#yes I unfortunately used trop
lochiels · 8 months
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— Places of the Elves (ft. The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The Rings of Power)
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(Alright, going to stop procrastinating and finally make this post.) After playing through the new trilogy in French to see what was different, here are some things about the French localisation of Spirit of Justice I thought you should know:
First of all, I usually like the French and English versions of the games equally. This marks the first time I've actually enjoyed the French version... more than the English one?? Especially Turnabout Revolution? Don't get me wrong, I already loved it in English, but I think the next time I replay it I'll actively choose French. Idk man it just hits different when a bunch of French people are talking about revolution and overthrowing the tyrannical regime etc
Oh yes, speaking of which, yes, the "Japanifornia" parts of the game take place in Paris, France, as usual. No, I have no idea how Kurain village can be next to the mountains and also the sea while also being in the vicinity of Paris. I also don't know why the entire population of a small country in the Himalayas are fluent in French and use it on a daily basis. But seriously, the main characters mention SO OFTEN that they're French and from France, like, all the fricking time. Remember the incredibly Japanese rakugo case? Imagine that taking place in France.
The Khura'inese pun names are hysterical in French. An example that English speakers can get too: the first culprit's name in French is Sterh'uey Tu'heiven. I'm not making this up. That's his name.
Unfortunately the Holy Mother giveth, but she also taketh away, and they gave Nahyuta a crunchy old man voice that doesn't suit his ethereal appearance at all...
Athena has now added German and Italian to her random English and Spanish phrases from the prev game. I mean... it made sense before, since she was meant to have lived in the USA in this version, but now I guess she just does it for fun? Who knows
French Roger Retinz uses €50 notes (euros) to fan himself instead of dollar bills
Inga's full name is "Inga Karkhuul Kel Nomh Bowkhou Tro'lon Pohm'peu Eh'Duhr Apronh Ons'ai Khura'in III" ("quel nom beaucoup trop long, pompeux et dur à prononcer")
Nahyuta's nickname in French is just "Yuta"
Ema and Apollo now use informal pronouns for each other, so do Ema and Trucy now, Maya starts using informal pronouns for Apollo from almost the first moment she meets him (though he uses formal pronouns for her lmao), and yes Dhurke and Apollo use informal pronouns with each other the whole time, even when things are awkward at the start. Rayfa and her mother always use formal pronouns for each other, which is a little depressing.
AS FOR NAHYUTA AND APOLLO... HOHOHO. Obviously they're both using "vous" (formal) in court, but in the scene afterwards Apollo switches to "tu" (informal) when he asks Nahyuta if he remembers him. Later in Turnabout Revolution, Apollo has gone back to vous but he's at least saying "Nahyuta" rather than "Prosecutor Sahdmadhi" or whatever (I think that happened in the English version too). Then during the final trial, after that one insanely angsty scene, Apollo starts using tu again and even (internally) uses the nickname Yuta once! Nahyuta eventually starts referring to him as Apollo and starts using tu after finally openly acknowledging Apollo as his family aaauuuuuugh ;o;
(Listen Apollo usually always tries to be formal and professional in court so this is a big deal!!! It's a big deal to me at least!!!!!!!!!)
In the English version there were a few times our good ol' American Apollo had a sort of "haha I'm just a foreigner I don't know anything here" vibe which... no you're not lol. The French version didn't have that (or at least toned it down a lot) and made him feel less like a tourist and more like an immigrant returning to his old home country with complex feelings, which he is. It makes it more personal that he's the one to bring about the revolution imo -- he's not some random foreigner swooping in to save the day, this is his home and his family, he belongs here. (As an immigrant myself I find aspects of him relatable and will defend his Khura'inese backstory to the death DON'T TEST ME)
The "what's crack-a-lackin' homie" line in all its glory:
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kassandragreyson · 1 year
Let’s talk about Jean Luc Picard and his fatherhood.
I know, it was said thousands time withing the franchise and by actors/characters and etc., but I want to explore the current Star Trek: Picard 3 season
Yeah yeah yeah, we all can pretend that this never happened and just assume that it is not canon, even though real canon without Rodenberry is impossible in anyway, but lets admit that we have this 3 season and live with that.
Its happening and honestly, I sort of like it. Sure, it is not the same vibe as tng, but hey, they had 7 seasons and full range movies to explore the characters while we have only short 3 seasons with 10 episodes each. This is not enough, but I give a huge credit for actors who are still trying to make it better and worth the time and resources. But in anyway, today it is not about capitalist bs and how it ruins our childhood lol.
Of course, giving Picard a son is a bald move, but honestly, so predictable. It is exactly what happened to Kirk when they introduced David Marcus. They wanted to give the character a new challenge, but at least they could have tried to be original. Trop that partners went through tough relationships (all these ups and downs between Picard and Crusher) and after 20 years it appears that one of them hid the child, wow shocking. *Sarcastic giggle*
But ok, that’s the Star Trek vibe and sort of expected move. It was done before, why not again but with a different outcome and atmosphere? What I do not really like is what they did to characters and their values.
I get it that Beverly cares for her son and wants to protect him at all costs. But Beverly I know would not do that. Yes, she is pretty much an independent lady, who does not need a “boyfriend” or maybe even husband. A partner - maybe. But unfortunately, Jean Luc could never be him as much as she wanted. He is way too much into his life just like her, so unless someone sacrifices their career or desires, it simply would not work. We have seen it; it did not work. They are two complete people with their own views on life, so we cannot expect them to push their boundaries and let their own selves go.
But hide Jean Luc’s child, pretending that he will drag the danger on him is hilarious. I mean, they all were in Star Fleet, they all knew the risks from the day one, Beverly knew the risks for Wesley when he joined Fleet and did not seem to have an issue with that.
I do not want to be mean or cruel but lets face it: she is a doctor in a future society, I will never believe that she did not calculate risks of this pregnancy and future outcomes in advance. The pregnancy was not a big surprise for her, you can not have sex and expect TV after. It is a baby if you do not use contraception or even if you use, it is still a baby to expect. My point is, if she accepted Jack and his birth, she should have accepted the risks for him as well.
Question is, why she decided to ruin all relationships with Jean Luc and live her “happily life” hiding Jack? I mean, that is too bs move for her character. She is so much better than that, better friend, better mom, better woman. It is not worth drama to picture her so selfish and ignorant.
Then it comes to Jack and all his “I do not want to see you Sir; you are not my father blah blah blah”. They all Picture Picard as someone who is horrible at fatherhood and sucks with kids. They all show him as “I do not need ANY family accept Star Fleet” and ect. But. There is but.
He is better that that. I do not want to say that he and his character must become a father, no, not all people want kids and a family and make all these sacrifices. And it was absolutely cool to draw Picard as a person who does not want kids and it is ok, it was a good line of his personality. It was. But now we have to face jack and deal with that.
Jean Luc Picard is the most caring for his family man. Whole crew of the Enterprise, his brother and nephew, Ro, random younger ensigns and other secondary characters. We have seen that while he does not feel comfortable with kids, he is pretty much paternal figure for all above.
I was thinking, why someone who is so good with being a father figure, would refuse to become a father one day? I do not think it is because he simply does not want it and that’s it. I think he has much deeper reasons than it appears and shown to us.
We know from season 2 that he had an internal conflict with love and being loved because he has witnessed a horrifying moment in his life (his mother) and it broke him so hard, that he was carrying all this weight through his whole adulthood.
So, what if being the father has its own roots as well?
I think it is all about the responsibility.
Think about it. Jean Luc is the top Capitan, he has to lead the best ship, he is the “golden boy” of the Star Fleet diplomacy and literary everyone is looking at him as a hero. A lot of stress comes with such honor. He cannot relax even with his crew, that is how much he is trying to be that person as everyone sees in him.  The only time when he is being himself if when he is alone. Even with his romantic partners it was hard for him to be true Jean Luc and not Capitan Picard all the time. Women within the Fleet and outside of it: they always have to share him and accept Capitan Picard as a third face in the relationships.
If such a man cannot allow himself to be real himself with non of his romantic partners, how we can expect him to want to become a father? That is what Jean Luc was thinking about. That he cannot be the Capitan for his child, he cannot play multiple character, not for his kid, not for a prospect wife/husband. He loves his found family, but god, he loves his life the way it is too. Jean Luc was not mentally ready for the child and he decided to leave this part of live aside, because he understood risks and consequent responsibilities too well.
But just because he let his fatherhood go, it does mean that he would not make a great dad.
Jean Luc is scared of kids only because of the coming with them responsibility, but it is same sort of challenge as anything else. Once it happens, you just go for it. And that what he would do if he would have a chance to.
I will never believe that he would abandon his kid, that he would refuse to see and help Bev, that he would not make changes in his own life. He risked his life because he had nothing to lose, only his own life, but if he would know about Jack, he would be mindful, because he would care for him. And it is not a sacrifice to start caring for someone and start to respect your life because of that. It is a life, that how it works.
Jack’s argument that Jean admitted in the pub few years ago that he does not need any other family, but Starfleet is nonsense. He did not know about him, how he could possibly say something else? He thought his life was straightforward. Well, it was not.
In season 7 tng “The Inner Light”, when Jean spent 40 years as Kamin, we have been shown, that even with all his ambitions and inner self, he made a great father when he got a chance to. He cared for his children, for his wife, raised grandchildren as well. He is a truly loving man and a father when he really wants it. He has never forgot about the Enterprise during these years, but he made a pretty good life with his family.
I do believe that his life as an officer brings all the risk on his head, but I also believe that if he would known about Jack, he would make it work.  
His character deserves better treatment than old 70s jokes of how bad he is as a father.
He is not the type of man who would asks his son to call him a Sir. He is a type that will bring a galaxy on your heads if you mess with his family and especially with his child.
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demonscantgothere · 2 years
Oh man, I absolutely want some TROP merch! My nerdy ass teenage self had an Evenstar necklace that I wore for years and I would love Amazon to just give us things like the torc. Unfortunately though, I think I read they don’t have any merchandise deals for the show currently :( Cora
I WANT THAT TORC SAURON WEARS. I WANT IT SO BAD. I'll find one. Might be able to submit a request for a custom one through someone on Etsy with a photo . . . ooooooh, that's an idea!
I have a fellowship leaf from the Noble Collection that I've had since I was a teenager! I've also got Aragorn's Ring of Barahir! I'm like this close to buying a genuine gold One Ring. THIS SHOW IS CORRUPTING ME EVEN FURTHER INTO THE TOLKIEN ABYSS. WHAT'S NEXT, NENYA? YES PLEASE LET'S DO NENYA, TOO.
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madamedupigeonsalon · 2 years
Culture : close de Lukas Dhont
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Un film sur l’adolescence qui parle sur les émotions et les sentiments à cet âge . Un film émouvant et troublant à la fois , pour autant, je ne suis pas fan malheureusement de ce film. Je tiens à rester transparent dans mes critiques et vous dire quand j aime et quand je n aime pas. C est le cas ici, mais, je reste un admirateur du jeune cinéaste belge. En effet, son film « girl » qui m avait bouleversé par sa vérité et ses images. Très original, Lukas nous avait transporté dans un monde qu on ne connaît pas : la trans sexualité. Un monde auquel, si on y est pas habitué, on apprend. Un véritable coup de cœur. Alors, je vous raconte comment j étais sûrement trop excité d aller voir close pour retrouver les émotions que sur girl… enfaite… pas du tout. Un étourdissement soudain me survient , comme une fatigue que je n arrive pas à contrôler et ce qui m a force à vraiment à me demander : est ce que je me suis ennuyé pendant ce film ? A vrai dire , quand on aime pas c est pas parce que c est de la merde mais plutôt juste que ce n est pas fait pour nous. Je l accorde, cependant, c est des belles images. Lukas parle avec nos émotions , il va nous plongeons dans une série d images qui va nous provoquer quelque chose interne ou pas. C est ça , sa force et son talent. Donc, oui, je reste ouvert à ses futurs œuvres, je ne vais pas être le vieux con qui assasine la carrière d un jeune talent ! Surtout pas ! Pour qui je me prends ?? Mais , je vous avoue , je suis sur un moindre coup de cœur pour close.
