#virginity pledges
doctorslippery · 7 months
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This is pretty fucked up. Especially the one with the oil pump in the background. RUFKM.
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deangirlswiftieism · 25 days
How much do they have to practise their signatures as Sam and Dean lol.
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hannieehaee · 4 months
hii!! i hope ure having a great day
i just wanted to request loser!scoups hehe I RLLY LOVED CHANS VERSION AND WAS HOPING TO SEE MORE 🫶🏻 anyways take your time to answer when ure free, thanku!
18+ / mdi
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content: loser!seungcheol, afab reader, smut, dry humping, penetrative sex, etc.
wc: 2686
part 1, part 2, part 3
a/n: hii thank u for requesting <33 i never considered loser!cheol before but ngl i loved writing it hehe i hope u enjoy <3
despite popular belief, seungcheol was actually a bit of a loser.
okay, maybe his appearance didn't necessarily fit the bill (with his slicked back hair and bulging muscles), but everything else about choi seungcheol truly screamed loser.
even with a large group of fratboy friends, seungcheol was still the loser of the friend group, being the only one who had opted out of joining the frat and who spent every day and night studying rather than ever attending any of his friends' parties.
this was all by choice, he swears! seungcheol was just far too serious about his education to let anything become a distraction. and it had always been like this, even dating back all the way to middle school (jeonghan could vouch for this, having known him basically since diapers). due to this, seungcheol had always been kind of a black sheep in any and every social situation he ever found himself in. as a result, seungcheol ended up becoming shy, awkward, utterly embarrassing in social situations, and as jeonghan liked to put it, a 'virgin loser.'
even if seungcheol wanted to disagree with his friend, he knew he was right. here he was, twenty-one years of age and still a lonely virgin who had never even felt the touch of a woman's hand in his. he'd had opportunities before, set ups orchestrated by his friends, but he always managed to fuck them up. due to jeonghan's outgoing disposition, the girls he usually set him up with were set for a surprise upon meeting a his friend seungcheol, who could not even hold eye contact for more then twelve seconds (he counted).
except this year that would all change.
now in his senior year of college, seungcheol had an epiphany.
on the very first week of senior year, upon being assigned a new dorm-mate due to his previous one transfering, seungcheol finally saw a mirror of himself.
his new roommate was, for lack of a better term, a fucking loser (the term being courtesy of jeonghan once again). seungcheol had barely met the guy, yet he could not stand one more moment of conversation with him. not only was he a know-it-all who could only ever talk about academics, but he was maybe even more of a loser virgin than seungcheol was (at least that's what seungcheol was able to assess from the three separate occasions in which he walked in on his roommate watching porn in the common area of the dorm). his hygiene was terrible and his wide-rimmed glasses made him look like the typical nerd in every high school movie. everything about him was what seungcheol feared to one day become.
this one week of torture had been enough for seungcheol to finally take jeonghan up on his offer to join his frat and subsequently move into the frat house. granted, jeonghan had to break a few rules to allow a new pledge with zero obstacles in the way, but jeonghan was just charming enough to get away with it.
seungcheol had already spent the past 10+ years with perfect grades and pristine extra curriculars, so he figured that even if he completely flunked these last two semesters, he would still be a shoe-in for the masters program he'd been eyeing since arriving to university.
so now seungcheol was immersed in the frat lifestyle, though he still felt a bit out of place, which unfortunately for cheol, was something his good friend jeonghan noticed immediately. but this would only be a problem for a short while.
unbeknownst to seungcheol, jeonghan had orchestrated a plan for seungcheol's first frat party. it all started with giving seungcheol a bit of a new look. jeonghan insisted on throwing out most of cheol's 'nerdy clothes' (admittedly, he did dress like an old man at times), traded in his thick-rimmed glasses for some better fitting specs and lastly, gave cheol a trim to better frame his face. after all these changes, cheol felt more confident but still did not feel ready to attend one of the frat's well-known parties.
the decision was, however, taken for him, as he found himself in attendance to one just a few days later. also unknown to cheol was that jeonghan had been playing cupid once more, scouting to see which one of his closer girl-friends would be a good fit for his friend. and of course, his attention immediately fell on you.
jeonghan had only known you since the last semester of his junior year, in which the two of you had partnered up for a project that took up the entire fifteen weeks of instruction. the two of you hit it off pretty easily, but you hadn't quite caught his attention in a non-platonic way.
but you had caught someone else's.
although it had only been a fleeting moment, jeonghan caught onto every single look and action that had occurred the day in which seungcheol had accidentally interrupted a study session between the two of you.
he had easily noticed the blush in cheol's cheeks upon seeing you for the first time, along with the way he shyly checked you out when you weren't paying attention. what had surprised him the most, though, had been the way you checked out his friend as he went to leave the room. that had been enough for jeonghan to decide to play matchmaker between the two of you if the opportunity ever arose. and that was now.
getting the two of you alone was not difficult, but jeonghan knew better. he knew that sending the two of you into an empty room, completely blind to whatever he was planning was just a bad idea. so jeonghan decided that for the first time in his life, he would not scheme. he would simply set up the scene and leave the rest to you.
when jeonghan first came up to you a few days back and let you know about his friend's crush on you, you had been pleasantly surprised. what had shocked you the most, though, had been the revelation that jeonghan's cute friend was actually an inexperienced virgin. jeonghan told you to please not bring it up to cheol, but that he felt it was best you knew so you didnt feel caught off guard should you ever try to hit him up (which he knew you would). what jeonghan didnt realize was that this fact excited you more than you'd like to admit.
planting that seed was more than enough to get you looking for cheol in the empty room jeonghan had said he'd be in (okay, maybe he did scheme a little), prepared to deflower the pretty nerd you'd been thinking about every time you started to notice him sitting alone in the library every other day.
you had dressed to the nines, donning a red slip dress that gave you breathing room but still accentuated every part of your body you wished to stand out. ready and confident, you quietly opened the door to what you assumed to be jeonghan's room, knowing you'd find his pretty friend inside.
sitting alone on the bed, seemingly trying to psych himself up as he whispered affirmations to himself, the boy jumped back upon your unexpected intrusion, with his hears instantly turning red at realizing who you were.
you were jeonghan's pretty friend. the one seungcheol had had some unbecoming thoughts about immediately after seeing you in jeonghan's room last semester (and subsequently seeing you around campus as his eyes would unknowingly always search for you). and you looked .... fuck. and you were alone in han's room with him .... and you had closed the door right behind you .... and now you had walked all the way over to where he was sitting at the edge of the bed, not shocked at all to see him there ....
"hi," you smiled at him.
"h– hey."
"are you okay? how come you're here all alone?", you sat next to him on the bed, damning all boundaries, apparently.
"oh, i ... just a little nervous, i guess."
"yeah? of what?", despite the unexpectedness of the situation, you seemed genuinely interested, so seungcheol responded.
"it's, uh, my first party as a member of the frat."
"oh, really? i had no idea you were a member of the frat. that's pretty cool, seungcheol."
"you know my name?"
you scoot closer, smile still on your face, "yeah, of course i know your name. do you now mine?"
"oh, i, uh, yeah ..."
"okay, so we know each other. do you maybe want a friend to go out there with? maybe that would ease your nerves," your hand had somehow made its way to his thigh, now invading his personal space a bit. except he couldnt find it in himself to complain.
"t– that's fine, i, uh, i have han and– "
"but arent i better company?"
"y– you're ..."
"can i be honest with you, seungcheol?", you didnt wait for a response, "hannie told me that maybe you needed some help. that i could maybe help you out?"
"help? what type of help do you mean?"
you leaned in even closer, "do you want me to show you?"
"i ..."
"all you have to say is 'yes', cheollie ...", you breathed out now close enough for him to feel your breath on his lips.
he nodded and made an embarrassing noise of affirmation, completely giving up on speaking.
it was embarrassing how easily he let you turn him into a puddle, not even bothering to question how or why jeonghan orchestrated this situation. but that didnt matter as he finally felt the lips of a woman against his own – your lips; the lips of the girl he'd been crushing on from afar, jealous that maybe you'd become more than jeonghan's classmate. this was a clear declaration that his assertions had been incorrect.
seungcheol wasn't sure what to do with his hands (or with his tongue) as he kissed you. he felt you smile against his lips at his whimper, making feel that maybe you were making fun of him. when you pulled away, he feared that maybe he'd been right.
"cheollie, let me show you, yeah? just let me– yeah, like that", you positioned him in a way that would allow you to straddle him as you said this, wrapping his arms around your waist, "okay now let me show you how to kiss me, okay? just open your mouth a bit for me and let me teach you. then you can try it on me."
with that, you leaned into his open mouth, sticking your tongue inside as you played with his own, sucking on it and causing his eyes to roll back, another embarrassing moan leaving his lips.
"do you wanna try it now?", you asked as you pulled away.
he feared his voice would betray him, so he just nodded before leaning in.
seungcheol mimicked your previous actions, though his were a bit sloppier and more desperate. he whined at the way you sighed and pulled at his hair due to the way in which he suckled at your tongue and squeezed his fingers on your hips.
eventually you began to also kiss him back, making it a battle between your tongues all the while seungcheol tried to keep up.
suddenly your hips began to move against his own, making him groan in pleasure. after that, you leaned over him, causing the two of you to lay on the bed as you practically rode him through your clothes.
cheol couldnt help his cries of pleasure at feeling you press against his now swollen member. he didnt want the feeling to end, so he grabbed onto your hips and helped you in your movements, even grinding his own hips upwards to match you.
"cheollie ... do you want more? hmm? wanna feel what its like?", you purred against his ear while pulling off your dress, leaving you in a tiny bralette and thin panties.
"yes! fuck, please. i'll take whatever you wanna give me, just ..."
"shhh, it's okay. i'll give it to you, pretty. you dont have to beg. want you just as bad," you kissed him again before he could reply.
without him noticing, you had thrown off your bra, something which made him completely blank when you pulled away and began talking to him. none of your words made it through his head. he was far too busy looking at the pretty nude girl in front of him. he salivated at every inch of naked skin, wanting nothing more than to lick and kiss at every curve. out of all parts of your body, his eyes were glued to your tits. the fleeting thought of suffocating in them flew through his head, making him shudder.
"cheol?", you grabbed onto his chin and pointed his gaze towards your own, finally breaking him out of his trance.
you giggled at his confused face, causing him to sheepishly apologize for dozing off.
"it's okay, pretty. i'd be distracted too if i could get all these clothes off you ... that's what i was asking actually, can i?" your hands began to teasingly pull at his top, mangling it a bit so it could expose some skin.
his nod was all you needed to rip off his shirt and pull off his pants with urgency that had seungcheol blushing. after getting him fully naked, you threw off your panties and finally sat against him completely bare. the heat of your skin against his was enough to have him burying his face against your neck and begging you once more to please give it to him.
"shhh. i'll give it to you, pretty. i– i'll give you everything," and with that, you sank down on him, throwing your head back at the intrusion.
meanwhile seungcheol was completely gone. the warmth of your body against his had been one thing, but feeling your heat wrap around him was what truly did him in.
it's not like he had stayed a virgin by choice. he had tried to hit it off with many of the girls jeonghan set him up with, but none of them showed any care for him. they'd all expected him to step up and fuck them. even when he would try to shyly explain that he had never done anything sexual before, he'd just be met with scoffs or laughter. but you had walked him through it. you had complimented him and made him feel comfortable. you had made him see pleasure for the first time in his life.
although these thoughts swam through his head as you fucked yourself on his cock, seungcheol's mind was otherwise completely empty. all he could think about was how good you felt and how pretty you sounded as you threw your head back and pulled at his hair. you were just the embodiment of pleasure.
all cares and worries were gone from his brain until the moment in which he felt all his pleasure reach a peak.
he didn't want to be a fucking loser and cum so soon, but you just felt so fucking good, he couldnt help himself. he cried a warning out to you, to which you encouraged him to let go and told him you'd follow him soon.
his orgasm was something he never couldve imagined. but your own orgasm soon trampled that experience. your tightness as you let yourself go while still wrapped around him had him delirious with pleasure. without meaning to, his nails dug into the skin of your pretty hips as he lost consciousness for a few seconds.
unable to fully process it, he felt a sweet peck against his lips before feeling you cuddle against him. he didnt have to think twice before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer.
"remind me to thank that idiot", he spoke up after some moments.
"who, hannie?", you giggled against his chest.
"yeah. he was onto something when he made me get ready in his room."
"oh? he sent me in here looking for you."
"that fucker", he chuckled, "owe him one."
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sluttywonwoo · 9 months
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collision || h.js
pairing: virgin!fratboy!han jisung x best friend!reader
summary: jisung's fraternity brothers decide to pool their money and surprise him with a stripper for his birthday! nice gesture and all, but that stripper just so happens to be his best friend...
warnings: swearing, a little bit of mention of stigma towards sex workers at the end, smut (18+ ; minors dni)
additional warnings: lap dancing, dry humping
word count: 3k
Jisung’s blood ran cold as he stared at you from the opposite side of the room. A similar look of shock graced your features for a moment but it was quickly replaced by a smile, a fake one if Jisung had ever seen one. 
To be fair he had imagined this exact scenario- you in lingerie, standing in the middle of his living room- hundreds of times. But in those fantasies, the room wasn’t also full of a dozen or so of his friends.
When Jisung’s fraternity brothers told him they had a “surprise” for his birthday he knew it couldn’t be anything good but he certainly hadn’t been expecting his best friend to be the hired... entertainment for the party he hadn’t even wanted. 
“Should we leave them alone?” Minho, one of the older boys, teases. 
“We don’t get to watch?” Jeongin whines. 
“Nah, Hannie’s too shy for that.”
“That, and we only bought a private dance because it was the cheapest option,” Chris mutters under his breath, hopefully not loud enough for you to hear. 
“Let’s go into the other room, then,” Hyunjin says, finally drawing all of the attention away from you. “The others are waiting for us and we haven’t finished mixing all the drinks yet. The birthday boy can join us later.”
There’s some grumbling as the boys shuffle out of the room but they do make their exit, leaving you alone with Jisung. 
You’re the first to break the silence. “Happy birthday?” you offer with an awkward chuckle. 
“This is why you couldn’t come tonight?” 
“I was going to join later!” you correct him. “But yes, this is why I was going to be late.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I told you I had to work! I didn’t know it was you!”
“They didn’t... give you my name or anything?” Jisung realizes as he’s speaking that he doesn’t really know how your client intake works. Is there a form they fill out? Or do they just Venmo you and give you an address? Surely not, right? That would be dangerous. There had to be more to it than that. 
“They called you ‘Late Bloomer’,” you mutter, staring at the floor. “Said I’d know you when I saw you.”
Jisung’s cheeks burned and he scoffs. “Ironic. Yeah, that’s what the guys call me because they know, um, about...”
“You don’t have to say it!” you blurt. “I already know. That’s a really mean nickname.”
“All the pledges get nicknames like that,” he sighs. “Sometimes they don’t wear off after initiation.”
You had taken a couple of steps closer to where he was sitting while you talked but you were still several feet apart. 
“Uh, well did you still want me to-”
“No!” Jisung shouts, cringing when he hears himself. “No, oh my god. You don’t have to do that.”
“I mean, it’s what I’m getting paid to do,” you point out. “Do you want your brothers’ money to go to waste?”
“I don’t give a fuck about their money.”
“So you don’t want me to?”
He’s sweating now. He feels it on his brow. “No, no. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
And I don’t want to cum my pants the minute you sit on my lap. 
You laugh. “Nothing can be more uncomfortable than what just happened in front of your, uh, friends.”
You had a point. “You don’t think it’ll make things... weird?” Jisung asks. 
You shrug. “Things are already weird, aren’t they? But if you don’t want me to, I'll go get dressed and we can join the rest of them at the party.”
“It’s not that I don’t want you to!” Jisung clarifies. “I mean, I’ve always been curious about... how your sessions go, like what happens and stuff, but I don’t want you to feel like you have to or that I want you to if that makes sense. Like I don’t want you to think I’m a creep-”
“Instead of a real dance, why don’t I just demonstrate for you? Show you what I do, like you said?”
That didn’t sound too dangerous. 
“O-ok. You don’t have to do it on me, though. You can just, like, use a chair?”
You give him a small smile and nod. “Sure.”
There are lots of chairs to choose from but you pick the closest and drag it in front of where Jisung is sitting. You spin it so that the back is facing him and then run to get something from the bag that you’d dropped by the door when you came in. 
Jisung tries not to look at your ass as you bend down and rifle through the tote, training his eyes on the ceiling instead. He’d already been struggling not to get hard this whole time and it was about to get a whole lot harder, metaphorically and literally. 
You come back with a speaker and set it up on the floor under the chair. 
“Usually I put on some music,” you explain. “I’ll sit on the guy’s lap and ask him what he likes to listen to.” You sit sideways on the chair and cross your legs, pretending like there’s a man underneath you. “Whatever he says doesn’t matter to me, though. I just pick whatever I want to dance to and pretend his answer influenced my decision so he feels like he gets to have a say in the matter. Men like to feel special like that.”
Jisung nods along. You look up to check that he’s following before moving on. 
“Then I’ll stand back up, like this, and start dancing. Most girls dance in front of them first, to make them want it more. I used to get really self-conscious about that part because it feels silly to me but it really pays off in the end.”
Jisung gulps and nods again. He watches you sink to your knees and arch backward, spreading your thighs wider as your back touches the floor. He had no idea you were so flexible, no idea you could move like that, though he supposes he should have assumed considering you literally do this for a living. 
“And then right before I get back on his lap I’ll take off my top. Usually, it’s like a bra or something but sometimes I’m wearing a bodysuit and I’ll just pull it down.”
He doesn’t expect you to actually do it but you do. You reach behind yourself and pull on the ribbon holding the corset you were wearing together until it unravels and you can take it off. 
Jisung immediately averts his eyes, going as far as shielding his vision with a hand.
“Oh my god!” 
He hears you laughing. “They’re just boobs.”
Yeah, your boobs. 
“I thought you wanted me to show you how I usually do it,” you chide. 
Jisung hesitantly turns his head to face you again. He stares you right in the eyes, pointedly ignoring everything below your neck. “I didn’t think you would actually, um, strip.”
Your teasing smile falters. “Do you want me to put it back on? I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“No! You don’t have to. I’m not uncomfortable.” You look like you don’t believe him so he adds, “I just wanted to be respectful and stuff, you know?”
You roll your eyes. “You’re sweet. I’m honestly surprised you haven’t seen me topless before. We’ve known each other for so long.”
Jisung is in so much pain. “Haha, yeah me too.”
You approach the chair and straddle it like you would if someone was actually sitting there. Since there isn’t, you fold your arms on the back of it and rest your chin on your wrists. 
“I always lay some ground rules before I start, even if they’re a regular.”
“Ground rules?” Jisung asks. 
You nod. “They’re not allowed to touch me whatsoever. I’ll touch them unless they request otherwise, but only on the face and the shoulders, sometimes the chest. I’m not going to grope them or anything like that, even though I am grinding on them.” You demonstrate with the air, pretending to cup someone’s face and bring it closer to yours before pushing them away. “The whole thing is essentially just teasing someone for however long they booked me for.”
“Are there any other rules?” Jisung asks, trying to seem engaged and eager to learn more about your profession instead of focusing on how you’re riding that chair. 
“Yeah, one of my biggest rules is that the client has to stay fully clothed the whole time. There are exceptions like if they’re wearing a tie, I might loosen it or undo it. I’ve worn their ties myself once or twice.”
“Has anyone ever, um,” he pauses. 
You cock your head to the side in intrigue. “Has anyone ever what?”
“Has anyone ever like, cum? While you’re doing that?”
“It’s happened before. But they usually try not to because they’d have to pay me more. It’s in my contract. It’s also really embarrassing for them and it’s unsanitary- I won’t get into the details but it’s not very common.”
It definitely would have happened to Jisung if he had gone through with it. Honestly, it would probably happen if anyone were to give him a lap dance, but if it was you? He wouldn’t stand a chance. 
“But it’s normal for guys to get, like, hard, right?”
“Oh yeah, that’s pretty much guaranteed. Anyone would get turned on if someone was grinding on them. Sometimes it happens before I’m even on their lap, like you’re hard right now and I haven’t even touched you.”
“Wha-” Jisung’s neck snaps as he looks to confirm what he already knows to be true. He rushes to cover the bulge in his pants with his hands even though it’s way too late for that. “Fuck, I didn’t- it doesn’t-”
You brush it off. “Don’t worry, Ji. It’s a perfectly normal reaction to seeing something arousing. It means I’m good at my job.”
“No, but I’m your best friend! God, you must feel so objectified and weird...”
“Jisung, I promise I don’t feel weird or objectified. Is this too weird for you? Do you want to stop?”
“I- uh, I don’t know,” he admits. Obviously he likes what he sees, his hard dick pressing against the zipper of his jeans is proof enough of that. But he’s also never felt so embarrassed in his life. It feels so... wrong of him to be taking advantage of the situation like this. He should have taken up your offer to go join the rest of his brothers at the party because now he’s fucked. He’s a weak, weak man.  “Are you sure you’re okay with... it?” 
“Of course,” you assure him. “That’s the point of this birthday present anyway.”
Maybe, but it wasn’t supposed to be a present from you. Jisung is so overwhelmed by thoughts and emotions that he can’t even focus on what you’re doing anymore. He zones out, willing his erection to go down until he remembers that he’s supposed to be paying attention. He’s supposed to be learning. 
“So I go back and forth between grinding on the guy and dancing in front of him so it doesn’t get too intimate, and then towards the end I usually- fuck, it’s kind of hard to do when there isn’t someone actually here.” He watches you stand up and approach him. “Do you mind if I just....” you trail off expectantly. 
Are you asking what Jisung thinks you’re asking? Is whatever it is you’re trying to show him so important that you need to torture him further?
“If you just what?” 
“If I sit on your lap for this part? It’ll be quick, I swear.”
“Go ahead,” Jisung says before he can argue with himself. 
He had already dug his grave, he might as well bury himself too. 
You take a deep breath before placing a hand on each of his shoulders for balance and lowering yourself onto his lap. His legs are spread a bit so they’re kind of awkward to straddle but you’re used to it so it’s easy to adjust. 
“Wow, you are hard,” you breathe out, laughing a little. 
Jisung wants to die. He takes a deep breath of his own and steels himself before asking, “what was it that you wanted to show me?”
Your eyes light up like you had forgotten why you were sitting on him in the first place. “Oh, right. I put the music on a timer to fade out at the end of the session so when that happens I’ll grab the guy’s face like this,” you take Jisung by the cheeks and squeeze so that he’s forced to open his mouth. 
He wonders briefly if you’re about to spit in his mouth but to his disappointment you make him bite down on a piece of paper instead. He furrows his eyebrows in confusion and reaches up to pluck whatever it is from between his lips.
“What is this?”
“My business card!” you exclaim. “Smart right? I wanted to do something memorable and so far it’s gotten over fifty percent of my clients to become repeat customers.”
Jisung snorts. “Yeah, it’s definitely that and not the fact that you’re hot and have your tits out.”
“It’s all part of the sell,” you joke.
“Well, I can see why you’re working all the time,” Jisung quips. “You’re very good at what you do.”
“I’m glad you think so.”
“Of course I do.”
“I’m just sorry I ruined your birthday present,” you sigh. 
Jisung frowns. “What do you mean? You didn’t ruin it.”
“Yeah, I did! If your friends had hired someone else you would have gotten a real lap dance, not... an instructional.”
“I didn’t even know that’s what I was supposed to be getting! I didn’t know they had hired anyone!”
“Still, it could have been fun.”
“No, this was fun. I’m glad it was you.”
The worry line between your eyebrows softens and you smile fondly at him, making Jisung’s stomach do a somersault. Out of everything that had happened tonight, that was what affected him the most. 
He doesn’t know how much time passes but suddenly your expression changes. Your gaze shifts from relaxed to focused as you sit up and lean in, closer and closer until your nose is pressed to his. Jisung doesn’t want to speak. He doesn’t want to break the spell. His fists clench and unclench repeatedly at his sides. He’s desperate to touch you, to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you to him, but he won’t break your rule unless you give him permission. 
You break it for him, grabbing his hands and placing them on your hips.
“Is this okay?” you whisper. 
He nods, his forehead knocking against yours. “Yeah.”
“Are you sure?” 
You swallow hard, eyes searching his for something he isn’t sure he has. “Can I kiss you?”
Jisung has fantasized about this moment countless times and not a single one compares to it. Your lips are soft and warm and you taste like that chapstick you always keep in your pocket. Jisung recognizes it immediately because he’s borrowed it more than a few times. 
You moan and run a hand through his hair, pulling at the ends. It’s gotten a lot longer recently but you seem to like it. In fact, part of the reason he hasn’t cut it yet is because you keep complimenting the way he’s been styling it. He wonders if you like how it feels between your fingers. 
To his own surprise, Jisung is the first to use tongue. He feels your lips part and uses the opportunity to slide his tongue between them like you had with your business card. You moan again and this time you grind down on his lap for real. 
It catches you both off guard. Jisung’s hips follow the movement of yours, chasing your heat even when you lift yourself off of him in a panic. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“Don’t be,” he murmurs, trying to hide a smug grin, “it’s a perfectly normal reaction.”
Your eyes narrow at him. “I guess I deserved that.”
“Mhm- mph!” You kiss him before he can get another word out, this time shoving your tongue in his mouth. 
Now that you know it’s okay to grind on him, you don’t hold back. You seem so eager. If Jisung didn’t know better he’d think this had been your plan all along. 
“God, baby,” he whimpers, shocked at how shattered his own voice sounds. “This feels so good but if you don’t stop I’m gonna-” he can’t bring himself to say it. “I’m not going to last.”
You slow down and lift your head from the crook of his shoulder. “Do you want to stop?”
He shakes his head. “I don’t know how far you’re okay with going but...”
“We can go as far as you want, Ji. You’re the one...” you don’t finish the sentence but Jisung knows what you’re implying. It isn’t hard to guess. It’s why he’d been given that stupid nickname freshman year. 
“You’d... you’d want me in that way?” he asks. He’s almost afraid of the answer because he doesn’t think you feel the same way about him. Even if you are down to fuck, he doesn’t think it’s because you have a big giant crush on him like he does you. Maybe you’re just horny or maybe you’d be doing it as a favor.
“Of course.” It’s not an answer that quells the burning questions he’s been holding onto since he met you but it does enough to temper the flames a bit. You want him. It’s enough. “But... you don’t care that your first time would be with a stripper?” 
He knows that’s not what you mean. He knows you’re worried that he feels like it’s inorganic. That it’s part of the job you had been hired to do. But he knows the truth. That isn’t what it is at all. 
He shakes his head. “My first time would be with my best friend. There’s no one else I’d rather it be with.”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
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incognitopolls · 2 months
Abstinence pledges, also known as purity or virginity pledges, became popular in the United States in the 1990s as an evangelical Christian response to the moral panic about teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and the increasing social acceptance of 2SLGBTQIA+ persons.
These pledges are a statement promising that the person signing will maintain sexual abstinence until they are married. If you can believe it (and I bet you can) most people who signed them did not end up keeping their pledge and engaged in sexual activity before marriage, because teens are teens and will have sex when they want to.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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evanpeterswhoresblog · 4 months
Remus Lupin x f!reader
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warnings: smut, oral (female receiving), oral (male receiving), fingering, slight hand job, virgin reader, purity ring 😮‍💨, making out, underage smoking, mention of underage drinking, slight innocence/ corruption kink, lmk if i missed any!
summary: remus learns the ring you wear everyday is called a purity ring, and he develops a strange obsession with it… and wanting to take it off you…
word count: 4.6k
a/n: guys.. dw there’s gonna b a part two but like omgggggg this made me feel so many things i’m in love with this. lmk what you think :) also i’m not religious so if any of this is not accurate i’m sorry lol it’s for the plot
part two is posted!!! here
Ever since he knew you, Remus noticed that one thing you always wore. It was plain, a simple gold band on your left ring finger, the marriage finger. Typically, such nonsense wouldn’t cross his mind twice, but you wore that ring damn ring every day. Since the first time he ever saw you, that ring was on your finger. He never saw you without it. So, his curiosity got the better of him.
Why would such a simple ring be so important that you never took it off? It couldn’t have been because you were married. No. You wore it even at the young age of eleven. Could it have been a family heirloom? That idea was plausible, however to him, it didn’t feel like the correct answer. And Remus Lupin always needed the correct answer.
So, he eventually decided to ask you.
During dinner one night, when you just so happened to be sitting next to him, his eyes caught sight of the ring and he eyed it suspiciously. You noticed this.
“Something wrong Rem?” You asked.
He looked up from the ring on your delicate finger to meet your confused eyes. “Why do you always wear that specific ring? And always on that finger? Is it special?”
“Oh.” You laughed for a few seconds. “Yeah, it’s stupid really, an old muggle tradition.” You composed yourself and looked up at him, a slight red tint to your cheeks. “It’s called a purity ring. Basically, I wear it as a reminder that I pledged to wait till marriage.”
Remus was confused, and he hated being confused. “Why would anyone wait till marriage?”
You shrugged. “Muggle religion is quite weird. They value keeping teenagers pure until they’re married. I think it’s stupid, but I still wear it.”
“So, you’ve done it but continue wearing it as a... symbol?” He questioned.
“Oh no, I haven’t done it. I might find it stupid, but I still plan to keep my promise. It’s sort of a nice accomplishment don’t you think? I’ve gone through two years of everyone shagging around me and I haven’t given in,” you answered.
He stared at you for a few seconds. You were still a virgin, and that ring was the reason. He thought for a moment. How could you be a virgin? He swore he had seen you go off with a bloke from Ravenclaw a few months ago during a party. But then as his eyes trailed over your small figure, he realized the idea wasn’t completely impossible. He’d never seen you with hickeys, he’d never seen you dress improperly, and he surely had never seen you enter the common room after a long night with someone. For some reason, it made a strange feeling bloom deep inside him.
“Surely you’ve at least done other stuff, right?”
You simply shook your head and took a bite from your sandwich. “Furthest I’ve ever gone is having some Ravenclaws tongue down my throat.”
Ah, so he was right about that.
