blow. “He was right.” You mumble to yourself.
“Who was right?” He questions.
“My dad- he showed me a video… you’re the devil of Hell’s Kitchen? You killed my mom?” You ask, almost rhetorically.
“Wait a sec-“ he interjects. “I don’t kill anyone.” Shaking his head.
“So you are him?”
“Yeah- but that’s not me.” His face grimaces at the thought. “That’s why I’ve been busy…”
“What do you mean?” You ask warmly as if the haze was clearing and you could finally see a few pieces to the puzzle.
“Your dad… he showed you the clip?”
“Mhm.” You mumble, listening intently.
“Was the person in the suit wearing red?”
“Yeah, like a- like a dark red.” Ears pulling back with intrigue.
“I know this might not make any sense right now, but I need you to understand… I don’t wear that red suit anymore- not after midland circle. That person… he isn’t me.” His face looks as though he’s thinking. “Do you trust me?”
“Yes.” You reply instantly, not once giving it a second thought because it was the truth.
“I think your dad is framing me.”
“I think he knows who I am, and is setting me up.” Placing a gentle hand on your knee.
“Why would he do that?” You question.
“Because he’s not just a businessman.” He says, almost as if he’s regretting it already. Not wanting to ruin your perception of your father.
“What is he?” Searching his face for more answers.
“I can’t do that to you.” He says sadly, stroking your confused face. “Just… in your phone, type in ‘Kingpin, Hell’s Kitchen’.”
Immediately opening your phone, typing into the search engine, instantly overwhelmed by the dozens of articles. Clicking the top one, reading through an article from the New York Bulletin. Your eyes darting over the words, as your heart thumps in your chest.
Matt laces his hand into yours, stroking his thumb over your skin to calm you down.
“My dads a crimelord?” You question in almost disbelief.
“I’m sorry.” He emphatically comforts, hating the idea of you feeling betrayed by your father.
“How did you know?”
“I’ve been after him for years…“
“Is that why you’re with me?” You sadly ask, already thinking the worst.
“No.” He gushes, cupping your cheek. “God, no. I only found out at your gallery the other day.” He reassures, sweetly brushing over your cheek. “Please come and stay with me for a few days. I don’t think it’s safe here…”
“Can I ask you something?” You almost whisper. Mind is racing and struggling to keep up with everything that’s happened over the last few hours.
“Of course, anything.” Gently placing a stray strand of hair behind your ear and then cupping your jaw.
“If you’re daredevil- the real one… are you really blind? Or is that a cover?”
“I am blind, I lost my sight when I was nine.”
“You can say no, of course. But, I don’t think you’ve actually told me how you lost it. I don’t want to push you, and you can stop me from talking because I feel like I’m blabbering-“
Sweetly smiling at the way you were so considerate with your delivery. “No no, it’s okay.” He interrupts.
Matt thought it was finally time to give you a look into his past, telling you every minor and major event that has happened in his life. Stories about his dad, St Agnes, Maggie, his abilities, what he does as Daredevil, and even about Fisk.
Matt was waiting patiently on the couch while you finished packing your bags; throwing in anything and everything you might need over the next few days.
“I’m ready.” You smile, lugging your bags by the front door.
“You left a light on in there.” Nodding to your en-suite.
Rushing to the bathroom to flick the switch, returning with a grin. “That is amazing.”
Flashing you a wide grin in response, collecting the heaviest bag and throwing it over his shoulder.
When you exit the building, you do a quick look around the street, quickly observing everything. Across the road you spot the car again, squinting your eyes to double-check the number plate. Matt doesn’t know about your potential stalker, to be honest, you didn’t want to worry him. But now you know he’s capable, you decide to finally tell him.
Discreetly covering your mouth to hide what you were about to say. “Matt.” You whisper. “That car… I see it all the time.”
“What do you mean?” He asks, barely moving his lips as he purposely twisted his head to look around.
“I think it’s been following me.”
His face grows stern and rigid, looking as though he’s calculating the situation. Placing your bags to the floor, taking a step onto the sidewalk. Immediately grabbing his arm to stop him from walking any further.
“No- don’t go over.” You plead, trying your hardest to stop him freeing from your grip.
“Wait there.” He sweetly instructs, shaking himself from your grasp.
“No, I’m coming with you.” Chasing after him.
Matt pulls out his stick, tapping it against the ground as he walked down the street, looking around aimlessly until he ‘accidentally’ bumps into the car. The person inside slides down the window “watch it, man.”
“My apologies, I don’t suppose you know the way to Josie’s bar. It’s just… you know.” Raising his arm to show the man his cane.
Watching from the side, you see a familiar man in the wing mirror. Immediately walking over, following after your legs that had a mind of their own.
“Dex?” You question, head tilting to the side in confusion.
He coughs, lowering his cap to hide his face. Stammering on his words.
Matt’s ears pull back in concentration, listening intently. Reaching his hand inside the car, gripping Dex’s neck and yanking him towards the window. Hitting his head with his free hand, as he pulled him through the window and out of the car. “Who are you?” He demands, landing another strike to his face. Instead, he doesn’t do anything, he just tauntingly laughs, purposely trying to provoke Matt.
“Enough.” You shout, pulling Matt off Dex who was laughing hysterically on the floor, blood dripping from his cheek.
“What the fuck was that about?” You grit, ushering him away.
“That’s Special Agent Poindexter.” He starts. Straighten his tie and adjusting his glasses, linking his arm into yours, acting nonchalant.
“Am I supposed to know what that means?” You whisper shout, quickly looking over your shoulder check on Dex who was splayed out on the sidewalk.
“Fisk hired him. If I’m right, and I’m sure I am… he’s pretending to be me.” Leading you across the street, and back to your apartment building.
“Wait a second…” letting go of Matt’s arm and halting in your tracks.
“That video my dad showed me… it was a CCTV clip…” pausing as if to complete your thought. “It was outside of my mom’s house… and…” face contorting at the idea. “He had my mom killed?”
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sorry for the cliffhanger!! I wasn’t sure how to end this and was hoping that some of you guys could maybe give some ideas. I wasn’t quite sure what to do with Fisk and Dex, and how Matt would work into it. but if you have any ideas I’d love to hear them. I will be doing a part 2, just need some help from you angels first
I think it’s because I’ve been working on this so long my mind has turned to mush😭
but thank you for reading, hope you liked it🤍
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kaspavanlortsyal · 6 months
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The Memory of Stars, my Avatar Fairytale AU fanfic, is here!