Close from Lukas Dhont
A film about adolescence that talks about emotions and feelings at this age. A moving and disturbing film at the same time, however, unfortunately I am not a fan of this film. I want to be transparent in my reviews and tell you when I like it and when I don't like it. This is the case here, but I remain an admirer of the young Belgian filmmaker. Indeed, his film "girl" which had me upset by its truth and its images. Very original, Lukas had transported us into a world we do not know: transsexuality. A world to which, if we are not used to it, we learn. A real favorite. So, I'm telling you how I was probably too excited to go see close to find the emotions only on girl... well... not at all. A sudden dizziness occurs to me, like a fatigue that I cannot control and which forces me to really ask myself: was I bored during this film? To tell the truth, when we don't like it's not because it's shit but rather just that it's not made for us. I grant it, however, it is beautiful images. Lukas speaks with our emotions, he will immerse us in a series of images that will cause us something internal or not. That is his strength and his talent. So, yes, I remain open to his future works, I'm not going to be the old jerk who murders the career of a young talent! Especially not ! Who do I think I am?? But, I confess, I am less in love with close.
Kevin Ngirimcuti
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euovennia · 3 years
Summary: In which Carlisle finds his mate with the subtle guidance of Alice.
Pairing: fem!reader x Carlisle Cullen
Word Count: 1,860
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"Slow down, Alice! There's no need to be this excited, it's just skating." Rosalie remarked with a bored expression as she and the rest of the Cullen family struggled to keep up with the tiny woman.
"Maybe it is just skating, but we haven't had a family outing like this in forever, Rose! Trust me when I say this is good for us, it'll be unforgettable." Alice spoke, a mix of mischief and excitement glimmering in her golden eyes. Jasper came towering beside her and wrapped an arm around her small frame, "Just what are you planning, darlin'?" Alice only smiled before quickly escaping his grasp and continuing bouncing her way toward the entrance of the skating rink as the small group attempted to rid themselves of the uncomfortable nagging feeling in the back of their minds.
Something was going to happen, but no one knew what.
With the door held open by Alice, the family quickly filed into the building before being dragged over to the check-out counter where an older man stood hunched over the counter as he kept his eyes trained on a small TV in the corner of the counter. His calm exterior fumbled momentarily as the sound of the entrance door slamming shut behind the rather large group snapped him out of his focus. He quickly straightened himself out as he painted a warm smile onto his face, "Well hello there folks, what can I do for you?"
At this, Alice quickly pushed a surprised Carlisle to the front of the group. Feeling awkward, he quickly clasped his hands in front of him as he looked directly at the man who was patiently awaiting a response, "Hello. My family and I were interested in doing some skating. Perhaps for an hour or two."
The man turned to look down at his wristwatch before changing his attention to Carlisle once again, "Of course, but I have to say that there's gonna be about a ten-minute wait. I can get you all situated with your skates and take you down to the observation room while you wait. If that's alright, of course."
Carlisle glanced back at his family and upon receiving one enthusiastic reply from Alice and a shrug from Edward before he turned to the man, "Yes, that'll work out fine."
With their skates in hand, the Cullen clan followed the man down a long, brightly lit hallway before reaching a set of worn-in blue metal doors. The doors let out a loud creak as they were pushed open by the man. As the group filed inside the cold room, they were met with an intensely fast-paced tune composed of numerous cellos. They glanced at one another, the uncomfortable feeling slowly beginning to blossom in their bodies further with the exception of Alice who stood there with a large, expectant grin on her pale face. Realization dawned on Rosalie as she caught sight of her sister's face and she harshly grabbed her wrist as she spoke in a low tone, "What the hell are we doing here, Alice?" Ignoring her harsh, venom-filled tone Alice only shrugged. Huffing, Rosalie returned to Emmett's side as she crossed her arms. Sensing the tension that was growing between his adoptive children, Carlisle turned to the old man who was looking out a window that was faced outward toward the skating rink. "Is there a specific reason for the music?"
The man looked back at Carlisle and wordlessly motioned him to stand by his side. Carlisle furrowed his brows together in slight confusion but walked over by the man as requested. Eyes focused on the glass window in front of him, Carlisle watched as a woman feverishly skated around the rink with a heightened sense of grace and elegance that could rival that of his own family. He found himself enthralled with the precise and quick movements coming from the mysterious woman and found himself letting out an unnecessary breath as he asked, "Who is that?"
The old man kept his eyes trained on the woman's skating figure as he answered, "I don't know much about her if I'm being honest. All I know is that she's a pro skater and that her coach is pretty strict." Carlisle reluctantly tore his gaze away from the woman and glued them to the man beside him, "Coach?" The man nodded as he turned to face Carlisle fully, "Yeah. That guy over there." He spoke as he lamely motioned to the left side of the rather large rink. Carlisle's gaze settled on a well-built man with medium brown hair that was immaculately styled with calculating and judgmental eyes that seemed to rake over every movement of the female skater.
As Carlisle's gaze went to settle on the woman once again, he was pulled from his thoughts as his adoptive children had grown an apparent interest in Carlisle's overly observant attitude. "What're you looking at, pops?" Emmett spoke loudly causing Carlisle to cringe at both the nickname and volume of his voice. "Nothing, Emmett. Just looking around the rink is all." Rosalie scoffed, "Seems to me like you were checking out something special," Her gaze quickly turned to the woman who was effortlessly gliding across the ice, "Or someone." It was at this moment where Carlisle knew that if he was still capable of blushing, his face would be on fire. "She seems to be very talented, it's eye-catching." Esme gently defended. "Well, the music is a bit obnoxious." Rosalie muttered. "A flair for the dramatics never hurt anyone." Edward mused. "Oh please, all you know how to do is be dramatic." Rosalie fired back, her annoyance growing with each passing second.
Carlisle watched the scene unfold in front of him with weariness in his eyes as he gave a small nod toward Jasper who then unleashed a subtle calming effect on everyone present. Unable to fight back the sudden wave of calmness she felt, Rosalie let out a deep breath before walking away with Emmett trailing behind her, ready to calm her down further if needed. Relaxing his posture slightly, he turned to face the old man. "I apologize. My family, unfortunately, do not see eye to eye on everything." The man simply waved off his apology. "I used to be a family man myself. No worries. Anyhow, I best be getting back to the front desk. As soon as those two get out, feel free to hop on in." He said before giving the family a departing wave and walking away.
Carlisle watched him disappear behind the rusty blue doors before directing his attention back to the now-empty ice rink. He felt his undead heart fall to the pit of his stomach as one question raced through his mind: Where did she go?
His question was quickly answered as the doors leading to the rink opened and the man and woman walked in speaking in what Carlisle could make out to be French-based on his rather limited knowledge. He watched with great interest as the man and woman went back and forth with their conversation.
"Vous vous déplacez trop lentement dans certains domaines. Vous devez l'accélérer." (tr: You move too slow in some areas. You need to speed it up.) The man spoke, his tone a bit rough and body language that gave off the impression that he was annoyed. The woman seemed a bit exasperated as she responded, "Je sais que oui, mais je me sens épuisé. Donnez-moi juste un jour de repos, c'est tout ce dont j'ai besoin. Je serai mieux après, je te le promets!" (tr: I know I do, but I feel exhausted. Just give me one rest day, that's all I need. I'll be better after, I promise!) Once finished speaking, the man turned to her and shoved a finger in her face as he spoke quickly and sternly, an annoyed expression present on his face. "Non. Vous ne vous améliorez qu'avec une pratique constante. Pas de jours de repos pour vous. Arrête de demander." (tr: No. You only get better with consistent practice. No rest days for you. Stop asking.) The woman seemed disheartened by his attitude as she crossed her arms and simply nodded. The man let out a sigh as he ran a hand through his hair, "Pardon. Juste ... Habillez-vous. Nous devons partir." (tr: Sorry. Just...Get dressed. We need to leave.) The man tore his gaze from the woman in front of him and was surprised to see a large group of pale people awkwardly trying to pretend as though they weren't just eavesdropping. A light pink color dusted his cheeks as he pulled his jacket closer to his frame. "My apologies. Just a small disagreement. Have fun on the ice." He said, an awkward smile on his face as he walked out of the cold room.
With the door slamming shut behind him, the woman looked up at the family, her eyes quickly moving over the appearance of all of them, her gaze lingering on a certain blonde doctor for a second longer before speaking, "Sorry to take up all the ice. It's just that people normally don't come here." At the sound of her soft voice, Carlisle looked away from the door where the man had once gone through and fixed his eyes on the beauty in front of him.
She had dark brown hair that was thrown up to an elegantly messy bun with two fallen wisps of hair that worked to frame her face perfectly. Her eyes were a few shades lighter than her hair whereas her perfectly arched eyebrows matched her hair color perfectly. He found himself admiring her long eyelashes that beautifully fluttered with every blink and her long, slim nose that sat perfectly on her face. He admired the light pink color that stained her lips and cheeks, a glorious reminder for Carlisle of the humanity that remained within the woman before him.
Carlisle looked over at Alice who had a knowing grin on her face as she motioned with her head toward the woman. He looked back at her, "I just wanted to know if you were alright. You seemed a little...Out of it."
At the sound of her melodic voice, Carlisle gave her a warm smile. "Yes. I do that sometimes. Sorry to concern you." The woman returned his smile as she spoke, "It's fine. We all have our moments." Carlisle nodded as his smile stayed painted on his face. After a few moments, the woman spoke again, "It was nice seeing you all, but I must get going. Have fun." Carlisle's face fell at her admission and he nearly reached out to stop her but restrained himself from doing so. "Of course. Have a wonderful day." With a final smile, she gave the group a nod of acknowledgment before taking her leave.
"What was that?" Jasper spoke once the doors shut behind the woman. Carlisle could feel his undead heart clench as he uttered the next two words,
"My mate."
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magicbench · 2 years
~*CoF updates and an amazing artist*~
[Copy/pasta from the KS update]
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Hello there ! It's been a while, I hope everyone's doing well ?
First of all, sorry for the lack of news these past few months. Health and life on my side were rather hectic making things unnecessary difficult for me and properly work on the project for a little while, but it apparently seems to slowly calm down.
And as sometimes life outside the project might play some unfortunate tricks or makes us too busy to focus on Colors of Fate's entirely, the final release might be delayed compared to the initial date that we planned at first. Hopefully not by a lot though, and rest assured we will keep you updated as regularly as possible 🌼
Talking about being busy, I have a message to deliver to you from our lovely writer :
"Hello, Cirro here, the writer for CoF. As I have a small superior position in a company and have a full-time job outside of writing for CoF, my amount of freetime is directly tied to how busy work is. For the past two months, I have had to work outside my designated work time (leading to 13+ hour days). Because of this, the writing for CoF has been a much slower process. This will continue to be the case until things calm down at my workplace. To have something to keep you all entertained until the next Demo Update however, we have news regarding Aiden - we will work on his Route as well despite not having hit his Stretch Goal. On top of that, we will release Short Stories for Aiden and Luna on Christmas. I and the rest of the team hope you will look forward to them. Stay safe everyone. ❤"
Yes, you heard right ! Our flamboyant Duke Aiden will have his own whole route, and I can't wait to see him and grown up Melia bickering in all their glory !
✦✦✦And last but not least✦✦✦
Let me introduce you to Nim, an amazing artist who delivered us the really pretty map showing us the areas where most of the story takes place.
Their work is perfectly fit (and let's be honest, way better than my own drawings) for this "traveling book" feeling I wanted to give to the compendium, and knowing how the map beautilly came out, it might not be the last time you will admire their talent !
And if you are curious and loving what you are seeing so far, please don't hesitate to stop by Nim's tumblr. I promise your eyes will not be disappointed !
That's all for now, next update will probably be next month with Luna's and Aiden's short stories.
Until then, take care everyone ~
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Bonjour ! Ça fait fait longtemps que je ne vous ai pas donné de nouvelles, j'espère que tout le monde va bien ?
Tout d'abord, désolée pour le manque d'updates ces derniers mois. La santé et la vie de mon côté étaient plutôt mouvementées, ce qui me rendait les choses inutilement compliquées et m'empêchait de me concentrer sur le projet pendant un petit moment, mais apparemment tout ça commence enfin à lentement se calmer.