“Besides, I don’t really even know much about any of that stuff. I mean I know biology, but that’s about it. And of course, what Marls and Mary tell me from their extravagant experiences,” you added after swallowing.
So that meant...
“You haven’t done anything?” He was surprised, it was clear in his tone.
“No need to sound so flabbergasted. Besides, why do you even care about what I’ve done? I always thought you were the modest type too,” you replied with an eye roll.
Remus looked away from you, and the urge to smirk took him over. He thought back to those countless nights over the summer breaks he’d spent with muggle girls. The feelings, the sounds, the tastes, all experiences he’d never forget. But by no means was Remus Lupin a player, oh no. He was nothing like his mate. However, he also wasn’t a saint like everyone painted him out to be.
“I may be modest but that doesn’t mean I’m a virgin,” he said after a moment, his eyes finally turned back to you. He liked the way you looked at him. “That went away a few summers ago.”
You smiled, though something about it was off, almost as if it were forced. “Well, cheers to that.”
“Cheers.” He nodded in agreement.
You turned back to the group conversation before he could say anything else.
Remus had thought after finding out what the ring's importance was, he would let it go and move on. Unfortunately, he had thought wrong. Ever since that conversation with you, he couldn’t get any of it off his mind. When he’d see you, he’d always look at your left hand, almost making sure that ring was still there. It always was. And for some reason it made him feel almost relieved. He needed more answers.
Thankfully, another opportunity came not too long after the first.
The two of you had been paired together in potions. Typically, he would be a bit upset with the fact given you were never the best in the subject. But for the first time, he was pleased with the pairing.
He watched as you cut up some of the ingredients, that stupid ring shining from the lights. Questions filled his head. Where had you gotten it? When did you get it? Who gave it to you? Did your parents know what it meant? What were you supposed to do with it when the time finally came? He needed to get the answers.
“So, when did you get it?” He casually asked his eyes on the cauldron.
“Get what?”
“The ring.”
You chuckled. “You’re still on about that? I suppose you aren’t too accustomed to muggle things. I got it right before I came here actually. My parents wanted to give me a reminder about life at home, and they wanted to make sure I knew where my ‘loyalties’ lay. Though, I was only a little girl. Did they expect anything to happen at that young?”
Three questions were answered. Good.
Remus dropped his chopped ingredients into the cauldron. “Does that mean you give it back to them when you finally do it?”
“Oh no. I give it to my husband of course,” you replied. “Do these look alright?”
He finally turned his head in your direction and looked over your cutting board then he met your eyes. “Perfect. You can put them in.”
“You don’t know how good that makes me feel to hear. Master of potions Remus Lupin says I’m perfect, I could faint,” you said as you scrapped your work into the cauldron, a hint of laughter in your voice.
He rolled his eyes. “I said your cutting was perfect, but if it makes you feel good, I suppose you are too.”
You looked up at him with a glint in your eyes that made an odd feeling form in his chest. You looked so damn innocent. How had he not noticed it before? You had always been one of the shyer members of Gryffindor, but he always brushed it off as nothing important. He never would’ve guessed just how innocent you were.
“How sweet of you.” You giggled.
“ ’Course, anytime love.”
He noticed the shift in your body at his words. How odd. You looked away from him for a few seconds, that familiar rose tint returning to your cheeks. Did you always do that? Did such simple words always make you blush and turn away? Or was it just him? He watched you bite down on your lip and fiddle with your ring.
You were teasing him.
It was then he decided he was going to get that ring from you.
And you were going to love it.
Getting you to that point was going to take some time, Remus knew that. But it didn’t stop him. He started simply. When the two of you were hanging out in the group, he made sure to at least say a few words to you alone. When eating meals, he made sure to get a spot next to you. Most importantly though, he started making sure to leave subtle hints. Lingering eye contact, small touches that weren’t necessary, comments that made your face turn red. He could tell all of it made you flustered, and he loved it.
During all of it, his obsession with your innocence only grew. He wanted to take it away. He wanted to taint you, to make you not so pure anymore. He didn’t understand the feeling, he never cared much for such stereotypical nonsense. But each time you looked at him with those curious, innocent eyes, it only made his patience strained.
The first breakthrough came during one of Sirius and James’s parties. The common room blared with music, and people laughed and danced. You were among them. Remus leaned against the wall next to the staircase to the boy's dorm, a cigarette between his lips as he watched you dance with Mary and Lily. Your smile was bright, your body moved to the rhythm almost perfectly. You wore a pretty little dress. But he couldn’t focus on any of that because that damn ring caught his attention.
It had become quite a distraction. He found himself staring at it far more than normal. During class and dinner, it consumed most of his thoughts. He needed to get it off your finger before it caused his grades to slip.
From across the room, your eyes suddenly found his. You gave him a questioning look; he only smirked back and released a cloud of smoke into the air. He watched you say something to the girls before you began to walk in his direction. Perfect.
“Why do you always stand on the sidelines?” You asked once you were close enough. “And if you’re going to stare at me all night you might as well just dance with me.”
He chuckled and took another drag from the cigarette. “I’m not the biggest fan of these parties and I definitely don’t dance.” He offered you the cigarette, and you shook your head and pointed to your ring. “Come on, that applies to cigs too?”
“And alcohol, pretty much whatever is considered sinful. Though, I have indulged in a drink or two. Mommy and Daddy don’t need to know about that,” you answered.
Merlin, he needed to do something with you. It was almost unbearable.
“You’re saying alcohol and cigs are sinful but intense snogging isn’t? Seems a bit hypocritical to me,” he eventually said.
You smiled and shrugged. “That’s muggle religion for you. It’s pretty much up to each person's interpretation and what they value. I value being sober more than refraining from a snog occasionally.”
“But a shag...”
“That’s universally seen as a big sin. Most of us would agree not to do it until marriage.”
He released another breath of smoke. “Most of you?”
“Well, not everyone agrees of course. Like I said, it’s technically up to everyone’s values. Murder is also considered a sin, you know. But even some people commit that,” you explained. He watched you blush. “I don’t think I should compare virginity to murder though.”
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s a fair comparison,” he replied, his lips turned up into a smile.
You turned even more red. “Sorry. But you get what I’m saying, right?”
“Everything is optional is what you’re saying.” He let his eyes trail over your body, making sure you noticed. “So really, you could fuck someone before marriage.”
“I mean yeah, I could, but I don’t think I will,” you said. You began to fiddle with the ring again. “It’s sort of always been with me it would feel weird giving it to someone else.”
“Do you have to give it away for anything? Or just actual sex?” It was another question he’d been dying to know. He watched you think for a moment.
“I think just the full thing. I don’t know. I don’t even really know that much about it like I said when you first asked me. I mean, I know people use their hands and mouths but... sorry. I shouldn't be talking about such things.” You put your face in your hands, Remus couldn’t help but chuckle. “Sorry.”
He needed to do something. Now.
“Don’t be sorry love, it’s alright. You know you can trust me; I wouldn’t dare tell anyone about your sinful thoughts,” he spoke. He turned and dropped his cigarette into one of the many ashtrays in the common room. When he looked back at you, you were already looking at him. “But you know if you ever wanted to indulge in something like that, you can come to me.”
You were beyond flustered, and it showed. “Oh! That’s very um... generous of you, but I don’t think I’ll do any of that I mean... I don’t plan on it.”
He casually shrugged. “We all get a bit curious at some point in our lives.”
For a moment the two of you only stared at each other. He could tell exactly what you were thinking. You were curious. You wanted to try things. He observed you carefully. He could sense the conflict within you. Value versus desire. It was a tough battle, but you didn’t cave. At least, not yet.
“Perhaps, but I made a promise and I need to stick to it,” you said. You looked over your shoulder at your clearly intoxicated friends. “I should get back to Lily and Mary.”
“Right, it was nice talking,” he replied with a smile.
You nodded. “I’ll see you later.”
“Till then love.”
Even as you walked away and joined your friends once again, he could see the way his words affected you. You could deny the feelings all you wanted, but your body craved the unknown. It was only a matter of time till you caved, and Remus would wait.
He was never one to give up easily.
You came to him faster than he expected. He understood why though, you were on edge about all of it. In the few days it took for you to go to him, he noticed how different you acted. You were more tense, you fiddled with your ring far more than normal. He imagined the inner conflict you faced was stressful, but he was glad about the turnout of it.
After dinner, as he was walking to the library for a study group, you found him. He was a bit surprised at your approach, but nevertheless, he welcomed it with joy.
“Hey Remus, could I talk to you for a second?” You asked.
You were a bit behind him, but he stopped instantly and turned to face you.
“Yeah, what’s going on?”
Your little bit of confidence quickly vanished. You avoided his gaze, focusing suddenly on your shoes. “Um, are you busy? It’s not really that important so if you have something else to do it can wait.”
He fought the urge to smirk. “I was just going to Lily’s little study group, but it can wait. Is something wrong?”
You shook your head and looked up at him, those big innocent eyes staring into his. “No uh... nothing's wrong. It’s just about... well... you know.”
“About what?”
“You know...”
“I don’t think I do love, you’re gonna have to use your words and tell me.”
He felt bad for teasing you, but it was too fun not to. The way your cute little eyes looked around the hallway to make sure no one else was around, the way you fidgeted, it was far too entertaining to stop. A moment passed before you finally spoke in a much softer tone than before.
“It’s about what we talked about at the party last weekend.”
“Oh?” He questioned. “What about it?”
He watched as you slid the ring up and down your finger. “You said um if I ever wanted to you know, indulge, that I could come to you.”
“Yes, I did say that.”
“So... um yeah,” you said. You looked almost uncomfortable. He knew he needed to be nicer.
“Are you asking if that offer is still there?”
You nodded eagerly. “Yes! I mean, um, is it?”
He glanced around to make sure nobody else was around before stepping closer to you. You looked up at him with wide eyes, your mouth parted ever so slightly. He touched his fingers to your chin, lifting your head gently.
“How about you come find out?”
You didn’t fight it. He was glad.
Not too long after that, Remus found himself in a position he’d desperately wanted for almost a month. You were laid out on his bed, open like a flower, and he was on top of you. Your robe, shirt, and tie were thrown to the floor. He kissed you hard, the reward of your gasps kept him going. He let one of his hands travel up your soft thigh, you were so warm, so inviting. It took all his self-control to keep him from moving too fast.
Before it began, you told him you had only ever snogged. That meant no boy had ever touched you. Not with a hand, not with his tongue, nothing. No one had ever even felt up your breasts. It would be a lie to say he wasn’t pleased with the information. He wanted you to be his, he wanted to be as many of your firsts as he could be.
“Can I touch you?” He eventually whispered on your skin; his lips were by your ear.
“Yes, please,” you replied, your breath ragged.
He continued to press soft kisses to your neck as his hand moved between your thighs. You were wet, very wet. He could feel it through your panties. It made him even harder than he already was. He slid his hand under your panties and began to rub soft circles on your clit, you gasped and lifted your hips in response.
You were perfect.
With every flick of his fingers, you let out little whimpers and moans, and one of your hands gripped his shoulder hard. He caught a few glances of your face between kisses. Your cheeks were red, your eyes squeezed shut. You were beyond beautiful.
After a few minutes, he moved his fingers down to your entrance. He made sure to collect your wetness and ask if it was alright before he began to slowly push one of his fingers inside you.
“Remus,” you mumbled as he started thrusting his finger in and out of you at a slow pace. “Fuck.”
“Does it hurt? Do you want me to stop?” He asked.
You lightly shook your head. “It feels so good, do not stop.”
“Do you want another one?”
He complied instantly and added a second finger. You responded just the way he wanted. In only a few more minutes he was fucking you with his fingers, touching that spot inside that made your thighs clench around him. He kissed you hard, he loved how you struggled to kiss him back. When he also began to press his thumb to your clit, you became a mess.
“Fuck Rem, I-” You paused, your nails dug into his shoulder.
“You’re close.” It was a statement; he could feel your walls clenching around his fingers. He knew you weren’t going to last much longer.
“I am,” you practically whimpered.
“Let go, love, it’s alright.”
Only seconds later you did. You came hard. Your back arched off the mattress, your mouth hung open wide, and your thighs tightened around his hips. Remus had never felt anything as good as the feeling of your walls pulsating around his fingers as you came undone beneath him. He made sure to keep going till you were fully done. At that point, he pulled his hand out of your panties and up to his lips. He knew you were going to taste good.
You sat up, breathless. “Oh my god. I can’t believe I just- you just- we just... I’m going to hell.”
“Relax, it’ll be fine. People do this all the time and nothing bad happens, I promise it’s just a normal thing,” he said. He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, he thought you looked so beautiful. “Don’t worry about it.”
“I’m not worried about being judged or anything, I’m worried because I don’t feel guilty. I should feel guilty for it but I just... don’t. In fact, I think I...” You looked down at your hand, specifically the ring. “I think I want more.”
Remus couldn’t help the smirk that formed on his lips. “More?”
“Yeah, I mean it’s only right that I return the favor.” He watched your eyes move to his pants; your cheeks turned red. “You’ll have to show me how though.”
“Alright, only if, you’re sure. Don’t feel like you have to because I did something for you,” he replied though he really did want you to touch him. But he could wait if he had to.
“I want to.”
He didn’t question you further. Instead, he guided you through the process of getting him off with your hand. You were a fast learner, though the act itself wasn’t that hard to get the hang of. He found it funny the way you gasped at the size of him. Merlin, you were so innocent. Either way, you made him feel extraordinary. Your hand was much softer than his, and warmer too. You touched him gently, almost teasingly. But that changed fast.
“Can I try something else?” You asked, your hand stopped.
He almost groaned from the lack of motion. “What?”
“Um, can I try using my um...” You pointed to your lips.
“Your mouth?”
How could he ever refuse?
It was sloppy, it was rushed, but it was everything he could’ve wanted. As he laid back on the pillows, one of his hands moved through your soft hair. He didn’t dare push you. No. He only stroked your hair gently and whispered praises. He knew you liked it from the way you hummed on his cock each time he told you how good you were doing or how good you made him feel. And when you looked up at him with those eyes, those damn innocent eyes, he could barely contain himself.
He was shocked you even did it to begin with, but he was even more shocked when you let him finish in your mouth. You had him halfway down your throat when he came, and you didn’t pull away for a second. You swallowed it all. Somehow, he became even more attracted to you than he had been before.
“Was it good?” You questioned after you pulled back. You were kneeling beside his legs, a nervous expression on your face.
He smiled. “You were amazing. Are you sure you haven’t done that before?”
“Never even saw one in real life before this,” you replied with a laugh.
“That’s hard to believe,” he said. He sat up and pressed a kiss to your lips before pulling back slightly to look into your eyes. “Do you want to try one more thing?”
“Depends on what thing.”
“I’ll do what you just did to me but on you,” he answered, loving the way your eyes widened at his words. Despite everything that happened already, you were still so innocent. He adored it.
“Oh yeah okay,” you spoke after a moment.
He kissed you again. “Lay down.”
You did as he said and soon it began.
He started by kissing your lips while his hands pulled your skirt and panties off, leaving you only in a bra. Once those were off, he kissed down your neck, and your chest, only pausing for a second to unclip your bra and take one of your nipples in his mouth. You moaned, he stayed there for a few extra seconds. He then moved his mouth further down your body, relishing the sounds you made each time his lips made contact with your skin.
When he started to kiss up one of your thighs, you twitched. You were so sensitive, so untouched. He was obsessed with it. Every few kisses he sucked your skin to leave dark purple hickeys. He had made sure not to leave any on your skin that would be visible to the world so that no one would see the evidence of your sinful acts. But the skin that would be covered by clothing, that was his to mark.
A few minutes of this went by, and it was all on purpose. Remus could tell how eager you were for him to get on with it, but you were far too shy to tell him to do so. So, he didn’t dare touch you where you so desperately wanted him to. He wanted to hear you ask. But you said nothing, so he decided you needed a little push. He gave you one single lick then returned to your black and blue thighs.
“Remus,” you whispered. “Please.”
He looked up at you and almost felt bad. Your desperate eyes were already looking at him, he could tell how much you needed it. He didn’t wait any longer and gave you what you needed; you certainly earned it.
In all his experience with sex and everything surrounding it, Remus enjoyed pleasing his partner as anyone did. He didn’t mind going down on women, in fact, he sort of enjoyed it. At least until you. With you, he quickly realized having his head between your thighs and his tongue on your clit was not just alright, it was heavenly. He never enjoyed the taste of a girl like he enjoyed yours. You were sweet and the sounds you made as he played with you were their own type of reward.
So, it was no surprise how quickly you came undone on his tongue. He devoured you like he had been starving his whole life. Truthfully, he felt as if he had. You were spectacular. You were perfection. You were his. He was crazy about you.
After you finished, he wiped his mouth on one of your thighs before moving to lie on the bed next to you. He laid on his side facing you, his eyes examining your face. Your eyes were closed, and your cheeks were pink. Your hair was messy, and your lips were ever so slightly lifted into a smile. He swore he never saw anyone as beautiful in his life.
“I feel stupid,” you mumbled.
You opened your eyes and looked at him, your smile then undeniable. “I should’ve taken you up on your offer sooner. Now I understand why everyone’s so mad about this stuff, it’s unbelievable.”
“You don’t regret it then?” He asked.
“How could I? You’re just... Remus I...” You turned to your side to face him fully, one of your hands pressed against his chest. “I think we should do this again if you’d want to of course.”
He grinned and let a hand fall to your waist, he pulled you closer, so your bodies touched. He rested his chin on the top of your head, and you buried your face in his neck. For a moment he felt almost victorious, he had gotten you right where he wanted you to be. It would only be a matter of time before you let him take you fully. But then he realized, it wasn’t about taking your virginity so much anymore. He just wanted you.
“I wouldn’t want anything more,” he eventually said, then he pressed a kiss to your forehead, while the cold feeling of your ring on his chest lingered in the back of his mind.
Soon, it would be his. And so would you.
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cleopatrachampagne · 2 years
Are you a Gold Star lesbian? (Just in case you don't know what it means, a Gold Star lesbian is a lesbian that has never had the sex with a guy and would never have any intentions of ever doing so)
i suppose, however i am a virgin and waiting for marriage, but i have zero intention of ever being with a guy; it repulses me to the core to even think about. however, i really dislike judgment towards women who dated men before figuring their sexuality out or bisexual women. i never liked the phrase "gold star lesbian" because it isn't really an accomplishment more a reflection of life circumstances and/or a facet of sexuality. i would have zero problem being with a bi woman or lesbian who had previously been with men before accepting they are a lesbian and have dated many bi women, plus my best friend is bisexual and i actually have been fostering a huge crush on her for at least ten years (hopefully one day i'll have the guts to tell her)
but, short answer, technically i am gold star due to virginity and never having even kissed a guy or intending to ever be with one remotely.
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sex-storytime · 5 months
Rachel's Cherry
The first few months of college were a blur of new experiences, friends, and concerns. Here I was just an eighteen year old virgin intent on keeping my purity until the right person came along. But as months passed I not only saw more sexual sights and things done at parties and in dorm rooms but on the lawns of the campus and at pledging events. I became more and more distracted and increasingly curious about my sexual thoughts that just wouldn't go away. In fact that's about all I could think about.
As a virgin I still feared the experience and wondered constantly what it would be like the first time, how would it feel, would it hurt, would I enjoy it? And most importantly, would I be able to have an orgasm. Then there was a question of whether or not I should let the guy cum inside me. What would that feel like when he did? And lastly birth control, which should I use?
I had been experimenting with masturbation for quite a while now so that I could feel the pleasure, but not having to worry about all the risks so deeply instilled in me from my parents and others. But my eyes and brain both began to wander, whenever I would notice a good-looking guy in my classes. And, I would wonder how big his cock was when it was hard and how he was in bed. Then I would think they were just out to get laid like my mom always told me they were. Or, I would think that just maybe there should be more to the first time I gave my cherry than have a young stud taking his pleasure, and then brag to his friends that he had fucked a virgin. Little did I know just how the course of my life would change and lead me into a totally new and surprising erotic direction.
I met Jeff at the part time job I took in order to earn some money to pay for school. Actually he was my mentor while I was an intern at his company. The college thinks that life experiences are just as important as standard book knowledge. Therefore, each student completes an internship no matter what his or her major may be.
Jeff was friendly as well as business like from the start, and showed me quite a few things about the job I was to perform. He had this nature about him and I didn't feel the usual shyness when talking with new people that I usually had. He was thirty-five, newly single, with brown hair streaked with gray and deep blue eyes that sparkled when he smiled. He also has an impressive athletic build with wide shoulders, which tapered to a narrow waist and well defined yet smooth stomach. We worked together a few days a week and the occasional weekend during the busy months. I looked forward to spending my time with him.
I definitely had a crush on him. I let my eyes linger on him… I flirted with him neievely and felt embarrassed with myself after each lost opportunity. My blossoming sexual mind began to visualise touching his body and being held in his tender embrace. It was the highlight of my week when I found that we would be working alone, just the two of us. Just he and I alone in the big office most of the time right next to each other. I started to cherish our days together and felt I could talk with him honestly and seriously about anything. Besides helping me learn the world of finance he was starting to seem like an old friend who I could really open up to about anything. And I did. I told him all about my life and… my non-existent sex life… and that I was a virgin.
He told me about his past, his love life, his ex… but he never once made any moves on me. He respected me. He was my teacher and I was his student… that was how our relationship was supposed to be. On Fridays we decided to go out for something to eat since work ended later than usual. The cafeteria had long since closed and this was a much better alternative than a frozen dinner from the microwave in my dorm. We both went home to shower, and change. In the shower I began to think about Jeff and couldn't help but fantasise about his cock as I rubbed my pussy picturing holding me tight making love to me.
I smiled and decided that I would shave my pussy. My roommate had told me shaving makes oral sex from a man's tongue feel so much better. Not that I felt I would get any oral sex from Jeff! He had made his position quite clear… but a girl can dream. Once I had a smooth pussy, I dressed thinking that later I would come home and get myself off while I dreamed of Jeff's tongue on my clit.
After I finished shaving I dried off and dressed in white lace bra and bikini panties. I put on my shortest skirt, which accentuated the gentle curves of my hips and revealed my legs emerging from a little higher than mid thigh. I pulled my tight tank top over my head to show my 32B breasts pressing hard against the material. I blushed as I saw my nipples against the material and I imagined Jeff's hands and mouth cupping, licking and caressing each one. With a sigh I came back to reality and realised my panties had become damp with my wetness.
"What am I thinking, Jeff is older and probably doesn't even think of me other than as an intern at work or a young friend. But I bet unlike the one track minds of guys my age, he must really know how to please a woman before fucking her."
I smiled and thought of his blue eyes looking passionately into his he made love to my body before he fucked me long and hard. A man like him carried just as much about a woman's orgasm as his own. I quickly finished getting ready and tried to push the sexual thoughts from my mind. I headed to the restaurant to meet up with him, and pretended that this was going to be our first real date.
I was late to the restaurant and saw Jef, waiting patiently outside. He smiled when he saw me. I found myself running towards him and he gathered me in his embrace. I gazed up at his handsome face, his beautiful blue eyes, his lips, god, his full soft lips, and he rested his hand on my waist. Our look, his hand, I felt myself filling with adrenalin, felt the sudden simmer of arousal. He sort of moved to me, but didn't quite, so, I was the one, I moved my head to his and leaned in and we kissed. It was lovely, just amazing. He tasted different to the other boys, but nice. We were so soft, so gently, our lips barely touching, the tip of his soft tongue touching mine. And then I felt his hand on my ass, gently touching me there, cupping me through my skirt.
I felt my small nipple become stiff, and sensed myself become wet between my legs. I am not sure I had felt this before, in this context, he kissed me, his hand was on my ass, so soft, and I felt a sudden dampness in my vagina. It was so arousing, to feel this, to feel my young body reacting. I rested my hand on his thigh, I didn't know quite what to do, I mean, I knew what I could do, I didn't know quite how far I wanted to take this, but, well, I moved my hand upward, up along his firm thigh, and I put my hand on his cass as I pressed myself into him…, and felt his penis, through his jeans… it felt hard.
"You look beautiful tonight, Rachel," he said, as his gaze traveled from my head to my feet and back up again lingering for just for a moment on my hips and the curves of my breasts. He guided me into the restaurant, placing a gentle touch of his hand to the small of my back. He even pulled the chair out for me! As we waited for our food to arrive we made small talk about work and my classes.
I noticed him looking at me as if he wanted to say something. "What is it?" I asked, feeling for the first time a hint of shyness.
"Rachel, I know you told me you are a virgin but I was wondering… Are you looking for… a relationship?”
“Are you?” I blurted out, flustered.
“I have spent the last few months… trying to get your attention.”
“I noticed.” He seemed embarrassed. “You are so young… sexy… why me?”
“Because you are my dream guy I suppose. You are the man I have been dreaming of since I became a teenager… a sweet prince… older… wiser…”
“You-you like that?” He stumbled.
“Oh yes… I guess I am attracted to older men.” I replied honestly.
There was a few minutes of silence while we ate our food. I could almost see the gears of his mind working, trying to find the right words. This was my opportunity.
“I want you Jeff, and I know you want me.”
“You do… I do?”
“That kiss was more than just a kiss between friends… and… I felt how hard you were when we hugged…” 
“But how can we make this work, I mean-”
“I want you. I want to be with you. Why don’t you take me home tonight?” I bravely said and waited for his response. 
“But you’re a virgin!” Jeff whispered.
“And tomorrow I wont be.” I really was going to go through with this. I never felt so scared.
“Do you want to lose your virginity… to me? Tonight?"
I blushed blood red and nodded. I smiled. He miled. He bent forward and whispered, as his breath became warm in my ear "Do you know what you have been doing to me these weeks we have been working together? I mean the way you walk and press your body against my arm when we are studying something, or the way you sit and cross and recross your legs? Do you know you have been driving me crazy?"
I was shocked and showed it. I tried to speak but finally just shook my head no.
He held my hand and moved even closer to my face and ear. As he talked his voice gave me chills. I shivered from it. He smiled and took both of my hands and held them tight and said: "Well then I'll have to tell you… I want you too. You’re so pretty and tonight you just look… incredible. Yes, you turned me on. My cock is hard and swollen with blood with a big purple head everyday when you leave work, Rachel.”
“Then take me to your bed… make love to me, Jeff?”
“I want to make love to you. I mean I want to be your first! I want us to go all the way tonight. yes, come back to my place tonight, don't go back home alone. Come home with me Rachel and let me make love to you, let me teach you and give you the pleasure of sex, complete sex."
I must have been three shades of red now and started to actually shake inside because I wanted him too. Only I didn't know how bad he wanted me. He added as he captured the tip of my ear between his teeth and bit gently: "This will change thins between us… are you ready for that? Do you really want me to be the one who takes your virginity?”
“Yes… show you how great sex can be."
His eyes were now looking directly into mine. He came closer and lightly kissed me. My hands trembled as I tensed under his first seduction. He reached under the table and touched my smooth upper thigh just at the edge of my skirt. As he continued to look deeply into my eyes. I sat there looking at his handsome face and not saying anything. I felt his hand move up under the hem of my skirt and slide down between my thighs. He was stroking my right inner leg making me hotter and full of sexual need. No, I was burning up inside. Luckily we were seated in a secluded corner of the restaurant because he began to move his hand slowly higher still up my leg. I didn't stop him or say a word.
His eyes twinkled devilishly as he looked into my eyes and as he kissed me again I felt his tongue slip into my mouth and his hand touching the corner of my panty leg no more than an inch from my pussy. I squeezed my legs together, capturing his hand on the smoothness of the upper end of my inner thigh. When he covered my panty, cupping my pussy, my first reaction was to moan but then I remembered and said to myself: "My god if he touches my naked pussy he'll know I shaved myself for him!" And suddenly, I desperately wanted him to touch me there.
I looked away from him, to the guy next to me as we ate, when I felt his hand on my knee. I stopped breathing for a second. I didn't look at you or acknowledge your touch but secretly willed you to continue. He must have read my mind because he gently slid his fingers over my mound. My breathing quickened but I still kept my head turned to my left. His fingers fanned out and began to creep toward my pantie clad slit. I clear my throat and shyly looked into his amazing eyes. His lust was burning there.
I unthinkingly parted my legs for him, and hisfingers found the elastic of my panties. My clit was so swollen now, and I ached for his touch, but we were sitting at a large table, from the right angle we could be seen. I was dying to release the moans and screams I was holding back, and he continued to tease me under the table, silently and yet urgently. Oh god, what was I going to do?
His talented finger finger slips inside my panties… but goes no further as I squirmed and wiggled as gently as I could. Damn him for teasing me like this - but oh don't stop!
No one noticed us - amazing since I felt like I was wearing a big sign that sid 'fuck me now'. I was extremely horny for him, but it would be another couple of hours or so before we could be alone. Jeff knew exactly what to do, but he held back because we were right in the middle of the dinner.
"Rachel, are you alright?" 
My voice was nowhere to be found. My throat was dry and I was dying to be fucked; but I was also too afraid to speak; Jeff knew what I wanted and needed.
As I was thinking it, Jeff ran a hand under my panty elastic and over my freshly shaven pussy. As his fingers went under my panties and over my bald pussy he smiled at me and said: "Oh my God, Rachel! A virgin who shaves! I like it and I want to see it."
I jumped when his fingers located my slit and I reached for his hand. I moaned the word: "No. No Jeff, not here. Not in the restaurant please! Wait until we get in your car?"
As I held his hand on my pussy, for some reason I didn't move it. I simply held it against my wet cunt and pressed slightly. Then he whispered, "I can’t wait… Open you legs wider for me Rachel. Open them."
I don't know why I did but I did. I opened my thighs wide and Jeff began to stroke up and down my smooth shaved pussy. I knew he could feel my wetness but I didn't care, I let him! To disguise our closeness I leaned into him and kissed him. I kept my thighs open and held his hand directly on my pussy as my tongue danced at his lips and he stroked me so softly and gently. The first person other than myself to ever touch me there was now doing it in a crowded restaurant and I loved it. I moaned softly as I sucked on his tongue and he made love to my virgin pussy.
As I closed my eyes I moaned his name. He kissed me a little harder as he rubbed three of his fingers up and down my entire wet slit. Then as I sighed I felt one of his fingers move into the entrance of my hole. As it entered my hole slowly, I didn't say no this time. I opened my thighs wider still. I moaned again. He had his entire hand now under the smooth fabric of my bikini panties; thighs spread wide open and letting him caress the smooth skin and hole between my legs.
