#sorry i’m just an avid sports fan
tv1xx · 4 months
Hear me out on another theory.
So the Super Bowl is in 14 days and it’s probably like the most watched game in America and every year people go crazy for the ads during commercials. (It’s American football for my non american moots and every year it is the most watched event on TV in America)
This is like the perfect time for Invincible to self promote the rest of S2. Maybe we’ll get a trailer or a sneak peak? 👀
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A Birthday to Remember
Summary: You're birthday celebration is crashed by an unexpected guest. (Steve Rogers)
Warnings: noncon/dubcon, fingering, flirting, public canoodles
Note: @punishmepunisher said Evans was rocking a suburban dad who drinks applebee's margaritas and listens to Jimmy Buffett so this happened.
Please enjoy and let me know what you think. Please also reblog because it's a lot longer than I intended.
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You laugh over the rim of your appletini. The overly sweet drink goes down too easy as Charlotte calls for another round. It’s not exactly the thirtieth birthday you dreamed of, but you can’t complain for the company.
It’s almost fitting as you enter your third decade, the downhome atmosphere of the Applebee’s; the staticy classic rock buzzing from the speakers, televisions playing sports games over the bar, where men in golf shirts and khakis nurse Heinekins and cheer on their favourite batters. The old jokes don’t stop as Charlotte and Tatiana hide behind the few months until they cross the line of the big three-o.
“You think you can handle another round, grandma?” Tat giggles as she looks around for the waiter.
“Shut up,” you grumble and roll your eyes, “just you wait, you’ll regret it.”
“She’s getting cranky in her old age,” Charlotte cracks and drains the last of her pina colada.
You harrumph and cross your arms as you sit back against the plastic cushion. The waiter stops by as Tat calls for another order.
“I shouldn’t have trusted you two with planning this,” you bemoan, “I mean, really?”
“Oh, come on, you said no clubs,” Charlotte taunts, “so we went with something more your speed.”
“Let me guess, we’re hitting the funeral home next?” You scoff.
“That’s next year,” Tat cackles.
You shake your head and sit through their roast, the waiter bringing you a second appletini as you thank them. You’re gonna need at least half a dozen to get through the night, especially with these two.
The bright green liquid dwindles as you gulp it down eagerly, listening to Charlotte chatter about her new Tinder match. A cute redhead she claims. You haven’t had much luck on the app despite her many flings. You feel as if you’re doing something wrong and Tat is once more in her on-and-off hookup with her old college roommate.
As you’re ready for a third, pondering changing up the flavour, a sudden lull goes up as the crackle of a sparkler breaks the din. Several waiters approach singing happy birthday as you cringe and sink down in your seat. Charlotte and Tatiana join in out of tune, drawing out the song annoyingly as the cake is placed on the table before you.
You growl before you blow out the candles and the servers proclaim you next drink on the house. You smile and thank them, holding back your humiliation and ordering one of the blue drinks on special.
“Right,” you say as you’re finally left to wallow with your so-called friends, “I’m gonna break the seal.”
“Already? Oh, shoot, there goes her bladder, we should’ve brought the depends,” Tat jokes and you give her another snarl.
You leave them to their laughter as you climb down from the booth and head towards the signs beside the kitchen. You take your time, hiding in the stall as the alcohol flows into your veins and gives a bit of a tint to your vision. You wash your hands and stare at your reflection.
You don’t look older. You don’t feel it either. Thirty isn’t so bad. Give it a couple years and your few strands of grey will be streaks. You twist off the tap and yank out some paper towel to dry off.
It’s a bit louder as you come out into the restaurant. The bar’s growing raucous as bottles clink onto the wood top and the avid ball fans cheer for their team in the ninth inning. As you pass behind the stools, a body stumbles into you as he slides off a tall stool.
A large hand catches your lower back, steadying you before retracting abruptly.
“Oop, sorry about that, I didn’t see ya there,” the man takes a step back, resting his hand on the leather of his vacated seat, “oh, you’re the birthday girl, huh?”
“Oh, uh,” you glance over at Charlotte and Tat as they speak over the table, slurping from their thin straws, “yeah, my friends are a bit dramatic.”
“Here, let me buy you a drink,” he offers.
“Oh, no, no, that’s fine. It’s nice of you but–”
“I insist, come on,” he waves to the bartender, “what are you drinking?”
“Really, I can’t, I gotta get back to my friends,” you insist.
“Bah, make them wait, they don’t seem to miss you,” he peeks at them over his shoulder, “Steve, by the way.”
You nod, uncertain about the man. He’s older than you. Forty at least judging from the patches of silver at his temples that weave back into his golden hair. Even so, he’s not bad looking.
You return your name, another wary look to your table, and you fold your hands anxiously.
“Another margarita,” he orders over the bar and turns to you, “well?”
“Um, vodka soda,” you say, sticking to the same liquor. If you don’t feel your age, you definitely feel the alcohol.
“Here, all yours,” he pats the stool and steps away as the bartender begins his mixing.
“No, it’s fine–”
“I insist,” he points to the seat, his voice firm, fatherly almost, “sit.”
You hold back a sigh and step on the crossbar and haul yourself up. He stands beside you, his elbow on the bar as he digs out his wallet. He pays as your drinks are set down and tells the bartender to keep the change.
“You’re too nice,” you say, “buying a complete stranger a drink.”
“Stranger? I know your name, you know mine,” he says smoothly.
“Right,” you put your fingers on the cold glass, “I guess.”
“So, how old are you now? Wait, wait,” he raises his large hands, “let me guess,” he taps his chin as he thinks, eyes roving over you, “twenty-three?”
You nearly choke as you suck on the straw and scoff, “try again.”
“Hmmm, up or down?” he asks. You point at the ceiling and his brows shoot up, “oh, I see, aging gracefully.” He pauses to drink from the tall green neck of his beer bottle, “Twenty-five?”
You shake your head and give him a doubtful look, “you don’t have to lie, it’s not working.”
“Twenty-six?” He tries again, the same glower aimed back at him, “no? Shit, uh,” he hooks his thumb in his belt and hovers his glass before his lips. He squints at you and takes a slow drink, popping his lips off the rim as he thinks, “don’t tell me you’re thirty.”
You nod, “yep, thirty.”
“Jeez, well, you look good for thirty, trust me, I know,” he chuckles, “damn, I’m old.”
“Are you?” You wonder.
“Take a guess,” he leans on the bar as he crosses one foot over the other.
“I don’t want to,” you say, “I wouldn’t want to offend you.”
“What? Come on, I can’t look that old, I’m sure you can get it.”
“Steve,” you pluck his name out of your mind after a moment of grasping, “I don’t know.”
“Come on,” he goads.
You press your lips together and take another sip. You peer over at Charlotte and Tatianna. They’ve noticed and they’re watching none too subtly.
“I should get back to my friends,” you say again.
“You guess my age and you can go,” he says, “so?”
“Uh, I don’t know… thirty?” You utter weakly.
He laughs, “be serious,” he slides closer, brushing against your legs.
“Forty,” you resign in a stony voice.
His cheek ticks, “warmer.”
“Okay, er, forty-two?”
“Getting there,” he tilts his head.
“Higher or lower?” You ask impatiently and slide to the edge of the stool, wanting to get back to the table. 
“Higher,” his tone rolls in his throat smokily.
“Um, forty-five?” You bluster helplessly.
“Bingo,” he wiggles his glass at you, “fifteen years, huh? Not that much but enough.”
“Sure,” you say, confused, “well, I–”
“Hey,” Charlotte interrupts, “hate to butt in but we were getting a bit antsy so we cut the cake.”
“Here,” Tatiana hands you a plate with a slice, then offers another to Steve, “we figured we bring you some.”
“I’m coming back, it’s–”
“Thanks,” Steve takes it and sets down his drink, “you guys have some wild plans for the rest of the night?”
Tat gives a prolonged glance in his direction before her and Charlotte share a coded look, “well, that’s the thing. I have a girl waiting for me at my apartment and Char here has a guy blowing up her phone, but our friend, single as the day she was born.”
“Tat,” you hiss under your breath as Steve laughs.
“And she’s thirty. Tick tock,” Charlotte adds, “she won’t be able to score a sexy older man for much longer.”
“Shut up,” you growl.
“So, we’ve had our cake and ate it too,” Charlotte smirks, “so the table is all yours.”
You blink at her as you try not to seethe in anger. 
“Go on, enjoy the rest of your birthday, babe,” Tat adds as she adjusts her purse, “we’re just gonna share a cab.”
‘I hate you,’ you mouth over your glass before you take another drink.
They giggle and give a wave, “see you later, you can tell us all about it tomorrow,” Charlotte chimes as they strut away.
You gulp down the last of the bitter vodka soda and place it on the bar, “well, that was not uncomfortable at all. I’m gonna go grab my things and disappear.”
“Wait,” he says as you drop off the stool, your plate nearly toppling out of your hand, “you gotta have your cake. It’s your birthday.”
“I… guess,” you bite your lip, “but you don’t have to–”
“I think it’s pretty obvious that I want to,” he says, “so?”
You feel bad saying no, even if you’re uncertain about him. He’s friendly enough but you don’t exactly go for the suburban Applebee local. He did buy you a drink though so the least you can do is be polite.
“Sure,” you say, “I can’t eat all that cake alone.”
He grins and turns back for his margarita. You lead him to the table and sidle onto the bench. He slides in beside you to your surprise as you set down your plate. He’s close as he sits next to you and settles in.
“I prefer vanilla,” he says as he jabs his fork into the chocolate sponge.
“I don’t mind either,” you say as you mirror him. This is going to be an awkward night. Charlotte and Tatianna are going to pay.
“So, you must be from town?” he asks before taking a bite.
“Yeah, east end,” you answer.
“Ah, I live up in Chester,” he swallows, “pretty tame over there.”
“That’s close,” you say awkwardly, never very good at the whole conversation with a stranger thing.
“I look like the type, eh?” He glances down at his striped golf shirt.
“I didn’t think about it,” you lie, focusing on your cake as sweat beads on your scalp. He smells like bergamot and citrus,
“You don’t have to lie to me,” he says as he stretches his arm behind your head, his fork clinking against the plate.
“I’m not,” you reach for the forgotten blue cocktail you ordered before your venture to the toilets, “really.”
“So what do you do? You seem like a teacher type.”
“I do? Didn’t you think I was twenty-three?”
“Well, now I know you’re not. Maybe you’re a lawyer? You like to argue.”
“I’m not arguing,” you stop yourself, leaving the last bit of your slice untouched as you twirl your fork nervously, “I work in curriculum development. Not quite a teacher.”
“Ah, I knew it was something like that,” he puts his fork down on his empty plate and takes a napkin to wipe his lips, crumpling it up and tossing it with the silver. “You must work hard, no time for guys?”
“Just haven’t gotten to that,” you shrug as his arm falls onto your shoulder. You wriggle and try to shrug him off, “it’s warm in here,” you fan yourself as the fork shakes in your hand.
“Well, you’re damn hot, aren’t you?” he purrs as he leans in.
“Wha– I– Can you back up?” you choke out, “please.”
“Come on, baby, just a little fun for your birthday,” he turns towards you on the seat, blocking out the restaurant with his shoulders.
“Okay, no, you’re too–”
He shoves his hands between your legs and you gasp, clamping your thighs around his fingers.
“Hey,” you grab his wrist, “don’t do that–”
He curls his arm around your head and smothers your mouth with his other hand. You murmur into his palm as he forces his hands up to the seam of your leggings. Your eyes round as heat surrounds the pressure of his rough touch. His breath fills the tight space as he pulls your against him.
You’re almost in his lap as he places his chin on top of your head, hugging you to him as he rocks his hand. It’s painful as the coil winds within, the weight of his hand against your clit twists it tighter and tighter. You garble as he shakes your whole body with his rhythm and hushes you.
“Doesn’t that feel good, honey? Hm?” he keeps two fingers against your folds as he presses the heel of his hand against your bud, “fuck, I feel you getting wet through these things.”
You whimper as you latch onto his thick forearm, his scent drowning you as the alcohol laces through your hazy mind. He moves his fingers up and down, tracing the seam and pushes on the stitches with his nail. The fabric split and he tears the hole a little at a time.
You tremble as you claw at him, begging him in muffled sniffles to stop. He feels along the edge of your panties and inches them aside, delving between your wet lips. You bat your lashes in horror as he coos at you under his breath.
“Fuck, you are wet, honey, hm? You like being my little slut. With all these people around too…” he dips his fingers into you, wiggling his hand against your clit as he curls his knuckles, “yeah, you’re gonna cum already, aren’t you?”
The noise all around blurs; voices, the radio, the television, and the clatter of plates from behind the kitchen doors. You suck in air as your eyes roll back, the tingle spreading across your thighs as your hips rock without thinking. He squeezes as the fire bloom and smatters across your pelvis, an orgasm spiking against your will.
You puff against his hand as you squeeze his wrist and shudder through your climax. He eases you through, your walls twitching around him in rebellion. Slowly, he slips out and lets you go. You pants as you brace yourself against the cushion as he untangles his arm form your neck.
He puts his elbow on the table and admires his glistening fingers. You reach between your legs to feel the tear in your leggings, your cunt tender to the touch. He winks at you as he licks his fingers and pushes them into his mouth with a hum.
He pulls them out in a deliberate motion, “tasty,” he smirks and turns his hand, checking the time on his watch, “damn, I told the wife I’d be home at ten.”
You gape at him as he takes a deep swig from the curved glass and slides off the seat. You quiver as you sit up, watching him dumbly as you try to understand what just happened.
“See ya, honey,” he waves with the two fingers he just fucked you with, “happy birthday.”