Et comme parfois la vie en dehors du projet peut nous jouer des mauvais tours ou nous rendre trop occupés pour que nous nous focalisons entièrement sur Colors of Fate, la sortie finale sera très probablement retardée par rapport à la date initiale que nous nous étions donné au départ. Espérons que juste que le délai ne sera pas trop grand, et restez assurés que nous vous tiendrons au courant aussi régulièrement que possible
En parlant d'être occupé, j'ai un message à vous livrer de la part de notre écrivaine :
"Bonjour, ici Cirro, l'écrivaine pour CoF. Comme j'ai obtenue un poste supérieur dans une entreprise et que j'ai un travail à temps plein en dehors de l'écriture pour CoF, mon temps libre est directement lié à l'intensité de mon travail. Pendant les deux mois précédents, j'ai dû travailler en dehors de mon temps de travail désigné (menant à plus de 13 heures par jour). Pour cette raison, l'écriture pour CoF a été un processus beaucoup plus lent. Et cela continuera d'être le cas jusqu'à ce que les choses se calment sur mon lieu de travail. Pour vous divertir jusqu'à la prochaine mise à jour de la démo, nous avons quelques nouvelles à propos d'Aiden - nous travaillerons également sur sa route malgré le fait que nous n'ayons pas atteint son stretch goal. En plus de cela, nous publierons des histoires courtes pour Aiden et Luna pendant la période de Noël. Moi et le reste de l'équipe espérons que vous les attendez avec impatience. Prenez soin de vous. ❤"
Oui, vous avez bien entendu ! Notre flamboyant Duke Aiden aura sa propre route, et j'ai hâte de le voir lui et adulte Melia se chamailler dans toute leur splendeur !
✦✦✦Et pour finir✦✦✦
Laissez-moi vous présenter Nim, artiste incroyable qui nous a livré cette très jolie carte nous montrant les zones où se déroule la majeure partie de l'histoire.
Leur travail est parfaitement adapté (et soyons honnêtes, bien meilleur que mes propres dessins) pour ce sentiment de "carnet de voyage" que je voulais donner au compendium, et voyant cet indiscutablement réussit résultat, ce n'est peut-être pas la dernière fois que vous admirerez leur talent !
Et si vous êtes curieux et aimez ce que vous voyez jusqu'à présent, n'hésitez pas à passer sur le tumblr de Nim. Je vous promets que vos yeux ne seront pas déçus !
Et voilà, c'est tout pour le moment. La prochaine news sera probablement faite le mois prochain avec les histoires courte de Luna et Aiden.
D'ici là, portez vous bien ~
***Map drawn by Nim/Carte dessinée par Nim***
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The Rebel Princess First Impressions (episode 16)
My first drama of 2021 and my first drama in 4 months. 
AvenueX’s harsh review piqued my interest, especially when she mentioned the high production quality of the drama and the list of talent that was behind the production of the drama. So I went into this drama knowing nothing about the plot, having high expectations for the production, and no expectations about the characters because of AvenueX’s criticism. I’ve always respected Zhang Ziyi because of her dedication to the art and her legendary filmography, but I wouldn’t call myself a fan. I agreed with AvenueX; ZZY has an aura and elegance that’s meant for mature, cold characters, so I was wary of her playing a Mary Sue who’s innocent and doted upon. 
I first saw Zhou Yi Wei when he played Zhao Liying’s classy, composed, protective, and rich older brother in My Glamourous Times. He’s not classically handsome, but there’s a measured confidence in the way he carries himself that exudes masculinity, and that’s also balanced by his more feminine qualities like his quiet, airy voice and his full lips. He also has an intense gaze that feels like he’s looking straight into the soul of whoever he’s speaking to. 
I also watched ZZY and ZYW’s collaboration on I Am an Actor, so I knew that the chemistry would be there between them. 
Okay, so enough preamble. Spoilers ahead. 
First 8 episodes:
I didn’t mind ZZY playing a young teenager. Yes, it does take a bit of getting used to, but kind of like the CGI in The Irishman, but it very soon doesn’t become distracting and you manage to suspend your disbelief. I came in expecting the worse, like an exaggerated caricature, but ZZY actually pulls it off quite well. Since this is a coming-of-age drama, it’s a given that the first few episodes are going to be about a main character who starts off as innocent, naive, and carefree. I’d rather have the main actress portray these young scenes than to have a completely differ actress do this. The first few episodes are meant to anchor you emotionally into the drama and to empathize with the FL. If you introduced ZZY after 8 episodes, you wouldn’t really emotionally connect with her since the trauma that catapults the character into maturity was experienced by the younger actress. So for me, the age was a non-issue. I was concerned that it would be cringey, but it wasn’t. It’s called acting ffs. Why can people play older characters when they’ve never been older, but people can’t play younger characters, even though they were once that age. I forgot how pretty ZZY is though. 
Sure, the FL is a Mary Sue, but I didn’t find her annoying. Maybe it’s because ZZY makes it work. Who knows. Essentially, everyone dotes in her, every man has a crush on her. She’s spoiled, she’s kind. She’s perfect. Her lineage is incomparable and powerful (even if a little incestuous). Not to mention a little corrupt as well. I guess she wasn’t annoying because she doesn’t try hard to be righteous. She has a privileged life and she’s just living with what she’s given. She only asks that she is able to have a love marriage instead of an arrange marriage. Typical, but understandable. 
My complaint is that I didn’t feel any chemistry between her and Zi Tan, the second prince. Unlike Ming Lan and Yuan Ruo in Story of Ming Lan, Awu’s first love just didn’t capture the imagination. Maybe it’s because ZYW’s Xiao Qi stole the show from early on, which made it hard to jump on board Zi Tan’s ship. 
Awu and Xiao only had a handful of interactions, but their chemistry is palpable (ZYW’s gaze is just....ugh swoon). They first meet that night at the festival where she unknowingly insults him and then he saves her and Zi Tan later that night. Then a couple episodes later, he saves her again when she falls off the roof during her escape from the crown prince. They only cross paths briefly 2 times in 4 episodes, and one of those times they weren’t even talking to ech other because she faints, and yet he’s totally taken by her. He’s a goner. But he know she’s out of his league, and so he keeps his feelings to himself, even though he can’t stop thinking about her and stays up at night staring at the moon remembering their 2 encounters. Talk about a slow burn. Insta love shouldn’t work, but again, it does here. 
I like Xiao Qi’s character. He doesn’t speak much, he doesn’t emote much, but he’s not the typical cold, distant, irritable ML from idol dramas. Xiao Qi isn’t afraid to love. He’s tender, gentle, composed, and calm. The sexual tension between him and Awu from when he rescued her to when they consummate their marriage is through the roof. He takes on the role of a husband by taking care of her, entrusting her fully with managing his household, puts her above everything else in his life, and always takes her side. He closes the distance between them while still giving her space, respecting her, and waiting until she’s ready. Even though he initially thought of himself ill-suited for her, once they’re married, he slowly wins her over. Episode 13 is obviously my favourite because that’s when Awu finally warms up to him. 
Honestly, this relationship only works because of the smitten looks that Xiao Qi gave her that night when they first met at the festival. Those few intrigued/amused looks carry this relationship for 13 episodes. And I love how he brings up that night again when he’s caring for her after he rescued her from Helan Zhen. 
Speaking of Helan Zhen, I find it funny how it sounds like Helian Zheng from The Rise of Phoenixes, and it’s played by the same actor too (edit: NOT the same actor. This is Yuan Hong who played Jin Si Yu in TROP, and a more veteran actor than than the one who played Helian Zheng. Should have known that ZZY would pick Justin Hong who has much more acting experience. TBF tho, with the facial hair, they look similar) and has similar costuming. 
In terms of the political storyline, it’s not bad, but it’s not great, so I see AvenueX’s criticism here. I haven’t watched too many political intrigues, but so far, nothing has been overly surprising or shocking. 
The level of acting and production definitely lives up to expectations, although I have noticed some jumpy cuts. Some of the night scenes in the palace also look kind of CGI though, especially the sky. 
General Song is great. The ML always has a loyal sidekick. The FL also always has a loyal maid, and a disloyal maid who betrays her. In this sense, the drama is quite formulaic. 
It’s also nice to see Kara Hui and Angie Chiu act opposite each other. Angie Chiu is obviously speaking cantonese, and it looks like Kara Hui also speaks cantonese when she has a scene with Angie Chiu, maybe to help her get immersed into the scene. 
Overall Impressions: My basic self is only watching this for the romance, which so far has been slow and minimal (but really good). Xiao Qi is completely absent in episode 16 unfortunately, which is about Awu gaining the respect of his army. 
I do think this is a good spot to pause though. There’s no angst yet. Awu and Xiao Qi are at a good place in their relationship, even if they’re temporarily physically separated for now. Emotionally, they trust each other. It’s them against the world. 
But I’m worried about the upcoming episodes. Based on comments from MyDramaList, it sounds like there are going to be misunderstandings by around episode 33ish, which I’m not happy about. I was hoping that it would be similar to Ming Lan and Gu Tingye’s relationship dynamic where they trust each other fully and there are no secrets or misunderstandings, and they work together against the antagonistic forces opposing them. But it sounds like the drama is going, to well, stir up drama between the leads. 
I powered through 16 episodes in 2 days, and only 41 raw episodes have been released. Which means that I’ll probably catch up within the next few days, and then I’ll have to play the waiting game until the finale at the end of February. So I’ll just take a pause now before things ramp up and I get too attached and maybe watch something else before coming back to binge this. 
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ducklooney · 4 years
My opinion on the Quack Pack episode in Ducktales
I should have written two more days ago, but never mind, there is definitely time for everything. This is probably my first time making some comments regarding the Ducktales episode, given the new episodes, and I also have some free time for it. I know my opinion won't be that relevant or maybe relevant, but I have to comment, because that episode was about one of my favorite Disney series, Quack Pack, but also Goofy Trop, Ducktales movie and Goofy Movie. I do not know what to say. Warning: Before I go with the comments, I pray for those reading this not to be offended by what I'm about to say and this is addressed mostly to those who are over 15 years old, because they should understand, so everyone who is younger than that, and they like the Ducktales reboot, please don't read this what I'm going to say now. And something else this is not directed against the Ducktales reboot, because there is no reason to attack something or aim against something without proof, and it's silly for me too. This is not aimed, as I partly like the Ducktales reboot, there are really good things and I like it, but there are things that just disappoint me and unfortunately partly annoy me. So related to this episode as well, so let's get started. I hope you understood what I said a while ago.
Ducktales reboot, you might say is the first of the successful Disney reboots (probably the only one), which is quite popular and had a great pilot episode and good moments, adventures and new characters. I also like the references used from comics and other series, especially from Disney afternoon. However, in the first season, and even later when I watched it, it was slowly disappointing for me. Although I don’t like the style used in that series, they have a good story, but in some things they use some jokes that are clueless in that story. Maybe this will be subjective, but I'll try to be objective about it. That disappointment was also reflected in the Quack Pack episode. Although season three has already started and started well, there are things that should not be so, at least in my opinion. My impression of that episode is, how can I say, partly satisfying and surprising and partly disappointing and a little irritating to me. Yes, I also made a meme about it: https://ducklooney.tumblr.com/post/614508014432550912/eh-now-warning-before-you-attack-me-for-this
Yes, if you want to comment, you can feel free, just please no offense and please with arguments and good ones. Already at that meme, I have talked about my impressions and I agree with others who have given me good arguments about some things, so feel free to criticize this, but please with arguments. I know many people liked the episode and I'm glad about it, but unfortunately I don't. To say this, I will certainly say what was positive and what was negative in that episode (+ will be positive, and - negative, in the articles I will cite). Here are my impressions:
+ What surprised me, and I expected in part from earlier, was the appearance of Gene the Genie. He was really great, although more fun to me was Genie from the Ducktales movie, yet in the reboot it turned out to be good, one can also say a good reference on the occasion of 30 years from the Ducktales movie. The voice actor (Jaleel White) was ok and I can't believe that actor previously played Sonic in earlier series (like The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, in the series where Dr. Robotnik was incredibly funny) and now plays Genie , who has experience with this. But certainly for me, Rip Taylor is better, considering that somehow the original Gene the Genie was more funny. When Genie appeared, Merlock the Magician should also appear and see what dangers the McDuck family would face. 
+ Yes and Gene was good with promoting the 1990s, kind of like it to my taste.
+ The appearance of Goofy in the Ducktales. And Goofy was typically Goofy. I like that they used the Goof Troop quilt again, it kind of works out for him. I thought it was just Donald's dream, but Goofy can still be seen again. There should be more to see the friendship between Donald and Goofy.
+ A Goofy who tells his friend Donald how great a parent he should be, although Donald is certainly a great parent, but there are things he unfortunately doesn't appreciate about him. Goofy is certainly a great father, and I have to say he is a great uncle (in the comics, Goofy has his nephew named Gilbert, for those who don't know). + The appearance of Max Goof and the family photos delighted me. Yes, references from Goof Troop and Goofy Movie were used and I guess Max Goof would probably be older than Huey, Dewey and Louie, though I wanted him to be more like Max Goof from Goof Hull, or be the same age as triplets, but well now what is there. At least after a long time, he showed up again and he was definitely back.
