#you can't use it as an excuse to get away with murder john
eldritch-nightmare · 3 months
slashers with hanahaki.
a/n: icb this took me like 2 months to finish omg anyways hanahaki is not a trope i personally enjoy but i like writing angst and i think it's an interesting concept and this is. honestly just an excuse to write amanda angst, actually. uhm. first post about slashers :thumbs up: might take time for me to get used to writing them tbh, so this might be short but!! i hope you enjoy it all nonetheless. ignore how long ethan's is. amanda comes with her own special bot so <3 enjoy tht if u use it.
includes: amanda young, quinn bailey, tiffany valentine, billy loomis, bo sinclair, and ethan landry.
warnings: gn!reader, angst, many mentions of vomit and coughing, blood, implied unrequited love (esp in bo's), randomly assigned flowers plucked out of my flower book.
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If there's one thing about Amanda that isn't hard to miss, it's the fact that she gets very jealous, very easily. It was obvious in the way she almost constantly glared at Lynn whenever the woman was in her line of sight, the way she held no kindness in her voice whenever the two were forced to speak to each other.
Well... it was obvious to John, at least. Even in the state that he was in, the man was nothing if not observant, and he certainly didn't miss the way Amanda's gaze would linger on you and Lynn. He didn't miss the way she would come up with random things for you to do, things that involved you keeping a distance from Lynn.
What John isn't aware of, however, is the fact that each time Amanda goes off alone, it's to cough and vomit up the flowers blooming inside of her. She loves you so much that she can't even be angry when she stares down at the bloodied petals of lavender in her hand as she gasps for breath.
This is her punishment, she thinks. It's her curse, one she'll keep to herself. She loves you, but she doesn't deserve you. If you get too close to her, if she shows that she cares for you, you'll die. They always do, and you're the one person she can't stand to lose.
So she'll keep this to herself. She'll diligently wash the blood off the petals in her hand and she'll put them with the rest, tucked away safely for no one but her to see. She'll let her love be a secret, even if her jealousy boils over.
Romance isn't something Quinn cares for. She's not interested in falling in love since it doesn't align with her goals of wanting to get revenge for her brother's murder. And you, the best friend of Samantha Carpenter, were meant to be another victim. The plan was to kill you in front of Sam, just to inflict a little extra trauma on her.
But that's not how things were turning out. The more time she spent with you, pretending to be friends with people she planned on killing, the more attached she was starting to become. It was small at first, something she could push aside at any given moment. But you just had to be nice to her.
With everything going on, everyone was always worrying over Sam or Tara, but during it all, you had pulled her to the side to ask how she was handling everything, asking if she was okay. And suddenly, it became harder to push those feelings aside, and camellia petals started forcing their way out of her throat whenever she coughed.
This didn't go unnoticed either, by her family or her 'friends', but she always brushed their concerns off. It's just a little cough, no big deal. But it wasn't. Your time to die was coming up, and Quinn was the one who was supposed to kill you. But now she's hesitating, her mind working a mile a minute to come up with a way for you to get out of this alive without risking everything else.
She loves you, as much as she loathes to admit it. She doesn't want to be in love, especially knowing you'll never love her back once you find out who she truly is.
Pretty much everyone who knows Tiffany knows about her feelings for you. It's not something she bothers to hide, and even she's surprised that you aren't aware of the love that she has for you. Or maybe you're just pretending like you're oblivious? She certainly hopes not.
Either way, the first time she coughs a flower up, she feels... well... she wasn't upset. In her eyes, it was further proof of how much she truly adored you. The petals of pansies that she coughed up were always tucked away in a jar. She probably has like... 4-5 jars full of petals by this point.
She doesn't blame you for any of this either. It's not your fault that she fell in love with you! How could she not? You're you. Anyone could love you. She'd kill them if they did, of course, but her point still stands.
Of course, she's not an idiot. She knows what this means. The constant pain in her throat and the feeling of vomiting up blood and flowers is nothing compared to the pain of knowing you more than likely don't love her back. But it's a pain she's willing to bear if it means having you in her life.
And Tiffany is just... fairly confident that given enough time and patience, you'll love her back, one day. She could (and probably should) give up on you, she knows that, but she doesn't want to. Not yet.
Love is not something that comes easily for Billy. He's damn good at faking it, but he tends to disappear the moment he starts feeling like he actually might be growing to love someone. But loving you? It was as easy as breathing, he didn't even notice he had fallen until the roses started falling from his lips. How cliché.
He's really... torn, to be honest, for many reasons. This little illness of flowers could potentially get in the way of his plans, first and foremost. It makes it a lot harder pretending to love Sydney when he starts hacking up stupid fucking rose petals whenever he thinks about you. And god forbid if he has a coughing fit when he's doing Ghostface business.
It's a pain to hide, but Billy is nothing if not determined. Not even Stu knows, that's how badly he wants to keep this a secret. It's not something he plans on hiding forever, of course. Once he's killed Sydney, he'll... probably get around to doing something about the roses piling up in a random shoebox in his room.
The thought of killing you certainly crossed his mind, don't get him wrong. It would probably be much easier having you dead than leaving you alive and dealing with this, but the moment he even processed the thought, he was falling out of bed from the sheer force of the coughing fit that hit him. It's the most roses he's ever thrown up at once, so. He threw that thought out almost immediately.
But he'll definitely play it off and act as if he isn't painfully pining for you if you ever find out about this little predicament. He's too prideful, too hesitant to ever fully commit to a person. The roses bloodied roses in the beat-up box are the closest he'll ever get to confessing his love to you.
Bo knew letting you live would bite him in the ass one of these days, he just wasn't expecting it to be like this. He knew he had a bit of a soft spot for you, though he loathed to admit it, even when his brothers give him knowing looks.
You just looked so damn perfect, all scared with tears streaming down your face. How could he not want to keep you around a little longer? He just didn't actually expect himself to grow attached. It was supposed to be a sadistic game, a way for him to torture you. Instead, he was the one being tortured.
Tortured by these damn flowers he keeps coughing up. He had to ask Lester what they were, though he obviously didn't mention why. Nobody was going to know about this, not Lester, not Vincent, and certainly not you. This was going to stay between him, and the bloodied petals of honeysuckle that he keeps hidden in the gas station.
He knew well enough that this little problem wasn't just going to go away so easily. Don't get him wrong, if he could kill you, he would. The thought alone is enough to keep him locked in a room, throwing up flowers until he sees dots in his vision. So clearly, he can't. He's undeniably stuck with you now, whether he likes it or not.
What's worse is he'll never have your love. Why would he? You'd be a fool to ever fall in love with him after everything he has put you through. He'll only ever have your fear.
He wholeheartedly did not expect to fall in love, especially with someone inside Tara and Sam's friend group. What's worse is that it wasn't a 'normal' way of falling in love either. No, you stole his heart the moment you stabbed him while he was under the mask, growling out a threat so cruel, so gruesome, he was definitely going to steal it in the future.
The wild look in your eyes was a stark contrast to how you usually behaved, and that excited him. Honestly, how could he not fall in love with you after that? With Ghostface, you were aggressive, almost animalistic in the way you would fight for your life. With Ethan, you were concerned for his safety, even if you did eye him with suspicion like everyone else.
The flowers were annoying though, he can't lie. It's not fun coughing up tulips, especially when he's under the mask. It also makes it harder to hide his identity. Ethan honestly doesn't seem like he'd hide his coughing fits from you because he'd probably thrive under your concern. That means that if he slips up and has one when assuming the Ghostface persona, his identity is basically revealed and it ruins everything he and his family have been working for.
He'll make up excuses as to why you can't be killed. You're not even that close to Tara or Sam. Honestly, he wouldn't consider you to be part of the friend group, so your death wouldn't have any impact on them. You've unintentionally helped them with their plans by being Ethan's alibi whenever it wasn't him under the mask, so killing you just wouldn't make sense. He's not exactly the best at hiding his feelings for you.
And Ethan is well aware that given his second identity, he'll never have a chance with you. The moment the inevitable unmasking happens, he'll lose any kindness you may hold for him. That thought alone is enough to make the tulips force their way out of his throat, but he won't lie... it's exciting to think about how you might react once it's revealed that he's Ghostface.
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themultifandomgal · 10 months
Shelby Sister- Strained Relationship Pt1
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YN and her older brother Tommy have never seen eye to eye. Their relationship strained from the moment she was born. Maybe it's because YN was born 2 years after Tommy, he was jealous that all his mums attention went to the young baby. Maybe it was because growing up their personalities were way to similar and now they just but heads. Even though there is this strain on their relationship, Tommy doesn't want to loose any more of his siblings. So with Luca Changretta in town after the murder of John Shelby, Tommy has taken extra precautions to try and keep his family safe
"Finn I'm fine. I'm just going to the bakery" YN tells her youngest brother who has always been very protective of his eldest sister
"Finn seriously what's gonna happen?" YN crosses her arms
"Don't bother trying to stop her brother. She does as she pleases"
"But Tom..."
"You know our YN" Tommy puts down his paper and stands up walking towards his sister "but don't come crying to me if a bullet lands in your head"
"Don't worry. Rather that bullet kill me that come to you"
"When will you two stop hating one another"
"Ask 'im. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going. I'll be half an hour" YN takes her coat and and leaves the house.
On her way back home, with cakes and buns in her brown paper bag YN feels as though there are eyes on her. Turning around she can't see anyone, so YN picks up her pace. That is until she's pulled down an alleyway, dropping her purse and brown bag. Something sharp hits her head and suddenly YN is on the floor surrounded by a growing pool of blood.
Half an hour went by, then an hour, then an hour and a half. Finn starts to get worried
"Will you stop pacing" Tommy mutters
"She said half an hour. She was going to the bakery"
"Probably gone for a fuck
"Whatever Tom. I'm going to look for her"
"Knock yourself out"
"If she's dead, that's on you" with that Finn takes his coat and stormed out the house searching for YN. Tommy carried on drinking his whiskey, but something Finn said doesn't sit right with Tommy 'if she's dead that's on you' YN wasn't one to tell them how long she'd be and be gone much longer. Putting down his drink he sighs taking his own coat off the rack and heading out onto the streets of Small Heath. Deciding to look at the bakery first for his sister, he starts walking that way, noticing how the cool air is pricking at his face like a dozen needles. His sister must be freezing, he thought walking through the street. Half way to the bakery he sees YNs purse, a discarded paper bag and blood. Lots of blood. But no YN. For the first time, his heart sinks at the thought of YN being hurt or worse. Looking closer he sees a bullet on the ground, picking it up he sees a name engraved, Luca Changretta. He's gone to far now. Luca has Tommys sister, possibly even hurt her, he's going to kill him. 
YN wakes up to a pounding head. She's in a dimly lit room, tied to a chair
"Ahh your awake. Nice of you to join us miss Shelby. Your brothers should have noticed that your missing by now and dear old Tommy will come to save you" this makes YN chuckle
"Tommy doesn't care about me. You took the wrong Shelby sister if you want Tommy to hand  over the company. Your gonna have to do better than this"
"If Tommy still wants a relationship with the rest of his family then he'll save you"
"Yeah right" YN scoffs at the man she knows to be Luca Changretta "what's another death in the Shelby family eh? you've already killed John, least if I'm dead I'll be with my brother, away from this cruel world"
"Oh don't worry Miss Shelby, you'll be joining your brother soon, in fact all of you will, but I must wait until he arrives"
"Like I said. He won't"
"We will just have to wait and see, won't we mia cara"
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tathrin · 9 months
I just need you to know your tags on that post about Boba Fett made me realize HOW MUCH of Legends-era Boba Fett I didn't know about and now it is my goal to hunt every book and story down because dear gods he's even more amazing than I realized
Ahhhh omg yes he's the best and worst in all the best ways. Thank you for giving me another excuse to talk about him!
Okay so start with the Twin Engines of Destruction comic by Andy Mangels and John Naedeau, that is THE epitome of Boba Fett. (#he had no face just the helmet that WAS his face #he canonically gives money from successful jobs to orphanages WHAT #when he found out someone was impersonating him AND BOTCHING JOBS he set that fucker up SO GOOD #he literally took the man apart physically spiritually and emotionally and left him paralyzed staring at his own about-to-explode jetpack #and put the antidote to the neurotoxin in front of him said ''you may survive if you have the will to move...like i would'' and WALKED AWAY) Genuinely just...this is it, this is him, this is everything anyone ever needs to know about how to write Boba Fett.
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After that I'll recommend moving onto the Boba Fett: Death, Lies, and Treachery comics (consisting of "Bounty on Bar Kooda," "When the Fat Lady Swings," and "Murder Most Foul") by John Wagner and Cam Kennedy (probably my favorite Fett comic artist; their style is wonky yes but it fits so well!). Boba Fett: Agent of Doom is another one drawn by Kennedy that is excellent, although it's written by John Ostrander (who did the best Clone Wars comics btw) instead of Wagner. Also I personally like to headcanon the last one actually being about Ailyn Vel, but that's neither here nor there. Your best bet to find these is probably the Star Wars Legends — Epic Collection: The New Republic vol 7 tpb but Marvel is shit about keeping their SW comics in print, so good luck.
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Also definitely worth reading are K.W. Jeter's Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy of novels (#he surgically removed his olfactory pleasure sensors so he wouldn't be affected by space pollen shit  #he'd drop an entire mine on top of himself to get his mark if he had to and then just dig his way back out #he once used the dying body of the closest thing he had to a friend as a laser canon to kill some tin-can hutts  #he had his fucking SKIN DISSOLVED and still sat up to shoot a bitch #he walked onto an exploding star destroyer just to have a conversation AND THEN FLEW IT RIGHT BACK OUT AGAIN) but I will say that the quality of them varies wildly between different sections...but it's one of those "even the bad parts are good, despite being terrible" books, if you know what I mean!
No Disintegrations, Please! is a short-story from the Tales of the New Republic collection, and that's the one that features Fett walking through an Imperial Garrison to get his mark that I was thinking of when I made the post (although it seems that tag didn't save? or I just can't find it again amidst all the unhinged shrieking of the rest of them lol) although he also took on a garrison in one of the comics and in another comic he went through a wrecked Star Destroyer full of murder-droids and TIE patrols so like...not an out-of-the-ordinary endeavor for him lol.
Payback: The Tale of Dengar, also from one of the short-story collections, in this case Tales of the Bounty Hunters, is where Dengar gets Fett to be his best man, although alas the wedding itself is never depicted anywhere, at least not that I've seen. (Although if you'll permit an extremely immodest self-rec, I did write about it once in a fic...) My favorite moment in this story, though, is when Boba Fett pulls a straw out to drink without removing his helmet. Too bad no one apparently ever mentioned that features to Din Djarin; would have made his life considerably easier. And yes, I was the person shouting "use a straw you idiot!" at the screen several times, to the vast amusement of those watching with me.
And of course, Susejo a.k.a. the Sarlacc mentioned in the original post is from A Barve Like That: The Tale of Boba Fett from the short-story collection "Tales From Jabba's Palace."
For new stuff that still feels like classic Fett, Age of Rebellion: Boba Fett by Greg Pak and Bria LaVorgna is really the only thing that comes to mind, but it's quite a lovely little one-shot.
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*If you have trouble finding Twin Engines of Destruction let me know. I have the whole thing saved on my computer because I love it so much, although I will say that the digital format/coloring does it no favors.
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littlegodzilla · 2 years
Happy Birthday to me! I was writing it few days ago, I wanted to d something different for Daryl or Norman so I'm experimenting with other characters as you could see (John, Van, Justin, Travis in the future, maybe...)
So I come with a Vincent Harris one shot, who is he? This caracters come from A Crime, not a very good movie (which is?), we have a hurt man, a crazy neighbor and a cute dog, I'm not going to tell you the plot of the movie if you want to see it.
Anyways, I hope you like it and enjoy the reading!
Dog sitter.
Vincent Harris(36) x Reader(30).
One shot.
Warnings: Swearing. Mentions of murder. Crazy neighbor. Hurt/Comfort. Cute dog. Contains movie spoilers.
Words: 6000.
Summary: You move to Brooklyn looking for a new life and you meet Vincent and Vicky, but you also have to dealing with Alice.
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With a sigh you leave the last box at the door of your new house, it has been a hard move, but finally you are there. You smile proudly and take the keys out of your pocket to open the door, you have to insist a little, push the wood with your body to disengage it from the frame and finally it opens.
It smells a bit musty and the atmosphere is stuffy from so much time without use, but you don't care. You push all your stuff inside and get ready to open all the windows. It is a small apartment, with a kitchen-dining room, a toilet, a single room, a room that you can use as a closet, and the double room, more spacious with a bathroom, the windows overlook the inner courtyard and there is only one large window in the living room, it is not very bright, but you hope it is not too cold, you live in a room, but there are several floors above you, so you trust that the heating of your neighbors help to temper your own home. Once you have the apartment open, you open the boxes to take some things out, you know you won't have time to unpack everything today, but you hope to have it ready in a couple of days.
You take the boxes and your suitcases of your clothes and other belongings to your room, you check that in the kitchen there are utensils and you don't need to buy many things, with you you carry a small notebook writing down the things you need to buy, both food and toilet paper, cleaning rags, broom... things of that kind.
You are so immersed in your own tasks that you don't notice someone watching you from the doorway.
"Who are you?" you hear a woman's voice and a scream escapes you.
"Fuck, you scared me." You say with a hand on your chest, in front of you, there's a blonde woman, looking a bit drunk, but you try to ignore that fact. "Hi, I'm new in the building." You introduce yourself and walk over to her to shake her hand.
"Have you rented this apartment?"
"Uhm yes, I'm possibly buying it, the landlord is letting me pay for it with rent installments until I have more money..." You explain and you see his face change to an angry grimace.
"No. You can't stay."
"Excuse me?" you look at her confused.
"This apartment is mine, I was going to rent it, I had plans for it."
"S-sorry, the landlord didn't tell me there was anyone else interested..." You apologize, but her anger increases.
