#so it just doesnt rlly feel right to share or talk too much abt at least imo
theyovngveins · 2 years
what is the youtuber audio you guys keep talking about?? ty :)
i'm not gonna link it or anything because I personally feel like it's some thing that doesn't really need to be shared anymore than it has been but it's basically a clip of Dream talking about his sexuality from 2019 
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benbamboozled · 2 years
Hi after seeing ur ship-pos post on my dash (i am A mutual) i wanted to make a confession. You dont have to answer this but i felt this would be a safe place to share with *someone* because I thought about this too long one night and made myself sad bc i was too scared to share on my blog
But I just rlly want arkham knight & redhjason to be intensely protective of one another. It's not pseudo-incest if you're technically the same person right. I don't know how they would exist in the same universe but *handwaves* dc does dimension crashes for less interesting reasons.
Archie survived so much bullshit nd Red just wants to pamper this amazing incredible intelligent determined *breathtaking* guy & maybe convince him to at least temporarily leave the vigilante-ing to Red and his crew because AK deserves a fucking bREAK
but Archie's perfectly capable of being a stubborn wet cat when he wants to be. He earned every right to be difficult when it suits him. So he doesnt put his life on the line directly (because its kinda nice when someone honestly cares abt you and you want to make them happy in thanks) but he builds Red the COOLEST gadgets (im pretty sure he invented a lot of his militias tech?? Or is that an amazing B:AK fanfic I once read talking directly to my brainrot) and if Batman even breathes in Red's direction all of Archie's remote control drones will come over & hunt him for sport
I also HC that AK has moderate to severe chronic pain in many of his limbs (esp shoulders & ankles) and reduced function in specific muscle groups due to his period of torture, and while Red can't get him into the habit of using a wheelchair (bad memories 😬) and he vehemently protests against getting a mobility scooter, they at least have crutches stored in every place they crash at throughout Gotham. If Archie refuses to use them during a flare-up Red will pick him up and carry him to where he was going. Wanna be difficult? Fine. I can too - didn't you know? Silly, I'm you!
I’m bummed that you don’t feel comfortable going off on your own blog because this is *chef’s kiss* EXACTLY my jam. So thank you for posting it to meeee!
ALSO ALSO ALSO they would both be so flustered by someone wanting to protect them and having someone in their lives who feels like they deserve protection! They’re both so used to just…sucking it up and going at it alone! (And canon!Jay would be incandescently pissed about what happened to AK!Jay.)
I also HC that AK has moderate to severe chronic pain in many of his limbs (esp shoulders & ankles) and reduced function in specific muscle groups due to his period of torture, and while Red can't get him into the habit of using a wheelchair (bad memories 😬) and he vehemently protests against getting a mobility scooter, they at least have crutches stored in every place they crash at throughout Gotham. If Archie refuses to use them during a flare-up Red will pick him up and carry him to where he was going. Wanna be difficult? Fine. I can too - didn't you know? Silly, I'm you!
Okay…as someone with a disability that affects their mobility + chronic pain…yes I love all of this so much. (And I would REALLY LOVE TO SEE THIS KIND OF THING IN COMICS!!! DC! I’m looking at you!)
Okay…okay…I just really really love all of this concept. These two just deserve to be happy and taken care of and to be around someone who gets them on a fundamental level.
(Please tell me you’ve seen that @jjmk-jjmk art of RH!Jay/AK!Jay? I’ll dig it up…AH here it is! Go here for goodness. Imagine that this is right before they kiss.)
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unsurebisexualcore · 7 months
hi im the anon that lost my best friend a little while ago. i mean she didnt die but we grew apart. i was doing okay after my last ask. your words actually helped a lot so thank you for that. i mean it get sad when i see things that remind me of her but its whatever because i havent really seen her or talked to her since the sleepover. i got extra sad today because my sister is hanging out with her today and i didnt know about the plans until my sister told me why she wasnt riding the bus home with me. i really dont want to blame my sister because she didnt actually do anything wrong. to be honest neither did my best friend. she just got sick of me i guess. i would say that i dont blame her but this time i really do. i didnt do anything wrong and i refuse to change myself again for someone who doesnt like me for me. i did that too many times as a child and now that im finally happy with who i am i will never force myself to be someone else ever again. at this point i really shouldnt be upset because she made her choice but i am just so frustrated and sad i can barely take it. ive had issues for as long as i can remember with feeling invisible and that im not good enough and that i could never ever be someones favorite person and i truly believed that for so long. i still kind of do honestly. im really trying to be better about it and my other friends are trying to make me believe that i am loveable and also worthy of it. its working, very slowly, but still. today was a setback. wow that turned into a monster sized rant sorry about that
dude I am so incredibly happy to hear back from you, and literally u have no idea how massively wide im smiling rn reading this. setbacks are rough in any recovery journey, i know ive had my fair share, and it genuinely makes me feel really proud to see people like us not lose hope in situations like these because really at the end of the day there is so, so much more to life than just this one person, even when sometimes it doest feel that way. and you are completely right, if she doesn't like you for being you anymore, you owe her NOTHING in changing who you are for her bc at the end of the day you are more important to you than she is, and thats GOOD. and im rlly proud of you for sticking by that i really really am :)
so i promise okay, if some random teenage girl on the internet cares abt u bc i sure as hell do, u are abso-fucking-lutely worthy of love and care and being seen because you're YOU and that is literally the only thing that you have ever owed this world, ever.
so just promise ur not gonna forget that, no matter how many setbacks come ur way or how many times she wiggles her way back into your life, promise ur not gonna stop being u, okie? cuz ur like, cool af, and i would be rlly sad if someone else was the reason why that ever changed
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amndmirk · 2 years
possible kriseis (choose your fighter)
how i see different krisei - can be seen as romantic too, idc - dynamics (in conditions of kris not managing to control, ralsei knowing more than we think and sending us to see susie not to prove some point, related to her, but to talk to kris)
type 1 - googley moogley its all gone to shit
ralsei is very loyal to prophecy, considers player a godlike being and doesnt see any reason to complain of being possessed, so he doesnt like kris going off-track in general. kris views him as a lost cause but doesnt say anything
but then player goes for the weird route or decides to make roaring happen aaaand all ralsei's morals and beliefs get crushed. kris isnt surprised, ofc. the point is ralsei starting to validate others and himself as well as the "higher beings" or whatever. and so on kris tries their best to forgive him and give 'im a chance to be a better person. like to think this happens during the end of the world so its pretty tragic cuz theyd be awesome together if they had more time. but the only thing that forms between them in that short amount of time is some kind of special bond and mutual understanding. trauma buddies, if you will. love it for the angst potential, the cute boi not being perfect and kris showing their own desire to give chances
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next oneeeeeee
type 2 - "inspiration for living"type romance(?)
kris doesnt like ralsei quote unquote cant stand his fake ass. ralsei pretty much convinces player there's nothin to worry abt and waits for his turn to talk to the actual kris patiently. he understands that an unpleased god is a threat and plays along but still thinks that kris deserves better and encourages them in showing their own way of doing things. he reassures them everyone sees their personality glowing through and that theyre capable of leadership in it all. kris appreciates it cuz yk. hits right in the middle and the thought of it brings them comfort. ralsei is happy to watch kris grow and overcome their fears/problems, make new friends, figure out their relationships and just become their own person in general. also im sure kris isnt pleased with ralsei only thinking of others so they try their best to make him feel worthy. it takes time, but eventually he believes it. then something bad happens probably. idk idc up to you but i have a feeling healthy relationships never last long if youre a trans magical goat boy and a blue hair and pronouns teenage jokester
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type three - do mi ti why not me
yeah, you guessed it. angst potential
very short. ralsei's genuinely in love and admiration with player and kris gets used to it with time. theyre annoyed at first but theyve never seen such attachment shown towards them (not them actually but you get it) and when they realise it, theyre rlly sad. there isnt any ending to it, thats just how things are. maybe when the main fountain will be sealed theyll miss him. i dont know
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kris is suspicious and curious of ralsei, asks him what's his deal, but ralsei doesnt fucking know himself. he pretty much does what he's told because of lack of alternatives. he's weird in spamtype situations because he's lacking social experience and doesnt know how to deal with trauma. kris recalls the feeling of not being the one in control and relates to ralsei being tired of everyone's shit too so they like. ptsd solidarity (not actually, ptsd is very different but i dont wanna repeat trauma buddies i mean)
i find not-giving a shit ralsei funny for some reason and the concept is interesting in general
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well that's it for now, dear folovers and krisei fans. ill probably post the illustrations separately too. sharing appreciated! have a nice one.