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The Knights of Eywa have one mission: kidnap the human princess of Terra and return home so the Na’vi Council can carry out a ritual to restore their connection to the Mother.
When the alchemist’s apprentice Petra Hart is taken instead, tricking Commander Miles Quaritch into believing she is who they seek, they set out on a fantastical journey across legendary lands to the heart of Pandora.
As Eywa’s light fades and two worlds collide, Miles and Petra must work together to overcome the powers working to destroy everything they love… or be torn apart forever.
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The incredible artwork you see above was commissioned from the wildly talented @tsukioreo! Please go show her some love.
Writing this story has been, and continues to be, such an incredible experience. I’m having so much fun exploring the whimsacle alternate universe I’ve created, and putting my own fantastical twist on Avatar. I can’t forget to thank my dear friend @mist--walker for her keen eyes and beta feedback.
Also, I’d like to thank everyone who is still here in our little niche corner of the fandom after almost a year. This fic is even more niche, and I truly hope you enjoy it.
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xnote08 · 6 months
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515  -  Kasumi (Princess Connect! Re:Dive)
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fairykukla · 3 months
My girlies are back from the salon (part 2)
I sent a box of 70s and 80s era dolls to @imreadydollparts to see what she could do with their terrible hair.
The Creata Flower Princess Edition:
First, you have to understand about the Creata Flower Princess line. Their styling was much more like Ideal's Tammy than Mattel's Barbie, though the body was a Barbie clone. They started in the late 70s, and the artwork really showcases that. The dolls were fantasy fairytale princesses with no connection to the "Big" properties Disney was camped out all over.
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And they had notoriously terrible hair. It was curly, too, which is something that is hard to do well and impossible to maintain.
There was a blonde with green eyes, a redhead with blue eyes, and a purple haired one with purple eyes. So you know I was all over this whole thing. I even had the Unicorn.
I dug out the remains of my collection. Their hair was universally matted and trashed. I'd tried to tame it with pipe cleaners, but to no avail. I wrapped them up and sent them off.
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The original Leanna. If you owned one, or have one now, your jaw just hit the floor. Look at those soft waves! The GLOSS is back! She's spectacular!
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Laurelle, Ballerina edition. Her hair hasn't looked this nice in decades.
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And poor Lissete. She had two toned hair in platinum and purple. The purple disintegrated completely. I was expecting to receive back a failed experiment, but I really like this simple trim. I can display her in the original costume and she will look lovely.
I also may re-root her. These dolls are why I learned how to re-root in the first place, so I may as well. But in the meantime, she's perfectly displayable!!
Cut for doll nudity:
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xxmayxx05 · 2 years
The morning after - Eddie Munson
Hi everyone, I hope you like this story. Finally grew the confidence to write a little bit of smut!
Pairing(s) : Eddie Munson x fem! Reader
Summary : It’s the morning after you and Eddie loose your virginity’s to each other.
Warnings: Smut, 18+ minors DNI please,eating out,fingering, Butterflies in your tummy<3
Likes, comments, requests, and reblogs are highly and truly appreciated
Words: 937
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Eddie slowly opened his eyes, immediately being greeted by the sunlight. He covered his eyes and groaned softly at how bright it was, slowly he let his eyes adjust to the sunlight and turned his head to look at you. You looked so beautiful even when you were asleep, he thought. He looked down and blushed at your exposed body.
Last night was the first night that you both decided that it was the right time to lose your virginities and he couldn’t have been more than happier. He was very careful, thinking that your body was very fragile against him. The last thing that he wanted to do now was to hurt you but it didn’t happen, and he was grateful for that.
The moment you both became connected; he felt in pure bliss and immediately became addicted to being connected to you. Your back arching slightly as he slid in and a soft cute moan came out of your red plump lips, was an image that came into his mind.
Eddie slowly leaned down and pecked your lips, smiling softly at the memories that you both created last night after almost a year of waiting and finally knowing that it was the right time to be intimate with each other. He leaned more down and left small kisses on your already hickey covered neck, smirking at the sight of his artwork on your neck. Knowing that you won’t be able to cover it, and you’d have to walk around town covered in them. The whole town would be reminded that the one who had the privilege to do it was Eddie Munson.
Slowly you started to wake up and sighed in content as you felt Eddies lips on your neck.
“Babe” you whispered with your eyes slowly opening to adjust to the sunlight.
“Good morning princess” he whispered and leaned back up to kiss you softly.
You loved the way he kissed you carefully, smiling softly at the thoughts of last night. Loving the idea that you lost your virginity to your boyfriend. Making him wait until you knew you were ready, really paid off.
Leaning back softly he chuckled as he saw you blush and try to cover your exposed body with the blanket.
“I already saw everything sweetheart” he said and softly removed it again.
Your face immediately turned red and whined softly at being exposed again. It was the first time that someone saw your body, and you were very shy about it.
“Don’t be shy baby, I love every inch of it” He whispered and traced your body with his hand.
Gasping softly as he got to your inner thighs. Slowly he began to massage them and that made you remember how he left kisses between them and tasted you for the first time. The way he knew how to use his tongue drove you crazy. It’s as if he already knew how to pleasure you.
The moans that escaped your plump lips was the greatest motivation for him. Your sweetness made him addicted into wanting to taste you more. When you came all over his mouth, he didn’t stop until you had to beg him to stop. Your body shaking at the amount of pleasure that you felt, it was the most amazing feeling that ever overcame your body.
“Is my princess needy?” he asked as he carefully began to rub some of his digits against your wet entrance.
You nodded your head and bit your bottom lip softly.
“Use your words princess” he teased softly as he slid his middle finger inside your entrance slowly. Wanting to tease you.
“Y-yes!” you moaned and closed your eyes in pleasure. The feeling of you being touched by him drove you crazy and immediately wanted to do much more with him.
He kept pleasuring you until your body arched in pleasure and came. Eddie removed his finger and brought it to him. Moaning softly at the sweetness that came out of you.
“So sweet princess” He whispered and leaned in to kiss you. Making you taste yourself.
“Thank you” You whispered and smiled softly.
You got up carefully, hissing softly at how sore your body was from last night. Eddie helped you to sit up and he grabbed his shirt from the floor.
“Arms up” he said and put the shirt over your head.
You adjusted the shirt and pecked his lips as a thank you for covering your body.
“I’ll go make breakfast for us babe” you told him as you straddled his lap.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned his head on your shoulder. Eddie didn’t want this moment to end, feeling so happy that he had the girl of his dreams with him.
