#they had someone who publicly wanted them and now they're with someone they can't even see
belovedbow · 1 year
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“You weren't used to someone being so affectionate publicly."
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ashtavula · 4 months
Hihihi! Could I please request a royalty/nobility au with the housewardens? Like them as a dashing Mr. Darcy, if that makes sense.
So, since this is pretty open ended, I'm just going with headcanons on what sort of role they'd have in this au. Though it might be more like an otome au? But if you like it, or want to see more, please don't hesitate to ask!
Royalty AU - The Housewardens
You are the only heir to the throne, and now, you've been given a "simple" task. Find someone to marry before the year is over! Your butler clears his throat, and names some of your potential suitors...
Riddle - The Marquess' Son
-Riddle is the sole child of Marquess and Marchioness Rosehearts. His family is well known for funding medical research, and they're generally well respected. At least, publicly. In private, many nobles whisper about the cruelty of Marchioness Rosehearts, and Riddle's overbearing strictness. Your butler also states that, when your parents announced your eligibility for marriage, she was the very first to put her son's name forward. It makes you think that Riddle had no say in being a candidate.
-Riddle himself is rumored to be at odds with his family, considering his friendship with the local baker, Trey Clover, and other commoners. His mother has publicly denounced the idea that her family mingles with the lower classes, but Riddle continues to be spotted around the bakery regardless. It makes you wonder if he's not quite as strict as the rumors claim...
Leona - The Second Prince
-Leona is the second born prince of a neighboring country. His brother, King Falena, has maintained his country's status quo, but it's becoming rather obvious that Leona doesn't approve of his family's excessive lifestyle while their kingdom's poorest starve. Supposedly, Falena is growing increasingly desperate to marry Leona off to a foreigner so he can be removed from Sunset Savannah's political sphere. Leona's own people talk about him being a lazy, power hungry rebel, and this gives you pause. You haven't heard a single positive thing yet. There must be more to the man than this...
-Your butler goes on to mention that this is merely what your country's spies have found out. According to official correspondence, Leona is a laid back man with a handsome appearance, and a sharp intellect. The sheer difference in those descriptions startles you, and makes you wonder. Who exactly is Prince Leona?
Azul - The Information Broker
-Azul Ashengrotto is the head of the country's biggest information guild. Hiring his Octavinelle Agency is the best way to dig up dirt on anybody, and no one knows just how he acquires that much intelligence. Your parents have listed him as a potential candidate in the hopes that, should you marry him, he would give you access to the wealth of information he has at his fingertips. According to rumors, you must give him something of equal exchange for anything he tells you. You frown as you hear about people selling things like their voices, and their magic to him. He can't be that cruel. Right?
-According to people who have made deals with him, he has a taste for the finer things in life. He'd certainly jump at the opportunity to court you, as you are the heir to the throne. Before your butler can finish, a strange man enters the room. His mismatched eyes gleam as he hands you a letter, stamped with the Octavinelle Agency insignia. The letter is simple, but it sends a chill up your spine. "Your Highness, if you are considering marriage, then please come by my agency. I can tell you anything you wish to know about your suitors, and I'll even waive my usual fees. The only thing I ask in return is for your company. Signed, Azul Ashengrotto." Before you can question the man, he slips out of the parlor. How peculiar...
Kalim - The Merchant Prince
-Your butler clears his throat, and moves on. Next on the list is Kalim Al-Asim, heir to the Al-Asim Trade Company. Merchants under their banner travel far and wide, bringing wondrous things that many people have never seen before. In his country, rich merchants practically become royalty, and Kalim's family is the wealthiest of those families. If you choose him, it will invigorate your country's economy, and your parents approve of this. Also, according to the people who have seen him, he's cheerful and compassionate.
-However, your butler warns that his family has a dark side. In the Scalding Sands, poison is the weapon of choice, and Kalim's life has likely been threatened numerous times. And that his own siblings and cousins are likely his biggest enemies. If you married him, you'd be subjected to the same treatment. You'd constantly have to watch your back, and worry that every sip of wine would be your last. Is that truly a life you wish to lead?
Vil - The Duke
-Vil Schoenheit is the youngest Duke to grace your country's nobility. He's also the fairest. Countless numbers of men and women fawn over his beauty, yet he has rejected every advance that has come his way. This had led to nasty rumors that he has impossible standards, and that his heart must be made of ice. He apparently also has a keen mind, though there are some whispers that he uses that intellect to brew deadly poisons. Who those poisons are meant for, nobody knows.
-His dukedom also contains some of your country's most beautiful locations. Lush forests and thriving apple orchards span his lands, and his people prosper under his rule. However, people do wonder why all of his citizens seem to be good looking, and why nobody seems to oppose him. Is it just a coincidence, or is there a darker reason behind his seemingly perfect dukedom?
Idia - The Inventor
-Idia Shroud is, without a doubt, one of the smartest men in your kingdom. However, his reputation, and several rumors, precede him. He's known for being extremely reclusive, and he's almost never been seen in public. Instead, he trusts an automaton, Ortho, to complete various tasks. And the few times he has been spotted sparked a frenzy of strange rumors. There's talk around the capital that he's been cursed, marked by unholy fire. Your brows furrow. Is he truly one of the candidates for your hand in marriage?
-Aside from the rumors that swirl around him, he's genuinely skilled. Ortho is a completely sentient automaton, and several of his other inventions have changed the average citizen's quality of life for the better. He's the reason your kingdom is more advanced than any other, and that counts for a lot. He's a bit bizarre, but rumors about his supposed "curse" stirs your curiosity.
Malleus - The Briar King
-Your butler shivers, and mentions King Malleus in a hushed tone. He is the King of Briar Valley, a strange land that nobody has ever actually seen. There are old tales about his kingdom. Stories that state that the land is populated by the fae, and that their king is not truly a fae, but a fearsome dragon. These tales claim that any being who opposes the Briar King will be incinerated in a plume of dragon fire, and that he demands complete loyalty from his subjects. As you begin to wonder why your parents would give you such an option, you get your answer. For the first time, Malleus has left his kingdom, and is visiting yours. This might be your kingdom's only chance to forge an alliance with the powerful, mysterious fae.
-There is a bit more information than just wild tales. According to your butler, an odd fae visited the castle yesterday, and told your parents a bit more about Malleus. This fae stated that his king was not quite as intimidating as the stories claim, and that Malleus yearned for companionship more than anything else. Your gaze softened. You, as the heir to a kingdom, knew that a royal life could be a lonely one. If he also felt the ache of solitude, then, he surely couldn't be a monster, like the people say.
Now that you've heard about your potential suitors, only one question remains...
Who will you choose?
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i-am-dulaman · 2 years
Okay I'm riled up about this rn so time for a history of economics lesson (rant) from me, a stranger on the internet
I'm a communist, I hate capitlism, so lemme just put that out there. But capitlism had its moments. Even marx had some praise for parts of capitlism.
And by far the most successful form of capitlism was Keynesian economics, as evident by the enormous increase in living standards in those countries which adopted it between the 1930s and 1970s.
What's Keynesian economics? The idea that capitlism can't survive on its own, and must be supported by government spending at the poorest ends of society and taxes at the richest ends of society (essentially the opposite of trickle down economics) as well as strong regulations on certain industries like banking.
It basically started in 1936 with President Roosevelt who was a personal friend of John Keynes (who the theory is named after).
Roosevelt implemented Keynesian economics to great effect; he raised the top tax rate to 94% (he actually wanted a 100% tax rate on the highest incomes, essentially creating a maximum wage, but the senate negotiated down to 94%) and similarly high corporate tax rates, he created the first ever minimum wage, created the first ever unemployment benefit, created social security in America, pension funds, and increased public spending on things like public utilities and infrastructure, national parks, etc. Which created about 15 million public sector jobs.
This ended the great depression and eventually lead to America winning world War 2, after which many countries followed suit in implementing similar policies, including UK, Australia, and NZ (apologies for the anglosphere-centric list here but they're the countries I'm personally most familiar with so bare with me)
Over the next 40 years these countries had unprecedented growth in living standards and incomes, and either decreasing or stable wealth inequality, and housing prices increasing in line with inflation. Virtually every household bought a car and a TV, rates of higher education increased dramatically, america put a man on the moon, and so on.
Then it all abruptly ended in the 80s and the answer is plain and obvious. 1979 thatcher became UK prime minister. 1981 reagan became US president. 1983 the wage accords were signed in aus. 1984 was the start of rogernomics in NZ (Someone link that Twitter thread of the guy who posts graphs of economic trends and points out where reagan became president)
(Also worth noting those last two in NZ and Aus were both implemented by 'left' leaning governments, but they are both heavily associated with right wing policies.)
This marked the beginning of trickle down economics: tax cuts, privatization of publicly owned assets, reduction in public spending, and deregulation of the finance sector. The top tax rates are down to the low 30s in most of these countries, down from the 80s/90s it was prior. Now THATS a tax cut.
And what happened next?