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suchacomet · 2 years
do you know if the baseball scenes in a league of their own were done by the actresses or by professionals? i can't find articles about it and i'm kind of curious your opinion as a sports person (sorry, i only know you from your analysis posts about the baseball aspects of the series)
omg i’m flattered you think i’m qualified to answer this question… i’m no professional commentator or even really a super avid baseball fan—the most i follow sports is college softball and then i only watch the championships bc godDAMN do those girls know how to play but godDAMN do i not have time to follow a whole season of pro sports—but i’m happy to share my personal beliefs on this topic, which boil down to: a little bit of both, i think!
in a bunch of interviews the actors have talked about doing baseball training and learning to play baseball as part of their prep for shooting the show (for example this interview which also has the bit where kelly mccormack talks about now much fun she had shooting the bar scene w roberta colindrez ❤️). plus there are, obviously, moments where we see the actors playing—scenes that come to mind are jess’s jump + barehand catch and throw to first, max’s barehand catch in the last episode, and the splits catch that one of the other peaches does at tryouts.
but there’s no way they didn’t use stunt doubles, especially for scenes like the runner mowing down carson at home plate or any of the slides. and honestly, most of the pitches, throws, and hits are probably either stitched-together cuts of multiple takes or cgi to get the ball where it needs to go. from a filmmaking standpoint, it’s just impractical to do anything else—no producer wants to do thirty takes of a pitch until it actually is a strike, no actor wants to worry about hitting to center left vs center right when they should be focusing on staying in character and being present in the scene, no editor wants to sift through hours of takes that are unusable because the ball just isn’t where it’s supposed to be.
there are definitely moments where they spliced together a bad play to make it look like a good one. the best example i can think of is this stop from jess:
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obviously i can’t be certain, and it could just be the angle of the shot playing tricks on me, but it wouldn’t surprise me if jess/kelly mccormack overshot her lunge in that first wide shot and missed the ball. i can’t quite put my finger on it but it just doesn’t look like she’s gonna catch the ball to me. they cut quick enough and well enough to the close-up where she does make the catch that the audience really doesn’t notice the cover-up (if there actually is one), so it works.
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same with this pitch from max! i don’t see anything wrong with the form necessarily but i highly doubt that exact pitch matches the ball landing perfectly in carson’s glove in the next shot. the angle of the ball traveling in the first shot doesn’t match the one in the second shot. but again, with the editing and the fact that what we’re really focusing on in this shot is their faces, it doesn’t register as being faked
also there’s for sure “errors” in some gameplay—i’m at work so i don’t have the time or ability to get screenshots but i distinctly remember someone walking back from running through first on the inside of the baseline/within bounds and being like AUGH NO THEYRE GONNA TAG YOU OUT but no one reacting, and i’m sure if i really thought about it i could come up with more examples. but having been in an editing room many a time, i get having to sacrifice a little bit of continuity or being 100% error-free in order to prioritize the best performances or the pacing of the scene
i don’t think it takes away from the show at all to do this btw! this is a fictional baseball series, not a baseball game. molding the shape of the game and the plays to serve the narrative and reflect the characters is the name of the game. if i wanted to watch people actually play baseball, i’d turn on an mlb game, you know? the baseball serves the story, not the other way around, and if that means cheating pitches and catches then so be it. it’s all part of filmmaking.
all that being said, i DO think the training the actors did does show in the series! it makes them look confident and natural on the diamond. like look at this still of geena davis from the original movie:
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i love this movie. i love this movie so much. but jesus christ that is one of the worst batting forms i’ve ever seen in my life. her elbows aren’t bent enough; her back elbow should be angled higher; the bat should be held at a lower angle; her hands should be tucked much closer to her head/cheek area; her stance is too narrow and she looks so off-balance that a breeze would knock her over; she’s got some weird torque going on in her hips and torso that i can’t figure out but it looks a) uncomfortable b) weak and c) like she’s scared of the ball.
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compare that to shirley’s form. i love shirley’s form and her batting prep. she lines herself up properly to the plate. she looks back to check her back elbow is in the right place. she leans back into her stance. it’s still stiff like geena davis, but that comes from shirley’s character, not the actor’s lack of skill/familiarity with the sport. and honestly shirley’s whole at-bat ritual with the tapping and the shirt tug and all not only makes sense for her as a nervous, compulsive character, but is SOOOO accurate to baseball players. i had a routine like that (not as complex but the whole having to do the same thing before every swing is so real)
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(you know i gotta include a lupe image here) with the angle here it’s hard to tell whether that pitch is actually a strike, but it doesn’t matter bc she looks confident and capable! in her face she looks like she’s putting force into the pitch and with the leg kick, the glove point, and the follow through, she’s believable as a star pitcher
i think that’s the value of training your actors. i don’t think everyone can be, or even should be a tom cruise-type do-all-their-own-stunts actor. to get an entire team’s worth of actors (multiplied a few times, if you went all out and also trained the minor character and all the extras from the other teams) to a professional ball-playing standard, it would take years of training and millions/billions of dollars that i’d rather the production team use elsewhere to make a compelling narrative with high production value. but having the actors do SOME baseball training really pays off in these moments where we feel like we’re actually seeing these women play ball, even when we really aren’t.
i remember watching the original movie and laughing at the characters’ forms. it broke suspension of disbelief for me and again, even though i love that movie, it’s so clear to me that the way the women look (read: pretty/palatable to a cishet male audience) was more important than making them look like ball players. like i said earlier, geena davis looks like a rookie who’s scared of being hit by the ball, which completely undercuts her whole character. in aloto the show, they look like ball players—they look like fucking stellar professional ball players
(credit to @ropoto and @hikarielizabethbloom for the gorgeous gifs!)
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vinvantae · 2 years
Hiiii, omg I’ve just finished the last part of baby steps and bestie I basically RAN into reading all of your fics and one shot and you are SO talented. I’ve had this idea for ages but I suck at writing so I propose this to you. Feel free to don’t write this if you don’t like it or to change what you want but I was thinking of a one shot with Danny ric where the reader lives in Ireland or Scotland and she’s a super simple person, who lives in a cottage and loves incense and crystals and Daniel goes to her house after the last two shitty races (especially Montreal, I will never recover) and they just enjoy each other’s presence, she bring him to some nice place in the nature and he just get a fully recover in the calmness of countryside and stuff. Basically just a lot of fluff. Thanks if you’ll do this, again, I really love all your work 💜💜💜
Wow, thank you so much! 🧡 hope you enjoy it x
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His grip was tight on the steering wheel as he coasted through the narrow country lanes - tall bushes lining the roads, the smell of wildflowers and the sound of birds chirping filled his senses but he couldn’t focus. All he wanted was to be with you.
Nothing in his life felt more like fate than meeting you - you weren’t an avid sports fan or even a big traveller, but one night in a tiny bar in island changed it all. He’d treated himself to a small trip to a remote town after Silverstone, and he’d never expected to find the girl of his dreams strumming the guitar up on a small stage. Her voice twinkling through the air, capturing the attention of the patrons.
As soon as you’d stepped down, he couldn’t help but swoop in and he was glad he did. From the moment you first spoke he was smitten, and now, just over a year later, you’d become his sanctuary. His little hideaway from the world.
Your small cottage was nestled away in the Irish countryside, like something out of a fairytale with Ivy crawling up the walls, vegetables in the garden and your chickens clucking at his feet as he opened the gate.
“Ladies.” He chuckled softly, trying his best not to trip over them as they gathered around him. “Been a while, hasn’t it?”
“I think they thought you forgot about them.”
The smile that took over his face at the sound of your voice was instinctual. “My love.”
He carefully stepped passed the birds to sweep you up into a bear hug, your legs hanging in the air as he swung you - tearing delighted giggles from you. His favourite sound in the world. You wrapped your arms around him, nuzzling into his neck.
“Missed you so much, I’m sorry about the races, darling” You hummed softly.
“Don’t care about that right now. Just happy to be here with you, y/n.” He purred, pulling back enough to look in your eyes - the fond sparkle that he loved in them. “You wear that just for me?”
He gently placed you on the ground and twirled you - taking in every inch of you in your cute summer dress.
“Perhaps. But, I’ve got a cup of chamomile tea with your name on it, my love.” You tugged his hand and led him inside. “So no getting distracted by how cute my butt looks.”
Every time he came to visit you, he felt more and more at home. It didn’t need to be grand and flashy like a lot of his friends home, and admittedly his own, it was all you. From the little crystals dotted around in specific locations, to the soft smell of incense in the air and the one too many crocheted blankets folded up on the old rocking chair - it was just peaceful.
“Just tea is fine, thank you. Want to spend time with you.” He smiled softly, earning a gentle kiss on his forehead before you disappeared briefly into the kitchen.
He sat on the sofa and took a deep breath- if you had told him a year ago that he would’ve ended up with a girl like you, he wouldn’t believe it. You were calm, quiet - everything he wasn’t - and you helped ground him in a way no one else had done before. After you placed the cup of tea on a coaster in front of him, he wrapped his arms around your middle and pulled you against him.
“Careful!” You giggled, adjusting yourself to sit more comfortably on his lap, legs stretched out over the sofa.
You cupped his jaw and brushed the pad of your thumb over his stubble.
“You look tired, darling.” You whispered. “Do you wanna talk about it? Or do you just wanna chill out?”
He leant into your touch. “Can we talk later? Just… I want to enjoy this, enjoy you.”
You nodded and kissed him sweetly, before passing him his cup. “Should be perfect to drink.”
While he sipped his drink, you stood up from his lap and grabbed a book and sitting back down beside him - propping your feet up on his lap. Dan closed his eyes and let his head fall onto the back of the sofa. No one truly understood him like you did, no one else would be happy just to sit in the quiet and just enjoy being with him like you. Everyone else wanted jokes and laughs but sometimes he just wanted to wind down.
“I think Gale is warming up to me you know, she didn’t peck my shin like usual.” He hummed, opening one eye to look at you.
“I think she was just surprised to see you… but, seriously, I’m glad you’re here.”
“Me too. This is exactly where I want to be right now. No one else, no obligations. Just us.”
You gave him a kind smile, leaning forward to kiss him sweetly. “Just stay as long as you need, my home is your home.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, darling.”
The two of you spend the rest of the day relaxing and after his two rather shitty races, through no fault of his own, it was the perfect escape. And as the sun began to dip behind the earth and the soft thrums of your guitar filled the air - he knew that this was exactly where he needed to be.
Just a little one, hope you enjoyed it :) I’m not gonna put my taglist on this right now because I’m very tired and wanna sleep!
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bluefirewrites · 3 years
I was tempted by librarian/avid reader for obvious reasons but I’m going with tourist/knowledgeable local au for juke (of course) 💜
Sporting my Bay Area for this one-
"Shit," Luke angrily taps at his screen, "Google Maps... can't fucking... recenter... that damn arrow..."
Now he must look like a total idiot pivoting slowly on the corner of the street, hoping, praying, that the app would actually point him in the direction the was supposed to go.
And seeing as though he was him and he had somehow had no regards for personal space, spun around and knocked into a girl who was just minding her own business.
He grabbed at her forearm, keeping her from making contact with the ground, "Whoa. I'm- I'm so sorry."
The girl lets out a friendly gasp of surprise, "It's- It's totally fine. Should have watched where I was going."
"No, it's not you, I swear, it's-" he lamely held up his phone, "Maps. What can ya do?"
"Are you lost?" Then she made a visual sweep of his attire, "You're on vacation?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"Your voice says 'New York' but your cutoffs scream 'Florida'"
He laughed, "Yeah, no. Just coming up from L.A. Meeting some friends at some venue, we have a show to play."
The girl purses her lips, "Where are you heading?"
"Some hill? I got some directions and then it frazzled out on me and all I know I just have to be at a bottom of some hill."
The girl looks him over again, particularly at his Ramones shirt and the chain he's sporting.
"It's because that's the name of the venue. Bottom of The Hill. Between Mission Bay and Potrero Hill, hence the hill."
"Riiight," he pockets his phone, "Do you know how to get there?"
"Yeah. I'm over by Dogpatch anyway. We can take the bus together,"
Luke breathes in relief, "Thank you. I'm Luke by the way."
They shake hands, "I'm Julie."
They make their way over to the bus stop, "You're familiar with the venue?"
"Yeah. 'Best Rock Club in the Bay'," she pulls him along onto the bus, and they take their seats, "Mind telling me more about this show?"
He grins, pulling out the flyer, "Yeah. We're a band called Sunset Curve..."
And Luke launches into promotion mode, maybe going overboard by even Reggie's standards, but Julie doesn't seem to have any qualms about it, cutting in once in a while to ask questions about the music, which he is happy to answer.
At one point, Julie offers one of her Air Pods.
"C'mon Ramones. Let's listen to your Sunset Swerve-"
Luke groans, "Curve. Curve."
She laughs. She knows, but it does get quite the reaction out of him and he just pouts as he takes the earbud, then directs her to their page.
They bob their heads to 'Now or Never' and he could see Julie close her eyes, losing herself to it.
"This- this is really-" she breathes in awe, "You guys are really good. Like that break right after the bridge? Awesome."
And Luke has heard a bunch of compliments over the years, but somehow this one makes his ears go red and widens his grin a bit more than usual. Maybe it's because from their conversations, there's no doubt that Julie knows music.
Soon enough their ride comes to an end. Or at least Luke's does because Julie's nudging him and pulling the line, signaling for the next stop.
"Okay, so if you continue walking in that direction, turn right on Missouri and keep going. You'll find it."
The bus screeches to a stop and Luke gets up to leave, holds up the aisle. He turns to Julie.
"Come to the show tonight?"
"I'm working tonight,"
Luke's shoulders slump, trying not to let his disappointment show too much. (And failing).
The bus driver yells at him to leave or stay on, and so he's herded off with one last quick thanks and goodbye to Julie before hopping off.
She waves at him through the window and it's not until he's trudging to the venue that he realizes that he didn't get Julie's socials.
A fact he laments to the boys once they reunite at Bottom of the Hill.
It's a small place, standing room only, and there's a section for the bar. The vibes are killer and the guys take a second to look at the wall of posters, see who got to play there before.
"Jimmy Eat World?" Alex read off, "Joan Jett? Yeah Yeah Yeahs?"
Reggie whistles, "Insane."
"Best Rock Club in the Bay," Luke mumbles to himself, grinning.
They do the usual soundcheck, band circle in the green room, and up on stage they go to a packed house.
Luke steps to the mic and is about to launch into the intros when he catches a familiar face by the bar.
Suddenly, his energy doubles and the band kickstarts their performance and Luke swears it might have been the best they ever played. (Alex would later say it's because he's been playing to impress. Whatever.)
Their set flies by and Luke doesn't remember taking the bow and ducking out to the balcony afterwards, high-fiving a couple fans on the way.