"It's mine! My boyfriend lives next door, we were going to live together!"
"But..." You try to process what she says, but you shake your head. "I'm sorry, I'll talk to the landlord, maybe..."
"I want you to get out, now!" She grabs your shoulders ready to throw you out, but you push her away hard.
"Let go of me! Have you lost your mind?" You look at her in disbelief.
"Alice! What are you doing?" You hear a man's voice down the stairs and her face changes completely.
"Hi Vincent, hi Vicky." You greet the man and his dog.
You take advantage of that distraction to get the last of your things into your apartment and close the door, locking it, you don't know if he might be as crazy as this Alice and try to get you both out of there.
"What's going on, are you okay?" asks Vincent to his neighbor and friend, the blonde nods, rubbing her arms.
"Yeah, yeah, I was just welcoming the new tenant." She lies smiling at the blue-eyed man. "But she got a little nervous and I don't know what happened..."
"Are you sure? Are you drunk?" He looks at her worriedly and she shakes her head.
"No, not that much..."
"Come on, go home and sleep it off, you need it."
"Are you coming with me?" she pouts and Vincent sighs looking away.
"You know I won't..."
"When will you realize that we're made for each other?"
"Take care of him Vicky while I'm gone." She says to the dog and walks up the stairs with heavy, tired steps.
Vincent doesn't move until he hears the upstairs door close, his pet gives him a gentle touch on his hand and he pats his head, he sighs and heads home stopping in front of the door where they have taken down the 'For Rent' sign maybe he should call and introduce himself, all things considered he is going to live door to door, but it's late, he has to leave Vicky and get back to work or they will end up firing him.
You've spent all morning organizing your apartment, but everything is finally where it should be and the boxes are empty, folded and put away in case you need them for anything else. You let your hair down, grab your coat and notebook and leave the house locking up again behind you. You take a quick look around to make sure that Alice is not around before leaving the building. You have to buy food and a few other things, even a cart to carry everything.
Luckily you have some money saved from your old job, you didn't live badly, it was nice, family atmosphere and everyone was nice to you, but you needed to get out of there, a series of events that you still haven't fully recovered from made you need to escape at full speed. New York was the farthest you could find and that apartment was within your means, you have paid a couple of months in advance and the landlord has not asked questions, it is usual to pay every week, but you need some time to adapt and you don't want anyone around. You still need a job, something to free your mind, you can't live off your savings forever.
You walk into the supermarket down the street, after stopping at a convenience store and buying a cart, you put it aside and look at your list to make sure you don't leave anything unbought.
"Are you coming this weekend to the lake?" you hear in the distance.
"I can't, my parents are away and I have to take care of Gus." You reply with annoyance.
"The dog? Really?"
"Don't look at me like that, they love him more than me." They snort and the conversation drifts away from where you are.
You frown slightly, maybe it's not a bad idea, you like animals, it can keep you distracted and you have an income that will help you maintain your stability. You could prepare some posters and distribute them around the area, you don't want to go too far, as you don't know the city, and that would be enough to start with.
The cart weighs a ton but you have bought everything you need for at least two weeks, maybe even more. You didn't count, however, that the building has no elevator and your floor is still a room.
"Damn..." You wheeze, pulling the cart with effort, the wheels hitting every step, you're convinced you're going to end up breaking it before you've used it properly.
"Wait! Let me help you." You hear some stairs downstairs and stop.
Up to your position comes a man, almost your age, maybe a few years older, dark blond hair, nice blue eyes, round nose and a funny mole on his upper lip, on the left side, a little beard decorates his cheeks, but not too much. You smile as a greeting and he imitates you by grabbing the bottom of your cart, helping you to pull it up the stairs without mistreating it any further.
The two of you reach the fourth floor having beaten the hellish stairs, he sets the cart back down and you sigh gratefully.
"Sorry, I forgot I live in a room without an elevator." You snort rolling your eyes and he laughs.
"That's okay, I couldn't let the poor thing keep taking that abuse." He jokes patting the fabric of the cart and you laugh. "You bought a bunch of stuff, family reunion?" he asks curiously and you shake your head.
"I moved this morning and needed to stock the fridge." You admit, you see him raise his eyebrows and surprise runs through him as he points to the door of your house.
"You rented that apartment?" you nod and he holds out his hand. "I'm Vincent Harris, we're next door neighbors." He introduces himself and you shake his hand.
"Pleasure, Vincent." You introduce yourself just as he does walking both of you in the same direction.
"Same here, welcome to the building." He smiles again, you hear some barking on the other side of his door and he opens it letting a cute Spanish greyhound come out to greet him. "This is Vicky, sometimes she gets a little nervous when I'm not around or in the evenings, but she's not usually loud."
"Don't worry, you won't hear any complaints from me, I love animals." You reassure him and pet the animal's head as it comes over, tapping your hand with its muzzle.
"She liked you." He jokes ushering her back into his home. "My pleasure, anything you need..." He points to his door "Just knock."
"Thank you so much Vincent, again, for the cart and stuff."
You say your goodbyes each going into your house, despite the scare you had that morning with your other neighbor, it's clear not everyone is like her, Vincent was kind enough to help you up the stairs, so it wasn't such a bad day.
After emptying the cart putting everything in its place, you get ready to make the posters that you will place around the neighborhood looking for work and you will wait for someone to call you.
Several weeks have passed since you put up the posters and you are surprised by the amount of people that need your help to take care of their pets, some of them, you are sure, it is simply because they didn't want to have a pet, but it was a whim of their children and the truth is that you prefer to take care of them than that they end up in the street, or worse.
It's Saturday morning, early, you get ready and grab your keys to leave the house, at the same time, Vincent's door opens and he and Vicky meet you in the hallway.
"Good morning." You greet with a smile.
Your relationship with your neighbor is pleasant, you don't talk too much, each one immersed in your own things, but you always have some kind word when you meet at the door of the house, Vicky is friendly and affectionate, always ready to accept your caresses when you meet. Vincent is a bit more reserved, always with his head in the clouds, you don't want to ask, but it's obvious that something is eating at him, even if he doesn't say it out loud. You've seen him with Alice a few times, they seem like good friends, she keeps insisting that your apartment is hers, Vincent for his part tries to dissuade her and get you two to get along. You have no problem with her, but she seems to hate you just for existing.
"Good morning." He greets back, adjusting his coat, it's especially cold that morning. "Where are you going so early? It's Saturday."
"To work." You laugh softly. "I have to go pick up one of my boys, his humans are going on a trip and leaving me in his care."
"His humans...?" he is quiet for a moment and laughs. "You work taking care of animals?"
"Yes, it's surprising how many people are incapable of caring for their pets, or don't want to take care of them." You sigh with some disappointment. "Where do you go?"
"I take Vicky for a walk." He smiles. "We're going to the beach, there's a race in a couple of hours."
"To the beach...?" You look at him in surprise and frown. "You use her for illegal racing?" You're not one to judge him, but you feel your voice slipping out like a bark.
"I don't use her...these kind of dogs do well running, it's part of them."
"Eating too, and some are starved to death so they run faster after prey."
"I don't...I take care of Vicky and there is no 'prey' it's a mask tied to a rod."
"It moves, it's enough for the animal to consider it a target. Is that what you do for a living?" Vincent purses his lips feeling fury engulf him as he hears your accusations.
"I have a job, it's just a one-off for her, that's not what I do for a living... do you?" he attacks you suddenly. "Is walking dogs your dream?"
You raise your eyebrows feeling slightly offended, grunt low and adjust your bag on your shoulder.
"You're an asshole." You bark again and turn around, speeding down the stairs.
Vincent deflates then, realizing what he's said, he peeks out of the stairwell to call out to you, but you hear a loud door slam, indicating that you've already left the building. He mutters a curse and tightens Vicky's leash for a few seconds.
"Come on girl, let's go for a walk." he says petting the animal's sharp muzzle and they walk down the stairs.
You leave the little cat in the carrier before leaving the house keeping the keys in your purse pocket, you carry a couple of bags with various things of the animal so that it adapts better to your house. You know that cats get stressed easily when they are taken out of their home, so you want them to feel as comfortable as possible.
You adjust the bags on your shoulder and hold the carrier tightly, luckily the house is not too far away. You are still a bit annoyed by your neighbor's words, walking dogs may not be your life's work, but it's not a job to be ashamed of, on the contrary, you like taking care of them, sometimes animals are more grateful than people and you have less and less doubts about it. Whiskers meows inside the carrier and you speed up your pace.
"We're coming, have a little patience." You ask him, brushing his fur through the cracks in the passenger compartment to calm him down.
You are reaching the door of the building when you see a neighbor entering, you are grateful not to have to let go of your partner once again, you run to the door and block it with your body before it closes. On the other side, Alice opens the door to let you in and the two of you stand silently, staring at each other.
"Is that your pet?" she asks you in a serious tone. "You can't have pets in the building"
"No? Then why does Vincent have Vicky?" you answer with another question and his frown deepens.
"Have you talked to Vincent?"
"We're neighbors, what's wrong with that?"
"He's my boyfriend, stay away from him." He threatens you and you frown hard.
"I'm not interested at all." You reply starting to walk up the stairs, Whiskers is getting nervous. "And if you care so much, maybe he's not such a good boyfriend." You annoy her and hear her gasp behind you.
"What did you say!"
"Listen, I don't care about your relationship with him, seriously, I'm not attracted to him, just because he has pretty eyes and a pretty face doesn't mean he's irresistible." You assure her. "You can rest easy with me." Without giving her time to reply, you slam your apartment door shut.
"You better!" she shouts on the other side. "I'll be watching you!"
"Lunatic..." You mumble through your teeth, shaking your head.
You leave the keys in place, take the bags off your shoulder and set the carrier on the floor, open it and let the animal decide to leave on his own feet, when he feels less anxious and scared. While he adjusts, you place his things in the room you have prepared; the small room serves as an area for the animals you have to take care of in your house, you have removed the furniture and bedding, you talked to the landlord and he provided you with keys to the storage room so you could leave everything there.
"Be careful, if they stain or break anything, it will be your responsibility." He warned you, but did not use an aggressive or threatening tone.
"Thank you, Mr. Thompson, don't worry." You promised him.
So far you had kept your word, you hadn't had to take care of very large animals either, a rabbit, two small sized dogs, and now Mr. Whiskers. You leave the sandbox on one side of the room, prepare his bed and a small scratching post nearby, food and water and scatter some of his toys around the room and the living room to make him feel a little more at home.
You are preparing something to eat when you hear voices in the stair hallway, you recognize them right away, it's your neighbor with Vicky and your crazy neighbor upstairs, you roll your eyes, focusing on what you are doing, you don't want to pay attention to the discussion, it's couple stuff, you are not going to get in the middle of it.
"It was all your fault..."
"It's always your fault, can't you leave us alone?"
"No! I didn't do anything!"
"It's always your fault!"
"No!" You wake up startled in your bed, gasp several times and feel sweat rolling down your back.
You close your eyes for a moment, trying to catch your breath. It's not the first time this has happened to you, and you know that unfortunately it won't be the last. You feel your whole body trembling and alert. You get out of bed rubbing your face with both hands, trying to clear your mind. You know you are not going to be able to sleep anymore, so you get dressed and leave the room, Whiskers is sleeping comfortably in his bed, after a couple of days he is finally comfortable and even accepts you touching him a few times. You smile and put on your slippers, taking your keys. You go for a walk to clear your mind.
When you open the door, the one right next to you does too. You tense up for a moment thinking your neighbor is going out with Vicky, but you're wrong, Vicent seems to be wearing pajama pants and a tank top, maybe he just woke up, or hasn't gone to bed yet, to be honest, you don't even know what time it is.
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"Are you okay?" He asks in a hoarse voice. Yes, he just woke up.
"Yes." You quickly respond wanting to avoid the subject.
"Okay, I just... I thought I heard you screaming and..."
"I'm fine." You reply quickly again. "I didn't mean to wake you up." You say sincerely.
"Don't worry, I've been a light sleeper for a while now." He shrugs biting his lip.
Neither of you say anything, you have the urge to want to run away, you need to get some air and escape your memories, it's just as awkward for him, Vincent has wanted to care about you, but now he doesn't know how to continue the conversation, whether he should just let you go or keep asking. He taps his fingertips together, a nervous twitch, and looks at you again.
"Listen, I..."
"Hey, let it go, I don't want to get in trouble with your girlfriend." You cut off what he's trying to tell you and head down the stairs to leave the building.
To be honest the walk hasn't helped you much in your attempt to calm down, it hasn't helped either that Vincent has heard you talking in your sleep, you know that now the subject could come up in any conversation, although you have tried to make it clear to him that you don't want to have any kind of dealings with him. Every day that passes you are more and more convinced that you are not compatible.
You return home, it's early morning, the cold is intense and you're freezing. You rub your hands together as you walk up the stairs, the warm breath tempers them a little, but your fingers still feel numb. You freeze when you find Vincent's door opens again as you reach the landing on the floor, there's a nervous smile on his mouth and Vicky next to him wags her tail at the sight of you.
"Hey..." He greets in a low voice and you shake your head.
"Hey... What are you still doing awake?"
"I told you I was a light sleeper..." He shrugs. "I couldn't get back to sleep."
"I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault... Are you sure everything's okay?"
"Yeah, it's just..." You sigh and rub your arms. "Ghosts from the past, I guess."
"I know... I know what you mean..." He chews his lip several times and point his thumb inside his house. "Do you want me to... Do you want a cup of coffee, or tea or beer? I don't know how you deal with these things..."
"Uhm no, thank you, Vincent, you're very kind, but... I need to rest."
"Sure, I understand... Maybe another time?" he offers you again and you nod, out of politeness.
"Sure, another time." You open the door to your apartment and look at him one last time. "Good night, both of you." You smile looking at Vicky.
"Good night." He replies with a half smile seeing you close the door behind you. "Come on, girl." You say to your canine companion and close it too.
It's true he's not sleepy, he feels his whole body exhausted, but he can't sleep, it's been happening to him since he lost Ash, the memories of that night, being unable to do anything for her, not having closed the case, it's killing him little by little. However, he is vigilant, he sits up in bed, his back pressed against the wall, his head leans against it, he knows your bed is on the other side, the walls are like paper, he can't hear what you say but he feels the murmur of your voice talking to the cat you are looking after, the sound vibrates through the wall and his eyes close for a second.
Everything is peaceful minutes later and he himself falls asleep in that position.
If your relationship was purely polite with Vincent as neighbors, now the situation is tense and uncomfortable. When you meet on the stairs neither of you says anything and you walk down the four floors without even opening your mouths, a tense silence hanging over you. You think you should apologize, you didn't mean to be rude to him, you know he only meant to be nice, but it's also true that you don't want to deal with Alice, and it's obvious that she is possessive and obsessed with him.
You are finishing your breakfast when you hear a knock at the door. You're surprised, but you get up from the table with your coffee cup in hand, you never know what you might find, and it's good to have a gun nearby.
Speak of the devil...
"Vincent." You say opening the door, the blond is on the other side, holding Vicky's leash.
"Hi, sorry if I woke you up."
"Not at all, is something wrong?"
It's true that the situation is not like before, but you can see that he's nervous and a bit worried, you're not going to deny him your help if you can really do something. Maybe something has happened with Alice.
"No, but... I wanted to ask you a favor, otherwise you're busy."
"No, no, tell me."
"I have to go to work, a colleague is sick and I have to work double shifts." He explains and points to Vicky. "Do you mind taking care of her? She's not much trouble, but sometimes she gets nervous when I'm away from home a lot."
"No, sure, no problem." You smile.
"Thanks, I'll try not to be too late, I promise. Shall I leave you the keys to my apartment or...?"
"W-whatever you prefer, it's all the same to me."
"Okay, here." He hands you a key. "He likes to sleep on my couch." He comments jokingly and you let out a chuckle.
"No problem, don't get too tired." You smile kindly, he nods his head gratefully, pats Vicky and then hurries downstairs. "Come on, Vicky, have you had breakfast yet? I'm sure you have, how about a walk?" you continue to talk to the animal as you walk into your house, you keep Vincent's key in your key set and let the animal explore the house as you go to change your clothes, thank goodness Whiskers is no longer in the house.
You get dressed in sports clothes, you have never been a very sporty person, but Vicky needs to run, you go to play with her a bit and make her run. You put her on the leash and leave the house.
Vincent comes home late from work, he's tired, it's been a long day, he just wants to get home and sleep for a few hours, the next day he's been given rest for doing a double shift, so he plans to stay in bed until it hurts, although he doubts it will be many hours, he knows his head won't let him sleep too much.
He is going upstairs remembering that you have spent all day with his little canine, it is late, so he decides not to bother you until tomorrow, your relationship as neighbors is a bit strained and he doesn't want to make things worse between you, he had liked you and would like to preserve your friendship if that is what he can call it. Slowly, so as not to disturb Vicky's sleep, he opens the door with a little 'click', it doesn't open too much, just enough to get his body in and he closes it again, he immediately notices that the apartment is warm, outside the winter is starting to become more harsh and he is grateful for the warmth he feels in there. He takes off his coat, leaving it on its hanger, walks to the living room to greet Vicky and stands in the doorway.
Vicky watches him from the couch, wagging her tail very slowly, greeting him, welcoming him home, yet she doesn't move, lying on the couch next to you, you are asleep cuddled against her slim little body, totally oblivious to the man's arrival. He swallows licking his lips, walks slowly over to you and careful not to startle you too much, touches your leg several times.
"What?" you raise your head like a spring, eyes narrowed in sleep.
"It's me, it's me." Vincent says holding up his hands to calm you down. "What are you doing here?"
"Hello, Vincent." You greet him by rubbing your eyes sitting on the couch, he pulls away a little. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to stay at your place, but Vicky was pretty nervous..."
"It's okay, don't worry about it." He smiles a little. "Has she been good anyway?"