Wages stagnated. Housing prices skyrocketed. Bankers got away with gambling on the economy. Public infrastruce and utilies degraded. And wealth inequality now exceeds France in 1791.
I don't know how anyone can deny the evidence if they see it, but there's so much propaganda and false information that a lot of people just don't see the evidence.
Literally all the evidence supports going back to Keynesian economics but now that the rich have accumulated so much wealth it's virtually impossible to democratically dethrone them when they have most of the politicians on both the right and the left in their pocket.
Unfortunately it was the great depression and ww2 that gave politicians the political power to implement these policies the first time around. Some thought the 2008 crash would spur movement back towards Keynesianism (which it actually did in Iceland, congrats to them), I hoped covid would force governments to now, but nope.
All these recent crises' seem to have just pushed politics further and further right, with more austerity and tax cuts.
I don't really have a message or statement to end on other than shits fucked yo.
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inheartofwinter · 1 month
Drarry x Fandom
I have made many fic rec lists, almost always at someone's request, although I don't often post them publicly. However, there are fic rec lists I compiled simply because I like a particular troupe. I often keep copies of these lists in the notes in my phone so that I can respond quickly to a request for fic recs. Long story short, the notes pile up and now I need to delete some before I can't find anything anymore. But I don't want to just let those rec lists disappear, so I decided to share them.
The list I want to share with you today is Drarry fics in which fandom plays an important role.
- Draco Potter and the Day the World Ended (G; 3,2k) by gracefully_slytherin
Draco Potter (nee Malfoy) was known for many things.
He was a Death Eater who was acquitted of all his war crimes; he was the first Mind Healer that St. Mungo's had hired; he was the Savior of the Wizarding World's husband; and he was the popular fanfiction author sassysnakeprince on Archive of Our Own.
And life was peaceful until his beloved fanfiction website stopped working overnight. The world, it seemed, had chosen to die that day.
I'm pretty sure this is a very relatable story to many of us 🤣
- Pass the Chocolate (T; 1,6k) by @romaine2424
Harry writes a fanfic for Draco, but it doesn’t quite work out the way he planned.
- Pass the Ogden's (T; 660) by @romaine2424
Harry has the blues about h/d fandom. He thinks they're getting old.
This story is a continuation of 'Pass the Chocolate'. Once again, Harry is having problems with fandom and Draco tries to help.
- The True Veela Story (PG; 700) by Faith Wood
Draco is a veela. He has to mate with Harry or die. Naturally, he chooses to die.
- Harry Discovers Slash (E; 907) by @astolat
The obligatory the-characters-learn-about-slash story. (Harry/Draco)
- Draco Malfoy: Fangirl ( M; 3,7k) by pir8fancier
Harry discovers that Draco is a fangirl.
- Fanboy series (?; 2k) by scudeliwu
Draco is caught coming back from a fan-convention.
- Draco Malfoy is a Stupid Wanker (M; 6,8k) by @emmagrant01
During the course of HBP, Romilda Vane's crush on Harry Potter evolves into a slashy obsession with Harry and Draco. (Harry/Draco, if only in Romilda's mind...)
I would love it if you can spare some time to check these fics out and leave kudos to the authors. Honestly, some of these are so underrated even though they are so good.
Anyway, have fun reading!
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lunarw0rks · 9 months
a/n: can't believe this is something i'm about to post publicly. omfggg idk if my thoughts will transfer well into little writings BUT HERE YOU GO- warning(s): nsfw (18+), literally cum headcanons [141 + graves / ale].
könig cums the most out of all of them. even without overstim. or edging - it's a wonder he has any left after multiple rounds. but he always does. his finishing always lasts at least ten seconds, where he's completely gone and draining every last drop that expels from his system.
( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑ whatever— whoever catches the aftermath is bound to be amazed, even if it's not their first time with him.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
gaz & soap are 50/50. it depends on how desperate they are— or how long it's been since they last had release. plain, everyday sex with their partner, it won't be as much as kö at all, but more than those last on the ranking. BUT... after months away, using their hands, etc... it's a noticeable amount difference. as if their bodies have literally been storing the mounds of pearly substance just for you.
( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑ and these two + overstim. or edging?? if they're desperate enough to cum, and finally do, it's a mess.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
simon is on the lower end, but not the bottom. less than gaz + soap, but not as lacking in amount as the two below!! unlike those on the bottom when it comes to time, his releases are more lasting. probably several seconds, even though there's not much evidence in cum to show it. his body is stubborn just like him; even when being teased or deprived, the results rarely budge.
( •̀ᴗ•́ )و more of a one-and-done guy, because he doesn't want to be greedy. BUT he's definitely not going to resist cumming more than once until he's filled someone to the brim, if they so wish. not a drop wasted, etiher — take that how you want ;)
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
price & alejandro are last but definitely not least. it's not a showy, messy finish like those higher in the ranking. there just... isn't much that comes out when they finish. merely a few spurts, and it takes a brief moment for the leaking to cease, even if they're still reeling in the sensations of an orgasm.
( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑ doesn't take away from their bedroom performance, though ;) not even a bit.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
graves isn't at the bottom because he cums the least, make no mistake. i think the amount would purely depend on who he's with and whether he's in control or not. i'm a firm believer that if you have him whimpering and begging, he'll cum when your fingers merely brush against him.
( •̀ᴗ•́ )و now, if he's more in control - he'd be similar to simon, in the sense that his releases are long but with little remnants to show it - even when he hasn't been with a partner for long periods of time.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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callsign-bunnie · 5 months
Jesus Fucking Christ.
Just when I finally stopped losing followers from my public opinion on Makarov...
(Disclaimer: I am VERY anti-military. I will never join, I can't join, and my position is peace as a priority. I have spent years doing research on this topic and my opinion is only very recently fully formed after said research and I still continue to do research even now.)
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This. This is not okay.
Now, I personally did not know Biblically Accurate Gaz that well but they are/were(?) mutuals with my wife, Captain-MJ. Nothing that I am about to say has come from consult or permission from them, everything is MY OWN opinion.
However, if you think that it is okay to take someone's personal decision, assume the situation, speak about it on a public social media, and make it a much bigger deal than it is, that is NOT okay.
BAG (biblically accurate Gaz), from what I understand, had wanted to join the military long before they got into COD. I don't exactly know what their reasons are, but I'm not here to defend that. I do not agree with their decision, as I am anti-military, but I respect it as their decision.
Now, I understand, they put this decision on a public social media (Tiktok) and so I will agree that it is free to comment on. Freedom of speech is a thing in America. If someone makes a post, you can take a screenshot and give your opinion. I am not blind to the fact that that is exactly what I am doing.
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I won't comment too heavily on these, but I just thought I'd include them.
BAG is a REAL person. They are not a character, they are not a group of people, I would argue they're not a public figure. They are a cosplayer who is joining the military. It is an informed decision, it is THEIR decision.
Though this is not on the same level of severity, it does make me start to consider other times when the community did this. This can have real effects on real people's lives and it's getting ridiculous that this lesson isn't being learned. This isn't an isolated incident, this isn't a COD thing, I have been in many fandoms where this happens, and I am sure that I will be in many more.
Be anti-military, be publicly anti-military. Do not openly single out and demonize one person for the choice they have made. A choice they've had made from well before they even got into COD, by the way.
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freckliedan · 6 months
in your opinion do you think that now they’re not in the closet publicly anymore, it’s not that they necessarily care that people think/know they’re together, it’s just more that they want to keep their actual relationship private?
ooh this is a good question honestly! i mean, they've said it themselves that they're private, and their actions back that up too. i think a huge part of the way they've navigated the privacy for their relationship while & since coming out has been about setting a clear boundary, considering the past violations of their privacy?
but honestly i think there's another huge piece of why they've been so private over the last five years and why that's changing now! i think the gaming channel hiatus era has been their individualization era, which was important for dan especially. like, phil had some time as an adult to learn who he was before he met dan; all of dan's identity formation as an adult happened in the context of his relationship with phil.
spending your entire adult life in a relationship with someone, AND living with them AND working together AND having shared friends for the vast majority of those years? speaking from experience: you can reach a point where you're less able to identify your own individual wants and needs and strengths and dreams, even if it's a healthy and beautiful relationship.
especially if there was any level of tumultuousness in your home life lol
with the added pressure of being a public figure it makes a lot of sense to me that a hard reset had to happen for dan's exploration of who he is and wants to be and enjoys doing with his career to succeed! dan is not okay being fucked over is such a heartbreaking thing, but the time dan spent almost completely out of the public eye followed by a fully solo tour & span of his career shere he was regularly posting is like—it makes sense!
it makes sense that the last 5 years were focused on everything but their relationship! but it also makes like equal sense to me that they're returning to the gaming channel and joint content and a higher level of being open with us, too.
they tried fully solo careers. and i'm sure they both know now, what they like doing independently of one another. but it's so clear to me that they've returned to the gaming channel because they genuinely love to make videos together, and it's a part of them making a fully informed choice about their future careers.
like. it actually really grinds my gears when people say that dan and phil only came back to the gaming channel for the money, tbh! because yeah, i'm sure it's one of their best options for bringing in money. but like... yall they are rich people. they absolutely have money invested. they absolutely are having their money managed. they almost certainly could pull off never working again if they wanted to.
they wouldn't phone it in just for money, not with the standards they've consistantly shown themselves to have for the work they do. like, yes, they're doing their job and making money for it. but i just don't understand seeing this as anything but a choice they made because they love working together—and because they're sure of that, having spent half a decade on solo projects.
the individuation era ending also makes the higher level of being open about their lives make sense. i've always thought we were due for a being loud about how happy they are in their relationship era post coming out and. well. this is definitely that. i can't say i ever wanted to hear this much about their sex lives but i also can't truly say i'm surprised!
i think this is an era of shifting boundaries to be at least a little more open regarding their relationship and life together and i think that's what they're boiling us about this gamingmas! ultimately they're always going to keep more to themselves than they ever share with us but like. things are changing!
