#so you get incomprehensible rambling from me!!!!
pink-november · 4 months
Hey Pink, random ask incoming.
If you got to pick the themes for one new princess in StP what would you choose?
I'm a simple guy you see. If I want to see a new theme for one new princess, then it'll probably be something related to divinity and dreams.
So for this particular ask, I think I can only explain this by making up a fan route to explore the themes I wanna see. So I'm sharing the silly thing I wrote in the server and actually taking it seriously.
So for our hypothetical Chapter 1, we as the player needs to be convinced that we've been traveling for a long way now. We're tired from the journey and we get real irritated with The Narrator's insistence of slaying the Princess. We don't take the blade when going to the basement and meeting the Princess and after some usual dialogue, we choose to rest our eyes and clear our mind. Hero explains this is to help make a more informed decision since The Narrator is grating our ears off and the Princess is getting antsy at us for delaying her freedom. Of course, none of this happens and we actually fall asleep. We don't wake up and the world ends.
Our Chapter 2 here is called The Lantern and we wake up with The Narrator's usual spiel. Engaging in any dialogue options pertaining to us looping will have Hero says his usual line and we get our new voice: Voice of the Somnolent. He yawns first as a response and proceed not to say anything useful and will snore very loudly. We proceed to the cabin and it'll look like something the Specter's, but more homely and warm, and the Nightmare's, the door to the basement absent. The entire place is dark and quiet, the only light to see is a floating red wisp at the center of the entrance to the basement.
Hero immediately comments how ominous that is and Somnolent becomes aware enough to show his intrigue with the wisp and encourages us to follow it when it flickers away and sways side to side. He won't make a comment if we interact with the mirror and doesn't care whether we take the blade or not.
We take the blade cuz Hero becomes real uneasy about the entire thing, with The Narrator hurrying us up to do our job. The wisp of light guides our way down to the basement. Down there, we don't actually see The Lantern as she is shrouded in shadows and also because we become entranced with the lantern she holds in one hand. Her voice, soft with something akin to chiming of bells laying over it, regards us with curiosity and teases us for sleepwalking.
The entire conversation with The Lantern will consist of confusing and cryptic dialogue, which Hero and The Narrator will respond to with befuddled comments. Only Somnolent understands what the heck is happening but even he starts to literally become unintelligible to us. The Narrator concludes then that this might be our second loop which Hero reluctantly agrees to but is hesitant in accepting because they just fell asleep, right? Did the Princess kill them last time? Somnolent dismisses the idea and suggests we go closer to The Lantern because She's our calling.
Since we got the blade, we can either stab her or destroy the lantern she's holding. If we don't get the blade, we only get the option to destroy the lantern. Either outcome will result to Chapter 3: The Illusion with Voice of the Skeptic or Voice of the Contrarian joining us.
Or we do as Somnolent says and come close to The Lantern. Once we do, the cabin will shake and we hear the sound of glass cracking. Hero will panic, saying that he feels something twisting before getting abruptly cut off. The Narrator will also panic before Somnolent makes an elated comment on how we're finally waking up before both of them gets silenced. The Lantern will then be taken by The Shifting Mound and when we go see the mirror in The Long Quiet we see it cracked along the edges.
So what the heck happened? Oh we just actually accidentally almost woke up to our godly form. Purely headcanon stuff but it does have some basis.
I always find it fascinating how The Long Quiet/Slayer is in relation to sleep. Here's some dialogue on the game that pertains to it.
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Yeah. Totally not fixated on these.
So this fan route is about enlightenment, the discovery of one's self, the actualization of one's potential, that triggers a premature awakening that threatens the Construct's foundation. Through sleeping during Chapter 1, we get to see Her in Her incomplete glory and through witnessing Her as simply the solitary lights in an empty city, we have created The Lantern, like dragging the image of Her down to Chapter 2.
You could say this is love. That through the glimpses we see of Her in the spaces She's in-between, we become enamored. But the love between two gods of concepts is such a particular thing. This love that is all-encompassing (or is it all-consuming) that it forces The Long Quiet and The Shifting Mound to know themselves far too early in the game. It's like if you think love can save you, show you the truth and your purpose, but you aren't ready for it yet that it instead destroys and hurts you. Love that is so divine and unknowable that when acknowledged through the eyes of a mortal will inevitably break them. Solitary lights forced to collapse beneath the gaze of The Long Quiet in an attempt to become a star. It cannot handle it. Not yet. Not now. Emptiness that is supposed to be slumbering being forced to acknowledge its hibernation will thrash violently in its rest but it cannot know itself yet, not unless it wishes to destroy both of Them.
Sooooo, anyways, thanks for the ask bestie <333
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l48yr1nth · 2 months
Hi. Just wanted to say I really like your art. The way you use shapes is truly amazing and I love every art piece that comes up on my dash. :).
thank you and i love you and ur awesome and . i love you. :) :) :3
#labyanswering#incoming. incomprehensible ramblings#i seriously cannot say enough how much this rocks to read#i teared up a bit. maybe a sniffle#but i didn't tell you that#you. grab my heart and squeezed it a little#had to sit and take a breath for a second after reading and processing this ask#GRABS YOU#SHAKES YOU VIOLENTLY#DONT BE SO SWEET IN MY INBOX ! IM SHORT CIRCUITING AND OVERHEATING AND MALFUNCTIONING!!!#kisses u gently on the head /p#u are too sweet to me.#im going to. EXPLODE. ALL OVER. EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!#if you ever talk to me again i will GET YOU#very very happy. veryVERY. happy.#have not been having the greatest of times (relatively) lately. u are why i keep going#i have like been struggling to keep up with my own blog lately and like. tears up a little.#i don't do art for validation but i'm NOT the social-est person so uploading and interacting is a bit of a difference from my usual self;;#and hearing that like. u guys like my stuff so much is my main (like 99%) motivation for continuing to draw and post#also this community rocks! i've made so many friends with similar interests!! I GET TO KNOW SO MANY AWESOME FUCKING ARTISTS!!#PEOPLE I FOR REAL LOOK UP TO IN TERMS OF ART TALK AND DRAW WITH ME!!#AND PEOPLE MIGHT LOOK UP TO ME AS WELL!#AND PEOPLE LIKE WHAT I MAKE!#AND I CAN SEE SO MANY THINGS OTHER PEOPLE MAKE!#THAT I LIKE SO MUCH!#im rambling so hard im sorry#but like i can't put it into words#properly at least#i may not know exactly who you are but i need you to know that i think ur awesome! u rock!#ok im up an hour past when i usually go to bed i have to GO. BYE.
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canisonicscrewyou · 1 year
she’s insane she’s a wet cat of a human being she’s got daddy and mommy issues up to here she’s pathetic she’s everything she’s a breakthrough case she’s in hiding she’s forever mourning she’s a mom she’s got trauma she doesn’t even know how to find a therapist for she loves her friends and she secretly loves attention and if one things for certain she’s never stepping foot inside of the TARDIS ever again (a lie)
#rehashing a cringey self insert OC from 2014 but making her cringe in all new ways#unsure if I’m ever going to properly write anything w her again (to share w anyone at least bc a bitch has been writing)#but at the very least it’s been fun rehashing this OC. Molly Archer you were never stable enough to be a normal companion <33#but yet you keep getting dragged back in#she does eventually get a therapist for the Issues arising from the Everything (not related to why she had one before of course)#she just finds a fantastical allegory to let her therapist wrap their head around a fantastical situation#that eventually ends with ‘yeah so I think one of my soulmates died but immediately came back as a close friend who rightfully#denied my (obviously unrequited) feelings. we had a kid. she’s kind of fucked up medically because of it. he found out and tried to hate me#about it. life moves on I guess lmao lmao’#it’s also okay bc her kid grows up fine-ish and then gets dragged into her own alien fuckshit for being A Special I guess#do adore that her kid is like a Top Ten Doctor Hater. not an enemy she just hates his guts and mostly grew out of it after her teenage years#passed#is anyone still reading this bc it’s half incomprehensible#if I write anything it’s going to be so self indulgent#but for now I just have. playlists.#if you read all or most of the tags you’re so so strong. and also should hit me up(earnest) if you want to listen to me ramble more about#this. brainworms in my head
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true-blue-sonic · 7 months
actually on the topic of nightmares!!! i wonder if anyone in the cast has had nightmares related to the phantom ruby. that war lasted like six months after all!
Heh, I personally do feel that making the war last literally half a year was just far too long. It's quite a significant chunk of time for many characters... yet absolutely nobody is affected by it. Not physically, not mentally, not emotionally. And of course I understand this is a Sonic game and they're not gonna shown everyone gravely injured and with PTSD, but with six months I truly would have expected some consequences on the cast. If it had only been one or two months or so, it would have been easier for me to suspend my disbelief on this topic, I feel.
Regardless, to answer your question, it does make sense to me that characters would indeed have nightmares. Infinite killed like four or five people right in front of the Avatar, Eggman's Death Egg is filled with captured people and he is heavily implied to have murdered captives, Tails saw Sonic "die" before his eyes(?), the Resistance at the end of those six months was reduced to almost nothing... and then lost 80% of their forces in Operation Big Wave on top. And then they all nearly got scorched alive in the fake fun. It gives enough grounds for nightmares, also considering how absolutely insane Infinite's power is with the Ruby. So I would not be surprised if the cast is in some way affected by it and needs time to mentally recover from the events of the game; it's just not shown or indicated to us, basically.
#I have somewhat conflicted feelings on Forces#on the one hand I do quite like the game and gameplay and I love Infinite as a villain and I don't hate the plot at all#but on the other hand... I do feel that the execution is lacking‚ so to say#they wanted it to be very grandiose but couldn't deliver there because that is not how Sonic games really *work*‚ perchance?#in the games characters 99% of the time are not affected by what happens to them and especially not on a longer time span#but with a *six month* war it feels *impossible* to me that they are not affected by their circumstances#so then the entire world gets basically destroyed/terraformed towards Eggman's interests... and yet it will never show up again#and everyone honestly just shrugs it off like it never even happened#it's definitely a strength of Sonic characters that they *can* do that and I find it inspiring#and my disbelief luckily does not take away from my enjoyment of the game#but... yeah‚ haha. It's a situation where they could not have won anyway: the earlier plot drafts are glued together by narm galore instead#and those definitely tried to be more serious about it all#hmm... it makes me wonder how 'far you can go' to make an epic story wherein you still can expect the cast to not be affected so much#but I would say Sonic being captured for 6 months while Eggman destroys the planet and murders/captures the populace throughout is too far-#-considering the complete lack of engagement with those rather heavy/serious points and the timespan they took place in#but regardless this is a very incomprehensible ramble about my thoughts on Forces haha
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lestatlioncunt · 2 years
i was tagged by @indorilnerevarine​ @nuclearstorms​ @liurnia​ @morvaris​ and @swordcoasts​ thank you so much beloveds, ily!!!
tagging: i feel like this already made the rounds so i’m tagging whoever wants to do this <3
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NO. OF SPOKEN LANGUAGES >> 1 / 2 / 3+ (english, french, spanish, sign language + can understand a bit of italian since she can speak spanish)
TONE OF VOICE >> high / average / deep
ACCENT >> yes / no
DEMEANOR >> confident / shy / approachable / hostile / other (polite, stoic)
POSTURE >> slumped / straight / stiff / relaxed
head tilting / swaying / fidgeting / stuttering / gesturing / arm crossing / strokes chin / er, um, or other interjections / plays with hair or clothing / hands at hips / inconsistent eye contact / maintains eye contact / frequent pausing / stands close / stands at a distance
VOCABULARY >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️
EMOTION >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️
FREQUENCY >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️
CREATIVITY (in regards to profanity) >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️
arse / ass / asshole / bastard / bitch / bloody / bugger / bollocks / chicken shit / crap / cunt / dick / frick / fuck / horseshit / motherfucker / piss / prick / pussy / screw / shit / shitass / son of a bitch / twat / wanker
straightforward or cryptic? / finding the right word or using the first word that comes to mind? / masculinity, neutrality, or femininity? / formalities or with abrasiveness? / praise or equivocation? / frankness or lies? / excessive or minimal hand gestures? / name-calling or magnanimity? / friendly or blunt?