"Yes, very well, we've gone for walks, runs, she's eaten and had a nap, but at night she's been a bit unruly." You joke, the animal whines and walks away knowing you are talking about her, you both laugh at the sight of her.
"I'm glad she didn't give you too much trouble..."
"She's a good girl." You try to hide a yawn and Vincent watches you carefully. "How was work?"
"Long, and boring... Can I offer you a coffee?" he invites you, like last time, nevertheless you nod.
"Yes, okay, but if you're tired..."
"No, I'm fine, I told you I don't sleep much." You shrug going towards the kitchen to make coffee.
You stretch, yawn, try to clear your head a bit as you listen to Vincent tinkering in the kitchen to prepare the coffee. You didn't mean to fall asleep, you had only gone into his house because Vicky wouldn't stop crying and you tried to take her home with you, but she hadn't moved from the couch, forcing you to stay there until she fell asleep and you fell asleep after her.
"Hey, Ash, do you want something to eat...?" You hear Vincent coming up to where you are, but he stays quiet.
Ash? Who's Ash? You'd like to ask him, but you see in his eyes the panic that's setting in. You clear your throat and shake your head.
"No thanks, coffee's fine."
"S-sorry, I didn't mean to..." He tries to apologize.
"It's okay, it's very late, maybe it would be better if I went home, besides Vicky is already calmer..." You interrupt him walking towards him, ready to leave the house, you see him bite his lip several times, as if he was holding back. "Good night, Vincent."
"Good night."
You say goodbye and walk out of his house into your own, feeling your heart go a mile a minute. You are confused and at the same time frustrated, why can't you talk to him like two normal people? Why is it so hard for you? You know it's not just because of yourself, you're sure the shadow of your upstairs neighbor has something to do with it. You groan in frustration and crawl into your bed, luckily it doesn't take you long to fall asleep. Nightmares don't accompany you that night either.
Things change after that day, Vincent asks you to help him with Vicky for several more days, you don't mind, the animal is calm and always behaves well, he has become accustomed to your presence and you like having her around.
With Vincent the conversations at the door of your houses has also become more routine, it is almost like an agreement between you, you spend several hours talking, or five minutes, but you always share a conversation or a greeting, there has been some tense moment when Alice has intervened, but he has always defused the situation and you have preferred to go home or go out to work and ignore the conversation you may be having.
That day you return from walking Vicky, Vincent had a night shift at work, so he asked you to look after her, otherwise you had nothing to do. Of course you agreed and in the morning you took her out for a little run on the beach before her human came home from work.
You are walking up the stairs when you hear screaming on the landing of your floor.
"Have you lost your mind?" you hear your neighbor say.
"Have I gone crazy? I'm doing this to help you!"
"You're not helping me at all, Alice! An innocent man has been accused!"
"You don't know that! He could be a bad person!"
"He didn't kill Ashley!"
"But you could have moved on! With me!"
You can't believe what you're hearing, disbelief plastered on your face as you keep Vicky by your side, you don't want them to realize you're there. Alice, from the first day you arrived, always made it clear that Vincent was her boyfriend, but you've never seen them together as such, plus he's not the first time she's mentioned an Ashley, possibly an ex, who happens to be dead and Alice has done something horrible to an innocent person... For him?
How far could his obsession go?
"I made it clear to you, Alice! I respect you, you're a great friend, but I don't feel that way about you." You can imagine the blond rubbing his hair nervously. "You've gone too far."
"It's because of her, isn't it?" When your name comes out of Alice's little, you feel goosebumps rise on your skin. "You think I haven't noticed how you look at her? That you spend a lot of time together now. She even takes Vicky out for a walk.
"It's her job, you're taking things out of context." He replies with a grunt. "And even if there was something, it's not your problem, Alice, I really appreciate how you feel about me, but you can't force me to feel the same way...much less throw a man in jail and decide when I'm ready to move on."
"It's been three years!"
"That's not your problem!"
You hear the downstairs doors open, the couple's shouting is starting to draw attention to the rest of the building, so you decide to go upstairs and intervene, get them to stop arguing, or at least bring it inside so as not to disturb the rest of the neighbors.
When you go upstairs, the conversation stops instantly. Alice's eyes flash with hatred, she seems to want to turn to you, but Vincent catches her gaze again and shakes his head.
"That's enough, Alice." He begs you. "You've done enough for me, now I'm asking you to leave and give me space."
"This is all your fault." She barks and her the stairs in a fury.
You close your eyes for a second, memories take over your mind and you unconsciously shrink into yourself, nervousness bubbles in your stomach, you feel a panic attack coming on until Vincent touches your shoulder. You open your eyes startled, seeing him looking worriedly at you. You try to smile to calm him down and shake your head.
"Are you okay?" You ask him and he smiles sniffling through his nose.
"I could ask you the same thing... What is she wearing?" he then asks.
Your attention falls on Vicky and a giggle escapes you. It's cold, winter has come to town and in the mornings the temperatures are quite low. Greyhounds are strong animals, but they don't have a lot of fur, so you had bought her a sweater so she would be warmer when you went out for your morning walks.
"She was cold and I bought her a sweater." You joke and see Vincent's smile grow bigger.
"Gee thanks." He chuckles. "I'll pay you back."
"No, you don't need to, she likes it, so that's good enough for me."
You study Vincent silently, Vicky is still by your side, his leash in your hands, he hasn't left his front door either, you both know it's an awkward and uncomfortable situation, you don't want to know more than Vincent wants to tell you, Vincent wants to say something, you can see him aggressively biting his lip, trying to calm his anxiety.
"I know I've turned down your proposals many times, but... Would you like some coffee?" you offer with a shy smile, he looks at you surprised, but laughs.
"Sure, I'd love some."
You open the door to the house, Vincent helps you as he is still getting a little stuck and you go inside, you leave Vicky's leash and collar on a coat rack you have and turn on the heat as you go into your kitchen to prepare the coffee.
Vincent observes everything with curiosity, you don't have many belongings, the shelves are barely decorated with some books, pictures or some collectible figures, it's quite impersonal, Vincent is surprised, he feels as if you are waiting for something, as if you have to run out at any moment, he wonders if your bags are all empty or if you have left some prepared as an emergency.
Your movement takes him out of his mind, his gaze follows you, you move from the kitchen to the living room where you leave several things on the table besides two steaming cups of coffee, the smell spreads through the house and suddenly Vincent feels trapped again in memories, in when he used to wake up next to Ash and they used to prepare breakfast together.
"Ashley is... was my wife." He tells you as you set the cups down on the table. "She died three years ago..." Your gazes connect and you see his eyes sadden, it's clear that his loss still hurts him. He knows you overheard the conversation with Alice on the stairs, as do many other neighbors.
"I'm so sorry..."
"I'm supposed to be over it by now, but it's getting hard..."
"That means you loved her, that she was important to you." You try to calm him down. "There's nothing wrong with it."
"No? The truth is, I'm not so sure anymore." He sighs walking over to the table, picking up one of the cups. "Maybe Alice is right and I need to move on for once...Ashley's not coming back."
"That's not for anyone to decide for you, Vincent, only you can know when you're ready to move on."
He looks sideways at you, chewing on his lip again, you sit next to him picking up the other cup and taking a sip after pouring yourself some milk.
"Vicky was a gift, you know, Ashley had bought her to surprise me..." He continues to tell you, chin resting on his hands, lying on the surface of your table, looking tired and defeated. "I didn't know what to do with it, I even came to believe that whoever had hurt her had left it there, as a constant reminder of what had happened to her..."
"I want to put it out of my mind, I want to move on..." His tone turns angry, frustrated, you bite your lip and the only thing you can think to do....
Is hug him.
You know that hugs don't help the bad memories to be forgotten, to extinguish the pain forever, but it relieves, in a passing way, the discomfort they provoke. You feel Vincent paralyzed in your arms, perhaps assimilating what you are doing, you close your eyes when his arms encircle your waist and you stay like that for a while. You don't know how much time passes, a few seconds, a few minutes until finally he breaks away from you, shifting nervously, he smiles gratefully, but averts his gaze.
"Thank you... sometimes I can't stop thinking..."
"I know, it's the stigma of trauma." You try to joke and he looks at you again with that intensity, wanting to know more, but at the same time saying nothing.
You finish your coffee, continue talking a bit about everything, Vincent unburdens himself to you and you let him tell you everything he needs to. You go into his house and he shows you old pictures, you meet Ashley, he tells you about her and his life before he came to live in New York, his voice still exudes all that love he felt, that he feels for her, but it's also mixed with the pain of his loss. You hug him again and this time, he reciprocates your embrace in the same moment.
"Thank you for listening to me" He says when you break the embrace.
"There's nothing to thank, you can count on me for whatever you need. You just have to knock." You smile and he mimics your gesture.
"I'll do."
The End.
Hope you liked it.
See you in the next stories!
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opie-nixx · 2 years
Fuck you, Micah! (CHAP. 12)
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Hosea: "Its gonna work out, just listen to Dutch."
Dutch: "I don't expect you to understand this... but I have never been more proud of you... than I am right now, brother. You're doing the right thing.
John: "If I don't get that boy back, she'll kill us all." He says full of worry and fear.
Y/n: "John, I can assure you he knows we're comin, and I know for a fact he ain't in the business of killin kids. Don't let what that hag said get to ya." I say as I place my hand on his giving it a tight squeeze offering a small smile. John nods his head as Dutch and Arthur agree.
Hosea: "Do you know anything about this Bronte?"
Y/n: "Just some Italian gang leader kinda like Dutch but more "civilized" and fancy I suppose you can say."
Dutch: "How do you know this?"
Y/n: "Some things are better kept a secret."
Lenny: "Hey, Dutch. We got a problem." Lenny walks in with Milton and Ross keeping a gun on him.
Milton: "Not a problem... visitors... a solution. Good day fine people. Mr. Van der Linde. Mr. Mathews, I presume. And... who are you 2?" Milton says walking cautiously into camp as he points between John and I. We all stand from the table as the gang begins to surround them. Arthur pulling me behind him.
John: "Rip Van Winkle."
Y/n: "None of your god damn business." I snap as I furrow my brows.
Milton: "Huh... good day, sir, ma'am. Agent Milton, Pinkerton... Detective Agency. Agent Ross. Ah, Mr. Morgan... nice to see you again." I grip onto the back of Arthur's jacket.
Dutch: "And what do we owe the pleasure? Agent Moron."
Milton: " don't know if you're aware but this... this is a civilized land now. We didn't kill all them savages... only to allow the likes of you... to act like human dignity... and basic decency was outmoded or not yet invented. This thing... it's done."
Dutch: "This place... ain't no such thing as civilized. It's man so in love with greed... He has forgotten himself and found only appetites."
Milton: "And as a consequence that lets you take what you please... kill whom you... please and hang the rest of us? Who made you the messiah... to these lost souls you've led so horribly astray?"
Dutch: " I'm nothing but a seeker, Mr. Milton."
Milton: "You ain't much of anything more than a killer, Mr. Van der Linde. But I came to make a deal. It's time. You come with me... and I give the rest of ya three days to run off... disappear and go and live like human beings.... someplace else."
Dutch: "You came for me? Risked life and limb in this den of lowlifes and murderers... so that they might live and love? Ain't that fine." The gang gives a small chuckle.
Milton: "I don't wanna kill all these folk, Dutch... just you."
Dutch: "In that case... it'd be my honor... to join you. Excuse me, friends... I have an appointment to keep with..." He remarks throwing his hands in the air, I draw my revolver and point it at Milton as the rest of the gang does the same to them both.
Y/n: "I've never been good at reading the room, but I think it's time you should go." I say snarkily.
Milton: "You're making a mistake all of you."
Dutch: "Yeah... dreadful. We have got something... something to live and die for. How awful for us, Mr. Milton. Stop following us... we'll be gone soon."
Milton: "I'm afraid I can't... and when I return I'll be with fifty men. All of you will die. Run away from this place, you fools. Run!"
Lenny: "Come on." He urges giving them a shove.
Milton: "Get your hands off me boy." He shoves as him and Ross leave on there horses.
Arthur: "What now?" Arthur sighs as he steps out in front as we all watch them leave.
Dutch: "We get outta here... and quick. Any ideas?"
Arthur: "I know a big old house... hidden in the swamps outside Saint Denis. I'm sure they'll find us eventually... but it should buy us a few days."
Dutch: "A few days is all we need."
Arthur: "You and Arthur ride out... and make sure no one else has moved in. Lenny... you go follow those fools outta here... make sure that they leave. And, John... we'll get Jack back and we'll get gone. Rest of you get packing!"
John mutters how crazy this is as Arthur gives me a peck on the lips before following after John. I make my way to Arthur's tent and begin to pack his stuff. Being grateful most of his stuff is packed, I make quick work of getting his cot folded up along with his blankets. Once I step outside and begin to untether the tent itself from the ground pins I hear heavy steps behind me.
Charles: "Need help?"
Y/n: "If you're not needed elsewhere I'll take it."
Charles: "I have a small tent and not much stuff." He begins to help me untie the string on the opposite side. Once we finish I begin to pull the cloth from the top, but Charles smacks my hands playfully and takes over.
Y/n: "Fine." I throw my hands up and begin to throw Arthur's stuff in his wagon as neatly as I could. Charles neatly folds the the tent cover and places it on to of the crates and chests in the wagon. We make quick work of clearing Arthur's spot and move to mine. I enjoyed the small conversation we held as we took down my tent. I stopped to put my hair in a ponytail/pin back, my eyes meet Charles as his face was turning a bit red as he stared at me. I can hear him gulp before thinking about what to say next. I giggle.
Y/n: "Somethin catch your eye, Charles?" I begin to pick u my stuff and place it in Arthur's wagon. Charles does the same before striking up another conversation.
Charles: "How serious are you and Arthur?" I begin to choke on my own spit as my face flushes red.
Y/n: "I err? I think we're together, I mean he's the only 1 I've been with since I got here? I'd like to think he the same?" I chuckle sheepishly as I fan my face. Grimshaw and Dutch call for everyone to hitch horses to there wagons. Charles and I walk over to where the Shires were and bring them over to the wagon. I let Charles handle hitching them to the wagon as I wasn't too sure on how to do that. My eyes began to wander over Charles. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't attractive. I chuckle as I kick the ground around me looking down.
Lenny: "Can I ride with you guys?" Before I could give an answer Sean runs up to us drenched in sweat. Charles, Lenny and I furrow our brows as we exchange glances before collectively looking at Sean who was out of breath and sweating.
Sean: "Can I ride wit you's too?" I scoff.
Y/n: "Why the hell are you panting and so sweaty?"
Sean: "It's hot and we've been movin around too much." I shake my head.
Y/n: "I don't mind if you ride in the wagon but Charles is driving and I call shotgun." Lenny and Sean nod in agreement before hopping in the back of the wagon.
Charles: "I'm driving?"
Y/n: "I'm tired and want a nap." Charles chuckles before nodding. We both climb up on the wagon and I prop my arm on the board supporting our backs and rest my head in my hand. As I wind down I notice Dutch and Grimshaw beginning to load out with the rest of the gang either on the back of the wagons or on there horses. I make a clicking sound for my horse to follow.
Y/n: "Why did you ask about me and Arthur?" I ask as my eyes begin to close.
Charles: "Just curious. It's no secret the history he had with Mary. I don't know much but I know they loved eachother once."
Y/n: "I don't expect him not to love her. I understand the type of relationship they had. It honestly makes me kind of wish I had that type of love once." Charles glances at me before looking back to the road.
Charles: "You had a lover before?"
Y/n: "Before Arthur, I suppose you can say. He wasn't the best...at all. He seemed so nice before hand and encouraged me to do a lot. I guess that's why I fell for him, but as soon as he got me all to myself things went downhill."
Charles: "What about your family? Where are they?"
Y/n: "Nor here nor there. They weren't really parents, they could care less where I was or who I was with. They were just as bad as my past lover." I begin to nod off.
Charles: "I'm sorry."
Y/n: "Ehh to be entirely clear with you, I'm more happy here than I was there." I hear Charles grunt and Lenny trying to convince Sean to use this time to practice some reading. I smile to myself as I begin to nod to sleep. The bumps in the roads seeming less and less of a distraction to my weariness. What I didn't realize was that I fell asleep on Charles shoulder making the poor man wonder if he was comfortable enough. Not wanting to move you he kept as still as he could until we reached the manor.
Arthur: "Welcome home... all of ya... to my humble abode. We got fine living. Ignore the corpses and the alligators... it's paradise..." I flinch a bit to the sudden sound of Arthur's voice. I sit up from Charles shoulder and rub my eyes.
Y/n: "Sorry, Charles." He gives me a nod. We pull up before the bridge behind Pearson's wagon. I begin to climb down with everyone else but not before Arthur is right in front of me extending his arms out. I beam him a smile and jump into them. Wrapping my legs around his waist and my hands on his shoulders, he begins to give me pecks on my lips.
Dutch: "Pearson, Grimshaw work your magic around this place. Please. Arthur, take a ride with me, will you?" He says grabbing his horse. I unravel myself from him as he sets me down.
Arthur: "Sure...Let's talk tonight." I nod my head as he plants a kiss to my cheek.
Molly: "Dutch, can I have a word with you?"
Dutch: "Not now." Molly nods her head and walks off. Arthur and I exchange glances before he gets on his horse. I wave him off before making my way to Molly.
Y/n: "Wanna talk to me? We can chit chat while I unload Arthur and I's stuff." She looks to me with puffy eyes and nods. I give a small grin as she follows me to Arthur's wagon.
Molly: "I just feel like I can't talk to him...He seems so different...I just wanna know if he still loves me the way I do him." I nod in understanding.
Y/n: "I used to feel like that with my old lover. I can't tell you what happened or if he ever did love me, but Dutch can't love you the way you wanna be loved." I say before lifting up a crate which is soon taken by Charles.
Charles: "I got this 1." I nod as a thank you.
Molly: "What should I do?"