+ Roxanne and P.J. (Pete Junior) also appear in the photos, as well as a Powerline costume worn by Max. I don't know if those in the series and Pete, Peg and Pistol will appear, it would be good to see them again.
+ Scrooge always has some stunts that fit for him.
+ Launchpad McQuack and his saxophone playing, though better with Darkwing Duck, but good. Also his addition to the ladies, somehow he is really attractive to many girls.
+ Outfits from the original Ducktales wearing Scrooge, Mrs Beakley and Launchpad, and Della Duck also wearing good clothes.
+ Huey Duck always gets along well, and what I liked about him was that he respected his uncle, unlike his brothers, which partly didn't make me happy, but I put it positively, lest Donald be totally rejected. + Dewey and Louie wear those outfits worn by Huey, Dewey and Louie in the classic short "Mr Duck steps out”(1940). It would have been better if they had worn those clothes and Huey, but now again.
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+ Imitating the good and bad sitcoms of the 1990s and today, especially as Disney releases the pitiful and stupid sitcoms, which I absolutely dislike. You can see that ridicule here, so it's good, though there are bad things.
+ The good thing is that it's just a dream and Donald's wish.
- I don't know, but somehow it seems to me that that Quack Pack reference was actually a mockery of that series. I know it's partly a sitcom as well as a Goof Troop (still doesn't have a crossover between Goof Troop and Quack Pack, which still annoys me, Disney and its stupid politics), but totally different from other sitcoms, where there are actually quite a few moments associated with classic shorts (Donald and Goofy had really great classic shorts) and there was no laughing in there. 
- The Quack Pack was one of those, and I can say the only Disney Duckverse series where a dynamic Duck family with good dynamics was done well. Unfortunately, I didn't notice that in this episode.
- I don't like how Huey, Dewey and Louie are dressed in that episode (I don't mean kid's navy clothes, but outfits for their Quack Pack), somehow it doesn't stand, and Huey has a little goofy hat too. Sorry about this, but I'm just a little disgusted. Although they were good in part, I don't understand why they couldn't use Quack Pack outfits?! Not personalities, I mean outfits. I mean, it would cost them well, and it would be a good parody for that. And why not have Louie Duck wear backwards hats? I think it would be good for him. Why can't he wear it? Otherwise it would be good to see a crossover between two versions of Huey, Dewey and Louie from Quack Pack and Huey, Dewey and Louie from Ducktales reboot, I don't see why that would be a problem for some? In my opinion, it would be good to see that encounter, and even the voice actresses who played the triplets in the Quack Pack are still alive today, it would be good to use them once again for that. 
- Certainly in that episode they could have used those clothes, I don't know why they needed to change that? It looked awful this way and I didn't like it.
- Why didn't you invite both Gladstone and Fethry in that episode? They are members of the Duck family and they would fit more in the Quack Pack than Launchpad and Mrs Beakley. Excuse me, but simply the Quack Pack has a good and funny family dynamic, much like the comics, so it would be preferable if they were there.
- Far be it a parody on the Quack Pack. I'd rather make a mockery and hardly that episode has anything to do with the real Quack Pack series. References from Ducktales originals, Ducktales movie, Goof Troop and Goofy Movie were better used than from Quack Pack. I don't know if Ducktales crew can use originality or not. I don't mind the changes, but they should be tied to the original and not deviate from it. Similar to the comic book references. Although I said that they have been using comic book references for the most part, however, lately, except for some moments (the reference to Scrooge's childhood has turned out well), it has been misused. Rockerduck and Jeeves are an example of this. Although Rockerduck looked good, his features were poorly utilized, and I would not comment on Jeeves. If they know the comic books well and use their references, then they should use it in a good way, and we didn't put it and that's it and it will be bad afterwards. It seems to me that it's been done with the Quack Pack and they don't quite understand it, except for Daisy Duck. Too bad she didn't appear in that episode and I hope when she does, that her characterization will be good. It's not okay to just make that pose, you need to understand the very essence of that series. If you are unable to understand it, then you better not put those references. This not only applies to the Quack Pack, it also applies to other series of references used in the Ducktales reboot. I love references, but it should be used in a good way and should not be used too much. That's the problem with that series.
- Their Quack Pack intro is far from the original Quack Pack intro. If you want to know how it sounds, listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SO-RLWEwEk
I don't know, but it's far from the original for me. It's more of a reference for Flash Prince and other sitcoms than it is for the Quack Pack.
- Attack by bad-looking humans. I don't know what to say, even though it is a different universe and what is not in the real Ducktales reboot universe, they were better able to represent humans and should not be as a sign of attack on the Quack Pack they used in that series of humans, because there are others series that have humans, and partly Donald comics also use humans. It is somehow more natural for deities, aliens, witches and wizards to have human forms than animal ones.
- Donald's treatment. Not only in that episode, but almost throughout the series, Donald Duck has a bad treatment. I know it's Ducktales, not DonaldTales, but if Donald is used, don't use him for bad luck and he's like a black sheep. That's not right. The episode shows that Donald wants a normal life and a normal family and only has a problem that his family can't say he doesn't respect him, they respect him, but they constantly scold him and avoid him, which in my opinion is very sad. Donald taking care of his nephews for 10 years, lest his nephews look for him until the Lunarians have invaded Earth, that's too much for me. And his sister is more fortunate than he is in better treatment than he is, which in my opinion is also wrong. If they are twins and if they have to experience a similar fate, then they should be the same, not completely different. I hope Daisy knows how to appreciate Donald, but I think Donald's family should apologize to him and thank him for everything he did for them, not treat him like a black sheep. I apologize for this, although Donald has a great parenting role and is really great in the series, unfortunately many do not appreciate him for that. I know Goofy said that Donald accepts the family as it is, but if Goofy lived with them longer, he would not speak like that. Donald should accept his family as it is, but that family should appreciate him and not reject him and treat him rude. I apologize for that, but it's my impression.
- And finally, the worst. Donald's voice. Let me understand first, I don't mind Don Cheadle, but that kind of acting needs someone to be able to really play him with a duck-like voice (much like the voice of Mickey and Goofy), to be funny and understanding, when many they do not understand what he is saying. But he needs to know that he's such a duck, with his duck voice and I don't think he's bad with that, just that he has jokes joking about his voice and I think they should understand that he's like that, he's Donald Duck. Imagine Daffy Duck not talking with his duck voice, with spit or with SpongeBob talking without his squeaky voice. They would not be the same characters. So is it with Donald. And really, I don't understand why changing his voice unnecessarily, when his problems can be understood without that. I know it's Donald's wish, but I don't think the real Donald Duck would want such a voice, so normal, if it wasn't natural for him. By the way, Donald has had a problem with this before, and this classic short shows it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdOOXUH6uZU
It is unfortunate that everyone is talking so normally except Donald that it is not normal actually. And yes, I know, he already has comments on this, where I also gave my opinion on this:https://ankkalinna.tumblr.com/post/614589474900459520/i-apologize-for-disturbing-but-i-would-ask-one
That includes problems with actor Tony Anselmo, where he complains that he has no treatment when he plays Donald in the Ducktales reboot. So it's strange that Donald can be very well understood in the Quack Pack and in the Legends of the Three Caballeros rather than the ducktales reboot, and in those series they focused well on Donald Duck. It is unfortunate that it turned out that way and I could read more about it, but it would be quite a report. Otherwise, I don't think Donald's voice in comics can be the same as in animation. It can be pretty much the same if you know how to play duck voice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DtGlS4NuVc
If Don Cheadle is already used, it should be used in a way that Donald Duck would be a different personality (like Paperinik or Double Duck or Maui Mallard) rather than just a duck with such a normal voice, which to me is totally unnatural. In the Quack Pack series, Donald did not change his voice or people made fun of him. So if you want to list the problems Donald Duck is having, then work in the right way and without changing his voice, without being able to understand people, not by changing his voice.
I could still, but this is quite enough.
Conclusion: Although there were some good moments, the episode is quite disappointing and partly depressing (I don't know if Ducktales wants to be an adventure or comedy or drama or telenovela series), especially around Donald. And Donald Duck needs to have more focus in that series, but he shouldn't change his voice and he should have better treatment and more luck. Then one would see that the series was going in the right direction. And I would say better use the references and better originality. I hope the episode with Daisy Duck is much better, but I'm not sure. I apologize for this, you are free to refute me, but with good arguments, please. And I don't mind if you liked that episode, but it's not really for me. I'm really sorry about that.
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skamfrance · 5 years
So, guys, I thought I’d do a recap of the End of the year party that happened on Saturday. Lily, Clara and I all got to go and it was amazing.They gave us Skam France pillows because we were sitting on the floor! It was super cute.
Axel, Paul and Marilyn were unfortunately not there, but pretty much everyone else was. So it was Assa, Moussa, Edouard, Aliénor, Maxence, Léo, Philippine, Coline, Robin, Lula and Gigi. Laïs came late.Niels was also late because he had to help a friend move a piano, lol.
All of the cast was asked to answer ‘What changed in your life in the last 4 months ?’
Maxence said he wished Axel was here to help keep him calm, it was super cute.
All of them basically said ‘this is the reason why we do this job, to send a message, we’re all so happy and proud’
David said that he knew all of the feedback wasn’t positive on s4 but that he hoped that this would help stories about diverse people be shown in France, and we could see other point of views this way. He said it was up to the audience to keep up the fight, to refuse to watch all white shows for example, and that he had just wanted to share a message with this show but it was up to us to carry it and share it.
David said he reads absolutely ALL of the messages he receives and that no, he does not sleep. (like, he knew so many of the fans’ twitter and insta handles, it was crazy)
The editor, Jeremy, said that while they were working on the end of s3, the piano scene aired and they were in the cutting room and heard something buzzing repeatedly and realised it was their insta and twitter notifs going crazy. that’s when they realised things were gonna be crazy. He said they turned off the phones so they could keep working haha.
They thanked the fans a bajillion times
They showed a video tribute to the fans with like, fanart, and people playing the piano song by Ryopi, and bits of Noah and other reactors’ vids (with our subs !!!)
They did a quizz game about the show with like, a member of the audience against a cast member for each question. The girls forced me to go up jkzhfj and I played against Edouard and lost klfhkjezfh (but it was a question abt s2 so i feel like i should be forgiven). David asked me if i did translations (how did he know ????) and i said yes and he like, thanked all of the translators while i was on that stage and i was dying on the inside.
The question was what amount did Mika negotiate for helping Manon with Daphné.
I just remembered he asked for 50€ first, but like, Edouard remembered his line haha
the amount got down to 35€
The audience won^^
There was a Q&A with the cast, most of which is on @srodvlv‘s blog so you guys can check it out there.
They showed the bloopers.
Then the Echos did a concert !!! and Coline is AMAZING on stage it’s incredible. And she sang ‘Fête de trop’ AND ‘Remember’ and it was awesome.
Then Assa and Laïs did the dance together again and it was beautiful.
Then there was a fan who went to the stage and did a speech about how the show changed her life (she was very emotional).
Assa and Moussa were so sweet to each other kept hyping the other up it was great !
Then everyone went back to the stage and they thanked everyone again and that was it.
Maxence cried :-(
So then we went outside and got to talk to David and he thanked us again for the translation and we asked him for a video for Asmaâ and Henrik, our editor, and he obliged and was so sweet.
And we talked to Niels a bit too and they were so sweet, like both of them, it was amazing. We also talked to Coline and got a group pic with her.
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elfydrell · 5 years
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Alors poupée, tu sais qu’il est dangereux de se promener seule la nuit?
So, doll, do you know how dangerous it is to walk alone at night?
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- Heureusement que tu nous as trouvé mon ami et moi. On va t’accompagner en lieu sûr et tu nous remercieras à ta façon. En nature, bien entendu...
- Je vous remercie mais je vais devoir décliner...
- Tu n’as pas le choix...
- Good thing you found me and my friend. We'll take you to a safe place and you'll thank us in your own way. In kind, of course....
- Thank you, but I'm going to have to decline...
- You have no choice....
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- Eh! Les culs-terreux!
- Mêle toi de ce qu’il te regarde bouffon!
- Hey! The earthy asses!
- Don't let him look at you, you fool!
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- Si tu comptes la sauter, tu devras attendre ton tour. Si elle tiens encore debout...