DOES YOUR CHARACTER’S POINT COME ACROSS EASILY WHEN THEY SPEAK? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER INITIATE CONVERSATIONS? almost always / frequently / sometimes / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER BE THE ONE TO END CONVERSATIONS? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER USE ‘WHOM’ IN A SENTENCE? yes / no / only ironically
YOUR CHARACTER WANTS TO MAKE A COUNTERPOINT. WHAT WORD DO THEY USE? but / though / although / however / perhaps / maybe
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER END CONVERSATIONS? walk away / ask if that’s everything / say that’s everything / give a proper goodbye / tell their company they're done here / remain quiet / they don’t
IN WHAT WAYS DOES THE WAY YOUR CHARACTER SPEAK STAND OUT TO OTHERS? accent / vocabulary / tone / level / politeness / brusqueness / it doesn’t
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NO. OF SPOKEN LANGUAGES >> 1 / 2 / 3+ (italian as mother tongue, english + can understand spanish and even say a few lines)
TONE OF VOICE >> high / average / deep
ACCENT >> yes / no
DEMEANOR >> confident / shy / approachable / hostile / other (polite, stoic) + way too smug for his own good
POSTURE >> slumped / straight / stiff / relaxed
head tilting / swaying / fidgeting / stuttering / gesturing / arm crossing / strokes chin / er, um, or other interjections / plays with hair or clothing / hands at hips / inconsistent eye contact / maintains eye contact / frequent pausing / stands close / stands at a distance
VOCABULARY >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️
EMOTION >> ⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️⚪️
FREQUENCY >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️
CREATIVITY (in regards to profanity) >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️
arse / ass / asshole / bastard / bitch / bloody / bugger / bollocks / chicken shit / crap / cunt / dick / frick / fuck / horseshit / motherfucker / piss / prick / pussy / screw / shit / shitass / son of a bitch / twat / wanker
straightforward or cryptic? / finding the right word (just to say something wrong to piss off someone lmao) or using the first word that comes to mind? / masculinity, neutrality, or femininity? / formalities or with abrasiveness? / praise or equivocation? / frankness or lies? / excessive or minimal hand gestures? / name-calling or magnanimity? / friendly or blunt?
DO PEOPLE HAVE A HARD TIME HEARING OR UNDERSTANDING YOUR CHARACTER? almost always / frequently (sometimes he expresses himself with italian sayings translated in english that...ofc don’t make much sense to anyone that doesn’t know about them) / rarely / never
DOES YOUR CHARACTER’S POINT COME ACROSS EASILY WHEN THEY SPEAK? almost always / frequently (but with same problem as above sometimes) / sometimes / rarely / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER INITIATE CONVERSATIONS? almost always / frequently / sometimes / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER BE THE ONE TO END CONVERSATIONS? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER USE ‘WHOM’ IN A SENTENCE? yes / no / only ironically
YOUR CHARACTER WANTS TO MAKE A COUNTERPOINT. WHAT WORD DO THEY USE? but / though / although / however / perhaps / maybe
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER END CONVERSATIONS? walk away / ask if that’s everything / say that’s everything / give a proper goodbye / tell their company they're done here / remain quiet / they don’t
IN WHAT WAYS DOES THE WAY YOUR CHARACTER SPEAK STAND OUT TO OTHERS? accent / vocabulary / tone / level / politeness / brusqueness / it doesn’t + rudeness sometimes
#tag games#i remember doing smth like this for violante and moira once so now it's the besties turn <33#sorry i rambled a lot in tags so jfsjdk be ready#fenix's speech patterns are so important to me...making him speak and be incomprehensible is everything to me.#the thing about his vocabulary is that basically he doesn't show it but he has a wide knowledge + his vocabulary in italian is far more#impressive than in english but he knows. he just knows. about the emotion jfhsdjk i said this once but he can sound quite lethargic when#he speaks. to show he doesn't care + english doesn't let him go off on the emotion side + he can get quite lively on some occasions when#he's excited about smth. about his general bastardness: it's fenix. it's him u know how it is#for vesper: well in general it kind of depends she can be friendly but still look a bit hostile. she has a bit of a >:c face even when she#doesn't mean (i love her) and in general doesn't trust easily strangers so unless you're her friend already she will sound kind of..mean#but she speaks a lot from emotion. rage annoyance joy ecc ecc it shows. it just shows i love her madly you all can't imagine#and she swears a lot bc my beloved you are allowed to. if someone goes u shouldn't swear that much you're a woman she would simply kill them#also about the languages: spanish and italian sound very close so it's easy for them to catch on some words and phrases (as an italian: i#can understand some spanish fjkds) plus they teach each other words and things in those languages a lot <33 fenix hates french tho#and can't understand it for shit. he's not going to admit it but he finds it quite hot when ves speaks french :) me too king#i love making those kind of things because it shows me how similar these two are even if they feel so different idk how to explain myself#or maybe it's just each other's influence u know..this makes me sob and cry. lovers/friends influencing the other behaviour so they sound#and act like each other my beloved#I'LL SHUT UP NOW SORRY#oc: fenix#oc: vesper
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newtness532 · 2 years
you guys are so sweet and i love you and im very happy ive met you
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ojog-urotas · 2 months
I know Gojo be the type to ask if he can touch a black person afro. He the type to say "my chocolate queen/king".
And he's the type to get called out every time and apologise in shame.
It reminded me of so many interactions I've had, and while he apologised, It can be so tiring, having to "educate" people when the internet is sooooo free.
But again he apologised, because most people when called out avoid you or behave like you are the problem.
this is also fucking real and pretend i'm fistbanging on the table about it.
for Satoru it's incredibly hit or miss because i can see the fandom either taking this and making this a repetitive thing (derogatory emphasis on this character flaw) or, alternatively, i can see others making him actually work on it.
it is exhausting educating people when it's consistent, the internet is so fucking free. i hope people take him and make him ask respectful questions on reddit (yikes) or something. (among personal headcanons i like to think he asks a shit ton of questions [online, or is just looking for the answers in a deep dive] after he's told off or exposed to something new.)
regardless. yeah. sorry i got off track there. i hear you op i do think he'd do that shit too whether he means well, intends on it, or doesn't. JJK fans who are poc you have my well wishes in this shit show.
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puppys-rhythm-heaven · 8 months
young love rock 'n' roll's funny to me tbh. i can't understand a lot of the words but it sure does bop-
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fanficsat12am · 1 year
how the brothers react to you listening after they were interrupted I Lucifer & Mammon
📜 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃!! 📜 Buy me a coffee? Leviathan, Satan & Asmodeus
He was a demon whose presence alone can catch a whole room’s attention. You can easily spot it from how he displayed himself—an epitome of perfection.
But alas, it wasn't always as easy to be heard when it came to his brothers. It seemed as if the only time they'd actually do so was when it felt like the whole Devildom could hear his booming voice. But who can blame them, there are 7 of them living under one roof after all. 
It was dinner time and he was in the middle of talking about an encounter with a rowdy demon when was interrupted by one of his siblings. This then prompted another response from one of them to another, and another until it was all just a cacophony of unintelligible talking. Each time he'd try to continue, his efforts proved to be futile, being once again interrupted. He eventually ceased trying altogether and opted to just listen, knowing full well he'd never get to finish. At least that’s what he thought. 
He looked across from him to meet your eyes. They weren't bolting about trying to keep up with the conversation of the others, they were set on him and only him. "Don't stop now! What'd you do?" you asked.
It felt nice, to say the least. He could not deny the warmth that had spread in his chest, knowing his once-shot pride was slowly being mended back together. Although he’s not surprised, considering how you’d happily lend an ear to listen whenever he’d talk about his exhausting days—this instance being no different.
As per our request, he continued on, the incomprehensible chatter fading into the background. The two of you would be in your own little bubble, with Lucifer telling tales as back as hundreds of years ago. Not too long after, his brothers were fascinated as well, enjoying the sense of nostalgia his tales brought. It all eventually ends with only the two of you still at the table—you being left in awe and Lucifer feeling a sense of being appreciated as well as appreciating you.
“I hope you found my stories enjoyable, My Love. If you wish to hear more, I'd be happy to humor you”
“I don't know how you'll be able to beat that one time when you and Mammon switched bodies for a while”
He clamps a hand over your mouth before you can add further salt to that memory of his.
“Shshshshsh. Some stories should never meet the light of day again”
It’s not uncommon for the second born to be drowned out by his brothers. He typically just sulks and adds to the conversation by providing sounds of protest and agreement, but he never gets to fully share with the group.
Despite this, it gives him comfort that there’s at least one person who he knows would hear him even in a place as loud as the HoL. 
In the midst of the chaos, he felt a light tap on his hand. Looking up, he found you staring at him with curious eyes. "What happened next?" you asked, accompanied by a tilt of your head. If he was being completely honest, he was just trying to show off to his brothers— not really expecting someone to actually care which caught him off guard. Now that he did catch someone’s attention, he of course had to sprinkle in some exaggeration, no? He's not called The Great Mammon for Nothing.
He enjoys the feeling of having a spotlight on him. Your spotlight to be specific. He liked hogging your attention like the greedy little gremlin he is, and he’s not afraid to admit it. He’d start to ramble and would have a mix-match of different topics, jumping from one to another totally unrelated story. 
In the chance that you were sharing something at the table and get interrupted by one of his brothers, he doesn’t hesitate to immediately cut them off, no matter what you were about to say. He didn't even realize he did it—the action merely feeling like a knee jerk reaction to him.
"Oi oi oi! Shut yer traps for a minute will ya. MC was in the middle of something”
“...I need to go to the bathroom?”
“Tell us more" He said, the ends of his hands meeting as if in a prayer pose.
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moncherellie · 7 months
giving loser!ellie head for the first time
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a/n: wrote this a while ago but since i havent put anything out in a bit, figured this would suffice. inspired by that one twt video...
content/warnings: 886 words, gn reader, cunnilingus (e receiving, r giving), ellie's first time, fingering
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eating loser!ellie out is a religious experience
you blow lightly, the cold sting making ellie's legs shudder. it’s her first time having someone go down on her, and you think it’s a fucking shame. every other girl must be blind to not want this sensitive, soaked pussy that clenches around nothing.
then again, you’re glad nobody else has done this for her, because you have the privilege of being first. thank god for that, you think, because you don’t want anyone else to get this kind of perfect view.
closest to you is her clit, puffy and pink with arousal. your eyes gaze next to the trail of neatly-trimmed hair leading up to her navel. just earlier, you’d teased her, licking down that line as she squealed and put her head in her hands. you’d just laughed. “i’ve never been touched there-"
she’d never been touched anywhere. it’s why she was so ecstatic every time you laid a hand on her. originally, you’d thought ellie was just introverted. that she didn’t like anybody touching her.
and then you’d learned she didn’t dislike your touch- on the contrary, she fucking loved it. she loved it so much she had to shy away from it, otherwise her clit would throb and she'd feel the familiar wet spot grow in her panties and her mind would start to wander and think of that time you bent down in front of her in that tiny, slutty skirt and-
ellie shakes again, face flushing the prettiest scarlet you've ever seen. it brings out the ambers and forest greens of her eyes. you lick a stripe up her entrance and she brings both hands up to clutch her face.
"oh shit- oh fuck, oh my god. holy-" her reactions are so cute that you almost feel bad for laughing at her so much, but the embarrassment she gets from it all is just too delicious to stop.
you pinch her clit in between two fingers and her hips jump up into your face. you suck harder and she yelps- is it mean? maybe. but you can tell that even though she's sensitive and nearly overstimulated, she feels amazing.
as your tongue continues its assault on her, she begins to move away. you know it's purely reflex, but you're persistent. ellie, despite being so sensitive, hasn't cum yet and you desperately need her to. when she props herself on her elbows and begins to throw her body backwards to try to shy from your touch, your arms hook around her thighs, encasing her. she can't get away, and this position allows your hands to further spread her open.
"pleasepleaseplease babe, come on, be nice to me." she rambles. despite her pleas, she was just as desperate as you, eagerly wanting to come undone on your tongue. knowing this, you don't repent.
she's still on her elbows, eyes transfixed on the way your mouth fucks her, how you look just as pleased as she does, like she's the best meal you've had. it very well might be, you think. her noises turn incomprehensible. you can make out vague "please"s and "fuck"s, but other than that, she's fully gone. ellie's breath is heavy and shallow. you hope this is a sign that's she about to finish.
your feel her clit twitch on your tongue, and you realize that, yes, she's getting closer. you speed up and ellie starts to thrash around. you look up at her, making eye contact, and she moans, throwing herself back against the bed. "babe, please! fuck- oh shit-!"
ellie's movements become more violent and you let go of her for a moment. she whines, thinking you're stopping to punishing her for being so defiant. as you lean back and sit on your legs, she begins to stutter out an apology that's cut off when you grip her waist and pull her up towards your mouth.
your lips start their assault again. ellie's legs are over your shoulders and her hips are elevated above the bed, allowing you to get into just the right angle that makes her scream. she grinds herself against your face and lets out more indistinguishable noises that you can only assume is ellie begging you to stop, but the way she pushes herself further into you, grinding her clit on your tongue, is telling you something different.
she squeals and you laugh into her cunt, sending vibrations through her body. the way she clenches tightly around your face, clamps down, and all but screams your name tells you that she's about to cum.