Y/n: "Leave. You run and don't look back. Ain't nothin good goin to come of you too bein together."
Molly: "But what if I tried talkin to him?"
Y/n: "You 2 can talk all you want but if you ain't comprehending what is being said your talkin smoke." Molly let a few tears escape.
Y/n: "I care for you in the best way possible, but please heed my advice." She nods before walking off. I continue to put stuff and Arthur and I's room as Charles helps.
Night begins to take over the orange sunset as I sit at the campfire with Sean. The warmth providing a perfect atmosphere for drinking and sharing a few laughs with the Irishmen.
Sean: "Why do you like the big grump anyway?"
Y/n: "He's sexy." I say taking a swig from our shared whiskey bottle before handing it to him. Sean's eye's widen the size of saucers before chugging the bottle a bit.
Sean: "I like yew, your bold."
Y/n: "You asked." I giggle a bit. I feel the air change into a cool breeze as rain begins to dust around the area. Sean and I begin to groan. Not too long after the rain begins to pour. Sean and I stand up and before I could take another swig Sean snatches the bottle and scurries off to Karen's tent. I stand in disbelief as I watch him run off.
Y/n: "You little shit." I begin to make my way inside the house, but not quick enough since my clothes became drenched in water. I begin to undo the buttons as I make my way up the stairs. I nod at Javier who was making his way down the stairs as I was going up. He glanced between me and my chest. I look down as well forgetting the shirt was transparent when wet. Both of our faces become a deep red as we quicken our pace going to our destinations. I made my way to Arthur's room and shut the door. I begin to remove the articles of clothing and slide on Arthur's shirt. I start to feel odd as if someone was watching me. I glance over towards the window and notice Micah looking up smoking a cigarette. I scoff in disgust as he waves.
Micah: "Now I know why Arthur wants you for himself." He says as he gestures towards my chest.
Y/n: "Fuck you, Micah!" I shout out. Time couldn't have been more perfect as I see Arthur and Dutch ride in. Then I see Javier walking over to outside the camp to do his guard duty. He stops and glances between me and Micah. He takes the butt of his gun and clocks Micah in the jaw sending him flat on his ass.
Y/n: "Ooo." I say. Arthur and Dutch both dismount and run over to Javier who just tips his hat towards me and carries on. Arthur glances at me as Dutch helps Micah off the ground. Arthur begins to make his way inside the house..That is until Micah wanted to say another stupid thing.
Micah: "Let me know when you wanna take a real ride from a cowboy." Arthur stopped dead in his tracks and turns on his heel. Not even Dutch could save Micah from what was about to happen. My eye's widen as I watch Arthur throw his fist into Micah's nose. Not even the sound of the wind and rain could drown out the sound of friction and the bones breaking. Micah ends up right back in the mud and Arthur is stomping off into the house. I pull away from the window as I hear his foot steps come closer. The door flings open and I see a drenched angry Arthur walk through. I close the door behind him as he begins to take off his own clothes. My face turns beet red as he unbuttons his shirt and throws it off.
Arthur: "He's a damn asshole." I walk over to his chest and pull out some dry clothes for him.
Y/n: "I know. I'm sorry. Try not to let him get to you though." He avoids my eye's and just continues to take his clothes off. I sit on his bed and pick up a book and continue reading. I hear Arthur sigh as he slides on the dry clothes before plopping next to me.
Y/n: "You said you wanted to talk, so what's up?" Arthur put's his arm around my waist and scoots me closer to him.
Arthur: "Whatchu readin?" He says looking down at the book I was holding.
Y/n: "Some silly romance Mary-Beth gave me. I've been reading it for what feels like forever. It's a good laugh sometimes." I say nonchalantly. Arthur nods his head.
Arthur: "Do you enjoy bein with me?" He asks lowly. I could hear him gulp loudly as if his mind was scrambled trying to plan what to do based on my answer. I close the book and look at him.
Y/n: "Why would I not?"
Arthur: "I'm a grump. Might only be with me for somethin I could do for you?" I furrow my brows.
Y/n: "Did I ask you to do somethin to make you feel that way? I can assure you my sole attention is on you and no one else."
Arthur: "I err. No, you haven't asked me for anything. I just..don't know what you want from me and it confuses me."
Y/n: "I'm not like that." His eyes widen.
Y/n: "You mean more to me then just doing some dirty work and I want to talk to you more than when I want to ask you to do something."
Arthur: "Er..I'm sorry, I-"
Y/n: "I just want to spend some time with you. Is that okay that I ask that of you?"
Arthur: "Yeah..Sure." He still stares.
Y/n: "Good. Glad we have an understanding."Arthur chuckles.
Arthur: "I was in town and wanted to see if you wanted to come with me...Maybe go see a movie?" He asks shyly.
Y/n: "Is the famous Mr. Morgan asking me out on a night on the town?"  Arthur's face becomes pink.
Arthur: "Maybe."
Y/n: "I'd love too." I say as I scoot over so that I'm on top of him. I run my hands through his hair as I plant a kiss on his lips. He places his hands on my hips as he slowly begins to rearrange our position. Slowly deepening the kiss, he gently lays me down on my side as he begins to grind his cock against my ass. His hands are making quick work of the shirt I was wearing, fondling my breasts.
Sean: "Arthur!" Sean says as the door flings open and barging through it. Arthur and I both freeze and slowly turn our heads over to Sean who was full on drunk and wobbling foot to foot with a bright red face.
Sean: "Oh...I didn't think you had it in yew, yew grumpy bastard. No wonder why she thinks your sexy, you're just as bold as she is. And Y/n, lovely..dear old Y/n, might I say, you have a lovely rack." He sputters out giving a chefs kiss at the end of his statement. Arthur quickly jumped right up and began to stomp towards the door where Sean stood. He bolted straight out the door as soon as he saw Arthur come for him. I went back to reading my book, but not before I heard Sean tumble down the stairs and Arthur shout at him
Arthur: "Learn to knock before you come in!" before stomping back to our room.
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bambi-kinos · 2 years
Let’s face it, she practically invented identity politics. Her one stroke of genius, though she was surrounded by some very devious and clever people - I doubt whether it was her idea. Nevertheless, it has allowed her to get away with, well, murder. Literally? I suspect the answer to that lies with the Sams, though of course one is dead. I wouldn’t rely on the other keeping his mouth shut when she pops off however. Or Elliot Mintz come to that.
Idpol existed way before Yoko, and she wasn't even the first to weaponize it to an extent. However I actually think that John was more responsible for that stuff. I think Yoko did face a lot of racism, particularly in the form of microaggressions, considering the UK and US were only 20 years out from World War 2. But I actually don't get the feeling that she was too interested in blaming people not liking her on racism specifically -- although I could be wrong about that, I'm not a Yoko expert and I don't know everything that she's done and said.
I honestly blame John more for dragging racism into it. He wanted an easy excuse for why none of his friends really liked Yoko. He didn't want to admit that she was kind of drippy and narcissistic. So he just blamed it on racism, it was an easy scapegoat. And lots of Lennon fans made that easy for him because they really did send racist abuse about Yoko to John. John's problem was that he struggled to separate the genuinely disgusting and racist abuse that he and Yoko received from the actual problems that she presented. Namely that she enabled John's narcissism, negged him to keep him under her control, and that she used his insecurities to separate him from his friends and loved ones while convincing him that it was his idea.
John struggled with that, as many people do, because even if Yoko is a narcissist and an asshole, it is still wrong to be racist at her. And in the minds of many people this is hard to separate.
So its all a hash.
Idk who the Sams or Elliot Mintz are so I can't comment on that, but I'm hesitant to believe that Yoko was involved in any outright killings. That's pretty far fetched unless you have some evidence to the contrary.
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petrichoraline · 5 months
I agree with everything you said, Cathrine is delightful, naive but stands her ground and she's only going to get better with age. Yeah, the whole age gap is a bit... But considering the time period it was written in I just imagine him younger idk. The action part is when they're in the abbey ig, that's the most fun part and I'm not going to spoil it to you ofc but I'd do the same as Cathrine if I was in a place like that lol maybe without saying certain things tho. I would love to know your thoughts on the novel, by the end I did like henry, he did show up and out when he needed to. I'd have to say that my favorite austen romance is persuasion, the man did annoy me in the begining even tho ig I understand that one considering their history but his letter in the end has to be the best austen letter, I'm not a fan of love letter in general but since they already have a history together it hits differently idk also talking about relatable heroines Ann Eliot my beloved, the people pleasing is next level (but we're working on that)
I waited to finish the novel to reply and now I understand what you meant hahah, a lil warning about spoilers ahead for anyone who might come across this that wants to read Northanger Abbey
Catherine's imagination running wild annoyed me a bit only because she was using it on a real person and in such a way but I understood she's an avid reader seeing patterns in real life and im sure her subconscious craved to make a villain out of the general - he was too attentive and polite for her to have an excuse to say anything bad about him though he was the most dreadful part of her experience in the abbey. but the way she talked to henry about it, I can't help but laugh, she feels so at ease with him and trusts him so much that she forgot all about manners and common decency and asked him questions that so obviously show her suspicions- like what heroine would share she suspects his father of murder with her crush 😭 propriety and common sense were sent out the door faster than her lmao
as for henry yeah, he did show up when it mattered and related the information to her in a very considerate way, he was also extra caring after she ran away in tears all ashamed when her suspicions were revealed so all in all you can tell he can be a little shit when he's in a silly goofy mood but also be extremely sensitive in certain situations, we love a man with a high eq 😄
the novel itself... I am not going to lie to you, I am a bit disappointed - I pushed through some boring parts in the hopes of some grandiose drama but things were resolved in a very bland way. the conclusion to the engagement situation is related through letters, we don't see either the thorpes or james himself at all, later on we only hear about what went between the general and john and I get it creates this feeling of "we're done with them, let's wrap it up, chop chop!" as if we didn't spend half the novel with those characters around. the way catherine moves on isn't technically quick but in writing it feels like it. aside from that part being rushed, so was the ending- eleanor having a fiance and catherine not knowing anything of it does make a bit of sense because she is a more discreet person but tying the whole thing together with "and his servant left behind the washing bills from so many chapters ago!".. I wouldn't call it lazy but it was a random choice. (I did find the part where she says she can't name the fiance cause the structure of a novel wouldn't allow it entertaining tho); the resolution for the thorpes was very similar to a fairytale - bad guys left vexxed, good guys in complete bliss. in sense and sensibility the "bad girl" at least got a man out of the whole ordeal lol so I was expecting some twist or another but it's fine, just as austen was done with the characters, so was i lol
I think most of all I wanted a more dramatic moment of getting together for henry and catherine but I suppose the whole point is this it's a regular story with regular characters where the only dramatics spawn from some very common behaviours in people in higher society. the final chapter was just rushing everything which honestly isn't a bad thing considering i was not too curious even three chapters prior as to how it all ends, I think austen mightve known it was gonna be predictable anyways so might as well not waste much thought and time on it.
I did like the book, as I do with every austen book, because it's an experience - I like the humour, I like the writing style (though some sentences could do with being shortened, I have to reread again and again when I'm sleepy sometimes), I think the fact there are less descriptions of surroundings and more cheeky commentary on society and fun dialog works for me very well. this novel is no different in these aspects than the ones I've previously read and im glad about it. when it comes to characters, I'm fond of Eleanor particularly but I appreciate the Morlands as well - they seem very simple in their thinking but very loving and caring, they give their children freedom and support them unreservedly, im sure henry and eleanor would love to be in their company in the future (im also so happy for eleanor and I hope his family is the warmest and help her heal from all she's endured)
it was a fun read and im satisfied i finished it regardless of anything, also very glad I got to talk with someone about it 😊
the letter in persuasion you mention sounds exactly like the type of profession of love i want, here I just mostly got austen describing events and we didn't even get to see catherine find henry at the door, we had to follow her mother to the bookshelf upstairs 😂 so a letter in the character's own words sounds great!
people pleasing would drive me up the wall, that's why I was so happy with catherine but! relatable it is. so I will probably yell at her with affection and understanding hahah (I'm sure you're doing great, one "no" at a time)
i think I'll probably think of other things to say on the matter after i've posted this but alas :') sending you hugs, thanks once again for talking to me about it <3 I hope I haven't disappointed you with my answer, I'd love for you to correct me if I've said smth wrong but also just share whatever 💓
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
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Here he is and he did his wife in and it was because she didn't do as much as she could at Walmart to our son and it's really his sister Alicia and she's going to get him. I haven't been fighting all weekend over it and he's a f** and more. His name is David wickens and his father is getting him back for the Charles Manson routine. And our son is laughing at them and then I'll get it cuz they're stupid you think they're a joke and they are mostly a little bit dangerous to him but it's hilarious oh oh you killed your own again wow that is some rebel yell. I mean crap what a decision. And the other one too is after her for the arrest and they are having a fight Alicia and Trisha but right now they're going after the idiot. They managed to find out about something and that was Alicia that's why I did it and used Walmart as an excuse so you can't really work for him and what it was was out there at Segovia and really some people find out about it from that iron Man and War machine and it goes up and he then regains it later I'll only be very badly defeated by Tommy f and then again by bja and again by BG until finally he's almost gone and there aren't that many left to them at that time and they are expelled from Florida and at the time of the Star blazers series are expelled from the states I don't handle it well and they're trying to get in all the time and they're constantly beat up broken and sent back in a box so don't send this s*** up here anymore we'll just keep coming after you.
We have news that the saga here is almost over John remillard has warrants on him in every state and in Florida he's wanted for many homicides and they're seeking him all the time this is what he was doing with the bicycle and the scooter just now so they arrested him on the other side of the bridge and he said it's for him and he said what are you talking about he said that's a motor scooter and said no it's not even a moped it's a e-bike instead of going to change the law if we see you changing the law we are going after you. So is raising his hand they arrested him threw him and back his head and said he wanted a lawyers and said they don't have time to get one he's an enemy combatant they don't need to get one it starts whining they pulled over the side pulled his gun out said I don't hear anything from you if you do we're going to shoot you in the head they drove to the station and he was silent they're Buckingham or whatever you call him oh my budsman and they said no and this would have been a cell and it's screaming bloody murder he pulled the gun on me and turned to shoot me in the head so those are what's going to get a little faster so the guy starts freaking out says it's getting me back every day every single day cuz you're stupid him the people in jail heard it and they said you're sitting on him and he's no parakeet or bird or it's like a bird of prey it doesn't attack you right away and out of the blue your hit from the sky and you just keep doing it and doing it and she just saw a bird of prey today and it's Garth it's probably threatening for it to happen and the little s*** can't figure it out n***** I mean a real n***** bona fide. He's supposed to be a clansman and can't even figure it out to shut his back f****** face so he's in jail listening this and they're going to n***** lover and stuff like that and it stopped and black guy came out and John said go back to where you came from here he said I'd like to but I'm stuck here and the guy says you better not be with gas and that was Trump he is why cuz they say what you did today it was how can you see it it's your ship stupid when you turn your shield up and it was oh and then the guy the guys in jail start whooping and hollering and said John Reema Lord is a wussy and he gets pushed around by a small black man and it started to become this huge joke now he's getting it real mad he's going to beat up by black people
Thor Freya
0 notes
Making Queen members flower crowns would include
Pairing: Queen members x reader
Word count: (altogether) 1800+
Warnings: some sickening fluff, oh and swearing but that’s a standard, some slightly suggestive themes in john’s (implied sex) but nothing accually happens except a kiss
A/N: Hello you beautiful people! I’m back (don’t get used to that tho lol) I thought of this two years ago when i first saw Bohemian Rhapsody (SO 2 FUCKING YEARS AGO). Freddie’s is gender neutral. I tried to add a “keep reading” button but I’m not sure it works tbh because this hell of a side never cooperates.
Please keep in mind that English is not my first language.
☕buy me a Ko-fi!☕
Gifs aren’t mine. Credits to the owners.
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Brian May
You were laying on Brian's lap, the sun hitting your face pleasantly. This week the weather was nice and warm, which was something extremely unusual in England, so the two of you decided to head out to the country and have a little picnic.
After what felt like hours spent in the car ("Brian, for Christ's sake, would you open the bloody window, I can't breathe!" and "Bri, I love you, but if we don't get there in five minutes, I'm going to murder you, I swear") you finally found a nice clearing, where you could relax and forget about the stresses of city life.
Brian put down a blanket on the grass, near a small stream that flew through the forest. He brought the bag with food and drinks (you didn't have a basket, so you had to improvise). 
You quickly put some sunscreen on your face and laid down, keeping your head propped on Brian's lap. He put a hat over his face and fell asleep, his chest rising steadily. 
After some time (that fucking wasp didn't let you sit in one place), you stood up and noticed many beautiful flowers, growing on a nearby bush. You got lost in picking up the most beautiful ones, admiring each one carefully. When you got enough, you sat back down and started tying the stems together.
Suddenly you got an idea. Careful not to wake him up, you began sticking the flowers in Brian's dark curls. 
Your now decorated boyfriend woke up and stretched, not noticing the colourful addition to his hair. This made you chuckle softly, but you decided to see how long it would take him to realize.
+"What is it, babe? Do I have something on my face?"
"No, Bri, I just remembered a funny joke, that's all."
"Oh tell me, then."
"What’s the difference between a lawnmower and an electric guitar?"
"You can tune a lawnmower!"
You both enjoyed the rest of the day swimming in the stream, sunbathing and eating the snack you brought. And Brian somehow still didn't notice.
Until it was time for you to get home.
You got in the car ("Open the window now, it's like in the oven in here!") and Brian looked into the rear-view mirror.
+"Hey, (Y/N), what the fuck is that? I love it."
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Roger Taylor
So honestly it would probably happen during one of his concerts.
You were backstage watching the show, enjoying every second of it. Freddie was in the middle of shouting some (very inappropriate) compliments to Brian's ass, slapping his buttcheeks. The crowd immediately went wild hundreds of fans screamed in unison. You chuckled under your breath, flashing a white smile at your beloved boyfriend Roger and his bandmates. You felt an arm wrap around your shoulders. Surprised, you turned around, your eyes meeting Mary's.