“Five more minutes” he whispered as he looked up at you and hugged your body tightly against him.
“Alright babe” you whispered and softly played with his curly hair.
Knowing that he didn’t want this moment to end and if he had the chance, he would stay like this forever if he wanted to. You felt the same way, but you knew that both of you had to get back to your daily routine.
“You need to cover your neck princess” he chuckled as he poked a few hickeys.
“Don’t remind me Munson” You whined softly and playfully pulled his hair.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t help it” He laughed softly and leaned up to peck your lips.
“Sure Munson” you said and smiled.
“I love you princess” he said and pecked your lips.
“I love you too Munson” you said and kissed him passionately.
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supergirlmayhem · 4 days
ripples in the lake (a swan lake fairy tale)
Upon the King’s untimely passing, Princess Kara must choose a suitable royal match in order to assume the throne of Midlandia. There’s just one problem, well, two really: she only has a month to do so and the only woman she seems to connect with was cursed to turn into a swan. OR swan lake au
Check out this new work added to the 2024 collection by @wolfie-bee HERE and accompanying artwork by @luxcanaryfox HERE.
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weaselbeaselpants · 6 months
For those curious, I don't got dirt or shit on VivziePop. As I've made clear before I followed her back in 2009 and I talked to her like on devintart and tumblr 1 or 2 times. No, I don't remember what was said between us really or exactly. The tumblr blog I remember hearing back from her is long dead so I have no receipts.
I kinda lost interest in her because her fanbase was way too intense and mean in 2014 (no idea about any of the Dollcreep drama), and because I was also in a soft antisjw phase myself then and reading BadWebcomicsWiki - I saw her being talked about all throughout the forums on that hellsite up and until 2017. I also saw the completely different forum posts made there about Hazbin at the time- which os of course how I learned about the Dollcreep fiasco, frootrollup1, and Angel Dust r@pe art someone did of Viv.
If you interested and/or curious about any personal anecdotes I can remember from the best of memory -these are NOT facts, though I'm happy if anyone else can back them up if u also have memories of this- I can list those out:
-I found Viv through her fanart first and specifically her fanart of Shane Acker's 9. I loved Viv's fanart- it was always so distinct in her own style but still recognizable. Anyone else in the 9 fandom remember that "design a beast" contest deviantart had? Yeah she took place in that. She also did artwork of the stitchpunks inspired by Kinkei's chibi-pinup style. They were not as sexy as that would have you believe. She did fanart for Rango, Adventure Time, Regular Show, Rio, and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Also remember her begrudgingly liking Tangled after the fact because it wasn't 2D like Princess and the Frog was.
-The first time I saw Viv's characters in comic form it was in a comic where it was Halloween and the ZP gang (Zill, Kayla, Jack, Spam, and Vanex) were trick or treating and got stuck in some dark twisted version of their home. Isn't this the plot to the Invader Zim Halloween episode?
-Ickle!Viv was pretty skilled at drawing animals. Personally I think she still is but this was specifically the thing which stood out about her to me. I really love when she drew/draws animals. I also actually think her creatures look genuinely good, especially the dragon looking ones.
-Viv was ALWAYS so clamoring and adoring of her fandoms, especially animated stuff. Even on deviantart, animation fans are cynical and snarky so it was nice to see someone with their own established style be into movies that other people would mock you for as a teenager or god forbid an adult. Didn't make you feel so alone.
-I saw Viv's ZP gang develop in style from 2009-2013 and I gotta say I liked her og cast so much more when they were teenytiny and children. Zill just looked better then.
-Speaking of Zill, before I saw one of her posts getting mad at people who called Zill a "neopet"...I said her style reminded me of neopets. I was 12! I didn't know and also I hadn't gotten to that one doodle in her gallery at the time where Zill and 2009!Viv were cursing out this blob for calling him that.
-I also personally saw Alastor develop from out of those days, or at least the character who would become Alastor. It was the red black, buck-looking deer from 2006-2008ish who's disc Viv said was "the evilest character in all of zoophobia!!" I know she liked the directtovideo disney sequels and really liked Bambi II. I'm not convinced Alastor and Autumn don't exist souley because of Bambi II.
-I have no proof of it happening on my end because I ended up deleting a shit ton of crap on my old deviantart out of embarrassment and I think Viv deleted her posts about it. But a distinctly remember an artist in around 2011/2012 w I was really into art trades did a trade with me where they drew my 9 oc, in spite of us really not connecting in any particular way or being 'close'. They worked in traditional medium and had he/him pronouns and their art was so obviously inspired from Viv's. It wasn't traced, though- just very Viv-inspired.
I remember watching Viv and also that guy when suddenly Viv and Faustisee made a huge callout graph showing the artstyle and characters that had been stolen from her and she showed that guy's work. I also distinctly remember saying in Viv's journal abt the callout something along the lines of "this is bad, but, this guy is a friend of mine [rlly barely mutuals], he didn't mean it". To which Viv replied with something like: "then tell ur friend that what he's doing is bad >:c". So I did and that's when he told me he'd been told enough by her base how to feel and that he was leaving dA. And he left. and nuked his entire gallery, including his part of art trade, which made finding the proof of this encounter even harder to track down. Because he was no longer there, I deleted the piece I did for him as part of my mass embarrassment deletion.
-There was one other encounter I had personally' with Viv that I do remember and it's only because she was actually friendly to me and I liked that coming from my what was, at the time, a fav artist: I like the 2012 Frankenweenie remake and was really incensed back in the day that people weren't liking it because it is a ymmv-case. One of those people happened to be Viv and I def remember messaging her about how "I disagree with you, hmf" and then having INSTANT REGRET and suddenly spamming her with this way too personal "I'm sorry please don't hate me"-ventrant thing and, for all I know the Viv stans can be overly apologetic, I really do think it was my indiagnosed OCD/ADHD talking there. Anyway, what was sweet of her to do even in a passing way was she was all "it's okay. you didn't upset me but lol yeah ur not changing my take on frankenweenie either".
Viv describes herself as "being everyone's friend" and really- where there are a lot of points now that I don't think she cares if she is, most of the time I think the problem is she doesn't know how mean or backhanded she is. She really does strike me as the kind of person who never grew out of 2000s-2010s highschool and that petty thing were you get angry and lash out at others behind their backs but then sweet up after that, and where you think lovebombing = being genuinely appreciative. And yeah, that's still abusive and volatile. Because, and this is all from a decade ago and an antidote I only recall because it was Viv, but I truly didn't get the feeling that Viv thought I was beneath her or that she was trying to own me buy telling me she didn't like the movie I did. The vibe I got from her was "I don't really care about this but also I don't want you freaking out, calm down".