He remembers sitting there, the lanterns strung up above him as he takes in the view of the city and feeling someone sidle up next to him.
"Need a refill?"
"Thought you said you had work?"
Julie tugs on her apron and holds up a beer for him, "I do."
"You didn't tell me you worked here," Luke laughs.
"But where's the fun in that?"
"You're right,"
They couldn't talk long, Julie is being called back to the front of the house to help close up shop.
"Hey, uh," she throws a towel over her shoulder, "How long are you gonna be in SF for?"
"That depends," Luke hums.
Julie cocks a brow, "On what?"
"If there's anything worthwhile to do here?" he asks, clearly baiting her.
She lets out an offended gasp, a hand over her heart, "How dare you?"
Luke ups the ante, "I mean, there's always something to do in L.A-"
"You clearly never partied in The Bay!"
"Julie! Get your ass back out here!" A girl with braids calls out from the door.
"Okay!" Julie stares Luke down, "You stick around after I clock off and I'll show you what The Bay's got to offer. 'Kay?"
He smiles, "I'm game."
She struts away, "You know you could have just asked me out, right? Like the normal way?"
"But where's the fun in that?"
Her hearty laugh fills the space and Luke thinks to himself to come visit The Bay more often...
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shookspearewrites · 4 years
my ikevamp hottakes
Okay so I’m a big ol’ history nerd and irl Vincent & Theo Van Gogh stan (I wrote a play about them for university before I started playing ikevamp)! And it got me thinking-
So here are my kinda Ikevamp hottakes/ general hcs ?? about the suitors based on a mixture of game canon and historical facts, tho keep in mind, I haven’t played all of the routes so I’m going off what I know to be game canon & this post doesn’t include Sebastian (I’m sorry! >2<) just bc he’s not a historical figure,,
Note: These are my personal opinions and headcanons and nothing more! Feel free to reply to this post with your own thoughts but, keep it positive and don’t berate anyone for their own personal ideas!!
Enjoy! - JJ x
Jean D’Arc: (Warning: contains 1 spoiler for Jean's route).
Jean speaks almost exclusively in French though, he is fluent in Flemish and English also. He most likely learnt Modern English from Comte over time, having been the longest staying resident of the mansion and only knowing Middle-English in life.
Occasionally, he’ll join in with a conversation between the Van Gogh brothers in Flemish whilst they speak Dutch, which creates a lot of confusion but, the brothers always appreciate Jean trying to communicate with them better. Vincent tutors him in Dutch when they both have spare time to spend together.
This man is a bass with the lowest speaking and singing voice in the mansion. Jean isn’t a capable singer by any capacity but, he does like to sing - Usually folk songs and lullabies as he spends time in the gardens or anywhere else he can be alone. Mozart teaches him some basic singing lessons from time to time.
Jean couldn’t read or write whilst he was alive so, after MC’s arrival to the mansion, they will teach him how to. It is a long process since, even though his is capable and intelligent, Jean really lacks self confidence. In time he will learn, just be patient with him.
He died at around age 18 or 19, having just barely been an adult when Comte turned him. Jean died pure, a virgin so, whilst we could dispute his sexuality, I don’t think even he knows what it is. Its not something he thinks about.
This man cannot cook and please don’t let him try. Once again, its a self confidence issue, as in, he doesn’t believe that he can do it so, when he tries, pretty much all hell breaks loose. Jean also gets extremely anxious around fire for obvious reasons so, he’ll avoid the kitchen and anywhere with a fireplace at all costs.
Napoleon Bonaparte:
Napoleon can fluently speak Corsican, Italian and French. His English is decent, too but, not he’s quite fluent. He, of course, primarily speaks French but, he and Leonardo always speak Italian when the conversation is just between the two of them.
With his rather soft voice, its easy to misinterpret him as being a tenor or baritone but, he’s a bass. His singing voice isn’t exactly great but, he never really sings so, he couldn’t care less.
Napoleon is an avid cook and capable in the kitchen ahem, husband material. He particularly likes to bake sweet treats from Corsica and Italy. His favourite flavour is orange & he’ll bake it into anything he sees fit - It works most of the time! Leonardo is a big fan of Napoleon’s traditional Italian dishes.
He loves the Seine more than anywhere else in Paris. He can often be found gazing down into the water happily for one reason or another. It seems like he finds peace with the river.
What may seem surprising is Napoleon’s love for ice skating. It’s a rather gentle sport, he finds, and he enjoys taking MC out in the winter to frozen lakes and rivers to skate hand in hand together.
I suspect that Napoleon is straight, I’m not sure why I just get hetero vibes off of him. 🤷
Leonardo Da Vinci:
Leonardo speaks Italian, Greek, French, English, Spanish and a little Latin.
Most likely bisexual but, at this point, he’s too old to care about labelling himself as anything.
Sings in bass range - Middle to low bass, his voice is like melted chocolate: Warm and rich. Actually sings rather well, he has a nice tone and timbre. Mozart encourages him to sing more often as its clear that this man has a skilled voice. He was most likely taught to sing as a young man, encouraged by his family.
He easily gives the best hugs out of the suitors, where is the lie? Put simply, Leonardo is big, muscly and warm. His arms will very easily wrap all the way round you as he gently holds you to his chest, somehow exuding both incredible strength and unmatched tenderness.
Leonardo is a polymath but, he spends most of his time on carpentry. He loves inventing new things made out of old failed inventions. He’s accidently invented things that changed the world a few times whilst in Comte’s house and had to make up aliases or sell the rites to his gadgets as to not give up the mansion’s secrets. He was a bit salty when he had to sell the rites to the microphone he’d invented but, Comte gave him extra cigarillos for the next month to sweeten him up a bit.
Surprisingly, he gets on rather well with Arthur. Whilst he does think that Arthur is a disgusting flirt and he’s not wrong, Leo also has quite a lad-ish sense of humour deep down and he almost admires Arthur’s ability to woo women so easily. Almost.
Le Comte de Saint Germain:
Man speaks how many languages?! French, English, Hungarian, Dutch, Latin, German, Japanese, Russian and probably quite a few more. If his MC speaks multiple languages he will test them, switching languages mid-sentence to see if they notice and follow suite.
There is no way in hell that I believe that this man is straight. Bi or pan for sure ya know him and Leonardo are awfully close,,
Capable baritone, has a very pretty tone of voice and wonderful technique and vocal strength. He learnt to sing as a child and is a huge music lover as an adult.
Over his lifetime, he’s written countless pieces of music including violin solos, trio sonatas and Italian arias among many others. Comte actually rather enjoys playing music with Mozart and Leonardo as all three of them are incredibly skilled musicians both vocally and with instruments. When he is particularly upset, he’ll play his violin or his cello in the ballroom alone. Usually, Leonardo will join him with his own violin.
Comte is a lonely man in his heart, so, when he feels particularly low, he seeks out the company of Leonardo, MC and Sebastian. He feels as if those three are the ones who understand him the best.
His favourite place in the mansion is the library. It’s quiet yet, teeming with life, ironically. Comte likes to read while sat in his comfortable chair, gently looking up into the room and watching either Leonardo, Isaac, Napoleon or Dazai peacefully existing within forest of knowledge.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:
He speaks numerous languages (rumoured to be around 15), at least in part - That is a historical fact and it’s insane. German, Latin, French, Italian, English and Dutch just to name a few.
Delicate tenor voice. Doesn’t hit the highest notes but he can get up into the higher end of the scale no problem. There’s no doubt that he has the best singing voice of all of the suitors.
I think he’s straight - He’s effeminate but, I think that's just due to his delicate frame and rather stuck up attitude.
Mozart’s favourite time of year is Christmas. While he despises the company of the other residents 90% of the time, he’ll always show up for Christmas events within the household. Despite being an adult, he still believes in and is terrified of Krampus. He often threatens Arthur with the tales of the horned Christmas beast when he says something disgusting or otherwise annoying.
Every year for the winter festivities, Mozart bakes a chocolate cake for everyone to share - He considers it his one sanctioned act of kindness of the year. Its always great cake too, he’s really perfected his recipe. 
He cannot stand nor handle the cold. Seriously, he’ll see one snowflake on the ground and he’ll wrap himself up in at least 3 extra layers of coats and blankets. You’d think given that he’s the palest of the men that he could handle the cold but, you’d be very wrong. Mozart gets so cranky when he’s cold, its terrifying.
Vincent Van Gogh:
Our sunshine man speaks Dutch, French and English. He struggles through speaking German but, he can manage conversational German at least!
Like Mozart, Vincent has a tenor voice though, he can hit higher notes than his Austrian friend. He doesn’t have great technique or control but, his singing voice is lovely, “angelic”, if you will. Vincent easily has the highest voice of all the suitors.
Given that he is blonde, round-faced and kind-natured, Vincent is often described by the other residents (Mostly Theo and Comte) as “Cherubic”, which embarrasses him a bit. Though, despite being the embodiment of gentleness, he is scarily strong - The only people who can beat him in a fight are the purebloods & Jean, not that he’d ever fight anyone at all.
Vincent is straight and has only ever fallen in love with MC. A straightforward answer, I know but, it is canon that MC is his first and only true love & historically, he never married despite yearning for a wife and children.
He can’t finish his day and go to bed content until he has said goodnight to Theo. The brothers are incredibly close, so close that they physically cannot have a good night’s sleep unless they hear the other say “Goede Nacht, broer. Ik hou van jou.” They’re practically conjoined whenever they both have time off at the same time.
Vincent often sings Dutch folk songs when painting. If Theo is in the room, he’ll gently fall asleep to his brother’s singing as it seems to calm him, much like when they were boys.
Theodorus Van Gogh: (Warning: 1 spoiler for Theo’s route.)
Theo worked as an art dealer all over Western Europe, so he managed to pick up quite a few languages. Not to mention, he and Vincent were from a wealthy middle class family, so they had a fine education in languages. He speaks Dutch, French, German and English. Though, he most prefers to speak in either Dutch or French.
He’s sensitive to loud noises, especially gunshots, for well, obvious reasons. Theo is tough on the outside but inside, he’s soft and docile, with fears just like everyone else. His biggest fear after cats is thunder storms. The poor man cowers under his covers or in the safe embrace of his brother or MC when storms descend upon the mansion.
Theodorus has a beautiful bass voice - He’s the higher end of bass but, he still has one of the deepest voices of the suitors. He claims that he “won’t sing for anyone” but, if Vincent or MC or King need comforting, Theo will gently hum or sing an old Dutch song he learnt many years ago from Vincent. There are few things he can’t stand more than seeing those he loves in pain of any kind.
Though he if most often seen eating pancakes, his favourite sweet treat is stroopwafels because they remind him of his childhood but also, they’re delicious. Once, he attempted to make a batch but somehow almost set the house on fire. From then on, he just asked MC to help him make them.
Despite the fact that Arthur is the best at most games, no one can best Theo at chess, except for maybe Isaac. Theodorus adores playing chess since he’s great at it and he can finally beat Arthur at a game.
Theodorus is quite open with the fact that he’s bisexual, well, at least he’s open with the other residents. He doesn’t care to discuss it at all but, he won’t hide it from MC or the other vampires. At first, he was afraid that Vincent would be upset with him but, of course he wasn’t!
Arthur Conan Doyle: (Warning: Mentions of nsfw activities.)
He speaks both English and French - Having been very fond of France in life, he learnt the language as young man, probably from his teenage years.
Despite being knighted and being from a wealthy background, some more “common” cultural practices have ingrained themselves onto Arthur, particularly Portsmouth* slang.
* Portsmouth (”Pompey”) is a small city on the south coast of England where Arthur lived as a young man, working as a doctor. Portsmouth is known for their bizarre slang terms, among other things, including being where Arthur wrote the  first two Sherlock novels.
He’ll occasionally use Pompey slang like it’s nothing around the others, confusing everyone in the process. Example; “Oh Theo, you don’t half squinny-” (”Theo, you complain too much”). Safe to say, everyone is baffled, lost and confused.
Arthur is a baritone but, he can’t sing at all. Probably has the worst singing voice in the mansion, though, he doesn’t seem to care.
He absolutely hates it when people use his middle name. When scolding him, Comte will refer to him as “Arthur Ignatius”, which just makes the Brit grumble and pout.
Arthur is a “Straight man with bisexual tendencies” as he describes it. He and Theo have the occasional dalliance together. They have also been known to “Play” with the same woman at the same time*. * I believe that this is technically canon so, take that as you will.
Dazai Osamu:
Dazai speaks Japanese and French, both impeccably. Seriously, even though he doesn’t speak as many languages as the other suitors, his grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary are all incredibly good. Out of the non-native French speakers of the mansion, he and the Van Gogh brothers definitely speak it the best.
He feels a little insecure of the fact that he’s the only one of the residents who can’t speak English so, he’ll convince either MC or Arthur to teach him.
He’s a tenor, no doubt. His voice has this lovely soft lilting quality to it, so I think he’s probably a decent singer.
Dazai doesn’t care to label his sexuality and honestly, its not something he thinks about a lot, nor something he thinks particularly matters.
Much like Snow White, of all people, Dazai is seen in the gardens a lot surrounded by animals. Birds like to land on him, sitting on his shoulders and hands, rabbits and deer like to curl up by his feet. He’ll sit out in the sun with his animal friends for hours, telling them stories even though he knows they can’t understand him. He will also sing to them and it is a lovely sight + he’s got a good voice, too!
Dazai has written several novels about the residents of the mansion, including MC. They’re some of his favourite things that he’s written given that for the most part, living with his eternal housemates makes him rather happy.
Isaac Newton:
Isaac can speak English, Greek, Latin and French. He doesn’t speak French very well but, he can communicate with the other residents and Comte gives him lessons to improve.
He sings in baritone range - not quite high enough to be a tenor but nowhere near low enough to hit bass notes. Isaac flat-out refuses to sing around the others because he gets embarrassed about it since, even though his voice is nice, he lacks proper technique. He is a great fan of music, though, with a deep love for Christmas music and the song “The House Carpenter” (Listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vz5pxQEBG_s ). Isaac is unsure where he learnt that song given that it’s Scottish but, he’s delighted to find out that Arthur knows it. If Arthur ever sings it around Isaac, he may just hum or sing along very quietly.