- Phil! C’est un sorceleur!
- Un sorceleur? Tiens... Ils n’ont pas le droit de tuer les êtres humains. Je sens qu’on va bien s’amuser!
- If you're going to fuck her, you'll have to wait your turn. If it still stands....
- Phil! He's a witch doctor!
- A witch doctor? Here.... They have no right to kill human beings. I feel like we're gonna have a great time!
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Tu te bats bien suceur de serpents!
You fight well, you snake-sucking snake!
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Tu parles trop...
You talk too much...
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Nooonnn !!! Phiiilll !!!
Nooo !!! Phiiilll !!!
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Effectivement, j’allais passer mon chemin. Je m’en contre-quart de vos histoires de culs-terreux. J’aurais pu l’ignorer mais malheureusement je déteste qu’on s’en prenne à une femme sans défense. C’est d’une lâcheté... Je n’ai aucune pitié pour les connards dans ton genre.
Yes, I was going to go my way. I don't care about your stories about asses. I could have ignored it, but unfortunately I hate it when people attack a helpless woman. It's a cowardly thing... I have no mercy for assholes like you.
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Arghhhhhh !!!!
Arghhhhhh !!!!
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Thanks to @dravenxivuk @zx-ta @natalia-auditore @remussirion for their CCs.
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594-595: "Formed! Luffy and Law's Pirate Alliance!" and "Capture M! the Pirate Alliance's Operation Launches!"
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After seeing what the Strawhats are really like and realising what he’s got himself into, Law has longing visions of the apocalypse.
That look on Law’s face.
You all know the one I’m talking about.
The one that started as a sweatdrop and morphed into a full-blown look of: I deeply regret this but am in way too deep to back out now.
I watched that scene three times. Pure gold.
If You Keep Telling Everyone About Our Plan, Maybe
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So I think I misjudged Trafalgar Law.
Still not one-hundred percent certain Law does not have another hidden agenda but... I am about seventy percent on board with the fact he has good intentions. At the moment. Like Robin said, pirate alliances are marked by betrayal, so this could change in future. (But I don’t want it to. I like Law as a good-ish guy.)
Like Nami, I was also was not expecting Luffy to accept so quickly. Maybe at the end of the arc, I thought. Have no idea why I even entertained that daft idea. This is Luffy we’re talking about. 
Law sold it as best he could without giving Oda’s entire plot away. “I’m not saying we can beat the Yonko right away. There is a chance, if we do it step by step. What do you say?”
Luffy’s daft but not an idiot. He asked Law to which Yonko he was referring. I’m guessing that was important because I honestly can’t see Luffy going against Shanks unless something really serious puts something between them. I was pretty damned interested in Law’s answer, so when Oda used that favourite trop of his: a sudden howling blizzard carried away Law’s voice, I laughed like a drain and cursed Oda and his teasing ways.
Fine. I get it. I won’t know at least until after this arc.
I also liked Luffy’s reasons for accepting Law’s offer of alliance. One, it sounded like fun. Two, he thought Tra-guy was a good guy. And three, even if he wasn’t, he had his Strawhats, who had spent the last two years training to become stronger (with the implication they could kick Law’s ass if the misbehaved).
This totally won over the Strawhats. They sort of melted into a puddle of giggling, flattered, enraged goo. Law was standing there staring like, “Wtf are these people?”
Still, as a gesture of goodwill, he unshambled all those who were able to be restored to their bodies. I am guessing is because of plot. Chopper and Franky are back to normal (Chopper had to leave with Law for a reconnaissance mission to Caesar’s lab). However, Nami and Sanji are now inhabiting each others’ bodies (because Sanji was not nearby to be restored to his own. I’m guessing you’ve got to be in Law’s Room).
Law was also not keen on the experiment kids. They were a pain. A liability. Forget about them. He’d heard from Caesar they’d been drugged. Chopper and Nami protested. They knew about the drug. They had already decided to take the kids back to their families. Law revealed the World Government have been trying to turn people into giants for hundreds of years. Why? In order to manufacture soldiers to increase their military might.
Apparently, Caesar wants to perfect the process first and outsmart Vegapunk and the World Government. (Okay, so Caesar is not still working for the WG after all. Is he that wealthy he can fund himself or is another faction bankrolling him? Maybe the Yonko Law is talking about defeating?)
Law was still unconvinced helping the kids was a good idea. “Are you willing to stay here alone?” he asked Nami.
Luffy, the Best Captain, jumped in. He would not leave anyone behind. If Nami and Chopper wanted to help the kids, he was fine with that. Sanji felt responsible for the Samurai Guy too. So Luffy would stay with them.
Usopp was so funny here. He leaned over Luffy’s shoulder and gave Law some Strawhat Context. “You think an alliance is a cooperative relationship just for some common goal, don’t you?” 
Um... yes, Law answered.
Ha. Well Luffy’s idea was different. It’s like being friends to him. And if Law was thinking of taking control, it would not be that easy. Once Luffy feels sure about something He Will Not Back Down. His selfishness, Usopp said, was as formidable as a Yonko. (”That must he hard,” Luffy said. xD)
At that point, I think Law reached his Strawhat Saturation Point. These people were like freaking aliens to him. But whatever. He’d agreed to an alliance. So he laid out his plan of action. While the rest of the Strawhats took care of the samurai, he would go research the drug behind Caesar’s back. He needed the Strawhats’ doctor. Chopper was strapped to his hat. xD
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Then, when that was clearly undignified, his back.
Before Law left, he issued a warning. Caesar wanted the Strawhats and the G-5 Unit dead. Until Caesar gets what he wants, he will not stop attacking. If any info leaked about him being on Punk Hazard, Caesar would lose his perfect hiding place. This is high stakes stuff for Caesar. He will fight tooth-and-nail to win. Not only that, he is a Logia type Gas Gas Fruit user who owns weapons of mass destruction with a 300 million bounty. Law cautioned anyone who couldn’t use haki to stay away from him.
Useful intel to have, to be honest. Thanks, Law.
And it was thanks to the conversation that I now know Zoro and Sanji can also use Haki. Did I miss that or is that completely new thing?
After that, came the part of the episode that was my Absolute Favourite. I definitely did not see this coming. Before Law left with Chopper, Luffy said, “So we’re gonna kidnap the Master, right?”
“Not for any money,” Law said. “To raise havoc.”
Despite the Strawhats asking, he would not tell them what lay ahead before they even successfully kidnapped Caesar. Focus on the job at hand. He would spill all later. Then said, rather ominously, “When we get Caesar Clown, things will move whether you like it or not.”
Now this is a juicy nugget of plot. I also do not think this has ever happened in One Piece: defeating the arc villain in order to kidnap him, use him as a catalyst and trigger some nefarious skullduggery in the New World with a view to taken down a Yonko.
Caesar Clown must be really something. I guess if he is an inventor and purveyor of weapons of mass destruction, his services will be in demand within certain sections of the OPverse. 
This is cool. I was a bit miffed when I realised this arc would end quickly as it has been great so far. You guys were right. This is an intro arc that seems to lead on to bigger things involving Trafalgar Law’s crazy idea.
Also, I cannot wait for Chopper to lay eyes on Caesar Clown for the first time. Chopper is gonna have to exercise some wicked self-control to not smack him for mistreating those kids. Chopper also asked Law an interesting question: if Law was so strong and could reach Caesar Clown that easily (because Law had just Roomed himself round to the lab’s back door), why could he capture Caesar himself?
Law deflected, as he always does. “I cannot because of a problem I have. That’s why I need help from you guys.”
A problem? Must be a pretty big problem. 
And by the way, where are your crew, Law?
I am making myself suspicious again.
I need to just believe in Law, like Luffy does. Because the arc villain is making a move.
And That Move Is Called Smiley
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Cannot get over that. xD
Caesar, you crack me up. 
He’s probably one of those deranged scientist types who give their hellbeast creations adorable names. Everyone flees from the tentacled abomination that is Mr Binky Sparkle-Pants. Everyone knows Candy Smoochy Schmoo will devour your soul.
This one is called Smiley. Smiley is a sentient, hill-sized conglomeration of incredibly toxic waste left over from the chemical explosion four years ago. Caesar gleefully explain to Monet that when he escaped custody and returned to Punk Hazard about three years back, he did not purify the island of the poison gas (*the* only good deed he had left to his name!) I mean, why would anyone do such a wasteful thing? All that poison lying around? That H2S gas he had invented that killed everything on the island in second? It’s Free Real Estate, right?
What he did was (probably) use his Gas Gas Fruit (thanks for the confirmation, Law!) to gather all the leftover poison gas and compress it into a monster, which he secured in a vault on the burning half of the island.
And he called it Smiley. xD
I guess Caesar has a sense of humour?
At any rate, this squamous behemoth was unleashed by the gang of unfortunate fodders who were trying to break into a vault at the end of the last episode. I knew they’d meet a sticky end. I just didn’t know how sticky. 
They tried to call their wonderful Master to report they were being killed by a poisonous monster. 
Sympathy? In MY Laboratory? Get the FUCK OUTTA HERE!
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But Caesar was in the lab, heard the DDM, was all like, “ugggggh, so needy!” He told his main minion not to pick up the call. Why? The fodders would just be screaming “Help, a monster is killing us! Save us!” How annoying, right?
And you know what else was annoying? The amount of visitors. Ugh. So many. Caesar seems to work in euphemism a lot because all he said was, “You can stop gathering test subjects now. We have enough.”
I’m guessing that’s code for “these freeloading Strawhats and Marines have overstayed their welcome. Time to die!” He had a jolly good lol to himself while Monet studied quietly in a corner (she must have learned to block out the cackling by now or she would get zero work done).
Caesar’s knowledge of how to manipulate human nature was summed up when he said, “People tend to forget tragedies in no time!” That is harsh but true. He knew sooner or later what happened in Punk Hazard would be forgotten by the majority, leaving him free to practice his wicked experiments with impunity.
He really is a piece of work, eh?
As of now, Smiley is currently oozing towards Caesar’s lab. Zoro, Sanji and Brook saw it approach on the horizon. 
They found Kinemon, by the way! His torso fell into the lake and sank like a rock because he’s a Devil Fruit user. Because of that, the rest of his parts became super weak and he almost froze to death. If Zoro hadn’t found him, he’d be dead. At least he’s finally grateful for the Strawhats’ help. I wonder what he’ll say when he finds out they’re working with Law, the guy who slashed him up? I wonder what Zoro, Sanji and Brook will say when they find out Luffy’s working with Law?”
It won’t be a secret for long, they way Luffy’s going on. xD
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While Law was sneaking round the back door with Chopper and Smoker and his crew were battling to seize Caesar’s ship, Luffy had a Big Idea. Back at the camp, he whispered to Robin and Franky, the Strawhats who would go with him. (I’m assuming Nami and Usopp are guarding the kids and waiting for Zoro, Sanji Brook and Samurai to return.)
Smoker was having a tough time. Fighting in someone else’s body was difficult. Poor Tashigi kept turning to smoke at random and couldn’t turn back. (You know what? If this wasn’t such a serious situation, it’d be well fun to have a go in a Devil Fruit User’s body!)
Then Luffy arrived with a literal BANG! He cannoned into the snow right at the front door of Caesar’s Lab and roared, “SHOW YOURSELF, MASTER! WE WILL KICK YOUR ASS AND KIDNAP YOU!”
I swear the impact from Law’s facepalm was heard as far as Raftel.
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Trip Advisor Review: Punk Hazard
“Arrived on island. Was welcomed warmly by hotel proprietor. Accommodation was clinically austere but the bar was well-stocked. Woke up one morning and I was a centaur. Not pleased. Proprietor maintains he has no recollection of how this happened. Only other guest remains tight-lipped. Refused refund. One star. Would not recommend.”
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protagonistprepblog · 6 years
Protagonist Prep Ch. 5 First Day, I own nothing but my own characters.
At the schools’ clearing, everything to be normal until the dimensional portal opened again and the students as well as their parents walked through the portals. All them had nervous, and some cases fearful, looks on their faces due the fact they couldn’t see any of the teachers especially Drooler. Luckily, the fire being was exiting the school, along with Barrage, and was carrying a barrel of some sort of black, boiling, tar like liquid.
 “Huh, didn’t expect you guys back so soon, would’ve made some more coffee.” Most of the adults and some of the children cringed at what Drooler considered coffee, but were confused by what he meant.
 “What do you mean, soon, we have been gone hours!” King Butterfly loudly exclaimed, annoyance filled his voice to the brim.