+"What's up, kiddo?" she smirked and patted your back.
"Oh, nothing much. Just Freddie being Freddie," you replied, making both of you erupt with laughter.
Suddenly you felt a familiar feeling form in the pit of your stomach. Out of nowhere, your hands became shaky, your breath shallow and quick. Feeling like you need some fresh air, you excused yourself.
+"Are you sure you're okay, (Y/N)?" Mary watched you carefully, her hand supporting you in case you fainted.
"Yes, Mary, I just need some fresh air. I'm extremely tired, and I haven't eaten anything since this morning" you reassured your friend. "I'm just gonna sit outside for a while."
"Do you want me to come with you?" she asked, still not convinced about your well-being.
"Yes, I wouldn't want to spoil the gig for you. I'll be back before you know it" you squeezed her hand and, after promising her to be careful, you headed outside.
You took a walk alongside the small patch of lawn beside the exit. After taking a couple of deep breaths, you noticed some daisies grow in the green grass. Without thinking much, you sat down and started picking them up and tying their stems together.
Your fingers worked quickly, making a beautiful flower crown, mindlessly.
Meanwhile, on stage, the boys were singing She makes me - a song that reminded Roger of you. He quickly glanced to his right, expecting to see your beautiful figure standing with Mary. But, much to his surprise, he couldn't see you anywhere. It was no secret that his eyesight was shit but, bloody hell, it wasn't that bad. His blue eyes were searching for you, frantically.
When the song ended, he quickly motioned to Freddie to take a quick break, while he went to check up on you. He practically sprinted to Mary, almost knocking down his drumkit and John.
+"You dumb fuck, watch where you're going, Rog!"
Usually, Roger would reply with some snarky comment, but at that moment he really didn't care. When he reached Mary, he didn't even need to ask her about you. 
+"She's outside. Needed some fresh air" the girl shooked her head towards the exit. 
Roger quickly walked outside, knowing that he couldn't stall the audience for too long. But at the same time, he must have made sure you were all right.  
He got out of the building and searched for you. He spotted to sitting on a small patch of grass, holding a pretty flower crown in your hands. His heart ached at this sight. 
+"Hello, love" he whispered, kneeling next to you. "Are you all right?"
"Yes, I am, Rog" you kissed his cheek. "I just felt a bit off, that's all." 
You felt your boyfriend press a kiss to your hair. You smiled at the feeling, leaning into his touch. 
You finally placed the finished flower crown on his head, brushing away loose strands of sweaty hair from his face, your hand gently brushing his temple. He took your tiny hands in his and kissed your fingers.
+"Do you wanna go back in there, sweetheart?" he asked sweetly, looking deeply into your eyes.
You nodded and pecked his lips, "Of course, Rog, I wouldn't want to miss any more of your show."
He smiled and lead you inside, placing his hand on the small of your back. You returned to Mary and wished your boyfriend good luck. 
Roger kept the flowers on his head throughout the whole gig, sending you a dashing smile and winking at you every now and again.
I just think Roger would look sososo pretty in a flower crown.
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John Deacon
It was a lovely afternoon in London. You and your fiancé John decided to take a walk after the whole day in the studio, recording songs.
Taking a walk in a nearby park was a great way to destress and release the tension accumulated during the day. It was something John realized pretty early on in your relationship and took full advantage of it. He loved wandering along the pebbled pathways that swirled around beautiful trees and bushes full of colourful flowers. Being in the presence of nature made him feel at ease and helped him relax.
But the real reason why he enjoyed your walks so much was you. He adored seeing your face light up with joy when you saw a squirrel run up a branch of an old oak or when you spotted a particularly beautiful fish in the small pond. He could watch you pick up fallen leaves for ages and hear you talk to little kids in a playground, showing them the shiny rocks you collected along the way.
To be honest, he always dreamt about starting a family with you and seeing you get along with kids so well only increased that desire.
Often after a walk, he was in the mood™, which, considering his shy nature, always took you by surprise.
Oh man, he just loved taking a walk in the park.
And today was no different.
You were walking hand in hand, admiring the blossoming flowers. Occasionally, you would stop and pick them up, making a small bouquet in the process. White daisies, pink clovers and blue forget-me-nots accumulated with every step you took.
John was telling you about the new idea he had for a song, kissing your cheek every now and again.
Listening to him, you started to fiddle with the flowers, tying them in knots. After a while ("And then, I think, we could include a gong, you know?") you were done with your creation.
You put the flowers on John's head and kissed his temple.
+"What's that, darling?" he asked you, surprised.
"Nothing, but I think you look sensational, my love" you replied, smiling innocently.
You felt John's hand bring you closer to him. He kissed you, entangling his long and incredibly skilled fingers in your hair. The kiss soon turned into more heated one.
+"I'll show you how sensational I really am, pretty girl."
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Freddie Mercury
So with Freddie, it was probably at one of his parties.
He invited you along to have a drink with him and his bandmates.
You usually weren't the one for big and loud parties, but he kept asking you and you gave in.
+"Oh okay, Fred, I'll do it," you said after the twentieth time he had asked you.
"Fantastic, (Y/N)!" he exclaimed, loudly clapping his hands. "Just remember to wear a costume."
But you didn't really want to dress up in fancy dresses or costumes from different eras. Calling Mary, you asked her for advice and she told you to just wear some accessories.
So before the party, you went to a small flower shop and bought a small bouquet of purple lilacs. At home, you made a flower crown, hoping that dressing up as a nymph would be enough.
When you got to Freddie's house, you were greeted by a crowd of people in colourful skirts and suits with fashionable patterns. That's when you found Freddie, Roger, Brian and John, chilling on a couch with their dates.
+"Oh, (Y/N), you look marvellous, darling!" exclaimed Freddie dressed as a king, while he stood up to embrace you in a warm hug.
"Thank you, Fred, I made it myself" you smiled shyly.
You got some champagne and joined the conversation.
Suddenly, you felt a pat on your shoulder, and, when you turned around, you saw Freddie holding out a hand to you, asking you to dance with him. You gladly accepted and got up. 
+"I really meant it, darling. You do look marvellous tonight" he whispered in your ear.
"Thank you, Freddie, you can have it if you'd like" you sent him a warm smile.
You took off his golden crown and set it aside. Gently taking off the flower crown from your head, you placed it on top of Fred's. He beamed at you and put his own crown on top of your head.
+"Now you rule here, darling."
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anne-white-star · 3 years
Band queen x ghost!reader a night at the opera
Notes : Reader is a ghost from the late 1890s she was found dead in her dressing room after a show where she sung a opera and played the piano, in the early 70s during the begining days of queen the band is practicing in the opera hall where there will be a show (they play songs from the album night at the opera) later that night and the reader is curious what that beautyfull sound is thats coming from the stage. Takes place at the royal opera house in london.
This might suck sorry guys but enjoy reading anyway
This isnt recorded its just for a story i hope you guys enjoy reading
Warnings : non
Words : 1347
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(Gif isnt mine)
"So Freddie tell me why are we here?" Asked Brian as he caried his guitar
"Well you see our concert will be given here"
"But why at the royal opera house?" asked roger a little bit anoyed
"Because of our album a night at the opera, don't tell me you don't find it the right setting for it rog"
"I find it a good idea" John said while walking up to the door and opening it
"Tonight there will be an concert given here i always wanted to do something like this" (this is not recorded its just a story)
"Hello you guys must be queen" im Eric the owner of the building (I made that up)
"Hello Eric, yes you got that corect"
"So you will be preforming here tonight, thats something Difrent usaly we only have clasical music playing here" he said while walking them to the opera grandeur (hope i got that corect)
"Changes have to be made somethimes" said Freddie as he walked up on the stage "how many people can fit in here?"
"About 2.256"
"Alright Good to know that"
"You guys can park your van in the back and acses your instruments from there, any other Question?"
"No but if we do we let you know thank you"
"You're welcome and good luck"
"Alright let us get our stuff set up" Brian said as he walked trough the back door "
Once everything was set up And all the instruments were tuned they started to practice"
Roger picked up his drum sticks "Alright wich song first fred?"
"How about sweet lady?"
"Sure why not"
"Alright lets start"
🎶Ooh, I like it
You call me up and treat me like a dog
You call me up and tear me up inside
You've got me on a lead
You bring me down, you shout around
You don't believe that I'm alone
Ooh, you don't believe me
Sweet lady
Sweet lady
Sweet lady (sweet lady)
Ooh, stay sweet🎶
As the music played trough the opera hall unknown to them somone had heared them play,
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at the top of the third row of seats sat a woman dressed in a late Victorian yellow dress with white gloves, she had long hair
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The woman wore it losely with soft pink roses tucked in it, she also had a diamond necklace around her nek.
This woman had never heared anything like this, she also hasnt seen Anything like the instruments they are using.
Out of the cornor of Brian his eye he saw somone sit at the row of the balcony
"Hey excuse me you up there, the opera house isnt open for visitors yet"
The woman gasped out of shock that somone saw her, then all the lights started to flicker and And she vanished
"What the hell" Freddie said out of shock
"Did you see that?" John backed away
"Oh yeah i did"
"Wait i have the feeling i have seen her before" Brian placed his guitar on the guitar stand and walked behind the curtans, the others decided to follow, they all walked to the wall and there hung a plate
"the lady in the yellow dress also known as the opera singer y/n y/l/n, y/n was murdered at the royal opera house after one of her performance back in 1890, an unknown man had made his way backstage and killed her in her dressing room, the man was never found"
"Thats her.... wait does that mean?"
"I guese it does Fred"
"A ghost?!"
"Wel its logical this place hasnt been altered at all So all the energy is still stored here"
The boys turned around to the sound of Brian his guitar sounding, they went back to the stage and saw the ghostly figure of a woman toutching the strings of the guitar
"Excuse me" freddie took a step forward
The woman gasps
"Don't worry we arn't going to Harm you we just want to talk"
"Who are you? "
"Im Freddie Mercury and these are my friends john deacon , Brian may and roger taylor
The girl let her guard down "hello my name is y/n" she gave a small bow
"So its true you still haunt this place after all these years"
"Yes unfortanetly i can't leave, my murder hasnt been solved so i cant go on but its not as boring here as you think"
"Have you ever seen instruments like this y/n?" Asked Brian as he picked up his guitar
"No never but it sounds very magical"
"You might have heared of an guitar, this is an electric guitar it uses electrisety to be played"
"Oh i would love to hear some more of your electric guitar"
"Of course" Brian started to play a sweet melody
Y/n claped " that sounded wonderfull, what about the other instruments?"
"John playes the bass it also needs electrisety, and roger playes the drums"
"What about mr Mercury?"
"Oh darling im the most important one of all im the front man of the band i sing the songs"
"You have a wonderfull voice mr Mercury"
"Why thank you dear, tell me when you were alive you played the piano right? "
"Oh yes i did it was my life i started at a young age"
"Could you play something?"
"Of course what do you have in mind?" She sat down at the piano
"What about beethoven moonlight sonata?"
"Oh yes of course i can do that one" y/n started to play the soft tunes of the piano rang out trough the theater, once the was done the boys clapped
"That was absolutly beautyfull"
"Thank you mr may, i was wondering if i can here some more of your wonderfull music" y/n stood up And walked to a chair that stood in the cornor
"Sure why not what you say boys?"
"Lets do it, wich one?" Asked roger
John put the strap of bass around his shoulder "What about bohemian rhapsody?"
"Lets do it" said Freddie as he dat down at the piano
🎶Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landside,
No escape from reality🎶
*qeu piano music*
🎶Open your eyes,
Look up to the skies and see,
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy,
Because I'm easy come, easy go,
Little high, little low,
Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to
Me, to me🎶
When the song was over y/n stood up And claped "apsolutly phenominal Its so beautyfull"
"Why thank you darling"
"I will be watching the show tonight from up there" she pointed to a place up on the third balcony"
"Oh thanks dear see you tonight"
"Thill tonight" she smiled and waved while waking trough the wall
That same night a lot of people came to the concert the theater was filled to the brim all seats were filled,, y/n sat down in her Seat and some people din't see her, Freddie stood on the stage and waved at her so she waved back
"Good evening lovelys how are you all doing!!!" People screamed and cheered "good good, lets get straight to the music my dears, first up death on two legs" people once again cheered, Freddie sat down at the piano and started to play
The evening was filled with lots of cheers beautyfull music and happy people. At the end of the evening people their spirits had been lifted
"Thank you all for comming my darlings thill next time" he bowed and so did the others, they went back stage where y/n was waiting
"You guys did absolutly amazing"
"Thank you y/n"
"Im a bit sad that i will never see you guys again"
"We can come by once a year to visit let you hear our new songs"
"That would be absolutly wonderfull"
"Really? Oh that would be great" she smiled softly
"We have to start packing now"
"Alright im going to roam again, take good care of you're self guys"
"We will"
Y/n waved them goodbye and everyone went on their way
The end
I hope you all enjoyed reading sorry if it doesn't make any sense i tried my best have a Nice day everyone.
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I'm sorry if you already have a rec list for this but Tumblr sucks and I can't find anything so: do you have fics about their first time together? bonus if they're longer, and I'd love some good smut even if you don't get around to posting this I wanna say thank you for all the work you do, I wish every fandom had a you, you're a treasure! sending love from Italy xx
Hi Lovely from Italia!! :D <3 I’ve always wanted to go there, hee hee!
Ah, thank you for your lovely comments!! I am so happy you enjoy your time here! <3
Super excited because your ask gives me an excuse to clean out my First Kiss/Time List collection again with a Pt. 3 list! <3 I’m using any excuse right now because I’m SO FAR behind on Pt 1 lists so if I have a nice backlog I’m not as stressed hee hee.
ANYWAY, as per usual, my Lovelies, please add your own here!! <3
(NOTE to the Nonny who asked for “First Kiss”: wanted to post this list first, yours is coming soon!)
See also:
First Time || [MOBILE]
First Time Pt. 2
Virgin Sherlock 
Virgin Sherlock Pt. 2
There's So Much Labour Just in Breathing Lately by Susan (E, 12,708 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TRF / Mentions of S3 Events, Romance, Angst, Grief/Mourning, Grieving John, Mutual Pining, Meddling Mycroft, Therapy, Ambiguous Hopeful Ending, Infidelity) – The dreams he hated most – the ones that left him a sweating, shaking mess when he woke – were the ones in which Sherlock was just Sherlock. Laughing or drinking tea. Sitting across the table from him at Angelo’s eating pasta. Trailing his open hand behind him on the way to the bedroom. “C’mon, John. I’m about to have my way with you.”
The Invocation of Saint Margaret by Ewebie (E, 15,831 w., 1 Ch. || POV John,  Crossing Timelines, Light Angst, Fluff, Series 3 John / Series 1 Sherlock, The Matchbox, Mushy Romance, First Time, Bisexual John, Pining John, Bottomlock, Love Confessions, Sensuality, Emotional Love Making, Snippets of Time) – When Sherlock Holmes opens the matchbox from The Sign of Three and John finds himself years in the past, back to that first dinner at Angelo's with a much younger Sherlock Holmes. Is he dreaming?
Division by MrsNoggin (E, 19,542 w., 11 Ch. || Coffee Shop AU || First Kiss/Time, Fluff, Barista Sherlock, Clingy Sherlock, POV John, John’s Limp, Bed Sharing, Fluff, Sleepy Cuddles, Sensuality, Touching, Virgin Sherlock, Insecure John) – John likes mysteries. And every morning he dips into the local independent coffee bar with his newspaper and ponders another... one Sherlock Holmes.
Insanity in the Middle by DotyTakeThisDown (E, 28,010 w., 8 Ch. || Equestrian Sports AU || Alternate First Meeting, POV John, Pining John, Bottomlock, Clueless Sherlock, First Kiss/Time, Passionate Kisses, Hand Holding, Caught Making Out, Bed Sharing, Spooning, Blow Job) – John is a world-class eventing rider with a gold medal and several four-star wins to his credit, but he's never won at Rolex. Sherlock is an up-and-coming rider taking the sport by storm.
A Goose Quill Dipped in Venom by Polyphony (M, 52,748 w., 16 Ch. || Celebrity John AU || Alternate First Meeting, TV Host John, Supermodel Mary, Character Death, Mystery, Romance, Case Fic, First Kiss/Time, Meddling Mycroft, Drug Abuse, Doctor John, PDA, Deductions, POV Sherlock, Toplock, Sexual Tension, Angry/Rough Sex, Hopeful Ending, Asperger’s Sherlock) – Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective, is called in to a very ordinary although brutal murder. Something is badly out of tune with the whole scenario and Sherlock finds himself becoming more and more obsessed with the crime - and also with the victim.
Isosceles by SilentAuror (E, 56,609 w., 7 Ch. || Post-S4, POV John, Original Male Character / Sherlock Dates Another Man, Love Triangle, Jealous John, Virgin Sherlock, Sexual Coaching, Angst, Romance, Domesticity, Unrequited Feelings, Miscommunication, First Kiss/Time, For a Case, Friends With Benefits, Bottomlock, Love Confessions, Spooning) – After solving a case for a major celebrity, Sherlock gets himself asked out. When John asks, he discovers that Sherlock has no intention of going, at least not until John agrees to coach him through whatever he might need to know for his date...
Lunar Landscapes by J_Baillier (M, 57,046 w., 21 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || S3/TAB Fix-It, Slow Burn Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Confessions, Drugs, Pain, Medical, Injury, Sherlock Whump, Mental Health Issues, Panic Attacks, Romance, Secrets, Tragedy, Trauma, BAMF John, Doctor!John, Drug Addict Sherlock, Injured Sherlock, Grieving John, Idiots In Love, Protective John, POV John Watson, PTSD Sherlock, Sherlock is a Mess, Medical Realism) – An accident forces John to face the fact that Sherlock's downward spiral had started long before his flight to exile even left the tarmac.