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t0shii · 3 years
what do they do if they get jealous? you can use whichever character you want! i just want to see what you could come up with, ur one of my fav writers on here :)
% hq boys when jealous
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.! timeskip! suna, akaashi, atsumu (sep) x gn!r
.! angst + fluff/ not proofread
.! ty for the request! hope these characters were okay :))
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— silent treatment
— doesnt get jealous easy
— but when he does he gets a little mean
— doesnt do it on purpose though
"rintaro?" your call is met with silence as you step into your shared bedroom where he lays on your bed. "rintaro, why are you ignoring me?" you stand infront of him, frown evident on your face. he doesn't look up from his phone, "i dunno why were you letting osamu flirt with you at the team reunion dinner?" he mocks your tone and chuckles followed by a roll to his eyes. "what are you are you talking about?" his smug smile fades and he looks up at you, glaring. "y/n i dont wanna get into this right now-" "no rin, youre gonna tell me what i did wrong so i can fix it." he rolls his eyes again at your comment "you let him flirt with you at the dinner!" he yells standing up, hovering over you breathing heavy.
you shrink back and he immediately realizes he's fucked up when he sees tears threaten to fall from your eyes. "oh fuck, baby, no no" he takes a step forward and pulls you against his chest, "i didn't mean to raise my voice, baby i'm sorry." he shushes your cries and rubs your back, apologizing profusely. "i didn't even do anything wrong, rin." you hiccup "of course i know that, i was just- i just wasn't thinking. i don't know- fuck baby I'm so sorry." he lifts your head up and cups your face with his hands, "i didn't mean it okay? i know it's know your fault i was just frustrated at samu. i shouldn't have yelled at you like that that. fuck baby, i'm sorry." he looks to be on the brink of tears himself. you nod and sniff a few more times, "'s okay" you mumble, pressing your forehead against his, he lets out a sigh of relief before pressing a kiss to your lips. "next time just tell if something bothering you, okay? this could have been avoided." he nods "im sorry"
— doesnt usually get jealous
— tries his best to stay trusting in you
— but sometimes he cant help but let his thoughts race
— asks u abt it but is rlly scared
"hey baby?" your name could be heard from the kitchen, "what's up?" you pad your way to man calling for you, face softening when you see the sad look on his face. "uhm... i just..." he stutters, unable to find the words to say "keiji, is something wrong, baby?" you walk closer to him, resting your hands on his waist, he just looks at you awkwardly, "you can tell me." you urge him to speak. he lets out a deep sigh, "uhm well... you don't want to break up right?" your heart breaks at his question, "of course not. keiji, why would you think that?" he looks down, ashamed "i just- i noticed you and konoha were being a little touchy earlier at the team reunion and i just wanted to be sure." he mumbles, barely audible. you hook your fingers under his chin forcing him to look at you, "keiji, i'm so sorry i made you think that way, i didn't even realize. i love you and i'm not planning on leaving you so don't overthink it okay? i'm sorry." you kiss his lips and he sighs in relief, hugging you tight, "i'm sorry for not trusting you i just had to be sure." he says, words muffled by your hair. "no baby, i understand. i'm sorry my actions caused you to feel that way, if won't happen again okay? i promise."
— omg he gets so pouty
— sulks until you give him affection
— i feel like he doesnt rlly get jealous jealous
— just sad u gave someone else the slightest bit of attention
"tsum, is something wrong?" you ask, noticing the frown on his face, "no baby, i guess not." he shrugs his shoulders dramatically and lays on top of you. five dramatic huffs from him later you cant take it anymore, "can i help you? why are you huffing so much tsum?" he again shrugs his shoulders "nothin' 's just that you were givin' kita too much attention earlier." he pouts, wrapping his arms tightly around your torso. you fight back a smile at his dramatic behavior, "tsum we were literally talking about rice." you giggle "so you're giggling at my despair?" "no no, im sorry. what can i do to make it up to you, baby?" he thinks for a moment, "play with my hair please." "figured." you mumble, raking your fingers through his hair, he groans when you scratch and massage his scalp. "you're so weird." you whisper, causing him to whip his head to face towards you, "thats not something you say to a who whose heart you broke." he grumbles. "ohhh poor baby im so so so so so sorry. let me give you kisses to make up for it?" of course, he doesn't refuse.
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sscoutregimentss · 3 years
I was gonna make a request based on your Eren x Gamer Reader post but then I saw you take poly requests... Erejean x Gamer Reader? (She/her pronouns btw ^_^)
sure thing anon! your brain is huge. i started a one shot which is now sitting in my drafts bc i literally dont know how to finish it. maybe i'll post it later but for now here you go headcanons woohoo
eren and jeans dynamic makes it look like its impossible for them to share a girlfriend but it actually? works surprisingly well?
arguing is kinda their love language in a very strange weird way. if theyre not fighting somethings wrong but their like constant bickering actually is rlly important to you three's relationship lmfaooo a lot of communicating is just eren and jean fighting and then you pick up on something they say and you three talk it out. plus its gets all their energy out at the end of the day... like when puppies run around in circles bc they didnt go on long enough walks
jean is the planner of the couple, always making sure you guys get tickets to see this that and whatever, always figures out how ur gonna get places and when everyone will be picked up, makes sure everyones schedules are free and that theres no big game release that you'll miss and eren doesnt have work and jean isnt volunteering
in terms of nerdiness jean is a decent middle ground between you (who says "ummm actually..." unironically) and eren (who thought dungeons and dragons was a kinky thing) because he lives with connie so he gets roped into playing stuff like rainbow six seige and watching battlestar galactica into late hours of the night. also he's an only child who was prone to boredom as a kid so he played video games like any other only child. that being said he has a more extroverted personality and aptitude for sports so he just never got as absorbed in it as you did
this kind of makes eren jealous tbh because he thinks jean has more to relate with you then him. but jealousy is like a natural feeling and despite his feigned reluctance jean is happy to share his knowledge with him.
plus eren realizes that what he lacks in video game and movie knowledge he makes up in anime bc jean is clueless on that front. once you went on this huge rant about how sailor moon would decimate goku in a fight and jean just goes "gokus the pirate with the fox spirit, right? hes trying to become number one pro hero right?"
speaking of eren eren and jean are on the same volleyball team (i hc they play volleyball bc theyre tall but i think theyd be cute on any sports team because im weak hearted) and you become their fave cheerleader <3 they look for you in the stands before each game and have their own little ritual for good luck. when he spots you jean jumps really high (despite the team captain, levi screams at him to save it for when the game starts) and makes a heart with his arms and blows you a kiss when he gets in the air and its so embarrassing so eren just dogpiles the embarassment but giving you an over exaggerated wink its the worst theyre gross
jean gets you into connie's discord server after you complain that people are really rude to you in online games and eren is quick to demand an invite too even though he literally plays nothing and has no idea how discord works. he will log in and ping you to show you a meme and even though connie's server is really chill with rules (like 10 ppl max, just some friends hanging out) he has always wanted to say "no memes in general" so he does it every time. you have to show eren how to use private messages once connie jokes abt eren being his discord kitten.
cuddle pile while watching movies... jean is a film buff so you three have movie nights rlly often. its usually you sandwiched in between them with jean behind you and eren in front of you so you can play with his hair. jean's movie taste is actually really broad and you and eren both find a ton of new favorites through him.
they both really like listening to you ramble. you can explain soooo much lore abt your fave series and theyre both really invested. eren is more invested in the characters while jean is more focused on what happens next, but theyre both listening rlly well and making sure you know they care. they kinda care in different ways though? while eren is just passionate and because he's so passionate he must know about all things you like, jean is either interested or just likes hearing your voice. of the two jean is more likely to give you short answers and he'll be more dozed off so he's good to go to when you just want to rant. eren is going to ask you more questions and get wayyy more confused so he's good to go to when you want to explain or flesh out your points.
jean finds eren's jealousy of fictional characters sooooo ridiculous. whenever eren is pouting about some new video game guy youre in love with jean is rolling his eyes because of course its eren jaeger he's just looking for things to get angry at. "what are they gonna do idiot, come out of the tv?" but then one day there's a character that looks a lot like eren and suddenly he understands everything. but he realizes you have a thing for guys with long hair. he'll keep the mullet around for a while
they both really like having you sat in their laps and (unbeknownst to you) in order to avoid conflict they created a system. cozy game? eren. reading? jean. watching anime? eren. watching something live action? jean. playing a game on your phone? eren. watching an analysis video for your favorite franchise? jean. just messing around on your computer? rock paper scissors, best of three. eren likes to hug you tight and rest his head on your shoulder while talking to you. when it gets quiet he'll nuzzle his face in your neck and give you small kisses there. while jean likes to put his hands under your shirt and rest it on your stomach while you two chat. he's puts his head on your head or throws it back depending on your height and kinda just likes letting his hands wander, like rubbing up and down your arms or tickling you lightly.
you: i hate this stupid game
eren: yeah babe that game fucking sucks (has never played it in his life)
jean: then stop playing it?
you and eren, at the same time: what? no.
all in all they are good boyfriends 10/10 would recommend.
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blxetsi · 3 years
Hello! I love your blog and writing so much! May I please request modern au dating hcs for Mikasa?
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tysm for requesting ilysm 🙈💥
i also went a bit overboard i hope thats okay !!
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modern mikasa ackerman dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!mikasa ackerman x gn!reader
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- eren finds out abt her crush on you. idc idc
- mf may be dense sometimes but he isnt stupid, he KNOWS what mikasa acts like when shes in the presence of her crush,, he would know bc he was one ;)
- anyways, maybe your like, going up to ask mikasa for her notes from last class, or just chatting with them to be friendly
- either way mikasa goes from 😳 to 😐 real quick
- shes very quiet which youre used to so you dont really think too long abt her lack of communication. its literally just you and eren talking at this point
- after you leave to,,, idk sit under a tree ?? erens immediately turning to mikasa being like "okay tell me everything"
- she denies the crush on u 😔💔
- but then eren tells armin.
- and eren has a big mouth so who knows who else he told ??
- so finally, after beating up eren for spilling the beans she tells her two closest friends EVERYTHING
- like from how nice your hair smells to how pretty she finds your eyes. how she loves your sense of style. she just likes everything about you
- erens like "i mean yeah theyre rlly cute but like,,, what do you like about them that isnt physical 😐"
- mikasa starts blushing HARD. and slowly goes to her bedroom in their shared apartment, before slinking back out holding a crinkly folded piece of paper.
- its something you wrote and it says "thanks for studying with me mikasa !! let me treat you to boba as a thanks. youre so sweet, ill see you next class babie"
- erens looking at the note like 😐 mf is this it ??
- armins flipping it back and forth and reading it over and over again
- mikasa just says "theyre kind to everyone. and theyre funny. i just like them a lot."
- erens like 🙄 k but armins all for it
- then they start coming up with a plan to get you to like mikasa back (even though mikasa doesnt want that)
- erens an asshole and says "mikasa i love you and you will always be my number one, HOWEVER. they might just see you as a friend, OR WORSE. an aquaintance. we gotta make u so cool that youre irresistable"
- now mikasa is a bit worried
- HOWEVER. what none of those idiots know is that YOU have had a fat crush on mikasa since you asked her for a pencil at the beginning of the semester 😍 she stared at u like 😐✏️ and u were like "omg thanks 😊" w a little blush on ur cheeks bc mikasa's hot
- i mean,, if you didnt like mikasa WHY would you have invited her out for boba ?? one, who doesnt like boba ?? and two,, doesnt that count as a date ? u didnt know but u just wanted to like ✨subtly✨ shoot your shot
- but that was almost a month ago and she hasnt said yes. so you assume she didnt wanna go
- a few days go by after mikasa tells her friends all about her crush. and like,,, they do nothing ?? what happened to the big plan of making mikasa seem like the coolest person around ?