"fuck, oh fuck, please- please! a little more i'm almost- i'm so close to- haaaaah!" she finishes with a loud groan that fizzles out into pants. you fuck her through it, tongue slowing down as her head lolls to the side. her eyes are crossed and her legs shake slightly as you pull off of her, putting her thighs on the bed.
you kiss her forehead and she smiles softly. "you did so good for me, els. how was that?"
she grins cheekily, heavily lidded eyes focusing on you now. she bites her lip when she sees the gleaming slick covering your lips.
"it was fucking amazing, is what is was. you think i can do that to you sometime?"
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my masterlist
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bitchlessdino · 1 year
lee chan needs love too (m)
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Pairing: fuckboy!chan x fem!reader
Genre: smut, humor
Word count: 9.3k
tags: pwithp, mention of high school, mention of alcohol, college au, virgin!chan, fuckboy!chan, frat boy!chan, lip piercing!chan, blonde!chan, yearning, car sex, unprotected sex, breasts play, oral (rec.), degradation, kinda exhibitionism, manhandling, possessive!chan, pet names
Summary: There was Lee Chan from High school and now Lee Chan from college. You insist they are not the same person. The only thing they have in common is they both got to fuck you.
author note: happy early bday to me hehe 🥳🥂🎉🎊🎂 this was entirely self indulgent and although i think i could've done better with the plot, i think it makes sense some what for what it is and regardless i hope you guys enjoy. at least the banner is very cute and look blonde chan even has a piercing.
Tag: @shiningstar-byulxx @misssugarlips @tommolex @hoeforhao @honglynights @homerunhansol @dkakapizzaboy @junhui-recs @svtup @buffhoshi @meowmeowminnie @caratochan @lovebot4han
The last time you saw Lee Chan was in the back of his used Camry at Boo Seungkwan’s graduation party. 
He blossomed the fuck out of nowhere into an unrecognizable gorgeous specimen of a man when you caught him fucking your roommate during the middle of finals season when you desperately need the peace and quiet to study. It was probably the dead of night—10 pm in your case—and the juice in your Bluetooth earbuds had just died. It was especially unfortunate since they were sound blocking you didn’t realize how badly you needed it with the fuckfest in the room across from you.
By the sound of it, Minnie was having a great time—which you usually aren’t mad about—but so was her friend, who you might add was obnoxiously loud (hot too, but that wasn't the point). You screamed at them from your desk, but you doubt they heard anything with the music on blast you’re assuming was to block out their noise. It was proven less than fruitful when you get no response in return. Finally, you forced yourself out of your room and began pounding hard against her door in desperate pleas. “I should be used to it by now, but please, please keep it down, even a smidge. I have a really important exam in the afternoon. And I can’t t—“
Before you can continue rambling, the door opens from the other side. You met the eyes of a bottle blonde, 5’8, taut and misted with sweat all over, adorned with a pretty piece of metal at his bottom lip. Oh no, he’s hot.
The man looked surprised at your appearance, despite the fact he was the one that turned the knob and swung it open. He stood there, looking more attractive than you anticipated, and just observed you in incomprehensible disbelief. “Well, shit.”
“Yeah. Look I get it, you guys have every right to…continue what you’re doing, all I ask is,” You squeeze your index and thumb to indicate something small, “take it down a notch, a little notch.”
He scoffed, looking amused. He crossed his arms and lean against the door frame, very fortunately wearing underwear (boner shapely and defined). And it only took a second for you to trace the outline of his gorgeously crafted body. As if he was made with marble, he looks as though one of the greats did him a solid by sculpting him one of the most beautiful bodies you’ve ever seen. You almost didn't realize you were ogling at it until he began to speak in his smooth tenor tone of voice. “Can't really take a notch down, but I can promise it’ll be quick.”
You didn’t like the suggestion in his tone nor the wink he displayed either.
“Come back to bed,” your roommate whined in the background. You shut your eyes in disdain, now in disbelief that you were negotiating with one of her hookups right now. “How quick?”
He grinned. “How do you feel about joining?”
“Not happening.”
“Then…” he pondered in thought, “give or take 10, 15 minutes.”
“How the hell is that quick? Don’t college guys cum for like 5 minutes?”
He chortled, and you caught that gleaming smile that likely coerced your roommate in the first place. “I’m a feminist. Ladies first.”
“I’m also a lady, so I say, make it quick…please and thank you.” You walked off with that and waited patiently for them to be done, only to realize it was going to take way longer for both of them to finish than it would be to charge your earbuds halfway, so you settled for the latter.
By the time he left, it was the morning after and you were honest to Minnie about ‘not liking this one,’ to which she laughed like it was the funniest thing you ever said.
Pieces really began to be put together one afternoon going through your old school yearbooks when you found them in the back of your closet. Minnie joined you in your period of nostalgia, wanting to see possible future hotties to cross reference to now. Then she sees him, points out the fact he was the one you confront around a week ago, and it all comes full circle. Your eyes shot back at the aged pages in pure shock, pulling it up to face to make sure you were seeing it clearly. “No way...”
“Oh my god,” she pulled it back from you, “Chan looks so cute here. I just wanna gobble him and put him in my pocket.”
He had his natural black hair, kind brown eyes, and—dawning on you on that very second—the smile that bares more joy than a kindergarten classroom. Back then, this kid didn’t have the blonde hair or piercings he had now. What he did look like was any other teenager that would listen to his parents and go to church. He was the model good boy. 
The model good boy whose virginity you took when you were 18 years old after a very public breakup with your ex at someone’s graduation party.
“What are you doing in my car?” Chan interrogated the second you let the door shut behind you.
You really had no plan then, all you knew was you wanted to evacuate the party immediately the moment things ended with Gyu. He had to be irrational and so utterly infuriating that you couldn’t stand to look at his face anymore. So, you just entered the nearest vehicle, forgetting the fact you never called an Uber or Lyft.
You weren’t ready to face the music yet, so a change of subject was in order. “What are you doing leaving early?”
“I asked you first.”
You crossed your arms obnoxiously, “And if I don’t want to answer?” In a second, you regret that, seeing the genuine concern on his face. You dropped your arms to the side. “I don’t wanna be around people right now.”
He gave you a sympathetic smile. “I’m people. Do I not count?”
“You’re a little too…perfectionist to be a regular person. Now, why are you leaving early?”
He simply shrugged. “Curfew.”
You rolled your eyes, lightly scoffing.“Of course, you have a curfew.”
You both sat in complete silence. You should’ve questioned why you were still in here, a car that didn’t belong to you with its owner, a magnet for college recommendation letters and scholarships rather than people with a potential romantic connection. But no, you just stayed there, wallowing in your internal conflicts of average day teenager, thinking about a tomorrow that you wouldn’t even remember two or three years from now.
“Wanna talk about it?” Chan initiated, breaking the silence.
You exaggerated a sigh like the theater kid you were, forearm to the forehead. “No.”
“Wanna hook up?”
You sat up from the seat to stare back at him stunned. It was a shock that such an idea would come out of his mouth even as a joke, yet temptation lingered in your body, making you clench your thighs as if you heard the lewdest thing to be said ever in history. Safe to say, it didn’t get much rile up a person on the rebound.
Before he could jump in and say the automated pathetic phrase, “Just kidding,” followed by an awkward chuckle, you’ve already thrown yourself against him from the passenger seat. You moved against him expertly as one in a high school long relationship could, tightening the crotch of his pants as he could think of anything but what he actually put in his commended college essay about his experience with—fuck what was it about?
He pulled himself away the moment he felt tongue, restraining himself to the car window for dear life. “W-what was that for?”
“You propositioned me first.” You smiled, breathless. You drew closer to him, trying to retrieve the distance–or lack thereof–you had with Chan seconds before where you could practically taste the innocence on his lips. “I want to go through with it.”
His eyes shot open like Wile E. Coyote. “W-what? Here?”
“Yes, here, Chan.”
“W-why?” he stuttered, which he did a lot of. Perhaps, he should look into that.
You mustered a sultry expression, narrowing your eyes at him which helps you notice his dilated eyes that quivered in both fear and arousal. “Because maybe all this time…I’ve wanted you. It’s always been you.”
You let out a small laugh. “Well, no. But just tonight I can.”
“Does this have to do with why you left early?”
“Do you always talk this much before you fuck someone?”
“No—uh, I don’t know, I—“
You pulled back in realization. “Oh my god, you’re a virgin.”
“Shut up!” he said, typing to cover your mouth to prevent you from exposing him, which you successfully avoid.
“You had a girlfriend all throughout junior year!”
“No, I didn't. She was my secretary. I was the student body president.”
“But she kept giving you eyes.”
He squinted. “What eyes?”
“Nevermind. What matters is do you want to go through with this?”
“Having sex in my car?” He clarified, somehow doubtful.
“Yes, nerd.”
“Is the insulting really necessary?” He winced, you notice playfully.
“It’s my kink,” you dryly jestered.
You’re about to tackle him again when he pulled back one last time.“W-wait, what about condoms?”
“I’m clean,” you shrugged, “don't worry about it.”
“What about, you know?”
You scoffed. “Please, I've been taking birth control before you even started puberty. You can cum in me, Chan.”
His cheeks then turned a vibrant hue of scarlet, spreading from his cheeks to his ears. “I-in you?”
“Yes, Chan.” You climbed on top of him, straddling his lap, hand ruffling through his hair, which was quite soft despite the product. “You can cum all you want in me.” You kissed the top of his nose as your body brushed up against something big and firm. “And by the rock in your pants, you’re not against it.”
“There actually is a rock in my pants.” Chan struggled to get the geode gift given to him by his teacher at the diploma ceremony and he casually tossed it in the cupholder, chuckling nervously.
You fingered over this cheek, noticing the smooth, almost flawless skin adorned by a few moles, particularly one on the left side of his face beneath his eye was devastatingly cute, “Obviously, that’s not the rock I was talking about.”
You leaned into him, your cherry zero coke breath fanning his cheeks, and he can feel the curves of your body fit into his hollows. He stifles a breath before you kiss him again, your tongue brushing against his bottom to regain access. Naturally (as natural for Chan anyway), his hands came up your sides as he familiarized himself with your lips. You lightly moaned, digging your hips at him, before hearing a moan back that sent chills up your spine and pebbled your skin.
“Fuck, you’re so cute, Chan.”
“Y/n…” he whined unbelievably soft and malleable.
You threaded through his soft, dark hair, lightly down his scalp. 
You remember making out with him for a serial amount of time before he ‘accidentally’ (you’re still not sure to this day) lowered his seat position until he was nearly flat on his back. He uttered a soft apology before you were on him again. Clothes were tossed to the back seats and you see the bit of definition he developed from being co-captain on the dance team. You bathed in the heat of his skin as you unbuttoned his khakis, and revealed his untouched glory.
You reveled in being the first of the kind, somehow excited that you were the one to enjoy this side of Chan first, kissing him in unbridled, visceral lust. You lathered him in your wet, raw arousal, feeling the twitch of his cock against your slit as he’s groaning your name. You teased his voice, cooing praises at him for being so big and good for you until you let him take residence. 
You could feel him push through your walls, levying his sizing and stretching until your warmth. It does more than distract you, it satisfies you. You swear you hear a hiss of his voice, followed by, “fuck, that’s good,” before you bounce against his cock. You hope that the car can muffle noise because all you could repeat were your anguished moans and his name, the name that sounded like pure music to the young man’s ears.
You took his unoccupied hands, resting each on either breast while riding his firm, strong thighs. His jaw dropped. The sensation of your plush walls around his girth and the pillowy texture of your tits between his fingers made his hips buckle.
“That good?” You asked softly, to which he nodded. His eyes glaze over back at you, difficulty keeping them wide open and he finds the courage to twist your nipples between his fingers, your stomach churning whimpers escaping you the moment he does. “C-Chan…”
“Sorry, did that hurt?”
You shook your head, “No,” and folded into him, your chest immediately hitting his line of vision. “Touch me more…”
He does as you asked, staring back at you like a deer lost in wonder, and like that, everything after comes second nature. The warmth of his mouth takes over your naked breast, drawing circles against your textured skin with his tongue and he moves more freely against your body. It was fluid the way he moved like his virgin status was and is all it was, a status, not showcasing any of his skill. You fed off of him, his energy, his body, his want. He didn’t even know what he was doing. He was just a natural.