Gold Rush by ShirleyCarlton (E, 71,783 w., 17 Ch. || Post S3 / No Mary, Friends to Lovers, Mentions of Past Sexual Abuse, First Kiss, Case Fic, Slow Burn, Alternating POV, Switchlock, Angst with Happy Ending, Marriage Proposal, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Abduction, Anxious/Insecure Sherlock, Miscommunication, Emotional Lovemaking) – John has divorced Mary and pops round to 221B one evening to find Sherlock in the middle of a case. As Sherlock tries to find the identity of a young woman’s stalker, John realises he can no longer deny his feelings for Sherlock – which then, to their befuddlement, turn out to be mutual. Shy kisses and tentative embraces ensue. But will Sherlock be able to cast off a shadow from his past that he thinks might prevent John from wanting to stay?
Kintsukuroi by sussexbound (E, 91,823 w., 20 Ch. || S4 Compliant / Post-TLD, Grief / Mourning, PTSD, Internalized Homophobia, Therapy, Past Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Nightmares, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Depression, Anxiety, Bed Sharing, Love Confessions, Cuddling, Suicidal Ideation, Masturbation, Minor Character Death, Sexting, Frottage, Inexperienced Sherlock, Rimming / Anal / BJ’s, Emotional Turmoil, Finding Each Other) – “I love you.” Sherlock sees the words hit John with almost physical force. He reels back a little, jaw twitching and eyes filling. “I love you,” he repeats, a little softer, a little more gentle, as earnest as he possibly can. Because they’ve been teetering on the brink of this thing for years, and it had become painfully obvious over the last few months that they were at a tipping point. This had to happen. Now it has. Now they can see where they end up. The tears in John’s eyes spill over, and he wipes at them angrily. “Do you even know what that means?”  
Against the Rest of the World by SilentAuror (E, 151,714 w., 20 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-TRF, Hiatus Fic, POV First Person Sherlock, Present Tense, First Kiss/Time, Big Brother Mycroft, Escaping from Capture, Soft Sherlock, Toplock, Insecurity, Infidelity, Travelling, Introspection, Pining Sherlock, Depression, Fantasies, Yearning for the Past, PTSD Sherlock, Suicidal Ideation) – Sherlock has been away from London for nine hundred and twelve days and counting, and has no idea what sort of reception to expect when he finally returns.
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agentsoftie · 4 years
Sleepless Nights ( S.R )
summary: Reid and Y/N aren’t the most fond of each other. So what happens when they can’t sleep, have to share a bed, and be married.
pairing: Spencer Reid and female reader
a/n: AHH okay so here it is! It’s my first au so it’s probably not the best. But big thanks to @anepiphany! Ani baby none of this would be happening without you! Thank you for you tips and making me not go insane! Also pls tell me if I slept something wrong cuz like, your girl not the best when it comes to it. Also there will def be a loophole somewhere in my case and if you find one, just let it slide because life is filled with loopholes ❤️ also this is gonna be a two parter!
warnings: mentions of a case, little angst (like the smallest amount), fluff really though
remember to like and reblog!!
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You were always the type of person that got along with everyone. And by everyone you meant everyone. You were a people pleaser, always changing your personality for someone. To the security guard, you were a sports junkie, always catching the latest games. To the guy who worked at the bookshop, you were the classical girl. And to the barista, you were the girl who was always late but always paid 3 dollars extra tip. But Dr. Spencer Reid was the only exception. 6’1 and standing tall. Mr. Eidetic Memory and 187 IQ but oh God how you cared for him. You loved him, you loved him more than all the moons in the galaxy. But him? He hated you, so naturally, you hated him too. As the saying goes, if you can't beat them, join them.
“Guys we got a new case,” Garcia says.
You walked into the room and sat to the seat closest to the front where Garcia would be since she was your best friend. Ironically that was the seat farthest from Reid.
“Okay, so this is Mira Normen and her husband John Normen. They had gotten married 2 months prior to their deaths. Mira was 25 years old and she was a teacher at the local middle school. John was 26 and he ran a local pet grooming business. As you can see, but not me for obvious reasons, they were both stabbed once in their chest and then once in their thigh. Mira was shot once in the heart and once in the head and John was shot twice in the heart and twice in the throat. The M.E. found a ring stuffed into both of their throats. And not the cheap kind, I mean a year's worth of salary for one of us.”
“Okay, so this guy’s rich,” You said.
“Yeah, no shit sherlock,” Reid said.
“Guys,” Hotch said in a stern voice “Garcia do we know anything else?”
“Yes actually. They were both last spotted at an event for rich people. So like something Rossi would go to.” She said, chuckling at the last part.
“You and I both know very well that I do not go to those kinds of events. I stay at home for god sakes.” Rossi says causing you and a couple of other people to chuckle.
“Why does this case sound so familiar?” JJ asks, breaking the chuckles.
“Well there was a case exactly like this a couple of years back if my memory is correct, which it always is. We tried to solve it but we just couldn't so it ended up as a cold case.” Reid said.
“And everythings the same?” JJ asked.
“Yep, everything. Well except the city.” Reid said.
“Great, well i think we got everything. Wheels up in 30.” Hotch says while getting up.
You sat alone, like always. At first everyone was concerned, like they had done something, but they then soon realized that you just liked to be alone and this was really the only time.
“Okay, so I checked if anyone had moved in the years and I have 5 names. Thomas Maddison, Stephanie June, Eliza Honeycutt, Devi Paradise, and Klaus Hiller. And only one moved to our little town and that would be Miss Eliza Honeycutt.” Garcia said.
“Can you ch-” Morgan was saying but got cut off when she said
“Already did ‘Hot Chocolate’. Miss Eliza moved a total of 3 months after the case. Looks like it was due to a messy divorce. Her and Mr. Maddison had not been going strong for the last couple of months and it looks like they decided to call quits just before you guys came to town.”
“Can you-” Morgan started to say but then was again cut off by Garcia.
“Already got you babes. The address should be sent to your tablets.” Everyone was still looking at her, “that means look at your tablets.” She says while gesturing her hands making them look down.
“We got it babygirl,” Morgan said without being interrupted.
“Great! Now, this is the time I leave and let you amazing little people do your jobs!” And with that, she was out and so were you.
It was 10 pm when you got to the hotel. You weren't exhausted but you definitely were not in the mood to solve a murder or multiple in this case. You all had checked in now was your favorite time of all choosing rooms. You never bunked with anyone unless Garcia, but that's if she ever came on a case. Emily and JJ were already gone, same with Hotch and Rossi. You were about to grab the key for the single room but Morgan got it before you.
“Sorry hot stuff, I need room alone this time.”
“What!? Why!?”
“I don't need to explain myself to you Y/N,” Moran says, and just like that he was gone.
You and Reid grabbed the keys without looking at each other and walked in the elevator. You both did not make any eye contact until you got into the room. There was only one bed. You immediately called room service but they said that there were no more rooms available so you two were stuck with that one.
“Okay, which one of us is gonna sleep on the floor?” you heard Reid say.
“Excuse me,?”
“You heard me.”
“Oh stop being such a baby Reid. We both know that if you don't sleep on a bed or something remotely similar you get all grumpy and get headaches all day. And if I don't sleep on a bed or something similar I get high on caffeine and get paranoid. So for the sake of the team, we are gonna sleep on the goddamn bed together!”
He didn't know you paid attention to him like that. Sure everyone knew that he would get grumpy, but headaches? No one, not even JJ. He didn't like to tell people about them fearing of being babied around even more than he already is. Although he did know that whenever you don't get enough sleep not only do you high on caffeine, but you have nightmares. You never told anyone except Garcia of course. He’d realized that you had nightmares after a group holiday to Rossi’s beach house, he heard you talking in your sleep and there were not good things being said.
“Okay geez fine whatever. Are you gonna go shower first, or am I”
“Me obviously,” you say while getting your clothes.
The water was hot when you got in, just how you like it. You started to soak your hair in the water needing to cool down a little and prepare yourself for the days ahead of you. All you could think about was sharing the same bed with him. With the guy, you're in love with but doesn’t know. And will never know.
After 30 minutes you got out of the shower and changed. You wore a pair of shorts and a loose flowy t-shirt which you had knotted after putting it on because it was too big. After you brushed your teeth, did your skincare, and brushed your hair.
“Finally, how long does it take?” You heard Reid say while you were walking out of the bathroom. He didn't look up until you sat on the bed turning the tv on.
“It takes 40 minutes Reid, it always takes 40 minutes. But you would never know because you've never had a girl stay over,”
“Oh, you're so funny aren't you,” he says in an annoyed way.
“Yeah, I am.” You said smirking while looking up expecting to see him annoyed but instead greeted with a small smile which was then washed away quickly by the sound of his voice.
“Okay, I'm gonna go take a shower now. Don't wait up.”
“ I won't, don't worry.” You say while he goes into the bathroom. You swear you saw him smile. It may have been small but it was there.
“You waited for me.” You hear while turning off the tv. He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a white t-shirt. His hair was an absolute mess, and you could tell that he had to take a shower in not the hottest water.
“Ha, yeah no. You took like 10 minutes, did you think I was gonna fall asleep in 10 minutes.”
“Yeah well, that's what happens when you take up most of the hot water.”
“I'm sorry, you should have gone in the shower first.”
“You wanted to go into the shower first!”
“Okay and? Look, can we just go to bed or something? We have a long ass day ahead of us.”
You felt the bed dip and got chills all over. He didn't seem to notice, thankfully. You were cold, but not cold enough to want to layer up. You looked over and the time and it read 11:15. You tried to sleep, but you just couldn't. So again you looked over and read 11:39, and then it was 12:06. You felt like you were going insane.
“Why are you still up?” Reid said in a raspy voice while turning over to face you.
“Huh? Oh, um, I couldn't, can't sleep.”
“Ugh, fine come here.”
“What?” Before you could say anything he had wrapped his arm around you and forced you to nuzzle up against his chest. It actually felt pretty nice. You felt like you were on top of the world and that everything was going to be okay. You put your arm on him after processing what was happening. He then pulled you in closer and when you looked up at him you realized that he was knocked out, gone like a light in one of those horror movies. And before you realized it you were out too.
“Y/L/N wake up,” is all you hear. The sun was barely out yet, so naturally, you just wanted to go back asleep.
“5 more minutes”
“Fine.” Although he didn't want to say anything or admit in this case. This was the best sleep that he’d gotten in a while. At first, he thought it was because of the way he slept but he then quickly realized that it was because of you. With your legs intertwined with his, one of your arms on his chest and the other in his hand. Your hair, so messy, yet so perfect at the same time and he would give anything to fall back asleep with you. He was in love. He was in love and was falling, falling harder than ever.
“Y/N, come on it's been 10 minutes. We need to go, get up.”
“What? Oh. Wait, fuck, what time is it?” You say in your very raspy yet airy morning voice.
“6:13, now we have to get ready or we will be late.”
You didn't want to get up, you really didn't. You wanted this moment to never end, but sadly time was not on your side for this one. “We never speak of last night, got it.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Its agent.”
“Miss Honeycutt, hi I’m Agent Y/L/N,” You say while sitting down for the interrogation.
“Hi yeah, why am I here?”
“Oh, no one’s told you yet?’
“Well yes the people who rudely (italicize) came into my home said something but I wasn’t really listening.”
“Oh okay then. You're here as a suspect for multiple murders.” Her face was in total and utter shock. “There has been a murder recently that connects to a murder that took place back a couple of years ago. You lived there when it had happened and then you moved. And now you’re here because a murder played out exactly that same way as the one that took place in the past.”
“Look, I have a valid reason for moving-”
“Divorce I know.”
“Yes, well you don’t know the reason.”
“Oh, and what would that be?”
“I was cheating on him, Thomas. He found out and then immediately filed for divorce.”
“Huh, is that so. Well, you kno-” You were cut off by the sound of the one and the only doctor himself.
“Y/L/N can I please speak to you.”
“Um yeah.” You walk outside of the interrogation room to face him. “What is it?”
“I don't think she did it. The way she’s reacting to all of this is way too natural to fake and she still hasn't called for a lawyer to be present. Normally in these types of situations the un-sub mostly always calls for a lawyer or anyone in that case.”
“I know, I know, I know. But she mentioned an ex-husband that could help us with this case.”
“So what you're just gonna “interrogate” her until she starts to talk about her former husband, or just talk about that and only that as a whole?”
“Yes, precisely.”
“You amaze me Y/N,” this was the first time he said your name in conversation naturally and not because he was forced to for an undercover assignment and shit. Well except for this morning but you can't decide if that was a small little fever dream or actual life so it doesn't count.
“And I you Spencer.” He noticed, oh he noticed and his heart practically burst from his chest because of the serotonin he got when you said his name. It was like every time you said his name an angel got its wings.
“Hey Garcia, could you dig a little deeper on our little Thomas Maddison?” You ask her.
“Of course pumpkin. Okay so here's what I got. Thomas Maddison born May 30th leaving him to be a Gemini and you know how I feel about those. He moved from our fun little town too, well, um,-” was what she said before being cut off by Emily.
“What do you mean by ‘um’ Garcia?” She said with a puzzled expression.
“Well, ‘um’ means he disappeared from the face of Earth. Completely gone. No new dental records, no new home, I mean, not even a simple receipt. It’s like he just clicked ‘erase all’ after the divorce.”
“Is that even possible?” I ask.
“Well yes, but you have to literally become a new person for that to happen.”
“Garcia look into anything in his life that could possibly lead him to have hundreds of thousands of dollars,” Reid said.
“Okay, so it says here in one article that he owned a local jewelry store that got burned down around that time of the divorce. The local paper wrote it off as an accident but everyone thought he wanted to skip town after the divorce so he would just take all of the insurance money. Which I guess is kind of true. Um but anyway, yeah that’s really the only explanation. His parents didn't leave him that much money in the will, and he wasn't a drug dealer.”
“Okay, thanks hun! You've been of more help then you know. Call Hotch and everyone else in. I think we got the profile.” You said before ending the call.
* literally 5 or 6 minutes later *
“Okay, so the guy we’re looking for is very popular with the people. He always tries to make everything about himself. Your classic narcissist.” Hotch starts off with.
“This guy hates love though. He never brings up the topic and hates it when people bring it up. And although he hates love, he looks like the guy who could pick anyone he wanted, although he relatively picks on younger women.” JJ adds.
“Yes, and this guy is going to be a white caucasian male. Most likely in his late 20 or early 30s. And he is going to have wealth and will show it off as often as he can.” Emily says.
“Any questions” you heard Hotch ask.
“There’s an event tomorrow just like the one that Mira and John attended. Will he be there? And if so, do you think he will attack again? And if yes then what will do?” You see an officer asking.
“Well yes, we heard of that and already planned everything out. Tomorrow night Agent Y/L/N and DR.Reid will be attending the event.” Rossi said.
You were in complete shock, and frankly so was Reid. You guys never agreed to this, and as much as I love black tie events, they aren't really my cup of tea when there can possibly be a serial killer there. Not to mention the guy I fucking love more than anyone in the world would be there, with me (italicize). Like now I have to look badass and sexy (italicize) at the same time, although that wouldn't be that hard you thought to yourself.
“Guys, can Reid and I please talk to you all in private.” You give Rossi and Hotch very unobvious yet obvious death stares.
“Yeah, now please.” He says.
* again like 2 or 3 minutes later *
“Um hello, last time I never agreed to this and by the look on Reid’s face, neither did he.”
“Y/N you heard, our unsub likes younger women,” Derek says,
“Okay well then just send in Emily, or JJ, or both in that case.” You say in an angry tone.
“Oh baby, you think we're young? Were flattered but no. Sadly out of all of us, you look the youngest, and are the youngest.” JJ says while laughing along with Emily.
“And for you Reid, you out of most people should know that the murders happened between young lovers who got married. And Derek doesn’t call you pretty boy for nothing. Rossi says following JJs statement.
“We really aren't getting out of this one huh?” He asks.
“No. Now it's late so I want you all to get a good night's rest and be ready tomorrow. Reid and Y/L/N you guys can sleep in a little but you'll have to be ready by 4:30.” Hotch says. And with that, everyone goes back to their rooms.
“I fell in love the way you fall asleep; slowly, then all at once” – John Green, The Fault in our Stars
Part two coming tomorrow!
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buckyswheezes · 3 years
Cruel Summer (Pt. 1/2)
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Premise: Steve was 7, Bucky was 6, and you were 4 when you became family. And it was in the summer of your last year in high school when things started to change.
Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes / What doesn't kill me makes me want you more
author's note: First of all, this did not go the way I planned it to. Second, I was wrong; this isn't one-shot but a two-shot fic. Finally, I hope you guys like it. Again, @lokisblackwidow's post made me do this. Sorry if it's different from what you expected it to be.
warning: this fic contains cursing, sexual shit, and incest. Read at your own risk
It's been 15 years since your family moved to New York to start anew. The concrete jungle, skyscrapers, and bustling broadway shows were a stark contrast to California's tropical and easy-going nature. You were too young, though, to notice such things because you were just three years old at the time and mostly spent your time confused because you haven't seen your mom in a long time.
It's only been dad and your brother Steve for weeks now, and both didn't know how to tie your hair the way you like or read those bedtime stories you loved so much. Years later, you finally realized why -she died. The next thing you knew, you have a new mom and a new brother. It's been that way since.
"How's the college application going?" Steve's gruff voice came from the ongoing Facetime.
"I haven't had my breakfast. Can I please have my breakfast first?" You replied, annoyed. You didn't want to be reminded of that first thing in the morning. You slumped down on the seat beside your mom, and she handed you a cup of freshly brewed coffee. "Thanks, mom," You muttered.
Your dad sat on the other side of the table, flipping through the day's paper, and beside him sat Bucky, stuffing his face with bacon, completely ignoring the chaos around him. The empty seat beside him was where Steve sat (when he's home, that is, which was rare nowadays), but the tablet with his huge face plastered in it was placed on the space on the table, so it felt as if you were all still having breakfast together.