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dragon-in-a-fez · 2 months
Hi. I read a recent ask from someone else, where you say that you are now divorcing your partner, so this may be a little awkward but; I have seen your post about your (ex-)partner several times now, and I wanted to ask. I am AFAB non-binary. Funnily enough, I’m also pan. But I have recently started to think- albeit in the vaguest of senses- about dating, and I realised that I almost certainly will struggle to find cis guys who will date me and be chill with my gender. So, I was wondering if you had any insights? Feel free to ignore this!
I hope you're cool with me answering this publicly, because it's giving me the kick I needed to say some things I want out there for anyone who sees that post and finds my blog.
it's getting easier to talk about. the truth is, my ex treated me very badly in the last couple of years we were together, worse than I was willing to admit to myself before a lot of therapy and a lot of kindness and patience from friends. there was a lot of gaslighting and intense emotional volatility along with financial and legal abuse. I have lingering post-traumatic symptoms from it - frequent nightmares, panic attacks, even a massive months-long gap in my memory.
but none of that really has anything to do with your question, because the fact is, respecting their identity has fuck all to do with our relationship, or their character, or their actions.
I actually had a big fight with my mother recently because she was upset that I don't talk to her about all this enough, and eventually I was like, "after 7 years you still can't even get their pronouns right, how am I supposed to go to you for support about how that relationship fucked up my life when I have to stop to defend them from your ignorance every five minutes?" she seemed surprised that I still cared about being respectful and I was just like, yeah and that's why you and I have spent 30 years not understanding each other lol
and I think that's kinda the best advice I can give you: don't trust anyone who only cares about respecting the truth of who you are when they're happy with you. they should care when you've fucked up and hurt them. they should care when you're yelling at each other because they're being a selfish dickhead. they should care when you break up, or when they ask you out and you say no.
that doesn't mean they always have to get it right. people slip up on pronouns because of how they're used to talking, or they repeat dumbass stereotypes or ask inappropriate questions because they don't know better yet. but don't waste your time with anyone whose level of respect for your gender is based on their attitude to you in that moment. you deserve better than that. someone who only gets your pronouns wrong when they're angry is a way bigger red flag than someone who just occasionally gets them wrong at random times.
and yeah, you might struggle to find people who meet that threshold, depressingly low though it is. but the good news is, once you do find those people you're automatically in a better starting place than a lot of relationships. and knowing you've found the right person is way more important than how long it takes.
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you're trans, right? how did you come out to your parents? how did it go? how would you recommend someone go about doing it if they aren't sure how their parents are going to react? (positive to other people's kids being trans, dislike trans women in sports, generally vote democratic). i'm ftm.
sorry if this is too personal or already been answered or something
-- aar
Lee says:
As a matter of fact, I am indeed trans! I specifically identify as genderqueer, non-binary, transmasculine, transgender, and transsexual, although that's neither here nor there.
I actually didn't come out to my parents-- I came out to my friends, and then more publicly to my classmates at school. Then one of my classmates told her parents about me being trans, and that parent met my parents at a party and mentioned that I was trans. Unfortunately it just so happened that while they were at the party and out of the house, I took the opportunity to cut my hair short at home. Yikes!
Anyway, I would fully recommend actually coming out over being outed, if you have the choice, because then you have some control over the start of the conversation and can initially let them know whatever you want them to know.
As always, safety comes first. Do not come out if you do not think you will be safe. If there's any risk of harm or severe negative consequences, you should wait to come out until you're in a more secure position, like being 18 or older, financially independent, not living at home, or at the very least, having a support system in place like a trusted therapist who can help you deal with the repercussions of coming out.
There's a difference between being genuinely unsafe and feeling uncomfortable. Most people will feel their fight-or-flight anxiety response kick in when they have a really scary and stressful conversation, especially when they're talking with someone who means a lot to them and has a lot of authority in their life. But being anxious about their reaction might make something feel unsafe, emotionally, even if you logically know that you are safe and they will not kick you out, abuse you, etc.
That doesn't mean that your feelings aren't real feelings though. If you think that you would not be able to cope if your parents don't immediately and fully accept and support you, then maybe it isn't the right time to come out either. Your emotional well being is important, and if you would be unsafe as a result of mental illness/extreme distress after coming out (if your parent's reaction isn't what you had hoped it would be) then you should consider that to be just as important as if you were physically in danger from an external source. After you've had some time and therapy and got re-stabilized then you can reconsider coming out.
Let's say that you've decided to proceed with coming out. The next step is to continue to gauge their attitudes. You've already observed some of their views. This can be a good starting point to understand how they might react. Remember, though, that parents' reactions to their own child can sometimes be different from their general opinions. So they might be fine with your trans friends, but not be fine with you being trans yourself.
You can't fully predict what will happen, but making sure you have a sense of what they currently think might help a little-- if the topic hasn't come up in over a year and you're working off of what you remember them saying far in the past, it's possible their views have changed by now.
But either way, you'll never really know what will happen after you come out, so if you want to do it, you just gotta go for it.
Now it's time to prepare. You may want to have resources ready for your parents, so looking to find those resources should be your next step. Are there local support groups for parents of trans kids and do you know of any peers whose parents have attended? They might have questions or misconceptions about being a trans man, so be ready to share some basic 101 information with them and don't assume they understand what it really means to be trans. Websites, books, or even contact information for a knowledgeable counselor can be helpful.
Think about what you want to say beforehand. What's the point of coming out? Do you want something to change, like having them call you a different name, use different pronouns, buy you different clothes? Do you want them to understand the nuances of your identity and know the right terms and words to use and what terms and words are offensive? Think about all of your goals, and then write down the key points you want to get down.
This is the time to consider your answers to the questions they might ask you, like "how long have you felt this way," "do you plan on medically transitioning," "what does this mean for your sexual orientation," etc. Even if you don't know all the answers yet and are still figuring yourself out, you want to have an idea of what you'll tell them, even if it's just "I don't know yet, I'm still figuring it out".
I'm personally not a fan of gimmicky/"cute" ways of coming out when you aren't sure whether your family will be accepting. So I would recommend just using a letter to initially come out if you're worried about getting overwhelmed or forgetting important details, and being prepared to follow that up by having a sit-down conversation.
Have a support system in place. This could be friends, other family members, teachers, counselors, or online communities who understand and support your identity. I always recommend scheduling an event with friends either for directly after you come out so you have an excuse to leave the conversation and go, or at least for the next day so you can decompress and discuss it with people who support you.
When you're as ready as you can be, choose the right moment. Find a time when your parents are likely to be calm and not preoccupied with other stressors (so not on their birthday, a major holiday, etc) and either leave the letter for them or ask them if they are available to have an important conversation.
This might not always be possible, but a peaceful environment can facilitate a better conversation. Choose a time and place where you feel safe and where you won't be interrupted. This could be at home during a quiet weekend afternoon, an evening after dinner, or during a walk together, depending on your family dynamics.
Finally, it's time to have the conversation. You should be clear and direct. Tell them "I'm transgender and that means I feel I am a man," or whatever language you feel comfortable with. Don't hint at it because they might not know what you're trying to tell them, just tell them exactly what you want to say.
It’s okay to admit if you don’t have all the answers yet. Transitioning is a journey, and it's fine to be figuring things out as you go.
But if that isn't the case for you, and you are sure, then you should be ready to stand up for yourself and tell them that. They might react positively, negatively, or be unsure, but their feelings are not your fault/your responsibility because you're living true to yourself. It's okay if they need time to process the information, but don't back down and let them railroad you into saying that you're not sure or didn't mean it if you are sure and do mean it.
Finally, be prepared for the long haul. Understand that your parents might need time to fully grasp and accept your identity. Patience can be challenging but is often necessary since it can take several months to years before they come around and truly support you. That means that one conversation is usually not enough. Be open to ongoing discussions and expect them to be sometimes awkward.
We have a coming out page with more info, although some of the links are old and broke (I promise I'll get to fixing it some day!)
Followers, any advice for anon?
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meraki-yao · 3 months
I want to hear your opinion on this. Please. If you can because the twitter account that I'll be talking about is on tumblr and I think her account is njwoman (unless they changed it). But anyway...