I rb a bunch of critical stuff (still don't like antiHazbin shit) because, and I still mean this, I do still genuinely like her style and wish I could be in her fandom w/o her stans basically gatekeeping me from being my own fan. I really am disappointed as the fan I am that Viv doesn't take better care of herself, her shows or the people working for her.
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isilrina · 3 months
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Happy Art Monday!
Started at the end of last year, this piece underwent several reworkings and additions until completion due to delays during the holiday season. Originally intended for posting before the year's end, circumstances led to its completion a few days later, marking the new year with another addition to my Andromeda Six fanart collection.
'Close your eyes' portrays a pivotal moment in the relationship between the main character, Jiro, and Vexx from the game Andromeda Six. The two Kitalphan men, Jiro and Vexx were a couple before the treacherous coup shook their bond. Despite the turmoil, Jiro eventually realized Vexx was a victim as much as he was, and their love rekindled amidst the trials faced aboard the Andromeda Six.
While Nat' embodied boldness and Rina exuded emotional depth, Jiro stands as the most gentle and tender of my OCs so far. His tendency to avoid problems in hopes of their disappearance contrasts the harsh reality that he faces.
This artwork captures a crucial scene where the main character is falling, and Vexx rushes to catch him before impending danger. Much like the identifying details in previous drawings (the dog tags of Damon and the tattoos of Bash), Vexx's presence is hinted at through a glimpse of his sleeve.
Inspired by the song "Close your eyes" by Digital Daggers, the title encapsulates the essence of the scene, hinting at a moment of trust, protection, and the deep emotional connection shared between Jiro and Vexx amid life-threatening circumstances.
The heartfelt lyrics resonate with the emotional connection shared between the two men, echoing the theme of resilience and solidarity during turbulent times. The imagery portrays a gripping moment where danger looms, yet their unwavering support for each other shines through, depicting a bond strengthened by adversity.
The profound emotions conveyed in the song's lyrics parallel the essence of this artwork, illustrating not only the depth of their connection but also their determination to overcome challenges together. As the song suggests, it echoes the sentiment that despite the chaos surrounding them, their united strength and trust will guide them through the storm.
(Personal notes: As much as I love those hands, I'm not that fond of the background. I'll probably remake it when I'll have some time and I understand how to do what I want.)
Software used: Clip Studio Paint.
"Close your eyes" by Digital Daggers. (On Youtube)
And now I'm gonna take a few minutes to thanks the people who liked, wrote a comment, followed me or rebloged my art since the end of last year.
So here is a huge shout out and thanks to: @broken-little-bhaal-babe, @valkblue, @p0et-is-my-persona, @who-is-riley, @messydiabolical, @rungalwaysheretolisten, @justabadartistlmao, @rasaltav, @ohsotragical, @feydstan, @rachellaurengray, @dramionefeltson, @storyknitter, @kitschycritter, @notrandomatall, @cityofseraphim, @kad-dala, @h3av3nndh3ll, @nony-pandemia, @phans-aesthetic-adventures, @greenberrytea, @princess-paige-place-of-fun, @umbrellaseason, @hathorik, @blackblooms, @chlorhexidini and @mxsunnybop. Each time I saw I had reached one of you, it had brightened my day, so once again, thank you all.
(Unfortunately there was some people I couldn't tag because tumblr didn't let me, so if you are one of them and you see my post, know it is not intentional and thank you.)
I'll try do this more often, it will be easier next time ^^
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s-creations · 6 months
26 Ways to Feel Mortal - J: Joint
26 Chapters based around experiences that newly arrived Geno experiences while trying to find the Star Pieces.
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms, Super Mario RPG Rating: Teen and UP Audiences Relationship: Mario/Geno (Nintendo), Mario/Princess Peach (Nintendo) Additional Tags: Rating for Teen needed for later chapters, but shouldn't be to worrisome, I'll have warnings if I'm worried, Poly relations!, Main characters will always be named, Minor characters will arrive as needed, the chapters are not in a specific order, just meets the needs of the given word, please be aware of spoilers.
Warning: Loss of body parts. No blood mentioned, but it's still a violent scene.
Inspired by @nintendonut1 artwork - Link
Joint: (noun) 1 - A point at which parts of an artificial structure are joined. 2 - A structure in the human body in which two parts of the skeleton are fitted together. 
Geno truly thought that, at this point, he was ready for anything. Sure, there were a lot of things he’d not experienced, this world was huge. But he felt far more comfortable now than when he first arrived. No doubt pulling confidence from the people he was traveling with and calling his friends.
Or weird rivals.
Or little brother.
Or crushes. 
Regardless of the titles, Geno felt his safest when he was surrounded by his new connections.
Even fighting didn’t freak him out as much as it used to. It was a strange rhythm he’d become used to. Nothing really surprised him anymore.
The Axem Rangers were a weird bunch (which was saying something with what the party had seen so far) as well as a bit of a challenge. The team of heroes and Bowser had never faced off so many enemies at once. Along with the fact that they pulled out a larger weapon near the end of the battle as one final push to possible victory. Which did result as Rangers expected.
‘The Blade’ was crumbling away as Red frantically climbed out of it. The rest of the Rangers ran further into the flying fortress. No doubt trying to prevent further damage as it all started to fall from the sky.
Mario was trying to shepherd his team towards the side of the large ship. Frantically calling everyone over as the foundation beneath them cracked in half. 
Geno was doing his best to avoid the appearing holes and falling debris. Focusing on getting over to Mario, ignoring what wasn’t important. 
“Hey, Mario!”
Even if the human’s name was called, Geno still turned. Red, who’d just gotten out of the now fully destroyed weapon, had thrown his ax. At least, that’s what Geno saw, as the stance the Ranger was in was familiar. But where had the weapon go-
It felt as if something hit his arm. Geno stumbled as he felt suddenly off balance. Looking down at his right arm discovered that it had been fully cut in half. Right where his arm could bend. The portion no longer connected to him hitting the metal ship with a heavy thud. 
“If you’re going to break my toys, then I’m breaking yours in return!” Red laughed. 
He could see that he’d lost his arm, he’s clearly damaged, but Geno couldn’t feel anything. Stuck in his confused stance as his eyes remained focused on the price of him no longer connected.
Was he breathing?