"Ooh, someone's grumpy."
"I'm gonna beat your ass when you get home." You threatened.
"Well, joke's on you 'cause I'm not."
"You're not?" Mom frowned.
Steve shifted to look at her. "I took a summer course this year, Biostats. It'll help with my thesis."
"You sure you're not just fonduing with Maryland girls in the summer?"
"Shut up, Buck. You're the playboy in the family, not me."
"Alright, boys!" Your mom chastised then turned to Steve again. "Well, you take care, and if you need anything, just give us a call."
"Will do."
Steve attended Johns Hopkins University -unarguably one of the best universities in America when it comes to Medicine. He'd always wanted to be a doctor, and even though he never said it, you knew it was because of your biological mom. He could've gotten into Harvard, but like you, Steve itched to get out of New York for a change of environment. It was only Bucky who didn't want to go anywhere, and so he attended NYU.
You love New York, no doubt about that. You grew up exploring its Burroughs, and the Central Park had been a staple in your formative years, but lately, you just wanted to get away from all of it. Recently, something changed, and you convinced yourself that it was because it's your last year in high school and you will be going to college soon.
But you knew there was something else. Well, maybe it was also because you turned 18 early this year, you're legal now, and with your going to college on the other side of the coast, you were excited to have a bit of freedom. CalArts was your first choice, being into Performing Arts and all that. Now, your parents weren't painfully strict, but being the youngest and only girl in the family, they couldn't help but be a little protective.
When Steve went to Baltimore two years ago, you were quite relieved. You get it; you're his only sister, but the way he used to hover around and scare away boys grated your nerves. You were just thankful that by sophomore year, he was gone. He'd passed on the mantle to Bucky, but he didn't really care -well, not as much as Steve did.
"Dad, don't forget you're picking me up later after school. I can't be late for my rehearsal." You reminded. Across the table, your old man's jaw dropped.
"I'm sorry, honey, was that today?"
"Uhh yeah, you forgot already?"
"Sorry, it slipped my mind, honey. How about you pick her up, Buck?" He turned to your step-brother.
"What?!" You shrieked in unison.
"I can't. I have stuff to do." He whined. You roll your eyes at his lame excuse.
"No, it's fine. I'll just ask Peter to come with me."
"Who's he, your new boyfriend?" Bucky spat.
You glared at him across the table. "No, he's not. I don't even have a boyfriend; you and Steve made sure of that." You downed the last of your coffee before shooting daggers at him once more. "Don't pick me up. Go do your stuff."
"Bucky…" It was mom's turn to speak.
"Fine!" He grumbled.
"Bye, Peter. See you around!" You stood up from the bench where you and your friend sat as soon as you saw Bucky drove up the school's entrance.
You don't know what your step-brother's problem was, but lately, he'd been nothing but irritable and annoyed, especially with your presence. You didn't wait for him to call you, so you jogged as quickly as you could across the schoolyard, silently climbing on the passenger seat as soon you reached where he pulled over.
You cast a wary glance at him; he didn't speak to you since you got on. He didn't even acknowledge your presence. His jaw was set, and he was intent on ignoring you, it seems, for the duration of the ride.
You and Bucky weren't always like this. You two were close; you played a lot when you were kids, you built forts, you wrestled, you chased each other with whatever gooey stuff you put your little hands on. Over the years, he became distant. You'd started to feel distant when Bucky and Steve entered junior high -you just couldn't relate to the stuff they talk about anymore. You're still very close with Steve, but with Bucky, he just drifted further away, especially when you entered high school. Bucky was only two years ahead, so you always saw him around during your freshman year. He was very popular, it seems. Senior girls used to befriend you in hopes of getting close to your step-brother.
You couldn't take it any more of his animosity, so you fully faced him, shifting in your seat. "Have I done something wrong, Buck?"
He looked at you incredulously for a second before turning his attention back on the road.
Annoyed at his lack of response, you hit his shoulder with your fist.
"What the hell y/n! I'm driving. Do you want us to die?!" He growled.
You retreated back to your seat, feeling remorseful for a second. Only for a second, then you burst out crying. "I hate you! I wish you're not my brother!"
You heard him chuckle, but he obviously wasn't amused. "Yeah, wish you weren't my sister too."
Bucky was in his last year in high school when he noticed it. He was waiting outside the school library because you said you needed to borrow a book before the two of you go home.
When Steve went off to college, he promised he'd look after you. He noticed firsthand how guys from all grade levels flock to you, hoping they'd catch your attention. Now, Bucky knew what these guys really want, and that's to get in your pants. Over his dead body would he allow that to transpire. So you two always walked home together.
He craned his neck to peek through the giant doors, wondering what's taking you long when he saw you chatting with a guy. His brows furrowed while his lips formed a thin, grim line.
Your smile reached your ears, your eyes glistened in obvious delight, and your cheeks flushed. Your shy gaze was directed at the guy in front of you.
Bucky frowns even more, when the guy ruffled your hair, a gesture that only he has the right to do (he believes). He felt a vein in his head pop in irritation. He felt like punching someone.
"Hey, Buck, let's go!" You chimed, pulling him out of his murderous thoughts.
"Who were you talking to?"
"Oh, that's Stephen. A junior in the dance club." You almost giggled.
"Huh." He scoffed.
The next time he noticed it happen was when he stayed around to watch your cheer dance rehearsals. Your skimpy cheerleader outfit didn't leave much to the imagination; that's why he decided to hover around, ready to pounce on whoever looked at you the funny.
Bucky looked away for a second to glance at his phone when screams filled the schoolyard. The next thing he knew, you were in the air -free-falling. He ran as fast as his feet could take him to catch you, his heart pounding in his ears. Fortunately, someone was there to catch you before you hit the ground.
You fell on top of the guy -Stephen. He gritted his teeth, half-annoyed, half-grateful at the piece of shit. He saw how you stayed on top of him for a few seconds more; furiously blushing. The moment he reached you, Bucky yanked you up and from the guy's body.
"You okay?" He fussed, searching your body for any sign of injury.
"I'm fine, Buck. Stephen caught me." You bit your lip as you shyly looked back at the guy. "Umm, thanks again."
"Yeah, thanks, man," Bucky grumbled, pulling you away from the group.
The way your body rested on another guy just didn't sit well with him. Once again, he felt like punching someone, and that someone is Stephen. He hated the way the guy was always around you. Bucky was sure what his motive was, and he'll never let him get it.
"I want ice cream." You muttered later that afternoon on your way home.
Bucky scoffed at your request. "What are you, five?"
You stopped walking and faced him, a pout on your lips. "Steve always buys me ice cream."
"Well, I'm not Steve."
"Please, I fell off someone's shoulder and almost hit my head. What if I died?"
"What has that got to do with ice cream?"
"I hate you. You're the worst brother, ever."
Bucky chuckled at your antics; he knew you didn't mean it. You just say that to get what you want because when you were kids, Steve and he used to compete for the Best Brother Award. "Fine." He conceded with a smile. He grabbed your grabbed, and you both ran to the nearest ice cream parlor, ordering one big bowl of banana split sundae and stuffing your faces.
Bucky's whole body tensed when your moans filled your ears. He didn't mind it back then, you were young and innocent, but now, Bucky couldn't ignore the sound spilling from your mouth. Sweat dripped down his nape.
This isn't right.
Your moans seem to ring louder in his ears. The way you licked your spoon clean was not helping his situation either. Bucky thinks about the thin line between sanity and insanity when the chocolate syrup trickled from your lips down to your chin until it reached the supple skin of your neck.
"I need to go to the bathroom." He muttered and hastily jolted from his seat, scrambling away from you. Bucky has a growing problem inside his pants, and he needs to take care of it.
Stop this, Bucky, you need to stop this! His mind chastised while his hands unbuckled his belt. You shouldn't feel this… this way towards her. He's your step-sister. It's wrong.
As soon as he reached his release, he made up his mind. He'll stay away from you; kinda impossible since you both live in the same house, but he'll try his best for both your sakes.
Bucky stopped waiting for you after school. He stopped watching your rehearsals. He stopped helping you with your Math home works and, much to your mom's surprise, he started watching evening dramas with her in the living room every night.
So to answer your question, the one you shot at him when he picked you up from school that day. Yes, you did something wrong.
You grew up. And it's been hard for him to see you as his step-sister ever since.
The last day of school finally rolled in, and you intended to enjoy summer before you start college. What you didn't see coming, though, was being left alone with Bucky for one whole week because your parents are going on a cruise.
"Can't I come with you?" You pleaded, eyes wide as you hauled your mom's baggage into the back of the taxi.
"Sorry, honey. Promise, we'll be back as soon as we can." She replied before giving you a hug.
"Don't leave me here. Bucky's gonna bully me all week."
"He won't, right Bucky?" She raised a brow at him, who stood with his arms crossed, looking annoyed.
"Try not to destroy the house while we're away." Was their final reminder before they went on their way.
Bucky was the first one to get back inside the house. Dread ate up your insides; you two haven't spoken since the car ride. You decided once and for all to get things straight with him. So you marched inside about five minutes later.
Bucky heard you barge in his room, but he remained still -eyes closed and pretending to be asleep. He jolted up when you unceremoniously hit his stomach with a pillow.
"What the hell, y/n?!" He snarled, clearly pissed at your assault.
Your nose flared at his attitude. "What is your problem, James Barnes?" You growled in return.
"Am I the one with a problem here?"
"Oh, come on! You know what I mean!"
Bucky pushed past you; you trailed behind, following his figure towards the living room. He needed to get away from you, fast. It irked him that you wouldn't stay the fuck out of his way. You'd even come and gone into his room. Bucky couldn't take it; he'd go crazy.
"Why are you avoiding me? Bucky!… Bucky! Answer me, damn it!"
"I don't know what you're talking about, y/n. So, leave me alone." He was about to reach the door when you threw yourself in front of it, barring his way out. "Move."
"NO! You're not going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong." You crossed your arms, planting your feet firmly on the floor. You weren't gonna let this day end without knowing why Bucky acts the way he does. If it was something that you did, then you'd wholeheartedly make it right, but you'll never know if he keeps on brushing you off. So, here you are.
"Y/n, move." Bucky hissed menacingly."
"No, Bucky." You replied in the same manner.
After your brief glaring contest, Bucky finally looked away, sighing in defeat. "Fine. Something's not right, okay? But it's not you, it's… it's… me, so let me handle this myself."
You relaxed and took a step closer to him. "Can't you tell me? I might be able to help."
Bucky looked away. How could he possibly tell you that he's harboring un-brotherly feelings towards you -his step-sister. How could he possibly tell you that you turn him on, that he's having inappropriate thoughts about you for a year now? How could he possibly tell you that he might be falling in love with you?
All those times you spent together when Steve was gone. The times you intently and genuinely listened to his adolescent problems. The times you cheered for him when he played football in high school. You were his number one fan. You were so different from the others, and he hated how it made him look at you differently. He hated when you boys started coming into your life. He always believed that you had a special place in your heart for him, but now he feared that anyone might snatch that place from him. You were his best girl.
Bucky grimaced at his realization. He finally admitted to himself that he is, indeed, falling in love with you. He felt angry at himself. How could he let this happen? He thought he was in control of his emotions.
"Eventually, I'll tell you. But not now." He said softly, hoping you'd let him go.
But you were persistent. "No, Bucky. I want you to tell me now." You demanded.
"Y/n," He growled loudly this time. "Move out of my way!"
"I won't until you tell me."
"Just tell me!"
Bucky's resolve broke. The sirens in his mind went off, but he ignored them as he strode towards you intently. He smirked when your bravado faltered before vanishing completely when he pushed you against the door; your bodies pressed together, making sure you could feel the tent growing against his pants.
Your eyes widened in shock. "Wha-"
"You wanna know why? Huh," He asked through gritted teeth, his face hovered dangerously close to yours that you could feel the hot breath coming through his nose. Bucky didn't give you time to answer because he roughly crashed his lips towards yours. He wasted no time shoving his tongue inside your mouth.
Bucky could feel your hands against his chest, pushing him away. He could hear the muffled pleas of protest as he relentlessly assaulted your mouth. His lips left yours only to find themselves on your neck, sucking on your skin.
"Bu.. Bucky.. stop.. s-s-top." Tears cascaded down your cheeks, but you were frozen in spot, unable to wipe them away.
But Bucky ignored your appeal. He continued sucking your skin while his hands traveled your side, feeling you up. When he couldn't get enough of you, he bit the skin on your shoulder.
You yelped in pain. "Stop! Stop, get off me!"
Still, Bucky did not listen. Dissatisfied with his actions, he dragged and threw you towards the couch; he straddled over you, your hands pinned on the cushion. You squirmed beneath him, trying to escape his hold.
Bucky pulled your shirt up and found his lips back on your skin again; this time, he latched on your erect nipple and sucked as if his life depended on it. When he was done abusing both your buds, he moved to kiss your lips again, but your tear-stricken face met his eyes.
Bucky went stiff as a board, and you used that opportunity to push him, backing off as far as you can from him. Your loud sobs filled the house as you sank to a pool at your feet, hugging your knees to yourself.
You couldn't believe what your step-brother had done. Your mind couldn't begin to fathom his actions.
Bucky sat motionless, his horror-struck at his deed. He bit back the long line of profanities that ran inside his head as he stared dumbfounded at your crumpled figure.
A painful pang of guilt washed over him like a tidal wave. What had he done?
"Y/n.. I-I'm… I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He said and scrambled out of the house.
Bucky didn't come home for three days while you spent it in a daze.
Bucky kissed you; he put his tongue inside your mouth. He touched you in your private parts. He sucked on your nipple while you lay beneath him. He held you like a lover would.
But he was your brother; why would he do that?
The sound of the front door opening pulled you out from your thoughts. Your gaze met Bucky's; he had dark circles around his eyes, and you wondered briefly whose house he crashed when he didn't come home.
"Bucky…" You stood from the couch and approached him.
Bucky liked that about you. You were brave and face things head-on; you're not one to back down, just cause you were scared. But he doesn't think he could handle you right now, not after what he's done. He walked past you, intent on ignoring you.
"After what you did, I at least deserve to know the truth, don't you think?"
Your words hit home. You were right; you deserved at least that much. Sighing, he turned back and sat down on the couch.
"I know this is downright wrong, but I'm in love with you, y/n," Bucky confessed softly, and he heard your small gasp.
"But, we're… I'm your sister."
"step-sister," He corrected. "I can't help it. I love you more than a step-brother could love his step-sister. I love you as a woman y/n. I tried to stop it, but it was hard."
You deserved to know the truth no matter how disgusting, condemning, or how sinful it was.
"I am still trying." Bucky continued, and this time, he gave you a firm look. "And I need, need you to help me."
Your heart skipped a beat. "What do you want me to do, Buck?"
"Stay away from me."
You pulled back in shock. "But-"
"No buts!" He hissed. "Can't you see how hard this is for me? You think it's easy to stay away from you when I love you?" He pleaded. "After this, I want you to stay away, don't talk to me unless it's a life or death situation."
"Mom and dad will notice."
"Then don't make them notice." He got up and approached you, then reached for your hand, clasping them together. "Please, y/n, you have to."
With a heavy heart, you nodded. Bucky moved and gave you a quick peck on the forehead, and it felt like goodbye.
Weeks quickly flew by, fortunately for the both of you, your parents didn't notice a thing. You bickered like you used to during breakfast, but both of you knew that it was forced. When they weren't around, which was much since both of them worked, you barely talked to each other and were barely left alone in the house.
Bucky spent most of his time playing basketball -his new hobby to get his mind off you. He's always gone during weekends playing with his college friend Sam Wilson. You saw the guy once when Bucky invited him to dinner with your family. After that, Sam can frequently be seen in the house. Your parents were cool with it since Steve didn't come home for summer.
One afternoon, Sam was there again; you could hear their banter all the way up to your room. However, what really bothered you though was the presence of a woman -Sharon. She's Bucky and Sam's classmate in one of their class, and along with Sam, she started hanging out at your house.
You groaned, annoyed. You couldn't focus on the application essay you were supposed to write with that woman's shrill voice downstairs. You slammed your fist against your study table, intent on giving the three a piece of your mind. You stood up and marched downstairs, catching their attention.
Sharon sat between Sam and Bucky, and they were pretty occupied with a mobile game before you came.
"Can you guys keep it down? You're not the only people in the house."
"Oops, sorry, y/n." Sharon squeaked.
"We'll keep it down," Sam promised.
You just nodded before glaring at Bucky, who did not even acknowledge your presence. You grumbled something before storming back to your room, slamming the door close.
Sharon and Sam ended up having dinner with them again. With Sharon seated beside Bucky, again. Your mom told them to drop by again. And, Bucky walked Sharon home, again.
And you were getting tired of this. You wanted to help Bucky, but you can't just sit back and watch him replace you with someone else. No, you can't allow it. This has to stop.
You waited for Bucky to come home; you were in his room sitting on his bed with a determined look on your face.
As soon as Bucky stepped inside, he was shoved against the door, making it slam close. He winced at the pain on his back, but he was startled and shocked when he felt your lips connect with his in a searing kiss. His first instinct was to push you away, but his desire got the better of him. His eyes slipped close, and he kissed you back passionately.
Bucky's thoughts were in a haze as both your lips danced with each other. It didn't take long for him to invade the warmth of your mouth, fingers tangling themselves into your hair, while your hands curled around the front of his shirt, trapped between your heated bodies.
"Why," He moaned before pulling away.
Your ragged breaths filled the room; you looked at him with glistening eyes. "I don't care anymore, Bucky. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to be replaced by Sam or Sharon or anyone else." A tear escaped your eye, and it cascaded down your cheek.
Bucky leaned down and kissed it away, the salty taste lingering in his tongue.
"I want you back, Bucky."