“C-can I fuck you?”
“Fuck me?”
His lips quivered, face flushed red and misted in sweat, “Yes, can I fuck you against the seats?”
You slowly nodded before readjusting in the seats. Chan, still inside you, found his natural pace, letting his cock hit you with enough power and depth that it made your legs freeze and bent in the air as a response, “Mmh, Chan…”
“Is that—ump—good?”
“Yes, but faster, don’t be scared to break me.”
He isn’t sure what you mean by that but he tries. His thrusts become his own, disciplined and sharp, enveloping himself in your fluttering walls that clench harder around him the faster he went. Your hands gripped his upper body, lips latching on his to dampen the sound of your voice. Your body pressed to the tautness of his, pushing him deeper inside and you felt it mere seconds away. An orgasm. An actual orgasm.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck me, Chan!” You were blistering the heat of your climax, you writhe underneath him and clutched against him by the back of your knees.
He’s eternally grateful because he was seconds away from cumming himself. He let your hips falter, coming down from the high before letting his hips take over. Drowning you in his grunts, he fucked you until he climaxed, his final thrusts painting your insides in ivory honey and making you feel whole. He panted against you, a tired smile on his face as he held his cum in you with mere his cock. Finally, he rests.
“Congratulations,” you said, laughing.
He scoffed lightly, “Thanks.”
It stayed like that for a few minutes, cock wet and warm in you, finding peace in the gentle chaos. He pushed himself from on top of you and looked down on your sweaty, exhausted form. His lips crashed against yours, and you sense his gratitude as he backed off. “Really. Thank you.”
You smiled lightheartedly, “Shut up and get me some wipes, please. I know you have them.”
He let out a little giggle before retrieving the assumed wipes from the glove compartment, helping you get clean. It wasn’t a thorough job but it did what it could. “Want me to take you home?”
“Might as well as payment,” you joked again, thinking it will get rid of this tension that still lingered. 
The ride went on in silence beside the radio’s pop music, consumed in your thoughts. It’s funny, you were used to being the type to always have to say something in any conversation, but with Chan right now, you had nothing, forcing the quiet until you arrived home. He parked his car, letting you know personally he arrived where the GPS said and you look off at one another, noting how his hair was still messy from an earlier event and you can’t help but fix it.
“Don’t want you caught,” You chuckled, moving your hands through until it was in proper Chan form. “There.”
“Hold on.”
His hand reached over your face. Thinking it was for another liplock, you stayed seated, prepared for the cushion of his lips as you pursed yours. Instead, he’s wiping away whatever it was from the corner of your lips, staring back at you with the sparkle in his eyes. “You got something there.”
“Um, Chan…I’m not wearing anything on my lips.”
“I-I knew that—,” You crushed your lips against him one last time, the salty-sweet taste of want from your tongue lingered on his, and you exit the car to never see him again. Or so you thought.
Was it the best sex you ever had up until now? No, definitely not. Was it good sex? Yes, way better than you anticipated. Then again you were comparing it to your ex, and at that point, anyone’s dick was the next coming of Jesus the more you think about it. 
“God, Chan grew up so hot,” Minnie gushed.
“I’ll say,” you agreed in reflex, “I mean, he sure looks different.”
“Different? They’re like two separate people,” She said, biting her lip, “Is it weird I wanna call him over again?”
She rolled her eyes at your answer before flipping through the pages while you were still processing this information. You’ve had time to forget it happened and have had plenty of sex after then, but Chan will always be a little special. And you’d be lying if you weren’t the tiniest curious about how he turned out after all this time. It was hard to believe he's who he is now.
Since then and after some light stalking, you found out the college he attended was a neighboring one. He took part in a popular frat (gamma, omega, theta, whatever) that, surprise surprise, hosted some of the biggest parties that even students from your university attended. He just so happens to be one of the members actively posted on the site surrounded by hot people with his gorgeous blonde lip piercing ass. Goddamn, it.
Okay, that’s it. You can stop right there. No need to dig any deeper. Besides, he’s just some guy you hooked up with once (a great once for his first time), just once. That’s it. There’s no need for you to go all yourself like you used to do for your exes. This was just Lee Chan.
“Hi there, you’re Minnie’s roommate.” You found Lee Chan grinning back at you with a stack of fliers in his hands as you walked the neighboring streets that you conveniently heard he’d be around. Social media is a curse. “We have a charity event where all proceeds will be going to feed the starving homeless at a couple of shelters down in the area.”
You accepted the flier and tucked it under your pit as you crossed your arms in a questioning manner. “When were you going to let me know?”
“Ah,” his smile stretched wider as his hand slapped against the stack before clutching it to his chest, “took you long enough.”
“So what, you were just gonna wait until I realized it myself?”
“That was the idea, but I knew you were smart. You’d figure it out—charity event, we’ll keep you company,” he handed off the flyer to a pair of girls with an effortless wink before they’re scurrying off blushing a squealing.
“Isn’t this something the pledges do, what are you even doing out here?”
He stands beside you, a devious smile tattooed on his face, “I’m one of the people that manage social media. I pay attention to our activity feed and couldn’t help but see a like pop up and disappear in front of my very eyes.”
Your cheeks heat up, caught red-handed, “So you knew I’d be here and came out anyways.”
“Figured you wanted to talk,” he said, keeping his hands busy and eyes wide and charming.
“Why? Thinking about me?”
“You’re not someone that I could just stop thinking about, Y/n.”
Your name in his voice burned your ears, making you flick it away as if it were a bug. “Well, just came here because I remembered something I saw. That’s all. Go about your day.”
You’re about to storm off when he’s calling for you again and you shamelessly look back. His eyes turned up the way his smile does, sauntering over as he locked you in his trance. You were almost hypnotized by the sterling steel that looked so pullable you had to physically restrain yourself with pinches to your forearms. “You’re coming to the party.”
“Says who?”
He has this permanent playful expression, one that doesn’t recall down days or cram studying. He looked entirely carefree. So unlike the Chan from high school. “Says me. Plenty of booze, plenty of champagne, plenty of food, plenty of me to go around.” 
“What’s that?” 
“Kidding,” He laughed. “But don’t you think it’s rather serendipitous that we found each other again? After so many years?”
You squinted at him. “Yeah, sleeping with my roommate.”
“It’s like I somehow found my way back to you.”
“You have a hickey on your neck.”
His eyes shoot open, and a hand came over his neck, “Road bumps exist to get to our destination.”
“I lied, there was nothing there,” you said, not falling for his whimsy, ready to walk off again.
He chased after you, trying to lure you back with that smile he somehow found out you can get enough of. “Not fair, but fine. But don’t try to convince me you aren’t happy to see me. You wouldn’t be here otherwise.”
“I…I don’t know why I came here. I didn’t know what I was expecting.”
He gave you a befuddled look. “What do you mean? It’s me. Chan. I thought maybe you’d be at least a little excited to see me.”
The Lee Chan you knew was so different from now, blonder, spunkier, riskier for the faint of heart. Your fair trade of relationships was a healthy amount, enough to know what you wanted and somehow it all lead back to Chan three years ago. Like it meant something to be joined in something intimate with him. Your eighteen yourself would be laughing at you right now at the thought of you yearning for Lee Chan of all people. Not that anything was wrong with him, just that Chan was Chan and you were you. And now Chan is Chan and you were, well, same old you.
“You…I’m not used to this.”
His brows furrowed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
You could read the offense as soon as it arrived, immediately coming to defend yourself. “I was excited to see you.”
“Well, I’m here. What’s the problem?” If you knew any better, he looked hurt.
“You’re like a whole other person. I don’t know this Chan.”
“Then get to know me. No offense, but you barely even knew that Chan.”
“I—,” he wasn’t wrong. You hardly spoke as classmates. Hell, the sex was the longest conversation you’ve ever had. Before that was him asking for directions to where the auditorium was since it was a part of campus he never visited, but you weren’t ignorant to him. You always noticed Chan. Just never in that light until the last minute. Yet, you missed that Chan. Not like you had any right to. “I shouldn’t be here.”
“Why do you already think that lowly of me? You think we can’t be in the same town breathing the same air as each other?”
“Chan, of course not.”
“I get it. Stranger dangers and all that shit right? But we’re a little more than strangers, aren’t we?”
For some reason, you couldn’t answer and instead stared down at your feet. He let out a frustrated sigh, in disbelief the carefree person he knew several years ago was this same person in front of him. “Is there a problem you have with me?”
Because he looks like a fuckboy and you avoid fuckboys like the plague now. Remember?
“I don’t know,” you crossed your arms.
He took a step forward, taking the flier folded against your arm and smoothing out the wrinkles before he placed it in your hand. “Well, it’s just a party. So come. See me, ignore me, drink your heart out. Whatever, but come.”
He gave you one last bittersweet smile before deciding to walk off, following his frat brother who was already far ahead of him.
There was a tug of war between your mind and body, fighting the internal conflicts that make you hesitant to reconnect with Chan again. There’s no doubt a piece of you still hoped for the old Chan that lingered in your mind throughout all these years and the imminent lure of new Chan who was just the embodiment of every red flag you’ve ever seen in your past relationships.
Saying going to this party is a mistake would be an understatement.
“Oh my gosh, it looks so pretty here!”
You came arm in arm with Minnie, admiring the aesthetic light fixtures on the walls, while wearing the nicest garb you could conjure up from your closet. It was a navy blue dress in crushed velvet that hits you right at your ankles that could only be paired with a light pair of heels for the night to go on a little easier. You mused around at the decorations, impressed with the craftsmanship, surprised this was an event planned by college bros obsessed with Greek life. “It does look nice here.”
One block heel over the other, you were subconsciously scanning for a bright blonde head in sight. Instead, you were surrounded by several familiar faces of his members in suits and ties, remembering seeing them all over the Fraternity’s Instagram. They greeted you as hosts do and two of them took you and Minnie to unoccupied seats. The person that guided you to your seat, Seokmin, offered you a refreshment, while Soonyoung, Minnie’s guide, did the same for her. Once they had disappeared for a few minutes, Minnie could do nothing but gush over their looks.
“They’re so cute! Oh, do you think they’d wanna double date us?” Minnie asked with her eyes cheery and bright.
You looked back at the pamphlet and the itinerary, pointing at something peculiar. “Maybe, if we win the date auction with them.”
“Boo, I’m broke,” she pouted, “I’ll just have to charm myself the way I always do.”
You chuckled at her delight before the boys returned and chatted you up for the time being. You remained mostly cordial while Minnie brought in the charm she’s so famous for and amidst the jokes and lighthearted pandering, the awaited blonde is seen entering, greeting other guests that have made their arrival.
Your chest felt light, letting out a sigh of relief as though Lee Chan’s appearance made the event all the more tolerable, and maybe it had. However, it’s tightened as soon as you realize how incredibly his body fits the cream-colored suit, reminding you of white chocolate. Decadent and unique on your tongue, echos of his moans so familiar infiltrate the busiest part of your brain, blocking out background noises and images other than Lee Chan.
“All good, Y/n?” Seokmin so politely asked.
In a broken trance, you turned to them and nodded, seeing Minnie doubtful of your answer. You started getting from your chair, apologizing. “I’m fine. I think I saw my friend? You guys keep chatting. I’ll be back.”
You escorted yourself, smoothing the wrinkles of your dress before approaching him out of his view. He doesn’t suspect the anxious figure walking up to him, attention focused on other company while giving them that dazzling toothpaste smile on his face. As you tapped on his shoulder, he turned to you, melting into a soft, long gaze once he drank in your appearance. He politely excused himself from his previous company and offered you his elbow. Pleasantly surprised, you took it with stride, interlocking through, and quietly followed him somewhere a bit more private (as private as it can be in a semi-public event). “You look ravishing,” He whispered only loud enough for you to hear. 
“Thank you,” you mumbled flushed, arm wrapping tighter around him, “You look really put together like this.”
“‘Put together?’ Way to damper a guy’s confidence,” he laughed, feigning offense.
“You know exactly what I mean.”
“It’d be nice to hear it too.”
You exhaled, “You look really…handsome, Chan.”
A peaceful smile grazed his face. “Better. So, did you take a look at the itinerary?”
You nodded, twiddling your fingers before conjuring up the courage to ask, “Are you going to be in that auction?”
“Straight to it,” he chuckled melodiously, “What’s it to you?”
“Nothing like that, just curious.”