Until MC came to the mansion, Isaac simply thought that he was asexual, or something like that, after all, he never married and died a virgin, despite living into his eighties. He is another one of the residents who doesn’t see the need to think about his sexuality.
In his later life somehow, Isaac developed mercury poisoning from working with the substance. It is not uncommon for him to ask Sebastian if he could obtain some of the poisonous stuff, among many other dangerous chemicals and substances for experiments. Sebastian always says no.
Isaac hates being teased about apples but, he can’t lie: Apples are his favourite fruit. Spiced apple cider for Christmas is one of his favourite treats. He’s also partial to a warm slice of apple tart or apple cake if Sebastian or MC has baked one.
He finds comfort in Leonardo’s company, surprisingly. They’re able to match each other intelligently, talking about maths and science whilst sat together in the library or walking in the gardens. 
William Shakespeare:
Shakespeare is an interesting figure when it comes to language because he is the only English suitor who can’t speak English - As in, Will doesn’t know modern English like the other residents. He speaks Latin, French and Middle-English.
Interestingly, William tends to speak in iambic pentameter when he’s not thinking particularly hard about the conversation he’s in. He also almost exclusively writes in iambic pentameter, giving his words a beautiful rhythmic quality, drawing people to him.
This man has such a beautiful singing voice: Baritone, good control and he sings the loveliest songs, mostly old English folksongs and chants from the theatre. He’ll oft’ be heard singing “Greensleeves” when he’s been in MC’s company.
He can sew incredibly well - He takes the time to design and make costumes for whatever play he’s putting on, sewing his own clothes as well. Shakespeare would ask MC if he could make them clothes until they relent and let him do so - and he’s over the moon when they finally give in.
Shakespeare adores it when he gets called “The Bard”, the famous moniker with which his often known by. So, as you may be able to guess, the only people that call him this are MC and Vincent.
Will is gayer than he is straight, taking a particular liking to Vincent though, he can assure you that the pair are simply friends. In short, he’s most likely pan with a preference for men. He finds it odd when he falls for MC, given that they’re such a strange little thing and couldn’t possibly feel this way for him, right?
Shakespeare has a wicked sense of humour. For example, he knows of the rumours that his skull was stolen from his grave because he was the one that started it, probably just because he was bored and wanted the attention.
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bigballofstress · 4 years
To Share an Armchair (Tom Holland x Actress!Reader)
Description:  You and Tom appear on Conan to promote your new movie together, Spider-Man: Homecoming.  Little do you know, Tom has a bit more planned than your usual run-of-the-mill interview.
Prequel to The Interview
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I took a deep, nervous breath, my hands wringing together as I looked out into the absolutely packed audience.
“You’ll be fine,” a warm, comforting presence appeared behind me.  I turned quickly to see my best friend, Tom, smiling down at me.  “They love you, and you love them.”
I smiled a bit.  He always seemed to know just what to say to make me feel better.
Tom and I had been working together since the filming of Captain America: Civil War, where I’d played another of Tony’s young recruits.  Now, with the new Spider-Man movie coming out, we were sent to advertise the release.  So, there we stood, on the set of Conan, ready give yet another interview.  Except, this time, we’d be promoting the movie by ourselves.  “I’m just not very used to going out there without an older cast member or producer or something,” I sighed.
“Just be your usual funny, witty, charming self, and I promise you that everything will turn out well,” Tom reassured me.
I nodded firmly in an effort to strengthen my resolve.  “Thanks, Tom.”
“Anytime, sweetcheeks,” he grinned.  I rolled my eyes playfully at the cheesy nickname that he had taken to calling me ever since our second week of filming, claiming that my ‘cheeks were too sweet to be called anything else.’
“And now, please welcome Tom Holland and (Y/N) (L/N) to the stage!” Conan shouted.  Tom walked out, and I quickly followed.  The lights were practically blinding, and my ears were ringing from the very, very loud cheers.  I shook off my fears and muscled my way past the almost overwhelming scene to grin and wave with both hands to the audience before moving to take my seat.
The only armchair available was already occupied by a certain web slinger.  I pouted and crossed my arms.  “I was going to sit there!”
“Well, I’m already here.  Sorry, sweetcheeks,” Tom smirked up at me, settling further into the very comfortable looking chair.
I frowned.  “Aw, c’mon, Tommy!  Pleeeease?” I tilted my chin down and sent him my best puppy dogs.
Tom shook his head.  “Hey, you can sit anywhere you want, but I’m not moving.”
My lips immediately quirked upwards.  “Ok!” I quickly responded before plopping myself down sideways across Tom’s lap with my legs hanging over the other armrest.  His hands reflexively went to my waist in an effort to stabilize me.  Tom stared at me in shock, and I just grinned back triumphantly.
I turned to look at Conan, who was watching the whole ordeal go down with an amused smile.  “Hi, Conan,” I grinned.
The tall man chuckled.  “Hi, (Y/N).”
I had to flip my head upside down to look at Andy, as the armrest that my back was leaning against was the one facing him.  “Nothing personal, I just really wanted the chair.”
Andy scoffed in fake hurt.  “Yeah, sure.  Just pretend you’re not repulsed by me.”
“Well, I am a pretty good actress,” I shrugged, pretending to think it over.
Conan barked out a laugh, and I grinned, straightening back up and settling further into Tom’s lap.  “So I guess (ship name) is real?” Conan chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows.
My face went bright red, and I scoffed.  “Yeah, just about as real as Candy,” I bit back in an attempt to misdirect from my extreme embarrassment.
Conan laughed his big belly laugh again.  “No, (Y/N)’s just unbelievably stubborn is all,” Tom added with a slight shake of his head.
“I’ve heard a few rumors, though, about the two of you,” Conan continued.  “A lot of people are talking about a recent incident involving gymnastics?”
I groaned and hid my face in Tom’s chest.  “Yeah, she was just so graceful,” Tom chuckled.
I hit his arm with a pout.  “Oh, shut up.  It really hurt, ok?”
Tom grinned and turned to Conan.  “You see, we’ve had a wager going on for quite a while over who was the better actor.  So, when we got off set early one day, we decided to prove it once and for all.  We each invented a character for the other to play.  I was supposed to be a foul-tempered, incredibly avid fan of some sort of predatory bird--”
“The eagles, Tom,” I rolled my eyes.  “You were playing a fan of the Philadelphia Eagles.  Anyways, Tommy here had decided to make me a world class gymnast.  You know, because I’m so experienced.”
“Whoever was revealed to be lying about their identity first would lose the bet,” Tom continued.  “And he or she would have to do one thing the other asked, no matter what it was.”
“It didn’t go very well,” I sighed, cringing slightly at the memory.  “And I still maintain that I won, by the way!”
Tom shook his head.  “Not a chance, sweetcheeks.  You see, we were talking to a wonderful young lady on the street when I noticed (Y/N) getting a bit excited.  Turns out, she’d noticed a Philadelphia sticker on the woman’s bag.  So she started raving about how much I loved the Eagles and all of the Philadelphia teams.  Naturally, I began talking of her supposed experience in gymnastics.  The woman was rather impressed and asked if she could see her do a flip.”
“Meanwhile, I can’t do any sort of gymnastics to save my life,” I scoffed.  “So instead of flipping, I asked Tom what sport the Eagles play.”  The audience laughed a bit.  “He couldn’t respond, and voila!  I win!”
“Not quite,” Tom chuckled.  “That woman didn’t say a word until you tried to do a flip and landed directly on your bum.  She caught you first, pointing out that you weren’t a gymnast.  Only afterwards did she say I had no idea where Philadelphia even was.”
I frowned.  “Yeah, but she knew you were faking it first.”
“Those weren’t the rules, sweetcheeks,” Tom grinned.  I rolled my eyes.
I’d barely taken notice of the loud laughter until Conan spoke up again between chuckles.  “Here’s a clip from the new Spider-Man: Homecoming in theaters July 7, check it out!”
While the clip played, Tom grinned and poked me in the side.  “You know, I still get to ask you that favor.”
“Fine, I concede.  What do you want, Holland?” I rolled my eyes again.
“You’ll see in just a moment,” he answered, wiggling his eyebrows at me.
I snorted softly in an attempt not to laugh over the preview being played.  “What the heck was that?”
“I was being mysterious!” He defended.
“You looked like you’d lost all control over your facial muscles,” I smirked.
Tom frowned, but before he could reply, the lights came back on.  So instead, he turned to look at our host.  “Conan, before we go, can I ask a favor?”
Conan nodded.  Tom gently picked me up while he stood, placing me back in the seat.  He walked towards the edge of the stage.  I leaned over to Andy.  “Do you have any idea what’s going on?” I stage whispered.
“Yeah, but I’m not telling you.  You didn’t want to sit next to me,” Andy responded with a humph, crossing his arms.  I laughed at his antics.
Tom had returned by that point.  In his arms was the most adorable little creature I’d ever seen in my entire life.  “This is Firestar,” he said, holding up the absolutely precious chocolate lab puppy.  “She’s incredibly stubborn, so I thought you two might get along.”
“Tom, I can’t believe you!” I squealed, accepting the puppy without hesitation.  She immediately started trying to lick my face.
“Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to call in that favor you owe me.”  I glanced up at him suspiciously.  Tom just smiled.  “Go with me to the premier?  As my date?” Tom stood before me nervously, his cheeks bright red, while he anticipated my answer.
My eyes widened, and my breath caught in my throat.  I couldn’t believe he’d actually just asked me out.  Of course I had fantasized about this, but I never actually thought it would happen.
“Say yes!” I random shout from somewhere in the crowd startled me out of my trance.
My face broke out into a huge grin, and I nodded quickly.  “Of course I’ll go with you, you big dummy!” I said, hiding my immense excitement behind the small joke.
Tom’s nervousness melted into happiness, and he rushed forward to hug me, taking care not to crush the puppy between us.
“Tom Holland and (Y/N) (L/N), everybody!” Conan shouted above the cheers.  “Now officially (ship name)!” The cheers and screams got even louder, and I laughed, almost having to cover my ears.  We were both soon ushered off the stage to make way for whoever was next to appear on the show.
When we finally had a minute to breath, I turned to Tom.  “I can’t believe you got me a puppy,” I laughed.  My smiled was still plastered to my face, and I had a feeling it wasn’t going away anytime soon.
“Everyone gets flowers,” Tom shrugged.  I laughed and shook my head.  “So there is one other thing I need to know before we can go on a date.”
My brow furrowed slightly, and my smile wavered.  “What is it?” I asked warily.
“What color is your dress?  I have to know what I’m matching my tie to.”
I pursed my lips in pretend anger, despite the smile that still managed to peak through.  “You jerk, you really had my scared!” I hit his arm.
“Ow!” Tom complained.  He grabbed my hand as it was gearing up to hit him again and pulled me into another hug, still softly chuckling my hair.  I grinned and cradled my new puppy to my chest, who’d already fallen asleep after all the excitement.  I was going to go on a date with Tom Holland.  Maybe I’ll even get to be his girlfriend!
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
If it's not to much trouble may i have a (male) host club matchup please. Im a Capricorn, my mbti type is infj-a/infj-a. I tend to be shy around new people but I can be somewhat loud around people who Im close to. My pronouns are she/her. I have long-ish length brown hair, green eyes, wear round glasses and have pale skin. I have a lot of freckles. My height is 5'0 I like to read books and also cook and bake food. Im not very athletic and im not a big fan if sports but I love to go roller/ice skating. I also have been playing the violin for 6 years. And I like to garden. I also like to watch nature/animal documentaries. I love animals and in planning on becoming a wildlife veterinarian. Some things I dislike are people who bend/ruin my books and people who talk over me when I try to speak. I hope this is ok, sorry if I spelt anything wrong. I hope im not bothering you :) also I hope the information I sent in is ok :)
[🌄 @armin-ocean-eyes​ requested one (1) regular Ouran High School Host Club matchup. I have just the ingredients for that! Sit tight while I get to work.🌌]
Taurus INTJ-t here 😗✌️So,,,,hi I guess! Also, since you are two (2) inches shorter than me, I am legally obligated to adopt and protect you. I apologize if I use gender neutral pronouns for you. That’s just my default!
Anyways, I have just the guy for you:
🌓Kaoru Hitachiin🌓
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(Please tell me this is Kaoru, gifs are stupid 😭😭😭)
🌱Humble Beginnings🌱
You are the daughter of the C.E.O. of a successful publishing agency
You were no stranger to the wealthy lifestyle. But, your parents made it a point to not let you become vain, lazy, or unsympathetic to the human condition
I’m not too sure if there’s an actual term for this, but a thing I like to call “right-brained intellectualism" was emphasized in your household. Basically, the ability to classify complex human emotions and not only understand them. But, view them through the lenses of objectivity and abstract concepts (Hence, the “right-brained” part)
The goal was to instill curiosity in you to explore how different personalities act in different situations and why. This could ultimately help you guide your social interactions in the future
(Forgive me if I'm speaking over your head! This information serves a purpose I promise!)
So, essentially super-charged EQ
But, here's where it comes in handy:
Due to your reserved tendencies, you weren't that high on Ouran's social ladder. Especially in middle school. You tried your best not to pay that fact any mind, reminding yourself to always pack an extra novel in case you finished your current one during the day
But, the (sort of) benefit to having so much time on your own, was that you had plenty of time to observe the students around you. Their actions, quirks, and relationships
Two particular oddballs caught your eye
Brothers. Identical twins that seemed to want no company than that of each other
You knew they had names. You knew what they were. But, not being able to pin a name to an identical face made that fact lose meaning
They didn't have any friends (Which wasn't a hyperbole). But, neither of them seemed shy, like you were
Rather, they were the asocial types. And you saw secondhand that they went out of their way to keep their little world for only them
You had accidentally seen one day what they did to girls that dared to confess their feelings for one twin. And that only reaffirmed that trying to figure out why the Hitachiins acted the way they did was too much pressure for your meek little heart
There weren't any surface level answers to reach for that could calm your curiosities (Other than just passing the Hitachiins off as jerks and moving on). You could tell their reasoning was much more complex
And that. Frustrated you
To ease your mind, you wanted to start off small: Learn which is Hikaru, and which is Kaoru
One day, just before the lunch period started, you had finished your current novel. But, when you reached for the extra book in your bag, it had ✨vanished✨
You panicked a bit. You knew you packed the book. You re-checked earlier in the day!