 “Well that’s impossible we’ve been gone for four weeks!?!” Pearl squawked with fear and confusion evident in her voice.
 “Attendons que nous sommes partis depuis un mois!” Nathaniel told Drooler with a great amount of fear in his voice. While everyone was freaking out about the extreme difference of time, Drooler was just calmly drinking his coffee. When he ran out of it he decided to calm their nerves.
 “Dimensional travel is kind of like international travel, different dimension different passage of time.” Luckily everyone seemed to accept what he said, but what Drooler took away from the entire panic-fest was.
“You guys brought suitcases!” Most of the mortals understood why he was excited considering that most of them weren’t listening during the tour. They later became confused when they saw Droolers’ lower pair of arms signal go back. Noticing this Drooler gained a sheepish smile and lied.
 “Bugs.” Most of them didn’t buy it.
 “Anyway, kids go with Barrage to see your dorms. Most of the parents you can go home, but King and Queen Butterfly come with me.” Drooler ordered, the last of the part of it filled with quiet rage.  The kids walked towards Barrage, Star felt a bit worried for her parents, and after they said their goodbyes and good lucks most of them left. Drooler led the Butterflys west of the school deep into the surrounding forest and the farther they went the darker and more foreboding the forest became. Twenty minutes of walking Drooler stopped abruptly.
 “Beast, why did you stop?” River asked his voice fearful, Drooler didn’t say anything he just ripped a couple bushes away and what the royal couple saw something horrific. It was most of the elite guards and all of them were killed in gruesome ways some ripped in half, others burned to a crisp, but many were vertically cut in half with their vital organs spilling out. Moon almost felt her meal come back up, while River threw up where he stood while it’s true that both Mewmans were veterans of war but they never saw anything like the scene in front of them.
 “Who---What did this?” Moon asked pure terror in voice and her body shacking unable to move while Drooler just calmly told them.
 “I did and before you ask me why.” He reached behind him, with one of his lower arms, and pulled out a familiar face, it was Mina in her war armor but she was tied and gagged with multiple scratch marks and her right arm bitten off. Drooler removed the gag and ordered Mina.
 “Now tell them what you told me.” Mina nodded her body shaking.
 “King River ordered me to come here.” Moon was shocked at this accusation, Mina is a loyal warrior, while River became incredibly nervous.
 “What do you mean Mina I never ordered you to come here.” River tried to lie, his skin sweating. Drooler growled, which spooked the royals, and with his other lower arm he reached to his hip and pulled out Minas’ mirror and pressed last call.
 “Mina, I want you to teach that monster a lesson about harming the royal family.” The recorded River said. Moons’ demeanor changed from scared mouse to erupting volcano as she turned towards her husband with fire in her eyes. She then yelled at the top of her lungs.
 “YOU WASTED OUR ELITE GUARD JUST TO SAVE YOUR PRIDE!!!”  River became drenched in sweat and his eyes darting around, his brain trying to think of a response. However, Drooler used his upper arms to separate the royal couple and placed Moon on his left and River on his right. Before River could thank him Drooler just glared at him and threatened.
 “King River, I am a teacher which means I am responsible for every kid here.  If you decide to send anymore threats to this school I will see to it personally that you will burn!!!” His upper right hand fired up and curled up into a fist. He struck the ground near King River which caused the ground to shake and bend. Meanwhile with Barrage and the kids were walking down a hallway when they felt the aftershocks of Droolers’ punch.
“What was that?” Steven asked in fear and worry in his voice, not for his safety but for this planets’.
 “Don’t worry that was Sargent taking care of a few things.”  Barrage told the group without a hint of worry and what he said didn’t calm any of the kids, in fact it terrified. After walking down, the hall for a few minutes Barrage stopped abruptly which caused the students to collide into each other.
 “Hé, regardez-le vous aves trop d’iguane!” Chloe yelled at Barrage, who just glared at her and caused to flinch, he then tapped the wall in a specific order. Lines appeared all over the wall turning it into a 11-ft. tall grid of squares which collapsed in on each other. All the students looked at in amazement, while Barrage just dropped to all fours and crawled through the hole. Inside was a large room with a living in the center, to the left and right were door, and a kitchen to the left of the living room area. Most of the kids were amazed at this but others noticed one problem.
 “Hey, where are we going to sleep?” Gaz asked with annoyance in her voice and etched into her face Barrage just sent a glare to child, who uncharacteristically flinched, Barrage motioned the children to follow him to the door on the left. Inside was a medium sized room with twelve beds, six on the left and right, and one each bed was a foot long two thick panes of class on the end of each one.
 “These are the boys’ dormitories, the girls to the left. Your mortal facilities are at the end and each bed has a Com screen which can be used to contact loved ones or search the internet. Before you ask yes we’re able to check your browser history.”  All the kids gained a slight blush at what Barrage told them he then just left the kids to their own devices. Which proved to be a disastrous idea because not only did forget to tell them about the curfew, the kids started to descend into chaos. Dib tried to hack into the walls, Alya dragged Marinette around all the rooms, while Gaz and Adrien were engaged in a video game battle. While Steven and Boone were talking about the advantages of flip flops, Star and Connie were talking about the adventures they’ve had, Sashi and Marco were comparing fighting styles. While everybody else took advantage of the no curfew and stayed up for most of the night, it wasn’t until 2 a.m. when everybody went to sleep and they were in for a rude awaken. At 8 a.m. Drooler crawled into the student area and saw the students strewn around the main room asleep, he smiled having an idea on how to wake them.
 “RAAUUGGGHH!!!!!!!!” All of them snapped awake and few of them assumed a fighting stance until they saw it was Drooler, they dropped the stance thinking it would be a bad idea to attack not only their future teacher but also someone who could throw people like their baseballs.
 “Staying up on a school night and sleeping in not very responsible, is it?” Most of the students had sheepish or embarrassed looks on their faces while others had to restrain themselves from yelling at the fire being.
 “Come on your first class is with Behemoth.”  He told the students with trace amounts of disappointment in his voice, he then crawled out of the student area and waited for them. After the kids had went to the dormitories and had quick shower and change they walked towards to the exit, where they followed him to Behemoths’ classroom. During the walk to the class the kids were talking about what Behemoth class would be about, some he would be a PE teacher, others weight lifting, a few even thought something a bit more violent.  However, those rumors quickly dissipated when Drooler turn towards a left hallway and opened a door on the rightside of the hall, inside was a whiteboard, desks in the center of the room, and in front of the room was a teacher’s desk proportionate to Behemoth is where he sat reading a literal man-sized book. Speaking of books three of the walls were covered by bookshelves filled to the brim with books of all types except Twilight because Behemoth has taste.
 “Indeed, I do, also welcome to English class acolytes.” Behemoth greeted. The students were surprised, and slightly disappointed, that he wouldn’t be anything dealing with strength but they were also confused by this. After they got seated and Drooler left them Dib asked.
 “Um…Excuse Mr. Behemoth shouldn’t we be studying something heroic like rescuing or fighting villains?” Behemoth just chuckled and told them with a smile.
 “Yes, this is a hero school but it isn’t Hogwarts.” Unfortunately, most of the students didn’t get the joke, sensing this he decided to elaborate on the joke.
 “What I meant was, yes we will teach lessons in heroics but we also don’t want you lose any knowledge academically. Now when I hand out your textbooks don’t be disappointed about the small size.” However, when Behemoth opened a drawer pulled out a stack of 10 2ft by 3ft black books the last thing they felt was disappointment.
 “Now when I’m done handing the books out turn to page 652 and we’ll discuss how dark romanticism symbolism changed the literary world.” For the rest of the day was like Behemoths class, difficult to understand and harder to follow. In Boulders bio class he wanted them to clone a fully functional human organ, then they were led towards Zizzoro history class. There Zizzoro just handed out man sized history books and walked towards the blackboard he had, he then wanted them to write a ten-page essay on the War of Lutalai. Then there was Tech’s algebra class which for some of them was manageable but still rather hard, he wanted them to solve a college level mathematic and gave them a literal three feet tall homework pile. Let’s just say when they were taken towards Drooler’s class they were terrified about facing the fiery teacher, meanwhile Drooler was planning an amazing lesson plan for the kids. As the kids walked into his classroom he could see the kids looked like they went through a fight with a Clocrean.
“Geez, what happened?” Drooler asked his students rather worried for them.
 “Well…um…You see..” Steven tried to explain until the ruder students deciding to voice their opinions rather loudly.
 “We had to read textbooks the size of me for almost two hours!!!!” Chloe screamed at the top of her lungs, causing Drooler to flinch a little at the loud sound.
 “I had to solve inferior math that no proud Irken should learn!!!” Zim screeched loud enough to shake some of the beakers in the classroom. Then the final protest came from Connie surprisingly.
 “We didn’t have the correct equipment to handle a human organ!!” That just caused most of the others to look at her strangely until she muttered that her mother was a doctor. Drooler just took a deep breath, so did the kids fearing what would happen next, but then he just let out a tired sigh and used his upper hands to massage his temples to fight off a headache.
 “I had feeling that this would happen.” Drooler mumbled, which rumbled like thunder meanwhile Zim almost turned a dark green.
 “You knew that this would happen!!!!” He screeched at the top of his lungs or organs like them, that caused some of the beakers to break. Drooler just sighed and he began to explain.
 “The guys never really been around mortals much and really don’t know how to interact with them. Saving yes, interacting not by longshot. Now you guys don’t have to any homework, now who wants to blow something up?!” Drooler asked the kids, they seemed to cheer up and they actually enjoyed the class, though some may not admit it. When the kids walked back towards the dorms and were far enough away, Drooler began to stomp down the halls a made a right and kept walking until he was at a large oaken door with a pattern of beasts on it. He slammed open the door an in the room was Behemoth, Boulder, Tech and Zizzoro sitting around an extremely large table. They turned to see their boss currently a bit angry and he growled out.
 “We need to talk.” Drooler growled out which caused Tech, Behemoth and Boulder become anxious while Zizzoro just kept calm.
 “About what sir?” Behemoth asked rather timidly he knew what Drooler was like when he was upset.
 “About the metric ton of work you gave the kids and distinctly rember telling youg three not to overwork them.” Drooler answered the question rather coldly.
 “Excuse me CEO but we could do that when we were just a few hundreds years  old.” Tech politely told the fire beast.
 “Yeah, we could’ve had done and have time to take a nap.” Boulder said trying to justify what they did.
 “Yes but are they us, can they do that, are they smart enough and can they even comprehend what you guys told them in such short amount of time!?!?!” Drooler roared out at the four other teachers, three of them looked a little sheepish and mumbled out a round of no’s. Drooler then turned to Zizzoro and just asked him.
 “And you would it kill you to speak, these are kids not an army!” Zizzoro just sighed and spoke.
 “Fine but I don’t see how this will be any different.” Zizzoro told Drooler his tone bored and his voice sounding like a very familiar dino trainer.
 The end.
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vraiesmeufs · 6 years
 Le Petit Poucet, 9h30
Je sors du métro place de Clichy et tombe directement sur Le Petit Poucet, le café devant lequel m’a donné rendez vous Neïla. Je la vois, assise en terrasse, en train de m'attendre. Je m'assois devant elle et nous commandons un café avant de commencer à discuter.
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Neïla est née et a vécu en Algérie, à Alger plus précisément. Elle est venue habiter en France il y a presque deux ans pour ses études. “Paris n'a jamais été un rêve pour moi mais plutôt une priorité. Je n'ai jamais idéalisé la vie en France, sûrement parce que j’y suis venue plusieurs fois déjà avant mais j'avais vraiment envie de venir étudier ici.”
Dès le CM1 j’ai rejoint le groupe scolaire Descartes, un lycée de sept hectares, vraiment énorme. Je suis restée dans ce lycée jusqu’à la terminale. Il y avait un esprit très fraternel entre les élèves, et j’ai vraiment été libre dans ce lycée aussi, on flânait dans les allées, il y avait tout plein d’arbres partout, on avait environ 5 stades de sports, on se liait d’amitié avec beaucoup de personnes qui nous quittaient quelques années après sachant qu’il y avait énormément d’enfants de diplomates ou d’ambassadeurs, mais je trouvais ça très beau de voir cette diversité dans un seul et même lycée. Je n’ai jamais trouvé cela étrange d’être entourée de différents styles de personne, pour moi, c’était très normal. Je commençais peu à peu à sortir, à connaître les lieux ‘hypes’ d’Alger, les élèves qui organisaient des soirées, les bals de promos, la plage avec les copains/copines, et surtout nos plans de voyages à Paris. Le mois de décembre, c’était un peu LA période où on se retrouvait tous sur Paris, chacun montait avec ses parents ou chez de la famille et on sortait aussi là-bas. En fait, c’est un peu comme si j’avais découvert Alger et Paris d’une certaine manière et aux mêmes moments. On n’avait vraiment rien à envier aux jeunes de Paris où d’ailleurs, à Alger les jeunes sont libres, pas de la même façon qu’en France certes, mais beaucoup d’entres eux sortent, s’amusent, et sont ouverts d’esprits.”