Was he shaking?
Was the world still falling apart around him?
His eyes followed his fallen arm as Peach quickly picked it up. Looking as panicked as Geno knew he should be feeling like. At some point, Geno wasn’t sure when, Mario had picked him up. Carrying the still stunned puppet off the fortress. Geno was still unresponsive as they landed on the side of the volcano. The falling fortress disappears into the rocky pit below.
“Hey… Hey, Geno? Can you hear me?” Mario asked quietly, trying to sound calm with his shaking voice.
“...I lost my arm.” Geno replied back weakly.
“I know, but you’ll be okay. I promise. Peach will take care of you.”
Geno jerked away when Peach went to place the broken pieces together. 
It was as if he was hit with the full force of the situation. 
Geno started screaming.
He wasn’t really aware of it until Mario held him closer. Cradling the puppet close to try and offer some comfort for the situation. Geno desperately clinging to Mario with his only working hand as his throat turned raw. 
Geno was unaware when Mario gave a quick nod to Peach. Who gently took the damaged arm once more. Concentrating as she slowly mended the two pieces together. 
The three remained this way for a few minutes. Peach only pulled away when she knew the arm was fully attached again. Geno passed out in the hero’s arms, no doubt his body worn down from the panic and pain he’d just gone through. Mario’s grip tight on the limp puppet. 
Mario looked up as Peach placed a hand on his cheek. The princess offered a small smile, placing a kiss on his forehead before pulling both in. Mario happily allowing himself to collapse into Peach’s hold. 
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thebunnednun · 4 days
Whispers of the Heart Dracule Mihawk x Fm Maid! Reader (Part 6)
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I do not own the artwork its by: @xuchuan25 Tell them they're amazing y'all!
Chapter 6. I have decided to drop: THE LORE CHAPTER!!!!
Part 1 can be found: Here
Part 2 is right: Here
Part 3: Right over yonder
Part 4 right here baby!
Part 5 at your service.
And in my typical fashion, this is only part 1.
On with the show!!~ (P.S. Bring some tissues.)
---------------------Chapter 6: Broken memories-----------------------
"Why are you the way that you are?"
As the first rays of the afternoon light filtered through the curtains, you stirred awake, feeling the warmth of Mihawk's embrace enveloping you like a cocoon. You shifted slightly, intending to slip out of his arms and begin your day, but found yourself unable to move. His hold on you was firm yet gentle, anchoring you to him in a way you hadn't expected.
Admiring his peaceful expression, you couldn't help but marvel at the man beside you. Despite his intimidating presence and the reputation that preceded him, there was a vulnerability to him that drew you in. You reached out tentatively, your fingers tracing the contours of his whiskered jawline before playfully poking his cheek.
Mihawk stirred at your touch, his eyes fluttering open as he slowly emerged from sleep. He blinked groggily, his gaze focusing on you with a mixture of surprise and warmth.
"[Name]?" he murmured, his voice husky with sleep.
You smiled, your heart fluttering at the sight of him. "Good morning, Mihawk."
Before he could respond, the door to the room burst open with a resounding bang, startling you both. A young Perona stood in the doorway, her face flushed with excitement.
"Master Mihawk, there's a messenger at the gate. He says it's urgent," she announced breathlessly.
Mihawk's expression shifted to one of mild annoyance, but he nodded. "I'll be there shortly," he replied, his voice carrying an edge of authority that left no room for argument.
As the ghost princess scurried away giggling, Mihawk turned back to you, his gaze softening. "I apologize for the interruption," he said, his fingers brushing a strand of hair from your face. "It seems peace is a rare commodity here."
You laughed, his comedy was something to behold. "It's alright. I should probably get up and start my chores anyway."
Mihawk's grip tightened slightly, his eyes locking onto yours. "Stay a moment longer," he urged softly. "Let's enjoy the calm before the storm."
You settled back into his embrace, your head resting against his chest. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat was soothing, and you found yourself relaxing despite the impending day. For a few precious moments, the world outside ceased to exist, and it was just the two of you in a bubble of tranquility.
As you lay there, you couldn't help but reflect on how much had changed since you first arrived at Mihawk's castle. The fear and uncertainty had given way to a deeper understanding and connection. Despite the challenges, you had found a place by his side, and it was a comfort you cherished.
Eventually, Mihawk sighed, the sound vibrating through his chest. "I suppose we can't stay here forever," he murmured, reluctantly loosening his hold on you.
You nodded, sitting up and stretching. "Duty calls," you said with a small smile. You strattled his hips momentaruly before stretching and hopping off his form to slide off the bed. You fussed with your hair and began to place the bangles and necklaces you stripped for cuddle purposes back on.
Mihawk's eyes lingered on you for a moment longer before he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask," he said, his tone serious.
You nodded, feeling a warmth spread through your chest at his concern. "I will. Thank you, Mihawk." You slipped on your gold colored house slippers and called to Perona if she would like some cookies and he watched your figure leave out the door.
As he left to attend to the messenger, you couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the day ahead. Despite the closseness, you knew that you weren't letting him inside. And that made all the difference.
You loved to swim in Mihawks thoughts but you didn't even give him a life preserver for yours. He knew that you were going through a storm most days. Not a depression but rather you were lost at sea.
Only the sea was inside your mind and he desperately wanted to save you.
Mihawk could only wish to know what you were dreaming of.
The Meeting of Shanks, Buggy, and [Name]
"Where do you come from?"
The island of [Name]'s birth lay deep in the Grand Line, a secret place of mystery and danger, where the waves themselves seemed to whisper secrets. It was from this rugged, unyielding land that she hailed, her spirit as wild and untamed as the sea itself. [Name] had grown up amid tales of legendary pirates, dreaming of adventure and the world beyond her island home.
Her chance came when she encountered the crew of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, two years before his death. A young girl with a heart full of dreams, she sought apprenticeship under Roger, determined to carve out her own adventure on the high seas.
It was on this fateful ship that she met Shanks and Buggy, two young apprentices with their own ambitions and quirks. Shanks, with his easygoing nature and infectious laughter, welcomed her with open arms, immediately adopting her as a sister. He loved teasing her, finding endless amusement in her reactions. His playful banter and protective nature made her feel at home amidst the chaos of pirate life.
Buggy, on the other hand, was an enigma. His sharp wit and penchant for theatrics often set him apart, but [Name] saw through his bravado. She refused to accept his asshole antics, calling him out whenever he crossed the line. This unexpected defiance intrigued Buggy, and he found himself drawn to her unyielding spirit. Around [Name], Buggy could drop his guard and be his true self, forging a bond that neither of them had anticipated.