Their account on Twitter is @bourdainstalker if you want to see. But today was the PGA Awards and, sadly, they lost. Taylor went to the event and Nick didn't (I don't know if he got invited to attend or what). On their twitter account, they pinned a post that said they support both of them.
But immediately after RWRB lost the category, they posted a tweet that said "I know 1 person who doesn't care that they lost". And I know who they mean because every single time that Taylor talks about RWRB, they say something like 'Nick hates the movie'. Everytime Taylor signs RWRB books, they say something like 'Nick hates RWRB'. And also today, Phil Dunsen liked Taylor's Instagram post from yesterday and they said 'Colleagues supporting colleagues. It's so easy. Takes 30 seconds.' And I know who they're talking about because they always say that Nick doesn't like Taylor's Instagram posts.
For someone who says they support BOTH OF THEM, I don't think the word support means shitting on one of them. And spreading hate.
Someone really is obsessed for Nick's like. Like, Nick is so famous that so-called Taylor fans want Nick's like on Taylor's Instagram posts.
...whew. Okay, here we go.
I'm not on Twitter, so I can't (and don't really want to check it), so right now I'll take your word for it, especially since it's not just this person, I had plenty of anon ask come in my inbox with similar sentiments.
I'm going to divide this ask into parts and refute them accordingly:
1, Nick doesn't sign books
2, Nick doesn't like Taylor's post
3, Nick didn't attend PGA, he doesn't care
4, Nick hates rwrb
okay, let's start.
Regarding 1:
That's simply not true.
We see Taylor sign books and talk about rwrb, partly of course because he wants to and he's proud of the movie, but partly also because he shows up to events and places to do so. Think about it, when and where does he sign books? when he attends public events, whether or not it's related to the movie even marginally (ex: fashion events). when and where does he talk about rwrb publicly? when he's prompted to by an interviewer. I have no doubt that he could talk about the movie for hours on his own, but everything we see in public, is from him attending public events.
Nick hasn't been to that many public events since the strike ended. I can't keep track of how many events Taylor attended since August, in his China trip one day alone covered three to four events. Nick on the other hand, went to GQ Men of the Year in November, the Academy museum gala in December, and Milan Fashion Week for Fendi last month. That's it. And except for the academy gala where fans weren't really allowed to be there, so neither Taylor nor Nick got to sign anything, both other times, Nick signed the books. That's where the "Should I sign on Taylor's face? I heard he keeps signing in my face." came from. And that was literally last month.
And it's not a problem that Taylor attends so many events while Nick doesn't. It doesn't make Nick a lesser person. They just have different choices in how to use their time, as we all do. Taylor's also a significantly more extroverted person than Nick, who was diagnosed with anxiety and depression when he was young.
But anytime they can, they both sign books. So accusing Nick of not signing books isn't true in the slightest. It just seems that way because of the contrast between the number of events Taylor attends vs that of Nick.
Regarding 2:
I don't understand, nor see a logical explanation for being so fixating on "liking" on social media, and using that to determine their relationship. If that's how your friendship work, you may want to re-evluate them.
Also again, I think it's a matter of contrast and it's effect on perception. Taylor doesn't like Nick's post all the time either: since the strike ended, the only post of Nick's that Taylor liked is the Academy Museum Gala, George's "The Son The Seducer" poster, and the poster with Mary and George. That's three times. Neither of the boys liked each other's RWRB post.
And it's not like Nick doesn't like Taylor's post at all. In fact, he does it quite deliberately: In my "candies" post, When Taylor was in China but being attacked on Twitter, Nick suddenly popped out to like Taylor's Academy Museum Gala post, which is rare for him. At the end of the day, we can only speculate but it's pretty safe to guess that this was a sign of support amist the drama.
On top of that, there's actually a "candy" about their social media interaction that is in my part 2 post that I'm working on, but basically on Nick's Tik Tok, he cleared out a good number of following accounts, only keeping 7 out of 83 accounts: 6 are other co-stars that developed into close friends (we call it 閨蜜) like Camila Cabello and the girls from Bottoms, but the only one account left in his following list that's not a girl is Taylor. I would argue that's a stronger indication of a relationship than likes.
Regarding 3:
Nick didn't go because he's in London dealing with M&G promo stuff. It's airing in the UK next week. It's part of his job, and unlike going to award ceremonies, doing promo for a show that's airing really soon isn't optional.
Regrading 4:
When has Nick ever actually shown hate towards rwrb? Jacob Elordi literally saying that he hated making the kissing booth movies on record, same with Robin Pattison with Twilight, that's "the actor hates this work".
Nick mentioned in the limited amount of rwrb interviews we have that it was a thrill to work with Matthew and Taylor on this movie. After Prince Robert he didn't want to take another royal role but Henry was too fascinating of a character to not take up. He, despite not being able to be vocal about the movie due to the strike, posted ❤️ on premiere night. His rwrb Instagram post says that the love Henry's received one of the most heartwarming experiences in his life. He signs books. He even refers to Henry as himself: when he was asked to signed the Japanese cover of the book, he took one look at Henry, not even himself as Henry, BOOK Henry and said "wow I look so much better here!" it was Henry, and he used "I".
What about this could possibly indicate he hates rwrb?
Someone who shades on one actor clearly isn't someone who's supportive for the pair. Just because there are certain things people expect Nick to do that he doesn't, doesn't mean that he's what they claim to be. This isn't a valid method of verification. Everything I said here has evidence, visual or vocal or written evidence to back my points up.
If this person's opinions is hurtful and they won't listen to reason, then please block them. As upsetting as it is, getting into arguments won't do any good. You cannot change the mind of someone who has their mind set.
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matan4il · 23 days
Hi I read your post about the fallen victims and I had to stop at 5 year old Ido Avigal and just cry. If he was still with us he would've been my nephew's age today (and my nephew is my entire world). And his adorable smile looks like my nephew's so it's even more painful. I can't imagine what his family feels or his friends. Poor thing. I hate all of the pain and suffering in the world I truly hate it.
I'm not Jewish but I will pray for these people and their loved ones. I hope their loved ones have a strong support system and that pain will probably never go away but I hope their loved ones find strength and peace and courage to continue living.
Idk I'm rambly and emotional.
Sending you hugs too. 🫂
Hi Nonnie!
Thank you so much for your very humane response! I have a nephew as well, I know exactly what you mean. I've always loved and adored kids, but there was something about accompanying my sister on her motherhood journey that made me realize just how much more it is to be a parent. And in that sense, an uncle or aunt, too. What it means to raise a child, and love them before they're even born, and be so invested in every single second for years, things I might have known as an idea, but have such a more profound impact when you actually experience them...
Ido Avigal specifically is someone who I remembered even before my sis got pregnant. Like you said, that sweet smile! The contrast before the first pic of him that was shared, in which he's seen in a Purim costume (such a joyous occasion, and you take it in while trying to process such a tragedy). The fact that the family did everything right... When Hamas fired their rocket, the warning siren went off, the family heard it in time, they all got into the bomb shelter, they closed the door and the window... they did everything right. And still, the rocket hit the next door building, a splinter of the rocket flew off and hit their window at such an angle, that it went through the shut metal covers on the window. Ido passed away a few hours later, in a hospital, but the family had to watch him get hit with a lethal strike right in front of their eyes.
How did it happen? Because when the decision was made on how thick the metal covers over the windows in every bomb shelter had to be, Hamas' rockets were less advanced than they are now. Even with all of the effort Israel invests in it, it's simply not possible to keep "updating" our bomb shelters at the same speed Hamas get rocket upgrades from Iran. That's the tragedy. That defense systems, no matter how good, are always bound to fail eventually. And we can talk about statistics (Iron Dome did succeed in intercepting 97% of rocket threats in May 2021), for that one family, nothing is going to ever fix what happened, and bring their kid back.
If Israel hadn't left Gaza in 2005, our soldiers could have done more to intercept what Hamas is getting from Iran, to make sure they can't upgrade their rockets, and become more lethal. But we didn't want to rule over Gaza anymore, we wanted to try giving it to the Palestinians, give them autonomy, give them something to develop and invest in, give them something to lose if they choose terrorism, so that hopefully they wouldn't... So here we are, realizing we have to sacrifice our 18 and 19 year old children in order to protect our 5 year old kids, the kind of choice that no nation, that no parent and family, should have to make.
And you know what's even worse? Since Ido was killed, in May 2021, I've seen his pic more than once, used in anti-Israel propaganda, presenting him as if he was a Palestinian kid (along with Nadine Awad, a 14 years old Israeli Arab Muslim Bedouine girl, who was also killed by Hamas during the same time). Ido's mom publicly spoke out against them doing this, BTW. They're literally appropriating our dead, and using them against us, to de-legitimize our self-defense, and bring about more murdered Israelis. I can't understand that kind of moral failure other than in terms of antisemitism.
I can tell you that Ido's dad wrote and published a song in his son's memory, called "measured hope," and an article from two days ago stated that Ido's mom has been giving interview to explain Israelis better to the world, since Oct 7.