As Jeff separated the folds of my pussy lips his finger began to enter my virgin pussy hole I just tried to speak, but only sighed the word, "Oh Jeff! Oh fuck your hand feels like magic! Oh fuck Jeff I am going to cum!" But, I didn't stop him!
I had to fight to stifle a moan as he entered me slowly but steady with that one finger. As he pushed and pumped it into me I pushed against it. Then he followed the first finger with another one. It felt so big going in. I opened my legs wider yet and moaned his name again. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. As we kissed and let our tongues fight; Jeff continued to drive me crazy with his two fingers inside my pussy as he made love to it under the table. My brain was racing! "Was this really happening?" I thought as my mind raced and his hand and fingers explored deeper and deeper inside me. I could feel him bumping up against my hem.
"Jeff" I gasped as he continued exploring my pussy and pushing deeper into my hole. "Jeff, I'm a virgin. I wasn't kidding!" I whispered.
"I know, and if you will relax a little and let me, Rachel, I plan on making you a little less virginal after tonight. I can show you what sex is all about. How it can feel so good when you reach a mind-blowing orgasm from someone who really wants to guide you into the world of intercourse and have it be enjoyable and pleasant. Oh Rachel, it feels so much better when you have an orgasm from someone else giving it to you. I'll be gentle and loving and make you enjoy it."
I smiled and said, "I know Jeff, but I'm so scared."
He told me about using his tongue and his fingers and his hands and finally his cock. He whispered in my ear how I would go wild when he licked my pussy. He smiled and said that it would be even better since I had shaved down there.
I said, " Oh Jeff it's not that I don't want to be with you, it's that I'm frightened. Frightened it will hurt me so bad. Well… That's what I’ve heard… about a girl's first time."
Jeff continued to tell me, "I will also show you how to give a man the pleasure he needs before I finally take that barrier away and show you what it's like to have a man's cock buried deep inside of you."
He explained seductively in my ear about the thrill of oral sex and what it would do to me as my body felt the stirrings of passion and lust from someone else touching it for the first time. "I want to… but I'm scared Jeff." I said as I trembled and tears welled up in my eyes.
"You might be scared but your body gives you away Rachel. It tells me you want to continue," he said as his fingers were brought out of my panties first to let me see the wetness, my wetness. And, secondly he showed me his fingers as he put them to his mouth and licked them clean. I heard him moan this time.
"We will do this together. Take small steps. I’m not some young guy desperate for a conquest… I will be gentle, loving and easy. I will pleasure you, on your terms. I will go down on you, Rachel… have you enjoy oral sex. Then we will only proceed when you tell me you are ready," he said as he wiped a tear tenderly off my cheek and kissed me again.
“Thank you, Jeff. That’s what I need… your experience… your love.”
"Do you know what I mean when I say I will lick and suck your pussy first so you will be very wet and very, very aroused, aroused enough to accept me?" he finished as he took my hands in his and squeezed them.
I said: "I . . . I think so, Jeff. But I don't know."
He said: "Would you like to come home with me now and try?"
I said: "Yes." I don't know why I said yes. Maybe it was my time and he was the one. Maybe it was the touch of this man. Maybe it was my growing need. It was a need that seemed to get worse every day. But whatever the reason, I said yes. And we sat looking at each other holding hands.
The waiter soon came by and he told the man to package it up since we both had to leave. We both had other things on our minds as Jeff held his arm around my body as we walked to his car. He opened the door for me and I slid in. His eyes watched my legs open a little as I got in. He shut the door and soon after we were pulling into the complex where he lived. We held each other as we walked to his door. I told him again that I was so scared. I knew he could feel me shaking with it.
Immediately upon entering and locking the door Jeff pulled me to him and kissed me hard, thrusting his tongue into my mouth. I accepted it and sucked on it as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He held me as I bent my back pressing against him. My tongue began exploring and tasting the inside of his mouth and then his entered mine. He asked me, "Are you glad you came?"
I shook my head yes. He said, "Then tell me. Tell me how you feel."
I tried to look him in the eye but didn't make it. I told him, "I'm glad I'm here with you, it's very exciting, but I'm also very scared.”
He smiled and said, "I'm very glad you're here too, Rachel. Please don't be scared. I'm going to be very gentle with you. And I promise you will love everything we do starting with the feeling of oral sex and everything else that goes with it. But first you should get familiar with a man’s body and let me get acquainted with yours. OK?"
I smiled and nodded. Jeff slowly began running his hands all over my body as he began removing pieces of my clothing. He told me if I had any questions I should ask him and I should also explore his body with my hands and eyes. I didn't stop him but watched his fingers first unbutton my blouse. As it slid it off my shoulders as we both watched it fall to the floor. He kissed me again and after kissing down my neck and into my cleavage he told me: "Rachel! You are so beautiful! You look stunning."
His hands reached up and cupped my breasts for only a moment before his mouth came down and sucked my nipple on the outside of my bra. I held his head with my hands holding his mouth over one of my breasts. I sighed and said, "Oh Jeff!"
I stood before the man I had chosen in just my bra and skirt. Jeff smiled at me as his eyes held my eyes. I felt him run his hands down my sides and then up under my skirt over each of my thighs all the way to the top of my panties. He had my skirt up to my panties and was teasing me a little as his hands swept over my vulva and stomach up under my skirt. I jumped and reached for his hand. He moved his hands off my pussy and I started to relax. Then we both heard the snap and zipper being undone on my skirt. He looked at me and said, "Rachel, do you want to take this off?" 
I said, "Yes, yes I think so Jeff.
He said, "No Rachel, yes or no. Do you want me to take your skirt off?"
I said, "Yes I want you to take off my clothes," and as he pushed it down over my hips I wiggled out of the short tight skirt. When it hit the floor, he held my hand as I stepped out of it. As he undressed me, I now stood there not moving just watching him as he stepped back and looked at my body. I was standing before him now in only my bra and tiny bikini panties.
"Wow Rachel, your body is so beautiful and very sexy. I never realised how beautiful it was… you hid this so well why we worked. You are unbelievably lovely… gorgeous…" Jeff almost moaned the words as he pulled me to him and again rubbed my body against his as held me tight.
I felt the bulge of his cock hard in his pants against my naked thigh as we pressed together. He pressed his hips against me and began to rotate his bulge against my pussy. He smiled down at me and kissed my neck as he whispered in my ear, "Now it's your turn. Take my clothes off. Unzip me and release my cock for me Rachel. I'm getting so hard it hurts. Take it out and hold it, touch it, look at it, see what you have been doing to me all these weeks!"
I hesitated only for a moment. But, he took my hand and placed it on the outside of his trousers. I could feel his cock jumping and throbbing. He placed my other hand on his zipper and told me, "Take it out for me Rachel please? Show me you want this, don’t be scared to follow your instincts."
I looked down at his bulge and slowly unzipped his fly. He told me in a whisper: "Now take it out Rachel and feel it, look at it. See for yourself how hard it is. You should look at it and know about it. I will tell you all about my cock and explain what everything is once you release it. Take it out now Rachel and let me show you how hard I am for you…"
I sighed deeply and as my hands shook with excitement, I reached into his pants and took out his penis. It was beautiful! I looked so hard and thick and long. It throbbed in my hand like it was beating. In fact it was the first erect male cock I had ever seen in the flesh. As I unbelted his trousers and they opened more, it emerged completely from his boxers. I could feel its heat and its hardness with the skin around the hardness so soft. As I took the shaft in my hand I began to stroke it and squeeze it listening to him tell me what to do. I looked up at his face and smiled as he told me, "See it won't bite you. But, do you see how hard it is Rachel? You make it that way. When I see you, and stand next to you and we brush against each other while we work, I get hard like this for you everyday. Rachel… you make me so horny."
I caressed every inch of his 7-inch cock and the large set of balls that hung under it. Teasing the head with my nails rubbing gently across it and under the fat mushroom cock head, I pumping the shaft making him moan. Then my hands moving down the shaft as I worked on my first very, very hard cock doing everything Jeff told me to do. When a drop of pre-cum exited the hole in the cock head, Jeff told me all about it and how it got there. He told me to take my finger and wipe it off and then taste it. I did and it wasn't nasty like I was sure it would be. In fact it had almost not taste, maybe a little sweet. After a few minutes, Jeff said, "Oh fuck, Rachel that feels so good… But if we don't stop I'm going to cum and I don't want to, not yet, not like this anyway. There will be time for that in a little while. I didn't want to orgasm yet, I want you to have a few before you give me my own."
He was thinking of giving me several orgasms? I had waited so long for this! He gently pushed me back and my knees hit the edge of the large bed. As I fell back he stripped off the rest of his clothes and moved up next to me and began to kiss my neck and shoulders.
I watched as his fingers moved to my bra and unhooked the front clasp. I was going to try to cover myself, but didn't. He slowly pulled it open and then off my arms. He removed it completely and freeing my breasts. Then he stopped to look at them. I felt funny letting him see them but he kissed me and as his hand cupped one he said, "Oh Rachel, your tits are perfect."
I know I don't have huge breasts but I think they are adequate. They sit up high and they're firm with long pink nipples. Jeff smiled as he saw my nipples sticking out hard already. He used his finger to flick over them making them jump and bounce like a rubber band when he released them. With one of his hands he softly cupped a breast and squeezed it while his mouth and tongue moved over the other one and worked on it. He pushed the two together so that he could lick and suck both nipples at the same time. He licked up between my cleavage and kissed me again as his hands worked on my tits.
I kissed him and as he told me, "I can't believe how beautiful you are Rachel… you don’t need to do this… with me… if you are still a virgin. I already feel like a very lucky man being here with you tonight. You make me so hot and so hard!"
He then moved back down between my tits and again made love to my breasts for a long time. As I ran my hands through his hair and across his back I told him, "This is further than I have ever gone before Jeff. I want to be here… with you. Please be gentle with me."
He looked up at me and said, "If you’re sure?”
I nodded as he lavished his attention on my little titties.
“I will make your first time a good one. I’m honoured."
Fuck I loved it what his mouth was doing. His wonderful mouth was sucking and licking and sucking and licking all over my tits and nipples. Over and over again he sucked them making my nipples as hard as small rocks. He even bit them gently. I just laid back and moaned and moaned and moaned.
He looked up into my eyes and said, "Are you ready, Rachel?"
I softly said the word, "Yes…"
As I was saying it, he was moving his lips down my body and kissed my stomach and around the bottom of my breasts. He licked under them making me wiggle. "That tickles", I told him.
He licked around my stomach and into the belly button hole. I giggled again as I let my hands slide down still holding his head gently.
Further down he kissed. My body was moving from the feeling of his lips and tongue on it. Then he licked over the top of my bikini panties. As I felt him hooking two fingers in the waistband on each side of them, he started pulling them down my hips. He said, "Lift Rachel, lift up so I can get these off."
Now I was starting to worry again. My mom had always told me that once a lady lets a man take off her panties, she has no more defenses. She has more or less decided to give herself to the man taking them off. Why I did, I don't know for sure, but when I heard him tell me to lift, I did.
I lifted my ass up about a foot off the bed so he could remove my panties. They were very wet between my legs and stuck a little against my pussy. I looked at him and started trembling like a newborn kitten as he removed the panty off of each leg. He kissed each of them as he removed the panty off each of my feet. Then he looked directly at me as he put my panties to his face and inhaled deeply. He moaned as he dropped the panties on the bed. Jeff then came up and kissed me as I felt his hands move my legs apart. He said, "Now little one, don't be scared. It will be OK Rachel, I promise. You will love this I guarantee it. Now open your legs wide for me. OK?"
As I watched him I separated my legs and he said, "Hmmm a virgin with a shaved pussy! You look so beautiful Rachel. So lovely! You look good enough to eat and that's what I am going to do." He smiled at me as his hand slowly rubbed the smooth skin all around my pussy and he said, "Maybe you're not as innocent as I first thought?"
I smiled shyly and tried to close my thighs in embarrassment only to have him hold them apart. "I have a surprise for you" he said, as he reached for something on the side table.
I soon saw that it was strips of silk fabric, which he used to tie my wrists and bind them securely to the underside of the bed somehow. But what was more surprising was that I didn't protest at all. I just looked at him helplessly watching him do it. He was going to tie me up and deep down inside my brain… I knew I wanted this! I wanted to be bound! I wanted to be held tight so I couldn't resist. I was just going to let him have his way with me now. I had resolved to do this and I really felt I would never go through with it unless I was forced a little somehow. But! I didn't protest at all as he moved between my spread legs
As he moved around between them, I opened my thighs wider for him. He used his hands to gently but forcefully pushed them open even more. "Trust me" he said as his face lowered and he kissed first the skin of my inner thighs and around and up over my stomach again and back down to my inner thigh.
Then as I moaned loudly, I arched my back and closed my eyes as he finally began to lick my pussy. It was wonderful, unbelievable. His lips gave me a shock that went into and over my entire body. He was my mentor, my teacher and he was licking my pussy, my shaved virgin pussy! I had never felt anything like it before. It was a feeling, which can't be described by words. You have to experience having your pussy licked for yourself ladies. But please! Experience it! If you haven't had it done yet, get someone to do it to you. Trust me, you won't forget it and you'll thank me for telling you. A pussy was made for licking first before fucking. If your man isn't doing that, find another man.
Jeff's mouth and tongue drove me wild within seconds. "Oh Jeff, OH SHIT! OH FUCK!! I CAN'T TAKE IT!! AHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed at just the first few touches of his smooth soft tongue against my naked pussy.
But he didn't stop. He relentlessly licked and sucked my pussy while I thrashed and moaned under his mouth. My hips were now rocking my pussy into his face as he sucked and licked me. He would lick from the top of my slit to the very bottom, and then used his fingers as he pushed back the hood of skin over my clit and he began to softly suck my clit into his mouth. I screamed with rapture!
At the same time he massaged my virgin hole with his fingers. I buck my hips up pushing against his face feeling myself lose all control. He had me! I was gone and the pleasure was driving me higher and higher. All I wanted now was more, more stimulation. He didn't disappoint me.
He raised up off of me then to look at my wet pussy so close to his face. He rested his head on one of my thighs so that he could watch his fingers play with my clit which was now sticking out from its covering and getting harder and harder under his touch. He applied the gentlest pressure around it without touching it directly for a time. I was pumping my pussy trying to fuck his face. I whispered, "Touch it Jeff. Touch my clit baby! OH FUCK! Jeff I'm going to cum! TOUCH IT!!"
Then he pressed directly on my clit, then released the pressure for a second before applying it again. As he pressed again the electric pulses seemed to travel from my clit all over my body. I tensed as his finger once again pressed and released again and as his other hand and fingers massaged and slightly entered my virgin hole.
Jeff said, "Don't worry Rachel you will cum hard many times before I fuck that little virgin hole."
He licked and sucked me teasing me and kept me from that final step that would make me cum! He spent so much time pleasing my body I was drifting and drifting in a world of bliss. And then, he finally let the orgasm I wanted, and which had been so close all along, to finally overtake my mind, body and soul. As he sucked directly on my clit I arched my back and moaned as tears sprang to my eyes, "Oh yes Jeff! I'M CUMMING, OH YES I'M CUMMING! OH FUCK YES! NOW! OH FUCK!!! OH FUCK!! OH YES! JeffNNNN!! I'M CUMMINGG AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And I did! I had back to back orgasms!
I screamed as he continued to suck me even harder. I felt the strange sensation of muscles tightening uncontrollably inside of me and then contracting and as I felt my cum almost running out me, he still continued to eat my pussy. I felt like I was peeing but I knew I wasn't. My orgasm seemed to go on and on and on as Jeff continued to love and stimulate my pussy and body with his fingers, mouth and tongue.
I had my ass elevated up off the bed and as he sucked, my body was fucking on his face. I was cumming and someone else for the first time was getting me off. It was my first time and I fucking loved it! I knew right then that I had to have more of this, a lot more. I don't know how long he continued to work on me but slowly I began to come down from my first real set of orgasms given by another person.
I watched Jeff untie my bindings, and helped me up allowing me to come into the embrace of his arms. We sat facing each other and my legs were over his. I could see his enormous cock inches from my wet and opened pussy. I signed and said, "Oh Jeff, that was so wonderful!"
As he held me stroking my hair and kissing me tenderly, all inhibitions I had were gone. I was his and only wanted to show him the joy and pleasure I had felt. I kept looking down seeing his hard cock throbbing with his excitement. I kissed him briefly before saying, "My turn. Tell me and show me how to do you with my mouth."
And I lowered my face between his legs now and let my mouth and tongue taste his cock. As he leaned back on his elbows I looked at him and asked, "What do I do first?"
It was another first for me tonight. Jeff's cock was the first one I had ever touched and now I was going to taste it. First I licked the tip and then I sucked the tip into my mouth and continued to suck more and more of his long hard shaft in my mouth. As I pumped his cock in and out of my mouth he gave me direction. I pressed my lips against my teeth and pressed my mouth gently around his cock as I fucked his cock with my mouth. As I did, I got so excited that I felt a wild need to cum again. So I reached between my legs and started to rub my pussy with three fingers.
I moaned and as I sucked him and parted my thighs as I began to finger myself. He saw what I was doing and moved my fingers away and started to finger my pussy with his hand and fingers. "Oh FUCK Jeff… that feels so good. You have such a delicate touch!” I moaned between sucking his cock.
As I continued to suck his cock he was pushing more and more into my mouth. I now felt the tip of the cock head touch the back of my throat as my lips stretched around the fullness. He said, "Do you want to try and take it down your throat?"
As he fingered my pussy, I tried to take his cock head down my throat but choked too much and we stopped trying. I made a mental note to learn how to do that since it was something this wonderful gentle man seemed to like and wanted. He pulled it out all the way and told me, "Lick it right here."
He showed me that part of his shaft just under the mushroom head, on the underside of his cock that is the most sensitive. I did as he instructed and he then told me to feel his balls too. That they had to be handled gently but were a big part of his sex organ and should be sucked and licked too!
I had one hand holding his cock up towards the ceiling as I licked the underside of his cock and the one hand squeezed his balls lightly. I ran my hand up the shaft now and rubbed the pre cum dripping out the hole in the cock head over the tip and around the head. Then I licked the cock head.
He moaned and said, "Suck me Rachel! Fuck, you’re amazing. Harder suck it harder!"
As he held my head with both of his hands now he pushed my mouth down over his cock and I began sucking it again harder as he began to pump himself in and out of my mouth faster and faster. He continued pumping until he groaned "MMMM!! YES BABE! YES! OH FUCK!! SUCK IT! I'M GOING TO CUM! I'M GOING TO CUMMING! I'm GOING TO AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YES!!!!!!!"
I looked up into his eyes and could see the lust in them. He held my head and told me quickly as he pumped fast, "I'm going to cum in your mouth Rachel…”
“I want you to, Jeff,” I panted.
“Try and swallow it."
I nodded my head obediently with his cock still in my mouth getting thicker and harder. I continued to suck him and his moans were louder this time and I was sure he was nearing his own orgasm. I had never swallowed a guy's cum, or even let someone cum in my mouth for that matter, but I knew that I wanted to swallow his load. Just as I completed that thought I heard him groan. I felt his cock swell in my mouth, followed by hot jets of cum shooting out onto my tongue and into the back of my throat. The feeling was strange, but I found it quite easy to swallow his load. He continued to cum, so I kept swallowing every last drop that came out. As more and more cum filled my mouth I couldn't take it fast enough. His seed filled my mouth quicker than I could swallow. 
I pulled my lips off his fat cock head gasping for air. His hand covered my hand. He was jerking my hand up and down as fast as he could go. I squeezed his hard shaft as I pulled my mouth off his cock head! The last few shots of Jeff's cum splashed on my chest and ran down over my chin and tits toward my stomach.
I continued pumping his cock until the cum stopped. I lowered myself again to lick the tip clean, not enjoying the taste as much as I did before. I would have to acquire this new taste so I could take more and please him. But, I knew I would take his cum whenever he wanted me to suck him off.
Surprisingly, his cock didn't soften but seemed ready for more. Gently Jeff lay me back on the bed and spread my legs very wide again. "I will be as gentle as possible Rachel, but I need to be inside you…", he said as he began rubbing my clit and slit once more with his hard cock head. I knew this was it! This was when I would stop being a virgin! He was now going to fuck me… pop my cherry… take my virginity from me.
"Oh Jeff! I'm ready, I'm so wet… I’m so ready… you won't hurt me.”
He stopped.
“But it will hurt…”
“Please? Just fuck me!" I pleaded. I wanted it so bad and now I had the one man who I felt would take my cherry as gently as he could. As I spread my legs wide he held my legs wide with my knees bent. He told me to guide his cock into my pussy hole. I did. I moved his hard cock head to my opening and told him, "I need this… I need you… I give my virginity to you."
This was probably a very bad idea. He wasn’t even wearing a condom. I wrestled with that thought for about one second, then his cock settled between my legs, the length of his shaft pressing against my wet folds, his hands on my hips.
Oh fuck he felt good. So soft yet firm, so wide and warm. Ooh, my whole body tingled. Nothing else felt like this.
He groaned and rubbed his shaft on me, bathing his cock in my slick folds. "Oh fuck that feels good," he breathed.
"Mmmmph," I agreed. I should probably tell him to stop before this got any further, but maybe just a few more seconds.
Then the tip of his cock pressed at my entrance. I froze. He felt so big. My body vibrated with the need to feel him inside me, to swallow his cock into my depths, and feel him stroke my insides like he had been stroking my opening.
He had gone just as still. I heard him swallow right before he pushed.
His cock gently parted my lips and, with barely any resistance, began to slide into me.
My mind finally caught up with the situation. "Jeff, no! Stop!" I yelped even as my inner walls clenched around him. I tried to pull away, but his hands held my hips firmly in place.
He grunted but stopped with his cock just past my entrance. It felt amazing, so warm and big and hard. My body wanted more.
"S-sorry," he mumbled but didn't move.
I didn't want him to. Or rather, I wanted him to move in both directions at once, part of my mind screaming for him to get out and the other begging for him to plunge all the way in. Instead, I lay there, frozen in indecision.
He pushed again.
"No! Jeff! Please stop!" Just the tip was one thing, but if he buried himself inside me, I wouldn't be a virgin anymore.
He groaned and pulled back out, just resting the tip at my entrance again. "Sorry! You feel so good, so warm and tight. Sorry..."
I relaxed, my heart beating too fast. But it was ok, this was fine. He wasn't even inside me, just touching me.
After a few seconds, he swirled the bulbous tip around my slick folds, glided between my lips to my clit and back again. I moaned. He had felt so amazing inside me. Maybe... maybe just the tip was fine. It wasn't really fucking.
When his rounded head settled at my opening, I pushed, just a little. That bulbous head slowly stretched my outer folds until the tip was lodged just inside my wet walls. It felt amazing. The first cock inside me. A little thrill of pleasure rushed through me. It was just the tip, it barely counted, but still so good. I shuddered.
I mumbled, "J-just the tip, ok? No more. Ok? That's it. It feels good..."
He'd gone very still, as though he was surprised I'd say anything like that. I should be surprised too. I think somewhere, some tiny part of me was panicking, but I couldn't hear it.
He swallowed again and nodded jerkily. "O-ok. You feel good too."
His voice was strained. The slight danger that he might get carried away sent a jolt of warmth to my pussy, and I clamped down on him. My thighs quivered trying not to push again, to capture just one more inch.
No sex. Just the tip. No sex. Oh my God, but my body wanted all of it.
He groaned and nudged at my wet flesh, slipping an inch of his hard shaft into me.
"Ah! No!" I squealed but didn't move. He was panting into my hair, his body tense. He didn't move either.
"Jeff, just the tip!" I panted and bit my lip. I couldn't make myself pull away, my pussy clenching around him.
"Oh. Um. Nnh." He stopped but didn't move.
We held ourselves there, lust rolling over both of us, waiting for something to give. He didn't wait long, shifting as he oh-so-slowly withdrew his cock back to my entrance, then gently forced my lips to swallow that round tip again, savoring every moment.
"Jeff..." God, it felt good but I couldn't let him fuck me.
He groaned and stopped again. I could hear his deep breaths, feel how tightly his fingers were digging into my hips as he tried to hold back.
"Y-you should stop now," I mumbled. My pussy was squeezing him. Oh wow, it felt nice and big, stretching me so beautifully. I wanted more, I wanted to be filled up.
I'm not sure if he heard me. He was probably busy fighting his urge to ram his cock all the way in and give me a good, hard fucking.
I shivered at how wonderful that sounded.
My pussy kept pulsing on his shaft, trying to hold him in no matter how much I should be pushing him out. He could probably feel me throbbing around him.
He pulled out again and I sighed as he held still with just the bulbous tip kissing my pussy lips. He stayed there and panted for a minute.
I couldn't help myself. His round knob felt so good sitting there between my parted folds, so tempting. I wiggled a little, felt that large head pop in again. Just the tip. Oooh. I squeezed it, imagining it sliding in further and further. Oh...
He tensed. I was too busy concentrating on how good his cock felt inside me to realize that his hands on my hips had shifted, that the bed had moved as he repositioned, and now he was ready to piston into me. He held still as long as he could.
"It’s time, Rachel... I’m going to... put it all the way inside you now," he said as he shuffled away.
My lust-filled brain took a second to register what he said.
“I know how much this means to you…” he panted as he jerked himself back to full hardness while lustfully staring at my young body. “Turn around with your face down and your ass in the air”. I felt my pussy prepare itself as I assumed tis new position on the bed. I wanted this older man more than I wanted anything in my life. I would do anything he asked of me.
His hands followed the flowing curves of my ass, over my hips then up my waist to my breasts, hanging now from my chest, just brushing against the bed sheets, sending shivers down my spine. One hand explored my neck, my ear, my hair… while the other reached around to tweak and tease my hard nipples before moving down and carefully prising apart my smoothly waxed folds. One finger rested on my hard clit without moving, but he pulled it away after feeling how my pussy was dripping with wanton lust for him. 
He suddenly bent his knees upward and between mine, spreading my legs wide open around him. My breath caught in my chest as he slowly but surely edged forward until the large shiny head of his cock was pressed between my puffy pussy lips. Tiny movements rubbed the tip of his shaft against my clit and I moaned with frustration and desperate desire for my big strong boyfriend. When I made the sound his hand quickly covered my mouth and he stuffed three fingers in, pulling my jaw downward and making me pant as he realigned his hot thick cock with my vagina and slid forward to penetrate his gasping girlfriend deeply.
He rubbed the tip of his magnificent cock in my juices and then gently pushed the head between my swollen labia moving it past the inner lips and inside my hole. I watched as it inched its way into me. He stopped often to see if I was OK before going any further. As he met the barrier, he backed off and asked, "Ready?"
I moaned yes and he thrust forward and broke my cherry. I bit my lip as a sharp pain hit me followed by waves of unbelievable excitement. As I whimpered slightly he asked, "Are you OK Rachel?"
I said, "Yes… I want this… take me!"
He smiled and told me, "The worst is over Rachel. Now we can make love. Now I can show you what you have been missing all these years."
As he told me that, he had pushed all of his manhood deep inside me and held his cock almost completely still inside me. As he buried it all the way now I moaned from the thrill, which had taken over the little pain. Oh God he was all the way inside of me. I looked into his eyes and told him, "Ohhhhhh fuuuuuuck… oh you feel so good inside me."
Slowly but without pausing he pushed forward until the whole length of his organ was buried in my hot pussy, with my pink and swollen outer lips forced wide open and my tight little hole stretched obscenely around the base of his veiny shaft. I knew as he sank into me that he was forcing his penis up through the remnants of my hymen. He paused there, enjoying the erotic view and the physical sensations of his young girlfriend splayed open and stuffed full in front of him, his cock in her pussy and fingers in her mouth, as she groaned with pleasure at being taken like this.
After a delicious pause, I felt him slowly withdraw his cock from my pussy and the veins and ridges of his shaft massaged my inner walls. Just as I was about to whimper at the sudden empty feeling, he reversed the motion and sank back into my vaginal canal, which rippled around his shaft. He nuzzled his face in the back of my neck and kissed my back tenderly, but there was no let-up in his accelerating acquisition of my tight young pussy. My boyfriend held me tightly as he continued to enter me and then withdraw again, over and over, our sweaty skin making quiet noises as we rubbed together.
At its deepest point of penetration, his penis completely filled and stretched my young vagina and nudged against my cervix at the end. I had never had a lover before him but, as his large testicles pressed rhythmically against my most intimate skin, I counted myself very lucky to have found someone to be my first who had such a large and satisfying member.
With one hand I reached back to stroke his face and feel his soft hair as he continued to make me his own in the most natural and primal way. His movements were getting much faster and there was a growing urge deep in my belly as his veiny organ rubbed against the moist walls of my pussy. It felt so right to be cradled in his arms as he took possession of my body, and my arousal was dribbling down from our intertwined genitalia to moisten his testicles and my squeezable little arse cheeks.
He reached around and found my hard clitoris with two fingers, rolling it between them as he thrust his swollen organ into me and kissed my neck. I somehow knew this was a sign he was reaching his climax and he wanted me to cum before him. I pushed his hand away and arched my back as much as I could, which changed the angle of my pussy and allowed him more room to penetrate me with increasing speed and force. He grunted softly with each insertion and I mimicked his movements with my own arse in order to maximise the depth and force of his cock's invasion.
As I pushed my hips up to meet him he began to move his beautiful, lovely, sexy fantastic cock in and out of my vagina. Oh fuck everything he told me was true. It felt so wonderful. Much better than masturbation ever did. Much better than oral sex did too. This is what my pussy was designed for; to take a man's cock then take possession of a man's precious seed. As he pumped away I rocked my hips trying to match his movements and give him the same feeling! Oh fuck. So this was what fucking was, pure rapture, pure passion and pure lust! I felt the need to rock my body and fuck him as hard as he was fucking me. MY need and lust had never been higher. I screamed. "OH fuck yes Jeff fuck me faster! Harder fuck me harder!"