Together, the three of them formed an unbreakable trio, their adventures on the high seas becoming the stuff of legends.
Their first memorable adventure together occurred on a mysterious island known for its treacherous terrain and hidden treasures. The island's dense jungle and labyrinthine caves promised both danger and reward, and the trio eagerly set out to explore.
Shanks led the way, his laughter echoing through the trees as he cracked jokes and teased [Name] about her cautious nature. Buggy, ever the showman, swung his cutlass dramatically at the overgrown foliage, declaring himself the greatest explorer in the world. [Name], with a mix of exasperation and fondness, kept them both in line, her keen senses alert for any signs of trouble.
Deep within the jungle, they stumbled upon a hidden waterfall, its sparkling waters cascading into a crystal-clear pool. It was a moment of serene beauty amidst the wildness, and they took a break to enjoy the sight. Shanks, ever the prankster, splashed water at Buggy, sparking a playful water fight that left them all laughing and soaked.
As the sun set, they discovered a hidden cave behind the waterfall, filled with ancient carvings and glittering gems. It was a treasure trove that spoke of forgotten civilizations and long-lost tales. Together, they marveled at their find, carving their names in full to cement their bond in the ancient stone.
Another memorable escapade saw them caught in a fierce storm at sea. The small ship was tossed about like a toy, the crew struggling to keep it afloat. Amidst the chaos, [Name] worked alongside Shanks and Buggy, grabbing the wheel and keeping them on a straight path.
Shanks, always the optimist, kept spirits high with his infectious laughter, even as the waves crashed over the deck. Buggy, despite his usual theatrics, showed a steely determination, his quick thinking helping to navigate the treacherous waters. [Name], with her calm and steady presence, kept them focused, her knowledge of the sea guiding their efforts.
As the storm finally subsided, the crew emerged battered but triumphant. The three of them stood together at the bow, watching the dawn break over the horizon, their friendship forged in the crucible of the storm.
In a bustling market town, their bond was tested in more lighthearted ways. Shanks, ever the mischief-maker, convinced [Name] to join him in a prank on Buggy. They switched Buggy's beloved tricorn hat with a flamboyant, feathered monstrosity, waiting eagerly for his reaction.
When Buggy discovered the switch, his indignant squawks of outrage drew a crowd, but his eyes held a glint of amusement. [Name] and Shanks couldn't contain their laughter, and soon enough, Buggy joined in, the trio's laughter echoing through the market.
Their antics didn't go unnoticed, and they found themselves fleeing from an irate vendor whose prized cabbages had become collateral damage in their escapade. Dodging through the narrow streets, they finally collapsed in a hidden alley, breathless and laughing, their youth more prominent than ever.
Through all their adventures, [Name] found a family in Shanks and Buggy. They were her brothers, her companions, her partners in mischief and bravery. Together, they navigated the tumultuous seas of the Grand Line, their friendship an anchor in the ever-changing tides of their journey.
[A broken vow and families destroyed]
Gold Roger was not just a captain; he was a mentor, a father figure, and a source of unending support for [Name]. From the moment she joined the crew, he took her under his wing, recognizing a spark of potential within her. Despite the rough exterior of the pirate life, Roger's kindness and wisdom shone through in his treatment of [Name]. He spoiled her with treasures and stories, but more importantly, he taught her the values of hard work and compassion.
Under his guidance, [Name] learned the intricacies of navigation, the art of swordsmanship, and the importance of leading with both strength and kindness. Roger's philosophy was simple: a true captain is not just a leader but a protector and a beacon of hope for their crew. He made sure [Name] understood this, pushing her to be the best version of herself.
During one of their many celebrations on board, [Name] found herself sitting beside Roger, her heart full of gratitude and admiration for the man who had become her surrogate father. Shanks and Buggy, as usual, were in the midst of a heated but playful argument, this time about which pole was colder. Their bickering filled the air with laughter, and Roger joined in, his deep chuckles resonating like thunder.
"[Name]," Roger called her softly, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of amusement and curiosity, "what do you want more than anything?"
[Name] hesitated for a moment before leaning in to whisper her deepest desire into his ear. Roger nodded thoughtfully, a knowing smile spreading across his face. Without another word, he slipped away from the festivities, motioning for her to follow.
He led her through the ship and down to the docks where they boarded a smaller vessel. Their destination was a nearby island, a place known to only a few. As they approached, [Name]'s heart pounded with anticipation. They were greeted warmly by Portgas D. Rouge, who welcomed them into her home with open arms.
Rouge's eyes sparkled with joy as she showed [Name] her pregnant belly, the rounded form a symbol of new life and hope. [Name]'s eyes widened with excitement, and she couldn't help but ask, "When will the baby be born? Will they join the crew?"
Roger and Rouge laughed softly, sharing a look of mutual understanding. "Fate might have other plans for this little one," Rouge said gently.
Roger coughed softly, excusing himself to get some water, leaving [Name] alone with Rouge. "Would you like to feel the baby?" Rouge asked, her voice warm and inviting.
[Name] nodded eagerly. With Rouge's guidance, she placed her hands on the swollen belly, feeling the subtle movements within. It was a moment of pure wonder, and when Rouge urged her to listen with her ear, [Name] pressed her head gently against the belly, hearing the faint, rhythmic heartbeat of the unborn child.
When Roger returned, he smiled at the sight before him. "If you want a family," he said, his voice filled with sincerity, "then you have one with us, no matter where your journey takes you."
They embraced, a moment of shared warmth and connection that [Name] would treasure forever. As they pulled away, the distant calls of Shanks and Buggy echoed through the night, searching for their missing friend.
"I should go," [Name] said reluctantly, feeling the pull of her crewmates. "But I promise, I'll always take care of the baby."
Roger and Rouge nodded, their eyes filled with pride and affection as [Name] left to rejoin her brothers in adventure. The promise she made that night would stay with her always, a silent vow to protect and cherish the family she had found on the high seas.
[The day the music died.]
The day of Gol D. Roger's execution dawned bleak and somber. A thick crowd gathered, murmuring and jostling, as the Pirate King was led to the scaffold. Shanks and Buggy stood shoulder to shoulder, their eyes red with unshed tears. [Name] was close by, her hands trembling at her sides as she watched the man who had been a father to her take his final steps.