The teacher unfortunately noticed you looking around like a lost puppy, asking what was wrong
"Mm?? Oh- uh...I just lost my book. It's, y'know, it's fine! I'll just...look for it later..."
The teacher didn't pick up on how embarrassed you were, asking the class if someone wanted to help you look
You were surprised when someone actually raised their hand
And just your luck, it was one of the twins, who turned to his brother and reassured him that they'd see each other at lunch
You (lowkey paralyzed by fear) followed the Hitachiin's lead, waiting until the rest of the class had left the room to begin your search
But, as you started to sift through the shelves in the back, you felt the boy tap your shoulder
And there it was in his hand, the first edition book on botany you had gotten for your birthday not too long ago
"You...you found it already??"
He rubbed the back of his neck, more bashful than you would've pegged him for
"Kind of…? I took it during class. I thought your reaction would be funny, but it was sort of just hard to look at. It would've just been cruel to embarrass you more in front of everyone."
"Oh...well, thanks for telling me at least."
The boy raised an eyebrow, your reactions catching him off guard once more
"You're not mad?"
"Not really. You realized your mistake and that's more than some can say. So, I can forgive that."
"Hm...well, I should get going. I can't keep him waiting!"
Before he left, you called out to him, asking for his name
"Hm? Kaoru."
🌳Flourishing Love🌳
The start of you and Kaoru's romantic relationship actually began in high school
The (in)famously idealistic Tamaki Suoh had approached you, Hikaru, and Kaoru to be a part of his new "host club". The twins as a part of the service, you as the manager (To garner male financial support, of course :D)
Since you weren't involved in a club anyway, you agreed to join next semester for your first year of high school
Once Haruhi came into the picture, you became fast friends. Seeing as you were both practical souls, if not intellectual
Through your friendship with Haruhi, you got closer to the twins you were so afraid of all that time ago
Especially Kaoru, the twin you had spoken to first
Both of your crushes formed rather fast as you got to know each other personally (And since Hikaru was already starting to take interest in Haruhi)
Kaoru had fallen for the way you never made face-value judgements of people. Like how you were so understanding about his dumb prank on you just last year
He learned to love the bright rays of passion that shone through your timid exterior. The way you talked about the things you loved like they were the greatest things in the world. You always made your case with such conviction, and Kaoru couldn't help but believe you all the way
You, Haruhi, Hikaru, and Kaoru were hanging out in the courtyard one day, and Kaoru had managed to get you to talk about the flora and fauna in the area (Which quickly segwayed into how you loved gardening and caring for animals)
All the while, Kaoru intently listened, staring at you like you were the only person in the world
During a pause in your avid canine classification spree, Kaoru picked up a few cornflowers that had fallen from a bush, putting them in your hair and behind your ear
While you were blushing up a storm, Kaoru bluntly, but sweetly, confessed
Hikaru and Haruhi looked on, endeared that the two sweetest souls in their little group had finally gotten together
In your relationship, you manage to draw out the more relaxed and mature side of Kaoru's personality
(Though, you always get a good laugh out of his more cunning and mischievous side)
You always affirm to him that he can enjoy both sides of being a twin, and being his own unique person. He doesn't necessarily have to choose
Kaoru definitely takes advantage of your height difference, using you as an armrest at the most inopportune times
He loves to kiss each and every one of your freckles (At least, on your face and neck). No matter what you think of them, he sees them as little targets to go for when he wants to shower you with love
But, like a respectful boy, he always lets you take off your glasses first if you need to
You guys went ice skating for your first date! Since it was your hobby, you paid for skating, and Kaoru paid for food afterwards. Kaoru knew how to skate, but pretended not to so he could have an excuse to hold your hands
Kaoru found out about your violin training later in the relationship, immediately teasing you about playing for one of the host club's sessions at some point
He has undoubtedly picked up a disturbing amount of animal facts from you and the documentaries you watch. He shares them with the host club to get disgusted reactions from them, and flattered smiles from you 😊
Y'all are just so freaking cute together, I need to chug salt to get the sweetness out of my mouth ❤️
[🌌 There you go bud! That’s one matchup for the road. Hopefully it lasts for a while, but if it doesn’t, feel free to come back! I’d be thrilled to see you again.🌄] —Reagan
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dewisnation · 3 years
I agree with everything that you’ve said about MI. Something just seems off IMO. The thing that got me was he recently made some mental health post using Naomi Osaka & Simone Biles as examples. As an avid fan of both sports they’re in, it was a horrible point to make and just wrong.
I’m sorry anon I completely missed the post he made about mental health using Naomi and Simone so I won’t say too much.
In my opinion it’s a very slippery slope to make any sort of mental health comparisons without being an actual licensed professional. Also, using two black women who have dealt with a lot of vitriol online due to their honesty about their mental health is very sus ngl…
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animechick2015 · 4 years
My Hero Academia- My Unwanted, Long Ass Ramble That Absolutely No One Asked For......
So being at home 🏡 due to mostly COVID-19 and a crumbling economy, I decided to rewatch all of my favorite animes, from Bungou Stray Dogs, Inuyasha, Demon Slayer, Fairy Tail and finally My Hero Academia. Once again I was entranced by the bright colors, spectacular animation and lovable characters that Kōhei Horikoshi-Sensei created. But coming to the end of the recent Season 4 a revelation came to me: I just don’t like Deku as the main character 😱.
I know. I know. I must be certifiably insane not to love such a cinnamon roll, with his cute freckles, messy green hair and 1,000,000 megawatt smile. But it’s true. I have no interest with him as the main character. After this new discovery I decided to think why I didn’t like him and the reason was simple: he’s predictable or rather his story is.
From the on set we were told that he’s going to be the greatest hero ever. Every arc that he’s been in he comes out on top with a new increase usage of his power. After finishing Eri’s arc I was just like ‘huh, is it going to be more seasons of this?’ Now for those of you thinking well you just watched the anime, you should read the manga.....I read it religiously every week. It doesn’t matter where I am or what I’m doing you can bet I’ll drop everything I’m doing just to read and re-read that chapter; find myself on tumblr and read all the fan theories and musings about said chapter. So i know what’s going on in the manga and once again I just like meh he’s going to be on top anyways why should I bother getting invested 🤷🏽‍♀️
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Dammit Deku don’t look at me like that 🥺.
I still love him and I am proud of how far he’s come but I just can’t find it in myself to get hyped up for him.
So who do I get hyped up for? Well I’m glad you asked ( I know you didn’t but here it is anyway hehe)
Bakugo Katsuki
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The gremlin of Class 1-A. King Explosion Murder. Future Number 1 Hero (I wish). Before anyone can finish asking who my favorite character is in MHA I’ll blurt this angry boi’s name. There’s just something about that drew me in from the very first episode/chapter. Yes he was a JERK, bully and ok he was an absolute asshole to Deku but there was something that kept me thinking I want to see more of this asshole. In the beginning, I thought he was going to be another Sasuke type character: join an evil group at the first chance, battle the main character throughout and eventually find his way back to being good and I was like meh. But then the Sports Festival arc happened and I was oh, this boy’s got potential so I took off my Naruto googles and started to really looking at him. If I’m honest, the first time I saw him as a hero was during his fight with Uraraka. I got so hyped during that match that I was standing and cheering, tears in my eyes for the both of them! When the spectators started to complain about Bakugou being too rough with Uraraka I was about to throw hands with fictional characters. Then when Aizawa gave his speech about Bakugo giving his all and respecting Uraraka and I was sold.
Since then I’ve been an avid supporter of his. During the Kamino arc I was worried but also impressed that he was able to go up again members of the League of Villains and was smart enough to realize that he was holding All Might back from going all out again AFO. His fight with Deku was emotional and I was a sobbing mess. Him going through the Hero License arc with all that guilt showed me his determination to being a hero. Even though he wants to portray that he doesn’t care about anyone but himself, he shows time and time again that he cares about Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero. He’s observant with Todoroki and Endevour during the Support Courses. He pushes Deku. He has so many layers as a character that I want to know more about him. Do I think that maybe he should’ve been the main character, yes I do. But I’m ok with him being a support character as well. I can’t wait to learn more about him and to see him be the amazing hero I know he’ll be.
Uraraka Ochako
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Ok this girl right here 👆that’s my sunshine girl and no one is allowed to mess with her. Got it?? Seriously, I love this girl. She radiates warmth, hugs and pure unadulterated happiness. Just something about her face just makes me happy and I just wanna squish her round cheeks. Ok ok I’ll stop.
But seriously she is such an underrated character. I know for a fact she gets a lot of unnecessary hate because one: for being Deku’s love interest (I’m not really invested in their relationship tbh but if it happens I’ll be cool with it) and two: her reason for being a hero is to make money. Funnily enough the reason why she’s most hated by fans is the reason why I love her so much. She’s a young girl from a poor family who just wants to make her parents happy and I relate to that so much it made me want to cry when I first learned of her reasoning. Out of all the characters in the MHA world I connected with her the most. In addition, what I admired about her is that yes, she does have feelings for Deku but she’s able to put them aside and follow her goals. Like damn it who wouldn’t admire that? Who can’t relate to pushing their feelings aside to accomplish their goals? I seriously love this girl. Also, I love that she doesn’t limit hereself. When she started U.A. she wanted to be a support hero because of her quirk but after her fight with Bakugo she saw the potential to be more and she took it, trained and made herself better. She really is an inspiration. I hope we get to see more of her in action and maybe even lead a fight instead of being support. I can’t wait to see her grow and blossom into a badass ass woman who kick your ass while looking like an angel sent from above.
Shigaraki Tomura
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Finally, this crusty boi gets me so hyped whenever he’s on screen or in a manga chapter that it’s probably unhealthy. From the very first time I saw him at that bar with those creepy ass hands covering his body I was intrigued to say the least. Every time I see him, I’m silently (not really) begging Horikoshi-Sensei to give me more of him. There was just something about him that screams more.
Fast forward to the Villain arc (one of my favorites tbh) and we learn more about his history and what he had to endure and dammit I just wanted to hug him. It’s so easy to hate the bad guys for hurting people but do we stop to think about who hurt them? And my boy was hurt a lot.....from his family (the ones who were supposed to protect him), the heroes (whose literal JOB IS TO PROTECT PEOPLE!), AFO (don’t get me started on that creepy bastard). And then suddenly I was supporting the villain. A part of me wants Shigaraki to succeed because if he does the hero society will admit their many flaws and idk maybe get rid of the hero vs villain Society that caused problems for generations 🤷🏽‍♀️ just a thought. Honestly if Shigaraki was the main character of this story I think it would’ve been much more interesting. I would definitely like to see more of him and I really want him to shake the hero society to the core.
So there it is.... my unwanted, unnecessary (if we’re being honest here) ramble about MHA. What started as a post about not liking Deku as the MC turned into......this. I’m sorry 😭. But once again I’m not hating on Deku. I love my little broccoli boi and I’ll be supporting him until the time he does indeed become Number One (maybe I’ll get myself a pair of red sneakers to match Deku’s before that happens), but there’s so many more characters that hold my interest other than him. I wish I could’ve listed them all but frankly I’m tired and hungry and I need to take a shot of something after this week’s chapter because Oh My God!!
Anyways, if anyone made it this far down my post, thank you for reading, please don’t be mean and have a great week!
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oohfluffy · 4 years
Group: EXO
Member: Byun Baekhyun
Theme: Angst | Fluff | Rated M | University!AU | Football!AU
Word Count: 2,782
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chapter 3
Slipping in between the crowd, you let out a sigh in relief as you saw the lockers. You gripped on your bag straps tightly before trudging fast towards it. Almost bumping a few shoulders on the way, you quickly opened your locker and placed two unnecessary notebooks inside.
It was Friday in the afternoon, and everyone is hyped up already for the most awaited game. You can't say the same for yourself though. You just agreed to come for food.
"Hey, uh," You hear someone say near you. Obviously used to people talking to others except you, you didn't glance at the person and just continued arranging your messy locker. "What's her name again?" The voice turned into whispers as you closed your locker in satisfaction.
You huffed in determination before looking at the sea of people in the hallways.
Ah, here we go again.
"She's Lee Saejin, she's quite popular."
"Popular? Then why do I always see her alone?"
"Not that kind of popular!"
"The unlucky popularity. That's why she's being avoided here, so don't talk to her."
"She has a history of—"
You turned to the corner swiftly, trying to look unfazed by whatever you have heard from those gossipers. You're used to it, it should be okay.
But you know it's not.
It was just 4 in the afternoon, and the game starts at 7. You're 3 hours early for this one, letting you save the front seats of the benches up on the bleachers. It was the most favorable for you as you don't want to battle with the crowd later to go down if you're on top of the bleachers. Jiwon would be proud of you for being enthusiastic.
You looked around the place and saw that you really came too early as no one has arrived yet. Though, there were two field staff clearing the field and readying it for the game besides you.
"Whoo." You tried to entertain yourself with your human anatomy book, turning the pages to the one you last bookmarked last night. You carefully placed it on your lap, straightening the pages before taking a sigh. "Page 40."
You were just on the second and a half page of where you started when noise started to enter your hearing. You squinted your eyes towards your book, ignoring whoever's presence was arriving. You should have just taken Jiwon's earphones so you could avoid disturbances in your peaceful moments, even though you do not possess any technological devices.
"I swear I would have won that round if you didn't exchange weapons with me!"
"Just admit you're a loser, Sehun."
"That was mine in the first place!"
"Kyungsoo, did you do research on that thing Mr. Jang has asked us to do?"
"Can I—"
"No. Do your own."
"Oi! Why do we even need to play with those foxes today? We're obviously the winner."
"I know, but we need to, Jongdae."
Completely irritated by the talking you're hearing, you looked up from your book with daggers in your eyes. You were so ready to glare them one by one, when a pair of gentle but mischievous eyes met yours. You felt his playful gaze lingering on your glare before he talked to the guy next to him loudly.
You sighed in disappointment as you looked down on your book.
I thought I could read peacefully.