Soon I was completely filled with his cock every two seconds he would slam it into me again, and again and again as my juices flowed and it became easier for him to pump and pump in and out of me. I arched my back and lifted my hips as he pumped into me. I wrapped my legs around him and squeezed his body as my pussy squeezed his shaft internally. As I rocked my hips in time with his thrusts, we both began moving closer and closer towards an orgasm.
Oh Fuck, how I enjoyed the feeling of my first cock, his cock, so hard, so long and so dam thick inside of me. When I felt another orgasm approaching I screamed out with my joy and arched my ass up as hard as I could. I used my hips to rotate on his cock as the muscles of my pussy automatically clenched around his shaft milking it. My orgasm had taken control of my body and was fucking him hard and fast!
I squealed with overwhelming pleasure and shut my eyes as my vaginal canal clenched and squeezed around my boyfriend's thick penis and an orgasm spread from my genitals throughout my tingling body. The pleasure inundated my whole body and I wriggled and shivered in his arms as he brought me to climax and held me tight in his arms the whole time.
After a few more thrusts, Jeff was on the brink of orgasm and I grasped his hand tightly against my soft flesh, opening my legs and pushing my ass into the air to allow the deepest penetration of my pussy so far. After two more movements of his hips, Jeff grabbed my waist and pressed down, impaling me onto his throbbing organ as he began to ejaculate powerfully into the depths of my vaginal canal.
He moaned in relief as his semen spurted into my pussy, streaming into my deepest parts and filling me up, marking me as his willing and grateful partner. Jeff’s member kept on pulsing out thick creamy cum and his hands made marks in the soft skin of my thighs as he continued to press me down onto him so that every drop of semen was propelled into my eager young pussy. Will ejaculated such a volume of semen that it completely flooded my vagina and started to leak out around the root of his thick cock, mixing with the sweat and my own sexual fluids on my smooth bald pussy lips. I sighed in ecstasy as my pussy brimmed with the frothy ejaculate of my muscular boyfriend and I relaxed against his chest.
Jeff repeated my name, over and over again, like a ritualistic chant. It sounded so sexy. I could feel his warm thick cum fill me and overflow as he pumped himself gently in and out of me. I cried out my lover's name in reply as we slammed our bodies together again and again and again as the sexal bliss took me to a place of warmth and wonder. We held our bodies tight against each other as we rocked together finishing cumming. Jeff slumped on top  of me, still pressing his penis down to the very bottom of my vagina, seemingly satisfied with the generous load he had pumped into my tight young body. 
Finally, our joint climaxes began to drift away. We held each other for a very long time in the afterglow of our union…my first time. Being taken sexually for the first time by my powerful mate had made me unbelievably sexually aroused and even more completely in love with him. I could not wait to explore this new dominant side of my boyfriend's personality and hoped he would exercise his physical superiority over me again and again.
Later after taking a shower and holding each other close we finally got around to eating that dinner we took home. He made me sit with him nude and I didn't care at all now that he could see my tits or pussy. I would have bent over and showed him my tiny little ass hole if he would have asked me! I was truly his to do with as he felt. I would do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. This was the beginning of a mutually satisfying sex life for one young woman who was previously pure and completely inexperienced. It was this older man who had shown her the way. I knew he wanted more of me and I certainly wanted all of him.
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lewmagoo · 9 days
soul as sweet as blood red jam | rhett abbott
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part of the million dollar man universe
listen to the playlist here
description: in which a silver haired cowboy finally pledges himself to his little darlin'
pairing: rhett abbott x f!reader
warnings: 18+ only, age gap (reader is in their 20s, rhett is in his mid 40s), slight miscommunication trope, references to unhealthy past relationships, food mention, innuendos, mention of birth control, oral (f receiving), multiple orgasms, squirting, unprotected p in v sex, begging, creampie, overstimulation, crying, after sex jitters
notes: this is a prequel of sorts to the original million dollar man sex scene. it entails the first time rhett and little darlin' sleep together! this is not a virginity trope but reader is a little inexperienced.
It had been six months since that fateful day that Rhett Abbott walked through the doors of your workplace and swept you off your feet. 
Six months since he’d taken you away from your old life and given you a fresh start. Six months since he’d taken care of every debt and outstanding balance you owed. Six months since he’d changed your life.
You had never known such peace and security before. Instead of waking up on a rickety old mattress every morning, you woke up in a plush bed surrounded by cotton sheets and more pillows than you knew what to do with. 
You didn’t have to worry about where your next meal was coming from. The fridge was always stocked with good, whole foods. Foods you didn’t have to worry about preparing for yourself, if you didn’t want to, because Rhett would make them for you. 
Because he had been living alone for so long, he had taught himself how to cook. His meals were nothing fancy, but they were hearty and healthy, complete with vegetables from his garden. 
You had all the clothes you could ever want or need. Plenty of toiletries and personal products. Brand name things you never would have been able to afford before. Rhett spared no expense when it came to you. His money was hard-earned and he was content to spend it on you. 
It was important to him that you felt safe and secure. Lord knew you had endured enough fear and uncertainty in your life. He would be damned if he didn’t get to provide that safety you so desperately needed. And because he was so adamant about you feeling comfortable, he kept himself at a slight distance from you. 
He knew your history with men. Knew you had been ridiculed and shamed in the past by them. And he had no desire to make you feel any discomfort. While, yes, he did harbor feelings for you, and had since he met you, he hadn’t made any moves regarding those feelings. He didn’t want to overwhelm you while you were getting settled into a brand-new life. 
However, you wanted him to make a move. You knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that you had strong feelings for him. How could you not? He was your knight in shining armor, and he had been nothing but good to you. Who wouldn’t fall in love with him? 
You appreciated him giving you space to get acclimated, but it had been six months, and all he had done was kiss you. You knew he was attracted to you. The tension you shared was palpable, and had been since the beginning. But Rhett never took things further. 
You wondered why. Was it because he still hadn’t moved on from his wife, despite their relationship having been over for well over 15 years? Was he just not ready for sex again? Or did he not want to sleep with you because he thought you were inexperienced?
You pondered these things, but you were a little scared to ask him. Not because you thought he would react in a bad way, but because you still felt so shy about it. He was so much older than you. He’d been with multiple partners. He knew what he liked. 
You were by no means virginal, but you were intimidated by Rhett’s experience. And that intimidation kept you from outright asking him about sex. You weren’t quite sure how to approach the subject. 
You didn’t even sleep in the same bed, for goodness sake. You had your room, and he had his. You’d never spent the night in his bed, or he in yours. He was so respectful that it almost felt over the top. 
You tried to come up with a way to approach him about it. But you still carried the timidity that came with youth. Every time you thought you had worked up the nerve to bring it up, you chickened out and decided you’d ask another time. 
But you were dying. It felt like it, anyway. Your hormones were all over the place, and you wanted him so badly. He always smelled so good. A subtle, sophisticated scent that was also somehow rustic. 
When he went out to assist his ranch hands or carry out work around the ranch, he wore a flannel with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a pair of ratty Wranglers that hugged his hips just so. He looked delectable. 
Around the house, he wore relaxed jeans and a t-shirt. But it was what he wore to bed that always drove you wild. Oftentimes, he’d wear sweatpants or plaid lounge pants. You knew that you shouldn’t stare. That your gaze shouldn’t go south. But, much to your own shame, you could tell that he was well-endowed. 
You found yourself imagining what he might look like under those cozy-soft pants. How big he was. If you’d be able to fit it in your mouth. And every time you were struck with such lewd thoughts, you shook them off, body growing hot with embarrassment. 
However, you couldn’t help but wonder if he had those thoughts about you, too. Did he imagine what you looked like naked? Did he fantasize about you? Did he touch himself to the thought of you, the way you did when you thought of him? 
You were ashamed to admit the amount of times that you had found yourself with your fingers between your thighs, wishing they were his fingers. So long and thick. You knew they’d fill you just right. 
Could you ever tell him that you’d touched yourself to the thought of him? Would you ever dare to speak those words? You thought you might die of embarrassment if you did. 
How silly you felt. How immature and clueless. But the thing about Rhett was, he didn’t make you feel those things. No, he made you feel seen. He listened to what you had to say. He didn’t dismiss, infantilize, or patronize you. You were free to be your own person around him. 
You supposed that was partly why you found him so maddeningly attractive. It wasn’t just his physical traits that attracted you to him. Of course, he was beautiful. Silvery hair, the bluest eyes you’d ever seen, striking features that could make anyone weak in the knees. But who he was as a person added to that beauty. 
He was a successful rancher, but he came from humble beginnings. He’d grown up poor, and his family had always struggled to stay afloat. Now that he was much older, and well-established, he was able to invest his funds into the things that he cared about. 
His father had long since passed, but his mother was still alive, and he took care of her, making sure she was able to live comfortably. He also put his finances into causes such as a local shelter that rehabilitated horses, and a charity dedicated to victims of domestic violence. 
Though he appeared rough and tumble, he had a tender heart. as was revealed to you when he made the decision to get you out of the situation you were in. You had been desperately trying to save your money so that you could leave your hellish job and move elsewhere to better yourself. 
But waitressing at the local diner only paid so much. In fact, your boss thought he could get away with paying you a measly sum. He took advantage of your situation and mistreated you. You felt so beaten down and burnt out that you didn’t have the energy to fight with him. 
When Rhett came into your life, and offered to take you away from all of it, it seemed too good to be true. But he had quickly proved to you that he was genuine and kind-hearted. Not once had you regretted your decision to go with him. 
In your heart, you knew that you would be with him for the rest of your life. You didn’t want to be with anyone else. You’d never put much stock into believing in soulmates, but Rhett had made you reconsider that belief. If soulmates were real, then he was yours.
But again, there was that shred of self-doubt festering within you. Fear that you were not enough. That you were too inexperienced. Eventually, it would all come boiling over, like a pot left too long on the stove. 
It happened one night when he let his guard down. You were on the deck, stargazing together. Your head was resting upon his shoulder as he pointed out different constellations to you. He’d spent many a night under the stars, he knew them like the back of his hand. 
Listening to him talk about the stars with such wonder sent a warmth blooming through your chest. He was so knowledgeable. So intelligent. Oftentimes, people didn’t give him enough credit. They expected him to be a dumb cowboy who’d come from a poor family. 
But he was so much more than that. You were in awe of him. 
Maybe it was brazen of you, but as you lifted your head to watch him talk, his face illuminated by the pale moonlight, its beams complimenting his silver hair, you were overcome with the strong desire to kiss him. 
He smelled so good, fresh out of the shower. He was cozy and warm and inviting. If only you could trail your mouth down his jaw, if only you could suck and nip at his prominent collarbones. 
“What’re you lookin’ at?” His voice startled you out of your salacious thoughts. 
You caught his gaze, and you hoped he couldn’t see the heat of desire burning in your eyes. “I…” You weren’t sure how to reply. 
His mouth lifted into a knowing smile. “You were starin’ at me, weren’t you?”
“I wasn’t.”
“You were.”
You were suddenly keenly aware of how close you were. You could feel the warmth of his body against yours. He seemed to realize this too, because his eyes flickered to your lips. Your heart fluttered in your chest. You’d kissed before, so this was nothing new. But that moment before never failed to awaken butterflies in your stomach. 
“Now you really are starin’,” he murmured. He was inching closer. So were you. 
You didn’t know who leaned in first. But before you could register what was happening, his lips were on yours, and you were melting against him like a popsicle left out in the summer heat. 
Kissing him felt familiar and right. It felt like coming home. 
He tasted faintly like the cherry tobacco he’d smoked in his pipe after dinner. Perhaps it wasn’t the healthiest habit, but it was something he’d picked up from his grandfather. And you had to admit, he looked sexy while smoking it. 
Pair that with the reading glasses he wore to read the newest issue Working Ranch Weekly, and he was walking, talking wet dream. You weren’t sure why you found such simple, mundane acts sexy. But there was an ache between your legs and you knew there was only one way for it to be soothed. 
Maybe tonight would finally be the night that he would fuck you. All your wishing and pining would come to an end and you would get what you’d been wanting for months. 
But as you whimpered against his mouth and tried to pull him closer by the collar of his shirt, he broke the impassioned kiss. 
“We…we should turn in,” he breathed. 
You stared at him, your heart sinking in your chest. He looked away, moving to stand. And that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. 
“Why don’t you want me?” You asked. You hadn’t intended to sound so small and petulant, but your voice was wavering and you could feel your eyes welling with tears. 
He froze, eyes widening, flabbergasted. 
Suddenly, you felt terribly pathetic. “Nevermind, forget I said anything.” You jumped up from your seat, turning to rush toward the sliding glass door that led back inside. 
But he caught you, his large hand closing around your upper arm. He gently tugged you toward him, and in a low voice, he said, “Stop.”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I didn’t mean to say it like that.”
“Look at me.” He tipped your chin up so you’d meet his gaze. “Y’ think I don’t want you?” His tone was incredulous. “I do want you. All this time, I’ve wanted you.”
“Then why do you always push me away when things get heated? It makes me feel like you don’t want me.” Your voice was wavering, but you fought the urge to cry. You wouldn’t cry over this.
Rhett’s face softened, and sadness filled his eyes. “Oh, little darlin’. I wasn’t… I never meant t’ make you feel like I didn’t want you. I’m so sorry.” He wanted to kick himself. How could he have been so clueless? He hadn’t stopped to think that maybe you would take his hesitancy as a sign that he didn’t want you. “I guess I just – well, I didn’t want to make ya uncomfortable, or make it seem like I was tryin’ to take advantage of you.”
Your shoulders dropped as realization washed over you. “Oh,” you dumbly spoke.
He breathed in deeply, choosing his next words. “I know that you’ve dealt with assholes in the past who had no respect for your boundaries. I never wanted t’ make you feel like they did. I’d rather cut off my own fuckin’ arm than be the reason you felt uncomfortable.”
The tears you’d been holding back began to spill forth then. How silly you felt. Here you were, thinking he didn’t want you, when in reality, he was afraid of making you feel uncomfortable. But he had never made you feel that way. From the moment you met him, he exuded safety and kindness. 
“Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry,” you whispered, afraid that if you spoke any louder, your voice would break. “I never should have… oh, I’m so stupid, I can’t believe I just assumed–”
“Hey, no, don’t you apologize. It ain’t your fault. I should’ve been more up-front with you instead of just brushin’ you off. I just never wanted things to go too far, didn’t want you to feel like you couldn’t say no.”
“I never would have felt like that, Rhett,” you replied with conviction. “I feel safe with you. No one’s ever made me feel protected like you do. I know you’d never do anything to hurt me.”
He smiled softly, and by the light of the moon, you could see his eyes shimmer with emotion. Just knowing that he made you feel those things made his heart swell within his chest. It was all he’d ever wanted to be for you.
“‘m glad you feel that way,” he murmured lowly. 
“I want to be with you. You’ve done so much for me and I’m so grateful. I think I…I’m in love with you.”
He dipped his head, leaning in closer. “That’s good, ‘cause I think I’m in love with you, too.” He felt like a teenager all over again, professing his feelings to his first love. It had been so long since he’d been in a relationship. He hardly knew what to do with himself. 
You let your hands rest upon his chest. “Then I guess we’re on the same page.”
He gave an almost imperceptible nod, and a low hum, even as his eyes flickered to your mouth. “I guess we are.”
You weren’t sure who leaned in first. But before you knew it, his mouth was on yours again, and this time, he didn’t pull away. 
He kissed you deeply, lovingly, pouring all his emotions into the action. Your body felt warm all over, as if you’d just stepped into the light of the sun. 
When you parted, you were both breathless, and there was a palpable electricity thrumming between you. Rhett smiled, and the lines at the corners of his eyes crinkled.
A steady hand came up to rest against your neck, his thumb pressing lightly into your pulse point. With his lips inches from yours again, the atmosphere shifted, and you shuddered at the words he spoke next. 
“As much as I want to, I’m not gonna fuck you tonight, little darlin’. Need to keep ya waitin’ one more night. Tomorrow, I’ll take y’ to bed, and I’ll touch every inch of your pretty body. I’ll do whatever y’ want me to. But we need to do a couple things first.”
“Oh?” You kissed at the corner of his mouth. 
“Uh-huh,” he breathed. Now that he’d admitted his desire for you, it was harder to practice self-control. “Gon’ take you to the store and we’ll buy some things.”
“What kind of things?” You gasped as his tongue lapped at your bottom lip. 
“Things like lube,” he replied, pausing to kiss you fully again. “Need to make sure y’ ain’t gonna get hurt while I’m inside ya.”
At that, you whimpered involuntarily.
“Gotta get some condoms, too. Been a long time since I’ve done this so I’ve gotta stock up on some things.”
You shivered, though your next words were slightly timid. “What if…what if I said I didn’t want you to wear one?”
“Are y’ sure?” He asked. 
He was aware that you were on birth control, and had been since before you’d known him. And now, it was even more accessible to you, because since you’d started with him, he had begun paying into your health insurance, out of the kindness of his heart. You didn’t have to pay anything out of pocket. 
“I’m sure. I want…I want to feel you. All of you.” You were more than certain of this decision. You had fantasized about it many times, and now that you were finally able to choose the option, you wanted him bare when he made love to you.
“Okay,” he hummed. His eyes fluttered, lips parting as he moved to kiss you again. He lingered, lips entwined with yours for a beat longer, relishing in the feeling of you against him.  
“Tomorrow,” he breathed, “I’ll give ya everythin’ you want.”
“Uh huh,” you sighed against his mouth.
“We should…we should head inside.”
“Yeah.” You continued to kiss him, and he returned the affection, his hands moving to rest against your hips. But he didn’t pull you any closer, no matter how much he wanted to. 
He was afraid that if he did, he’d decide to give in and take you right there on the deck, and he didn’t want to jump in headfirst like that. When he fucked you, you would be spread out against the softness of his king size bed, where he could lavish you in the way that you deserved. 
So he forced himself to pull back. “C’mon now, little darlin’.” And he guided you into the house. 
As you climbed the stairs that led up to your bedroom, you were struck with the realization that it was finally happening. You had spent all these months overcome with desire for him, and tomorrow, you’d be able to fulfill those desires. 
But now that you had the promise of getting what you wanted…would you be able to go through with it? Or would you grow shy and decide you weren’t ready?
You’d traded one personal dilemma for another. You could only hope that you wouldn’t let your insecurity get the better of you yet again. 
That night, as you lay in bed, sleep wouldn’t come to you. You were thrumming with eagerness and apprehension, all at once. You felt so ridiculous, making such a fuss over this. It wasn’t as if you’d never had a sexual partner before. But you’d never been with one that you loved before. This felt like an entirely new ballgame. 
What if you weren’t everything he was hoping for? What if you didn’t satisfy him? What if, what if, what if?
You were plagued with those thoughts as you tossed and turned. You only drifted off for a few hours before the sun shining through your window awakened you. 
It was early, but you knew Rhett would already be awake, tending to the horses. You were certain that you wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep, so you got up, wrapping your robe around yourself before you made your way downstairs. 
Perhaps cooking breakfast would get your mind off of the situation at hand. So, you sauntered into the kitchen and set about preparing a wholesome breakfast spread that you knew Rhett would enjoy. 
You timed it perfectly, because as soon as you finished preparing everything, Rhett came through the door. As he kicked his boots off, he breathed in, a smile reaching his face as he caught the scent of what you were making. 
“Sure smells good,” he mused as he padded over on socked feet. 
“Thought you’d be hungry when you came back in,” you replied as you set a cup of black coffee down at his usual spot at the table. 
“You thought right. I’m starvin’.” He took his seat, immediately reaching out to bring the mug of coffee to his lips. “Thank ya, darlin’. You sure know the way to my heart.”
He was grateful for your thoughtfulness. It had been so long since he’d had a loving touch in his home. Living on his own had been a boring, lonely existence. Now that he had you, he felt as if new life had been breathed into him.
In turn, it gave you great joy to see him enjoy what you made for him. He always expressed appreciation when you cooked for him, or did anything else for that matter. Knowing he’d been alone for so long made your heart ache. Every time you thought of what his wife had done to him, you felt a pang of anger toward her. 
Not only had she gone behind his back and committed the offense of cheating on him, but she had done it with his brother, of all people. You could only imagine the utter despair that Rhett had felt when it happened. 
But he had moved on. After all, that was fifteen years ago. Now, he was in a much better place. Even more so now that he had you. 
You truly believed that the universe had brought you together. And that was when it hit you. You had no reason to be anxious about what was going to happen later that night. You knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you were meant to be with Rhett, and he with you. There was no cause for fear, and certainly not when it came to the man who made you feel more safe than you ever had ever felt in your life. 
So the tension melted from your shoulders, and you let yourself breathe. Everything was going to be just fine. 
“Sit down an’ eat,” Rhett spoke up, pulling you from your reverie. “Wanna enjoy breakfast with my girl.”
My girl. You were certain that if you could see yourself in that very moment, you would be glowing like the sun. 
You sat at the table and did exactly as he said, relishing in a quiet, calm morning with your cowboy. So this was what true contentment felt like. You had been missing out on it your entire life. Now that you had it, you didn’t ever want to let it go.
After a peaceful breakfast, you moved to clear the table while Rhett slipped away to shower the barn smell off of him and finish getting ready for the day. He wanted to take you into town sooner rather than later. 
While you put the dishes in the dishwasher and put all the ingredients you’d used away, your mind drifted to the trip to the drugstore you would be making, to purchase lube, of all things. 
But then a thought struck you. What if he preferred lingerie? You didn’t really own any sexy undergarments. Although you had access to all sorts of frivolities thanks to Rhett, you hadn’t really spoiled yourself, outside of basic necessities or treats here and there. 
And up until now, you hadn’t had an occasion to buy lingerie. But now you were so close to finally letting him see you naked, and you hadn’t stopped to consider that he might like it if you wore something sexy. 
You sauntered upstairs to get ready with this thought on your mind. 
You spent a little extra time getting ready that morning, hoping to entice Rhett all the more with your outfit, and your perfume. Once you were dressed and feeling a little more put together, you took a deep breath and then exited your bedroom. 
You found Rhett downstairs, seated at the bench that was near the front door, putting his boots on. He was freshly showered and smelled so clean. He looked handsome in a light blue t-shirt, his gray hair still slightly damp, a stand of it curling against his temple. 
He’d told you once that his father had gone gray early in life. Part of you was glad he’d inherited it from the man, because in your opinion, it made him all the more attractive.
Rhett looked up as you approached, and his mouth curled into a smile. “Y’ sure do look beautiful,” he mused, eyes twinkling. 
“Thanks,” you murmured shyly, smoothing your hands over your outfit. 
He stood and opened the front door before he motioned for you to step out first. “After you, little darlin’.”
Smiling, giddiness swirling in your tummy, you ducked your head and stepped outside into the warm spring morning. It was a gorgeous day. The skies were clear and brilliant blue. The hue reminded you so much of Rhett’s eyes. 
You followed him to his truck, allowing him to open the door before you climbed inside. As you got settled, he quickly rounded the other side, tugging open the door and sliding into his seat with ease.
He glanced at you as he turned over the ignition. “Y’ buckled?” He asked. He always liked to make sure you were safe, in big and small things.
“Yep!” You replied, as the buckle clicked into place.
With a nod, Rhett put the truck in drive and pulled down the long driveway that lead to the main road. His ranch was situated nearly thirty minutes outside of town, so you had a little bit of a drive ahead of you. This left you plenty of time to sift through the different radio stations, trying to settle on one that was playing something worth listening to. 
Once you were satisfied with the station, you settled back into your seat, your gaze shifting to look out the window at the expansive land that surrounded you. Wyoming truly was a breathtaking place. You still weren’t tired of the view, even after living here for half a year. And Rhett, who’d lived here his entire life, wasn’t tired of it, either. 
But your mind quickly drifted elsewhere as you staired at the sprawling plains. “Rhett?” You softly spoke up.
“Do you, um…” you hesitated, still feeling a little shy about bringing these things up. “Do you want me to wear lingerie for you tonight?”
He glanced at you, pausing a moment before he replies. “Darlin’, I ain’t picky. Wear whatever makes ya feel good about yourself. I promise, I’ll find you beautiful no matter what you’re wearin’.”
Something about his words struck you. They took your breath away, and out of nowhere, you felt tears welling in your eyes. You tried to keep your emotions at bay, but it was futile. Rhett noticed your tears, and immediately, he pressed his boot against the brake, putting the truck in park in the middle of the deserted road.
“Hey now, what’s the matter, sweetheart?” He gently asked, turning his body toward you.
You shook your head, your eyes downcast, staring at your hands. “I don’t…I don’t understand why you’re so good to me.”
“Look at me.” 
He had to reach out and coax your face toward him. When you caught his gaze, you saw what you could only describe as love in his eyes. “Because you deserve good things. Too many people in your life have failed you. I ain’t gonna be one of those people, you hear me? I’ll be damned if I don’t take care of m’girl and show you the way you’re supposed to be treated.”
It was clear that Rhett had so much love in his heart to give. The fact that he was bestowing it all upon you was a bit overwhelming. Even all these months later, you were still floored by it. But you knew that he had not always been able to give that love so freely. Much like you, many people in his life had failed him. He didn’t really have anyone left to care for.
His niece, Amy, was grown and married, and no longer needed him to look after her in the way that he had when she was younger. There was his mother, of course, but she lived on her own, and even in her old age, she was still healthy and spry, as well as stubborn, and refused to let him hire an at-home care nurse to watch over her.
His father was dead and gone, and his relationship with his brother had never been repaired. So, essentially, he was alone. Until he found you, that is. 
In the beginning it was a little difficult to get used to him taking care of you.
It wasn’t that he thought you couldn’t take care of yourself. He knew you were capable of doing so, but he also knew how exhausted you were from fighting just to keep your head above water. He simply wanted to help alleviate that burden. 
Now, as you sat in the cab of his truck, you were overcome. “Oh, Rhett,” you whispered. “I love you.”
You’d never spoken those words to him before. The way you felt about each other had mostly remained unspoken until now. But as soon as the confession left your mouth, his lips curved into a smile. One that reached his eyes. “I love you too, little darlin’.”
And somehow, that was all you needed to hear to put you at ease.
He put the truck back in drive and resumed the trip into town, but this time, he let his hand rest upon your thigh as he drove. 
The tension seemed to have melted, and you fell into comfortable, quiet conversation for the entire ride. Being in Rhett’s presence was a comforting thing. His demeanor was relaxed, and it put you at ease. 
But all too soon, the calm car ride came to an end as he pulled into town and found a parking spot right outside of Walker’s Drug Store. 
He wrenched open the driver’s door and hopped out of the truck, striding around the front to open your door for you. You slid from the leather seat with ease, feet landing on the solid concrete beneath you. 
Rhett led you into the store, and you had to admit, you felt just a little awkward perusing the intimacy aisle, but the ice was quickly broken when he began reading some of the descriptions on different boxes aloud. Words and phrases that were meant to sound appealing and enticing, but ended up sounding terribly cringeworthy when spoken out loud. 
“You’re going to get us kicked out,” you whispered through your giggles. You felt like a pair of immature teenagers, laughing at innuendos. It did wonders to put you at ease, which was Rhett’s intended purpose in making you laugh. 
When it was time to check out, you were infinitely grateful that this drugstore had a self-checkout station, because you were more than certain that the older lady at the only other open cash register would heavily judge you for what you were purchasing.
You walked out of that store together, your items in a bag, and your hand resting in the crook of Rhett’s elbow
“Y’ wanna get somethin’ for lunch?” He asked you, as he guided you to the truck. 
“I’d like that,” you replied. 
So he took you to Goldie’s Diner, where you enjoyed all the French fries your heart desired. You sat across the table from Rhett, and he watched you in awe as you recounted a story from your childhood. He was so in love with you, it was ridiculous. 
He felt like he was back in school, pining after a girl. It was an odd feeling. He’d spend all these years alone, and now that he had you, he hardly knew what to do with himself. After the way Maria had broken his heart, he was certain that he was destined to never find love again. 
But here you were, sitting in front of him, munching on fries and sipping a soda, and he’d never been more enamored with anyone in his life. 
He could just kick himself for making He could just kick himself over the fact that he had made you feel like he didn’t want you. How foolish he felt, getting into his head like that.
He was determined to show you how much he truly wanted you later that night. He couldn’t wait to ravish you. He would be lying if he said he hadn’t imagined what you would look like, naked beneath him. Now that daydream was becoming a reality.
“What are you thinkin’ about?” Your voice pulled him out of his reverie.
He smiled shyly. “You,” he confessed.
You ducked your head, flattered. “Oh?”
He didn’t dare admit that what he’d been thinking wasn’t suitable to utter in public. Instead, he reached across the table, placing his much larger hand over your own. “Go on, finish your story. Promise I’m listenin’ now.”
So you did, and he listened with rapt attention. When it was time to leave, he left a generous tip on the table, as he always did. It gave you a flashback to one of the first times you’d met him. He had given you a one hundred dollar bill, insisting you keep the change as a tip. You had been amazed, because in your line of work, you were lucky to get a few measly dollars as a tip, let alone one hundred dollars. 
It wasn’t just for show. You had seen him leave servers hefty tips several times since you’d known him. It was a testament to how kind and gracious he was. 
You walked out of that diner with a smile on your face, so grateful that this man had been brought into your life. Since last night, things felt different between you. The barrier that had been there, a wall put up because of his fear of making you uncomfortable, and because of your fear that he didn’t desire you, had been torn down. 
There was no hesitancy. No more walking on eggshells. You simply felt at ease. And that was exactly how you were supposed to feel with a person who truly loved you. It had taken you so long to come to that realization. The love that Rhett bestowed upon you was the love you deserved. 
As he drove you back home that afternoon, you found yourself leaning over the center console, your head resting on his shoulder. He placed his hand on your thigh, his touch comforting and warm. 
At the feeling of you relaxed against him, Rhett couldn’t quell the joy that washed over him. It felt right, having you tucked into his side. Like you were always meant to be there.
You made yourself so comfortable, in fact, that you ended up dozing off against him. Sometime later, he gently coaxed you awake. “We’re home,” he murmured as you stirred.
Home. Warmth flooded your chest at the mention of it. The place that Rhett had built with his own two hands. 
Humming sleepily, you waited for him to come around and open your door for you, as he always did, before you hopped out onto the gravel driveway. The warm sun shone on your face as you followed him up to the house, and you basked in it for a moment while he unlocked the door. 