- it turns out eren doesnt know enough about you to know what you like. and ur dumbass friends aint help either.
- so one day he finds you and mikasa coming out of your shared class, your talking about something and mikasa is just nodding with a blush on her cheeks.
- he runs up to both of you before saying "hey just to let you know mikasa has a big crush on you. and she'd love to go get boba with you 😁👍"
- mikasa gets so red in the face and starts smacking him with her binder. you couldnt stop it even if you tried
- after literally YELLING at them for their attention you just turn to mikasa like "please get boba with me 🥺" and she cant resist
- and then the rest is history 😌✨
- after the boba date you learned so much about her and vice versa. you guys were like,, closer than ever. always going to her apartment or her coming to your dorm
- you guys would have sleepovers very frequently. nothing ever happens but you two like being so close with each other
- and you guys do a lot together when you arent busy with school or work or friends
- mikasa takes you to cool museums and art galleries
- you take her to cool shops downtown and parks
- its so fun
- but you cant help but wonder if youre dating or not ?? like do you have the right to call mikasa your gf ?? you guys havent kissed on the lips but she always kisses your head when you cuddle, and you always take each other out on dates
- on the day you finally bring it up during one of your sleepovers. shes on her back and youre almost on top of her with your arms around her shoulders and your face smushed into her chest
- u just kinda mumble "are you my girlfriend ?"
- and its SILENT.
- u start freaking out bc "omg she doesnt like me 😁👍 im gonna cry"
- until she just quietly says. "yes."
- ur gonna marry this girl 😐
- her love language ?? definitely acts of service. idc idc.
- when u sleep over shes making you tea without u asking. (u said u liked lavender tea ONCE and this bith got a whole container 😭😭)
- when you have movie nights with her, eren, and armin she always chooses a movie you like ("no we arent watching the florida project again armin cried last time" "yeah but y/n loves it so" "this feels like oppression mikasa" "okay and ?")
- is also very protective. she hears mfs in the halls talking shit about you ?? shes shutting them up with her glare
- also u know how isayama made her goth in his like, highschool thingy ?? yeah 😍
- #gothmikasasupremacy
- she makes her eyeliner and shadow messy on purpose.
- you love just laying her down on her bed and straddling her, just leaning over and doing her makeup for her (jules and anna tease 🙈✨)
- sometimes you guys go to thrift stores and pick out outfits for each other
- one time you found this GORGEOUS floral sundress and she physically shivered from the thought of wearing
- tried it on and looked SO BEAUTIFUL, but it wasnt her style 😐
- also doesnt tell her parents about you ?? not bc shes embarassed or anything but just because she knows her dad is gonna be like "who are they ? what are they like ? where do they live ? whats their major ? where are they from ? whats their zodiac sign ?"
- he doesnt do it to play the "overprotective dad" role but because hes genuinely curious and excited
- she brings you home for the first time and youre so surprised because this tall blond man is her FATHER ?? she looks so much like her mom though its not even funny
- for dinner her mom and dad made traditional japanese food 😭😭 it was so good omfg
- also this has nothing to do with dating headcanons but mikasa used to live off of lunchables as a kid. was literally addicted to the rubber like ham 😍
- her mom is so sweet, and she shows you all of the stuff she's embroidered all these years
- her dad is so extroverted, he loves telling dad jokes. you find them HILARIOUS but mikasa sits there like 😐👍
- he DEMANDS you guys play scrabble. he says it help him figure out who you are as a person. now youre scared 😁👍
- anyways
- you love giving her little kisses on her lips because one, you get some of her moisturizing lip gloss on your lips and two, she blushes SO HARD
- one time you two were on a date and you ran into her ex. whos literally so scary
- her name is annie and shes blonde and muscular and rlly hot but has that same blank stare as mikasa
- you feel kinda weird bc how did she go from being with ANNIE to you ??
- you ask her abt it and shes like "oh yeah we dated in our last year of high school. im much happier with you" and now youre feeling all giggly and happy bc mikasa doesnt lie 😭😭
- u roll around on her bed with your cheeks squished together to hide your blush bc you feel so good that she said that
- she just rolls her eyes before getting on top of you and taking your hands away from your face
- she gives u kisses all over before putting the final one on your lips. its such a soft and sweet moment with just the two of you, you cant help but confirm what youve already thought:
youre gonna marry her one day.
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i REAAALLLLYYYY enjoyed making this oml. i hope u all enjoyed this !! remember: requests r open for anything aot OR u can give me ideas for other fandoms to write for
kk goodbye friends 🤩🤩🤩
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kvgehiras · 3 years
can you do jun relationship hcs 👉👈
yes yes np!! sorry if this is a bit late btw aaaaaa
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• jun!!!!!! i think he would probably start liking u after u guys became friends? he just likes that u were such a chill person nd he would feel so excited around u !!!!!!
• poor boy used to think that it's bcs ur such an amazing person!!!!! nd everyone should be like that w u !!!!!
• but seeing his cheeks get a lil extra pink whenever he'd see u or talk to u, nd he'd stand upright everything started clicking for detective hiyori
• "jun-kun is in love?!?!!!?!?!?!!! time for Detective Hiyori to investigate (✧▽✧)"
• "what the fuck ohii-san"
• but after listening to hiyori's reasoning nd thinking abt it Too Much he suddenly realised that mayb. just mayb. hiyori is right (for once)
• nd so after devising a plan to confess to u, he finally does it in the middle of a game that u two were playing in the gaming cafe
• "y/n? uh do u ...have a second?"
• "hm? what's up? :D?"
• "i..uh...i kinda like u? yea.. but this is just to inform!!!! hope it's not too burdening-"
• "oh i know that!!! ur too uh- too obvious? but it's ok!!! bcs i like u too, was waiting for u to say it hehe :D"
• man gasps so loud u have to shush him bcs there r other ppl here too JDJDJJD
• but yea!!! he LOVES gaming dates so much !!!!! ur so playfully competitive he likes it so much!!!!!! nd u even offer hugs nd lil kisses as an apology sometimes if he gets pouty bcs u won (which he obv loves so he sometimes loses on purpose..... oh what a lovesick puppy)
• speaking of the last point!!!! jun is Such a tsundere ...... but dw but hiyori always pushes jun to do the thing he wants to do anyway instead of making plan for it
• "hm.....they do know that im bad at racing stuff.....so how abt mario kart.....hm.... which arena would be the most believable....."
• "? jun-kun why cant u just ask them to kiss u or whatever that yall do? theyre ur s/o yk"
• ":0000.......i mean....ig i can try it..."
• mans asks u for a kiss nd so u grab his cheeks nd give him a lil kiss on his nose nd then on his lips "as an extra gift for not planning smthg extra to get the kiss! ^^"
• jun's starting to believe that hiyori either shares info w u or it's both ways but he doesnt mind bcs now he can mimic u nd grab ur cheeks to kiss u at times which catches u off-guard nd GOD jun loves the lil blush that slowly appears on ur cheeks once u take in the moment, ur face in his hands
• he also becomes clingy as the relationship goes on!!!!!! hes like a lil lost puppy, following u around at all times....give him pats ok he loves them alot (only when it's u tho!!!!!! none from ohii-san!!!!!!!!!!!)
• he also likes showing u off but like . slyly? if that makes sense? nothing v hiyori-esque but he'd sometimes mention the things u do nd smile abt them when hes talking to either of his unit mates or any of his gamer friends!!!!
• he's rlly so so glad to have u, give him pats nd lots of kisses ok!!!!! ruffle his hair too he likes it
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babysizedfics · 3 years
romans teethers
after my latest fic pink crayons and pinky promises we saw that roman chews his toothbrush
but as u can see in the fic, it hurts romans gums and is generally bad for his teeth, thats why the cgs are all so adamant he not do it, but roman disobeys anyway... so logan and patton tried to get him to try chewelry instead
but the wood ones hurt romans teeth and make him feel weird, and he thinks the silicon ones are too squeaky, so he doesnt really like any of them :( but he pretends to choose one to get his cgs to stop pestering him about it
then one time at a sibling sleepover, roman is chewing his toothbrush again and complains about the chewlery not feeling good to vee
and vee suggests she has a baby teether that she hardly ever used bc shes too much of a baby to chew things when shes regressed
roman is pretty embarrassed that she even suggested it but vee says its okay but he can always ask her again if he changes his mind....
then a couple hours later roman asks if he can see it..
he is embarrassed bc it is obviously made for babies, its colourful and waterfilled, but he keeps fidgeting with it and squeezing it as they talk and he WANTS to chew it but he doesnt want to look like a baby especially in front of his baby sister
and vee is so sensitive to other ppls emotions she understands - so she grabs her dummy and suckles it while they chill and watch a cartoon
and then a few minutes in roman feels safe enough to try the teether and he rlly likes it 😭😭🥺🥺
he uses it when they have sleepovers a couple more times but ONLY if vee is half little and using her dummy - and everytime roman promises he will wash it and return it the next day but then vee tells roman he can keep it she doesnt use it at all
so roman starts using it in his own time too
but its meant for babies!! and roman isnt a baby of course!! so he keeps it a secret and asks vee not to tell anyone about it which she of course agrees to
then the way the caregivers find out....
when logan was getting roman into his jammies one night, he was wrestling romans arm out of his sleeve - then he hears a sudden CLACK and romans eyes went wide and they both look down to see the teether has fallen out of romans sleeve onto the bed
and logan was about to smile and ask if roman likes using it but as soon as he saw romans face bright red and tearful he realised "oh no ..." then roman literally started shoving him out of his room hysterically yelling GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT
before logan could say a single word he was pushed out of the room and roman slammed the door
but logan spoke a little thru the door "its alright, roman, im not going to say anything about it. But please know that theres nothing wrong with what i jsut saw. i dont know if youre still little right now, but please come and get me if you need anything at all. i'm going to be in my room okay?"