Bucky felt a painful tug on his heart at the sight. He loves you, but he was also the one making you cry. He cannot bear the thought of hurting you. He caressed your cheek and gazed at you lovingly, longingly.
"You're making this hard for me, y/n. For the both of us."
You shook your head once more and pulled his face close to yours. "I don't care anymore, James Barnes. Love me any way you want, just don't… don't leave me again."
Bucky froze at your words. He pulled away then grasped both your shoulders. "Y/n, you don't know what you're saying."
"I do. I'm not a child anymore. I want how we used to be; if accepting your love could get things back to the way it was, I accept it.
Bucky shook his head. "No,…no y/n, nothing will ever be the same if you let me love you the way I want to."
Your face visibly fell at his words. Feeling hopeless, you asked. "Why?"
"Why?" Bucky asked back softly. "Because unlike then, I'll kiss you more like this…" He started and gave you a sensual kiss on the lips. "I'll hold your hand like this…" His hand went to yours, and he intertwined your fingers.
"We used to do that when we were kids."
Bucky just hummed in response. "And I'll pull you close to me like this…" He continued and did just as he said. He pulled you against his heated body and inhaled your scent. "And you'll always ignite that burning feeling inside me, y/n. So, unless you get used to these things, I will not let you do this."
"But we used to do some of those."
"It's going to be a lot different now."
"I don't care. I'm used to it. In fact, I miss it. Don't ever leave me again, Bucky, please. I love you so much."
Bucky's eyes widened in surprise. He could feel the rapid beating of your heart against his. He pulled you in once more for a passionate kiss.
"I love you too, y/n. You don't know how much you make me happy."
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homielander · 3 years
Bestie I followed you for Outer Banks so that one for the ask game
you- you followed me for outer banks? i am so sorry
the first character i ever fell in love with: pretty sure i started liking all of the pogues at about the same time? but i believe it was pope since he was introduced as the Nerd and i was immediately in love
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: i really liked ward in the beginning! it was fairly apparent from the get-go that he would be the villain (i think it clicked for me in his third scene or something) yet he was still charming enough for me to appreciate him. but it quickly became clear how awful he was to his children and that made me :/ i can excuse murder but i draw the line at child abuse
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: can't think of any for this show
my ultimate favourite character™: jj maybank, light of my life and actual human disaster. but also pope, rafe, and kiara
prettiest character: i have thought ever since i first watched that both sarah and kiara look like the very two moxie girls dolls i had as a kid. they're so pretty
my most hated character: limbrey's brother. not relevant enough for me to remember his name. what an ass
my OTP: jjpope and jiara! 
my NOTP: i've seen a lot of people ship rafe and kie and like, aside from the fact that they've had a total of three scenes together... he’s also attempted to murder her in 2/3 scenes? what is wrong w y'all why do you hate her so much
favourite episode: oh my gosh. 2.10 was fantastic! it was so fun!! i loved all the boat shenanigans, i loved seeing cleo again, i loved that rafe and john b scene where rafe came off as a slasher film villain, i loved poor wheezie just wanting to play a game with her sister, so on and so forth. and i also adore 1.06 (where they go to the spooky mansion to extract the gold). it's scarier than so many horror movies and i love the moment of celebration that the pogues have at the end. it gives me... i think they call it serotonin?
saddest death: peterkin! listen i rewatched s1 after the second season came out and tbh, she was a little bit corrupt. but ultimately she had the best interests of the kids at heart and i was so sad when she died.
favourite season: definitely liked season 1 the most. god i honestly miss early quarantine so bad and obx1 was a huge part of that for me.
least favourite season: season 2. it was still a fun watch, don't get me wrong, but i think at times it prioritized high-thrill action sequences over authentic character moments. i read something about how obx is very unique in that it managed to capture a large male audience (around 50% of its viewers), and maybe that's why? however, i think the first season managed to be lowkey but also high stakes and i do believe they'll try to replicate a similar vibe for the third season. i just miss my kids chilling at the beach ya know?
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: can't think of anyone. the main cast is very likable
my 'you're a piece of trash, but you're still a fav' fav: RAFE CAMERON! it took me so long to accept that i liked him because i was so upset about peterkin, but they gave him so much depth in the second season and drew starkey delivered such an excellent performance. and when i rewatched the first season i ended up just feeling awful for him :( he needs jail but also therapy
my 'you're a beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this' fav: jj. kiara. pope. sarah. john b. they all deserve better i will protect them with my life
my 'this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it' ship: not going to lie i kind of fw rose and ward. it was just so unexpected to me that she ended up being more cold and calculating than ward himself and helped him rein it in when he was freaking out about another murder he'd committed. power couple that needs to stay far away from their three kids <3
my 'they're kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i'm not too invested' ship: jarah! to be honest their buildup was SO GOOD but everything after that first kiss fell flat for me which is disappointing. i feel like both of them lost a lot of personality after getting together. i still want to see them be happy and in love, but i would also really like for them to spend some time apart in season 3 (not necessarily broken up, just not on screen together)
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mejcinta · 3 years
John Waker antis.
These are the kind of John Walker anti posts I just need to respond to:
“I didn’t even know there could be people actively defending that piece of shit but just for argument’s sake: he did get a slap on the hand?
Walker literally killed an innocent man in cold blood on foreign soil and mind you he didn’t do it in self defence or even during a fight, no he ran after the first guy he saw, took him down and decapitated him in front of a crowd and then left like nothing happened. May I remind you of the hateful treatment we (and by we I mean predominantly white countries) reserve to any person of colour who even dares to think something even remotely “submersive”? Yeah.
So yes, that white garbage fire got away with a slap on his hand because instead of being put on trial for slaughtering a man, he’s just sent home with dishonor or whatever cuz he’s the epitome of entitlement and privilege. Call that justice will you.”
Duuuuuuuuuude!!! Here’s just a little something I’ve obsereved about these types of individuals and their fake SJW Playbook.
1. They’ll identify with morally questionable characters a.k.a criminals who mess up their own circumstances in heated situations, then blame it entirely on a party *outside* of themselves and their poor choices. Nico, mind you, wasn't entirely innocent. He was an accomplice to Lemar's murder. And he can't say he didn't sign up for war when he chose to fight beside Karli. John was high on the serum and took the wrong stance, to be fair. But to pretend that Nico was a saint who had no idea what he was messing up with is something else entirely. And clearly, he admitted he had messed up when crazed up John was standing over him.
2. They’ll remind people, especially black people, how 'privileged' as white people they are, and how them coming down to 'advocate' for black people makes them 'better' white people. This is what I hate most about such so-called fans. They treat black people as objects to gain golden societal points from, as they ironically state over and over again, how ‘privileged’ they are to be born a certain skin color. With all due respect, I find any 'fan' or person that talks such shit to me, as if I ever asked for their help or ever saw myself as a 'helpless, poor little black person in need of a savior' the BIGGEST racist ever!!!
3. These fans think they earn points by calling people of their skin color, 'white garbage fire'. Dude, have you no respect for yourself at the least?? It's not virtuous to insult someone for the color of their skin, it's actually deranged and evil. And many of these John antis are in fact very deranged and small-brained. They can’t see beyond their unhealthy hatred for how someone looks or talks.
4. Making everything about race... Gee, where do I even start. The Falcon & The Winter Soldier has served heavy facts about how the government uses people to pass their sinister agendas. They experimented on Isaiah. Another shadow government organization kidnapped, tortured and brainwashed Bucky. John Walker and Lemar Hoskins were programmed to believe they were serving their nation abroad when all that brought was death and destruction to foreign countries. Biggest takeaway from here is that the government WILL use you fools. 
And what's the latest method Western governments are using to pass outrageous, tyrannical laws?? The excuse of 'racism'. Mass disarmament of nation's because 'racism'. Mass censorship of freethinkers and people that question government/try to hold it accountable because 'racism'. Black people must be inoculated first with an experimental vaccine because 'racism'. Open borders, mass child trafficking, sexual exploitation, pedophilia and dangerous notorious gangs getting in because it would be 'racist' to strengthen border protection. Oh, and black people shouldn't pass in Math because how could they when Math is 'racist' and black people can't and shouldn't compete equally with others in a subject that even African students ( Math is compulsory here in Africa) are really good at and consequentially pursue meaningful and empowering careers that take them as far as actress Lupita Nyong’o, writer Wole Soyinka , actor Eddie Gathegi or American surgeon Ben Carson????
It's ironic, and beyond me, that these SJW John antis don't see they are the ones that are government/establishment props.
Now the question is: is John Walker, a character that’s a war veteran, programmed/conditioned into the role of Captain America and had a (black) best friend and has a beautiful, loving (black) wife a 'racist' simply because Sam wasn't ready to take up the Shield and voluntarily gave it up to the Establishment????? (Thankfully, he’s come around now).
John Walker is now liberated from government control and wants to do things his way, and he's bad for that?? He's literally what all of you 'SJW' fans aim to be right? A rebel breaking free from government control and exacting justice the way they see fit?
This is the big irony with John antis. Tell me you're petty without telling me you're petty, I guess.
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revchainsaw · 3 years
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Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind (1984)
Prayers and Salutations Cult Members! I am your mysterious minister Reverend Chainsaw and this is another nights revival service at the Cult Film Tent Revival. I bring you a special word tonight. Tonight's word is about a person who roamed the earth, in a time where people were backward and warlike. A leader emerged into a kingdom full of eschatological expectation. This leader came preaching peace, and was killed for the sins of the world, but was resurrected. In that resurrection a new hope was brought to the planet, and true healing through the power of love in the face of violence is made possible. I am talking of course about Princess Nausicaa from the Valley of the Wind.
The Message
Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind is the film that put studio Ghibli and Hayoa Miyazaki on the map. No animated feature this grandiose and epic had been achieved by 1984, as much as Disney may beg to differ. The tale may be simple, and it may feel super 80s to us today, but Nausicaa is a masterpiece, and the fact that Howl's Moving Castle is brought up alongside Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away more often than Nausicaa is a farce and a tragedy.
The film takes place on a fantastic planet that seems to have suffered the ravages of an apocalyptic war. A war that involved gigantic warriors with powers so devastating they about made the entire planet inhospitable if not uninhabitable; save for a few areas. The fall out of this ancient war has left the earth in a state of repair, where the natural processes of a planet healing has creating giant toxic jungles.
Beyond these jungles lie two imperialistic factions, they seem almost to be city-states but it's not terribly clear. The Kingdom of Tolmekia, a militaristic proto-fascist society of almost Spartan sensibilities. Tolmekia is governed by the ambitious and cynical Princess Kushana, But I like to call her Furiosa. Just like Furiosa, Kushana is physically missing parts of herself, a visual metaphor for her metaphysical lacking and the parts of her humanity she has cut away. Kushana's world view is one of fear, a fear that can only be quelled by waging a genocidal campaign against her enemies.
Speaking of enemies, the Athens to Tolmekias Sparta would be the Pejite Kingdom. The Pejites might like to view themselves as simply responding to Tolmekian aggression, but the narrative of the film, and the story told quite visibly on the body of Kushana, is quite different. The Pejites are just as bloodthirsty if not more palettable in their approach, but like the Tolmekians, they believe only their own lives have any value. And thus, in this theatre of war, a Giant Warrior from the ages before is unearthed by the Pejite Kingdom, Stolen by the Tolmekians, before the forces of nature themselves, seem to conspire to drop the Giant Warriors "egg" right into the Valley of the Wind.
The Valley of the Wind is populated like the world of Avatar the Last Airbender, that is mostly of children and the elderly. The people of the Valley have been able to remain untouched by the ravages of war and the toxic jungles of the damaged world primarily due to geographic luck that's explained in minor exposition in the film. They are ruled by a King, and they are all deeply enamored by their beloved Princess Nausicaa.
Nausicaa is a gentle soul. She is kind to animals, she is empathetic, unreasonably patient, and bears pain and grief inflicted on her out of cruelty with a saintly understanding. She really is a thinly veiled Christ figure, scratch that. There is no veil. But she's also my favorite Christ figure. She does not preach a message, as much as she tries to save everyone from their own short sighted goals. She is not perfect, she does lash out and do some fantasy sword fight murder, but she regrets her actions so deeply that it seems to have played a part in motivating her to become even more compassionate and patient with the evils of the world.
Nausicaa discovers yet another plot by the Pejites, who are afraid of the possibility of the Tolmekians awakening the Giant Warrior, to use animal cruelty to enrage a group of almost invincible giant insects known as the Ohm. By luring the Ohm into the Valley of the Wind where the Tolmekians have become an occupying force, they hope to completely wipe out everything that threatens them. The Tolmekians DO awaken the Giant Warrior and pure pandemonium ensues. Nausicaa manages to save the Baby Ohm and calm the rage of the bloodthirsty Ohm swarm, and to defeat the warlike tendencies of both the Pejites and the Tolmekians. All the while fulfilling a prophecy fortold about a messianic savior figure called the Man in Blue.
Now that you have heard the Gospel of Nausicaa, please stand to receive The Benediction.
Best Character: Half a Person
Now that I've spent the better part of this review gushing about our Lord and savior Nausicaa. I have to admit, she's at times a bit too perfect, a bit too saccharin. Even her flaw, or her one weakness and her failing to be perfect, just adds to the perfection. I can't even say she never makes mistakes cuz she made one, and that's infuriating. It's even more infuriating that I still think she's a great character. Normally this kind of thing really kills a hero. Most Chosen Ones are the most boring and least likeable characters in their narratives. I don't know how Nausicaa avoids this trap, but she does. I'll have to do some meditating on that.
However, just like in your typical Chosen One fantasy narrative, the hero is a lot less fun than the villain. I'm going to say the best character in Nausicaa is Kushana. I want to be like Nausicaa, but I don't understand her. She's almost alien, even though we learn all about her. Kushana is mysterious, secretive, and enigmatic, yet I understand her. She barely has an arc, she doesn't really change. She's cold and cynical to the bone, but I don't need to see much of her situation to completely understand why she is the way she is. I usually hate totalitarian bad guys, but Kushana I like. Sue Me.
Also fun fact, did you that Nausicaa means 'Sinker of Ships'. That's kinda fun.
Best Scene: Spoiled for Choice
I'm going to be lazy and say take your pick. There is really not a bad seen in this movie. If the action isn't going, then there's intriguing dialogue. If there's no dialogue then you may be about to get hit with a forceful burst of whimsy. There's horror, there's swordfights and aerial dogfights. The only thing in Nausicaa I don't like to see, is the bloody tortured Ohm Baby. It's like a god damned Sarah Mclachlan commercial.
Best Creature: Foxy Shazam!
The Ohm are so simplistic yet so detailed. The number of eyes is alien, but the way they are used is expertly expressive. Who'd think you could get me to love what basically amounts to a silverfish with the intensity that I love a kitten. How did Miyazaki pull an Okja with a creature that should be haunting our dreams? I don't know.
And what about the Giant Warrior! If you are an Evangelion fan then you probably already know that Hideaki Anno designed and animated the melting goopy biomechanical beast. Surely a sight that would make both H.R. Giger and Clive Barker giddy with excitement. Just the image of the silhouettes marching amidst the desolation of the old world is burned into my brain.
So which of these is the best creature from Ghibli's first outing? It's fucking Teto. It was always gonna be Teto you idiot. Just look at Teto, he's adorable. He's too cute to exist. I'm so alone. I need a pet.
Best Character Design: Tolmekian Regalia
I originally included this category to talk some about Kushana, however, at that time I also thought I was going to say Nausicaa was the best character. I thought hard about deleting it, but I think it's a different category and you can't accuse me of playing favorites because my favorite character is clearly Teto. Just to keep it simple. It's the two costume shift from full military regalia in white and gold, to the one metal arm, warrior princess get up. It's a great costume and a great look. Get on this shit cosplay nerds. It's great for Cons in Canada, you have to think about layers, and you can't keep going as Mr. Plow. It's lazy.
Best Excuse to Talk About Patrick Stewart's Character: Lord Yupa
I just realized that I was about to write this whole review without talking about Lord Yupa. Lord Yupa is a sword saint and all around badass I think a lot of entertainment, especially in the west is lacking bad ass old men. Lord Yupa particularly shines in the early half of the film as a warrior and as a wise council to Nausicaa. If she's Jesus then Yupa is John the Baptist. He is also voiced by the elegant and eloquent Patrick Stewart. He also comes with 2 chocobos!
Worst Character: For Whom Asbel Tolls
This might also be the worst actor category as well. Actual Cannibal (haha meme) and actual monster (haha real life) Shia Labeouf doesn't so much act in the role as he read the lines and it was recorded. The good news it doesn't effect the film too much because Asbel is completely forgettable. He is a catalyst to some of the action, but besides that I don't really care for him.
Worst Aspect: To Be Fair ...
It would be unfair to completely ignore anything negative about Nausicaa. I have already mentioned in many places that there are some pretty corny, or pretty predictable tropes to this movie. But what I can't capture in words is exactly why it feels fresh when it's done in this movie. I suppose that's what makes it good. It's just so good that it's weak points are lifted up by it's strengths. Some people may bored of Nausicaa's unyielding goodness, or that she very rarely chooses to take action as much as she chases and pleads with her surroundings, but I mean, she does pay for that eventually. It's a fantasy story and it hits a lot of timeless themes that have been hit in stories for as long as human beings have been telling stories. Some people may feel that it doesn't do enough to stand out.
I have defined the S tier for myself as "near perfect and personal favorite" films. I like to think that Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind is near perfect. Some may say that it looks like it might just be a personal favorite. In the case of Nausicaa, I'm having a very hard time telling the difference. I think it would be overly simple to claim that Nausicaa is just an ancient archetypal heroes journey with an 80s anime coat of paint. I think it's doing quite a few new and interesting things with that formula, those things are just playing out all around that narrative as opposed to being at it's center. For a first full length outing by the studio, you can really see Miyazaki's heart and the values he holds close to. I'll repeat myself so that we are completely clear on the matter. I think Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind is a near perfect movie.
Overall Grade: S
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