Those loud boys are probably the football players today. You're just not certain if they are from your university or the opposing team. You're not familiar with their faces, so you can't really say. Not that you exert effort in remembering other people's faces.
"I'm getting hungry." You mumbled to yourself as you frowned. "Jiwon-ah, hurry."
"Oh! We have an early bird here!" You heard an excited voice shout near you, making you flinch in surprise. "She's lucky today!"
"Uhuh, we didn't tell anyone that we'll be warming up 3 hours early."
"She must be an avid fan!"
"Oi, Baek!"
You didn't give up on reading and trying to analyze whatever you are reading, huffing in determination as you flip on the next page. The noise lessened, so probably they went to change their clothes or something. That's a relief if that's—
You almost smacked your book close as you looked up in shock. You were taken aback by the person's smile, not used to see that kind. Was it seductive or was it a lazy one? You couldn't tell, nobody flashed those kinds of smile on you ever.
"Uh, hi." You almost whispered as you looked down the bleachers. The others were not there anymore, so they probably went ahead already.
But why is this guy here?
"I've been told that you're a fan?" He said smiling as he went closer to where you are seating at. You were kind of surprised that he was friendly to you, unlike everyone else. He's probably not from here, or he doesn't know about you.
"I'm sorry to disappoint, but I'm not. I'm just here for a friend." Food is a friend anyway.
With your response, his smile faded. He combed his messy dark grayish hair as he furrowed his brows. Is it gray or silver?
You suddenly felt bad for saying that you weren't a fan. He looks like he was looking forward to talk to one of his fans, which is unfortunately not you.
"Uh, I'll just cheer for you?" You tried cheering him up with a small smile, not certain how to respond to that kind of reaction. What are you doing, self?! "I'll cheer for everyone." You mumbled as his eyes lit up from your first statement.
"Really?" He spoke loudly, surprisingly with a smile on his face in a second. "I'd be looking this way then."
You don't know what he meant by that, but you just nodded and looked away from his intense eyes. They weren't that huge, but it was drawing you in. He's just too friendly and playful for you. He was too much for you.
"Well," He said, making you glance back at his handsome face. "I'll change my clothes for a moment. Watch us practice, hm?"
You watched as he went down the bleachers with skips on his steps. He even waved at you as he ran towards their locker room area. You looked back at your book with a confused expression.
"What the hell just happened?" You spoke to yourself in disbelief. "Did someone just make friends with me?"
That's new.
"Oh shit." You cursed as you realized that he might be playing for the opposing team and you said you'll be cheering for him.
You and your innocent, kind nature.
You just finished another five pages of your book, when you heard a shout from the field. Before you knew it, the boys started their football drills in a few minutes. You sighed as you glanced at them.
There were scattered agility cones on the field, where the boys began to take turns in the drill. You don't know much about any sport, but you're certain that there is no coach around to look after them right now. Only one member, who seems to be the captain, was shouting commands and instructions to the team.
"Byun Baekhyun, what a show off!" The tallest member of the team laughed as he watched the said guy exaggerate his actions, swiftly turning around the cones.
"Next!" The captain shouts, ignoring his members' laughs. "Park Chanyeol!" The guy who was called jumped in joy as he ran towards the first cone, screaming like an excited puppy.
"Kim Jongin!"
You closed your book as you continued watching what seemed to be a fun sport in front of you. They were done with their cone drills, and went to running off with the football within their hold. There were members who clashed with them on the other side, going offense as the other went defense. They were totally having fun, with the loud laughters and annoyed but amused shouts of their captain.
You didn't expect to see that. Not that you have any expectations in the first place.
"Hey, avid fan!"
You blinked your eyes in surprise as someone shouted. The boys on the field are all looking at you, their shoulders moving up and down rapidly from the warm up. One was actively waving his hand towards you, his grin so big you couldn't miss it even with the distance.
"Did we do well?!"
"Yah, Jongdae, you're too loud! The whole campus might hear you."
They started bickering as they scolded the one who shouted. Your lips itched to smile at the sight, but it doesn't seem that pleasing for you to look at.
"I'm envious." You whispered, smile slowly melting away by a memory. Your heart clenched painfully, making your hand go over your chest. You looked away as the boys started to play around instead of practicing.
What a strong bond they have.
Your eyes closed tight as you heard your best friend's shriek. You placed your book by the empty seat by your side with along your backpack. Jiwon skipped her way towards your place, grinning widely as she looked at the close distance from the field.
"You are the best, Jin-ah!" She sat on the seat next to you and quickly hugged your arm. You shrugged at her compliment, eyes setting on the paper bag on her lap. Your hands seemed to have their own mind, instantly taking the bag from her. "This brat."
"You owe me these, Jiwon." You said with a wide grin, smelling the appetizing aroma of food. "I've been here for like 2 and a half hours already. You're lucky I'm such an early bird."
"Uhuh, thanks for that." Jiwon huffed, looking around at the almost packed bleachers. Some of the audience are even standing down the benches, not managing to save seats for their groups. "Look at the number of people present! I told you they are popular."
You just munched on your fries with a corndog on your other hand. You might look like you haven't eaten for a day, but you just can't resist food, you know? And watching those boys play hard earlier made you hungry and tired by how breathless and sweaty they were.
"Did they enter the field earlier? Oh ghad, did they? They haven't, right? There weren't any news about it. I didn't hear about it if yes!" Jiwon blabbered as she looked at the field. The sky was already dark, the intense brightness of the tall field lights made the color of the grass greener, contrasting the looming darkness of the heavens.
"Who, the EXO guys?" You looked at her in question. It might be the right time to ask about them, right?
"Of course! Who else?"
"I don't know how they look like, but!" You exclaimed, sensing her incoming glare at you. "Are they like the guys with six tall guys and six smaller guys?"
"That's exactly them." Her eyes kept on widening with a grin, hands clasped together. "How'd you know—"
"Yeah, they practiced when no one was around."
"I knew they wouldn't—" Jiwon's grin slowly faded as she realized what you said. Her head snapped towards you, eyes widening in disbelief. "Wait. Y-You got to watch them practice for..."
"Two hours?" You looked at the field, chewing on your food before speaking again. "Uh, probably only an hour, 'cause I resumed reading my book—"
You looked at the people around you, wincing at the stares thrown at you two. You're thankful and lucky enough that Jiwon was popular with her sociable nature, and hearing her screaming out of nowhere is a common thing. No one would openly judge and criticize her.
Those people are not fond of you hanging out with her though.
"It's not a big deal?" You tilted your head in wonder as you placed back the empty stick of the corn dog inside the paper bag, and went to sip on your frappe.
"It is!"
"10 MINUTES BEFORE THE GAME STARTS! PREPARE YOURSELVES! TAKE A SHIT OR PISS NOW!" The announcer enthusiastically screamed on the mic, earning a cheer from the audience despite the cringey loudness of the voice. You gulped down your food, placing aside the remaining food for the rest of the game.
"OH, OH! I CAN SEE THEM AT THE BENCHES DOWN THERE!" Someone from the same column of your seat in front shouted, arousing excitement and joy to the people around. "OH MY GHAD! THEY LOOK SO DAMN HOT! I MISS SEEING THEM IN THEIR UNIFORMS!"
"Shit, shit. My phone! Where is my damn phone?!" Jiwon started panicking as she searched for her phone in her bag. She stopped when she realized she forgot it at the apartment. "Damn. Of course I would forget it at a very important day!"
"Just enjoy the game, Jiwon. You'll have more fun watching them." You smiled as you patted her back. She frowned, but sighed in defeat.
Shouts and cheers filled the open field, banners and glow sticks were raised as the players for the night were welcomed.
Jiwon started to jump and cheer loudly by the railing of the bleachers with the other audience near you. You felt out of place as you remained seated, looking around and saw that, indeed, you are the only one not loudly cheering.
The cheers lessened as the first team was called out, letting you know that it might not be EXO since this is your university. It's the home team's area and territory, so most of the audience certainly came from here.
Jiwon urged you to come beside her and cheer with a grin. You shrugged as you stood up, excusing yourself in the small crowd forming in front of you. You glanced at your paper bag, hesitating if you should leave your food—
"AND NOW, THE MOST AWAITED TEAM OF ALL TIMES!" The announcer laughed crazily as the audience went wild without even the name of the group stated. "THE GREATEST WOLVES OF THE EVE ACADEMY, EXO THE KINGS!"
As you grasped the railings beside Jiwon, who used her loud voice to the highest level to scream, you got to see the home team enter the field confidently. A little playful with how they waved at the audience and fans, but intimidating with their football uniforms on. You wouldn't think that they were those guys who played around earlier. They just have this certain aura now that will make you want to back off from their runway, you know.
The cheers haven't died down as they made their way towards the center of the field, greeting their opponents respectfully. Your nerves buzzed in a bit of excitement as the first football game to unfold in front of your eyes happen.
"They are so damn cool!" Your best friend giggled as she waved her glow sticks, given by her seatmates. "You sure you didn't squeal over them earlier?"
"Not really." You chuckled as she frowned, shaking her head in disappointment.
You looked back at the field, eyeing the team's huddle in the field. They seem to be having a short meeting before the actual game starts. You noticed that number 04 continuously looks back and forth at his members and the bleachers, with his head not focusing on the huddle.
"OH GHAD! BAEKHYUN KEEPS ON LOOKING HERE! QUICK, TAKE A PIC!" Your eyebrow twitched in question. What can you even capture when their faces are almost covered by their head gear?
"Is my make up okay?!" You frowned at that. Can he even see her face at such distance?
You look at Jiwon, and she doesn't seem to be bothered with all the screamings at her back. You shook your head, trying to ignore the noisy girls with their loud comments.
As soon as you looked back at the field, you see the boys scattering around with a cheer. A particular guy waved wildly at the audience, his energy doesn't seem to run out. His gaze setting at the lowest floor of the bleachers, right on the center area. Where you stood. Before turning around, he made a flying kiss, earning a loud shrieks and passing out people.
♫ Ch. 4
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wincore · 3 years
when i want to take a mindless break i’ll usually rewatch anime (basically haikyuu and one punch man 🥴) and old nct content!! IM HAPPY TO HEAR UR STRESS HAS LIGHTENED 💕💕 ITS WHAT U DESERVE
ahhh i know for sure you’re going to be ok!! u are a genius/smartie/Einstein wants what u have. I WILL WISH U LUCK N MANIFEST UR SUCCESS 🤞🏻🤞🏻
MOONIE.... THESE WIPS... IM SO EXCITED WTF!!! realism in soulmates is such an interesting concept and i love that it’s with jaehyun!! (having flashbacks 2 jaehyun/reader tension in runway.... Yes Maam...im ready..)
SOULMATES IN THE OFFICE AND MAGIC FOR CEOS???? AND CRIME??? u are so insanely creative i’ve never read anything like that.. i am obsessed with ur brain wtf... also ceo jaewin?!?! im going to kiss u 100 times for that. & no pressure to include all those themes if it ends up being difficult to write but personally i love that idea!!! i feel like these are all rlly common tropes but putting them together would make something super exciting to read (& would be really unique!!). (((also: LEAD GUITARIST HYUCK.... IM LISTENING!!!??)))
I LOVE ROMCOMS!! i just watched 27 dresses the other day and was reminded of my love for them. as u know i am an avid fan of runway-side-character-taeyong.... i will bribe u for fashion designer taeyong’s return...
A NOMIN COLLEGE LOVE TRIANGLE??????? IM SO EXCITEDDDDD (ive said that probably 10x in this message my apologies) tbh love triangles scare me but i am Ready for the pain....
BFF2L IS MY FAVORITE TROPE QUEEN!!!! i can’t imagine what the opposite of How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days is but i LOVE that movie so i’m sure it’ll be amazing!!!
ok ngl i have never read anything sungchan related since idk him that well BUT IF YOURE THE ONE WRITING IT.... IM DEF READING IT!!! and i love sports au type things so im looking forward to it!!! i love a jock 😳😳😳
- tata 🥰
TATA YOU'RE MY FAV PERSON EVER AHHH ❣️❣️❣️ Reading this response is such a treat 🥰
ooh!!!! I really need to catch up with haikyuu there's SO much the last time I watched it S2 was ongoing 😭😭😭 and yes to one punch man!!! love that shiny bald of head of his, gives me instant serotonin 😘 I miss nct2018 from time to time and watch that content too :'0 AND THANK YOU SO MUCH IM??? your well wishes will get me into grad school I just know it 😤 this ask is my good luck charm 💘
The realism in the soulmate au is there bc it's more or less a regular fake dating au but the consequences are heavier I guess?? Like u are directly disobeying fate, you punks 😤 I LOVE MIXING DIFFERENT TROPES I ENJOY LIKE I LOVE THE USUAL ONES TOO BUT !!! EXPERIMENTING IS SO FUN 🤩 (also yes... i will be repeating the tension for jaehyun but this time yn is more flirty and nosy and annoying but also lovable i hope??? jaehyun is within an inch of his life after every conversation bc she absolutely ends him) ceo jaewin are my reason to continue writing and posting i have a rough layout for each of their fics already o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o
((about lead guitarist hyuck...... He is WAY too attractive for his own good but also annoying oops 😗))
HSJSJSJJS I have kept taeyong fics in the wip dungeon for too long but omg. I'm so happy you're excited about it!!! this fashion designer fic is dedicated to you tata 💝
ALSO I GUESS THE OPPOSITE OF HOW TO TO LOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS IS HOW TO GET A GUY (OR GIRL) IN 10 DAYS????? I am not sure where I'm going with this but I'm certain I'll figure it out along the way 😸 fake dating is a fun trope and jaemin is a fun person to write so boom. here we go. (also almost every plot I come up with somehow suits jaemin?? He goes with every romance plot so well 😭)
I'VE NEVER WRITTEN SUNGCHAN BEFORE SOOOO I'll have to figure out a character for him. I believe he'd be the type to cause problems on purpose and test the limits for it 🤔 it's all speculation though!!
DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE LONG ASK!!! I will respond with a long post too so 🥰🥰 I hope anyone who doesn't like this on their dash can just idk block my "answered" tag?? At the end of the day, it's my blog and you're like my fav anon ❤️❤️❤️
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masjestickingdom · 4 years
Parallel Lives
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Pairing: NCT x reader
Genre: Lighthearted, slight fluff, one shot 
Summary: You’re a studious university who’s on summer break, spending your spare moments with your best friend. After a random statement is thrown into the conversation, you and your friend wonder what it’s like to be in NCT’s position. Little do you know that your idols are simultaneously pondering about your position as a normal college student.
Note: Here’s a simple, sweet scenario that I wrote! Even though it’s simple, I really wanted to post this because it’s a nice, exciting thought to have a crossover conversation... Imagine if you were thinking about the same thing at the same time of your favorite idol! Anyway, I also thought it was important to post this to point towards the life experiences everyone has. While this story doesn’t cover every one of those experiences, I think it covers the bigger topics (youth, hate, missing out on experiences, dreams, etc) that I personally think about a lot, so I hope you enjoy! 
   As a university student, you have worked your butt off to get good grades and make connections with your professors, upperclassmen, and peers. When you were a high school student, you didn’t care about any of that. In fact, you were the shy one and you got away with it because, hey, it was high school. Fast forward a few years ahead and here you are in the present day, socializing with every human being you could possibly get in touch with. What for, though?
   “For what are we grinding this hard?” you wonder out loud, grabbing your nth piece of chicken.
   Your friend sighs in agreement, spreads out her long legs over the table you both paid for, and rests them adjacent to the boxes of chicken and coke you ordered over half an hour ago.
   Exams are finally over, and you decide to spend the night on the balcony with your roommate, who’s also your best friend, before your two-month internship, which you earned in part to your networking skills. It’s a nice, breezy summer night. It’s one of those nights you want to enjoy in peace and quiet, staring off into the limitless expanse of the dark, but shimmery sky.
   You reach out for another piece of chicken when your friend chuckles at something on her phone.
   “What?” you ask with your mouth nearly full.
   “Nothing, it’s just this really funny meme about NCT,” your friend says with glee. “Very relatable, by the way.”
   NCT, one of the hottest international sensations taking the world by storm alongside living legends, BTS and BlackPink, according to news outlets, is a name you haven’t heard in a while. Personally, you used to be an avid fan since the SMRookies days. You kept up with the appearances they made as trainees in EXO’s EXO 90:2014 series, the cameos in music videos (including the ones in EXO 90:2014), the variety show Mickey Mouse Club, and the videos SM Entertainment would randomly post. As time went on, sadly, the determination to be informed of the latest news withered as your priorities changed upon entering your sophomore year of high school. Sure, you heard news here and there and occasionally checked out their social media accounts, but when you entered college, that was a territory you failed to explore. Other than awards and comebacks, you hadn’t heard much of NCT once you had indulged yourself in your studies, and everyone else around you were doing the same thing.
   It has been quite some time since you were curious about the idols. Your friend’s sudden comment on them resurfaced old fangirl feelings, luring you into an interesting discussion of NCT, idols, and life in general.
   “Another exam to go until graduation, another test to assess loyalty, another test closer to our deathbeds,” you mumble grumpily.
   At the abrupt foul tone that consumed your voice, your friend raised her eyebrows questioningly.
   “And an internship to be a prospect of a permanent employee for some company to work for others--exciting, right?” you said sarcastically before you took a long sip of ice-cold, refreshing coke, which did nothing to restore your mood.
   Understanding what you were getting at, your best friend calmly nodded.
   “They’re living their best lives,” she says, referring to NCT.
   You let a bitter smile form on your lips as memories about mistreatment and mismanagement whiz past your mind. “Or behind the curtains..."
   “They could be just like us,” your friend finishes off. “Tired, overworked, maybe even frustrated.”
   A soft smile overtakes your bitter one. “But probably in a different way.”
   “What would it be like to be an idol?” your friend sighs dreamingly.
   “What would it be like to be a college student?” a silver haired boy ponders aloud.
   His purple haired younger friend, Haechan, who’s grilling meat, replies ambiguously, “Stressful, Yuta. Pretty stressful.”
   “Probably fun too,” green haired Jaehyun chimes in. “Engaging with lots of people the first few weeks of school, trying out different clubs, and finding a way to fit in--that all sounds fun to me.”
   The optimistic boy joins Haechan in the adventure of grilling meat, switching with Taeyong’s position as a meat griller. While the rest of the boys prepare the dining table, placing the setting with kitchen utensils and side dishes being prepared by Taeyong, Doyoung, and Johnny, Yuta admires the busy streets of the city, listening for the distant sounds of cars honking and pedestrians screaming, with the cool night air breezing past his newly dyed hair. It certainly is one of the best ways he and the members could possibly enjoy the rare moments of freedom.
   At the sound of a whistle, Yuta is pulled from his cloud of thoughts, and he looks over his shoulder, nodding to his not-so-secret favorite member of the group at the simple gesture of a hand that urged him to go inside and help bring out the dishes.
   “We’ll never experience the glamor of getting dolled up almost everyday,” you state solemnly.
   “Or have fans,” your friend pitches in.
   “Or see famous celebrities literally every day.”
   “Or experience the trainee days, everyone trying to bring everyone down, or haters trying to drag you out once you gain fame.”
   You throw a strange glance at your friend for that last statement.
   “What?” she says, shrugging nonchalantly. “We need drama in our lives, or else life’s boring.”
   Shaking your head, you chuckle at her unique take on an abstract concept.
   A moment of silence engulfs the two of you as both of you fall deep in your thoughts.
   There was never a quiet moment under the roof of NCT, and tonight is no exception.
   “Hey, isn’t the beef really good?” Yuta’s favorite member, Mark, speaks, delighted at the flavors bursting in his mouth.
   “Haechan, don’t you dare pull a prank on us with coke and vinegar ever again,” Taeyong scolds the youngest member, recovering from his gagging session, while Johnny and Taeil are still chugging down glasses of water to get rid of the aftertaste. “Is it really necessary to do any of this?”
   “Sorry, mom, my hand itched,” the prankster smiles innocently.
   “Didn’t Haechan grow a lot?” you bring up, breaking the quietness.
   Your friend gulps down her coke before pointing out, “Isn’t he the same age as us?”
   Your crane your neck, your head now tilting sideways. “He is?”
   “Crazy, isn’t it?” your friend responds. “The majority of the Dreamies are the same age as us.”
   “Yuta, didn’t you say something about college?” Mark asks, chowing down pieces of watermelon.
   The older boy nods. “Wouldn’t it be fun to experience it? None of us went to college.”
   Taeyong uncomfortably shifts on the bench at the mention of college. 
    Like Yuta mentioned, none of the members of NCT went to college and probably won’t go because it’s not a likely option, considering their packed schedules. He knows that the mere mention of it can bring down the mood because for them, college represents the definition of normalcy, the life of a normal person, and with them not going to college or graduating high school, he doesn’t want them to have a chance to regret or have second thoughts.
   “Imagine if they visited our college for one day,” your friend mused.
   Extending your short arm to pour yourself another cup of coke, you wheeze between your breaths, “Hey, I bet that the professors would ask for autographs.”
   “Yeah, I think we wouldn’t stand a chance in the classes,” Johnny laughs, adding ice to his coke. “They would be too advanced for us to understand anything.”
   Yes, Taeyong let the conversation flow. He even joined in on the conversation a few times. He didn’t want to ruin the mood by switching the topic in a way that could be nothing short of a very obvious attempt, and if he didn’t say something, his group members, his family, would notice.
  “It would be nice to make new friends, right?” Yuta expresses. “New people to dance with, sing with, do sports with..."
   “I think Yuta’s tired of our awful soccer skills,” Jaehyun replies humorously.
   “I feel like they would say that they would want to make new friends, but it all depends on your personality,” you say, tucking your hands behind your head. “I only have you.”
   Your friend laughs, replicating your movements. “Loser, I’m on the same boat as you.”
   “Wouldn’t it be nice to go to game rooms or comic book stores?” Mark carries on as he stretches his arms out to the sky.
   “Wouldn’t it be nice to be your own karaoke room or be able to dance the trends?” you fancy.
   “Or be the trend,” your friend adds.
   “I just want to sleep,” Johnny murmurs, lazily dragging his feet across the floor to the cushioned bench placed against the white walls. Turning his large body so that his body faces the wall, he hugs an available pillow with his legs and remarks, “Idol or student, you don’t get to sleep that much.”
   “It would be nice to work hard for something that you know you want to do,” you dream. “We have no clue what to do in the future. Most of us blindly study and get internships.”
   Just then, a bright stream of light passes your eyes, and your eyes widen.
   “Did you see that? That was a shooting star!” Jungwoo exclaims, his eyes mirroring the sparkling trail.
   Everyone looks up at the sky even though the moment has well passed.
   “We’re living under the same sky as them, so how are our worlds so different?” you say without much energy, staring at the now dark sky. “I bet they were pitted against each other at some point in their trainee lives, but here they are in this world. Years of friendship, what would that be like?”
   Slightly offended, your friend sits up from her resting position. “Hey, we’ve been friends since middle school.”
   “Do you remember the time when you were young and saw your favorite artists on tv?” Doyoung reminisces.
   “They’re the reasons why I became one,” Haechan concurs.
   Taeyong thoughtfully fixates his eyes on where the shooting star once was, his arms acting accordingly.
   “They were so young when they were casted,” you whisper. “It’s kind of sad when you think about it.”
   Another wave of silence overwhelms you. Your friend spares another look at you and watches you stretch your hands to the sky, hands shaped as if you are taking a snapshot of your view.
   She responds with a quiet voice of her own, “Some of them didn’t even plan on being an idol.”
   Taeyong’s hands retract to his sides. “I remember when I first met you guys. I’m really glad that we have each other.”
   The sappy moment comes to an abrupt end when Johnny’s snores take over.
   You turn your head over to your friend who is fast asleep.
   Eyes averting to the inky sky once again, you contemplate quietly, “I wonder what they’re doing now.”
   Meanwhile, the boys are trying to stuff a sock in Johnny’s mouth to muffle his snores. Taeyong, not participating, stays in the background and enjoys the last bit of their night of freedom.
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yeosanqtuary · 4 years
gentle breeze - pt. 10
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♡ - list of chapters
yunho let go of the hug. “what do you think? of course i will, idiot!”
a night has passed, and it is now friday. physical education was the first period, so the students had to go to class in their gym clothes.
hongjoong woke up at 7am sharp, and did the necessary. he had noticed that his clothes were already prepared, and a smile crept up to his face unknowingly. he looked over to seonghwa, who had already finished showering, and was dressed in his gym clothes already. he was silently reading a book on his desk, paying no mind to hongjoong. it was quite strange. usually, seonghwa would ask if he had a good night’s sleep and whether he had any dreams, but this time, he only greeted him with a single ‘good morning’.
and what’s weirder was that he was up earlier than usual, and even prepared hongjoong’s gym clothes for him. he thought that seonghwa was just being nice, so he tapped his shoulder, and informed him that he was heading to the public bathroom.
without saying a word or lifting his head up, he nodded and continued reading his book.
soon, hongjoong was back from the shower, and seonghwa was still at his desk, reading.
“hey, seonghwa. did you sleep well?” he asked, trying to kill the awkward atmosphere in the dorm. if seonghwa wasn’t gonna ask, then he will.
“mm,” seonghwa mumbled with a nod, his head still buried in his book.
“had any dreams?”
“nope,” again, head still buried in his book.
“look at me,” hongjoong said with a stronger tone, to which seonghwa ignored. he grew more and more anxious as the seconds passed and nothing else other than silence was heard.
“seonghwa, please. what’s wrong?” hongjoong asked nervously, afraid that something might’ve happened to him that he didn’t know of, and that he was crawling back to his shell.
silence followed, and hongjoong inched closer to seonghwa.
the smell of his sweet, berry-scented body wash crept its way up seonghwa’s nostrils as hongjoong moved closer and closer to him. his heartbeat increased along with every step hongjoong took. seonghwa’s face was flushed, and the tips of his ears probably were too. hongjoong probably could’ve already noticed his ears at this point.
“oh my gosh, you’re so red. are you sick?” hongjoong started to worry as has, indeed, noticed seonghwa’s fully flushed face. hongjoong stuck his hand out to feel seonghwa’s forehead for his body temperature, trying to confirm his guess, but before his hand could get in contact with his forehead, seonghwa had snatched it.
“hwa?” with a confused look on his face, hongjoong felt that his assumption might be correct. maybe he was really crawling back into his shell.
“a-ah… i’m sorry,” seonghwa let go of hongjoong’s wrist, and turned his body away from him, focusing on his book once more.
“seonghwa. is everything alright? you’re weird today. i’m really worried. please tell me,” hongjoong started to panic, thinking of all the things that could possibly happen to him. either he is really returning to his shell because someone had threatened him, or he’s getting bullied, or–
“hongjoong, i’m really okay. please don’t overthink. it’s j-just… b-because of something stupid,” seonghwa finally spoke up, turning around to look hongjoong in the eye, but failed to keep eye contact after two seconds or so.
“i’m not convinced. you seem fishy,” he raised an eyebrow at his explanation. the way he avoided eye contact seemed fishy too. “please, tell me, seonghwa. i want to help,”
“seonghwa. i trust you. you can do this. whatever problem it is, we can go through it together. you don’t have to–”
“i just think that you look really hot in your gym uniform and i would really faint if i watched you play basketball in it!” seonghwa shut his eyes tight and exclaimed, mustering all the courage he could.
he’s gonna hate me for life now, how could i have told him that…
after hearing this, hongjoong went… o.
seonghwa had called him hot. the same person who he thought was extremely cute and hot at the same time. had. called. him. hot.
the room returned to silence for a while, as hongjoong stood rooted to the ground, thinking about the compliment. while seonghwa sat rooted to his chair, thinking if he made a mistake.
the two remained like this, until someone knocked on their door.
“seonghwa, hongjoong hyung! let’s walk to class together!” seems like it was yeosang.
hongjoong then snapped out of his thoughts, and shouted back to yeosang, agreeing to walk together.
“s-seonghwa, let’s go get ready,” he motioned for him to pack up his stuff, ans went to his own desk, only to find that his bag was already packed. it must be seonghwa.