As the executioner’s blade fell, the reality crashed down on them. Shanks and Buggy were openly weeping, their sobs mingling with the shocked gasps and murmurs of the crowd. [Name], unable to contain her grief, placed her hands over her mouth to stifle a scream that threatened to shatter her very soul.
Her muffled cries continued until Buggy, his own face a mask of pain, wrapped his arms around her. Shanks, trying to stay strong, reached out to steady them both as they all sank to their knees, overcome by loss.
In the chaos that followed Roger's last words and the ensuing scramble for his treasure, [Name] felt a fierce resolve build within her. Pushing herself to her feet, she made her way towards the Marines, her eyes burning with determination.
She pushed her way through the crowd and stood at the executioners block, eyes unforgiving and enflammed.
"We want his body," she demanded, her voice cracking but strong. "We deserve to bury him properly!"
The Marines, caught off guard by her boldness, tried to push her away. "Move along," one of them barked. "Or you'll be arrested for obstructing justice."
Buggy, still reeling from grief, stepped forward, fists clenched and ready to fight. But before he could act, Shanks intervened, raising a hand to calm his friend. "Wait," Shanks said, his tone steady and conciliatory. "Let's talk about this."
As the tension mounted, [Name] caught the eye of Vice Admiral Garp, who was watching the scene unfold with a stoic expression. For a moment, his gaze softened, acknowledging her pain and determination.
"Let them go," Garp finally said, his voice carrying authority. "This isn't the time or place."
Reluctantly, the Marines stepped back, allowing the trio to retreat. They made their way to a secluded alleyway, away from the prying eyes and the frenzy of treasure seekers. [Name]'s mind raced, filled with images of Portgas D. Rouge and the unborn baby. She knew she had to leave, to be with them before the baby’s arrival, but the thought of abandoning Shanks and Buggy tore at her heart.
In the quiet of the alley, the argument that had been simmering between Shanks and Buggy boiled over. "We need to form our own crew," Buggy insisted, his voice desperate and angry. "Shanks, you should lead us."
Shanks shook his head, his expression resolute. "That's not what my destiny is. We need to find our own paths."
Their words became heated, their grief and confusion fueling the fire. Buggy turned to [Name], his eyes pleading and furious. "Who are you going with, [Name]? Me or Shanks?"
She looked between them, her heart breaking. She knew they needed to stay together, that their bond was stronger than this moment of despair. But she also knew where she was needed most.
"I'm going home," she said softly, tears streaming down her face. "I can't tell you. But this isn't goodbye. I'll see you both later."
Buggy's face twisted in anger and hurt. "Betrayal!" he spat. "Just like that, you're leaving us?"
Shanks, though pained, gave her a nod of understanding. "You do what you need to do, [Name]. You always have a place with me."
With a final, anguished look at her two brothers, [Name] turned and walked away. Her heart ached, but she knew her path was clear. She needed to find a boat and reach Rouge before the baby's birth.
As you left the alleyway, the sounds of Shanks and Buggy's argument faded, replaced by the relentless roar of the sea and the promise of a new life waiting just beyond the horizon.
Time skip.....
Later that day, [Name] found Portgas D. Rouge by the shore of Baterilla, her eyes fixed on the distant horizon. Upon seeing each other, the weight of their shared grief became too much to bear. Tears streamed down their faces as [Name] collapsed into Rouge's arms. They held each other tightly, sobbing together as [Name] tried to convey the harrowing events of the day.
"Everything will be okay," Rouge whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "But we must go into hiding now. We can't let anyone know about the baby. The Marines will kill us if they find out."
In a daring act, [Name] stole Roger's body from the Marines that night, earning herself a high bounty.
From that moment on, [Name] dedicated herself to protecting Rouge. For the next two years, she became Rouge's personal guard, helping her evade the ever-watchful eyes of the Marines. They lived a life of constant vigilance, moving from place to place, hiding Rouge's pregnancy from the world.
As the months passed, the strain on Rouge became more evident. The pain grew, and it became harder for her to conceal her condition.
One evening, as they sat together in a small, dimly lit room, [Name] gently encouraged Rouge to leave with her to the secret island in the Grand Line where she had been born. "No one will find us there," she promised. "We can be safe, and you can have the baby in peace."
Rouge nodded, her eyes filled with determination. She had held her pregnancy for twenty months through sheer willpower, deceiving the world about Ace's connection to Gol D. Roger. The strain was immense, but she endured it for the sake of her child.
When the time finally came, [Name] was by Rouge's side, holding her hand as she gave birth. Rouge named the child "Gol D. Ace," cradling him in her arms with a smile of pure love and exhaustion. But the effort of holding Ace for so long took its toll, and Rouge's strength began to wane.
As Rouge's life ebbed away, [Name] placed the baby in a handmade cradle and called for the midwives. She rushed to get them, her heart pounding with fear and hope. When she returned, she found Vice-Admiral Garp standing by Rouge's side, his expression soft with sorrow.
"Take care of him," Rouge whispered to Garp, her voice barely audible.
"Please, take care of Ace."
Garp nodded solemnly, holding Rouge's hand in her final moments. Despite being Roger's enemy, he respected Rouge's sacrifice and love for her child. He agreed to take care of Ace without reporting his bloodline to the Marines.
Before [Name] could react, Garp took the baby and left quickly. She returned to find Rouge lifeless, her final wish fulfilled. The midwives tried to console [Name], but she broke away from them, screaming that the child had been stolen. She crumbled to the ground, her heart shattered by the loss of both Roger and Rouge, and now Ace.
With fierce determination, [Name] vowed to find Ace and fulfill her promise to Rouge.
She helped prepare Rouge's body for burial, ensuring she would rest beside Gol D. Roger. Then, she buried them together on her secret island, where they could finally be at peace.
Standing by their graves, [Name] made a solemn promise. "I will find Ace and raise him to be a good person. I will bring Buggy and Shanks together again. Thank you for your kindness. I promise, I will make my dream come true in this lifetime."
With that, she set sail, determined to find her own crew and reunite with Ace. The journey ahead was uncertain, but her resolve was unwavering. She would honor the memory of Gol D. Roger and Portgas D. Rouge by protecting their legacy and fulfilling her own destiny.
The years that follow----
After stealing the Pirate King’s body, your fame skyrocketed throughout the known world. The tale of your daring heist spread like wildfire, making you a target for both the Marines and rival pirates. Despite the constant danger, your village agreed to keep your secret as long as you didn't return with any outsiders. Before you left, they gifted you the machetes your mother had left for you in her will, weapons of exquisite craftsmanship that held both sentimental and practical value.