Thank you again for the very kind words and hugs! Sending you big hugs and much love right back! xoxox
(for more of my posts regarding Israel, click here)
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sagesilentfire · 3 months
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Hello, everyone. It's so strange to be saying this, but the last part of SAMATFOE is imminent, and we're getting closer and closer to the End. It's been a really fun five years. (Four to ya'll, but I've been working on this for longer than I've been talking about it publicly!) The cast of characters has expanded dramatically, I've gotten much better as a writer and artist, and I feel I've grown as a person too. I won't stop stalking the svtfoe tag or talking about svtfoe after this is done, don't worry, but I have a lot of non-svtfoe related plans in the future, so if you like Sílthéy and her weird siblings, don't stop following when SAMATFOE is over. 
But as for the actual contents of s5, well, I've got lots of plans. We've got a dark magic plague that's an incredibly transparent metaphor for climate change. We've got Mina playing the oil barons and trying to stop everyone from saving the world for her own personal gain. We've got Glossaryck (capitalism). We've even got the answers to a lot of mysteries and character arcs. Like, so many character arcs. It has been incredibly difficult to stuff all these character arcs into this far-too-short piece of fanfiction. But I hope I did that adequately. 
On a personal note, while hiring a beta/sensitivity reader for a piece as massive as SAMATFOE proved impossible for someone who does not own their own money, I have done a lot more research than I had at seventeen. I wanted the monsters to be more than just badly-done allegories for Native Americans – I wanted them to be people with their own culture, history, and ideas. People who are inspired by real-world Indigenous cultures, but, because they're literally nonhuman, are distinct from them. Whether or not they could count as Indigenous is discussed in-text, but I do not come to an actual conclusion because I want my readers to draw their own. It's not my place to say whether colonized space aliens could be Indigenous. And their connection to the land and to magic is drawn from their shared knowledge, not mysticism, and their culture is idealized because a caring godlike entity helped them to that, not because they're better than anyone. I hope to demonstrate that they are all people, first and foremost. Because we're going to be spending time in Septarsis! So much time! And Toffee has officially been promoted to main character status! It's Star and Marcie AND the Forces of Evil, babey!
But there's a lot of characters here. So, for the second and final time, 
Dramatis Personae:
Star - Star doesn't know what to do. She has everything she ever wanted, even if she doesn't realize it. She has no future responsibilities, having passed that to Eclipsa, but she is still special and important, being the most powerful magic-user ever to exist and the only one who can fix the dark magic, and Toffee doesn't even seem to hate her. Sílthéy does, though, and that is a sticking point. Star is much less oblivious now, though even her oblivious former self would probably pick up on the bad vibes Sílthéy is actively sending her way. She wants everyone to see how hard she's working to make everything better, but Sílthéy doesn't, and that is unbearable. Add that to Shinjai avoiding her and Marcie growing distant, and she has very little time for introspection, even if that would help fix things.
Marcie - Marcie is done with Mewni. She can't believe she believed the Butterflys' lies for so long. She's going to devote herself to Septarsis as fervently as she did Mewni. She just... she doesn't want to bother anyone, or take anyone's time. Why should she get attention paid to her, when there are stronger and smarter magic users out there who could do so much to actually help the world? Marcie is small and useless, and clearly so easily tricked. Better to work on herself before she brings anyone else into her orbit. Also, Star keeps making bad decisions, and Marcie's boundaries are pushing her away too... maybe it's better to do everything alone.
Ludo - Ludo is having a great time! He's earned the trust of some of the monsters in the Avarius village, his plumbing has been fixed, and Pemma is teaching him how to use the Avarius Beacon! Certainly nothing bad is going to happen to him or anyone he cares about! :D
Buff Frog - I'll confess here: Buff Frog is not a huge part of s5. He'll appear in the finale, but he's not a fighter anymore, and lives a peaceful life in Septarsis. He still has fond feelings for Star, but he's not too worried about her. She's strong, and he has twelve young froglets to take care of. She'll be fine on her own... right?
Toffee - Una'met Co'tzin-Nekohtzaca, Last Child of Old Septarsis, The Forces of Evil, Kéta'cha For the Dragon of Space, is doing FINE. They're definitely not five bad seconds away from a total mental breakdown, definitely not, that would be bad for everyone involved, and they are a calm, peaceful, certified not-doing-bad-things-er. The fact that everyone is almost certainly going to die a horrible death from dark magic is fine. They just have to cram thirty-plus years of training into the rapidly-dwindling time before the entire multiverse is dead. They barely know Star Butterfly, except that she's too good for things like "basic training" and "reading." How are they going to do this? And why won't Sílthéy tell them why she caused this in the first place? Well, they do know one thing, which is they can't tell Star about that.
Jackie - Jackie is done with Star Butterfly. She's talked to... someone, and done some digging, and that only served to verify the book she was given in s4. She doesn't know anything about Mewni save for what the book told her, but she can't believe that she trusted the family that doomed her dimension.
Janna - Janna doesn't like this apocalypse. No chance of survival is boring. So she's going to do what she can to help out. Also, she's been keeping her own secrets, secrets that might hold the key to survival.
Tom - Tom isn't angry anymore. He's not angry at Eclipsa for keeping Miquiz locked up, he's not angry for the Butterflys for spreading the dark magic that's thrown the Underworld into chaos, he's not angry that he keeps being left out of things. He's. Not. Angry. Anymore!
Moon - Moon didn't kill her mother. She didn't. It was Toffee, Toffee who couldn't come up with some loophole, Toffee who couldn't forget a conversation that happened when they were a child, Toffee who aimed the arrow at Comet's chest. And her holding onto anger isn't what's driving Star away from her, it's Toffee. They're the one driving her daughter away from her! But as cold reality and remaining dark secrets loom behind her, her brittle facade is beginning to crumble.
Glossaryck - Glossaryck misses when he and Star got along. Yeah, he's destroying her dimension, and everyone in it, and her, all to win kudos from his family, but it really sucks that Star won't give him the time of day anymore. He used to be her wise old mentor! Geez, she was going to die anyways, that's what mortals do! Might as well get along before it happens!
River - River is tired of being left out of the loop. He doesn't know what's going on. He doesn't know what to do. Moon barely speaks to him, she's always busy with Eclipsa, or whatever. But he might be the thing Moon needs, if she would only let him in.
Angie - Angie doesn't know if she should have had Mariposa. Sure, Mari is wonderful, and she loves her, and she DID NOT have a baby to replace Marcie dear god why were the svtfoe writers like that – *ahem* but the multiverse is ending, and Mariposa is just a baby... she didn't want to bring a baby into this world just to have them all die.
Rafael - Rafael is worried about Star. He's worried there's nothing he and Angie can do to help her. He's worried about Marcie. She seems really stressed about the dark magic. But he's the calm, goofy dad, so he's going to keep being that, and praying it'll help somehow. 
Mariposa - Mariposa is fresh to the world, and doesn't understand much of anything yet. But everyone is worried she won't survive long enough to understand the world at all.
Kelly - Kelly is chilling. Apparently Star and Marcie are off on a trip to Septarsis, but that's none of her business as long as art classes and hangouts with Nova and Jorby go well. She might drop by to visit, though.
Miss Heinous - Saint Olga is dead. Miss Heinous's one reason for existing, her greatest love and greatest enemy, the robot who raised her, is dead. What does Miss Heinous do now?
Meteora - Meteora's doing great. She's won popular opinion, she's training to be a true Crown Princess, or at least a high-ranking official, if Sílthéy's democracy takes off. She's stepped into her role as a leader, far more than her mother could claim. But that's fine. Not everyone is suited for leadership.
Eclipsa - Eclipsa has an albatross around her neck. She is doing her best to ignore it, to be a good queen, to love her people, but... she cannot get away from the child she killed. Would it be easier if she was just always evil, not done one evil act out of rage and grief? Well, she knows what happened to her mother. What does she do now?
Globgor - Globgor is doing his best. He's a little miffed by Sílthéy mistrusting him, as her first big act of s5 will be to demonstrate how little he's valued as a Legitimate Voice of the Monsters, but really, who can complain. There's so much else going on, who cares if he fades into the background?
Shinjai - Shinjai gets the wand. Shinjai does not want the wand, and the circumstances surrounding her getting the wand are ridiculous, but she gets it, and she hates it, and she can't control it. Unlike Star, her inability to control the wand makes her not want to use the wand at all lest she hurt someone with it. Oh, and Star keeps wanting to teach her fun spells now that she's been handed this nuclear bomb of a magic wand, and Shinjai does not want to deal with Star. She hasn't forgiven Star. She doesn't want to forgive Star. She'll ignore Star as much as she can, and focus instead on Alice and the teen militia, which is much more fun. She loves Alice. She loves learning to fight, learning to battle the most dangerous people in the multiverse and win WITHOUT the help of a wand. She'd be doing great, if her past would stop knocking at her door.