“t-thanks for helping me pack my bag,” he awkwardly smiled to him, to which seonghwa replied with a little hum.
the class started quickly. everyone seemed to know what to do. the teacher didn’t seem to notice his presence anyway, and he hadn’t really bonded with his fellow classmates ever since news about his roommate had slipped out. his only friends were jisung, changbin and minho whom he had first met.
coincidentally seonghwa’s homeroom class had the same class slot as hongjoong’s, so their class had always played basketball together. it was either students from each class come together to form a team, or they have a friendly interclass match. it was always fun. at least, not to seonghwa who didn’t have many friends, and was feared.
today was very different and special for seonghwa. he was finally going to play basketball with his friends! yeosang was in his class too, followed by mingi and yunho. additionally, he can even get to see hongjoong playing in his gym uniform!
“hongjoong! come join our team!” changbin called from one end of the court, and his shout was followed by another from yunho who was standing at the other end, “hongjoong-ah! let’s trash your class!”
this was very stressful.
he wanted to play with seonghwa, but at the same time, he wanted to support his fellow classmates.
“i’ll just watch you all play…” he awkwardly smiled, and backed off to the bleachers.
“why not we play rock, paper, scissors to decide whose team he’ll join?” jisung suggested, and the agreed. mingi sent seonghwa to represent their team. his opponent was minho.
“rock, paper, scissors!”
minho won. the match soon started.
hongjoong, as the self-claimed basketball prodigy he is, and one who is an avid fan of basketball/any sports anime, his skills were already god level. he could make the ball turn at any angle as he wish, and move at the speed of sonic the headgehog.
do not look down on him just because he is tiny. he has many hidden talents.
well… maybe not.
in the end, jisung and the rest never wanted to be teammates with him again.
seonghwa wasn’t feeling right. even though his team won, and it was quite funny seeing how hongjoong kept missing his shots after bragging about his god level skills, he was still very distracted from that incident in the early morning. hongjoong was 100% disgusted by that compliment. was their friendship not going to be longlasting? would they even… become lovers?
seonghwa was really hating himself now.
next ->
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scmyr · 4 years
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luka sabbat. cis male. he/him. /  samyr delcine just pulled up james joint by rihanna  — that song is so them ! you know, for a(n) twenty-four (24) year old retired actor / singer and rapper, i’ve heard they’re really -temperamental, but that they make up for it by being so +creative. if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say smoke filled recording studios, messy handwriting, tattoos. here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble ! ( LJ, 20, est, they/them )
career claim: roddy ricch, dababy, the weeknd
hey y’all! guess who’s back at it again with a new muse? it’s LJ, @kcia​‘s mun, and this is my second baby, samyr. i’ve actually had this idea in mind for a while, and i’m finally bringing him into fruition. if you’d like to plot with him, just drop a like on this post! 
NAME: samyr delcine. PRONOUNS: he/him AGE: twenty-four. BIRTH DATE: july 16th, 1995. BIRTH PLACE: port-au-prince, haiti. HOMETOWN: compton, california. CURRENT RESIDENCE: los angeles, california. NATIONALITY: haitian-american. ETHNICITY: afro-haitian, unidentified white side. RELIGION: non practicing christian. OCCUPATION: singer, rapper, songwriter, producer, retired actor. LANGUAGES: haitian-creole (native), haitian-french (native), english (fluent). SEXUAL ORIENTATION: confused. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: confused.
FACECLAIM: luka sabbat. EYE COLOR: dark brown. HAIR COLOR: dark brown. HEIGHT: 6 feet, 1 inch. WEIGHT: 149 pounds. TATTOOS: here, here, here. PIERCINGS: ears. NOTABLE TRAITS: lips, height, hair.
he was born in port-au-prince, haiti to a single mother. he never met his father because his father was someone that his mother hooked up with while she was studying in the states. it was her last year in college and she didn’t know she was pregnant until she was about three months along. she took a year off and went back home so she could have him. she considered putting him up for adoption, but as soon as he was born and she looked into his eyes, she “fell in love with him and couldn’t part from him”, or that’s what she always tells samyr. 
when he was six years old and his mother was twenty-seven, she decided to go back to school and get her degree. she spent the first six years of his life working two full time jobs and a part time job just so she could provide for him and save money at the same time. after she saved enough money, she packed up their things and moved them to america, california to be exact, so she could graduate and get a better paying job. she finished up her criminal justice degree and got a job working as a law clerk while she put herself through law school. she finally graduated, passed the bar exam, and now she’s a highly sought after criminal attorney in the states. 
his childhood was a hard, yet happy time for him. hard because he and his mother lived in california while his mother worked for a very low salary. it was difficult for them to make ends meet, especially when she was still in school. even though she eventually became an extremely wealthy lawyer (she started making money around the time samyr was fifteen, but by then he was already making money from his show), things were hard at first. he was still a happy kid though. his mother gave him a lot of love, and he had friends and a cute puppy named chichi (she’s still alive, with her old ass ;-;) 
samyr’s first taste of the spot light was at a young age. he did a little bit of modeling for stores and brands, but didn’t really get his big break until he was 12 and landed one of the lead roles of a children’s sitcom. he loved acting when he first started doing it, and worked hard for the several seasons that he was apart of the show before it ended. he was nineteen when the show ended. he did cameos on other shows, and acted in a few movies during the course of the show too. 
he’s a very passionate and dedicated person, but once he’s finished with something and wipes his hands clean of it, he’s finished indefinitely. he felt as though after several years of acting on one show and doing other acting jobs, that he was ready to bring to a close the chapter of acting in his life. he enjoyed it, still does, but he wanted to pour all of his time and effort into the next aspect of his life - music.
he had actually started getting into music around the middle of his show’s run. he had been in the industry for a while and started making friends with musicians who had introduced him to the art of music. he quickly fell in love with it, not just singing and rapping, but the technical aspects of the music industry as well - producing, sound mixing, composition, e.t.c. 
he released his first music project while he was still acting. it was in 2011, and it was a mixtape that he dropped out of the blue. people didn’t know who it was at first because he just dropped it on soundcloud and his account wasn’t under his own name. but some fans ended up doing some digging and made the connection.
after that, he would occasionally drop music projects here and there (i’ll eventually make a little timeline of his music releases, more so for my own means of keeping track, but to also give you guys an idea of what he’s released so far!) 
now he focuses primarily on music. overall, his sound and lyrics are explicit, but there are still two sides to him - the ‘hard’ side (dababy, roddy ricch) and his softer side (the weeknd). he likes having that kind of duality, because it gives him the freedom to explore himself as a musician. 
he’s a very hard worker, and extremely prideful. he doesn’t like accepting help from others, especially if he thinks they’re pitying him. he and his mother used to get a lot of “offers” of help, which were honestly just people feeling sorry for them, which he absolutely hated. he doesn’t even like asking for help when he knows he needs it. if you ever catch him asking for help, you best believe it’s because it’s his very last resort. 
if samyr’s face and name weren’t connected to his music, no one would even think that he was the one rapping and singing on his tracks. a lot of his music has explicit sexual innuendos and undertones, and holds a little aggression from time to time. it’s a complete contrast to samyr’s lowkey personality. what most people don’t know is that writing music is his outlet. he doesn’t get frustrated or angry (most of the time) because when he feels those things, he channels it into his writing. 
that being said, he does have a little bit of a temper. it’s something that his mother says he gets from his grandfather, a man he had never met because he passed away before his birth. he has a high tolerance for things, but if he’s pushed over the edge, he gets black out angry. he hates that though, which is why he stays ‘medicated’ most of the time (lmao he stays high) 
he’s so deep in the closet that he’s finding christimas presents. he knows that there’s nothing wrong with being gay, he’s an avid supporter of the lgbtq+ on social media platforms and such, but it’s just something that he struggles to accept about himself. his mother is very open minded, but he has a lot of family members who aren’t, and he doesn’t want them to disown him. 
kinda gets angry/upset if his own sexuality is brought up? maybe not really angry or upset, but just really defensive? again, finding christmas presents lol
very particular with and protective of his hair lol has definitely smacked a few people’s hands for trying to touch it
wanted connections
girl(s) that he’s dated in the past to as a way to somehow force himself to be straight. most of them ended due to him not being able to fully invest himself emotionally. we can discuss if they’re on good/bad terms! 
a few best friends, he definitely needs those 
if anyone has a muse that has songs with a male rapper featured, samyr’s your guy
the first guy he’s ever kissed 
relatives on his father’s side (he just recently started searching for his father, so it’d be interesting if he had cousins or half siblings around!)
someone that he confides in about his sexuality 
a guy who helps him explore his sexuality 
pr relationship(s) 
pr friendship(s) 
media fueled rivalry 
celebrity friends that are always seen out together (events, award shows, sports games, out shopping, e.t.c) 
literally anything?? i’m open to anything and everything!
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youreamonocoque · 4 years
Okay I’m like several months late with my Hot Takes re Drive to Survive but I wrote out about 50 million pages in my notebook about S2 so you’re getting them anyways! (I’m sorry that this is so long I had a lot of thoughts) - Warning for spoilers! 
First of all, I like DTS I think it’s a very good addition to F1 and captures the drama (albeit amplified drama for effect in places but we’ll get to that) and brings across the personal side of F1 very well. It’s catered towards the casual fan rather than the fanatic which I think is great and it can be entertaining still for the avid viewer because of the focus on the personal aspect. I liked that we got more people this series like Rupert, Michael, Paddy etc. It was nice to see more of the people around the drivers and how they all make the F1 World tick. The only addition I didn’t like was the whole Rich Energy stuff I don’t think it added anything other than unnecessary air time for Rich Energy At first I wasn’t sure about the episode per team ‘narrative’ but it grew on me as I watched more not totally as I still have some issues with it. 
Will Buxton....There’s certain bits I liked about his inclusion such as the added context to things that might not have made sense to the casual viewer. I think my main problem came in the Ferrari episode where he overemphasised the rivalry beyond the racetrack. I get Netflix wanted to push the rivalry but it was undermined by the clips of the drivers interacting. I don’t really like Will as a journalist that much but I do feel that an outside context to provide an element of narration is needed just maybe not by him. 
My main issue with DTS is the narrative structure of it but I understand that Netflix wanted to push the narrative that they want. For example the portrayal of Max in season 1 and then this supposed Daniel Vs Carlos rivalry (maybe it exists I don’t know but if I looked at f1 2019 I wouldn’t say that there was this whole massive rivalry between them). I think it would’ve worked had they gone for the more Mclaren vs Renault rivalry instead of going ‘these two drivers’ and focused on the whole team instead. I’m not a huge fan of the team by team episodes (especially as three teams were basically omitted from the series (Toro Rosso were there for like a second but no real focus on them)) and would’ve preferred a more linear structure of 2 races per episode say but that’s just my opinion. I think there was no real progression through the season you knew Australia was first and Brazil was towards the end but you had no real reference as to the order of the races. I was about to say that you know it was getting later in the year as episodes went on but then I remembered ep 9 catapults you back to Silvo and then suddenly you go to Brazil and then Abu Dhabi and it’s the end of the season. 
I also feel that a double hit of the Red Bull saga was nice but I think more inclusion of Toro Rosso would’ve been good at this point (a mention of Dany would’ve been brilliant) but I understand a lot was happening around the driver switch which was more interesting than another story line they could’ve explored. 
I think there was too much Renault or at least too much for mu liking. They got half the first ep and half the second and then another later on. It was a lot for a team that had a pretty uninteresting year. Idk if they had some sort of deal or whatever but it was a lot. 
No Racing Point or Alfa Romeo was interesting. I think Kimi’s contribution at the end was great and in some ways I love that, that’s all we get but I would’ve liked more of him and I think Netflix could’ve made some sort of ‘cult hero’ out of him but there we go. (Is cult hero the right term? Idk but you get what I mean hopefully).
Mclaren got half an episode basically. I liked what we got but it wasn’t enough in my view and it didn’t cover their whole resurgence from the years before. More could’ve been made of the fact that they were so bad previous and that 2019 was a real turning point and such a good season for them. I know Netflix is all about the drama but I think they really missed out on not including Lando at all except for 1 or 2 seconds of screen time that he got. Comedic relief would’ve worked nicely. Especially with how likeable he is as a person and how marketable he can be (I hate that phrase, sorry Lando). He was one of the three rookies. 2nd in F2, given the hype at the end of Season 1 and then nothing in Season 2. If they hadn’t gone team by team then a rookies episode would’ve been really interesting. And we know how much Netflix followed him because of Instagram, Twitch etc. It baffles me really that he wasn’t included more. 
Some races were pretty much glossed over completely (no mention of the 1000th Race in China, fine it was boring but surely the 1000th race deserves a mention). Some missed the drama. Canada - Switching of the signs. Japan - Quali and race on the same day. No mention of P20 to P2 in Germany for Seb at his home race (fine they were following Mercedes there but). Bahrain? Was Bahrain mentioned at all? I just think there was a lot missed out. Also Renault- Disqualified from Japan? Surely that’s drama enough for you Netflix. 
No tribute to Charlie was also a strange move considering how big a part he was of the sport. Even a mention would’ve been nice. A tribute. Anything really. It was disappointing. 
I didn’t really like the Haas episode but this is mainly the beef I have with Gunther rather than anything else.
The Mercedes episode was really nicely done, I really liked it. The addition of the timer for the pitstop was a great move. The Wiliams episode was prossibly my favourite - Not enough Robert though I have to say, if you need a story there’s one! Of all the episodes I think this one flowed the best and I enjoyed Claire’s interview with the Netflix lady when she didn’t ask the final question and Claire asked her too and gave a great answer. But that’s probably because I am a long suffering Williams fan so there we go. 
I did like DTS, I know this post comes across as me going ‘this is wrong, this is bad’ but it’s mostly just small irritations that I have with it and I do understand that they can’t include absolutely fucking everything into it. It’s a nice addition to the sport and I hope it brings more fans in (Pretty sure it has been doing so which is always nice). I liked all the episodes except the Haas one and the majority of the Carlos vs Dan ep but I do feel it is an improvement on season 1 and that as time progresses the series will get better and better. So yeah, overall I liked it I just personally had a few issues with some bits but I’m excited for whatever they’re gonna make with Season 3. 
(Sorry this is so long, If you’ve read all of it, thank you and fucking well done) 
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