logan just waits ... then heard a small sniffle and eventually: "......okay"
the next day logan and patton did gently talk to roman to try to get through this misplaced shame but they didnt find much success. roman was so embarrassed and closed off during the talk they hardly got anywhere with it, roman was just pouting and blushing the whole time
because he doesnt want it to be a big deal! he just wanted smth to make his mouth feel good and he HATES that he feels so insecure abt it - he KNOWS that its not smth thats rlly so mortifying but it FEELS mortifying and the fact that he cant make that feeling go away makes him feel even more powerless
roman is still embarrassed to use his teether after this conversation even with all of his cg's reassurance that it doesnt make him a baby - until one day he is upset with his mommy and tearfully asks if he can get his teether (logan of course helps him fetch it and dutifully doesnt point out how roman hides it in his sleeve as he chews it and sits in logans lap)
in general roman doesnt like using his teether around people at first
around vee its okay but ONLY if she is half regressed or fully regressed and not aware of that much
he outright refuses to use it around his nana because its too embarrassing, and he wont use it with his daddy either bc hes worried patton will baby him
((alrhought since both janus and patton like getting everyone presents, they DO sometimes see teethers they know roman will like and buy them - but they always always give them to logan first so that logan can give them to roman so that they dont embarrass him 😭))
side note these are romans teethers
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
roman is a little shy to use it around his mommy at first but is the most comfortable with him. he can happily chew his teether with logan within a few weeks but he still much prefers hiding his face or the teether while he does and is v shy about talking abt it
logan never ever is like 'do u need ur teether' bc thats TOO babyish sounding for roman so he just does it wordlessly OR HES LIKE "sweetheart, do you want your blue bear?"
then roman blushes and fidgets and says "um... please can i have the red monkey please?" rlly quiet and logan just nods and doesnt make it a big deal and he goes to get roman his teether
AND waaahhh and he might walk past patton in the kitchen while he's getting romans teether from the fridge.. and patton sees logan getting the teether and they dont say anything bc it would be disrespectful to romans wishes but they do share lil soft smiles
also !! 🥺 i kinda think roman might be comfy using it around jamal eventually.... because he knows jamal never sees him as a baby and jamal already told him it would be okay if roman used pacifiers, so roman figures using a teether is definitely okay. jamal has just managed to seriously break through romans barriers of shame and its so good for them
but even with logan or jamal if he uses it then he faces away from them or keeps the teether hidden behind his hand or in his sleeve while he uses it
but he does eventually in the future get to a point where he will be able to use it openly in fromt of all the family, just like imagine the teether hangin out his mouth while he colours a picture for nana and his feets kicking behidn him and a bit of drool drips onto the page from him chewing it HAJDJJSJSJS
pattons like "hes grown so much :')" and logan is like "yes he is far more emotionally mature now"
meanwhile janus is eyeballing the drool like "...... if you say so"
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@onehithero said: also we know theres at least some actual animals besides gadoll liek the scorpion n cows tht show up for a sec in ep 1 so tankers hav tht going for them re: food sources ..SORRY FOR RAMBLING SO MUCH deca dence essay got sleeper agent activated
onehithero said: i rly like what usaid abt kabu from natsumes pov too but i cannot form a half cohernet thought abt tht one
onehithero said: ALSO ALSO i think its interesting how the ep 8 conversation w minato is i think the only time kabu talks abt being jealous of humans being able to choose their own paths
onehithero said: also how minatos convinced hes like a good lil cog in the machine yet hes done 50 things tht wuld get him labeled as a bug but he just ignores all tht. the both of them can be so disconnected w reality
onehithero said: like minato didnt know abt 1)natsume 2) how the system has made kabu so severely depressed n he culdnt put up w it anymore.n minato continues pushing the just go along w the system shit he doesnt understand tht he was contributing to kabus misery.. n bc of tht kabu doesnt trust minato enough to tell him abt natsume for so long but then he goes n asks smth so big of him as go against the system
onehithero said: thinks abt how kabu n minato r obviously so important to each other but minato understands him less n less over time & kabu kinda already knew its risky to confide in minato like minato did know abt pipe which was a long time ago but he didnt know abt natsume til kabu was already sacrifing himself for her sake. n yet kabu then goes n tries to get him on his side anyway cuz he wants tht so badly..
onehithero said: OMG OMG CHEWS THESE WORDS SLOWLY N THROUGHLY SO DELICIOUS THANK U THANK U u get it u understand i love reading n writing essay lengh responses abt deca dence & again u just hit the nail on the head w this
Please let me know if this @ u 8 times and sorry if it did.  I will reply under this readmore but i love this enthusiasm! I like discussing this stuff so if u want keep it coming. I wanna understand deca dence better and i think i will by sharing ideas w other ppl. 
I think kabu and minatos relationship  is as good as it is because theres clearly a lot of mutual love and respect between them even when they don’t understand each other and thats why minato still runs after him when he hears kabu going suicide mission lets go baby. I think its interesting that minato was like ready to lie down and accept getting mass scrapped until he hears kabu go im about to be hilarious and hes like actually living and staying alive sounds great actually forget what i said about it being over.   you are so right about kabu and trust and natsume. I will always cherish episode 5 where kabu gives this big rousing speech about how natsume inspired him and saved his life and minatos there like ..who? ..what?? I think they may not be used to hiding things from each other. Also I think them drifting apart mirrors natsume and feis drifting apart tho I think while feis the instigator on that side kabus more on his side and minato like natsume is like wondering what in da world is going on. I think someone else wrote about this better than I can.
I do think minato does know kabus severely depressed because theres this line in ep 4 where he puts his hand on kabu and says like you’ve toiled enough at that awful job. and also in episode 11 when he and kabu talk and kabu says he was in a similar place as minato now in that he was waiting every day to be scrapped minato has no reaction until kabu says but that bug saved me. I think he knows kabus very depressed but he does not know how to address it cuz the system never gives either of them the tools or options for it. Though also I feel the system discourages meaningful relationships between the cyborgs so I think what minato and kabu have is likely pretty rare. Kabu donetello and turkey also fought together for a long time but turkey turns on donetello in a second even tho they fought together, he was his number two, and they were in prison together, and were pretty much all they got and donetello kills him in turn. I also think minato probably knew because he’s empathetic. Like I’m not sure about compassion but he’s very good at understanding where other ppl are and how to meet them in the middle so both parties get something they want. That’s how he got all the gamers to collect the old deca dence parts. Not by cashing in on ppl doing the right thing but by framing it as the final mission. He gets his lgbt community center coworkers for fight with him one last time by appealing to their sense of duty. He got the system to put kabu in jail instead of getting scrapped when Mikey got scrapped for a lesser offense. The list goes on. A tangent but I think the fact he acknowledges the living conditions of the humans are gonna get worse if nothing’s done even tho he’s apathetic at best towards them shows even when the system tries to mold the cyborgs into the roles it wants, sometimes the traits they have just keep on going despite themselves. I’m gonna stop myself before I go into jill and this theme but I’m gonna talk about it someday. So I think its more likely than not he knew but he didn’t know how to navigate around it also because it’s heavily implied he’s going thru the same thing and I think kabu might genuinely have no idea Bc kabu lacks empathy but his heart... is huge. When he hears minato express his feelings of not knowing what he wants he instantly tries to reach out and explain minatos not alone in what he feels. This is why they’re good foils. while kabu moves past where he was in the start where he states he does not intend to oppose the system and his compliance while also trying to do the bare minimum drives him to suicide, and finds the willpower and a reason to live and rebel against the system through his connection to other people (first natsume , he hangs out w kurenai sometimes too, and then with the jail robots). Meanwhile minato whos stuck in his literal ivory tower (it’s a Metaphor) never makes any of these connections. It’s the irony of kabu working at a armor repair job giving him some ability to connect w others vs minatos higher position isolating him from everyone else. I think kabu living amongst the ppl he harmed drove him to give up on life quicker, while minato being far apart shielded him from rlly having to see the effects of his actions I think he was headed a lil slower in the same direction. I think we’re led to believe minatos okay where he is but I think towards the end it’s clear minato has spent most of the series also in a bad place. I think he views things very similarly to kabu in that he wants to use what power he does have to protect the ppl he cares about similar to how initially kabu tried to just convince natsume to quit several times and he was like whatever at the rest of the humans who are natsumes comrades dying but he chooses to put it all on the line and try for some systemic change when he sees natsumes determination to fight. Also I think minato holds very little loyalty to the system cuz he doesn’t only like breaks 1000 rules for kabu (the hypocrisy) but he also looks the other way a lot. For example, when he overheard the top rankers talk about limiters he’s like I’ll pretend I don’t hear it also turn on private mode next time and he doesn’t berate them for considering cheating. Also donetello has been using an illegal avatar to climb to S rank again (isn’t it interesting that even after the ranked system is abolished something similar took its place). And his avatar looks the same as it did when minato worked with the guy. There’s probably like not that many ppl in s rank. And he calls himself donetello. Minato knows he’s supposed to be in jail but does he tell anyone? He’s like well.. that looks like someone else’s problem if they notice *goes and vapes* it’s so funny how little minato cares but it’s also not funny Bc some of minatos cruelest actions and things he’s complicit in are born not outta malice but apathy to everything. I think it shows (tangent number 4?) how the systems use of excessive force is counter productive cuz neither minato nor kabu are willing to report anything to disrupt the order Bc neither of them think the level of punishment is warranted. I also think that minato is probably the first person kabu really opens up to about why on a personal level he feels the system needs to be destroyed after Ep 7 is really interesting. It really speaks to how deep their [mutual and not platonic relationship I don’t know how to label ] is. I also think that he admits to minato that he envies human is rlly interesting and would like to hear what u have to think! I think it’s interesting that what really sets minato off is kabu saying he wants to choose for himself and also wants other cyborgs to have that freedom and I think it’s one of the few times we see minato get genuinely angry and have it not stem from worry. Tangent 5 I’m really extrapolating here but I think it’s very likely given how high up minato is that he likely knows of several cyborgs that rebelled against the system for similar reasons as kabu and knows how it ends and I think it probably feeds into his defeatist attitude. I think his role in the system must really kill whatever grasp of whatever minato has cuz he constantly has to act like it’s almost the end of the world and he’s strapped for resources all the time for like decades and decades of having to fake that type of desperation to entertain ur player base and cuz ur also on tv to entertain the general populace to distract them from their soul sucking jobs. I think that’s gotta mess with his perception of himself and also his ability to see that struggle as real and genuine. I think that’s also gotta be hard cuz he seems like out of his whole fuck we r under attack persona he seems like he’s a lil closed off but generally chill and somewhat upbeat to ppl who know him and he just wants to be isabella from animal crossing. I got really off track here. I think what really gets me is their relationship is built on knowing each other so well and so long , and how it’s managed to survive and persist through all this tragedy. They really mutually respect and love each other and that’s why kabu let’s minato walk away from his revolution even tho it compromises everything he works for. It’s why minato ultimently accepts kabus willingness to die for a tanker even tho he really doesn’t get it at all and it means it’s goodbye forever. But it’s still not enough to save either of them. Minato can’t save kabu from trying to passively starving himself to death and I’m not sure if kabu even knows where minato is at mentally. Sometimes no matter how close u are to someone there r things u miss and things u can’t help each other with. Even tho the two resolve to fight and then die together cuz this seems like the best choice Bc the system they were born into offers no alternatives, the deca dence doesn’t even activate without the help of other ppl. I think it shows one relationship cant support all that weight. In the end it is through their bonds with other ppl that gets them to an ending where they both survive when they decided alone their only option is death. Also u are so right about the other animals existing I totally forgot ty I cannot believe I forgot about the scorpion which calls to natsumes hairstyle which is a visual gag on how natsumes a bug and how like a scorpion, although unassuming, and fucking kill u, just like how her trying to get her boss to open up eventually leads to the whole thing toppling down. I also have a lot of thoughts about natsume but I’m still thinking of them and thinking hard Bc sometimes she becomes kabus inspiration Pinterest board and I don’t like that. When she shines she really shines but it starts getting sloppy towards the end so I have to think a lil longer about it. Okay I’m done. Also it’s kinda hard for me to look like I’m agreeing to ur points and nodding in this format but I really appreciate ur thoughts and will try to convey this. Maybe by formatting as a response to each of ur replies next time
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kimnjss · 4 years
for part 22 !! this is long im srry ahfduhdfu
“Now laying in his lap felt like a crime. As if you were stood in self-checkout, constantly glancing over your shoulder as you scanned an expensive pair of shoes as one of those 79 cent candy bars.”