As you headed inside, he kicked off his boots, setting them on the shoe rack near the door. He held the bag from the drugstore in his hand, and you glanced down at it, wondering when you’d put its contents to use.
Rhett hooked his fingers beneath your chin and lifted your head so he could catch your gaze. “Here’s what I’m thinkin’,” he murmured. “I wanna do this right. Make y’ feel special. So I’m gonna make you dinner tonight. Want ya to get yourself all gussied up, put on that pretty blue dress I got you a while back. How’s that sound?”
You nodded in agreement, though you were a little dizzy at just how close he was standing. “Sounds good.”
His eyes narrowed slightly as he ducked his head forward, lips enticingly close to yours. “An’ then after dinner, I’m gonna lay you down in my bed and make love to you all night. Alright?”
You went weak in the knees, caging your bottom lip between your teeth in anticipation. “A-alright.”
He smiled and tapped your nose lovingly. “Good. Now that that’s settled, ‘ve got some boring ranch paperwork to do. How ‘bout you go for a swim while I’m at it?” He suggested. 
A dip in the pool sounded rather inviting. So you slipped away, allowing Rhett to head to his office to pore over financial papers while you went upstairs to put on your swimsuit. In the process, you grabbed your Bluetooth speaker, carrying it outside with you so you’d have a soundtrack to listen to while you lounged in the pool. 
Rhett had worked closely with a local architect to design this house. It was an A-frame house that resembled a cabin, but it was much bigger. The front had floor-to-ceiling windows, but despite its loftiness, the house felt so cozy inside. It was all rounded edges and worn wooden finishes. Deep jewel tones made up the color scheme of the decor. 
Rustic art pieces decorated the log-paneled walls. There were masculine touches, such as bearskin rugs stretched across the floor and animal heads mounted to the walls. It was so stereotypically cowboy, but at the same time, it felt like Rhett. He had many beautiful pieces in his home, but none of it felt over the top or impractical. Everything had a story behind it, a thought process for acquiring it. 
Living here, you felt comfortable and safe. Walking through its halls felt like walking through home.
What a relief it was to be able to feel that way. To say that you belonged somewhere. 
That thought brought a smile to your face as you sauntered out onto the back deck, toward the in-ground pool that was situated in the expansive, private backyard. You retrieved a towel from the standing wardrobe that was positioned on the deck, tossing the fabric down onto the concrete floor beside the pool. Then you set your speaker up and selected a playlist before you crouched down on the edge of the pool.
You dipped your toes in, testing the temperature before you finally decided to take the plunge. The cool water swallowed your body, and you welcomed it, sighing at the feeling. What a charmed life you led. 
You stayed in the pool for hours, climbing out only to grab a raft, which you promptly climbed onto and let yourself float around until the sun began to sink low in the sky. You lost track of time, entirely engrossed in your playlist, nearly dozing off as you lay sprawled on the raft.
“You gon’ stay out here all night, missy?” Rhett’s voice startled you slightly, and you lifted your head, catching sight of him standing on the deck. He was smiling knowingly at you.
“I lost track of time!” You exclaimed, sliding off the raft and hurriedly swimming toward the ladder. Rhett remained on the desk as you climbed out of the water, his eyes on you as you bent to reach for your towel. 
Your swimsuit clung to your body, and you knew that it left little to the imagination. You caught Rhett’s gaze, and you purposely lingered, deciding against drying off quite yet. Struck with a sudden surge of boldness, you walked up to him, holding your towel in one hand, swaying your hips as you moved. 
You stepped up one step. Then two. He looked down at you, eyes narrowing, mouth parting. Then, you stretched your arm out, pressing your towel into his chest. “Wanna help me dry off?” You asked. 
You didn’t miss the quiet, but sharp, intake of breath. Wordlessly, he took the towel, shaking it so that it would unfold completely. Then he began drying you off, patting the fabric into your glistening skin, dragging it lower and lower, until he was kneeling before you, gazing up at you in a way that made the breath vacate your lungs. 
Slowly, he patted each leg dry, moving up, up, up, until he paused. Instinctively, your hand came down to tangle in his silvery locks, and he took that as permission to lean forward, pressing a loving kiss to your exposed midriff. 
You stood frozen in place, watching him. And then, his tongue darted out, tasting salt and the remnants of chlorine on your skin, laving at the spot just beneath your navel. You gasped, your knees growing weak. Then he left another kiss where his tongue had just been before he pulled back.
Slowly, he stood, never breaking eye contact as he did. Then he dipped his head low, mouth just barely hovering over your own. “If I don’t stop now, I’ll end up ravagin’ you right here.”
You were embarrassed at the whine that escaped your throat. 
“Now g’on, go get dressed up for me. When you’re finished, I’ll have supper ready.”
Pulling away from him felt like trying to escape a strong magnetic field, but you managed to tear yourself away, walking on unsteady legs into the house. The cool air inside made goosebumps prickle across your flesh, and you shuddered, but it wasn’t from the chill.
In a haze, you went upstairs, going through the motions as you got ready. You took a shower, used the body wash and lotion you saved for special occasions, spritzed your favorite perfume behind your ears and a little on your inner thighs in anticipation of what was to come.
As you put extra time into making sure your outfit looked impeccable, you caught the scent of dinner cooking downstairs, and you realized then just how hungry you were, after spending all that time in the sun. 
But at the same time, your tummy was churning with anticipation and anxiety. Would you even be able to stomach anything, knowing that very soon, you would be in Rhett’s bed, entirely naked before him?
You tried not to psych yourself out, forcing your best foot forward as you completed your outfit. It was now or never. So you headed downstairs slowly, your hand trailing down the wooden banister, hand-carved by Rhett himself. 
Then you stepped into the kitchen, and Rhett stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you. His sapphire eyes softened, and he smiled, beaming as if a ray of sun had just been cast over his face. “Just look atcha. You’re beautiful, little darlin’,” he breathed. 
To your embarrassment, you giggled like a schoolgirl. “Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself, cowboy.” It was a modest way of saying he looked incredible.
He had changed into something nicer, too. His nicest pair of Wranglers hugged his hips. A navy blue pinstripe shirt was tucked into the denim, finished off with a black leather belt, a polished old rodeo buckle fastened to it. His hair was combed, but still had some wave to it. God, he looked handsome. 
He had the nerve to smile shyly, and then he pointed the wooden spoon he was holding at the table. “Have a seat, I’m just puttin’ dinner on.”
You nodded, moving to take a seat at the table, pleased to find that he’d set it with his nicest dishes. When he still lived under his parents’ roof, his nightly job was to set the table for dinner. His mama had taught him a very specific way of doing it, and he still hadn’t lost his touch to this day. The place settings were neat and orderly. 
He still owned the nice china that had been gifted to him and Maria when they were newly married. Even though she’d been gone for years, he hadn’t gotten rid of any of it. He wasn’t much for entertaining, but he certainly was glad that he’d kept the china, because it gave him an opportunity to impress you. 
He wanted to do this right. Wanted to treat you to a good meal, wanted to romance you and make you feel special. He knew that this wasn’t just a fulfillment of sexual attraction. This was so much more than that. 
He should have known from the moment he saw you in that diner all those months ago, that you’d be it for him. The one he would spend the rest of his life with. 
What a strange feeling, to come to that conclusion after spending so much time alone. He remembered how broken he’d been after Maria betrayed him. It was agony. He’d pined after that girl since he was sixteen years old. And to catch her in the act, sneaking around with his own brother, had destroyed him. 
It had taken so long for those wounds to heal. Now, it was simply part of his past. It had shaped him into the man that he was. And to think, if he hadn’t gone through that time, he never would have met you. He didn’t put stock into spiritual things, but if God or the universe had worked this out for him, then he was eternally grateful. 
Now here he was, making you dinner, while you sat at his table, dolled up for him. Not even because he’d asked you to do so, but because you wanted to. 
“Um…Rhett? I think your pot is boiling over,” your gentle warning pulled him from his thoughts. 
He jolted, turning on his heel to find that the pasta he was cooking had begun to boil over. Quickly, he turned the flame down, reducing the heat. Then he glanced over his shoulder at you with a sheepish smile. “Guess I was a little distracted by the pretty gal sittin’ at my table,” he admitted. 
You shook your head, but couldn’t deny that you were charmed. He certainly had a way with words. 
As he finished making you dinner, pausing to pour you a glass of water, how could you not be enamored with him? Watching his strong forearms on display as he went about such a domestic task, it was enough to make you think about what it would be like for him to bend you over the kitchen table and have his way with you. 
You jolted slightly at the thought, because you’d pictured it so clearly. 
“Y’ alright there, little darlin’?” Rhett asked as he set a bowl of fresh, green salad down on the table. 
“U-um, yes,” you peeped, shifting in your seat. When you glanced up at him, there was a knowing glint in his eyes. Oh, god. 
You shook yourself out of your salacious imaginations, leaning your back against the chair as Rhett set everything out. A starch, a protein, a vegetable. It was a balanced meal, and although it was simple, you knew it would be delicious. 
Sure enough, it was. Together, you thoroughly enjoyed your time at the table, talking about anything and everything. And although this was a form of foreplay, it didn’t necessarily feel like that. As always, Rhett expressed genuine interest in what you had to say. 
Sometimes it was difficult to hold his gaze when you spoke. The undivided attention was almost too intense. Brilliant blue staring back at you often made you lose your train of thought and stumble over your words. 
Rhett thought it was the most adorable thing, the way you’d get all bashful. It made his chest swell with pride, knowing he had that effect on you. 
He wondered if you would get shy like that when he took you to bed. He couldn’t wait to see the way you reacted to his touch. Couldn’t wait to hear the pretty sounds you made for him. 
Silently, you yearned for each other, thinking of what was to come soon after dinner. Rhett only fanned the flames of desire as he reached across the table and placed his big hand over yours, as he flattered you and bestowed a look of adoration upon you.
It made butterflies flutter in your belly.
The subtle touches, the pointed glances, his body language. It all made your head spin. He flirted and he teased and he made you feel like the most beautiful woman in all the world. And to him, you were.
Then, it was time. Supper was finished. Complete with dessert - apple crisp. It was delicious, but you couldn’t finish it, because you were thrumming with anticipation. And when Rhett moved to begin clearing the table, you shot up out of your seat a little too quickly, offering to help him, to distract yourself.
But he declined. “Here’s what I want y’ to do, little darlin’,” he spoke, voice low, smooth as velvet. “Go up to my bedroom. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be up soon.”
“But you made the meal, the least I can do is help clean up,” you tried to protest.
“I’ll take care of it.” Then, he leaned in close, lips barely brushing yours. “Just go up and sit nice and pretty for me. That’s all I need ya to do for me.”
“O-okay.” You cringed inwardly as your voice came out in a squeak. Your legs felt like jelly as you turned on your heel and began walking toward the steps on autopilot. Your feet carried you to the end of the hall, where Rhett’s bedroom was. With trembling hands, you turned the doorknob and opened the oak wood door. 
As you stepped into the room, feet landing on plush carpet, you were met with the soft glow cast by the bedside lamps that flanked either side of the king-size bed. The bed was adorned with a handmade quilt, displaying different wildlife silhouettes, all surrounded by shades of deep green and burgundy.
The bedroom was cozy, and it was Rhett. 
Tentatively, you sauntered further into the room, trailing your hand lightly over the edge of the carved wooden dresser to your right. Personal touches decorated the top of it. A wooden tray held all of his cologne. A watch stand was home to all of his wristwatches. A glass display case boasted of various belt buckles, several of which he’d scored during his riding days. 
There was a stand for his pipe, hand-carved and passed down to him from his grandfather Abbott. It was where he’d gotten the not-so-nice habit of smoking tobacco. You didn’t mind, though. He smoked cherry tobacco, and to you, the scent was strangely comforting.
All of these things – the decor, the personal belongings – sent warmth spreading through your body. It was all so domestic. Being made privy to these things made you feel that much more connected to Rhett.
You took your own tour of his bedroom before you finally decided to take a seat on the bed, your body buzzing, warm to the touch. You let yourself fall back, closing your eyes as you let the softness of the quilt beneath you envelop you. The bed smelled like him. The bed that you would soon find yourself naked upon.
“Comfortable?” His voice startled you, and you gasped, sitting bolt upright. He hadn’t meant to scare you, and he told you as much. “Sorry, thought y’ heard me comin’.”
“That’s okay,” you murmured in reply. 
He shut the door behind him, eyes glimmering in the low light. You watched as he stepped over to the dresser to remove his wristwatch, which he then placed directly on the watch stand you had just been looking at moments prior. 
His eyes narrowed slightly, mouth parting as he gazed upon you. Your mouth went dry as he approached, and you almost felt like an innocent prey animal at the mercy of the big, bad wolf. But you knew that this wolf’s bark was worse than his bite. 
He lifted his hand, knuckles lovingly stroking down your cheek before he tipped your chin up. “If y’ wanna stop at any point, if it gets to be too much and you feel the least bit uncomfortable, then just say the word, and I’ll stop. This is a safe space, alright?”
“Alright,” you breathed.
“Now I need y’ to tell me, sweet girl. How many times have you done this?”
You swallowed, suddenly very aware of your own trepidation. “I…I’ve done it a handful of times. It was never really that good,” you admitted.
His tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip. “It wasn’t? Why do ya say that?” His fingers traced over your jaw, touch warm.
“The guys, um, just cared about their own pleasure. They didn’t really focus on mine.”
Then he leaned in, bending so that he was eye level with you. “Tell me, little darlin’,” he continued. His voice swirled through your head like the smoke from his tobacco pipe. “Did any of ‘em ever make you come?”
You thought you might burst into flames beneath him. You were scorching. “No,” you said. “They didn’t.”
“Oh, honey.” He knelt before you, and you realized that the blue of his eyes had gone several shades darker. His hands came up to rest upon your thighs. “I can make y’ feel good. Give it to ya better than anyone else ever did. Will you let me?”
Where was your voice? It seemed to have abandoned you as you attempted to reply. When you found it again, it came out as more of a croak. “Y-yes.”
He couldn’t repress the soft groan that escaped his throat. When he moved to kiss you, you happily accepted it, relaxing into the slot of his mouth against yours.
As he stood, you chased his lips, not yet willing to pull away. But then he was towering over you as you remained seated on the bed, and suddenly you felt very timid. Then there was his belt buckle, shiny and perhaps a little gaudy, but in that moment, its addition to his belt was the sexiest thing you’d ever seen. 
Instinctively, your trembling hands came up to unfasten it, and Rhett watched you, chest heaving slightly at the sight of your focused expression. But all too soon, he stayed your hands. 
“I need ya to say it,” he gruffed. “Tell me you wan’ it. Gotta hear the words.”
“I want it, Rhett,” you replied. 
He grabbed your face in his hand, squishing your cheek slightly. “No. Not like that. Say it.”
This was it. This was how you died. Death caused by Rhett Abbott’s fiery gaze. What a way to go. “I want you to fuck me.” 
It was simultaneously for him to hear your spoken consent, and to listen to the dirty words leave your mouth. 
He pulled you to your feet, your body pressed to his. His hands rested against the small of your back. You were suddenly very aware that he was hard in his jeans, bulge pressed against your belly. 
He stepped back, only to bend forward, fingers curling around the hem of your dress. The pretty blue you had been admiring a few weeks ago, only for it to show up in a neatly packaged box on your bed, with a note from Rhett telling you he saw you admiring it and wanted you to have it. 
That same dress was now being lifted from your body and discarded on his floor in a heap. You didn’t care where it landed. 
That left you standing there in the middle of his bedroom in just your undergarments. Already, you felt exposed, and you fought the urge to cross your arms over your body. But then Rhett was taking your hands and placing them against his chest, silently urging you to unbutton his shirt. 
So you did, fingers unsteady as you undid each button, revealing a white undershirt beneath. His button down floated down to some unbeknownst place, and you tugged his undershirt from where it was tucked into his jeans. He shrugged out of the cotton, leaving his torso bare to you. 
You had seen him without a shirt before. But this was different. This was up close and personal. You could see his minimal tattoos. A bill and rider on his right pec. Two skeletons kissing on his ribs. 2013 written on his bicep. 
Without thinking, you smoothed your hands over his chest, tracing the bull and rider before you went lower. Palms trailing over his abdomen. Down toward his belt again. You put your focus into removing the buckle, but soon grew frustrated with yourself. It should have been simple. Why were you struggling? 
But Rhett stayed your hands. “I’ve got it,” he murmured. You watched as his fingers undid the buckle with ease, undoing his belt in the process. Then he was popping the button of his Wranglers and easing the zipper down and you thought you were going to go lightheaded. 
He eyed you, and said, “G’on. Take it out.”
Fuck. Your knees went weak. Your hands still shook as you reached into his jeans, pushing his boxers down so you could free him. You gasped softly when your fingers wrapped around his shaft, and your gaze flickered down to take it all in. 
Thick and heavy, rounded and pink at the tip. You never thought to describe a cock as beautiful. His was. Even in all your imaginations, you had never pictured this. You couldn’t decide whether to drop to your knees and take it into your mouth, or fall onto the bed and beg him to fuck you with it. 
He made the decision for you. “Y’ can have it in your mouth another time. Right now, we’re takin’ it slow.”
“O-okay.” It came out as a pathetic whisper. 
He took your moment of distraction to rid himself out of his jeans and underwear entirely, heavy hardness bobbing between his legs as he then reached out to help you out of your bra. Your panties came next, and he knelt down to remove those, meeting your gaze as he gently urged you to lift each leg so that he could pull the fabric off. 
One hand rested behind your knee, thumb tracing circles, warm and gentle, comforting. He gave you a moment to gather your wits about you before he stood again. You were entirely bare to one another. This was what you had been dreaming about for months. Now that it was finally happening, you were a little overwhelmed. 
He was so close you could smell his cologne, and the underlying natural scent that was simply described as Rhett. You could feel the heat of his body. Hear each intake of breath. He was beautiful like this. The most beautiful man you’d ever seen. Freckles dotted his skin. Years of running around with a shirt off as he carried out ranch work. You thought perhaps you might be able to connect each freckle and make a constellation out of them. 
Did he find your body’s intricacies attractive, too? Your random scars and marks. The uneven parts of your skin. The things that made you, you. 
His finger hooked beneath your chin. Guiding you to look at him. To meet his gaze. Then he gently grasped your wrist and brought your hand against his aching cock. “This is what you do to me.” 
You whimpered. Heat pooled between your thighs. You clenched around nothing. But you still had the wherewithal to take his other hand and guide it to where you needed him. And this is what you do to me, you wanted to say. But your voice failed you. 
He could feel it, though. His fingers parted your folds and he swiped each digit through. Your sharp gasp as he circled your clit was music to his ears. “So wet already? Y’ need it so bad, huh baby?” His mouth was hovering against your ear. “Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of ya.”
He felt the way your cunt pulsed that time. 
He carefully led you to the bed. When the backs of your knees came in contact with the edge of it, you nearly fell backward, but he caught you, easing you down as if you were floating into a cloud. 
As you got yourself situated against the mattress, he joined you, body soon hovering over your own, so broad above you. You glanced down at the sight of the considerable length of him, and knew that very soon, it would be enveloped within you. 
He pulled your attention back toward him as he kissed you again, pushing your thighs apart so he could slot his body between them. He wasn’t finished with his foreplay yet. He still wanted to savor you. 
“Do ya have any idea how fuckin’ beautiful y’are?” His fingers danced down your side. “Soft, too. Like a peach.” Then his mouth curved into a smile as he ducked his head to kiss at your neck. “Bet ya taste like one too.” 
When his teeth nipped at your flesh, you whined low in your throat. His cock pulsed against your thigh. He began his descent of your body then, tongue and teeth exploring, tasting. When he reached your breasts, he swirled his tongue around a nipple, his hand attending to the other one. 
“This okay?” He asked. 
“Uh-huh,” you sighed, eyes fluttering shut as he wrapped his lips around the pebbled bud. 
“You think of me?” Came his next question. 
“Wha…?” It was growing harder to form words, your mouth loose around the vowel. 
He lifted his head to look at you. When had you tangled your hands in his hair? You had no recollection, but his silvery curls were mussed, and your fingers were the culprit. 
“When y’ touch yourself. Is it to the thought of me?”
Oh, god. “Y-yes,” you peeped. 
He kissed your abdomen, nuzzling into its softness. “What am I doin’, in your imagination?” Another kiss to your hip. Then directly over your pubic bone. 
“Is it this?” Fingers parted your folds, swiping through your arousal. He offered a kitten lick to your sensitive bub. 
You had imagined him doing that, yes. But usually you pictured him splitting you open on his cock. 
“Oh? What am I doin’ other times, then?” Another lick. Lips wrapping around to suck it into his mouth. 
“Say it, honey. S’just me and you.” A reassuring kiss to your inner thigh. 
“I think about your dick inside me.” There. You’d said it. 
“Gotta give me more than that.”
“You’re making me come around it. Showing me what it feels like to be fucked by a real man.” Speaking the words out loud felt silly. But Rhett’s reaction made you realize he thought it was anything but. 
You didn’t expect him to growl low in his chest. A deep sound, gravelly in pitch. He came back up so that his face was just inches from yours, noses bumping, lips brushing. 
“Y’ want me to show you what it’s like to be fucked by a real man? Cause I’ll show you, baby. I didn’t come to play. You give me your pussy and I’ll treat her right.”
“Please, I want it! I want it so bad, I’ve wanted it for months now,” you gasped, rolling your hips, trying to feel him. 
His hand against your lower abdomen kept you still. “And I’ll give it to you. Gotta be patient now, I ain’t about to rush this and hurt you.” Punctuated with a kiss. Then another. 
He pulled back only briefly, reaching over to the bedside table. Your eyes followed him and you realized he was grabbing the bottle of lube you’d gone into town for earlier. Oh, you’d forgotten about that. 
“I’m takin’ my time with this pussy. Because as much as you’ve thought about me when y’touch yourself, I think about you, too.” There it was. “I close my eyes and dream about your pussy, clenchin’ around me. Drippin’ all over the place.”
You whined. 
He opened the lube and poured a good amount into his open palm. You watched, hypnotized, as he wrapped that big palm around his cock, smoothing the liquid down his shaft, ensuring that he was slick from root to tip. Then, he poured a little more on his fingers, letting his body temperature warm it before he carefully smoothed it over your pussy, making sure to put a little extra around your already-soaked entrance. 
“Gotta get her nice and ready f’me.” 
You gasped when he slid his middle finger into you, testing the waters before he added his ring finger into the mix. The stretch wasn’t painful, but it was there, and you shuddered. 
His brow furrowed in concentration as he began moving his fingers. “Tell me how y’ like it. How should I move my fingers, baby?” He experimented with angle and pressure, curling the digits upward. 
You knew what he was trying to do. But you had been disappointed too many times in the past by guys who didn’t know what they were doing. Thinking they were making you see stars with just their fingers when you quite literally felt nothing. 
You’d convinced yourself that the alleged g-spot didn’t exist. It was just a myth. 
But Rhett seemed determined to find it. “C’mon now, honey. Talk to me. S’been a while since I’ve done this. I’m a li’l rusty.”
“D-don’t bother, you’re not gonna find it,” you told him, shaking your head, slightly embarrassed. 
He looked at you, and the corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled. “I don’t make it a habit to back down from a challenge.”
He angled his hand a little more, pushing his fingers deeper into you. His other hand came up to rest lightly upon your mound. 
“It should be right about…” He went deeper and crooked upward, and all of the sudden, you yelped and jolted beneath him. He had the audacity to grin. “Here.”
He built a rhythm, faster and deeper, all while you lay there with your mouth hanging open, eyes wide, trembling as he fucked you with his fingers. The squelch of your wetness was lewd. It almost made you want to cover your face in embarrassment.
But how could you, when he was gazing down at you as if you’d hung the moon and stars in the sky? “Look atcha. So pretty. All f’me.” When he said those words, when he told you how beautiful you were, he spoke with such conviction that you believed him.
You couldn’t bask in the praise, though, because you were quickly losing yourself. “Oh my g– ah!!” You were clutching at the quilt beneath you, fingers clawing at the fabric. God, you were dripping, you could feel it. Briefly, you worried about staining the quilt. But that was what Rhett wanted. 
You swore, you’d never been so wet in your life. Not even when you touched yourself to the thought of him. Yes, the added lube helped, but it was more than that. You were soaked because of him. Because of your desire for him. Because of the affect he had on you.
But you could see the effect you had on him, too. Through hazy eyes, you glanced down, catching sight of the way his cock twitched against his thigh as he knelt on the bed. You wanted it inside you. 
As if on cue, his fingers slowed within you. Absently, his thumb circled your clit. You whimpered. “One day I’ll make this pussy squirt for me. But right now, I gotta get her nice an’ ready. Make sure she can take me.”
He leaned down to kiss you languidly as he slid his fingers out of you. Then he pulled back, holding eye contact with you as he wrapped his mouth around those same fingers, moaning deeply as he sucked your arousal off of them. 
“Mind if I make y’ come on my tongue first, honey?” He asked. 
“I…I…” your voice failed you. 
He raised a brow. “I ain’t gonna do anythin’ unless I hear the words leave your mouth.”
You had to focus to get your reply out. “Y-yes, you can use your tongue,” came your gasp.
He smirked sofly, eyes glimmering. “Atta girl.” Another kiss before he descended your body yet again, leaving kisses in his wake. Large hands pushed your thighs apart as he slotted himself there. “Need ya to tell me what feels good, alright? If you ain’t grindin’ all over my face beggin’ me to keep goin’, then I ain’t doin’ it right.”
“O-okay.” Your stomach clenched in anticipation. 
Carefully, his fingers parted your folds, and he lowered his head, licking a flat stripe up your slit before he swirled the tip of his tongue around your twitching clit. He didn’t give it direct contact, however, only teasing the outer edge. It was maddening, and you found yourself trying to push your cunt against his face, searching for more.
“Uh-uh, lemme enjoy myself,” he murmured against you, hands holding your hips steady. Then he dove back in, resuming his teasing.
You shivered, squeezing your eyes shut as you focused on the feeling of his tongue against you. He noisily slurped at you, humming in satisfaction. You realized that he was getting as much pleasure out of this as you were.
When you lifted your head to gaze down at him, he locked eyes with you, and finally wrapped his lips around your neglected bud, sucking firmly, tongue flicking against you amidst the suction. 
“Oh!” You yelped, back arching off the bed as your hands came down to tangle in your hair.
He went at you like a man starved, sucking and licking, kissing and nipping. You felt as if you might float away, up into the clouds, straight toward heaven. Warmth was beginning to bloom deep within your abdomen, growing more intense with each passing moment. 
You hadn’t realized you were subconsciously making sounds, whines and whimpers and moans, but they were music to Rhett’s ears.
“Y’sound so pretty,” he spoke into your cunt, his voice muffled. He lifted his head only to kiss your inner thigh. A small gesture, but it did wonders to ground you. “How’s it feelin’ for ya?”
“G-good,” your mouth felt like it was made of jello. You weren’t sure how you were even able to form a response.
With a satisfied smile, he went back to business. His thick fingers delved back inside you as his tongue lapped at you, eager to draw a sweet, sweet orgasm out of you. He wouldn’t properly fuck you until he got it. He was remiss in his duties if he didn’t draw at least one out of you before he got his cock inside you. 
You shuddered as the intensity mounted. With his fingers and tongue working you over, you knew that you were going to plummet over the edge very soon. The tingle started at your fingertips, but it quickly spread to your other extremities. Warm and fizzy, as if your bloodstream had turned to shimmering champagne.
With your fingers gripping his hair, your brow furrowed as you focused on the way he was making you feel. You pulsed around his fingers, and he groaned, very aware of how quickly you were losing yourself.
“C’mon now, honey. Give it to me.” His fingers went deeper, faster, thumb coming up to rub at your clit while his mouth was occupied with speaking. “Wan’ feel you let go around my fingers, on my tongue. Gimme that sweet fuckin’ cum.”
“Rhett!” You cried out, jolting as if you’d been struck by a bolt of lightning.
Victorious, he wrapped his lips around you again, fingers undulating inside you as he drew you to the precipice, and finally, sent you tumbling, hurtling, soaring over the edge.
You blacked out, it was so intense. 
You were unaware of how tightly you were tugging at his hair, unaware of how you shoved your pulsing cunt against his face, riding him for all he was worth. He growled unabashedly against you, drinking from you, taking all you had to give as your cunt twitched and pulsed around his invading fingers. 
You were trembling, convulsing, unable to control your body’s response as you wailed and sobbed and went silent as it rendered your brain into a mess of white noise. He didn’t let up, continuing the caress of his tongue and fingers until you began to float down from the blinding heat. 
When you came to, Rhett was hovering over you, face gentle, eyes kind. “Hey there, honey. That was a lot. Y’ alright?” He asked, tone sweet.
I’m fine, you tried to say, but it came out more like “‘m fuh.”
Cautiously, he stroked his fingers over your warm cheek. “Did so good f’me, but I need your words. You want me to keep goin’, or do ya need a break?”
“K-keep going,” you managed. Why were your cheeks wet? Were you crying? 
He wiped the tears away. “Hey now, you’re safe. I’ve got ya.”
“I kn-know.” You reached for him, and he let you wrap your arms around his shoulders. 
He sat up, pulling you with him, hugging your body close to his, holding you until your unexpected bout of tears subsided. 
“How you doin’? Wanna take a break?” He repeated.
You leaned back to look at him, laughing slightly at yourself as you gathered your wits about you. “I’m okay. Not sure why I’m crying. That’s so embarrassing.”
But he shook his head. “Don’t apologize, little darlin’. That was a lot for you, I get it.” He kissed your temple. “Maybe we should continue this later.”
“No,” you said, shaking your head. “I want to keep going.” There was no doubt in your mind.
“Okay,” he relented with a nod. His lips captured your own, and you melted into him. You could taste yourself on his tongue. “How do y’want me, then? Wanna ride me? Want me on top?”
You hesitated, considering the options. “Can, um…can you be on top?” You wished to be enveloped in the sheer size of him, safe and warm beneath his broadness. 
His mouth curved into a smile. “Sure thing. Lemme get you situated.” He eased you out of his lap before he moved to grab a pillow from the bed, putting it down in just the right spot. Then he patted the pillow. “S’for your hips.”