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Mais à la fin de cette dernière année, Neïla décide de passer le baccalauréat en candidat libre et le rate de peu. Sa grand mère lui donne les clés de sa grande maison à la Casbah d’Alger où la jeune fille va habiter pendant une année. “Cette année de plus que j’ai passé à Alger était remplie de souvenirs, je me suis liée d’amitié avec de superbes personnes que je ne connaissais que vaguement auparavant, et j’ai consacré du temps pour moi, j’ai retrouvé ma définition. Je flânais tout le temps dans les rues d’Alger, les magasins de tissus, les antiquaires, les marchands d’anciennes cassettes de musiques, j’ai découvert des choses incroyables que je ne connaissais pas avant, parce que j’étais juste enfermée dans une sorte de bulle qui en fait n'était en partie pas vraiment faite pour moi… Je pense que je suis assez polyvalente, j’ai besoin de goûter à tout, je ne peux pas vraiment rester que dans un seul et même monde parce qu’à force je trouve ça barbant, et le fait d’être entre deux univers, c’est ce qui m’a vachement épanouie. Et j’en suis heureuse parce qu’en plus d’avoir eu une grosse claque dans la gueule quand je n’ai pas eu mon bac, ce fut un énorme bol d’air d’avoir passé une année de plus en Algérie avant de la quitter. Parce que j’aurais vraiment pu quitter mon pays sans avoir trouvé ce qui me définit aujourd’hui.”
Ce rapport à son pays est en même temps très fort et symbolique mais est aussi très conflictuel. Elle parle d’amour et de haine.  “J’adore ses paysages, son peuple, mais ça me fout la rage quand je réalise que ça n’avance pas vraiment, qu’on stagne, qu’on regarde trop vers le passé. Je veux qu’on puisse aller de l’avant, surtout culturellement parlant, j’aimerais qu’il y ait beaucoup plus d’événements, beaucoup plus d’opportunités pour les jeunes en Algérie, j’en connais certains et si tu voyais à quel point ils sont talentueux… L’Algérie (surtout Alger), j’ai constamment besoin d’y aller, si en un an j’y vais pas au moins trois, quatre fois, je pense que je ne serai pas bien mentalement. J’ai besoin de me ressourcer, parce que c’est impossible pour moi de couper les ponts avec la terre qui m’a bercé et qui m’a vu grandir. J’ai aussi besoin de voir ma famille, de revoir mes amis qui sont restés là-bas. Pour moi c’est très important. En Algérie, je me sens constamment chez moi, sauf quand quelqu’un ose m’appeler « l’immigrée », ce qui me fait un peu mal, mais bon c’est la vérité d’un côté. Y’a des choses qu’on ne peut pas facilement assumer… Moi c’est ça.” Neïla est aussi blogueuse à ses heures perdues. Elle parle principalement de mode et de ses coups de coeurs : “J'avais envie de prendre des photos de mes tenues et surtout de prendre des photos en Algérie. On a un très beau pays mais on ne le met pas assez en avant je trouve. C'est assez bizarre parce que là-bas, le fait d'être blogueuse n'est pas quelque chose de démocratisé, quand je prenais des photos, beaucoup de gens me demandaient pourquoi je faisais ça ou pensaient que j'étais une célébrité. Le fait de poster les photos et de s’exposer publiquement n’est pas quelque chose de fréquent dans nos moeurs, les gens ne comprennent pas pourquoi. D'ailleurs, ça a même failli me mettre en danger une fois.” En effet, un fait divers avait fait le tour du pays : une jeune femme qui portait une jupe trop courte s’est vu refuser l’entrée à l’université. “Suite à ça, il y avait eu des mouvements de protestations sur les réseaux sociaux, une page Facebook avec plein de photos de jeunes femmes algériennes qui étaient en jupe courte. Ils avaient posté une photo de moi qui était sur mon blog où j’étais en jupe courte : ça ne me dérange pas parce que je suis totalement favorable à la cause mais un jour, la chaîne nationale algérienne a décidé de parler de ce sujet à la télé et quelle ne fut pas ma surprise quand j’ai vu ma photo en jupe courte à la télé !”
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Neïla voit son passé dans ce pays qui a bercé son enfance mais est-ce qu’elle y voit son futur ? “Pour l’instant je n’aimerai pas vivre en Algérie parce que je me sens pas épanouie là-bas, du moins pas autant qu’en France. Je suis toute fraîchement arrivée donc pourquoi repartir ? Je n’ai encore rien accompli ici. Je rêve de New York, même si je n’y suis jamais allée. C’est mon rêve depuis enfant de visiter New York, je me rappelle encore quand j’étais avec mes cousines et qu’on regardait les sœurs Olsen à New York, j’étais éblouie, je voulais tellement cette vie. Mais c’est vrai que pour plus tard, après avoir fait le tour du monde, j’aimerai pouvoir passer ma vieillesse en Algérie, dans une petite maison avec un grand jardin, et plein de chiens, histoire de mourir en paix. Après peu importe les conséquences de la vie, je ne couperai jamais au grand jamais les ponts avec l’Algérie.”
ENGLISH VERSION (translated by Sarah)
Le Petit Poucet, 9:30 am
I come out of the subway station Place de Clichy and immediately find Le Petit Poucet, the café in front of which Neïla asked me to meet her. I see her, sitting outside, waiting for me. I sit in front of her and we order a coffee before we start chatting.
Neïla was born and raised in Algeria, more precisely in Algiers. She came to live in France almost two years ago for her studies. “Paris was never a dream for me, it was more like a priority. I never idealized life in France, probably because I had been several times before, but I really wanted to study here.”
“In my 4th year of primary school, I started studying in the Descartes school group, a seven hectares school, really huge. I stayed in this school until my last year of High School. There was a really fraternal spirit between students, and I have felt really free in this school, we would wander in the alleys, there were all sorts of trees everywhere, over five sports courts, we made friends with a lot of people that left us a few years later, knowing there were a lot of diplomats or ambassadeurs’ children, but I found it so beautiful, all this diversity in one unique school. I have never found it strange to be surrounded by all kinds of people, it was really normal to me. I started going out, little by little, started to know the “hype” places in Algiers, the students organized parties, the prom bals, the outings at the beach with friends, and, above all, our plans to go to Paris. The month of December, it was THAT time of theyear when we would all meet in Paris, everyone came with their parents or to visit some family they had in France, and we would go out there as well. Actually, it is almost as if I discovered Algiers and Paris, in the same way, and at the same times. We didn’t have anything to envy from the Parisian youth, in Algiers, the young people are free, not in the same way than in France, yes, but a lot of them go out, have fun and are open-minded.”
Unfortunately, at the end of this last year of High School, Neïla decides to pass the French Baccalauréat (high school diploma) and fails it by little. Her grandmother gives her the keys to her big house in the Casbah in Algiers where the young woman is going to live for a year. “This additional year I spent in Alger is filled with memories, I made friends that I barely knew before, because I was just trapped in a sort of bubble to which I, in fact, did not entirely belong… I think that I am pretty polyvalent, I have this need to try everything, I cannot really belong to a unique world because, with the time, I come to find it boring, and the fact to be in between two universes, that was what really allowed me to flourish. And I am happy with that, because additionally to the shock that came with failing my high school diploma, it was an extremely refreshing experience to spend an additional year in Algeria before leaving it. Because I could have left my country without having found what defines me today.”
Her relationship to her country is at the same time very strong and symbolic, but also very conflictual. She speaks about love and hate. “I adore its landscapes, its people, but it really upsets when I realize that it does not progress, we stay the same, we look too much at the past. I want us to move forward, especially in terms of culture, I would like there to have more events, a lot more opportunities for the young people, I know some of them and if you could see how talented they are… I constantly need to go back to Algeria (especially Algiers), if I didn’t go at least three or four times a year, I don’t think I’ll feel mentally well. I need to go back to my roots, because it is impossible for me to sever the ties with this land that saw me grow. I also need to see my family, to see my friends who stayed there. To me, it is all really important. In Algeria, I constantly feel at home, except when someone dares to call me “the immigrant”, which hurts me a bit, but it is the truth in a way. There are things that one cannot really endorse easily… For me it is this one.” 
Neïla is also a blogger during her spare time. She writes mostly about fashion and her favorites: “I wanted to take pictures of my outfits, and above all, take pictures in Algeria. We have such a beautiful country and I find that we don’t put it forward enough. It is quite weird because over there, being a fashion blogger is not something widespread, when I was taking pictures, a lot of people were asking why I was doing so, or thought I was a celebrity. Posting pictures and exposing oneself publicly is not very usual in our habits, people don’t understand why. Besides, it almost put me in danger once.” Indeed, there was a story which went around the country about a young woman who had been refused the entrance to the university because she was wearing a skirt too short. “After that, there had been lots of protests on social media, one Facebook page with a lot of pictures of young Algerian women wearing short skirts. They had posted a picture of me that was on my blog, on which I was wearing a short skirt: It doesn’t bother me because I completely agree with the cause, but, one day, the national TV channel decided to address the topic, and imagine my surprise when I saw the picture of me in a miniskirt on TV!”
Neïla sees her past in this country that saw her grow but does she sees her future there as well? “For now, I wouldn’t like living in Algeria because I don’t feel as blossomed there as I feel in France. I just freshly arrived so why would I leave yet? I still haven’t accomplished anything here. I dream of New York, even if I have never been. It’s a childhood dream to visit New York, I still remember watching the Olsen sisters in New York with my cousins, I was dazzled, I wanted this life so much. But it’s true that later, after I have travelled all over the world, I would like to grow old in Algeria, in a small house with a big garden, and several dogs, just to die in peace. After all, it doesn’t matter where life takes me, I will never ever sever the ties with Algeria.”
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blogmarareactions · 7 years
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BigBang reaction
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You were on your way to a date with your boyfriend Jiyong. He was already waiting outside your apartment building when you walked out the door in a fancy dress and high heels. You weren`t that far along with the pregnany yet but there was definitely a little bump visible. Unfortunately you weren`t too used to the extra weight infront of you so as you made your way down the stone stairs you slipped and fell. Jiyongs eye would widen and he would run to you emediatley, almost frantically asking you if you were okey. You nodded your head yes but that did nothing to calm his nerves. Helping you into his car he drove you directly to the hospital. Yours and the baby`s health was the most important thing right now.
“Y/N! Are you okey? Come on, I`ll drive you to the hospital.”
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It was a hard day for both of you so the only wish you two had when coming through the door of your shared flat was to go to sleep. Taeyang made his way to the bathroom to get changed as you walked to the kitchen. Those random cravings for chocolate and all kinds of other food was what made you almost live in the kitchen. You wanted to eat cookies but they were on the top shelf which was just a bit too high up for you. Not wanting to bother Taeyang with your silly request you grabbed a chair from the dining table and climbed on it. Big mistake. As you were about to get down again the chair wobbled and you lost your balance sending you straight to the ground with a big thud sound. Taeyang ran into the kitchen, calling your name loudly, only to find you on the ground, slightly whimpering in pain. His first thought was to make sure you and the baby were alright so after asking what happend and scolding you for not calling him he scooped you up bridal style making his way to the bed and laying you down. He called the hospital asking for further advice on how to proceed to make sure nothing bad would happen to you or the baby.
“Why didn`t you ask me to help y/n? Do you know how worried I am? Aish, I`m just happy you are okey for now.”
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Ever since you told him you were pregnant he was overprotective to the point where he wouldn`t even let you drive anymore. Now that you were 7 months into the pregnancy and your belly was growing more and more each day he had you practically glued to the couch. When he was out to get some groceries you decided to clean up the place a bit. It was going fine untill you felt a slight dizzyness, followed by total blackness and a fall to the ground which you felt only slightly as you were too far gone already. This is the exact moment T.O.P would come through the door and see the fall. He`d trop everything in his hand and scream your name as he ran over to you. You weren`t uncounscious for long but long enough to have him worried so much he was teary eyed as he talked to the man on the phone, getting an ambulance for you. 