He shrugged. “Well, I will be one of the dates for the auction. Get your wallet ready.”
You lightly nudged him, chuckling, “You wish.”
“I do wish.” His lips neared your ear. “Maybe you winning is my end goal.”
Feeling the heat radiate off your cheeks, you shove him off of you away from innocent bystanders. “You’re so funny.”
“It’s my best asset,” he said, joining your arms back again. “Winner gets a weekend date of their choice with a budget of $75. Tempting, isn’t it?”
“You would be one to think so.”
“I’d make our date worthwhile.”
His dark temptation sent chills down your spine and you punched his arm, hard. “Stop it.”
“Stop what,” he teased, rubbing his likely bruised arm.
“Being this.”
He was quiet for a moment. “Why are you bothered by me? Be honest.”
You sighed, loosening the grip on his arm. “You were right and I don’t know you. I never really did. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t thought about you. It’s just strange to see someone I saw one way again after a few years and you’re completely different.”
“You don’t like the way I look?”
You shook your head. “No. In fact the opposite, I like it so because it reminds me of so many of the people I’ve been with, but I don’t want you to be any of them. I want you to be Chan.”
“I am Chan,” He said, taking you aside and holding your hand in his. “Just because I look a certain way doesn’t make me any less me. But I’m flattered you think so much about me.”
“What do you even get out of this?” You changed the subject. “Inviting me to places, talking sweet, and being nice to me.”
He shrugged his shoulders, an unsure smile on his face. “Okay, so maybe, I felt something when I saw you again.”
“Just like you felt something when you saw Minnie?” You snapped.
“...That’s not what this is,” he answered seriously.
“What is it then?”
He gave you a grim expression. “I’m not sure either.”
“Be honest, Chan. How often is it that you go on dates, or hook up with someone like you did with Minnie?”
“I don’t see how that’s relevant.”
“Because it is. How would I be any different than that? What makes me different from everyone else?”
“Because you’re not like anyone else.” He answered definitely.
Before you could ask him what he meant, Chan is pulled away by the other members of his frat to get him prepared for the auction coming up soon. He graced you with a bitter smile before disappearing behind doors where you’re forced to rejoin Minnie and the boys you left behind. They asked if you were alright, to which you less than sublimely answered, but they didn’t push it.
You tried being good company the rest of the night, making small jokes, greeting new people, and taking advantage of the catering that is surprisingly better than you expected. Yet, Chan was still running rampant in your mind. The auction was seconds away from starting and he would be there on that stage just like everyone else, devastatingly handsome and charming that you could melt in a puddle. You somehow come with several glasses of champagne that night to the point Minnie issued you an end to it by force-feeding you water to sober up. It doesn’t work that well.
The stage lights turned on and music loudly played in the background. A man in a suit different from the rest began introducing potential suitors available for auction, including the friendly members you’ve come to know this evening, who waved back at your table when they got on stage. It goes for a few hours so far and the Greek house has accumulated several thousands of dollars in funds. Meanwhile, your sobriety was gradually replenishing over time until the announcement of the next auction date would step on stage.
“Up next we have is Lee Chan, respected brother and life of the party!”
The blonde stepped on stage with fierce charisma, smiling and waving like it was his own red carpet, even striking a few poses for good measure. The emcee goes on about qualities you already knew and some you didn’t as the slideshow is off in the background like it was for all of the previous dates on stage. That’s when the show really began for you. Photographs of Chan playing basketball, obviously playing for team skins, as his hair bundled up in a sweaty, sexy mess. They were the kind of pictures people used for body fitness inspiration or just plain inspiration because what better motivation could one have other than the bare torso of Lee Chan. 
Cheers of encouragement cause a deep blush to appear on his gorgeous face, and you swear you saw him tug anxiously at his lip ring in the most delectable way. You stifled a breath, heart pitter-pattering like rain in a violent storm. “Holy—“
“Shit,” Minnie breathed out, “Go, Chan.”
You suddenly remembered who and where you were, wiping away your drool before it was visible.
“Let’s start out the bidding at $50.”
“Woah, woah, looks like we already got a couple of takers. Are we hearing a $255?”
The longer that went on the more severe the anxiety was bubbling up inside you. The numbers only got higher and higher, louder and louder, taunting your inhibitions. Before you knew it, you’re jumping up from your seat in a clearly unsober but confident state screaming, “One thousand dollars” from the top of your lungs. Chan looked in your direction, shocked, eyes wide as doe while his lips started parting in a small smile, a reasonable surprise considering the mixed signals you were giving.
You weren’t sure what you were doing since there was no way you had that kind of money, but you couldn’t stop yourself. The higher the bid, the higher the influence. You couldn’t deny it anymore. You were falling under a similar spell they were all under. You had to do everything you could to—
“Two thousand dollars.”
Your gaze swung in the voice's direction to a gorgeous girl standing a few feet from you, beaming with confidence. You slumped down in your shame while the emcee congratulated the highest bidder and shy Chan for reeling in the highest amount of money so far tonight. 
The hours after just drone on, just as much as champagne did and there you were pathetic and sad to have lost. Minnie doesn’t know how you keep finding refreshments for yourself, she blames the eyes candies willfully distracting her. “Okay, seriously stop. I will ban you from alcohol for life.” Minnie carried you off outside, hugging you to her as she went to listen to your unnecessary babble.
“He was mine…”
“I know, sweetie, but she was paying a month and a half’s rent. No way we could’ve paid for that.” Your whines muffled in her shoulder, mumbling something about “fuck the rich” before you started to cry. Even Minnie found it embarrassing.
“Want me to take over?”
Chan is the first person you laid your eyes on coming up from the surface of your drunk childish tantrum, making you wipe the tears away from your eyes in a hurry. “Uh, hi.”
“Hi,” he said lethally soft.
“Hi!” Smiling at you both before getting up from her seat. “Usually, I wouldn’t approve of letting my girl alone with a frat boy while intoxicated but I have her location on and I know where you live. So, take good care of her or I’ll kill you.”
He gave her a gregarious nod before waving. “Bye, Minnie.”
“Bye, Chan. No more drinks, Y/n.”
She left you to Chan, following after Soonyoung and Seokmin who were surprisingly waiting for her by the door. Good for her, you thought.
“That was stupid of you,” He said sitting next to you.
“Tell me about it.”
“Did you even have $1000?”
Pouting, you shook your head. “No, but I wanted to win.”
“You wanted to win me?” He said smiling.
“Yes, isn’t it that obvious?” Your head fell against his broad welcoming shoulder. You let out a long low breath at that, clutched the breast of your dress as you tried your damnedest to breathe. You were aware of your heart rate, pounding away at your chest like a drum. Your weight pushed against him but made no change to his posture. He was like a boulder that chipped away at your weakness and made you ache for his fullness no matter how much your head told you otherwise. “Why are you doing this to me?”
“Doing what?”
“Be…this. And make me crazy about you.”
His head turned down to see your face, warm brown eyes staring back into yours. “I could say the same about you. You have sex with me once years ago, give all the time in the world to recreate a feeling like it, just to chase me back when I think I’m finally forgetting about you? Diabolical of you.”
You thought you’ve heard it all before. Usually, sweet nothings go to one ear and out the other. Many of those sugar-coated words and phrases have blended into something homogenous, overplayed tactics that got you into loveless relationships fueled by sex and desire. Who knows if Chan is different, but the words he speaks, and the burning he gives you, you wanted every little bit of it. You grasped his lapel, pushing your face closer. “You thought about me?”
“That’s what I’ve been saying this entire t–”
Your patience soon wore thin. His lips tasted sweet like nectar, felt soft as pillows, warm as the summer. The heat of his skin was in stark contrast to the cool steel of his lip ring expectedly grazing your skin, churning whatever it was in your stomach. You attempted to gain leverage control, thirsting more, but you learned soon his muscles weren’t just for show. “You’re drunk, Y/n.”
“But you taste so good…”
He took a deep breath before sighing. “Let’s just get you someplace to rest up and I can take you home after.”
Chan made good on his promise. As your body was giving in to sleep, your knight in blonde carried you off on his back to the nearest place of rest, which ended up being his bedroom that he luckily didn’t have to share. He laid you sprawled out on his thinly veiled mattress, tucking you underneath his blanket until he couldn’t see any inch of skin except your head up, and he let your soft airy snores play out.
He made his shower quick to return to you, relieving himself of the heavy suit he’s been wearing all night. He gets back to his room and placed the suit in the bag back into his closet. You’re still sound asleep as soon as he’s back but now stir in your sleep, staring to thrash around even. That made him come to your side in a hurry, trying to calm you down. He puts his hands on your body through the covers, soothing you to the best of his ability. Unfortunately, that is what makes you start to gain consciousness, pushing yourself to sit up from the bed. “Where am I?” 
“You’re awake, shit, sorry.”
“Chan?” You blinked back at him with tired eyes, barely focusing through the small slits of your vision to make out the man tending to your drowsy state.
“Yeah, you were really out of it? I had to make sure you were okay.”
Chan looked down at his body to realize what you meant. He only came to the bathroom with a single pair of sweatpants with him fully intending to just throw a shirt on the moment he got back to the room. Now he was deeply regretting the decision seeing how awake you are. Grim at the thought of you perceiving him as some typical perverted college guy, which he was if not a little more respectful than most. “Sorry. I’ll put something on.”
You tugged him back by his wrist, stopping him. “Don’t.”
“Don’t?” He repeated, heart starting to take race in his chest.
You shook your head definitely. “Don’t.”
“Why not?”
You shifted on the bed, realizing how you were still in your dress, subconsciously shrugging off the flimsy straps. Your hand traveled from his wrist and up his forearm. The hairs of his arms stood up at your touch and he sucked in shallow breaths as your hand smoothed over to the back of his neck effortlessly. Your finger threaded through his hair. There’s a look in your eyes, unlike the others you’ve shown so far since he’s reunited with you. They only come close with the gaze he say several years ago when you defiled his 18th birthday gift at a random peer’s graduation. “Lee Chan.”
He doesn’t want to fall for it, but damn it, did he want to be an idiot and just fall, fall hard. “You’re still drunk, maybe–”
“My Lee Chan…” God, did his heart throb.
“You’re definitely drunk.”
Your hand moved over to cup cheek, feeling how he instinctively nestled in your palm. His gaze softened back at you in this familiar way it did once back in the first time and both of you can’t help but call back to that night again. It’s like you’re right where you started, seconds away before melting into one another like hormonal teenagers.
“What are you doing to me now?” He asked so softly you almost didn't make it out.
If his body wasn’t already so goddamn enticing, it was the expression on his face. You could etch out the writhing on his face when you rode his body the first time, remembering how his strong thighs buckled at your touch, burning under the heat of your thighs. Your abdomen was physically contracting thinking about it.
“Kiss me, Chan.”
He doesn’t have the will to resist you any longer and he took the opportunity, crashing his lips into yours. You embraced his naked torso, clinging on to him and tugging against his piercing before pulling him towards you in bed with a thud. You didn’t know what true love felt like but it felt as half as good as Lee Chan, you’d risk your heart over and over again just to have it in your arms.
“Take it off for me,” you whispered once his hand landed on the zipper of your dress. The common plastic rubbed over your spine, and the sound of it traveling down pooled bountiful amounts of arousal in your core. You moaned against his lips helplessly, digging your nails through his scalp. 
His sweatpants did no good in hiding his aroused state as it poked back at your thigh coming out of the slit of your dress, groan at the pain you cause him but was pleased nonetheless. His hands come up your shoulder confidently, sliding down the rest of the material as it slid off the bed and hit the ground. Your knee came up behind him, pressing him down to reunite your curves and hollows as he moved to nip the skin at your clavicle, murmurs from lips occasionally leaving his lips.
“What was that?” you asked, already intoxicated in something other than alcohol for once tonight.
“I said, ‘I’ve been wanting to fuck you the moment I saw you again.’”
His voice exhibited a gravelly rasp, one you wouldn’t have expected knowing him, but fuck, if it didn’t make your pussy full-out throb. “Yeah,” you egged on, “You wanted to see if you still fit your cock in me?”
He gave out a low growl. “I forgot how annoying you were.”
“I guess not too annoying to fuck me full in the front seat of your Camry.”
“I miss that thing. Too many good memories.” His sigh fanned over the back of your neck before his lips sucked against the skin under your ear, causing you to crumble underneath him. “But it’s fine, I can make new memories. And I won’t be worried about breaking you this time.”