Rasticore - Rasticore's worried about his partner. Una is fraying at the seams trying to fix everything, and he has the feeling they're not telling him something. But what else is new? He'll wait. He has friends to make, a new teenage militia to help train, and a Miss Heinous to keep from destroying Septarsis stone by stone. He's endlessly patient. When Una wants to talk to him, he'll be there for them. He just... has... to... wait...
Mina - Mina is trying to destroy the world. She doesn't tell her followers that, no, they don't even know the dark magic is a thing, but she wants Glossaryck to win and the Solarian Age, of which she is the last remnant, to end everything with it. So she'll destroy the world, and fulfill Solaria's dream of taking the Forces of Evil with her.
Lilacia - Lilacia is, somehow, a spoiler. Like, legitimately, the Princess Formerly Known as Ponyhead's role in s5 is a spoiler, and not for magic power-up speech cliché reasons. But she's still her dumb, ditzy self, of course.
Still Unnamed Mystery Character - "Stella" is still mysterious, but I promise you we'll get who she is and her backstory in this part ;)
Alice - Alice is wary of the new Mewman presence on the outskirts of Septarsis. She knows why they're there, but she's still extremely suspicious. She does not want them to hurt Septarsis. But she doesn't know that the true danger comes a little closer to home.
Teyauh - Teyauh is also a spoiler, but she'll be there!
Linda - Linda loves her wife, and will follow her anywhere, but Teyauh will have to accept that her knees don't work how they used to, so Linda will have to follow in a suit of POWER ARMOR, BABY!
Nova - Nova is part of the Nuxalkmc, an Indigenous tribe native to the Northwestern Turtle Island, and she loves that about herself. Now that Kelly and her dimensional scissors are here, she can finally explore the multiverse to find new places and see if they're anything like home. Septarsis is one of those places, and she loves it at first sight.
Dr. Edevane - Dr. Edevane is a doctor. He and Toffee have a lot to nerd out talk about together. He will be useful, too.
Dennis - Dennis is busy reigning in dozens of siblings, including Ludo. It's a busy life, but a happy one. Nothing bad whatsoever will happen to him! (I'm lying)
Chloe - Chloe doesn't know this "Star Butterfly" person, but she's very suspicious. But man, Mewni would be such a cool place to visit... so much magic! ...No, she needs to concentrate on being mad. And she is mad. She wants Earth to be like Mewni, like it deserves to be.
Hekapoo - Hekapoo doesn't like her dad's plan. He says it'll work out, it's fine, but the plan is... questionable. She doesn't like it. And she definitely isn't getting conflicting feelings about puppeteering her brother around, either...
Rhombulus - Ṯ̶̡̧̧̡̧̠͉̻̦̜̭͚̰̪̣̬̠̦̲̹̯̯̮̹̰̺̣̳̬̳̬͙̙̞̹͚͖̼̲̰̼̻̭͇̘̻̹͔̝͌͐̀̇̓̀́̄̇̓̊̚ͅH̶̛̠̽̎̇̽̉̃̔͒̽̈́͌͝Ȩ̸̢̧̛̛͔̭͍̪͈͚̮̘͙̭̳͍̺͖̗͇͍̘̱̉̽͑̆̌̓̆͛̓̌̈́̐̾͑̅͂͗̔̽̌̋̈́̎̈́́̓̓͌̆̄͐̀̋̅͂̒̓̔͗̈͊̊͆̄̒͘͘̚͘͝͝͠͠͠͠ͅ ̷̧̪̰͈̺̯̳̙̳̹̙̣͔̗̜̫̗̲̠̙̝̠̯̻̯̩͈͇͉̞̙͙͈̲̻̹̰̳̣̤̣̀́̐͆͜͜͜ͅͅK̵̨͎̙̩͓̘͇̳̩̲̝̳̼̖̯̘͖̹͙̪̰͙͔̤̭̘͖̖̪̬͓͚̫̦̝̠͍̙̊͛̏̈́͛́̒̈́͂͜͜͜͝ͅÍ̸̡̧̨̨̥͍̮̮͇̟͈͙̩̥͙̥͖͚͉̬̟̻̹̰̟̘͓̪̦̹͈̺̤̜̣̺͉̘͕̮̲͓̳͍͈͍̜̯̯̘̪͙̩͛́̐̆̈́͗͋̔̐̒̌̚͜ͅT̵̨̟̲̑̅̑̕̚T̶̨̨̨̛̞͖̻̖̞̹̜͉̦͓̣̠̗̘̣̺̲̹̘̻͎̤̝̤̜̞̜̳̭͎̲͙̮͓͕̼͇̘̃̈́̑̅͐̆͛͊̎̀̈́̔̐̂͛͒̎̕͜͜Ę̴̟̻͍͓̲̙͙̬̺̖̘͎̺̯͐̍̀͊̊̃̃̐̒̊̽̅̉̒̇̎̒͗͆̓͋͂̍̎̈̓́́͌̈͌̕͘̕̕͜͝͝͠͝͝Ņ̷̡̥͕̞̘͙͇̪̺̯͕̪͖̗̙͖̭̻̳͙͖̯̺̟̳̟̪̼̤̞̘̯̘̥̏́̊̾̓̀͐̑̈́͛͊͜͝͝͝S̸̨̨̨̡̤͕͚͈̻̯̫̯̦̖̣͈͔͉͚̠̪̮͚̳͈͇̯̱̯̙̙̬͎̝̪̬̦̙͇̝̲̤̰̃͒̓͒̾̀̋̎̊̈̀́̐̎̇͜͝ͅ ̵̧̧̛̣͉͕̤̻͔̰̜̺̮̘̞̠͓͚̹̗͒͐̽́̆̈́́̏̀̎̋͌̔́̌͗̎̍̉̀̃͌͂̎̽̿̃͂̎̽̌̈́̄́̀́̓̿̅́̎͆̾̆͑͌̔̿̑́́̕̕̕͝͝͝M̸̢̡̨̭͓̘͙̟̩̦͎̤̟̮̤͍͔̝̑̀̅̊̑̊́̂̈͑̽͋̃̑͋͐̆͆͊̈́́̋͑̋͜͝I̸̡̛̖̺͇͎͕̗̹̦̦̻̻̙͈͔̮̭̤̺͚͙͙͖̱̙͚̣̼̠̺̘̐̄͋͒̒͗̎̓͐͗͛̊̀̓̄̅̆̇̐͒̄̌̔͗̒̎̃̒̊̍̋͐̊͛͘͠͝͝͠S̴̨̡̡̨̲̖̺̭̺̱̰͎͓͇̰̙͙̩̯̺̖̲̥̜͖̦̙̹̜̻͙̠͉͇̲̲͍̞͚̭̯͕͋͐̌̾̈́̄͐̇̔͜͝͝Ş̴̢̨̢̝̬̤̯̗̞̳̟̞̲̠̮͇̻͙͖̻̜̺̘̑̑̆̈́̇͋͗͒͒́̅́́̚̕͝ ̷̨̡̡̛̛͚̩̣̠̠̹̘̟̼̘̤͇͖͓̙̺̙̮͚̫̺͖̠͇͙̏̆̋̆̀̅̓̔͋̐̐͛̃̾̃̿̓́̑̇̏̈̉͊̂̍̾͑̐̈́̀̑͑̈́̏͗̇͋̀̆́̍̊̃̀͐͘̚̚͝͝͝͠͝ͅͅḨ̶̨̧̻̺̟͚̠͍̗͙̗̹͇̗̦͔͕̮̦͖͔̝͚̟̖̖͉̾̔͒̓̋̀̔̅̿̈̑͆̀̇̇̄̈́́͋̿͐͆̔̂̈́͋̈́̊̊̈́̓̈́͋̕͘͝͝͝I̷̡̡̢̨̹͎̼̻̖̗̭̫̩̣̬̻̦̠̗̰̥͕̗̟̯̰͉͙̯͖̦͚̟̖̞͍̦̙̯̲̲̖̲̲̜͚̓̍͜ͅM̶̧̡̢̧̧̙̥̭̲̖̦͙̘̙͈͓͖̩̜̦͍̦̘͍̘͕̳̜̱͚̥̹͓͕͉͔͕̫̺̮͕̳͖͉̭̺͙̠͖̥͕͖͙̜̉͑͛̎̓̈́͐͋̐̀̏̊̀̽͋̈́͊̄͌̋̌̐̓̄̉̓͒̕̕͝͠͠͝ͅͅͅ
Reynaldo - Reynaldo looks and looks and he does and does, but he does not win this bet. It is the thing he wants most, that he will do all sorts of terrible, horrible-things-that-make-him-want-to-throw-up to get. What is it? 
Omnitraxus Prime - Omni will do anything to protect the multiverse. Including trusting zir dad, who is looking more untrustworthy by the day, and trusting Mina, who was never trustworthy in the first place. Mina has much more training than Star, and strong magical ability from spending three hundred years close to the wand, and it's the best option... right?
Necahua - Necahua is a mess currently, and being a mess leaves you more open to mistakes. Uh oh! Una still loves them, though. 
In fact, I made a short story in my creative writing class about the relationships between Una'met, Necahua, and Cayeto, since I feel they got overlooked in the main story. Yes, no one in my class had any idea what was going on. I'll post it next, before chapters 1 and 2 of s5.