“You`re awake, oh thank god I was so scared y/n! Don`t worry, help is on the way you have to lay still for now okey.”
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Being 6 months pregnant was a wild ride. Moodswings, backpain and the constant cravings were tiering. Luckely Daesung is super caring and attentive to your every needs, even surprising you with little things every now and then. Today he had prepared a cute little date for the two of you. A picnic in the park. You were in a playful mood so you as you two walked through the park you slapped him lightly in the arm saying: “you`re it” and running away. Well it was more wobbling in your state. He`d run after you, slowing down his pace so you had a chance to get away a bit, when suddenly you tripped and fell. His heart would stop at the sight before his reflexes kicked in and he catched you in your fall shortly before you would have hit the ground. He`d let out a reliefed sigh when he saw you were okey. 
“You have to be careful y/n! No more running for you. Let`s rather sit down and eat, okey?”
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You wanted to surprise Seungri with his favorite dinner tonight as it had been a few weeks since you were feeling good enough to even leave the bed without throwing up. Morning sickness? What a lie! What you had was morning, lunch, afternoon and evening sickness. So when you woke up that morning feeling fine you were confused but happy and used the opportunity. Deep in your thoughts on how to best prepare the meat you didn`t notice the small drop in the pavement and tripped over it, ending up in a nasty fall. Seungri got a call that you were currently at the hospital and his stomach would twist up. He`d make his way to you as fast as possible most likely scolding himself for not taking care of you enough. He`d be relieved to find out you and the baby were well, you were still in a bit of pain, but you were healthy. 
“Oh god y/n, I was so worried you injured yourself. If we needed groceries, why didn`t you tell me? I would`ve bought them for you.”
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writeroffanfiction · 7 years
Protagonist Prep Ch. 5 First Day
I own nothing but my own characters
At the schools’ clearing, everything to be normal until the dimensional portal opened again and the students as well as their parents walked through the portals. All them had nervous, and some cases fearful, looks on their faces due the fact they couldn’t see any of the teachers especially Drooler. Luckily, the fire being was exiting the school, along with Barrage, and was carrying a barrel of some sort of black, boiling, tar like liquid.
“Huh, didn’t expect you guys back so soon, would’ve made some more coffee.” Most of the adults and some of the children cringed at what Drooler considered coffee, but were confused by what he meant.
“What do you mean, soon, we have been gone hours!” King Butterfly loudly exclaimed, annoyance filled his voice to the brim.
“Well that’s impossible we’ve been gone for two weeks!?!” Pearl squawked with fear and confusion evident in her voice.
“Attendons que nous sommes partis depuis un mois!” Nathaniel told Drooler with a great amount of fear in his voice. While everyone was freaking out about the extreme difference of time, Drooler was just calmly drinking his coffee. When he ran out of it he decided to calm their nerves.
“Dimensional travel is kind of like international travel, different dimension different passage of time.” Luckily everyone seemed to accept what he said, but what Drooler took away from the entire panic-fest was. “You guys brought suitcases!” Most of the mortals understood why he was excited considering that most of them weren’t listening during the tour. They later became confused when they saw Droolers’ lower pair of arms signal go back. Noticing this Drooler gained a sheepish smile and lied.
“Bugs.” Most of them didn’t buy it.
“Anyway, kids go with Barrage to see your dorms. Most of the parents you can go home, but King and Queen Butterfly come with me.”  Drooler ordered, the last of the part of it filled with quiet rage.  The kids walked towards Barrage, Star a bit slowly worried for her parents, and after they said their goodbyes and good lucks most of them left. Drooler led the Butterflys west of the school deep into the surrounding forest and the farther they went the darker and more foreboding. Twenty minutes of walking Drooler stopped abruptly.
“Beast, why did you stop?” River asked his voice fearful, Drooler didn’t say anything he just ripped a couple bushes away and what the royal couple saw something horrific. It was most of the elite guards and all of them were killed in gruesome ways some ripped in half, others burned to a crisp, but many were vertically cut in half with their vital organs spilling out. Moon almost felt her meal come back up, while River threw up where he stood while it’s true that both Mewmans were veterans of war but they never saw anything like the scene in front of them.
“Who---What did this?” Moon asked pure terror in voice and her body shacking unable to move while Drooler just calmly told them.
“I did and before you ask me why.” He reached behind him, with one of his lower arms, and pulled out a familiar face, it was Mina in her war armor but she was tied and gagged with multiple scratch marks and her right arm bitten off. Drooler removed the gag and ordered Mina.
“Now tell them what you told me.” Mina nodded her body shaking.
“King River ordered me to come here.” Moon was shocked at this accusation, Mina is a loyal warrior, while River became incredibly nervous.
“What do you mean Mina I never ordered you to come here.” River tried to lie, his skin sweating. Drooler growled, which spooked the royals, and with his other lower arm he reached to his hip and pulled out Minas’ mirror and pressed last call.
“Mina, I want you to teach that monster a lesson about harming the royal family.” The recorded River said. Moons’ demeanor changed from scared mouse to erupting volcano as she turned towards her husband with fire in her eyes. She then yelled at the top of her lungs.
“YOU WASTED OUR ELITE GUARD JUST TO SAVE YOUR PRIDE!!!”  River became drenched in sweat and his eyes darting around, his brain trying to think of a response. However, Drooler used his upper arms to separate the royal couple and placed Moon on his left and River on his right. Before River could thank him Drooler just glared at him and threatened.
“King River, I am a teacher which means I am responsible for every kid here.  If you decide to send anymore threats to this school I will see to it personally that you will burn!!!” His upper right hand fired up and curled up into a fist. He struck the ground near King River which caused the ground to shake and bend. Meanwhile with Barrage and the kids were walking down the only hallway when they felt the aftershocks of Droolers’ punch. “What was that?” Steven asked in fear and worry in his voice, not for his safety but for this planets’.
“Don’t worry that was Sargent taking care of a few things.”  Barrage told the group without a hint of worry and what he said didn’t calm any of the kids, in fact it terrified. After walking down, the hall for a few minutes Barrage stopped abruptly which caused the students to collide into each other.
“Hé, regardez-le vous aves trop d’iguane!” Chloe yelled at Barrage, who just glared at her and caused to flinch, he then tapped the wall in a specific order. Lines appeared all over the wall turning it into a 11-ft. tall grid of squares which collapsed in on each other. All the students looked at in amazement, while Barrage just dropped to all fours and crawled through the hole. Inside was a large room with a living in the center, to the left and right were door, and a kitchen to the left of the living room area. Most of the kids were amazed at this but others noticed one problem.
“Hey, where are we going to sleep?” Gaz asked with annoyance in her voice and etched into her face Barrage just sent a glare to child, who uncharacteristically flinched, Barrage motioned the children to follow him to the door on the left. Inside was a medium sized room with twelve beds, six on the left and right, and one each bed was a foot long two thick panes of class on the end of each one.
“These are the boys’ dormitories, the girls to the left. Your mortal facilities are at the end and each bed has a Com screen which can be used to contact loved ones or search the internet. Before you ask yes we’re able to check your browser history.”  All the kids gained a slight blush at what Barrage told them he then just left the kids to their own devices. Which proved to be a disastrous idea because not only did forget to tell them about the curfew, the kids started to descend into chaos. Dib tried to hack into the walls, Alya dragged Marinette around all the rooms, while Gaz and Adrien were engaged in a video game battle. While Steven and Boone were talking about the advantages of flip flops, Star and Connie were talking about the adventures they’ve had, Sashi and Marco were comparing fighting styles. While everybody else took advantage of  the no curfew and stayed up for most of the night, it wasn’t until 2 a.m. when everybody went to sleep and they were in for a rude awaken. At 8 a.m. Drooler crawled into the student area and saw the students strewn around the main room asleep, he smiled having an idea on how to wake them.
“RAAUUGGGHH!!!!!!!!” All of them snapped awake and few of them assumed a fighting stance until they saw it was Drooler, they dropped the stance thinking it would be a bad idea to attack not only their future teacher but also someone who could throw people like their baseballs.
“Staying up on a school night and sleeping in not very responsible, is it?” Most of the students had sheepish or embarrassed looks on their faces while others had to restrain themselves from yelling at the fire being.
“Come on your first class is with Behemoth.”  He told the students with trace amounts of disappointment in his voice, he then crawled out of the student area and waited for them. After the kids had went to the dormitories and had quick shower and change they walked towards to the exit, where they followed him to Behemoths’ classroom. During the walk to the class the kids were talking about what Behemoth class would be about, some he would be a PE teacher, others weight lifting, a few even thought something a bit more violent.  However, those rumors quickly dissipated when Drooler opened the door, inside was a whiteboard, desks in the center of the room, and in front of the room was a teacher’s desk proportionate to Behemoth is where he sat reading a literal man-sized book. Speaking of books three of the walls were covered by bookshelves filled to the brim with books of all types except Twilight because Behemoth has taste.
“Indeed, I do, also welcome to English class acolytes.”  Behemoth greeted. The students were surprised, and slightly disappointed, that he wouldn’t be anything dealing with strength but they were also confused by this. After they got seated and Drooler left them Dib asked.
“Um…Excuse Mr. Behemoth shouldn’t we be studying something heroic like rescuing or fighting villains?” Behemoth just chuckled and told them with a smile.
“Yes, this is a hero school but it isn’t Hogwarts.” Unfortunately, most of the students didn’t get the joke, sensing this he decided to elaborate on the joke.
“What I meant was, yes we will teach lessons in heroics but we also don’t want you lose any knowledge academically. Now when I hand out your textbooks don’t be disappointed about the small size.” However, when Behemoth opened a drawer pulled out a stack of 10 2ft by 3ft black books the last thing they felt was disappointment.
“Now when I’m done handing the books out turn to page 652 and we’ll discuss how dark romanticism symbolism changed the literary world.” For the rest of the day was like Behemoths class, difficult to understand and harder to follow. In Boulders’ bio class he wanted them to clone a cell, while in Techs’ math class he wanted them to solve a NASA level equation, and in Zizzoros’ history class he gave them a history book the size of a child and wrote on the board that he wanted a 15 page essay about the battle of Kintol. When it was time for the final class, Droolers’, the kids were terrified what he would teach them.
“Welcome to chem class toda…..Why do kids look like you went through hell?” Drooler asked his voice showing some rare concern, which surprised the kids.
“We..um We feel..” Steven tried to tell him nicely however Zim was at the end of his rope and yelled.
“We have been tortured by your allies with atrocities such as learning a primitive, inaccurate cloning and false history!!!!” The rest of the class either feared what Droolers’ reaction would be or how would they get Zim out of their clothes. Instead they were met with Drooler sighing and facepalming.
“I had a feeling that that this would happen.”
“Vous saviez que cela se passerait!!!!!” Chloe screeched at the top of her lungs, which caused the kids around her to flinch. Again, Drooler didn’t get angry instead he just started to explain.
“Yeah, considering the guys really don’t know how to interact with mortals much. Saving them yes but beyond that they’re clueless what to do with them.  With that being said you guys don’t need to do any homework, now who wants to see stuff get blown up?!” For the first time in the school the kids smiled. After the class was over Drooler stomped down the hall until he stopped at a large set of oak double doors, he slammed them open. Inside was Behemoth, Tech, Boulder and Zizzoro.
“Gentlemen we need to talk.” Drooler growled in annoyance, three of the four became a little nervous at their boss’s order.
 “What do you mean sir?” A 11ft tall neon blue green bird lizard creature asked his voice jittery. Drooler just growled and roared out an answer.
“You know what I mean Tech!!!!! You guys overworked the kids and I told you guys to take it easy!!!!” Drooler roared at his friends.
“Relax D, we did. All the stuff we taught we could do as pups.” A 21-ft. tall wolf dragon creature wearing red and dirty green armor told him, his voice confident.
“Indeed, I remember that we could finish those problems and have time for tea.”  Behemoth added in.
“Yes, but are they us?” Drooler asked the group, their faces slowly becoming guilt ridden.
“Are they hyperadvance race of super beings?” Drooler asked, the guilty looks started to intensify.
“No.” The three of them answered with their voices laced with disappointment.
“Good and Zizzoro would it kill you to talk??!!” Drooler asked the still silent Godzilla like creature who just sighed.
“Fine cous, just don’t ask me to do anything else.” His voice sounding very familiar.
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