He guided you so that you were spread out against the mattress, your hips elevated slightly by the pillow. Then he reached for the bottle of lube again, drizzling more of it onto his cock, as some of it had wiped off against the bed when he’d been between your thighs. “Kinda jumped the gun, puttin’ this on earlier. Didn’t think I was gonna take a detour. But when I saw this pretty li’l pussy, I just couldn’t resist,” he admitted. 
Again, he smoothed more lube onto your puffy cunt as he spoke, and you whimpered at the sensitivity. But you were quickly distracted by the sight of him wrapping his fist around himself, offering a few firm strokes as he shifted to hover over you. 
He took a moment to gaze down at you, face a mask of adoration. He didn’t take this lightly, the fact that you wanted to give yourself to him like this. You trusted him implicitly, and it made his heart soar. 
“I’m gonna take it slow, honey,” he hummed, as he guided his cock through your slick. 
You gasped at the feeling, shivering beneath him. Pulsing with the desire to be full of him. His gaze remained focused on the way your folds parted to accommodate him. Oh, how he couldn’t wait to be inside you. 
His tip caught at your entrance once, twice, as he slid over you. Just as you were about to plead with him to fuck you already, he aligned himself with you. 
With one big hand placed lovingly against your lower abdomen, the other still wrapped around his shaft, he slowly began to ease into you. Your brows pinched together at the feeling, and with every inch, you felt the stretch. Faint at first, but growing as he filled you further. 
Although you had loosened up considerably with the help of your orgasm, the sheer size of him still took your breath away. He wasn’t so big that it was painful, but it was certainly a lot to adjust to. 
His jaw clenched, and he had to hold himself back from thrusting forward without warning. “You’re so tight, darlin’. Fuck, oh my god, you feel s’good.”
It had been too long since he’d been in the confines of a warm, wet, inviting pussy. His hand and the silicone stroker he used in his alone time were nothing compared to the way you felt. 
You could only whimper as he continued to bring his hips forward. Now, even now, it felt right. As if this was where he was always meant to be, buried within the deepest part of you, one with your body. Strangely enough, it felt so comforting, so safe. Filled to the brim, shivering beneath his weight. 
Your thighs trembled around his hips, and you cried out when you realized he’d bottomed out, given you all he could, all that you could take. You instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck and Rhett nuzzled his face into your neck, sucking in a sharp breath as he relished in the way you felt wrapped around him.
“How y’ feelin’, huh? Talk to me,” he rasped against your skin, tongue tasting the salt of your sweat. 
“F-full,” you whined. “So full. So big.” 
He gave you a moment, allowing your body to relax beneath him. Soon, his mouth was on yours again, kissing you sweetly. “Tell me when you’re ready,” he encouraged. There was no hurriedness in his tone. He wanted you to take it at your own pace. 
The tension melted, replaced by an itching, burning, deep desire. You knew you were ready. You’d never been more so. “I’m ready,” you confessed, clutching at his shoulders. “Please, want you to move.”
He braced himself above you, arms bracketing either side of your head as he pulled back and then shunted his hips forward. Slowly, not too fast, but it still drew a squeak from you. 
He swallowed the sound, mouth open against yours as he drew back again, only to fill you right back up. Tears pickled behind your eyes. Heat licked at your skin. 
The drag of his cock was so slow it was almost maddening, yet nearly too much all at once. You were so fucking full, and he drove himself deeper still. You could barely focus on anything else but him. His warmth, his scent, the sound of his sighs and grunts, the heave of his chest against your own. 
“Faster,” you pleaded. “Harder.”
He obliged you, jaw set in focus as his rhythm picked up. Your eyes rolled back, body undulating as he drove into you repeatedly. But he wasn’t satisfied just yet. A little shift of your hips, pulling you up toward him, angling you a bit better, and then, “Oh my god, Rhett!”
He grinned, breathless, victorious. “That’s your spot, ain’t it?” 
He already knew the answer. 
You lost yourselves in each other that night, in the warmth of his bed. All that had been building for the last several months came forth, as if a dam had been broken. 
Now that you were joined in such an intimate way, you didn’t want to part. 
Rhett let his forehead rest against your shoulder, mouth open to let out his moans and grunts, his eyes shut tight as he fucked into you. “Take it, take it, take it,” he gruffed, head spinning, strong thighs shaking as he drove himself into you. 
He licked at your collarbone, teeth grazing soft skin, sending pleasurable ripples through you. You felt lightheaded, each of you gasping, heaving. He was impossibly deep inside of you, connected to you, to the point where you couldn’t tell where you began and he ended. 
He owned you, and you let him. You’d never dreamed it could be like this. A connection so intimate, so loving, yet so primal. No one had ever given it to you like this before. No man had ever been able to make you feel like this with just his cock. 
But Rhett was not just any man. He was everything. Your sun, your stars, your moon. Your universe. 
“I love you!” You heard yourself cry out. Not of your body. Not of this earth. You were somewhere else. Somewhere ethereal. Heavenly. 
He groaned breathlessly, and the pitch of it changed, almost to a whimper, high in his throat. “I love y’too, honey. So much.” His hips stuttered. He had to focus on lasting just a little longer. 
“So fuckin’ perfect,” he gritted out. When he lifted his head, his hair had fallen against his forehead in fair curls. “Y’feel so good. I can hardly stand it.” He kissed your tears off your cheeks. “Gon’ have me coming for you.”
“I-I want it,” you squeaked, eyes wide, pleading. “Want you to fill me up, please!”
“And I’ll give it to ya, promise,” he murmured, voice strained, “but y’gotta let me get you there first.”
He switched his rhythm, grinding deeply against you, and your twitching, puffy clit brushed against his pubic bone with each movement. It immediately pulled a sharp cry from you, and your body catapulted into his as if you’d been struck with a live wire. 
You buried your face against his shoulder, biting at the skin, sure to leave a bruise. It felt so good, so good, so good. But how could you properly describe it? There were no adjectives in any language to fully, accurately describe the way you felt. 
You lost control of yourself, experiencing a sort of out of body sensation. You were floating, but he kept you grounded. You were going to shatter into a million pieces, but he held you together. You were consumed with wildfire, but he was the cool summer rain calming the flames. 
Rhett’s voice was rough in your ear. “Atta girl, baby, shit,” he grunted. You couldn’t hear him over your own sobs of euphoria. He was so strong and steady above you. A great big immovable force of a man, even as he lost himself. “I can feel you squeezin’ me. Are y’close?”
“Uh-huh!” You weren’t even sure how you managed that when you barely had a single coherent thought going through your mind. All you could think was Rhett, Rhett, Rhett. 
He was losing himself. “Please, darlin’. Let go f’me. I’m gonna come so hard, gonna fill you up, but I need you to do it first. Just let go, I’m beggin’ ya honey.” Pleading, ready to fall apart, barely hanging on. 
You were a thread being pulled taut. Tighter, tighter, tighter. Any more and you’d snap. But then his mouth was against yours and he offered one last please. “Come for me, baby. Come all over my fuckin’ cock.”
Maybe it was his words that sent you over the edge. Maybe it was that one last thrust deep within you. Either or, you were freefalling. Hurtling straight off the edge of a cliff. You tried to cry out, but when you opened your mouth, no sound came. 
All you could do was let it wash over you in deliciously intense waves, even more intense than your previous orgasm. It seemed to last forever, yet not long enough. Wonderfully dizzying, yet comforting, as if you were floating down into a warm hug. 
You must have blacked out again, because when you came back to yourself, Rhett’s face was buried against your breast, mouth open against your skin as he pulsed within you, emptying his seed deep within your fluttering cunt. 
The feeling brought a lazy smile to your face. Oh, how far gone you were. 
But as he came down from his own euphoria, you noticed something. It started in your thighs at first. A subtle twitch. But then it intensified, spreading further. Within seconds, you were full on trembling, so much so that your teeth had begun to chatter. 
“O-o-oh my god,” you whimpered. “I-I can’t stop!”
Rhett hummed, strong arms wrapping around your torso as he pulled you upright, softening cock still seated within you. “Hey, I’ve got ya. Was just intense, ‘s all.”
You had no control of your extremities, all you could do was curl into your man’s embrace and wait for the tremors to pass. “Th-that was so insane,” you spoke against his shoulder. And then, all at once, a flood of emotion hit you out of nowhere. 
Now you were crying, on top of shaking uncontrollably. You felt like an absolute mess, sobbing in Rhett’s arms. He was so patient with you, soothing you, cradling you close as your body processed it all. 
“You’re okay. You’re safe. I’m right here. I ain’t goin’ nowhere.” It was his velvet drawl that soothed you and brought you back to yourself. His strong, work-roughened hands were gentle against your skin, familiar and careful all at once. 
You had no idea how long you stayed like that. When you finally lifted your head to look at him, your thighs were slick with your combined released, and gravity had long since released his cock from you. 
“Hey there, sweetheart. Welcome back,” he murmured, smiling kindly. “How you feelin’?”
“Like I ran a marathon,” you replied with a sleepy smile. “In a good way.”
“Yeah?” He nuzzled his nose against yours. 
“That was…I’ve never felt like that before. I can’t even describe it. You…you’ve ruined me for anyone else.” 
That made his chest swell with pride. But he didn’t take the time to bask in it. Instead, he guided you off his lap. “Need t’ get cleaned up before you fall asleep on me, alright?”
You stood, but your legs were unsteady, and your first few steps were much like a newborn fawn’s. Rhett bit back a smile as he guided you to the bathroom. There, he helped you clean up. You weren’t sure that you could handle a shower in the state you were in, so he lovingly wiped you down with a damp cloth. 
After you were situated, he led you back to the bedroom. “You need some jammies,” he mused. “Wan’ me to go grab ‘em for you?”
“Would you?” You asked, grateful for his offer. “They’re in the middle left drawer of my dresser.”
“Sure thing.” After he threw on a pair of plaid lounge pants, he disappeared from the room, leaving you alone for a moment. 
You took that time to gather your wits about you. You had just experienced the most wonderfully intense sex of your entire life. Never in your wildest imaginations did you think it would be like this. You’d literally gone into a shaking fit after the fact, he’d given it to you so good. 
Part of you felt a little mortified at the way you had reacted, but it wasn’t as if you could help it. It had quite literally been involuntary. But Rhett has soothed your worries, offering you understanding. 
For him, your involuntary trembling and tears had reassured him that he’d done his job right. And as he searched for a pair of pajamas, he couldn’t help but smile to himself. Everything was out in the open. You’d both taken that leap and now, there was nothing keeping you apart. 
He was glad that your miscommunication between each other hadn’t done any damage. Now that you’d talked it through, you each knew where the other stood. There were no more guessing games to play. 
As he sauntered back to join you in his bedroom, he felt a sense of relief. All was as it should be. 
“Thank you,” you told him, as you reached for the pajamas. You’d wrapped his quilt around yourself, shielding your nakedness from him. Although you had just allowed him to fuck you, you felt a little shy in the aftermath. 
Rhett allowed you a moment of privacy, slipping into the bathroom to brush his teeth while you put your pajamas on. Once he returned, you were sitting cross-legged on the bed. 
You were staring at a wet spot in the fabric. “Guess we made a mess,” you bashfully mused. 
He smiled, shaking his head. “Guess we did. Don’t worry, I’ve got another blanket in the closet. I’ll wash the quilt tomorrow.” He leaned down to kiss you before he tugged the quilt off the bed. “Next time I’ll put a towel down.”
Next time. 
“Yeah, darlin’?” He was already halfway across the room, searching for a blanket in his closet. 
“Thank you. You, um, you made me feel really safe during that. And you didn’t make me feel stupid for getting all shaky like I did.”
He paused, blanket in hand before he made his way back to you. He set the blanket aside as he took a seat on the edge of the bed. “I’d never do that to ya. Hell, if I fuck you, and you’re tremblin’ that hard after the fact, then I know I did my job right.”
You ducked your head, smiling brightly at his admission. “Even so, thank you.”
He tipped your chin up. “You’re welcome.” But then his face grew serious as he rested his hand on your knee. “I need you to know that when you said I ruined you for anyone else…that’s what I want. I don’t want there to be anyone else. Just you an’ me, for as long as you’ll have me.”
“Good, because me too.”
His eyes shone, happiness glimmering within them. “Glad that’s settled.”  And then, “by the way, I was thinkin’…would you wanna move your stuff down the hall and start sleepin’ in here, with me, from now on?” Then he caught himself. “Unless of course you’d rather not, that’s okay too. Don’t want y’ to feel any pressure.”
“I’d love to move into your room with you.”
He grinned, clearly pleased. “That’s what I was hopin’ you’d say.”
You leaned in, kissing him sweetly. “I hope you know you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Rhett Abbott.”
He pulled you closer, big arms wrapping around your waist. “And you’re the best thing that ever happened to me, little darlin’. Don’t you forget it.”
You sighed, melting into him, entirely relaxed. For a man who had such a rough and tumble air about him, he had a soul as sweet as blood-red jam. He was so good to you, kind and patient, sparing no expense to make sure you were taken care of. 
After all, he was your million dollar man. And you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
tagging (those who might be interested):
@milesmillergf @rhettabbotts @peachystenbrough @withahappyrefrain @up-thereinthesky
@attapullman @sebsxphia @damrlova @lovinglyeternal @laracrofted
@bobfloydsbabe @sugarcoated-lame @sunblchdfly @fragilefearnie @floydsmuse
@blindedbythelightt @princess-vibes25 @rockstxr-x @phoenixhalliwell @xdaddies-babyx
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roguehongsami · 1 month
Virtue in Aberrance.
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—★ pairing/s: ex-con!seonghwa x fem!preacher's kid
—★ genre/s: religious, smut, fluff, angst, au
—★ motif: corruption
—★ theme/s: lust, temptation
—★ synopsis: seonghwa is finally released from prison & attends church for the first time since. during a sermon about the seven deadly sins, you realise that 1 of those 7 are gonna be an issue. in spite of your inherent fear of eternal damnation, you eventually welcome him with open arms. not only do you become seonghwa's saving grace, but he becomes your "saviour".
—★ content: toxic parenting, violence, alcohol consumption, mutual obsession, messiah complex undertones, unprotected sex (condomize), corruption kink, fingering, body worship, praise, idolatrizing, blood. reader is inexperienced.
—★ word count: 5.6k
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ ethel cain // ptolemaea; beyoncé // daughter; rammstein // sonne
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Hands laid on her thighs, seated between the armrest of the bench and her mother, she awaited the week's service to begin. A routine that had been cemented as a part of her livelihood since birth. Never having been led astray, her faith was unwavering and her resolve even stronger, but even the mighty must fall.
As the hall gradually filled up, attendees took their usual seats. Murmurs and chatter amongst the folk to keep busy until the service begun. One particular family came in and seated themselves in the row on the other side of the aisle. The elder son sat on the outermost side of the bench, right next to her. His very presence sent shivers down every congregant's spine, whispers being shared. He donned a black suit, dress shirt unbuttoned down to his chest with a few gold chains, neck tattoo on full display.
She leaned into her mother’s ear. "Mom, who is he?" she whispered.
Her mother looked to the other side of the aisle, "Great, Satan's spawn is back from the pen." grimacing at the sight. "Ignore him."
Facing forward, Seonghwa smirked to himself having heard the exchange between the pair. For much of the service, her attention was strictly focused on Father Hubert and all he had to say. She sang with grace, clapped in agreement, but she could not help the uncomfortable sensation on the side of her face, skin prickling. His gaze seared into her skin, cutting through her virgin exterior. Gulping to ease the slow-building constriction in her throat. She closed her eyes and prayed desperately, but as she opened them and looked to her side, his eyes were still fixed on her.
They held each other's gaze for a few moments before Father Hubert said, "Lust" breaking their silent exchange, "isolates the soul from the body, leaving it a vessel free for the devil to take over."
She dropped her head shamefully, wiping her hands on her dress as they sweated profusely. Had her lifelong pledge become a sham because of a mere wordless exchange? The service concluded. She waited in the vestibule while her parents spoke with the other congregants. The man from earlier approached her, flashing his pearly-whites.
He extended his hand out, "I'm Seonghwa. I don't think we've met." he introduced himself.
Hesitantly, she welcomed his invitation with her head bowed. "I-I'm Y/N."
Still holding her hand, refusing to let go. "I only came to church because my parents forced me to, I'm glad they did. You are nothing short of beautiful."
Heat arose in her cheeks as she processed his words. The low decibels of his voice rung like a gong in her head. She began questioning herself, what she stood for and if it was worth it. His index finger scratched the inside of her palm over and over. She looked up and was met with a grin. His eyes cold as a mackerel. The hair on the back of her neck stood at attention with yet another tremble travelling through her nervous system, as she challenged his gaze.
Her mother stepped in and pulled her away, "We're going home." a self-satisfied smile materialising on Seonghwa's face. She took one last look at him before getting into the car.
Around the dinner table, her parents and older sister spoke amongst themselves as she sat silently, forking her broccoli and cauliflower. She still felt the scratches in her palm as they travelled up her arm, and into her head. Her brain squirmed. When dinner concluded, she went to her room. All she thought about was the conversation at dinner: how Seonghwa was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon in high school, so he went to a juvenile detention centre and served the rest of his sentence in prison after turning 18. She was a prepubescent child when everything had happened, the vague memories of him and his friends in their cul-de-sac barely clung on to her conscience. The ceiling was not enough to distract her, not this time. She knocked on her sister's door and was welcomed in.
"Ophelia, what does it mean when someone scratches the inside of your palm while shaking your hand?" she asked.
Ophelia was never as much of a devout Christian as her younger sister. Attend church and pray she would, but that was the farthest her esoteric devotion would go. As soon as she was off to university, her faith slowly chipped away with time but she kept up appearances whenever she'd come home to visit. She knew how to navigate the world of the non-devout. On the other hand, Y/N's immense fear of immersing herself into a world with no relations to her faith made her oblivious to certain social cues, and interactions. Her parents did one hell of a job instilling the fear of eternal damnation into her subconscious.
She sat up from her bed, eyes studying her sister. "Why, did someone do that to you?" the girl nodded. "It's a dirty signal, that person wants to sleep with you." As she turned on her heel to return to her room, Ophelia called out to her. "Y/N, stay away from Seonghwa. I'm serious, he'll get you in so much trouble then leave you high-and-dry after."
[ . . . ]
Habitually, she went to church every Wednesday afternoon to pray. A ritual established by kneeling at the altar then sitting in the far back in silence, alone. The hall was empty as usual. It was just her and the Holy Spirit as always. She could not shake that bothersome feeling in her chest, she felt challenged. Conflicted. The guilt within, she loathed the slight effect that Seonghwa had on her. Admittedly, he had taken up residence in her mind as of late. The church bell tolled 3 times from outside, breaking her train of thought and reeling her back into the physical world. She slung her bag over her shoulder, leaving the Holy House. Down the street she walked with her head hung low, absorbed into her own thoughts. Her surroundings of no importance. As she passed a dark alleyway, Seonghwa saw her walk by. Promptly dropping his cigarette and putting it out with his foot, he abandoned his friends and called out to her as he approached. Visibly afeared the moment she stopped in her tracks and met his eyes. He slung his arm over her shoulders, her body reactively tensed up. As she was about to continue her journey, his grip on her shoulders tightened.
"Look, Hwa got himself a neat little stiff." one of the boys taunted, causing the others to snicker and chuckle. "You play with her yet, what she feel like?"
He told her to wait in her spot as he walked back to the group. Locating the owner of said words, he grabbed the side of his head, facilitating a meet-and-greet between his cranium and the brick wall he leaned on. The others stood idly by and watched in horror; they knew better than to go against Seonghwa. The boy grunted in pain, palming the point of impact as he tried to stop the blood. Some of it dripping out of his hand. He warned that any sentiments they held in regard to her, were strictly to be kept to themselves, and that he would not be so kind next time.
She stood silently, watching the scene before her eyes unfolded. With every molecule in her body screaming at her, saying she should go, her instincts told her to remain. To not test his patience, she heeded his instructions and remained cemented to the paving. The fear in her eyes was evident, unmissable. He placed his arm back on her shoulders, making her pull away a bit.
"Relax ave, I'd never hurt you." he brushed her cheek. "Maybe everyone else in this podunk town, not you."
"I shouldn't be seen with you." she whispered, unable to mask the fear in her voice.
"I take it they told you what I did..." he sucked his teeth. "Are you scared of me?" Taking their path down the street, she froze and refused to answer his question, afraid how he may react. "I think we should hang out some time, get to know each other."
There was little to no protest from her end, her resolve coming undone. His hand brushed the side of her face. Try as hard as she may to muster up the strength to ward him off, she could not help but lean into his touch. There was a sort of safety that lingered in the air with his presence. As parlous as he may have seemed, there was a reassuring nature to him she could not deny. He was dependable. Her intuition had never once deceived her but why was she struggling to accept its signals? The contrast between his behaviour and how she felt was dizzying, if anything.
"Why don't you ever look me in the eye?" with his hand, he cocked her head to the side, making her face him.
Her voice caught in her throat. His eyes staring so deeply into her soul, undressing her bit by bit. She could not admit but he knew why. He just wanted to hear her say it. He loved watching his effect on her, how she'd squirm, get shy, feel fearful but still long to know him. The whole way to her house, he exerted a great deal of effort to draw out a meagre 5 words out of her. Despite the lack of conversation on her end, he was intrigued still. Everything about her was unsullied, like a white dove. He saw her conservative nature as an invitation, a challenge, and boy did Seonghwa love proving himself. Regardless of the time it would take him, he assured himself that he'd be the one to pluck the feathers of her purity.
Little by little.
[ . . . ]
In the weeks that followed, she warmed up to him. She blossomed. She spoke more, could hold a conversation for as long as he listened. They'd established a routine for themselves; Wednesdays he'd walk her home from church and Fridays they sat at a bench in the park as they talked for hours or took walks to stretch their legs. Those were his favourite days of the week. How his heart fluttered at the sight of her face. She inspired him to better himself, but only for her. He took a silent vow to always protect her. The idea of another man being near her, touching her, talking to her, caused quite the disturbance in his head.
When she bagged the last of the groceries, she sent off the customer with a goodbye and a smile. Every weekday, aside from Wednesday, she worked afternoon shifts at the local grocery store to earn some extra money. She looked up only to be met with the sight of a visibly fatigued Seonghwa, as he put down a 6-pack of fruit-infused beers. He leaned over the till, giving her his signature grin. The same one that would have her changing into a hue brighter than vermilion.
"Hey, baby girl." he lauded.
Embarrassment washed over her as she put her hand over her face, "Hwa..." she complained.
"What, are you not my baby girl?"
"Hwa!" she warned.
"Fine, I'll stop." he rolled his eyes as he pointed to the shelf behind her. "Give me a pack of Stuyvesant blue there." As she turned to grab the packet of cigarettes, he said, "I love those pictures you sent me last night."
Ringing up both his items and putting them in a bag, she responded with a smile. "You did? I thought the shirt was kinda weird, it's very old."
"You looked adorable, don't sweat it." He paid the total, then brought out his phone to show her his phone. "Made one of them my lockscreen."
She grimaced. "Hwa, that's just weird because we're not dating."
"Yet." his last words before leaving the store. "See you after your shift, okay?"
She waved him off as she fell back into her duties, ringing up customers and sending them off. It was only an hour until she could clock off at 15:00. The time went by a lot faster than she had anticipated. When the arms of the clock were positioned as desired, she went into the staff room and took her bag. Leaving the premises, not far from the entrance, she located Seonghwa's car. She went into the passenger seat. He drove off to the town lake, parking the car under a tree. They moved to the backseat, as Seonghwa proceeded to lock the doors.
Offering her a can of beer, she hesitated. Not a day in her life had she ever tasted alcohol. All she knew was that it was sinful to consume. Her faith was being tested. The longer she kept him in her company, she begun questioning her beliefs, what she had been taught. She could always repent, right? She swiped the beverage from his hold and opened it, dumping a bit of its contents into her mouth. Her body shuddered, face contorting. The bitterness on her tastebuds. A slight smirk danced on Seonghwa's face.
"Hwa, this is nasty." she cried as she handed over the beverage, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
He chuckled. "Can't be that bad? I got the fruity flavours."
"Tastes like acid reflux." she mumbled under her breath.
As soon as he did away with his, he crushed the can, throwing it to the floor. He took her can, slinging his arm over her shoulder as he scooted closer. "Come on, open up."
"But Hwa–" she contested.
"Just trust me." she did as instructed, her jaw going slack as her mouth fell ajar. "First sip is always gross," a stream fell into her mouth. "but the rest goes down like silk."
And he was right. With every sip, the liquid went down with ease. The fizz merely burned her tongue, but drink sashayed down her throat effortlessly. She finished her share, and he threw the empty container to the floor. He caressed her cheek, his thumb brushing on her lower lip. His gaze was intensely focussed on her plump lips. Her heart raced, beating mercilessly insider her chest cavity. They had never been this close before. A mere inch apart. A whiff of his cologne mixed with the scent of tobacco. Whether it was the alcohol's side effects introducing itself or it was a newfound sense of confidence, she took his thumb into her mouth. Softly biting down, her tongue lubricating, she held his gaze. A groan escaped his mouth, bouncing on the walls of the vehicle. An impressed and approving look plastered across his face.
"Didn't know you got down like that." he joked.
Pulling away with a string of saliva lingering, she retorted, "You're teasing." with a pout.
"Just jokes, princess." He craned forward, lips grazing hers. "I wasn't teasing."
He slotted his lips into hers. Heart thumping irrhythmically, all she could hear was their isochronous breaths. He caught her bottom lip, that first taste sending him into a whirlwind of emotions. To her, he tasted like the very thing that was meant to lead her astray, and she was trailing behind with little to no shame hanging over her head. Yet she wanted to best her urges. She was clueless, never having been kissed before. He took note of her apprehension. Guiding her movements, he grabbed the back of her head and buried himself further into her face. The moment was consuming, passionate. They met one another with equal enthusiasm.
As he absorbed her virtue, she accepted his aberrance.
The rubbing of her thighs caught his attention. He knew what that meant. His hand discreetly travelled down her back, gliding down her thigh, and begun pulling on her skirt. Not discreet enough as it seems, as she grabbed his hand, and broke their kiss. Her eyes begging him to not go further, the panic was setting in.
"Don't worry, baby. We won't do anything you're not ready for. Let me help you out, okay?" With an approving nod, she unhanded him, then he proceeded to the top button of her shirt. "You're gonna let me see, right?"
She agreed, as his fingers popped each button, one by one. He went in for another kiss, a deep one. One that would leave her gasping for air. Revealing her breasts held up by a push-up bra. He unclasped it in the front. Bare for him to see it all. He cupped one, kneading, playing. He did the same with the other. He pushed up her skirt, his hand removing her underwear and pocketing them into his sweatpants. She was pooling. When his palm brushed her throbbing bud, she gasped. With his hand palming her, he slid in two fingers, slowing pumping into her. She squirmed in her seat, this sensation, it was foreign. New. No idea how to conduct herself.
"Let loose, princess." he whispered in her ear. "This is all about you. Don't worry about what I think."
And so she did. Every cry, her mewls, it fed his inflating ego. Exactly what he wanted, to be the first to touch her, have her fall apart by him. Her nails dug into the leather seats, head caught in a haze and no words to express her joy. She was teetering on pure bliss. Skin glimmering with sweat. Head thrown back, mouth open. She had never felt so good doing something that encroached on what she had been taught her whole life. Not a care in the world.
Trailing hickeys on her neck, he grunted, "You should see how beautiful you are right now. So... so... perfect for me."
As he delivered the final blow, with just a few more thrusts, she let herself go into his hand. He continued thrusting, assisting her in riding out her high until the very end. Leaving kisses all over her face, reassuring her what an immaculate job she did. Singing praises sweeter than any hymn in her ears. He grabbed a t-shirt from the floor and cleaned her up, also cleaning his hand.
"You did so well."
"You think so?" she blushed, buttoning up her shirt.
"Absolutely." he gave her one last kiss.
But she reached in for another, quite hungry in all honestly. With his arm over her shoulders, her hand glided down from his neck, past his chest and farther down until her fingers grazed the hem of his sweatpants. Promptly, his hand grabbed hers, and without missing a beat, his lips remained on hers. There was a bit of a power struggle ensuing. Every attempt to free her hand, his hold grew tighter.
As she broke their kiss, she looked up at him with doe eyes, pleading, "Hwa..." she complained.
"Sorry princess, we're not exchanging favours. I already told you, we're not doing anything you're not ready for." he pressed his lips on her forehead.
"But we're not, I..." she hung her head as her voice dropped to a whisper. "I thought I was your girl."
Defeatedly, he sighed as he said, "Fine, take it out. I'll guide you."
With a smile, she pecked him on the lips. Her hand slipped into his sweatpants. A tremor travelled up her spine and her eyes widened at its feel on her fingertips. Giving him a worried look, he merely shrugged. She sucked in a deep breath then allowed her hand to fully encapsulate him. Assisting her as she pulled it out, he lowered his pants down a bit. She had no clue what to do as he remained somewhat flaccid in her hand.
"Slowly stroke it, don't rush." he said.
With her eyes trained on his member, she admired its every detail. Unable to remove her eyes. Her hand moved with precision over his shaft, working him up the way she was instructed. He threw his head back, the act fully making him come undone.
"Now spit on it, okay baby?"
She dipped her head as her lips hovered over the tip, puckering, as a sliver of saliva left her mouth and landed on the shaft. Groans filled the silence as he savoured every moment of the intense pleasure. She traced wet kisses along his neck, covering every inch of his tattoo. Her lips eventually found his, his hand planted firmly on the back of her head. His tongue explored every inch of her mouth. As she picked up her speed, he grunted into their kiss.
"This is why you're my favourite girl." his voice carried so low, as he spoke against her lips.
Unhappy with his choice of words, she squeezed him as a warning, making him to jolt in his spot. "I'm your only girl." she said, a tuppence worth of jealousy laced in her tone.
Holding her gaze, "The only girl I'll ever want and need." he amended.
"Promise you'll never leave me?"
"Only if you promise to never leave me?"