Cayeto - Cayeto is also in the short story. He doesn't play a huge role in the main plot, but he is just another reason Toffee does the things they do. He died hoping that Una and Necahua, specifically, survived, and Necahua died, so he does not have the best grip on reality.
Xocochiapal - Xoco is the de-facto ghost leader of the ghosts now. No legislation without representation, right? Toffee does most of the work, but she's in charge when they can't address a thing right away. She was right despite everyone else blindly going to their deaths, and now everyone knows it. She also was the highest-ranked Septarian to become a ghost, and her hatred of the Mewman occupation is a clear and strong motivation.
Tecoloa - Tecoloa is the voice of reason. The good one. She died protecting her elementary school class from the worst of the heat, and that caring nature has translated into protecting everyone she can. 
Sílthéy - Sílthéy is a character now, and OH BOY is she happy about it. She hates Star and will never get over it, and she loves to remind Star of that fact. She feels immense guilt for what happened with Septarsis, and will never get over that, either. She is a mess, but she's been hiding her messiness for 0/0 years, so she's a pro. And it's not like anyone here can stop her from being a mess, can they? So she'll go on being a mess in her corner, and she'll be fine. Her hobbies include storytelling, dissing Star, and doing the most bizarre stuff in the background of any given scene. She owns her weirdness. She's annoying, but that just makes her more fun to write.
Mocel - Mocel is mad at Eclipsa. She's mad at all Mewmans, really. She cares a lot about Miquiz, and she hates that he's locked up while she, with her lightweight ash body, can sneak out whenever she likes. The world isn't fair, and she knows it.
Miquiz - Miquiz is dying a second time. The dark magic wound on his chest is expanding. He doesn't want to leave, not without seeing the sun again, but he may not have a choice. He doesn't want to leave without saying something to Eclipsa, but again, no choice. He doesn't know what to do.
Tecolo - Tecolo is just vibin. He wants to see Ludo again, and he will, but he's mostly busy having fun with his dead and living relatives after centuries floating in the void.
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icyfox17 · 1 month
New tag game bc I'm bored
List 5-10 of the most obscure crossovers you have floating around in your brain !!
1. Dumbass!crimeboys x halcyon!crimeboys
-> arguably the most obscure since it's a crossover between two aus that aren't even posted publicly, but i gen adore it sm<3 db!crimeboys is a hero au where tommy is just. Welp. A dumbass<3 he's my fav tommy ever guys 😭😭 he's my friend's au and I just SOBS most precious guy ever... And halcyon crimeboys is a detective au. Basically take the dumbest tommy and tired older brother Wilbur and make them meet the smartest crimeboys. It's very silly:))
2. Psych x Dsmp
-> okay hear me out. Hear me out. Shawn Spencer is literally Tommyinnit. They are the SAME. Now Phil as Chief Vic, Techno and Wilbur as twin detectives who both function as Jules and Lassiter (platonic ofc), and Tubbo as Gus. It fits way better than it should 😭😭
3. Critical Role (specifically Mighty Nein) x Dsmp
-> guys. Guys. I went on a rant on here like a year ago BUT CADUCEUS AND TECHNO'S CHARACTER DESIGNS ARE EERILY SIMILAR TO EACH OTHER. Tall pink dude w animal traits (cad is more cow, tech is more pig)? Cad is like c!Phil and c!Techno to me... (Is it bc of the tea obsession? Maybe...). I just also think that clingyduo would get along with Jester and Nott/Veth like a wildfire. OR OMG FOOLISH-- Does anyone remember Foolish building dick statues everywhere?? Yeah, he's definitely a follower of the Traveler.
4. 911xMCU
-> okay ngl guys this just came 2 me bc I realised that everyone calls Bobby Cap like how all the Avengers call Steve Cap and I was like lmfao imagine a scene where someone says Cap and they both respond to it.
5. Cw Flash x Pjo
-> okay this isn't my idea but it's one of my fav fics ever WHY DOES IT WORK SO WELL LMFAO
6. Spider-Man x Dick Grayson & Wally West
-> PETER IS LITERALLY DICK AND WALLY IN ONE PERSON 😭😭 SUPER SMART SCIENCE BRAIN + SILLY GOOFY + ACROBATS they're the same. I need them to meet so badly sobsosbsosbsosvsosbsosbsisbsjs Not sure which versions of which I just. Need it. Pls 😭😭😭
7. Justice League Unlimited x Young Justice (tv show)
-> This one has its own separate post here, but omg it makes me SO UPSET GUYS 😭😭😭
8. TMNT x Batfam
Okay not obscure bc they have had both a movie and a comic BUT HEAR ME OUT. SPECFICALLY THE 2007 MOVIE VERSION OF TMNT. This scene is literally Dick and Jason I can't do this guys WHY DO THEIR COLOURS EVEN MATCH
9. Dceu!Bruce & Barry x MCU!Irondad
-> okay my mental illness is full blast here but omfg they are the same duo THEY ARE THE SAME I need them to swap sons for a day plspslspslspspspdlfkfdishskdfjdksklaskd
10. Any vigilante au Tommy x Spider-Man
-> this is hidden in my notes app and is both like my own version of Tommy and Spidey but omfg I'm attached it's such a fun idea to play around with rahhhshshshss. I have a scene where Tommy and Spidey have a miscommunication over Blade lmfao and it lives rent free in my mind. Like Blade is a vampire but does NOT dress the same as Technoblade who might also secretly be a vampire in Tommy's universe lmfaooo
Okay and Bonus One that literally no one will understand except me
11. Magnum PI remake x Orphanduo (Techno and Skeppy)
-> Katsumoto is literally Technoblade guys. THEY ARE THE SAME PERSON. And omfg Magnum and Higgens are so happy duo ngl 😭😭😭
Tag time :D
@sammiekel @jiksvokrat @cristalmystery @ghosts-and-blue-sweaters @sleepdeprivedofmycorn @sunflowervc @angrilydancing and anyone else who wants to join in!!
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will80sbyers · 2 months
I don't follow Noah at all. But it's not because of what he said, I actually just became aware of that not that long ago.
I don't follow him because I've never been interested in him outside of ST/Will since I first watched ST in 2017. I don't know why, I guess the vibes were just always off with him (he's not the only either, I don't follow Millie either).
Anyway, I don't follow him, but I had the impression that the fandom adored him and thought very highly of him, and I know he received a lot of support from the fandom at some point because of something that was going on at his college.
And then the strikes happened and I took a break from the fandom. I just recently came back to follow the ST5 updates.
So, imagine my surprise to see that about half the fandom basically hates him now while the rest seems to just have given up on him and only care about his character.
I never felt anything for the guy, I mean he was always just there for me. But I mean, I don't think any 19-year-old should receive such harassment. I read that he's not even allowed to be (publicly) photographed with the rest of the ST cast? Like wow. And on their last year of filming all together too. Men, that's messed up.
Anyways, I just wanted to say this. In case there are other people out there who were never really interested in him but are now afraid to say it because they think people will assume they're supporting the harassment.
Exactly, you don't even have to like him to realize things went waaay overboard, he's not even a politician - he could have a bit of influence that's true, but not that much to actually change the minds of the government of Isr*el - but in any case you can't force someone to speak up or to change their mind by abusing them like that even if you don't care about the fact that it's simply a morally deranged thing to do, that's just useless
Responding to someone's bad take doesn't have to turn into bullying, sending death threats or doxing him, sharing his private pictures and all that I've seen!
Honestly to me that's disgusting, and there are a lot of celebrities I don't like and people that I can't stand like Jkr, for example, or Elon Musk - but even if I respond to their idiocy online and even if I can hope bad for them or hope that they start shutting the fuck up I'm not gonna personally harass them or become a freaking obsessive stalker dedicated to ruin their existence because that's fucked up and if I do and they send me to prison they are right to... and in my opinion they did and continue to do way worse stuff than what Noah did - like his take was bad but not to have this big of a response... Also I would never wish them to experience sexual harassment / rape that is so fucking foul even more than wishing for them to die and there were people doing that to a 19yo kid
Like, people you have to come to your senses and stop fr that's not how we go on to have a better world or stop kids & people in general from being killed in Gaz*
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rosemarydisaster · 2 months
I want to ask people to please please accept nuanced characters and not be a bitch about it. I've already seen so many crazy takes and I don't know if I can handle the death of media literacy right now. We've been through this in AFTG, let's not bring that energy to TSC.
For those who have read the book, examples under the cut.
Let's start with the fandom's favorite scapegoat: Thea Muldani. "She thought Jean was a whore sleeping with the defense line". That's what she was told and what Kevin and Jean allowed her to believe. Context is important: Thea was there because she just found out her team (and she wasn't involved at all with the mafia part or Riko's torture) had lied to her about her boyfriend's injuries. She obviously couldn't believe it because, would you!?? And when she sees Jean she's instantly on his side asking what happened to him. She's heartbroken when he doesn't answer and tells her to just believe what Kevin tells her. You can tell she cared about her little duckling and was horrified with what happened under her nose.