His hips dipped down in yours, teasing his bulge at your wet, clothed core before you’re thrusting back in whines. Your hand roamed through his blond locks, gripping like you were doing into your insanity, if only there were just as surprisingly healthy and strong. “Fuck me already. I want you to stuff me with your cock just like the last time.”
He shook his head, that smile of his filling your insides with need and desperation. “Thought I’d catch you up on a bit on how I’ve improved first.”
He trailed kisses down your body, hands caressing over your breast before your sides. You tremble as the pads of his fingers grazed the edges of your panties, pulling them down and off of your body leaving you nothing but nude. Your glistening arousal stared back at him like a limitless fountain of youth, inclination bubbling up inside of him. The back of his hand rubbed against the moisture of your folds, seeing you thoroughly coat him as he wrapped his lips against your thighs, moans ebbing from his lips and yours.
“Your pretty pussy is so wet for me. Just like I remember.” Your clit was squeezed between his fingers, swelling up so enticingly he just had to suck against it. You clenched your abdomen, calling out for him, “fucking hell,” and then his tongue was inside you as though it was digging for gold, “holy shit.”
The sounds he made were simply carnal, like he hadn’t been feeding for months and until now you could help but eat every second up as he devoured you entirely. Your toe curled, your breath stolen from, and your cunt flooded until you could overflow a dam. “I could eat your pussy all night, baby girl…if I knew you tasted this good…would’ve been the first thing I’d done to you.” His thumb presses on your clit, flicking it from side to side, and the stripes he ran up your slit become ravenous, monstrous, torturous.
“You’re gonna make me cum, please…”
“Already,” he teased, kissing your entrance, “I’ve barely started. Or are you saying because you’re such a slut for my cock?”
You winced as he pinched your clit, holding back tears. “No, no. I’m really about to—ah—cum…”
“Guess I should savor it when it arrives, shouldn't I?”
He ate you out until you’re practically screaming, the creak of the bed would be normally something that’d bother you, but his tongue is so tantalizing you don’t even notice. Meanwhile, his hands have taken over your breasts, squeezing them so possessively in each hand you feel like you’re truly his, and none otherwise.
“Such a pretty little mess…cum on my tongue, baby girl…I need you cumming in my mouth…” His pleas sounded dirty, desperate, devastating. Your whines cried out as you begged for more, pushing his face deeper into you, feeling the burn of your cheeks. “Shut…up—fuck!”
You involuntarily came in him as he wished. Painting the inside of his mouth with your milky climax, he laughed contently in your heat as he pulled away. Your cum stretched from your sopping pussy to his lips, forcing you to watch as he licked up the mess, starting with the collection from his cheeks. “Such a good slut for me,” he wiped the cum from the underside of his chin, putting his fingers between his mouth while groaning. “I needed this so bad with the week I’ve had.” 
He wounded himself tight around his digits, letting go with a ‘pop. “Especially with how confused and horny you make me…I’m gonna fuck your stupid cunt until you’re sure you want me just as much as I want you.”
He reached over his bedside to rip open a condom and rolled it on himself, giving you the glimpse you needed to be reminded of how big and delectable just Chan’s cock was. There he then held your legs until they folded against you, spreading you wide and perfect for him to fuck into. Plunging through your cum lubricated walls, he entered you with ease, the familiar sensation of your fluttering grip took him back to his youth. “Shit, that’s good.”
You suppress a moan, to which he scolded you by squeezing your cheeks, gripping your face harshly in his direction, and what he said next was enough to make you want to cum right there on the spot. “Don’t do that. I want you to be loud. I want everyone in this house to hear you while I fuck you senseless to the point you forget your name.”
Whoever dare says Lee Chan is a liar is the real liar because he knows how to keep a promise.
His body, heavy and strong, pressed you unto the mattress mercilessly, pounding out the cheap strings that were bound to break. Your screams of his name bounced off the thin walls, taking every stroke of his cock until you were mistaken for bloody murder. It wasn’t what you expected, and yet you couldn’t be happier to be wrong. Your head threw back at the claim of his hands on your hips, now pulling at you to manually use you for his bidding, only to bottom out in you repeatedly. “Fuck Chan…please…”
After having been told to let your vocal cords loose, you took it personally and screamed his name from the rooftops, which you might as well have done with how obnoxiously boisterous you were taking every gorgeous inch. 
“Good slut,” He flipped you on your stomach, only to rut into you deep. His hand caressed your back, “I’m a bit possessive if you can’t tell. Usually, I wouldn’t care if anyone heard, but with you, I can’t help but do care. I want everyone to know who it is you’re fucking. Who it is ruining you like this.”
“Shit, that’s so hot…” you whine, your ass cheeks burning in the rage of his hips.
“Say it for me then. Say how you like me inside you. Say how you like how I’m fucking you stupid.”
You choked on your words as he pushed in you without abandon, riling himself up at the anticipation of your words. “I love you inside me…I love how you fuck me so stupid, Chan…”
He pulled you up by your arm, his hands clenched your breasts, fondling them on his palms and pinching your pretty erect nipples as his sweaty, toned chest pressed against your back. “You listen to me so fucking well,” he landed a strike on your breast, causing you to moan in response, “I wish I could’ve been fucking you like this all the time. No one was ever like you.”
Your back arched into him, convulsing as you felt the stream of your climax rise up the surface again, controlling you much the way Chan did. As if Chan could read your mind, his lips pressed against your ear tenderly, fingers coming at your swollen clit to rub it pain-achingly perfect. “Do it, cum all over my cock, baby…I want–need you to cum so hard on my cock.”
Even when you cum another time, Chan’s stamina doesn’t cease and he’s asking for another. “Just one more” he pleaded. And he’s fucking you over and over again, until you’re in his lap, grinding on his hips with cock stuffed back inside you as his legs lifted up in repetitive thrusts to rearrange your insides. His tongue roamed in your mouth without abandon, lip ring still brushing against your kiss-swollen lips as he’s whimpering how good you clench around him or perfectly you whine for him in that mouthwatering infliction. “Your pussy’s so damn perfect. Shit, I’ll—fuck, oh god.”
Your pungent honey releases once more, while Chan, unfortunately, poured him into his into the rubber, having you silently mourn the waste. He clenched you against him, your twitch so tantalizing, he had to feel every spasm, kissing you sweetly until you were soothed into stability. He whispered praise of your beauty, your body, your efforts. Bad memories of others washed away with his presence, only allowing his acts of worshiping every inch of you.
“I’m happy I came tonight.”
Chan chuckled, thinking about the unintended innuendo, as he pressed your body nestled into his closer, “Me too. Next time we can do it again, maybe without the condom next time.”
“Not without testing I hope,” You said after hearing him giggle at the thought. Then his words are repeating in your head, ‘Next time.’ You weren’t about to make the same mistake you’re used to and because it was Chan, you were confident with him it’d be different. You held his fingers in yours, lacing them through before pressing them to your lips, “Next time as in the next time we fuck or the next time we’re together?”
He softly smiled. “Looks like someone has a crush.”
“Ugh, fuck you.”
You let go of his hands, initiating his boisterous laughter and euphoria-inducing smile as he spooned your bare backside. “Next time we’re together. After I take you on a proper date that is.”
“What about your auction date?”
He sighed, suddenly remembering that. “It’s unavoidable, unfortunately, but I’ll promise to come to see you right after and show you what things I rather do to you than anyone else.”
“That a promise?”
“Cross my heart, hope to die.”
You turned around to face him again and pressed your hands against his soft and supple cheeks, kissing his lips long and languidly. “You’re so cute.”
“Ugh,” he groaned, pulling you by the waist, “I thought the blonde and piercing would change that.”
“You’ll never not be cute. Everything cute about you I’ll l-adore.”
“You were going to say something else.”
“I wasn’t.” You denied.
“Oh my god,” he gripped tighter around, enough to almost suffocate you, “you love me.”
You flailed in his grip. “What the fuck?”
“Oh, you so love me,” He sang.
“Shut up, I don’t,” You rolled your eyes, “but I do end up loving someone, it wouldn’t be so bad if it was with you first.”
“Is that a promise to one day love me? To have and to hold?” He teases, secretly hopefully.
“Let’s say it’s wishful thinking. All Lee Chans in needs love too.”
“What does that mean?”
“Oh, someone will make sense of it.”
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vampcubus · 2 years
a/n: if this is incomprehensible, its cus i wrote it at like 4am. if you see them getting longer as i go along no you don’t.
⋆ ࣪.❤︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒!┊levi, armin, hange, reiner, bertholdt, and porco.
⋆ ࣪.❤︎ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒!┊mostly sfw, porco's gets suggestive, not proofread we ball.
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— Levi kisses you like he’ll never get to again — explicitly in private, he’s not a fan of PDA. His lips are always desperate against yours, hands in your hair, around your neck, at your hips, drawing you closer. And when you pull away his lips chase yours, blue-grey eyes half-lidded with that longing look that turns your knees to jelly.
— If you’re taller he isn’t above yanking you down by the shirt collar to crush his lips against yours, if you’re shorter all the easier to tilt your face the way he wants.
— And when you tease him by ghosting your lips over his with a barely there kiss, hand in his hair to keep him from closing the gap — he whines this pitiful whine in the back of his throat, ashen eyes ensnaring yours with a glare, both annoyed and pleading.
“Don’t tease me, you’ll regret it.” he whispers, and when you pull away anyways with a husky laugh he follows up with a breathless “please.”
How can you deny him?
— He’s incredibly weak for those gentle kisses to his temple when he’s hard at work on reports in his office. He almost always catches your sleeve and tilts his jaw up to indicate he wants a real kiss. He can’t help but be greedy with you, your soft lips are like a drug, and he’s become quite the addict.
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— Armin’s kisses are as gentle and thoughtful as he is. He probably plans his whole approach out the very first time he attempts it, but every time you look at him it’s as if his brain turns to mush. He starts to sweat and his throat goes dry, whatever romantic scheme he’d mulled over the night before goes right out the window.
In the end, it’s you that seizes the moment. You squish his cheeks and smush your lips over his, in his surprise he sputters against your lips, his face beet red — which only makes you pull away and burst into laughter.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean — let me try again, please!” he blusters, hands on your shoulders as you try your best to reel in your giggles. He gets this determined look in his eyes and cups your face, the action halting your tremors long enough to give him an opening to slot his lips over yours again. He does so with a little too much enthusiasm and ends up knocking you over, but you only throw your arms around him and sigh against his lips. Finally.
— You’ll get a lot of absent-minded pecks as he passes by you, the forehead, cheek, corner of your lips. Doesn’t matter if he’s focused on devising a plan, idly working on a report, or deep in thought, it’s muscle memory at this point. He especially does so when you’re cooking or cleaning so he doesn’t disturb you too much.
— But it’s not hard to tell your lips are his favorite place to kiss. sometimes he gets distracted and just gazes longingly at you, waiting for you to notice so he can pull you aside and smooch you properly. His favorite kisses are slow, long, and passionate, the kind that makes you forget the world around you. He definitely gets carried away and forgets where you are, only tearing away when you start to hear whistles and jeers from other soldiers.
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— Hange’s kisses are as spontaneous and passionate as they are, often a spur-of-the-moment smack of their lips against yours more than anything. Sometimes they just get so excited about their experiments that they could really kiss you, so they do! Granted these are usually fleeting before they go back to babbling about their breakthroughs and theories.
— Since Hange tends to ramble a lot, there are few openings to swoop in for a kiss, which can lead to you just grabbing their face in frustration and shutting them up with your lips. It always works like a charm, their brown eyes wide with surprise before their arms wrap around you and they return your persistent lip lock.
“If you wanted my attention, you could have just said so.” They laugh, breathless as they pull away. Their tone is teasing, but you hardly mind after finally getting the kiss you wanted. Their thumbs brush over your cheeks, drawing your gaze back to theirs as they lean in again, lips a hair away from yours. “I’m not satisfied yet though, we should kiss some more.”
— They smile into kisses a lot, always so smug — but also because you just make them so happy. Especially after assuming the role of commander of the scouts, they’re all but pulling their hair out with all the stress. Your lips are a welcome reprieve, and you can feel them melt into your embrace every time, a wistful sigh against your lips as their worries float away.
— A kiss over their eyepatch gets them a little teary-eyed, hands in your hair to touch your foreheads together. You’ve been through so much together and lost so much. They’re glad to have you by their side to shoulder the weight of the many deaths of your fallen comrades. And now without Moblit, they need you there to be the voice of reason when they go off the deep end.
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— Reiner’s kisses are devoted and reverent. He kisses you like you’re air he breathes. Like he needs the press of your sweet lips against his to live.