As soon as she nodded, her focus was back on his throbbing member. The tip had been leaking profusely in the past couple of minutes, his cum covering her hand. His climax slowly encroached as he felt himself come loose. A spurt shot out and before a further mess could have been made, he grabbed the t-shirt and covered himself, the rest of the warm liquid spraying into the material. Once he'd completely ridden out his high and discarded the used shirt, she ascended to her knees and straddled him. His crotch rubbed against her bare core. Hands clung to his shoulders as he held her by her waist, guiding her. Her head spun as she revelled in the pleasure he provided. It wasn't long until she was doused in another orgasm. With her body shaking, he whispered affirmations into her ear. Rubbing her back as he kissed her neck.
"You're enjoying this a lot more than you're letting on." he coaxed with a grin spread across his face.
A wave of guilt set in once she gathered her composure, "Then why do I feel like I just did something wrong?" she whispered.
He grabbed both sides of her face and looked her in the eyes, "You could be wrong and I'd force everybody to say you're not." he reassured her. "There's nothing wrong with endulging in things that make you feel good, that's the human experience. When the time comes, I'll make you feel all kinds of good. You won't ever wanna feel anything else."
She loved how he made her feel. He loved watching her gradually slip out of her conservative bubble, embracing the truest of her desires. Watching her personality bloom like a sunflower. They were the objects of each other's affection. The extent to which their shared love stretched was like no other. She was his day as he was her night.
The true north to his south-pointing moral compass.
His words gave her the comfort she longed for as a smile danced on her lips, "I'm so happy you're all mine." she pecked him on the lips.
"I'm not going anywhere, pretty girl. We can fight or break up, come hell or high water, you'll never get rid of me." he cupped her chin. "Now, let's get you home."
The drive home was fairly normal. It was when she arrived when all descended to Hell. Her father caught wind of her ongoing association with the town delinquent. Congregants of the church had seen her gallivant about with the boy, bringing this supposed union to his attention. He was sick. Disgusted. When she walked through the door, her father trudged toward her, footsteps heavy.
He grabbed her arm, yelling in her face, "Where have you been?"
Stuttering, "I-I was at w-work." she said.
"Don't lie to me! You've been with that Park boy, haven't you?"
"Dad–" she begged, on the verge of tears.
"Keep quiet!" he snapped.
Her mother intercepted, "Michael, leave the girl alone. I'm sure she meant no harm." she reasoned on her daughter's behalf.
"No, Agnes! You've coddled her too damn long!" he unbuckled his belt and unlooped it from his waist. "He's poisoned her and she needs to be reminded how sinners are punished! She's embarrassing this family!"
The beating was unkind. Regardless of the never-ending pleading, the crying, the screaming, he never stopped until he felt it was enough. With every snap that crackled as the leather met her skin, the more her beliefs dissolved. Her body ached, everywhere. He landed a few hits across her face, the buckle had torn into her skin and left a cut along her jaw, bleeding. Her father confiscated her phone. She sat in front of the vanity mirror, sanitising the wound on her face. There were a few knocks on her door before her mother invited herself inside. She stood behind her, hands on her shoulders, watching her daughter in the mirror. She had spent so much of her life doing the "right thing", only for a lapse of judgement to deliver her the consequences of her ill-informed decisions in the form of a black leather belt.
"Your father does not hate you, sweetie." her mother opined. "He was merely reacting out of love. He wants to protect you from people like Seonghwa. He is not a good person, you understand that, right?"
She forced a half-hearted smile, whilst looking at her mother in the mirror. "I know. Misguidance must be rectified in the most extreme manner if you want immediate results."
"I knew you'd understand. Goodnight sweetie."
Sleep could not find her. She laid awake, staring at the ceiling. It was 01:00 in the morning. Only one thought raced through her mind. She had finally had enough. Constantly being pushed around, having her life path laid out for her by her parents, all in the name of a religion that allowed for far worse offenses to transpire. She put on her sweatpants and a warm hoodie, and boots. She leapt out of her bedroom window and trekked to Seonghwa's family home. She knocked on his window a couple of times before he awoke. He opened his window, welcoming her inside.
"It's 1 in the morning, what are you doing here?" he asked, a yawn breaking out.
She ignored his question, too upset to say a word. It was too dark for him to see anything, but as she stripped down to her shirt and shorts, a bit of her face was caught in the moonlight. The plaster on her jaw, the bruises all over her body, all evident. His eyes grew to the size of golf balls, grabbing her arm and dragging her to the window.
"What the hell happened to you?" he eyebrows furrowed, rage slowly ensuing. "You were perfectly fine when I dropped you off."
A self-amused chuckle escaped her mouth as she winced from the pain. "My dad decided to teach me the lesson of a lifetime." she brushed his bare torso, then grabbed the hem of his loose-fitting pants, looking him in the eye. "I don't wanna talk about it, Hwa."
He caught on fast and he was not about to reason with her. What his angel wanted, she would receive at the snap of the finger. They laid down on the bed. Head rested on the pillows as he hovered over her. He undressed her until fully nude, discarding of her shirt and shorts. Lips peppering wet kisses across her collarbones and over her breasts. Her whimpering overwhelming his senses. The taste of her skin, the shape of her body, he was in awe. She successfully pushed his pants all the way down with her feet, until he kicked them off himself. He groaned as his hard-on rubbed against her drenched and aching core.
She wanted to feel him inside of her walls, grinding. "Seonghwa, please..." she whined.
Anytime there was distance, she'd inch closer to feel him rubbing against her. He ran his tip through her folds until he halted at her entrance. Slowly easing in, he could cum in that instant at the feel of her warmth. He pressed deeper inside as he felt her grow tighter. She bit down on her finger, trying to keep from moaning. The pain was uncomfortable with her legs quaking. He bucked her hips up and thrusted deeper until he reached his end. He slowly stroked her until she grew accustomed to the rhythm, with no pain. Her body was heated, spiralling. Feeling him inside her made her forget all her worries. He balanced himself on his elbows. As his speed and impact picked up, the bed squeaked. They locked lips, desperate to devour each other. Just spit and teeth clashing. Legs wrapped tightly around his waist. Nails etching art into his back, drawing out just a bit of blood.
Pure delirium.
"Oh my god, oh my god..." she cried as he brushed past her sweet spot whenever he knocked her cervix.
Forehead pressed against hers, he said. "You're right, I am your god."
He held her hands above her head, pinning them down into the pillow. Hand on her neck, he muted out her soft mewls with a kiss. With their impending releases, his hips moved sporadically. Grinding harder with every thrust. En masse, they orgasmed as he thrusted the cum back inside of her. He laid on top of her as they made out for a few moments. Never pulling out, they laid on their sides facing one another. Her hands roaming all over her chest, fingers tracing his neck tattoo. His arm over her waist as he rubbed her back, studying the bruises on her face. It was only then she truly understood the hold she had on Seonghwa, it was never the other way around. And she was going to use her influence to her advantage.
"Hwa, I really don't like my dad..." fingers still tracing his tattoo, her eyes trained on his.
He nodded, well aware of her growing frustration. "I was gonna tell you on Friday but I think now would be perfect." he brushed her hair. "My old man got me a job with a friend in Old Western. I'll be moving there. No point in asking, I'll just take you with instead."
[ . . . ]
It had been 3 weeks since the incident at home, since everything that night transpired. Her bruises had healed but the scar on her jaw was far from. Her father still had her phone. The lack of contact with Seonghwa made him grow increasingly ired to worrying degrees. She did not interact with her family either, only leaving her room to use the bathroom. The night before, Seonghwa paid her a visit, sneaking into her room through the window. He told her what to do and what time he would be collecting her. She packed her belongings into a duffel bag. Sneaking out through the window, she got into Seonghwa's car.
He parked the car far from prying eyes and left her inside. In a dark passage, Seonghwa and his friends stood there, whilst he smoked his cigarette. The doorbell of the store sounded and seconds later, Y/N's father walked by. Seonghwa appeared before him. Eyes cold, face stern and impossible to read. Her father stopped in his tracks. As he took a few steps back, Seonghwa's friends appeared from behind.
"Hey Father Hubert," he blew out smoke. "this won't take long."
His friends dragged Father Hubert into the passageway and pinned him up against the wall, his mouth covered. Seonghwa took his cigarette, still alight, and pressed the butt into his cheek. The burn seared into him as his skin changed colour. His pained screams were muffled. Squirming in their hold but he just couldn't get out. Seonghwa drew on the cigarette one last time to get the butt to light up again. He forced the lit cigarette into Father Hubert's mouth and clamped his mouth shut.
"I don't like you interfering in my relationship," Seonghwa seethed. "and I sure as hell don't appreciate you beating on my girl either. I'm leaving town and I'm taking her with me. If you or your bitch wife try to find her, I'll do more than just feed you a lit cigarette."
Seonghwa dropped his hand from Father Hubert's mouth, letting the shrilled cries escape. He choked on his breath as the damp cigarette fell out of his mouth. His friends begun pounding away, fists meeting his face, his body. Kicks here and there. He could not fend for himself, only holding up his arms to shield his face.
"Not too much on him," Seonghwa reprimanded his friends. "Y/N's gonna hate me if you actually killed him."
They left Father Hubert in the passageway, crouched on the floor, bruised and mildly bloodied. Seonghwa went into the store and bought a few snacks and solid foods for her to eat, before returning to his car. He handed the bag over to her, as she rummaged, then bringing out a veggie wrap. He turned on the engine and headed for the nearest exit, leading them onto a freeway.
"You found what you we're looking for?" she asked.
"No, I'll get it elsewhere." he responded. He briefly looked at her as she enjoyed her first meal in weeks. "You're gonna love the loft I got us. It's above a coffee shop, opposite a library. There's also a duck pond a few blocks away."
She swallowed her food, looking at him with much adoration. "Hwa?" he turned to her. "I love you."
His smile slowly materialised, he knew exactly where he stood with his feelings. He never thought their relationship would go that far. So far removed from how everything first begun.
"I love you too."
@aurora-tiny @fireseo
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liberalsarecool · 10 months
Tumblr media
If you are against schools acknowledging representation of LGBTQ family/friends/neighbors as you force your very young daughter to pledge her virginity to you as you turn a blind eye to church/ministers/priests raping and molesting kids, you are supporting violence/abuse and opposing love/compassion.
You failed. Your indoctrination poisoned your heart and mind.
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hyukasmiles · 11 months
frat boy txt who saw u from far away at a party and knew they had to have you
—Tomorrow x Together—
Description: This is just the older members. I will probs do Tae + Hyuka’s version
Fem Reader
Warnings: NSFW// virginity loss// unprotected sex// oral (f)// sex in public spaces// NOT PROOFREAD
Frat Boy! Yeonjun is the WORST. And not in a funny way- no he’s horrible. The type to haze freshman pledges and dare drunk guys to jump off a five story building.
Frat Boy! Yeonjun who sees you slip into his house party behind your friends and pulls the first guy he can to the side, “I bet you a hundred dollars I’ll fuck her tonight.” The man laughs him off, telling him you’re a notorious prude. “You mean like she’s saving herself for marriage? Two hundred.”
Frat Boy! Yeonjun who slips his arm over your shoulder and gets to work. He spends the whole night complimenting you, handing you drink after drink, slowly dropping his hand down your body until it’s resting on your hips.
Frat Boy! Yeonjun who gets you halfway to his room before you start to push back on him. “Hold on- I’m saving myself.” You pout.
Frat Boy! Yeonjun who was prepared for this, pushing you up against the wall. “I thought we really hit it off babe… I was hoping to see you again after tonight… You don’t like me? Cause I like you.” He's saying so much to you and your brain is so fuzzy from all the drinks that you find yourself nodding along.
Frat Boy! Yeonjun who beams at you as you mumble., “You really like me?” He nods and leans in to leave a soft peck on your lips. “Sure thing, angel.” You bite your lip and lean against the wall. “Ok.”
Frat Boy! Yeonjun who wastes no time getting you in his bed, slipping your dress down your body as he pushes you into his mattress.
Frat Boy! Yeonjun who’s surprisingly loving. He kisses down your body, leaving little bites and hickeys in wake. You part your legs for him so easily and he fits in between them even easier.
Frat Boy! Yeonjun who doesn’t think to prep you. “This is still ok?” And when you nod he lines himself up and sinks in with a groan. You suck in a breath at the stretch, eyes watering as you try your hardest not to whine. “You gotta relax, sweet thing.” He breaths while trying to shove the rest of him into your tight cunt.
Frat Boy! Yeonjun who almost cums when he finally bottoms out, which is weird- he’s never been sensitive like this. You look up at him with doey eyes, a mix of excitement and fear knits your eyebrows together and leaves your mouth agape.
Frat Boy! Yeonjun who fucks your goey cunt so good, makes you gush around him as he drills into you. “I’m gonna make you feel so good.” He breathes, lifting one of your legs up and resting it on his shoulder. “You’ll always compare guys to me after this right?” He leans in to kiss you on the cheek, stretching you open in the process. “I gotta be good then.”
Frat Boy! Yeonjun who does make you feel so good. He makes you feel- eyes roll back into your head, toes curling, drool slipping out of your mouth- good and you love it. And so does he.
Frat Boy! Yeonjun who cums inside of you because he knows you won’t tell him no, ready to go get his money and dump you off on one of your friends but then he takes a step back and looks at you sprawled out on his bed and part of him loves it. A large part.
Frat Boy! Soobin who was just dumped and doesn’t want to be at this party because he knows his ex will be here, and he knows she’ll be all over some rando, and that she’ll make sure he sees her. But he comes any because the only thing worse than letting her do that is giving her the satisfaction of winning.
Frat Boy! Soobin who has a plan. He just needs to find some hot girl to attach to for the night, give his ex a taste of her own medicine, and when he sees you walk in he knows it’s going to be you. You’re perfect, way prettier than his ex and more importantly, her friend.
Frat Boy! Soobin who walks up to you, grabs you by the wrist, and pulls you into the less crowded backyard. “What are you doing, Soobin?” You laugh and the sound is so pretty he almost forgets what he’s trying to do. He can see his ex in his peripheral vision, sitting on one of his classmates' laps. “I need your help.” He mumbles, grabbing your hips and pulling you toward him. “You gotta act like you’re really into me.” He leaves a ghost of a kiss on the corner of your mouth. “My girlfriend broke up with me, I wanna make her jealous.”
Frat Boy! Soobin who’s surprised when you wrap your arms around his neck, sure you we're going to push him away by now. “She’s a major bitch.” You laugh, “Y’know what will really get her? Eat me out in the bathroom, I’ll make sure she sees.”
Frat Boy! Soobin who agrees to it. No questions asked. He actually pulls you toward the bathroom. He doesn’t care how you’re going to show her, he just wants it to happen.
Frat Boy! Soobin who pushes you against the wall tile and sinks to his knee. He pushes your skirt up your body and actually licks his lips when he sees the wet patch forming your underwear. He kisses your clit through the pink cotton and then slips them down to your knees, hard in his pants as he dives in.
Frat Boy! Soobin who is great at eating pussy, sucks on your clit and draws light circles on your opening. He has your legs shaking as you grab your phone, snapping a couple pictures of him and sending them off to his bitch of an ex. By the time they’re delivered your knees are starting to buckles. You twist to grab onto the sink next you, moaning as he laps at your cunt.
Frat Boy! Soobin who hears the bathroom door fling open, and his ex yelling at him but he can’t stop, he wants you to cum. He feels something hit his back and the door slams and all he does is grab onto your legs to keep you up right. Your thankful for the extra support, you cannot believe his ex broke up with someone this good at head.
Frat Boy! Soobin who sinks two fingers into you and whines when you pull at his hair in response. “You’re so good at this!” You whine, hunching over as he gets you closer and closer. “So good.”
Frat Boy! Soobin who whines at your words, sending shocks of pleasure up your body, finally pushing you over the edge. “She saw?” He mumbles, knowing the answer just not wanting to leave. “You’re sure?” He kisses your thigh when you nod, still out of breath.
Frat Boy! Soobin who moves to stand up but you push down on his head while he does. He looks up at you confused- but then you spread your legs a little wider and mumble “better we’re both sure.” and he’s back in your cunt before you can finish speaking.
Frat Boy! Beomgyu who is loud and always doing something stupid. Unless of course you’re at the party, then he’s loud and glued to your side. “Hey baby.” He’s so excited to see you, wrapping you up in a hug. “Did you finish studying?” All his friends sigh and leave, knowing how this will end.
Frat Boy! Beomgyu who any other night would be taking bets on whether or not he can do a keg stand, but when you take time from studying to come to a party his whole world becomes about you. “Are you tired? Do you wanna leave?” He mumbles, kissing you softly. “I know you have that test tomorrow.” You just smile and pull him in for another kiss. “I’m ok, baby, I’m here to party, you don’t need to do all of this.” You say the same thing every time but he can’t help it.
Frat Boy! Beomgyu whose behavior is such a 180 that the freshman boys start asking him if he’s got a headache or something. “No, I just miss my girl.”
Frat Boy! Beomgyu who is usually the last person to leave parties, most of the time he stays over whatever pledges house it is, but when you’re stood in front of him looking so pretty all he wants to do is go back to your dorm and fuck you. He makes it well known too, grabbing your hand and pressing it against his hard on multiple times throughout the night.
Frat Boy! Beomgyu who can only wait so long, pulling you into a dark corner of the empty laundry room. “I gotta fuck you baby.” He whines, picking you up and setting you on the washer. “I know.” You reply, spreading your legs for him.
Frat Boy! Beomgyu who always fucks best like this, rushed and as quiet as possible, even if it’s impossible for him to be quiet. His thrusts are deep and strong, broken whines spilling out of your mouth as he plays with your puffy clit. He goes as far as to press a hand over your mouth even if he’s the one who’s making all the noise.
Frat Boy! Beomgyu who gives you a mind shattering orgasm and goes back to the party like nothing happened. Except now he’s pumped up, going back to being as loud as usual, grabbing the first person he sees and betting them he can shotgun a beer faster. All while you sit crumpled on the couch trying to ignore the cum dripping down your thigh.
Inbox always open 🫶
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auspicioustidings · 5 months
For the 1k requests/suggestions:
Druid!Soap who's protected the lands faithfully and ferociously for years, and Reader, the nature god/goddess/diety/spirit of those lands, decides to reveal herself and reward him for it?
Could go in any direction you want, pure fluff or darker or smut or anything! Just the first idea I had
Ok so you know how you said it could be darker or smut? Got carried away with this one :') This is just feral PWP that was written in one sitting and Johnny is mean as shit in it so pls HEED THE CWs.
Foul Magic
Words: 2.8k
CWs: Non-con, heavy smut, threatened bestiality (sort of, it's a Druid-ey shapeshifting hybrid thing and I have no clue how to CW that)
He was your greatest protector, had been for a decade now. When John MacTavish had offered himself to your service he had been a reckless teen, already an expert at spilling blood. You were no Silvanus, only a simple forest spirit with your own forest to tend and a handful of followers amongst the bordering villages mainly made up of the hunters and foragers who benefited from your kindness. 
“I will pledge myself tae ye for 10 years forest spirit” the young man had called out in the midst of the trees, “and in return I ask that once my service is complete ye reveal yourself tae me.”
It was a strange offer. You had never had anyone pledge themselves to you before. People left offerings certainly, made small shrines, but you had never had a sworn protector. A Druid, you thought, you could make him a Druid. You could finally test what your magic could really do.
Human lives were such short things that you didn't fully believe he would complete the 10 years. The life of a Druid was solitary and hard. He took to it with a violent fury that took your breath away. Never before had the soil been so sustained on the blood of those who sought to plunder its treasures without the proper respect. Every boon afforded him, John took and wielded as if born to hold such power. 
He was magnificent. Bear like in his strength, wolf like in his ferocity, fox like in his cleverness. And all too soon the 10 years was up. You had made a deal and would have to hold to it if you wanted to keep him. And you did want to keep him. The thought of your Druid leaving your forest made the flowers wilt around you.
He strode into your Grove, a man now. He was broad and full of scars proving his devotion to your protection, his hair shaved in at the sides but left long in the middle with braids shot through. You were fascinated by how strong he had become, muscles functional and snuggled under a layer of fat as proof of your care for him, tartan fabric held to his body with only clever pleating and a belt. 
“I have served faithfully for 10 years as was promised, I’ve come tae collect what I’m due.”
“And I hope in those 10 years you have enjoyed my patronage.”
He turned to see you, an ethereal thing made flesh for him. Fucking finally. He strode forward as your fond, soft smile turned to a look of fear, his hand bunching up in your hair and yanking you to look at him. You found that when you tried to shift to another form his magic, the magic you had given him, was weaving through yours to try and block you. The thought that you would be as helpless as some human maiden was horrifying.
“If ye had any sense at all, ye wouldnae have given me all yer power. Did ye really think I’d serve ye for ten years just tae look at ye?” he spat, venomous and unlike the Druid that had spoken worship on the wind to you all this time. “Fucked plenty of virgins in yer wee forest right under yer nose, had them gagging and crying, but none of them have satisfied what it is I really wanted. Been thinking about your tight wee nymph cunt being good and broken on my cock since I could use it, and I am a very patient man when it comes tae the things I want.”
You glowered at him, feeling your magic slide against the wall he had built and glancing off. He grinned an awful beastly grin and threw you to the floor, the slam of your knees on dirt unfamiliar and unpleasant. 
“You cannot do this. Please John, see reason. You are a protector of this place!”
He laughed and circled you, putting a boot firmly to the centre of your back and kicking you down so your face landed in the soil.
“Aye, I was until today. 10 years was the agreement, and now I take payment. Arse up, present properly for yer protector, least ye could do after all this time.”
He surely couldn’t mean to mount you like some beast. The idea that he meant to violate you at all was already unthinkable, but to do it in such a violent and debased manner was unforgivable. 
“You will not do this!”
You flared your power and he shoved it back, forcing it to act against you. He controlled it, the sickening pulse of your own magic being twisted as your body cracked and shifted. It was wrong, some half shift that felt unnatural. You heard the tear of the thin gossamer gown draped over you as something ripped through it. He laughed meanly and you howled in pain as you were grabbed by what you realised was a tail to force your hips up for him. He had done a disgusting thing with your magic, keeping you in your human form with the tail of your wolf form purely to torture you. It was forbidden to do such a thing, to create some new creature outside of nature in any way. You could feel hot tears spilling over as he wrapped the tail around his fist, pulling and twisting horribly. 
“Ye going tae behave? Or dae ye need to find out what I can dae to my own form?”
The implication was horrible. You scrambled with a sob, bracing your knees and moving yourself to present the way he wanted you to. 
“Aww, dinnae want a nice knot?” he said as he leaned over you, pressing his body to yours so his hot, wet breath was panting in your ear. “Maybe ye’d prefer something else.”
His foul magic invaded you again and you could see how your nails sharpened. Your hand barely started to shift into the paw of a snow leopard and you immediately started to plead. If he fucked you using that kind of cock you would surely be torn to shreds.
“P-please! Your cock! Just yours John, I want it.”
“Aye? I dinnae ken if I’m convinced. Maybe it’d be good to get my barbs in ye, fuck you bloody.”
“No please, it… it wouldn’t fill me properly if it wasn’t your human form. Wouldn’t be able to breed me like I want. Please fuck me with your cock John, I want it so badly” you sobbed, bile rising at your own words.
He laughed in dark delight, the hand gripping painfully at your tail letting go to plunge two fingers into you. It felt like you were being penetrated with a hot poker with how little warning he had given. You choked through breaths as your shape twisted back to yourself, tail painfully deforming and the formation of paws reversing. 
“Good thing yer body is backing ye up. So fucking wet and messy already little slut, knew ye’d be drooling for my cock.”
He noticed how you were taking shuddering breaths, clearly fixating on a spot in the distance to try and dissociate. That wouldn’t do at all and he ripped apart what was left of the thin gossamer so he could bring his open palm hard to the meat of your ass. He knew by how you squealed that nobody had ever taken a hand to you before and it was delicious.
Breaking you was all he had ever wanted, it was all he thought about when his cock was deep inside some new needy cunt or tight arse or wet mouth. He hated how after they would try to keep him as if he was something to be owned by anyone else. He had lost count of the lives he had taken from losing his temper over it. But now that he had you crying in the dirt, pussy throbbing around his fingers, he wanted to savour it. 
Your nails clawed at the ground and you tried to get onto your hands and crawl forward when his fingers left you and instead he buried his head between your legs. His grip on your thighs was painfully tight, yanking you right back into position with your arms collapsing back under you, face down ass up. 
It was too much, his tongue was wet and squirming and hot and inside you. He meant to devour you, to ruin you entirely. You had about braced to be fucked, but not for this, not for the intense spark of heady desire that came from this. 
“Fuckin’ knew it, knew ye’d taste sweeter than anything else” he growled against you as he released one thigh to get his fingers on your clit, needing to get you wetter to sait the thirst for your arousal that was burning through him now. “Dae ye taste good everywhere?”
“J-John! Ah you can’t, not there” you babbled as he licked up to your rim, diving into it with the same enthusiasm as he had your pussy. 
It was disgusting how he tongued up the slick that was weeping from your cunt to drag it to your ass, plunging his tongue in and out of your hole and driving you absolutely mad. This was debauched. The trees were creaking and groaning around you, powerless to help their mistress.
“Tell me ye fucking love it.”
“Stop, please!”
“Fucking say it” he growled, sinking his teeth into the same flesh he had slapped earlier. 
You screamed, sure he must have used that horrid magic again to sharpen his teeth to that of a predator with how you felt the skin break, his tongue lapping at the trickle of blood he had earned himself. 
“I love it” you said quietly, ashamed.
“Use your fucking words.”
The threat of his teeth was still there, they were scraping against your clit.
“I love your tongue in my ass! It’s perfect, thank you so much, making me so w- making me so wet” you moaned out, feeling your cunt clench with the shame of knowing it wasn’t quite a lie.
“Good girl” he purred, the praise vibrating through you. “Should reward ye naw? What dae ye want?”
There was a dark warning laced in his tone. You knew there was a wrong answer and you wouldn’t dare to give it. If you pleaded for a stop to this he would do much worse to you than if you pleaded for the less painful option.
“Want to cum on your mouth, want to cum on your cock in my pussy.”
“Mm? Whose mouth? Whose cock?”
You squeezed your eyes shut against the utter humiliation this human was making you face.
“Yours… master.”
“Atta girl.”
He laughed behind you before bringing that sinful mouth to latch onto your clit. He sucked hard and then lapped at it like a beast until you were squirming only to then go to your opening and make sure he got every drop of sweet liquid drooling out of you. It was torturous as your body betrayed you over and over again, pliant and gushing for him. He kept you on the edge of euphoria for what felt like hours before you broke.
“Fuck! Please master, want to cum!” 
The panting moans were brainless, you were so desperate. He cooed at you, his tone saccharine even as his words were degrading.
“Needy wee slut, cannae keep your legs closed can ye? Disgusting bitch tae let a man do this tae ye. Bet ye dream of walking into the village and letting everyone have a go at this sloppy cunt.”
“Only you master, please please please!”
“Aye, only me.”
His tongue which had been wild before was now lethally precise, the tip of it flicking rapidly at your throbbing clit. As you felt yourself crest he wrenched one of your arms to put your own hand there while he removed his face. Out of some hedonistic instinct you started to play with yourself to make the orgasm last, so stupid from the pleasure that it took a moment for the pain to sink in as his cock was forced inside you to the hilt.
Johnny was in rapture. Forcing himself in while your poor cunt was fluttering and clenching on nothing was almost painful from how tightly his cock was being squeezed. Your body was panicked, pleasure and pain at their height at the same time making you so incredibly tight and hot for him. Fuck, the way you were pulsing around him it was almost like getting a blow job, the ripple of wet pressure making him howl out his pleasure against your screech of pain.
He had already so thoroughly broken you that when he started to fuck you at a brutal pace you just drooled and cried and babbled. The distinction between pain and pleasure, what you hated and what you loved, was completely erased. It was all the same liquid heat inside of you that was demanding this. Demanding for you to be fucked savagley into the dirt, for you to take everything he had to give you. Demanding to be bred like the bitch in heat you were.
“I ken sweetheart, ye need tae earn it. Cum around my cock again.”
You didn’t even know what you were saying out loud and what thoughts were your own anymore as your clumsy fingers slipped around on your clit, trying to create friction despite the smooth glide from how much you dripped with arousal. You could feel the stickiness on your fingers, feel tendrils stretching lewdly in a connecting strand whenever you moved them away from your skin.
“Fucking dae it, cum on my cock!” 
It was a lightning storm of pain versus pleasure ripping through you as he adjusted to slam into that spongy spot inside you that set off every nerve ending over and over with no reprieve. At the same time he began to absolutely brutalise your ass with his open palms, violent and unrestrained. There was a gush of liquid as you came, screaming your throat raw.
John had never felt so powerful. You had been reduced to a squirting, screaming mess underneath him, a fucking animal begging in the dirt. He handled you how he liked, went as hard as he wanted. Any human would have broken. Any human would have fucking died with how he finally unleashed the beast inside of him, finally married violence with sex the way he had always wanted. 
“That’s it, fucking daft bitch, stupid wee brood mare, made tae fucking take it!”
You were begging again, nothing left in your brain but the desperation to be bred by a strong male. He was happy to do it, loyal protector that he was. Happy to give you exactly what you whined and mewled for, slamming home and cumming deep inside you. He fucked you through his own orgasm. He fucked you even when it was painful. It wasn’t until his cock finally slipped out, spent and struggling to find any purchase when he wasn’t fully engorged given how fucking sloppy you were.
He pushed you away after, leaving you a pile on the floor panting and ruined. Sitting back on his heels he had to take a moment for the dizziness from what had just happened to subside. Time for him to get out of this forest he supposed. He was not welcome on this land anymore. As he stood he took stock. While his kilt simply draped again to cover the sticky mess you had left on his skin and the dirt on his knees was easy enough to dust off, your gown was torn to shreds, your body beaten and bruised. He was perhaps a little surprised when your eyes opened and you blinked at him.
You felt the delicious strain of the most satisfying fuck of your life, only opening your eyes when you heard him get to his feet. Oh, he thought he was leaving. His eyes lit up with confusion and a tiny spark of feral delight as vines erupted from the ground to ensnare his ankle. Silly boy, thinking you powerless. If you had truly imbued him with the amount of your power he had deluded himself that you had, his human body would have burnt up and been dust on the wind years ago. It was laughable that he would have been able to block your magic.