Then Kevin. Kevin is the recipient of Jean's unrequited love and that's not his fault. Hell, there's a lot of chances he didn't even know about it, Jean was the closest thing he had to a friend. He didn't seduce and trick Jean for his own benefit, he tricked his friend to survive and regretted ever since. He knew Jean wouldn't run, he knew Jean would have tried to stop him if he told him. It wasn't fair for Jean, but it was Kevin's only chance. I thought this was obvious. Jean is entitled to hate him, but the audience should know better than mischaracterize him like that.
Jeremy and the Trojans are the closest we have to a normal pov. Their way of handling Jean's trauma is not going to be like the Foxes'. They try not to pry too much, to offer him distractions and accommodations. They honestly do as well as they can. The people saying they're so pushy and annoying???? My bestie in Christ you'd probably handle it way worse.
I just think that we as a fandom should appreciate how good Nora's character writing is. Most characters are not fully evil (and those who are you can understand how they turned into monsters most of the time), but they fuck up. Sometimes they fuck up unknowingly, sometimes they fuck up because they don't know better, sometimes they fuck someone over because it's their only way out, sometimes the circumstances get in the way.
That doesn't make things better for the characters that get screwed over. Jean is entitled to his complicated feelings over Kevin. Aaron is allowed to not understand why his brother killed his mother. Just because the current narrator's pov makes it obvious for the audience doesn't mean the characters inside the book have the info and knowhow to do better.
TSC made me love Kevin even more because I'm a sucker for for imperfect victims. I hate the IRL narrative that in order to deserve sympathy you have to be purely the most victimized victim of them all. Kevin had to step over Jean to get out of his situation. Kevin had to witness the abuse, unable to do anything about it. Kevin is a bitch to his teammates and endangers them just by being in their team. He also loves them fiercely and forces them to keep on living.
It's complicated. And if you can't handle nuanced and complex characters please just keep your incorrect opinions to yourself??? Like why is everyone so comfortable admitting publicly they don't understand how to analyze realistic traumatized characters??? Why would you admit you can only see in black and white?? "Well if you're a victim and a good guy then you would never ever do something not nice. Gotcha!" That's how you sound.
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What She Doesn't Know
as promised, the next piece of the maggie & trevor saga 🫶
anything past the line that is italic is in the form of a hockey announcement :)
The first thing Jack can here when he picks up the call is her sob, and that's already too much.
The last time he heard her cry like this- he can't even remember when.
"Mags, what's wrong?"
Her breathing is rapid, words hardly capable of making their ways out of her mouth.
"I think he's seeing someone else."
"We're on our way."
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"And welcome to tonight match up of the visiting Vancouver Canucks and your ANAHEIM DUCKS!"
It's the knocking on the door that wakes me up.
Or maybe it's the sound of my phone ringing.
Either way, they're the indications I need that my brothers are just a moment away, which is enough to prompt me from my bundle of blankets on the couch, where I've been most of my week off, the boys away.
It's as I open the door that I realize that maybe I shouldn't have called my brothers, because seeing the look on Jack and Luke's faces at the sight of me makes me want to curl back up and hide away.
"Oh, Mags," Jack mumbles, his entire tone disheartened as he pulls me into his arms and into the apartment, Lu closing the door behind us, the boys duffle bags in hand. Well, until they're on the dining table.
"Hey, you're hogging her," Lu grumbles, pulling me out of Jack's arms and into his own. "How're you doing?"
"You mean other than being sure that my boyfriend I've just moved in with is seeing someone else?" The question is sarcastic, and bitter, but I've earned myself some leeway here.
Jack's leading me to the couch now, sitting down beside me as Luke takes my other. "You said that on the phone, but why do you think Trev is seeing someone else?" He's pulling me into his side like when we were kids, Luke taking a pillow and placing it on my lap, laying himself across me like he's not a giant but simply still my little brother.
"He's been distant, and I know it's to be expected that we would need time to adjust to living together, but when i walk up at work he changes the conversation, if he even lets me get that close to him. And he's been coming home later and later even when he doesn't have practice, and I'll ask Jamie where he's disappeared to Jamie doesn't know. And he won't answer my calls or texts for ours at a time which yeah, I get it we're both busy but we work together for God's sake! I shouldn't be seeing the other boys more than my own boyfriend. I shouldn't be waking up and falling asleep with him gone," I'm rambling, it's word vomit, a month's worth of insecurities spilling out of my mouth and for my brother's to see.
But neither responds, both processing everything I've said.
It takes them what feels like forever, but is probably only five minutes before their's a response from my twin.
"I'm going to kick Trev's ass."
"OH! And look at that hit from Captain Quinn Hughes from the Canucks! Very abnormal to see a hit like that from him."
"Must be some trouble between the in-laws John, that hit was to Trevor Zegras who is very publicly dating Hughes younger sister and Ducks sports nurse, Margaret."
"Hughes happens to be miked for the night, let's see what was said."
"What the fuck Quinn!"
"That is for Mags, jackass."
"I would definitely say, that was personal, John."
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I wasn't expecting the next person through the apartment door to be Quinn, I had forgotten he was in town for a game at all with the other two showing up. But he's to me and pulling me into a hug before I can really fully process what's happening and who's barged their way in.
It had been quiet before the door had been slammed open, but I can feel my head quieting in the arms of my big brother.
Everything gets loud again, though, when Jamie walks in, a fuming Trevor hot on his trail.
"Dude, what the fuck was that!" Oh God.
"I was just playing defense, you know, my job," Quinn bites back sarcastically, tucking me behind him.
That's not the right thing to say, Trevor only seeming to get angrier. "Doing your job? You tossed me every chance got!"
"Well maybe that's what you get for sneaking around on our sister," Luke's the one to grumble, and you can tell he didn't intend it to be heard, but it is and it freezes everything in the room.
"What did you just say?" Trev's not angry anymore, his voice in quiet confusion before his eyes meet mine. "You think I'm cheating on you?"
"Why would you think that?!"
"Let her talk," Jack's standing now, moving between where Trev's dropping his bag and where Quinn stands with me.
"What are you even doing here?"
"I called them," I mumble in answer, "I needed my brothers."
"Because you think I'm cheating on you?" Trevor is getting more insecure by the moment, I can tell in his body language.
Why is he getting insecure?
"You- you've just been absent lately. And avoiding me. And -" He's taking steps towards me, and all I want is just to be pulled into his arms.
"And you don't have to continue," He's cutting me off, looking at my human-barrier. "You guys can move. I'll let quick throw me again if this doesn't turn out in a way you approve of." The boys hesitate, but a tap on their shoulders has them relenting and plopping down in age order on the couch, Jamie taking a seat in the arm chair.
And it's just Trev and I, standing in the middle of the room.
His eyes are honest, and as he pulls me closer by my hips I can smell his shampoo from his post-game shower.
"Baby, I'm not seeing anyone else, and I'm sorry that I gave you so many reasons to think I was."
"It's really not - "
"Shh," he's interrupting. "I'm sorry that I've been suspicious and distant, but I knew that if you were around I'd ruin the surprise of it all."
"Surprise of it all?" I have no idea what he's talking about.
"All my phone calls I've been taking in other rooms, not telling you anything about? Have been with Ava. My little sister," He tells, and from the corner of my eye I can see Jamie shift, anticipating something.
"Why would you be talking to Aves in secret? You know I love her?"
"Because she's been helping me plan my proposal."
Yeah, my brother's have pretty much summed up my internal thoughts.
"I- You're proposal?" I can't help but question with a disbelieving sigh, his fingers gripping tighter to my hips.
"My proposal, that I've been planning since before you moved in. It just got a lot harder to hide with you here, and I clearly didn't handle it the right way if you're thinking I'd ever even think about someone else."
The smile that comes to my face is nearly painful, and I think I'm physically buzzing with joy as I turn to my brothers who are still sitting in shock.
"Oh my God, you want to marry me?"
He's chuckling, no insecurity or rage in sight. "Have the ring and everything."
"Trevor, oh my God, I'm so sorry," He won't let me pull away, but now the guilt is eating me alive. "You want to marry me and I thought you were cheating."
"And had every reason to, especially with all the gossip pages lately," He's giving me an out I'm not sure how to accept.
"So, when are you going to ask me?" I can't help to ask, wiggling about.
"Not tonight, I've got plans, woman," There's my golden retriever boy. "And you didn't even give me enough time to ask these loser first. I've only gotten to ask Jim."
"Our DAD knows about this and you're still alive?" Luke's asking the right questions, although his eyes are wild and he looks like he might throw up.
Trev's nodding, smirking at my three brothers. "Jamie was surprised too."
"You knew!" I can't help but yell at our best friend, him chuckling brightly.
"Of course I knew, Ava lives too far away, I had to be to inside man around here."
"Hey," Trev's pulling my attention back, "We're ok?"
"We're more than okay," I can't help the giggle that escapes my lips as I lean forward to kiss his. "I'm going to be Mrs. Zegras one day."
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