said it a couple of times, i’ll say it again. the way you write is SOOOO SOOOO good. we can feel so much and see so much which are prolly like ,,,, the most important things in writing ?? also, poor y/n. POOR POOR Y/N . she cares so so so much for miju like bruh their friendship rlly b toxic like this huh :--(
“But you can’t shake the look on Miju’s face you conjured, watching the two of you with that pouty frown of hers, arms crossed over her chest.”
the fact that this whole girl bestie crush issue is sooooo shallow but bec miju has so much issues (she needs help), y/n finds the need to constantly feel guilty ??????????? i so so so feel bad. not @ me being a miju apologist before yIKES cant believe she made our girl try to drop out of ballet ????? fucking dumbass bitch im gonna slap her so strong
“As if he’d let it go. As if he’d pick up on the slightest abnormality in your mood and just let it slip. Let you drive yourself mad with your racing thoughts and not let him in, not let him take on some of the weight. As if.”
so this is where i started crying !!! i think it’s like the nature of people to just ,,,,, idk ask when they feel something’s wrong but they dont really care enough to actually CHECK up on you ??? if that makes sense ??? i’ve had my fair share of people doing this. they’d ask but then get sidetracked and forget you were someone to worry for. this is probably why this y/n and this jimin might be my favorite. they feel so real, the emotions are so raw. i’m rlly glad our girl has jimin by her side now. he’s exactly what she needs. not just as a lover but ,,,,, as a person. yknow ??? like someone to just ground her whenever she’s so high up her mind. someone to be with her as in WITH her. i love love love that.
“No idea what’s wrong with you, but safely relieved that it’s not him. That he could help you work through whatever it is.”
i hope u know my standards for ppl is so so so high bc of ur au-s i SWEAR to god where r the fellas like this huh ???? hUUUUH ?????
“’I don’t know… I just… keep thinking about Miju.’ Jimin lets out a scoff, rolling his eyes in a really exaggerated way.”
jimin, u, me, same
“You’re really thinking about a girl while I got my hand on your ass? Is there something I should know?”
“His face softens at the sound of your words, becoming serious for you.”
i nominate loy! jimin for best boyfriend PERIOD if he doesnt win, RIGGED
“That’s a terrible idea.” The door slams behind the new voice, your body instantly lunging from Jimin’s lap to the vacant space behind him”
like everyone else, i tot this was miju too HAUFHDIUHFUDHUF
and then we came to the part where jimin was having his crisis bc he wants The Sex but our baby is just not having it. i actually really like the way you portrayed it. whenever he’ll talk about wanting to fuck, he’d always say but he understands and he respects. that’s reality baby. he’s a man of honor but obv he has his ~hormones~ and i cANT STRESS ENOUGH how much i love you for writing that !!!!! they jus feel real ok like . how do u even do this ???? HOW IS YOUR MIND CAPABLE OF WRITING THINGS LIKE THIS YOU TALENTED TALENTED BABY
  // ok now that i just reread it, i jus found out that they talked abt the ballet thing in this chap LMAOOOOO i thought it was when they were in the dance room ajidjfijoifjafiodj //
“Can’t wait to fast forward past all this shit. Feel like I haven’t seen you smile in a while.”
cried to this too. like ,,, cried VERY HARD. i turned my phone off AHAHHAHAHA this is pAINFUL . y/n’s going through so much and i jus feel feel feel so bad (also hits close to home) . i feel like im always gon think of this line now whenever i feel a small inconvenience afiudhuihdui . CANT WAIT TO FAST FORWARD PAST ALL THIS SHIT . WANNA SEE MYSELF SMILE AGAIN
“Surprised that he even cared about the difference, but he did.”
when i read this, yes, i cried HARDER . we all need a loy jimin in our lives huh ?? . he's just ,,,, It. like It . jimin loy best boy !!!! also @ yn. DESERVE !! youve always been the older sis, the good good friend, with jimin, u can rest bby. u can lay low, u can do whatever u want :--( u deserve it
“Did you just call me your girlfriend?”
“No.” There’s an exaggerated roll of his eyes. “I’ve only been referring you like that in my head for the past month for fun,”
im having so much fun imagining a jimin in my life FOAHDSIFHIDSHOIFHIO ihy sm for making me realize how dry my love life is CAN I PLS LIVE IN THIS UNIVERSE N TRY TO FIT MYSELF IN BETWEEN THESE TWO AJAJAJAJA (no i wont yn deserves this but whatever mom i wANT HIM)
“I want you to be my girlfriend. So that I can be your boyfriend. And we can be boyfriend and girlfriend to each other, together.”
look at them go :--( cringey babies idk theyre so so so so so so so so nd i cant stress enough SO SO SO SO ADORABLE
“Go ahead. I’ll protect you.”
IM FUCKING SCREAMINGAHDHUFDHUSHIUHAFUIHDSFUI I LOVE HIM OKAY MUM I LOVE HIM CAN I PLS HAVE HIM WHERE DO I FIND (but also, IVE BEEN SAYING IT but like thank thank thank thank fuck they found each other. though y/n has kook, jimin is jus different ,,, i mean obv right but yes im just so so so so glad. y/n doesnt need to always be strong and dependent now. she can just be her and jimin loves that. SIGN ME UP UHUH UHUH
and then we have this whole talk with the moon and y/n quoting him back. i think loy yn and jimin best couple ????? I WILL FRAME THE WHOLE MOON TALK OKAY BYE ,,,,,,,, but fr thats so wholesome and i feel so honored i get to read this FOR FREE. it’s just soooo *insert that aww-ing emoji the one w big eyes* . i love them so much im willing to risk it ALL. theyre so so so so amazing. YOURE AMAZING. i LOVE IT.
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Do you have any fic recs for haikyuu and fruits basket? c:
ANON I GOT SO EXCITED WHEN I SAW THIS ASK I LOVE TALKING AB FICS BUT IM GONNA NEED U TO BE MORE SPECIFIC RE: HAIKYUU PLS there r so many pairings its hard to rec stuff unless i know what ur looking for.........i guess ill just rec a bunch of diff ones then !!! (disclaimer i am Bad at summaries- rambling ahead bc i cant control myself hxjsh)
i actually dont read too much fruba fic but these two r v good i love
must be love on the brain (that's got me feelin' this way)
💌 kyoru - 4.3k words | “Tohru has a secret admirer. Everyone reacts to it accordingly. Except Kyo.”
it has.......a rooftop scene......its got that good kyoru pining.....its so good ... (honestly this authors kyoru is just *chefs kiss* just go through their frba tag)
my heart on your sleeve
���� kyoru - 3.7k words | “In which stealing your boyfriend’s clothing is an art, and Tohru Honda has perfected it.”