— The type to cry when you kiss — in fact, that’s exactly what he did when you first kissed him. He crumpled against you, dragging you both to your knees as he clung to you, sobbing into your neck when he can bear to part from your lips. He’s yours from that moment on, in disbelief that you’ve chosen him, but nothing could tear him from you now.
— Reiner tends to kiss you super soft like he’s afraid you’ll break — a habit you’ll have to shake him out of by being as forceful and passionate as you like with him. Smash your lips against his, bite his lip; let him know that you’re just as desperate for him as he is for you.
— Reiner becomes incredibly reliant on your kisses. He expects a kiss hello and goodbye, a kiss good morning and goodnight. And if you skimp on them he’ll pull you aside, envelop you with his body so you can’t escape, and attack your face and lips with kisses to make up for it.
— Stop kissing him as often and he’ll think he’s done something wrong, mulling anxiously over it until he starts jumping to conclusions. Maybe he said something wrong? Did he do something to make you angry? What if you were growing bored of him? His overthinking will be his undoing.
— You can tell when Reiner wants a kiss, he gets this tortured look on his face as he stares at you from afar. And when you finally acknowledge him he perks up, sending you one of those flirty grins from his youth, beckoning you closer.
— Chronic hand-kisser, he really can’t help it when you slip your smaller fingers into his own so often. It always compels him to lift your hand to his lips and kiss your knuckles, anything to see you smile at him with that adoring look. It still amazes him that such a look is reserved for him.
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— As expected, Bertholdt’s kisses are shy and hesitant — at first. Your first kiss is pure but electric, a culmination of the tip-toeing you’ve been doing around each other for years. You’re definitely the one who initiates, but it’s Bertholdt that holds you still when you go to pull away, ensnaring you with a murmured “please stay” against your lips that makes you melt.
— That kiss consumes his thoughts — even his dreams after that. It’s like your lips met and everything started to make sense, like the world was more colorful. Wherever you go, you’ll find Bertholdt tailing closely behind like a puppy.
— After being given time to adjust to your affections and enough encouragement to assert his own, his kisses take on a very adoring quality. He cherishes you, almost always smiles into kisses, strokes your hair, cradles your head 🥹
— Bertholdt prefers quick pecks in public, quick n easy to your cheek or forehead.
(however, he starts nosing at your shoulder if he sees someone looking at you a little too long. Bert’s observant and while he trusts you, he can’t help but feel a little insecure sometimes. He thinks highly of you, convinced you’re way out of his league)
— But he likes them slow n long when you’re alone when he can express his love for you without the nerves of having everyone’s prying eyes on him.
— The type to come up behind you while you’re cooking and wrap himself around you, trailing kisses across your neck and shoulder. BACK KISSES!! He’s more confident without the pressure of you looking at him. As soon as you turn around he’s putty again under your gaze, chin tucked to his chest demurely as you wrap your arms around his neck and start your own kiss attacks.
— He can’t help it, your eyes make him weak in the knees. You’re just so pretty… and when you look at him like that…
— He’s so fucking tall though and you might consider carrying around a step stool just so you can kiss him anytime you want (climb him) cus he always looks so kissable. And he gets the cutest blush on his face when you tug at his sleeve and pucker your lips. Bert won’t waste any time pushing your hair back and leaning down to settle his soft lips over yours.
“Stop looking so kissable before I climb you like a tree.” You pout, eyes narrowed as he gives you a weird look, cheeks full of food.
He swallows and leans down to boop his hooked nose against yours affectionately.
“Please don’t.” Please do.
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— Porco kisses you like he’s got something to prove.
— Makes you wonder what exactly. Is it to prove that he’s better at it than you? No… Porco likes to be the best, but his kisses largely reflect his desperation for you to think he’s the best you can get. He wants to kiss you better than anyone else probably ever could. He burns for you, and it translates so beautifully into the way he’s trying so hard to not let you slip through his fingers. He wants to prove he’s all you’ll ever want. (And he is 🧎‍♀️)
— Porco’s kisses are always passionate, and he can never stop at just one either. Pull away for a moment and he’ll chase your lips. He gets carried away easily, and being in a public setting is rarely a deterrent. He’s not gonna tongue-kiss you in front of the warrior candidates, but that’s as far as his restraint goes I’m afraid. Especially if he's jealous.
— Porco can be held back from brawling every guy that so much as looks your way (barely), but not from pulling you in by the hips to crush your lips against his when he knows they’re looking.
— Neck kiss enthusiast, both giving and receiving. He likes to do it especially to distract/annoy you when you’re focused on chores or not giving him enough attention. And if you’re being especially resilient he will bite you, just to hear you gasp. You’re gonna be walking around with hickeys everywhere I’m so sorry, no use in scolding him. And if you try to cover them up with makeup he takes that as a challenge to give you more.
— Can’t take a dose of his own medicine though, and that’s something you need to abuse. Catch him while he’s doing something important and start pressing the softest kisses to his neck and jaw and watch him melt. And when he reaches for you, pull away and insist he focuses on his task. Drives him crazy. The moment you start using your teeth and sucking on his neck, he crumbles, hands in your hair, pulling at your clothes. He can be so cute sometimes.
— I’d even go so far as to say that he’s a little obsessed with kissing you, and that means it’s the best kind of leverage you have over him. It’s hilarious how offended he gets when you refuse to kiss him when you’re mad at him. Wdym no kisses until he apologizes??? >:0 he acts tough about it like he doesn’t care… for like a day… and then he’s cornering you.
“'m sorry okay? Lemme kiss you already.” He huffs so quietly you barely hear him, and you bask in the clear humiliation of the titan shifter before you. You supposed you should take pity him… or…
“I think you can beg better than that, Pock.”
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himegureisu · 2 months
Summary: Your period is late and that may mean one thing.
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Author's Rambles: I have a job interview tomorrow morning and I'm procrastinating. This fic was supposed to be for June but I can't wait that long.
Pairing: Severus Snape x Female Reader
Warning: Pregnancy.
——————————— 🪄———————————
In the grand scheme of your life, there were three constants. Your husband, Severus, your job at the Ministry, and your period. Every month, on the second week, it arrives without fail until it didn’t.
In the beginning, you didn’t notice. Caught up in the routine of daily life, its’ absence is blissfully forgotten. Especially since every woman could do without the pain once in a while.
However, as days turned into weeks, your stash of products remained untouched in the bathroom cupboards, and the surplus reminds you of your monthly visitor missing in action. There could only be one reason but…
You could be wrong.
It could be stress from work or the constant time zone changes that affect your body. Yet, the overwhelming fatigue, the cramps, and the light spotting at what should be that time of the month were signs you couldn’t ignore.
In his Potions’ storage, you gather the necessary ingredients for the gravidity draught and head towards his vacant classroom. Your heart pounds beneath your chest as you walk through the halls mindlessly greeting the students that passed.
On his table, you lay the ingredients down following the steps in the tome, carefully measuring each one before adding them to the cauldron. Its’ color slowly changes as it brews. Your thoughts are overwhelmed by the possibility that you nearly jump at the sound of his voice.
“What are you doing?” he asks, his eyes narrow in suspicion, as he approaches the table, “Hm?”
“I’m making a Potion,” you mumble, unable to look him in the eye as you stir, as he muttered, “Obviously,”
“That begs the question, what are you making?”
“I’m certain you can make an educated guess from the ingredients I retrieved from your stores,”
His eyes meticulously roam over the herbs and extracts of creatures spread out in order of the steps the potion would be brewn. His sharp intake of breath after a minute or so tells you he’s deduced it.
“Let me,” he steps in front of you, taking the ladle from your trembling hands, as you step back and watch, “You didn’t call for me,”
“Sev,” you whisper, he huffs, as you wind your arms around his torso, “I was going to after…”
His hands deftly transfer the amount of liquid you need in your vial, the remainder needed to determine your condition, as you step up beside him. His face was incomprehensible, the first since your marriage that you couldn’t get a read on him.
“Unacceptable,” he simply said, “In hardship and in triumph, in sickness and in health, in every step of the way, I will be with you. From this day until the end, come what may, I am yours. ”
Your breath hitched at his deep voice professing those vows you exchanged years before. His eyes meet yours when you look up and stand by his side.
“You will never be alone whatever the outcome,” he professes, placing a gentle kiss on your left hand where your rings rest, and holding it as he takes the vial from the rack to offer it to you, “I promised,”
“I love you, so much,” you try to hold back tears as you take the vial in one hand, and grip his on the other, “Here goes,”
In a gulp, you drink the liquid and grimace at the awful taste.
“It takes two minutes,” he murmurs, taking you in an embrace, as you both stare at the other vial in the rack, “The color should change to green if it’s positive and red if it’s negative. If it’s yellow, it is too early to tell,”
“Can we turn around?” you ask anxiously, he complies as you turn to face the wall, and from there you start to ramble, “I know you’re not fond of children and I know we said we’d think about this when we get here and…”
“I’m not fond of children,” he does say, and your heart nearly breaks into a million pieces there, “But, they’re not ours and I wouldn’t truly know if we didn’t have one, no?”
“You’re okay if it’s positive?” your voice quivers, as he cups your cheeks and nudges you to look at him, “Or if it’s negative?”
“I wouldn’t mind a little girl that looks just like her mother,” he admits, and pulls you in, trying to resist the urge to sneak a glance, “Or a boy would be fortunate to inherit your nose. However, should it be negative we can stop contraception and leave it to fate,”
“Okay, is it time?” you nervously ask, he briefly glances at the clock at the end of the room and nods, and you compromise, “On the count of three, we turn around together,”
On one, you hold his hand tight. Two, has him squeeze back reassuringly. Three, has you both turning around to face the potion that would change the course of your lives forever.
Green. Positive.
“Oh my god,” your tears finally fall in a mixture of disbelief, joy, and fear. “Oh my god, Sev!”
There was a lone tear that glistened on Severus’ cheek.
His thoughts were a jumble ever since a student informed him that you were alone and making a potion in his classroom. His feelings were hurt because you didn’t confide in him of your suspicions. Especially considering the gravity of its implications, however, it seems he made the right choice by going to you.
“We’re going to be parents,” he whispers.
He never thought he would be. He never thought there would be anyone after Lily. He never thought he’d meet you. He never thought you’d return his love. But here you were together, years later after that fated day.
It was a whirlwind of emotions, but he couldn’t deny the joy and excitement at the thought that a manifestation of your love for each other would arrive in nine months.
“Severus?” you wipe the tear marks away, but he didn’t answer, “Sev —”
His arms hoist you up the free space on the edge of his table and he stands between your legs. His right hand rests on top of your lower abdomen lightly caressing the nonexistent bump.
“Thank you,” he breathed out, his heart near bursting, as you smiled, “I never thought I could be this happy.”
“I never thought I could be too,” you say, his eyes twinkling in happiness, but your stomach grumbled in hunger, “How about we go get a late lunch, Papa?”
“Anything for you two,”
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pedroshotwifey · 3 months
*looks around and slides money on the table* 💵
Frankie Morales and number 10
I apologize to Frankie because he’s a sweet polite broad bean who’s respectful and always asks. I…would like him not to. 👀
Reader: plus size female (because I’m in full self-indulgent delulu mode)
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Also I’m kinda not sorry because side why else would you have the title of the p**** eating king Morales? Huh? Huh? 😵 Sir. 👀
Anyway. I’m gonna stop rambling now. Thank you. 🥰
*Snatches money and stuffs it into pocket*
Yeah, alright. I got the goods. (I fucking love this.)
Hope you enjoy your face sitting with the p**** eating king! 😉
Rating: Explicit
W/C: 1.2k
Pairing: Frankie Morales x fem!plus size!reader
A Real Man
“What the fuck do you mean you’ve never sat on someone’s face before?” 
You wince at the words coming out of Frankie’s mouth. Was it really that big of a deal? 
The two of you are sitting in bed, facing the TV that Frankie just paused. Well, it’s not like the two of you were really watching it anyway. You’d started talking halfway through the movie, and you’re not really sure how you got to this point in the conversation, but here you are.
“I-I don’t know. I just…haven’t.” You avoid his gaze as your cheeks heat, unsure of why you feel so ashamed to have admitted that. Maybe it was more of a common thing than you had thought. 
“But you’ve been in relationships before?” Frankie says it like a question, but he knows that you have. 
“Well, yeah, but. I don’t know, we just didn’t do it!” You don’t know why you’re getting frustrated with this. 
Frankie huffs a laugh and shakes his head. 
“What kind of an idiot wouldn’t offer themselves up to a goddess like you?” 