“Take these,” the village elder said, placing the sheathed machetes in your hands. “Your mother wanted you to have them. We will look after your house and keep your secret. Stay safe.”
Bidding them goodbye, you embarked on your journey, the weight of loneliness pressing down on you during that first year. Constantly on the run, you evaded capture while feeling the sting of isolation. News of Shanks growing into a respected captain and a good man reached your ears, filling you with a bittersweet pride. Conversely, stories of Buggy’s descent into villainy and the destruction he wrought on towns left you disheartened.
In response to Buggy’s actions, you visited the towns he had ravaged, bringing aid and comfort to the villagers. Each act of kindness strengthened your resolve to reunite Shanks and Buggy, hoping to mend their fractured bond.
After months of planning, you managed to pull some strings, orchestrating a meeting on a remote island under the guise of a peaceful conversation. As they arrived, it didn’t take long for Shanks and Buggy to realize they had been tricked.
“Why did you call us here?” Buggy snapped, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
Before you could answer, Buggy turned to leave. Quickly, you transformed your demeanor into that of a fearsome monster, roaring and charging at them. Shanks and Buggy, caught off guard, had no choice but to work together to fend you off and make it to the shore. Ben Beckmann and Alvida kept their ships anchored far enough away to prevent any escape.
Panting and out of breath, Shanks and Buggy finally cornered you on the beach. You dropped the act, revealing your calm demeanor with a mischievous grin.
“So you two get along unless you think I’m going to kill you?” you asked, crossing your arms.
Shanks chuckled, wiping sweat from his brow. “You always had a knack for theatrics, [Name].”
Buggy, still fuming, scowled but didn’t argue. “This better be good,” he muttered.
Taking a deep breath, you stepped forward, your tone softening. “I didn’t bring you here to trick you. I did it because we need to talk. We were a family once, and I refuse to believe that’s gone forever. Shanks, you’ve become a great captain. Buggy, you have your own path, but we need to find common ground.”
The tension hung heavy in the air as you watched Shanks and Buggy stand facing each other, the years of unresolved conflict weighing on their shoulders. Shanks, always the more easygoing of the two, took a step forward, his expression softening.
"Buggy," he began, his voice steady, "we've been through a lot together. We've laughed, fought, and survived things most people can't even imagine. But we need to settle this. We were friends, and I refuse to let that go."
Buggy's facade cracked, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I wanted to be a great pirate captain," he admitted, his voice trembling. "I wanted to be someone like Roger, but I didn't have what you have, Shanks. The charisma, the strength… I just don't have it."
Shanks shook his head, placing a hand on Buggy's shoulder. "Buggy, that's one of the reasons I couldn’t become the new Pirate King either. We each have our strengths and weaknesses. But that doesn't mean you can't be a great captain in your own right. We just have different paths."
The sincerity in Shanks' words seemed to reach Buggy, who took a shaky breath before nodding. "I’m sorry, Shanks. And I’m sorry to you too, [Name]. I was so angry after Roger’s execution. I felt betrayed and lost. But I did look for you after the Marines placed that bounty on your head for stealing Roger’s body."
Shanks nodded in agreement. "We both did. We never stopped searching for you."
Your heart swelled at their words, and you took a step closer to them. "It means a lot to hear that. But I can’t tell you where Roger's body is. It’s a secret I have to keep. But I do need your help, and I need you to swear loyalty to me."
Buggy and Shanks exchanged a glance before turning back to you. "It never stopped," Buggy said earnestly.
Shanks smiled, placing a hand over his heart. "We swear, no tricks. Whatever you need, we’re with you."
You took a deep breath and began recounting the events that had unfolded since your split from them. You told them about finding Rouge, helping her through her pregnancy, and the pain and fear that had shadowed those years. You described the agony of losing the baby and Rouge, and the determination that kept you going.
Shanks and Buggy listened intently, their expressions growing somber with each word. When you finished, they both stepped forward, embracing you tightly.
"We'll find the child," Shanks promised, his voice full of conviction. "We'll make sure Roger's legacy lives on."
Buggy nodded, his usual bravado replaced with genuine resolve. "And we'll do it together, like the old days."
A grin tugged at Shanks’ lips as he glanced at Buggy. "Hey, maybe you’ll even get a chance to show off your ‘great captain’ skills, Buggy. Who knows? You might even impress me."
Buggy rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of a smile on his lips. "Don’t push your luck, Shanks."
The tension eased as Shanks and Buggy stood side by side, their shared history and newfound understanding rekindling the bond that had once seemed irreparably broken.
"Thank you," you said, voice thick with emotion. "Thank you for staying with me."
Shanks grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Of course, [Name]. We’re in this together. And who knows, maybe we’ll find more than just Roger’s legacy out there."
Buggy raised an eyebrow, a rare, genuine smile creeping onto his face. "What are you implying, Shanks?"
"Oh, nothing," Shanks said, chuckling. "Just that there are many adventures ahead, and some of them might be more… personal than others."
Buggy's cheeks reddened slightly, but he didn't retort, a silent understanding passing between the two of them. You smiled at their interaction, sensing that the future held more than just the quest for Roger's child. There were new dynamics, deeper connections, and perhaps even love, waiting to unfold.
For now, though, there were immediate plans to be made and old promises to keep.
"Alright," you said, standing tall. "We need to prepare. Buggy, Shanks, let's gather our resources, plan our next move, and get ready to set sail. We have a lot of ground to cover and a lot of people to find."
Shanks nodded, his playful demeanor giving way to seriousness. "We’ll follow your lead, [Name]. Just say the word."
Buggy agreed, a rare moment of sincerity in his eyes. "Whatever it takes, we’ll do it. For Roger, for Rouge, and for the future."
"And for you."
With that, the three of you set off, determined and united. The journey ahead was uncertain, but with Shanks and Buggy by your side, you felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Together, you would honor Roger's memory and protect the legacy he had left behind.
It was agreed that, to maintain a low profile, Shanks and Buggy would feign animosity in public, while you remained on the move, constantly gathering intel from the Marines and searching for the individual who had taken baby Ace away.
You hit a dead end for a while, until a certain young man with golden eyes flew into your life.
That was part 1 of the lore and the second will be posted later today.
Make sure you check out the a03 account by the same name. Everything I have posted here is there in chronological order. I also have a few Buggy the Clown x Reader's posted in the masterlist! Give it a read if you please!
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don’t be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
I promise I bite~
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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