,,,, post curse fluff.....established relationship kyoru ufhdhfgcg i die this is so cute and just....rlly good vibes
alrigjt OK so i have.........a lot of hq fic recs........ if u want like all of them here r my hq bookmarks u can sort through them theyre all gems but ill list like a few of my favs !! this is just going to b ship stuff bc i dont read too much gen <//3
• (mostly)canon compliant:
your wide eyes are the only light i know
🌱 bokuaka - 9.2k
kind of like...how their relationship develops over time., its a bunch of really soft moments i love it.. i cant do it justice in this description but its so so lovely...(this author writes the SOFTEST bokuakas i am in sha mble s... pls check out their fics)
From Tokyo and Osaka, With Love
🌻 bokuaka - 8.2k | akaashi and his birthdays from 17-21, or five years' worth of birthdays spent with bokuto
i,, adore ts bkak and this fic is SO HFJFJD i love it a lot ughhgdb its one of my fave timeskip fics !!def a comfort fic of mine <3 (this author also has a bunch of good stuff on their page !!)
you never have to wander, wonder
🍨 sunaosa - 23k | Between food sharing, intimate conversations, special smiles, and thousand-word pictures, this is how Suna tries to not deal with a crush.
honestly i am not even the biggest sunaosa stan but this fic is just so much fun !! i actually.. reread this one a lot FHDJ i have a few fics that i just tend to read when im sad & this is one of them ! its got summer vibes, v v good friendship dynamics + miya twin shenanigans,, even if ur neutral ab the pairing, this is just such an enjoyable read! (its also got fun socmed aspects.... internet famous miyas is always fun) (this authors fics also slap ahshdb honestly just check out the fics of anyone linked here)
all that you were
🍃 sakuatsu - 4.6k | Sakusa confesses to Atsumu with all the enthusiasm of someone reporting a traffic jam.
this!!! is the fic that got me into skts so itd b a disservice if i didnt rec it !! (yes...check out this author too.......their fics r always so good)
liminal spaces
🚪 sakuatsu - 26k | Fuck you, Atsumu thinks, pointing at the pixelated Sakusa in the team photo on his bedside table. It’s easier than you’d think to ignore loving your teammate.
this fic made me feel things and also its just v vibey. i dont rmbr too much but its like....rlly good hdhd
• aus/canon divergent:
the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle
🌿 iwaoi - 66.3k
alright if u like iwaoi & read fics for hq u have probably read this already but it doesnt hurt to throw it in bc this fic is an experience man its SO good. it hurts so much and so good and idk its just kind of iconic
famous angels (never come through england)
📸 sakuatsu - 10.4k | actor au!! its got fun socmed bits via like movie review articles & insta posts n the like its v fun !!! the character relationships r rlly good even aside from the main pair! this one ive been meaning to reread for a while now tbh
as blood returns and returns to the heart
⚔️ kuroken - 8.5k | royalty au by same author as above!! this fic,,, has almost all the things i love in a royalty au and it executes them all so so well... u have... king and loyal protector...pining....rlly fitting vibes,, ugh this fic is so great (check out this author too their fics r v good)
but not for spring to well up
🕰 sunaosa - 40.8k | After ending a relationship with a fiancé, Suna returns home and tries to heal from heartbreak. Here, he finds friends in the form of the Miya brothers, and learns patience, forgiveness, and what happiness means to him.
magical realism/antique shop au thats honestly just so thoroughly written it could b a story independent of these characters,, the miya twins r rlly good & the whole setting is such a vibe,, its def on the longer side but i enjoyed every bit of it!! all the magical lore was super cool n its just. so good man...
a certain slant of light
⛅️ bokuaka - 18.4k | akaashi is an author in need of help. bokuto is a witch who sells him a little light.
i actually just read this fic yesterday but i was rly going through it so i thought id include it fjfhg,, its a magic au still in a modern setting, (lowkey ghibli vibes honestly) and the slow build of akaashi dealing w his problems and growing more fond of these ppl he meets... its so lovely....u become so attached to the setting and characters and their relationships u rlly end up feeling right along w him........it has a happy end though dont worry i would never rec a fic that doesnt end happy mostly bc i myself cant handle it LOL. also the words r very pretty. thats def not the right way to describe it but im here to talk ab how it made me feel not talk abt word choice :’)
ok this was so so long im so sorry omg but i had a lot of fun putting this together & i absolutely have more where this came from if anyone wants FJDJHDJ
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one-abuse-survivor · 4 years
Tired is when you're sick of life, or feel weighed down by the stuff around you. Sleepy is when you want to go to bed. That's how me and my friend do it, anyhow. At this point, I'm fucking exhausted to the point where I feel too tired to let it out but im gonna anyways. There's bits in here that I can't tell my friend, or anyone, so i'm hoping bc this is anonymous i can let it out. Right, intro done lol. Onto the story. Last night, i have no idea what time, maybe five or six, (all i know is this
thing ended at 7pm), my mom storms out of the room and comes back holding a bottle of water and her bag. She proceeds to tell my dad she found the bottle at the bottom of my bed, (basically im not supposed to have anything at the bottom of my bead bc asian tradition believes that youre on top of it and thats dirty or whatever). Then she pulls out my school photo, puts it on the table and tells my dad to look at it. Starts ranting about how I never listen, i look horrible, worst photo i've ever taken. 
Basically, I go to a private school, and they think I should look good, and then they spent some time lecturing me about how i was supposed to look right when i was in the school, I look like a boy, i act like a boy, my hair's a mop, I look like a hooligan. Start talking about when i dress to go to school, how my shoes aren't polished and one of them has laces that show the white inner. How my hair's messy at the back, if i saw someone in jeans and someone in a suit in the street, who would i think was respectful? They told me they shouldn't have let me into the school, they loved me too much, that's why, they should have let me go to this public school that has a reputation for being a mess, that i belong there, waste of money, they regret letting me go here, thought i was a respectable girl. 
Dad asked me again, who wouldd i think was respectful, the jeans or the suit, and I told him I don't know. We'll get to that later, but at that moment he sneered and snorted and looked at my mom. 'says she doesnt know' he jeers. I'd meant it as in 'i have no idea, please help me'. He took it as 'she doesn't know, and doesn't give a fuck'. I don't know how to look proper. they never taught me. they tell me that something looks good so i wear it. mom still buys my clothes for me. I have no fucking clue what looks proper and what doesn't. 
Anyways, somehow they moved onto uni, and my current work, and how I pull all-nighters and how dad thought i was smart but nopw he has no hope, how he sees me get up in the morning and know i'm going to fail the assessment, how i get distracted, how i take too long to shower, how i never learn, how i never help them around the house, they do everything for me and if he was in my shoes then he would work until 'smoke came out' (vietnamese saying), how he would be so grateful but i'm not and they're going to leave me (which is a normal threat for them lol) and how they're going to die (another normal threat, dad has a lifelong illness and mom has been struggling with leukaemia for years) and they're not going to pay for uni if i get a stupid degree, only if i get a good degree like they want which will actually help me (law), if i want to become an engineer (something im considering) then i can pay for it myself, then again it's not like i'm even going to get into uni, when they look at me, they have to think of the girl i was when i was five because if they think about me now they feel sad, they won't look at me because I make them sad, they had so much hope for me, now down the drain, no, down to the sewers, look at my cousins going out, one of them had piercings and infections and almost got tattoos and is a nurse in a prison with a husband who stressed her out so much she passed out at work, do i want that, that's what i will get if i dont work, basd job, assisstants have to buy pads for their bosses, horrible child, this will end one of two ways, one i listen to them and come back years later to thank them or i'll look up at the stars and wish that i'd listened to them and they regret having me and caring for me, if only they'd been better parents, they'd been too lenient, but i don't care do i because if i cared it'd show in my working to please them and i haven't done that so that means i don;t care about them.
Dad told me it was too late to change, then switches to tell me it's not too late, they ramble on about my internet use, (i have to ask them for internet) and i'm not acutlalyu doping work on it, i'm just fucking around, they kjnow, they know, i can lie all i want nbut it's true. Horrible child, they'll die, they'll die, That's the end of the conversation, we're not going to talk about it anymore. No, stop talking. I'm going to tell you this until i die. I'm going to keep saying it, beccause it's better that i say it and you not listen than i dont say it and regret not saying it. (okay, i can;t currently remember anything else of what they said lol.). By the way, you wanna know abt
[asks didn’t arrive and I asked for the last bit again]
ok lets hope to god this sends then. i think i know where i was up to - 'do you want to know about what was wrong with the photo' i think was meant to be that. anyways, yeah. guess what was wrong with it. i had a fucking splinge. like my hair was parted and a bit of the part was split. that's all i can see that's wrong with it. maybe my hair looked oily? idk but that's all i noticed. also said something after that about do u remember when dad asked me abt who did i think looked better the suit.
also can i add something i just remembered which is that one of them put folders on my shelf and mom told me she knew i put them there to hide what i was looking at on my laptop from her when i??? didnt??? put them??? there??? in the first place???? (the layout of my room allows the folders to block the view of someone from the door basically) i put new folders there after i think my dad put them there but i didnt originally put them there??? sorry it was a full ask rant and i have no idea what the freak i typed and what i didnt lol. but u get the gist i think. big fat lecture.
i am tired. my eyes were puffy and there was like this pool of snot floating on top of this pool of tears if you did get the ask sorry u had to read that twice. :(. i mean even tho u didnt see it i was able to let it all out. not sure if it made me feel better about anything but being able to do it at all is rlly nice. Thank you for that.
No wonder you’re tired, nonnie... I’m really glad you could get all of this off your chest, and really sorry that you have to hear those awful things about yourself coming from your parents.
I’m a white European, so I don’t share many of your experiences and I don’t know how it is to live in a Vietnamese family, but I hope it’s okay to compare it a little bit with my experiences in my (very Christian) family--if not, you can absolutely skip the next paragraph! 
I have had a bunch of conversations with my therapist about traditions, religion, and misogyny, because since I cut my mother off, my grandfather has lectured me many times about how I am a bad daughter for looking out for myself and putting my life first instead of being devoted to my mother’s wants and needs. He told me that she’s sick and I’m horrible for not caring about that and abandoning her, and that if she doesn’t love me, I just have to work harder until I "crack her walls”. (As if I haven’t tried already, and as if she didn’t use her very mental illness as an excuse to abuse me). My therapist basically told me that sometimes, being the Disney villain in some people’s stories means you’re doing something right, because their vision of what’s right and what’s wrong (especially when it comes to daughters and women in general) is designed to hurt you, to make you put your family before yourself. That it’s never wrong to put yourself and your needs first, and that kids don’t owe their parents anything just because the parents brought them into this world--that was the parents’ choice, not the kid’s, and therefore it’s the parents’ responsibility to care for their kid, whoever that kid turns out to be; and not the kid’s responsibility to be the model child that the parents had in mind or to care for them.