“You haven’t!” you point out. It’s a bit unfair of you since the two of you have only been officially dating for a couple of weeks and haven’t done too much sexual exploration yet. You’ve known him for much longer though, having grown up with him, and you’re not going to deny hearing…rumors of his skills. 
He gives you a pointed look, knowing that you know that’s an unfair accusation. You groan and put your hands over your face.
“My last boyfriend offered, but he seemed like he didn’t really want to. So I told him I would suffocate him, and he agreed with me.” It’s muffled through your hands, and the last part is near incomprehensible with how quietly you say it. 
“He what?” Frankie sits up a bit, and you peek at him through your fingers. “Honey, I hate to tell you, but that boy was a fucking idiot.” 
You sigh and shake your head. Like you didn’t know that already. 
“Take your clothes off.” 
Your hands fall from your face as you jolt up. 
“What? No!” 
“Yes. You’re going to sit on my face so I can show you what it’s like to be with a real man.” 
“Frankie, no, I–” 
“Clothes. Off. Now.” 
You gulp at the way his eyes darken and his voice deepens. Deciding it’s better just to listen to what he says, you slide down off the bed and start to tug off your clothes with shaky hands. You glance at Frankie as you push your pants down, watching the way he hungrily licks his bottom lip as you unveil more and more skin. 
You stop once you’re down to your bra and panties, another protest on the tip of your tongue. But Frankie’s quick, and he knows your antics. 
“Keep going. I don’t want to hear it.” 
You purse your lips but undo your bra all the same, tossing it to the side and revealing your breasts to your boyfriend. You can feel the wetness between your legs as you peel your panties off, making your face flush again. 
It’s not a request, and your body responds to it before you can think about it. You stop in front of him, his hands coming to settle on your plush hips. His eyes drag up the length of you, slowing as they pass your heavy breasts. 
“Fucking gorgeos, amor.” 
He starts to pull you back onto the bed with him, leading you to climb over him as he lays down. You stop at his waist, feeling the way his bulge presses up against the fabric of his sweats. 
“C’mon, baby. All the way up.” 
You swallow but follow his instruction, trying and failing to avoid his lust fueled gaze. You stop again right at his chest, and he suddenly wraps his arms around your thick thighs to pull you to his face, making you fall over him and plant your hands on the bed above his head. 
“Frankie, be careful!” you scold, sitting back up on your knees. You look down at him, seeing his pupils completely blown. 
“Take a seat hermosa,” he instructs, completely ignoring your outburst. 
You start to lower yourself down, hovering just over his mouth. You’re about to ask him one more time if he’s sure, and then he pulls you all the way down, making you yelp as your pussy comes into contact with his unrelenting mouth. 
He immediately gets to work on licking stripes up and down your cunt, and you scream out his name. He’s eaten you before while you were on your back, but holy fuck. It didn’t feel like this. 
He groans into you as he slips his tongue inside your weeping hole, licking up all that he can. Your hand threads through his curls as your hips jolt involuntarily at the feeling. Your head is already starting to go blank as a pressure builds in your abdomen. 
His tongue fucks in and out of you as he simultaneously slurps up your juices. You moan obscenely, tugging on his hair as you ride his face. He whimpers at the pull, and you already know his hips are bucking up into nothing. 
He’s fucking feral, licking and fucking and groaning and whimpering. After a moment, he pulls his tongue back and shifts to take your clit between his full lips, sucking harshly. Your legs begin to tremble as your orgasm gets closer, and Frankie holds you even closer, his fingers leaving indents on your thighs as he squeezes your flesh. His tongue flicks over the swollen bud, and you’re done for. 
“Oh, fuck, Frankie!” you cry out as you come on him, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. You’re vaguely aware of the way you’re clenching his hair in a way that has got to be painful, but you don’t have enough control to release your grip. 
He keeps moving through your orgasm, letting go of your clit to trail back to your hole, drinking everything up as he moans. Your body tenses and shakes violently as you focus solely on the pleasure of it. 
You’re panting as you come down, your body leaning back over his, weak from the force of the orgasm he just gave you. You feel his grip loosen on your thighs, and you take the opportunity to roll off of him and lay down on your back beside him. 
You’re both covered in a thin sheen of sweat, breathing heavy as you look at eachother. You trade a shaky laugh, completely blissed out from whatever the fuck that was. 
“Thank you baby,” you say, unsure if you can find the words to explain to him how mind-blowing that was. 
“Shit, thank you,” Frankie responds. 
“It wasn’t too much then?” you ask, doubt creeping back into your mind despite what just transpired. 
“It was fucking perfect baby. I can prove how much I liked it if you really need.” He sounds almost bashful at this admission, and you’re confused for a second before you look down and see the dark stain in his pants. 
You laugh at him, almost impressed that he managed to come untouched. 
“No, I believe you.”
Here’s the link to the prompt list if anyone else would like to request 🫶
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jinnxedy · 5 months
Do you take requests for your writings?
If not, just ignore this...
I read one of your headcannons about Abby that says that she treats the stuff animals she gifted to her s/o like if they were their children.
One day, she comes home in a bad mood after a stressful day and takes out her anger in reader and make a comment about it.
"Stop treating them like that. They're not real"
But of course, she apologized and had a happy ending.
Take your time and take care 🫶
Hii, this is such a good request, thank you for suggesting this 💕 I hope you like it and I hope it meets your expectations!
Disclaimer: not much, just some cursing, mentions of clickers and such? Don't know If this is considered angst with happy ending, but I doubt it. English not being my first language, idk lmao I think that's it.
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Abby wasn't having it today. Everything and everyone irritated her, the patrols, clickers, Isaac being on her ass every second, could people be more annoying today?
She doesn't know what's going on with her, she couldn't talk to anyone without making a snarky, backhanded comment. Don't get her wrong, she feels so bad for it, but she doesn't have time for apologies. It's too much for her, she says.
Walking back to her shared room with you, she could feel her own body giving up. Her legs weak, head pounding, shoulders tense, jaw clenched, you get the gist.
She just wants, no, needs some rest.
As soon as she opens the door, she's met with the sight of you laying in bed, plushies all around you. You were reading one of Abby's books, and honestly they were too boring for your taste. It's not like you had other things to focus on. You had one of your favorite stuffed animals in hand, holding it for some sort of comfort. Truth is, you've missed Abby, not being able to see her all day was torture.
You diverted your gaze away from the book to Abby, a genuine smile quickly painted onto your face. Dropping the book back at the nightstand and rushing to her side, you hug her.
And listen, Abby loves your hugs, but she's had a long day. The sudden and unexpected contact made her grunt in pain, pulling back from the hug unintentionally. Her eyebrows scrunching a bit as she closed her eyes and sighed in slight annoyance.
You were hurt to say the least, she's never reacted like this to your touch, you've never seen her so hostile towards you.
"Abby... is everything okay, did I do something wrong?" Your voice soft, gentle, and careful. You were scared of getting a bad reaction out of her.
It was so weird, the way she just dismissed your question and went right to bed. You hummed quietly to yourself, almost in disbelief of this girl's behavior.
I mean, the fuck?
Abby huffed at the feeling of one of your stuffed animals poking her back as she laid down back in the bed, rolling her eyes and throwing it across the room. You stare at her wide eyed, a scolding look on your face
"What the hell was that for?" You didn't raise your voice, but you were assertive, you needed to know what was going on with her today. "Why did you throw the poor guy? He didn't deserve that" You said jokingly, hoping she knew you wanted to light the mood up a little.
Still, Abby failed to get the small joke. "Stop treating them like that. They're not real" You didn't fail to notice her bitter tone, taken aback by it.
You weren't offended by the words, after all they weren't directed towards you, but the way she spoke and treated you earlier, that made it for you.
"I don't know what the fuck's wrong with you today? You're being such an asshole to me, I didn't do anything. Apologize, talk to me, do something... anything." You sounded hurt, your face filled with worry.
Just then, Abby realized how she treated you. You didn't deserve this, what was she thinking?
She sat on the bed, thinking of what to say, only inaudible and incomprehensible apologies coming out. She was rambling, fumbling over her own words, only making her more frustrated.
You sighed and sat down beside her, putting your head on her shoulder and holding her hand, offering comfort and support. Abby took a moment before talking again, enjoying your soft touches here and there, not failing to calm her down. This is just what she needed, your soft fingers running up and down her arms and hands, you were her own personal haven.
"I'm so, so sorry. Please, forgive me" Her voice sounded meek, vulnerable, her hands looking for your own, needing you to make her feel better.
You saw the desperate look on her eyes, and you felt so bad for the poor girl.
You just held her all night, running your fingers through her hair, kissing all over her face, anything to lift her spirits up. Abby loved it, the way you caressed her, held her with such care and love, your delicate fingers tenderly grazing all over her skin.
Abby doesn't know what she would do without you, you complete her perfectly.
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ohmyamor · 1 year
You stare with your mouth open wide at the small device clutched in your hands. 
Fingers twitching, you bring the lit-up screen concerningly close to your face, squinting your eyes at the picture at on your phone. 
“Is his hair...purple?” you whisper out loud. 
Not that there was anyone else in the room with you, but still. You weren’t sure if you could believe your eyes.
The sudden ringing sound signaling you were receiving an incoming call startled you out of your trance. Taking a glance at the caller id, you can’t help but snort. 
Speak of the fucking devil. 
“Hi sweetheart,” Jongho’s voice rang out through your speaker. 
“You don’t deserve to call me that.” 
You listened as Jongho sputtered, letting out an incomprehensible string of words. 
“You don’t deserve to call me ‘sweetheart’ after what you did,” you repeated. 
“I’m sorry, did I do something to upset you? Or bother you? I know I haven’t been able to stop by, but you know how it gets when promotions start. I promise you baby, as soon as I get the chance I’ll rush over to your place and we can spend as much time as you want together. I’ll event take you to that cafe you’ve been wanting to try,” Jongho rambles through the line.
A small smile worms its way onto your face. You almost start to feel a little bad about scaring him like that, but another glance at the picture on your phone has you feeling betrayed all over again. 
“Honey? Are you there?” 
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were going to dye your hair purple,” you pout. 
“And I had to find out through pictures of your stage today. Seriously, I can’t believe you would do this to me jjong.” 
A laugh of disbelief rings through your speaker. 
“Is that what this is about? You’re pouty because I didn’t show you my hair color?” 
As soon as he finishes speaking, Jongho begins to let out loud laughs that echo throughout your room. 
“Don’t laugh at me! This is serious!” you argue. “I thought I was the love of your life! But you didn’t even tell me you were finally going purple. And when did you even get a chance to do that? We literally video chatted last night and you were at the dorms with the guys.” 
More laughs come from Jongho’s end. 
“I wanted it to be a surprise, especially because I know how much you’ve wanted me to do a fun color with my hair. And for your information, I had to wake up super early today to get it done.” 
You sigh and click your tongue. 
“Just because you look hot with purple hair doesn’t mean you’re off the hook Choi.” 
Jongho hums. 
“I’m willing to deal with the consequences.” He’s quiet for a moment before speaking again. “So, you think I look hot?”
A smile makes it’s way onto your face and you can’t help but roll your eyes. 
“You’re always hot, but something about the purple...,” you trail off. “Very nice.” 
Jongho lets out a small giggle and you can’t stop the fuzzy feeling that blossoms in your chest hearing him laugh. 
“Well I’m glad you approve. And I can’t wait to show it to you in person. I miss you baby,” Jongho’s voice becomes softer towards the end of his sentence. 
“I miss you too, but you and the guys are doing absolutely amazing this comeback. Seriously, you guys always do freaking amazing, but this comeback you guys are really glowing, so continue to go out there and make me and atiny’s proud,” you cheer him on. 
Although you can’t see him, you know Jongho well enough to imagine the smile that most likely sits on his face from your words. 
“Thank you, sweetheart.” 
Distantly, you can hear what sounds like Hongjoong’s voice calling for the boys. 
“I have to go now, but I promise to text you when I get back to the dorms. I love you,” Jongho says. 
“I love you too, jjong. Get some rest.” 
After hanging up the phone, you spend a few more minutes scrolling through Twitter and saving some of your favorite pictures of Jongho. You’re about to get up and begin getting changed when an idea strikes you. 
You send one last text to your boyfriend before going to the bathroom. 
Should I dye my hair purple too? We can match ;)
When you come back, Jongho’s reply makes you laugh. 
Don’t mess with my heart like that baby. 
But if you do, please give me a warning. 
bc im not okay lol I woke up to those pictures and immediately spammed my friends. 
i think he’s genuinely trying to kill me but its okay 
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