“Did you truly think I didn't know your intentions from the start? Oh John, you are mine” you said with the fond bemusement one might have for a grumpy child. “Now come and perform your duty to your mistress, I am hardly done with you.”
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In Your Defense
Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Summary: After being forced into marriage, you decided you would make the best of it, deciding whomever you'd wed could surely not be worse than your father. And upon learning your husband-to-be's erratic behavior is matched with a fierce sense of loyalty, you decide to be a dutiful wife and present yourself to him on your wedding night.
Word Count: 4k+
Warnings: Feminism left my body, brief mentions of abusive father, arranged/forced marriage, fem!reader, smut (4k+ smut?????? I-, honestly high key pwp, virgin!reader, first time awkwardness, fingering, vaginal penetration, praise kink), protective!daemon, fluff, TYPOS (im sorry), etc.
A/N: im treating myself by writing this because im going through it and this blonde demon is so hot Part 2 kinda "Tea time"
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"What kind of man is he?" I asked. "The prince?" the king sighed, leaning back on his chair, "I'm afraid he is as insolent as the rumors say he is." I pick at my nails upon hearing this. "Still," he adds, "he is my brother. I trust him with my life." My eyes lift from my hands. King Viserys holds a sincere expression on his face. It does not falter as he continues, " and I like to think it is not due to my lack of better judgement."
I took in a deep breath before entering the chambers that is now mine and my husband's. I grip my sweaty hands together as I enter, chewing on my lower lip in agitation.
Prince Daemon turns to me from across the room; he was in the middle of changing out of his wedding attire. His eyes were fixed on me as he unbuttoned his coat.
I take in another breath and walk up to him, making him still his actions. I know his gaze does not leave me even though I could not look at him on my way over.
Now that I stood before him, I dare to look at his piercing, violet eyes.
The prince's face is dark, as the moonlight was the only source of light in the room. This was the second instance I was able to behold the slope of his nose and the curve of his lips, the first being mere minutes ago during our marriage ceremony.
He had left the very moment he pledged himself to me. I was meant to follow him right after, but my father pulled me aside and laid forth the longest sermon he has given me yet. He made sure to grip my arm one last time, ensuring the pain of it would not make me forget his words. I had never been more relieved to be released by him than in that moment.
I push the horrible image of my father away as I reach out to the prince's hands that were stuck on his chest. Before I could touch him though, both his hands grab my wrists. I do a good job of masking my gasp after years of practice, but I cannot withhold the widening of my eyes.
He chastises me in a language I do not recognize, stepping forward once. He tilts his head in some sort of expectation. I open my mouth, "I apologize, my prince, but I do not understand."
What he says next makes goosebumps form all over my skin, "I said you do not have to offer your virginity to me tonight."
I am unable to speak or even release a sound, though my jaw is hung low.
The prince enjoys this. His lips pull up into a soft smirk. My skin burns when his fingers brush against it, as he tucks away locks of hair behind my ear, "that is, unless my pretty bride is not a virgin."
I stutter, absolutely horrified, "y-your grace, how could you think so lowly of me?"
He chuckles, the sound of it makes my stomach roll, "I do not." His hand travels down my neck where the pad of his thumb then rubs at my skin. I feel a lump form at my throat though he does not even press against me, "how funny that I'm somehow saddened by the fact no one has touched you tenderly before."
I bring my hand to his, after a shudder comes out of my mouth involuntarily.
"You are not much older that my niece," he mumbles, pulling his hand away, which in turn makes me drop mine to the side in some form of defeat. I expect him to walk away, but then he runs the back of his hand down my arm. I bite the inside of my lip harshly because of it.
I take a moment to regain my coherence; he seems acutely aware that I do. "I believe I am, indeed, three years Princess Rhaenyra's senior," I manage to choke out.
He hums, "when I was your age, I already had every woman I wanted bent over by my knee." Without warning, he takes my cheeks in both hands, causing a squeak to come out of my lips, "my princess," he says, "if you sleep with me tonight, tomorrow you may well be carrying my seed and unable to walk for it."
My pulse quickens. Daemon feels it beneath his thumb.
My lips quiver, "will it truly be that painful, my lord?"
I see his expression soften, "it may," his thumb ghosts over my lips, "but it would be the consequence of the pleasure I would give you."
I grip my hands and bite my lip in thought.
Daemon takes one more step forward.
My hands move over to his waist where they then begin to tug at his top nervously. I heave arduously, "take me then, husband."
He hums lifting my head up to look at me more intently. His thumb brushes my skin, "and is this yours or your father's desire?"
I feel disgust rise up my throat at the mention. "Does it matter?" I squeak, only realizing I spoke it out loud when he pulls away and says, "it matters to me."
When Prince Daemon begins to walk away, my heart clenches, uncertain of what to do next. I feel like a helpless mouse that was spared by a cat, or more accurately, a woman spared by a dragon and was now reeling at the unanticipated form of mercy.
"It's mine," I blurt out decisively, "I fucking hate my father,"
He stills in his tracks because of this and turns over to me from his shoulder.
"He is a cruel monster and I am glad I do not have to bend to his will any longer."
The man with silver hair chuckles as he continues making his way to the large bed, "and you believe me to be better than your father?"
We exchange looks the moment he is sat down at the end of the bed.
I pick at my nails and nibble my lip, watching the prince as he watches me, "I admit I was concerned of what your demeanor might be after learning you were called The Rogue Prince," I turn to my hands and dart my tongue out before continuing, "but I was comforted by sentiment the king had for his brother."
Daemon chuckles louder at this, crossing his arms, "and what did the king say about his brother, pray tell?"
"That he trusts him with his life," I turn back to him, "and that it is not due to his lack of better judgement."
"And you are choosing to trust this stranger you have been wed to based on this premise?"
Unable to bear the weight of his stare, I turn to the floor when I reply, "I am."
He shifts upon hearing this and speaks again in foreign tongue. I turn to him and take in his expectant look. When he does not do or say anything else, I figure he probably asked me to come over. I do just that then, releasing a breath as I take the first few steps towards him.
Once I am in front of him, his hands immediately go to my waist and he pulls me onto his lap.
I bite my lower lip so hard that I taste iron.
I am sitting on one side of his lap. He pulls my thighs close to him, securing an arm behind me. His hand brushes against my cheeks and my whole burns in anticipation at this point.
The prince places a kiss on my lips; he is eager and hungry. I instantly reach my hands out to his torso, fingers digging into his clothes. He squeezes my side, which makes me whimper. He takes it as an opportunity to deepen our exchange.
The next thing I know, he pulls away and shifts me around so that my back is pressed against his chest and his head is nestled on the crook of my neck. My toes curl at the feeling of his hot breath. He chuckles when my skin pricks yet again with goosebumps.
He does nothing but kiss me for a moment. I slowly begin to melt against him, but then his hands began to pull my skirt up. I barely manage to jolt and squeal when he claws halfway up my thighs. He shushes me, holding me down as I squirm against him. I heave heavily, completely contrasting his calm demeanor as he speaks, "it will not hurt."
My husband proceeds to nibble on my neck and I bring my hands to my mouth when I am unable to contain my moan. He chuckles, teeth grazing at me a bit harder, "you will enjoy my fingers better than my mouth in this instance."
My heart is pounding in my chest. I will my breathing to even out as I bring my hands back down to my skirt, right where the prince had his underneath. He continues to work on my neck, though his palms remain stagnant, only moving to massage my thighs slowly.
After a moment passes, I breathily urge, unsure if I was more scared of the fact he was growing restless or that I was, "continue, husband."
"As you wish, pretty wife."
His grip on my thighs tightens before they move again. I grip on the fabric beneath my fingers when I feel his thick ones rub against my heat. When I push my thighs close, he firmly digs on my flesh to bring them open, hushing me yet again.
I cannot even think to be embarrassed by the sound that rips out of my throat when his fingers enter and exit me in such a maddeningly slow pace.
He curses against my shoulder before he mutters again in the language I do not speak.
He continues these actions, I think to soothe me, and yet it elicits the opposite response. I continue to wiggle atop him, absolutely unable to contain myself. He is so desperate to keep me in place, he pulls a hand away and snakes his arm around me. My back arches against him as his actions quicken. My hands rise up to his head where they then claw at whatever I could touch.
I do feel embarrassment burn on my cheeks when suddenly, he pulls away and pushes me back on my feet. It cause of how he stood before me, tilted his head down on my smaller form, and licked his wet fingers.
The action was so obscene that my mouth opens, yet not a sound comes out.
I was still gripping my skirt when he spun me around began to unlace my dress. I feel the hair on my neck raise as his fingers tugged on my clothes.
Daemon must have felt my tension because he suddenly says, "you will enjoy this better if you relax."
"I- I'm trying."
He chuckles.
A shiver runs down my spine when he tugs my dress down and it drops to the floor. I cannot help but wrap my arms around me as he leads me out of it and spins me back to face him. He looks like he took no offence in my actions though, and even grants me the mercy of undressing himself.
When his shirt leaves him, I turn away, finding the ceiling so very interesting. I see him kick his pants off from my peripheral view. Right after, he takes my chin in his fingers and pulls my face to him.
My eyes land on his violet ones. I flinch when his hot hand finds the cool, bare skin on the side of my belly. His eyes flick down for a moment, "there is no shame in your beauty."
I release a sigh when he connects his lips to mine.
His hands find their way to my spine. I am slowly being pushed back. Before I fall, I bring my cold, clammy hands to his burning hot skin. He hisses because of this, and I pull my hands away in response. This is why my body crashes onto the bed prematurely. When he pulls away to reposition me, I squeak, "apologies, my prince."
As much as I wanted to examine his reaction to my words, I screw my eyes shut when I finally catch a glimpse of his naked form. My cold hands slap on both sides of my face.
He chuckles again as he pulls me up until my head is rested on the pillows by the headboard, "am I so grotesque to the eyes of a beauty?"
I open my mouth, hands ripping away from my eyes, though they remained closed, "No- I-" but my words end up as yet another squeak when Daemon grabs my legs and fold them up to my chest.
I slam my hands onto the bed, unable to do anything else as the prince continues to bubble out in chuckles as he maneuvers over me. One of his hands remain on my things, rubbing the area with much care, the other goes up to my chest and kneads on my exposed breast. I am anything but silent when I feel his manhood press against me on top of all this.
I feel his hand sink on the cushion beside my head. He presses a kiss on both my eyelids, "look at me, wife."
I slowly peel my eyes open and feel the vein on my neck tighten when he begins to rub himself against me. My hands claw up on his back. He again reacts with discomfort.
He grabs my hand before I could pull away from him, my newly released leg dips because of this. "I will warm you soon enough," he says, pressing my cold hands back on his skin, "you can grip me as hard and as roughly as you like."
I do not reply for his lips press against mine.
In that very instant then, he lifts his hips and sheathes himself in me. I let out an unholy sound and my limbs constrict around him out of instinct. He himself draws out a prolonged groan, as I let out multiple high pitched whimpers and curses.
"So ready for me, wife," he moans, kissing my cheek, "such a good girl."
Again, I do not speak when he begins to rock into me back and forth. Only indistinguishable words leave my lips.
Daemon absolutely revels in the feeling, mind dizzy with the immaculate sounds echoing across the room. His body weight is delicious against mine, and whatever fear I may have had of being crushed is overpowered by a desire to crumble underneath him.
I find myself whining out his name at this point.
"That's right," he grunts, "let them know who's fucking you good."
I react to his obscenities by spreading my legs further. In that instant, I whine even louder as his newfound position hits an overly sensitive nub in me. My legs consequently tighten around him, entirely unwilling to let him go. Whatever concern I had about his hisses no longer phase me, even when I dig my nails into his back. It was all I could do as he pounded into me, relish the texture of his scarred skin and groan lewdly.
He speaks again in his foreign language, but I feel in my gut that he was singing me praises... but then again perhaps that was just his large co-
I start to scream when his pace quickens and his hand begins to rub on my aching core. My body arches against him, tears begin to build in the corner of my screwed eyes.
I pull even him closer to me with my desperate arms, mouth wide open as it finds the skin of his shoulder. My teeth instinctively bite down and lap at the salty surface. I graze my teeth up to his neck and it's there that I repeatedly call his name, over and over and over again, practically praying to him.
"I'm here," he hushes, both hands moving down to my thighs. I groan as he digs his fingers in and coos, "you're doing so good for me. So good."
I open my eyes upon hearing the praise. In that moment, as my voice hitches up and down at his ministrations, I move my face to look at him. Daemon presses his forehead on mine as we both breathe hotly against each other.
I succumb to this unknown desire to bite at his lip. The sound Daemon makes because of it makes my belly swirl up even more in its unreadable anticipation.
Curses leave his lips as his actions become more rugged, much quicker, and more wanton. I pull away from him, absolutely weak under his brute force.
The action coaxes out his name from my throat. He mutters mine against my ear and asks me to let go. He does so in such a sweet yet commanding way that even if I didn't want to, I would. I repeat his name a couple more times as I chase this high that is building and building, up until fire bursts all around me. All my tension explodes and I'm absolutely limp and boneless.
I'm basically just screaming like I'm mad at this point.
Daemon is roughly heaving atop of me, actions not ceasing just yet.
All at once, I feel him release a hotness inside of me. It makes me cry out yet again, only this time, I finally am aware of how helpless I sound.
"Good girl," Daemon mutters, movements growing sloppy though still not yet stopping. He peppers kisses on my neck as I quake and quiver. He repeats the praise the same way I am absentmindedly repeating his name.
When he finally relents, I regain some semblance of strength in my limbs and I begin to tighten my hold around him again, once more unwilling to let him go.
The chuckle that vibrates from his chest makes me whine and shiver. He revels in the sound, though he is halfheartedly apologetic because of how sharply I react.
At this point, his entire weight is now relaxed upon mine. I enjoy the heaviness and fullness of him. I snuggle my head against his, fingers digging into the roots of his hair. He remains atop me unmoving, content in our joint position.
My heavy eyelids rip open when he moves off me. I begin to wonder if he moves away because he did not like what I was doing. He stands for a moment then pulls at the blanket beneath me, bringing it over my body. It makes embarrassment shoot up around me. I tense when he climbs up next to me.
It seems he senses this as he rolls to his side, "are you not satisfied?"
I press my lips together, hands coming up to neck, legs pressing close against each other, "no, my prince, I- n- I mean- I enjoyed-"
His chuckle cuts me off. My breath hitches when he kisses my shoulder. I turn to him as he rolls on his chest, his hand lazily makes his way to my belly, "you'll learn to be more confident in your skin soon enough, darling."
As quickly as my heart soars at his sweet words, I feel so stupid when he draws his arm back and shifts to face to other way.
It's all so overwhelmingly confusing and heart shattering to me. I cannot help that suddenly tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I press my hands to my mouth, fighting back any cries from being heard.
Alternatively, Daemon suddenly remembers that not everyone wants to keep to themselves after a fuck. And so he turns over and speaks, "you can touch me if you-" but falters right after. His brows knit when he sees me roll over abruptly. The urgency of my movement was what gave me away.
"Have I upset you?"
I pull my hands away, cursing my very existence when my voice breaks out with a shaky, "no."
Daemon shifts, lying on his back with wide eyes, trying to recount just how he managed to fuck up so quickly when moments ago he was receiving such high praises.
"Do you not want to touch me?" I quietly mutter.
I feel so pathetic after asking it when I receive no response.
I am shocked when I do hear a retort, "I did not think you wanted to."
I quickly turn to him, absolutely desperate, "I want to!"
Daemon's chest tightens when he sees what he does.
He rolls to his side again and brings his hands to my face, wiping my tears with his thumb. He then pulls me into his chest, arm going around me, "don't cry, sweet girl." He presses a kiss on my head, "this will not happen again."
"It better fucking not," I whine helplessly, my own arms going around him. Daemon is as surprised as I am with my words, but I decide not to apologize for them when he presses another kiss on me.
The next day, when my eyes flutter open, I take in the sound of breathing and a heart beat against my ear. It seems I shifted in my sleep as now my head was rested by the crook of my husband's neck, chest pressed against his. His arm was around my shoulder.
I lift my eyes and take in his features, only now allowing myself to admit that he was stunning. He was stunning and mine, my husband. My hands reach up to retrace his jaw and nose. My face begins to heat up as I the image of him last night plays in my head.
I chuckle to myself but then I bite my lower lip quickly, as not to wake the sleeping being with my noise.
My hands find their way to his chest where I then begin to draw delicate lines that form nothing. I rip my hand away when I suddenly hear a slamming at the door. I begin to panic and pull the sheets up around me as I hear a voice I could vaguely recognize call out to me and Daemon.
I am completely frazzled, absolutely unsure of what to do.
I look between the door and Daemon, deciding I should not risk letting anyone see us naked. I sit up quickly and call out hesitantly, unwilling to wake my husband with my voice, "just a moment."
There is another bang on the door, and so next time I speak, it is not as timid and much more annoyed, "just a moment!"
I sigh, deciding to get out of bed. I do not manage to however, as suddenly, a hand is on my arm, holding me back. Daemon's eyes barely blink open, and yet his voice is loud and angry as he yells, "Fuck off!"
I flinch at the intensity of his voice that continues to warn, "come back in a hour, unless you want to lose your head."
In that instant, I give him a nervous expression. He pulls his hand away to rub his fingers on his eyelids and groan. When he finds my gaze again, he moves to caress my skin with the back of his hand.
I lick my lips nervously, "good morning, husband."
He smiles, "good morning, wife."
I clear my throat, "that was my handmaiden," I trail off, "she was probably tasked by my father-"
"Do you want me to kill him?"
My mouth remains parted.
Daemon grunts, shifting to lift his head up slightly, "you said the fucker was a cruel monster," he glides his hand up and down on my back, but quicker this time, "you are mine now; you have no use of him. Say the word and I will make him food for Caraxes."
"I..." I turn away, "I do not want his blood to dirty your hands."
Daemon smiles. He breaks into a laugh as he sits up. I look back at him after he presses a kiss on my shoulder, "I would gladly bloody my hands for you."
I turn to my hands, feeling my cheeks heat up at his words. I pick at my nails and remember his words from last night, "... am I with child now?"
He laughs, so loudly that I turn to him in shock. He pulls me against him, muttering words in a language I still don't understand. His hands travel down my sides, "we can try again in case you aren't."
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saradika · 5 months
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this year has been filled with so many beautiful fics, I wanted to make a rec list to share & support everything I read. please check these out and support these creators, they are all incredible! 💖✨
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— Breathe Me In by @moonlight-prose
the jedi fell and darth vader rose to power, but there’s a secret he hides even from his own master.
— When Midnight Calls by @ladyxskywalker
anakin steps into the refresher, noticing how you left the door open for him, the steam filling the room inside from the misty hot water.
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— The Lady and the Merc by @flightlessangelwings
“The pleasure,” the leader took your hand, but instead of shaking it, he brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of it tenderly, “Is all mine,” he gave you a wink as you felt your skin burn under his touch, “And call me Axe Woves.”
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— Steadfast by @uwingdispatch
He pressed a sweet kiss to your forehead before pulling back to look at you in that way only he could, with those bright eyes. “I think we should stay,” he said.
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— Be With Me by @imarvelatthestars
"It's late," he says.
— Boba Fett is in Love With You by @janghoefett
He’s known for some time now.
— Ex Libris by @daimyosprincess
There's much to be learned from the handsome professor Boba Fett, both about yourself and your pleasure.
— Kinktober Day Five: Virginity by @sinfulsalutations
You’ve never felt this small before.
— No Mercy by @daimyosprincess
Fennec Shand is many things, markswoman, assassin, the daimyo’s right hand, but merciful is not one of them. That's why she's the only one Boba Fett trusts to take care of you when he's away.
— Sound Asleep by @moodymisty
You swore you hadn’t had a nightmare since your childhood years; But even then, you couldn’t remember one like this.
— Small Favors by @daimyosprincess
The day Boba Fett called you a hellion, you were pretty certain it altered your brain chemistry.
— The App by @maybege
The App tells you who your perfect match is. But when Josh, your perfect-match-alpha, introduces you to his boss, you start to realise that the numbers are not always right.
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— Dread by @bits-and-babs
a strange creature visits your dreams, promising to satiate a yearning body he heard call to him across the force. |  incubus!maul
— Serenity by @eloquentmoon
lord maul interrupts your nighttime stroll in the woods
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— Eat Your Young by @imarvelatthestars
It's the way she looks at you that does you in, the blatant hunger that glints in Elia's eyes, the knowledge that she always has you just within reach and that you'll always fall for her time and again. 
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— I Didn't Know The Time by @ladyxskywalker
an unseasonable rain causes an unexpected shift in your new year’s plans, but, as it turns out, both of you wouldn’t have it any other way
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— Amuse Bouche by @bits-and-babs
A state dinner leaves the Grand Admiral wanting far more than was offered.
— Show of Good Faith by @bits-and-babs
grand admiral thrawn has a unconventional way of convincing neighbouring planets to pledge allegiance to the empire.
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— I Want You to Show Me Weak by @tarabyte3
You're pretty sure Kino Loy hates you. He screams at you, grabs you, and shoves you against the wall, and it's becoming a problem because, well...it shouldn't fluster you as much as it does.
— Ownership of Mine by @amywritesthings
The Empire has integrated their prison systems, with you as one of the few women now incarcerated at Narkina 5. The unit manager takes you under his wing – but for reasons you didn’t anticipate.
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— Dust to Dust by @avarkriss
A generous gift bestowed upon a very pretty desert hermit
—Kinktober Day 5: Table Sex by @flightlessangelwings
“You wished to see me, Lord Kenobi?” you asked from the doorway to his office where you stood at attention.
— Serve My Worries Away by @friskynotebook
In which Obi-Wan gets in a fight with a printer and the printer wins.
— Sweetend Craving by @moonlight-prose
“he’d want the last thing he ever heard to be the sound of you tipping over the edge, falling into a bliss you both craved.”
— What’s The Harm? by @obixwan
Quinlan set Obi-Wan up with a friend and now, Obi-Wan can’t help himself.
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— Because You Left by @againstacecilia
“What happened? With us?” / “We just… Grew apart. That’s all.” / “No, I don’t think that’s it. Not entirely.”
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— Better Than The Universe by @sinfulsalutations
Rex enjoys the mindlessly affection-filled morning he deserves
— Kinktober Day 15 by @samspenandsword
Overstimulation with Daddy Rebels!Rex
— Keep In The Heat by @sinfulsalutations
Wrecker is cold. His girl knows a solution
— Return To Sender by @keravnos-kori
halla has been alone for the past three years. as it turns out, relocating to coruscant and attending a prestigious university hasn’t been as glamorous as she originally expected - but when a new opportunity comes along for her to prove the republic’s injustices committed against clone troopers, she might get more than she bargained for when the power structure suddenly collapses and is replaced by something far more sinister…
— Strategies in Fliration by @floral-force
When you take a risk and join your friends for a night out, a handsome stranger sets his eyes on you. You boldly approach him and ask him what war tactics he has in his arsenal. | captain rex
— Sweet Thing by @starrylothcat
Wrecker has a crush on you, a local sweet shop owner. Will he find the courage to ask you out? 
— Some Rex and Relaxation by @daimyosprincess
After a hard week, Rex makes it his mission to see that you forget all about it.
— The Coffee Shop by @samspenandsword
You own a coffee house on Coruscant famed for its especially strong and rare brews. One day, you find yourself meeting the Marshal Commander for the Coruscant Guard.
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if you haven’t read these, you need to! and please support these amazing fics & writers by reading, reblogging & commenting! 💕
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takes1 · 17 days
For a request, would you be interested in a bully Dabi x male reader (maybe in a college AU or something. You can decide if you want it to be in the LOV instead)? Reader is constantly picked on and demeaned by him, but one day maybe in a private area reader is cornered, some suggestive content goes on/maybe noncon depending what you want to do, and the reader speaks up when the situation almost goes too far (and normally he is quiet. He’s that nerdy kid afraid to disappoint his parents/and a virgin. So he is scared of what was going on in that scenario.) After, you can decide what goes on from there!
Also to add, my bad about asking make characters. I did read the rules but had no idea what afab of amab means, should of looked it up before asking lol 😂
you're okay! no worries :) i really liked writing this, it's very different from my other stuff. i'm so sorry this has taken so long! will write a part 2 soon and probably end it there!
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warnings. barely sfw, slight noncon themes, creepy vibes
details. male!reader / college au / frat au / inexperienced!reader / loser!reader / corruptionkink!dabi / loser!reader / degradation / praise / power play / slight noncon / yandere!dabi / 1.2k words
🤍 scenario series. more dabi and others here.
more links. my ao3 / dabi headcanons / requests open
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"No, mom--,"
You almost tripped over your untied shoelace for the third time in the past two minutes but continued to ignore it. Stopping to fix it was scarier than getting a face full of dirty cement.
"No, it's-, okay, uppercase L, did you try the uppercase L yet?"
A rush of adrenaline plumped your veins for a fleeting moment and you gripped your cracked phone like a lifeline. The sound of shoes other than your beat-up Vans scraped across the sidewalk. You turned and there was nothing but the drip of residual rain from gutters, and some trash brushing by a garbage can.
Of course, a Mcdonald's wrapper would be responsible for your fatal heart attack. Or your mother, who didn't understand how to capitalize a letter on her keyboard to enter her bank password.
There was another half mile to your dorm building. When she called you halfway through your journey back from your last late class, you were relieved to have something else on your mind other than the threat of seeing a Brother around.
Pledge Week was Hell. Actual Hell. This must've been your divine punishment for being such a giant fucking loser your entire life-- a cruel joke from God designed to say, 'Look at this dumbass! He's paying hundreds of dollars to get hazed for a week, then ostracized for the smallest hope of feeling like he's a part of something!'
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"It's the left side, mom. It says shift on it," You sighed.
This was the first week you hadn't commuted home for the weekend. With no social skills to bank on, there was nothing to do on the weekends except drive two hours home. At least you could be comfortable there. Not necessarily wanted, until they had a technology issue that required a Cybersecurity major -or just any person with brain cells- to fix, but you had your own quiet room.
It didn't change the fact that the Brothers of Alpha Sigma Phi betted on you to join them as a joke. You didn't have any connections or lineage like the other Pledges, but it was funny to pick the scrawny kid and see how long he'd last.
You didn't know how you lasted this long. It was a sort of tolerance that you built up, because Alpha Sig gave you something to do, somewhere to be.
A semester as a Pledge; running errands, attending parties but not allowed to drink, getting shit on at every turn because that was just the culture here and you thought, maybe after you graduate to become a Brother in a couple of days, you would have some real friends.
Another thudding sound of footsteps much heavier than yours. This time, they didn't stop, and neither did you.
The orange glow of streetlamps every 15 feet became markers for your sanity. Only nine more to go before you were at your building.
Your stomach was in your throat. The hand in your pocket clutched your knife.
"You got it?" Your voice was uneven but your mother didn't notice. You wished she would stay on the phone longer, but there was nothing else to talk about.
Even the other seven Pledges didn't associate with you. If they did, they got screwed with more. This week had become a sick kind of lonely, fast.
It was like clockwork. As soon as your phone left your ear, a voice much closer than you anticipated shocked your muscles still.
"Hey, Pledge," It was by far the worst Brother imaginable; the one who seemed to take personal pleasure in your torment above anyone else, "The fuck do ya think you're talkin' to?"
You kept your hand in your pocket. Pulling a knife on him would erase all progress, possibly even make this whole semester's worth of work useless, but you weren't about to surrender your only line of defense when you weren't sure if it would get violent.
Dabi was deceptively glittery under the streetlamp. His piercings gave you something else to look at to avoid eye contact.
"My mom--," You could barely get your words out.
"You're not supposed to speak to anyone this week," He lowered his voice and approached slow because he knew you wouldn't move.
Narrowed eyes watched another student on the other side of the deserted street.
Two years ago, Alpha Sig had been under an investigation for hazing (rightfully so, you could imagine), so the older Brothers were careful about what they said and did in public. In private, everything was still on the table.
So far, the worst thing you were forced to do was the bottling line. This was an activity where they made you and the other Pledges stand in a line to drink an entire bottle of various combined liquors. Each of you had to drink a fair amount, or the last man had to drink whatever was left. You were the last man.
This was already after a knowledge test about the fraternity. If a Pledge got a question wrong about the history of Alpha Sig, he was forced to drink.
Eventually, they made you drink whenever somebody else got a question wrong because you were answering everything correctly.
You had never thrown up so violently at the end of one night before. You weren't sure how you made it back to your dorm, but you woke up at 3 in the afternoon the next morning and didn't bother going to the rest of your classes.
"That includes calling your mommy," Dabi mocked, close enough to be in striking distance.
Every Pledge knew to stay far away from this crazy bastard. He was joked to be so masochistic that he was the one responsible for the investigation in the first place.
But he sought you out so much you had almost seen him every day this week. Enough to count every piercing on his face, wonder what each of his tattoos meant and why he had so many.
He took a glance down to your hand.
"Whaddya got a hard-on or something?"
You shot your hand out of your pocket, knife-less, defenseless, and embarrassed, sparking a smirk across his face.
Your dick was not hard right now, but it wasn't opposed to getting off at the thought of Dabi's big hands, among other things.
It was worth wondering if they could all tell. You weren't flamboyant, but you supposed that not being straight wasn't their only reason to shun you.
You wondered if they knew about Dabi's equality tattoo, a small but mighty symbol under his arm that you managed to get a glimpse of at one party after staring at him too long. He made you his personal servant many times for that problem throughout the semester.
It gave you the chance to pick up on things that weren't so traditional about him.
In truth, it only made your staring worse because you were certain he was more similar to you than anyone would care to think.
He closed the distance between you and sized you up while you put your hands behind your back. You couldn't believe you had forgotten to until now; that was what your class was supposed to do when a Brother called on them.
Dabi's breath was warm and minty on the side of your face when he muttered, "You're gonna show me your dorm, Pledge."
A big, strong hand shoved you hard. Back into the direction you had been walking. There was not much you could do now, other than shakily guide him back to the one place you felt safe.
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none. reply to be added for part 2!
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