Your parents belittling you for things you have little to no control over and accusing you of being responsible for their future deaths, for not knowing things that haven’t been explained to you, for not living up to their expectations without even giving you a chance to try, and for not “working for them as hard as they would in your place”, are all red flags of emotional abuse. Accusing you of things you don’t do and constantly drilling into your mind that they “know” you’re a horrible person who doesn’t want to learn or change is a red flag too, and probably an excuse to take the guilt off their shoulders for not taking the time to guide you in life and to explain anything to you before accusing you of not knowing it already. “It’s too late” puts the blame on you, but what it actually means is probably something along the lines of “It’s easier to scream at you than to put realistic expectations on you and then help you achieve them while respecting your boundaries and allowing you to make mistakes, but I don’t want to feel guilty about it, so let’s pretend you’re a lost cause, yeah?”
I used to go to a private school too, and my mother repeatedly told me that was the reason she struggled economically and that I had ruined her life. It wasn’t until I talked about it in therapy that I realised that I never had a choice in what school I went to. Same as I never had a choice in anything my mother decided for me. So how could I be to blame for the consequences of those decisions? And how can you? If they buy you certain clothes, then they have no right to criticise how you look in them. If they chose to put you in a private school, then the money spent is on them, not you. You shouldn’t have to “prove” you’re worth their decisions for you or their basic care for you--they chose to give you that unconditionally the moment they decided to have you in the first place, and if they refuse to give it or threaten to take it away, it’s becuase they’re neglectful and/or abusive, not because something intrinsic about you justifies it. You’re not a bad kid; you’re just a normal kid with very bad parents. And I’m really sorry that you have to put up with them. You deserve better 😔
I’m here if you need to vent again in the future, nonnie. Sending a virtual hug ❤
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everyone shut the fuck up and CONSIDER trans girl iida
she supposes she always knew unconsciously that there was something different about her but she never rlly put much thought into it until some ppl in the class come out as trans* (like aoyama’s genderfluid, tokoyami’s a demiboy, nd tsu and jirou are trans girls)
and as class rep, but also (and arguably more importantly) their friends, iida wants to make sure she can make them as comfortable as possible abt coming out so she does some research nd stuff. like she knew trans people existed and were valid nd such before but she wanted to get more than just the basic facts
and shes happy for her friends! shes glad they trusted their class enough to tell them, shes glad she can be there for them. but she also notices that she feels rlly...weird? and she keeps doing research just because.......its interesting. but she doesnt know why she finds it so interesting?? and she gets kinda insecure abt that
so she keeps diggin into it and reads posts that trans ppl have made abt their experiences and just classic shitposts nd all that. she thinks the community is great!! and also she finds some fresh wholesome memes to share w her friends so its all the better. right?
but eventually she finds a community of trans girls specifically and she just absolutely COMBS through that. reads every single post there that she can find. but coincidentally she also feels even more insecure now bc shes starting to unconsciously question her gender nd stuff and lets be real folks. an identity crisis is not fun
couple this with the fact that she doesnt experience the traditional dysphoria(tm) that other trans girls seem to universally share, iida gets rlly down abt it. nd it gets to the point she rlly raaaaags on herself for still lookin thro these posts nd stuff and still subtly questioning herself and shes just rlly unhappy at the time :[
nd she doesnt wanna like make tsu or jirou uncomfortable so she doesnt wanna ask them abt it but shes so confused nd frankly hurt and she doesnt know what going oooonnnn with herself
so shes just in this complete funk for a while nd it starts to affect her grades and performance in training. her friends know smths up but iida doesnt know how to even explain how shes feeling so its not necessarily that she doesnt WANT to go to her friends but she literally does not know how to. anyway eventually aizawa keeps her after class and is like “ok iida smths up im gonna call tensei if u dont talk to me”
iida feels absolute HORROR at the prospect of tensei somehow finding out abt this bc oh shit what if he doesnt want her carrying on the name of ingenium anymore??? what if he thinks shes a freak??? what if he thinks shes not really a girl and shes just faking it to be special?? what if- and oh shit thats the first time iida rlly consciously thought to herself “im a girl but what if others dont think i am?”
so she kinda bursts into tears and aizawa internally is like “oh jesus what the fuck” but externally hes like “iida?? r u ok?? was it something i said?? oh fuu- is something wrong with tensei??” and iida just kinda speaks thro her cries like “no nothings wrong with tensei something’s wrong with me” and ill be real folks its real sad girl hours for a bit
anyway iida doesnt rlly elaborate much beyond that bc shes so ashamed and embarrassed but aizawa is like “u’ve gotta talk to someone iida ur friends r worried and frankly i am as well” and iida eventually promises to talk to someone
soo she comes to terms that since she so confused it would be best to ask tsu and jirou abt it even if shes,,,,so v concerned,,,abt making them uncomfortable. but she manages to convince herself that she rlly does need some guidance here and better to ask ppl who know her than ask on the internet sooo
thankfully while iida is working up the courage to ask tsu and jirou to talk, she finds posts derailing terf and truscum shit so she feels. a lot lot better abt everything but particularly the lack of any intense dysphoria she had after reading stuff like that, esp the more verified(tm) articles from the more verified(tm) authors (like doctors and psychoneurologists and such)
so she figures out how she wants to word her questions nd asks tsu nd jirou to meet up. tsu nd jirou agree right away bc all of class 1-a is worried abt their class rep at this point :[ so theyre happy shes finally reaching out
iida is kinda a disaster when tryin to talk but she gets her point across. like “uhh this is a rlly bad way to ask but how did u guys know u were,,,trans?” nd tsu immediately catches on but jirou is only a lil suspicious until further into the conversation
anyway eventually jirou catches on the same as tsu and thats when tsu asks “iida do u think ur trans??”
nd iida is sooooooooo tired of feeling ashamed bc damn. she does think shes trans! she does. she shouldnt feel guilty for how she feels she cant help that. so after takin a moment to steel herself she says “yea” as confidently as one can in the situation
tsu nd jirou r immediately supportive nd ask iida for more details abt how shes feeling nd iida is just,,,so happy,, since shes already on an honesty streak that afternoon, shes able to roughly get her wack emotions into words nd tsu and jirou are like “yea thats valid ur valid iida. it doesnt matter if u dont have the trademark dysphoria or that u didnt know until later in life like ur still young. u say ur a girl, ur a girl” iida cries but only a bit bc damn months of agonizing over this. we stan one trans girl trio.........
anyway tsu and jirou ask her how she wants to move forward i.e. transitioning or telling anyone, and iida hadnt even considered transitioning before bc it felt so out of reach but shes absolutely ECSTATIC at the thought of bein able to look more feminine and it Shows. tsu and jirou r like “ok mood we were like that too right before startin estrogen”
so the first unofficial trans girl trio club meeting ends w tsu and jirou promising to help iida ask recovery girl abt hormones and iida sayin she doesnt want to come out just yet to the class/anyone else in general and tsu and jirou respectin that. i love them yall
anyway after a few months, iida is ready to try hormone treatment so tsu and jirou help her ask recovery girl for a meeting nd r moral support for her while they go thro the process of like figuring out what dosage she should start w/, how long should she take it, when a check up appointment should be, if recovery girl should tell iida’s parents yet or nah, all that stuff. anyway after that,  recovery girl gets her started on hormone treatment which iida is SUPER EXCITED abt and tsu and jirou tell her stories abt when they first started estrogen and AHHH I LOVE MY GIRLS SO MUCH FUCK
anyway eventually after some support from tsu and jirou via the unofficial trans girl club meetings and getting back on her feet confidence-wise, iida comes out to the class :,,,]]] theyre all super supportive and iida cries just a bit. tsu and jirou r so proud of her. aizawa is just glad his problem child #9 is feeling better
ashido and yaoyorozu get together and take iida shopping so she can have more feminine clothes which iida has a lot of fun w......shes never been necessarily big on shopping before (even if she is a part of the rich kid’s club lmao) but this trip is so EXCITING and ashido and momo r so happy for her and so ESCATIC to help her find some clothes and just oh my heart.......
the girls also have a sleepover during which they indoctrinate iida on all things traditionally feminine like makeup nd hair so that she knows the basics should she ever wanna mess arnd with that stuff. but also they just have fun doin normal things and just include iida in on being one of the gals nd iida is,,,so happy. tsu and jirou in particular r arnd her the whole night and wow my uwus they own them the unofficial trans girl club owns my uwus-
anyway so coming out and being accepted and transitioning is going so much better than iida thought it would be. she feels so safe and happy im crying.....anyway eventually some time later iida also gets permission to visit her family during a long weekend/short holiday w/e. nd while there she shakily but steadily comes out to her fam ofc her parents r so proud (her mom’s like ‘’ive always wanted a daughter yes!!! ily tenya’’) and tensei loves her all the same nd she cries a lil bit bc damn,,,,,,shes been fearing the exact opposite reaction for months
specifically she talks to tensei abt it for a little while and mentions her particular fears abt not being good enough to carry on the name “ingenium” nd he smiles at her nd is like “i would rather no one else but my little sister to carry on the name of ingenium” and bruh shes absolutely floored
nd yea. midoriya and uraraka absolutely love love love iida shes still their absolute fav. she joins the unofficial class 1-a trans* club as well as accidentally forms the unofficial class 1-a trans girl club. we love her,,,,
but yeah thats it. this post is so fucking long but oh well. stan iida!
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honeyfreckled · 5 years
we have talked a few times and im sorry for this but you are the most accepting and easiest person to talk to honestly i dont have many people in my life i can tell anything real to. but the thing is ive been thinging about relapsing a lot more since i broke up with my boyfriend and i work with him so it makes work depressing and impossible to get through a day without crying sorry this is anon but i am scared ily dont hate me i am not trying to stress you out
ok wow first lemme just say: I DO NOT HATE U. EVER. 
and don’t be srry i don’t have a lotta ppl irl i can tell my shit to so i get it. pls know u can always ALWAYS ALWAYS come to me, and u dont gotta be scared to come off anon. i get it and it’s ok if u prefer it that way- but pls know i dont keep it on alot bc i get hate and then i turn it off bc i gotta look out for myself and dont post all the hate bc i dont wanna bring yall down or give them the satisfaction of knowing i have given it a read and response. so u can message me or make a sideblog or idk im just saying this so if it’s off later u dont blame yrself or feel scared to come off anon. ok sorelapse is a real thing and it’s fucked and hard and addiction is fucked up and a real life struggle and we dont treat addicts w the real tenderness, respect, kindness, and acceptance they deserve. but u DO deserve it. and there are hotlines, apps, churches, groups, chatrooms/boards, and sites that are more versed in what are the appropriate things to say to u- i say this bc while i’ve been thru it w loved ones i have not myself struggled w addiction w substances. my addictions were to self harm and victimhood so those are the things i searched for help on. but if it’s alright i’d like to give u some tips or things i used and have heard work for addicts of substances
places like i said like churches, groups, chatrooms, sites, apps, hotlines the apps and hotlines are good if u cant travel or want to talk to ppl who wont share their story bc maybe u cant hear it like its not the kinda help ur looking for. hotlines are sometimes tricky bc some of those folks are not educated they are volunteers so judgment leaks thru and in that case u ask to be redirected and report that volunteer so hopefully they dont repeat that kinda mess to other vulnerable folks looking for help
make a list of things, anything. list of foods u like to order, list of things that make u clench yr teeth, what were yr fave gifts you’ve ever got, style icons of urs, hobbies u tried that annoyed u, movies u can always watch, places on yr skin u hate being touched, any list of anything it doesnt have to be the usual thing of “what to live for” bc when yr depressed those kinds of things arent easy to think of. but if u get a list going of like “best things ive ever touched” “sounds that make me laugh” “trends that were stupid af” “popular things that i didnt like n couldnt figure out why they were popular” “weirdest ppl ive met” well those things might get u on a roll of good memories or laughing or seeing that theres more to yr life than what has been occupying yr thoughts
dancing. dance in yr room in the dark. clear some space. put on some headphones. lock yr door. do it in the shower. just dance. i had to start w closing my eyes and picking songs that i was taken by emotionally. songs that made me jump and slamdance tbh and then it’s just gotten more and more something im not as ashamed w. i spent a date night w james just dancing and then we ya know ya know bc the dancing got so wild. now i make playlists of songs that set moods for diff kinds of dancing
watch shows w ppl who arent doing better than u. they dont live in fancy places, they dont do much w their lives, they dont dress better than u, they struggle, they arent eating good food u dont have access to. iasip. freaks and geeks. letterkenny. undeclared. jake and amir. tpb. the state. youtube. tiktok/vine comps. lots of these kinds of vibes on youtube
podcasts. improv comedy podcasts tbh saved my life. comedy bang! bang! has best of’s those are good ones to start w. improv4humans bc matt besser has great guests of some of the best improvisers out there and he has musical guests and they’ll play a song and the improvisers will use it as inspo for a scene
make things. moodboards. pinterest. playlists. fill a shopping cart and tell yrself “i’ll get it when i win the lotto and move away from anyone who knows me so i can be the me i wanna be w/out judgement” make tea. make a meal if u can. make yr bed. clean one thing. clean the sink. hang some clothes or go thru yr drawers and clean them out. throwing things out feels hard at first but then it’s nice bc u feel less bogged down
find something to throw yr obsession at for a bit. something that wont hurt u as bad, being obsessed in general isnt good. everything in moderation irl. too much of something is bad just as much as too less of it can be bad. but yr looking for something lower risk here and if u gotta be obsessed w a celeb or a song or a food that’s ok. yr focusing the energy on something that isnt a substance so be proud of it
give yrself a break. give yrself some credit. everyday isnt gonna be on the “best of your name here’s days” but sometimes u just live to live bc that’s what u do. u wait it out and get thru it and wait for the sun to come back out. and if u cant get outta bed. or if you hate yr job and wanna scream- that’s normal it’s more normal than always being happy ppl just dont like talking abt bc society kinda trains us to hide our fucked upness idk why but thats how it is. they dont wanna tell us to do preventative care until we’re in the pits
all in all- it comes down to (at least for me) not planning w an endgoal in mind. it’s not over til it’s over and rlly we dont know. it’s all fluctuating and not meant to be a finish line we cross and then suddenly we’re done and we dont suffer anymore and the feeling of shit is gone or the risk of relapse is gone and the depression is cleared away never to be seen again. it’s not realistic. bc it isnt real. on the real- risk is always there and the downs and ups mix and run together and depression is not curable (this isnt something to be miserable over tho) depression isnt curable, yeah ok, but it is manageable. it can be quieted down from time to time and if u keep up w yr healthy routines and coping mechanisms- depression will still find its way to u bc the real world is not something u can manage. death in the family, loss of money or job, car breaking down, sickness outta nowhere, depression grows wild when these very real life stressors come into our lives. but all that too eventually gets easier and easier at least from a “ok i have some distance now” standpoint. and then as those days get more and more btwn it u can then be like “oh wow, ive made it thru X amount of days! ive put up w it this long! whats one more day, whats one more week, hell might as well see how much prouder i can feel once ive got a year under my belt!” plus u will be more capable of handling the bullshit if u know u can still find some safe places in yr coping skills or friends or resources.
ok so this is prob a mess but bottomline know this:
I love  you and i will be here the best i can should u ever wanna come spill or if u need me to just send u pics of my dog or boring pics of knickknacks or selfies or memes or links or anything just tell me what u need and i will try my best to show u my love. i hope u can see that u reaching out is just already a HUGE major step in the right direction, give yrself credit! thats amazing! yr already doing it pumpkin look at u! it’s hard ik. but i also know if u are capable of saying u have this problem going on, u are capable of getting thru this. u are a light in the world. u offer goodness and u offer yrself and that’s enough. even if yr fucked up right now- u are contributing to the world by simply being u. there is literally NO ONE ELSE WHO IS YOU. so u are unique by definition. i hope u get something from this post and if not i hope it strikes an idea or thing u can do that will help. i hope u know im here and i hope u see this.
i am sending u all my light and love and good vibes and i can’t wait to see or hear from u again. u are never bothering me, a burden, or stressing me out. tbh it stresses me more that u might be struggling and not telling me or anyone. i dont ever want u to suffer in silence bc u feel guilt or scared or anything. u deserve to have a place to voice yr shit. im here to listen if u do wanna tell me anymore.
everyone else-if this helped or if u can think of anything that might help anon or anyone else- feel free to reblog and get some good NONJUDGMENTAL advice or tips and tricks going, but please please please remember to not come off as judgey or flood it with your drama. keep ur drama out of this post so anon or anyone else doesn’t get triggered by it. 
and dont ignore my rule and do it anyway and then say some shit like “ik u said not to but i think this will help lol sorry” like we need this post to stay on this vibe that i set in motion and not a struggle contest or dick measuring or all sad personal reminiscing. go make yr own post for that this is NOT the space.
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megatraven · 5 years
Just got thro blockint some aphobes, so any AlyA-CEsaire or Maronette headcanons?
oh man rip sorry u had to do that at all, ppl suck :(
i feel like it’d probably take marinette a long time to figure out she’s aro, but when she does figure it out, she’s so happy that there’s a term for it, and that there are people like her, and especially that there are people like her in happy relationships (ESPECIALLY QPRS!!)
she’d make so much aro and ace merch for her and alya- and when she realizes alix may also identify as one/both of those, she’d highkey make her some too
as ladybug, she’d build up the confidence to tell chat noir, a little nervous abt what he might think (because he loves her and she doesnt want to hurt him, not bc she thinks he’d ever be cruel about it) but he accepts it really quickly and gives her a hug and its rlly sweet
she doesn’t try to hide the fact that she’s aro ever, because she has no shame in it and knows her environment is pretty supportive (to the point that she knows not even chloe would say something mean abt it)
and for alya, prepare for some headcanons that stem (mostly) from my own projecting LOL sorry in advance but also im not sorry at all
alya had never been super invested in her own love life, in fact, she never Really thought about it until around highschool/college, and even then she couldnt picture herself doing things like kissing
romance was fine, although that took her awhile to warm up to, and she liked being close with other people, liked all the physical contact
but anytime someone brought up sex, or there was a sex scene in a movie, or the book she was reading, or her comics... she just didn’t understand the appeal.
it kind of grossed her out for a long time, to the point where she would skip past sex scenes or tune out talking about them. eventually, she moved past her distaste for the most part- that being, she still didnt want to think about it in regards to herself
she’d probably read about some queer identity online, wwhere she’d spend a lot of her time. that would start her on a rabbithole of  discovering and learning about a lot of different sexualities and romantics. and while she’s searching and learning and taking it all in-
she discovers asexual
she reads the definition for the first time, and she knows. it was always her normal, it was how she’s always been- there just hadn’t been a name for it until then.
she would be so ecstatic, she’d probably share the knowledge with her friends right away
she’d probably look up the flag and immediately she’d be like “OH i have a shirt thats all the colors of it!!” and she’d start seeing ace colors everywhere, each time sparking a little giddiness from her
she gets heavy into the cake v dragon stuff, and finds it so fun and silly and jsut. really enjoys it all.
she’s out and proud and owns it like it’s always been hers (bc it has)
and the puns????
oh god her and marinette BOTH would be pun city w/ the aro and ace puns god. adrien and nino would definitely join in too and it’d be incredible
also honestly alya would like
buy those buttons and stuff that r like “monster fucker” or “robot fucker” or what have you and wear them and think it so funny bc she’s not actually interested in that
both of them would be big activists, especially so in their hero forms- the anonymity given to them alongside the platform they have would be so important in supporting aros, aces, and aroaces (And, of course, other queer identities)
ANWYAYS sorry those arent like actually a lot of headcanons but thats all i got rn other than the fact both would really love Brave bc merida,,, is totally  an arrow ace,,,
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